모듈 목록
다음은 아파치 배포본에 포함된 모든 모듈 목록이다. 모든 아파치 지시어 목록도
- core
- Core Apache HTTP Server features that are always
- mpm_common
- A collection of directives that are implemented by
more than one multi-processing module (MPM)
- beos
- BeOS에 최적화된 다중처리 모듈.
- leader
- 표준
MPM의 실험적인 변형
- mpm_netware
- Multi-Processing Module implementing an exclusively threaded web
server optimized for Novell NetWare
- mpmt_os2
- Hybrid multi-process, multi-threaded MPM for OS/2
- perchild
- Multi-Processing Module allowing for daemon processes serving
requests to be assigned a variety of different userids
- prefork
- Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
- threadpool
- Yet another experimental variant of the standard
- mpm_winnt
- This Multi-Processing Module is optimized for Windows
- worker
- Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid
multi-threaded multi-process web server

A | C | D | E | F | H | I | L | M | N | P | R | S | U | V
- mod_access
- Provides access control based on client hostname, IP
address, or other characteristics of the client request.
- mod_actions
- 이 모듈은 미디어종류나 요청메서드에 따라 CGI
스크립트를 실행한다.
- mod_alias
- Provides for mapping different parts of the host
filesystem in the document tree and for URL redirection
- mod_asis
- HTTP 헤더를 포함한 파일을 보낸다
- mod_auth
- User authentication using text files
- mod_auth_anon
- Allows "anonymous" user access to authenticated
- mod_auth_dbm
- Provides for user authentication using DBM
- mod_auth_digest
- User authentication using MD5
Digest Authentication.
- mod_auth_ldap
- Allows an LDAP directory to be used to store the database
for HTTP Basic authentication.
- mod_autoindex
- 자동으로 유닉스의
명령어나 Win32의
쉘명령어와 유사한 디렉토리 목록을 만든다
- mod_cache
- Content cache keyed to URIs.
- mod_cern_meta
- CERN 웹서버 메타파일 지원
- mod_cgi
- CGI 스크립트 실행
- mod_cgid
- 외부 CGI 데몬을 사용하여 CGI 스크립트를 실행
- mod_charset_lite
- 문자집합 변환을 지정
- mod_dav
- Distributed Authoring and Versioning
(WebDAV) 기능
- mod_dav_fs
을 위한 파일시스템 제공자
- mod_deflate
- 내용을 클라이언트로 보내기 전에 압축한다
- mod_dir
- "마지막 슬래쉬" 리다이렉션을 제공하고 디렉토리
index 파일을 서비스한다
- mod_disk_cache
- Content cache storage manager keyed to URIs
- mod_echo
- 프로토콜 모듈을 설명하기위한 간단한 echo 서버
- mod_env
- CGI 스크립트나 SSI 페이지에 전달할 환경변수를
- mod_example
- Illustrates the Apache module API
- mod_expires
- Generation of
HTTP headers according to
user-specified criteria
- mod_ext_filter
- Pass the response body through an external program before
delivery to the client
- mod_file_cache
- Caches a static list of files in memory
- mod_headers
- Customization of HTTP request and response
- mod_imap
- Server-side imagemap processing
- mod_include
- Server-parsed html documents (Server Side Includes)
- mod_info
- Provides a comprehensive overview of the server
- mod_isapi
- ISAPI Extensions within Apache for Windows
- mod_ldap
- LDAP connection pooling and result caching services for use
by other LDAP modules
- mod_log_config
- Logging of the requests made to the server
- mod_logio
- Logging of input and output bytes per request
- mod_mem_cache
- Content cache keyed to URIs
- mod_mime
- Associates the requested filename's extensions
with the file's behavior (handlers and filters)
and content (mime-type, language, character set and
- mod_mime_magic
- Determines the MIME type of a file
by looking at a few bytes of its contents
- mod_negotiation
- Provides for content negotiation
- mod_nw_ssl
- Enable SSL encryption for NetWare
- mod_proxy
- HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server
- mod_proxy_connect
extension for
request handling
- mod_proxy_ftp
- FTP support module for
- mod_proxy_http
- HTTP support module for
- mod_rewrite
- Provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested
URLs on the fly
- mod_setenvif
- Allows the setting of environment variables based
on characteristics of the request
- mod_so
- Loading of executable code and
modules into the server at start-up or restart time
- mod_speling
- Attempts to correct mistaken URLs that
users might have entered by ignoring capitalization and by
allowing up to one misspelling
- mod_ssl
- Strong cryptography using the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols
- mod_status
- Provides information on server activity and
- mod_suexec
- Allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user
and Group
- mod_unique_id
- Provides an environment variable with a unique
identifier for each request
- mod_userdir
- User-specific directories
- mod_usertrack
Clickstream logging of user activity on a site
- mod_vhost_alias
- Provides for dynamically configured mass virtual