Letter S
Packages beginning with letter "S".
- s6-portable-utils - This is what s6-portable-utils does.
- samba - Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines
- samba-client - Samba client programs
- samba-client-libs - Samba client libraries
- samba-common - Files used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-common-libs - Libraries used by both Samba servers and clients
- samba-common-tools - Tools for Samba clients
- samba-dcerpc - DCE RPC binaries
- samba-ldb-ldap-modules - Samba ldap modules for ldb
- samba-libs - Samba libraries
- scl-utils - Utilities for alternative packaging
- screen - A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal
- screenkey - A screencast tool to display your keys
- sed - A GNU stream text editor
- sendmail-milter - The sendmail milter library
- setroubleshoot-plugins - Analysis plugins for use with setroubleshoot
- setroubleshoot-server - SELinux troubleshoot server
- setserial - A utility for configuring serial ports
- setup - A set of system configuration and setup files
- sg3_utils - Utilities for devices that use SCSI command sets
- sg3_utils-libs - Shared library for sg3_utils
- shadow-utils - Utilities for managing accounts and shadow password files
- shadow-utils-subid - A library to manage subordinate uid and gid ranges
- shared-mime-info - Shared MIME information database
- shim-x64 - First-stage UEFI bootloader
- skalibs - The skarnet.org development library
- skalibs-devel - Development files for skalibs
- slang - The shared library for the S-Lang extension language
- slirp4netns - slirp for network namespaces
- smartmontools - Tools for monitoring SMART capable hard disks
- smeserver - smeserver server and gateway
- smeserver-LPRng - smeserver server and gateway - LPRng module
- smeserver-apache - smeserver server and gateway - apache module
- smeserver-audittools - SME Server auditing tools
- smeserver-backup - smeserver module to provide the backup panel
- smeserver-base - smeserver server and gateway - base module
- smeserver-certificates - This is what smeserver-certificates does.
- smeserver-clamav - SME Server module to configure clamav
- smeserver-devtools - smeserver tools for building RPMs
- smeserver-dnscache - smeserver module to configure dnscache
- smeserver-domains - smeserver server and gateway - domains module
- smeserver-dovecot - Dovecot IMAP server integration
- smeserver-email - smeserver server and gateway - email module
- smeserver-flexbackup - Adds daily flexbackup backup to tape to smeserver
- smeserver-formmagick - smeserver-formmagick Perl modules for web manager i18n
- smeserver-grub - smeserver module to configure grub2
- smeserver-hosts - smeserver module for managing hosts entries
- smeserver-ibays - smeserver server and gateway - ibays module
- smeserver-ldap - smeserver server and gateway - LDAP module
- smeserver-lib - smeserver server and gateway - library module
- smeserver-lib-compspec - bash completion specifications for smeserver-lib utilities
- smeserver-locale-bg - SME Server localisation module - Bulgarian
- smeserver-locale-da - SME Server localisation module - Danish
- smeserver-locale-de - SME Server localisation module - German
- smeserver-locale-el - SME Server localisation module - Greek
- smeserver-locale-es - SME Server localisation module - Spanish
- smeserver-locale-et - SME Server localisation module - Estonian
- smeserver-locale-fr - SME Server localisation module - French
- smeserver-locale-he - SME Server localisation module - Hebrew
- smeserver-locale-hu - SME Server localisation module - Hungarian
- smeserver-locale-id - SME Server localisation module - Indonesian
- smeserver-locale-it - SME Server localisation module - Italian
- smeserver-locale-ja - SME Server localisation module - Japanese
- smeserver-locale-nb - SME Server localisation module - Norwegian (Bokmal)
- smeserver-locale-nl - SME Server localisation module - Dutch
- smeserver-locale-pl - SME Server localisation module - Polish
- smeserver-locale-pt - SME Server localisation module - Portugese
- smeserver-locale-pt_BR - SME Server localisation module - Portugese (Brazilian)
- smeserver-locale-ro - SME Server localisation module - Romanian
- smeserver-locale-ru - SME Server localisation module - Russian
- smeserver-locale-sl - SME Server localisation module - Slovinian
- smeserver-locale-sv - SME Server localisation module - Swedish
- smeserver-locale-th - SME Server localisation module - Thai
- smeserver-locale-tr - SME Server localisation module - Turkish
- smeserver-locale-zh_CN - SME Server localisation module - Chinese (China)
- smeserver-locale-zh_TW - SME Server localisation module - Chinese (Taiwan)
- smeserver-manager - Sme server navigation module : manager 2
- smeserver-manager-jsquery - Jsquery and associated plugins plus server-manager (2) specific overrides.
- smeserver-manager-locale-bg - SME Server Manager localisation module - Bulgarian
- smeserver-manager-locale-da - SME Server Manager localisation module - Danish
- smeserver-manager-locale-de - SME Server Manager localisation module - German
- smeserver-manager-locale-el - SME Server Manager localisation module - Greek
- smeserver-manager-locale-es - SME Server Manager localisation module - Spanish
- smeserver-manager-locale-et - SME Server Manager localisation module - Estonian
- smeserver-manager-locale-fr - SME Server Manager localisation module - French
- smeserver-manager-locale-he - SME Server Manager localisation module - Hebrew
- smeserver-manager-locale-hu - SME Server Manager localisation module - Hungarian
- smeserver-manager-locale-id - SME Server Manager localisation module - Indonesian
- smeserver-manager-locale-it - SME Server Manager localisation module - Italian
- smeserver-manager-locale-ja - SME Server Manager localisation module - Japanese
- smeserver-manager-locale-nb - SME Server Manager localisation module - Norwegian (Bokmal)
- smeserver-manager-locale-nl - SME Server Manager localisation module - Dutch
- smeserver-manager-locale-pl - SME Server Manager localisation module - Polish
- smeserver-manager-locale-pt - SME Server Manager localisation module - Portugese
- smeserver-manager-locale-pt_BR - SME Server Manager localisation module - Portugese (Brazilian)
- smeserver-manager-locale-ro - SME Server Manager localisation module - Romanian
- smeserver-manager-locale-ru - SME Server Manager localisation module - Russian
- smeserver-manager-locale-sl - SME Server Manager localisation module - Slovinian
- smeserver-manager-locale-sv - SME Server Manager localisation module - Swedish
- smeserver-manager-locale-th - SME Server Manager localisation module - Thai
- smeserver-manager-locale-tr - SME Server Manager localisation module - Turkish
- smeserver-manager-locale-zh_CN - SME Server Manager localisation module - Chinese (China)
- smeserver-manager-locale-zh_TW - SME Server Manager localisation module - Chinese (Taiwan)
- smeserver-mini-qmail - startup scripts for Dan Bernstein's qmail package
- smeserver-mock - smeserver-mock tools for building RPMs
- smeserver-mysql - Koozali SME Server specific mysql configuration and templates.
- smeserver-ntp - smeserver specific NTP configuration files and templates
- smeserver-nutUPS - SME server - nut UPS interaction module
- smeserver-oidentd - smeserver server and gateway - ident daemon
- smeserver-openssh - smeserver module to configure and enable ssh
- smeserver-packetfilter - smeserver server and gateway - packetfilter add-on
- smeserver-php - PHP FPM pools and more on SME Server
- smeserver-portforwarding - portforwarding panel for SME Server
- smeserver-postfix - This is what smeserver-postfix does.
- smeserver-proftpd - smeserver specific proftpd configuration files and templates
- smeserver-proxy - smeserver server and gateway - proxy module
- smeserver-qpsmtpd - SME Server qpsmtpd module
- smeserver-quota - smeserver server and gateway - quota module
- smeserver-radiusd - smeserver server and gateway - configure PPTP inbound VPN
- smeserver-release - SME Server release file
- smeserver-roundcube - smserver rpm to setup roundcube, an IMAP mail client
- smeserver-runit - generic support framework for Gerrit Pape's runit package
- smeserver-samba - smeserver specific Samba configuration files and templates
- smeserver-spamassassin - SME Server - spamassassin anti-spam module
- smeserver-support - SME Server module to display support and licensing information
- smeserver-test - smeserver server and gateway - testing infrastructure module
- smeserver-tinydns - smeserver module to configure tinydns
- smeserver-update - Koozali SME Server rpm updater
- smeserver-viewlogfiles - Web manager panel to provide view access to log files
- snappy - Fast compression and decompression library
- socat - Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')
- sombok - Unicode Text Segmentation Package
- sos - A set of tools to gather troubleshooting information from a system
- spamassassin - Spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents
- sqlite - Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine
- sqlite-libs - Shared library for the sqlite3 embeddable SQL database engine.
- squashfs-tools - Utility for the creation of squashfs filesystems
- squid - The Squid proxy caching server
- sscg - Simple SSL certificate generator
- sssd - System Security Services Daemon
- sssd-ad - The AD back end of the SSSD
- sssd-client - SSSD Client libraries for NSS and PAM
- sssd-common - Common files for the SSSD
- sssd-common-pac - Common files needed for supporting PAC processing
- sssd-ipa - The IPA back end of the SSSD
- sssd-kcm - An implementation of a Kerberos KCM server
- sssd-krb5 - The Kerberos authentication back end for the SSSD
- sssd-krb5-common - SSSD helpers needed for Kerberos and GSSAPI authentication
- sssd-ldap - The LDAP back end of the SSSD
- sssd-nfs-idmap - SSSD plug-in for NFSv4 rpc.idmapd
- sssd-proxy - The proxy back end of the SSSD
- strace - Tracks and displays system calls associated with a running process
- sudo - Allows restricted root access for specified users
- svt-av1-libs - SVT-AV1 libraries
- symlinks - A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links
- sysfsutils - Utilities for interfacing with sysfs
- systemd - System and Service Manager
- systemd-container - Tools for containers and VMs
- systemd-libs - systemd libraries
- systemd-pam - systemd PAM module
- systemd-udev - Rule-based device node and kernel event manager
- systemtap-sdt-devel - Static probe support tools