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MPI_ABORT( comm, errorcode )
MPI_ADDRESS(location, address)
MPI_ALLGATHER( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcount, recvtype, comm)
MPI_ALLGATHERV( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcounts, displs, recvtype, comm)
MPI_ALLREDUCE( sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, comm)
MPI_ALLTOALL(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcount, recvtype, comm)
MPI_ALLTOALLV(sendbuf, sendcounts, sdispls, sendtype,
recvbuf, recvcounts, rdispls, recvtype, comm)
MPI_ATTR_DELETE(comm, keyval)
MPI_ATTR_GET(comm, keyval, attribute_val, flag)
MPI_ATTR_PUT(comm, keyval, attribute_val)
MPI_BCAST( buffer, count, datatype, root, comm )
MPI_BSEND (buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
MPI_BSEND_INIT(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag,
comm, request)
MPI_BUFFER_ATTACH( buffer, size)
MPI_BUFFER_DETACH( buffer_addr, size)
MPI_CARTDIM_GET(comm, ndims)
MPI_CART_COORDS(comm, rank, maxdims, coords)
MPI_CART_CREATE(comm_old, ndims, dims, periods, reorder, comm_cart)
MPI_CART_GET(comm, maxdims, dims, periods, coords)
MPI_CART_MAP(comm, ndims, dims, periods, newrank)
MPI_CART_RANK(comm, coords, rank)
MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm, direction, disp, rank_source, rank_dest)
MPI_CART_SUB(comm, remain_dims, newcomm)
MPI_COMM_COMPARE(comm1, comm2, result)
MPI_COMM_CREATE(comm, group, newcomm)
MPI_COMM_DUP(comm, newcomm)
MPI_COMM_GROUP(comm, group)
MPI_COMM_RANK(comm, rank)
MPI_COMM_SIZE(comm, size)
MPI_COMM_SPLIT(comm, color, key, newcomm)
MPI_DIMS_CREATE(nnodes, ndims, dims)
MPI_ERRHANDLER_CREATE( function, errhandler )
MPI_ERRHANDLER_GET( comm, errhandler )
MPI_ERRHANDLER_SET( comm, errhandler )
MPI_ERROR_CLASS( errorcode, errorclass )
MPI_ERROR_STRING( errorcode, string, resultlen )
MPI_GATHER( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcount, recvtype, root, comm)
MPI_GATHERV( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcounts, displs, recvtype, root, comm)
MPI_GET_COUNT(status, datatype, count)
MPI_GET_ELEMENTS( status, datatype, count)
MPI_GET_PROCESSOR_NAME( name, resultlen )
MPI_GRAPHDIMS_GET(comm, nnodes, nedges)
MPI_GRAPH_CREATE(comm_old, nnodes, index, edges, reorder, comm_graph)
MPI_GRAPH_GET(comm, maxindex, maxedges, index, edges)
MPI_GRAPH_MAP(comm, nnodes, index, edges, newrank)
MPI_GRAPH_NEIGHBORS(comm, rank, maxneighbors, neighbors)
MPI_GRAPH_NEIGHBORS_COUNT(comm, rank, nneighbors)
MPI_GROUP_COMPARE(group1, group2, result)
MPI_GROUP_DIFFERENCE(group1, group2, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_EXCL(group, n, ranks, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_INCL(group, n, ranks, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_INTERSECTION(group1, group2, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_RANGE_EXCL(group, n, ranges, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_RANGE_INCL(group, n, ranges, newgroup)
MPI_GROUP_RANK(group, rank)
MPI_GROUP_SIZE(group, size)
MPI_GROUP_TRANSLATE_RANKS (group1, n, ranks1, group2, ranks2)
MPI_GROUP_UNION(group1, group2, newgroup)
MPI_IBSEND(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, request)
MPI_INTERCOMM_CREATE(local_comm, local_leader, peer_comm, remote_leader, tag, newintercomm)
MPI_INTERCOMM_MERGE(intercomm, high, newintracomm)
MPI_IPROBE(source, tag, comm, flag, status)
MPI_IRECV (buf, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, request)
MPI_IRSEND(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, request)
MPI_ISEND(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, request)
MPI_ISSEND(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm, request)
MPI_KEYVAL_CREATE(copy_fn, delete_fn, keyval, extra_state)
MPI_OP_CREATE( function, commute, op)
MPI_PACK(inbuf, incount, datatype, outbuf, outsize,
position, comm)
MPI_PACK_SIZE(incount, datatype, comm, size)
MPI_PCONTROL(level, ...)
MPI_PROBE(source, tag, comm, status)
MPI_RECV (buf, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, status)
MPI_RECV_INIT(buf, count, datatype, source, tag,
comm, request)
MPI_REDUCE( sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op,
root, comm)
MPI_REDUCE_SCATTER( sendbuf, recvbuf, recvcounts,
datatype, op, comm)
MPI_RSEND (buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
MPI_RSEND_INIT(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag,
comm, request)
MPI_SCAN( sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, comm )
MPI_SCATTER( sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf,
recvcount, recvtype, root, comm)
MPI_SCATTERV( sendbuf, sendcounts, displs, sendtype,
recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, root, comm)
MPI_SEND(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
MPI_SENDRECV(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dest,
sendtag, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, source, recvtag, comm, status)
MPI_SENDRECV_REPLACE(buf, count, datatype, dest,
sendtag, source, recvtag, comm, status)
MPI_SEND_INIT(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag,
comm, request)
MPI_SSEND (buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
MPI_SSEND_INIT(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag,
comm, request)
MPI_STARTALL(count, array_of_requests)
MPI_TEST(request, flag, status)
MPI_TESTALL(count, array_of_requests, flag,
MPI_TESTANY(count, array_of_requests, index, flag, status)
MPI_TESTSOME(incount, array_of_requests, outcount,
array_of_indices, array_of_statuses)
MPI_TEST_CANCELLED(status, flag)
MPI_TOPO_TEST(comm, status)
MPI_TYPE_CONTIGUOUS(count, oldtype, newtype)
MPI_TYPE_EXTENT(datatype, extent)
MPI_TYPE_HINDEXED( count, array_of_blocklengths,
array_of_displacements, oldtype, newtype)
MPI_TYPE_HVECTOR( count, blocklength, stride,
oldtype, newtype)
MPI_TYPE_INDEXED( count, array_of_blocklengths,
array_of_displacements, oldtype, newtype)
MPI_TYPE_LB( datatype, displacement)
MPI_TYPE_SIZE(datatype, size)
MPI_TYPE_STRUCT(count, array_of_blocklengths,
array_of_displacements, array_of_types, newtype)
MPI_TYPE_UB( datatype, displacement)
MPI_TYPE_VECTOR( count, blocklength, stride, oldtype,
MPI_UNPACK(inbuf, insize, position, outbuf, outcount,
datatype, comm)
MPI_WAIT(request, status)
MPI_WAITALL( count, array_of_requests, array_of_statuses)
MPI_WAITANY (count, array_of_requests, index, status)
MPI_WAITSOME(incount, array_of_requests, outcount,
array_of_indices, array_of_statuses)
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