System Environment/Libraries

xforms: XForms toolkit library

Name:xforms Vendor:The KDE-RedHat Project
Version:1.0.90 License:LGPL
Release:6.2 URL:
XForms is a GUI toolkit based on Xlib for X Window Systems. It features a rich set of objects, such as buttons, sliders, and menus etc. integrated into an easy and efficient object/event callback execution model that allows fast and easy construction of X-applications. In addition, the library is extensible and new objects can easily be created and added to the library.

Arch: src

Build Date:Mon Mar 27 14:07:32 2006
Packager:kde-redhat Developers <>
Size:980 KiB


* Wed Mar 1 18:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]>
- fc5: gcc/glibc respin
* Fri Jan 20 18:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]> 1.0.90-6
- -devel: Req: libjpeg-devel(flimage), libXpm-devel
* Mon Jan 2 18:00:00 2006 Rex Dieter <rexdieter[AT]> 1.0.90-5
- prelink.patch: fix undefined symbols in (shared) lib(s)

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