Letter N
Packages beginning with letter "N".
- nginx14 - Package that installs nginx14
- nginx14-build - Package shipping basic build configuration
- nginx14-nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- nginx14-runtime - Package that handles nginx14 Software Collection.
- nginx14-scldevel - Package shipping development files for nginx14
- nginx16 - Package that installs nginx16
- nginx16-build - Package shipping basic build configuration
- nginx16-nginx - A high performance web server and reverse proxy server
- nginx16-runtime - Package that handles nginx16 Software Collection.
- nginx16-scldevel - Package shipping development files for nginx16
- nodejs010 - nodejs010 Software Collection
- nodejs010-build - Package shipping basic build configuration
- nodejs010-c-ares - A library that performs asynchronous DNS operations
- nodejs010-c-ares-devel - Development files for c-ares
- nodejs010-gyp - Generate Your Projects
- nodejs010-http-parser - HTTP request/response parser for C
- nodejs010-http-parser-devel - Development headers and libraries for http-parser
- nodejs010-libuv - Platform layer for node.js
- nodejs010-libuv-devel - Development libraries for libuv
- nodejs010-node-gyp - Node.js native addon build tool
- nodejs010-nodejs - JavaScript runtime
- nodejs010-nodejs-abbrev - Abbreviation calculator for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-ansi - ANSI escape codes for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-ansicolors - Functions that surround a string with ansicolor codes so it prints in color.
- nodejs010-nodejs-ansistyles - Functions that surround a string with ansistyle codes so it prints in style.
- nodejs010-nodejs-archy - Renders nested hierarchies with unicode pipes
- nodejs010-nodejs-asn1 - Contains parsers and serializers for ASN.1 (currently BER only)
- nodejs010-nodejs-assert-plus - Extra assertions on top of node's assert module
- nodejs010-nodejs-async - Higher-order functions and common patterns for asynchronous code
- nodejs010-nodejs-aws-sign - AWS signing for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-block-stream - A stream of blocks
- nodejs010-nodejs-boom - HTTP friendly error objects
- nodejs010-nodejs-bson - A bson parser for node.js and the browser
- nodejs010-nodejs-child-process-close - Make child_process objects emit 'close' events
- nodejs010-nodejs-chmodr - Recursively change UNIX file permissions
- nodejs010-nodejs-chownr - Changes file permissions recursively
- nodejs010-nodejs-cmd-shim - Used to create executable scripts on Windows and Unix
- nodejs010-nodejs-columnify - Render data in text columns, supports in-column text-wrap.
- nodejs010-nodejs-combined-stream - A stream that emits multiple other streams one after another
- nodejs010-nodejs-config-chain - Handle configuration once and for all
- nodejs010-nodejs-cookie-jar - A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-couch-login - A module for doing logged-in requests to a couchdb server
- nodejs010-nodejs-cryptiles - General purpose cryptography utilities for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-ctype - Read and write binary structures and data types with Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-delayed-stream - Buffers events from a stream until you are ready to handle them
- nodejs010-nodejs-devel - JavaScript runtime - development headers
- nodejs010-nodejs-docs - Node.js API documentation
- nodejs010-nodejs-editor - Launch the default text editor from Node.js programs
- nodejs010-nodejs-forever-agent - HTTP Agent that keeps socket connections alive between keep-alive requests
- nodejs010-nodejs-form-data - A module to create readable "multipart/form-data" streams
- nodejs010-nodejs-fstream - Advanced file system stream objects for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-fstream-ignore - A file stream object that can ignore files by globs
- nodejs010-nodejs-fstream-npm - An fstream class for creating npm packages
- nodejs010-nodejs-github-url-from-git - Parse a GitHub git URL and return the GitHub repository URL
- nodejs010-nodejs-github-url-from-username-repo - Create urls from username/repo
- nodejs010-nodejs-glob - A little globber for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-graceful-fs - 'fs' module with incremental back-off on EMFILE
- nodejs010-nodejs-hawk - HTTP Hawk authentication scheme
- nodejs010-nodejs-hoek - General purpose Node.js utilities
- nodejs010-nodejs-http-signature - Reference implementation of Joyent's HTTP Signature Scheme
- nodejs010-nodejs-inherits - A tiny simple way to do classic inheritance in js
- nodejs010-nodejs-ini - An INI parser/serializer for node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-init-package-json - A node module to get your node module started
- nodejs010-nodejs-json-stringify-safe - JSON.stringify that handles circular references
- nodejs010-nodejs-lockfile - A very polite lock file utility
- nodejs010-nodejs-lru-cache - A least recently used cache object for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-mime - A comprehensive library for mime-type mapping
- nodejs010-nodejs-minimatch - JavaScript glob matcher
- nodejs010-nodejs-mkdirp - Recursive directory creation module for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-mongodb - A node driver for MongoDB
- nodejs010-nodejs-mute-stream - Basic pass-through stream, but when muted, the bytes are dropped
- nodejs010-nodejs-nan - Native Abstractions for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-node-uuid - Simple and fast generation of RFC4122 (v1 and v4) UUIDs for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-nopt - Node.js option parsing
- nodejs010-nodejs-normalize-package-data - Normalizes npm/package.json metadata
- nodejs010-nodejs-npm-registry-client - Client for the npm registry
- nodejs010-nodejs-npm-user-validate - Username, password, and e-mail validation for the npm registry
- nodejs010-nodejs-npmconf - npm configuration module
- nodejs010-nodejs-npmlog - Logger for npm
- nodejs010-nodejs-oauth-sign - OAuth1 signing for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-once - Run a function exactly one time
- nodejs010-nodejs-opener - Opens stuff, like webpages and files and executables
- nodejs010-nodejs-osenv - Look up environment settings specific to different operating systems
- nodejs010-nodejs-path-is-inside - Tests whether one path is inside another path
- nodejs010-nodejs-promzard - A prompting wizard for building files from specialized PromZard modules
- nodejs010-nodejs-proto-list - A list of objects bound by prototype chain
- nodejs010-nodejs-qs - Query string parser for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-read - An implementation of read(1) for node programs
- nodejs010-nodejs-read-installed - Returns a tree structure of all installed packages in a folder
- nodejs010-nodejs-read-package-json - npm's package.json parser
- nodejs010-nodejs-request - Simplified HTTP request client
- nodejs010-nodejs-retry - Retry strategies for failed operations
- nodejs010-nodejs-rimraf - A deep deletion module for node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-semver - Semantic versioner for npm
- nodejs010-nodejs-sha - Check and get file hashes
- nodejs010-nodejs-sigmund - Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
- nodejs010-nodejs-slide - A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
- nodejs010-nodejs-sntp - SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-tar - Tar for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-text-table - borderless text tables with alignment
- nodejs010-nodejs-tobi-cookie - A cookie handling and cookie jar library for Node.js
- nodejs010-nodejs-tunnel-agent - HTTP proxy tunneling agent
- nodejs010-nodejs-uid-number - Convert a username/group name to a UID/GID number
- nodejs010-nodejs-which - A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
- nodejs010-npm - Node.js Package Manager
- nodejs010-runtime - Package that handles nodejs010 Software Collection.
- nodejs010-scldevel - Package shipping development files for nodejs010
- nodejs010-v8 - JavaScript Engine
- nodejs010-v8-devel - Development headers and libraries for v8