
madplay: a command-line MPEG audio decoder and player

Name:madplay Vendor:The KDE-RedHat Project
Version:0.15.2 License:GPL
Release:0.fdr.0.b URL:
`madplay' is a command-line MPEG audio decoder and player based on the MAD library (libmad). For details about MAD, see the libmad package distributed separately. After decoding, `madplay' sends the output to an audio output module. The following audio output modules are provided: - an Open Sound System interface module (for Linux, et al.) - a Sun audio interface module (for Solaris, NetBSD, et al.) - a Mac OS Carbon audio interface module (for Mac OS X) - a Win32 audio interface module (for Windows 95/98/NT/2000, et al.) - an ALSA audio interface module - a QNX audio interface module - an EsounD interface module - a CD audio output module (*.cdr, *.cda) - an Audio IFF output module (*.aif, *.aiff) - a Microsoft RIFF/WAVE file output module (*.wav) - a Sun/NeXT audio file output module (*.au, *.snd) - a raw PCM output module - a hex output module (for debugging and compliance testing) - a null module (for timing the decoder) `madplay' will also read and display ID3 tag information, and further supports the relative volume adjustment information (RVA2) in such tags, as written by tools like `normalize'.

Arch: src

Build Date:Wed Feb 25 14:04:47 2004
Packager:kde-redhat Developers <>
Size:580 KiB


* Wed Feb 25 18:00:00 2004 Rex Dieter <rexdieter at> 0:0.15.2-0.fdr.0.b
- 0.15.2b
* Mon Dec 8 18:00:00 2003 Rex Dieter <rexdieter at> 0:0.15.0-0.fdr.2.b
- cleanup
* Fri Aug 8 19:00:00 2003 Rex Dieter <rexdieter at> 0:0.15.0-0.fdr.1.b
- remove rhversion from src.rpm
- remove my_ver macro

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-2.fc7