aefdisk |
Command line disk partition utility
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
1.0a |
2018-12-30 |
dosfsck |
Check the consistency of file system
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
2.11d |
2012-01-08 |
edict |
Create images of problem diskettes
Simplified (2-Clause) BSD License |
0.10 (BETA) (rev A) |
2018-01-26 |
FindDisk |
Utility to locate a disk by label
Public Domain |
2005-03-23a |
2016-06-26 |
OSPlus Disk Imager |
Read and create floppy disk images
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
1.4a |
2017-05-05 |
Ranish Partition Manager |
Create, delete and resize partitions
Public Domain |
2.37a |
2009-02-22 |
raread |
Creates an image of a floppy diskette
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
1.1a |
2001-08-10 |
rawrite |
Write disk image to a floppy drive
Source code available (open) |
1.3a |
2008-06-19 |
Testdisk (and Photorec) |
Checks partition/bootsector of disks
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
7.2 |
2024-02-22 |
WDe |
WDe is a disk editor
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
1.1 |
2024-10-20 |
WhichFAT |
FAT32 kernel support detection and per-drive FAT (12-32) type detection
Public Domain |
2003-11-24a |
2016-06-26 |
Xfdisk |
Fdisk-like software that is used to partition disks
GNU General Public License, Version 2 |
0.9.3 Beta (rev A) |
2009-02-15 |
Zerofill |
Fills empty space on a drive with zeros
GNU Lesser General Public License |
2.05 |
2024-02-08 |