
audiodynamic — Compressor and Expander




  "characteristics"          GstAudioDynamicCharacteristics  : Read / Write
  "mode"                     GstAudioDynamicMode   : Read / Write
  "ratio"                    gfloat                : Read / Write
  "threshold"                gfloat                : Read / Write


This element can act as a compressor or expander. A compressor changes the amplitude of all samples above a specific threshold with a specific ratio, a expander does the same for all samples below a specific threshold. If soft-knee mode is selected the ratio is applied smoothly.

Example launch line

gst-launch audiotestsrc wave=saw ! audiodynamic characteristics=soft-knee mode=compressor threshold=0.5 rate=0.5 ! alsasink
gst-launch filesrc location="melo1.ogg" ! oggdemux ! vorbisdec ! audioconvert ! audiodynamic characteristics=hard-knee mode=expander threshold=0.2 rate=4.0 ! alsasink
gst-launch audiotestsrc wave=saw ! audioconvert ! audiodynamic ! audioconvert ! alsasink

Element Information

plugin audiofx
author Sebastian Dröge <>
class Filter/Effect/Audio



typedef struct {
  GstAudioFilter audiofilter;

  gfloat degree;
} GstAudioDynamic;

Property Details

The "characteristics" property

  "characteristics"          GstAudioDynamicCharacteristics  : Read / Write

Selects whether the ratio should be applied smooth (soft-knee) or hard (hard-knee).

Default value: Hard Knee (default)

The "mode" property

  "mode"                     GstAudioDynamicMode   : Read / Write

Selects whether the filter should work on loud samples (compressor) orquiet samples (expander).

Default value: Compressor (default)

The "ratio" property

  "ratio"                    gfloat                : Read / Write

Ratio that should be applied.

Allowed values: [0,inf]

Default value: 1

The "threshold" property

  "threshold"                gfloat                : Read / Write

Threshold until the filter is activated.

Allowed values: [0,1]

Default value: 0