New airbrush book: Overspray

This is a luscious coffee-table dominator full of glossy eye-candy from California. It's not a how-to book, it's a celebration of four great artists' work. Plenty of good visuals on their website too.
"Overspray is the comprehensive account of the rise of airbrush art, and of the equally bright and glossy Los Angeles culture in which it flourished during the 1970s. Inspired by surf graphics, psychedelia and Hollywood glitz, a generation of young artists made every lip and palm tree glisten, and every record cover slick as a well?lubricated sex toy. Fueled by a combination of intense demand, sleepless nights and brutal competition, the four men at the center of LA's airbrush art market -Dave Willardson, Charles E White III, Peter Palombi, and Peter Lloyd - embarked on careers that produced work for Playboy, Levi's, the Rolling Stones, American Graffiti and Tron. Overspray tells the unvarnished story of these four artists, through images of their best-known work, and frank, in-depth interviews. Viewed today, their surreal, funny and hyperslick imagery; seems all the more fantastic - which combined technical precision; and wild flights of imagination."
Labels: airbrush, fotofun, LA, readinglist