Removed rpms

 - Mesa-gallium-32bit
 - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-jack-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit
 - gtk2-devel-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - gtk3-devel-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - ImageMagick-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-32bit
 - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit
 - cairo-devel-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit
 - glib2-tools-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-tools-32bit
 - libMagick++-devel-32bit
 - libOSMesa-devel-32bit
 - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit
 - libXfixes3-32bit
 - libavahi-client3-32bit
 - libavformat58_76-32bit
 - libblkid-devel-32bit
 - libdcerpc0-32bit
 - libevdev2-32bit
 - libfdisk-devel-32bit
 - libfdisk1-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit
 - libgio-2_0-0-32bit
 - libglvnd-32bit
 - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit
 - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgpg-error-devel-32bit
 - libgraphene-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstinsertbin-1_0-0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-subset0-32bit
 - libicu-devel-32bit
 - libnetapi-devel-32bit
 - libnettle8-32bit
 - libnuma1-32bit
 - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit
 - libpostproc55_9-32bit
 - libpulse-devel-32bit
 - libreadline7-32bit
 - libsamba-credentials1-32bit
 - libsamba-errors0-32bit
 - libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit
 - libsamdb0-32bit
 - libsmartcols-devel-32bit
 - libsmbclient0-32bit
 - libswresample3_9-32bit
 - libtevent0-32bit
 - libvdpau_r300-32bit
 - libvulkan_radeon-32bit
 - libxkbcommon-devel-32bit
 - python3-ldb-32bit
 - python3-tdb-32bit
 - samba-ad-dc-32bit
 - systemd-32bit
 - wine-32bit
 - xen-libs-32bit
 - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI5-32bit
 - libXfixes-devel-32bit
 - libaom0
 - libaom0-32bit
 - libavahi-common3-32bit
 - libavresample4_0-32bit
 - libblkid1-32bit
 - libbrlapi0_7
 - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit
 - libcom_err-devel-32bit
 - libcryptsetup12-32bit
 - libdcerpc-samr0-32bit
 - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit
 - libdw1-32bit
 - libext2fs2-32bit
 - libfabric-devel-32bit
 - libgbm1-32bit
 - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgpg-error0-32bit
 - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstplayer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgweather-3-16-32bit
 - libicu69-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit
 - libldb2-32bit
 - liblirc_client0-32bit
 - libopenssl-1_1-devel-32bit
 - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit
 - libpulse-mainloop-glib0-32bit
 - librsvg-2-2-32bit
 - libsamba-util0-32bit
 - libsmbldap2-32bit
 - libsoup-2_4-1-32bit
 - libsoup2-devel-32bit
 - libswscale5_9-32bit
 - libsystemd0-32bit
 - libtevent-util0-32bit
 - libudev-devel-32bit
 - libudev1-32bit
 - libvdpau_r600-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk3-lang
 - libxkbcommon-x11-devel-32bit
 - libxkbcommon0-32bit
 - lirc-drv-portaudio
 - pulseaudio-esound-compat
 - pulseaudio-module-gconf
 - pulseaudio-utils-32bit
 - python3-talloc-32bit
 - qemu-sgabios
 - qemu-vgabios
 - samba-libs-32bit
 - samba-libs-python3-32bit
 - typelib-1_0-Cheese-41_0
 - wine-staging-32bit

Added rpms

 - ImageMagick-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-32bit
 - Mesa-dri-32bit
 - Mesa-libGLESv1_CM-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi-devel-32bit
 - WebKit2GTK-4.0-lang
 - WebKit2GTK-4.1-lang
 - WebKit2GTK-5.0-lang
 - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit
 - avahi-mono
 - avif-tools
 - cairo-devel-32bit
 - cargo-c
 - gdk-pixbuf-loader-libavif
 - gdk-pixbuf-loader-rsvg-32bit
 - gfbgraph-doc
 - glib2-tools-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit
 - gtk3-tools-32bit
 - Mesa-gallium-32bit
 - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libGLESv2-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit
 - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-jack-32bit
 - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit
 - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit
 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-chromaprint-32bit
 - gtk2-devel-32bit
 - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - gtk3-devel-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit
 - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit
 - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI5-32bit
 - libXfixes-devel-32bit
 - libaom3-32bit
 - libavahi-common3-32bit
 - libavif13-32bit
 - libavresample4_0-32bit
 - libblkid1-32bit
 - libcairo-script-interpreter2-32bit
 - libcom_err-devel-32bit
 - libcryptsetup12-32bit
 - libdcerpc-samr0-32bit
 - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit
 - libdw1-32bit
 - libext2fs2-32bit
 - libfabric-devel-32bit
 - libgbm1-32bit
 - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgmodule-2_0-0-32bit
 - libgpg-error0-32bit
 - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstplayer-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgweather-3-16-32bit
 - libicu69-32bit
 - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit
 - libldb2-32bit
 - liblirc_client0-32bit
 - libopenssl-1_1-devel-32bit
 - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit
 - libpulse-mainloop-glib0-32bit
 - librsvg-2-2-32bit
 - libsamba-util0-32bit
 - libsmbldap2-32bit
 - libsoup-2_4-1-32bit
 - libsoup2-devel-32bit
 - libswscale5_9-32bit
 - libsystemd0-32bit
 - libtevent-util0-32bit
 - libudev-devel-32bit
 - libudev1-32bit
 - libvdpau_r600-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit
 - libxkbcommon-x11-devel-32bit
 - libxkbcommon0-32bit
 - pulseaudio-utils-32bit
 - python3-talloc-32bit
 - samba-libs-32bit
 - samba-libs-python3-32bit
 - wine-staging-32bit
 - kernel-obs-build
 - qemu-sgabios
 - qemu-vgabios
 - john
 - keycloak
 - libMagick++-devel-32bit
 - libOSMesa-devel-32bit
 - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit
 - libXfixes3-32bit
 - libaom3
 - libavahi-client3-32bit
 - libavformat58_76-32bit
 - libavif-devel
 - libavif13
 - libblkid-devel-32bit
 - libbrlapi0_8
 - libdcerpc0-32bit
 - libevdev2-32bit
 - libfdisk-devel-32bit
 - libfdisk1-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-32bit
 - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit
 - libgio-2_0-0-32bit
 - libglvnd-32bit
 - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit
 - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit
 - libgpg-error-devel-32bit
 - libgraphene-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit
 - libgstinsertbin-1_0-0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit
 - libharfbuzz-subset0-32bit
 - libicu-devel-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_1-0-32bit
 - libjavascriptcoregtk-5_0-0
 - libnetapi-devel-32bit
 - libnettle8-32bit
 - libnuma1-32bit
 - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit
 - libpostproc55_9-32bit
 - libpulse-devel-32bit
 - librav1e0
 - librav1e0-32bit
 - libreadline7-32bit
 - libsamba-credentials1-32bit
 - libsamba-errors0-32bit
 - libsamba-hostconfig0-32bit
 - libsamdb0-32bit
 - libsmartcols-devel-32bit
 - libsmbclient0-32bit
 - libswresample3_9-32bit
 - libtevent0-32bit
 - libvdpau_r300-32bit
 - libvulkan_radeon-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0
 - libwebkit2gtk-4_1-0-32bit
 - libwebkit2gtk-5_0-0
 - libxkbcommon-devel-32bit
 - python3-ldb-32bit
 - python3-tdb-32bit
 - python3-typogrify
 - qemu-audio-oss
 - rav1e
 - rav1e-devel
 - samba-ad-dc-32bit
 - system-user-pulse
 - systemd-32bit
 - typelib-1_0-Cheese-3_0
 - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-4_1
 - typelib-1_0-JavaScriptCore-5_0
 - typelib-1_0-WebKit2-4_1
 - typelib-1_0-WebKit2-5_0
 - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-4_1
 - typelib-1_0-WebKit2WebExtension-5_0
 - webkit-jsc-4.1
 - webkit-jsc-5.0
 - webkit2gtk-4_1-injected-bundles
 - webkit2gtk-5_0-injected-bundles
 - webkit2gtk3-soup2-devel
 - webkit2gtk3-soup2-minibrowser
 - webkit2gtk4-devel
 - webkit2gtk4-minibrowser
 - wine-32bit
 - xen-libs-32bit

Package Source Changes

+- Update to 0.14.6. Check the NEWS file for the list of changes.
+- Only install the license files once.
+- Stop passing no longer used nor recognized options
+  introspection=true and libnm_gtk=false to meson.
+- Apply all patches unconditonally: PackageKit-zypp-c++17.patch is
+  merged in upstream git and thus does not justify to be
+  conditionally applied.
+- Switching back to autosetup, as this works without conditional
+  patches.
+- Rewrite prep phase to not use autopatch -M: SLE15/Leap15's RPM
+  version does not support that syntax yet.
+- Update to version 1.2.4:
+  + Libraries:
+  - Add specific error code when user declined interaction
+  - Avoid spurious GObject::notify signal emissions
+  - Correct 'cancellable' use in pk_client_repair_system_async()
+  - Fix a leak on calling set_locale() a second time
+  - Fix a possible use-after-free under pk_client_cancel_cb()
+  - Improve thread safety on an operation cancellation
+  + Backends:
+  - dnf:
+    . Read update information also when getting list of updates
+    . Honor install_weak_deps=False if it is there
+    . Use 'hy_query_get_advisory_pkgs', if available
+  + New Features:
+  - PkDetails: Add 'download-size' property
+  - PkPackage: Add update severity property
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Let the finish understand the 'cancelled' exit code
+  - Make backends that use pk-backend-spawn work (#477)
+  - Only set polkit interactive flag if method call has too
+- Changes from version 1.2.3:
+  + Backends:
+  - alpm:
+    . Add post transaction hook
+    . Rename errno to alpm_err to avoid name clashes
+  - aptcc: Auto-remove old kernels, unless configured otherwise
+  - dnf: Add support for coercing upgrade to distupgrade
+  - zypp:
+    . Make sure pool is initialized at the beginning of some
+    methods
+    . Reset update mode after getting updates
+  + Bugfixes:
+  - Append to cron log instead of overwriting it
+  - Cancel a transaction if calling Cancel fails or the daemon
+    disappears
+  - Do not crash when calling pk_dbus_get_uid() before D-Bus is
+    setup
+  - Fix all compiler warnings
+  - Fix multilib conflicts in generated pk-enum-types.h
+  - Free scheduler array correctly again
+  - Remove large transaction size sanity check
+- Drop patches fixed upstream:
+  + PackageKit-zypp-cleanup-tmp-files.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-reset-update-mode-after-get-updates.patch
+  + PackageKit-dnf-Add-support-for-coercing-upgrade-to-distupgrade.patch
+  + PackageKit-zypp-initialize-pool.patch
+  + PackageKit-remove-transaction-size-limit.patch
+  + PackageKit-cancel-transaction-if-daemon-disappears.patch
+  + PackageKit-dnf-ignore-weak-deps.patch
+- Add 505.patch: pk-offline: Add flags to D-Bus invoking methods.
+  That's currently to be able to set whether the method should be
+  interactive or not. The old functions call the methods as
+  non-interactive.
+- Stop passing the no longer used nor recognized option
+  user-heuristics=true to meson.
+- Restore the removing of the checksum of config.guess and
+  config.sub for architectures that modify them.
+  It was wrongly dropped with previous commit.
+- Stop passing option static=false to meson, no longer used nor
+  needed.
+- Replace option update-mimed=false with update_mimedb=false
+  following upstream changes.
+- Add all sysusers.d Requires
+- Move sysusers.d to separate package
+- Remove old SUSE RPM constructs
+- Use sysuser-tools to process included sysusers.d file correctly
+  (bsc#1191465)
+- Update to version 6.4:
+  + See ChangeLog for changes.
+- API version is now 0.8.3.
+- Add at-spi2 to BuildRequires. Now needed for at-spi driver.
+- Update to version 6.3:
+  + See ChangeLog for changes.
+- API version is now 0.8.2.
+- Drop brltty-fix-install-dirs.patch: no longer needed.
+- Starting with the TCL 8.6.11 package, the default install path
+  for the TCL library is corrected to /usr/lib64/tcl: adjust the
+  move command for our tcl module basedon this change.
+- Update to version 6.2:
+  + See ChangeLog for changes.
+- Update api_version: now 0.8.1.
+- Replace brltty-5.5-systemd-install.patch with
+  brltty-fix-install-dirs.patch: also adjust udev directory.
+- Drop brltty-gcc10.patch: fixed upstream.
+- Move udev rules patching to %build.
+- Use the Makefile to install udev and polkit rules and docs.
+- Brltty-config has been renamed to
+- Remove polkit conditional: we always have it enabled.
+- Remove old espeak support: Leap prior to 15.0 is no longer
+  supported.
+- Add python3-setuptools to BuildRequires: required by rpm during
+  checks.
+- Add doxygen to BuildRequires: needed to build manual.
+- Create a brltty user on install: now expected by service.
+- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec
+- Update to version 6.1:
+  + See ChangeLog for changes.
+- Rebased brltty-5.5-systemd-install.patch
+- api_version is now 0.8.0, and sover is now 0_8
+- Add brltty-gcc10.patch: fix build with -fno-common.
+- Adjust line to remove xsession file.
+- Remove brltty-alsa.patch
+- Specify gnome-settings-daemon required version
+- Require xdg-user-dirs-gtk to fix Desktop issues
+- Move some recommends to patterns-budgie
+- Require libgnomesu and nm-applet
+- clean spec file
+- Update to version 10.5.3+12:
+  * Clock applet: Don't show empty second/date label if not enabled (#2168)
+  * Revert "Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear Closes: #729 (#2111)"
+  * Require GNOME Stack 41 (alpha+)
+  * Add Mutter 9 support (#2165)
+  * Update README with intentions going into B11.
+  * Use ibus daemonize to allow ibus popups to appear Closes: #729 (#2111)
+  * Enable Mod3 (Meta or Hyper) for Tab Switching (#2164)
+- clean spec file
+- Add upstream patch
+  + cairo-do-not-override-explicitly-requested-grayscale-aa.patch
+    Do not replace explicitly set applications settings by user
+    settings for font antialiasing.
+    See:
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + meson: avoid positional arguments in merge_file.
+  + tests: Compile gsettings schemas for use in build tests.
+  + Update DOAP with Gitlab account information.
+  + introspection: Pin the API version for now.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rename typelib-1_0-Cheese-41_0 subpackage to
+  typelib-1_0-Cheese-3_0 again, following upstreams revert. Do this
+  via 2 new defines, typelib_major 3 and typelib_minor 0.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets for post(un) handling.
+- Drop removal of la files, not needed with meson buildsystem.
+- Drop libcheese-gtk18 Obsoletes, it was added 10 years ago, we can
+  probably expect everyone to have updated by now.
+- Stop packaging help files as docs, silence rpmlint.
+- Update to version 0.8.21:
+  * Add update of API docs to deploy step.
+  * Fix build of pages.
+  * Fix command line warning messages.
+  * Remove Dockerfiles for .10 versions.
+  * Fixes to make API docs work right.
+  * Fix #93 - dupliicity wants private encryption key.
+  * PAR2 backend failes to create par2 file with spaces in name.
+  * Fix LP bug 930151 - Restore a symlink changes target
+    attributes.
+  * Fix #89 part 2 - handle small input files where par2 fails.
+  * Fix theme name, sphinx\_rtd\_theme.
+  * Fix #90 - rclone backend fails with spaces in pathnames.
+  * Fix #89 - Add PAR2 number volumes option.
+  * Fix #88 - Add PAR2 creation failure error message.
+  * Fix bug #87, Restore fails and stops on corrupted backup
+    volume.
+  * Fix bug #86, PAR2 backend fails on restore, with patch
+    supplied.
+  * Fix PEP8 style errors.
+  * Fix issue #81 - Assertion fail when par2 prefix forgotten.
+  * Fix issue #79 - Multibackend degradation.
+  * Add verbose exception on progress file failure.
+- Update URL and source URI.
+- Fix _service file.
+- Fix "duplicity --version" (boo#1188132)
+  * Replace OBS service "obs_scm" by "download_files"; duplicity's
+    distribution procedure relies on PyPi.
+- Update to version 0.8.20:
+  * Better looping.  Increase to 100 loops.
+  * Repeating test for LP bug 487720.
+    Restore fails with "Invalid data - SHA1 hash mismatch"
+  * Log difftar filename where kill happened.
+  * Allow customization.
+  * Add support for --s3-multipart-chunk-size, default 25MB.
+    Fixes issue #61
+  * Fix test file count after deleting lockfile.
+  * Support -o{Global,User}KnownHostsFile in --ssh-options.
+    Fixes issue #60
+  * Add pydrive2 to requirements.txt
+- Use OBS source services
+  * Upstream project has switched from launchpad to
+- Update to version 0.8.19:
+  + Add a new Google Drive backend (gdrive:).
+  + Remove installs common between before\_script: and script:.
+  + Gdata module passes on py27 only.
+  + Util.uexec() will return u'' if no err msg in e.args.
+  + Util.uexec() should check for e==None on entry.
+  + Fix bug #1547458 - more consistent passphrase prompt.
+  + Fix bug #1454136 - SX backend issues.
+  + Fix bug 1918981 - option to skip trash on delete on mediafire.
+  + Added --mf-purge option to bypass trash.
+  + Fix bug 1919017 - MultiBackend reports failure on file
+    deletion.
+  + Fix #41 - par2+rsync (non-ssh) fails.
+  + Fix Google Drive timeout.
+  + Don't sync when removing old backups.
+  + fix util.uexc: do not return None.
+  + Implement Box backend.
+  + Implement megav3 backend to to cater for change in MEGACmd.
+  + fix documentation for azure backend.
+  + Add IDrive backend.
+  + Progress bar improvements.
+  + Fix;usr:Fixes bug #1652953 - seek(0) on /dev/stdin crashes.
+  + Add a new Google Drive backend (gdrive:).
+  + Azure v12 support.
+  + List required volumes when called with 'restore --dry-run'.
+  + Fix sorting of BackupSets by avoiding direct comparison.
+  + Update mailing list link.
+  + Fix #16 - Move from boto to boto3.
+  + Fix to correctly build \
+  + Fix to add --inplace option to build\_ext.
+  + Multibackend: fix indentation error that was preventing from
+    registering more than one affinity prefix per backend.
+- Update to version 0.8.18:
+  + Onedrive: Support using an external client id / refresh token.
+  + Fix issue #26 Backend b2 backblaze fails with nameprefix
+    restrictions.
+  + Fix issue #29 Backend b2 backblaze fails with nameprefix
+    restrictions.
+  + Report errors if B2 backend does exist but otherwise fails to
+    import.
+  + Added option --log-timestamp to prepend timestamp to log entry.
+  + Patch for Python 3.10.
+- Update to version 0.8.17:
+  + Fixup ignore\_regexps for optional text.
+  + Fix issue #26 - duplicity does not clean up par2 files.
+  + Fix issue #25 - Multibackend not deleting files.
+  + Adjust for changelog changes.
+  + Make exclude-if-present more robust.
+  + Drop default umask of 0077.
+  + Fix some unadorned strings.
+  + Fix issue #23.
+  + Rclonebackend now logs at the same logging level as duplicity.
+  + Allow sign-build to fail on walk away.  Need passwordless
+    option.
+  + Fix --rename typo.
+  + Escape single quotes in machine-readable log messages.
+  + Add a pylint disable-import-error flag.
+  + Change urllib2 to urllib.request in parse\_digest\_challenge().
+  + Fix bug #1893481 Error when logging improperly encoded
+    filenames.
+- Update to version 0.8.16:
+  + Merged in convert2md - Convert README's to markdown.
+  + Merged in s3-boto3-region-and-endpoint - after fixes.
+  + Merged in lazy init for Boto3 network connections.
+  + Merged in OutlawPlz:paramiko-progress.
+  + Merged in s3-unfreeze-all.
+- Update to version 0.8.15:
+  + Merged in joshAppdev:pydriveshared - Backend for Shared Drives
+    on Google.
+  + Merged in martin-sucha:pydrive-notfound - Fix missing
+    FileNotUploadedError in pydrive
+  - Since dadbe2d2, FileNotUploadedError is not imported
+    anymore, resulting in an exception in case some of the files
+    failed to upload. Adding the import back.
+  + * Merged in hupfdule:s3-boto3-region-and-endpoint - Allow
+    setting s3 region and endpoint.
+  + Fix bug #1211481 with merge from Raffaele Di Campli
+  - Ignores the uid/gid from the archive and keeps the current
+    user's one.
+  + - Cleanup with Paramiko backend does not remove files due to
+    missing filename byte decoding
+- Update to version 0.8.14:
+  + Fixes for issue #7, par2backend produces badly encoded
+    filenames.
+  + Merged in mikix:mikix/rename-fix - Fix --rename encoding.
+  + Merged in jmakovicka:master - Support PyDrive2 library in the
+    pydrive backend.
+  + More fixes for bug #1877885 - Catch quota overflow on Mega
+    upload.
+  + Fixed bug #1875937 - validate_encryption_settings() fails w/S3
+    glacier.
+  + Patched in a to update to MEGAcmd tools.
+  + Fixes for rclonebackend.
+- Update to version 0.8.13:
+  + Fixed bug #1876778 - byte/str issues in
+  + Fixed bug #1876446 - WebDAV backend creates only tiny or 0 Byte
+    files.
+  + Fixed bug #1875529 - Support hiding instead of deletin on B2.
+  + Fixed bug #1872332 - NameError in
+  + Fixed bug #1869921 - B2 backup resume fails for TypeError.
+  + - Enable additional pylint warnings. Make 1st pass at
+    correction.
+  + - Renamed globals to config to fix conflict with
+    __builtin__.globals().
+  + - Resolved conflict between duplicity.config and
+    testing.manual.config.
+  + - Normalized emacs mode line to have encoding:utf8 on all *.py
+    files.
+  + Fixed bug #1868414 - timeout parameter not passed to
+    BlobService for Azure backend.
+- Rebase duplicity-remove_shebang.patch.
+- Remove logic to handle the bzr revision appended to the version:
+  not needed anymore.
+- Add python3-setuptools_scm to BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Update to version 0.8.12:
+  + Merged in translation updates.
+  + Fixed bug #1867742 - TypeError: fsdecode() takes 1 positional
+    argument but 2 were given with PCA backend.
+  + Fixed bug #1867529 - UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't
+    decode byte 0x85 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128) with
+    PCA.
+  + Fixed bug #1867468 - UnboundLocalError (local + variable
+    'ch_err' referenced before assignment) + in
+  + Fixed bug #1867435 - TypeError: must be str, not bytes using
+    PCA backend.
+  + Fixed bug #1867444 - UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't
+    decode byte 0x85 in position 0: ordinal not in range(128)
+    using PCA backend.
+  + Cleaned up some setup issues where the man pages + and
+    snapcraft.yaml were not getting versioned.
+  + Fixed bug #1755955 - best order is unclear, of
+    exclude-if-present and exclude-device-files.
+  + Fixed bug #1769267 - [enhancement] please consider using
+    rclone as backend.
+  + Fixed bug #1865648 - module 'multiprocessing.dummy' has no
+    attribute 'cpu_count'.
+  + Fixed a couple of file history bugs:
+  - #1044715 Provide a file history feature
+    . removed neutering done between series.
+  - #1526557 --file-changed does not work
+    . fixed str/bytes issue finding filename.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + GalViewInstanceSaveAsDialog: Do not show the dialog in the
+    init()
+  + By_Company.galview: Correct the column index in the grouping
+    part
+  + ESrvConfigLookup: Use correct extension name for properties
+  + mail-importer: Ensure Message-ID header on imported message
+  + EWebView: Change mouse leave detection code
+  + mail-notification: Use different icon name in the notification
+    under Flatpak
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution#1555,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1586, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1609,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1611, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1612,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1613, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1621,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1623, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1640,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1646, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1649,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1657, glgo#GNOME/evolution#1667,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution#1672.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + LDAP: Fix a memory leak when filling a contact address
+  + book/cal-backend: Add some safety checks around
+    pending_operations queue
+  + Correct 'Since:' tag in the developer comments
+  + ERemindersWidget: Incorrect value for last selected snooze time
+    after open
+  + Camel: Correct a copy&paste error in a function documentation
+  + org.gnome.Evolution-alarm-notify.desktop: Add
+    X-GNOME-UsesNotifications=true
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#352,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#355,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#360,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#361,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server!81,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-data-server#1621.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace post(un) handling with new ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + ConfigLookup: Change values saved to the lookup result
+  + Addressbook: Fix two memory leaks
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews3,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#164, glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#165,
+    glgo#GNOME/evolution-ews#166.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Stop pass option magic=enabled to meson, no longer needed, nor
+  used.
+- update to fixesproto-6.0 is needed for libXfixes 6.0
+  (JIRA #SLE-22829)
+- fixesproto-6.0.patch implements the update to version 6.0.0
+- updated to fixesproto-6.0 files copied from current
+  xorgproto-2021.5 package
+- Require libfolks-telepathy%{soversion} from the -devel package:
+  we install the .so symlink and must thus guarantee to have the
+  link target preset too.
+- Stop passing no longer used nor recognized options jasper=false
+  and x11=false to meson, fails the build when using meson 0.60.x.
+- Drop geoclue2-revert-2-faulty.patch: Replaced by upstream fix
+  in geoclue2-geoip-when-wifi-unavailable.patch:.
+- Add geoclue2-geoip-when-wifi-unavailable.patch: [gclue-wifi] Use
+  GeoIP when a WiFi device isn't available
+  [glfo#geoclue/geoclue#142].
+- Update to version 0.2.5:
+  + Fix CVE-2021-39358 by forcing TLS certificate validation
+  + Temporarily disable testcases.
+- Replace post(un) handling with new ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Drop libtool BuildRequires and bootstrap call, no longer needed.
+- Split out new doc subpackage.
+- Update to version 2.70.1:
+  + Fix network changes not being signalled from NetworkManager.
+  + Fix build when building with --fatal-meson-warnings.
+  + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/GLib#2505, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2245,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2253, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2256,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2259, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2262,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2271, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2276,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2300, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2301,
+    glgo#GNOME/GLib!2302, glgo#GNOME/GLib!2304.
+- Refresh patches with quilt.
+- Update to version 0.4.1:
+  + Fix regression of extraction in symlinked locations.
+  + Handle passphrase prompt cancellation to prevent showing error
+    dialogs.
+  + Downgrade meson dependency to 0.56.0.
+- Replace post(un) handling with new ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Add check section and meson_test macro, as well as pass
+  tests=true to meson, run tests during build.
+- Add missing explicit libgnome-bluetooth13 Requires to devel sub
+  package, it was already pulled in via typelib Requires, so no
+  real world change.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Add gnome-control-center-fix-autologin-shortcut.patch:
+  If we don't add this property for autologin_row, the shortcut to
+  toggle the GtkSwitch won't work (bsc#1191887,
+  glgo#GNOME/gnome-control-center!1084).
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Mouse & Touchpad: Avoid cropping illustration.
+  + Network: Fix enabling data after APN is set.
+  + Power: Use translated strings for power button action
+    behaviors.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + gnome-languages: Avoid passing NULL to newlocale.
+  + Avoid the use of `allow-none` for out parameters.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace option libsystemd=true with new logind=libsystemd,
+  following upstream changes.
+- Update 35.patch to be precisely the same as upstream, this is
+  necessary to make obs bot happy.
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + vnc-pipewire-stream: Take frame data from pending frame, when
+    needed
+  + rdp-pipewire-stream: Take frame data from pending frame, when
+    needed
+  + rdp/rdpgfx: Unref surface serial after looking up surface
+    context
+  + rdp-graphics-pipeline: Fix small style issue
+  + rdp-fuse-clipboard:
+  - Fix potential race when accessing FuseFile path
+  - Fix small style issue
+  + clipboard-rdp: Always check return value of ConvertFromUnicode
+  + session-rdp: Only signal GCond, when all encode jobs are
+    complete
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + Drop support for non-unique mode in headless instance.
+  + metainfo: Align app name with .desktop name
+  + Updated translations.
+- Rebase patch with quilt.
+- Rebase patches:
+  + gnome-settings-daemon-notify-idle-resumed.patch
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + USB protection: don't crash when screensaver service is
+    unavailable.
+  + Power: Fix location of comments for translators.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream and
+  gnome-patch-translation support (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Update to version 41.rc:
+  + Power:
+  - Enable power-saver profile when low on battery.
+  - Dim the screen quicker by default.
+  - Generalize laptop battery notifications.
+  - Refactor battery notifications for external devices.
+  + Media-keys:
+  - Replace deprecated calls.
+  - Add one second delay between each rfkill event.
+  + Housekeeping: Use GRefCount.
+  + USB-protection:
+  - Authorize devices after screen has been locked.
+  - Improve debug output.
+  - Misc. fixes.
+  + Xsettings: Add support for XFixes ClientDisconnectMode.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add pkgconfig(xfixes) BuildRequires: new dependency.
+- Change to using a boolean dependency Requires for gnome-session
+  to allow Budgie-only installation
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Fix icon updates while hidden
+  + Fix erratic scrolling in GTK apps
+  + Fix GTK color picker support
+  + Fix sound-file support in notifications
+  + Fix high-contrast switches
+  + Only allow one extension prefs dialog at a time
+  + Fixed crashes
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop 380d2db1d9047ecffcef7d78f00184963b403efc.patch: Fixed
+  upstream
+- Add gnome-software-flatpak-refresh-no-interaction.patch: flatpak:
+  Set no-interaction correctly when refreshing(bsc#1123722,
+  glgo#GNOME/gnome-software!1145).
+- Update to version 41.2:
+  + Fix a crash when processing age ratings
+  + Reload application details only when not installing/removing
+    the application
+  + Do not follow symlinks when calculating disk size usage
+  + Fix addons section, which could show addons for different
+    application
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Fix showing a ‘transaction in progress’ error when using the
+    rpm-ostree plugin
+  + Don’t recommend a reboot if firmware updates fail
+  + Fix flathub repo being considered present on Fedora 35 with
+    filtered flathub
+  + Allow searching for extensions
+  + Fix translation of main button on updates page
+  + Fix codec installation process
+  + Various minor UI tweaks and fixes
+  + Add new GNOME Circle apps to the featured carousel
+  + Improve metadata support for snaps
+  + Fix update checks being missed across suspend/hibernation
+  + Ensure application lists are updated when repositories are
+    enabled/installed or disabled/removed
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop now unused _version 40_0 define.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update Supplements to current standard.
+- Add explicit libgirepository-1_0-1 Requires to devel subpackage,
+  it was already pulled in via the main package, so no real change.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
-  + No upstream changes provided, please check upstream git log.
+  + gsound-play: Call setlocale in main function (bgo#760429).
+  + Add meson build system.
+- Update to version 1.3.0:
+  + Add API to request screen rotation.
+  + Automatically pick gthread coroutine if ucontext is not
+    available.
+  + Fix meson logic bug when disabling vala.
+  + Honour choice of python when generating keymaps.
+  + Fix error reporting and memory leaks encrypting auth data.
+  + Fix missing includes for GDK quartz and broadway backends.
+  + Switch to GNUTLS for VNC auth challenge to fix empty password
+    handling.
+  + Fix handling of auth subtypes in gvnccapture program.
+- Require libgtksourceview-3_0-1 instead of gtksourceview in the
+  devel package: defacto the same package, as the library provides
+  the base name, but more explicit and clearer.
+- Add libgtksourceview3 Provides to libgtksourceview-3_0-1 and add
+  a explicit Requires in devel subpackage, silence rpmlint.
+- Modernize spec, use autosetup, make_build and ldconfig_scriptlets
+  macros.
+- Update Supplements to current standard.
+- Update to version 3.1.1:
+  + Work around GCC cast-align error/warning on some platforms.
+  + Documentation improvements.
+- Drop patch fixed upstream:
+  + harfbuzz-3.1.0-work-around-GCC-cast-align-error-warning.patch
+- harfbuzz 3.1.0:
+  * Better offset-overflow handling in the subsetter library
+  * Improved Unicode 14 properties in the USE shaper, and various
+    other USE shaper fixes
+  * MATH and COLR v1 tables subsetting support, and various other
+    subsetter fixes
+  * Support for Pwo Karen / Ason Chin medial la. (Simon Cozens)
+  * Apply GPOS positioning when substituting with morx table, if
+    kerx is missing
+  * Apply calt and clig features across syllable boundaries in
+    Indic shaper
+  * Meson option for enabling Graphite 2 has been renamed to
+    graphite2
+  * Build and documentation fixes
+- add harfbuzz-3.1.0-work-around-GCC-cast-align-error-warning.patch
+- Update to version  [jsc#SLE-18904, jsc#SLE-19429]
+  (For detailed changes see 'ChangeLog.xz')
+- Incorporate TianoCore EDK II build requirement as patch.
+  (ipmctl-static-EDK2.patch.xz)
+- Drop obsoleted patch(es).
+  (ipmctl-python3.patch)
+- update to 4.8.0:
+  * ISO 3166-1: Add flag emoji to countries. Thanks to Pander
+    for the suggestion. Fixes #19
+  * ISO 639-5: New translation for Chinese (Simplified)
+  * ISO 3166-2: Major update of data.
+    Thanks to the script of Kevin Kaiser, which enables
+    the download of ISO pages and parses the data.
+    Fixes #15, #16, #27
+  * Rename to and follow the suggestions
+    from [Keep a Changelog](
+  * Move all CHANGELOG entries from versions before 4.0 to an
+    archive file ( in order to reduce the
+    massive size of this CHANGELOG.
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-1
+  * Translation updates for ISO 3166-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-2
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-3
+  * Translation updates for ISO 639-5
+  * Translation updates for ISO 15924
-- Add /etc/keys/ and /usr/etc/keys/ directory (bsc#1187654)
-- adjust the library license to be LPGL-2.1+ only (the tools are GPL2+,
-  the library is just LGPL-2.1+) (bsc#1180603)
-- update to 1.6.3:
-  * Revert the change notifications that were using /dev/watch_queue.
-  * Apply the change notifications that use pipe2(O_NOTIFICATION_PIPE).
-  * Allow "keyctl supports" to retrieve raw capability data.
-  * Allow "keyctl id" to turn a symbolic key ID into a numeric ID.
-  * Allow "keyctl new_session" to name the keyring.
-  * Allow "keyctl add/padd/etc." to take hex-encoded data.
-  * Add "keyctl watch*" to expose kernel change notifications on keys.
-  * Add caps for namespacing and notifications.
-  * Set a default TTL on keys that upcall for name resolution.
-  * Explicitly clear memory after it's held sensitive information.
-  * Various manual page fixes.
-  * Fix C++-related errors.
-  * Add support for keyctl_move().
-  * Add support for keyctl_capabilities().
-  * Make key=val list optional for various public-key ops.
-  * Fix system call signature for KEYCTL_PKEY_QUERY.
-  * Fix 'keyctl pkey_query' argument passing.
-  * Use keyctl_read_alloc() in dump_key_tree_aux().
-  * Various manual page fixes.
-- spec-cleaner run (fixup failing homepage url)
-- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961)
-- updated to 1.6
-  - Apply various specfile cleanups from Fedora.
-  - request-key: Provide a command line option to suppress helper execution.
-  - request-key: Find least-wildcard match rather than first match.
-  - Remove the dependency on MIT Kerberos.
-  - Fix some error messages
-  - keyctl_dh_compute.3: Suggest /proc/crypto for list of available hashes.
-  - Fix doc and comment typos.
-  - Add public key ops for encrypt, decrypt, sign and verify (needs linux-4.20).
-  - Add pkg-config support for finding libkeyutils.
-- upstream isn't offering PGP signatures for the source tarballs anymore
-- Replace krb5-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(krb5): Allow OBS
-  to shortcut the ring0 bootstrap cycle by also using krb5-mini.
-- add upstream signing key and verify source signature
-- updated to 1.5.11 (bsc#1113013)
-  - Add keyring restriction support.
-  - Add KDF support to the Diffie-Helman function.
-  - DNS: Add support for AFS config files and SRV records
-- Use %license (boo#1082318)
-- add keyutils-devel for baselibs, to allow biarch LTP builds.
-  (bsc#1061591)
-- updated to 1.5.10
-  - added "dh_compute" callback
-  - manpage improvements
-- move binaries from /bin to /usr/bin (bsc#1029969)
-- keyutils-usr-move.patch: also adjust the request-key.conf file
-- keyutils-nodate.patch: avoid including the timestamp. bsc#916180
+- update to version 6.0 is needed for GNOME41, particularly the
+  gnome-settings-daemon's new feature to disconnect from Xwayland
+  (JIRA #SLE-22829)
+- Update to version 6.0.0
+  * The big new feature here is support for the new
+    ClientDisconnectMode. From the corresponding
+    xorgproto announcement:
+    An X server that is started on demand (Xwayland) should ideally
+    also terminate when the last client disconnects. However, some
+    X11 clients that provide system services will linger around
+    forever, preventing that shutdown.
+  * With the new XFixes request, a client can designate itself as
+    to-be-terminated and the X server can ignore those clients when
+    counting the number of remaining clients. If no other clients
+    are left, the server can shut down.
+  * Note that this requires changes to the X server and each
+    client to work.
-- bumped version number to 7.6_4.0.5
-- update to release 4.0.5
-- bumped version number to 7.5_4.0.5
-- fixed Summary/Group entries in -devel package
-- libXfixes 4.0.4
-- bumped version number to 7.5
-- add baselibs.conf as a source
-- revert static library and .la file removal
-  for SUSE versions <= 11.1.
-- remove static libraries and "la" files
+- Update to version 3.2.0:
+  * This release includes compression efficiency and perceptual
+    quality improvements, speedup and memory optimizations, as well
+    as some new features.
+  * New Features:
+    + Introduced speeds 7, 8, and 9 for all intra mode.
+    + Introduced speed 10 for real time mode.
+    + Introduced an API that allows external partition decisions.
+    + SVC: added support for compound prediction.
+    + SVC: added support for fixed SVC modes.
+  * Compression Efficiency Improvements:
+    + Intra-mode search improvement.
+    + Improved real time (RT) mode BDrate savings by ~5% (RT speed
+    5) and ~12% (RT speed 6). The improvement was measured on the
+    video conference set.
+    + Improved real time mode for nonrd path (speed 7, 8, 9):
+    BDrate gains of ~3-5%.
+    + Rate control and RD adjustments based on ML research in VP9.
+    Gains of ~0.5-1.0% for HD.
+  * Perceptual Quality Improvements:
+    + Added a new mode --deltaq-mode=3 to improve perceptual
+    quality based on a differential contrast model for still
+    images.
+    + Added a new mode –deltaq-mode=4 to improve perceptual quality
+    based on user rated cq_level data set for still images.
+    + Weighting of some intra mode and partition size choices to
+    better manage and retain texture.
+  * Speedup and Memory Optimizations:
+    + Further improved 2-pass good quality encoder speed:
+    . Speed 2 speedup: 18%
+    . Speed 3 speedup: 22%
+    . Speed 4 speedup: 37%
+    . Speed 5 speedup: 30%
+    . Speed 6 speedup: 20%
+    + Optimized the real time encoder (measured on the video
+    conference set):
+    . RT speed 5 speedup: 110%
+    . RT speed 6 speedup: 77%
+  * Bug Fixes
+    + Issue 3069: Fix one-pass mode keyframe placement off-by-one
+    error.
+    + Issue 3156: Fix a bug in av1_quantize_lp AVX2 optimization.
+- Drop libaom-CVE-2021-30474.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Drop libaom-CVE-2021-30475.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Remove changesgenerate option from _service file, use data from
+  CHANGELOG to fill .changes instead as it it much nicer and human
+  readable than just a list of commit messages.
+- fix service data
+- Update to version 3.1.3:
+  * Update CHANGELOG for v3.1.3-rc2
+  * Detect chroma subsampling more directly
+  * Detect chroma subsampling more directly
+  * image2yuvconfig() should calculate uv_crop_width
+  * aom/aom_encoder.h: remove configure option reference
+  * aom_encoder.h: fix rc_overshoot_pct range
+  * Update AUTHORS,CHANGELOG,CMakeLists.txt for v3.1.3
+  * aom_install: don't exclude msvc from install
+  * aom_install: use relpath for install
+  * aom_install: Install lib dlls to bindir
+- Update to version 3.1.2:
+  * Update AUTHORS,CHANGELOG,CMakeLists.txt for v3.1.2
+  * Avoid chroma resampling for 420mpeg2 input
+  * Check array has two elements before using index 1
+  * Fix DecodeScalabilityTest failure in realtime only
+  * Store temporal_id and spatial_id of decoded frame
+  * exports.cmake: use APPLE and WIN32 and use def for mingw-w64
+- Update to version 3.1.1
+  * Fix vmaf model initialization error when not set to tune=vmaf
+  * Fix consistent crash on near-static screen content, keyframe
+    related
+  * Fix tune=butteraugli mode
+- Disable NEON on arm where not available.
+- Update to version 3.1.0 (bsc#1185843):
+  This release adds an "all intra" mode to the encoder, which significantly
+  speeds up the encoding of AVIF still images at speed 6.
+  - Upgrading:
+    All intra mode for encoding AVIF still images and AV1 all intra videos:
+    AOM_USAGE_ALL_INTRA (2) can be passed as the 'usage' argument to
+    aom_codec_enc_config_default().
+    New encoder control IDs added:
+  - AV1E_SET_ENABLE_DIAGONAL_INTRA: Enable diagonal (D45 to D203) intra
+    prediction modes (0: false, 1: true (default)). Also available as
+    "enable-diagonal-intra" for the aom_codec_set_option() function.
+    New aom_tune_metric enum value: AOM_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI. The new aomenc option
+  - -tune=butteraugli was added to optimize the encoder’s perceptual quality by
+    optimizing the Butteraugli metric. Install libjxl (JPEG XL) and then pass
+  - DCONFIG_TUNE_BUTTERAUGLI=1 to the cmake command to enable it.
+- Includes 3.0
+  This release includes compression efficiency improvement, speed improvement
+  for realtime mode, as well as some new APIs.
+  - Upgrading:
+    Support for PSNR calculation based on stream bit-depth.
+    New encoder control IDs added:
+    New decoder control IDs added:
+    New aom_tune_content enum value: AOM_CONTENT_FILM
+    New aom_tune_metric enum value: AOM_TUNE_VMAF_NEG_MAX_GAIN
+    Coefficient and mode update can be turned off via
+    New key & value API added, available with aom_codec_set_option() function.
+    Scaling API expanded to include 1/4, 3/4 and 1/8.
+  - Enhancements:
+    Better multithreading performance with realtime mode.
+    New speed 9 setting for faster realtime encoding.
+    Smaller binary size with low bitdepth and realtime only build.
+    Temporal denoiser and its optimizations on x86 and Neon.
+    Optimizations for scaling.
+    Faster encoding with speed settings 2 to 6 for good encoding mode.
+    Improved documentation throughout the library, with function level
+    documentation, tree view and support for the dot tool.
+  - Bug fixes:
+    Aside from those mentioned in v2.0.1 and v2.0.2, this release includes the
+    following bug fixes:
+    Issue 2940: Segfault when encoding with --use-16bit-internal and --limit > 1
+    Issue 2941: Decoder mismatch with --rt --bit-depth=10 and --cpu-used=8
+    Issue 2895: mingw-w64 i686 gcc fails to build
+    Issue 2874: Separate ssse3 functions from sse2 file.
+- Update to version 2.0.2:
+  * Prepare for the libaom v2.0.2 release
+  * Call av1_setup_frame_size() when dropping a frame
+  * Avoid memset in filter_intra_predictor module
+  * Fix a typo bug in apply_temporal_filter_planewise
+  * Modify the assertion in temporal filter intrinsics
+  * Fix unit test ThreadTestLarge.EncoderResultTest/49
+  * Add -Wimplicit-function-declaration as C flag only
+  * Update CHANGELOG for libaom v2.0.1
+  * Set allow_screen_content_tools to 0 in rt mode
+  * chroma_check: don't access UV planes if monochrome
+- Update to version 2.0.0 "Applejack":
+  This is the first official release of libaom. It has real-time
+  mode and SVC support, as well as substantial documentation
+  improvement and clean-ups.
+  Important changes:
+  * Decouple library version and so version.
+  * Move functions into a header file
+  * Remove av1_ prefix from static functions
+  * Remove aom_ prefix from static functions
+  * Remove aom_ prefix for static functions
+  * Remove av1_ prefix for a static function
+- Drop libaom-0002-link-threading-lib-with-shared-library.patch and
+  libaom-0003-update-CHANGELOG.patch
+- Add missing explicit libgnomesu0 Requires to devel package.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Modernize spec, use autosetup and make_build macro, update
+  Supplements to current standard.
+- Update to version 1.5.0:
+  + Introduce HdyStyleManager for managing color schemes
+    (light/dark) and high contrast mode.
+  - Support the cross-platform color scheme preference in the
+    settings portal.
+  + HdyPreferencesPage: Remove adaptive margins to fix default
+    window sizes.
+  + HdyTabBar: Handle middle click on button release rather than
+    press.
+  + Various memory leak fixes.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Use ldconfig_scriptlets macro for post(un) handling.
+- Stop passing the no longer user nor recognized option
+  static=false to meson.
+- Remove librsvg-s390x-cairo-has-current-point.patch - it is included
+  in the upstream tarball now.
+- Disable testsuite for now, let upstream figure out the issue with
+  harfbuzz 3.1.1.
+- Update to version 2.52.4:
+  + New features:
+  - Support the isolation property from the Compositing and
+    Blending Level 1 specification.
+  - Support Visual Studio 2022.
+  + Bug fixes:
+  - The opacity and mix-blend-mode properties were not being
+    applied when an element has a mask.
+  - Fix panic when an empty group has a pattern fill and filters.
+  - Fix the tests on Windows; the still only work when Fontconfig
+    is present.
+  - Work around a bug in the cairo-rs bindings in the test suite,
+    that only manifests itself in s/390x due to its calling
+    convention. See
+- Add cargo audit obs service
+- Require libsoup-3_0-0 instead of libsoup by in the devel package:
+  defacto the same package, as the library provides the base name,
+  but more explicit and clearer.
+- Update to version 3.0.2:
+  + Add support for multiple auth challenges in one response.
+  + Fix SoupCache test failures on 32bit
+  + Don't treat `-Wincompatible-pointer-types` as error. The
+    `glib-mkenums` tool sometimes triggered this.
+  + Improve `gssapi` dependency handling.
+  + Fix undefined `ssize_t` on Windows.
+  + Updated translations.
+- No longer ignore test failure on 32-bit arches, fixed upstream.
+- Update to version 2.74.2:
+  + Error when libsoup3 is already loaded before libsoup2.
+- Update to version 2.74.1:
+  + Fix support for older versions of Vala.
+  + Fix trying to build sysprof as a subproject on Windows.
+  + Fix missing `extern "C"` in an installed header.
+  + Improve `gssapi` dependency handling.
+  + Fix `libsoup-doc` build target.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 1.12.0:
+  + New API to handle requests initiated by web content to
+    (un)fullscreen web views.
+- Revert "Require typelib packages": better to have rpm auto-detect
+  them.
+- Add gobject-introspection BuildRequires to have the typelib dep
+  scanner on board.
+- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es):
+  * harden_irexec.service.patch
+  * harden_lircd-uinput.service.patch
+  * harden_lircd.service.patch
+  * harden_lircmd.service.patch
+- Require typelib packages, otherwise lirc-setup fails to start.
+- switch away from the libusb-compat (0.1) to the maintained libusb 1.0
+  (lirc has support for both)
+- change the legacy directory /var/run to /run as requested by the
+  Additional rpm output: "please update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file"
+  and also the _rundir
+- Use python3-base BuildRequires instead of full python3
+- Drop doxygen BuildRequires, the api-docs are bundled in the
+  source tarball and not regenerated, and are not even packaged.
+- Move the portaudio based IR receiver driver behind a bcond - the
+  alsa based driver does the same, uses less resources, and does
+  not need an extra library.
+- Add reproducible.patch to drop build date, kernel version,
+  sort python glob to make build reproducible (boo#1047218, boo#1101107)
+- Update to version 0.10.1
+  * mode2: Fix inconsistent loglevel/debug option (#307).
+  * build: install media/lirc.h (Debian BTS #872074).
+  * build: Fix make "always build all" error - c6eb8ec.
+  * plugins: devinput: Fix glob "no match" error - 14685b2.
+  version 0.10.0
+  * lib/curl_poll.h: Fix header guard build error on müsl libc.
+  * Build: Mute libtool when V=0, typo.
+  * Update driver version info.
+  version 0.10.0-rc3
+  * lircmd: Fix bogus, excessive logging using --uinput (#295).
+  * Build: VPATH fixes (#294).
+  * Build: kfreebsd debian builds fixes.
+  * python tests: Portability fixes for in python-pkg/test.
+  * Unit tests in test/ dir: Portability fixes and some docs.
+  version 0.10.0-rc2
+  * Fixed lirc-setup fail-on-start (#290).
+  * Make python unit tests work on Debian (#289).
+  * Fix mode2 config file parsing [292].
+  * Documentation update.
+  * Build fixes.
+  version 0.10.0rc1
+  * ftdi driver: Fix off-by-2 timings (#275). This is a breaking
+    change, see ftdi driver docs or source at doc/plugins/ftdi.html.
+  * doc: The lirc.hwdb parsable driver list is deprecated - use
+    the python database or the configs/*.yaml files instead.
+  * lircd: the deprecated --uinput option is dropped. Use
+    the lircd-uinput(8) daemon instead.
+  * lircd: The --release option is deprecated.
+  * lircd: Adding a --immediate-init option which initiates
+    the hardware directly on start and exits on errors.
+  * lircd, lircd-uinput: Change default release suffix due to linux
+    kernel changes (#263).
+  * plugins: The slinke (a. k. a. slink-e) driver is dropped.
+  * plugins: Add support for irdroid in the irtoy driver.
+  * plugins: Enhanced device enumeration, mode2 --list-devices
+    works for most drivers.
+  * plugins: devinput driver: Fix bad codelength (#263).
+  * New, shiny (i. e., unstable) python API. See the API docs,
+    module "python bindings". The API is also available as a pypi
+    package, typically at /usr/share/lirc/python-pkg
+  * lircd-uinput: Multiple config file parsing errors (#284).
+  * lib: Added enumeration support and server version level check
+    to driver API.
+  * irrecord: Add --driver-options for lircd symmetry (#277).
+  * lircd: Fix devices not connected at first attempt (#279).
+  * lib: Fix failure when parsing absolute paths config files (#281).
+  * lircd/irsend: Fix bug when sending/receiving concurrently for
+    some remotes (#278, 5 pages!)
+  * lircd:Fix missing systemd support due to upstream changes (#274).
+  * The configs/*conf files no more supports  enumerating devices
+    using shell scripts.
+  * Build: Added new configure --enable-devinput option (#264).
+  * Build: Added new configure --enable-uinput option, ditched
+    the HAVE_UINPUT 0.9.4c kludge.
+  * Build: More quiet, enhanced V=0/V=1 support.
+  * Build: OSX patches(#273)
+  version 0.9.4d
+  * The debian packaging means that freebsd and hurd builds are
+    regularly tested, improving build stability.
+  * A multitude of build patches, mostly after building on Debian:
+    + Cross-compilation FTBS fixed (#233)
+    + Fix configuration of configure (#234)
+    + Fix library specification in lirc.pc (#236)
+    + use HAVE_UINPUT=1 to force building uinput code (#238).
+    + lib: Only use local headers in lirc_private.h (#237).
+    + Configure libudev (#242)
+    + Various kfreebsd fixes
+    + Include config.h in installed headers (#250).
+    + Fix _XOPEN_SOURCE related FTBS on some platforms (#248)
+  * lib: Fix some lircrcd-related bugs (#254)
+  * systemd: Fix wrong path to irexec (#239)
+  * systemd: Add missing lircd-setup.service to distribution (#243)
+  * lircd: Fix --listen option parsing [#249]
+  * lircd: Fix segfault in SET_INPUTLOG without arguments (#252)
+  * lircd: Fix DRV_OPTION error message handling (#256).
+  * ircat: Fix option parsing bug + empty conditions (#251)
+  * xmode2: Fix handling of --driver option.
+- Dropped
+  lirc-lib-curl_poll.h-Ensure-build-on-unconfiguredclients.patch
+  and lirc-configure-libudev.patch (merged upstream)
+- Spec cleanup
+- i2c-tools is no longer needed to build, as i2c-dev.h is part of
+  the standard linux-glibc-devel package now.
-- Update to version 0.9.1a
-  + configuration file setup hotfix.
-  + --output option hotfix.
-- Changes from version 0.9.1
-  + Added systemd support: unit files, socket activation.
-  + Default config files are installed in /etc, use --install-etc
-    to disable.
-  + Building kernel modules is not supported.
-  + New config file lirc_options.conf with cli options default values.
-  + Automagically sets the lirc protocol for /dev/rc devices.
-  + Whitespace cleanup and git hook to enforce whitespace handling.
-  + Docs are built as part of normal build process.
-  + Bugfixes
-  + Autotools update and Darwin fixes.
-  + docs: Added new Configuration Guide
-- Specfile clean-up
-  + Remove obsolete macros
-  + Use %configure
-- Use systemd instead of sysvinit
-- Drop sysconfig support
-- Add  disable-kernel-rc subpackage; allow user to easily replace
-  in-kernel solution with lirc
-- Add patches from Fedora
-  + 0001-Fix-segfault-when-starting-lircd-AUR-41581.patch
-  + 0002-lircd-Fix-bad-default-for-lircdfile.patch
-  + 0003-0.9.1a-Bugfix-segfault-when-parsing-connect-in-confi.patch
-  + 0004-lircd-fix-compiler-error-format-security-error.patch
-- Install remote configuration files in the correct location
-- Do not ghost lirc configuration files anymore; there are now
-  real and installed by lirc
-- Build with -fno-strict-aliasing; alsa module would break with
-  new gcc
-- use _rundir macro
-- fix build with automake-1.13.1
-- install the udev rules in /usr/lib/udev for factory and above
-- move udev rules files from /etc to /lib
-- update to version 0.9.0:
-  * Remove mceusb, streamzap, it8x, ene0100 drivers, as they're
-    now redundant with upstream kernel drivers
-  * fix oops unplugging igorplugusb receiver while in use
-  * more error-checking for NULL irctl in various lirc_dev paths
-  * add support for Monueal Moncaso IR to mplay driver
-  * add another PNP device ID to lirc_it87
-  * drop references to static chardev major number 61, we use dynamic
-  * resync lirc_dev with what was merged in the kernel
-  * reformat code using indent to look more like Linux kernel code
-  * drop explicit support for kernels older than 2.6.18
-  * adapt to using lirc.h as merged in the upstream linux kernel
-  * non-LONG_IR_CODE option dropped, its been the default for years
-  * use portable type definitions all over the place
-  * drop an old GLIBC work-around for printing 64-bit values
-  * fix timing-specific repeat-after-release issue
-- drop lirc-0.8.7-lirc_h.diff and lirc-0.8.7-lirc_h_2.diff: fixed
-  upstream
-- clean spec file with spec-cleaner
-- build with Igor Cesko receiver and transmitter diode support
-- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency
-- fix lircd not working with in-kernel drivers (bnc#668427)
-- fix the LIRCD_LISTENPORT setting (bnc#661841)
-- update to version 0.8.7
-  * updated mceusb support to properly initialize 3rd-gen hardware
-  * updated imon driver that doesn't corrupt their displays
-  * hack to make not-in-lirc zilog driver function with larger values
-- update to 0.8.7pre3 release
-  * improved usb-uirt support for FreeBSD (John Wehle)
-  * spurious locking complaint fixes for FreeBSD (John Wehle)
-  * added support for new Command IR III hardware (Matthew Bodkin)
-  * updated mceusb support to properly initialize 3rd-gen hardware
-  * updated imon driver that doesn't corrupt their displays
-  * hack to make not-in-lirc zilog driver function with larger values
-  * added support for Aureal ATWF@83-W001 ESKY.CC remote (Romain Henriet)
-  * added transmit support to driver for ENE CIR port
-    (only few devices support that)
-  * made generation of automatic release events in lircd more robust
-  * added tira_raw driver for the Ira/Tira receivers that supports
-    receiving in timing mode, the tira driver now supports transmit
-    (Arnold Pakolitz)
-  * added support for DFC USB InfraRed Remote Control (Davio Franke)
-  * added support for simple transmitter circuit connected to
-    soundcard (Bob van Loosen)
-  * added support for Philips SRM 7500 RF remote (Henning Glawe)
-- update to 0.8.7pre1 release
-  * just minor bugfixes compared to previous cvs snapshot
-- update to current CVS to fix build with newer kernels
-- don't package files in /var/run
-- fix package descriptions
-- use correct location of devinput config (bnc#570665)
-- use /dev/lirc0 as fallback (bnc#552455)
-- rework init script
-- add baselibs.conf as a source
-- new version 0.8.6
-  * added support for ENE KB3926 revision B/C/D (ENE0100) CIR port
-    (found on some notebooks, e.g: Acer Aspire 5720G, HP Pavilion dv5)
-    (Maxim Levitsky)
-  * merged 1st-gen mceusb device support into lirc_mceusb2,
-    renamed lirc_mceusb2 to lirc_mceusb
-  * added support for putting iMON receviers into MCE/RC6 mode
-  * added input subsystem mouse device support to iMON driver
-  * improved iMON driver to handle dual-interface iMON devices
-    via a single lirc device, reducing configuration complexity
-  * added support for more iMON devices, including proper support
-    for touchscreen iMON devices (Rene Harder)
-  * improved iMON driver including touchscreen support
-  * Linux input support added to lircmd
-  * added support for IT8720 CIR port
-  * moved default lircd, lircmd and lircrcd config file locations to
-    /etc/lirc/lircd.conf, /etc/lirc/lircmd.conf and /etc/lirc/lircrc
-  * moved lircd socket from /dev/lircd to /var/run/lirc/lircd
-  * moved default pid file location from /var/run/ to
-    /var/run/lirc/
-  * added support for XMP protocol
-- remove Provides: lirc-devel from main package (bnc#539230)
-- split package to lirc, lirc-remotes, lirc-devel and liblirc_client0
-- new versio 0.8.5
-  * added support for Winbond 8769L CIR port (e.g. found on Acer
-    Aspire 6530G) (Juan J. Garcia de Soria)
-  * added support for FTDI FT232-based IR Receiver
-  * Linux input event generation using uinput
-  * standardised namespace following Linux input conventions
-  * added support for Awox RF/IR Remote (Arif)
-  * added support for new iMon LCD devices
-  * added support for Antec-branded iMon LCD and VFD devices
-  CVE-2021-2145, bsc#1185872
+  CVE-2021-2154, bsc#1185872
+- Enable wayland-eglstream dependency on Leap/SLE (jsc#SLE-19964).
+- Enable eglstream on Leap/SLE (jsc#SLE-19964).
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Fix monitor screencast scanouts
+  + dma-buf: Use alpha-less pixel formats where appropriate
+  + wayland: Allow clients to maximize windows regardless of
+    constraints
+  + Handle hotplug events without relevant changes more effectively
+  + Improve error reporting when startup fails
+  + dma-buf: Add support for ABGR and XBGR formats
+  + Fix X11 middle button emulation setting
+  + Include server-side shadows in window screenshots
+  + Don't change workspaces of unmanaged windows
+  + Reset idletime when unplugging the power cable
+  + xwayland: Avoid unnecessary _NET_WM_STATE events
+  + Fix videos in Firefox stuttering in overview
+  + Don't use atomic mode setting for virtio_gpu driver
+  + Improve on-screen keyboard on X11
+  + Fix text glitches after size changes
+  + Fix reporting output rotation to xwayland
+  + wayland: Accept final preference of drop destination
+  + Fix erratic scrolling in GTK apps
+  + Fix tilt direction of pen/tablet inputs
+  + Use b/w unicode for tablet mode OSD
+  + Fix negative paint volume offscreen effect
+  + Only add paint volumes of mapped actors to stage clip
+  + Fix mapping tablet input to correct monitor
+  + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop clutter-only_reset_preedit_text_if_set.patch: Fixed upstream
+- BuildRequire libxcvt when building against xorg-x11-server > 21,
+  unless when building for s390x: libxcvt was split out and lives
+  in an own package now.
+- Added clutter-only_reset_preedit_text_if_set.patch
+  + fixes "scrollback" issue of GtkTextView
+    (see
+- Add BuildRequires python3-dataclasses since SLE 15 SP4 uses
+  python36 to build.
+- Add missing libnautilus-extension1 Requires to devel sub-package.
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Cache Scripts and New Document menus to avoid lags.
+  + Ellipsize subtitle label in trash bar to reduce minimum width.
+  + Fix build with meson 0.60.0.
+  + Don't change action when unchecking in File Conflict dialog.
+  + Fix progress reporting when skipping during extraction.
+  + Offer skipping in case of extraction failure only when there
+    are more files.
+  + Remove leftover files after extraction failure.
+  + Set keyboard focus on the row with the selected archive format.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Replace post(un) handling with new ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Drop pkgconfig(libportal) BuildRequires and pass libportal=false
+  to meson, we are not building a flatpak.
+- Pass tests=headless to meson, and add a check section and
+  meson_test macro, run tests during build. Following this, add
+  python3-gobject and tracker-miner-files BuildRequires needed for
+  tests to run.
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + Updated translations.
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Update to version 41.rc:
+  + Disable background "Properties" while searching
+  + Don't duplicate set wallpaper when not using portal
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 41.beta:
+  + Fix comma placement in the floating status bar.
+  + Use standard::edit-name attribute where appropriate.
+  + Bring "Open with..." options together in context menu.
+  + Fix "Compress..." acting on file that was not the selected one.
+  + Redesign "Compress..." dialog.
+  + Provide creation of password-protected ZIP archives.
+  + Fix search by date not working with Tracker engine'
+  + Add link to Privacy Settings from Trash'
+  + Indicate whether trash automatic emptying is enabled'
+  + Updated translations.
+- Update to version 41.alpha:
+  + Replace deprecated gexiv2 symbols.
+  + Make NautilusWindowSlot non-derivable.
+  + Prevent closing popover when "Show Hidden Files" is toggled.
+  + Hand preview updating over to FilesView.
+  + Provide source .svg icon.
+- Removed useless patch files because they are merged to edk2-stable202111
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch
+- Updated URL to the edk2 repo on github
+- Use downloaded edk2-edk2-stable%{version}.tar.gz instead of the URL
+  for Source0 because the edk2-edk2-stable202111 tarball is broken
+  in tianocore repo which can not pass the "osc service runall download_files"
+  testing.
+  - We ill change it back to the following setting when upstream fixed tarball:
+  Source0:{version}/edk2-edk2-stable%{version}.tar.gz
+- Update to edk2-stable202111
+  - Features (
+  Add SSDT CPU topology generator
+  Support ACPI 6.4 in GTDT parser and generator
+  Support ACPI 6.4 in DynamicTables FADT parser
+  Support ACPI 6.4 in Acpiview PCCT parser
+  Support ACPI 6.4 in Acpiview HMAT parser
+  Add support for the microvm machine type (qemu)
+  OVMF/ArmVirt: add support for virtio-mmio 1.0
+  IntelFsp2Pkg: adopt FSP 2.3 specification
+  UefiCpuPkg VTF0 X64: Build page tables using Linear-Address Translation to a 1-GByte Page
+  Enable wildcard host name matching in HTTPS/TLS implementation
+  Add QuickSort function into BaseLib
+  Add SMM NV variable support in universal UEFI payload
+  Add TDVF to OvmfPkg
+  Make package and platform builds reproducible across source format changes
+  - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202105~..edk2-stable202108):
+  7b4a99be8a CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib fix incorrect param order
+  82f7e315d6 MdeModulePkg/PeiCore: Remove MigrateSecModulesInFv()
+  8b15024dc7 Maintainers: Add kraxel as Reviewer to ArmVirtPkg and OvmfPkg
+  80e67af9af OvmfPkg: introduce a common work area
+  ab77b6031b OvmfPkg/ResetVector: update SEV support to use new work area format
+  b9af5037b2 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move the GHCB page setup in AmdSev.asm
+  a82bad9730 ArmPkg/GicV3Dxe: Don't signal EOI on arbitrary interrupts
+  94e465e5cb OvmfPkg/Virtio10: Add virtio-mmio 1.0 defines
+  08293e43da OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: Add virtio 1.0 detection.
+  212a2b9bb8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Fix SetPageSize.
+  537a724421 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Fix SetQueueAddress
+  6a3e9576b8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Add default QueueNum
+  ae12188cf8 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: virtio 1.0: Adapt feature bit handling
+  77d5fa8024 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: enable virtio 1.0
+  b04453d36b MdeModulePkg/EbcDxe: Mitigate memcpy intrinsics
+  dc995ce906 MdeModulePkg: Add BootDiscoveryPolicyOld variable.
+  443300be46 MdePkg:Update IndustryStandard/Nvme.h with Nvme amdin controller data
+  0f11537548 MdeModulePkg:Increase Nvme capacity display
+  cae735f613 ArmPkg: Enable boot discovery policy for ARM package.
+  cb0d24637d OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: set PcdAcpiS3Enable at initialization
+  28152333bc OvmfPkg/LockBoxLib: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support
+  52e2dabc0f OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support
+  5b5f10d746 OvmfPkg/SmmControl2Dxe: use PcdAcpiS3Enable to detect S3 support
+  9f3eda177a OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: add QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe
+  f0fe55bca4 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build error when enable Core ci for UefiPayloadPkg
+  5d34cc49d5 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Update mPatchCetSupported set condition
+  cdda3f74a1 UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Fix memory corruption
+  3b3f882288 MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Drop deprecated image profiling commands
+  b170806518 UefiCpuPkg: Clean up save state boundary checks and comments.
+  12e33dca4c IntelFsp2Pkg: Support Config File and Binary delta comparison
+  63fddc98e0 UefiPayloadPkg: Create .yaml file in UefiPayloadPkg
+  e3ee8c8dbd .azurepipelines: Add UefiPayloadPkg in gate-build-job.yml and
+  b6bc203375 MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabaseDxe:remove dead code block
+  c5e805ffe1 MdeModulePkg: Fix typo of "memory" in RamDiskDxe debug message
+  81d71fb86e Maintainers.txt: Update maintainer/reviewer roles in MdeModulePkg
+  edf8bc6d24 SecurityPkg/MemoryOverwriteControl: Add missing argument to DEBUG print
+  4473834e7d OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Fix build with QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe
+  a7cf2c5664 RedfishPkg: Fix various typos
+  851785ea67 UefiPayloadPkg: Include more modules in UefiPayloadPkg.
+  d248516b3a UefiPayloadPkg: Include Network modules in UefiPayloadPkg.
+  6c7d6d4a5e UefiCpuPkg: ResetVector Tool Support for Python 3
+  cf7c650592 UefiCpuPkg: ResetVector Tool additional debug prints
+  d96df7e993 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the bug in dump guid HOB info functions
+  dcd3d63f4f UefiPayloadPkg: Dump hob info from gEdkiiBootManagerMenuFileGuid
+  610d8073f2 SecurityPkg/TPM: Import PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib.c from edk2-platforms
+  4d5f39cd22 SecurityPkg/TPM: Fix bugs in imported PeiDxeTpmPlatformHierarchyLib
+  ebbc8ab2cd SecrutiyPkg/Tcg: Import Tcg2PlatformDxe from edk2-platforms
+  2906e572c6 SecurityPkg/Tcg: Make Tcg2PlatformDxe buildable and fix style issues
+  f108178c56 SecurityPkg: Introduce new PCD PcdRandomizePlatformHierarchy
+  a4867dea2a SecurityPkg/Tcg: Import Tcg2PlatformPei from edk2-platforms
+  2fa89c8e11 SecurityPkg/Tcg: Make Tcg2PlatformPei buildable and fix style issues
+  3b69fcf5f8 SecurityPkg: Add references to header and inf files to SecurityPkg
+  6c80564b89 MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Fix typo in function descriptions
+  6f501a7c9b MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Make migrated PEIM message verbose
+  c19d18136e MdeModulePkg/Core/Pei: Fix pointer size mismatch in EvacuateTempRam()
+  f4e72cf9d6 UefiPayloadPkg: Add script to build UniversalPayload in UefiPayloadPkg
+  bda3546c55 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the warning when building UefiPayloadPkg with IA32+X64
+  010753b7e7 UefiCpuPkg: Refactor initialization of CPU features during S3 resume
+  89f7ed8b29 UefiCpuPkg: Prevent from re-initializing CPU features during S3 resume
+  60d8bb9f28 UefiCpuPkg: VTF0 Linear-Address Translation to a 1-GByte Page till 512GB
+  ac6388add4 ArmPkg/ProcessorSubClassDxe: Fix the format of ProcessorId
+  e3e47d7963 UefiCpuPkg: SecCoreNative without ResetVector
+  542cba73d2 SecurityPkg: Add debug log for indicating IBB verified OBB successfully
+  f334c5a41d IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Make PcdFspModeSelection dynamic
+  79019c7a42 OvmfPkg: set a default value for the WorkAreaHeader PCD
+  fdeff3fdae EmbeddedPkg: Remove duplicate libfdt.h include
+  f2a7e24e38 EmbeddedPkg: AndroidBootImgBoot error handling updates
+  c0cd26f43c EmbeddedPkg: Install FDT if UpdateDtb is not present
+  7ea7f9c077 EmbeddedPkg: Add LoadFile2 for linux initrd
+  d60915b751 UefiPayloadPkg: Add Macro to enable or disable some drivers.
+  46b4606ba2 MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Improve the flow of testing support attributes
+  f57040b038 MdeModulePkg/BootManagerMenuApp: Limit string drawing within one line
+  b0f1b1c5fd MdePkg: Fix DEVICE_SECURITY_EVENT_DATA_HEADER version definition
+  cc5a67269e UefiPayloadPkg: Build a HOB from bootloader ACPI table
+  dc430ccf3f UefiPayloadPkg: Use dummy constructor for PlatformHookLib
+  4a1899dd79 UefiPayloadPkg: Add ".upld_info" in universal payload
+  2ea0a0a414 BaseTools: Switch to downloading the ARM compiler from Arm's site
+  1ce6ceb75b BaseTools: Switch to downloading the AARCH64 compiler from Arm's site
+  c214128a38 BaseTools/GenMake: Use ToolDefinition as fallback option
+  259c184c8f BaseTools/build: Set MakefileName
+  445c39f757 BaseTools: Remove Makefile/MakefileName fields
+  c7d5b046d9 BaseTools: Remove hard-coded strings for target and tools_def
+  442e46d3b6 UefiPayloadPkg: Update maximum logic processor to 256
+  499c4608b1 OvmfPkg/TPM PPI: Connect default consoles for user interaction
+  b8675deaa8 OvmfPkg: Handle TPM 2 physical presence opcodes much earlier
+  8ab8fbc016 OvmfPkg: Reference new Tcg2PlatformDxe in the build system for compilation
+  bd298d7593 OvmfPkg: Reference new Tcg2PlatformPei in the build system
+  f86de75862 MdePkg: MmCommunication: Added definition of MM Communication PPI
+  8b4bb94f64 MdePkg: CI YAML: Added new GUID to ignore duplicate list
+  9e950cda6a MdeModulePkg: CI YAML: Added new GUID to ignore duplicate list
+  2273799677 SecurityPkg: Fix SecureBootDefaultKeysDxe failed to start
+  422e5d2f7f UefiPayloadPkg: Remove asm code and sharing libraries
+  0875443f7e DynamicTablesPkg: Extract AcpiHelperLib from TableHelperLib
+  20775950c6 DynamicTablesPkg: Update TableHelperLib.inf
+  1ad5182500 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename single char input parameter
+  653113412f DynamicTablesPkg: Add HexFromAscii() to AcpiHelperLib
+  72ab552554 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlGetEisaIdFromString() to AcpiHelperLib
+  96e006b37e DynamicTablesPkg: Add Configuration Manager Object parser
+  235ff9fcd1 DynamicTablesPkg: Use %a formatter in AmlDbgPrint
+  7a8c037e9e DynamicTablesPkg: Update
+  691c5f7762 DynamicTablesPkg: Deprecate Crs specific methods in AmlLib
+  22873f58c4 DynamicTablesPkg: Rework AmlResourceDataCodegen.c/h
+  4cc1458dbe IntelFsp2Pkg: Adopt FSP 2.3 specification.
+  c49cb8f30e ArmPkg: SmbiosMiscDxe: Don't populate ExtendedBiosSize when size < 16MB
+  282122ec5f ArmVirtPkg/TPM: Add a NULL implementation of TpmPlatformHierarchyLib
+  b3685956d2 ArmVirtPkg: Reference new TPM classes in the build system for compilation
+  c806b76865 ArmVirtPkg: Disable the TPM2 platform hierarchy
+  606340fba3 OvmfPkg/Microvm: copy OvmfPkgX64 files as-is
+  4932f05a00 OvmfPkg/Microvm: rename output files, fix includes
+  2a49c19b9e OvmfPkg/Microvm: no smm
+  60d55c4156 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no secure boot
+  0569c52b15 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no tpm
+  06fa1f1931 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no sev
+  6073bf6cd8 OvmfPkg/Microvm: no csm
+  b9dd64b80e OvmfPkg/Microvm: no emulated scsi
+  27de86ae41 OvmfPkg/Microvm: use MdePkg/Library/SecPeiDxeTimerLibCpu
+  76602f45dc OvmfPkg/Microvm: use XenTimerDxe (lapic timer)
+  6a8e9ad24b OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/MemDetect tweaks
+  8583b57c5c OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/Platform memory map tweaks
+  bf02d73e74 OvmfPkg/Microvm: PlatformPei/Platform: add id.
+  1d3e89f349 OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: add driver for microvm
+  2c467c9be2 OvmfPkg/Microvm: BdsPlatform: PciAcpiInitialization tweak.
+  8456785986 OvmfPkg/Microvm: use PciHostBridgeLibNull
+  55f47d2299 OvmfPkg/Microvm: wire up serial console, drop super-io
+  862e814de4 OvmfPkg/Microvm: add Maintainers.txt entry
+  06a326caf1 DynamicTablesPkg: Update FADT generator to ACPI 6.4
+  f09dbf20b9 DynamicTablesPkg: Rename SBSA generic watchdog
+  942c9bd357 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview GTDT parser to ACPI 6.4
+  80e67bcb23 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview PCCT parser to ACPI 6.4
+  b4da6c29f1 ShellPkg: Add Type 5 PCC Subspace Structure parser
+  5ece2ad36c MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Add lock protection in CoreLocateHandleBuffer()
+  30400318a2 ShellPkg: Update Acpiview HMAT parser to ACPI spec version 6.4
+  71c3c9c0c4 DynamicTablesPkg: Remove unnecessary includes
+  25cf58a163 DynamicTablesPkg: Add missing parameter check
+  bfaf7c8b9e DynamicTablesPkg: Add AddSsdtAcpiHeader()
+  28b2df475f DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlRdSetEndTagChecksum()
+  74addfeab6 DynamicTablesPkg: Add AmlSetRdListCheckSum()
+  7b2022d39e DynamicTablesPkg: Set EndTag's Checksum if RdList is modified
+  2dd7dd3952 DynamicTablesPkg: Clear pointer in node creation fcts
+  37bd08176c DynamicTablesPkg: Update error handling for node creation
+  6d2777d85f DynamicTablesPkg: Make AmlNodeGetIntegerValue public
+  f995f8672b DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation for Register()
+  9454d1ebcb DynamicTablesPkg: AML Code generation for Resource data EndTag
+  1e33479b39 DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Package
+  12e65fd258 DynamicTablesPkg: Helper function to compute package length
+  ce15936f2f DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a ResourceTemplate
+  de62ccbf4f DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Method
+  e2d7b4950b DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation to Return a NameString
+  3e958e93ce DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a Method returning a NS
+  018a962d92 DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation for a _LPI object
+  a5e36ad9bc DynamicTablesPkg: AML code generation to add an _LPI state
+  f17ef10e63 DynamicTablesPkg: Add CM_ARM_LPI_INFO object
+  769e63999f DynamicTablesPkg: SSDT CPU topology and LPI state generator
+  19ee56c4b3 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a macro to select the SecurityStubDxe driver.
+  782d018703 MdePkg: Add ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4677 from SMBIOS 3.5.0
+  ba4ae92234 ShellPkg: Support ProcessorUpgradeSocketLGA4677 from SMBIOS 3.5.0
+  f22feb0e3b CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Eliminate extra buffer copy in Pkcs7Verify()
+  4225a464c6 MdePkg/BaseLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib
+  6ed6abd6c1 BaseTools: Change RealPath to AbsPath
+  978d428ec3 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PCI root bridge info hob support for SBL
+  43b3840873 MdeModulePkg/Sd: Corrections for Extra.uni files
+  a7fcab7aa3 MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: Acquire a lock when iterating gHandleList
+  e40fefafa9 ArmVirtPkg/FdtClintDxe: Move FdtClientDxe to EmbeddedPkg
+  fb759b8b73 MdePkg: Add PcdPciIoTranslation PCD
+  7d78a86ecf ArmPkg: Use PcdPciIoTranslation PCD from MdePkg
+  77e9b3a7c6 ArmVirtPkg/FdtPciPcdProducerLib: Relocate PciPcdProducerLib to OvmfPkg
+  d881c6ddf5 ArmVirtPkg/HighMemDxe: Relocate HighMemDxe to OvmfPkg
+  47bd85e9f9 OvmfPkg/HighMemDxe: Add RISC-V in the supported arch.
+  f8d0501ded ArmVirtPkg/QemuFwCfgLib: Relocate QemuFwCfgLib to OvmfPkg
+  26aa241d2f OvmfPkg/QemuFwCfgLibMmio: Add RISC-V arch support
+  c6770f4b88 MdePkg: Add PcdPciMmio32(64)Translation PCDs
+  9a7509e465 ArmVirtPkg/FdtPciHostBridgeLib: Relocate FdtPciHostBridgeLib to OvmfPkg/Fdt
+  b21c6794de OvmfPkg/FdtPciHostBridgeLib: Add RISC-V in the supported arch.
+  e0c23cba5e ArmVirtPkg/VirtioFdtDxe: Relocate VirtioFdtDxe to OvmfPkg/Fdt
+  f2400e06db BaseTools: add edk2-test repo to
+  785cfd3305 UefiPayloadPkg: Use SECURITY_STUB_ENABLE to control the SecurityStubDxe
+  7e43d3e086 ArmPkg/Smbios: Fix max cache size 2 wrong issue
+  f10a112f08 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build issue for coreboot
+  2108698346 StandaloneMmPkg: Support CLANGPDB builds
+  11a4af85a4 Ovmfpkg: update Ia32 build to use new work area
+  36b561623a OvmfPkg/AmdSev: update the fdf to use new workarea PCD
+  91a978ce7e UefiPayloadPkg: Replace MEMROY_ENTRY by MEMORY_ENTRY
+  6ef5797447 UefiPayloadPkg: Fix ECC reported issues
+  90246a6d9f UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build failure for non-universal payload
+  37a33f02aa UefiCpuPkg: Cpu feature data stored in memory may be migrated
+  4fdf843c75 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix unitialized variable use
+  6893865b30 DynamicTablesPkg: Fix void pointer arithmetic
+  99325a8b65 MdeModulePkg/SortLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib
+  305fd6bee0 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Add QuickSort function on BaseLib
+  2f286930a8 ShellPkg: Parse I/O APIC and x2APIC structure
+  bd5ec03d87 NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: make file extension check case-insensitive
+  6254037223 ArmPkg: Implement PlatformBootManagerLib for LinuxBoot
+  f079e9b450 OvmfPkg: Copy Main.asm from UefiCpuPkg to OvmfPkg's ResetVector
+  5a2411784b OvmfPkg: Clear WORK_AREA_GUEST_TYPE in Main.asm
+  c9ec74a198 OvmfPkg: Add IntelTdxMetadata.asm
+  8b76f23534 OvmfPkg: Enable TDX in ResetVector
+  87a34ca0cf UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common SmmAccessDxe module
+  e7e8ea27d4 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common SMM control Runtime DXE module
+  bed990aae6 UefiPayloadPkg: Add bootloader SMM support module
+  1d66480aa4 UefiPayloadPkg: Add SpiFlashLib
+  04714cef46 UefiPayloadPkg: Add FlashDeviceLib
+  ae8acce8ae UefiPayloadPkg: Add a common FVB SMM module
+  242dcfe30f UefiPayloadPkg: Add a SMM dispatch module
+  b80c17b62d UefiPayloadPkg: Add SMM support and SMM variable support
+  2f6f3329ad FmpDevicePkg/FmpDxe: Use new Variable Lock interface
+  9a95d11023 IntelFsp2Pkg/ adopt FSP 2.3 specification.
+  bb146ce32d MdePkg Cpuid.h: Define CPUID.(EAX=7,ECX=0):EDX[30]
+  1bc232aae3 RedfishPkg: Update link to staging/RedfishClientPkg in
+  e7663fdd82 UefiPayloadPkg: Remove SystemTableInfo GUID.
+  91b772ab62 RedfishPkg: Add more information to
+  c8594a5311 SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: Remove the ASSERT to allow neither M nor V
+  939c2355da IntelFsp2Pkg Correct file name in file header
+  6f9e83f757 NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Enable wildcard host name matching for HTTP+TLS.
+  b258f12889 BaseTools/VrfCompile: Fix uninitialized field from unnamed field
+  0f4cdad25b DynamicTablesPkg: Add missing BaseStackCheckLib instance
+  e13e53cb2f NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.dsc: Add RngLib mapping for ARM and RISCV64
+  c1f2287635 SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dsc: Add missing RngLib for ARM and RISCV64
+  b0a03ca4a9 SignedCapsulePkg/SignedCapsulePkg.dsc: Add RngLib mapping
+  15e635d1b5 UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib/UnitTest: Fix 32-bit GCC build issues
+  4050c873b5 MdeModulePkg/Variable/RuntimeDxeUnitTest: Fix 32-bit GCC builds
+  d79df34beb BaseTools: Fix StructurePcd offset error.
+  b5d4a35d90 MdeModulePkg/XhciSched: Fix missing DEBUG arguments
+  48452993ad MdePkg/Include: Enhance DebugLib to support reproduce builds
+  5948ec3647 MdePkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  f331310a10 ArmPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  77dcd03ecf MdeModulePkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  45137bca2f NetworkPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  d939a25d41 SecurityPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  fd42dcb1fc OvmfPkg: Reproduce builds across source format changes
+  8c1b1fe634 ShellPkg: Add comment that ItemPtr is set after validation
+  d6e6337cd6 MdePkg: Fix ACPI memory aggregator/device type mismatch
+  c974257821 MdeModulePkg AtaAtapiPassThru: Always do S.M.A.R.T. check if device support
+  aab6bb3d32 MdeModulePkg/DxeCapsuleLibFmp: Capsule on Disk file name capsule
+  a7b35aae13 MdeModulePkg\UfsBlockIoPei: UFS MMIO address size support both 32/64 bits
+  f826b20811 UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuLib: Add GetCpuFamilyModel and GetCpuSteppingId
+  8c8867c5da MdeModulePkg/DxeCapsuleLibFmp: Use new Variable Lock interface
+  22c3b5a865 BaseTools: Add authenticated variable store support
+  a92559671a OvmfPkg/Xen: Fix VS2019 build issues
+  4c495e5e3d OvmfPkg/Bhyve/PlatformPei: Fix VS2019 X64 NOOPT build issue
+  466ebdd2e0 MdeModulePkg/FPDT: Lock boot performance table address variable at EndOfDxe
+  455b0347a7 UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Use SMM Interrupt Shadow Stack
+  e1e7306b54 OvmfPkg/Library/ResetSystemLib: Fix Microvm VS2019 NOOPT build issue
+  4c7ce0d285 MdeModulePkg AtaAtapiPassThru: Skip the potential NULL pointer access
+  bb1bba3d77 NetworkPkg: Fix invalid pointer for DNS response token on error
+  - Removed patches which are merged to mainline:
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch to fix the
+    S3 detection in ovmf-xen
+  - cb0d24637d    edk2-stable202111-rc1~220
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch to add QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe
+    to ovmf-xen to load kernel from qemu fw_cfg
+  - 9f3eda177a    edk2-stable202111-rc1~216
+  - ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch
+  - 4473834e7d    edk2-stable202111-rc1~203
+- Disable agent startup on Pantheon desktop
-- added supplements for xfce4-session and lxsession so polkit-gnome
-  gets installed by default for LXDE/XFCE
+- Revert last change and BuildIgnore user(pulse) instead.
+- Use system-user-pulse instead of user(pulse) for PreReq;
+  otherwise a new project can't resolve
+- Make system-user-pulse noarch
+- Split sysusers.d file to separate package as needed by brltty
+  (bsc#1191465)
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Require perl-XML-Parser explicitly, it's needed by build.
+- Drop SDL_AUDIODRIVER override, as SDL already prefers PA as
+  default; this also fixes the recent breakage with SDL2 (bsc#1189778)
+- Update to PulseAudio 15
+  - drop esound compat support
+  - drop gconf support
+  - convert to mason build system
+  - disable doxygen doc generation
+  - droped patches:
+    drop bluetooth patches integrated in release:
+    0001-bluetooth-use-consistent-profile-names.patch
+    0002-bluetooth-separate-HSP-and-HFP.patch
+    0003-bluetooth-add-correct-HFP-rfcomm-negotiation.patch
+    0004-bluetooth-make-native-the-default-backend.patch
+    0005-bluetooth-enable-module-bluez5-discover-argument-ena.patch
+    0006-bluetooth-fix-headset-auto-ofono-handover.patch
+    0007-bluetooth-prefer-headset-HFP-HF-connection-with-nati.patch
+    0008-bluetooth-complete-bluetooth-profile-separation.patch
+    0009-bluetooth-use-device-flag-to-prevent-assertion-failu.patch
+    0010-bluetooth-rename-enable_hs_role-to-enable_shared_pro.patch
+    0011-bluetooth-clean-up-rfcomm_write-usage.patch
+    drop parecord patches integrated in release
+    parecord-fix-Failed-to-open-audio-file-for-FLAC-and-.patch
+    parecord-really-fix-recording-OGG.patch
+  - refresh disabled-start.diff patch
+  - new features:
+  * Support for LDAC and AptX bluetooth codecs, plus "SBC XQ" (SBC with higher-quality parameters)
+  * Support for HFP bluetooth profiles
+  * Support for Bluetooth A2DP AVRCP Absolute Volume
+  * ALSA path configuration files can now be placed in user home directory
+  * module-virtual-surround-sink rewritten
+  * More options for module-jackdbus-detect
+  * Improved hardware support
+  * SteelSeries Arctis 9
+  * HP Thunderbolt Dock 120W G2
+  * Behringer U-Phoria UMC22
+  * OnePlus Type-C Bullets
+  * Sennheiser GSX 1000/1200 PRO
+  * New udev variable: PULSE_MODARGS
+  * max_latency_msec argument added to module-null-source
+  * module-filter-apply can take filter parameters from device properties
+  * module-match can now be loaded multiple times
+  * Improvements to FreeBSD support
+  * Windows support added to Meson
+  * Additional commands for pactl
+  * Card profiles can be set to sticky
+  * The startup script can now read additional configuration from the /etc/pulse/ directory
+  * * Notes for application developers
+  * New API for sending messages from clients to PulseAudio objects
+  * New mechanism for applications to disable shared memory on their connection to PulseAudio
+  ( )
+- Remove unneeded shadow dependency, no longer required due to
+  systemd-sysusers
+- Change to using systemd-sysusers
+- Remove old SUSE RPM constructs
+- Really fix recording OGG with parecord (bsc#1183546)
+  parecord-really-fix-recording-OGG.patch
+- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro
+- use python3 instead of python in env
-- update to version 1.8.4
-  + add missing COPYING and CHANGES.rst to package
-  + add bdist_wheel to the building process for Python Wheel format
-  + add test_doc8 target
-  + fix install_test on missing of Wheel package
-  + fix argparse version option breaks CLI on Python 3
-- add build dependencies python-setuptools and python-wheel
-- drop chmod on README.rst, fixed upstream
-- remove shebang and excutable bit on, not a script
-- add COPYING and CHANGE.rst to package documentation
+- Fix testsuite failures by not using modules when building tests
+  (and some other, also testsuite related, spec file problems)
+- [JIRA] (SLE-20965) Make QEMU guests more failsafe when resizing
+  SCSI passthrough disks
+  * Patches added:
+    scsi-generic-replace-logical-block-count.patch
+- Add an audio-oss sub-package
+- Add some new (mostly documentation) files in the package
+- Remove option --audio-drv-list because audio is detected by
+  meson automatically in latest version.
+- Remove options --disable-jemalloc and --disable-tcmalloc
+  which are changed in v6.2.0.
+- Update to v 6.2.0. For full release notese, see:
+  *
+  Be sure to also check the following pages:
+  *
+  *
+  Some notable changes:
+  * virtio-mem: guest memory dumps are now fully supported, along
+    with pre-copy/post-copy migration and background guest snapshots
+  * QMP: support for nw DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR to detect
+    guest-reported hotplug failures
+  * TCG: improvements to TCG plugin argument syntax, and multi-core
+    support for cache plugin
+  * 68k: improved support for Apple’s NuBus, including ability to
+    load declaration ROMs, and slot IRQ support
+  * ARM: macOS hosts with Apple Silicon CPUs now support ‘hvf’
+    accelerator for AArch64 guests
+  * ARM: emulation support for Fujitsu A64FX processor model
+  * ARM: emulation support for kudo-mbc machine type
+  * ARM: M-profile MVE extension is now supported for Cortex-M55
+  * ARM: ‘virt’ machine now supports an emulated ITS (Interrupt
+    Translation Service) and supports more than 123 CPUs in
+    emulation mode
+  * ARM: xlnx-zcu102 and xlnx-versal-virt machines now support
+    BBRAM and eFUSE devices
+  * PowerPC: improved POWER10 support for the ‘powernv’ machine type
+  * PowerPC: initial support for POWER10 DD2.0 CPU model
+  * PowerPC: support for FORM2 PAPR NUMA descriptions for ‘pseries’ machine type
+  * RISC-V: support for Zb[abcs] instruction set extensions
+  * RISC-V: support for vhost-user and numa mem options across all boards
+  * RISC-V: SiFive PWM support
+  * x86: support for new Snowridge-v4 CPU model
+  * x86: guest support for Intel SGX
+  * x86: AMD SEV guests now support measurement of kernel binary when doing
+    direct kernel boot (not using a bootloader)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  net-vmxnet3-validate-configuration-value.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Reinstate Lin Ma's fixes for bsc#1192147 as they were
+  submitted only to IBS.
+  * Patches added:
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+- Rename the Guest Agent service qemu-guest-agent, like in other
+  distros (and upstream). bsc#1185543
+- disable QOM cast debug outside the testsuite as the corresponding
+  asserts show up occassionally as top #1 in perf(1) traces under
+  heavy virtio load
+- enable LTO when we'd like to use LTO
+* Patches added (bsc#1186256):
+- cross-i386-binutils and cross-i386-gcc are not needed and were
+  dropped from Factory - boo#1193424
+- qemu: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu
+  (bsc#1189938 CVE-2021-3748)
+  solved by virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- kvm,qemu: out-of-bounds write in UAS (USB Attached SCSI) device emulation
+  (bsc#1189702 CVE-2021-3713)
+  * Patches added:
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
+  * Patches added:
+  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
+- Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  * Patches added:
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+- Fix qemu build on ARMv7 (bsc#1190211)
+  * Patches added:
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+- Update supported file for ARM machines.
+- Keep qemu-img without backing format still deprecated
+  (bsc#1190135)
+  * Patches added:
+  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
+  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
+- Update the support files to reflect the deprecation.
+- Update build dependencies versions: libgcrypt >= 1.8.0,
+  gnutls >= 3.5.18, glib >= 2.56, libssh >= 0.8.7
+- Fix hardcoded binfmt handler doesn't play well with containers
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches added:
-  * Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler (bsc#1186256)
-  * Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
-  * Patches added:
-  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
-  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
-  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
-  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
-  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
-  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
-  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
-  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- Update to v6.0: see
-  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
-  consult:
-  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
-  Some noteworthy changes:
-  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
-  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
-  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
-  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
-  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
-  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
-  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
-  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
-  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
-  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
-  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
-  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
-  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
-  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
-  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
-  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
-  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
-  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
-  * Misc doc improvements.
-  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
-  emulation.
-  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
-  PCI slot placement.
-  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
-  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
-  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
-  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
-  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
-  as a host file.
-  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
-  the reasons for blocking.
-  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
-  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
-  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
-  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
-  * Enabled zstd compression option for qemu-img
-  * Fixed CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir
-  * Disabled sheepdog - dropped upstream
-  * Improve compatibility with GCC11
-  * Fix update-alternative when removing qemu-skiboot bsc#1178678
-  * Update qemu-supportconfig
-  * Disable skiboot building due to issue upstream:
-  * Several upstream stable patches already applied
-  * Patches added:
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
-  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+- usb: unbounded stack allocation in usbredir
+  (bsc#1186012, CVE-2021-3527)
+  hw-usb-Do-not-build-USB-subsystem-if-not.patch
+  hw-usb-host-stub-Remove-unused-header.patch
+  usb-hid-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+  usb-limit-combined-packets-to-1-MiB-CVE-.patch
+  usb-mtp-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+- usbredir: free call on invalid pointer in bufp_alloc
+  (bsc#1189145, CVE-2021-3682)
+  usbredir-fix-free-call.patch
+- Add stable patches from upstream:
+- Disabled skiboot building for PowerPC due to the following issue:
+- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
+  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
+- Ensure correct input on ring init
+  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
+- Fix the ring init error flow
+  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
+- Fix qemu-supportconfig network-manager verification
+- Fix stable issues found in upstream:
+- Update qemu-supportconfig plugin
+- Fix an update-alternative warning when removing qemu-skiboot package
+  bsc#1178678
+- Use doc directive to build QEMU documentation
+- Improve compatibility with gcc 11:
+  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
+- Enable zstd compression option to qcow2
+- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
+  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
+- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
+  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
+- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
+  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
+- disable sheepdog, it was dropped upstream (
+  and fails to build with gcc 11 on non-x86
+- Fix CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir:
+- Fix issues found upstream:
-  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- Brotli VLA error was already fixed in v5.2 but the patches wasn't
+  included in v6.0. This change fixed that
+- Patches added:
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
+  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
+  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
+  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
+  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
+  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
+  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Update to v6.0: see
+  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
+  consult:
+  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
+  Some noteworthy changes:
+  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
+  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
+  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
+  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
+  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
+  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
+  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
+  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
+  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
+  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
+  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
+  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
+  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
+  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
+  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
+  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
+  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
+  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
+  * Misc doc improvements.
+  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
+  emulation.
+  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
+  PCI slot placement.
+  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
+  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
+  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
+  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
+  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
+  as a host file.
+  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
+  the reasons for blocking.
+  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
+  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
+  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
+  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
+  * Patches added:
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
-- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
-  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
-  hw-rdma-Fix-possible-mremap-overflow-in-.patch
-- Ensure correct input on ring init
-  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
-  pvrdma-Ensure-correct-input-on-ring-init.patch
-- Fix the ring init error flow
-  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
-  pvrdma-Fix-the-ring-init-error-flow-CVE-.patch
-* Fix intel-hda segmentation fault due to stack overflow
-  (CVE-2021-3611, bsc#1187529)
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
-- Enable zstd compression option for qemu-img
-- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
-  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
-  vhost-user-gpu-abstract-vg_cleanup_mappi.patch
-- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
-  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_cmd_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_resourc.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-disclosure-in-.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-in-vg_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-while-cal.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-OOB-write-in-virgl_cm.patch
-- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
-  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-resource-leak-in-vg_r.patch
-- QEMU BIOS fails to read stage2 loader (on s390x)(bsc#1186290)
-  * Patches added:
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
-  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
-  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
-  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
-  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
-  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Fix testsuite failures by not using modules when building tests
+  (and some other, also testsuite related, spec file problems)
+- [JIRA] (SLE-20965) Make QEMU guests more failsafe when resizing
+  SCSI passthrough disks
+  * Patches added:
+    scsi-generic-replace-logical-block-count.patch
+- Add an audio-oss sub-package
+- Add some new (mostly documentation) files in the package
+- Remove option --audio-drv-list because audio is detected by
+  meson automatically in latest version.
+- Remove options --disable-jemalloc and --disable-tcmalloc
+  which are changed in v6.2.0.
+- Update to v 6.2.0. For full release notese, see:
+  *
+  Be sure to also check the following pages:
+  *
+  *
+  Some notable changes:
+  * virtio-mem: guest memory dumps are now fully supported, along
+    with pre-copy/post-copy migration and background guest snapshots
+  * QMP: support for nw DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR to detect
+    guest-reported hotplug failures
+  * TCG: improvements to TCG plugin argument syntax, and multi-core
+    support for cache plugin
+  * 68k: improved support for Apple’s NuBus, including ability to
+    load declaration ROMs, and slot IRQ support
+  * ARM: macOS hosts with Apple Silicon CPUs now support ‘hvf’
+    accelerator for AArch64 guests
+  * ARM: emulation support for Fujitsu A64FX processor model
+  * ARM: emulation support for kudo-mbc machine type
+  * ARM: M-profile MVE extension is now supported for Cortex-M55
+  * ARM: ‘virt’ machine now supports an emulated ITS (Interrupt
+    Translation Service) and supports more than 123 CPUs in
+    emulation mode
+  * ARM: xlnx-zcu102 and xlnx-versal-virt machines now support
+    BBRAM and eFUSE devices
+  * PowerPC: improved POWER10 support for the ‘powernv’ machine type
+  * PowerPC: initial support for POWER10 DD2.0 CPU model
+  * PowerPC: support for FORM2 PAPR NUMA descriptions for ‘pseries’ machine type
+  * RISC-V: support for Zb[abcs] instruction set extensions
+  * RISC-V: support for vhost-user and numa mem options across all boards
+  * RISC-V: SiFive PWM support
+  * x86: support for new Snowridge-v4 CPU model
+  * x86: guest support for Intel SGX
+  * x86: AMD SEV guests now support measurement of kernel binary when doing
+    direct kernel boot (not using a bootloader)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  net-vmxnet3-validate-configuration-value.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Reinstate Lin Ma's fixes for bsc#1192147 as they were
+  submitted only to IBS.
+  * Patches added:
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+- Rename the Guest Agent service qemu-guest-agent, like in other
+  distros (and upstream). bsc#1185543
+- disable QOM cast debug outside the testsuite as the corresponding
+  asserts show up occassionally as top #1 in perf(1) traces under
+  heavy virtio load
+- enable LTO when we'd like to use LTO
+* Patches added (bsc#1186256):
+- cross-i386-binutils and cross-i386-gcc are not needed and were
+  dropped from Factory - boo#1193424
+- qemu: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu
+  (bsc#1189938 CVE-2021-3748)
+  solved by virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- kvm,qemu: out-of-bounds write in UAS (USB Attached SCSI) device emulation
+  (bsc#1189702 CVE-2021-3713)
+  * Patches added:
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
+  * Patches added:
+  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
+- Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  * Patches added:
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+- Fix qemu build on ARMv7 (bsc#1190211)
+  * Patches added:
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+- Update supported file for ARM machines.
+- Keep qemu-img without backing format still deprecated
+  (bsc#1190135)
+  * Patches added:
+  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
+  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
+- Update the support files to reflect the deprecation.
+- Update build dependencies versions: libgcrypt >= 1.8.0,
+  gnutls >= 3.5.18, glib >= 2.56, libssh >= 0.8.7
+- Fix hardcoded binfmt handler doesn't play well with containers
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches added:
-  * Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler (bsc#1186256)
-  * Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
-  * Patches added:
-  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
-  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
-  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
-  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
-  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
-  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
-  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
-  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- Update to v6.0: see
-  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
-  consult:
-  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
-  Some noteworthy changes:
-  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
-  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
-  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
-  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
-  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
-  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
-  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
-  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
-  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
-  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
-  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
-  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
-  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
-  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
-  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
-  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
-  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
-  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
-  * Misc doc improvements.
-  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
-  emulation.
-  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
-  PCI slot placement.
-  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
-  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
-  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
-  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
-  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
-  as a host file.
-  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
-  the reasons for blocking.
-  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
-  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
-  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
-  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
-  * Enabled zstd compression option for qemu-img
-  * Fixed CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir
-  * Disabled sheepdog - dropped upstream
-  * Improve compatibility with GCC11
-  * Fix update-alternative when removing qemu-skiboot bsc#1178678
-  * Update qemu-supportconfig
-  * Disable skiboot building due to issue upstream:
-  * Several upstream stable patches already applied
-  * Patches added:
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
-  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+- usb: unbounded stack allocation in usbredir
+  (bsc#1186012, CVE-2021-3527)
+  hw-usb-Do-not-build-USB-subsystem-if-not.patch
+  hw-usb-host-stub-Remove-unused-header.patch
+  usb-hid-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+  usb-limit-combined-packets-to-1-MiB-CVE-.patch
+  usb-mtp-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+- usbredir: free call on invalid pointer in bufp_alloc
+  (bsc#1189145, CVE-2021-3682)
+  usbredir-fix-free-call.patch
+- Add stable patches from upstream:
+- Disabled skiboot building for PowerPC due to the following issue:
+- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
+  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
+- Ensure correct input on ring init
+  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
+- Fix the ring init error flow
+  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
+- Fix qemu-supportconfig network-manager verification
+- Fix stable issues found in upstream:
+- Update qemu-supportconfig plugin
+- Fix an update-alternative warning when removing qemu-skiboot package
+  bsc#1178678
+- Use doc directive to build QEMU documentation
+- Improve compatibility with gcc 11:
+  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
+- Enable zstd compression option to qcow2
+- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
+  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
+- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
+  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
+- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
+  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
+- disable sheepdog, it was dropped upstream (
+  and fails to build with gcc 11 on non-x86
+- Fix CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir:
+- Fix issues found upstream:
-  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- Brotli VLA error was already fixed in v5.2 but the patches wasn't
+  included in v6.0. This change fixed that
+- Patches added:
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
+  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
+  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
+  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
+  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
+  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
+  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Update to v6.0: see
+  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
+  consult:
+  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
+  Some noteworthy changes:
+  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
+  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
+  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
+  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
+  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
+  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
+  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
+  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
+  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
+  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
+  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
+  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
+  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
+  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
+  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
+  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
+  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
+  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
+  * Misc doc improvements.
+  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
+  emulation.
+  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
+  PCI slot placement.
+  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
+  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
+  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
+  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
+  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
+  as a host file.
+  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
+  the reasons for blocking.
+  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
+  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
+  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
+  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
+  * Patches added:
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
-- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
-  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
-  hw-rdma-Fix-possible-mremap-overflow-in-.patch
-- Ensure correct input on ring init
-  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
-  pvrdma-Ensure-correct-input-on-ring-init.patch
-- Fix the ring init error flow
-  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
-  pvrdma-Fix-the-ring-init-error-flow-CVE-.patch
-* Fix intel-hda segmentation fault due to stack overflow
-  (CVE-2021-3611, bsc#1187529)
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
-- Enable zstd compression option for qemu-img
-- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
-  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
-  vhost-user-gpu-abstract-vg_cleanup_mappi.patch
-- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
-  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_cmd_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_resourc.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-disclosure-in-.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-in-vg_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-while-cal.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-OOB-write-in-virgl_cm.patch
-- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
-  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-resource-leak-in-vg_r.patch
-- QEMU BIOS fails to read stage2 loader (on s390x)(bsc#1186290)
-  * Patches added:
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
-  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
-  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
-  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
-  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
-  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Fix testsuite failures by not using modules when building tests
+  (and some other, also testsuite related, spec file problems)
+- [JIRA] (SLE-20965) Make QEMU guests more failsafe when resizing
+  SCSI passthrough disks
+  * Patches added:
+    scsi-generic-replace-logical-block-count.patch
+- Add an audio-oss sub-package
+- Add some new (mostly documentation) files in the package
+- Remove option --audio-drv-list because audio is detected by
+  meson automatically in latest version.
+- Remove options --disable-jemalloc and --disable-tcmalloc
+  which are changed in v6.2.0.
+- Update to v 6.2.0. For full release notese, see:
+  *
+  Be sure to also check the following pages:
+  *
+  *
+  Some notable changes:
+  * virtio-mem: guest memory dumps are now fully supported, along
+    with pre-copy/post-copy migration and background guest snapshots
+  * QMP: support for nw DEVICE_UNPLUG_GUEST_ERROR to detect
+    guest-reported hotplug failures
+  * TCG: improvements to TCG plugin argument syntax, and multi-core
+    support for cache plugin
+  * 68k: improved support for Apple’s NuBus, including ability to
+    load declaration ROMs, and slot IRQ support
+  * ARM: macOS hosts with Apple Silicon CPUs now support ‘hvf’
+    accelerator for AArch64 guests
+  * ARM: emulation support for Fujitsu A64FX processor model
+  * ARM: emulation support for kudo-mbc machine type
+  * ARM: M-profile MVE extension is now supported for Cortex-M55
+  * ARM: ‘virt’ machine now supports an emulated ITS (Interrupt
+    Translation Service) and supports more than 123 CPUs in
+    emulation mode
+  * ARM: xlnx-zcu102 and xlnx-versal-virt machines now support
+    BBRAM and eFUSE devices
+  * PowerPC: improved POWER10 support for the ‘powernv’ machine type
+  * PowerPC: initial support for POWER10 DD2.0 CPU model
+  * PowerPC: support for FORM2 PAPR NUMA descriptions for ‘pseries’ machine type
+  * RISC-V: support for Zb[abcs] instruction set extensions
+  * RISC-V: support for vhost-user and numa mem options across all boards
+  * RISC-V: SiFive PWM support
+  * x86: support for new Snowridge-v4 CPU model
+  * x86: guest support for Intel SGX
+  * x86: AMD SEV guests now support measurement of kernel binary when doing
+    direct kernel boot (not using a bootloader)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  net-vmxnet3-validate-configuration-value.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Reinstate Lin Ma's fixes for bsc#1192147 as they were
+  submitted only to IBS.
+  * Patches added:
+  hw-acpi-ich9-Add-compat-prop-to-keep-HPC.patch
+  hw-i386-acpi-build-Deny-control-on-PCIe-.patch
+  pcie-rename-native-hotplug-to-x-native-h.patch
+- Rename the Guest Agent service qemu-guest-agent, like in other
+  distros (and upstream). bsc#1185543
+- disable QOM cast debug outside the testsuite as the corresponding
+  asserts show up occassionally as top #1 in perf(1) traces under
+  heavy virtio load
+- enable LTO when we'd like to use LTO
+* Patches added (bsc#1186256):
+- cross-i386-binutils and cross-i386-gcc are not needed and were
+  dropped from Factory - boo#1193424
+- qemu: virtio-net: heap use-after-free in virtio_net_receive_rcu
+  (bsc#1189938 CVE-2021-3748)
+  solved by virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- kvm,qemu: out-of-bounds write in UAS (USB Attached SCSI) device emulation
+  (bsc#1189702 CVE-2021-3713)
+  * Patches added:
+  uas-add-stream-number-sanity-checks.patch
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  block-introduce-max_hw_iov-for-use-in-sc.patch
+  hmp-Unbreak-change-vnc.patch
+  qemu-nbd-Change-default-cache-mode-to-wr.patch
+  target-arm-Don-t-skip-M-profile-reset-en.patch
+  vhost-vsock-fix-migration-issue-when-seq.patch
+  virtio-mem-pci-Fix-memory-leak-when-crea.patch
+  virtio-net-fix-use-after-unmap-free-for-.patch
+- Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
+  * Patches added:
+  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
+- Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches dropped:
+  * Patches added:
+- Stable fixes from upstream
+  * Patches added:
+  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
+  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
+  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
+  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
+  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
+  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
+  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
+- Fix qemu build on ARMv7 (bsc#1190211)
+  * Patches added:
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
+- Update supported file for ARM machines.
+- Keep qemu-img without backing format still deprecated
+  (bsc#1190135)
+  * Patches added:
+  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
+  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
+- Update the support files to reflect the deprecation.
+- Update build dependencies versions: libgcrypt >= 1.8.0,
+  gnutls >= 3.5.18, glib >= 2.56, libssh >= 0.8.7
+- Fix hardcoded binfmt handler doesn't play well with containers
+  (bsc#1186256)
+  * Patches added:
-  * Replace patch to fix hardcoded binfmt handler (bsc#1186256)
-  * Fix testsuite dependencies (bsc#1190573)
-  * Patches added:
-  modules-quick-fix-a-fundamental-error-in.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Improve-error-for-rebase.patch
-  Revert-qemu-img-Require-F-with-b-backing.patch
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_vec_op-function-sign.patch
-  9pfs-fix-crash-in-v9fs_walk.patch
-  i386-cpu-Remove-AVX_VNNI-feature-from-Co.patch
-  plugins-do-not-limit-exported-symbols-if.patch
-  plugins-execlog-removed-unintended-s-at-.patch
-  qemu-sockets-fix-unix-socket-path-copy-a.patch
-  target-i386-add-missing-bits-to-CR4_RESE.patch
-  virtio-balloon-don-t-start-free-page-hin.patch
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- Update to v6.0: see
-  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
-  consult:
-  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
-  Some noteworthy changes:
-  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
-  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
-  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
-  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
-  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
-  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
-  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
-  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
-  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
-  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
-  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
-  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
-  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
-  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
-  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
-  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
-  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
-  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
-  * Misc doc improvements.
-  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
-  emulation.
-  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
-  PCI slot placement.
-  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
-  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
-  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
-  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
-  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
-  as a host file.
-  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
-  the reasons for blocking.
-  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
-  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
-  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
-  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
-  * Enabled zstd compression option for qemu-img
-  * Fixed CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir
-  * Disabled sheepdog - dropped upstream
-  * Improve compatibility with GCC11
-  * Fix update-alternative when removing qemu-skiboot bsc#1178678
-  * Update qemu-supportconfig
-  * Disable skiboot building due to issue upstream:
-  * Several upstream stable patches already applied
-  * Patches added:
-  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
-  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+- usb: unbounded stack allocation in usbredir
+  (bsc#1186012, CVE-2021-3527)
+  hw-usb-Do-not-build-USB-subsystem-if-not.patch
+  hw-usb-host-stub-Remove-unused-header.patch
+  usb-hid-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+  usb-limit-combined-packets-to-1-MiB-CVE-.patch
+  usb-mtp-avoid-dynamic-stack-allocation.patch
+- usbredir: free call on invalid pointer in bufp_alloc
+  (bsc#1189145, CVE-2021-3682)
+  usbredir-fix-free-call.patch
+- Add stable patches from upstream:
+- Disabled skiboot building for PowerPC due to the following issue:
+- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
+  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
+- Ensure correct input on ring init
+  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
+- Fix the ring init error flow
+  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
+- Fix qemu-supportconfig network-manager verification
+- Fix stable issues found in upstream:
+- Update qemu-supportconfig plugin
+- Fix an update-alternative warning when removing qemu-skiboot package
+  bsc#1178678
+- Use doc directive to build QEMU documentation
+- Improve compatibility with gcc 11:
+  target-sh4-Return-error-if-CPUClass-get_.patch
+  tcg-arm-Fix-tcg_out_op-function-signatur.patch
+- Enable zstd compression option to qcow2
+- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
+  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
+- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
+  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
+- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
+  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
+- disable sheepdog, it was dropped upstream (
+  and fails to build with gcc 11 on non-x86
+- Fix CVE-2021-3527 in usb/redir:
+- Fix issues found upstream:
-  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- Brotli VLA error was already fixed in v5.2 but the patches wasn't
+  included in v6.0. This change fixed that
+- Patches added:
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
+  ui-Fix-memory-leak-in-qemu_xkeymap_mappi.patch
+- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
+  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
+  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
+  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
+  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
+  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Update to v6.0: see
+  For a full list of formely deprecated features that are removed now,
+  consult:
+  For a list of new deprecated features, consult:
+  Some noteworthy changes:
+  * Removed tileGX CPU (linux-user mode).
+  * Removed ide-drive device (use ide-hd or ide-cd instead).
+  * Removed scsi-disk device (use scsi-hd or scsi-cd instead).
+  * Removed pc-1.0, pc-1.1, pc-1.2, and pc-1.3 machine types.
+  * Added emulation of Arm-v8.1M arch and Cortex-M55 CPU.
+  * Added boards mps3-an524 (Cortex-M33) and mps3-an547 (Cortex-M55).
+  * x86: Support for running SEV-ES encrypted guests; TCG can emulate
+  the PKS feature; WHPX accelerator supports accelerated APIC.
+  * ARM: ARMv8.4-TTST, ARMv8.4-SEL2, FEAT_SSBS, and ARMv8.4-DIT emulation
+  are now supported; Added ARMv8.5-MemTag extension is now supported formely
+  linux-user. Additional device emulation support for xlnx-zynqmp, xlnx-versal,
+  sbsa-ref, npcm7xx, and sabrelite board models.
+  * PowerPC: powernv now allows external BMC; pseries can send QAPI message
+  if it detects a memory hotplug failure; CPU unplug request can be retried.
+  * s390: TCG works with Linux kernels built with clang-11 and clang12.
+  * RISC-V: OpenSBI upgraded to v0.9; Support the QMP dump-guest-memory
+  command; Add support for the SiFive SPI controller (sifive_u); Add QSPI
+  NOR flash to Microchip PFSoC.
+  * Misc doc improvements.
+  * Multiprocess: Add experimental options to support out-of-process device
+  emulation.
+  * ACPI: support for assigning NICs to known names in guest OS independently of
+  PCI slot placement.
+  * NVMe: new emulation support for v1.4 spec with many new features, experimental
+  support for Zoned Namespaces, multipath I/O, and End-to-End Data Protection.
+  * Xen: New guest loader for testing of Xen-like hypervisors booting kernels.
+  * virtiofs: misc. security fixes and performance improvements.
+  * Tools: FUSE block exports to allow mounting any QEMU block device node
+  as a host file.
+  * Migration: query/info-migrate now display the migration blocker status and
+  the reasons for blocking.
+  * User-mode: Added support for the Qualcomm Hexagon processor.
+  * TCG: Added support for Apple Silicon hosts (macOS).
+  * QMP: backup jobs now support multiple asynchronous requests in parallel
+  * VNC: virtio-vga support for scaling resolution based on client window size
+  * Patches added:
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
+  brotli-fix-actual-variable-array-paramet.patch
-- Fix possible mremap overflow in the pvrdma
-  (CVE-2021-3582, bsc#1187499)
-  hw-rdma-Fix-possible-mremap-overflow-in-.patch
-- Ensure correct input on ring init
-  (CVE-2021-3607, bsc#1187539)
-  pvrdma-Ensure-correct-input-on-ring-init.patch
-- Fix the ring init error flow
-  (CVE-2021-3608, bsc#1187538)
-  pvrdma-Fix-the-ring-init-error-flow-CVE-.patch
-* Fix intel-hda segmentation fault due to stack overflow
-  (CVE-2021-3611, bsc#1187529)
-  qom-code-hardening-have-bound-checking-w.patch
-- Enable zstd compression option for qemu-img
-- Fix out-of-bounds write in virgl_cmd_get_capset
-  CVE-2021-3546 bsc#1185981
-  vhost-user-gpu-abstract-vg_cleanup_mappi.patch
-- Fix memory leaks found in the virtio vhost-user GPU device
-  CVE-2021-3544 bsc#1186010
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_cmd_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-leak-in-virgl_resourc.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-disclosure-in-.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-in-vg_res.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-memory-leak-while-cal.patch
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-OOB-write-in-virgl_cm.patch
-- Fix information disclosure due to uninitialized memory read
-  CVE-2021-3545 bsc#1185990
-  vhost-user-gpu-fix-resource-leak-in-vg_r.patch
-- QEMU BIOS fails to read stage2 loader (on s390x)(bsc#1186290)
-  * Patches added:
-  pc-bios-s390-ccw-don-t-try-to-read-the-n.patch
-- For the record, these issues are fixed in this package already.
-  Most are alternate references to previously mentioned issues:
-  (CVE-2019-15890, bsc#1149813, CVE-2020-8608, bsc#1163019,
-  CVE-2020-14364, bsc#1175534, CVE-2020-25707, bsc#1178683,
-  CVE-2020-25723, bsc#1178935, CVE-2020-29130, bsc#1179477,
-  CVE-2020-29129, bsc#1179484, CVE-2021-3419, bsc#1182975)
+- Add fix-build-meson-0_60.patch: Fix build with meson 0.60 and
+  newer.
+- Add drop-itstool-dep.patch: Drop itstool as it is no longer
+  needed, upstream was missing this in the patch. Following this:
+  drop itstool BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + Build fixes for close()/lseek() usage
+  + Show recording time in local time instead of UTC
+  + Improve resolving of symbols in presence of toolbox, flatpak,
+    and btrfs
+  + Fix checking of paranoid state in Linux kernel
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop sysprof-fix-includes-close-lseek.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add sysprof-fix-includes-close-lseek.patch to fix certain build
+  errors on Leap and SLE (boo#1192200).
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + Much work has been done to improve path resolution of maps
+    found within containers such as podman, toolbox, and flatpak.
+- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler BuildRequires.
+- Update to version 3.42.1:
+  + Build fixes for close()/lseek() usage
+  + Show recording time in local time instead of UTC
+  + Improve resolving of symbols in presence of toolbox, flatpak,
+    and btrfs
+  + Fix checking of paranoid state in Linux kernel
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop sysprof-fix-includes-close-lseek.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Add sysprof-fix-includes-close-lseek.patch to fix certain build
+  errors on Leap and SLE (boo#1192200).
+- Update to version 3.42.0:
+  + Much work has been done to improve path resolution of maps
+    found within containers such as podman, toolbox, and flatpak.
+- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler BuildRequires.
+- Stop passing the no longer used nor recognized options
+  enable-introspection=yes and enable-vala=yes to meson.
+- Add tracker-miners-drop-syscalls-in-seccomp.patch:
+  Revert upstream commit 595560c, 30b24e9 and 550ea1b since Leap 15.4
+  and SLE 15-SP4 do not have them (bsc#1192567).
+- Drop 0001-Revert-tracker-Use-faster-query-in-tracker3-info.patch:
+  Upstream fix landed in tracker instead of tracker-miners.
+  (bsc#1191207, glgo#GNOME/tracker#337)
+- Add 0001-Revert-tracker-Use-faster-query-in-tracker3-info.patch:
+  Revert the commit to avoid wrong no metadata info. (bsc#1191207)
+- Update to version 3.2.1:
+  + Fix files moving between hidden and non-hidden
+  + Update nfo:fileName on content specific graphs too when moved
+  + Update nfo:fileLastModified in content specific graphs
+  + Add nfo:fileSize to the basic set of file info on the graph
+  + Fix tracker-miner-fs-3 crash when finding internal SPARQL
+    errors
+  + Handle symlinks to directories as indexed folders better
+  + Fix tracker-writeback support for musicbrainz release tags and
+    artist
+  + Fix duplicate entries on files created and instantly modified
+  + Fix unintended double extraction with disc-generic extractor
+  + Fixes for coverity warnings
+  + Updated translations.
+- Add missing systemd user service handling in post/preun/postun
+- Update to version 0.54.4:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen:
+    . Use CCodeConstant for member access of constant symbol
+    . Emit constants without initializer list in defines section
+    . Add and use CCodeConstantIdentifier for accessing constants
+    . Check required length of enum type name for GType support
+    . Add missing check while overriding virtual async interface
+    methods
+    . Drop inconsistent space for ObjectType parameters
+    . Accept CCode.type attribute on parameters
+    . Fix CCodeUnaryExpression.write() for
+  - vala:
+    . Improve error message for invalid handler of dynamic signal
+    . Using SignalHandler.disconnect() is required for dynamic
+    signals
+    . Check for unavailable value-type of variable initializer
+    . Add [Profile] as known attribute for methods
+    . Report error on missing gio-2.0 package for async
+    constructors
+    . Fix signals with generic return
+    . parser: Split out Parser.parse_switch_section_statement()
+    . parser: Better handling of misplaced switch sections
+  - genie:
+    . Amend text of indent and dedent for error messages
+    . Accept INTERR token before type arguments when parsing type
+    . Properly handle plain "get" or "set" property accessors
+    . "exception" is the expected string for
+    TokenType.ERRORDOMAIN
+    . Accept accessibility/async modifiers on "construct"
+    creation methods
+  - girparser: Accept "sealed" for transformed records and
+    compact classes
+  - gtkmodule: Improve error message for invalid signal element
+    in ui-file
+  - build: Add "test-update" which passed UPDATE_EXPECTED=1 to
+    refresh c-expected
+  - tests: Rename colliding test cases to avoid conflicts
+  + Bindings:
+  - alsa: Add more API and fix a few things
+  - gnome-desktop-3.0: Some parameter fixes
+  - gstreamer: Cherry-pick bindings fixes from 0.56
+  - gstreamer-base-1.0: Some parameter fixes
+  - gtk4: Update to 4.5.0~cd9b7307
+  - pango: Cherry-pick bindings fixes from 0.56
+- Update to version 0.54.3:
+  + Various improvements and bug fixes:
+  - codegen: Actually free data when using "remove(_all)" on
+    GLib.Queue/(S)List
+  - vala:
+    . Parameter following ellipsis parameter is not allowed
+    . More thorough check of ValueType and set CodeNode.error on
+    failure
+    . Really check compatiblity of error types for delegate
+    symbol
+    . Correctly output signature of callable throwing error
+    . Report error for non ErrorType in throws
+    . Implement
+    CodeWriter.visit_foreach_statement()/visit_catch_clause()
+  - parser: Make sure ErrorCodes are accessible as needed
+  - girparser: Add support for "ref_/ref_sink_/unref_function"
+    metadata for classes
+- Replace post(un) handling for libvala and libvaladoc with new
+  ldconfig_scriptlets macro.
+- Update to version 0.66.1:
+  + app: Add option to set initial title
+  + Fix the check for PROMPT_COMMAND when it is unset
+  + Updated translations.
+- Drop vte-silence-COMMAND_PROMPT.patch: Fixed upstream.
+- Update to 1.24
+  * This release adds feedback to the DMA buffer protocol
+  * tests: allow cross-compiling the tests
+  * tests: check whether -Wl,--unresolved-symbols=ignore-all is
+    supported
+  * wayland-scanner is only needed for tests
+  * Improve tiled_* enum summary
+- Rebase wayland-protocols-disable-pedantic-test-unstable-xdg-decoration-on-ppc64.patch
+- Add wayland-protocols-disable-pedantic-test-unstable-xdg-decoration-on-ppc64.patch:
+  Temporarily disable the unstable xdg-decoration pedantic test on
+  ppc64 until the upstream issue is more clearly diagnosed:
+- version 0.6.68
+- sysctl: process sysctl.d directories as in sysctl --system
+- sysctl: fix sysctl values for loopback device (bsc#1181163, bsc#1178357)
+- dhcp4: add option to set route pref-src to dhcp IP (bsc#1192353)
+- cleanup: warnings, time calculations and dhcp fixes (bsc#1188019)
+- wireless: reconnect on unexpected wpa_supplicant restart (bsc#1183495)
+- tuntap: avoid sysfs attr read error (bsc#1192311)
+- ifstatus: fix warning of unexpected interface flag combination (bsc#1192164)
+- dbus: config files in /usr shouldn't be marked as config in spec
+- Update to version 1.12.0:
+  + Added API to obtain the wl_resource for SHM exported buffers.
+  + Added unstable DMA-BUF pool API for buffer management.
+  + Fixed UI process getting stuck when navigating across different
+    security origins.
+  + Fixed invalid usage of Wayland client connections in the nested
+    compositor which caused crashes in some situations.
+  + Made it easier to override where Meson looks for
+    wayland-scanner during cross-compilation, using a native
+    machine file.
+- Add pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas) BuildRequires and
+  gsettings-desktop-schemas Requires and pass enable-appchooser and
+  enable-settings to meson. This is needed for flatpak gtk apps
+  running outside of gnome. See upstream issue/pull
+ and
+  rh#2012315 for more info.
+- Update to version 41.1:
+  + Fixed validation issues in appdata file.
+  + Updated yelp-xsl dependency.
+- Replace pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.0) and
+  pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.0) with
+  pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-4.1) and
+  pkgconfig(webkit2gtk-web-extension-4.1) BuildRequires and no
+  longer pass --with-webkit2gtk-4-0, we now have the new symbols
+  available.
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + No changes.
+- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support
+  (jsc#SLE-21105).
+- Update to version 41.beta2:
+  + Fixed regression when opening document by file path.
+  + Added content rating and release info to appdata file.
+- Update to version 41.beta:
+  + Revamped a lot of color code to avoid deprecated Gtk API.
+  + Search results and 'All Help' now use current styling.
+  + Fixed aliasing on the icon.
+  + Build against webkit2gtk-4.1 by default.
+  + Removed calls to deprecated Soup API.
+  + Updated translations.
+- Remporarily pass --with-webkit2gtk-4-0 to configure: we do not
+  yet have webkitgtk 4.1.
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + Updates documentation.
+  + Updates to build files.
+- Update to version 41.beta:
+  + Updates documentation.
+- Update to version 41.0:
+  + No changes.
+- Update to version 41.beta:
+  + Loosen CSS match for title/desc in linkdiv.
+  + Use better target contrasts for white-on-black.