
videomixer — Takes several AYUV video streams as input and mixes them together.


enum                GstVideoMixerBackground;

Object Hierarchy



  "background"               GstVideoMixerBackground  : Read / Write


Videomixer can only accept AYUV video streams. For each of the requested sink pads it will compare the incoming geometry and framerate to define the output parameters. Indeed output video frames will have the geometry of the biggest incoming video stream and the framerate of the fastest incoming one.

Sample pipelines

Here is a pipeline to demonstrate videomixer used together with videobox :

gst-launch videotestsrc pattern=1 ! video/x-raw-yuv, framerate=\(fraction\)10/1, width=100, height=100 ! videobox border-alpha=0 alpha=0.5 top=-70 bottom=-70 right=-220 ! videomixer name=mix ! ffmpegcolorspace ! xvimagesink videotestsrc ! video/x-raw-yuv, framerate=\(fraction\)5/1, width=320, height=240 ! alpha alpha=0.7 ! mix.

This should show a 320x240 pixels video test source with some transparency showing the background checker pattern. Another video test source with just the snow pattern of 100x100 pixels is overlayed on top of the first one on the left vertically centered with a small transparency showing the first video test source behind and the checker pattern under it. Note that the framerate of the output video is 10 frames per second.

Element Information

plugin videomixer
author Wim Taymans <>
class Filter/Editor/Video



typedef struct _GstVideoMixer GstVideoMixer;

The opaque GstVideoMixer structure.

enum GstVideoMixerBackground

typedef enum

The different backgrounds videomixer can blend over.

VIDEO_MIXER_BACKGROUND_CHECKER checker pattern background
VIDEO_MIXER_BACKGROUND_BLACK solid color black background
VIDEO_MIXER_BACKGROUND_WHITE solid color white background

Property Details

The "background" property

  "background"               GstVideoMixerBackground  : Read / Write

Background type.

Default value: Checker pattern