Removed rpms ============ - ColPack-devel-32bit - NetworkManager-devel-32bit - OpenIPMI-python - PackageKit-Qt-devel - Play - QGnomePlatform-32bit - R-Matrix-devel - ServiceReport - adobe-sourcehansans-fonts - adobe-sourcehanserif-fonts - alsa-oss-32bit - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-topology-devel-32bit - asl-doc - audiofile-devel-32bit - bazel-gazelle - bazel-gazelle-source - binutils-devel-32bit - ceph-mgr-diskprediction-cloud - cilium - cilium-cni - cilium-devel - cilium-docker - cilium-etcd-operator - cilium-k8s-yaml - cilium-microscope - cilium-operator - cilium-proxy - clang7-devel-32bit - cobbler-web - codec2 - cppunit-devel-32bit - cyrus-sasl-gssapi-32bit - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit - dbus-1-presage - dd-opentracing-cpp-devel - desktop-data-openSUSE-extra - dnscrypt-proxy-devel - enchant-1-backend-zemberek-32bit - envoy - envoy-protoc-gen-validate - envoy-protoc-gen-validate-source - envoy-proxy - envoy-proxy-source - fcitx-gtk2-32bit - fcitx-gtk3-32bit - freetype2-devel-32bit - ghc-pandoc-citeproc - ghc-pandoc-citeproc-devel - ghc-project-template - ghc-project-template-devel - glib2-tools-32bit - glibc-32bit - glibc-devel-static-32bit - gmic-zart - gmp-devel-32bit - gpresagemate - gromacs-bash - gromacs-openmpi3 - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-bad-32bit - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit - gtk2-engine-oxygen-32bit - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit - hdf5-openmpi3-devel-32bit - hdf5-openmpi4-devel-32bit - id3lib - ignition-dracut - Mesa-gallium-32bit - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit - Mesa-libEGL1-32bit - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit - Mesa-vulkan-overlay-32bit - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit - bluez-devel-32bit - coolkey-32bit - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit - dapl-devel-32bit - dbus-1-devel-32bit - ecryptfs-utils-32bit - ecryptfs-utils-devel-32bit - enchant-1-backend-voikko-32bit - evolution-data-server-32bit - file-devel-32bit - flac-devel-32bit - fontconfig-32bit - freeglut-devel-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - gettext-runtime-32bit - glib2-devel-32bit - glibc-devel-32bit - glibc-profile-32bit - gnome-keyring-32bit - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit - gnome-vfs2-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-32bit - gtk2-devel-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - intel-media-driver-32bit - kcompletion-devel-32bit - kconfigwidgets-devel-32bit - kcrash-devel-32bit - keyutils-devel-32bit - kio-core-32bit - kitemviews-devel-32bit - krb5-devel-32bit - kwallet-devel-32bit - lapack-devel-32bit - libFAudio0-32bit - libFS6-32bit - libGLEW2_1-32bit - libGLw-devel-32bit - libGeoIP1-32bit - libICE-devel-32bit - libIexMath-2_2-23-32bit - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23-32bit - libIlmThread-2_2-23-32bit - libKF5Bookmarks5-32bit - libKF5Codecs5-32bit - libKF5ConfigCore5-32bit - libKF5ConfigGui5-32bit - libKF5CoreAddons5-32bit - libKF5Crash5-32bit - libKF5DocTools5-32bit - libKF5GlobalAccel5-32bit - libKF5SonnetCore5-32bit - libKF5WidgetsAddons5-32bit - libLLVM11-32bit - libLLVM9-32bit - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI5-32bit - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit - libMagickWand-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit - libMrm4-32bit - libQt53DCore5-32bit - libQt53DQuickExtras5-32bit - libQt53DRender5-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5Concurrent5-32bit - libQt5Gui-devel-32bit - libQt5Location5-32bit - libQt5Network-devel-32bit - libQt5Network5-32bit - libQt5OpenGL-devel-32bit - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Script5-32bit - libQt5Sql5-32bit - libQt5Sql5-postgresql-32bit - libSDL-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL2-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2-devel-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_image-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL_image-devel-32bit - libSDL_mixer-1_2-0-32bit - libSDLmm-devel-32bit - libSM6-32bit - libSoundTouch0-32bit - libXRes1-32bit - libXau6-32bit - libXaw7-32bit - libXfixes-devel-32bit - libXfontcache1-32bit - libXp6-32bit - libXpm-devel-32bit - libXprintAppUtil1-32bit - libXrender1-32bit - libXres-devel-32bit - libXxf86misc1-32bit - libaio1-32bit - libaom0-32bit - libapparmor1-32bit - libart_lgpl_2-2-32bit - libaspell15-32bit - libatk-bridge-2_0-0-32bit - libattr-devel-32bit - libaudiofile1-32bit - libaudit1-32bit - libavc1394-0-32bit - libavdevice57-32bit - libavdevice58_13-32bit - libavfilter6-32bit - libavresample3-32bit - libavresample4_0-32bit - libbabl-0_1-0-32bit - libbasicobjects0-32bit - libblas3-32bit - libblkid1-32bit - libbluray2-32bit - libbonobo-32bit - libboost_atomic1_75_0-32bit - libboost_container1_75_0-32bit - libboost_date_time_legacy-32bit - libboost_fiber_legacy-32bit - libboost_filesystem1_66_0-32bit - libboost_graph_legacy-32bit - libboost_iostreams1_66_0-32bit - libboost_locale1_66_0-32bit - libboost_math1_75_0-32bit - libboost_random1_75_0-32bit - libboost_system1_66_0-32bit - libboost_test1_66_0-32bit - libboost_thread1_75_0-32bit - libboost_wave1_66_0-32bit - libbox2d-devel-32bit - libbpf0-32bit - libbrotlienc1-32bit - libbz2-1-32bit - libcaca0-32bit - libcap1-32bit - libclang11-32bit - libclang7-32bit - libclucene-shared1-32bit - libclutter-gtk-1_0-0-32bit - libcogl-pango20-32bit - libcryptmount0-32bit - libcupsimage2-32bit - libcupsmime1-32bit - libcurl4-32bit - libdb-4_8-32bit - libdb-4_8-devel-32bit - libdbi3-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdmapsharing-4_0-3-32bit - libdouble-conversion3-32bit - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit - libdw1-32bit - libdwarves-devel-32bit - libdwarves1-32bit - libelf-devel-32bit - libelf1-32bit - libev4-32bit - libevent-2_1-8-32bit - libexempi3-32bit - libexpat1-32bit - libext2fs2-32bit - libfabric-devel-32bit - libfarstream-0_2-5-32bit - libfdt1-32bit - libfftw3_threads3-32bit - libfltk1-32bit - libfontenc1-32bit - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit - libfribidi0-32bit - libgbm1-32bit - libgdata22-32bit - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit - libgee-0_8-2-32bit - libgif7-32bit - libgimpui-2_0-0-32bit - libgiomm-2_62-1-32bit - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit - libglib-2_0-0-32bit - libglue-devel-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgnome-menu-3-0-32bit - libgpg-error0-32bit - libgpgmepp6-32bit - libgpm2-32bit - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-32bit - libgstmpegts-1_0-0-32bit - libgstplayer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstsctp-1_0-0-32bit - libgsttag-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-3-0-32bit - libgtk-4-1-32bit - libgtkmm-2_4-1-32bit - libgupnp-igd-1_0-4-32bit - libhangul1-32bit - libharfbuzz-icu0-32bit - libhdf5-103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit - libhogweed4-32bit - libhugetlbfs-32bit - libhunspell-1_6-0-32bit - libimobiledevice6-32bit - libinfinipath4-32bit - libisl15-32bit - libjacknet0-32bit - libjavascriptcoregtk-4_0-18-32bit - libjbig-devel-32bit - libjson-c3-32bit - libkate1-32bit - libkyotocabinet16-32bit - liblcms2-devel-32bit - liblirc0-32bit - liblua5_3-5-32bit - liblz4-1-32bit - liblzma5-32bit - libmad0-32bit - libmagic1-32bit - libmediainfo0-32bit - libmikmod3-32bit - libmjpegutils-2_0-0-32bit - libmodplug1-32bit - libmpeg2-0-32bit - libmpg123-0-32bit - libmspack0-32bit - libnautilus-extension1-32bit - libncurses5-32bit - libndr2-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi4-32bit - libnetpbm11-32bit - libnettle-devel-32bit - libnewt0_52-32bit - libnss_nis2-32bit - libofa0-32bit - liboil-32bit - libopenal0-32bit - libopenmpt_modplug1-32bit - libopenssl1_1-32bit - libosmcomp5-32bit - libosmvendor5-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-18-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit - libpath_utils1-32bit - libpcap-devel-32bit - libpcre16-0-32bit - libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libpcre2-32-0-32bit - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit - libpixman-1-0-32bit - libplist++3-32bit - libpoppler-cpp0-32bit - libpoppler89-32bit - libpspell15-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqgpgme7-32bit - libqt5-qtlocation-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtsensors-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtserialport-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtwayland-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-imports-32bit - libquicktime0-32bit - librasqal3-32bit - libraw1394-11-32bit - libraw20-32bit - libreadline5-32bit - libref_array1-32bit - libreiserfs-devel-32bit - libsamba-passdb0-32bit - libsamba-util0-32bit - libsasl2-3-32bit - libschroedinger-1_0-0-32bit - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libsemanage1-32bit - libserd-0-0-32bit - libsigc-3_0-0-32bit - libskk0-32bit - libsoup2-devel-32bit - libsource-highlight4-32bit - libspeechd2-32bit - libspeex1-32bit - libssh2-1-32bit - libswresample2-32bit - libsystemd0-32bit - libtspi1-32bit - libtss2-sys0-32bit - libtss2-tcti-device0-32bit - libturbojpeg0-32bit - libudev-devel-32bit - libunistring-devel-32bit - libusb-0_1-4-32bit - libuuid-devel-32bit - libv4l1-0-32bit - libvdpau_nouveau-32bit - libvdpau_trace1-32bit - libverto-tevent1-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libvmaf1-32bit - libvpd2-32bit - libvpx4-32bit - libwavpack1-32bit - libwayland-egl1-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit - libwebp-devel-32bit - libwebpdemux2-32bit - libwmf-gnome-32bit - libwoff2enc1_0_2-32bit - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_gl-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit - libxcb-damage0-32bit - libxcb-dri3-0-32bit - libxcb-keysyms1-32bit - libxcb1-32bit - libxkbcommon0-32bit - libxkbfile1-32bit - libxkbui1-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libxshmfence1-32bit - libyajl2-32bit - libzbar0-32bit - libzvbi0-32bit - libzzip-0-13-32bit - llvm11-LTO-devel-32bit - llvm5-LTO-devel-32bit - llvm5-devel-32bit - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit - motif-devel-32bit - mozilla-nss-certs-32bit - mpg123-jack-32bit - ncurses5-devel-32bit - net-snmp-devel-32bit - opensm-devel-32bit - orbit2-32bit - pam-32bit - pam-extra-32bit - pango-devel-32bit - pciutils-devel-32bit - perl-base-32bit - python-base-32bit - python3-talloc-32bit - rdma-core-devel-32bit - rpm-ndb-32bit - sssd-32bit - sysfsutils-32bit - unixODBC-32bit - vulkan-devel-32bit - wine-staging-32bit - xcb-util-renderutil-devel-32bit - zvbi-devel-32bit - qemu-sgabios - qemu-vgabios - intel-vaapi-driver-32bit - iproxy - jbig2dec-devel-32bit - kauth-devel-32bit - kcodecs-devel-32bit - ki18n-devel-32bit - kiconthemes-devel-32bit - kio-32bit - kopano-archiver - kopano-backup - kopano-bash-completion - kopano-client - kopano-common - kopano-dagent - kopano-dagent-pytils - kopano-devel - kopano-gateway - kopano-ical - kopano-indexer - kopano-lang - kopano-migration-imap - kopano-migration-pst - kopano-monitor - kopano-python-utils - kopano-search - kopano-server - kopano-spamd - kopano-spooler - kopano-statsd - kopano-webapp - kopano-webapp-contactfax - kopano-webapp-folderwidgets - kopano-webapp-gmaps - kopano-webapp-lang - kopano-webapp-pimfolder - kopano-webapp-quickitems - kopano-webapp-titlecounter - kopano-webapp-webappmanual - kopano-webapp-zdeveloper - kubernetes-404-server - kxmlgui-devel-32bit - libArcus-lulzbot-devel - libArcus3-lulzbot - libBulletFileLoader2_86 - libBulletInverseDynamicsUtils2_86 - libBulletWorldImporter2_86 - libBulletXmlWorldImporter2_86 - libCharLS2 - libConvexDecomposition2_86 - libFS-devel-32bit - libGIMPACTUtils2_86 - libGLEW2_1 - libGLw1-32bit - libGeoIP-devel-32bit - libHACD2_86 - libHX-devel-32bit - libKF5Auth5-32bit - libKF5Completion5-32bit - libKF5DBusAddons5-32bit - libKF5GuiAddons5-32bit - libKF5JobWidgets5-32bit - libKF5WindowSystem5-32bit - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit - libKSeExpr4_0_1_0 - libLHAPDF-6_2_3 - libLTO5-32bit - libLimeSuite20_01-1 - libMagick++-devel-32bit - libOSMesa-devel-32bit - libQt53DInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuick5-32bit - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuickScene2D5-32bit - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit - libQt5Core-devel-32bit - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit - libQt5Help5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5Positioning5-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Test-devel-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - libQt5WebSockets5-32bit - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit - libRivet-3_1_2 - libSDL-devel-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_net-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango-devel-32bit - libSDL_Pango1-32bit - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_net-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL_sound-devel-32bit - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSimGearCore-2018_3_4 - libSoapySDR0_7 - libWPEBackend-fdo-1_0-1-32bit - libXTrap6-32bit - libXaw3d7-32bit - libXaw6-32bit - libXaw8-32bit - libXdamage-devel-32bit - libXdmcp-devel-32bit - libXevie-devel-32bit - libXext6-32bit - libXfont-devel-32bit - libXft2-32bit - libXi-devel-32bit - libXinerama-devel-32bit - libXprintAppUtil-devel-32bit - libXrandr-devel-32bit - libXss1-32bit - libXtst6-32bit - libXv-devel-32bit - libXvMC_r600-32bit - libXxf86dga1-32bit - libYODA-1_8_0 - libZXingCore1 - libacl-devel-32bit - libaddrxlat0 - libangelscript2_35_0 - libangelscript_addons2_35_0 - libarm_compute18 - libarmadillo9 - libasm1-32bit - libasn1c0 - libass9-32bit - libassimp3 - libassuan0-32bit - libatopology2-32bit - libaugeas0-32bit - libavahi-glib1-32bit - libavc1394-devel-32bit - libavutil55-32bit - libavutil56_70-32bit - libbellesip0 - libbenchmark0 - libblkid-devel-32bit - libbluetooth3-32bit - libbonoboui-32bit - libboost_atomic1_66_0-32bit - libboost_atomic_legacy-32bit - libboost_context1_66_0-32bit - libboost_coroutine_legacy-32bit - libboost_date_time1_66_0-32bit - libboost_date_time1_75_0-32bit - libboost_filesystem1_75_0-32bit - libboost_json1_75_0-32bit - libboost_locale_legacy-32bit - libboost_math_legacy-32bit - libboost_mpi1_66_0-32bit - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0 - libboost_mpi_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel - libboost_nowide1_75_0-32bit - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0 - libboost_numpy-py2_7-1_66_0-devel - libboost_program_options1_66_0-32bit - libboost_program_options_legacy-32bit - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0 - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-32bit - libboost_python-py2_7-1_66_0-devel - libboost_random_legacy-32bit - libboost_serialization1_66_0-32bit - libboost_signals1_66_0-32bit - libboost_system_legacy-32bit - libboost_test_legacy-32bit - libboost_thread_legacy-32bit - libboost_type_erasure_legacy-32bit - libboost_wave1_75_0-32bit - libbotan-2-10 - libbox2d2-32bit - libbrotlidec1-32bit - libbullet2_86 - libbz2-devel-32bit - libcaca0-plugins-32bit - libcairo2-32bit - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-module-32bit - libcap2-32bit - libcapnp-0_8 - libcares2-32bit - libcdda_interface0-32bit - libcdio16-32bit - libcdio19-32bit - libcdio_paranoia2-32bit - libcec4 - libcelt0-2-32bit - libcfg6-32bit - libcfitsio6 - libchromaprint1-32bit - libcilium1 - libcmap4-32bit - libcmocka-devel-32bit - libcodec2-0_9 - libcogl20-32bit - libcollection-devel-32bit - libcolm-0_13_0_5 - libcom_err2-32bit - libcorosync_common4-32bit - libcourier-unicode4 - libcroco-0_6-3-32bit - libcrypt1-32bit - libcsync0-32bit - libcupscgi1-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libdar5000 - libdbus-c++-1-1-32bit - libdbusmenu-qt5-devel-32bit - libdd_opentracing0 - libdico1 - libdirac_encoder0-32bit - libdmapsharing-3_0-2-32bit - libdnet-python - libdnnl1 - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit - libdruntime-ldc94 - libduktape201 - libdvbv5-0-32bit - libdxflib-3_17_0-1 - libdxfrw0 - libebook-1_2-20-32bit - libeconf0-32bit - libecpg6-32bit - libecryptfs1-32bit - libedata-cal-2_0-1-32bit - libedit0-32bit - libefa1-32bit - libenchant1-32bit - libepoxy0-32bit - libevdev2-32bit - libexpat-devel-32bit - libext2fs-devel-32bit - libfabric1-32bit - libfaxutil7_0_3 - libfbclient2-32bit - libfcitx-4_2_9-32bit - libfdisk-devel-32bit - libfdt-devel-32bit - libffi7-32bit - libfftw3-3-32bit - libfftw3_mpi3-32bit - libfipscheck1-32bit - libfl2-32bit - libflatbuffers1 - libflint14 - libfluidsynth3-32bit - libfplll4 - libfprint-examples - libfprint0 - libfreebl3-32bit - libfsm0 - libftgl2-32bit - libfuse3-3-32bit - libganesha_nfsd3_2 - libgck-devel-32bit - libgcr-3-1-32bit - libgcr-devel-32bit - libgcrypt20-32bit - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit - libgeocode-glib0-32bit - libgf2x-1_2 - libgig8 - libgiomm-2_4-1-32bit - libgit2-1_3-32bit - libglade-2_0-0-32bit - libglibmm-2_62-1-32bit - libgloox17 - libglut3-32bit - libglvnd-32bit - libgmpxx4-32bit - libgnome-desktop-3-18-32bit - libgnomecanvas-2-0-32bit - libgnuradio-3_8_3 - libgnuradio-iqbalance0_37_2git - libgnutls30-hmac-32bit - libgobject-2_0-0-32bit - libgphoto2-devel-32bit - libgsf-1-114-32bit - libgsm1-32bit - libgsoap-2_8_102 - libgstaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstcodecparsers-1_0-0-32bit - libgstrtp-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkdatabox-0_9_3-0 - libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkhtml-editor-4_0-0-32bit - libgupnp-1_2-0-32bit - libgusb2-32bit - libhamlib++2 - libhamlib2 - libharfbuzz-gobject0-32bit - libharfbuzz0-32bit - libharminv2 - libhavege1 - libhdf5-103-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi4-32bit - libhdhomerun1 - libhinawa1 - libhttp_parser2_7_1-32bit - libhubbub-doc - libib_util-32bit - libibus-1_0-5-32bit - libibverbs-32bit - libicu-devel-32bit - libicu60_2-32bit - libidn2-0-32bit - libido3-0_1-0-32bit - libiec61883-0-32bit - libigfxcmrt7-32bit - libimobiledevice6 - libini_config5-32bit - libiniparser0 - libinput10-32bit - libjansson4-32bit - libjpeg62-32bit - libkcarchiver0 - libkcfreebusy0 - libkcicalmapi0 - libkcindex0 - libkcinetmapi0 - libkcpyplug0 - libkcserver0 - libkcsoap0 - libkcutil0 - libkdumpfile7 - libkms1-32bit - liblcms2-2-32bit - libldac2-32bit - libldc-jit94 - liblightstep_tracer0 - liblilv-0-0-32bit - liblinphone++9 - liblinphone9 - libliveMedia94 - liblog4cplus-1_1-5 - liblog4cxx10 - liblqr-1-0-32bit - liblrdf2-32bit - liblrsgmp-062 - libluajit-5_1-2-32bit - liblzo2-2-32bit - libm4ri-0_0_20140914 - libm4rie-0_0_20150908 - libmapi1 - libmariadb3-32bit - libmatio9 - libmbedcrypto3 - libmbedtls12 - libmbedx509-0 - libmdb2 - libmdbsql2 - libmediastreamer_base10 - libmediastreamer_voip10 - libminiupnpc16 - libminizip1-32bit - libmlx5-1-32bit - libmms0-32bit - libmnl0-32bit - libmolsketch-qt5-1 - libmpc3-32bit - libmpeg2encpp-2_0-0-32bit - libmpfr6-32bit - libmtdev1-32bit - libmuparserx4_0_8 - libnauty-2_6_10 - libnco-4_9_7 - libnco_c++-4_9_7 - libncurses6-32bit - libnetapi-devel-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi2-32bit - libnettle6-32bit - libnfc5 - libnl3-devel-32bit - libnormaliz0 - libnotify-devel-32bit - libnss_usrfiles2-32bit - libntirpc3_2 - libntl33 - libnuma1-32bit - libnuspell4 - libodbc2-32bit - libogg0-32bit - liboldX6-32bit - libopagent1-32bit - libopendkim10 - libopenjp2-7-32bit - libopenlibm2 - libopenshot-audio7 - libopenshot19 - libopenssl1_0_0-steam-32bit - libopenssl1_1-hmac-32bit - liboping0-32bit - libopus0-32bit - liborigin2 - libortp13 - libosdCPU3_4_3 - libosip2 - libotf-devel-32bit - libotf0-32bit - libout123-0-32bit - libp11-3-32bit - libpango-1_0-0-32bit - libpari-gmp-tls6 - libparserutils-doc - libparted0-32bit - libpcap1-32bit - libpcre2-posix2-32bit - 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libxkbcommon-devel-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxkbfile-devel-32bit - libxslt-devel-32bit - libxy4 - libyajl-devel-32bit - libyara3 - libyate6 - libz1-32bit - libzbc-5_5_0 - libzio1-32bit - libzipkin-cpp-opentracing0 - libzstd-devel-32bit - lightstep-tracer-cpp-devel - lightstep-tracer-cpp-source - lilypond-doc - lilypond-doc-cs - lilypond-doc-de - lilypond-doc-es - lilypond-doc-fr - lilypond-doc-hu - lilypond-doc-it - lilypond-doc-ja - lilypond-doc-nl - lilypond-doc-zh - lit - ltrace-32bit - mdbtools-gui - mpfr-devel-32bit - mpg123-devel-32bit - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_3_4-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc - mvapich2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2_2_3_4-gnu-hpc-devel-static - 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python-libpff - python-marisa - python-mathgl - python-miniupnpc - python-plist - python-presage - python-presagemate - python-pyxb - python-urlgrabber - python-zope.testbrowser - python2-MulticoreTSNE - python2-libpamtest - python2-libxml2 - python2-natsort - python2-ptpython - python2-structlog - python3-32bit - python3-characteristic - python3-kopano - python3-mailman-web - python3-mapi - python3-postorius - python3-tdb-32bit - python3-tevent-32bit - python3-units - python39-base-32bit - qemu-seabios - ragel-devel - readline-devel-32bit - reuse-lang - rls - rpm-32bit - rtorrent-vim - rust-gdb - soapysdr0.7-module-airspy - soapysdr0.7-module-bladerf - soapysdr0.7-module-freesrp - soapysdr0.7-module-hackrf - soapysdr0.7-module-lms7 - soapysdr0.7-module-mirisdr - soapysdr0.7-module-osmosdr - soapysdr0.7-module-remote - soapysdr0.7-module-rfspace - soapysdr0.7-module-rtlsdr - soapysdr0.7-module-uhd - soapysdr0.7-module-xtrx - subversion-python-ctypes - surfraw-woffle - tk-32bit - touchegg-gui - tslib-devel-32bit - typelib-1_0-Playerctl-2_0_1 - typelib-1_0-Polari-1_0 - utempter-devel-32bit - uwsgi-python - wxWidgets-3_0-devel-32bit - xen-libs-32bit - xl2tpd-doc - xrootd-cl - xrootd-cl-devel - yast2-python-bindings - zile-doc - zipkin-cpp-opentracing-devel - zipkin-cpp-opentracing-devel-static - zsync-devel Added rpms ========== - CastXML-devel - LHAPDF-doc - Mesa-gallium-32bit - Mesa-libEGL-devel-32bit - Mesa-libEGL1-32bit - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit - Mesa-vulkan-overlay-32bit - OpenIPMI-python3 - acars2-examples - adms-devel - adobe-sourcehansans-cn-fonts - adobe-sourcehansans-hk-fonts - adobe-sourcehansans-jp-fonts - adobe-sourcehansans-kr-fonts - adobe-sourcehansans-tw-fonts - adobe-sourcehanserif-cn-fonts - adobe-sourcehanserif-jp-fonts - adobe-sourcehanserif-kr-fonts - adobe-sourcehanserif-tw-fonts - alsa-plugins-samplerate-32bit - antic-devel - antimicrox - arb-devel - arm-trusted-firmware - arm-trusted-firmware-a80x0_mcbin - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mm - arm-trusted-firmware-imx8mq - arm-trusted-firmware-poplar - arm-trusted-firmware-poplar-devel - arm-trusted-firmware-qemu - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3328 - arm-trusted-firmware-rk3368 - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi3 - arm-trusted-firmware-rpi4 - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_a64 - arm-trusted-firmware-sun50i_h6 - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra186 - arm-trusted-firmware-tegra210 - arm-trusted-firmware-tools - arm-trusted-firmware-zynqmp - aws-nitro-enclaves-binaryblobs-upstream - aws-nitro-enclaves-cli - belcard-data - belle-sip-data - bff-samples - bluez-devel-32bit - breezy - broadvoice16 - broadvoice16-devel - bugzilla-apache - cargo1.55 - cddlib-doc - cddlib-tools - cephfs-mirror - cephfs-top - clang - clang-devel - cli11-doc - clingo - clingo-devel - consoleet-darwin-fonts - consoleet-kbd-fonts - consoleet-oldschoolpc-fonts - coolkey-32bit - cpp11 - cross-aarch64-gcc11 - cross-aarch64-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-arm-gcc11 - cross-arm-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-hppa-gcc11 - cross-hppa-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-i386-gcc11 - cross-i386-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-m68k-gcc11 - cross-m68k-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-mips-gcc11 - cross-mips-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-nvptx-gcc11 - cross-nvptx-newlib11-devel - cross-ppc64-gcc11 - cross-ppc64-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-ppc64le-gcc11 - cross-ppc64le-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-riscv64-gcc11 - cross-riscv64-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-s390x-gcc11 - cross-s390x-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-sparc-gcc11 - cross-sparc64-gcc11 - cross-sparc64-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-sparcv9-gcc11-icecream-backend - cross-x86_64-gcc11 - cross-x86_64-gcc11-icecream-backend - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit - dapl-devel-32bit - dar-doc - dblatex-doc - dbus-1-devel-32bit - e-antic-devel - ecryptfs-utils-32bit - ecryptfs-utils-devel-32bit - enchant-1-backend-voikko-32bit - entangle-plugin-eclipse - evolution-data-server-32bit - extreme-tuxracer-data - f2c-devel - file-devel-32bit - firejail-bash-completion - firejail-zsh-completion - five-or-more-doc - flac-devel-32bit - fontconfig-32bit - fprintd-doc - freeglut-devel-32bit - fzf-fish-completion - gammu-bash-completion - gcc11 - gcc11-32bit - gcc11-ada - gcc11-ada-32bit - gcc11-c++ - gcc11-c++-32bit - gcc11-d - gcc11-d-32bit - gcc11-fortran - gcc11-fortran-32bit - gcc11-go - gcc11-go-32bit - gcc11-info - gcc11-locale - gcc11-obj-c++ - gcc11-obj-c++-32bit - gcc11-objc - gcc11-objc-32bit - gcc11-testresults - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - gensio - gensio-devel - gettext-runtime-32bit - gh-bash-completion - gh-fish-completion - gh-zsh-completion - gkrellmd - glib2-devel-32bit - glibc-devel-32bit - glibc-livepatches - glibc-profile-32bit - gnome-keyring-32bit - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit - gnome-vfs2-32bit - gnu11-compilers-hpc - gnu11-compilers-hpc-devel - gnu11-compilers-hpc-macros-devel - goocanvas2-devel - goocanvas2-lang - gr-iqbal-grc - graphviz-webp - graphviz-x11 - gromacs-bash-completion - gromacs-openmpi - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-32bit - gtk2-devel-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-immodule-xim-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk4-branding-openSUSE - gtksourceviewmm3_0-devel - gwenhywfar-gwenbuild - herbstluftwm-fish-completion - ignition-dracut-grub2 - imgui-devel - ColPack-devel-32bit - NetworkManager-devel-32bit - QGnomePlatform-32bit - alsa-oss-32bit - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-topology-devel-32bit - audiofile-devel-32bit - binutils-devel-32bit - clang7-devel-32bit - cppunit-devel-32bit - cyrus-sasl-gssapi-32bit - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit - enchant-1-backend-zemberek-32bit - fcitx-gtk2-32bit - fcitx-gtk3-32bit - freetype2-devel-32bit - glib2-tools-32bit - glibc-32bit - glibc-devel-static-32bit - gmp-devel-32bit - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-bad-32bit - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit - gtk2-engine-oxygen-32bit - gtk2-engine-thinice-32bit - gtk2-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk2-theming-engine-adwaita-32bit - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-tigrigna-32bit - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit - hdf5-openmpi3-devel-32bit - hdf5-openmpi4-devel-32bit - intel-vaapi-driver-32bit - jbig2dec-devel-32bit - kauth-devel-32bit - kcodecs-devel-32bit - ki18n-devel-32bit - kiconthemes-devel-32bit - kio-32bit - kxmlgui-devel-32bit - libFS-devel-32bit - libGLw1-32bit - libGeoIP-devel-32bit - libHX-devel-32bit - libKF5Auth5-32bit - libKF5Completion5-32bit - libKF5DBusAddons5-32bit - libKF5GuiAddons5-32bit - libKF5JobWidgets5-32bit - libKF5WindowSystem5-32bit - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit - libLTO5-32bit - libMagick++-devel-32bit - libOSMesa-devel-32bit - libQt53DInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuick5-32bit - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuickScene2D5-32bit - libQt5Bootstrap-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit - libQt5Core-devel-32bit - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit - libQt5Help5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5Positioning5-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Test-devel-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - 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libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libpcre2-32-0-32bit - libphobos2-0_97 - libphobos2-ldc96 - libpipewire-0_3-0-32bit - libpixman-1-0-32bit - libplacebo157 - libplist++-2_0-3 - libplist++-2_0-devel - libplist-2_0-3 - libplist-2_0-devel - libpolyclipping-devel - libpolyclipping22 - libpoppler-cpp0-32bit - libpoppler89-32bit - libpspell15-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqgpgme7-32bit - libqhull_r8_0 - libqt5-qtlocation-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtmultimedia-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtsensors-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtserialport-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtwayland-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtxmlpatterns-imports-32bit - libquicktime0-32bit - libquo7 - libqxmpp3 - librasqal3-32bit - libraw1394-11-32bit - libraw20-32bit - libreadline5-32bit - libref_array1-32bit - libreiser4-2_0-4 - libreiser4-minimal-2_0-4 - libreiserfs-devel-32bit - librepair-2_0-4 - libsamba-passdb0-32bit - libsamba-util0-32bit - libsasl2-3-32bit - libschroedinger-1_0-0-32bit - libscintilla5 - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libsemanage1-32bit - libserd-0-0-32bit - libsgutils2-1_47-2 - libsidplayfp6 - libsigc-3_0-0-32bit - libskk0-32bit - libslopy7_5 - libsndio7_1 - libsoci_core4_0 - libsoci_empty4_0 - libsoci_mysql4_0 - libsoci_odbc4_0 - libsoci_postgresql4_0 - libsoci_sqlite3-4_0 - libsoup2-devel-32bit - libsource-highlight4-32bit - libspatialindex6 - libspeechd2-32bit - libspeex1-32bit - libsqlcipher-3_34_1-0 - libsrtp2-linphone-devel - libsrtp2-linphone1 - libssh-config - libssh2-1-32bit - libstdc++6-devel-gcc11 - libstdc++6-devel-gcc11-32bit - libstdc++6-pp-gcc11 - libstdc++6-pp-gcc11-32bit - libsvn_auth_kwallet-1-0 - libswresample2-32bit - libsystemd0-32bit - libt3widget2 - libtesseract4 - libtins4_2 - libtinyxml2-8 - libtorrent21 - libtspi1-32bit - libtss2-fapi1 - libtss2-fapi1-32bit - libtss2-rc0-32bit - libtss2-sys1 - libtss2-tcti-cmd0 - libtss2-tcti-device0-32bit - libtss2-tcti-pcap0 - libtss2-tcti-swtpm0 - libtss2-tcti-swtpm0-32bit - libturbojpeg0-32bit - libudev-devel-32bit - libuev3 - libuhd4_1_0 - libumockdev-preload0 - libumockdev0 - libunistring-devel-32bit - libusb-0_1-4-32bit - libusbmuxd-2_0-6 - libusbmuxd-tools - libusrp1 - libuuid-devel-32bit - libv4l1-0-32bit - libvapoursynth-54 - libvdpau_nouveau-32bit - libvdpau_trace1-32bit - libverto-tevent1-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libvkd3d-shader1 - libvmaf1-32bit - libvmime-suse4 - libvolk2_5 - libvpd2-32bit - libvpx4-32bit - libwavpack1-32bit - libwayland-egl1-32bit - libwebkit2gtk-4_0-37-32bit - libwebp-devel-32bit - libwebpdemux2-32bit - libweston-9 - libweston-9-0 - libweston-desktop-9-0 - libwget1 - libwmf-gnome-32bit - libwoff2enc1_0_2-32bit - libwtdbo4_5_1 - libwtdbomysql4_5_1 - libwtdbopostgres4_5_1 - libwx_baseu_xml-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_gl-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3_0_5-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit - libxbrz-1_8 - libxcb-damage0-32bit - libxcb-dri3-0-32bit - libxcb-keysyms1-32bit - libxcb1-32bit - libxkbcommon0-32bit - libxkbfile1-32bit - libxkbui1-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libxshmfence1-32bit - libxy3 - libyajl2-32bit - libyara8 - libyate6_4_0 - libzbar0-32bit - libzbc5 - libzdnn-devel - libzdnn0 - libzvbi0-32bit - libzzip-0-13-32bit - lime-devel - lld - lldb - lldb-devel - llvm - llvm-LTO-devel - llvm-devel - llvm-gold - llvm-opt-viewer - llvm-polly - llvm-polly-devel - llvm-vim-plugins - llvm11-LTO-devel-32bit - llvm5-LTO-devel-32bit - llvm5-devel-32bit - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit - lua-clingo - mate-applet-dock-lang - matomo-apache - maxima-exec-sbcl - mediastreamer2-doc - mercurial-tests - mkvtoolnix-tools - mmtf-cpp-devel - motif-devel-32bit - mozilla-nss-certs-32bit - mpg123-jack-32bit - mpitests-openmpi4 - mpitests-openmpi4-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc - mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2-psm_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc - mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel - mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-devel-static - mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-doc - mvapich2_2_3_6-gnu-hpc-macros-devel - mxml-doc - ncurses5-devel-32bit - net-snmp-devel-32bit - netgen-examples - netgen-libs - nitrogen-lang - nnn-bash-completion - nnn-fish-completion - nnn-zsh-completion - ntl-doc - nudoku-lang - octave-forge-matgeom - opensm-devel-32bit - openssl-1_1-livepatches - orbit2-32bit - os-autoinst-s390-deps - osc-collab-server - otter-browser-lang - packETH-cli - packagekitqt5-devel - pagein-bash-completion - pam-32bit - pam-extra-32bit - pam_kwallet-32bit - pango-devel-32bit - pari-doc - pciutils-devel-32bit - pdfgrep-bash-completion - pdfgrep-zsh-completion - perf-devel - perl-Gtk3 - perl-MouseX-Getopt - perl-SQL-Abstract-Pg - perl-base-32bit - pfsalign - phpMyAdmin-apache - phpMyAdmin-lang - phpPgAdmin-apache - playerctl-bash-completion - playerctl-zsh-completion - plplay - podman-docker - podman-remote - povray-doc - prometheus-blackbox_exporter - python-Sphinx-doc-man - python-base-32bit - python3-Arcus - python3-Hamlib - python3-aiocontextvars - python3-charset-normalizer - python3-clingo - python3-dbus-presage - python3-dragonmapper - python3-genders - python3-gensio - python3-gluster - python3-google-auth-oauthlib - python3-gv - python3-gyp - python3-imobiledevice - python3-keylime - python3-libesedb - python3-libevdev - python3-libkdumpfile - python3-libpff - python3-lit - python3-lldb - python3-loguru - python3-marisa - python3-miniupnpc - python3-netgen - python3-patiencediff - python3-plist - python3-presage - python3-presagemate - python3-pyeantic - python3-pympv - python3-pynest2d - python3-pyprompter - python3-pysmbc - python3-pytest-console-scripts - python3-python-rapidjson - python3-pyxb - python3-seccomp - python3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp - python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp - python3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp - python3-sphinxcontrib-jsmath - python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp - python3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml - python3-talloc-32bit - python3-uhd - python3-urlgrabber - python3-xrootd - qemu-sgabios - qemu-vgabios - qhull_r-devel - qhullcpp-devel-static - qpdfview-plugin-djvu - qpdfview-plugin-image - qpdfview-plugin-pdf - qpdfview-plugin-ps - rdma-core-devel-32bit - restool - rime-plum - rime-schema-all - rime-schema-array - rime-schema-bopomofo - rime-schema-cangjie - rime-schema-cantonese - rime-schema-combo-pinyin - rime-schema-default - rime-schema-double-pinyin - rime-schema-emoji - rime-schema-essay - rime-schema-extra - rime-schema-ipa - rime-schema-jyutping - rime-schema-luna-pinyin - rime-schema-middle-chinese - rime-schema-pinyin-simp - rime-schema-prelude - rime-schema-quick - rime-schema-scj - rime-schema-soutzoe - rime-schema-stenotype - rime-schema-stroke - rime-schema-terra-pinyin - rime-schema-wubi - rime-schema-wugniu - rpm-ndb-32bit - rust1.55 - samba-tool - slop-devel - sndioctl - soapy-remote-server - soapysdr0.8-module-airspy - soapysdr0.8-module-bladerf - soapysdr0.8-module-hackrf - soapysdr0.8-module-lms7 - soapysdr0.8-module-mirisdr - soapysdr0.8-module-osmosdr - soapysdr0.8-module-remote - soapysdr0.8-module-rtlsdr - soapysdr0.8-module-uhd - soapysdr0.8-module-xtrx - soci-devel - soci-empty-devel - soci-mysql-devel - soci-odbc-devel - soci-postgresql-devel - soci-sqlite3-devel - ssh-import-id - sssd-32bit - starfighter-lang - sysfsutils-32bit - system-group-ne - system-user-osc-collab - thermal-monitor - typelib-1_0-Entangle-0_1 - typelib-1_0-FPrint-2_0 - typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-3_0 - typelib-1_0-Playerctl-2_0 - typelib-1_0-UMockdev-1_0 - uhd-utils - umockdev - umockdev-devel - unique-factory-devel - unixODBC-32bit - vulkan-devel-32bit - wine-staging-32bit - xcb-util-renderutil-devel-32bit - xrootd-client-libs - xrootd-doc - xrootd-server-libs - zvbi-devel-32bit Package Source Changes ====================== 2ping +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_2ping.service.patch + +- python symbol is not provided by python 3, use proper python3 + +- Update to version 4.5.1 + * 2ping.bash_completion: Make more resilient to failure / missing + features. + * Minimum Python version changed from 3.5 to 3.6. + * Minor no-op code and distribution updates. + +- use one python, not singlespec + +- Change optional requirements to recommends since they just enhance the tool +- Use correct package names for the recommends + +- Update to version 4.5 + * Added PyCryptodome support (recommended over PyCrypto, though the latter is still detected/supported). + * Replaced best_poller module with Python native selectors module. + * Changed --flood output: dots/backspaces are no longer printed, and loss results / errors display full details. + * --audible tones will only occur if stdout is a TTY. + * Improved hostname/IP display edge cases. + * Added an AF_UNIX --loopback test mode. + * Listener sockets are added and removed as needed, instead of being re-created on each rescan. + * Listener sockets are automatically rescanned periodically. + * Multiple systemd sockets are now allowed. + * A run can be both a listener and a client at the same time (mainly useful for smoke testing). + * Other socket handling refactoring. + * Other code refactoring. + * Listener statistics are displayer per-bind. + * Many, many testing/CI improvements. +- Remove groups in spec +- Package systemd service unit +- Add missing optional build requirements to enable all available options +- Some other clean up in spec + +- Update to version 4.3 + * Add --srv-service + * Change --adaptive behavior to better match ping -A + * Fix typos in manpage +- Ran spec-cleaner +- Fix rpmlint duplicate error with fdupes + +- Update to version 4.2 + * Added SIGHUP handling of listener processes + * Added an example bash_completion script + * Better cleanup handling of peer information + +- Update to version 4.1.2 + * Fix UTF-8 tests when run with invalid locale. + * Fix cleanup on non-encrypted sessions. + +- Use OpenPGP signature provided upstream +- Added 2ping.keyring, which contains the key from the author + -- Initial package (version 1.0) - 389-ds +- jsc#SLE-22962 - submit 2.x version in preparation for BDB to LMDB transition +- Add missing dependency on iproute2 for lib389 +- Update to version 2.0.10~git0.21dd2802c: + * Bump version to 2.0.10 + * Issue 4908 - Updated several dsconf --help entries (typos, wrong descriptions, etc.) + * Issue 4912 - Account Policy plugin does not set the config entry DN + * Issue 4863 - typoes in + * Issue 4796 - Add support for nsslapd-state to CLI & UI + * Issue 4894 - IPA failure in ipa user-del --preserve (#4907) + * Issue 4912 - dsidm command crashing when account policy plugin is enabled + * Issue 4910 - db reindex corrupts RUV tombstone nsuiqueid index + * Issue 4869 - Fix retro cl trimming misuse of monotonic/realtime clocks + * Issue 4887 - UI - fix minor regression from camelCase fixup + * Bump version to 2.0.9 + * Issue 4887 - UI - Update webpack.config.js and package.json + * Issue 4149 - UI - Migrate the remaining components to PF4 + * Issue 4875 - CLI - Add some verbosity to installer + * Issue 4884 - server crashes when dnaInterval attribute is set to zero +- Update to version 2.0.8~git0.553f26c87: + * Bump version to 2.0.8 + * Issue 4877 - RFE - EntryUUID to validate UUIDs on fixup (#4878) + * Issue 4872 - BUG - entryuuid enabled by default causes replication issues (#4876) + * Issue 4851 - Typos in "dsconf pwpolicy set --help" (#4867) + * Issue 4763 - Attribute Uniqueness Plugin uses wrong subtree on ModRDN (#4871) + * Issue 4736 - lib389 - fix regression in certutil error checking + * Issue 4861 - Improve instructions in custom.conf for memory leak detection + * Issue 4859 - Don't version libns-dshttpd + * Issue 4169 - Migrate Replication & Schema tabs to PF4 + * Issue 4623 - RFE - Monitor the current DB locks ( nsslapd-db-current-locks ) + * Issue 4736 - CLI - Errors from certutil are not propagated + * Issue 4460 - Fix isLocal and TLS paths discovery (#4850) + * Issue 4848 - Force to require nss version greater or equal as the version available at the build time + * Issue - 4696 - Password hash upgrade on bind (#4840) + * Bump version to 2.0.7 + * Issue 4443 - Internal unindexed searches in syncrepl/retro changelog + * Issue 4603 - Reindexing a single backend (#4831) + * Issue 4169 - UI - migrate Server Tab forms to PF4 + * Issue 4817 - BUG - locked crypt accounts on import may allow all passwords (#4819) + * Issue 4820 - RFE - control flow integrity (#4821) + * Issue 4706 - negative wtime for compare operations (#4780) + * Issue 4414 - SIGFPE crash in rhds disk monitoring routine (#4829) + * Issue 4262 - Fix Index out of bound in fractional test (#4828) + * Issue 4826 - Filter argparse-manpage from autogenerated requires + * Issue 4822 - Fix CI temporary password: fixture leftover breaks them (#4823) + * Issue 2820 - Fix CI test suite issues + * Bump version to 2.0.6 +- Remove unneeded shadow dependency, no longer required due to + systemd-sysusers +- Update to version 2.0.6~git0.d81dc6c90: + * Bump version to 2.0.6 + * Issue 4803 - Improve DB Locks Monitoring Feature Descriptions + * Issue 4803 - Improve DB Locks Monitoring Feature Descriptions (#4810) + * Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate Typeaheads to PF4 (#4808) + * Issue 4414 - disk monitoring - prevent division by zero crash + * Issue 4788 - CLI should support Temporary Password Rules attributes (#4793) + * Issue 4656 - Fix replication plugin rename dependency issues + * Issue 4656 - replication name change upgrade code causes crash with dynamic plugins + * Issue 4506 - Improve SASL logging + * Issue 4709 - Fix double free in dbscan + * Issue 4093 - Fix MEP test case + * Issue 4747 - Remove unstable/unstatus tests (followup) (#4809) + * Issue 4791 - Missing dependency for RetroCL RFE (#4792) + * Issue 4794 - BUG - don't capture container output (#4798) + * Issue 4593 - Log an additional message if the server certificate nickname doesn't match nsSSLPersonalitySSL value + * Issue 4797 - ACL IP ADDRESS evaluation may corrupt c_isreplication_session connection flags (#4799) + * Issue 4169 - UI Migrate checkbox to PF4 (#4769) + * Issue 4447 - Crash when the Referential Integrity log is manually edited + * Issue 4773 - Add CI test for DNA interval assignment + * Issue 4789 - Temporary password rules are not enforce with local password policy (#4790) + * Issue 4379 - fixing regression in test_info_disclosure + * Issue 4379 - Allow more than 1 empty AttributeDescription for ldapsearch, without the risk of denial of service + * Issue 4379 - Allow more than 1 empty AttributeDescription for ldapsearch, without the risk of denial of service + * Issue 4575 Update test docstrings metadata + * Issue 4753 - Adjust our tests to 389-ds-base-snmp missing in RHEL 9 Appstream + * removed the snmp_present() from as we have get_rpm_version() in + * Issue 4753 - Adjust our tests to 389-ds-base-snmp missing in RHEL 9 Appstream +- Fix requires as openssl cli is required by 389-ds now. +- Add now working CONFIG parameter to sysusers generator +- Update to version 2.0.5~git0.607bfbf16: + * Bump version to 2.0.5 + * Issue 4778 - RFE - Allow setting TOD for db compaction and add task + * Issue 4169 - UI - Port plugin tables to PF4 + * Issue 4656 - Allow backward compatilbity for replication plugin name change + * Issue 4764 - replicated operation sometime checks ACI (#4783) + * Issue 2820 - Fix CI test suite issues + * Issue 4781 - There are some typos in man-pages + * Issue 4773 - Enable interval feature of DNA plugin + * Issue 4623 - RFE - Monitor the current DB locks (#4762) + * Issue 3555 - Fix UI audit issue + * Issue 4725 - Fix compiler warnings + * Issue 4770 - Lower FIPS logging severity + * Issue 4765 - database suffix unexpectdly changed from .db to .db4 (#4766) + * Issue 4725 - [RFE] DS - Update the password policy to support a Temporary Password Rules (#4727) + * Issue 4747 - Remove unstable/unstatus tests from PRCI (#4748) + * Issue 4759 - Fix coverity issue (#4760) + * Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate Buttons to PF4 (#4745) + * Issue 4714 - dscontainer fails with rootless podman + * Issue 4750 - Fix compiler warning in retrocl (#4751) + * Issue 4742 - UI - should always use LDAPI path when calling CLI + * Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate Server, Security, and Schema tables to PF4 + * Issue 4667 - incorrect accounting of readers in vattr rwlock (#4732) + * Issue 4701 - RFE - Exclude attributes from retro changelog (#4723) + * Issue 4740 - Fix CI lib389 userPwdPolicy and subtreePwdPolicy (#4741) + * Issue 4711 - SIGSEV with sync_repl (#4738) + * Issue 4734 - import of entry with no parent warning (#4735) + * Issue 4729 - GitHub Actions fails to run pytest tests + * Issue 4656 - Remove problematic language from source code + * Issue 4632 - dscontainer: SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. + * Issue 4169 - UI - migrate replication tables to PF4 + * Issue 4637 - ndn cache leak (#4724) + * Issue 4577 - Fix ASAN flags in specfile + * Issue 4169 - UI - PF4 migration - database tables + * issue 4653: refactor ldbm backend to allow replacement of BDB - phase 3e - dbscan (#4709) +- Recommend openssl(cli) by lib389: admin tools like dscreate can + call out to /usr/bin/openssl to manage certificates. As the admin + could decide to manage the certificates differently, we only + recommend openssl here. +- Update to version 389-ds-base-2.0.4~git0.7f6ba5a37: + * Bump version to 2.0.4 + * Issue 4680 - 389ds coredump (@389ds/389-ds-base-nightly) in replica install with CA (#4715) + * Issue 3965 - RFE - Implement the Password Policy attribute "pwdReset" (#4713) + * Issue 4700 - Regression in winsync replication agreement (#4712) + * Issue 3965 - RFE - Implement the Password Policy attribute "pwdReset" (#4710) + * Issue 4169 - UI - migrate monitor tables to PF4 + * issue 4585 - backend redesign phase 3c - dbregion test removal (#4665) + * Issue 2736 - remove remaining perl references + * Issue 2736 - + * Issue 4706 - negative wtime in access log for CMP operations + * Issue 3585 - LDAP server returning controltype in different sequence + * Issue 4127 - With Accounts/Account module delete fuction is not working (#4697) + * Issue 4666 - BUG - cb_ping_farm can fail with anonymous binds disabled (#4669) + * Issue 4671 - UI - Fix browser crashes + * Issue 4169 - UI - Add PF4 charts for server stats + * Issue 4648 - Fix some issues and improvement around CI tests (#4651) + * Issue 4654 Updates to tickets/ (#4654) + * Issue 4229 - Fix Rust linking + * Issue 4673 - Update Rust crates + * Issue 4658 - monitor - connection start date is incorrect + * Issue 4169 - UI - migrate modals to PF4 + * Issue 4656 - remove problematic language from ds-replcheck + * Issue 4459 - lib389 - Default paths should use dse.ldif if the server is down + * Issue 4656 - Remove problematic language from UI/CLI/lib389 + * Issue 4661 - RFE - allow importing openldap schemas (#4662) + * Issue 4659 - restart after openldap migration to enable plugins (#4660) + * Merge pull request #4664 from mreynolds389/issue4663 + * issue 4552 - Backup Redesign phase 3b - use dbimpl in replicatin plugin (#4622) + * Issue 4643 - Add a tool that generates Rust dependencies for a specfile (#4645) + * Issue 4646 - CLI/UI - revise DNA plugin management + * Issue 4644 - Large updates can reset the CLcache to the beginning of the changelog (#4647) + * Issue 4649 - crash in sync_repl when a MODRDN create a cenotaph (#4652) + * Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate alerts to PF4 + * Issue 4169 - UI - Migrate Accordians to PF4 ExpandableSection + * Issue 4595 - Paged search lookthroughlimit bug (#4602) + * Issue 4169 - UI - port charts to PF4 + * Issue 2820 - Fix CI test suite issues + * Issue 4513 - CI - make acl ip address tests more robust + * Bump version to 2.0.3 + * Issue 4619 - remove pytest requirement from lib389 + * Issue 4615 - log message when psearch first exceeds max threads per conn + * Issue 4469 - Backend redesing phase 3a - implement dbimpl API and use it in back-ldbm (#4618) + * Issue 4324 - Some architectures the cache line size file does not exist + * Issue 4593 - RFE - Print help when nsSSLPersonalitySSL is not found (#4614) + * Issue 4469 - Backend redesign phase 3a - bdb dependency removal from back-ldbm + * Update dscontainer (#4564) + * Issue 4149 - UI - port TreeView and opther components to PF4 + * Issue 4577 - Add GitHub actions + * Issue 4591 - RFE - improve openldap_to_ds help and features (#4607) + * issue 4612 - Fix pytest fourwaymmr_test for non root user (#4613) + * Issue 4609 - CVE - info disclosure when authenticating + * Issue 4348 - Add tests for dsidm + * Issue 4571 - Stale libdb-utils dependency + * Issue 4600 - performance modify rate: reduce lock contention on the object extension factory (#4601) + * Issue 4577 - Add GitHub actions + * Issue 4588 - BUG - unable to compile without xcrypt (#4589) + * Issue 4579 - libasan detects heap-use-after-free in URP test (#4584) + * Issue 4581 - A failed re-indexing leaves the database in broken state (#4582) + * Issue 4348 - Add tests for dsidm + * Issue 4577 - Add GitHub actions + * Issue 4563 - Failure on s390x: 'Fails to split RDN "o=pki-tomcat-CA" into components' (#4573) + * Issue 4093 - fix compiler warnings and update doxygen + * Issue 4575 - Update test docstrings metadata + * Issue 4526 - sync_repl: when completing an operation in the pending list, it can select the wrong operation (#4553) + * Issue 4324 - Performance search rate: change entry cache monitor to recursive pthread mutex (#4569) + * Issue 4513 - Add DS version check to SSL version test (#4570) + * Issue 5442 - Search results are different between RHDS10 and RHDS11 + * Issue 4396 - Minor memory leak in backend (#4558) + * Revert "Update metadata for customerscenario in test docstring" + * Update metadata for customerscenario in test docstring + * Issue 4513 - Fix replication CI test failures (#4557) + * Issue 4513 - Fix replication CI test failures (#4557) + * Issue 4153 - Added a CI test (#4556) + * Issue 4506 - BUG - fix oob alloc for fds (#4555) + * Issue 4548 - CLI - dsconf needs better root DN access control plugin validation + * Issue 4506 - Temporary fix for io issues (#4516) + * Issue 4535 - lib389 - Fix log function in + * Issue 4534 - libasan read buffer overflow in filtercmp (#4541) + * Issue 4544 - Compiler warnings on krb5 functions (#4545) + * Update for RUST tarballs +- small spec cleanup +- As there is no python-* package, the direct use of singlespec + seems unapplicable. So do not build for all python3.x flavors, + but only for the main one: + + Use releavant %python3_ macros. + + Do not use %python_module, as this pulls in all python + versions. +- Update to version 2.0.2~git0.6d17ca7df: + * Bump version to 2.0.2 + * Issue 4539 - BUG - no such file if no overlays in openldap during migration (#4540) + * Issue 4528 - Fix cn=monitor SCOPE_ONE search (#4529) + * Issue 4535 - lib389 - healthcheck throws exception if backend is not replicated + * Issue 4537 - Use KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME for client keytabs (#4523) + * Issue 4513 - CI Tests - fix test failures + * Issue 4504 - insure that repl_monitor_test use ldapi (for RHEL) - fix merge issue (#4533) + * Issue 4315 - performance search rate: nagle triggers high rate of setsocketopt + * Issue 4504 - Insure ldapi is enabled in (Needed on RHEL) (#4527) + * Issue 4506 - BUG - Fix bounds on fd table population (#4520) + * Issue 4521 - DS crash in deref plugin if dereferenced entry exists but is not returned by internal search (#4525) + * Issue 4219 - Log internal unindexed searches (notes=A) + * Issue 4384 - Separate eventq into REALTIME and MONOTONIC + * Issue 4381 - RFE - LDAPI authentication DN rewritter + * Issue 4513 - Fix schema test and lib389 task module (#4514) + * Issue 4414 - disk monitoring - prevent division by zero crash + * Issue 4517 - BUG: Multiple systemd pin warnings (#4518) + * Issue 4507 - Improve csngen testing task (#4508) + * Issue 4498 - BUG - entryuuid replication may not work (#4503) + * Issue 4480 - Unexpected info returned to ldap request (#4491) + * Issue #4504 - Fix pytest test_dsconf_replication_monitor (#4505) + * Issue 4373 - BUG - one line cleanup, free results in mt if ent 0 (#4502) + * Merge pull request #4501 from mreynolds389/issue4500 + * Issue 4272 RFE - add support for gost-yescrypt for hashing passwords (#4497) + * Issue 1795 - RFE - Enable logging for libldap and libber in error log (#4481) + * Issue 3522 - Remove DES to AES conversion code + * Issue 4492 - Changelog cache can upload updates from a wrong starting point (CSN) (#4493) + * Issue 4373 - BUG - calloc of size 0 in MT build (#4496) + * Issue 4483 - heap-use-after-free in slapi_be_getsuffix + * Issue 4486 - Remove random ldif file generation from import test (#4487) + * Issue 4224 - cleanup specfile after libsds removal + * Issue 4421 - Unable to build with Rust enabled in closed environment + * Issue 4489 - Remove return statement from a void function (#4490) + * Issue 4229 - RFE - Improve rust linking and build performance (#4474) + * Ticket 4224 - openldap can become confused with entryuuid + * Ticket 4313 - improve tests and improve readme re refdel + * Ticket 4313 - fix potential syncrepl data corruption + * Issue 4419 - Warn users of skipped entries during ldif2db online import (#4476) + * Issue 4243 - Fix test (4th): SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong (#4475) + * Issue 4315: performance search rate: nagle triggers high rate of setsocketopt (#4437) + * Issue 4460 - BUG - add machine name to subject alt names in SSCA (#4472) + * Issue 4446 RFE - openldap password hashers + * Issue 4284 - dsidm fails to delete an organizationalUnit entry + * Issue 4243 - Fix test: SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie (#4466) (#4466) + * Issue 4464 - RFE - clang with ds+asan+rust + * Issue 4105 - Remove python.six (fix regression) + * Issue 4384 - Use MONOTONIC clock for all timing events and conditions + * Issue 4418 - ldif2db - offline. Warn the user of skipped entries + * Issue 4243 - Fix test: SyncRepl plugin provides a wrong cookie (#4467) + * Issue 4460 - BUG - lib389 should use system tls policy + * Issue 3657 - Add options to dsctl for dsrc file + * Issue 4454 - RFE - fix version numbers to allow object caching + * Issue 3986 - UI - Handle objectclasses that do not have X-ORIGIN set + * Issue 4297 - 2nd fix for on ADD replication URP issue internal searches with filter containing unescaped chars (#4439) + * Issue 4112 - Added a CI test (#4441) + * Issue 4449 - dsconf replication monitor fails to retrieve database RUV - consumer (Unavailable) (#4451) + * Issue 4105 - Remove python.six from lib389 (#4456) + * Fix pytest test collection + * Issue 4440 - BUG - ldifgen with --start-idx option fails with unsupported operand (#4444) + * Issue 4410 RFE - ndn cache with arc in rust + * Issue 4373 - BUG - Mapping Tree nodes can be created that are invalid + * Issue 4428 - BUG Paged Results with critical false causes sigsegv in chaining + * Issue 4428 - Paged Results with Chaining Test Case + * do not add referrals for masters with different data generation #2054 (#4427) + * Issue 4383 - Do not normalize escaped spaces in a DN + * Issue 4432 - After a failed online import the next imports are very slow + * Issue 4316 - performance search rate: useless poll on network send callback (#4424) + * Issue 4281 - dsidm user status fails with Error: 'nsUserAccount' object has no attribute 'is_locked' + * Issue 4429 - NULL dereference in revert_cache() + * Issue 4412 - Fix CLI repl-agmt requirement for parameters (#4422) + * Issue 4407 RFE - remove http client and presence plugin (#4409) + * build problems at alpine linux + * Issue 4415 - unable to query schema if there are extra parenthesis +- Rust is a hard-requirement of 2.0.0 series, so enable-rust flags removed +- Perl has been completly removed in 2.0.0, enable-perl removed and lib389 + is the default. Perl tools have not been included in SUSE since 1.4.1.x +- Update to version 2.0.1~git0.b557f5daa: + * Bump version to 2.0.1 + * Issue 4420 - change NVR to use X.X.X instead of X.X.X.X + * Issue 4391 - DSE config modify does not call be_postop (#4394) + * Issue 4218 - Verify the new wtime and optime access log keywords (#4397) + * Issue 4176 - CL trimming causes high CPU + * ticket 2058: Add keep alive entry after on-line initialization - second version (#4399) + * Issue 4403 RFE - OpenLDAP pw hash migration tests (#4408) + * Bump version to 2.0.0 + 3omns +- Fixed spec file + * Updated URL and SourceURL + * Minor cleanup + 4store +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to 1.1.6: + * No changelog provided. +- Clean with spec-cleaner. + 4ti2 +- Modernize specfile. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.6.9 + * Fix out of bounds vector access in circuits. +- Remove 4ti2-missing-libs.diff (not needed) + 7kaa +- Fixed music version requirement (align with music package) + AppStream +- Create and install a Vala API file + +- Update to version 0.14.4 + * qt: Expose setter and getter for pool cache location + * utils: Use GLib's gstring_replace if available + * its: Allow to mark release descriptions as non-translatable + * compose: Point people at the specification if metadata license is invalid + * docs: Clarify which metadata licenses are permitted + * docs: Fix a typo on the icon cache page + * spec: Add a paragraph about which license to put in <project_license> + * Add documentation for YAML release type and urgency + * Add documentation for YAML provides + * component: Don't strip ";" from keywords before translating them + * utils: Don't strip modifiers when stripping encoding + * compose: Check optipng is there before we use it + * Improve text line wrapping, especially if many newlines are present + * Make word-wrap function unicode-aware + * Make license_is_metadata_license parse more complex expressions + * Improve cache refresh code, don't flag cache as updated if update failed + * Use system cache even if we had to drop some invalid metadata + * Assign more string class members safely + * Fix flashed firmware generating incorrect XML + * Fix YAML having wrong names for the firmware data + Botan -- Added CVE-2021-24115.patch to fix CVE-2021-24115 - * Backport 4db001ca2 to 2.10 - * In Botan before 2.17.3, or this backport, constant-time - computations are not used for certain decoding and encoding - operations (base32, base58, base64, and hex) -- Dropped unneeded build requirement gmp, - GNU MP was removed in 1.11.10 +- update to 2.18.2: + * Avoid using short exponents when encrypting in ElGamal, as some PGP + implementations generate keys with parameters that are weak when + short exponents are used CVE-2021-40529 boo#1190244 + * Fix a low risk OAEP decryption side channel + * Work around a miscompilation of SHA-3 caused by a bug in Clang 12 + and XCode 13 + * Remove support in OpenSSL provider for algorithms which are + disabled by default in OpenSSL 3.0 + * Add CI based on GitHub actions to replace Travis CI + * Fix the online OCSP test, as the certificate involved had expired. + * Fix some test failures induced by the expiration of the trust root + "DST Root CA X3" + +- Botan 2.18.1: + * Fix a build regression in 2.18.0 which caused linker flags + which contain -l within them (such as -fuse-linker-plugin) + to be misinterpreted + * Fix a bug which caused decoding a certificate which contained + more than one name in a single RDN + * Fix a bug which caused OID lookup failures when run in a locale + which uses thousands separators (pt_BR was reported as having + this issue) + * DNS names in name constraints were compared with case + sensitivity, which could cause valid certificates to be + rejected + * X.509 name constraint extensions were rejected if non-critical. + RFC 5280 requires conforming CAs issue such extensions as + critical, but not all certificates are compliant, and all other + known implementations do not require this + * X.509 name constraints were incorrectly applied to the + certificate which included the constraint +- build with lzma compression support +- build with SQLite support +- build with TPM support +- fix SLE 12 build + +- Botan 2.18.0 + * Add support for implementing custom RNG objects through the FFI + interface + * Improve safegcd bounds, improving runtime performance + * Reject non-TLS messages as quickly as possible without waiting + for a full record. + * Fixes for TLS::Stream::async_shutdown +- Removed unneeded GNU MP build requirement, support was dropped + with version 1.11.10 +- Enabled check target, verify integrity of build library + +- Botan 2.17.3: + * Harden against side-channels from decoding secret values by + changing the base64, base58, base32, and hex encoding and + decoding opearations to run in constant time + +- Botan 2.17.2: + * Fix build problem on ppc64 + * Resolve an issue in the modular square root algorithm + +- Botan 2.17.1: + * Fix bugs in ECDSA signature generation and verifications under + specific circumstances + * developer visible changes, including deprecation with warnings + * optimization in the non-hardware assisted AES key generation + * Add more detection logic for AVX-512 features + * Fix a bug parsing deeply nested cipher names + * Prevent requesting DER encoding of signatures when the + algorithm did not support it + +- Update to 2.16.0: + * Now userspace PRNG objects (such as AutoSeeded_RNG and HMAC_DRBG) + use an internal lock, which allows safe concurrent use. This + however is purely a precaution in case of accidental sharing of + such RNG objects; for performance reasons it is always preferable + to use a RNG per thread if a userspace RNG is needed. + * DL_Group and EC_Group objects now track if they were created + from a known trusted group (such as P-256 or an IPsec DH + parameter). If so, then verification tests can be relaxed, as + compared to parameters which may have been maliciously + constructed in order to pass primality checks. + * RandomNumberGenerator::add_entropy_T assumed its input was a POD + type but did not verify this. + * Support OCSP responders that live on a non-standard port. + * Add support for Solaris sandbox. + * Support suffixes on release numbers for alpha/beta releases. + * Fix a bug in EAX which allowed requesting a 0 length tag, which + had the effect of using a full length tag. Instead omit the + length field, or request the full tag length explicitly. + * Fix a memory leak in GCM where if passed an unsuitable block + cipher (eg not 128 bit) it would throw an exception and leak + the cipher object. + +- update to 2.15: + Fix a bug where the name constraint extension did not constrain the alternative + DN field which can be included in a subject alternative name. This would allow + a corrupted sub-CA which was otherwise constrained by a name constraint to + issue a certificate with a prohibited DN. + Fix a bug in the TLS server during client authentication where where if a + (disabled by default) static RSA ciphersuite was selected, then no certificate + request would be sent. This would have an equivalent effect to a client which + simply replied with an empty Certificate message. (GH #2367) + Replace the T-Tables implementation of AES with a 32-bit bitsliced version. As + a result AES is now constant time on all processors. (GH #2346 #2348 #2353 + [#2329] #2355) + In TLS, enforce that the key usage given in the server certificate allows the + operation being performed in the ciphersuite. (GH #2367) + In X.509 certificates, verify that the algorithm parameters are the expected + NULL or empty. (GH #2367) + Change the HMAC key schedule to attempt to reduce the information leaked from + the key schedule with regards to the length of the key, as this is at times (as + for example in PBKDF2) sensitive information. (GH #2362) + Add Processor_RNG which wraps RDRAND or the POWER DARN RNG instructions. The + previous RDRAND_RNG interface is deprecated. (GH #2352) + The documentation claimed that mlocked pages were created with a guard page + both before and after. However only a trailing guard page was used. Add a + leading guard page. (GH #2334) + Add support for generating and verifying DER-encoded ECDSA signatures in the C + and Python interfaces. (GH #2357 #2356) + Workaround a bug in GCC’s UbSan which triggered on a code sequence in XMSS (GH + [#2322]) + When building documentation using Sphinx avoid parallel builds with version 3.0 + due to a bug in that version (GH #2326 #2324) + Fix a memory leak in the CommonCrypto block cipher calls (GH #2371) + Fix a flaky test that would occasionally fail when running the tests with a + large number of threads. (GH #2325 #2197) + Additional algorithms are now deprecated: XTEA, GOST, and Tiger. They will be + removed in a future major release. + +- Update to Botan 2.14: + * Add support for using POWER8+ VPSUMD instruction to accelerate GCM (GH #2247) + * Optimize the vector permute AES implementation, especially improving + performance on ARMv7, Aarch64, and POWER. (GH #2243) + * Use a new algorithm for modular inversions which is both faster + and more resistant to side channel attacks. (GH #2287 #2296 #2301) + * Address an issue in CBC padding which would leak the length of the plaintext + which was being padded. Unpadding during decryption was not affected. + * Optimize NIST prime field reductions, improving ECDSA by 3-9% (GH #2295) + * Increase the size of the ECC blinding mask and scale it based on the + size of the group order. (GH #880 #893 #2308) + * Add server side support for the TLS asio wrapper. (GH #2229) + * Add support for using Windows certificate store on MinGW (GH #2280) + * Add a CLI utility cpu_clock which estimates the speed of the processor cycle counter. + * Add Roughtime client (GH #2143 #1842) + * Add support for XMSS X.509 certificates (GH #2172) + * Add support for X.509 CRLs in FFI layer and Python wrapper (GH #2213) + * Add AVX2 implementation of SHACAL2 (GH #2196) + * Support more functionality for X.509 in the Python API (GH #2165) + * Add generic CPU target useful when building for some new or unusual platform. + * Disable MD5 in BSI or NIST modes (GH #2188) + * Many currently public headers are being deprecated. If any such header is included by + an application, a warning is issued at compile time. + Headers issuing this warning will be made internal in a future major release. + * RSA signature performance improvements (GH #2068 #2070) + * Performance improvements for GCM (GH #2024 #2099 #2119), OCB (#2122), XTS (#2123) and + ChaCha20Poly1305 (GH #2117), especially for small messages. + * Add support for constant time AES using NEON and AltiVec (GH #2093 #2095 #2100) + * Improve performance of POWER8 AES instructions (GH #2096) + * Add support for the POWER9 hardware random number generator (GH #2026) + * Add support for 64-bit version of RDRAND, doubling performance on x86-64 (GH #934 #2022) + * In DTLS server, support a client crashing and then reconnecting from the same + source port, as described in RFC 6347 sec 4.2.8 (GH #2029) + * Optimize DTLS MTU splitting to split precisely to the set MTU (GH #2042) + * Add support for the TLS v1.3 downgrade indicator. (GH #2027) + * Add Argon2 PBKDF and password hash (GH #459 #1981 #1987) + * Add Bcrypt-PBKDF (GH #1990) + * Add server side support for issuing DTLS HelloVerifyRequest messages (GH #1999) + * Add support for the TLS v1.3 supported_versions extension. (GH #1976) + * Add Ed25519ph compatible with RFC 8032 (GH #1699 #2000) + * Add support for OCSP stapling on server side. (GH #1703 #1967) + * Add a boost::asio TLS stream compatible with boost::asio::ssl. (GH #1839 #1927 #1992) + * Add a certificate store for Linux/Unix systems. (GH #1885 #1936) + * Various Fixes Box2D -- Fix the source URL - -- Update to version 2.4.1. - * API Changes - * Extended distance joint to have a minimum and maximum limit. - * Removed rope joint. Use the distance joint instead. - * B2_USER_SETTINGS and b2_user_settings.h can control user - data, length units, and maximum polygon vertices. - * Default user data is now uintptr_t instead of void* - * b2FixtureDef::restitutionThreshold lets you set the - restitution velocity threshold per fixture. - * BREAKING Changes - * BREAKING: distance joint 0 stiffness now means the spring is - turned off rather than making the joint rigid. - * BREAKING: distance joint minimum and maximum must be set - correctly to get old behavior. - * Infrastructure - * Library installation function available in CMake. - * Shared library (DLL) option available. - * Bug fixes -- Updates since 2.3.1 - * Infrastructure - * Documentation in Doxygen format - * Unit test support - * Continuous integration testing using Travis CI - * Limited use of C++11 (nullptr and override) - * Collision - * Chain and edge shape must now be one-sided to eliminate ghost - collisions - * Broad-phase optimizations - * Added b2ShapeCast for linear shape casting - * Dynamics - * Joint limits are now predictive and not stateful - * Experimental 2D cloth (rope) - * b2Body::SetActive -> b2Body::SetEnabled - * Better support for running multiple worlds - * Handle zero density better - * The body behaves like a static body - * The body is drawn with a red color - * Added translation limit to wheel joint - * World dump now writes to box2d_dump.inl - * Static bodies are never awake - * All joints with spring-dampers now use stiffness and damping - * Added utility functions to convert frequency and damping - ratio to stiffness and damping -- Remove Box2D-fix-version-2.3.1.patch, fixed. -- Change package name from Box2D to box2d. - -- Replace strange buildroot definition - -- RPM group correction - -- Fixed Factory review (License.txt is not packaged). -- Minor spec clean-up (may fix SLE build). -- Cmake release with debug info build type. - -- Fixed tar.gz by osc service localrun download_files -- Fixed version in baselibs.conf (for 32bits packages) -- Added baselibs.conf as source1 - -- Update to new upstream version 2.3.1: - * Polygon creation now computes the convex hull. - * The convex hull code will merge vertices closer than - dm_linearSlop. - * Vertices no longer need to be ordered. - * New GUI - * Various other bugfixes -- removed upstream patched Box2D_v2.2.1-lib64.patch -- replaced Box2D_v2.2.1-version.patch with - Box2D-fix-version-2.3.1.patch - -- new package - CSXCAD +- Fix build with VTK 9.0, which reflects constness more strictly: + 0001-Fix-build-with-VTK-9.0-fix-memory-leak.patch + Catch2 +- Update to version 2.13.7 + Fixes: + * Added missing `<iterator>` include in benchmarking. + * Fixed noexcept build with benchmarking enabled. + * Fixed build for compilers with C++17 support but without + C++17 library support. + * JUnit only uses 3 decimal places when reporting durations. + * `!mayfail` tagged tests are now marked as `skipped` in JUnit + reporter output. + CharLS +- Update to version 2.2.0: + * Added + - Added pkg-config charls.pc file to help in detect the CharLS + library (see #76) + - Added standard CMake variable BUILD_SHARED_LIBS as an option + to make it visible in the CMake GUI (see #66) + - The PowerPC Little Endian (ppc64le) platform has been added + as supported architecture + * Fixed + - Fixed #21, Building with UBSAN, will report runtime error: + left shift of 4031 by 63 places cannot be represented in type + 'long int' + - Fixed #25, CharLS fails to read LSE marker segment after + first SOS segment + - Fixed #26, CharLS should only use the valid bits from the + passed input buffer + - Fixed #36, CharLS should remain stable from bad input + (several issues found by fuzzy testing) + - Fixed #60, Visual Studio 2015 C++ compiler cannot compile + certain constexpr constructions + - Fixed #62, Missing includes in jpegls_error.cpp when using + libc++ (and not libstdc++) + - Fixed #70, The C and C++ sample don't swap the pixels from a + .bmp file horizontal + - Fixed #79, Wrong JPEG-LS encoding when stride is non-default + (stride != 0), component count > 1 and interleave_mode is none + * Changed + - The API has been extended with additional annotations to + assist the static analyzer in the MSVC and GCC/clang + compilers + - The size check for a Start Of Scan (SOS) segment is now exact + for improved compatibility with fuzzy testing + - The minimum support version of CMake is now 3.13 (was 3.9), + 3.13 is needed for add_link_options + - The Windows static library and DLL are now compiled with the + Control Flow Guard (/guard:cf) option enabled for enhanced + security + - The .NET adapter has been upgraded to .NET 5 and moved to its + own repository This has been done to make it possible to have + different release cycles. + * Removed + - The legacy methods JpegLsEncodeStream, JpegLsDecodeStream and + JpegLsReadHeaderStream have been removed as exported methods. + These methods were not part of the public API and only used + by by the charlstest application +- Added pkgconfig build requires. + +- Update to version 2.1.0. + * Added + * Two new C++ classes (jpegls_encoder \ jpegls_decoder) have + been added to make it much easier to use CharLS from C++ + * A new C API (charls_xxx functions) was added to provide a + more stable ABI for future updates. The old API calls are + internally forwarded to the new API. + * CharLS can now read and write JPEG-LS standard SPIFF headers + * Support has been added to detect the unsupported JPEG-LS + extension (ISO/IEC 14495-2) SOF_57 marker and IDs in LSE + marker + * Support has been added to encode\decode 4 component images + in all interleave modes + * Deprecated + * The legacy 1.x\2.0 C API has been marked as deprecated. This + legacy API will be maintained until the next major upgrade. + * Future 2.x updates will start to mark the legacy types and + functions with the C++ [[deprecated]] attribute. + * Changed + * charls_error has been replaced by a C++11 compatible + jpegls_errc error code enum design + * The included C and C++ sample have been updated to use the + new C\C++ API + * Improved the validation of the JPEG-LS stream during + decoding + * The referenced NuGet packages of the .NET wrapper assembly + are updated to their latest versions + * Removed + * Support to write JFIF headers during encoding has been + removed. JFIF headers were already skipped when present + during decoding. + * SPIFF headers should be used when creating standalone .jls + files + * Support for .NET Code Contracts has been removed as this + technology is being phased out by Microsoft + * Fixed + * Fixed #7, How to compile CharLS with Xcode has been + documented in the Wiki + * Fixed #44, Only the API functions should be exported from a + Linux shared library + * Fixes #35, Encoding will fail if the bit per sample is + greater than 8, and a custom RESET value is used + * Fixes #51, The default threshold values are not corrected + computed for 6 bit images or less + * Fixed the ASSERT in the ModuloRange function, which would + trigger false assertions in debug builds + Coin +- Explicitly request system libexpat. The bundled expat 2.0.1 has + known vulnerabilities, and also causes crashes in e.g. FreeCADs + SVG import due to using incompatible expat versions in use at + the same time ( + * 0001-Actually-link-to-system-expat.patch +- Cleanup spec file: + * Update Homepage URL + * Remove Source URL, bitbucket download is no longer functional + * Use %license, %make_build, %make_install macros + ComputeLibrary +- Update to 21.11: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + +- Update to 21.08: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + +- Update to 21.05: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + +- Drop patch which is not needed anymore: + * acl-fix-packaging-issue.patch + +- Add patch to fix build of ArmNN with openCL: + * acl-fix-packaging-issue.patch + +- Package separately libarm_compute_core and libarm_compute_graph + +- Update to 21.02: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + +- Update to 20.11: + * Public major release + * Deprecation notice: + Deprecated GLES functions and kernels + Deprecated Neon and OpenCL Computer Vision functions + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + +- Update to 20.08: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + +- Update to 20.05: + * Public major release + * Documentation (API, changelogs, build guide, + contribution guide, errata, etc.) available here: + + CorsixTH +- Update to version 0.65.1 + * Fixes a bug where the game would crash if you got the All Cured + trophy at the end of year awards, when loading a save from 0.64 + or earlier. + +- Use default lua otherwise the Requires will be incorrect +- Remove unnecessary luajit build dep + +- Fix lua-lpeg requirement + +- Update to version 0.65: + * Hospital policies will now carry over to your next level in + the campaign + * You can now remove destroyed rooms for a fee (config option) + * The information dialogs that appear when a room is first built + can be disabled in the configuration file + * Fire extinguishers in rooms now have a chance to save a smoking + machine from exploding + * Advisor has more advice + * Additional trophy of the original game is implemented + * Roujin's challenge cheat is back + * Experimental direct_zoom config option, for more efficient zoom. + * Fix: Emergencies with unknown diseases will no longer occur + * The VIP system has been overhauled to provide more balanced ratings + * Overpriced/Underpriced treatments now scale with difficulty + * Placing a receptionist on a desk will now call her to the desk + * Boiler breakdowns now depend on handymen + * Faxes can no longer be opened while paused + * Improvements to receptionist announcement frequency and behaviour + * Games compiled without movie/audio can no longer access these settings + * Greek language added! + * Updates to Brazilian-Portuguese and English language + * Fixes to Chinese unicode encoding + * Fix: Issues scheduling emergencies have been resolved + * Fix: Games will no longer crash on load if the jukebox was open + * Fix: Games will no longer crash because of an empty music folder + * Fix: Fixed a scenario where editing a room caused staff to get stuck + * Fix: Games that scrolled while saving stop scrolling on load + * Fix: Psychiatrists in the Operating Theatre are now properly counted + * Fix: Losing a game now gives the reason if the movie is skipped + * Fix: Exiting the game will no longer hang when using the + Wayland backend + * Fix: The mouse will now be freed on game crash + +- Update to version 0.64 + * ISO images may be used as a Theme Hospital data source. + * Confirm dialogs are now sized properly in all languages + * Many circumstances causing rooms to become stuck have been fixed + * Level 6 map issues causing errors have been corrected + * Epidemic patients couldn't be treated while they were seeking a room + * CJK text layout issues have been corrected + * French Level 5 description was replaced so that formatting characters no longer show up in it. + * Some undefined behavior and potential memory leaks have been corrected. + * Earthquake cheat now breaks your hospital instead of the game. + * Updated translations for Chinese, French, Brazilian Portuguese. + * Spelling and grammar fixes for English. + +- Update to version 0.63 + * Game music now supports ogg, flac, wav, aiff, voc, and mod in + addition to mp3 and mid/xmi tracks. + * No more hunting for that machine that's always breaking down. + Save your camera position with ALT+number, and restore with + CTRL+number. + * Announcements are now queued to play one after another instead + of overlapping. + * New man page for unix like operating systems. + * Fax message improvements. + * All hotkeys in the game are now configurable from within a + new option in the settings menu. + * Configure the scroll and zoom speed in game. + * Improved mouse 'release' behaviour. Release mouse (CTRL+F10 by + default) now always releases the mouse, so the game will not + scroll when moving out of the window. Clicking in the game + window causes the game to recognize the mouse again. +- Run spec-cleaner. +- Installation of Icon- and desktop files are now properly handled + by the upstream buildsystem. + +- Update to version 0.62 +- Enable movies again + -- update to version 0.30 - - Gameplay - * Change: You can now build more than one desk in the ward. More nurses means a slightly faster throughput. - * Change: Patients would previously queue outside toilets even though there were free loos since it was dependant on number of people in the room. Now, as soon as a loo becomes free another patient enters the room to use it, even if there is a long queue for the sink). If there is a queue for the sinks there is a chance the patient will leave without washing their hands - but will not be happy about doing this. - * Added: The ability to control alien behaviour - sitting, knocking doors, only to be available through emergency or arrive like all other patients. - * Added: Winning fax opens automatically and pauses the game. - * Added: Option to automatically accept wage increase requests when they "time out". - * Added: A new option allows for your average build content for each type of room to be remembered, so will be added for each new room built later. - * Fix: Doctors should get stuck less often, and handymen should not crash the game as frequently. - * Fix: It was not possible to replace a surgeon when a patient was in the room. - * Fix: Patients would sometimes get stuck inside a room when they should have died. - - User Interface - * Added: A new customization menu in the Options dialog. Most options from the configuration file are now available for change in-game. - * Added: A new directory menu in the Options dialog. - * Added: The game does now check for a more recent version of itself when launching. - * Added: A helpful message when the player puts more Researchers in the research department than there are desks. - * Added: The game now does a small integrity check on the Theme Hospital files to make sure that the most common corruptions are not present. - * Added: Confirm dialog to the quit/exit button on the main menu. - * Fix: The tooltip for the tutorial button was incorrect since the dialog has been visually changed. - * Fix: The announcer has had a few corrections made to his manuscripts. He is very happy about this! - * Removed: The settings menu is no longer available from within the game. - - Hotkeys - * Some hotkeys have been changed and/or added: - * Alt + A = Toggle Announcements - * Alt + M = Toggle Music - * Alt + S = Toggle Sound Effects - * Shift and + to zoom in five steps and Shift and - to zoom out five steps at a time. - - Campaign levels - * Fix: An error in level 8 made it possible to win without meeting the reputation criterion. - - Custom levels - * Change: For random emergencies each illness now has its own average number of patients to spawn. Previously they were all the same. - * Fix: Researching improvements was not really possible on some custom levels, i.e. if the map creator had made it so there were no machines at the start. - - Demo files - * Fix: When winning the demo level CorsixTH looked for another level to load, showing the wrong fax options and eventually crashing. - - Languages - * Added: Korean language. - * Fix: It was not possible to dump strings for a language with unicode characters in the name. - -- update to version 0.21 - - Gameplay: - * Fix: Staff would sometimes not go for a break. - * Fix: A few crashes related to Handymen. - * Fix: An error could occur if a fax message was removed just as it was animating into view. - * Fix: Patients could sometimes be told to go home multiple times, resulting in a crash. - * Fix: If a queueing patient was heading for a drinks machine just as the player moved that machine the game would crash. - - User Interface - * Added: Scrolling momentum when using the middle button. - * Added: There is now a clock in the right corner of the menu bar that shows the real world time. It can be toggled between AM/PM and 24h in the configuration file. - - Hotkeys - * Added: Hotkeys for the Jukebox (J), Save game menu (Shift + S), Load game menu (Shift + L), to restart the level (Shift + R) and finally quit the current game and take you back to the opening screen (Shift + Q). - * Change: Restart is now Shift + F10 instead of only F10. - * Change: Toggle adviser is now Shift + A instead of only A. - * Change: Key combinations will only trigger if that exact combination is pressed. E.g. Ctrl + R will not trigger R too. - * Change: Alt + F4 is now the hotkey to quit CorsixTH. - * Fix: Added a configuration option to have the possibility to use Shift + C as hotkey to open the Drug casebook instead of C. This is to workaround a bug that when you press on the volume down key on your keyboard the Drug casebook would open. - - Map Editor - * Added: Undo/Redo functionality. - * Added: Street lamps and the dead looking tree. - -- Build without FFmpeg support - -- update to version 0.20 - - Gameplay: - * Added: "edge tile" objects now occupy just one edge of the tile. - * Added: Possibility to play movies in-game (via ffmpeg libs). - * Added: The atom analyzer can now be built in the research department. - * Added: User actions are no allowed by default when the game is paused. - * Added: Some background sounds, coughs, phones ringing etc. - * Change: Placing a member of staff inside a room. - - User Interface: - * Added: You can see which drug company a certain drug was bought from. - * Added: The adviser tells you why the research screen can't be opened. - * Added: The Town Map functionality has been extended. - * Added: Available options on open faxes now gets updated. - * Added: Keyboard shortcuts F1 - F9 for the fullscreen windows. - * Added: Possibility to choose font file in the options dialog. - * Added: Player name is now customizable in the new game dialog. - - Graphics: - * Added: The graph dialog now displays graphs and statistics information. - * Added: Choosing among three colour scales for warmth level. - * Added: Print some info in the command prompt when taking a screenshot. - * Added: Screenshot functionality for OpenGL version. - * Change: Screenshots get saved to a dedicated screenshot folder now. - - Translations: - * Added: The beginning of Brazilian Portuguese and Hungarian. - * Change: The "utf8" prefix has been obsolete and has been removed. -- Switched to use download_files service. -- Service source_validator was enabled. - FlightGear +- Update to 2020.3.11 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.9 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.8 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.6 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.5 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.4 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.2 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.1 + * +- Drop upstream Fix_language_detection.patch + +- Update to 2020.1.3 + * +- Add Fix_language_detection.patch +- Use system libspeex + +- Update to 2020.1.2 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.1 + * changelog: + +- Update to 2018.3.5 + * changelog: +- Cleaned up spec file + FlightGear-data +- Update to 2020.3.11 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.9 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.8 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.6 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.5 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.4 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.2 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.1 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.3 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.2, for details see + +- Adjust _constraints to avoid build failures + +- Update to 2020.1.1, for details see + + +- Update to 2018.3.5, no changelog provided +- Remove some more sources from data package +- Recompress PNG files with optipng + FreeCAD +- Replace the QtWebKit build dependency with QtWebEngine. + +- Update to version 0.19.2: + * Various bug fixes, no changelog provided + +- Update to version 0.19.1: + * Lots of new features, bug fixes and improvements, see + +- Drop upstream patches: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-pyside2-shiboken2-5.12.1.patch + * 0003-qt-5.14.patch + * update-swigpyrunin-for-python-3.8.patch + * + * fix_qt_5.15_build.patch + * 0001-boost-1.73.0-The-practice-of-declaring-the-Bind-plac.patch + * 0001-Fix-ODR-violation-correct-Ui_TaskSketcherGeneral-nam.patch + * 0001-Gui-skip-ci-fix-Wodr.patch + * 0001-Part-Import-skip-ci-disable-use-of-Message_ProgressI.patch + * 0001-import-Hotfix-for-build-failure-from-bad-debug-code.patch + * 0001-partdesign-fix-failing-tapered-hole-test.patch + * 0001-add-missing-std-namespace-to-build-on-Debian-10.patch +- Rebase fix-smesh-vtk9.patch + +- Fix build and tests with OCCT 7.5, add + 0001-Part-Import-skip-ci-disable-use-of-Message_ProgressI.patch + 0001-import-Hotfix-for-build-failure-from-bad-debug-code.patch + 0001-partdesign-fix-failing-tapered-hole-test.patch +- Add 0001-add-missing-std-namespace-to-build-on-Debian-10.patch +- Cleanup specfile: + * Use system PyCXX, drop unused libboost_python3 + * Drop some unused dependencies + * Remove ChangeLog.txt, not updated since version 0.14 + +- Fix build with latest GCC, add 0001-Gui-skip-ci-fix-Wodr.patch +- Force-enable C++17, Boost 1.75 requires C++14 at least + +- Update to version 0.18.5: + * Fix addon manager to adapt to GitHub infrastructure changes. + * Add 0001-Fix-ODR-violation-correct-Ui_TaskSketcherGeneral-nam.patch + * Rebase 0001-boost-1.73.0-The-practice-of-declaring-the-Bind-plac.patch +- Reenable workbenches dependent on Mesher (e.g. Path, FEM): + * Add fix-smesh-vtk9.patch + +- Fix build with boost 1.73 and later, add + 0001-boost-1.73.0-The-practice-of-declaring-the-Bind-plac.patch +- Cleanup some build dependencies. + +- temporary disable FEM module until VTK 9 support arrives + +- Fix build with Qt 5.15, add fix_qt_5.15_build.patch + GeoIP +- Update README.SUSE with a description how to get the latest Geo IP + data after the distribution changes + (jsc#SLE-11184, bsc#1156194, jsc#ECO-1405) +- geoip-fetch is now obsolete and just points to the README + +- can't package database in /var/lib/GeoIP anymore as it breaks with + transactional updates (boo#1093352). Ideally one would put the + static version in /usr/share with the files in /var overriding + that. Since GeoIP is considered deprecated in favor of + libmaxminddb anyways, we'll just ship GeoIP-data as empty shell to + own the files for uninstall. + +- Update to version 1.6.12: + * Populate metro and area code when performing lookups in IPv6 + City databases. Previously this was only done when using IPv4 + City databases. +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + +- Rectify RPM groups. + Remove pointless --with-pic since there are no static libs. + +- Update to version 1.6.11: + * Fix use of a NULL pointer when opening a corrupt database with + GeoIP_open + * GeoIP_database_info now returns the full version string rather + than incorrectly truncating it. + +- Fix compilation errors seen by GCC6. + +- Update to 1.6.9 + * Fix a regression introduced in version 1.6.8, which caused + GeoIP_database_info to erroneously return NULL. +- Changes for 1.6.8 + * Allow compilation on older systems by relaxing the autoconf + and automake minimum versions. Thank you, Jose Rubio! + * Avoid potential problems in multi-threaded environments by + consistently using pread() rather than read(). + * Fix various small issues reported by clang's static analyser. + +- Update to 1.6.7 + * Fixed a MSVC parser stack overflow when parsing regionName.c + and timeZone.c. Fix by elliotlo. GitHub #64. + * Updated region codes and timezones. + When using GEOIP_MEMORY_CACHE with an invalid database file, + the search tree traversal could attempt to read memory outside + of the memory allocated for the memory cache, resulting in a + segmentation fault. A check was added to ensure that the + traversal code does not try to read beyond the end of the file, + whether in memory, memory mapped, or on disk. + * Previously the return values from file reads were ignored. We now + check these values to ensure that there were no errors. +- copy the tools from the debian package to work with the database + files. new BR gcc-c++. Files are installed into the same path as + on debian /usr/lib/geoip/. new binaries: + /usr/lib/geoip/geoip-generator + /usr/lib/geoip/geoip-generator-asn + /usr/lib/geoip/ + +- Update to 1.6.6 + * Replaced usage of deprecated fileno, read, and lseek on Visual + Studio 2005+ with their ISO C++ conformant replacements. + * A warning about using a double as a float was fixed. + * Fixed segfault when doing a lookup on an empty database. + * Fixed a memcheck error from valgrind in the _check_mtime + function. + * Fixed _check_mtime to check the return value of gettimeofday + rather than just assuming it worked. + +- Remove unused zlib build requirement +- fix pubpackage arch build error, for SLE 11 SP3 + +* Updated LICENSE, using the upstream version. + * The GPL license has been removed:test-driver is licensed under the GPL but + is not packaged, libGeoIPUpdate is no longer part of the package. + * Changed handling of ghost files. + * Moved data into a seperate package. + +- Update to 1.6.5 + * A segmentation fault in geoiplookup was fixed when the utility + was passed an invalid database. (Reported in Red Hat + bug #1180874.) + * Additional validation was added for validation of the size used + in the creation of the index cache. (Based on discussion in + Red Hat bug #832913.) + * Changed the code to only look up country codes by using + functions which ensure that we do not try to look past the end + of an array. (Reported by Ivan Sorokin. GitHub #53) + +- Disable checks, they fail with currently provided data file. +- Update to 1.6.4: + + Update Fips code + + Several issues with the MinGW build were fixed. + + Use a constructor in pread.c to ensure the critical section is + always initialized. + + Added missing include of io.h on Windows + + Fixed configure warning that 'missing' script is too old or + missing. + + Previously nmake /f clean would fail on Windows. This was fixed. + + Obsolete win32 and NetWare make files were removed. + + Numerous documentation updates. +- Changes from 1.6.3: + + Added a GEOIP_SILENCE flag. Include this flag when calling + GeoIP_open to prevent any messages from being written to stderr. + + Mitigate a possible race condition when running nuder threads + in the GeoIP_cleanup function. + + Added some recommendations to the docs on using this library + in a threaded application. + + Fixed some bugs discovered by coverity, including failure to + check some system call return values and making sure all + strings are null-terminated +- Changes from 1.6.2: + + Two files required for building on Win32 were missing from the + 1.6.1 release. These files were added. There are no changes + affecting other platforms. +- Changes from 1.6.1: + + Improve Win32 support. + + Update FIPS codes. +- Changes from 1.6.0: + + The GeoIP Update program was move to its own repo and source + distribution. + HepMC +- Update to version 3.2.4: + * Minor fixes to the CMake configuration of examples. + * Minor fixes in Pythia6 interface. + * Bugfix for HI output in WiterAsciiHepMC2. + * Speed optimizations for ReaderAsciiHepMC2. + * Deprecate Pythia8, MC-TESTER, Taoulapp and Photospp + interfaces, as these were picked-up by the upstream. + * Bugfix: avoid cretion of empty attributes in + ReaderAsciiHepMC2. Thanks to Pavel Demin for a hint. + * Removal of trailing empty lines by Mattias Ellert. + * Multiple fixes to style and printf by Mattias Ellert. + * Fix WriterAscii* to avoid problems with memory tests on + aarch64. Thanks to Mattias Ellert for reporting. + * Fix buffer overflow in WritterAscii/WriterAsciiHepMC2. Thanks + for Fabian Klimpel for help with debug. + * Enable reading of multiple run info objects from ASCII files. + * Fixes to the tests. + * Drop cmake2 support + * Update cmake so the c++ standard is deduced from the ROOT + configuration if ROOT is used. Otherwise c++11 is used. + * Fix a bug in GenCrossSection: acces to non-existing vector + element in to_string() function. Happened for incomplete + objects. + * Fixed formating. + * Added compiler flags to reduce the amount of warnings. + * Fixed a bug in Tauola test, which was not reading proper + config. + * Streamlined cmake for PGI. + * Fixed some tests to make them return non 0 in case of + problems. + * Updated CI. + * Reduce debug-printout verbosity in ReaderFactory format + autodetection. + * Added uproot-based reader to examples. + * Fixed cmake configuration to allow multiple Python versions. + * Fixes of compilation warnings by Mattias Ellert. + +- Move doc to HepMC3 named dir to avoid clash with HepMC2. +- Provide HepMC3-* where appropriate. + +- Update to version 3.2.3: + * Documentation and copyright years were updated. + * Python bindings were regenerated with binder 1.1.0 and the + pybind11 copy updated to 2.6.0. + * The #ifdefs around the functions that had to be excluded from + bindings but binder 1.0.0 was not doing that were removed. + * A python test with attributes was added. + * ReaderLHEF was fixed for to treat correctly more comaplicated + input. + * Included updates to many python scripts. + * Included updates to CMake scripts. +- Run tests; need to pass CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH=OFF to cmake to fix + rpath handling in Leap 15.2 (and doesn't hurt generally). + -- Initial version - HepMC2 +- Remove conflicts with HepMC. + Herwig +- Update to version 7.2.2: + * support for python 3 and gcc 10. + * ufo2herwig script is updated to be compatible with python 2 + and 3, using --convert option. +- Rebase Herwig-disable-repo-install.patch for update. + +- Update to version 7.2.1: + * Vertex position fix for taus in dipole shower events. +- Add Herwig-type-mismatch-fix.patch to fix data of incorrect type + sent to functions, flagged by GCC 10. +- Use autosetup instead of individual patch commands. +- Use %make_build which automatically uses parallel threads and + makes the compilation more verbose. +- Remove a spurious .orig file. + J7Z +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 1.4.2 + * Resolved the inability to work with Java >= v10 + * Improved the scalability of the GUI widgets + * Upped the minimum required JRE to v1.8 (LTS) +- Removed J7Z-jdk10.patch, fixed upstream. + KEALib +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + LHAPDF +- Update to version 6.4.0: + * Restructure internal memory storage to increase performance + and simplify caching common computations for different + particles. Most notably replace KnotArray1F and KnotArrayNF + with single class KnotArray. + * Precompute coefficients for polynomial interpolators at init + time. + * Add specialised method to interpolators, to evaluate pdf's for + all common particles (-6,...-6,21) and allow for the caching + of common computations withoutthe need of a complicated cache. + * Update the fast ASCII NumParser to always use the C locale. + * Enable out-of-source builds, avoiding sensitivity to + pre-installed versions during the build, and converting the + Cython syntax to Py3-style. -atch. + * Bugfix to Python wrapper object parentage handling. + * Add a PIDs::PIDCode enum (and PIDs enum with equivalent + signature in Python) for more semantic access to particle ID + codes. + * Update embedded yaml-cpp code to version 0.6.3. + * PDFSet::uncertainties() now allows alternative=True for + non-replica sets (in which case it does nothing). + * lhapdf script bugfixes and improvements, including only + complaining about failed URLs after *all* attempts have + failed. + * Add matching by ID code to the lhapdf list and show commands. + +- Fix building for multiple python flavours. +- Copy doc files (built only for default python3 flavour) to + buildroot during %install. + +- Update to version 6.3.0: + * Provide setter methods on PDF for the flavour list and + setPositive behaviour. + * Convert the AlphaS raw pointer on PDF to a std::unique_ptr. + * Update the cache strategy for 'replays', and make cache size + and search/update strategy configurable at runtime. + * Extend caches to multi-level, searching through the N previous + calls for x and Q2 independently. + * Make the caches fully thread-safe rather than just + initialization-safe, by use of maps on thread IDs. + * Extend to cross-flavour, subgrid-specific x and Q2 caches. + * Use the x and Q2 knot hashes in cache-flushing tests. + * Add a hash function computation and comparator to the + KnotArray1F. + * Convert caching struct acquisition to use a Meyers Singleton + pattern, which guarantees thread-locality. + * Separate caching of x and Q2 variables in the + LogBicubicInterpolator: evidence suggests that these may be + updated at very different rates. + * Add simple caching to the LogBicubicInterpolator -- will cache + contiguous calls of the same (x,Q). +- Rebase sover.diff for update. +- Build API documentation and package them as part of a new doc + package. +- Add BuildRequires: python-setuptools to allow proper + postprocessing of the python-LHAPDF package when building. +- Drop obsolete conditionals and Group tags. + MozillaFirefox +- Firefox Extended Support Release 91.3.0 ESR + * Fixed: Various stability, functionality, and security fixes + MFSA 2021-49 (bsc#1192250) + * CVE-2021-38503 (bmo#1729517) + iframe sandbox rules did not apply to XSLT stylesheets + * CVE-2021-38504 (bmo#1730156) + Use-after-free in file picker dialog + * CVE-2021-38505 (bmo#1730194) + Windows 10 Cloud Clipboard may have recorded sensitive user + data + * CVE-2021-38506 (bmo#1730750) + Firefox could be coaxed into going into fullscreen mode + without notification or warning + * CVE-2021-38507 (bmo#1730935) + Opportunistic Encryption in HTTP2 could be used to bypass the + Same-Origin-Policy on services hosted on other ports + * MOZ-2021-0008 (bmo#1667102) + Use-after-free in HTTP2 Session object + * CVE-2021-38508 (bmo#1366818) + Permission Prompt could be overlaid, resulting in user + confusion and potential spoofing + * CVE-2021-38509 (bmo#1718571) + Javascript alert box could have been spoofed onto an + arbitrary domain + * CVE-2021-38510 (bmo#1731779) + Download Protections were bypassed by .inetloc files on Mac + OS + * MOZ-2021-0007 (bmo#1606864, bmo#1712671, bmo#1730048, + bmo#1735152) + Memory safety bugs fixed in Firefox 94 and Firefox ESR 91.3 +- Removed mozilla-bmo1735309.patch which is now upstream + MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE:MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE -- Add suseversion 150400 +- add sle_version 150300 and 150400 check -- Add suseversion 150300 +- use HTTPS for software search plugin MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE:firefox-esr-branding-openSUSE -- Add suseversion 150400 +- add sle_version 150300 and 150400 check -- Add suseversion 150300 +- use HTTPS for software search plugin MultiMarkdown-6 +- Update to version 6.6.0: + * UPDATED: Update CMakeLists.txt for Universal Binary + * CHANGED: Reformat comment + * UPDATED: Apply astyle to all files + * FIXED: Fix style issue with ODT output format + * FIXED: Improve README install path + * FIXED: Re-enable token object pools in default configuration + * version bump + * UPDATED: Restructure source code organization; Restructure Cmake configuration file; restructure Makefile + * version bump + * ADDED: Add additional blockquote tests + * FIXED: Fix issue when parsing blockquote that contains raw HTML + * FIXED: Don't free NULL link + * FIXED: Fix regression + * FIXED: Improve blockquote parser + * FIXED: Add latex footer to beamer output format (fixes #185) + * FIXED: Fix test suite + * FIXED: Prevent iOS Safari from bastardizing left arrow unicode character with an ugly emoji + * FIXED: Allow hyphen in image/link unquoted attributes + * ADDED: Add format to create HTML with storing of assets + * FIXED: Fix issue with tight list where last item has multiple paragraphs not being recognized as a loose list + * FIXED: Fix CMake issue + * FIXED: tweak CriticMarkup highlight handling + * version bump + * FIXED: Update cpack generator for macOS + * Fix fsf address in files licenses. + * FIXED: Fix memory leak in ITMZ reader + * UPDATED: Adjust cmake to only make library when included from a parent project + * FIXED: Don't use undefined version string + +- Update to version 6.5.1: + * FIXED: Fix README version + * version bump + * FIXED: Fix error when pruning tokens + * FIXED: Fix array overflow with wide tables + * FIXED: Fix tests + * FIXED: Fix null dereference + * FIXED: Fix memory leak + * FIXED: Fix null dereference + * FIXED: Fix edge case in fenced code blocks + * FIXED: Use more definitive edge case fix + * FIXED: Fix metadata edge case + * FIXED: Fix typos + * FIXED: Ensure use of bash for creating AllTests.c + * FIXED: Fix edge case in block parsing + * FIXED: Fix edge case error in definition lists + * UPDATED: Shorten hash function for compiling speed since we are hashing shorter strings + * FIXED: Fix name mismatch of mmd6-default-metadata (Addresses #173) + * UPDATED: Update notes source text + * version bump; copyright bump + * FIXED: Fix test suite for new captions + * ADDED: Add title as short caption for figures and tables to be used in list of figures and list of tables. Addresses #177 -- thanks, MArpogaus + * FIXED: Fix memory leak (#172) -- thanks Alfons + * UPDATED: Update cmake for xcode 11 + * UPDATED: Tweak smart quote rules to avoid false positive matches when using double quote as inches mark + * FIXED: Fix two small potential errors + * UPDATED: Make astyle + * FIXED: Fix edge case with single item loose lists (fixes #174) + * FIXED: Update README template + * Fixes to README + * Revert "remove build folder" + * remove build folder + * update README with instructions for Xcode + * FIXED: Fix regression + * ADDED: Add ASCII case detection + * UPDATED: Refactor header file inclusion + * UPDATED: Tidy code + * FIXED: Fix potential errors related to checking for metadata + * FIXED: Improve efficiency when checking for existence of metadata + * FIXED: Fix potential memory address error + * FIXED: Allow building libMMD has a child project for testing + * FIXED: Fix length of metadata if no trailing line ending + * UPDATED: Tidy code + * UPDATED: Tidy code + * FIXED: Improve BOM stripping + * UPDATED: reduce false-positive rate of metadata where first line contains colon but metadata is not intended + * UPDATED: Automatically disable libCurl on iOS + * UPDATED: remove reliance on version.h when testing + * UPDATED: Remove debug statement + * UPDATED: Add UTF-8 validity check function + * UPDATED: Fix main() when token pools disabled + * UPDATED: Update char.c + * UPDATED: Remove some old debugging statements that aren't necessary anymore + * FIXED: Fix filename + * UPDATED: Additional README comments about Xcode + * add how to build Xcode framework to README + * FIXED: Fix trim trailing whitespace + * UPDATED: Update astyle + * UPDATED: Add MARKUP token type + * UPDATED: Update astyle settings + * FIXED: Fix potential issue in d_string + * FIXED: Fix potential issue in d_string + * UPDATED: Remove i386 build architecture from default configuration + * ADDED: Add {{TOC:1}} and {{TOC:1-2}} options + * UPDATED: Silence warnings + * UPDATED: Apply astyle + * FIXED: Fix potential bug when reading OPML/ITMZ + * FIXED: Update Quick Start PDF + * FIXED: Clean up Quick Start guide + * FIXED: Update Quick Start PDF + * FIXED: Fix prior bad edits to quick start guide + * FIXED: Fix warning + * FIXED: Fix handling of hebrew language option + * UPDATED: Fix doxygen template + * UPDATED: Update advanced headers test suite + * ADDED: Add support for random header labels when not manually specified (Addresses #157) + * FIXED: Prevent line breaks in HTML/ODF attributes + * UPDATED: table id attribute should be on table not caption + * FIXED: Fix whitespace issues with headers with manual labels + * FIXED: Include .html for EPUB and .fodt for ODT when transcluding with wildcard extension + * UPDATED: Silence some Xcode warnings + * FIXED: Fix pointer dereference (fixes #152) + * UPDATED: Change convenience scripts for better POSIX compliance (implements #150) (Thanks, Ryan) + * UPDATED: Apply astyle + * FIXED: Ensure newline at end of header contents when importing from OPML/ITMZ + * FIXED: Fix CMake config for MacPorts (fixes #146) + * FIXED: Fix letterhead reference to memoir-footer. (Fixes #143) + * FIXED: Use C11 (had old C99 as well, but I suspect that wasn't actually used + * FIXED: Fix PATH in convenience scripts + * FIXED: Fix bugs in new zip extraction code + * Update mmd6-letterhead-leader.tex + * FIXED: Add byte for null terminator when extracting from zip archive + * FIXED: Update re2c scanners and prevent crash on certain documents with unexpected encoding + * ADDED: Add conversion from ITMZ routines + * UPDATED: Refactor XML parsing; improve OPML reading; add ITMZ (iThoughts) reading/writing (experimental feature); a few other small tweaks + * UPDATED: Update macOS deployment version to 10.6 for Mojave + * UPDATED: Don't require opening <?xml> in OPML + * UPDATED: Apply astyle + * UPDATED: Add OPML routines to libMultiMarkdown.h + * UPDATED: Update d_string + +- Use modern macro for cmake + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 6.4.0: + * version bump + * FIXED: Fix token length in OPML + * UPDATED: Allow '\' to preserve line break in metadata. (Addresses #86) + * FIXED: Prevent potential null dereference + * Avoid potential error with stack_free + * FIXED: Use Setext headers when necessary to convert from OPML to text (fixes #138) + * UPDATED: Apply astyle + * ADDED: Add opml option to read for MultiMarkdown OPML files + * UPDATED: Adjust metadata for test files + * FIXED: Trim single remaining whitespace when exporting headers + NetworkManager-fortisslvpn +- Require the same version ppp at runtime as we had during build + time. We got away with the missing Requires as NM itself requires + ppp, so 'a version' was always installed at least. But we need to + guarantee the version at runtime matches the one we built against + (boo#1175106). + +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). + NetworkManager-iodine +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). + NetworkManager-l2tp +- Update to version 1.20.0: +- Changes from version 1.8.6: + * Support for kl2tpd from Katalix's go-l2tp project added. + * Support for Multilink PPP added. + * L2TP ephemeral source port checkbox added. + * Honors $CHARONDEBUG and $PLUTODEBUG even without --debug + * intltool for i18n builds no longer required. + * deprecated libnm-glib/libnm-util code removed. + * Updated translations. +- Update dependencies for NetworkManager >= 1.20.0 +- Remove redundant intltool build dependency. +- Replace recommends strongswan with (strongswan or libreswan) + +- Update to version 1.8.6: +- Changes from version 1.8.4: + * Fix for make check warning that prevented RPMs from being + built. +- Changes from version 1.8.2: + * Updated translations. + * Update strings for new dialog design in gnome-shell. + e.g use "Password" instead of "Password:". + * Use /usr/share/metainfo for AppData files. + * Move D-Bus policy file to /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/. + * Add --with-nm-ipsec-nss-dir configure switch for Libreswan NSS + database location with default value of /var/lib/ipsec/nss. + * Do not add broken route to VPN gateway IP address. + * Add back import/export capability. + * update default PPPD_PLUGIN_DIR to ${libdir}/pppd/2.4.8. + * Fix for user certificate password flags for connection editor. + - Changes from version 1.8.0: + * Fixes for user certificate support. + * Provide --enable-libreswan-dh2 configure switch for older + versions of Libreswan or those built with USE_DH2. + * KDE plasma-nm compatibility for "Gateway ID". +- Use --enable-libreswan-dh2 configure switch. +- D-Bus policy file location is now /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d. +- AppData file location is now /usr/share/metainfo. + +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). + -- Update to version - * Bugfix: (security) don't start l2tp if IPsec enabled, but - failed to start. - * Bugfix: typo in - * noccp pppd option added. - * Minor locales fixes. - * Require new versions of gtk+ and glib. - NetworkManager-libreswan +- Update to version 1.2.14: + + Support Libreswan 4, which changed the name of some + configuration parameters. Now the plugin can detect the + Libreswan version and use the appropriate parameter names. + + The auth helper in external UI mode can now be run without a + display server. Future nmcli version will utilize this for + handling the secrets without a graphical desktop. + + Update strings for new dialog design in gnome-shell. + + Updated translations. + +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 1.2.12: + + libnm-glib compatibility (NetworkManager < 1.0) is disabled by + default. It can be enabled by passing --with-libnm-glib to + configure script. Nobody should need it by now. Users that + still use this are encourage to let us know before the + libnm-glib support is removed for good. + + Fixed the advanced dialog not working in Gnome. + + Updated translations. +- Stop passing --without-libnm-glib to configure, no longer needed. + NetworkManager-vpnc +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Set the path for the VPN service name file correctly to + %_vpnservicedir (provided by macros.NetworkManager). + OOKiedokie +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Add patch: + * OOKiedokie-fix-missing-return-type.patch + OpenColorIO +- Update Requires of devel package to python3-devel + +- Use python3 to produce the package due to python2 removal + +- Work around yaml-cpp's bad abi versioning by requiring the version + it was built against. See boo#1160171 + +- Update to version 1.1.1: + * Added optional compatibility for building apps with OpenImageIO + 1.9+ + * Added USE_SSE checks to fix Linux build failure + * getDisplays() result ordering now matches the active_displays + config definition or OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS env var override. + * Fixed incorrect getDefaultDisplay()/getDefaultView() result + when OCIO_ACTIVE_DISPLAYS or OCIO_ACTIVE_VIEWS env vars are + unset. + * Fixed Windows-specific GetEnv() bug + * Fixed Windows and MacOS CI failure cases + * Updated mail list URLs to domain + From version 1.1.0: + * libc++ build fixes + * Added support for YAML > 5.0.1 + * YAML and TinyXML patch fixes + * Clang visibility fix + * Added write support for Truelight LUTs + * Improved OCIOYaml + * Python string corruption fix + * Added support for CDL + * Updated documentation + * Added args/kwargs support to Python MatrixTransform + * Added description field to Look objects + * Improved Python 3 compatibility + * CSP file read fix + * Added Linux, MacOS, and Windows continuos integration + * Improved 1D LUT extrapolation + * Improved 1D LUT negative handling + * Improved Windows build system + * Improved cross-platform build system + * Undefined role crash fix + * After Effects plugin updated + * Added reference Photoshop plugin + * Added reference Docker image +- Added the following patches: + * OpenColorIO-setuptools.patch (Use external python-setuptools + for building) + * 0003-Fix_Linux_compilation.patch + * 0004-Fix_build_with_GCC-8.patch + * 0005-Fix_build_with_yaml-cpp0.6.patch +- Added new build requirements libboost_headers-devel and + python-setuptools. +- Removed support for openSUSE <= 12.2. + -- Initial release (version 1.0.8). - OpenIPMI +- Enhance changelog as demanded in an internal submitrequest + +- Add latest mainline fixes: + A lanserv-Add-the-judgment-on-the-validity-of-length-in-emu_cmd.c-and-session-in-lanserv_ipmi.c.patch + A unix_thread-Remove-the-fd-handler-sets-before-it-s-set-up.patch + +- Update to version 2.0.31 + Adopted patches to latest sources: + M OpenIMPI-add-libncurses.patch + M OpenIPMI-no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch + M OpenIPMI-prefer_perl_vendor.patch + M fix_dia_version_detection.patch + M openipmi-tinfo.patch + * sample: Prefer glib for solterm instead of posix + * sample: Remove -rdynamic from openipmicmd + * smample: Compile ipmicmd with glib if it is available + * glib: Allow NULL timeout to perform_one_op() + * lanserv: Fix an issue with rmcp sending + * Rework mcserv.h so that marvell-mod can get what it needs + * lanserv: Move sol_init_mc() into sol code + * lanserv: Remove all calls from the library to user code + * Move ipmi_log() to ipmi_log.h + * ui: export ipmi_ui_cb_handlers + * ui: Add link libraries to UI library + * Add -no-undefined to all shared library links + * Rework ipmi_cmdlang_report_event() + * Rework ipmi_cmdlang_global_err() + * Get rid of posix_vlog() + * lanserv: Use recv, not read, for a network socket + * A lot windows (DLL, winsock, etc.) enhancements +- Update to version 2.0.30: + * Switch to python3 by default + * lanserv: Fix some various bugs + * sol: Fix some various bugs + * sdrcomp: Fix some memory leaks + * sol: Fix some packet handling errors + * solterm: Clean things up at shutdown + * Fix a leak in the selector code + * sol: Rewrite the library code + * sol: Return errors from close if the send fails + * Reconfigure the transmitter on a reconnect + * Refuse writes greater than 255 bytes + * lan: Fix timer cleanup + * Fix init/shutdown issues with mcs and domains + * Fix shutdown on error issues + * Fix a memory leak at initialization + * selector: Make the timer stop with done work right when handler running + * Add parameters to let the lan timeouts be specified + * initscript: Don't delete ipmi devices if udev created them + * selector: Rework to allow an arbitrary number of fds with epoll + * Don't disable fd handlers before setting one up + * Don't crash if passed in fd is >= FD_SETSIZE + +- Use Python3 instead of Python2 (bsc#1190999). + - non-position independent binaries and thus weakened security - [bsc#1183178, OpenIPMI.spec] + non-position independent binaries and thus weakened security (bsc#1183046). + +- update to 2.0.29: + * Add an external definition for ipmi_malloc_shutdown() + * Pass 0 to snprintf size when calculating real size + * selector: Fix a signed/unsigned comparison + * selector: Fix handling if pselect() returns 0 + * selector: Return the right value for timer already in use + * selector: Cause the read handler to be called on an exception + * selector: Fix multi-threading issues + * selector: Add an selector call to install a sigmask + * For for brokenness with fork() and epoll() + * Fix a deadlock when freeing a running timer + * lanserv: Allow individual group extensions to be registered + * Include readline history headers where needed + +- Update to latest version 2.0.28 + * Fixed a number of potential buffer overruns by appending a NUL + character to strncpy'd strings. + * switched from editline to readline + * some variable and function renaming to avoid leading + underscores + * more changes, no documentation available (ChangeLog file + is unchanged!) + * Two patches now obsolete. + [OpenIPMI-2.0.25..HEAD_git.diff, + 0003-Apply-OpenIPMI-2.0.21-nobundle.patch.patch, + OpenIPMI-2.0.28.tar.gz] + +- Use noun phrase in summary. Remove em dashes from summaries. +- Implement shared library packaging policy. OpenLP +- nose dependency was actually not needed at all + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- Updated to 2.0.5 (bnc#884901) - * Upstream bugfix/stabilization release - * Final release in the 2.0 branch - * Change to BibleGateway URL to use legacy web interface - * Issues with Themes when comparing theme files (lp#719514) - * Improved error messages with Easy Worship Song Imports (lp#1326664) - * Allow more than 26 equal verses within a Song (lp#1310523) - * Handle songs where two optional breaks follow each other (lp#1296104) - * Improve Database update error handling (lp#1136278) - -- Updated to 2.0.5 (bnc#884901) - * Upstream bugfix/stabilization release - * Final release in the 2.0 branch - * Change to BibleGateway URL to use legacy web interface - * Issues with Themes when comparing theme files (lp#719514) - * Improved error messages with Easy Worship Song Imports (lp#1326664) - * Allow more than 26 equal verses within a Song (lp#1310523) - * Handle songs where two optional breaks follow each other (lp#1296104) - * Improve Database update error handling (lp#1136278) - OpenRGB +- Add OpenRGB-Logitch_G502_detect.patch and + OpenRGB-Logitch_G502_PID.patch (fix boo#1190894) + +- Update to version 0.6 + New Features: + * Plugin architecture - OpenRGB plugins add functionality to + the user interface. + + Plugins include effects engine, E1.31 receiver, visual map + editor, and more. + * Additional user interface configurable options + + Exit to tray + + Save window geometry + + Display index number labels in LED view + * Log manager + + Logs are stored in configuration directory under logs + folder + * Update detector list in configuration file before detection, + to avoid crashes + * SDK server provides capability to list and load profiles + (protocol version updated to 2) + * Reworked Linux build system to test on multiple Debian-based + distros + Device Controller Changes: + * MSI Mystic Light re-enabled after deep dive investigation + into RGB controller bricking issue + + Only motherboards that have been tested are enabled + + We can help you unbrick if your board was bricked with a + previous version, join our Discord for help + * PCI ID filtering added to ASUS GPU controller + * Additional GPUs added to MSI GPU controller + * Additional GPUs added to Gigabyte GPU controller + * EVGA GPU v2 controller updated to support all modes + * HyperX Pulsefire FPS Pro controller added + * Yeelight controller added (see configuration in wiki) + * Additional serial protocols for Arduino-controlled ARGB + + TPM2 + + Adalight + * FanBus controller added + * E.31 improvements + + Maximum channels per universe (fixes WLED compatibility) + * Corsair K55 support added + * Corsair K57 controller added (wired mode only) + * Corsair Vengeance Pro DRAM direct mode + * Standalone Razer controller, does not depend on OpenRazer + + A bunch of new Razer devices supported, including Razer + Chroma ARGB controller + * DAS Keyboard 4Q controller added + * NZXT Hue 2 Underglow device added + * Thermaltake Riing Quad controller added + * ASUS ROG Strix Flare controller added + * Lian Li Uni Hub controller added + * Creative Sound BlasterX G6 controller added + * Consolidated Logitech mouse controllers to reduce duplicate + code + * Added Direct mode to Logitech consolidated Logitech mouse + code + * Logitech G910 Orion Spectrum controller added + * QMK OpenRGB controller added (requires configuration entry) + * Logitech wireless mouse support improved + Known Issues: + * G502 Hero and G502 PS mice crash on startup. The issue has + been fixed in the pipeline builds. + * Plugin architecture does not have a versioning system. If + OpenRGB crashes on open, try deleting/updating all plugins. + * Some ASUS GPUs that worked in 0.5 no longer work in 0.6. + + Please open an issue on GitLab or join our Discord to get + its PCI ID added. We need the following information: + x Card marketing name and model number (Link to ASUS + website preferred) + x PCIe ID (Vendor, Product, Subvendor, Subproduct) + x Detector I2C address (you can get this using a + previous version of OpenRGB, version 0.5 recommended) + * Redragon M711 wave effect doesn't work + * Some Corsair mice do not have specific LED labels + * Some Razer keyboards are missing key maps + * Asus Addressable number of channels may be incorrect + Notes: + * Due to changes in device names, existing profiles you have + saved from previous versions may not work and will need to + be recreated. Same goes for saved addressable controller + sizes. + * If upgrading from a previous release, it is recommended to + disable OpenRazer or OpenRazer-win32 in the settings. This + allows use of the new Razer controller with better device + support. +- Refreshed OpenRGB-use_system_libs.patch + OpenSceneGraph +- Apply same condition for Tumbleweed to Leap 15.4 as well + +- fix build with openexr3: remove redundant BuildRequires (pkgconfig(IlmBase)) + +- Fix build on TW with asio 1.18.x, add + 0001-Replace-boost-bind-usage-with-std-bind.patch and + 0002-Replace-obsoleted-asio-basic_stream_socket-get_io_se.patch +- Disable GTK2 example on TW +- Disable wxWidgets example +- Do not package huge ChangeLog (commit log) + +- Put back PowerPC specific constraints (from 6 to 7GB disk space) + as failing on some builders. + OpenSceneGraph34 +- Remove the unneeded WebKitWidgets dependency. + +- Explicitly request wxWidgets <= 3.0 when building the examples, + wxGLCanvas has changed API with wxWidgets 3.1. Fixes build on TW. + OpenSubdiv +- Update to version 3.4.4 (Feb 2021) + + Release 3.4.4 is a minor release including bug fixes and + configuration improvements + + Changes + * The "master" branch on GitHub has been renamed "release" + (GitHub #1218 #1219) + * The CMake configuration has been updated to allow use as a + sub-project (GitHub #1206) + * Removed obsolete references to hbr from examples/farViewer + (GitHub #1217) + + Bug Fixes + * Fixed bug with sparse PatchTables and irregular face-varying + seams (GitHub #1203) + * Fixed loss of precision when using double precision stencil + tables (GitHub #1207) + * Fixed reset of Far::TopologyRefiner::GetMaxLevel() after call + to Unrefine() (GitHub #1208) + * Fixed linking with -ldl on unix systems (GitHub #1196) + * Fixed naming and installation of macOS frameworks (GitHub + [#1194] #1201) + * Fixed GL version and extension processing and dynamic loading + on macOS (GitHub #1216) + * Fixed FindDocutils.cmake to be more robust (GitHub #1213 + [#1220]) + * Fixed errors using build_scripts/ with Python3 + (GitHub #1206) +- Add OpenSubdiv-pr1234-tbb2021.patch -- support oneTBB 2021 + * gh#PixarAnimationStudios/OpenSubdiv#1234 + * boo#1192994 + PackageKit-Qt +- Fix package URL +- Package +- Rename devel to %{pkqt}-devel + +- update to 1.0.2: + * Fix documentation (Aleix Pol) + * Fix pkg-config include path (Matthias Klumpp) + * Fix some documentation typos (Pekka Vuorela) + * Make sure the build is done as c++11 (Pekka Vuorela) + * Map DBusError::AccessDenied to Transaction::ErrorNotAuthorized (Raine Makelainen) +- remove 0001-Fix-pkg-config-include-path.patch + 0002-Fix-some-documentation-typos.patch + 0003-Make-sure-the-build-is-done-as-c-11.patch: upstream + -- Update to version 0.9.2: - + Notes: - - Update to new PK API 0.9. - - Applied a series of patches to port to Qt5. - + New Features: - - Add GetDetailsLocal, GetFilesLocal and RepoRemove. - - Make use of DBus Properties changed to make less blocking - calls. - + Bugfixes: - - Allow for Details to be empty constructed. - - Cleaned include directive. - - Finish the API changes to get rid of blocking calls. - - Fix CMake var names for both Qt versions. - - Fix libdir path. - - Fix reply signature for Transaction methods. - - Improve object handlying. - - I think the API level should be hidden from libname. - - Keep only one transaction flags, which is unlikely to change. - - PackageKit doesn't has a changed signal anymore. - - Properly delete private data on daemon as DaemonPrivate is - not a QObject. - - Properly handle new Details signal. - - Properly init some Daemon values. - - Queue signals so that all transaction properties are - available when needed. - - Remove debug info. - - Update Roles enum, remove Provides enum, and fix some docs - typos. -- Drop PackageKit-Qt-libdir-references.patch: fixed upstream. - -- Add PackageKit-Qt-libdir-references.patch: Fix the installed - packagekit-qt2-config.cmake file to have the correct link to the - library by keeping CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR as a relative path and - the .pc file to have a valid path to $libdir. - PgTcl +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- Updated to the final 1.4 release. - Photini +- Update to version 2021.12.0 + * Installing with pip should install dependencies if needed. + * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. + +- Update to version 2021.11.1 + * Fix problems regenerating thumbnails if Pillow & FFmpeg are + not available. + * Improved reading of Exif.Photo.UserComment values. + * Minimum version of python-exiv2 is now 0.8.1 + * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. + +- Update to version 2021.11.0 + * Can use PySide6 instead of PySide2 or PyQt5. + * New config option to enlarge user interface on high + resolution screens. + * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. + +- Update to version 2021.9.0 + * New option to set file timestamps to photo's taken date/time. + * Improved GPX importer. + * Add option to use python-exiv2 for metadata access. + +- Update to version 2021.7.0 + * Added a tab for 'ownership' and copyright details. + * Added 'tooltip' hints to some text fields. + * Try to ensure only one instance of Photini runs at a time. + * Added menu option to make thumbnails for all images that + have none. + * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. + +- Update to version 2021.6.0 + * Show IPTC-IIM data length limits in text fields. + * Drop use of Python FlickrAPI library. + * Other minor improvements and bug fixes. + PlayOnLinux +- PlayOnLinux requires now python3 and pyton3-wxPython. + +- Update to 4.4.0 + - Update +- Switch source from to github. +- Run spec-cleaner. + QMPlay2 +- Removed Added 0001-fix-vulkan-instance-initialization.patch as it is merged upstream +- Removed 0001-switch-to-yt-dlp.patch as it is merged upstream +- Changed 0001-add-opensuse-customizations.patch to patch the new python command detection in QMPlay2 21.12.07 and higher +- Enabled GLSLC and PortAudio features +- Update to version 21.12.07 + * fix possible crash on Windows when system audio settings was changed during playback, + * add option to set negative amplify if replay gain is not stored, + * insert URL from clipboard into add address dialog, + * add option to show YouTube related videos (ivbauer), + * fix some Vulkan problems and crashes, + * set VP9 YouTube codec as preferred, + * update zh_CN translation (zo-shin), + * add Slovak translation (jose1711), + * add Dutch translation (Vistaus), + * add zh_TW translation (lks-wu), + * replace youtube-dl by yt-dlp, + * minor PipeWire fixes. + +- Added 0001-fix-vulkan-instance-initialization.patch to prevent an initialization error of QMPlay2's submodule QmVk when Tumbleweed updates vulkan to version 1.2.199 or higher + +- Added 0001-switch-to-yt-dlp.patch to fix several youtube-dl related issues such as buffering being unreliable +- Optimized spec file formatting for more compactness + +- Re-enabled PipeWire support on openSUSE Leap 15.3+ as well as SLE15SP3+ because the required gcc and libpipewire versions are now avilable +- Forced C and CXX compiler to GCC10 on openSUSE Leap 15.3+ as well as SLE15SP3+ to avoid a PipeWire modules compilation error with GCC7 + +- Changed python dependency from "python > 3.0.0" to "python3" to avoid dependency errors +- Cleaned up obsolete python2 dependencies +- Optimized 0001-add-opensuse-customizations.patch to not throw any "/usr/bin/env" errors + +- Removed 0001-fix-youtube-search.patch as it is merged upstream +- Removed 0001-fix-driver-crash.patch as it is merged upstream +- Removed 0001-fix-kde-startup-warning.patch as it is merged upstream +- Update to version 21.06.07 + * use WASAPI via PortAudio on Windows (including exclusive mode), + * set default config directory to "~/.config/QMPlay2" (Linux), + * use QtDBus API for suspend instead of QProcess (Linux), + * improve playlist sorting for entries with numbers, + * VA-API fix for Vulkan and new Radeon/Mesa driver, + * fix setting the VDPAU driver path for AppImage, + * fix SVG icon engine warning after KDE update, + * enable bypass compositor by default (Vulkan), + * update YouTube browser for YouTube changes, + * fix downloading of some network streams, + * add PT_BR translations (fabianski7), + * store/restore radio station image, + * fix default Vulkan GPU on Linux, + * other minor fixes. + +- Added 0001-fix-youtube-search.patch to fix YouTube Search not working + +- Added 0001-fix-driver-crash.patch to fix possible AMD/mesa driver crash + +- Added 0001-fix-kde-startup-warning.patch to fix SVG warning with Plasma >= 5.21.3 +- Disabled PipeWire support on openSUSE Leap 15.X and SLE15SPX as they don't provide a recent enough version of PipeWire +- Increase _constraints requirements to fix rare compilation issues + +- Removed 0001-fix-youtube-quality.patch as it is merged upstream +- Converted 0001-fix-broken-python-detection.patch into 0001-add-opensuse-customizations.patch as it adds branding for better distinction from vanilla builds now. +- Dropped support for openSUSE Leap 15.1 and SLE15SP1 as they are EOL and can't satisfy QMPlay2's build requirements anymore +- Update to version 21.03.09 + * drop support for Qt < 5.10, CMake < 3.9, TagLib < 1.9, FFmpeg < 4.0, + * fix possible freeze on Windows when Vulkan is enabled, + * add PipeWire audio output, + * fix YouTube videos, + * minor fixes. + +- Added 0001-fix-youtube-quality.patch to fix wrong YouTube quality selection + +- Removed 0002-fix-youtube-offset.patch as it is merged upstream +- Update to version 20.12.16 + * fix playback of some network streams, + * change CDDB server to + +- Added 0002-fix-youtube-offset.patch to fix wrong YouTube video playback offset + +- Removed 0001-fix-build-error-lp151.patch as it is merged upstream +- Removed 0003-fix-youtube-search.patch as it is merged upstream +- Renamed 0002-fix-broken-python-detection.patch to 0001-fix-broken-python-detection.patch as it is the first patch now +- Update to version 20.12.07 + * fix displaying of subtitles from media file in some rare cases, + * load fonts from media file when using subtitles from file, + * fix inactive streams text color in Information panel, + * add Japanese language file (harujisaku), + * fix CUVID/Vulkan on some hardware, + * improve CMake files for Windows, + * fix "wmalossless" audio time, + * fix YouTube search, + * fix for SDP files, + * minor fixes. + +- Adjusted 0003-fix-youtube-search.patch to fix QMPlay2's YouTube search not working once again + +- Added 0003-fix-youtube-search.patch to fix QMPlay2's YouTube search not working + +- No longer Require python-xml as it isn't necessary +- Require python3 as it's required to run youtube-dl +- Added 0002-fix-broken-python-detection.patch to fix QMPlay2 always perferring python2 over python3 for executing youtube-dl which could cause youtube-dl to crash + +- Require python-xml as the YouTube play function crashes when python-xml is not installed +- Corrected a wrong comment in the specfile + +- Added 0001-fix-build-error-lp151.patch to fix compilation on openSUSE Leap 15.1 +- Switch to Ninja as build system +- Update to version 20.07.04 + * discard some frames on hardware decoding if hardware is too slow (was removed in 20.05.02), + * add workaround for VA-API/Vulkan for AMD GPUs on Mesa 20.1, + * use D-Bus for suspend (systemd and ConsoleKit), + * fix compilation with older FFmpeg version, + * fix duration for some WavPack files, + * remove QMPlay2 radio stations list, + * add architecture to about window, + * fix seeking on raw audio data, + * fix OpenGL linking on Linux, + * fix YouTube search. + +- Re-enable PHC compilation for ppc64 and ppc64le architectures by using _constrains + QTalarm +- Update to version 2.2.0 + * Added “Solve to Snooze†feature. This forces a user to solve + a random math problem to stop the current alarm. This is + intended for those who tend to hit snooze in their sleep. + * Fix URL + +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * Added manual monochrome tray icon option + +- Update to version 2.1.0 + * auto saving all alarm data + +- Update to version 2.0.2 + * Ui fixes: click tray icon to toggle reactive windows + * Add license file +- Drop compatibility ifdef's for old distributions + QtDMM +- Fix the lrelease executable name. + R-base +- CHANGES IN R 4.1.2: + C-LEVEL FACILITIES: + * The workaround in headers R.h and Rmath.h (using namespace std;) + for the Oracle Developer Studio compiler is no longer needed now + C++11 is required so has been removed. A couple more usages of + log() (which should have been std::log()) with an int argument + are reported on Solaris. + * The undocumented limit of 4095 bytes on messages from the + S-compatibility macros PROBLEM and MESSAGE is now documented and + longer messages will be silently truncated rather than + potentially causing segfaults. + * If the R_NO_SEGV_HANDLER environment variable is non-empty, the + signal handler for SEGV/ILL/BUS signals (which offers recovery + user interface) is not set. This allows more reliable debugging + of crashes that involve the console. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * The legacy S-compatibility macros PROBLEM, MESSAGE, ERROR, WARN, + WARNING, RECOVER, ... are deprecated and will be hidden in R + 4.2.0. R's native interface of Rf_error and Rf_warning has long + been preferred. + BUG FIXES: + * .mapply(F, dots, .) no longer segfaults when dots is not a list + and uses as always documented; reported by Andrew + Simmons in PR#18164. + * hist(<Date>, ...) and hist(<POSIXt>, ...) no longer pass + arguments for rect() (such as col and density) to axis(). + (Thanks to Sebastian Meyer's PR#18171.) + * \Sexpr{ch} now preserves Encoding(ch). (Thanks to report and + patch by Jeroen Ooms in PR#18152.) + * Setting the RNG to "Marsaglia-Multicarry" e.g., by RNGkind(), now + warns in more places, thanks to Andr'e Gillibert's report and + patch in PR#18168. + * gray(numeric(), alpha=1/2) no longer segfaults, fixing PR#18183, + reported by Till Krenz. + * Fixed dnbinom(x, size=<very_small>, .., log=TRUE) regression, + reported by Martin Morgan. + * as.Date.POSIXlt(x) now keeps names(x), thanks to Davis Vaughan's + report and patch in PR#18188. + * model.response() now strips an "AsIs" class typically, thanks to + Duncan Murdoch's report and other discussants in PR#18190. + * try() is considerably faster in case of an error and long call, + as e.g., from some Thanks to Alexander Kaever's + suggestion posted to R-devel. + * qqline(y = <object>) such as y=I(.), now works, see also + PR#18190. + * Non-integer mgp par() settings are now handled correctly in + axis() and mtext(), thanks to Mikael Jagan and Duncan Murdoch's + report and suggestion in PR#18194. + * formatC(x) returns length zero character() now, rather than "" + when x is of length zero, as documented, thanks to Davis + Vaughan's post to R-devel. + * removeSource(fn) now retains (other) attributes(fn). + +- repaired + (rpmacros now go to rpmmacrodir) +- minor clean-ups in spec file + +- CHANGES IN R 4.1.1: + NEW FEATURES: + * require(pkg, quietly = TRUE) is quieter and in particular does + not warn if the package is not found. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * Use of ftp:// URIs should be regarded as deprecated, with + on-going support confined to method = "libcurl" and not routinely + tested. (Nowadays no major browser supports them.) + * The non-default method = "internal" is deprecated for http:// and + ftp:// URIs for both download.file and url. + * On Windows, method = "wininet" is deprecated for http://, + https:// and ftp:// URIs for both download.file and url. (A + warning is only given for ftp://.) + For ftp:// URIs the default method is now "libcurl" if available + (which it is on CRAN builds). + method = "wininet" remains the default for http:// and https:// + URIs but if libcurl is available, using method = "libcurl" is + preferred. + INSTALLATION: + * make check now works also without a LaTeX installation. (Thanks + to Sebastian Meyer's PR#18103.) + BUG FIXES: + * make check-devel works again in an R build configured with + - -without-recommended-packages. + * qnbinom(p, size, mu) for large size/mu is correct now in a range + of cases (PR#18095); similarly for the (size, prob) + parametrization of the negative binomial. Also qpois() and + qbinom() are better and or faster for extreme cases. The + underlying C code has been modularized and is common to all four + cases of discrete distributions. + * gap.axis is now part of the axis() arguments which are passed + from bxp(), and hence boxplot(). (Thanks to Martin Smith's + report and suggestions in PR#18109.) + * .First and .Last can again be set from the site profile. + *, to, *) and seq.default(..) now work better in large + range cases where from-to is infinite where the two boundaries + are finite. + * all.equal(x,y) now returns TRUE correctly also when several + entries of abs(x) and abs(y) are close to .Machine$double.xmax, + the largest finite numeric. + * model.frame() now clears the object bit when removing the class + attribute of a value via na.action (PR#18100). + * charClass() now works with multi-character strings on Windows + (PR#18104, fixed by Bill Dunlap). + * encodeString() on Solaris now works again in Latin-1 encoding on + characters represented differently in UTF-8. Support for + surrogate pairs on Solaris has been improved. + * on Windows now works with non-ASCII path names + representable in the current native encoding (PR#18132). + * Embedded R on Windows can now find R home directory via the + registry even when installed only for the current user + (PR#18135). + * pretty(x) with finite x now returns finite values also in the + case where the extreme x values are close in size to the maximal + representable number .Machine$double.xmax. + Also, it's been tweaked for very small ranges and when a boundary + is close (or equal) to zero; e.g., pretty(c(0,1e-317)) no longer + has negative numbers, currently still warning about a very small + range, and pretty(2^-(1024 - 2^-1/(c(24,10)))) is more accurate. + * The error message for not finding vignette files when weaving has + correct file sizes now. (Thanks to Sebastian Meyer's PR#18154.) + * dnbinom(20, <large>, 1) now correctly gives 0, and similar cases + are more accurate with underflow precaution. (Reported by Francisco Vera Alcivar in PR#18072.) + +- The line %{__install} -m 755 -d %{_infodir} + no longer works in TW or Factory. + But without that line it works everywhere. So this instruction + was commented out of the spec file. + +- CHANGES IN R 4.1.0: + FUTURE DIRECTIONS: + * It is planned that the 4.1.x series will be the last to support + 32-bit Windows, with production of binary packages for that + series continuing until early 2023. + SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES: + * Data set esoph in package datasets now provides the correct + numbers of controls; previously it had the numbers of cases added + to these. (Reported by Alexander Fowler in PR#17964.) + NEW FEATURES: + * is no longer one of the repositories known by + default to setRepositories(). (Nowadays it only provides source + packages and is often unavailable.) + * Function package_dependencies() (in package tools) can now use + different dependency types for direct and recursive dependencies. + * The checking of the size of tarball in R CMD check --as-cran + <pkg> may be tweaked via the new environment variable + _R_CHECK_CRAN_INCOMING_TARBALL_THRESHOLD_, as suggested in + PR#17777 by Jan Gorecki. + * Using c() to combine a factor with other factors now gives a + factor, an ordered factor when combining ordered factors with + identical levels. + * apply() gains a simplify argument to allow disabling of + simplification of results. + * The format() method for class "ftable" gets a new option justify. + (Suggested by Thomas Soeiro.) + * New ...names() utility. (Proposed by Neal Fultz in PR#17705.) + * type.convert() now warns when its argument is not + specified, as the help file always said it _should_. In that + case, the default is changed to TRUE in line with its change in + read.table() (related to stringsAsFactor) in R 4.0.0. + * When printing list arrays, classed objects are now shown _via_ + their format() value if this is a short enough character string, + or by giving the first elements of their class vector and their + length. + * capabilities() gets new entry "Rprof" which is TRUE when R has + been configured with the equivalent of --enable-R-profiling (as + it is by default). (Related to Michael Orlitzky's report + PR#17836.) + * str(xS4) now also shows extraneous attributes of an S4 object + xS4. + * Rudimentary support for vi-style tags in rtags() and R CMD rtags + has been added. (Based on a patch from Neal Fultz in PR#17214.) + * checkRdContents() is now exported from tools; it and also + checkDocFiles() have a new option chkInternal allowing to check + Rd files marked with keyword "internal" as well. The latter can + be activated for R CMD check via environment variable + _R_CHECK_RD_INTERNAL_TOO_. + * New functions numToBits() and numToInts() extend the raw + conversion utilities to (double precision) numeric. + * Functions URLencode() and URLdecode() in package utils now work + on vectors of URIs. (Based on patch from Bob Rudis submitted + with PR#17873.) + * path.expand() can expand ~user on most Unix-alikes even when + readline is not in use. It tries harder to expand ~, for example + should environment variable HOME be unset. + * For HTML help (both dynamic and static), Rd file links to help + pages in external packages are now treated as references to + topics rather than file names, and fall back to a file link only + if the topic is not found in the target package. The earlier rule + which prioritized file names over topics can be restored by + setting the environment variable _R_HELP_LINKS_TO_TOPICS_ to a + false value. + * c() now removes NULL arguments before dispatching to methods, + thus simplifying the implementation of c() methods, _but_ for + back compatibility keeps NULL when it is the first argument. + (From a report and patch proposal by Lionel Henry in PR#17900.) + * Vectorize()'s result function's environment no longer keeps + unneeded objects. + * Function ...elt() now propagates visibility consistently with + ..n. (Thanks to Lionel Henry's PR#17905.) + * capture.output() no longer uses non-standard evaluation to + evaluate its arguments. This makes evaluation of functions like + parent.frame() more consistent. (Thanks to Lionel Henry's + PR#17907.) + * packBits(bits, type="double") now works as inverse of + numToBits(). (Thanks to Bill Dunlap's proposal in PR#17914.) + * curlGetHeaders() has two new arguments, timeout to specify the + timeout for that call (overriding getOption("timeout")) and TLS + to specify the minimum TLS protocol version to be used for + https:// URIs (_inter alia_ providing a means to check for sites + using deprecated TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1). + * For nls(), an optional constant scaleOffset may be added to the + denominator of the relative offset convergence test for cases + where the fit of a model is expected to be exact, thanks to a + proposal by John Nash. nls(*, trace=TRUE) now also shows the + convergence criterion. + * Numeric differentiation _via_ numericDeriv() gets new optional + arguments eps and central, the latter for taking central divided + differences. The latter can be activated for nls() via + nls.control(nDcentral = TRUE). + * nls() now passes the trace and control arguments to getInitial(), + notably for all self-starting models, so these can also be fit in + zero-noise situations via a scaleOffset. For this reason, the + initial function of a selfStart model must now have ... in its + argument list. + * bquote(splice = TRUE) can now splice expression vectors with + attributes: this makes it possible to splice the result of + parse(keep.source = TRUE). (Report and patch provided by Lionel + Henry in PR#17869.) + * textConnection() gets an optional name argument. + * get(), exists(), and get0() now signal an error if the first + argument has length greater than 1. Previously additional + elements were silently ignored. (Suggested by Antoine Fabri on + R-devel.) + * R now provides a shorthand notation for creating functions, e.g. + \(x) x + 1 is parsed as function(x) x + 1. + * R now provides a simple native forward pipe syntax |>. The + simple form of the forward pipe inserts the left-hand side as the + first argument in the right-hand side call. The pipe + implementation as a syntax transformation was motivated by + suggestions from Jim Hester and Lionel Henry. + * all.equal(f, g) for functions now by default also compares their + environment(.)s, notably via new all.equal method for class + function. Comparison of nls() fits, e.g., may now need + all.equal(m1, m2, check.environment = FALSE). + * .libPaths() gets a new option, allowing to _not_ + include the site library. (Thanks to Dario Strbenac's suggestion + and Gabe Becker's PR#18016.) + * Lithuanian translations are now available. (Thanks to Rimantas + Zakauskas.) + * names() now works for DOTSXP objects. On the other hand, in + R-lang, the R language manual, we now warn against relying on the + structure or even existence of such dot-dot-dot objects. + * all.equal() no longer gives an error on DOTSXP objects. + * capabilities("cairo") now applies only to the file-based devices + as it is now possible (if very unusual) to build R with Cairo + support for those but not for X11(). + * There is optional support for tracing the progress of + loadNamespace() - see its help. + * (Not Windows.) l10n_info() reports an additional element, the + name of the encoding as reported by the OS (which may differ from + the encoding part (if any) of the result from + Sys.getlocale("LC_CTYPE"). + * New function gregexec() which generalizes regexec() to find _all_ + disjoint matches and well as all substrings corresponding to + parenthesized subexpressions of the given regular expression. + (Contributed by Brodie Gaslam.) + * New function charClass() in package utils to query the + wide-character classification functions in use (such as + iswprint). + * The names of quantile()'s result no longer depend on the global + getOption("digits"), but quantile() gets a new optional argument + digits = 7 instead. + * grep(), sub(), regexp and variants work considerably faster for + long factors with few levels. (Thanks to Michael Chirico's + PR#18063.) + * Provide grouping of x11() graphics windows within a window + manager such as Gnome or Unity; thanks to a patch by Ivan Krylov + posted to R-devel. + * The split() method for class data.frame now allows the f argument + to be specified as a formula. + * sprintf now warns on arguments unused by the format string. + * New palettes "Rocket" and "Mako" for hcl.colors() (approximating + palettes of the same name from the 'viridisLite' package). + Contributed by Achim Zeileis. + * The base environment and its namespace are now locked (so one can + no longer add bindings to these or remove from these). + * Rterm handling of multi-byte characters has been improved, + allowing use of such characters when supported by the current + locale. + * Rterm now accepts ALT+ +xxxxxxxx sequences to enter Unicode + characters as hex digits. + * Environment variable LC_ALL on Windows now takes precedence over + LC_CTYPE and variables for other supported categories, matching + the POSIX behaviour. + * duplicated() and anyDuplicated() are now optimized for integer + and real vectors that are known to be sorted via the ALTREP + framework. Contributed by Gabriel Becker via PR#17993. + GRAPHICS: + * The graphics engine version, R_GE_version, has been bumped to 14 + and so packages that provide graphics devices should be + reinstalled. + * Graphics devices should now specify deviceVersion to indicate + what version of the graphics engine they support. + * Graphics devices can now specify deviceClip. If TRUE, the + graphics engine will never perform any clipping of output itself. + The clipping that the graphics engine does perform (for both + canClip = TRUE and canClip = FALSE) has been improved to avoid + producing unnecessary artifacts in clipped output. + * The grid package now allows gpar(fill) to be a linearGradient(), + a radialGradient(), or a pattern(). The viewport(clip) can now + also be a grob, which defines a clipping path, and there is a new + viewport(mask) that can also be a grob, which defines a mask. + These new features are only supported so far on the Cairo-based + graphics devices and on the pdf() device. + * (Not Windows.) A warning is given when a Cairo-based type is + specified for a png(), jpeg(), tiff() or bmp() device but Cairo + is unsupported (so type = "Xlib" is tried instead). + * grSoftVersion() now reports the versions of FreeType and + FontConfig if they are used directly (not _via_ Pango), as is + most commonly done on macOS. + C-LEVEL FACILITIES: + * The _standalone_ libRmath math library and R's C API now provide + log1pexp() again as documented, and gain log1mexp(). + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * configure checks for a program pkgconf if program pkg-config is + not found. These are now only looked for on the path (like + almost all other programs) so if needed specify a full path to + the command in PKG_CONFIG, for example in file + * C99 function iswblank is required - it was last seen missing ca + 2003 so the workaround has been removed. + * There are new configure options --with-internal-iswxxxxx, + - -with-internal-towlower and --with-internal-wcwidth which allows + the system functions for wide-character classification, + case-switching and width (wcwidth and wcswidth) to be replaced by + internal ones. The first has long been used on macOS, AIX (and + Windows) but this enables it to be unselected there and selected + for other platforms (it is the new default on Solaris). The + second is new in this version of R and is selected by default on + macOS and Solaris. The third has long been the default and + remains so as it contains customizations for East Asian + languages. + System versions of these functions are often minimally + implemented (sometimes only for ASCII characters) and may not + cover the full range of Unicode points: for example Solaris (and + Windows) only cover the Basic Multilingual Plane. + * Cairo installations without X11 are more likely to be detected by + configure, when the file-based Cairo graphics devices will be + available but not X11(type = "cairo"). + * There is a new configure option --with-static-cairo which is the + default on macOS. This should be used when only static cairo + (and where relevant, Pango) libraries are available. + * Cairo-based graphics devices on platforms without Pango but with + FreeType/FontConfig will make use of the latter for font + selection. + LINK-TIME OPTIMIZATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * Configuring with flag --enable-lto=R now also uses LTO when + installing the recommended packages. + * R CMD INSTALL and R CMD SHLIB have a new flag --use-LTO to use + LTO when compiling code, for use with R configured with + - -enable-lto=R. For R configured with --enable-lto, they have + the new flag --no-use-LTO. + Packages can opt in or out of LTO compilation _via_ a UseLTO + field in the DESCRIPTION file. (As usual this can be overridden + by the command-line flags.) + BUILDING R on Windows: + * for GCC >= 8, FC_LEN_T is defined in config.h and hence character + lengths are passed from C to Fortran in _inter alia_ BLAS and + LAPACK calls. + * There is a new text file src/gnuwin32/README.compilation, which + outlines how C/Fortran code compilation is organized and + documents new features: + * R can be built with Link-Time Optimization with a suitable + compiler - doing so with GCC 9.2 showed several + inconsistencies which have been corrected. + * There is support for cross-compiling the C and Fortran code + in R and standard packages on suitable (Linux) platforms. + This is mainly intended to allow developers to test later + versions of compilers - for example using GCC 9.2 or 10.x has + detected issues that GCC 8.3 in Rtools40 does not. + * There is experimental support for cross-building R packages + with C, C++ and/or Fortran code. + * The R installer can now be optionally built to support a single + architecture (only 64-bit or only 32-bit). + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * The default C++ standard has been changed to C++14 where + available (which it is on all currently checked platforms): if + not (as before) C++11 is used if available otherwise C++ is not + supported. + Packages which specify C++11 will still be installed using C++11. + C++14 compilers may give deprecation warnings, most often for + std::random_shuffle (deprecated in C++14 and removed in C++17). + Either specify C++11 (see 'Writing R Extensions') or modernize + the code and if needed specify C++14. The latter has been + supported since R 3.4.0 so the package's DESCRIPTION would need + to include something like + Depends: R (>= 3.4) + PACKAGE INSTALLATION on Windows: + * R CMD INSTALL and R CMD SHLIB make use of their flag --use-LTO + when the LTO_OPT make macro is set in file etc/${R_ARCH}/Makeconf + or in a personal/site Makevars file. (For details see 'Writing R + Extensions' SS4.5.) + This provides a valuable check on code consistency. It does work + with GCC 8.3 as in Rtools40, but that does not detect everything + the CRAN checks with current GCC do. + PACKAGE INSTALLATION on macOS: + * The default personal library directory on builds with + - -enable-aqua (including CRAN builds) now differs by CPU type, + one of + ~/Library/R/x86_64/x.y/library + ~/Library/R/arm64/x.y/library + This uses the CPU type R (and hence the packages) were built for, + so when a x86_64 build of R is run under Rosetta emulation on an + arm64 Mac, the first is used. + UTILITIES: + * R CMD check can now scan package functions for bogus return + statements, which were possibly intended as return() calls (wish + of PR#17180, patch by Sebastian Meyer). This check can be + activated via the new environment variable + _R_CHECK_BOGUS_RETURN_, true for --as-cran. + * R CMD build omits tarballs and binaries of previous builds from + the top-level package directory. (PR#17828, patch by Sebastian + Meyer.) + * R CMD check now runs sanity checks on the use of LazyData, for + example that a data directory is present and that + LazyDataCompression is not specified without LazyData and has a + documented value. For packages with large LazyData databases + without specifying LazyDataCompression, there is a reference to + the code given in 'Writing R Extensions' SS1.1.6 to test the + choice of compression (as in all the CRAN packages tested a + non-default method was preferred). + * R CMD build removes LazyData and LazyDataCompression fields from + the DESCRIPTION file of packages without a data directory. + ENCODING-RELATED CHANGES: + * The parser now treats \Unnnnnnnn escapes larger than the upper + limit for Unicode points (\U10FFFF) as an error as they cannot be + represented by valid UTF-8. + Where such escapes are used for outputting non-printable + (including unassigned) characters, 6 hex digits are used (rather + than 8 with leading zeros). For clarity, braces are used, for + example \U{0effff}. + * The parser now looks for non-ASCII spaces on Solaris (as + previously on most other OSes). + * There are warnings (including from the parser) on the use of + unpaired surrogate Unicode points such as \uD834. (These cannot + be converted to valid UTF-8.) + * Functions nchar(), tolower(), toupper() and chartr() and those + using regular expressions have more support for inputs with a + marked Latin-1 encoding. + * The character-classification functions used (by default) to + replace the system iswxxxxx functions on Windows, macOS and AIX + have been updated to Unicode 13.0.0. + The character-width tables have been updated to include new + assignments in Unicode 13.0.0. + * The code for evaluating default (extended) regular expressions + now uses the same character-classification functions as the rest + of R (previously they differed on Windows, macOS and AIX). + * There is a build-time option to replace the system's + wide-character wctrans C function by tables shipped with R: use + configure option --with-internal-towlower or (on Windows) + - DUSE_RI18N_CASE in CFLAGS when building R. This may be needed + to allow tolower() and toupper() to work with Unicode characters + beyond the Basic Multilingual Plane where not supported by system + functions (e.g. on Solaris where it is the new default). + * R is more careful when truncating UTF-8 and other multi-byte + strings that are too long to be printed, passed to the system or + libraries or placed into an internal buffer. Truncation will no + longer produce incomplete multibyte characters. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * Function plclust() from the package stats and + package.dependencies(), pkgDepends(), getDepList(), + installFoundDepends(), and vignetteDepends() from package tools + are defunct. + * Defunct functions checkNEWS() and readNEWS() from package tools + and CRAN.packages() from utils have been removed. + * R CMD config CXXCPP is defunct (it was deprecated in R 3.6.2). + * parallel::detectCores() drops support for Irix (retired in 2013). + * The LINPACK argument to chol.default(), chol2inv(), + solve.default() and svd() has been defunct since R 3.1.0. It was + silently ignored up to R 4.0.3 but now gives an error. + * Subsetting/indexing, such as ddd[*] or ddd$x on a DOTSXP + (dot-dot-dot) object ddd has been disabled; it worked by accident + only and was undocumented. + BUG FIXES: + * Many more C-level allocations (mainly by malloc and strdup) are + checked for success with suitable alternative actions. + * Bug fix for replayPlot(); this was turning off graphics engine + display list recording if a recorded plot was replayed in the + same session. The impact of the bug became visible if resize the + device after replay OR if attempted another savePlot() after + replay (empty display list means empty screen on resize or empty + saved plot). + * R CMD check etc now warn when a package exports non-existing S4 + classes or methods, also in case of no "methods" presence. + (Reported by Alex Bertram; reproducible example and patch by + Sebastian Meyer in PR#16662.) + * boxplot() now also accepts calls for labels such as ylab, the + same as plot(). (Reported by Marius Hofert.) + * The help page for xtabs() now correctly states that addNA is + setting na.action = na.pass among others. (Reported as PR#17770 + by Thomas Soeiro.) + * The R CMD check <pkg> gives a longer and more comprehensible + message when DESCRIPTION misses dependencies, e.g., in Imports:. + (Thanks to the contributors of PR#17179.) + * update.default() now calls the generic update() on the formula to + work correctly for models with extended formulas. (As reported + and suggested by Neal Fultz in PR#17865.) + * The horizontal position of leaves in a dendrogram is now correct + also with center = FALSE. (PR#14938, patch from Sebastian + Meyer.) + * all.equal.POSIXt() no longer warns about and subsequently ignores + inconsistent "tzone" attributes, but describes the difference in + its return value (PR#17277). This check can be disabled _via_ + the new argument check.tzone = FALSE as suggested by Sebastian + Meyer. + * as.POSIXct() now populates the "tzone" attribute from its tz + argument when x is a logical vector consisting entirely of NA + values. + * x[[2^31]] <- v now works. (Thanks to the report and patch by + Suharto Anggono in PR#17330.) + * In log-scale graphics, axis() ticks and label positions are now + computed more carefully and symmetrically in their range, + typically providing _more_ ticks, fulfilling wishes in PR#17936. + The change really corresponds to an improved axisTicks() (package + grDevices), potentially influencing grid and lattice, for + example. + * qnorm(<very large negative>, log.p=TRUE) is now correct to at + least five digits where it was catastrophically wrong, + previously. + * sum(df) and similar "Summary"- and "Math"-group member functions + now work for data frames df with logical columns, notably also of + zero rows. (Reported to R-devel by Martin "b706".) + * unsplit() had trouble with tibbles due to unsound use of rep(NA, + len)-indexing, which should use NA_integer_ (Reported to R-devel + by Mario Annau.) + * pnorm(x, log.p = TRUE) underflows to -Inf slightly later. + * show(<hidden S4 generic>) prints better and without quotes for + non-hidden S4 generics. + * read.table() and relatives treated an "NA" column name as missing + when check.names = FALSE PR#18007. + * Parsing strings containing UTF-16 surrogate pairs such as + "\uD834\uDD1E" works better on some (uncommon) platforms. + sprintf("%X", utf8ToInt("\uD834\uDD1E")) should now give "1D11E" + on all platforms. + * identical(x,y) is no longer true for differing DOTSXP objects, + fixing PR#18032. + * str() now works correctly for DOTSXP and related exotics, even + when these are doomed. + Additionally, it no longer fails for lists with a class and + "irregular" method definitions such that e.g. lapply(*) will + necessarily fail, as currently for different igraph objects. + * Too long lines in environment files (e.g. Renviron) no longer + crash R. This limit has been increased to 100,000 bytes. + (PR#18001.) + * There is a further workaround for FreeType giving incorrect + italic font faces with cairo-based graphics devices on macOS. + * add_datalist(*, force = TRUE) (from package tools) now actually + updates an existing data/datalist file for new content. (Thanks + to a report and patch by Sebastian Meyer in PR#18048.) + * cut.Date() and cut.POSIXt() could produce an empty last interval + for breaks = "months" or breaks = "years". (Reported as PR#18053 + by Christopher Carbone.) + * Detection of the encoding of 'regular' macOS locales such as + en_US (which is UTF-8) had been broken by a macOS change: + fortunately these are now rarely used with en_US.UTF-8 being + preferred. + * sub() and gsub(pattern, repl, x, *) now keep attributes of x such + as names() also when pattern is NA (PR#18079). + * Time differences ("difftime" objects) get a replacement and a + rep() method to keep "units" consistent. (Thanks to a report and + patch by Nicolas Bennett in PR#18066.) + * The \RdOpts macro, setting defaults for \Sexpr options in an Rd + file, had been ineffective since R 2.12.0: it now works again. + (Thanks to a report and patch by Sebastian Meyer in PR#18073.) + * mclapply and pvec no longer accidentally terminate parallel + processes started before by mcparallel or related calls in + package parallel (PR#18078). + * grep and other functions for evaluating (extended) regular + expressions handle in Unicode also strings not explicitly flagged + UTF-8, but flagged native when running in UTF-8 locale. + * Fixed a crash in fifo implementation on Windows (PR#18031). + * Binary mode in fifo on Windows is now properly detected from + argument open (PR#15600, PR#18031). + +- improved spec file according to comments of dimstar in + + +- To get in sync with d:l:R:autoCRAN the Matrix package's split + in -devel was reversed. + +- CHANGES IN R 4.0.5: + BUG FIXES: + * The change to the internal table in R 4.0.4 for iswprint has been + reverted: it contained some errors in printability of 'East + Asian' characters. + * For packages using LazyData, R CMD build ignored the + - -resave-data option and the BuildResaveData field of the + DESCRIPTION file (in R versions 4.0.0 to 4.0.4). + +- CHANGES IN R 4.0.4: + NEW FEATURES: + * File share/texmf/tex/latex/jss.cls has been updated to work with + LaTeX versions since Oct 2020. + * Unicode character width tables (as used by nchar(, type = "w")) + have been updated to Unicode 12.1 by Brodie Gaslam (PR#17781), + including many emoji. + * The internal table for iswprint (used on Windows, macOS and AIX) + has been updated to include many recent Unicode characters. + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * If an external BLAS is specified by --with-blas=foo or _via_ + environment variable BLAS_LIBS is not found, this is now a + configuration error. The previous behaviour was not clear from + the documentation: it was to continue the search as if + - -with-blas=yes was specified. + BUG FIXES: + * all.equal(x,y) now "sees" the two different NAs in factors, + thanks to Bill Dunlap and others in PR#17897. + * (~ NULL)[1] and similar formula subsetting now works, thanks to a + report and patch by Henrik Bengtsson in PR#17935. Additionally, + subsetting leaving an empty formula now works too, thanks to + suggestions by Suharto Anggono. + * .traceback(n) keeps source references again, as before R 4.0.0, + fixing a regression; introduced by the PR#17580, reported + including two patch proposals by Brodie Gaslam. + * unlist(plst, recursive=FALSE) no longer drops content for + pairlists with list components, thanks to the report and patch by + Suharto Anggono in PR#17950. + * iconvlist() now also works on MUSL based (Linux) systems, from a + report and patch suggestion by Wesley Chan in PR#17970. + * round() and signif() no longer tolerate wrong argument names, + notably in 1-argument calls; reported by Shane Mueller on R-devel + (mailing list); later reported as PR#17976. + * .Machine has longdouble.* elements only if + capabilities("long.double") is true, as documented. (Previously + they were included if the platform had long double identical to + double, as ARM does.) + * p.adjust(numeric(), n=0) now works, fixing PR#18002. + * identical(x,y) no longer prints "Unknown Type .." for typeof(x) + == "..." objects. + * Fix (auto-)print()ing of named complex vectors, see PR#17868 and + PR#18019. + * all.equal(<language>, <...>) now works, fixing PR#18029. + *, row.names=NULL) now behaves in line with + data.frame(), disregarding names of components of L, fixing + PR#18034, reported by Kevin Tappe. + * checkRdaFiles(ff)$version is now correct also when ff contains + files of different versions, thanks to a report and patch from + Sebastian Meyer in PR#18041. + * macOS: Quartz device live drawing could fail (no plot is shown) + if the system changes the drawing context after view update + (often the case since macOS Big Sur). System log may show + "CGContextDelegateCreateForContext: invalid context" error. + +- CHANGES IN R 4.0.3: + NEW FEATURES: + * On platforms using configure option --with-internal-tzcode, + additional values "internal" and (on macOS only) "macOS" are + accepted for the environment variable TZDIR. (See ?TZDIR.) + On macOS, "macOS" is used by default if the system timezone + database is a newer version than that in the R installation. + * When install.packages(type = "source") fails to find a package in + a repository it mentions package versions which are excluded by + their R version requirement and links to hints on why a package + might not be found. + * The default value for options("timeout") can be set from + enviromnent variable R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT, still defaulting + to 60 (seconds) if that is not set or invalid. + This may be needed when child R processes are doing downloads, + for example during the installation of source packages which + download jars or other forms of data. + LINK-TIME OPTIMIZATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * There is now support for parallelized Link-Time Optimization + (LTO) with GCC and for 'thin' LTO with clang _via_ setting the + LTO macro. + * There is support for setting a different LTO flag for the Fortran + compiler, including to empty when mixing clang and gfortran (as + on macOS). See file + * There is a new LTO_LD macro to set linker options for LTO + compilation, for example to select an alternative linker or to + parallelize thin LTO. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * The LINPACK argument to chol.default(), chol2inv(), + solve.default() and svd() has been defunct since R 3.1.0. Using + it now gives a warning which will become an error in R 4.1.0. + BUG FIXES: + * The code mitigating stack overflow with PCRE regexps on very long + strings is enabled for PCRE2 < 10.30 also when JIT is enabled, + since stack overflows have been seen in that case. + * Fix to correctly show the group labels in dotchart() (which where + lost in the ylab improvement for R 4.0.0). + * addmargins(*, ..) now also works when fn() is a local function, + thanks to bug report and patch PR#17124 from Alex Bertram. + * rank(x) and hence sort(x) now work when x is an object (as per + is.object(x)) of type "raw" _and_ provides a valid `[` method, + e.g., for gmp::as.bigz(.) numbers. + * chisq.test(*, simulate.p.value=TRUE) and r2dtable() now work + correctly for large table entries (in the millions). Reported by + Sebastian Meyer and investigated by more helpers in PR#16184. + * Low-level socket read/write operations have been fixed to + correctly signal communication errors. Previously, such errors + could lead to a segfault due to invalid memory access. Reported + and debugged by Dmitriy Selivanov in PR#17850. + * quantile(x, pr) works more consistently for pr values slightly + outside [0,1], thanks to Suharto Anggono's PR#17891. + Further, quantile(x, prN, names=FALSE) now works even when prN + contains NAs, thanks to Anggono's PR#17892. Ditto for ordered + factors or Date objects when type = 1 or 3, thanks to PR#17899. + * Libcurl-based internet access, including curlGetHeaders(), was + not respecting the "timeout" option. If this causes + unanticipated timeouts, consider increasing the default by + setting R_DEFAULT_INTERNET_TIMEOUT. + * as.Date(<char>) now also works with an initial "", thanks to + Michael Chirico's PR#17909. + * isS3stdGeneric(f) now detects an S3 generic also when it it is + trace()d, thanks to Gabe Becker's PR#17917. + * R_allocLD() has been fixed to return memory aligned for long + double type PR#16534. + * fisher.test() no longer segfaults when called again after its + internal stack has been exceeded PR#17904. + * Accessing a long vector represented by a compact integer sequence + no longer segfaults (reported and debugged by Hugh Parsonage). + * duplicated() now works also for strings with multiple encodings + inside a single vector PR#17809. + * phyper(11, 15, 0, 12, log.p=TRUE) no longer gives NaN; reported + as PR#17271 by Alexey Stukalov. + * Fix incorrect calculation in logLik.nls() PR#16100, patch from + Sebastian Meyer. + * A very old bug could cause a segfault in model.matrix() when + terms involved logical variables. Part of PR#17879. + * model.frame.default() allowed data = 1, leading to involuntary + variable capture (rest of PR#17879). + * tar() no longer skips non-directory files, thanks to a patch by + Sebastian Meyer, fixing the remaining part of PR#16716. + +- CHANGES IN R 4.0.2: + UTILITIES: + * R CMD check skips vignette re-building (with a warning) if the + VignetteBuilder package(s) are not available. + BUG FIXES: + * Paths with non-ASCII characters caused problems for package + loading on Windows PR#17833. + * Using tcltk widgets no longer crashes R on Windows. + * source(*, echo=TRUE) no longer fails in some cases with empty + lines; reported by Bill Dunlap in PR#17769. + * on.exit() now correctly matches named arguments, thanks to + PR#17815 (including patch) by Brodie Gaslam. + * regexpr(*, perl=TRUE) no longer returns incorrect positions into + text containing characters outside of the Unicode Basic + Multilingual Plane on Windows. + +- CHANGES IN R 4.0.1: + NEW FEATURES: + * paste() and paste0() gain a new optional argument recycle0. When + set to true, zero-length arguments are recycled leading to + character(0) after the sep-concatenation, i.e., to the empty + string "" if collapse is a string and to the zero-length value + character(0) when collapse = NULL. + A package whose code uses this should depend on R (>= 4.0.1). + * The summary(<warnings>) method now maps the counts correctly to + the warning messages. + BUG FIXES: + * aov(frml, ...) now also works where the formula deparses to more + than 500 characters, thanks to a report and patch proposal by Jan + Hauffa. + * Fix a dozen places (code, examples) as Sys.setlocale() returns + the new rather than the previous setting. + * Fix for adding two complex grid units via sum(). Thanks to Gu + Zuguang for the report and Thomas Lin Pedersen for the patch. + * Fix parallel::mclapply(..., mc.preschedule=FALSE) to handle raw + vector results correctly. PR#17779 + * Computing the base value, i.e., 2, "everywhere", now uses + FLT_RADIX, as the original machar code looped indefinitely on the + ppc64 architecture for the longdouble case. + * In R 4.0.0, sort.list(x) when is.object(x) was true, e.g., for x + <- I(letters), was accidentally using method = "radix". + Consequently, e.g., merge(<data.frame>) was much slower than + previously; reported in PR#17794. + * plot(y ~ x, ylab = quote(y[i])) now works, as e.g., for xlab; + related to PR#10525. + * parallel::detect.cores(all.tests = TRUE) tries a matching OS name + before the other tests (which were intended only for unknown + OSes). + * Parse data for raw strings is now recorded correctly. Reported by + Gabor Csardi. + +- CHANGES IN 4.0.0: + SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES: + * Packages need to be (re-)installed under this version (4.0.0) of + R. + * matrix objects now also inherit from class "array", so e.g., + class(diag(1)) is c("matrix", "array"). This invalidates code + incorrectly assuming that class(matrix_obj)) has length one. + S3 methods for class "array" are now dispatched for matrix + objects. + * There is a new syntax for specifying _raw_ character constants + similar to the one used in C++: r"(...)" with ... any character + sequence not containing the sequence )". This makes it easier to + write strings that contain backslashes or both single and double + quotes. For more details see ?Quotes. + * R now uses a stringsAsFactors = FALSE default, and hence by + default no longer converts strings to factors in calls to + data.frame() and read.table(). + A large number of packages relied on the previous behaviour and + so have needed/will need updating. + * The plot() S3 generic function is now in package base rather than + package graphics, as it is reasonable to have methods that do not + use the graphics package. The generic is currently re-exported + from the graphics namespace to allow packages importing it from + there to continue working, but this may change in future. + Packages which define S4 generics for plot() should be + re-installed and package code using such generics from other + packages needs to ensure that they are imported rather than rely + on their being looked for on the search path (as in a namespace, + the base namespace has precedence over the search path). + REFERENCE COUNTING: + * Reference counting is now used instead of the NAMED mechanism for + determining when objects can be safely mutated in base C code. + This reduces the need for copying in some cases and should allow + further optimizations in the future. It should help make the + internal code easier to maintain. + This change is expected to have almost no impact on packages + using supported coding practices in their C/C++ code. + MIGRATION TO PCRE2: + * This version of R is built against the PCRE2 library for + Perl-like regular expressions, if available. (On non-Windows + platforms PCRE1 can optionally be used if PCRE2 is not available + at build time.) The version of PCRE in use can be obtained _via_ + extSoftVersion(): PCRE1 (formerly known as 'PCRE') has versions + <= 8, PCRE2 versions >= 10. + * Making PCRE2 available when building R from source is strongly + recommended (preferably version 10.30 or later) as PCRE1 is no + longer developed: version 8.44 is 'likely to be the final + release'. + * PCRE2 reports errors for some regular expressions that were + accepted by PCRE1. A hyphen now has to be escaped in a character + class to be interpreted as a literal (unless first or last in the + class definition). \R, \B and \X are no longer allowed in + character classes (PCRE1 treated these as literals). + * Option PCRE_study is no longer used with PCRE2, and is reported + as FALSE when that is in use. + NEW FEATURES: + * assertError() and assertWarning() (in package tools) can now + check for _specific_ error or warning classes _via_ the new + optional second argument classes (which is not back compatible + with previous use of an unnamed second argument). + * DF2formula(), the utility for the data frame method of formula(), + now works without parsing and explicit evaluation, starting from + Suharto Anggono's suggestion in PR#17555. + * approxfun() and approx() gain a new argument na.rm defaulting to + true. If set to false, missing y values now propagate into the + interpolated values. + * Long vectors are now supported as the seq argument of a for() + loop. + * str(x) gets a new deparse.lines option with a default to speed it + up when x is a large call object. + * The internal traceback object produced when an error is signalled + (.Traceback), now contains the calls rather than the _deparse()d_ + calls, deferring the deparsing to the user-level functions + .traceback() and traceback(). This fulfils the wish of PR#17580, + reported including two patch proposals by Brodie Gaslam. + * data.matrix() now converts character columns to factors and from + this to integers. + * package.skeleton() now explicitly lists all exports in the + NAMESPACE file. + * New function .S3method() to register S3 methods in R scripts. + * file.path() has some support for file paths not in the session + encoding, e.g. with UTF-8 inputs in a non-UTF-8 locale the output + is marked as UTF-8. + * Most functions with file-path inputs will give an explicit error + if a file-path input in a marked encoding cannot be translated + (to the native encoding or in some cases on Windows to UTF-8), + rather than translate to a different file path using escapes. + Some (such as dir.exists(), file.exists(), file.access(), +, list.files(), normalizePath() and path.expand()) + treat this like any other non-existent file, often with a + warning. + * There is a new help document accessed by help("file path + encoding") detailing how file paths with marked encodings are + handled. + * New function list2DF() for creating data frames from lists of + variables. + * iconv() has a new option sub = "Unicode" to translate UTF-8 input + invalid in the to encoding using <U+xxxx> escapes. + * There is a new function infoRDS() providing information about the + serialization format of a serialized object. + * S3 method lookup now by default skips the elements of the search + path between the global and base environments. + * Added an argument add_datalist(*, small.size = 0) to allow the + creation of a data/datalist file even when the total size of the + data sets is small. + * The backquote function bquote() has a new argument splice to + enable splicing a computed list of values into an expression, + like ,@ in LISP's backquote. + * The formula interface to t.test() and wilcox.test() has been + extended to handle one-sample and paired tests. + * The palette() function has a new default set of colours (which + are less saturated and have better accessibility properties). + There are also some new built-in palettes, which are listed by + the new palette.pals() function. These include the old default + palette under the name "R3". Finally, the new palette.colors() + function allows a subset of colours to be selected from any of + the built-in palettes. + * n2mfrow() gains an option asp = 1 to specify the aspect ratio, + fulfilling the wish and extending the proposal of Michael Chirico + in PR#17648. + * For head(x, n) and tail() the default and other S3 methods + notably for _vector_ n, e.g. to get a "corner" of a matrix, has + been extended to array's of higher dimension thanks to the patch + proposal by Gabe Becker in PR#17652. Consequently, optional + argument addrownums is deprecated and replaced by the (more + general) argument keepnums. An invalid second argument n now + leads to typically more easily readable error messages. + * New function .class2() provides the full character vector of + class names used for S3 method dispatch. + * Printing methods(..) now uses a new format() method. + * sort.list(x) now works for non-atomic objects x and method = + "auto" (the default) or "radix" in cases order(x) works. + * Where they are available, writeBin() allows long vectors. + * New function deparse1() produces one string, wrapping deparse(), + to be used typically in deparse1(substitute(*)), e.g., to fix + PR#17671. + * wilcox.test() enhancements: In the (non-paired) two-sample case, + Inf values are treated as very large for robustness consistency. + If exact computations are used, the result now has "exact" in the + method element of its return value. New arguments tol.root and + digits.rank where the latter may be used for stability to treat + very close numbers as ties. + * readBin() and writeBin() now report an error for an invalid + endian value. The affected code needs to be fixed with care as + the old undocumented behavior was to swap endian-ness in such + cases. + * sequence() is now an S3 generic with an internally implemented + default method, and gains arguments to generate more complex + sequences. Based on code from the S4Vectors Bioconductor package + and the advice of Herv'e Pag`es. + * print()'s default method and many other methods (by calling the + default eventually and passing ...) now make use of a new + optional width argument, avoiding the need for the user to set + and reset options("width"). + * memDecompress() supports the RFC 1952 format (e.g. in-memory + copies of gzip-compressed files) as well as RFC 1950. + * memCompress() and memDecompress() support long raw vectors for + types "gzip" and "zx". + * sweep() and slice.index() can now use names of dimnames for their + MARGIN argument (apply has had this for almost a decade). + * New function proportions() and marginSums(). These should replace + the unfortunately named prop.table() and margin.table(). They are + drop-in replacements, but also add named-margin functionality. + The old function names are retained as aliases for + back-compatibility. + * Functions rbinom(), rgeom(), rhyper(), rpois(), rnbinom(), + rsignrank() and rwilcox() which have returned integer since R + 3.0.0 and hence NA when the numbers would have been outside the + integer range, now return double vectors (without NAs, typically) + in these cases. + * matplot(x,y) (and hence matlines() and matpoints()) now call the + corresponding methods of plot() and lines(), e.g, when x is a + "Date" or "POSIXct" object; prompted by Spencer Graves' + suggestion. + * stopifnot() now allows customizing error messages via argument + names, thanks to a patch proposal by Neal Fultz in PR#17688. + * unlink() gains a new argument expand to disable wildcard and + tilde expansion. Elements of x of value "~" are now ignored. + * mle() in the stats4 package has had its interface extended so + that arguments to the negative log-likelihood function can be one + or more vectors, with similar conventions applying to bounds, + start values, and parameter values to be kept fixed. This + required a minor extension to class "mle", so saved objects from + earlier versions may need to be recomputed. + * The default for pdf() is now useDingbats = FALSE. + * The default fill colour for hist() and boxplot() is now col = + "lightgray". + * The default order of the levels on the y-axis for spineplot() and + cdplot() has been reversed. + * If the R_ALWAYS_INSTALL_TESTS environment variable is set to a + true value, R CMD INSTALL behaves as if the --install-tests + option is always specified. Thanks to Reinhold Koch for the + suggestion. + * New function R_user_dir() in package tools suggests paths + appropriate for storing R-related user-specific data, + configuration and cache files. + * capabilities() gains a new logical option Xchk to avoid warnings + about X11-related capabilities. + * The internal implementation of grid units has changed, but the + only visible effects at user-level should be + * a slightly different print format for some units (especially + unit arithmetic), + * faster performance (for unit operations) and + * two new functions unitType() and unit.psum(). + Based on code contributed by Thomas Lin Pedersen. + * When internal dispatch for and rep_len() fails, there + is an attempt to dispatch on the equivalent call to rep(). + * Object .Machine now contains new longdouble.* entries (when R + uses long doubles internally). + * news() has been enhanced to cover the news on R 3.x and 2.x. + * For consistency, N <- NULL; N[[1]] <- val now turns N into a list + also when val) has length one. This enables dimnames(r1)[[1]] <- + "R1" for a 1-row matrix r1, fixing PR#17719 reported by Serguei + Sokol. + * deparse(..), dump(..), and dput(x, control = "all") now include + control option "digits17" which typically ensures 1:1 + invertibility. New option control = "exact" ensures numeric + exact invertibility via "hexDigits". + * When loading data sets via read.table(), data() now uses + LC_COLLATE=C to ensure locale-independent results for possible + string-to-factor conversions. + * A server socket connection, a new connection type representing a + listening server socket, is created via serverSocket() and can + accept multiple socket connections via socketAccept(). + * New function socketTimeout() changes the connection timeout of a + socket connection. + * The time needed to start a homogeneous PSOCK cluster on localhost + with many nodes has been significantly reduced (package + parallel). + * New globalCallingHandlers() function to establish global + condition handlers. This allows registering default handlers for + specific condition classes. Developed in collaboration with + Lionel Henry. + * New function tryInvokeRestart() to invoke a specified restart if + one is available and return without signaling an error if no such + restart is found. Contributed by Lionel Henry in PR#17598. + * str(x) now shows the length of attributes in some cases for a + data frame x. + * Rprof() gains a new argument filter.callframes to request that + intervening call frames due to lazy evaluation or explicit eval() + calls be omitted from the recorded profile data. Contributed by + Lionel Henry in PR#17595. + * The handling of ${FOO-bar} and ${FOO:-bar} in Renviron files now + follows POSIX shells (at least on a Unix-alike), so the first + treats empty environment variables as set and the second does + not. Previously both ignored empty variables. There are several + uses of the first form in etc/Renviron. + * New classes argument for suppressWarnings() and + suppressMessages() to selectively suppress only warnings or + messages that inherit from particular classes. Based on patch + from Lionel Henry submitted with PR#17619. + * New function activeBindingFunction() retrieves the function of an + active binding. + * New "cairoFT" and "pango" components in the output of + grSoftVersion(). + * New argument symbolfamily in cairo-based graphics devices and new + function cairoSymbolFont() that can be used to provide the value + for that argument. + Windows: + * Rterm now works also when invoked from MSYS2 terminals. Line + editing is possible when command winpty is installed. + * normalizePath() now resolves symbolic links and normalizes case + of long names of path elements in case-insensitive folders + (PR#17165). + * md5sum() supports UTF-8 file names with characters that cannot be + translated to the native encoding (PR#17633). + * Rterm gains a new option --workspace to specify the workspace to + be restored. This allows equals to be part of the name when + opening _via_ Windows file associations (reported by Christian + Asseburg). + * Rterm now accepts ALT+xxx sequences also with NumLock on. Tilde + can be pasted with an Italian keyboard (PR#17679). + * R falls back to copying when junction creation fails during + package checking (patch from Duncan Murdoch). + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * Make macro F77_VISIBILITY has been removed and replaced by + F_VISIBILITY. + * Make macros F77, FCPIFCPLAGS and SHLIB_OPENMP_FCFLAGS have been + removed and replaced by FC, FPICFLAGS and SHLIB_OPENMP_FFLAGS + respectively. (Most make programs will set F77 to the value of + FC, which is set for package compilation. But portable code + should not rely on this.) + * The deprecated support for specifying C++98 for package + installation has been removed. + * R CMD config no longer knows about the unused settings F77 and + FCPIFCPLAGS, nor CXX98 and similar. + * Either PCRE2 or PCRE1 >= 8.32 (Nov 2012) is required: the + deprecated provision for 8.20-8.31 has been removed. + * Defunct functions mem.limits(), .readRDS(), + .saveRDS(),..find.package(), and .path.package() from package + base and allGenerics(), getAccess(), getAllMethods(), + getClassName(), getClassPackage(), getExtends(), getProperties(), + getPrototype(), getSubclasses(), getVirtual(), mlistMetaName(), + removeMethodsObject(), seemsS4Object(), traceOff(), and traceOn() + from methods have been removed. + C-LEVEL FACILITIES: + * installChar is now remapped in Rinternals.h to installTrChar, of + which it has been a wrapper since R 3.6.0. Neither are part of + the API, but packages using installChar can replace it if they + depend on R >= 3.6.2. + * Header R_ext/Print.h defines R_USE_C99_IN_CXX and hence exposes + Rvprintf and REvprintf if used with a C++11 (or later) compiler. + * There are new Fortran subroutines dblepr1, realpr1 and intpr1 to + print a scalar variable (gfortran 10 enforces the distinction + between scalars and length-one arrays). Also labelpr to print + just a label. + * R_withCallingErrorHandler is now available for establishing a + calling handler in C code for conditions inheriting from class + error. + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * User-set DEFS (e.g., in is now used for compiling + packages (including base packages). + * There is a new variant option --enable-lto=check for checking + consistency of BLAS/LAPACK/LINPACK calls - see 'Writing R + Extensions'. + * A C++ compiler default is set only if the C++11 standard is + supported: it no longer falls back to C++98. + * PCRE2 is used if available. To make use of PCRE1 if PCRE2 is + unavailable, configure with option --with-pcre1. + * The minimum required version of libcurl is now 7.28.0 (Oct 2012). + * New make target distcheck checks + * R can be rebuilt from the tarball created by make dist, + * the build from the tarball passes make check-all, + * the build installs and uninstalls, + * the source files are properly cleaned by make distclean. + UTILITIES: + * R --help now mentions the option --no-echo (renamed from --slave) + and its previously undocumented short form -s. + * R CMD check now optionally checks configure and cleanup scripts + for non-Bourne-shell code ('bashisms'). + * R CMD check --as-cran now runs \donttest examples (which are run + by example()) instead of instructing the tester to do so. This + can be temporarily circumvented during development by setting + environment variable _R_CHECK_DONTTEST_EXAMPLES_ to a false + value. + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * There is the beginnings of support for the recently approved + C++20 standard, specified analogously to C++14 and C++17. There + is currently only limited support for this in compilers, with + flags such as -std=c++20 and -std=c++2a. For the time being the + configure test is of accepting one of these flags and compiling + C++17 code. + BUG FIXES: + * formula(x) with length(x) > 1 character vectors, is deprecated + now. Such use has been rare, and has 'worked' as expected in + some cases only. In other cases, wrong x have silently been + truncated, not detecting previous errors. + * Long-standing issue where the X11 device could lose events + shortly after startup has been addressed (PR#16702). + * The data.frame method for rbind() no longer drops <NA> levels + from factor columns by default (PR#17562). + * available.packages() and hence install.packages() now pass their + ... argument to download.file(), fulfilling the wish of PR#17532; + subsequently, available.packages() gets new argument quiet, + solving PR#17573. + * stopifnot() gets new argument exprObject to allow an R object of + class expression (or other 'language') to work more consistently, + thanks to suggestions by Suharto Anggono. + * conformMethod() now works correctly in cases containing a "&& + logic" bug, reported by Henrik Bengtsson. It now creates methods + with "missing" entries in the signature. Consequently, + rematchDefinition() is amended to use appropriate .local() calls + with named arguments where needed. + * format.default(*, scientific = FALSE) now corresponds to a + practically most extreme options(scipen = n) setting rather than + arbitrary n = 100. + * format(as.symbol("foo")) now works (returning "foo"). + * postscript(.., title = *) now signals an error when the title + string contains a character which would produce corrupt + PostScript, thanks to PR#17607 by Daisuko Ogawa. + * Certain Ops (notably comparison such as ==) now also work for + 0-length data frames, after reports by Hilmar Berger. + * methods(class = class(glm(..))) now warns more usefully and only + once. + * write.dcf() no longer mangles field names (PR#17589). + * Primitive replacement functions no longer mutate a referenced + first argument when used outside of a complex assignment context. + * A better error message for contour(*, levels = Inf). + * The return value of contourLines() is no longer invisible(). + * The Fortran code for calculating the coefficients component in + lm.influence() was very inefficient. It has (for now) been + replaced with much faster R code (PR#17624). + * cm.colors(n) _etc_ no longer append the code for alpha = 1, "FF", + to all colors. Hence all eight *.colors() functions and + rainbow() behave consistently and have the same non-explicit + default (PR#17659). + * dnorm had a problematic corner case with sd == -Inf or negative + sd which was not flagged as an error in all cases. Thanks to + Stephen D. Weigand for reporting and Wang Jiefei for analyzing + this; similar change has been made in dlnorm(). + * The optional iter.smooth argument of plot.lm(), (the plot() + method for lm and glm fits) now defaults to 0 for all glm fits. + Especially for binary observations with high or low fitted + probabilities, this effectively deleted all observations of 1 or + 0. Also, the type of residuals used in the glm case has been + switched to "pearson" since deviance residuals do not in general + have approximately zero mean. + * In plot.lm, Cook's distance was computed from unweighted + residuals, leading to inconsistencies. Replaced with usual + weighted version. (PR#16056) + * Time-series ts(*, start, end, frequency) with fractional + frequency are supported more consistently; thanks to a report + from Johann Kleinbub and analysis and patch by Duncan Murdoch in + PR#17669. + * In case of errors mcmapply() now preserves attributes of returned + "try-error" objects and avoids simplification, overriding + SIMPLIFY to FALSE. (PR#17653) + * as.difftime() gets new optional tz = "UTC" argument which should + fix behaviour during daylight-savings-changeover days, fixing + PR#16764, thanks to proposals and analysis by Johannes Ranke and + Kirill M"uller. + * round() does a better job of rounding _"to nearest"_ by + _measuring_ and _"to even"_; thanks to a careful algorithm + originally prompted by the report from Adam Wheeler and then + others, in PR#17668. + round(x, dig) for _negative_ digits is much more rational now, + notably for large |dig|. + * Inheritance information on S4 classes is maintained more + consistently, particularly in the case of class unions (in part + due to PR#17596 and a report from Ezra Tucker). + * is() behaves more robustly when its argument class2 is a + classRepresentation object. + * The warning message when attempting to export an nonexistent + class is now more readable; thanks to Thierry Onkelinx for + recognizing the problem. + * choose() misbehaved in corner cases where it switched n - k for k + and n was only _nearly_ integer (report from Erik Scott Wright). + * mle() in the stats4 package had problems combining use of box + constraints and fixed starting values (in particular, confidence + intervals were affected). + * Operator ? now has lower precedence than = to work as documented, + so = behaves like <- in help expressions (PR#16710). + * smoothEnds(x) now returns integer type in _both_ cases when x is + integer, thanks to a report and proposal by Bill Dunlap PR#17693. + * The methods package does a better job of tracking inheritance + relationships across packages. + * norm(diag(c(1, NA)), "2") now works. + * subset() had problems with 0-col dataframes (reported by Bill + Dunlap, PR#17721). + * Several cases of integer overflow detected by the 'undefined + behaviour sanitizer' of clang 10 have been circumvented. One in + rhyper() may change the generated value for large input values. + * dotchart() now places the y-axis label (ylab) much better, not + overplotting labels, thanks to a report and suggestion by Alexey + Shipunov. + * A rare C-level array overflow in chull() has been worked around. + * Some invalid specifications of the day-of-the-year (_via_ %j, + e.g. day 366 in 2017) or week plus day-of-the-week are now + detected by strptime(). They now return NA but give a warning as + they may have given random results or corrupted memory in earlier + versions of R. + * socketConnection(server = FALSE) now respects the connection + timeout also on Linux. + * socketConnection(server = FALSE) no longer leaks a connection + that is available right away without waiting (e.g. on localhost). + * Socket connections are now robust against spurious readability + and spurious availability of an incoming connection. + * blocking = FALSE is now respected also on the server side of a + socket connection, allowing non-blocking read operations. + * anova.glm() and anova.glmlist() computed incorrect score (Rao) + tests in no-intercept cases. (Andr'e Gillibert, PR#17734) + * summaryRprof() now should work correctly for the Rprof(*, + memory.profiling=TRUE) case with small chunk size (and "tseries" + or similar) thanks to a patch proposal by Benjamin Tyner, in + PR#15886. + * xgettext() ignores strings passed to ngettext(), since the latter + is handled by xngettext(). Thanks to Daniele Medri for the report + and all the recent work he has done on the Italian translations. + * data(package = "P") for P in base and stats no longer reports the + data sets from package datasets (which it did for back + compatibility for 16 years), fixing PR#17730. + * x[[Inf]] (returning NULL) no longer leads to undefined behavior, + thanks to a report by Kirill M"uller in PR#17756. Further, + x[[-Inf]] and x[[-n]] now give more helpful error messages. + * Gamma() family sometimes had trouble storing link name PR#15891 + BUG FIXES (Windows): + * Sys.glob() now supports all characters from the Unicode Basic + Multilingual Plane, no longer corrupting some (less commonly + used) characters (PR#17638). + * Rterm now correctly displays multi-byte-coded characters + representable in the current native encoding (at least on Windows + 10 they were sometimes omitted, PR#17632). + * scan() issues with UTF-8 data when running in a DBCS locale have + been resolved (PR#16520, PR#16584). + * RTerm now accepts enhanced/arrow keys also with ConPTY. + * R can can now be started _via_ the launcher icon in a user + documents directory whose path is not representable in the system + encoding. + * socketConnection(server = FALSE) now returns instantly also on + Windows when connection failure is signalled. + * Problems with UTF-16 surrogate pairs have been fixed in several + functions, including tolower() and toupper() (PR#17645). + +- CHANGES IN R 3.6.3: + NEW FEATURES: + * The included LAPACK has been updated to version 3.9.0 (for the + included routines, just bug fixes). + BUG FIXES: + * Fixed a C level integer overflow in rhyper(); reported by + Benjamin Tyner in PR#17694. + * Uses of url(gzcon(.)) needing to extend buffer size have failed + (with HTTP/2 servers), reported by G'abor Cs'ardi. + * predict(loess(..), se=TRUE) now errors out (instead of + seg.faulting etc) for large sample sizes, thanks to a report and + patch by Benjamin Tyner in PR#17121. + * tools:assertCondition(., "error") and hence assertError() no + longer return errors twice (invisibly). + * update(form, new) in the case of a long new formula sometimes + wrongly eliminated the intercept from form, or (more rarely) + added a garbage term (or seg.faulted !); the fix happened by + simplifying the C-level logic of terms.formula(). Reported by + Mathias Amb"uhl in PR#16326. + * The error message from stopifnot(.., <error producing call>) + again contains the full "stopifnot(.......)" call: Its attempted + suppression did not work consistently. + * On Windows, download.file(., , "wininet", headers=character()) + would fail; reported with patch proposal by Kevin Ushey in + PR#17710. + +- Don't mark %{_libdir}/R/doc as %doc: + This causes issues for rstudio, which requires the directory %{_libdir}/R/doc + to exist, but the directory is not present if libzypp is configured to omit + documentation. + +- CHANGES IN R 3.6.2: + NEW FEATURES: + * runmed(x, *) gains a new option na.action determining _how_ to + handle NaN or NA in x. + * dotchart() gains new options ann, xaxt, frame.plot and log. + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * Detection of the C stack direction has been moved from run-time + to configure: this is safer with LTO builds and allows the + detection to be overridden - see file + * Source-code changes enable installation on platforms using gcc + - fno-common (the expected default for gcc 10.x). + C-LEVEL FACILITIES: + * installTrChar (which is nowadays is wrapped by installChar) is + defined in Rinternals.h. (Neither are part of the API.) + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * Header Rconfig.h contains the value of FC_LEN_T deduced at + installation which is used by the prototypes in headers + R_ext/BLAS.h and R_ext/Lapack.h but to avoid extensive breakage + this is only exposed when USE_FC_LEN_T is defined. + If a package's C/C++ calls to BLAS/LAPACK allow for the 'hidden' + arguments used by most Fortran compilers to pass the lengths of + Fortran character arguments, define USE_FC_LEN_T and include + Rconfig.h (possibly _via_ R.h) before including R_ext/BLAS.h or + R_ext/Lapack.h. + * A package with Fortran source code and perhaps C (but not C++) + sources can request for its shared object/DLL to be linked by the + Fortran compiler by including a line USE_FC_TO_LINK= in + src/Makevars[.win] and using $(SHLIB_OPENMP_FFLAGS) as part of + PKG_LIBS. + The known reason for doing so is a package which uses Fortran + (only) OpenMP on a platform where the Fortran OpenMP runtime is + incompatible with the C one (e.g. gfortran 9.x with clang). + UTILITIES: + * R CMD check has a new option to mitigate checks leaving + files/directories in /tmp. See the 'R Internals' manual - this + is part of --as-cran. + Windows: + * The default standard for C++ in package installation is C++11 (as + it has been on other platforms where available since R 3.6.0: the + default toolchain on Windows was defaulting to C++98). + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * Support for specifying C++98 in package installation is + deprecated. + * Support in R CMD config for F77, FCPIFCPLAGS, CPP, CXXCPP and + CXX98 and similar is deprecated. (CPP is found from the system + make and may well not be set.) + Use $CC -E and $CXX -E instead of CPP and CXXCPP. + BUG FIXES: + * runmed(x, *) when x contains missing values now works + consistently for both algorithm="Stuetzle" and "Turlach", and no + longer segfaults for "Turlach", as reported by Hilmar Berger. + * apply(diag(3), 2:3, mean) now gives a helpful error message. + * dgamma(x, shape, log=TRUE) now longer overflows to Inf for shape + < 1 and very small x, fixing PR#17577, reported by Jonathan + Rougier. + * Buffer overflow in building error messages fixed. Reported by + Benjamin Tremblay. + * options(str = .) is correctly initialized at package utils load + time, now. A consequence is that str() in scripts now is more + consistent to interactive use, e.g., when displaying function(**) + argument lists. + * as.numeric(<call>) now gives correct error message. + * Printing ls.str() no longer wrongly shows "<missing>" in rare + cases. + * Auto-printing S4 objects no longer duplicates the object, for + faster speed and reduced memory consumption. Reported by Aaron + Lun. + * pchisq(<LRG>, <LRG>, ncp=100) no longer takes practically forever + in some cases. Hence ditto for corresponding qchisq() calls. + * x %% L for finite x no longer returns NaN when L is infinite, nor + suffers from cancellation for large finite L, thanks to Long Qu's + PR#17611. + Analogously, x %/% L and L %/% x suffer less from cancellation + and return values corresponding to limits for large L. + * grepl(NA, *) now returns logical as documented. + * options(warn=1e11) is an error now, instead of later leading to C + stack overflow because of infinite recursion. + * R_tryCatch no longer transfers control for all conditions. + Reported and patch provided by Lionel Henry in PR#17617. + * format(object.size(.), digits=NULL) now works, fixing PR#17628 + reported by Jonathan Carroll. + * get_all_vars(f, d) now also works for cases, e.g. where d + contains a matrix. Reported by Simon Wood in 2009 and patch + provided by Ben Bolker in PR#13624. + Additionally, it now also works when some variables are data + frames, fixing PR#14905, reported by Patrick Breheny. + * barplot() could get spacings wrong if there were exactly two bars + PR#15522. Patch by Michael Chirico. + * power.t.test() works in more cases when returning values of n + smaller than 2. + * dotchart(*, pch=., groups=.) now works better. Reported by + Robert and confirmed by Nic Rochette in PR#16953. + * canCoerce(obj, cl) no longer assumes length(class(obj)) == 1. + * plot.formula(*, subset = *) now also works in a boundary case + reported by Robert Schlicht (TU Dresden). + * readBin() and writeBin() of a rawConnection() now also work in + large cases, thanks to a report and proposal by Taeke Harkema in + PR#17665. + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Use %license + +- Fix Summary of R-core and R-core-devel + +- CHANGES IN R 3.6.1: + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * The default detection of the shell variable libNN is overridden + for derivatives of Debian Linux, some of which have started to + have a /usr/lib64 directory. (E.g. Ubuntu 19.04.) As before, it + can be specified in + UTILITIES: + * R CMD config knows the values of AR and RANLIB, often set for LTO + builds. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * The use of a character vector with .Fortran() is formally + deprecated and gives a non-portability warning. (It has long + been strongly discouraged in 'Writing R Extensions'.) + BUG FIXES: + * On Windows, GUI package installation via menuInstallPkgs() works + again, thanks to Len Weil's and Duncan Murdoch's PR#17556. + * R CMD check on data() fixing PR#17558 thanks to Duncan Murdoch. + * quasi(*, variance = list(..)) now works more efficiently, and + should work in all cases fixing PR#17560. Further, quasi(var = + mu(1-mu)) and quasi(var = "mu ^ 3") now work, and quasi(variance + = "log(mu)") now gives a correct error message. + * Creation of lazy loading database during package installation is + again robust to Rprofile changing the current working directory + (PR#17559). + * boxplot(y ~ f, horizontal=TRUE) now produces correct x- and + y-labels. + * allows to keep <NA> levels from factor columns + (PR#17562) via new option factor.exclude. + Additionally, it works in one more case with matrix-columns which + had been reported on 2017-01-16 by Krzysztof Banas. + * Correct messaging in C++ pragma checks in tools code for R CMD + check, fixing PR#17566 thanks to Xavier Robin. + * print()ing and auto-printing no longer differs for functions with + a user defined print.function, thanks to Bill Dunlap's report. + * On Windows, writeClipboard(.., format = <n>) now does correctly + pass format to the underlying C code, thanks to a bug report + (with patch) by Jenny Bryan. + * treats 1D arrays the same as vectors, PR#17570. + * Improvements in smoothEnds(x, *) working with NAs (towards + runmed() working in that case, in the next version of R). + * vcov(glm(<quasi>), dispersion = *) works correctly again, fixing + PR#17571 thanks to Pavel Krivitsky. + * R CMD INSTALL of binary packages on Windows now works also with + per-directory locking. + * R CMD INSTALL and install.packages() on Windows are now more + robust against a locked file in an earlier installation of the + package to be installed. The default value of option + install.lock on Windows has been changed to TRUE. + * On Unix alikes (when readline is active), only expand tilde (~) + file names starting with a tilde, instead of almost all tildes. + * In R documentation (*.Rd) files, \item [..] is no longer treated + specially when rendered in LaTeX and hence pdf, but rather shows + the brackets in all cases. + +- CHANGES IN R 3.6.0: + SIGNIFICANT USER-VISIBLE CHANGES: + * Serialization format version 3 becomes the default for + serialization and saving of the workspace (save(), serialize(), + saveRDS(), compiler::cmpfile()). Serialized data in format 3 + cannot be read by versions of R prior to version 3.5.0. + Serialization format version 2 is still supported and can be + selected by version = 2 in the save/serialization functions. The + default can be changed back for the whole R session by setting + environment variables R_DEFAULT_SAVE_VERSION and + R_DEFAULT_SERIALIZE_VERSION to 2. For maximal + back-compatibility, files vignette.rds and partial.rdb generated + by R CMD build are in serialization format version 2, and resave + by default produces files in serialization format version 2 + (unless the original is already in format version 3). + * The default method for generating from a discrete uniform + distribution (used in sample(), for instance) has been changed. + This addresses the fact, pointed out by Ottoboni and Stark, that + the previous method made sample() noticeably non-uniform on large + populations. See PR#17494 for a discussion. The previous method + can be requested using RNGkind() or RNGversion() if necessary for + reproduction of old results. Thanks to Duncan Murdoch for + contributing the patch and Gabe Becker for further assistance. + The output of RNGkind() has been changed to also return the + 'kind' used by sample(). + NEW FEATURES: + * Sys.setFileTime() has been vectorized so arguments path and time + of length greater than one are now supported. + * axis() gets new option gap.axis = NA for specifying a + multiplication factor for the minimal "gap" (distance) between + axis labels drawn. Its default is 1 for labels _parallel_ to the + axis, and 0.25 for perpendicular ones. + Perpendicular labels no longer overlap, fixing bug PR#17384. + * The default method of plot() gains new arguments xgap.axis = NA + and ygap.axis = NA to be passed to the x- and y- axis(.., + gap.axis=*) calls. + * removeSource() now works not only for functions but also for some + language objects. + *,, rep_len() and nchar() dispatch internally. + * is(object, class2) looks for class2 in the calling namespace + after looking in the namespace of class(object). + * extendrange(.., f) with a length-2 f now extends separately to + the left and the right. + * lengths() dispatches internally to S4 methods. + * download.file() on Windows now uses URLdecode() to determine the + file extension, and uses binary transfer (mode = "wb") also for + file extension .rds. + The help page for download.file() now contains the same + information on all platforms. + * Setting C locale for collation _via_ environment variables LC_ALL + and LC_COLLATE and _via_ a call to Sys.setlocale() now takes + precedence over environment variable R_ICU_LOCALE. + * There is a new function, nullfile(), to give the file name of the + null system device (e.g., /dev/null) on the current platform. + * There are two new options, and +, which control whether parse data are + included into sources when keep.source or keep.source.pkgs is + TRUE. By default, is now FALSE, which + changes previous behavior and significantly reduces space and + time overhead when sources are kept when installing packages. + * In rapply(x, ..), x can also be "list-like" and of length >= + 2^{31}. + * trimws() gets new optional whitespace argument, allowing more + extensive definitions of "space", such as including Unicode + spaces (as wished in PR#17431). + * weighted.mean() no longer coerces the weights to a double/numeric + vector, since sum() now handles integer overflow. This makes + weighted.mean() more polymorphic and endomorphic, but be aware + that the results are no longer guaranteed to be a vector of type + double. + * When loading namespaces, S3 method registrations which overwrite + previous registrations are now noted by default (using + packageStartupMessage()). + * compiler::cmpfile() gains a version argument, for use when the + output file should be saved in serialization format 2. + * The axis labeling in the default method of pairs() may now be + toggled by new options horOdd and verOdd. + * (Not Windows nor macOS.) Package tcltk now supports an + environment variable R_DONT_USE_TK which if set disables Tk + initialization. This is intended for use to circumvent errors in + loading the package, e.g. with recent Linux running under an + address sanitizer. + * The numeric method of all.equal() gets optional arguments countEQ + and formatFUN. If countEQ is true, the mean error is more + sensible when many entries are *eq*ual. + * outer(x,y, FUN = "*") is more efficient using tcrossprod(u,v) + instead of u %*% t(v). + * vcov(<mlm>) is more efficient via new optional arguments in + summary.mlm(). + * The default method of summary() gets an option to choose the + _kind_ of quantile()s to use; wish of PR#17438. + * Fitting multiple linear models _via_ lm() does work with _matrix_ + offsets, as suggested in PR#17407. + * The new functions mem.maxVSize() and mem.maxMSize() allow the + maximal size of the vector heap and the maximal number of nodes + allowed in the current R process to be queried and set. + * news() gains support for files. + * An effort has been started to have our reference manuals, i.e., + all help pages. show platform-independent information (rather + than Windows or Unix-alike specifics visible only on that + platform). Consequently, the Windows version of X11() / x11() + got identical formal arguments to the Unix one. + * sessionInfo()$running has been factored out in a new variable + osVersion. + * slice.index() now also works for multi-dimensional margins. + * untar() used with an external tar command assumes this supports + decompression including xz and automagically detecting the + compression type. This has been true of all mainstream + implementations since 2009 (for GNU tar, since version 1.22): + older implementations are still supported _via_ the new argument + support_old_tars whose default is controlled by environment + variable R_SUPPORT_OLD_TARS. (It looks like NetBSD and OpenBSD + have 'older' tar commands for this purpose.) + * The new function asplit() allow splitting an array or matrix by + its margins. + * New functions errorCondition() and warningCondition() provide a + convenient way to create structured error and warning objects. + .Deprecated() now signals a warning of class "deprecatedWarning", + and .Defunct() now signals an error of class "defunctError". + * Many 'package not found' errors are now signaled as errors of + class "packageNotFoundError". + * As an experimental feature, when loadNamespace() fails because + the requested package is not available the error is initially + signaled with a retry_loadNamespace restart available. This + allows a calling handler to try to install the package and + continue. + * S3method() directives in NAMESPACE can now also be used to + perform _delayed_ S3 method registration. + * Experimentally, setting environment variable + _R_CHECK_LENGTH_1_LOGIC2_ will lead to warnings (or errors if the + variable is set to a 'true' value) when && or || encounter and + use arguments of length more than one. + * Added "lines" and "chars" coordinate systems to grconvertX() and + grconvertY(). + * getOption() is more efficient notably for the rare case when + called with two arguments, from several contributors in PR#17394. + * In .col(dim) and .row(dim), dim now may also be an integer-valued + "double". + * sQuote() and dQuote() get an explicit q argument with obvious + default instead of using getOption("fancyQuotes") implicitly and + unconditionally. + * unzip() can list archives with comments and with spaces in file + names even using an external unzip command. + * Command line completion has a new setting rc.settings(dots = + FALSE) to remove ... from the list of possible function + arguments. + * library() no longer checks packages with compiled code match + R.version$platform. loadNamespace() never has, and increasingly + the 'canonical name' does not reflect the important + characteristics of compiled code. + * The primitive functions drop() and unclass() now avoid + duplicating their data for atomic vectors that are large enough, + by returning ALTREP wrapper objects with adjusted attributes. + R-level assignments to change attributes will also use wrapper + objects to avoid duplicating data for larger atomic vectors. R + functions like structure() and unname() will therefore not + duplicate data in these settings. Generic vectors as produced by + list() are not yet covered by this optimization but may be in due + course. + * In formals(), envir becomes an optional argument instead of being + hardwired. + * Instead of signalling an error for an invalid S4 object x, str(x) + now gives a warning and subsequently still shows most parts of x, + e.g., when slots are missing. + * gamma(x) and lgamma(x) no longer warn when correctly returning + Inf or underflowing to zero. This helps maximum likelihood and + similar computations. + * convertColor() is now vectorized, so a lot faster for converting + many colours at once. The new argument vectorized to + colorConverter() ensures that non-vectorized colour converters + still work. (Thanks to Brodie Gaslam.) + * download.file() and url() get new argument headers for custom + HTTP headers, e.g., allowing to perform basic http + authentication, thanks to a patch contributed by G'abor Cs'ardi. + * File-based connection functions file(), gzfile(), bzfile() and + xzfile() now signal an error when used on a directory. + * For approx(), splinefun() _etc_, a new setting ties = + c("ordered", <fun>) allows skipping the sorting and still treat + ties. + * format(x) gives a more user friendly error message in the case + where no method is defined. A minimal method is provided in + format.default(x) when isS4(x) is true. + * which(x) now also works when x is a long vector, thanks to + Suharto Anggono's PR#17201. *NB*: this may return a double + result, breaking the previous guarantee of an integer result. + * seq.default() is more careful to return an integer (as opposed to + double) result when its arguments are large and/or classed + objects; see comment #9 of Suharto Anggono's PR#17497. + * The plot() method for lm and glm fits, plot.lm(), gains a new + option iter.smooth with a default of 0 for binomial fits, no + longer down-weighting when smoothing the residuals. + * zip() passes its list of files _via_ standard input to the + external command when too long for the command line (on some + platforms). + * data() gains an overwrite argument. + * t.test() now also returns the standard error (in list component + stderr). + * model.matrix(*, contrasts.arg = CC) now warns about invalid + contrasts.args. + * Performance of substr() and substring() has been improved. + * stopifnot() has been simplified thanks to Suharto Anggono's + proposals to become considerably faster for cheap expressions. + * The default 'user agent' has been changed when accessing http:// + and https:// sites using libcurl. (A site was found which caused + libcurl to infinite-loop with the previous default.) + * sessionInfo() now also contains RNGkind() and prints it when it + differs from the default; based on a proposal and patch by Gabe + Becker in PR#17535. Also, RNGversion(getRversion()) works + directly. + * library() and require() now allow more control over handling + search path conflicts when packages are attached. The policy is + controlled by the new conflicts.policy option. + * barplot() gets a formula method, thanks to a patch proposal by + Arni Magnusson in PR#17521. + * pmax() and pmin(x) now also work for long vectors, thanks to + Suharto Anggono's PR#17533. + * bxp() now warns when omitting duplicated arguments. + * New hcl.colors() function to provide wide range of HCL-based + colour palettes with much better perceptual properties than the + existing RGB/HSV-based palettes like rainbow(). + Also a new hcl.pals() function to list available palette names + for hcl.colors(). + Contributed by Achim Zeileis. + * The default colours for image() and filled.contour() are now + based on hcl.colors(). + * The palette-generating functions rainbow(), gray.colors(), etc. + get a new rev argument to facilitate reversing the order of + colors. + * New str2lang() and str2expression() as streamlined versions of + parse(text=., keep.source=FALSE) allow to abstract typical call + constructions, e.g., in formula manipulations. (Somewhat + experimental) + * Add update_PACKAGES() for incrementally updating a package + repository index, instead of rebuilding the index from scratch. + Thanks to Gabe Becker in PR#17544 for the patch, based on part of + his switchr package. + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * The options selected for the C++ compiler default to the C++11 + standard if supported, otherwise to the C++98 standard. + * Visibility macros such as C_VISIBILITY can now be user-set + (including to empty), e.g. in + * Macro FCLIBS, which has sometimes been needed on Solaris, has + been renamed to FCLIBS_XTRA. + * Macro F77 is always set to the value of FC, so the latter should + be set to user-select the Fortran compiler for both fixed-form + and free-form Fortran. In particular, gfortran is now the first + choice for F77, not f95. + Macros FFLAGS and FCFLAGS remain distinct to allow for a compiler + which needs a flag to select free- or fixed-form Fortran (most + use the source-file extension to choose: .f is fixed-form and + .f90 and .f95 are free-form). + If only one of them is set, its value is used for both. + * The special-casing of CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS and FFLAGS for Intel + compilers on Linux has been removed: we do not have recent + experience but the generic defaults now chosen are the same as + those previously special-cased for x86_64. + If necessary, override the defaults on the configure command line + or in file + * Long-untested configure support for HP-UX and very old versions + of Linux has been removed. + * configure --with-blas (without specifying a value) includes + OpenBLAS in its search (before ATLAS and a generic BLAS). This + follows recent versions of the ax_blas autoconf macro. + * The configure macro MAKEINFO has been updated to TEXI2ANY. + * Support for make install-strip has been enhanced. + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * Source package installation is by default 'staged': the package + is installed into a temporary location under the final library + directory and moved into place once the installation is complete. + The benefit is that partially-installed packages are hidden from + other R sessions. + The overall default is set by environment variable + R_INSTALL_STAGED. R CMD INSTALL has new options --staged-install + and --no-staged-install, and packages can use the StagedInstall + field in their DESCRIPTION file to opt out. (That opt-out is a + temporary measure which may be withdrawn in future.) + Staged installation requires either --pkglock or --lock, one of + which is used by default. + * The interpretation of source code with extension .f is changing. + Previously this denoted FORTRAN 77 code, but current compilers no + longer have a FORTRAN 77 mode and interpret it as 'fixed-form' + Fortran 90 (or later where supported) code. Extensions .f90 and + .f95 continue to indicate 'free-form' Fortran code. + Legal FORTRAN 77 code is also legal fixed-form Fortran 9x; + however this change legitimizes the use of later features, in + particular to replace features marked 'obsolescent' in Fortran 90 + and 'deleted' in Fortran 2018 which gfortran 8.x and later warn + about. + * Packages containing files in the src directory with extensions + .f90 or .f95 are now linked using the C or C++ compiler rather + than the Fortran 9x compiler. This is consistent with fixed-form + Fortran code and allows mixing of C++ and free-form Fortran on + most platforms. + Consequentially, a package which includes free-form Fortran 9x + code which uses OpenMP should include SHLIB_OPENMP_CFLAGS (or the + CXXFLAGS version if they also include C++ code) in PKG_LIBS + rather than SHLIB_OPENMP_FCFLAGS - fortunately on almost all + current platforms they are the same flag. + * Macro PKG_FFLAGS will be used for the compilation of both + fixed-form and free-form Fortran code unless PKG_FCFLAGS is also + set (in src/Makevars or src/ + * The make macro F_VISIBILITY is now preferred for both fixed-form + and free-form Fortran, for use in src/Makevars and similar. + * R CMD INSTALL gains a new option --strip which (where supported) + strips installed shared object(s): this can also be achieved by + setting the environment variable _R_SHLIB_STRIP_ to a true value. + The new option --strip-lib attempts stripping of static and + shared libraries installed under lib. + These are most useful on platforms using GNU binutils (such as + Linux) and compiling with -g flags. + * There is more support for installing UTF-8-encoded packages in a + strict Latin-1 locale (and probably for other Latin locales): + non-ASCII comments in R code (and NAMESPACE files) are worked + around better. + UTILITIES: + * R CMD check now optionally checks makefiles for correct and + portable use of the SHLIB_OPENMP_*FLAGS macros. + * R CMD check now evaluates \Sexpr{} expressions (including those + in macros) before checking the contents of Rd files and so + detects issues both in evaluating the expressions and in the + expanded contents. + * R CMD check now lists missing packages separated by commas and + with regular quotes such as to be useful as argument in calling + install.packages(c(..)); from a suggestion by Marcel Ramos. + * tools::Rd2latex() now uses UTF-8 as its default output encoding. + * R CMD check now checks line endings of files with extension .hpp + and those under inst/include. The check now includes that a + non-empty file is terminated with a newline. + R CMD build will correct line endings in such files. + * R CMD check now tries re-building all vignettes rather than + stopping at the first error: whilst doing so it adds 'bookmarks' + to the log. By default (see the 'R Internals' manual) it + re-builds each vignette in a separate process. + It now checks for duplicated vignette titles (also known as + 'index entries'): they are used as hyperlinks on CRAN package + pages and so do need to be unique. + * R CMD check has more comprehensive checks on the data directory + and the functioning of data() in a package. + * R CMD check now checks autoconf-generated configure files have + their corresponding source files, including optionally attempting + to regenerate them on platforms with autoreconf. + * R CMD build has a new option --compression to select the + compression used for the tarball. + * R CMD build now removes src/*.mod files on all platforms. + C-LEVEL FACILITIES: + * New pointer protection C functions R_PreserveInMSet and + R_ReleaseFromMSet have been introduced to replace UNPROTECT_PTR, + which is not safe to mix with UNPROTECT (and with + PROTECT_WITH_INDEX). Intended for use in parsers only. + * NAMEDMAX has been raised to 7 to allow further protection of + intermediate results from (usually ill-advised) assignments in + arguments to BUILTIN functions. Properly written package code + should not be affected. + * R_unif_index is now considered to be part of the C API. + * R_GetCurrentEnv() allows C code to retrieve the current + environment. + DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT: + * Argument compressed of untar() is deprecated - it is only used + for external tar commands which increasingly for extraction + auto-detect compression and ignore their zjJ flags. + * var(f) and hence sd(f) now give an error for factor arguments; + they gave a deprecation warning since R 3.2.3, PR#16564. + * Package tools' vignetteDepends() has been deprecated (it called a + function deprecated since Feb 2016), being partly replaced by + newly exported vignetteInfo(). + * The f77_f2c script has been removed: it no longer sufficed to + compile the .f files in R. + * The deprecated legacy support of make macros such as CXX1X has + been removed: use the CXX11 forms instead. + * Make macro F77_VISIBILITY is deprecated in favour of + F_VISIBILITY. + * Make macros F77, FCPIFCPLAGS and SHLIB_OPENMP_FCFLAGS are + deprecated in favour of FC, FPICFLAGS and SHLIB_OPENMP_FFLAGS + respectively. + * $.data.frame had become an expensive version of the default + method, so has been removed. (Thanks to Radford Neal for picking + this up and to Duncan Murdoch for providing a patch.) + BUG FIXES: + * replayPlot(r) now also works in the same R session when r has + been "reproduced" from serialization, typically after saving to + and reading from an RDS file. + * substr() and substring() now signal an error when the input is + invalid UTF-8. + * file.copy() now works also when its argument to is of length + greater than one. + * mantelhaen.test() no longer suffers from integer overflow in + largish cases, thanks to Ben Bolker's PR#17383. + * Calling setGeneric("foo") in a package no longer fails when the + enclosing environment of the implicit generic foo() is + .GlobalEnv. + * untar(file("<some>.tar.gz"), *) now gives a better error message, + suggesting to use gzfile() instead. + * Method dispatch uses more relevant environments when looking up + class definitions. + * The documentation for identify() incorrectly claimed that the + indices of identified points were returned in the order that the + points were selected. identify() now has a new argument order to + allow the return value to include the order in which points were + identified; the documentation has been updated. Reported by + Richard Rowe and Samuel Granjeaud. + * order(...., decreasing=c(TRUE, FALSE)) could fail in some cases. + Reported from StackOverflow via Karl Nordstr"om. + * User macros in Rd files now accept empty and multi-line + arguments. + * Changes in print.*(), thanks to Lionel Henry's patches in + PR#17398: + * Printing lists, pairlists or attributes containing calls with + S3 class no longer evaluate those. + * Printing S4 objects within lists and pairlists dispatches + with show() rather than print(), as with auto-printing. + * The indexing tags (names or [[<n>]]) of recursive data + structures are now printed correctly in complex cases. + * Arguments supplied to print() are now properly forwarded to + methods when printing lists, pairlists or attributes + containing S3 objects. + * The print parameters are now preserved when printing S3 + objects or deparsing symbols and calls. Previously, printing + lists containing S3 objects or expressions would reset these + parameters. + * Printing lists, pairlists or attributes containing functions + now uses srcref attributes if present. + * Calling install.packages() with a length zero pkgs argument now + is a no-op (PR#17422). + * unlist(x) now returns a correct factor when x is a nested list + with factor leaves, fixing PR#12572 and PR#17419. + * The documentation help(family) gives more details about the aic + component, thanks to Ben Bolker's prompting. + * The documentation for attributes and `attributes<-` now gives x + as name of the first and main argument which the implementation + has been requiring, fixing PR#17434. For consistency, the first + argument name is also changed from obj to x for + `mostattributes<-`. + * strwidth() now uses par("font") as default font face (PR#17352). + * plot(<table>, log="x") no longer warns about log. + * The print() method for "htest" objects now formats the test + statistic and parameter directly and hence no longer rounds to + units _before_ the decimal point. Consequently, printing of + t.test() results with a small number of digits now shows + non-large df's to the full precision (PR#17444). + * kruskal.test() and fligner.test() no longer erroneously insist on + numeric g group arguments (PR#16719). + * Printing a news db via the browser now does a much better job + (PR#17433). + * print.aov() missed column names in the multivariate case due to + misspelling (reported by Chris Andrews). + * axis() now creates valid at locations also for small subnormal + number ranges in log scale plots. + * format.POSIXlt() now also recycles the zone and gmtoff list + components to full length when needed, and its internal C code + detects have_zone in more cases. In some cases, this changes its + output to become compatible with format.POSIXct(). + * On Windows, detectCores() in package parallel now detects + processors in all processor groups, not just the group R is + running in (impacts particularly systems with more than 64 + logical processors). Reported by Arunkumar Srinivasan. + * On Windows, socketSelect() would hang with more than 64 sockets, + and hence parallel::clusterApplyLB() would hang with more than 64 + workers. Reported by Arunkumar Srinivasan. + * as(1L, "double") now does coerce (PR#17457). + * lm.influence(), influence.measures(), rstudent() etc now work + (more) correctly for multivariate models ("mlm"), thanks to + (anonymous) stackoverflow remarks. + *, *, replace=TRUE) again behaves as documented and + as in R < 3.0.0, namely identically to, ..). + * Fixes to convertColor() for chromatic adaptation; thanks to + Brodie Gaslam PR#17473. + * Using \Sexpr[stage=install]{..} to create an Rd section no longer + gives a warning in R CMD check; problem originally posted by + G'abor Cs'ardi, then reported as PR#17479 with a partial patch by + Duncan Murdoch. + * Parse data now include a special node for equal assignment. + * split.default() no longer relies on [[<-(), so it behaves as + expected when splitting an object by a factor with the empty + string as one of its levels. Thanks to Brad Friedman for the + report. + * Line numbers in messages about .Rd files are now more reliable, + thanks to a patch from Duncan Murdoch. + * In the numeric method for all.equal(), a numeric scale argument + is now checked to be positive and allowed to be of length > 1. + (The latter worked originally and with a warning in recent + years). + * Deferred string conversions now record the OutDec option setting + when not equal to the default. Reported by Michael Sannella. + * When y is numeric and f a factor, plot(y ~ f) nicely uses "y" and + "f" as y- and x-labels. The more direct boxplot(y ~ f) now does + too. The new argument ann = FALSE may be used to suppress these. + * Subassignment to no/empty rows of a data frame is more consistent + and typically a no-op in all cases instead of sometimes an error; + part of Emil Bode's PR#17483. + * Calls like formatC(*, zero.print = "< 0.001") no longer give an + error and are further improved via new optional argument + Reported by David Hugh-Jones. + * methods::formalArgs("<fn>") now finds the same function as + formals("<fn>"), fixing Emil Bode's PR#17499. + * The methods package better handles duplicated class names across + packages. + * The default method of seq() now avoids integer overflow, thanks + to the report and "cumsum" patch of Suharto Anggono's PR#17497. + * sub() no longer loses encodings for non-ASCII replacements + (PR#17509). + * Fix for rotated raster image on X11 device. (Partial fix for + PR#17148; thanks to Mikko Korpela). + * formula(model.frame(frml, ..)) now returns frml in all cases, + thanks to Bill Dunlap. The previous behavior is available as + DF2formula(<model.frame>). + * ar.ols() also returns scalar var.pred in univariate case + (PR#17517). + * normalizePath() now treats NA path as non-existent and normalizes + it to NA. file.access() treats NA file name as non-existent. + file.edit() and connection functions such as file() now treat NA + file names as errors. + * The internal regularize.values() auxiliary of approx(), + splinefun() etc now warns again when there are ties and the + caller did not specify ties. Further, it no longer duplicates x + and y unnecessarily when x is already sorted (PR#17515). + * strtoi("", base) now gives NA on all platforms, following its + documentation. Reported by Michael Chirico. + * In the definition of an S4 class, prototype elements are checked + against the slots of the class, with giving a prototype for an + undefined slot now being an error. (Reported by Bill Dunlap.) + * From setClassUnion(), if environment variable + _R_METHODS_SHOW_CHECKSUBCLASSES is set to true, the internal + .checkSubclasses() utility prints debugging info to see where it + is used. + * max.col(m) with an m of zero columns now returns integer NA + (instead of 1). + * axTicks() no longer returns small "almost zero" numbers (in + exponential format) instead of zero, fixing Ilario Gelmetti's + PR#17534. + * isSymmetric(matrix(0, dimnames=list("A","b"))) is FALSE again, as + always documented. + * The cairo_pdf graphics device (and other Cairo-based devices) now + clip correctly to the right and bottom border. + There was an off-by-one-pixel bug, reported by Lee Kelvin. + * as.roman(3) <= 2:4 and all other comparisons now work, as do + group "Summary" function calls such as max(as.roman(sample(20))) + and as.roman(NA). (Partly reported by Bill Dunlap in PR#17542.) + * reformulate("x", response = "sin(y)") no longer produces extra + back quotes, PR#17359, and gains new optional argument env. + * When reading console input from stdin with re-encoding (R + - -encoding=enc < input) the code on a Unix-alike now ensures that + each converted input line is terminated with a newline even if + re-encoding fails. + * now produces better strings from logicals, + thanks to PR#17548 from Gabe Becker. + * The S4 generic signature of rowSums(), rowMeans(), colSums() and + colMeans() is restricted to "x". + * match(x, tab) now works for long _character_ vectors x, thanks to + PR#17552 by Andreas Kersting. + * Class unions are unloaded when their namespace is unloaded + (PR#17531, adapted from a patch by Brodie Gaslam). + * selectMethod() is robust to ANY-truncation of method signatures + (thanks to Herve Pages for the report). + +- CHANGES IN R 3.5.3: + INSTALLATION on a UNIX-ALIKE: + * Detection of flags for C++98/11/14/17 has been improved: in + particular if CXX??STD is set, it is tried first with no + additional flags. + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * New macro F_VISIBILITY as an alternative to F77_VISIBILITY. This + will become the preferred form in R 3.6.0. + BUG FIXES: + * writeLines(readLines(fnam), fnam) now works as expected, thanks + to Peter Meissner's PR#17528. + * setClassUnion() no longer warns, but uses message() for now, when + encountering "non local" subclasses of class members. + * stopifnot(exprs = T) no longer fails. + +- Add architecture-independent package directory. + Taken from the Fedora version of R. +- Add RPM macros to ease installation of R packages. +- Fix building on older versions of openSUSE. + +- CHANGES IN R 3.5.2: + PACKAGE INSTALLATION: + * New macro CXX_VISIBILITY analogous to C_VISIBILITY (which several + packages have been misusing for C++ code) for the default C++ + compiler (but not necessarily one used for non-default C++ + dialects like C++14). + TESTING: + * The random number generator tests in tests/p-r-random-tests.R no + longer fail occasionally as they now randomly sample from + "certified" random seeds. + BUG FIXES: + * The "glm" method of drop1() miscalculated the score test + (test="Rao") when the model contained an offset. + * Linear multiple empty models such as lm(y ~ 0) now have a + correctly dimensioned empty coefficient matrix; reported by Brett + Presnell. + * vcov(<empty mlm>) and hence confint() now work (via a consistency + change in summary.lm()). + * confint(<multiple lm()>) now works correctly; reported on R-devel + by Steven Pav. + * quade.test() now also works correctly when its arguments are not + yet sorted along groups, fixing PR#15842. + * Installation on a Unix-alike tries harder to link to the pthread + library where required (rather than relying on OpenMP to provide + it: configuring with --disable-openmp was failing on some Linux + systems). + * The data.frame method for print(x) is fast now also for large + data frames x and got an optional argument max, thanks to + suggestions by Juan Telleria. + * hist() no longer integer overflows in very rare cases, fixing + PR#17450. + * untar() ignored a character compressed argument: however many + external tar programs ignore the flags which should have been set + and automagically choose the compression type, and if appropriate + gzip or bzip2 compression would have been chosen from the magic + header of the tarball. + * zapsmall(x) now works for more "number-like" objects. + * The tools-internal function called from R CMD INSTALL now gets a + warnOption = 1 argument and only sets options(warn = warnOption) + when that increases the warning level (PR#17453). + * Analogously, the tools-internal function called from R CMD check + gets a warnOption = 1 argument and uses the larger of that and + getOption("warn"), also allowing to be run with increased warning + level. + * Parse data now have deterministic parent nodes (PR#16041). + * Calling match() with length one x and POSIXlt table gave a + segfault (PR#17459). + * Fork clusters could hang due to a race condition in cluster + initialization (makeCluster()). + * nextn(n) now also works for larger n and no longer loops + infinitely for e.g, n <- 214e7. + * cooks.distance() and rstandard() now work correctly for multiple + linear models ("mlm"). + * polym() and corresponding lm() prediction now also work for a + boundary "vector" case fixing PR#17474, reported by Alexandre + Courtiol. + * With a very large number of variables terms() could segfault + (PR#17480). + * cut(rep(0, 7)) now works, thanks to Joey Reid and Benjamin Tyner + (PR#16802). + * download.file(*, method = "curl", cacheOK = FALSE) should work + now on Windows, thanks to Kevin Ushey's patch in PR#17323. + * duplicated(<dataframe with 'f'>) now works, too, thanks to + Andreas Kersting's PR#17485; ditto for anyDuplicated(). + * legend(*, cex = 1:2) now works less badly. + * The print() method for POSIXct and POSIXlt now correctly obeys + getOption("max.print"), fixing a long-standing typo, and it also + gets a corresponding optional max argument. + * Unserialization of raw vectors serialized in ASCII representation + now works correctly. + * <data frame>[TRUE, <new>] <- list(c1, c2) now works correctly, + thanks to Suharto Anggono's PR#15362 and Emil Bode's patch in + PR#17504. + **, by=by, length=n) no longer wrongly "drops fractional + parts" when by is integer, thanks to Suharto Anggono's report + PR#17506. + * Buffering is disabled for file() connections to non-regular files + (like sockets), as well as fifo() and pipe() connections. Fixes + PR#17470, reported by Chris Culnane. + +- CHANGES IN R 3.5.1 : + BUG FIXES: + * file("stdin") is no longer considered seekable. + * dput() and dump() are no longer truncating when + options(deparse.max.lines = *) is set. + * Calls with an S3 class are no longer evaluated when printed, + fixing part of PR#17398, thanks to a patch from Lionel Henry. + * Allow file argument of Rscript to include space even when it is + first on the command line. + * callNextMethod() uses the generic from the environment of the + calling method. Reported by Herv'e Pag`es with well documented + examples. + * Compressed file connections are marked as blocking. + * optim(*, lower = c(-Inf, -Inf)) no longer warns (and switches the + method), thanks to a suggestion by John Nash. + * predict(fm, newdata) is now correct also for models where the + formula has terms such as splines::ns(..) or stats::poly(..), + fixing PR#17414, based on a patch from Duncan Murdoch. + * simulate.lm(glm(*, gaussian(link = <non-default>))) has been + corrected, fixing PR#17415 thanks to Alex Courtiol. + * unlist(x) no longer fails in some cases of nested empty lists. + Reported by Steven Nydick. + * qr.coef(qr(<all 0, w/ colnames>)) now works. Reported by Kun + Ren. + * The radix sort is robust to vectors with >1 billion elements (but + long vectors are still unsupported). Thanks to Matt Dowle for the + fix. + * Terminal connections (e.g., stdin) are no longer buffered. Fixes + PR#17432. + * deparse(x), dput(x) and dump() now respect c()'s argument names + recursive and use.names, e.g., for x <- setNames(0, "recursive"), + thanks to Suharto Anggono's PR#17427. + * Unbuffered connections now work with encoding conversion. + Reported by Stephen Berman. + * .Renviron on Windows with Rgui is again by default searched for + in user documents directory when invoked _via_ the launcher icon. + Reported by Jeroen Ooms. + * printCoefmat() now also works with explicit right=TRUE. + * print.noquote() now also works with explicit quote=FALSE. + * The default method for pairs(.., horInd=*, verInd=*) now gets the + correct order, thanks to reports by Chris Andrews and Gerrit + Eichner. Additionally, when horInd or verInd contain only a + subset of variables, all the axes are labeled correctly now. + * agrep("..|..", .., fixed=FALSE) now matches when it should, + thanks to a reminder by Andreas Kolter. + * str(ch) now works for more invalid multibyte strings. + Regina-REXX +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * rxstack.service + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Reduce %systemd_requires to %systemd_ordering: + %service_* can deal with the absence of systemd. +- Replace historic boilerplate -devel subpackage summary. + -- update to 3.3 - -- added SONAME ( to library - -- update to 3.2 - RemoteBox +- RemoteBox-2.6_fix-env-script-interpreter.patch remamed for to + RemoteBox-2.7_fix-env-script-interpreter.patch. + +- Update to 2.7 version + - RemoteBox now requires VirtualBox 6.1.x + - VirtualBox now requires hardware virtualization and no longer + supports software virtualization. Removed associated options + from RemoteBox. + - Removed option of setting the video side-channel quality for an + RDP connection. This option is largely unsupported by RDP + clients and not particularly useful. + - Added support for the Virtio-SCSI controller + - Added support for the AMD PCNet-ISA/NE2100 network card + - Added support for nested hardware virtualization (VT-x/AMD-V) + for supported processors + - Added toolbar buttons in the VMM to create new hard disk + images, new floppy disk images (from 360K to 2.88MB) and move + media to new locations + - Newly created floppy disk images can be optionally + pre-formatted with FAT12 + - Added a menu option when attached storage for creating a new + floppy disk image and automatically attaching it + - Added option to specify MAC address policy when importing an + appliance + - Added options to specify MAC address policy and include ISO + files when exporting an appliance + - Added options to Keep disk UUIDs, specify MAC policy and keep + disk names when cloning a guest + - Added OS icon for Windows 2019 64bit + - Rewrote the copy and disk conversion code, should be cleaner + and faster + - Creating a new guest, now uses the ApplyDefaults API call which + was broken in previous versions of VirtualBox. This allows + a lot of code cleanups and faster guest creation + - Fixed incorrect URL on About window + - Various code cleanups + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + Rivet +- Update to version 3.1.3: + * Add consistently 'RIVET_'-prefixed versions of the CTOR and + PLUGIN macros, to be the preferred future form from 3.2.0 + onwards. + * Add LHCB_2016_I1454404 (W/Z at 8 TeV), and LHCB_2015_I1396331 + & LHCB_2016_I1490663 (open charm). + * Add an explicit configure test and override variable for the + cython executable. + * Use more numerically robust x and y definitions in + DISKinematics + * Relax some restrictions on Sphericity calculation. + * Backport master-branch tolerance of no-beam events and no-xsec + runs to 3.1.x. + * Add a --no-downloads flag to rivet-mkanalysis. + * Add a GROOM option to MC_JETS. + * Add LHCB_2018_I1662483 (forward dilepton top-pair production + cross-section) + * Add mixed-arithmetic-type min(n1,n2) and max(n1,n2) functions, + using std::common_type. + * Adding CMS_2018_I1620050 (dileptonic ttbar at 13 TeV) and + CMS_2019_I1744604 (t-channel single top at 13 TeV). + * Move the experiment-specific smearing functions into + ExptSmearingFunctions.hh, with SmearingFunctions.hh retained + for UI simplicity and backward compatibility. + * Improve the ATLAS Run 2 MET smearing function to incorporate + the Run 2 linearity and resolution dependences. + * Refine the ATLAS and CMS MET functions to avoid a peak at + MET=0 from negative Gaussian smearing. + * Add mT plot to MC_WINC + * Use options for MC_VINC, MC_VJETS, MC_VKTSPLITTINGS + * Add a list of fastjet::Transformer to FastJets, to be applied + in order. Transformers don't currently have a comparison + operator, so if this list is non-empty, we have to report the + projection as non-equivalent and recompute duplicates -- for + now -- but it works, and we can feed back that improvement + (again). + * Tidy jet distance measure enums, introducing convenience AKT, + CA, and CAMBRIDGE aliases. + * Add missing 'inline' declarations to all high-level filter + functions. + * Add missing (i)discard/selectIfAll high-level filtering + functions. + * Correct logical bugs in (i)selectIfAnyDeltaR/Phi function + logic: it's not just the equivalent of the discard versions. + * Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1750330 + * Add bare-lepton origin position to DressedLepton constructors. + * Add aspace() and l/rpad() utility functions. + * Rename the little-used in-place sortBy() functions to + isortBy() cf. ifilter() and friends, since the behaviour + should not change wildly just based on the constness status of + an argument. + * Add JADE_1985_I213948 gamma, pi0 and eta spectra at 14, 22.5 + and 34.4 GeV + * Update rivet-diffhepdata-all to check local directory for + analysis.json + * Add L3_1990_I298078 jet rates at MZ + * Add L3_1991_I314407 pi0 and charged particle spectra + * Add L3_1994_I374698 pi0 and eta spectra + * Add missing jet rates to L3_2004_I652683 + * Add DELPHI_2000_I531568 p pbar correlations + * Add L3_2008_I825820 event shapes at 197 GeV + * Add ALEPH_2001_I555653 tau polarization at LEP I + * Add DELPHI_2008_I763352 tau polarization at LEP II + * Add MAC_1987_I245571 tau polarization at 29 GeV + * Add AMY_1990_I298238 tau polarization at 57 GeV + * Add VENUS_1997_I440852 tau polarization at 58 GeV + * Add DELPHI_2000_I511443 tau polarization at LEP I + * Add OPAL_2001_I554583 tau polarization at LEP I + * Add L3_1998_I467929 tau polarization at LEP I + * Add client-side plot display filtering and and -m/-M pattern + (un)matching fags to rivet-mkhtml. + * Add BELLE_2018_I1621272 B->D*- tau+ nu_tau + * Add BESIII_2019_I1702549 D_S+ -> K0 e+ nu_e + * Add BELLE_2019_I1724068 B0->D*- tau+ nu_tau + * Fix Clang 12.0 compiler warnings + * Add BABAR_2008_I781294 Lambda_c+ -> Xi- pi+ K+ + * Add BESIII_2020_I1817739 e+e- > omega pi0, omega eta + * Add BESIII_2020_I1791570 J/Psi, psi(2S) -> Sigma+, Sigmabar- + * Add plot to BESIII_2019_I1691850 + * Add SND_2020_I1809286 e+e-> pi+pi-pi0 + * Add BELLE_2020_I1796822 B+- > pi+pi- ell nu + * Add BESIII_2020_I1814783 e+e- -> Sigma+-Sigmabar-+ + * Add CLEOII_1997_I446031 e+e- > e+e- pi0/eta/eta' + * Create bash completion dir in $prefix/etc if it doesn't exist. + * Fix bug where path wasn't set for booking of scatters + * Submission of ATLAS_2019_I1762584, ATLAS_2019_I1772062 and + ATLAS_2019_I1759875 + * Add BELLE_2020_I1789775 e+e- > D_s D_s2 + * Add BELLE_2019_I1762826 e+e- > D_s D_s1(2536) + * Add warnings and physicality checks to PartonicTops + * Submission of ATLAS_2020_I1803608 + * Fix bug related to (de)selection of weight subsets + * Make Event class aware of selected weight subsets + * Added self-guided Rivet "truth analysis" tutorial + * Allow user to specify nominal weight. Also do not write out + weight name it skip weights is selected + * Add SND_2020_I1806118 e+e- > K+K-pi0 +- Move bash completion helper to standard bash_completion dir + (BuildRequires: bash-completion for proper dir ownership). +- Add Rivet-analysis-compilation.patch: Fix compilation of + analyses; patch taken from upstream. + SDL -- Add CVE-2019-13616.patch: fix heap buffer overflow when reading - a crafted bmp file (boo#1141844 CVE-2019-13616). - -- Add CVE-2019-7636.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read - issue (CVE-2019-7636, boo#1124826, CVE-2019-7638, boo#1124824). - -- Add CVE-2019-7635.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read - issue (CVE-2019-7635, boo#1124827). - -- Add CVE-2019-7578.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read - issue (CVE-2019-7578, boo#1125099, CVE-2019-7576, boo#1124799 - CVE-2019-7573, boo#1124805). - -- Add CVE-2019-7572.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue - (CVE-2019-7572, boo#1124806). - -- Add CVE-2019-7574.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read - issue (CVE-2019-7574, boo#1124803). - -- Add CVE-2019-7575.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow - issue (CVE-2019-7575, boo#1124802). - -- Add CVE-2019-7577.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue - (CVE-2019-7577, boo#1124800). - -- Add CVE-2019-7637.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow - issue (CVE-2019-7637, boo#1124825). - -- libspe2 doesn't exist any more - -- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64 - -- Avoid bs_sched computation failure by expanding %power64 - -- Drop old soundserver support (also arts, after esound). - Remove --with-pic, building defaults to PIC anyway. - Use pkgconfig names to slurp in packages. - -- Remove gpg-offline leftovers - SDL2_gfx +- Update homepage URLs + SDL_bgi +- Update to release 2.4.4 + * Fixed bug that affected floodfill() with fill patterns in + rare cases + SHERPA-MC +- Update to version 2.2.11: + * Improvements in ME+PS merging for unordered scale + configurations !381 + * New NLO_SUBTRACTION_SCHEME option for improved behavior of the + parton shower in processes with large higher-order + contributions from t-channel gluon exchange !382 + * Additional power corrections to better match soft limit !394 + * Implement csin2_thetaW for SMEFTsim !319 + * Exponentiation version of EWvirt corrections !348 + * Phase space enhancing with function for unweighted event + generation (Enhance_Function) !357 !379 + * Rivet interface improvements: zipped YODA files (!374) and + split pos/neg weights (!376) + * Runtime issues + - Bugfix in Comix for models with vertices with negative + coupling orders !327 + - Bugfixes for crashes with new SPECIAL_TAU_SPIN_CORRELATIONS + option !335 !362 + - Bugfix for crash with spin correlations in ttll setups !388 + - Bugfixes for non-standard KFACTOR treatments !352 + * Compilation issues + - Fix build problem with very new glibc !328 + - Updated swig requirement for python interface to 2.0.12 !342 + - Improvements in HepMC3 linking !380 + - MCFM interface fixes !389 +- Drop SHERPA-MC-build-with-recent-glibc.patch: incorporated + upstream. +- Add BuildRequires: libtool needed for building swig-based + bindings for updated version. + +- Add SHERPA-MC-build-with-recent-glibc.patch to fix builds + against recent glibc; patch taken from upstream git. + +- Drop post(un) install-info scripts for devel pkg, these are + handled by rpm file triggers; also drop the appropriate + dependencies. + +- Update to version 2.2.10: + * Further improvements for Rivet3 and HepMC3 compatibility + [!321, !314]. + * Bugfix for crashes with new heavy-flavour shower evolution + schemes [!313]. + * Bugfix for crash in ReweightWithoutSubevents [!318]. + * Bugfix for documentation signal blob with pre-NLO+PS + kinematics [!320]. + * Bugfix for crash in setups with neutron beams [!312]. + * More robust discovery of HZTool and HepMC3 ROOT IO libraries + [!317, !322, !323]. +- Changes from version 2.2.9: See + +- Build with Rivet support (BuildRequires: Rivet-devel). +- Fix some incorrect Provides and Obsoletes in subpackages. +- Execute hashbang cleanup on source files instead of acting on + installed files in %{buildroot}. +- Run spec-cleaner for minor formatting cleanups. + SampleICC +- Trim metadata redundancies from description. + +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. +- Run spec-cleaner + SimGear +- Update to 2020.3.11 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.9 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.8 + * + +- Update to 2020.3.6 + * +- Drop upstream boost-1.75-fix.patch + +- Update to 2020.3.5 + * +- Fix build with Boost 1.75, add boost-1.75-fix.patch + +- Update to 2020.3.4 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.2 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 2020.3.1 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.3 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.2 + * + +- Update to 2020.1.1 + * changelog: +- Drop upstream patches: + * 0001-Always-add-PROJECT_BINARY_DIR-to-include_directories.patch + * 0001-Remove-deprecated-boost-utility.patch + * 0001-boost-enable_if-Support-Boost-versions-1.56.patch + +- Update to 2018.3.5 + * changelog: + SoQt +- update to final 1.6.0: + * see + -- Spec file clean up -- Patches redone - Srain +- Update to version 1.3.0 + - [1.3.0] + * Features: + + Implement ISUPPORT parsing + the UTF8ONLY IRCv3 specification + + Add support for RPL_UMODEIS + + Make nick completion case-insensitive + + Add button for inserting emoji + * Bug fixes: + + Fix configuration syntax errors caused by trailing commas + - [1.2.4] + * Bug fixes + + Fix bugs introduced by + + Fix crach when URL preview async task failed + - [1.2.3] + * Bug fixes: + + Eliminate GDK warning + - [1.2.2] + * Changed: + + Add IRC network (#311) + + Updated Dutch translation (b6830e9) + ThePEG +- Update to version 2.2.2: + * Add meta mechanism to event record. + * Add option of preloading yoda files and remove support for + rivet-1 and aida. + +- Update to version 2.2.1: + * New release solely to keep Herwig and ThePEG version numbers + in sync. +- Pass `with-hepmcversion=3` and `with-rivet=%{_prefix}` to + configure fix ThePEG not compiling with HepMC and Rivet support. +- Drop conditionals for old openSUSE versions. +- Fix an env based hashbang. + UEFITool +- Update to version 20201122: + * Switch CI to GitHub Actions + * Drop AppVeyor + * Version bump + * Revert "Update CI configuration to dpl v2" + * Update CI configuration to dpl v2 + * Fix mishandling trailing newline + * Fix compatibility with older UEFIPatch + * Added MSR patches for C422, C620 motherboards (#204) + * Add support to parse/reconstruct LZMAF86 sections (#198) + +- Update to version 20200120: + * Add 'Do not rebuild' support for volumes + * Version bump + +- Update to version 20191103: + * Fix C++03 compatibility + * Backport rebuild logic + * Support applying patches from terminal, closes #186 + +- Update to version 20181230: + * Implement custom LZMA dictionary size support, fixes #154 + +- Update to version 20180624: + * Unify version scheme + * Support replacing raw sections and ffs via -asis + * Allow subguid matching for UEFIReplace + * Fix recursion in UEFIReplace + * Add -o / --output flag to UEFIPatch + * Implement replace all and add -o (--output) path to UEFIReplace + * Backport decompression updates from new_engine + * Add misc patches unrelated to Intel PowerManagement + * Implement external patches.txt path for UEFIPatch + * Fix Intel descriptor version parsing at reading + * Properly read Intel descriptor version, thx @platomav + * Recognise B360MHD3.F3 descriptor version + * Remove legacy UEFIFind and UEFIExtract in favour of new_engine branch + * Fix EC region parse + Vc +- Add GCC 11 compatibility fix: + * 0001-Add-missing-include-to-simdarray.h-275.patch + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * No upstream changelog available +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * 0001-Fix-i686-build.patch + * handle-missing-libmvec.patch + +- Use FAT lto objects as the package ships a static library + +- Add 0001-Fix-i686-build.patch to fix build failures on i686 targets. + +- Add handle-missing-libmvec.patch to fix build issues on archs for + which libmvec is not available. + +- Update to version 1.4.0: + * i686 build failure build fixed upstream (#190) + Drop fix_i686_build.patch + * Drop default_to_scalar_implementation_for_unknown_arch.patch, + fixed upstream. + VirtualGL +- update to 2.6.5: + 1. Fixed a race condition that sometimes caused various fatal errors in the + interposed `glXMakeContextCurrent()` function if both GLX drawable IDs passed + to that function were the same window handle and the corresponding X window was + simultaneously resized in another thread. + 2. Fixed an oversight whereby the addresses of the interposed + `glDrawBuffers()`, `glGetString()`, and `glGetStringi()` functions introduced + in 2.6.3[2] and 2.6.4[1] were not returned from the interposed + `glXGetProcAddress()` and `glXGetProcAddressARB()` functions. + 3. VirtualGL now works properly with 3D applications that use the + `glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffer()` and `glNamedFramebufferDrawBuffers()` + functions (OpenGL 4.5) or the `glFramebufferDrawBufferEXT()` and + `glFramebufferDrawBuffersEXT()` functions (`GL_EXT_direct_state_access`) and + render to the front buffer. + 4. Fixed a BadRequest X11 error that occurred when attempting to use the X11 + Transport with a remote X connection. + 5. Worked around an issue with certain GLX implementations that list + 10-bit-per-component FB configs ahead of 8-bit-per-component FB configs and + incorrectly set `GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE|=GLX_PIXMAP_BIT` for those 10-bpc FB + configs, even though they have no X visuals attached. This caused VirtualGL's + interposed `glXChooseVisual()` function to choose one of the 10-bpc FB configs + behind the scenes, which made it impossible to use the VGL Transport. + 6. Fixed an issue whereby, when using the X11 Transport, a vertically flipped + image of a previously-rendered frame was sometimes displayed if the 3D + application called `glFlush()` while the front buffer was the active drawing + buffer and the render mode was `GL_FEEDBACK` or `GL_SELECT`. + 7. `vglserver_config` now works properly if invoked with a relative path + (for example, `cd /opt/VirtualGL/bin; sudo ./vglserver_config`.) + 8. Worked around a limitation in the AMDGPU drivers that prevented recent + versions of Google Chrome from enabling GPU acceleration when used with + VirtualGL. + +- update to 2.6.4 + * Changelog in packaged or at + +- Refreshed patch VirtualGL-link-libs.patch +- Removed patch fix-Mesa-19.3.0-build.patch - resolved upstream + WindowMaker +- Added build requirements which result in broader image support and UTF-8/RTL + improvements. + +- Update to 0.95.9 + * SwitchPanel is now more configurable: + you can configure the switch panel icon size by setting the + “SwitchPanelIconSize†option to your preferred value in + ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker. The font size used in this panel now is also + sensible to changes in the system font. + * New user configuration directory environment variable: + In previous versions, the GNUstep directory used to store a user’s Window + Maker configuration files was specified by the GNUSTEP_USER_ROOT environment + variable, which defaulted to ~/GNUstep. However, this environment variable + was deprecated in gnustep-make v2. Therefore, it has been replaced by the + WMAKER_USER_ROOT environment variable. + * libXmu is now an optional dependency + If the library is not found, compilation work, the only limitation will + arise when trying to install the standard colormap on displays which are not + TrueColor. Please note that if you have the library but not the headers, + configure will still stop; there is no user option to explicitly disable + the library use. +- Rebase patches + * WindowMaker-config.patch + * WindowMaker-menu.patch +- Rework reproducible patch + * remove WindowMaker-0.95.8-reproducible.patch + * add WindowMaker-reproducible.patch + XyGrib +- proj8.diff and projection.diff added to fix build failure with proj 8 + +- libjpeg24.diff added to fix build error with openjpeg 2.4 + +- Use %cmake_build rather then %make_jobs + +- QPainter.patch applied for build error in TW (gcc10) + + YODA +- Update to version 1.9.0: + * Add missing inline declarations to free IO functions. + * Add fillDim() methods to the Bin, Bin1D and Bin2D classes. + * Rename the Point getParentAO etc. to getParent, using the new + Scatter base, and improve the accessor methods. + * Add Scatter base class to the Scatter classes, with rmPoints() + implemented there. + * Add Binned and Fillable base classes, the former introducing + the fillDim() method and rmBin(), and use them as ABCs for the + counter, histo and profile types. + * Allow YODA's Python interface to read from StringIO and FileIO + objects. + * Add rmPoint() and rmPoints() methods on all Scatter types. + * Change scaleDim() to scale() for points and scatters + * Remove ROOT5 compatibility, and handle 6.22 change in PyROOT. + * Fix out-of-source builds re. bash completions. + * Fixes to the Profile1D Python interface. + * Add <limits> header include to AnalysisObject.h to support + GCC11 (cf. + * Restructure yodamerge to use pairwise merges, avoiding + simultaneous loading of all the input files and greatly + speeding up processing. Simultaneous simplification by + replacement of yodamerge stacking functionality with + yodastack. + +- Update to version 1.8.5: + * Add relErrs() functions to the H1D and H2D Python interfaces. + * Add an explicit configure test and override variable for the + cython executable. + * Fix typo from xAvgErr -> xErrAvg in Scatter2D.xErrAvgs() + Python function. + +- Update to version 1.8.4: + * Don't suppress cross-section-normalised empty histograms in + yodamerge. + * Use ROOT's ROOT_VERSION_CODE and ROOT_VERSION macros to handle + the changing TPython API. + * Do not apply bin-width scaling by default between YODA and + ROOT binned objects. + * Improve ROOT conversion utilities to support a fuller set of + width-scaling and focus-mapping options. + * Fix Point1D.setXErrs() function to handle sources and asymm + errors correctly. + * Map scatter reset() functions into Python. + * Create bash completion dir in $prefix/etc if it doesn't exist. + * Fix missing call-parentheses in Python-mapped Bin classes, + including in the __repr__ functions, which was making + print(bin) crash. +- Move bash_completion file from /usr/etc, where it is installed, + to the correct dir: `%{_datadir}/bash-completions/completions/`; + add BuildRequires: bash-completion for correct dir ownership. + +- Update to version 1.8.3: + * The python method `Histo2D.addBins` was reimplemented using + `Histo2D::addBins()` C++ method instead of `Histo2D::addBin()` + for better performance. + * Make the low stats error for variances strictly require Neff > + 1, rather than a fuzzy comparison that can cause trouble + downstream. + * Make xyMids,Foci,Errs,Mins,Maxs etc. runtime configurable with + 'unique' and 'asgrid' optional params. + * Convert geometric axis-property array functions on Histo2D and + Profile2D to return the unique edges, mins, maxes, mids, etc. + rather than the heavily repeated versions for all the bins. + * Fix Histo2D.volumes() Python mapping, and add sumWs() + functions to all histo types. + * Add asgrid optional arguments to value-related Python methods + for Histo2D and Profile2D + * Add computation of Python versions and passing them to Cython + as command-line flags. +- Changes from version 1.8.2: + * Fix off-by-one error in Axis2D.numBinsX/Y() return values, + fixing Histo2D and Profile2D. + * Add numBinsX() methods to the 1D histogram and profile + classes. + * Py3 compatibility fix + * Fix call to `Histo1D.annotationsDict` +- Changes from version 1.8.1: + * Fix list-return read YODA-format function. + * Removed unwanted space at end of headers. + * Set correct dimension when calling setErrs. + * Added zerrs to 3DScatter headers. + * Added xErrs, yErrs, zErrs to Scatter3D.pyx + * Add underflow and overflow reporting to the verbose yodals + printout. + * Re-instate title() and fix bug in z-error storage for scatter + 3Ds. + * Python3 compatibility tweaks + * Add a pdfspace() function in C++ and a Python equivalent -- + recoded rather than mapped, due to the technical implications + of passing Python callables as std::functions -- for custom + binning from a density function. + * Fix YODA 1.7 style call to AO.dim. + * Update yodamerge ao_out.point(i).setVal(dim, val_i) + * IO.pyx: missing python3 compatibility + * Sort dicts on IO write(), and return ordered dicts in read + mode if possible. +- Drop YODA-py3-compatibility-for-IO_pyx.patch: incorporated + upstream. + a2ps +- Discard rm of nonexistent %{_infodir}/dir to fix build + +- Add patch a2ps-4.14-texinfo-6.7.patch to let it build with + texinfo-6.7 as well + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Implement shared library packaging policy. +- Remove --with-pic which is useless with --disable-static. +- Use noun phrase in summary. +- Resolve PreReq FIXMEs. + +- Make LFS support work on 32bit architectures (bsc#1112014) + +- Add reproducible.patch to fix build date (boo#1047218) +- Run build non-parallelized and with make -B because of + poorly specified make build dependencies to make build reproducible + a2ps-h +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Remove old tags/sections from specfile. + aaa_base +- use autopatch + - update first two patches from git originals to have the + same apply depth as the rest: + - git-01-61c106aac03930e03935172eaf94d92c02a343bd.patch + - git-02-4e5fe2a6ec5690b51a369d2134a1119962438fd1.patch + - fix get_kernel_version.c to work also for recent kernels + on the s390/X platform (bsc#1191563) + - git-37-dfc5b8af96bec249e44a83d573af1f95a661a85c.patch + - support xz compressed kernel (bsc#1162581) + - git-38-4c0060639f6fa854830a708a823976772afe7764.patch + - Fixing possible resource leak + - git-39-df622b89bc92fd882a6715c5743095528a643546.patch + - excluding new kernel string in version search + +- Add git-36-16d1cb895c2742e96a56af98111f8281bedd3188.patch: + * Add $HOME/.local/bin to PATH, if it exists (bsc#1192248) + +- Add patch git-34-9a1bc15517d6da56d75182338c0f1bc4518b2b75.patch + * sysctl.d/50-default.conf: + allow everybody to create IPPROTO_ICMP sockets (bsc#1174504) +- Add patch git-35-91f496b1f65af29832192bad949685a7bc25da0a.patch + * sysctl.d/50-default.conf: fix ping_group_range syntax error + abcde +- Fix dependency on perl(WebService::MusicBrainz) to work with + 1.0.5 (boo#1178312) + abcm2ps +- Update to 8.14.12: + Fixes: + * crash when "%%break 1" and no measure bar in the tune + * crash when duplicated voice ending on %%staves with repeat variant + * crash when voice duplication with symbols without width + * crash or bad output when null value in %%scale + * problem when only bars in 2 voices followed %%staves of the second voice only + * crash when tuplet error in grace note sequence + * crash when grace note with empty tuplet + * crash when many broken rhythms after a single grace note + * access outside the deco array when error in U: + * crash when !xstem! with no note in the previous voice + * crash on tuplet without any note/rest + * crash when grace notes at end of line and voice overlay + * crash when !trem2! at start of a grace note sequence + * crash when wrong duration in 2 voice overlays and bad ties + * crash when accidental without a note at start of line after K: + * array overflow when wrong duration in voice overlay + * loss of left margin after first page since previous commit + * no respect of %%leftmargin with -E or -g + * bad placement of chord symbols when in a music line with only invisible rests + Syntax: + * Accept and remove one or two '%'s at start of all %%beginxxx lines + Generation: + * Move the CSS from XHTML to SVG + Build: + * configure: respect environment variable +- Refresh compiler_flags.patch + +- Update to 8.14.11: + * fix: error "'staffwidth' too small" when generating + +- Update to 8.14.10: + * fix: bad glyph when defined by SVG containing 'v' in + * fix: bad check of note length since commit 191fa55 + * fix: memory corruption when error in %%staves/%%score + * fix: crash when too big note duration + * fix: crash when staff width too small + +- Update to 8.14.9: + * fix: bad natural accidental when %%MIDI temperamentequal + +- Update to 8.14.8: + * fix: no respect the width in %%staffbreak + * fix: don't draw a staff when only %%staffbreak inside + * fix: bad repeat bracket when continued on next line, line starting by a bar + * fix: bad tuplet bracket again when at end of a voice overlay sequence + * fix: bad tuplet bracket when at end of a voice overlay sequence + * handle '%%MIDI temperamentequal ' + * accept '^1' and '_1' as microtone accidentals + abi-compliance-checker +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Add '-fPIC' option for AArch64 to avoid the following errors: + * relocation XXX which may bind externally can not be used when + making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC + * dangerous relocation: unsupported relocation + +- Update to 2.3: + * Improvements: + + Support for GCC 8 + + Use -fdump-lang-class instead of -fdump-class-hierarchy + + Use -fdump-lang-raw instead of -fdump-translation-unit + + Enable internal mangling of C++ funcs for all future GCC + versions + + Added -keep-reserved option to report changes in reserved + fields + + Fixed license to LGPL 2.1 + * Bug Fixes: + + Fix detection of GCC 7 compiled with + - -with-gcc-major-version-only + + Fixed internal mangling + + Escape braces in regex for compatibility with future Perl 5 + versions + + Redirect stderr of objdump -f to null +- Add %check section. + abi-dumper +- update to 1.2: + * Support for Fedora 30 + * Misc fixes +- drop patches fixed in release: + * 0001-Fixed-license-to-LGPL-2.1.patch + * 0002-Fixed-license-file.patch + * 0003-Support-for-new-elfutils-Fedora-30.patch + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Add 0001-Fixed-license-to-LGPL-2.1.patch + Add 0002-Fixed-license-file.patch + Add 0003-Support-for-new-elfutils-Fedora-30.patch + fixes incorrect debuginfo extraction with new elfutils + abi-monitor +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + abi-tracker +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + abiword +- Update to version 3.0.5 + + Fix use-after-free crash. + + Fix crash when IM is called before the document is ready + + Fix crash with cut and paste + + msword: Fix a potential buffer overrun in footnotes and endnotes + + gtk+TableWidget: fix display of the TableWidget + +- Pass '-std=c++14' to CXXFLAGS for openSUSE >= 1550 to fix + building with GCC 11 which uses c++17 by default, whereas + abiword codebase is not c++17 ready yet. + +- Update to version 3.0.4: + + AbiWord 3.0.4 mostly address an issue with the tarball for + 3.0.3 that was not properly generated. +- Changes from version 3.0.3: + + AbiWord 3.0.3 address several issues with recent version of + Gtk+. + + Updated translations. +- Drop abiword-fix-black-overlay.patch: fixed upstream. +- Add autoconf-archive BuildRequires: new dependency to be able to + bootstrap. + -- Add abiword.appdata.xml to the package. - abootimg +- Fixed and cleaned SPEC file + * Provide working URL + * Minor modernization + acarsdec +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + accerciser +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + No changes. + +- Update to version 3.37.1: + + Remove some unused screenshots. + + Fix indentation, buffer reset, autocompletion in IPython + console. + + Highlight region-changed events from screen reader. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Fix python console with IPython 7. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.0: + + Updated screenshots. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.4: + + Document new python-xlib dependency. + + Updated translations. +- Add missing python3-python-xlib Requires. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.34.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.0: + + No changes. + +- Update to version 3.33.92: + + Add highlighting on text selection. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.33.91: + + Fix autoreconf dependency check + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.33.4: + + Fix startup warnings + + Fix some accessibleId access cases + + Allow building with gettext ≥ 0.20 + + Show event sender + + Fix auto-completion + + On left arrow, go to parent before collapsing it + + Use TreeModelFilter to filter the view + + Let accerciser be selected, but do not refresh or highlight it + + Hide applications without widgets by default + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.33.3: + + Fix using translations + + Fix some ui labelling + + Fix showing relations + + Use Unicode in translatable strings + + Fix build instructions + + Add expand/collapse node key handling + + Don't crash on empty schema list + + Better handle removed cursor row + + Use fonts which explicitly show U+FFFC + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.33.2: + + Restore preventing accerciser from exploring itself + + Fix focus computation for ctrl-alt-b + + Show accessible ID +- Changes from version 3.33.1: + + help: + - Fix broken Mallard markup for key combinations + - Remove unhelpful Preferences screenshot + + Use autoreconf instead deprecated gnome-autogen + + Fix accessing items without a compositor + + Preferences dialog: fix setting title + + Fix warnings + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.3: + + Fix showing relations. + + Fix support for IPython 7. + + Fix build instructions. + + Don't crash on empty schema list. + + Fix using translations. + +- Fix ipython package name. + +- Update to version 3.32.2: + + Fix using translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Fix accessing items without a compositor. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Updated maintainers info. + + Stopped using intltool. + + Desktop: Dropped obsolete X-GNOME-Full-Name fields. + + Updated bug reporting links. + + Help: Replace by + + Updated translations. +- Drop intltool BuildRequires, no longer needed. + +- Update to version 3.31.4: + + Updated maintainers info. + + Fixed appdata file name. + + Fixed duplicate section ID on help. + + Marked missing string for translation. + + Removed unused images from localized user docs accerciser.png. + + ipython: Update to support IPython version 5 (bgo#776301). + + Python 3.7+ support, async is a keyword. + + Replace Bugzilla by Gitlab URL in DOAP file. +- Stop post(un) handling of glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un), + desktop_database_post(un) and icon_theme_cache_post(un) + drop + glib2_gsettings_schema_requires, no longer needed. + -- Update to version 3.14.0: - + No changes from previous version. - -- Update to version 3.13.92: - + doap: Update URLs, category apps and add - <programming-language>. - + Mark images as not translatable to keep them off translators - radar. - + Addressing some PyGObject initializer deprecations. - + Adding transient windows for bookmarks dialogs. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.12.0: - + User docs: Fixed a few broken/redirected links. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version - + IPython View: Add backwards compatibility with old stable - releases of IPython -- Changes from version 3.11.92: - + Validate plugin: Make use of metaclasses compatible on python - 2.x & 3.x. - + Interface Viewer plugin - - Display of states should be wider. - - Avoid the misalignement of elements when resizing. - - Fix for bug 660971 - Fixing iv plugin's caret offset value. - - Fix spinner on Value's section. - + Macaroon - - Make Macaroon work in Python 3. - - Update get_text call according to latest API. - - When recording, put right ATSPI roles in the output sequence. - + Quick select: fix inspect accessible under mouse. - + Updated translations. - acct +- Migrate pacct log file to new location when upgrading from SLE12, + fixes bsc#1188159 + -- fixed libexec path in acct.service (bnc#893980) - -- cleanup of acct - * Add install section in service unit (bnc#867138) - * Add a simple script to create pacct file - -- update to 6.6.1 - * Fixed vulnabilities, due to autmake. Thanks to Karl Berry - for pointing this out. - * Update gnulib to latest git. -- dropped acct-stdio.h.patch (upstream) -- add gpg verification - -- Remove useless %inserv_prereq and fillup_prereq macro; acct package - doesn't contain neither sysvinit script and sysconfig file - -- Converted rc file to systemd unit file. -- Fixed a bug where the accounting file wasn't reopened after - logrotate, because force-reload isn't implemented. - -- Added makeinfo BuildRequire to fix build with new automake - -- remove suse_update_config - -- drop useless acct-axp.patch - -- Fix build with missing gets declaration (glibc 2.16) - -- switch from acct-6.3.5 to acct-6.5.5. From the upstream acct ChangeLog: - * Fix potential buffer-overflows. - * UNIX 98 pty support. - * Add Linux multiformat support. - * lastcomm.c: integrated patch from Paul Jones which adds - paging and swapping support to lastcomm and sa - -- cross-build fix: use %__cc, %__cxx macros - -- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- fix initscript's force-reload action to reload the service only - if it is running [bnc#667437] - -- remove the moblin hack that fixes something not in this package - -- fix mode on /etc/logrotate.d/acct to not be executable. - -- do not enable acct to start automatically on Moblin. We don't - want to access the disk every 15 seconds or so for no reason at - all on laptops. - ack +- Fix doc symlink issue +- ack 3.5.0: + * Reworked the option parsing to run correctly with Getopt::Long + 2.38. + * Added support for the Elm language. (GH#316) + * Added support for the Purescript language. (GH#317) + * Added support for the Bazel build tool. (GH#327) + +- ack 3.4.0: + * tweaks to coloring in output + * Add --toml for the TOML filetype + actkbd +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * actkbd.service + adminer +- Update to version 4.8.1 + * Fix XSS in doc_link + * MySQL: Allow moving views to other DB and renaming DB with views + * MariaDB: Do not treat sequences as views + * PostgreSQL: Support UPDATE OF triggers + * PostgreSQL: Support triggers with more events (OR) + * PostgreSQL: Fix parsing of foreign keys with non-ASCII column names + * PostgreSQL < 10 PDO: Avoid displaying GENERATED ALWAYS BY IDENTITY everywhere + * SQLite: Fix displayed types + * Avoid PHP warnings with PDO drivers + * Fix PHP 8 warnings + +- Update to version 4.8.0: + * Release 4.8.0 + * Remove .inc extension from driver plugins + * Oracle: Use correct DB in db_size, fix typo (thanks to Shirai Takashi) + * MongoDB: Alpha + * MongoDB: Prefer driver used in other functions + * Save bytes + * MongoDB: Fix edit operations in select + * Fix typo + * MongoDB: Use ObjectID only if used + * MongoDB: Fix operators + * MongoDB: Handle errors + * MongoDB: Fix query + * Save bytes + * MongoDB: Display error when selecting wrong table + * MongoDB: Display arrays as JSON + * MongoDB: Fix executeQuery + * MongoDB: Modern extension doesn't allow connecting with random user/password + * MongoDB: Add operators + * MongoDB: Handle exceptions + * MongoDB: Fix getting binary fields + * MongoDB: Fix num_rows + * MongoDB: Move common code to function + * MongoDB: Display Authentication failed instead of exception + * Delete duplicate code + * Fix operators init + * PostgreSQL: Fix displaying NULL bytea fields + * Avoid errors about 'view_trigger' + * Support unprivileged users for schema list + * Support altering indexes + * Avoid errors when alter table column + * Avoid errors about auto increment + * Support granted table to list up indexes + * Correct column size with string type + * Sort the DB list + * Support importing table data + * The table with another scheme is deleted from the table list + * Support computing DB infos + * PostgreSQL: Do not show triggers from other schemas + * SimpleDB, Firebird, ClickHouse: Move to plugin + * Add comments + * Prepare for moving drivers to plugins + * Support function default values in insert (bug #713) + * Allow SQL pseudo-function in insert + * Save bytes + * PostgreSQL: Fix multi-parameter functions in default values (bug #736) + * Add id to <th> in select (bug #724) + * Remove newline before error message + * Fix whitespace + * Add bug number + * PostgreSQL: Avoid exporting empty sequence last value + * PostgreSQL: Create PRIMARY KEY for auto increment columns + * PostgreSQL PDO: Do not select NULL function for false values in edit (thanks to PR #380) + * MySQL 8: Fix EXPLAIN in SQL command + * Update tests + * Add callback before edit form (bug #759) + * Skip date columns for non-date values in search anywhere (thanks to PR #408) + * Fix PHP 8 warning + * Add DB version to comment in export + adms +- update to version 2.3.7 + * reproducible build + * typo fixes + * include path + * instructions + +- Expand shared library subpacakge description. + +- Clean spec file. + +- Update to version 2.3.6 + * Fix parser for parameter lists in subdevice instanciation. + * Remove duplicated constants in provided headers. + * Fix crash on x64 when printing message about standard headers. +- Moved to github +- Lint spec file + adobe-sourcehansans-fonts +- Fix source URLs to be properly downloadable + +- Update to version 2.004 +- Add variable fonts + +- Update to version 2.001 +- Add all region specific fonts +- Remove fontconfig file because Noto Sans CJK doesn't have such a + configuration either + adobe-sourcehanserif-fonts +- Add all region-specific fonts + adobe-sourcesanspro-fonts +- Revert update to Source Sans 3 and keep the pro versions + (boo#1189267) + +- Add 31-adobe-sourcesanspro.conf so that old name still works + +- Fixed github URL +- Fixed Source URL again; we take the full source zip instead of + split release zip + +- Update to version 3.046 + * Roman and Italic now are the same version + * The "pro" part of the name has been dropped, internally a number + is now used: Source Sans 3 + * Update URL + * This is a major release with many changes. See the release page + for the details: + + +- Update source url + +- Update to version 2.045 (Roman) and 1.095 (Italic): + * Bugfixes (too many to name here) +- Run through spec cleaner +- Only package the (better) otf fonts (following the Source Code + Pro package) + -- updated to version 1.040 -- improvement: Adds Zero_Width_Non_Breaking_Space character (ZWNBS, U+FEFF) to address GitHub issue #20 - -- Update to version 1.038 (2012/09/12): - * Updates the metrics of Majuscule letters in lighter weights. - * Updates fonts to add small capitals and superior capital letters - to upright styles. - * Adds the following characters for transliteration: Blinebelow, - blinebelow, Klinebelow klinebelow, Emacronacute, emacronacute, - Omacronacute, omacronacute, primemod - * Adds the following punctuation characters: bardbl, iterrobang, - ceilingleft, ceilingright, floorleft floorright, bracketleftwhite, - bracketrightwhite, brackhalftopleft, brackhalftopright, brackhalfbotleft, - brackhalfbotright - * Adds dotted zero and slashed zero. - -- Added Obsoletes and Provides - -- Renamed from SourceSansPro package, fixed .changes and .spec file - -- Spec: Use %{_ttfontsdir} macro instead of %{_datadir} - -- Updated to 1.0.36 release - Updates fonts to fix bug in TTF versions in which the GDEF table - was not included. -- 1.0.35 release: - Updates the fitting for 'u' and its related glyphs. Updates the - kerning in the upright fonts. - adobe-sourceserifpro-fonts +- Revert update to Source Serif 4 and keep the pro version + (boo#1189267) + +- Add 31-adobe-sourceserifpro.conf so that old name still works + +- Fix download URL again; we take the full source zip instead of + each split release zip + +- Update description to reflect name change Source Sans + +- Update to 4.004: + Major update with the following highlights: + * Source Serif now has six weights across five optical sizes + * Shift text master in design space + * Change the family name from Source Serif Pro to Source Serif 4 + +- Update to 3.000 (Roman and Italic have now the same version): + Changes to Italic styles: + * extend Latin character set from AL-3 to AL-4 + * add Cyrillic (covering AC-2) + * add Greek (covering AG-1) + Changes to Roman styles: + * minor updates to spacing of modifer glyphs + * updates to some Cyrillic characters as suggested by external + advisors + * minor updates to Cyrillic kerning + * updates to some Greek characters as suggested by external + advisors + Global changes: + * overhaul ccmp feature to decompose accented glyphs when + followed by combining + * mark, thus allowing double-stacking of accents (addresses + [#41], #42) + * add ccmp solution for Ukrainian Ñ—Ñ— clash, also for Latin ïï + (addresses #48) + * add Bulgarian Cyrillic alternates both via locl and ss01 feature + (addresses #20) + * add Serbian/Macedonian Cyrillic alternates both via locl and + ss02 feature + Roman and Italic styles now support the same global character set, + in both static and variable versions. + +- Update to 2.010 (Roman) and 1.010 (Italic): + * Italic variant is added + * small fixes, mainly bugfixes +- Only package OTF (like the Sans and Code variants of Source Pro) + adriconf +- Update to version 2.4.1 + * No source changes +- Fixed dependencies + * GTK+ 0.24+ is required for ComboBoxExtra + * libXML++ is also supported in version 5 (used in Factory) + +- Update to version 2.4: + * Renamed application from to + org.freedesktop.adriconf. + * Handle string and float options. + * Add Polish translations. @baryluk + * Make various cosmetic fixes. +- Changes for older versions in 2.* series: + * Rename application to org.freedesktop.adriconf + * Make sure themes don't add shadows to button. + * Add tooltips to add profile screen. + * Fix Spin Button fields, so that increment/decrement fields are + correctly visible. + * Improve Switch buttons with more visible colors. + * Small fix fox incorrect shadows with default GTK+ theme. + * User Interface is dark by default + * Completely removed dialogs and replaced them with screens, + giving a more natural navigation. + * Profiles are now saved independently giving the user more + control on what to save. + * Mesa-defined profiles are not shown anymore, avoiding previous + confusion on what the user added and what is defined by mesa + itself. + * Better validate when the user adds a new profile. + * Bug-fix: When switching the GPU on PRIME settings now we keep + the same application selected. + ads +- Update to 2.0: + + Major rewrite uses samba python bindings for most commands + aegisub +- Disable 32 bit build, causes gcc bug. + +- Upstream orphaned (or at least inactive), use active wangqr fork +- Updated to fork version 3.3.2 + * Show a notice when reaching 32bit memory limit instead of crash + * Fix OpenGL color depth issue with some GPU drivers + * Fix eyedropper not working + * Fix alt-drag behavior in audio window + * Fix saving audio clip with float samples + * Added support for AviSynth+ on linux + * Fix video rendering performance issue with visual tools + * Added the "align to hardsub in video" function + * Allow user change color for visual typesetting tool + * Bug fixes about HiDPI display issues + * Bug fixes about timing calculation for video frame and audio FFT +- Added ax_boost-files.patch for fix build with boost >= 1.70 +- Dropped outdated patches, + remove-vendor-luajit-dependency.patch, aegisub-no-optimize.patch, + luaL_Reg-not-luaL_reg.patch, aegisub-fix_build_with_make4.3.patch + +- Use wxGTK3 instead of wxWidgets (GTK2), for better HiDPI and + Wayland support. + aespipe +- Re-enable LTO, but disable strict aliasing - boo#1187352 + +- Disable LTO everywhere (bsc#1187352) + +- Disable LTO for aarch64, %{arm} and ppc64le as a workaround for boo#1187352 + +- Update to 2.4f + * Fixed configure script mis-detection of "labels need underline + prefix" on Fedora. Fix from Jiri Hladky. + * Added configure script autodetection for x86/amd64 -fno-pie compile + and -no-pie linker flags. These are needed when compiler/linker + produces position independent executable (PIE) by default. +- Run spec-cleaner +- Add source verification + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- Fix PowerPC little endian build -- added patches: - * aespipe-ppc64le.patch - -- Fix spec formatting and licence - -- New packaging for obs / version 2.4.c - -- tweaks for build service - agenda +- Update to 1.1.2: + * Bug Fixes + * Fixed the issue where the task list is not saved on + unexpected quit + * Fixed the issue where the window position and size are not + saved on unexpected quit + * Added Ctrl-Q and Ctrl-W keyboard shortcuts for closing the + window + * Packaged the app as a flatpak for elementary OS 6! + * Fixed some theme issues + +- Update to 1.1.0: + * Merge pull request #115 from dahenson/develop + * Merge pull request #114 from dahenson/prepare-for-release + * Set node version to 10.17.0 for travis + * Update copyright year on appdata + * Update appdata with new version info + * Bump version number + * Update copyright years + * Merge pull request #113 from dahenson/run-vala-lint + * Update src/Window.vala + * Fix formatting issues in the code + * Merge pull request #110 from dahenson/fix-click-to-deselect + * Merge pull request #111 from ryonakano/l10n-update + * Add css fixes to hide focused checks + * Update POTFILES + * Merge pull request #109 from dahenson/css-fixes + * Listen for button press event + * Small updates to fix the treeview entry + * Only use the stylesheet if it runs on elementary + * Merge pull request #106 from ryonakano/improve-meson + * Use 4 spaces instead of a tab + * Merge branch 'develop' into improve-meson + * Address suggested changes + * Merge branch 'master' into develop + * Merge pull request #107 from + ryonakano/give-first-time-value-meaning + * Fix the GSettings value 'first-time' has no meaning + * README: Update installation instructions to Meson + * Remove stale INSTALL + * Remove no longer used pot + * Unify the number of indentation to 4 + * Remove unnecessary constants + * Merge pull request #103 from meisenzahl/master + * Downgrade Node.js to fix builds on Travis CI + * Remove cache from travis.yml + * Merge pull request #99 from dahenson/undo-feature + * Add ability to undo reordering to TaskList + * ... +- Drop fix-build.patch +- Switch to meson +- Spec file cleanup + +- Add fix-build.patch. With recent vala versions, --thread is + ignored but that also causes a build issue on openSUSE Factory. + +- Update to 1.0.12: + * Update com.github.dahenson.agenda.appdata.xml + * Merge pull request #79 from ryonakano/fix-icon-url + +- Update to 1.0.11: + * Bump version + * Get rid of those pesky whole screen screenshots. + +- Update to 1.0.10: + * Bump version number + * Change some wording to be more clear and concise. + * Change some wording and add release info + * Add additional screenshots + * Add the right prefix flag to cmake + * Add more screenshots + * Fix table in README again? + * Fix table in README + * Fix screenshot and add a new one. + * Rearrange some stuff + * Add special thanks + * Fix some wording and fix the icon + * Improve README + * Fix id field + * Add OARS data to AppData + * Remove cache section of Travis config + * Remove packaging, moved to orphan branch + * Add suggested price + * Add the GResource.cmake dependency + * Add travis CI integration + * Update the stylesheet for Juno + * Add GResource to cmake to fix build + * Remove backend file. Not needed yet. + * Fix licensing and some whitespace +- Remove obsolete macros +- Change the home page +- Add LICENSE file + aha +- Update to version 0.5.1 + * Use doctype HTML5 instead of XHTML optionally. + * Rewrote man page using mdoc. + * Removed extra linebreak at end. + * Use the #hex format for colours. + * Added optional language attribute + * Added vbcc support. + * Fixed handling of SGR 39/49. + * Added css inline option. + * Added --style option for inlining css styles like font size. + aide +- aide-disable-gcrypt-MD5-in-fips-mode.patch: gcrypt aborts if MD5 + is used in fips mode, so disable it also in aide (bsc#1191422). + -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - airspy +- Update to release 1.0.10 + * no user visible changes since v1.0.9+git1611947482.70520c9 + +- Update to version v1.0.9+git1611947482.70520c9: + * Removed unnecessary optimization flags from CMakeLists.txt files + * airspy_open_device() bugfix: use the code in airspy_list_device() + * better paramater bound checking for set gain functions + +- Use ninja as cmake builder for potential speedup + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + alac +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- initial version (0+r3) - alacritty +- Replace rust-packaging with cargo-packaging + +- Update to version 0.9.0. + * pkg: Minimum Rust version has been bumped to 1.46.0 + * feat: Support for ipfs/ipns URLs + * feat: Mode field for regex hint bindings + * fix: Regression in rendering performance with dense grids since 0.6.0 + * fix: Crash/Freezes with partially visible fullwidth characters due to alt screen resize + * fix: Incorrect vi cursor position after invoking ScrollPage* action + * fix: Slow PTY read performance with extremely dense grids + * fix: Crash when resizing during vi mode + * fix: Unintentional text selection range change after leaving vi mode + * fix: Deadlock on Windows during high frequency output + * fix: Search without vi mode not starting at the correct location when scrolled into history + * fix: Crash when starting a vi mode search from the bottommost line + * fix: Original scroll position not restored after canceling search + * fix: Clipboard copy skipping non-empty cells when encountering an interrupted tab character + * fix: Vi mode cursor moving downward when scrolled in history with active output + * fix: Crash when moving fullwidth characters off the side of the terminal in insert mode + * fix: Broken bitmap font rendering with FreeType 2.11+ + * fix: Crash with non-utf8 font paths on Linux + * fix: Newly installed fonts not rendering until Alacritty restart + +- Update to version 0.8.0 + * feat: IME composition preview not appearing on Windows + * feat: Synchronized terminal updates using DCS = 1 s ST/DCS = 2 s ST + * feat: Regex terminal hints (see + * feat: macOS keybinding (cmd+alt+H) hiding all windows other than alacritty + * feat: Support for magnet URLs + * change: The vi mode cursor is now created in the top-left if the terminal + cursor is invisible + * change: Focused search match will use cell instead of match colors + for CellForeground/CellBackground + * change: URL highlighting has moved from mouse.url to the hints + config section + * fix: alacritty failing to start on X11 with invalid DPI reported by XRandr + * fix: Text selected after search without any match + * fix: Incorrect vi cursor position after leaving search + * fix: Clicking on URLs on Windows incorrectly opens File Explorer + * fix: Incorrect underline cursor thickness on wide cell + * fix: Viewport moving around when resizing while scrolled into history + * fix: Block cursor not expanding across fullwidth characters when + on the right side of it + * fix: Overwriting fullwidth characters only clearing one of the involved cells + alembic +- Update to 1.8.1: + * Ogawa: Sanity check that we have a valid group to avoid + infinite recursion during traversal. +- Enable testsuite +- Add fuzztest.patch + +- Update to 1.8.0: + API: + * Dropped support for the ancient TR1, expect compilers to support + at least support C++std11 and currently default to C++std14. + * Removed ALEMBIC_LIB_USES_TR1 and ALEMBIC_LIB_USES_BOOST and + instead expect the std versions like shared_ptr. + Ogawa: + * Better support emscripten and ARM toolchains by using memcpy + to avoid dereferencing non-aligned pointers. + AbcStitcher: + * Propagate MetaData from the first of our ordered input archives + over to the stitched output. + Other: + * Overhaul to support Imath 3 + * Fix for using Alembic as a 3rd party with Imath 3. + +- update to 1.7.16: + GitHub: + * Add a Github Action to create a python 2.7 wheel. (PR 310) + AbcCoreHDF5: + * Specify char signedness when setting the HDF5 data type as some architectures, + like ARM, default to unsigned. (PR 316) + AbcCoreOgawa: + * Fuzzer issue 25695: Fix leak that can occur when reading meta data, but the file + is maliciously cut short. (PR 315) + * Fuzzer issue 26125: Add a check and throw an excpetion for an obviously + recursive group. (PR 321) + +- update to 1.7.15: + * Fuzzer issues 25166, 25175, 25185, 25204, and 25236 all test for illegal + meta data index values which we more carefully test. + * Fuzzer issue 25192 turned up a leak from a malformed file causing OrData to + throw. + +- update to 1.7.14: + * Fix another Fuzzer issue with Ogawa::IData allocating too much memory + because of a malicious file. Add tests for Fuzzer issues: + 24846, 24853, 24598, 25051, and 25081. (PR296) + * Remove Murmur3 from the LICENSE.txt since it was moved into the public domain + a while ago, and is reflected as such in the code. (Issue 292) + * Fix uninitialized member variable in OTypedGeomParam. (PR290) + * Remove some unused local functions. (Issue 293) + +- update to 1.7.13: + * Ogawa: Google generously setup AutoFuzz and it found several issues when + reading maliciously created files. These issues reported issues are fixed: + 253-258, 269-272, 282, 283 (PR266) + * AbcImport: Add support for connecting MFnData::kFloatArray. + * Fix issue where WFObjConvert headers were being put in the wrong place when + installed. (Issue 264) + * Partly address Issue 265 by making some adjustments to the Doxyfile and remove + a very old reference to MD5Hash in the very old Houdini SOP. + alevt +- Update to 1.8.1 + * Some SI fixes + * Use pkg-config to find libraries, obsoletes use-pkgconfig.patch + +- Fix previous changelog entry + +- Update to 1.8.0 + * DVB-T support + * Increase program table size from 16 to 128 + * Fix crash if no DVB service has Teletext + * Detect HEVC services for all regions (this fixes HEVC in Germany) + * Fix 100% cpu use when there is no vbi device + * Add zvbi support + * Add support for iso8859-7 (greek) + * Add support for KOI8-R encoding + * Support libpng-1.6 +- Update to 1.6.3 + * compilation fix for libpng-1.5, this obsoletes alevt-libpng15.patch +- Dropped obsoleted alevt-1.6.0-dvb-demux.patch, + alevt-happy-abuild.diff and alevt-overflow2.diff + alevt-libpng15.patch +- Modernized and fixed SPEC file + * Added working upstream URL +- Add use-pkgconfig.patch + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- fixed #203118, making -Wold-style-definition happy. - -- made xorg-safe. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- revamped gcc4.diff into happy-abuild.diff - Avoid imlicit declarations and add RPM_OPT_FLAGS where needed. - alkimia +- Update to version 8.1.0 + * Do not override the global translation domain of the application + * Add support for skipping date extraction when a quote service + does not provide a valid date + * Fix bug not been able to rename local quote source + * Many other bugfixes +- Update dependencies to build with KF5 +- Drop upstream merged 0001-Use-new-KNS-install-location.patch +- Add patch from upstream: + * 0001-Add-missing-QUrl-include-with-DBUILD_WITH_WEBENGINE.patch + almanah +- Update to version 0.12.3 + * Fixed: Font size is too small in text view + * Updated Catalan translation + +- Update to version 0.12.2: + + Fix version number (no other changes). +- Changes from version 0.12.1: + + Bump Meson dependency to 0.51 to simplify build system. + + Bugs fixed: typo in src/vfs.c errors. + + Updated translations. + -- Add X-SuSE-DesktopUtility to the categories of almanah in order - to fix the build. - -- Add almanah-largefile.patch to fix build, instead of changing - CFLAGS. -- Cleanup for inclusion in Factory. - alpine +- Update to release 2.25 + * New configuration variable VAR_ssl-ciphers that allows users + to list the ciphers to use when connecting to a SSL + server. + * New hidden feature FEAT_enable-delete-before-writing to add + support for terminals that need lines to be deleted before + being written. + * Always follow ‘suppress-asterisks-in-password-prompt’ setting + in the various password prompts. + * Fixed a memory corruption when alpine searches for a string + that is an incomplete utf8 string in a local folder. + * Fixed: When forwarding a message, replacing an attachment + might make Alpine re-attach the original attachment. + +- Add chappa-DelText.patch [boo#1182236] + +- Set system mail directory to /var/mail + alsaequal +- update to 0.7.1: + * Added patches found in debian sid + * Added patches found in gentoo's bug thread + * Changed LIBDIR default assignment + * corrected a few style errors and a memory leak found by cppcheck. +- remove lib64.patch (upstream) + alttab +- Update to 1.6.1: + * Vertical layout. + * Extra border around the alttab window. + +- Update to 1.6.0: + * Fix major memory leak when huge icons are not used. + * Debug by SIGUSR1. + * Add test suite: running in headless X server. + * Add github CI pipeline. + * Bspwm documentation. + * Fix possible strncpy overflows. + +- Update to 1.5.0: + * Use xpm icons and pixmap directories. + * Use XDG_DATA_DIRS. + * Add extra keys: next/prev, cancel. + * Optimize main event loop. + * Fix numerous memleaks and overflows. + * Satisfy gcc 10 requirements. + +- Add -fcommon to allow the package to build with GCC10 + alure +- Updated SPEC file + * Use working upstream URL + * Use cmake macro, now builds with optflags + * Some general cleanup + +- Remove libdumb-devel BuildReq + amanda +- add amanda-3.5.1-GCC10_extern.patch to fix build with GCC10 + amsynth +- Do not build man pages on %ix86: pandoc does not exist on + intel/i586. +- Do not recommend the -lang package: the autogenerated -lang + package already has appropriate supplements. + +- Update to version 1.12.2: + * Fixed a regression in 1.12.0 that broke ALSA MIDI + [gh#amsynth/amsynth#181]. + +- Update to version 1.12.1: + * Fixed LV2 manifest format error [gh#amsynth/amsynth#178]. + +- Update to version 1.12.0: + + Improved HiDPI autodetection and added + - -force-device-scale-factor command line option + (gh#amsynth/amsynth#174). + + Presets are now available to be loaded in VST hosts using the + generic GUI (e.g. REAPER). + + Fixed a bug that caused MIDI channel and polyphony settings + from the command line or configuration file to be ignored + (gh#amsynth/amsynth#170). + + Fixed a bug that caused MIDI channel setting to be ignored + when sending MIDI over JACK (gh#amsynth/amsynth#170). + + Fixed a MIDI parsing bug in the VST plugin that caused stuck + notes in REAPER. + + Fixed a crash when compiled with LASH support but without a + LASH server running. + +- Update to version 1.11.0: + + Added mouse wheel support for controls. + + Implemented UI upscaling for background and controls on HiDPI + displays. + + Fixed a regression in 1.10.0 that changed the sound of patches + using ring modulation. + + Fixed LV2 lint error caused by missing minorVersion and + microVersion. + + Removed dependency on oscpack for Non Session Manager support. + +- Update to version 1.10.0: + + Implemented smoothing / de-zippering to improve sound quality + while adjusting parameters. + + amsynth user files (config, banks, etc.) now live in + XDG-compliant directories. + + Added jack_autoconnect configuration option. + + Disabled VST GUI in REAPER. + amtu +- Add -fcommon to allow package to build with GCC10 + -- added patch to make memory separation testcase work on - machines with kernel f_pos race fix. it is needed due to - new permissions on /proc/self/maps. - android-udev-rules +- Update to version 20210501 + fixed: + * Mediatek rules typo + +- Update to version 20210425 + added: + * Microsoft Surface Duo + * Umidigi F1 + * Iconia Tab 210 + * Fairphone 1 & 2 + fixed: + * Exclude BIND actions from udev triggering (close #204) +- Call %udev_rules_update in %post/%postun +- Remove fix-consider-bind-action.patch (fixed upstream) + +- Add fix-consider-bind-action.patch - Systemd catches up with + bind events (boo#1183058) (gh#M0Rf30/android-udev-rules#204) + +- Update to version 20210302 + added: + * Zebra TC72 + * Unitech Electronics vendor + * Unitech Electronics EA630 + * Xperia XZ1 Compact + * Xperia XZ2 Compact + * Xperia 5 II + +- Update to version 20201003 + added: + * Parrot vendor + * Tablet Idea XDS-1078 + * Castles vendor + * Point Mobile vendor + * Redmi 8 Pro + * Yandex Phone + * Nvidia SHIELD tablet new Id + fixed: + * Nvidia TV Shield on fastboot + cleanup: + * General adherence to udev rule model + * Reducing tests on device detection and entries processing + +- Update to version 20200613 + * Indentation cleanup + * Removed duplicate entry for Qualcomm (05c6) + * Adds support for Huawei P10 Lite to udev rules + * Disable ADVANCE rules: needs specific product rules + * Add Spectralink +- Update to version 20200410 + * Cleanup of entries without an action + * Revert "Uncommented Dell idVendor line" + * Add Sonim as vendor + * Essential Phone PH-1 is also known as `2e17:c032` + -- initial package for version 20191103 +- Initial package for version 20191103 angelscript +- Update to version 2.35.1 + * Bug fixes + * Fixed invalid bytecode sequence on calling method on explicit + temporary object of value type + * Fixed freeze in compiler when compiling script that declared + the same interface twice and inherited from another + * Fixed a problem with lambdas declared within shared functions + not being considered shared (Thanks Phong Ba) + * Fixed invalid bytecode sequence on creating a delegate from a + lambda + * Declaring arrays using the type[] syntax will now properly + add implicit handle for the type when needed + * Fixed crash if attempting to call CreateScriptObjectCopy with + an asITypeInfo for a script function + * Fixed error in compilation of ternary condition operator with + regards to deferred arguments + * Added more sanity checks in LoadByteCode to avoid crash on + invalid stream data + * Fixed crash when instantiating shared class after original + module was discarded + * Fixed assert failure in compiler on implicit conversion + between unsigned integer types of different sizes + * Fixed invalid bytecode sequence in initialization lists with + value types whose opAssign returns void + * Fixed registering asBEHAVE_LIST_CONSTRUCT on value type + templates + * Fixed compiler error in as_symboltable.h on GCC 11 + * Compiler no longer silently accepts implicit conversion from + null handle to object type registered with ASHANDLE if there + is no matching implicit constructor + * Fixed problem in native calling convention on arm64 when + function returned a reference to a class with + asOBJ_APP_CLASS_ALLFLOATS + * Script language + * Ternary condition operator is now able to implicitly convert + the types in the expressions to a common type + * Declarations of shorthand nested namespaces is now supported + * Add-ons + * Fixed compilation error in filesystem add-on + * Fixed datetime add-on to properly handle timezones with + day-light-savings in a portable way + * Fixed WRAP_MFN on gnuc when used within templated functions + * Fixed issue in array::sort with callback that could cause + objects in the array to be destroyed by gc +- Removed angelscript-fix-aarch64.patch, upstream merged + -- Build version 2.25.2 - ansible-cmdb +- Update to version 1.31 + * PyPi package had wrong license (MIT). Changed to GPLv3. + * Minor changes to variable parsing and applying. + * A fix for the "sql" template. A new reserved keyword has been + renamed. + * Minor changes and improvements to the "html_fancy" template. + antimicro +- Added patch antimicro-gcc11-fix.patch for fix gcc11 build. + aop +- Fixed and cleaned up the SPEC file (at least the URL was broken) + apache-rex +- require apache2-utils + +- version update to 20210108 + * count php8 in + +- version update to 20201125 + * curl changed --help behavior + +- version update to 20200901 + * added mod_proxy_express-basic-gdbm + * amended mod_proxy_express-basic to use sdbm, which should + be always available + +- Replace incorrect usage of %_libexecdir/rpm with %_rpmconfigdir + +- version update to 20200407 + * added mod_ssl-SSLProxyEngine + +- version update to 20200403 + * added mod_proxy_http2-basic + +- version update to 20200402 + * minor fixes + +- version update to 20200228 + * refactor mod_authn_dbd-mysql, create lib/mysql + * new mod_php-mysql + +- version update to 20200210 + * add debug-wku + +- version update to 20191219 + * modify: mod_authn_dbd-pgsql: control ipc + * new: mod_authz_unixgroup + +- version update to 20191203 + * add uwsgi support + * new + . mod_proxy_uwsgi-basic + . mod_wsgi-basic + apache2-icons-oxygen +- use system apache rpm macros + apache2-mod_authn_otp +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL and minor cleanup + +- testing with apache-rex instead + +- Update to version 1.1.9 + + Added genotpurl(1) utility + + Added "-F" flag to otptool(1). + -- Fix source download url. - -- Update to version 1.1.7 - + Fixed bug where users file could get deleted when using Apache worker MPM (issue #22) - + Added "OTPAuthFallThrough" to allow fall through to other auth providers (issue #23) - + Allow "logout" by sending empty password (issue #24) - + Count PINs against OTPAuthMaxOTPFailure even when they have the wrong length - -- Update to version 1.1.6 - + Detect errors when writing to the new users.txt file - + Fix (harmless) bug where new users.txt file was not being closed -- Use correct license string in spec file -- Add copyright notice to spec file - apache2-mod_dnssd +- removing %apache_test_* macros, do not test module just by + loading the module + -- Cleanup of the specfile. -- --disable-lynx to remove the lynx BuildRequires. - apache2-mod_evasive +- removing %apache_test_* macros, do not test module just by + loading the module + +- Update homepage URL. + -- Initial package (version 1.10.1) for - apache2-mod_fcgid +- use /usr/sbin/apxs for build, not -prefork + +- test via apache-rex instead + -- Update to version 2.3.7: - + Introduce FcgidWin32PreventOrphans directive on Windows to use - OS Job Control Objects to terminate all running fcgi's when the - worker process has been abruptly terminated. - + Periodically clean out the brigades which are pulling in the - request body for handoff to the fcgid child. - + Resolve crash during graceful restarts. - + Solve latency/cogestion of resolving effective user file access - rights when no such info is desired, for config related - filename stats. - + Fix regression in 2.3.6 which broke process controls when using - vhost-specific configuration. - + Account for first process in class in the spawn score. -- Really fix build with apache 2.4: redefining apxs to %{_sbindir} - after the branch-check is just wrong. - -- Fix build with apache 2.4: apxs2 moved from %{_sbindir} to - %{_bindir}. - apache2-mod_maxminddb +- update to 1.2.0 + + +- removing %apache_test_* macros, do not test module just by + loading the module + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Added autoreconf to allow building on factory version +- Added apache2-mod_maxminddb-build.patch to make it buildable on opensuse fatory again. + Does not build with LDFLAGS="-flto=8" + apache2-mod_mono +- Update to version 3.13 + * Build system related changes + +- use apache-rpm-macros + -- Update to 2.8 - * - -- Update to 2.6.3 - * - apache2-mod_perl +- fix build error with fix_perl_5.34_build.patch + +- define %license for older codestreams + apache2-mod_wsgi -- Enable installation of Python sitelib wrapper - This enabled Python Projects to require mod_wsgi in the install_requires - without receiving a "DistributionNotFound" error on entrypoint script - generated by setuptools -- Backport of -- Fixes bsc#1189467 +- use /usr/sbin/apxs for build, not -prefork + +- Update to version 4.7.1: + + Use Python 3 style print. + + Mostly changes around distribtion from PyPi, where mod_wsgi is + completented by a mod_wsgi-standalone with an own apache + instance. +- Drop the python2 based package (py2 is EOL): Move the content of + the former apache2-mod_wsgi-python3 package into apache-mod_wsgi. + Provide/Obsolete the old -python3 package for ease of upgrade. + +- Add Python-native build so Python metadata and wrapper is present + +- add %apache_rex_deps + +- version update to 4.6.8 + * If no system mime types file can be found, fall back to ``/dev/null`` + so that Apache can still at least start up. + * Fix compilation failures when using Python 3.8. + * The Apache request ID is accessible in request events as ``request_id``. + * The per request data dictionary accessible using ``mod_wsgi.request_data()`` + is now also accessible in events as ``request_data``. + * When the queue timeout was triggered for requests sent to daemon mode + processes, the error response wasn't being flushed out correctly resulting + in the connection still being held up to the time of the socket timeout. + +- test with %apache_rex_check + +- update to 4.6.5: + * When running mod_wsgi-express and serving up static files + from the document root, and the WSGI application was mounted + at a sub URL using --mount-point, the static files in the + document root outside of the mount point for the WSGI + application would no longer be accessible. + * If no system mime types file can be found, fall + back to /dev/null so that Apache can still at least + start up. + * Now possible to use mod_wsgi-express in an a zipapp + created using shiv. This entailed a special workaround + to detect when shiv was used, so that the unpacked + site-packages directory could be added to the Python + module search path for mod_wsgi-express. + +- update to 4.6.4: + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see + * see apparmor -- Don't provide python2 symbol for python3 package (bsc#1191690). +- Modify add-samba-bgqd.diff: Add new rule to fix new "DENIED + operation="file_mmap" violation in SLE15-SP4; (bsc#1192336). -- Be explicit about using python2 macros, when needed. +- add aa-notify-more-arch-mr809.diff: Add support for reading s390x + and aarch64 wtmp files (boo#1181155) -- update to AppArmor 2.13.6 - - fix utils hotkey conflicts in some languages - - aa-autodep: load abstractions on start (boo#1178527) - - add usr.lib.dovecot.script-login profile - - minor additions in abstractions/X and the dovecot profile - - see +- add add-samba-bgqd.diff: add profile for samba-bgqd (boo#1191532) + +- profile: allow reading files that live on NFS over UDP + (added to apparmor-lessopen-nfs-workaround.diff) (boo#1190552) + +- add profiles-python-3.10-mr783.diff: update abstractions/python and + profiles for python 3.10 + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.3 + - fix a failure in the parser tests + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.2 + - add missing permissions to several profiles and abstractions + (including boo#1188296) + - bugfixes in utils and parser (including boo#1180766 and boo#1184779) + - see -- drop upstreamed patch libapparmor-so-number.diff +- remove upstreamed patches: + - apparmor-dovecot-stats-metrics.diff + - abstractions-php8.diff + - crypto-policies-mr720.diff + +- added apparmor-dovecot-stats-metrics.diff to allow Prometheus metrics end-point + +- move Requires: python3 back to the python3-apparmor subpackage - + readline usage is in the python modules, not in apparmor-utils + +- Remove python symbols (python means currently python2), work + only with python3 ones (fallout from bsc#1185588). + +- add abstractions-php8.diff to support PHP8 in abstractions/php (boo#1186267) + +- add crypto-policies-mr720.diff to allow reading crypto policies + in abstractions/ssl_certs (boo#1183597) + +- replace %{?systemd_requires} with %{?systemd_ordering} to avoid dragging in + systemd into containers just because apparmor-parser ships a *.service file + +- merge libapparmor.changes into apparmor.changes + +- avoid file listed twice error + +- define %_pamdir for <= 15.x to fix the build on those releases + +- add apache-extra-profile-include-if-exists.diff: make <apache2.d> + include in apache extra profile optional to avoid problems with empty + profile directory (boo#1178527) + +- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) + * use %_pamdir + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.1 + - minor additions to profiles and abstractions + - some bugfixes in libapparmor, apparmor_parser and the aa-* utils + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- removed upstream(ed) patches: + - changes-since-3.0.0.diff + - extra-profiles-fix-Pux.diff + - utils-fix-hotkey-conflict.diff + +- Use apache provided variables for the module_directry: + + Use %apache_libexecdir + + Add apache-rpm-macros BuildRequires + +- add utils-fix-hotkey-conflict.diff to fix a hotkey conflict in + de, id and sv translations (and fix the test) (MR 675) +- add extra-profiles-fix-Pux.diff to fix an inactive profile - + prevents a crash in aa-logprof and aa-genprof when creating a new + profile (MR 676) + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.0 + - introduce feature abi declaration in profiles to enable use of + new rule types (for openSUSE: dbus and unix rules) + - support xattr attachment conditionals + - experimental support for kill and unconfined profile modes + - rewritten aa-status (in C), including support for new profile modes + - rewritten aa-notify (in python), finally dropping the perl + requirement at runtime + - new tool aa-features-abi for extracting feature abis from the kernel + - update profiles to have profile names and to use 3.0 feature abi + - introduce @{etc_ro} and @{etc_rw} profile variables + - new profile for php-fpm + - several updates to profiles and abstractions (including boo#1166007) + - fully support 'include if exists' in the aa-* tools + - rewrite handling of alias, include, link and variable rules in + the aa-* tools + - rewrite and simplify log handling in the aa-logprof and aa-genprof + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- patches: + - add changes-since-3.0.0.diff with upstream fixes since the 3.0.0 + release up to 3e18c0785abc03ee42a022a67a27a085516a7921 + - drop upstreamed usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff + - drop 2.13-only libapparmor-so-number.diff + - refresh apparmor-enable-profile-cache.diff - partially upstreamed + - update apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff and + apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch - switch to "include if exists" + - apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch: add abi rule to lessopen profile + - refresh apparmor-lessopen-nfs-workaround.diff +- move away very loose apache profile that doesn't even match the + apache2 binary path in openSUSE to avoid confusion (boo#872984) +- move rewritten aa-status from utils to parser subpackage +- add aa-features-abi to parser subpackage +- replace perl and libnotify-tools requires with requiring + python3-notify2 and python3-psutil (needed by the rewritten + aa-notify) +- drop ancient cleanup for /etc/init.d/subdomain from parser %pre +- drop (never enabled) conditionals to build with python2 and to + build the python-apparmor subpackage (upstream dropped python2 + support) +- drop setting PYTHON and PYTHON_VERSIONS env variable, no longer needed +- set PYFLAKES path for utils check +- add precompiled_cache build conditional to allow faster local + builds without using kvm +- remove duplicated BuildRequires: swig + - fix two potential build failures in libapparmor + - fix log parsing for logs with an embedded newline + - some fixes in cache handling + - preserve errno across aa_*_unref() functions +- no longer package static libapparmor.a +- Fix RPM groups + +- libapparmor.spec is based on the AppArmor 2.11 apparmor.spec, but + with minimum BuildRequires appimaged +- use current repo as source +- changed service to + +- update to version 10 + applet-window-appmenu +- update to 0.7.1: + * do not show any appmenu on empty and inactive screens + * improve compact button spacing + * show proper popup menu for vertical panels + +- Fix the %files section. plasma-framework >= 5.84 doesn't install + desktop files in %_kf5_servicesdir anymore. + +- Update to 0.7.0: + * fix occasional crash when menu is hiding + * fixes when present in plasma panels + * position menus relevant to screen edge + * add filter for maximized windows + * apply filters properly for compact button scenario + * respect Fitt's law for floating latte panels + * position menus relevant to entire screen geometry + * add option to enable unity behavior in neighbour window title applets + * fixes for unity behavior in latte panels + +- %cmake_build is now the recommended way to build cmake projects + apulse +- Drop conditional 32bit recommends. + +- Update to version 0.1.13: + * Fix compiling with external PulseAudio 12.x headers. + * Link with + * Use <0 rather than !=0 for ALSA error code checking. + * Minor compilation fixes. +- Drop apulse-fix-pulse-12.patch, apulse-alsa.patch: fixed + upstream. + aqbanking +- Update to 6.3.2 + + Bugfixes + +- Update to 6.3.1 + + Bugfixes and small enhancements + +- Update to 6.3.0 + + Create transaction logs, for now only for HBCI/FinTS backend + +- Update to 6.2.10: + + Increased verbosity for debugging purposes. + + Fixed a bug regarding TAN-secured jobs. + +- Update to 6.2.9 + + Prepare move of OFX v1 importer to XML + + Bugfixes + + Small improvements + arc +- arc-5.21p-fno-common.patch: from Gentoo, fixe FTBS with + recent GCC versions. + arcanist +- Replace bundled certificates with symlink to the system + certificate bundle. +- Some typo fixes. + +- remove php7-devel from build dependencies + +- Update to version 0.0~git.20201026T090106~f713656a: + * Fix a typo of "previously" in FutureIterator + * Fix an issue where "phutil_utf8v()" could fatal when passed an integer + * Fix rubocop lint tests + * Fix "PhutilOpaqueEnvelopeTestCase" under PHP 7.4 with "zend.exception_ignore_args" + * fail `arc diff` if second lfs push errors + * In "phutil_passthru()", "resolve()" the future rather than calling "execute()" directly + * In ConduitCallFuture, only call Conduit exception messages on Conduit exceptions + * Fix a slow memory leak in long-lived FutureIterator objects, as used by FuturePool + * When raising a Conduit client exception, show the called method in the error message + * Fix additional "xsprintf()"-family static parameter errors + * Allow AAST to extract string literal values from HEREDOCs + * Fix a missing "pht()" parameter in HTTPSFuture + * Fix a false negative in lint for "xsprintf()"-family functions + +- Update to version 0.0~git.20200904T100240~7f87aeaa: + * Give Futures clearer start/end and exception semantics + * Preserve bookmarks across "hg rebase --keep --collapse", and destroy them before "hg strip/prune" + * When saving and restoring local state in Mercurial, also save and restore bookmarks + * Clean up push failure messaging in "arc land" slightly + * When "arc land" fails a Mercurial push, actually raise it as an exception + * Fix additional Mercurial/Python compatibility issues in "arc land" + * Allow "hg arc-ls-markers" to run under Python 2 or Python 3 + * Fix a MarkerRef call to get the active bookmark in Mercurial + * Render the state tree in "arc branches" slightly more cleanly + +- Update to version 0.0~git.20200703T100739~8daff5ee: + * Clean up some service profiler behavior in Conduit futures + * Improve login/auth messages from Arcanist toolset workflows + * Drop intended support for "--anonymous" from Arcanist Toolsets + * When tab-completing "arc" commands, suggest paths if the argument is empty and a path wildcard argument exists + * Implement Conduit login prompt behavior as a pure FutureProxy, not a Future-like object + * Improve resolution behaviors of FutureProxy + * Remove an unused method in "ArcanistUploadWorkflow" + * Give Mercurial more plausible marker behavior + * Support date-range commit graph queries, and multiple disjoint commits in Git + * In "arc branches", group linear sequences of published revisions together + * When a commit graph set has many commits, summarize them + * Improve grid layout in "arc branches" at various terminal widths + * Remove implicit sorting from "MarkerRefQuery" + * Render "arc markers" workflows as a tree, not a list + * Identify published commits in working copies by using remote configuration + * Load and map repository objects for remote URIs + * Provide "arc look", a user-facing inspection command + * Support generating remote refs in Git + * Support inspection of remote refs with "arc inspect remote(...)" + * Copy repository URI normalization code from Phabricator to Arcanist + * Introduce "phutil_partition()" and natural case sorting for "msortv(...)" + * Introduce "GridView", an updated version of "ConsoleTableView" + * Correct a leftover reference to "--keep-branch" + * Add more "RepositoryRef" legacy status mappings + * In "arc land" under Git, confirm branch creation + * Collect scattered implementations of "getDisplayHash()" into RepositoryAPI + * Update "arc land" display of build failures, and rename "DisplayRef" to "RefView" + * On Windows, don't try to set "stdin" nonblocking, as it does not work + * When a linter raises a message at a nonexistent line, don't fatal during rendering + * Improve "--hold", save/restore state, bookmark creation, and some warnings for "arc land" in Mercurial + * Correct some minor "arc land" workflow issues in Mercurial + * Use a "branchmap" call to identify remote branches in "arc-hg" + * In "arc land" in Mercurial, inch closer to making complex branch/bookmark workflows function + * In "arc land", fix some coarse issues with build warnings + * Realign "arc land" closed/published warning around more modern language + * In "arc land" in Mercurial, show a tidier "ls-remote" command + * Disambiguate various types of Mercurial remote markers with "hg arc-ls-remote" + * Verify remotes ("paths") in Mercurial during "arc land" + * Refine "arc land" behavior when pushing "onto" a new branch + * Support "arc land --pick" to pick specific changes out of a sequence + * Improve "arc land" behavior in the presence of merge conflicts and change sequences + * Remove "arc feature", "arc branch", "arc bookmark", and significant chunks of obsolete marker code + * Implement "arc work", to replace "arc feature" + * Use MarkerRefs to resolve landing symbols in Mercurial + * Provide a more powerful query mechanism for "markers" (branches/bookmarks) + * Allow "arc" to accept any prefix of a command as that command + * Remove old Mercurial code testing for rebase and phase support + * Add a check for ambiguous merge strategies after the "history.immutable" behavioral change + * Allow users to save prompt responses in "arc" workflows + * Format "arc land" passthru commands more nicely, and execute them from CWD + * Make Mercurial use "hg shelve" and "hg unshelve" in dirty working copies in "arc land" + * Improve final messages under "arc land --hold" + * Show some "arc" help pages through a configurable pager, like "less" + * Update "arc help land" + * Improve the logic for identifying ambiguous commits and applying "--revision" to them + * When landing changes in an empty repository, merge cleanly in Git + * Modernize output when pruning branches in Git during "arc land" + * Provide more information about merge progress in "arc land" under Git + * Sometimes discard already-closed revisions in "arc land" + * Add a synopsis and example for "arc help land" + * In "arc land", rebase branches in natural order + * Substantially modernize the "arc land" workflow + * In "arc branch" output, sort branches updated in the same second by name + * Remove "--ignore-unsound-tests" from "arc diff" + * When "arc" receives SIGWINCH or other signals during display of a prompt, recover + * Introduce "RepositoryLocalState", a modern version of "requireCleanWorkingCopy()" + * Provide modern config options for "arc land" configuration + * Add modern refs and hardpoints for buildables, builds, and build plans + * Add "Author" and "Parent Revision" hardpoints to RevisionRefs + * Alias newer "--library" to "--load-phutil-library" in legacy workflows + * Remove the "--less-context" flag from "arc diff" + * Remove "--encoding" flag from "arc diff" + * Remove "haveUncommittedChanges" property from "arc diff" + * Remove "--lintall" and "--only-new" flags to "arc diff" + * Remove lint and unit excuses and "--advice" and "--excuse" flags from "arc diff" + * Remove "--use-commit-message/-C" from "arc diff" + * Support short aliases and repeatable arguments in Arcanist Workflow arguments + * Add a "%?" ("hint") conversion to "tsprintf()" + * Support appending arbitrary lines to DisplayRef output + * Impose a HardpointEngine future parallelism limit + * Remove special casing of "arc --version" + * Allow PhutilArrayCheck to accept a list of objects as a context + * Add a support class to simplify typechecking list-of-objects return values + * Mark the wildcard argument to "arc liberate" as a path argument for shell completion + * Make lint tests handle paths better and distinguish between "0" and "null" more carefully + * Fix an issue when rendering a lint message which removes whitespace at the end of a file + * In the "cpplint" binding, raise messages on "line 0" without a line + * Allow construction of a ConduitEngine with a bare ConduitClient + * update SSL error messge re:libphutil + * Add "HTTPSFuture->addCurlOption()" for raw access to "curl_setopt()" + * Fix an initialization issue in VectorTree + * Add "--browse" and "--input" to "arc paste", and remove "--json" (which had no effect) + * Add "--browse" to "arc upload" and update behavior, particularly "--json" + * When recent PHP raises a "broken pipe" error in ExecFuture, treat it as a blocked stdin + * When a proxy future wraps a future which throws an exception, resolve with an exception + * Work around "mb_check_encoding(<stringlike-object>)" warning in particular versions of PHP + * Restore the ":(attr:filter=lfs)" test for LFS + * Detect LFS by looking for tracks in ".gitattributes" instead of using "ls-tree" + * Replace "PhutilFileTree" with a more abstract "VectorTree" + archivemount +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with working upstream URL. + +- Update to version 0.9.1 + * Incorporated fixes for compilation problems with newer gcc + versions. Contributed by Niels de Vos +- includes 0.9.0 + * Make sure the written archive's format is the same or as + close as possible to the original. Due to a bug written files + were always in ustar format. Contributed by Jeff Ebert. + * Add AM_PROG_CC_C_O macro to, contributed by + Jeff Ebert + * added option -o password, contributed by Scott Worley + * Pass REG_ENHANCED to regcomp where available (Mac and BSD). + Otherwise \? has no special meaning. Contributed by Michael + J. Walsh + * Removed magic number for block size, it's a constant now. + Contributed by John Delgado +- includes 0.8.12 + * changed naming scheme of temporary files to avoid running + into too long names for the filesystem in /tmp + * fixed renaming a newly created file (it got saved under its + original name) + * activated code for creating symlinks; in old versions, symlinks + were not saved, presumably due to a bug in libarchive, but it + seems to work now. +- includes 0.8.11 + * fixed accidentally broken renaming of files +- includes 0.8.10 + * fixed renaming of directories, it did not work at all anymore +- includes 0.8.9 + * fixed wrong insert into tree when a subdir had the same name as its + parent dir +- includes 0.8.8 + * fixed bug when creating a new file and moving it over an old one, + happens e.g. when saving a file from the geany editor +- drop patch archivemount.dif, fixed upstream +- run spec-cleaner + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- license update: LGPL-2.1+ - Package is LGPL-2.1+ according to the COPYING file. Use SPDX format - -- Initial package archivemount for openSUSE - arj +- Add arj-3.10.22-fixstrcpy.patch to fix data corruption + and make package builds reproducible (boo#1100677) + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + armadillo +- Update to version 10.7.3: + * Undocumented bug fixes. + +- Update to version 10.7.1: + * Faster handling of submatrix views accessed by + X.cols(first_col,last_col). + * Faster handling of element-wise min() and max() in compound + expressions. + * Expanded solve() with solve_opts::force_approx option to force + use of the approximate solver. + +- Update to version 10.6.2: + * No documented changes. + +- Update to version 10.6.1: + * No documented changes. + +- Update to version 10.6.0: + * Expanded chol() to optionally use pivoted decomposition. + * Expanded vector, matrix and cube constructors to allow element + initialisation via fill::value(scalar), eg. mat + X(4,5,fill::value(123)). + * Faster loading of CSV files when using OpenMP. + * Added csv_opts::semicolon option to allow saving/loading of + CSV files with semicolon (;) instead of comma (,) as the + separator. + +- Update to version 10.5.3 + * fix for handling sparse matrices with no elements + * minor speedups + +- Update to version 10.5.2: + * Undocumented bug fixes. + +- Update to version 10.5.1 + * Minor bug fixes + +- Update to version 10.5.0: + * Added .clamp() member function. + * Expanded the standalone clamp() function to handle complex + values. + * More efficient use of OpenMP. + * vector, matrix and cube constructors now initialise elements + to zero by default; use the fill::none specifier, eg. mat + X(4,5,fill::none), to disable element initialisation. + +- Update to version 10.4.1: + * Faster handling of triangular matrices by log_det(). + * Added log_det_sympd() for log determinant of symmetric + positive matrices. + * Added ARMA_WARN_LEVEL configuration option, to control the + degree of emitted warning messages. + * Reduced the default degree of warning messages, so that failed + decompositions, failed saving/loading, etc, no longer emit + warnings. + +- Update to version 10.3.0: + * faster handling of symmetric positive definite matrices by + pinv() + * expanded .save() / .load() for dense matrices to handle + coord_ascii format + * for out of bounds access, element accessors now throw the more + nuanced std::out_of_range exception, instead of only + std::logic_error + * improved quality of random numbers + +- Update to version 10.2.2 (no release notes). + +- Update to version 10.2.1: + - No changelog from upstream. + +- Fix baselibs.conf. + +- Update to version 10.2.0: + * Faster handling of subcubes. + * Added tgamma(). + * Added .brief_print() for abridged printing of matrices & + cubes. + * Expanded forms of trimatu() and trimatl() with diagonal + specification to handle sparse matrices. + * Expanded eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() with optional shift-invert + mode. + +- Update to version 10.1.2: + * Bug-fix release, no changelog from upstream. +- Enable building smoke test and run test as part of %check + section. + +- Update to version 10.1.1: + * Bug-fix release, no changelog from upstream. + +- Update to version 10.1.0: + * C++11 is now the minimum required C++ standard. + * Faster handling of compound expressions by trimatu() and + trimatl(). + * Faster sparse matrix addition, subtraction and element-wise + multiplication. + * Expanded sparse submatrix views to handle the non-contiguous + form of X.cols(vector_of_column_indices). + * Expanded eigs_sym() and eigs_gen() with optional fine-grained + parameters (subspace dimension, number of iterations, + eigenvalues closest to specified value). +- Fix an additional EOF encoding issue introduced in new release. +- Update shared lib name in keeping with so version update. +- Update baselibs.conf file for so version change. + +- Update to version 9.900.3: + * Bug-fix release, no changelog from upstream. + +- Update to version 9.900.2: + * Bug-fix release, no changelog from upstream. + +- Update to version 9.900.1: + * Faster solve() for under/over-determined systems. + * Faster eig_gen() and eig_pair() for large matrices. + * Expanded eig_gen() and eig_pair() to optionally provide left + and right eigenvectors. +- Use cmake macros for configuring, building, and installing. +- Run spec-cleaner for minor cleanups. + arp-scan +- Update to version 1.9.7: + * Internal changes only + arping2 +- Update to release 2.22 + * Build system updates only; no user-related changes. +- Drop arping-setgroups.diff (merged) + +- Update to version 2.21 + * Use more modern pcap API calls, when available + * Add payload data to mac ping + * chdir(/) after chroot() + * Misc minor cleanup +- Run spec-cleaner + +- update to version 2.20: no upstream changelog +- run spec-cleaner + -- Update to new upstream release 2.11 - * Fixes a segfault introduced in 2.10 - -- Update to new upstream release 2.10 - * This release adds much improved and portable interface - autodetection. It replaces gettimeofday() with clock_gettime() - where available. - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - asciidoc +- update to version 9.1.0 + * Can specify a line range when using the include macro. + * Setting the SGML_CATALOG_FILES environment variable will set --catalogs + on xmllint within a2x. + +- update to 9.0.5: + - Use config newline setting in system attribute evaulation + - Update to deadsnakes/python@v2.0.2 + +- Update to version 9.0.4 + * Fix listing out installed plugins (e.g. --filter list) + +- Update to version 9.0.3 + * Fix extra newline characters inserted into generated source + * Validate line endings as part of test suite + +- Update to version 9.0.2: + * Revert to using optparse from argparse for a2x + +- Update to version 9.0.1: + * Fix a2x crashing on decoding generated HTML pages + +- Update to version 9.0.0: + * Port asciidoc to run on Python 3.5+ + * Drop internal implementation of OrderedDict and use the + standard library collections.OrderedDict instead + * Implement Dockerfile for running asciidoc + * Add Catalan translation + * Add docbook5 backend + * Fix misspellings in various files and documents + * Use UTC for testing instead of Pacific/Auckland (which observes + daylight saving time) + * Use "with" context statement for opening and closing files + instead of older try/finally pattern + * Search sibling paths before system wide paths in asciidocapi + * Add manpage for + * Use argparse instead of optparse for argument parsing + * Add simplified Chinese translation (thanks @muirmok) + * vim-asciidoc: speed up the refresh process for big files + * Allow specifying floatstyle attribute for figures, tables, + equations, examples in docbook (thanks @psaris) + * Use[trans python module] + (if available) to better handle character decomposition to + ascii for ascii-ids (thanks @rkel) + * Use lru_cache to memoize repeated calls to macro look-up + giving potential ~15% speed-up on parsing + * Fix index terms requiring two characters instead of just one + * Properly capture and use colophon, dedication, and preface for + docbooks in Japanese (see #2 (comment)) + * make install did not include the filter + * Fix a2x option collection from input file with non-ascii + encoding + * Fix options attribute not being properly parsed in Delimited + Blocks attribute list + * Migrate from hierarchical A-A-P build system to top-level + Makefile + * Add make help target that prints out usage message for make + * Fix double slash issue in Makefile when installing asciidoc + or its docs + * Commit generated test files to the repository for continuous + integration + * Test against Python 3.5+ on Travis-CI + * Remove symlink tests/ in favor of just appending + to sys.path + * Add requires directive to testasciidoc.conf to indicate + necessary external dependencies (e.g. source-highlight) + +- simplify requires - we don't need the full python3, but the + interpreter and xml module (which is part of base) + asciinema +- Update to 2.1.0: + * Ability to pause/resume terminal capture with `C-\` key + shortcut + * Desktop notifications - only for the above pause feature at + the moment + * Removed dependency on tput/ncurses (thanks @arp242 / Martin + Tournoij!) + * ASCIINEMA_REC env var is back (thanks @landonb / Landon + Bouma!) + * Terminal answerbacks (CSI 6 n) in `asciinema cat` are now + hidden (thanks @djpohly / Devin J. Pohly!) + * Codeset detection works on HP-UX now (thanks @michael-o / + Michael Osipov!) + * Attempt at recording to existing file suggests use of + `--overwrite` option now + * Upload for users with very long `$USER` is fixed + * Added official support for Python 3.8 and 3.9 + * Dropped official support for EOL-ed Python 3.4 and 3.5 + * Internal refactorings + +- Modernise spec file +- Reduce space usage by fdupes + +- Update to 2.0.2 + * Official support for Python 3.7 + * Recording is now possible on US-ASCII locale + * Improved Android support + * Possibility of programatic recording with + asciinema.record_asciicast function + * Uses new JSON response format added recently to asciinema-server + * Tweaked message about how to stop recording + * Added proper description and other metadata to Python package + asclock +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner +- Honor optflags +- Reduce duplicities using fdupes + asco +- Add -fcommon to allow building against GCC10 + +- Update to version 0.9.10: + * Simulation re-runs are now supported in Spectre during an + optimization. + * Minor enhancements in the RF module. + * Support for the newest MPICH versions. + * The 'postp' tool is more robust to changes of each SPICE output + format. + * Support for the newest versions of MPICH documented. +- Fix implicit declaration error of 'gethostname': + * Add asco-0.4.10-fix-implicit-declaration.patch. + aseqview +- Fix segfault at piano widget creation with the recent gtk2 + (boo#1187239): + aseqview-piano-segfault-fix.patch + +- Fixed and modernized SPEC file + * Replace broken URL with latest upstream + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- updated to version 0.2.6: - * Fix segfault with thread mode (silly typo) - * Add mute-control feature by TAMUKI Shoichi - -- fix races in thread mode - -- updated to version 0.2.4: - * Added MIDI Tunig Standard (MTS) feature - asio +- Update to 1.18.2 + * Added ip::scope_id_type type alias. + * Added ip::port_type type alias. + * Added std::hash specialisations for IP addresses. + * Added std::hash specialisations for ip::basic_endpoint<>. + * Added friendship support to customisation points + * Changed any_io_executor to a "strong typedef"-style class. + * Fixed experimental::as_single to work with handler hook deprecation. + * Fixed work tracking for io_context and thread_pool executors + when move-assigned. + * Fixed I/O object move-assignment to ensure the executor is left + in a valid state. + * Prevented the blocking.always property from being used with strand<>, + as it did not produce the correct semantics. + * Removed deprecated file asio/impl/src.cpp. +- Update to version 1.18.1 + * Added executor-converting construction and assignment to ip::basic_resolver. + * Added the experimental::as_single completion token adapter. + * Fixed the executor concept to test for a const-qualified execute(). + * Fixed the thread_pool unit test to work without RTTI support. +- Update to version 1.18.0 + * Added workarounds for various issues in gcc 10's coroutine support. + * Added missing compatibility macros for the execution::receiver_of concept. + * Added constraints to the strand template's constructor + * Changed Asio's internal executor adapters to prevent template + instantiation recursion. + * Changed execution::blocking_t::always_t::is_preferable to be false as + per the specification. + * Added shape_type and index_type to thread_pool executors + * Ensured that the standard executor concept-related traits + * Fixed async_compose support for standard executors. + * Fixed the forward declaration of any_io_executor in asio/ts/netfwd.hpp. +- Update to version 1.17.0 + * Added support for the proposed standard executors to Asio's I/O facilities + * Added support for using detached_t as a default completion token + * Added a move constructor to ssl::stream<>. + * Fixed async_compose to work with copyable handlers when passed by lvalue. + * Fixed completion signature deduction in co_spawn. + * Removed a spurious Executor base class from the executor_binder + implementation. + * Various fixes and improvements in the documentation and examples. + +- Version update to 1.16.1: + * Fixed compatibility with C++20 concept syntax. + * Marked the POSIX descriptor classes' move constructors as noexcept. + * Added the ssl::host_name_verification class + * Added an ssl::context constructor to take ownership of a native handle. + * Changed C++ language version detection with gcc to use __cplusplus macro. + * Fixed a work counting issue in the asynchronous resolve operation for endpoints. + * Fixed the strand<> converting constructors and assignment operators. + * Ensured that resolvers are restarted correctly after a fork. + * Fixed compatibility with the current NetBSD release. + * Removed spurious handler requirement checks in some async_read overloads. + * Changed the ssl::context class to propagate non-EOF errors + * Fixed a compile error in the buffered streams due to the lack of + reference collapsing in C++98. + * Changed the priority_scheduler example to demonstrate calls to shutdown() + and destroy(). + * Removed some unnecessary null pointer checks. + * Added some emscripten compatibility patches. + * Fixed a compile error in the use_awaitable_t::as_default_on function. + * Changed all uses of the boost.bind placeholders to use the + boost::placeholders namespace. + * Fixed a potential compile error in the async_compose implementation + due to incorrect overload selection. + * Various documentation fixes and improvements. +- Changes from 1.16.0 + * Changed the async_initiate helper function to automatically deduce its return type. This is enabled for C++11 or later. + * Changed all asynchronous operations to use automatically deduced return types. This allows completion token implementations to incorporate the asynchronous operation initiation into the initiating function's return type, without type erasure. Note that C++14 or later is required to support completion tokens that use per-operation return type deduction. For C++11 or earlier, a completion token's async_result specialisation must still provide the nested typedef return_type. + * Added the nested template type rebind_executor to all I/O object types, as a way to generically rebind them to use alternative I/O executors. + * Changed the asynchronous operations' initiation function objects to report their associated I/O executor via the nested type executor_type and member function get_executor(). Note that the presence of executor_type and get_executor() should be treated as optional, and consequently it may be preferable to access them via the associated_executor trait and the get_associated_executor() helper function. + * Added the default_completion_token trait, so that every I/O executor type now has an associated default completion token type. + * Specialised the default_completion_token trait for the use_awaitable completion token + * Ensured that the executor type is propagated to newly accepted sockets. When synchronously or asynchronously accepting a new connection, but without specifying an executor or execution context, the accept operation will now correctly propagate the executor type from the acceptor to the socket. + * Changed to require that Protocol copy and move operations never throw. + * Changed to require that Endpoint default constructor and move operations never throw. +- Changes from 1.14.1 + * Improved performance slightly by eliminating a redundant move construction + when completed handlers are dispatched. + * Fixed the is_*_buffer_sequence detection traits for user-defined sequence types. + * Changed the serial port get_option() member function to be const. + * Fixed a name hiding issue with the WinRT stream-oriented socket backend's shutdown function. + * Applied a minor fix to the documentation for is_dynamic_buffer. + * Added some support for Haiku OS. + * Added wolfSSL compatability. + * Changed to require C++17 or later for coroutines TS support with clang. + * Fixed a doxygen generation problem in the tutorial. +- Changes from 1.14.0 + * Improved I/O object performance by adding runtime detection of native I/O executors when using the polymorphic executor wrapper. + * Changed I/O object move constructors so that the executor is copied, not moved. This ensures that the moved-from I/O object is left in the same state as if constructed with a valid executor but without a resource. + * Fixed move-based async_accept between sockets with different executor types. +- Changes from 1.13.0 + * Added custom I/O executor support to I/O objects. + - All I/O objects now have an additional Executor template parameter. This template parameter defaults to the asio::executor type (the polymorphic executor wrapper) but can be used to specify a user-defined executor type. + - I/O objects' constructors and functions that previously took an asio::io_context& now accept either an Executor or a reference to a concrete ExecutionContext (such as asio::io_context or asio::thread_pool). + - Note: One potential source of breakage in existing user code is when reusing an I/O object's io_context for constructing another I/O object + - The previously deprecated get_io_context and get_io_service member functions have now been removed. + - The previously deprecated service template parameters, and the corresponding classes, have now been removed. + * Added a new async_result form with an initiate static member function. + - The async_result template now supports a new form + - The initiate member function must: (a) transform the token into a completion handler object handler; (b) cause the invocation of the function object initiation as if by calling std::forward<Initiation>(initiation)(std::move(handler), std::forward<Args>(args)...). Note that the invocation of initiation may be deferred (e.g. lazily evaluated), in which case initiation and args must be decay-copied and moved as required. + - A helper function template async_initiate has also been added as a wrapper for the invocation of async_result<>::initiate. For backward compatibility, this function supports both the old and new async_result forms. + - The composed operations examples have been updated to use async_initiate. + - The previously deprecated handler_type trait and single-argument form of async_result have now been removed. + * Updated the Coroutines TS support and promoted it to the asio namespace. + - The awaitable<>, co_spawn, this_coro, detached, and redirect_error facilities have been moved from the asio::experimental namespace to namespace asio. As part of this change, the this_coro::token() awaitable has been superseded by the asio::use_awaitable completion token. + - Please note that the use_awaitable and redirect_error completion tokens work only with asynchronous operations that use the new form of async_result with member function initiate. Furthermore, when using use_awaitable, please be aware that the asynchronous operation is not initiated until co_await is applied to the awaitable<>. + * Added a new DynamicBuffer_v2 concept which is CopyConstructible. + - This change adds a new set of type requirements for dynamic buffers, DynamicBuffer_v2, which supports copy construction. These new type requirements enable dynamic buffers to be used as arguments to user-defined composed operations, where the same dynamic buffer object is used repeatedly for multiple underlying operations + - The original DynamicBuffer type requirements have been renamed to DynamicBuffer_v1. These requirements continue to be compatible with the Networking TS. + - New type traits is_dynamic_buffer_v1 and is_dynamic_buffer_v2 have been added to test for conformance to DynamicBuffer_v1 and DynamicBuffer_v2 respectively. The existing is_dynamic_buffer trait has been retained and delegates to is_dynamic_buffer_v1 (unless ASIO_NO_DYNAMIC_BUFFER_V1 is explicitly defined, in which case it delegates to is_dynamic_buffer_v2). + - For convenience, the dynamic_string_buffer and dynamic_vector_buffer classes conform to both DynamicBuffer_v1 and DynamicBuffer_v2 requirements. + - When ASIO_NO_DYNAMIC_BUFFER_V1 is defined, all support for DynamicBuffer_v1 types and functions is #ifdef-ed out. Support for using basic_streambuf with the read, async_read, read_until, async_read_until, write, and async_write functions is also disabled as a consequence. + - Note: This change should have no impact on existing source code that simply uses dynamic buffers in conjunction with Asio's composed operations. + * Added a new async_compose function that simplifies the implementation of user-defined asynchronous operations. + * Added a make_strand function, which creates a strand with a deduced Executor template argument. + * Relaxed the completion condition type requirements to only require move-constructibility rather than copy-constructibility. + * Added a constructor for local::basic_endpoint that takes a string_view. + * Added the noexcept qualifier to various member functions of the ip::address, ip::address_v4, ip::address_v6, ip::basic_endpoint, and executor_work_guard classes. + * Added the noexcept qualifier to the buffer_sequence_begin and buffer_sequence_end functions. + * Added a new ASIO_DISABLE_VISIBILITY configuration #define that allows visibility pragmas to be disabled. (Note: If symbols are hidden, extra care must be taken to ensure that Asio types are not passed across shared library API boundaries.) + * Changed compile-time feature detection to define ASIO_STANDALONE automatically if C++11 or later is detected. + - Users should define ASIO_ENABLE_BOOST to explicitly disable standalone mode when compiling with C++11 or later. + - The configure script now defaults to a standalone build unless Boost is specified or detected. + * Enabled recycling of the memory used to type-erase a function object with the polymorphic executor. + * Changed receive operations to return the correct number of bytes transferred when truncation (error::message_size) occurs on a datagram-oriented socket. + * Fixed multicast behaviour on QNX by automatically applying SO_REUSEPORT when the reuse_address option is set. + * Added inclusion of unistd.h when targeting Haiku OS, to fix feature detection. + * Added the network_v[46].hpp headers to the top-level convenience header. + * Fixed calculation of absolute timeout when the backend uses pthread_cond_timedwait. + * Changed the range-based asynchronous connect operation to deduce the EndpointSequence iterator type rather than assume the presence of a const_iterator typedef. + * Fixed buffer_sequence_begin and buffer_sequence_end to prevent implicit conversion. This change addresses an issue where a call to buffer_sequence_begin or buffer_sequence_end could trigger an implicit conversion to const_buffer or mutable_buffer. Whenever this implicit conversion occurred, the return value of buffer_sequence_begin or buffer_sequence_end would point to a temporary object. + * Ensured SSL handshake errors are propagated to the peer before the local operation completes. + * Suppressed the eof error on SSL shutdown as it actually indicates success. + * Added a fallback error code for when we OpenSSL produces an SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL result without an associated error. + * Changed composed asynchronous read and write operations to move, rather than copy, the buffer sequence objects when the composed operation implementation is moved. + * Fixed dispatch documentation to note that it may call the supplied function object in the current thread. + * Updated post and defer documentation to clarify the the distinction between them. + -- Update to stable version 1.10.1 - * many changes as outlined here - - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Add missing make call -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - asl +- Update to 1.42_bld173. + See for the + changelog +- Update the license tag to GPL-2.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only to + match the license tag added to most files. +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (boo#1174075) +- Update asl-buildfixes.patch +- Merge asl-riscv64.patch and asl-ppc64.patch with + asl-buildfixes.patch + +- asl-riscv64.patch: add sysdefs for riscv64 + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- add #define PRIInteg32 "d" to sysdefs for s390x to fix build + +- Update to version 142-bld115 + * No changelog available + +- Drop doc subpackage - building fails on current Factory + -- asl-aarch64.patch: Add sysdefs bits for aarch64 - -- Add some TeX fonts and theris mappings - -- Make it build with latest TeXLive 2012 with new package layout - -- fix ppc64 build - -- cross-build fix: use %__cc macro - aspell +- security update +- modified patches + % aspell-quotes.patch (p1) + % aspell-strict-aliasing.patch (p1) +- added patches + fix CVE-2019-25051 [bsc#1188576], heap-buffer-overflow in acommon:ObjStack:dup_top + + aspell-CVE-2019-25051.patch + +- recommend aspell-en also from the library [bsc#1177523] + +- Remove/replace old specfile constructs. + +- version update to 0.60.8 + * Prevent a potentially unbounded buffer over-read by no longer + supporting null-terminated UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings with the + original C API. @xref{Upgrading from Aspell 0.60.7}. + * Ensure that possible typos are listed before other suggestions when + typo analysis is used. Also fix a bug so that suggestions that split + a word using a space or hyphen are not always first. + * Add Markdown filter. + * Add new @option{wordlists} option, which is a list of UTF-8 files that + contain additional words to accept. + * Add new @option{camel-case} option, which enables support for checking + camelCase words. + * Sort personal and replacement dictionaries. + * Change @code{ultra} suggestion mode to only find words that are within + one-edit distance or have the same soundslike. + * Implement the @code{aspell filter} command. + * Fix a bug in @code{AspellDocumentChecker} that prevented it from + working with UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings. + * Remove unused @option{sug-edit-dist} option. + * @code{AspellDocumentChecker} now expects the document a line at a time + in order to work with the new Markdown filter. If the document is + split on white space characters instead, nothing will break, but new + filters such as the Markdown filter may give incorrect results. + * The @option{clean} option and command will no longer split a word. + * Various documentation improvements. + * Removal of several outdated appendices that don't really belong in the + main manual. Parts that are still relevent may eventually be moved + elsewhere, but for now they are available online at + @uref{}. + * Fix various crashes and other problems found by Google's OSS-Fuzz. + * Add partial support for recognizing the Unicode apostrophe (') in + words. In particular Aspell will accept the Unicode apostrophe when + the language uses an ISO Latin charset that doesn't already have a + Unicode apostrophe. For now, Aspell will still use the ASCII version + in suggestions. + * Detect when a dictionary compiled on a 32-bit machine is used on a + 64-bit one (and vise versa), as due to an oversight, compiled + dictionaries depend on more than the endianness. Also added a compile + time option to remove this dependency, but at the cost of breaking + compatibility with already compiled dictionaries on 64-bit systems. + * Fix a bug which caused Aspell to crash when passing in a null string + to almost any of the C API functions. This should not happen if the + size is also zero as the pointer should never be derefrenced. + * Fix a bug that caused Aspell to crash with a SEGFAULT when built with + mingw-w64. + * In addition to outputting a warning when building with NDEBUG defined, + also include NDEBUG in the version string. + * Various compile fixes for newer version of Gcc and Clang. + * Fix VPATH builds. + * Use utf-8 encoding for manual instead of iso-8859-1. + * Other minor updates and bug fixes. +- deleted patches + - aspell-automake-1.13.patch (upstreamed) + - aspell-epmty_file.patch (upstreamed, bsc#266130 does not exhibit) + - gcc7-fix-warnings.patch (upstreamed) + +- Compact descriptions + +- gcc7-fix-warnings.patch - Fix warnings reported by GCC7. + +- Add gpg signature +- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + +- baselibs.conf: libaspell15 + obsoletes "aspell-<targettype> <= <version>" + provides "aspell-<targettype> = <version>" + +- license GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and SUSE-BSD-Mark-Modifications + [bnc#777131] + +- license update: GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and BSD-3-Clause + SDPX + aspell-dictionaries +- do not require aspell binary, dictionaries can be used even + by the aspell library [bsc#1177523] + -- updated Polish dictionary, version 1.11-2 -- updated Spanish dictionary, version 20121120 -- new Huastec dictionary, version 0.03-1 - aspell-en +- version update to 2020.12.07 + * Various new words. + * Variant cleanups. + * Bump irregardless, froward (+ derivatives) and perpend to level 70. + +- removing Novell residues +- deleted patches + - aspell-en-Novellwords_extra_dict.patch (not needed) +- deleted sources + - Nwordlist.tgz (abandoned) + +- do not require aspell binary, dictionary can be used + by the aspell library [bsc#1177523] + +- version update to 2019.10.06 + Various new words. + Remove compare's and fail's. + +- run fdupes only on dictionary data +- update keyring to include all upstream signatures +- update URL + +- Use SourceURL +- Use GPG signed source +- updated to 2018.04.16 + * various new words (see SCOWL-README for other changes) + -- Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions -- Parallel building using %_smp_mflags - -- Updated to version 7.1-0: - * Updated to SCOWL 7.1 which corrected several errors and also added - several now common proper names and some other words now in - common use. - From 7.0: - * Updated to SCOWL 7 which was created with a new version of Varcon - which corrected many errors, especially in the British and Canadian - dictionaries. Numerous other corrections are also included. - * Added en_CA-variant_* and en_GB-variant_* auxiliary dictionaries. -- Spec file updates: - * Changes based on rpmdevtools templates and spec-cleaner run. - * Added description for the patch based on openSUSE Patches Guidelines. - * Updates in %description. - * Run %fdupes to fix rpmlint warning "files-duplicate". - * Minor other updates. -- Rebased Novellwords_extra_dict.patch to apply cleanly. - -- fixed url [bnc#620786] - -- Novell words for en_{CA,GB,US} [bnc#462871] - + updated Novellwords_extra_dict.patch - -- updated Nwordlist (words: Firefox,Thunderbird, NLD, ...) [#371] - -- added "Bugzilla" to Novell words - assimp +- Update to 5.1.3 + * Update blender importer to work with Blender 2.8+ files + * Added checks for out of bounds data access/writing + * Interpolate euler rotations for quaternion animations + * Fix file-extension check for X3D-files + * Update CMakeLists.txt + +- Update to 5.1.2. Changes since 5.1.0: + * Fixed an incorrect indeiciesType in the glTF2 sparse accessor. + * Prevent out-of-range memory writes by sparse accessors + * Delete test/models/3DS/UVTransformTest directory + * Do not build ziplib when 3MF exporter is disabled. + * Collada: Read value, not attribute + * Redefine deprecated glTF-specific PBR material macros +- Fix assimp-devel dependencies. minizip is required. + +- Update to 5.1.0 + * Check + for the full list of changes +- Drop do-not-install-irrXML.patch. No longer needed. +- Drop obsolete patches: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch + * 0001-use-GNUInstallDirs-where-possible.patch + +- Add patch to fix build with GCC11: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch (boo#1181859) + +- Add a _constraints file for ppc64/ppc64le builds. + +- Remove unneeded build dependencies. + assimp doesn't need Qt5, boost, devIL and glu. + +- Restore the _service file. + Assimp still ships files which are not allowed in openSUSE. + +- Add upstream patch to fix the broken CMake config files: + * 0001-use-GNUInstallDirs-where-possible.patch + (adapted for the 5.0.1 release) + +- Update to 5.0.1 + * Added texture types: BASE_COLOR, NORMAL_CAMERA, EMISSION_COLOR, + METALNESS, DIFFUSE_ROUGHNESS + * Fixed various issues and memory leaks + * 3DS: Explicitly pass "UNNAMED" as 3DS root node name and fix + more thread-safety issue in 3DS loader. + * 3MF: Introduce first prototype for basematerial support + * AssJSon: Add json export. + * Various other file support improvements +- Dropped viewer subpackage, as it now requires DirectX +- Removed not needed disable-gitrevision-test.patch +- Rebased do-not-install-irrXML.patch +- Removed not needed install-viewer.patch +- Removed _service + +- was removed in the 4.1.0 update; restore its + logic with a new _service file and recreate the tarball. + +- Fix incorrect summary for libassimp*. + +- Update to 4.1.0 + * Added support for Export 3MF (experimental) + * Added supprt for Import / Export glTF 2 + * Prevent failing stringstream to crash the export process + * Fix invalid access to mesh array when the array is + empty in Blender, also fixed short overflow. + * Fixed memory leak in AMFImporter + * Fixed IOStream leak in UnrealLoader: + * Fixed out-of-bounds read in MaterialSystem unit test + * Added support for SIB models from Silo 2.5 +- Changes from 4.0.1 + * StreamReader: fix out-of-range exception +- Changes From 4.0.0 + * New QT-Widget based assimp-viewer + * Open3DGC codec supported by glFT-importer + * glTF: Read and write transparency values + * Support for X3D, AMF and Lugdunum3D + * MDLLoader: fix resource leak. + * Fix memory leak in Collada importer + * Fixed many FBX bugs +- Added %check section, run unit tests +- Added disable-gitrevision-test.patch to fix testsuite as we do + not build from git, git rev will test will fail. +- Added do-not-install-irrXML.patch to prevent cmake from + installing the irrXML (static) library. +- install-viewer.patch: Install viewer component + -- Fixed the build problem with docdir - moved samples/ to doc - -- Improved the spec file, changed the names and cleaned the spec file - -- some improvements form *.spec at home:hcostelha repository - -- initial package of version 3.0 - asterisk-sounds-devel +- Fix %asterisk_snd_* definition to work with the newer rpm + macro expander. + astyle +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- update to version 2.02.1 - - please see the included notes.html and news.html for a list of - changes in this release -- drop unnecesary patch astyle-1.24-cxxflags.patch -- package complete documentation - asusfan +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Spec file cleanup with spec-cleaner + -- initial package -- removed datasheet from source tarball (not redistributable) - atftp +- Update to version 0.7.5 [bsc#1190522, CVE-2021-41054] + * text files: mark/convert all textfiles to UTF-8 + * fix some compiler warnings + * fix buffer overflow in atftpd (CVE-2021-41054) + * check for root no longer necessary + * tftpd.c: Only drop privs if requested or running as root + check for failure + * fix invalid read of 1 byte in tftp_send_request. + * Check return value of fseek(), abort if != 0 + * options.c: Proper fix for the read-past-end-of-array + * Add -std=gnu89 if gcc/clang is detected + * tftpd.c: Fix memleak if thread spawning fails + * atftp: Check return value of fgets, buffer might be uninitialized on NULL + * Fix check for argz support (HAVE_ARGZ -> HAVE_ARGZ_H) + * replace LICENSE with current version + * Remove patches fixed upstream: + - atftp-0.7-sorcerers_apprentice.patch + - atftp-0.7-server_receive_race.patch + - atftp-0.7-ack_heuristic.patch + * Rebase patches: + - atftp-drop_privileges_non-daemon.patch + - atftp-0.7-default_dir_man.patch + - atftp-0.7-default_user_man.patch + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * atftpd.service + +- Update to version 0.7.4 + * fix compile, missing include + * fix compile, add missing defines + * link against libpthread for atftp + * fixed atftp fails to write to /proc/self/fd/1 + * Fix for DoS issue CVE-2020-6097 + * remove inline keyword from definitions + * remove extern inlines + * sys/cdefs usage +- Drop fixed atftp-CVE-2020-6097.patch + +- Use system wide tftp user/group, don't create them again + +- fix logrotate + * change command to '/sbin/service atftpd restart' since there is no + init script and we are using systemd +- fix service file + * atftpd does not create logfile when there is none, hence we create + in ExecStartPre +- Update sysconfig file + * add ATFTPD_LOGFILE if we want to use our own logfile + * add comment to ATFTPD_BIND_ADDRESSES that it is obsolete since + systemd (binds to + atheme +- Redownload atheme-services-v7.2.11.tar.xz + because they changed it + +- Update to release 7.2.11 + * Add a preliminary Turkish translation + * Add HMAC-MD5 verify-only support to crypto/pbkdf2v2 + * modules/chanserv/akick: fix unload crash with akicks that + have timeouts + * modules/nickserv/multimark: use IRC case canonicalisation + for restored nicks + * modules/nickserv/multimark: forbid unloading due to the + potential for data loss + * CA_ constants: include CA_EXEMPT (+e) where appropriate +- Drop atheme-serno.diff (no longer applies) + +- Fix misuse of %_libexecdir for /usr/lib/tmpfiles + [boo#1174075] + +- Update to new upstream release 7.2.10.r2 + * Fix potential NULL dereference in modules/crypto/posix. + * Bump E-Mail address maximum length to 254 characters. + * Use flags setter information in modules/chanserv/access & + modules/chanserv/flags. + * Fix issue where modules/misc/httpd was not closing its + listening socket on deinit. + * Fix GroupServ data loss issue when a group was the founder of + another group. + -- Remove atheme-config.diff and provide a fresh minimal config - instead. Update the config to match charybdis's. - -- Update to new upstream release 7.1.0 - * ngircd: New protocol module. - * nefarious: Add Nefarious 2 SASL support. - * nefarious: Send account timestamp in svslogin. - * elemental-ircd: New protocol module. - * dreamforge: Remove protocol module. - * inspircd: Add support for server-side MLOCK and TOPICLOCK enforcement - * inspircd: Add support for matching extbans modifying matching logic - * inspircd: Add +H to channel modes - * inspircd: Add +X and +w to list-like mode list - * ircd-seven: Support charybdis extension cmodes on ircd-seven as well. - * ts6-generic: Add support for serverinfo::hidden - * unreal: Add support for extbans. - * unreal: Add cmode +P for permanent channel. -- Remove 0001-build-resolve-compile-warning-in-servtree.c.patch - (merged upstream) -- Delete sysvinit support (keeping the `rcatheme` shortcut, though) - -- Update to new upstream release 7.0.7 - * saslserv/{dh-aes,dh-blowfish}: avoid possible buffer overflow - with untrusted input size - * saslserv/dh-blowfish: generate a new keypair (but not a new - prime) for each authentication session - * saslserv/dh-blowfish: avoid generating DH parameters on each - mech_start(). - * Use hostname for flood klines if IP isn't set, for example on - auth-spoofed users - -- Update to new upstream release 7.0.6 - * chanfix: Restrict registering scored channels - * memoserv/delete: Only accept numeric indexes -- Add 0001-build-resolve-compile-warning-in-servtree.c.patch - atlascpp +- Update to version 0.6.4: + * Use same real value comparison as WFMath. + * Remove checking new pointer. + * Remove unused string. + * Use epsilon for float comparison. + * Replace deprecated INCLUDES with AM_CPPFLAGS. +- Drop unneeded patches: + * atlascpp-0.6.2-Werror.patch: Current version builds just fine + with -Werror, so let's keep it. + * fsf.patch: FSF postal address was updated by upstream in every + header and in COPYING. +- Fix license: LGPL-2.1-only (according to COPYING file) and + GPL-2.0-or-later (according to some file headers). + atomix +- Add atomix-gcc10.patch: Fix build with GCC 10. + +- Update to version 3.34.0: + + Stable release version bump. + +- Update to version 3.33.92: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Fixed keys in menu controlling game. + + Fixed keyboard shortcuts. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Stable release version bump. + +- Update to version 3.31.92: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.90: + + Moved app menu to in-game menu. + + Removed quit menu item. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version + + Fixed game menu not appearing (glgo#GNOME/atomix#13). +- Changes from version 3.30.0: + + Do not show scores after entering scores. + + Fixed libgnome-games-support git repo typo. + + Updated translations. +- Remove lang package from recommended packages as it already + supplements main package (same effect, it's redundant). + +- Update to version 3.29.3: + + Implemented appmenu (glgo#GNOME/atomix#7). + + Handle highscores using libgnome-games-support + (glgo#GNOME/atomix#6). + + Add flatpak manifest (glgo#GNOME/atomix#11). + + Port to Meson. + + Level names made translatable. + + Migrated to gettext. + + Updated bugzilla references to gitlab. +- Add meson BuildRequires and corresponding macros following + upstreams port to meson buildsystem. +- Add pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1) BuildRequires: New + dependency. +- Drop intltool BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor used. +- Use autosetup macro. +- Drop post(un) handling of icon_theme_cache_post(un), no longer + needed on current versions of openSUSE. + audacious +- Update to version 4.1: + * Switching between Qt and GTK modes can now be done right from + the Settings window, without editing .desktop files. + * New Global Hotkeys plugin for Qt + * Album art in the info bar can be disabled + * Symbolic links are now followed when adding folders + * The currently playing track is displayed in bold font + * The playlist drag-and-drop indicator is now more visible + * Queue Manager, Equalizer, and Equalizer Presets windows are + now dockable + * Entry, Track, and Queue Number columns now display abbreviated + header text + * The Song Info window now displays channel count + * The mouse wheel can be used to seek in the Qt UI + * The Channel Mixer can now convert 2 to 4 channels + * Desktop notifications can have a custom timeout set + * Scrobbler submissions now include album artist + * Fixed: Cuesheet entries read incorrectly from .m3u playlists + * Fixed: Null pointer dereference in Lyrics plugin + * Fixed: Album cover image does not display from ID3v2.2 tag + * Fixed: Crash in headless mode with status icon enabled + * New translations: Albanian, Slovenian + * Support for the LyricWiki database, which has shut down, + has been removed +- Now builds with GTK frontend per default + +- Update to version 4.0.5: + * See + +- Update to version 4.0.4: + * See + +- Update to version 4.0.3: + * See + +- Update to version 4.0.2: + * Fix a regression where the Enter key did not work in the + playlist. + * Fix the seek bar changing width as the time counter increments. + * Fix the title bar getting stuck showing "Buffering". + * Add a workaround to ensure that the toolbar is not hidden on + startup. + * Fix the Composer field not being saved when updating ID3v2 + tags. + +- Update to version 4.0.1: + * Audacious now works as expected when run under KDE Plasma 5.18 + default settings. + * Audacious when running under QtUI will no longer block logout + on KDE Plasma 5.18. + * Skinned windows are placed correctly when running under GTK. + +- Update to version 4.0: + * See +- Disable building the deprecated GTK UI. +- Build with Meson. + +- Update to version 3.10.1: + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 3.10: + + New features (general): + * Shuffle history is remembered at exit to avoid repeating + songs. + * Exported M3U and PLS playlists now use relative paths by + default. + * Recursively adding subdirectories to the playlist is now + optional. + * The URL history shown in the Add/Open URL dialogues can be + cleared. + * Toolbar buttons in the GTK+ UI now show tooltip hints. + * The adplug input plugin has a new settings window. + * The Search Tool can be configured to scan for new files at + start-up. + * The number of results shown in the Search Tool is now + configurable. + * The Delete Files plugin is clearer about which files will be + deleted. + * Icons from the desktop theme are used more consistently. + * The bottom info bar now matches the colour tone of dark + themes. + * The soxr resampler has some new, more detailed settings. + + Qt UI enhancements: + * "audacious -m" now raises the main window as expected. + * The number pad Enter key now starts playback as expected. + * The Escape key can be used to return to the currently playing + playlist. + * Fix the row height of the playlist view changing + unexpectedly. + * Volume can be changed using the mouse wheel on the system + tray icon. + * Add Playlist Import/Export dialogue windows. + * Add a song info tooltip to the playlist and system tray icon. + * Add a "Play" icon to the tab of the currently playing + playlist. + * Add a label showing file path/URI to the song info window. + * URI and tag values in the song info window can be copied to + the clipboard. + * Add the missing "Search Library" command in the Winamp UI. + * Add font formatting to improve readability in the + Search Tool. + * Fix a build error (QStaticText-related) with Qt 5.10. + * Fix Audacious exiting when the settings window is closed. + * Fix font preferences not being respected in a couple of + places. + * Fix playlist position sometimes not updating when the song + changes. + * The info bar correctly changes colour when the theme changes. + + Bugs fixed: + * Non-existent files are no longer skipped when loading a + playlist. + * Fix an issue when trying to seek beyond the end of a WAV + file. + * The default ReplayGain amplification for untagged files works + again. + * Fix a crash when changing UI with the Ampache plugin enabled. + * Fix a crash on exit when using the Winamp UI and the Ampache + plugin. + * Fix a warning about --datarootdir when running ./configure. + * Reduce excessive file I/O when loading playlists. + * Fix repeated error messages when playing a short playlist on + repeat. + * PulseAudio users can now change the volume without a song + playing. + * Fix an error preventing FLAC tags from being updated. + * Add a .m4v extension to the whitelist so that audio can be + played. + * Fix a rare crash triggered by a specific sequence of playlist + edits. + * Fix incorrect "Recording On/Off" notifications in the + Winamp UI. + * Fix an error in the MPRIS 2 server affecting the playerctl + client. + + Other changes: + * The GNOME Shortcuts plugin, which has been broken since + GNOME 3.26, is gone. + * The system version of the AdPlug library is now used + (if installed). + * Audacious no longer registers as an inode/directory MIME + type handler. +- Remove audacious-no-inode-directory-mimetype.patch: fixed + upstream. +- Switch back to Gtk2 from Gtk3 for the Gtk3 version is gone. + audacious-plugins +- Add fix-linking-mpg123.patch, required on Leap 15.2 and 15.3, + fixes boo#1187525 + +- Update to version 4.1: + * New Global Hotkeys plugin for Qt +- Dropped upstream merged 0001-Implement-qthotkey-plugin.patch + +- Use %autosetup -p1 + +- Update to version 4.0.5: + * See + +- Fix Winamp Default skin by removing wrong skin file + * See + +- Add missing Qt5X11Extras dependency for qthotkey plugin. + +- Update to version 4.0.4: + * See + +- Fix build with faad + +- Update to version 4.0.3: + * See +- Rebase 0001-Implement-qthotkey-plugin.patch. + +- 0001-Implement-qthotkey-plugin.patch: Backport qthotkey from + commit 9904ac5dfaae18ee1200cfcf64693ee3f33f739a to bring back + functionality lost in update to version 4.0. + +- Update to version 4.0.2: + * No changelog available. +- Remove + audacious-plugins-qtglspectrum-qt-opengles-workaround.patch: + fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 4.0.1: + * Seeking in audio files when using the SoX resampler plugin will + no longer crash the player. + +- Update to version 4.0: + * See +- Add audacious-plugins-qtglspectrum-qt-opengles-workaround.patch: + Workaround Qt including OpenGLES headers in qtglspectrum + (commit a51aa5fc). +- Disable building the deprecated GTK UI. +- Build with Meson. + +- Update to version 3.10.1: + * Bug fixes. +- Add a licence to the package. +- Remove the now-useless "resticted" conditional. + +- Update to version 3.10: + * See the audacious package's changelog. +- Remove audacious-plugins-qt-5.10.patch: fixed upstream. +- Switch back to Gtk2 from Gtk3 for the Gtk3 version is gone. + audiofile +- Add 0008-CVE-2018-13440.patch to return AF_FAIL + in that case instead of causing NULL pointer + dereferences later (bsc#1100523, CVE-2018-13440). + +- Add 0007-set-the-output-chunk-to-the-amount-of-frames.patch to + set the output chunk to the amount of frames we pulled so that + the next module in the chain has the correct frame count ( + boo#1111586, CVE-2018-17095 ). + +- Add 0001-Always-check-the-number-of-coefficients.patch to put in code + an assert that was removed when building the code for a release + which checks the number of coeficients in WAVE.cpp . +- Add 0002-Check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-MSADPCM-decodeS.patch + to check for a multiplication overflow in MSADPCM.cpp . +- Add 0003-Check-for-multiplication-overflow-in-sfconvert.patch to + check that a multiplication doesn't overflow when calculating a + buffer size and reduce it if necessary. +- Add 0004-clamp-index-values-to-fix-index-overflow-in-IMA.cpp.patch + to clamp index values to fix an index overflow in IMA.cpp . +- Add 0005-Actually-fail-when-error-occurs-in-parseFormat.patch + so when there's an unsupported number of bits per sample or an invalid + number of samples per block, don't only print an error message using + the error handler, but actually stop parsing the file. +- Add 0006-Check-for-division-by-zero-in-BlockCodec-runPull.patch to + check for division by zero in BlockCodec::runPull +- These patches fix boo#1026978 (CVE-2017-6837, CVE-2017-6838, + CVE-2017-6839), boo#1026979 (CVE-2017-6827), + boo#1026980 (CVE-2017-6828), boo#1026981 (CVE-2017-6829), + boo#1026982 (CVE-2017-6830), boo#1026983 (CVE-2017-6831), + boo#1026984 (CVE-2017-6832), boo#1026985 (CVE-2017-6833), + boo#1026986 (CVE-2017-6834), boo#1026987 (CVE-2017-6836), + boo#1026988 (CVE-2017-6835). + +- Add audiofile-gcc6.patch to fix compile errors with GCC 6. + +- Fix overflow when changing both number of channels and sample + format (bsc#949399, CVE-2015-7747, + audiofile-CVE-2015-7747.patch). + +- Add Obsoletes audiofiles-32bit to baselibs.conf + +- Fix unresolvable dependencies for SLE11: + + add RPM conditional tests for sles_version +- Fix compilation error on SLE11: permission denied: + + add $DESTDIR to make install + +- Update to version 0.3.6: + + Implement FLAC and ALAC encoding and decoding. + + Update license to LGPL 2.1. +- Remove audiofile-0.3.5-without_examples.patch +- Add pkgconfig(flac) BuildRequires + +- Update to version 0.3.5: + + Implement IMA ADPCM encoding and decoding for AIFF-C, CAF, and WAVE files. + + Implement Microsoft ADPCM encoding for WAVE files. + + Fix calculation of IRCAM frame size. + + Record marker comments in WAVE files. + + Improve validation of compressed audio formats. + + Add support for building without documentation. +- Add audiofile-0.3.5-without_examples.patch +- Remove audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch +- Remove Obsoletes: audiofile-64bit + +- update license to new format + +- Update to version 0.3.4: + + Use hidden visibility for internal symbols. + + Add support for Sample Vision format. + + Update license for extended-precision floating-point conversion + routines. + +- Update to version 0.3.3: + + Update library's soname version. + + Link against libm. +- Drop audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch: fixed upstream. +- Rebase audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch. +- Remove call to autoreconf: it was only there for + audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch. +- Move man pages from libaudiofile0 subpackage to audiofile + subpackage, where the binaries live. +- Rename libaudiofile0 subpackage to libaudiofile1, following + upstream soversion change. + +- Update to version 0.3.2: + + Fix initialization of byte order in Creative Voice File format. + + Fix calculation of frame count in NIST SPHERE sound files. + + Remove duplicate definition of AFvirtualfile. + + Don't treat compiler warnings as errors by default. +- Clean spec file using spec-cleaner. +- Add xz BuildRequires because we can't build a package for a + xz-compressed tarball without explicitly specifying that... See + bnc#697467 for more details. + +- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable + +- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile +- Fix a typo in %_smp_mflags +- Implement shlib policy + +- Update to version 0.3.1: + + Support u-law and A-law compression in Core Audio Format files + + Add support for Creative Voice File format + + Define AFframecount and AFfileoffset as 64-bit signed integers + + Add support for extensible WAVE format +- Added audiofile-remove-unused-variables.patch for -Werror +- Added audiofile-add-lm-linker.patch to fix build error +- Drop audiofile-oldstyle.patch, fixed by upstream in a different way. +- Split documentation of the library into doc package +- Removed Obsoletes/Provides audiofil, seems outdated + +- Update to version 0.2.7: + + Fix decoding of multi-channel ADPCM WAVE files. + + Reduce unshared data in library. + + Fix handling of audio files with more than 2^24 frames. + + Add support for writing double-precision floating-point WAVE + files. + + Add support for reading certain uncompressed AIFF-C files + created by Mac OS X. + + Write fact chunk in floating-point WAVE files. +- Drop bnc_463220.patch, fixed by upstream in a different way. +- Drop audiofile-0.2.6.patch, audiofile-m4_quote_fix.diff and + audiofile-fiximplicit.patch. + +- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides + +- add baselibs.conf as a source + +- fixed implicit functions + autobench +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + autofdo +- Add llvm11-fix.patch in order to fix build with LLVM11. + +- Build with llvm10. + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 0.18: No changelog provided. +- Refresh spec file. + autossh +- add autoconf and automake as BuildRequires for autoreconf +- call autoreconf before configure otherwise setproctitle is + mis-detected as present, causing a build failure + +- Update to version 1.4g + + most notably addresses a bug that could see an alarm signal occur + without a handler, causing autossh to exit inappropriately. + +- Remove pre-12.2 parts from build recipe +- Reduce hard dependency on systemd +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars and %__-type macro indirections. + +- Update to version 1.4f + + Change behavior when ssh exits on signal. + + Fix order of arguments to kill(). + + Ignore SIGPIPE. + + Should accept the default -1 with AUTOSSH_MAXSTART + + memset() sigaction structure before use +- autossh-makefile-destdir.patch: dropped + -- support a custom count of instances - -- add functions to init script for controling autossh instances - -- change first autossh channel configuration key to - the old one to make package update seemless - -- support upto 10 autossh instances - autotrash +- Do not BuildRequire pandoc (as it does not exist on all + architectures). +- Inject autotrash.1: build will fail when this needs to be + regenerated (as pandoc would be missing). + autoyast2 +- use Y2Storage::Arch to determine whether UEFI is available (bsc#937067) +- 4.4.24 + +- During autoupgrade merge the selected product workflow in order + to execute 2nd stage modules (bsc#1192437) +- 4.4.23 + +- Do not process the <add-on/> section during the 2nd stage + (bsc#1192185). +- 4.4.22 + avfs +- Update to version 1.1.4: + * add support for lzip (ulzip module for .lz files) + +- update to 1.1.3: + - fix compilation problem on MacOS + - fix encoding problem in ulha extfs module + - add support for rar 5.0 files + - fix memleak in zstd support + - small fix for extfs udar module + - updated internal bzlib to 1.0.8 to fix security bug + +- Update to version 1.1.0: + * improved handling of single '#' to stop resolving archive + handlers when it makes no sense to add another chain + * support multiple gzip member in a single file (concatenated + gzip files) + * updated webdav module with work with latest libneon (which is + no longer bundled) + * CODA and PRELOAD support has been removed +- Changes for version 1.0.6: + * added support for libzstd (zst files) + * fixed arbitrary command execution in rsh/ssh module + * zip workaround for zip archives with unix attributes but + regular files are not marked correctly + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- First initial package for mounting tar and other bells and whistles - avrdude +- Resolve FIXME for "proper Requires". +- Generalize description. + -- work around systemd-udev warnings, by moving comments in the - udev rules file to the beginning of a line. - awesfx +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Fix the build error and warning: + Fix-the-bogus-return-in-seq_set_gus_bank.patch + Fix-unused-variable-prev-in-strtoken.patch + +- Update to version 0.5.2: + Added ALSA-native GUS patch loader (agusload) +- Change URL to github + -- fix udev script to load properly with recent udev versions -- fix for autoreconf - -- updated to version 0.5.1a: - * really fix the build without linux/awe_voice.h - -- updated to version 0.5.1: - * include awe_voice.h into the package - * include udev files into the package - awesome +- Update awesome-branding-upstream metadata: + + do not use otherproviders() conflicts: the syntax is + deprecated. + + UUse booleandeps for supplements instead of packageand(). +- Add requires(post|postun): upate-alternatives. The scriplets call + u-a unconditionally, thus we need to ensure presence of + update-alternatives. +- Properly %ghost-own /etc/alternatives/default.desktop. +- Drop duplicate LICENSE in docdir: we have it in licensedir. + +- Added 001-extern-vars-declaration-fix-gcc10.patch: Move variable + declarations from header to C file to fix build with GCC 10 + See + +- Do not hardcode default ruby, but use macro +- package LICENSE as %license + +- Update to 4.3 : + See +- Remove awesome-asciidoc-fix.patch: + asciidoctor is used instead of asciidoc now + awesome-branding-openSUSE +- Add awesome-branding-without-calendar.patch: Disable the calendar + widget for now (boo#1182240). + ax25-tools +- Update to version 0.0.10-rc5 + * No upstream changelog provided + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- Update to current CVS with some bug fixes - -- Updated to newest CVS version including Unix98-PTY-Support for mkiss - -- fix for factory -- ax25-tools_ax25_axspawn.c__fix-bufferoverflow.diff -- ax25-tools_rose_rsdwnlink.c__fix-destbufferoverflow.diff -- ax25-tools_rose_rsuplnk.c__fix-destbufferoverflow.diff -- ax25-tools_kiss_mkiss.c__fix-include.diff - axel +- update to 2.17.10: + * Potential NULL pointer dereference + * Fixed incrementig procedure for delay_time + * Fixed speed limiting + * Made stop signal handler portable + * Build system improvements + - Now you can specify where OpenSSL is installed + - Further improved code portability + * Optimized wildcard search in URLs + * Added human-readable file size report at the begining of downloads + * Reworked Request Range support check + * Added "Accept-Encoding" header to requests + * Updated the documentation + * Fixed data type for sizes and offsets on 32-bit systems + * Fixed duplicated non-default port when using proxy + * Fixed request range comparison and overflow + * i8n fixes and updates for Simplified Chinese, Dutch, German, + Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Also updates for Indonesian, + Japanese, Russian. +- CREDITS and AUTHORS files removed from upstream + +- update to 2.17.9: + * Fixed insecure mode certificate checking error. + * Fixed progress bar for large number of connections. + * Fixed some race conditions with conn_t. + * Removed limitations on state file name length. + * Removed limitations on HTTP query length. + * Fixed a memory leak when deleting the download state file. + * Added coding style aid and licensing rules to + * Updated and improved + * Cleanup of code & build system. + * Made the help flag report axel's version number. + * Updated Chinese translation. +- run spec-cleaner + * remove rpm groups + ayatana-ido +- Update to version 0.9.0: + * Switch to CMake from autotools. + * Add better documentation. + * data/ Add glib-2.0 dependency. + * src/idoappointmentmenuitem.c: Construct the basic menu item + using the pixbuf property. + * src/basicmenuitem.c: Add GdkPixbuf source support for the + icon. + * src/idoremovablemenuitem.c: Replace grid with box to fix + a11y. + * src/idolocationmenuitem.c: Fix deprecated g_time_zone_new + warning. + * Fix a unit test failure on Ubuntu 20.04. + * Use consistent Ayatana IDO names. This version of Ayatana IDO + breaks NG system indicators before 0.9.x. +- Drop pkgconfig-requires.patch: merged upstream. +- Add ayatana-ido-0.9.0-libm.patch: Link with libm to fix build. +- Restore Group. + +- Update to version 0.8.2 + * Add a new menu item type: IDO Removable. + * Add optional markup to the basic menu item. + * Replace x-canonical attributes solely used by Ayatana Indicators + * Drop IDO Message Dialog. + * Centre playback menu item spinner/Pad application menu item label. + * Centre volume control/Stretch calendar horizontally. + * Updated colour getter for playback control. +- Drop upstream fixed + * ayatana-ido-glib-2.58.patch + * 0001-gtk_widget_get_state-is-deprecated.patch +- Add pkgconfig-requires.patch + * Add all public dependencies to pkgconfig Requires section + +- Add upstream patch to fix build: + * 0001-gtk_widget_get_state-is-deprecated.patch + azove +- Modernize specfile. + backintime +- Update to version 1.3.1 + * Match old and new rsync version format + * Keep permissions of an existing mountpoint from being overridden + * Fix FileNotFoundError exception in mount.mounted + * Fix: 'TempPasswordThread' object has no attribute 'isAlive' + * Fix: YEAR missing in config + * Fix: SSH module didn't send identification string while checking if remote host is avilable (#1030) + * QT: Fix notifyplugin + * QT: Fix theming: Use link Color instead of hardcoded lightGray + backward-cpp +- Update to version 1.5 + * BACKWARD_CXX_SOURCE_PREFIXES and many bug fixes +- drop patch GNUInstallDirs.patch, fixed upstream +- run spec-cleaner + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + baka-mplayer +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- cleanup specfile + bandwidth +- Update to 1.9.4: + * Removed unfinished AVX512 code that was causing a crash + on Xeon CPUs. + barcode +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Build using -ffat-lto-objects +- Run spec-cleaner +- Remove obsolete conditions and unneeded build requirements +- Fix the -devel package group + -- added leak-fix.patch (bnc#537525). - -- reenabled pdf creation, the ps2pdf is fixed now - (*nohtmltoinfo.patch) - barrier +- Updated to version 2.4.0: + * Barrier now supports client identity verification (fixes CVE-2021-42072, + CVE-2021-42073). + Previously a malicious client could connect to Barrier server without any + authentication and send application-level messages. This made the attack + surface of Barrier significantly larger. Additionally, in case the malicious + client got possession of a valid screen name by brute forcing or other means + it could modify the clipboard contents of the server. + To support seamless upgrades from older versions of Barrier this is + currently disabled by default. The feature can be enabled in the settings + dialog. If enabled, older clients of Barrier will be rejected. + Barrier now uses SHA256 fingerprints for establishing security of encrypted + SSL connections. After upgrading client to new version the existing server + fingerprint will need to be approved again. Client and server will show both + SHA1 and SHA256 server fingerprints to allow interoperability with older + versions of Barrier. + Bugfixes: + * Fixed build failure on mips*el and riscv64 architecture. + * Barrier no longer uses openssl CLI tool for any operations and hooks into + the openssl library directly. + * More X11 clipboard MIME types have been mapped to corresponding converters + (#344). + * Fixed setup of multiple actions associated with a hotkey. + * Fixed setup of hotkeys with special characters such as comma and semicolon + (#778). + * Fixed transfer of non-ASCII characters coming from a Windows server in + certain cases (#527). + * Barrier will now regenerate server certificate if it's invalid instead of + failing to launch (#802) + * Added support for additional keys on Sun Microsystems USB keyboards (#784). + * Updated Chinese translation. + * Updated Slovak translation. + * Theme icons are now preferred to icons distributed together with Barrier + (#471). + Features: + * Added --drop-target option that improves drag and drop support on Windows + when Barrier is being run as a portable app. + * The --enable-crypto command line option has been made the default to reduce + chances of accidental security mishaps when configuring Barrier from command + line. A new --disable-crypto command line option has been added to + explicitly disable encryption. + * Added support for randomart images for easier comparison of SSL certificate + fingerprints. The algorithm is identical to what OpenSSH uses. + * Implemented a configuration option for Server GUI auto-start. + * Made it possible to use keyboard instead of mouse to modify screen layout. + * Added support for keyboard backlight media keys + * Added support for Eisu_toggle and Muhenkan keys + * Added --profile-dir option that allows to select custom profile directory. +- Bundle Gulrak Filesystem Headers (New Dependency) +- Enable Tests +- Add fix-build.patch + +- Drop use of barrier-use-system-includes.patch use commandline + flag instead + batctl +- Update to version 2021.0 + * Drop support for batman-adv's sysfs+debugfs + * Drop support for automatic destruction of empty meshifs + * Drop support for deprecated log command support + * Drop of the legacy vis subcommands + * Add per interface hop penalty command + * Add tcpdump support for MCAST TVLV, unicast fragments and coded + packets + * Add support for hardif specific settings + * Add multicast_fanout setting subcommand + * Add hop_penalty setting subcommand + * Add gateway selection manpage section for B.A.T.M.A.N. V + * New subcommand "event" to receive netlink notifications + * Bugs squashed: + * Fix query of meshif's ap_isolation status + * Ignore "interface already exists" error during "interface add" + * Fix endianness in ICMPv6 Echo Request/Reply parsing + * Fix parsing of radiotap headers on big endian systems + * Fix error code on throughputmeter errors + * Re-integrate support for translation table unicast/multicast + filter + * Avoid incorrect warning about disabled mesh interface when + debugfs support is not enabled in batman-adv + * Allow to select routing algorithm during creation of interface + * implement support for multicast RTR flags + * avoid some kernel deprecation warning by using more generic + netlink over sysfs + * use type specific prefixes to select mesh interface or vlan + instead of '-m' + * implement netlink based support for remaining sysfs-only features + * remove non-netlink support for translating MAC addresses to originators + * introduce support for batadv meshif, hardif and vlan configuration via netlink + * replace multicast_mode with multicast_forceflood settings subcommand + +- Update to version 2018.1. + * Synchronization of batman-adv netlink and packet headers. + * Add DAT cache and multicast flags netlink support. + * Disable translation support for non-unicast mac addresses. + -- Update to 2012.4.0 version: - * now maintains a list of optional features and informs the user - about a possibly deactivated optional feature. - * the sysfs / debugfs code has been refactored to remove redundant - boilerplate code. - * option to display the newly added backbone gateway table - -- patch license to follow standard - bats +- boo#1193177: Fix build on Leap and SLE + +- update to 1.5.0: + * new command line flags + * `--verbose-run`: Make `run` print `$output` by default + * `-x`, `--trace`: Print test commands as they are executed (like `set -x`)` + * `--show-output-of-passing-tests`: Print output of passing tests + * `--print-output-on-failure`: Automatically print the value of `$output` on + failed tests + * `--gather-test-outputs-in <directory>`: Gather the output of failing **and** + passing tests as files in directory + * Experimental: add return code checks to `run` via `!`/`-<N>` + * `` and `` take an optional second parameter for the lib + folder name to allow for multilib install, e.g. into lib64 + * add `run` flag `--keep-empty-lines` to retain empty lines in `${lines[@]}` + * add `run` flag `--separate-stderr` which also fills `$stderr` and + `$stderr_lines` + * don't glob `run`'s `$output` when splitting into `${lines[@]}` + * remove empty line after test with pretty formatter on some terminals + * don't run setup_file/teardown_file on files without tests, e.g. due to + filtering + * print final line without newline on Bash 3.2 for midtest (ERREXIT) failures + * abort with error on missing flock/shlock when running in parallel mode + * improved `set -u` test and fixed some unset variable accesses + * shorten suite/file/test temporary folder paths to leave enough space even on + restricted systems + * added BATS_TEST_TMPDIR, BATS_FILE_TMPDIR, BATS_SUITE_TMPDIR + * added checks and improved documentation for `$BATS_TMPDIR` + * the docker container now uses [tini]( as the + container entrypoint to improve signal forwarding + * script to uninstall bats from a given prefix + * replace preprocessed file path (e.g. `/tmp/bats-run-22908-NP0f9h/bats.23102.src`) + with original filename in stdout/err (but not FD3!) + * print aborted command on SIGINT/CTRL+C + * print error message when BATS_RUN_TMPDIR could not be created + +- Update to 1.3.0 + * Added custom test-file extension via BATS_FILE_EXTENSION when + searching for test files in a directory + * Added TAP13 formatter, including millisecond timing + * Recursive suite mode will follow symlinks now + * Split options for (file-) --report-formatter and (stdout) + - -formatter + WARNING: This changes the meaning of --formatter junit. + stdout will now show unified xml instead of TAP. From now on, + please use --report-formatter junit to obtain the .xml report file! + * Removed --parallel-preserve-environment flag, as this is the default + * Preprocessed files are no longer removed if --no-tempdir-cleanup + is specified + * Fix internal failures due to unbound variables when test files + use set -u + * Fix internal failures due to changes to $PATH in test files + * Fix hangs on CTRL+C + * Make BATS_TEST_NUMBER count per file again + * Performance improvements + * Improved documentation +- Dropped upstream merged + bsc1180135-0001-fix-dont-use-unbound-variables-in-setup-methods.patch + +- Backport <>. bsc#1180135 + + bsc1180135-0001-fix-dont-use-unbound-variables-in-setup-methods.patch + +- update to 1.2.1: + * added: + - JUnit output and extensible formatter rewrite (#246) + - load function now reads from absolute and relative paths, and $PATH (#282) + - Beginner-friendly examples in /docs/examples (#243) + - @peshay's bats-file fork contributed to bats-core/bats-file (#276) + * changed: + - Duplicate test names now error (previous behaviour was to issue a warning) (#286) + - Changed default formatter in Docker to pretty by adding ncurses to Dockerfile, override with --tap (#239) + - Replace "readlink -f" dependency with Bash solution (#217) + +- Install to /usr/libexec on Tumbleweed + +- Require gnu_parallel so that 'bats --jobs' works out of the box and is tested + as part of the integration tests of the package. + bazel-skylib +- Add support for versioned packages. This allows to provide + multiple versions of this package during the Leap version + lifecycle. + +- update to 1.0.3 + * copy_file: Add parameter to allow symlinks (#252) + * Create Gazelle language for Starlark (#251) + * Create a helper rule (select_file) for selecting a file from outputs of another rule (#233) + - Significant Changes + * Move Gazelle extension to //gazelle/bzl and change package name + * Stop depending on rules_pkg through the federation. (#259) + - Incompatible Changes + * Remove links to maprules (#213) + * Remove old_sets.bzl (#231) + * It has been deprecated for a while, the code is not really compatible with + Bazel depset-related changes. +- from 1.0.2 + * Added types.is_set() to test whether an arbitrary object is a set as defined by sets.bzl. + - Incompatible Changes + * @bazel_skylib//:lib.bzl is removed. You now must specify specific + modules via @bazel_skylib//lib:.bzl. + * maprule.bzl is removed. + * Added types.is_set() to test whether an arbitrary object is a set as defined by sets.bzl. +- from 1.0.0 + * @bazel_skylib//:lib.bzl is removed. You now must specify specific modules + * via @bazel_skylib//lib:.bzl. + * maprule.bzl is removed. + - New Features + * Added types.is_set() to test whether an arbitrary object is a set as defined by sets.bzl. + bbe +- Use modern macros for building + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + bcal +- Update to version 2.2 + * Support [`calc`]( + for multi-base expressions + * To use `calc`, `export BCAL_USE_CALC=1` + * Fix lint issues + * Fix issue #30 + * Updated auto-generated packages + * More portable Makefile + * Delete bcal-2.1_gcc9.patch, it was merged into upsteam. + bcm20702a1-firmware +- Fix build on Leap which does not have %_firmwaredir + +- fix boo#1175038 - remove unnecessary %postun scriptlet that is + incorrectly deleting all package files on upgrade; all files are + already listed in %files as %ghost so no scriptlet is needed. + +- use %_firmwaredir + bcmatroska2 +- Update to latest commit in order to be able to build the + latest version of mediastreamer2. + The 'Provides' field was added because we need mediastreamer2 to + depend on this latest version of the library, but upstream didn't + release a new tag. +- Rebase bcmatroska2-include-subdir.patch + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Modernise spec file + bctoolbox +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.46: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * no changes +- removed workaround for building with GCC11 + +- Update to 5.0.35: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.0.3: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.0.0: + * Tester API: add API to set maximum number of failed tests. + * Few bugfixes + +- Update to 4.5.20 + * no changelog available + +- Update to 4.5.15 + * No changelog available + +- Update to 4.5.10 (no changelog available) +- Apply GCC11 workaround only on Factory/Tumbleweed + +- Update to 4.5.3 + * No changelog available. + +- Workaround to allow building with GCC11 + +- Update to 4.5.0: + * Encrypted VFS API. + * Callback for client certificate query is now passed with the full list of subjects. + * miscellaneous small things + +- Update to 4.4.33 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.29 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.24 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.21 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.13 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 4.4.7 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 4.4.6 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 4.4.0 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 4.3.1 (no changelog) + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Add gcc9-stringop-bogus-warning.patch in order to fix a misleading + warning by GCC 9 (boo#1121200). + +- Remove bctoolbox-fix-no-git.patch: it is better to fix the issue + in packages where it occurs. + bcunit +- use correct archive extensione (xz instead of gz) + +- Small packaging cleanups + +- Update to latest master. This is needed for us in order to be able to + update bctoolbox, ortp and bzrtp to the latest version +- Update bcunit-sover.patch accordingly + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- The license is actually LGPL - -- Update to release 2.1.3: - * prune the static-devel subpackage as it is pointless. - * Various upstream fixes with no changelog. -- Cleanup with spec-cleaner to have the spec pretty - -- Update to new upstream release 2.1.2 - * modified dtd and xsl files to support inactive suites/tests - * Added ability to deactivate suite/tests dynamically - * Removed constraint that suite/test names be unique -- Remove redundant tags/sections -- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags -- Add autotools BuildRequires for factory/12.2 -- Fix use of implicitly defined function in source - (do not declare that post-build-checks's output was wrong) -- Add missing DT_NEEDED entry on ncurses - -- fixed 'no-pkg-config-provides' - beets +- Add patch to fix a crash due to invalid use of the ast module + (boo#1178199): + * 0001-Compatibility-with-breaking-changes-to-the-ast-module.patch +- Use %license + +- Update to 1.4.9: + * This small update is part of our attempt to release new versions more often! + There are a few important fixes, and we're clearing the deck for a change + to beets' dependencies in the next version. + * The new feature is: + * You can use the NO_COLOR environment variable to disable terminal colors. + * There are some fixes in this release: + * Fix a regression in the last release that made the image resizer fail to + detect older versions of ImageMagick. + * gmusic: The oauth_file config option now supports more flexible path + values, including ~ for the home directory. + * gmusic: Fix a crash when using version 12.0.0 or later of the gmusicapi + module. + * Fix an incompatibility with Python 3.8's AST changes. + * Here's a note for packagers: + * pathlib is now an optional test dependency on Python 3.4+, removing the + need for a Debian patch. +- Remove fix-pathlib-requirement.diff: Incorporated upstream + +- Update to 1.4.8: + * This release is far too long in coming, but it's a good one. There is the + usual torrent of new features and a ridiculously long line of fixes, but + there are also some crucial maintenance changes. We officially support + Python 3.7 and 3.8, and some performance optimizations can (anecdotally) + make listing your library more than three times faster than in the previous + version. + * The new core features are: + * A new config-aunique configuration option allows setting default options + for the aunique template function. + * The albumdisambig field no longer includes the MusicBrainz release group + disambiguation comment. A new releasegroupdisambig field has been added. + * The modify command now allows resetting fixed attributes. For example, + beet modify -a artist:beatles artpath! resets artpath attribute from matching albums back to the default value. + * A new importer option, ignore_data_tracks, lets you skip audio tracks + contained in data files. + * There are some new plugins: + * The playlist can query the beets library using M3U playlists. + * The loadext allows loading of SQLite extensions, primarily for use with + the ICU SQLite extension for internationalization. + * The subsonicupdate can automatically update your Subsonic library. + * And many improvements to existing plugins: + * lastgenre: Added option -A to match individual tracks and singletons. + * play: The plugin can now emit a UTF-8 BOM, fixing some issues with + foobar2000 and Winamp. + * gmusic: + * Add a new option to automatically upload to Google Play Music library + on track import. + * Add new options for Google Play Music authentication. + * replaygain: albumpeak on large collections is calculated as the average, + not the maximum. + * chroma: + * Now optionally has a bias toward looking up more relevant releases + according to the preferred configuration options. + * Fingerprint values are now properly stored as strings, which prevents + strange repeated output when running beet write. + * convert: The plugin now has an id3v23 option that allows you to override + the global id3v23 option. + * spotify: + * The plugin now uses OAuth for authentication to the Spotify API. + * The plugin now works as an import metadata provider: you can match + tracks and albums using the Spotify database. + * ipfs: The plugin now supports a nocopy option which passes that flag to + ipfs. + * discogs: The plugin now has rate limiting for the Discogs API. + * mpdstats, mpdupdate: These plugins now use the MPD_PORT environment + variable if no port is specified in the configuration file. + * bpd: + * MPD protocol commands consume and single are now supported along with + updated semantics for repeat and previous and new fields for status. + The bpd server now understands and ignores some additional commands. + * MPD protocol command idle is now supported, allowing the MPD version to + be bumped to 0.14. + * MPD protocol command decoders is now supported. + * The plugin now uses the main beets logging system. The special-purpose + - -debug flag has been removed. + * mbsync: The plugin no longer queries MusicBrainz when either the + mb_albumid or mb_trackid field is invalid. See also the discussion on + Google Groups + * export: The plugin now also exports path field if the user explicitly + specifies it with -i parameter. This only works when exporting library + fields. + * acousticbrainz: The plugin now declares types for all its fields, which + enables easier querying and avoids a problem where very small numbers + would be stored as strings. + * Some improvements have been focused on improving beets' performance: + * Querying the library is now faster: + * We only convert fields that need to be displayed. + * We now compile templates once and reuse them instead of recompiling + them to print out each matching object. + * Querying the library for items is now faster, for all queries that do + not need to access album level properties. This was implemented by + lazily fetching the album only when needed. + * absubmit, badfiles: Analysis now works in parallel (on Python 3 only). + * mpdstats: Use the currentsong MPD command instead of playlist to get the + current song, improving performance when the playlist is long. + * Several improvements are related to usability: + * The disambiguation string for identifying albums in the importer now + shows the catalog number. + * Added whitespace padding to missing tracks dialog to improve readability. + * The move command now lists the number of items already in-place. + * Modify selection can now be applied early without selecting every item. + * Beets now emits more useful messages during startup if SQLite returns an + error. The SQLite error message is now attached to the beets message. + * Fixed a confusing typo when the convert plugin copies the art covers. + * Many other fixes + * The full changelog can be read at + +- Remove fix_python_3_7_compatibility.patch: No longer needed + +- Add fix_python_3_7_compatibility.patch: fix compatibility with python 3.7 + +- Update to 1.4.7: + * This new release includes lots of new features in the importer and the + metadata source backends that it uses. We've changed how the beets importer + handles non-audio tracks listed in metadata sources like MusicBrainz: + * The importer now ignores non-audio tracks (namely, data and video tracks) + listed in MusicBrainz. Also, a new option, ignore_video_tracks, + lets you return to the old behavior and include these video tracks. + * A new importer option, ignored_media, can let you skip certain media + formats. + * There are other subtle improvements to metadata handling in the importer: + * In the MusicBrainz backend, beets now imports the + musicbrainz_releasetrackid field. + * A new importer configuration option, artist_credit, will tell beets to + prefer the artist credit over the artist when autotagging. + * And there are even more new features: + * replaygain: The beet replaygain command now has --force, --write and + - -nowrite options. + * A new importer configuration option, incremental_skip_later, lets you + avoid recording skipped directories to the list of "processed" directories + in incremental mode. This way, you can revisit them later with another + import. + * fetchart: The configuration options now support finer-grained control via + the sources option. You can now specify the search order for different + matching strategies within different backends. + * web: A new cors_supports_credentials configuration option lets in-browser + clients communicate with the server even when it is protected by an + authorization mechanism (a proxy with HTTP authentication enabled, + for example). + * A new sonosupdate plugin automatically notifies Sonos controllers to + update the music library when the beets library changes. + * discogs: The plugin now stores master release IDs into mb_releasegroupid. + It also "simulates" track IDs using the release ID and the track list + position. + * discogs: Fetch the original year from master releases. + * Lots of bug fixes. + * The full changelog can be read at + + belcard +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * no changes + +- Update to version 5.0.49: + * No changes + +- Update to version 5.0.46: + * No changes + +- Update to version 5.0.36: + * isspace cannot be used with int on windows + +- Update to version 4.5.20: + * No changes +- fix several RPMLINT warning + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * No changelog available. + +- Update to version 4.4.0: + * Fix building with Clang 10. +- Move belr grammar files from belcard-devel to a new belcard-data + package. + +- Update to version 4.3.1: + * No changelog available. + belle-sip +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * Fix a crash when receiving parsing a rtcp-fb attribute with just + fb-id but no value + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.46: + * Fix possible REGISTER endless loop when 200 OK from REGISTER is + not received through the same connection as the REGISTER + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * add option to deactivate potentially weak digest authentication schemes + * fix via header of CANCEL request + * fix null pointer crash when receiving an INVITE without from-tag + * fix prack auth + * fix special case dns resolver issue and add test + * fix cast warning + * implement UDP listening point without server socket + +- Move belr grammar files from belle-sip-devel to a new + belle-sip-data package. + +- Update to 5.0.0: + * added SDP API for Capability Negociation headers (RFC5939). + * SDP parser no longer uses antlr, but belr. + * Fixed erroneous closing of file description 0, causing unexpected behaviors. + * Fixed crash when receiving invalid from header. +- drop fix-build.patch +- add belr-devel build requirement +- drop antlr build requirement + +- fix several RPMLINT warning +- Update to 4.5.20: + * Fix some GCC warning + * Fix crash while receiving some kind of invalid from header +- Update to 4.5.15: + * Fix bellesip parser on IPV4 inside IPV6 +- Update to 4.5.10: + * Fix cast as causing belle_sip_uri_equals_with_omission to return false negatives + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * Use DNSService framework on iOS, to workaround the local network permission request triggered on iOS >= 14 + * Fix routing according to RFC3263: uri with a port number shall not be resolved with SRV. + +- Update to version 4.4.0 (changes since 4.3.1): + * Now get custom well_known_port (either sip or sips) if set, + exported well known port getter and setter to be used in + public api. + * Introduce bufferising file body handler. + * Fix potential crashes when processing invalid responses or + requests. + * Add Session-Expires header support (from RFC 4028). + * Fix bad algorithm for channel selection. + * Add a new cppListToClist method on hybrid objects. + * Replace std::mem_fun by std::mem_fn, as the former is + deprecated. + * User body handler gets buffering too. + * Make received parameter in VIA header compatible with url + encoded IPv6 address + ( + * Print C++ object type names using typeid. + * Make belle_sip_main_loop_do_later() to be thread-safe. + * Clear all data of the control pipe on each main loop + iteration. + * Prevent bad behaviour when creating a belle_sip_source_t with a + timeout higher than UINT_MAX/2. + +- Update to version 4.3.1 (changes since 1.6.3): + * RFC3262 (100 rel) support. + * Use maddr for http uris. + * Install cmake config files into the correct path. + * Enable faster retry upon io/error. + * Add wakelocks counters to destroy powermanager only if there is + no more initialised wakelocks + * Send keepalive on channels that are in out state IDLE only + + add method to send a keep alive manually. + * Fix http provider auth using SHA-256. + * Use BcTooblox macros for source archive generation. + * Fix loop of REGISTER when the server replies 500 Internal + error. + * Export some functions related to escaped characters. + * Process 100rel for answers from 101 to 199. + * CMakeLists.txt: Introduce ENABLE_PACKAGE_SOURCE option. + * Improve prack behaviour in case of reliable response + retransmition. + * The licence is now GPLv3+. + * Remove some useless files. +- Drop belle-sip-fix-dns-build.patch, + belle-sip-fix-pkgconfig.patch. + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update RPM group and descriptions. + +- Add belle-sip-fix-dns-build.patch: Pass -Wno-override-init to the + compiler while building dns.c (commit 99dda3d1). + belr +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * no changes + +- Update to version 5.0.49: + * No changes + +- Update to version 5.0.46: + * No changes + +- Update to version 5.0.36: + * Cast on assert to remove warning on x64 + * Remove a useless usage shared_ptr<> in the Parser and Regognizers + +- Update to version 4.5.20: + * No changes +- fix several RPMLINT warning + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * No changelog available. + +- Update to version 4.4.0: + * Fix a bug with the use of createRootObject(). + It wasn't passed the size of what was really parsed, which was + confusing for the DebugParser and the output of belr-parse tool. + * Add Iphlpapi dependency for using liblinphone + GetAdaptersAddresses. + +- Update to version 4.3.1 (changes since 0.1.3): + * belr-compiler tool, to generate binary grammar files, that can + be loaded hundred times faster than txt grammars. + * Optimise size of user application object code, due to template + instanciation of belr classes. + * Install cmake config files into the correct path. + * Use BcTooblox macros for source archive generation. + * CMakeLists.txt: Introduce the ENABLE_PACKAGE_SOURCE option. + * Licence moves to GNU GPLv3+. + * Add better documentation in README. + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build +- Use %autopatch + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + bemenu +- Update to 0.6.4: + * fix scaling caused issue on window redimension on wayland #197 + * add -c center mode on wayland #198 + * Add option to configure cursor height #201 + * Add -s to disable title spacing on entries #203 + * Fix incorrect line height #207 + * lib/renderers/curses/curses.c: always use "%s"-style + format for printf()-style functions #211 + * Add horizontal alignment and improve center alignment #209 + * Add paste functionality #210 + * Instruction for installing dependencies #214 + +- Update to 0.6.3: + * Fixes key repeat rate in wayland + * Ctrl-c now exits bemenu in x11 and wayland + * Hidden files (dot files) are now ignored in bemenu-run + +- Update to 0.6.2: + * Handle multiple seats (more) correctly + +- Update to 0.6.1: + * Makes it possible to show bemenu on focused monitor on + wayland #174 + +- Update to 0.6.0: + * Add custom key support + * Add key_pending field to sync wayland keyboard event loops + * Add --filter option. + * Support hiding filter input (#150) + * Use -m option for setting monitor name and monitor + * Various fixes + +- Update to 0.5.0: + * This release fixes rendering issues under HiDPI configuraitons + Notable new features: + * --scrollbar none + * BEMENU_SCALE env variable which can be used to force scaling + factor + benchmark +- Update to version 1.5.5: + * [NFCI] Drop warning to satisfy clang's -Wunused-but-set-variable diag (#1174) + * Add support for new architecture loongarch (#1173) + * Use modern clang/libc++ for sanitizers (#1171) + * Enable various sanitizer builds in github actions (#1167) + * Random interleaving of benchmark repetitions - the sequel (fixes #1051) (#1163) + * Fix leak in test, and provide path to remove leak from library (#1169) + * [NFCI] Make BenchmarkRunner non-internal to it's .cpp file + * [NFCI] RunBenchmarks(): extract FlushStreams()/Report() functions + * sort the results (#1168) + * Make 'complexity reports' cache per-family, not global (#1166) + * Introduce per-family instance index (#1165) + * Introduce "family index" field into JSON output (#1164) + * BenchmarkFamilies::FindBenchmarks(): correctly use std::vector<>::reserve() + * Ensure that we print repetition count even when it was specified via flag `--benchmark_repetitions=` + * Revert "Implementation of random interleaving. (#1105)" (#1161) + * Fix perf counter argument parsing (#1160) + * Run build-and-test on all branches + * Un-disable github actions :] + * Run build-and-test on all branches + * Set theme jekyll-theme-hacker + * bump version to v1.5.4 + * Removing freenode from README + * Fix pedantic compilation flag violation (#1156) + * fix version recorded in releases (#1047) + * Implementation of random interleaving. (#1105) + * remove appveyor and add as IRC resource + * [PFM] Extend perf counter support to multi-threaded cases. (#1153) + * Support -Wsuggest-override (#1059) + * Refactor `BenchmarkInstance` (#1148) + * Remove travis configs that are covered by actions (#1145) + * remove done TODOs + * add g++-6 to ubuntu-14.04 (#1144) + * Add MSVC ARM64 support to cmake (#1090) + * Add ubuntu-14.04 build and test workflow (#1131) + * Clean -Wreserved-identifier instances (#1143) + * Fix StrSplit empty string case (#1142) + * cmake: Add explicit BENCHMARK_ENABLE_LIBPFM option (#1141) + * Add API to benchmark allowing for custom context to be added (#1137) + * Add `benchmark_context` flag that allows per-run custom context. (#1127) + * Add multiple compiler support to build-and-test workflow (#1128) + * enable markdown rendering on github pages + * Support optional, user-directed collection of performance counters (#1114) + +- Update to version 1.5.3: + * Be compliant and return 0 from main. + * Fix windows warning on type conversion (#1121) + * Add verbosity to CI logs (#1122) + * fix cmake issue with referencing a non-existing function argument (#1118) + * [tools] Fix dumb mistake in previous commit - print aggregates only means aggregates, not non-aggregates + * [tools] Don't forget to print UTest when printing aggregates only + * [sysinfo] Fix CPU Frequency reading on AMD Ryzen CPU's (#1117) + * Use fewer ramp up repetitions when KeepRunningBatch is used (#1113) + * Add bazel status to README + * Re-enable bazel without bazelisk and with scoped build/test targets (#1109) +- Drop no longer needed 0001-src-benchmark_register.h-add-missing-limits-inclusio.patch + +- Add upstream patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1181865): + * 0001-src-benchmark_register.h-add-missing-limits-inclusio.patch + +- Update to version 1.5.2: + * Timestamps in output are now rfc3339-formatted #965 + * overflow warnings with timers fixed #980 + * Python dependencies are now covered by a requirements.txt #994 + * JSON output cleaned up when no CPU scaling is present (#1008) + * CartesianProduct added for easier settings of multiple ranges (#1029) + * Python bindings improvements: + + Custom main functions (#993) + + A rename to google_benchmark (#199 + + More state methods bound (#1037) with a builder interface (#1040) + * Workflow additions in github include pylint (#1039) and bindings runs (#1041) + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 1.5.0: + * Bump CMake minimum version to 3.5.1 (see + * Add threads and repetitions to the JSON outputa + * Memory management and reporting hooks + * Documentation improvements + * Miscellaneous build fixes +- Disable gtest part of tests untill new gtest is available + +- Use arch-specific libdir in pkgconfig file + +- Use arch-specific directories for support files + +- Enable lto +- Update dependencies + +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * Realign expectation that State::iterations() returns 0 before + the main benchmark loop begins. + * CMake error message fixes + * Enscripten check fix + * Bazel pthread linking + * Negative regexes + * gmock fix + bff +- Update to 1.0.5: + * Add samples written in Brainfuck. + biabam +- Convert changes file to proper UTF-8 format: new + version of RPM are getting strict in interpreting files. + -- Update VERSION too - bibletime +- Update to 3.0.2: + * Fixed a build-error caused by an C++11 incompatibility (bug #332) + * Fixed copying of text disabled with Qt versions earlier than than + 5.13 (bug #334) + * Fixed some undefined behavior and out-of-bounds memory errors + * Fixed missing documentation in Windows + * Updated translations + * Added ability to copy docs into build during install and packaging + +- Update to 3.0.1: + * Improved tuning of scrolling speed. + * Improved handling of fonts to fix many bugs, including a switch to Qt's + native font chooser widget in settings dialog, because of many serious bugs + in our legacy implementation. + * Improved sample text in settings dialog. + * Improved behavior of the mag view to be more similar to pre-3.0 behavior. + * Increased maximum column count from 4 to 10. + * Removed the orphaned and broken tests for BibleTime. + * Updated translations, including a new user interface translations to + Japanese and Ukrainian, a new Handbook translation to Russian, and a new + Howto translation to Ukrainian. + * Fixed DisplayView.qml getting incorrectly installed under /usr/bin/ on some + platforms. + * Fixed some compatibility issues with different Qt versions. + * Fixed a crash when editing personal commentary. + * Fixed highlighting of selected text. + * Fixed dragging of links. + * Fixed modules rearranging themselves. + * Fixed logic related to clicking on verse numbers. + * Fixed custom font of first column being incorrectly applied to all columns. + * Fixed preview in settings dialog displaying text in red. + * Fixed lexicons not being displayed. + * Fixed drag and drop in mag view and search dialog. + * Fixed no text being displayed for some ThML modules. + * Fixed undefined behavior and crashes from opening menus to select works by + working around a broken QMenu interface (QTBUG-77273). + * Fixes to handling of languages, including a caching discrepancy which + caused some settings not being properly applied before restarting + BibleTime. + * Fixed saving of chapters not working properly. + * Fixed handling of nested tags for OSIS works. + * Fixes to handling of PageUp/PageDown keys when scrolling out of bounds. + Note that when BibleTime is compiled against Qt 5.9, one might still + experience a trivial glitch where only part of the module is displayed. + Pressing PageUp/PageDown again may help to work around this. +- Remove displayview.patch + +- Remove the unneeded QtWebKit build dependency. + +- Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov + +- Update to 3.0: + Enhancements: + * Text windows now have continuous scrolling from the beginning + to end of a module. At the end of a chapter just keep scrolling + to see the next chapter. + * You don't have to open the Personal Commentary for writing. Edit + it in a normal text window or even when it is a parallel column in a text window. + * Automatic text scrolling up or down with variable speed and pause. + * Copy to clipboard by choosing the beginning and ending reference. + * A search filter was added in the "Install Works" page of the + Bookshelf Manager. + * You can select text from a single column when using parallel + texts in a window. + * Added a user interface to delete or create search indices. + * The first time the Bookshelf Manager is used in a session, the + remote libraries are updated. + * Improved popup menus and icons for module chooser buttons and + text window headers. + * Show module unlock information in about text when available. + * Improved unlocking of modules. + Bugs fixed: + * Locked Bible not unlocking properly. + * Place not being saved in Daily Devotional. + * Problems with MAG window references using hebrew modules OSHB + and OSMHB. + * Unable to create a search scope for deuterocanonical books. + * Searching with quotes not working. + * MAG windows Strongs references not working unless config + settings were saved. +- Add displayview.patch + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + +- Update desktop file categories + -- udpate to 2.10.1: - * Implemented support for localized module config entries. - * Fixed an OSIS rendering bug. - * Fixed some HTML rendering issues. - * Fixed key chooser bug in book windows. - * Fixed double loading of some settings. - * Fixed Text Filter settings not being saved. - * Various install manager bug fixes. - * Various other minor fixes and optimizations. - -- update to 2.10.0: - + Enhancements: - ++ Uses Sword library version 1.7. - ++ Added Find context menu for search within each window. Matching - words are highlighted and navigated using next or previous buttons. - ++ Added support for HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP transports in BibleTime. - ++ Implemented saving of font family and size in HTML commentary editor. - + Bugs fixed: - ++ Fixed problem where certain alternate versification bibles did not - display old testament. - ++ Fixed Windows Control Panel version was to be correct. - ++ Fixed search analysis save dialog filters. - ++ Fixed search analysis save asking for overwrite confirmation twice. - ++ Optimized and enhanced search analysis to output proper XHTML. - ++ Fixed widget ending up disabled after removing install source. - ++ Mag Window uses current module if no default cross reference is set. - ++ Fixed a bug in the HTML commentary editor which resulted in text - formatting from the cursor to be applied to the whole selection. - ++ Allow comboxboxes on config dialog desk page to resize. - ++ Fixed some lexicons never working. - ++ Fixed high stack memory usage on indexing. - ++ Fixed unexpected exception with encrypted modules. - ++ Fixed application freeze during installation of works. - -- update to 2.9.2: - + Fixed settings dialog tab contents not being translated - + Fix crash when closing window with tab - + Fix bug 14 - Headers displayed as plain text in some modules - + Fix problem with text not displaying when using QtWebKit 2.3 - + added changes needed for Qt5 - + Fix multi-arch path issue in FindCLucene.cmake -- removed fix-movetoanchor-for-qt5.patch (upstream) - -- Added fix-movetoanchor-for-qt5.patch, fixes non visible text when - used with libQtWebkit 2.3 - biboumi +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_biboumi.service.patch + +- Update to 9.0: + * Messages reflections are now properly cut if the body was cut + befor being to sent to IRC + * Messages from unjoined resources are now rejected instead of + being accepted. + * All commands sent to IRC servers are now throttled to avoid + being disconnected for excess flood. The limit value can be + customized using the ad-hoc configuration form on a server JID. + * Support for XEP-0410 Self-Ping Optimization. + * SASL support has been added. + * SIGHUP is now caught and reloads the configuration like + SIGUSR1 and 2. + * Add a verify_certificate policy option that lets the admin + disable certificate validation per-domain. + * The WatchdogSec value in the biboumi.service file + now defaults to the empty string, which means “disabledâ€. +- Added do-not-require-git.patch, use system Catch2 +- Enable tests + +- update to 8.5: + * Fix a build failure with GCC 10 + * Fix a possible crash that could be caused by a very well timed identd query + +- Update to biboumi 8.3 + Changes in version 8.3 + * The global ad-hoc configure command is now available on biboumi’s JID in + fixed_irc_server mode. + Changes in version 8.2 + * The users are not able to bypass the fixed mode by just configuring a + different Address for the IRC server anymore. + Changes in version 8.1 + * Fix a crash on a raw NAMES command + Changes in version 8.0 + * GCC 4.9 or lower are not supported anymore. The minimal version is 5.0 + * Add a complete='true' in MAM’s iq result when appropriate + * The archive ordering now only relies on the value of the ID, not the + date. This means that if you manually import archives in your database (or + mess with it somehow), biboumi will not work properly anymore, if you + don’t make sure the ID of everything in the muclogline table is + consistent. + * The “virtual†channel with an empty name (for example + has been entirely removed. + * Add an “Address†field in the servers’ configure form. This lets + the user customize the address to use when connecting to a server. + See for more details. + * Messages id are properly reflected to the sender + * We now properly deal with a PostgreSQL server restart: whenever the + connection is lost with the server, we try to reconnect and re-execute the + query once. + * A Nick field has been added in the IRC server configuration form, to let + the user force a nickname whenever a channel on the server is joined. + * Multiple admins can now be listed in the admin field, separated with a colon. + * Missing fields in a data-form response are now properly interpreted as + an empty value, and not the default value. Gajim users were not able to + empty a field of type text-multi because of this issue. + * Fix an uncaught exception with botan, when policy does not allow any + available ciphersuite. + * When the connection gets desynchronized and tries to re-join while + biboumi thinks it has never left, biboumi now sends the whole standard + join sequence (history, user-list, etc). + bibtool +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- conforming license string -- added build dependency on automake - bibview +- Correct documentation as there is no X11R6 anymore for a long time + -- fix filelist - bindfs +- Update to release 1.15.1 + * Support for libfuse3. + * Fixed non-zero exit code when unable to chdir into source dir. + * Pass through "-o fsname" to FUSE. + +- Update to release 1.14.8 + * No user-visible changes (build system only) + +- Update to release 1.14.7 + * Added --map-passwd and --map-group + +- Update to release 1.14.3 + * No longer check that numeric UIDs and GIDs exist, since + /etc/passwd etc are not always available. + * Address -fno-common build [boo#1160257] + +- Update to new upstream release 1.14.1 + * Do not call realpath() on source dirs starting with "/proc/". + * Fixes to --gid-offset when used with a setgid bit or with + - -create-as-mounter. + * Added --forward-odirect. Bindfs now clears O_DIRECT by default. + * Resolve symlinks in readdir() so correct attributes are + returned. + -- Update to new upstream release 1.12.6 - * Implements throttling - -- Update to new upstream release 1.12.3 - * Implement fuse_utimens instead of fuse_utime - -- Update to new upstream release 1.12.2 - * Added --chmod-filter - binwalk +- Update to version 2.3.3 + * Added checks to prevent directory traversal vulnerability when + external extractors create symlinks on the filesystem. + * Added --run-as command line option to allow users to control + the privilege level external extractors are given as well as + the power to run as root if they so choose. + +- Update to version 2.3.2 + * Minor bug fixes + * Removed hilink decryption plugin + +- Update to version 2.3.1 + * Upstream does not provide a changelog + +- Update to version 2.3.0 + * Upstream does not provide a changelog + +- Create (via help2man) and package manpage +- Recommend more unpacking programs + * capstone, cramfs-tools, cramfsswap, jefferson, lhasa, lzop, + sasquatch, sleuthkit, squashfs, srecord, ubi_reader, yaffshiv + -- updated to latest upstream 2.0.1 - + Python3 support - + Raw deflate detection/extraction - + Improved API - + Improved speed - + More (and improved) signatures - + Faster entropy scans -- Project has moved from google code hosting to github - -- update to 1.2.1 - * complete re-write in Python and includes new features and - a scriptable Python module - * several new features, including recursive scanning and extraction, - strings and entropy analysis, and plugin support - * major speed improvements and regex filter support, - as well as bug fixes and signature updates - * adds the --extract option and extends --dd, allowing auto extraction - and auto decompression of extracted files - * Improved signatures and scan speed - -- updated to latest upstream 0.4.5 - * Fixed magic file white space parsing bug. - * Fixed memory leak when more than one target file was specified. - * Added --dd option for auto-extraction of files. - * Bug fixes, signature updates - * Much improved scanning speed (thanks dannyb!). - * New options (--grep, --raw-bytes). - * Improved filtering. - * Various bug fixes and signature updates. - * Improved signature matching for SquashFS file systems. - * Added support for Linux block devices. - * Added support for building against libmagic. - * Added ability to optionally disable update features. - bird +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * bird.service + bitcoin +- Update to version 0.21.2 + * P2P protocol and network code + * use NetPermissions::HasFlag() in CConnman::Bind() + * Rate limit the processing of rumoured addresses + * Wallet + * Do not iterate a directory if having an error while accessing it + * RPC + * Reset scantxoutset progress before inferring descriptors + * Build System + * depends: update Qt 5.9 source url + * Update Windows code signing certificate + * Use custom MacOS code signing tool + * Fix build with Boost 1.77.0 + * Tests and QA + * Build with --enable-werror by default, and document exceptions + * Fix intermittent feature_taproot issue + * Fix macOS brew install command + * add missing ECCVerifyHandle to base_encode_decode + * Run fuzzer task for the master branch only + * GUI + * Do not use QClipboard::Selection on Windows and macOS. + * Remove user input from URI error message + * Draw "eye" sign at the beginning of watch-only addresses + * Miscellaneous + * Fix crash when parsing command line with -noincludeconf=0 + * util: Properly handle -noincludeconf on command line (take 2) + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_bitcoind.service.patch + Modified: + * bitcoind.service + +- Update to version 0.21.1 + * Consensus: + * Speedy trial support for versionbits + * Speedy trial activation parameters for Taproot + * P2P protocol and network code + * allow CSubNet of non-IP networks + * Avoid UBSan warning in ProcessMessage + * Wallet + * Introduce DeferredSignatureChecker and have + SignatureExtractorClass subclass it + * Avoid requesting fee rates multiple times during coin selection + * RPC and other APIs: + * Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys disabled + CVE-2021-3195 + +- Update to version 0.21.0: + * For full details see + +- Update to version 0.20.1 + * Mining + * Fix GBT: Restore "!segwit" and "csv" to "rules" key + * P2P protocol and network code + * Replace automatic bans with discouragement filter + * Wallet + * Handle concurrent wallet loading + * Minimal fix to restore conflicted transaction notifications + * RPC and other APIs + * Increment input value sum only once per UTXO in decodepsbt + * psbt: Increment input value sum only once per UTXO in decodepsbt + * psbt: Include and allow both non_witness_utxo and witness_utxo for segwit inputs + * GUI + * Add missing QPainterPath include + * update Qt base translations for macOS release + * Misc + * util: Don't reference errno when pthread fails + * Fix locking on WSL using flock instead of fcntl +- Remove fix-qpainterpath.patch + +- Add 7GB min disk space and change memory setting to physicalmemory + in existing _constraints file + +- Add fix-qpainterpath.patch +- Add -fcommon to allow building against GCC10 + +- Update to version 0.20.0: + * See + +- Fix build on aarch64. + +- Do not run bitcoind in daemon mode. Running it not as a + background process makes it working properly with journald + (instead of writing logs in /var/log). + +- Update to version 0.19.1: + * Wallet + * Fix origfee return for bumpfee with feerate arg + * Fix unique_ptr usage in boost::signals2 + * Fix issue with conflicted mempool tx in listsinceblock + * Bug: IsUsedDestination shouldn't use key id as script id for + ScriptHash + * IsUsedDestination should count any known single-key address + * Reset reused transactions cache + * RPC and other APIs + * cli: Fix fatal leveldb error when specifying + - blockfilterindex=basic twice + * require second argument only for scantxoutset start action + * zmq: Fix due to invalid argument and multiple notifiers + * psbt: handle unspendable psbts + * psbt: check that various indexes and amounts are within + bounds + * GUI + * Fix missing qRegisterMetaType for size_t + * disable File->CreateWallet during startup + * Fix comparison function signature + * Fix unintialized WalletView::progressDialog + * Tests and QA + * Appveyor improvement - text file for vcpkg package list + * fix "bitcoind already running" warnings on macOS + * add missing #include to fix compiler errors + * Platform support + * Update msvc build for Visual Studio 2019 v16.4 + * Updates to appveyor config for VS2019 and Qt5.9.8 + msvc + project fixes + * bug-fix macos: give free bytes to F_PREALLOCATE + * Miscellaneous + * init: Stop indexes on shutdown after ChainStateFlushed + callback + * util: Add missing headers to util/fees.cpp + * Unbreak build with Boost 1.72.0 + * scripts: Fix symbol-check & security-check argument passing + * Log to net category for exceptions in ProcessMessages + * Update univalue subtree + bitlbee +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_bitlbee.service.patch + Modified: + * + +- Update to 3.6: + - Removed msn, skype, oscar (icq/aim). For msn/skype use skypeweb, for + ICQ use icyque. AIM is just dead. + - Fix twitter (disable stream setting, set tweet length to 280) + Note that users of 3.5.1 and older can re-enable twitter support by + changing these two settings: + account twitter set stream off + account twitter set message_length 280 + - Add server-time IRCv3 capability + - Large performance improvements for large contact lists + bitlbee-discord +- Update to version 0.4.3+7.g607f988: + * Fix empty gateway->path with glib > 2.68 + * Additional debuginfo on websocket upgrade + +- Update to version 0.4.3+5.g068ed17: + * Basic implementation of discord's replies + * Update + * Update and rename README to + * Add verbosity toggle + +- Update to version 0.4.3+0.g9466079: + * Correct command in README + +- Update to version 0.4.2+20200207.g69e16be: + * Call imcb_connected only after we parsed the whole READY message + * Sync private groups as well + * Per-channel sync + * Remove pending sync var + * Don't wait for GUILD_SYNC on login + * Add BITLBEE_LIBS to discord_la_LDFLAGS + * Fix paste_buffer + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 0.4.2 + This release contains mostly fixes to catch up with recent + changes in the way discord operates plus a couple of new + convenience options. + bitlbee-facebook +- Update to version 1.2.2+git.1614281748.a31ccbe: + * configure: drop the unnecessary AC_PROG_CC macro check (#211) + * Release 1.2.2 + * configure: change obsolete AC_PROG_CC_C99 for AC_PROG_CC + * Force sync_interval to the new default if it's 5 minutes or lower + * Replace travis with github actions, fix OBS (#210) + +- Update to version 1.2.1+git.1611145185.49ea312: + * Bump the FB_ORCA_AGENT version once again (#208) + * Remove bash-ism in + * Port away from deprecated g_type_class_add_private() and friends + * Increase default sync_interval from 5 to 1440 + * travis: replace python-m2crypto dependency with python3-m2crypto + * facebook-api: Fix id assertion in fb_api_cb_publish_mst() (#204) + * travis: add python-m2crypto to dependencies for OBS deploy + * Release 1.2.1 with fixes for a couple of server changes + * Fix taNewMessage bug (#202) + * fb_api_cb_publish_pt: check field is stop (#199) + +- Update to 1.2.1: + - Fix "Parse error: unexpected identifier 'taNewMessage'" + (gh#bitlbee/bitlbee-facebook#200) + - Fix "Failed to read thrift: facebook-api.c:1929 + fb_api_cb_publish_pt: assertion 'fb_thrift_read_stop(thft)' failed" + (gh#bitlbee/bitlbee-facebook#197) + +- Version bump 1.2.0 + - Fix ERROR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW on login by bumping orca agent version + - Fix "Failed to read fixed header" with TLS 1.3 / GnuTLS 3.6.x + - Add workplace chat support (enable the "work" setting to use it) + bitmap +- update to version 1.0.9: + * This release fixes a long standing bug in the bitmap editor + where operations would not work properly when NumLock was on. + bladeRF +- Update to version 2021.10 + * Fix up packet mode bugs + * Add Wishbone master core as NiOS peripheral + +- Update to version 2021.09 + * Support new keywords in config file for bladerf2.0 clocking: + + Update doc for new keywords + + Add clock_out keyword + + Add clock_sel keyword + + Add refin_freq keyword + + Add clock_ref keyword + + Fix parsing of vctcxo_tamer key + * Python bindings: Fix get_gain_modes + * Make all of the get_*_range functions work + * Revert "hdl: bladerf-wlan: disable RX switch when tx_ota_req + is asserted" + +- Update to version 2021.03 + * cyapi: add META support to cyapi backend + +- Update to version 2021.02 + Bugfix release + * Revert "ad936x_params: allow CTRL_IN to control gain in MGC + mode" + +- Update to version 2020.12 + libbladeRF + * Added packet mode format BLADERF_FORMAT_PACKET_META. + libbladeRF is able to exchange variable length packets with + the HDL if packet mode is enabled + * Added RFIC parameters for burst waveforms + * Ability to query backend for handle and lock FX3 + * Variable length packet support for PACKET_META mode + bladeRF-cli: + * Indicate presence of packet cores in FPGA + Python + * Update for libbladeRF v2.4.0 +- Drop patches (integrated upstream): + * 0001-libbladeRF-unambiguous-flash_arch-macro-name.patch + * 0002-libbladeRF-define-bladerf2_state_to_string-as-extern.patch + +- Add patches to fix gcc10 compile errors: + * 0001-libbladeRF-unambiguous-flash_arch-macro-name.patch + * 0002-libbladeRF-define-bladerf2_state_to_string-as-extern.patch + blasphemer +- Update to version 0.1.7 + * Added an additional episode + * This release is officially single player and death match ready + * New maps were added + * A lot new texture, sprites and sounds + bleachbit +- Update to 4.4.0: + * Add cleaner for Brave browser + * Clean the last location of the File - Save As dialog in + Google Chrome + * Clean session for Thunderbird + * Add new command line option --all-but-warning to enable all + cleaners that do not emit a warning + * Add preference option to remember window geometry, + which means whether it was maximized and the last window size, + if it was not maximized. + * Fix ResourceWarning message when cleaning Firefox URL history + * Fix: do not clean bookmarks in Firefox + * Add warning when cleaning Thunderbird - Index + * Fix wiping free space on FAT32 partitions with more than 4GB of + available space + * Fix "About # minutes remaining" was not translatable into any + language + * Fix ResourceWarning message when downloading chaff + * The menu item Diagnostics was replaced with the term System + Information. + * Add ability to clean the profile of the unstable version of + Google Chrome + * Clean more with System - Recent Documents + * Correctly detect that Thunderbird is running + * Correctly detect how much space was freed by journald + * Adjust spacing so the scrollbar does not cover checkbox with + some GTK themes + * Improve AppStream metainfo + +- Update to 4.3.0: + * Clean the Brave browser (1061). + * Use the new --all-but-warning CLI command (365). + * In the preferences, toggle the option to remember window geometry. + Restart BleachBit and check that the behavior matches the setting + (1056). + * Download chaff, and there should not be a ResourceWarning + message (issue 856). + * Clean Firefox favicons in URL history, and there should not + be a sqlite3.Warning message (1135). + * Wipe the free space on a FAT32 partition with more than + 4GB of available space (1051). + * Clean Thunderbird - Index, and there should be a warning (363). + * In Google Chrome, type CTRL+S to save the page. Save it + to a non-default location, and not the location. Then in + BleachBit, clean Google Chrome - History, and back in Google + Chrome verify the location was forgotten (944). + * On a system with non-English user interface, use BleachBit to + wipe free space, and verify the "About # minutes remaining" + message is translated (1162). This also depends on whether + this string was translated for your language. + * Clean Firefox - URL History, and verify bookmark icons were + not deleted (1081). + * Clean Google Chrome unstable (1147). + * Open Thunderbird and try to clean it while it is running. + There should be an error (1112). + * Clean journald, and BleachBit should report how much space + was freed (1115). + * For any GTK theme, the scrollbar should not cover the + checkboxes (1034.) + * Clean System - Recent documents, and it may clean more paths (1118). + +- Update to 4.2.0: + * Fix: dnf process was not closed (#1001) + * Update translations + * Add Slack cleaner + * Add new action for deleting firefox favicons + * Initial support for Microsoft Edge + * Clean Chromium installed as snap + +- Update to 4.1.0: + * Fix KeyError: 'win10_theme' on Linux (#880) + * Fix file_wipe() for special files (#875) + * Fix SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. (#902) + * Open files with FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS (#337) + * Use encoding='utf-8' when opening json/xml files (#874) + * Worker generator should be added using default prior (#881) + * Update translations + +- Fix dependencies: + + gobject-introspection is a build-depoendency, not a runtime + dependency. Having it in the buildroot also enable the + typelib()-dependency scanner, which in turn allows to: + + Remove typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 Requires: this is now propelry + auto-detected (together with the other typelib-* deps). +- Fix more shebangs using sed: we still ended up requiring python2. + +- Add missing dependency typelib-1_0-Gtk-3_0 to fix error + "Namespace Gtk not available" + bless +- update to version 0.6.3 +- drop dont-require-rarian.patch +- drop bless-0.6.2-Range-ambiguous-reference.patch + +- update version 0.6.2 + * see git commits +- add bless-0.6.2-Range-ambiguous-reference.patch + * Fix building error CS0104: 'Range' is an ambiguous reference + +- add dont-require-rarian.patch, fix boo#1141386 + * rarian/scrollkeeper is unmaintained upstream + blktests +- Update to version 0+20201022.e10add0: + * nvme/038: Test removal of un-enabled subsystem and ports + * nvme/037: Add test which loops passthru connect and disconnect + * nvme/036: Add test for testing reset command on nvme-passthru + * nvme/035: Add test to verify passthru controller with a filesystem + * nvme/034: Add test for passthru data verification + * nvme/033: Simple test to create and connect to a passthru target + * nvme: Add common helpers for passthru tests + * nvme: Search for specific subsysnqn in _find_nvme_loop_dev + * common/xfs: Create common helper to verify block device with xfs + * common/xfs: Create common helper to check for XFS support + * common/fio: Remove state file in common helper + * zbd/003: Reset zones when the test device has max_active_zones limit + * block/004: Provide max_active_zones to fio command + * common/rc: Add _test_dev_max_active_zones() helper function + * nvme: support rdma transport type + * common: move module_unload to common + * nvme: support nvme-tcp when runinng tests + * tests/nvme: restrict tests to specific transports + * nvme: make tests transport type agnostic + * nvme: consolidate some nvme-cli utility functions + * nvme: consolidate nvme requirements based on transport type + * nvme/005: add the missing _have_program nvme + * common/multipath-over-rdma: make block scheduler directory optional + * zbd/002: Check write pointers only when zones have valid conditions + * zbd/005: Enable zonemode=zbd when zone capacity is less than zone size + * zbd/004: Check zone boundary writes using zones without zone capacity gap + * zbd/002: Check validity of zone capacity + * zbd/rc: Support zone capacity report by blkzone + * Remove partition rereading tests for reverted fixes + * tests/srp/rc: Separate login parameters with a comma + * srp tests: Use _{init,exit}_scsi_debug() instead of duplicating these functions + * common/multipath-over-rdma: Log mkfs output + * srp, nvmeof-mp: Use no_path_retry instead of queue_if_no_path + * tests/nvmeof-mp/rc: Make login failures easier to debug + * block/012: add comment explaning second --setro + * tests/srp/rc: Fix a shellcheck warning + * tests: mark tests with CAN_BE_ZONED=1 + * common/cpuhotplug: fix ALL_CPUS + * tests/srp/rc: Do not pass an empty string to dd + * zbd/007: Add --force option to blkzone reset + * Fix ./check: line 275: LAST_TEST_RUN["$key"]: unbound variable + * Fix unquoted integer shellcheck errors + * travis: update shellcheck URL + * tests/srp/rc: Make the SRP tests pass against kernel v5.7 + +- Update to version 0+20200430.bff70b0: + * Add $DESCRIPTION to the TEST_RUN + * Fix unintentional skipping of tests + * Add a test that triggers the blk_mq_realloc_hw_ctxs() error path + * Introduce the function _configure_null_blk() + * Use _{init,exit}_null_blk instead of open-coding these functions + * Make _exit_null_blk remove all null_blk device instances + * common/fio: do not use norandommap with verify + +- Add blktrace to recommended as some tests require it + +- Update to version 20200307.cd11d00: + * Support skipping tests from test{,_device}() + * Show last run for skipped tests + * Skip tests based on SKIP_REASON, not return value + * nbd/003: fix compiling error with gcc version 4.8.5 + * nbd/003:add mount and clear_sock test for nbd + * nvme/018: Reword misleading error message + * nvme/018: Ignore message generated by nvme read + * tests/srp/015: Add a test that uses the SoftiWARP (siw) driver + * common/multipath-over-rdma, tests/srp: Make it easy to use siw instead of rdma_rxe + * common/multipath-over-rdma: Rename two functions +- Apply spec-cleaner +- Change version format in service file +- Add GPL-3.0 to license list +- Add to doc section + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + blktrace +- Fix crash due to dropped first event while using pipe input (bsc#1191788). + * blkparse: skip check_cpu_map with pipe input + * blkparse: fix incorrectly sized memset in check_cpu_map + * Added: + - blkparse-skip-check_cpu_map-with-pipe-input.patch + - blkparse-fix-incorrectly-sized-memset-in-check_cpu_m.patch + -- Update to v1.0.3 (bnc#720300 and others). - - Updated documentation - - Fixed multiple output errors - - Added FLUSH/FUA support - - Misc bug fixes - -- disable parallel build again - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- Fix build with no-add-needed (missing -pthread) - -- Fix memory leak (bnc #546035) - -- Fix memory leak in btrecord (bnc #523444). - -- Fix typo in btt (bnc #511264). - -- Update to version 1.0.1: - * blkrawverify: warn and return error if no traces are found - * blkiomon manpage and usage reference invalid "msg-queue-name" option - * fix up btrace options & manpage - * more manpage fixups - * fix max-pkts option inconsistencies - * Converted to using the correct remap entries - * blkiomon: fix unaligned accesses on ia64 - * fix off-by-one issues in blkiomon.h - * fix include statement in stats.h - * handle race to mkdir at startup - * Fixed plug/unplug logic in btt - * Working on fixing % time q plugged - * fix trivial typo in manpage - * Add NOTIFY to activity mask - * Blktrace failed to lock reader threads on the cpu used by the - corresponding writer. This resulted in stale data being consumed when - blktrace accidently read at a position that was being written to at the - same time. This issue surfaced as "bad trace magic" warnings emitted by - blktrace tools. - * Generate matplotlib plots for btt generated data - * Update Jenkins hash to lookup3() variant - * Fixed EAGAIN handling in blktrace.c - * O_NOATIME isn't always present - * btt: Added no remap option - * btt general cleanup plus valgrind clean - * btt: Missed fopen conversion to my_fopen - * Code review updates - * Reworked blktrace master/thread interface - * Cleaned up devs that have no data - * Moved starting of tracing after tracers are going - * btt: fixed open in setup_ifile - * Synchronized trace gathering - * Invoke gethostbyname once, handle errors better - * Added accept as a system call needing resource increases - * Rewrote blktrace to have a single thread per CPU - * Fix btt to handle large numbers of output files - * Increased limits to allow for large system runs - * A couple of min-counters weren't initialised correctly (thrput_r, - thrput_w). We have got a perfectly working init function for this - purpose. Removing partially duplicated code. - * The git commit 11914a53d2ec2974a565311af327b8983d8c820d added - __BLK_TA_ABORT to blktrace_api.h. A corresponding addition to the blktrace - tools repository has been missing, breaking the API. Blkparse complained: - "Bad fs action 40010011" - * Added no messages option to blkparse.c - * gcc 4.3.2 has started to warn about: - * Added -P to create a data file w/ Q, D and C per line - * Fixed 'M' displays on per-io output and added in I/O separator - * Fixed segfault in aqd.c : need to check for NULL (not requested) - * Added in -z to provide running waiting-for-issue latencies - * Moved btrecord/btreplay to version 1.0.0 - -- Build with docs by default. - bloaty +- Update to version 1.1: + * Fix for ABSL CMake build. + * Fleshed out the Changelog a bit more. + * Added changelog for 1.1 release and updated version number. + * Updated with latest Bloaty output. + * Fixed the build for the new ABSL version. + * Updated submodules, except for Demumble which switched to LLVM upstream. + +- Update to version 1.0+git76. Most notable changes: + * Allow WebAssembly files with `--debug-file`. + * Use system deps for protobuf, capstone and re2 + * Added experimental support for WebAssembly. + * Add support for ARM64 binaries. + blockout +- Trim outdated specfile constructs. + blogbench +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with current upstream + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Enable more thorough dependency tracking + +- Update project url +- Modernise spec file + blogc +- Update to 0.20.1: + * Fixed sorting of posts in blogc(1) when some post's DATE was + before Sun Sep 9 01:46:40 AM UTC 2001. + * Simplified utf-8 implementation. + +- Update to 0.20.0: + * blogc(1) now generates a "Table of Contents" tree for each + source file. See blogc-toctree(7) for usage instructions. + +- Update to 0.19.0: + * blogc(1) now accepts multiple -e command-line arguments, to allow + declaration of multiple listing_entry template blocks. + See blogc-template(7) for details. This is not supported by + blogc-make(1), it only accepts one file as listing_entry setting. + * blogc(1) now supports a listing_empty template block, that is + displayed only when the the listing set is empty. + See blogc-template(7) for details. + * Fixed a race condition in blogc-make(1)'s runserver command. + * Minor adjustments in blogc-make(1) atom feed generation. + * Some other minor bug fixes. + blosc +- Update to 1.21.1 + * Fix pthread on ppc64le. + * Updates in internal codecs, important performance improvements + +- Update to 1.21.0: + * Updated internal codecs + blueberry +- Update to version 1.4.5: + * Add Turn bluetooth on/off option in tray menu. + * Remove menu positioning code. + * Silence a runtime warning. + * rfkillMagic: Rewrite safechild in shell script to reduce + memory usage. + * Added build & install steps to readme file. + * l10n: Update POT. +- Restore Group. + +- Update to 1.4.4 + * l10n: Update translations + +- Update to 1.4.2 + * l10n: Update translations + * l10n: Update files + * Don't use /usr/bin/env to call python3 + +- Update to 1.3.9 + * l10n: Update translations +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (boo#1174075) +- Use %{_udevrulesdir} for udev rules files + bluefish +- Refresh remove-python-class-shebang.patch to remove a requirement of + /usr/bin/python +- Switch BuildRequires for pkgconfig(python3) to link against it instead + +- switch to non-deprecated enchant-2 library + +- Update to 2.2.12 + * fix for a crash in simple search + * Python 3 compatibility has been further improved + * Encoding detection in python files has been improved. + * Triple click now selects the line. + * Several programming languages have improved syntax highlighting + * Bluefish now works fine with Enchant2 for spell checking. + +- Update to version 2.2.11 + * Bluefish 2.2.11 is a minor maintenance release and minor feature release. + * The only exception to that is the python 3 compatibility which is a major + change. If you compile Bluefish with python 3, you might experience new + bugs. + * There are various minor changes as well. + * Double click selection has been improved (for example selecting a function + name that has underscores), and is now configurable per language. + * Bluefish now has a feature to fill a line with spaces up to a mouse click, + so you can start typing in any position on the screen (with a fixed width + font). + * A crash when running very large replace actions on disk on many files has + been fixed. + * Search and replace now ignores backup files by default. + * Cursor highlighting and line highlighting have been fixed for a rare bug. + * A small new feature has been added, to insert output from an external + command in the current cursor position. + * Many language files have seen updates, most notably CSS, Python and HTML. + * A data loss bug - when an unknown encoding was selected - was fixed, the + fallback is now to save as UTF-8. + * A bug when saving with unknown characters in the filename has also been + fixed. + * Printing has been improved such as printing in landscape. + * Some small tweaks to the UI have been implemented. For example you can now + search in files in the filebrowser (right click a directory). Search + results can now be shown in the output pane. + * The current identifier can be selected using <shift><control><i>. + * Last there various fixes when Bluefish is run on top of Wayland. +- Update gpgkeyring to correct for source validation +- Refresh patch remove-python-class-shebang.patch +- Remove in %post since they are not needed anymore (triggers) + * %mime_database_post + * %desktop_database_post +- Remove in %postun since they are not needed anymore (triggers) + * %mime_database_postun + * %desktop_database_postun +- Run spec-cleaner + * Remove rpm groups + * use make macros + -- update to 2.2.5: - + The syntax scanning engine is faster after small changes to the text. - + The filebrowser is also much faster with less memory usage, with - various fixes and new features. - + Projects now store the active document and active line numbers. - + Indenting is improved in auto-completion and the smart indenting. - + Bookmarks and paste special also have been improved. - + Furthermore almost all syntax highlighting has been improved, most - notable jquery in javascript, HTML5, and HTML5 in PHP files. - + There are also many bug fixes, such as in wrap text on right margin, - in the replace engine, the jsmin licence, the split lines feature, - the auto-recovery and many obscure bugs. - -- update to 2.2.4: - + minor bugfix release - + various fixes for the tab-width on gtk 3.6 - + improved auto-completion popup speed - + more simple search options - + paste improvements (to paste for example images from Libreoffice) - + pylint, cssmin, jsmin, csstidy and php_beautifier integration - + various language syntax definition files have also been improved - -- license update: GPL-3.0+ - See the COPYING file and the majority of the source code file headers - -- update to 2.2.3: - + new feature: Zencoding support - + works with gtk-3 - + faster syntax scanner - + new search and replace function - + support for new languages added: Google Go, Vala and Ada - + some shortcut key combinations were added. -- small specfile cleanup - boinc-client +- Drop boinc-gui.desktop and icons, because upstream provides a + desktop entry with icons now. + +- Update to release 7.18.1 + * Exporting event log wrote just 6 lines, which was fixed. + +- Update to release 7.18 + * A number of fixes for other platforms like Android + +- pwdutils was dropped long time ago +- fix building (/etc/init.d does not exist) + +- update to 7.16.14: + * macOS fixes + +- Update to release 7.16.11 + * Changes to build procedure for other platforms + * A locale-related fix is included + +- Update to release 7.16.9 + * Linux client: fix X-based idle detection + * Drop X11 fallback as Wayland can show a desktop session with no + X11 servers, but XWayland can be started temporarily (and is + useless for idle detection). + * client: avoid CPU starvation when GPU computing is suspended + * client: do nott allow an empty GUI RPC password + * client: let a project master URL change from http: to https: without involving the user. + * Fix CORS for GUI RPC via HTTP + * Converted Java parts to Kotlin + * transitioner: Fix race condition with file_upload_handler +- Drop boinc-guirpcauth.patch (mostly merged; upstream has a + slightly different solution, though) + bonnie++ +- Add patch: + * bonnie++-1.98-bon_csv2html.patch (fixes gcc11 build). + +- update to 1.98: + * Allow specifying the number of random seeks and the number + of seeker processes and store that in the CSV (for testing NVMe). + * Changed the text output to use KiB/MiB/GiB as units of measurement so we + can fit NVMe results on screen. + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- fix bnc#442857 with right C++ delete - -- upgraded source to version 1.03d, bnc#414150 - bookworm +- Remove dependency on Python 2 + +- Update to 1.1.2: + * Added FB2 mimetype for Files contract - Issue #215 + * Fix for opening last read book and also open the context menu + for word meaning and annotations only if a selection is made + * Merge branch 'origin/master' into Weblate. + * Merge pull request #266 from comradekingu/patch-5 + * Spelling: MIME → media type, full screen → fullscreen + * Added support for (Issue #215) + * Updated support for FB2, FB2 image extraction done (Issue + [#215]) + * re-added pl.po + * Updating pl.po + * Changes for extracting images from FB2 files(Issue #215) + * Initial imlementation of the FB2 format + * Updated debian control with granite version 0.5 (Issue #253) + * Fixed library button status ahead of the user action (Issue + [#263]) + * Fixed the blank library page issue when the number of books + is a multiple of the library size (issue #263 + * Fix for pagination boundary conditions - last page skiped + (Issue #232) + * Added search, keyboard shortcuts and preference items for + pagination of library + * Added search for paginated library (Issue #232) + * Initial changes for library pagination (Issue #232) + * Fix for #257 +- Switch to meson +- Add HiDPI icons +- Spec file cleanup + boomaga +- Require zlib explicitly +- Spec cleanup +- Remove obsolete macros in %post/%postun +- Switch to cmake() syntax for Qt requirements + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Update to 3.0.0. + * A new backend that works more reliably in modern distributions. + * Added support for Wayland sessions. + * Support for Postscript input files. + * Simplification of the program structure, reduced the number of + executable files. + * Faster processing of large PDF files. + * SELinux support. + * Some GUI improvements. + * Updated translations. + booth +- Use Python 3 for -test subpackage. + +- Update to version 1.0+20210519.bfb2f92: + * config: Remove deprecated net functions + * configure: drop unnecessary check and define + * configure: move exec_prefix sanitizer closer to prefix + * configure: drop dead code + * configure: drop unnecessary macro + * configure: use PKG_CONFIG to detect pacemaker user/group + * configure: use resource-agents pkg-config info to determine ocfdir + * configure: add BOOTH_PKG_CHECK_VAR macro to wrap PKG_CHECK_VAR + * configure: detect and init pkg-config with proper macro + * configure: Simplify libqb detection when libqb is not installed in standard paths + * [build] ship booth.pc with basic booth build information for downstream packages to use + * booth.spec: Change naming scheme for upgrades + * Package html files when generated + * build: Fix building of html docs with asciidoc + * git-version-gen: Use fallback for git-archive + * configure: Make sure without-html_man works + * test: Add compatibility with iproute ss command + * test: fix the delimiter in the here-string + * build: Remove bashisms + * booth.spec: Add fedora compatibility provides + * build: Add option to enable tests during rpmbuild + * build: Substitute hauser and haclient in RPM + * build: Substitute python dependency in RPM + * build: Substitute glue dependency in RPM + * build: Substitute asciidoc or asciidoctor for RPM + * build: Rework build of RPM + * build: Use git-version-gen + * configure: Always let automake set python vars + * build: Delete cov directory on clean + * build: Make sure tarball contains all needed files + * build: Remove unneeded OS detection section + * build: Make generating of HTML man work +- remove applied patch + test-fix-read-a-issue.patch + borgbackup +- Update to 1.1.17 (2021-07-12): + Compatibility notes: + * When upgrading from borg 1.0.x to 1.1.x, please note: + * read all the compatibility notes for 1.1.0*, starting from + 1.1.0b1. + * borg upgrade: you do not need to and you also should not run + it. + * borg might ask some security-related questions once after + upgrading. You can answer them either manually or via + environment variable. One known case is if you use unencrypted + repositories, then it will ask about a unknown unencrypted + repository one time. + * your first backup with 1.1.x might be significantly slower (it + might completely read, chunk, hash a lot files) - this is due + to the –files-cache mode change (and happens every time you + change mode). You can avoid the one-time slowdown by using the + pre-1.1.0rc4-compatible mode (but that is less safe for + detecting changed files than the default). See the –files- + cache docs for details. + * 1.1.11 removes WSL autodetection (Windows 10 Subsystem for + Linux). If WSL still has a problem with sync_file_range, you + need to set BORG_WORKAROUNDS=basesyncfile in the borg process + environment to work around the WSL issue. + * 1.1.14 changes return codes due to a bug fix: In case you have + scripts expecting rc == 2 for a signal exit, you need to + update them to check for >= 128 (as documented since long). + * 1.1.15 drops python 3.4 support, minimum requirement is 3.5 + now. + * 1.1.17 install_requires the “packaging†pypi package now. + Fixes: + * pyinstaller dir-mode: fix pyi detection / LIBPATH treatment, + [#5897] + * handle crash due to kill stale lock race, #5828 + * fix BORG_CACHE_DIR crashing borg if empty, #5216 + * create –dry-run: fix display of kept tagfile, #5834 + * fix missing parameter in “did not consistently fail†msg, + [#5822] + * missing / healed chunks: always tell chunk ID, #5704 + * benchmark: make sure cleanup happens even on exceptions, #5630 + New features: + * implement BORG_SELFTEST env variable, #5871. this can be used + to accelerate borg startup a bit. not recommended for normal + usage, but borg mass hosters with a lot of borg invocations + can save some resources with this. on my laptop, this saved + ~100ms cpu time (sys+user) per borg command invocation. + * implement BORG_LIBC env variable to give the libc filename, + [#5870]. you can use this if a borg does not find your libc. + * check: add progress indicator for archive check. + * allow –files-cache=size (not recommended, make sure you know + what you do) + Other changes: + * Python 3.10 now officially supported! we test on py310-dev on + github CI since a while and now also on the vagrant machines, + so it should work ok. + * github CI: test on py310 (again) + * get rid of distutils, use packaging and setuptools. distutils + is deprecated and gives warnings on py 3.10. + * rename “clean†to “clean2†to avoid shadowing the + “clean†command. + * remove libc filename fallback for the BSDs (there is no + “usual†name) + * cleanup flake8 checks, fix some pep8 violations. + * docs building: replace deprecated function “.add_stylesheet()†+ for Sphinx 4 compatibility + * docs: + * add a hint on sleeping computer and ssh connections, #5301 + * update the documentation on hacked backup client, #5480 + * improve docs/FAQ about append-only remote repos, #5497 + * complement the documentation for pattern files and exclude + files, #5520 + * “filename with spaces†example added to exclude file, #5236 + note: no whitespace escaping needed, processed by borg. + * add info on renaming repositories, #5240 + * clarify borg check –verify-data, #5808 + * add notice about defective hardware to check documentation, + [#5753] + * add paragraph added in #5855 to utility documentation source + * add missing leading slashes in help patterns, #5857 + * clarify “you will need key and passphrase†borg init warning, + [#4622] + * pull mode: add some warnings, #5827 + * mention tar –compare (compare archive to fs files), #5880 + * fix typos, backport of #5597 + * vagrant: + * add py3.7.11 for binary build, also add 3.10-dev. + * use latest Cython 0.29.23 for py310 compat fixes. + * more RAM for openindiana upgrade plan resolver, it just hangs + (swaps?) if there is too little RAM. + * fix install_pyenv to adapt to recent changes in pyenv (same as + in master now). + * use generic/netbsd9 box, copied from master branch. +- Reformatted Paolos last changelog +- Revert logic of borgbackup-1.1.16-fix-sphinx-api.patch: + borgbackup-1.1.17-old-sphinx-api.patch +- Allow to use old version of xxhash library (might crash on ARM), + but an update is in enqueued + +- Fix documentation generation with + borgbackup-1.1.16-fix-sphinx-api.patch for Leap >= 15.3 + +- Remove the version from recommends pyfuse3, + because it doesn't work in suse. + +- Use recommends pyfuse3 instead of llfuse for Tumbleweed. + Upstream says use primary pyfuse3 and secondary llfuse. + +- Update to 1.1.16: + Fixes: + * add special openssl prefix for Apple M1 + compatibility + * do not recurse into duplicate roots, #5603 + * remove empty shadowed_segments lists, #5275, #5614 + * fix libpython load error when borg fat binary / dir-based + binary is invoked via a symlink by upgrading pyinstaller to + v4.2, #5688 + * config: accept non-int value (like 500M or 100G) for + max_segment_size or storage_quota, #5639. please note: when + setting a non-int value for this in a repo config, using the + repo will require borg >= 1.1.16. + New features: + * bundled msgpack: drop support for old buffer protocol to + support Python 3.10 + * verbose files cache logging via --debug-topic=files_cache, + [#5659]. Use this if you suspect that borg does not detect + unmodified files as expected. + * create/extract: add --noxattrs and --noacls option, #3955. + when given with borg create, borg will not get xattrs / ACLs + from input files (and thus, it will not archive xattrs / ACLs). + when given with borg extract, borg will not read xattrs / ACLs + from archive and will not set xattrs / ACLs on extracted files. + * diff: add --json-lines option, #3765 + Other changes: + * Tab completion support for additional archives for 'borg + delete' + * repository: deduplicate code of put and delete, no functional + change + Docs updates + boringssl +- Update to version 20200921 (fixes bsc#1183836, bsc#1181866): + * Add SSL_CIPHER_get_protocol_id. + * Add TrustTokenV2. + * Add X509_get_pathlen and X509_REVOKED_get0_extensions. + * Add some accommodations for FreeRDP + * Require non-NULL store in X509_STORE_CTX_init. + * Const-correct X509V3_CONF_METHOD. + * Avoid unions in X509_NAME logic. + * Bump OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER to 1.1.1. + * Document more of x509.h. + * Fix potential leak in bssl::Array::Shrink. + * Remove ASN1_STRING_length_set. + * Revert "Check AlgorithmIdentifier parameters for RSA and ECDSA signatures." + * Implement PSK variants of HPKE setup functions. + * acvp: support working with files. + * Document a few more functions in x509.h. + * Add subject key ID and authority key ID accessors. + * Remove sxnet and pkey_usage_period extensions. + * Const-correct various X509 functions. + * Make X509_set_not{Before,After} functions rather than macros. + * Add X509_get0_uids from OpenSSL 1.1.0. + * Bound RSA and DSA key sizes better. + * Add set1 versions of X509 timestamp setters. + * Consistently sort generated build files. + * delocate: use 64-bit GOT offsets in the large memory model. + * Update HPKE implementation and test vectors to draft-irtf-cfrg-hpke-05. + * Handle NULL arguments in some i2d_* functions. + * aarch64: support BTI and pointer authentication in assembly + * Support delegated credentials verison 06 + * delocation: large memory model support. + * Enforce presence of ALPN when QUIC is in use. + * Fix the naming of alert error codes. + * Use in runner. + * Disable ClientHello padding for QUIC. + * Add X509_SIG_get0 and X509_SIG_getm. + * Implement HPKE. + * Disallow TLS 1.3 compatibility mode in QUIC. + * Switch clang-format IncludeBlocks to Preserve. + * Fix unterminated clang-format off. + * Add line number to doc.go error messages. + * Kick the bots. + * Add a JSON output to + * Add details of 20190808 FIPS certification. + * Link to ws2_32 more consistently. + * Allow explicitly-encoded X.509v1 versions for now. + * Opaquify PKCS8_PRIV_KEY_INFO. + * Implement i2d_PUBKEY and friends without crypto/asn1. + * Remove TRUST_TOKEN_experiment_v0. + * Clarify in-place rules for low-level AES mode functions. + * acvp: add CMAC-AES support. + * acvp: add SP800-108 KDF support. + * Remove x509->name. + * Maybe build for AArch64 Windows. + * sha1-x86_64: fix CFI. + * Use |crypto_word_t| and |size_t| more consistently in ECC scalar recoding. + * Enable shaext path for sha1. + * Avoid relying on SSL_get_session's behavior during the handshake. + * Add a -wait-for-debugger flag to runner. + * Add missing OPENSSL_EXPORT to X509_get_X509_PUBKEY. + * Const-correct various functions in crypto/asn1. + * Remove uneeded switch statement. + * Convert X.509 accessor macros to proper functions. + * Remove X509_CINF_get_issuer and X509_CINF_get_extensions. + * Remove X509_get_signature_type. + * clang-format x509.h and run comment converter. + * Check AlgorithmIdentifier parameters for RSA and ECDSA signatures. + * Remove some unimplemented prototypes. + * Check the X.509 version when parsing. + * Fix x509v3_cache_extensions error-handling. + * Work around Windows command-line limits in embed_test_data.go. + * Move crypto/x509 test data into its own directory. + * Test resumability of same, different, and default ticket keys. + * Fixes warning when redefining PATH_MAX when building with MINGW. + * Abstract fd operations better in tool. + * Use CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P instead of CMAKE_CL_64 + * Enforce the keyUsage extension in TLS 1.2 client certs. + * Reword some comments. + * Add “Z Computation†KAT. + * acvptool: handle negative sizeConstraint. + * Let memory hooks override the size prefix. + * acvptool: go fmt + * Assert md_size > 0. + * Remove -enable-ed25519 compat hack. + * Add a |SSL_process_tls13_new_session_ticket|. + * Use ctr32 optimizations for AES_ctr128_encrypt. + * Test AES mode wrappers. + * Bump minimum CMake version. + * Modify how QUIC 0-RTT go/no-go decision is made. + * Remove RAND_set_urandom_fd. + * Document that getrandom support must be consistent. + * Fix docs link for SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations + * Fix TRUST_TOKEN experiment_v1 SRR map. + * Add CRYPTO_pre_sandbox_init. + * Still query getauxval if reading /proc/cpuinfo fails. + * Add missing header to ec/wnaf.c + * Fix OPENSSL_TSAN typo. + * Fix p256-x86_64-table.h indentation. + * Enable avx2 implementation of sha1. + * Trim Z coordinates from the OPENSSL_SMALL P-256 tables. + * Use public multi-scalar mults in Trust Tokens where applicable. + * Use batched DLEQ proofs for Trust Token. + * Restrict when 0-RTT will be accepted in QUIC. + * Disable TLS 1.3 compatibility mode for QUIC. + * Use a 5-bit comb for some Trust Tokens multiplications. + * Use a (mostly) constant-time multi-scalar mult for Trust Tokens. + * Batch inversions in Trust Tokens. + * Rearrange the DLEQ logic slightly. + * Use token hash to encode private metadata for Trust Token Experiment V1. + * Introduce an EC_AFFINE abstraction. + * Make the fuzzer PRNG thread-safe. + * Disable fork-detect tests under TSAN. + * Introduce TRUST_TOKENS_experiment_v1. + * Route PMBToken calls through TRUST_TOKEN_METHOD. + * Introduce a TRUST_TOKEN_METHOD hook to select TRUST_TOKEN variations. + * fork_detect: be robust to qemu. + * Move serialization of points inside pmbtoken.c. + * Introduce PMBTOKENS key abstractions. + * Fix the types used in token counts. + * Remove unused code from + * Switch the P-384 hash-to-curve to draft-07. + * Add hash-to-curve code for P384. + * Write down the expressions for all the NIST primes. + * Move fork_detect files into rand/ + * Harden against fork via MADV_WIPEONFORK. + * Fix typo in comment. + * Use faster addition chains for P-256 field inversion. + * Tidy up third_party/fiat. + * Prefix g_pre_comp in p256.c as well. + * Add missing curve check to ec_hash_to_scalar_p521_xmd_sha512. + * Add a tool to compare the output of bssl speed. + * Benchmark ECDH slightly more accurately. + * Align remaining Intel copyright notice. + * Don't retain T in PMBTOKEN_PRETOKEN. + * Check for trailing data in TRUST_TOKEN_CLIENT_finish_issuance. + * Properly namespace everything in third_party/fiat/p256.c. + * Update fiat-crypto. + * Add missing ERR_LIB_TRUST_TOKEN constants. + * Add bssl speed support for hashtocurve and trusttoken. + * Implement DLEQ checks for Trust Token. + * Fix error-handling in EVP_BytesToKey. + * Fix Trust Token CBOR. + * Match parameter names between header and source. + * Trust Token Implementation. + * Include mem.h for |CRYPTO_memcmp| + * acvptool: add subprocess tests. + * Add SHA-512-256. + * Make ec_GFp_simple_cmp constant-time. + * Tidy up CRYPTO_sysrand variants. + * Do a better job testing EC_POINT_cmp. + * Follow-up comments to hash_to_scalar. + * Add a hash_to_scalar variation of P-521's hash_to_field. + * Add SSL_SESSION_copy_without_early_data. + * Double-check secret EC point multiplications. + * Make ec_felem_equal constant-time. + * Fix hash-to-curve comment. + * Make ec_GFp_simple_is_on_curve constant-time. + * Implement draft-irtf-cfrg-hash-to-curve-06. + * Update list of tested SDE configurations. + * Only draw from RDRAND for additional_data if it's fast. + * Generalize bn_from_montgomery_small. + * Remove BIGNUM from uncompressed coordinate parsing. + * Add EC_RAW_POINT serialization function. + * Base EC_FELEM conversions on bytes rather than BIGNUMs. + * runner: Replace supportsVersions calls with allVersions. + * Enable QUIC for some perMessageTest runner tests + * Move BN_nnmod calls out of low-level group_set_curve. + * Clean up various EC inversion functions. + * Start to organize ec/internal.h a little. + * Fix CFI for AVX2 ChaCha20-Poly1305. + * Remove unused function prototype. + * Enable more runner tests for QUIC + * Require QUIC method with Transport Parameters and vice versa + * acvptool: support non-interactive mode. + * Add is_quic bit to SSL_SESSION + * Update SDE. + * Update tools. + * Add simpler getters for DH and DSA. + * Don't define default implementations for weak symbols. + * Don't automatically run all tests for ABI testing. + * Fix test build with recent Clang. + * Remove LCM dependency from RSA_check_key. + * Simplify bn_sub_part_words. + * No-op commit to test Windows SDE bots. + * ABI-test each AEAD. + * Add memory tracking and sanitization hooks + * Add X509_STORE_CTX_get0_chain. + * Add DH_set_length. + * Static assert that CRYPTO_MUTEX is sufficiently aligned. + * [bazel] Format toplevel BUILD file with buildifier + * Add |SSL_CTX_get0_chain|. + * Configure QUIC secrets inside set_{read,write}_state. + * Allow setting QUIC transport parameters after parsing the client's + * Fix comment for |BORINGSSL_self_test|. + * Trust Token Key Generation. + * Revise QUIC encryption secret APIs. + * Fix ec_point_mul_scalar_public's documentation. + * Don't infinite loop when QUIC tests fail. + * Tidy up transitions out of 0-RTT keys on the client. + * Remove bn_sub_part_words assembly. + * Keep the encryption state and encryption level in sync. + * Add ECDSA_SIG_get0_r and ECDSA_SIG_get0_s. + * Fix a couple of comment typos. + * Const-correct various X509_NAME APIs. + * Ignore old -enable-ed25519 flag. + * Provide __NR_getrandom fillins in urandom test too. + * Skip RSATest.DISABLED_BlindingCacheConcurrency in SDE. + * Fix client handling of 0-RTT rejects with cipher mismatch. + * runner: Tidy up 0-RTT support. + * Add X509_getm_notBefore and X509_getm_notAfter. + * Clean up TLS 1.3 handback logic. + * Require handshake flights end at record boundaries. + * Delete unreachable DTLS check. + * Rename TLS-specific functions to tls_foo from ssl3_foo. + * Rename ssl3_choose_cipher. + * SSL_apply_handback: don't choke on trailing data. + * ssl_test: test early data with split handshakes. + * Check for overflow in massive mallocs. + * Add more convenient RSA getters. + * Remove SSL_CTX_set_ed25519_enabled. + * Improve signature algorithm tests. + * bazel: explicitly load C++ rules + * Check enum values in handoff. + * Restore fuzz/cert_corpus. + * Add a -sigalgs option to bssl client. + * Add SSL_set_verify_algorithm_prefs. + * Switch verify sigalg pref functions to SSL_HANDSHAKE. + * Add SSL_AD_NO_APPLICATION_PROTOCOL + * Refresh corpora due to TLS 1.3 changes in handoff serialization. + * handoff: set |enable_early_data| as part of handback. + * Add 109 and 120 to SSL_alert_desc_string_long + * runner: enable split handshake tests for TLS 1.3. + * Make TLS 1.3 split handshakes work with early data. + * Split half-RTT tickets out into a separate TLS 1.3 state. + * Use BCryptGenRandom when building as Windows UWP app. + bowtie +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL + +- Update to 1.3.0: + * Fixed an issue causing bowtie to report incorrect results + when using a Bowtie 2 index. + * New, more efficient implementation of --reorder for + keeping SAM output lines in same order as input reads + * Added -x parameter for specifying index. bowtie still + supports specifying an index via positional parameter, + but this behavior will be deprecated. + * Migrated python scripts to python3. + * Fully removed colorspace functionality. + * Added support for compiling on ARM architectures. + * Fixed an issue preventing bowtie from outputting newlines + in --max and --un output files. + * Fixed an issue causing alignment results to vary based + on read names. + * Fixed an issue preventing --no-unal from suppressing + unmapped reads. + * Removed dependence on some third-party libraries, + simplifying the code and improving portability. + * Fix an issue preventing bowtie from running with + many threads on big-endian machines. +- Spec cleanup +- Enable aarch64 and disable ppc* and s390x. + bowtie2 +- Update to version 2.4.4: + * Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause deadlocks in bowtie2 + when running multithreaded. + +- Update to version 2.4.3: + * Replaced TBB concurrency with C++ threads. + * Added native support for processing Zstd-compressed read files + to bowtie2. + * Added native support for processing Zstd-compressed + reference-genome files to bowtie2-build. + * Fixed an issue causing `bowtie2` to report incorrect + alignments on big-endian machines. + * Fixed an issue causing `bowtie2` to incorrectly process BAM + files on big-endian machines. + * Fixed an issue causing Bowtie2 to set an incorrect MAPQ when + AS and XS are the maximum for read length. + * Add support for building on Apple M1 processors. +- Update simde to version 0.7.0. +- Drop BuildRequires tbb-devel: no longer required. +- RelWithDebInfo isn't supported and assumes fully unoptimised + Debug mode; use Release mode instead by passing + `-DCMAKE_RELEASE_TYPE=Release` to cmake. + +- Actually update bowtie2 source to version 2.4.2 (fixing previous + revision). +- Drop patches incorporated upstream: + * bowtie2-processor_support.patch (commit ebb07cf). + * bowtie2-cmake-install-targets.patch (commit c9d92ce). +- Package file as doc. + +- Update to version 2.4.2: + * Fixed an issue that would cause the `bowtie2` wrapper script + to throw an error when using wrapper-specific arguments. + * Added new `--sam-append-comment` flag that appends comment + from FASTA/Q read to corresponding SAM record. + * Fixed an issue that would cause qupto, `-u`, to overflow when + there are >= 2^32 query sequences + (gh#BenLangmead/bowtie2#312). + * Fixed an issue that would cause bowtie2-build script to + incorrectly process reference files. +- Drop _service file and use tagged version of simde instead (at + version 0.6.0); correspondingly drop the obsinfo and obscpio + files as well. + +- Added bowtie2-processor_support.patch to fix GCC10 build fail +- Added %fdupes in the spec files to handle duplicated binary files + +- Update to version 2.4.1: + * Fixed an issue that would cause the bowtie2 wrapper script to + incorrectly process certain arguments. +- Changes from version 2.4.0: + * Fixed an issue in BAM pattern source where one thread would + prematurely close the read file pointer resulting in other + threads crashing because of "Bad file descriptor" errors. + * Fixed an issue that would cause bowtie2 to crash with + `--no-1mm-upfront` specified. + * Modified bowtie2-build script to better handle of flags and + positional parameters. + * Migrated all python scripts to python3. + * Added support for wildcards in input files to bowtie2 wrapper + script e.g. `bowtie2 -x index -q *.fq` as opposed to `bowtie2 + - x index -q 1.fq,2.fq,3.fq...`. + * Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to incorrectly process read + names see [gh#BenLangmead/bowtie2#265]. + * Added support for allowing presets to be overridden by more + specific options e.g `bowtie2 -x index --local + - -very-fast-local --L22 -q reads.fq` will cause bowtie2 to use + a seed length of 22 instead of a seed length of 25 that's + configured for `--very-fast-local` preset. + * Modified SAM output for `-k`/`-a` so that supplementary + alignments get assigned a MAPQ of 255. + * Fixed an issue that would cause bowtie2-build to not generate + reverse index files. + * Added preliminary support for ppc64le architectures with the + help of SIMDE project see [gh#BenLangmead/bowtie2#271] for + details. + * Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to incorrectly calculate the + MAPQ when `--mp` was specified in combination with + `--ignore-quals`. +- Add bowtie2-cmake-install-targets.patch to fix cmake scripts, + specfically adding install targets and fixing tests (still does + not work) [gh#BenLangmead/bowtie2#292]. +- Use cmake for building (BuildRequires: cmake); adapt + appropriately for aarch64. +- Use pkgconfig based BuildRequires for zlib. + bpftrace +- Update to 0.14.0 + + Support microsecond timestamps in stftime() + + Add _ as integer literal digit separator + + Support for C style integer suffix in parser + + Add C like pointer arithmetic + + Automatic resolution of library paths for uprobes + + Support positional parameters as integer literals + + Access to uprobe arguments by name + + Prevent LLVM from unrolling loops + + Fix memory leaks in struct types + + Fix strncmp() when N is bigger than on-stack buffer + + Fix strncmp() to check for NUL terminator + + Fix unroll() with async calls + + Fix string comparison codegen + + Fix verifier error when accessing same tracepoint field twice + + Fix reading too many bits for <64 bit kfunc args + + Fix misaligned stack access for map keys + + Write new man page for bpftrace(8) + +- Ensure we always use a fixed LLVM major version to match upstream (12 at the + moment). On Leap we use the latest LLVM (9 at the moment) because 12 is not + available. + +- Update to bpftrace 0.13.0. + + support for LLVM 12 + + warn if attaching a kprobe to a non-traceable function + + support for -k[k] and elapsed in iter probes + + improve JSON printing (nested structs) + + return 1 from tracepoint probes + + preserve original order of struct types + - disallow accessing common tracepoint fields + - forbid casting from/to struct types + +- Update to bpftrace 0.12.1. + * Incorrect --info output bug fix release + +- Update to bpftrace 0.12.0. + + add path, macaddr, strftime builtin + + allow wildcards for tracepoint categories + + add wildcard support for kfunc probe types + + support scientific notation for integer literals + + list retprobes + + resolve unknown typedefs using BTF and give a hint when a type cannot be found + + support multi-matched globbed targets for uprobe and ustd probes + + positional parameters: support numbers as strings and params as string literals + + support for tracepoint __data_loc fields + + set addrspace info for various builtins + + support watchpoint for kernel space address + + support for pointer to pointer + + support for uprobe refcounts + + support for usdt arguments utilising the index register and scale + + printing structures + - disable str($# + 1) + * array improvements (support assignment to variables and usage as a map key) +- Remove upstreamed patches: + - bpftrace-bsc1180670-sync-man-page-and-help.patch + brickd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_brickd-resume.service.patch + * harden_brickd.service.patch + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.3: +- Properly shutdown subsystems on Ctrl+C instead of abruptly exiting on Windows +- Rotate persistent log file on Windows and limit its total size to 25 MB +- Add commandline options to override log and config file location on Windows +- Colorize Log Viewer live log messages on Windows +- Reword Log Viewer messages to be less ambiguous on Windows +- Add build option to work without a device file manager such as udevd on Linux +- Allow to handle more then 6 USB devices on Windows +- Use BCM2835 library for SPI connected Bricklets on Raspberry Pi to improve + performance and work around SPI chip select conflict between Linux kernel 5.4 + and HAT Brick firmware < 2.0.2 +- Improve log messages related to HAT (Zero) Brick on Linux +- Fix SPI hardware chip select usage on Linux +- Allow to fully static link brickd for Docker container usage on Linux +- Switch Debian package build to debhelper and drop SysV init support +- Improve USB transfer error logging and stall error recovery +- Fix SPI clock for HAT (Zero) Brick on Linux, if core_freq differs from 250 MHz +- Add config option to override SPI backend detection + brickv +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.20 + - Hide unused custom line ending controls in hex mode in RS485 Bricklet plugin + - Reuse thread in Data Logger timer to avoid slow memory leak + - Fix Data Logger device list clearing on config loading + - Fix slow memory leak in Data Logger data tab + - Add firmware version column to Health Monitor dialog + - Improve udev rule compatibility on Linux + - Add support for RTC driver config to HAT Brick plugin + - Add support for simple mode to NFC Bricklet plugin + - Increase required PySerial version to 3.0 + - Add support for flashing ESP32 (Ethernet) Bricks +- remove upstream patch 0001-udev-rules-Fix-ATTR-assignment.patch + +- Fix shebang +- Add patch to fix udev rule warning + 0001-udev-rules-Fix-ATTR-assignment.patch + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.19: + - Add support for DC 2.0, Industrial PTC and Silent Stepper Bricklet 2.0 + - Add Data Logger support for DC 2.0, Industrial PTC and Silent Stepper Bricklet 2.0 + - Fix Healthmonitor error handling + - Filter Updates/Flashing and RED Brick Console serial port selection based on + USB product- and vendor-ID + version 2.4.18: + - Add minimal health monitor dialog + - Fix state handling for untabbed plugins + - Force correct UI state after aborting autoreconnect on error + - Handle errors while opening Data Logger debug log file + - Update certificate chain to fix update autodetection + - Autoselect download directory for Brick Viewer downloads + - Check if NFC Bricklet is in correct state to start cardemu discovery + +- Adapt build recipe to python 3 parallel installation support +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.17: + - Add support for Performance DC Bricklet and Servo Bricklet 2.0 + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.16: + - Add support for IMU Bricklet 3.0 and Industrial Dual AC Relay Bricklet + - Improve error handling and reporting + - Support running on integrated GPU on macOS + - Reduce Qt requirement to 5.11 to fix crash on macOS + +- Update to new upstream version 2.4.14: + - Fix monoflop handling to cover full uint32 duration range + - Better indicate disconnected state + - Highlight timeout error counter > 0 in bold red + - Fix slider/spinbox mismatch on auto-reconnect in DC Brick plugin + - Avoid UI jumps on value changes in Energy Monitor Bricklet plugin + - Add extra checkbox to avoid accidental port number changes + - Handle all errors while downloading firmware updates + version 2.4.13: + - Fix race condition in RED Brick program state tracking + - Report actual cause for connection errors + - Don't reset RED Brick tab on every enumerate callback (fixes tab reset on + selecting the Server Monitoring tab) + - Ensure that all dialogs have proper close buttons + - Fix close buttons for for detached tabs + - Fix race condition in RED Brick overview sorting + +- Use proper %{_udevrulesdir} instead of (wrong) + %{_libexecdir}/udev/rules.d. + brise +- don't install .bin files in build + +- update brise 20210525+git4f7fc2a + * revamped rime-plum-go with CLI ui support via "--select" + rime-plum-go is totally compatible with upstream plum and + the go version respects "rime_dir" "rime_frontend" environment + variables and "http_proxy"/"https_proxy" proxies. + * brise data is updated to 20210525 + +- revert "remove rime-plum in package brise and ready to move it into a new package for easier maintenance" + +- remove rime-plum in package brise and ready to move it into a new package for easier maintenance + +- split brise to rime-schema-* + +- update rime-plum-go.tar.xz, fix tw build + +- update 0.39+git20190120.8d5ec2e + * brise was deprecated since plum came out. openSUSE still + provides brise but it is just a collection of ":all" + schema set fetched by plum. the version will just + indicate the time when maintainer updates the package + from now on, because every schema has a separate git + repository and no way to get a version. but we'd better + collect some major changes from these repositories and + list here. + -- update version 0.35+git20140810 - * default.yaml: add switch 'ascii_punct' to switch on and off Chinese - punctuations; add hotkey Control+. to toggle ascii_punct; - add hotkey Control+h for BackSpace, Control+[ for Escape; - clear unfinished input when switching off Chinese mode with Caps Lock; - enable folded options in schema list, press space key to unfold. - * essay.txt: replaces essay.kct in installed files; fix bugs. - * symbols.yaml: /bdz for Chinese punctuations in vertical writing. - * stroke.dict.yaml: adopt BSD license as approved by its original author. - * combo_pinyin: silently ignore invalid chords. - * luna_pinyin_fluency: input various numeric characters with /0 ~ /10. - * luna_pinyin, terra_pinyin, emoji, stroke, zyenpheng: update tables. - -- update version 0.33git20140315 - * symbols.yaml: rearranged symbol table by Patricivs. - * emoji: more Emoji symbols; support tips and alternative spellings. - * jyutping: include more Cantonese phrases. - * essay.txt, luna_pinyin, terra_pinyin: lots of improvements. - * many other bugfixes since then. - -- update version 0.30 - * default.yaml, symbols.yaml: prefer middle dot U+00B7 to U+30FB. - * bopomofo_tw: bopomofo, output in Taiwan standard. - * jyutping: include more characters. - * luna_pinyin_simp: enable hotkey Control+Shift+4 to toggle - simplified/traditional Chinese mode. - * essay.txt, luna_pinyin, terra_pinyin: lots of improvements. - -- update version 0.22 - * essay.txt, luna_pinyin, terra_pinyin: lots of bug-fixes. - * wubi86: auto-commit complete words. (max_code_length: 4) - * luna_pinyin*: enable user created custom_phrase.txt (rime>=0.9.9) - -- although this package only have a /usr/share/rime-data, - but it need building, 32-bit and 64-bit results are different. - So remove BuildArch: noarch tag to fix ibus/fcitx-rime crash. - -- update version 0.13 - * install data files from a separate package. - * update: luna_pinyin, terra_pinyin, jyutping tables. - * update: essay database. - * new schema: emoji. - -- initial version 0.9.2 - * chord-typing support: combine multiple keys to compose a syllable at once. - * configuration: global page_size setting. - * inline mode: extend the API to support inline mode. - * table translator: add option to filter candidates by character set. - * user dictionary: automatic recovery for corrupted databases. - * user dictionary: fixed a bug that was responsible for missing user phrases. - * rime_deployer: a utility program to prepare Rime's workspace. - * rime_dict_manager: a utility program to import/export user dictionaries. - * librime package: include 'brise', a collection of preset schemata in the package. - * new schema: Middle Chinese Phonetic Transcription. - * new schema: IPA input method in X-SAMPA. - brotli +- Fix CVE-2020-8927, decoder: integer overflow when input chunk + is larger than 2GiB. (CVE-2020-8927, bsc#1175825) + * fix-cve-2020-8927.patch + bs +- Change "%license COPYING NEWS README" to "%license COPYING" + +- Update bs to 2.11 + bsd-games +- Switch to ncurses 6 wide char ABI + -- Fixed SLES build - bspwm +- Update to version 0.9.10: + + Additions + - New node descriptor: first_ancestor. + - New node modifiers: horizontal, vertical. + + Changes + - The node descriptors next and prev might now return any node. + The previous behavior can be emulated by appending .!hidden.window. + - The node descriptors pointed, biggest and smallest now return + leaves (in particular pointed will now return the id of a + pointed receptacle). The previous behavior can be emulated by + appending .window. + - The query command now handles all the possible descriptor-free + constraints (for example, query -N -d .active now works as + expected). + - The rules can now match against the window's names (WM_NAME). + - The configuration script now receives an argument to indicate + whether is was executed after a restart or not. + - The intermediate consequences passed to the external rules + command are now in resolved form to avoid unwanted + code execution. +- Package config to /etc/.skel +- Ran spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 0.9.9: + * Fix a memory allocation bug in the implementation of wm --restart. + * Honor single_monocle when the hidden flag is toggled. +- includes 0.9.8: + * Fix a potential infinite loop. + * Fix two bugs having to do with single_monocle. + * Honor removal_adjustment for the spiral automatic insertion scheme. + +- Add -fcommon to CPPFLAGS to make it build with gcc10 + +- Fix suggestions for bspwm-fish-completion + +- Update 0.9.7: + * Bug fix for "single_monocle does not work for the first node on + a desktop" +- From 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 +- Additions + * New wm command: --restart. It was already possible to restart + bspwm without loosing the current state through + - -{dump,load}-state, but this command will also keep the + existing subscribers intact. + * New settings: automatic_scheme, removal_adjustment. + The automatic insertion mode now provides three ways of + inserting a new node: spiral, longest_side (the default) + and alternate. Those schemes are described in the README. + * New settings: ignore_ewmh_struts, presel_feedback, + {top,right,bottom,left}_monocle_padding. + * New node descriptor: smallest. + * New desktop modifier: active. +- Changes + * The focused and active modifiers now mean the same + thing across every object. + * Fullscreen windows are no longer sent to the above layer. + Within the same layer, fullscreen windows are now above floating + windows. If you want a floating window to be above a fullscreen + window, you'll need to rely on layers. + * Pseudo-tiled windows now shrink automatically. +- Removals + * The paddingless_monocle setting was removed (and subsumed). + btar +- Fix building with gcc10 + btfs +- 2.24 + * use XDG_DATA_HOME if defined + +- 2.23 + * Add --utp-only flag to disable TCP + +- Fix build with libtorrent v2. +- Spec cleanup + +- 2.22 + * bug fixes + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- 2.20 + * btplay: Change shebang to python3 + +- Modernize spec file +- 2.19 + * Add option to set data directory + bucklespring +- Update to version 1.5.1 + * This is a no-change version update to properly propagate the + version number + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + * scan-x11: Play mouse clicks both on press and release + * Add desktop file + * Adds background in starting tool + * Added libinput scan backend + * Add a array to configure mid row location and solve stereo + issues + * Adjusted gain of new numpad keys by -4dB to match average + volume of existing keys + * Add horizontal locations for keypad keys + * Add (normalized) keypad samples + * Misc bugfixes + bugzilla +- Add modernize-bugzilla-submit.patch: + - Port bugzilla-submit to Python 3. + +- Use apache-rpm-macros. +- Put apache configuration files in separate subpackage. +- Remove %service_add_post and %server_del_postun apache2.service + from spec. +- Fix two rpmlint errors. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- Update to 5.0.6 + This release contains a schema change to the flagtypes table, + allowing for many more flagtypes. + - The flagtypes table should have been using a mediumint for + several releases, but due to a bug in the schema migration code + this never happened. +- Changes from 5.0.5 + This release reformats the code according to the same + conventions as the popular Mojolicious product and includes a + .perltidyrc to do the same. You may use whatever coding style you + want, but all files commited to the repo must be reformatted + according to those rules. + Additionally, we no longer follow the same release process as + before. Releases will be more frequent. + - As it is now 2019, the bugs_fulltext table is now InnoDB instead + of MyISAM. This may cause upgrade headaches. +- Update german language to 5.0.4-2. +- Drop bugzilla-de-tagfix.patch because now in upstream language. +- Run spec-cleaner. + bumblebee +- Add Debian patch to fix build with GCC10: + * Fix_build_with_GCC10.patch + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. +- Drop pwdutils Requires: pwdutils has been provided by shadow, + which is also required, for a long time. + +- Fix directory mode on the bash-completion + +- Trim aims from description, say what it does. Trim bias. +- Do not ignore errors from groupadd. + +- Please, do not overwrite bumblebee configs (adding noreplace) +- fixing some rpmlint errors + * bash-completion goes to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ not /etc/bash_completion.d/ + * rpmlint filter for zero-size 10-dummy.conf + +- Run %udev_rules_update in post + -- Install README and COPYING - -- Require systemd-modules-load.service to be present for our service - -- Add mention aboud the blacklist requirement for nouveau. - bvi +- Update to 1.4.1 + * Compile warning: implicit declaration of function ‘save_chk’ + * fixed bmore seg fault on file not found + * set columns prevents filename display on the commandline + * bmore new option -r + * bvi new setting: set reverse + * Characters between 160 - 254 are displayed as "reverse video + text" as used in some legacy systems (Atari, Commodore, + Apple II, etc). + * castings fixed in comm.c +- cleanup with spec-cleaner + bwbar +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * bwbar.service + bwidget +- update to 1.9.14: + spinbox.tcl: fix error about unsupported option + - disabledforeground when using themed widgets. + Thanks to Gerhard Reithofer and Christian Werner. + Ticket [071fc80f14] + mainframe.tcl: Add optional parameter "Top" to internal + function "MainFrame::_create_menubar" to allow to use + a menu button for the main menu (Hack). + The mainframe may be initialized with "- menu {}". + Then, the menubutton may be created and the menu may + by added by: + MainFrame::_create_menubar .mf $mitems $menubutton. + Allow to skip a main menu level by empty menu label. + Purpose: support commands/checkboxes at first level. + scrollframe.tcl: use Tk8.7 TIP 518 virtual event + <<NoManagedChild>> to resize client frame to 1x1 when + last child is unmapped. + dialog.c: For Unix, also Bind KP_Enter for default dialog + button invokation. Ticket [3e31f04367]. + Thanks to Jos for the proposal. + Spanish translation enhanced by Neko. + Ticket [a947e33526] + color.tcl: replace the help widget by balloons bound to the + widgets. Ticket [2cc70ce1cb] + color.tcl: New option -command allows to get a callback + when the user does an unvalidated choice. + New option -background and command SelectColor for + window background. + TitleFrames, Dynamic help and Aqua native buttons used. + Show current choice by highlighting, not focus, to avoid + conflict with keyboard traversal. + Shows entry widget for numerical color input/output. + New option -help to show a help area. + Patch by Keith J. Nash + Ticket [75101bf5ce] + Translators: Jima (es), Vogel (fr), Marcus (nl), Ian (da) + Ticket [a947e33526] + notebook.tcl (+man,demo): Add possibility to NoteBook + to add an image at the right of each tab. + Ticket [15e19fe9ec]. Patch by Keith J. Nash. + MessageDlg.html: Documented the use of the native widget for + "MessageDlg -type !user" and the limited set of recognized + options. Ticket [8edade3cea] by Gerhard Reithofer + listbox.tcl: Listbox did not scroll to current item on + startup. Ticket [ae238d5a7] + lang/da.rc, lang/es.rc, lang/fr.rc, lang/no.rc: + Translations non portable on utf-8 systems. + File encoding changed to utf-8. Ticket [6c91e43d76] + tree.tcl: Tree lines are black by default even if background + is black. Ticket [ed4c1dab46] + listbox.tcl: 8.4 compatibility was broken due to the use of + min/max math functions. Ticket [0aef856302] + dynhelp.tcl: Drop the assumption that all windows + screen are the same size (of fix dated 2009-06-26) + and use the virtual screen information to place the bubble + help. Ticket [b64e03e548]. + -- new version: 1.7.0 + some newer fixes from CVS. -- building as a non-root user. - bwm-ng +- Update to version 0.6.3 + * Fix potential write to unallocated memory. + * Output bits per second in csv + * Add support for newer netstat (2016+) + +- Trim bias from descriptions. +- Remove unsupported arches from specfile. + +- Update to version 0.6.2: + * Fix for timestamp inaccuracy and Y-2038 problem. + * Add the started time in "sum" mode. + * Fix DYNAMIC and ANSIOUT in config. + * Use `static inline` instead of `inline`. + * Always fflush the pipe. + * Update FSF address. + * Fix typos. + * Fix nan and inf values on fast refresh (deb#532331). +- Remove bwm-ng-fix_gcc7_inline.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Refresh spec file. + byobu +- Fix build after libexec change in distribution + +- update to version 5.133: + * debian/docs: Closes: #951455 + - fix FTBFS on README + byobu (5.132-0ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium + * debian/control, debian/rules: + - pep8 binary is gone from Debian, disable for now + +- Update to 5.131 + * debian/control: Closes: #949941 + - build-depend on python3-pep8, rather than pep8 transitional package + * usr/lib/byobu/disk: + - change disk status to white on darker magenta/purple, helps with + readability on some terminals + * usr/lib/byobu/include/ LP: #1750430 + - commit edeae41 fixed the excessive creation of sessions by not + creating different sessions. This commit adjust the behavior in a way + that having .reuse-sessions enabled tmux will properly attach and remove + sessions when dettaching and will also kill the last session available + - When more than two sessions exist, tmux asks which session to use + * usr/share/byobu/keybindings/f-keys.tmux: LP: #1861555 + - Update usage of tmux swap-window so that focus stays with the + original window. + +- Update to 5.130 + * usr/lib/byobu/logo: + - add Raspbian colors / logo + * usr/lib/byobu/include/ + - Force UTF-8 when attaching in `` + * debian/rules: + - ignore new pep8 rules around hard tabs and whitespaces, related + to bug 1843729 + * AUTHORS, CONTRIBUTING, NEWS, README, + - Flatten these files into a single + - Minor updates in the process +- Remove unnecessary python-devel BuildRequires. +- Replace shebang for two env-using scripts. + +- Update to 5.129 + + see + +- Require python3-newt, fixes bsc#1121502 + +- update to 5.127. key changes: + * usr/share/byobu/profiles/bashrc: + - Googley PS1 for non-Ubuntu distros + * usr/lib/byobu/include/shutil, usr/lib/byobu/, + usr/lib/byobu/rcs_cost, usr/share/byobu/status/status, + usr/share/man/man1/byobu.1, + usr/lib/byobu/ec2_cost, + usr/lib/byobu/include/, + usr/lib/byobu/include/, usr/lib/byobu/include/shutil, + usr/lib/byobu/, usr/share/byobu/status/status, + usr/share/man/man1/byobu.1, + * usr/bin/ + - deprecate unmaintained ec2/rcs pricing functionality + - this never really worked well, and these prices are constantly changing + - clear out stale status cache + * debian/control, usr/lib/byobu/ip_address, usr/lib/byobu/network, + usr/share/man/man1/wifi-status.1: LP: #1748956 + - switch entirely to iproute2, away from net-tools and ifconfig + - only remaining ifconfig is fall-back logic, in case /sbin/ip is + not found + * usr/bin/, usr/share/man/man1/byobu-select- + profile.1: LP: #1717746 + - deprecate interactive mode for byobu-select-profile + * usr/lib/byobu/include/ LP: #1696546 + - try to support zsh and other shells in addition to bash + * usr/share/byobu/profiles/bashrc: + - fix missing bash 256 ps1 colors + * usr/lib/byobu/include/constants, usr/share/byobu/keybindings/f- + keys.screen, usr/share/byobu/keybindings/f-keys.tmux: + - create a $BYOBU_EDITOR variable, using "sensible-editor" if found + (it will be on Debian/Ubuntu systems), or $EDITOR if not, and falling + back to "vim" in the case where none are found + - use $BYOBU_EDITOR with Shift-F7 to open the printscreen buffer in + a new window; this fixes a bug on some distros where $EDITOR might + be undefined + * usr/lib/byobu/session: + - don't count sessions that start with _ BUG: #892489 + * usr/lib/byobu/updates_available: + - Fix rare race condition for update_needed and cache file (#26) + - + * byobu.desktop: + - give some hints for GNOME Shell to correctly match byobu desktop file + (LP: #1718482); partial fix, not entirely working yet + +- update to 5.125: + * usr/share/byobu/profiles/dircolors: LP: #1752352 + - fix blinking symlinks + * usr/lib/byobu/include/ + - Fix cull_zombies() so that we properly cull zombies of sessions that + have non-numeric session names + - Allow the dynamic session-creation behaviour to be disabled by + creating ~/.byobu/.reuse-session + * debian/control: + - need sensible-utils + byzanz +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with latest upstream + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Use favor_gtk2 to switch between gtk2 and gtk3 builds. -- Add byzanz-gnome3.patch: ports the applet to GNOME 3, to fix - build in Factory. Only apply if favor_gtk2 is not set, and call - in that case, with a gnome-common BuildRequires. -- For gtk3 build, move to pkgconfig()-style and GNOME 3 - BuildRequires: - + Old ones: gtk2-devel, gnome-panel-devel, - gstreamer-0_10-plugins-base-devel, xorg-x11-devel. - + New ones: cairo, gio-2.0, gstreamer-0.10, gstreamer-app-0.10, - gtk+-3.0, libpanelapplet-4.0, x11. - -- Update to version 0.2.3: - + Features: - - WebM support - - Updated translations - + Bugfixes: - - Fix compile on 64bit machines. - -- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: - + %icon_theme_cache_post/postun because the package ships themed - icons. -- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation - can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. -- Change Requires of lang subpackage to Recommends, since the - english documentation is not there anymore. - bzflag +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * bzflagserver.service + +- Update to 2.4.22 + * Fix many issues with SDL 2 window management. + * The playHistoryTracker plugin now tracks kills correctly. + * Local shotID was not being set in bz_eShotFiredEvent. + * Send active autopilot statuses to a joining player. + * Fix solo bots being kicked when rejoining to a server. + * Fix the backspace key not working on the bzadmin Curses menu. + +- Update to 2.4.20 + * Reorganization of the menus to improve usability - Scott Wichser + * Add bz_isWithinWorldBoundaries to API - Vladimir Jimenez + * Use teleporter names in /saveworld .obj exports - Vladimir Jimenez + * Add bz_getSpawnPointWithin to API - Vladimir Jimenez + * Fix NetHandler compiler errors on Alpine Linux - Jim Melton + * Significantly improve platform-dependent header imports - Jim Melton + * Only perform texture conversion to internal format once - Alfredo Tupone, Scott Wichser + * Removal of never used logic for expiring builds - Zehra + * Radar size and console height are controlled with BZDB variables - The Noah + * Add bz_getNearestFlagSafetyZone to the API - Vladimir Jimenez + * Don't allow hunt to be used when not connected to a server - Zehra + * Improve vsync settings with SDL2 - Joshua Bodine + * Ignore the -NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode YES option in Xcode - Joshua Bodine + * Add Slovak translation - Jose Riha, Scott Wichser + * Use a greyscale color scale based on relative height when colored radar shots are disabled - Alfredo Tupone + * Sort locally discovered servers to the top of the server list - Scott Wichser + * Add the Open Free For All mode to the Start Server menu - Scott Wichser + * Remove ineffective performance tests and just default to "modern" settings - Scott Wichser + * Change default settings to better suit first time players - Scott Wichser + * Standardize the rabbit game mode name to "Rabbit Chase" - Scott Wichser + * Do not scale NPOT textures when OpenGL supports them - Alfredo Tupone + * Generate mipmaps with OpenGL 1.4 extension - Alfredo Tupone + * Fixed SDL 1.2 builds on macOS - Joshua Bodine + * Force zbuffer for Experimental quality - Alfredo Tupone + * Use GLEW to detect GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp - Alfredo Tupone + * Add support for storing arbitrary data in API player records - Jeff Myers + * Fix API string utility functions sometimes losing values - Vladimir Jimenez + * Add new bz_ePlayerDeathFinalizedEvent API event - Vladimir Jimenez + * Display Time-per-Frame with 2 decimal digits and averaged over time - Alfredo Tupone + * Output correct error when loading a nonexistent bzfs plugin - Vladimir Jimenez + * Remove obsolete bzfs option from Start Server menu on Windows - Scott Wichser + +- Update to version 2.4.16 + * Send MsgFlagGrab before API event is called + * Correctly unmuted when paused and killed by server + * Format codebase to allman style + * Use GLEW for obtaining OpenGL entry points and checking for + extensions + * Revert a80ab87 (truncation warning fix) as that generated broken + replay file headers. Detect and work around that bad header. + * Use pkg-config, if available, to detect ncurses +- Update to version 2.4.14 + * Add new bz_eAllowServerShotFiredEvent to the API + * Fix antialiasing when starting the client windowed + * Update the Windows icon file to include larger icons + * Treat the number pad keys uniquely for key mapping with SDL2 + * Better cpu selection for x86_64 + * Fix build with enable-profile + * Add safety check when getting flags (bzfs) + * Add min/../max to drawTime - Alfredo Tupone + * Fix the -configdir option for the client + * Improve support for custom BZDB vars in plug-ins + * Fix truncation warnings + * Add new bz_ePermissionModificationEvent to the API + * Introduce new 'showMotto' permission + * Fix gcc warnings and code formatting + * Remove old BitmapFont renderer + * Add new bz_eServerShotFiredEvent to the API + * Revamp the world weapon API entirely + * Add PLAYER-MOTTO output to logDetail plugin + * Display remaining ban time when a banned player connects + * Punitive messages no longer display admin callsigns + * Slash commands in the API now know destination channel + * Fix ability to bind a key with a modifier through menu + * Disallow -helpmsg from world files + +- Add %systemd_ordering for %service_*. + +- Replaced the sysv init script by a systemd unit file + Due to the complexity of the init script, the script is still + used to start/stop the server. Note that the init script + and the systemd unit file are not part of upstream! + [bsc#1115940, bzflagserver.service] + -- Strip redundant sections/tags from specfile - -- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable - -- Update to version 2.4.0 - * Shot messages are synchronized with position - * Added /playerlist for everyone - * Added message type for properly handling /me actions - * Added BZDB option to hide flags on radar server side - * Removed /setpass /register /identify - * Handicap is computed on the server - * Allow plugins to register custom flag types - * Forced * for image downloads until user sets - otherwise - * Accepted patch from McSpider, added OpenFFA - * Removed -requireUDP, now it is always required - * Accepted patch from McSpider, removed client option to turn off fog - * Accepted patch from McSpider, added -noTeamKills option - * Removed -3Dfx, -no3Dfx. Moved -geometry -> -window <geometry-spec> - * Add ricochet on a per object basis for .bzw files - * serverControl plugin- Add option to ignore observers for server shutdowns - * serverControl plugin- Only report ban file access errors once - * serverControl plugin- Limit filesystem checks to once every 3 seconds - * LogDetail plugin-Add SERVER-MAPNAME with the public server description - * The bzfs -time command line option allows end time - * screenshots now compressed asynchronously - * Add /serverdebug command and plugin API - * Add bzfs -utc command line option to log timestamps using universal time - * Fix buffer overrun when using -ts micros on Linux - * Only players with POLL permission are eligible to vote - * Only allow a single end shot credit for holding the shield flag - * Do not inform hunters of stealthy prey - * All scores are controlled completely by the server - * Relabel player "email" string as "motto" - * Require TALK privilege for player motto to be broadcast - * Always require valid authentication for registered names - * Move flag identification server side - * GM sanity checks - * Added the -publickey requirement for publicly listed servers (and renamed - the bzfs -public option to -publictitle) -- Remove forward declaration patch - -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building -- Strip %clean section (not needed on BS) - -- Update to version 2.0.16 - * Fix regression in protocol handling by server - * Add bullet tails as seen out the viewport - * Remove unused dependency on Xi library - * Allow only one Enter message per player instance - * Add TimeLimit plugin - * Remove broken vocaliser and obsolete torBlock plugins - * Add Options -> Display -> AntiFlicker option - * Add Options -> Input -> Confine Mouse (MotionBox) - * Adjust advanced ground rendering for texture flicker - * Backport fix for /idbanlist and /hostbanlist crashes - * Fix player ghosting failure - * Provide API support for using bz_moveFlag on team flags - * Add pushstats plugin for future statistics gathering system - * Increase restrictions on incompletely joined players - * Announce saved file name in recordmatch plugin - * Fix buffer overflow in menu subsystem - * Fully support glob-style wildcards in hostbans and make name comparisons - case insensitive - * Properly limit maximum message size in /showgroup command - * Reset team scores in case of a capture during a countdown - * Block spoofed /me messages - * Keep flags within the world boundary - * Add the "roamView" BZDB variable - * Change fonts to DejaVu - * Source cleanup - * use fdupes - -- cleanup spec file - bzrtp +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.46: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * Fix compilation issue with CLang 11 + +- Update to 5.0.35: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.0.0, no changelog + +- Update to 4.5.20, no changelog + +- Update to 4.5.15 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.10 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * No changelog available. + +- Update to 4.5.0 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.33 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.29 (no changelog) + +- Trim redundancies from description. + +- Update to 4.4.24 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.21 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.13 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.7 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.6 (no changelog) + +- Update the licence: it is now GPLv3+. + +- Update to 4.4.0 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.3.1 (no changelog) + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build +- Use %autosetup to simplify maintenance + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Fix RPM group. + +- Modernise spec file +- Move doc between subpackages + c-ares -- 5c995d5.patch: augment input validation on hostnames to allow _ - as part of DNS response (bsc#1190225) - -- Version update to git snapshot 1.17.1+20200724: - * fixes missing input validation on hostnames returned by DNS - servers (bsc#1188881, CVE-2021-3672) - * If ares_getaddrinfo() was terminated by an ares_destroy(), - it would cause crash - * Crash in sortaddrinfo() if the list size equals 0 due to - an unexpected DNS response - * Expand number of escaped characters in DNS replies as - per RFC1035 5.1 to prevent spoofing - * Use unbuffered /dev/urandom for random data to prevent early startup - performance issues -- missing_header.patch: upstreamed - -- add BR for pkg-config to get the provides in the devel package - -- ares_dns.h, missing_header.patch: re-add missing header in last release - -- Version update to 1.17.0 - Security: - * avoid read-heap-buffer-overflow in ares_parse_soa_reply found during - fuzzing - * Avoid theoretical buffer overflow in RC4 loop comparison - * Empty hquery->name could lead to invalid memory access - * ares_parse_{a,aaaa}_reply() could return a larger *naddrttls than was - passed in (bsc#1178882, CVE-2020-8277) - Changes: - * Update help information for adig, acountry, and ahost - * Test Suite now uses dynamic system-assigned ports rather than hardcoded - ports to prevent failures in containers - * Detect remote DNS server does not support EDNS using rules from RFC 6891 - * Source tree has been reorganized to use a more modern layout - * Allow parsing of CAA Resource Record - Bug fixes: - * readaddrinfo bad sizeof() - * Test cases should honor HAVE_WRITEV flag, not depend on WIN32 - * FQDN with trailing period should be queried first - * ares_getaddrinfo() was returning members of the struct as garbage values if - unset, and was not honoring ai_socktype and ai_protocol hints. - * ares_gethostbyname() with AF_UNSPEC and an ip address would fail - * Properly document ares_set_local_ip4() uses host byte order - For details, see -- add missing upstream sources, to be removed for next release -- remove unnecessary BuildRequires -- fix building on SLE12 systems - -- simplify conditions bit to make it tad more readable - -- Implement multibuild specfile to split out tests into its own - flavor; this way we can build and run tests, which require - static lib, as well as avoid packaging the latter without issues - with the installed cmake file.. - -- Version update to 1.16.1 - Security: - * Prevent possible use-after-free and double-free in ares_getaddrinfo() if - ares_destroy() is called prior to ares_getaddrinfo() completing. - Reported by Jann Horn at Google Project Zero. - Changes: - * Allow TXT records on CHAOS qclass. Used for retriving things like - version.bind, version.server, authoris.bind, hostname.bind, and id.server. [3] - Bug fixes: - * Fix Windows Unicode incompatibilities with ares_getaddrinfo() [1] - * Silence false cast-align compiler warnings due to valid casts of struct - sockaddr to struct sockaddr_in and struct sockaddr_in6. - * MacOS should use libresolv for retrieving DNS servers, like iOS - * CMake build system should populate the INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES property of - installed targets [2] - * Correct macros in use for the ares_getaddrinfo.3 man page -- Changes in version 1.16.0 - Changes: - * Introduction of ares_getaddrinfo() API which provides similar output - (including proper sorting as per RFC 6724) to the system native API, but - utilizes different data structures in order to provide additional - information such as TTLs and all aliases. Please reference the respective - man pages for usage details. - * Parse SOA records from ns_t_any response - * CMake: Provide c-ares version in package export file - * CMake: Add CPACK functionality for DEB and RPM - * CMake: Generate PDB files during build - * CMake: Support manpage installation - Bug fixes: - * Fix bad expectation in IPv6 localhost test. - * AutoTools: use XC_CHECK_BUILD_FLAGS instead of XC_CHECK_USER_FLAGS to - prevent complaints about CPPFLAGS in CFLAGS. - * Fix .onion handling - * Command line usage was out of date for adig and ahost. - * Typos in manpages - * If ares_getenv is defined, it must return a value on all platforms - * If /etc/resolv.conf has invalid lookup values, use the defaults. - * Tests: Separate live tests from SetServers* tests as only live tests - should require internet access. - * ares_gethostbyname() should return ENODATA if no valid A or AAAA record - is found, but a CNAME was found. - * CMake: Rework library function checking to prevent unintended linking - with system libraries that aren't needed. - * Due to use of inet_addr() it was not possible to return - from ares_gethostbyname(). - * CMake: Fix building of tests on Windows -- Drop regression.patch which have been fixed upstream -- Refresh disable-live-tests.patch -- Remove static lib since its required when doing tests and we dont want it - included in package -- Run spec-cleaner - -- Upgrade to latest snapshot from 2020-01-17 -- disable-live-tests.patch: refreshed -- regression.patch: fix a regression in DNS results that contain - both A and AAAA answers. - -- Add netcfg as the build requirement and runtime requirement. - ares_getaddrinfo function uses the getservbyport_r function which - requires the /etc/services file to function properly. That config - file is provided by the netcfg package. Unit tests rely on it - too, hence it has to be a build dependency as well. - -- Switch to cmake-based build. - Some packages need the cmake build files. - -- Fix version number of the snapshot to not be downgrade: - bsc#1156601 - -- Update to upstream snapshot 20191108 - * getaddrinfo - avoid infinite loop in case of NXDOMAIN - * ares_getenv - return NULL in all cases - * implement ares_getaddrinfo -- onion-crash.patch: removed, upstreamed. -- removed upstream patches that are part of the snapshot: - 0001-Add-initial-implementation-for-ares_getaddrinfo-112.patch - 0002-Remaining-queries-counter-fix-additional-unit-tests-.patch - 0003-Bugfix-for-ares_getaddrinfo-and-additional-unit-test.patch - 0004-Add-ares__sortaddrinfo-to-support-getaddrinfo-sorted.patch - 0005-getaddrinfo-avoid-infinite-loop-in-case-of-NXDOMAIN-.patch - 0006-getaddrinfo-callback-must-be-called-on-bad-domain-24.patch - 0007-getaddrinfo-enhancements-257.patch - 0008-Add-missing-limits.h-include-from-ares_getaddrinfo.c.patch - - 0010-Disable-failing-test.patch -- disable-live-tests.patch - updated - -- Add upstream patches with the ares_getaddrinfo function: - * 0001-Add-initial-implementation-for-ares_getaddrinfo-112.patch - * 0002-Remaining-queries-counter-fix-additional-unit-tests-.patch - * 0003-Bugfix-for-ares_getaddrinfo-and-additional-unit-test.patch - * 0004-Add-ares__sortaddrinfo-to-support-getaddrinfo-sorted.patch - * 0005-getaddrinfo-avoid-infinite-loop-in-case-of-NXDOMAIN-.patch - * 0006-getaddrinfo-callback-must-be-called-on-bad-domain-24.patch - * 0007-getaddrinfo-enhancements-257.patch - * 0008-Add-missing-limits.h-include-from-ares_getaddrinfo.c.patch - * -- Add a patch which disables test failing on OBS (but passing in - local environment): - * 0010-Disable-failing-test.patch - -- Version update to 1.15.0: - * Add ares_init_options() configurability for path to resolv.conf file - * Ability to exclude building of tools (adig, ahost, acountry) in CMake - * Report ARES_ENOTFOUND for .onion domain names as per RFC7686 - (bsc#1125306) - * Apply the IPv6 server blacklist to all nameserver sources - * Prevent changing name servers while queries are outstanding - * ares_set_servers_csv() on failure should not leave channel in a - bad state -- enable unit tests -- disable-live-tests.patch: disable tests to live servers -- onion-crash.patch: backport fix for a crash affecting .onion TLD - -- Remove ineffective --with-pic. - -- Version update to 1.14.0: - * Fix patch for CVE-2017-1000381 to not be overly aggressive - * gethostbyaddr should fail with ECANCELLED not ENOTFOUND when ares_cancel is called - * ares_gethostbyname.3: fix callback status values - * docs: Document WSAStartup requirement - * Fix a typo in init_by_resolv_conf - -- Rename everything to c-ares - -- Version update to 1.13.0: - * Fixes bsc#1044946 CVE-2017-1000381 - * Bunch of bugfixes -- Drop cares-1.9.1-ocloexec.patch as it broke again and it is - not really worth all the fwdporting -- Drop check phase there is only return 0 - -- Version update to 1.12.0: - * Fixes bsc#1007728 CVE-2016-5180 - * api: add ARES_OPT_NOROTATE optmask value - * Collection of bugfixes - -- update to 1.11.0: - * Allow multiple -s options to the ahost command - * api: Expose the ares_library_initialized() function - * api: Add ares_set_sortlist(3) entrypoint - * api: Add entrypoints to allow use of per-server ports - * api: introduce `ares_parse_txt_reply_ext` - * api: Add ares_set_socket_configure_callback() - * Add -t u option to ahost - * collection of bug fixes - -- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it - implicit: - + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires. - + No longer execute gpg_verify. - c-toxcore +- Update to 0.2.13 + * Merged PRs: + - #1725 cleanup: add some missing null checks + - #1723 chore: Run infer static analyser on circle ci builds. + - #1718 fix: Sec/fix crypto size compute + - #1716 chore: Use toktok-stack docker image with built third_party. + - #1713 test: Add some unit tests for important internal DHT functions. + - #1708 perf: reduce calling into Mono_Time in DHT + - #1706 chore: Enable cimple tests on cirrus build. + - #1705 fix: issue with save_load autotest + - #1703 chore: Upgrade to toktok-stack:0.0.11. + - #1699 fix: some friend connection issues + - #1698 fix: bug causing API to report wrong self connection status + - #1693 chore: Update IRC info + - #1691 chore: Fix Appveyor and add workarounds for Cirrus CI + - #1686 chore: Enable c-toxcore conan packaging + - #1684 cleanup: Update instructions + - #1679 cleanup: Trivial cleanup + - #1674 cleanup: filetransfer code + - #1672 docs: Add instructions for building unit tests to + - #1667 chore: Update tox-bootstrapd checksum due to newer packages in Alpine + - #1664 cleanup: use heap memory instead of stack for large variables + - #1663 fix: Fix file tests on windows + - #1633 fix: AppVeyor failing due to conan remote being added twice + - #1602 fix: Fix buffer over-read when a peer leaves a conference + - #1586 test: Fix tcp_relay_test by adding a second bootstrap node. + - #1580 style: Format comments according to tokstyle's requirements. + - #1557 chore: Add conan support + - #1537 chore: Cygwin build + - #1516 cleanup: Make pylint and mypy happy with + - #1515 style: Run restyled on Travis and Circle CI scripts. + - #1514 refactor: Remove multi-declarators entirely. + - #1513 refactor: Disallow multiple initialised declarators per decl. + - #1510 chore: Don't build pushes to branches, only to tags. + - #1504 chore: Remove release-drafter configuration in favour of global one. + - #1498 refactor: Limit scope of loop iterators. + - #1497 refactor: Use bash arrays instead of strings for static analysis scripts. + - #1496 cleanup: Stop hard-coding packet IDs in tests. + - #1495 chore: Exclude imported libsodium sources from restyled. + - #1493 feat: Add logging to TCP and onion client. + - #1489 cleanup: NAC_LIBS -> NACL_LIBS. + - #1487 chore: Add autotools build to localbuild docker images. + - #1473 chore: Add a script to run Travis CI locally. + - #1467 fix: Fix a bug in savedata loading when malloc fails. + - #1464 fix: Fix errors on error paths found by oomer. + - #1463 cleanup: Add a check that we don't have any unused functions. + - #1462 cleanup: Include <string.h> for explicit_bzero. + - #1436 chore: Enable cimple tests by default but allow disabling them. + * Closed issues: + - #1598 ERROR: heap-buffer-overflow in group.c found with AddressSanitizer + - #1326 the cause is great, but this thing is completely unusable + - #1319 Is this new application is safe & trusted ?? + - #1236 Ruby Extension? + - #1149 uTox aborts on toxcore restart + - #886 Maybe need to set the stacksize for musl-libc + +- Update to 0.2.12 + * Merged PRs: + - #1457 Disable non-hermetic tests by default. + - #1456 Limit the number of friends you can have to ~4 billion. + - #1452 Add execution trace option for debugging. + - #1447 Udp dht group chats + - #1444 Set up release-drafter to automatically draft the next release. + - #1443 Allow test coverage to fluctuate 2% up and down, but not below 80%. + - #1442 Add CODEOWNERS and settings.yml files. + - #1441 [ImgBot] Optimize images + - #1439 Fix continuous integration builds. + - #1437 Rework the toxchat/bootstrap-node Docker image. + - #1435 Enable TCP relay test in Bazel and autotools build. + - #1434 Skip invalid TCP relays and DHT nodes when loading save data. + - #1433 Fix saving of combination of loaded and connected TCP relays + - #1430 Invert not_valid functions and name them is_valid. + - #1429 Fix things not being initialized if creating a TCP-only network + - #1426 Remove tokstyle exemptions from build files. + - #1425 Stop using the "inline namespace" feature of apidsl. + - #1424 Add new semi-private API functions to set per-packet-id custom handlers. + - #1423 Give CI workflow a better name: clang-sanitizers + - #1422 Use public API for sending in RTP + - #1421 Install ci-tools and get tokstyle via the script it provides. + - #1420 Use tox public API for sending packets in toxav BWController + - #1419 Remove newlines from the end of LOGGER format strings. + - #1418 Change ToxAVCall struct mutex to a more distinct name + - #1417 Create own instance of Mono_Time for ToxAV + - #1416 Stop using Messenger's mono_time in bandwidth controller. + - #1415 Fix 2 memory leaks in ToxAV. + - #1414 Show function names in asan/tsan stack traces on CircleCI. + - #1413 Make afl_toxsave.c a bit more portable; fix memory leak. + - #1411 Fixes towards building on MSVC. + - #1409 Mark conference test as small. + - #1407 Add minimal save generator + - #1406 Migrate format-source script to new apidsl web app. + - #1404 Smarter setup of bazel remote cache on Cirrus CI. + - #1331 Add basic test adapter for AFL + * Closed issues: + - #1365 Add the option to use LAN discovery even when using a proxy for remote connections + - #1353 libtoxdns.a and libtoxav.a + - #86 Freenet as Offline Messaging Backend + +- update to 0.2.11 + * #1403 Install libsodium from apt instead of from source. + * #1402 Remove bazel build from Travis. + * #1400 Disable bazel remote cache on CI. + * #1399 Periodically try to send direct packets when connected by TCP. + * #1398 Minor cleanup: use assoc_timeout function where possible. + * #1397 Check that LOGGER macros are only called with string literals. + * #1396 Make function defns match their decls regarding storage class. + * #1395 Mark file-local function definitions as static. + * #1394 Enable remote cache for bazel builds. + * #1393 Add another bootstrap node to the bootstrap test. + * #1392 Clear out old conference connections. + * #1391 Minor cleanups in network code. + * #1390 Avoid casting back and forth between void-ptr. + * #1389 Standardise on having a comma at the end of enums. + * #1388 Fix up comments a bit to start being more uniform. + * #1387 Use rules_cc instead of native cc_library rules. + * #1386 Use spdx license identifier instead of GPL blurb. + * #1383 Pass packet ID to custom packet handlers. + * #1382 Add a mutex lock/unlock inside every public API function. + * #1381 Use net_pack instead of casting bytes to ints. + * #1380 Disable FreeBSD travis build until it is fixed. + * #1379 Update and fix FreeBSD setup on Travis-CI + * #1378 Use ninja build system for the cmake-linux build. + * #1376 Remove testing/av_test.c. + * #1375 Add "cimple_test" to the bazel build. + * #1374 Handle invite to existing conference + * #1372 Upgrade bazel to 2.1.1. + * #1371 Bump to astyle-3.1 in travis build. + * #1370 use -1 rather than ~0 in unsigned integer types + * #1362 Workaround for message number saving + * #1358 Allow Bazel to rerun tests marked as flaky + * #1352 Update tests to use a working bootstrap node + * #1349 Fix tox-bootstrapd's README and update Dockerfile + * #1347 Fix pthread_mutex_destroy getting too many arguments + * #1346 Fix most TSAN failures + * #1345 fix concurrency issues in mono_time + * #1343 Fix TSAN failures in tests + * #1334 fix missing group title length check + * #1330 Force IPv4 for cirrus-ci tests + * #1329 bump libsodium version in appveyor.yml + * #1322 Clean-up of group.c code + * #1321 Some small fixes to groups. + * #1299 Add VScode folder to .gitignore + * #1297 Use net_pack/unpack instead of host_to_net. + * #1373 handle crashes after group invites + * #1368 Are tox clients also open source + * #1366 Generate a link for websites (Friendship and proxy) + * #1354 Unstable Tests + * #1316 Documentation claims toxav_iteration_interval is threadsafe but it's not + * #1274 build error + * #850 GPG App Usage + +- update to 0.2.10 + * #1320 add undef guard in tox_many_tcp_test + * #1314 Fix bazel build version at 0.22.0 for CI. + * #1311 Disable failing TCP server test + * #1310 Do not send the same packet to the same node twice + * #1309 add configurable limit on number of stored frozen peers + * #1305 Expose api functions for enabling and disabling AV in AV groups + * #1302 Specify that buffer size for tox_conference_peer_get_name is given by $size + * #1313 CirrusCI is failing and blocking PRs + * #1312 Onion client review + * #1306 Persistent conference's offline peer list always grows and never decreases + * #1303 Loaded persistent groups fail to send audio + * #1298 How to make for android? + * #1261 Bump so version + * #1116 Message length is too large log spam + cJSON +- Update to version 1.7.15 + * Fix potential core dumped for strrchr. + * Fix null pointer crash in cJSON_CreateXxArray. + * Fix several null pointer problems on allocation failure. + * Fix a possible dereference of null pointer. + c_count +- Update to version 7.20: + * updated configure macros + * update config.guess and config.sub + +- Update to version 7.19: + + remove obsolete makefile-rules + + updated configure macros + + update config.guess and config.sub + +- Update to version 7.18: + * updated configure macros + * update config.guess and config.sub + cadabra2 +- Update to version + * Add forgotten file to sources. +- Changes from version and + * Do not remove latex log/aux files on error. + * Fix glib linker error for cadabra-cli + * Fix meld error where terms with different names but same index + structure were melded. + * Add more functionality to cdb.core.node. + * Fix handling of auto-declare names ('A#'); these were not + matched correctly to numbered names ('A18'). + * Fix vcpkg changing 'libintl' to 'intl'. + * Optimise AdjformEx to use int32_t instead of mpq_class. + * Handle Diagonal objects with symbolic (as opposed to numeric) + indices. + * Remove old-style gauge theory package. + * Disable mathematica support by default. +- Require jupyter-jupyter_core-filesystem for openSUSE >= 1550 for + the appropriate rpm macros. + +- Update to version + * Fix a linker error for the xeus jupyter kernel. + +- Update to version + * Once further change to the installation path of + module, to conform to Debian policies. + * Fix display of lists containing Ex objects. + * Fix import of Jupyter notebooks. + * Fix bug related to automatic dummy index relabelling. + * Fix tab-completion. +- Exclude tests that try to write config files to home dir; since + the `%ctest` macro does not accept additional options, run ctest + manually. + +- Update to version 2.3.5: + * Relocate cadabra module to python_sitelib instead of + python_sitearch. +- Add cadabra2-disable-components-test.patch: Disable a test that + crashes in the buildroot env -- but not in a user session -- for + unknown reasons (gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#212). +- Enable tests since gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#211 is now resolved. +- Add python3 to Requires for cadabra2. + +- Update to version 2.3.2: + * Fixed bug in pattern matching logic used in + integrate_by_parts. + * Fixed bug which would prevent assignment to node multiplier + from Python. + * Tab-completion on command line and in the notebook. + * Install the cadabra2 python module in a standard location. + * Fixes for the Mathematica scalar backend. + * Make expand_delta much faster when the Kronecker delta is + contracted with objects which have anti-symmetry. + * Make meld work correctly with non/anti-commuting objects. + * Make numbered indices like a1 display with a subscript + automatically a<sub>1</sub>. + * Provide pickle functionality for expressions. + * Fixes for compatibility with newer SymPy versions. + * Added a 'find' function in the notebook, to search input + cells. + * New Jupyter kernel (enabled by default) which does not require + Xeus. + * Various improvements and fixed for handling and display of + Young tableaux. + * Added ExNode::ex() to obtain an Ex object from an ExNode + iterator. +- Drop patches incorporated upstream: + * cadabra2-python-modules-location.patch. + * Fix-linking-of-cadabra-module.patch. +- Split out a separate package - jupyter-cadabra2-kernel - for the + new jupyter notebook kernel. +- Fix typo in `ENABLE_SYSTEM_JSONCPP` option passed to `%cmake`. +- Set up but disable building and running tests until issues with + the test-suite are sorted out [gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#211, + gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#212]. + +- Refresh Fix-linking-of-cadabra-module.patch with fix for same + issue committed upstream [gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#202]. + +- Update to version 2.3.0: + * Fix bug which would collect powers of objects with indices and + then report an error. + * Functionality to read Cadabra Cloud notebooks into the desktop + Cadabra. + * Use a better hash function for expression trees (avoiding a + bug in factor_in). + * Expose index symmetries through traces, so that canonicalise + and related algorithms work correctly. Introduced a new + property TableauInherit. + * More flexible LaTeXForm property, to enable more flexible + object display in the notebook. + * Various fixes for behaviour of unwrap with anti- or + non-commuting arguments. + * New meld algorithm for canonicalisation. +- Drop cadabra2-add-pthread-to-cxxflags.patch: No longer required + for building. +- Add cadabra2-python-modules-location.patch to fix location of + python libs and modules (gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#203). +- Rebase Fix-linking-of-cadabra-module.patch for update; only + partially fixed by upstream (gh#kpeeters/cadabra2#202). +- Remove a hashbang from a non-executable script. +- Use %{name}-%{version} naming format for source. + cairo-clock +- Fixed SPEC file, replace URL with working upstream URL. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + cairomm +- Update to version 1.16.1 + + Only build system related changes + +- Update to version 1.16.0: + + This is the first stable release in the cairomm-1.16 ABI + series. It is parallel-installable with the cairomm-1.0 ABI. + + Cairo: + - Add Context::get_source_for_surface() + - Fix a memory leak in RefPtr + + Build: + - Require C++17 + - Add NMake Makefiles. Remove the Visual Studio projects + - Add support for building with Meson + - Use __declspec(dllexport) when building cairomm on Visual + Studio. Stop using gendef.exe + - docs/reference/: Update for Doxygen >= 1.8.16 + + Tests: + - Update the source code + - Don't include deprecated Boost header files. Fix tests in + Autotools builds + + Documentation: README: Update with instructions for building + cairomm. +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. +- Add graphviz BuildRequires, needed now for building + documentation. + +- Description updates. + cal3d +- Fixed SPEC file, replaced URL with working upstream URL. + calc +- Update to + * Fixed typo in cal/ + * Fixed an old Windoz pun in README.WINDOWS + * Fixed a really obscure bug in the internal initconstants() + function of const.c that has been sitting for over 31 years! + * Fixed issues identied by the default CodeUL GitHub security code scan: + + Wrong type of arguments to printf in have_fpos_pos.c + + Multiplication result converted to larger type in zfunc.c + +- Drop explicit -march definition (bsc#1191604, bsc#1100677) + +- Update to + * Added builtin functions to convert between degrees and + degrees, minutes and seconds under the config("mod") + See help/d2dms and help/d2dm. + * Added builtin functions to convert between gradians and + gradians, minutes and seconds under the config("mod") + See help/g2gms and help/g2gm. + * Added builtin functions to convert between hours and + hours, minutes and seconds under the config("mod") + See help/h2hms and help/h2hm. + * Renumbered regression tests 3408 thru 3437, to 9102 thru 9131. + * Updated Added resource file to use h2hms() builtin. + * Updated Added resource file to use d2dms() builtin. + * Fix minor typo in help/mod SYNOPSIS. + * Fix minor typo in help/quo SYNOPSIS. + * Added a few more examples to help/strcmp. + * Added builtin functions to convert between degrees, minutes and + seconds and degrees under the config("mod") + See help/dms2d and help/dm2d. + * Added builtin functions to convert between gradians, minutes and + seconds and gradians under the config("mod") + See help/g2gms and help/g2gm. + * Added builtin functions to convert between hours, minutes and + seconds and hours under the config("mod"): + See help/hms2h and help/hm2h. + +- Update to + * The clean and clobber makefile rules no longer list custom/Makefile + as a dependency. + * Unfortunately due to the complex dependency issues between + Makefile, Makefile.ship and custom/Makefile, parallel GNU make + is NOT recommended. + * Fixed a few typos in CHANGES. + * As a side note: We stayed v2.13.x was kept for only a short time. + The move to 2.14.x was motivated by non-compatible changes due to + the default order of CALCRC, plus some new builtin functions. + * More changes are likely, so we might see another v2.14.0.x release + before things are declared "recommended stable". + * Not that we wan to discourage people from trying v2.14.0, you should + try it. We just want things to become stable and well field tested + before we reach the "recommended stable" release state. + +- Update to + * The :-separated default CALCRC value has been reversed. + The default CALCRC was: + ${CALC_SHAREDIR}/startup:~/.calcrc:./.calcinit + The default CALCRC is now: + ./.calcinit:~/.calcrc:${CALC_SHAREDIR}/startup + See "help environment" for details. + * Added engineering mode as per a GitHub pull request: + ; config("mode","eng"), + ; 10^41 + 100e39 + or for example: + ; base(1000), + ; 2^23209-1 + ~402.87411577898877818187e6984 + For more information see: help base + * Added regression test code for engineering mode. Improved and + expanded regression test code related to the base() and base2() + builtin functions. + * Fixed a critical bug in the above mentioned pull request where + a call to base2(1000) would make calc unstable and likely to + dump core. + +- Update to + * Replaced /usr/local with the use of ${PREFIX} in calc Makefiles. + The ${PREFIX} is not the same as ${T}. The ${T} specifies + a top level directory under which calc installs things. + While usually ${T} is empty, it can be specific path + as if calc where "chrooted" during an install. + The ${PREFIX} value, during install, is a path between + the top level ${T} install directory and the object + such as an include file. + * Corrected a few more typos in Makefile comments. + - Added Makefile.local, a file with a single comment. The main + Makefile includes Makefile.local just before the first all rule. + One may override any Makefile setting by modifying Makefile.local. + For example, Makefile.local could force BLD_TYPE: + HAVE_STRING_H:= YES + HAVE_TIMES_H:= YES + SED:= /usr/local/bin/nsed + - Added ${LOC_MKF} to specify the make of the file that is + included just before the all file. So one could place + the above override lines into a different file and call + make changing the ${LOC_MKF} value. For example: + - make LOC_MKF=Makefile.private clobber all chk + - Updated HOWTO.INSTALL to mention Makefile.local. + +- Update to + * Fixed typo (missing quotes) in the env rule. + * Fixed intendation problem in CHANGES. + * Combined changes into the to + range, and thus renamed the range to to + * Fixed issues related to building Makefile.simple. + * Fixed how the Makefile variable MANPATH is set for macOS. + * Added a bunch of information to the near bottom of HOWTO.INSTALL + on calc Makefiles. This information discusses the various + Makefiles found in the calc source. + * Added comments in various calc Makefiles about their origin. + In particular, for Makefiles that are constructed such as + Makefile.simple, custom/Makefile and custom/Makefile.simple + there are comments about how they were made. + * For all calc Makefiles, including those in sub-directories, + near the top there is now a line of the form: + [#] SRC: ... some message about the origin ... + * Fixed how the calc(1) man page is installed under macOS. + * Fixed how calc man page in ${CATDIR} is formed. + * Fixed how Makefile.simple is formed. + * Fixed the #! calc script argument processing. The initial #! + line must end in a -f. For example, if calc is in /usr/local/bin/calc, + then the following would be the first line of a calc script: + * It is common that -q be usde with a calc script, so assuming the + same /usr/local/bin/calc path + * Use of -s in the #! first line of a calc script is not needed + since -f implies -f. + * The argv() will now return values more typical of C's main(). + Before it returned one less than the number of arguments. Now, + for example, when calc is given 2 args, argv() will return 3. + * The value of argv(0) will be the path to calc, or in the + case of a #! calc cscript, it will return the name of the script. + * Updated the calc man page and help/argv to reflect the + above changes. + * Improved the formatting of the calc man page. + * Fixed the formation of the win32 sub-directory via the win32_hsrc + Makefile rule. + * Due to incompatible changes to the argv() function, and #! calc + scripts, we are setting the version to the next minor number: +- Remove checksum.sha-256 + +- Update to + * Added notes to help/unexpected about: + display() will limit the number of digits printed after decimal point + %d will format after the decimal point for non-integer numeric values + %x will format as fractions for non-integer numeric values + fprintf(fd, "%d\n", huge_value) may need fflush(fd) to finish + * Fixed Makefile dependencies for the args.h rule. + * Fixed Makefile cases where echo with -n is used. On some systems, + /bin/sh does not use -n, so we must call /bin/echo -n instead + via the ${ECHON} Makefile variable. + * Add missing standard tools to sub-Makefiles to make them + easier to invoke directly. + * Sort lists of standard tool Makefile variables and remove duplicates. + * Declare the SHELL at the top of Makefiles. + * Fixed the depend rule in the custom Makefile. + * Improved the messages produced by the depend in the Makefiles. + * Changed the UNUSED define in have_unused.h to be a macro with + a parameter. Changed all use of UNUSED in *.c to be UNUSED(x). + * Removed need for HAVE_UNUSED in building the have_unused.h file. + * CCBAN is given to ${CC} in order to control if banned.h is in effect. + * The banned.h attempts to ban the use of certain dangerous functions + that, if improperly used, could compromise the computational integrity + if calculations. + * In the case of calc, we are motivated in part by the desire for calc + to correctly calculate: even during extremely long calculations. + * If UNBAN is NOT defined, then calling certain functions + will result in a call to a non-existent function (link error). + +- Update to + * Calc can now correctly compile without CUSTOM being defined + +- Update to + * Fixed how the *.tar.bz2 are formed. The calc- file + that was formed for calc version was missing most files. + * Expanded 'make chk' to also verify that 'make distchk' and 'make + distlist' execute successfully. This will help check a regression + of the bug that produced the bogus calc- file. + * Added additional regression tests related 0^(zero_expression)==1. + +- Update to + * Fixed a mistake in "help intro" where some inserted text changed + the value of "." and thus made the next result incorrect. + * Clarified in "help factor" that 1 is returned if no + factor below the limit was found. + * Removed Makefile variable ${MAKEFILE_REV}. + * The missing cscript/square.calc file has been restored. + * Fixed compiler errors and warnings related to GCC. In particular, + gcc/9.3.1 and gcc/10.2.1 now compile calc without any compiler + errors or warnings, even with -Werror -Wextra -pedantic. + * To print out information about the calc compilation + environment, we added the following make rule: + * make calcinfo + * Improved how 'make debug' operates. + * Created a new calc bug report Email address. Created a new + calc question Email address. Created a new calc contribution + Email address. See the BUGS file for details. + * Added "help questions" to print the QUESTIONS help file. + * If the environment variable $CALCHELP is defined and is non-empty, + then calc help files will be in the directory by the $CALCHISTFILE + environment variable. + * If the environment variable $CALCCUSTOMHELP is defined and is + non-empty, then custom calc help files will be in the directory + by the $CALCCUSTOMHELP environment variable. + * Fixed a number of typos in text and in source code comments. + +- Build with march=corei7 instead of native + to avoid compile-time CPU-detection (boo#1100677) + +- Update to + * The missing cscript/square.calc file has been restored. + +- Update to + * Requiring calc shell scripts to use -s -f at the end of the + initial #! line. + * Fixed /tmp/mersenne example in calc(1) man page. + * Added make variable ${ARCH_CFLAGS}. The ${ARCH_CFLAGS} is + added after ${CCMISC} and before ${EXTRA_CFLAGS} when building + the ${CFLAGS} for compiling C code. are ${CC} when compiling + C files. The default value is: + * By default, the calc history file is located in ~/.calc_history. + Now, if the environment variable $CALCHISTFILE is defined + and is non-empty, then calc history file will be defined + by the $CALCHISTFILE environment variable. + * Calc as defined 0^0 as 1. However in the past, 0 raised to + an expression that evaluated to zero returned 1. The result + was that 0^0 was different than 0^(6-6) or even 0^(0). + Now, calc will return 1 for 0^(0) and 0^zero when zero == 0. + +- new stable release + + Fixed a segfault when getpwuid() returned NULL during initialization + + Corrected Changes notes + +- new stable release + + The qprintnum() function now takes outdigits as a [optional] 3rd + argument. + + enhanced printf + + various documentation updates + + various fixes of build + +- update to + + minor improvements + +- update to + + various fixes and improvements, e.g. a number of core dump bugs + +- update to + + various fixes and improvements + calcurse +- Update to version 4.7.1 + * Bug fixes: + - Multiple iCal import fixes: Make iCal event import independent + of property ordering. Return failure if an item is skipped. + Avoid double free on import errors. Fix parsing of UNTIL. + - Do not remove an empty note file after edit session. + - Keep internal linked list sorted when moving items. + - Prevent external hook/notification commands + from interacting with the UI. + * calcurse-caldav bug fixes: + - Allow non-ASCII characters in username and password + - Improved error handling for the configuration file. + Unknown keys are now reported as errors instead of ignored. + - Always request href from server after pushing a new object to prevent + items from being erroneously deleted or created when path contains + characters that need to be URL-encoded. + +- Update to version 4.7.0 + * Compatibility notes + - Note file contents are now exported as DESCRIPTION in iCal exports + - The item deletion menu has been redesigned + - The systemdialogs option has been removed from the configuration + * New features: + - Support for advanced recurrence rules + - Repeat counts are accepted in the UI as an alternative to repetition + end dates for recurrent items + - The :previous and :next commands can be used to jump to the previous/next + occurrence of the currently selected recurrent item. + - Various improvements in iCal imports + - Notes are now displayed in the item view dialog + * Bug fixes + - Fixed formatting of DTSTART for recurrent events + - Improvements in hook execution + - Checks to make sure the config and data dirs exist + +- update to 4.6.0: + * XDG base directory support: While using ~/.calcurse/ is still supported for + backwards compatibility, we recommend putting your configuration files in + ~/.config/calcurse/ and your data files in ~/.local/share/calcurse/ instead + (implemented by Nitroretro). + * Configurable text for empty days + * Support RET to set the todo item priority to 0 + * Various improvements in iCal imports + * Escape necessary characters in SUMMARY on export (implemented by Kelvin Jackson). + * Update notification bar properly when certain recurrent appointments are deleted (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix save of interactively imported data (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Restore ability to edit recurrent items without exceptions (reported and fixed by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix monthly and yearly recurrence algorithms for frequencies greater than one (reported and fixed by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix DST issues (reported by Lars Henriksen and others, fixed by Lars Henriksen). + +- Update to 4.5.0: + Compatibility notes: + * The --conf command line option has been renamed to --confdir and the --directory option has been renamed to --datadir. + New features: + * Multiple days support + * Experimental vdir support: For details, refer to contrib/vdir/ in the calcurse source tree. + * Support for editing recurrence exceptions (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + New calcurse-caldav features: + * Custom data directory support (implemented by vxid). + * A new Troubleshooting section in the calcurse-caldav (added by Randy Ramos). + Bug fixes: + * Various fixes in the notification system (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix for a calendar redraw issue (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix a potential deadlock (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Use ICALDATETIMEFMT for EXDATE in iCal exports (implemented by Henrik Grimler). + * Fix for the compile-time AsciiDoc check (implemented by Brandon Munger). + +- Update to 4.4.0: + Compatibility notes: + * The -F option is superseded by -P which can be used to remove certain entries from the data file (instead of keeping them). Please consult the man page for details. + New features: + * Major overhaul of the input routines in interactive mode (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Support for separate data and configuration file directories (partly implemented by Quentin Hibon). + * A --filter-invert option which inverts the other filter options (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Support for negative date ranges when using the -d command line option. + New calcurse-caldav features: + * The SyncFilter configuration option which allows for specifying the types of items synced from/to the server (implemented by Satvik Sharma). + * Support for a CALCURSE_CALDAV_PASSWORD environment variable which can be used to pass a password securely from another program (implemented by Randy Ramos). + * HTTP support (implemented by Dino Macri). + * Authorization removed from debug logs by default. + Bug fixes: + * Fix for an appointment becoming an event when entering an invalid start time (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix for the deletion of a multi-day recurrent appointment (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fixes for potential database inconsistencies caused by appointments which end before they begin (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Several fixes dealing with DST (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fixes for date range queries (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Fix for segmentation fault with recent ncurses implementations. + * Fix for potential segmentation fault in mutex handling. + * RFC5545-compliant DTSTART in iCal exports (patch by Quentin Hibon). + * Fix for not closing the stream after exporting iCal items (patch by crvs). + * Fix for priority parsing in iCal imports (patch by dott). + * Various improvements to the change detection and save conflict resolution code (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Several improvements to concurrency control (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Various fixes to the scrollbar (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Various potential buffer overflow fixes. + * A more robust command line argument parser (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Various improvements to the UTF-8 handling code (implemented by Lars Henriksen). + * Several stability and portability fixes (partly provided by Mikolaj Kucharski). + * Several stability fixes in the calcurse-caldav script. + -- update to calcurse-3.1.4 - - Do not prompt for a todo after adding an appointment. - - Close key binding window when reassigning the same key (thanks - to Michael Smith for submitting a patch). - - Update copyright ranges. - - Do not ignore "--datarootdir" in the i18n Makefile. - - Complete the test-suite even if libfaketime is not present. - - Add a workaround for broken libfaketime-based tests on 32-bit - systems (fixes Debian bug #697013). - - Do not update start time/duration with bogus values if the - prompt is canceled in edit mode. - - Fix another corner case of the screen corruption bug (BUG#6). - - Fix core dump when trying to edit a non-existent item. - - Display correct welcome messages on startup. - -- update to 3.1.1: - * fix screen corruption bug - -- update to 3.1.0: - * Vim-like copy/paste (FR#15). Use the delete key to cut items. - * Support for entering times in 24 hour format ("2130" instead of "21:30") - * Compact panel mode (FR#7). This can be enabled using the currently - undocumented "appearance.compactpanels" configuration setting. - * Configurable default view (FR#19). The default view can be changed using - the currently undocumented "appearance.defaultpanel" configuration setting. - * "-D" and "-c" can now be used simultaneously, whereby "-c" has precedence - over "-D". - * Cache monthly view to speed up browsing. - * Sort `calcurse -d` output by time - * Fix a critical data corruption bug - * Fix screen corruption - * No longer show the calcurse screen in the editor/pager when the window is - resized - * Calculate busy slices correctly if (recurrent) appointments with a duration - of more than 24 hours are used. - * Fix a core dump that occurred if the main window was too small. - * Several translation updates. - -- update to 3.0.0: - * full UTF-8 support - * format strings for printing items in non-interactive mode have been - introduced - * support for vim-style count prefixes for displacement keys - * duration strings are now much more powerful - * extended duration strings, such as "+3:10" or "+1d20h5m", can be used - * new feature allows piping items to external commands - * there are keybindings to jump to the previous/next month/year - * lots of internal changes have been made - * note that you will need to run "calcurse-upgrade" after upgrading, since - the configuration file format has changed - calligra +- Add Fix-Freetype-and-FontConfig-Linkage.patch to fix build with + KDE Frameworks 5.83 + +- Use %find_lang + %kf5_find_htmldocs + +- Mark org.calligra as internal QML module + +- Spec cleanup +- Drop obsolete patch: + * 0001-Revert-Chart-Depend-on-KChart-2.7.0.patch + camsource +- The camsource v4l1 module has logic errors opening the video + device that incorrectly perform a channel set when a grab window + set (frame size, fps, etc) is intended. The error handling from + the invalid channel set causes the configuration frame size and + fps settings to be discarded and replaced with the current + settings active on the video device. The result is that running a + v4l(1/2) application on a given camera before using camsource on + the same camera means camsource has the grab window attributes + from the other application not the one specified in camsource + configuration +- camsource-v4l-conf-video_window-overwrite.patch + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - canna +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * canna.service + +- ran spec-cleaner +- do not install static archive into -devel package +- put devel file lib*.so in -devel package + -- Improve systemd support for openSUSE >= 12.3 -- Remove sysconfig and %fillup_prereq PreReq; package doesn't contain - any sysconfig file, these macros are useless -- Don't provide INSTALL and in documentation; it describes - how do build from source have nothing to do in package - -- Remove obsoleted authors section . - Please see also - - canna-yubin +- Update to new upstream release + * Updated data to 2021-04-30 ver. + +- Updated upstream version to + * Updated data to 2020-03-31 ver. + +- Reduce PreReq to Requires(pre). + +- Updated upstream version to + * Updated data to 2019-02-28 ver. + -- update and 2013-09-30 ver. -- update canna-yubin.spec: - * update description longer . - Because rpmlint tells a warning message . - * add -q option to setup macro . - Reason: - - * rename from setup0 to setup - * delete Authors information from description . - See also: - - * add "Conflicts: update-canna-yubin" . - The update-canna-yubin is not released yet . - But it conflicts with canna-yubin . - See also: - - * add a comment about Source0's URL . - * replace a macro in comments to "_" . - Because rpmlint tells a warning message . - * add "BuildArch: noarch" . - -- Add and 2013-08-30 ver. - Source0 tarball's csv data are too old (2001-11-01) . - So I added 2013-08-30 version . - Please see also: - - - And I added code for replacing csv data in spec file . -- Update canna-yubin.spec: - * fixed Source0's URL to tarball's filename . - Because The URL was dead already . - * added a code for replacing csv data . - * added BuildRequires: unzip . - * added BuildRequires: nkf . - The iconv ended in a convert error . - So I replaced from iconv to nkf . - -- update license to new format - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - canutils-pengutronix +- Update to snapshot 4.0.6.g26 (2041b569a) + * cansend: add handling of ENOBUFS when sending + capnproto +- Update to version 0.9.1 + * only import fiber related headers when fibers are enabled + * use more accurate names for tests + * Fix copy-pasto resulting in uninitialized use of kind + * Fix capnp/capnpc --version when built using CMake + * Fix feed.xml + +- Update to version 0.9 + * There’s no huge new features in this release, but there are + many minor improvements and bug fixes. + cardpeek +- Fix reproducible.patch to add --mtime @1 to not break the tar call + +- Add reproducible.patch to not have the embedded tarball vary + across builds + casync +- Cleanup build dependencies + +- Update to version 2+git20201210.bd8898e: + * docs: fix simple typo, distuingish -> distinguish + * caprotocol: fix typo in protocol description + * Call stat again after changing ownership of created files, so we detect reset setuid/setgid bits and reset them. + * We erroneously use the st_dev value in place of the magic value if the st_dev value is cached. This causes problems extracting trees containing subvolumes. + * Update to Fedora31 + cava +- Update to 0.7.4: + improvements: + * added faster autosens at startup + bugfixes: + * better installation of custom console font + * suppress error about vla parameter introduced in gcc11 or 10? + +- Update to 0.7.3: + Improvements: + * Added Hann windowing and proper ring buffer (this improves visualisation + significantly!) + * Added mutex lock on write to fftw input buffers and fftw execute (this + removes som glitches) + * Improved portaudio audio input + * #370 made timeout configurable + * ncurses mode is now default again + * #379 removed key controls from noncurses to fix strange beaviour + * Added config option: x-axis scale (frequency) #289 + Bugfixes: + * #375 shmem audio input + * #377 small memory leak + * #385 fix eq + +- Update to 0.7.2: + improvements: + * added key controls for noncurses mode #364 + bugfixes: + * fix drawing of background color for noncurses mode + * fix install on macos #365 + +- Update to 0.7.1: + improvements: + * set default gradient colors instead of exiting when not defined. + bugfixes: + * minor memory leak in ncurses + * fix warnings when building on macos + * updated macos building instructions + +- Update 0.7.0: + Breaking changes: + * Reworked noncurses output mode and made it default. + The reworked noncurses mode uses a custom framebuffer technique that + only draws changes per frame and only writes to the terminal once per + frame. This results in far less cpu usage then ncurses. It is also + free of the flickering that we see in ncurses mode #196 + * Colors are no longer set by default so hopefully cava will change + color automatically in noncurses mode when using tools such as + pywall #340 #181 + * Unfortunately html colors, gradient and key controls are not supported + in noncurses. + Other improvements: + * separated bass, midtones and treble in to separate fftw operations + ccgfs +- Update to snapshot 0.81.g3 + * support new glibc sys/xattr.h +- Remove replace-sha0.diff (included in snapshot) + cddlib +- Update to release 0.94m + * Fix and error, where a non-redundant linearity could be + considered redundant. + * Fix an optimization error in ViaShooting code so that the linear + programs are now much smaller. + * Fixed memory leaks in the redundancy code. + +- Update to release 0.94l + * Merged 0001-build-extend-extern-C-block-in-header-files.patch +- Split command-line programs to new package cddlib-tools. + +- Update to release 0.94k + * Header files are now installed to PREFIX/include/cddlib to + avoid clashes with other libraries. + * pkg-config cddlib.pc file added. +- Add 0001-build-extend-extern-C-block-in-header-files.patch + +- Update to new upstream release 0.94j + * Introduced cddexec as a replacement of cdd_both_reps that many + distributions packaged. +- Remove cddlib-flags.diff, cddlib-automake.diff + -- Restore and rediff patches - -- Update to version 0.94g - * fixed memory leaks in cddlib.c and cddlp.c - * integrated patches for making the library - shared and more compatible for C++ compilers - cdecl +- Update to release 11.6 + * C++23: integer literal suffix support (z, uz) + * C++23: operator[] support for zero-or-more arguments + +- Update to release 11.5 + * Locations for error and warning messages have been improved. + * The `show` command now correctly prints all possible commands + to define a type when requested to show a type that does not + exist. + * A deprecated warning is now printed for a `register` array, + `enum`, `class`, `struct`, `union`, pointer, pointer to + member, reference, and rvalue reference between C++11 and + C++14. (Previously, a warning was printed only for built-in + types and `typedef`s.) + +- Update to release 11.4 + * Allow declarations using unknown scoped type names + * const-volatile-restrict-qualified _Atomic types are now + correctly forbidden. + +- Update to release 11.3 + * Both an --explicit-csu/-S command-line and explicit-ecsu set + option have been added. + +- Update to release 11.2 + * const_cast, dynamic_cast, and reinterpret_cast now perform + additional checks. +- Add unbreak-gnulib.diff + +- Update to release 11.1 + * Fixed multiple nested declarations crash. + +- Update to release 11.0 + * Correctly forbid functions returning struct in K&R C. + * Support digraphs before C95 and trigraphs in K&R C. + * Optional () for destructor. + * C++20's nested inline namespaces are now supported + * In-class default, delete, and noexcept constructors are now + accepted. + * A raw string literal like R"abc(X)ab)abc" was previously not + parsed correctly. + * An array of reference (or rvalue reference) is now correctly + flagged as an error. + +- Update to release 10.4 + * Added support for Microsoft calling conventions, MS __declspec, + and __asm keywords, and __m64/__m128 types. +- Drop unbreak-gnulib.diff (solved upstream) + +- Update to release 10.3 + * Marking functions and conversion operators = delete is now + supported. +- Add unbreak-gnulib.diff + +- Update to release 10.2 + * At most one of `virtual`, `final`, or `override` is now printed. + * Pointers to union members are now allowed. + +- Update to release 10.1 + * More robust scoped name type checking + * More C++ std types + cdemu-client +- Update to 3.2.5 + * Removed password parameter for security reasons +- Fixed URL + +- Update to release 3.2.4 + * Updated MimeType in .desktop file + +- Drop the manual typelib() Requires. Add gobject-introspection + BuildRequires instead and let the system do the magic for us. +- Replace /usr/bin/env shebang of cdemu. +- Drop the empty NEWS file from the files. + +- Update to release 3.2.3 + * Improved setting and retrieval of daemon/library debug masks + * Fixed a "is no" comparison against a literal + +- Update to new upstream release 3.2.0 + * Switched to python3. + * Added "bdr" as valid blank medium type. + * Implemented "dvd-report-css" ad device option instead of + image-loading parameter. + -- Update to new upstream release 2.1.0 - * Added support for device addition/removal - -- Update to new upstream release 2.0.0 (up from 1.5.0) - * Support for ISZ, CSO, DMG, GBI, ECM, gzip and xz formats - * Partial support for 1-track MDX -- Remove cdemu-lang.diff, no longer applies - -- Add Freecode URL - -- Initial package for - cdk +- Update to version 5.0.20210324 + * Spelling fixes, per codespell + * Updated build system + -- use %patch for Patch - cecilia +- Update to version 5.4.1 + * Support WxPython version 4.1.0. + * Support pyo version 1.0.3. + * Removed presets from cecilia5 files. + Moved them to ~/.cecilia5/presets folder + * Added filter per grain in StochGrains.c5 an StochGrains2.c5 + * Allow the user to add a point on a line, without alteration, + with Shift-Click. + * NEW MODULE: AutoModFilter – Filter auto-modulated by an audio + feature of its input sound + * NEW MODULE: Binaural – Binaural 3D spatialization + * NEW MODULE: MatrixReverb – Delay-line rotating-matrix reverb + * NEW MODULE: StateVar2 – State Variable Filter with user-defined + filter types + * NEW MODULE: Stutterer – Read segments extracted from a sound + loaded in memory + * NEW MODULE: WaveScanSynth – Synthesis where the waveform is a + small portion extracted from an audio signal +- Updated cecilia-setup.patch + +- Use convert -strip to not include build time in png (boo#1047218) + +- Software entirely rewritten in python + version 5.3.5: + * Upgraded to python version 3.6.4, wxPython-4.0.1 and pyo + 0.9.0. + * Better error handling when loading or running a cecilia5 + module. + version 5.3.4: + * Upgraded to python version 3.6.3, wxPython-4.0.0b2 and pyo + 0.8.8. + * Fixed preferences path encoding on Windows. + * Fixed unicode paths on MacOS when running as an application. + version 5.3.3: + * Upgraded to python version 3.6.2, wxPython-4.0.0b1 and pyo + 0.8.7. + version 5.3.2: + * Build against wxPython-4.0.0a2. + version 5.3.1: + * Better handling of non-ascii characters in preferences file. + * Fixed standalone packaging on OSX. + * Fixed curved line not showing on module initialization. + * UltimateGrainer now allows a grain duration up to 10 seconds. + version 5.3.0: + * Migration of the application code to python3 and wxpython + 3.0.3 (phoenix) completed. + * Source code cleanup (refactoring, removed dead and/or + duplicated code). + * Lot of fixed bugs. + * Automatic saving of the module after creating or deleting a + preset. + * Warning to save on quit. + * The app now opens with the last used module (instead of the + random chooser). + * Revisited tooltip and html documentation. + * On Windows, default preferences for input/output devices + should be set to WASAPI devices. + * Added ChenLee attractor to the ChaosMod plugin. + * Added various modulation waveforms to BinModulator.c5 + * All modules have been tested and cleaned. + New modules: + * UltimateGrainer - A state-of-the-art granulation processing + module. + * RandomAccumulator - Variable speed recording accumulator + module. + * UpDistoRes - Arctangent distortion module with upsampling + and resonant lowpass filter. + version 5.0.8: + * Record button now records in realtime (offline rendering is + now triggered with Menubar->Action->Bounce to Disk. + * User can set the starting point by moving the cursor above + the grapher. + * Drag and Drop file or folder on the input sound popup to + loads sounds. + * Right-click on sound popup opens a "Recent audio files" + popup. + * Sliders can be controlled with MIDI or Open Sound Control + messages. + * When moving a point on the graph, Alt key clipped the + position on the horizontal axis while Shift-Alt keys clipped the + position on the vertical axis. + * Added two batch processing modes. Either every presets + applied on the selected sound, or the current preset applied to + every sounds in the folder. + * Midi notes are automatically assigned to the sampler + transposition and controller 7 to the master gain. Must be + activated in the preferences. + version 5.0.7: + * Disabled duration slider while playing. + * Fixed segmentation fault on preset changes. + * Added a DropFileTarget on the Grapher (for .c5 or .py files). + * Fixed opening soundfile player/editor on Windows and OSX. + * Changed delay time before a popup close itself (when loosing + focus) from 500 ms to 1000 ms. + version 5.0.6: + * Fixed memory leak occuring on each run play/stop (need pyo + [revision + 974]( + * Allow fraction notation in cgen (list entry in the + interface). + version 5.0.5: + * Disabled printing sound info for all sounds in the selected + folder. + * Added new filter module, Vocoder. (need pyo to be up-to-date + with sources). + * Fixed wrong executable path generated by py2app (OSX app). + * Removed Jack and Coreaudio from driver's list in bundled app + on OSX (leaved them when running from sources). + * Fixed bug: The red button doesn't turn off at the end of + recording. + * cgen ignores trailing coma in poup entry. + * Fixed bug: Do not quiery for the control panel if the + interface doesn't exist yet. + * Fixed bug in ListEntry widget when loading from a preset. + version 5.0.3: + * List in cgen popup window can now be entered as 'comma' or + 'space' separated values. + * Fixed number of channels used by the audio Server. + * Wait for the audio Server releasing soundcard's stream + before allowing to play again. + * Fixed saving .c5 file on Windows. + * Added 2 filter modules: BrickWall.c5 and BandBrickWall.c5. + version 5.0.2: + * Automatically save a preset named "last save" when saving a + module. On module loading, if "last save" preset exists, it is + activated. + * Fixed display of the Channels menu. + * Fixed bugs in sliders automation recording. + version 5.0.1: + * Fixed audio input/output selection. + * Fixed BaseModule.addSampler "pitch" argument. + version 5.0.0: + * First beta release. +- Dropped cecilia-path-fix.dif and cecilia-CVE-2008-1832.patch + (they no longer apply to new codebase) +- Added cecilia-setup.patch (courtesy of debian) +- Spec cleanup + celluloid +- Update to version 0.22 + * Migrate to GTK4. + * Add Greek, Korean, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Occidental, Arabic and + Urdu translations + * Add option to show title buttons in fullscreen mode. + * Add option to present the window when opening files. + * Change default screenshot filename template to + FILENAME-TIMESTAMP (%f-%P). + * Fix inaccurate timestamp preview. + cellwriter +- Add patch to fix build with GCC10: + * 0001-Fix-build-failure-with-GCC10.patch + -- initial package v1.3.0 - ceph -- Update to 15.2.14-84-gb6e5642e260: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.14 tag - - * (bsc#1184517) cls/rgw: look for plane entries in non-ascii plain namespace too - * (bsc#1185246) rgw: check object locks in multi-object delete - + (bsc#1186348) mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path - + (bsc#1188979) mgr/cephadm: pass --container-init to "cephadm deploy" if specified - + (bsc#1189173) mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding: Adapt latest upstream - changes to branded navigation component - -- Update to 15.2.13-85-g18a335e0360: - + qa/tasks/salt_manager: allow gatherlogs for files in subdir - + qa/tasks/ceph_salt: gather /var/log/ceph/cephadm.out +- Update to 16.2.6-463-g22e7612f9ad: + + (bsc#1178073) mgr/dashboard: fix downstream NFS doc links + +- Preservation of Bugzilla, Jira and CVE citations from earlier incarnations of + this changes file after double-checking that none of these fixes got lost in + the pacific rebase: + + bsc#1163764 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus) + + bsc#1170200 (mgr/dashboard: Fix for CrushMap viewer items getting compressed vertically) + + bsc#1172926 (mgr/orchestrator: Sort 'ceph orch device ls' by host) + + bsc#1173079 (mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without any OSDs in the cluster) + + bsc#1174466 (mon: have 'mon stat' output json as well) + + bsc#1174526 (mgr/dashboard: allow getting fresh inventory data from the orchestrator) + + bsc#1174529 (rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work) + + bsc#1174644 (cephadm: log to file) + + bsc#1175120 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1175161 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1175169 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1176390 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana) + + bsc#1176451 (Drop patch "rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work") + + bsc#1176489 (mgr/cephadm: lock multithreaded access to OSDRemovalQueue) + + bsc#1176499 (mgr/cephadm: fix RemoveUtil.load_from_store()) + + bsc#1176638 (ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method) + + bsc#1176679 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana) + + bsc#1176828 (cephadm: command_unit: call systemctl with verbose=True) + + bsc#1177078 (mgr/dashboard: Fix bugs in a unit test and i18n translation) + + bsc#1177151 (python-common: do not skip unavailable devices) + + bsc#1177319 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus) + + bsc#1177344 (mgr/dashboard: support Orchestrator and user-defined Ganesha cluster) + + bsc#1177360 (cephadm: silence "Failed to evict container" log msg) + + bsc#1177450 (ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed) + + bsc#1177643 (Revert "spec: Podman (temporarily) requires apparmor-abstractions on suse") + + bsc#1177676 (cephadm: allow uid/gid == 0 in copy_tree, copy_files, move_files) + + bsc#1177843 (CVE-2020-25660) + + bsc#1177857 (mgr/cephadm: upgrade: fail gracefully, if daemon redeploy fails) + + bsc#1177933 (cephadm: configure journald as the logdriver) + + bsc#1178531 (cephadm: set default container_image to + + bsc#1178837 (rgw: cls/user: set from_index for reset stats calls) + + bsc#1178860 (mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1) + + bsc#1178905 (CVE-2020-25678) + + bsc#1178932 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest) + + bsc#1179016 (rpm: require smartmontools on SUSE) + + bsc#1179452 (mgr/insights: Test environment requires 'six') + + bsc#1179526 (rgw: during GC defer, prevent new GC enqueue) + + bsc#1179569 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest) + + bsc#1179802 (CVE-2020-27781) + + bsc#1179997 (CVE-2020-27839) + + bsc#1180107 (ceph-volume: pass --filter-for-batch from drive-group subcommand) + + bsc#1180155 (CVE-2020-27781) + + bsc#1181291 (mgr/cephadm: alias rgw-nfs -> nfs) + + bsc#1182766 (cephadm: fix 'inspect' and 'pull') + + bsc#1183074 (CVE-2021-20288) + + bsc#1183561 (mgr/cephadm: on ssh connection error, advice chmod 0600) + + bsc#1183899 (bluestore: fix huge reads/writes at BlueFS) + + bsc#1184231 (cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections) + + bsc#1184517 (cls/rgw: look for plane entries in non-ascii plain namespace too) + + bsc#1185246 (rgw: check object locks in multi-object delete) + + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524) + + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524) + + bsc#1186020 (CVE-2021-3531) + + bsc#1186021 (CVE-2021-3509) + + bsc#1186348 (mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path) + + bsc#1188979 ("mgr/cephadm: pass --container-init to "cephadm deploy" if specified" and "Revert "cephadm: default container_init to False") + + bsc#1189173 (downstream branding) + + jsc#SES-1071 (ceph-volume: major batch refactor - upstream PR#34740) + + jsc#SES-185 (SES support with cache software) + + jsc#SES-704 (mgr/snap_schedule) + +- Update to 16.2.6-462-g5fefbbf8888: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dd7139c66c1d36da50475ec97d8d6b54b07d1dea + * (bsc#1191751) rgw/tracing: unify SO version numbers within librgw2 package + * spec: make selinux scriptlets respect CEPH_AUTO_RESTART_ON_UPGRADE + +- Update to Version: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dbc87327c37d0f305c2107e487cb98a072ae858b + upstream 16.2.6 release + + +- Update to 16.2.5-504-g6a3a59bd19e: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0d1e1f2973cae7645126fc88a72743367c790d9d + + (bsc#1189605) cmake: exclude "grafonnet-lib" target from "all" + +- Update to 16.2.5-113-g8b5bda7684e: + + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9 + improved version of patch that did not work as intended + +- Update to 16.2.5-111-ga5b472dfcf8: + + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9 + +- Update to 16.2.5-110-gc5d9c915c46: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 7feddc9819ca05586f230accd67b4e26a328e618 - + (bsc#1188979) Revert "cephadm: default container_init to False" -- Additional bugs fixed by 15.2.13-79-g51835b62d61: - + (bsc#1181291) mgr/cephadm: alias rgw-nfs -> nfs - + (bsc#1183561) mgr/cephadm: on ssh connection error, advice chmod 0600 +- Update to 16.2.5-29-g97c2c82c2f5: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0883bdea7337b95e4b611c768c0279868462204a + upstream 16.2.5 release + + + cherry-pick fix for bsc#1188111: + * include/denc: include used header + * mon,osd: always init local variable + * common/Formatter: include used header + +- Update to 16.2.4-564-g9689286366a: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 e57defcbcc91e67aac958c4a52d657a7a907e8ef -- Update to 15.2.13-79-g51835b62d61: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.13 tag - - * (bsc#1174526) mgr/dashboard: allow getting fresh inventory data from the orchestrator - + drop obsolete downstream patches: - * cephadm: add global flag --container-init - * mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand - * cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" - -- Update to 15.2.12-83-g528da226523: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.12 tag - +- Update to 16.2.4-26-g555d38aa5a5: + + rebased on top of v16.2.4 tag + + * mgr/dashboard: fix set-ssl-certificate{,-key} commands + * systemd: remove ProtectClock=true for ceph-osd@.service -- Update to 15.2.11-83-g8a15f484c2: - + (bsc#1184231) cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections - -- Update to 15.2.11-82-g7c6356e178: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.11 release - see +- Update to 16.2.3-26-g422932e923: + + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 381b476cb3900f9a92eb95d03b4850b953cfd79a + Pacific v16.2.3 release + see + * cephadm: normalize image digest in 'ls' output too + Pacific v16.2.2 release + see + +- Update to 16.2.1-283-g9f37a4bec4: + + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 717ce59b76c659aaef8c5aec1355c0ac5cef7234 + Pacific v16.2.1 release + see - + cephadm: Update Grafana container image from 7.0.3 to 7.3.1 + * (bsc#1184231) cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections + +- _constraints: raise s390x disk constraint to 42G after seeing a build fail + with "write error: No space left on device" + +- Update to 16.2.0-91-g24bd0c4acf: + + rebase on top of upstream pacific SHA1 4cbaf866034715d053e6259dcd5bd8e4e1d1e1ed + +- Update to 16.2.0-31-g5922b2b9c1: + + rebase on top of upstream v16.2.0 (first stable release in Pacific series) + see + +- Update to 16.1.0-1217-g8e1da7347e: + + rpm: drop extraneous explicit sqlite-libs runtime dependency + +- add README-packaging.txt as a source file to ceph-test.spec + (to pacify obs-service-source_validator) + +- Update to 16.1.0-1216-gbaca20b112: + + spec: prepare openSUSE usrmerge (boo#1029961) + +- Update to 16.1.0-1215-gd99465b6ba + + rebase on top of upstream commit 3eb70cf622aace689e45749e8a92fce033d3d55c + (tip of "pacific" branch) + * introduce libnpmem and libpmemobj dependencies to for RBD_RWL and + RBD_SSD_CACHE features backed by system PMDK + * introduce libcephsqlite + +- Add README-packaging.txt + +- Update to 16.1.0-46-g571704f730 + + rebase on top of upstream v16.1.0 (Pacific release candidate) + + drop obsolete downstream patches that were causing conflicts: + * cephadm: use by default + * cephadm: add global flag --container-init + * mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand + * cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" + +- Update to 16.0.0-7500-g78f6791981: + + cephadm: add global flag --container-init + + mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand + + cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" + +- Update to 16.0.0-7497-g63a0682c7e: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 8c6b533ee85e7fe2cd19e5dbb6f0363898f5a2ee + +- Update to 16.0.0-6239-g0c2e605e78: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 6d1f1f63b711797e21ff8ff12662d07d86546e66 + * cephadm: Fix error setting 'mgr/cephadm/container_init' config (PR #37500) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6229-g71574673b0: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f68197eca4b4dceef9fbf497d640b4600663d3ed + * ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed (PR #37591) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6177-g01e4ab745b: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f8ea1f38aee3d8715186a756331a23d4b51121f2 + * ceph-volume: pass filter_for_batch as keyword argument (PR #37545) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6162-g892bfa3fef: + + drop the following commits: + + lvmcache: refactor argument parsing and add -h flag + + ceph-volume: install lvmcache plugin + + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin and its tests + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 0a92d5094fc0baae3af223aa16b271d2e5e6f349 + + mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without + any OSDs in the cluster (bsc#1173079) + +- Update to 16.0.0-5613-gb1a0951432: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 5df5d8f8ff463f2560180dc8e9722d6690b0fa12 + +- Update to 16.0.0-4863-g5d95d9d41d: + + cmake: detect and use sigdescr_np() if available (bsc#1175266) -- Update to 15.2.10-81-g29303934a5: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.10 release, see - * bluestore: fix huge reads/writes at BlueFS (bsc#1183899) - -- Update to 15.2.9-83-g4275378de0: - + cephadm: fix 'inspect' and 'pull' (bsc#1182766) - -- Update to 15.2.9-82-gee18977364: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.9 release, see - * (bsc#1179997) (CVE-2020-27839) mgr/dashboard: Use secure cookies to store JWT Token - * (bsc#1178905) (CVE-2020-25678) Do not add sensitive information in Ceph log files - * (bsc#1172926) mgr/orchestrator: Sort 'ceph orch device ls' by host - * (bsc#1176390, bsc#1176679) mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users - of browser to Grafana - * (bsc#1176489) mgr/cephadm: lock multithreaded access to OSDRemovalQueue - * (bsc#1176828) cephadm: command_unit: call systemctl with verbose=True - * (bsc#1177360) cephadm: silence "Failed to evict container" log msg - * (bsc#1177857) mgr/cephadm: upgrade: fail gracefully, if daemon redeploy fails - * (bsc#1178837) rgw: cls/user: set from_index for reset stats calls - * (bsc#1178860) mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 - * (bsc#1178932, bsc#1179569) cephadm: reference the last local image by digest - -- Update to 15.2.8-80-g1f4b6229ca: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 bdf3eebcd22d7d0b3dd4d5501bee5bac354d5b55 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.8 release, see - * (bsc#1179802, bsc#1180155, CVE-2020-27781) cephx privilege escalation possible via - ceph_volume_client Python interface - -- Update to 15.2.7-776-g343cd10fe5: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 1b8a634fdcd94dfb3ba650793fb1b6d09af65e05 - * (bsc#1178860) mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 - + (bsc#1179016) rpm: require smartmontools on SUSE - + (bsc#1180107) ceph-volume: pass --filter-for-batch from drive-group subcommand - -- Update to 15.2.7-689-g2c35e99e0a: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 bf8c93ed52f9fc8b0ead7434383bfc40f78d4204 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.7 release, see - * (bsc#1179526) rgw: during GC defer, prevent new GC enqueue - + (bsc#1179452) mgr/insights: Test environment requires 'six' - -- Update to 15.2.6-684-gd472d0011a: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 ad83229f58142c7c9e23b931df437dfdbc9a9f68 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.6 release, see - + qa/task/cephadm: run cephadm only on bootstrap_remote - -- Update to 15.2.5-667-g1a579d5bf2: - + Fix CVE-2020-25660 (bsc#1177843) - * mon/MonClient: bring back CEPHX_V2 authorizer challenges - * msg/async/ProtocolV1: resurrect "implement cephx_*require_version options" - * msg/async/ProtocolV1: resurrect "include MGR as service when applying cephx settings" - -- Update to 15.2.5-664-gfbc9fa98aa: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af - * (bsc#1170200) mgr/dashboard: Fix for CrushMap viewer items getting compressed vertically - * (bsc#1174466) mon: have 'mon stat' output json as well - * (bsc#1177344) mgr/dashboard: support Orchestrator and user-defined Ganesha cluster - * (bsc#1178073) mgr/dashboard: fix downstream NFS doc links - * (bsc#1178531) cephadm: set default container_image to - -- Update to 15.2.5-514-g7a2bcdb091: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 afe740393a17dc80a91f8baca4ef92d0135c4525 - + (bsc#1177319) mgr/cephadm: make --container-init a global option - + (bsc#1177933) cephadm: configure journald as the logdriver - -- Update to 15.2.5-432-g0ead4ca479: - + cephadm: allow uid/gid == 0 in copy_tree, copy_files, move_files (bsc#1177676) - -- Update to 15.2.5-430-g652d1d1e54: - + Revert "spec: Podman (temporarily) requires apparmor-abstractions on suse" - (bsc#1177643) - -- Update to 15.2.5-429-g96b264c584: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 82793ade49526d7d5674e488fba88e7568888ebb - * (bsc#1173079) mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created - even without any OSDs in the cluster - -- Update to 15.2.5-411-g6432ac8c37: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 72e846aa6fb25df05a17ded0287ff0a59c579d7f - * (bsc#1174644) cephadm: log to file - * (bsc#1176499) mgr/cephadm: fix RemoveUtil.load_from_store() - -- Update to 15.2.5-355-g33a4cd4ce3: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 be28449139148fb00086e11185abeebd3cb5b5b8 - + ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed (bsc#1177450) - -- Update to 15.2.5-352-gf4a94295a4: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 e819e7280dd64d9f2d54359067056fe0e342c10d - + Drop patch "rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work" - (bsc#1176451) - + Re-cherry-pick "ceph-volume: major batch refactor" upstream octopus backport PR - * (bsc#1177151) python-common: do not skip unavailable devices - -- Update to 15.2.5-222-g3a105ce6a4: - + cherry-pick --container-init feature and follow-on fix from upstream - (bsc#1163764) (bsc#1177319) - * cephadm: Fix error setting 'mgr/cephadm/container_init' config - * mgr/cephadm: Call cephadm with --container-image - * cephadm: Add --container-image - -- Update to 15.2.5-220-gb758bfd693: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 4e5be808dc271f6dc00ebdcc352e5e8ab0bac16e - * mgr/dashboard: Fix bugs in a unit test and i18n translation (bsc#1177078) - -- Update to 15.2.5-206-g1627a4c33d: - + octopus: cephfs: backport snap-schedule module (jsc#SES-704) - -- Update to 15.2.5-170-g2cc001476b: - + Updated SES7 downstream branding (bsc#1175120) - + monitoring: switch to CaaSP v4.5 container images - + ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method - + ceph-volume: batch: fix very_fast_allocation plan and add tests - -- Update to 15.2.5-167-gee11658d9d: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 efdb0db2de7b1795bace506fc1538c0325fdcbbc - * upstream Octopus v15.2.5 release, see - -- Update to 15.2.4-944-g85788353cf: - + ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method (bsc#1176638) - -- Update to 15.2.4-942-g7a609d729d: - + ceph-volume: major batch refactor (jsc#SES-1071) - -- Update to 15.2.4-908-g4cc5421bb2: - + octopus: cephadm batch backport September (1) (upstream PR #36975) - + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding update - -- Update to 15.2.4-864-g0f510cb110: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 65d8836383deeacfc8343f8d6563548a4c44c835 - + revert "ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin" (jsc#SES-185) - + rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work (bsc#1174529) - + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding update (bsc#1175161, bsc#1175169) - + monitoring: use full qualified image names for cephadm +- Update to 16.0.0-4862-g8ac6038555: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 46c912978aa6a0b0f67094a27933c7bea829e6c9 -- Update to 15.2.4-827-g318de690ed: - + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin +- build only one frontend language (English) by default, to speed + up tarball generation ceph-iscsi +- Update to 3.5+1638408991.g5341b5d + + rbd unmap image when deleting target (bsc#1190772) + + gwcli: add error handling path for config api request (#231) + + rbd-target-api: misc fixing for disk API (#229) + + iscsi: raise if the 'gateway.conf' config file doesn't exist (#228) + + iscsi: write cert/key to temp files in mode 'w' to handle strings (#227) + + Fix the default value for gateway_conf (#226) + + Add a strip to ListSetting.Normalize (#220, bsc#1177100) + + Make settings mon config key store aware (#217) + + Rename blacklist to blocklist (#216) + + Fix gateway creation crash in python3 (#196) + + Report tcmu-runner device status (#210) + + Fix list access violiation when load config (#200, bsc#1183028) + + fix delete disk error when disk owner is not specified (#206) + + Support specified gateway config name (#207) + + spec: added dependency on ceph-common package (#201) + +- Update to 3.4+1614165221.g78e33bb + + Gateway fails to start when using SSL (bsc#1182611) + +- Update to 3.4+1602850653.g9af452e + + Support spaces on 'trusted_ip_list' (#220, bsc#1177100) + +- Update to 3.4+1602668899.ga7b4d38 + + Update RBD supported features for SLE15-SP2 kernel (bsc#1177202) + + Make settings mon config key store aware (#217) + +- Update to 3.4+1589469085.ga007663 + + Add a config option to log to stderr (#186) + + Don't store to config if create_target fails (#187) + + Fixed numerous string format issues on errors paths (#189) + +- Update to 3.4+1588266755.g4a5a2cb + + Attempt to pull SSL crt and key's from mon config-key store (#173) + +- Update to 3.4+1586869678.gf041d18 + + Allow target reconfigure without clients (bsc#1164571) + + Fix ceph blacklist ls test (#171) + + Always perform full deletion on local node (#170) + + Fix crash during unblacklisting with python3 (#170) + + Fix metrics crash if gw not setup yet (#170) + + Fix keys() crash with python 3 (#168) + + Add option to force deletion of unreachable gw (#156) + + Fix next() crash with python 3 (#164) + + Fix config upgrade from 2 to 3 (#162) + + Fix ZeroDivisionError (#155) + +- Update to 3.3+1573833100.g55d02da: + + Allow explicit set LUN number and WWN (bsc#1145756) + + Should be possible to use a single gateway (bsc#1155283) + + Fix group disk add on python3 + + Fix crash when CephCluster fails to get Rados object + +- Update to 3.3+1570534953.g93940a4: + + spec/ + * reinstate "BuildArch: noarch" for all distros except openSUSE (i.e., + including SLE, which does not allow arch change in a maintenance update) + * "ExclusiveArch" on openSUSE only + +- Update to 3.3+1569576525.g93940a4: + + Validate kernel LIO controls type and value (bsc#1140491) + + TPG lun_id persistence (bsc#1145618) + + Target level CHAP authentication (bsc#1145617) + +- Update to 3.2+1569497618.ga2b17e1: + + incremental pre-Milestone1 build + +- Update to 3.2+1568098374.g09c5205: + + upstream 3.2 release + * Always use host FQDN instead of shortname + * Validate min/max value for target controls and rbd:user/tcmu-runner image + controls (bsc#1140491) + + + * add "sed" statements to reproduce Dominique Leuenberger's + downstream-only mod from July 29, 2019 (see previous entry), so it + doesn't get clobbered every time we run the script + * add "sed" statement to collapse multiple newlines down to one + +- Make package not noarch: it is not installable on archs where + ceph is not being built. Copy the ExclusiveArch statement from + ceph.spec. + +- Update to 3.0+1560249372.g70ec7a9: + + spec: drop python3-configshell-fb version guard + +- Update to 3.0+1560181178.g3010fd7: + + Fix config hash check validation + + spec: fix rhel conditional blocks + +- Update to 3.0+1559837868.g8be74cf: + + spec: conflict only with lrbd <= 3.0 to ensure lrbd is not installed + simultaneously with ceph-iscsi + +- Update to 3.0+1559815396.g7aa8f7f: + + Set 'SUSE' SCSI vendor (bsc#1136769) + + Adds support for multiple IPs per gateway (bsc#1136757) + + Do not allow lrbd to be installed simultaneously with ceph-iscsi + + Temporary workaround to support ',' in configshell params (must be removed/reverted in the future, after configshell >= 1.1.f25 is available) + + Fix problem deleting target with clients/disks + + Removes the disk 'delete' command + +- Update to 3.0+1558465738.g6a0a021: + + If fqdn is enabled, "getfqdn" should be used instead of "gethostname" + +- Update to 3.0+1558443949.g9784103: + + rbd-target-gw/api systemd dep fix + + Add support for enabling FQDN + +- Update to 3.0+1557415271.g940ac86: + + Fix race condition on target disk add (bsc#1134479) + +- Update to 3.0+1557397680.g929bd14: + + logger level is now configurable + + tcmu-runner supports all RBD features + + allow deletion of a target that doesn't exist in LIO + ceph-test -- Update to 15.2.14-84-gb6e5642e260: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.14 tag - - * (bsc#1184517) cls/rgw: look for plane entries in non-ascii plain namespace too - * (bsc#1185246) rgw: check object locks in multi-object delete - + (bsc#1186348) mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path - + (bsc#1188979) mgr/cephadm: pass --container-init to "cephadm deploy" if specified - + (bsc#1189173) mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding: Adapt latest upstream - changes to branded navigation component - -- Update to 15.2.13-85-g18a335e0360: - + qa/tasks/salt_manager: allow gatherlogs for files in subdir - + qa/tasks/ceph_salt: gather /var/log/ceph/cephadm.out +- Update to 16.2.6-463-g22e7612f9ad: + + (bsc#1178073) mgr/dashboard: fix downstream NFS doc links + +- Preservation of Bugzilla, Jira and CVE citations from earlier incarnations of + this changes file after double-checking that none of these fixes got lost in + the pacific rebase: + + bsc#1163764 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus) + + bsc#1170200 (mgr/dashboard: Fix for CrushMap viewer items getting compressed vertically) + + bsc#1172926 (mgr/orchestrator: Sort 'ceph orch device ls' by host) + + bsc#1173079 (mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without any OSDs in the cluster) + + bsc#1174466 (mon: have 'mon stat' output json as well) + + bsc#1174526 (mgr/dashboard: allow getting fresh inventory data from the orchestrator) + + bsc#1174529 (rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work) + + bsc#1174644 (cephadm: log to file) + + bsc#1175120 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1175161 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1175169 (downstream branding) + + bsc#1176390 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana) + + bsc#1176451 (Drop patch "rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work") + + bsc#1176489 (mgr/cephadm: lock multithreaded access to OSDRemovalQueue) + + bsc#1176499 (mgr/cephadm: fix RemoveUtil.load_from_store()) + + bsc#1176638 (ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method) + + bsc#1176679 (mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users of browser to Grafana) + + bsc#1176828 (cephadm: command_unit: call systemctl with verbose=True) + + bsc#1177078 (mgr/dashboard: Fix bugs in a unit test and i18n translation) + + bsc#1177151 (python-common: do not skip unavailable devices) + + bsc#1177319 (--container-init feature cherry-picked to octopus) + + bsc#1177344 (mgr/dashboard: support Orchestrator and user-defined Ganesha cluster) + + bsc#1177360 (cephadm: silence "Failed to evict container" log msg) + + bsc#1177450 (ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed) + + bsc#1177643 (Revert "spec: Podman (temporarily) requires apparmor-abstractions on suse") + + bsc#1177676 (cephadm: allow uid/gid == 0 in copy_tree, copy_files, move_files) + + bsc#1177843 (CVE-2020-25660) + + bsc#1177857 (mgr/cephadm: upgrade: fail gracefully, if daemon redeploy fails) + + bsc#1177933 (cephadm: configure journald as the logdriver) + + bsc#1178531 (cephadm: set default container_image to + + bsc#1178837 (rgw: cls/user: set from_index for reset stats calls) + + bsc#1178860 (mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1) + + bsc#1178905 (CVE-2020-25678) + + bsc#1178932 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest) + + bsc#1179016 (rpm: require smartmontools on SUSE) + + bsc#1179452 (mgr/insights: Test environment requires 'six') + + bsc#1179526 (rgw: during GC defer, prevent new GC enqueue) + + bsc#1179569 (cephadm: reference the last local image by digest) + + bsc#1179802 (CVE-2020-27781) + + bsc#1179997 (CVE-2020-27839) + + bsc#1180107 (ceph-volume: pass --filter-for-batch from drive-group subcommand) + + bsc#1180155 (CVE-2020-27781) + + bsc#1181291 (mgr/cephadm: alias rgw-nfs -> nfs) + + bsc#1182766 (cephadm: fix 'inspect' and 'pull') + + bsc#1183074 (CVE-2021-20288) + + bsc#1183561 (mgr/cephadm: on ssh connection error, advice chmod 0600) + + bsc#1183899 (bluestore: fix huge reads/writes at BlueFS) + + bsc#1184231 (cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections) + + bsc#1184517 (cls/rgw: look for plane entries in non-ascii plain namespace too) + + bsc#1185246 (rgw: check object locks in multi-object delete) + + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524) + + bsc#1185619 (CVE-2021-3524) + + bsc#1186020 (CVE-2021-3531) + + bsc#1186021 (CVE-2021-3509) + + bsc#1186348 (mgr/zabbix: adapt zabbix_sender default path) + + bsc#1188979 ("mgr/cephadm: pass --container-init to "cephadm deploy" if specified" and "Revert "cephadm: default container_init to False") + + bsc#1189173 (downstream branding) + + jsc#SES-1071 (ceph-volume: major batch refactor - upstream PR#34740) + + jsc#SES-185 (SES support with cache software) + + jsc#SES-704 (mgr/snap_schedule) + +- Update to 16.2.6-462-g5fefbbf8888: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dd7139c66c1d36da50475ec97d8d6b54b07d1dea + * (bsc#1191751) rgw/tracing: unify SO version numbers within librgw2 package + * spec: make selinux scriptlets respect CEPH_AUTO_RESTART_ON_UPGRADE + +- Update to Version: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 dbc87327c37d0f305c2107e487cb98a072ae858b + upstream 16.2.6 release + + +- Update to 16.2.5-504-g6a3a59bd19e: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0d1e1f2973cae7645126fc88a72743367c790d9d + + (bsc#1189605) cmake: exclude "grafonnet-lib" target from "all" + +- Update to 16.2.5-113-g8b5bda7684e: + + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9 + improved version of patch that did not work as intended + +- Update to 16.2.5-111-ga5b472dfcf8: + + (bsc#1188741) compression/snappy: use uint32_t to be compatible with 1.1.9 + +- Update to 16.2.5-110-gc5d9c915c46: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 7feddc9819ca05586f230accd67b4e26a328e618 - + (bsc#1188979) Revert "cephadm: default container_init to False" -- Additional bugs fixed by 15.2.13-79-g51835b62d61: - + (bsc#1181291) mgr/cephadm: alias rgw-nfs -> nfs - + (bsc#1183561) mgr/cephadm: on ssh connection error, advice chmod 0600 +- Update to 16.2.5-29-g97c2c82c2f5: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 0883bdea7337b95e4b611c768c0279868462204a + upstream 16.2.5 release + + + cherry-pick fix for bsc#1188111: + * include/denc: include used header + * mon,osd: always init local variable + * common/Formatter: include used header + +- Update to 16.2.4-564-g9689286366a: + + rebased on top of upstream commit SHA1 e57defcbcc91e67aac958c4a52d657a7a907e8ef -- Update to 15.2.13-79-g51835b62d61: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.13 tag - - * (bsc#1174526) mgr/dashboard: allow getting fresh inventory data from the orchestrator - + drop obsolete downstream patches: - * cephadm: add global flag --container-init - * mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand - * cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" - -- Update to 15.2.12-83-g528da226523: - + rebase on top of Ceph v15.2.12 tag - +- Update to 16.2.4-26-g555d38aa5a5: + + rebased on top of v16.2.4 tag + + * mgr/dashboard: fix set-ssl-certificate{,-key} commands + * systemd: remove ProtectClock=true for ceph-osd@.service -- Update to 15.2.11-83-g8a15f484c2: - + (bsc#1184231) cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections - -- Update to 15.2.11-82-g7c6356e178: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.11 release - see +- Update to 16.2.3-26-g422932e923: + + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 381b476cb3900f9a92eb95d03b4850b953cfd79a + Pacific v16.2.3 release + see + * cephadm: normalize image digest in 'ls' output too + Pacific v16.2.2 release + see + +- Update to 16.2.1-283-g9f37a4bec4: + + rebased on top of upstream pacific SHA1 717ce59b76c659aaef8c5aec1355c0ac5cef7234 + Pacific v16.2.1 release + see - + cephadm: Update Grafana container image from 7.0.3 to 7.3.1 + * (bsc#1184231) cephadm: Allow to use paths in all <_devices> drivegroup sections + +- _constraints: raise s390x disk constraint to 42G after seeing a build fail + with "write error: No space left on device" + +- Update to 16.2.0-91-g24bd0c4acf: + + rebase on top of upstream pacific SHA1 4cbaf866034715d053e6259dcd5bd8e4e1d1e1ed + +- Update to 16.2.0-31-g5922b2b9c1: + + rebase on top of upstream v16.2.0 (first stable release in Pacific series) + see + +- Update to 16.1.0-1217-g8e1da7347e: + + rpm: drop extraneous explicit sqlite-libs runtime dependency + +- add README-packaging.txt as a source file to ceph-test.spec + (to pacify obs-service-source_validator) + +- Update to 16.1.0-1216-gbaca20b112: + + spec: prepare openSUSE usrmerge (boo#1029961) + +- Update to 16.1.0-1215-gd99465b6ba + + rebase on top of upstream commit 3eb70cf622aace689e45749e8a92fce033d3d55c + (tip of "pacific" branch) + * introduce libnpmem and libpmemobj dependencies to for RBD_RWL and + RBD_SSD_CACHE features backed by system PMDK + * introduce libcephsqlite + +- Add README-packaging.txt + +- Update to 16.1.0-46-g571704f730 + + rebase on top of upstream v16.1.0 (Pacific release candidate) + + drop obsolete downstream patches that were causing conflicts: + * cephadm: use by default + * cephadm: add global flag --container-init + * mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand + * cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" + +- Update to 16.0.0-7500-g78f6791981: + + cephadm: add global flag --container-init + + mgr/cephadm: append --container-init to basecommand + + cephadm: remove container-init subparser from "deploy" + +- Update to 16.0.0-7497-g63a0682c7e: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 8c6b533ee85e7fe2cd19e5dbb6f0363898f5a2ee + +- Update to 16.0.0-6239-g0c2e605e78: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 6d1f1f63b711797e21ff8ff12662d07d86546e66 + * cephadm: Fix error setting 'mgr/cephadm/container_init' config (PR #37500) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6229-g71574673b0: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f68197eca4b4dceef9fbf497d640b4600663d3ed + * ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed (PR #37591) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6177-g01e4ab745b: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 f8ea1f38aee3d8715186a756331a23d4b51121f2 + * ceph-volume: pass filter_for_batch as keyword argument (PR #37545) + +- Update to 16.0.0-6162-g892bfa3fef: + + drop the following commits: + + lvmcache: refactor argument parsing and add -h flag + + ceph-volume: install lvmcache plugin + + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin and its tests + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 0a92d5094fc0baae3af223aa16b271d2e5e6f349 + + mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created even without + any OSDs in the cluster (bsc#1173079) + +- Update to 16.0.0-5613-gb1a0951432: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 5df5d8f8ff463f2560180dc8e9722d6690b0fa12 + +- Update to 16.0.0-4863-g5d95d9d41d: + + cmake: detect and use sigdescr_np() if available (bsc#1175266) -- Update to 15.2.10-81-g29303934a5: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.10 release, see - * bluestore: fix huge reads/writes at BlueFS (bsc#1183899) - -- Update to 15.2.9-83-g4275378de0: - + cephadm: fix 'inspect' and 'pull' (bsc#1182766) - -- Update to 15.2.9-82-gee18977364: - + upstream Octopus v15.2.9 release, see - * (bsc#1179997) (CVE-2020-27839) mgr/dashboard: Use secure cookies to store JWT Token - * (bsc#1178905) (CVE-2020-25678) Do not add sensitive information in Ceph log files - * (bsc#1172926) mgr/orchestrator: Sort 'ceph orch device ls' by host - * (bsc#1176390, bsc#1176679) mgr/dashboard: enable different URL for users - of browser to Grafana - * (bsc#1176489) mgr/cephadm: lock multithreaded access to OSDRemovalQueue - * (bsc#1176828) cephadm: command_unit: call systemctl with verbose=True - * (bsc#1177360) cephadm: silence "Failed to evict container" log msg - * (bsc#1177857) mgr/cephadm: upgrade: fail gracefully, if daemon redeploy fails - * (bsc#1178837) rgw: cls/user: set from_index for reset stats calls - * (bsc#1178860) mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 - * (bsc#1178932, bsc#1179569) cephadm: reference the last local image by digest - -- Update to 15.2.8-80-g1f4b6229ca: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 bdf3eebcd22d7d0b3dd4d5501bee5bac354d5b55 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.8 release, see - * (bsc#1179802, bsc#1180155, CVE-2020-27781) cephx privilege escalation possible via - ceph_volume_client Python interface - -- Update to 15.2.7-776-g343cd10fe5: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 1b8a634fdcd94dfb3ba650793fb1b6d09af65e05 - * (bsc#1178860) mgr/dashboard: Disable TLS 1.0 and 1.1 - + (bsc#1179016) rpm: require smartmontools on SUSE - + (bsc#1180107) ceph-volume: pass --filter-for-batch from drive-group subcommand - -- Update to 15.2.7-689-g2c35e99e0a: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 bf8c93ed52f9fc8b0ead7434383bfc40f78d4204 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.7 release, see - * (bsc#1179526) rgw: during GC defer, prevent new GC enqueue - + (bsc#1179452) mgr/insights: Test environment requires 'six' - -- Update to 15.2.6-684-gd472d0011a: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 ad83229f58142c7c9e23b931df437dfdbc9a9f68 - * upstream Octopus v15.2.6 release, see - + qa/task/cephadm: run cephadm only on bootstrap_remote - -- Update to 15.2.5-667-g1a579d5bf2: - + Fix CVE-2020-25660 (bsc#1177843) - * mon/MonClient: bring back CEPHX_V2 authorizer challenges - * msg/async/ProtocolV1: resurrect "implement cephx_*require_version options" - * msg/async/ProtocolV1: resurrect "include MGR as service when applying cephx settings" - -- Update to 15.2.5-664-gfbc9fa98aa: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 31d4e76d0d584790763b4b1146b29ea4cfc2e9af - * (bsc#1170200) mgr/dashboard: Fix for CrushMap viewer items getting compressed vertically - * (bsc#1174466) mon: have 'mon stat' output json as well - * (bsc#1177344) mgr/dashboard: support Orchestrator and user-defined Ganesha cluster - * (bsc#1178073) mgr/dashboard: fix downstream NFS doc links - * (bsc#1178531) cephadm: set default container_image to - -- Update to 15.2.5-514-g7a2bcdb091: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 afe740393a17dc80a91f8baca4ef92d0135c4525 - + (bsc#1177319) mgr/cephadm: make --container-init a global option - + (bsc#1177933) cephadm: configure journald as the logdriver - -- Update to 15.2.5-432-g0ead4ca479: - + cephadm: allow uid/gid == 0 in copy_tree, copy_files, move_files (bsc#1177676) - -- Update to 15.2.5-430-g652d1d1e54: - + Revert "spec: Podman (temporarily) requires apparmor-abstractions on suse" - (bsc#1177643) - -- Update to 15.2.5-429-g96b264c584: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 82793ade49526d7d5674e488fba88e7568888ebb - * (bsc#1173079) mgr/devicehealth: device_health_metrics pool gets created - even without any OSDs in the cluster - -- Update to 15.2.5-411-g6432ac8c37: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 72e846aa6fb25df05a17ded0287ff0a59c579d7f - * (bsc#1174644) cephadm: log to file - * (bsc#1176499) mgr/cephadm: fix RemoveUtil.load_from_store() - -- Update to 15.2.5-355-g33a4cd4ce3: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 be28449139148fb00086e11185abeebd3cb5b5b8 - + ceph-volume: don't exit before empty report can be printed (bsc#1177450) - -- Update to 15.2.5-352-gf4a94295a4: - + Rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 e819e7280dd64d9f2d54359067056fe0e342c10d - + Drop patch "rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work" - (bsc#1176451) - + Re-cherry-pick "ceph-volume: major batch refactor" upstream octopus backport PR - * (bsc#1177151) python-common: do not skip unavailable devices - -- Update to 15.2.5-222-g3a105ce6a4: - + cherry-pick --container-init feature and follow-on fix from upstream - (bsc#1163764) (bsc#1177319) - * cephadm: Fix error setting 'mgr/cephadm/container_init' config - * mgr/cephadm: Call cephadm with --container-image - * cephadm: Add --container-image - -- Update to 15.2.5-220-gb758bfd693: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 4e5be808dc271f6dc00ebdcc352e5e8ab0bac16e - * mgr/dashboard: Fix bugs in a unit test and i18n translation (bsc#1177078) - -- Update to 15.2.5-206-g1627a4c33d: - + octopus: cephfs: backport snap-schedule module (jsc#SES-704) - -- Update to 15.2.5-170-g2cc001476b: - + Updated SES7 downstream branding (bsc#1175120) - + monitoring: switch to CaaSP v4.5 container images - + ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method - + ceph-volume: batch: fix very_fast_allocation plan and add tests - -- Update to 15.2.5-167-gee11658d9d: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 efdb0db2de7b1795bace506fc1538c0325fdcbbc - * upstream Octopus v15.2.5 release, see - -- Update to 15.2.4-944-g85788353cf: - + ceph-volume: batch: call the right prepare method (bsc#1176638) - -- Update to 15.2.4-942-g7a609d729d: - + ceph-volume: major batch refactor (jsc#SES-1071) - -- Update to 15.2.4-908-g4cc5421bb2: - + octopus: cephadm batch backport September (1) (upstream PR #36975) - + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding update - -- Update to 15.2.4-864-g0f510cb110: - + rebase on tip of upstream "octopus" branch, SHA1 65d8836383deeacfc8343f8d6563548a4c44c835 - + revert "ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin" (jsc#SES-185) - + rpm: on SUSE, podman is required for cephadm to work (bsc#1174529) - + mgr/dashboard: Downstream branding update (bsc#1175161, bsc#1175169) - + monitoring: use full qualified image names for cephadm +- Update to 16.0.0-4862-g8ac6038555: + + rebase on tip of upstream "master" branch, SHA1 46c912978aa6a0b0f67094a27933c7bea829e6c9 -- Update to 15.2.4-827-g318de690ed: - + ceph-volume: add lvmcache plugin +- build only one frontend language (English) by default, to speed + up tarball generation cereal +- Add patch to fix build with glibc 2.34: + * d7b68df.patch + +- update to 1.3.0: + * Deferred serialization for smart pointers (#185) + * Initial support for C++17 standard library variant and optional (thanks to @arximboldi, #448) + * Support for std::atomic (thanks to @bluescarni, #277) + * Vastly improved continuous integration testing (#568, #569) + * Fixed several issues related to compilation on newer compilers (#579, #587, #515) + * Fixed warnings with -Wconversion and -Wdocumentation (thanks to @WSoptics, #423) + * Performance improvements for polymorphic serialization (#354) + * Fixed a bug related to CEREAL_REGISTER_DYNAMIC_INIT with shared libraries (thanks to @M2tM, #523) + * Avoid unnecessary undefined behavior with StaticObject (thanks to @erichkeane, #470) + * New version.hpp file describes cereal version (#444) + * Ability to disable size=dynamic attribute in the XML archive (thanks to @hoensr, #401) + remove 8b8f5814e292e03bb5b07333a0e634ef0481c85b.patch: upstream + cfengine-masterfiles +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with current upstream +- Update to 3.15.3 (3.15 LTS): + * + +- Update to 3.12.0 LTS + See + for full ChangeLog + +- Update to 3.11.0 + See + for full ChangeLog + cfitsio +- update to 3.490: + - Fix to imcompress.c. It now turns off quantization if ZSCALE + and ZZERO columns are missing. Treatment will be the same as + if ZQUANTIZ were set to 'NONE', even if ZQUANTIZ is present + and set to something else. + - Added mutex to fits_execute_template() function so that the + creation of files using ASCII templates will be thread safe. + - In fpack when using -table flag, replaced warning message with a + more detailed description mentioning FITS format update. + - Added flag to CMake builds to disable curl dependency. Also + only add CURL_LIBRARIES to CMake link target if curl is found. + - Minor adjustment to download progress output. + +- Update to version 3.480: + * Now can handle parentheses in path names rather than + automatically interpreting them as output file specifiers. + * Fixed bug in imcompress.c that wasn't properly handling + conversion between float and double types when reading from a + gzip compressed float or double image. + * Fixed bug that was preventing use of bracket and parentheses + symbols in pathnames when opening multiple READWRITE files, + even when requesting no-extended-syntax usage. *This fix + necessitates a library interface version number change. + * Fixed bug in ffmnhd / fits_movnam_hdu to properly handle + wildcard syntax. + * Fixed bug in fits_open_extlist to handle filename[EXT] syntax + properly. The hdutype parameter may now be null. More + documentaion for this function is in cfitsio.tex. + * Added new function fits_copy_hdutab to create a new table with + the same structure as an existing table. + * fits_copy_col / ffcpcl handles long long integer data types + more natively to prevent precision loss. + * histo.c routines now recognize integer columns that have been + scaled by TSCALn keywords and may be closer to floating point + type. + * Added backward compatibility for very old Rice compressed files + which were not using the ZVAL2 keyword in the way that later + became standard. + * Change made to to prevent forcing downstream + libraries to link against cfitsio's dependencies when using + pkgconfig. + +- Update to version 3.470: + * Added set of drivers for performing ftps file transfers. + * Tile sizes for compression may now be specified for any pair of + axes, where previously 2D tiles where limited to just X and y. + * Fix to ffgsky and ffgkls functions for case of keyword with + long string values where the final CONTINUE statement ended + with '&'. If the final CONTINUE also contained a comment, it + was being repeated twice when passed back through the 'comm' + argument. + * Fix made to ffedit_columns() for case of multiple col filters + containing wildcards. Only the first filter was being + searched. + * fits_copy_rows (ffcprw) can now handle 'P'-type variable-length + columns. + * Fix made to an obscure case in fits_modify_vector_len, where a + wrongly issued EOF error may occur. + * Added internal fffvcl() function. + From version 3.460 (Ftools release): + * Improved the algorithm for ensuring no tile dimensions are + smaller than 4 pixels for HCOMPRESS compression. + * Added new functions intended to assist in diagnosing (primarily + https) download issues: fits_show_download_progress, + fits_get_timeout, fits_set_timeout. + * Added the '-O <file>' option to fpack, which previously existed + only for funpack. Also added fpack/funpack auto-removal of + .bz2 suffix equivalent to what existed for .gz. + * For the fpack '-table' cases, warning message is now sent to + stderr instead of stdout. This is to allow users to pipe the + results from stdout in valid FITS format. (The warning message + is otherwise placed at the start of the FITS file and therefore + corrupts it.) + * Fix made to the '-P' file prefix option in funpack. + * Added wildcard deletion syntax for columns, i.e. -COLNAM* will + delete the first matching column as always; -COLNAM*+ will + delete all matching columns (or none); exact symmetry with the + keyword deletion syntax. +- Rebased cfitsio-zlib.patch to apply cleanly. + +- Update to version 3.450: + * New support for reading and writing unsigned long long + datatypes. This includes 'implicit datatype conversion' between + the unsigned long long datatype and all the other datatypes. + * Increased the hardcoded NMAXFILES setting for maximum number of + open files from 1000 to 10000. + * Bug fix to fits_calc_binning wrapper function, which wasn't + filling in the returned float variables. + * Fixed a parsing bug for image subsection and column binning + range specifiers that was introduced in v3.44. + -- Update to version 3.360: - * added 9 Dec: small change to the fileseek function in drvrfile.c to - support large files > 2 GB when building CFITSIO with MinGW on Windows - * reorganized the CFITSIO code directory structure; added a 'docs' - subdirectory for all the documentation, and a 'zlib' directory - for the zlib/gzip file compression code. - * made major changes to the compression code for FITS binary table - to support all types of columns, including variable-length arrays. - This code is mainly used via the fpack and funpack programs. - * increased the number of FITS files that can be opened as one - time to 1000, as defined by NMAXFILES in fitsio2.h. - * made small configuration changes to, configure, - fitsio.h, and drvrfile.c to support large files (64-bit file - offsets} when using the mingw-w64 compiler (provided by - Benjamin Gilbert). - * made small change to fits_delete_file to more completely ignore - any non-zero input status value. - * fixed a logic error in a 'if' test when parsing a keyword name - in the ngp_keyword_is_write function in grparser.c (provided - by David Binderman). - * when specifying the image compression parameters as part of the - compressed image file name (using the "[compress]" qualifier - after the name of the file), the quantization level value, if - specified, was not being recognized by the CFITSIO compression - routines. The image would always be compressed with the default - quantization level of 4.0, regardless of what was specified. This - affected the imcopy program, and potentially other user-generated - application programs that used this method to specify the - compression parameters. This bug did not affect fpack or - funpack. This was fixed in the imcomp_get_compressed_image_par - routine in the imcompress.c file. (reported by Sean Peters) - * defined a new CFITS_API macro in fitsio.h which is used to export the - public symbols when building CFITSIO on Windows systems with CMake. This - works in conjunction with the new Windows CMake build procedure that - is described in the README.win32 file. This complete revamping of the - way CFITSIO is built under Windows now supports building 64-bit - versions of the library. Thanks to Daniel Kaneider (Luminance HDR - Team) for providing these new CMake build procedures. - * modified the way that the low-level file_create routine works when - running in the Hera environment to ensure that the FITS file that is - created is within the allow user data disk area. - * modified fits_get_compression_type so that it does not return an error - if the HDU is a normal FITS IMAGE extension, and is not a tile-compressed - image. - * modified the low-level ffgcl* and ffpcl* routines to ensure that they - never try ro read or write more than 2**31 bytes from disk at one time, - as might happen with very large images, to avoid integer overflow errors. - Fix kindly provided by Fred Gutsche at NanoFocus AG ( - * modified so that doing 'make distclean' does not delete - new config.sub and config.guess files that were recently added. - * adopted a patch from Debian in zcompress.c to "define" the values of - GZBUFSIZE and BUFFINCR, instead of exporting the symbols as 'int's. -- Renamed libcfitsio-devel to cfitsio-devel and libcfitsio-devel-doc to - cfitsio-devel-doc. Added appropriate Provides/Obsoletes entries. -- Removed the following patches (fixed upstream): - * implicit-pointer-decl.patch - * no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch -- Rebased cfitsio-zlib.patch to apply cleanly. - -- ppc64le-support.patch: Add support for ppc64le. - -- Update to version 3.350: - * fixed problem with the default tile size when compressing images with - fpack using the Hcompress algorithm. - * fixed returned value ("status" instead of "*status") - * in imcompress.c, declared some arrays that are used to store the dimensions - of the image from 'int' to 'long', to support very large images (at least - on systems where sizeof(long) = 8), - * modified the routines that convert a string value to a float or double - to prevent them from returning a NaN or Inf value if the - string is "NaN" or "Inf" (as can happen with gcc implementation of the - strtod function). - * removed/replaced the use of the assert() functions when locking or - unlocking threads because they did not work correctly if NDEBUG is - defined. - * made modifications to the way the command-line file filters are parsed to - 1) remove the 1024-character limit when specifying a column filter, - 2) fixed a potential character buffer-overflow risk in fits_get_token, and - 3) improved the parsing logic to remove any possible of confusing - 2 slash characters ("//") in the string as the beginning of a - comment string. - * modified configure and so that when building CFITSIO - as a shared library on linux or Mac platforms, it will use the SONAME - convention to indicate whether each new release of the CFITSIO - library is binary-compatible with the previous version. Application - programs that link with the shared library will not need to be - recompiled as long as the versions are compatible. In practice, - this means that the shared library binary file that is created (on - Linux systems) will have a name like '', where I is the - SONAME version number, J is the major CFITSIO version number (e.g. 3), - and K is the minor CFITSIO version number (e.g., 34). Two link - files will also be created such that - ->, and - -> libcfitsio.I.J.K - Application programs will still run correctly with the new version of - CFITSIO as long as the 'I' version number remains the same, but the - applications will fail to run if the 'I' number changes, thus alerting - the user that the application must be rebuilt. - * fixed bug in fits_insert_col when computing the new table row width - when inserting a '1Q' variable length array column. - * modified the image compression routines so that the output compressed - image (stored in a FITS binary table) uses the '1Q' variable length - array format (instead of '1P') when the input file is larger than 4 GB. - * added support for "compression directive" keywords which indicate how - that HDU should be compressed (e.g., which compression algorithm to use, - what tiling pattern to use, etc.). The values of these keywords will - override the compression parameters that were specified on the command - line when running the fpack FITS file compression program. - * globally changed the variable and/or subroutine name "dither_offset" - to "dither_seed" and "quantize_dither" to "quantize_method" so - that the names more accurately reflects their purpose. - * added support for a new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 method when compressing - floating point images. The only difference with the previous method - is that pixels with a value exactly equal to 0.0 will not be dithered, - and instead will be exactly preserved when the image is compressed. - * added support for an alias of "RICE_ONE" for "RICE_1" as the value - of the ZCMPTYPE keyword, which gives the name of the image compression - algorithm. This alias is used if the new SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 option - is used, to prevent old versions of funpack from creating a corrupted - uncompressed image file. Only newer versions of funpack will recognize - this alias and be able to uncompress the image. - * made performance improvement to fits_read_compressed_img so that - when reading a section of an compressed image that includes only - every nth pixel in some dimension, it will only uncompressed a tile - if there are actually any pixels of interest in that tile. - * fixed several issues with the beta FITS binary table compression code - that is used by fpack: added support for zero-length vector columns, - made improvements to the output report when using the -T option in fpack, - changed the default table compression method to 'Rice' instead of - 'Best', and now writes the 'ZTILELEN' keyword to document the number - of table rows in each tile. - * fixed error in ffbinit in calculating the total length of the binary - table extension if the THEAP keyword was used to override the - default starting location of the heap. -- Removed cfitsio.patch (fixed upstream). -- Rebased cfitsio-zlib.patch to apply cleanly. -- Added a patch (no-return-in-nonvoid-function.patch) to fix "Program returns - random data in a function" rpm post build check error. - -- aarch64-support.patch: Add support for aarch64 - cflow +- Update license information + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 1.6: + * New option --all (-A) + * New option --no-main + cgdb +- update to 0.7.1: + * Status bar messages are now displayed properly in veritical mode. + The message is now truncated according to the status bar width instead + of the width of the terminal. + * Fix spurious error from CGDB on shutdown. You may have seen, + CGDB had unexpected results. Search the logs for more details. + In the log there was a waitpid error. CGDB was using the API wrong. + * Fix issue #161 - CGDB would lock up when doing a regex search from + the status bar if the file was just opened from the file dialog and + the search did not match any text in the file. Now the search fails + to match text as expected. + * Status bar commands and gdb console commands now both show gdb + output in the gdb window (instead of only the gdb console commands). + This fixed issue #154 on github. + * Fixed issue where typing F8 would do a 'next', 'step' and + screen refresh instead of just doing a 'next' command. + * Fix issue #139 - Show appropriate logos when color disabled + Previously, if the user had colors disabled, CGDB would still show + logos that had ansi escape color sequences in them. + * Fixed :highlight regression introduced in 0.7.0. + In 0.6.8, if the user entered a :highlight command from the CGDB + status bar, for instance: + :highlight Comment ctermfg=Blue + CGDB would updated the currently displayed source file + with the requested highlighting changes. In 0.7.0 this would not occur. + Both versions honored :highlight in the .cgdbrc file. + * Fix issue #125 - CGDB can cross compile again. + * The rust syntax highlighter is now case sensitive instead of case + insensitive. + * Fix issue #129. CGDB with old versions of ncurses (5.6 or before) + would not display colors. Now it will display colors, but will + not support ansi colors in the GDB window. + * Fix issue #137. rustlexer.lpp fails to compile with some versions + of GNU autotools. + * Fix issue #135. CGDB would "freeze" when opening the file + dialog if the number of files was very large. Updating the + gdbwire parser resolved the issue. + * Add support for readline's backward-kill-word and kill-word at gdb prompt + -- update to cgdb-0.6.5 - * Turn autosourcereload to on by default. This matches GDB's - behavior. - * Add support for :up and :down in the cgdb status bar. - Thanks Benoit Pierre for reporting this. - * Enhanced tgdb in a2 mode. It now understands GNAT's - pre-instance-choice, instance-choice, post-instance-choice - extension. - * Made searching and :commands a little more vi-like. If you abort a - search, you can still recall the last search with 'n' or 'N'. - If you backspace to the beginning of the line, a :command - or /search is aborted. - * Added some new cgdb commands. - :c is now a synonym for :continue - :f is now a synonym for :finish - :n is now a synonym for :next - :r is not a synonym for :run - :s is now a synonym for :step - :start is a new command that will send "start" to the debugger - :kill is a new command that will send "kill" to the debugger - * Shortcut mode has been removed from cgdb. If you liked it, you can - put these commands in your cgdbrc file, - map r :run<CR> - map c :continue<CR> - map f :finish<CR> - map n :next<CR> - map s :step<CR> - and you will get the same functionality. Do not forget that, - F5 is the same as 'run'. - F6 is the same as 'continue'. - F7 is the same as 'finish'. - F8 is the same as 'next'. - F10 is the same as 'step'. - are always available. - * Added a feature to CGDB which allows it to ask readline what key - sequence it uses for the Home and End keys. That way, if the terminfo - database is wrong, but the OS vendor modified /etc/inputrc, CGDB will - have a working Home and End key. - * CGDB fully supports the use of maps now. The feature is similar in - nature to the vim map feature. It supports map, unmap, imap - and iunmap. The map/unmap work in CGDB mode and the imap/iunmap - work in GDB mode. - * Added the cgdbmodekey configuration option. This allows the user to - change the key that switches them from GDB mode to CGDB mode. The - default value is the Escape key. This is useful for users that want - to use readline in vi-mode. - * Fixed a bug in CGDB where the Insert and Delete keys were not - recognized properly all of the time. - cgit +- Update to new upstream release 1.2.3 + * Offer lzip and zstd as compression methods through the webui. + * ui-tree: allow per repository override for enable-blame. +- Bump git to latest upstream release 2.25.1 + cgns +- Update to version 4.1.2: + * Fixed the Compatibility issue between v3.4.0 and v4.1.1 (CGNS-214). + * Change a wrong check in cg_poly_element_read to load older CGNS + file section with CGNS 4.x API (CGNS-219). + -- enable legacy and fortran interface - chafa +- Update to 1.8.0: + * Added basic support for the Kitty and iTerm2 graphics protocols. + These are enabled automatically when corresponding terminal support + is detected, or manually with -f kitty or -f iterm. + * Implemented an 8-color mode, selectable with -c 8 + * Implemented a foreground-only switch, --fg-only. This produces + character art using foreground colors only, and will avoid + modifying or resetting the background color. Looks best with + non-contiguous symbols (e.g. ascii). + * Added builtins for Japanese kana fullwidth symbols. These can + now be used without loading any external fonts (try -c none --symbols wide). + * Added builtins for legacy computer symbols (mainly wedges and + sextant blocks). These were widely used in PETSCII and Teletext, + and can be enabled using --symbols or --fill with their respective + tags: legacy, wedge and sextant (@hodefoting). + * Since there is a growing number of builtin symbols that may not + be available everywhere, the default selection has been restricted + to the widely supported block and border sets. + * If possible, we now select a visually blank character from the + specified symbol/fill sets instead of hardcoding ASCII space for + featureless cells. One practical upshot of this is that the constant-width + braille range can be used to produce consistent images even in contexts + with variable-width fonts. U+2800 (BRAILLE PATTERN BLANK) will then be used in blank cells. + * Improved terminal size detection when used with pipelines and redirection. + This should now produce an image properly sized for your terminal: + curl | chafa - | tee out + * ChafaCanvas gained API functions for programmatically getting and + setting character cell contents. These are used in a new example + in tests/ncurses.c demonstrating ncurses integration. + * Made --disable-rpath the default in order to simplify packaging. + * Added a HACKING file featuring a much needed release checklist. + * Improved terminal support: + + Ctx will now use optimizing REP sequences at high -O levels. + + foot now defaults to sixels. + + iTerm2 now defaults to the iTerm2 protocol. + + Kitty now defaults to the Kitty protocol. + + st now defaults to truecolor symbols. + * Bug fixes: + + #44 Missing error handling on stdout writes. + + [unfiled] Solid symbols erroneously replaced by fill in FGBG mode. + + [unfiled] Integer formatter was not using fast path for 8-bit values. + +- Update to 1.6.1: + * Add NOCONFIGURE variable to to skip configure + Bug fixes: + * #50 SIGBUS while loading huge GIFs + * #52 Produces small glitches in output with some images + * #54 Haiku port fails on 32bit + * [unfiled] Exclude RTL code points that could break the output. + * [unfiled] Apple Terminal lacks truecolor support, so make it + default to 256 colors + * [unfiled] Fix typo affecting middle dot symbol. + +- Update to 1.6.0: + * Added support for fullwidth symbols that take up two character + cells. These are common in East Asian scripts. Single-cell and + double-cell symbols can be mixed, and -f symbols mode will use + both if possible. + * New symbol tags: alpha, digit, alnum, narrow, wide, ambiguous, + ugly, bad. "Ambiguous" symbols have uncertain widths and may + render poorly in some terminals. "Ugly" denotes symbols that + are unsuitable for Chafa's cell-based graphics (multicolor + emoji, ideographic descriptors, etc). "Bad" is a superset of + these two categories. Bad symbols are always excluded unless + explicitly enabled with e.g. CHAFA_SYMBOL_TAG_BAD (--symbols + +bad in the frontend). + * The font loader (--glyph-file option) now does a better job + with proportional fonts. + * Added options for controlling lossless optimization of output. + Currently, attribute reuse and character repetition (REP + sequence) are implemented. + * Added -O option to the frontend. This controls the optimization + level. + * Added a simple abstraction layer for terminal control sequences + (ChafaTermInfo and ChafaTermDb). This allows for improved + terminal support. + * FbTerm is now supported with TERM=fbterm in the environment. + * Bug fixes: + - #43 Fix signal handler. + - [unfiled] Crash when invalid font paths were passed on command line. + - [unfiled] Small typo in fontgen's READM). + - [unfiled] Bad contrast adjustment in images with transparency. + charliecloud +- Update to version 0.23 + * ch-image push: now works with Docker Hub + * ch-image: + * remove compatibility alias ch-grow + * new subcommand reset + * ch-image build: fix bugs in whitespace handling + * miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements + * Full changes: + +- Only apply Replace-hardcode-path.patch if needed + chasen +- Drop --with-pic, as it has no effect with --disable-static. +- Trim history and author list from description. +- Move chasen-config to devel package where these kinds of programs + usually are located. + +- Update to version 2.4.5 + * fix buffer overflow +- Drop upstream fixed chasen244-secfix.diff + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- No need to declare stuff from stdio.h on linux - chmlib +- Upgrade old specfile constructs. +- Remove --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static). + -- Port to all future systems. - chocolate-doom +- Add 0001-build-use-python3-exclusively.patch so we can build + without python2. + -- Update to new upstream release 2.0 - * Support for three other Doom engine-based games: Heretic, Hexen, - and Strife. - choqok +- Remove the KF5WebKit dependency. + +- %cmake_build is now the recommended way to build cmake projects + chromium +- Chromium 95.0.4638.69 (boo#1192184): + * CVE-2021-37997: Use after free in Sign-In + * CVE-2021-37998: Use after free in Garbage Collection + * CVE-2021-37999: Insufficient data validation in New Tab Page + * CVE-2021-38000: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Intents + * CVE-2021-38001: Type Confusion in V8 + * CVE-2021-38002: Use after free in Web Transport + * CVE-2021-38003: Inappropriate implementation in V8 + +- Chromium 95.0.4638.54 (boo#1191844): + * CVE-2021-37981: Heap buffer overflow in Skia + * CVE-2021-37982: Use after free in Incognito + * CVE-2021-37983: Use after free in Dev Tools + * CVE-2021-37984: Heap buffer overflow in PDFium + * CVE-2021-37985: Use after free in V8 + * CVE-2021-37986: Heap buffer overflow in Settings + * CVE-2021-37987: Use after free in Network APIs + * CVE-2021-37988: Use after free in Profiles + * CVE-2021-37989: Inappropriate implementation in Blink + * CVE-2021-37990: Inappropriate implementation in WebView + * CVE-2021-37991: Race in V8 + * CVE-2021-37992: Out of bounds read in WebAudio + * CVE-2021-37993: Use after free in PDF Accessibility + * CVE-2021-37996: Insufficient validation of untrusted input in Downloads + * CVE-2021-37994: Inappropriate implementation in iFrame Sandbox + * CVE-2021-37995: Inappropriate implementation in WebApp Installer +- Added patches: + * chromium-95-BitstreamReader-namespace.patch + * chromium-95-compiler.patch + * chromium-95-libyuv-aarch64.patch + * chromium-95-quiche-include.patch + * chromium-95-system-zlib.patch +- Removed patches: + * chromium-94-compiler.patch + * chromium-91-libyuv-aarch64.patch + * chromium-90-ruy-include.patch + * chromium-94-CustomSpaces-include.patch + +- Remove Python 2 requirement + +- Disable DCHECK(): that's for debug only + +- Add pipewire-do-not-typecheck-the-portal-session_handle.patch: + fix WebRTC with xdg-desktop-portal 1.10 + +- Chromium 94.0.4606.81 (boo#1191463): + * CVE-2021-37977: Use after free in Garbage Collection + * CVE-2021-37978: Heap buffer overflow in Blink + * CVE-2021-37979: Heap buffer overflow in WebRTC + * CVE-2021-37980: Inappropriate implementation in Sandbox +- Re-add after accidental deletion: + * chromium-93-InkDropHost-crash.patch + +- Chromium 94.0.4606.54 (boo#1190765): + * CVE-2021-37956: Use after free in Offline use + * CVE-2021-37957: Use after free in WebGPU + * CVE-2021-37958: Inappropriate implementation in Navigation + * CVE-2021-37959: Use after free in Task Manager + * CVE-2021-37960: Inappropriate implementation in Blink graphics + * CVE-2021-37961: Use after free in Tab Strip + * CVE-2021-37962: Use after free in Performance Manager + * CVE-2021-37963: Side-channel information leakage in DevTools + * CVE-2021-37964: Inappropriate implementation in ChromeOS Networking + * CVE-2021-37965: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API + * CVE-2021-37966: Inappropriate implementation in Compositing + * CVE-2021-37967: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API + * CVE-2021-37968: Inappropriate implementation in Background Fetch API + * CVE-2021-37969: Inappropriate implementation in Google Updater + * CVE-2021-37970: Use after free in File System API + * CVE-2021-37971: Incorrect security UI in Web Browser UI + * CVE-2021-37972: Out of bounds read in libjpeg-turbo +- Chromium 94.0.4606.61 (boo#1191166): + * CVE-2021-37973: Use after free in Portals +- Chromium 94.0.4606.71 (boo#1191204): + * CVE-2021-37974 : Use after free in Safe Browsing + * CVE-2021-37975 : Use after free in V8 + * CVE-2021-37976 : Information leak in core +- Added patches: + * chromium-94-CustomSpaces-include.patch + * chromium-94-sql-no-assert.patch + * chromium-older-harfbuzz.patch + * chromium-94-ffmpeg-roll.patch + * chromium-94-compiler.patch +- Removed patches: + * chromium-freetype-2.11.patch + * chromium-93-ContextSet-permissive.patch + * chromium-93-ClassProperty-include.patch + * chromium-93-BluetoothLowEnergyScanFilter-include.patch + * chromium-93-HashPasswordManager-include.patch + * chromium-93-pdfium-include.patch + * chromium-93-DevToolsEmbedderMessageDispatcher-include.patch + * chromium-93-FormForest-constexpr.patch + * chromium-93-ScopedTestDialogAutoConfirm-include.patch + * chromium-93-InkDropHost-crash.patch + * chromium-91-compiler.patch + * chromium-glibc-2.33.patch + * chromium-shim_headers.patch + +- Add patch to fix Leap 15.2 build: + * chromium-ffmpeg-lp152.patch +- Change system-libdrm.patch: add to unbundle instead of changing + header path + ciano +- Update to 0.2.4: + * Merge branch 'master' of + * Minor fixes and changes + * update file gitignore + * Merge pull request #105 from NathanBnm/patch-5 + * Fix README app icon + * Merge pull request #102 from NathanBnm/master + * Make scrip executable + * Merge pull request #100 from NathanBnm/improvements + * Improvements + * Merge pull request #99 from NathanBnm/fix-typo + * Merge pull request #98 from NathanBnm/update-fr + * Fix typo + * Merge pull request #96 from NathanBnm/patch-4 + * Add missing OARS metadata making build fail + * Merge pull request #93 from NathanBnm/patch-3 + * Update .travis.yml + * Merge pull request #83 from meisenzahl/master + * Merge pull request #89 from safak45x/patch-1 + * Merge branch 'master' into patch-1 + * Merge pull request #78 from libreajans/Turkish + * Merge branch 'master' into Turkish + * Merge pull request #72 from NathanBnm/patch-1 + * commit partial + * Update LINGUAS + * updated .gitignore to ignore *~ + * Downgrade Node.js to fix builds on Travis CI + * Merge pull request #76 from nedrichards/patch-1 + * Add OARS tag + * Merge pull request #1 from NathanBnm/patch-2 + * Added fr + +- Update to 0.2.1: + * Fix accels deprecation + * Fix margin deprecations + * Merge pull request #66 from drom98/master + * Update issue templates + * update readme + * remoção do arquivo com.github.robertsanseries.ciano.json + * Update + * Update .desktop comment to be consistent with HIG + * moving the settings class to the services package + ck +- Update to version 0.7.1 + * Add s390x support + * ck_hs: add convenience hash function wrapper ck_hs_hash + * ck_backoff: avoid dead store to ceiling + * ck_ring: add two new utility functions for persistent rings + * ck_sequence: reduce thread count to account for writer + * ck_queue: fix logic inversion in CK_STAILQ_CONCAT + * ck_epoch: allow record sharing and reentrancy for write-side operations +- Drop upstream merged patches: ck-fix-gettid-glibc-clash.patch, + ck-fix-j1.patch + ckb-next -- Fix double slash in /bin/bash requirement in - ckb-next-use-run.patch (fixes boo#1186929) +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Re-labeled 422.patch +- Updated harden_ckb-next-daemon.service.patch to fix + gh#ckb-next/ckb-next#740 + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_ckb-next-daemon.service.patch + +- Fix fix double slash in //bin/bash requirement clFFT +- Add clFFT-avoid-rvalue-address.patch: Fix building with gcc11 + (which is stricter about referencing rvalue addresses) by using + ostringstream object directly rather its pointer + [gh#clMathLibraries/clFFT#237]. +- Add opencl-headers and pkgconfig(OpenCL) to -devel package + Requires as these are referenced by clFFT headers and library. +- Use %license for LICENSE file. + +- %make_jobs is depricated replaced by %cmake_build + clamav +- bsc#1192346: Update to 0.103.4 + * FreshClam: + - Add a 24-hour cool-down for FreshClam clients that have received + an HTTP 403 (Forbidden) response from the CDN. This is to reduce + the volume of 403-response data served to blocked FreshClam + clients that are configured with a tight update-loop. + - Fixed a bug where FreshClam treats an empty CDIFF as an + incremental update failure instead of as an intentional request + to download the whole CVD. + * ClamDScan: Fix a scan error when broken symlinks are encountered on + macOS with "FollowDirectorySymlinks" and "FollowFileSymlinks" + options disabled. + * Overhauled the scan recursion / nested archive extraction logic and + added new limits on embedded file-type recognition performed during + the "raw" scan of each file. This limits embedded file-type + misidentification and prevents detecting embedded file content that + is found/extracted and scanned at other layers in the scanning + process. + * Fix an issue with the FMap module that failed to read from some + nested files. + * Fixed an issue where failing to load some rules from a Yara file + containing multiple rules may cause a crash. + * Fixed assorted compiler warnings. + * Fixed assorted Coverity static code analysis issues. + * Scan limits: + - Added virus-name suffixes to the alerts that trigger when a scan + limit has been exceeded. Rather than simply + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded, you may now see limit-specific + virus-names, to include: + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxFileSize + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxScanSize + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxFiles + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxRecursion + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.MaxScanTime + - Renamed the Heuristics.Email.ExceedsMax.* alerts to align with + the other limit alerts names. These alerts include: + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.EmailLineFoldcnt + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.EmailHeaderBytes + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.EmailHeaders + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.EmailMIMEPartsPerMessage + + Heuristics.Limits.Exceeded.EmailMIMEArguments + - Fixed an issue where the Email-related scan limits would alert + even when the "AlertExceedsMax" (--alert-exceeds-max) scan option + is not enabled. + - Fixes an issue in the Zip parser where exceeding the "MaxFiles" + limit or the "MaxFileSize" limit would abort the scan but would + fail to alert. The Zip scan limit issues were independently + identified and reported by Aaron Leliaert and Max Allan. + * Fixed a leak in the Email parser when using the --gen-json scan + option. + * Fixed an issue where a failure to record metadata in the Email + parser when using the --gen-json scan option could cause the Email + parser to abort the scan early and fail to extract and scan + additional content. + * Fixed a file name memory leak in the Zip parser. + * Fixed an issue where certain signature patterns may cause a crash or + cause unintended matches on some systems when converting characters + to uppercase if a UTF-8 unicode single-byte grapheme becomes a + multi-byte grapheme. Patch courtesy of Andrea De Pasquale. +- Fix unit test + + clamav-ck_assert_msg.patch + +- bsc#1188284: Update to 0.103.3 + * Fixed a scan performance issue when ENGINE_OPTIONS_FORCE_TO_DISK is + enabled. This issue did not impacted most users but for those + affected it caused every scanned file to be copied to the temp + directory before the scan. + * Fix ClamDScan crashes when using the --fdpass --multiscan + command-line options in combination with the ClamD ExcludePath + config file options. + * Fixed an issue where the mirrors.dat file is owned by root when + starting as root (or with sudo) and using daemon-mode. File + ownership will be set to the DatabaseOwner just before FreshClam + switches to run as that user. + * Renamed the mirrors.dat file to freshclam.dat. + * Disabled the HTTPUserAgent config option if the DatabaseMirror uses + This will prevent users from being inadvertently blocked + and will ensure that we can keep better metrics on which ClamAV + versions are being used. + * Moved the detection for Heuristics.PNG.CVE-2010-1205 behind the + ClamScan --alert-broken-media option (ClamD AlertBrokenMedia yes) + option. This type of PNG issue appears to be common enough to be an + annoyance, and the CVE is old enough that no one should be + vulnerable at this point. + * Fix ClamSubmit failures after changes to Cloudflare "__cfduid" + cookies. See: + clamav-database +- database refresh on 2021-12-06 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2021-11-29 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2021-11-22 (bsc#1084929) + +- database refresh on 2021-11-15 (bsc#1084929) + clamtk +- Update to version 6.14 + * Fix for context-menu scanning image issues + +- Update to version 6.13: + * Fixes for appdata.xml + * Partially work Github #129 (engine version, date of sigs, title) + * Update translations in clamtk.desktop + +- Update to version 6.11: + * Clamtk and Clamav do not update automatically + * Add appdata.xml file + * Remove code referencing old repo. + * Bug: app doesn't scan files/folders on demand + * Bug: Do not inject 'no-separator' into window decoration + * Add --alert-broken-media option for versions >= 103.1 + * Remove older repo (clamtk-gtk3), use clamtk only +- Remove 0001-Do-not-inject-no-separator-into-window-decoration.patch + +- Update to version 6.07: + + Update to look for additional information during update to know + when finished. + + Update dates to 2021. +- Add 0001-Do-not-inject-no-separator-into-window-decoration.patch: + Do not add no-separator to window decoration (boo#1182151). + +- update to 6.06: + * Fix for 'Show Hidden Files' checkbox automatically + * Remove env from clamtk startup for correct + dependency detection (rpmlint) + * Minor language updates to desktop file + * Updated language files: Japanese (ja), English (en_AU), + Mon (mnw_MM), Finnish (fi), Malay (ms) + +- update to 6.05: + * Exclude Timeshift directory (Github #121) + * Added Help button in Analysis to explain its purpose + (Github #122) + * Updated language files: English (en_UK), Galician (gl), + Ukrainian (uk), French (fr), Afrikans (af), Hebrew (he), + Chinese (zh_TW) + * Add Encrypted.PDF as clean (Github #120). Also, remove alert- + encrypted-* options + * Add set LC_TIME (Gitlab commit a7b3a31c) + * More README cleanup + * Updated language files: Dutch (nl), Afrikans (af), + Indonesian (id), English (en_UK) + * Bug fix affecting manual updates + * Update year (2019 -> 2020) + * Clean up man page + * Heuristic scanning made an option rather than a default + * Fix icon mismatch in the Scheduler + * Fix icon glitch in Update + * Updated language files: English (en_UK), Indonesian (id), + Swedish (sv) (Launchpad #1688469) + +- Update to version 6.0.2 + * No changelog upstream +- Cleanup spec file + +- update to 5.27 + * Update options for new ClamAV (0.101.0) + * Update language files: Swedish (sv), Japanese (ja) + * Language files will begin to incorporate new "Language" field + * Language files are now BSD because Launchpad. + + * Update year to 2019; 15th year :) + +- update to 5.26 + * UI change to single-click + * Update year to 2018; 14th year :) + * Updates to the man pages + * Update Swedish (sv) language file for Launchpad #1688469 + * Begin move to + claws-mail +- Disable pilot-link on Tumbleweed as we are dropping the library, + this keeps pilot link support around only for Leap 15.x + +- instead of forcing a certain pinentry tool require the generic + provides and only recommends the gtk2 version. There is no gtk3 + version to prefer. +- make sure we have python3-gobject so we can load the gtk/gdk/gio + libraries + +- Update to 4.0.0 + Featurewise it is the same as 3.18.0 with 1 major difference: + GTK 3 support! + With this comes pygobject based python plugins. +- enable alternative addressbook as well +- drop all support for gtk2 in the spec file +- drop libcanberra-gtk3.patch: no longer needed + clazy +- Update to 1.10 + * Requires C++17 + * Fixed a -Wclazy-lambda-in-connect false-positive + * Fixed crash in copyable-polymorphic when PCH was enabled +- Drop 0001-Fix-build-with-Clang-12.patch. Fixed upstream. + +- Make sure C++17 support is available for Leap builds. + +- Add upstream change: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Clang-12.patch + cld2 +- include GNUInstallDirs into CMakeLists.txt and use CMAKE_INSTALL_FULL_LIBDIR + variable in pkgconfig file to set corret library path also on Tumbleweed + +- fix generating cld2_full library by adding common source files + in CMakeLists.txt + +- change include paths in pkgconfig file to the values used by + cyrus imap + +- add 0001-fix-hebrew-iso-code.patch to change obsolete hebrew language + code from iw to he + +- add pkgconfig file +- cleanup spec file + * remove stuff for compatibility below SLE 12 + * use license tag in files section + clementine +- update to + * For upstream changes go to: + + +- Update to git snapshot to fix build against the + new taglib. +- For upstream changes go to: + + cli11 +- Build doc package +- Include pkgconfig file +- Disable the build of examples +- Change the directory of cmake files to %{_datadir}/cmake +- Use the upstream name for source and building, and keep the + package name lowercase +- Update to version 2.1.2 + * Use main for the main branch of the repository + * Bugfix(cmake): Enforce at least C++11 when using CMake target + * Build: Don't run doxygen and CTest includes if a submodule + * Build: Avoid a warning on CMake 3.22 + * Build: Support compiling the tests with an external copy of Catch2 + clinfo +- Update to version + * No upstream release notes. + +- Update to version + * No upstream list of changes. + clipped +- Update to 1.1.1: + * Add comment for future me + * Increase focus_out timeout + * Add StartupWMClass (#49) + * Fix delete crash + * Remove X11 keybind (#48) + * Add version to meson (#47) + * Add support for @2 icons (#46) + +- Update to 1.1.0: + * Allow deleting clipboard entries with delete key + * Allow typing numbers when search bar is focused + * Hardcode elementary theme + * Update appdata + * Remove cmake files + * Add meson files +- Spec file cleanup + +- Update to 1.0.3: + * debian folder moved out to orphan branches + * Update Lithuanian language (#22) + * Fix style priority + * Update search entry CSS selectors +- Spec file cleanup + clisp +- Do not use LTO for clisp images + +- Remove -mieee-fp gcc option as gcc does not know or ignore + that l(ib)ieee is not part of glibc package anymore +- -fPIE/-fpie is brain dead for a binary used for dumping images + cln +- remove -fvisibility-inlines-hidden for now [bsc#1176710] + -- make it build on s390x - clojure +- Update to + * Fix in applying :jvm-opts with -X execution on Windows +- Changes in + * Adds support for a trailing map of kvs in -X calls (similar to Clojure 1.11 trailing map to vararg calls) + * Updates all Maven deps to latest (maven-resolver 1.7.0, maven core 1.8.3) to address these security concerns + - CVE-2020-13956 - bumps deps on Apache HttpClient used by Maven + - CVE-2021-26291 - potential security problems regarding Maven repositories: + - Due to the possibility of MITM (man in the middle) attacks, http repo access is now blocked by default. + tools.deps/Clojure CLI has always used https repos in the default repository list (central and clojars), + so this mostly impacts any explicit http repositories defined in deps.edn + - Concerns over the "hijacking" of repository urls by transitive pom deps (or their super poms) to download + artifacts from malicious repos. Maven made no changes here, but did clarify how repos are resolved on this page. + From a deps perspective, we only use repositories declared in the top-level deps.edn (if transitive deps need a custom repo, + you will need to add it at top-level too). For tools.deps use of pom dependencies, we are providing the repos of + the top deps.edn file (which should always put Maven Central and Clojars first), then deferring to Maven for the rest. + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.11.922 +- Changes in + * Fix Linux installer breakage in +- Changes in + * TDEPS-177 - Fix Maven mirrors to look up by id, not name + * Remove flag when fetching git deps so that older git versions work + * Tweak some warning messages + * Clean up scripts to simplify variable replacement + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.11.918 +- Changes in + * Fix issue with git deps where new commits on branches were not fetched +- Changes in + * git deps: switch from using jgit to shelling out to git (must be git >= 2.5) + * New env vars for control: + - GITLIBS_COMMAND - command to invoke when shelling out to git, default = git + - GITLIBS_DEBUG - set to true to print git commands and output to stderr, default = false + * Made git fetch only when shas can’t be resolved to improve performance + * Bump dep versions for tools.cli and aws api to latest + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.11.905 +- Changes in + * Fix clj -X:deps git-resolve-tags to update the sha to match the tag + * Perf improvements for git or local deps using pom.xml + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.9.884 +- Changes in + * Add -version and --version options + * TDEPS-56 - Fix main-opts and jvm-opts word splitting on spaces + * TDEPS-125 - Use JAVA_CMD if set (thanks Gregor Middell!) + * Add warning if :paths or :extra-paths refers to a directory outside the project root (in the future will become an error) + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.9.871 + +- Update to 0.10.2: + * Interop / JVM: + - CLJ-1472 Ensure monitor object is on stack, for verifiers + - CLJ-2517 More fixes for invocation of static interface methods with primitive args + - CLJ-2492 Remove uses of deprecated Class.newInstance() + - CLJ-2534 Fix javadoc urls for JDK 11+ + - CLJ-2571 Add Throwable return type hint to ex-cause + - CLJ-2572 Avoid reflection in + - CLJ-2502 Fix reflection warnings in clojure.stacktrace/print-stack-trace + - CLJ-2597 proxy should emit Java 1.8 bytecode + * Core: + - CLJ-2580 Fix case expression branch analysis that resulted in compilation error + - CLJ-2564 Improve error message for case + - CLJ-2585 nth with not-found on regex matcher returns not-found on last group index + - CLJ-1364 vector-of does not implement equals or hashing methods + - CLJ-2549 vector-of does not implement IObj for metadata + - CLJ-1187 quoted metadata on empty literal colls is lost + - CLJ-2459 ExceptionInInitializerError if jars executed with java -jar + * Printing: + - CLJ-2469 Fix errors in printing some maps with namespace syntax + - CLJ-1445 pprint doesn't print collection metadata when *print-meta* is true + * Docstrings: + - CLJ-2295 Eliminate duplicate doc string printing for special forms + - CLJ-2495 prepl docstring is incorrect + - CLJ-2169 conj has out-of-date :arglists + * Performance: + - CLJ-1005 Use transient map in zipmap + +- Adds rlwrap dependency for proper clj functionality + +- Fix could not find or load main class clojure.main (boo#1178408) +- Add missing clojure/libexec/exec.jar (boo#1178408) +- Add tool version to package to increase version visibility +- Apply spec-cleaner +- Update to + * Fix clj -X:deps tree adding tools.deps.alpha to tree + * Fix clj -X:deps mvn-pom adding tools.deps.alpha to pom deps + * Fix clj -X:deps git-resolve-tags not working + * TDEPS-169 - Fix clj -X:deps mvn-install on jar to also install embedded pom + * Fix clj -Spom not respecting dep modifications from -A (regression) +- Changes in + * Make edn reading tolerant of unknown tagged literals + * Update to latest dependencies for maven-resolver and aws-api + * Use tools.deps.alpha 0.9.821 + +- Update tool version to 708 +- Remove _service file as it wasn't accepted by Factory + +- Updated tool version. +- Fixed macros in spec file, added _service file. + -- Update to 1.6.0 - cloud-regionsrv-client +- Update to version 9.3.0 (jsc#PCT-130) + + Support AHB-v3 + + Support registration of BYOS instances against the update infrastructure + + Properly extract the region for local zones in AWS to ensure instances + get connected to the proper update servers + + Azure addon service and executable rename + + Support non SLE repos + + Fix handling of regionservers configured with DNS names + clustershell +- Update to upstream release 1.8.4: + * RangeSetND: fix padding info when slicing using __getitem__() + * Defaults: Allow out-of-tree worker modules + * NodeUtils: allow YAML list to declare node groups + * Tree: Use default local_worker and allow overriding Defaults + * Worker/Rsh: return maxrc properly for Rsh Worker + * xCAT binding: add support for spaces in group names + * CLI/Clush: Avoid python3 error with no stdin + * CLI/Clush: use in stdin thread + * CLI/Clush: Add maxrc option to clush.conf + * CLI/Display: Add support for NO_COLOR and CLICOLOR + +- Grab updated spec file from upstream to fix Python2 handling. + +- Update to upstream release 1.8.3: + * Worker/ScpClient: always put remote into brackets (#424) + * RangeSetND: fix padding info when slicing using __getitem__() (#429) + * Defaults: Allow out-of-tree worker modules +- Resync spec file with upstream, disable Python2 where not supported + any more. +- Obsolete python2 package that may be installed when building for + python3 only. + +- The correct license is LGPL-2.1-or-later + +- Update to upstream release 1.8.2: + * clush: support UTF-8 string encoding with --diff + * in some cases, timers were too fast due to an issue in EngineTimer + * fix issue in the Slurm group bindings where job ids were used + instead of user names + * performance update for xCAT group bindings +- Update Source to download from GitHub directly +- Use %license and %fdupes + clusterssh +- Update to new upstream release v4.16 + * Further fix for 'resolve_names' error when adding hosts via the UI + * Fix missing space separator for ssh_args (thanks to Petr Vorel) +- removed obsolete backport patch + 0001-helper-Fix-missing-space-separator-for-ssh_args.patch + +- Backport fix for #133 + + 0001-helper-Fix-missing-space-separator-for-ssh_args.patch + +- Update to new upstream release v4.15 + * Include all utilies within each man page + * Add in 'command_pre' and 'command_post' configuration options + * Fix 'Add Host' menu error finding 'resolved_names' + * Ensure lib path is added to range tests to find the libraries + * Mark permission test as TODO as it appears to be inconsistent + +- Update to new upstream release v4.14 + * Include README within the repository, not just created tar.gz files + * Add 'autoquit' setting to 'File' menu (Github issue #114) + * Correct macro_hostname to be the FQDN of the server where + cssh is being run (Github issue #116) + * Add in user defined macros + +- Own entire bash-completion subtree + +- Update to new upstream release v4.13.2_02 + +- Drop clusterssh-fix-docgen.patch as it has been fixed upstream + ( +- Add new dependency X11::Protocol::WM (build and runtime) +- Drop clusterssh-fix-docgen.patch (not relevant any more) +- Add patch fixing shebang (perl_shebang.patch) +- Disable Test::PerlTidy as it's not available +- Add new build and runtime dependency X11::Protocol::WM +- Add new build dependency Test::Trap (for testing) + -- Update to new upstream release 4.01.03 - * Allow the path to rsh/ssh/telnet to be defined in the - configuration file - * Move .csshrc to .csshrc.DISABLED since it should no longer be used - * Resolve error emitted when adding a host via the "Hosts" drop-down - * Resolve paste using a strange keyboard layout - * Cope with being invoked by "clusterssh" - * Remove doc references to "always_tile" (is known as "window_tiling") - * Updated manpage whatis entries - * Fix cssh starting if xterm is not installed - * Set WM_CLASS on windows to "cssh" - -- license update: GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0 - See README - -- Initial package for (4.01.01) - clzip +- Update to release 1.12 + * Make -o behave like -c, but writing to file instead of stdout. + * Make -c and -o check whether the output is a terminal + only once. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.11 + * No changes; just a version bump. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.11~rc1 + * Detection of forbidden combinations of characters in trailing + data has been improved. + -- Use more robust make install call; remove redundant %clean - section; wrap description at 70 cols; GPG signature verification - -- update to 1.4: - * Multi-step trials have been implemented - * Compression ratio has been slightly increased - * Compression time has been reduced by 10% - * Decompression time has been reduced by 8% - -- update to 1.3: - * inability to change output file attributes has been downgraded from error - to warning - * a small change has been made in the "--help" output and man page - cmrt +- Update Group lines. + +- n_UsrEtc.patch + * switch to /usr/etc location for cmrt.conf (boo#1173035) + cmus +- update to 2.9.1: + * Documentation improvements for keybindings and some commands + * Spelling, grammar, and other improvements + * Add comments about fg/bg color to gruvbox-warm.theme + * Increase help view keybinding width + * pgaskin and flyingmutant committed 11 days ago + * ip/cdio.c: only declare track_comments_found if + * Remove unused functions in op/sndio.c + * Fixes truncation warnings by replacing %s with %.s + * add amazon.theme (#975) + * Fix playlist track selection + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20210101.gcef5ea4: + * Switch to GitHub Actions (#1026) + * Shuffle first track (#893) (#1008) + * Implement mouse events for title bar (#1025) + * Fix whitespace issues (#1021) + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20201215.gba1c3f0: + * Implement mouse events for status bar (#1013) + * Add tree width options (#1018) + * Stop after queue (resolves #696) (#1006) + * play pregaps of songs by adding them at the end of the previous song (#983) + * properly calculate size of print string (#987) + * Support R128_TRACK_GAIN / R128_ALBUM_GAIN tags (#994) + * Adding "--server SOCKET --passwd PASSWORD" section (#958) + * Add -n option to win-add-{l,p,Q,q} to prevent selecting the next item (#1017) + * Add support for 'DISCNUMBER' REM-field in CUE-sheets (#982) + * Add -f, --file to cmus-remote (#984) + * Add gruvbox-warm.theme (#1014) + * Update zsh completion (#985) (#1019) + * Make mouse behavior on playlist window consistent with library (#1011) + * Fix type of MPRIS2 fields title and album (#972) + * docs: fix simple typo, speacial -> special (#1002) + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20200120.gd1290d5: + * Fix bug on ppc64 caused by narrowing cast (#941) + * Fix typo: it's->its (#947) + +- Clean up spec file +- Update to version 2.8.0~20191105.g354625c: + * Allow push to accept no arguments (#937) + * mute/unmute command (#934) + * Add `continue_album` option (#927) + * Fix a crash when moving all tracks in a view (#916) + * fixed playlist name searching (#906) + * misc_init: remove variable user_name (#898) + * Makes :quit only prompt if -i is given (#888) + * ip/mp4: add metadata support for bpm/tempo (#878) + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20190219.ge27e813: + * Ensures all data sent on dbus is in utf8 (#847) (#871) + * bits-per-sample fixes (#870) + * Fixes incorect bit rate declaration for 24bit flac (#867) + * Changes yes_no_query to signal error on cmus exit (#858) + * Add support for elogind (#846) + * ip/ffmpeg: enable opus support (#865) + * Add note about overriding keybindings using rc (closes #742) (#866) + * Avoid -I$(pwd) (#820) + * Fixes ffmpeg deprecations (#861) + * Add *.lo to clean in Makefile (#864) + * Fixes various compiler warning (#862) + * added "exiting" player status (#648) + * Makes save -p consistent with documentation (#859) + * Make cmus-update*.py use env python and fix pidgin with py3 (#857) + * cmus 2.8.0 + * README: note that cmus is not actively maintained + * Fix CI build by specifying gcc version for Linux. Add OSX to CI test (#854) + * Increasing print buffer to fix crashes on ultra wide screens (#853) + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20181120.gf5a442a: + * Change to get_non_empty_env for CMUS_PLAYLIST_DIR. (#836) + * Add support for CMUS_PLAYLIST_DIR. (#830) + * Add documentation for passwd option (#824) + * Accept PARTOFACOMPILATION tag (#807) + +- Update to version 2.8.0~20180524.g8cccf70: + * Skip track when seeking past track duration (#803) + cntlm +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * cntlm.service + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: + Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- license update: GPLv2+ - The package is GPL 2 "or later". See - - No GPL-2.0 "only" files in the package - cobbler +- Update to version + * Add support for Windows 11 + * Do not warn users about missing files during removal + * Collections: Simplify the duplication checks + * mkloaders: Add checks for required components + * mkgrub: Rename file and class to mkloaders + * mkgrub: Use grub subdirectory for storing binary executables + * Downgrade info to debug message when loading systems + * Show startup time in seconds if python3-psutil is installed + * Use newly introduce per item serializer on parent/profile addings + * Remove check_for_duplicate_netinfo parameter checking, this is done in interface setter now + * Introduce new serialize_one_item function + * Exclude ourselves from duplicate checks for ip/mac/dns duplicates + * mkgrub: Improve bootloader building process + * mkgrub: Apply opinionated formatting + * Fix defaults and path to the ipxe files + * Version bump to V3.3.1 + * Remove not existent check for disabled spacewalk registration + * Security: Flag gate for modify_setting in XMLRPC + * Safeguard XMLRPC against rce + * Ease up condition checking and do not add interfaces to dhcp6 without ipv6 address + * MAC address should already be properly formatted + * Write message that initrd has successfully been loaded + * Set default menu if netboot is enabled + * Use the grub formatted tftp URL in for loading kernel/initrd remotely + +- Update to version + * Autoinstall Manager: Fix utils.die calls and removed unused variable + * Docs: Add the mkgrub command to the CLI + * Add docstring to new API method + * Added new keys to the migration module for 3.3.0 + * spec file needs an open source license header to be build in open build service + * Expose GrubImage Action in and + * Add GrubImage action + * Refactor the hardlink command to support non default web directories. + * Cobbler-settings: Change options order + * docs: Fix docstrings and logger formatting + * Adjustments to cobbler-settings validate + * Update sleep time in setup-supervisor script + * reposync_ssl + * Feat.: add support for Debian 11 Bullseye + * fix: cobbler reposync + +- Do not export spec file from git, due to bad licence format +- Add rpmlintrc to sources + +- Update to version v3.2.1.295+git.af118f52: + * Refactor the hardlink command to support non default web directories. + * Cobbler-settings: Change options order + * docs: Fix docstrings and logger formatting + * docs: Update and cleanup + * Adjustments to cobbler-settings validate + * fix/windows + * Applied suggestions from @agraul and @vzhestkov + * Update sleep time in setup-supervisor script + * reposync_ssl + * Feat.: add support for Debian 11 Bullseye + * fix: cobbler reposync +- Set disabled service to localonly +- Remove unused patch + D prevent-race-condition-writting-tftpboot-files-bsc1186124.patch + +- Prevent some race conditions when writting tftpboot files and + the destination directory is not existing (bsc#1186124) +- Added: + * prevent-race-condition-writting-tftpboot-files-bsc1186124.patch + +- Fixed SPEC file: + * Re-added missing license header + * Added missing Source tag for rpmlintrc + +- Update to version 3.2.1+git20210315.f7482f6b: + * API: Add HTTP 200 Return in case we have an OPTIONS request + * Install everything in scripts/ to get + * Update issue templates + * Webinterface: Removal of the Django Version + * Remove get-loader code + * Remove internal tftp python server and remove tornado dependencies + * Increase version of Cobbler to 3.2.1 + * Move legacy field setting + * Add tests for and + * Templates: Move macros back to the template_api and fix snippets + * Templates: Remove old subject parameter; rename Template to CobblerTemplate + * Templates: Improve Cheetah template child class (linter & comments) + * Templates: Improve docs and fix linter errors with sedsec + * CLI: Add class docstring for the main class + * Actions - Replicate: Add class docstring + * Serializer - Mongo: Revert explicit type because of soft req on MongoDB + * Grub: Add tests and catch some errors + * Fix several issues in module + * remove esxi70u1 from signatures and template from spec + * remove esxi70u1 config and templates + +- Update to version 3.2.0+git20210221.644f267c: + * Address review concerns by @nodeg + * Add schema checking code and test it + * Convert integer bools to real bools + * Docs: Rearrange to alphabetical order & add missing settings + * Add python-schema to our requirements + * post_report: Use with syntax to close file in case of an error. + * Fix linter errors in + * Remove import cgi + * Adjust prospector Config to fix doubled issues + * Fix Codacy linter errors + +- Update to version 3.2.0+git20210218.8af5f420: + * revert_strip_none prior adding an object on replicate + * Remove unused function filter_upgrade_duplicates() in + * Add filename to exception + * Add return types in + * Handle files with double .json ending + * sync_post_wingen: Include pefile in the import check + * Tests: Add tests for module_loader and type the module + * Add adjustments for the source installation + * close file after open + * make esx_modules available to template + * fix bootcfg template path + Delete patches which were upstreamed and are included in the tarball: + D better-string-replacement-performance.diff + D cgi_parse_qs_is_deprecated.diff + D fix-for-old-str.join-usage.diff + D fix-string-replacement.diff + D load_module_apache_suse_fix.diff + D refactored_auth_module.diff + D remove-redundant-json-suffix.diff + +- Update spec file to satisfy current rpmbuild (>=4.16) and make + the build on Tumbleweed work again. + +- Update tarball from upstream to remove the .pc quilt folder. + +- Fix string replacement for @@xyz@@ +- Better performing string replacements +- Added: + * better-string-replacement-performance.diff + * fix-string-replacement.diff + coccigrep +- update to 1.20: + - Fix a python3 comptability issue + - Add grep color mode + - Fix multiple matches on one line + - This release fixes #19 and improve matching capabilities + - Address a issue with pygments installation on Python 2 and fix parallel execution + - Some light fixes on the documentation and a cleaner so the project looks decent on Pypi. + +- Update to version 1.17+git.20180322: + * grep mode: fix multiline case + * fix typo in comment + * used: fix equality match + * allow multiple match on the same line + * fix grep mode display + * Update version to 1.17 + * set only color in grep mode for tty + * color attribute in grep mode + * add grep mode for color + -- initial package - codec2 +- Added a patch moved-freedv_callback_rx_sym-into-internal-header.patch + to fix building gnuradio (patch taken from upstream) + +- Drop handcrafted generation of the pkgconfig file +- Remove "-Wno-dev" + +- Update to version 1.0.1: + * Release to support freedv-gui 1.6.1 + +- Update baselib.conf + +- Update to version 1.0.0: + * No upstream changelog available + * Added new mode 700E +- Test binaries not installed now, so package codec2 dropped, + license and doc files moved to libcodec2 library. +- Patch codec2-no_return_random.patch rebased. + codespell +- Update to 2.1.0: + * No upstream changelog + +- Update to 2.0.0: + * No upstream changelog + +- Update to version 1.17.1: + * Upstream does not provide a changelog +- Update patch: + * help2man-run-needs-utf8-locale.patch + +- Update to 1.16.0: + * Add several more spelling corrections + * Fix typos + colm +- Update to version 0.14.7 + * fix: make string pointers from locals, not temp strings + * fix vm_pop_type for big-endian systems + * various refcount fixes + * A lot other bugfixes and improvements +- Added fix-library.patch +- Dropped outdated shadow.diff + +- Update Git URL. Trim old specfile constructs. + +- Add reproducible.diff + +- Update to new upstream release + * No changelog provided + +- Update to new upstream release + * No changelog was provided, again. + colord-kde +- Update URL +- Spec cleanup + colordiff +- Update to 1.0.19 + * Add 'difffile' color option, allowing more git-like coloring (separate + color for header of each changed file). Thanks Geraint Edwards. + * Improved portability of Makefile, thanks Michael Osipov. + * Provide support for 24-bit colour strings, thanks Stephen Wall. +- Run spec-cleaner + * Drop package groups +- Drop patch colordiff-fix-permission.diff not needed anymore + -- initial SUSE package - colorpicker +- Update to 1.1.5: + * Fix travis build problem + * Added Bulgarian translation (kudos to @clappingmonkey) + +- Update to 1.1.3: + * Added Polish translation (kudos to @michalzkosmosu) + * Added Dutch translation (kudos to @Vistaus) + * Added Turkish translation (kudos to @ibrakap) + * Fix build integration (kudos to @meisenzahl) + +- Update to 1.1.2: + * Add português lang + commandergenius +- Update to version 3.0.9 + * Bug fixes with changed aspect ratio and resolutions + * Multiplayer fixes + * Many gameplay bug fixes + +- Update to version 3.0.1 + * New Engine with parallax scrolling feature + * Added support for Cosmos the Cosmic Adventure + * Many bug fixes, some general improvements + +- Update to version 2.8.2 + * Improved carmack decompression routine. + * Sliding through entrances/doors improved. + +- Update to version 2.8.1 + * More Keen Galaxy engine fixes + * Menu fixes + +- %cmake_build is now the recommended way to build cmake projects +- DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set by the cmake macro + +- Update to version 2.8.0 + * Remove legacy SDL 1.2 code at many parts + * More stable graphics engine + * SDL2 is not an option anymore + * Improved logging + * Open GL 2.1 is minimum now + * Lots of OpenGL fixes + * Boost library now is optional + * C++17 + +- Add patch: + * fix-icons.patch + +- Update to version 2.7.9 + * Add appdata + +- Update to version 2.7.8 + * More logging. Code cleanups + +- Update to version 2.7.7 + * Now you can configure the base url. If http does not work on + your side, feel free to set it to https. + * Some Memory cleanups + +- Update to version 2.7.6 + * Foot improvement on some mods. With Eight Accumlators now it + works correclty. + +- Update to version 2.7.5 + * Achivement System improved. Now you can see what achivements + you got and how much is yet missing + * Quit Menu now shows three ways to quit your current game + +- Update to version 2.7.4 + * Virtual pad control improvements + +- Update to version 2.7.3 + * Smarter Game store. Catalogue entries can be read later at + runtime and in the background + +- Update to version 2.7.2 + * Disc color now is white + * Touch buttons give feedback when pressed/touched + * Improved overall direction and buttons control + * No more ugly vpad background + +- Update to version 2.7.1 + * Bugfix release + +- Update to release 2.7.0 + * More Keen Dreams fixes + * More Lua support and remaining python code is now completely + removed + * Added sound buffer amplifier for improving the sound/music + quality hopefully on certain systems + +- Update to release 2.6.3 + * We have eight control presets which got some standard names. + * Bug fixes in the Keen dreams engine + +- Update to release 2.6.2 + * More sounds are now played + * Collision fixes + * AI fixes + * Added 5 control presets which can be saved and loaded. + +- Update to release 2.6.1 + * More lua support. Oblivion v1.4 fully working + * More crash fixes, especially for Keen 6 DEMO + +- Update to release 2.6.0 + * Fixing mute music after saving a game + * Added PC Speaker Volume option + +- Drop patch (fixed by upstream): + * commandergenius-set-gskit-linker-language.patch + +- Update to release 2.5.5 + * Improved controller configuration for multiplayer + +- Update to release 2.5.4 + * Level swap when Hardmode in Episode 1 works once again + +- Update to release 2.5.3 + * Secret Ending In Keen 5 is unlockable + * Crash fixes with older save game files + +- Update to release 2.5.2 + * Improved blinking sprites for home-made creations + * Keen dreams improvements with level signs + * Now you can remove gameplay and menu bindings + * Collision detection improvements + * Splitting up the control settings a bit better + * Since you can unbind Super Run option got removed. + +- Update to release 2.5.1 + * Ceilick Ai improvements + * Small bug fix with sprite export in Galaxy Keen. +- Add patch: + * commandergenius-set-gskit-linker-language.patch + +- Update to release 2.4.6 + * New Export graphics feature + * Super Run option. The run button now only works when you + enable that option + +- Update to release + * Black screen fixes + * Reduced probability of the slug doing the squat action. + +- Update to new upstream release 2.4.5 + * QED Fixes + * Improved Savegame menu style and overall functionality + * Minor GUI improvements + +- Update to new upstream release 2.4.4 + * Boost libraries are now optional, thanks to TinyXML2 code + * AutoGun working in Keen 4-6 + * Better Analog controls handling in Keen 4-6 + +- Update to new upstream release 2.4.3 + * Finally, loading the game list is much faster. Enjoy! + * Integer scaling improvements + * Fixes to the load of high-res tiles in keen5 and 6 + * Some bug fixes + -- Initial package (version for - compicc +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + -- mark |ICM| attribute in _ICC_COLOR_DESKTOP atom - compiz-bcop +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * No changelog available. +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * No changelog available. + -- Review and merge changes from X11:Compiz - -- Now parses options for compiz version 0.7.8 - compiz-emerald +- Do not package /usr/share/mime-info: this was from the times of + GNOME 1 and is no longer used (boo#1062631). + +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Add ability to configure window grab areas independently from + borders. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Random fixes and updates. +- Remove emerald-0.8.14-fix-app-switchers.patch: fixed upstream. + -- support 30-bit visuals by skipping shadow painting -- fix License naming -- add changelog file -- move devel libs to devel package - compiz-emerald-themes +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Fix dark/ directory permissions. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Add wreathe theme. + * Add white theme with state indication. + compiz-plugins-experimental +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Fix build with gcc-10. + * earth: Initialise screen structure with calloc. + * Migrate workspacenames plugin to plugins-extra. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Improvements to earth. + * Import icons from CCSM. + -- 0.7.4 release -- Update bcop dependency -- Send out sync request when changing window size -- Fix division-by-zero when snow speed is 100 - -- 0.7.2 development release - -- sync to the latest git - compiz-plugins-extra +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Add workspacenames plugin (migrated from -experimental). + * Add a contrast differentiation mode in ADDHelper. + * showmouse: add option to initiate automatically on startup. + * First attempt at writing a plugin showing speech synthesis: + highlightcontent. + * grid: Fix issues with cycling through window sizes caused by + extents. + * Fix grid bug that prevented certain windows (Chromium-based, + others) from updating properly. + * Fix up DEBUG calls to refer to correct variables. + * Fix make distcheck command. + * showmouse: Fix behaviour with particles activation setting. + * showmouse: Fix toggling crosshairs while active. + * showmouse: Rewrite crosshair drawing to be affected by neg and + colorfilter. + * wallpaper: Fix a calloc call. + * Add and improve the bell plugin imported from + + * Update translations. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Introduce auto fade and directory support in wallpaper plugin. + * Add vidcap plugin. + * Import icons from ccsm. + * Grid improvements. + * Add support for gtk frame extents. + * Add new crosshair mode to showmouse. +- Add a licence file to the package. + -- Update to version 0.8.6 - + bug fix release - + Keep version in sync with compiz. - -- Update to version 0.8.4 -- Rename package to compiz-plugins-extra, obsolete old name -- Drop NOMAD patches -- Clean spec file using spec-cleaner. - -- use --disable-static instead of removing static libraries - compiz-plugins-main +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * mousepoll: Also consider mouse clicks for its tracking delays. + * Add an icon to the focuspoll plugin. + * Make shortcuts to work with XInput2 for ezoom, neg and + colorfilter. + * focuspoll: Set org.a11y.Status.IsEnabled to true at startup to + ensure applications like Firefox will be opened with + accessibility support enabled. + * titleinfo: Don't flag remote windows as root-owned. + * ezoom/focuspoll: Greatly improve the focus tracking feature. + * colorfilter: Add an option to enable filtering at startup. + * colorfilter: Add an option to enable/disable cumulative filter + mode. + * colorfilter: Add support for showing a notification on filter + change. + * neg: Add an option to negate the window decoration too. + * colorfilter: Add a negate filter, by inverting lightness in HSL + representation. + * Fix compilation with gcc-10. + * Update translations. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Negative plugin improvements. + * Add Ezoom plugin AT-SPI support. + * Import icons from CCSM. +- Remove compiz-plugins-main-better-neg.patch: fixed upstream. +- Add a licence file to the package. + -- fix Group of devel package -- remove %{buildroot} from build section -- remove outcommented and unused cmake build commands -- remove old compiz-fusion-plugins-main-devel obsoletes and provides -- run spec-cleaner over spec file - -- use correct license format - -- Update to version 0.8.8 - compizconfig-settings-manager +- Correct prefix setting broken with the previous changes. + +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Fix Error __init__() got + multiple values for argument "parent". + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Move icons out of ccsm and into respective plugin packs. + -- unlink from Factory - complexity +- Small modernisation of spec file + +- Use noun phrase in summary. Reduce description hype. + +- Add gpg signature +- Run tests during build + +- Require pkgconfig(autoopts) for building + compton-conf +- %cmake_build is now the recommended way to build cmake projects + conmon +- Update to version 2.0.30: + * Remove unreachable code path + * exit: report if the exit command was killed + * exit: fix race zombie reaper + * conn_sock: allow watchdog messages through the notify socket proxy + * seccomp: add support for seccomp notify + +- Update to version 2.0.29: + * Reset OOM score back to 0 for container runtime + * call functions registered with atexit on SIGTERM + * conn_sock: fix potential segfault + +- Update to version 2.0.27: + * bump to v2.0.27 + * Add CRI-O integration test GitHub action + * exec: don't fail on EBADFD + * close_fds: fix close of external fds + * Add arm64 static build binary + * bump to v2.0.27-dev + +- Update to version 2.0.26: + * conn_sock: do not fail on EAGAIN + * fix segfault from a double freed pointer + * Fix a bug where conmon could never spawn a container, because + a disagreement between the caller and itself on where the attach + socket was. + * improve --full-attach to ignore the socket-dir directly. that + means callers don't need to specify a socket dir at all (and + can remove it) + * add full-attach option to allow callers to not truncate a very + long path for the attach socket + * close only opened FDs + * set locale to inherit environment + +- Update to version 2.0.22: + * added man page + * attach: always chdir + * conn_sock: Explicitly free a heap-allocated string + * refactor I/O and add SD_NOTIFY proxy support + +- Update to version 2.0.21: + * bump to v2.0.21 + * protect against kill(-1) + * Makefile: enable debuginfo generation + * Remove go.sum file and add go.mod + * Fail if conmon config could not be written + * nix: remove double definition for e2fsprogs + * Speedup static build by utilizing CI cache on `/nix` folder + * Fix nix build for failing e2fsprogs tests + * test: fix CI + * Use Podman for building + converseen +- Update to + * Fixed random crash when all images are removed. + * Some translation updates. + * Various minor updates. + * Various bugfixes. + +- Update to + * Added Swedish translation. + * Various minor updates. + * Various bugfixes. + +- Update to + * Fixed bug with TIF files. + * Various Minor Updates. + * Various bugfixes. + +- Update to + * Updated Japanese Localization. + * Various bugfixes. + +- Update to + * Various bugfixes. +- Changes in 0.9.7. + * Added Ukranian Traslation. + * Updated Italian Traslation. + * Removed Flattr links and buttons. + * Various bugfixes. + coreboot-utils +- Fix build with GCC 10 + * msrtool-fix-build-with-gcc-10.patch + +- Update to 4.10 + * Full changelog: + +- Update coreboot-utils.keyring + Old key 0x269C04E1 got superseeded by 0xAA103F48728F5291 + +- Update to 4.9 + * Full changelog: + +- Rebase patches: + * no-pie.patch +- Update coreboot-utils.keyring + Old key 0x19796C2B3E4F7DF7 got superseeded by 0x269C04E1 + +- Update to 4.8.1 + * Full changelog: + +- Rebase patches: + * no-pie.patch + -- license update: GPL-2.0 - No indication of aggregation - -- update license to new format - coturn +- Dropped harden_coturn.service.patch because systemd units are + created from own source anyway and are proven to work + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Added patch(es): + * harden_coturn.service.patch + Modified: + * coturn.service + * coturn@.service + +- Version 4.5.2 + * Fix for CVE-2020-26262 (boo#1180764) + - Fix ipv6 ::1 loopback check + - Not allow allocate peer address and ::/128 + - For more details see the github security advisory: + + * fix null pointer dereference in case of out of memory. + * Fix: Null pointer dereference on tcp_client_input_handler_rfc6062data function + * Fix: use-after-free vulnerability on write_to_peerchannel function + * Fix: use-after-free vulnerability on write_client_connection function + * add prometheus metrics + * Delete trailing whitespace in example configuration files + * Add architecture ppc64le to travis build + * Fix misleading option in doc (prometheus) + * Allow RFC6062 TCP relay data to look like TLS + * Add support for proxy protocol V1 + * Print full date and time in logs + * Add new options: "new-log-timestamp" and "new-log-timestamp-format" + * Do not use FIPS and remove hardcode OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER with LibreSSL + * Add ACME redirect url + * support of --acme-redirect <URL> + * fix acme security, redundancy, consistency + * Add new --log-binding option to enable binding request logging + * Fix stale-nonce documentation + * Version number is changed to semver 2.0 + * pkg-config, and various cleanups in configure file + * Add systemd notification for better systemd integration + * Fix c++ support + * Remove session id/allocation labels + * Remove per session metrics. We should later add more counters. + +- AppArmor profile has ABI 3.0 and some minor changes +- Modified systemd unit: + * do not use daemon mode + * Type=simple + * added security settings +- added multi-instance systemd unit + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + courier-authlib +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * courier-authdaemon.service + +- update to 0.71.3 + * courier-authlib: Report failed LDAP authenticated bind correctly. + +- Change ownership of socket directory from root:root to root:mail + to allow postfix SASL auth to work + % courier-authlib.tmpfile + +- update to 0.71.2 + * No relevant changes for (open)SUSE build +- update source download URL +- fix unsafe permissions for socket directory (boo#1183724) + % courier-authlib.tmpfile + +- update to 0.71.1 + * Clean up header files, do not install autoconf-generated + courier_auth_config.h + +- update to 0.71.0 + * userdb: Make userdb script accept UTF-8 domain names. Document + it in the man page. + * Configure and installed versioned shared libraries, both shared + and the authentication modules. + * Update INSTALL. Remove obsolete pre-courier authlib migration + script and documentation. It's been long enough. + * Add _meta API functions with an extra auth_meta parameter, + keep the original functions as wrappers that provide a stub meta + parameter. Use this to pass arbitrary variables to authdaemon. + * authdaemond.c: retrieve the TCPREMOTEIP variable if it's provided. + * authpam.c: TCPREMOTEIP, if set, sets PAM_RHOST. + * (commonldflags): Link all libraries with the + - -enable-new-dtags flag. +- rpmlint + o addFilter shared-lib-calls-exit + +- update to 0.70.0 + * authsasl.c (auth_sasl_ex): For EXTERNAL, base64-decode the + initial authorization string, since if none is provided the + callback's reply is base64-decoded. + courier-imap +- update to 5.1.4 + * all: code changes so that courier can be compiled with -Wall + - Werror gcc flags. The default compilation flags are not changed. + This also includes changes to the configuration scripts, which + includes removing outdated configuration settings. + * pop3: buffer input by ourselves, clear input buffer before + switching to TLS. + * imap: fix crash if the connection to the client is terminated at + the wrong/right time. + +- update to 5.1.3 + * pop3d: pro-forma POP3 LANG extension. + * (TLS_STARTTLS_PROTOCOL): Remove duplicate entry + in the pop3d-ssl configuration file. + +- update to 5.1.2 + * make: Individual files that did not end in a newline were + not handled correctly. + * imap: adjust error message. + +- update to 5.1.1 + * Fix swapped TLS_CACHEFILE settings in the IMAP and POP3 + configuration files + +- update to 5.1.0 + * Implement support for the TLS ALPN extension. + * Replace FAM/Gamin with inotify. + * Install the maildirwatch tool. + * Remove the IMAP_ENHANCEDIDLE setting from the imapd configuration + file. +- update source download URL +- remove courier-imap-Makefile.patch (upstreamed) + +- update to 5.0.14 + * Fix packaging problem with a faulty courier-unicode dependency +- update to 5.0.13 + * Fixes a crash caused by a malformed DNS query/response +- move SSL cache files to /var/cache/courier-imap/ and put (open)SUSE + specific changes to configuration files in a patch file (instead of + sed scripts) + + courier-imap-config.patch +- remove obsolete SysV init files + - courier-imap.init + - courier-imap-ssl.init + - courier-pop.init + - courier-pop-ssl.init + +- update to 5.0.12 + * openssl: Add TLS_PROTOCOL setting to disable client-initiated + renegotiation. + * imap: send corrupted Unicode alerts only for new messages. + * waitlib: fix testwait.c failure with LTO enabled on F33. + * pop3login.c: fflush before STARTLS. + +- update to 5.0.11 + * courier-authlib API update. + * Add AC_PROG_CC_C99 to configure +- remove courier-imap-stdc.patch (no longer needed) + +- update to 5.0.10 + * tcpd/starttls.c (dossl): Start client after negotiating SSL, in + order to allow EXTERNAL client certificate authentication. + * Fix virtual IP and hostname handling when using GnuTLS for SSL. + * imap, pop3: include remote port TCP port number together with the + IP address, in log messages. +- add courier-imap-stdc.patch to remove 'for' loop initial declarations + +- update to 5.0.8 + * Update documentation in the imapd and pop3d ssl config flies. +- update to 5.0.7 + * pop3dserver.c (do_retr): Use the new MIME_UNICODE_MESSAGE_TYPE + setting to set the type of the wrapped MIME attachment. +- update to 5.0.6 + * pop3dserver.c: Fix parsing of pop3d file cache, on some + architectures. + * tcpd/libcouriertls.c: Ignore unreadable cert files. +- update to 5.0.5 + * fetch.c: Send an alert about a Unicode messages to a non-Unicode + client at most once per IMAP session. +- update to 5.0.4 + * pop3dserver.c: Deal with MS Outlook's broken implementation of + RFC 6856. +- update to 5.0.3 + * pop3dserver.c (calcsize): Fix spurious flagging of non-UTF8 + messages as UTF-8. + To fix existing mailboxes with erroneously-flagged messages. In + each mailbox, if its existing courierpop3dsizelist file starts with + /3 [followed by additional data] + Only if the first line in courierpop3dsizelist starts with /3, then + execute: + perl -p -i -e 's/:\d+$/:0/' courierpop3dsizelist + * pop3dserver.c (readpop3dlist): Be able to update + courierpop3dsizelist from version 2 to 3 in place. + (do_retr): Instead of returning an ERR to a non-Unicode client, + handle Unicode messages by wrapping them as an attachment. +- update to 5.0.2 + * Additional changes to how Unicode messages are + handled with non-Unicode clients: disclaim all warranties, still + report an error, but provide the raw message content, as is. +- update to 5.0.1 + * Provide an substitute message to IMAP clients that did not enable + UTF-8. + * couriertls: additional fixes. + * couriertls: option to use a separate file for the SSL certificate's + private key, as an alternative to the combined keyfile+certificate. +- update to 5.0.0 + * pop3dserver.c: update Courier-IMAP to support UTF8 POP3. Update + version of the courierpop3dsizelist cache file. + * courier-imap, sqwebmail: update Courier-IMAP to support UTF8 IMAP. + Convert maildir folders to use UTF-8 for folder names. Add + - -checkutf8 and --convutf8 options to maildirmake to convert + pre-UTF8 maildirs to UTF8 maildirs, a mandatory upgrade procedure. + * waitlib/ Fix typo. + * libs/tcpd/starttls.c (main): Add -user option. Additional fixes + to startup script to have couriertls drop root privileges. + * libs/tcpd/tlsclient.h: add username option, used in couriertls_start + to set the child process's uid and gid. + * imaplogin.c (starttls): Set username option for couriertls + * pop3login.c (starttls): Set username option for couriertls + * imapd-ssl.dist, pop3d-ssl.dist: Use separate imap and pop3 session + cache files. Startup script: remove/set ownership and permsission + on the imap and pop3 session cache files. + * libs/tcpd/libcouriergnutls.c: Remove usage of deprecated OpenPGP + API. Tag the "Unexpected SSL connection shutdown" with the "DEBUG" + label just like the OpenSSL version does. + * libs/tcpd/starttls.c: If TCPREMOTEIP is set, prepend it to error + messages. +- delete reproducible.patch (upstreamed) +- add courier-imap.keyring for source verification +- cleanup spec + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 services, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut the build queues by allowing usage of systemd-mini + +- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218) + -- fix courier-imap.service - * STARTTLS on port 143 (thanks to cschweingruber) - -- update to 4.15 - * pop3login.c (starttls): Clear input buffer after STARTTLS. - * imaplogin.c (starttls): Clear input buffer after STARTTLS. - * Fix various compiler warnings about unchecked results from setuid - and setgid calls. - * libs/tcpd/libcouriergnutls.c, libs/tcpd/libcouriertls.c: remove the - TLS_DHCERTFILE setting, and use TLS_CERTFILE for all functionality. - Read DH parameters from TLS_CERTFILE, or from the new TLS_DHPARAMS - environment variable. - * mkdhparams: New script that generates DH parameters into a standalone - file. - * Remove TLS_DHCERTFILE setting from imapd-ssl, pop3d-ssl, esmtpd and - esmtpd-ssl. Add TLS_DHPARAMS. - * Update imapd.cnf.openssl, pop3d.cnf.openssl, esmtpd.cnf.openssl, - set default number of bits for RSA keys to 4096. - * libs/tcpd/libcouriertls.c (tls_create): Add TLSv1_1_method() and - TLSv1_2 method(), based on patch by Rob Austein <>. - *, Fix up differences in the - documentation of TLS options in various config files. -- added systemd service files -- fix build for SLE - * fam-devel vs gamin-devel -- cleanup spec - * RPM_BUILD_ROOT -> buildroot - -- use gamin-devel instead of unmaintained fam(-devel) package - courier-unicode +- update to 2.2.3 + * Fix compilation error on CentOS 7 + +- update to 2.2.2 + * unicode_bidi.c: Implement unicode_bidi_combining(). Implement + canonical and compatibility decomposition and canonical composition. + * unicode_bidi.c (unicode_bidi_needs_embed): Make its return code + what its documentation says its return code is. + * Implement unicode_bidi_needs_embed(), unicode_bidi_cleaned_size(), + unicode::bidi_override, +- update to 2.2.1 + * unicode_bidi_calc and unicode_bidi_calc_levels return a + unicode_bidi_direction object, to indicate whether the + computer paragraph embedding level was explicitly computed or + defaulted. + * unicode::bidi_calc - an empty string with an explicit embedding + level should return the requested embedding level. +- update to 2.2 + * unicode::iconvert::convert, fix uninitialized variable. + * Implement bidirectional algorithm, canonical or equivalent character + mappings. + * Unicode 13 update. Adds lookup of EastAsianWidth property, emoji + property lookup, adds an alternative sequence-based grapheme API + that handles multi-character emoji rules. + * Add bidi property lookups. +- update source download URL + +- update to 2.1.2 + * Fixes a packaging error in 2.1.1 that results in broken manual page + links (no code changes) +- update to 2.1.1 + * Fixes a bug that causes cone to garble some messages when showing + them + cowsay +- update to 3.0.4: + - Licensing terms have changed to GPLv3. + - Friendlier to being hosted on GitHub. + - No functionality changes whatsoever. + +- Add SUSE brand + * chami.patch -- big chameleon picture named chameleon.cow + * one-eye.patch -- helper patch to allow the chameleon to be dead + cpanspec +- Update to 1.81.01 + * Also read from META.json + * Read 'dynamic_config' and 'provides' from META files + * Move into its own subprocess + * Add --debug option + * Add statistics output + * Add batch processing script for testing changes on a number of packages + +- Add the important cpanspec.yml file to the package + +- Update to 1.80.01 + * support opensuse patch comments (PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM) + * add misc block, e.g. for subpackages + +- Update to 1.79.01 + * smaller bug-fixes + * add add_doc and skip_doc to allow changing docs handling + * ignore some more unwanted files in doc handling + * fix package requires + * reduce changelog space wasting, document option --old-file + * update copyrights + +- Update to version + * Support licence as filename for license (british english) + +- Update to version + Switch to _service file + +- Bernhard M. Wiedemann (5): + avoid stripping exec bits off .pl files + refactor custom spec sections + allow for post_build section + allow to override summary and description + accept more pathnames in tarballs + Dirk Stoecker (8): + fix some issues, add minimal README + small cleanup in download case + user new license names, don't show upstream license if identical, better summary capitalization + don't show upstream license if totally identical + support Zip + support perl license text in cpanspec.yml properly + unify perl license + Dirk Stöcker (2): + makecmd - handle alike to perl and rm (#8) + support new storage position for cpan data + Sebastian Riedel (1): + Prevent invalid "perl-.spec" and "perl-.changes" from being generated + Stephan Kulow (7): + retry the checkout after branch (service in progress) + avoid "the manpage" links + remove debug statement + take license folder too + small fixes + Use %license + Fix wget options in cpanget + -- remove cpanspec-1.78.06-spdx.patch - upstreamed - -- Stephan Kulow (2): - apply spdx.patch applied for a year in OBS - bump version - -- Stephan Kulow (2): - no longer print possible build requires - avoid useless newlines - -- Stephan Kulow (4): - bump version - avoid empty description - don't reset Module::Build - support Module::Build::Tiny - -- fixed cpanspec to suggest "GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0" if no - licence is found - -- Stephan Kulow (1): - adopt license - -- Add requires on Class::Accessor::Chained and Pod::POM - cppcheck +- Add glibc 2.34 build fix: + * 0001-Fix-compilation-with-recent-glibc-where-SIGSTKSZ-is-.patch + +- update to 2.5: + * checked that all features in c++11, c++14, c++17 are supported + * c++20 support is improved but not complete yet + * improved library files, better knowledge about APIs + * improved checks to detect more bugs + * fixed checks to avoid unwanted warnings + * suspicious container/iterator assignment in condition + * rethrow without current handled exception +- drop 0002-Another-gcc11-fix-3179.patch, 0001-Fix-gcc11-build-errors.patch: upstream + +- Add GCC compatibility fixes: + * 0001-Fix-gcc11-build-errors.patch + * 0002-Another-gcc11-fix-3179.patch + +- add fix-i586.patch to fix compilation on i586, where the test + case tests the wrong IntRange + +- update to 2.4.1: + * fix for windows installer, no other changes + +- update to 2.4: + * Detect one definition rule violations + * MISRA improvements + * ImportProject fixes + * Various bug hunting improvements + * Fixes when importing AST from clang + +- Update to version 2.3 + Improved C++ parser: + * types + * wrong operands in ast + * better simplification of templates + Improved clang import, various fixes. + Improved value flow analysis + Fixed false positives + Improved configuration in library files + * boost.cfg + * googletest.cfg + * qt.cfg + * windows.cfg + * wxwidgets.cfg + Added several Misra rules: + * 6.1 + * 6.2 + * 7.2 + * 7.4 + * 9.2 + * 10.2 + * 15.4 + Added platforms: + * elbrus e1c+ + * pic + * pic8 + * mips +- Update to version 2.2 + New checks: + * incorrect usage of mutexes and lock guards + * Dereference end iterator + * Iterating a known empty container + * outOfBounds check for iterators to containers + Removed 'operator=' check that ensures reference to self is returned. That is not about safety. + Improved parser + * various ast fixes + Clang parser + * The Clang import feature in Cppcheck should be considered to be experimental for now. There are problems. + Improved bug hunting + * variable constraints + * handling of multidimension arrays + * function calls, execute functions that are in same TU + * improved handling of containers + * several improvements for uninitialized variables check + * improved analysis of for loops + * added a hash value for warnings that can be used for suppressions + Improved data flow + * one more heuristic for ternary operators + * improved data flow for containers + CLI: + * Fixed some addon execution problems when there are spaces etc + GUI: + * Fix handling of tags + * Exclude files + cppcheck-htmlreport: + * several result files can be combined into 1 output + Suppressions: + * comments can be added at end of suppression in suppressions file + +- Update to version 2.1 + * We have tweaked build scripts. + * When you use USE_Z3=yes, we will handle new versions of z3 better. If you + have an old z3 library and get compilation problems you will need to add + a z3_version.h in externals. + * The cmake scripts was updated. + * There was a couple of bug fixes. + New check: + * for "expression % 1" the result is always 0. +- Run spec-cleaner + * Remove rpm groups +- Enable Z3 build flag + +- Since cppcheck version 1.89 CFGDIR is replaced by FILESDIR and + cfg files are no longer kept in FILESDIR but in subfolder FILESDIR/cfg. + +- Use cmake macros + +- Update to version 1.90 + * alias to vector element invalid after vector is changed + * improved value flow analysis for struct members + * improved value flow analysis for pointer alias + * CERT: Added ENV33-C: Do not call system() + * MISRA: added rules 2.7, 3.2, 4.2, 14.2, 21.1, 21.12 +- update to version 1.89 + * The default warning message format was changed. The new format + is similar to GCC. If you want to get warnings in the old + format, add --template=cppcheck1 to the command line. + * improved value flow analysis for pointer aliases + * improved checking for uninitialized variables/structs + * better checking of smart pointers + * better checking of global variables + * Added Cppcheck annotations cppcheck_low(VALUE) and + cppcheck_high(VALUE) + * shadow variables; warn when argument is shadowed + * warn if local reference variable can be const + * Added API01-C: Avoid laying out strings in memory directly + before sensitive data + * Added MSC24-C: Do not use deprecated or obsolescent functions + * Added STR11-C: Do not specify the bound of a character array + initialized with a string literal + * MISRA: added rules 17.2, 18.4, 18.7 + +- Update to version 1.88: + * Comparing pointers that point to different objects + * Address of local variable 'x' is accessed at non-zero index + * STL usage: unnecessary search before insertion + * Duplicate expression for condition and assignment: if (x==3) x=3; + * Better handling of C++14 and C++17 + * New command line option --addon used to run addons directly from Cppcheck. + * Some advanced options are only available in GUI: +- Update to version 1.87: + * --project can now import Cppcheck GUI projects. + * Condition is always true when array address is compared with 0. + * function argument expression calculation has known result (#8830) + * Better lifetime checking (using pointer/reference that points at deleted object) + * Improved whole program analysis + * Better handling of language extension var@address. + * Many improvements in parser to handle templates, type aliases, etc better + * New addon for checking naming conventions. Naming conventions are configured in json file. + +- Workaround for CMake lacking a CFGDIR variable. + * Patch was submitted ( + and accepted so this change should be reverted and replaced with a CMake compile definition + - DCFGDIR=\"%{_datadir}/%{name}\" once a new upstream version is released. + +- Small packaging enhancements + +- Use Python 3 instad of Python 2 +- Switch to CMake as the used build system, otherwise Python 3 + could not be detected by plain make + +- Update to 1.86 + * Many fixes in the template simplifier + * Several fixes in the abstract syntax tree. + Checking improvements: + * New check: passing address of char to function that expects a + strz + * New check: shadow variables + * Improved lifetime checking + * Improved STL iterators checking + * Improved data flow analysis + New libraries: + * zlib + * googletest + Addons: + * Fixes for suppressions and exclusions + * New addon to check naming conventions. Rules are + specified in json file. + +- Update to 1.85: + Changes from 1.83: + Command line: + - fixes in parser + - Improved loading of platform files. + GUI: + - few minor improvements in user interface + - Code preview + - Added MISRA addon integration + - Platform can be selected in project settings + - Fixed issue when loading xml results file + Addons: + - We are now officially releasing our MISRA addon. So far it supports MISRA C 2012. + Changes from 1.85: + General: + - We are modernizing the Cppcheck code. Support for MSVC 2010 and GCC 4.4 is dropped. + You now need a compiler that is at least as good as MSVC 2013 or GCC 4.6. + Checking improvements: + - New check: Suggest STL algorithms instead of hard-coded for loops + - New check: Warn about ineffective algorithms (same iterator passed) + - New check: Mismatching iterators used together in operators + - Container (STL/Qt/WxWidgets/etc) access out of bounds + - Improved the checkers that warns about same/opposite expressions, track variable values better. + - Variable scope: warn about references also + Graphical user interface: + - You can specify undefines in the project file dialog + - Fixed configuration of suppressions + - Windows: Fixed issue of wrong/no theme being applied to UI elements + Misra: + - support per file excludes from cppcheck + - support per file suppressions from cppcheck + - summary will now summarize results for all files again + - a few false positives were fixed + -- update to 1.66: - * new checks added: - - Compare pointer with '\0' - - Assigning boolean expression to floating point variables - * Improvements: - - Much improved AST - - Much improved ValueFlow analysis - - ValueFlow and AST now used by much more checks, improving - checking accuracy and performance - - Checking for self assignment now supports more complex - expressions - - Returning references to literals or references to calculation - results is detected - - Enhanced support for commutative operators in duplicate - expression checking - - Improved template/enum parsing - - Much improved htmlreport - - Definition of POD types in .cfg files - - Definition of minsize for buffer arguments in .cfg files - for buffer overflow checking - - Fixed handling of #error: Do not report them if -f and -D - are used together - - New .cfg file for AVR platform - - Generate xml dump of AST/ValueFlow/SymbolDatabase/TokenList - if --dump is given - - Improved performance in several cases - -- update to 1.65: - * General changes: - - Cppcheck requires a C++11 compiler supporting the common - subset of features supported by GCC 4.4, Visual Studio 2010 - and Clang 2.9 - * Improvements: - - Much improved support of complex combinations of function - pointers, arrays and references - - Better handling of syntax errors - - Better detection of stack variables passed to free() - - Much improved value flow analysis - - More robust error detection in several checks due to usage - of AST - - Better handling of unknown Macros in function declarations - - Allocation/Deallocation functions can be extend across - different .cfg files - - Better handling of some C++11 language features like enum - class, in-class member initializers - - Detect calling (std::)abs() with bool argument - * New checks: - - Check for noexcept and __attribute__((nothrow)) correctness - - Check for unhandled exceptions when exception specifiers - are used - - Access to empty STL containers - - Repositioning operation on a file opened in append mode - - Find nested redundant if-statements (was experimental before) - * Additionally, a large number of false positives and crashs - has been fixed. - cpprest +- Update to 2.10.18: + * Add ability to parse and emit the NT Epoch 1601-01-01T00:00:00Z. +- Remove obsolete conditionals. +- Remove duplicate call to license macro. +- Simplify check section and make it work on Leap 15.2/15.3. + +- Update to 2.10.17: + * Fix year calculation for the last day of a leap year. + * Fix wrong linking of Apple Frameworks on MacOS. + * Define __STDC_FORMAT_MACROS when it hasn't been defined to + avoid duplicate define error. + * Delete apparently broken .vcxprojs and .pfxes. + * Removed defunct email contact information from the readme. + +- cpprest-2.10.9-disable-test-extract_floating_point.patch: Only disable + the problematic test +- base64.patch: Portable base64 +- filestream.patch: Fix type mismatch in basic_file_buffer + +- Add patch to disable 'extract_floating_point' test failing on + ppc64* and aarch64: + * cpprest-2.10.9-disable-test-extract_floating_point.patch + +- Update to 2.10.16: + * Various c++11 fixes + * Cmake buildsystem improvements + cppzmq-devel +- Update to version 4.7.1 + * Fixes syntax issues with MSVC + * Add shutdown() for context_t + * Typesafe context options + * Typesafe socket options + * Better C++ standard detection + * CMake fixes and improvements + * Multipart message encoding and decoding + * Fix (unlikely) UB in message_t constructor + * Improved poll() overloads + * Require non-null handlers to active_poller + * Fix socket move assignment bug + * Deprecate surprising message_t constructor from string literals + +- Update to version 4.6.0 + * New generic algorithms for sending and receiving multipart messages + * New to_string and to_string_view member functions in message_t + * Less surprising behaviour when move assigning socket_t and context_t + * Return types for send and recv moved into zmq namespace + * Checks for 32/64bit-ness in cppzmqConfigVersion.cmake removed + * fixed issues when compiling with C++11 + * fixed and improved cmake build (in and out of source builds, libzmq discovery, fallback to pkg-config and more) + * updated with clear design goals, supported platforms + * official CI support for Linux, MacOS and Windows + * unit tests infrastructure + * test code coverage brought to 77% + * updated code style (more details in .clang-format) + * socket_t: + + added support for draft ZMQ_SERVER and ZMQ_CLIENT sockets + + added support for draft ZMQ_RADIO and ZMQ_DISH sockets + * poller_t: + + poller_t became thin abstraction layer on zmq_poller_* + + functionality with std::function handlers split and moved to a new active_poller_t in zmq_addon.hpp + + simpler and safer implementation + + made non-copyable, but properly movable + + more consistent and robust error handling + + event type part of handler definition + + fixed a segfault issue when modifying poller_t from a handler + + added empty method indicating presence of registered sockets + * context_t: + + added methods for context options: setctxopt(int option_, int optval_) and int getctxopt(int option_) + * message_t: + + easier construction from iterable type e.g. std::string, std::array + + added != and == operators and equals method marked as deprecated + * multipart_t: + + added an operator<<(std::ostream) to easily print out multipart_t content + * monitor_t: + + build error in constructor #135 + + blocked when used without threads #134 + + move constructor was only partly initialized #130 + * socket::send(): improper EHOSTUNREACH handling #125 + * check for zmq_msg_gets did not properly exclude libzmq 4.0.X #114 + * CMake: + + export targets to config (requires CMake 3.0+ now) #118 #121 + + pkg-config fallback for libzmq installs via autotools #133 + * peekstr & peektyp: peek into parts of messages #124 + * allow empty handler parameter in zmq::poller_t::add() #119 #120 + * poller_t class based on new libzmq poller API #111 + cpulimit +- update to 2.6: + * Fixed indentation to avoid compiler warnings. No functional change. + * Updated manual page to warn against using -m on a script. + crazydiskinfo +- Update to version 1.1.0 + * Add support for toggle raw values between hexadecimal and + decimal + * Add feature to hide a serial number +- Update patch: + * crazydiskinfo-obey-cflags.patch + cri-o +- Update to version 1.22.0: + Dependency-Change + * Update runc within static binary bundle to v1.0.1 + * Update static binary bundle runc version to v1.0.0-rc94. + * Update static binary bundle runc version to v1.0.0-rc95. + * Updated crun in static binary bundle to v0.20.1 + Deprecation + * The internal_wipe option is now true by default. + Further, it is being deprecated, and will be unconditionally true in the future. + API Change + * Update how the resources for a workload is specified. Now, to override a workload, + the pod must have the annotation $prefix/$ctr_name = {"$resource_type": "$resource_value"}. + The workloads feature has also been marked as experimental, which should have happened + from the beginning. + Feature + * Added --metrics-collectors/metrics_collectors configuration to enable or disable certain metrics. + * All metrics collectors are enabled per default. + * Added crio_image_pulls_layer_size histogram metric to get insights about all pulled layer sizes. + * Added build tags as well as AppArmor and seccomp status to crio version output. + * Added generation of self-signed certificates for the secure metrics endpoint + * if the provided cert and key paths are not available on disk. + * Added secure metrics endpoint configuration options + * Added structural logging of container ID, sandbox ID and process ID on container start. + * Automatically reload metrics TLS certificate and key if any of those specified files change. + * CNI plugins are now passed a K8S_POD_UID environment variable containing the pod UID + this sandbox was started for. + * Changed the logging behavior of klog messages to be included in the CRI-O logs. + * The klog info verbositry is converted to CRI-O debug to lower the log verbosity. + * Cri-o now does not limit the DNS search paths. + * Enable the "volatile" option for the overlay drivers when it is supported by the underlying kernel. + * Rootless: enable resource limit when cgroup v2 controllers are delegated. + * Support io.kubernetes.cri.blockio-class container annotation for specifying blockio class. + * Support pod annotation for specifying the default blockio + class to all containers in the pod. + * Support pod annotation for specifying + the blockio class of the NAME container in the pod. + * Add blockio_config_file config file option (and corresponding --blockio-config-file for command line) + for configuring blockio classes and their cgroups blockio controller parameters. + * Support io.kubernetes.cri.rdt-class container annotation for specifying RDT class. + * Add rdt_config_file config file option (and corresponding --rdt-config-file for command line) + for configuring the resctrl pseudo-filesystem. + * The config field drop_infra_ctr is now true by default + * The runtime_config_path option, which allows to specify the path of the runtime configuration file, + is now supported by CRI-O. This is specific to the VM runtime type. + * Validate certificate dates for TLS metrics endpoint + Design + * Drop support for the crio.shutdown. + * ExecSync requests now don't use conmon, instead calling the runtime directly, which reduces overhead. + Bug or Regression + * Add support for absent_mount_sources_to_reject, which allows admins to configure paths that, + when mounted into a container despite not existing on the host, causes a container creation + request to fail. This is useful for paths like /etc/hostname, which causes trouble as a directory, + but possibly shouldn't be created as a file either (in the case of a dynamic hostname). + * Add symlink /proc/mounts on /etc/mtab to container + * Add the config field internal_wipe which moves the responsibility of wiping containers after a reboot + and images after an upgrade from the external binary crio wipe to the main crio server. + This has a handful of advantages, the main one being crio is now better able to cleanup CNI resources after a reboot. + * Allow users to customize conmon's resources if a pod is in a workload. + * CRI-O now logs when it is using cgroupv2 + * Fix a bug in internal_wipe that would mean CNI resources would be leaked across reboots. + * Fix a bug where CRI-O can't work with runc 1.0.0-rc93 because of an incorrectly specified list of capabilities + * Fix a bug where CRI-O would leak opened files for namespaces on a server restore + * Fix a bug where crio config would print a string for privileged_without_host_devices, not a boolean + * Fix a bug where a container exec process received a little less time than the timeout provided + * Fix a bug where an exec sync timeout would fail to cleanup the runtime exec process + * Fix a bug where cAdvisor couldn't read the disk usage of a pod with a dropped infra container + * Fix a bug where duplicate requests would stall even if the pod or container was already created + * Fix a bug where server startup was significantly slowed down by attempting to clean up CNI resources after a reboot. + * Fix a performance regression with exec probes + * Fix a segfault when CRI-O has takes more than 8 minutes to create a pod or container + * Fix an RSS regression with exec sync requests + * Fix an issue where a container started with a terminal fails on exec sync calls + * Fix drop ALL and add back few caps behavior to not include the default configured capabilities + * Fix potential panic when reopening a container's log + * Fixed bug where it was not possible to run containers using the default or no seccomp profile on + * seccomp disabled builds/machines + * Fixed bug where runtime VM created containers never reach their completed state. + * Fixed linkmode detection for on en_US systems crio version + * Fixed runtime panic for layers lockfile if its parent directory does not exist. + * Added support for repositories in auth.json + * Re-attempt setting up conmon's cgroup if it fails on EAGAIN from dbus + * Reduce the permission on the listen socket to 0660 + * Reuse connection when connecting to dbus, as well as reattempt the connection if it fails temporarily + * The privileged_without_host_devices flag can now be given a an additional parameter to configure a runtime + * Wait for CNI plugins to be ready before starting non-host-network pods, to allow pods that may run CNI + plugins to start faster + Other (Cleanup or Flake) + * Add systemd After=crio.service to containers and conmon + * Switched build artifacts to be published via the cri-o bucket. + * Use build tag for linkmode detection on crio version. + Uncategorized + * Add Particule as adopters + * Add --device-ownership-from-security-context which allows an admin to specify devices be configured + to be owned by the container user and group, rather than unconditionally * being root. + * Added internal/process/defunct_processes.go and crio_processes_defunct metric to collect + the total number of defunct/zombie processes in a node. + * Raise a warning when creating a bind mount on the container root + +- build with go 1.16 for reproducible binaries (boo#1102408) + +- Update to version 1.21.2: + * oci: be more precise about channels and routines + * oci: wait for runtime to write pidfile before starting timer + * oci: refactor fsnotify usage + * vendor: add notify package + * version: bump to v1.21.2 + * server: use cnimgr to wait for cni plugin ready before creating a pod + * server: use cnimgr for runtime status + * config: add cnimgr + * Introduce cnimgr + * server: prevent segfault by not using a potentially nil sandbox + * network: pass pod UID to ocicni when performing network operations + * vendor: bump ocicni to 4ea5fb8752cfe + * Bump c/storage to v1.32.3 + * oci: kill runtime process on exec if exec pid isn't written yet + * oci: don't pre-create pid file + * dbus: update retryondisconnect to handle eagain too + * simplify checking for dbus error + * utils: close dbus conn channel + * dbusmgr: protect against races in NewDbusConnManager + * cgmgr: reuse dbus connection + * cgmgr: create systemd manager constructor + * try again on EAGAIN from dbus + * test: fix cgroupfs workload tests + * Disable short name mode + * workloads: don't set conmon cpuset if systemd doesn't support AllowedCPUs + * test: add test for conmon in workloads + * workloads: setup on conmon cgroup + * Bump runc to get public RangeToBits function + * server: export InfraName and drop references to leaky + * storage: succeed in DeleteContainer if container is unknown + * bump to v1.21.1 + * Fix CI + * oci: drop internal ExecSync structs + * oci: do not use conmon for exec sync + * bump c/storage to 1.31.1 + * bump runc to 1.0.0-rc94 + * Fix unit tests + * Add support to drop ALL and add back few capabilities + * server: call CNI del in separate routine in restore + * server: reduce log verbosity on restore + * reduce listen socket permissions to 0660 + * test: adapt crio wipe tests to handle new behavior + * ignore storage.ErrNotAContainer + * move internal wipe to only wipe images + * server: properly remove sandbox network on failed restore + * runtimeVM: Use internal context to ensure goroutines are stopped + * Fix go.sum + * sandbox remove: unmount shm before removing infra container + * use more ContainerServer.StopContainer + * sandbox: fix race with cleanup + * server: don't unconditionally fail on sandbox cleanup + * server: group namespace cleanup with network stop + * resourcestore: run cleanup in parallel + * test: add test for delayed cleanup of network on restart + * InternalWipe: retry on failures + * server: get hooks after we've check if a sandbox is already stopped + * server: move newPodNetwork to a more logical place + * Add resource cleaner retry functionality + * test: add test for internal_wipe + * server: add support for internal_wipe + * crio wipe: add support for internal_wipe + * config: add InternalWipe + * server: breakup stop/remove all functions with internal helpers + * storage: remove RemovePodSandbox function + * server: reuse container removal code for infra + * Cleanup pod network on sandbox removal + * test: add test for absent_mount_sources_to_reject + * server: add support for absent_mount_sources_to_reject + * config: add absent_mount_sources_to_reject option + * server: use background context for network stop + * resource store: prevent segfault on cleanup step + * Pin gocapability to v0.0.0-20180916011248-d98352740cb2 + * config: fix type of privileged_without_host_devices + * Fix podman name in README + * Fix RuntimeDefault seccomp behavior if disabled + * Add After=crio.service dependency to containers and conmon + * Use extra context for runtime VM + * workloads: move to more concrete type + * workloads: update how overrides are specified + * main: still rely on logrus (rather than using the internal log) + * container server: fix silly typo + * nsmgr: remove duplicate IsNSOrErr call + * nsmgr: fix some leaks with GetNamespace + * bump to containers/image 5.11.1 + * Bug 1942608: do not list the image with error locating manifest + * runtimeVM: Calculate the WorkingSetBytes stats + * runtimeVM: Use containerd/cgroups for metrics + * runtimeVM: Move metricsToCtrStats() around + * runtimeVM: Vendor typeurl instead of maintain our own copy + +- Update to version 1.21.0: + * bump to v1.21.0 + * config: drop registries field as it is no longer supported + * Revert "test: drop unneeded sed statement" + * WIP: add debug print + * test: drop unneeded sed statement + * config: fix template insecure_registries field + * config: drop commented config lines + * build(deps): bump from 1.36.1 to 1.37.0 + * Bump OpenShift CI cri-tools version and fix build path + * build(deps): bump from 5.10.5 to 5.11.0 + * Bump cri-tools to v1.21.0 + * Update Kubernetes to v1.21.0 + * Add container out of memory metrics + * [CLI] "crio config" only prints the fields that are differet than the default. + * Set short name mode to permissive + * docs-validation: update to handle workloads + * Fix unnecessary conversion lint report + * add tests for workloads + * integrate with server + * config: update workloads structure + * Clarify release cadence and version skew + * Add correct start time to initial log output + * Add support for workload settings + * refactor handling of allowed_annotations + * Do not push main binary into cachix cache + * resourcestore: introduce ResourceCleaner + * Use internal logging when context available + * build(deps): bump from 22.3.0 to 22.3.1 + * server: remove dead code + * sandbox: use defined CRI type for NamespaceOption + * config: remove dead code + * oci: remove dead code + * lib: remove dead code + * build(deps): bump + * build(deps): bump from 0.20.1 to 0.20.5 + * update pause image to 3.5 for non-root + * build(deps): bump from 0.1.4 to 0.1.5 + * build(deps): bump from 1.34.0 to 1.36.1 + * build(deps): bump from 1.19.8 to 1.20.0 + * build(deps): bump + * build(deps): bump from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 + * build(deps): bump from 0.20.1 to 0.20.5 + * build(deps): bump + * build(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to 1.20.5 + * crio-wipe: only clear storage if CleanShutdownFile is supported + * Add static bundle node e2e tests to GitHub actions + * Reload the main config file when reloading configs + * crio wipe: only completely wipe storage after a reboot + * Bump static binary dependency versions + * Add dependabot config file + * runtimeVM: Fix shimv2 binary name construction + * config,runtimeVM: Improve runtime_path validation + * oci_test: Add basic coverage to "RuntimeType()" + * oci_test: Add basic coverage to "privileged_without_host_devices" + * oci_test: Leave invalidRuntime on its own line + * tweak scope dependencies + * Do not return `<none>` placeholders for images any more + * Fix invalid libcontainer GetExecUser call + * Update dependencies + * config: Don't fail if the non default runtime doesn't pass validation + * Remove check for CI env variable for release-notes and dependencies + * cgmgr: add CreateSandboxCgroup method + * inspect: send container PID for dropped infra sandbox + * oci: specify sbox id when creating spoofed container + * Run GitHub actions on release branches + * Update bats to v1.3.0 (#4661) + * use happy-eyeballs for port-forwarding + * fix mock issues + * fix lint issues + * install: drop support matrix and update instructions + * do not store context in runtime vm + * Fix lint GitHub action + * pkg/container: take process args + * Use and publish version marker for CRI-O + * Add GitHub API pages support to `get` script + * add libbtrfs-dev to unit tests + * Revert "server: use IsAlive() more" + * Fix GitHub actions cache key + * Bug 1881694: Add pull source as info level log + * test: use latest conmon + * runtime_vm: Create the global fifo inside the runtime root path + * stats: fix log spam + * Support CRI seccomp security profiles + * oci: add unit tests for stop timeouts + * oci: don't update stop timeout if it's earlier than old one + * oci: update timeout even if we're ignoring kill + * oci: don't wait too long on a long stop + * oci: check process is still around with kill + * Add integration test for started/finished container time + * fix: Don't set `image-endpoint` in crictl config + * feat: Add CLI option to set registries.conf.d path + * Add allowed io.containers.trace-syscall annotation to static bundle + * Make `get` script independent from `make` + * test: correct the env variable for dropping the infra container + * Add metric to grab latency of individual cri calls + * Fix `get` script commit SHA retrieval + * Add arm64 static build to GitHub actions + * Fix GitHub actions workflow syntax + * Updates yq commnands for yq v4 + * gh-actions: also run on release branches + * pkg/sandbox: add InitInfraContainer endpoint + * test: reconfigure how runtimes are passed in + * test: add runtime() function + * sandbox/container: drop context + * test: drop workaround for crun + * pkg/sandbox: cleanup unused funcs/files + * fix doc log_level adding trace option + * Fix oci container update config + * Update e2e-aws logic for 4.8 + * nsmgr: take Initalize method + * Switch to go 1.16 for GitHub actions and remove scripts/build-test-image + * config: remove and create the correct dir + * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` + * server: mount cgroup with rslave + * crio wipe: ensure a clean shutdown + * Move integration tests to GitHub actions + * Run release-notes GitHub action after dependencies + * Bumps from 1.0.3 to 1.1.0. + * config/node: refactor checking for CollectMode + * Fix GitHub actions checkout permissions + * change binary version to 1.21.0-dev + * Set conmon scope KillSignal to SIGPIPE + * Move repo modification jobs to GitHub actions + * bump protobuf to 1.3.2 + * Log container stop timeout + * ResourceStore: add close method + * Allow seccomp hook tracing for separate containers + * ResourceStore: extend tests to test WatcherForResource + * ResourceStore: update tests to all run + * ResourceStore: update docs for WatcherForResource + * ResourceStore: don't segfault + * server: support setting raw unified cgroupv2 settings + * vendor: update runtime-specs + * cgroup: implement fix for swap memcg on cgroup v2 + * server: leave swap mem limit unset if not supported + * test: skip ServiceAccountIssuerDiscovery test + * hostport manager clean up host ports + * allows stream timeout to be set from config + * config: pre-create pinns directories + * Bump containers image to v5.10.1 + * Move unit tests to GitHub actions + * Move go1.14 and 386 builds to GitHub actions + * set kubelet node IP + * Fix validate-completions GitHub action + * Add integration test for pprof over unix socket + * Add a flag for enabling profile over unix socket + * Lookup echo command for unit tests + * Move static build to GitHub actions + * pinns: Fixup 'pwarn' output to match 'pwarnf' output + * pinns: Don't put errno in the exit message for argument checks + * nsmgr: use host option + * nsmgr: Use config struct for NewPodNamespaces + * pinns: support pinning host ns + * Remove implicit GitHub action `name` fields + * Move docs and completions validation to GitHub actions + * Bump golangci-lint to v1.35.2 + * Make config tests work rootless + * Make rootless namespace unit test execution work + * config: fix template to show infra_ctr_cpus option + * Do not log file path on ioutil.ReadFile + * fixes version_test.go + * Close the stdin/tty on server start to avoid shortname prompts + * docs: fix http link + * docs: update kubeadm tutorial + * Fix `make lint` + * Return runtime API version based on protocol + * Update compatibility matrix to mention v1.20 + * add method comment + * restore irqbalance config only on system restart + * add blurb in doc and more informative name for unit tests + * add is-enabled check for irqbalance service + * fix unit tests + * add unit tests + * fix bash/zsh completions + * fix the docs validation + * handle irqbalance service + * runtime_vm: set finished time when containers stop + * nsmgr: fix/add calls to GetNamespace + * managed namespaces: move to dedicated package + * Provide integration test for infra-ctr-cpuset feature + * Set CPUs for the infra containers during the creation + * Add shell completion for infra-containers-cpu flag + * Add new infra-containers-cpus to the CLI and config file + * refine `registries` deprecation message + * Circle CI: install test/registries.conf + * runroot defaults to /run/containers/storage + * support short-name aliases + * pull: do check for blocked registries + * config: deprecate registries + * Rollback gocapability vendor bump + * vendor: bump containers/storage to v1.24.4 + * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` + * contrib/test/int: add Kata Containers runtime support + * contrib/test/int: enforce linking in parallel build process + * contrib/test/int: build parallel from sources in CentOS + * contrib/test/int: allow to skip user namespace testing + * contrib/test/int: allow to configure test timeout + * Capitalize Kubernetes + * modify the error url of podctl + * Add Digital Science to adopters + * crio.service: Request to be run before kubelet.service + * pinns: make binary not always static + * server: use IsAlive() more + * Support CRI v1 and v1alpha2 at the same time + * drop support for ManageNSLifecycle + * test/timeout.bats: increase timeout to fix flakes + * release-notes: fix flags + * test/timeout.bats: fix comments + * int/resourcestore: fix comment about Put + * test/image.bats: simplify some loops + * test/helpers.bats: simplify cleanup_* + * contrib/test/int: rm node-e2e test + * contrib/test/int: fix iptables rule + * critest: add unix:// prefix + * critest.yml: don't skip test on RHEL + * test: add timeout.bats + * bump network creation timeout to 5 minutes + * resourcecache: add watcher idiom + * server: use ResourceCache instead of dropping progress + * Add unit tests for ResourceCache + * Introduce ResourceCache + * moves shmsize to a handler allowed annotation + * image pull: close progress chan + * test/ctr.bats: fix a "ctr execsync" flake + * Fix the functions' name in completions + * make: drop link to crio.service + * test: rm "run ctr with image with Config.Volumes" + * test: add no-pull-on-run=true + * test/devices.bats: fix "additional device permissions" case + * test/devices.bats: rm unneeded run + * test/devices.bats: skip earlier + * Bandwidht CNI plugin reserved an upper limit on burst,in which banned include boundary. See: +- Drop config-fix-tz.patch as upstream dependency was patched + +- Update to version 1.20.2: + * bump to latest c/storage 1.24 branch + * Remove check for CI env variable for release-notes and dependencies + * fix lint + * test: pin cri-tools to 1.20 + * bump to v1.20.2 + * Run GitHub actions on release branches + * Pin gocapability to v0.0.0-20180916011248-d98352740cb2 + * [PATCH 9/9] add method comment + * [PATCH 8/9] restore irqbalance config only on system restart +- Add vendor.tar.gz to avoid dependency downloads +- Add config-fix-tz.patch to fix crio validation error while building + +- Update to version 1.19.1: + * bump to v1.19.1 + * don't do unnecesary iptables restore + * switch CRI-O to use its own hostport manager + * dual-stack host port manager + * fix upstream hostport manager + * Add README to hostport folder + * fork hosport kubernetes code + * [1.19] vendor: bump containers/storage to v1.20.5 + * runtime_vm: Ensure closeIOChan is not nil inside CloseStdin's function + * runtime: parse oom file for VM type runtimes + * runtime_vm: Ignore ttrpc.ErrClosed when removing a container + * runtime_vm: StopContainers() should not fail when the VM is shutdown + * runtime_vm: Don't let wait() return ttrpc.ErrClosed + * runtime_vm: Fix updateContainerStatus() logic + * runtime_vm: set Pid and InitPid for VM runtimes + * internal/config/node: add checkFsMayDetachMounts + * Fix bogus CI test failures + * test/config: fix shellcheck warning + * test/config: fix "config dir should fail with invalid option" + * server: cleanup container in runtime after failed creation + +- API Change + - CRI-O now manages namespace lifecycles by default +- Feature + - Add --version-file-persist, a place to put the version file in + persistent storage. Now, crio wipe wipes containers if + - -version-file is not present + - Add big_files_temporary_dir to allow customization of where + large temporary files are put + - Add build support for setting SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH + - Added `--metrics-socket`/`metrics_socket` configuration option + to allow exposing the metrics endpoint on a local socket path + - Added `crio_image_layer_reuse` metric which counts layer reuses + during image pull + - Added `privileged` field to container status `info` + - Added behavior to allow filtering by a partial Pod Sandbox ID + - Added configuration validation to ensure a `conmon_cgroup == + "pod"` if `cgroup_manager == "cgroupfs"` + - Added latest `crun` version to static binary bundle + - Added metrics-exporter and [documentation] + - Added new metrics `crio_image_pulls_failures` and + `crio_image_pulls_successes`. For more information please refer + to the [CRI-O metrics guide] + - Container HostPort with SCTP protocol is supported. + - Containers running `init` or `systemd` are now given a new + selinux label `container_init_t`, giving it selinux privileges + more appropriate for the workload + - If users want the container_kvm_t label when using a runtime + that supports kvm separation, they will need to either set the + runtime_type to "vm" or have "kata" in the runtime name. E.g + [] + runtime_path = "" + runtime_type = "oci" + runtime_root = "/run/kata" + or + [] + runtime_path = "" + runtime_type = "vm" + runtime_root = "/run/kata" + - Re-add the behavior that string slices can be passed to the CLI + comma separated, for example `--default-capabilities + CHOWN,KILL` + - Removed `socat` runtime dependency which was needed for pod + port forwarding + - Return pod image, pid and spec in sandbox_status CRI verbose + mode +- Design + - Hooks_dir entries are now created if they don't exist +- Documentation + - Added `crun` container runtime to `crio.conf` + - Added dependency report to generated release notes + - The changelog is now rendered by a custom go template and + contains the table of contents +- Bug or Regression + - Adding additional runtime handler doesn't require the user to + copy existing default runtime handler configuration. The + existing default runtime handler configuration will be + preserved while adding the new runtime handler. + - ExecSync requests will ask conmon to not double fork, causing + systemd to have fewer conmons re-parented to it. conmon v2.0.19 + or greater is required for this feature. + - Fix handling of the --cni-plugin-dir and other multivalue + command line flags + - Fix path to bash via `/usr/bin/env` in crio-shutdown.service + - Fix the container cgroup in case cgroupfs cgroup manager is + used + - Fix working set calculation + - Fixed `crio version` binary mode parsing on musl toolchains + - Fixed a bug where crictl only showed pod level stats, not + container level stats. + - Fixed a bug where exec sync requests (manually or automatically + triggered via readiness/liveness probes) overwrite the runtime + `info.runtimeSpec.process.args` of the container status + - Fixed bug where Pod creation would fail if Uid was not + specified in Metadata of sandbox config passed in a run pod + sandbox request + - Fixed bug where pod names would sometimes leak on creation, + causing the kubelet to fail to recreate + - Fixed crio restart behavior to make sure that Pod creation + timestamps are restored and the order in the list of pods stays + stable across restarts + - Fixed wrong linkmode output + - Reflects resource updates under the container spec. +- Other + - Added info logs for image pulls and image status + - Cleanup default info logging + - Cleanup go module and vendor files. + - Pod creation now fails if conmon cannot be moved to the cgroup + specified in `conmon_cgroup`. Our default value for + `conmon_cgroup` is `system.slice`, which is invalid for + cgroupfs. As such, if you use cgroupfs, you should change + `conmon_cgroup` to `pod` + - Removed `crio-wipe.service` and `crio-shutdown.service` systemd + units from the static bundle since they are not required +- Uncategorized + - Add `--drop-infra-ctr` option to ask CRI-O to drop the infra + container when a pod level pid namespace isn't requested. This + feature is considered experimental + - Adds a new optional field, runtime_type, to the "--runtimes" + option. + - Cleanup and update nix derivation for static builds + - Fix a bug where a sudden reboot causes incomplete image writes. + This could cause image storage to be corrupted, resulting in an + error `layer not known`. + - Fix bug where empty config fields having to do with storage + cause `/info` requests to return incorrect information + - Fixes panic when /sys/fs/cgroup can't be stat'ed + - If the default_runtime is changed from the default + configuration, the corresponding existing default entry in the + runtime map in the configuration will be ignored. + - Remove support for `--runtime` flag + - Updated `crictl.yaml` configuration inside the repository to + reflect cri-tools v1.19.0 changes +- Dependency-Change + - Compile with go 1.15 + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Suggest katacontainers instead of recommending it. It's not + enabled by default, so it's just bloat + +- Update to version 1.18.3: + - Fix a bug where a sudden reboot causes incomplete image writes. + This could cause image storage to be corrupted, resulting in an + error layer not known. + - Fixed bug where pod names would sometimes leak on creation, + causing the kubelet to fail to recreate + - If conmon is v2.0.19 or greater, ExecSync requests will not + double fork, causing systemd to have fewer conmons re-parented + to it + +- Update to version 1.18.2: + * Bump version to v1.18.2 + * criocli: Avoid parsing the config twice + * StringSliceTrySplit: return a copy of the underlying slice + * Restore version output from crio --version + * Add info logs for image pull and status CRI calls + * managed_ns: deflake tests + * bump containers image to 5.4.4 (fixes gh#containers/image/issues/898) + +- Update to version 1.18.1: + - Feature + - Add -–version-file-persist, a place to put the version file + in persistent storage. Now, crio wipe wipes containers if + - –version-file is not present (presumably it is on temporary + storage), and wipes images if both -–version-file and + - –version-file-persist are out of date (presumably there has + been an upgrade of cri-o’s minor version + - Containers running init or systemd are now given a new + selinux label container_init_t, giving it selinux privileges + more appropriate for the workload + - Other (Bug, Cleanup or Flake) + - Fix linkmode retrieval on crio version for static binaries + - Fix a bug where CRI-O could not start a container if + CONFIG_CGROUP_HUGETLB was not set in the kernel + - Re-add the behavior that string slices can be passed to the + CLI comma separated, for example --default-capabilities + CHOWN,KILL + - Removed crio-wipe.service and crio-shutdown.service systemd + units from the static bundle since they are not required + - Fix some crio version oddities + +- Remove the `go >= 1.13` build requirement + +- Restore calls to %service_* macros that were accidently removed + with the last change + +- Remove crio-wipe.service and crio-shutdown.service +- Update to version 1.18.0: + - Deprecation + - Drop support for golang < v1.13 + - API Change + - Removed version from default AppArmor profile name in config + - CRI-O now runs containers without NET_RAW and SYS_CHROOT + capabilities by default. This can result in permission denied + errors when the container tries to do something that would + require either of these capabilities. For instance, using + `ping` requires NET_RAW, unless the container is given the + sysctl `net.ipv4.ip_forward`. Further, if you have a + container that runs buildah or configures RPMs, they may fail + without SYS_CHROOT. Ultimately, the dropped capabilities are + worth it, as the majority of containers don't need them. The + fewer capabilities CRI-O gives out by default, the more + secure it is by default. + - When pinning namespaces, CRI-O now pins to + /var/run/$NS_NAMEns/$RAND_ID instead of + /var/run/crio/ns/$RAND_ID/$NS_NAME for better compatibility + with third party networking plugins + - Feature + - Add `crio config -m/--migrate` option which supports + migrating a v1.17.0 configuration file to the latest version. + - Add available image labels to image status info + - Add cgroup namespace unsharing to pinns + - Add live configuration reload to AppArmor profile option + - Add live configuration reload to seccomp profile option + - Add log context to container stats to improve logging + - Added `--cni-default-network`/`cni_default_network` option to + specify the CNI network to select. The default value is + `crio`, but this option can be explicitly set to `""` to + pickup the first network found in + `--cni-config-dir`/`network_dir`. + - Added `conmon`, `runc` and `cni-plugins` to the static + release bundle + - Added `linkmode` (dynamic or static) output to `crio version` + subcommand + - Added gRPC method names to log entries to increase + trace-ablity + - Added live reload to `decryption_keys_path` + - Added pinns binary to static bundle + - Improve `crio --version` / `version` output to show more + details + - Provide the possibility to set the default config path via + `make DEFAULTS_PATH=<PATH>` + - Take local images into account when pulling images prefixed + with `localhost/` + - Added support for drop-in registries.conf configuration + files. Please refer to the registries.conf.d documentation + ( + for further details. + - If a specified or the default hooks directory is not + available, then we warn the user but do not fail any more. + - Documentation + - Update documentation that the lowest possible value for the + ctr_stop_timeout is 30seconds. We also move the validation of + this fact into the config validation part of the library. + - Added man page for crio.conf.d(5) + - Other (Bug, Cleanup or Flake) + - Empty sandbox labels are now serialized into proper JSON (`null`) + - Fixed CRI-O to fail to start when `runc` is no configured + runtime and the `runc` binary is not in `$PATH` + - Fixed SIGHUP reload for drop-in configuration files + - Provide the latest release bundle via a Google Cloud Storage + Bucket at: + + - Removed annoying logs coming directly from lower level + runtimes like runc + - Removed the musl libc build target from the static binary + bundle in favor of the existing glibc variant + - Removed warning about non-absolute container log paths when + creating a container + - CRI-O's version can be overriden at buildtime with + `VERSION=my.version.number make bin/crio` + - ContainerStatus no longer waits for a container operation + (such as start or stop) to finish. + - Fix bug resulting in false reports of OOM + - Fixed SIGHUP reload behavior for unqualified search + registries + - Return grpc code NotFound when we can't find a container or + pod + - Systemd unit file: drop crio-wipe.service as a requirement + criu +- Enable nftables for SLE15-SP3 / openSUSE Leap 15.3, too (bsc#1193486) + +- Update to criu 3.16.1: + see details at + Bugfixes: + * Switch criu-ns helper script from unversioned 'python' to + 'python3' for easier distribution packaging + Improvements: + * Add '--join-ns' interface to libcriu to allow joining namespaces + via libcriu like CLI and RPC already allow +- Change Source URL to github + +- Update to criu 3.16: + see details at + New features: + * criu-ns helper script + * support checkpoint/restore of stacked apparmor profiles + * add nftables based network locking/unlocking + * allow restoring of precreated veth devices + Improvements: + * better support for restoring containers into existing pods + * pidfd based pid reuse detection for RPC clients + * license change for all files in the images/ directory to MIT + * use clang-format for automatic code indentation +- Drop criu-protobuf-c-1.4-underscore-fix.patch + as obsoleted + crmsh +- Update to version 4.3.1+20211210.a149de51: + * Dev: ui_cluster: Exit stop process when there is no DC (jsc#SLE-22497) + * Dev: ui_cluster: check dlm controld ra is running when stop cluster (jsc#SLE-22497) + * Dev: log: In status_long function, add a blank line when exception + * Revert "Dev: ui_cluster: Make sure node is online when stop service" + +- Update to version 4.3.1+20211206.e34e2fff: + * Dev: sbd: Adjust timeout related values (jsc#SLE-22492) + * Dev: ui_cluster: check if qdevice service started when starting cluster if qdevice configured + * Dev: idmgmt: Avoid leading with number for ID + * Dev: ui_cluster: Check service is available before enable/disable qdevice + * Dev: ui_node: Improve node standby/online methods + * Dev: ui_cluster: Remove node from node list if node is unreachable + * Dev: Give warning when no-quorum-policy not set as freeze while using DLM + * Fix: crm: To avoid the potential "permission denied" error under other users (boo#1192754) + * Fix: ui_resource: Parse node and lifetime correctly (bsc#1192618) + cross-aarch64-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-arm-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-hppa-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-i386-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-m68k-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-mips-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-nvptx-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-ppc64-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-ppc64le-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-s390x-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-sparc-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-sparc64-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + cross-x86_64-gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + crosstool-ng +- Update to version 1.24.0: + * An upgrade procedure for configurations created in the previous + release of crosstool-NG has been introduced with this release. + See for more + details. +- Add new build dependency: unzip. +- Remove reproducible.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Add crosstool-ng.keyring to verify tarball signature. +- Add crosstool-ng.rpmlintrc to ignore some irrelevant rpmlint + errors. + crow-translate +- Update to version 2.5.1 + Added + * Uyghur localization. + * Google: Kinyarwanda, Oriya, Tatar, Turkmen and Uyghur languages. + Changed + * All GUI slots now available via D-Bus. + * Fix saving selected languages. +- Update to version 2.5.0 + Added + * Add the ability to display only language code on buttons. + Changed + * Fix crash at startup with specified languages for Qt < 5.14. + * Fix Yandex SID parsing. + * Fix paths in configuration (some settings will be lost). + +- Update to version 2.4.1 + * Do not reset languages after reloading settings. + * Fix duplicated default swap shortcut. + * Improve global shortcuts error logging. + * Linux: Fix .desktop file name. + +- Update to version 2.4.0 + Added + * --brief option to print only translations. + * The ability to add, remove or reorder used languages. + * Swap languages shortcut. + Changed + * Use https instead of http for all engines. + * --audio-only option now only plays text. + * Automatic translation disabled by default. +- Add patch: + * Fix-install-path.patch +- Switch from qmake to cmake + csi-external-attacher +- Update to v3.0.2 + +- Update to v3.0.0 + csi-external-provisioner +- Update to v2.0.4 + +- v2.0.0 depends on golang 1.13 + +- Update to v2.0.0 + csi-external-resizer +- Update to version 1.0.1 + +- Update to version 1.0.0 + csi-external-snapshotter +- Update version to 4.0.0 + +- Update version to v3.0.2 + +- v3.0.0 relies on golang 1.13 + +- Update version to 3.0.0 + csi-node-driver-registrar +- Update to version 2.0.1 + csmash +- build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS + -- forcing use of CXXFLAGS for compilation - csvprintf -- Update to release 1.0.3 +- Update to release 1.3.0 + + Added "-b" flag for new Bash output mode -- Tweak spec file to fix Madriva builds +- Update to release 1.2.1 + + Fixed bug where "-x" flag was behaving like "-X" flag + +- Update to release 1.2.0 + + Added "-j" flag for JSON text sequence document output. + + Stopped escaping double quote as """ in plain XML text. + +- Replace source tarball with _service file pulling from github -- Tweaks to spec file requested by mrdocs in response to SR #143350. +- Run spec-cleaner on spec file -- Update to release 1.0.2 +- Update to release 1.1.0 + - Added support for format strings containing column names -- Update to release 1.0.1 +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) -- Initial release +- Update to release 1.0.4 + - Fixed "unexpected character" bug when line ends with QUOTE, CR + - Added "-X" flag to derive XML tag names from column headers + +- Update to release 1.0.3 + +- Tweak spec file to fix Madriva builds csync -- Add fix-missing-const.patch: Fix a compile error on Leap 15.1 - Fixes boo#1113889 - -- Fix build break by changing __FUNCTION__ to __func__ - * csync_log.h.patch - -- Fix popd usage: since bash 4.3, it only takes a numeric argument. - -- BuildRequire pkg-config to make cmake find its libraries again. - -- Update to version 0.50.0. - * Added an owncloud module - * Added a backup mode to the reconciler - * Added new logging framework (removed log4c dependency) - * Added new config parser (removed iniparser dependency) - * Added capabilities for modules - * Added content checking in conflict case - * Improved database performance and integrity checks - * Improved error reporting -- Add fix-cmake-on-pre-12.patch: Fix building on older systems - -- Build always with libssh support. - -- Update to version 0.44.0. - * Migrated sftp module to libssh 0.4. - * Added more cache entries to the default config. - * Added missing requirements. - * Fixed build warnings. - * Fixed some memory leaks using sftp attributes. - * Some code cleanups. - -- Package baselibs.conf - -- Update to version 0.43.0. - * Added SFTP support with libssh 0.3. - * Added possibility to pass userdata to the auth function. - * Added a better version function. - * Fixed CMake build. - * Fixed CMake find modules. - * Fixed some flaws in cstd functions. - * Documented all public functions. - -- Fix Fedora build. -- Change the way how to set CFLAGS. - ctris +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon to workaround gcc10 errors (boo#1160244) + cttop +- Modernize specfile and add a _service file for the + manually-rolled tarball. + cudd +- Modernize specfile. + cups-airprint +- python3.patch: Port script to python3 +- pdf-support.patch: Fix printer discovery +- Add minimal build check to verify the script can run at all + cura +- Update to version 4.9.0 + Release notes: + * +- Drop 0001-Avoid-crash-caused-by-KDE-qqc2-desktop-style.patch +- Remove manually added package dependencies for QML + +- Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov + +- Resurrect 0001-Avoid-crash-caused-by-KDE-qqc2-desktop-style.patch +- Correct icon install paths + +- Depend on the python3-Arcus bindings instead of the versioned + library. + +- Update to version 4.8.0 + Release notes: + * +- Rebase disable-code-style-check.patch + +- Update to version 4.7.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * +- Drop obsolete + 0001-Avoid-crash-caused-by-KDE-qqc2-desktop-style.patch + +- Update to version 4.6.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * +- Drop unneeded patches: + * fix-crash-on-start.patch + * fix-runtime.patch +- Rebase 0001-Avoid-crash-caused-by-KDE-qqc2-desktop-style.patch + +- Remove pkgconfig(Qt5Core) from runtime dependencies, pulls in + a huge set of Qt5 devel packages. + +- Avoid crash when qqc2-desktop-style is installed and used as + default style (typically by a KDE Plasma session): + * 0001-Avoid-crash-caused-by-KDE-qqc2-desktop-style.patch + +- update to version 4.4.1 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.4.0 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.3.0 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.2.1 + * + +- update to version 4.1.0 + * + * Requires Qt 5.10 or later. So no builds for openSUSE Leap atm. + * added disable-code-style-check.patch fix-crash-on-start.patch fix-runtime.patch +- enable tests + * but skip code stylce checks disable-code-style-check.patch + +- Spec cleanup: + * Update URL to use https + * Remove %defattr + cura-engine +- Update to version 4.9.0 + Release notes: + * + +- Update to version 4.8.0 + Release notes: + * +- Use system RapidJSON and polyclipping when available + +- Update to version 4.7.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * + +- Update to version 4.6.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * +- Clean up spec file + +- update to version 4.4.1 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.4.0 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.3.0 + Release notes: + * +- obsoletes CuraEngine-gcc9.patch + +- update to version 4.2.0 + * + +- update to version 4.1.0 + * +- enable tests +- some build fixes needed: + fix-build.patch + CuraEngine-gcc9.patch +- 32bit platform is unsupported on Linux + (builds, but testcases are failing) + +- sync spec file with -lulzbot variant +- enable test suite (requires fix-build.patch for libArcus interface) + +- Update URL to use https + cura-fdm-materials +- Update to version 4.9.0 + Release notes: + * + +- Update to version 4.8.0 + Release notes: + * + +- Update to version 4.7.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * + +- Update to version 4.6.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * + cutecom +- Small packaging adjustements: + * Dont manually compress manpages + * Fully leverage install command + +- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch +- Spec cleanup + +-update to release 0.51.0 + * moved to a new home + * added auto reconnect feature + - ------------------------------------------------------------------ + +-update to release 0.50.0 + * added the byte counter plugin + * added a plugin manager + * added macros plugin to support similar to br@y's terminal + * added netproxy plugin + * improved logfile handling + * redesign control panel's opening button + +-update to release 0.45.0 + * Enable input of Crl characters using a popup or Ctrl+<x> + * Windows support added + * line termination was not saved in settings - FIX + * upgrading to clang-format to version 3.8.0 + * updating travis ci instructions - FIX + * support for Qt5>=5.11 + +- fix build with cmake >= 5.11 (68.patch) + -- display correct license in about dialog - -- change license to be in format - -- fix line breaking issue (patch copied from Debian) - -- initial setup - cutterff +- Update to version 1.0.1 + * gui.c + + if encoding (softcut enabled) has finished, the text in the + progressbar may not disappear. Fixed! + * ffmpeg.c + + if saving a file with softcut more than once the automatic + enabling of 'h264_mp4toannexb' or 'hevc_mp4toannexb' fails. + Fixed! + + in 'cff_ffmpeg_copy_write_frame_softcut' the PTS assignment + may wrong, 'pts -= pts_diff' followed by 'pts = pptr->dts'. + Fixed! + + 'av_packet_int' replaced with 'av_packet_alloc' + + 'av_packet_ref' replaced with 'av_packet_clone' + +- Update to version 1.0 + * main.c + + replaced 'GLIB_MAJOR_VERSION' with + 'GLIB_MINOR_VERSION' and 'glib_major_version' + with 'glib_minor_version' + * gui.c + + setting '-GtkMenuBar-shadow-type' only for + versions < 3.20 (GTK-3 only) + + if closing a file with unsaved cutpoints a + dialog asks for discarding changes + + replaced in 'cff_gui_css_load_from_data' + 'gtk_style_context_add_provider_for_screen' + with 'gtk_style_context_add_provider' + + changed priority in 'cff_gui_logwindow_color_set' + from 'GTK_STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION' to + '..._USER' (GTK-3 only) + + changed tag color and font in 'textview' to + GTK-2 'gtk_widget_modify_...' or + GTK-3 'cff_gui_css_load_from_data' + + in 'cff_gui_logwindow_color_parse' converting + 'rgb(r,g,b)' to '#rrggbb' (GTK-2 only) + + popup in 'cff_gui_file_save' for selecting the + encoder for soft cutting + + may hang if log was set to 'debug'. So + 'g_main_context_invoke_full' in 'cff_gui_logwindow_cb' + was removed, 'cff_gui_logwindow_mainthread' is now + called every 5ms using 'g_timeout_add_full' + + remove last '\n' from log string in 'cff_gui_logwindow_cb' + + '_textview_scroll_to_iter' in 'cff_gui_logwindow_cb' + was removed. Now down scrolling is done using the + signal 'changed', and setting the new value in + 'cff_gui_logwindow_adjustment' with the function + 'gtk_adjustment_set_value' + + the slider is now 'GtkScale' + + using 'Cairo' instead of 'GdkDraw' (GTK-2 only) + * ffmpeg.c + + 'cff_ffmpeg_print_codecs_for_id': codecs separated + by commas, last space in front of terminating ')' + removed + + softcut is de- and encoding frames at the cutpoint(s) + + stream-sync starts copying packets if the timestamp + is greater or equal than the cutpoint + + test if bitstream filter 'mp4toannexb' is needed for + encoding in 'cff_ffmpeg_get_frame_dts' (h.264 + h.265) + + 'cff_ffmpeg_copy_open': if 'avformat_transfer_internal_ + stream_timing_info' failed, try '(st->oStream)->time_ + base = (st->iStream)->time_base' before 'av_stream_get_ + codec_timebase' + + if the first DVB subtitle frame should clear a subtitle, + it is dropped (no subtitle shown yet). This will also + compute the right stream duration + * tools-gtk.c + + renamed 'guitl_' to 'cff_guitl_' + + moved 'cff_gui_beep' to 'cff_guitl_beep' + + 'cff_guitl_window_destroy' sets 'gWindata.topwin' + to NULL, if the main window is not on the top + + 'cff_guitl_dialog_icon' sets 'gWindata.topwin' to + 'gWindata.mainwin', is the top window is NULL + + changed signal 'size-allocate' in 'cff_guitl_window_setup' + to 'configure-event' + +- Update to version 0.9 + + gui.c + - if Num-Lock is activated, depending on the OS and GUI no + navigation may possible. Now the functions only breaks if the + Control-key is pressed. + - 'cff_gui_video_frame_button' is the right button equal to the + shift key. + + ffmpeg.c + - 'cff_ffmpeg_get_stream_from_index' may return wrong or no + streams, if the file contains more than one program, and some + without a video stream. Fixed! + - the frame duration computed from 'ticks_per_second' may + sometimes too short. Fixed! + - flushing the codec in 'cff_ffmpeg_file_open_cb' if seeking + for the last frame of the video + - DVB subtitles should work now + - if 'avcodec_receive_frame' fails, rewind only if the packet + flag 'AV_PKT_FLAG_DISCARD' is not set + - decoding starts now always with a keyframe, if not seeking + the first fame + - storing the packet position for first frame, needed if the + dts is not set + - copy the video if first cutpoint is the first frame may fail + if the dts is not set. Fixed! + - cutpoints will now be saved with the values frame-dots, + packet-dts and packet-position. It is possible to load lists + stored with previous versions of CutterFF. + cxxtools +- Drop --with-pic, as it has no effect with --disable-static. + +- add gcc11.patch: backport from +- run tests + -- Alow cpp files in demo subpackage -- Don't build demos - -- Removed spurious lib prefix from devel subpackage -- Used an 2.2.1 update from home:-miska-:arm - * fixes a major bug when parsing query parameters in http communication -- Add demo subpackage - czmq +- update to 4.2.1: + * New DRAFT zsock API to match libzmq's 4.3.4 socket options: + - zsock_set_xpub_manual_last_value + - zsock_socks_username, zsock_set_socks_username + - zsock_socks_password, zsock_set_socks_password + - zsock_in_batch_size, zsock_set_in_batch_size + - zsock_out_batch_size, zsock_set_out_batch_size + - zsock_set_wss_key_pem, zsock_set_wss_cert_pem, zsock_set_wss_trust_pem, + zsock_set_wss_hostname, zsock_set_wss_trust_system + - zsock_set_only_first_subscribe + - zsock_hello_msg, zsock_set_hello_msg + - zsock_disconnect_msg, zsock_set_disconnect_msg + - zsock_priority, zsock_set_priority + - zsock_reconnect_stop, zsock_set_reconnect_stop + See zsock manpage for more details. + * New DRAFT zframe and zmsg API to print arbitrary length messages: + - zframe_print_n + - zmsg_print_n + See zframe and zmsg manpages for more details. + * New DRAFT zosc* APIs to support the OSC (Open Sound Control) protocol. + See zosc_* manpages for more details. + * New DRAFT zcertstore_get_state API to get the state stored in the certstore. + See the zcertstore manpage for more details. + * Support for new libzmq DRAFT socket type ZMQ_DGRAM was added to zsock. + * Fixed #1972 - Findlibzmq.cmake out of date, Windows build fails + * Fixed #1998 - zproxy uses fixed ipc endpoint, causing race condition + * Fixed #2002 - fix socket leak in zbeacon + * Fixed #2020 - use libnss in zdigest if available for SHA functions. + * Fixed #2028 - zpoller docs isn't mentioning file handles + * Fixed #2043 - zhttp_response_recv leaks memory when result is non-zero + * Fixed #2045 - Problem: zframe_print output is truncated + * Fixed #2048 - no logging if zsys is not initialized + * Fixed #2057 - zchunk_slurp() causes assert if file can't be opened + * Fixed #2062 - allow zbeacon to resolve ip address to interface or interface + * Fixed #2064 - Enable ipv4 multicast packet types when using zbeacon + * Fixed #2072 - fix build on Android NDK >= 24 + * Fixed #2086 - zsys is re-initialized when logging an error in zsys_shutdown + * Fixed #2090 - "quit" variable in zproc_wait() can overflow + * Fixed #2087 - logsender destroyed before last log message + * Fixed #2103 - if gossip server disconnects and reconnects, persisting gossip + * Fixed #2113 - zcertstore has no API to get the disk state from a custom loader + * Fixed #2115 - various issues around zcertstore API string ownership + * Fixed #2038 - zsock_t sockets do not work in child process after fork + * Fixed #2144 - zhashx_dup() does not copy callbacks +- build against systemd, uuid, nss and related + +- Move the manpage for the tool to the package with the tool + +- Update to 4.2.0 + - New STABLE APIs + * zsys_thread_name_prefix, zsys_set_thread_name_prefix + * zsys_thread_affinity_cpu_add, zsys_thread_affinity_cpu_remove + * zsock_bindtodevice, zsock_set_bindtodevice + * zsock_gssapi_service_principal_nametype, zsock_set_gssapi_service_principal_nametype + * zsock_gssapi_principal_nametype, zsock_set_gssapi_principal_nametype + - Bugfixes + * #1899 - zsys_udp_new leaks file descriptor when process is exec'd. + * #1948 - zlistx_head always returns NULL. + * #1959 - zhash_pack crash on armv7 due to unaligned pointer access. + * #1961 - unnecessary uuid includes in public headers break builds without + libuuid. + * #1995 - timers are called twice if they change the pollset. + - A lot of changes in DRAFT apis, see NEWS + d-feet +- Update to version 0.3.16: + + Escape markup in property values. + + introspection: Clear idle id when done with it. + + introspection: Load introspection data asynchronously. + + DFeetWindow: switch to the added bus watch. + + DFeetWindow: factor out connect_to(address). + + Updated translations. + +- Build as noarch again, with new meson version it works again. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 0.3.15: + + Restructure menus to follow GNOME 3.32 menu guidelines. + + New app icon as part of the GNOME 3.32 icon redesign. + + Add OARS content-rating data. + + New Meson-based build system. + + Updated translations. +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. +- No longer build as NoArch, FIXME added to spec. + +- Do not have useless arch-dependent libdir in noarch package + (boo#1109534). + +- Own metainfo dir to fix build on old versions of openSUSE. + +- Update to version 0.3.14: + + Correctly honour theme foreground colour. + + dbus_utils: + - stringify "h" (UNIX FD). + - simplify converting simple types. + - simplify looking ahead 1 character. + + Cleanup doap file. + + settings: + - fix regexp syntax, add a test. + - use r'' strings for regexps. + + Ignore W504 line break after binary operator. + + Fix a few unused variable/import warnings. + + Remove bare 'except:' clauses. + + Detect 'pycodestyle', the new name for 'pep8'. + + Run tests with same Python version as application. + + Fix coding style errors reported by make check. + + executedialog: + - include bus name. + - allow selecting name/path/interface fields. + + Fix format string with python3. + + Honor theme's foreground color. + + Display statistics and match rules from the D-Bus Stats + interface. + + Remove unused DFeetWindow.package field. + + Set icon_name to org.gnome.dfeet. + + Do not use hyphen for the reverse-DNS names. + + Rename the icons, appdata and desktop files. + + Updated translations. + -- Update to version 0.3.9: - + Wrap method signature in exec dialog. - + Remove references to the obsoleted paned_buswatch. - + introspection.ui: Use symbolic icons for the reload button. - + Make AppData file translatable, - + Update wiki page link. - + data: Don't run update-desktop-database if DESTDIR is set. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 0.3.8: - + Fix appdata distribution. - + Add appdata file for gnome-software. - + Update screenshot according to appdata guidelines. - + Add screenshot for appdata. - + Introspection: - - Fix showing unique-name for services with a well-known name. - - Use a 'reload' image button instead of a text button. - + Pep8 updates. - + Change ' to " in .ui files. - + Build: - - Update ignored files. - - Don't use AM_GNU_GETTEXT. - + Window: - - Keep track of whether Session and System bus are already - open. - - Allow closing currently visible bus. - - Use a GtkStack instead of a GtkNotebook. - - Use a GtkHeaderBar and a gear menu. - + Bus: - - Add margins to the bus box - - Use a GtkSearchEntry instead of the filter box. - + Application: Load app menu from ui file. - + Fix desktop file keywords translation. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 0.3.7: - + Show inactive bus names in italic. - + Also install dfeet-icon-default-service.png. - + Update - + Also show activatable bus names. - + Remove duplicate if-clause. - + Fix Makefile for data/ui. - + threads_init no longer needs to be called. - + Bring back the application icons. - + Use pformat to show method call results. - + Use GtkListBox instead of a TreeView. - + Updated translations. - d0_blind_id +- Modernise spec file + dSFMT +- Update to version 2.2.5 + * Some minor fixes + * Allow build as shared library, this obsoletes + dSFMT-export_functions.patch +- Refreshed dSFMT-sharedlib.patch as dSFMT-sharedlib-makefile.patch +- Fixed SPEC file, use working upstream URL + dante +- Added hardening to systemd service(s). Modified: + * sockd.service + +- Update to version 1.4.3 + * LDAP module functionality expanded with support for PAC and + LDAP based authentication. + * Changed child.maxrequests behavior to be an upper limit on + requests handled and added child.maxlifetime, which can be + used to specify the limit on how long child-processes will + receive new requests. + * Added Linux service specification file. + * Work around an issue where "logoutput: syslog" in the client + could create issues for the application being socksified. + * Added missing NULL argument check in Raccept(). + * Fix an error case where the Dante mother process would never + terminate a request process that failed handling a client + due to resource shortage, leading the request process to hang + around idle forever. + * Will hopefully fix problem reported by ANON. + * Fix for server crash in builds with preloading disabled + (preloading is enabled by default). + * Fix for module related SIOCGIFHWADDR warning in obscure + situations. + * Removal of arbitrary interface limit in getifaddrs() + compatibility function. + * Some minor automated build/test related changes. + * Minor documentation fixes. +- Update patch dante-1.4.1-gcc5-fixes.patch + +- Drop authorship; this ought not to be part of descriptions. +- Fix RPM groups. Drop filler words. Replace boilerplate -devel + subpackage description. +- Remove pointless --with-pic (no static libs here). + +- Update to version 1.4.2: + * Support new version of libminiupnp (drop dante-miniupnp14.patch) + * Miscelaneous build improvements + -- Fix HAVE_SENDBUF_IOCTL macro -- added patches: - * dante-1.4.0-sendbuf_macro.patch - -- dante.spec: instead of statically defining CFLAGS, parse out - - grecord-gcc-switches from %{optflags}, since it causes problems - for the configure script - -- update to dante-1.4.0 - o Older syntax for setting the socket buffer sizes via - socket.recvbuf.udp, socket.sendbuf.udp, socket.recvbuf.tcp and - socket.sendbuf.tcp options have been deprecated and replaced with - the more general API for setting socket options. - "socket.recvbuf.udp" can now be set by "<interface-side>.udp.so_rcvbuf" - "socket.sendbuf.udp" can now be set by "<interface-side>.udp.so_sndbuf" - "socket.recvbuf.tcp" can now be set by "<interface-side>.tcp.so_rcvbuf" - "socket.sendbuf.tcp" can now be set by "<interface-side>.tcp.so_sndbuf" - <interface-side> refers to either "internal", for Dante's internal - interface(s), or "external", for Dante's external interface(s). - o socks-rules now require a "socks" prefix (like client-rules require a - "client" prefix), and the socks "method" keyword has been renamed to - "socksmethod". - o The "socksmethod" keyword can now be set in client-rules too. It - is used to override the default preference for what socksmethod to - select for which clients addresses, making it possible to by - default e.g., have the preference "gssapi username none", but for - some client-ranges have a different preference, e.g., "none - username gssapi". - Normally there is no need to use set this keyword in a client-rule. - o Fallback to direct (non-proxy) routes now defaults to off in the client, - as well as in the server. - To keep previous behaviour in the client, with direct route fallback - for destinations with no matching route, set SOCKS_DIRECTROUTE_FALLBACK - to "yes" in the environment, or ./configure with --enable-drt-fallback. - Direct fallback is enabled if there are no routes configured (as is - usually the case in a server configuration), and disabled otherwise. - o IPv6 is now supported in the server. - Standard IPv6 address syntax is used for addresses, with the addition - of the special address "0/0" used for matching both all IPv4 and - all IPv6 addresses. - o New "monitor" object added. Syntax is similar to rules and routes, - but instead of applying to individual sessions, it applies to all - sessions currently matching the addresses to monitor. - This can be used for monitoring network anomalies related to too - little data being transferred or too many disconnects occurring, - triggering alarms if detected. - o Possibility to configure system errors and DNS-errors for - special logging in certain cases (when connecting and performing - hostname resolving). - o More aggressive regarding how many processes to fork when starting - and how many processes to reserve for future clients. - o Added new log keyword: "tcpinfo". Used to report more extensive - statistics about sessions, including TCP_INFO on supported platforms. - o SIGINFO/SIGUSR1 output is now logged at level "info" instead of level - "debug". - o SIGHUP code rewritten. Should function considerably better in - environments were SIGHUP is, for whatever reason, sent an excessive - amount of times every second. - o Default for the maximum number of clients an i/o process can handle has - been increased from 8 to 32. - o Improved UDP compatibility by sending appropriate ICMP unreachable - errors to clients and targets, if running with the appropriate - privileges (typically, root is required for this). - Makes it possible for a client or target to be notified that a UDP - packet it wanted the Dante server to forward was not forwarded. - o Reduction in memory consumption at the expense of allocating extra - memory dynamically in the very rare, perhaps non-existing, cases - where the extra memory is needed. - o The default timeout for TCP i/o ( has been changed from - 84000 to 0. 0 means use the kernels default, which in most cases will - mean no timeout. See UPGRADE for more information. - o The session module has been merged with the mainstream Dante code, - and has also been extended to support the following new features: - - connection throttling (number of new sessions accepted per second). - - state-keys. - Two state keys are currently supported: - - per-IP address. - - per-hostid (hostid is supported on certain platforms, with - certain kernel patches, with certain clients). - The syntax has also changed (see UPGRADE). - See the manual for more information about the new features. - o Code used for finding the correct outgoing address to bind when - external.rotation is set to "route" replaced with much simpler, - but hopefully equally (or better) functioning code. - Idea taken from Quagga. - o Use getpassphrase() rather then getpass() to obtain password for - username authentication when available. Avoids 9 character limit - on Solaris. Suggested by Albert Fluegel <> - o Use sqrt() rather than sqrtl() in stddev calculation, as sqrtl() is not - available on some platforms (such as FreeBSD 7.2). Problem reported - by Rudolf Polzer <>. - o If the authentication method used was RFC931 (ident), the username - was not always logged when it should be. - Reported by Gregory Charot (EVENIUM) <>. - o Syntax checking has been improved to better detect invalid or - likely incorrect server configurations. - This can result in some configurations that have previously been - accepted or accepted with warnings by Dante, to now cause an error - on startup, preventing the Dante server from starting up until the - configuration error has been fixed. - o Fixed compilation on OpenBSD with compilers not supporting -Wbounded. - Problem report and testing by - Mikael More <>. - o GSSAPI "clear" is no longer enabled by default, as it is not part - of the SOCKS GSSAPI standard per se. - o external.rotation was not handling non-IPv4 target addresses correctly. - Reported and diagnosed by Rudolf Polzer <>. - o The "--disable-libwrap" option has been renamed "--without-libwrap". - o Fixed bug that would cause the following warning to sometimes be - erroneously reported: - "warning: accept(2) failed: Resource temporarily unavailable" - o SIGINFO log information extended to include information about i/o - buffer status and as well as UDP packet latency. - o Real-time scheduling priority settings and CPU affinity settings made - available in sockd.conf. - See for - a performance analysis done in relation to these new features. - o General API for setting socket options on sockets used by Dante - made available in sockd.conf. - o Support for cross compilation of client library for Android - (system name 'arm-linux-androideabi'). - Testing and analysis by Yoav Weiss <>. - o Problem with sockd.init generation in dante.spec fixed. - Reported by Luiz Gustavo Nascimento <>. -- refreshed patches: - dante-1.4.0-64bit_portability.patch - dante-1.4.0-glibc-2.17.patch - dante-1.4.0-sockd_conf_man_format.patch - dante-1.4.0-socksify_man_format.patch -- %{optflags} contains -grecord-gcc-switches, which causes problems for - configure. removed optflags from CFLAGS and modified it to contain the - rest of the options. - -- Replace sysvinit with systemd - Package build only for Factory; no need to keep sysvinit support - alive -- Replace hard paths with RPM macros - dar +- Update to version 2.6.15 + * fixed error message formatting error leading message to contain + garbage in place of system error information. + * fixing bug (internal error) met while trying restoring files and + dirs without sufficient write permission on the destination + directory tree to perform the operation. + * adding minor feature to avoid restoring Unix sockets (-au) + * fixing dar-catalogue.dtd +- Update to version 2.6.14 + * fixed bug met when removing slices of an old backup located on + a remote sftp server + * fixed bug in cache layer met when writing sliced backup to a + remote ftp or sftp repository + * enhancement to the -[ and -] options to work as expected when + "DOS" formatted text file is provided as a file listing. +- Drop outdated Provides / Obsoletes, RPM will automatically detect + new dependency of linking packages, as long as -devel package + does not get renamed or packages use dlopen and manually require it + +- Enable curl and rsync support + +- update to 2.6.13: + - fixed compilation warning in testing routine (outside libdar and dar) + - due to change in autoconf, the --sysconfdir path (which defaults to + ${prefix}/etc) was read as an empty string, leading dar to look for + darrc system file at the root of the filesystem (/darrc) + - fixed bug that should occur in extremely rare conditions (it has been + discover during 2.7.0 validation process): compression must be used, + no ciphering, no hashing, file changed at backup time or had a poor + compression ratio, was not saved at slice boundary, the previous + entry had an EA saved but no FSA or an unchanged FSA. In such + conditions are all met, dar tries to resave the file in place, but + partially or totally overwites the EAs of the previous entry leading + to archive testing to fail for these EA (though the archive could be + finished without error). + - fixed bug met when case insensitive mask is requested (-an option) + and locale of file to restore or backup is not the one the dar binary + is run with. + +- update to 2.6.12: + - fixed regression met in 2.6.11 when generating encrypted + archives + - fixing bug in dar_manager libdar part, met when the two oldest + entries for a file are recorded as unchanged (differential + backup) + - fixed typo in dar_manager man page + - updated lax mode to ignore encryption flag found in header + and trailer + - fixed two opposite bugs in strong encryption code that + annihilated each other, by chance + - fixing bug met when merging an archive an re-compressing + the data with another algorithm that gives a less good result, + this condition lead the merging operation to fail + reporting a CRC mismatch + - improving archive header code to cope with unknown flags + +- update to 2.6.10: + - update the configure script to handle some undocumented --enable-* + options that existed but were not expected to be used. + - fixed spelling in darrc comments + - fixed bug in dar_split that could occur in very rare conditions + - fixed EA support build failure due to what seems to be a change + in Linux kernel header + - fixed symbol conflict with s_host of in.h on omniOS platform + +- Update to version 2.6.9 + * too many changes to list, see ChangeLog file +- Drop dar-use-libc-xattr.patch (fixed upstream) +- Drop Group tag +- Spec cleanup + darktable +- Update to version 3.6.1 + * + +- Update to version 3.6.0 + * + +- Build with internal lua on Fedora 33 and newer + +- Use pkgconfig BuildRequires for more libraries + datamash +- update to 1.7: + * decorate(1): new program - sorts input in non-standard ordering + e.g. IPv4, IPv6, roman numerals. + * New operations: sha224/sha384 + * New operations: geomean (Geometric mean) and harmmean (Harmonic + mean) +- includes changes from 1.6: + * The 'gutnum' operation now correctly prints detected numbers + without truncating them + +- update to 1.5: + * accept backslash-escaped characters in field names + * New operations for handling file names and paths + * New getnum operation to extract a number from a string + * New operation: cut, similar to cut(1) + +- disable LTO for ppc64 ppc64le aarch64 bypass boo#1149348 + +- update to 1.4: + * New option: -C/--skip-comments to skip comment lines +- drop upsteamed patches: + * upstream-disable-broken-test.patch + * upstream-fix-test.patch + dateutils +- Update to 4.9: + * allow to specify epochs in nanoseconds, %s%N (#123) + * fix nanosecond arithmetic (#124) + * make cross-compilations easier (#128) + * mention default timezone (#129) +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * 0144b15dda4b1ea4fdbeca9f3ecb128eb98772fd.patch + * a0ebd0037df973aed14779b51d59da3edc506b6a.patch + +- Add 0144b15dda4b1ea4fdbeca9f3ecb128eb98772fd.patch and + a0ebd0037df973aed14779b51d59da3edc506b6a.patch: fix test suite + run on 32bit archs. + +- add upstream signing key +- simplify spec file + +- Update to 0.4.8: + * be symmetric about differences, A - B := -(B - A) for A < B + * fix security issue when reading TZMAP_DIR from environment + * fix printing of negative 0 (-0) + * fix issue with tzdata transitions in files with leap second + * adjustments that are now cut off at expiration time (#121) +- Drop dateutils-remove-deprecated-header.patch: not needed anymore + +- Add dateutils-remove-deprecated-header.patch: Remove deprecated + glibc sysctl.h header. + +- Update to 0.4.7: + * strptime mimics return code behaviour of dateconv + * use unsigned arithmetic for leap second conversion + * fix up ymds before adding days or business days + * drain prchunk if filled with many small lines + +- Update to 0.4.6: + * underspecified ISO weekday dates can be parsed + * adding days to underspecified dates results in proper dates + * all tools with -S|--sed-mode now support -E|--empty-mode to + output an empty line when a line cannot be read. + * dateround supports day, week, month and year classes now + (issues/92) + * datediff can determine difference in nanoseconds between + two time values (issues/94) + +- Simplify conditions +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Update to 0.4.5: + * dgrep accepts %c as qualifier in expressions (issue 81) + * tests work regardless of wall clock time (issue 84) + +- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. +- Trim idempotent %if..%endif guards. + +- Update to 0.4.4: + Incompatible changes: + * suffix `m` is no longer accepted as a synonym for `mo` + with date-only input, issue #76 + Bugfixes: + * expose BSD routines (fgetln()) to yuck + * for dates passed to dateround(1) that coincidentally + match the roundspecs do read them as dates + * wrong timestamps read via -i %s signal error + * facilitate bmake build + * time rounding on date-only input keeps the date unchanged + * dateseq's short-cut iterator (2 date arguments) does not + interfere with the 3-argument version + * adding 0 date or time units does not change the summand + * datezone on times (without date) will return times + * zones are singletons now, opened and closed only once + dbench4 +- Use modern macros for building + dbh +- Update to 5.0.22 + * Added function dbh_find_top(), variant for dbh_find() + * Added PKGBUILD for easy cross compilation from ArchLinux + * Fixes for mingw-w64 cross compilation on ArchLinux box. + * Fixes dbh_set_data() not updating data when growing record size + * Fixes strncmp() should be replaced by memcmp() + * Fixes Excessive syscalls with tiny read() calls + * This version reduces calls to read() from 3 to 1 when + maximum record size is less than 64KB, falling back to + 5.0.21 behavior when dealing with records with greater size. +- Remove buildfix.patch, was fixed Upstream + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - dblatex +- Fix replacement of "env python" to python3 in dblatex' main + script: upstream moved this already to python3. + +- Upgrade to 0.3.12 (python3 version): + - Fix SF bug #118: fix 'nb' and 'nn' locales. + - Fix SF bug #119: use locale quotes in glossary. + - Fix SF bug #120: use locale quotes in bibliography. + - Fix SF bug #123: add 'se' locale. + - Fix SF bug #124: set default qandaset title markup in english. +- Added also: + - dblatex-0.3.11-replace-inkscape-by-rsvg.patch (filed as + + - dblatex-0.3.11-which-shutil.patch (filed as + + +- update to 0.3.11: + * Fix Debian bug #863527: remove active babel character. + * Fix Debian bug #866716: make dblatex robust to non-ascii xml:id + * Fix bug #114: don't skip usefull spaces in hyphenated strings + +- More packaging cleanup +- Further reduce duplicities +- Use modern python macros +- Replace shebang in executable + +- Package cleanup: + - Fix she-bang in dblatex script + - Drop python-devel BuildRequires, not generating any bindings. + - Drop font-collection BuildRequires, use individual requires. + - Drop BuildRequires for some bundled styles and add some which + were implicitly required. + - Drop font-collection Requires, use individual Requires. + - Downgrade dependencies which are only used with some engines, + styles or locales from Requires to Recommends. +- Split documentation subpackage from main package + -- Update to version 0.3.4 - * Fix a bug in the missing characters display. - * Fix the global template to actually insert a backmatter tag - before backmatter elements. - * Fix bug #3520152 by changing a template xpath (looks like a - libxslt limitation). - * Improve the verbatim block display to be able to scale the - block width to the page width. - * Allow latex instructions within verbatim blocks through - Processing Instructions. - * Improve the setup script to be close to the debian install - rules. - * Improve the hyphenation of the inlined literal elements. - * Add the parameter example.float.type to give the possibility to - have <example> not floating. The attribute 'floatstyle' is also - taken into account. - * Add the parameter hyphenation.format to specify the inlined - format types that must be hyphenated. It replaces the more - limited monoseq.hyphenation parameter. -- Packaging - * added dblatex-0.3.4-disable-debian.patch - -- Make it build with latest TeXLive 2012 with new package layout - -- Update to version 0.3.3 - * Fix incomplete image path conversion when subfigures are used. - * Fix unicode listings limitation to handle characters greater than - 255. - * Fix <abstract> environment to prevent from page counter reset. - * Fix the <literallayout> limitations by using the same - implementation than <screen>. - * Fix a texlive 9 french babel and enumitem incompatibility. - * Fix to be robust to URL encoded image paths, and to non-latin1 - paths. - * Fix missing cross-reference to <sidebar> and <qandaset>. - * Fix the <sidebar> box width to the actual context witdh. - * Fix a french babel bug (unexpected active chars) when used with - XeTeX. - * Fix Debian bug #627501 to tell the priority policy of --xsl-user - option. - * Fix Debian bug #632967 to return a non-null code when the - compilation fails. - * Fix Debian bug #629514 to have draft watermark with XeTeX - backend. - * Fix Debian bug #634563 to have safe pdftitle content (no images). - * Fix in order to work under Windows. - * Fix the HTML table support to correctly render the cells - elements. - * Fix the HTML table support to correctly nested tables. - * Fix the Olink support to allow database user-specific renderings - like italics for <i> tags. Reuse of the DocBook Project implementation. - * Fix a setup failure that made the listings UTF-8 support failed - (extendedchars to set to "true"). - * Fix --xslt-opts to be able to pass several arguments by using - quotes - * Set the TexLive version to 2009 by default. - * Update to new Debian Error Handler API. - Improvements sponsored by Freexian ( : - * Remove hard-coded paper size and add some parameters for page - layout setup: - + Parameters to define page sizes and margins. - + Parameters to have crop marks for pre-press PDF output. - * Add the parameters literal.environment and literal.extensions to - allow the user define its own listing environment. - * Add the parameter latex.engine.options to be able to pass options - to the TeX engine backend. - * Print out warnings about the characters not handled by the - selected fonts. - * Image display improvements/fixes: - + Avoid unexpected paragraph indentation when displaying images. - + Strip spurious spaces between subfigures when - + @role='flow.inline' - + Prevents from empty tex subcaptions when no subfigure - <caption> is defined. - * Add the ability to format <ulink> as a block when @type='block'. - * Pass @role to the latex sidebar environment. - * Add the literal.class parameter used when <literallayout> class - attribute is not set. Default is 'monospaced'. - * Add some @role to format literal elements, and literal.role - parameter for default role: - + Wrap: wrap lines when longer than text width (default) - + Overflow: do not wrap lines ; long lines overflow to the left - + Scale: automatically scale a listing to have its lines fit the - page width. The special feature can be disabled with - literal.extensions=0 - -- Update to version 0.3.2: - * Add feature request #2052157 to have HTML table support - * Full support of the --quiet option - * Improve to make package building easier in a - development environment - * Improve the document title formatting, to render <superscript> - for example. - * Fix debian bug #629110 to work around an appendix package - limitation with xetex - * Fix bug #3094120 to work in paranoid mode (required for - TexLive 2010) - * Fix debian bug #623590 to format elements like <emphasis> - contained in <filename>. - * Fix a bug that prevented from putting and index at the highest - level when preceded by a <part>. -- Removed dblatex-setup.patch and used sed instead to change doc - directory - -- GPL seems to be 2.0 only - dbsplit-tools +- Clean up spec file + dbus-broker +- Update to release 28 + * Further improvements to the service activation tracking. This + better tracks units in systemd and closes some races where a + repeated activation would incorrectly fail. + * Fix a crash where duplicate monitor matches would be + incorrectly installed in the broker. + +- Update to release 27 + * Fix several bugs with the new service-activation tracking, + including a race-condition when restarting activatable + services. + * Be more verbose about denied configuration access and print + the file-path for better diagnostics. + +- Update to release 26 + * Improve the service activation tracking of the compatibility + launcher. We now track spawned systemd units for their entire + lifetime, so we can properly detect when activations fail. + * Work around a kernel off-by-one error in the socket queue + accounting to fix a race-condition where dbus clients might + not be dispatched. + * Support running without `shmem` configured in the kernel. + This will make the broker run better on limited embedded + devices. + +- Update to release 25 + * Fix an assertion failure when disconnecting monitors with active + unique-name matches. + * Fix the selinux error-handling to no longer mark all errors as + auditable by default. + +- Update to release 24 + * Make audit-events properly typed and prevent non-auditable + events from being forwarded to the linux audit system. + +- Update to release 23 + * Expose supplementary groups as `UnixGroupIDs` as defined by + the dbus specification in 0.53. + * The broker now uses the peer-pid from `SO_PEERCRED` on the + controller socket, rather than relying on `getppid()`. This + allows creating the broker from intermediate processes + without having any credentials of the intermediate leak into + the broker. + +- Update to release 22 + * Implement org.freedesktop.DBus.Debug.Stats in the driver. + * Support no-op activation files. + * The new configuration option `linux-4-17`, if set to true + (default is false), makes dbus-broker assume it runs on + linux-v4.17 or newer. It will make use of features introduced + up to linux-v4.17. This allows to forcibly disable + workarounds for old kernels. + +- Update to new upstream release 21 + * Previously, resource limits were incorrectly calculated, + leading too limits that were higher than intended. + * Messages are now directly forwarded to the journal and + amended with additional fields. The journal-catalog now + contains entries with background information on runtime log + messages. + +- Update to new upstream release 18 + * The compatibility launcher is no longer isolated in its own + network namespace, since the SELinux APIs require access to + the root network namespace. + +- Update RPM group. + +- Update to new upstream release 17 + * The compatibility launcher now namespaces transient systemd + units based on its own name on the scope-bus. + * The launcher now respects the `<user>NAME</user>' + configuration and correctly drops privileges of the broker + and itself after startup. + * Messages with file-descriptors will now be refused if the + client did not negotiate file-descriptor passing before. +- Drop use-system-deps.diff + dbus-sharp +- fix libexecdir. mono can't use libexecdir because /usr/lib is + fixed in pkgconfig + dbus-sharp-glib +- fix libexecdir. mono can't use libexecdir because /usr/lib + is fixed in pkgconfig + dbus-sharp-glib2 +- fix libexecdir. mono can't use libexecdir because /usr/lib + is fixed in pkgconfig + dbus-sharp2 +- fix libexecdir. mono can't use libexecdir because /usr/lib + is fixed in pkgconfig + dc3dd +- stop owning directories provided by filesystem rpm (bsc#1184786) + +- BuildRequires p7zip for Leap <= 15.1 only + -- Update to 7.1.0 - 2011-03-02 Richard Cordovano <> - * Added the ability to specify log= and hlog= more than once. - * Added phod= and fhod= options. For an output that is a device, using phod= ("partially hashed output device") - causes dc3dd to compute hashes of only the bytes dc3dd wrote to the output device. If fhod= - ("fully hashed output device") is specified instead, dc3dd will compute hashes of both the bytes dc3dd wrote - and of the entire device. - -- update to 6.12.4-r458 - 2009-08-28 Richard Cordovano <> - * Replaced the byte-by-byte verification capability with a verification capability that - hashes imaging outputs and compares the hashes to the input hash. The new verification capability - does not require a second read of the device. - * Enhanced the ability to generate multiple outputs by adding the capability to combine split and unsplit - outputs. - * Added the ability for the user to specify a sector size via the command line. - * Added display/logging of results of device size probes. Size probes are now always performed, providing - run statistics in most use cases (reading from standard input excepted). - * Added display/logging of size statistics for each file in an input or output split. - * Simplified the command line options and removed all legacy dd features not needed for imaging. The simplified - command line is more rigorously validated to reduce the likelihood of performing a run contrary to user - intent in order to avoid a second read of a device. - * Removed the progress=on command line option and the cumbersome INFO signaling protocol for - obtaining a progress report. Instead, a progress bar is always displayed. - * Added new DEFAULT_IMAGING_MODE compile flag support (equivalent to command line options: - recovererrs=on, grouperrs=on, idirect=on). - * Reduced the use of global variables from 71 to 9, reduced function lengths, and - removed several instances of code duplication. - * Introduced a program architecture that replaces a single loop with a jobs abstraction, allowing execution - of an arbitrary chain of jobs, each composed of one or more tasks that execute in parallel. The new - program architecture is designed to allow for the transparent addition of multi-step processing - scenarios such as the new verification capability. - dcmtk +- Update to 3.6.6. See DOCS/CHANGES.366 for more information +- Drop 0001-Link-charls-statically.patch +- Spec cleanup + +- Add patch to avoid file conflict between dcmtk and charls: + * 0001-Link-charls-statically.patch + -- require libpng-devel instead of libpng14-compat-devel; - libpng14-compat-devel is now default libpng-devel provider for - factory; moreover dcmtk builds correctly with libpng15-devel too - -- Added a patch (gcc-4.7_fix.patch) to fix compilation with gcc-4.7. -- Remove zero-length file /usr/share/dcmtk/wlistdb/OFFIS/lockfile (fix rpmlint - warning). - ddccontrol +- gcc10.patch + * fixed build against gcc10, which uses -fno-common by default + (patch picked from + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) instead of udev: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + ddcutil +- Remove unncessary BuildRequires on python-devel + ddgr +- update to 1.9: + - Fix breakage due to changes required in POST method + - Support wayland native copier `wl-copy` for url copy + - Unblock GUI browsers on WSL + - Update auto-generated package list + - Skip broken Arch Linux packaging ( issue #204) + - Bump version + - Update docs + +- update to version 1.7: + - Use setproctitle to set process name + - Monkeypatch textwrap for CJK wide characters + - Fix write to GNU Screen paste buffer + - Refresh current page on URL expansion toggle + - Smarter colorization and better support for native terminals on Windows + - Handle bangs in the form g! + +- update to version 1.6: + - User interface revamped + - DDG instant answers + - Haiku OS clipboard support + - Packaging preparation for PyPI + +- update to version 1.5: + - Support xclip as a clipboard utility on *nix + - Support GNU Screen and tmux as clipboard fallback + - Support Termux clipboard on Android + +- update to version 1.4: + - Copy URL at omniprompt + - Check default stdout encoding at start + - New environment variable DISABLE_PROMPT_COLOR + deadbeef-plugin-mpris2 +- Update to version 1.14 + * Use Deadbeef title formating to produce metadata more + robust/accurate + * Add "Previous or restart current track" behavior to "Previous" + action + debhelper +-Update to version 13.5.2 + * dh_installsystemd: Revert change to deploy systemd files into + usr/lib/systemd. (Closes: #993316, #993759) + * dh_installinit: Ditto. + * dh_systemd_enable: Ditto. + * dh_systemd_start: Ditto. + * Remove duplicate "-a" option to some commands. + Thanks to Christoph Berg for reporting the issue. + (Closes: #971761) + * dh_installdeb: Revert the change to rewrite `rm_conffiles` into + `remove-on-upgrade` due to it causing bugs in non-trivial cases. + (Closes: #994919) + * dh_installtmpfiles: Add missing option name in POD documentation. + * make it possible to override dh provided ctest arguments + * Add missing import which broke cmake related builds. + Thanks to Boyuan Yang for reporting the issue. + (Closes: #993345) + * dh_installdeb: Install debian/conffiles in compat 12+ again + (undoing the compat 12 change saying dh_installdeb would ignore + this file). The file can now be using for the activating the + `remove-on-upgrade` feature from dpkg 1.20. + * dh_installdeb: Automatically rewrite `rm_conffiles` into the + new `remove-on-upgrade` feature from dpkg when possible. + * Pass `ARGS+=--verbose` to make when running tests + in the cmake+make variant except when "terse" is in + DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS. Thanks to Paul Wise for the suggestion. + (Closes: #992623) + * Remove obsolete dh addon. It did nothing + but warn and nothing used it anymore. + * dh: Document debhelper provided dh addon sequences. + * New dh addon ("single-binary") that explicitly + activates the "single binary" work flow, where dh_auto_install + uses debian/<pkg> as default --destdir when there is only a + single binary package. It will error out if used in a + source package building multiple binary packages. + * dh: Activate "single-binary" addon by default in compat levels + up to and including compat 14 when the source package only lists + one binary package in debian/control. In compat 14, emit a warning + when this happens implicitly requesting users to explicitly enable + or disable the addon for single binary source packages to avoid + surprises in compat 15. + * dh_auto_install: In compat 15, remove special-case default for + - -destdir for single binary source packages. If the previous + default is desired, please use the "single-binary" dh addon or + explicitly pass --destdir to dh_auto_install. + (Closes: #971432) + * debian/control: Provide dh-sequence-single-binary. + * debhelper.pod: Document the dh_auto_install will change behaviour + in compat 15 for single binary packages and dh will warning about + that in compat 14. + * dh_assistant: New tool for assisting third-party tools. At the + moment, it primarily supports introspection related features but + will hopefully be extended to support more use cases. + (Closes: #984900) + +- Update to version 13.4.1 + * autoscripts/*: Replace `which` with `command -v`. + * dh_installsystemd: Only merge /lib/systemd/system into /usr + for now. (Closes: #992554) + * dh_systemd_enable: Ditto. + * autoscripts/postinst-init-nostart: Call invoke-rc.d when + a non-empty DPKG_ROOT is used. (Closes: #992556) + * Replace "use v5.28" with "use v5.24" in + The change to "use v5.28" in 13.4 broke the test to distinguish 0755 + from "0755" in the reset_perm_and_owner function, breaking builds. + Thanks Adrian Bunk and Ansgar for help isolating the problem. + * debian/changelog: Correct bug number in the 13.4 entry. + * dh_dwz: run in parallel across packages. (Closes: !47) + * Add bmake and mkcmake as third-party + build systems. (Closes: !46) + * Add golang as a third-party build + system. (Closes: #981106) + * autoscripts/*: Add support for DPKG_ROOT in systemd, tmpusers, + sysusers and init related snippets. Based on an initial patch + from Helmut Grohne. (Closes: #983566) + * autoscripts/*: Reorder conditions in some scripts to avoid + doing a redundant stat call when a script parameter can decide + to skip it. + * dh_gconf: Remove the command as it does nothing. + (Closes: #908845) + * doc/TODO: Remove reference to dh_gconf. + * Remove dh_gconf from root sequence and declare + it as obsolete (causing errors from compat 14 if still referenced + in hook targets). + * man/po4a/po4a.cfg: Remove dh_gconf from translations. + * The declare_command_obsolete command now accepts an + "$error_compat" parameter to enable addons to choose which compat + level that will trigger an error (though it must be minimum 13). + * doc/PROGRAMMING: Update docs to reflect API change. + * debhelper.pod: Document that referencing dh_gconf in hook targets + will cause an error in compat 14. + * dh_fixperms: Correct permissions of files beneath usr/libexec to + be executable. (Closes: #979401) + * dh_installtmpfiles: Only register tmpfiles ending with ".conf" as + tmpfiles in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d and /etc/tmpfiles.d. This ensures + that dh_installtmpfiles gracefully copes with e.g. README files + provided by systemd upstream. (Closes: #986329) + * dh_installsystemd: Ditto (but only relevant in compat 12 or + earlier) + * Pass -DCMAKE_FIND_USE_PACKAGE_REGISTRY=OFF to cmake in + addition to -DCMAKE_FIND_PACKAGE_NO_PACKAGE_REGISTRY=ON as the + former is intended to replace the latter. Thanks to Raul Tambre + for reporting the issue. (Closes: #988973) + * Bump version requirement to v5.28 to reflect the actual + requirements (the code was using v5.28 features). Thanks to + Sérgio Basto for reporting the issue. + * dh_missing: Ditto. + * autoscripts/postinst-init,autoscripts/postinst-systemd-start: Use + "restart" instead of "start" when starting the services. This + ensures a smooth transition from --restart-after-upgrade to + - -no-restart-after-upgrade in dh_installinit and dh_installsystemd. + Thanks to Ryan Tandy for reporting the issue. + (Closes: #989155) + * dh_installsystemd: Remove usage of autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restart + * dh_installinit: Remove usage of autoscripts/postinst-init-restart + * autoscripts/autoscripts/postinst-systemd-restart: Removed. + * autoscripts/postinst-init-restart: Removed + * dh_installsystemd: Prefer /usr/lib/systemd/ to /lib/systemd. + (Closes: #987989) + * dh_systemd_enable: Ditto. + * dh_systemd_start: Ditto. + * dh_installinit: Ditto. + * dh_installsystemd: Merge /lib/systemd into /usr/lib/systemd if both + are present in the package staging directory (prefering the latter + in case of conflicts). (Closes: #987989) + * dh_systemd_enable: Ditto. + *, Make debhelper use the same perl + as it runs under (via Perl's $^X variable) when invoking the + upstream build system. (Closes: !40, #966396) + * Always generate unique doc-base file names based on package name and + document ID. (Closes: #980903) + +- Update to version 13.3.4 +- Adapt patches to new upstream version: + * remove debhelper-9.20150101-no-localized-manpages.patch + * add debhelper-no-localized-manpages.patch + +- Update to version 9.20160709 + -- update to dpkg-1.16.3 - * see -- update to debhelper 9.20120518 - * Fix versioned dependency on dpkg for xz options. Closes: #672895 - * dh_link: Doc improvement. Closes: #672988 -- update to devscripts-2.11.7 - * see -- reworked patch. remove version for archtable. for it's universal. -- add dh_make 0.60 - * see -- add dh_autoreconf 6 - * see - -- install missing parts of devscripts - * install man pages installed by debian/manpages - * install symlinks installed by debian/links - -- update to dpkg- - * Do not fail to unpack shared directories missing on the file system - from packages being replaced by other packages. Debian Bug #631808 - * Defer hardlink renames so that there's never a point were the new - file contents are accessible from the final path before they have - been fsync()ed and cannot be executed causing ETXTBSY when trying - to open the to be installed paths for writing. Debian Bug #635683 - * Add armhf support to ostable and triplettable. - Debian Bugs #594179, #639674 - -- remove call to suse_update_config (very old work around) - debootstrap +- Update to version 1.0.124 + * functions: Turn for loops variables into locals + * functions: add zstd control&data support to the ar extractor + * stage1: re-mkdir /proc if it is a symlink instead of umount. + * Add --inrelease-path option to allow specifying by-hash + InRelease location. + desktop-data-openSUSE +- Move call-browser and desktop-launch symlink to xdg-utils. + +- Update to version 15.2.20200107: + * Fix csh (boo#1158422) + +- Update to version 15.1.20191124: + * Remove remaining wallpapers + * Remove unused icon directory + * Don't set cursor on empty input +- No longer requires DMZ Cursors, as the fillup no longer contains + the theme by default + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to version 15.1.20181213: + * Replace old menus and set wallpapers for Gnome + * Remove all irrelevant stuff from KDE4, Novell and duplicated icons + * Fix up cursors not working by default, DMZ theme doesn't exist + -- Add /etc/skel/Templates directory with templates for commonly - used files: plain text, ODF text, ODF presentation and ODF - drawing. This provides the user with a choice of new document - templates to choose from when, e.g., using the "New Document" - item in right-click menu from file-browsers such as Nautilus; - fixes bnc#897716. - deutex +- Update to new upstream release 5.2.2 + * Hexen graphics are now treated a bit more specially, + the last entry in the palette no longer counting as a candidate + to produce transparency in the output file. + - Doom 1 or 2 IWAD. + Doom 1 or 2 IWAD. -- fix overflows (overflow.patch) - dex +- update to 0.9.0: + - Pass environment to sub processes + - Add -s switch to specify the search paths (thanks to Johannes Löthberg) + - Add support for KDE's proprietary Service type (#7 and #28, thanks to + Sébastien Luttringer and Konfekt) + - Mark clean target PHONY + - Switch to RST for the README and manpaeg + - Ignore backslash in comments (#8, thanks to nanouck) + - Ignore missing name for Type=Service entries (#28, thanks to Konfekt) + - add force to clean target (#25, thanks to Johannes Löthberg) + - Turn utf-8 string into Unicode string literal (#23, thanks to Johannes + - Fix error converting man page + - Print nice error message when target directory doesn't exist (#31, thanks to + dfc +- Spec file cleanup + dh-autoreconf +- Do not require perl, but use %perl_requires to avoid a rebuild + on perl updates + +- Do not rquire ourselves to build: buildignore dh-autoreconf, + which is required by debhelper (boo#1183854). + +- update to 19: + * Disable gtkdocize for now (Closes: #898916) + * Correctly restore working directory if autoreconf failed (Closes: #876187) + * Automatically use xdg-autogen if configure.{ac,in} contain XDT_ lines. + Thanks to Unit 193 for the initial patch (Closes: #893746) + * Automatically handle gtkdocize if no custom command has been provided + (Closes: #640376) + * Add Breaks: quilt (<< 0.63-8.2~), dpatch (<< 2.0.38+nmu1~) (Closes: #889567) + * Move to Salsa + * Use debhelper compat level 11 + * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.3 + * debian/copyright: Point to HTTPS Format url + * d/rules: Use /usr/share/dpkg/ instead of dpkg-parsechangelog + * Do not fail, only warn, if run multiple times (Closes: #887482) + * Also clean up symlinks (Closes: #882479) + * Run dh_autoreconf after dh_update_autotools_config, + not before dh_auto_configure + * update dh-autoreconf(7) man page (Closes: #870518) + * dh_autoreconf_clean: Add a NOOP promise (Closes: #881394) + * dh-autoreconf can build without (fake)root + * Bump Standards-Version to 4.1.1 + * Drop alternative dependency on automaken (Closes: #857556) + * Speed-up: Use -exec ... + instead of -exec ... \; for find. + Thanks to Helmut Grohne and Tollef Fog Heen for the suggestion + * Update Standards-Version and point Vcs fields to https + * dh_autoreconf: --sourcedirectory is forwarded by dh(1) + Thanks to Niels Thykier for reporting this on IRC + * dh_autoreconf: Do nothing if there are no configure scripts + -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - -- Merge openSUSE:Tools changes with system:packagemanager changes - -- split the u-a to separate spec file to reduce a build cycle - dhewm3 +- Update to 1.5.1: + * Update savegame format. Old savegames still work, but new + savegames can't be loaded with older versions of dhewm3! + * dhewm3 now supports the Doom3 Demo gamedata. + * Create the game window on the display the cursor is currently + on (when using more than one display). + * Added r_fullscreenDesktop CVar to set if fullscreen mode should + be "classic" or "Desktop" which means a borderless window at. + desktop resolution. + * Fullscreen modes that are not at the current desktop resolution + should work better now. + * Several sound-related bugfixes. + * Restore "Carmack's Reverse" Z-Fail stencil shadows; use + glStencilOpSeparate() if available. + * New CVar g_hitEffect: If set to 0, the player camera damage + effects (like double-vision and extreme tilt) when being hit + are disabled. + * Fix lingering messages in HUD after loading savegame. + * Fixed clipping bug in delta1. + * Improve compatibility with some custom scripts. + * Registering multiplayer servers at id's master-server fixed, + so they can be found in the multiplayer menu. + * Support for reproducible builds by setting the CMake option + REPRODUCIBLE_BUILD. + * Proper handling of paths with dots in directory names. + * In the Spanish translation all the Alpha Lab autosaves got + the same name, now the autosave name is based on the mapename + instead which is distinct. +- Remove patch + * 0001-Remove-use-of-date-time-macros.patch (fixed by upstream) + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + +- Update to 1.5.0 (no changelog) +- Drop 0002-Lower-release-build-optimizations-to-O2.patch + +- Use %license macro +- Add 0002-Lower-release-build-optimizations-to-O2.patch + * Fixes some undefined behavior caused by higher optimization + levels. Picked from git master. + dhtest +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + dianara +- update to 1.4.3: + - Added optional spell checking support, using KDE's Sonnet. + It will be enabled if Sonnet's development packages are installed when + building the program (unless CONFIG+=NO_KF5 is used). + - Added optional character picker, using KDE's KCharSelect widget. + It will be enabled if the development packages for KWidgetsAddons are + installed when building the program (unless CONFIG+=NO_KF5 is used). + - Adapted AppStream-related file naming and IDs to current standards. + - Changed more dialogs to follow the environment's button order. + - More code refactoring. + - Changed OK/Cancel buttons in several dialogs to follow environment style. + - Code refactoring and optimizations. + - Fixed a corner case where a post deleted by its author, while a comment + was being composed, would block timeline updates until program restart. + - When a post is cancelled, abort possible ongoing file upload immediately. + - Fixed Cancel button being disabled while sending a comment. + - Fixed a pagination bug that would set the wrong page number if a timeline + update had failed previously. + - Other minor fixes. + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * Ability to save and restore post drafts. + * Post publisher can grow much bigger. + * System notifications now include a button to show the + application. + * Properly bring the main window to the front when restoring from + the tray icon, and when clicking the "Show" button in a + notification (depends on your WM).. + * Fixes in the profile editor and image viewer. + * Other minor improvements. +- Do not bother installing the appstream file to + /usr/share/appdata/ on openSUSE Leap 42.x or older. + dico +- Update to version 2.11 + * Bugfixes in the gcide module + * Fix searches in the gcider utility + * Support for Python 2 has been withdrawn + +- dico 2.10: + * Fix compilation with gcc 10 + * Restore po files + +- Update to version 2.9 + * New configuration variable DEFAULT_PIDFILE_NAME + Use it to alter the default pidfile location, e.g.: + ./configure DEFAULT_PIDFILE_NAME=/var/dico/ + * Fix compilation on 32-bit systems +- Changes for version 2.8" + * Fix out-of-boundary memory access in metaphone2 encoder + * Fix eventual access to freed memory block + * Rewrite utf8_iterator to work with non zero terminated strings. + * Fix the build on OpenBSD +- Fix building with gcc10 + +BuildRequire guile-devel to make transition to Guile 2.2 easier + +- Switch to python3 + +- update to 2.7: + * Support for virtual databases + * Dicoweb: graceful handling of unsupported content types. + * The dictorg module improved +- includes changes from 2.6: + * Support for Guile 2.2.0 + * Support for Python 3 +- includes changes from 2.5: + * Support for four-column index files in dictorg databases + dictd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * dictd.service + -- updated to 1.11.1 - * fixed installing plugins - * DICTFMT sorts entries in 00-database-alphabet entry - lexicographically, that is now this order doesn't depend on - sizeof(long) - * DICTFMT: 'dictfmt -I' never worked - diff-pdf +- Update to version 0.5: + * Reflect renaming of package from Ubuntu 20.10 on + * Increase version to v0.5 + * Add --grayscale option + * Show default DPI value used in --help output + * Remove code for old versions of glib and wxWidgets + * Tiny code formatting fixes + * Add rasterization DPI option (#71) + * AppVeyor: fix MSYS2 build + * Remove legacy poppler-cairo dependency (#69) + * Add instructions for installing on Fedora and CentOS 8 (#66) +- Drop no longer needed fix-find-poppler.patch +- Switch to obs scm _service + +- Pre-create diff-pdf.1 with help2man to work around GTK+ DISPLAY + errors (boo#1180471) + +- Update to version 0.4.1 + Fixes some bugs (#64, #65) that crept into 0.4. + All users of 0.4 should update. +- Update to version 0.4 + Added new useful options contributed by @fatalmind: + - -skip-identical only outputs pages with actual differences + - -channel-tolerance makes it easy to ignore tiny differences + - -mark-differences adds visual markers to the margin to + highlight where small changes are +- Add fix-find-poppler.patch +- Add man page with help2man +- Clean up spec file + ding +- Update to 1.9 + * Enhanced English-German dictionary (380,000 entries) + * Bugfixes + -- added application icon (accepted already upstream, but due to - long release cycles added to the package) - ding-libs +- Update to 0.6.1 from 0.6.0 (jsc#ECO-248): + * libini now supports validators that check for well-formed INI + files. +- Update URL + * Remove the git link info as it 404 atm +- Add patches from upstream to fix ini behaviour: + * INI-Fix-detection-of-error-messages.patch + * INI-Silence-ini_augment-match-failures.patch + * TEST-validators_ut_check-Fix-fail-with-new-glibc.patch +- Add patch fixing errors writeout to stdout: + * INI-Remove-definiton-of-TRACE_LEVEL.patch + +- Update to new upstream release 0.6.0 + * libini now supports validators that check for well-formed INI + files. + +- Introduce patch 0001-increase-ini-max-value-length.patch + to support longer values in INI file parser. bsc#989488 + +- Bump subpackage version numbers to match .pc files + +- Correct the version number of library packages in spec file. + +- Upgrade to latest upstream version 0.5.0. + The new version is ABI compatible with 0.4.0. + * libini_config: This release adds an API to create, modify and + save INI files + * libini_config: Merging configuration snippets installed in + different locations is supported + * libcollection: New functions: col_get_dup_item, + col_delete_item_with_cb, col_remove_item_with_cb + +- Update to new upstream release 0.4.0 + * libini_config: Ability to convert input INI file from UTF-16/32 + to UTF8- during parsing + * ini_config: Support C style comments in INI file + * ini_config: Ability to read configuration data from a memory buffer +- Remove doxygen-notimestamp.diff, + 0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch + (merged upstream) + +- remove pkgconfig-deps.diff since it's obsoleted by + 0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch + +- Update to new upstream release + * A new libini_config interface (merging config section, + better handling of metadata) +- Optional signature verification +- Add 0001-build-add-missing-Requires-to-pkgconfig-file.patch + for corrected pkgconfig dependencies + +- Update to new upstream release 0.1.3 + * Fixes a serious bug in libdhash with very large (>1024 slots) + initial size + dirac -- Split off doc subpackage - -- Added Provides: and Obsoletes: for packman libdirac-devel -- Included patch from dirac git to fix uninitialised memory read - that causes the encoder to crash when using non-overlapping blocks. - -- Fixed factory build with patch from git dirac-1.0.2-gcc45.patch - -- exclude valgrind-devel on SPARC - -- fix build in disabling as-needed - -- Updated to version 1.0.2: - * minor release complying with the latest Dirac Bytestream - Specification 2.2.3. - * Improved compression performance for small picture sizes. - * Improved compression performance at low bit-rates. - * Included macros to check the API version. - * Improved motion estimation. - * New 422 <-> 420 conversion utilities for interlaced video. - * New functionality added to encoder API. - * Fixed bugs in handling DC subband. - -- Worked around internal compiler error on 11.0-x86_64. - direnv +- Update to version 2.28.0 + * Update to go 1.16 + * tcsh: fix variable escaping + * docs: improve the documentation + * Fixed fish shell hook to work with eval + * Fixed layout anaconda <env_name_or_prefix> +- Build with pie enabled if available +- Add _service for vendor package + diskmonitor +- Fix the %files section. plasma-framework >= 5.84 doesn't install + desktop files in %_kf5_servicesdir anymore. + diskscan +- Fixed SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with current upstream + disorderfs +- update to 0.5.10: + * Use "directory entries" over "dirents" in human-readable output/log messages. + * Don't attempt to drop groups in multi-user mode when we are not root + * Ignore the return values to fsyncdir to ensure (for example) dpkg(1) can "flush" /var/lib/dpkg + * Move test execution logic into Makefile to not require a separate script + +- Update to 0.5.5 + * Allow tar and touch -m to update mtime of files + + * Drop upstream xattr.patch + +- Update to 0.5.3 + * Ensure readdir(2) returns consistent (and unique) inode numbers. + +- Add xattr.patch to fix build with attr-2.4.48 + disruptor +- Update to 3.4.4: + * 3.4.4 Lazy-loading of Logger instances - See #370 & #376 + * 3.4.3 Add Automatic-Module-Name to MANIFEST.MF + * 3.4.2 Fix race condition in BatchEventProcessor with 3 or more + starting/halting concurrently. + * 3.4.1 Fix race between run() and halt() on BatchEventProcessor. + * 3.4.0 Drop support for JDK6, support JDK7 and above only. + Add ThreadHints.onSpinWait to all busy spins within Disruptor. + Increase default sleep time for LockSupport.parkNanos to + prevent busy spinning. + * 3.3.8 Revert belt and braces WaitStrategy signalling. + * 3.3.7 Add batch size to BatchStartAware.onBatchStart() + Upgrade to newer versions of gradle, checkstyle and JUnit + Deprecate classes & methods for later release + Remove JMock and rewrite tests accordingly +- Remove disruptor-3.3.2-jmock.patch + djvulibre-djview4 +- Update to version 4.12: + * Fixes for recent compilers. + * Fixes for Qt-5.15. + * Fixes in tiff2pdf.c. + * Updated documentation (most browsers no longer support + plugins). + * Updated translations. +- Run to generate configure script as source tarball + no longer has one; BuildRequires: libtool. +- Only run post(un) scriptlets for openSUSE < 1550; they are void + for newer openSUSE and directly handled by file triggers. + -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build - dkimproxy +- fix PID filename typos in systemd unit files + +- Remove sysvinit remains from this package. + +- Add the "installation" section. +- Changed "PreExecStart" to "ExecStartPre". +- Added/changed the type to forking + +- bsc#1116007 - Please convert SysV init scripts by dkimproxy into + native systemd services + -- Initial Version of dkimporxy - dkms +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut the build queues by allowing usage of systemd-mini + +- Update to 2.6.1: + * No obvious changelog from upstream + -- update to latest upstream -- drop Requires: lsb. avoid calling rpm (recursively) if possible. -- add recognition for Oracle Enterprise Linux, Oracle VM, Scientific - Linux, and VMware 3.x - -- Rebuilt for - dmd +- Update to version 2.097.0 + * Compiler changes + * Deprecation period for ambiguous ternary expressions has ended + * Usage of the body keyword has been deprecated + * Deprecate a case of using fully-qualified names to bypass imports + * Explicit package visibility attribute is now always applied to + new scopes + * pragma(mangle) can now be applied to aggregates + * Complex and imaginary types are now deprecated + * while (auto n = expression) is now supported + * Library changes + * Centering formatted output. + * AllImplicitConversionTargets replaces ImplicitConversionTargets + * Formatting integers with %e, %f, %g and %a is now possible. + * Implementation of pow(f, -2) and f ^^ -2 changed + * Deprecate std.format : enforceValidFormatSpec + * Deprecate std.format : formatElement + * Deprecate std.format : unformatElement + * FieldnameTuple now returns an empty tuple for interfaces + * Fields (formerly FieldTypeTuple) now returns an empty + tuple for interfaces + * Floating point numbers can be formatted at compile time + * Formatting floating point numbers don't allocate with the + GC anymore. + * Some reals will be downcast to double when used with + std.format. + * std.typecons.Nullable: Remove deprecated alias get this. + * Documentation of std.format has been completely reworked. + * Module std.format has been split into smaller modules + * Module std.math has been split into smaller modules + * splitWhen added to std.algorithm.iteration + * The old benchmarking functionality in std.datetime has been + removed. + * std.exception.enforceEx has been removed. + * New module: std.sumtype + * std.range.Transposed: Remove deprecated member save + * Dub changes + * Added support for low memory compilation option to the dub + settings file. + +- Update to version 2.096.1 + * Runtime changes: + * Variables suspendSignalNumber and resumeSignalNumber are now + private + * The druntime option callStructDtorsDuringGC has been removed + * Experimental llvm-libunwind based backtrace printing was added + * Library changes + * Return the number of characters consumed by std.conv.parse + * Deprecate std.stdio.getdelim and std.stdio.getline + * Add integer conversions in JSONValue.get + * Deprecate std.math : approxEqual + * Compiler changes + * Deprecate bypassing of symbol visibility when doing overload + resolution + * Deprecation triggered inside of templates now show instantiation + trace + * Improvements for the C++ header generation + * Diagnostics for conflicting function definitions within a module + * extern(Pascal) has been removed + * The compiler now accepts -extern-std=c++20 + * C++ compability standard now c++11 by default + * Add -preview=inclusiveincontracts: in contracts must be an + explicit superset of the parent in contracts. + * Add support for Objective-C protocols + * Allow any compile-time argument in pragma(inline) + * Add __traits(getCppNamespaces, symbol) to retrieve the C++ + namespaces a symbol resides in. + * DMD Compiler regressions / bugs: + * printf check does not recognize GNU extensions + * Function alias reported as conflicting function + * Slice assignment segmentation fault + * ssignment inside assert accepted if -checkaction=context + is given + * Struct dtor is called twice if struct is created inside + ternary operator + * Mangling problem wrt. backrefs and function types + * build.d install fails, can't find dmd.conf + * Constructor flow analysis doesn't understand unions + * Confusing error message for CTFE pointer in static initializer + * checkaction=context creates temporary of type void + * Overload selection ignores slice + * -preview=rvaluerefparam does not work with template deduction + * CTFE doesn't call base class destructor for extern(D) classes + * Wrong ParameterStorageClass when -preview=in is used + * Phobos enhancements / regression fixes: + * std.process.browse does not work with URLs 256 characters + or longer + * std.regex performance regression (additional GC allocation) + * Specifying null as bitfields variable name now fails + * avoid quadratic template expansion in constraints of multiple + search term versions of std.algorithm.searching.startsWith & endsWith + * casting std.BigInts to built-in floating point types + doesn't work without -preview=dip1000 + * std.algorithm.mutation.copy fails on overlapping arrays if + the source array's pointer is less than the destination + array's pointer + * std.experimental.checkedint opBinaryRight with integer + left-hand side does not compile for any operators + * std.typecons.ReplaceType does not work for in parameters + * Deprecated Nullable.get warning with Appenders + * Druntime bugs / regression fixes: + * std.conv.emplace not usable in betterC - 2.096 + * casWeak is not implemented + * joining a detached thread results in segfault. + * core.atomic.atomicFetchSub for pointers incorrectly calls + wrong function from core.internal.atomic + dmenu +- update to 5.0: + * no change compared to 4.9 with the extra patches +- remove 0001-Close-when-the-embedding-window-is-destroyed.patch + 0002-fix-crash-when-XOpenIM-returns-NULL.patch + 0003-make-dmenu_path-script-executable.patch + 0004-improve-xopenim-error-message.patch + 0005-revert-IME-support.patch + 0006-Fix-memory-leaks-in-drw.patch (upstream) + +- add input fixes from master branch at (bsc#1164650): + 0001-Close-when-the-embedding-window-is-destroyed.patch + 0002-fix-crash-when-XOpenIM-returns-NULL.patch + 0003-make-dmenu_path-script-executable.patch + 0004-improve-xopenim-error-message.patch + 0005-revert-IME-support.patch + 0006-Fix-memory-leaks-in-drw.patch + +- update to 4.9 + * Use slow path if stdin is a tty + * Use bold for keyboard shortcuts in dmenu.1 + * Fix cursor drawn position with wide glyphs + +- revert back to 4.8 + Based on bnc#1164650, fixes in GIT and personal experience - reverting. +- refresh dmenu-optflags again +- remove patches: + 0001-Close-when-the-embedding-window-is-destroyed.patch + 0002-fix-crash-when-XOpenIM-returns-NULL.patch + +- add 0001-Close-when-the-embedding-window-is-destroyed.patch +- add 0002-fix-crash-when-XOpenIM-returns-NULL.patch + - fix crash on input + +- Modernise spec file +- Install license and readme file + +- bump to 4.9 + for complete list of changes see + see +- dmenu-optflags.patch: Adapt patch to dmenu 4.9 + -- added link to dmenu changelog in the *.changes file - -- updated to version 4.5 - Changelog: - -- enhanced description -- removed package name from summary -- added new files to %file section - -- incorporated latest changeset [231:9ab649b3b3e5] - -- updated to version 3.4 - -- initial packaging. - dnf-plugins-core +- Update to 4.0.24 + + [copr] Avoid using deprecated function distro.linux_distribution() (rh#2011550) + + [copr] don't traceback on empty lines in /etc/os-release + + [leaves] Show strongly connected components + + [needs-restarting] Fix wrong boot time (rh#1960437) + + [playground] Disable playground command, since it doesn't work + +- Update to 4.0.22 + + [repomanage] Allow running only with metadata + + [repomanage] Enhance documentation (rh#1898293) + + [versionlock] Locking obsoleted package does not make the obsoleter unavailable (rh#1957280) + + [versionlock] Work correctly with packages with minorbump part of release (rh#1961217) + dnf-plugins-extras +- Update to 4.0.15 + + system-upgrade: Handle empty transaction on download (rh#1917639) + dns24-update +- Use HTTPS for update requests +- Various documentation improvements + dnscrypt-proxy +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * Serve cached DoH responses when experiencing connectivity issues. + * Time attributes in allow/block lists were ignored. + * TTL served to clients is now rounded and starts decreasing + before the first query is received. + * Time-based rules are properly handled again in generate-domains-blocklist. + * DoH/ODoH: entries with an IP address and using a non-standard port + should not require help from a bootstrap resolver any more. + +- Update to version 2.1.0 + * "fallback_resolvers" was renamed to "bootstrap_resolvers" + Please update your configuration file accordingly. + * Support for Oblivious DoH. + * If the proxy is overloaded, cached and synthetic queries now + keep being served, while non-cached queries are delayed. + * Source URLs are now randomized. + * Default "reject_ttl" reduced from 600 to 10 +- Minimum golang version now at 1.16 +- Find more "legal" files to include. + +- Use less predictable temporary files during build (bsc#1181502). + +- Added optional resolvconf support via systemd unit. + +- Minimum golang version now at 1.15 +- Include 'notice' and 'patents' files of vendored packages. +- Paths and hints in configuration file adjusted and added. + +- Update to version 2.0.45 + * Configuration changes (to be required in versions 2.1.x): + - [blacklist] has been renamed to [blocked_names] + - [ip_blacklist] has been renamed to [blocked_ips] + - [whitelist] has been renamed to [allowed_names] + - has been renamed to +, and the configuration files + have been renamed as well. + * dnscrypt-proxy -resolve has been completely revamped, and now + requires the configuration file to be accessible. It will send + a query to an IP address of the dnscrypt-proxy server by default. + Sending queries to arbitrary servers is also supported with the + new -resolve name,address syntax. + * Relay lists can be set to * for automatic relay selection. + When a wildcard is used, either for the list of servers or relays, + the proxy ensures that relays and servers are on distinct networks. + * Lying resolvers are detected and reported. + * New return code: NOT_READY for queries received before the proxy + has been initialized. + * Server lists can't be older than a week any more, even if directory + permissions are incorrect and cache files cannot be written. + * New feature: allowed_ips, to configure a set of IP addresses to never + block no matter what DNS name resolves to them. + * Hard-coded IP addresses can be immediately returned for test queries + sent by operating systems in order to check for connectivity and captive portals. + Such responses can be sent even before an interface is considered as enabled by the + operating system. This can be configured in a new section called [captive_portals]. + * On Linux, OpenBSD and FreeBSD, listen_addresses can now include IP addresses + that haven't been assigned to an interface yet. + * regular expressions are now ignored in time-based entries. + * Minor bug fixes and logging improvements. + * Cloaking plugin: if an entry has multiple IP addresses for a type, all the IP + addresses are now returned instead of a random one. + * Static entries can now include DNSCrypt relays. + * Name blocking: aliases relying on SVCB and HTTPS records can now be blocked in + addition to aliases via regular CNAME records. + * EDNS-Client-Subnet information can be added to outgoing queries. Instead of sending + the actual client IP, ECS information is user configurable, and IP addresses will be + randomly chosen for every query. + * Initial DoH queries are now checked using random names in order to properly measure + CDNs such as Tencent that ignore the padding. + * DoH: the max-stale cache control directive is now present in queries. + * Logs can now be sent to /dev/stdout instead of actual files. + * New download mirror ( for resolvers, relays and parental-control. + +- Sort file lists to make package build reproducible + +- Made PID available in /run/dnscrypt-proxy/ + through systemd service unit. +- README.openSUSE updated. +- dnscrypt-proxy.socket.conf added as example for a systemd + drop-in file to override the socket unit. + +- Update to version 2.0.44 + * Netprobes and listening sockets are now ignored when the + '-list', '-list-all', '-show-certs' or '-check' + command-line switches are used. + * 'tls_client_auth' was renamed to 'doh_client_x509_auth'. + A section with the previous name is temporarily ignored if empty, + but will error out if not. + * Updates to the set of block lists. +- Breaking change from 2.0.43 Update: + The 'tls_client_auth' section was renamed to 'doh_client_x509_auth'. + If you had a tls_client_auth section in the configuration file, + it needs to be updated/renamed/deleted. + +- Minimum golang version now at 1.14 +- Update to version 2.0.43 + * When stored into a file, service logs now only contain data + from the most recent launch. This can be changed with the + new 'log_file_latest' option. + * Support for DNS64 translation implemented. + * Connections to DoH servers can be authenticated + using TLS client certificates. + * Multiple stamps are now allowed for a single server + in resolvers and relays lists. + * Updates and additions for the example domain block lists. + * Cached configuration files can now be temporarily used if + they are out of date, but bootstraping is impossible. + * 'generate-domains-blacklists' now tries to deduplicate + entries clobbered by wildcard rules. + * 'generate-domains-blacklists' can now directly + write lists to a file with the `-o` command-line option. + * Cache files are now downloaded as the user the daemon will + be running as. This fixes permission issues at startup time. + * Forwarded queries are now subject to global timeouts, + and can be forced to use TCP. + * The 'ct' parameter has been removed from DoH queries, + as Google doesn't require it any more. + +- Upgrade to 2.0.42 (boo#1165343) +- Spec files from home:darix:apps/dnscrypt-proxy and + home:cunix:go/dnscrypt-proxy2 merged into existing spec. +- v1 of dnscrypt-proxy is not supported anymore and v2 is + a new project. This will require v1 users to migrate their + configuration. +- dnscrypt-proxy-default-config.patch deleted because patched + file 'dnscrypt-proxy.conf' is not used anymore. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: + Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + dnsdiag +- Update to version 2.0.2 + * Bugfix release +- Update to version 2.0.1 + * Add support for DNSSEC + * Add -F to display flags for each response (dnsping) + * Display full response in verbose mode (dnsping) + * Add DoT (DNS over TLS) support (dnsping, dnseval) + * Add DoH (DNS over HTTPS) support (dnsping, dnseval) + * Add TCP support + * Improved JSON output support for dnseval + * Refactor and PEP8 cleanup + * Do not use system resolver when not needed + * Add support for user defined source IP address + * Add user-specified destination port (-p/--port) + * Improve error handling + * Display last response code for each entry + * Rework custom socket and custom TTL support + * Rework time calculation logic to eliminate an extra DNS + request that was just sent for timing (dnstraceroute) + * Update docs (output samples, use cases, etc) + * Use proper terminology (in code) to reduce confusion + +- Update to version 2.0.0 + * Add support for DNSSEC + * Add -F to display flags for each response (dnsping) + * Display full response in verbose mode (dnsping) + * Add DoT (DNS over TLS) support (dnsping, dnseval) + * Add DoH (DNS over HTTPS) support (dnsping, dnseval) + * Add TCP support + * Refactor and PEP8 cleanup + * Do not use system resolver when not needed + * Add support for user defined source IP address + * Add user-specified destination port (-p/--port) + * Improve error handling + * Display last response code for each entry + * Rework custom socket and custom TTL support + * Rework time calculation logic to eliminate an extra DNS + request that was just sent for timing (dnstraceroute) + * Update docs (output samples, use cases, etc) + * Use proper terminology (in code) to reduce confusion + dnsmasq +- bsc#1192529, dnsmasq-resolv-conf.patch: + Fix a segfault when re-reading an empty resolv.conf +- Remove "nogroup" membership from the dnsmasq user. + +- Use systemd-sysusers from 15.3 onwards + dnsmeter +- Update to version 1.0.2 + * This release fixes an issue with source port being static when + only using -q to generate traffic from one host/IP. + The source port is now randomized for every DNS query. + * Other changes is mainly about build system, packages and fixed + issues detected by code analysis tools. + dnstracer +- update to 1.10: + - Add support for EDNS0 (extra big packets) + - Add support for querying of ANY records. + - Add represention of SRV, RP records. + docbook-simple +- Update to docbook-simple version 1.1 + * customization of xml/4.3 + -- Adjust directories according to FHS 2.3: - * Move files to /usr/share/xml/docbook/custom/simple. - * Provide compatibility links for SL =< 9.0 (log this info in - /var/adm/SuSEconfig/run-sgmldir-links for later processing). - docker-bench-security +- fix include patch of (boo#1164631) + dolly +- add dolly firewall config (JSC#SLE-22730) + +- Minor grammar fix in description. + +- fix hostname resolution is not done in case of usage + of an external configuration file (bsc#1191613) +- fix -Werror=format-security +- update to version 0.63.6 + +- update to version 0.63.5 (improve help usage information) (JSC#SLE-22050) +- tarball is now bzip2 compressed + +- updated to v0.63.4 which builds with gcc-11 + domination +- Update to 1.2.4 + * Better 'Troop Strength' view + * New right-click options on countries list in the MapEditor + * Various other bug fixes. + +- Update to 1.2.3: + * PlayerList for Lobby games shows players with correct color + * Fix for hi-res Linux jdk-11 that sometimes uses display density + instead of scale + * Now works for gtk dark theme + * Auto-Defend now happens on the server for Lobby Multiplayer + * Map Editor shows rectangle for country that is used on cards + * SwingGUI: Options and AI speed setting put into same Options + Dialog + * max players can be changed in game.ini config file + * MapEditor: fixed zoom to keep the mouse position on map static + * SwingGUI: testing tab, show player for online games + * Can create private games online with a password to enter + * Can view cards and missions even when it is not your turn + * Filter online game maps by Michiel Pater + * Do not show dice statistics for turns when the player rolled no dice + * French text update by Adrien Laugueux + * Can Flag 🚩 a game as inappropriate with right click menu option + * MapEditor: checks for overlapping circles + * MapEditor: warning on no cards in map + double-conversion +- Use proper cmake calls +- Do not pull in py2 that is EOL but use python3 for build + +- Update to version 3.1.5 jsc#ECO-1190, jsc#SLE-11474 + * Fix `0x` for string->double conversion when Hex Floats are allowed. + Avoid integer overflow when exponents for hex floats were too big. + Update version number. + * Fixed warning in gcc4.9. + * Merged changes to install libraries in the correct place when + using 64-bit libraries. + * Use relative includes in the library. This shouldn't have any visible effect + for consumers of the library. + * Fix typo in test. + * Fix separator characters when they they don't fit into 8 bits. + * Check correctly for _MSC_VER. + * Allow the library to be compiled for Emscripten. + +- Update to version 3.0.3 + * Support RISC-V + * Bug fixes +- Switch to cmake +- Use %license + +- Fix RPM groups. + Slightly trim/compact descriptions. + +- Add baselibs.conf: Build 32-bit support (boo#1002561). + +- Update project and download urls +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + +- Initial package, version 2.0.1 + dpic +- update to 2020.06.01: + * SVG text adjustments; GCC-10 conformance. + * Commas protected by brackets; zero-repetition "for" loop bugfix + under bison. + * Fix of environment variable scope, arc attribute; improved error + messages; generalized macro definition. + * Corrected typos, copyright notices, version number, string treatment. + * Bugfix for buffer overflow with extreme arguments of wfloat(). + * This is a major clone of the previous distribution, which + contained compilable C code together with the original pascal + source. The pascal was translated to C code using p2c, + which was included, and parsing was automated by a custom + compiler-compiler which was also provided. The current + package includes C source only with parsing automated using + GNU bison. The original lexical analyser has been kept. To + avoid introducing bugs, the C code has been changed only to + accommodate bison; some p2c idiosyncrasies remain. The result + is functionally identical to the previous version for correct + input. + -- separate dpic-doc package -- using %optflags for build - dracut +- Update to version 055+suse.183.g7d569585: + * fix(dracut.spec): update usrmerged mkinitrd dir + * fix(url-lib): improve ca-bundle detection (bsc#1175892) + +- Update to version 055+suse.179.g3cf989c2: + * fix(cpio): write zeros instead of seek for padding and alignment + * fix( check kernel zstd support early + * fix( check availability of configured compression + * fix( inform user about auto-selected compression method + * fix( drop pointless check for module compression method + * chore(suse): add dracut-cpio archiver + * ci(TEST-63-DRACUT-CPIO): kernel extraction tests for dracut-cpio + * feat( add "--enhanced-cpio" option for calling dracut-cpio + * feat(Makefile): cargo wrapper for dracut-cpio build + * feat(cpio): add newc archive creation utility + * feat(cpio): add rust argument parsing library from crosvm + * ci(TEST-62-SKIPCPIO): add simple skipcpio test + * ci(test): export basedir and testdir as absolute paths + * ci(TEST-60-BONDBRIDGEVLANIFCFG): use toplevel Makefile + * fix(dracut.spec): check for non-usrmerged environments + * fix(zfcp_rules): add quotes around rule installation argument + * fix(zipl): correct argument for uuid to device conversion + * fix(fips): missing value of _vmname variable (bsc#1193267) + * chore(suse): add fido2 module + * feat(crypt): check if fido2 module is needed in hostonly mode + * feat(fido2): introducing the fido2 module + * feat(crypt): check if tpm2-tss module is needed in hostonly mode + * fix( get block device driver if in a virtual subsystem + * fix(mdraid): allow UUID comparison for more than one UUID (bsc#1192665) + drc +- Update to version 3.2.3 +- Drop lsconv-fix-invalid-fread-usage.diff (fixed upstream) + driverctl +- update to 0.111 + * completion fixes + * improve help texts + +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485) + drpm +- update to 0.5.0: + * fix a memory leak on invalid input + * Hide the internal library symbols + +- skip valgrind checking on aarch64 (bsc#1182493) + dt +- Update SPEC file, added working upstream URL + * Use OBS services for source generation +- Update to 23.28 + * Add support for forcing FALSE data corruptiong for debugging + * When creating log directories in setup_log_directory(), + create the last subdirectory (as required). For user specified + log directory, expand format control strings prior to creating + the directory (logdir= option). + * Create master log creation function for use by other tool parsers + * Add support for comma separated workload[s]= option + * When "trigger=" is specified, no parameters, then remove triggers. + * Add array=string option, esp. for external trigger scripts. + * Add --trigger= and --workload= parsing for I/O behavior options. + * Add support for starting slice offset. + * Add options for date and time field separator used when + formatting the log prefix format strings (e.g. "%ymd", "%hms") + * Apply special step option handling to both disks and files, + by setting up and ending offset so I/O loops break reaching + this offset. + * Add flag for output position, so zero offset is handled properly. + * Add "showvflags=hex" option to show block tag verify flags set + * When selecting 100% reads (readp=100), switch output file to + input file. + * Remove a file position sanity check no longer valid with + updates made in FindCapacity() with new logic associated + with the file position option. + * For Unix systems, increase the open file resource limit, + now that low limits are imposed on newer Linux distros, + to avoid false failures! + * Added "showfslba" and "showfsmap" commands to show the file + system map, for the file specified, assuming we can acquire FS + extents to map physical LBAs. + * When re-enabling stats via "enable=stats", ensure all the stat + flags reset when disabled, get enabled once again, esp. since + these are sticky. + * Add a retry data corruption limit option (retryDC_limit=value). + * The normal retry limit is used for retrying errors (60 by default). + * Added separate retry data corruption delay option (retryDC_delay). + * Change the default dispose mode setting to keep on error. + * Change the delete error log file default to be true. + * Add logdir= option to prepend to job/log file paths. + * Add support for capacity percentage for thin provisioned LUNs, + to help avoid exceeding backend storage for over-provisioned + volumes + * Add support for appending a default file name to a directory. + * Fix bug introduced with mounted files system check in copy mode. + * For Linux file systems with direct I/O, get the disk block size. + * This disk block size is required for later sanity checks for + direct I/O. + * Add mounted file system check when writing to /dev/ disk devices +- Dropped obsoleted dt-default-source-define.patch and + dt-wformat-security.patch + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + dtb-aarch64 +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + dtv-scan-tables +- Update to version 20210430: + * update Brazilian scan files + * Remove legacy entries + * Add new satellites from Lyngsat + * Rename a few satellites with two names and update frequencies + * Update frequencies from Lyngsat + +- Update to version 20200902: + * dtv-scan-tables: DVB-C for the City of Munich, Germany, operated by Vodafone + +- Update to version 20200830: + * dtv-scan-tables: Full UK update + * dtv-scan-tables: add table for Slovenia + * dtv-scan-tables: frequency updates for Finland + * Add atsc/kr-Cable-8VSB + * dtv-scan-tables: add Dorfnetz for Liechtenstein + * Update dvb-t scan files for Ireland (ie-*) + +- Update to version 20200311: + * Add a table for DVB-C in Dresden (Vodafone) + * Add scan table for DVB-T2 channels in Perm (Russia) + * isdb-t: update tables + * dvb-s: update all tables from LyngSat + * ke-Nairobi: fix delivery system for two DVB-T2 channels + * Makefile: fix dvbv3/dvbv5 output + * Improve Makefile to avoid "Argument list too long" error + * UPC Czech Republic: added mux 538 MHz with 256 QAM + * UPC Czech Republic: added more muxes and change QAM/256 on 626 MHz + * Update Astra-19.2E +- Switch _service to obs_scm + +- Update to version 20180927: + * Complete UK update Includes some retunes, additional HD mux and Local mux. + * all current German DVB-T2 muxes (#47) + * Update pl-Rzeszow + +- Update to version 20180510: + * dtv-scan-tables: dvb-t/es-Zaragoza + * Remove Anik F1 107.3W + * Synchronize orbital position naming in filenames + * Drop Agila 2 146.0E + * Update Amazonas 3 61.0W + * Rename ABS1 to ABS2 + * Rename Atlantic Bird 3 to Eutelsat5 + * Remove Atlantic Bird 1 + * dtv-scan-tables - dvb-s - update and rename the config file for Atlantic-Bird-3-5.0W - Ku Band + * Add another initial transponder for Ziggo/Netherlands. Ziggo and UPC had merged, but the initial UPC transponder is still the correct one for former UPC customers. See also + * Create es-Huelva + * Create at-CNI file + * Update fr-All + -- add BuildRoot: to allow build on SLES11 - -- update to 20130412 - * updated scan files - * added license files (drop our copy) - duktape +- Update to 2.6.0: + * Various fixes and portability improvements. + +- Update to 2.5.0: + * CBOR support, minor fixes and improvements +- spec file changes + * change http to https in URLs + * use RPM macros + +- Update to 2.4.0: + * Minor fixes and improvements + +- Update to 2.3.0: + * ES2015 improvements + dumpvdl2 +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * Fixed wrong ZeroMQ version check, which incorrectly declared + ZMQ version 4.0.x as too old. + +- Update to version 2.1.0 + * Added full JSON formatting for all protocols and message types. + This is supported on all output types - file, udp and zmq. + Together with multiple outputs feature that was introduced in + version 2.0.0 this enables arbitrarily flexible arrangements, + like logging to a file as text, logging to another file as JSON + and sending JSON across the network using UDP and/or ZMQ. When + collecting data from multiple receivers, --station-id option + may be used to assign unique names to receivers in order to + discriminate input from each one. + * Removed a few duplicate routines that have their counterparts + in libacars. + +- Update to versino 2.0.1 + * Fixed build failure with gcc version 10. + +- Update to version 2.0.0 + * Major overhaul of the output subsystem. The new architecture + is modular, multithreaded and can easily be extended with new + output drivers. It also allows using multiple outputs + simultaneously. + * New output configuration scheme. --output-file --daily, + - -hourly and --output-acars-pp options have been removed. + All outputs are now configured using --output option. + Adjusting command line parameters is therefore required to run + the program. Run dumpvdl2 --output help for instructions or + see "Output configuration" section in for details + and examples. + * Support for streaming messages over network using UDP/IP. + * Support for streaming messages over network using ZeroMQ + publisher sockets. Requires libzmq library. + * Support for storing AVLC frames as raw data (without decoding) + in binary files for archiving purposes. File contents can + then be decoded anytime later, as if the frames were just + * received from the air. Requires protobuf-c library. + * Minor bugfixes. + +- Update to version 1.10.1 + * Added support for SDRPlay API version 3 which is required for + new devices (notably RSPdx). API version 2 is still supported, + however it will probably be removed in a future release. It is + possible to have both versions installed simultaneously and to + choose which one to use at runtime. See for details. + * Added --milliseconds option which enables printing timestamps + in message headers up to a millisecond precision. Note that the + arrival timestamp is stored per VDL2 burst, not per VDL2 + message. Since a VDL2 burst may contains more than one VDL2 + message, all messages extracted from a single burst will still + have exactly the same timestamp value, regardless of whether + millisecond precision has been enabled or not. + +- Update to version 1.9.0 + * Added decoder for ISO 8650 / X.227 Association Control Service + (ACSE). + * Improved decoder for ISO 8327 / X.225 Session Protocol. + * Restructured code of ATN applications decoder. The previous + implementation was a little messy and was unable to handle a + few uncommon types of messages (like ACSE Abort PDU with no + payload). This should bring the number of undecoded ATN + messages down to zero. + * Enable debugging output from SDRPlay driver only if + - -debug sdr option is used. + * Fix formatting of geo coordinates in ADS-C v2 messages. + +- Update to version 1.8.2 + * Fix another crash opportunity due to missing sanity check on + unparseable ACARS messages. + * Fix ACARS output to Planeplotter. Only first three characters + of Message Serial Number (MSN) field were sent instead of all + four. + +- Update to version 1.8.1 + * Fix a bug where an unparseable ACARS message could cause the + program to crash. + +- Update to version 1.8.0 + * Support for ATN-B2 Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract + (ADS-C) version 2. + * Support for automatic reassembly of multiblock ACARS messages, + MIAM file transfers and fragmented X.25 packets. Contents of + reassembled messages is now logged in one piece and passed + upwards to decoders of higher layer protocols / applications. + Thanks to this, many large messages which so far were decoded + partially and logged with "Unparseable ... PDU" errors due to + fragmentation, are now decoded correctly. + * StatsD metrics for monitoring reassembly engine performance + have been added. + * Logged messages may be enriched with ground stations details + read from a text file in MultiPSK GS format. Look up --gs-file + and --addrinfo options in and dumpvdl2 usage text for + more details. + * Logged messages may be enriched with aircraft details read from + a Basestation SQLite database. SQLite3 library must be installed + prior to compiling dumpvdl2 in order for this feature to be + enabled. Look up --bs-db and --addrinfo options in and + dumpvdl2 usage text for more details. Database entries are + cached in memory. There are new StatsD metrics for monitoring + performance and utilization of the cache. + * New --prettify-xml option enables pretty-printing of XML + documents carried in ACARS and MIAM CORE messages. The purpose + is to improve readability. If enabled, XML content will be + printed as multiline text with proper indentation. This + requires libacars built with libxml2 support. + * ACARS sublabel and MFI fields are now stripped from message text + and logged as separate fields (if present). + * When compiled with debugging support, dumpvdl2 now has a new + - -debug command line option allowing configurable verbosity of + debug messages. No debug output is produced by default. + * Added extras subdirectory to the source tree. Additional content + related to dumpvdl2 will be stored here. Currently bundled + extras are: multitail color scheme for dumpvdl2 log files and + vdl2grep script for grepping dumpvdl2 log files. + * Bug fixes, code cleanups. + dunst +- Do not hardcode web browser + + dunst-xdg-open-can-open-URLs-don-t-rely-on-specific-hardco.patch + +- update to 1.6.1 +- refresh makefile.patch + * Added + - Wayland support. Dunst now runs natively on wayland. This fixes several bugs with dunst on wayland and allows idle detection. (#781) + - A progress bar, useful for showing volume or brightness in notifications (#775) + - A script in contrib for using the progress bar (#791) + - dunstctl count for showing the number of notifications (#793) + - Expose environment variables info about the notification to scripts (#802) + - text_icon_padding for adding padding between the notification icon and text (#810) + * Changed + - Dunst now installs a system-wide config in /etc/dunst/dunstrc (#798) + - Move part of the man page to dunst(5) (#799) + * Fixed + - Incorrect version in Makefile + - history_ignore flag broken when using multiple rules (#747) + - Divide by zero in radius calculation (#750) + - Monitor setting overriding follow_mode (#755) + - Incorrect monitor usage when using multiple X11 screens (#762) + - Emit signal when paused property changes (#766) + - dunstify can pass empty appname to libnotify (#768) + - Incorrect handling of 'do_action, close' mouse action (#778) + * Removed + - DUNST_COMMAND_{PAUSE,RESUME,TOGGLE} (#830)- + +- update to 1.5.0 +- refresh makefile.patch + * min_icon_size option to automatically scale up icons to a desired value + * vertical_alignment option to control the text/icon alignment within the notification + * Ability to configure multiple actions for each mouse event + * dunstctl command line control client + * RGBA support for all color strings + * Ability to run multiple scripts for each notification + * ignore_dbusclose setting + * dunstify notification client is now installed by default + * Keyboard follow mode falls back to the monitor with the mouse if no window has keyboard focus + * Overflow when setting a >=40 minute timeout + * Unset configuration options not falling back to default values + * Crash when $HOME environment variable is unset + * Lack of antialiasing with round corners enabled + +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * max_icon_size not working with dynamic width + * Failure to parse color strings with trailing comments in the config + * Negative width in geometry being ignored + * Incorrect handling of the argument terminator -- in dunstify + * Crash when changing DPI while no notifications are displayed + * Fullscreen status change not being detected in some cases + +- Update to version 1.4.0 + * Added + - Add support to override `frame_color` via rules (#498) + - Support for round corners (#420) + - Ability to reference `$HOME` in icon paths with `~/` (#520) + - Support to customize the mouse bindings (#530) + - Command to toggle pause status (#535) + - Ability to automatically replace similar notifications (like volume changes) + via `stack_tag` (#552) + - Comparison of raw icons for duplicate notifications (#571) + - Introduce new desktop-entry filter (#470) + - `fullscreen` rule to hide notifications when a fullscreen window is active (#472) + - Added `skip_display` rule option to skip initial notification display, and + include the notification in the history. (#590) + * Fixed + - Notification age not counting the time while the computer was suspended (#492) + - Dunst losing always-on-top status on a window manager restart (#160) + - Xpm icons not being recognized + - When new notifications arrive, but display is full, important notifications don't + have to wait for a timeout in a displayed notification (#541) + - Dunst hanging while the context menu is open (#456) + - Having & inside a notification breaking markup (#546) + - `<I> more` notifications don't occupy space anymore, if there is only a single + notification waiting to get displayed. The notification gets displayed directly (#467) + - Segfault when comparing icon name with a notification with a raw icon (#536) + - Icon size can no longer be larger than the notification when a fixed width is specified (#540) + * Changed + - Transient notifications no longer skip history by default (#508) + - The notification summary no longer accepts markup (#497) + * Removed + - Dependency on libxdg-basedir (#550) +- Update makefile.patch to be compatible with latest version +- Build and install dunstify binary, command which is completely compatible to notify-send + and can be used alongside it, but offers more features. + -- created initial package (1.0.0) - duply +- update to 2.2.2: + - bugfix 120: Failures in "Autoset trust of key" during restore + because of gpg2.2 fingerprint output change + - featreq 46: Example systemd units & Howto, courtesy of Jozef Riha + - featreq 47: Clarify message about keeping the profile, also by Jozef Riha + - fix abbreviation spelling of 'e.g.' + +- Fix source download URL. + +- Updated to version 2.2: + + Implement grouping for batch commands new separators are [] + (square brackets) or groupIn/groupOut command 'backup' + translates now to [pre_bkp_post] to be skipped as one block in + case a condition was set in the batch instruction. +- Changes from version 2.1: + + Be more verbose when duplicity version detection fails. + + Using info shows python binary's path for easier + identification now. + + Reworked python interpreter handling, it's either configured + per PYTHON var unconfigured, parsed from duplicity shebang or + set to current duplicity default 'python2' (was 'python' until + now). + + Donot quotewrap strings because of slashes (eg. paths) anymore. + + Bugfix: improved in/exclude stripping from conf DUPL_PARAMS. +- Remove obsolete Groups tag (fate#326485). + -- Updated to version 1.5.10: - + Bugfix: exclude filter failed on ubuntu, mawk w/o posix char - class support. - + Bugfix: fix url_decoding generally and for python3. - + Bugfix 3609075: wrong script results in status line - (thx David Epping). - -- Updated to 1.5.9: - + Bugfix 3588926: filter --exclude* params for restore/fetch ate - too much. - + Restore/fetch now also ignores --include* or --exclude='foobar' -- Updates from 1.5.8: - + Bugfix 3575487: implement proper cloud files support. - -- Update to version 1.5.7: - + Bugfix 3531450: Cannot use space in target URL (file:///) - anymore. -- Updates from 1.5.6: - + Commands purge, purge-full have no default value anymore for - security reasons; instead max value can be given via cmd line - or must be set in profile; else an error is shown. - + Minor man page modifications -- Updates from - + Bugfix 3479605: SEL context confused profile folder's - permission check. - + Colon ':' in url passphrase got ignored, added python driven - url_decoding for user & pass to better process special chars. - dustrac +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * Add Turkish translations + * Fix: Spelling Mistake in Track Editor + * Drop the configure wrapper script + +- Update to version 2.1.0 +- Drop 0001-Include-stdexcept-for-std-runtime_error.patch + +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Include-stdexcept-for-std-runtime_error.patch + dvbcut +- Update to version 0.7.3 + * Be able to build with Qt5 utils with -qt5 postfix. + * Fix issue with reencoded frames appear with 50 FPS. + * Switch copyright-format URL from http to https. + * Bump standards version from 3.9.8 to 4.1.4. + * Bump debhelper version from 10 to 11. + * Remove trailing whitespace from debian files. +- Dropped dvbcut-qt5_utils.patch (merged upstream) +- Refreshed dvbcut-appicon.patch + dvbsnoop +- Fixed URL + dvbstream +- Fixes SPEC file: Replaced broken URL with latest upstream + -- use BuildRoot - dvdisaster +- Fix Factory build with gcc10 and add Debian patches: + 29-fix-more-typos.patch, 23-add-bdrom-support.patch, + 34-gcc8-format-security.patch, 02-encryption.patch, + 17-fix-all-but-deprecated-api-warnings.patch, + 10-use-non-size-specific-icon-and-add-keywords-to-desktop-file.patch + 25-fix-man-pages.patch, 14-make-builds-reproducible.patch, + 11-no-cruft.patch, 18-update-copyright-in-about-dialog.patch, + 30-hurd-kfreebsd-ftbfs.patch, 22-fix-hurd-i386-ftbfs.patch, + 03-dvdrom.patch, 37-suggest-dvdisaster-doc.patch, + 13-fix-missing-language-field-in-po-files.patch, + 32-display-compilation-commands.patch, + 28-pdftex-reproducibility.patch, 05-help-dialog.patch, + 27-allow-opening-in-browser-again.patch and + 24-show-gpl3-license.patch +- Created dvdisaster-no-tex.patch to pevent building of existing + pdf manual. + dxflib +- Add pkgconfig support + +- Update to release 3.26.4 + * fix LWPOLYLINE without Z values + * fix DL_POLYLINE3D flag definition + * add dimscale support for leaders + * add support for flipped dimension arrows to dxflib + * check vertexIndex which might be -1 for broken DXF + [boo#1190345, CVE-2021-21897] + dzen2 +- updated url of project + +- generate tar.gz only on buildtime and obscpio locally + +- another fix in _service file + +- fixed error in _service file (obs_scm had localonly parameter) + +- changed service to use obs_scm instead of tar_scm +- compiled dzen2 gadgets request by + + e16 +- Update to 1.0.23 + * Add option to allow only the primary mouse button to raise windows + * Use poll() for event handling by default + * Allow users to override fonts via ~/.e16/fonts/ + * bindings: Add 'W' as alias for modifier 4 + * Enable sounds in combined configuration dialog + * Optionally play sounds using audio player + * Avoid potential crash when attempting to enable sound + * Add alsa-lib sound backend + * Various bugfixes + * Add sndio sound back end for OpenBSD + * Menu generation speedups + * Translation updates: fr +- Refreshed fix-compile-gtk.patch +- Run spec cleaner + eaglemode +- update to 0.95 + * Added some interpolation algorithms for the zooming into photos, videos, + * icons and other images. Now the user can choose (in the preferences) from: + * Area Sampling, Bilinear, Bicubic, Lanczos, and Adaptive. + * Accelerated graphics display by making use of the AVX2 CPU extension. + * Extended the graphics API by a texture class which allows more flexible + * filling of figures with colors and images. + * Ported the audio/video player to Windows, based on the VLC library. + * Switched from Xine to VLC also for other OSes because some tests showed + that VLC is more crash-resistant against randomly corrupted files and + thereby most likely more secure. + * Completely removed support for outdated archive file formats to improve + security and simplify maintenance: Goodbye to arc, arj, lha, rar, and zoo. + Minor fixes and improvements. + +- Trim marketing from description. + +- Build version 0.94.1 + Changes: + - Version 0.94.1 + * Improved video performance on multi-core CPUs a little. + * Prohibited starting up after failure in creating initial bookmarks. + * Reviewed and improved various details concerning protection against unwanted file system changes. + * Colorized file manager command execution messages on Windows 10. + - Version 0.94.0 + * Extended the internal font, mainly by Cyrillic and Greek characters. + * Improved character code page support. + * Added Clang support (compile command: perl build compiler=clang). + * Minor fixes. + - Version 0.93.2 + * Ported PDF, SVG, and PS viewers to Windows. + * Minor fixes. + - Version 0.93.1 + * Adapted minimally to new OS versions. + * Ported time zones feature to Windows. +- Cleaned Requires: *-devel up. As they are not needed most of them + are auto detected + +- require p7zip-full for TW as 7z binary needed by eaglemode was + moved to this package (see bsc#899627 for more details about + this change) + -- Force use of %{optflags} -- Fix file list - easy-rsa +- update to 3.0.8 (2020-09-09) + * Provide --version option (#372) + * Version information now within generated certificates like on *nix + * Fixed issue where gen-dh overwrote existing files without warning (#373) + * Fixed issue with ED/EC certificates were still signed by RSA (#374) + * Added support for export-p8 (#339) + * Clarified error message (#384) + * 2->3 upgrade now errors and prints message when vars isn't found (#377) + * Update OpenSSL Windows binaries to 1.1.1g + * Reverted OpenSSL back to 1.1.0j + easytag +- Remove empty post and postun + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + eatmydata +- Modernise spec file + ebook-tools +- use cmake build macros + spec-cleaner + edgar +- Update to version 1.34 + * Fixed issue with dialog box text sometimes not appearing on + certain platforms. + * Fixed a crash when exiting the game on certain platforms. + * Music now plays when loading a save from within the game. + * Joysticks are now detected whilst the game is running, as + opposed to being needed to be connected before startup. + * Fixed a rare crash when loading a game. + * Fixed a rare crash when drawing entities. + edict +- Update to snapshot 20210529 + * Approximately 600 entries were updated. + +- Update to snapshot 20210429 + * No changelog recorded. + +- Update to snapshot 20201102 + * No changelog recorded. + +- Update to snapshot 20200825 + * No changelog recorded. + -- Remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) - -- update to latest versions. Updated dictionaries are - edict, enamdict, kanjdic, kanjd212, and compdic. - eekboard +- Add port-to-python3.patch: + * Ports to Python 3. +- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on python and python-devel + +- fix libexecdir + efibootmgr +- Update to v17: [jsc#SLE-22542] + * use efivar's logging facility more (more info in -v2 , -v3, etc) + * Various bug fixes + * Better -e parsing + * fix pkg-config invocation for ldflags + * Make efibootmgr use EFIDIR / efibootmgr.efidir like fwupdate does + * make --loader default build-time configurable + * sanitize set_mirror()/get_mirror() + * Add support for parsing loader options as UCS2 + * GCC 7 fixes + * Don't use -fshort-wchar since we don't run on EFI machines. +- Drop 0001-Don-t-use-fshort-wchar-when-building-63.patch (upstreamed) +- Drop 0002-Remove-extra-const-keywords-gcc-7-gripes-about.patch + (upstreamed) +- Drop 0003-Add-support-for-parsing-optional-data-as-ucs2.patch + (upstreamed) +- Drop MARM-sanitize-set_mirror.diff (upstreamed) +- Drop efibootmgr-derhat.diff (upstreamed) +- Rebase efibootmgr-delete-multiple.diff + -- Update to 14 plus upstream fixes. (fate#322108) +- Update to 14 plus upstream fixes. [fate#322108] -- Build on all archs. There is no reason not to. (boo#1025520) +- Build on all archs. There is no reason not to. [boo#1025520] efl +- Fix typo in description + elinks +- Update to 20190723 snapshot of version 0.13: + * no changes +- Use pre-version tag, as the current snapshot is a pre-release. +- Remove volatile URL from Source0. +- Compile without strict aliasing to prevent breakage with new gcc. + +- Update to version 0.13 + * parse_header: document parameters and return value + * doxygen: Fix link to bookmark::url + * use draw_text for titles + * iconv: Bail out of the loop when an illegal sequence of bytes + occur + * Add support for the CSS list-style-type property + * use PKG_CONFIG + * Fixed problem of converting more than 256 chars + * mem_free_if where aplicable + * ssl: Make RAND_egd optional + * Better handling of content-disposition + * Compilation fix for OpenSSL-1.1 + * display lua hooks errors + * brotli code updated + * Use blacklist to skip verification of certificates + * various code cleanup + * -VERS-SSL3.0 in gnutls to avoid SSL error. + * 1024: Verify server certificate hostname with OpenSSL (bsc#1082814) +- Removed unneeded patches: + * elinks-0.12_pre5-compilation-fix.patch + * use_lua-5.1.patch + * build.with-openssl-1_1.patch +- Renamed patch: + * build-with-ruby-1.9.patch -> build-with-new-ruby.patch + -- prepare for Contrib (disabled lua and js functionality for now) - -- update to 0.12pre1 - ell +- update to release 0.46 + * Fix issue with DHCP server when OPTION_ROUTER is not configured. + * Fix issue with DHCP obtained lease to retrieve it properly. + +-update to release 0.45 + * Fix issue with ICMPv6 and handling re-entrantly callbacks. + +- update to release 0.44 + * Fix issue with allowing zero byte input for AEAD cipher. + * Fix issue with filling in DNS info in DHCP lease objects. + * Add support neighbor discovery utility helpers. + +- Update to release 0.43 + * Add support for DHCP Rapid Commit feature. + * Add support for DHCP authorative mode feature. + +- Update to release 0.42 + * Add support for constant time security functions. + * Add support for manipulating DHCP leases. + +- Update to release 0.41 + * Fix issue with endianness of DHCP packets. + * Fix issue with lease handling of the DHCP server. + +- update to 0.40: + * Fix issue with handling failure from missing CA certificates. + * Fix issue with handling DBus.Introspectable queries. + +- update to 0.39: + * Add support for serialized test execution framework + +- Update to release 0.38 : + * Fix issue with DHCP v6 Rapid Commit option check. + * Fix issue with handling RFC8018/RFC1423 padding. + * Fix issue with D-Bus filter messages with no interfaces set. + * Add support for PKCS#12 certification loading. + +- Update to release 0.36 + * Fix issue with strict netlink attribute validation. + * Fix issue with DUID generation for DHCPv6. + * Add support for Address Conflict Detection. + * Add support for PKCS#12 algorithms handling. + * Add support for PKCS#12 key derivation algorithm. + * Add support for RC2 and ARC4 cipher suites. + +- Update to release 0.35 + * Add support for DHCP v6 Rapid Commit. + * Add support for ICMP v6 implementation. + * Add support for PKCS#1 formatted private keys. + +- Update to release 0.33 + * Fixed an issue with overflow in DHCP lease T2 computation. + * Added support for DHCPv6 client implementation. + * Removed support for ARC4 and RC4 cipher suites. + +- Update to release 0.32 + * dbus: call destroy function in l_dbus_remove_watch + +- ver 0.31: + * Fix issue with verification of the second certificate in chain. + * Fix issue with handling trusted CA matching in verification. + +- ver 0.30: + * Fix issue with missing export of RTNL helper functions. +- ver 0.29: + * Fix issue with time overflow on 32-bit systems. + * Add support for RTNL helper functionality. + +- ver 0.28: + * Fix issue with NULL check of D-Bus proxy for method calls. + * Add support for emitting D-Bus property changes on demand. + * Add support for reporting file attribute changes. + +- ver 0.27: + * Fix issue with data overflow and multiple PEMs. + * Fix issue with handling DHCP lease expiration. + +- Update to version 0.26: + * Fix issue with memory leak and TLS certificates. + * Fix issue with buffer size and TLS PRF handling. + * Add support for D-Bus non-root ObjectManager. +- Changes from version 0.25: + * Fix issue with stopping DHCP client and owner notification. + * Fix issue with time calculation overflow and DHCP. +- Changes from version 0.24: + * Add support for extended groups in settings files. + +- ver 0.23: + * Add support for checking if uintset is empty. +- ver 0.22: + * Fix issue with DHCP and T1 timeout handling. + * Fix issue with escape characters in peer identity string. + * Add support for setting peer certificate's subject CN mask. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.21 + * Fix issue with resetting DHCP lease on client stop. + * Add support for GPIO helper functionality. + +- ver 0.20: + * Fix issue with DHCP client and handling renewing state. + * Fix issue with DHCP client and handling rebinding state. + * Fix issue with DHCP client and recommended retry timeouts. + * Fix issue with Generic Netlink and family discovery. +- ver 0.19: + * Fix issue with termination of Generic Netlink names. + * Fix issue with handling ECC scalar initialization. + +- Update to version 0.18: + * Fix an issue with handling revocation of keys. + * Add support for the TLS Signature Algorithms extension. + * Add support for the TLS version range configuration. + * Add support for time utility functions. +- Remove unsigned-char.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.17 + * Added support for TLS Supported Groups extension, TLS Hello + extension feature, and for ECC and ECDH functionality. + +- unsigned-char.patch: don't depend on signedness of char + +- Update to new upstream release 0.16 + * Add support for watchdog notification handling from systemd. + * Add support for generic X.509 certificate utilities. + * Add support for using AEAD ciphers for TLS. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.15 + * Fix an issue with signals not being registered properly. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.14 + * Fix issue with TLS failure handling. + * Fix issue with loading empty settings file. + * Fix issue with generic netlink message sizes. + * Add support for filesystem watch functionality. + * Fix issue with missing filesystem watch notifications. + * Fix issue with buffer overrun and PBKDF2 support. + * Add support for string argument parsing. + * Fix issue with D-Bus subpath comparisons in object tree walk. + * Fix issue with D-Bus InterfacesAdded on new ObjectManager + addition. + * Fix issue with verifying total length of certificates. + * Fix issue with loading v2 and v3 formatted hwdb.bin files. + * Fix issue with handling EPOLLHUP and EPOLLERR in IO watch. + * Fix issue with closing of the fd inside IO watch handlers. + * Fix issue with initialization of struct keyctl_dh_params. + * Fix issue with unexported public API symbols. + * Fix issue with handling netlink error return values. + * Fix issue with handling hashmap removing of last entry. + * Fix issue with handling zero-length secret for PRF. + * Add support for directory watch interface. + * Fix issue with return value of l_getrandom_is_supported. + * Fix issue with supporting l_genl_family_set_unicast_handler. + * Fix issue with utilizing single shared signalfd file descriptor. + +- update to version 0.5 (released 2018-05-05) +- ell >= 0.3 is required for new bluez versions +- ver 0.5: + - Fix issue with missing exported debug symbols. + - Add support for DHCP client library. +- ver 0.4: + - Fix issue with propagate AEAD cipher failures. + - Fix issue with AAD length and AEAD result reads. +- ver 0.3: + - Fix issue with IO handling and re-entrancy. + - Add support for D-Bus client proxy interface. +- ver 0.2: + - Add support for mainloop integration functions. + - Add support for PKCS#5 key derivation functions. + - Add support for additional checksum and cipher types. +- ver 0.1: + - Initial public release. + emacs-auctex +- Update to 12.3 + * Support for 'PSTricks' is now PDF-oriented. AUCTeX no longer turns + off PDF mode for 'PSTricks' documents even without 'pst-pdf'. It + now sets up 'TeX-PDF-from-DVI' option so that PDF output is + generated when 'TeX-PDF-mode' is enabled (default). Users who want + DVI output should disable PDF mode explicitly by file local + variable, or customize 'TeX-PDF-mode' to 'nil'. + * The function 'font-latex-update-font-lock' has been obsoleted in + order to fix 'bug#37945'. That function was used by several style + files in order to refresh fontification after adding new symbols or + verbatim constructs. It is better to call 'font-lock-flush' in the + former case and 'font-latex-set-syntactic-keywords' in the latter + case. The function 'font-latex-update-font-lock' still exists as a + no-op which only shows a warning explaining how to update font-lock + as mentioned above. + * Math expression highlighting was improved. Highlighting for + documents with a lot of inline math expressions '$...$' won't get + scrambled now ('bug#33139'). + * AUCTeX tracks changes in LaTeX2e 2020-02-02 release. AUCTeX + supports the improvements to LaTeX font selection mechanism (NFSS). + New macros like '\textsw' or '\textulc' are added to font insertion + keyboard commands. See the section for inserting font specifiers + for details. Further, the entries in the menu LaTeX, Insert Font + are reorganized and adjusted accordingly. + * Insertion of environments in LaTeX documents (i.e. 'C-c C-e') was + improved. The former code had a few bugs, which sometimes resulted + in either spurious empty line or spurious comment prefix, or both, + especially when the region is active. Those bugs are now fixed. + * More bugs fixed, other minor features implemented. + +- Update to 12.2 to avoid obsolete (process-kill-without-query) (boo#1175274) + * AUCTeX reflects the changes in LaTeX2e 2019-10-01 release. + 'filecontents' environment now takes an optional argument and can + be used anywhere in a document. The macros '\Ref' and + '\labelformat' are moved from 'varioref.sty' to LaTeX kernel. + amsmath has a new macro '\overunderset'. + * A new method is implemented in preview-latex to adjust the + foreground colors of generated images to those of Emacs, when the + LaTeX command produces PDF. The traditional method became invalid + because of the change introduced in Ghostscript 9.27. + Unfortunately, the new method doesn't work due to a bug in + Ghostscript 9.27 and is valid only for Ghostscript > 9.27. There + is also a fallback method for gs 9.27 users which displays plain + "black on white" images. For successful function of preview-latex, + the users are encouraged to set up the new user option + 'preview-pdf-color-adjust-method' to choose appropriate option + among the three: new, traditional and fallback method. + * AUCTeX has support for the Flymake package in Emacs 26 or newer. + To enable, call 'M-x flymake-mode RET' or add this to your '.emacs' + file: + (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook #'flymake-mode) + * The way the option 'TeX-record-buffer' is used was corrected. It + was used in just the opposite way as the document says. Erase the + customization if you have customized this option since it now acts + in reverse to your expectation. + * A former customize option 'japanese-TeX-command-list' is removed. + Use 'japanese-TeX-engine-default', or if it's really necessary, + customize 'TeX-command-list' directly if the task which the option + used to carry is required. + * Support for standard LaTeX without e-TeX extension is now very + limited. It doesn't work if raw TeX code is put on the command + line to invoke latex command. It also fails for region compilation + ('C-c C-r' and so on) with documents of non-ascii file name. In + addition, it no longer works with preview-latex. We consider this + incompatibility is permissible because e-TeX extension is enabled + for standard LaTeX by default long ago. LaTeX variants such as + XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX are not affected. + * Key binds in Texinfo mode are improved. Typing '$', '^', '_' and + '\' now just self-inserts without pointless side effects in Texinfo + mode. + In addition, the option 'TeX-electric-escape' is now effective in + Texinfo mode. When it is enabled, typing '@' will invoke + 'TeX-electric-macro' offering completion in similar style with + other TeX modes of AUCTeX. + * Fontification support for 'biblatex' package is improved and + updated to macros provided by package version 3.12. For qualified + lists, at least 2 mandatory arguments are fontified. + * Support for column specifiers 'w' and 'W' provided by 'array' + package is added to 'array.el'. The correct counting of columns + only works when the 'align' parameter is enclosed in braces, e.g., + 'w{l}{3cm}'. The short version 'wl{3cm}' is not supported. + * Entries for 'PDF Tools' are added in + 'TeX-view-program-list-builtin' for Windows and macOS. This viewer + can be configured under these operating systems with an entry like + this in an init file: + (setq TeX-view-program-selection '((output-pdf "PDF Tools"))) + * Several other bugs were fixed, many minor features were added. +- Drop patches which seem now obsolete + * utf8-names-3b1ffcd8.patch + * utf8-names-a8ea1273.patch + * utf8-names-fix-boo1135326.patch +- Correct line number in patch dvips.patch + +- Supplement emacs-auctex if texlive and emacs are installed (boo#1158035) + +- Fix the two last upstream commits by adding patch + utf8-names-fix-boo1135326.patch which is kind of a backport for + bug boo#1135326 + +- Add patches/commits from upstream utf8-names-3b1ffcd8.patch and + utf8-names-a8ea1273.patch to be able handle files names with + UTF-8 characters as well + -- No shared libraries are needed for build, this is a noarch - package. - -- Make it build again as we have now a site-start.d below site-lisp - -- Use latest upstream update of dinbrief.el - -- Update to auctex 11.87 - * Includes the preview fix for ghostscript - * Includes the changes for font-late.elc -- Remove auctex-11.86-font-latex.5.194.patch - -- Add patch auctex-11.86-font-latex.5.194.patch from upstream to - make GNU emacs 24.3 silent about font-late.elc (reported by - Johannes Roth) - endless-sky +- Add GCC 11 build fix: + * 0001-build-fix-compilation-on-gcc11.patch + +- add string-include.patch to fix build + +- Update to 0.9.12: + * Bug fixes, including a bug that caused the game to crash on + startup due to unsupported VSync settings. + * Buying & selling items at maximum depreciation now accounts for + the 7-day grace period. + * Missions will no longer complete if a required passenger isn’t + landed with you. + * Several new star images have been added, as well as additional + jobs for players with many bunks. + * Tweaks to the balance of solar panels and some Coalition + outfits, and to the fleets found in Hai space. +- Update to 0.9.11: + * Rebalancing of human medium warships and transports. + * Additions: + * A new region, the Graveyard, can be found near the Ember Waste. + * New Remnant ships, outfits, and missions. + * A new Wanderer transport. + * The ability to modify the systems wherein a government scans + ships for contraband, and the displayed government name. + * Enabling secondary weapons to consume more than one unit of + ammunition per shot. + * Support for interpolation and character replacement in hails. + * Support for algebraic condition expressions of arbitrary + length. + * Support for disabling specific spaceport news items. +- Fix empty post/postun rpmlint warnings. + +- Respect %optflags, fix debuginfo generation. + +- Update to 0.9.10 + * Fixed a bug where cargo was loaded onto ships with 0 cargo space. + * Fixed a crash when mission NPCs have no system defined. + * Avoiding a situation where the player could get stuck in Remnant space. + * Depreciation now happens slower and includes a "grace period." + * Improved the AI logic for when escorts stop to refuel. + enet +- update to 1.3.17: + * fixes for sender getting too far ahead or receiver that can cause instability with reliable packets + +- update to 1.3.16: + * fix bug in unreliable fragment queuing + * use single output queue for reliable and unreliable packets for saner ordering + * revert experimental throttle changes that were less stable than prior algorithm + +- Update to 1.3.15 + * quicker RTT initialization + * use fractional precision for RTT calculations + * fixes for packet throttle with low RTT variance + * miscellaneous socket bug fixes + +- Rename %soname to %sover to better match its use. +- Remove unnecessary extra pkgconfig require that is already + implicit. +- Trim bias from descriptions. + +- Update to version 1.3.14 + * bug fix for enet_peer_disconnect_later() + * use getaddrinfo and getnameinfo where available + * miscellenous cleanups +- Run spec-cleaner + -- Update to version 1.3.1: - + fixed bug in tracking of reliable data in transit; - + reliable data window size now scales with the throttle; - + fixed bug in fragment length calculation when checksums are - used; -- Spec changes: - + Added pkg-config to Requirements of devel pack (provides .pc); - + Added changes to enable Fedora builds on spec; - + Added %doc macros to files; - + Added spec file openSUSE headers; - + Removed %check macro; - + Minor tweaks. -- Moved file 'libenet.spec.changes' to 'libenet.changes'. - -- Initial package - enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-ice +- 20200529 - efl 1.24 + enlightenment-theme-openSUSE-neon +- 20200529 - efl 1.24 + entangle +- fixed filelists after update to make it build. + +- update to 3.0: + * Ensure picture directory is an absolute path + * Add ability to flip image during preview + * Fix warnings about string length + * Convert appdata file to metainfo and add missing info + * Another attempt to fix build deps on enum headers + * Display remaining shot count & ETA in repeat shooter + plugin + * Remove use of deprecated GObject macros + * Remove use of deprecated GLib APIs + * Ensure glib min version checks at build time + * Convert to use GObject macros for declaring boilerplate + * Bulk reformat code using clang-format rules + * Force a default filename pattern if setting is invalid + * Validate filename pattern when updating preferences + * Rename desktop file and icon file to match application ID + * Add ability to render text mesages over image + * Add a countdown timer for photobox plugin capture + * Disable context menu in image browser when photobox plugin + is active + * Run live view when counting down to capturein photobox + plugin + * Fix crash releasing popup windows + * Add context menu option for opening popup image window + * Drop drag support for opening popup image window + * Display greeting when opening popup image window + * Display greeting when entering photobox plugin + +- update to version 2.0 + * Require gobject introspection >= 1.54 + * Require GTK3 >= 3.22 + * Fix dependency on libraw + * Fix variable name in photobox plugin + * Document some missing keyboard shortcuts + * Fix upper bound in histogram to display clipped pixel + * Refresh translations + * Option to highlight over exposed pixels in red + * Disable noisy compiler warning + * Remove use of deprecated application menu concept + * Fix image redraw when changing some settings + * Update mailing list address in appdaat + * Add more fields to appdata content + * Fix reference counting during window close + * Use correct API for destroying top level windows + * Fix unmounting of cameras with newer gvfs URI naming scheme + * Avoid out of bounds read of property values + * Fix many memory leaks + * Workaround for combo boxes not displaying on Wayland + * Fix race condition in building enums + * Fix setting of gschema directory during startup + * Set env to ensure plugins can find introspection typelib +- entangle-desktop.patch: dropped, included desktop file is ok + -- Updated to 0.3.3 - * Fix deadlock when starting app with glib >= 2.32 - * Remove use of deprecated API calls - * Remove use of deprecated GTK widgets - * Fix debugging with glib >= 2.32 - * Fix creation of session browser widget to avoid warnings - * Refresh translations - * Fix check for glib-compile-schemas binary - -- buildrequire glib2-tools - -- Updated to the current stable release is 0.3.1 - * Fix crash in handling camera control combo lists - * Add notice about need to set XDG_DATA_DIRS when - installing into unusual directories - * Add workaround to avoid immediate crash if schemas - were not found in XDG_DATA_DIRS - * Compile schema files after installation - * Fix crash updating widget sensitivity - * Fix crashes & race conditions during capture of images - * Fix infinite preview error message popups which can - hang the window manager - * Fix crash when retrying a failed connection attempt - * Fix thread locking when hiding status display - * Avoid running multiple threads for monitoring status - * Fix initial sensitivity of camera control panels - * Update README with new URLs for bugs/mailing lists - eog-plugins +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 3.26.7: + + Export to Folder: Menu item is not translated. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.26.6: + + Replace URLs with URLs. + + Replace Bugzilla URLs with URLs. + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.26.5: + + Plugin changes: + - Export to Folder: + . Fix setting target directory. + . Small UI improvements in configuration dialog. + +- Update to version 3.26.4: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.26.3: + + Plugin changes: + - PicasaWeb Uploader. + - Avoid compiler warning with glib 2.58. + + Updated translations. + eolie +- Update to version 0.9.101: + * New settings dialog. + * Fixed flatpak support. +- Remove eolie-0.9.100-fix-crash-on-ctrl-shift-p.patch: Fixed + upstream. + +- Add eolie-0.9.100-fix-crash-on-ctrl-shift-p.patch + (glgo#World/eolie#381). + +- Add missing soft dependency on python3-hawkauthlib: For + authentification to Firefox Sync. + +- Update to version 0.9.100: + * Add an option for a custom Firefox sync server. + * Allow zooming in reading view. + * Notifications support. + * Enable sandboxing. +- Drop soft dependency on git: Not used anymore for ad blocking. +- Replace shebangs which use env interpreter. + epson-inkjet-printer-escpr +- Update to 1.7.15: + * Supported new models. + +- Update to 1.7.8: + * Supported new model: + + Epson-EP-713A_Series + + Epson-EP-813A_Series + * Fixed an issue of filter crash when FIFO I/O was closed. +- Rebased bug_x86_64.patch. + +- Update to 1.7.7: + * Supported new models: + + ET-M2120_Series +- Changes from 1.6.36 to 1.7.6: + * Suppored new models: + + EC-C110_Series + + EP-712A_Series + + EP-812A_Series + + EP-M552T_Series + + ET-2720_Series + + ET-2760_Series + + EW-052A_Series + + L3160_Series + + M2110_Series + + M2120_Series + + PX-S06_Series + + WF-110_Series + + WF-2810_Series + + WF-2830_Series + + WF-2850_Series + + XP-2100_Series + + XP-3100_Series + + XP-4100_Series +- Drop obsolete conditional build requirement for SLE10. + +- Update to 1.6.35: + * Supported new models: + + ET-1100_Series + + ST-2000_Series + +- Update to 1.6.33: + * Supported new models: + + ET-4700_Series + + L1110_Series + + L5190_Series + + L7180_Series + + PX-S170T_Series + + PX-S170UT_Series + +- Update to 1.6.29: + * Supported new models: + + EP-711A_Series + + EP-811A_Series + + ET-M1100_Series + + ET-M1120_Series + + L7160_Series + + M1100_Series + + M1200_Series + +- Update to 1.6.25 (boo#1106416): + * Supported new models: + + ET-2700_Series + + ET-2710_Series + + ET-2750_Series + + EW-M571T_Series + + EW-M770T_Series + + L3100_Series + + L3110_Series + + L3150_Series + + L4150_Series + + L4160_Series + + XP-255_257_Series + + XP-352_355_Series + + XP-452_455_Series + + XP-7100_Series + erfa +- Update to version 2.0.0: + * Based on SOFA 20210512; there are no differences except for + added eraVersion, eraSofaVersion, and leap second functions. + * Three new functions added in SOFA are added to ERFA as well. + * Required to explicitly include erfam.h to use its macros + defining constants, etc. Including just erfa.h (or + erfaextra.h) will no longer includes erfam.h implicitly. + +- Update to version 1.7.3: + * Based on SOFA 20210125_a. + +- Update to version 1.7.2: + * Incorporating big fixes from SOFA version 20210125. + erofs-utils +- Update to release 1.1 + * add a manual for mkfs.erofs + * add superblock checksum support + * add filesystem UUID support + * add exclude files support + +- Update to release 1.0 + * list available compressors for help command + * introduce long parameter option + * introduce shared xattr support + * introduce inline xattr support + * fix old kernel compatibility for non-lz4 compression + * introduce fixed UNIX timestamp + * complete extended inode support + * support 64-bit internal buffer cache + * keep up with in-kernel ondisk format naming + * resize image to the correct size + * complete special file support +- Drop long.patch (merged upstream) + +- Update to release 20190826 + * fix up "-E legacy-compress" + * fix a memory leak of compressmeta + * fail the image creation when source path is not a directory file +- Add long.patch + +- Update to new upstream release 20190803 + * The mkfs utility was rewritten +- Drop no-date.diff (no longer needed) + etherape +- replaced goocanvas-devel by pkgconfig(goocanvas-2.0) to use the right + goocanvas. + +- Update to version 0.9.19. + * Better sizing of connections lines. + * Fix for UI crash by "MandatoryField". + * Fix a crash happening when the capture process wasn't able to set the filter. + * Russian translation and fixes. + +- Update to version 0.9.18: + * EtherApe now is a pure GTK 3 application. +- Changes from version 0.9.17: + * Replaced gnome-canvas with canvas supplied by GooCanvas. + +- Update to version 0.9.17: + * EtherApe now requires Gtk 2.24. + * Fixed a bug making libglade load gnome2 libraries. + * Sometimes node/links windows were freezing. +- Changes from version 0.9.16: + * Require only gnome-canvas, not gnome-ui. + * Migrate from deprecated gnome-doc-utils to yelp-tools. + * Updated translations. +- Following upstream changes: + * Drop scrollkeeper, pkgconfig(gnome-doc-utils) and + pkgconfig(libgnomeui-2.0) BuildRequires. + * Add yelp-tools, pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(popt) and + pkgconfig(libgnomecanvas-2.0) BuildRequires. + * Drop usage of sed to fix doc/C/etherape.xml, file no longer + exists. + * No longer pass --disable-scrollkeeper to configure, not needed. +- Rebase etherape-0.9.12-desktop.patch. +- Add conditional for desktop_database_post(un) post(un) handling, + no longer needed on modern releases of openSUSE. + -- Remove redundant/obsolete tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) - -- removed unnecessary patch - -- updated to 0.9.10 - * IPV6 support, thanks to David Flamand. - * new statistic: average packet size. - * added option --min-delay, to complement --max-delay when - replaying from file. With this option you can replay a capture - in slow-motion. - * tweaked default service file, adding some common ports. - * added check for invalid proto-color mappings (debian bug 566226). - * removed bogus double assignement. Thanks to "johndoe123321". - -- Fix spec file trailing \ to enable building - execstack +- fix package description +- update copyright +- cleanup regarding recommendations from spec-cleaner + exempi +- Add CVE-2018-12648.patch to fix a NULL pointer dereference issue + (CVE-2018-12648, boo#1098946). + +- Extend descriptions. + +- Update to 2.4.5: + * Fix a buffer overflow in the PSD parser. (CVE-2018-7730 bnc#1085295) + * Fix a buffer overflow in the TIFF parser. (CVE-2018-7728 bnc#1085297) + * Fix a buffer overflow in PostScript parser. (CVE-2018-7729 bnc#1085296) + * Fix a null dereference in WEBP parser. (CVE-2018-7731 bnc#1085294) + * Properly initialize pointers in WEBP. + * Fix an infinite loop in RIFF parser. + * Fix an infinite loop in QuickTime parser. + * Fix an infinite loop in ASF parser. + * Adjust minimum version for gcc in documentation. + * Fix a buffer overrun, memcpy() on overlapping regions, use after free in + the exception handling. Fix a fatal assert with corrupt WEBP. + * Fix a crash on a corrupt file. + * Upgrade XMPCore to Adobe XMP CC 2014.12. + * New flag to optimize layout on MPEG4 files. + * GoPro MPEG4 video files support. + * Improved JPEG support. + * iXML support in WAVE files. + * Several bugs and memory leaks fixes. + * Changes from Adobe XMP CC 2013.06. + * Pluggable file handlers (not exposed yet in Exempi) + * Support for Exif 2.3 properties + * New RIFF file handler + * Better Postscript support. + * Lot of bug fixes. + * Now require (partial) C++11 support to compile (gcc 4.4.7 tested) + * WebP format handler (contributed: Frankie Dintino, The Atlantic) + * Several API improvements + * Fix potential crash with corrupt TIFF file. + * Fix header to pass -Wstrict-prototypes + +- use individual libboost-*-devel packages instead of boost-devel + +- Add gpg signature +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 2.2.2: + + Public header cleanup and documentation update. + + Update Doxygen config. + + fdo#73058: Add missing include for MacOS. + + fdo#72810: Fix typo in date test in MP3 handler. + + fdo#83313: Fix crash on invalid Exif (from Samsung). + + Fix valgrind testing for + + Fix delete / delete[] mismatch in ID3_Support.hpp. +- Add baselibs.conf to Source to comply with current rules in + Factory. + +- Update to version 2.2.1: + + fdo#54011: Use POSIX API for files on MacOS. + + fdo#58175: Replace OS X FlatCarbon headers. + + Added a manpage for exempi(1). + + Added the -n option to the command line for arbitrary + namespaces. + +- fix build under qemu + +- Update to version 2.2.0: + + New 'exempi' command line tool. + + Upgrade XMPCore to Adobe XMP 5.1.2 + - Quicktime support now works without Quicktime. + - Reconciliation with ID3v2. + - "Blessed" 64-bits support (we already had it in exempi). + - Slight change in the way XMP are written for MWG compliance. + - Fixed a serious bug with RIFF. + - Change in the way local text encoding is dealt with. + - Alternative languages behave slightly differently by changing + how the default language property is managed. + - Probably a bunch of bugs fixed that I don't know about. + + Update unit tests. + - Refactor the fixtures. + + Use automake silent rules instead of shave. (build only) + + "make dist" generate a bzip2 archive as well. (build only) + + Remove some obsolete warning flags. (build only) + + Build xmpcommandtool + + Several new APIs. + + Bug fixes: fdo#37747. +- Drop exempi-no-shave.patch: shave is not used upstream anymore. +- Drop libtool BuildRequires, autoreconf call and + - -disable-silent-rules that were used because of patch above. +- Create a tools subpackage for new exempi command line tool. +- Change group of libexempi3 from "Development/Libraries/C and C++" + to System/Libraries. +- Use V=1 during the build to get a verbose build. + +- use original tar + exif +- fixed an endiannes issue that broke exif -i option on big endian. + - + - + +- updated to exif 0.6.22: + * New translations: ast, fur, ko, ms, pt_BR, ru, tr + * Updated translations: many! + * Fix a number of compiler and automake warnings + * Fix the --remove option when no tag is specified. + * Escape special XML characters in xml mode. + * Add many continuous integration builds + * Add more regression tests + * Fixup IFD 1 tags when adding or removing a thumbnail. + * Fix the XML tags used in --ids format. + * Fix a memory leak when no arguments are given. + * Enable AM_SILENT_RULES by default. + * Make sure the tag buffer in show_entry_xml is NUL-terminated. + * Eliminated unnecessary remove() calls in jpeg_data_save_file. + * Close files before logging the error. + * Install a SIGPIPE handler to stop generating a signal on pipe failures. + * Fix cross-compilation with pkg-config + * Use GP_CHECK_LIBRARY to look for popt. + * Include strings to translate from libjpeg/jpeg-data.c + * Fixed a double free by initializing data variable to NULL + * Check that JPEGs start with 0xff + -- Fix BuildRequires. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - extractpdfmark +- Build against the poppler-cpp interface. +- Sort file list. + extreme-tuxracer +- update to 0.8.1: + * Autotools build now prefers linking against libOpenGL over libGL + * New translations + * Esperanto + * Dutch + * Romanian + * Updated translations + * French + * Swedish + +- Update 0.8.0 + * small improvements & bug fixes + * Extreme Tux Racer now compiles with clang++ + * Minimum SFML version is now 2.4 + * Autotools based build method can use opengl32 & glu32 + instead of libGL & libGLU + +- Trim filler wording from descriptions. + +- Update to version 0.7.5: + * Fixed a crash when score is not good enough to enter high score + list. + * Extreme Tux Racer comes with AppStream metadata. +- Remove appdata.xml from sources since it is now included in + upstream tarball. +- Clean spec file. +- Create data subpackage. + -- Added missing BuildRequirement libXi-devel libXmu-devel libXt-devel -- Cleaned the spec file up - -- Add explicit glu dependency - ez-ipupdate +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * ez-ipupdate.service + -- fix init script handling -- regenerate autofoo stuff,too old for current tools - f2c +- correct changelog: + Add patch: + * libf2c-20110801-format-security.patch +- get correct release tarball (src.tgz) by running + `osc service localrun download_files` + +- update to version 0.23 + * new patches and libraries and updated specfile according to + Fedora version 20160102 +- removed patches + * removing obsolete patches f2c-integer.diff, f2c-malloccheck.diff + f2c.diff, tmpfile-fix.patch and yyparse.patch and usefull, yet + inconsistent f2c-optflags.patch +- added patches + * patches f2c-20110801.patch to use shared library + and libf2c-20110801.patch to use less memory copied from Fedora + repository + * patch f2c-20180821.patch released to fix optflags parsing + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- fix compilation in beta. f2cs f77 doesn't like -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE. - f3 +- Upgrade to version 8.0: + * f3read: add parameter --max-read-rate + * f3read: report speed, percentage, remaining time like f3write + * f3write: improve speed measurement (commit 791acdc32627...) + * f3probe: handle rare assetion failure (issue #82 ENODATA) + faba-icon-theme +- update to version 4.3 + facedetect +- Trim filler wording from descriptions. + +- rename 8037d4406eb76dd5c106819f72c3562f8b255b5b.patch to python3.patch +- switch source and patch URLs to gitlab +- remove %check as that crashed on OBS, but not locally. +- fix shebang by removing env. + faenza-icon-theme +- Use python3 to perform installation: + + Replace python BuildRequires with python3-base. + + Change syntax of faenza-install to be python3 compatible. + fakeroot +- stat-ver-riscv.patch: fix _STAT_VER on riscv +- reenable testsuite + +- Add upstream changes to fix build with glibc 2.33: + * 0001-glibc-2.33-compatibility-fixes.patch + fastjet +- update to 3.4.0 +- New features: + * addition of support for thread safety. It requires a compiler + * supporting the C++11 standard (or later) and must be explicitly + enabled at configure time. There are two options + - the --enable-limited-thread-safety configure option is generally + sufficient if each thread is processing entirely distinct events. + It should have essentially no speed overhead. + - the --enable-thread-safety configure option is required if you + want to be able to read/copy/process a common set of PseudoJets + across multiple threads. Depending on the system, our tests have + shown speed penalties of up to 10-15%. For further details, see + section 10 of the manual + * The jet area infrastructure has new calls to facilitate + reproducible multi-threaded running: AreaDefinition::with_fixed_seed(seed) + and GhostedAreaSpec::get_last_seed(seed). See section 10.3.1 of the manual. + * The background estimators have a new interface to facilitate + reproducible multi-threaded running: BackgroundEstimatorBase::estimate(...) + returns a BackgroundEstimate object, which contains rho, sigma, etc. For + details on using it, see sections 8 and 10.3.2 of the manual. The + Subtractor class has been updated to use this. + * Improvements to existing features: + * the Python interface now has improved exceptions (a fastjet Error + is translated into a FastJetError python exception) and can be + more easily be used with projects using FastJet that want to + define their own python wrappers. Thanks to Patrick Komiske + for the suggestions. + * PxConePlugin now has an optional mode argument for e+e- running + (mode=1) instead of pp running (mode=2). Thanks to Stefan Kluth + for the suggestion. + * Bug fixes: + * the Fortran interface to e+e- interface now returns jets ordered + in decreasing energy rather than decreasing transverse momentum. + * Changes compared to the fastjet-3.4.0-beta.1 release: + * added set_default_stream_and_mutex to Error and LimitedWarnings + to help guard against garbled output. +- Build with enable-cgal-header-only for openSUSE > Leap 15.2 + (where cgal version is >= 5). + +- Update to version 3.3.4: + * clarifications in documentation for handling of CGAL v5. + * resolved run-time crash with certain strict g++ options and + compilation issue with oracle c++. + * included SISCone v3.0.5 (fixes signed-unsigned mismatch, no + impact on results). +- Summary of changes from v3.3.2 -> v3.3.3: + * improved treatment of CGAL in the build system. + * fixed an overflow issue in the JadePlugin. +- Enable cgal linking; BuildRequires and Requires for -devel pkg: + cgal-devel. +- Run spec-cleaner for minor cleanups. + fastjet-contrib +- update to 1.046 with RecursiveTools updated to v2.0.1 + * added rare divide-by-zero in calculation of mu2 + +- Update to version 1.045: + * First release of Centauro (DIS jet algorithm plugin), v 1.0.0. +- Changes from version 1.044: + * Update of RecursiveTools to 2.0.0. +- Changes from version 1.043: + * Updates of ConstituentSubtractor to 1.4.5 and LundPlane to + 1.0.3 to fix c++98 compatibility issues. +- Minor specfile cleanups with spec-cleaner. + fatsort +- Update to version + * fatsort release file now includes precompiled makefile + * fixed support for macOS (thanks to Max for the fix) + * declared OPT_LOCALE as extern + * fixed uninitialized variable + * avoided some string truncation compiler warnings + * implemented platform independent transliteration for invalid + multi-byte characters during conversion + * test makefile now returns error code + +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Small packaging improvements + +- Updated to version + * FIX: multiple endianness issues with exFAT + * Now using /proc/self/mounts instead of /etc/mtab to check + whether filesystem is mounted. +- Changes from version 1.6.1: + * FIX: missing check if directory entries are of type file. + * Option -l now considers options -d, -D, -x, -X, -e and -E. + * Added check for dirty volumes. + * Added new test cases. +- Changes from version 1.6.0: + * exFAT is now supported! + * Directory entries are now only written back if reordering + happened. + * FIX: memory leak with regular expression lists. + * Code rewrite to make additional platforms possible in future. + +- Modernise spec file + +- Update to version + * added options -e and -E to select directories with regular expressions + * FIX: possible memory leak for OPT_LOCALE + * FIX: bug affecting case sensitive sorting with locales + -- updated to version 1.1.1 - -- updated to version 1.1 - -- updated to version 1.0.1 - -- initial package build - fbi +- Fix build with fbi.patch + +- Use noun phrase for summaries. + +- Update to version 2.14: No changelog provided. +- Add tarball signature verification: + * Add Gerd Hoffmann's public key as source (fbi.keyring). + * Add tarball signature as source. + -- disable fbi-jpeg-8.0.2.patch - fix build - -- use jpeg 8.0.2 headers and transupp.c [bnc#648855] - -- add fbi-libpng-1.4.patch: fix build with new libpng - fbterm +- Don't try to install terminfo (resulting in a build failure): + fbterm-skip-terminfo-install.patch + +- Update to release 1.8 + * The default TERM environment variable value is now "fbterm". + * Allow to choose between "fbterm" or "linux" for TERM + using the "term-is-linux" config directive. + * Added short versions for most command line options. +- Add 0002-Initialize-mTermIsLinux-variable.patch + fcitx-anthy +- Update to version 0.2.4 + * Updated translations + * Add support for building with anthy-unicode + * Fix NICOLA voicing +- Fix URL and SourceUrls +- Use cmake macros + fcitx-rime +- Remove Requires: brise, since it has been deprecated upstream + and already recommended by librime + -- update version 0.1.1 - * brise path fix. thanks to Marguerite Su. - fd +- Update to version 8.3.0: + * Update usage section + * Bump version + * Update CHANGELOG for v8.3 + * Update dependencies + * Use non-sync channel + * squash! Add buffering to stdout when it's not a terminal + * Add entry for buffering to CHANGELOG + * Add buffering to stdout when it's not a terminal + * Modify example to a realistic use case + * Add an example of the -X option using rg + +- Replace rust-packaging with cargo-packaging + +- Replace manual vendoring, build and install with rust-packaging macros + +- Update to 8.2.1 + * No functional changes with respect to v8.2.0. Bugfix in the release process. +- Update to 8.2.0 + * Features + - Add new `--prune` flag, see #535 (@reima) + - Improved the usability of the time-based options, see #624 and #645 (@gorogoroumaru) + - Add support for exact file sizes in the `--size` filter, see #669 and #696 (@Rogach) + - `fd` now prints an error message if the search pattern requires a leading dot but + `--hidden` is not enabled (Unix only), see #615 + * Bugfixes + - Avoid panic when performing limited searches in directories with restricted permissions, see #678 + - Invalid numeric command-line arguments are silently ignored, see #675 + - Disable jemalloc on Android, see #662 + - The `--help` text will be colorless if `NO_COLOR` has been set, see #600 (@xanonid) + * Changes + - If `LS_COLORS` is not set (e.g. on Windows), we now provide a more comprehensive default which + includes much more filetypes, see #604 and #682 (mjsir911). + * Other + - Added `zsh` completion files, see #654 and #189 (@smancill) + featherpad +- Update to 1.0.1: + * Fixed the detection of UTF-16 in special cases. + * Fixed tab detaching when the window is closed with its last tab. + * Don't try to restore window position under Wayland. + * Better inertial scrolling with touchpad and sensitive devices. + +- Update to 1.0.0: + * Miscellaneous fixes to syntax highlighting of some programming + languages. Also, a little faster highlighting in general. + * Go is added to syntax highlighting. + * Final symlink targets are also checked for detecting programming languages. + * An option is added for disabling menu-bar accelerators. + * Number separators are used on the status-bar. + * AppStream metadata is added by Balló György + * Support for OS/2 is added by josch1710 at GitHub. + * Bumped the version to 1.0.0 + +- Update to 0.18.0: + * Fixed a rare problem in highlighting of multiline comments. + * Added Java, JSON and Pascal to syntax highlighting. + * Improved Perl, Ruby, PHP and LaTex syntax highlighting. + * Prevented Qt from giving non-plain text to the selection + clipboard. + * Made PageUp/PageDown select the first/last item of the search + history when the search line-edit is focused. + * If needed, the cursor positions is also saved when the + app is terminated by SIGTERM. + * Prevented the spell checker from changing an uneditable document. + * Added an icon and two context menu items to tabs/view-items + of files that have final targets other than immediate symlink + targets (e.g., when their parent directories are symlinks). + +- Update to 0.17.2: + * Fixed a regression in 0.17.0 about here-documents. + +- Update to 0.17.1: + * Avoided making the cursor busy from a separate thread + +- Update to 0.17.0: + Main changes: + * Now, FeatherPad can save as root without a root instance when + the user doesn't have the permission to write. Polkit's + pkexec is used (as a run-time dependency) for gaining the + root privilege. + * Printing is done in a separate thread, so that, if it takes + a long time, other windows of FeatherPad could still be used. + * Workarounds are added for bugs in Qt's default printing. + Qt can't handle dark color schemes and the reverse order + with printing; FeatherPad supports both. + Other changes: + * Made the warning bar more flexible for use with saving to + root as well as printing. + * Guarantee that the session dialog has focus after opening + a session. + * Added LaTex to the recognized syntaxes. + * Added simple support for gvfs' admin. + * Fixes to Perl syntax highlighting. + * Several fixes to various small issues. + +- Update to 0.16.0: + * A right-click item is added to tab/side-pane for opening + containing folder. + * Natural sorting of items in the side-pane and session dialog. + * The warning bar disappears when clicked or, automatically, + after 10 seconds. + * "To Start Case" is added to the case changing actions. + * The 50-ms delay of format updating is removed because + Qt's update requests seem appropriate now. + * Focus the editor's view with the Escape key. + * Current line highlight is made customizable. + * The recent files feature can be disabled by setting its + number to zero. + * Added a "standalone" option to the command-line.It's + especially useful when FeatherPad is chosen as the "git" editor. + * Fixes and improvements here and there. + +- Update to 0.15.0: + * An optional selection highlighting (Preferences → Text → + Selection highlighting; also, see Help). + * A menu item for converting all text tabs to spaces. + * An option for pasting file paths instead of opening files + that are copied and pasted into FeatherPad (which is the + default behavior). + * Highlight only the first 1000 replacements if there are more. + * Added a simple syntax highlighting for Haxe (by using + JS highlighting). + * Fixes and code cleanup. + +- Update to 0.14.2: + * Overrode Qt's default behavior when the Home key is pressed. + * Fixed a bug that allowed cutting of read-only texts. + * Fixes for Yaml, CSS and JavaScript. + * Updated the code for Qt 5.15 (backward compatibly). + feh +- Update to version 3.7.2: + * Fix crash when running feh without stdin file descriptor + * Support JPEG XL files when using imlib2-jxl + * Fix support for images smaller than 16 bytes + * Fix some out of bounds reads + +- Update to version 3.7.0: + * Use compact representation instead of key-value pairs for common + EXIF data + * Add --window-id <windowid> option (draw to an existing window) + * Add --zoom-step <percent> option (specify zoom step size) + * Pass gopher:// and gophers:// URLs to libcurl + * Fix --reload / --auto-reload reloading the wrong directory when + using --start-at and no file arguments or filelists have been + specified + * Fix Ctrl+key causing unintended behaviour when controlling feh + via stdin + * Fix high CPU usage when closing stdin after starting feh from + a terminal + +- Update to 3.6.3: + * Fix --start-at not handling URL-encoded file:/// paths properly. Notably, + this also fixes feh not displaying images with spaces or unicode + elements in their path when opened from a file manager. + +- Update to 3.6.2: + * Fix save_filelist not respecting --output-dir + * Fix file descriptor leak when attempting to load truncated image + files (introduced with v3.6) +- manually require libjpeg-turbo for jpegtran. fixes --edit (boo#1080592) +- add feh-rpmlintrc + +- update to 3.6.1: + * Fix excessive memory consumption when showing long-running slideshows + with thousands to tens of thousands of images and feh has been compiled + with exif=1 (see + * Fix memory leak when showing long-running slideshows with relatively few + images and feh has been compiled with exif=1 (ibid.) + * Fix memory leak when reloading an image and feh has been compiled with + exif=1 + * Fix memory leak in --draw-exif + * Fix memory leak when reloading HTTP files with --no-conversion-cache + * Add flip and rotate options to the menu + * Improve unloadable image detection time (e.g. for large video files) by + checking a file's header before passing it to Imlib2. For rarely used + image formats, there is a very small chance that an image which could be + loaded by feh 3.5 is reported as unloadable by feh 3.6 due to this + change. Set FEH_SKIP_MAGIC=1 to bypass the header check in this case. See + <> and + <> for details. + +- update to 3.5: + * Enable --version-sort on systems without strverscmp support. + * Add %a format specifier (slideshow state: "playing" / "paused") + * Fix crashes when combining --reload and --multiwindow + +- Enable inotify support for automatic reload. + +- Update to 3.4.1 + * Fix lossless JPG rotate not being lossless when using feh with Imlib2 v1.6 or later + +- Update to version 3.4: + * Images loaded via HTTPS/curl, ImageMagick, and dcraw are now cached by + default. + * Handle SIGINT/SIGTERM/SIGQUIT signals while loading images + * "feh --start-at URL" now loads a single-image slideshow + * Fix a memory leak when repeatedly cycling through slideshows. + +- update to 3.3 + * New option --class allows setting the X11 class hint per feh + instance + * Improve handling of NULL returns from Imlib2 calls + * Fix compilation with libcurl < v7.32 +- feh-makefile_optflags.patch: Adapt patch to feh 3.3 + +- update to 3.2.1 + * Use --no-fehbg option in ~/.fehbg + * Fix TOCTTOU when setting the file mode of ~/.fehbg + * Fix insufficient error handling when updating ~/.fehbg + * Reload current image(s) when receiving SIGUSR1 or SIGUSR2 + +- update to 3.1.3 + * Fix missing filename in ~/.fehbg when using --no-xinerama + +- update to 3.1.1 + * Decrease libcurl timeout from indefinite to 30m + * Handle SIGINT/SIGTERM/SIGQUIT signals when loading via libcurl + +- update to 3.0 + * Remove deprecated webcam scripts (feh-cam and gen-cam-menu) + * Remove deprecated collage mode (-c/--collage) + * Remove deprecated option --cycle-once + * Remove deprecated options --menu-bg + * Change default save_filelist key from "f" to "L" + * Add option --edit, which makes flip and rotation change the + underlying file as well as the displayed image. This was the + default behavior in feh 1.x and 2.x + * Change default toggle_fullscreen key from "v" to "f" as this + is also used by mplayer, mpv and similar + * flip and rotation (keys "<", ">", "||, amd "_") no longer change + the underlying file. This leaves delet ("Ctrl+Delete") as the + only destructive action which is enabled by default + +- update to 2.28.1 + * Do not ignore quit signals (SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT) during preload + * Add missign EXIF orientations 2,4,5 and 7 (when built with exif=1) + * Improve randomness on non-glibc systems + +- update to 2.28 + * Decrease loading time for RAW images by utilizing dcraw + * Rename --magick-timeout to --conversion-timeout + * New option: --on-last-slide=hold|quit|resume + * Fix unintended aliasing in rotated images + festival +- Added festival-1.95-audsp-libexec.patch to support new directory + structure in Tumbleweed (/usr/libexec should be used for internal + binary) (boo#1188227). + +- Removed "rcfestival" and added almost equivalent functionality + to systemd unit file (thanks to Franck Bui <>). +- Removed %stop_on_removal and %restart_on_update from .spec, + which is not needed anymore. + +- /var/run has been obsoleted by /run since a long time. + +- Drop dependency on insserv-compat + insserv-compat is going to be dropped soon or later on systems with + systemd as init system. + It was only needed by /usr/lib/festival/server that uses rc_status + to pretty print the status of a command. + Since this script is intended to be used by festival.service only + and not called directly by users and systemd has already its own + mechanism to report status, the use of rc_status doesn't seem to be + useful. + Also there's no point in using %insserv_cleanup in %postun as this + package doesn't ship any sysv init script. + +- Removed unnecessary and unexpected "_link". +- Updated .spec file according to the Tumbleweed's change + (%{_libexecdir} was changed from /usr/lib to /usr/libexec). + -- Spec-file cleanup - fetchmsttfonts +- if the fonts are already present, just skip the download. These + fonts are not going to change, besides we ar checking for a + specific version (shasum) anyway +- bump version by one to indicate this change of behaviour +- get rid of awk dependency + +- When using rpm --excludedocs (rpm.install.excludedocs = yes), + the script would fail boo#1096305 + -- Add COPYING file bnc#656777 - -- 11.4 submission - fflas-ffpack +- Update to new upstream release 2.4.3 + * New features: + * fsytrf: a symmetric triangular factorization + * fsyrk, fsyr2k, ftrssyr2k, ftrstr: + subroutines for symmetric operations. + * parallelization of fgemm-rns, fsytrf, echelon forms, + det, rank, etc. + * API for parallel routines outside of par-block + (for e.g. SageMath) + +- Add reproducible.patch to disable compile-time CPU detection (boo#1100677) + +- Add option to build without openblas +- Use %license for COPYING.LESSER + ffmpeg -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2021-38094.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - integer overflow vulnerability in function filter_sobel in - libavfilter/vf_convolution.c (bsc#1190735, bsc#1190734, - bsc#1190733, CVE-2021-38093, CVE-2021-38092). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22037.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak in - avcodec_alloc_context3 at options.c (bsc#1186756). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2021-3566.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - exposure of sensitive information on ffmpeg version prior to 4.3 - (bsc#1189166). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-35965.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - out-of-bounds write in decode_frame in libavcodec/exr.c - (bsc#1187852). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20892.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - an issue was discovered in function filter_frame in - libavfilter/vf_lenscorrection.c (bsc#1190719). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20891.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in function config_input in - libavfilter/vf_gblur.c (bsc#1190718). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20895.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in function - filter_vertically_##name in libavfilter/vf_avgblur.c - (bsc#1190722). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20896.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - an issue was discovered in function latm_write_packet in - libavformat/latmenc.c (bsc#1190723). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20899.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in function config_props in - libavfilter/vf_bwdif.c (bsc#1190726). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20902.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - out-of-bounds read vulnerability exists in long_term_filter - function in g729postfilter.c (bsc#1190729). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22042.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak is - affected by: memory leak in the link_filter_inouts function in - libavfilter/graphparser.c (bsc#1186761). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2021-38171.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - adts_decode_extradata in libavformat/adtsenc.c in FFmpeg 4.4 - does not check the init_get_bits return value (bsc#1189724). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-21688.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-use-after-free in the av_freep function in libavutil/mem.c - of FFmpeg 4.2 allows attackers to execute arbitrary code - (bsc#1189348). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-21697.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-use-after-free in the mpeg_mux_write_packet function in - libavformat/mpegenc.c of FFmpeg 4.2 allows to cause a denial of - service (DOS) via a crafted avi file (bsc#1189350). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2021-38114.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - the return value of the init_vlc function is not checked - (bsc#1189142). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2019-9721.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service in the subtitle decoder in handle_open_brace - from libavcodec/htmlsubtitles.c (bsc#1129714). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22046.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a denial of service vulnerability exists in FFmpeg 4.2 due to - a memory leak in the avpriv_float_dsp_allocl function in - libavutil/float_dsp.c (bsc#1186849). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22048.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a denial of service vulnerability exists in FFmpeg 4.2 due to - a memory leak in the ff_frame_pool_get function in framepool.c - (bsc#1186859). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22049.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a denial of service vulnerability exists in FFmpeg 4.2 due to - a memory leak in the wtvfile_open_sector function in wtvdec.c - (bsc#1186861). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22054.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a denial of service vulnerability exists in FFmpeg 4.2 due to - a memory leak in the av_dict_set function in dict.c - (bsc#1186863). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-13904.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - use-after-free via a crafted EXTINF duration in an m3u8 file - (bsc#1172640). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-21041.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability via apng_do_inverse_blend in - libavcodec/pngenc.c (bsc#1186406). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2019-17539.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - NULL pointer dereference in avcodec_open2 in libavcodec/utils.c - (bsc# 1154065). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22026.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability exists in config_input() at - libavfilter/af_tremolo.c (bsc#1186583). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22021.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in filter_edges function in - libavfilter/vf_yadif.c (bsc#1186586). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22020.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in build_diff_map() in - libavfilter/vf_fieldmatch.c (bsc#1186587). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22015.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - buffer overflow vulnerability in mov_write_video_tag() due to - the out of bounds in libavformat/movenc.c (bsc#1186596). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22016.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability at - libavcodec/get_bits.h when writing .mov files (bsc#1186598). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22017.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists in - ff_fill_rectangle() in libavfilter/drawutils.c (bsc#1186600). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22022.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists in - filter_frame at libavfilter/vf_fieldorder.c (bsc#1186603). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22023.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists in - filter_frame at libavfilter/vf_bitplanenoise.c (bsc#1186604) -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22025.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists in - gaussian_blur at libavfilter/vf_edgedetect.c (bsc#1186605). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22031.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists at - libavfilter/vf_w3fdif.c in filter16_complex_low() - (bsc#1186613). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22032.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists at - libavfilter/vf_edgedetect.c in gaussian_blur() (bsc#1186614). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22033.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow Vulnerability exists at - libavfilter/vf_vmafmotion.c in convolution_y_8bit() - (CVE-2020-22033) and buffer overflow vulnerability in - convolution_y_10bit() in libavfilter/vf_vmafmotion.c - (CVE-2020-22019) (bsc#1186615, bsc#1186597). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22034.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based Buffer Overflow vulnerability exists at - libavfilter/vf_floodfill.c (bsc#1186616). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20451.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service issue due to resource management errors via - fftools/cmdutils.c (bsc#1186658). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-20448.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - divide by zero issue via libavcodec/ratecontrol.c - (bsc#1186660). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22038.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak in - the ff_v4l2_m2m_create_context function in v4l2_m2m.c - (bsc#1186757). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22039.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak in - the inavi_add_ientry function (bsc#1186758). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22043.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak at - the fifo_alloc_common function in libavutil/fifo.c - (bsc#1186762). -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2020-22044.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - denial of service vulnerability exists due to a memory leak in - the url_open_dyn_buf_internal function in - libavformat/aviobuf.c (bsc#1186763). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2019-17542.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a heap-based buffer overflow problem in vqa_decode_chunk - (bnc#1154064 CVE-2019-17542). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-13301.patch: Backport from upstream to fix - a NULL pointer dereference while converting a crafted AVI file - to MPEG4 in the ff_mpeg4_decode_picture_header function in - libavcodec/mpeg4videodec.c(bnc#1100352). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2019-9718.patch: Make backport from commit - 1f00c97 to fix a denial of service issue (CVE-2019-9718, - boo#1129715). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2019-12730.patch: Make backport from commit - ed188f6 to check for scanf() failure (CVE-2019-12730, - bsc#1137526). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-14394.patch: Make backport from commit - 3a2d21b to fix a divide-by-zero issue (CVE-2018-14394, - boo#1101888). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-14395.patch: Make backport from commit - fa19fbc to fix a divide-by-zero issue (CVE-2018-14395, - boo#1101889). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-13305.patch to add a missing check for - negative values of the mqaunt variable (CVE-2018-13305, - bsc#1100345). -- Rename cve-2017-17555.diff to ffmpeg-CVE-2017-17555.diff. - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-12458.patch: Make backport from commit - e1182fa to fix an improper integer type (CVE-2018-12458, - bsc#1097983). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-13300.patch: Make backport from commit - 95556e2 to fix an out-of-array read (CVE-2018-13300, boo#1100348). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-15822.patch: Make backport from commit - 6b67d7f to fix an assertion failure (CVE-2018-15822, boo#1105869). - -- Added ffmpeg-CVE-2018-1999010.patch: Fixed multiple out of array access - vulnerabilities in the mms protocol that could result in accessing out of - bound data via specially crafted input files (CVE-2018-1999010 bnc#1102899). -- Added ffmpeg-CVE-2018-1999011.patch: Fixed a heap buffer overflow in asf_o - format demuxer that could result in remote code execution (CVE-2018-1999011 - bnc#1102689) -- Added ffmpeg-CVE-2018-1999012.patch: Fix an inifnite loop vulnerability in - pva format demuxer that can result in excessive amount of ressource - allocation like CPU an RAM (CVE-2018-1999012 bnc#1102688). -- Added ffmpeg-CVE-2018-1999013.patch: Fix an use-after-free vulnerability in - the realmedia demuxer that can result in vulnerability, which allowed - attackers to read heap memory (CVE-2018-1999013, bnc#1102687). - -- Add ffmpeg-CVE-2018-13302.patch: Make backport from commit - ed22dc2 to fix out of array access issue (bnc#1100356, - CVE-2018-13302). - -- Create a new package ffmpeg-private-devel which contains some - headers under /usr/include/ffmpeg/private that were not installed - by upstream. Those headers are needed by the libav package in order - to build avconv and other tools using the libav* libraries generated - by ffmpeg instead of its own. No other package should require - ffmpeg-private-devel. - -- Build and install also the sidxindex tool - -- Enable mpeg1video and mpeg2video in enable_decoders, and remove - it from disable-decoders call given to configure, mpeg2 now - available in openSUSE. - -- enable video stabilization/deshaking via libvidstab (optional) - -- Update to new bugfix release 3.4.2 - * Fix integer overflows, multiplication overflows, undefined - shifts, and verify buffer lengths. - * avfilter/vf_transpose: Fix used plane count - [boo#1078488, CVE-2018-6392] - * avcodec/utvideodec: Fix bytes left check in decode_frame() - [boo#1079368, CVE-2018-6621] -- Enable use of libzvbi for displaying teletext subtitles. -- Fixed a DoS in swri_audio_convert(), added cve-2017-17555.diff - [boo#1072366, CVE-2017-17555]. - -- Update to new bugfix release 3.4.1 - * Fixed integer overflows, division by zero, illegal bit shifts - * Fixed the gmc_mmx function which failed to validate width - and height [boo#1070762, CVE-2017-17081] - * Fixed out-of-bounds in VC-2 encoder [boo#1069407, CVE-2017-16840] - * ffplay: use SDL2 audio API -- Removed 0001-avcodec-x86-mpegvideodsp-Fix-signedness-bug-in-need_.patch - (upstreamed). - -- Add 0001-avcodec-x86-mpegvideodsp-Fix-signedness-bug-in-need_.patch - [boo#1070762] - -- install also doc/ffserver.conf - -- Get rid of ffmpeg-pkgconfig-version.patch. - -- Update to new upstream release 3.4 - * New video filters: deflicker, doublewave, lumakey, pixscope, - oscilloscope, robterts, limiter, libvmaf, unpremultiply, - tlut2, floodifll, pseudocolor, despill, convolve, vmafmotion. - * New audio filters: afir, crossfeed, surround, headphone, - superequalizer, haas. - * Some video filters with several inputs now use a common set - of options: blend, libvmaf, lut3d, overlay, psnr, ssim. They - must always be used by name. - * librsvg support for svg rasterization - * spec-compliant VP9 muxing support in MP4 - * Remove the libnut and libschroedinger muxer/demuxer wrappers - * drop deprecated qtkit input device (use avfoundation instead) - * SUP/PGS subtitle muxer - * VP9 tile threading support - * KMS screen grabber - * CUDA thumbnail filter - * V4L2 mem2mem HW assisted codecs - * Rockchip MPP hardware decoding - * (Not in openSUSE builds, only original ones:) - * Gremlin Digital Video demuxer and decoder - * Additional frame format support for Interplay MVE movies - * Dolby E decoder and SMPTE 337M demuxer - * raw G.726 muxer and demuxer, left- and right-justified - * NewTek NDI input/output device - * FITS demuxer, muxer, decoder and encoder -- Fixed a double free in huffyuv [boo#1064577, CVE-2017-15186] -- Fixed an out-of-bounds in ffv1dec [boo#1066428, CVE-2017-15672] -- Fixed a denial of service in rtmppkt [boo#1082335, CVE-2017-11665] - -- Update to new upstream release 3.3.4. - * avutil/pixdesc: fixed NULL deref in av_color_primaries_name - [CVE-2017-14225] [boo#1058018] - * avformat/asfdec: Fix DoS in asf_build_simple_index - [CVE-2017-14223] [boo#1058019] - * avformat/mov: Fix DoS in read_tfra - [CVE-2017-14222] [boo#1058020]. -- Dropped integrated patches: - D 0001-avformat-hls-Fix-DoS-due-to-infinite-loop.patch - D 0001-avformat-nsvdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check-in-.patch - D 0002-avformat-asfdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - D 0002-avformat-mxfdec-Fix-DoS-issues-in-mxf_read_index_ent.patch - D 0003-avformat-cinedec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - D 0003-avformat-mxfdec-Fix-Sign-error-in-mxf_read_primer_pa.patch - D 0004-avformat-rmdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - D 0005-avformat-rl2-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - D 0006-avformat-mvdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - -- Add 0001-avformat-nsvdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check-in-.patch - [CVE-2017-14171] [boo#1057539], - 0002-avformat-mxfdec-Fix-DoS-issues-in-mxf_read_index_ent.patch - [CVE-2017-14170] [boo#1057537], - 0003-avformat-mxfdec-Fix-Sign-error-in-mxf_read_primer_pa.patch - [CVE-2017-14169] [boo#1057536] - -- Add 0001-avformat-hls-Fix-DoS-due-to-infinite-loop.patch - [CVE-2017-14058] [boo#1056762], - 0002-avformat-asfdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - [CVE-2017-14057] [boo#1056761], - 0003-avformat-cinedec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - [CVE-2017-14059] [boo#1056763], - 0004-avformat-rmdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - [CVE-2017-14054] [boo#1056765], - 0005-avformat-rl2-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - (code not enabled in openSUSE, though in packman) - [CVE-2017-14056] [boo#1056760], - 0006-avformat-mvdec-Fix-DoS-due-to-lack-of-eof-check.patch - [CVE-2017-14055] [boo#1056766] - -- Unconditionalize celt, ass, openjpeg, webp, netcdf, libva, vdpau. - -- Build unconditionally with lame and twolame - -- Update to maintenance release 3.3.3 - * Various fixes for integer overflows, too-large bit shifts - and buffer length checks. -- Drop 0001-avcodec-apedec-Fix-integer-overflow.patch - (included upstream) - -- Add 0001-avcodec-apedec-Fix-integer-overflow.patch - to address CVE-2017-11399 [boo#1049095] - -- Enabled cuda and cuvid for unrestricted build. -- Fixed typos in devel package descriptions. - -- Update to new upstream release 3.3.2 - * Various fixes for integer overflows and too-large bit shifts - -- Disable cuda support to fix boo#1041794: - ffmpeg 3.3. enablement of cuda prevents H264/avc1.4d400d videos - from playing on Youtube -- Refreshed patches: ffmpeg-codec-choice.diff - ffmpeg-libcdio_cdda-pkgconfig.patch - ffmpeg-pkgconfig-version.patch and ffmpeg-new-coder-errors.diff - -- Add additional checks to ensure MPEG is off - -- Update to new upstream release 3.3.1 - * Fix uninitialized variables, signed integer overflow, - excess shift operations. Add boundary checks. - -- Enable ac3 per request from idonmez - -- Update to new upstream release 3.3 - * EBU R128 implementation now within ffmpeg, not relying on - external library anymore - * New video filters "premultiply", "readeia608", "threshold", - "midequalizer" - * Support for spherical videos - * New decoders: 16.8 and 24.0 floating point PCM, XPM - * New demuxers: MIDI Sample Dump Standard, Sample Dump eXchange demuxer - * MJPEG encoding uses Optimal Huffman tables now - * Native Opus encoder - * Support .mov with multiple sample description tables - * Removed the legacy X11 screen grabber, use XCB instead - * Removed asyncts filter (use af_aresample instead) - * resolved CVE-2016-10190 [boo#1022920], - CVE-2016-10191 [boo#1022921], CVE-2016-10192 [boo#1022922], - CVE-2017-7859 [boo#1034183], CVE-2017-7862 [boo#1034181], - CVE-2017-7863 [boo#1034179], CVE-2017-7865 [boo#1034177], - CVE-2017-7866 [boo#1034176] - -- Enable mp3 decoding - -- Have libavcodec57 additionally provide libavcodec57(unrestricted) - when building unrestricted: allow third party packages to require - the unrestricted codec. The existing -full provides is not - suitable as it can be provided by multiple libavcodec* packages, - whereas we require a specific ABI version. - -- Update to new upstream release 3.2.4 - * lavf/mov.c: Avoid heap allocation wrap in mov_read_hdlr - * lavf/mov.c: Avoid OOB in mov_read_udta_string() - * lavf/mov.c: Avoid heap allocation wraps in mov_read_{senc,saiz}() - -- Make sure each subpkg comes from the same src.rpm - -- Update to new upstream release 3.2.3 - * Maintenance release with bugfixes - * ffplay: fix sws_scale possible out of bounds array access -- Drop version number from patch: ffmpeg-2.4.5-arm6l.patch -> - ffmpeg-arm6l.diff - -- Wrap netcdf support in build condtional because it is a drop-in pkg - -- Enable all muxers and demuxers as they are just descriptor of format - thus do not change the behaviour in any relevant way. - * The best user now gets is proper interpretation of the format and - failure to play it without proper de/encoder - * Recommended by vlc team to be done this way :) - -- Update to new upstream release 3.2.2 - * avformat/rtmppkt: Check for packet size mismatches - * avcodec/flacdec: Fix undefined shift in decode_subframe() - * avcodec/flacdec: Fix signed integer overflow in - decode_subframe_fixed() - * avcodec/flacdsp_template: Fix undefined shift in - flac_decorrelate_indep_c - -- Update to version 3.2.1: - * avcodec/aac_adtstoasc_bsf: validate and forward extradata - if the stream is already ASC - * libopusdec: default to stereo for invalid number of - channels - * sbgdec: prevent NULL pointer access - * rmdec: validate block alignment - * smacker: limit recursion depth of smacker_decode_bigtree - * mxfdec: fix NULL pointer dereference in mxf_read_packet_old - * ffmdec: validate codec parameters - * avformat/mpeg: Adjust vid probe threshold to correct - mis-detection - * avcodec/avpacket: fix leak on realloc in - av_packet_add_side_data() - * avformat/apngenc: use the stream parameters extradata if - available - * ffprobe: fix crash in case -of is specified with an empty - string - * exr: fix out-of-bounds read - * libschroedingerdec: fix leaking of framewithpts - * filmstripdec: correctly check image dimensions - * icodec: fix leaking pkt on error - * dvbsubdec: fix division by zero in compute_default_clut - * escape124: reject codebook size 0 - * mpegts: prevent division by zero - * matroskadec: fix NULL pointer dereference in - webm_dash_manifest_read_header - * mxfdec: fix NULL pointer dereference - * avcodec/mpeg4videodec: Workaround interlaced mpeg4 edge MC - bug - * avcodec/mpegvideo: Fix edge emu buffer overlap with - interlaced mpeg4 - * avcodec/ituh263dec: Avoid spending a long time in slice - sync - * avcodec: Check side data size before use - * avformat/flvdec: Fix regression losing streams - -- Update to new upstream release 3.2 - * SDL2 output device and ffplay support - * SDL1 output device and SDL1 support removed - * New: libopenmpt demuxer, fifo muxer, True Audio (TTA) muxer - * New filters: weave, gblur, avgblur, sobel, prewitt, - vaguedenoiser, yuvtestsrc, lut2, hysteresis, maskedclamp, - crystalizer, acrusher, bitplanenoise, sidedata, asidedata - * Non-Local Means (nlmeans) denoising filter - * 16-bit support in curves filter and selectivecolor filter - * Added threads option per filter instance - * The "curves" filter does not automatically insert points at x=0 - and x=1 anymore - * Matroska muxer now writes CRC32 elements by default in all - Level 1 elements - * New "tee" protocol - * VP8 in Ogg muxing - * Floating point support in ALS decoder - * Extended mov edit list support - * Changed mapping of RTP MIME type G726 to codec g726le. -- Drop ffmpeg-fix-CONFIG_VC1DSP-changes.patch - (no longer needed) - -- Enable libfdk_aac if it is available at buildtime - -- Update to version 3.1.5 - * avformat/mxfdec: Check size to avoid integer overflow in - mxf_read_utf16_string() - * avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Clear mmx state in - ff_mpv_reallocate_putbitbuffer() - * avcodec/utils: Clear MMX state before returning from - avcodec_default_execute*() - * libopenjpegenc: fix out-of-bounds reads when filling the - edges - * libopenjpegenc: stop reusing image data buffer for - openjpeg 2 - * avformat/utils: Update codec_id before using it in the - parser init - * ffmpeg: remove unused and errorneous AVFrame timestamp - check - * Support for MIPS cpu P6600 - * avutil/mips/generic_macros_msa: rename macro variable - which causes segfault for mips r6 - -- Update to version 3.1.4 - * avformat/avidec: Check nb_streams in read_gab2_sub() - * avformat/avidec: Remove ancient assert - * avfilter/vf_colorspace: fix range for output colorspace - option - * lavc/mediacodecdec_h264: fix SODB escaping - * avcodec/nvenc: fix const options for hevc gpu setting - * avformat/avidec: Fix memleak with dv in avi - * lavc/movtextdec.c: Avoid infinite loop on invalid data. - * avcodec/ansi: Check dimensions - * avcodec/cavsdsp: use av_clip_uint8() for idct - * avformat/movenc: Check packet in mov_write_single_packet() - too - * avformat/movenc: Factor check_pkt() out - * avformat/utils: fix timebase error in avformat_seek_file() - * avcodec/g726: Add missing ADDB output mask - * avcodec/avpacket: clear side_data_elems - * avformat/movenc: Check first DTS similar to dts difference - * avcodec/ccaption_dec: Use simple array instead of AVBuffer - * avcodec/svq3: Reintroduce slice_type - * avformat/mov: Fix potential integer overflow in - mov_read_keys - * swscale/swscale_unscaled: Try to fix - Rgb16ToPlanarRgb16Wrapper() with slices - * swscale/swscale_unscaled: Fix packed_16bpc_bswap() with - slices - * avformat/avidec: Fix infinite loop in avi_read_nikon() - * lavf/utils: Avoid an overflow for huge negative durations. - * avformat/hls: Fix handling of EXT-X-BYTERANGE streams over - 2GB - * lavc/avpacket: Fix undefined behaviour, do not pass a null - pointer to memcpy(). - * lavc/mjpegdec: Do not skip reading quantization tables. - * cmdutils: fix implicit declaration of SetDllDirectory - function - -- Fix linking errors for arm and aarch64 builds, boo#995937 - * Add ffmpeg-fix-CONFIG_VC1DSP-changes.patch - -- Update to version 3.1.3 - * examples/demuxing_decoding: convert to codecpar - * avcodec/exr: Check tile positions - * avcodec/aacenc: Tighter input checks - * avformat/wtvdec: Check pointer before use - * libavcodec/wmalosslessdec: Check the remaining bits - * avcodec/adpcm: Fix adpcm_ima_wav padding - * avcodec/svq3: fix slice size check - * avcodec/diracdec: Check numx/y - * avcodec/h2645_parse: fix nal size - * avcodec/h2645_parse: Use get_nalsize() in - ff_h2645_packet_split() - * h2645_parse: only read avc length code at the correct - position - * h2645_parse: don't overread AnnexB NALs within an avc - stream - * avcodec/h264_parser: Factor get_avc_nalsize() out - * avcodec/cfhd: Increase minimum band dimension to 3 - * avcodec/indeo2: check ctab - * avformat/swfdec: Fix inflate() error code check - * avcodec/rawdec: Fix bits_per_coded_sample checks - * vcodec/h2645_parse: Clear buffer padding - * avcodec/h2645: Fix NAL unit padding - * avfilter/drawutils: Fix single plane with alpha - * cmdutils: check for SetDllDirectory() availability - -- Update to version 3.1.2: - * avcodec/rawdec: Fix palette handling with changing - palettes - * avcodec/raw: Fix decoding of - * avformat/mov: Enable mp3 parsing if a packet needs it - * avformat/hls: Sync starting segment across variants on - live streams - * avformat/hls: Fix regression with ranged media segments - * avcodec/ffv1enc: Fix assertion failure with non zero - bits per sample - * avfilter/af_hdcd: small fix in af_hdcd.c where gain was - not being adjusted for "attenuate slowly" - * avformat/oggdec: Fix integer overflow with invalid pts - * libavcodec/dnxhd: Enable 12-bit DNxHR support. - * lavc/vaapi_encode_h26x: Fix a crash if "." is not the - decimal separator. - * avcodec/vp9_parser: Check the input frame sizes for - being consistent - * avformat/flvdec: parse keyframe before a/v stream was - created add_keyframes_index() when stream created or - keyframe parsed - * libavformat/rtpdec_asf: zero initialize the AVIOContext - struct - * libx264: Increase x264 opts character limit to 4096 - * avcodec/h264_parser: Set sps/pps_ref - * librtmp: Avoid an infinite loop setting connection - arguments - * avformat/oggparsevp8: fix pts calculation on pages - ending with an invisible frame - * lavf/vplayerdec: Improve auto-detection. - * lavc/mediacodecdec_h264: properly convert extradata to - annex-b - -- Build with netcdf so as to enable af_sofalizer [boo#983398] - -- Update to version 3.1.1 - * doc/APIchanges: document the lavu/lavf field moves - * avformat/avformat: Move new field to the end of AVStream - * avformat/utils: update deprecated AVStream->codec when the context is updated - * avutil/frame: Move new field to the end of AVFrame - * libavcodec/exr : fix decoding piz float file. - * avformat/mov: Check sample size - * lavfi: Move new field to the end of AVFilterContext - * lavfi: Move new field to the end of AVFilterLink - * ffplay: Fix usage of private lavfi API - * lavc/mediacodecdec_h264: add missing NAL headers to SPS/PPS buffers - * lavc/pnm_parser: disable parsing for text based PNMs - -- Update to version 3.1 - * DXVA2-accelerated HEVC Main10 decoding - * fieldhint filter - * loop video filter and aloop audio filter - * Bob Weaver deinterlacing filter - * firequalizer filter - * datascope filter - * bench and abench filters - * ciescope filter - * protocol blacklisting API - * MediaCodec H264 decoding - * VC-2 HQ RTP payload format (draft v1) depacketizer and - packetizer - * VP9 RTP payload format (draft v2) packetizer - * AudioToolbox audio decoders - * AudioToolbox audio encoders - * coreimage filter (GPU based image filtering on OSX) - * libdcadec removed - * bitstream filter for extracting DTS core - * ADPCM IMA DAT4 decoder - * musx demuxer - * aix demuxer - * remap filter - * hash and framehash muxers - * colorspace filter - * hdcd filter - * readvitc filter - * VAAPI-accelerated format conversion and scaling - * libnpp/CUDA-accelerated format conversion and scaling - * Duck TrueMotion 2.0 Real Time decoder - * Wideband Single-bit Data (WSD) demuxer - * VAAPI-accelerated H.264/HEVC/MJPEG encoding - * DTS Express (LBR) decoder - * Generic OpenMAX IL encoder with support for Raspberry Pi - * IFF ANIM demuxer & decoder - * Direct Stream Transfer (DST) decoder - * loudnorm filter - * MTAF demuxer and decoder - * MagicYUV decoder - * OpenExr improvements (tile data and B44/B44A support) - * BitJazz SheerVideo decoder - * CUDA CUVID H264/HEVC decoder - * 10-bit depth support in native utvideo decoder - * libutvideo wrapper removed - * YUY2 Lossless Codec decoder -- Added minimum requirement for libva (0.35.0, matched by - 1.3.0 package) - -- Guard usage of opencore using bcond_with, boo#980542 - -- Update to version 3.0.2 - * avcodec/ttaenc: Reallocate packet if its too small - * configure: build fix for P5600 with mips code restructuring - * mips: add support for R6 - * pgssubdec: fix subpicture output colorspace and range - * avcodec/ac3dec: Reset SPX when switching from EAC3 to AC3 - * avfilter/vf_drawtext: Check return code of load_glyph() - * avformat/mux: Check that deinit is set before calling it - * avcodec/takdec: add code that got somehow lost in process of - REing - * avcodec/apedec: fix decoding of stereo files with one - channel full of silence - * avcodec/avpacket: Fix off by 5 error - * avcodec/h264: Fix for H.264 configuration parsing - * avcodec/bmp_parser: Ensure remaining_size is not too small - in startcode packet crossing corner case - * avcodec/pngdec: Fix alpha detection with skip_frame - * Changelog: Make formating consistent - * avfilter/src_movie: fix how we check for overflows with - seek_point - * avcodec/j2kenc: Add attribution to OpenJPEG project: -- Dropped dcadec (libdca was merged upstream) - -- Add ffmpeg-codec-choice.diff - -- Remove ffmpeg-devel subpackage. - All users have been converted to pkgconfig - Add Provides/Obsoletes to libavdevice-devel - -- Add ffmpeg-new-coder-errors.diff - -- Another try at organizing the codec-enable list. - Enable video: AYUV, Dirac, MJPEG, rawvideo, Theora, VP8, VP9, WebP, - zlib - Enable audio: Celt, GSM, Opus, Speex, Vorbis - Enable subtitle: ASS/SSA text, SRT text, UTF-8 plaintext - -- Update to new maintenance release 3.0.1 - * vc2enc: fix use of uninitialized variables in the rate control - system - * postproc: fix an unaligned access - * lavc/hevc: Allow arbitrary garbage in bytestream as long as at - least one NAL unit is found. - -- Update included pkgconfig files to require the exact version - of ffmpeg pc files, instead of any later version - ffmpeg-pkgconfig-version.patch - -- Remove the optional vo-aacenc dependency, upstream removed it. - -- Update to new upstream release 3.0 - * New filters: extrastereo, ocr, alimiter, stereowiden, stereotools, - rubberband, tremolo, agate, chromakey, displace, and many more. - * ffplay dynamic volume control - * audio high-order multiband parametric equalizer - * automatic bitstream filtering - -- Update to version 2.8.6 - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: More completely check cdef - * avutil/opt: check for and handle errors in av_opt_set_dict2() - * avcodec/flacenc: fix calculation of bits required in case - of custom sample rate - * avformat: Document urls a bit - * avformat/libquvi: Set default demuxer and protocol - limitations - * avformat/concat: Check protocol prefix - * doc/demuxers: Document enable_drefs and use_absolute_path - * avcodec/mjpegdec: Check for end for both bytes in unescaping - * avcodec/mpegvideo_enc: Check for integer overflow in - ff_mpv_reallocate_putbitbuffer() - * avformat/avformat: Replace some references to filenames by - urls - * avcodec/wmaenc: Check ff_wma_init() for failure - * avcodec/mpeg12enc: Move high resolution thread check to - before initializing threads - * avformat/img2dec: Use AVOpenCallback - * avformat/avio: Limit url option parsing to the documented - cases - * avformat/img2dec: do not interpret the filename by default - if a IO context has been opened - * avcodec/ass_split: Fix null pointer dereference in - ff_ass_style_get() - * mov: Add an option to toggle dref opening - * avcodec/gif: Fix lzw buffer size - * avcodec/put_bits: Assert buf_ptr in flush_put_bits() - * avcodec/tiff: Check subsample & rps values more completely - * swscale/swscale: Add some sanity checks for srcSlice* - parameters - * swscale/x86/rgb2rgb_template: Fix planar2x() for short - width - * swscale/swscale_unscaled: Fix odd height inputs for - bayer_to_yv12_wrapper() - * swscale/swscale_unscaled: Fix odd height inputs for - bayer_to_rgb24_wrapper() - * avcodec/aacenc: Check both channels for finiteness - * asfdec_o: check for too small size in asf_read_unknown - * asfdec_o: break if EOF is reached after - asf_read_packet_header - * asfdec_o: make sure packet_size is non-zero before seeking - * asfdec_o: prevent overflow causing seekback - * asfdec_o: check avio_skip in asf_read_simple_index - * asfdec_o: reject size > INT64_MAX in asf_read_unknown - * asfdec_o: only set asf_pkt->data_size after sanity checks - * Merge commit '8375dc1dd101d51baa430f34c0bcadfa37873896' - * dca: fix misaligned access in avpriv_dca_convert_bitstream - * brstm: fix missing closing brace - * brstm: also allocate b->table in read_packet - * brstm: make sure an ADPC chunk was read for adpcm_thp - * vorbisdec: reject rangebits 0 with non-0 partitions - * vorbisdec: reject channel mapping with less than two - channels - * ffmdec: reset packet_end in case of failure - * avformat/ipmovie: put video decoding_map_size into packet - and use it in decoder - * avformat/brstm: fix overflow - -- Update to version 2.8.5 - * Fixes CVE-2016-1897 and CVE-2016-1898 [boo#961937] - -- Update to version 2.8.4 - * Many bugfixes, see the included Changelog for all the changes. - * resolving CVE-2015-8661 [boo#960385], CVE-2015-8662 [boo#960384], - CVE-2015-8663 [boo#960383] -- Drop ffmpeg-remove_some_unused_ctrl_id_mappings.patch, fixed - upstream. - -- Obsolete ffmpeg-tools from packman - -- Add some provides to make it easier for firefox to recommend - this package for installation - -- Added patch ffmpeg-remove_some_unused_ctrl_id_mappings.patch to - successfully build against libvpx >= 1.5 (at least on PMBS). - -- Add buildconditionals for libass,libva,vdpau to fix build in SLE_11 - -- Rename bcond dca to dcadec -- Add more buildconditionals to get closer to removal of BUILD_ORIG - -- Remove unused imlib2 - -- Sync with packman changes - * All packman specific changes are protected with BUILD_ORIG -- Added the following patches - * ffmpeg-2.4.5-arm6l.patch - * ffmpeg-libcdio_cdda-pkgconfig.patch - -- Update to new upstream maintenance release 2.8.3 - * avformat/matroskadec: Check subtitle stream before dereferencing - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: Fix potential integer overflow with tile - dimensions - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: Check for duplicate SIZ marker - * avcodec/jpeg2000: Change coord to 32bit to support larger than - 32k width or height - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: Check SIZ dimensions to be within the - supported range - * avcodec/jpeg2000: Check comp coords to be within the supported - size - * dds: validate compressed source buffer size - * dds: validate source buffer size before copying - * softfloat: assert when the argument of av_sqrt_sf is negative -- Fixes CVE-2015-8363 [bnc#957114], CVE-2015-8364 [bnc#957115], - CVE-2015-8365 [bnc#957116] - -- Update to new upstream release 2.8.2, containing fixes for the - following security issues: - * CVE-2015-8216 boo#955346 - * CVE-2015-8217 boo#955347 - * CVE-2015-8218 boo#955348 - * CVE-2015-8219 boo#955350 -- Upstream changes: - * various fixes in the aac_fixed decoder - * various fixes in softfloat - * swresample/resample: increase precision for compensation - * lavf/mov: add support for sidx fragment indexes - * avformat/mxfenc: Only store user comment related tags when needed - * ffmpeg: Don't try and write sdp info if none of the outputs had an rtp format. - * apng: use correct size for output buffer - * jvdec: avoid unsigned overflow in comparison - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: Clip all tile coordinates - * avcodec/microdvddec: Check for string end in 'P' case - * avcodec/dirac_parser: Fix undefined memcpy() use - * avformat/xmv: Discard remainder of packet on error - * avformat/xmv: factor return check out of if/else - * avcodec/mpeg12dec: Do not call show_bits() with invalid bits - * avcodec/faxcompr: Add missing runs check in decode_uncompressed() - * libavutil/channel_layout: Check strtol*() for failure - * avformat/mpegts: Only start probing data streams within probe_packets - * avcodec/hevc_ps: Check chroma_format_idc - * avcodec/ffv1dec: Check for 0 quant tables - * avcodec/mjpegdec: Reinitialize IDCT on BPP changes - * avcodec/mjpegdec: Check index in ljpeg_decode_yuv_scan() before using it - * avcodec/h264_slice: Disable slice threads if there are multiple access units in a packet - * avformat/hls: update cookies on setcookie response - * opusdec: Don't run vector_fmul_scalar on zero length arrays - * avcodec/opusdec: Fix extra samples read index - * avcodec/ffv1: Initialize vlc_state on allocation - * avcodec/ffv1dec: update progress in case of broken pointer chains - * avcodec/ffv1dec: Clear slice coordinates if they are invalid or slice header decoding fails for other reasons - * rtsp: Allow $ as interleaved packet indicator before a complete response header - * videodsp: don't overread edges in vfix3 emu_edge. - * avformat/mp3dec: improve junk skipping heuristic - * concatdec: fix file_start_time calculation regression - * avcodec: loongson optimize h264dsp idct and loop filter with mmi - * avcodec/jpeg2000dec: Clear properties in jpeg2000_dec_cleanup() too - * avformat/hls: add support for EXT-X-MAP - * avformat/hls: fix segment selection regression on track changes of live streams - * configure: Require libkvazaar < 0.7. - * avcodec/vp8: Do not use num_coeff_partitions in thread/buffer setup -- Drop ffmpeg-mov-sidx-fragment.patch, fixed upstream. - -- Update to new upstream release 2.8.1 - * Minor bugfix release - * Includes all changes from. Ffmpeg-mt, - libav master of 2015-08-28, libav 11 as of 2015-08-28 -- Add ffmpeg-mov-sidx-fragment.patch to add sidx fragment indexes. - Needed for new mpv release. - -- Update to new upstream release 2.8 - * DirectDraw Surface image/texture decoder - * Many improvements to the JPEG 2000 decoder - * New video filters: colorkey, SSIM, showvolume, adrawgraph, - drawgraph, removegrain, erosion, dilation, deflate, inflate, - reverse, atadenoise, aphasemeter, showfreqs, vectorscope, - waveform, hstack, vstack, framerate - * New audio filters: Dynamic Audio Normalizer as dynaudnorm - filter, areverse, random, deband, sidechaincompress, - acrossfade - * allyuv and allrgb video sources - * Switched default encoders for webm to VP9 and Opus - * Removed experimental flag from the JPEG 2000 encoder - -- Update to new upstream release 2.7.2 -- webp: fix infinite loop in webp_decode_frame -- huffyuvdec: validate image size -- avcodec/vp8: Check buffer size in vp8_decode_frame_header() -- avcodec/vp8: Fix null pointer dereference in ff_vp8_decode_free() -- avutil/fifo: Fix the case where func() returns less bytes than - requested in av_fifo_generic_write() -- bytestream2: set the reader to the end when reading more than - available -- oggparsedirac: check return value of init_get_bits -- vp9/update_prob: prevent out of bounds table read -- avcodec/pngdec: Check values before updating context in - decode_fctl_chunk() -- avcodec/pngdec: Copy IHDR & plte state from last thread -- avcodec/pngdec: Require a IHDR chunk before fctl -- avcodec/pngdec: Only allow one IHDR chunk -- ffmpeg: Do not use the data/size of a bitstream filter - after failure - -- Enable codecs for audio: PCM, Speex, CELT, FLAC, ILBC, Opus -- Enable codecs for image: BMP/PCX/TGA, TIFF, Sun/SGI/X11 raster - raw Huff-compressed or uncompressed YUV -- Update to new upstream release 2.7.1 - * postproc: fix unaligned access - * avcodec/flacenc: Fix Invalid Rice order - * tls_gnutls: fix hang on disconnection - * avcodec/ffv1enc: fix bps for >8bit yuv when not explicitly set - * avio: fix potential crashes when combining ffio_ensure_seekback + crc - * ffmpeg_opt: Check for localtime() failure - * configure: Disable VSX on unspecified / generic CPUs - -- Enabled 'bluray' protocol - -- Update to new upstream release 2.7 - * New encoders: apng (PNG with alpha) - * New decoders: TDSC (a JPEG/BGR24/zlib format) - * New audio filters: chorus - * New video filters: cover_rect, detelecine, fftfilt, find_rect -- Enable codecs: 012v, ansi, apng, bmp, exr, ffv1, ffvhuff - * unpack DivX-style packed B-frames in MPEG-4 bitstream filter - * WebM Live Chunk Muxer - * nvenc level and tier options -- Canopus HQ/HQA decoder -- Automatically rotate videos based on metadata in ffmpeg -- improved Quickdraw compatibility -- VP9 high bit-depth and extended colorspaces decoding support -- WebPAnimEncoder API when available for encoding and muxing WebP -- Direct3D11-accelerated decoding -- Support Secure Transport -- Multipart JPEG demuxer - -- Fix building with BUILD_ORIG - -- Update to new upstream release 2.6.3 - * avcodec/libtheoraenc: Check for av_malloc failure - * ffmpeg_opt: Fix -timestamp parsing - * avcodec/cavsdec: Use ff_set_dimensions() - * swr: fix alignment issue caused by 8ch sse functions - * avcodec/mjpegdec: fix len computation in ff_mjpeg_decode_dqt() - * avformat/matroskadec: Cleanup error handling for bz2 & zlib - * avformat/matroskaenc: Check ff_vorbiscomment_length in - put_flac_codecpriv() - * avcodec/mpeg12dec: use the correct dimensions for checking SAR - * xcbgrab: Validate the capture area - * xcbgrab: Do not assume the non shm image data is always available - * avfilter/lavfutils: disable frame threads when decoding a single - image - * ffmpeg: remove incorrect network deinit - * OpenCL: Avoid potential buffer overflow in cmdutils_opencl.c - * libvpxenc: only set noise reduction w/vp8 - * vp9: remove another optimization branch in iadst16 which causes - overflows. - * network: Do not leave context locked on error - * vp9: remove one optimization branch in iadst16 which causes - overflows. - * swresample: Allow reinitialization without ever setting channel - layouts/counts - * imgutils: initialize palette padding bytes in av_image_alloc - * id3v2: catch avio_read errors in check_tag - * avi: Validate sample_size - * diracdec: avoid overflow of bytes*8 in decode_lowdelay - * diracdec: prevent overflow in data_unit_size check - * matroskadec: use uint64_t instead of int for index_scale - * pngdec: don't use AV_PIX_FMT_MONOBLACK for apng - * pngdec: return correct error code from decode_frame_common - * swscale/ppc/swscale_altivec.c: POWER LE support in yuv2planeX_8() - delete macro GET_VF() it was wrong - * matroskadec: export cover art correctly - * mxfenc: don't try to write footer without header -- Enable building avresample for extra API compat -- Remove ffmpeg-pkgconfig-requires.diff: RPM's is - scanning Requires.private too. - -- Add baselibs.conf: provide -32bit libraries (used by xine-32bit). - -- Update to new upstream release 2.6.2 - * avformat/utils: avoid discarded streams in - av_find_default_stream_index() - * avutil/cpu: add missing check for mmxext to av_force_cpu_flags - * avformat/http: replace cookies with updated values instead of - appending forever - -- Update to new upstream release 2.6.1 - * Maintenance release with some bugfixes - -- Update to new upstream release 2.6 - * The VP9 decoder is now usable on x86(-32) and pre-SSSE3 CPUs. - * 10-bit support in the SPP video filter - * New video filters: "colorlevels", "tblend", "palettegen", - "paletteuse". New audio filters: "dcshift". - * The old libmpcodecs wrapper is finally gone - * API changes: introduction of device inputs and outputs - -- Update to new upstream release 2.5.3 - * AVFoundation screen-grabbing support, animated WebP decoding - support, and Animated PNG support. UDP-Lite support was added. - -- Initial package (version 2.5.3) for - ffmpegthumbnailer +- Fix cmake call + +- Use correct url for sources +- Use modern cmake macro for building + +- Updated to version 2.2.2: + * Requires cmake >= 3.12. + * Removed unstable continuous thumbnail creation. +- Add ffmpegthumbnailer-cmake-updates.patch: Update CMakeLists.txt + for new cmake version. +- Changes from version 2.2.1: + * CMake improvements: required CMake version is now 3.5 or newer. + * Fix anamorphic height. + * Fix libffmpegthumbnailer.pc to work with multilib systems. + * Fix rotation of 180° rotated videos. + * Fix prefer_embedded_metadata in c api. + * Fix crash when setting a log callback using the c api. + * Check for https as well when skipping stat call. + * Support specifying the size as string using the c api. + * Support raw rgb data as image type. + * Print warnings on stderr instead of stdout. + * Support for continuous thumbnail creation. + -- update to 2.0.8 - -- update to 2.0.7 - -- update to 2.0.6: - * fixes memory leaks - ffms2 +- Update to version 2.40 + * Avisynth+ linux support + * Added LastEndTime track property to make it possible to take + the last frame's duration into account + * Removed several deprecated functions and enums from the API + * No longer assumes sub 1 fps framerates are invalid + * Added support for floating point format output in + VapourSynth and Avisynth+ + * Fixed issue with dropped/repeated frames in vc1 with + multiple b-frames after seeking + * Fixed issue with dropped/repeated frames in h264 when the + reorder buffer size is too small + * Improved seeking in mpeg and mpegts streams + * Added rgb(a)p and several additional formats as output to + Avisynth+ + * Added VP9 support + * Fixed incorrectly reporting the output as limited range when + it's in fact unknown and likely to be full range + * Added mastering display metadata output + * VapourSynth source now defaults to not outputting alpha + * Removed the now unused demuxer, dumpmask, audiofile and utf8 + arguments from the source filters + * Removed ability to dump audio tracks + * Fixed incorrect colorimetry metadata reported when + converting the output to another colorspace + * Sources now simply reference the index instead of copying + large parts of it + * Use new FFmpeg decoding API + * Fixed several bugs in output format selection + * FFMSIndex will now properly error out with invalid arguments + * Add rotation metadata export + * Add stereoscopic metadata export + * Removed support for old FFmpeg versions + * Removed libav support + * Discontinuous Timestamp Support + * Add FFMS_Deinit + * Fix mid-stream parameter changes + * Fix decoding H.264 PAFF files with one field per packet + * Fix delay calculations for H.264 PAFF files + * Fix frame rate calculation for fields with one field per + packet +- Switch to stable source tarball and drop _service file + +- Refresh ffms2-pkgconfig.patch +- Update to version 2.23+202.ga9e8f73: + * See changelog at + -- Fix build with ffmpeg 0.11 - -- Update to 2.1.7 - ffsb +- Small packaging adjustemenet + fhourstones +- Modernise spec file + fife +- Add upstream patch: + * fife-boost_1_77.patch + filebench +- Small packaging cleanup + fillets-ng +- Remove fillets-use-lua-5.1.pc.patch, as package builds and runs + without it and forced autoreconf breaks correct setting of datadir + Fix for boo#1114591. + +- remove last patch, as package builds and runs without it + and forced autoreconf breaks correct setting of datadir + Fix for #1114591. + -- Set the correct datadir so it works again with fillets-ng-data - -- Update to 0.9.3: - + Fixed compilation with the newer fribidi-0.19.2 - fips +- Update to version 3.4.0: + * Version 3.4.0 + * Drop uninstaller link (#115) + * Add dist/freedesktop/space.fips.Fips.metainfo.xml + * Block installation on Windows earlier than 7 SP1 (#115) + * Migrate installer to WiX (#115) + * VS2019 compatibility + * Add Fedora to + * Reimplement fit to window + * Implement image panning via left-button dragging + * Pass QEvent::MouseMove to OpenGLWidget + * Move MouseMoveEventFilter out of global namespace + * Drop Viewrect::setWidget() + * Drop view rect from Viewrect + * Drop view rect from OpenGLWidget + * Drop view rect from OpenGLTransform + * Introduce OpenGLTransform::setWidgetSize() + * Reimplement ScrollArea using virtual position and size + * Handle zoom in QOpenGLWidget + * Handle image aspect ratio in OpenGLTransform + * Add up-to-date compilers to .travis.yml + * Do not show open file dialog when drop broken file on Dock + * Check that at least one instance is started correctly + * Add initial implementation for the playback single-shot mode + * Initial playback interval control + * Initial implementation for *OpenGL30ArrayPlan (OpenGL 3.0+) + * Initial implementation for *OpenGLArrayPlan (OpenGL 2.1) + * Add playback test data + * Initial implementation for 3D FITS file reading + * Add Playback to MainWindow + * Initial implementation for PlaybackWidget + * Initial implementation for Playback + * Add layer getter and setter for OpenGLWidget + * Add layer number for HDUValueGetter + * Introduce AbstractOpenGLPlan::hdu() + * Introduce AbstractOpenGLPlan::imageTexture() const + * Initial implementation for *OpenGL33ArrayPlan + * Add implementation for OpenGLShaderProgram::setLayerUniform() + * Add initial implementation for *OpenGL*TextureArray + * Allow setting texture target in AbstractOpenGLTexture constructor + * Introduce AbstractOpenGLTexture::setData() + * Introduce AbstractOpenGLTexture::setSize() + * Introduce FITS::ImageDataUnit::depth() + * Do not fail Travis build when is down + * Use xenial in .travis.yml + * Add docks actions to View menu + * than -> then + * Spelling + * Drag and drop files + * Remove {{ from README for Github Pages + * Add bibtex for Astronomy and Computing paper + * Revert "Set macOS build target to 10.12" + * Introduce HeaderUnit::count() + * Add Qt 5.12 + * Upload every macOS build to + * macOS 10.13 is required by Qt 5.12 + * Set macOS build target to 10.12 + * Implented FITS headers viewer + * Use header_as() in AbstractDataUnit::createFromPages() + * Make header_as<T>(key, default) behaviour consistent + * Disable Travis services for osx + * Cache brew dirs in Travis + * Switch to minimal Travis image + * Added quotation marks in CMakeLists + * fips accepted to openSUSE Leap 15.1 + * Add ASCL badge + * Fips accepted to openSUSE + * Fix OpenGLWidget::pixelFromWidgetCoordinate() on big-endian systems + * Fix setSwapBytesEnabled argument value for *OpenGLTexture + * Add misc links to + * Add FlatPak to + fipscheck -- Remove #include of unused fips.h to fix build with OpenSSL 1.1.1 - (bsc#1149792) - * add fipscheck-fips.h_not_needed.patch - -- Port to OpenSSL 1.1 (bsc#1042649) - Adds openssl-1_1-port.patch - -- Set RPM groups anew. Drop implicit cleaning parts. - -- add baselibs.conf - -- updated to 1.4.1 - - added manpages - - fipscheck/fipshmac: Add -s option to specify the hmac suffix - - fipshmac: Add '-d' option to specify where to put the .hmac files - - various bugfixes - -- license update: BSD-2-Clause - See LICENSE - -- imported a generic fips helper to verify fips modules, linked - to openssl. - firecracker +- Replace libfdt with vm-fdt. + 0001-dependencies-Included-vm-fdt-crate.patch + 0002-vm-fdt-Replace-libfdt-with-vm-fdt.patch + 0003-libfdt-bindings-Deleted-libfdt-bindings-crate.patch + +- Update firecracker to version 0.25.0 + Add workspace to firecracker. The workspace has three packages, + firecracker,jailer,seccompiler + Detail could be found below: + + firehol +- firehol (3.1.7) - 2020-12-31 + * FireHOL + - Fix dhcpv6 example to say dhcpv6 #438 + - blacklist - add "nolog" option + - blacklist - reject with tcp-reset for outbound TCP connections + - firehol.service - Use `firehol start` for ExecReload= + - Don't drop icmpv6 rules with FIREHOL_RULESET_MODE optimal #372 + * FireQos + - workaround for cases where "-ifb" name gets truncated + +- Drop useless _service + firehol (3.1.6) - 2018-08-13 + * FireHOL + - Boot startup fix #260 + - docker_bridge helper #114 + - Allow newer iptables #264 + - Log blocked/dropped packets in synproxy, mac, connlimit, fragments, ... + - Fix wait for netfilter ready when using namespaces + - Fast activation fixes #272 + - Allow matching DSCP CS0; fixes #288 + - Allow DROP_INVALID with any action (e.g. REJECT) + - Add option FIREHOL_ACCEPT_OUTPUT_UNMATCHED_TCP_RST + * FireQOS + - Fix status to works with newer iproute; fixes #317 + * Link-Balancer + - linkdown: routes cannot be added or deleted whilst marked invalid #211 + * Update-Ipsets + - Various fixes, including #266 #265 + - List additions, updates and removals + - Minor enhancements + firejail -- Bring firejail to Leap 15.2 - - fixes boo#1181990 - - fixes CVE-2021-26910 +- firejail 0.9.66: + * deprecated --audit options, relpaced by jailcheck utility + * deprecated follow-symlink-as-user from firejail.config + * new firejail.config settings: private-bin, private-etc + * new firejail.config settings: private-opt, private-srv + * new firejail.config settings: whitelist-disable-topdir + * new firejail.config settings: seccomp-filter-add + * removed kcmp syscall from seccomp default filter + * rename --noautopulse to keep-config-pulse + * filtering environment variables + * zsh completion + * command line: --mkdir, --mkfile + * --protocol now accumulates + * jailtest utility for testing running sandboxes + * faccessat2 syscall support + * --private-dev keeps /dev/input + * added --noinput to disable /dev/input + * add support for subdirs in --private-etc + * subdirs support in private-etc + * input devices support in private-dev, --no-input + * support trailing comments on profile lines + * many new profiles +- split shell completion into standard subpackages five-or-more +- Update to version 3.32.2: + + Fixed theme switcher working. + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Fixed translations not working. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.92: + + Updated docs. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.91: + + Added snap build. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.90: + + Nightly builds. + + Appdata updates. + + Tests for appdata and desktop validation. + + Updated translations. +- Drop five-or-more-fix-help-build.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 3.31.2: + + Minor interface changes. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.31.1: + + Complete rewrite as part of GSoC. + + Added new ball theme. + + Remove appmenu. + + Resource files with reverse domain naming. + + Updated translations. +- Replace pkgconfig(gmodule-2.0) with pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0) + BuildRequires: Align with what meson checks for. +- Add vala, pkgconfig(gee-0.8) and pkgconfig(gio-2.0) + BuildRequires: New dependencies. +- Add five-or-more-fix-help-build.patch: Fix build of help files. + +- Update to version 3.30.0: + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.29.3: + + Updated translations. + + Migrate to gettext. + + Migrate to meson. + + Use libgnome-games-support for scores tracking. +- Drop intltool BuildRequires: No longer needed after upstream + migration to Gettext. +- Build with meson: + + Add meson as build requirement. + + Use appropriate macros. +- Add pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1) as build requirement. +- No longer recommend lang package as it already supplements main + package (same effect, it's redundant). + +- Update to version 3.28.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update summaries. + +- Update to version 3.27.92: + + Make theme names translatable. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.27.91: + + Updated translations. +- Update Url tag to + the current Five or More's web page. +- Drop glib2_gsettings_schema_*, icon_theme_cache_*, + desktop_database_* post/postun scriptlets and + glib2_gsettings_schema_requires macro: their functionality has + been moved to RPM file triggers. +- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and its macro: they are + no longer required anymore. +- Add fdupes BuildRequires and its macro for replacement of + duplicates with links under the data directory. +- Split help documentation into a doc subpackage and add a + Recommens tag for it: more than half the size of the package was + documentation files. +- Update package description to show the content provided by the + package. +- Remove pristine Obsoletes tag for glines. + +- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner + flare +- Version update to 1.12 + Engine features + * NPC interactions are now canceled when the player is attacked. + ‘combat_aborts_npc_interact’ has been added to engine/misc.txt to control + this setting. + * Added ‘bar_fill_offset’ and ‘bar_fill_size’ to MenuStatBar and MenuEnemy + properties. + * Added support for fading out combat text. See the ‘fade_duration’ property + in engine/combat.txt. + * Added ‘save_oncutscene’ property to engine/misc.txt. Saving before a cutscene + was previously controlled with ‘save_onload’, which caused issues with + cutscenes when set to false. + * Added ‘save_anywhere’ property to engine/misc.txt. This allows for saving + via the pause menu. (m7600) + * Added display of enemies, allies, NPCs, and intermap teleport events to the + minimap. + * Added support for defining the colors of tiles and entities on the minimap. + * Added ‘show_on_minimap’ event component. Currently, this only applies to + intermap teleport events. + * Added ‘show_on_minimap’ property to NPCs. + * Properties that take an alignment can now be aligned to the menu frame. + * Support multiple images in animation definitions. (bloodhero) + * Expanded slot widget configuration in engine/widget_settings.txt. Quantity + text color can be changed, as well as label settings for displaying hotkeys. + * Re-implemented displaying hotkeys on action bar slots. + * Support for ‘item:quantity’ syntax for Event properties: ‘requires_item’, + ‘requires_not_item’, ‘remove_item’, and ‘reward_item’. + * Added ‘show_randomize’ property to new game menu configuration. + * Added ‘disable_equip_slots’ property for passive powers. + * ‘Block’ powers can now use post_power to trigger a power when taking damage. + * Power descriptions are now displayed in action bar tooltips. This can be + controlled with the ‘tooltip_length’ property in menus/actionbar.txt. + * A dialog box is now displayed instead of a log message when the player dies, + giving the options to exit or respawn (if applicable). + * Added movement input type dialog box. It is displayed for new players to + easily select between keyboard, mouse, and joystick movement. + * Added ‘–safe-video’ command line option. For troubleshooting purposes, this + feature is displayed as an option when starting after a potential crash. + * The ‘categories’ property has been extended to the player character. The + Power property ‘target_categories’ can now be used for the player as a result. + * The ability to stash quest items can now be controlled with the ‘no_stash’ property. + * Added a button for opening the pause/configuration menu as part of the minimap. + * Added ‘script’ property to items. This removes the need to create a power in + order to execute a script via activating an item. + * Player ‘melee_range’ is now configurable in engine/stats.txt. + * Added comparison tooltips for items. These can be disabled in the Interface + settings. (r-a-cristian-93, Justin Jacobs) + * Added ‘parallax_layers’ property to Events. This functions exactly like the + Map property of the same name. + * Added ‘visible’, ‘visible_check_locked’, and ‘visible_check_status’ to powers + and upgrades in power trees. + * Added ‘requires_status’ and ‘requires_not_status’ to powers and upgrades in + power trees. ‘visible_requires_status’ and ‘visible_requires_not_status’ + have been marked as deprecated. + * Added ‘on_interact’ as a possible value for Event types. Essentially the + same as ‘on_trigger’, except the event can ONLY be activated through the hotspot. + * Support an arbitrary number of Stash tabs. Each tab has a display name and + an ‘is_private’ flag. + * Added ‘save_onstash’ property to engine/misc.txt, so it is now possible to + disable the automatic save when modifying stash contents. + * The player’s last used Stash tab is now remembered across sessions. + * Added the ability for NPCs to join the player’s party. (Igor Paliychuk) + * Added support for the ‘delay’ property used by Events contained in script files. + * Added ‘Frame Limit’ option to Video settings. + * Added ‘Maximum Render Size’ option to Video settings. + * Improved visual indication of which item set bonuses are active. + * Support enabling touch screen controls on non-Android systems. + * Added ‘Touch Gamepad Scale’ option to Input settings. + * Support fullscreen mode in the Emscripten port. + * Added scrollbar.bg_color to engine/widget_settings.txt. + * Updates to, including usage of Homebrew for dependencies (ludoza) + Engine fixes + * Fix memory leak of tab control in stash menu (MiroslavR) + * Fixed stat bars not having any fill when the value they were representing was + non-zero. Now they will always show at least 1 pixel of the bar’s fill graphics. + * Fixed a bug where the game window could be resized below the minimum size after + exiting fullscreen mode. + * Removed the default resolution scaling when virtual_heights is undefined. + * Improved performance when checking map event hotspots. + * Fix Windows-style paths with backslashes not working on non-Windows systems. + * Prevent allies counting as attack targets when using mouse movement. + * Fix needing to press the ‘Cancel’ key twice to exit the vendor menu. + * Fix unintended key presses being registered when quitting the game via an OS + keyboard shortcut. + * Fix divide-by-zero crash when using the dev HUD with a game that uses + orthogonal rendering. + * Fixed a memory leak in Loot copy constructor. + * Fixed ‘resist_percent’ property of engine/combat.txt not working when targets + had 100% resistance. + * Support attack_speed effects with a magnitude less than 100%. + * Fixed bug where dead entities could steal HP/MP. + * Fix broken parsing of engine/default_keybindings.txt. + * Fix Effect animations not being synced properly in some cases. + * Removed hard-coded restrictions on using items from the inventory. Now any + item that has a power and is not equipment can be used. + * Fix crash when fonts are missing. The engine will try to fall back to the next + available font for the current language. + * Background color when using sdl_hardware renderer no longer fills entire + window, instead only filling the drawing surface as it should. + * Fix crash when loading a cutscene from a book event. + * Fix infinite transformation loop when dying in a transformed state that was + activated by a passive power. + * Fix bug where the player wasn’t returned to their normal state after dying + in a transformed state. + * Prevent combat text from overlapping. + * Improved performance when handling many status effects. + * Improved performance when an entity is repeatedly unable to find a path to + thier target. + * Fix bug where killing an enemy with return damage would not set defeat status + or reward XP/loot. + * Fix check of item requirements when a power requires an item but doesn’t + consume it. + * Fix ‘respec’ events to no longer remove item-based powers from the action bar. + * Fix log message when gaining more than one level at once. + * Fixed excessive memory usage when using Items, ItemSets, and Powers with high-value IDs. + * Fix bug where power upgrades that didn’t require power points would not + automatically upgrade if other requirements were met. + * Fix infinite loop bug when a power’s list of upgrades contains the base power ID. + * Fix infinite loop bug when locking power upgrades. + * The executable directory is now used when trying to find PATH_DATA on Linux. (r-a-cristian-93) + * Fix ‘corpse_timeout’ in engine/misc.txt being parsed incorrectly (r-a-cristian-93) + * Reworked camera speed curve to prevent graphical “wiggle†during slow movement. + * Fix missing effect description text in power tooltips when using built-in types. + * Fix static events not executing on the same frame as on_load events. + * Fix parsing bug in power trees that would save base power properties to an upgrade power. + * Fix on_load events with requires_class not working in maps/spawn.txt + * Fix timing of Effects so that the first “tick†happens immediately. + * Fix “Press button to use†prompt no showing up for some items. + * Fix loud loot drop sound effect when there are a large number of drops at once. + * Fix incorrect HP/MP regen for high regen values and high frame limits. + * Fix camera, parallax layer, and cutscene speeds when using alternative frame limits. + * Fix not restoring fullscreen option when pressing Cancel or Defaults in config menu. + * Smoother scrolling in WidgetScrollBox. + * Fix click-and-drag behavior on WidgetTabControl, WidgetSlider, and WidgetScrollBar. + * Fix dialog topics being auto-selected when they shouldn’t for non-vendor NPCs. + +- Version update to 1.11 + Engine Features + * Players now have their own private stash in addition to the + shared stash. + * Expanded the 'no_stash' Item variable to account for having + multiple stashes. + Engine Fixes + * Fix bug where items could be dragged from the vendor window and + dropped in the opposite vendor tab. + * Fix bug that caused item max_quantity to be reset when attempting + to append an item definition. + * Fix bug where Powers with 'replace_by_effect' would still use + properties from the parent power, such as animation state. +- Removed post/postun macros since they are no longer needed with + Leap 42.3 going end-of-life. + +- Version update to 1.10 + Engine Features + * The configuration menu has been redesigned and is now used as the pause menu. + * The interface features from version 1.09 have been reverted due to being + accessible from the pause menu. + * Added an Interface option to disable showing hidden entity markers. + * Support floating point values for loot drop chance values. + * Add ‘hide_timeout’ option to stat bar configuration to support auto-hiding. + * Added an Interface option to disable stat bar auto-hiding globally. + * Add ‘no_stash’ property to item definitions to prevent items from being + placed in the stash. + * Add low HP notification system. (Leszek CimaÅ‚a) + * Add ability to change the minimap zoom level by clicking on the minimap. + Engine Fixes + * Fixed event activation being tied to distance to the camera position. It is + now correctly tied to distance from the player. + * Mouse movement and mouse aim now calculate direction relative to the player + instead of relative to the screen. + * Fixed enemy AI so that enemies can now enter combat if a hero ally is in + their proximity. + * Fix –data-path command line flag on Windows. + * Fixed dialog not being available if it lacked a topic. + * Fixed loot drop rate bonus having no effect when loot drop chance was too + low. + * Fix bug where the wrong requirements were checked for passive powers that + had been granted bonus points. + * Items that can’t be stashed are now dropped on the ground upon opening the + stash. + * Prevent re-binding the primary Main1 binding, which could break many + interactions. + * Removed the ability to re-bind the Ctrl, Shift, Alt, and Delete keys, since + they correspond to specific keyboard keys. + * Fix crash when trying to load a mod that contained + ‘engine/default_keybindings.txt’. + * Display XP stat bar value as relative to current level instead of total XP. + * Fix key bindings not working when switched to a non-US keyboard layout. + * Fix segfault when NPC filename is invalid. + * Fix inventory tooltips covering books when using no mouse. + * Fix navigation of dialog menu when using no mouse. + * Fix upgrading powers when using no mouse. + * When using the sdl_hardware renderer on Windows, OpenGL will now be used + instead of Direct3D. This fixes the loss of some textures when resizing + the window. + * Fixed the “level up†string to represent the ability to allocate multiple + stat points. Also note if Power points can be allocated. + * Refactored ‘requires_hpmp_state’ for Powers to check against both stats at + once. See the attribute reference for syntax changes. + * Greatly improved performance of loot tooltips. + * Fix bug where high item find chance prevented the player from finding + currency. + +- Version update to 1.09.01 + * Fixed assertion/crash when engaging in dialog. + * Updated Ukranian translations +- Version update to 1.09 + * Add ‘save_pos_onexit’ to engine/misc.txt for saving the + player’s current position upon exiting. + * Add ‘toggle_fps’ to the developer console commands. + * Add a video setting to disable parallax layers. + * Add ability to use icons in books. + * Add item property ‘book_is_readable’ to control displaying + ‘read’ vs ‘use’ in item tooltips. + * Add renderer support for batching calls to local pixel drawing. + This speeds up the pre-render of the minimap. + * Add support for shadows on book text via ‘text_shadow’. + * Add tooltips to language list to show language codes. + * Added ‘colorblind_highlight_offset’ and listbox ‘text_margin’ + to engine/widget_settings.txt. + * Added a 2x zoom mode for the mini-map. + * Added a compass to the minimap. + * Added Catalan translations + * Added support for dialog responses. For any line of dialog, a + list of response topics can be given. + * Closing a book with the ‘Cancel’ key no longer closes all + other menus. + * Dialog options are no longer shown in a separate menu, but are + instead part of the main dialog window. + * Fix book open sound effect not being played in all cases. + * Fix buttons and checkboxes not handling clicks while the + “Accept†key is pressed. + * Fix handling of disabled widgets when using keyboard navigation. + * Fix incorrect descriptions of controls on mobile devices. + * Fix potential memory leak when redefining images in books. + * Fixed a bug where looped map sounds wouldn’t play if the player + entered the map with a sound volume of 0, but later raised + the volume. + * Fixed shrinking tab widgets when widow was resized. + * Loot tooltips can now be hidden when entities are near pieces of + loot. The setting “hide_radius†has been added to engine/loot.txt + to control this. + * Make strings related to elements more translator-friendly. + * Missing items now maintain their stack quantity when moved around. + * Moved several interface options to the actionbar. Loot tooltips, + combat text, statbar labels, and mini-map mode can be adjusted. + * Moved the interface option for automatically equipping items to + the Inventory menu. + * New mouse movement options to swap the movement button and/or + restrict the movement button to be movement-only. + * Overhead markers are now displayed for entities that are + obscured by tall tiles. + * Redesigned mouse movement with better handling of non-melee attacks. + * Remove broken ‘font_fallback’ from engine/font_settings.txt. + * Updated translations for German, Scottish Gaelic, + Brazilian Portueguese, Ukranian, Vietnamese + * Using consumables from the Inventory menu will now subtract from + the stack that was clicked on. + * Widgets that use custom images can now fall back to the + default image if the custom image is missing + (instead of exiting in failure). +- Updated location of flare-engine data directory to follow + packaging standards +- Added more CMake build params to to have install process + follow packaging standards + +- Version update to 1.08 + * Updated translations for German, French, Scottish Gaelic and + Italian + * Bugfixes + +- Version update to 1.06 + -- 0.18 release - * 10 Equipment Slots, up from 4 (and easily configurable) - * Starting "Class" choice (beginner's power/item kit) - * Environmental/Ambient Sounds on maps - * Much improved handling of Animations, Effects, and Sounds - * New Powers: Stealth, Traps, Thrown Weapons - * New Item Bonuses: XP gain, Gold Find, Item Find, and more - * Improved support for various input devices -- Service source_validator was enabled. -- Spec header was fixed up according to distro policy. -- Sources were moved from GitHub to SourceForge. -- Spec was fixed up via `spec-cleaner`. -- Requires hicolor-icon-theme not to pack unnecessary dirs. -- Python became recommended, not required. -- & readme.txt might be executable. - -- 0.17.1 release - * Instant-sell items now go to the vendor Buyback tab - * Disable New/Load buttons if there is no story mod loaded - * Prevent crash when binding higher number mouse buttons - * Prevent crash when loading a map with missing layers - * Add helpful tooltips when play buttons are disabled - * Removed -flto compiler flag from default build script - -- 0.17 release - * All menus now easy to mod/reskin - * New Powers tree with traditional tabs and spendable points - * Shared Stash! Collect epics, hoard resist gear, or buff your new characters - * Warp Zone - fast-travel map to get around the alpha demo campaign -- Clean section was removed. -- Url was updated. - -- 0.16 release - * Improved enemy pathfinding, including flying creatures - * Summon or transform into enemies! - * Config menu including keybindings, mods, and more - * Orthogonal map support - -- git - * Configuration menu was implemented -- Build improvements - * Cmake build type became "RelWithDebInfo" - * Cmake verbose makefile became "True" - * Binary path fixing patch was replaced by cmake option. - * Rpm optimisation flags were enabled. - flare-game +- Version update to 1.12 + * New graphics for HP and MP status bars + * Reworked art for the Cleave power + * Cleave power radius reduced to closer match its artwork + * Reduced the strength and radius of Rakk’s freeze attack + * Fixed the Goblin Thief being able to steal potions from a + Summoned Zombie + * Reduced the hitbox for spike traps + * Greatly reduced the damage for spike traps. In exchange, the + traps now inflict bleeding. + * New alchemy ingredient: Mushrooms + * Added 4 new potion recipes + * Overall reduced drop rates for alchemy items + * Added Alchemy quest + * Added animations for immunity and ice-based slow status effects + * Redesigned the Family Crypt map and quest + * Redesigned the Nazia Mines maps and quest + * Redesigned the Torture Chambers map and quest (again) + * Mortar & Pestle can now be placed on the action bar + * All quest items can be stored in the player’s private + +- Version update to 1.11 + * Items that couldn't be stashed in the last update can not be + put in the private stash. + * Salted Field: moved chest to the south end of the map to prevent + easy farming. + * Updated translations for Belarusian, German, Hungarian, and + Ukranian. + +- Version update to 1.10 + * Fixed an oversight that allowed easy farming of the Torture Chambers boss + and loot chests. + * Made it so that potions and scrolls can not be stashed. This fixes an + exploit where players could utilize a low level character to get these + items for cheap. + * Added new attack and interact cursors. + * Added sound effect and cursors for indicating low health. + +- Version update to 1.09.01 + * Fixed main weapon layer order when hero is facing east. + * Updated Ukranian translations +- Version update to 1.09 + * Add auto-equip checkbox to the Inventory menu. + * Add interface option buttons to the actionbar. + * Added script font for Cyrillic languages. + * Fix the “Locked Out†quest not appearing in the completed + quests list. + * Made changes to the Wizard’s Tower: Laboratory map to prevent + attacking Metzger from outside the intended range. + * Added Catalan translations + * Updated translations for German, Scottish Gaelic, + Brazilian Portueguese, Ukranian, Vietnamese +- Updated location of flare-game data directory to follow + packaging standards +- Added CMake as a build requirement with same build params as + flare package. This is to make build process similar between + flare and flare-game. + +- Version update to 1.08 + +- Version update to 1.06 + -- 0.18 release - * 10 Equipment Slots, up from 4 (and easily configurable) - * Starting "Class" choice (beginner's power/item kit) - * Environmental/Ambient Sounds on maps - * Much improved handling of Animations, Effects, and Sounds - * New Powers: Stealth, Traps, Thrown Weapons - * New Item Bonuses: XP gain, Gold Find, Item Find, and more - * Improved support for various input devices -- Service source_validator was enabled. -- Spec header was fixed up according to distro policy. -- Sources were moved from GitHub to SourceForge. -- Spec was fixed up via `spec-cleaner`. -- Requires hicolor-icon-theme not to pack unnecessary dirs. -- Python became recommended, not required. -- & readme.txt might be executable. - -- 0.17.1 release - * Instant-sell items now go to the vendor Buyback tab - * Disable New/Load buttons if there is no story mod loaded - * Prevent crash when binding higher number mouse buttons - * Prevent crash when loading a map with missing layers - * Add helpful tooltips when play buttons are disabled - * Removed -flto compiler flag from default build script - -- 0.17 release - * All menus now easy to mod/reskin - * New Powers tree with traditional tabs and spendable points - * Shared Stash! Collect epics, hoard resist gear, or buff your new characters - * Warp Zone - fast-travel map to get around the alpha demo campaign -- Clean section was removed. -- Url was updated. - -- 0.16 release - * Improved enemy pathfinding, including flying creatures - * Summon or transform into enemies! - * Config menu including keybindings, mods, and more - * Orthogonal map support - -- git - * Configuration menu was implemented -- Build improvements - * Cmake build type became "RelWithDebInfo" - * Cmake verbose makefile became "True" - * Binary path fixing patch was replaced by cmake option. - * Rpm optimisation flags were enabled. - flashfocus +- pytest-runner is deprecated + +- Update to 2.2.4: + * Fixed: Remove pytest from requirements (as it is not really required). + +- Update to 2.2.3: + * Bump click dependency to v9 + +- Update to 2.2.2: + * Added: #55 Emit warning when flash-fullscreen: true in sway. + +- Update to 2.2.1: + * Fixed: Renamed (--loglevel/-l) param to (--verbosity/-v) due + to conflict with --flash-lone-windows + +- Update to 2.2.0: + * Added: --loglevel CLI option + * Fixed: Removed --opacity documentation in help + +- Update to 2.1.3: + * Fixed: #46 Accidental bump of required version of i3ipc +- Refresh flashfocus-2.0.3-no-i3ipc.patch + +- Update to 2.1.2: + * (Hopefully) fixed: #43 - Error when setting rules in config + * Add support for Click 7.0 + +- Update to 2.1.1: + * Fixed: #39 Crashes when switching tags on dwm + * Handle null NET_WM_STATE when detecting fullscreen +- Changes from 2.1.0: + * Added: flash-fullscreen/no-flash-fullscreen config options + * Fixed: Exit without traceback for non-supported wayland WMs + * Fixed: Cleaned up flakey tests + +- Update to 2.0.5: + * Add support for marshmallow v3 +- Does not work with i3/sway yet because we don't have i3ipc + packaged + +- Update to 2.0.3: + * Fix typo in marshmallow pin + * Add to display_protocols submodule +- Add flashfocus-2.0.3-no-i3ipc.patch + +- Update to 2.0.1: + * Temporarily pin marshmallow to v2 + * Added sway support + * Dropped python2 support + * Increased minimum pyyaml version to 5.1 + * Added i3ipc requirement + +- Update to 1.2.7: + * Added support for marshmallow v3 which is in prerelease + * Set windows to default opacity even if they're not flashed (#25) + +- Update to 1.2.5: + * Stopped using the deprecated inspect.getargspec API in python3 + * Bug fix (issue #25) + flashrom +- Enable build on riscv64 +- Drop requires on dmidecode, no longer needed + +- Fix build on aarch64 with upstream patch: + * fix_aarch64.patch + +- Update to version 1.2 + - Meson support + - Layout improvements/fixes and many, many code cleanups. + - New chips: MX25U25635F, MX25L51245G, GD25Q256D, M95M02-A125, + N25Q/MT25Q variants, W25Q128JW_DTR, AT25SF321, S25FL512S + - New programmers: National Instruments USB-845x, Tin Can Tools + Flyswatter/Flyswatter 2, STLINK V3, more Intel PCHs (Apollo + Lake, Cannon Lake variants, Ice Lake U) + - Reduced dependency on libusb0 + - Syntax: Added --flash-name and --flash-size arguments to print + information about the flash chip + +- Update to version 1.1 + New major user-visible features + * 4-byte address support for many SPI programmers + * New option to use a reference file for flash contents + (--flash-contents) + * Layout support for coreboot's FMAP format (--fmap, --fmap-file) + * BAUD rate selection for Buspirate SPI + * Support for the ENE Embedded Debug Interface (EDI), probably + our first non-jedec SPI target + * On Intel ME enabled systems, internal flashing is allowed by + default + New programmers + * ENE Embedded Debug Interface EDI + * Linux' MTD interface + * Digilent SPI for the iCEblink40 development board + * Developerbox/CP2104 bit banging + * J-Link SPI + * Dediprog firmwares >= 7.2.30 + * Dediprog SF200 + * Intel Kabylake PCHs + Support for lots of new chips + +- Update to version 1.0.1 + * linux_spi: Reduce maximum read chunksize + * Hardcode default spispeed of 2MHz + Default speed of kernel drivers isn't always sane (any more). + * Fix dmi_match string for ThinkPad X201 + * verification with sparse layouts + * Fix erasing of unaligned regions + -- Update to version 0.9.7 - + see for changes -- Use official tarball instead of generated one from svn -- Let RPM strips manpage himself; -- Change Url to real one - -- license update: GPL-2.0 - No indication of aggregation - -- update license to new format - -- Update to - flatbuffers +- Update to version 2.0.0 + * Support for optional scalars in most languages. + * Rust Verifier, Object API and FlexBuffers support, + and many API improvements. + * Overhaul of TypeScript support. + * gRPC for many languages brought up to date. + * C++ compile time field reflection. + * JS FlexBuffers support. + * Kotlin FlexBuffers and platform support. + * Swift Object API and many Swift performance improvements. + * Lua supports LuaJIT and many more fixes. + * Many other fixes and smaller improvements +- Drop upstream fixed 5938.patch and 6020.patch + +- Fix build on Tumbleweed: + - Backport patches: + * 5938.patch + * 6020.patch + - Disable LTO + flawfinder +- Update to 2.0.19: + * Don't require output filename to be escaped + * Make minor improvements (#54) + * print warning messages to stderr (#58) + * changes to github actions + +- Update to 2.0.18: + * Fix Sarif output relationship target id format. + +- Update to 2.0.17: + * Fix the distributed tarball, which didn't include the + key source file due to the earlier file restructure. + * Minor code style fix, which simplifies the code slightly. + * Update date in manual page to 2021. That's important because + the documentation now includes information on `--sarif`. + +- Update to 2.0.16: + * The distributed source file is now, not flawfinder. + This is part of a change that improves + improve cross-platform ease-of-use by using entry_points. + That said, "make install" will still + install it as "flawfinder" (so those who install it via + "make install" will see no change). + * Added support for generating SARIF output, use --sarif. + * Track curly brace level to reduce some problems, my thanks to + * Improved handling of Git patch format + +- Update to 2.0.15: + * Fixed some release problems in 2.0.14. (#30) + * Improved handling of LoadLibraryEx; flawfinderr no longer complains + about certain constructs that are known to be safe (eliminating + some false positives). + +- Update to 2.0.14: + * If there are >0 hits, tell users how to ignore them as part of the + tool output. + * Various Windows improvments. + Ignore LoadLibraryEx if its third parameter is + LOAD_LIBRARY_SEARCH_SYSTEM32, as this is safe, and + remove the rule for InitialCriticalSection + (this is no longer a vulnerability on current widely-used versions + of Windows) + * Various C++ improvements. Add .hpp support for C++, + ignore "system::" to reduce false positives, + treat ' as digit separator when file extension is a C++ file + (for C++14). + * I had some release problems; this is identified as 2.0.14 + (skipping a few minor numbers) to ensure that the version + number uniquely identifies a specific release. + fldigi +- Update to version 4.1.20 + Add OFDM modes for NBEMS + - OFDM-500F for HF SSB + - OFDM-750F for HF SSB + - OFDM-2000F for HF-SSB/FM + - OFDM-2000 for HF-SSB/FM + - OFDM-3500 for FM 9600-port + - OFDM-2000F CPU-load fix + * Added Vestigial-carrier based AFC to OFDM modes + - Increases robustness and tolerance to drift + * OFDM 2000F hold + * commented out OFDM 2000 and 2000F modes for bugfixes + * OFDM 500F, 750F, and 3500 are complete + Cosmetic changes + * Fix cosmetic issues reported by Bob, VK2YQA + * Fix parse of macro <PUSH> + Gleam scheme + * add fltk 'gleam' UI scheme + xmlrpc id + * add client ID to client requests + * add client ID to server parsing + cw tracking + * adjust tracking filter constants to improve power detection + Navtex modem + * make single bit flip correction guess a little smarter + Smeter Pwr_meter + * correction to xmlrpc procedure to get smeter and power out + meter from flrig + My Callsign + * modify edit code to maintain cursor position + Contest fields + * Change to Rx text field parsing + * Change to cut number parsing + gpio ptt + * fix for pi3/4 gpio h/w UDRC-II operation + +- Update to version 4.1.19 + * maintenance release + Vestigial AFC fixes + * Fix OFDM and 8PSK AFC jumping randomly to noise-signals + C-Media PTT support + * add support for C-Media ptt signal, used by DAR-30 etal + LNW macro tag + * add missing add to log call + Notes + * add Notes as a retrieve field for last worked call lookup in + logbook + lower case tx + * defeat lower case TX when text source is from arq or xmlrpc + socket interface. + Qso Party Cabrillo + * add state & country selections + mxe scripts update + cwid + * enable cwid for + . T/R button reset to Rx + . ^r in xmlrpc transmit text strings + . ^r in macro text + . ^r in transmit text + NOTE: recommend disabling cwid for all ARQ type message + transmissions; flarq / flmsg. + Doxygen srcdoc fix + * MBEDTLS breaks the cppcheck tool, bypass checking for now + Dxcluster freq + * change to accommodate either '.' or ',' as the integer + fractional part of frequency in kHz. + Documentation update + * image and text associated with menu items + . View/Rig/Log Controls + . View/Waterfall + Carat r/R + * if modem is not IFKP, change to identical function for ^r and + ^R transmit character sequence + Compiler warnings + * fix compiler warning on use of memset + . rsid.cxx + . ifkp.cxx + flrig cwio + * DTR/RTS CW keying using xmlrpc commands to flrig + Set/Get Notch + * Correct notch processing when used with flrig + * RigCAT notch processing + . Add wait 2 poll cycles between set and get notch + FMT mod + * limit estimation error to user defined value, reset tracking if + error exceeds the set value + * add +/- 5 and +/- 10 plot ranges + Tx Monitor Level + * Change control to dB scale to allow greater range of user control + fh baud + * modify fh parameter printout + dxcluster + * Immediate cmd + . ! character as first in command definition will cause the command + to be send immediate upon selection of that command button + WF-only mode menu + * add missing modes + PSK-modes fix false triggers of DCD-OFF + * Certian character combinations were triggering DCD-OFF + * DCD-OFF code now searches over 6-bit window + * Prevents rare data-loss bug mid-transmission + fmt + * add callback handlers to + . btn_unk_enable + . btn_ref_enable + . btn_fmt_record + * reset frequency whenever ref or unk button is pressed + CW punctuation + * Allow user to suppress decode/encode of specific punctuation + characters + * Allow user to select character to display noise decodes + . default '*' + . '_' + . ' ' + . none + WX + * Correct <WX:xxx> weather macro text substitution + Canada + * Add missing provinces / regions + PulseAudio Server String + * always enable PA server string control to allow user to + clear or modify entry + * fix hanging up on server fault message dialog + . caused by message dialog on being re-entrant + Waterfall buttons + * Set all buttons to visibile for new installation + Audio Codec + * fix for Portaudio h/w codec missing during fldigi startup + . missing h/w could cause segmentation fault on some systems + . added try{}catch{} to trx audio path + . display error message + . reset audio device to NULL codec + +- Update to version 4.1.18 + WF fft controls + * Restore averaging, fft pre filter, latency controls + Debug text + * add millisecond timing to debug time stamp + flarq build + * fix broken build for ./configure --disable-fldigi --enable-debug + Exit processing + * Set PTT off if user elects to close fldigi with PTT enabled. + - works for both Files/Exit and the dreaded windows decoration + bar 'X' button. + Scheduled Macro + * Add PTT OFF during scheduled count down + * Add clock display on status bar during scheduled count down + * remove end-of-line '\n' white space between macro tags, i.e. + <!WPM:24> + <LOCAL><!SKED:12:00>how now brown cow<RX> + becomes + ^!^!how now brown cow + after parser substitutions + * Add space ' ' to end of inserted file <FILE:...> if file does + not contain either ' ' or '\n' as last character + xmlrpc + * flrig detection update + flarq debug + * fix to allow --enable-debug with flarq build + Doc update + * CW CAT keying, add IC705 to list of tested transceivers + +- Update to version 4.1.17 + N3FJP support + * remove sending OTHER8 category for all logs + CW keying + * added Elecraft KY cat command CW string keying + . K3S tested + * added Kenwood KY cat command CW string keying + . TS-480 tested + * added Icom cat command CW string keying + . IC-7100, IC-705 tested + * added Yaesu cat CW string keying + . FT-991a tested + * For use ONLY with + . RigCAT transceiver control + . flrig transceiver control + - requires flrig 1.3.53 or greater + Rx Monitor + * fluid source cleanup + * split UI source from confdialog.fl + Contestia / Olivia + * Added mode CONTESTIA 16/250 with RsID 275 + * Added macro code to allow any valid Contestia or + Olivia BW/TONES combination to be set via macro tags: + . <MODEM:CONTESTIA:BW:TONES> + . <MODEM:OLIVIA:BW:TONES> + . where BW in set {125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000} + TONES in set {2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 256} + Greek translation + * Update to Greek po file + +- Update to version 4.1.16 + Cty.dat + * Update distibution cty.dat data files + dated 12 November 2020 + Greek translation + * Update to Greek po files + Globals + * fix MODE_THOR_FIRST entry. + * fix MODE_DOMINOEX_FIRST entry. + fmt fixes + * track colors not correctly shown on tracking indicators + view_cw + * change sample rate to be keyed to cw decoder samplerate + Canadian Provinces + * update user configuration panel + FreeBSD/nullptr + * nullptr is defined in _null.h + Navtex + * fix kml file clean up code + benchmark + * update to current gcc version + Phase and FEC quality display + * Add phase-accuracy display for PSK modes (non-PSK31) + * Added better FEC confidence code to THOR + Add new platform optimizations + * added new --enable-optimizations options to ./configure + RaspberryPi 1,2,3,4 [rpi1, rpi2, rpi3, rpi4] + BeagleBone Black [bbb] + Cyclone5 [cyclone5] + Optimize for sse4 [sse4] + Use AVX extensions [avx, avx2] + i486, i686 [i486, i686] + x86-64 [x86-64] + ARM CPU-native [nativeARM] + Updated Doxygen Sourcecode Docs + * Now renders to SVG for graphics (doxygen 1.18) + * Fixed scripts for Cppcheck 1.9 changes + * Added auto-installer for packages on Debian-like systems + * Improved main page: index.html + fonts + * fix slow start caused by font fixed/proportional enumeration + * fixed evaluator moved to separate thread during first + instantiation of Font_Browser class. Actual time to enumerate + 2650 fonts on an i5 3.2 GHz system is approximately 25 + seconds. Background process does not effect UI, but selection + of fixed fonts in font browser dialog may not show all of the + fixed fonts until the evaluator thread exits. + PSK Reporter query + * request fails to pskreporter, caused by hard coded request to NWS + pskreporter site very slow in responding to connect request; caused UI to freeze. + * change request process to separate thread + Logbook compile warning + * replace strncpy with "*comma_position =" + +- Update to version 4.1.15 + Doxygen cleanup + * Clean up warnings on Doxygen txt files + documentation update + * remove deprecated pages + * reorganize Table Of Contents + * insure no missing page references + VUmeter + * add VU style input signal level monitor to main dialog + - shares space on status bar + * modify vumeter class to allow widget resize and partial + display of 130 db Vu scale. + * restore state of main dialog vumeter on startup + * update documentation + W1AW-macros + * Add <LOCAL> + * use local time for all subsequent scheduling macros + * add macro tag <BUFFERED> + - transmit characters are saved to and retrieved from + a hidden text buffer. + - prevents user from moving Tx cursor into middle of + macro which causes macro to pause + - Tx panel text is used if <BUFFERED> not present in the + macro text + * fix Farnsworth WPM macro tag + County Lists + * added Alberta, Saskatchewan + xmlrpc rig timeout + kml + DXCC lookup + * Change all references to "United States" to USA + status locale + Level indicator + FeldHell + * Fix font resize bug + - caused intermittent seg fault + - caused loss of raster + hamlib NET + * fixes for connecting to rigctld from fldigi + * added "Default" button to hamlib configure panel + NanoIO + * MORTTY V4 compatibility changes + cluster dupcheck + * add dupcheck to dxcluster CALL select + ADIF Conformity + * The ADIF-specification defines number-values as dot-separated. + * Localization seperates by comma on non-english systems. This + changes the behavior to dot separation in the FREQ-value. + XmlRpc Exit + Navtex + * Fix and simplify the correlator + - Make sure the correlator only ever jumps +delta or -delta to + the early or late accumulator, and never the long way around. + - The adjustment limiting code had a bug that never seemed to break + anything; simplify that code by removing the special case. + * fixed memory leaks, simplifiedexit code, improved C++17 compatibility + +- Update to version 4.1.14 + fonts + * modify start up font enumeration + - sort system fonts with qsort + - enumerate fixed fonts + - add fixed/all selector to font selector + - use static class members [] + . instantiated and initialized on first instance + . deleted when all instances deleted + * change FreqControl width sizing to one based on widest + numeral for selected font. + Navigator + * Fix missing initialization code for Windows OS + hamlib + * changes driven by hamlib 4.0 + Build scripts + * remove -lregex from mingw cross compile scripts + localtime_r + * add timeops.h to n3fjp_logger.cxx + Freq Analysis + * Add Rx RIT control + - apply as linear correction to observed frequency + * Disable rxppm corrections when frequency analysis modem + is active + Field Day Logger + * Fix reconnect to server when changing bands/modes + flarq update + * Replace text widgets with fl_input2 and F_Edit widgets. Adds + UTF-8 character handling. + * Add restoration of beacon after cessation of ARQ exchanges + * Modify fldigi to correctly display UTF-8 characters during + both transmit and reception of flarq text + Navtex + * Fix crash in navtex code + * remove the NOSIGNAL state. + * make early/prompt/late detector able to lock onto more signals + Sound Record + * Insure that audio recordings have .wav extension + Freq Control + * change to use unsigned long to represent the frequency value + maximum value increased to 4294967295 (2^32-1) + Cabrillo logs + * correct Cabrillo report MODE entry + sound.cxx warning + * fix compile warning on indentation + SNDFILE + * change SNDFILE to a required library + FSK HELL + * invert video reversal on HELL 80 + * rename FSK_HELL -> FSKH245 + * set default filter bandwidth for each mode + Store/Recall + * Change Store/Recall menu items to mode_info[].name vice + mode_info[].sname + wefax + * Change bandwidth selections + Rx Monitor + * Add test for existence of filter in monitor playback + +- Update to version 4.1.13 + doxygen + * add new documentation files + cw prosign + * fix loss of prosign AA + - conflict with Northern European accented characters + Analysis mode + * Add Zulu time readout to status bar + Debug Sources + * remove bMOREINFO + * add "Data Load" toggle to Debug sources + * add "Synop" toggle to Debug sources + * add "KML" toggle to Debug sources + * remove deprecated command line parameters + - --debug-pskmail, use debug source ARQ + - --debug-audio, use debug source AUDIO + * redesign Event Log dialog to make selection of level and + sources more intuitive + wefax + * Modify phasing algorithm to measure, analyze and act upon + ratio of white and black intervals. + * Change default center frequency to 1900. Allows detection + of start tone @ 300 Hz, stop tone @ 450 Hz. + * Simplify FM detector. Use complex functions vice I/Q logic + * Redesign user interface + - always use internal Rx panel + - always use external Tx dialog + - move infrequently used controls to configuration dialog + * Rewrite pic and image classes + * Add user correlation control to config panel + * Correct transmit methods + - Start/Stop signals not in spec + - Transmit duration computation resulted in very long + transmission + * update documentation + README update + * update reference to winfldigi + fedora 64 build + * remove Fl::wake calls that require void* data + * replace with REQ qrunner calls + Code cleanup + * remove extraneous debugging lines from code + fsq sounder + * restore sounder when starting FSQ from another modem + Default event log level + * restore INFO as default + * change socket events to VERBOSE + rx_extract + * imrove behavior servicing multiple instances of flmsg + +- Update to version 4.1.12 + TX auto RST-sent + * add control-shift-s for inserting RST sent value in TX stream + CW/DTR/RTS + * restore missing Nordic characters on DTR-CW + * enable PTT during CWIO processing + * allow user to calibrate DTR-CW timing at nominal WPM + - fractional computed values rounded to nearest integer + i.e. round(0.5) => 1 + * update documentation + File/Audio + * File selection caused cessation of audio processing while + waiting for user selection. Results in cessation of signal + processing including keep alive signals to flamp and flmsg + if linked. + - move all UI interaction to main thread + trx testing + * replace compiler macros with in-line code to aid in + debugging + AFTER macro + * add AFTER tag to repeat macro after a delay of NN seconds + CWID button + * One more time to wrestle the wayward CWID button to the mat + - fluid definition file "confdialog.fl" OK + - needed to execute "make flgen" to create new + confdialog.cxx/h files + +- Update to version 4.1.11 + * Bug fix release only - no functional changes + +- Update to version 4.1.10 + AWOL CW id button + * Fixed "hidden" state of CW ID button + Macros + * Restore execution code for <TUNE + * Retain delayed execution code for <!TUNE + * Create new macro <@TUNE + * All three versions allow tune interval to be spec'd + in fractional seconds, i.e. 2.5, 5.1 10.0 15 + * <TUNE:nn.nn> used alone returns to receive + * <TUNE:nn.nn> followed by tex1t remains in transmit + to complete the transmission. + * Examples: + + <TUNE:10.0> + + <TUNE:5> + <TX>tune test <!TUNE:1.5> de w1hkj k + <RX> + <@TUNE:2.5> + * Remove text size restriction on CPS test report. + RigCat config + * restore missing control labels + CW 5 wpm + * 5 wpm farnsworth speed demands larger OUTBUFSIZE + - increase output buffer to 65536 + audio alert + * fix seg fault + - test for existence of audio_alert instance + analysis mode + * changes to data file output + flrig auto off + * add ability to shutdown flrig/xcvr during fldigi shutdown + maclogger + * correct interpretation of UDP frequency string + * update transceiver frequency based on UDP frequency + mkappbundle + * modify 'version' to include patch level + nanoIO + * Correct TTY interface code + start/stop transitions + * add code to soften the start/stop transitions for all modems + CW DTR-RTS + * generate CW on selected DTR/RTS signal line + * CW DTR/RTS signals generated concurrent with AF counterparts + and within a separate thread. + Olivia 2 tones + * correct trailing edge cutoff of postamble tones + Xmlrpc Xcvr + * enable QSY when Xmlrpc client xcvr is connected + mp3 + * simplify mp3 conversions + - test for file access using fopen + - use linear sample rate converter + contestia cr + * correct suppression of <CR> display + serial port + * insure that DTR and RTS are always disabled when closing port + Check Version + * correct version check logic + +- Update to version 4.1.09 + * Alert/Rx-monitor playback + * Dialog closure + * PO updates + * config-dialog-mod + * cw mods + * MilliSleep + * New Install + * Audio alerts disable + * Winkeyer + * lotw mangled report files + * Analysis mode + * ARRL CW bulletins + * hamcall + * RSID code assignments + * tree metaphor + * Log ADIF export + * xmlrpc_rig + * Rx monitor + * Display Logbook Datum + * RTTY bell + * Combo Box behavior + * cw prosigns + * CW International Chars + * Xmt Audio file + * Alerts + * Data file update + * Wefax autosave + * flrig freq/mode + * Update check + * WEFAX AFC + +- Update to version 4.1.08 + - Greek translation files updated by Haris SV1GRB + - xmlrpc <vector> + . This reverts commit d681ab54b31100878e16bf2c8c2b9a96ceb2de23. + . avoid sizing a zero length vector; use resize(size, n) for + non empty return vector + - Documentation + . Add missing deadman timer documentation + - Raster init values + . Raster::resize() was being called with a negative + width or height due to bad state being stored in the + config. This resulted in fldigi crashing before the + UI was displayed. + . submitted by Stephen Hurd <> + - Image transmit docs + . Correct manual for thor, mfsk, ifkp and fsk image transfer. + +- Udpate to version 4.1.07 + * FL_LOCK + * wf mods + +- Udpate to version 4.1.06 + * nanoIO + * FD server disconnect + * Calendar + * Warnings etal + +- Udpate to version 4.1.05 + * LoTW fllog + * Modem macro + * Close Logbook + * eQSL + +- Update to version 4.1.04 + * add debug statements to track access to remote log server + xmlrpc <vector> + * fix for zero length byte vector instantiation on Fedora global + build LoTW delivery + * Change to testing for LoTW delivery status Apple kill button + * force coordinated shutdown for command-Q, red-X decoration button, + or File/Exit process main dialog title + * force Windows to update window title when connecting to ACL + Contestia/Olivia + * Add contestia submodes to contestia modem type - needed to + enable rsid contestia submode detection + * Add missing submodes to Olivia Warnings + * correct warnings discovered by newer 64 bit compiler Log reports + * correct output formatting of text and csv reports Documentation + update + * update contest section 7qp multi + * Parse multi state/county report strings n3fjp + * restore named digital modes to MODE entry passed to loggers. + * restore ALC compatible controls CALL, FREQ, BAND, MODE, NAME, + QTH, STATE/PROVINCE, COUNTRY, GRID, POWER, COMMENTS, DATE, + TIME-ON, TIME-OFF wfonly controls + * correct control positioning + * allow visibility of Rev, Store, Lock controls Read log debugging + * Added event logging statements to the read log file function. + * Add wait for modem change to the execute method pMODEM(...) + DE QSO Party + * Add Delawre QSO party to configurable contests + +- Update to version 4.1.03 + * correct wf update loop + * Disable WinKey serial echo for emulators like K3NB Arduino sketch. + * modify default CQ macro to include RsID on/off + * Add code to correctly recognize OLIVIA submodes +- Update to version 4.1.02 + * change to allow concurrent timed dialogs + * insure that multiple dialogs do not overlie each other on UI + * remove multiple goto's on RsID detection notification dialog + * correct resizeing of timed dialog + * separate eQSL / LoTW alert dialogs instances - allows both to + be visible concurrently + * ignore multiple RsID notifications when notifier dialog is + visible + * display eQSL notifier when operating with external fllog + * deprecate the xmlrpc rig control tab + * add event log to waterfall only UI + * add VERBOSE events to all xmlrpc calls + * change waterfall redraw processing to timed updates, + independent of trx thread timing + * Language update: add pl.po changes + * Documentation update + * Add "N3FJP Amateur Contact Log" to title bar when + connected to external logger + * CQzone: add to xmlrpc add_record method + * trx_xmit_wfall_draw: change thread test to TRX_THREAD + vice MAIN_THREAD + * Log rotation + * Secure METAR + * lgbook File: add code to populate the logbook dialog widget + txtLogFile "File:" + * remove C style memory functions from qzlib implementation + * add limits testing on get_word method to prevent + stack corruption + * add MY_CALL, OP_CALL, MY_QTH and MY_LOCATOR fields to ADIF + xmlrpc record + * QTE-QRB: Make hover over Rx panel CALL text work with + external fllog + * Update globals entries for OLIVIA modes / submodes + * add logbook backups + * ARQ server: correct logic for testing loss of client + * Update log dates when fldigi submits either eQSL or LoTW + * XmlRpc Log Dup Check: Change for tri-state return from + xmlrpc duplicate test + * change flrig ptt keys modem default to false in configuration.h + * DxCluster/N3FJP i/o: changed method calls to agree with socket + class changes + * corrected multiple "connection refused" dxcc connect attempts + * only submit eQSL / LoTW if set in configuration + * update submit date eQSL + * modify build.m4 and src/ to suppress bogus + - fvisibility-inlines-hidden warnings during cc compilation + of mbedtls source. + * changes to isolate notify_dialog from invoking thread + * MODE export: allow log database to export non-fldigi modes + such as FT8 + * add flarq_socket.cxx - insulate flarq build from fldigi includes + * Add eQSL field to export data + * Add timed eQSL delivery status message dialog + * Add sub mode export if valid ADIF entry + * tod clock start move to after debug init + * ARQ socket i/o: Increase debug text size to accommodate large + arq texts from flamp. + * ARQ socket i/o: Insure that data streams are always bound to + data blocks + * ARQ socket i/o: prevent receive socket buffer overruns + * ARQ socket i/o: correct TOD clock + * analysis mode: add signal amplitude to output csv file + +- Update to version 4.1.01 + * CW h/w ptt + * nanoIO + * NAVTEX abort + * dup-check + * ADIF submode + * WF only bug fix + * LotW + * Pedantic warnings + * SD counties + * + * SV1GRB test report + +- Update to version 4.1.00 + * po update + * WWV doc + * Winkeyer FSK + * Contests + * arq-override + * flmsg-dir + * contest-docs + * fldigi_def.xml + * socket_mods + * Fltk 1.4 mod + * wefax + * nanoIO + * CW SOM table + * flrig: macro + * Audio adjust docs + * feldhell + * C-11 fixes + * nano FSK + * Mint-19/Mate + * Signal Browser documentation + * flrig seg fault + +- Update to version 4.0.18 + * CPS testing + * ipv6 addressing + * MT63 centering + * fsq mods + * IFKP/THOR greyscale image + * Hamlib bug fix + * Tooltip + * nanoIO + * THROB adif + * RigCAT dialog + +- Update to version 4.0.17 + * flarq idtimer + * Greek language update + * tmpfile + * xmlrpc cat string + * Modem start frequency + * Serial port discovery + * Log entries + * flarq appdir + * rx/tx + * RTTY Quick pick + * quick pick rtty baud + * Documentation Update + * CW/FSK I/O on start + * WinKey PTT + * Navigator + * nanoIO + * Default Lighted Button + * ST/PR macro tags + * K2/K3/KX3 data modes + * Logbook read + * 8pskF + * fsq/ifkp audit logs + * RTTY browser decode + flint +- Update to release 2.8.2 + * New fq_default module which combines existing finite fields + * Speedups for linear algebra when using BLAS and/or threading + * New series expansions with coefficients in QQ + * Faster CRT + * New fmpz_mod_mpoly module + * Polynomial factoring improvements over ZZ + * Add fmpz_mat_can_solve_fflu and fmpz_mat_can_solve + * Implement nmod_mat_det_howell + * Add fmpz_mod_poly_divides, fmpz_divides, n_divides, nmod_poly_divides + * Interface for multiplying matrices by vectors and arrays + * Nearest Euclidean division + * Subresultant GCD + * XGCD over ZZ with canonical Bezout coefficients + * Add fmpz_mpoly resultant and discriminant + * Add deprecations list + * Add FLINT_SGN macro + * Speedups for series computations + * Improve Taylor shift + * Numerous bug fixes and speedups + +- Update to release 2.7.1 + * Fix build bug due to missing test files + * Fix bug in multivariate factoring when there are more than six factors + * Fix issue when using MPIR 3.0.0 on Win64 with command line build + * Fix bug in fmpz_mod_poly_div_series + * Fix some broken asserts + * Support standard GNU installation directories in CMake build + * Fix stack overflow with ICC + +- Update to release 2.7.0 + * Multivariate factorisation + * Square root and square testing for finite fields + * Square root and square testing for multivariates + * Zassenhaus factoring speedups (incl. degree pruning) + * Fast factorisation of cubic univariate polynomials + * Add context objects to fmpz_mod_poly functions + * Use BLAS for matrix multiplication over Z/nZ (small n) + * Linear solving for non-square/singular matrices (can_solve) + * Speed up factorisation over Z/nZ (for multiprecision n) + +- Add header file dependencies to flint-devel + -- Marked as 3.0~7781 (git rev-list --count - 0e8613b3336f356e07f7bbd4bb2ae5eded68ca40..v2.6.3) for Leap 15.2 - since downgrades of the Version field are not easily possible. -- Update to new upstream release 2.4.4 - * Fix a bug in the ARM assembly - -- Update to new upstream release 2.4.1 - * C++ expressions template wrapper - * Fast factorisation of polynomials over Z/nZ - * improved p-adics - * polynomials/matrices over p-adics - * qadics - * Finite fields (small and large F_q), polynomials/matrices over F_q - * Finite fields with Zech logarithm representation - * Fast factorisation of polynomials over F_q - * Faster Brent-Kung modular composition - * New prime sieving code - * Lambert-W function - * Precomputed inverses for polynomials and large integers - * Williams' P+1 integer factoring algorithm - * Harvey's KS2/KS4 polynomial multiplication - * Faster primality testing up to 64 bits - * Support for GMP - * Support for Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC - * Support for flint extension modules - florence +- `BuildRequires: python3-libxml2` to fix Factory build. +- Purged useless macros from %%post(un). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Add florence-build-without-scrollkeeper.patch : Fix build without + scrollkeeper support, following this patch, drop + rarian-scrollkeeper-compat BuildRequires and stop passing + - -disable-scrollkeeper to configure, no longer needed nor used. + +- Add florence-buildfix.patch: Fix reference to libflorence, fixes + also parallel build. + flowgrind +- Fix building with gcc10 + fltk +- explicitly pass -fPIC and -pie via CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to make /usr/bin/fluid + an position-independent executable. fltk by default passed -fPIC but not + - pie, which breaks our gcc-PIE profile. (bsc#1184122). + +- added xcursor dependency [bsc#1077881] + +- Trim description, drop TM/R marks according to guidelines. + +- Drop patch fltk-1.3.2-do_not_add_unneeded_extra_dependencies.patch + as upstream closed the ticked stating it is wrong +- Add patch fltk-1.3.4-fltk_config.patch + +- Explicitly package %{_docdir}/fltk-devel in order to fix build + with RPM 4.13.0. + +- updated to 1.3.4: see CHANGES +- remove fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch (upstreamed) + +- Add fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch: do not use internal + function Fl_XFont_On_Demand::value(), which changes ABI based on + the configuration. Add a fl_core_font() getter for the same. + +- Update to version 1.3.3 + +Very much changes; please have a look on CHANGES file +- Remove fltk-1.3.2-underlinking.patch; merged upstream + +- Correct -devel package dependencies + * /usr/include/FL/x*.H needs x11 headers + * /usr/include/FL/gl*.H needs gl headers. + +- added a fltk-devel-static subpackage to transport libfltk*.a + as needed by Documentation:Tools/flpsed. + fluxbox +- Add gcc11.patch: replaces ordered pointer comparison with equality comparison. + -- updated to 1.3.1 - * Fix for not hiding submenus if menuDelay is set. - * Fix crash when moving transient windows (Dialogs) between Workspaces, #3088856. - * Fix crash when SystemTray was rotated 90/270 degree, #3188223. - * Fix potential crash when gettting an UnmapEvent before a FocusEvent. - * Fix potential crash on accessing NULL-pointer. - * Fix wrong width calculation of Systemtray, #3150939. - * Fix initial placement of WindowMenu, #2731524. - * Fix incorrectly shown alpha values in Menus, #3187373. - * Fix render 'sunken' Textures correctly. -- package changelog moved to .changes - flxmlrpc +- Fixed to use source snapshot from fldigi git repository + +- Redownload tarball + +- update to version 1.0.1 (not released) + * update XmlRpcBase64.h file to comply with flxxx internals +- update to version 1.0.0 (not released) + * add client_id tag + * remove files that should be locally created +- update to version 0.1.5 (not released) + * fix XmlRpc tm_mday comparison typo + +- Small package modernisation + folder-color +- Simplify %setup statement. Use noun phrase in descriptions. + foliate +- Add foliate-WebKit-version.patch: Fix launch if WebKit2-5.0 + happens to be installed (boo#1192627). + +- Filter out the optional tracker typelib Requires. + +- Fixed gjs dependency issue (boo#1187328). + +- stop owning directories provided by filesystem rpm (bsc#1184786) + +- Update to version 2.6.3: + * Fixed a performance issue with zipped files (including EPUB files) + +- Update to version 2.6.2: + * Fix UI when running with libhandy 1.x + +- Remove 2c28932c6266cbeddbe49d7aa6ca8d70d125e96f.patch + Included in release 2.6.0. + +- Update to version 2.6.1: + * Fixed automatic layout. + +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * Added support for opening HTML files. + * Consistent inner and outer margins. + * The automatic layout no longer supports 4 columns. + * Fixed long words overflowing. + * Fixed custom themes not saved across sessions. + * Fixed shortcuts for key pads. + * Fixed opening non-UTF-8 zipped FB2 files. + * Fixed books not opening on GNOME 40. + +- Added + Make foliate work with GNOME 40 (gh:johnfactotum/foliate#689) + +- Change filter typelib(Handy) = 1 to exclude now obsolete version + 0.0 instead of current version 1. + +- Update to version 2.5.0: + * Improved support for touch screen. + * OPDS credentials can now be remembered. + * Various fixes for GNOME 3.38. + * Fixed Wiktionary internal links. + * Added Basque, Korean, and Norwegian translations + +- Update to version 2.4.2: + * Fixed unable to open some EPUB files + +- Update to version 2.4.1: + * Fixed unable to open Mobipocket files + +- Fixed dependency issue +- Added symlink "foliate" targetting main binary. + +- Update to version 2.4.0: + * Improved metadata display + * Improved FictionBook rendering + * Improved UI for acquiring books from OPDS (#404, #405) + * Fixed unique identifier extraction for EPUB files + * Fixed missing window icon (#456) + * Fixed eSpeak NG voice not selected when testing TTS + configuration + +- Update to version 2.3.0: + * OPDS catalogs: + - Catalogs are now opened in the main library window (#403) + - View current location + - Go to catalog start page + - Reload catalog + - Add current feed to catalogs + - HTTP authentication support (#421) + * Other changes: + - Fixed unique identifier extraction for + FictionBook (.fb2, files (#462) + - Fixed newlines being ignored when copying text (#463) + - “Turn page on tap†is now disabled in + non-paginated layouts (#464) + - Opening a book from the library view now closes the + library window (#446) + - Language and publication dates in metadata are now parsed + and formatted + - Export annotations from the library view + +- Filter "typelib(Handy) = 1" dependency. We use handy 0.0. + +- Trim bias from descriptions. +- Simplify %install commands. + +- Update to version 2.2.1: + * Fixed blurry book covers on HiDPI + * Fixed OPDS links to Standard Ebooks and Project Gutenberg + * Fixed wrong view icon on startup + +- Update to version 2.2.0: + * Library: + - A library view showing recent books and reading progress + - Search books by metadata + - E-book discovery with OPDS + * New supported formats: + - FictionBook (.fb2, (#128) + - Comic book archive (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt, .cb7) + - Plain text (.txt) (#226) + - Unpacked EPUB files + * Layout: + - Option to set maximum page width + - The "Automatic" layout will now show four columns + when the page width is wide + * Image viewer: + - Improved image viewer, with new shortcuts and the ability + to rotate and invert images + - Option to disable image viewer, or to open images on double, + middle, or right click + * Text-to-speech: + - Improved text-to-speech configuration UI + - Ability to set text-to-speech voice based on book language + * Annotations + - Import annotations from JSON + - Search in annotations + - Annotations are now sorted in the same order as they appear + in the book + * Security: + - "Allow Unsafe Content" now only enables JavaScript; external + content will no longer be loaded. This is an important + security fix. If you are running an old version of Foliate + and cannot upgrade, you should disable + "Allow Unsafe Content". + - WebKit processes are now sandboxed + * Other featues and fixes: + - Improved support for vertical and right-to-left books + - Support for StarDict dictionaries + - Fixed current location not preserved when resizing + - Fixed auto-hiding header bar under some themes + - Command-line options for showing version and adding books + to library + - Option to clear or disable cache + - When an HTML page contains invalid self-closing anchor tags, + it is now parsed as XHTML +- Add fdupes BuildRequires and macro call, remove duplicate files. + fonehome -- Add Requires(pre): insserv-compat. insserv is no longer part of - a standard SUSE setup, since we have long switched to systemd. +- Run spec-cleaner on spec file -- Upgrade to version 1.1.0 - + Improvements to fhshow(1); support IPv6 and UDP sockets +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400) + * Added patch harden_fonehome.service.patch -- Upgrade to version 1.0.31 - + Add support for connecting to multiple servers (issue #1) - + Log connection attempts and status to syslog (issue #2) +- Upgrade to version 1.2.1 + + Substitute spaces for newlines when logging errors + + Fixed quoting issues in fhssh(1) and fhscp(1) -- Revert inadvertent spec file changes in previous commit +- Upgrade to version 1.2.0 + + Added bash(1) completion scripts for fhssh(1) and fhscp(1) + + Converted from /etc/init.d script to systemd unit file -- Upgrade to version 1.0.28 +- Replace '%service_del_postun -n' with '%service_del_postun_without_restart' + '-n' is deprecated and will be removed in the future. -- Move home directory to /var/lib/fonehome-sever -- Tighen security with no-pty and permitopen="" -- Remove sshd_config mods from %post script +- Upgrade to version 1.1.1 + + Filter zero bytes from /proc/X/cmdline to avoid bash warning + + Run %post commands with reduced privileges (bsc#1154200) -- Remove unnecessary %clean +- Convert fonehome client from SysV to systemd service (bsc#1116015) -- Install README, COPYING, and CHANGES file as %doc +- Add Requires(pre): insserv-compat. insserv is no longer part of + a standard SUSE setup, since we have long switched to systemd. -- Create %ghost files during %install +- Upgrade to version 1.1.0 + + Improvements to fhshow(1); support IPv6 and UDP sockets -- Update to release 1.0.21 +- Upgrade to version 1.0.31 + + Add support for connecting to multiple servers (issue #1) + + Log connection attempts and status to syslog (issue #2) font-specimen +- Install pkgconfig into libdir instead of datadir + fontawesome-fonts +- Update to version 5.15.4 + * Changed + - Removed the tripadvisor brand icon by request of Tripadvisor + - Update bug, bullseye, drone, icons #17800 #17106 #17730 + - Update bootstrap, discord, figma, and font-awesome-* brand icons #17436 + * Fixed + - Made font-family matching case-insensitive for SVG + JavaScript version of Font Awesome #17860 + - Corrected missing version hospital-user #17435 + - Removed useless .tgz file in @fortawesome/fontawesome-pro and all @fortawesome/pro-*-svg-icons + +- Update to version 5.15.3 + * Changed + - Updated air-freshener's design due to trademark violation notice + +- Update to version 5.15.2 + * Changed + - Support release to improve Font Awesome Kits performance + +- Update to version 5.15.1 + * Changed + - Update to the ravelry brand icon + * Fixed + - Removed fill attribute from the vest and vest-patches icon + - Moved attribution comment to correct location for sprites + - Fixed duotone icons not rendering in Kits + +- Update to version 5.15.0 + * Added + - Added guilded, hive, innosoft, instalod, ns8, octopus-deploy, perbyte, + - uncharted, watchman-monitoring, wodu sponsored brand icons + - Added commissioned vest and vest-patch icon + - Added cloudflare brand icon + * Changed + - Removed the adobe icon at the request of Adobe + - Update rocketchat brand icon + * Fixed + - Conflict detection now includes Kits when checking for conflicts + +- update to 5.14.0: + * Corrected rendering issue with the tripadvisor brand icon in Windows 10 #16817 + * Corrected unicode values that were outside the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) #16804 + +- fix webfont path (boo#1174093) + +- Update to version 5.13.0: + * Added new icons related to COVID-19. + * Fixed font family name to be 'Font Awesome 5 Free' for free + kits when using pseudo-elements. + * Added the ability to specify mask ID and title ID for SVG with + JS which allows snapshot testing tools to get a predictable + result when executing tests. + * Corrected version 4 font face shim src attribute declaration + that was warning of incorrect font file format. + * Explicitly set font-display to block which supresses warnings + of font-display in tools like Lighthouse. + +- Update to version 5.12.1: + * Added + + user-unlock icon #13280 + + mixer brand icon #11242 + + coffin-cross icon #15646 + + instagram-square icon #9223 + + shopify icon #3850 + + dailymotion icon #3890 + * Changed + + Do not separate web fonts files for Free Kits + + The .fab CSS class now has explicit weight of 400 instead of inheriting 'normal' + + Balance the plus symbol in file-plus and folder-plus #16004 + + Removed cross from coffin (new coffin-cross still available) #15646 + + Updated edge brand icon #15771 + + Updated clock hands #15779 +- changed sources to github release +- README-Trademarks.txt replaced with LICENSE.txt + +- default font path for the web fonts is "../fonts" so we need to install the + referenced files in /usr/share/font-awesome-web/fonts. + form +- Use openmpi macros to always build with the default openmpi version. + +- Switch to using the newer openmpi2 instead of openmpi(1). + fotowall +- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch + -- initial build for packman <0.2> - four-in-a-row +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.37.2: + + A bit of code modernization and some shortcuts fixes. + +- Update to version 3.36.7: + + Fix for translation help overlay. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.4: + + Fix typo in appdata. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Updated translations. + fox16 +- package license files in library package +- ran spec-cleaner + +- Update to 1.6.57: + + Libtool flags added on behalf of FXRuby builds and missing + UNICODE flag added for CYGWIN32 build. + + Problem fixed in FXString vformat(). + + Fix FXMemoryStream position() API: error code was set moving + stream position to end of buffer. + -- fixed devel dependencies for scientific linux - -- Add explicity glu dependency for openSUSE > 12.2 - fpc +- Update to version 3.2.2 + * See for + the changelog +- Drop aarch64-fpc-compilation-fix.patch and + aarch64-fpu-initialization.patch (merged upstream) +- Drop fpc-fix-library-paths-on-aarch64.patch (no longer + required) +- Refresh fpc-fix-library-paths-on-ppc64.patch +- Add fpc-3.2.0-glibc-2.34.patch (courtesy of Fedora) +- Add source URLS +- Add _constraints + +- Explicitly BuildRequire tex(litings.sty): With TeXLive 2021, this + does not longer happen to be pulled in by the so-far specified + build deps. Be explicit about or need for this. + fpc:doc +- Update to version 3.2.2 + * See for + the changelog +- Drop aarch64-fpc-compilation-fix.patch and + aarch64-fpu-initialization.patch (merged upstream) +- Drop fpc-fix-library-paths-on-aarch64.patch (no longer + required) +- Refresh fpc-fix-library-paths-on-ppc64.patch +- Add fpc-3.2.0-glibc-2.34.patch (courtesy of Fedora) +- Add source URLS +- Add _constraints + +- Explicitly BuildRequire tex(litings.sty): With TeXLive 2021, this + does not longer happen to be pulled in by the so-far specified + build deps. Be explicit about or need for this. + fplll +- Update to release 5.4.1 + * Add -I flags to pkgconfig file + * GCC11 support + +- Update to release 5.4.0 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to release 5.3.3 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to release 5.3.2 + * Nobody has any intention of providing a changelog. + +- Update to release 5.3.1 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to release 5.3.0 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to new upstream release 5.2.1 + * Unify randomness on 32-bit and 64-bit systems + -- Update to new upstream release 4.0.4 - * compatibility for packages that still expect to build against - libfplll version 3. - * Compilation fixes: updates of config.sub and config.guess, and - a better check that MPFR and GMP are installed. - -- Update to new upstream release 4.0.3 - * Fixed compiler issues for Cygwin and warnings - -- Update to new upstream release 4.0.1 - * Resolved compiler warnings about unused parameters - -- Update to version 4.0.0 - * BKZ reduction, available with `fplll -a bkz -b blocksize` - -- fix build for SLE-11 -- add missing %post and %postun scriplets - -- new version 3.1.3 - fprintd +- Update to version 1.94.1 + * Highlights: + + Fix systemd unit so that udev hotplug events are processed + + Report back the selected finger if there is only one + + Change PolicyKit strings for clarity + + Various fixes to the testsuite + + Plenty of translation updates +- Changes from 1.94.0 + * Highlights: + + Implement suspend/resume handling. + + This requires writing "power/persist" and "power/wakeup" in sysfs. + + Support libfprint overheat protections + + Delete host prints when device prints disappeared + + pam: Immediately return success information + + Plenty of updated translations thanks to move to Fedora Weblate + + Fix possible race when retrieving session information + + Fix possible race when a client disconnects + + GLib 2.56 compatibility fixes +- Changes from 1.92.0 + * Highlights: + + fprintd now prevents the same finger to be enrolled twice + + Support clearing storage of match-on-chip devices + + pam: Cancel authentication on SIGINT (e.g. ctrl+c with sudo) + + pam: Always return PAM_AUTHINFO_UNAVAIL for devices without prints + + Expose finger status on DBus + + Add method to delete only a specific print of a user + + Improved error reporting for deletion + + Wait for finger removal before cancelling operations + + Prefer older prints when garbage collecting + + Major improvements to test coverage +- Remove README.SUSE because rh#1693356 and upstream classified it as not a problem + +- fix pyton dbus-python build dependency for Leap 15.3 boo#1183818 + +- Update to version 1.90.9 + * Fix multiple daemon lockup issues (#97) + * Fix print garbage collection to not delete used prints + * pam: Use the device with the most prints + +- Update to version 1.90.8 + It seems that we are finally reaching the end of the tunnel with + regard to regressions. One more issue that cropped up was that a + pam_fprintd fix to avoid a possible authentication bypass caused + issues when fprintd was just started on demand. + Highlights: + * pam: Only listen to NameOwnerChanged after fprintd is known to + run. + * Place new ObjectManager DBus API at /net/reactivated/Fprint + +- Update to version 1.90.7 + While 1.90.6 fixed a number of issues, we did have a bad + regression due causing pam_fprintd to crash when there are no + fingerprint devices installed. + Highlights: + * pam: Guard strdup calls against NULL pointers + +- Update to version 1.90.6 + The 1.90.5 release was unusable due to a number of inter-related + issues with the DBus interface and authorization. We also found + a number of problems with possible security implications. + Currently fprintd will do interactive authorization even if this + was not requested using the correct DBus method call flag. All + API users MUST be updated to set the flag as it will be enabled + in the future! + Highlights: + * Fix fprintd DBus configuration + * Change details of what requires authorization + * Fix various race conditions in pam_fprintd + * Permit interactive authorization from fprintd utilities + * Do not allow deletion while another operation is ongoing +- Drop patch: + * 0001-tests-Fix-test-not-failing-on-error.patch + +- Update to version 1.90.4 + The 1.90.4 release caused a major regression, as it included a + USB hub in UDEV the autosupend rule list. + Highlights: + * Remove USB hub from udev autosupend rules + * synaptics: Add PID 0x00c9 which is used in some HP laptops + +- Update to version 1.90.4 + * Authentication is now required to enroll a new print. + * Add support for the libfprint early reporting mechanism + * Proper hotplug support together with libfprint 1.90.4 + * Handle STATE_DIRECTORY containing multiple paths +- Add patch: + * 0001-tests-Fix-test-not-failing-on-error.patch + + Unittest test_manager_get_devices_on_name_appeared is broken + with this patch applied - so revert it for now. + +- Few minor spec-cleaner tweaks + +- Update version to 1.90.1 + * Add support for prints saved on the fingerprint device itself + * Add integration tests using the virtual image driver, and further tests for the utilities + * Port build system to meson + * Loads of build warnings and memory leak fixes + * PAM module: + Port PAM module to sd-bus from dbus-glib + Use systemd to not ask for a fingerprint scan on remote logins + Add man page for PAM module + Add tests +- Split doc package + +- Fix the download url + +- update to 0.9.0: + * Fix hangs when there the verification error was "retry" + * Update for fp_get_pollfds() changes + * Fix "client_username" memory leak, fix memory leak when saving a file + * Create the fingerprint storage directory at install time, the storage path is now hard-coded as /var/lib/fprint and created by systemd when the service is started + +- Add README.SUSE to warn users of the potential risk in storing + fingerprint data on their systems + +- Update to version 0.8.1: + + Fix build when builddir != srcdir. + + Fix possible crash on exit. + + Avoid warnings in copy/paste header. + + Sandbox fprintd daemon more. + + Update website address. + + Minimise debug output. + + Updated translations. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. +- Drop _service file, upstream have moved to gitlab and are using + a unique Url for tarball source so service no longer makes sense. + -- added baselibs.conf as source to specfile - -- drop rpmlintrc - -- added baselibs.conf - -- activate obsoletes for pam_fprint as yast2-fingerprint-reader - (which this was waiting for) has been dropped half a year ago - -- Change systemd BuildRequires to pkgconfig(systemd) so that - configure actually finds the dependency. This fixes an issue on - systemd-based systems where the fprintd dbus service is not - starting because it's referencing the non-existing fprintd - systemd service. Fix bnc#850807. -- Add %pre/%post/%preun/%postun sections to register systemd - service. -- Add %{?systemd_requires} to the dependencies. - -- Update to version 0.5.1 - + Add support for 147e:2020 to upeke2 driver - + Fix possible race condition, and cancellation in uru4000 driver - + Add Microsoft keyboard to the suspend blacklist - + Plenty of build fixes -- Changes from version 0.5.0: - + New VFS300/VFS301 driver - + New AES2550/AES2810 drivers - + New AES1660 driver - + New AES2660 driver - + New DigitalPersona URU4500 driver - + Avoid empty capture and improve image contrast in the AES2501 and AES2550 drivers - + Update upektc driver, add support for Eikon Touch 300 - + Fix UrU4000 image capture on ARM - + Fix power control path for newer kernels - + Move udev rules to the correct directory - + Don't print duplicated udev rules - + Include udev rules in the tarball - + Allow disabling of udev rules for cross-compiling - + Add driver names in the generated rules -- Adhere to guidelines -- Fixed self-obsoletion RPMlint warnings -- Added openSUSE license reminder to spec file -- Added fprintd.pod-syntax.patch to fix a syntax error during build. - frame +- add frame-cstdio.patch, fix FTBFS for TW + freecell-solver +- Update to 6.6.0 + * Ignore the FCS_SINGLE_HARD_THREAD and + FCS_DISABLE_MULTI_NEXT_INSTS options while removing complexity + from the source code. + * Better rinutils bootstrap shim. + * Silence some compiler warnings. + +- Update to 6.2.0 + * Fix run time errors + * Add a more compact representation of zero-freecells deals +- New build requirement: python3-cffi + freeciv +- update to 2.6.5: + * + * 2.6.5 is a bugfix release. Notably it fixes regression in 2.6.4 gtk3-client + that present units in city dialog had no overlays drawn at all. + +- Update to 2.6.4: + * Bugfix release, see + +- update to 2.6.3: + * see + * Fixed trouble when a new city is founded to the ruins of a former city, + and that new city establish a trade route with a player who had seen + former city, and is unaware that it had been destroyed HRM#871606 + * Fixed a case where shared vision did not completely update + recipient's map HRM#846106 + * Fixed a bug where one could paradrop to peaceful nation's territory + after continuing game from an old savegame HRM#879084 + * Fixed a bug causing game sometimes to tell wrong reason of why an + action failed HRM#879880 + * Cease fire no longer runs out with an already dead player, making his + former allies to hate the alive party of the treaty HRM#879055 + * Made server not to end in a infinite loop after loading savegame with + too high phase number. Such a savegame was reported to be created + after spaceship was launched but game was still continued HRM#815196 + * Unified writing of the city name Washington-on-the-Brazos + between rulesets, so it doesn't appear multiple times in the same + game in a bit different form HRM#867817 + * Stealth units are no longer erroneously hidden even from allies + HRM#764976 + * Placing initial units is now done in shuffled player order HRM#850656 + * Corrupt worker tasks are cleared. Those can originate, e.g., + from buggy pre- Qt-client, and live in old savegames HRM#901938 + * In a ruleset, such as civ2civ3, where caravans can help building wonder + in a foreign city, refresh city info of the city owner when one does + HRM#907977 + * Display of success probabilities for diplomats was off when targeting + stack of units instead of individual unit HRM#859761 + * Fixed pillaging of extras that are caused by something else than + player actions. For the fix to work, both server and client must be + at least version 2.6.3 HRM#861508 + * Civilian unit trying to paradrop to an enemy city dies HRM#870004 + * Prevented dead player from getting techs via Tech_Parasite effect. + This caused trouble in alien ruleset where Tech_Parasite is granted + by a tech HRM#873692 + * Improved support of CityTile requirement type HRM#877780 + * Fixed trouble preventing Small Wonders from working as impr_reqs + for units HRM#884993 + * Corrected success probability shown by action dialog when it depends + on a special kind of road HRM#897490 + * The included Lua engine has been upgraded from 5.3.5 to 5.3.6. HRM#889425 +- drop freeciv-appdata-desktop-references.patch (obsolete) + +- update to + * Fixed server crash when unit with zero move_rate is transformed + * Fixed crashes when using Direction objects in lua scripts + * Fixed crash when chatline text had opening tag without closing tag + * Fixes to the Qt client + * Updated translations + * Fixed Qt-client build against Qt-5.15 (removes freeciv-qt-5.15.patch ) + * Documentation updates + +- Add freeciv-qt-5.15.patch: Fix build with Qt 5.15. + +- Drop libggz2-devel BuildRequires: ggz has not been supported + since freeciv 2.6.0. + freedoom +- Update to 0.12.1 + * The manual is now rendered as PDF. + * Final Doom compatibility de-emphasized. Where it creates + conflicts with Doom II mods or texture definitions, the the + Doom II side of things gets preferred. Final Doom-specific + maps and mods may never look completely right in Freedoom, as + a result. + * Phase 1 received a lot of mapping changes with improved + difficulty levels. There is a new C3M5. + * Phase 2 MAP01 received an overhaul, simplifying its design in + significant ways to improve the flow around the level. + * Two maps in Phase 2 were replaced due to being recreations of + Doom II maps. + * Maps in Phase 2 in general have had some slight + re-arrangement based on difficulty levels and themes. A new + MAP06 is included, while the old one took the MAP18 slot. + * All levels are now guaranteed to have co-op and deathmatch starts. + * New sprites for power-ups (stealth, overdrive, and ultra-overdrive) + and Arch Vile. + * Some weapon and ammo sprites have been tweaked and improved. + * Completed and enhanced set of Evilution and Plutonia textures. + * New skull-switches by MissLav. + * New SKY4 based on an astronomy photograph. + * Tweaked player sprites and HUD face. + * New music tracks in C1M2, C2M3, C2M8, MAP03, MAP12, MAP22, + MAP25, MAP26, MAP27, DM03, DM06, DM09, DM17, DM24, DM31, and + DM32. + * Metainfo (formerly appdata) and desktop files have been + brought up to the latest standard specifications and + recommendations, using reverse-DNS for the project + identifier, and a self-evaluated content rating. + * Phase 2’s internal DEMO1 has been replaced, thanks to some + odd vanilla quirks that could cause it to desync in some (but + not all) conditions. + * The sailor monster type is formally banished from Freedoom’s + own levels, and remaining uses of it were removed. + -- New upstream version 0.6.2 - freedoom-freedm +- Update to 0.12.1 + * Archive no longer OpenGPG-signed by upstream + * We now have a manual rendered to beautiful PDF format. Thanks to + Simon Howard, the project’s founder. + * A strong focus on vanilla compatibility has been sought for this + release. Most, if not all, levels should work now. + * _Final Doom_ compatibility de-emphasized. Where it creates + conflicts with _Doom II_ mods or texture definitions, we prefer + the _Doom II_ side of things. _Final Doom_-specific maps and mods + may never look completely right in _Freedoom_, as a result. + * _FreeDM_ has seen a major overhaul, with most maps being modified, + with new additions and removals of the weaker levels. It now + benefits from the use of Aquatex and Egyptian textures in some of + its levels, giving a more vibrant feel than before. + * New power-up (stealth, overdrive, and ultra-overdrive) sprites. + * Some weapon and ammo sprites have been tweaked and improved. + * Completed and enhanced set of _Evilution_ and _Plutonia_ textures. + * New skull-switches by MissLav. + * New SKY4 based on an astronomy photograph. + * Tweaked player sprites and HUD face by Ferk. + * New tracks in C1M2, C2M3, C2M8, MAP03, MAP12, MAP22, MAP25, MAP26, + MAP27, DM03, DM06, DM09, DM17, DM24, DM31, and DM32. + * All files in-tree have been renamed from *.mus to *.mid. The file + format must always be MIDI. This makes it easy on music composers + to actually work with the files. + * Metainfo (formerly appdata) and desktop files have been brought up + to the latest standard specifications and recommendations, using + reverse-DNS for the project identifier, and a self-evaluated + content rating. + * The launch shell-script changed the `PORT` environment variable to + `DOOMPORT` to avoid conflicts with the genericly-named `PORT`. It + also builds a sensible default `DOOMWADPATH` environment variable + to assist ports that do not have a hard-coded fallback. + * The script no longer tries to look for `boom`, `zdoom`, nor + `prboom` by default, as these are ports no longer maintained. + * Freedoom’s build system now has a hard dependency on Python 3, in + anticipation of Python 2’s end-of-life. + * We have moved from ImageMagick to Pillow, a Python library for + graphics manipulation. It provides faster build times as well as + API stability. + * GIF files have been replaced with PNG files. True PNG file format + transparency is used instead of a cyan background. + * `ASCIIDOC` and `ASCIIDOC_MAN` variables have been added to the + Makefile to control the AsciiDoc implementation used to generate + HTML and man page files. + * The HTML documentation (eg, +NEWS+ and +README+ files) are + generated with a style based on _Freedoom_’s own website, rather + than the default AsciiDoc styling. + * Incongruities between the actual game and manual have been fixed. + * The `make install` targets have been consolidated to behave more + similarly to how the pre-built zip distributions are: a split + between _FreeDM_ and _Phase 1+2_, rather than installing each of + the tree IWADs independently (and thus getting their own + +/usr/share/doc+ directories, for instance). + freetype +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Small spec file cleanup with spec-cleaner + -- fixed to build with the new glibc - freexl +- update to 1.0.6: + * no changelog provided by upstream + -- update to 1.0.0d - frei0r-plugins +- Update to version 1.7.0 + * This release includes three new filters, code cleanups and several + bugfixes improving stability of existing plugins. + * New filters (3): normaliz0r, elastic_scale, premultiply. + * Updated (47): alpha0ps, baltan, bgsubtractor, bluescreen0r, blur, + c0rners, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, cartoon, cluster, + coloradj, colorhalftone, curves, d90stairsteppingfix, defish0r, + delay0r, edgeglow, emboss, facebl0r, facedetect, levels, + lightgraffiti, measure, ndvi, nervous, nosync0r, primaries, + rgbnoice, rgbsplit0r, scanline0r, select0r, sopsat, spillsupress, + three_point_balance, timeout, tutorial, vertigo, vignette, water, + alphaatop, alphain, alphaout, alphaover, alphaxor, + cairoaffineblend, cairoblend, xfade0r +- Drop obsolete patches: + * frei0r-plugins-1.4-missing_include.patch + * frei0r-plugins-openCV-3.0-compatibility.patch + * frei0r-plugins-openCV-3.4.2-compatibility.patch +- Fix compilation with OpenCV 3.4.9/4.2.0 + * 0001-Port-facebl0r-to-OpenCV-C-API.patch + +- Add frei0r-plugins-openCV-3.4.2-compatibility.patch to fix a + build failure with openCV > 3.4.1 +- Run spec-cleaner + -- Update to version 1.4: - * Fix several major bugs in existing plugins - * Add new filters and the optional dependency to cairo. - - New filters (18): IIRblur, Vignette, Keyspillm0pup, Timeout, - Posterize, Dither, Spillsupress, Emboss, Colgate, RGBNoise, - Colorize, Softglow, ColrHalftone, Sigmoidaltransfer, - Colortap, cairogradient, cairoimagegrid, medians - - New mixers: cairoblend, cairoaffineblend -- Remove frei0r-missing-return.patch and frei0r-plugins-compiler-warnings.patch -- Add frei0r-plugins-1.4-missing_include.patch -- Add pkgconfig(cairo) BuildRequires - frescobaldi +- Update to 3.1.3: + * This release contains several bug fixes, a few improvements and + updated translations +- Update python-ly to version 0.9.7: no upstream changelog + +- Switch to python-qt5-sip, although it is not really needed + gh#frescobaldi/frescobaldi#1332 + freshplayerplugin +- Switch from ragel6 to ragel7 + frozen-bubble +- fix build for Tumbleweed (add silencebadsnprintfcheck.patch) + -- update to 2.212 (2.2.1beta1) - * use new SDL Perl API - * ported to CPAN; should now work "natively" on Windows and Mac OSX - * integrates all functional openSUSE patches - fsarchiver +- Update to 0.8.6: + * Add support for EXT4 fast_commit feature + * Add support for XFS features inobtcount and bigtime + * Fix handling of compression options on the command line + * Specify device as the last argument in mkfs calls + +- Use pkgconfig style dependencies +- Drop not needed dependencies + +- Update to 0.8.5: + * Improved support for extfs filesystems (Contribution from Marcos Mello) + * Fixed build issue with e2fsprogs < 1.41 (Contribution from Marcos Mello) + * Fixed build issue related to xattr.h (Contribution from Lars Wendler) +- Remove fsarchiver-attr.patch: upstreamed + -- Add fsarchiver-attr.patch: remove dependency on was - never linked anyway, things still worked because glibc provides - the same interface. - -- Update to 0.6.19. - * Reverted "number of inode blocks per group" patch which caused - a regression in release 0.6.18. - fsvs +- update to 1.2.9: + - Various small fixes that got visible with new compiler versions and/or LLVM. + - Fixed URI canonicalization (UTF8) +- refreshed patches fsvs-1.2.5-linking.patch, fsvs-destdir.patch + fswebcam +- update to 20200725: + - Return a non-zero if the capture fails. + - Add option to change camera timeout from default of 10 seconds. + (James McCormac) + - Add new Bayer palettes. (Eugen Hristev) + - Add WebP output support. + - Add option to dump raw frames to stdout. (Philipp Simon Schmidt) + - Add option to limit number of times to loop. + - Fix libgd 2.3.0+ issue where the font test always fails. (Ashley Dixon) + +- update to current version from git + * new support for VYUY format + * new bayer formats + * WebP output support + * update videodev2.h header + * optflags are taken into account + * documentation and build env updates +- fix URL references + fuse-exfat +- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) + +- Trim filler wording from description. + +- fuse-exfat 1.3.0: + * Clean up FUSE code preparing for FUSE 3 support + -- recommend exfat-utils -- specfile cleanup using spec-cleaner -- fix URL -- add Changelog and COPYING to doc files - -- Update to version 1.1.0: - + Relicensed the project from GPLv3+ to GPLv2+. - + OpenBSD support [Helg Bredow]. - + Improved I/O errors handling. - + Implemented fsync() and fsyncdir(). - + Fixed crash on Mac OS X 10.5 caused by non-standard use of - realpath(). Also fixed TrueCrypt disks unmounting. - + Avoid extra erase on writes to the end of a file. This should - improve linear write speed. - + Allow arbitrary changing of lower 9 bits of mode. Allow - owner/group changing to the same owner/group. This fixes rsync. - + Fixed buffers overflows when handling lengthy file names. - + Fixed "real size does not equal to size" error on volumes with - pagefile.sys. - + Fixed negative IUsed in "df -i" output. - fvwm-themes +- Extend reproducible.patch to produce consistent rc file + entry order even across architectures +- Drop even more RPM_BUILD_ROOT path from rc file + -- update to 0.6.2. - fvwm2 +- Install missed main manual page of fvwm its self + +- Update to 2.6.9: + * Adds a new conditional option Fullscreen which detects windows in that state; + * Updates to translations; + * Fix how htmldoc/mandoc are detected in + +- Add patch to work with multibuttons mice. Upstream is not + interested in the patch as other than xorg servers still might + not support this: + * enable-more-mouse-buttons.patch + +- Remove not really needed patches: + * fvwm-2.5.26-gcc-warnings.patch + * fvwm-2.5.26-ia64.patch + * fvwm-rsvg.patch + * fvwm-2.5.26-no-copy-dt-needed-entries.patch + * fvwm-2.5.26-charset_in_title.patch + +- Version update to 2.6.8: + * Various DESTDIR fixes (especially around the default-config Makefile) + * fvwm-perllib pod2man fixes. + * FvwmIconMan no longer triggers a warning about bad size hints in the fvwm core. + * VMware windows do not disapper when switching between fullscreen and normal state. + * Fix (de)installation with the configure options + - -program-prefix, --program-suffix and + - -program-transform-name. + * Remove further references to obsolete modules from man page(s). + * fvwm-menu-desktop(1) now requires python3 as an explicit dependency. + * Add a 'fullscreen' option to the 'Maximize' command. +- Remove local fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl as upstream has newer + version +- Refresh patch fvwm-2.5.26-sv_SE.patch +- Rename properly the openSUSE.xpm u->U +- Require python3-base as per above change to use it in + the menu-desktop + +- Reduce usage of self defined macros and rely on system ones +- Switch Source to point to upstream provided archive + -- Rename config file to not have underscore at begining - -- fvwm-no-date-time.patch Do not include __DATE__ and __TIME__ - in binaries. -- Drop usage of xorg-x11-devel. pick only the needed packages. - -- Add patch fvwm-2.6.5-eventcrash.patch which should avoid that not - set icon names will be freed (bnc#778347) - -- Update to 2.6.5 + snpashot 2012/10/11 - - NEWS: Added FvwmForm Separators, - fvwm-desktop-menu fixes. - - libs/Bindings.c (AddBinding): - - fvwm/builtins.c (FkeysymToKeycode): - - fvwm/events.c (__handle_key): - Add detection of XKeycodeToKeysym as deprecated, and provide a wrapper - for it by way of fvwm_KeycodeToKeysym() to call the newer - XkbKeycodeToKeysum() where needed. - - libs/PictureImageLoader.c (PImageLoadSvg, PimageLoadXpm, - PImageLoadPng): - Fix compilation errors. - - fvwm/menu.c ( __scan_for_pixmap): - - libs/PictureImageLoader.c (PImageLoadSvg, PimageLoadXpm, - PImageLoadPng): - Add fvwm_msg() for hints about failed image load. - - fvwm/events.c (HandlePropertyNotify): - Fix XSizeHints problem with FVWM not correctly allowing resizing of - windows when the hints are toggled with respect to FVWM processing - XA_WM_NORMAL_HINTS. - - fvwm/placement.c ( __pl_position_get_pos_simple): - When using "UnderMouse" for PositionPlacement, ensure we honor the EWMH - working area by default if it's in use. - - fvwm/fvwm.c (InstallSignals): - Unblock signals when installing them. - When signals are registered, ensure they're unblocked so as not to queue - them up. - - fvwm/infostore.c (get_metainfo_length): - + fvwm/infostore.c (new_metainfo): - + fvwm/infostore.c (insert_metainfo): - + fvwm/style.c (style_parse_one_style_option): - Make C90 compliant. -- Add patch fvwm-snapshot.patch for snpashot 2012/10/11 -- Add patch fvwm-rsvg.patch to avoid internal rsvg-cairo.h included twice -- Add source bin/fvwm-menu-desktop-config.fpl as missed in 2012/10/11 -- Modify patch fvwm-2.5.26-gcc-warnings.patch as fixed upstream - fwbuilder +- Add patch to fix build with GCC 11: + * 0001-C-exception-specifications-are-deprecated-in-C-11.patch +- Spec cleanup + +- Add fix-bsc1124647-segfault.patch: Fix crash described in bsc#1124647 + fwknop +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * fwknopd.service + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + fwnn +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * fcwnn.service + * fkwnn.service + * ftwnn.service + * fwnn.service + fwts +- Update to version 21.11.00: + * lib: fwts_version.h - update to V21.11.00 + * debian: update changelog + * add jammy + * fwts-test: sync up the adding sleep type for s2idle testing + * s3: add sleep type setting for testing with s3 or s2idle + * acpi: madt: De-initialise ACPICA core engine in case of error. + * lib: fwts_smbios: fix loading SMBIOS table from uefi + * acpi: uniqueid: skip comparison of _HID and _CID of the same device + * ACPICA: Update to version 20210930 + +- Update to version 21.09.00: + * snapcraft: Fix incorrect core20 library path + * snapcraft: fix path to fwts + * lib: fwts_version.h - update to V21.09.00 + * debian: update changelog + * acpi: replace fwts_firmware_detect() by fw->firmware_type + * lib: fwts_firmware: fix incorrect comments for fwts_firmware_detect + * uefi: uefirtmisc: reduce scope of some variables + * uefi: securebootcert: make some function arguments const + * src/pci/smccc: reduce scope of variable ret + * bios: smm: remove redundant variable n + * acpi: iort: constify some function arguments + * acpi: dmar: constify a pointer argument in acpi_parse_dev_scope + * acpi: cstates: remove redundant null check on entry + * smccc_test: fix missing ) in pr_info call + * opal: clean up some coding style issues + * opal: Fix a few memory leaks on asprint allocated buffers + * acpi: s3power: clean up pedantic static analysis warnings + * uefirtvariable: clean up pedantic static analysis warnings + * opal: mem_info: clean up pedantic static analysis warnings + * fwts_devicetree: clean up static analysis warning + * fwts_acpi_tables: NULLify table pointers + * snapcraft: update to use core20 + * lib: use <poll.h> rather than <sys/poll.h> + +- Update to version 21.08.00: + * Manual: update number of tests, date and remove double spaces + * debian/control: Add device-tree-compiler as dependency for armel/armhf/arm64 + * fwts_firmware: Rework Devicetree firmware detection + * Enable dt_sysinfo test for Power only + fzf +- update to 0.28.0: + * Added `--header-first` option to print header before the prompt line + * Added `--scroll-off=LINES` option + * Fixed bug where preview window is not updated on `reload` + * fzf on Windows will also use `$SHELL` to execute external programs + +- Update to 0.27.3: + - Preview window is `hidden` by default when there are `preview` bindings but + `--preview` command is not given + - Fixed bug where `{n}` is not properly reset on `reload` + - Fixed bug where spinner is not displayed on `reload` + - Enhancements in tcell renderer for Windows (#2616) + - Vim plugin + - `sinklist` is added as a synonym to `sink*` so that it's + easier to add a function to a spec dictionary + ```vim + let spec = { 'source': 'ls', 'options': ['--multi', '--preview', 'cat {}'] } + function spec.sinklist(matches) + echom string(a:matches) + endfunction + call fzf#run(fzf#wrap(spec)) + ``` + - Vim 7 compatibility +- Set FZF_VERSION and FZF_REVISION environment variables as well. + +- Update to 0.27.2: + - 16 base ANSI colors can be specified by their names + fzf --color fg:3,fg+:11 + fzf --color fg:yellow,fg+:bright-yellow + - Fix bug where --read0 not properly displaying long lines + +- Update to 0.27.1: + - Added unbind action. In the following Ripgrep launcher + example, you can use unbind(reload) to switch to fzf-only + filtering mode. + See + - Vim plugin will stop immediately even when the source command hasn't finished + " fzf will read the stream file while allowing other processes to append to it + call fzf#run(fzf#wrap({'source': 'cat /dev/null > /tmp/stream; tail -f /tmp/stream'})) + - It is now possible to open popup window relative to the currrent window + let g:fzf_layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'relative': v:true, 'yoffset': 1.0 } } + +- Update to 0.27.0: + - More border options for `--preview-window` + ```sh + fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left + fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window border-left --border horizontal + fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-bottom + fzf --preview 'cat {}' --preview-window top:border-horizontal + ``` + - Automatically set `/dev/tty` as STDIN on execute action + ```sh + [#] Redirect /dev/tty to suppress "Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal" + [#] ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {} < /dev/tty)" + [#] "< /dev/tty" part is no longer needed + ls | fzf --bind "enter:execute(vim {})" + ``` + - Bug fixes and improvements + +- Update to 0.26.0: + - Added support for fixed header in preview window + [#] Display top 3 lines as the fixed header + fzf --preview 'bat --style=header,grid --color=always {}' --preview-window '~3' + More advanced preview offset expression to better support the fixed header + [#] Preview with bat, matching line in the middle of the window below + [#] the fixed header of the top 3 lines + [#] + [#] ~3 Top 3 lines as the fixed header + [#] +{2} Base scroll offset extracted from the second field + [#] +3 Extra offset to compensate for the 3-line header + [#] /2 Put in the middle of the preview area + [#] + git grep --line-number '' | + fzf --delimiter : \ + - -preview 'bat --style=full --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \ + - -preview-window '~3:+{2}+3/2' + - Added select and deselect action for unconditionally selecting or + deselecting a single item in --multi mode. Complements toggle action. + - Sigificant performance improvement in ANSI code processing + - Bug fixes and improvements + +- Update to 0.25.1: + - Added `close` action + - Close preview window if open, abort fzf otherwise + - Bug fixes and improvements + +- Text attributes set in --color are not reset when fzf sees another + - -color option for the same element. This allows you to put custom + text attributes in your $FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS and still have those + attributes even when you override the colors. + [#] Default colors and attributes + fzf + [#] Apply custom text attributes + export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--color fg+:italic,hl:-1:underline,hl+:-1:reverse:underline' + fzf + [#] Different colors but you still have the attributes + fzf --color hl:176,hl+:177 + [#] Write "regular" if you want to clear the attributes + fzf --color hl:176:regular,hl+:177:regular +- Renamed --phony to --disabled +- You can dynamically enable and disable the search functionality using + the new enable-search, disable-search, and toggle-search actions +- You can assign a different color to the query string for when search + is disabled + fzf --color query:#ffffff,disabled:#999999 --bind space:toggle-search +- Added last action to move the cursor to the last match + The opposite action top is renamed to first, but top is still + recognized as a synonym for backward compatibility +- Added preview-top and preview-bottom actions +- Extended support for alt key chords: alt with any case-sensitive + single character + fzf --bind alt-,:first,alt-.:last + +- Generate tags for vim documentation + +- Update to 24.4.4: + - Added --preview-window option follow + [#] Preview window will automatically scroll to the bottom + fzf --preview-window follow --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do + echo "$i" + sleep 0.01 + (( i % 300 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J" + done' + - Added change-prompt action + fzf --prompt 'foo> ' --bind $'a:change-prompt:\x1b[31mbar> ' + - Bug fixes and improvements +- Enable tests + +- Update to 0.24.3: + - Added --padding option: + fzf --margin 5% --padding 5% --border --preview 'cat {}' \ + - -color bg:#222222,preview-bg:#333333 + - Bug fixes and improvements + +- Update to 0.24.1: + - Real-time rendering of preview window + [#] fzf can render preview window before the command completes + fzf --preview 'sleep 1; for i in $(seq 100); do echo $i; sleep 0.01; done' + [#] Preview window can process ANSI escape sequence (CSI 2 J) for clearing the display + fzf --preview 'for i in $(seq 100000); do + (( i % 200 == 0 )) && printf "\033[2J" + echo "$i" + sleep 0.01 + done' + - To indicate if --multi mode is enabled, fzf will print the number of + selected items even when no item is selected + seq 100 | fzf + [#] 100/100 + seq 100 | fzf --multi + [#] 100/100 (0) + seq 100 | fzf --multi 5 + [#] 100/100 (0/5) + - Added --preview-window options for disabling flags + nocycle + nohidden + nowrap + default + - Support preview scroll offset relative to window height + git grep --line-number '' | + fzf --delimiter : \ + - -preview 'bat --style=numbers --color=always --highlight-line {2} {1}' \ + - -preview-window +{2}-/2 + - Added --preview-window option for sharp edges (--preview-window + sharp) + - Added --preview-window option for cyclic scrolling (--preview-window + cycle) + - Reduced vertical padding around the preview window when + - -preview-window noborder is used + - Added actions for preview window + preview-half-page-up + preview-half-page-down + - Vim + - Popup width and height can be given in absolute integer values + - Added fzf#exec() function for getting the path of fzf executable + It also downloads the latest binary if it's not available by + running ./install --bin + +- Update to 0.22.0 + - Added more options for --bind + - Added preview window option for setting the initial scroll offset + - Added support for ANSI colors in --prompt string + - Smart match of accented characters + - Vim plugin + +- Add subpackage for fish completion. + g810-led +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_g810-led-reboot.service.patch + * harden_g810-led.service.patch + galaxis +- update to 10.0: + * Rehosted on GitLab + * Fully converted to new shipper-based packaging. + * C declaration cleanup. Passes cppcheck auditing. + * Project logo added. + gama +- GNU gama 2.16: + * gama-local option --export renamed from --updated-xml + +- GNU gama 2.15: + * developer visible changes only + +- GNU gama 2.14: + * Fix html in Qgama + +- GNU gama 2.13: + * Command line programs gama-local, gama-local-yaml2gkf and + gama-local-gkf2yaml can now read input data from standard + input + * New exlicit parameter --input-xml in gama-local + * Fixed implicit model for distance stddev (gama-local + adjustment model) + * Fixed new attribute angular in documentation + +- Update to version 2.12 + * Alternative support of input data based on YAML format. YAML + support was added for gama-local as an alternative to the existing + XML input format. The YAML support is currently limited only to a + conversion program gama-local-yaml2gkf but it may be fully + integrated in gama-local program later. + +- update to 2.11: + * developer visible changes only + +- update to 2.10: + * Adjustment results output in Octave format (.m file) with + independent test of adjustment results (regularization of + singular systems by the set of constraints) + * update-constrained-coordinates parameter removed from the input + XML data format +- fix incorrect dependency warning via gama-rpmlintrc: + libxml2-tools is a tools package, not a library + +- update to 2.09: + * Implicit value of XML parameter update_constrained_coordinates + was changed to yes + +- update to 2.08: + * updated tests + * code cleanup + +- update to 2.07: + * Fixed some bugs in AcordPolar and AcordTraverse classes + * More algorithms in Acord2 class + +- update to 2.06: + * Acord2 for more robust handling of data + +- update to 2.03: + * The new attribute "extern" was added both to the gama-local xml + input and adjustment results xml output to be conformant with + an external database project. Information supplied in "extern" + attributes of observations are not processed in any way in + gama-local and are only passively transfered to XML adjustement + output. + +- update to 2.02: + * Improve Hungarian translation + +- update to 2.01: + * Conditional build for gama-g3 enabled implicitly + * XML schema definition for gama-g3 adjustment results with + new xmllint testsuite + +- update to 2.00: + * Kolmogorov-Smirnov test removed - available only as conditional + compile + * various code level fixes + gamemode +- Update to version 1.6.1 + * Use inih r53 + * Minor metainfo improvements +- Use SourceUrl and signature + gamin +- Fix source URI. + +- Disable python bindings (python2-only): + + Drop python-devel BuildRequires. + + Drop gamin-fix_python_main.patch: no longer needed. + + No longer build python-gamin sub-package. + +- Add baselibs.conf to the file source list. + +- Replace deprecated macro py_sitedir with python_sitearch. + -- Added patch to fix building in factory -- Cleaned up spec file formatting with spec-cleaner -- Added proper license header to spec file -- Split documentation package (fix for RPMLINT warning) -- Add fam-server provides to gamin-server (other gaming packages provide their fam counterpart) - -- Implement shlib package (libfam0-gamin) -- Resolve build error due to source disabling deprecated contructs - that it used - -- add gamin-32bit package through baselibs.conf to fix KDE 32bit compatibility libs (thanks to Martin Vogt for reporting), which requires splitting %{_libexecdir}/gam_server into its own subpackage (gamin-server) to avoid file conflicts when both gamin and gamin-32bit are installed -- note that gamin and gamin-32bit both require the package gamin-server, so nothing needs to be done on the user end - -- add patch to be completely ABI compatible with fam, in order to avoid warnings and crashes caused by "Symbol `FamErrlist' has different size in shared object, consider re-linking"; references: - * - * - -- add return.patch - gamin-devel +- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. + +- Both library packages must require gamin-server sub-package. + +- split lib* packages into own spec file to avoid a build cycle + (avoiding glib2) + gammu +- Add patches to fix build failures in Tumbleweed: + * 0001-Update-Python-scripts-to-Python-3.patch + * 0001-Docs-Adjust-attributes-order-to-avoid-bugs-in-breath.patch + +- Update to version 1.42.0 + * Localization updates. + * Improved CNMI command compatibility for AT module. + * Improved getting of network and manufacturer information in + AT module. + * Improved compatibility with D-Link modems that need to power on. + * Dropped Python 3 compatibility from utility scripts. + * Fixed bug in deleting SMS messages. + +- Switch BuildRequires to Python 3 Sphinx due to Python 2 removal. + +- Update to version 1.41.0 + * Documentation improvements. + * Updated MySQL script to be compatible with current server + versions. + * Fixed SMSD operation on phones with more SMS folders. + * Fixed off by one in Python example script. + * Fixed PostgreSQL compilation on openSUSE. + * Several compatibility fixes with recent compilers. + * Improved USSD support. + * Localization updates. +- Drop patch (fixed by upstream): + * 0001-Add-postgresql-include-location-provided-by-openSUSE.patch + +- Add 0001-Add-postgresql-include-location-provided-by-openSUSE.patch in + order to fix missing postgresql include path. + +- Update RPM groups. + +- Update to version 1.40.0 + * Added SMSD configuration option RetryTimeout. + * Removed non configurable sleep after failed message send. + * SMSD now tries to store whole decoded text for concatenated + messages in the first entry in database. + * Improved compatibility with Sierra SL8084TR. + * Added support for delivery reports stored in SR memory. + * Configure CNMI parameters for AT driver. +- Create dedicated subpackage for bash-completion +- Specfile cleanup + * Removed all stuff that is not necessary for building on modern + SUSE systems + * Use cmake macros + * Use pkg-config style dependencies + * Use https for URLs + * Run spec-cleaner +- Add patch: + * 0001-Enable-fPIE-pie.patch + gaupol +- Update to version 1.10.1: + * Fix playing selection (gh#otsaloma/gaupol#188). + +- Update to version 1.10: + * Fix subtitle display when seeking to selection start + (gh#otsaloma/gaupol#181). + * Fix search dialog result sometimes not being selected. + * Fix rare RecursionError with spell-check. + +- Can't assume non-existense of python38 macros in Leap. + + Test for suse_version instead. Only Tumbleweed has and needs the + python_subpackage_only support. + +- Do not delete zero-length header templates, they are needed by + aeidon corresponding subclasses + gbrainy +- Update to version 2.4.3: + + Updated translations + + Fixed a crash + +- Update to version 2.4.2: + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 2.4.1: + + Remove mono-addins dependency + + Improve metadata + + Remove unused code and scripts variables +- Remove pkgconfig(mono-addins) BuildRequires: dependency is now + gone. + +- Update to version 2.4.0: + + 2 bug fixes in games. + + Several fixes in the build system. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 2.3.9: + + 2 bug fixes in games. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 2.3.8: + + Fixes bug with librsvg that prevented gbrainy from getting + started. +- Refresh patch with refresh_patches service. +- Remove conditional for t-u-u and macro. + +- Update to version 2.3.7: + + Fix bug that caused a black background in recent cairo + versions. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 2.3.6: + + 2 new games. + + 1 small bug fix. + + Updated translations. + gcc7 +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + gcc7-testresults +- Adjust some ambiguous SPDX license specifications to prevent + spec-cleaner from messing up. + +- Add gcc7-pr55917.patch to do not handle exceptions in std::thread + (jsc#CAR-1182) + +- - Add gcc7-pfe-0001-Backport-Add-entry-for-patchable_function_entry.patch + gcc7-pfe-0002-Backport-Skip-fpatchable-function-entry-tests-for-nv.patch + gcc7-pfe-0003-Backport-Error-out-on-nvptx-for-fpatchable-function-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0004-Backport-Adapt-scan-assembler-times-for-alpha.patch + gcc7-pfe-0005-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Use-3-NOPs-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0006-Backport-IBM-Z-Use-the-dedicated-NOP-instructions-fo.patch + gcc7-pfe-0007-Backport-Add-regex-to-search-for-uppercase-NOP-instr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0008-Backport-ICE-segmentation-fault-with-patchable_funct.patch + gcc7-pfe-0009-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Pass-mcpu-g.patch + gcc7-pfe-0010-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Do-not-run-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0011-Backport-patchable_function_entry-decl.c-Add-fno-pie.patch + gcc7-pfe-0012-Backport-PR-c-89946-ICE-in-assemble_start_function-a.patch + gcc7-pfe-0013-Backport-targhooks.c-default_print_patchable_functio.patch + gcc7-pfe-0014-Backport-Align-__patchable_function_entries-to-POINT.patch + gcc7-pfe-0015-Backport-Fix-PR-93242-patchable-function-entry-broke.patch + gcc7-pfe-0016-Backport-AArch64-PR92424-Fix-fpatchable-function-ent.patch + gcc7-pfe-0017-Backport-Fix-patchable-function-entry-on-arc.patch + gcc7-pfe-0018-Backport-Add-patch_area_size-and-patch_area_entry-to.patch + gcc7-pfe-0019-Backport-testsuite-Adjust-patchable_function-tests-f.patch + gcc7-pfe-0020-Backport-Use-the-section-flag-o-for-__patchable_func.patch + gcc7-pfe-0021-Backport-varasm-Fix-up-__patchable_function_entries-.patch + gcc7-pfe-0022-Backport-rs6000-Avoid-fpatchable-function-entry-regr.patch + gcc7-pfe-0023-Fix-unwinding-issues-when-pfe-is-enabled.patch + to add -fpatchable-function-entry feature to gcc-7. + +- Add gcc7-ada-MINSTKSZ.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. +- Add bits/unistd_ext.h to the list of removed fixed includes. + +- Add gcc7-sanitizer-cyclades.patch to remove cyclades.h use from + libsanitizer fixing builds with recent kernels. + gcin +- Fix the build failure due to the comparison of bare words + gcolor2 +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + -+ Revision: 354359 -- added another bunch of translations - gcolor3 +- Use SourceUrl, fixes Factory CI scripts + +- Upgrade to version 2.4.0 + * Color Picker now works on Wayland + * typography and iconography changed to be consistent with GNOME HIG + * dropped use of deprecated GTK APIs to make porting to GTK4 a smooth process + * multiple other under-the-hood improvements + gcovr +- New upstream release 5.0 + Breaking changes: + - Dropped support for Python 2 and Python 3.5. + From now on, gcovr will only support Python versions + that enjoy upstream support. + Improvements and new features: + - Handles spaces in ``gcov`` path. (:issue:`385`) + - Early fail when output cannot be created. (:issue:`382`) + - Add :option:`--txt` for text output. (:issue:`387`) + - Add :option:`--csv` for CSV output. (:issue:`376`) + - Add :option:`--exclude-lines-by-pattern` to filter out source lines by arbitrary + regex. (:issue:`356`) + - Add :option:`--json-summary` to generate a :ref:`JSON Summary <json_summary_output>` report. (:issue:`366`) + - Add :option:`--coveralls` to generate a :ref:`Coveralls <coveralls_output>` compatible JSON report. (:issue:`328`) + +- Add python3-lxml dependency (boo#1179867) + +- New upstream release 4.2 + Breaking changes: + - Dropped support for Python 3.4. + - Format flag parameters like :option:`--xml` or :option:`--html` + now take an optional output file name. + This potentially changes the interpretation of search paths. + In ``gcovr --xml foo``, + previous gcovr versions would search the ``foo`` directory for coverage data. + Now, gcovr will try to write the Cobertura report to the ``foo`` file. + To keep the old meaning, separate positional arguments like + ``gcovr --xml -- foo``. + Improvements and new features: + - :ref:`Configuration file <configuration>` support (experimental). + (:issue:`167`, :issue:`229`, :issue:`279`, :issue:`281`, :issue:`293`, + :issue:`300`, :issue:`304`) + - :ref:`JSON output <json_output>`. (:issue:`301`, :issue:`321`, :issue:`326`) + - :ref:`Combining tracefiles <combining_tracefiles>` + with :option:`gcovr --add-tracefile`. + (:issue:`10`, :issue:`326`) + - :ref:`SonarQube XML Output <sonarqube_xml_output>`. (:issue:`308`) + - Handle cyclic symlinks correctly during coverage data search. + (:issue:`284`) + - Simplification of :option:`--object-directory` heuristics. + (:issue:`18`, :issue:`273`, :issue:`280`) + - Exception-only code like a ``catch`` clause is now shown as uncovered. + (:issue:`283`) + - New :option:`--exclude-throw-branches` option + to exclude exception handler branches. (:issue:`283`) + - Support ``--root ..`` style invocation, + which might fix some CMake-related problems. (:issue:`294`) + - Fix wrong names in report + when source and build directories have similar names. (:issue:`299`) + - Stricter argument handling. (:issue:`267`) + - Reduce XML memory usage by moving to lxml. + (:issue:`1`, :issue:`118`, :issue:`307`) + - Can write :ref:`multiple reports <multiple output formats>` at the same time + by giving the output file name to the report format parameter. + Now, ``gcovr --html -o cov.html`` and ``gcovr --html cov.html`` + are equivalent. (:issue:`291`) + - Override gcov locale properly. (:issue:`334`) + - Make gcov parser more robust when used with GCC 8. (:issue:`315`) + Known issues: + - The :option:`--keep` option only works when using existing gcov files + with :option:`-g`/:option:`--use-gcov-files`. + (:issue:`285`, :issue:`286`) + - Gcovr may get confused + when header files in different directories have the same name. + (:issue:`271`) + - Gcovr may not work when no en_US locale is available. + (:issue:`166`) + Documentation: + - :ref:`Exclusion marker <exclusion markers>` documentation. + - FAQ: :ref:`exception branches` (:issue:`283`) + - FAQ: :ref:`uncovered files not shown` + (:issue:`33`, :issue:`100`, :issue:`154`, :issue:`290`, :issue:`298`) + Internal changes: + - More tests. (:issue:`269`, :issue:`268`, :issue:`269`) + - Refactoring and removal of dead code. (:issue:`280`) + - New internal data model. + +- Remove excessive hard requires. + +- Build documentation on Tumbleweed + +- Fix package name for Jinja2 dependency + +- Bump gcovr version to 4.1 + + Drop patch: 0001-re-enable-HTML-reports-under-Python3.patch + gdb -- Backport fix for heap-use-after-free in - remote_async_inferior_event_handler [swo#26614]: - * gdb-remote-fix-invalid-pointer-in-remote-async-serial-handler.patch +- Patches dropped: + * gdb-cli-add-ignore-errors-command.patch + * gdb-tdep-aarch64-make-gdbserver-register-set-selection-dynamic.patch + +- Patches added (add back ignore-errors command, dropped in + 11.1 update): + * gdb-cli-add-ignore-errors-command.patch + +- Patches added [swo#28355]: + * gdb-tdep-aarch64-make-gdbserver-register-set-selection-dynamic.patch + +- Mention removed fedora patches: + * gdb-6.3-test-self-20050110.patch + * gdb-bz1219747-attach-kills.patch + * gdb-6.6-buildid-locate-core-as-arg.patch + * gdb-attach-fail-reasons-5of5.patch + * gdb-archer-pie-addons.patch + * gdb-jit-reader-multilib.patch + * gdb-6.5-bz218379-solib-trampoline-lookup-lock-fix.patch + * gdb-archer.patch + * gdb-config.patch + * gdb-6.8-quit-never-aborts.patch +- Mention removed patches: + * gdb-breakpoint-fix-assert-in-jit_event_handler.patch + * gdb-fix-section-matching-in-find_pc_sect_compunit.patch + * gdb-fortran-fix-print-dynamic-array.patch + * gdb-build-hardcode-with-included-regex.patch + * gdb-handle-no-upper-bound-in-value-subscript.patch + * gdb-fix-internal-error-in-process_event_stop_test.patch + * gdb-don-t-return-non-existing-path-in-debuginfod-source-query.patch + * gdb-archer-pie-addons-keep-disabled.patch + * gdb-fix-filename-in-not-in-executable-format-error.patch + * gdb-fix-use-of-invalid-pointer-in-remote-async-inferior-event-handler.patch + * gdb-breakpoints-handle-glibc-with-debuginfo-in-create_exception_master_breakpoint.patch +- Maintenance scripts: + * Add KFAILs in + * Add missing '-a' in gdb.log greps in + * Fix error handling in +- Patches added: + * gdb-testsuite-handle-sigill-in-two-gdb.arch-powerpc-test-cases.patch + * gdb-testsuite-work-around-skip_prologue-problems-in-gdb.threads-process-dies-while-detaching.exp.patch + +- Disable big endian powerpc. +- Maintenance scripts: + * Fix patch filtering in + * Add KFAIL in +- Patches added: + * gdb-testsuite-add-checks-to-gdb.arch-i386-sse.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-add-gdb.testsuite-dump-system-info.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-add-kfail-in-gdb.threads-fork-plus-threads.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-factor-out-dump_info-in-gdb.testsuite-dump-system-info.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-fail-in-gdb.threads-fork-and-threads.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.threads-linux-dp.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-port-detection-in-gdb.debuginfod-fetch_src_and_symbols.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-handle-recursive-internal-problem-in-gdb_internal_error_resync.patch + * gdb-testsuite-handle-runto-fail-in-gdb.mi-mi-var-cp.exp.patch + * gdb-tui-fix-breakpoint-display-functionality.patch + * gdb-testsuite-Fix-gdb.threads-thread-specific-bp.exp.patch +- Patches dropped: + * fix-gdb.threads-linux-dp.exp.patch + +- Added maintenance script: + * +- Drop 32bit packages for s390x. + +- Fix SLE-15 s390x: unresolvable, nothing provides + glibc-devel-static-32bit. +- Disable test-case gdb.base/break-interp.exp for SLE-11. + It causes a + "glibc detected *** expect: double free or corruption (out)" in + expect and a subsequent runtest abort. This might be the cause + of the package build failure due to + "Job seems to be stuck here, killed. (after 8hrs of inactivity)" +- Patches added: + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.base-step-over-syscall.exp-with-m32-amd-case.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.ada-big_packed_array.exp-xfail-for-m32.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-race-in-gdb.threads-detach-step-over.exp.patch + * fix-gdb.multi-multi-term-settings.exp-race.patch + * gdb-testsuite-update-test-gdb.base-step-over-syscall.exp.patch + +- Rebase to 11.1 release (as in fedora 35 @ 9cd9368): + * GDB now supports general memory tagging functionality if the + underlying architecture supports the proper primitives and hooks. + Currently this is enabled only for AArch64 MTE. + * GDB will now look for the .gdbinit file in a config directory + before looking for ~/.gdbinit. The file is searched for in + the following locations: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/gdb/gdbinit, + $HOME/.config/gdb/gdbinit, $HOME/.gdbinit. + * GDB will now load and process commands from + ~/.config/gdb/gdbearlyinit or ~/.gdbearlyinit if these files + are present. These files are processed earlier than any of + the other initialization files and can affect parts of GDB's + startup that previously had already been completed before the + initialization files were read, for example styling of the + initial GDB greeting. + * GDB now has two new options "--early-init-command" and + "--early-init-eval-command" with corresponding short options + "-eix" and "-eiex" that allow options (that would normally + appear in a gdbearlyinit file) to be passed on the command + line. + * set startup-quietly on|off + show startup-quietly + When 'on', this causes GDB to act as if "-silent" were passed + on the command line. This command needs to be added to an + early initialization file (e.g. ~/.config/gdb/gdbearlyinit) + in order to affect GDB. + * For RISC-V targets, the target feature + "org.gnu.gdb.riscv.vector" is now understood by GDB, and can + be used to describe the vector registers of a target. + * TUI windows now support mouse actions. The mouse wheel + scrolls the appropriate window. + * Key combinations that do not have a specific action on the + focused window are passed to GDB. For example, you now can + use Ctrl-Left/Ctrl-Right to move between words in the command + window regardless of which window is in focus. Previously + you would need to focus on the command window for such key + combinations to work. + * set python ignore-environment on|off + show python ignore-environment + When 'on', this causes GDB's builtin Python to ignore any + environment variables that would otherwise affect how Python + behaves. This command needs to be added to an early + initialization file (e.g. ~/.config/gdb/gdbearlyinit) in + order to affect GDB. + * set python dont-write-bytecode auto|on|off + show python dont-write-bytecode + When 'on', this causes GDB's builtin Python to not write any + byte-code (.pyc files) to disk. This command needs to be + added to an early initialization file + (e.g. ~/.config/gdb/gdbearlyinit) in order to affect GDB. + When 'off' byte-code will always be written. + When set to 'auto' (the default) Python will check the + PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE environment variable. + * break [PROBE_MODIFIER] [LOCATION] [thread THREADNUM] + [-force-condition] [if CONDITION] + This command would previously refuse setting a breakpoint if + the CONDITION expression is invalid at a location. It now + accepts and defines the breakpoint if there is at least one + location at which the CONDITION is valid. The locations + for which the CONDITION is invalid, are automatically + disabled. If CONDITION is invalid at all of the locations, + setting the breakpoint is still rejected. However, the + '-force-condition' flag can be used in this case for forcing + GDB to define the breakpoint, making all the current + locations automatically disabled. This may be useful if the + user knows the condition will become meaningful at a future + location, e.g. due to a shared library load. +- Update libipt to v2.0.4. Dropped obsoleted patch: + * v1.5-libipt-static.patch +- Obsoleted fedora patches dropped: + * gdb-moribund-utrace-workaround.patch + * gdb-save-restore-file-offset-while-reading-notes-in-core-file.patch + * gdb-vla-intel-fix-print-char-array.patch + * gdb-vla-intel-fortran-strides.patch + * gdb-vla-intel-fortran-vla-strings.patch + * gdb-vla-intel-stringbt-fix.patch + * gdb-vla-intel-tests.patch +- Obsoleted fedora fixup patches dropped: + * fixup-2-gdb-archer-vla-tests.patch + * fixup-2-gdb-rhbz1156192-recursive-dlopen-test.patch + * fixup-3-gdb-archer-vla-tests.patch + * fixup-gdb-6.3-test-pie-20050107.patch + * fixup-gdb-6.3-threaded-watchpoints2-20050225.patch + * fixup-gdb-6.5-sharedlibrary-path.patch + * fixup-gdb-6.8-bz442765-threaded-exec-test.patch + * fixup-gdb-archer-vla-tests.patch + * fixup-gdb-base-gnu-ifunc-strstr-workaround-exp.patch + * fixup-gdb-btrobust.patch + * fixup-gdb-bz634108-solib_address.patch + * fixup-gdb-dts-rhel6-python-compat.patch + * fixup-gdb-gnat-dwarf-crash-3of3.patch + * fixup-gdb-rhbz1156192-recursive-dlopen-test.patch + * fixup-gdb-test-ivy-bridge.patch + * fixup-gdb-vla-intel-fortran-vla-strings.patch + * fixup-gdb-vla-intel-tests.patch +- Obsoleted patches dropped: + * amd64-linux-siginfo-include-order.patch + * gdb-powerpc-remove-512-bytes-region-limit-if-2nd-dawr-is-avaliable.patch + * gdb-support-dw-lle-start-end.patch + * gdb-symtab-fix-infinite-recursion-in-dwarf2_cu-get_builder-again.patch + * gdb-symtab-fix-language-of-frame-without-debug-info.patch + * gdb-symtab-read-cu-base-address-for-enqueued-cu.patch + * gdb-symtab-use-early-continue-in-find_pc_sect_compunit.patch + * gdb-testsuite-catch-condition-evaluation-errors-in-gdb-assert.patch + * gdb-testsuite-detect-gdb-prompt-after-monitor-exit.patch + * gdb-testsuite-disable-selftests-for-factory.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-control-flow-in-gdb-reverse-insn-reverse-exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-failure-in-gdb-base-step-over-no-symbols-exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb-dlang-watch-loc-exp-on-ppc64.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb-reverse-insn-reverse-x86-c-for-m32.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.arch-amd64-stap-three-arg-disp.s.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-unset-of-debuginfod_urls-in-default_gdb_init.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-xfail-handling-in-gdb.threads-gcore-thread.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-gdb-base-morestack-exp-no-clang.patch + * gdb-testsuite-gdb-tui-new-layout-exp-partly-require-tcl86.patch + * gdb-testsuite-handle-sigill-in-gdb-reverse-insn-reverse-exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-ignore-debuginfod_urls.patch + * gdb-testsuite-prevent-pagination-in-gdb-internalflags.patch + * gdb-threads-fix-lin_thread_get_thread_signals-for-glibc-2.28.patch + * gdb-try-to-load-libthread_db-only-after-reading-all-shared-libraries-when-attaching.patch + * gdb-tui-fix-len_without_escapes-in-tui-disasm.c.patch +- Fedora patches updated: + * gdb-6.3-bz140532-ppc-unwinding-test.patch + * gdb-6.3-bz202689-exec-from-pthread-test.patch + * gdb-6.3-gstack-20050411.patch + * gdb-6.3-inheritancetest-20050726.patch + * gdb-6.3-mapping-zero-inode-test.patch + * gdb-6.3-test-dtorfix-20050121.patch + * gdb-6.3-test-movedir-20050125.patch + * gdb-6.3-threaded-watchpoints2-20050225.patch + * gdb-6.5-bz109921-DW_AT_decl_file-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-bz185337-resolve-tls-without-debuginfo-v2.patch + * gdb-6.5-bz218379-ppc-solib-trampoline-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-bz243845-stale-testing-zombie-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-ia64-libunwind-leak-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-last-address-space-byte-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-readline-long-line-crash-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-section-num-fixup-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-sharedlibrary-path.patch + * gdb-6.6-buildid-locate-rpm-scl.patch + * gdb-6.6-buildid-locate-rpm.patch + * gdb-6.6-buildid-locate-solib-missing-ids.patch + * gdb-6.6-buildid-locate.patch + * gdb-6.6-bz229517-gcore-without-terminal.patch + * gdb-6.6-bz230000-power6-disassembly-test.patch + * gdb-6.6-bz237572-ppc-atomic-sequence-test.patch + * gdb-6.8-bz442765-threaded-exec-test.patch + * gdb-bz601887-dwarf4-rh-test.patch + * gdb-bz634108-solib_address.patch + * gdb-ccache-workaround.patch + * gdb-container-rh-pkg.patch + * gdb-fedora-libncursesw.patch + * gdb-fortran-frame-string.patch + * gdb-glibc-strstr-workaround.patch + * gdb-lineno-makeup-test.patch + * gdb-linux_perf-bundle.patch + * gdb-physname-pr11734-test.patch + * gdb-ppc-power7-test.patch + * gdb-rhbz1156192-recursive-dlopen-test.patch + * gdb-rhbz1261564-aarch64-hw-watchpoint-test.patch + * gdb-rhbz1350436-type-printers-error.patch + * gdb-rhbz1398387-tab-crash-test.patch + * gdb-test-dw2-aranges.patch + * gdb-test-ivy-bridge.patch + * gdb-test-pid0-core.patch +- Patches updated: + * gdb-fix-selftest-fails-with-gdb-build-with-O2-flto.patch + * gdb-gcore-bash.patch +- Fedora patches added: + * gdb-6.3-attach-see-vdso-test.patch + * gdb-6.3-inferior-notification-20050721.patch + * gdb-6.5-gcore-buffer-limit-test.patch + * gdb-6.5-missed-trap-on-step-test.patch + * gdb-rhbz1976887-field-location-kind.patch + * gdb-rhbz2012976-paper-over-fortran-lex-problems.patch + * gdb-test-for-rhbz1976887.patch +- Fedora fixup patches added: + * fixup-2-gdb-6.6-buildid-locate.patch + * fixup-gdb-glibc-strstr-workaround.patch + * fixup-gdb-linux_perf-bundle.patch + * fixup-gdb-rhbz1325795-framefilters-test.patch + * fixup-gdb-rhbz1553104-s390x-arch12-test.patch +- Patches added: + * fix-gdb.mi-new-ui-mi-sync.exp.patch + * fix-gdb.threads-linux-dp.exp.patch + * + * gdb-build-add-cxx_dialect-to-cxx.patch + * gdb-build-make-c-exp.y-work-with-bison-3.8.patch + * gdb-python-finishbreakpoint-update.patch + * gdb-symtab-add-call_site_eq-and-call_site_hash.patch + * gdb-symtab-c-ify-call_site.patch + * gdb-symtab-fix-htab_find_slot-call-in-read_call_site_scope.patch + * gdb-symtab-remove-compunit_call_site_htab.patch + * gdb-symtab-use-unrelocated-addresses-in-call_site.patch + * gdb-testsuite-add-nopie-in-two-test-cases.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-fail-in-gdb.base-annota1.exp.patch + * + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.base-dcache-flush.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.gdb-selftest.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.python-py-events.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.server-server-kill.exp-with-m32.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.threads-check-libthread-db.exp-with-glibc-2.34.patch + * gdb-testsuite-handle-supports_memtag-in-gdb.base-gdb-caching-proc.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-prevent-compilation-fails-with-unix-fpie-pie.patch + * gdb-testsuite-refactor-regexp-in-gdb.base-annota1.exp.patch + * gdb-testsuite-support-fpie-fno-pie-pie-no-pie-in-gdb_compile_rust.patch + * gdb-testsuite-use-compiler-generated-instead-of-gas-generated-stabs.patch +- Fedora patches replaced: + * fixup-gdb-6.6-buildid-locate.patch +- Added maintenance scripts: + * + * + +- amd64-linux-siginfo-include-order.patch: Adjust include order to avoid + gnulib error + +- gdb-support-dw-lle-start-end.patch: Support DW_LLE_start_end + (bsc#1187044) + +- Fix Leap 15.3 s390x gdb:testsuite build, by not requiring 32-bit + packages for openSUSE s390x. + +- Fix Leap 15.3 s390x gdb:testsuite build, by not requiring + glibc-devel-static-32bit. + +- Fix Leap 15.3 i586 gdb:testsuite build, by not requiring fpc. + +- Backport updated fix from upstream [bsc#1185638, swo#26327]: + * gdb-symtab-fix-infinite-recursion-in-dwarf2_cu-get_builder-again.patch + +- Backport fix for assert [bsc#1186040, swo#27889]: + * gdb-breakpoint-fix-assert-in-jit_event_handler.patch + +- Remove fix due to regressions [bsc#1185638, swo#26327]: + * gdb-symtab-fix-infinite-recursion-in-dwarf2_cu-get_builder.patch + +- Replace tentative fix with upstreamed fix [swo#27681]: + Remove: + * gdb-build-workaround-pcre2_posix-linking-problem.patch + Add: + * gdb-build-hardcode-with-included-regex.patch +- Backport fix from upstream [bsc#1185638, swo#26327]: + * gdb-symtab-fix-infinite-recursion-in-dwarf2_cu-get_builder.patch +- Backport fix from upstream [rh#1931344]: + * gdb-save-restore-file-offset-while-reading-notes-in-core-file.patch + +- Backport fix for tui assert [swo#27680]: + * gdb-tui-fix-len_without_escapes-in-tui-disasm.c.patch + +- Backport fixes that ignore DEBUGINFOD_URLS during testing: + * gdb-testsuite-ignore-debuginfod_urls.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-unset-of-debuginfod_urls-in-default_gdb_init.patch + +- Fix various testsuite fails on Factory using backports: + * gdb-testsuite-fix-gdb.arch-amd64-stap-three-arg-disp.s.patch + * gdb-testsuite-fix-xfail-handling-in-gdb.threads-gcore-thread.exp.patch + * gdb-threads-fix-lin_thread_get_thread_signals-for-glibc-2.28.patch +- Fix libthread_db problem on Factory [swo#27526, boo#1184214]: + * gdb-try-to-load-libthread_db-only-after-reading-all-shared-libraries-when-attaching.patch +- Workaround libncurses pulling in libpcre2_posix: + * gdb-build-workaround-pcre2_posix-linking-problem.patch -- Fix license [bsc#1180786]. -- Require 8GB diskspace for x86_64. +- Fix license [bsc#1180786]. +- Require 8GB diskspace for x86_64. + +- Patches to be upstreamed: + * gdb-fix-use-of-invalid-pointer-in-remote-async-inferior-event-handler.patch gdcm +- Trim filler wording from some descriptions. Change the other + descriptions to describe the package, rather than give + instructions to the user. + gdouros-abydos-fonts +- Set /bin/bash as buildshell for "<<<". + gdouros-symbola-fonts +- Set /bin/bash as buildshell for "<<<". + -- SUSE-Permissive license - geany +- Require libgeany0 by -devel package: we install the .so symlink + and are thus responsible for the link target too. + +- Update to version 1.38 + * General + - Increase speed when opening documents, especially on startup + (Justin Blanchard, Issue#2883, Issue#2649, Issue#2791, PR#2884, PR#2747). + - Synchronize Geany's Ctags implementation with Universal Ctags, this + leads to updated symbol parsers (Jiřà Techet, PR#2666). + - Remove GTK+2 Support (PR#2602). + - Geany needs a C++17 compiler to build (PR#2862). + * Bug fixes + - Workaround crashes when pasting into VTE without having focus (Issue#2813, PR#2843). + * Interface + - Add keybinding to reload all open documents (David Yang, PR#2859). + * Filetypes + - Add Julia filetype (getzze, Issue#434, PR#2584). + - Add Meson filetype (Andy Alt, PR#2850). + * Plugins + - SaveActions: add configurable target directory for instantly saved files + - (Issue#640, PR#2769). + * Windows + - Fix message window height after restart (Issue#2591, PR#2892). + - Switch Windows builds to GTK3 and x86_64 (PR#2590). + * Internationalization + - Updated translations: da, de, el, es, et, fr, it, ja, nl pt, pt BR, sk, tr, uk, zh_CN + geany-plugins +- Update to version 1.38 + * GeanyCTags + - Fix (re-)generating ctags file with relative paths (PR #708) + * GeanyVC + - Report a completion status of the commit command (Issue #837, PR #1026) + - Correct tooltip display for the attach to menubar action (Issue #1032 PR #1033) + * PrettyPrinter + - Use stdbool.h istead of redefining bool (Issue #1059, Issue #1023, PR #1053) + * Spellcheck + - Add documentation about maintaining personal dictionaries (PR #1108) + * Treebrowser + - Avoid double node clear (PR #1015) + * Vimmode + - Ignore key-presses containing command on macOS (Issue #991, PR #1099) + - Ignore special command handling in insert mode (Issue #1075, PR #1100) + - Enable '.' to also repeat last inserted text (Issue #1101, PR #1102) + - Fix line operation problems when NL is missing at EOF (Issue #1060, PR #1103) + - Add special handling to include destination char for some commands (Issue #1052, PR #1104) + - Add some more ex commands (PR #1104) + * Windows + - Switch Windows builds to GTK3 and x86_64 (PR #1107). + - Fix crashes in Git Changebar, Lua, Macro and Numbered Bookmarks plugins (PR #1106) + - Remove Markdown and WebHelper plugins from Windows installer due to + missing dependencies (WebkitGTK) (PR #1107) + * Internationalization + - Updated translations: es, pt, tr, uk + gedit-latex +- Replace dbus-1-python with dbus-1-python3 and python3-gobject-Gdk + Requires: Only python3 is now available in tw, and package + supports python3 just fine. +- Modernize spec, run spec-cleaner, remove + glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un) macro only needed for obsolete + versions of openSUSE. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Rename source package to gedit-latex from gedit-latex-plugin, - following upstream name. -- Update to version 3.2.0: - + Fix slowness when loading and changing tabs - + Updated translations. -- Changes from version 3.1.1: - + New Features - - Port to gobject-introspection and Gtk+3. - - Port to Gsettings. - - Use Autotools. - - Port to GtkBuilder. - - Make plugin translatable. - - Misc code cleaning. - - Logging cleanup. - - Handle newcommands. - - Add per-document preferences. - + Dropped features - - Custom spellchecker (replaced by spellcheck-plugin) - - LaTeX forward search (replaced by gedit-synctex) - - Livepreview (to be added back) - - Snippets (replaced by snippets plugin) - - Color prefs UI - + Bugfixes - - Finish the save operation before start compilation. - - Make the LaTeX postprocessor depend on the compiler exit - status. - - Add alert to the statusbar while the document is compiling. - - symbols: - . make the activation by double click, this make it more - similar to gucharmap. - . unselect icon when the focus is lost. - - Fix generating the POT file. - - Remove translatable attribute from gtk stock strings. - - Fix master document: use relative path. -- Add intltool, pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) - BuildRequires. -- Create lang subpackage, and add Recommends for it in - gedit-plugin-latex subpackage. -- Remove python-gtk, python-poppler and python-enchant Requires - from gedit-plugin-latex subpackage: those dependencies are all - gone (because of dropped features or move to introspection-based - bindings). -- Add the GSettings schema machinery, with - %glib2_gsettings_schema_* macros. -- Rewrite the %prep/%build/%install section now that the tarball - uses autotools. - -- detect gedit plugin path at build time - geeqie +- Add upstream patch to fix crash with clutter-gtk (boo#1180228) + + 0001-Fix-829-segfault-with-clutter-gtk.patch + +- Update to version 1.6: + + Support (excluding exif) for heic, webp, psd, cr3, jp2, djvu, + svg + + Load remote URLs + + Save named window layouts + + Save workspace layout + + Export duplicates data to file + + Search and Run command ("/" keystroke) + + Tiff/pdf multi-page viewing + + Show over/underexposed + + Search for broken images + + Show lens ID + + File pane - filter by name or class + + User definable status toolbar + + Search by path + + Search on collection + + Find duplicates with same name but different content + + User definable mouse buttons 8 and 9 (back/forward) + + Folder pane list view - sort by name or date + + Many small improvements + + Many bug fixes + + Updated translations. +- Removed geeqie-gcc10-buildfix.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Add geeqie-gcc10-buildfix.patch: Fix build with gcc 10. +- Drop no longer needed desktop_database_post(un) calls from + post(un), and various other spec modernizations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 1.5.1 + - #626 - High CPU load with animated GIFs + - #683 - Build failuer on macOS + - #686 - Zoom lable adjustment + - #703 - non-glibc fix + - Lua compatibility + +- Update to version 1.5 +- Drop exiv-2.0.27-buildfix.patch (fixed in upstream) +- Set CFLAGS="-Wno-deprecated-declarations" (Fix compilation fail) + +- Add exiv-2.0.27-buildfix.patch. + +- Fix SLE_12 rpmlint warning "files-attr-not-set". + -- Add geeqie-bigendian.patch: fix bigendian build. - -- Update to version 1.1: - + Support for stereoscopic images. - + input: side-by-side (JPS) and MPO format. - + output: single image, anaglyph, SBS, mirror, SBS half size - (3DTV). - + Custom tiff loader - better handling of large tiff files. - + Rewritten file grouping. -- Add libjpeg-devel and libtiff-devel BuildReqiuires, support jpg, - and tiff loader. -- Add FIXME entry for champlain support. -- Pass enable-gps to configure, even if this is not taken into - accout at the moment, libchamplain is not an active - BuildRequires. -- Change configure switch --with-helpdir to --with-html dir, - upstream does not support --with-helpdir anymore. - -- Initial package of this gqview fork (version 1.0). - geis +- Change geisview's shebang to be python3. +- Use %license macro + gemrb +- update to 0.8.7 + * new smarter pathfinder with bumping support + * animal taming, iwd2 hardcoded saving throw bonuses + * vcpkg and out-of-the box msvc support + * non-ascii data filename support + * switched to c++11 and cmake 3.1 as a minimum + +- update to 0.8.6 +- use the main renderer while the OpenGL one remains experimental + * new features: + - more audio, especially in bg1 and pst + - sndchann.2da support + - using bags in stores, NPC breaking points, worldmap travel in pst + * improved features: + - better megamod and detectable spells compatibility + - iwd2 and pst levelup, infopoints, gui feedback, dualclassing, ranges + - verbal constants, (tobex) opcodes, falling, paperdolls, projectiles + - pst area animations, multipalette animations + - bugfixes + +- use OpenGL GLVND driver +- install libgemrb_core directly to %{_libdir} + genders +- moved python plugin to python3 + geners +- Update to version 0.12.0: + * Removed an unnecessary explicit assignment operator from the + IOPtr class (g++ version 9 started issuing warnings when the + assignment operator is defined but a copy constructor is not). +- Use %license to install LICENSE file. + geos +- Disable inline to fix build on armv6/7 + + geotiff +- update to 1.7.0: + * Add CoordinateEpochGeoKey = 5120 of type DOUBLE to store coordinate epoch of + tie points / geotransform matrix for dynamic CRS. + * geo_normalize.h/c: rename variables to please codespell + * GTIFGetGCSInfoEx(): use proj_crs_get_datum_forced() for PROJ >= 8 to avoid + issues with datum ensembles + * GTIFGetGCSInfoEx(): remove dead code + * geo_normalize.c: follow-up to e06625c4e5bcce9f9217d1d5a43dc6af73156283 to + avoid look up of user-defined GeogGeodeticDatumGeoKey that cause PROJ warnings + +- update to 1.6.0: + * Add support for OGC GeoTIFF 1.1 + * Expose GTIFGetPCSInfoEx(), GTIFGetProjTRFInfoEx(), GTIFGetGCSInfoEx(), GTIFGetDatumInfoEx(), GTIFGetEllipsoidInfoEx(), GTIFGetPMInfoEx(), GTIFGetUOMLengthInfoEx() and GTIFGetUOMAngleInfoEx() so that users can specify their own PROJ context + * Add GTIFKeyGetASCII(), GTIFKeyGetSHORT() and GTIFKeyGetDOUBLE() as safer variants of GTIFKeyGet() with type checking + * autotools build: enable build in a separate tree from source (#37) (fixes #28) + * Use pkg-config for libtiff detection + * GTIFDecToDMS(): fix rounding issue (refs #16) + * geo_names.c: Silence warning in GetNameFromDatabase + * cpl_serv.h: add parenthesis in macro definitions + * Fix spelling errors + * geo_normalize.c: set UOMLength from GeogLinearUnits (for geocentic CRS) (GDAL #1595) + * testlistgeo: remove hardcoded path in test output (fixes + * Adapt test script for PROJ 6.2 EPSG database (fixes #22) + * Use unix EOL for cmake related files (fixes #14) + * drop dead code + * geo_normalize.c: avoid look up of user-defined geokeys that cause PROJ warnings (fixes GDAL #2321) + * listgeo: fix corner coordinates for images with RasterPixelIsPoint (#36) + gerbv +- Fix duplicate symbol error due to wrong syntax in declaration: + * 0001-Fix-enum-declarations.patch + -- new version 2.6.0 - gf2x +- Update homepage URL and build recipe. + +- Update to release 1.3 + * gf2x.h now contains GF2X_VERSION_* macros + * Split off the FFT code into libgf2x-fft. + * The FFT interface api has been significantly modified and + improved. A new interface for computing middle products has + been added. The C++ wrapper code has been improved (no longer + a macro). +- Drop 0001-build-fix-version-info-for-libgf2x-after-ABI-break.patch + +- Specfile modernizations. + gfan +- Add gfan-odr.patch: A patch to fix ODR violations, which were + causing segfaults in the respective programs with LTO enabled. + +- Add cddlib.patch + +- Specfile modernization. + gflags +- Update to version 2.2.2 + * Fixed 267: Support build with GCC option "-fvisibility=hidden". + * Fixed 262: Declare FALGS_no##name variables as static to avoid + "previous extern" warning. + * Fixed 261: Declare FlagRegisterer c’tor explicit template instanations as + extern in header + * Fixed 257: Build with _UNICODE support on Windows. + * Fixed 233/234/235: Move CMake defines that are unused by Bazel to + separate header; makes config.h private again + * Fixed 228: Build with recent MinGW versions that define setenv. + * Fixed 226: Remove obsolete and unused CleanFileName code + * Merged 266: Various PVS Studio and GCC warnings. + * Merged 258: Fix build with some Clang variants that define "restrict" + macro. + * Merged 252: Update documentation on how to use Bazel. + * Merged 249: Use "_debug" postfix for debug libraries. + * Merged 247: CMake "project" VERSION; no enable_testing(); "gflags::" + import target prefix. + * Merged 246: Add Bazel-on-Windows support. + * Merged 239: Use GFLAGS_NAMESPACE instead of "gflags" in test executable. + * Merged 237: Removed unused functions; fixes compilation with -Werror + compiler option. + * Merged 232: Fix typo in Bazel's BUILD definition + * Merged 230: Remove using ::fLS::clstring. + * Merged 221: Add convenience 'uninstall' target +- Run spec-cleaner + * Remove package groups + * Use make macros + +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. + gh +- Update to version 2.0.0 + * Support for command extensions + * Display label colors in issue list output #4106 + * Add tablerow/tablerender template functions for rendering data as tables #3519 + * Add GH_FORCE_TTY to enable terminal-style output even when redirected #4146 + * Add repo sync command to sync a branch with its upstream state #3813 + * Add pr checkout --branch flag to control the branch name #4005 + * Add release create --discussion-category flag #4003 + * Add config set browser option and GH_BROWSER environment variable #3992 + * Add repo list --topic filter #4136 + * Add PowerShell instructions to completion help #4114 + * Improve accessibility of interactive select menus #4172 + * Improve detection of truecolor terminal capabilities #4106 + * Avoid wrapping issues in powershell.exe #4106 + * Detect missing git and abort early during auth login flow #4109 + * Fix HTTP 502 error printing from GraphQL responses #4154 + * Require Go 1.16+ #4175 + * Remove backwards compatibility with homedir library for config files #4145 + +- Update to version 1.14.0 + * Improve shell completion #4028 + - Enable --json flag completion with multiple comma-separated fields + - Add completion for repo create --gitignore flag + - Add completion for repo create --license flag + - Switch to Cobra's improved bash completion with descriptions + - Enable descriptions in PowerShell completion #4085 + - Add completion of -R/--repo flag based on available git remotes #3942 + * Add pr merge --admin flag to allow admins to force-merge a pull request #4071 + * Fix authenticating with GH_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN and GH_HOST environment variables #4019 + * Fix labels display in issue list output #4079 + * Fix printing certain GraphQL errors #4087 + +- Update to version 1.13.1 + * Release fixes pre-built binaries, changes aren't applicable to this package +- Changes from 1.13.0 + * issue/pr view: output label names in their own color #3912 + * Add gh browse --no-browser to only print the URL #3943 + * repo create: respect privacy setting when using license/gitignore templates #3972 + * repo create: respect repository description when creating from template repository #3972 + * repo create --confirm: avoid license/gitignore template prompt #3995 + * pr merge --auto: merge immediately if the PR is already mergeable #3706 + * pr merge: suggest using --auto when merging is blocked #3706 + * Allow using cursor keys in interactive text inputs #3980 + * gh run watch --exit-status: correct exit status for completed runs #3982 + * Skip auto-migrate of config files when GH_CONFIG_DIR is set #4017 + * alias set: add note about double-quoting arguments for Command Prompt users #4013 + * Clean up GH_CONFIG_DIR docs #4020 +- Changes from 1.12.1 + * Fix bug where branchProtectionRule doesn't exist in enterprise 2.22 #3922 + * Fix repo create in org with license/ignore #3924 +- Changes from 1.12.0 + * Added gh browse command + * Add .gitignore and LICENSE when creating repositories from scratch + * A new config value http_unix_socket can be configured to a local path to push all traffic over a socket + * Print help even if logged out #3850 + * Add shell completion for the --state flag #3877 + * Allow explicitly empty body in issue/pr create #3787 + * Increase GH_PAGER precedence #3789 + * Fix showing Checks information in pr status #3804 + * Update "Accept" header for requests #3803 + * Fix setting environment secrets #3832 + * Fix gh run download fails on large artifacts due to uint32 limitation #3890 + * repo fork: check that --org is not the empty string #3807 + * Document installing via Conda package manager #3792 + * Fix description for gh secret set --env option #3784 + * Add a long command description for secrets remove #3786 + * Update documentation for gist create command with default of secret #3871 + * fork tests cleanup #3809 + * Remove unused method from httpmock package #3834 + * Factory cleanup #3841 + * Improvements to build script on Windows #3846 + * Ensure that tests for command factory never read from user's config #3856 + +- Update to version 1.11.0: + * Add support for environment secrets #3270 #3769 #3774 + * run list: add "age" column and columns headers in output #3575 + * Add support for XDG Base Directory specification #3671 #3768 #3717 + * Additionally, the default configuration location on Windows is now changed from ~/.config/gh/ to %AppData%. + * Include number alongside the title in issue/pr view #3741 + +- Update to version 1.10.3: + * Fix gh pr merge with GitHub Enterprise Server < 3.0 #3688 + * Speed up measuring display width of text #3668 + * Simplify Debian/Ubuntu installation docs #3672 +- Changes from 1.10.2: + * Fix creating Windows directory for gh config #3666 + +- Update to version 1.10.1: + * Fix pr checkout for cross-repository pull requests #3663 + +- Update to version 1.10.0: + - Improvements to JSON exporting + * Add gh repo list/view --json support #3627 + * Add gh release view --json support #3656 + * Fixes numerous issues with gh pr list/view --json support #3547 + - fetching closed field + - fetching date fields like createdAt or mergedAt + - fetching files field + * Fix exporting milestone field for issues and PRs #3529 + * Add commits field to JSON export for PRs #3547 + * Show more than 100 comments in gh issue view --json comments #3547 + * Add shell completion for valid --json flag values #3628 + - New Features + * Add gh repo fork --org option #3611 + * Allow passinggh alias set value via standard input #3490 + * Prompt for value in gh secret set #3499 + * Update gh api placeholder syntax to {owner}, {repo} to match + GitHub API documentation #3536 + * Extend our package repository to support Ubuntu Hirsute and + Kali linux #3398 + - Fixes + * Speedup across most gh pr commands #3547 + * Fix gh pr operations from GitHub Actions when a PR was added + as a card to an org project #3547 + * Allow deleting local git branch in gh pr close #3547 + * Fix showing more than 100 checks in gh pr checks #3547 + * Fix viewing and editing draft releases with GitHub Actions token #3656 + * Fix Windows path in gh auth status output #3491 + * Ignore HTTP 404 error for annotations in gh run watch #3517 + * Handle Incorrect function exception for MinTTY users + (typically in Git Bash) by suggesting switching to Windows Terminal #3537 + * Query fewer fields to determine issue status #3525 + * Warn about empty contents on gh gist create #3578 + * Fix "null" display in colored JSON output #3626 + * Fix some docs formatting for the web #3648 + +- Update to version 1.9.2: + - Actions Fixes + * Fix Actions use int64 explicitly in Actions support #3432 + * Fix requesting REST sub-resources on GHE #3461 + * Fix run view --log when steps have slashes #3445 + * Include magic repo resolution magic for gh workflow and gh run #3468 + - Other Fixes + * Fix issue create --web #3472 + * Fix detecting PR status when passing branch as arg #3351 + * Bump AlecAivazis/survey to fix bug with unicode input #3439 + - Development / Docs + * Increase linter timeout from 1min to 3min #3462 + * Remove unused embedded struct #3402 + * Add note on supported value types in raw-fields #3400 + * linuxbrew details added in linux installation docs. #3465 + * Add Funtoo Linux install instructions #3438 + * Add Debian install variant without add-apt-repository #3419 + +- Update to version 1.9.1: + * Create cache dir + * Fix whitespace formatting of `issue/pr view` help text + * Disallow unsupported values for `--json` flag + * Fix `pr view` tests broken by `createdAt` → `submittedAt` switch + * Fix assigning null Exporter + * Tests for GraphQL query builder and JSON exporter + * Add `gh help formatting` topic & link to it from commands with JSON output + * Placeholder consistency + * Minor usage improvements + * Bump run list limit + * Annotation fixes + * Unhide actions commands + * Incorporate wording feedback + * Fix small bug with startup_failure conclusion + * Add note about current branch detection +- Prevent Makefile from overriding variables +- Enable tests + +- Supplement bash-completion instead of bash + +- Update to version 1.8.1: + * Fix pr status/checks crash with unrecognized statuse from + the server(#3336) + * Fix repo fork --clone not cloning an existing fork locally + when running non-interactively(#3334) + * Fix commands not respecting default hostname from GH_HOST(#3347) +- Create subpackages for completions + +- update to 1.7.0: + * see + * + * + ghostwriter +- Update to 2.1.0. +- list of fixes, see + +- Update to 2.0.2: + * Unicode characters are properly displayed in the sidebar's + Outline. + * Chinese and other languages with unicode characters now display + properly in the HTML preview. + +- Fix source url + +- Update to 2.0.1: + Fixed: + * Issue #598: Unicode characters no longer shifts syntax + highlighting. + * Sidebar now properly hides itself after the `Ctrl+J` Outline + command if it was + previously hidden on initial launch. + * New Norwegian translation added. + * Spanish and Italian translations updated. +- Update to 2.0.0: + Added: + * cmark-gfm now replaces Sundown as the default Markdown processor + for live previews an export. + * Syntax highlighting now utilizes cmark-gfm for better accuracy, + especially with nested blocks. + * HUDs have been replaced with a side bar. + * Theming has been revamped to include more color options, but to + exclude background images. + * CSS for HTML Preview now adaptively changes colors based on the + current theme. + * Fonts can be customized for the HTML preview in the Preview + Options dialog. + * Themes are now composed of two color schemes: a light mode and a + dark mode. + * A new dark mode button in the status bar allows users to switch + to the current theme's dark mode. + * Find and replace dialog has been revamped into a panel at the + bottom of the application. + * Find and replace now supports highlighting all matches. + * Export dialog now uses native file selector dialog. + * Any two spaces at the end of a line are marked with dots by + default. + * Selected text now reveals tabs and spaces. + * Source code has been refactored to follow KDE Frameworks and Qt + coding style guides. + * ghostwriter now uses React to update only what changed in the + live preview since the last keystroke, significantly reducing + the live preview rendering time for large documents. + Fixed: + * Issue #281: Removal of HUD windows will facilitate Alt+Tab + switching. + * Issue #382, #539: IME selection window/IBUS candidate window + should no longer be displaced. + * Issue #401: Single column tables are now highlighted. + * Issue #439: README file was updated to remove the installation + of qt5-default on Debian-based systems. + * Issue #480: Menu bar is now accessible on relaunching ghostwriter + in full screen mode. + * Issue #494: MathJax JavaScript syntax error that was being + printed to the terminal and which prevented inline math from + being displayed with the `$` sign has been fixed. + * Issue #500: Preview Options dialog will now only open once. + * Issue #507: Multilevel lists are highlighted correctly in the + editor with the switch to cmark-gfm handling the syntax + highlighting. + * Issue #508: HUD windows have been replaced with a side bar for + compatibility with Wayland. + * Issue #517: has been updated with correct instructions + location for building on MacOS. + * Issue #503: MathJax has now been included inside the application + rather than fetching it externally. + * Issue #532: Insert spaces for tabs now works on startup. + * Issue #536: Added missing Markdown file extensions to file + dialog filter when opening and saving files. + Removed: + * Discount support was removed due to its conflicting executable + name with MultiMarkdown. +- Remove 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch + +- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch + gimp-lqr-plugin +- Use (newer) source package from github +- Add upstream-Fix-compilation-errors.patch + * fixes "multiple definition of ..." with gcc10 +- Clean up spec file + ginac +- Update to version 1.8.1: + * Add method relational::canonical() and improve conversion of + relational to Boolean (it now works on many simple symbolic + cases). + * Improve normalization of negative exponents. + * Fix indexing multiply referenced objects with ex::operator[]. + * Make functions evalf() their arguments before doing own + evalf(). + * Fix bugs in H_evalf() and in evaluation of iterated integrals. + * Several portability improvements and compiler warning fixes. +- New BuildRequires for doc flavour: tex(fancyvrb.sty). + ginac:doc +- Update to version 1.8.1: + * Add method relational::canonical() and improve conversion of + relational to Boolean (it now works on many simple symbolic + cases). + * Improve normalization of negative exponents. + * Fix indexing multiply referenced objects with ex::operator[]. + * Make functions evalf() their arguments before doing own + evalf(). + * Fix bugs in H_evalf() and in evaluation of iterated integrals. + * Several portability improvements and compiler warning fixes. +- New BuildRequires for doc flavour: tex(fancyvrb.sty). + girara +- update to 0.3.6 + * Various fixes and improvements + * updated translations + +- update to 0.3.5 + * Set RGBA visual + * Update translations + * Set meson warning_level + git +- Add CONFIG parameter to %sysusers_generate_pre +- Fix sysusers usage in spec file +- Require nogroup group for %pre (bsc#1192023) + git-cola +- Update to 3.11.0 +- Usability, bells and whistles + * The Status tool was improved to better retain selected files when + the state changes and the display is refreshed. + + + * The Diff editor can now stage selected lines for untracked files. + Git Cola will detect when a file is untracked and will allow you to + partially stage it, just like existing tracked files. + + + * Diffing of staged files has been implemented for repositories that contain + no commits. + + + * Documentation improvements and typofixes. + + +- Security + * The `FIPS security mode` - + + is now supported by Git Cola when running on FIPS-enabled Python + (Python 3.9+ or centos8/rhel8's patched Python 3.6). + +- Fixes + * The `argparse` usage was adjusted to remain compatible with older Pythons. + + * The window restoration logic was fixed to properly save/restore settings + when different languages are used. + + + + * `git dag` no longer passes floats to `QPen::setWidth()` for better compatibility. + +- Packaging + * The Windows installer was slimmed down by removing unused Qt DLLs. + + +- Update to 3.10.1 +- Patch release to fix a typo in the Interactive Rebase feature. + +- Update to 3.10 +- Usability, bells and whistles + * The git config reader now supports the `include.path` directive + for including config files. + + + * The dialog for selecting commits now support filtering. + + * The diff editor now wraps long lines by default. The diff options + menu can be used to enable/disable line wrapping. + + * Git Cola now honors `core.hooksPath` for configuring custom Git hooks, + which was introduced in Git v2.9. + + * A new `Ctrl + Shift + S` hotkey was added for staging/unstaging all + files, both modified and untracked. + * The `Status` tool now supports `Ctrl + A` for selecting all files and + it behaves more predictably when performing operations when multiple + categories of files are selected (eg. when both modified and untracked + header items are selected). + +- Translations + * Updated Hungarian translation. + +- Fixes + * The "Interactive Rebase" feature was updated to work with Windows. + * `make install-man` was updated to support Sphinx 4.0. + + * `git cola --help-commands` was updated for newer versions of argparse. + +- Development + * Git Cola can now be started as a Python module. + + +- Update to 3.9 +- Usability, bells and whistles + * The startup dialog now detects when Recent and Favorite repositories no + longer exist on disk, and offers to remove these entries when selected. + + * The startup dialog now includes a simpler and more condensed folder view + that can be used for selecting Favorites and Recent repositories. + + * The "Commit" menu now includes an "Undo Last Commit" action. + + * The "Reset" menu was revamped to expose all of Git's reset modes alongside a + new "Restore Worktree" action that updates the worktree using "git read-tree". + +- Translations + * Updated Polish translation. + + * Updated Japanese translation. + + * Updated Brazilian translation. + +- Packaging + * The ``--use-env-python`` option for ```` is now Python3 compatible. + + +- Update to 3.8 +- Usability, bells and whistles + * The submodules widget can now be used to add submodules. + Submodules are now updated recursively. + + * The image diff viewer can now be toggled between text and image modes. + This is helpful when, for example, diffing .svg files where it can be useful + to see diffs in both an image and text representation. + + + * The default `ssh-askpass` username + password dialog included with Git Cola + can now toggle between showing and masking the password input field. + +- Translations + * Updated Polish translation. + + * Updated Hungarian translation. + +- Packaging + * The `share/appdata` AppStream data was renamed to `share/metainfo` + in accordance with `AppStream standard changes from 2016 + + + * The "cola" modules are now installed into the Python "site-packages" + directory by default. This allows distributions to package "git-cola" for + multiple versions of Python. See the PACKAGING NOTES section in the README + for details about suppressing the installation of the private + "share/git-cola/lib/cola" modules when building cola. + + * Git Cola's rebase / sequence editor, formerly known as "git-xbase" and + installed as "share/git-cola/bin/git-xbase", has been renamed to + "git-cola-sequence-editor" and is now installed into the default + "bin/git-cola-sequence-editor" executable location to enable external + reuse of this general-purpose tool. + * A workaround used by the pynsist installer preamble script was obsoleted by + + and has now been removed. + +- Fixes + * `git dag` now uses integer widths when initializing its brushes. + + git-filter-repo +- Update to version 2.29.0 + * +- Removed filter-repo-README-remove-outdated-2.28.0-not-yet-re.patch + +- Upstream fix: Remove wrong note in README that 2.28.0 isn't released yet + add patch: filter-repo-README-remove-outdated-2.28.0-not-yet-re.patch + +- Update to version 2.28.0 + * --path-glob can now be used with directory globs like '*/bin' + * allow comments starting with '#' with --paths-from-file + +- Update to version 2.27.0 + * + git-lfs +- update to 3.0.2 + + +- update to 3.0.1 + + +- drop Makefile_path.patch: no longer needed + +- update to 2.13.3: + * This release fixes two bugs that caused `git lfs prune` to hang, updates some + dependencies to versions which lack a security issue (which did not affect Git + LFS), and adds support for ARM64 builds on macOS. + +- add missing "#" for the tarball rename + +- update to 2.13.2 + + + +- use tarball that actually has the vendored golang libraries + already. drop vendor.tar.xz +- disable documentation as it relies on an unmaintained tool. +- only run the uninstall script if it is actually the last copy + being uninstalled + +- actually make the uninstall step also call it with --system + +- simplify README.packaging +- no longer package the go sources + +- update to 2.12.1 + + + + +- we only need one version of the ronn gem not all versions. + prefer the default version. + +- relax dependency from git to git-core +- install man pages + git-remote-gcrypt +- Update to 1.4: + * Add gcrypt.require-explicit-force-push configuration key. + * Support rsync URIs like "rsync://user@host/path" (Closes: #980397). + +- Update to 1.3: + * Clarify how to use GCRYPT_FULL_REPACK. + * Updates to redhat/git-remote-gcrypt.spec. + * try if rst2man binary not available. + * Add git-config option to set rsync put flags. + git-sync +- Put up a description that actually says what it does. + git-test +- update to 1.0.4: + * no upstream changelog available + gitg +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + gitlint +- Fix filelist: do not use %{name}, as python single-spec rewrites + the value 'as needed', interfering in this case. + +- update to 0.13.1: + * Patch to enable --staged flag for pre-commit. + * Minor doc updates (#109) + Revert Commits are now recognized and ignored by default (#99) + - -staged flag: gitlint can now detect meta-data (such as author details, changed files, etc) of staged/pre-commits. Useful when you use gitlint's commit-msg hook or precommit (#105) + * New branch properties on GitCommit and GitContext, useful when writing your own user-defined rules: commit.branches and commit.context.current_branch (#108) + * Python 3.8 support + * Python 3.4 no longer supported. Python 3.4 has reached EOL and an increasing + * Gitlint no longer crashes when acting on empty repositories (this only occurred in specific circumstances). + * Under-the-hood: dependencies updated, unit and integration test improvements, migrated from TravisCI to Github Actions. + gitolite +- update to 3.6.12: + * mirroring terminoligy changes + * install script can now modify #! lines when using a custom + * 'config' user command allows for config values with spaces + * finally added notes in "t/README" on testing http mode and + +- update changes file + * add missing info about bugzilla 1096814 + -- Update to 3.6.7 +- Update to 3.6.7 (fix for boo#1096814) givaro +- Update to new upstream release 4.1.1 + * Rewrote the Modular field code + +- Add reproducible.patch to disable compile-time CPU detection (boo#1100677) + -- Initial package (version 3.7.2) for - gjiten +- No longer package /usr/share/application-registry: GNOME 1 is + long gone and this is only dead bytes (boo#1062631). + +- As a result of port-to-GSettings.patch(?), gjiten no longer found + its dictionaries. Add more symlinks from /usr/share/gjiten to + /usr/share/edict and drop the GJITEN_DICDIR change from + gjiten-dirs.patch. + +- Add patches from debian porting gjiten to a more modern build. + * configure-set-foreign.patch + * stop-using-gnome-common.patch + * stop-using-libgnome-ui.patch + * switch-to-GtkBuilder.patch + * port-to-GSettings.patch +- Drop configure.patch and schemas.patch, part of debian patch set. +- Following above patch set: + * Drop libglade2-devel, libgnomeui-devel, scrollkeeper, + libgnome-keyring-devel and gnome-keyring-devel BuildRequires: + No longer needed. + * Add autoconf-archive, pkgconfig, pkgconfig(gmodule-export-2.0), + pkgconfig(gsettings-desktop-schemas) and pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0) + BuildRequires: New dependencies. + * Drop all old workarounds for various versions of openSUSE. +- Use modern macros. + +- Unbundle radkfile and symlink to edict instead. +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars. Remove redundant %clean section. +- Drop spec code for openSUSE < 10.2. + -- fix build on STABLE (remove X-SuSE-translate=true from .desktop - file). - -- fix build on STABLE: adapt installtion of schemas for - openSUSE > 10.2. - -- make it build in older distributions in the openSUSE build - service. - -- update to 2.6: - • DTD location changed in docbook doc (John Thacker). - • Don't look up kanji if there is a selection. - • Configurable toolbar/menubar was causing problems, removed. - • Add de_CH translation and close debian bug #314089. - • Japanese translation update (Daichi Kawahata). - • Shade unavailable radicals in radical window - • radkfile update. -- make it build on older openSUSE releases by determining - gnome_prefix automatically. -- use find_lang macro. - gkrellm +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * gkrellmd.service + +- updated to 2.3.11: + * see +- removed gkrellm-2.3.10-d51b57616e.patch (released upstream now) + +- apply patch gkrellm-2.3.10-d51b57616e.patch with upstream git master + changes, contains a number of important fixes, including improved + gkrellm-2.3.5-fix-diskio-corruption.patch and + gkrellm-2.3.5-fix-sdX-sort-order.patch + +- add patch gkrellm-install-and-reconnect-gkrellmd.conf.patch + in order to install /etc/gkrellmd.conf properly and make reconnect + default +- refresh patches + +- separate gkrellmd package + -- Exclude s390/s390x that have no libsensors. - -- Install /usr/lib{,64}/gkrellm2/plugins directories (bnc#841818). -- Add gkrellm-lib64-plugins-dir.patch: Look in - /usr/lib64/gkrellm2/plugins on 64bit systems. - -- Compile with %{optflags} - -- really build against libsensors [bnc#803967] and [bnc#803081] - -- fixed url - gl2ps +- Update to version 1.4.2: + * Revert dynamic library naming change inadvertently introduced + in 1.4.1 +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * Added gl2psSorting to change the sorting algorithm on the fly + * Fix rotated text in PGF output + * Use pt instead of px in SVG viewport + * New GL2PS_NO_TEX_FONTSIZE option and gl2psSetTexScaling + function to control LATEX scaling +- Cleanup spec file +- Drop upstream no-copy-dt-needed-entries.patch + glabels +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Add glabels-externs.patch: define shared variables as extern. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Add qrcode-devel BuildRequires: Add support for qr-codes. - -- Update to version 3.0.1: - + Fixed bug causing extra pages to be printed when doing a - document merge - + Fixed font scaling problems when doing a document merge - + Added missing dependencies to libglabels and libglbarcode - pkg-config files - + Fixed invalid gsettings schema file - + Fixed incorrect clip region for rectangular labels - + Numerous new templates and fixes - + Updated translations. -- Drop glabels-unused_screenshot.patch: fixed upstream. -- Add glabels-eds-3.6.patch: Fix build wth e-d-s 3.6. -- Add explicit (but not new) pkgconfig()-BuildRequires, to reflect - more precisely what configure checks for (avoiding issues for - future packaging changes in underlying packages): - + cairo, pangocair, gobject-2.0 -- Remove glib2-devel and libxml-devel Requires from -devel file: - they are added automatically by rpm/pkg-config. -- Drop alternative post/postun scripts for openSUSE < 11.3. -- No longer pass --disable-scrollkeeper to configure (it's an - unknown parameter) and do not delete a non-existing scrollkeeper - directory in install section. - -- Add glabels-unused_screenshot.patch: Do not install dangling - symlinks. - glew +- Revert building with EGL support, as it breaks mutliple apps + (boo#1189524). + +- Build with EGL support now that wxWidgets does so (since version + 3.1.5), otherwise wxWidgets 3.1.x widgets that make use of glew + crash (see for example, boo#1188519); add BuildRequires: + pkgconfig(egl) as well as the same Requires for devel package. + +- Update to version 2.2.0 + Bug fixes: + * GL_EXT_semaphore constants + * Some const pointer fixups in OpenGL API + * Correction for GLEW_VERSION_4_5 + New extensions: + * GL_AMD_framebuffer_multisample_advanced + * GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float_fetch + * GL_AMD_shader_image_load_store_lod + * GL_ARM_texture_unnormalized_coordinates + * GL_DMP_program_binary + * GL_DMP_shader_binary + * GL_EXT_EGL_image_external_wrap_modes + * GL_EXT_EGL_image_storage + * GL_EXT_EGL_sync + * GL_EXT_clip_control + * GL_EXT_depth_clamp + * GL_EXT_disjoint_timer_query + * GL_EXT_draw_transform_feedback + * GL_EXT_multiview_tessellation_geometry_shader + * GL_EXT_multiview_texture_multisample + * GL_EXT_multiview_timer_query + * GL_EXT_occlusion_query_boolean + * GL_EXT_primitive_bounding_box + * GL_EXT_protected_textures + * GL_EXT_robustness + * GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch_non_coherent + * GL_EXT_static_vertex_array + * GL_EXT_tessellation_point_size + * GL_EXT_tessellation_shader + * GL_EXT_texture_border_clamp + * GL_EXT_texture_buffer + * GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc_srgb + * GL_EXT_texture_format_sRGB_override + * GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge + * GL_EXT_texture_query_lod + * GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod + * GL_FJ_shader_binary_GCCSO + * GL_IMG_bindless_texture + * GL_IMG_framebuffer_downsample + * GL_IMG_multisampled_render_to_texture + * GL_IMG_program_binary + * GL_IMG_read_format + * GL_IMG_shader_binary + * GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc + * GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc2 + * GL_IMG_texture_env_enhanced_fixed_function + * GL_IMG_texture_filter_cubic + * GL_INTEL_blackhole_render + * GL_INTEL_shader_integer_functions2 + * GL_KHR_shader_subgroup + * GL_MESA_framebuffer_flip_y + * GL_MESA_program_binary_formats + * GL_MESA_tile_raster_order + * GL_NVX_gpu_multicast2 + * GL_NVX_progress_fence + * GL_NV_compute_shader_derivatives + * GL_NV_conservative_raster_pre_snap + * GL_NV_conservative_raster_underestimation + * GL_NV_depth_nonlinear + * GL_NV_fragment_shader_barycentric + * GL_NV_memory_attachment + * GL_NV_mesh_shader + * GL_NV_query_resource_tag + * GL_NV_read_buffer + * GL_NV_read_buffer_front + * GL_NV_representative_fragment_test + * GL_NV_scissor_exclusive + * GL_NV_shader_subgroup_partitioned + * GL_NV_shader_texture_footprint + * GL_NV_shading_rate_image + * GL_NV_vdpau_interop2 + * GL_OES_EGL_image + * GL_OES_EGL_image_external + * GL_OES_EGL_image_external_essl3 + * GL_OES_blend_equation_separate + * GL_OES_blend_func_separate + * GL_OES_blend_subtract + * GL_OES_compressed_ETC1_RGB8_texture + * GL_OES_compressed_paletted_texture + * GL_OES_copy_image + * GL_OES_depth24 + * GL_OES_depth32 + * GL_OES_depth_texture + * GL_OES_depth_texture_cube_map + * GL_OES_draw_buffers_indexed + * GL_OES_draw_texture + * GL_OES_element_index_uint + * GL_OES_extended_matrix_palette + * GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap + * GL_OES_fragment_precision_high + * GL_OES_framebuffer_object + * GL_OES_geometry_point_size + * GL_OES_geometry_shader + * GL_OES_get_program_binary + * GL_OES_gpu_shader5 + * GL_OES_mapbuffer + * GL_OES_matrix_get + * GL_OES_matrix_palette + * GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil + * GL_OES_point_size_array + * GL_OES_point_sprite + * GL_OES_read_format + * GL_OES_required_internalformat + * GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 + * GL_OES_sample_shading + * GL_OES_sample_variables + * GL_OES_shader_image_atomic + * GL_OES_shader_io_blocks + * GL_OES_shader_multisample_interpolation + * GL_OES_single_precision + * GL_OES_standard_derivatives + * GL_OES_stencil1 + * GL_OES_stencil4 + * GL_OES_stencil8 + * GL_OES_surfaceless_context + * GL_OES_tessellation_point_size + * GL_OES_tessellation_shader + * GL_OES_texture_3D + * GL_OES_texture_border_clamp + * GL_OES_texture_buffer + * GL_OES_texture_compression_astc + * GL_OES_texture_cube_map + * GL_OES_texture_cube_map_array + * GL_OES_texture_env_crossbar + * GL_OES_texture_mirrored_repeat + * GL_OES_texture_npot + * GL_OES_texture_stencil8 + * GL_OES_texture_storage_multisample_2d_array + * GL_OES_texture_view + * GL_OES_vertex_array_object + * GL_OES_vertex_half_float + * GL_OES_vertex_type_10_10_10_2 + * GL_QCOM_YUV_texture_gather + * GL_QCOM_shader_framebuffer_fetch_rate + * GL_QCOM_texture_foveated + * GL_QCOM_texture_foveated_subsampled_layout + * GL_VIV_shader_binary + * EGL_ANDROID_GLES_layers + * EGL_ANDROID_get_frame_timestamps + * EGL_ANDROID_get_native_client_buffer + * EGL_ARM_image_format + * EGL_EXT_bind_to_front + * EGL_EXT_client_sync + * EGL_EXT_compositor + * EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3 + * EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_linear + * EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_display_p3_passthrough + * EGL_EXT_gl_colorspace_scrgb + * EGL_EXT_image_gl_colorspace + * EGL_EXT_image_implicit_sync_control + * EGL_EXT_surface_CTA861_3_metadata + * EGL_EXT_sync_reuse + * EGL_KHR_display_reference + * EGL_MESA_query_driver + * EGL_NV_context_priority_realtime + * EGL_NV_quadruple_buffer + * EGL_NV_stream_dma + * EGL_NV_stream_flush + * EGL_NV_stream_origin + * EGL_NV_triple_buffer + * EGL_WL_bind_wayland_display + * EGL_WL_create_wayland_buffer_from_image + * GLX_EXT_context_priority + * GLX_EXT_no_config_context + * GLX_NV_multigpu_context + * WGL_NV_multigpu_context +- New so_ver +- New source URL +- Build executables with PIE +- Spec cleanup + -- glew-devel-32bit failed to pull in libGLEW1_10-32bit -- own /usr/include/GL - -- Fix baselibs.conf (bnc#894331). - -- Upgrade to upstream 1.10.0 -- New patch: - * glew-1.10.0-destdir.patch: Sanitize Makefile - - Add DESTDIR option to avoid buildroot in .pc files - -- Fixed dependencies for openSUSE <= 12.1 - -- update to latest stable 1.9.0 - - removed 0001-Add-glew.c-glewinfo.c-and-includes.patch.bz2. - These files are included in tarball. -- Changed explicit glu dependency, to recommendation. There is - GLEW_NO_GLU option. -- added glew-devel to baselibs.conf -- spec cleanup - -- Add explicit glu dependency - -- Update to latest git version -- Remove obsolete dont-strip.diff - -- buildrequire Xi and Xmu libs - -- Do not merge es branch for now - * Fixes bnc #732438, #738519 - * Issue reported upstream - -- Update to 1.7.0 and latest git -- Merge es branch - -- fix baselibs.conf - -- Do not obsolete old library - -- Update to 1.6.0 with two further commits -- Don't strip libraries - -- remove sublicenses - -- Add 32bit compatibility libraries - -- Update to version 1.5.8 -- Upstream changes: - * The latest release contains support for OpenGL 3.3, OpenGL 4.1 - and the following extensions: - OpenGL extensions, WGL extensions and GLX extensions. - * fixes minor bugs and adds two new extensions. - * Version 1.5.7 fixes minor bugs and adds one new extension. - -- Update to version 1.5.6: - + Support for OpenGL 4.1 - + Support many new extensions. -- Changes from version 1.5.5: - + Support new extensions - + Bug fixes: - - Compilation issue with GLX_SGI_video_sync - - OpenGL 4.0 double-precision uniform functions added - - Constness of glPointParameterfvARB and glPointParameterfvEXT - - Added glVertexAttribDivisor - - Compilation issue with Nvidia GLX headers -- Changes from version 1.5.4: - + Support for OpenGL 3.3 and 4.0 - + Support new extensions - + Bug fixes: - - Parameter constness fix for glPointParameteriv and - glPointParameterfv -- Changes from version 1.5.3: - + New extensions: - - GLX_INTEL_swap_event, GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture & - GL_AMD_shader_stencil_export - + Bug fixes: - - Correct version detection for GL 3.1 and 3.2 - - Missing 3.1 enumerants - - Add glew.pc -- Changes from version 1.5.2: - + Support for OpenGL 3.1 and 3.2 - + Many new extensions - + Bug fixes: - - DOS line endings for windows .zip archives only. - - glTransformFeedbackVaryings arguments. - - Resource leak in glewinfo and visualinfo tools. - - WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN preprocessor pollution. - - Fixed version detection for GLEW_VERSION_2_1 and - GLEW_VERSION_3_0. - - MesaGLUT glut.h GLAPIENTRY dependency. - - glFramebufferTextureLayer correction. - - OSX compiler warnings resolved. - - Cygwin linking to opengl32 by default, rather than X11 OpenGL - - SnowLeopard (OSX 10.6) gl.h detection. - - Use $(STRIP) consistently. - + Add pkg-config BuildRequires. - -- Updated to version 1.5.1: - * support for OpenGL 3.0 - * support for many new extensions - * bug fixes - glibc +- 0001-s390x-Align-child-stack-while-clone.-BZ-27968.patch, + 0002-S390-Optimize-__memcpy_z196.patch, + 0003-S390-Optimize-__memset_z196.patch, + 0004-S390-Sync-HWCAP-names-with-kernel-by-adding-aliases-.patch, + 0005-S390-Add-new-hwcap-values.patch, + 0006-S390-Add-PCI_MIO-and-SIE-HWCAPs.patch: [15sp4 FEAT] GNU2007 - + GLIBC: Support for new IBM Z Hardware (bsc#1191592, jsc#IBM-869) + glmark2 +- Update to version 20211008: + * android: Fix benchmark parameter edition + * Use highp precision modifier only on GLES + global +- global 6.6.6: + * gtags.el: Added native support for TRAMP. 'global-client' + command is no longer needed to use TRAMP. + * gtags: environment variable GTAGSFORCECPP is deprecated. + * gtags: If GTAGSFORCECPP was defined and --explain was used and + the first file is a '*.h', gtags crashed +- remove deprecated texinfo packaging macros + +- global 6.6.5: + * gtags: Now gtags_hook is not executed when the following + options are specified: --version, --help, --config, --dump + * gtags: Added new option: -C (--directory) + * gtags: the built-in C++ parser is deprecated +- drop global-gcc10.patch to fix build + +- update to 6.6.4 + o gtags.vim: New custom variable 'Gtags_Emacs_Like_Mode'. + If this variable is 1, use the tag files of the project to which the current + file belongs. By default, use the tag files of the current project. + o gtags.vim: Gtags command discarded all unsaved changes. Now it brings + the following error: E37: No write since last change (add ! to override). + o gtags: Now gtags skips java annotations (@...[(...)]). +- add global-gcc10.patch to fix build with -fcommon + +- Switch to python3 +- Update dependcies +- Get rid of env usage + +- GNU Global 6.6.3: + * gtags: New --skip-symlink option. + * gtags-cscope: 'Find assignments to this symbol:' was + implemented. + * gtags-cscope.vim: the following key assignment was added. + <C-\>a, <C-@>a, <C-@><C-@>a + * various bug fixes. +- includes changes from 6.6.2: + * gozilla: Deleted functions to reduce or eliminate possibility + of future security risks. + * various bug fixes. + gloox +- update to 1.0.24: + - Tag: fixed XML namespace for attribute with empty namespace (fixes #278) (thanks to drizt72) + - PubSub::Event: add simple ctor (thanks to Daniel Kraft) + - PubSub::Manager: fixed subscription error case handling (thanks to Daniel Kraft) + - PubSub: fixed support for instant nodes + - RosterManager: fixed behavior if subscription attribute is absent in roster item + glusterfs +- Update to new upstream release 3.5.2 + * NFS server crashes in _socket_read_vectored_request + * Can't write to quota enable folder + * nfs: reset command does not alter the result for nfs options + earlier set + * features/gfid-access: stat on .gfid virtual directory return + EINVAL + * creating symlinks generates errors on stripe volume + * Self-heal errors with "afr crawl failed for child 0 with ret -1" + while performing rolling upgrade. + * [AFR] I/O fails when one of the replica nodes go down + * Fix inode leaks in gfid-access xlator + * NFS subdir authentication doesn't correctly handle + multi-(homed,protocol,etc) network addresses + * nfs-utils should be installed as dependency while installing + glusterfs-server + * Excessive logging in quotad.log of the kind 'null client' + * client_t clienttable cliententries are never expanded when all + entries are used + * AFR : self-heal of few files not happening when a AWS EC2 Instance + is back online after a restart + * Dist-geo-rep : deletion of files on master, geo-rep fails to + propagate to slaves. + * Allow the usage of the wildcard character '*' to the options + "nfs.rpc-auth-allow" and "nfs.rpc-auth-reject" + * glfsheal: Improve the way in which we check the presence of + replica volumes + * Resource cleanup doesn't happen for clients on servers after + disconnect + * mounting a volume over NFS (TCP) with MOUNT over UDP fails + * backport 'gluster volume status --xml' issues + * Glustershd memory usage too high + +- Update to new upstream release 3.5.1 + * A new volume option server.manage-gids has been added. + This option should be used when users of a volume are in more + than approximately 93 groups (Bug 1096425). + * Duplicate Request Cache for NFS has now been disabled by + default, this may reduce performance for certain workloads, + but improves the overall stability and memory footprint for + most users. + * Others changes are mostly bug fixes. +- disable systemd pre an post scripts for old product and then fix + build on SLE 11 + +- Update to new upstream release 3.5.0 + * AFR_CLI_enhancements: Improved logging with more clarity and + statistical information. It allows visibility into why a + self-heal process was initiated and which files are affected, for + example. Prior to this enhancement, clearly identifying + split-brain issues from the logs was often difficult, and there + was no facility to identify which files were affected by a split + brain issue automatically. Remediating split brain without quorum + will still require some manual effort, but with the tools + provided, this will become much simpler. + * Exposing Volume Capabilities: Provides client-side insight into + whether a volume is using the BD translator and, if so, which + capabilities are being utilized. + * File Snapshot: Provides a mechanism for snapshotting individual + files. The most prevalent use case for this feature will be to + snapshot running VMs, allowing for point-in-time capture. This + also allows a mechanism to revert VMs to a previous state + directly from Gluster, without needing to use external tools. + * GFID Access: A new method for accessing data directly by GFID. + With this method, the data can be directly consumed in changelog + translator, which is logging ‘gfid’ internally, very efficiently. + * On-Wire Compression + Decompression: Use of this feature reduces + the overall network overhead for Gluster operations from a + client. + * Prevent NFS restart on Volume change (Part 1): Previously, any + volume change (volume option, volume start, volume stop, volume + delete, brick add, etc.) would restart the NFS server, which led + to service disruptions. This feature allow modifying certain + NFS-based volume options without such interruptions occurring. + Part 1 is anything not requiring a graph change. + * Quota Scalability: Massively increase the amount of quota + configurations from a few hundred to 65536 per volume. + * readdir_ahead: Gluster now provides read-ahead support for + directories to improve sequential directory read performance. + * zerofill: Enhancement to allow zeroing out of VM disk images, + which is useful in first time provisioning or for overwriting an + existing disk. + * Brick Failure Detection: Detecting failures on the filesystem + that a brick uses makes it possible to handle errors that are + caused from outside of the Gluster environment. + * Disk encryption: Implement the previous work done in HekaFS into + Gluster. This allows a volume (or per-tenant part of a volume) to + be encrypted “at rest†on the server using keys only available on + the client. [Note: Only content of regular files is encrypted. + File names are not encrypted! Also, encryption does not work in + NFS mounts.] + * Geo-Replication Enhancement: Previously, the geo-replication + process, gsyncd, was a single point of failure as it only ran on + one node in the cluster. If the node running gsyncd failed, the + entire geo-replication process was offline until the issue was + addressed. In this latest incarnation, the improvement is + extended even further by foregoing use of xattrs to identify + change candidates and directly consuming from the volume + changelog, which will improve performance twofold: one, by + keeping a running list of only those files that may need to be + synced; and two, the changelog is maintained in memory, which + will allow near instant access to which data needs to be changed + and where by the gsync daemon. + +- Update to new upstream release 3.4.0alpha (rpm: 3.4.0~qa9) + * automake-1.13 support +- Enable AIO support + +- Use `glusterd -N` in glusterd.service to run in foreground + as required + +- license update: GPL-2.0 or LGPL-3.0+ + +- Update to new upstream release 3.4.0qa2 + * No changelog provided by upstream +- Remove glusterfs-init.diff, merged upstream +- Provide systemd service file + +- Update to new upstream release 3.3.1 + * mount.glusterfs: Add support for {attribute,entry}-timeout options + * cli: Proper xml output for "gluster peer status" + * self-heald: Fix inode leak + * storage/posix: implement native linux AIO support + +- Update to new upstream release 3.3.0 + * New: Unified File & Object access + * New: Hadoop hooks - HDFS compatibility layer + * New volume type: Repstr - replicated + striped (+ distributed) + volumes + +- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency + +- Initial package for + gmic +- Enable Link Time Optimizations (LTO) +- Fix building with optflags + * Added 0001-cmake-Set-target-compile-flags-correctly.patch + +- Update to 2.9.9. No changelog. + +- Update to 2.9.8. No changelog. + gmp +- Add gmp-6.2.1-CVE-2021-43618.patch to fix buffer overflow on + malformed input to mpz_inp_raw. [bsc#1192717, CVE-2021-43618] + gmusicbrowser +- Update to version 1.1.16: + * fix not working with perl >=5.24 (remove 2 superfluous "my") + * add support for .opus files + * add option to simplify tree in folder pane + * add option to ignore articles when sorting + * add has_picture and has_lyrics optional fields + * add artist_has_picture and album_has_picture virtual fields + * PictureBrowser: add embedded picture mode (+ all files mode) + * PictureBrowser: add "Reset view position when file changes" option + * add option to some fields to show a "find songs with same ..." menu item + * FilterPanes: add option to ignore 'none' row for histogram + * restore mistakenly lost option to write playcount to tag + * mpv: fix replaygain, equalizer & gapless playback with versions >= 0.28.0 + * mplayer: fix mplayer2/mpv-style options not working with mplayer1 + * fix crash when using search-as-you-type in SongList + * fix removal of high-priority shortcuts not working + * fix writing embedded lyrics not working + * fix PictureBrowser not using case-insensitive sort + * fix filtering on artists "" (displayed as <Unknown>) not working + * fix dropping a url in PictureBrowser not working + * fix error when renaming folder + * fix crashing on exit + * fix -tagedit not working when only 1 file + * fix Makefile issue on openbsd + * fix very wrong bitrate for some ogg files + * mp3 files: try harder to find a good first frame even if not in length-check mode + * add support for mp2 extension and change mp3 filetype + * update AppStream metadata + * picture finder plugin: update picture sources + * audioscrobbler plugin: add a line showing number of plays waiting and button to send them now + * lyrics plugin: add source + * artistinfo plugin: update parsing of artist biography + * translations updates: Chinese (China), Czech, German, Greek, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Malay (Malaysia), Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish + * new translations: Estonian, Turkish +- Remove gmusicbrowser-1.1.15-fix-perl-5.24.patch: fixed upstream. + gn +- Add deprecated_copy.patch: fix deprecated copy GCC warnings +- Go back to GCC +- Use newer libs and GCC on Leap 15.3 & 15.4 + +- Fix build with riscv64 + +- Update to version 0.20210811: + * C++ modernization improvements. + * Minor style updates. + * Enable GN to build & run on z/OS + * Fix a typo in the doc of "generated_file" + * Update doc/help to say --ninja-executable works for VS Flags + * [rust] Fix and test dylib support + * Add 'rustenv' to 'gn desc' output + * [rust] Clean up logic in PullDependentTargetLibsFrom + * Link Rust binaries against transitive public_deps + * Fix linking dynamic libraries in Rust binaries +- Remove patches: + * gn-flags.patch + * gn-always-python3.patch + * riscv.patch + +- Add riscv.patch to add support for RISCV + gnome-2048 +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Some rare bugs fixed (ghost tiles may have appeared when the + grid was resized during a move, and the icon was missing in the + Scores dialog) +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + Use event controllers. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.4: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Updated translations. + gnome-boxes +- Update to version 41.2: + + Update to the list of downloadable operating systems + + Fix an issue causing VMs to have no sound + + Fix an issue preventing users from configuring 3D acceleration + + Updated translations. +- Rebase gnome-boxes-opensuse.patch, push it upstream, fix tag in + spec. + +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 41.1: + + Fix regression preventing onboarding dialog from loading. + - Fix regression preventing VM clone operations from completing. + +- Update to version 41.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.rc: + + Make Boxes use Vnc when SPICE is not available. + + transfer-popover: Encapsulate widget setup internally. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.alpha: + + Provide source for svg icons. + + Fix run-in-bg VMs for non-Flatpak builds. + + Replace uses of "open-menu-symbolic" with view-more-symbolic in + docs. + + Update recommended downloads to latest releases. + + Update the empty-state title and description text. + + Remove remaining UI references to remote capabilities. + + Override "--help" command line argument. + + Introduce script to auto-generate release notes. + + Display downloadable entries' URL in tooltip. + + Display image filepath in Discovered Sources tooltip. + + Add AlmaLinux logo. + + Add audio playback support for VNC connections. + + Fix wrong margin to scrollable area in troubleshooting logs + dialog. + + Updated translations. + gnome-calendar +- Update to version 41.1: + + Fix Google Meet URL detection. + + Updated translations. +- Update Supplements to current standard. + +- Update to version 41.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.rc1: + + Small cleanups. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.beta: + + Implement opening ICS files and importing events +- Chnages from version 41.alpha: + + Introduce the new event preview popover. + + Updated translations. + gnome-chess +- Update to version 41.1: + + Fix Exec= line in desktop file. + +- Update to version 41.0: + + Several updates to user help. + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Update user help. + + Add workaround for engine taking too long to move. + + Fix autosaved game being deleted when window is not closed + with Ctrl+Q. + + Fix invalid signal ID warning when starting a new game. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Update icon in user help. + + Updated translations + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Port to GTK 4. + + Major refactoring of portions of the UI layer. Split engine + code into separate layer. + + Rework promotion type selector to avoid GTK warnings. + + Hide timers in untimed games. + + Custom PGN tags are now prefixed with X-GNOME. + + Promotion type selector now fits screen in narrow mode. + + Use info bar, not header bar subtitle, to display extra status + messages. + + Reduce length of Oops! message in header bar on engine error. + + Improve message when game ends in stalemate. + + Move New Game from header bar to primary menu to save space. + + Rename Save to Save As, and display a separate Save action. +- Replace pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk4): + Follow upstreams port to GTK 4. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Try to make all chess engines easier on Easy and Normal + difficulty. + + Fix claim draw dialog appearing every turn after threefold + repetition. + + Fix bogus "computer player is confused" errors in several + situations: + - When the engine is stalemated. + - When starting a new game while the game is paused, if the + engine has moved during pause. + - When resigning immediately before the engine moves. + + Fix file chooser defaulting to /run when game is saved for a + second time under flatpak. + + Fix detection of stalled chess engine in untimed games. + + Fix claim draw dialog appearing before a forced draw. + + Fix ChessScene removing invalid GSource. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.3: + + Fix timed games opening as untimed games. + + Various refactoring and preparation for GTK 4. +- Changes from version 3.37.2: + + Make easy mode vs. GNU Chess a bit easier. + + Support D-Bus activation. +- Changes from version + + Fix previous tag. +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + Various refactoring and preparation for GTK 4. + + Improve keyboard shortcuts dialog. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Fix window switching to narrow mode when opening menu. + gnome-devel-docs +- Update to version 40.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.rc: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Removed outdated GAIL references in accessibility docs. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.92: + + Fixed typos in Platform Overview. + + Updated project URLs in Platform Demos. + + Fixed broken link in Accessibility Devel Guide. + + Various style improvements. + + Fix function declaration that breaks the build. + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Updated HIG guidance for menus. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Updated palette in the HIG. + + Added page on async programming to Programming Guidelines. + + Fixed typos and links in Platform Demos. + + Clarified instructions in Platform Demos. + + Fixed various types in all documents. + + Updated translations. +- Modernize spec. + +- Update to version 3.30.2: + + Updated HIG banner. + +- Update to version 3.30.1: + + Build fixes. +- Changes from version 3.30.0: + + Update icon design and usage guidelines. + +- Update to version 3.28.0: + + Modernise JS usage in platform overview and demos (bgo#791111). + + Update spell-checking page in platform overview (bgo#781265). + + Glade updates in platform overview. + + Updated translations. + gnome-dictionary -- Set gettext domain explicitly in translation-update-upstream, - as it does not support complex expressions - (bsc#1091307). +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Dropped the app menu. + + Updated the application help. + + Removed non-working Spanish dict server. + + Updated the application icon. + + Updated the Flatpak sandbox and build. + + Fixed compiler warnings when building with newer toolchains. + + Fixed the sidebar sizing issue. + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Conflict with libgdict-1_0-6 because this pkg contained files which + are now in the main pkg, namely $_datadir/gdict-1.0 (bsc#1132758) + +- Help translation-update-upstream finding the right gettext domain + name: pass po %{name} to the call. gnome-directory-thumbnailer +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 0.1.11: + + Updated translations. + -- Update to version 1.1.10: +- Update to version 0.1.10: -- Update to version 0.1.3: - + Updated translations. - gnome-dvb-daemon +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 0.2.4: - + Fixed various issues with vala 0.14.0 - + When searching for recordings, skip hidden directories and set - maximum recursion depth to three. - + Updated translations. - -- Change vala-devel BuildRequires to vala as vala-devel is an old - deprecated name (bnc#720908). - gnome-epub-thumbnailer +- Update to version 1.6: + + Add support for SVG covers in ePub 3.0 files. + + Add support for Kindle Format 8 MOBI files. + gnome-firmware +- Removed do-not-call-gtk_init-manually.patch. Fixed upstream + +- Update to version 3.36.0: + * Dynamically show verify and releases buttons + * Show device and progress when doing updates + * Add Croatian translation + * l10n: Add Turkish translation + * l10n: Add Italian translation + gnome-font-viewer +- Update to version 41.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Fonts 40 comes with a slight visual refresh, sporting rounded + bottom window corners. In addition there have been general bug + fixes and improvements. + + The About dialog now provides a link to the repository. + + Startup should be faster now that we use font-config's APIs + directly. + + Updated translations. +- New build requirement: pkgconfig(libhandy-1). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.34.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.33.90: + + Fix compiler warning. + + Translation updates. + + Changes in version 3.33.4: + + Add a keyboard shortcut to go Back. + + Improve appdata file. + + Fix font installation when filenames would collide. + + Display an error dialog when installation fails. + + Improve compatibility for fonts with non-unicode charmaps. + + Fix thumbnailing for font collection files. + + Add a Location row to the Info dialog. + + Port to GtkFlowBox. + + Translation updates. +- Require meson >= 0.50.0. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Update the icon to follow the GNOME 3.32 guidelines. + + Replace deprecated API. + + Improve usability of the Install button. + + Remove app menu following GNOME 3.32 guidelines. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.0: + + Show some more OpenType features. + + Improve app data. + + Updated translations. + gnome-getting-started-docs +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.0: + + Updates to Getting Started. + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.34.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.33.90: + + Updates to Getting Started. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.2: + + Updates to Getting Started. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Updates to Getting Started. + + Updated translations. +- Modernize spec. + +- Update to version 3.31.91: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.0: + + Updated translations. + gnome-gmail-notifier +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + gnome-klotski +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.7: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Updated translations. + gnome-latex +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + gnome-mahjongg +- Update to version 3.38.3: + + Enable (by default) regeneration of schema and icons. + + Hide two unimplemented shortcuts from the help. +- Pass -Dcompile-schemas=disabled -Dupdate-icon-cache=disabled to + meson: the glib schema and icon cache are automatically rebuilt + when the RPM is being installed. We do not ship those caches as + part of the package. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Fixed a regression. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Fast fix for hints. +- Changes from version 3.38.0: + + Drawing optimizations. + + Cleaning in scripts. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.1: + + Updated translations. + gnome-maps +- Update to version 41.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.0: + + State hardware support in appdata. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.rc: + + Updated OSM POI types for editing. + + Refine usage of shopping cart icon in search result to be used + only for supermarket-like places. + + Updated screenshots to reflect the switch to tiles. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.beta: + + Build librest for development Flatpaks. + + Build ical from the 3.0 branch for development Flakpaks. + + Update donation and wiki web links in appdata. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.alpha: + + Fix regression when signing in for OSM editing. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.5: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.4: + + Update donation and wiki web links in appdata. + +- Update to version 40.3: + + Fix regression when signing in for OSM editing. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.2: + + Disable keyboard shortcuts to switch map styles when there's no + aerial tiles defined + + Fix a crash when starting up with last-used map type being + aerial and no aerial tiles are defined + + Increase place bubble max width to allow for longer translated + strings for the "Directions" button + + Fix warning from GtkListStore when adding route points from the + context menu + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Fix a bug where unfavoring a place made it unselectable until + after a restart. + + Use country code attribute from GraphHopper/Photon geocode + results to improve accuracy of address formatting among others. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.rc: + + Updated appdata screenshots. + + Updated POI defintions for OSM editing. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Made place bubble adaptive for use on phones. + + Show native name of places in addition to translated one. + + Avoid building some Flatpak dependencies which are now in the + SDK. + + Fix a bug resulting in writing a broken last view position on + exit in some circumstances. + + Fix a bug preventing wrapping around at the date line with dark + tiles. + + Increased width of layers thumbnails to avoid empty margins in + some translations. + + Update copyright year. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Place bubbles redesign with larger thumbnails, tidy list view, + and summaries from Wikipedia when available in OSM. + + More adapative UI fixes (for the no-network display). + + Restore zooming to bounding boxes in search results (for + administrative areas, buildings, etc.). + + List compatible form factors in appdata. + + Don't display invalid URLs and also show error message for + invalid URLs when editing POIs in OSM. + + Show localized name in user's language in place bubbles when + available in OSM. + + Normalize tel: URIs to support the Calls app on Librem 5 and + Pinephone (among others). + + Improve handling of OpenStreetMap URLs (to address objects or + coordinated) when pasting into the search bar. + + Load file contents of shape layer files using async operations + (parsing is still done synchronous due to limitations with + GJS). + + Require GJS 1.66 now, to enable newer ES features like coalesce + and the safe navigation operators. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: new dependency. + +- Update to version 3.38.4: + + Fix a bug resulting in writing a broken last view position on + exit in some circumstances. + + Fix a bug preventing wrapping around at the date line with dark + tiles. + + Fix a bug causing hanging in cases when dragging around route + markers. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.3: + + Fix a bug where place details gets lost after searching again + for the same place. + + Updated translations. + +- Add check section and run meson_test macro. Add + pkgconfig(gweather-3.0) BuildRequires needed for tests to + succeed. +- Stop packaging versionless so file to avoid rpmlint warning. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version + + Fix a race-condition bug in search-as-you-type resulting in + out-of-sync search results in some circumstances. + + Fix updating missing details after editing a POI in + OpenStreetMap. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Show error message in popover when a search request has failed. + + Fix exception on shutdown when unregistering DBus. + + Fix "no network" display to fit on smaller screens. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.92: + + Revert the adaptive UI for the routing sidebar, as there has + been reports of crashes in some cases (related to Clutter and + libhandy under Wayland). + + Allow editing negative elevations on OSM objects (values below + sea level). + + Display population in place bubbles using localized number + format. + + Update POI type definitions from iD for OSM editing. +- Drop pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: no longer used. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Add additional icons for walking directions for the + OpenTripPlanner transit plugin. + + Make the "no network" display adaptive. +- Changes from version 3.37.90: + + Improved keyboard navigation for routing entries. + + Adaptive UI for routing sidebar. +- Changes from version 3.37.3: + + Implement night mode. + + Implement support for hybrid aerial map style. + + Add F10 keyboard shortcut for the main menu. + + Fix an issue where some search result gets the wrong level of + name. +- Changes from version 3.37.2: + + Fix "no network" dispay to fit better on smaller displays. + + Add initial basic support for running unit tests on builds. + + Enable sandboxing on the WebKit web view used in OpenStreetMap + account setup. + + Limit the number of fraction digits when displaying raw + coordinates in place entries. + + Restrict the user location accuracy circle to only show when + all of it fits in the view (both horizontally and vertically) + to avoid obscuring too much of the map view i.e. on very wide + displays. Also lower the opacity of the circle to make it + "stand out" less. +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + Adaptive UI for narrow screens. + + Recognize contact:website and contact:phone OSM tags. + + Fix link to sign up for an OpenStreetMap account for editing. + + Public transit routing plugin for GoMetro (South Africa). + + Add command line option to specify tile size when using --local + with a local tile cache. + + Use localized digits in more places. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libhandy-1) BuildRequires: new dependency. + +- Update to version + + Fix a race-condition bug in search-as-you-type resulting in + out-of-sync search results in some circumstances. + +- Update to version 3.36.4: + + Fix an issue where some search result gets the wrong level of + name. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.2: + + Don't reset query points when routing fails (e.g. no public + transit provider is available) to allow switching mode with the + same query. + + Fix a bug not displaying tiles south of the equator when using + - -local. + + Allow entering DMS coordinates without comma between latitude + and logitude parts. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Updated POI definitions for OpenStreetMap editing. + + Fixed link to sign up for an OpenStreetMap account. + + Removed ctrl+f1 shortcut from the help overlay, since this was + removed from GTK. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.35.92: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.35.91: + + Add additional category code for busses in the + plugin. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.35.90: + + Move “Export as Image†to the hamburger menu. + + Restructure context menu items for routing to allow changing + start and destination points without resetting the query from + the sidebar. + + Allow more width for the favourites popover and search result + popovers in the routing sidebar to better avoid clipping longer + place names. +- Changes from version 3.35.3: + + Avoid flickering when animating user location marker. +- Changes from version 3.35.2: + + Added public transit routing plugins for Resrobot (national + Swedish transit API) and (for Switzerland). + + Avoid "overflowing" the sidebar when a public transit itinerary + has a large number of parts (legs) by ellipsizing in the middle + when showing them in the journeys overview. + + Add command line option to always consider being online + (--force-online) as a work-around for certain VPN and proxy + networks not playing well with NetworkManager. + + Set User-Agent HTTP header in places where it was missing. +- Changes from version 3.35.1: + + Initial support for public trasit routing/journey planning + using third-party service providers. + + Add nightly app icon (currently not installed, awaiting support + for dual installations). + + Update default tile size when using local tiles. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.2: + + Fix encoding of Wikipedia URLs in some cases. + +- Update to version 3.34.1: + + Update tile size to 512 px when using --local option. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.34.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.33.92: + + Update OSM POI types. + + Fix performance issue when there's lots of location updates. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.33.91: + + Updated translations. + + Changes in version 3.33.90: + + Fix bug going back to already selected place from the search + result list. + + Start immediatly at the last viewed location when app was + closed last. + + Remember the map type (street or aerial) from when the app + was closed last. + + Updated translations. + + Changes in version 3.33.4: + + Handle opening OpenStreetMap URLs pointing to either an + object or bare coordinates by pasting it into the search entry + and also as a program argument, in the same manner as with + geo: URIs. + + Updated translations. + + Changes in version 3.33.3: + + Auto-complete searches ("search-as-you-type") using + GraphHopper geocoder / Photon. + + Redesigned Send to-dialog with ability to copy and send + locations in e-mails and better integration with Weather and + Clocks. + + Show clockwise roundabout icons for turn-by-turn routing in + left-hand traffic countries and territories. + + Update appdata screenshots with tile style. + + Fix a crash when there's many contacts with addresses in + an Evolution address book. + + Updated translations. + + Changes in version 3.33.2: + + Accept additional formats when entering raw coordinates in + the search entry (decimal lat/lon degrees format with literal + ° symbol, and degrees, minutes, second format). + + Updated translations. + + Changes in version 3.33.1: + + Stop using GtkOffscreenWindow (prerequisite for eventually + porting to GTK 4). + + Fix printing dialog not closing in some circumstances. + + Add some missing appstream metadata. + + Add tests validating appdata and desktop files. + + Remove some unnessesary instructions in turn-by-turn route + searches. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version + + Make the shape layer renderer use the tile size specified in + the dynamic service file, fixing an issue with misaligned shape + layer (GeoJSON, GPX, KML) rendering with the new 512 pixel + tiles. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.2: + + Remove some unnessesary instructions in turn-by-turn route + searches. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.92: + + Updated appdata screenshots (shown in i.e. GNOME Software). + + Fix displaying the proper application name in i.e. the + gnome-shell overview and the top bar menu since a regression + earlier in the 3.31.x cycle. + + Update POI type defintions and translations for OSM editing. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.91: + + Fix array parsing error when loading shape layers when running + with newer GJS. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.90: + + Show live-updated thumbnails for the street/aerial layer + switcher, instead of (outdated) hard-code thumbnails. + + Fix a bug where the scrollbar in the favorites popover didn't + show up. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.31.4: + + Fix keyboard shortcut for quitting that was broken since the + application menu was moved to the headerbar. + + Update GJS build dependency. + +- Update to version 3.31.3: + + Fix loading contact's adresses with newer GJS. + + Fix some array-related GJS deprecation warnings. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.31.2: + + Move app menu to the headerbar. + + Fix a crash that occured sometimes when activating "What's + here?" from the context menu. + + Fix compiler warnings. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.31.1: + + Updated application icon. + + Start all way zoomed out on first run. + + Fix shape layer file chooser not showing up. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.3: + + Fix loading contact's adresses with newer GJS. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version + + Fix version number in release tarball (3.30.2 was missing + update of + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.2: + + overpass, placeBubble: Avoid use-after-free. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.1: + + Fix shape layer file chooser not showing up. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.30.0: + + Updated translations. +- Remove lang package from recommended package as it already + supplements main package (same effect, it's redundant). + +- Update to version 3.29.92: + + Updated POI definitions and translations for OSM editing. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.91: + + Don't spin up CI environments for master and tags. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.90: + + Add a Flatpak CI build/test job. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.4: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.3: + + Stop using notifications on top of the map view as it doesn't + work on Wayland. + + Add OARS tags. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.29.1: + + Switch to build with Meson (also dropped support for building + with Autotools). + + Disable UI for switching between street and aerial view if the + service definition lacks aerial tile definitions (allows using + a tile server not supplying aerial tiles). + + Enable selecting map markers using touch. +- Add meson BuildRequires and use meson macros following upstreams + port. + gnome-mines +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.rc: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Updated help. + + Code cleanup and modernization. + + Keyboard shortcuts window improvements. + + Only allow long-press gesture on touchscreen. + + Fixed icon in scores dialog. + + Fixed incorrectly accepting game as won. + + Fixed spacebar not working until other key is pressed. + + Fixed timer not stopping when game ends with multi-release. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Only allow long-press gesture on touchscreens. + + Fixed issue incorrectly accepting game as won. + + Updated translations. + gnome-multi-writer +- Update to version 3.35.90: + + This unstable release fixes the following bug: Fix gmw-probe + only testing the first 15% of the disks. + + Updated translations. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.32.1: + + This fixes a memory corruption issue causing the UI to crash + and also fixes some build issues. + +- Use noun phrase in summary. + +- Update to version 3.32.0: + + Use newer meson features to avoid a build warning. + + Various C99 cleanups. + + Use G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE for GmwDevice. + + Remove the AppMenu. + + Updated translations. +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + + gnome-multi-writer-Various-C99-cleanups.patch. + + gnome-multi-writer-Use-G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE.patch. + +- Add upstream bug fix patches from stable branch: + + gnome-multi-writer-Various-C99-cleanups.patch: Various C99 + cleanups. + + gnome-multi-writer-Use-G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE.patch: Use + G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE for GmwDevice. + +- Update to version 3.30.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.28.0: + + Updated translations. +- Drop gnome-multi-writer-meson.patch, + gmw-norwegian-bokmaal-translation.patch and + gmw-gschema-fix-gettext-domain.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner + gnome-nettool +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 3.2.0: - + Change schema path to standard format. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.1.1: - + Use nmap for basic port scanning - + Added tracepath support for tracing routes - + Cleanup of warning messages at compiling time - + Avoid flickering in fast operations - + Made the help menu HIG compliant - + Fixed the incorrect tooltip of the traceroute text - + Updated translations. -- Remove xz BuildRequires now that it comes for free in the build - system. -- Add Recommends for tools that are important to have gnome-nettool - work: bind-utils (dig), iputils (ping, tracepath) and net-tools - (netstat, traceroute). -- Add Suggests for tools that are nice to have for gnome-nettool: - finger, nmap, whois. -- Update check for broken categories in gnome-nettool.desktop: the - categories have changed, but are not better, unfortunately. -- Stop adding a GenericName to gnome-nettool.desktop: the name is a - bit generic already. - gnome-nibbles +- Add 1b48446068608aff9b5edf1fdbd4b8c0d9f0be94.patch: Fix build + with vala 0.51.x. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Crash fixed. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.90: + + Keyboard shortcuts dialog and multiple shortcuts improvements. + + Add various command line arguments. +- Changes from version 3.37.0: + + Rework worms directions code. + + Many fixes to Control screen. + + Remove preferences dialog and create new pre-game screen with + options. + + Many other fixes and improvements. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.1: + + Fix button label in documentation. + + Fix bug related to parsing colors on non-English versions of + the game. + + Fix end-of-game screen being covered by another view. + + Fix bug causing the game to remain paused if restarted while + being paused. + + Fix right arrow on controls screen in Turkish locale. + + Update translations. + gnome-recipes +- Update to 2.0.4 + * Fix a few crasher bugs + * Fix an issue where the chef dialog wouldn't reopen + when closed using Esc key + * Fix the Flatpak build and the CI build + * Fix the build dependencies known to meson (make gio-unix-2.0 explicit) + * Update the AppStream data + (add OARS data, fix the SPDX license identifier, etc.) + * Update the bug reporting URL to GNOME GitLab + * Add a label for Halal recipes + * Fix the labels on "White fish for people who don't like fish" + so it doesn't claim to be vegetarian + * Tweak the wording on two recipes in the Vegetarian category, + now called "Gravy" and "Marinade" + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 2.0.2+97: + + help: Application menu has been replaced by menu button. + + Replace Bugzilla by Gitlab URL in DOAP file. + + Add halal category. + + Minor bug and build fixes. + + Updated translations. +- Switch to git checkout via source service, explicit commit. +- Drop gnome-recipes-nb-translations.patch: Fixed upstream. + gnome-robots +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Fix a lookup of a game config. + + Updated translations. +- Remove 15.patch: contained in upstream. + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Rewrite in Vala. + + Updated translations. +- Add vala BuildRequires: new dependency. +- Drop "Requires(pre): pwdutils": it's been a while that we did not + create a user for gnome-games. +- Add 15.patch: Fix crash on startup. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.90: + + Fix icon in scores dialog. +- Changes from version 3.37.3: + + New app icon. +- Changes from verssion 3.37.2: + + Begin preparing for GTK 4. + + Updated translations. + gnome-search-tool +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + gnome-sound-recorder -- Update to GNOME 3.34 by copying from openSUSE:Factory rev 27 (boo#1183183) - (current factory version is not usable for Leap because of missing - dependencies). +- Update to version 40.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Fix export dialog for recordings disappears shortly after + opening. + + Fix not able to use space bar in recording name input. + + Fix recording is lost when using space bar in name input. + + Fix ui becomes unusable and recording is lost after stopping a + record. + + Remove m4a option since using it results in unusable + recordings. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + An overall update of Sound Recorder's design: + - The possibility to seek backward/forward while playing a + recording. + - Recordings now always display the associated wave. + - The possiblity to export a recording. + - Code cleanup and translations updates. +- Add pkgconfig(gstreamer-player-1.0) and pkgconfig(libhandy-1) + BuildRequires: new dependencies. gnome-sudoku +- Update to version 40.2: + + Fix complex text in printed sudokus. + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Fix issue with appdata. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Vala warning fixes. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Choose how many puzzles to print per page. + + Move game controls to header bar and window menu and improve + mobile layout. + + Make game win message dialog modal. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.92: + + Display incorrect earmarks as red. + +- Update to version 3.37.90: + + Redesign new game menu using a listbox. + + Do not draw focused or highlighted cell when board is not in + focus. + + Highlight all numbers equal to selected one. +- Changes from version 3.37.3: + + New app icon. +- Changes from version 3.37.2: + + Remove limit on earmarks. + + Earmarks are now displayed in fixed positions. + + Improve earmark picker. + + Make D-Bus activatable. + + Additional preparation for GTK 4. +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + Various refactoring and preparation for GTK 4. + +- Stop calling -%fdupes on %{buildroot}/%{_libexecdir}: no files + are being installed to this location. + gnome-tetravex +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Some small additions to the main menu and the Shortcuts dialog, + a shortcut for undoing all, and a new icon. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.4: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Updated translations. + gnome-themes-extras +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + gnome-themes-standard -- Remove the is_opensuse tag to close the gap between Leap and SLE - (bsc#1170757, jsc#SLE-11890). - -- Ensure gtk2-32bit engine has the proper supplements to be - automatically selected. - -- Update to version 3.22.3: - + Dark theme fix. - + Minor tweaks. - -- Update to version 3.22.2: - + Dark theme updates. - + Adwaita updates. -- Modify fdupes following upstream changes. -- Conditionally apply translations-update-upstream BuildRequires - and macro for non-openSUSE only. - -- Update to version 3.22.1: - + Gtk2 dark variant. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to GNOME 3.20.2 FATE#318572 - -- Update to version 3.20.2: - + Scrollbar tweaks. - + Makefile updates. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.20: - + No changes. - -- Update to version 3.19.91: - + Updated gtk2 theme. -- Drop gnome-themes-standard-gtk3-like-menubar.patch: fixed - upstream. - -- Add gnome-themes-standard-gtk3-like-menubar.patch: Make gtk2 - menubar like gtk3 (bgo#747679). - -- Move gtk2 accessibility theme to a subpackage, which will be - suggested when main accessibility package and libgtk-2_0-0 are - installed. - -- Update to version 3.18.0: - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.16.2: - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.16.0: - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.15.90: - + Drop metacity theme. - + Drop polari icon. - -- Update to version - + HC: remove one more duplicate app icon. -- Changes from version - + Remove some HC app icons that are already shipped with apps. - -- Update to version 3.15.2: - + Update gtk2 theme (entries, spinbuttons, radios, checks...). - + Update HC icon names. - + Update gtk2 HC icons. - -- Update to version - + HC: remove one more duplicate app icon. -- Changes from version - + Remove some HC app icons that already ship with apps. -- Changes from version - + Update gtk2 HC icons. - -- Drop creation of HighContrastInverse and LowContrast Icon theme - caches: there is no icon available in those sets (boo#906721). - -- Update to version 3.14.2: - + Update gtk2 theme (entries, spinbuttons, radios, checks...). - + Update HC icon names. - gnonograms +- Update to 1.4.5: + * Dutch translation - thanks to Heimen Stoffels + * Portuguese translation - thanks to André Barata + +- Update to 1.4.3: + * Revert separate library; compile core into executable + +- Update to 1.4.2: + * French translations + * Redesigned headerbar + * Use separate gnonograms library + * Commandline options + * Fix CI and testing + * Minor bug fixes + * Code cleanup + +- Update to 1.4.0: + * New screenshots + * Add release notes + * Replace missing icons + * Further work on headerbar + * Start reworking headerbar + * Improve ScaleGrid setting + * Ensure non-null game name. + * Fix binding flag regression + * Fix long lines. + * Import changes to appdata.xml and data/ from + NathanBmn + * Make executable + * Change the way to test + * New attempt + * Attempt to fix build + * Fix missing ) + * Fix build + * Remove incorrect language files + * Regenerate all po files except fr.po from scratch to remove + extraneous material + * Update fr.po + * Merge pull request #28 from NathanBnm/master + * Merge pull request #27 from jeremypw/update-po + * Update po files + * Merge pull request #26 from jeremypw/update-pot + * Update POTFILES and .pot files + * Bump some dependencies + * ... +- Add new package with shared library + gnubg +- Switch to depending on python3. +- Run spec-cleaner over the specfile. + +- Use noun phrase in summary. + +- Update to version 1.06.002 + + fixed export and import of .mat files containing beavers. Such files + from JellyFish, Snowie and XG should import but not the flawed ones + created by earlier versions of GNUbg (use .sgf files in this case). + If exporting from GNUbg to other software, note that the latter may + not support raccoons or further redoubles and may assume that beavers + cannot be dropped. + + due to different versions of the GTK graphical libraries, the look of + the GUI is slightly different from that of the previous versions. + + the minor version of the Python interpreter is different (major + version is unchanged at 2.7). Python modules included with GNUbg may + differ in more significant ways. + Includes changes from 1.05.000: + + upgrade of the code to support https protocol + +- Disable CPU detection during compile time and assume SSE2 is available everywhere, but AVX is not (boo#1100677) + -- Updated to snapshot 20130725 - -- Disable gtkglext-devel dependency for openSUSE > 12.2 - -- first try to make it building for Fedora 17 - -- updated to snapshot 20120711 -- cleaned specfile - gnucash +- Update to 4.8 + + Compatibility Notice: + In order to allow flatpak users to share preferences with + installations outside of the sandbox we need to change the + preference path from /org/gnucash to /org/gnucash/GnuCash. This + release of GnuCash does that and it will automatically migrate + existing preferences. It does not, however, continue to write + preferences to the old path and it runs the migration only + once. If you go back and forth between GnuCash 4.7 and an older + versions you'll have two sets of preferences, one for GnuCash + 4.7 and later and another for GnuCash 4.6 and earlier. This + includes the file history list and last-opened file. + + Bugfixes + + Updated translations. +- Add 285017793d2c0c9f5a8d52b3db42944480e3f557.patch: Use plain cat + instead of cmake -E cat to join the migratable-prefs. Fixes build + for everything older than current Tumbleweed. + +- Update to 4.6 + + Bugfixes + +- Fix building for openSUSE Leap 15.3 and SLE 15 SP3 + (define used guile version) + +- Update to 4.5 + + Bugfixes + +- Update to 4.5 + + Bugfixes + +- Update to 4.4 + * Two bugfixes + +- Update to 4.3: + * In Mort. Repay. druid, creating New acct should also select it. + * Account Help Button does not work + * When unable to obtain a lock, no option to open another database. + * Financial Calculator resets payment period to zero if automatic + decimal places used + * [rfe] save tab/report location + * RFE: don't disable "OK" button after using "Apply" to modify + chart options + * Mark placeholder accounts in account tree window visibly. + * When there is only one result from a 'Find', select it. + * Transaction Status in Since Last Run needs to look clickable. + * Window Panning Oddity. + * When duplicating a transaction, any non-numeric value entered in + the "Number" field is discarded. + * Support image-based TAN methods QR, photoTAN, and chipTAN + optical "Flicker code" + * Implements the display of flashing optical TAN challenges + (aka flicker) in the "Enter TAN" dialog box. + * Help button not working when editing style sheets. + * Search in General Ledger cannot be cleared. + * Calendar widget current month shown as (null). + * List of Recently Used Files not updated until GnuCash + is closed and reopened. + * Crash on use of File-Open + * RFE: provide access to filter-by on right-mouse-click + in Accounts register. + * dialog-report-style-sheet.c stylesheet editor does not + set transient_for correctly. + * "Exception" when value greater than one million with commas + and periods is pasted to register. + * minor ui niggles - some dialogs don't respond to GDK_KEY_Escape + * odd cursor behaviour in register Description. + * Crash on export report CSV + * exchange rates' decimal places (bis) + * v4.2 report numbers change over gnucash restarts; Price Database + dropping user:price-editor entries. + * Infinite loop while Check&Repair AR and AP accounts + * Sorting columns by alphabet with non-ASCII characters + * Reverse balance option does not apply to an Account Report + * Account type-ahead search doesn't match accented characters. + * Import of QIF file sets expenses to zero, deposits are fine + * Option '--log' cannot be specified more than once. + * cash flow numerical-overflow + * Date goes to prior year with mm/dd entry to transaction duplicate. + * Transaction Report should offer price source + * Incorrect spelling in german account templates 'common' and 'full' + * Using 'Consolidate Transactions' option on Consolidate + Transaction Report returns Error + * Open invoices in new window. + * Crash on delete account. + * error using Reports->Experimental->Income Statement (Multicolumn) + * Add custom unbound-variable exception reporter in guile that + identifies what module provides the missing symbol. + * Balsheet-pnl report: show most recent period first by default + * Change register page icon to a padlock if read only + * When a resister is read only make whole sheet insensitive. + * Add account name to the read-only-register dialog box because + under some circumstances it may be unclear to which + register the message applies. + * Strictly use use-modules to import Scheme symbol + * Don't try to reload report if the first attempt raised an html error. + * Barcharts: Limit account drill-down depth to 6. + * I18N:glossary: add mortgage terms ARM, APR, FRM + * Change the icons used for the file locked dialog box. + * Add support for the opening balance accounts flag + +- Update to 4.2 + + Bugfixes + + [report-utilities] compact functions + + Small fixes for various translation issues: + Deduplicate translatable strings + Add context to one-letter strings in guile code + Fix typo in linked document gui Align translatable strings + + Expose C_ function (gettext with context string) to guile code, + first use is for the document link short code (L) + + Improve and repair progress bar display on a variety of reports + and windows, improving performance on several by reducing the + number of progressbar calls. + + [gnc-main-window] enable show_text for progressbar, allowing + gtk_progress_bar_set_text to actually display the progress text. + + Fix help_label of, remove question mark + from Available, and insert missing spaces into the Business Item + variant. + + Rename all Transaction and Invoice Association identifiers to + DocLink to better reflect the purpose and for consistency with + other software (e.g. Libre Office). + + Rename Transaction and Invoice Associations to Document Links. + More clearly describes the actions and is more consistent with + other software (e.g. Libre Office). + + Remove the "Remove Linked Document" context menu item because + that can be done in the Manage dialog box. + + Fix the horizontal scrollbar in the linked docs window. + + I18n - deduplicate translatable strings + + macOS: Give GnuCash time to shut down gracefully instead of + letting macOS pull the rug out. + + I18N: Align glossary to gnucash.pot. Create a similar copyright + header. Add missing Report-Msgid-Bugs-To. + + [report-utilities] More dump data functions: + gnc:dump-book - splits grouped by account + gnc:dump-all-transactions - splits grouped by transaction + gnc:dump-split - dumps single split + + [business-urls] link to owner report with enddate + + [dialog-invoice] gnc_business_call_owner_report_with_enddate + + [new-owner-report][api] owner-report-create-with-enddate; + accepts enddate argument like owner-report-create. + + Enable exporting the tables in charts and some reports as CSV. + + Tweak a few strings to reuse translations + + Exported gnc:cmdline-template-export and + gnc:cmdline-get-report-id. Handle ambiguous reportnames by + returning #f. + + [price-quotes.scm] ensure missing-alphavantage message can show + on console + + [budget.scm] Fix report crash on books with unreversed budgets + + [gnucash-cli] -R show should accept & try to load datafile + + Speed up computation of import match lists by running query only + once, committing accounts only once, and doing a bulk insert + into the GtkTreeview. + + Add Python example Exports account + totals of all accounts into a CSV file. + +- Update to 4.1 + + New gnucash-cli executable for command line interactions + + Improvements for business documents layout + + When deleting accounts the destination accounts of moved splits + will be checked to ensure that they have the same commodity as + the source account. If they don't you'll get a warning and the + opportunity to pick another account or to carry on regardless. + + New type-ahead search added to sequential search when selecting + an account in the register: Instead of typing the first few + characters of a top level account, the separator, the first few + characters of the next level account and so on you may instead + type a few characters of any part of a full account name and the + drop-list will be filtered to contain only matching accounts. + Once you have a small enough list you can use the arrow keys to + select the account that you want. + + Python bindings are now localized and their strings available for + translation. + + A new Transaction Association dialog, available from the Update + Association for Transaction menu item that has replaced the two + association items in 3.x, allows setting, changing, and deleting + associations. + + Allow Associations to be added to invoices. The actual + association when present is added as a link button which is shown + below the notes. + + A symbol is now displayed on transactions in the register when + they have an attachment and the selected font supports the + symbol. This does not work on MacOS, which will continue to use + a letter. + + The OFX file importer can now import more than one file at a time. + + A new report menu supbmenu Multicolumn contains the old + custom-multicolumn report and a new Dashboard report containing + Account reports for expenses and income, an income-expense chart, + and an account summary. + + Support for UK VAT and Australian GST added to the Income-GST + report. The reports options are changed from source accounts to + source sales and purchase accounts to permit proper reporting of + capital purchases. N.B. This is incompatible with previous versions + of the report and will require regenerating saved configurations. + + The matcher window columns are changed from R to C and from U+R + to U+C, reflecting that the matcher marks transactions cleared but + doesn't reconcile them. (Bug 797338) + + OFX imports having balance information will now offer to immediately + reconcile, passing the balance information in the file to the + reconcile info. + + Improve quickfill in the account pickers to filter the choices + based on any part of the name. + + The GnuCash widget hierarchy for CSS has been revised to be more + consistent with Gtk practice. You may need to spend some time with + the GtkInspector to get your custom CSS back the way you like it. + + When creating a new account hierarchy it's now possible to load + account templates from locales other than the one set for the user + interface. (Bug 797472) + + New Account - Online Account match list to the Import Map Editor. + + New invalid maps dialog in the Import Map Editor. (Bug 797612) + + Optionally include the account code option in budget view. + + Account matcher will decline to match accounts with a different + commodity from the imported split if the import information includes + the commodity. + + Ellipsize the Description and Memo fields in the account matcher. + + Enable adding notes to budgets. (Bug 693180) + + Support for AQBanking Version 6. This is required to support new + FinTS protocols for the European Payment Services Directive (PSD2). + + GnuCash 4.x will not migrate old gconf settings from GnuCash 2.4.x. + + Reversing transactions will now pop a dialog box to request a + posting date. (Bug 782455) + + The Accounts page has a new optional column for the hidden + property to make it easier to toggle it. Note that in order + to see hidden accounts you must still enable that in the + Filter by... dialog. (Bug 797486) + + The Customer, Vendor, and Employee overviews have a + process-payment toolbar. (Bug 797605). + + Account codes may now optionally be displayed in the Budget + Tree View. (Bug 797489). +- Add gnucash-4.1-fix-gtest-path.patch to cope with file layout + for gtest/gmock in openSUSE + +- Upgrade to 3.10 + + Update latest translation from the Translation project. + + [window-reconcile] when reconciling, warn on splits having a + reconcile date > statement_date + + [window-reconcile] when inputing statement_date, warn if it's + after today + + [find-transactions] add search for reconciled date + + Show transaction value, not amount, for registers with + subaccounts. + + Add instance argument to Session constructor + + Enables a python console to connect to the running GnuCash's + session. + + Make python console less noisy without --debug. + + Provide locals and globals of calling context to the python + console's shell on shell init + + Merge Jean Laroche's '797006_subaccounts' into maint. + + Add check to display warning dialog for mismatched commodities + + Replicate changes in *2 files + + Apply astyle to modified files + + Merge Chris Mayo's iPython-fixes into maint. + + Make pycons/ compatible with Python 3 and current + IPython + + [eguile-utilities] Prevent crash in balsheet-eg.scm + + [eguile] escape-html -> gnc:html-string-sanitize + + [qif-to-gnc] Properly mark intra-QIF internal transfers. + + Bugfixes + gnucash-docs -- Recommend gnome-help, so GnuCash is able to retrieve and open +- Update to 4.6 + + See NEWS for details + +- Update to 4.5 + + See NEWS for details + + Set Release according rpmlint + +- Update to 3.10 + + Download URL changed + + For changes of the packet see + +- Update to 3.3: + + Add Reconciliation definition to glossary (bgo#791169) + + None of the "GnuCash Tutorial and Concepts Guide" graphics + display (bgo#796800) + + Add information to Guide about file formats, esp. SQL. + (bgo#777893) + + Add tax tables to documentation. + + Document Filter/Closing transactions feature. +- Recommend gnome-help, so GnuCash is able to retrieve and open +- Update to version 3.2: + + Missing images in Tutorial and Concepts Guide in PDF and Online + Help pages (bgo#796098). + + Void Reason Has No Visible Purpose (bgo#795980). +- Changes from version 3.1: + + Update supported platforms for version 3.x. + gnuchess +- update to 6.2.9: + - Fixed potential buffer overflow in pgnload and pgnreplay (CVE-2021-30184) +- drop txtJ07eHdR0m6.patch (upstream) + +- Update to version 6.2.8 + * Bug fixes in the input/output processing + +- Add txtJ07eHdR0m6.patch to fix CVE-2021-30184 (reported upstream on + ) + (boo#1184531) + +- gnuchess 6.2.7: + * minor bug fixes in the build system + -- gnuchess 6.1.2: - * CFLAGS replaced by CPPFLAGS in info. - * Fix for correct handling of castling moves. - * Include translations to other languages. -- includes changes from 6.1.1: - * Include translations to other languages. - * Minor corrections in translatable strings. - * Migrate frontend to C++. - * Use autoconf 2.69 and require it in - * Use automake 1.14. -- includes changes from 6.1.0: - * Add support for package internationalization based on gettext - * Include first translations provided by the Translation Team. - * Graphic mode, a new board shape based on the unicode characters - for chess. - * pgnreplay command, similar to pgnload, with the capability of - manually showing a saved game step by step and moving backwards - * Fix bug in setboard. - * Avoid using 100% CPU in UCI mode. - * Rename the small book.bin as smallbook.bin. -- includes changes from 6.0.3: - * Update to autoconf 2.69, automake 1.13 - * If in manual mode, keep it after undo. - * Remove some unused code. - * Avoid crashing when importing book_1.01.pgn -- licence is GPL-3.0+ - -- update gnuchess to 6.0.2: - + New option --addbook to compile a book. - + Maximum file name length of EPD files extended to 127 characters. - + Book file allowed to be read only unless the BookLearn - option is set. -- new upstream Url -- removed upstreamed gnuchess-return-nonvoid.patch -- recommend xboard - -- update gnuchess to official version 6.0.1 -- clean up patches -- change generation of recent book dat from source during build - gnugo +- Enable -fcommon which is not default with GCC10. + +- Update to version 1371149103.84a32e9c: + * Avoid crashing due to registering an invalid loss move reason. + * Change pieces to stones in board output in ascii mode. + * Update copyright notices for 2011. + * gunnar_9_2.1. Remove tactical semeai reading. (#228) + * Removed built joseki *.db files from EXTRA_DIST. + * Replaced .cvsignore files with .gitignore files. + * rel-3-9-1 + * reran automake to finish remove of automake-1.4 + * removed automake-1.4.patch from doc/ + * removed automake-1.4 + +- Update to version 20130613.84a32e9c: + * Avoid crashing due to registering an invalid loss move reason. + * Change pieces to stones in board output in ascii mode. + * Update copyright notices for 2011. + * gunnar_9_2.1. Remove tactical semeai reading. (#228) + * Removed built joseki *.db files from EXTRA_DIST. + * Replaced .cvsignore files with .gitignore files. + * reran automake to finish remove of automake-1.4 + * removed automake-1.4.patch from doc/ + * removed automake-1.4 + -- update to 3.7.2. -- adapt XEmacs patch. - -- add missing directories to file list to make it build on - SuSE 9.2. - -- install Emacs-lisp files. -- small fix for XEmacs to make at least the ASCII mode work with - XEmacs (graphical mode still doesn't work). - gnuradio +- Enable again LTO on %{arm} as it builds properly now + +- Update to version + * Changed + GRC + + Fix drag and drop issue with Quartz + + Fix desync when dragging block + + Update disabled blocks if they depend on others + + Allow short and byte as valid types in an enum + + Fix evaluation of interdependent variables + modtool + + Set VERSION_PATH to 0 in new modules, instead of using GIT rev + + For Python3, return correct exeption ModuleNotFoundError + instead of ImportError + gr-blocks + + trix Interleaver block + gr-channels + + Fix "hide" expressions in yml files + gr-digital + + Remove unused msg output port from Chunks To Symbols block yml + gr-fft + + Add "shift" parameter to Log Power FFT + gr-qtgui + + Fix: tags on the last sample were not shown + gr-video-sdl + + Fix: U and V channels were reversed on sink blocks + gnusocialshell +- Update to version 1.3.0: + * Add a new "/tag" command, to read tags timelines. + gnustep-libobjc2 +- Update to version 2.1: + * Numerous improvements to the Objective-C++ exception + interoperation code. + * Fix silently ignored message sent to `super` where the + corresponding method does not exist. + * Fix the checks for overloaded memory management methods. + * Several memory management bugs in corner cases of weak + reference management were fixed. + * Fix a bug in `objc_msgSend` that used to lead to stack + corruption on ARM. + * Rewrite the ARC code as C++ using a third-party Robin-Hood + hash table to store weak references. + * Add support for the C11 _Atomic type qualifier in property + metadata. +- New build dependency: robin-map-devel. + +- Disable lto flag to fix build on Factory + +- Update to version 2.0 + * This release introduces a new Objective-C ABI, which is + designed to be forward compatible with future changes and + removes a large number of hacks that were required for + compatibility with the prior ABI that included features + introduced in the 1980s. Highlights include: + + The linker now removes duplicate selectors within a + library. + + The linker will remove duplicate protocol definitions + within a library. + + Protocols and classes are now always accessed via an + indirection layer, so they can be extended by future + versions of the ABI without breaking compatibility. + + Categories can include property metadata and both + categories. + + Constant strings are now emitted with a richer structure, + which provides faster hashing and better unicode support. + + Instance variable metadata includes size and alignment, + allowing better object layout and more accurate + introspection. Instance variable metadata now includes + more accurate information about ARC ownership semantics. + + Method metadata now includes extended type information, + allowing bridged languages to understand the class that + methods expect and not just the fact that they take an + object. This was previously an obstacle to supporting + JavaScriptCore's Objective-C bridge with GNUstep. + go1 +- Add compiler-rt-fix-tsan-build.patch to fix build with gcc-PIE. + +- Use gcc-go on Factory +- Add gccgo1.16.patch to allow bootstrap with gccgo from GCC 11. + [boo#1182618] + +- Don't try to build shared on ppc64 + goaccess +- Update to 1.5.3: + * Added additional crawlers to the default list. + * Added Italian translation (i18n). + * Added 'macOS 12' to the list of OS. + * Fixed buffer overflow caused by an excessive number of invalid + requests with multiple logs. + * Fixed visualization issue on the HTML report for panels with + disabled chart. + +- Fix systemd target for the timer which ends up with cylces otherwise + Found ordering cycle on goaccess@foobar.timer/start + Found dependency on + Found dependency on chronyd.service/start + Found dependency on + Found dependency on wickedd-nanny.service/start + Found dependency on + Job goaccess@foobar.timer/start deleted to break ordering cycle starting with + +- Update to 1.5.2: + * Added .avi to the list of static requests/extensions. + * Changed label from 'Init. Proc. Time' to 'Log Parsing Time'. + * Fixed issue where lengthy static-file extension wouldn't account certain + valid requests. + * Fixed possible buffer underflow when checking static-file extension. + * Fixed segfault when attempting to parse an invalid JSON log while using a + JSON log format. + * Fixed segfault when ignoring a status code and processing a line > '4096' + chars. + +- Update to 1.5.1: + - Changed official deb repo so it now builds '--with-getline' in order to + support request lines longer than 4096. + - Ensure there's no tail delay if the log file hasn't changed. + - Fixed data race when writing to a self-pipe and attempting to stop the WS server. + - Fixed inability to close expanded panel when pressing 'q' on TUI. + - Fixed possible data race during parsing spinner label assignment. + - Increased the maximum number of files to monitor from '512' to '3072'. + +- Update to 1.5: + * Added a Docker container based isolated build environment (Debian). + * Added Dark Mode detection to the HTML report. + * Added the ability for the WebSocket server to bind to a Unix-domain socket. + * Added the ability to parse IPs enclosed within brackets (e.g., IPv6). + * Changed categorization of requests containing 'CFNetwork' to 'iOS' when + applicable. + * Changed command line option from '--hide-referer' to '--hide-referrer'. + * Changed command line option from '--ignore-referer' to '--ignore-referrer'. + * Fixed a potential division by zero. + * Fixed inablity to parse IPv6 when using a 'CADDY' log format. + * Fixed issue where a 'BSD' OS could be displayed as Linux with certain + user-agents. + * Fixed memory leak when a JSON value contained an empty string (e.g., + JSON/CADDY format). + * Fixed possible buffer overflow on a WS packet coming from the browser. + * Refactored a substancial part of the storage codebase for upcoming + filtering/search capabilities (issue #117). + * Refactored DB storage to minimize memory consumption up to '35%'. + * Updated default 'AWS Elastic Load Balancing' log format. + * Updated German translation. + * Updated page size to 24 on the HTML report. + * Updated UNIX OS catergories. + +- Update to 1.4.6: + * Added additional feed reader clients. + * Added addtional browsers and bots to the main list. + * Added command line option '--unknowns-log' to log unknown browsers and + OSs. + * Added 'Referer' to the pre-defined 'Caddy JSON' log format. + * Added support for real-time piping as non-root user. + * Added the ability to Handle case when IPv4 is encoded as IPv6 in + GeoIP1/legacy. + * Ensure we capture linux (lowercase) when extracting an OS. + * Fixed a regression in parsing Google Cloud Storage or possibly other + non-JSON formats. + * Fixed inability to parse escaped formats. + * Fixed issue when using '%s' with 'strptime(3)' under musl libc. This + addresses mostly the Docker image. + * Fixed possible buffer over-read for certain log-format patterns. + * Fixed segfault when attempting to process a malformed JSON string. + * Fixed segfault when setting an empty log-format from the TUI dialog. + * Fixed sorting on hits and visitors when larger than INT_MAX. + * Updated CloudFront pre-defined log-format to reflect the latest fields. + * Updated 'Dockerfile' image to use 'alpine:3.13' instead of edge due to + compatibility issue with the GNU coreutils. + +- Update to 1.4.5: + * Fixed build issue due to initial declarations only allowed in C99 mode + +- Update to 1.4.4: + * Added 'Caddy' to the list of pre-defined log formats. + * Added command line option '--no-strict-status' to disable status validation. + * Added native support to parse JSON logs. + * Added the ability to process timestamps in milliseconds using '%*'. + * Ensure TUI/CSV/HTML reports are able to output 'uint64_t' data. + * Ensure we allow UI render if the rate at which data is being read is + * than '8192' req/s. + * Ensure we don't re-render Term/HTML output if no data was read/piped. + * Fixed build configure to work on NetBSD. + * Fixed issue where it would send data via socket each second when managed + * systemd. + * Fixed issue where parser was unable to parse syslog date with padding. + * Fixed issue where some items under browsers.list were not tab separated. + * Fixed issue where the format parser was unable to properly parse logs + * by a pipe. + * Fixed issue where T.X. Amount metrics were not shown when data was piped. + * Fixed issue where XFF parser could swallow an additional field. + * Fixed memory leak when using '%x' as date/time specifier. + * Replaced select(2) with poll(2) as it is more efficient and a lot faster + * select(2). + * Updated Swedish i18n. + +- Fix starting the timer on boot + +- Enable geoip support +- Added systemd service files +- Added + +- Update to 1.4.3: + * Added the ability to set how often goaccess will parse data and output to + the HTML report via '--html-refresh=<secs>'. + * Changed how TLS is parsed so the Cypher uses a separate specifier. + It now uses '%K' for the TLS version and '%k' for the Cypher. + * Fixed issue where real-time output would double count a rotated log. This + was due to the change of inode upon rotating the log. + * Updated man page to reflect proper way of 'tail -f' a remote access log. + +- Update to 1.4.2: + * Added the ability to show 'Encryption Settings' such as ' TLSv1.2' and + Cipher Suites on its own panel. + * Added the ability to show 'MIME Types' such as ' application/javascript' on + its own panel. + * Changed Debian build to use mmdb instead of libgeoip (legacy). + * Ensure the HTML report defaults to widescreen if viewport is larger than + '2560'. + * Fixed inability to properly process multiple logs in real-time. + * Fixed issue where named PIPEs were not properly seed upon generating + filename. + * Fixed issue where served time metrics were not shown when data was piped. + * Removed unnecessary padding from SVG charts. Improves readability on mobile. + +- Update to 1.4.1: + * Added addtional browsers and bots to the main list. + * Added 'Android 11' to the list of OSs. + * Added 'macOS 11.0 Big Sur' to the list of OSs. + * Added 'average' to each panel overall metrics. + * Added '.dmg', '.xz', and '.zst' to the static list. + * Added extra check to ensure restoring from disk verifies the content of the + * against previous runs. + * Added Russian translation (i18n). + * Added Ukrainian translation (i18n). + * Added support for HTTP status code '308'. + * Added the ability for 'get_home ()' to return NULL on error, instead of + * the process. Great if using through systemd. + * Added the ability to read lowercase predefined log formats. For instance, + * log-format=COMBINED' or '--log-format=combined'. + * Changed how FIFOs are created and avoid using predictable filenames under + tmp'. + * Changed '--ignore-referer' to use whole referrer instead of referring site. + * Ensure Cache Status can be parsed without sensitivity to case. + * Ensure restored data enforces '--keep-last' if used by truncating accordingly + * Fixed a few memory leaks when restoring from disk. + * Fixed blank time distribution panel when using timestamps. + * Fixed build issue due to lack of 'mmap' on 'Win'/'Cygwin'/'MinGW'. + * Fixed crash in mouse enabled mode. + * Fixed double free on data restore. + * Fixed inability to keep processing a log when using '--keep-last'. + * Fixed inability to properly parse truncated logs. + * Fixed inability to properly count certain requests when restoring from disk + * Fixed issue where it would not parse subsequent requests coming from stdin (tail). + * Fixed issue where log truncation could prevent accurate number counting. + * Fixed issue where parsed date range was not rendered with '--date-spec'. + * Fixed issue where parser would stop regardless of a valid '--num-test' value. + * Fixed issue where restoring from disk would increment 'MAX.TS'. + * Fixed possible incremental issue when log rotation occurs. + * Fixed possible XSS when getting real-time data into the HTML report. + * Fixed potential memory leak when failing to get root node. + * Fixed real-time hits count issue for certain scenarios. + * Fixed segfault in 'Docker' due to a bad allocation when generating FIFOs. + * Fixed 'Unknown' Operating Systems with 'W3C' format. + * Removed unnecessary include from parser.c so it builds in macOS. + * Updated each panel overall UI to be more streamlined. + * Updated French translation. + * Updated German translation. + * Updated Spanish translation. + * Updated sigsegv handler. + +- Update to 1.4: + * Added a caching storage mechanism to improve parsing raw data and data + rendering. + * Added a mechanism to avoid counting duplicate data when restoring persisted + data from disk. + * Added additional option to the HTML report to set a maximum number of items + per page to 3. + * Added a list of podcast-related user agents under '%sysconfdir%'. + * Added 'Android 10' to the list of Android codenames. + * Added a 'widescreen' layout to the HTML report (e.g., 4K TV/KPI Dashboard). + * Added 'Beaker', 'Brave', and 'Firefox Focus' to the list of browsers + * Added command line option --user-name=username to avoid running GoAccess as + root when outputting a real-time report. + * Added 'DuckDuckGo' and 'MSNBot' browsers to the browsers.list. + * Added 'facebookexternalhit' to the default crawler list. + * Added German translation (DE). + * Added Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Log Format to the default config file. + * Added 'macOS Catalina' to the list of OSX codenames. + * Added minor CSS updates to HTML report. + * Added missing header '<sys/socket.h>' to fix FreeBSD build + * Added new 'Edg' token to the list of browsers. + * Added '--no-ip-validation' command line to disable client IP validation + * Added '--persist' and '--restore' options to persist to disk and restore a + dump from disk. + * Added Portuguese translation (pt-BR) + * Added Swedish translation (SV) + * Added the ability to parse server cache status and a new panel to display + those metrics. + * Changed accumulated time to work by default on '--persist' and '--restore'. + * Changed back how the hits and visitors percentage is calculated to be more + intuitive. + * Changed Geo Location panel display default to show only if database file is + provided ('LIBMAXMINDDB'). + * Changed initial processing time from secs to HH:MM:SS in HTML output. + * Changed '--max-items' for the static HTML report to allow no limit on + output entries. + * Changed required 'gettext' version to 0.19 + * Changed to ignore 'SIGPIPE' with 'SIG_IGN' + * Changed version to 10.15 for 'macOS Catalina'. + * Ensure proper escaping on default AWSELB log format. + * Ensure valid requests counter is not affected on duplicate entries when + restoring data. + * Fixed issue preventing Ctrl-C (SIGINT) for the curses interface to stop the + program. + * Fixed issue where HTML report wouldn't update the tables when changing per + page option. + * Fixed issue where it wouldn't find either the user's or global config file. + * Fixed issue where changing the number of items per page in the HTML report + would not automatically refresh the tables. + * Fixed issue where last updated label was not updated in real-time. + * Fixed issue where overall date range wasn't showing the right start/end parse + dates. + * Fixed issue where tailing a file could potentially re-parse part of the log. + * Fixed memory leak when fetching country/continent while using 'LIBMAXMINDDB'. + * Fixed several '-Wcast-qual' warnings. + * Fixed unwanted added characters to the HTML output. + * Fixed websocket issue returning a 400 due to request header size. + * Increased 'MAX_LINE_CONF' so a JSON string can be properly parsed from the + config file. + * Removed deprecated option '--geoip-city-data' from config file. + * Removed unnecessary dependency from snapcraft.yaml. + * Removed Vagrantfile per #1410 + * Removed some old browsers from the default curated list. + * Replaced TokyoCabinet storage for a non-dependency in-memory persistent + storage. + * Updated Dockerfile. +- Remove bin2c.patch: upstreamed +- Build without --enable-geoip flag + -- update to 0.7: - * added a command line option to ignore request query strings - * added additional static file extensions - * added country per IP to HOSTS module (HTML & JSON) - * added GEOLOCATION report to all outputs - includes continents/countries - * added IP resolver to HTML and JSON output - * added module numbers to each module header - * added the ability to output JSON and CSV - * fixed buffer overflow issue with realpath - * new HTML report - HTML5 + CSS styles - * properly split request line into the three request modules - gobby +- stop owning dirs provided by filesystem rpm (bsc#1184786) + +- Update to version 0.5.1+20180826.d16519e: + * Correct "Remeber" → "Remember" arrow. + * Make yelp conditional on --enable-docs (default=yes). + * help/ fix tab/spaces inconsistency + * Update CI build environment to include yelp-tools. + * Use yelp-tools instead of gtk-doc-utils. + * Update ca.po + * Use https in README + * Add suggested desktop category + * Fix include directives to just include <gtksourceview/gtksource.h>. + * Add newly translatable units to and drop non-existing ones. + * Set AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR to the top-level source directory. + * Fix some compile warnings + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- license update: GPL-2.0+ - No indication of GPL-2.0 "only" code and certainly no indication of - aggregation - -- update license to new format - -- Add gobby-glibmm-2_31.patch: Fix build with glibmm 2.31. - gocr +- Do not use urandom for examples + to make package build reproducible (boo#1062303) +- Drop FAKE_BUILDDATE because gcc already normalizes __DATE__ + +- Update to 0.52, check the HISTORY file for the complete list of changes + * Fix endianess of 16bit-pnm + * Improve tests + * Fix bad 7 as T detection, fix corner vectors for thinn fonts, + fix debug-option-dependence + * Fix NULL-pointer access + * Fix range check in nearest_frame_vector() + -- Remove unneeded build requires. - -- fix man-page permissions - goffice +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 0.10.50: + + Fix data update in matrix plots. + + Fix rendering on high resolution monitors when scale is not 1. + + Simplify regression equation code. + + Use only 3 decimals for R^2 for regression lines. + + Eliminate empty Special category from format selector. + + Improve regression line equation for date axes. + +- Update to version 0.10.49: + + Fix ods format problem. + + Fix axis line crash. + + Add state and saved-state to GODoc. + +- Update to version 0.10.48: + + Avoid serializing empty graph data. + + Clip data labels in XY plots. + + Don't emit a critical for invalid series in Logarithmic fit. + + Optimize GtkWidget embedding in the canvas. + + Clip grid lines rendering to the plot area. + + Speed up GocGroup for large number of children. + + Make GocGroup usable as a widgetless canvas. + + Avoid critical in document image handling. + + Introspection fixes. + + Speed up GocGroup for large number of children. + + Stop checking for Xrender. + + Plug leaks. + +- Update to version 0.10.47: + + Fix crash if a XY plot series has data labels but no valid + data. + + Fix criticals related to data labels. + + Fix a drawing error in contour plots. + + Ensure that all required dims have valid data in a valid + series. + + Fix legend order in bar plots. + + Test plot series validity after a data change. + + Fix crossing axis position. + + Fix component duplication. + + Fix library namespace issue. + + Implement auto-by-extension for image files. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 0.10.46: + + Fix equations edition inside charts. + + Fix legend contents for contour plots. + + Add more functions to inspect formats. + + Fix UTF-8 problem with format "mmmmm". + +- Update to version 0.10.45: + + Fix crash in exponential smoothing with invalid y data. + + Fix ring plot center size persistence. + + Introspection fixes. + + Work around gtk-doc bugs. + +- Update to version 0.10.44: + + No changes, version bump only. + +- Update to version 0.10.43: + + No changes, version bump only. + +- Update to version 0.10.42: + + Fix box plots when only outliers lie outside of the box. + + Introspection fixes. + + Improve file saver api. + + Avoid hash order dependency for plugins. + + dtoa: ensure fpu rounding mode here. + + Test fixes. + golang-github-prometheus-alertmanager +- Exclude s390 architecture + +- Update packaging + * Remove systemd and shadow hard requirements + * use the system user provided by the system-user-prometheus subpackge + * add 'prometheus-alertmanager' package alias + +- Fix building amtool (bsc#1176943) + +- Fix permissions for /var/lib/prometheus to match + golang-github-prometheus-prometheus package. Otherwise the install check will + fail. + +- Update to 0.21.0 + + Changes: + * [HipChat] Remove HipChat integration as it is end-of-life. #2282 + * [amtool] Remove default assignment of environment variables. #2161 + * [PagerDuty] Enforce 512KB event size limit. #2225 + + Enhancements: + * [amtool] Add cluster command to show cluster and peer statuses. #2256 + * Add redirection from / to the routes prefix when it isn't empty. #2235 + * [Webhook] Add max_alerts option to limit the number of alerts included in the payload. #2274 + * Improve logs for API v2, notifications and clustering. #2177 #2188 #2260 #2261 #2273 + + Bugfixes: + * Fix child routes not inheriting their parent route's grouping when group_by: [...]. #2154 + * [UI] Fix the receiver selector in the Alerts page when the receiver name contains regular expression metacharacters such as +. #2090 + * Fix error message about start and end time validation. #2173 + * Fix a potential race condition in dispatcher. #2208 + * [API v2] Return an empty array of peers when the clustering is disabled. #2203 + * Fix the registration of alertmanager_dispatcher_aggregation_groups and alertmanager_dispatcher_alert_processing_duration_seconds metrics. #2200 + * Always retry notifications with back-off. #2290 +- Run spec-cleaner +- Remove rpm group +- Update to build with go1.14 for Factory (Tumbleweed) +- Refresh example config from upstream + +- Add network-online (Wants and After) dependency to systemd unit bsc#1143913 + +- Adjust default settings +- Added: + * 0001-Default-settings.patch golang-org-x-sys +- Update to version 0.0.0+git20200420.1957bb5: + * unix: add SockaddrUnix tests on linux + * Revert "unix: add openat2 for linux" + * unix: update Dockerfile to Go 1.14.2 + * unix: fix name of generated zerrors_*.go in README + * unix: add nexthop types and consts + * unix: add openat2 for linux + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 5.6, and Go 1.13.9 + * unix: add fs-verity consts and types + * unix: allocate signalNameMap with enough space + * unix: add readv/writev for illumos + * gitignore: remove obsolete reference to .hgignore in comment + * unix: regenerate all definitions on FreeBSD 12.1 on {386,amd64,arm64} + * unix: add disk ioctl constants for FreeBSD + * unix: only declare PtraceGetFsBase() on x86-based platforms + * unix: implement L2TPIP socket address on Linux + * unix: update BPF consts on linux + * cpu: add mips64x feature detection + * unix: merge duplicate code in ztypes_linux_*.go + * unix: merge duplicate code in zsyscall_linux_*.go + * unix: merge duplicate code in zerrors_linux_*.go + * unix: add tool for merging duplicate code + * unix: add adjtimex return constants + * unix: mark capget/capset as non-blocking + * unix: gofmt after CL 218799 + * unix: add RTMGRP_* consts from rtnetlink.h + * unix: add InotifyInit for mips64 + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 5.5, glibc 2.31, Go 1.13.7 + * unix: use pipe2 syscall on OpenBSD + * unix: add new setfsuid/setfsgid wrappers + * unix: correct PtraceIoDesc and define PtraceIoDesc per GOARCH on freebsd + * unix: test (*FdSet).Clear in TestFdSet + * Revert "unix: fix Setfsuid and Setfsgid return values" + * unix: fix Setfsuid and Setfsgid return values + * cpu: don't read ARM64 registers on Android + * windows: add missing network-related constants + * unix: add missing chtmpdir in TestPpoll on openbsd + * unix: add SysctlClockinfo on dragonfly and freebsd + * unix: add Inet4Pktinfo type on solaris + * unix: test UtimesNanoAt on *bsd and solaris + * unix: don't zero out extra registers on riscv64 syscalls + * unix: add flags argument in //sys comments for Fstatvfs1 and Statvfs1 on netbsd + * unix: add Dup3 on netbsd and openbsd + * unix: correct build tag to define Getdirentries for darwin/arm with Go 1.11 + * windows: added SO_RCVTIMEO and IPPROTO_ICMP constants + * unix: compare Stat_t members in TestFstatat + * unix: unify definition of func fcntl + * unix: use correct file name in comment + * unix: add Readv/Writev family of syscalls for linux + * windows: fix recvfrom and sendto data types + * unix: add PrctlRetInt, a Prctl variant that returns (int, error) + * unix: move functions Ptrace{Get|Set}RegSetArm64 to a separate file + * unix: replace readlink in with portable shell commands + * unix: add functions PtraceGetRegSetArm64 and PtraceSetRegSetArm64 + * unix: add Statvfs and Fstatvfs on NetBSD + * cpu: support reading arm64 CPU feature registers + * windows: add Recvfrom and Sendto implementations + * unix: add new fscrypt declarations from Linux v5.4 + * unix/linux: bump Linux and Go versions to latest stable releases + * unix: check number of ready file descriptors in TestPselect + * unix: don't fail TestSelect on EINTR from Select + * windows: add Get*PreferredUILanguages + * unix: use same TestSelect on all Unices + * unix: fix EINTR check in TestPselect + * unix: regenerate zerrors for AIX + * windows: revert security_windows.go change of CL 202177 + * unix: don't fail TestPselect on EINTR from Pselect + * unix: fix EINTR check in TestClockNanosleep + * unix: don't fail TestClockNanosleep on EINTR from ClockNanosleep + * unix: fix EpollEvent padding on mips64{,le} + * unix: check correct CPU for being enabled in old mask in TestSchedSetaffinity + * cpu: don't redeclare doinit on ppc64le + * unix: accept time.Now()±1 as valid in TestTime + * cpu: add basic support for GOARCH=riscv64 + * cpu: move empty doinit to own file + * unix: skip TestPselect on EINTR + * unix: test returned fd in TestEpoll + * windows: add empty.s to fix build with Go 1.11 and earlier + * unix: add TestEpoll on linux + * unix: add methods to manipulate *FdSet + * windows: add EnumProcesses function + * windows/registry: make '-gcflags=all=-d=checkptr' flag work + * unix: add devlink Linux generic netlink API constants + * unix: add missing HCI_CHANNEL_LOGGING constant + * windows/registry: remove TestWalkFullRegistry due to false assumptions + * unix: don't use non-existing uint128 type on freebsd/arm64 + * windows/registry: allow for non-null terminated strings + * unix: make convertFromDirents11 checkptr safe + * unix: remove un-used ptrSize + * unix: regenerate darwin libc trampolines after CL 202837 + * unix: __sysctl is sysctl on darwin + * unix: comply with -d=checkptr in Test_anyToSockaddr + * windows: respect permission bits on file opening + * unix: don't use 32-bit aligned access for cmsgAlignOf on dragonfly after ABI change + * windows, unix: fix wrong unsafe.Pointer alignment in syscall + * unix: avoid "just past the end" pointers in UnixRights + * windows: add GetDiskFreeSpaceEx function + * unix: update rtnetlink constants + * unix: add new func PtraceInterrupt on Linux + * windows: fix ShellExecute return condition + * windows: use go:linkname instead of assembly + * windows: add module handle functions + * unix: add new func PtraceSeize on Linux + * unix: add Klogset and related SYSLOG_ACTION_ constants + * windows/mkwinsyscall: import mksyscall_windows.go from go repo + * windows/svc: use CloseServiceHandle for service handles + * unix: avoid __getdirentries64 on darwin + * unix: update openbsd/{386,amd64.arm} MAP_* consts + * windows: add LockFileEx, UnlockFileEx system calls + * cpu: support ARM feature detection on Linux + * windows: revert breaking API changes from CL 196798, add new accessor funcs + * unix: add NFDBITS const on Linux, update TestSelect + * unix: fix Select to return number of ready fds on Solaris + * unix: re-generate Select on dragonfly + * windows: use pseudo handle constants to implement GetCurrentProcess + * unix: fix Select to return number of ready fds on Darwin and *BSD + * windows: make SID.String() conform to the String interface + * windows: do not return invalid error for psuedo-handle functions + * windows: use correct type for security attributes' descriptor member + * windows: support SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR and ACL for secured objects + * unix: add KEYCTL_RESTRICT_KEYRING capabilities + * windows: do not corrupt stack with larger boolean return value + * unix: redefine TIPC_WAIT_FOREVER as a uint32 value + * windows: add various functions for shutting down and logging out + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 5.3 and use ubuntu 19.04 base image + * unix: add IfaCacheinfo on linux + * unix: sort Linux-specific includes in linux/types.go and + * cpu: remove encoding/binary dependency + * unix: add Msghdr.SetIovlen for solaris/amd64 + * unix: add Msghdr.SetIovlen + * unix: disable sysctl on iOS + * cpu: add a space before build tag comment + * unix: implement AF_TIPC sockets on Linux + * unix/linux: upgrade Docker build container to Go 1.13 + * unix: add IoctlRetInt for Linux + * unix: fix coredump bit on aix/ppc64 + * windows: open process tokens with duplicate access + * unix: unify Ioctl* functions + * windows: add mutex management functions + * unix: use bits.OnesCount64 instead of local copy + * windows: add Windows directory accessors + * windows: allow re-enabling priority boost + * windows: allow retrieving true version with RtlGetNtVersionNumbers + * unix/linux: update Dockerfile to glibc 2.30 + * unix: disable ptrace on iOS + * unix: fix epoll_event padding on riscv64 + * windows: add support for automatic delayed start in windows service + * unix: remove nacl build tag from dirent code + * unix: fix several staticcheck issues + * windows: add CTRL_CLOSE_EVENT, CTRL_LOGOFF_EVENT, and CTRL_SHUTDOWN_EVENT + * unix: add riscv64 tag to endian_little.go + * unix: add constants and types to work with Linux loop devices + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 5.2 and Go 1.13beta1 + * unix: add missing dirent* helper functions on aix + * unix: don't use syscall.ParseDirent + * unix: add Getdents on dragonfly + * unix: use ParseDirent in testGetdirentries + * unix: fix nil pointer dereference in Getdirentries on 32-bit freebsd 12 + * unix: add missing import in readdirent_getdirentries.go + * unix: fix Getdirentries emulation using Getdents on netbsd, openbsd + * unix: add test for Getdirentries + * unix: merge implementation for ReadDirent + * unix: add support to get/set Linux capabilities + * unix: correctly rename Val member in Sigset_t on freebsd + * unix: add ptrace support for FreeBSD + * unix: add AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW const on openbsd + * unix: add AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW const on netbsd + * windows: make CoTaskMemFree public + * unix: remove net dependency + * windows: allow determining real version number + * unix: fix Getdirentries emulation using Getdents on netbsd, openbsd + * unix: change the mksysnum master to point to stable/11 on freebsd + * windows: rename some arguments to follow MSDN + * windows: allow looking up well-known folder paths + * windows: add OpenThread function + * windows: add GetProcessId function + * unix: fix Getdirentries on 32-bit freebsd 12 + * windows: expose GetCurrentProcessId function + * windows: allow determining if manager is locked + * windows: correct types and error values of internal GUID handling + * windows: add Thread32{First,Next} funcions + * windows: properly plumb sidtype into service creation + * windows: add GUID handling functions + * windows: add accessor for duration since boot + * windows: add constants for access rights + * windows: make it easier to iterate over groups and privileges + * windows: delete mkerrors.go + * unix: provide linux/riscv64 assembly for syscalls + * unix: fix TestFchmodat on illumos + * Revert "windows: make zsyscall_windows.go generatable on non-WSL env" + * windows: make zsyscall_windows.go generatable on non-WSL env + * windows: add GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent function + * plan9: modify to support zsyscall*.go files generation + * cpu: add missing linkname for libc_getsystemcfg on aix/ppc64 + * windows: add SetInformationJobObject functions + * windows: add functions for priority class + * cpu: don't depend on the package for AIX + * unix: fix Signalfd function signature on linux + * windows: add ResumeThread function + * windows: allow Windows-style printf debugging via MessageBox + * windows: add ShellExecute + * windows: allow determining if running 32-on-64bit + * windows: add SID getter functions for the various components + * windows: add SetErrorMode function + * windows: add IP() accessor to SocketAddress type + * windows: add JobObject functions + * unix: add MCAST_* constants on linux + * unix: add RawSockaddrDatalink on aix + * windows: do not query library for inline functions + * windows: add missing service constants + * windows/registry: do not generate unaligned loads + * unix: remove unused stringsFromByteSlice for tests on aix + * unix: remove StTimespec type on AIX + * windows: add functions for dealing with elevated tokens + * windows: add token group adjustment function + * unix: fix TestStatFieldNames on aix and TestUtimesNanoAt on darwin + * unix: rename Stat_t time fields to [AMCB]tim + * windows: add token environment functions + * windows: add basic WTS functions for windows/svc usage + * windows: add service notification support + * windows: add token manipulation functions and constants + * windows: add "generate" build tag + * unix: add IoctlGetUint32 on Linux + * unix: add BPF constants on Linux + * unix: export KexecFileLoad on linux/arm + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 5.1 + * windows: CreateFile's templatefile parameter has always been a HANDLE + * unix: add missing tpacket block (sub)header + * unix: add illumos case + * unix: support generating netbsd/arm64 files in + * unix: drop reference to from comment + * windows: don't return EINVAL on zero Chmod mode + * windows: document new ProcessId field + * unix: replace "" script with a Go program + * unix: skip TestOpenByHandleAt if name_to_handle_at not supported + * windows: allow querying service ProcessId + * unix: add FileHandle, NewFileHandle, NameToHandleAt, OpenByHandleAt + * unix: add Linux crypto configuration API constants and types + * unix: add support for openbsd/arm64 + * unix: remove arch specific build for openbsd_pledge.go + * unix: add unexported name_to_handle_at and open_by_handle_at types & wrappers + * unix: add Unmount syscall for AIX + * unix: add Select syscall on AIX + * unix: use nsendmsg and nrecvmsg on AIX + * unix: fix cmsg alignment on aix + * unix: move helper handler before AIX handler in TestPassFD + * unix: enable TestPassFD on AIX 7.2 TL >= 2 + * windows: add GetFileInformationByHandleEx function + * windows: add missing error constants + * unix: add missing rtnetlink IFLA_* constants on Linux + * unix: add missing rtnetlink neighbor constants on Linux + * unix: add missing rtnetlink IFA_* constants on Linux + * unix: allow empty string argument to SetsockoptString + * unix: don't generate raw syscall wrapper for ClockGettime on darwin + * unix: remove ClockGettime for darwin/amd64 on Go 1.11 + * unix: add SysctlClockinfo on darwin + * unix: add GetsockoptUint64 and SetsockoptUint64 + * windows: add GetOverlappedResult function for async I/O + * windows: add missing file flags to types + * unix: add SysctlClockinfo on OpenBSD + * windows: add support for creating well known SIDs + * cpu: use unix.Getsystemcfg to detect POWER8/POWER9 on aix/ppc64 + * unix: run mkasm independent of mktypes in + * unix: add Getsystemcfg on aix + * windows: use proper system directory path in fallback loader + * unix, unix/linux: add additional Linux perf API bits + * cpu: add build tag to cpu_wasm.go + * unix: add SetsockoptPacketMreq on Linux + * all: add go directive to go.mod + * cpu: define cacheLineSize and doinit for WASM + * windows/svc: safely load system DLLs + * unix: add functions to get/set tpacket socket options + * unix: on ARM GNU/Linux let Pipe fall back to pipe + * unix: add Lutimes + * unix: update Dockerfile to Go 1.12 and Linux 5.0 + * unix: add fanotify API on Linux + * unix: add SignalNum to convert signal name to a number + * windows/svc: align ctlHandler parameters + * windows/svc: add Context to ChangeRequest + * unix: use 64-bit alignment on netbsd-arm + * cpu: add CPU features for s390x + * cpu: don't panic on error reading /proc/self/auxv + * all: add a go.mod file + * unix: don't overwrite unrelated file descriptors in TestDup + * unix: add type NdUseroptmsg on Linux + * unix: add SetsockoptCanRawFilter for linux + * unix: add SetsockoptSockFprog on Linux for attaching BPF filters + * cpu: fix build for GOARCH=ppc64{,le} on GOOS!=linux + * windows: gofmt -w windows/security_windows.go + * unix: do not invoke Mkfifo with a relative path in a read-only directory + * cpu: unexport HWCap and HWCap2 + * cpu: fix auxval parsing on big-endian systems + * cpu: fix build for GOARCH=arm64 on GOOS!=linux + * unix: replace Perl script references in "" with Go programs + * unix: replace "" script with a Go program + * unix: add ClockGettime on darwin/amd64 + * unix: update zsysnum_darwin_amd64 for macOS 10.14 + * unix: require GOOS be set in mksyscall + * unix/linux: update Dockerfile to glibc 2.29 and Go 1.12beta2 + * windows: Implement WaitForMultipleObjects + * unix: set 100644 mode on mksyscall_aix_ppc64.go + * unix: add RND* ioctl consts on Linux + * cpu: detect RDRAND and RDSEED instructions on x86 + * unix: add ioctl wrappers to get and set RTC time on Linux + * unix: fix misspellings + * unix: regenerate sysnum files for freebsd/arm64 and netbsd/arm64 + * unix: use glibc release branch in Dockerfile + * unix: replace "" script with a Go program + * unix: add socket error queue constants and types from linux/errqueue.h + * unix: add netbsd/arm64 files. + * unix: use int8 for RawSockaddrUnix.Path on linux/riscv64 + * unix: use Renameat2 to implement Renameat on linux/riscv64 + * unix: add Renameat on dragonfly + * unix: add Signalfd on linux + * unix: add ClockNanosleep and TIMER_ABSTIME + * unix: get *BSD syscalls.master files using HTTPS + * unix: replace "" script with a Go program + * cpu: add linux/ppc64x + * plan9: replace "" with Go program + * unix: make Fcntl* routines use libSystem on Darwin + * plan9: remove "use" function and calls from generated code. + * unix/linux: update Dockerfile to Linux Kernel 4.20 + * unix: add support for freebsd/arm64 + * unix: fix Fstatat by using fillStat_t on linux/mips64x + * unix: mksysnum: correct +build restriction + * unix: replace mksysnum_*.pl scripts with Go program + * unix: generate linux/sparc64 go files using Docker + * unix: fix unused import in syscall_darwin_386.go + * unix: add space to generated code + * unix: reverse default for 1.11/1.12 split + * unix: add Sendfile test + * unix/linux: set 100644 mode on mksysnum.go + * unix: remove raw syscall from Sendfile + * unix: remove raw syscall from getAttrList + * unix: remove raw syscall from getattrlistTimes + * unix: remove raw syscall from Getfsstat + * unix: remove Getdirentries on iOS + * unix: avoid "64"-postfixed libSystem calls on iOS + * unix: convert Darwin syscalls from raw to libSystem + * unix: update Dockerfile to Go 1.12beta1 + * windows/svc: use wevtutil.exe instead of powershell for windows/arm + * windows: use netevent.dll in TestFormatMessage for windows/arm + * unix: remove Flock syscall for aix + * unix: add SyncFileRange on linux/arm + * unix: evaluate cmsg alignment in cmsgAlignOf at compile time + * unix: use correct cmsg alignment for openbsd/arm + * unix: regenerate ztypes for openbsd/arm + * unix: always use fstatat(AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW) over lstat on AMD64 + * unix: always use inotify_init1 over inotify_init on AMD64 + * unix: avoid index out of range in Vmsplice with empty iovs + * cpu: add linux/arm64 + * unix/linux: replace "" script with a Go program + * unix: replace "" script with a Go program + * unix: rework TestGetwd to handle test dirs whose names contain symlinks + * unix: add IoctlSetPointerInt + * unix: add ioctl definitions for PPP interfaces. + * unix: add sockaddr and defines for PPPoE sockets. + * unix: export FdSet bits field on freebsd + * unix: add IoctlGetPtmget on netbsd + * unix: test UtimesNanoAt on darwin + * unix: don't use deprecated sys/capability.h header on FreeBSD + * unix: fix errors in syscalls when using -linkshared on ppc64x + * unix: avoid index out of range in *setxattr on BSD + * unix: add remaining *at functions on dragonfly + * unix: add remaining *at functions on netbsd + * unix: add remaining *at functions on openbsd + * unix: add Readlinkat on openbsd + * unix: add Openat on dragonfly + * unix: add Openat on netbsd + * unix: allow to pass a NULL pointer to the pledge syscall + * unix: add kernel module load/unload syscalls on Linux + * unix: add support for OpenBSD unveil(2) + * unix: use ppoll to implement Pause on linux/{arm64,riscv64} + * unix: add Openat on openbsd + * unix: add Ppoll on openbsd + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 4.19 + * unix: don't use local syscall number in Pledge() + * unix: FreeBSD 12 ino64 support + * unix: update syscall numbers to OpenBSD 6.4 + * unix: add SOF_TIMESTAMPING_* flags on Linux + * unix: add support for aix/ppc64, gc implementation + * unix: add marker comments to zsyscall_solaris_amd64.go + * unix: convert errorList and signalList to new format for linux/sparc64 + * unix: add KexecFileLoad on linux/{amd64,ppc64x,s390x} + * unix: export sizeof consts + * unix: use correctly aligned result buffer in SysctlClockinfo + * unix: add SysctlUvmexp on OpenBSD + * unix: re-add vm.* sysctl strings on openbsd/amd64 + * unix: add NCSI generic netlink constants + * unix: add ClockGetres on Linux + * unix: add SysctlClockinfo on NetBSD + * unix: fix TestSchedSetaffinity for smt settings + * unix: add additional rlimit resource constants on NetBSD + * unix: add MNT_* flags on OpenBSD + * windows: add support for windows/arm + * unix: add MNT_* flags on DragonflyBSD + * unix: add MNT_* flags on NetBSD + * unix: implement Linux AF_XDP sockets + * unix: add more RTA_* constants on Linux + * unix: add Termio, Winsize, Statfs_t, TC[GS]ET, Mkdir and Mknod for AIX + * unix: change MemfdCreate flags parameter to int for all GOARCHes + * unix: add MemfdCreate on Linux + * unix: correct misspelling in test output + * windows: correct misspelling in comment + * unix: add remaining RTA_* constants for use with rtnetlink on Linux + * unix: add support for linux/riscv64 + * unix: add SYNC_FILE_RANGE_* constants on Linux + * unix: correct argument order for SyncFileRange syscall on linux/ppc64{,le} + * Revert "unix: implement SyncFileRange for ARM" + * unix: implement SyncFileRange for ARM + * windows: add support for AF_UNIX sockets + * unix: update Dockerfile to Go 1.11 + * unix: code for AIX ppc and ppc64, for gccgo + * unix: add UBI ioctl constants on Linux + * unix: use pipe2 syscall on FreeBSD instead of pipe + * unix: add additional file mode bit constants from sys/stat.h on Solaris + * unix: add example for Flock + * unix: add NOSTD syscall numbers on FreeBSD + * unix: add additional file mode bit constants from sys/stat.h on FreeBSD + * unix: add additional file mode bit constants from sys/stat.h on DragonflyBSD + * windows: add Wincrypt.h Cert related values + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 4.18, glibc 2.28 and Go 1.11beta3 + * unix: update the OpenBSD pledge interface to handle execpromises + * unix: add *xattr functions on NetBSD + * unix: add additional file mode bit constants from sys/stat.h on OpenBSD + * unix: add F*xattr on Darwin + * unix: drop incorrect Fsetxattr size return value + * unix: add S_IRWXG and S_IRWXO to FreeBSD types + * unix: add F*xattr on Linux + * unix: add IFLA_INFO_KIND on Linux + * unix: remove *xattr from list of unimplemented syscalls on FreeBSD + * unix: add Renameat2 on Linux + * unix: fix OpenBSD codegen to include F_OK + * unix, windows: add type aliases to std syscall for Signal, Errno, SysProcAttr + * unix: add Linux network namespace constants + * unix: support Faccessat flags argument + * unix: add Linux blkpg_ioctl_arg and blkpg_partition types + * x/sys: improve NewCallback documentation + * unix: implement pipe() on linux/mips + * unix: document IoctlSetWinsize and IoctlSetTermios and fix pointer lifetime + * windows/svc/mgr: add ability to set a reboot message and command when a service fails + * unix: implement RFCOMM sockets on Linux + * unix: update Dockerfile to Go 1.11beta1 + * windows: add missing file attributes + * unix: regenerate syscall wrappers for linux/ppc64{,le} + * windows, windows/svc/mgr: add ability to modify service recovery settings. + * unix: do not return non-nil error for 0 errno in FcntlInt + * unix: fix TestUtimesNanoAt for filesystems with 1-second resolution time stamps + * unix: don't check atime in TestUtimesNanoAt + * unix: use private copy of ustat_t on Linux + * unix: check faccessat flags parameter on Linux + * unix: don't use deprecated syscalls on linux/arm64 + * unix: add Faccessat on Solaris + * windows: replace uintptr in crypto structs + * windows: follow convention for generated code comment + * plan9: follow convention for generated code comment + * unix: follow convention for generated code comment + * unix: add rtc defines and types + * unix: add Faccessat on NetBSD + * unix: add Faccessat on OpenBSD + * unix: update Dockerfile to Ubuntu 18.04, Linux 4.17, and Go 1.10.3 + * windows: update TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS according to WinNT.h + * unix: support compiling with gccgo on linux/386 + * unix: drop use function stub for gccgo + * cpu: fix gccgo build + * cpu: add gccgo implementation + * cpu: introduce and export type CacheLinePad + * unix: don't check atime in TestStatx + * unix: make Nfgenmsg a type definition + * unix: add nftables defines and types + * unix: fix TestXattr on android + * unix: fix or skip failing tests on android and iOS + * unix: delete TestDevices for *BSD and Darwin + * windows: add QueryServiceStatusEx function + * unix: add symlink-safe *xattr functions on darwin + * unix: skip TestStatx if the operation is not permitted + * unix: delete TestDevices test for Solaris + * unix: add tests for *xattr functions + * windows: address error reported by vet + * unix: add {get,set,remove,list}xattr on darwin + * unix: update openbsd/amd64 to OpenBSD 6.3 + * unix: exclude AUDIT_RECORD_MAGIC constant on darwin + * unix: add tpacket types and constants on Linux + * unix: fix TestSCMCredentials to not fail when root + * unix: add statfs and filesystem magic constants on Linux + * windows: address vet reports + * unix: address vet's finding of wrong argument size + * cpu: use t.Fatal instead of t.Fatalf + * unix: add ErrnoName and SignalName + * windows/svc: correct MOVL instruction in sys_amd64.s + * cpu: new package + * unix: use Fstatat for Stat on linux/amd64 + * unix: use pselect on amd64 to satisfy Android + * unix: 32-bit MIPS splice system call returns int, not int64 + * unix: add Linux block device ioctl types and constants + * unix: avoid extra syscall on send/recvmsg on Linux + * unix: fix typos in linux/types.go. + * unix: add tcp_md5sig on Linux + * unix: re-export Fsid and Sigset_t Val member on Linux + * unix: implement getrtable/setrtable syscalls on OpenBSD + * unix: add wrapper around perf_event_open on Linux + * unix: don't export any padding/alignment fields on all platforms + * unix: add a step to mkall.go that generates ABI headers to be referenced from types.go + * unix: update Dockerfile to Linux 4.16 and Go 1.10.1 + * unix: add FcntlInt + * unix: unify Getsockopt* + * unix: solicit EPERM via wrong PID in creds test. + * unix: add CRTSCTS on netbsd and openbsd + * unix: add sendfile support on Solaris + * unix: add GetsockoptLinger and GetsockoptTimeval + * unix: use strings.IndexByte instead of for loops + * unix: don't export padding fields on Darwin + * unix: add Fadvise on linux/{arm64,mipsx.mips64x,ppx64x,sparc64} + * unix: add Fadvise on NetBSD + * unix: fix TestFchmodat on Illumos + * unix: enable TestFchmodat for all Unices + * unix: add Fchmodat on NetBSD + * unix: add Fchmodat on DragonflyBSD + * unix: add Fchmodat on OpenBSD + * unix: fix example + * plan9, unix, windows: add paragraph breaks in docs + * unix: add Exec call + * unix: add IFLA attributes on linux/sparc64 + * unix: add Fstatat on Darwin + * unix: add Fstatat on OpenBSD + * remove note about not accepting Pull Requests + * unix: add Fstatat on NetBSD + * unix: add Fstatat on FreeBSD + * unix: don't export padding fields on DragonflyBSD + * unix: add Fstatat on DragonflyBSD + * unix: don't export padding fields on Solaris + * unix: add Fstatat on Solaris + * unix: extend rlimit test on Linux + * unix: fix seek while compiling with gccgo under arm and 386 + * plan9: use bytes.IndexByte instead of a for loop + * unix: use bytes.IndexByte instead of a for loop + * unix: skip SchedAffinity test on single CPU system + * unix: fix nil pointer dereference in Select on linux/{arm64,mips64x} + * windows/registry: improve ReadSubKeyNames permissions + * unix: add IFLA_* constants for Linux 4.15 + * unix: update to Linux 4.15, glibc 2.27 and Go 1.10 +- Install mkwinsyscall into %{_bindir} +- Move LICENSE from %doc to %license section + goobox +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.6.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.5.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Fix translation-update-upstream call, needed after update of + translation-update-upstream in distro. + +- Update to version 3.5.1: + + New features and user visible changes: + - Added a volume button. + - Moved the toolbar on top. + - Removed application menu. + - All dialogs use the headerbar. + - Removed deprecated functions: + . GTask instead of GSimpleAsyncResult. + . G_ADD_PRIVATE instead of g_type_class_add_private. + . GNotification instead of libnotify. + - Use meson instead of autotools. + + Bugs fixed: + - Fixed crash after ejecting a CD. + - Automatically load rtl icon variants (bgo#768451). + - Help: change wording in two sentences (bgo#757730). + - Added -fPIC -DPIC to CFLAGS (bgo#777448). + + Updated translations. +- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros. + +- Update to version 3.4.3: + + Help: change wording in two sentences. + + Added -fPIC -DPIC to CFLAGS. + + Updated translations. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. +- Conditionalize post(un) handling of + glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un), desktop_database_post(un) and + icon_theme_cache_post(un), no longer needed for modern versions + of openSUSE. + -- Update to version 3.3.2: - + Updated obsolete info in license text (bgo#721455). - + Properties: Set button arrow icons according to locale's text - direction (bgo#722513). - + notification: Set arrow icons according to locale's text - direction (bgo#722176). - + window: Set button arrow icons according to locale's text - direction (bgo#722174). - + Require gtk+ 3.10 or higher. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.3.1: - + Added support for writing MP3 files. - + Preferences: use a single page to show all the preferences. - + Show a message bar while fetching the disc information. - + Set button arrow icons according to locale's text direction. - + Added AppData description. - + Updated translations. -- Drop goobox-3.8-and_above-compatible.patch, fixed upstream. - -- Add goobox-3.8-and_above-compatible.patch, in order to better fit - with Gnome 3.8 and newer. - -- Update to version 3.2.1: - + Correctly show an error dialog if some gstreamer plugin is - missing. - + Faster metadata download using read_sparse (bgo#697966). - + Use the 'popup' attribute for the GtkMenuButton. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.2.0: - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.1.2: - + New features and user visible changes: - - Use a cover size of 100x100. - + Bugs fixed: - - Fixed cover image fetching. - - Check for ice and sm pkg-config in configure. (bgo#670941). - + Internal code changes: - - Ported to libmusicbrainz5. - - Ported to GStreamer 1.0 - + Updated translations. -- Drop goobox-support-notification-filtering.patch and - goobox-Port-to-libmusicbrainz5.patch, fixed upstream. -- Drop automake and libtool BuildRequires and stop passing autoconf - to configure; no longer needed since we do not carry any patches - anymore. -- Exchange pkgconfig(gstreamer-0.10) for pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) - BuildRequires, following upstream port to gstreamer-1.0. - goocanvas +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 3.0.0: + + Allow customize each corner radius for rectangle shape. + + Bump gettext version. + + Rotate Skew demo. + + Let goo_canvas_pointer_grab take NULL. + + Change the ABI from goocanvas-2.0 to goocanvas-3.0. +- Update subpackages names following upstreams so/API bump. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Introduce with_introspection defines to conditionally: - + Add gobject-introspection-devel BuildRequires. - + Pass --enable-introspection/--disable-introspection to - configure. - + Create typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-2_0 subpackage (and require it - from the -devel package). - -- Spec-cleanup using format_spec_file service. - -- Split typelib file into typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-2_0 subpackage. -- Add typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-2_0 Requires to devel subpackage. - google-alegreya-fonts +- Update to v2.008 +- Package *.otf files instead of *.ttf +- Update summary and description + google-authenticator-libpam +- Update to version 1.09: + * Fixed typo preventing use of setfsgid() over setegid() + * Fixed regression getting maximum getpwnam buf size + * set umask before `mkstemp` + * Add `allow_readonly` option + * Minor linter-level changes that probably don't matter + +- Update to version 1.06: + * More reliable temp file handling (#76) + * Various improved logging in case of failures + * Codes are now confirmed as part of setup (#104) + * Optional grace period (#127) +- Changes from version 1.05: + * Fix info leak when using nullok + * Improve error messages +- Changes from version 1.04: + * Add man pages + * Fix "CWE-778: Insufficient Logging". + google-inconsolata-fonts +- New upstream release 3.000 + googler +- Update to version 4.3.1 + * several important parser fixes + * retire Python v3.5, add v3.9 +- Update to version 4.3 + * fix recent break due to server-side changes + * option `-e`/`--exclude` to exclude site from results + * option `-g`/`--geoloc` to specify geolocation + * replace uuid1 with uuid4 in request +- Update to version 4.2 + * support GUI platform browsers on WSL + * support Wayland native copier `wl-copy` + * program options `--ipv4`, `--ipv6`; ipv4 preferred by default + * deduplicate results + * fix sitelinks parsing + * combine consecutive whitespaces + * fix extraction of matched keywords + * fix match highlighting + * no additional blank line for empty abstracts + * undocumented debug option `--parse` to parse dumped HTML + +- Update to version 4.1 + * search Google Videos + * options --from and --to to specify date range for search + * update parser to handle new layout for Google News results + * strip trailing comma from metadata + * add auto-generated packages for new distros, remove obsolete + +- Update to version 4.0 + * Switch to modern UA and fix parser to handle new result format + - fixes #306 Googler no results on v3.9 (due to google's recent layout changes) + * Text-wrapping + +- Update to version 3.9 + * fix issue - googler showing "No results." + * show matched keywords in bold in result abstracts + * option --colorize for more control on colors + * better support for colors on Windows + * switch to CircleCI from Travis + * option --noua is deprecated (noop) and will be removed in future + +- Update to version 3.8 + * A complete parser rewrite + * Visual redesign of the output format + * Text-wrapping for CJK wide characters + * Refresh current page on URL expansion toggle + * Available on Raspbian testing and Chocolatey + * Several important fixes + +- Update to version 3.7.1 + * Custom user agent + * Fix to unescape auto-completions +- Update to version 3.7 + * Support xclip as a clipboard utility on *nix + * Support GNU Screen and tmux as clipboard fallback + * Support Termux clipboard on Android +- Update to version 3.6 + * Decode auto-completion info as per charset in response header + * Ignore trailing / in proxy + * Some heath sites added to googler @t + * User agent updated to Firefox 60 + * Availability on Fedora and openSUSE + * More auto-generated packages + gops +- Update to 0.3.20 + * update installation instructions (#148) + * Update Go to 1.17, update dependencies (#150) + gource +- Update to version 0.51: + * Fixed --font-file relative path handling. + * Fixed a bug in resolving the repository root directory from a + relative path. +- Changes from version 0.50: + * Right mouse button rotation now pivots around the camera. + * Added --font-file option. + * Added --enable-font-file option to configure. + * Added --no-time-travel option. + * Added --dir-name-position option. + * Added --file-extension-fallback option. + * Added --user-show-filter option. + * Added --disable-input option. + * Added --loop-delay-seconds option. + * Added --font-scale option. + * Added filename, dirname and user font size options. + * Added workaround for FFMpeg error parsing Gource PPM video + output. + * Fixed a bug in the Mercurial log parser that caused changes to + be missed. + * Fixed file removal being cancelled by an action with an earlier + timestamp. + * Fixed a bug in the log file format detection that could result + in the wrong first entry being displayed for a custom log. + * Fixed a bug where automatically cycling through a config with + multiple repositories reset settings to their defaults. +- Remove obsolete conditional from spec file. +- Update URL. + +- Update to version 0.49: + * Fixed compatibility with GLM + +- Update to version 0.48: + * Can now generate logs from git sub module directories. + * Fixed building with GLM 0.9.9. + -- license update: GPL-3.0+ - No indication of licenses that would restrict the GPL-3.0 license to 3 - only - -- Update to version 0.40 - * Added caption support. - * Improved command line interoperability on Windows. - * Fixed directory deletion short circuiting processing - the rest of a commit. - * Fixed issue loading non-ascii user image filenames on windows. - * Ignore UTF-8 byte order mark at the start of lines in custom - log files. - * Fix to boost macros for Macs and non-GNU systems (mistydemeo). - * Autotools improvements (flameeyes). - -- Added version dependency in spec libboost >= 1.46 -- Added new dependency glm-devel > 0.9.3 (devel:library:c_c++) -- updated to 0.39 - Changes since 0.38: - Fixed blurry non power of 2 logos. - File colour changes now supported in custom logs (rmyorston). - Fixed building against Boost 1.50 (svenstaro). - Updated boost autoconf macros (flameeyes). - Autogen script (matthiaskrgr). - Changes since 0.37: - New high quality sprites. - Fullscreen toggle with alt + enter. - Window is now resizable. -WIDTHxHEIGHT! creates a non-resizable window. - Lowered minimum zoom distance. - Use AM_CPPFLAGS in to allow passing custom CPPFLAGS. - Don't add files that match the path of a known directory. - Fixed divide by zero in text shader causing artifacts on some video cards. - Recursively search for repository directory when log-format not specified (thanks to Jörg Bachmann for original concept / prototype). - New dependency on Boost Filesystem. - Doubled the maximum zoom out distance. - Allow negative timestamps before 1970 in custom log (artzub). - Fix for UTF8-CPP checked.h compilation issue (vszakats). - Fixed bug causing missing characters in text. - Fixed --highlight-users option not using highlight-colour. - highlight-colour default changed to white. - Added --selection-colour option (applied to selected users and files). - Added --dir-colour option (applied to directories). - There are some new dependencies for building this version: - GLM 0.9.3 (header only library) - Boost Filesystem >= 1.46 - goxel +- Install upstream appdata and desktop file. +- Avoid non-standard icon sizes +- Fix non-standard-group Unspecified +- Update URL + gp2c +- Update to release 0.0.12 + * Support PARI 2.13 + +- Update to release 0.0.11pl4 + * Added support for references (~) from PARI 2.12.1, + support for foreach from PARI 2.12.1, + support for holes in multi-assignement from PARI 2.12.1, + support for \r "..." from PARI 2.12.1, + support for ploth and plothexport, + support for parfor, parforprime and parforvec, + support for alarm. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.0.11pl2 + * Unary minus of vectors was broken (introduced in 0.0.9pl3) + * Optimized support for Vecsmall([...]) + * Support for derivn in upcoming PARI 2.12.0 + +- Update to new upstream release 0.0.11 + * Support for PARI 2.11 + -- Initial package (version 0.0.8) for -- Add 0001-build-stop-misplacing-documentation.patch, - 0002-build-replace-outdated-autotools-calls.patch - gpa +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- update to 0.10.0: + + Added key manager context menu items to copy the key + fingerprint and the secret key to the clipboard. + + Added "Details" buttons to many error popups to show raw + diagnostic output from gpg. + + Changed the "Retrieve Key" dialog to first try the Web Key + Directory if a mail address is given. Only if this lookup + fails the keyservers are searched. + + Added a user-ID notebook page to show per user-ID info. + + Fixed crash on filename conversion error + + Removed lazy loading of the secret keyring +- add upstream patch gpa-0.10.0-reduce-gpgme-requirement.patch + to avoid requiring gpgme >= 0.11.x + -- Call relevant macros in %post/%postun: - + %desktop_database_post/postun because the package ships at - least one desktop file. -- Pass %{?no_lang_C} to %find_lang so that english documentation - can be packaged with the program, and not in the lang subpackage. -- Split lang subpackage. - english documentation is not there anymore. - -- Only use gpa-assuan2.patch on 11.3 and later. - gparted +- Update to version 1.3.1: + * Copy XFS UUID when copying the file system (!85) + * Copy XFS label when copying the file system (!85) + * Handle change in path for udisks2-inhibit executable (!84) + * Fix recognition of SD/MMC device names (!83) + * Replace deprecated gtk_show_uri() method for help window (!82) +- add configure option --enable-libparted-dmraid + gpaste +- Update to version 3.42.2: + + Fix gnome-shell extension when the daemon restarts. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.42.1: + + Fix keybindings on wayland. + + Updated translations. + gperiodic +- Specfile modernization + +- Update to release 3.0.3 + * Build fixes only + gphoto +- updated to 2.5.27 release + * fixed cdk detection + * adjust range detection for filenames containing or starting with - + +- updated to 2.5.26 release + * movie capture: allow some busy results before terminating + * wait-event/capture-tethered: allow terminating with SIGUSR2, granularity 1 second + * wait-event: allow waiting for TIMEOUT +- upstreamed fix-exif.patch + gpick +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- build with RPM_OPT_FLAGS + -- Update to version 0.2.4: - + Bug fix release only -- Drop gpick-no-return-in-non-void.patch, 01_expat_dependency.patch - and 02_dsolink_expat.patch: fixed upstream -- BuildRequire pkgconfig instead of pkg-config (this is provided - cross distro) - -- Updated source package to experimental 'amalgamation' package - provided by upstream for testing - + Removed lemon parser dependency (source includes now the - generated files) -- Add _smp_mflags to scons call in build section -- BuildRequire expat -- Add 'COPYRIGHT' file with the licences, provided by upstream -- Add patches: - + gpick-no-return-in-non-void.patch: adds missing return to - non-void function (sent upstream); - + Add 01_expat_dependency.patch: Adds expat dependency - + Add 02_dsolink_expat.patch: fixes linking with expat. - gpm +- remove unnecessary StandardOutput override in the unit definition + file. (bsc#1182147) + +- gpm-fno-common.patch: fix compilation in Tumbleweed (bsc#1160873) + +- Add back support for the TAOS evaluation module to inputattach. + +- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318] + +- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new + %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468) + +- Update description and remove two unnecessary ldconfig calls. + +- decls.patch: fix missing declarations + +- synced SLE .changes into devel project (bnc#1041340) + +- Remove dependency on aaa_base as using %{_sysconfig} instead of + hardcoded /etc shuts up rpmlint. +- Use %{buildroot} and %{optflags} insead of env vars. + +- Add %post and %postun entries for libgpm2. +- Add a current version of GPL-2.0 with valid FSF address. +- Add gpm-fix_fsf_addess.patch to get the current FSF address into + gpm.h. + +- Make libgpm able to handle ncurses ABI 6 + +- Update license: the only GPL3 parts found are in the scripts/ + directory, which is not packaged. + gpp +- update to GPP 2.27 + * --help and --version now print to stdout, not stderr (Issue #47) + * Various minor fixes and revisions to the documentation (Issues #38 + through #44) + +- update to GPP 2.26 + * Made --include work when using a relative path to the infile + (Issue #16) + * Various minor fixes and revisions to the documentation + * Added autoconf checks for popen() and pclose() + * Moved the openSUSE-specific RPM spec file to a separate repository + * Avoided possibility of stack overflow during parsing (Issue #26) +- update keyring + gpredict +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon to workaround gcc10 errors (boo#1160244) + -- update to 1.3 - gpxsee +- Update to version 9.12 + * Added support for QCT maps. + * Fixed broken app icons install in "make install" on linux. + * Minor IMG maps fixes and enhancements. + +- Update to version 9.11 + * Switched to core5compat in Qt6 builds to support East Asian + encodings where possible. + * Fixed IMG map labels handling. + +- Update to version 9.10 + * Added waypoint icons highlighting. + * Various GPI parser fixes/improvements (icons related). + * Added support for East Asian encodings in Garmin formats. + +- Update to version 9.9 + * Fixed scroll wheel zooming on devices with "fine-resolution + wheels". + +- Update to version 9.8 + * Added support for Waypoint/POI icons. + * Various minor bugfixes. + +- Update to version 9.7 + * Added Chinese translation. + * Added support for location FIT files. + * Improved Mapsforge maps zoom performance. + * Added DEM tiles overview. + * Multiple settings handling fixes and enhancements. + +- Update to version 9.6 + * Added support for downloading DEM files. + * Fixed map tiles/files download timeout handling. + * Various GUI polishing (mostly macOS). + +- Update to version 9.5 + * Added support for ONmove (Decathlon) watch log files. + * Fixed/improved IMG labels handling. + +- Update to version 9.4 + * Rotate JPEG thumbnails according to EXIF data. + * Fixed Mapsforge styles parsing/rendering. + * Improved IMG maps performance. + +- Update to version 9.3 + * Fixed crash with certain Mapsforge styles. + * Removed the artificial POI zoom level limits in IMG maps. + * Added initial open file paths configuration. + +- Update to version 9.2 + * Added support for World-File georeferenced images. + * Fixed SML and CSV parser issues. + +- Update to version 9.1 + * Added support for TomTom OV2 and ITN files. + * Various waypoint properties enhancements. + * Mapsforge maps rendering fixes/improvements. + * Some more minor fixes. + +- Update to version 9.0 + * Added support for Mapsforge maps. + gq +- Export -fcommon to optflags, fixes build with gcc 10. Yes this is + a cheat, but good enough for this more or less abandoned package. + gr-fcdproplus +- Add python3-six as BR conditionally for Leap systems + +- Fix _service file + +- Do not use bundled libhidapi library (Requires: libhidapi-devel) +- Update to version 3.8~git.20200811: + * Fixed compilation with boost-1.73.0 + * Update + gr-iqbal +- update to release 0.38.2 +- Patch 0001-boost-qualify-placeholders-with-their-full-namespace.patch + removed (applied upstream) + +- Add patch to fix build against boost >= 1.73: + * 0001-boost-qualify-placeholders-with-their-full-namespace.patch + +- Split GRC block definitons to separate package - based on changes + suggested by Stefan Bruens + +- update to release 0.38.1 + -- update to version 0.37.2_2_g44ab02f - gradio +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use. + +- Update to 7.3: + * This will probably be the last version of Gradio. + It includes updated translations and small minor improvements. + The successor of Gradio will be Shortwave. + * Update de.haeckerfelix.gradio.json + * The Appdata files now go to /usr/share/metainfo + * Fix animation in app menu + * Fix menubutton because glade destroyed it + * Fix vala warnings + * Update translations + +- Update to version 7.2: + * Minor user interface improvements. + * Use GtkFileChooserNative for importing / exporting library. + * Removed AppMenu. + * Updated translations. + grafana +- Add patch 0001-Add-source-code-reference.patch + * Add URL to package source code in the login page footer + gramps +- Update to version 5.1.4: + + Update copyright date. + + Fix probably alive if death without date. + + Place editor, copy and paste of lat and long text no longer + auto-populating latitude and longitude fields. + + Fix for crash when changing views if part of toolbar is not + shown because of a small screen when changing views. + + Fix bottombar always showing after restart, even when not + wanted. + + Always use filtered collation names. Store the Sqlite3 + collations in the __collations array to short-circuit + re-creation. + + Fix issue with German relation calculator fixed issue when more + than 24 generations between the two people. + + Fix libplaceview to avoid exception when mapservice is no + longer present. + + Fix References Gramplet for inadequate updates when other + objects change. + + Fix geofamily crash if a family has no father. + + Home Person setting does not convey in a merge. + + Fix CSV export of view to only put single CR character. + + Add Media filter rule 'HasMedia' to list of media rules for + editor. + + Need to set locale.textdomain under linux. _build_popup_ui() + ignores translated strings without locale.textdomain set. + + Change category of 'MatchesEventFilter'. + + Fix issue where separator between top and bottom bar of View + creeps up. + + Fix Locations Gramplet (Enclosed by) to properly display + certain nested places when the smallest place has undated + enclosure and larger places are dated. + + Fix exportvcalendar error is "is not" with a literal (Python + 3.8 issue) + + Handle not found when copying source from the citation tree. + + Fix call to 'file' function, which doesn't exist in Python3. + + Fix write_lock_file exception when USERNAME is missing. + + Fix EditPlace so Tab key doesn't get stuck on Private icon. + + Fix Tag report for places that have a hierarchy. + + Fix exception when cancelling out of a db upgrade in GUI. + + Icon file changes: + - Install 128x128 and 256x256 application icons. + - Install MIME type icons into the hicolor theme. + - Remove gnome-mime- prefix from icon filenames. + - Install application icons into correct directories. + + Fix error in Birthday and Anniversary report. Fixes an error + triggered when the first person_handle in the list has a death + event, but no birth event and does not have family + relationships. These conditions lead to the local variable + short_name not being declared before it comes time to process + death events. + + Fix graphdoc to properly escape characters in ids for Graphviz. + + Replace inspect.stack() with inspect.currentframe(). Works + around which causes every + call to inspect.trace() to fail because __main__ is always the + starting point. + + Fix crash sorting on columns in Selectors with TreeModels. + + Fix progress bar freeze due to changes in Gtk. + + Fix svgdrawdoc for text containing XML invalid characters. + + Updated translations. +- Refresh gramps-no-translations-check.patch with quilt. + +- Update to version 5.1.3: + + Events View: “Main Participants†column does not show the full + list of participants when expanded + + mac/gramps.modules: Use current Gtk release instead of Gtk-3.14 + + mac/gramps.modules: Upgrade pymodules for Python 3.8 + compatibility + + Fix XML export when ‘Group-as†name contains XML invalid chars + + Fix NarWeb: Province place-type is not displayed + + Fix ManagedWindow so that new windows don’t appear offscreen + when system ‘screen’ sizes change in part time multi-monitor + setups + + Fix menus when db fails to open due to upgrade/downgrade etc. + + Fix issue with attach source tool, results panel + + Fix GEDCOM export; don’t include ADDR when address is missing + + EditPlace: Allow Coordinates containing a comma instead of a + period + + NarrativeWeb: several fixes + + Update all translations for changes from ‘Default’ to ‘Home’ + Person + + Change GUI references to ‘Home Person’ instead of ‘Default + Person’ + + Use event attribute types in the event reference editor + + Fix Verify tool bug caused by bad change in GObject + introspection + + Fix RemoveUnused tool for crash caused by Gtk introspection bug + + Fix import test for change cause by previous change which was: + Fix GEDCOM import for bad source title when sources precede + references + + Fix GEDCOM import for bad source title when sources precede + references + + Fix some reports for CLI where warning message about Value not + found + + Fix Genealogy Tree reports for crash in CLI + + Add uistate to tree views filter initialization + + Fix some Python syntax errors that appear in v3.8.x + + Suppress age = 0 days in events list. If the reference event + date is equal to the event date, don’t show the age except if + the date is estimated, calculated, etc. + + Fix Dashboard Gramplets to update during db close when not + shown + + Fix Windows GUI mode startup for crash with some languages + + Fix dbapi to support “Abandon Changes & Quit†feature + + Fix GrampsType for comparison bug with empty string as one + value + + Fix Date Display so that it uses LC_TIME if defined + + Fix StyledText so serialize will match for style list order + changes + + Try to fix exceptions on ManagedWindow close + + Fix Mac SQLite3 locale bug when locale contains non-ascii + characters + + Fix issue when Person has Same date of birth and death; gives + an error + + Geography: add a popup for a bad tiles path + + Fix GEDCOM export of estimated/calculated dates with modifers + + Updated translations + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 5.1.2: + + Narweb: several fixes + + WEBCAL: several fixes + + Update LDS Temple list + + Make GuiDestinationOption Folder Icon start in users directory + + Allow import file filter to accept case insensitive extensions + + Fix db to warn/prevent opening newer schema versions + + Fix Progen import dialog and progress meter for correct parent + window + + Fix Progen import to correctly handle AKA surnames + + Fix ExportPkg so errors are not lost, and has progress bar for + media + + Fix Export Assistant so error messages get correct parent + window + + Fix GEDCOM import when family is missing; import created a + missing note + + Fix Dashboard for adding Gramplet crash in Slovenian + + Update cs, ca, fr, uk, he, fi, hr, de, sv translation + + Update date parsing for czech locale + + Fix Spanish translation for dates + + fix private proxy tagref support. Add missing code for event, + repository, source, citation and place + + [Tree doc Tex] fix "-" char on place name "-" can lead to + confusion, generating text out of the box with PDF file format + + [Tree doc Tex] fix typo on custom size + + Fix duplicated "døde døde" Norwegion Translation for + libnarrate + + Fix up Event Editors Place display for bidi text with Gramps ID + + Fix issues with RTL languages and LAT/LONG + + Fix GEDCOM export to avoid translated GrampsType strings + + Allow Tools with Notbook tabs to expand to fill the window + + Limit Age Stats gramplet settings to appropriate values. + + Fix the Preferences 'Age display precision' value getting lost + + Fix Window family tree title for non-ASCII chars on Windows + + Fix Preferences/Genealogical Symbols when only one font is + present + + Fix various Entry fields so Undo/Redo works + + Fix tag colors on PedigreeView + + Fix Gramps -v error when Gtk is not present + + Fix for PedigreeView not reflecting changes to birthday or + death + + ODF DOC - Fix improper escaping in odt output for TOC/Bookmark + etc. + + Fix CLI parser to accept negative integers as valid + + Fix Descendant Tree report for HandleError when no parents on + family + + Fix Reorder ID tool so subsequent db additions used next + possible ID + + Upgrade export VCalendar to v2.0, so can export all utf8 + characters + + Fix Preferences so PageUp/PageDn doesn't stick on Dates tab + + Graphs: Escape for name, dates and places in graph reports with + XML illegal characters + + Fix 'Go' menu direct object selection, goes to wrong place + +- Update to version 5.1.1: + + Disable development warning message + + Add options to sandclock in tree document generator + + Using regex in the sidebar gives different result from previous + gramps release + + Fix odt output when db owner has XML unfriendly chars + + Update README + + Bump required Python version to 3.3 + + Add optional fontconfig package + + Fix CLI crash when generating reports + + Fix Statusbar HandleError on merge families + + Fix missing tooltip translations in the Note editor toolbar + + Fix bugs in withinarea filter rule + + Avoid bad coordinates in the ref place + + Avoid alphabetic characters in filter rules + + Could not convert string to float by using withinarea filter + rule + + Difference between sidebar filter and filter rule + + Fix Graph outputs for multiple page PDF Postscript + + Fix to make Gtk 'action names' always valid + + Fix missing menus/buttons when operating in non-English + languages + + Fix cursor position error in lat and long fields + + Avoid all characters looking like a dash in 'Clean input data' + tool + + Mainz Style sheet weird looking + + Fix bugs in relationship view + + Set symbols for the active person + + Set good symbols for marriage, baptism, cremation and burial + + Reduce the size of the sexuality symbol + + Fix exception when editing Note with italics/bold etc. in non + English + + Restore keybindings for gramplet bars + + Fix bug in web connection menu launching incorrect web site + + Fix translation problem when creating event filter + + Error when checking option to add Quit to Taskbar + + Make the narratives notes placement an optional + + Updated translations. +- Drop gramps-5.1.0-remove_false_nonrelease_warning.patch: fixed + upstream. + +- Add gramps-5.1.0-remove_false_nonrelease_warning.patch: Remove + false non-release warning that upstream forgot to remove in + 5.1.0: + + Here, the simple fix of + + is applied. Likely not required in newer versions: + + +- Update to version 5.1.0, a maintenance release. Full changelog + available at + +- Add comment about currently missing optional python3-fontconfig + dependency. + +- Recommend python3-PyICU on all systems, not only Leap 42.3. It is + available and enhances gramps on all supported platforms. + +- Update to version 5.0.1, a maintenance release. Full changelog + available at + + +- Add recommended packages for optional Gramps features: + + ghostscript: used by Graphviz reports + + python3-Pillow: crop images and image conversion +- Add suggested packages for common third-party addon dependencies: + + typelib-1_0-GooCanvas-2_0: required by Graph View + + python3-networkx, python3-pygraphviz: required by Network Chart + + python3-numpy: used by PedigreeChart + +- Update to version 5.0.0: + + Various fixes and improvements. + + Updated translations. +- Update gramps-no-translations-check.patch. +- Drop merged upstream. + +- Add typelib(GConf) to global requires exclude: Avoid pulling in + optional gconf typelib Requires. + graphviz -- Added graphviz-2.40.1-fix-dot-segfault.patch to fix a segfault in dot - bsc#1151207 +- Changelog Update for SLES: + The following patch has been backported to SLES and is therefore + missing from the Factory changelog: + * graphviz-malformed_input.patch (boo#1132091) -- Added graphviz-out-of-bounds-write.patch to fix CVE-2020-18032 - (bsc#1185833) +- Changelog Update for SLES: + The Following patches have been backported to SLES and are therefore + missing from the Factory changelog: + * graphviz-2.40.1-fix-dot-segfault.patch (bsc#1151207) + * graphviz-out-of-bounds-write.patch (bsc#1185833) + * graphviz-null_dereference.patch (bsc#1185833) -- Added graphviz-null_dereference.patch to fix CVE-2018-10196 - (boo#1093447) +- Dropped python2 subpackages as the bindings are removed in 2.48 +- Update to version 2.48.0 (changes since 2.47.1) + * marginally more accurate computations in Smyrna sphere projection + * Perl is no longer required to build Graphviz #2067 + * nop more reliably returns success and failure exit statuses + * implicit 63 character limit on plugin names is removed in GVC + * remove Python 2 bindings #1992 + * improved thread-safety in Graphviz bindings Makefile + * the CMake build system now enables -Wextra when building C++ + * some Cgraph functions that take char* arguments that they do not modify have + been updated to take const char* arguments #634 + * incorrectly using the layout attribute on anything other than a graph now + results in a warning about this being invalid #2078 + * edgepaint accepts more standard -- prefixed command line arguments and + rejects invalid options #1971 + * improved detection of Lefty dependencies in the Autotools build system + * Fix: out of bounds read when attempting to load a plugin whose name is ≥63 characters + * Fix: out of bounds read when examining a registered plugin whose name is ≥63 characters + * Fix: do not fclose(NULL) in gvmap + * Fix: Uninitialized variable read in delaunay_tri + potentially mismatched format string in tclpkg + * Fix: ortho's eqEndSeg incorrectly modifies its arguments #2047 + * Fix: Autotools enables -Wtrampolines and -Wlogical-op for Clang #2066 + * Fix: node_distinct_coloring failure due to out-of-memory now reported correctly + instead of referring to a failure to open lab_gamut + * Fix: a typo GD_LIBS to GDLIB_LIBS in tclpkg/tcldot/ !2022 + * Fix: Autotools build system sets libgd variables now instead of incorrectly setting + GTK variables + * Fix: HTML strings used as labels are distinguishable in GXL output by kind="HTML-like string" + * Fix: a Bashism removed from the Autotools build system + * Fix: when Criterion is available, the command_line test binary is no longer built + and installed by default, but rather during make check + * Fix: round-tripping a file through gv2gxl and then gxl2gv no longer causes + HTML-like labels to become non-HTML like labels #517 + * Fix: fix ODR violation by including the ortho object files in the gvc lib also for + CMake and MSbuild #2096 -- Added graphivz-malformed_input.patch from commit 839085f8 - to fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091) +- Update graphviz-2.20.2-interpreter_names.patch so the Python demo + uses Python 3. + +- Install epl-v10.txt instead of COPYING. + The COPYING file is a symlink to epl-v10.txt. + +- Update to version 2.47.1 + * More detailed error messages when opening input file fails + * The edges in JSON output are ordered now + * Fixed xdot man page does not document some functions + * Fixed PIC renderer + * Fixed dot conversion to dia format + * Fixed memory leak of reference-counted HTML strings + * Fix for TBbalance attribute code + * Fixed HTML parser error with single closing square bracket in + table row + * Fixed reference counted strings put the HTML bit in the middle + of the reference count + * Fixed & escape disappearing + * Fixed gvpr -? to actually print usage and exit non-zero + * Fixed memory leak in libmingle + * Fixed memory leak in ANN bridge + * Fixed buffer overflow in unflatten + * Fixed agxbputc macro does not bracket its arguments +- Drop upstream fixed graphviz-2.46-fix-shebang.patch + * Using POSIX shell, no need for ksh + +- Remove obsolete + +- Buildrequire full ghostscript in the addons package + to avoid a conflict betwen ghostcript-mini and ghostscript-devel + +- Replace ghostscript-mini dependency with ghostscript_any + +- Add graphviz-webp package to for webp image support + +- Reenable ghostscript, but require just ghostscript-mini + +- Update to new release 2.46.1 (changes since 2.44.1) + * Support for building against Guile 2.2 + * Portable source is now also offered as a .tar.xz + * CentOS/RHEL 6 is no longer supported + * Vestiges of Qt4 support have been removed + * C++11 support is now required of the C++ compiler used to build Graphviz + * C99 support is now required of the C compiler used to build Graphviz + * Question about userout() function in agerror.c #1924 + * The minimum version of Python required to run the test suite is 3.6 + * memory leak in label construction + * gvedit compilation errors out, but works if manually compiled with qt5 #1862 + * incorrect HTML BR attribute parsing code #1913 + * broken overflow checks in RectArea #1906 + * various memory leaks !1699 + * Fix bad free in lefty !1709 + * typo in pathcross #1926 + * Out-of-bounds write caused by incorrect error handling of malloc in genUserdata #1928 + * Offer .tar.xz files too #454 + * Header file graphviz_version.h has no include guards #1929 + * regression: newlines embedded in quoted labels / node names are not preserved in 2.46.0 #1931 + * Properly fill graphviz_version.h !1706 + * Cgraph's agxbuf API gained a new function agxbdisown(), for dissociating + * backing memory from the managed buffer + * Build system support for the Elbrus 2000 CPU, thanks to Michael Shigorin + * Cgraph's agheap() API has been removed + * Autotools build system support for eFence has been removed + * Building Graphviz with ICC defaults to -O2 instead of -O0 + * Build system work arounds for GCC 3 have been removed + * Incomplete support for running the test suite under CMake has been removed + * Portable source tarballs now use the “ustar†POSIX format + * Minimum version of Flex required to build Graphviz is now 2.5.2 + * Minimum version of Bison required to build Graphviz is now 3.0 + * Minimum version of CMake required to build Graphviz using CMake is now 3.1 + * gvpr: line numbers in gvpr errors/warnings are incorrect #1594 + * URL typo in patchwork man page + * Escaped backslashes are not correctly handled when producing xdot with dot #165 + * heap-over-flow(off-by-null) in lib/common/shapes.c #1700 + * Windows MSBuild executables have the wrong version #1745 + * Cast Overflow at pango_textlayout #1314 + * x11 back end segfaults if display is unavailable #1776 + * typo in cmd/gvpr/lib/clustg #1781 + * Segfault in dot #1783 + * Incorrect 'Arrow type "s" unknown' error #1444 + * segfault on reading 0x10 #1724 + * Null-dereference READ (144736912) #1676 + * "Warning! PATH too long installer unable to modify PATH!" using CMake Windows installer and PATH length > 1024 #1770 + * gvedit -? gives "option - unrecognized - ignored" instead of showing usage #1813 + * lefty is not built for Windows (fixed for MSBuild builds only) #1818 + * a failure to detect OpenGL glGenTextures() errors has been corrected + * sfio does compile time benchmarknig #1422 + * iffe "lib" check always succeeds when compiler optimises #1521 + * syntax error near text who is not present #1411 + * Explicitly links with libstdc++; should allow libc++ if appropriate #163 + * A macOS file that was erroneously excluded from portable source tarballs has + * been restored + * Add option -? for usage to diffimg + * Add option -? for usage to dotty + * Add option -? for usage to lneato + * Add option -? for usage to vimdot + * Fix smyrna -? to actually print usage instead of error + * Fix edgepaint -? to actually print usage instead of error + * Remove '"' from usage text in non-Windows version of dotty + * Correct misspelled 'smyrna' in usage + * Fix edgepaint -o option + * Correct shebang of to use ksh + * Fix -? option to exit with zero exit status + * Graphviz doesn't build on MacOS with the latest libc++ #1785 + * make fails if ps2pdf is not installed (using autotools) #1763 + * multiple graphs to file output causes a segfault #1845 + * lefty PTY functionality relies on file descriptor implementation details #1823 + * buffer overflow in fdpgen + * Crashes by VRML output when current directory is not writable #793 + * Segmentation fault when newrank=true #1221 + * sfdp craches #236 + * fdp segmentation fault with GK=0 #1290 + * fdp crash #1865 + * Graphviz always crash with this simple dot file #167 + * Seg fault in dot #1771 + * gml2gv doesn't handle some attributes correctly #1869 + * Add missing circo, fdp, neato, osage, patchwork, sfdp & twopi tools to Windows builds (copies of dot) + * Add gv2gml tool to CMake (copy of gml2gv on Windows, symlink to gml2gv otherwise) + * Regression: fdp generates internal names in the output #1876 + * Regression: fdp assertion error on cluster in edge #1877 + * Regression in id / <title> in svg for twopi #1907 +- graphviz-2.46-fix-shebang.patch added to make rpmlint happy +- graphviz-no_strict_aliasing.patch changed to be applicable to current files +- configure without ghostscript to break new build cycle +- Update source URLs + +- Use _multibuild to build graphviz and graphviz-addons in a single + development project + - graphviz-addons.changes + - graphviz-addons.spec + +- Update to new release 2.44.1 (changes since 2.42.3) + * applied RH patches (from graphviz-2.42.2-8.fc32.src.rpm) + * some allocation failures that could previously allow memory + corruption now exit + * lab_gamut.3.pdf is no longer included in release archives + * Fixed Neato's hier mode is broken since v2.44.0 + * Fixed segmentation fault (core dumped) + * New SGD mode in neato + * Add pkg-config files + * tred: add feature to output removed edges to stderr upon request + * Workaround: avoid creating a virtual edge loop. + * Add riscv64 to host_cpu + * lib/cgraph: include empty malloc.h from subdir include + * lib/gvpr: compile mkdefs with $(HOSTCC) rather than $(CC) + * lib/vpsc: rename bcopy->b_copy + * Fixed the NativeCodeAnalysis task failed unexpectedly. + * Include all test files in distro + * host_cpu add mips64 platform + * Correct description of 'port' syntax in manual + * svg output displays TITLE of %3 if graph had no name + * XML errors in generated SVG when URL attribute contains + ampersand (&) + * Test files missing from source distributions + * SVG error for "g.transform.scale " in graphviz version 2.43 +- BuildRequires for ghostscript and groff (generate cdt documentation) +- Extension graphviz-php changes: + * Require php(api) and php(zend-abi) to guarantee ABI compatibility + * Don't pull in extra libraries from PHP + + graphviz-no_php_extra_libs.patch + * Remove argon2-devel from list of dependencies + * Automatically enable extension when installed by providing + /etc/php{5,7}/conf.d/gv.ini + +- Rename python*-graphviz to python*-gv, there is also normal + pypi graphviz package and we clash otherwise and override + each other + +- Add also configure option to not build py2 if the python2 + build is disabled + +- Add python2/python3 split subpkgs in order to allow building + without python2 available + +- Auto-identify the correct ruby-version using pkg-config. + +- Update to new release 2.42.3 + - tidy gvedit about dialog strings + - check for mmap failure in plugin code + - fix broken symlinks to with Python + - fix out of source build with LIBGD + - some minor bugfixes +- Fix changelog of last update: + - Accidentally had both CVE entries mashed together. + +- Switch from github master to new release 2.42.1 + - Fixes CVE-2019-11023 (bsc#1132091) + - Fixes CVE-2018-10196 (bsc#1093447) + - Fixes quite a few bugs +- Removed graphviz-fix-ruby-version.patch (fixed in upstream) + +- Tweak runtime Requires(post): graphviz to same or newer version. + Needed after change to git checkout instead of released tarballs. + +- Disabled Visio plugin + +- Use %%python3_sitearch macro to package python3 modules. +- use correct ruby version (2.5) for openSUSE 15.1 and earlier. + +- Now using master branch of upstream, as there have been no releases for + over two years + * this should fix CVE-2019-11023 (boo#1132091) +- Removed graphviz-qt5.patch (now in upstream) +- Removed reproducible.patch (now in upstream) +- graphviz-smyrna-link_against_glu.patch changed to be applicable to current files +- graphviz-no_strict_aliasing.patch changed to be applicable to current files +- Added graphviz-fix-ruby-version.patch to remove hardcoded dependency on ruby 1.9 +- graphviz.spec updated for new version +- created _service file + +- use pkg-config with correct parameter, reported by Werner Fink + +- Support dynamic move to Guile 2.2, part of boo#1117121: + - Replace conditional pkgconfig(guile-2.[02]) BuildRequires with + guile-devel: The package name is unchanged, which allows the + distro projects to move wihout step-locking changes. + - Patch to look for guile-2.2 if guile 2.2 is being + used. +- order inputs alphabetically + +- Fixed double file declaration in graphviz and graphviz-addons (x11) +- Mark license files with %license instead of %doc + +- Build with gts support (bsc#1108978, bsc#1108976) + SLE12 flavors do not provide gts, so explicitly exclude + gts support there. + +- Extend reproducible.patch to make build reproducible (boo#1041534) + +- Build with PHP5 for Leap 42.x and earlier, PHP7 requires swig 3.0.11 + Drop graphviz-plugins-fix_install_dirs.patch, use sed script to + fix directories, same as for Lua + +- Do not delete dotty/lefty/lneato man pages which are part of + the x11 subpackage, built from the addons package/spec. + (No changelog entry). + +- Drop harmful modification of tclpkg/gv/gv_doc_langs.tcl, which + changes the timestamp, although the file does not contain LIB_DIR. + Graphviz ships prebuilt manpages in man and PDF format. Modifying + the tcl script rebuilt the documentation, and replaced the PDFs + with empty documents (due to missing groff). This also made the + doc subpackage nonreproducible, causing rebuilds in all dependent + packages. + +- Disable guile 2.2 modifications temporarily +- Move lefty/dotty/lneato graph editor tools to x11 subpackage and + build as part of addons package. Removes any X11 dependency from + core package, both build and runtime. +- Drop unused libXaw6 build dependency +- move libpng, libjpeg, freetype and fontconfig build dependencies + to addons, unused for core + +- Move to pkgconfig(guile-2.2) BuildRequires on suse_version >= + 1500. grc +- Update to 1.13: + * do not automatically create command aliases, unless explicitly + specified (for bash) + * several minor improvements + +- Update to version 1.12 + * add new configuration files + * various small bugfixes + +- Update to v1.11.3 + * Some new configs + * iwconfig + * lolcat + * ntpupdate + * whois + * Minor changes to some other configs + * --color=auto is now default + * Do not colorize if output is not a terminal + grfcodec +- Update to git master, 6.0.6+39: Fix build with GCC 11 +- Drop bb692b2c723c5e87cc8f89f445928e97594d5b8f.patch: included in + the update. +- Add grfcodec-cmake-install.patch: enable make install. +- This now only installs the bare minimum, but the package seems + only used by openttd anyway, so good enough. + +- Add bb692b2c723c5e87cc8f89f445928e97594d5b8f.patch: Do not use + uint for command id. Fixes build with gcc 10. +- Switch source and url tags to github, where this code now lives. + -- upstream update 5.1.2 - -- upstream update 5.1.1 - * grfcodec: Make PNG the default output sprite sheet format if - libpng is found. - * nforenum: Warn if the palette is not specified via an Action 14. - gri +- Drop obsolete install-info post(un) scriptlets (also drop + Requires(post): install-info) for openSUSE > 1500. + +- Add gri-texinfo-6.7-compat.patch to explicitly specify correct + encoding for texi file: ISO-8859-1. Needed for texinfo 6.7+. +- Use %license to install COPYING file. + -- fix build for SLE-11 - -- Initial package (version 2.12.23) - grim +- Update to 1.3.2: + * Remove unnecessary wl_display_dispatch calls + * Fix 180-degree rotated buffers without Y_INVERT + * main,render: replace assert(false) with abort(). + +- Update to 1.3.1: + * Explain that '.' is grim's final fallback dir + * Correct interpretation of output rotation + * Fix maybe-uninitialized warning + * Add completions for fish-shell + * completions: add missing option + * Improve error message for when supplied region is invalid + * fix bufferoverflow in output_filepath + * contrib/completions: fix fish file path + * contrib/completions: fix unset datadir variable + grisbi +- Update to version 2.0.3: + + Automatic integration of dark themes + + New color management of grisbi + + Added the ability to change the font size globally + + Improved use of grisbi with low definition screens + + Redesign of the credit management module + + Added import rules for CSV files + + Added of a search module in the list of operations + + Added the ability to automatically delete old backups + + Bugs fix + -- Update to version 0.8.9: - + Fix a potential crash when closing Grisbi. - + Fix --without-ofx configure option. - + Minor changes. -- Drop grisbi-fix-linking.patch: fixed upstream. -- Remove call to autoreconf and libtool BuildRequires: they were - only needed for the patch above. -- Stop passing --with-ofx to configure as... this breaks the build - for ofx support. We use automatic detection now, and the build - will fail if ofx support is missing as the plugin listed in - %files will be missing. - groff +- Remove /usr/share/groff/current from groff-full. It creates file + conflicts during version upgrade (bsc#1192195#c8). + groff:full +- Remove /usr/share/groff/current from groff-full. It creates file + conflicts during version upgrade (bsc#1192195#c8). + gromacs +- Update license to "LGPL-2.1-or-later AND Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause" + +- Tag build with "openSUSE" for easier debugging by upstream + +- Use openmpi macros to always build with the default openmpi version. + +- Enabled legacy api needed for votca-csg + +- Update to version 2021.2: + * Fixes where mdrun could behave incorrectly. + * Removed a potential race condition with GPU update (issue + 4024). + * Avoided issues with global reduction observed with md-vv + (issue 4031). + * Prohibited SETTLE interactions for atoms with perturbed masses + (issue 3959). + * Rerun now writes pull output correctly (issue 4043). + * Fixes for ``gmx`` tools. + * Fix incorrect behaviour with single residue chains in pdb2gmx + (issue 4029). + * Fix grompp check for position restraints with absolute + reference (issue 3996). + * Fix error when using VMD plugin (issue 3055). + * Fix file permissions with ``gmx solvate`` and ``gmx genion`` + (issue 4040). + * Fixes that affect portability. + * Support for Intel oneAPI compiler 2021.2. + * Fixed compiler infinity math and MKL flags. + * Fix Apple OpenCL build (issue 4008). + * Fixed compilation issue with GCC 11 (issue 4039). + * Fix bond type in GROMOS force fields (issue 3995). + * Allow PME on CPU in runs with domain decomposition and GPU + update (issue 4035). +- Turn SKIP_RPATH=OFF and SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH=ON instead; skipping + rpath use entirely causes linking issues with tests, but we + still want to disable rpaths for the installed libs of course. +- Rename %{name}-bash to %{name}-bash-completion in keeping with + naming convention followed by other packages. +- Add lapack-devel to BuildRequires to use system versions of blas + and lapack. +- CMake 3.13 or higher is required; adapt BuildRequires + accordingly. +- Disable testing for i586: doesn't work with gmock. +- Adapt to updated cmake options and drop no longer applicable + ones. + grsync +- Update to 1.3.0: + * Gtk3 compatibility (some compile warnings left) + * Removed Maemo support, platform is obsolete + * Added escaping of arguments containing spaces when printing + rsync command line output + * Updated Spanish translation +- Remove grsync.patch + +- Update to 1.2.8 +- Fix build with grsync.patch + -- update to grsync-1.1.1 - * Removed automatic addition of a trailing slash to source and - destination directories - * Updated new functionalities of 1.1.0 for Maemo, added - configuration backup support + other fixes - * Updated czech translation (thanks Lucas) - * Fixed tags in a french translation message - * Added "Rsync command line" menu item - -- update to grsync-1.1.0 - - notable changes: - * "Use tray icon" preferences option added - * Added --protect-args option, on by default, solves the - "remote filename with spaces" problem - * Fixed bug: doesn't save "itemized changes list" option - * Added mime type definition for grsync session files with icon - * Updated desktop file to open session files with "grsync -i" - * Made some fixes which could make grsync more stable on some systems - * Added "run as superuser" extra options switch, uses "pkexec" - from policykit - * Added rsync child watch function - * Added rsync process exit status output - * Fixed behaviour when rsync window is closed not by using the close button - * Fixed scrolling to end on pause - * Added -i option to import a session file from command line - grub2 +- Add support for simplefb (boo#1193532). + + grub2-simplefb.patch + +- Fix extent not found when initramfs contains shared extents (bsc#1190982) + * 0001-fs-btrfs-Make-extent-item-iteration-to-handle-gaps.patch + gsequencer +- new upstream v3.13.3 fixed SIGABRT during termination of + GSequencer. +- implemented AgsAlsaDevout, AgsAlsaDevin and AgsAlsaMidiin +- implemented AgsOssDevout, AgsOssDevin and AgsOssMidiin +- deprecated AgsDevout, AgsDevin and AgsMidiin +- fixed wave form editor clipboard + +- new upstream v3.13.0 implemented time stretch utility functions + and made it available in gsequencer wave form editor. +- extended developer manual. + +- new upstream v3.12.6 improved AgsAnimationWindow to obtain stride + from format. +- new since 3.12.5 fixed SIGSEGV with AgsRampAccelerationDialog and + AgsSelectAccelerationDialog. +- implemented missing paste flags of AgsCompositeToolbar. +- implemented missing channel selector toggle of + AgsCompositeToolbar. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.12.3 fixed SIGSEGV while destroy AgsMachine and + while restore from AgsSimpleFile XML. +- fixed functional UI tests. + +- new upstream v3.12.2 implemented AgsCompositeEditor, replacing + AgsNotationEditor, AgsAutomationEditor and AgsWaveEditor. +- some bug-fixes. + +- new upstream v3.10.15 implemented VST3 host, which is excluded + from build. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.9.7 completed refactoring of wanted utility + functions. + +- new upstream v3.9.5 completed refactoring of ags_synth_util.c + and ags_fm_synth_util.c. +- added unit-tests. + +- new upstream v3.9.4 fixed some uninitialized values. +- new since v3.9.3 implemented various functions related to + parse using AgsSolverMatrix, AgsSolverVector and + AgsSolverPolynomial as well arithmetic functions and elimination + procedure. +- fixed SIGSEGV of AgsPitchSampler +- added unit tests +- incomplete refactoring of synth utility functions +- new since v3.9.2 implemented ags_volume_util.c, + ags_envelope_util.c, ags_peak_util.c and ags_resample_util.c +- many now deprecated utility functions, the replacement have got + a different function signature whereby only a pointer to a struct + is required containing all required parameters. Further the + replacement uses accelerated operations are inteded to run just + in time. + +- new upstream v3.9.1 added empty structs with boxed type for + utility headers to achieve better organization of introspected + functions. + +- new upstream v3.9.0 implemented to select different pitch + functions from UI. + +- new upstream v3.8.13 fixed gtk-doc missing sections. +- new since v3.8.12 improved to pitch by using fluidsynth code. +- implemented new utility functions from fluidsynth. +- updated user's handbook chapter 3 missing hot-keys. + +- Do not own base filesystem directories such as + /usr/share/mime/packages and /usr/share/metainfo. + +- new upstream v3.8.10 improved ags_hq_pitch_util.c. +- fixed more deprecated Gtk+-3.0 symbols. +- minor improvements. + +- new upstream v3.8.5 fixed ags_lfo_synth_util.c offset and + iteration. +- fixed potential SIGSEGV while clicking AgsPiano of + AgsNotationEditor. + +- new upstream v3.8.4 fixed empty keys while using no tuning in + ags_hq_pitch_util.c +- improved iteration of AgsChannel in ags_fx_factory.c + +- new upstream v3.8.3 fixed missing XML IO of new available + controls. +- new since v3.8.2 fixed gtk-doc missing sections. +- new since v3.8.1 additional volume controls to AgsSyncsynth, + AgsFMSyncsynth and AgsMatrix. +- new since v3.8.0 fixed many deprecated Gtk+-3.0 symbols. + Additional volume controls to AgsFFPlayer and AgsPitchSampler. +- minor improvements + +- new upstream v3.7.50 fixed missing initial loop information after + AgsMachine::map-recall() signal callback to ags-fx-playback and + ags-fx-notation. + +- new upstream v3.7.48 updated user's handbook chapter 2 Docbook + XML file. +- new since v3.7.44 fixed potential SIGSEGV with AgsPluginBrowser + no plugin selected. +- new since v3.7.43 Polish translation. + gsoap +- Update to release 2.8.117 + * Minor update to wsdl2h to support chameleon schema imports + when imported schema simple types are extended and inherit + the importing schema target namespace (previously, the + `__item` type would be left unqualified, resulting in a + warning). + +- Update to release 2.8.115 + * Upgraded Apache module `mod_gsoap` with new features to + simplify support for HTTP PUT, GET, PATCH and DELETE using + the `httpget` and `httppost` plugins. + * Updated `wsaapi` plugin with new registry parameter + `SOAP_WSA_NEW_TRANSFER` to allow `wsaapi` to be used with the + `mod_gsoap` plugin. + +- Update to release 2.8.114 + * Added support to wsdl2h for the outdated "wsaw" Web Services + Addressing 1.0 W3C candidate recommendation 2006, to + complement the built-in wsdl2h support for "wsam" Web + Services Addressing 1.0 W3C recommendation 2007. + * Additional WS-Trust request and response member definitions + included, e.g. RequestedTokenCancelled and CancelTarget. + * Compression performance improvement. + +- build scripts: use https [boo#1181923] + +- Update to release 2.8.111 + * Updated WS-Addressing plugin to harden code robustness. + +- Update to release 2.8.110 + * Updated wsdl2h to correct an XML parsing rejection problem + for the special case when XML schemas have no + targetNamespaces (i.e. empty namespace, no namespace + prefixes) for elements defined in a `<sequence>` schema + component, the wsdl2h-generated struct/class member names + require two underscores instead of one, such as + `__Name_sequence`.) + +- Update to release 2.8.109 + * Faster `soap_http_get_body()` to extract a HTTP message body + to a string. + * Fixed wsdl2h output for a special case when schemas have + no namespaces. + * Improved streaming MIME/MTOM attachment output. + +- Update to release 2.8.106 + * Improved WSSE plugin to correct a digest verification issue + when the signed XML parts use default `xmlns` bindings in + elements that are not qualified. + * Minor update for struct/class `char *` and `wchar_t *` + members declared with explicit default/fixed values: if the + corresponding XML element value is absent in the XML payload + then their deserialized value will be NULL (instead of the + default value as in prior versions). Note that empty XML + element values in the XML payload always produce default + values. + * New soapcpp2 option `-z4` to revert to the old behavior + concerning char/wchar. + +- Update to release 2.8.103 + * Minor changes for enhanced platform portability. + gstreamermm +- Add gstreamermm-non-volatile.patch: Fix build with glib 2.68. + +- Replace libxml++-devel, gtkmm3-devel, gstreamer-devel and + gstreamer-plugin-base-devel with pkgconfig(libxml++-3.0), + pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0) and + pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0) BuildRequires. Also add + all the gstreamer .pc symboles configure checks for: + pkgconfig(gstreamer-allocators-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-app-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-audio-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-check-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-controller-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-fft-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-net-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-pbutils-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-riff-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-rtp-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-rtsp-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-sdp-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-tag-1.0) and + pkgconfig(gstreamer-video-1.0). +- Drop unneeded Requires from devel subpackage. +- Modernize spec, update URL. + +- Replace glibmm2-devel with pkgconfig and pkgconfig(giomm-2.4) + BuildRequires: Ensure we only pull in one and the correct + glibmm-devel package. +- Drop unneeded hard glibmm2-devel Requires from devel sub-package. + +- Add gstreamermm-copy_metadata_vfunc.patch, + gstreamermm-copy_metadata_vfunc2.patch and + gstreamermm-copy_metadata_vfunc3.patch: Fix several bugs tied to + copy_metadata_vfunc (bgo#794249, bgo#794250). + -- Updated to version 0.10.11 - -- Updated to version -- Build for openSUSE 12.2 - -- Updated to version 0.10.10 - gthumb +- Stop passing tracing=false and documentation=true to meson, no + longer needed. + +- Add pkgconfig(libheif) BuildRequires: Add support for heif/avif. +- Add pkgconfig(champlain-0.12) and pkgconfig(champlain-gtk-0.12) + BuildRequires and pass libchamplain=true to meson: Use + libchamplain to show the position the image refers to. + +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 3.12.0: + + New features and user visible changes: + - Added ability to load AVIF/HEIF images using libheif. + - Added ability to save images as AVIF. + - Add JPEG XL (*.jxl) read support. + - File manager: added file actions to the viewer + context menu. + - Extensions: removed facebook and picasaweb uploaders. + - Image viewer: use a proportional zoom increment. + - Read color profiles from png files as well. + - Media viewer: use accurate seeking when clicking on + the progress bar. + - Media viewer: show the pointed time when hovering over + the progress bar. + - Preferences: added option to show/hide the statusbar. + - Rename files: added a button to revert to the last + used template. + - Added configurable shortcuts for Save and Save As. + - Media viewer: added keyboard shortcuts. + - File list: always allow to use Control-A to select + all files. + - Allow to set shortcuts to activate filters. + - Added a template editor to edit text values with + special codes: script commands, rename templates, + print header and footer, etc. + - Faster navigation when a directory contains + thousands of images. + - File list: start more thumbnailers in parallel. + - Allow to mount unmounted volumes. + - Color picker: added other formats: rgb in % and hsl. + - Allow to keep browsing while executing long-running + external tools. + - Status bar: added button to show the progress dialog. + - File properties: do not reset the selection after showing + another image. + - Histogram: show the properties in a single column + to save horizontal space. + + Bugs fixed: + - Install the gThumb import desktop file. + - Fix memory leak when loading webp, jxl, avif images. + - Check if image is null before using it. + - Added a Flatpak manifest. + - Contact sheet: fixed themes list always empty. + - Raw: Make compatible with LibRaw 0.21 + - Folder context menu: do not allow to move if cannot delete. + - Folder context menu: do not allow to copy not mounted + volumes. + - Terminal: enable only for local folders. + - Lots of others small fixes. + +- Update to version 3.10.4: + + Install the gThumb import desktop file. + + Contact sheet: fixed themes list always empty. + + Thumbnailer: try with the system thumbnailer if the image is + null + + File chooser: correctly get the filename extension. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.10.3: + + Fix possible build error. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.10.2: + + Continuously reloads image when it is only image in folder. + + exiv2: remove the charset= prefix from strings. + + Fixed jump to bottom when selecting thumbnails with mouse. + + gThumb opens import tool if the import tool is already opened. + + Image viewer: fixed bright line visual artifacts. + + Search: + - Fixed possible crash after cancelling a search. + - Do not count duplicated files. + - Stop the previous search before starting the new one. + - Stop searching if the user changes location. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.10.1: + + User visible changes: + - Exit fullscreen when pressing Esc in fullscreen mode. + - Search editor: focus the newly added filter selector. + - File list: reset vertical scroll position after changing + directory. + - Preferences dialog: increase width for extensions and + shortcuts lists. + + Bugs fixed: + - WebP loader: fixed an infinite loop when the operation is + cancelled. + - Jpeg loader: fixed crash in case of some malformed jpegs. + - Fixed crash when selecting other images after deleting. + - Fixed long UI freeze after cutting/pasting many files. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.10.0: + + New features and user visible changes: + - Edit metadata dialogs: moved the lock button on the header + bar; show the navigation bar only when the lock button is + active. + - Open location dialog: allow to use tilde as a home folder + shortcut. + + Bugs fixed: Install missing .ui file. + + Updated translations. +- Changes from version 3.9.1: + + New features and user visible changes: + - Added ability to customize the keyboard shortcuts. + - Added a shortcuts window to show the available shortcuts. + - Added option to change the mouse wheel action. + - Image viewer: added ability to define the transparency style. + - Video viewer: allow to view the video at the original size; + show the zoom factor in the statusbar. + - Edit comment/tags dialogs: use the header bar; allow to + change the current image from the dialog. + - Add to catalog: use the header bar; allow to change the + current image from the dialog. + - Search: added ability to search in multiple folders. + - Scripts: added %T to insert a timestamp in the command. + - Folder tree: + . Better drag&drop support: allow to move a catalog into a + library, and a library into another library, show an error + if the drop operation is not possible; + . Added an 'Open in Terminal' command in the context menu. + - Overwrite dialog: show video previews as well, fixed dialog + size. + - Preferences: allow to specify a catalog or any other location + as startup location. + - Trash/Delete files: show progress for long operations. + - File properties: + . Added the file size in bytes. + . Added a context menu command to customize the visibile + properties. + - Toolbar: show edit comment/tags in browser mode as well. + - Export tools: removed from the toolbar. Some tools moved to + the tools menu, others as a submenu in the gears menu. + - Fixed window size when started the first time. + - Updated app icon to follow the new GNOME style. + - Rewritten README in markdown, updated screenshots. + - Appdata: added release and OARS tags for flathub + compatibility. + + Bugs fixed: + - gThumb hangs when some mount point is unavailable. + - Jpeg loader: crash when the original size is too big for a + cairo surface. + - PNG loader: correctly load images with transparency. + - Fixed run-time errors if exiv2 is not used. + - Catalog: preserve the list order after saving the properties. + - Scripts: fixed task cancellation when using a shell script. + + Source code: + - Utility functions refactoring. + - Added tests for the utility functions. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.8.3: + + App icons: name the app icons with the application id. + + Jpeg loader: crash when the original size is too big for a + cairo surface. + + Fixed run-time errors if exiv2 is not used. + + Fixed window size the first time gThumb is executed. + +- Update to version 3.8.2: + + User visible changes: + - Use menus instead of popovers for menu buttons on the header + bar, to show icons and accelerators. + - Header bar: align menus to the right for menu buttons on the + right side. + - Tools menu: show the accelerators. + - Search: show the matching files during the search operation. + - Rename dialog: activate on enter. + + Bugs fixed: + - Fixed filesize test for big files. + - Overwrite dialog: do not show an error after cancelling the + operation. + - Fixed crash when moving files to the trash. + - Install missing UI files. + - Added image/webp support in .desktop file. + - Fix callback signature for value-changed signal when setting + zoom. + - Help: corrected wiki link. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.8.1: + + Bugs fixed: Selections: fixed possible crash after reordering + the files. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.8.0: + + Delete dialog: make the delete button red. + + Bugs fixed: build error when JPEG_LIB_VERSION < 80. +- Drop gthumb-exiv-0.27.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Add meson_test macro in check section, run tests. + +- Update to version 3.7.1 + + New features and user visible changes: + - Removed the application menu. + - Sidebar: show the property views in expandable sections. + - Thumbnail list: spread the thumbnails horizontally to fill + the available space. + - Video viewer: added option to use opengl instead of cairo. + - Show the rating as a sequence of stars. + - Color picker: use lowercase letters for the hexadecimal + value. + - Contact sheet: set the current directory as destination if + possible. + - Script dialog: wider list to make all columns visible. + - Use meson as build system. + + Bugs fixed: + - Image navigator: fixed popup positioning. + - Preferences: fixed crash when setting the current location as + default. + - About dialog: fixed website url. + - Jeg loader: try to load broken images. + - Contact sheet: error if the theme file could not be loaded. + - Removed deprecated functions. +- Removed + 0001-contact-sheet-error-if-the-theme-file-could-not-be-l.patch + because fix has been included in this release. +- Switch to meson build system, add meson BuildRequires and macros. + +- Add gthumb-exiv-0.27.patch: Fix build against exiv 0.27. + +- Drop fix_double_free_dlg-contact-sheet_c.patch. +- Add + 0001-contact-sheet-error-if-the-theme-file-could-not-be-l.patch: + upstream fix for bsc#1113749 / CVE-2018-18718 / + glgo#GNOME/gthumb#18. + +- Update to version 3.6.2: + + Updated links to wiki page. + + Desktop background: fixed the way to obtain the monitor + geometry. + + Recognize the asf mime type as a video format. + + Image loader: fixed memory leak when the operation was + cancelled. + + Avoid flickering when scaling the image takes some time. + + Image navigator: fixed popup positioning. + + Do not crash when loading broken jpeg images. + + Preferences: fixed crash when setting the current location as + default. + + Updated translations. + gti +- Update to 1.7.0: + * Add animation for tag command. +- Don't strip binary so that debuginfo and debugsource can be + packaged. +- Clean spec file. + gtick +- Update to version 0.5.5: + + Fixed build on GCC 10. + + Updated translations. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. +- Pkgconfigify spec, replace glib2-devel, gtk2-devel and + libpulse-devel BuildRequires with pkgconfig(gtk+-2.0), + pkgconfig(gthread-2.0) and pkgconfig(libpulse-simple). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + gtk-layer-shell +- Update to 0.6.0: + * Layer Shell: support protocol version 4 + * API: support on-demand keyboard interactivity on protocol version 4 + * API: deprecate gtk_layer_set_keyboard_interactivity() in favor of + gtk_layer_set_keyboard_mode() + * API: add gtk_layer_get_protocol_version() + * Compat bump supported GTK to v3.24.26 + +- Update to 0.5.2: + * Fix: normalize keyboard interactivity boolean to TRUE or FALSE + * Fix: Set layer windows to mapped (removes warning on tooltip + creation and fixes subsurfaces created as a GTK_WINDOW_POPUP + window, fixes #38) + * Examples: Rename gtk-layer-example -> simple-example-c + * Examples: merge simple-example-c and gtk-layer-demo into + examples directory + * Examples: add Vala example (not built with rest of project, + does not add dependency) + * Examples: add Python example + * Meson: change GTK dependency gtk+-wayland-3.0 -> gtk+-3.0 + * Meson: drop .types file in docs + * Tests: change "test client" terminology to "integration test" + * Tests: colored output + * Tests: check that all tests are added to meson + * Compat: bump supported GTK to v3.24.24 + +- Update to 0.5.1: + * Tests: fix integration test timeout on GTK v3.24.23 (#91) + +- Update to 0.5.0: + * API: add getters for all properties (fixes #56) + * API: add gtk_layer_is_supported() (fixes #83) + * API: add gtk_layer_is_layer_window(window) + * Docs: add Since: annotations for functions added since the + initial release (fixes #82) + * Fix: accept non-1 true boolean values + * Tests: fix license test for release tarball (fixes #73) + * Tests: test popup with grab (the most likely thing to break + on an incompatible GTK version) (fixes #68) + +- Update to 0.4.0: + * Demo: show GTK Layer Shell version + * Demo: fix initially set auto-exclusive zone and fixed size + properties (fixes #64) + * API: expose GTK Layer Shell version + * API: expose the underlying layer shell surface (fixes #41) + * Tests: add mock server + * Tests: add integration tests (fixes #60) + * Diagnostics: remove "transient_for != window transient_for" warning + * Diagnostics: improve warning when GTK version may not work by + linking to a compatibility table (fixes #66) + * Compat: bump supported GTK to v3.24.23 + +- Add GPL3 to Licenses + +- Update to 0.3.0: + * Demo: Display GTK version + * Demo: Add option for disabling gtk-layer-shell for testing + * Fix intermittent crash relating to popovers (#51) + * Clarify that our license is LGPL version 3 or any later version + * Use system XDG Shell protocol when available + * Allow accessing the underlying layer shell surface + (EDIT: this change was accidentally omitted from the release) + * Bump explicitly supported GTK version to 3.24.22 + +- Update to 0.2.0: + * Relicense to LGPL v3 + * Fix long standing issue with popup grabs + * Fix potential compatibility issues between GTK versions with + gtk-priv headers + * Add GitHub Actions CI (just building and license check for now) + * Add script to check that are files are licensed correctly + * Use layer_surface->set_layer instead of remapping (when available) + gtk-sharp2 +- Disable docs on ppc64 and s390x. Mdoc.exe currently isn't + available there. + +- glade-sharp2 requires libglade-2_0-0 (boo#1177544) + -- Cleanup spec file - -- avoid gnome-panel dependency to avoid build cycle - gtk-sharp3 +- Update to latest git revision. + + Fix atk_value_get_value_and_text. +- Update the development branch has been + renamed to main. + +- Fix URL in .spec file + +- drop cs8-build-fix.patch, upstreamed +- fix libexecdir. mono can't use libexecdir because /usr/lib + is fixed in pkgconfig + -- RPMlint fixes - -- Update to version 2.99.2: - + New features and enhancements: - - Lots of improvements to the code generator, to support GAPI - XML converted from GObject Introspection XML (GIR). - - generator: - . Remove redundant class name from method name. - . Implement attribute to hide method parameters. - - cairo: Throw ObjectDisposedException when trying to use an - object that has been disposed. - - glib: - . Add Mutex, RecMutex and Cond types. - . Add GPollFD and GSource types. - . Add GDate and GDateTime classes. - . Map MainContext type and expose members. - + Changes: - - Move the fixup tool from the parser to the generator folder. - - generator: Provide a GType static property for adapters and - rename existing GType property to GInterfaceGType. - - gio: - . Rename ApplicationFlags.FlagsNone to ApplicationFlags.None. - . Delete unused DBusInterfaceVTable class. - . Fix up returns type for several GSettings.List* methods. - - glib: - . Install properties before class_init finishes. - . Remove obsolete Argv-related methods in Marshaller. - - gtk: Fix TreeView.GetTooltipContext method signature - (bxc#14678). - + Bugs fixed: - + generator: - . Dispose ownable method parameters in VM callback (bxc#237). - . Dispose ownable parameters in signal callbacks (bxc#237). - + atk: Add metadata fixup to avoid crash due to ABI change. - + cairo: Fix leaks when managed objects are finalized. - + glib: Fix copy-paste error in Object.FindClassProperty(). - + gtk: Fix Application to be more robust when embedding mono. - + gui-thread-check: Add two more methods to the whitelist. - -- Initial package of gtk-sharp3 based on gtk+ 3.0 - gtk2 +- Add gtk2-rpmlintrc (boo#1191758): + + Filter wrong split request for the + library shares the version info with gtk2 and is allowed to be + in the same library package. + + Filter split request: the error is actually + correct, but gtk2 being a legacy package does not justify the + extra efort. The libgtk-2_0-0 package is the only consumer. + gtk2-metatheme-gilouche +- Ship Xfwm4 theme with GTK theme (instead of with Xfwm4) + -- Industrial icon theme renamed to Gilouche and moved from - gtk2-metatheme-industrial (bnc#369276#c9). - gtk2-metatheme-sonar +- Ship Xfwm4 theme with GTK theme (instead of with Xfwm4) + -- Update sonar-icon-theme to 11.3.1: this version removes many - icons that are now part of gnome-icon-theme (since 2.30.0). - gtkmm-documentation +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 3.24.0: + + Add Gtk::FileChooserNative example. + + Document Gtk::make_managed(). + + Require gtkmm-3.0 >= 3.24.0. +- Changes from version 3.22.1: + + Headers and Linking section: Replace broken link. + + Fix buildapp/ and buildapp/README. Fix the build of + resources.c in steps 8 and 9. + + Mixing C & C++: Clarify ownership of wrap() result. + + Don't use the deprecated Gdk::screen_width() and + screen_height(). + + Clarify: ColumnRecords can be static *singletons*. + + Fix a broken link to + -- Update to version 3.9.1: - + Port examples from GtkUIManager, GtkAction and GtkMenu to - GtkBuilder, GAction and GMenu. We have not yet updated the book - text about these. - + Remove use of (deprecated) stock items. - + Added HeaderBar example, though we do not yet have a book - chapter about it. - + Added ListBox example, though we do not yet have a book chapter - about it. - + Added PlacesSidebar example, though we do not yet have a book - chapter about it. - + Added Revealer example, though we do not yet have a book - chapter about it. - + Added SearchBar example, though we do not yet have a book - chapter about it. - + Multi-Threaded Programs chapter: Added a multi-threaded example - program. - + treemodelcustom: Use the new base class order. - + gmmproc appendix: Document new features. - + Build: Move to a generated ChangeLog. - -- Update to version 3.8.0: - + Dialogs chapter: Add Non-modal AboutDialog section. - + Fix some details in the Clipboard chapter. - + Add some info to the custom/custom_container example. - + Add "Multi-threaded programs" chapter (bgo#512348). - + Builder examples: Update the Glade files to gtkmm3 status. - + Update the description of Box to gtkmm3 status. - + Fix the box example. - + Fix the book/application/app_menu example (bgo#683645). - + Clipboard and Socket examples: Make them non-unique - (bgo#681323). - + Basics, Simple Example: Synchronize code and description - (bgo#681323). - + I18n and L10n chapter: Fix broken links (bgo#680546). - + gmmproc: - - _WRAP_METHOD: Include docs on wrapping methods with slots - (bgo#688587). - - _WRAP_CTOR: Document the new "errthrow" extra argument - option. - - _WRAP_METHOD: Document gmmproc's output parameter - functionality. - - _WRAP_VFUNC: Add the errthrow optional parameter - documentation. - + Fix 'make check' with the latest versions of glib and glibmm. - gtkmm2-documentation +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 2.20.1: - + Multiple-Item Widgets chapter: Added Assistant sub-section. - gtkpod +- Export -fcommon to optflags, fixes build with gcc 10. Yes this is + a cheat, but good enough for this more or less abandoned package. + +- Add patch to port a script to python3: + * use-python3.patch +- Use %license + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Avoid use of ®/â„¢ signs in specfiles as per guidelines. +- Specfile modernization: remove %clean, %defattr and BuildRoot. + -- Add gtkpod-anjuta36.patch: Adapt to Anjuta 3.6 API change. -- Add ldconfig call to post/postun of libatomicparsley0 subpackage. - -- Update to version 2.1.2: - + New Features: - - sjcd plugin, incorporating the sound juicer CD ripper into - gtkpod - - external player plugin restoring functionality to play tracks - through a configured external media player - - replace dependency on libmp4v2 (incompatible licence) with - integrated mp4 read/write library based on the atomic parsley - application ( - + Improvement: - - Reduce time for listing of tracks in track display in big - repositories - + Bug fixes: - - Fix threading issues / deadlocks with music player, filters - and track display - - Fix crash when anjuta g_settings schema is not installed - - Fixes highlighted by clang compiler (thank to Daniel Forsi) - - Fix for double free when adding music using the 'add folder' - command. -- Add new BuildRequires following upstreams changes and extensions: - + pkgconfig()-style: gstreamer-0.10, gstreamer-base-0.10, - gstreamer-pbutils-0.10, gstreamer-plugins-base-0.10, - libbrasero-media3, webkitgtk-3.0. - + gcc-c++, libdiscid-devel -- Replace old style BuildRequires with pkgconfig() style: - + Old style: curl-devel, flac-devel, libid3tag-devel - + New style: libcurl, flac, id3tag -- Add subpackage for new shared library libatomicparsley0. -- Add gtkpod-buffer-overflow.patch: Fix bufferoverflow reported by - brp-check-suse. - -- Update to version 2.1.1: - + New Features: - - Clarity plugin for alternative display of coverart using - clutter/opengl - + Improvements: - - Make splash screen preference to allow it to be disabled - - Update core app code to align with current anjuta - + Bugs fixed: - - Reintroduce track normalization - - Allows the LOG path to contain spaces. - + libgtkpod bugfixes: - - Allow broadcast of string preferences - - Provide some sensible sorting of tracks when added from files - and directories - - Ensure progress bar is updated when saving ipod database - - Avoid possibility of symlinks, when adding files, hanging - gtkpod - - Display track conversion progress correctly - - Fix for track volume control - + Various plugin bugfixes. -- Add pkgconfig(clutter-gtk-1.0) BuildRequires for the new - alternative coverart plugin. -- Drop gtkpod-gtk_box.patch: fixed upstream. - -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - gtksourceview2 +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). +- Fix Source URL. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Recommend instead of require lang package since it's not mandatory. - -- Update to version 2.10.4: - + Misc bugfixes - + Updated translations -- Changes from version 2.10.3: - + Misc bugfixes - + Updated translations - gtksourceviewmm +- Update to version 3.91.1: + + Adapt to new-style enum values. + + Use gtksourceview-4 instead of gtksourceview-3.0, + and change ABI from gtksourceviewmm-3.0 to gtksourceviewmm-4.0. + + StyleSchemeChooserWidget: Correct the underlying GType name. + + Completion: + - Remove get/set_draw_spaces(). + - show(): Rename to start(). + + tests: + - Remove Gtk::Container::show_all() calls. + - Avoid deprecated Gtk::HBox and Gtk::VBox. + - Use the libsigc++-3.0 syntax. + + Remove deprecated API. + -- Update to version 3.2.0: - + Wrapped gtk_source_gutter_get_renderer_at_pos() as - Gsv::Gutter::get_renderer_at_pos(). - + Search test does not use deprecated methods. - gtkwave +- Update to 3.3.104: + * Remove redundant TREE_VHDL_ST_PACKAGE from SST exclude. + * Added addCommentTracesFromList tcl command from user patch. + * Harden savefile loader for missing group start on vectors. + * Preliminary VHDL support for wlf2vcd. + * Add missing return value checks on mmap() in FST writer. + * Fix MAP_FAILED missing for MinGW. + * Fix to make the coloration red on 'u' traces. (Bug from + * Dinotrace-like rendering in 3.3.96.) + * Typo fix on missing group start on vectors. + * Added support for loading .vf files + * Added support for dumping variable types in vcd saveer, + not just using "wire" for non-reals/strings. + * Fix for uninitialized values at time 0 for FST, FSDB loaders. + +- Update to version 3.3.101 + * Bugfixes and minor changes, see included ChangeLog file + gtypist +- Remove old rpm recipe constructs. + guake +- Update to version 3.8.1: + * Feature request: Setting line-spacing / line-height + (gh#Guake/guake#849). + * Support of short term focus loss and avoid folding + * (gh#Guake/guake#1643). + * Some shortcut keys are abnormal (gh#Guake/guake#1939). + * Moved guake.desktop.metainfo.xml to $datadir. +- Drop guake-follow-focus-with-dual-monitors.patch: Incorporated + upstream. + guile-cairo +- update to version 1.11.1: + * New bindings cairo-surface-get-mime-data, cairo-surface-set-mime-data. + * Compatibility with Guile 1.8 has been dropped. + * Documentation fixes. +- remove patch: + * use-stdint-types.patch: included in release +- set source links + +- Add patch: + * use-stdint-types.patch: Moves from scm_t to sdtint types. As some + scm_t types are deprecated in Guile 3.0. + +- build require cairo-devel >= 1.10.0 + guile-charting +- Add patch: + * add-guile-3.0-support.patch: Allow build with Guile 3.0. To + regenerate aclocal.m4 and configure we need autoconf and automake. + guile-git +- build non-parallel for reproducible build results (boo#1170378) + +- Update to version 0.5.1: + * Fix crash when using ‘config-foreach’ or ‘config-fold’ + * commit: Prevent dangling repository references + * New diff bindings in (git diff) + * New configuration parsing support in (git config) + * New tag procedures: ‘tag-fold’, ‘tag-foreach’ + * New tree procedures: ‘tree-entry-byname’, ‘tree-entry-type’ + * New remote procedures: ‘remote-url’, ‘remote-set-url!’ + * Submodule interface changes + +- Update to version 0.4.0: + * Support for HTTP and HTTPS proxies + * Support for progress report + * Fix typo that made repository-index and repository-refdb unusable + +- Update to version 0.3.0: + * Support for Guile 3.0 + * New modules (git signature), (git describe), (git blob) + * Add new (git tag) procedures + * Add accessor and setter for the download tags of ~fetch-options~ + * Add ~CREDTYPE-*~ variables + * Add ssh authentication support + * ~repository-state~ return a symbols instead of an int + * Rename ~foo-init-options~ procedures to be more idiomatic +- Remove patch: + * support-guile-3.0.patch: Included in release + +- Make files section compatible with Guile 3.0 +- Add patch: + * support-guile-3.0.patch: Adds support for Guile 3.0 + guile-newt +- Update to 0.0.2: + * Allow builds with Guile 3.0. + * Add help callback support. + * components: Make sure callback is not GC'd. + * Add 'form-watch-fd'. + * remove patch: + * support-guile-3.0.patch: Guile 3.0 support added by upstream + guile-parted +- Update to 0.0.4: + * Add Guile 3.0 support. + * Fix unit-parse. + * Add support for nvme, ram and pmem. +- Remove patch: + * support-guile-3.0.patch: support added in release + guile-sqlite3 +- Update to 0.1.3: + * Add trace support. + +- Update to 0.1.2: + * Allow builds with Guile 3.0. + * Various smaller additions and bug fixes. +- Remove patch: + * enable-guile-3.0.patch: included in release + +- Add patch: + * enable-guile-3.0.patch: Add build support for Guile 3.0 + +- require guile >= 2.0.10 which implements srfi-64 + guile1 +- Fix build with gcc10 by removing optimization from the build flags + Thanks to the lilypond devs. + +- Fix build with new texinfo, which now assumes UTF8 in the texi + files with guile1-fix-texinfo-default-utf8.patch. + +- Disable link time optimisation to fix build. + -- Reauire the library packages from the main package: having the - * .so symlinks in the main package forces us to install the libs - as well, or we end up with dangling symlinks (thus, failing to - actually dlopen the .so file, which was the main reason to move - them to the main package. Fixes issues like bnc#779458). - -- move *.so files into main package [bnc#772490] - -- fix requires of devel package - gummi +- Update to version 0.8.2: + * Prevent losing preview pane position on error. + * Fix issues with certain font (styles) for editor. + * Fix spell checking using enchant-2. + * Fix regression exit crash in certain situations. + * Synctex fix for filenames with special chars. + * Re-implemented right panel toggling. + * Several memory leaks plugged. +- Use `%make_build` instead of `make`. + gup +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + -- use BuildRoot - gupnp-tools +- Update to version 0.10.2: + + Universal CP: Fix format message error. + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gupnp-tools!20, + glgo#GNOME/gupnp-tools!21. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 0.10.1: + + Fix various smaller memory leaks + + Stop using deprecated functions from GUPnP + + Update icons + + Upload: Check that a UDN was provided + + AV-CP: + - Some visual improvements like headerbars and symbolic icons + - Search dialog provides entry completion + - Add IPv6 support if available + + Network Light: Add IPv6 support if available + + Updated translations. + gwenhywfar +- Update to 5.7.2 + + Bugfixes + +- Update to 5.7.1 + + Bugfixes + + Small improvements + +- Update to 5.6.0 + + Bugfixes + + Small improvements + gyp +- Use obs service +- Small spec file cleanup + +- Convert to singlespec +- Update to version 0+git.20200512: + * Add support for CLANG_ENABLE_OBJC_WEAK + * Prevent propogation to configurations of nested 'dependent-settings' directives + * Add .tbd to the .xcodeproj generator’s extension map + * fix encoding issues with inputs for better Python 3 support + * fix make output checks under C locale + * Fix Python 3 incompatibilities + * Add missing b'' qualifier from da63cb0f. + * Misc python3 fixes in xcode_emulation. + * Fix incorrect depfile path relativization + * Add flake8 checks to travis configuration. + * Changes for windows and easy xml to get gyp to run under python 3. + * More miscellaneous fixes for Python3 compatibility. + * src,win: add VS2019 version + * Fixes needed for Python3 on Win32. + * Fix one dangling utf8 decode call needed for python 3. + * Mostly mechanical changes for Python3 support. + * Update for Python3 types. + * Use ast module instead of compiler module for parsing files. + * Make Visual Studio 2017 Community Edition work w/ GYP. + * Add a copyright header to + * Fix issue with missing resources in Xcode ui tests targets. + * Patch GYP so that building with Xcode 10 works. + * infra: remove cq.cfg, which is no longer used. + * Make Travis build only the master branch + * Disable some tests that fail on bots to try to get a green build + * and try clang + * readd osx + * try a wrapper script + * see if ninja is getting pulled + * see if ninja is getting pulled + * try other order for sync: + * try exporting PATH and only build ninja for now + * fiddling with directories + * set +x on buildbot/ + * add copyright to .sh + * . + * osx + * . + * Add prototype of Travis config + gzdoom +- Update to release 4.7.1 + * Allow map markers to scale relative to automap zoom. + * Add cvars to control automap line alpha and thickness. + * Resolved a VM abort upon morphing while the tome of power is + active. +- Remove (merged) + +- Update to release 4.7.0 + * GLES2 backend + * Widescreen graphics for Strife + * MBF21 support (beta) + * DEHEXTRA works properly now + * Various enhancements and fixes for ZScript +- Add + +- Update to release 4.6.1 + * Bug fixes, and widepix updates + gzrt +- Modernise spec file + haas-proxy +- update to version 1.9 + * improved logging + * better handling of some error states + * dynamic searching for sshpass + hactool +- update to 1.4.0: + * see + haguichi +- update to 1.4.5 + * Notifications are now send using GNotification instead of libnotify (fixes issue #47). + * Removed support for upstart to control the Hamachi service. + * Switch to show indicator is now disabled if there is no connection to a watcher. + * Now using the RDNN com.github.ztefn.haguichi as prefix for the indicator icons. + * Ported wingpanel indicator to version 3. + * Updated elementary stylesheet to target version 6. + * Updated Japanese and Russian translations. + * Other minor fixes and improvements. + +- update to 1.4.4 + * Added build support for libayatana-indicator as alternative to libappindicator (fixes issue #39). + * Added invisible tooltips to action buttons in headerbar for screen readers and applications like Plotinus. + * Tweaked action area margins for dialogs without headerbar. + * Added Control+? accelerator for opening the shortcuts window. + * Retired application menu and reorganized the primary menu to follow GNOME HIG. + * Improved init system detection for systemctl by checking if the system has actually been booted with systemd (fixes issues #35 and #36). + * Dropped support for gksu(do), gnomesu and kdesu(do) to gain super user privileges. + * Removed dconf migration for settings in old schema location. + * Fixed build warnings about deprecated methods and error handling. + * Updated Ukrainian translation. + +- update to 1.4.3 + * Fixed search entry leaving out the trigger character when activated by typing for the first time. + * Added fallback method to detect if Hamachi configuration path exists when running inside a Flatpak sandbox while the path is not yet mounted. + * Added symlinks to hicolor status icons in Yaru theme in order to prevent the indicator from falling back to the application icon. + * Moved symbolic application icons for hicolor theme to a more specific folder to make sure they are rendered properly. + * Symbolic icons are now used for the indicator on Cinnamon desktops. + * Client side decorations are now used on MATE desktops. + * Removed "Donate" menu item due to little use. + * Translator credits are now part of the translations themselves. + * Added complete Portuguese translation (thanks to André Barata). + * Updated Dutch and Polish translations. + +- update to 1.4.2 + * Implemented FileChooserNative for GTK+ version 3.20 and later. + * Updated hicolor icons to follow the new GNOME style. + * Added Yaru icons in new non-squircle style (big thanks to ubuntujaggers). + * Nodes are now drawn using a custom cell renderer with specific style context instead of separate icon resources. + * Changed symbol to indicate network ownership from outlined to filled star. + * Added support for tilix. + * Added stylesheet for Mint themes. + * Added stylesheet for Yaru themes. + * Added support for Flatpak. + * Removed autostart desktop file. + * Updated Russian translation. + * Other minor improvements and optimizations. + +- Drop post(un) handling for openSUSE < 15 because EOL + hamlib +- Disabled python2 build entirely in Leap 15.4 + +- Fixed source URL + +- Update to version 4.3.1 + * Bug fix release + - Do not do vfo_fixup on satmode rigs + - Fix compilation of misc.c with gmtime_r replacement function + for mingw + - Fix python build. For some reason casting tp vfo_t in the + RIG_VFO_N macro broke the swig parsing + - Append the missing information to build hamlib v4.3 for + Android NDK + - Change set_icom_set_mode_with_data to not change mode unless + necessary + - Since Icom rigs default to filter 2 if a filter is not + selected we will do the same when turning on data mode + - Fix segfault in kenwood_set_vfo + - scripts: Update example in readme, since 4.0 817 is 1020 + - Make testlibusb.c compatible with libusb < 1.0.23 + Note: On systems with libusb < 1.0.23 a warning will be + emmitted but compliation should proceed without error. + - Update testlibusb.c warning to "may be" instead of "will be" + - Change kenwood to only set VFOA default on 1st rig_open call +- Update to version 4.3 + * libusb-1.0.23 or greater is now required or use --without-libusb + * Generating documentation now requires GNU source-highlighter. + * Added IC-575 + * Less VFO swapping of newer Icom rigs -- zero swapping in WSJTX + and JTDX + * Dual rotator control in rotctl -R option + * Started work on simulators -- very crude right now but usable + to debug some things + * Overhaul of rig split -- reverse split (VFOA=RX VFOB=TX) should + work for rigs capable of it + Starting VFO does not matter -- rig will end up on RX VFO + S VFOA 1 VFOB + S VFOB 1 VFOA + S Main 1 Sub + S Sub 1 Main + +- Update to version 4.2 + * New rig_get_mode_bandwidths: returns token set for bandwidths + for given mode + * New rig_get_info: returns token set for all vfos where order + does not matter. + * New rig_get_vfo_info + * FILPATHLEN has changed to HAMLIB_FILPATHLEN + * USRP lib and gnuradio are deprecated and will be removed in 5.0 + * Added Radan rotator + * Added Malachite SDR + * Major rework for PRM80 + * Add twiddle_timeout and twiddle_rit --set-conf options + * rigctld --twiddle is deprecated and will be removed in 5.0 + along with get_twiddle and set_twiddle + +- Update to version 4.1 + * rigctld and rigs should be more robust for disconnect problems + * Several fixes for Icom and Yaesu rigs + * Nobody should need to use rig->caps or rig->state anymore + * New rig_get_caps_int and rig_get_caps_cptr functions to replace + using caps-> values + * New rig_get_function to replace using caps-> function pointers + * Fix shared library problem with WSJTX, JTDX, and JS8Call + * New model Barrett 950 + +- Update to version 4.0 + * Major changes in 4.0 affecting usage + * Most rig model numbers have changed + * RIG_LEVEL_VOX has been deprecated and replaced by RIG_LEVEL_VOXDELAY + * rigctl 'f' command now returns VFO argument too + * rigctl 'y' and 'Y' command now take/show antenna argument and option. + * range_list items are undergoing changes towards a different model TBD + * RTS/DTR PTT sharing is off by default now -- use serial_share=1 + option to enable + haproxy -- Update to version 2.5.0+git0.f2e0833f1: - -- refreshed patches to apply cleanly again - haproxy-1.6.0-sec-options.patch - haproxy-1.6.0_config_haproxy_user.patch - lua54.patch - hardinfo +- Add hardinfo-dyamic-libsoup.patch: Do not link libsoup + statically. + harminv +- Enable parallel build. +- Avoid name repetition in summary. + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * Converted all documentation to Markdown format and moved to + Github. + * Change get_omega and get_amplitude functions + * Build script updates. +- remove patch: + * harminv_change_protos_with_harminv_complex.patch: included in + release +- update doc file names + haruna +- Update to version 0.7.3 + * fix(settings): load icon in settings page + * fix: lower tooltip font size + * fix: rename icon in desktop file + * fix: install only one icon + * fix(header): fix toolbutton menu not closing + * feat(mpv): keep file loaded after eof is reached + * Revert "fix: keep file loaded after reaching end of file" + * feat(playlistmodel): add appendVideo method + * fix(settings): raise window when clicking configure button + * fix: keep file loaded after reaching end of file + * fix(settings): load correct file for the General page + * fix: report bug button in about page not working + * fix(youtube-dl): prioritize yt-dlp + * fix(icon): install haruna.svg icon + * fix(mpris): only show filename if there's no title + * refactor(Settings): add about page and move navigation code + in settings editor + * Extract messages for configuration keys + * refactor(Settings): move actions inside list view + * fix(Settings): make sidebar elements translatable + +- Update to version 0.7.2 + * fix(PlayListItem): set correct height + * GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) + * fix: make mouse action filtering case insensitive + * fix: change how cursor is hidden in fullscreen + * Delete FUNDING.yml + * Update + * Settings: dont open window at startup + +- Update to version 0.7.1 + * Settings window: decrease width + * Settings: use Kirigami gridUnit for width and height + * Settings: remove page before pushing another one + * Fix video repeating when repeat is turned off + * Remove quit button from toolbar + * Fix play/pause button being disabled when it shouldn't + * Change resume playback setting into 2 settings + * PlayListItem: remove id + * PlayList: remove ids from playlist items + * Install icon in the correct path +- Drop haruna-icon_path.patch and haruna-playlist_noid.patch + (merged upstream) + +- Add haruna-icon_path.patch and haruna-playlist_noid.patch + (backported fixes) + +- Update to version 0.7.0 (see changelog at + + haserl - Assume an octet-stream in that case. - This is CVE-2021-29133 and boo#1187671 + Assume an octet-stream in that case. ( CVE-2021-29133 ) hashdeep +- Add patch to fix build with GCC 11: + * 0001-Fix-errors-found-by-clang.patch + +- Use source url for sources +- Cleanup spec file +- Drop not needed dependencies + -- Remove licenses dep. from spec file - -- Updated to version 3.9 - haveged +- revert last change, e.g. for VMs where we are not being fed entropy + from the host or similar setups. + +- Improvements on the linux kernel random subsystem have made + the haveged service/daemon obsolete, remove the service files, + initrd modules and udev rules, the other components + are still useful. + +- Update to 1.9.14: + * made enttest configurable + * havegecmd.c - new command added to close the communication socket +- Drop haveged-conditional-enttest.patch + +- Update to 1.9.13: + * added support for --version [Jirka Hladky] + * updated systemd service file [Jirka Hladky] + * fix a memory leak in havege_destroy [Anakin Zhang] + * updated version reported by program [Jirka Hladky] + * fix ordering cycle with private tmp [Christian Hesse] + * Updated systemd service file [Nicolas Braud-Santoni] + * Bump soname [Nicolas Braud-Santoni] + * Fix crash on shutdown in threaded mode [Sergei Trofimovich] + * Fix compilation with --enable-threads [Lars Wendler] + +- Update to version 1.9.8: + * Fix for Unresolved symbol error_exit in libhavege #20 by pld-gitsync [Jirka Hladky] + * order after systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service (origin/pr/21) [Christian Hesse] + * use systemd security features [Christian Hesse] + * do not run in container [Christian Hesse] + * do not use carriage return in line break [Christian Hesse] + * Fixed invalid UTF-8 codes in ChangeLog [Jirka Hladky] +- Changes for version 1.9.5: + * Added test for /dev/random symlink [Jirka Hladky] + * Update to automake 1.16 [Jirka Hladky] + * Fix segv at start [Andrew] + * Fixed built issue on Cygwin [jbaker6953] + * Fix segfault on arm machines (origin/pr/7) [Natanael Copa] + * init.d/ - add missing dependency [Jackie Huang] + * service.redhat - update PIDFile [Pierre-Jean Texier] + * Fix type mismatch in get_poolsize [Andreas Schwab] + * Fixup upstream changelog [Nicolas Braud-Santoni] + * Remove support for CPUID on ia64 (origin/pr/19) [Jeremy Bobbio] + * Output some progress during CUSUM and RANDOM EXCURSION test [Sven Hartge] + * Diagnostics capture mode now works correctly [Ethan Rahn] +- Drop upstream patches: + * f2193587.patch + * get-poolsize.patch + +- get-poolsize.patch: Fix type mismatch in get_poolsize that breaks error + checking (bsc#1111047) + +- Refresh patches + +- Use noun phrase for summary. Grammar fixes to description. + +- Update to version 1.9.4: + * Avoid misleading message if cmd socket is in use + * Implements a command mode and use it for chroot +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * change-sysroot.patch +- Update project and download url's + +- Add patch change-sysroot.patch to + move forward to socket communication within private network +- Add haveged-switch-root.service which send the new root location + to running haveged process + +- Make haveged survive switch root within initrd (boo#1075359) + added change-sysroot.patch + haveged-switch-root.service herbstluftwm +- Update to 0.9.3: + * herbstclient prints error messages always on stderr and normal + output always on stdout (before, both were printed to the same channel). + * True transparency support for frame and client decorations + (requires a compositor like picom, compton, or xcompmgr) + * Colors contain alpha-values (format #RRGGBBAA) + * Do not draw frame background behind clients (so for semi-transparent + client decorations, one does not see the frame decoration behind but the wallpaper instead) + * New command line option '--replace' for replacing an existing window manager. + * New command 'list_clients'. + * The frame attributes ('selection', 'algorithm', 'fraction', + 'split_type') are now writable. + * New objects for panels (under 'panels', exposing attributes + 'instance', 'class', 'geometry', 'winid') + * The setting 'monitors_locked' is now explicitly an unsigned integer. + * The setting 'default_frame_layout' now holds an algorithm name. + * New client attributes: + - 'floating_geometry' holding the client’s floating size (writable). + - 'content_geometry' holding the geometry of the application’s content. + * The 'shift' command now moves the window to a neighboured monitor if the + window cannot be moved within a tag in the desired direction. + * New command 'lower' to lower a window in the stack. + * The 'cycle_value' command now expects an attribute (and only works for + settings for compatibility). + * New object 'types' containing documentation on (attribute-) types. + * New command 'attr_type' printing the type of a given attribute. + * New client alias 'last-minimized' and 'longest-minimized' for + focusing and unminimizing minimized clients. + * Relative values for integer attributes ('+=N' and '-=N') + * The 'cycle' command now also cycles through floating windows. + * The 'rule' command now reports errors already during rule creation. + * In rule consequences, 'toggle' is not allowed anymore. + * New rule consequences: + - 'floating_geometry' for setting the attribute of the same name (i.e. + position and size of the new client) + * The python bindings automatically convert from and to python’s types + * Bug fixes: + - Fix mistakenly transparent borders of argb clients + * New dependency: xrender + +- Update to 0.9.2: + * Client window titles (controlled by the theme attributes + 'title_height', 'title_color', 'title_font') + * New command 'help' for live documentation on the object tree + * New 'watch' command that emits hooks when attribute values change. + * The 'lock_tag' attribute is now writable. + * New 'geometry' attribute for monitors. + * New dependencies: xft, freetype + Bug fixes: + * Correctly interpret _NET_WM_STRUT. This fixes panels that leave + a bit of space between the panel and the monitor edge and also + panels between two monitors. + * Correctly handling minimized clients when removing a tag. + * Preserve stacking order when changing the floating state of a tag + * Update frame objects correctly in the commands 'mirror' and 'rotate' + +- Update to 0.9.1: + * Client minimization (controlled by the attribute 'minimized' of + every client) + * The 'index' attribute of tags is now writable. This allows adjusting + the order of existing tags. + * New child object 'focused_client' for each tag object. + * New child object 'focused_frame' for the tiling object of each tag + object. + * New child object 'parent_frame' for each client providing the frame + the client sits in + * New command 'mirror' + * New command 'apply_tmp_rule' + * The 'apply_rules' command now reports parse errors + * Reserve space for panels that do not set _NET_WM_STRUT e.g. conky + windows of type 'dock'. + * Only build json object doc if WITH_DOCUMENTATION is activated + * Bug fixes: + - When hiding windows, correctly set their WM_STATE to IconicState + (we set it to Withdrawn state before, which means "unmanaged" and + thus is wrong). This may require restarting pagers when upgrading + hlwm live. + - Fix crash in 'split explode' + - 'split explode' preserves the window focus (as in v0.7.2 and before) + +- Update to 0.9.0: + * When an application fails to focus itself (because + focus_stealing_prevention is active), then the window is marked + as urgent. + * New optional argument for the 'split' command for splitting + non-leaf frames + * Frame objects: the frame layout can be introspected via the + 'tiling' object present in each tag, e.g.: 'tags.focus.tiling'. + * New command 'foreach' for iterating over objects + * New attribute 'urgent_count' for tags, counting the number of + urgent clients on a tag + * New rule consequence 'floatplacement' that updates the placement + of floating clients ('floatplacement=smart' for little overlap, + 'floatplacement=center' for centering) or leaves the floating + position as is ('floatplacement=none') + * New rule condition 'pgid' + * New format specifier '%c' in the 'sprintf' command (useful + in combination with 'foreach') + * The 'new_attr' command now also accepts an initial value + * React to a change of the 'floating_focused' attribute of the + tag object + * New frame index character 'p' for accessing the parent frame + * Object tree documentation as a json file + Bug fixes: + * Fix wrong behaviour in 'cycle_layout' in the case where the + current layout is not contained in the layout list passed + to 'cycle_layout'. + * Fix handling of delta -1 in 'focus_monitor' and 'cycle_monitor' + * Fixed precision decimals in the layout tree (more reliable + in- and output of fractions in frame splits) + * Fixes in + +- Update to 0.8.3: + * Set .desktop file Type to Application (#903) + * Ignore EnterNotify events by grabs and decoration (#907) + * Don't drop later EnterNotify during enternotify() (#909) + * Consistently use $(BUILDDIR) in Makefile + * Remove unused command interface methods (#917) + * Update and add new tests + +- Update to 0.8.2: + * Selection of empty frames by the mouse (by click or by hover if + focus_follows_mouse is enabled) + * The commands 'close_and_remove' / 'close_or_remove' act like + 'close' for floating clients + * The decoration window allows focusing, moving, and resizing + the client via the mouse (as known from standard floating + window managers) + * Improved herbstclient tab completion for the fish shell + * Fix a crash in the error handler when a invalid monitor + name is passed. (Affects list_padding move_monitor + rename_monitor lock_tag unlock_tag) + * Fix the type of WM_STATE + * The client attributes sizehints_tiling and sizehints_floating + are now writable + * Fix EWMH urgency change for clients without WM hints set + * Fix the exit code of the 'focus' command + +- Update to 0.8.1: + * the frame index 'e' refers to the first empty frame + (e.g. 'rule index=e' places new windows in empty frames, if possible) + * new setting 'hide_covered_windows' to improve the appearance + when used with a compositor. + * resize floating windows with the same command ('resize') as in + tiling mode and thus the same keybindings as in tiling mode. + Therefore, the 'fractiondelta' parameter to the 'resize' command + is now optional. + * keybind now checks that the bound command exists. + * cycle_all (Alt-Tab) now also traverses floating clients + * new setting 'auto_detect_panels' controlling the panel + detection algorithm. + * improved herbstclient tab completion for the fish shell + Bug fixes: + * Handle the regular expression "" correctly, since the grammar + of extended regular expressions does not allow "". + * Error handling for the lack of xrandr + * Fixes to make it compile on other systems and architecture + +- Update to 0.8.0: + * single window floating (every client has an attribute 'floating' which can + be set at run time and via the rule consequence 'floating=on') + * monitor detection via xrandr + * detection of external panels + * new command: apply_rules + * new command: export (convenience wrapper around setenv) + * new client attribute: keys_inactive (negation of keymask) + * new command: drag (initiates moving/resizing a window by mouse) + * if tags have been configured through EWMH before herbstluftwm starts (from + a previous running window manager), then herbstluftwm re-uses these tags + (start with --no-tag-import to disable this) + * The build system is now cmake. See the INSTALL file if you need to + compile herbstluftwm yourself. + * the 'remove' command now tries to preserve the focus and the client + arrangement. Intuitively speaking, 'remove' is undoing a frame split. + * Many boolean style settings were formerly of type int. Now, these are + boolean settings. + * The 'toggle' command only works for boolean settings. For the former + behavior for int-typed settings, use 'cycle_value'. + * Writing '%%' in the 'sprintf' format string now gives a literate '%', just + as printf. Formerly it stayed '%%'. + * The 'keybind' command now accepts all valid key symbols, even if they are + not present on the current keyboard layout at the time of setup. + * the rules are also applied to those clients that change their WM_CLASS + after being shown already. + * 'detect_monitors' has an additional '--list-all' parameter + * do not change the focus (for focus_follows_mouse=1) when an unmanaged + dialog (e.g. a rofi menu or a notification) closes. + * list_rules now prints regex-based rule conditions with '~' instead of '=' + * new attributes on every monitor for pad_up pad_down pad_left pad_right + * new flag --exit-on-xerror (to be used in automated testing only) + * Formerly, double dots in object paths were allowed (similar to double + slashes in file paths in unix). Right now, they are only allowed at the end + (which is necessary for the tab-completion of attr): + - +monitors+ is valid + - +monitors.+ is valid + - +monitors..+ is valid + - is valid + - is *invalid* +- Remove examples-remove-executable-bits.patch +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Update to 0.7.2: + * When herbstluftwm is not running and herbstclient is called, + the absent herbstluftwm is detected instead of hanging forever. + * Close window on _NET_CLOSE_WINDOW. This makes closing windows + via ewmh panels work. + * Fix return code of remove_attr + * Fix error when unmanaging clients + * Some typo fixes in the documentation +- Remove and replace with sed: + * herbstluftwm-shebangs.patch + * herbstluftwm-shebangs-2.patch + * herbstluftwm-shebangs-3.patch + +- updated to latest stable release (0.7.1) +- changes to herbstluftwm-shebangs.patch due to rejects caused by upstream changes +- add herbstluftwm-shebangs-3.patch +- fish-completion package + -- updated to latest git version - -- enhanced description - -- realised sources as services (git clone and recompress to *.tar.bz2 -- made install section cleaner -- replaced ./$FILENAME with ./* to fit all files in a specific doc directory in the files section -- Capitalized summary to prevent this error - herbstluftwm.x86_64: E: summary-not-capitalized (Badness: 63) C a manual tiling window manager - -- added desktop file to start herbstluftwm from all standard display managers - -- updated source to current git status (04.12.2011) - -- corrected program version tag -- renamed source *.tar.bz2 - hexter +- Update to 1.1.1 + * Fixes a bug under gcc 9+ which causes the GUI to not start. +- Update to 1.1.0 + * Fixed a crash of the widgy editor on ARM targets + * Added support for hosts which don't support run_multiple_synths(), + for example, Carla and Renoise. Each plugin instance is run + separately, and support for the global polyphony limit has + been removed. + hiawatha +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Update to version 10.11: + * Default value of MinTLSversion set to 1.2. + * Small bugfixes. +- Changes from 10.10: + * Removed several build options. Functionalities are now always enabled. + * Updated Let's Encrypt script due to changes in the API. + * Bugfix: AlterMode not working correctly. + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + hidviz +- Ad hidviz-gcc11.patch and fix build in Factory + hitori +- Update to version 3.38.3: + + docs: Document renaming of master branch to main. + + appdata: Update OARS ratings from 1.0 to 1.1 and add + requires/recommends data. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Bugs fixed: + - glgo#GNOME/hitori!28 help: Add Hitori icon as SVG + - glgo#GNOME/hitori!29 appdata: Fix project license + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.1: + + Updated translations. + hmcfgusb +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * hmland.service + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- Repair URL and Source in spec + +- Remove unnecessary brackets fron description + hollywood +- Add libexec_fix.patch to rewrite module paths from /usr/lib/ to /usr/libexec/ + +- fix installation after python2 removal: + * require python3-Pygments instead of python-Pygments + * do not explicitly require "python" as this is autodetected + +hollywood (1.21) released; urgency=medium + * === added directory snap.hollywood/local, snap.hollywood/local/0001- + apg.patch, snap.hollywood/local/0002-byobu-shm.patch, + snap.hollywood/local/0003-hexdump.patch, snap.hollywood/local/0004- + man.patch, snap.hollywood/local/setup, + snap.hollywood/snapcraft.yaml: + - Use base: core18 + - Move to strict confinement + - Patch apg to be snap-aware + - Patch 3 hollywood files to be snap-aware: + - /dev/shm path + - man related path + - paths for hexdump + - Add command-chain for minor workarounds: + - BYOBU_PREFIX uses realpath in .byoburc + - Link czze plugins to the confined home + * snap.hollywood/snapcraft.yaml: + - adjusted to build +- update to version 1.20: + * lib/hollywood/mplayer, share/hollywood/soundwave.mp4: + - added sound wave video (no sound) + - start at a random point, between 0 and 99 seconds into the video + - speed it up 100x + * debian/control: + - depends, rather than recommends + * debian/changelog: + - fix email +- update to version 1.19: + * bin/hollywood, debian/control, debian/copyright, lib/hollywood/apg, + share/hollywood/mi.mp4, share/man/man1/hollywood.1, TODO: + - Bug deb#944275: remove last remnants of old sound/video plugin + +- remove tmux-version-comp.patch not needed anymore +- update to version 1.18: + * bin/wallstreet, debian/control, lib/wallstreet/newsbeuter => + lib/wallstreet/newsboat, lib/wallstreet/ticker, lib/wallstreet/w3m, + share/wallstreet/newsbeuter.config => + share/wallstreet/newsboat.config, share/wallstreet/newsbeuter.urls + => share/wallstreet/newsboat.urls: + - Get wallstreet working again + - move from newsbeuter to newsboat, Closes: deb#914627 + - move from google to yahoo + - replace rsstail panel + * bin/wallstreet, share/wallstreet/newsboat.config: + - drop support for Ubuntu versions before 16.10 + - simplify pane sizing + - text wrap newsboat at 70 columns + * debian/changelog: + - merge in Debian maintainer changelogs, here upstream into this one +- update to version 1.17: + * No change rebuild +- update to version 1.16: + * debian/control: + - added atop + * bin/hollywood, debian/control, lib/hollywood/apg, + lib/hollywood/atop, lib/hollywood/bmon, lib/hollywood/cmatrix, + lib/hollywood/code, lib/hollywood/errno, lib/hollywood/hexdump, + lib/hollywood/htop, lib/hollywood/jp2a, lib/hollywood/logs, + lib/hollywood/man, lib/hollywood/mplayer, lib/hollywood/speedometer, + lib/hollywood/sshart, lib/hollywood/stat, lib/hollywood/tree, + share/man/man1/hollywood.1: + - rework the pane reorganization system + + rather than just using the presets, tear down all panes but one, + and build them back up + + adds much more randomness (2^16) and more interesting pane layouts + - speed up mplayer (when sound is off), makes for a more interesting + animation + - add and document a command line option for -d|--delay in seconds, + for the amount of time between window reorganization + - simplify the pkill/trap to only catch ctrl-c (SIGINT) + - loop the mplayer animation, in case the delay is longer than the + length of the animation + - reorganize the stat widget, to run head first, then randomize, + improves start time drammatically + * lib/hollywood/apg, lib/hollywood/code, lib/hollywood/jp2a, + lib/hollywood/logs, lib/hollywood/map, lib/hollywood/sshart, + share/hollywood/map.jpg: + - randomize the colors on apg + - use locate -l to stop matching after 4096 files + - randomize the logs order + - add a map, because there's always a world map + * debian/control, debian/copyright, debian/wallstreet.install, + share/man/man1/wallstreet.1: + - merge some of the changes from debian + * share/man/man1/hollywood.1: + - add link to + +- Use noun phrase in summary. + +- update to version 1.15: + * README: + - removed some cruft + * screenshots/ + - added a screenshots directory + * bin/hollywood, share/man/man1/hollywood.1: + - default to nosound, add --sound to enable sound + - +- use HTTPS URL. + +- update to version 1.14: + * no revelant changes +- update to version 1.13: + * lib/wallstreet/w3m: + - fix Google Finance URL + homebank +- Update to version 5.5.3: + * new: added 4 report color themes: quicken2017, mint, + material, nord + * change: added 6 more colors to ynab report color theme + * wish: #1930395 ability to copy certain amounts (sum, avg, balance) + * bugfix: fixed some minor memory leak in post scheduled + * bugfix: adding tags from manage tags dialog don't enable save + * bugfix: #1936806 after editing a txn from detail list of report, + the list is empty + * bugfix: #1934739 today button text is not translated in date picker + * bugfix: #1932301 main windows New and Save tooltip text remains + in english + * bugfix: #1931816 changing a date from 'show all transaction' + don't sort by date + * bugfix: #1930924 import back a csv reads categories as tags + * bugfix: #1928147 account column don't sort in scheduled dialog + * bugfix: #1919936 document what the account maximum balance limit + does in practice + +- Update to version 5.5.2: + * new : statistics report add result/detail to clipboard/csv + file + * wish : #1923368 calendar "Today" button to not auto-close + widget + * wish : #1916365 please add Toggle detail function to Time + mode on Statistics report + * bugfix: #1925976 statistics "total" percentage breakdown + incorrect + * bugfix: #1922829 reorder transaction buttons not updated + after date change + * bugfix: #1921741 top spending chart legend text overlap + * bugfix: #1919080 OFX import deduplication unselect valid txn + * bugfix: #1918479 choosing to force budget monitoring does + not make document dirty + * bugfix: #1918334 void transactions from previous periods show + up in the current transactions + +- Update to version 5.5.1: + * change: report window are now closed when new/open a file + * bugfix: #1917837 the tag popover list is too small in width + and height + * bugfix: #1917075 delete unused payee/category do not enable + save + * bugfix: #1916932 impossible to read text when using dark theme + * bugfix: #1916587 scheduled this/next month date filter is wrong + * bugfix: #1915729 windows "tag" close the programm on delete + item + * bugfix: #1915660 update to the Help & Homebank for check + numbers + * bugfix: #1915643 the "Balance report" does not group correctly + by week (ISO 8601) + * bugfix: #1915609 qif export of multiple account double xfer + line + * bugfix: #1914943 statistic by time total row doubled with + subcategory + * bugfix: #1914935 changing the "Include remind into balance" + option doesn't update balance in accounts summary + * bugfix: #1910857 transaction category autofill from payee is + too invasive + * bugfix: #1910819 paste amount into split may input too much + decimal digits + * bugfix: #1889659 crash on typing in category during add due + to inconsistent XML + * bugfix: #1842429 difference between loading 1 OFX file or + more at once + * wish : #1904569 more flexible date handling for QIF import + * wish : #1594684 balance report to select several accounts + +- Update to version 5.5: + * new : your accounts added cleared column + * new : target xfer dialog add a match ratio column + * new : added checking and savings account type + * new : added tooltip on 'your accounts' to show last reconciled + date, minimun/maximum remaining + * new : trend time, added average value and line into the graph + * change: your accounts renamed bank column to reconciled + * change: statistics report renamed the 'Balance' term with a more + accurate 'Total' + * change: statistics report added a compare Exp. & Inc. checkbox + to clarify the interface + * wish : #1911838 integrate fr_CA categories (included with wish) + * wish : #1909694 duplicate auto assignment find + * wish : #1909590 include one decimal digit in the fuel average + * wish : #1900281 homebank Stats Rept - Subcategory heading + * wish : #1898277 add a "today" button/calendar option when adding + new transactions + * wish : #1897810 search or sort assignment rules + * wish : #1897696 red text in budget report for negative results + * wish : #1894425 Add switch inside app to change dark/light theme + * wish : #1893854 shortcut for scheduled main window button + * wish : #1892606 graph legend text not smaller than windows font + * wish : #1891878 your accounts add remaining before overdraft + * wish : #1890024 add a high limit for saving accounts + * wish : #1887212 internal xfer detection day gap manual preference + * wish : #1884376 payee multimatch for autocompletion + * wish : #1882876 category/payee separate usage count for + transaction and overall usage + * wish: : #1882456 txn dialog to order popover category by type + * wish : #1870390 statistic report - sum/total as last row + * wish : #1866456 import option to invert expense/income for + credit card account + * wish : #1857636 Allow showing only short/medium-term scheduled + operations in the main window's overview + * wish : #1847622 txn status display to button and/or add icon + * wish : #1846928 top spending max items configurable + * wish : #1846822 your accounts column choose + add cleared + * wish : #1581863 on main window, accounts have 'Reconciled date' + * wish : #1565386 ability to set time interval for the Balance report + * wish : # 300380 add direct print + pdf/png/ps export mostly + for report/graph + * bugfix: #1911805 the decimal digits of the Belarusian ruble is + indicated incorrectly + * bugfix: #1909323 windows: crash importing an OFX file with + info + add to info + * bugfix: #1903437 date column in transaction list can be empty + * bugfix: #1898408 split window does not provide 8 decimal places + for cryptocurrency + * bugfix: #1898294 time unit is not translated 'Manage + scheduled/template transactions' dialog + * bugfix: #1895478 ofx file marked as invalid if empty line at top +- Remove obsolete (0%{?suse_version} < 1330) stuff from spec file + +- Update to version 5.4.3: + * change: remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for + rep_balance + * change: harmonization of dialog dimension with aspect + ratio + * change: split list column now follow same width rule + than other list + * change: updated the file statistics: added tags, currencies, + template, scheduled + * change: updated the welcome dialog: added icon, relayout, show + next time checkbox + * change: reworked and improved the new file assistant + * change: prefixed template created from the register + * wish : #1861759 search "Manage Accounts" + * wish : #1861432 merge tags + * wish : #1860905 sort by amount in budget report + * wish : #1851733 Reports/Vehicle Cost Report filtered dropdown + * wish : #1851729 multi line scheduled post + * wish : #1851718 popup menu on transaction list + * wish : #1847907 add reconcile data when export as CSV + * wish : #1829597 view split transaction detail from the register + (expand or other) + * wish : #1810621 mass prefill assignment from the register + * bugfix: double click on scheduled list total line was faulty + reactive + * wish : #1886299 export to csv/clipboard 1st column title + naming + * wish : #1886181 default preference or remind for import + similar date gap + * wish : #1880386 revert ease to combine expense/income in + splits dialog + * wish : #1882081 add a gtk font size override Edit + * wish : #1871383 increase exchange rate size + * wish : #1869112 "Export CSV" feature for the "Show all..." + transactions view + * wish : #1837550 export transaction from account as CSV with + every split line + * bugfix: delete tag was partially working + * bugfix: your accounts list was not refreshed after new + file or import + * bugfix: #1870476 typo: Your + * bugfix: #1870433 default backup path folder not initialized + with wallet folder + * bugfix: #1869727 typo: assigment + * bugfix: #1868185 search not finding amounts with more than 3 + digits dollar amount + * bugfix: #1867392 delete tooltip not translated in + scheduled/template dialog + * bugfix: #1865361 txn dialog template list switch sort order + on each save + * bugfix: #1865083 when moving a transaction a 'changed' icon + isn't displayed against the 'from' account + * bugfix: #1864176 'Restore backup' doesn't open default + backup folder + * bugfix: #1864089 missing icons for "Case sensitive" and + "Regular expression in the assignment dialog + * bugfix: #1863484 scheduled 'stop after' cannot be removed + * bugfix: #1862769 manage schedule/template and quicksearch + behavior + * bugfix: #1862677 add and keep FROM register reset the date + * bugfix: #1862540 win: currency symbol detection fail leads + to crash + * bugfix: #1862436 win: incorrect display of russian ruble + currency symbol + * bugfix: #1858675 import/export budget mixup if subcategory + has same name + +- Update to version 5.3.2: + * Changes; + + Remove deprecated GtkAction/GtkUIManager for rep_balance. + * Bugfixes; + + Edit menu was not disable for closed account. + + Statistics show legend toolbutton was state inverted. + + #1861337 transactions from closed accounts not + showing > Transactions > Show All. + + #1861008 after changing values in the budget, the save button + is not enabled. + + #1860356 transaction List wrong preset status dropdown. + + #1860309 preference "Keep the last date" not working after + creating a new transaction + + #1860232 crash when deleting multiple transactions from + "Show All" view. + + #1859476 budget "Dec" not included in total. + + #1859386 unable to save Split Transaction in 5.3.1 after + initially working. + + #1859346 restore backup should be available anytime. + + #1859344 missing texts under icons in top menu. + + #1859275 budget table view balance sometimes empty + no edit. +- Changes from version 5.3.1: + * Bugfixes; + + #1859279 toggling from category to subcategory level on + Statistics Report doubles the amount . + + #1859117 split transaction not displaying Split in Category + after edit txn. + + #1859088 crash may occur if you enable 'show confirmation + text' in preference. + + #1859077 no more pre-filled account when single account. + + #1858945 keep last date preference no more working. + + #1858682 add buttons disabled while adding or inherit a + transfer. + + #1858507 some menu/toolbar tooltip text remains in English. +- Changes from version 5.3: + * New; + + Transaction dialog shows weekdays and account currency. + + Transaction type created expense/income and transfer. + + Added a clear menu for recent opened file. + + Added delete key shortcut to delete transaction. + + Added budget pin icon to category forced to be displayed. + + Filter dialog added select all/none/invert for payment. + + Added account budget icon to show if account is part of the + budget. + * Changes; + + Xhb data file format (v1.4). + + Account dialog layout change. + + Budget dialog layout change. + + Assign dialog layout change. + + Filter dialog layout change. + + Transaction dialog layout change. + + Merged transaction and template dialog. + + Internal transfer payment mode removed (in profit to transfer + type). + + Transfer payment mode was renamed to bank transfer. + + Button add/edit/merge/delete to icon button into toolbar + under listview. + + Rewritten menus and toobars to drop usage of deprecated + GtkAction/GtkUIManager. + + Dropped significant g_list_append to gain in performance. + + Replaced the 'remove' text to more accurate 'delete'. + + Reworked the ui design of release candidate warning message. + + Lighten stack usage for dialog. + * Wish; + + #1851449 Add a transaction very very slooow with many account + numbers. + + #1848604 rely on type exp/inc also for split line input. + + #1845388 remind the apply of assignment between import. + + #1844892 detect/skip UTF-8 BOM (Excel CSV files). + + #1842897 color trailing spaces in assignments. + + #1842758 your accounts list keep state after open/close + register. + + #1840100 updates when use multiple account window. + + #1831975 optional visible/audible confirmation of transaction + entered. + + #1831372 add nett Budget value to 'Manage Budget' screen. + + #1818320 add "void" status to transactions. + + #1818052 copy/paste one/multiple transaction(s). + + #1813474 "Info" field for scheduled/template transactions. + + #1812630 multiple edit enable change to internal transfer. + + #1812598 calculate "Remind" transactions into balance (as + configuration option?). + + #1810299 bold lowest balance for future date in register. + + #1792279 configurable backup directory. + + #1756681 ease debit/credit/transfer transaction seizure. + + #1749457 change order of same day transactions. + + #1740368 expense & Income type available at sub-category + level. + + #1719184 table view for budget setup (contribution code). + + #1708974 allow for transfer on mismatched days. + + #1504348 improve control of assignments. + + #1460666 features for scheduled transactions dialog. + + #1173135 statistics report to show all items (pay, cate, + acc...) over time. + + #1095160 account: more type and created group. + * Bugfixes; + + #1854953 Direct Debit type ignored during OFX import. + + #1853531 show 'Uncleared' transactions displays uncleared and + Reconciled. + + #1845841 check point and remainder on splits gone since 5.2. + + #1847645 number of backups exceeds preference settings. + + #1845839 updating a transaction from the Remind screen + doesn't always update the account summary. + + #1844881 internal xfer of budget account "this needs a + category". + + #1829927 when inherit a txn, the Add button faulty keep the + data. +- Changes from version 5.2.8: + * New; + + Import: auto assigment is now optional. + + Payee dialog: added a payment icon column to ease management. + + Add help and donate toolbar buttons. + * Changes; + + Payee popover: improved the dimension of the popover to larger one. + * Wish; + + #1843184 reorganize accelerator for txn dialog. + + #1841462 shortcuts for register view. + + #1828914 mark "Today" for calendar widget. + + #1826211 csv import to assign category from payee choice. + + #1673902 add a visual marker for uncategorized txn of budget + account. + * Bugfixes; + + Fixed compile fail with GTK < 3.22 and gtk_popover_popdown. + + Accelerator key was not working for date widget. + + #1843648 info gets empty after editing a txn with paymode + cheque and positive amount. + + #1842935 can't save file after OFX import with long unicode + strings. + + #1842292 windows: language change KO if install path as utf-8 + char (é, ç, à , etc). + + #1840998 transaction Screen only shows 3 weeks in advance. + + #1840393 import qfx similar transaction dialog amount show + $0.00. + + #1839851 balance report details view all show amount 0.00. +- Changes from version 5.2.7: + * New; + + Dropped usage of comboboxentry in profit of a popover list + for tags. + + Payee column shows >account or <account for internal + transfer. + + Transaction tooltip were clarified. + * Wish; + + #1828732 add expand/collapse all for categories in edit + filter. + * Bugfixes; + + Filter payment click on label was not working. + + Tags add from manager was allowing input space in name. + + Tags were not freed from archives. + + #1837838 create an account in new file wizard allows trailing + space in account name. + + #1836380 vehicle cost report show bad km stats in some case. + + #1835588 toggle future transactions button is faulty always + showed. + + #1832982 typo in src/dsp-account.c. + + #1832216 win: open payee menu crash on libcairo, and is slow. + + #1830880 changing a transaction in the future screen doesn't + activate the save button. + + #1830710 tag list is slow with lots of items and too wide. + + #1830707 no warning for "amount and category sign don't + match" if internal transfer. + + #1830656 Payee and Memo colums on scheduled screen sometimes + revert to minimum width. + + #1830523 future/remind txn main panel list shows 0.00 amount. + + #1792277 not all columns auto-size to contents. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to 5.2.6: + + Changes: + - access to the show all transaction with the toolbar + + Bugfixes: + - #1829630 homebank: _cairo_arc_in_direction(): homebank killed by SIGABRT + - #1829076 status "no category" filter not working + - #1829603 multi currencies problem in Trend Time Report + + Wishes: + - #1829007 prefill txn dialog with account if single + - #1828209 multiple edit could allow updating transaction amount + - #1809022 detail txn show only category amount split part + - #1792749 main window date 'other...' consistency + +- Update to version 5.2.3 + + new + - statistics report, added account + - trend time report, added half year interval + - added console error message for load/save preference file + + wish + - sortable columns during import + - fill paymode/category independently from payee + - enable to import unlimited account + - reorder split transactions + - add tags manager + - "Show all accounts" should not be shown when no account is selected + - scheduled home list to show remaining occurence + - OFX import to allow mapping the "name" field to "info" + - remind expander state into 'Your account' list + - display list of available tags in txn dialog + - enable tag for trend time report + + lots of bug fixes, see the Changelog for a complete list + +- Update to version 5.2.1: + + Wish: Treat search box as another filter (lp#1789698). + + Bugfixes: + - Backup files are not being deleted (lp#1792677). + - Trendtime report crash when display payee (lp#1792567). + - CSV import do not import info, payee, and tags (lp#1791656). + - Revert and Restore backup menu items permanently greyed out + (lp#1791554). +- Changes from version 5.2: + + Changes: + - Import, you can drop file to import on the main window. + - xhb data file format (v1.3). + - Optimized XML close tag. + - Preferences, reorganised the pages and elements. + - Improved the split dialog with a listview and new layout. + - Migrated split to GPtrArray. + - Improved the register selection informations. + - Relayouted payee and category dialog. + - Removed most theme icons to keep a consistent interface. + + Wishes: + - Show average of selection (lp#1783826). + - Column chart for trend time report (lp#1760145). + - Filter templates by current account (lp#1759028). + - Add Select All/None feature when importing transactions from + files (lp#1744612). + - Import remember last account (lp#1738816). + - Execute all the rules for assignments (lp#1720538). + - Add a visual marker for uncategorized txn (lp#1673902). + - Option to control the autocomplete of memo (lp#1673048). + - Update account target window if open (lp#1667501). + - Show category in subcategory view of budget report + (lp#1661980). + - Import option to case convert txn description (lp#1623931). + - Enhance the backup system (lp#1610563). + - Import to always shows date tolerance (lp#1586211). + - Prevent to import csv invalid date combinations (lp#1579494). + - Add quick filter for manage payees window (lp#1500227). + - Split the amount of a transaction into more than 10 + categories (lp#1225122). + - Optional default transaction template for each account + (lp#1008629). + - Include tags in scheduled/template transaction (lp#969218). + - Option to help detect duplicated transaction (lp#829418). + - List of all transactions (lp#668417). + - Implement import of multiple files (lp#528739). + + Bugfixes: + - Currencies update fail due to requires api key + (lp#1785210). + - Segmentation fault if you entered a category ending with : + (lp#1772281). + - Lost account focus after internal transfert (lp#1787830). + - Filter for internal xfer target is wrong from txn + (lp#1787829). + - Budget report graph partially display last line (lp#1784862). + - Save unavailable after import of OFX (lp#1782926). + - When editing multiple transactions Homebank doesn't display + the "account changed" icon (lp#1782749). + - Merging a category doesn't update the count (lp#1771720). + - Top spending graphic treats income as expenses (lp#1767659). + - Quick (partial) date entry doesn't work anymore (lp#1765953). + - Cannot rename payee in case-sensitive way (lp#1764547). + - Display of quarter shows calendar year not fiscal year + (lp#1764133). + - Date resets to 01/01/1900 while adding a new transaction + (lp#1763952). + - Trendtime report quarter bound date wrong (lp#1758532). + - Report 'select all' prevent to pick some date (lp#1756601). + honggfuzz +- Update to version 2.4: + * better NetBSD support (compatiblity) + * fixed mangle_getLen() #360 + * disabled --linux_net_ns by default, as the Linux kernel dies under heavy load of new net namespaces + * added support for address compression in IntelPT mode + * simplified input_skipFactor() which now yields better results (faster coverage acquisition) + * added --save_smaller for the use with Rust fuzzing + * fixed Android build under MacOSX + * simplified some mangle() functions + +- update to 2.3.1: + - honggfuzz.h - split run_t into substructs + - clang-format options in .clang-format + - added missing mutex initializers + - removed unncessary comparisons to 'true' and 'false' + - improved NetBSD compatibility + - removed unnecessary memory fences (speed ups) + - faster searching through the binary for const 4/8-byte values + - removed unnecessary includes with iwyu + - libhfnetdriver - general improvements around local socket fuzzing and timeouts + - Added 8bitcnt instrumentation - use hfuzz-cc/hfuzz-8bitcnt-(gcc|clang) for that + - PC-guard instrumentation now uses edge counting + - --experimental_const_feedback is now set to true by default + - additional string instrumentation wrappers: glib, lcms + - additional mutators: splicing, changing ascii numbers + - additional integer comparison instrumentation (adding integers to the dynamic dictionary) + - fixed linking with ld.lld + - removed `sanitizer-coverage-prune-blocks` from hfuzz-cc.c + - most mutators have now either overwrite or insert versions + - fixed memory barriers in libhfuzz/ + - implemented skip_factor which dictates how often a given input is fuzzed + - lowered the default timeout to 1 second + - honggfuzz now uses microseconds, instead of milliseconds across the code + - added some new functions to libhfcommon/files + - enabled more aggressive inlining in hfuzz-cc/ + - fixed compilation dependency under MacOS X +- remove 0001-fix-some-m32-compilation-issues-type-casting.patch (upstream) + +- Add upstream patch to fix the i586 build: + * 0001-fix-some-m32-compilation-issues-type-casting.patch + +- Update to version 2.1: + * string/int comparison enabled for targets built with *SAN, but + w/o hfuzz-cc + * Parallel work made faster by using faster ATOMIC constructs + (check first, then update) + * Implement --experimental_const_feedback - const string/integer + feedback (used as an additional dictionary) + * Sanitizer report files are "better"-deleted (i.e. based on PID + and not TID) + * New patches for fuzzing added (e.g. for bind-9.16.0/9.15.7) + * Buffered output enabled in display.c + * Some functions moved from per-arch arch.c to common subproc.c + * Added suport for bfd/binutils-2.33 + - And more from previous releases - see provided CHANGELOG + hotspot +- Update to 1.3.0 + * Unable to widen "Symbol" column in Top Down view + * Feature Request: Support gksu for "Profile System" in AppImage + * better formatting of times and trace costs in flamegraph and tooltips + * fix time formatting + * Loading a trace is much slower in 1.2 than in 1.1 + * Perfparser exits with code 1 (TCP Socket error) when opening a file + * feature: open editor on function + * group threads by process + * android simpleperf support + * Timeline part takes too much space + * Profile system is broken + * README required dependencies (QT5) out of date with master branch cmake + * proper rust symbol demangling + * enable rust demangling for appimages + * Perfparser/Hotspot cannot unwind the stack for fork() of created processes + * feature: auto-expand bottom-up tree + +- Update to 1.2.0 + * Adds quite a few bug fixes + * Performance improvements + * Addition of a per-CPU core event timeline + * Events can now be filtered by symbols + * Hotspot can now be used to analyze off-CPU time + hplip +- Replace with (bsc#1193656) + * gpg refuses to load the key from + +- Add build dependency on python-rpm-macros (bsc#1193718) +- Replace by (bsc#1193656) + +- Update to 3.21.10 + Added support for the following new printers: + * HP ENVY Inspire 7200e series + * HP ENVY Inspire 7900e series + * HP LaserJet MFP M140a + * HP LaserJet MFP M139a + * HP LaserJet MFP M141a + * HP LaserJet MFP M142a + * HP LaserJet MFP M140w + * HP LaserJet MFP M140we + * HP LaserJet MFP M139w + * HP LaserJet MFP M139we + * HP LaserJet MFP M141w + * HP LaserJet MFP M141we + * HP LaserJet MFP M142we + * HP LaserJet MFP M142w + * HP LaserJet M109a + * HP LaserJet M110a + * HP LaserJet M111a + * HP LaserJet M112a + * HP LaserJet M109w + * HP LaserJet M109we + * HP LaserJet M110w + * HP LaserJet M110we + * HP LaserJet M111w + * HP LaserJet M111we + * HP LaserJet M112we + * HP LaserJet M112w + * HP DesignJet Z6 Pro 64in + * HP DesignJet Z9 Pro 64in + * HP PageWide XL Pro 5200 PS MFP series + * HP PageWide XL Pro 8200 PS MFP series + * HP PageWide XL 3920 MFP + * HP PageWide XL 4200 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4200 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4700 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4700 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 5200 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 5200 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 8200 Printer + * HP Smart Tank 500 series + * HP Smart Tank 530 series + * HP Smart Tank Plus 570 series + * HP Smart Tank 7600 + * HP Smart Tank 750 + * HP Smart Tank 790 + * HP Smart Tank Plus 710-720 + * HP Smart Tank Plus 7000 + * HP Smart Tank Plus 660-670 + * HP Smart Tank Plus 6000 + * HP DeskJet Ink Advantage Ultra 4800 All-in-One Printer series +- Rebased hplip-missing-drivers.patch & don't edit +- Rebased hplip-remove-imageprocessor.diff +- Remove libtool archives +- Add drivers for hplip-missing-drivers.patch from Fedora + (lp#1843592,rh#1739855,rh#1740132,rh#1742949) + +- Update to 3.21.6 + New upstream release, added support for new distributions + +- Update to 3.21.4 + Added support for the following new printers: + * HP Envy 6400 series +- Update to 3.21.2 + Add support for the following printers: + * HP LaserJet Enterprise M406dn + * HP LaserJet Enterprise M407dn + * HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M430f + * HP LaserJet Enterprise MFP M431f + * HP LaserJet Managed E40040dn + * HP LaserJet Managed MFP E42540f + * HP Color LaserJet Enterprise M455dn + * HP Color LaserJet Managed E45028dn + * HP Color LaserJet Enterprise MFP M480f + * HP Color LaserJet Managed MFP E47528f + * HP PageWide XL 3920 MFP + * HP PageWide XL 4200 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4200 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4700 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 4700 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 5200 Printer + * HP PageWide XL 5200 Multifunction Printer + * HP PageWide XL 8200 Printer + * HP Laserjet M207d + * HP Laserjet M208d + * HP Laserjet M209d + * HP Laserjet M210d + * HP Laserjet M212d + * HP Lasejet M211d + * HP Laserjet M209dw + * HP Laserjet M209dwe + * HP Laserjet M210dw + * HP Laserjet M210dwe + * HP Laserjet M212dw + * HP LaserJet M212dwe + * HP Laserjet M208dw + * HP Laserjet M207dw + * HP Laserjet M211dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M234dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M234dwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M233d + * HP LaserJet MFP M232d + * HP LaserJet MFP M235d + * HP LaserJet MFP M237d + * HP LaserJet MFP M236d + * HP LaserJet MFP M232dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M232dwc + * HP LaserJet MFP M233dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M236dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M235dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M235dwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M237dwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M237dw + * HP LaserJet MFP M232sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M233sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M236sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M234sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M234sdne + * HP LaserJet MFP M235sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M235sdne + * HP LaserJet MFP M237sdne + * HP LaserJet MFP M237sdn + * HP LaserJet MFP M232sdw + * HP LaserJet MFP M233sdw + * HP LaserJet MFP M236sdw + * HP LaserJet MFP M234sdw + * HP LaserJet MFP M234sdwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M235sdw + * HP LaserJet MFP M235sdwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M237sdwe + * HP LaserJet MFP M237sdw +- Spec file: + * Adapted patch hplip-remove-imageprocessor.diff + * Disabled image processor build with the configure option + - -disable-imageProcessor-build + * Remove executable bit in %{_datadir}/hplip/ + * Ignore duplicate files in hplip-rpmlintrc ("__init__.*.pyc?") + * Fixed some warnings + ht +- Rename ht-gcc7.diff to ht-gcc10.diff and adjust for gcc10. + -- patch license to follow standard - htdig -- htdig-gcc7.patch: FIx build failure with gcc7 +- Fix download URL + +- Force C++14 build as the code is not (and likely never will be) + ready for C++17. + +- use system apche rpm macros + +- htdig-gcc7.patch: Fix build failure with gcc7 -- fix bug: htstat throwing SIGSEGV (#284282) - -- split htdig into -doc and -devel packages -- specfile cleanup -- build parallel -- enable openssl support -- enable bigfile support -- enable zlib -- remove static libs -- included patches from upstream: - + htdig-ExternalParser-typo.patch (fix typo) - + htdig-google-style.patch (layout fix for multiple result pages) - + htdig-rundig.patch (fallback for missing common_dir in config) - + htdig-simpleUTF8.patch (try to handle non UTF8 chars) - + htdig-SSLConnection.patch (see - - for details) - -- added zlib-devel to buildreq - html2text +- Switch to new project url +- Update to version 2.0.0 boo#1168657 +- Drop patches: + * html2text-1.3.2a-400_remove_builtin_http_support.patch + * html2text-1.3.2a-611_recognize_input_encoding.patch + * html2text-debian-200_close_files_inside_main_loop.patch + * html2text-debian-220_nobs_when_stdout_is_a_tty.patch + * html2text-debian-500_utf8_support.patch + * html2text-debian-510_disable_backspaces.patch + * html2text-debian-600_multiple_meta_tags.patch + * html2text-debian-630_recode_output_to_locale_charset.patch + * html2text-debian-810_fix_deprecated_conversion_warnings.patch + * patch-amd64-html2text-1.3.2a.diff + -- Don't strip binaries. - htmldoc +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-40985 [bsc#1192357], buffer overflow may lead to DoS via a crafted BMP image + + htmldoc-CVE-2021-40985.patch + -- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - http-parser -- move out from gyp -- use correct SONAME -- drop http-parser-gyp-sharedlib.patch -- add makefile.patch - -- Update to version 2.7.1 - * No changelog available - -- Update to 2.6.2 - * No changelog available - -- Add baselibs.conf as source, in order to build - libhttp-parser-suse0 32-bit compatability lib. - -- Update to version 2.6.0 - * No changelog available - -- Initial package (version 2.5.0) for - httperf +- Only alter __DATE__ and __TIME__ values when SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH + is not set. + +- Update to version 0.9.0+git.20180712: + * Add missing 'case' statement that causes TLSv1.3 implementation to be unreachable. + * Remove extra 'break;' that prevent SSL_CTX_set_options from being set + * Fix a bug that ignored the --ssl-protocol parameter + * Implement support for TLSv1.3 in OpenSSL >= 1.1.1 + * Implement specific support for TLSv1.2 + * Implement specific support for TLSv1.1 + * Make TLSv1 use TLSv1.0 specifically to prevent ambiguity with TLSv1.1, TLSv1.2, TLSv1.3 + * Missing include (for memset(), strerror()). + * Stray line feed in fqdname causes --add-header and --add-header-file header records to be ignored by server. + * Add support for PROPFIND and REPORT in wsesslog + httpie +- Update to version 2.6.0 + * Added support for formatting & coloring of JSON bodies + preceded by non-JSON data (e.g., an XXSI prefix). + * Added charset auto-detection when `Content-Type` doesn’t + include it. + * Added `--response-charset` to allow overriding the response + encoding for terminal display purposes. + * Added `--response-mime` to allow overriding the response mime + type for coloring and formatting for the terminal. + * Added the ability to silence warnings through using `-q` or + `--quiet` twice (e.g. `-qq`). + * Added installed plugin list to `--debug` output. + * Fixed duplicate keys preservation in JSON data. + +- Fix tests +- Update dependencies +- Update to version 2.5.0 + * Added --raw to allow specifying the raw request body without + extra processing as an alternative to stdin. + * Added support for XML formatting. + * Added internal support for file-like object responses to + improve adapter plugin support. + * Fixed --continue --download with a single byte to be + downloaded left. + * Fixed --verbose HTTP 307 redirects with streamed request body. + * Fixed handling of session files with Cookie: followed by other + headers. +- Update to version 2.4.0 + * Added support for --session cookie expiration based on + Set-Cookie: max-age=<n>. + * Show a --check-status warning with --quiet as well, not only + when the output is redirected. + * Fixed upload with --session. + * Fixed a missing blank line between request and response. + hugin +- Add hugin-EGL-link-against-X11.patch: Link against X11 even when + building with EGL support + ( +- Set up conditionals for building with EGL, but disable EGL + support until glew bug is fixed (gh#nigels-com/glew#315). +- Switch bcond_with to build with system flann: library is now + available on all supported openSUSE versions. +- Minor cleanup with spec-cleaner. + +- build with OpenEXR 3 +- added patches + fix + + hugin-openexr3.patch + +- Update to version 2020.0.0: + * Fixes fast preview on HiDPI screens under GTK+3 and MacOS. + * Make fast preview screen zoomable with mouse wheel. + * Make hugin_hdrmerge aware of cropped intermediate images. + * Several improvements for command line tools (pto_var, + pto_move, pto_gen, autooptimiser). + * More checks in GUI for strange user input. + * Fixes for several bugs. +- Rebase hugin.appdata.patch to apply cleanly against updated + version. +- Drop pushd-popd sequence bracketing %cmake_install: no longer + needed. +- Adapt file list for appdata -> metainfo change in appdata + location. +- Adapt mv of mimetype icon for change of file name. +- Pass USE_GDKBACKEND_X11=ON to cmake to enable a workaround to + launch on Wayland using the X11 Gdk backend; does not work on + Wayland otherwise (see Known issues in Changes.txt). +- Fix EOL encodings on Changes.txt. + +- Use wxGTK3 instead of wxWidgets (GTK2), for better HiDPI support. +- Cleanup spec file. + +- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. + hunspell +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2019-16707 [bsc#1151867], invalid read operation in SuggestMgr:leftcommonsubstring in suggestmgr.cxx + + hunspell-CVE-2019-16707.patch + +- Update to version 1.6.2: + * Command line tool: + + Added German translation + + Fixed bug with wrong output encoding, not respecting system + locale. + +- Update to version 1.6.1: + * Library changes: + + Performance improvements in suggest() + + Fixes regressions for Hungarian related to compounding. + + Fixes regressions for Korean related to ICONV. + * Command line tool: + + Added Tajik translation + + Fix regarding serching of OOo dicts installed in user folder + * Manpages: + + Fix microsoft-cp1251 to cp1251. Dicts should not use the + first. + + Typos. + +- Update to version 1.6.0: + * Changes in the library: + + Performance improvement in ngsuggest(), suggestions should be + faster. + + Revert MAXWORDLEN to 100 as in 1.3.3 for performance reasons. + + MAXWORDLEN can be set during build time with -D defines. + + Fix crash when word with 102 consecutive X is spelled. + * Changes in the command line tool: + + -D shows all loaded dictionares insted of only the first. + + -D properly lists all available dictionaries on Windows. + +- update to 1.5.4: + * fix API compatibility with 1.4 + +- update to 1.5.0: + * Lot of stability fixes + * Fixed compilation errors on various systems (Windows, FreeBSD) + * Small performance improvement compared to 1.4.0 + * API is same as 1.4. + +- Drop Requires: pkgconfig because this is already autodetected + by rpm. Use mode inheritance for defattr. Edit rpm group and + description a tiny bit. + +- Update baselibs.conf bnc#977784 +- Add conflicts to hunspell 1.4.0 + +- Update to 1.4.1: + * Past begin() iterator decrement error + * VS Debug build threw error on decrement past begin. +- Split shared library +- Do not call autoreconf +- Move manpages to corresponding packages + +- Update to 1.4.0 + * New release that strips out fixed length buffers from large + parts of the library + * Note: dictmgr.hxx header is dropped +- Drop upstreamed hunspell-grep2.24.patch + +- Version update to 1.3.4: + * Various updates to the buildsystem + * Various werror bugfixes + * Loads of coverity fixes +- Add patch to build with grep 2.24: + * hunspell-grep2.24.patch +- Remove upstreamed patch: + * hunspell-emacs-utf8.patch +- Do not search for translations - broken automake from upstream + * Not worth fixing only bit italian and mostly hungarian translations + for cli anyway + hwdata +- Update to version 0.353 (bsc#1192587): + + Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. + +- Update to version 0.352 (bsc#1191375): + + Updated pci, usb and vendor ids. + hydrogen +- update to 1.0.2: + * User-selectable translation language + * Bug fixes including critical startup bug on macOS Big Sur + -- Update to final version 0.9.6, adapt patches -- Changed hydrogen-0.9.6-desktop.patch to not add quotes to the - german Name and GenericName entries in the .desktop file, this - doesn't really make sense and looks bad in the application menu -- Updated h2cli.1 and hydrogen.1 man pages -- Upstream changes (compared to 0.9.5): - * Release 0.9.6 - * new build system (cmake) - * add undo for song/pattern editor - * jack-session support - * jack-midi support - * several bug fixes - * tabbed interface - * several small changes to the GUI - * improve ExportSong add use of TimeLineBPM, - RubberbandBatch processor and different types of resample interpolation - hylafax+ +- version 7.0.4 + * README.SUSE renamed + * hylafax.diff added for boo#1191571 (pre-correction) + * Dependencies on systemd-services adjusted + * retry training twice at the same bitrate unless FTT (26 Aug 2021) + * add missing reason messages for session failures (21 Aug 2021) + * stop attempts to send or receive signals if the call ended prematurely (16-19 Aug 2021) + * add Class1HasRMHookIndication (16 Aug 2021) + * don't attempt sending DCN if we're already on hook (15, 17 Aug 2021) + * end session sooner if receiver hangs up immediately after TCF or during prologue (14 Aug 2021) + * fix some behavior following frame reception timeouts (13 Aug 2021) + * improve behavior if procedural interrupt fails (12 Aug 2021) + * handle sender repeating RR after we transmit MCF (10 Aug 2021) + * add session logging of receipt of CFR/FTT signals (3 Aug 2021) + * cope with receipt of PPR following CTC (3 Aug 2021) + * attempt to cope with NSF/CSI/DIS after PPS, CTR, ERR, RR and improve coping with + the same after MPS/EOP/EOM (2, 12, 14, 18 Aug 2021) + * identify DCN after PPS as a receiver abort (2 Aug 2021) + * attempt to cope with receipt of CTR after sending PPS (2 Aug 2021) + * remove use of deprecated libtiff integer types and "register" storage class specifier (25 Jul 2021) + * don't employ senderFumblesECM if V.34-Fax was negotiated (25 Jul 2021) + * update configure to accept libtiff v4.2 and v4.3 (24 Jul 2021) + * fix page handling "botch" if a job's first and previous attempts were on a proxy (20 Jul 2021) + * fix data timeout for bitrates less than 14400 bps when non-zero scanline time (15 Jul 2021) + * try to cope with T.38 invite stutter at beginning of send (15 Jul 2021) + * decouple session logging from direct filesystem I/O (15 Jul 2021) + * try to help receivers who may expect initial 1-bits to start high-speed data (8, 9 Jul, 4 Aug 2021) + * improve tenacity of "persistent" ECM (26 Jun 2021) + * maintain the same SSL Fax passcode during a single session (20 May 2021) + * log detection of binary file transfer support in receivers (1 Apr 2021) + * add support for SiLabs Si2417/Si2435 (5 Feb 2021) + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * hylafax-faxgetty@.service + * hylafax-faxq.service + * hylafax-faxqclean.service + * hylafax-hfaxd.service + * hylafax-usage.service + +- Add hylafax service and helper for use with firewalld, and + explain the details in README.SUSE. + +- Fix TW build by pretending tiff 4.4 is as good enough as 4.{0,1} + +- Fix TW build by pretending tiff 4.2 is as good enough as 4.{0,1} + hyperfine +- Update to version 1.12.0: + * --command-name can now take parameter names from --parameter-* options + * Exit codes (or signals) are now printed in cases of command failures + * Exit codes are now part of the JSON output + * When --export-* commands are used, result files are now created before benchmark execution + * When --export-* options are used, result files are now written after each individual benchmark command + * Reduce number of shell startup time measurements from 200 to 50 + * User and system time are now in consistent time units + +- Replace rust-packaging with cargo-packaging + hyperscan +- Update to version 5.4.0 + * Improvement on literal matcher "Fat Teddy" performance, + including support for Intel(R) AVX-512 Vector Byte Manipulation + Instructions (Intel(R) AVX-512 VBMI). + * Introduce a new 32-state shuffle-based DFA engine ("Sheng32"). + This improves scanning performance by leveraging AVX-512 VBMI. + * Introduce a new 64-state shuffle-based DFA engine ("Sheng64"). + This improves scanning performance by leveraging AVX-512 VBMI. + * Introduce a new shuffle-based hybrid DFA engine ("McSheng64"). + This improves scanning performance by leveraging AVX-512 VBMI. + * Improvement on exceptional state handling performance for LimEx + NFA, including support for AVX-512 VBMI. + * Improvement on lookaround performance with new models, + including support for AVX-512. + * Improvement on DFA state space efficiency. + * Optimization on decision of NFA/DFA generation. + * hsbench: add CSV dump support for hsbench. + * Bugfix for cmake error on Icelake under release mode. + * Bugfix in find_vertices_in_cycles() to avoid self-loop checking + in SCC. + * Bugfix for issue #270: fix return value handling in chimera. + * Bugfix for issue #284: use correct free function in logical + combination. + * Add BUILD_EXAMPLES cmake option to enable example code + compilation. + * Some typo fixing. + +- Update to version 5.3.0 + * Improvement on literal matcher "Teddy" performance, including + support for Intel(R) AVX-512 Vector Byte Manipulation + Instructions (Intel(R) AVX-512 VBMI). + * Improvement on single-byte/two-byte matching performance, + including support for Intel(R) Advanced Vector Extensions 512 + (Intel(R) AVX-512). + * hsbench: add hyphen support for -T option. + * tools/fuzz: add test scripts for synthetic pattern generation. + * Bugfix for acceleration path analysis in LimEx NFA. + * Bugfix for duplicate matches for Small-write engine. + * Bugfix for UTF8 checking problem for hscollider. + * Bugfix for issue #205: avoid crash of hs_compile_lit_multi() + with clang and ASAN. + * Bugfix for issue #217: fix cmake parsing issue of CPU arch for + non-English locale. + * Bugfix for issue #228: avoid undefined behavior when calling + close() after fdopendir() in loadExpressions(). + * Bugfix for issue #239: fix hyperscan compile issue under gcc-10 + * Add VLAN packets processing capability in pcap analysis script. + * Avoid extra convert instruction for "Noodle". + * Add Hyperscan version marcro in hs.h. + i2pd +- Update to version 2.38.0 + * ipv6 introducers and peer test + * Support .b32.i2p addresses and hostnames for SAM STREAM CREATE + * Blinding of EdDSA signing keys + * Publish iexp param for introducers + * Send updated LeaseSet for incoming ECIES-x25519 session + * Bind ipv6 or yggdrasil NTCP2 acceptor to specified address + * Don't publish LeaseSet without inbound tunnels + * Rekey of all routers but floodfills to ECIES + * Recognize ipv4 and ipv6 SSU addresses without host + * Show ipv6 network status and router version on the webconsole + +- Update to version 2.37.0 + * Address registration line for reg.i2p and stats.i2p through the + web console + * "4" and "6" caps for addresses without published IP address + * Fixed incoming SSU session termination after 5 seconds + * Floodfills with "U" cap are not ignored anymore + * Show actual IP addresses for proxy connections + * address4 and address6 parameters to bind outgoing connections + to lookuplocal BOB extended command + * Mesh and Proxy network statuses + * Symmetric NAT network status error + * NTCP2 and reseed HTTP proxy support authorization now + * Fixed race condition between tunnel build and floodfill + requests decryption for ECIES routers + * Correct handling of numeric bandwidth limitation + * Rekey of low-bandwidth routers to ECIES + * Bind server tunnel connection to specified address + * Outbound tunnel endpoint must be ipv4 compatible + * Allow incoming Yggdrasil connection if NTCP2 is connected + through a proxy +- Update to version 2.36.0 + * ECIES-x25519 (crypto type 4) for new routers + * reg.i2p for default addressbook instead inr.i2p + * Yggdrasil transports and reseeds + * Encrypted lookup and publications to ECIES-x25519 floodfiils + * Dump addressbook in hosts.txt format + * Try to connect to all compatible addresses from peer's + RouterInfo + * ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet for shared local destination + * Fixed handling chunked HTTP response in addressbook + * Calculate missing ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet tags for multiple + streams with the same destination + * Request RouterInfo through exploratory tunnels if direct + connection to fllodfill is not possible + * Select reachable router of inbound tunnel gateway + * Reseed if no compatible routers in netdb + * Check if public x25519 key is valid + * Replace LeaseSet completely if store type changes + * Limit tunnel length to 8 hops and quantity to 16 + * Decrypt follow-on ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet NSR messages + * Fixed SSU crash on termination + * Correct NAME for NAMING REPLY in SAM + * Viewport and styles on error in HTTP proxy + * Cumulative SSU ACK bitfields + +- Update to version 2.35.0 + * Added + - ECIES-x25519 routers + - Random intro keys for SSU + - Graceful shutdown timer for windows + - Send queue for I2CP messages + - Update DSA router keys to EdDSA + - TCP_QUICKACK for NTCP2 sockets on Linux + * Changed + - Exclude floodfills with DSA signatures and < 0.9.28 + - Random intervals between tunnel tests and manage for tunnel pools + - Don't replace an addressbook record by one with DSA signature + - Publish RouterInfo after update + - Create paired inbound tunnels if no inbound tunnels yet + - Reseed servers list + * Fixed + - Transient signature length, if different from identity + - Terminate I2CP session if destroyed + - RouterInfo publishing confirmation + - Check if ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet session expired before generating more tags + - Correct block size for delivery type local for ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet +- Update to version 2.34.0 + * Added + - Ping responses for streaming + - STREAM FORWARD for SAM + - Tunnels through ECIES-x25519 routers + - Single thread for I2CP + - Shared transient destination between proxies + - Database lookups from ECIES destinations with ratchets response + - Handle WebDAV HTTP methods + - Don't try to connect or build tunnels if offline + - Validate IP when trying connect to remote peer + - Handle ICMP responses and WinAPI errors for SSU + * Changed + - Removed NTCP + - Dropped gcc 4.7 support + - Encyption type 0,4 by default for client tunnels + - Stripped out some HTTP header for HTTP server response + - HTTP 1.1 addressbook requests + - Set LeaseSet type to 3 for ratchets if not specified + - Handle SSU v4 and v6 messages in one thread + - Eliminate DH keys thread + * Fixed + - Random crashes on I2CP session disconnect + - Stream through racthets hangs if first SYN was not acked + - Check "Last-Modified" instead "If-Modified-Since" for addressbook reponse + - Trim behind ECIESx25519 tags + - Few bugs with Android main activity + - QT visual and layout issues + +- Update to 2.33.0: + * Shared transient addresses + * crypto.ratchet.inboundTags paramater + * Multiple encryption keys through I2CP + * Pre-calculated x25519 ephemeral keys + * Change datagram routing path if nothing comes back in 10 + seconds + * Shared routing path for datagram session + * UDP tunnels send mix of repliable and raw datagrams in bulk + * Encrypt SSU packet again upon resend + * Start new tunnel message if remaining buffer is too small + * Use LeaseSet2 for ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet automatically + * Save new ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet session with NSR tagset + * Generate random padding lengths for ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet + in bulk + * Webconsole layout + * Reseed servers list + * Don't connect through terminated SAM destination + * Differentiate UDP server sessions by port + * ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet through I2CP + * Don't save invalid address to AddressBook + * ECDSA signatures names in SAM + * AppArmor profile +- Drop i2pd-2.19.0-apparmor.patch + +- update to 2.32.1: + - Read explicit peers in tunnels config + - Generation of tags for detached sessions + - Non-updating LeaseSet1 + - Start when deprecated websocket options present in i2pd.conf + - Multiple encryption types for local destinations + - Next key and tagset for ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet + - NTCP2 through SOCKS proxy + - Throw error message if any port to bind is occupied + - gzip parameter for UDP tunnels + - Show ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet sessions and tags on the web console + - Simplified implementation of gzip for no compression mode + - Allow ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet session restart after 2 minutes + - Added logrotate config for rpm package + - Select peers for client tunnels among routers >= 0.9.36 + - Check ECIES flag for encrypted lookup reply + - Streaming MTU size 1812 for ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet + - Don't calculate checksum for Data message send through ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet + - Catch network connectivity status for Windows + - Stop as soon as no more transit tunnels during graceful shutdown for Android + - RouterInfo gzip compression level depends on size + - Send response to received datagram from ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet session + - Update webconsole functional + - Increased max transit tunnels limit + - Reseeds list + - Dropped windows support in cmake + - Correct timestamp check for LeaseSet2 + - Encrypted leaseset without authentication + - Change SOCKS proxy connection response for clients without socks5h support (#1336) + +- Update to 2.31.0: + * NTCP2 through HTTP proxy + * Publish LeaseSet2 for I2CP destinations + * Show status page on main activity for android + * Handle ECIESFlag in DatabaseLookup at floodfill + * C++17 features for eligible compilers + * Droped Websockets and Lua support + * Send DeliveryStatusMsg for LeaseSet for + ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet + * Keep sending new session reply until established for + * Updated SSU log messages + * Reopen SSU socket on exception + * Security hardening headers in web console + * Various web console changes + * Various QT changes + * NTCP2 socket descriptors leak + * Race condition with router's identity in transport sessions + * Not terminated streams remain forever + +- Update to 2.30.0: + * Single threaded SAM + * Experimental support of ECIES-X25519-AEAD-Ratchet crypto type + * Minimal MTU size is 1280 for ipv6 + * Use unordered_map instead map for destination's sessions and + tags list + * Use std::shuffle instead std::random_shuffle + * SAM is single threaded by default + * Reseeds list + * Correct termination of streaming destination + * Extra ',' in RouterInfo response in I2PControl + * SAM crash on session termination + * Storage for Android 10 + +- Update to 2.29.0: + * Client auth flag for b33 address + * Remove incoming NTCP2 session from pending list when established + * Handle errors for NTCP2 SessionConfrimed send + * SAM crash if invalid lookup address + * Possible crash when UPnP enabled on shutdown + +- Update to 2.28.0: + * RAW datagrams in SAM + * Publishing encrypted LeaseSet2 with DH or PSH authentication + * Ability to disable battery optimization for Android + * Transport Network ID Check + * Set and handle published encrypted flag for LeaseSet2 + * ReceiveID changes in the same stream + * "\r\n" command terminator in SAM + * Addressbook lines with signatures + +- Update to 2.27.0: + * Support of PSK and DH authentication for encrypted LeaseSet2 + * Uptime is based on monotonic timer + * BOB status command response + * Correct NTCP2 port if NTCP is disabled + * Flood encrypted LeaseSet2 with store hash + +- Update to 2.26.0: + * HTTP method "PROPFIND" + * Detection of external ipv6 address through the SSU + * NTCP2 publishing depends on network status + * ntcp is disabled by default, ntcp2 is published by default + * Response to BOB's "list" command + * ipv6 address is not longer NTCP's local endpoint's address + * Reseeds list + * HTTP_REFERER stripping in httpproxy (#823) + * Check and handle incorrect BOB input + * Ignore introducers for NTCP or NTCP2 addresses + * RouterInfo check from NTCP2 + +- Update to 2.25.0: + * Create, publish and handle encrypted LeaseSet2 + * Support of b33 addresses + * RedDSA key blinding + * .b32.i2p addresses in jump links + * ntcp2.addressv6 parameter + * Allow HTTP headers without value + * Set data directory from external storage path for Android + * addresshelper support is configurable per tunnel + * gradlew script for android build + * Deletion of expired encrypted LeaseSet2 on floodfills + * ipv6 fallback address + * SSU incoming packets routing + i3 +- Update to version 4.19.2: + * fix: release tarball version number and debug log settings + +- Update to version 4.19.1: + * fix: workspaces not moving to assigned output after output becomes available + * doc: rofi call in default i3 config comment fixed + * fix: i3-config-wizard creates duplicate bindcode + +- Update to version 4.19: + * Changes + - userguide: explain button6 and button7 (scroll wheel right/left) + - ipc: always include the marks property (even if empty) + - ipc: introduce GET_BINDING_STATE command + - ipc: clarify workspace name field semantics + - ipc: document parse_error COMMAND reply field + - i3bar: launch using exec to avoid leaving useless shell process + - i3bar: make dock client order deterministic (sorted by class/instance) as a + side effect, i3bars without an explicit bar-id will be sorted according + to their definition order in the config file + - i3bar: update config when necessary (reduces redraws on bar mode changes) + - i3bar: add coordinates relative to the current output in i3bar click events + - i3bar: add “nonprimary†output option + - i3bar: set WM_CLASS instance to bar id + - i3-input: add different exit codes for when i3-input fails + - i3-dmenu-desktop: Support symlinks in search path + - pod2html: render without stylesheet by default + - introduce “tiling_from†and â€floating_from†criteria + - mention rofi in default config file + - allow ppt values in move direction and move position commands + - allow matching on empty properties like class, title, etc. + * Bug fixes: + - i3-nagbar: Use _PATH_BSHELL to ensure using a bourne shell + - i3bar: fix hang when pausing/resuming bar program + - i3bar: fix crash on invalid JSON input + - ensure client windows have a size of at least 1px after resize + - correctly handle overlapping decorations + - limit workspace numbers within 0..INT32_MAX + - fix a bug with tiling resize inside floating container + - correctly handle mouse resize in fullscreen containers by + not propagating $mod+right click to fullscreen clients + - do not try to resize fullscreen and non-fullscreen windows + - do not focus floating windows changing workspace with ConfigureNotify + - set _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT after randr changes + - fix a bug with i3-nagbar not starting after it has already started once + - fix conflict when moving parent of fullscreen window to workspace + - fix named workspace assignments on output changes + - fix named workspace assignment precedence on workspace renames + - fix windows getting swallowed more than once + - erase i3 --moreversion progress line before overwriting + - fix test case 180-fd-leaks when running on Fedora + - fix crash in `focus next sibling` + - fix moving tiling windows out of the scratchpad + - fix crash on invalid JSON input in stored layouts + - fix monitor change during/with i3 restart by moving + content for non-existing output containers +- Move build to meson since autotools build was removed +- Remove support for EOL Leap 42.x + +- Update to version 4.18.3 + * Bugfixes + + kick tray clients before destroying the bar + +- Update to version 4.18.2: + * Bugfixes: + + floating_maybe_reassign_ws: only re-focus if previously + focused (fixes a focus issue with KDE notifications) + + get_output_by_name: guard output->primary with require_active + + i3bar: fix Xorg memory leak + +- packaging changes: + * use https everywhere + * switch to %autosetup + * Recommend xorg-x11-server + i3-gaps +- i3 v4.20 + * You can now use an “include†directive in your i3 config: + + * You can now enable showing window icons in window titlebars: + +- includes 4.20.1: + * i3bar: fix crash with multiple monitors + * xmlto: fix broken .TH line by extending title length + * i3-msg: fix --raw short form (-r) in manpage + * libi3: add missing sys/stat.h header + * use getcwd(NULL, 0) instead of GNU extension get_current_dir_name() +- includes 4.19.2: + * fix release tarball version number and debug log settings +- includes 4.19.1: + * fix workspaces not moving to assigned output after output becomes available + * fix duplicate bindcode after i3-config-wizard + * fix commented-out rofi call in default i3 config + +- Update to version 4.19.1: + * fix: workspaces not moving to assigned output after output becomes available + * doc: rofi call in default i3 config comment fixed + * fix: i3-config-wizard creates duplicate bindcode + +- Update to version 4.19: + * Changes + - userguide: explain button6 and button7 (scroll wheel right/left) + - ipc: always include the marks property (even if empty) + - ipc: introduce GET_BINDING_STATE command + - ipc: clarify workspace name field semantics + - ipc: document parse_error COMMAND reply field + - i3bar: launch using exec to avoid leaving useless shell process + - i3bar: make dock client order deterministic (sorted by class/instance) as a + side effect, i3bars without an explicit bar-id will be sorted according + to their definition order in the config file + - i3bar: update config when necessary (reduces redraws on bar mode changes) + - i3bar: add coordinates relative to the current output in i3bar click events + - i3bar: add “nonprimary†output option + - i3bar: set WM_CLASS instance to bar id + - i3-input: add different exit codes for when i3-input fails + - i3-dmenu-desktop: Support symlinks in search path + - pod2html: render without stylesheet by default + - introduce “tiling_from†and â€floating_from†criteria + - mention rofi in default config file + - allow ppt values in move direction and move position commands + - allow matching on empty properties like class, title, etc. + * Bug fixes: + - i3-nagbar: Use _PATH_BSHELL to ensure using a bourne shell + - i3bar: fix hang when pausing/resuming bar program + - i3bar: fix crash on invalid JSON input + - ensure client windows have a size of at least 1px after resize + - correctly handle overlapping decorations + - limit workspace numbers within 0..INT32_MAX + - fix a bug with tiling resize inside floating container + - correctly handle mouse resize in fullscreen containers by + not propagating $mod+right click to fullscreen clients + - do not try to resize fullscreen and non-fullscreen windows + - do not focus floating windows changing workspace with ConfigureNotify + - set _NET_DESKTOP_VIEWPORT after randr changes + - fix a bug with i3-nagbar not starting after it has already started once + - fix conflict when moving parent of fullscreen window to workspace + - fix named workspace assignments on output changes + - fix named workspace assignment precedence on workspace renames + - fix windows getting swallowed more than once + - erase i3 --moreversion progress line before overwriting + - fix test case 180-fd-leaks when running on Fedora + - fix crash in `focus next sibling` + - fix moving tiling windows out of the scratchpad + - fix crash on invalid JSON input in stored layouts + - fix monitor change during/with i3 restart by moving + content for non-existing output containers +- Move build to meson since autotools build was removed +- Remove support for EOL Leap 42.x + +- Update to version 4.18.3: + - Bugfix: kick tray clients before destroying the bar + +- Update to version 4.18.2: + * Bugfixes + - floating_maybe_reassign_ws: only re-focus if previously focused + (fixes a focus issue with KDE notifications) + - get_output_by_name: guard output->primary with require_active + - i3bar: fix Xorg memory leak + +- Update to version 4.18.1: + * Bugfixes + - Move parent nodes in scratchpad correctly + - i3bar: Call cont_child() more liberally + - Fix load_layout crash when floating node doesn't have + CT_FLOATING_CON parent + - Fix SEGFAULT when i3bar receives invalid input + - Revert "floating_reposition: avoid extra tree_render" + - Call tree_render if floating move changes workspace + - Update EWMH properties on workspace move + - cmd_focus_sibling: Fix crash on workspace level + i3blocks +- Drop pandoc BuildRequires: does not exist on all archs and seem + unused. + +- Update i3blocks to version 1.5 +- Set sysstat as recommends as sysstat is buggy and not a hard + requirement (depending on user configuration) + i3lock +- update to 2.13 + * Throw error when trying to start on Wayland + * Use explicit_bzero() where available, not just on OpenBSD + * avoid pixmap allocations in the redraw path + * make --debug output go to stderr + * unlock_indicator.c: fix build failure against gcc-10 + * fix: call pam_end in cleanup in main, not in event loop + * set _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR hint to avoid flickering +- drop patch: 0001-unlock_indicator.c-fix-build-failure-against-gcc-10.patch fixed upstream + +- Install pam configuration to /usr/etc/pam.d on suse_version >= + 1500 ( +- Add pre/posttrans scripts to ensure user modified + /etc/pam.d/i3lock survives our move to /usr/etc (and user + modification in /etc/pam.d wins over /usr/etc/pam.d) + +- update to 2.12 + * remove stray \n from error messages + * capitalize unlock indicator contents + * set WM_CLASS property + * reference modifier as “Superâ€, not “Win†+ * add --raw option to read image as raw bytes +- run spec-cleaner + * Remove Gropus +- add patch 0001-unlock_indicator.c-fix-build-failure-against-gcc-10.patch + to fix builds with gcc10 + +- Drop libudev1 BuildRequires: buildrequiring a library (and not a + relevant devel package) can't ever be correct. + +- update to 2.11.1 + * fix dist tarball by including I3LOCK_VERSION +- includes 2.11 + * Display an error when backspace is pressed without any input + * Print an error when a non-PNG file is opened (i3lock only supports + PNG files) + * Don’t unnecessarily check the xcb_connect return value, it is + known never to be NULL + * Fix memory leak when grabbing fails + * Respect Xft.dpi for determining the unlock indicator’s scale factor + * Discard pending password verification attempts when a new + password is entered + * Switch to autotools +- run spec-cleaner + i3status +- update to version 2.13: + * add memory module + * add read_file module + * drop CAP_NET_ADMIN (not needed on Linux ≥ 2.6.37) + * switch to autotools + * battery: hide seconds by default + * wireless: add format_quality + * doc: clarify min_width not being supported with dzen2/xmobar + * battery: read multiple batteries on DragonFlyBSD + * make: don’t use pulseaudio on DragonFlyBSD + * wireless: detect interface type on DragonFlyBSD + * cpu usage: fix: correctly print usage for cpu 10 + * cpu usage: fix: correctly print for invalid %cpu placeholder + * cpu usage: support non-consecutive CPUs + * time: add only_when_tz_different option + * ethernet: add %interface + * ethernet: fix speed display for 100 Gbit/s cards + * battery: handle POWER_SUPPLY_STATUS=Not charging + * volume: provide more natural volume percentage with ALSA + * volume: fix ALSA capture device monitoring + * volume: implement %devicename for PulseAudio and ALSA + * config: re-arrange disk after network interfaces + * fix: include sys/socket.h on macOS + * fix: strip network interface labels + * fix glob(3) error handling + * various testsuite improvements + * switch to clang-format-3.8 + +- Ensure neutrality of description. + +- update to version 2.12: + * show IP address when address has a label + * treat zero battery capacity as "not available" + * add IPv6 address when IPv4 isn't available + * call tzset at each time print to pick up time zone changes + * doc: fixed minor typos + * be more cautious about handling invalid battery measurements. + * fix CPU unit tests + * use local timezone for battery %emptytime + * fix memory leak/use BEGINS_WITH macro + * _first_: add check for virtual ethernet devices + * add battery capacity parsing + * multiple CPU support for cpu_usage + * remove useless checks (we use char, not unsigned char) to fix + compilation warnings + * disk: sanitize trailing slashes + * suppress printing :00 seconds of remaining battery lifetime, as + apm(4)'s estimate only has a granularity of minutes. + * Makefile: make PKG_CONFIG overridable + * man page updates +- cleanup with spec-cleaner +- use https urls +- remove yajl fallback from source to ensure ours is used +- remove SLOC comment from description (no longer valid) + ibus-typing-booster +- Update to 2.15.11 +- Use @functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) decorator for remove_accents() + (Makes everything 30%-40% faster) +- Add sorting option to tabstatistics + +- Update to 2.15.7 +- Convert user database context to lower case and accents removed + while reading training data +- Make the context in the database case insensitive and accent insensitive + (Resolves: +- Test cases for the sqlite database +- Allow cleanup_database() to cleanup an in memory database when doing unit tests +- Allow only lower case user shortcuts + (Resolves: +- Add function to return number of rows in the database for debugging and testing +- Allow to read training data from file when database is empty, + allow reading from .gz files + +- Update to 2.15.3 +- Title case all candidates if input_phrase is in title case + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.15.0 +- Make matching in the database case insensitive + ( +- Remove accents for “input_phrase†when learning from a text file + ( +- Make matching in dictionaries case insensitive + (Resolves: +- Cleanup user database when Typing Booster starts + (Resolves: + Also use the sqlite3 “VACUUM†command to rebuild the database + file, repacking it into a minimal amount of disk space +- Add, command line tool to display some information + about the database contents +- Use python3-pycountry as a fallback to langtable + (Resolves: +- Add “Recommends: python3-langtable†to make the setup tool look nicer + and the search for dictionaries and imes better +- Add “Recommends: python3-regex†to use better regexpressions if available + +- Update to 2.14.13 +- Skip emoji tests which rely on the enchant results if enchants results change + (Resolves: +- Make it possible to remove unwanted compose sequences by using + an empty replacement text + (Resolves: +- The ðŸ´â€â˜ ï¸ â€œpirate flag†needs a U+FE0F after the final character to be fully qualified +- Update data files for Unicode 14.0.0 + +- Update to 2.14.12 +- Add some extra logging for the emoji tests +- Add 'G-_' to 'G- ' as exceptions which must not trigger commits but + insert into the preedit + (Resolves: +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR + +- Update to 2.14.10 +- Fix “Inconsistency when typing digits in Compose†+ (Resolves: +- Fix “Toggling input mode on/off does not work when a compose sequence is in progress†+ (Resolves: +- Toggling input mode off should not throw away the current input + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.14.8 +- Translation update from Weblate (ca, es, it updated) +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Add IBus.KEY_KP_Decimal and IBus.KEY_period as a normal/keypad equivalence pair +- get_string_from_lookup_table_cursor_pos() should return the string in NFC + (Resolves: +- If an exception happens when trying to play a sound, catch it. +- Change default input method for pa from “pa-inscript2†to “pa-inscript2-guru†+- Make appearance tab narrower if possible (helps especially for the French translations) + (Resolves: +- Spellchecking the preëdit should only spellcheck the part of the preedit which is a word + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.14.4 +- Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, sv, tr, uk updated to 100%) +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Treat typing space within a preedit similar to typing Return within a preedit + (Resolves: +- When a key triggers a commit while no candidate is selected, the cursor + should **always** be corrected leftwards + (Resolves: +- When committing with Return inside a preedit, database recording and + pushed context is wrong + (Resolves: +- Fix a typo which caused “\n†to be committed where “\t†should have been committed. +- Remove spaces in lookup representation of compose completions +- If a keypad key makes compose sequence invalid, try sequence with + regular keys instead (And the other way round) + (Resolves: +- Make typing Return or KP_Enter inside a preedit more reliable + (Resolves: +- Show input method icons in the setup tool if an icon is available + (Resolves: +- Rename option “Arrow keys can reopen a preedit†to “Enable reopening preedits†+ (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.14.0 +- Update inscript2 input methods to: inscript2-20210812.tar.gz +- Delete m17n-db-1.8.0-inscript2-mni-sat.patch, not necessary anymore + because of the new inscript2-20210812.tar.gz tarball +- Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, sv, tr, uk updated to 100%) +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Improve code to determine the default dictionaries and input methods + for the current locale + (Resolves: +- Improve behaviour of key combinations which normally select text when a preëdit is open + (Resolves: +- Show possible compose completions on request + (Resolves: +- When setting self._input_mode to False (direct input), + set self._hide_input to False as well +- Never mix context from surrounding text with remembered context + (Resolves: +- Rename the option “Use a workaround for a bug in Qt im module†to + “Avoid using the forward_key_event() function†+ (Resolves: +- Handle End, Home, KP_End, KP_Home also as commit trigger keys. + For normal preedits *and* for compose preedits. + (Resolves: +- Improve typing space or Tab when the cursor is not at the end of the preedit + (Resolves: +- Completly new implementation of reopening the preedit on + arrow-keys, BackSpace and Delete. Should be much more reliable. + (Resolves: +- Special handling of Left and BackSpace when a candidate is manually selected + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.13.1 +- Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, tr, uk updated to 100%) +- Don’t skip reopening a preëdit when NumLock is on + (Resolves: +- Make searching for the “Others†input methods possible in the language + of the current locale + (Resolves: +- Don’t loop over the missing dictionaries when installing, install all in one go + (Resolves: +- When adding an input method, searching for localized language names, endonyms, + and English language names should work + (Resolves: +- When adding a dictionary, searching for the language endonym should always work + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.13.0 +- Translation update from Weblate (de, tr, uk updated to 100%) +- Use colour for the compose part of preedit + (Resolves: Use colour for the compose part of preedit) +- When a compose sequence becomes invalid, don’t throw it away + (Resolves: +- Cancelling a compose sequence should not beep + (Resolves: +- Don’t spell check the preedit while a compose sequence is in progress + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.12.1 +- Starting a compose sequence while a candidate is selected should + append to the selection + (Resolves: +- Translation update from Weblate (de, nl, pl, tr, uk all updated to 100%) +- Fix typo in translatable message (Thanks to Yuri Chornoivan) +- Add a few more combining chars for dead keys to the list (Thanks to Matthias Clasen) +- Reduce grid row spacing from 10 to 5 in the setup tool + +- Update to 2.12.0 +- Use the dead keys added recently to ibus as soon as they become available + by an ibus update + (see: +- Make Compose preedit less intrusive, show compose key only in + the middle of the sequence or when it is the only key so far +- Use · U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT instead of ⎄ U+2384 COMPOSITION SYMBOL to display + Multi_key in pre-edit. +- Add an option to play a sound on error (for example invalid compose sequence) +- Do not include the system compose files unconditionally if a user compose file exists + (Resolves: +- Add option to choose whether to start up in direct input mode + (Resolves: +- Change default input methods for Indian locales to inscript2 + +- Resolves: rhbz#1978361 + (<module>:ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'packaging') + +- Update to 2.11.5 +- Resolves: rhbz#1970626 Ensure enum.Flag's obj._value_ is an integer + Thanks to Miro HronÄok! +- Use version.parse from packaging instead of LooseVersion from distutils.version + (To fix a deprecation warning, see: +- Update py-compile to the version from automake-1.16 + (To fix DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of + importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12;) + +- Update to 2.11.4 +- In “import factory†only when the --xml option is not used + Resolves: +- Limit the “capitalize†case mode used in auto-capitalization to the + first index in a string + Resolves: + +- Update to 2.11.2 +- Improve the handling of typing digits into the preedit + Resolves: +- Make the keybindings treeview also sortable by clicking the column headers +- Make custom shortcut treeview sortable by clicking on the column headers +- Resolves: +- Don’t use surrounding text if InputPurpose.TERMINAL is set + +- Update to 2.11.0 +- Use sensitivity feature of buttons in the setup tool tab where shortcuts are defined +- Don’t let dialog action area of setup tool expand. +- Improve the setup tool to make it possible to enter multi-line expansions of shortcuts +- Resolves +- Elide extremely long candidates in the lookup table in the middle. +- If a candidate contains newlines, replace the newlines with arrows in the lookup table. +- If a commit string contains new-lines, commit it in several chunks + and forward Return between the chunks. +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Put the remote icon back in emoji-picker.appdata.xml, it was a + false positive by appstreamcli +- Translation update from Weblate (pt_PT updated, 100% complete now) +- Skip the inscript2 test cases if these transliterations are not available. + +- Update to 2.10.5 +- Run the voikko tests only for libvoikko version >= 4.3 +- Adapt voikko test cases to the newest voikko version + libvoikko-4.3-3, python3-libvoikko-4.3-3, voikko-fi-2.4-3 +- Log a warning when language is “fi†and “import libvoikko†failed +- Return an empty list [] in spellcheck_suggest_voikko() when libvoikko was not imported +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR, switching “no†and “nb†+ See: +- Remove icon in emoji-picker.appdata.xml (to avoid warnings + from appstream-util and appstreamcli). + +- Update to 2.10.4 +- Use “from unittest import mock†instead of just “import mockâ€. +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Translation update from Weblate for zh_CN (still 100% complete) + +- Update to 2.10.3 +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Translation update from Weblate for ja, zh_CN + (zh_CN is 100% complete now) + +- Update to 2.10.2 +- Add vi-telex to the default input methods for vi_VN locale +- Enable Unicode 13.1 Emoji in emoji-picker by default +- Update emoji data to Unicode 13.1 +- Translation update from Weblate for zh_CN + +- Update to 2.10.1 +- Use IBus.InputHints.{UPPERCASE_CHARS,UPPERCASE_WORDS,LOWERCASE} +- Add utility to manually test input purpose and input +- Improve handling of input purpose and input hints +- Add compatibility enum classes InputPurpose and InputHints +- Add type hints +- Change default for emoji_unicode_min to 0.0 + (fixes emoji omitted from browsing in emoji-picker) + +- Update to 2.10.0 +- Add option to automatically capitalize after punctuation + (Resolves: +- Don't record in user database when stripped_input_phrase or + stripped_commit_phrase are emty +- When interactively deleting a candidate from the user database, + remove all case modes +- Add 4 more characters ÞĦŊŦ to get special treatment in remove_accents() +- Translation updates from Weblate for ca, es, fr, it, ja, nl, sv + +- Update to 2.9.9 +- Fix typo in variable name in do_reset() +- KP_Delete should be handled the same way as Delete +- Translation update form Weblate for de, he, pl, tr, uk + +- Update to 2.9.8 +- Prevent also Delete from reopening a preedit when the option + “Arrow keys can reopen a preedit†is off +- When the input is empty, Escape should be passed through, + not inserted into the preedit +- Fix itb_util.tokenize(): if the input is only whitespace, + the return should be an empty list +- Don’t clear context after typing Return, KP_Enter, ISO_Enter +- Improve behaviour of case modes +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR + +- Update to 2.9.7 +- Add commands “next_case_mode†and “previous_case_mode†+ with configurable key bindings +- Better hot key handling for modifier keys like Shift_L, … +- Use labels 1, 2, 3, … for the lookup table instead of 1., 2., 3., … +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR + +- Update to 2.9.6 +- Make translations of 'Edit key bindings for command “%sâ€' work +- Don't hide emoji-picker.desktop from AppStream (by Gunnar Hjalmarsson) +- Translation update from Weblate for pt_BR, sv (100%) + +- Update to 2.9.5 +- Treat characters 'ÅåÄäÖö' as special when matching in the Swedish dictionary + (Resolves: http :// +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- AppStream tweaks by Gunnar Hjalmarsson +- Translation update from Weblate for ca, de, es, sv + +- Update to 2.9.4 +- Add emoji-picker.appdata.xml +- Fix warnings and errors in typing-booster.appdata.xml +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR +- Support %S expansion in include statements in compose files +- Translation update from Weblate for fr, he, hu, zh_CN + +- Update to 2.9.3 +- Translation updates from Weblate for he +- Fix wrong indentation of push_context() in _commit_string() + +- Update to 2.9.2 +- Translation updates from Weblate for es +- Ignore invalid compose sequences when reading compose files +- Update emoji annotations from CLDR + +- Update to 2.9.1 +- Translation updates form Weblate for fr, nl, zh_TW +- Make keyboard shortcuts like Control+a work on non-ASCII keyboard layouts + (Resolves: +- Fix broken adding of key bindings + (Resolves: + +- Update to 2.9.0 +- Translation updates from Weblate for de, ja, pl, tr, uk, zh_CN +- Update ibus-typing-booster.pot (Some new translatable strings, tooltips for 2 new buttons) +- Improve matching of keybindings, consider IBus.ModifierType.MODIFIER_MASK + (Resolves: +- Show the list of dictionaries in the setup tool only if it is more than just ['None'] +- If a real dictionary is added in the setup tool, remove dummy dictionary 'None'. +- Add black flag for the special dummy dictionary 'None' +- Add doctests to check that the special dictionary 'None' is handled correctly +- When the list of imes or dictionaries is emptied by the user, set it to 'NoIME' or 'None' + (Resolves: +- Add "Set to default" buttons for the list of input methods and dictionaries +- Remove the special candidate which is shown when a dictionary is missing + icc-examin +- Add patch to fix build with modern compilers: + * 0001-core-fix-for-FreeBSD-clang-4.0.patch +- Spec cleanup + -- release 0.54 -- fix warnings with Xcm - icecast -- Fix buffer overflow in url-auth (CVE-2018-18820, bsc#1114434): - icecast-CVE-2018-18820-1.patch - icecast-CVE-2018-18820-2.patch +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * icecast.service + +- update to version 2.4.4: + * Fix buffer overflows in URL auth code (CVE-2018-18820, + bsc#1114434) + * Worked around buffer overflows in URL auth’s cURL interface + * Do not report hashed user passworts in user list + * Fixed segfault in htpasswd auth if no filename is set + * Fixed a segfault when xsltApplyStylesheet() returns error + * Do not segfault on malformed Opus streams + * Global listener count could be negative under certain + circumstances + * Added code to announce Opus streams as such towards yp servers -- Remove the obsoleted icecast-2.3.2-CVE-2011-4612.diff that leads - to invalid access to freed memory (bnc#862096) - ices +- Update to version 2.0.3: + * Add support for m3u and VCLT playlists + * Add support for TLS + * Add support for Ogg/Opus, Ogg/Speex, and Ogg/FLAC + (without transcoding support) + * Add support to run a command after a track finished + * Improved shuffling for playlists + * Several fixes, code improvements, and hardening +- Drop outdated and resolved ices-gcc-warning-fix.diff + +- update to 2.0.2: + * Support for RoarAudio input + * Updated Documentation (Closes: #1238) + * Fixed double shout_close() (Closes: #720) + * Reduced error to warning in case of duplicate serial number. + * Fixed handling of <reconnectattempts> when set to zero (Closes: #735) + * Did some code cleanup and hardening (Closes: #1795) + * Enabled compiler warnings (Closes: #1796) + * Added <retry-initial> (Closes: #994) + * Upated handling of empty strings in config file (Closes: #1875) + icoutils +- Update to version 0.32.3: + * Fixed a segfault. (Martin Gieseking, Savannah bug 52319) + * Updated Gnulib stuff. +- Changes for version 0.32.2 + * Corrected fix for savannah bug 52308 (caused wrestool to always + fail). + * Added support for PE32+ binaries. +- Changes fo version 0.32.1: + * Fixed multiple issues found by Hanno Böck <> + via fuzzing. (Savannah bugs 52307, 52308, 52313) +- Changes for version 0.32.0: + * Fixed issues found by Jerzy Kramarz: + + Invalid memory allocation in icotool with malformed input. + + Infinite recursion in wrestool with malformed input. + * Added ability to specify minimum bit depth per image. + * Added ability to specify cursor hotspot per image. + -- update to 0.28.0 - * license changed to GPLv3+ - id3lib +- Remove --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static). +- Modernize some macros. +- Implement shared library packaging policy. + -- add libtool as buildrequire to make the spec file more reliable - idep +- Modernise spec file +- Actually build in build phase + ifuse +- Update to 1.1.4 (boo#1181620) + * Use automake silent rules if available + * Add helpful message when mounting an app document folder fails + * Add new --list-apps option to print list of apps with file sharing enabled + * Remove length check on UDID argument to support newer devices + * Add --network option to allow connecting to network devices + * Add title row and use double quotes for --list-apps output + * Drop support for older versions of libimobiledevice + * Bump libimobiledevice dependency to 1.3.0 + * Bump libplist dependency to 2.2.0 + * Improve with project description, installation, + contributing and usage sections +- Spec cleanup + -- Update to 0.9.6: - * Port to libiphone 0.9.6 API - * Improve error message on failed root filesystem access - * Notify user if startup fails due to the device having a - password set - * Fix handling of uuid command line argument - * Remove hardcoded allow_other fuse argument - ignition +- Update to version 2.13.0: + * news: add notes for 2.13.0 + * config/v3_4_exp: noProxy entries cannot be null + * config/v3_4_exp: mark ignition.version as required + * docs/supported-platforms: add some description about Nutanix + * providers/nutanix: add Nutanix platform + * tests: use umountPath as a thin wrapper around umountPartition + * internal/providers: refactor handling of unmounting the mount path + * tests: address gostatic-check warning + * tests: Add base64 decoding test + * Dockerfile.validate: build with Fedora 35 + * go.mod: update dataurl to 1.0.0 + * ci: give blackbox tests two hours to run + * tests/filesystem: fix umountPartition retry loop + * templates: skip vendoring the new version in favor of dependabot + * go.mod: update vcontext + * providers/virtualbox: read config from /Ignition/Config guest property + * stages/filesystems: use mkfs.fat instead of mkfs.vfat + * docs/supported-platforms: switch to Afterburn docs URL + * docs/supported-platforms: drop reference to platform-specific agents + * test: ensure all platforms are documented + * docs/supported-platforms: add missing platforms + * stages/files: rename `relabelDirsForFile` and add docstring + * stages/files: make variable name follow Go convention + * docs/supported-platforms: update platform names and URLs + * docs/supported-platforms: sort by platform ID + * docs/supported-platforms: add platform IDs + * docs: Remove default layout from front matter + * docs: Do not convert -- & --- to en/em-dash + * internal/*: change the location of Ignition report + * internal/exec/util: rename FindFirstMissingDirForFile and tweak docs + * providers/qemu: start reporting progress reading fw_cfg after 10 s + * providers/qemu: optimize fw_cfg read size + * ci: use coreos-ci-lib helper for kola testiso + * *: gofmt 1.17 + * workflows: bump Go and golangci-lint + * config: update versions in comments +- Removed obsolete ignition-rpmlintrc + +- Make sure to create /boot/writable (may not be present in some + images) + +- is-live-image doesn't exist on *SUSE, and our live images don't + use Ignition, so just add the Ignition device dependency to the + service file directly. + +- Update to version 2.12.0: + * news: add notes for 2.12.0 + * stages/files: add previousReport to result report + * tests: fix linter warning + * workflows: limit permissions to reading repo contents + * workflows: bump linter version + * go.mod: revendor + * Drop EOL Go versions + * internal/distro: drop DiskByIDDir + * providers/azure: add support for azure gen2 VMs + * stages/mount: correctly relabel the root of a fresh ext4 filesystem + * exec: fix permissions for mountpoints in home dirs + * tests: drop os.ModeDir requirement in mode of output directories + * examples: reboot with --force + * exec/util: add blkid API to query block devices based on FSTYPE + * stages/files: use IntToPtr() in createCrypttabEntries() + * stages/files: write result report to /var/lib/ignition + * engine: persist fetched config summaries in State + * stages/disks: use State to persist keyfiles for files stage + * *: add general mechanism for persisting state between stages + * main: drop -clear-cache flag + * engine: don't hardcode neednet path + * fetch-offline: return ErrNeedNet if we need net + * engine: switch Engine.logReport() to pointer receiver + * engine: fix incorrect error in log message + * dracut: drop ignition-setup-user.service + * dracut: drop reference to ignition-setup-base.service + * providers/gcp: access GCP metadata service by IP address + * Remove ignition-firstboot-complete.service + * OWNERS: remove + * internal/exec/util: drop device argument from cResultToErr() + * docs/config*: document storage.luks.clevis.threshold default + * ci: disable spec bump external test workaround + * docs: Add Ignition release / Spec version table + * templates: update example releng signing ticket + * templates: don't update %gotest lines + * Provide ignition-firstboot-complete.service (removed by upstream + due to correctly being considered distro spcific), based on the + old upstream version; removed all non-SUSE specific stuff and + integrated our own changes + * Removed change-ignition-firstboot-path.conf (changes are + integrated into ignition-firstboot-complete.service now). + * Provide ignition-setup-user.service (removed by upstream due + to correctly being considered distro spcific), based on the old + upstream version. + * Renamed to + * Adapted ignition-generator-suse and to use the + custom ignition-setup-user.service (no overriding of parts of the + service file necessary any more). + * Synced ignition-kargs-helper script with upstream example + * Raising minimum Go version to 1.15 as required by upstream + +- Include vfat and nls kernel modules into initrd so that we can + read the ignition configuration from USB drives [bsc#1184202] + +- Ignore error return code if no virtualization environment + detected. [bsc#1188479] + This makes it possible to use Ignition also on bare metal (e.g. + when dumping images directly to disk) without adding a + parameter. + +- If a Combustion device was mounted, then unmount it in + ignition-kargs-helper - the replacement script will be put on + the same location + +- Update to version 2.11.0: + * news: add notes for 2.11.0 + * Upgraded docs + * config/*: return report from previous parser when chaining + * config/*: re-order testcases by version + * tree: update for stable v3.3.0 and new v3.4.0-experimental + * config/v3_4_experimental: adapt for experimental + * config/v3_4_experimental: copy from config/v3_3 + * config/v3_3: adapt for stabilization + * config/v3_3_experimental: rename to config/v3_3 + * config/v3_3_exp: pointerify ClevisCustom Config and Pin + * config/v3_3_exp: pointerify Raid.Level + * config/v3_3_exp: pointerify LinkEmbedded1.Target + * stages/disks: simplify a check + * config/v3_1/translate: don't point to field from input struct + * config/v3_3_exp: drop devices from schema "required" field + * config/*: validate that is non-empty + * config/*/types: add RAID validation tests + * config/shared/errors: fix ErrSparesUnsupportedForLevel message + * config: fix comment + * *: formally bump Go to 1.13 + * platform: add powervs platform + * internal/providers/*stack: drop dead timeout code + * stages/disks: improve error reporting for LUKS device reuse + * ignition-setup-user.service: drop Before=multipathd.service + * Dockerfile: build ignition-validate container using Fedora + * workflows: test on Go 1.16 + * tests/*: verify deletion of block device w/o creating a FS + * *: allow erasing block device without creating a filesystem + * *: rename other projects' master branches to main + * *: rename master branch to main + * config/*: add export functions for parsing any config version < N + * config/*: refactor config.go's Parse() to use GetConfigVersion + * config/* : minor cleanup +- Refreshed to match new Ignition spec + * 0002-allow-multiple-mounts-of-same-device.patch + +- Implement missing ignition-kargs-helper script for kernel + argument support + +- Update to version 2.10.1: + * Breaking Changes: + * Rename Custom struct to ClevisCustom + * Embed Clevis and ClevisCustom structs in parents + * Always include interior nodes in merge transcript + * Add kernel argument support + * Fix fetching userdata on AWS when IMDSv1 is disabled + * Fix creating Tang-based LUKS volumes before network is up + * Document storage.filesystems.wipeFilesystem default + * Fix file mode of ignition-kargs-helper script +- Fix Go dependency, 1.13+ is required + +- Update to version 2.9.0: + * news: add notes for 2.9.0 + * internal/providers: Run platform Init function before fetching config + * internal/providers/aws: fix panic when an IMDSv2 token is present + * internal/resource/http: re-order initial backoff ramping + * internal/providers/util: drop dead code + * ci: move Travis jobs to GitHub actions + * *: fix errcheck warnings + * internal/log: drop the error return to appease golanci-lint + * internal/providers/packet: fix ineffassign warning + * internal/exec/stages/files: fix the EntrySort test + * internal: support IMDSv2 for AWS metadata service + * config/*: require filesystems.format with wipeFilesystem or mountOptions + * docs: make storage.filesystems.path field optional + * aws: Log if we fail to determine the EC2 region + * docs: move uniqueness constraint to units + * *: fix gosimple warnings + * *: fix deadcode warnings + * *: fix staticcheck warnings + * config/*: fix nil deref on partitions with no number or label + * config: add specs newer than 3.0 to TestConfigStructure + * news: add notes for 2.8.1 + * config/merge: support struct pointers + * test: drop stale comment + * tests: Remove unused checkOnStrings + * news: add notes for 2.8.0 + * config: deprecate MergeStruct() + * config/merge: allow obtaining a transcript of merge operations + * config/merge: access field name as fieldMeta.Name + * config/merge: test primitive list items in slice case 1 + * config/merge: fix typo + * config/merge: fix comments and add a couple more + * config/util: remove stray print when parsing invalid JSON + * vendor: update vcontext + * docs/development: update dep list for blackbox tests + * tests/positive: Add tests for masking and unmasking units + * units: add support for unmasking systemd units + * release-checklist: minor updates to the release instructions + * tests/positive/general: add test for merging multiple base configs + * tests/positive/general: update base config reference + * docs/development: update spec stabilization to avoid CI breakage + * release-checklist: drop + * providers/system: support .d directory for base config fragments + * docs/migrating-configs: spell out Google Cloud Storage + * release-checklist: update packaging section + +- Replace '%service_del_postun -n' with '%service_del_postun_without_restart' + '-n' is deprecated and will be removed in the future. + +- Update to version 2.7.0: + * news: add notes for 2.7.0 + * docs: stabilize spec + * gomod: bump to v0.22.5 + * docs: add section to spec stabilization for failing external tests + * news: fix error in 2.3.0 changelog + * tests: update for spec stabilization + * internal: update for new experimental spec + * config/v3_3_experimental: create new experimental package + * config/v3_2_experimental: mark stable + * interal/providers/*stack: drop timeout for config fetch + * internal/providers/*stack: exit early if all configs error out + * internal/providers/*stack: make ErrNotFound authoritative + * doc: add clevis custom documentation + * internal/exec/stages: add clevis custom support + * config: add custom options for clevis devices + * fetch-offline: immediately return ErrNeedNet on OpenStack + * ci: unfreeze kernel + * tests/*: add test for resizing an existing partition + * docs/*: add resize partition info + * stages/disks: support resizing an existing partition + * config: add resize to schema + * README: Minor changes for consistency + * test: Use alternative marker for testing ignition config examples + * docs: Convert and improve formatting for INI sections + * docs: Add spec ordering instructions for new stable releases + * docs: Add ToC for some long pages + * docs: Rename Migrating ... to Upgrading Configs + * docs: Fix link in Development page + * docs: Add specs reference page + * docs: Add index page inspired from README + * docs: Add Config Validation example from README + * docs: Add Jekyll front matter for existing pages + * docs: Add Jekyll and theme config + * internal: fix S3 region detection + * docs: Follow-up for doc->docs renaming + * docs: Rename doc to docs for GitHub Pages support + * docs/getting-started: tiny cleanups + * README: drop stray link target + * doc: drop references to Container Linux + * doc/development: drop section on running blackbox tests on CL + * doc: add gs url scheme for bare metal platform + * fetch: don't run if fetch-offline fetched a config + * doc: fix LUKS indentation for configuration-v3_2_experimental docs + * doc: Add shouldExist for users and groups + * engine: fix logging interactions with fetch-offline + * AzureStack: fix unfortunate typo of iso9660 + * *: add wipeVolume LUKS field + * types: Use "path" instead of "path/filepath" + * Add support for building 32 bit ARM version + * Install Dracut modules with correct permissions + * Add support for building 32 bit x86 version + * doc: add LUKS examples & operator notes + * internal/stages/disks: allow LUKS device re-use + * internal: use device aliases for LUKS + * tests: fix partition.number0 partition size specification + * blkid: drop some unsafe pointer casts + * blkid: fix invalid pointer cast in DumpDisk() + * {sgdisk,blkid}: use int64 for sector counts + * sgdisk: stop putting sector counts in MiB fields + * README: note that spec2x is unmaintained + * release-checklist: drop support for Ignition 0.x + * release-checklist: minor updates +- Remove upstreamed patches + * 0001-fix-install-permissions.patch + * 0003-fix-i386-build.patch + * ignition-fix-arm32-installation.patch +- Refreshed to match new Ignition spec + * 0002-allow-multiple-mounts-of-same-device.patch + +- Retrigger udev when requesting networking on demand + +- 02_ignition_firstboot, Drop ip=dhcp, + it's the default anyway and avoids a delay on boot (boo#1173402) +- 02_ignition_firstboot: Drop rd.neednet=1, both ignition and + combustion enable it themselves when necessary + +- Change virtualization detection from virt-what to + systemd-detect-virt; this avoids a dependency to a hardcoded + libexec path in (which broke during the recent + migration to /usr/libexec) + +- Add patch to fix install on %arm: + * ignition-fix-arm32-installation.patch + +- Fixed "ignition presets not applied" (boo#1172510) +- Refresh 0001-fix-install-permissions.patch to match pull request + +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * news: add notes for 2.6.0 + * travis: test container build + * README: always run latest release of ignition-validate container + * release-checklist: update Quay release tag + * build_releases: specialize for container build + * Revert "build_releases: drop script" + * ci: use faster compression for buildextend-live + * cloudstack|openstack: propagate ErrNeedNet + * internal/config: allow Ignition generated key-files for all devices + * dracut/30ignition: Add packages to delete users/groups + * tests/positive: Add test for deleting users + * tests/stubs: Add blackbox testing stub for userdel and groupdel + * config: add ShouldExist to schema + * passwd: allow removing the existing users/groups + * Revert "ci: skip rootfs.uuid test while ratcheting ignition-dracut merge" + * ci: drop cosa compress call +- Add 0001-fix-install-permissions.patch: Fix permissions of installed files +- Add 0003-fix-i386-build.patch: Fix build on 32 Bit x86 machines + +- Update to version 2.5.0: + Merge of ignition-dracut into ignition; CoreOS specific files have been + removed (they can be found as part of + now for reference) + * news: add notes for 2.5.0 + * ci: skip rootfs.uuid test while ratcheting ignition-dracut merge + * stages/disks: get filesystem info via device alias + * dracut: remove CoreOS specific modules + * Clean-up post-merge files. + * ci: build metal4k image before live image + * 30ignition: move conditional network startup out of ignition-dracut + * tests/kola: move blackbox tests to its own dir + * build_releases: drop script + * templates: update checklist for current process + * dracut/30ignition: fix typo in udev rule + * dracut/30ignition: add Ignition LUKS + * make: install systemd unit as non-executable + * 30ignition: make var in dracut_func local + * Add new ignition-fetch-offline.service + * ci: test with git master of coreos/ignition + * 30ignition: GPT setup: wait for 'boot' labeled partition + * 30ignition: add wipefs to the initramfs + * Remove OnFailure= from targets, put in services + * ignition-setup-user.service: run before multipathd + * 30ignition: clean up Ignition stages ordering + * coreos-teardown-initramfs: propagate the automatic multipath conf + * 99emergency-timeout: Dump all failed services + * 30ignition: drop hard requirement on qemu_fw_cfg + * 99emergency-timeout: improve readability of Ignition failure message + * 99emergency-timeout: also check ignition-fetch.service for failure + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: don't run when + * dracut: add logging to systemd generator + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: also propagate hostname + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: support coreos.no_persist_ip karg + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: consider ifcfg files in real root for RHCOS + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: also skip local loopback interface + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: do SELinux relabel on copied files + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: order ExecStop after other ignition units + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: remove After=ignition-files.service + * Add ignition-virtio-dump-journal.service + * Add `basename` dependency to dracut module + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: enable the service statically + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: simplify networking takedown + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: take down routes too + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: take down teams as well + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: remove state files on switch + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: also propagate initramfs networking if desired + * coreos-teardown-initramfs-network: refactor into more functions + * add coreos-teardown-initramfs-network.service + * Declare external applications as optional + * Remove obsolete dependencies + * Hook up to CoreOS CI + * Add + * Makefile: Remove grub/ install bits + * Make setfiles optional + * dracut: add some bins for s390x zVM instalation + * add details about the branches here + * units: add ConditionPathExists=/etc/initrd-release everywhere + * Add ConditionPathExists=/etc/initrd-release to targets + * 30ignition: add setfiles + * 30ignition/ignition-setup-user: mount /boot partition ro + * firstboot-complete: tell zipl to run + * coreos-gpt-setup: workaround old lsblk not having PTUUID + * Add `` for non-Ignition boots + * ignition-firstboot-complete.service: Run as part of + * Run ignition-disks earlier to avoid race condition + * 30ignition: update OnFailure comment + * dracut: Add an ignition-fetch.service + * 30ignition: drop OnFailure handler from + * 30ignition: fix sequencing of target dependencies + * Add RemainAfterExit=yes to systemd units of Type=oneshot + * Makefile: New file implementing `make install` + * 30ignition: move coreos-gpt-setup RemainAfterExit to correct section + * 30ignition: on live images, read config.ign from custom initrd + * 30ignition: make ignition-diskful a dependency of ignition-complete + * 30ignition: fix double slash in ignition-setup-* dest paths + * systemd: don't try to mark live boots complete + * 30ignition: conditionally enable units requiring a boot disk + * fix download link + * update-bootengine: drop file + * dracut/30ignition: localize some variables + * ignition: fix correct device path when randomizing UUID + * dracut/30ignition: fix typo in module_setup + * ignition: split ignition-setup into base and user + * dracut/30ignition: scramble disk uuid on 1st boot + * grub: drop 02_ignition_firstboot + * dracut: add 99emergency-timeout + * 30ignition: drop CoreOS specific bits + * dracut/30ignition: link to RHBZ in ignition-complete + * dracut/30ignition: add OnFailure= for ExecStop= services + * dracut/30ignition: order ExecStop= units before + * dracut/30ignition: re-order directives in remount-sysroot + * dracut/30ignition: add missing Before= for mount unit + * dracut/30ignition: order before + * module_setup: include cdrom rules for openstack + * dracut: add CoreOS integration services + * dracut/30ignition: Add mount stage and drop OSTree-specific bits + * dracut/30ignition: Explicitly add + * 30ignition: ignore coreos.randomize_disk_guid + * 30ignition: drop check for + * grub: support overriding network kcmdline args + * update documentation + * 02_ignition_firstboot: Enable networking if Ignition will run + * dracut/30ignition: expect ignition binary in module directory + * dracut/30ignition: add + * dracut/30ignition: split out ignition-setup.service + * dracut/30ignition: Only write ignition-setup.service on first boot + * grub: find boot partition and use it directly + * Check for module qemu_fw_cfg not build-in, so it works out of box on all arches + * dracut/30ignition: general hack cleanups + * dracut: adapt for s/oem/platform in Ignition + * ignition-setup: don't perform umount, rely on systemd + * ignition-setup: rename copy function + * services: fixup unit deps to more match CL + * ignition-setup: use MountFlags=slave for systemd unit + * ignition-setup: changes from code review + * ignition-setup: mount/unmount boot to grab user.ign + * dracut: add /usr/sbin/ignition-setup to initramfs + * generator: try to get ignition-setup to run on boot + * generator: RemainAfterExit=yes for ignition-setup + * ignition-setup: support boot or platform base/user configs + * ignition-setup: remove support for default configs + * Remove the check for OEM partition, not used + * Always check for boot, needs to exist + * Replace OEM with boot + * Add ability to parse config.ign file on boot + * journal: add clarifying comment for context + * Remount /sysroot rw (#38) + * ignition-firstboot-complete.service: Remount /boot rw + * Rename `coreos.firstboot` kernel cmdline arg to `ignition.firstboot` to make options more distribution neutral. Update dracut/README.txt to take into account recent changes. + * 30ignition: only instmods if module available + * remove ignition-remount-sysroot.service files + * ignition: run files stage at original CL ordering + * ignition-disks.service: drop + * ignition-ask-var-mount.service: use RemainAfterExit=yes + * explicitly install qemu_fw_cfg + * module-setup: Make mkfs.btrfs optional + * 30ignition: add support for ignition-disks + * journal: Don't log to console AND kmsg + * dracut/ignition: remove CL-legacy udev references + * coreos-firstboot-complete: RemainAfterExit=yes + * change the default level of messages send to kmsg + * Add Journald forward to kernel log buffer option + * fixup! Rework how we run Ignition on first boot + * Rework how we run Ignition on first boot + * Drop 'auto-detect' hacks in generator + * Make ignition work on classic systems + * ignition-generator: add hack for openstack support + * Add ignition-ask-var-mount.service + * no disks for now - boot systemd unit ordering issue + * Run ignition-files after ostree-prepare-root.service + * Prefix remount-sysroot.service with "ignition-" + * README.txt: fix rpm-ostree instruction + * update README + * add back in forwarding journal to console + * get rid of usr-generator module + * For now let's assume ec2 if we are running on xen + * module-setup: update module-setup so deps are pulled in + * module-setup: order install list alphabetically + * README: Note instructions are for classic systems + * ignition-quench.clc: add the source for ignition-quench.ign + * add ignition disks stage + * only run Ignition on first boot + * should install the binaries Ignition depends on + * reset to 863a8f6 + * Try to fix problem + * Revert "use /etc/machine-id to detect firstboot" + * use /etc/machine-id to detect firstboot + * Make it so we will only run once + * Add README that shows people how to use this + * Hack dracut to just do ignition-files. + * remove extra sauce + * dracut: drop obsolete comment + * 99start-root: drop DEVLINKS from mdadm invocation + * update CoC and legalese + * dracut: ignore Azure SR-IOV VF interface + * dracut: correctly sequence disk-uuid@ before ignition-setup + * dracut: copy Ignition base configs into system dir + * dracut: fix comment + * dracut: consolidate Oracle OCI network units + * dracut: add module to start iSCSI root disk + * dracut: add network units for Oracle OCI + * dracut: move IP/link teardown from a drop-in to a separate unit + * dracut: switch to using gpt partition types + * dracut: add module to assemble root raid array + * update-bootengine: enable terminfo module + * dracut: fail verity-setup.service if verity setup fails + * dracut: update some comments in usr-generator + * dracut: disable systemd-fsck@.service for /usr + * dracut: prevent dev-mapper-usr.device from timing out + * dracut: Move chmod into coreos-overlay with the others + * dracut: Run coreos-static-network before ignition-files + * dracut: add mkswap for ignition-disks + * update-bootengine: take out multipath again with 045 + * dracut: Have ignition depend on the upstream qemu module + * dracut: use coreos-metadata to configure Packet networking on first boot + * dracut: on ec2, disable systemd-networkd if ignition fails + * update-bootengine: Drop amd64-generic from usage text + * dracut: Drop support for diskless amd64-generic + * dracut: disable networkd by default + * dracut: conditionally enable coreos-digitalocean-network.service + * dracut/30ignition: add mkfs.vfat + * Revert "add sysusers to the initramfs" + * add sysusers to the initramfs + * dracut: Don't prompt twice upon reaching a dracut breakpoint + * dracut: Don't instantly reboot upon reaching a dracut breakpoint + * dracut: Unmount /sysroot/boot more carefully + * dracut: teach ignition-generator about kvm + * dracut: Delete /boot/coreos/first_boot after automatic Ignition run + * dracut: Add comment + * Revert "dracut: Use ConditionKernelCommandLine in Ignition units" + * Revert "dracut: Run ignition-files whenever /etc/machine-id doesn't exist" + * Revert "dracut: Randomize disk GUID only after ignition-disks succeeds" + * dracut: Confirm entering emergency shell, reboot otherwise + * dracut: Randomize disk GUID only after ignition-disks succeeds + * dracut: Run ignition-files whenever /etc/machine-id doesn't exist + * dracut: Use ConditionKernelCommandLine in Ignition units + * dracut: Eliminate + * dracut: Migrate Ignition unit files from coreos-overlay + * diskless-generator: Fix root directory mode 1777 on tmpfs + * dracut: add qemu detection to ignition generator + * dracut: support initramfs network configuration via cmdline + * verity-generator: use BindsTo for device dependencies + * verity-generator: fix race with disk modification jobs + * dracut: enable coreos-digitalocean-network.service + * dracut: add digitalocean network config + * dracut: include cdrom_id rules + * dracut: install qemu_fw_cfg lkm in ignition module + * dracut: build onto the upstream systemd-networkd module + * dracut: change pxe network config condition + * dracut: set ClientIdentifier=mac for the PXE OEM + * update-bootengine: add -k to usage message + * dracut: install kernel network modules + * update-bootengine: add support for bundling kernel modules + * dracut: include ca-certs bundle + * setup-root: fix ordering with /sysroot/usr mount + * dracut: enable DHCPv6 + * dracut: make gpt headers valid before randomizing + * dracut: add forward-to-console option to journald + * dracut: run tmpfilesd with etc-shadow config + * dracut: explicitly order disk-uuid before systemd-fsck-root + * dracut: read guid to randomize in disk-uuid from kernel paramater + * dracut: require disk-uuid.service on coreos.randomize_disk_guid=1 + * dracut: use ignition-generator to require disk-uuid.service + * dracut: parse for ignition + * setup-root: fix ordering between selinux-base.conf and libsemanage.conf + * dracut: add mkfs.xfs to ignition + * initrd-setup-root: check selinux tmpfiles configs before using them + * update-bootengine: use the native ldconfig + * dracut: apply etc.conf in initrd-setup-root + * dracut: remove link-local addr from network config + * dracut: remove junk from + * dracut: remove Ignition udev trigger + * dracut: use inst_simple instead of inst + * dracut: swap ignition.force for coreos.first_boot + * dracut: add mkfs dependencies for Ignition + * dracut: use idiomatic method for installing rules + * bootengine: apply baselayout-home.conf in initrd-setup-root + * bootengine: fully populate the initrd shadow db from baselayout + * bootengine: initialize /sysroot/etc shadowdb files from baselayout + * bootengine: convert initrd-setup-root to a standalone shell script + * bootengine: convert setup-root to a standalone systemd service + * bootengine: rename 80setup-root to 99setup-root + * Set up selinux tmpfiles before performing root pivot + * dracut: set DefaultDependencies=no for initrd-systemd-resolved + * dracut: add ignition systemd generator + * dracut: add useradd, usermod, groupadd to ignition module. + * dracut: udevadm settle after writing the disk GUID + * dracut: take down all interfaces before switchroot + * dracut: discard from 02systemd-networkd module + * dracut: add ordering on disk-uuid.service + * dracut: add Ignition + * dracut: add systemd-networkd to the initramfs. + * dracut: remove disk-uuid's dependence on Ignition + * dracut: fix typo in disk-uuid.service + * disk-uuid: add service for generating GPT UUID + * verity-generator: disable default dependencies + * verity-generator: add service generator for veritysetup + * diskless-generator: make a real mount unit when using btrfs as rootfstype + * dracut: don't explicitly remount /sysroot rw + * setup-root: remove call to ldconfig + * gptprio: remove kexec based implementation + * diskless-generator: check value of mount.usr= and usr= + * systemd: don't initialize machine-id, do initialize + * Explicitly supply the ACPI RSDP address to kexec on efi systems + * update-bootengine: always run ldconfig in chroots before dracut + * gptprio: retry mount if it fails the first time + * systemd: add module to disable network device renaming + * fix(update-bootengine): Exclude unnecessary dracut modules. + * add(diskless-btrfs): Experiment for diskless btrfs instead of tmpfs + * add(remount-sysroot.service): If needed remount root as rw + * fix(99dracut-root): Replace 99fstab with an even more stupid hack. + * add(10diskless-generator): Add generator for squashfs and tmpfs mounts. + * fix(10usr-generator): Typo fixes + * add(10usr-generator): Move usr=/dev/foo handling to a systemd generator + * fix(80setup-root): Add missing -E flag to grep. + * remove(80squashfs): Replaced by using fstab instead. + * add(99fstab): New module to satisfy dracut without root= + * fix(80setup-root): Handle initrd OEMs + * fix(80setup-root): Silence "machine-id: No such file" error message + * cleanup(80setup-root): Remove ${BOOTENGINE_ROOT_DIR} var + * remove(80usrgptprio): Replaced by new gptprio and setup-root modules + * add(80setup-root): Move fs setup logic to new module + * fix(80gptprio): Gut most of gptprio, make it work for root and usr + * feat(80usrgptprio) add ability for unique /etc/machine-id files + * remove(80resize): Drop resize module + * fix(80resize): Don't resize until after kexec + * fix(80usrgptprio): Add special x-initrd.mount option to /sysroot/usr + * add(resize): New dracut module to resize ROOT before mounting. + * fix(update-bootengine): Include fsck in bootengine. + * fix(80squashfs): Split hook into separate parse and mount hooks. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Add basic support for plain block devices + * fix(80usrgptprio): Update usr= option, not root= + * fix(80usrgptprio): Support kernels in both /usr/boot and /boot + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix normal test case. Enable 80usrgptprio testing. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix mount-fail test case. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix kexec-fail test case. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix fail-kernel test case. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix backup/setup of symlinks root filesystem. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Fix fail-everything test case. + * fix(80usrgptprio): Do not run without usr=gptprio + * fix(80usrgptprio): Convert test case to same spacing as module code. + * feat(80usrgptprio): initial commit + * fix(gptprio): Fix fallback path when using systemd. + * fix( Fix up log message. + * add(journald): New module for journald configuration + * fix(gptprio): Add best-effort support for unloading modules before kexec + * fix(gptprio): Switch to falling back on kernel/kexec failures. + * fix(tests): Rework the test suite, make false positives harder. + * cleanup(gptprio): Move our verbose command logging into a common function + * fix(gptprio): Drop case translation, cgpt next now uses lower case + * fix(update-bootengine): Silence setlocale errors + * fix(update-bootengine): Fix terrible typo that broke namespace creation. + * feat(dracut/80squashfs): make oem of unlimited size + * feat(parse-squashfs): add in support for custom OEMs + * feat(squashfs): initial commit of squashfs root support + * fix(update-bootengine): Compare namespaces via mountinfo. + * License project under BSD-2 license + * fix(module-setup): Use dracut_install which aborts on errors. + * Add(update-bootengine): Move code for running dracut out of ebuild. + * fix(dracut): use lower on PARTUUID + * fix(dracut): umount the root fs + * feat(tests): refactor and add tests + * feat(dracut): add debuggging output + * feat(pre-mount-gptprio): die if the kexec returns + * fix(dracut) mount boot filesystem as ro so it's not dirty when it boots + * feat(dracut) add proper support for cgpt + * feat(dracut): get everything working + * Initial commit +- Dropped 0003-Disable-resetting-UUID.patch (upstream moved the + functionality into the CoreOS configuration. +- Added / + ignition-enable-network.service: + Implemented ignition-fetch-offline feature to only start + networking if required + +- Update to version 2.4.1: + * news: add notes for 2.4.1 + * ci: also run testiso + * engine: fix provider config precedence + * news: fix typo + * files: don't relabel homedir symlinks themselves + * stages/files: set LUKS keyfile directory to 0700 + * util/user_group_lookup: handle more error codes +- Update to version 2.4.0: + * news: add notes for 2.4.0 + * doc: add Azure Stack to platform list + * doc: drop production-users + * doc: update link for systemd drop-ins + * doc: update supported platform links + * fetch-offline: signal networking for Tang-pinned LUKS devices + * doc: add LUKS fields to configuration document + * internal: add LUKS support + * config: add LUKS to schema + * units: empty dropins should be written to disk + * internal/resource/http: clear CA compression on rewrite + * internal/exec/engine: write empty cache config when not provided + * AzureStack: add new target platform + * CONTRIBUTING: drop mailing list and IRC references + * MAINTAINERS: drop file + * Azure: allow for either udf or iso9660 config volume + * files: don't run `setfiles` with `-i` + * files: relabel the systemd preset directory + * exec/util: factor function for resolving symlinks + * passwd: don't auto-prefix user homedir + * internal/util/url: don't require networking for empty schemes + * docs: Add gs scheme + * config/types: Add validation for gcs urls + * internal/resource: Support gcs urls in Ignition config + * vendor: Add GCS module and its dependencies + * ci: change --blacklist-test to --denylist-test + * ci: also run gofmt and unit tests + * fetch-offline: new stage for conditional networking + * ci: move comment about kernel closer to `curl` + * tests: add test for creating a deeper hard link to the file + * stages/files: fix hard links to files that are deeper than the hard link + * doc/configuration-*: clarify references to `source` + * stages/disks: run wipefs before creating filesystem + * stages/disks: warn if libblkid finds multiple filesystem signatures + * exec/util: merge filesystem lookup functions + * tests: add positive test for reusing ambivalent filesystem + * tests: specify type when mounting filesystem + * tests: add canned ZFS image + * tests: only mount partitions if we need to + * ci: test with latest ignition-dracut + * providers/aws: change metadata version from 2009-04-04 to 2019-10-01 + * Add CA bundle reference in the docs + * Moving tls public/private keys into a separate package + * Update AWS for IMDSv2 + * Add cabundle tests + * config/*: drop warning on unset file/dir mode + * Add support for CA bundles for fetching the ignition config Fixes + * ci: Freeze kernel at 5.6.7 due to loop regression breaking blackbox test + imageburner +- Update to 1.0.2: + * Update fr.po + * Update tr.po + * Update LINGUAS + * appdata contractor [de] + * Merge pull request #55 from torikulhabib/patch-1 + * fix contractor missing + * fixed header bar style; fixed warning + +- Update to 1.0.1: + * Update .desktop comment entry + * fixed warning for appdata.xml + +- Update to 1.0.0: + * remove Cmake configs + * regenerate po files + * remove empty languages from LINGUAS and po files + * add mission languages to LINGUAS + * add POTFILES and regenerate main pot file + * add meson configuration + * Update + * Update lt.po + * Update com.github.artemanufrij.imageburner.appdata.xml +- Switch to meson +- Spec file cleanup + +- Update to 0.2.0: + * update appdata +- Switch to metainfo from appdata +- Remove obsolete macros + imagej +- Update to version 1.53f. + * Added a popup menu to the magnifying glass tool icon. + * Added a popup menu triggered on a right click or long press + inside a selection. + * Updated the built in toolbar "Dev" menu. + * The text in a text selection can be edited in the + Edit>Selection>Properties dialog. + * The File>Import>Image Sequence dialog is used when drag and + dropping a folder on the "ImageJ" window. + * Undo works with overlays when translating and rotating images, + and the "Overlay only" checkbox is only shown in the Translate + dialog when there is an overlay. + * Added the Edit>Options>Fresh Start command, which closes all + images, empties the ROI Manager, clears the Results table and + enables the "Black background" option. + * The Reslice command is faster on Windows when re-slicing from + "Left" or "Right" and it uses an ordinary progress bar when + run from a macro. + * Added an "Open as separate images" checkbox to the + File>Import>Image Sequence dialog. + * Added "Foreground..." and "Background..." entries to the color + picker tool popup menu. + * Added the Image.width, Image.height, Image.copy and + Image.paste(x,y) macro functions (example). + * Added the Array.filter(arr,str), Math.toRadians(degrees) and + Math.toDegrees(radians) functions. + * Added the ResultsTable.addRow() method. For an example, run + Help>Examples>JavaScript>Sine/Cosine Table. + * Fixed a bug that caused the RoiManager.getSelectedIndexes() + method to sometimes not work as expected. + * Fixed a bug that slowed saving of virtual stacks in TIFF + format. + * Fixed a bug that caused the dynamic "Value" and "Count" values + in HIstogram windows to sometimes not be displayed correctly. + * Fixed a bug that caused the Ctrl+F (Edit>Fill) keyboard + shortcut on Windows, when used on a stack, to not display the + "Proces Stack?" dialog. + * Fixed a 1.53e regression that caused the imageCaculator() macro + function do somethimes not work as expected. + * Fixed a 1.52 regression that caused the Analyze Skeleton plugin + to output incorrect Results tables. + * Fixed a regression that caused the Edit>Copy to Image Info + command in the text editor to fail. + * Fixed a 1.53c regression in the AVI Reader that caused it to + throw a null pointer exception. + * Fixed a 1.52 regression that caused the IJ.getImage() method to + sometimes display model error dialogs. + * Many bugfixes and usability improvements + -- vers update 1.46m - * ROIs in an overlay can be activated by alt-clicking, control-clicking or long-pressing. - * Thanks to Gabriel Landini, the Brush and Pencil tools installed from the toolbar's >> menu can be resized by shift-dragging. - * The icons for drawing tools installed from the toolbar's >> menu reflect the foreground color and are updated when the foreground color changes. - * Commands in the Edit>Selection submenu that modify the selection now support Undo and Redo and transfer color and line width properties. - * Fiji saves and loads custom tool configurations. - * Thanks to Ved Sharma, removed the restriction in Image>Stacks>Tools>Insert that the destination must be a stack. - * Thanks to Richie Mort, fixed a bug that could cause the contents of multiple custom results tables created by plugins to be invalid. - imagewriter +- Apply 0001-remove-include-sys-sysctl.h.patch + -- patch license to follow standard - imapfilter +- update to 2.7.5: + * New "hostnames" option can be used to disable hostname validation. + * Bug fix; "certificates" option incorrectly controlled hostname validation. + +- update to version 2.7.4: + * Bug fix; incorrect argument to regular expression compile + function. + +- update to version 2.7.3: + * Bug fix; incorrect free of compiled pattern. + * Unexpected network errors and IMAP BYE are now logged. +- changes from version 2.7.2: + * Makefile is back to being Lua version agnostic. +- changes from version 2.7.1: + * Makefile now builds with Lua 5.4 and PCRE2. +- changes from version 2.7 : + * Lua 5.4 compatibility (the codebase can still be compiled with + versions 5.3, 5.2 and 5.1). + * PCRE2 compatibility (version 10.00 and later) + * New error code is returned if certificate verify fails. + * Bug fix; add missing truststore option from brief usage message. + - * Support for SSL hostname validation (CVE-2016-10937, boo#1149931) + * Support for SSL hostname validation. iml +- Specfile modernization. + +- Specfile modernization. + +- Add option to build without openblas + imv +- Update to 4.3.0: + * Give freeimage backend preceedence over libjpeg + * Fix lack of X11 window deletion event handling + * Scale fonts correctly for high-DPI wayland + * Suppress annoying TIFF error messages + * Fix missing -lm dependency for imv-msg + * Fix image skipping when reading slow filesystems + * Add a contrib directory + * Add contrib/imv-folder + * Fix zoom speed dependence on buffer/image width + * Improve stat error handling when loading directories + * Fix double-free when backend libjpeg is used + * Fix -n option not working for symbolic links + * List image/heif as a supported mime type + * Fix flickering bug in high-DPI wayland + +- Update to 4.2.0: + * Switched to meson build system + * Added HEIF backend + * Added rotate and flip commands + * Added colour support for overlay + * Added some missing command/config documentation + * Read directories in alphabetical order + * Fixed several memory leaks + * Improved compatibility with non glibc systems + * Fixed several window management bugs for Wayland + * Fixed bug when selecting first/last image + +- Update to 4.1.0: + * Added libsngif backend + * Added command history to console + * Added proper UTF-8 support to the console + * Fixed name of libjpeg-turbo backend + * Fixed reading images from stdin + * Increased maximum supported PNG file size + * Added Keywords to imv.desktop + * Set NoDisplay in imv.desktop + * Simplified async logic in backends + * Fixed typo in manpages + * Fixed name of the LGPL + +- Update to 4.0.1: + * Documented default binds in man page + * Added icon to imv.desktop + * Added builtin aliases to provide backwards compatibility for removed commands + * Added warning when legacy bind syntax is detected + +- Update to 4.0.0: + * Fixed keyboard layout handling, changing bind syntax + * Renamed many commands (select_rel -> next/prev, select_abs -> goto, etc.) + * Temporarily removed autoresize option + * Dropped SDL2 dependency, implementing Wayland and X11 support natively + through imv-wayland and imv-x11 binaries + * Added support for displaying SVGs at native resolution regardless of zoom + level + * Added hidpi support on Wayland + * Added '-c' argument to specify commands to run at startup + * Added 'bind' command to add new binds at runtime + * Added 'background' command to change background colour at runtime + * Added 'upscaling' command to modify upscaling method at runtime + * Added optional argument to close command to specify an index or all images + * Added initial_pan option to configure which part of an image is initially + focused on + * Added support for aliases passing arguments to underlying their commands + * Added imv-msg program to send commands to a running instance of imv + * Added $imv_pid environment variable + * Allowed imv to remain open with no images open + * Improved unicode support in overlay + * Fixed typo in $imv_slideshow_duration environment variable + * Added new crop scaling method, which will zoom in until an image completely + fills the window + * Fixed a bug where 16-bit greyscale images would not load + * Fixed a memory corruption bug in generic list implementation + * Fixed several memory leaks + imx-usb-loader +- Update to 0.2~git20180504: + * imx_sdp: bugfixes, updates + * imx_usb: updates + * tests: updates + -- Add set_version in _service - info2html +- use system apache rpm macros + -- Add infocat script to cgi path (bug #127813) - iniparser +- Update to 4.1 (stable release) + + For full change set, see: + +- Cleanup with spec-cleaner +- Rebase iniparser_remove_rpath.patch +- so number bumped from 0 to 1 per upstream policy + -- obsolete old -XXbit packages (bnc#437293) - inn -- change user to news before calling innupgrade - [bnc#1182321] [CVE-2021-31998] +- Switch BuildRequires to python3-devel, to build using Python 3. -- change file owners in /usr/lib/news to root - [bnc#1172573] [CVE-2020-8026] +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- rename the list.3 manpage to list-inn.3 as it conflicts with the + list.3 manpage from the man-pages 5.09 package [bnc#1178534] + +- update to inn-2.6.3 + + Fixed the selection of the elliptic curve to use with OpenSSL 1.1.0 or + later; NIST P-256 was enforced instead of using the most secure curve. + + A new inn.conf parameter has been added to fine-tune the cipher suites + to use with TLS 1.3: the *tlsciphers13* now permits configuring them. + A separate cipher suite configuration parameter is needed for TLS 1.3 + because TLS 1.3 cipher suites are not compatible with TLS 1.2, and + vice-versa. In order to avoid issues where legacy TLS 1.2 cipher + suite configuration configured in the *tlsciphers* parameter would + inadvertently disable all TLS 1.3 cipher suites, the inn.conf + configuration has been separated out. + + Fixed a regression since INN 2.6.1 that prevented articles with + internationalized header fields (that is to say encoded in UTF-8) from + being posted. + + Support for Python 3 has been added to INN. Embedded Python filtering + and authentication hooks for innd and nnrpd can now use version 3.3.0 + or later of the Python interpreter. In the 2.x series, version 2.3.0 + or later is still supported. + + When configuring INN with the --with-python flag, the "PYTHON" + environment variable, when set, is used to select the interpreter to + embed. Otherwise, it is searched in standard paths. + + In case you change the Python interpreter to embed, make sure that the + Python scripts you use are written in the expected syntax for that + version of the Python interpreter. Notably, buffer objects have been + replaced with memoryview objects in Python 3, and UTF-8 encoding now + really matters for string literals (Python 3 uses bytes and Unicode + objects). + + INN documentation and samples of Python hooks have been updated to + provide more examples. + + When a Python or Perl filter hook rejects an article, innd now + mentions the reason in response to CHECK and TAKETHIS commands. + Previously, the reason was given only for the IHAVE command. + + nnrpd now properly logs the hostname of clients whose connection + failed owing to an issue during the negotiation of a TLS session or + high load average. +- renamed and refreshed inn-2.6.2.diff to inn-2.6.3.diff +- fix upstream URL +- (build)require openssl-devel and python-devel and build with + - -with-python and --with-openssl support +- remove outdated/unknown configure options: + - -enable-dual-socket, --enable-ipv6 and --with-etc-dir +- use 'Development/Languages/C and C++' as RPM group for the -devel + package +- require appropriate -devel packages for -devel package installs + +- Add -fcommon to allow building against GCC10 -- update to inn-2.5.4 - * updated control.ctl file - * improved signature checking in pgpverify - * new "htmlstatus" config option - * many bugs fixed - * removed patches: inn-linereset.diff - * renamed patches: inn-2.5.2.diff -> inn-2.5.4.diff -- fix innbind file mode -- fix empty history database on 64bit [bnc#876287] - innoextract +- Update to version 1.9 + * Added preliminary support for Inno Setup 6.1.0. + * Added support for a modified Inno Setup 5.4.2 variant. + * Fixed output directory being created for unsupported + installers. + * Fixed some safe non-ASCII characters being stripped + from filenames. + * Fixed handling of path separators in Japanese and + Korean installers. + * Fixed build with newer Boost versions +- Drop patches (included upstream): + * 0002-CMake-Remove-library-link-checks.patch + * 0005-CMake-Remove-automatic-re-check-of-libraries.patch + +- Add patches: (needed to fix builds for Factory) + * 0002-CMake-Remove-library-link-checks.patch + * 0005-CMake-Remove-automatic-re-check-of-libraries.patch + +- Udpate to version 1.8 + * Added support for: + + Inno Setup 6.0.0 installers + + pre-release Inno Setup 5.6.2 installers used by GOG + + two modified Inno Setup 5.5.7 variants + + Inno Setup 1.3.0 to 1.3.23 + + My Inno Setup Extensions installers older than + + modified Inno Setup variants using an alternative setup loader + magic + + automatically reading external setup.0 files + * Encoding for non-Unicode installers is now determined from the + languages supported by the installer, overridable using the + - -codepage option + * Implemented parsing of GOG Galaxy architecture constraints + * Fixed extracting files from slices larger than 2 GiB with + 32-bit builds + * Fixed output path for files with absolute paths + (canonicalization now strips all unsafe characters) + * Fixed output directory being created even when not extracting + files + * Fixed a hang when using the --language option + * Improved checksum verification for files reconstructed from + GOG Galaxy file parts + * Changed header parsing to select the first version without + warnings and failing that the first without errors + * Changed filesystem and output encoding to WTF-8 (extended UTF-8) + to represent broken UTF-16 data + -- update to 1.4: - * Fixed issues with the progress bar in sandbox environments - * Fixed string conversion on systems where libiconv defaults to big-endian - variants - * Fixed extracting very large installers with 32-bit innoextract builds - * Improved handling of invalid encoded strings - * Improved error messages when input or output files could not be opened - * The --list command-line option can now combined with --test or --extract - * The --version command-line option can now be modified with --quiet or - - -silent - * Added color output and progress bar support for Windows¿ - * Added support for Unicode filenames under Windows¿ - * Added support for preserving timestamps of extracted files (enabled by - default) - * Added a --timestamps (-T) command-line options to control or disable file - timestamps - * Added an --output-dir (-d) command-line option to control where files are - extracted - * Various bug fixes and tweaks -- changes from 1.3: - * Fixed --quiet and --silent flags being ignored for some multi-file - installers output - * Added a warning when extracting unsupported setup data versions - * Added support for Inno Setup 5.5.0 installers - innotop +- innotop 1.13.0: + * UI tweaks + * Fix Perl strict error + * Fix version detection for MariaDB + * Add fix for Maria-verion and MySQL 8 + * Support MySQL 8.0 MariaDB 10.3 + * Add options for SSL usage + inotify-tools +- update to (jsc#SLE-21025): + * update path for includes in stats.h + * Fix spellings in manpages + +- update to + * Fix Wrong pointer passed to realloc + * Fix offset compiler warning + * various static code analyse annotations and fixes + +- update to + * Added --no-dereference to watch a symlink + * bugfixes + +- update to 3.20.2: + * New maintainer + * Fix potential buffer overflow + * gcc 9 support +- remove inotify-tools-no-timestamp-in-doc.patch + inotify-return.patch (merged upstream) + +- Update inotify-tools-no-timestamp-in-doc.patch + because doxygen footers are no more an issue and man page + date needs to be normalized (boo#1047218) + +- adjust source to the github download url + +- update to version 3.20.1 + * no changelog + * drop upstreamed patch reserved-identifier.patch + -- removed %clean section -- enabled doxygen in configure and split up doc package -- added fdupes call for doc (doxygen) files -- added %check section with simple "make check" -- moved .so files to the main package -- added --disable-static to configure and remove .la file -- replaced RPM_BUILD_ROOT with %buildroot - -- some spec file clean up: - - explicitly list file names - - removed unneeded BuildRequires and %changelog for the -devel - sub-package - - removed pointless %lang_package tag - - specified upstream download URI in the URL tag -- inotify-return.patch: - specifies a return value for a function to fix a build error - (no-return-in-nonvoid-function) - -- initial package - input-pad +- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on python-devel + +- Fix build on Tumbleweed. + * Disable return-type check for tumbleweed. + inspectrum +- Use upstream version 0.2.3 + * Same as 0.2.2+git.20201123 + +- Update to version 0.2.2+git.20201123: + * fix(plotview): Implement showEvent() as an empty stub + * Maintain the current scroll position when zooming + * Fix build with Qt 5.15+ +- Drop patch: + * inspectrum-fix-with-qt-5.15.patch + +- Add patch: + * inspectrum-fix-with-qt-5.15.patch +- Update to version 0.2.2+git.20200527: + * Add file extensions for real sample file types + * frequencydemod: set modulation index based on tuner width + * Tighten transition band when tuner bandwidth is narrow + * SpectrogramPlot: Ignore negative frequencies for real signals + * SpectrogramPlot: Fix uses of fftSize where it should've been height() + * Add SampleAdapters for real samples + * Use double for sample rate + * Remove all usage of old SIGNAL/SLOT macros + * allow file format override from command line + * Fix override warnings + intel-hybrid-driver +- u_gcc10.patch + * fixes build against gcc10, which uses -fno-common as default + +- Update URL to current home. +- Replace gcc-c++ with generic c++_compiler BuildRequires. +- Drop Group tag. +- Pass to bootstrap instead of manually calling + autoreconf. + +- Add n_libva-2.0-ABI-header-fix.patch: Load for + libva-2.0 ABI version. This is a reworked patch from an upstream + merge request. Patch in it's current form is not upstreamable, + but works for us since we only have libva-2.0 to care about. + See for more + context. + +- Add U_Update-the-dependency-to-libva-2.0.patch: Update the + dependency to libva 2.0. In addition, this fixes deprecated + warning caused by libva 2.0. +- Add Group tag and use macros in spec for building. + inter-fonts +- Update to 3.19: + * Fixes a variable-font interpolation bug with Roman numeral + eight. #382 + * Fixes spacing of the latin epsilon glyph thanks to @hcsch. #377 + * Adds new glyph U+25AA "blackSmallSquare" including calt + mappings for case sensitivity. #373 + * Removes U+20E3 "uni20E3" COMBINING ENCLOSING KEYCAP which + triggers a bug in chromium, causing certain emoji to not render + properly. #371 + * Improvements to Roman numerals + * Adjusts vertical metrics metadata to that of v3.15 and older. + This should fix any vertical alignment issues that might have + occurred with v3.17. #361 + * Fixes several issues with italics introduced by Glyphs 3 upgrade: + = Fixes an issue with backslash in Italic masters. #362 + = Fixes issues with afii10026 and uni0376 in italic masters + = Fixes issue with italic q U+0071 by inlining the shape + instead of using components. #360 + * Fixes issue with U+035E COMBINING DOUBLE MACRON and + U+20F0 COMBINING ASTERISK ABOVE in Thin Italic. #363 + * Fixes positioning issue with U+0358 COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT + * Improvements to U+20DC COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE and + U+20DB COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE + * Improvements to U+204E LOW ASTERISK + * Improved positioning via mark anchors of combining glyphs + U+20F0, U+035E and U+035F. #363 + * Changes glyph shape of Latin upper-case iota. #359 + * Improved glyph composition via ccmp for enclosed glyphs like + U+0041,U+20DD. #335 + * Fixes issues with appearance in Microsoft Word. #352 + (note that #156 is still unresolved although we have made + some progress in v3.16 toward developing workarounds + for certain printers.) + * Fixes double grave interpolation issue. #317 + * Fixes design issue with glyphs acutedblnosp, dblgravecmb, + uni02F6 and uni02F5. #339 + * Fixes missing or incorrect mark anchors in several + turn* glyphs. #336 + * Adds Baht currency glyph U+0E3F. #323 + * Improvement to Latin iota (lower and upper case) glyphs. #340 + * Improvement to some numerical fraction glyphs + * Adds a dummy DSIG table to address issues with + Microsoft Office 2003 and older + * Improvements when using Inter with certain older Microsoft + products by decomposing any nested components which some + of that software has issues with + * Addresses a major regression in v3.16 where several + italic glyphs got messed up due to a Glyphs 3 version upgrade + of the source file. This only affected users of v3.16 + which was only released for about 12 hours before being + replaced with this release v3.17. #360 +- Additionally package +- Update description + +- Update to 3.15: + * Fixes an issue with the variable font, where some software would not + list the various weights correctly. #308 + * Fixes an issue with rendering on Windows with ClearType where some glyphs + using advanced OpenType features (component transformations) would render + incorrectly, with a slight vertical offset. #251 + * Improvements to Elfdalian, improving the /yogonek and /eth glyphs #285 + * Improvements to /eth U+00F0 glyph f7924a2#commitcomment-41610142 +- Change in 3.14: + * Fixes position of ring at bottom of /Aringbelow U+1E00. #266 + * Fixes interpolation issues with /omegatitlocyrillic /omega and /pisymbolgreek. #272 + * Fixes an issue with / used by glyphs like /Adotmacron. #298 + * Adds /bitcoin glyph U+20BF. #284 + * Adds /insertionsymbol U+2380. #290 + * Adds specialized glyphs /Aringogonek, /aringogonek, /Yogonek and /yogonek to + fully support Elfdalian script. #285 + * Adds U+EE01, a vertically-centered colon used by Android on the lock screen #212 + * Improves kerning of /quotedblright,/quoteright and /period,/comma. #299 + * Improves design of "Theta" U+03F4, U+0398 and "Fita" U+0472, U+0473. #263, #264 + * Improves design of /yhook and use /ucyrillic in /Ukcyrillic /ukcyrillic. #273 + * Improves design of /dzaltone and /dzcurl. #268 + * Improves design of /percent, /perthousand and /pertenthousand glyphs. #237 + * Improves variable-font metadata (STAT table). #265 + * Improves (tunes) calt case substitutions, e.g. "x -X". #251 + * Changes codepoint mapping of /q.sups from U+146B to private-area U+E163. #275 + interbench +- Modernise spec file + inxi +- update to 3.3.07: + * /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog. + +- Updated to version 3.3.03: + * See /usr/share/doc/packages/inxi/inxi.changelog. + iodbc +- Update to version 3.52.14 + * Fixed: SQLSetEnvAttr doesn't return SQL_SUCCESS for option + SQL_ATTR_APP_UNICODE_TYPE + * Fixed: issue with switching ODBC driver to best supported + Unicode codepage + * Fixed: misprint in SQLBrowseConnect + * Fixed: SQLGetConnectOption returned wrong value for + SQL_CURRENT_QUALIFIER + * Fixed: mixing calls to SQLFetchScroll with SQLFetch + * Fixed: Misc Unicode issues + * Added extra validation for SQLAllocHandle + * Added missing define SQL_CONVERT_GUID + * Fixed issue using heap after free in SQLConnect_internal + * Fixed issue with global mutex + * Fixed SQLSetStmtAttr to cache the correct values for + SQL_ATTR_ROW_ARRAY_SIZE and SQL_ATTR_ROW_BIND_TYPE + * Fixed format specifiers and some casts to fix trace output + * Fixed missing check for section in SQLGetPrivateProfileString + * Fixed non-void function needs to return a value + * Fixed iODBC apps/frameworks CFBundleGetInfoString attribute + * Fixed small memory leaks +- Split library packages, so other packages can require only + needed ones +- Refresh fix-nonvoid-return.diff +- Drop config-h.diff + -- Various RPMLINT fixes -- Clarified summaries and descriptions - iodine +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * iodine.service + * iodined.service + +- Add now working CONFIG parameter to sysusers generator + +- Use noun phrasing in descriptions. +- Use more modern rpm macros. +- Reduce sh code emissions of %service_*. + +- Change to using systemd-sysusers + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut the build queues by allowing usage of systemd-mini + +- added dependency for ifconfig + -- separate user for iodined -- added a default config (bnc#857181) with a chroot directory -- fixed license string -- Update to 0.7.0: - * Artial IPv6 support (#107) - Client can connect to iodined through an relaying IPv6 - nameserver. Server only supports IPv4 for now. - Traffic inside tunnel is IPv4. - * dd socket activation for systemd, by Michael Scherer. - * Add automated lookup of external ip (via -n auto). - * Bugfix for OS X (Can't assign requested address) - * Fix DNS tunneling bug caused by uninitialized variable, #94 - * Handle spaces when entering password interactively, fixes - [#93]. Patch by Hagar. - * Add -R option to set OpenBSD routing domain for the DNS - socket. Patch by laurent at gouloum fr, fixes #95. - * Add android patches and makefile, from Marcel Bokhorst, - fixes #105. - * Added missing break in iodine.c, by Pavel Pergamenshchik, - [#108]. - * A number of minor patches from Frank Denis, Gregor Herrmann - and Barak A. Pearlmutter. - + Testcase compilation fixes for OS X and FreeBSD - + Do not let sockets be inherited by sub-processes, fixes - [#99]. - + Add unspecified RR type (called PRIVATE; id 65399, in - private use range). For servers with RFC3597 support. - Fixes #97. - + Fix authentication bypass vulnerability; found by Oscar - Reparaz. - -- Initial build. -- Add iodine-fix-makefile-prefix.patch: Modify default install - prefix. -- Add systemd service and sysconfig files for both server and - client. - iometer +- Modernise spec file + ioping +- Update to 1.2: + * ioping: add -r, -rate-limit + * ioping: option -J|-json for printing JSON + * ioping: add option -a|-warmup + * ioping: add long options + * ioping: print filesystem size for file or directory target + * ioping.1: raw statisitics in nanoseconds + ioquake3 +- Update to version 1.36+git.20210720 + * Add TOOLS_CFLAGS to build preamble + * Fix use of TOOLS_CC being reported as CC + * Use the correct compiler for tools when cross building under + cygwin + * Allow using pulseaudio for SDL audio capture + * Restore bots crushing unseen player on q3tourney6 in non-CTF + * Fix the number of weights in the IQM model calculation + * Fixes a crash when compiling the project on windows in + 64 bit mode + * Allow unwinding of qvmcall64 call-stub for msvc/masm + * Add epsilon to avoid division by zero in CalcSpecular() + * Add r_parallaxMapOffset + * Fix line not removed in previous commit + * OpenGL2: Flip normals for backfacing triangles + +- Update to version 1.36+git.20201117 + - Add C syntax highlighting to readme + - Update + - Merge pull request #447 from HappyFacade/patch-1 + - Simplify glsl -> C stringification + - Make LCC path resolution more robust + - GitHub Actions setup + - Remove old CI system configurations + - Add status badge to README + - Fix shader stringify + - Run apt-get update before installing deps + - Avoid platform sed differences + - Merge pull request #436 from Calinou/default-texturemode-mipmap-linear + - [sdl] Turn tentative definition into actual definition + -- fix wrong use of strcpy (bio#4331) - -- new version 1.36 - ior +- Sync the usage of rados support to architectures where ceph is + being built. + +- Update to version 3.3.0: + * See provided NEWS for detailed list of changes + +- Update dependencies +- Be more explicit about used backends + +Update to version 3.1.0: + * includes support for PLFS (Jeff Inman, Brett Kettering, LANL) + * includes support for HDFS (Jeff Inman, LANL) + * includes support for S3 (Blair Crossman, Brett Kettering, LANL) + * option to use incompressible data transfers (Blair Crossman, LANL) + * code cleanup and general usability improvements (Rob Latham, ANL) + iouyap +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon to workaround gcc10 errors (boo#1160244) +- Run spec-cleaner + ipadic +- Update to version 2.7.0 + * Parameters are updated + * CTYPE/CFORM are modified +- Use configure macro +- Updated ipadic.patch + -- remove 'Requires: chasen' - (there was a loop because chasen also required ipadic) - ipcalc +- update to 1.0.1: + - The application will now build even without ronn + - Improved JSON output on single host input + +- Update to version 1.0.0: + * Manpage was converted to markdown. +- Switch to using meson for building; BuildRequires: meson >= + 0.49. +- Addtional BuildRequires now needed: pkgconfig(libmaxminddb), + rubygem(ronn). +- Add ipcalc-disable-network-tests.patch: Disable tests requiring + network. +- Run tests as part of %check section. +- New upstream URL and Source URL. +- Drop patch patch-queue: no longer needed. + ipmiutil +- try to fix postinstall scripts (they are totally broken and + useless anyway, but at least fix obvious errors) + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_ipmi_port.service.patch + * harden_ipmiutil_asy.service.patch + * harden_ipmiutil_evt.service.patch + * harden_ipmiutil_wdt.service.patch + +- Update to version 3.1.7 + * Add SDR conflict 0xC5 handling retries with delay + * Minor bug fixes + +- update to 3.1.6: + - add -fno-strict-aliasing flag + - handle if dmidecode is missing + - default to -V4 admin privilege for lan + - show & clear GetSOL error if present + - add decode_rv to ipmi_open errors + - handle sensor type 0x17 (RSA II, Mem1) for SFBug#31 + - fixed (data1 & 0x0f) for BIOS POST events + - add decode_mem_default routine for AMI,HP mem events + - add acpi_ipmi module handling + - add invalid type/len check for mult-record area + - handle analog readings in HP discrete Fan sensors + - added more SuperMicro boot events + - ipv6 handling + - skip overflow message if len=0 + - handle detecting NIC if default devnum is not 0 + - workaround for Pigeon Point bad sa in SDR + - aarch64 fixes + - show version with usage (-?) if no subcommand +- remove support for non-systemd distros, cleans up spec file +- remove warnings.patch (upstream) + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- update to upstream ipmiutil-2.9.2 - See - -- update to upstream ipmiutil-2.9.1 - See - -- Fix for automake 1.13 - iprange +- Add missing words to descriptions. + iptraf-ng +- Fix build error on SLE12 (%make_build not defined) + +- update to 1.2.1: + * Makefile: protect mandatory compile flags + * packet capture: don't reuse socket for multiple receive functions + * TPACKET_V[23]: continue even if mlock() fails +- remove 0001-Revert-TPACKET_V3-mlock-mmap-ed-address-space-into-R.patch: + fixed differently upstream + +- Update to release 1.2.0 + * A set of minor bugfixes. + * Fix CPU hogging if the interface gets removed [rhbz#1572750] +- Drop iptraf-ng-1.1.4-fix-Floating-point-exception-in-tcplog_flowra.patch, + build-use-wide-version-of-lpanel-when-needed.patch, + 0001-ifstats-make-sort-by-ifname-the-only-mode-of-operati.patch + (merged) +- Add 0001-Revert-TPACKET_V3-mlock-mmap-ed-address-space-into-R.patch + -- Update to new upstream release 1.1.2 - * New RFC1071-based IP checksum implementation - * Various fixes for IPv6 port statistics and byte counting, - interfaces with long names, PPP handling - * Make capturing on TUN interfaces work - * Support GRE tunnels - -- install /var/lib/iptraf-ng directory (bnc#736900) -- fix executing rvnamed daemon (bnc#737032) - - add fix-calling-rvnamed.patch - -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - ipv6toolkit +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + irrlicht +- update to 1.8.5: + * Fix some aes compile warnings on gcc about fall-throughs. + * No longer include sys/sysctl.h on other platforms than OSX. Fixes compile + errors in COSOperator on newer Linux systems. + * Update script to generate tutorial.html's in example folders. + * Update libpng to 1.6.37 (from 1.6.23) + * Fix CIrrDeviceSDL::getVideoModeList which didn't return video modes before. + * CIrrDeviceMacOSX now sets the SEvent.MouseInput Shift and Control values on + mouse events like the other devices. + * isWindowFocused in IrrDeviceSDL device now returns the input focus like the + other devices. Before it was returning a mouse-over-window state. + * Prevent SDL device from dropping OpenGL resources on Win32 when + setResizable was called with OpenGL driver. + * Fix isWindowActive when using SDL device. Before it was only active when + the mouse was over the window. + * Fix SViewFrustum::clipLine. Was before clipping at wrong points + * Fix compilation on OSX and prevent capturing mouse cursor when Window is not on top + * Fix serialization of OverrideTextColorEnabled flag in CGUITab. + * CFileSystem::getAbsolutePath no longer wrongly converts an empty filename + to "/" on unix platforms. + * Fix bug in cursor positions when compiled with newer Windows SDK's (v110 in + VS2012) and running on Systems >= Windows Vista in windowed mode. + * IOSOperator::getSysteMemory() no longer returns incorrect values with >2GB. + * Increase KEY_KEY_CODES_COUNT to fix problem with laptop keyboards which + return the keycode 0xff for the function key. + * Fix bug when calling activateJoysticks on windows several times. It had + appened joystick information instead of replacing it, thereby increasing + joystick number on each call. + * Fix bug in fast_atof when reading floating point numbers with more than 16 + digits past the dot. Those produced completely wrong results + * Accuracy of fast_atof is back to older Irrlicht versions (fixes test + warnings, usually not a noticable problem). + * Fix crash in eventhandling when calling remove() on a contextmenu while it + has focus. + * CImageLoaderJPG::isALoadableFileFormat uses a test which allows to load + more jpg formats (for example uncompressed jpg's). Thx @Yaron Cohen-Tal for + report, test-image and his help with the patch. +- drop irrlicht-1.8.4-remove-sys-sysctl.h.patch (merged upstream) + +- fix build (irrlicht-1.8.4-remove-sys-sysctl.h.patch) +- fix library link versions + -- Build version 1.8.1 - -- added directionlight and glviewport patches. Based on work by - Herman Damveld <> - isatapd +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * isatapd.service + ispell +- Use %{_prefix}/lib instead of %{_libexecdir}: the path is + hardcoded in quite a few scripts, config files and the + documentation (boo#1174075). + itk +- Remove buildRequires on xorg-x11-devel +- fix package requires. + -- fixed file list - itpp +- Use correct macro for building + -- remove conditional BuildRequires for blas and lapack since - recent lapack now build correctly for all suse version - ivykis +- update to 0.42.4: + * iv_event: Fix crash in __iv_event_run_pending_events(). + * Don't install IV_FD_PUMP_INIT.3 when on a case sensitive filesystem. + * iv_timer: Protect against some cases of timer memory corruption. + * Avoid marking pthread_atfork() as weak if provided by libc_nonshared.a. + -- Initial package (version 0.33) for - jack_capture +- update to 0.9.73: + * Make it clearer that you risk overwriting an old file by specifying filename + * OSX compilation fix (Julius Smith) + * Print warning in case user overwrites existing file. + * Use execvp, not execv. Also print strerror() if execvp failed. + * Support OSX (Luciano Iammarino) + * Some tsan fixes + * replace static .wav suffix with correct soundfile_format (Sebastian Reimers) + * Silence unused parameter warnings from gcc 4.8 + * Warn about unable to set SCHED_OTHER process using setpriority(), not a SCHED_FIFO process + * Compilation patches from debian + jaero +- Update to version + * bigger better database. + * changed plane log to update automatically. + * changed to JFFT. + * ZMQ input for SDR receiver application. + * Plane log window disable to save ram for ppl not wanting it. + * Source added to statusbar. +- Drop patch: + * jaero-use-system-libs.patch + jag +- Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) + -- updated to version 0.3.0 - java-11-openjdk +- Update to upstream tag jdk-11.0.13+8 (October 2021 CPU) + * Security fixes + + JDK-8163326, CVE-2021-35550, bsc#1191901: Update the default + enabled cipher suites preference + + JDK-8254967, CVE-2021-35565, bsc#1191909: + spins on TLS session close + + JDK-8263314: Enhance XML Dsig modes + + JDK-8265167, CVE-2021-35556, bsc#1191910: Richer Text Editors + + JDK-8265574: Improve handling of sheets + + JDK-8265580, CVE-2021-35559, bsc#1191911: Enhanced style for + RTF kit + + JDK-8265776: Improve Stream handling for SSL + + JDK-8266097, CVE-2021-35561, bsc#1191912: Better hashing + support + + JDK-8266103: Better specified spec values + + JDK-8266109: More Resilient Classloading + + JDK-8266115: More Manifest Jar Loading + + JDK-8266137, CVE-2021-35564, bsc#1191913: Improve Keystore + integrity + + JDK-8266689, CVE-2021-35567, bsc#1191903: More Constrained + Delegation + + JDK-8267086: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in + + + JDK-8267712: Better LDAP reference processing + + JDK-8267729, CVE-2021-35578, bsc#1191904: Improve TLS client + handshaking + + JDK-8267735, CVE-2021-35586, bsc#1191914: Better BMP support + + JDK-8268193: Improve requests of certificates + + JDK-8268199: Correct certificate requests + + JDK-8268205: Enhance DTLS client handshake + + JDK-8268506: More Manifest Digests + + JDK-8269618, CVE-2021-35603, bsc#1191906: Better session + identification + + JDK-8269624: Enhance method selection support + + JDK-8270398: Enhance canonicalization + + JDK-8270404: Better canonicalization + * Other changes + + JDK-8024368: private methods are allocated vtable indices + + JDK-8042902: Test java/net/Inet6Address/serialize/ + / fails intermittently + + JDK-8140466: ChaCha20 and Poly1305 TLS Cipher Suites + + JDK-8157404: Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from + SequenceInputStream + + JDK-8158066: SourceDebugExtensionTest fails to rename file + + JDK-8168304: Make all of DependencyContext_test available in + product mode + + JDK-8169246: java/net/DatagramSocket/ + fails intermittently with BindException + + JDK-8181313: SA: Remove libthread_db dependency on Linux + + JDK-8193214: Incorrect annotations.without.processors + warnings with JDK 9 + + JDK-8194230: jdk/internal/jrtfs/remote/ + / fails with + java.lang.NullPointerException + + JDK-8196092: javax/swing/JComboBox/8032878/ + fails + + JDK-8199931: java/net/MulticastSocket/ + / fails with "incorrect data + received" + + JDK-8206083: Make tools/javac/api/ robust to JDK + version changes + + JDK-8206350: java/util/Locale/bcp47u/ + failed on Mac 10.13 with zh_CN and zh_TW locales. + + JDK-8207316: java/nio/channels/spi/SelectorProvider/ + /inheritedChannel/ failed + + JDK-8208227: tools/jdeps/ fails on Win-X64 + + JDK-8208363: test/jdk/java/lang/Package/ + / missing module dependencies + declaration + + JDK-8209380: ARM: cleanup maybe-uninitialized and reorder + compiler warnings + + JDK-8209768: Refactor java/util/prefs/ + to plain java test + + JDK-8209772: Refactor shell test java/util/ServiceLoader/ + /basic/ to java + + JDK-8209773: Refactor shell test javax/naming/module/ + to java + + JDK-8209832: Refactor jdk/internal/reflect/Reflection/ + / to plain java test + + JDK-8209930: Refactor java/util/zip/ZipFile/ + to plain java test + + JDK-8210406: Refactor java.util.PluggableLocale:i18n shell + tests to plain java tests + + JDK-8210407: Refactor java.util.Calendar:i18n shell tests to + plain java tests + + JDK-8210495: compiler crashes because of illegal signature in + otherwise legal code + + JDK-8210669: Some launcher tests assume a pre-JDK 9 run-time + image layout + + JDK-8210802: temp files left by tests in + jdk/java/net/httpclient + + JDK-8210819: Update the host name in + + JDK-8210908: Refactor java/util/prefs/ to plain + java test + + JDK-8210934: Move sun/net/www/protocol/http/ + / to OpenJDK + + JDK-8210959: JShell fails and exits when statement throws an + exception whose message contains a '%'. + + JDK-8211055: Provide print to a file (PDF) feature even when + printer was not connected + + JDK-8211092: test/jdk/sun/net/www/http/HttpClient/ + / fails intermittently when cleaning up + + JDK-8211296: Remove HotSpot deprecation warning suppression + for Mac/clang + + JDK-8211325: test/jdk/java/net/Socket/ fails + with cleaning up + + JDK-8212040: Compilation error due to wrong usage of + NSPrintJobDispositionValue in mac10.12 + + JDK-8212695: Add explicit timeout to several HTTP Client tests + + JDK-8212718: Refactor some annotation processor tests to + better use collections + + JDK-8213007: Update the link in test/jdk/sun/security/ + /provider/SecureRandom/ + + JDK-8213137: Remove static initialization of monitor/mutex + instances + + JDK-8213235: java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ + / fails with threads that didn't exit + + JDK-8213409: Refactor sun.text.IntHashtable:i18n shell tests + to plain java tests + + JDK-8213576: Make test run in othervm + + JDK-8213694: Test should run in othervm mode + + JDK-8213718: [TEST] Wrong classname in vmTestbase/nsk/stress/ + /except/except002 and except003 + + JDK-8213922: fix ctw stand-alone build + + JDK-8214195: Align stdout messages in + test/jdk/java/math/BigInteger/ + + JDK-8214520: [TEST_BUG] sun/security/mscapi/nonUniqueAliases/ + / failed with incorrect jtreg tags order + + JDK-8214937: sun/security/tools/jarsigner/warnings/ + / failed due to unexpected expiration date + + JDK-8216532: tools/launcher/ fails (Solaris) + + JDK-8217825: Verify @AfterTest is used correctly in WebSocket + tests + + JDK-8218145: block_if_requested is not proper inlined due to + size + + JDK-8219417: bump jtreg requiredVersion to b14 + + JDK-8219552: bump jtreg requiredVersion to b14 in + test/jdk/sanity/client/ + + JDK-8219804: java/net/MulticastSocket/ fails + intermittently due to NumberFormatException + + JDK-8220445: Support for side by side MSVC Toolset versions + + JDK-8221988: add possibility to build with Visual Studio 2019 + + JDK-8222751: closed/test/jdk/sun/security/util/ + /DerIndefLenConverter/ fail + + JDK-8223050: JVMCI: findUniqueConcreteMethod() should not use + Dependencies::find_unique_concrete_method() for non-virtual + methods + + JDK-8224853: CDS address sanitizer errors + + JDK-8225082: Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in + September 2021 + + JDK-8225583: Examine the HttpResponse.BodySubscribers for + null handling and multiple subscriptions + + JDK-8225690: Multiple AttachListener threads can be created + + JDK-8225790: Two NestedDialogs tests fail on Ubuntu + + JDK-8226319: Add forgotten test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/ + / + + JDK-8226533: JVMCI: findUniqueConcreteMethod should handle + statically bindable methods directly + + JDK-8226602: Test convenience reactive primitives from + with RS TCK + + JDK-8226683: Remove review suggestion from fix to 8219804 + + JDK-8227738: jvmti/DataDumpRequest/datadumpreq001 failed due + to "exit code is 134" + + JDK-8227766: CheckUnhandledOops is broken in MemAllocator + + JDK-8227815: Minimal VM: set_state is not a member of + AttachListener + + JDK-8230674: Heap dumps should exclude dormant CDS archived + objects of unloaded classes + + JDK-8230808: Remove Access::equals() + + JDK-8230841: Remove oopDesc::equals() + + JDK-8231717: Improve performance of charset decoding when + charset is always compactable + + JDK-8232243: Wrong caret position in JTextPane on Windows + with a screen resolution > 100% + + JDK-8232782: Shenandoah: streamline post-LRB CAS barrier + (aarch64) + + JDK-8233790: Forward output from heap dumper to jcmd/jmap + + JDK-8233989: Create an IPv4 version of + java/net/MulticastSocket/ + + JDK-8234510: Remove file seeking requirement for writing a + heap dump + + JDK-8235211: serviceability/attach/ + / fails with + AttachNotSupportedException: Unable to open socket file + + JDK-8235216: typo in test filename + + JDK-8235866: bump jtreg requiredVersion to 4.2b16 + + JDK-8236111: narrow allowSmartActionArgs disabling + + JDK-8236413: AbstractConnectTimeout should tolerate both + NoRouteToHostException and UnresolvedAddressException + + JDK-8236671: NullPointerException in JKS keystore + + JDK-8238930: problem list compiler/c2/ + + JDK-8238943: switch to jtreg 5.0 + + JDK-8240555: Using env of JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS and _JAVA_OPTIONS + breaks test + + JDK-8240983: Incorrect copyright header in Apache Santuario + 2.1.3 files + + JDK-8241336: Some tests failed with + NoRouteToHostException on MacOS with special network + configuration + + JDK-8241353: NPE in ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler + + JDK-8241768: git needs .gitattributes + + JDK-8242882: opening jar file with large manifest might throw + NegativeArraySizeException + + JDK-8244973: serviceability/attach/ + / fails "stderr was not + empty" + + JDK-8245134: test/lib/jdk/test/lib/security/ + / should allow to specify aliases + + JDK-8246261: failed due to "AssertionError: + expected [18:14:22] but found [18:14:23]" + + JDK-8246387: switch to jtreg 5.1 + + JDK-8247421: [TESTBUG] failed + allocating blob + + JDK-8247469: getSystemCpuLoad() returns -1 on linux when some + offline cpus are present and cpusets.effective_cpus is not + available + + JDK-8248352: [TEST_BUG] Test test/jdk/java/awt/font/ + /TextLayout/ can leave frame open + + JDK-8248403: AArch64: Remove uses of kernel integer types + + JDK-8248414: AArch64: Remove uses of long and unsigned long + ints + + JDK-8248657: Windows: strengthening in ThreadCritical + regarding memory model + + JDK-8248666: AArch64: Use THREAD_LOCAL instead of __thread + + JDK-8248668: AArch64: Avoid MIN/MAX macros when using MSVC + + JDK-8248671: AArch64: Remove unused variables + + JDK-8248682: AArch64: Use ATTRIBUTE_ALIGNED helper + + JDK-8248816: C1: Fix signature conflict in + LIRGenerator::strength_reduce_multiply + + JDK-8249095: tools/javac/launcher/ + fails on Windows + + JDK-8249548: backward focus traversal gets stuck in button + group + + JDK-8249773: Upgrade test to be resilient to + failure due to stray packets and interference + + JDK-8249897: jdk/javadoc/tool/ uses @ignore w/o + bug-id + + JDK-8249898: jdk/javadoc/tool/6176978/ uses + @ignore w/o bug-id + + JDK-8249899: jdk/javadoc/tool/ uses + @ignore w/o bug-id + + JDK-8250588: Shenandoah: LRB needs to save/restore fp + registers for runtime call + + JDK-8250824: AArch64: follow up for JDK-8248414 + + JDK-8251166: Add automated testcases for changes done in + JDK-8214112 + + JDK-8251252: Add automated testcase for fix done in + JDK-8214253 + + JDK-8251254: Add automated test for fix done in JDK-8218472 + + JDK-8251361: Potential race between Logger configuration and + GCs in HttpURLConWithProxy test + + JDK-8251549: Update docs on building for Git + + JDK-8251945: SIGSEGV in + PackageEntry::purge_qualified_exports() + + JDK-8252194: Add automated test for fix done in JDK-8218469 + + JDK-8252648: Shenandoah: name gang tasks consistently + + JDK-8252825: Add automated test for fix done in JDK-8218479 + + JDK-8252853: AArch64: gc/shenandoah/ + fails intermittently with C1 + + JDK-8252857: AArch64: Shenandoah C1 CAS is not sequentially + consistent + + JDK-8253048: AArch64: When CallLeaf, no need to preserve + callee-saved registers in caller + + JDK-8253424: Add support for running pre-submit testing using + GitHub Actions + + JDK-8253631: Remove unimplemented CompileBroker methods after + JEP-165 + + JDK-8253865: Pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions does not + detect failures reliably + + JDK-8253899: Make IsClassUnloadingEnabled signature match + specification + + JDK-8254024: Enhance native libs for AWT and Swing to work + with GraalVM Native Image + + JDK-8254054: Pre-submit testing using GitHub Actions should + not use the deprecated set-env command + + JDK-8254173: Add Zero, Minimal hotspot targets to submit + workflow + + JDK-8254175: Build no-pch configuration in debug mode for + submit checks + + JDK-8254244: Some code emitted by TemplateTable::branch is + unused when running TieredCompilation + + JDK-8254270: linux 32 bit build doesn't compile + libjdwp/log_messages.c + + JDK-8254282: Add Linux x86_32 builds to submit workflow + + JDK-8254850: Update terminology in java.awt.GridBagLayout + source code comments + + JDK-8255255: Update Apache Santuario (XML Signature) to + version 2.2.1 + + JDK-8255305: Add Linux x86_32 tier1 to submit workflow + + JDK-8255352: Archive important test outputs in submit workflow + + JDK-8255373: Submit workflow artifact name is always + "" + + JDK-8255452: Doing GC during JVMTI MethodExit event posting + breaks return oop + + JDK-8255718: Zero: VM should know it runs in interpreter-only + mode + + JDK-8255790: GTKL&F: Java 16 crashes on initialising GTKL&F + on Manjaro Linux + + JDK-8255810: Zero: build fails without JVMTI + + JDK-8255895: Submit workflow artifacts miss hs_errs/replays + due to ZIP include mismatch + + JDK-8256127: Add cross-compiled foreign architectures builds + to submit workflow + + JDK-8256215: Shenandoah: re-organize saving/restoring machine + state in assembler code + + JDK-8256267: Relax compiler/floatingpoint/ for + x86_32 and lower -XX:+UseSSE + + JDK-8256277: Github Action build on macOS should define OS + and Xcode versions + + JDK-8256354: Github Action build on Windows should define OS + and MSVC versions + + JDK-8256393: Github Actions build on Linux should define OS + and GCC versions + + JDK-8256414: add optimized build to submit workflow + + JDK-8256747: GitHub Actions: decouple the hotspot build-only + jobs from Linux x64 testing + + JDK-8257056: Submit workflow should apt-get update to avoid + package installation errors + + JDK-8257148: Remove obsolete code in AWTView.m + + JDK-8257497: Update keytool to create AKID from the SKID of + the issuing certificate as specified by RFC 5280 + + JDK-8257620: Do not use objc_msgSend_stret to get macOS + version + + JDK-8257913: Add more known library locations to simplify + Linux cross-compilation + + JDK-8258703: Incorrect 512-bit vector registers restore on + x86_32 + + JDK-8259338: Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to + test + + JDK-8259535: ECDSA SignatureValue do not always have the + specified length + + JDK-8259679: GitHub actions should use MSVC 14.28 + + JDK-8259924: GitHub actions fail on Linux x86_32 with "Could + not configure libc6:i386" + + JDK-8260460: GitHub actions still fail on Linux x86_32 with + "Could not configure libc6:i386" + + JDK-8260589: Crash in JfrTraceIdLoadBarrier::load(_jclass*) + + JDK-8260923: Add more tests for SSLSocket input/output + shutdown + + JDK-8261072: AArch64: Fix MacroAssembler::get_thread + convention + + JDK-8261147: C2: Node is wrongly marked as reduction + resulting in a wrong execution due to wrong vector instructions + + JDK-8261238: NMT should not limit baselining by size threshold + + JDK-8261496: Shenandoah: reconsider pacing updates memory + ordering + + JDK-8261652: Remove some dead comments from os_bsd_x86 + + JDK-8261846: [JVMCI] c2v_iterateFrames can get out of sync + with the StackFrameStream + + JDK-8262000: jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ + / failed with + "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" + + JDK-8262017: C2: assert(n != __null) failed: Bad immediate + dominator info. + + JDK-8262392: Update Mesa 3-D Headers to version 21.0.3 + + JDK-8262409: sun/security/ssl/SSLSocketImpl/ + /SSLSocketImplThrowsWrongExceptions. SSL test failures caused + by java failed with "Server reported the wrong exception" + + JDK-8262470: Printed GlyphVector outline with low DPI has bad + quality on Windows + + JDK-8262862: Harden tests sun/security/x509/URICertStore/ + / and krb5/canonicalize/ + + JDK-8263136: C4530 was reported from VS 2019 at access bridge + + JDK-8263227: C2: inconsistent spilling due to dead nodes in + exception block + + JDK-8263382: java/util/logging/ failed + with "checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected + loggers" + + JDK-8263407: SPARC64 detection fails on Athena (SPARC64-X) + + JDK-8263432: javac may report an invalid package/class clash + on case insensitive filesystems + + JDK-8263490: [macos] Crash occurs on JPasswordField with + activated InputMethod + + JDK-8263531: Remove unused buffer int + + JDK-8263667: Avoid running GitHub actions on branches named + pr/* + + JDK-8263776: [JVMCI] add helper to perform Java upcalls + + JDK-8264016: [JVMCI] add some thread local fields for use by + JVMCI + + JDK-8264752: SIGFPE crash with option + FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M + + JDK-8265132: C2 compilation fails with assert "missing + precedence edge" + + JDK-8265231: (fc) ReadDirect and WriteDirect tests fail after + fix for JDK-8264821 + + JDK-8265335: Epsilon: Minor typo in EpsilonElasticTLABDecay + description + + JDK-8265756: AArch64: initialize memory allocated for locals + according to Windows AArch64 stack page growth requirement in + template interpreter + + JDK-8265761: Font with missed font family name is not + properly printed on Windows + + JDK-8265773: incorrect jdeps message "jdk8internals" to + describe a removed JDK internal API + + JDK-8265836: OperatingSystemImpl.getCpuLoad() returns + incorrect CPU load inside a container + + JDK-8266018: Shenandoah: fix an incorrect assert + + JDK-8266206: Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs + + JDK-8266248: Compilation failure in + PLATFORM_API_MacOSX_MidiUtils.c with Xcode 12.5 + + JDK-8266288: assert root method not found in + witnessed_reabstraction_in_supers is too strong + + JDK-8266404: Fatal error report generated with + - XX:+CrashOnOutOfMemoryError should not contain suggestion to + submit a bug report + + JDK-8266480: Implicit null check optimization does not update + control of hoisted memory operation + + JDK-8266615: C2 incorrectly folds subtype checks involving an + interface array + + JDK-8266642: Improve ResolvedMethodTable hash function + + JDK-8266749: AArch64: Backtracing broken on PAC enabled + systems + + JDK-8266761: AssertionError in + + + JDK-8266813: Shenandoah: Use shorter instruction sequence for + checking if marking in progress + + JDK-8267042: bug in monitor locking/unlocking on ARM32 C1 due + to uninitialized BasicObjectLock::_displaced_header + + JDK-8267348: Rewrite gc/epsilon/ to use + Metaspace with less classes + + JDK-8267396: Avoid recording "pc" in unhandled oops detector + for better performance + + JDK-8267399: C2: java/text/Normalizer/ + test failed with assertion + + JDK-8267424: CTW: C1 fails with "State must not be null" + + JDK-8267459: Pasting Unicode characters into JShell does not + work. + + JDK-8267625: AARCH64: typo in LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type + + JDK-8267666: Add option to jcmd GC.heap_dump to use existing + file + + JDK-8267695: Bump update version for OpenJDK: jdk-11.0.13 + + JDK-8267751: (test) jtreg.SkippedException has no serial + VersionUID + + JDK-8267773: PhaseStringOpts::int_stringSize doesn't handle + min_jint correctly + + JDK-8268103: JNI functions incorrectly return a double after + JDK-8265836 + + JDK-8268127: Shenandoah: Heap size may be too small for + region to align to large page size + + JDK-8268261: C2: assert(n != __null) failed: Bad immediate + dominator info. + + JDK-8268347: C2: nested locks optimization may create + unbalanced monitor enter/exit code + + JDK-8268360: Missing check for infinite loop during node + placement + + JDK-8268362: [REDO] C2 crash when compile negative + Arrays.copyOf length after loop + + JDK-8268366: Incorrect calculation of has_fpu_registers in C1 + linear scan + + JDK-8268369: SIGSEGV in PhaseCFG::implicit_null_check due to + missing null check + + JDK-8268417: Add test from JDK-8268360 + + JDK-8268427: Improve AlgorithmConstraints:checkAlgorithm + performance + + JDK-8268617: [11u REDO] - WebSocket over authenticating proxy + fails with NPE + + JDK-8268620: InfiniteLoopException test may fail on x86 + platforms + + JDK-8268635: Corrupt oop in ClassLoaderData + + JDK-8268699: Shenandoah: Add test for JDK-8268127 + + JDK-8268771: javadoc -notimestamp option does not work on + index.html + + JDK-8268775: Password is being converted to String in + AccessibleJPasswordField + + JDK-8268776: Test `` missing /othervm + from @run tag + + JDK-8268965: TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple + socket to SSL server + + JDK-8269304: Regression ~5% in 2005 in b27 + + JDK-8269415: [11u] Remove ea from + DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE in OpenJDK 11u + + JDK-8269478: Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests should + be more resilient + + JDK-8269529: javax/swing/reliability/ + / fails in Windows debug + build + + JDK-8269594: assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory + leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark + + JDK-8269614: [s390] Interpreter checks wrong bit for slow + path instance allocation + + JDK-8269650: Optimize gc-locker in + [Get|Release]StringCritical for latin string + + JDK-8269661: JNI_GetStringCritical does not lock char array + + JDK-8269668: [aarch64] java.library.path not including + /usr/lib64 + + JDK-8269763: The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167 + + JDK-8269795: C2: Out of bounds array load floats above its + range check in loop peeling resulting in SEGV + + JDK-8269847: JDK-8269594 backport breaks 11u builds + + JDK-8269850: Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as + 10.16 instead of 12.0 + + JDK-8269851: OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports + incorrect process cpu usage in containers + + JDK-8269882: stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA + + JDK-8269934: failed with + EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in + java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status + + JDK-8270096: Shenandoah: Optimize gc/shenandoah/ + / for interpreter mode + + JDK-8270137: Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not + Working in Cross-Realm Setup + + JDK-8270184: [TESTBUG] Add coverage for jvmci + ResolvedJavaType.toJavaName() for lambdas + + JDK-8270196: [11u] [JVMCI] JavaType.toJavaName() returns + incorrect type name for lambdas + + JDK-8270556: Exclude security/infra/java/security/cert/ + /CertPathValidator/certification/LetsEncryptCA + + JDK-8270893: IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large + TIFF file + + JDK-8272078: Wrong Checksums in Temurin BootJDK dependencies + + JDK-8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes + NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon + + JDK-8272131: PhaseMacroExpand::generate_slow_arraycopy crash + when clone null CallProjections.fallthrough_ioproj + + JDK-8272197: Update 11u GHA workflow with Shenandoah + configurations + + JDK-8272332: --with-harfbuzz=system doesn't add -lharfbuzz + after JDK-8255790 + + JDK-8272472: StackGuardPages test doesn't build with glibc + 2.34 + + JDK-8272602: [macos] not all KEY_PRESSED events sent when + control modifier is used + + JDK-8272628: Problemlist gc/stress/gcbasher/ + / for x86_32 + + JDK-8272700: [macos] Build failure with Xcode 13.0 after + JDK-8264848 + + JDK-8272772: Shenandoah: compiler/c2/aarch64/ + / fails in 11u + + JDK-8273939: Backport of 8248414 to JDK11 breaks + MacroAssembler::adrp +- Remove the unneeded icedtea-sound provider +- Removed patches: + * icedtea-sound-1.0.1-jdk9.patch + * icedtea-sound-soundproperties.patch + + not needed since the icedtea-sound provider is removed + * jdk11-glibc234.patch + + integrated upstream + java-1_8_0-openjdk +- Modified patch: + * fips.patch + + return in native code after generating + +- Update to version jdk8u312 (icedtea-3.21.0) + * October 2021 CPU + * Security fixes + + JDK-8130183, CVE-2021-35588, bsc#1191905: InnerClasses: VM + permits wrong Throw ClassFormatError if InnerClasses + attribute's inner_class_info_index is 0 + + JDK-8161016: Strange behavior of URLConnection with proxy + + JDK-8163326, CVE-2021-35550, bsc#1191901: Update the default + enabled cipher suites preference + + JDK-8254967, CVE-2021-35565, bsc#1191909: + spins on TLS session close + + JDK-8263314: Enhance XML Dsig modes + + JDK-8265167, CVE-2021-35556, bsc#1191910: Richer Text Editors + + JDK-8265574: Improve handling of sheets + + JDK-8265580, CVE-2021-35559, bsc#1191911: Enhanced style for + RTF kit + + JDK-8265776: Improve Stream handling for SSL + + JDK-8266097, CVE-2021-35561, bsc#1191912: Better hashing + support + + JDK-8266103: Better specified spec values + + JDK-8266109: More Resilient Classloading + + JDK-8266115: More Manifest Jar Loading + + JDK-8266137, CVE-2021-35564, bsc#1191913: Improve Keystore + integrity + + JDK-8266689, CVE-2021-35567, bsc#1191903: More Constrained + Delegation + + JDK-8267086: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in + + + JDK-8267712: Better LDAP reference processing + + JDK-8267729, CVE-2021-35578, bsc#1191904: Improve TLS client + handshaking + + JDK-8267735, CVE-2021-35586, bsc#1191914: Better BMP support + + JDK-8268193: Improve requests of certificates + + JDK-8268199: Correct certificate requests + + JDK-8268506: More Manifest Digests + + JDK-8269618, CVE-2021-35603, bsc#1191906: Better session + identification + + JDK-8269624: Enhance method selection support + + JDK-8270398: Enhance canonicalization + + JDK-8270404: Better canonicalization + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 01 + + JDK-7146776: deadlock between URLStreamHandler.getHostAddress + and file.Handler.openconnection + + JDK-8004148: NPE in + sun.awt.SunToolkit.getWindowDeactivationTime + + JDK-8027154: [TESTBUG] Test java/awt/Mouse/ + /GetMousePositionTest/ fails + + JDK-8035001: TEST_BUG: the retry logic in RMID.start() should + check that the subprocess hasn't terminated + + JDK-8035424: (reflect) Performance problem in + sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser + + JDK-8042557: compiler/uncommontrap/ + / fails with: GC triggered + before VM initialization completed + + JDK-8054118: java/net/ipv6tests/ failed + intermittently + + JDK-8065215: Print warning summary at end of configure + + JDK-8072767: DefaultCellEditor for comboBox creates + ActionEvent with wrong source object + + JDK-8079891: Store configure log in $BUILD/configure.log + + JDK-8080082: configure fails if you create an empty directory + and then run configure from it + + JDK-8086003: Test fails on OSX with java.lang.RuntimeException + 'Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3' + missing + + JDK-8134989: java/net/MulticastSocket/ + failed due to unexpected IP address + + JDK-8156584: Initialization race in + + + JDK-8166673: The new implementation of Robot.waitForIdle() + may hang + + JDK-8170467: (reflect) Optimize SignatureParser's use of + StringBuilders + + JDK-8196181: sun/java2d/GdiRendering/ fails + + JDK-8202837: PBES2 AlgorithmId encoding error in PKCS12 + KeyStore + + JDK-8206189: sun/security/pkcs12/ fails + with Sequence tag error + + JDK-8214418: half-closed SSLEngine status may cause + application dead loop + + JDK-8214513: A PKCS12 keystore from Java 8 using custom PBE + parameters cannot be read in Java 11 + + JDK-8220786: Create new switch to redirect error reporting + output to stdout or stderr + + JDK-8229243: SunPKCS11-Solaris provider tests failing on + Solaris 11.4 + + JDK-8231222: fix pkcs11 P11_DEBUG guarded native traces + + JDK-8238567: SoftMainMixer.processAudioBuffers(): Wrong + handling of stoppedMixers + + JDK-8240518: Incorrect JNU_ReleaseStringPlatformChars in + Windows Print + + JDK-8241248: NullPointerException in + + + JDK-8248901: Signed immediate support in + .../share/assembler.hpp is broken. + + JDK-8259338: Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to + test + + JDK-8262000: jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ + / failed with + "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" + + JDK-8262829: Native crash in + Win32PrintServiceLookup.getAllPrinterNames() + + JDK-8263311: Watch registry changes for remote printers + update instead of polling + + JDK-8265238: [8u] [macos] build failure in OpenJDK8u after + JDK-8211301 in older xcode + + JDK-8265978: make test should look for more locations when + searching for exit code + + JDK-8269810: [8u] Update after + JDK-8250876 backport + + JDK-8269953: config.log is not in build directory after 8u + backport of JDK-8079891 + + JDK-8271466: StackGap test fails on aarch64 due to "-m64" + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 02 + + JDK-8247469: getSystemCpuLoad() returns -1 on linux when some + offline cpus are present and cpusets.effective_cpus is not + available + + JDK-8265836: OperatingSystemImpl.getCpuLoad() returns + incorrect CPU load inside a container + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 03 + + JDK-8237495: Java MIDI fails with a dereferenced memory error + when asked to send a raw 0xF7 + + JDK-8264752: SIGFPE crash with option + FlightRecorderOptions:threadbuffersize=30M + + JDK-8266206: Build failure after JDK-8264752 with older GCCs + + JDK-8270137: Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not + Working in Cross-Realm Setup + + JDK-8272214: [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 04 + + JDK-6847157: java.lang.NullPointerException: HDC for + component at sun.java2d.loops.Blit.Blit + + JDK-8176837: SunPKCS11 provider needs to check more details + on PKCS11 Mechanism + + JDK-8194246: JVM crashes when calling getStackTrace if stack + contains a method that is a member of a very large class + + JDK-8244154: Update SunPKCS11 provider with PKCS11 v3.0 + header files + + JDK-8263382: java/util/logging/ failed + with "checkLoggers: getLoggerNames() returned unexpected + loggers" + + JDK-8268103: JNI functions incorrectly return a double after + JDK-8265836 + + JDK-8269594: assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory + leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark + + JDK-8269859: BacktraceBuilder._cprefs needs to be accessed as + unsigned short + + JDK-8269882: stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 05 + + JDK-7188942: Remove support of pbuffers in OGL Java2d pipeline + + JDK-8022323: [JavaSecurityScanner] review package +* Native methods should be private + + JDK-8131062: aarch64: add support for GHASH acceleration + + JDK-8134869: AARCH64: GHASH intrinsic is not optimal + + JDK-8269851: OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports + incorrect process cpu usage in containers + + JDK-8272124: Cgroup v1 initialization causes + NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon + + JDK-8272714: [8u] Build failure after backport of JDK-8248901 + with MSVC 2013 + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 06 + + JDK-8268965: TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple + socket to SSL server + + JDK-8272643: Backout JDK-8176837 from 8u312 + * Import of OpenJDK 8 u312 build 07 + + JDK-8157404: Unable to read certain PKCS12 keystores from + SequenceInputStream + + JDK-8222751: closed/test/jdk/sun/security/util/ + /DerIndefLenConverter/ fail + + JDK-8269763: The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167 + * Shenandoah + + [backport] 8269661: JNI_GetStringCritical does not lock char + array + + Re-cast JNI critical strings patch to be Shenandoah-specific + +- Remove the icedtea-sound backend, since all its functionality is + in the default java sound backends + +- Added patches: + * comment-nss-security-provider.patch + + Comment this provider since it is not passing the compliance + tests + * fips.patch + + Implement fips mode + +- riscv64-zero.patch: Add support for riscv54 (zero VM) + jgmenu +- Update to 4.4.0: + * Make --simple force short-lived mode (the way it was always intended to be + an is described in documentation). Fixes issue #153. + * jgmenu-apps: + - Respect TryExec in .desktop files including the handling of absolute + paths. Fixes issues #146 and #151. + - Parse .desktop file 'Path' field and support working directory + - Make exec[] field bigger to allow long strings (as seen in for example + wine applications). + - Include .desktop files in $XDG_DATA_DIRS/applications/ sub-directories + For example, ~/.local/share/applications/wine/Programs/Games/ + * jgmenu-lx: escape C:\ in order to cope with libmenu-cache escaping the + backslash in 'C:\' in wine applications' .desktop file Exec= field + * gtktheme: call `jgmenu_run config` synchronously to avoid config file write + errors + +- Update to 4.3.0: + * Add gradient support for menu window background. Use config options + menu_gradient_pos and color_menu_bg_to. + * Survive locales which are not supported by X11, for example en_HK.UTF-8 + * Safely handle main event loop signals when X11 struggles to keep up + under extreme load or on very old machines + * obtheme: set color_title_border correctly (issue #142) + * obtheme: parse menu.overlap.x (issue #136) + * gtktheme: set title colours to match main menu. + * Add persistent mode config options and --persistent command line + option. When enabled, the menu does not exit or hide when it normally + would, for example on selecting an item or pressing escape. + * Add ^quit() markup. This simply exits and is designed to work with + the persistent mode. + * Add contib/ file (PR #124) + jhead -- security update -- added patches - fix heap-based buffer overflow in Get16u() in exif.c - + CVE-2021-3496.patch +- version update to + * lot of fuzztest fixes, e. g. CVE-2021-3496 [bsc#1184756] +- deleted patches + - CVE-2018-17088.patch (upstreamed) + +- Update to version 3.04 + * Apply a whole bunch of patches from Debian. + * Spell check and fuzz test stuff from Debian, nothing useful to + human users. + * Add option to set exif date from date from another file. + * Bug fixes relating to fuzz testing. + * Fix bug where thumbnail replacement DID NOT WORK. + * Fix bug when no orientation tag is present + * Fix bug of not clearing exif information when processing images + with an without exif data in one invocation. + * Remove some unnecessary warnings with some types of GPS data + * Remove multiple copies of the same type of section when deleting + section types + * Modify the patch CVE-2018-17088.patch because source code changed +- Remove these patches because of including upstream code + * CVE-2018-6612.patch, CVE-2016-3822.patch, CVE-2018-16554.patch -- Updated to version 2.93: For details please read changes.txt - * Fixed bug in jhead -cmd that caused metatdata to be deleted. - jmol +- update build recipes/scripts to use https [boo#1181924] +- Redownload Source2 because it was some HTML content rather than + a PNG file + +- Update to release 14.31.20 + * Topology CIF reading of _topol_xxx records + * GenNBOReader supports older NBO 3.0 + rather than missing .46 labels file + * NBO command expanded to allow named orbitals + +- Update to release 14.30.1 + * new feature: (undocumented) set picking dragMolecule + * new feature: set picking dragModel + +- Update to new upstream release 14.29.26 + * Fixed: Magnetic CIF reader did not handle symmetry operations + with n/16. + * Fixed: 3-membered aziridine with non-H substituent should + be chiral. + -- update to version 14.2.2 - * New features: - * readers with unit cells may load as trajectories - * protein sidechain minimization - * Bug fixes: - * CASTEP reader broken for multiple cells and geometry optimization - * set pdbAddHydrogens fails for structures with ANISOU records - * select x < 0.3 reports error when checking, though it does run - when executed - * SMILES for model with nonbonded atoms fails - * WebPanel error trapping problem; too long file name for tar file - -- Update to new upstream release 14.0.17 - * New feature functions: - * "like" operator, strings only - * (actually 13.1 but undocumented) animation frame [ 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 (etc) 27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (etc)....] - * (application only) -a --autoAnimationDelay - * {atomset}.modulation(type, t) - * {xxx}.distance.all({yyy}) returns float[][] of values - * {xxx}.getProperty("yyy") - * added simpler associative array notation: [key:value,...] - * altloc set for msCIF _atom_site_subsystem_code - * anim frame [a,b,c,d] works with negative numbers to indicate ranges: - * array.join() - * array.keys.all - * array.pop(), array.push() - * associative array alternative ".." syntax - * associative array standard "dot" notation - * asynchronous resumable processes - * atomSet1.distance.max(atomSet2, TRUE) - * atomSet1.distance.max(point, TRUE) - * atomSet1.distance.min(atomSet2, TRUE) - * atomSet1.distance.min(point, TRUE) - * Bilbao Crystallographic Server file reader - * BilbaoReader NONORM option -- reads displacements as actual values, not normalized - * binary associative arrays - * byteArray type - * calculate hbonds structure - * calculate structure dssr - * caption "xxxxx" x.x -- number of seconds to run - * catchable THROW - * color(color1, color2, n, asHSL) - * compare {model1} {model2} SMILES - * construction/manipulation/saving of ZIP files - * delete $SAVED savedName - * dipole ID m1 ALL {...} - * DSSR output reading - * escape pressed cancels pending measurement - * expanded unit cell ijk notation - * filter "ATOM" opposite of filter "HETATM" - * filter "MODCELL=x" - * Gaussian fchk file reader - * getProperty variableInfo <expression> - * getProperty("JSON", ....) - * getProperty(x, SQL_query) - * JANA2006 reader adds M40 molecular group support - * JavaScript: JSmol api Jmol.evaluateVar(applet, expression) - * JSmol Info.z, Info.zIndexBase - * JSmol: allow for a user callback for customization of menu - * JSpecView and Jmol read ACD/Labs assigned spectra block JDX files. - * JSpecView getSolutionColor fill/all/none/false - * JSpecView PEAK command -- adds PEAK GC/MS "#1" - * JSpecView readers for ACD/Labs annotated MS, IR, Raman, and UV/VIS - * LIKE operator extended to atom expressions - * load ":inchikey:xxxxx" - * load "cell=parent" or "cell=standard" - * load "filename" packed x.x - * load ... filter "symop=..." - * load =1msy/dssr - * load ASYNC .... - * load files "xxx" + "yyy" - * load ORIENTATION or load DATA "...orientation..." ... - * load xxxx filter "CELL=va,vb,vc;oa,ob,oc" - * mCIF (magnetic CIF) file reader - * menu item color--atoms--by scheme--vectors - * modulation 0.2 // sets t-value - * modulation adjustable by q and t, up to d=3 - * modulation scale x.x - * Mol3D reader - * moveTo AXIS [a,b,c,x,y,z] - * MSCIF reader now allowing up to d=10; was d=6 - * pickedList -- ordered array of recently picked atoms - * pt1.mul3(pt2) - * replace() - * replace(x, y, TRUE) - * reset PRINT - * restore UNITCELL - * RESUME with arguments is synonymous with RESTORE - * rich SQL logic in GETPROPERTY, getProperty(), and within(dssr,"xxxx.yyy..."): - * save CONTEXT contextName - * script ASYNC .... - * select leadAtom(s) - * select ON ; select OFF - * select ON/OFF atom-set - * select within(dssr,"subset") - * select x = [array or array variable] - * select xyz > 1.0 - * set backboneSteps TRUE - * set bondingVersion - * set cartoonRibose - * set echo depth x.x for standard echos - * set showUnitCellDetails TRUE (default) - * set showUnitCellInfo TRUE (default) - * set starWidth - * set vectorsCentered - * show CHEMICAL STDINCHI - * show CHEMICAL STDINCHIKEY - * show SAVED - * show symop @1 @2 "fmatrix" - * show symop n "fmatrix" - * show(xxx) function - * THROW command - * Tinker file reader (and FoldingXYZ reader upgrade) - * unit cell display includes k (mCIF) and q (CIF, Jana2006) vectors - * unitcell "abc_offset" - * unitcell "type" - * unitcell [ {origin} {a} {b} {c} ] - * unitcell {555 575 0} - * unitcell {atomset} - * unitcell BOUNDBOX - * unitcell OFFSET and RANGE - * unitcell RESET (or RESTORE) - * V3000 reading of DATA SGROUP records: - * WRITE "filename" AS type - * write VAR x "filename" - * x = {*}.find("chemical",type) - * x = {*}.find("SMILES", "H") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP", "all") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP", "allH") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP", "best") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP", "bestH") - * x = compare({atomset1}, {atomset2}, "MAP", "H") - * x = format("array", data) - * x = format("base64", data) - * x = format("byteArray", data) - * x = format("JSON", data) - * x = load("myfile",true) - * x = smilesString.find("chemical",type) - * x = write("PNGJ") - * x.pop("key") for an associative array - * x.push(key,value) for associative array - * x.bondingRadius added as more appropriate alias for x.ionic - * x.covalentRadius added as more appropriate alias for x.covalent - * var x,y,z; - -- Initial package (version 14.0.13) for - jo +- Do not BuildRequire pandoc: it's not available on all + architectures. + +- Update to versrion 1.4 + * FIX: Coercion flag logic now permits getopt(3) double-dash + * FIX: Documentation clarifies special characters + * FIX: Jo builds on snap builds + * FIX: Jo builds on systems with slightly older pkg-config + jp2a +- change recommendations to supplements for bash completion sub-package + +- Split bash-completions scripts into separate package. + +- Changed Source URL from stale to active fork + +- Update to version 1.1.1: + - Fix memory corruption crash with very high aspect ratio, e.g. 3000:1 (#9). + +- update to version 1.1.0: + - support for PNG images + - support for HTML (Living Standard) additionally to XHTML + - (optional) support for other character encodings than ASCII +- update to version 1.0.9: + - support for true color and 256 color palette output for terminals + - support for bash completion +- update to version 1.0.8: + - Fix images with very small height +- update to version 1.0.7: + - Moved repository over to GitHub and made some corresponding changes + - Reverted code to version 1.0.6 because of unfinished changes that didn't work. + +- revert to version 1.0.6, upstream withdrew the version because it was uncomplete + see + and + jpnevulator +- Update to version 2.3.6 + * Fix potential buffer overflow problem. + * Added dependency on misc.h. + * Fix spelling errors in manual page. + * Clarify a bit more why a certain part of the code does exist + to do nothing in certain cases. +- Update to version 2.3.5 + * Added cross compilation and Android (NDK) build support. +- Drop patch: + * jpnevulator-obey-cflags.patch (not longer needed) + jxrlib +- added correct requires for the 32bit libs (bsc#1183053), also + build baselibs for libjxrglue0 (bsc#1183052) + +- baselibs.conf: added biarch lib and devel package for Wine 6.2+ + +- Use proper cmake macros for building + kajaani-kombat +- Use gcc10 for Tumbleweed to workaround build issues + kamerka +- Spec cleanup +- Update URL + kasumi +- Add gtk3 port (partly borrowed from Fedora package): + kasumi-2.5-gtk3.patch + kasumi-2.5-configure-gtk3.patch +- Fix build with the recent gcc: + kasumi-2.5-c++14.patch +- Spec cleanup + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - kawaii-player +- Update to version 5.0.0-1 + * Added support for libvlc as playback engine + * Added support for INPUT_IPC_SERVER for mpv binary + * One can change default config directory. Add new config + directory path to ~/.config/kawaii-player/new_home.txt and + restart application. + * Deprecating Slave mode for mpv binary. Users should use mpv + input ipc server. In other_options.txt set + MPV_INPUT_IPC_SERVER=True. + * opengl-cb api will be deprecated and no longer will be + supported from now on. Users need to install pympv to use + libmpv backend + +- Update to version 4.2.0-1 + New Features: + * When using libmpv, it is possible to show transparent + widgets (ie playlist, titlelist, control frame etc..) + directly on video. This property is available in + Preferences->Appearance->Widgets on video. + * In dark theme, users can manually change color of background + and control frame. Few combinations are available by default + Preferences->Appearance->Try. Users can choose any color, + but most likely only dark shade of any color may look good + on this theme (along with bold fonts). + * Added Playlist Continue option in Preferences->Player + Bug fixes and modifications: + * fixed: cache pause seconds option when using libmpv + * fixed: irregular global font size by fixing stylesheet + * It is possible to pass http headers as dictionary to ccurl + function + * No need to restart the application whenever changing mpv + config options from Preferences, when using libmpv. + (However, changing some options like vo/ao may need + restart) + Feature removal: + * Setting external player from Preferences has been removed. + Option is still available, but user will need to manually + edit the config files. + * Music mode deprecated. As one can use detached video mode as + music mode, the music mode somewhat became irrelevant. + Moreover it became buggy and difficult to maintain over the + time. + +- Update to version 4.1.0-1 + New Features: + * Thumbnail wall mode now applicable for both titlelist and + playlist. (Thumbnail wall mode is lighter and faster + compared to regular thumbnail grid mode, press F1 to switch + to this mode). + * Change number of thumbnails in each row using keys - and = + * automatic resizing of thumbnails in thumbnail wall mode on + widget resize + Bug fixes: + * Fixed: constant reappearance of cursor after fixed duration + (in full-screen mode) on linux + * Fixed: UI lock when libmpv could not generate + thumbnails/preview due to corrupted file + * Fixed: Automatic subtitle loading in pc-to-pc casting mode + when using libmpv + * Fixed: Maximum recursion depth limit error when window title + is not available + * Fixed: UnicodeEncodeError when sending playlist in pc-to-pc + casting mode from master to slave + * Multiple bug-fixes when using libmpv backend + Modifications and improvements: + * Allow setting timeout in wait_for_property + * Generate new tokens for every playlist, when sending items + from master to slave in pc-to-pc casting mode + * Allow adding external audio by using command + add-external-audio. Add keyboard shortcut to this command in + the Shortcuts settings. + +- Update to version 4.0.0-1 + New Features: + * Experimental support for directly using libmpv as backend, + instead of binary. + * For generating preview and thumbnails, libmpv will be used + by default. + * Automatically prevent screen turn off or screensaver when + playing video. + * Removed variable_width_list property, since it is not + required now. Application will automatically resize widgets + when screen changes, on dual monitor/screen setup, even if + application is placed on non-primary screen. + * Added Device Pixel Ratio property in preferences. By default + it is set to 1.0. For high resolution displays, it will be + greater that 1.0. For retina displays it is 2.0. If video is + appearing smaller then increase this value, when using libmpv + as backend. If not sure, set it to 0.0, and application will + try to adjust this value automatically. + * Support added for both opengl-cb and opengl-render api of + libmpv. + * Accurate live preview and improved gapless playback of + network streams when using libmpv + New Dependencies (names are given as per PyPI packages): + * PyOpenGL + * PyQtWebEngine (This is separate package now and won't be + included in default PyQt5 installation) + Optional dependency: + * pympv (If user wants to use latest opengl-render api of + libmpv) + Use of libmpv with kawaii-player: + * python-mpv package, written by github user jaseg, with minor + modifications. No need to install it separately. The main + file with minor modifications is included in the + kawaii-player. + * pympv. This package is optional and needs to be installed + from PyPI, if user wants to use latest rendering api of mpv. + Notes: + * Those who want to use mpv/mplayer binaries, they can still + use it. Support for binary mpv/mplayer won't be deprecated in + the application. Advantage of using libmpv (apart from making + cleaner code) is that, it will make application work better + and uniform across all platforms (gnu/linux, windows and mac). + * Playing video within thumbnails, won't work with libmpv as + of now. So this feature has been disabled for libmpv, but it + works as usual when using mpv binary. + +- Update to version 3.9.0-1 + * Far too many changes to list, see + + kcm_tablet +- Fix the %files section. plasma-framework >= 5.84 doesn't install + desktop files in %_kf5_servicesdir anymore. + +- Update URL + +- Add patch to fix a possible crash in kde_wacom_tabletfinder + (kde#423420, boo#1175126): + * Check-for-index-validity-when-switching-tablet-type.patch + +- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch +- Spec cleanup + kcov +- update to 38: + This release fixes a kcov hang on the Aarch64 (ARM64) platform + The Cobertura writer now supports the coverage-04.dtd version of the standard +- remove python3.patch (upstream): + kdb +- Add Fix-build-with-newer-Qt.patch to fix build after the latest + Qt update + +- Spec cleanup + kde-gtk-config5 +- BuildRequire gsettings-desktop-schemas explicitly + +- Update to 5.18.7 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code changes since 5.18.6 + +- Update to 5.18.6 + * New bugfix release + * For more details please see: + * +- No code changes since 5.18.5 + kdiff3 +- Update to 1.9.4 + * Fix windows style cr/lf line ending handling (kde#442199) + * Fix race on exit if qt sends QApplication::focusChanged during + teardown (kde#444654) + +- Update to 1.9.3 + * Fix multiple regressions in file comparison + * Fix trailing EOL stripped (kde#437570) + * Fix arbitrary line insertion during merge (kde#437570) +- Drop 0001-Collected-fixes-from-master.patch, the relevant fixes + are included in this release + +- Remove GCC 11 build fix: + * 0001-Explicitly-include-limits-for-compatibility-with-gcc.patch + now contained in squashed patch +- Add collected fixes from upstream master: + * 0001-Collected-fixes-from-master.patch + contains the original and many more fixes: + + misalignment and wrong conflict resolutions when using manual + alignment markers + + uninitialized variables causing crashes + + hangs and crashes due to wrong loop conditions + + wrong handling of new-line at end-of-file + + spurious insertion of empty lines in merge result + + access of uninitialized iterators causing crashes + + wrong buffer length calculations causing out-of-bounds access + + wrong bit-logic causing comments to always be treated as white-space + + crashes when hitting a key on empty merge results + + technical details allowing fixes to be cherry-picked + +- Add GCC 11 build fix: + * 0001-Explicitly-include-limits-for-compatibility-with-gcc.patch +- Drop the _service file. Upstream release doesn't contain + precompiled code anymore. + +- Update to 1.9.2 + * Remove erroneous #ifdef (kde#436958) + +- Update to 1.9.1 + * Hotfix for possible display problems (kde#436958) + * Add default shortcut for "Go to [Previous/Next] Unsolved + Conflict" (kde#436003) + * Port away from KIconThemes + +- Update URL. + +- Update to 1.9.0 + * Rewrite of SourceData::FileData::preprocess now only loops + through file contents once. + * Major rework of event handling + * Take advantage of Qt and boost signal/slot pattern to avoid + needless nullptr checks. + * Introduce LineRef wrapper class + * Add enum types and use existing ones. + * Split out doDirectoryCompare from improveFilenames + * Stop mis-using c style [] pointer access + +- Use a _service file to exclude the windows_installer folder. + kdump -- kdump-do-not-iterate-past-end-of-string.patch: - URLParser::extractAuthority(): Do not iterate past end of string - (bsc#1186037). +- Sync with SLE15-SP4 changelog. These patches were never applied + to Factory: + * kdump-avoid-endless-loop-EAI_AGAIN.patch + * kdump-calibrate-Add-LUKS2-Argon2-requirements-to-the-reser.patch + * kdump-calibrate-Fix-kernel-command-line-parsing.patch + * kdump-do-not-add-rd.neednet.patch + * kdump-Do-not-list-all-block-devices-if-no-block-devices-ar.patch + * + * kdump-Enumerate-all-BTRFS-devices-for-btrfs-mount-points.patch + * kdump-Implement-KString-isHexNumber.patch + * kdump-install-etc-resolv.conf-using-resolved-path.patch + * kdump-Mount-and-device-resolution-using-libmount-and-lsblk.patch + * kdump-remove-console-hvc0-from-commandline.patch + * kdump-set-serial-console-from-Xen-cmdline.patch -- kdump-fix-incorrect-exit-code-checking.patch: Fix incorrect exit - code checking after "local" with assignment (bsc#1184616 - LTC#192282). +- Update to 0.9.2 + * Isolate fadump initrd within the default one (jsc#SLE-18272) + * Bug fixes + * Code cleanups +- Remove patches that have been upstreamed: + * + * kdump-Add-bootdev-to-dracut-command-line.patch + * kdump-do-not-iterate-past-end-of-string.patch + * kdump-fix-incorrect-exit-code-checking.patch + * kdump-avoid-endless-loop-on-EAI_AGAIN.patch + * kdump-install-real-resolv.conf.patch + * kdump-Store-kdump-initrd-in-kernel-image-path.patch +- Remove patches that have been solved differently: + * kdump-on-error-option-yesno.patch + +- kdump-Store-kdump-initrd-in-kernel-image-path.patch: Fix kdumprd + location for usrmerge kernels (boo#1190920). + +- Fix use of DNS in the panic environment (bsc#1183070): + * kdump-avoid-endless-loop-on-EAI_AGAIN.patch: Avoid an endless + loop when resolving a hostname fails with EAI_AGAIN. + * kdump-install-real-resolv.conf.patch: Install /etc/resolv.conf + using its resolved path. -- kdump-avoid-endless-loop-EAI_AGAIN.patch: Avoid an endless loop - when resolving a hostname fails with EAI_AGAIN (bsc#1183070). -- kdump-install-etc-resolv.conf-using-resolved-path.patch: Install - /etc/resolv.conf using its resolved path (bsc#1183070). +- kdump-fix-incorrect-exit-code-checking.patch: Fix incorrect exit + code checking after "local" with assignment (bsc#1184616, + LTC#192282) -- Make sure that - directory exists (bsc#1172670). +- kdump-do-not-iterate-past-end-of-string.patch: Fix a crash caused + by iterating past end of string (bsc#1186037). -- Increase extra crash kernel reservation for LUKS Argon2 PBKDF - (bsc#1180513): - * kdump-Implement-KString-isHexNumber.patch - * kdump-Mount-and-device-resolution-using-libmount-and-lsblk.patch - * kdump-calibrate-Add-LUKS2-Argon2-requirements-to-the-reser.patch - * kdump-Do-not-list-all-block-devices-if-no-block-devices-ar.patch - * kdump-Enumerate-all-BTRFS-devices-for-btrfs-mount-points.patch - * kdump-calibrate-Fix-kernel-command-line-parsing.patch +- Include + <sys/ioctl.h>. + +- Update to 0.9.1 + * Add build dependency on libmount + * Drop build dependency on OpenSSL + * Build with --stdc=c++11 + * Bug fixes (bsc#1173914, bsc#1177196, bsc#1180513) +- Remove patches that have been upstreamed: + * kdump-block-initrd-parse-etc.service.patch + * kdump-fadump-avoid-multipath-optimizations.patch + * kdump-split-cmdline-purpose-wise.patch + * kdump-fadump-fix-network-bring-up.patch + * kdump-fadump-add-udev-support.patch + * kdump-turn-off-NUMA-in-kdump-kernel.patch + * kdump-remove-noefi-and-acpi_rsdp-for-efi-firmware.patch + * kdump-Restore-only-static-routes-in-kdump-initrd.patch + * kdump-fallback-re-register-fadump-from-userspace.patch + * kdump-recover-from-missing-CRASHTIME.patch + * kdump-fix-multipath-user_friendly_names.patch + * kdump-Add-skip_balance-option-to-BTRFS-mounts.patch + * kdump-kdumprd-Look-for-boot-image-and-boot-Image.patch + * kdump-savedump-search-also-for-vmlinux.xz.patch + * kdump-preserve-white-space.patch + * kdump-Clean-up-the-use-of-current-vs-boot-network-iface.patch + * kdump-Use-a-custom-namespace-for-physical-NICs.patch + * kdump-clean-up-kdump-mount-points.patch + * kdump-skip-mounts-if-no-proc-vmcore.patch + * kdump-nss-modules.patch + * kdump-Add-force-option-to-KDUMP_NETCONFIG.patch + * kdump-Add-fence_kdump_send-when-fence-agents-installed.patch + * kdump-FENCE_KDUMP_SEND-variable.patch + * kdump-Document-fence_kdump_send.patch + * kdump-powerpc-no-reload-on-CPU-removal.patch + * kdump-prefer-by-path-and-device-mapper.patch + * kdump-calibrate-Update-values.patch + * kdump-activate-udev-rules-late-during-boot.patch + * kdump-make-sure-that-the-udev-runtime-directory-exists.patch + * + * kdump-check-explicit-ip-options.patch + * kdump-query-systemd-network.service.patch -- kdump-remove-console-hvc0-from-commandline.patch: remove - console=hvc0 from commandline (bsc#1173914). -- kdump-set-serial-console-from-Xen-cmdline.patch: set serial - console from Xen cmdline (bsc#1173914). +- add + (bsc#1172670) +- clean up spec file + * systemd is available on all distros the package builds on + * use %cmake* macros for build/test/install +- use %systemd_ordering only if defined +- it now builds as back as SLE 12 + +- Make dracut and sed normal requires as we don't use them in + %pre/%post install. Use file requires for sed. -- kdump-do-not-add-rd.neednet.patch: Do not add 'rd.neednet=1' to - dracut command line (bsc#1177196). +- Don't PreRequire coreutils but the tools we really need keepass +- Update to 2.49 + * New Features: + + Added dedicated context menu for custom string fields in the entry dialog, which provides the following new commands: 'Copy Name(s)', 'Copy Value(s)', 'Copy Item(s)', 'Paste Item(s)', 'Select All' and 'Move To'. + + Added dedicated context menu for auto-type associations in the entry dialog, which provides the following new commands: 'Copy Target Window(s)', 'Copy Sequence(s)', 'Copy Item(s)', 'Paste Item(s)', 'Duplicate Item(s)' and 'Select All'. + + Added optional 'Auto-Type - Enabled' main entry list column (turned off by default, can be turned on in 'View' → 'Configure Columns'). + + Added optional 'Auto-Type - Sequences' main entry list column (turned off by default, can be turned on in 'View' → 'Configure Columns'). + + Added support for importing Keeper 16.0.0 JSON files. + + Dialog banners can now be read by screen readers (if the option 'Optimize for screen reader' is turned on). + + Controls in the accessibility/automation control tree are now ordered by their visual locations (if the option 'Optimize for screen reader' is turned on). + + Added automatic screen reader detection based on the operating system's screen reader parameter (this does not make the option 'Optimize for screen reader' obsolete though, because not all screen readers set the parameter). + * Various Improvements + * Bugfixes: + + The save confirmation dialog of the entry dialog does not create unnecessary history entries anymore. + +- Update to 2.48.1 + * Improved compatibility with certain plugins/ports. + * In the main entry list, new-line characters in text inserted by a placeholder are now filtered. + * Minor other improvements. + +- Update to 2.48 + * New Features: + + New KDBX 4.1 file format, which supports various new features (listed below). + + Added support for group tags (KDBX 4.1). + + In the entry/group dialogs, there now is a button to show a menu for adding/removing existing tags. + + If an entry/group inherits a tag from a parent group, a link is displayed in the entry/group dialog to show the parent groups and their tags. + + Added option in the entry dialog for disabling/enabling the password quality estimation for the current entry (KDBX 4.1). + + If the password quality estimation is disabled for an entry, the entry is now excluded from password quality reports (menu 'Find' → 'Password Quality'). + + When moving an entry/group into a different group (e.g. into the recycle bin), the previous parent group is remembered now (KDBX 4.1, not enforcing). + + Added command 'Move to Previous Parent Group' (in the 'Rearrange' popup menu; if the command will move all selected entries/groups out of the recycle bin, a '(Restore)' suffix is appended to the command name; if at least one entry/group will be moved into/within the recycle bin, a confirmation dialog is displayed). + + Renaming a list view item (if supported, e.g. a file attached to an entry) can now be initiated by pressing the F2 key. + + Each custom icon may now have a name, and its last modification time is remembered (KDBX 4.1). + + In the icon picker dialog, a custom icon can now be renamed (click on an already selected name or press the F2 key). + + In the icon picker dialog, the dimensions and the size of a custom icon are now displayed in a tooltip. + + The UUID and the deletion time of a deleted custom icon are remembered now, and this information is used in order to delete the custom icon during a synchronization (if the last modification time is older than the deletion time). + + Added built-in URL override for associating the 'ssh' URL scheme with 'SSH.exe' (OpenSSH, included in Windows 10; activatable/deactivatable in 'Tools' → 'Options' → tab 'Integration' → button 'URL Overrides'). + + Added support for loading images with Exif orientation tags. + + Enhanced the LastPass import module to support CSV files created by the latest versions. + + Enhanced the nPassword import module to import group tags. + + The last modification time of a database-specific custom data item (by a plugin/port) is now saved (KDBX 4.1). + + When synchronizing databases, database-specific custom data items (by plugins/ports) are now merged based on their last modification times. + + Added support for loading KDBX 4 files created by other applications that do not perform a binary content deduplication. + + Added workaround for .NET/Windows TopMost/WS_EX_TOPMOST desynchronization bug. + * Improvements: + + Various user interface improvements in the group dialog (moved the notes box to the first tab page, moved the auto-type behavior option to the auto-type tab, ...). + + Tags are sorted naturally now. + + Improved tag handling performance. + + Various user interface improvements in the icon picker dialog. + + The temporary icon that represents multiple icons (when editing multiple entries at once) is now named '(Multiple values)'. + + Improved custom icon handling performance. + + The placeholders {HMACOTP} and {TIMEOTP} now automatically add padding to shared secrets in Base32 encoding, if necessary. + + Improved error handling of the placeholders {HMACOTP} and {TIMEOTP}. + + Internal data viewer/editor: '*.asc', '*.tab' and '*.tsv' files are now treated as text files by default. + + The internal data viewer now does not try to display non-HTML files using the web browser control anymore. + + Improved error handling of the Bitwarden JSON and nPassword NPW import modules. + + Improved merging of custom data items (by plugins/ports) in the KDBX file header. + + Improved image hashing. + + Improved version display in the 'About' dialog. + + ShInstUtil now fully supports Unicode. + + Various UI text improvements. + + Various code optimizations. + + Minor other improvements. + * Bugfixes: + + The command 'Delete Unused Custom Icons' does not delete icons anymore that are still used by history entries. + keepass-plugin-HIBPOfflineCheck +- Update to version 1.7.6 + * You can exclude recycle bin and expired entries from find + results by selecting the two new options in the plugin settings + +- Update to version 1.7.5 + * You can now view all your pwned passwords by using the Find menu + keepassxc +- newer version of fedora now have the sane cmake macros too. + kelbt +- Trim old specfile constructs. + kernel-64kb +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-azure +- Update config files. + - SG_SPLIT +- commit a928253 + +- Update config files. + +RPMSG_VIRTIO + - CRYPTO_DEV_CAVIUM_ZIP + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_HPRE + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_QM + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC2 + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_TRNG + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_ZIP + - GPIO_DWAPB + - GPIO_MB86S7X + - HISI_PMU + - QCOM_HIDMA + - QCOM_HIDMA_MGMT + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK_RPM + - RTC_DRV_DS1685_FAMILY + - RTC_DRV_R7301 + - SLIMBUS + - XILINX_DMA + - XILINX_ZYNQMP_DMA +- commit 651101e + +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-debug +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-default +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-docs +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-firmware +- Update to version 20211123: + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9260 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX200 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * amdgpu: update yellow carp dmcub firmware + * amdgpu: update vangogh DMCUB firmware + * Update ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/board-2.bin + * mrvl: prestera: Update Marvell Prestera Switchdev v4.0 + * QCA: Add Bluetooth firmware for WCN685x +- Fix the script to adapt ZSTD compressed modules (jsc#SLE-21256) +- Update _service to follow branch main instead +- Update aliases + kernel-firmware:compressed +- Update to version 20211123: + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9462 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX211 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX210 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9560 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth 9260 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX200 + * linux-firmware: Update firmware file for Intel Bluetooth AX201 + * amdgpu: update yellow carp dmcub firmware + * amdgpu: update vangogh DMCUB firmware + * Update ath10k/QCA6174/hw3.0/board-2.bin + * mrvl: prestera: Update Marvell Prestera Switchdev v4.0 + * QCA: Add Bluetooth firmware for WCN685x +- Fix the script to adapt ZSTD compressed modules (jsc#SLE-21256) +- Update _service to follow branch main instead +- Update aliases + kernel-kvmsmall +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-obs-build +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-obs-qa +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-preempt +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-source +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-source-azure +- Update config files. + - SG_SPLIT +- commit a928253 + +- Update config files. + +RPMSG_VIRTIO + - CRYPTO_DEV_CAVIUM_ZIP + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_HPRE + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_QM + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC2 + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_TRNG + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_ZIP + - GPIO_DWAPB + - GPIO_MB86S7X + - HISI_PMU + - QCOM_HIDMA + - QCOM_HIDMA_MGMT + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK_RPM + - RTC_DRV_DS1685_FAMILY + - RTC_DRV_R7301 + - SLIMBUS + - XILINX_DMA + - XILINX_ZYNQMP_DMA +- commit 651101e + +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-syms +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-syms-azure +- Update config files. + - SG_SPLIT +- commit a928253 + +- Update config files. + +RPMSG_VIRTIO + - CRYPTO_DEV_CAVIUM_ZIP + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_HPRE + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_QM + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_SEC2 + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_TRNG + - CRYPTO_DEV_HISI_ZIP + - GPIO_DWAPB + - GPIO_MB86S7X + - HISI_PMU + - QCOM_HIDMA + - QCOM_HIDMA_MGMT + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK + - RPMSG_QCOM_GLINK_RPM + - RTC_DRV_DS1685_FAMILY + - RTC_DRV_R7301 + - SLIMBUS + - XILINX_DMA + - XILINX_ZYNQMP_DMA +- commit 651101e + +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + kernel-vanilla +- Revert " Reject Patch-mainline: No" + Allow Patch-mainline: No on historical branch. +- commit 93a453e + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22913) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 5f769a4 + +- infiniband: fix spectre issue in ib_uverbs_write (bsc#1192802). +- commit 8a8ebed + +- Refresh patches.suse/hisax-fix-spectre-issues.patch. +- commit 8ad1382 + +- bpf: Remove MTU check in __bpf_skb_max_len (bsc#1192045 + CVE-2021-0941). +- commit 9de0315 + +- osst: fix spectre issue in osst_verify_frame (bsc#1192802). +- mpt3sas: fix spectre issues (bsc#1192802). +- infiniband: fix spectre issue in ib_uverbs_write (bsc#1192802). +- hysdn: fix spectre issue in hycapi_send_message (bsc#1192802). +- hisax: fix spectre issues (bsc#1192802). +- gigaset: fix spectre issue in do_data_b3_req (bsc#1192802). +- iwlwifi: fix spectre issue in iwl_dbgfs_update_pm (bsc#1192802). +- drm: fix spectre issue in vmw_execbuf_ioctl (bsc#1192802). +- media: wl128x: get rid of a potential spectre issue + (bsc#1192802). +- net: sock_diag: Fix spectre v1 gadget in __sock_diag_cmd() + (bsc#1192802). +- sysvipc/sem: mitigate semnum index against spectre v1 + (bsc#1192802). +- media: dvb_ca_en50221: prevent using slot_info for Spectre + attacs (bsc#1192802). +- media: dvb_ca_en50221: sanity check slot number from userspace + (bsc#1192802). +- commit f2e7f94 + +- bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf by default (jsc#SLE-22913). +- bpf: Add kconfig knob for disabling unpriv bpf + by default (jsc#SLE-22913) +- Update config files: Add + CONFIG_BPF_UNPRIV_DEFAULT_OFF is not set +- commit 065d420 + +- dm ioctl: fix out of bounds array access when no devices + (CVE-2021-31916 bsc#1192781). +- commit 0ab7d09 + +- ipv4: make exception cache less predictible (bsc#1191790, + CVE-2021-20322). +- ipv4: use siphash instead of Jenkins in fnhe_hashfun() + (bsc#1191790, CVE-2021-20322). +- commit 74af5bd + +- Merge fixup. +- commit 6ed8fb4 + +- Revert " Build cve/linux-4.12 against SLE15-SP1." + This reverts commit ec3bd8c5b541a336b6608cd92493d50ba56230dc. + See +- commit bede44a + +- Bluetooth: cmtp: fix file refcount when cmtp_attach_device fails + (bsc#1191961 CVE-2021-34981). +- commit 0392318 + +- Fix backport error - dir_cookie is a pointer to a u64, not a u64 + Refresh + patches.suse/0001-NFS-Do-uncached-readdir-when-we-re-seeking-a-cookie-.patch +- commit 012f3db + +- Build cve/linux-4.12 against SLE15-SP1. + SLE15 is no longer updated and we will need recent update to + suse-module-tools to continue building the kernel. +- commit ec3bd8c + +- cpufreq: intel_pstate: Add Icelake servers support in no-HWP + mode (bsc#1185758,bsc#1192400). +- commit 047c233 + +- x86/CPU: Add more Icelake model numbers (bsc#1185758,bsc#1192400). +- commit 1ad6337 + +- ftrace: Fix scripts/ due to new binutils + (bsc#1192267). +- commit adeb3ce + +- usb: hso: fix error handling code of hso_create_net_device + (bsc#1188601 CVE-2021-37159). +- commit 3ae1a19 + +- blacklist.conf: blacklist pair of obsoleted patches + (bsc#1188601 CVE-2021-37159) +- commit 2c55ec1 + +- sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_ootb (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_do_8_5_1_E_sa (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: add vtag check in sctp_sf_violation (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: fix the processing for COOKIE_ECHO chunk (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: fix the processing for INIT_ACK chunk (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: fix the processing for INIT chunk (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: use init_tag from inithdr for ABORT chunk (CVE-2021-3772 + bsc#1190351). +- sctp: check asoc peer.asconf_capable before processing asconf + (bsc#1190351). +- commit 81f6dbd + +- sctp: add param size validation for SCTP_PARAM_SET_PRIMARY + (CVE-2021-3655 bsc#1188563). +- sctp: validate chunk size in __rcv_asconf_lookup (CVE-2021-3655 + bsc#1188563). +- sctp: add size validation when walking chunks (CVE-2021-3655 + bsc#1188563). +- commit b0a2686 + +- cipso,calipso: resolve a number of problems with the DOI + refcounts (CVE-2021-33033 bsc#1186109). +- commit 017dde5 + +- nfc: nci: fix the UAF of rf_conn_info object (CVE-2021-3760 + bsc#1190067). +- commit 6401849 + +- Update patch reference for a firewire fix (CVE-2021-42739 CVE-2021-3542 bsc#1184673) +- commit 7614f38 + +- xfs: fix up non-directory creation in SGID directories + (bsc#1190006 CVE-2018-13405). +- commit 888b5ee + +- xfs: remove the icdinode di_uid/di_gid members (bsc#1190006 + CVE-2018-13405). +- commit d7d9af2 + +- xfs: ensure that the inode uid/gid match values match the + icdinode ones (bsc#1190006 CVE-2018-13405). +- commit f969983 + +- kabi: hide return value type change of sctp_af::from_addr_param + (CVE-2021-3655 bsc#1188563). +- sctp: fix return value check in __sctp_rcv_asconf_lookup + (CVE-2021-3655 bsc#1188563). +- sctp: validate from_addr_param return (CVE-2021-3655 + bsc#1188563). +- sctp: fully initialize v4 addr in some functions (bsc#1188563). +- commit 535a60e + +- Update + patches.suse/net_sched-cls_route-remove-the-right-filter-from-has.patch + references (add CVE-2021-3715 bsc#1190349). +- commit 2e6d83a + +- ceph: take snap_empty_lock atomically with snaprealm refcount change (bsc#1191888). +- commit 1377d31 + +- media: firewire: firedtv-avc: fix a buffer overflow in + avc_ca_pmt() (CVE-2021-3542 bsc#1184673). +- commit d196d58 + +- net: mana: Fix error handling in mana_create_rxq() (git-fixes, + bsc#1191800). +- commit 88ae105 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix FLOGI failure due to accessing a freed node + (bsc#1191349). +- commit 3f943d1 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix memory overwrite during FC-GS I/O abort handling + (bsc#1191349 bsc#1191457). +- scsi: lpfc: Keep NDLP reference until after freeing the IOCB + after ELS handling (bsc#1191349 bsc#1191457). +- commit c13ac76 + +- NFS: Do uncached readdir when we're seeking a cookie in an + empty page cache (bsc#1191628). +- commit 5b6b8b4 + +- powerpc/bpf: Emit stf barrier instruction sequences + for BPF_NOSPEC (bsc#1188983 CVE-2021-34556 bsc#1188985 + CVE-2021-35477). +- powerpc/security: Add a helper to query stf_barrier type + (bsc#1188983 CVE-2021-34556 bsc#1188985 CVE-2021-35477). +- powerpc/bpf: Validate branch ranges (bsc#1188983 CVE-2021-34556 + bsc#1188985 CVE-2021-35477). +- powerpc/lib: Add helper to check if offset is within + conditional branch range (bsc#1188983 CVE-2021-34556 bsc#1188985 + CVE-2021-35477). +- commit d4beb54 + +- Move upstreamed bpf patch into sorted section +- commit 848cbf8 + +- soc: aspeed: lpc-ctrl: Fix boundary check for mmap + (CVE-2021-42252 bsc#1190479). +- commit 5b9f8af + +- target: core: Fix sense key for invalid XCOPY request + (bsc#1186078). +- scsi: target: avoid using lun_tg_pt_gp after unlock + (bsc#1186078). +- commit fe0b62b + +- bpf: Fix integer overflow in prealloc_elems_and_freelist() + (bsc#1191317, CVE-2021-41864). +- commit d0cde41 + +- net: 6pack: fix slab-out-of-bounds in decode_data + (CVE-2021-42008 bsc#1191315). +- commit 7ea0770 + +- ipc: remove memcg accounting for sops objects in do_semtimedop() + (bsc#1190115 CVE-2021-3759). +- Delete + patches.suse/ipc-remove-memcg-accounting-for-sops-objects.patch. + This commit is effectively patch refresh but filename changed too. This + only adds metadata to the patch after it was accepted upstream. +- commit d2aacd0 + +- kABI compatibility for ath_key_delete() changes (CVE-2020-3702 + bsc#1191193). +- commit f8ebcef + +- ath9k: Postpone key cache entry deletion for TXQ frames + reference it (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193). +- ath: Modify ath_key_delete() to not need full key entry + (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193). +- ath: Export ath_hw_keysetmac() (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193). +- ath9k: Clear key cache explicitly on disabling hardware + (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193). +- ath: Use safer key clearing with key cache entries + (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193). +- commit 9bf1f45 + +- kabi/severities: skip kABI check for ath9k-local symbols (CVE-2020-3702 bsc#1191193) + ath9k modules have some exported symbols for the common helpers + and the recent fixes broke kABI of those. They are specific to + ath9k's own usages, so safe to ignore. +- commit b554871 + +- net: mana: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Add WARN_ON_ONCE in case of CQE read overflow (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Add support for EQ sharing (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Move NAPI from EQ to CQ (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix a memory leak in an error handling path in (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Use struct_size() in kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Make netvsc/VF binding check both MAC and serial number (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Use int to check the return value of mana_gd_poll_cq() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: fix PCI_HYPERV dependency (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: remove redundant initialization of variable err (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv: mana: adjust mana_select_queue to old API (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv: mana: remove netdev_lockdep_set_classes usage (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Add a driver for Microsoft Azure Network Adapter (MANA) (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- commit a964401 + +- Bluetooth: check for zapped sk before connecting (CVE-2021-3752 + bsc#1190023). +- commit 7504476 + +- net: sched: sch_teql: fix null-pointer dereference + (bsc#1190717). +- commit 7ff24ce + +- s390/bpf: Fix optimizing out zero-extensions (bsc#1190601). +- s390/bpf: Fix 64-bit subtraction of the -0x80000000 constant + (bsc#1190601). +- s390/bpf: Fix branch shortening during codegen pass + (bsc#1190601). +- s390/bpf: Wrap JIT macro parameter usages in parentheses + (bsc#1190601). +- s390: bpf: implement jitting of BPF_ALU | BPF_ARSH | BPF_* + (bsc#1190601). +- commit 79e76b1 + +- ext4: fix race writing to an inline_data file while its xattrs + are changing (bsc#1190159 CVE-2021-40490). +- commit 3973759 + +- crypto: ccp - fix resource leaks in ccp_run_aes_gcm_cmd() + (bsc#1189884 CVE-2021-3744 bsc#1190534 CVE-2021-3764). +- commit 5fef1e1 + +- ipc: remove memcg accounting for sops objects in do_semtimedop() + (bsc#1190115). +- commit 2e73db0 + +- mm/memory.c: do_fault: avoid usage of stale vm_area_struct + (bsc#1136513). +- commit c081da7 + +- bpf: Fix leakage due to insufficient speculative store bypass mitigation + (bsc#1188983, bsc#1188985, CVE-2021-34556, CVE-2021-35477). +- Refresh + patches.kabi/bpf-prevent-memory-disambiguation-attack.patch. +- Refresh + patches.kabi/bpf-prevent-out-of-bounds-speculation-on-pointer-ari.patch. +- commit 15cd454 + +- scsi: sg: add sg_remove_request in sg_write (bsc#1171420 + CVE-2020-12770). +- commit c1e2c47 + +- Bluetooth: schedule SCO timeouts with delayed_work + (CVE-2021-3640 bsc#1188172). +- Refresh patches.kabi/bt_accept_enqueue-kabi-workaround.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/Bluetooth-switch-to-lock_sock-in-SCO.patch. +- commit adfd842 + +- Revert "memcg: enable accounting for file lock caches (bsc#1190115)." + This reverts commit 912b4421a3e9bb9f0ef1aadc64a436666259bd4d. + It's effectively upstream commit + 3754707bcc3e190e5dadc978d172b61e809cb3bd applied to kernel-source (to + avoid proliferation of patches). Make a note in blacklist.conf too. +- commit 84da196 + +- vhost: scsi: add weight support (CVE-2019-3900 bsc#1133374). +- vhost: vsock: add weight support (CVE-2019-3900 bsc#1133374). +- vhost_net: fix possible infinite loop (CVE-2019-3900 bsc#1133374). +- refresh patches.kabi/kabi-mask-changes-to-vhost_dev_init-and-struct-vhost.patch +- kabi: mask changes to vhost_dev_init() and struct vhost_dev + (CVE-2019-3900 bsc#1133374). +- vhost: introduce vhost_exceeds_weight() (CVE-2019-3900 + bsc#1133374). +- vhost_net: introduce vhost_exceeds_weight() (CVE-2019-3900 + bsc#1133374). +- refresh patches.suse/vhost-log-dirty-page-correctly.patch +- vhost_net: use packet weight for rx handler, too (CVE-2019-3900 + bsc#1133374). +- refresh patches.suse/vhost-log-dirty-page-correctly.patch +- vhost-net: set packet weight of tx polling to 2 * vq size + (CVE-2019-3900 bsc#1133374). +- commit fac5272 + +- sctp: implement memory accounting on rx path (CVE-2019-3874 + bsc#1129898). +- sctp: implement memory accounting on tx path (CVE-2019-3874 + bsc#1129898). +- commit d1cd2ad + +- Update + patches.suse/l2tp-pass-tunnel-pointer-to-session_create.patch + references (add CVE-2018-9517 bsc#1108488). +- commit 902e6bb + +- memcg: enable accounting of ipc resources (bsc#1190115 + CVE-2021-3759). +- memcg: enable accounting for file lock caches (bsc#1190115). +- commit e2a14e4 + +- virtio_console: Assure used length from device is limited + (CVE-2021-38160 bsc#1190117). +- commit 495fc27 + +- scsi: libfc: Fix array index out of bound exception + (bsc#1188616). +- commit e62158e + +- Bluetooth: sco: Fix lock_sock() blockage by memcpy_from_msg() + (CVE-2021-3640 bsc#1188172). +- commit d78ba89 + +- Move upstreamed BT fixes into sorted section +- commit 52a00c3 + +- vt_kdsetmode: extend console locking (bsc#1190025 + CVE-2021-3753). +- commit 9420ba7 + +- ovl: prevent private clone if bind mount is not allowed + (bsc#1189706, CVE-2021-3732). +- ovl: fix dentry leak in ovl_get_redirect (bsc#1189846). +- ovl: initialize error in ovl_copy_xattr (bsc#1189846). +- ovl: relax WARN_ON() on rename to self (bsc#1189846). +- ovl: filter of trusted xattr results in audit (bsc#1189846). +- ovl: check whiteout in ovl_create_over_whiteout() (bsc#1189846). +- commit 1f3eb84 + +- PCI: hv: Use expected affinity when unmasking IRQ (bsc#1185973). +- commit 7c750ac + +- bpf: Introduce BPF nospec instruction for mitigating Spectre v4 + (bsc#1188983, bsc#1188985, CVE-2021-34556, CVE-2021-35477). +- commit 84b20f7 + +- KVM: nSVM: avoid picking up unsupported bits from L2 in int_ctl + (bsc#1189399, CVE-2021-3653). +- KVM: nSVM: always intercept VMLOAD/VMSAVE when nested + (bsc#1189400, CVE-2021-3656). +- KVM: X86: MMU: Use the correct inherited permissions to get + shadow page (CVE-2021-38198 bsc#1189262). +- commit 9c35f8d + +- Bluetooth: switch to lock_sock in SCO (CVE-2021-3640 + bsc#1188172). +- Bluetooth: avoid circular locks in sco_sock_connect + (CVE-2021-3640 bsc#1188172). +- commit 73d3a49 + +- Bluetooth: defer cleanup of resources in hci_unregister_dev() + (CVE-2021-3640 bsc#1188172). +- commit c8012e0 + +- usb: max-3421: Prevent corruption of freed memory + (CVE-2021-38204 bsc#1189291). +- commit cfb9fc6 + +- tracing: Fix bug in rb_per_cpu_empty() that might cause deadloop + (CVE-2021-3679 bsc#1189057). +- commit dfd73b3 + +- powerpc/pesries: Get STF barrier requirement from + H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS (CVE-2018-3639 bsc#1087082 git-fixes bsc#1188885 ltc#193722). +- powerpc/security: Add a security feature for STF barrier + (CVE-2018-3639 bsc#1087082 git-fixes bsc#1188885 ltc#193722). +- powerpc/pseries: Get entry and uaccess flush required bits + from H_GET_CPU_CHARACTERISTICS (CVE-2020-4788 bsc#1177666 git-fixes bsc#1188885 ltc#193722). +- powerpc/64s: rename pnv|pseries_setup_rfi_flush to + _setup_security_mitigations (CVE-2018-3639, bsc#1087082, bsc#1188885 ltc#193722). +- commit bd9e95f + +- Update patch-mainline and git-commit tags + Refresh: + - patches.suse/0001-netfilter-conntrack-add-new-sysctl-to-disable-RST-ch.patch + - patches.suse/0001-netfilter-conntrack-improve-RST-handling-when-tuple-.patch +- commit b202481 + +- net: mac802154: Fix general protection fault (CVE-2021-3659 + bsc#1188876). +- commit c0396b9 + +- xfrm: xfrm_state_mtu should return at least 1280 for ipv6 + (bsc#1185377). +- commit 6f8f910 + +- Update + patches.suse/l2tp-ensure-sessions-are-freed-after-their-PPPOL2TP-.patch + references (add CVE-2020-0429 bsc#1176724). +- Update + patches.suse/l2tp-fix-race-between-l2tp_session_delete-and-l2tp_t.patch + references (add CVE-2020-0429 bsc#1176724). +- commit b29ebd9 + +- use 3.0 SPDX identifier in rpm License tags + As requested by Maintenance, change rpm License tags from "GPL-2.0" + (SPDX 2.0) to "GPL-2.0-only" (SPDX 3.0) so that their scripts do not have + to adjust the tags with each maintenance update submission. +- commit f888e0b + +- KVM: PPC: Book3S: Fix H_RTAS rets buffer overflow (bsc#1188838 + CVE-2021-37576). +- commit 50c1fab + +- KVM: do not allow mapping valid but non-reference-counted pages + (bsc#1186482, CVE-2021-22543). +- KVM: Use kvm_pfn_t for local PFN variable in + hva_to_pfn_remapped() (bsc#1186482, CVE-2021-22543). +- KVM: do not assume PTE is writable after follow_pfn + (bsc#1186482, CVE-2021-22543). +- kvm: Map PFN-type memory regions as writable (if possible) + (bsc#1186482, CVE-2021-22543). +- commit 9c4f9b4 + +- Update seq_file fix to the upstreamed one and moved into sorted section (bsc#1188062, CVE-2021-33909). +- commit 175d85f + +- rpm/ Do not install usrmerged kernel on Leap + (boo#1184804). +- commit 5b51131 + +- rpm/ Remove zdebug define used only once. +- commit 85a9fc2 + +- kernel-binary.spec: Exctract s390 decompression code (jsc#SLE-17042). +- commit 7f97df2 + +- kernel-binary.spec: Fix up usrmerge for non-modular kernels. +- commit d718cd9 + +- kernel-binary.spec: Remove obsolete and wrong comment + mkmakefile is repleced by echo on newer kernel +- commit d9209e7 + +- UsrMerge the kernel (boo#1184804) +- Move files in /boot to modules dir + The file names in /boot are included as %ghost links. The %post script + creates symlinks for the kernel, sysctl.conf and in + /boot for compatibility. Some tools require adjustments before we + can drop those links. If boot is a separate partition, a copy is + used instead of a link. + The logic for /boot/vmlinuz and /boot/initrd doesn't change with + this patch. +- Use /usr/lib/modules as module dir when usermerge is active in the + target distro. +- commit 6f5ed04 + +- Regenerate makefile when not using mkmakefile. +- commit 6b30fe5 + +- rpm/ Fix handling of +arch marker (bsc#1186672) + The previous commit made a module wrongly into Module.optional. + Although it didn't influence on the end result, better to fix it. + Also, add a comment to explain the markers briefly. +- commit 8f79742 + +- Add arch-dependent support markers in supported.conf (bsc#1186672) + We may need to put some modules as supported only on specific archs. + This extends the supported.conf syntax to allow to put +arch additionally + after the unsupported marker, then it'll be conditionally supported on + that arch. +- commit 8cbdb41 + +- Create Symbols.list and ipa-clones.list determistically + without this patch, filesystem readdir order would influence + order of entries in these files. + This patch was done while working on reproducible builds for SLE. +- commit a898b6d + +- Add Supplements: for -extra package on Leap + kernel-$flavor-extra should supplement kernel-$flavor on Leap, like + it does on SLED, and like the kernel-$flavor-optional package does. +- commit c60d87f + +- build-id check requires elfutils. +- commit 01569b3 + +- kernel-binary.spec: Only use mkmakefile when it exists + Linux 5.13 no longer has a mkmakefile script +- commit b453c7b + +- powerpc/64s: Fix crashes when toggling entry flush barrier + (CVE-2020-4788 bsc#1177666 git-fixes). +- commit 3917f8f + +- powerpc/64s: Fix crashes when toggling stf barrier (CVE-2018-3639 bsc#1087082 git-fixes). +- commit 2a6a70d + +- scripts/git_sort/ add bpf git repo +- commit 65979e3 + +- Build using an utf-8 locale. + Sphinx cannot handle UTF-8 input in non-UTF-8 locale. +- commit 0db6da1 + +- rpm: drop /usr/bin/env in interpreter specification + OBS checks don't like /usr/bin/env in script interpreter lines but upstream + developers tend to use it. A proper solution would be fixing the depedency + extraction and drop the OBS check error but that's unlikely to happen so + that we have to work around the problem on our side and rewrite the + interpreter lines in scripts before collecting files for packages instead. +- commit 45c5c1a + +- scripts/git_sort/ Update nvme repositories +- commit e849c44 + +- rpm/ bump disk space to 45GB on riscv64 +- commit f8b883f + +- rpm/ remove aarch64 disk size exception + obs://Kernel:stable/kernel-default/ARM/aarch64 currrently fails: + installing package kernel-default-livepatch-devel-5.12.0-3.1.g6208a83.aarch64 needs 3MB more space on the / filesystem + The stats say: + Maximal used disk space: 31799 Mbyte + By default, we require 35G. For aarch64 we had an exception to lower + this limit to 30G there. Drop this exception as it is obviously no + longer valid. +- commit ee00b50 + +- objtool: Don't fail on missing symbol table (bsc#1192379). +- commit e7ec5af + +- rpm/ Correct Supplements in optional subpkg (jsc#SLE-11796) + The product string was changed from openSUSE to Leap. +- commit 3cb7943 + +- rpm/split-modules: Avoid errors even if Module.* are not present +- commit 752fbc6 + +- Add the support for kernel-FLAVOR-optional subpackage (jsc#SLE-11796) + This change allows to create kernel-*-optional subpackage containing + the modules that are not shipped on SLE but only on Leap. Those + modules are marked in the new "-!optional" marker in supported.conf. + Flip split_optional definition in for the + branch that needs the splitting. +- commit 1fa25f8 + +- net_sched: cls_route: remove the right filter from hashtable + (networking-stable-20_03_28). -- commit 7021b02 +- commit a96d7a8 kernel-zfcpdump +- x86/sev: Fix SEV-ES INS/OUTS instructions for word, dword, + and qword (bsc#1190497). +- commit 8e47d62 + +- tty: hvc: replace BUG_ON() with negative return value + (git-fixes). +- commit 64a2763 + +- xen/netfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 3d79f0a + +- xen/netfront: disentangle tx_skb_freelist (git-fixes). +- commit 843455b + +- xen/netfront: don't read data from request on the ring page + (git-fixes). +- commit a7d9222 + +- xen/netfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac98d9 + +- xen/blkfront: don't trust the backend response data blindly + (git-fixes). +- commit 8fa0a17 + +- xen/blkfront: don't take local copy of a request from the ring + page (git-fixes). +- commit ff5aa10 + +- xen/blkfront: read response from backend only once (git-fixes). +- commit 160dbd1 + +- usb: core: config: using bit mask instead of individual bits + (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: zero allocate endpoint 0 buffers (git-fixes). +- USB: gadget: detect too-big endpoint 0 requests (git-fixes). +- libata: add horkage for ASMedia 1092 (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: amd-pmc: Fix s2idle failures on certain AMD + laptops (git-fixes). +- mmc: spi: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- usb: gadget: uvc: fix multiple opens (git-fixes). +- commit e549085 + +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on Asus UX550VE + (git-fixes). +- HID: google: add eel USB id (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-prodikeys (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy to hid-chicony (git-fixes). +- HID: bigbenff: prevent null pointer dereference (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: fix error path in probe (git-fixes). +- HID: add USB_HID dependancy on some USB HID drivers (git-fixes). +- HID: check for valid USB device for many HID drivers + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: fix problems when device is not a valid USB device + (git-fixes). +- HID: add hid_is_usb() function to make it simpler for USB + detection (git-fixes). +- HID: quirks: Add quirk for the Microsoft Surface 3 type-cover + (git-fixes). +- HID: Ignore battery for Elan touchscreen on HP Envy X360 + 15-eu0xxx (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: support for the ghlive ps4 dongles (git-fixes). +- HID: sony: Fix more ShanWan clone gamepads to not rumble when + plugged in (git-fixes). +- commit 66fc3e6 + +- sched/fair: Document the slow path and fast path in + select_task_rq_fair (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and + performance backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix per-CPU kthread and wakee stacking for asym + CPU capacity (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance + backports)). +- sched/fair: Fix detection of per-CPU kthreads waking a task + (bsc#1189999 (Scheduler functional and performance backports)). +- commit d543e74 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. +- commit 24ff0a3 + +- xhci: avoid race between disable slot command and host runtime + suspend (git-fixes). +- commit 7ac82ba + +- xhci: Remove CONFIG_USB_DEFAULT_PERSIST to prevent xHCI from + runtime suspending (git-fixes). +- commit 47ed1f0 + +- Update patches.suse/qla2xxx-synchronize-rport-dev_loss_tmo-setting.patch (bsc#1189158) +- commit 5a1da74 + +- vdpa: Consider device id larger than 31 (git-fixes). +- virtio/vsock: fix the transport to work with VMADDR_CID_ANY + (git-fixes). +- virtio_ring: Fix querying of maximum DMA mapping size for + virtio device (git-fixes). +- virtio: always enter drivers/virtio/ (git-fixes). +- vdpa: check that offsets are within bounds (git-fixes). +- commit a40ec17 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Format log strings only if needed (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Fix buffer size of REPORT ZONES command + (git-fixes). +- scsi: pm80xx: Do not call scsi_remove_host() in pm8001_alloc() + (git-fixes). +- scsi: scsi_debug: Zero clear zones at reset write pointer + (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix incorrect system timestamp (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix system going into read-only mode (git-fixes). +- scsi: mpt3sas: Fix kernel panic during drive powercycle test + (git-fixes). +- commit 590254f + +- RDMA/irdma: Don't arm the CQ more than two times if no CE for + this CQ (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Report correct WC errors (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a potential memory allocation issue in + 'irdma_prm_add_pble_mem()' (jsc#SLE-18383). +- RDMA/irdma: Fix a user-after-free in add_pble_prm + (jsc#SLE-18383). +- IB/hfi1: Fix leak of rcvhdrtail_dummy_kvaddr (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Fix early init panic (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Insure use of smp_processor_id() is preempt disabled + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- IB/hfi1: Correct guard on eager buffer deallocation + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/rtrs: Call {get,put}_cpu_ptr to silence a debug kernel + warning (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/hns: Do not destroy QP resources in the hw resetting phase + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/hns: Do not halt commands during reset until later + (bsc#1190336). +- RDMA/mlx5: Fix releasing unallocated memory in dereg MR flow + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA: Fix use-after-free in rxe_queue_cleanup (jsc#SLE-19249). +- vmxnet3: fix minimum vectors alloc issue (bsc#1190406). +- ice: safer stats processing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix adding different tunnels (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix choosing UDP header type (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: ignore dropped packets during init (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: Fix problems with DSCP QoS implementation (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: rearm other interrupt cause register after enabling VFs + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix FDIR init missing when reset VF (jsc#SLE-18375). +- i40e: Fix NULL pointer dereference in i40e_dbg_dump_desc + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix pre-set max number of queues for VF (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix failed opcode appearing if handling messages from VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- iavf: Fix reporting when setting descriptor count + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: restore MSI state on reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- devlink: fix netns refcount leak in devlink_nl_cmd_reload() + (git-fixes). +- bonding: make tx_rebalance_counter an atomic (git-fixes). +- net/tls: Fix authentication failure in CCM mode (git-fixes). +- tcp: fix page frag corruption on page fault (git-fixes). +- commit ed7a8c9 + +- config: INPUT_EVBUG=n (bsc#1192974). + Debug driver unsuitable for production, only enabled on ppc64. +- commit e6448a3 + +- ima: Fix undefined arch_ima_get_secureboot() and co + (bsc#1193674). +- commit acf34be + +- net: cdc_ncm: Allow for dwNtbOutMaxSize to be unset or zero + (git-fixes). +- commit 6e691fe + +- Move upstreamed rtw89 patch into sorted section +- commit 0950df1 + +- net: mana: Fix memory leak in mana_hwc_create_wq (git-fixes). +- commit 1fcab05 + +- usb: core: config: fix validation of wMaxPacketValue entries + (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: core: Add support for forced PM resume (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: stm32-timer: fix MODULE_ALIAS (git-fixes). +- iio: at91-sama5d2: Fix incorrect sign extension (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: axp20x_adc: fix charging current reporting on AXP22x + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: adxrs290: fix data signedness (git-fixes). +- iio: ad7768-1: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: itg3200: Call iio_trigger_notify_done() on error + (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2: Check return value of devm_iio_trigger_register() + (git-fixes). +- iio: trigger: Fix reference counting (git-fixes). +- iio: dln2-adc: Fix lockdep complaint (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: stm32: fix a current leak by resetting pcsel before + disabling vdda (git-fixes). +- iio: mma8452: Fix trigger reference couting (git-fixes). +- iio: stk3310: Don't return error code in interrupt handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: kxsd9: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: ltr501: Don't return error code in trigger handler + (git-fixes). +- iio: accel: kxcjk-1013: Fix possible memory leak in probe and + remove (git-fixes). +- misc: rtsx: Avoid mangling IRQ during runtime PM (git-fixes). +- misc: fastrpc: fix improper packet size calculation (git-fixes). +- bus: mhi: pci_generic: Fix device recovery failed issue + (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/dw_apb_timer_of: Fix probe failure + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/irq-gic-v3-its.c: Force synchronisation when issuing + INVALL (git-fixes). +- irqchip: nvic: Fix offset for Interrupt Priority Offsets + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/aspeed-scu: Replace update_bits with write_bits + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix support for Multi-MSI interrupts + (git-fixes). +- irqchip/armada-370-xp: Fix return value of + armada_370_xp_msi_alloc() (git-fixes). +- clocksource/drivers/arc_timer: Eliminate redefined macro error + (git-fixes). +- commit 458f7dd + +- Bbluetooth: btusb: Add another Bluetooth part for Realtek 8852AE + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add gpio reset way for qca btsoc in + cmd_timeout (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for IMC Networks Mediatek + Chip(MT7921) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add the new support ID for Realtek RTL8852A + (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add protocol for MediaTek bluetooth + devices(MT7922) (bsc#1193655). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Support public address configuration for + MediaTek Chip (bsc#1193655). +- commit aa63c80 + +- i2c: mpc: Use atomic read and fix break condition (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: sm6125-gcc: Swap ops of ice and apps on sdcc1 + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: use module_platform_driver (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: clk-alpha-pll: Don't reconfigure running Trion + (git-fixes). +- clk: qcom: regmap-mux: fix parent clock lookup (git-fixes). +- commit 3747790 + +- ALSA: hda/realtek - Add headset Mic support for Lenovo ALC897 + platform (git-fixes). +- ALSA: ctl: Fix copy of updated id with element read/write + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Handle missing errors in + snd_pcm_oss_change_params*() (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Limit the period size to 16MB (git-fixes). +- ALSA: pcm: oss: Fix negative period/buffer sizes (git-fixes). +- commit 70606b1 + +- thermal: int340x: Fix VCoRefLow MMIO bit offset for TGL + (git-fixes). +- PM: runtime: Fix pm_runtime_active() kerneldoc comment + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (pwm-fan) Ensure the fan going on in .probe() + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (dell-smm) Fix warning on /proc/i8k creation error + (git-fixes). +- hwmon: (corsair-psu) fix plain integer used as NULL pointer + (git-fixes). +- Revert "PCI: aardvark: Fix support for PCI_ROM_ADDRESS1 on + emulated bridge" (git-fixes). +- mmc: renesas_sdhi: initialize variable properly when tuning + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wsa881x: fix return values from kcontrol put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return correct value from mixer put + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: handle channel mappping list correctly + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Fix return value from + msm_routing_put_audio_mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Use normal system sleep for SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Balance runtime PM count (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix crash due to out of scope stack vars + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Reorder snd_djm_devices[] entries (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix quirk for TongFang PHxTxX1 (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after S3/S4/reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/syncobj: Deal with signalled fences in + drm_syncobj_find_fence (git-fixes). +- commit 847c219 + +- can: m_can: make custom bittiming fields const (git-fixes). +- commit 5d86bd5 + +- Update BT fix patch for regression with 8087:0026 device (bsc#1193124) + Also corrected the references and patch description +- commit 4cf2593 + +- scsi: lpfc: Fix non-recovery of remote ports following an + unsolicited LOGO (bsc#1189126). +- commit 2b31676 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 818b2ce + +- nfc: fix potential NULL pointer deref in nfc_genl_dump_ses_done + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_usb: get CAN clock frequency from device + (git-fixes). +- can: kvaser_pciefd: kvaser_pciefd_rx_error_frame(): increase + correct stats->{rx,tx}_errors counter (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: use custom bit timings for Elkhart Lake + (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: pci: fix incorrect reference clock rate (git-fixes). +- can: m_can: Disable and ignore ELO interrupt (git-fixes). +- can: sja1000: fix use after free in ems_pcmcia_add_card() + (git-fixes). +- can: pch_can: pch_can_rx_normal: fix use after free (git-fixes). +- mtd: dataflash: Add device-tree SPI IDs (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Fix timing computation (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: fsmc: Take instruction delay into account + (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_choose_best_timings() on unsupported + interface (git-fixes). +- mtd: rawnand: Fix nand_erase_op delay (git-fixes). +- HID: intel-ish-hid: ipc: only enable IRQ wakeup when requested + (git-fixes). +- soc: fsl: dpio: Unsigned compared against 0 in + qbman_swp_set_irq_coalescing() (git-fixes). +- commit 3db25ff + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0011-PM-hibernate-require-hibernate-snapshot-image-to-be-.patch. +- commit 90d6396 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0010-PM-hibernate-a-option-to-request-that-snapshot-image.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION_FORCE is not set +- commit c101ebd + +- unmark + patches.suse/0009-PM-hibernate-prevent-EFI-secret-key-to-be-regenerate.patch +- commit 3684c18 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0008-PM-hibernate-Generate-and-verify-signature-for-snaps.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIBERNATE_VERIFICATION=y +- commit 402ebf2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0007-PM-hibernate-encrypt-hidden-area.patch. +- commit fbd4629 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0006-efi-allow-user-to-regenerate-secret-key.patch. +- commit a86713d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0005-efi-generate-secret-key-in-EFI-boot-environment.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_EFI_SECRET_KEY=y +- commit 6e77a16 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0002-hibernate-avoid-the-data-in-hidden-area-to-be-snapsh.patch +- commit f20ffd1 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-create-hidden-area-to-keep-sensitive-data.patch. + Update config files. CONFIG_HIDDEN_AREA +- commit f4223b3 + +- drm/i915/dp: Perform 30ms delay after source OUI write + (git-fixes). +- commit ffbcf49 + +- usb: cdns3: gadget: fix new urb never complete if ep cancel + previous requests (git-fixes). +- USB: NO_LPM quirk Lenovo Powered USB-C Travel Hub (git-fixes). +- serial: pl011: Add ACPI SBSA UART match id (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Allow DSC on supported MST branch devices + (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: mvm: retry init flow if failed (git-fixes). +- ata: libahci: Adjust behavior when StorageD3Enable _DSD is set + (git-fixes). +- ata: ahci: Add Green Sardine vendor ID as board_ahci_mobile + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdgpu: fix potential memleak (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/amdkfd: Fix kernel panic when reset failed and been + triggered again (git-fixes). +- drm/sun4i: fix unmet dependency on RESET_CONTROLLER for + PHY_SUN6I_MIPI_DPHY (git-fixes). +- thermal: core: Reset previous low and high trip during thermal + zone init (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Fix WWAN device disabled issue + after S3 deep (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: thinkpad_acpi: Add support for dual fan control + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: dell-wmi-descriptor: disable by default + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: r8152: Add MAC passthrough support for more Lenovo + Docks (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix throughput LED trigger (git-fixes). +- mac80211: do not access the IV when it was stripped (git-fixes). +- drm/connector: fix all kernel-doc warnings (git-fixes). +- commit 9be7e24 + +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: add timeout for + wait_event_interruptible in .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - save caam memory to support crypto engine retry + mechanism (jsc#SLE-19033). +- crypto: caam - replace this_cpu_ptr with raw_cpu_ptr + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: disable UCR4_OREN in .stop_rx() instead of + .shutdown() (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: imx: clear the RTSD status before enable the RTSD + irq (jsc#SLE-19033). +- memory: fsl_ifc: populate child devices without relying on + simple-bus (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: fix qbman alignment error in the virtualization + context (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: stmmac: Disable Tx queues when reconfiguring the interface + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- dmaengine: fsl-edma: support edma memcpy (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl-mc: Add per device reset support (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus/fsl-mc: Add generic implementation for open/reset/close + commands (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_spdif: implement bypass mode from in to out + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- ASoC: fsl_rpmsg: add soc specific data structure + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add adaptive interrupt coalescing (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add Net DIM integration (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: dpaa2: add support for manual setup of IRQ coalesing + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: add support for irq coalescing per software + portal (jsc#SLE-19033). +- soc: fsl: dpio: extract the QBMAN clock frequency from the + attributes (jsc#SLE-19033). +- spi: Convert NXP flexspi to json schema (jsc#SLE-19033). +- vfio/fsl: Move to the device set infrastructure (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: do software reset for imx7ulp and + imx8qxp (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: enable two stop bits for lpuart32 + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- tty: serial: fsl_lpuart: check dma_tx_in_progress in tx dma + callback (jsc#SLE-19033). +- net: phy: at803x: finish the phy id checking simplification + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- mmc: sdhci: Correct the tuning command handle for PIO mode + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit bad7a12 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/mm-vmscan-Reduce-throttling-due-to-a-failure-to-make-progress.patch. + Mmotm fix for a report stating there was a NULL pointer exception for a + THP-intensive workload. +- commit de8b975 + +- Refresh patches.suse/ipmi-ssif-initialize-ssif_info-client-early.patch. +- commit c1e3bcb + +- bus: fsl-mc: rescan devices if endpoint not found + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware when unloading + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: pause the MC firmware before IOMMU setup + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: add .shutdown() op for the bus driver + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: fully resume the firmware (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: handle DMA config deferral in ACPI case + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- bus: fsl-mc: extend fsl_mc_get_endpoint() to pass interface ID + (jsc#SLE-19033). +- commit 5b2ac90 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258" (git-fixes). +- commit 78bf6ea + +- blacklist.conf: 1cbf731ef3a1 drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi. +- commit 6777126 + +- xen: remove stray preempt_disable() from PV AP startup code + (bsc#1193524). +- commit 39c2dee + +- xen/pvh: add missing prototype to header (git-fixes). +- commit e49e355 + +- x86/pvh: add prototype for xen_pvh_init() (git-fixes). +- commit 4f8d143 + +- ipmi: ssif: initialize ssif_info->client early (bsc#1193490). +- commit e8af4dd + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCs.patch. +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Use-weight-of-SD_NUMA-domain-in-find_busiest_group.patch. + New revision pending upstream. +- commit dd182d0 + +- nvme-multipath: Skip not ready namespaces when revalidating paths (bsc#1191793 bsc#1192507 bsc#1192969). +- commit 10dc5b5 + +- blacklist.conf: went in through stable +- commit c751562 + +- drm/connector: Give connector sysfs devices there own + device_type (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 5b7ab45 + +- drm/connector: Add a fwnode pointer to drm_connector and + register with ACPI (v2) (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f0b908e + +- drm/connector: Add support for out-of-band hotplug notification + (v3) (jsc#SLE19356). +- commit 6fa8d3d + +- drm/connector: Add drm_connector_find_by_fwnode() function (v3) + (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit f8f4127 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Don't stop alt mode registration on busy + condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit d1dd3c7 + +- usb: typec: ucsi: Always cancel the command if PPM reports + BUSY condition (jsc#SLE-19356). +- commit 7d740d2 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Notify drm subsys of hotplug + events (git-fixes). +- commit 5f1a962 + +- Remove patches.suse/nvme-add-sibling-to-list-after-full-initialization.patch + As it turns out this fix is not correct. +- commit bb77a4c + +- lpfc: Reintroduce old IRQ probe logic (bsc#1183897). +- commit 00a7ff5 + +- Update + patches.suse/powerpc-security-Use-a-mutex-for-interrupt-exit-code.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1193470 ltc#195599). +- commit a8808ca + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0004-MODSIGN-checking-the-blacklisted-hash-before-loading.patch. +- commit 4f48964 + +- net/mlx4_en: Fix an use-after-free bug in + mlx4_en_try_alloc_resources() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qlogic: qlcnic: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + qlcnic_83xx_add_rings() (git-fixes). +- net/mlx5e: SHAMPO, Fix constant expression result + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix access to a non-supported register + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix too early queueing of log timestamp work + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix use after free in mlx5_health_wait_pci_up + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Use indirect table only if all destinations + support it (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Check group pointer before reading bw_share + value (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, fix single FDB creation on BlueField + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-switch, Respect BW share of the new group + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, Fix recreation of VF LAG (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Move MODIFY_RQT command to ignore list in internal + error state (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Sync TIR params updates against concurrent + create/modify (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Fix missing IPsec statistics on uplink representor + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: IPsec: Fix Software parser inner l3 type setting + in case of encapsulation (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ice: xsk: clear status_error0 for each allocated desc + (jsc#SLE-18375). +- net/mlx4_en: Update reported link modes for 1/10G + (jsc#SLE-19256). +- net: qed: fix the array may be out of bound (jsc#SLE-19001). +- igb: fix netpoll exit with traffic (jsc#SLE-18379). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Fix an error code in cxgb4vf_pci_probe() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- ice: avoid bpf_prog refcount underflow (jsc#SLE-18375). +- ice: fix vsi->txq_map sizing (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Fix VLAN feature flags after VFR (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix refreshing iavf adapter stats on ethtool request + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix deadlock occurrence during resetting VF interface + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Prevent changing static ITR values if adaptive moderation + is on (jsc#SLE-18385). +- igb: unbreak I2C bit-banging on i350 (jsc#SLE-18379). +- commit 24091ea + +- Delete patches.suse/0003-MODSIGN-load-blacklist-from-MOKx.patch. + The ebd9c2ae369a45 patch introduced mokx support since v5.13 on + upstream. Let's remove this downstream patch. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit cd4e1c6 + +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-efi-add-a-function-to-convert-the-status-code-to-a-s.patch. + Delete + patches.suse/0002-efi-show-error-messages-only-when-loading-certificat.patch + Because upstream patch ebd9c2ae369a "efi: Only print errors about failing to + get certs if EFI vars are found" already introduced new behavior of log. So + those two SUSE downstream patches can be removed. (fate#316531, bnc#854875) +- commit f98e665 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0001-MODSIGN-do-not-load-mok-when-secure-boot-disabled.patch + merge with patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. + (bsc#1188366) +- Delete + patches.suse/0001-integrity-use-arch_ima_get_secureboot-instead-of-che.patch. +- commit f00ef99 + +- blacklist.conf: Add git-fixes patches checked into perf userspace +- commit 032d842 + +- perf: Ignore sigtrap for tracepoints destined for other tasks + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Snowridge + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix IIO event constraints for Skylake + Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix filter_tid mask for CHA events on + Skylake Server (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/vlbr: Add c->flags to vlbr event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M3UPI event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR M2PCIE event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR IIO event constraints + (git-fixes). +- perf/x86/intel/uncore: Fix Intel SPR CHA event constraints + (git-fixes). +- commit 1cfbe90 + +- x86/xen: Add xenpv_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode() + (bsc#1190497). +- commit 00aee08 + +- tracing/histograms: String compares should not care about + signed values (git-fixes). +- commit fa5ea58 + +- tracing: Fix pid filtering when triggers are attached + (git-fixes). +- commit 3c359a7 + +- blacklist.conf: 27ff768fa21c ("tracing: Test the 'Do not trace this pid' case in create event") + Not needed. The backported "broken" commit is already fixed. +- commit 2c0434d + +- tracing: Check pid filtering when creating events (git-fixes). +- commit 90d7fd0 + +- arm64: cpufeature: Export this_cpu_has_cap helper + (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit fd033df + +- coresight: Use devm_bitmap_zalloc when applicable (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable TRBE workaround for write to out-of-range address (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Enable workaround for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Work around write to out of range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Make sure we have enough space (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to determine the minimum buffer size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Workaround TRBE errata overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add infrastructure for Errata handling (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Allow driver to choose a different alignment (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Decouple buffer base from the hardware base (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to pad a given buffer area (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Add a helper to calculate the trace generated (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Prohibit trace before disabling TRBE (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: End the AUX handle on truncation (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Do not truncate buffer on IRQ (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Fix handling of spurious interrupts (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: irq handler: Do not disable TRBE if no action is needed (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Unify the enabling sequence (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Drop duplicate TRUNCATE flags (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: trbe: Ensure the format flag is always set (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm-pmu: Ensure the AUX handle is valid (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Use Trace Filtering controls dynamically (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: etm4x: Save restore TRFCR_EL1 (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Don't immediately close events that are run on invalid CPU/sink combos (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Speed up for bounce buffer in flat mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: Update comments for removing cs_etm_find_snapshot() (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Use perf_output_handle::head for AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etf: Add comment for store ordering (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc-etr: Add barrier after updating AUX ring buffer (jsc#SLE-19046). +- coresight: tmc: Configure AXI write burst size (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE write to out-of-range (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add workaround for TSB flush failures (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: errata: Add detection for TRBE overwrite in FILL mode (jsc#SLE-19046). +- arm64: Add Neoverse-N2, Cortex-A710 CPU part definition (jsc#SLE-19046). +- commit d3c2191 + +- Update + patches.suse/RDMA-cma-Do-not-change-route.addr.src_addr.ss_family.patch + (stable-5.14.10 bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). + Added CVE reference +- commit 8142e42 + +- atlantic: Fix OOB read and write in hw_atl_utils_fw_rpc_wait + (bsc#1192845 CVE-2021-43975). +- commit 283c0a0 + +- perf: qcom_l2_pmu: ACPI: Use ACPI_COMPANION() directly + (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: thunderx2_pmu: Change data in size + tx2_uncore_event_update() (git-fixes). +- drivers/perf: hisi: Fix PA PMU counter offset (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: Fix PMU probe ordering (git-fixes). +- KVM: arm64: perf: Replace '0xf' instances with + ID_AA64DFR0_PMUVER_IMP_DEF (git-fixes). +- commit 91fb475 + +- usb: typec: altmodes/displayport: Make dp_altmode_notify() + more generic (git-fixes). +- commit 5136280 + +- x86/entry: Use the correct fence macro after swapgs in kernel + CR3 (bsc#1190497). +- commit e1ed0c4 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/s390-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit 2d12b8e + +- x86/entry: Add a fence for kernel entry SWAPGS in + paranoid_entry() (bsc#1190497). +- commit 69d2c59 + +- unmark patches.suse/arm64-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch +- commit 36647a7 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/powerpc-lock-down-kernel-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit e4b09e3 + +- unmark + patches.suse/0004-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-at-the-integrity-level-if-b.patch +- commit 0cf1770 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0003-efi-Lock-down-the-kernel-if-booted-in-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- Update config files. x86_64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x + - Add CONFIG_LOCK_DOWN_IN_EFI_SECURE_BOOT=y +- commit 6189d45 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0002-efi-Add-an-EFI_SECURE_BOOT-flag-to-indicate-secure-boot-mode.patch. +- commit f2a5454 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-security-lockdown-expose-a-hook-to-lock-the-kernel-down.patch. +- commit f2c3a99 + +- usb: cdnsp: Fix a NULL pointer dereference in + cdnsp_endpoint_init() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tcpm: Wait in SNK_DEBOUNCED until disconnect + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_bcm7271: UART errors after resuming from S2 + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: rewrite pericom_do_set_divisor() (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250_pci: Fix ACCES entries in pci_serial_quirks array + (git-fixes). +- serial: 8250: Fix RTS modem control while in rs485 mode + (git-fixes). +- serial: tegra: Change lower tolerance baud rate limit for + tegra20 and tegra30 (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix minor-number leak on probe errors + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: fix use-after-free and memleak on unbind + (git-fixes). +- serial: liteuart: Fix NULL pointer dereference in ->remove() + (git-fixes). +- vgacon: Propagate console boot parameters before calling + `vc_resize' (git-fixes). +- tty: serial: msm_serial: Deactivate RX DMA for polling support + (git-fixes). +- serial: core: fix transmit-buffer reset and memleak (git-fixes). +- commit 3fabb98 + +- Move upstreamed USB fix into sorted section +- commit e02363b + +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set PMSG_ON earlier inside cs8409 driver + (git-fixes). +- commit e3352ca + +- ipmi: msghandler: Make symbol 'remove_work_wq' static + (git-fixes). +- commit 992fab0 + +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix previous HVS commit wait (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Don't duplicate pending commit (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Clear the HVS FIFO commit pointer once done + (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Add missing drm_crtc_commit_put (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Fix return code check (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: kms: Wait for the commit before increasing our clock + rate (git-fixes). +- drm/msm: Do hw_init() before capturing GPU state (git-fixes). +- drm/msm/a6xx: Allocate enough space for GMU registers + (git-fixes). +- rt2x00: do not mark device gone on EPROTO errors during start + (git-fixes). +- mt76: mt7915: fix NULL pointer dereference in + mt7915_get_phy_mode (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: Fix memory leaks in error handling path (git-fixes). +- iwlwifi: fix warnings produced by kernel debug options + (git-fixes). +- net: usb: lan78xx: lan78xx_phy_init(): use PHY_POLL instead of + "0" if no IRQ is available (git-fixes). +- ipmi: Move remove_work to dedicated workqueue (git-fixes). +- commit 7d5a7f0 + +- i2c: stm32f7: stop dma transfer in case of NACK (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: recover the bus on access timeout (git-fixes). +- i2c: stm32f7: flush TX FIFO upon transfer errors (git-fixes). +- i2c: cbus-gpio: set atomic transfer callback (git-fixes). +- dma-buf: system_heap: Use 'for_each_sgtable_sg' in pages free + flow (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Remove warn trace message (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix statistics logic for production hardware + (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Add missing DIDs and fix 115c (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Fix to display FW bundle version instead of FW mac + version (git-fixes). +- atlatnic: enable Nbase-t speeds with base-t (git-fixes). +- atlantic: Increase delay for fw transactions (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rk817: Add module alias for rk817-codec (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in Mixer (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AMX (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in AHUB (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix kcontrol put callback in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in MVC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in SFC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DSPK (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in DMIC (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in I2S (git-fixes). +- ASoC: tegra: Fix wrong value type in ADMAIF (git-fixes). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for CML devices based on + ES8336 codec (git-fixes). +- commit d6b0e1d + +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix setting device state to SDEV_RUNNING + (git-fixes). +- commit 713d069 + +- xhci: Fix commad ring abort, write all 64 bits to CRCR register + (bsc#1192569). +- commit e4fbc61 + +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_tx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- ibmvnic: drop bad optimization in reuse_rx_pools() (bsc#1193349 + ltc#195568). +- commit 667806f + +- Bluetooth: Apply initial command workaround for more Intel chips + (bsc#83f2dafe2a62). +- commit e1329be + +- drm/i915/hdmi: Turn DP++ TMDS output buffers back on in + encoder->shutdown() (git-fixes). +- commit 905574f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Extend-the-async-flip-VT-d-w-a-to-skl-bxt.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit afad9d5 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-gvt-fix-the-usage-of-ww-lock-in-gvt-schedul.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 0475b7e + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-Fix-even-more-out-of-bound-writes-from-de.patch. + Alt-commit. Also updated the patch-mainline tag. +- commit ce4a8c2 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amd-display-Fix-deadlock-when-falling-back-to-v2.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit fadf24f + +- drm/amdgpu/display: add quirk handling for stutter mode + (git-fixes). +- commit 9ae484d + +- fuse: release pipe buf after last use (bsc#1193318). +- commit fad20a3 + +- drm/msm/dsi: fix wrong type in msm_dsi_host (git-fixes). +- commit 9d4cd6e + +- drm/msm/dsi: do not enable irq handler before powering up the + host (git-fixes). +- commit 21c53a3 + +- mm: vmscan: Reduce throttling due to a failure to make progress + (bsc#1190208 (MM functional and performance backports)). +- commit c9d43e5 + +- sched,x86: Fix L2 cache mask (bsc#1193302). +- commit 512a2f3 + +- sched/fair: Adjust the allowed NUMA imbalance when SD_NUMA + spans multiple LLCs (bsc#1192120). +- sched/fair: Use weight of SD_NUMA domain in find_busiest_group + (bsc#1192120). +- commit 67de029 + +- Delete + patches.suse/sched-fair-Adjust-the-allowed-NUMA-imbalance-when-SD_NUMA-spans-multiple-LLCS.patch. +- commit 79c1d08 + +- drm/msm/dsi: rename dual DSI to bonded DSI (git-fixes). +- commit 383555c + +- drm/amd/pm: Fix incorrect power limit readback in smu11 if + POWER_SOURCE_DC (git-fixes). +- commit c04f48c + +- drm/i915: Replace the unconditional clflush with + drm_clflush_virt_range() (git-fixes). +- commit bf0c1da + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 2650497 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-guc-drop-guc_communication_enabled.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 01f68ee + +- blacklist.conf: faf890985e30 drm/i915: Fix syncmap memory leak +- commit 62955ef + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdgpu-handle-the-case-of-pci_channel_io_frozen-.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 3b7e322 + +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a second possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- commit e15a622 + +- USB: serial: option: add Fibocom FM101-GL variants (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: option: add Telit LE910S1 0x9200 composition + (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci: Fix ADMA for PAGE_SIZE >= 64KiB (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: recognise GA106 (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: IH process reset count when restart (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Simplify initialization of rootcap on virtual + bridge (git-fixes). +- PCI: aardvark: Implement re-issuing config requests on CRS + response (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove a third possible deadlock + (git-fixes). +- staging: rtl8723bs: remove possible deadlock when disconnect + (v2) (git-fixes). +- commit cbbc2ed + +- rpm/ don't strip vmlinux again (bsc#1193306) + After usrmerge, vmlinux file is not named vmlinux-<version>, but simply + vmlinux. And this is not reflected in STRIP_KEEP_SYMTAB we set. + So fix this by removing the dash... +- commit 83af88d + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-a-potential-ttm-sg-memory-leak.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 18c0378 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-amdkfd-fix-dma-mapping-leaking-warning.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d513741 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amd-display-Fix-white-screen-page-fault-for-gpuv.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit d8362fa + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-amdgpu-fix-use-after-free-during-BO-move.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 6231070 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-tc-Fix-TypeC-port-init-resume-time-sanitiza.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 75478ec + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0425-drm-i915-Update-memory-bandwidth-parameters.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 20108dd + +- blacklist.conf: b6dfa4161729 drm/i915/dp: Drop redundant debug print +- commit c59ba00 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0001-drm-i915-dp-return-proper-DPRX-link-training-result.patch. + Alt-commit +- commit 70fb6b8 + +- blacklist.conf: d8959fb33890 drm/i915/dp: remove superfluous EXPORT_SYMBOL() +- commit 83d3fca + +- blacklist.conf: f6864b27d6d3 drm/i915/edp: fix eDP MSO pipe sanity checks for ADL-P +- commit fc8a263 + +- blacklist.conf: 8b46cc6577f4 drm/i915: Tweaked Wa_14010685332 for all PCHs +- commit 8d282e0 + +- blacklist.conf: c5589bb5dccb drm/i915: Only access SFC_DONE when media domain is not fused off +- commit e46b9ce + +- blacklist.conf: 70418a68713c drm/i915/display: Fix the 12 BPC bits for PIPE_MISC reg +- commit 0ee0cf4 + +- rtw89: add AXIDMA and TX FIFO dump in mac_mem_dump + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fix potentially access out of range of RF register array + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unneeded variable (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: remove unnecessary conditional operators (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update tx power limit/limit_ru tables to R54 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: update rtw89 regulation definition to R58-R31 + (bsc#1188303). +- rtw89: fill regd field of limit/limit_ru tables by enum + (bsc#1188303). +- commit bdba716 + +- Update rtw89 fix with the upstream patch from wireless-drivers tree +- commit 70a5c33 + +- mwifiex: Fix skb_over_panic in mwifiex_usb_recv() + (CVE-2021-43976 bsc#1192847). +- commit 4829170 + +- nvme-pci: add NO APST quirk for Kioxia device (git-fixes). +- commit 86d3c56 + +- crypto: dh - call dh_init() after drbg_init() and jent_mod_init() + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 61dfd91 + +- crypto: dh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 9f91254 + +- crypto: dh - accept only approved safe-prime groups in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2d1a8e9 + +- crypto: dh - try to match domain parameters to a known + safe-prime group (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 26a335b + +- crypto: dh - calculate Q from P for the full public key + verification (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit b4037c4 + +- crypto: dh - store group id in dh-generic's dh_ctx + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit f0486a1 + +- lib/mpi: export mpi_rshift (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4310d0e + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH test vectors for key generation + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 54bd083 + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to qat driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 7368cee + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to hpre driver (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 2b8dc8a + +- crypto: dh - introduce support for ephemeral key generation + to dh-generic (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 3773460 + +- crypto: dh - implement private key generation primitive + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 6465374 + +- crypto: testmgr - run only subset of DH vectors based on config + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ac8f2bb + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 3526 modp2048 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit d59cad5 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 3526 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit 7ce8fbd + +- crypto: testmgr - add DH RFC 7919 ffdhe3072 test vector + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 66277b9 + +- crypto: dh - introduce RFC 7919 safe-prime groups + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- Update config files. +- commit ffde948 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Fix fan mutliplier detection for 3rd + fan (git-fixes). +- commit fc58f7c + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Convert to + devm_hwmon_device_register_with_info() (git-fixes). +- commit 8eb28b7 + +- crypto: dh - optimize domain parameter serialization for + well-known groups (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 0e9a462 + +- crypto: dh - constify struct dh's pointer members + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit cd58585 + +- crypto: dh - remove struct dh's ->q member + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit ca28b3e + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Move variables into a driver private + data structure (git-fixes). +- commit a97cfe2 + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use devm_add_action_or_reset() + (git-fixes). +- commit 12a377a + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Mark functions as __init (git-fixes). +- commit a95801d + +- ptp: ocp: add COMMON_CLK dependency (git-fixes). +- commit c11a32b + +- hwmon: (dell-smm-hwmon) Use platform device (git-fixes). +- commit f051ae7 + +- mm: Add kvrealloc() (git-fixes). +- commit ef97709 + +- crypto: jitter - quit sample collection loop upon RCT failure + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 990cfda + +- crypto: jitter - don't limit ->health_failure check to FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 583d284 + +- crypto: drbg - ignore jitterentropy errors if not in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit a216735 + +- mt76: drop MCU header size from buffer size in + __mt76_mcu_send_firmware (git-fixes). +- commit 3d10da9 + +- mt76: introduce __mt76_mcu_send_firmware routine (git-fixes). +- commit a54556a + +- x86/hyperv: Move required MSRs check to initial platform probing + (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Fix NULL deref in set_hv_tscchange_cb() if Hyper-V + setup fails (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: balloon: Use VMBUS_RING_SIZE() wrapper for + dm_ring_size (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Fix spelling mistake "calledd" -> "called" + (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- PCI: hv: Remove unnecessary use of %hx (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv : vmbus: Adding NULL pointer check (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicate include (git-fixes). +- x86/hyperv: Remove duplicated include in hv_init (git-fixes). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Remove unused code to check for subchannels + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Support hibernation and kexec (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Improve the HWC error handling (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Report OS info to the PF driver (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Fix the netdev_err()'s vPort argument in + mana_init_port() (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- net: mana: Allow setting the number of queues while the NIC + is down (jsc#SLE-18779, bsc#1185726). +- hv_netvsc: Add comment of netvsc_xdp_xmit() (git-fixes). +- hv_netvsc: use netif_is_bond_master() instead of open code + (git-fixes). +- net: mana: Use kcalloc() instead of kzalloc() (jsc#SLE-18779, + bsc#1185726). +- net: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-19256). +- commit 64933c8 + +- Revert "drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi" + This reverts commit d33eb4b2a0b7422c9dc94bcd23d0d9ef458f2f77. +- commit 6e0d735 + +- bpf: Stop caching subprog index in the bpf_pseudo_func insn + (git-fixes). +- commit 76c87a6 + +- usb: ohci: disable start-of-frame interrupt in ohci_rh_suspend + (git-fixes). +- commit 474865f + +- Refresh + patches.suse/0410-drm-i915-adl_p-Also-disable-underrun-recovery-with-M.patch. + Add alt-commit tag for duplicate +- commit b076848 + +- drm/i915/guc: Reset LRC descriptor if register returns -ENODEV + (git-fixes). +- commit 65e549a + +- drm/i915/guc: Take context ref when cancelling request + (git-fixes). +- commit 506a6d9 + +- drm/i915/guc: Copy whole golden context, set engine state size + of subset (git-fixes). +- commit b1fdf4a + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't enable scheduling on a banned context, + guc_id invalid, not registered (git-fixes). +- commit c06d135 + +- drm/i915/guc: Kick tasklet after queuing a request (git-fixes). +- commit 35e2726 + +- drm/i915/guc: Workaround reset G2H is received after schedule + done G2H (git-fixes). +- commit e25f4c3 + +- drm/i915/guc: Don't drop ce->guc_active.lock when unwinding + context (git-fixes). +- commit 380814a + +- drm/i915/guc: Unwind context requests in reverse order + (git-fixes). +- commit b4b0087 + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix outstanding G2H accounting (git-fixes). +- commit bd00cfe + +- drm/i915/guc: Fix blocked context accounting (git-fixes). +- commit 5787530 + +- drm/i915: Fix missing docbook chapters for i915 uapi + (git-fixes). +- commit d33eb4b + +- config: set the default cpufreq governor on x86 to "ondemand" (bsc#1190923) + "Ondemand" has been the default cpufreq governor in previous SLES + releases. Upstream has now set the default to be "schedutil" on all x86_64 + systems except for the most recent Intel CPUs (see a00ec3874e7d3 ("cpufreq: + intel_pstate: Select schedutil as the default governor")). We estimate this + choice carries a notable performance regression. + The direct effect of this patch is to restore "ondemand" as default + governor on AMD systems. + Setting CPU_FREQ_DEFAULT_GOV_CONSERVATIVE=n explicitely is necessary otherwise + "make syncconfig" thinks that option is new and stops the build, if no silent + config updates are permitted. +- commit 5f12495 + +- Revert "cpufreq: Avoid configuring old governors as default + with intel_pstate" (bsc#1190923). +- commit a145265 + +- net: hns3: fix incorrect components info of ethtool --reset + command (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix one incorrect value of page pool info when + queried by debugfs (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: add check NULL address for page pool (bsc#1190336). +- net: hns3: fix VF RSS failed problem after PF enable multi-TCs + (bsc#1190336). +- ethtool: ioctl: fix potential NULL deref in + ethtool_set_coalesce() (jsc#SLE-19253). +- nixge: fix mac address error handling again (jsc#SLE-19253). +- ptp: ocp: Fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks (jsc#SLE-19253). +- RDMA/core: Set sgtable nents when using ib_dma_virt_map_sg() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ethernet: fix up ps3_gelic_net.c for "ethernet: use + eth_hw_addr_set()" (jsc#SLE-19256). +- ethernet: ehea: add missing cast (jsc#SLE-19256). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sgtable() + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- dma-mapping: fix the kerneldoc for dma_map_sg_attrs + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- ptp: ocp: Have Kconfig select NET_DEVLINK (jsc#SLE-19253). +- commit 5d25d7c + +- iommu/vt-d: Fix unmap_pages support (git-fixes). +- commit 7a9b51b + +- rpm/modules.fips: remove des3 and des (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). + DES3 has been marked as not approved for FIPS now, remove it + from modules.fips. +- commit e1ec547 + +- iommu/rockchip: Fix PAGE_DESC_HI_MASKs for RK3568 (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Account for min_align_mask w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- swiotlb: Support aligned swiotlb buffers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Check CONFIG_SWIOTLB more broadly (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fold _swiotlb helpers into callers (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Skip extra sync during unmap w/swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/dma: Fix sync_sg with swiotlb (git-fixes). +- iommu/vt-d: Drop "0x" prefix from PCI bus & device addresses + (git-fixes). +- iommu/amd: Remove iommu_init_ga() (git-fixes). +- commit 27f96b2 + +- crypto: ecdh - implement FIPS PCT (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191256). +- commit 4be783b + +- crypto: populate downstream list of drivers unapproved for + FIPS mode usage (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit cf79007 + +- crypto: implement downstream solution for disabling drivers + in FIPS mode (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191270). +- commit 267194d + +- hugetlbfs: flush TLBs correctly after huge_pmd_unshare + (bsc#1192946 CVE-2021-4002). +- commit 9a6f8ea + +- locking/rwsem: Optimize down_read_trylock() under highly + contended case (bsc#1190137). +- locking/rwsem: Make handoff bit handling more consistent + (bsc#1190137). +- shm: extend forced shm destroy to support objects from several + IPC nses (git-fixes). +- net: stats: Read the statistics in ___gnet_stats_copy_basic() + instead of adding (bsc#1189998). +- lib/logic_iomem: fix sparse warnings (git-fixes). +- net/sched: cls_api, reset flags on replay (bsc#1189998). +- commit 2753e49 + +- Move upstreamed xhci patch into sorted section +- commit e524866 + +- crypto: dh - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit 5ff1146 + +- crypto: rsa - limit key size to 2048 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1193136). +- commit e13c64c + +- crypto: des - disallow des3 in FIPS mode + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191261). +- commit 5cba32d + +- crypto: jitter - consider 32 LSB for APT + (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit e52f765 + +- crypto: drbg - reseed 'nopr' drbgs periodically from + get_random_bytes() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 9772beb + +- crypto: drbg - make drbg_prepare_hrng() handle jent + instantiation errors (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 5d82af9 + +- crypto: drbg - make reseeding from get_random_bytes() + synchronous (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit c503088 + +- crypto: drbg - move dynamic ->reseed_threshold adjustments to + __drbg_seed() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit fe4673f + +- crypto: drbg - track whether DRBG was seeded with + !rng_is_initialized() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832d7de + +- crypto: drbg - prepare for more fine-grained tracking of + seeding state (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 832ea10 + +- crypto: drbg - Fix unused value warning in + drbg_healthcheck_sanity() (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 585265f + +- bpf: Fix toctou on read-only map's constant scalar tracking + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- commit a65db58 + +- bpf: Use kvmalloc for map keys in syscalls + (bsc#1192990,CVE-2021-4001). +- Refresh + patches.suse/bpf-Fix-error-usage-of-map_fd-and-fdget-in-generic_m.patch. +- commit 8529db1 + +- usb: hub: Fix locking issues with address0_mutex (git-fixes). +- commit 6e122fb + +- mdio: aspeed: Fix "Link is Down" issue (git-fixes). +- lan743x: fix deadlock in lan743x_phy_link_status_change() + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Get acpi_device's parent from the parent field + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: CPPC: Add NULL pointer check to cppc_get_perf() + (git-fixes). +- PM: hibernate: use correct mode for swsusp_close() (git-fixes). +- staging/fbtft: Fix backlight (git-fixes). +- USB: serial: pl2303: fix GC type detection (git-fixes). +- usb: chipidea: ci_hdrc_imx: fix potential error pointer + dereference in probe (git-fixes). +- usb: hub: Fix usb enumeration issue due to address0 race + (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: fusb302: Fix masking of comparator and bc_lvl + interrupts (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: leave default DMA for PCI devices (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: hcd_queue: Fix use of floating point literal + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Fix null pointer exception (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc2: gadget: Fix ISOC flow for elapsed frames (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Check for L1/L2/U3 for Start Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: gadget: Ignore NoStream after End Transfer + (git-fixes). +- usb: dwc3: core: Revise GHWPARAMS9 offset (git-fixes). +- mmc: sdhci-esdhc-imx: disable CMDQ support (git-fixes). +- commit 41fc655 + +- drm/dp: Don't zero PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT when driver_pwm_freq_hz not specified (git-fixes). +- commit c054b5e + +- Alt-commit updates for duplicates +- Refresh + patches.suse/0409-drm-i915-Use-designated-initializers-for-init-exit-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0411-drm-i915-gt-Potential-error-pointer-dereference-in-p.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0412-drm-i915-selftest-Fix-use-of-err-in-igt_reset_-fail-.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0419-drm-i915-gem-Fix-the-mman-selftest.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0420-drm-i915-Release-ctx-syncobj-on-final-put-not-on-ctx.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0421-drm-i915-Get-PM-ref-before-accessing-HW-register.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0422-drm-i915-selftests-Do-not-use-import_obj-uninitializ.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0423-drm-i915-selftests-Always-initialize-err-in-igt_dmab.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0426-drm-i915-Move-__i915_gem_free_object-to-ttm_bo_destr.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/0427-drm-i915-Free-all-DMC-payloads.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0429-drm-i915-guc-docs-Fix-pdfdocs-build-error-by-removin.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0432-drm-i915-fix-blank-screen-booting-crashes.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0439-drm-i915-Fix-bug-in-user-proto-context-creation-that.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0440-drm-i915-Free-the-returned-object-of-acpi_evaluate_d.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/0445-drm-i915-Revert-guc_id-from-i915_request-tracepoint.patch. +- commit 6fe956e + +- constraints: Build aarch64 on recent ARMv8.1 builders. + Request asimdrdm feature which is available only on recent ARMv8.1 CPUs. + This should prevent scheduling the kernel on an older slower builder. +- commit 60fc53f + +- iio: imu: adis16400: Fix buffer alignment requirements + (git-fixes). +- iio: gyro: mpu3050: Fix alignment and size issues with buffers + (git-fixes). +- iio: adc: ti-adc108s102: Fix alignment of buffer pushed to + iio buffers (git-fixes). +- staging: wfx: ensure IRQ is ready before enabling it + (git-fixes). +- commit 594abf0 + +- firmware: smccc: Fix check for ARCH_SOC_ID not implemented + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error assignment in voltage + protocol (git-fixes). +- HID: multitouch: disable sticky fingers for UPERFECT Y + (git-fixes). +- tty: tty_buffer: Fix the softlockup issue in flush_to_ldisc + (git-fixes). +- iio: imu: st_lsm6dsx: Avoid potential array overflow in + st_lsm6dsx_set_odr() (git-fixes). +- iio: core: Introduce iio_push_to_buffers_with_ts_unaligned() + (git-fixes). +- usb: host: ohci-tmio: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- usb: typec: tipd: Remove WARN_ON in tps6598x_block_read + (git-fixes). +- usb: musb: tusb6010: check return value after calling + platform_get_resource() (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra20-emc: Add runtime dependency on devfreq governor + module (git-fixes). +- commit 872c3f8 + +- drm/hyperv: Fix device removal on Gen1 VMs (git-fixes). +- drm/aspeed: Fix vga_pw sysfs output (git-fixes). +- drm/vc4: fix error code in vc4_create_object() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau/acr: fix a couple NULL vs IS_ERR() checks + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Set plane update flags for all planes in reset + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Fix DPIA outbox timeout after GPU reset + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix type error in sensor protocol + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: pm: Propagate return value to caller + (git-fixes). +- firmware: arm_scmi: Fix base agent discover response + (git-fixes). +- drm/amdgpu: fix set scaling mode Full/Full aspect/Center not + works on vga and dvi connectors (git-fixes). +- commit 90685db + +- drm/amd/pm: avoid duplicate powergate/ungate setting + (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: clean up all clients on device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: Add a dedicated mutex for the clients list + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: use drm_dev_unplug() during device removal + (CVE-2020-27820 bsc#1179599 git-fixes). +- clk: sunxi-ng: Unregister clocks/resets when unbinding + (git-fixes). +- clk: imx: imx6ul: Move csi_sel mux to correct base register + (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Use context lost quirk for otg (git-fixes). +- bus: ti-sysc: Add quirk handling for reinit on context lost + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5682: fix a little pop while playback (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add missing quirk for Dell SKU 0A45 + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add missing quirk for TGL SDCA single + amp (git-fixes). +- ASoC: nau8824: Add DMI quirk mechanism for active-high + jack-detect (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5651: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: es8316: Use IRQF_NO_AUTOEN when requesting the IRQ + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: gus: fix null pointer dereference on pointer block + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-dai: fix potential locking issue + (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Update swizzle mode enums (git-fixes). +- drm/amd/display: Limit max DSC target bpp for specific monitors + (git-fixes). +- commit acb861b + +- Move upstreamed media and ARM patches into sorted section + Dropped a corresponding blacklist entry, too +- commit c1e7317 + +- powerpc/kexec_file: Add KEXEC_SIG support (jsc#SLE-18145 + bsc#1192295). + Update config files. +- commit b9bad9a + +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix wd_smp_last_reset_tb reporting + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: read TB close to where it is used (bsc#1187541 + ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Avoid holding wd_smp_lock over printk and + smp_send_nmi_ipi (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: tighten non-atomic read-modify-write access + (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- powerpc/watchdog: Fix missed watchdog reset due to memory + ordering race (bsc#1187541 ltc#192129). +- commit 823022d + +- x86/sev: Fix noinstr for vc_ghcb_invalidate() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 794a8a0 + +- x86: Always inline ip_within_syscall_gap() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cfc10d5 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline evmcs_write64() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 22c39a2 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline to_svm() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 5a2d299 + +- x86: Always inline context_tracking_guest_enter() (bsc#1169514). +- commit 57c3b6f + +- x86/kvm: Always inline vmload() / vmsave() (bsc#1169514). +- commit bd03ad7 + +- x86/kvm: Always inline sev_*guest() (bsc#1169514). +- commit cc1d87a + +- objtool: Introduce CFI hash (bsc#1169514). +- Refresh + patches.suse/objtool-Handle-__sanitize_cov-tail-calls.patch. +- commit 4b4d3bb + +- HID: input: set usage type to key on keycode remap (git-fixes). +- HID: input: Fix parsing of HID_CP_CONSUMER_CONTROL fields + (git-fixes). +- HID: wacom: Use "Confidence" flag to prevent reporting invalid + contacts (git-fixes). +- commit 00be7f6 + +- Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. + Fixes warning: + ../drivers/gpu/drm/i915/gem/i915_gem_ttm.c:382:22: warning: unused variable 'sg' [-Wunused-variable] +- commit 883a20a + +- ASoC: cs42l42: Assume 24-bit samples are in 32-bit slots + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 41fb147 + +- ASoC: rt1015: remove possible unused variable `bclk_ms' + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015p: add new acpi id and comapatible id (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98390: Add support change dsm param name (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Update module authors (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Validate dai_set_sysclk() frequency + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: cs42l42: Add PLL configuration for 44.1kHz/16-bit + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: max98090: remove duplicate status reads and useless + assignmment (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: tlv320aic32x4: make array clocks static, makes object + smaller (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt1015: Remove unnecessary flush work on rt1015 driver + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 79753e1 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Utilize dev_err_probe() to avoid + log saturation (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Switch to use gpiod_get_optional() + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Use temporary variable for struct + device (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcht_es8316: Get platform data via + dev_get_platdata() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: trace: Omit error print when waking up trace sleepers + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: loader: Re-phrase the missing firmware error to + avoid duplication (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: Fix CONFIG_SND_SOC_SDW_MOCKUP select + (bsc#1192354). +- commit f37efd9 + +- ASoC: rt5682: fix headset background noise when S3 state + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: Fix the vol+ button detection issue (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Make + rt5640_jack_gpio/rt5640_jack2_gpio static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: remove duplicate include (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select first entry for singular pipe + config arrays (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Properly configure modules with generic + extension (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support modules with generic extension + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Support multiple format configs + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Simplify m_state for loadable modules + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Skylake: Select proper format for NHLT blob + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Mark hp_elitepad_1000g2_jack?_check + functions static (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for HP Elite Pad 1000G2 + jack-detect (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add rt5640_set_ovcd_params() helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Add optional hp_det_gpio parameter to + rt5640_detect_headset() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Delay requesting IRQ until the machine-drv calls + set_jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5640: Move rt5640_disable_jack_detect() up in the + rt5640.c file (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5514: make array div static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: rt5682: enable SAR ADC power saving mode during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 048b9dc + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: pass card information to init/exit + functions (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-Intel-sof_sdw-tag-SoundWire-BEs-as-non-atomic.patch. +- commit 1e10617 + +- ASoC: Intel: bytct_rt5640: Add a separate "Headset Mic 2" + DAPM pin for the mic on the 2nd jack (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Use cfg-lineout:2 in the components + string (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: use software node API in Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: remove device_properties for Atom boards + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: use software node API in SoundWire machines + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_rt711*: keep codec device reference until + remove (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: get codec device with ACPI instead of + bus search (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: handle errors with + acpi_dev_get_first_match_dev() (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: harden codec property handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: make DMI L1 selection more robust + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 5cbe7a7 + +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: simplify logic for DMI_L1 handling + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda-stream: remove always true condition + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Kconfig: clarify DMI L1 option description + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: vangogh: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw_max98373: remove useless inits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: Use DMI string to search for + adl_mx98373_rt5682 variant (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Dell XPS 9710 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: introduce shim and alh base (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add snd_sof_dsp_check_sdw_irq ops + (bsc#1192354). +- commit e73d522 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: move sof_intel_dsp_desc() forward + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ASoC-SOF-Intel-hda-fix-hotplug-when-only-codec-is-su.patch. +- commit 6f291a3 + +- ASoC: SOF: intel: hda: remove HDA_DSP_REG_SNDW_WAKE_STS + definition (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: intel: add sdw_shim/alh_base to sof_intel_dsp_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: move intel sdw register definitions to sdw_intel.h + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Fix HP ElitePad 1000 G2 quirk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headset + mic input (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add support for a second headphones + output (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add a byt_rt5640_get_codec_dai() + helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: bytcr_rt5640: Add line-out support (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: skylake: Drop superfluous mmap callback + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d756b8c + +- ASoC: amd: enable vangogh acp5x driver build (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit 1e2e7cc + +- ASoC: amd: Drop superfluous mmap callbacks (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: Fix spelling contraction "cant" -> "can't" + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix an IS_ERR() vs NULL bug in probe (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Use dev_probe_err helper (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: Don't show messages about deferred probing by default + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dma driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh pci driver pm ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s dai driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add vangogh i2s controller driver (bsc#1192354). +- commit 97bb2cd + +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x pcm dma driver ops (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: irq handler changes for ACP5x PCM dma driver + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add ACP5x PCM platform driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: create acp5x platform devices (bsc#1192354). +- ASoc: amd: add acp5x init/de-init functions (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP PCI driver (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: add Vangogh ACP5x IP register header (bsc#1192354). +- ASOC: Intel: sof_sdw: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: update quirk for jack detection in ADL + RVP (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: include rt711.h for RT711 JD mode + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 725b1cd + +- ASoC: Intel: sof_sdw: extends SOF_RT711_JDSRC to 4 bits + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_rt5682: code refactor for max98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: add support for jsl_cs4242_mx98360a + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: maxim-common: support max98360a (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: support arbitrary DAI link sequence + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: sof_cs42l42: use helper function to get bclk + frequency (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: SOF: add a helper to get topology configured bclk + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: soc-acpi: add support for SoundWire of TGL-H-RVP + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: amd: fix spelling mistakes (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: intel: atom: Revert PCM buffer address setup workaround + again (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: do not extend reset delay (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: conditionally exit clock stop mode on system + suspend (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: intel: skip suspend/resume/wake when link was not + started (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: override PDI configurations to create + loopback (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add debugfs interface for PDI loopbacks + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't program mockup device ports + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: squelch error returned by mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: add flag to ignore all command/control for mockup + devices (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: stream: don't abort bank switch on + Command_Ignored/-ENODATA (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: Intel: boards: sof_sdw: add SoundWire mockup codecs for + tests (bsc#1192354). +- commit 01f384c + +- ASoC: codecs: add SoundWire mockup device support (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit cb6d378 + +- ASoC: soc-acpi: tgl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ASoC: soc-acpi: cnl: add table for SoundWire mockup devices + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: add paranoid check on self-clearing bits + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add quirk for Intel 'Bishop County' + NUC M15 (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: update Slave status in sdw_clear_slave_status + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: cadence: Remove ret variable from sdw_cdns_irq() + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: bus: filter out more -EDATA errors on clock stop + (bsc#1192354). +- soundwire: dmi-quirks: add ull suffix for SoundWire _ADR values + (bsc#1192354). +- commit 96de317 + +- Revert "ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again" + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 14d0e54 + +- ALSA: hda: Drop workaround for a hang at shutdown again + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-hda-Use-position-buffer-for-SKL-again.patch. +- commit 0b88e07 + +- ALSA: hda/cirrus: Move CS8409 HDA bridge to separate module + (bsc#1192354). +- Update config files. +- commit af1e7cf + +- ALSA: hda: fix general protection fault in azx_runtime_idle + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Setup Dolphin Headset Mic as Phantom Jack + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Initialize Codec only in init fixup + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Ensure Type Detection is only run on startup + when necessary (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Disable runtime resume at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allow model option to specify PCI SSID alias + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Code refactoring snd_hda_pick_fixup() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/analog - Sink ad198x_shutup() and shuffle CONFIG_PM + guards (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/sigmatel - Sink stac_shutup() into stac_suspend() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Nuke unused reboot_notify callback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Suspend codec at shutdown (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: conexant: Turn off EAPD at suspend, too + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent pops and clicks during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Unmute/Mute codec when stream starts/stops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Follow correct CS42L42 power down sequence + for suspend (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Remove unnecessary delays (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use timeout rather than retries for I2C + transaction waits (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Set fixed sample rate of 48kHz for CS42L42 + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Enable Full Scale Volume for Line Out Codec + on Dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add support for dolphin (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Add Support to disable jack type detection + for CS42L42 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support multiple sub_codecs for + Suspend/Resume/Unsol events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move codec properties to its own struct + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Separate CS8409, CS42L42 and project functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Support i2c bulk read/write functions + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid re-setting the same page as the last + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Avoid setting the same I2C address for every + access (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Dont disable I2C clock between consecutive + accesses (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Generalize volume controls (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Prevent I2C access during suspend time + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Simplify CS42L42 jack detect (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask CS42L42 wake events (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited response for the first + boot (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unsolicited responses during suspend + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Disable unnecessary Ring Sense for + Cyborg/Warlock/Bullseye (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Reduce HS pops/clicks for Cyborg + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Mask all CS42L42 interrupts on initialization + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Use enums for register names and coefficients + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/cs8409: Move arrays of configuration to a new file + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: Allocate resources with device-managed APIs + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/hdmi: Add option to enable all pins forcibly + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda/ca0132: remove redundant initialization of variable + status (bsc#1192354). +- commit bdfccf7 + +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for JSL devices based on + ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: intel-dsp-config: add quirk for APL/GLK/TGL devices + based on ES8336 codec (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_ext_stream: fix potential locking issues + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: hda: hdac_stream: fix potential locking issue in + snd_hdac_stream_assign() (bsc#1192354). +- commit 7c0aa55 + +- ALSA: doc: Fix indentation warning (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Drop superfluous snd_dma_buffer_sync() + declaration (bsc#1192354). +- commit 856f153 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Don't start stream for capture at prepare + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Switch back to non-latency mode at a later + point (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix null pointer dereference on pointer cs_desc + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Initialize every feature unit once at probe + time (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Drop superfluous error message after + disconnection (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Downgrade error message in get_ctl_value_v2() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Less restriction for low-latency playback mode + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Pass JOINT_DUPLEX info flag for implicit fb + streams (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix packet size calculation regression + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: disable implicit feedback sync for Behringer + UFX1204 and UFX1604 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Avoid killing in-flight URBs during draining + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Improved lowlatency playback support + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add spinlock to stop_urbs() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Check available frames for the next packet size + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency mode for implicit feedback + sync (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Disable low-latency playback for free-wheel + mode (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Rename early_playback_start flag with + lowlatency_playback (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: fix comment reference in + __uac_clock_find_source (bsc#1192354). +- commit 9d7667d + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ignore_ctl_error check into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Audient-iD14-to-mixer-map-quirk-t.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/ALSA-usb-audio-Add-Schiit-Hel-device-to-mixer-map-qu.patch. +- Refresh + patches.suse/Revive-usb-audio-Keep-Interface-mixer.patch. +- commit 823344c + +- ALSA: usx2y: Prefer struct_size over open coded arithmetic + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix microphone sound on Jieli webcam + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Enable rate validation for Scarlett devices + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move set-interface-first workaround into + common quirk (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: make array static const, makes object smaller + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: doc: Add the description of quirk_flags option for + snd-usb-audio (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Add quirk_flags module option (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move generic DSD raw detection into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move autosuspend quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move rate validation quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- commit d167cc1 + +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move interface setup delay into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move control message delay quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move ITF-USB DSD quirk handling into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move clock setup quirk into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move playback_first flag into quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move tx_length quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move txfr_quirk handling to quirk_flags + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Move media-controller API quirk into + quirk_flags (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Introduce quirk_flags field (bsc#1192354). +- commit 6630f4e + +- ALSA: memalloc: Remove a stale comment (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Use proper SG helpers for noncontig allocations + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix a typo in snd_dma_buffer_sync() description + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-coherent page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support for non-contiguous page allocation + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: ISA: not for M68K (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Unify snd_pcm_delay() and snd_pcm_hwsync() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add more disconnection checks at file ops + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Add SNDRV_PCM_INFO_EXPLICIT_SYNC flag (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Count continuous pages in vmalloc buffer handler + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: control_led: use strscpy instead of strlcpy + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix mmap of SG-buffer with WC pages + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Store snd_dma_buffer.addr for continuous pages, + too (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Fix pgprot for WC mmap on x86 (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Support WC allocation on all architectures + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: pcm: Allow exact buffer preallocation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Correctly name as WC (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: memalloc: Minor refactoring (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Fix double calls of snd_card_free() via devres + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: seq: Fix comments of wrong client number for MIDI + Passthrough (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed request_dma() (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add managed card creation (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: core: Add device-managed page allocator helper + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Initialize mutex in snd_compress_new() + (bsc#1192354). +- ALSA: compress: Drop unused functions (bsc#1192354). +- commit f0eac26 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 276c538 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix for ADL_P/S dp/edp max source rates + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit f8dd603 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix DG1 and RKL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit ef43dd0 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix EHL/JSL max source rates calculation + (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 0821357 + +- drm/i915/dp: fix TGL and ICL max source rates (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 61199d4 + +- drm/i915/dp: Fix eDP max rate for display 11+ (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 468b330 + +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ADL-S PCI IDs (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit d125195 + +- drm/i915: Disable bonding on gen12+ platforms (jsc#SLE-22724). +- commit 5d84d6d + +- ALSA: ctxfi: Fix out-of-range access (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Fix LED on HP ProBook 435 G7 (git-fixes). +- ALSA: hda/realtek: Add quirk for ASRock NUC Box 1100 + (git-fixes). +- commit aee8b91 + +- selinux: fix NULL-pointer dereference when hashtab allocation + fails (git-fixes). +- ASoC: stm32: i2s: fix 32 bits channel length without mclk + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: lpass-rx-macro: fix HPHR setting CLSH mask + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd934x: return error code correctly from + hw_params (git-fixes). +- ASoC: codecs: wcd938x: fix volatile register range (git-fixes). +- ASoC: topology: Add missing rwsem around snd_ctl_remove() + calls (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6asm: fix q6asm_dai_prepare error handling + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: qdsp6: q6routing: Conditionally reset FrontEnd Mixer + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: DAPM: Cover regression by kctl change notification fix + (git-fixes). +- ASoC: SOF: Intel: hda: fix hotplug when only codec is suspended + (git-fixes). +- media: cec: copy sequence field for the reply (git-fixes). +- media: v4l2-core: fix VIDIOC_DQEVENT handling on non-x86 + (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra194: remove duplicate initializer again + (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Fix error return code in + tegra186_emc_probe() (git-fixes). +- commit 40b2336 + +- Delete patches.suse/Fix-breakage-of-swap-over-NFS.patch. + A recent patch + patches.suse/NFS-move-generic_write_checks-call-from-nfs_file_dir.patch + provides a better solution. +- commit ab6f39b + +- SUNRPC/xprt: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: remove scheduling boost for "SWAPPER" tasks + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC: improve 'swap' handling: scheduling and PF_MEMALLOC + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/call_alloc: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- SUNRPC/auth: async tasks mustn't block waiting for memory + (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: move generic_write_checks() call from + nfs_file_direct_write() to nfs_file_write() (bsc#1191876). +- NFS: do not take i_rwsem for swap IO (bsc#1191876). +- MM: reclaim mustn't enter FS for swap-over-NFS (bsc#1191876). +- commit 11279f5 + +- scsi: qla2xxx: Fix mailbox direction flags in + qla2xxx_get_adapter_id() (git-fixes). +- scsi: core: sysfs: Fix hang when device state is set via sysfs + (git-fixes). +- scsi: ufs: core: Improve SCSI abort handling (git-fixes). +- commit 13e7c01 + +- drm/i915: Revert 'guc_id' from i915_request tracepoint + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free the returned object of acpi_evaluate_dsm() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix bug in user proto-context creation that leaked + contexts (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remember to call i915_sw_fence_fini (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: fix blank screen booting crashes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc, docs: Fix pdfdocs build error by removing nested + grid (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Free all DMC payloads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move __i915_gem_free_object to ttm_bo_destroy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update memory bandwidth parameters (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Enable -Wsometimes-uninitialized (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Always initialize err in + igt_dmabuf_import_same_driver_lmem() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Do not use import_obj uninitialized + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Get PM ref before accessing HW register + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Release ctx->syncobj on final put, not on ctx close + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Fix the mman selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- tools headers UAPI: Sync drm/i915_drm.h with the kernel sources + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use linux/stddef.h due to "isystem: trim/fixup + stdarg.h and other headers" (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio/gvt: Fix open/close when multiple device FDs are open + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- vfio: Provide better generic support for open/release + vfio_device_ops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix use of err in igt_reset_{fail, + nop}_engine() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Potential error pointer dereference in + pinned_context() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Also disable underrun recovery with MSO + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use designated initializers for init/exit table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add support for new DG2-G11 revid 0x5 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Correctly program MBUS DBOX A credits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Apply CMTG clock disabling WA while DPLL0 is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Adjust the AUDIO power domain (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish removal of CNL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename/remove CNL registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: switch num_scalers/num_sprites to consider DISPLAY_VER + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: replace random CNL comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: rename CNL references in intel_dram.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_wopcm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pch.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_pm.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: remove explicit CNL handling from i915_irq.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: rename CNL references in skl_scaler.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove CNL ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_power.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + skl_universal_plane.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_vdsc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_dpll_mgr.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dp.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_dmc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_display_debugfs.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_ddi.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_crtc.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_combo_phy.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_color.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove explicit CNL handling from + intel_cdclk.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: remove PORT_F workaround for CNL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dp: DPTX writes Swing/Pre-emphs(DPCD 0x103-0x106) + requested during PHY Layer testing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update to bigjoiner path (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update lane disable power state during PSR + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Wait for SNPS PHY calibration during display init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update modeset sequences (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add vswing programming for SNPS phys + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for HDMI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add MPLLB programming for SNPS PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add ddi buf translation tables for combo PHY + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Update ddi buf translation tables + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: dgfx cards need to wait on pcode's uncore init done + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add workaround to disable CMTG clock gating + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Allow underrun recovery when possible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable audio, DRRS and PSR before planes + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement PSF GV point support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend QGV point restrict mask to 0x3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Fix cursor updates using legacy apis + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr2: Mark as updated all planes that intersect + with pipe_clip (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program chicken bit during DP MST sequence on TGL+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add DG2 to the PSR2 defeature list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Classify DG2 PHY types (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.03 on RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/firmware: Update to DMC v2.12 on TGL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Change intel_get_stepping_info() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: Add macro magic for handling steps + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 has fixed memory bandwidth (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't read DRAM info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't program BW_BUDDY registers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add dbuf programming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Setup display outputs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Don't wait for AUX power well enable ACKs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Skip shared DPLL handling (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add cdclk table and reference clock + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add fake PCH (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fork DG1 interrupt handler (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make display workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1408330847 no longer applies to RKL + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Wa_1409767108 also applies to RKL (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Wa_14011765242 is also needed on A1 display + stepping (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix shared dpll mismatch for bigjoiner slave + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Disable FBC when PSR2 is enabled display 12 + and newer (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement PSR changes (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Force dsc BPP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/dsc: Add Per connector debugfs node for DSC + BPP enable (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Add write permissions for fec support + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/debugfs: DISPLAY_VER 13 lpsp capability + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Extend Wa_14011508470 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Limit Wa_22010178259 to affected platforms + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Invoke another _DSM to enable MUX on HP Workstation + laptops (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Compute MEM Bandwidth using MCHBAR + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-memory-frequency-calculation.patch. +- drm/i915/display/xelpd: Fix incorrect color capability reporting + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Handle cdclk crawling flag in standard manner + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/plane: add intel_plane_helper_add() helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add SQIDI steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Update steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Define steering tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: handle new steering options (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/userptr: Probe existence of backing struct pages upon + creation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: delete gpu reloc code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable gpu relocations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: DG2 uses the same sseu limits as XeHP SDV + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Add maximum sseu limits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Changes to ss/eu definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: Add forcewake table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/rc: Setup and enable GuCRC feature (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add SLPC selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Sysfs hooks for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Cache platform frequency limits + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable ARAT timer interrupt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add debugfs for SLPC info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add get max/min freq hooks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Add methods to set min/max frequency + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Remove BUG_ON in guc_submission_disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Enable SLPC and add related H2G events + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Allocate, initialize and release SLPC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Adding SLPC communication interfaces + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Gate Host RPS when SLPC is enabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/drm-i915-Remove-warning-from-the-rps-worker.patch. +- drm/i915/guc/slpc: Initial definitions for SLPC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Fix missing sentinel on mcr_ranges_xehp + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: prefer the create_user helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove GRAPHICS_VER == 10 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename CNL references in intel_engine.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_sseu.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: remove explicit CNL handling from intel_mocs.c + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extract i915_module.c (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove i915_globals (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move vma slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move scheduler slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move request slabs to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_objects slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move gem_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move intel_context slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_buddy slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: move i915_active slab to direct module init/exit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Check for nomodeset in i915_init() first + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: Correct parameters for IS_XEHPSDV_GT_STEP() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Unblock GuC submission on Gen11+ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC priority management (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Bump selftest timeouts for hangcheck + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix hangcheck self test for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Increase some timeouts in live_requests + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix MOCS selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Fix workarounds selftest for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Better error reporting from hangcheck + selftest (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Support request cancellation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement banned contexts for GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add golden context to GuC ADS (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Include scheduling policies in the debugfs state + dump (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Connect reset modparam updates to GuC policy flags + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Hook GuC scheduling policies up (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Fix for error capture after full GPU reset with + GuC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Capture error state on context reset + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable GuC engine reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Don't complain about reset races (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Provide mmio list to be saved/restored on engine + reset (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Enable the timer expired interrupt for GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle engine reset failure notification + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Handle context reset notification (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Suspend/resume implementation for new interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add disable interrupts to guc sanitize + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset GPU immediately if submission is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Reset implementation for new GuC interface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active request tracking to a vfunc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine destroy vfunc (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Direct all breadcrumbs for a class to single + breadcrumbs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable bonding extension with GuC submission + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Hold reference to intel_context over life of + i915_request (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Make hangcheck work with GuC virtual engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: GuC virtual engines (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: unconditionally flush the pages on acquire + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: document caching related bits (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Migrate to system at dma-buf attach time (v7) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Correct the locking and pin pattern for dma-buf + (v8) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Always call obj->ops->migrate unless can_migrate + fails (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem/ttm: Only call __i915_gem_object_set_pages if + needed (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Unify user object creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Call i915_gem_flush_free_objects() in + i915_gem_dumb_create() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Refactor placement setup for + i915_gem_object_create* (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Check object_can_migrate from object_migrate + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke gen6_hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Xe_HP forcewake support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 3 (reset) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 2 (interrupts) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Extra media engines - Part 1 (engine definitions) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Define multicast register ranges (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Extend Wa_1406941453 to adl-p (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject set_domain for discrete (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: VDBOX/VEBOX fusing registers are enable-based + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: rename legacy engine->hw_id to engine->gen6_hw_id + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: nuke unused legacy engine hw_id (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: fix platform prefix (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add intel_context tracing (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add trace point for GuC submit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update GuC debugfs to support new GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update intel_gt_wait_for_idle to work with GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure G2H response has space in buffer + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable semaphores when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Ensure request ordering via completion fences + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Disable preempt busywait when using GuC scheduling + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Extend deregistration fence to schedule disable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Disable engine barriers with GuC during unpin + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Defer context unpin until scheduling is disabled + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Insert fence on context when deregistering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC context operations for new inteface + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add bypass tasklet submission path to GuC + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Implement GuC submission tasklet (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add LRC descriptor context lookup array + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Remove GuC stage descriptor, add LRC descriptor + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add new GuC interface defines and structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: New engine context offsets (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehp: Handle new device context ID format + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Allow for larger engine counts + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gen12: Use fuse info to enable SFC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg2: add DG2 platform info (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xehpsdv: add initial XeHP SDV definitions + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add XE_HP initial definitions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add release id version (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: do not abbreviate version in debugfs (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make the kmem slab for i915_buddy_block a global + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use a table for i915_init/exit (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Call i915_globals_exit() after i915_pmu_exit() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Ditch i915 globals shrink infrastructure + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make GT workaround upper bounds exclusive + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Program DFR enable/disable as a GT workaround + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop a couple unnecessary workarounds + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix application of WaInPlaceDecompressionHang + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add TTM offset argument to mmap (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_userptr to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: reject caching ioctls for discrete + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- Revert "drm/i915: Skip over MI_NOOP when parsing" + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop error handling from dma_fence_work + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove allow_alloc from i915_gem_object_get_sg* + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Drop workarounds that only apply to pre-production + steppings (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/cnl: Drop all workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dg1: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/rkl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl_ehl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/icl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/glk: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/bxt: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/kbl: Drop pre-production revision from stepping table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/skl: Use revid->stepping tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Make pre-production detection use direct revid + comparison (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/step: s/<platform>_revid_tbl/<platform>_revids + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_set_domain to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/uapi: convert drm_i915_gem_caching to kernel doc + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Module load failure test for CT buffer creation + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Optimize CTB writes and reads (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add stall timer to non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Add non blocking CTB send function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Increase size of CTB buffers (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Improve error message for unsolicited CT response + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Relax CTB response timeout (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Extend Wa_1406941453 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement Wa_1508744258 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Settle on "adl-x" in WA comments (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: use consistent CPU mappings for pin_map users + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Finalize contexts in GEM_CONTEXT_CREATE on version 13+ + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Roll all of context creation together + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- i915/gem/selftests: Assign the VM at context creation in + igt_shared_ctx_exec (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: Take a VM in kernel_context() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the engine set on running + contexts (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Don't allow changing the VM on running contexts + (v4) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Delay context creation (v3) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Drop i915_address_space::file (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return an error ptr from context_lookup + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Use the proto-context to handle create parameters + (v5) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Make an alignment check more sensible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add an i915_gem_vm_lookup helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Optionally set SSEU in intel_context_set_gem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Rework error handling in default_engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add an intermediate proto_context struct (v5) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add gem/i915_gem_context.h to the docs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Add a separate validate_priority helper + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop manually RCU banging in reset_stats_ioctl (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow creating contexts with too many engines + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/request: Remove the hook from await_execution + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove engine auto-magic with FENCE_SUBMIT (v2) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Disallow bonding of virtual engines (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop getparam support for I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_ENGINES + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Implement SINGLE_TIMELINE with a syncobj (v4) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop the CONTEXT_CLONE API (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Return void from context_apply_all + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Set the watchdog timeout directly in + intel_context_set_gem (v2) (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_NO_ZEROMAP (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop storing the ring size in the ring pointer (v3) + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Drop I915_CONTEXT_PARAM_RINGSIZE (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adlp: Add ADL-P GuC/HuC firmware files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/huc: Update TGL and friends to HuC 7.9.3 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_s: Fix dma_mask_size to 39 bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in mock_reserve + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: fix smatch warning in igt_check_blocks + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Improve debug Kconfig texts a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gtt: ignore min_page_size for paging structures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: support forcing the page size with lmem + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Migrate objects to LMEM if possible for + display (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Introduce a selftest for the gem object migrate + functionality (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Implement object migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftest: Extend ctx_timestamp ICL workaround to GEN11 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Use TTM for system memory (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Adjust gem flags and caching settings after a move + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update object placement flags to be mutable + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: fix static warning (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/eb: Fix pagefault disabling in the first slowpath + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Document the Virtual Engine uAPI (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Update firmware to v62.0.0 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/guc: Introduce unified HXG messages (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move submission tasklet to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Update i915_scheduler to operate on i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add kick_backend function to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move engine->schedule to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move active tracking to i915_sched_engine + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reset sched_engine.no_priolist immediately after + dequeue (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add i915_sched_engine_is_empty function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Move priolist to new i915_sched_engine object + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/selftests: add back the selftest() hook for the buddy + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix incorrect assumptions about ttm_bo_validate() + semantics (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add support for explicit L3BANK steering + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add GT support for multiple types of multicast + steering (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: extract steered reg access to common function + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Remove duplicate include of intel_region_lmem.h + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Perform execbuffer object locking as a separate step + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the i915_gem_object_blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Zap the client blt code (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: accelerated move implementation (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Setup a default migration context on the GT + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined clear (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Pipelined page migration (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Export the pinned context constructor and + destructor (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add a routine to iterate over the pagetables of + a GTT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gt: Add an insert_entry for gen8_ppgtt (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce a ww transaction helper (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Break out dma_resv ww locking utilities to separate + files (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Reference objects on the ww object list + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove unused function (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/gem: Remove duplicated call to ops->pread + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: restore min_page_size behaviour (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: switch over to ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: remove node usage in our naming (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: pass along the I915_BO_ALLOC_CONTIGUOUS + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Calculate the object placement at get_pages time + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add i915_sg_from_buddy_resource (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: add ttm_buddy_man (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Fix memory leaks (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Add initial ADL_P Workarounds (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Simplify userptr locking (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/i915: Fix busy ioctl commentary (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/aperture: Pass DRM driver structure instead of driver name + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Track IRQ state in local device state (jsc#SLE-22601). +- dma-buf: add dma_fence_chain_alloc/free v3 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Use ttm mmap handling for ttm bo's (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/vma: Add a driver_private member to vma_node + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/lmem: Verify checks for lmem residency (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ttm: Introduce a TTM i915 gem object backend + (jsc#SLE-22601). + Refresh + patches.suse/lib-scatterlist-Provide-a-dedicated-function-to-supp.patch. +- drm/dp: Extract i915's eDP backlight code into DRM helpers + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Print return codes for VESA backlight failures + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Return early in vesa_calc_max_backlight if + we can't read PWMGEN_BIT_COUNT (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Move VESA backlight enabling code closer + together (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cache some backlight capabilities in + intel_panel.backlight (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Cleanup intel_dp_aux_vesa_enable_backlight() + a bit (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Handle drm_dpcd_read/write() return values + correctly (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dpcd_bl: Remove redundant AUX backlight frequency + calculations (jsc#SLE-22601). +- gpu/drm/i915: nuke old GEN macros (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: finish INTEL_GEN and friends conversion + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/hdcp: Nuke Platform check for mst hdcp init + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: check if compressed_llb was allocated + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: Fix state mismatch in drm infoframe + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/ehl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/jsl: Remove require_force_probe protection + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: use max_level to control loop (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display: fix level 0 adjustement on display ver >= + 12 (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011303918 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Handle PSR2 SDP indication in the prior scanline + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_16011168373 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/adl_p: Implement Wa_22012278275 + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/display/psr: Handle SU Y granularity (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel_crtc/crtc/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_fbdev_init_bios() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up pre-skl wm calling convention + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_find_initial_plane_obj() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up intel_get_load_detect_pipe() a bit + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Stop hand rolling drm_crtc_mask() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Allocate llb before cfb (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Make the cfb allocation loop a bit more legible + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_stolen_end() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Introduce g4x_dpfc_ctl_limit() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Handle 16bpp compression limit better + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Don't pass around the mm node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Embed the compressed_llb node (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: Extract intel_fbc_program_cfb() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/fbc: s/threshold/limit/ (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Add the missing adls vswing tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Nuke buf_trans hdmi functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up jsl/ehl buf trans functions (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix ehl edp hbr2 vswing table (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: keep backlight_enable on until turn eDP display off + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Deduplicate icl DP HBR2 vs. eDP HBR3 table + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Fix dg1 buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce rkl_get_combo_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Clean up hsw/bdw/skl/kbl buf trans funcs + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce encoder->get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Store the HDMI default entry in the bug trans struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915; Return the whole buf_trans struct from get_buf_trans() + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce intel_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the buf trans tables into a struct + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Rename dkl phy buf trans tables (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Wrap the platform specific buf trans structs into + a union (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Introduce hsw_get_buf_trans() (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: s/intel/hsw/ for hsw/bdw/skl buf trans + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Load DMC (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/adl_p: Pipe B DMC Support (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: Pipe A DMC plugging (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/dmc: Introduce DMC_FW_MAIN (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: Force a TypeC PHY disconnect during suspend/shutdown + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915/xelpd: break feature inheritance (jsc#SLE-22601). +- drm/i915: apply WaEnableVGAAccessThroughIOPort as needed + (jsc#SLE-22601). +- commit a14349b + +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKZEROOUT ioctl (bsc#1183392). + This patch series fixes the block/009 test which can fail with a low failure + rate of about 1/1400. I've tested this series with kernel-ci against the + baseline and found no regressions. +- block: Hold invalidate_lock in BLKDISCARD ioctl (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Add functions to lock invalidate_lock for two mappings + (bsc#1183392). +- mm: Protect operations adding pages to page cache with + invalidate_lock (bsc#1183392). +- commit 2ea6207 + +- printk: restore flushing of NMI buffers on remote CPUs after + NMI backtraces (bsc#1192988). +- commit 21c31a1 + +- printk: Remove printk.h inclusion in percpu.h (bsc#1192987). +- commit b339baf + +- ethernet: chelsio: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: cxgb4vf: Make use of the helper function + dev_err_probe() (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Properly revert VPD changes (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: improve printing NIC information (jsc#SLE-18992). +- net: chelsio: switch from 'pci_' to 'dma_' API (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with + pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()"" (jsc#SLE-18992). +- Revert "cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword()" + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Remove unused vpd_param member ec (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: Validate VPD checksum with pci_vpd_check_csum() + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- cxgb4: make the array match_all_mac static, makes object smaller + (jsc#SLE-18992). +- commit e59b97c + +- RDMA/nldev: Check stat attribute before accessing it + (jsc#SLE-19249). +- RDMA/mlx4: Do not fail the registration on port stats + (jsc#SLE-19255). +- IB/hfi1: Properly allocate rdma counter desc memory + (jsc#SLE-19242). +- RDMA/core: Set send and receive CQ before forwarding to the + driver (jsc#SLE-19249). +- i40e: Fix display error code in dmesg (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix creation of first queue by omitting it if is not + power of two (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix warning message and call stack during rmmod i40e + driver (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix ping is lost after configuring ADq on VF + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix changing previously set num_queue_pairs for PFs + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix NULL ptr dereference on VSI filter sync + (jsc#SLE-18378). +- i40e: Fix correct max_pkt_size on VF RX queue (jsc#SLE-18378). +- devlink: Don't throw an error if flash notification sent before + devlink visible (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, return error if encap isn't supported + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Lag, update tracker when state change event received + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: CT, Fix multiple allocations and memleak of mod acts + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Fix flow counters SF bulk query len (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, rebuild lag only when needed + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: Update error handler for UCTX and UMEM + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Fix check for unsupported fields in match param + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: DR, Handle eswitch manager and uplink vports + separately (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: nullify cq->dbg pointer in mlx5_debug_cq_remove() + (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5: E-Switch, Fix resetting of encap mode when entering + switchdev (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: Wait for concurrent flow deletion during neigh/fib + events (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net/mlx5e: kTLS, Fix crash in RX resync flow (jsc#SLE-19253). +- net: sched: act_mirred: drop dst for the direction from egress + to ingress (git-fixes). +- bnxt_en: Fix compile error regression when CONFIG_BNXT_SRIOV + is not set (jsc#SLE-18978). +- udp: Validate checksum in udp_read_sock() (git-fixes). +- xsk: Fix crash on double free in buffer pool (jsc#SLE-18375). +- iavf: Restore VLAN filters after link down (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for setting queues to 0 (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix for the false positive ASQ/ARQ errors while issuing + VF reset (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: validate pointers (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: prevent accidental free of filter structure + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix failure to exit out from last all-multicast mode + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: don't clear a lock we don't hold (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: free q_vectors before queues in iavf_disable_vf + (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: check for null in iavf_fix_features (jsc#SLE-18385). +- iavf: Fix return of set the new channel count (jsc#SLE-18385). +- bnxt_en: reject indirect blk offload when hw-tc-offload is off + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: fix format specifier in live patch error message + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- bnxt_en: extend RTNL to VF check in devlink driver_reinit + (jsc#SLE-18978). +- net: bnx2x: fix variable dereferenced before check + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- ethernet: bnx2x: use eth_hw_addr_set() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Search VPD with pci_vpd_find_ro_info_keyword() + (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: Read VPD with pci_vpd_alloc() (jsc#SLE-18274). +- bnx2x: remove unused variable 'cur_data_offset' (jsc#SLE-18274). +- commit 4626034 + +- kernel-source.spec: install-kernel-tools also required on 15.4 +- commit 6cefb55 + +- dmanegine: idxd: fix resource free ordering on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- ALSA: usb-audio: Fix possible race at sync of urb completions + (git-fixes). +- Bluetooth: call sock_hold earlier in sco_conn_del (git-fixes). +- commit c31b8d8 + +- blacklist.conf: 70a9ac36ffd8 ("f2fs: fix up f2fs_lookup tracepoints") + CONFIG_F2FS_FS is not set anywhere. +- commit 192a1c3 + +- tracing/histogram: Do not copy the fixed-size char array field + over the field size (git-fixes). +- commit c8df0a0 + +- blacklist.conf: 172f7ba9772c ("ftrace: Make ftrace_profile_pages_init static") + A cosmetic fix. +- commit 99f4114 + +- tracing: use %ps format string to print symbols (git-fixes). +- commit 11044ff + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Initialize VMbus ring buffer for Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- Update config files. +- commit a524613 + +- config: disable unprivileged BPF by default (jsc#SLE-22573) + Backport of mainline commit 8a03e56b253e ("bpf: Disallow unprivileged bpf + by default") only changes kconfig default, used e.g. for "make oldconfig" + when the config option is missing, but does not update our kernel configs + used for build. Update also these to make sure unprivileged BPF is really + disabled by default. +- commit 4a1e78c + +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Add SNP support for VMbus channel initiate + message (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add ghcb hvcall support for SNP VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add Write/Read MSR registers via ghcb page + (bsc#1183682). +- Drivers: hv: vmbus: Mark vmbus ring buffer visible to host in + Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Add new hvcall guest address host visibility support + (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize shared memory boundary in the Isolation + VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/hyperv: Initialize GHCB page in Isolation VM (bsc#1183682). +- x86/sev: Expose sev_es_ghcb_hv_call() for use by HyperV + (bsc#1183682). +- commit 7b9b378 + +- x86/sev: Allow #VC exceptions on the VC2 stack (git-fixes). +- commit a295ccf + +- pstore/blk: Use "%lu" to format unsigned long (git-fixes). +- commit 4c246a2 + +- Linux 5.14.21 (stable-5.14.21). +- commit ccb8dac + +- Revert "ACPI: scan: Release PM resources blocked by unused + objects" (stable-5.14.21). +- KVM: Fix steal time asm constraints (stable-5.14.21). +- parisc/entry: fix trace test in syscall exit path + (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Destroy sysfs before freeing entries (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI: Add MSI masking quirk for Nvidia ION AHCI (stable-5.14.21). +- PCI/MSI: Deal with devices lying about their MSI mask capability + (stable-5.14.21). +- perf/core: Avoid put_page() when GUP fails (stable-5.14.21). +- thermal: Fix NULL pointer dereferences in of_thermal_ functions + (stable-5.14.21). +- Bluetooth: btusb: Add support for TP-Link UB500 Adapter + (stable-5.14.21). +- fortify: Explicitly disable Clang support (stable-5.14.21). +- loop: Use blk_validate_block_size() to validate block size + (stable-5.14.21). +- block: Add a helper to validate the block size (stable-5.14.21). +- bootconfig: init: Fix memblock leak in xbc_make_cmdline() + (stable-5.14.21). +- commit 5099a2b + +- Update patch references for stable-5.14.21 +- commit b78e4e4 + +- Revert "mark pstore-blk as broken" (git-fixes). +- Update config files. +- supported.conf: adjust for pstore_blk and co +- commit 79eccc2 + +- pinctrl: qcom: sm8350: Correct UFS and SDC offsets (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: qcom: sdm845: Enable dual edge errata (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: ralink: include 'ralink_regs.h' in 'pinctrl-mt7620.c' + (git-fixes). +- ACPI: Add stubs for wakeup handler functions (git-fixes). +- commit 7d34774 + +- blacklist.conf: add media patch entry that was already picked up +- commit 262559d + +- ARM: socfpga: Fix crash with CONFIG_FORTIRY_SOURCE + (bsc#1192473). +- commit a604fd5 + +- NFC: reorder the logic in nfc_{un,}register_device (git-fixes). +- Refresh + patches.suse/NFC-SUSE-specific-brutal-fix-for-runtime-PM.patch. +- commit 58d673a + +- Revert "drm/i915/tgl/dsi: Gate the ddi clocks after pll mapping" + (git-fixes). +- fbdev: Prevent probing generic drivers if a FB is already + registered (git-fixes). +- drm/cma-helper: Release non-coherent memory with + dma_free_noncoherent() (git-fixes). +- drm/nouveau: hdmigv100.c: fix corrupted HDMI Vendor InfoFrame + (git-fixes). +- thermal: int340x: Limit Kconfig to 64-bit (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: think-lmi: Abort probe on analyze failure + (git-fixes). +- platform/x86: hp_accel: Fix an error handling path in + 'lis3lv02d_probe()' (git-fixes). +- spi: fix use-after-free of the add_lock mutex (git-fixes). +- e100: fix device suspend/resume (git-fixes). +- NFC: add NCI_UNREG flag to eliminate the race (git-fixes). +- NFC: reorganize the functions in nci_request (git-fixes). +- mac80211: fix monitor_sdata RCU/locking assertions (git-fixes). +- mac80211: drop check for DONT_REORDER in + __ieee80211_select_queue (git-fixes). +- nl80211: fix radio statistics in survey dump (git-fixes). +- cfg80211: call cfg80211_stop_ap when switch from P2P_GO type + (git-fixes). +- docs: accounting: update delay-accounting.rst reference + (git-fixes). +- commit 195d274 + +- powerpc/pseries/svm: Add a powerpc version of cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- Update config files. +- commit d22f826 + +- btrfs: update comments for chunk allocation -ENOSPC cases + (bsc#1192896). +- btrfs: fix deadlock between chunk allocation and chunk btree + modifications (bsc#1192896). +- commit 09c9eb3 + +- blacklist.conf: Add b94f9ac79a73 cgroup/cpuset: Change references of cpuset_mutex to cpuset_rwsem +- commit b3581c2 + +- x86/sme: Use #define USE_EARLY_PGTABLE_L5 in + mem_encrypt_identity.c (bsc#1192547). +- treewide: Replace the use of mem_encrypt_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_es_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sev: Replace occurrences of sev_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/sme: Replace occurrences of sme_active() with + cc_platform_has() (jsc#SLE-19924). +- x86/ioremap: Selectively build arch override encryption + functions (jsc#SLE-19924). +- powerpc/svm: Don't issue ultracalls if !mem_encrypt_active() + (jsc#SLE-19924). +- commit c6b9314 + +- memcg: replace in_interrupt() by !in_task() in active_memcg() + (bsc#1192894). +- commit 8c447eb + +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroup-Assign-cgroup-in-cgroup_sk_alloc-when-cal.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- Update metadata + patches.suse/bpf-cgroups-Fix-cgroup-v2-fallback-on-v1-v2-mixed-mo.patch + (stable-5.14.19 bsc#1191279). +- commit 590ab5b + +- btrfs: fix memory ordering between normal and ordered work functions (git-fixes). +- commit 0b78f1b + +- Eradicate Patch-mainline: No + The pre-commit check can reject this deprecated tag then. +- Refresh patches.suse/acpi_thinkpad_introduce_acpi_root_table_boot_param.patch. +- Refresh patches.suse/btrfs-provide-super_operations-get_inode_dev. +- Refresh patches.suse/intel_idle-Disable-ACPI-_CST-on-Haswell.patch +- commit 50b72c3 + +- pinctrl: tegra: Return const pointer from + tegra_pinctrl_get_group() (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: xhci: tegra: Check padctrl interrupt presence in device + tree (git-fixes). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Override ADMA FIFO size + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Add description for + 'adma_get_burst_config' (jsc#SLE-20498). +- dmaengine: tegra210-adma: Re-order 'has_outstanding_reqs' + member (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Support multiple interrupts per bank + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Force one interrupt per bank (jsc#SLE-20498). +- i2c: tegra: Ensure that device is suspended before driver is + removed (git-fixes). +- pinctrl: tegra: Fix warnings and error (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Use correct offset for pin group + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: Add pinmux support for Tegra194 (jsc#SLE-20498). +- pinctrl: tegra: include lpdr pin properties (jsc#SLE-20498). +- usb: phy: tegra: Support OTG mode programming (git-fixes). +- memory: tegra186-emc: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- soc/tegra: Add Tegra186 ARI driver (jsc#SLE-20498). +- cpufreq: tegra186/tegra194: Handle errors in BPMP response + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- spi: tegra210-quad: Put device into suspend on driver removal + (git-fixes). +- regulator: Don't error out fixed regulator in + regulator_sync_voltage() (git-fixes). +- thermal/drivers/tegra-soctherm: Silence message about clamped + temperature (git-fixes). +- PCI: tegra194: Cleanup unused code (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Don't allow suspend when Tegra PCIe is in EP mode + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- PCI: tegra194: Disable interrupts before entering L2 + (jsc#SLE-20498). +- gpio: tegra186: Add ACPI support (jsc#SLE-20498). +- clk: tegra: Remove CLK_IS_CRITICAL flag from fuse clock + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Enable fuse clock on suspend for Tegra124 + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Add runtime PM support (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: fuse: Clear fuse->clk on driver probe failure + (git-fixes). +- soc/tegra: pmc: Prevent racing with cpuilde driver (git-fixes). +- ASoC: rt5640: Silence warning message about missing interrupt + (git-fixes). +- commit 1fc03e4 + +- Update config files: bump to 5.14.20 +- commit c08e20b + +- Linux 5.14.20 (stable-5.14.20). +- commit 1a4044c + +- Drop x86 patch to follow a stable-5.14.20 revert + Other two (sched and x86 fixes) were reverted in 5.14.20 but we keep them + Delete patches.suse/x86-Fix-__get_wchan-for-STACKTRACE.patch + Update blacklist.conf +- commit 6440d2c + +- x86/setup: Explicitly include acpi.h (bsc#1192825). +- commit 915b5b4 + +- iscsi_ibft: fix warning in reserve_ibft_region() (bsc#1191540). +- commit 4ad3fae + +- e1000e: Add support for the next LOM generation (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit 92196b6 + +- e1000e: Add support for Lunar Lake (jsc#SLE-18382). +- Refresh + patches.suse/e1000e-Separate-TGP-board-type-from-SPT.patch. +- commit d86918a + +- e1000e: Remove redundant statement (jsc#SLE-18382). +- ionic: no devlink_unregister if not registered (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: tame the filter no space message (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: allow adminq requests to override default error message + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: handle vlan id overflow (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: generic filter add (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add generic filter search (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove mac overflow flags (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mac address functions (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add filterlist to debugfs (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add lif param to ionic_qcq_disable (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: have ionic_qcq_disable decide on sending to hardware + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: add polling to adminq wait (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: widen queue_lock use around lif init and deinit + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: move lif mutex setup and delete (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: check for binary values in FW ver string (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: remove debug stats (jsc#SLE-19282). +- ionic: Move devlink registration to be last devlink command + (jsc#SLE-19282). +- net: e1000e: solve insmod 'Unknown symbol mutex_lock' error + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- net/e1000e: Fix spelling mistake "The" -> "This" + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add space to the debug print (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Additional PHY power saving in S0ix (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add polling mechanism to indicate CSME DPG exit + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- e1000e: Add handshake with the CSME to support S0ix + (jsc#SLE-18382). +- commit 405902c + +- PCI: PM: Do not call platform_pci_power_manageable() + unnecessarily (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 18069d0 + +- PCI: PM: Make pci_choose_state() call pci_target_state() + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 397bfa6 + +- PCI: PM: Rearrange pci_target_state() (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 6bb9c14 + +- PCI: endpoint: Use sysfs_emit() in "show" functions + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 9243675 + +- PCI: ACPI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for ACPI + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 96c7dd9 + +- PCI: PM: Do not use pci_platform_pm_ops for Intel MID PM + (jsc#SLE-19359). +- commit 7e981c8 + +- PCI: Tidy comments (git-fixes). +- commit 125067a + +- iscsi_ibft: Fix isa_bus_to_virt not working under ARM + (bsc#1191540). +- iscsi_ibft: fix crash due to KASLR physical memory remapping + (bsc#1191540). +- commit 64cab0a + +- kernel-*-subpackage: Add dependency on kernel scriptlets (bsc#1192740). +- commit a133bf4 + +- Fix problem with missing installkernel on Tumbleweed. +- commit 2ed6686 + +- char/random: reinstantiate DRBGs once optimized sha512 becomes + available (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit f4f5829 + +- char/random: wire up userspace interface to SP800-90B compliant + drbg (jsc#SLE-21132,bsc#1191259). +- commit 08f937f + keybase-client +- Upgrade to version 5.8.1 + * Security enhancements + +- Upgrade to version 5.7.1 + * Security enhancements + +- Upgrade to version 5.6.1 + * Various bug fixes, security enhancements + +- Make package conform to spec-cleaner + +- Upgrade to version 5.5.2 + * Miscellaneous bugfixes + +- Upgrade to version 5.5.1 + * Improved file sharing with email addresses + * Fix a panic when KEYBASE_DISABLE_FAVORITES is set. This should + not affect typical use cases. + +- Explicity use go1.14 as the client won't build with older + versions. keybinder +- Disabled python binding on Leap 15.4 + -- ensure example scripts are not executable - kid3 +- Update to version 3.8.7 + * New: + + Russian handbook. + * Fixed: + + ID3v2: Wrong numeric strings for genres Fast Fusion, Fok, + Folk Rock, Folklore, Funk, Fusion. + + ID3v1: Genres Avant-Garde, Beat Music, Bebop, Britpop, + Dancehall, Dark Wave, Euro House, Eurotechno, Fast Fusion, + Folk Rock, Hip Hop, Jazz-Funk, Pop-Funk, Synth-Pop, Worldbeat + cannot be set with TagLib version < 1.12. + + Memory leak in the rare case where the file type is detected + not by the extension but by the contents. + + kid3-cli: Fields (sub-elements of a frame) with a non-string + value cannot be set with id3lib. +- Changed BuildRequires to python3 >= 3.6 as python3 in Tumbleweed + no longer provides python >= 3.6. + +- Update to 3.8.6 + * Improved: + + Support Qt 6. + + Windows: Provide nicer default style. + * Fixed: + + Windows 64-bit binary: Crash when using id3lib. + + Discogs import. + + Amazon import. + + Removed import. + +- Shared libs and are no longer + versioned with the release tag. +- Fixed wrong date in file kid3.changes. + +- Update to version 3.8.5 + * New: + + Language can be configured in "Appearance" tab of settings. + + New action "Edit/Invert Selection". + + kid3-cli: Command "config" to query and set configuration + options. + + Script to rewrite all tags of the selected files. + * Improved: + + Import multiple genres from Discogs and MusicBrainz. + + Support import from Discogs JSON API when token is provided. + + Snapshot builds can download the current translations. + + Mac: Allow code signing. + * Fixed: + + Crash when adding Chapter frame. + + Support ID3v2 Podcast Category (TCAT) and Podcast Keywords + (TKWD). + + Support for multiple genres with ID3v2.3.0. + + Support MP4 values with multiple strings with TagLib. + +- Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov + +- Update to version 3.8.4 + * New: + + Section and file list shortcuts can be customized. + + Activate parent/current folder with Ctrl-Up/Down. + + Go to parent item in file list when left arrow key is + pressed. + + Header context menu options for custom or automatic column + widths. + + Add flatpak support. + + Brazilian Portuguese translation. + * Improved: + + Support detection of tagged file types from contents when + matching by extension does not succeed. + + Show more details (type, bits, bitrate) for M4A, FLAC, AIFF, + WAV. + + Discogs import: Show year and format in album list. + + Dialogs: Store window position and size in settings. + + Mac: Enter key can activate entries in directory list. + + Android: Only navigate between tagged files with [<], [>] + buttons. + * Fixed: + + Do not duplicate pictures when pasting tags. + + Discogs import: Get year when language is not English. + + Keyboard shortcuts settings: Display correctly depending on + language and operating system. + + Android: Accept genre changes when focus lost and Enter not + pressed. + + Android: Fix translation. + + Mac: Unlock files when changing permissions. + + Flatpak: Move to trash works in KDE version. + +- update to version 3.8.3 + * New: + + Keyboard shortcuts to navigate between the file and tag + sections. + + Script to apply English title capitalization to tags. + + Script to transliterate ID3v1 tags to ASCII. + + Korean and Swedish translations. + + Catalan, Dutch, Italian, Swedish and Ukrainian handbooks. + * Improved: + + Better compatibility with dark mode and custom themes. + + Support dragging multiple header rows in import table. + + User interface strings follow KDE HIG vocabulary. + + Support renaming read-only files. + * Fixed: + + File filter reset when file is opened. + + Crash when dragging row in import table. + + Blocking when jumping to vanished previous or next file. + + Support languages with code or modifier. + + Hide text fragments visible in header of frame table columns. + + English plural forms. + + Add missing license files. + + Support large files on Windows (64-bit). + +- Use plain python to refer to a specific version of python + +- Fix build with python 3.6 by specifying UTF8 locale. + +- update to version 3.8.2 + * New: + + Catalan, Portuguese and Ukrainian translations. + * Fixed: + + Crash when removing M4A atoms. + +- update to version 3.8.1 + * New: + + Show number of files in status bar. + + Support regular expressions in string replacements. + * Improved: + + Support format codes in "Filename for cover" in + "ExtractAlbum Art" script. + + The order of string replacements is respected. + + Show RVA2 identifier in frame table. + + Show UFID owner in frame table. + + Support setting file name with "Import from Tags". + * Fixed: + + Android: Accept changes when focus is lost and Enter not + pressed. + + Self-contained Linux package: Correctly change RPATH in + plugins. + + Self-contained Linux package: Support composed accented + characters. + + QML scripts: Skip "--" argument, which is used when passing + parameters from qml tool. + + Show UFID values in frame table. + +- update to version 3.8.0 + * New: + + kid3-cli: Support JSON output. + + Format codes %{modificationdate} and %{creationdate}. + + Support ID3v2 GRP1 frame introduced with iTunes 12.5.4. + + Import from Tags function which operates on selected files. + + Explicit frame names can be used by prepending a '!' + character. + * Improved: + + Adapt unified frame type mapping for better iTunes + compatibility. + + Support multiple covers in M4A files. + + kid3-cli: Remove dependencies to GUI libraries. + + Android: Show info how to write to SD card. + + Android: Support Qt 5.12. + * Fixed: + + Use file settings to replace illegal characters when renaming + directories. + + Self-contained Linux package: Provide libraries to run QML + console. + kig +- Switch to python3 for Leap 15.4 + kim-api +- update to v2.2.1 + * update to cmake 3.10 requirement + +- update to v2.2.0 + * Added 'portable-model' utility + kinput2 +- move /etc/X11/xim.d/* to /usr/etc/X11/xim.d/ (boo#1176431) + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + -- update patch to fix build - -- use suse_version instead of sles_version in the conditional. - kitty -- Fix bsc#1180298 (CVE-2020-35605): Fix RCE with special filename - * Add kitty-CVE-2020-35605.patch +- Fix the condition expressions that are used to build the + doc. Currently we want the doc on TW only and disabled on Leap since + sphinx has not been update yet (including in Leap 15.4). +- Fix build on TW + * Dependency on python3-sphinx-inline-tabs was missing. It was + needed to build the doc +- Fix build on Leap + * python3-importlib-resources is named python3-importlib_resources + on Leap :-/ +- Rebased kitty-no-docs.patch + +- Update to 0.23.1: + * A new option clipboard_max_size to control the maximum size of + data that kitty will transmit to the system clipboard on behalf + of programs running inside it (#3937) + * When matching windows/tabs in kittens or using remote control, + allow matching by recency. recent:0 matches the active window/tab, + recent:1 matches the previous window/tab and so on + * themes kitten: Fix only the first custom theme file being + loaded correctly (#3938) + +- Update to 0.23.0: + * A new themes kitten to easily change kitty themes. Choose + from almost two hundred themes in the kitty themes repository + * A new style for the tab bar that makes tabs looks like the tabs + in a physical tabbed file, see tab_bar_style + * Make the visual bell flash more gentle, especially on dark + themes (#2937) + * Fix kitty --title not overriding the OS Window title when + multiple tabs are present. Also this option is no longer used + as the default title for windows, allowing individual tabs/windows + to have their own titles, even when the OS Window has a fixed + overall title (#3893) + * Linux: Fix some very long ligatures being rendered incorrectly + at some font sizes (#3896) + * Fix shift+middle click to paste sending a mouse press event + but no release event which breaks some applications that grab + the mouse but cant handle mouse events (#3902) + * terminfo: Fix “cnorm†the property for setting the cursor to + normal using a solid block rather than a blinking block + cursor (#3906) + * Add clear_all_mouse_actions to clear all mouse actions defined + to that point (#3907) + * Fix the remote file kitten not working when using – with ssh. + The ssh kitten was recently changed to do this (#3929) + * When dragging word or line selections, ensure the initially + selected item is never deselected. This matches behavior in + most other programs (#3930) + * hints kitten: Make copy/paste with the kitty +kitten hints + - -program option work when using the self kitty +kitten hints + - -linenum-action (#3931) + +- Update to 0.22.2: + * Wayland: A better fix for compositors like sway that can toggle + client side decorations on and off (#3888) + +- Update to 0.22.1: + * Fix a regression in the previous release that broke kitty + - -help (#3869) + * Graphics protocol: Fix composing onto currently displayed + frame not updating the frame on the GPU (#3874) + * Fix switching to previously active tab after detaching a + tab not working (#3871) + * detach_window: Allow specifying the previously active tab + or the tab to the left/right of the active tab (#3877) + * broadcast kitten: Fix a regression in 0.20.0 that broke + sending of some keys, such as backspace + * Linux binary: Remove any RPATH build artifacts from + bundled libraries + * Wayland: If the compositor turns off server side decorations + after turning them on do not draw client side decorations (#3888) + +- Update to 0.22.0: + * Add a new toggle_layout action to easily zoom/unzoom a window + * When right clicking to extend a selection, move the nearest + selection boundary rather than the end of the selection. To restore + previous behavior use mouse_map right press ungrabbed + mouse_selection move-end. + * When opening hyperlinks, allow defining open actions for directories (#3836) + * When using the OSC 52 escape code to copy to clipboard allow large + copies (up to 8MB) without needing a kitty specific chunking protocol. + Note that if you used the chunking protocol in the past, it will no + longer work and you should switch to using the unmodified protocol + which has the advantage of working with all terminal emulators. + * Fix a bug in the implementation of the synchronized updates escape code + that could cause incorrect parsing if either the pending buffer + capacity or the pending timeout were exceeded (#3779) + * A new remote control command to resize the OS Window <kitty @ resize-os-window> + * Graphics protocol: Add support for composing rectangles from one + animation frame onto another (#3809) + * diff kitten: Remove limit on max line length of 4096 characters (#3806) + * Fix turning off cursor blink via escape codes not working (#3808) + * Allow using neighboring window operations in the stack layout. The previous + window is considered the left and top neighbor and the next window is + considered the bottom and right neighbor (#3778) + * Add a new variable {num_window_groups} for the tab_title_template (#3837) + * Wayland: Fix initial_window_width/height specified in cells not working on + High DPI screens (#3834) + * A new theme for the kitty website with support for dark mode. + * Render ┄ ┅ ┆ ┇ ┈ ┉ ┊ ┋ with spaces at the edges. Matches rendering in + most other programs and allows long chains of them to look better (#3844) + * hints kitten: Detect paths and hashes that appear over multiple lines. Note + that this means that all line breaks in the text are no longer n soft breaks + are instead r. If you use a custom regular expression that is meant to match + over line breaks, you will need to match over both. (#3845) + * Allow leading or trailing spaces in tab_activity_symbol + * Fix mouse actions not working when caps lock or num lock are engaged (#3859) + * clipboard kitten: fix copies to clipboard not working without the kitty +kitten + clipboard --wait-for-completion option + +- Update to 0.21.2: + * A new adjust_baseline option to adjust the vertical alignment + of text inside a line (#3734) + * A new url_excluded_characters option to exclude additional + characters when detecting URLs under the mouse (#3738) + * Fix a regression in 0.21.0 that broke rendering of private use + Unicode symbols followed by spaces, when they also exist not + followed by spaces (#3729) + * ssh kitten: Support systems where the login shell is a + non-POSIX shell (#3405) + * ssh kitten: Add completion (#3760) + * ssh kitten: Fix "Connection closed" message being printed by + ssh when running remote commands + * Add support for the XTVERSION escape code + * When displaying scrollback ensure that the window does not quit + if the amount of scrollback is less than a screen and the user + has the --quit-if-one-screen option enabled for less (#3740) + * Linux: Fix Emoji/bitmapped fonts not use able in symbol_map + * query terminal kitten: Allow querying font face and size + information (#3756) + * hyperlinked grep kitten: Fix context options not generating + contextual output (#3759) + * Allow using superscripts in tab titles (#3763) + * Unicode input kitten: Fix searching when a word has more than + 1024 matches (#3773) + +- Update to 0.21.2: + * A new adjust_baseline option to adjust the vertical alignment + of text inside a line (#3734) + * A new url_excluded_characters option to exclude additional + characters when detecting URLs under the mouse (#3738) + * Fix a regression in 0.21.0 that broke rendering of private use + Unicode symbols followed by spaces, when they also exist not + followed by spaces (#3729) + * ssh kitten: Support systems where the login shell is a + non-POSIX shell (#3405) + * ssh kitten: Add completion (#3760) + * ssh kitten: Fix "Connection closed" message being printed by + ssh when running remote commands + * Add support for the XTVERSION escape code + * When displaying scrollback ensure that the window does not quit + if the amount of scrollback is less than a screen and the user + has the --quit-if-one-screen option enabled for less (#3740) + * Linux: Fix Emoji/bitmapped fonts not use able in symbol_map + * query terminal kitten: Allow querying font face and size + information (#3756) + * hyperlinked grep kitten: Fix context options not generating + contextual output (#3759) + * Allow using superscripts in tab titles (#3763) + * Unicode input kitten: Fix searching when a word has more than + 1024 matches (#3773) + +- Update to 0.21.1: + * Fix a regression in the previous release that could cause a + crash when changing layouts and mousing (#3713) + +- Update to 0.21.0: + * Allow reloading the kitty.conf config file by pressing + ctrl+shift+f5. (#1292) + * Allow clicking URLs to open them without needing to also hold + ctrl+shift + * Allow remapping all mouse button press/release events to + perform arbitrary actions. See details. + * Support infinite length ligatures (#3504) + * Backward incompatibility: The options to control which + modifiers keys to press for various mouse actions have been + removed, if you used these options, you will need to replace + them with configuration using the new mouse actions framework + as they will be ignored. The options were: terminal_select_modifiers, + rectangle_select_modifiers and open_url_modifiers. + * Add a configurable mouse action (ctrl+alt+triplepress to select + from the clicked point to the end of the line. (#3585) + * Add the ability to un-scroll the screen to the kitty @ + scroll-window remote control command (#3604) + * A new option, tab_bar_margin_height to add margins around + the top and bottom edges of the tab bar (#3247) + * Unicode input kitten: Fix a regression in 0.20.0 that broke + keyboard handling when the NumLock or CapsLock modifiers were engaged. (#3587) + * Fix a regression in 0.20.0 that sent incorrect bytes for the + F1-F4 keys in rmkx mode (#3586) + * Add a few more special commandline arguments for the launch command. + Now all KITTY_PIPE_DATA is also available via command line argument + substitution (#3593) + * Fix dynamically changing the background color in a window causing + rendering artifacts in the tab bar (#3595) + * Fix passing STDIN to launched background processes causing them to + not inherit environment variables (#3603) + * Fix deleting windows that are not the last window via remote control + leaving no window focused (#3619) + * Add an option kitty @ get-text --add-cursor to also get the current + cursor position and state as ANSI escape codes (#3625) + * Add an option kitty @ get-text --add-wrap-markers to add line wrap + markers to the output (#3633) + * Improve rendering of curly underlines on HiDPI screens (#3637) + * ssh kitten: Mimic behavior of ssh command line client more closely + by executing any command specified on the command line via the users' + shell just as ssh does (#3638) + * Fix trailing parentheses in URLs not being detected (#3688) + * Tab bar: Use a lower contrast color for tab separators (#3666) + * Fix a regression that caused using the title command in session + files to stop working (#3676) + * Fix ligatures not working with the Iosevka font + (requires Iosevka >= 7.0.4) (#297) + * Remote control: Allow matching tabs by index number in currently + active OS Window (#3708) + * ssh kitten: Fix non-standard properties in terminfo such as the + ones used for true color not being copied (#312) +- Add BR python-sphinxcontrib-copybutton + +- Update to 0.20.3: + * A new show_key kitten to easily see the bytes generated by the + terminal for key presses in the various keyboard modes (#3556) + * Linux: Fix keyboard layout change keys defined via compose + rules not being ignored + * Fix tab activity symbol not appearing if no other changes happen + in tab bar even when there is activity in a tab (#3571) + * Fix focus changes not being sent to windows when focused window + changes because of the previously focused window being + closed (#3571) + +- Update to 0.20.2: + * A new protocol extension to unscroll text from the scrollback + buffer onto the screen. Useful, for example, to restore the + screen after showing completions below the shell prompt. + * A new remote control command kitty @ env to change the default + environment passed to newly created windows (#3529) + * Linux: Fix binary kitty builds not able to load fonts in WOFF2 + format (#3506) + * Fix kitty @ close-tab not working with pipe based remote + control (#3510) + * Fix removal of inactive tab that is before the currently + active tab causing the highlighted tab to be incorrect (#3516) + * icat kitten: Respect EXIF orientation when displaying + JPEG images (#3518) + * GNOME: Fix maximize state not being remembered when focus + changes and window decorations are hidden (#3507) + * GNOME: Add a new wayland_titlebar_color option to control + the color of the kitty window title bar + * Fix reading kitty --session from STDIN not working when the + kitty --detach option is used (#3523) + * Special case rendering of the few remaining Powerline box + drawing chars (#3535) + * Fix kitty @ set-colors not working for the active_tab_foreground. + +- Update to 0.20.1: + * icat: Fix some broken GIF images with no frame delays not + being animated (#3498) + * hints kitten: Fix sending hyperlinks to their default + handler not working (#3500) + * Wayland: Fix regression in previous release causing window + decorations to be drawn even when compositor supports server + side decorations (#3501) + +- Update to 0.20.0: + * Support display of animated images kitty +kitten icat animation.gif. + See Animation for details on animation support in the kitty graphics protocol. + * A new keyboard reporting protocol with various advanced features + that can be used by full screen terminal programs and even games, + see A protocol for comprehensive keyboard handling in terminals (#3248) + * Backward incompatibility: Session files now use the full launch command + with all its capabilities. However, the syntax of the command is slightly + different from before. In particular watchers are now specified directly + on launch and environment variables are set using --env. + * Allow setting colors when creating windows using the launch command. + * A new option tab_powerline_style to control the appearance of the tab + bar when using the powerline tab bar style. + * A new option scrollback_fill_enlarged_window to fill extra lines in the + window when the window is expanded with lines from the scrollback (#3371) + * diff kitten: Implement recursive diff over SSH (#3268) + * ssh kitten: Allow using python instead of the shell on the server, + useful if the shell used is a non-POSIX compliant one, such as fish (#3277) + * Add support for the color settings stack that XTerm copied from us + without acknowledgement and decided to use incompatible escape codes for. + * Add entries to the terminfo file for some user capabilities that are + shared with XTerm (#3193) + * The launch command now does more sophisticated resolving of executables to run. + The system-wide PATH is used first, then system specific default paths, + and finally the PATH inside the shell. + * Double clicking on empty tab bar area now opens a new tab (#3201) + * kitty @ ls: Show only environment variables that are different for each window, by default. + * When passing a directory or a non-executable file as the program to run to kitty + opens it with the shell or by parsing the shebang, instead of just failing. + * Linux: Fix rendering of emoji followed by the graphics variation selector + not being colored with some fonts (#3211) + * Unicode input: Fix using index in select by name mode not working for indices + larger than 16. Also using an index does not filter the list of matches. (#3219) + * Wayland: Add support for the text input protocol (#3410) + * Wayland: Fix mouse handling when using client side decorations + * Wayland: Fix un-maximizing a window not restoring its size to what it was + beforebeing maximized + * GNOME/Wayland: Improve window decorations the titlebar now shows the window title. + Allow running under Wayland on GNOME by default. (#3284) + * Panel kitten: Allow setting WM_CLASS (#3233) + * Also detect gemini:// URLs when hovering with the mouse (#3370) + * When using a non-US keyboard layout and pressing ctrl+key when the key + matches an English key, send that to the program running in the terminal + automatically (#2000) + * When matching shortcuts, also match on shifted keys, so a shortcut defined as + ctrl+plus will match a keyboard where you have to press shift+equal to get + the plus key (#2000) + * Fix extra space at bottom of OS window when using the fat layout with the tab + bar at the top (#3258) + * Fix window icon not working on X11 with 64bits (#3260) + * Fix OS window sizes under 100px resulting in scaled display (#3307) + * Fix rendering of ligatures in the latest release of Cascadia code, which for + some reason puts empty glyphs after the ligature glyph rather than before it (#3313) + * Improve handling of infinite length ligatures in newer versions of FiraCode + and CascadiaCode. Now such ligatures are detected based on glyph naming convention. + This removes the gap in the ligatures at cell boundaries (#2695) + * hints kitten: When using the linenumber action with a background action, + preserve the working directory (#3352) + * Graphics protocol: Fix suppression of responses not working for chunked transmission (#3375) + * Fix inactive tab closing causing active tab to change (#3398) + * Fix a crash on systems using musl as libc (#3395) + * Improve rendering of rounded corners by using a rectircle equation rather than a cubic bezier (#3409) + * Graphics protocol: Add a control to allow clients to specify that the cursor should + not move when displaying an image (#3411) + * Fix marking of text not working on lines that contain zero cells (#3403) + * Fix the selection getting changed if the screen contents scroll while the selection is in progress (#3431) + * X11: Fix resize_in_steps being applied even when window is maximized (#3473) + +- Fix build on Factory: + kitty does not properly separate build and install. We used to + do both in the %build section. Since rpm 4.16 cleans the buildroot + is cleaned before %install. So now we run build/install in the + %install section + +- Update to 0.19.3: + * A new broadcast kitten to type in all kitty windows + simultaneously (#1569) + * Add a new mappable select_tab action to choose a tab to switch + to even when the tab bar is hidden (#3115) + * Allow specifying text formatting in tab_title_template (#3146) + * Linux: Read font_features from the FontConfig database as well, + so that they can be configured in a single, central location (#3174) + * Graphics protocol: Add support for giving individual image + placements their own ids and for asking the terminal emulator to + assign ids for images. Also allow suppressing responses from the + terminal to commands. These are backwards compatible protocol + extensions. (#3133, #3163) + * Distribute extra pixels among all eight-blocks rather than adding + them all to the last block (#3097) + * Fix drawing of a few sextant characters incorrect (#3105) + * Preserve lines in the scrollback if a scrolling region is defined + that is contiguous with the top of the screen (#3113) + * Wayland: Fix key repeat being stopped by the release of an + unrelated key (#2191) + * Add an option, detect_urls to control whether kitty will detect + URLs when the mouse moves over them (#3118) + * Graphics protocol: Dont return filename in the error message when + opening file fails, since filenames can contain control characters (#3128) + * Fix one ANSI formatting escape code not being removed from the + pager history buffer when piping it as plain text (#3132) + * Match the save/restore cursor behavior of other terminals, for the + sake of interoperability. This means that doing a DECRC without a + prior DECSC is now undefined (#1264) + * Fix mapping remote_control send-text not working (#3147) + * Add a right option for tab_switch_strategy (#3155) + * Fix a regression in 0.19.0 that caused a rare crash when using the + optional scrollback_pager_history_size (#3049) + * Full screen kittens: Fix incorrect cursor position after + kitten quits (#3176) +- Fix bsc#1180298 CVE-2020-35605 + +- Update to 0.19.2: + * A new Query terminal kitten to easily query the running kitty + via escape codes to detect its version, and the values of + configuration options that enable or disable terminal features. + * Options to control mouse pointer shape, default_pointer_shape, + and pointer_shape_when_dragging + * Font independent rendering for braille characters, which + ensures they are properly aligned at all font sizes. + * Fix a regression in 0.19.0 that caused borders not to be drawn + when setting window_margin_width and keeping + draw_minimal_borders on + * Fix a regression in 0.19.0 that broke rendering of one-eight + bar unicode characters at very small font sizes + * Wayland: Fix a crash under GNOME when using multiple OS windows + * Fix selections created by dragging upwards not being + auto-cleared when screen contents change + * Allow adding MIME definitions to kitty by placing a mime.types + file in the kitty config directory + * Dont ignore --title when using a session file that defines + no windows + * Fix the send_text action not working in URL handlers + * Fix last character of URL not being detected if it is the only + character on a new line + * Don't restrict the ICH,DCH,REP control codes to only the + current scroll region +- use generic name in rpm files section + +- Update to 0.19.1: + * hints kitten: Add an ip type for easy selection of IP addresses (#3009) + * Fix a regression that caused a segfault when using + scrollback_pager_history_size and it needs to be expanded (#3011) + * Fix update available notifications repeating (#3006) + +- Update to 0.19.0: + * Add support for hyperlinks from terminal programs. Controlled + via allow_hyperlinks (#68) + * Add support for easily editing or downloading files over SSH + sessions without the need for any special software + * A new Hyperlinked grep kitten to easily search files and open + the results at the matched line by clicking on them. + * Allow customizing the actions kitty takes when clicking on URLs + * Improve rendering of borders when using minimal borders. + Use less space and do not display a box around active windows + * Add a new extensible escape code to allow terminal programs to + trigger desktop notifications. See Desktop notifications (#1474) + * Implement special rendering for various characters from the set + of "Symbols for Legacy Computing" from the Unicode 13 standard + * Unicode input kitten: Allow choosing symbols from the NERD font + as well. These are mostly Private Use symbols not in any standard, + however are common. (#2972) + * Allow specifying border sizes in either pts or pixels. Change the + default to 0.5pt borders as this works best with the new minimal border style + * Add support for displaying correct colors with non-sRGB PNG + files (Adds a dependency on liblcms2) + * hints kitten: Add a new kitty +kitten hints --type of hyperlink useful + for activating hyperlinks using just the keyboard + * Allow tracking focus change events in watchers (#2918) + * Allow specifying watchers in session files and via a + command line argument (#2933) + * Add a setting tab_activity_symbol to show a symbol in the tab title if + one of the windows has some activity after it was last focused (#2515) + * When in the main screen and a program grabs the mouse, do not use the + scroll wheel events to scroll the scrollback buffer, instead send + them to the program (#2939) + * Fix unfocused windows in which a bell occurs not changing their border color + to red until a relayout + * Linux: Fix automatic detection of bold/italic faces for fonts such as IBM + Plex Mono that have the regular face with a full name that is the same as + the family name (#2951) + * Fix a regression that broke kitten_alias (#2952) + * Fix a regression that broke the move_window_to_top action (#2953) + * Fix a memory leak when changing font sizes + * Fix some lines in the scrollback buffer not being properly rendered after a + window resize/font size change (#2619) + +- kitty doesn't use libexecdir + +- Update to 0.18.3: + * hints kitten: Allow customizing hint colors (#2894) + * Wayland: Fix a typo in the previous release that broke reading + mouse cursor size (#2895) + * Fix a regression in the previous release that could cause an + exception during startup in rare circumstances (#2896) + * Fix image leaving behind a black rectangle when switch away and + back to alternate screen (#2901) + * Fix one pixel mis-alignment of rounded corners when either the + cell dimensions or the thickness of the line is an odd number + of pixels (#2907) + * Fix a regression that broke specifying OS window size in the + session file (#2908) + +- Update to 0.18.2: + * X11: Improve handling of multiple keyboards. Now pressing a + modifier key in one keyboard and a normal key in another works (#2362). + Don't rebuild keymaps on new keyboard events that only change + geometry (#2787). Better handling of multiple keyboards with + incompatible layouts (#2726) + * Improve anti-aliasing of triangular box drawing characters, + noticeable on low-resolution screens (#2844) + * Fix kitty @ send-text not working reliably when using a socket + for remote control (#2852) + * Implement support for box drawing rounded-corners characters (#2240) + * Allow setting the class for new OS windows in a session file + * When a character from the Unicode Dingbat block is followed by a + space, use the extra space to render a larger version of the character (#2850) + * Make neighboring window selection in grid and splits layouts + more intelligent (#2840) + * Allow passing the current selection to kittens (#2796) + * Fix pre-edit text not always being cleared with ibus input (#2862) + * Allow setting the background_opacity of new OS windows created via + kitty --single-instance using the kitty --override command line argument (#2806) + * Fix the CSI J (Erase in display ED) escape code not removing line + continued markers (#2809) + * hints kitten: In linenumber mode expand paths that starts with ~ (#2822) + * Fix launch --location=last not working (#2841) + * Fix incorrect centering when a PUA or symbol glyph is followed by + more than one space + * Have the confirm_os_window_close option also apply when closing tabs + with multiple windows (#2857) + * Add support for legacy DECSET codes 47, 1047 and 1048 (#2871) + * Wayland: Fix a regression in 0.18.0 that could cause crashes related + to mouse cursors in some rare circumstances (#2810) + * Fix change in window size that does not change number of cells not being + reported to the kernel (#2880) + +- ported no-docs patch to 0.18.1 +- improved the sed line and added another one for python2 + +- Update to 0.18.1: + * macOS: Fix for diff kitten not working with python 3.8 (#2780) + +- Update to 0.18.0: + * Allow multiple overlay windows per normal window + * Add an option confirm_os_window_close to ask for confirmation when + closing an OS window with multiple kitty windows. + * Tall and Fat layouts: Add a mirrored option to put the full size + window on the opposite edge of the screen (#2654) + * Tall and Fat layouts: Add mappable actions to increase or + decrease the number of full size windows (#2688) + * Allow sending arbitrary signals to the current foreground process + in a window using either a mapping in kitty.conf or via remote + control (#2778) + * Allow sending the back and forward mouse buttons to terminal + applications (#2742) + * Backwards incompatibility: The numbers used to encode mouse + buttons for the send_mouse_event function that can be used in + kittens have been changed (see Sending mouse events). + * Add a new mappable quit action to quit kitty completely. + * Fix marks using different colors with regexes using only + a single color (#2663) + * Linux: Workaround for broken Nvidia drivers for old cards (#456) + * Wayland: Fix kitty being killed on some Wayland compositors + if a hidden window has a lot of output (#2329) + * Add support for the CSI REP escape code (#2702) + * Wayland: Fix mouse cursor rendering on HiDPI screens (#2709) + * X11: Recompile keymaps on XkbNewKeyboardNotify events (#2726) + * X11: Reduce startup time by ~25% by only querying GLX for + framebuffer configurations once (#2754) + * Fix the kitty shell launched via a mapping needlessly requiring + allow_remote_control to be turned on. + +- Update to 0.17.4: + * Allow showing the name of the current layout and the number of + windows in tab titles (#2634) + * By default, double clicking no longer considers the : as part + of words, see select_by_word_characters (#2602) + * Fix a regression that caused clicking in the padding/margins + of windows in the stack layout to switch the window to the + first window (#2604) + * Report modifier key state when sending wheel events to the + terminal program + * Fix kitty @ send-text not working with text larger than 1024 + bytes when using kitty --listen-on (#2607) + * Wayland: Fix OS window title not updating for hidden + windows (#2629) + * Fix background_tint making the window semi-transparent (#2618) + +- Update to 0.17.3: + * Allow individually setting margins and padding for each edge + (left, right, top, bottom). Margins can also be controlled per + window via remote control (#2546) + * Fix reverse video not being rendered correctly when using + transparency or a background image (#2419) + * Allow mapping arbitrary remote control commands to key + presses in kitty.conf + * X11: Fix crash when doing drag and drop from some + applications (#2505) + * Fix launch --stdin-add-formatting not working (#2512) + * Update to Unicode 13.0 (#2513) + * Render country flags designated by a pair of unicode + codepoints in two cells instead of four. + * diff kitten: New option to control the background color for + filler lines in the margin (#2518) + * Fix specifying options for layouts in the startup session + file not working (#2520) + * Linux: Ignore keys if they are designated as + layout/group/mode switch keys (#2519) + * Marks: Fix marks not handling wide characters and tab + characters correctly (#2534) + * Add a new listen_on option in kitty.conf to set kitty + - -listen-on globally. Also allow using environment + variables in this option (#2569). + * Allow sending mouse events in kittens (#2538) + * icat kitten: Fix display of 16-bit depth images (#2542) + * Add ncurses specific terminfo definitions for + strikethrough (#2567) + * Fix a regression in 0.17 that broke displaying graphics + over SSH (#2568) + * Fix --title not being applied at window creation time (#2570) + +- Update to 0.17.2: + * Add a launch --watcher option that allows defining callbacks + that are called for various events in the window's life-cycle + (#2440) + * Fix a regression in 0.17 that broke drawing of borders with + non-minimal borders (#2474) + * Hints kitten: Allow copying to primary selection as well + as clipboard (#2487) + * Add a new mappable action close_other_windows_in_tab to close + all but the active window (#2484) + * Hints kitten: Adjust the default regex used to detect line + numbers to handle line+column numbers (#2268) + * Fix blank space at the start of tab bar in the powerline + style when first tab is inactive (#2478) + * Fix regression causing incorrect rendering of separators in + tab bar when defining a tab bar background color (#2480) + * Fix a regression in 0.17 that broke the kitty @ launch remote + command and also broke the --tab-title option when + creating a new tab. (#2488) + * Linux: Fix selection of fonts with multiple width variants + not preferring the normal width faces (#2491) + +- Update to 0.17.1: + * Fix cursor_underline_thickness not working (#2465) + * Fix a regression in 0.17 that caused tab bar background to be + rendered after the last tab as well (#2464) + * Fix a regression in 0.17 that caused kitty @ set-colors to + require setting cursor_text_color (#2470) + +- Update to 0.17.0: + * A new The Splits Layout to arrange windows in arbitrary splits (#2308) + * Add support for specifying a background image, see background_image + (#163 and #2326; thanks to Fredrick Brennan.) + * A new background_tint option to darken the background under the + text area when using background images and/or transparent windows. + * Allow selection of single cells with the mouse. Also improve mouse + selection to follow semantics common to most programs (#945) + * New options cursor_beam_thickness and cursor_underline_thickness + to control the thickness of the beam and underline cursors (#2337 and #2342) + * When the application running in the terminal grabs the mouse, pass + middle clicks to the application unless terminal_select_modifiers + are pressed (#2368) + * A new copy_and_clear_or_interrupt function (#2403) + * X11: Fix arrow mouse cursor using right pointing instead of the + default left pointing arrow (#2341) + * Allow passing the currently active kitty window id in the launch command (#2391) + * unicode input kitten: Allow pressing ctrl+tab to change the input mode (#2343) + * Fix a bug that prevented using custom functions with the new marks feature (#2344) + * Make the set of URL prefixes that are recognized while hovering with the + mouse configurable (#2416) + * Fix border/margin/padding sizes not being recalculated on DPI change (#2346) + * diff kitten: Fix directory diffing with removed binary files failing (#2378) + * Fix rendering of combining characters with fonts that have glyphs for + precomposed characters but not decomposed versions (#2365) + * Fix incorrect rendering of selection when using rectangular select and + scrolling (#2351) + * Allow setting WM_CLASS and WM_NAME when creating new OS windows + with the launch command (launch --os-window-class) + * Fix a regression in the previous release that broke switching to + neighboring windows in the Grid layout when there are less + than four windows (#2377) + * Fix colors in scrollback pager off if the window has redefined + terminal colors using escape codes (#2381) + * Fix selection not updating properly while scrolling (#2442) + * Allow extending selections by dragging with right button pressed (#2445) + * Workaround for bug in less that causes colors to reset at wrapped lines (#2381) + * X11/Wayland: Allow drag and drop of text/plain in addition to text/uri-list (#2441) + * Dont strip & and - from the end of URLs (#2436) + * Fix @selection placeholder not working with launch command (#2417) + * Drop support for python 3.5 + * Wayland: Fix a crash when drag and dropping into kitty (#2432) + * diff kitten: Fix images lingering as blank rectangles after the kitten quits (#2449) + * diff kitten: Fix images losing position when scrolling using mouse wheel/touchpad klatexformula +- Update to 4.1.0: + * Support for PDF-based and unicode LaTeX engines pdflatex, + xelatex and lualatex. + * Ukrainian translation + * Minor enhancements and bug fixes. +- Spec cleanup +- Drop obsolete patch: + * klatexformula-4.0.0-include_QAction.patch +- Drop unneeded patch: + * klatexformula-4.0.0-remove-uninstall-target.patch +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-compilation-error-with-Qt-5.15.patch + -- Update to version 3.2.5 - kmod +- Enable ZSTD on 15.3 as well (boo#1192104). +- Only test ZSTD in testsuite on releases where it is available. + kmscube +- Update to version 0.0.0.git1585705428.4660a7d: + * texturator: Fix float to bool conversion warning + * texturator: Only define png variable when libpng is present + * Change c_std to gnu99 + * kmscube: add AMD_performance_monitor support + * kmscube: also print final fps stat at exit + * kmscube: add option to run for specified # of frames + * add fps reporting + * atomic: allow user input to trigger exit + * add shadertoy mode + * clean up arg parsing +- Switch to meson build system +- Enable libpng support + knock +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * knockd.service + +- Update to version 0.8 + * Multiple fixes (#67, #77) + * IPv6 support (Sebastien Valat) +- dropped knock-0.5.patch, knock-include.patch + +- fix uninitialized tcpflags variables in knockd.c + (Bug#1138376: Knockd unable to start after upgrade to LEAP 15.1) + -- fix sysconfig file - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- Initial Package, Version 0.5 - knot +- update to version 3.1.4, see: + + +- update to version 3.1.3, see: + + kproperty +- Remove the pkg-config files from the -devel package. Both files + contain incorrect entries. + kraft +- Add Adapt-to-new-Akonadi-includes.patch to fix build with Akonadi + 21.12 + +- Update to upstream version 0.97. + Version 0.97 is a bugfix release and fixes a few bugs. +- Remove patch keepemptyparts.patch which went upstream. + +- Add patch keepemptyparts.patch to fix build with older qt versions. + +- Update to upstream version 0.96 + * Found new MIT licensed icons to avoid uncertainess with CC license. + * Allow to use the "add new" button in the doc editor to add new + catalog templates. It presets the correct chapter. + * Fix: Use the xmlArchivePath correctly (#80) + * Fix: Handling of Cancel button in template to doc dialog. + * Fix: Convert newlines in the items to <br> for the weasyprint doc + generation. + * Fix: In Followup document: If the standard text for pre and post + text of the target document type is empty, the one from the + source document is copied over instead. (#91) + krb5-auth-dialog +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + -- Update to version 3.8.0: - + Use an app menu instead of a menu bar. - kreport +- Add Requires: cmake(Qt5Qml) to the devel package to fix kexi's + build on ppc + +- Remove the optional QtWebKit build dependency. + +- Spec cleanup + +- Spec cleanup + +- Add Fix-kexi-build-with-GCC-10.patch to fix the build of kexi in + Tumbleweed (kde#422886) + +- Remove the pkg-config file from the -devel package. KReport3.pc contains + incorrect entries. + krita +- Update to 4.4.8: + * See + * Disable fractional DPI scaling by default + * Fix loading and saving of document palettes (kde#440812) +- Remove BuildConflicts: python3-sip-devel >= 6, it builds fine + with sip6 meanwhile + +- Add patch to allow building krita with OpenEXR 3 (boo#1189327): + * 0001-Support-building-with-OpenEXR-3.patch + +- Update to 4.4.7: + * See + * Fix for a performance regression in Krita 4.4.5 + * Fix a crash on exit with certain versions of Qt and PyQt + * Fix moving selection with the magnetic selection tool + (kde#433633) + * Fix crashes in the magnetic selection tool when deleting nodes + (kde#439896) + * Fix an assert when converting the image color space from Python + (kde#437980) + * Fix a crash when closing a gamut mask document (kde#438914) + * Fix drag and drop of clone layers between images (kde#414699) + * Fix crash when saving the image with trimming enabled + (kde#437626) + +- Remove the OpenColorIO build dependency for openSUSE Tumbleweed. + krita doesn't support OCIO 2.0 yet (kde#435474) + +- Update to 4.4.5: + * See + * Set ElideRight for the tabs in the mdiarea (kde#433640) + * If loading the image fails too often, stop retrying + (kde#433652) + * Use QVersionNumber to compare versions + * Fix oilpaint filter's tiling artifacts + * Only open the bug dialog when Krita is in alpha or beta + * Fix crash on popup palette on 125% scale (kde#431944) + * Fix compilation for GCC11 (kde#434150) + * Use opengl ES on Arm Linux (kde#421136) + * Fix crash on importing a broken icc profile (kde#434273) + * Remove the hello world demo plugin (kde#422380) + * Bugfix: Crash with crop tool (kde#433770) + * Bugfix: Transform (Shear) tool doesn't use pivot (kde#427462) + * Fix angle range in the angle selector in status bar and + overview docker (kde#434993) + * Implement "Scale handles proportionally" feature for the mesh + transform + * Bugfix: Crop tool doesn't respond to some events (kde#435201) + * Remove JPG from the list of supported clipboard image formats + (kde#431310) + * Don't set the menu text on the action if it's empty + (kde#437036) + * Expose the node's unique id to libkis + * Fix quicklook generator (kde#436224) + * Fix data corruption on pressing Ctrl+Z while crop action is + active (kde#433770) + * Fix zooming of the palette in Lazy Fill Tool (kde#410997) + * Fix outline-selection precision when shift-modifier is pressed + (kde#437048) + * Fix crash when closing Krita too quickly while some stroke is + still rendering (kde#419021) + * Fix incorrect memory access in KisCanvas2::setProofingOptions() + * Fix a race condition when starting spontaneous jobs + (kde#434648) + * Fix display color management in Overview docker (kde#428605) + * Fix Nearest Neighbour filter of the perspective transform mode + (kde#420811) + * Fix drift of the transformed image when moving mouse too + quickly (kde#416899) + * Fix smoothness of Free Transform mode (kde#416899) + * Fix input method not working on popup widgets (kde#395598) + * Fix export in Krita using CLI + * Fix order of arguments in OverviewThumbnailStrokeStrategy + (CID 310957) + * Do not rely on endianness in psd_image_data (CID 35080) + * Widen variables before making calculations (CID 248925) + * Override patchWidth and patchHeight being 0 with defaults + (CID 248441, CID 248622) + * Check value after dynamic cast in ConvertColorSpacePr.Vis. + (CID 304985) + * Properly bound values on conversions (CID 248629, CID 248458) + * Initialize propertyType in KisMetaData::TypeInfo::Private + (CID 35498) + * Initialize variables in KoRuler and KisFullRefreshWalker + (CID 35523, CID 35612) + * Initialize members of KisImagePyramid (CID 36041) + * Initialize members of DlgOffsetImage and DeformBrush + (CID 36144, CID 36265) + * Initialize members in KCanvasPreview (CID 36395) + * Initialize members in DlgClonesArray (CID 248509) + * Initialize members in KisShadeSelectorLine (CID 36338) + * Initialize members of assistant classes (CID 248502, + CID 248916) + * Initialize members in spin box related classes (CID 248555, + CID 248871) + * Fix xyYtoXYZ color conversion formula + * Make the code in the triangle color selector cleaner + * Fix updates in Channels docker + * Fix updates in Histogram docker + * Fix multithreading in Histogram widget + * Change typedef to using in HistogramDockerWidget + * Fix referencing of null value in SvgStyleWriter (CID 329512) + * Fix uninitialized values in HistogramDockerWidget (CID 329509) + * Fix High DPI for canvas previews in Undo History docker + * Fix crash on saving a huge image to .kra (kde#432182) + * Ensure that transform worker won't try to scale to 0 + (kde#432182) + * Fix KoQuaZipStore error checking + * Show country in language list for disambiguation (kde#437994) + * Fix failing update when transforming a shape layer with a + Transform Tool (kde#437886) + * Do not append country name to zh_CN and zh_TW (kde#437994) + * Add more checks on saving to kra + * Fix non-float results in expressions for float values + (CID 329390, CID 329448, CID 329482) + * Fix uninitialized values in various classes (CID 329508, + CID 329504, CID 329503, CID 329502, CID 329501) + * Don't assert on invalid 0-bytes palettes + * Initialize members of SVG Symbols classes (CID 304987) + * Initialize members of KisColorSelector classes (CID 36349, + CID 248848, CID 248452, CID 248707) + * Bugfix: Artifact with more than one active assitant + (kde#401940) + * Bugfix: Inconsistent stroke fill and shape fill (kde#399127, + kde#422204, kde#434828) + +- Update to 4.4.3 + * See + * Fix crash in halftone filter due to an access to an invalid pointer + * Fix crash when reapplying a filter with reprompting + * Fix crash when painting on a filter mask created from a vector + selection (kde#432329) + * Fix handling the channel flags (kde#432226) + * Fix synchronization of zoom level between canvas and the scratchpad + * Fix normalization in Smart Patch Tool (kde#430953) + * Fix performance issues in the foreground/background color + button (kde#432936) + * Fix saving incremental backups (kde#432701) + * Fix a problem where the scratchpad could be unresponsive (kde#431708) + * Fix Color as Alpha and Preserve Alpha in Custom and Clipboard + brushes (kde#432274) + * Fix the RGBA_brushes bundle so Krita doesn't try to recreate it + on startup (kde#431832) + * Fix handling of style in KisAngleSelector when the spin box must be + shown flat and use the new angle selector everywhere +- Drop 0001-Use-opengl-es-on-Arm-Linux.patch. Merged upstream. + +- Add patch to fix build on ARM: + * 0001-Use-opengl-es-on-Arm-Linux.patch + +- BuildConflict on python3-sip-devel >= 6 because the build expects + the sip5 executable (or even older sip from SIP v4), which was + removed in SIP v6. A simple BuildRequire python3-sip-devel < 6 + would result in a parallel install of SIPv4 and SIPv6, which do + not conflict per se. Because CMake sees the SIPv6 modules, it + assumes sip5 to be present, does not look for the old sip command + and fails. + kronometer +- Spec cleanup +- Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package (boo#1184786) + +- Update URL. + kseexpr +- Update to + * Update the UI parser to enable string variables (kde#439292) + * Comment parsing: fix skipping the first character after #\s+ + * ExprEditor: disconnect the correct signal + * Fix typo in LLVM support + * Insert new variables at the start of the current line + (kde#439260) + * Fix mixed up translations (kde#439257) + * Complete removal of float_t and double_t from function + signatures (kde#431436) + * VectorControl: fix valueChanged connect signature + * ExprCurve, ExprColorCurve: add missing label on interpolation + type (kde#439263) + * ExprAddDialog: fix alignment of Default label for String + variables + * Insert new variables above the current line (kde#439260) + * Insert variable name assignment with string types (kde#439259) + * Interpolate Image Editor root via Qt's native path handling + * Docstrings typo fixes (kde#439257) + * Do not use float/double_t types for C++17 utils (kde#431436) + * Fix SOVERSION (kde#429320) + * i18n: load translations for ki18n's fallback languages + (kde#438836) + * Add support for LLVM 12 + * Add compatibility with VFX 2019 +- Drop Fix-possible-compiler-error.patch, fixed upstream + +- Update to + * Fix charconv support with MSVC/GCC11 (kde#437890) + * Remove unnecessary parameters in CMakeLists + * Fix translation lookup in stock Linux deployments (kde#429782) + * Make reproducible tarballs + * Add support for LLVM 11 +- Drop patches merged upstream: + * Fix-translation-lookup-in-stock-Linux-deployments.patch + * 0001-Fix-charconv-support-with-MSVC-GCC11.patch + +- Add GCC 11 build fix (kde#437890): + * 0001-Fix-charconv-support-with-MSVC-GCC11.patch + kubernetes1 +- Update to version 1.20.13: + * defer close the rotated log open + * Add tests for checking bind mounts + * Check subpath file + * Add check for subpaths + * Manual cherry pick of kube-openapi changes for release-1.20 Bump kube-openapi against kube-openapi/release-1.20 branch + * Update bazel + * Fixed unit test SELinux support + * Add shortcut for SELinux detection + * Don't guess SELinux support on error + * Use separate pathSpec for local and remote to properly handle cleaning paths + * support more than 100 disk mounts on Windows + * Support cgroupv2 in node problem detector test + * Update debian, debian-iptables images to pick up CVEs fixes + * Fixing how EndpointSlice Mirroring handles Service selector transitions + * Fix race condition in logging when request times out + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.12 + * Run storage hostpath e2e test client pod as privileged + * Ignore VMs in vmss delete backend pools + * fix: skip not found nodes when reconciling LB backend address pools + * fix: consolidate logs for instance not found error + * Revert 102925: Fix Node Resources plugins score when there are pods with no requests + * e2e scheduling priorities: do not reference control loop variable + * tests: Wait for the network connectivity first + * 'New' Event namespace validate failed + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.11 + * Refine locking in API Priority and Fairness config controller + * kube-controller-manager: properly check generic ephemeral volume feature + * Fix null JSON round tripping + * Propagate conversion errors + * integration test + * fix 104329: check for headless before trying to release the ClusterIPs + * Fix use variables in the loop in vsphere_util + * Address review comments + * Add docs about process of discovering disks from new nodes + * Fix unknown dangling volumes + * fix detach disk issue on deleting node + * fix: ignore the case when comparing azure tags in service annotation + * fix: ignore the case when updating tags + * backported PR#97721 from v1.21 ("fix slice controller logging for services ipfamily") + * remove listx from OWNERS, OWNERS_ALIASES + * Add explicit capability for online volume expansion + * Bump to v0.3.6 + +- Update to version 1.20.11: + * Fix a small regression in Service updates + * Service: Fix semantics for Update wrt allocations + * Fix buckets initialization + * fix: ensure InstanceShutdownByProviderID return false for creating Azure VMs + * fix: skip case sensitivity when checking Azure NSG rules + * Keep MakeMountArgSensitive and add a new signature that receives flags + * Update the unit tests to handle mountFlags + * Add missing interface method in mount_unsupported.go + * Pass additional flags to subpath mount to avoid flakes in certain conditions + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.10 + * Copy golang license to staging copies + * delete stale UDP conntrack entries for loadbalancer IPs + * job controller: don't mutate shared cache object + * Set idle and readheader timeouts + +- Update to version 1.20.10: + * Bump to golang 1.15.15 in build/** + * Bump to golang 1.15.15 in cluster/** and staging/** + * Bump to golang 1.15.15 in test/** + * Avoid spurious calls to update/delete validation + * Fix metrics reporting for the deprecated watch path + * Update + * Update + * Update + * Fix: ignore not a VMSS error for VMAS nodes in reconcileBackendPools + * feat: Provide IPv6 support for internal load balancer + * Update to using apiserver-network-proxy v1.22 + * Make CSR cleaner tolerate objects with invalid status.certificate + * disable aufs module + * update comments and owners file for pkg/util/removeall + * kubelet: do not call RemoveAll on volumes directory for orphaned pods + * APF e2e: wait for steady state before proceeding + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.9 + * Updated to use konnectivity client v0.0.21, and implemented placeholder context + * include google/go-cmp in client-go/dynamic/fake/BUILD + * Simplify use of the fake dynamic client + * fix: return empty VMAS name if using standalone VM + * Fix race in attachdetach tests + * Fix frameworkImpl.extenders being not set + * Fix closing of decorated watcher channel on timeout + * update bazel + * (scheduler e2e) Create balanced pods in parallel + +- Update to version 1.20.9: + * Bump to golang 1.15.14 in build/** + * Bump to golang 1.15.14 in cluster/** and staging/** + * Bump to golang 1.15.14 in test/** + * Update debian-iptables image to buster-v1.6.5 + * Update debian-base image to buster-v1.8.0 + * Bump SMD to v4.1.2 to pick up #102749 fix + * generate scheduler merge patches on the pod status instead of the full pod + * p&f e2e test: log response header for better troubleshooting + * Loadbalancer IngressIP policy should be configured as non-DSR to enable routing mesh by default + * Do not throw error when we can't get canonical path + * Fix Node Resources plugins score when there are pods with no requests + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.8 + * Remove error wrap from logs + * staging/publishing: Set default go version to go1.15.13 + * build: Update to k/repo-infra@v0.1.8 (supports go1.15.13) + * Use go-runner:v2.3.1-go1.15.13-buster.0 image (built on go1.15.13) + * Update to go1.15.13 + * feat: remove ephemeral-storage etcd requirement + * endpointslicemirroring controller mirror address status + * sched: fix a bug that a preemptor pod exists as a phantom + * Revert "Cleanup portforward streams after their usage" + * Remove unnecessary snapshot ability check + * serviceOwnsFrontendIP shouldn't report error when the public IP doesn't match + * Fix VolumeAttachment garbage collection for migrated PVs + * Return UnschedulableAndUnresolvable when looking up volume-related resources returns NotFound error + * Return UnschedulableAndUnresolvable instead of Error when failing to lookup pvc or storageclass in VolumeZone plugin + * Ignore transient errors when gather stats + * Speed up PV provisioning for vsphere driver + * fix error of setting negative value for containerLogMaxSize + * Upgrade konnectivity-client for GRPC connection fixes + * Update etcd image revision + * Update debian-base to buster-v1.7.0 + * Update debian-iptables to buster-v1.6.1 + * Respect annotation size limit for SSA last-applied. + * Remove unnecessary quotes from get-kube scripts + * Fix expired unit test certs + * fix: delete non existing disk issue + * Azure: avoid setting cached Sku when updating VMSS and VMSS instances + * Update cos-gpu-installer image + * Ref counting is only applicable to Remote endpoints + * Make watch order conformance test reliable + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.7 + * fix removing pods from podTopologyHints mapping + * fix: avoid nil-pointer panic when checking the frontend IP configuration + * Use CSI driver to determine unique name for migrated in-tree plugins + * Add jitter to lease controller + * Avoid caching the VMSS instances whose network profile is nil + * chunk target operatation for aws targetGroup + * Fix watchForLockfileContention memory leak + * Fix cleanupMountpoint issue for Windows + * Fixed the Dockerfile for the build-image to build from KUBE_BASE_IMAGE_REGISTRY + +- Update to version 1.20.7: + * staging/publishing: Set default go version to go1.15.12 + * build: Update to k/repo-infra@v0.1.7 (supports go1.15.12) + * Use go-runner:v2.3.1-go1.15.12-buster.0 image (built on go1.15.12) + * Update to go1.15.12 + * fix: not tagging static public IP + * Add test create service with ns + * Set namespace when using kubectl create service + * Automated cherry pick of #101377: Fix validation in kubectl create ingress (#101428) + * Updating EndpointSlice controllers to avoid duplicate creations + * Update pkg/volume/azure_file/azure_provision.go + * Normalize share name to not include capital letters + * Extend pod start timeout to 5min for storage subpath configmap test + * fix: set "host is down" as corrupted mount + * no watch endpointslice in userpace mode + * Ensure service deleted when the Azure resource group has been deleted + * Updating EndpointSlice validation to match Endpoints validation + * Make parallel build memory threshold configurable + * fix: azure file namespace issue in csi translation + * pkg/kubelet: improve the node informer sync check + * Additional CVE-2021-3121 fix + * Fix startupProbe behaviour changed + * Fix test + * staging/publishing: Set default go version to go1.15.10 + * build: Update to k/repo-infra@v0.1.6 (supports go1.15.11) + * Use go-runner:v2.3.1-go1.15.11-buster.0 image (built on go1.15.11) + * Update to go1.15.11 + * add duration encoder to structured logger + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.6 + * exec test should not run in Parallel as feature gate is not locked + * hack/ + * respect ExecProbeTimeout + * apf: exempt probes /healthz /livez /readyz + * DelegatingAuthenticationOptions TokenReview request timeout + * list pod list once to avoid timeout + * Cleanup portforward streams after their usage + * fix smb mount issue on Windows + +- Update to version 1.20.6: + * azure: fix node public IP not able to fetch issues from IMDS + * Fix test now that empty struct are tracked in mangaed fields + * make generated_files + * Update bazel and dependencies. + * Update to use cliflag.NamedFlagSets + * Address comments. + * Update NodeIPAM wrapper + * Delete build file based on latest changes. + * Update extension mechanism and related sample. + * Address review comments + * Address review comments + * Modify integration test to fill CCM test gap + * Update test + * Move initialize cloud provider with client builder reference inside controller start func + * Separate example func and add + * Separate func + * Add demonstration of wiring nodeIPAMController config object + * Remove cloud provider name as input parameter. + * Fix flag passing in CCM. + * Use apply to create objects in TestApplyStatus + * Stop skipping APIService in apply test + * Stop clearing OpenAPIConfig for kube-aggregator + * Declare TCP default for service port protocol + * Add ability to skip OpenAPI handler installation + * do not tag user created public IPs + * apf: fix test flake + * update gogo/protobuf to v1.3.2 + * Fixed describe ingress causing SEGFAULT + * Update to v4.0.3 + * Stop probing a pod during graceful shutdown + * apf: handle error from PollImmediateUntil + * staging/publishing: Set default go version to go1.15.10 + * webhook config manager: HasSynced returns true when the manager is synced with existing webhookconfig objects at startup + * update metadata-concealment to 1.6 for removing legacy checking + * slice mirroring controller mirror annotations + * additional subnet configuration for AWS ELB + * Revert "Automated cherry pick of #97417: fix azure file secret not found issue" + * Use the correct volum handle format for GCE regional PD. + * Increasing maximum number of ports allowed in EndpointSlice + * Support > 5 ports in L4 ILB. + * build: Update to k/repo-infra@v0.1.5 (supports go1.15.10) + * Use go-runner:v2.3.1-go1.15.10-buster.0 image (built on go1.15.10) + * Update to go1.15.10 + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.5 + * fix a bug where only service with less than 100 ports can have GCE load balancer + * bazel + * deepcopy statefulsets + * full deepcopy on munged pod spec + * remove pod toleration toleration seconds mutation + * add markers for inspected validation mutation hits + * move secret mutation from validation to prepareforupdate + * remove unnecessary mutations in validation + * tweak validation to avoid mutation + * For LoadBalancer Service type don't create a HNS policy for empty or invalid external loadbalancer IP + * Moving docker options to daemon.json + * e2e fix: loosen configmap to 10 in resource quota + * api-server add --lease-max-object-count + * apiserver add metric etcd_lease_object_counts + * apiserver add --lease-reuse-duration-seconds to config lease reuse duration + * Bump Cluster Autoscaler to v1.20.0 + +- Rebase opensuse-version-checks.patch + +- Update to version 1.20.5: + * Updating EndpointSliceMirroring controller to wait for cache to be updated + * Updating EndpointSlice controller to wait for cache to be updated + * Add tests for populated volumes + * Fix comment on getPodVolumeSubpathListFromDisk + * Fix tests to test for new behavior + * Add warnings after cleanup back + * Automatically remove orphaned pod's dangling volumes + * Count pod overhead as an entity's resource usage + * Ensure only one LoadBalancer rule is created when HA mode is enabled + * Fix issue in checking domain socket for plugin watcher + * Use Lstat in plugin watcher to avoid Windows problem + * Skip visiting empty secret and configmap names + * Number of sockets is assumed to be same as NUMA nodes + * disables APF if the aggregated apiserver cannot locate the core kube-apiserver + * Fix repeatedly aquire the inhibit lock + * Sync node status during kubelet node shutdown + * remove executable permission bits + * Upgrading vendored dependencies + * Upgrading cAdvisor to 0.38.8 + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.4 + * build/OWNERS: Add Dan and Sascha as reviewers + * OWNERS(CHANGELOG): Move reviewers/approvers to CHANGELOG/ dir + * Bump konnectivity-client to v0.0.15 in release-1.20 + * Storage e2e: Remove pd csi driver installation in GKE + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.3 + * kube-cross: update image to use v1.15.8-legacy-1 + * [go1.15] build: Update to k/repo-infra@v0.1.4 (supports go1.15.8) + * Use go-runner:buster-v2.3.1 image (built on go1.15.8) + * staging/publishing: Set default go version to go1.15.8 + * Update to go1.15.8 + * Fix dbus shutdown events not continuing if they are not valid + * Revert "make hostPort match test linuxonly" + * Revert "conformance changes" + * kube-proxy: clear conntrack entries after rules are in place + * Use -LiteralPath instead of -Path + * Escape the special character in vsphere windows path + * Include unit test + * Adjust defer to correctly call + * do not remove volume dir when saveVolumeData fails + * kubeadm: drop explicit constant override in version test + * kubeadm: get k8s CI version markers from k8s infra bucket + * dockershim hostport respect IPFamily + * dockershim hostport manager use HostIP + * Balance nodes in scheduling e2e + * e2e: Pod should avoid nodes that have avoidPod annotation: clean remaining pods + * Cherry pick of #98254:Fix the kube-scheduler binary's description of the --config parameter is inaccurate + * fix kube-scheduler cannot send event because the Note field is too large + * Fix nil pointer dereference in disruption controller + * Update region_pd e2e test to support PV have GA topology + * Recover CSI volumes from dangling attachments + * IsVolumeAttachedToNode() renamed to GetAttachState(), and returns 3 states instead of combining "uncertain" and "detached" into "false" + * Fixes Attach Detach Controller reconciler race reading ActualStateOfWorld and operation pending states; fixes reconciler_test mock detach to account for multiple attaches on a node + * Fix translation of Cinder storage classess to CSI + * OWNERS(CHANGELOG): Add release-engineering-reviewers as reviewers + * OWNERS(CHANGELOG): Add release-engineering-reviewers as approvers + * Resolve IP addresses of host-only in filtered dialer + * Deflake ingress updates + * make podTopologyHints protected by lock + * ignore cgroup driver check in windows node upgrade + * OWNERS(sig-release): Add CHANGELOG aliases + * OWNERS(build-image): Add Release Managers as reviewers + * OWNERS(releng): Sync Release Managers + * OWNERS(sig-release): Remove SIG Release approvers alias + * aggregate errors when putting vmss + * fix azure file migration issue + * kubelet: Fix mirrorPodTerminationMap leak + * kubelet: Delete static pods gracefully + * kubeadm: change the default image repository for CI images from to + * kubelet logs print 'kubelet nodes sync' frequently + * reduce buckets for etcd_request_duration_seconds + * Merge pull request #96876 from howieyuen/no-execute-taint-missing + * cleanup subnet in frontend ip configs + * conformance changes + * make hostPort match test linuxonly + * Clean up namespaced children of missing virtual parents with incorrectly cluster-scoped nodes + * Add unit test for child scope mismatch with missing parent + * vendor: update cAdvisor to v0.38.7 + * Use volumeHandle as PV name when translating EBS inline volume + * Update CHANGELOG/ for v1.20.2 + * kubectl-convert import known versions + * Revert "Merge pull request #92817 from kmala/kubelet" + * WIP: node sync at least once + * fixes nil panic for nil delegated auth options + * Lower the frequency of volume plugin deprecation warning + * handle webhook authenticator and authorizer error + * fix the panic when kubelet registers if a node object already exists with no Status.Capacity or Status.Allocatable + * Avoid checking the entire backend service URL for FR equality. + * Use non privileged ports + kubevirt +- Update to version 0.48.1 + Release notes + +- Detect SLE15 SP4 build environment +- Update to version 0.47.1 + Release notes +- Drop 0001-Allow-overwrite-the-default-DNS-service-in-tests.patch + +- Pack only kubevirt-{operator,cr}.yaml into manifests +- Include manifests/testing/* into tests package +- Use disks-images-provider.yaml from upstream +- Allow overwrite the default DNS service in tests + 0001-Allow-overwrite-the-default-DNS-service-in-tests.patch + kvirc +- Remove the optional QtWebKit dependency + +- Add patch to fix build with Qt 5.15: + 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch + +- Add patches to use Python 3: + * 0001-Add-support-for-Python-3.patch + * 0001-This-is-not-necessary-anymore.patch + * 0001-Replace-FindPythonLibs-with-FindPython3-in-CMake.patch + * 0001-Stop-unsetting-_DEBUG-when-including-Python.h.patch +- Drop obsolete conditions + -- Add kvirc-gcc47.patch: Fix build with gcc 4.7. - -- Fix duplicate filelist - -- Switched to external libraries. This is the upstream recommended - way to build the program and is more secure -- Removed INSTALL file from documentation (fix for RPMLINT warning) -- Cleaned up spec file formatting - kyotocabinet +- Add yet an other patch kyotocabinet-pie.patch + * link all executables as pie (bsc#1185033) + +- Update to version 1.2.77: + * (CondVar::wait): a bug on Win32 was fixed. + * kcdbext.h (IndexDB::set, IndexDB::replace): a bug of updating + existing records was fixed. + * kcdb.h (DB::check): new function. +- Drop no longer needed gcc6-fix-errors.patch +- Modernise spec file + +- Add baselibs.conf: Produce libkyotocabinet16-32bit, dependency to + libpinyin13-32bit. + +- boo#1037914: Do not optimize for native cpu of the build system! + +- kyotocabinet-fix-debuginfo.patch: Fix debuginfo generation +- gcc6-fix-errors.patch: return NULL instead, make GCC7 happy + +- Add gcc6-fix-errors.patch to remove errors seen by GCC6. + +- Avoid explicit requires on library packages + +- fix up configure test to handle lack of 8 byte atomics correctly + (configure-8-byte-atomics.patch) + +- Replace %makeinstall by make install; the former seldomly works +- kyoto requires at least i586 an arch; force it on RH6 (which + defaults to i386) + +- license update: SUSE-GPL-3.0-with-FLOSS-exception + Package allows exceptions for linking with components under certain + licenses (similar to MySQL) + labplot-kf5 +- Update to version 2.8.2 +- Bug fixes: + * [CAS] + + Fixed the regression introduced after the python2 backend was + deprecated in Cantor + + Warn about the potential data looses when a project with CAS + content is opened but no CAS support is available + * [worksheet]: + + DateTime support for Custom Points and for Histograms + + Fix "power of" notations for negative values, show "0" for + zero and improve auto precision for small values for axis + labels + + Show all available symbols styles for CustomPoint, the last + one was missing + + Convert the plot range format to datetime also when the first + histogram for datetime data was added to the plot + + Properly restore the saved values column and also save the + values formatting properties in the histogram + + If the deleted columns are being restored, restore the column + pointers also in the histograms + + Properly react in the histogram when data columns are deleted + or renamed + + Save/load the values format in xy-curve + + React on text changes for values prefix and suffix and not on + return pressed event in the curve properties explorer + + Fix log scale axis for one tick and ln-scale typo + + Fix sqrt and square axis scales + + adjust the range format (numeric vs. datetime) also when the + column of the first curve is changed and not only when a new + curve is added + + simplified the naming of the initial axes for the default + plot types (box blot with four axes, etc.) - use "x" instead + of "x axis 1", etc. + + export to more image formats (jpg, bmp, ppm, xbm, xpm) + * [spreadsheet] + + show column statistics also for bigint columns + + when selecting a column in the project explorer, make sure it + becomes visible in the spreadsheet by scrolling horizontally + to its position + + when removing or inserting rows in the spreadsheet, properly + update the headers in the spreadsheet + * [import] + + Don't try to parse a netCDF file when the application was + compiled without any support for netCDF, and similar for + other formats + + Show the last recently imported projects in a combobox also + in ImportProjectDialog similar to how it's already done in + ImportFileDialog + + Don't show any error messages when the source file or local + socket is empty when the import dialog is opened for the + first time + + Fixed ASCII import when start column > 1 + * Don't change the current selection in the Project Explorer when + objects are being added or removed during undo or redo + * Improved LaTeX support in export dialog and export of big + spreadsheets + * Fixed resetting parser error count on some platforms + (kde#427190) + * Support semicolon as function argument separator for locale + with comma as decimal separator (kde#429110) + * Fix validation of custom model equation in fit dock + (kde#429368) + * Save/Load value format (kde#431535) + * Show the relevant parts of the drop lines also when the data + points are outside of the plot range (kde#432291) + ladish +- Fix build on aarch64: + * ladish-add-aarch64.patch + ladspa-caps +- Update to version 0.9.26: + * documentation updates + * DDDelay removed, needs more work + version 0.9.25: + * potential gcc overoptimisation resulting in NaN in Kaiser + window setup eliminated (fix contributed by Jean Pierre + Cimalando) + * updated to reflect changes to the div() and pow10f() + functions in libc + * tonestack coefficient update reverted to original Yeh + implementation + * Compress default measurement mode switched to RMS, attack + range doubled + * Compress power and gain filter cutoff lowered to lessen + intermodulation distortion + * Plate defaults changed + * volume control added to Spice hi and lo circuits, max gain + reduced on both + * Wider output channels swapped + * AutoFilter rate lowered + * Scape parameters cleaned up and remapped, tune control + removed + * Noisegate hysteresis increased to 180 ms + * dc-30 tonestack R3 20k -> 10k + * Eq10 Q changed to render optimally flat response at all zero + band gain settings + * div port added to Click + * new plugin DDDelay + version 0.9.24: + * documentation updates including switch to 48k for all spectra + * "twin" and "stanford" tonestack models swap places + * ChorusI feedback changed to interpolation, softens zipper + noise on t changes + * use vestigial FPTruncateMode only on pre-SSE2 hardware + * 4x128 oversampling option removed from Compress plugins + * state port displaying current gain reduction on Compress + plugins + * _latency port for parallel Eq + * Saturate fade-in bug eliminated + * Noisegate hysteresis interval lengthened + * Click sounds "stick" brightened and "beep" shortened + * run_adding() removed, reducing binary size by 30 % and + compile time similarly + * JVRev tail modified, low-passed + * all ports reordered to consistent ctrl i/o audio i/o order + * Eq4p crossfade reimplemented as equal-power squared cosine, + smoother now + * EqFA4p added + * non-SSE v4f_shuffle surrogate fixed + (fixes Eq4p on ARM, reported by Jens Dreske) + * dropped 44.1 kHz ToneStackLT + * OnePole header renamed IIR1, filters renamed LP1 and HP1 + * BiQuad header and filter renamed IIR2, SIMD *4f filters + renamed *v4 + * CabinetIII (less demanding loudspeaker emulation resurrected + again) + * ChorusI port ranges and defaults adjusted + * Compress parameter mappings and defaults adjusted + version 0.9.23: + * ChorusI hp filter denormal protection added + version 0.9.22: + * ChorusI blend behaviour changed + * ChorusI parameters adjusted + * ChorusI hp filter before delay added + * AutoFilter parameters adjusted + * AutoFilter 'range' port becomes 'depth' + version 0.9.21: + * Eq10 Q increased + * AmpVTS bright/compression/gain mappings adjusted + * AutoFilter reverted to 0.9.1 version with adjusted parameters + version 0.9.20: + * ToneStack ports rearranged (following "control before audio" + convention) + * ToneStack LT model selection fixed + version 0.9.19: + * Noisegate partially rewritten, defaults adjusted + * Noisegate bug causing spurious gain fluctuations in closed + state eliminated + * AmpVTS compression controls adjusted + * influence of total gain on compression in AmpVTS reduced + * documentation polish + version 0.9.18: + * restored ToneStack presets to present the full list + * AmpVTS 'bright' filter given slight resonance + * AmpVTS compression control range widened + version 0.9.17: + * multiple inclusion header guards changed to comply with + ISO/IEC 9899:2011 (at the insistence of Markus Elfring) + * PlateX2 fixed to read correct port for damping parameter + (reported by James Morris) + * uninstall removes rdf + * DSP::FIR4f::set_kernel size overflow in default parameter + fixed (reported and isolated by Ricardo Crudo) + * AmpVTS "lowcut" filter changed from 2- to 1-pole + * "HK 20" tonestack renamed to "AK 20" + * AmpVTS lowcut mapping changed, default lowered + * AmpVTS highpass 1 cutoff raised + * lowpass filter added to Noisegate's opening peak detector + * Noisegate not NoiseGate + * Click normal addition limited to idle loop + * NoiseGate logic loop bug fixed, hysteresis added + * documentation polish + version 0.9.16: + * NoiseGate simplified, sped up, gain lowpassed, click bug + eliminated + * Sin smoothened, defaults updated + * PhaserII defaults updated + * Fractal defaults updated + * documentation polish + version 0.9.15: + * no-vector-arithmetic compilation fixed + version 0.9.14: + * AutoFilter x/y parameter eliminated + * Fractal hp changed to be configurable, attractors + recalibrated + * DSP::Lorenz instantly initialises to useful state + * documentation polish + version 0.9.13: + * Eq4p softens drastic parameter changes by crossfading static + filters + * Eq4p employing single v4f filter, slightly quicker + * Eq4p 'off' filter mode + * documentation and interface polish + version 0.9.12: + * non-SSE compilation fixed + version 0.9.11: + * DSP::Roessler instantly initialises to useful state + * Logarithmic port bounds and values fixed to reflect actual + intent, affecting Spice, AutoFilter and ChorusI + * clicking automatic gain fade on activate() eliminated in + Saturate + * Dirac merged into Click + * Lorenz and Roessler merged into Fractal + * JVRev removed + * running plugins for zero frames returns without touching + state + * CabinetII and III removed + * PhaserII sine LFO and LFO choice port added + * PhaserII fractal modulation extensively revised + * ChorusI rate lower bound slightly increased + * ChorusI delay line length adjusted to accommodate full + t+width range + * all Chorus and Phaser plugins removed save for ChorusI and + PhaserII + * major documentation revision + * Eq4p parametric equaliser plugin + * RBJ shelving filter prototype implementation fixed + * "2x2" stereo plugin label postfix changed to "X2" + * Eq renamed Eq10 + * SIMD implementation updates + * DSP::RBJ coefficient calculation rearranged + * Click bpm range changed, default lowered substantially + version 0.9.10: + * DSP::RMS protected against negative sum of squares + * documentation updates + version 0.9.8: + * Spice enabled by default, Spice2x2 added + * AmpVTS default oversampling ratio changed to 4x + * JVRev refinements + * Cabinet gain upper limit reinstated to 24 dB + * AutoFilter modulation slightly adjusted + * more *ChorusII modulation smoothness + * 1st-order IIR lp set_f fix part 2 + * 1st-order IIR lp set_f fix part 1 + * 1st order low-pass for AutoFilter modulation LFO + * DelayTapA removed + * README updated + * Click 'stick' sound brightened + * moved processor_specific_denormal_measures() to activate(), + speedup + version 0.9.7: + * ChorusI is back + * AutoFilter modulation range and default parameter updates + version 0.9.6: + * Click fixed to compile by older g++ versions + version 0.9.5: + * AmpVTS model port moved, renamed to the more apt 'tonestack' + * documentation refinements + * appreciable AmpVTS speedup by going back to sample_t for + accumulator + * NoiseRatio attack time control + * sample rate dependencies in NoiseGate removed, time + constants revised + * Tonestacks reordered + * Plugin::over_fs + * AmpVTS model setting fixed to follow the correct input + * CabinetIII resurrected + * AmpVTS 'ratio' port renamed to 'over' + * more filters for AutoFilter, ladder stage gain control + * AutoFilter oversampling + * AmpVTS bias in poweramp, dcblock before output + * AutoFilter envelope calculation fixed for fs > 153.6 kHz + * peak/rms selection for Compress + * AmpVTS tuning + version 0.9.4: + * AmpVTS bright mapping revised + * Compress hi-pass removed + * Compress saturation changed from tanh to atan + * beep wave for Click + * selectable oversampling ratio for Compress in saturating + mode + * fixed Compress to apply gain before saturation + * replaced sample_func_t with the more apt yield_func_t + * minor cosmetics + * caps-doc is a separate package + * selectable wave for Click, parfiltmodel added + * further smoothened ChorusII modulation + * selectable oversampling ratio for Amp + * moved some compress setup calls from Amp's run() to + activate() + * rdf target prerequisite for dist + * Eq Q fixed, flat response at 0 gain + version 0.9.3: + * Smoother modulation for ChorusII + * AmpVTS filters retuned + * correction for ToneStack gain in AmpVTS + * ToneStack models reordered, 'wookie', 'porky', 'HK 20', + 'nihon ace' models added + * Amp 'bias' now a filtered function of output power, control + removed + * division operation in 1st-order hipass setup replaced by + multiplication + * Saturate gain = 0 dB in 'bypass' mode + * Saturate 'rectify' mode + * AmpVTS, Plate control mapping adjusted + version 0.9.2: + * included dsp/ in the tarball + version 0.9.1: + * Lorenz/Roessler rate linked to fs + * AutoFilter replaces SweepVFI + * CabinetIV + * fixed erroneous float promotion of upsampler z padding + parameter + * lots of parameter tuning + * many cleanuppies here and there + * SweepVFI/AutoFilter saturating SVFII ladder (instead of + oversampled SVFI) + * UniqueIDs moved into + * SweepVFI modulation comes as range + x/z now + * GPL v3 + * more Phaser notches + * LR filters for Spice + * Saturate inverse gain for approximately constant loudness + * Scape extensively reworked + * further refinements to Chorus and Phaser units for smoother + modulation + * SweepVFII removed + * LADSPA_PORT_GROUP + * Compress* input gain removed + * ToneStackLT rolled into ToneStack and eliminated + * fixed w miscalculation in DSP::Sine::set_f with fs given + * AmpPlus/AmpVTS total rewrite + * TubeCompress merged into Compress, for great template + goodness + * *Chorus* modulation rate decoupled from samplerate + * tanh approximation, available in the Saturate plugin + * *Chorus* units reworked for smoother modulation and sound + * StereoChorusII2x2 plugin + * JVRev bandwidth filter/control added + * VCO* removed + * HRTF removed + * ChorusI, StereoChorusI, PhaserI removed + * CabinetI removed + * No more AmpStub silliness + * All Amp and Preamp plugins removed, save for AmpVTS + * Incite rechristened Spice + * JVRev blend range normalised to [0..1] + * Plate input value ranges adjusted to uniform [0..1] + * Phaser* spread value range upper bound adjusted to 1 from pi + multiples + version 0.9.0: + * White bleached (was slightly pinkish before) + * up+down oversampling functionality rolled into one class + * Incite plugin + * total redesign of the Clip plugin, renamed to Saturate + * NoiseGate plugin + * RBJ prototypes changed to accept biquad instead of coeff. + arrays + * various default value changes + * all FIRs changed to use templated kernel size, appreciable + speedup for all oversampled plugins + * reduced the number of arithmetic operations in the tonestack + coefficient update function, speedup for ToneStack and + AmpVTS + * TubeCompress2x2 plugin + * TubeCompress plugin + * no more borrowed kernels! + * CabinetII gain adjusted for Mesa and Pro Jr models (much + lower now and more in line with the other models) + * Amp final drive gain reduced slightly to prevent foldover + distortion + * SweepVF fractal rate control mapping adjusted + * Pan completely redesigned with Orban-like stereo image + synthesis + * Narrower mode switch and mid/side operation added + * Plate parameter ranges modified for a brighter and less + reverberant default sound + * VCOd sync option had to be dropped due to compiler + incompatibility + * Lorenz, Roessler fitted with a dc-blocking filter + * all int sample loop variables changed to unsigned, slightest + speedup + * Compress2x2 plugin + * Compress plugin replaced with a completely new design + * Phaser feedback port ranges sanitised + * StereoPhaser plugins + * PhaserII gain reduced by 6dB + * "latency" outputs of all plugins removed + * Descriptor array handling changed to disable individual + plugins with relative ease + * fixed instances of g++ -O3 and above compiled code + segfaulting, performance gained everywhere + * documentation reworked extensively + * CEO wave is resampled at runtime from fs = 8kHz source + * CEO mantra changed (now an flite recording) + * Click changed to use modal synthesis to generate the click + wavetable, for improved sound and independency of sample + rate + * Plate changed to do delay summation using doubles + * 1st and 2nd order filters changed to use templated types for + coefficient and state storage + * 1st order input hipass added to AmpVTS plugin + * filter 'mode' port added to AutoWah, and renamed to + AutoFilter + * fixed improper 'model' labels meant to be 'mode' in the rdf + generator + version 0.4.5: + * Narrower plugin added + * fixed '' to work with python3 + * fixed Sin, Roessler and Lorenz gain smoothing on activation +- Dropped caps-fix-double-free.diff (no longer applicable) +- Refreshed reproducible.patch +- Spec cleanup + ladspa-cmt +- Update to version 1.17 + * avoid malloc/new mismatch. + * reassure compiler. + * Use GCC export map to ensure only ladspa_descriptor() is exported. + * Package with version number in archive and directory names. + * Use C99 isnormal() to identify denormals (and other bad numbers). +- Drop cmt_src_1.15.diff +- Add no-installation-doc.patch + ladspa-tap-plugins +- Update to version 1.0.1 + * Various fixes from lmms +- Spec cleanup + lammps +- Disable kokkos on %{arm} + +- Use openmpi macros to always build with the default openmpi version. + +- dropped 9cdde97863825e4fdce449920d39b25414b2b0b3.patch merged upsteam +- dropped 61ce73273b3290083c01e6a2fadfb3db0889b9ba.patch merged upstream +- bump version to 20201029 (stable) +- General changes: + - Significant refactoring of the core LAMMPS code to increase + code reuse, simplify new additions, improve thread safety, and + benefit from C++11 features. In particular the following + changes were incorporated: + - Refactoring of the AtomVec classes to simplify adding new + atom styles to the code. Also adding support for writing + complete data files for atom styles ellipsoid, line, tri, + and body, which had been previously missing. + - Implementation of string tokenizer and potential file reader + classes to improve parsing of text files and avoid the + strtok() function. This has lead to substantial reduction in + the lines of code used for those cases. + - Transferring of utility function from class members to + standalone functions in the utils namespace. Several new + additions of such convenience functions + - Using const std::string & instead char * or const char * as + function argument in many places to simplify string + processing and replacing C style string functions with their + equivalent or expanded functionality of std::string member + functions + - Incorporation of fmtlib to replace and simplify many cases + of output formatting. This avoids many complications with + printf() style functions since no special treatment is + required for processing bigint or tagint arguments. Since + fmtlib has been accepted as a C++20 feature, this is also + future proofing the code base. + - Avoiding use of temporary local buffers for output + formatting and thus lowering the risk of buffer overflows. + This was enabled by the previous two changed. + - Replacing NULL with nullptr where applicable for better + detection of incorrect use. + - Major reorganization and significant expansion of the manual: + - The manual is now split into two parts: a User Guide and a + Programmer Guide + - Most of the content related to using the library interfaces, + the Python module (and Python in general) have been moved to + the Programmer Guide + - The content of the external Developer Guide PDF has been + incorporated into the Programmer Guide section and expanded + - The documentation of the C-library interface and Python + module has been expanded and the documentation of the + individual APIs are now imported from the source code by + means of using doxygen (for C/C++) and docstrings (for + Python). + - Redundancies have been reduced, cross-links added, and links + to external websites checked, updated or removed. + - Addition of a unit test facility which is integrated into + building LAMMPS with CMake and using the ctest tool that comes + with CMake. Tests for a variety of features and styles are + included with a code coverage close to 40%. The added tests + have exposed a significant number of previously unknown bugs + and inconsistencies (e.g. between plain pair styles and + suffixed versions or between Pair::compute() and + Pair::single()) in the code base, which have been fixed. + - Significant refactoring of the LAMMPS C-library interface and + Python module: several new functions were added, especially + for introspection, ad-hoc numerical constants were replaced by + symbolic constants defined in enumerators and synchronized + betwee C and Python, where possible and needed. Most + modifications were + done in a backward compatible way. + - Add support for a "UNITS:" metadata tag to potential and + tabulation files and code to error out if the value does not + match with the current setting. For some potentials, mainly + manybody potentials, support for on-the-fly conversion between + "metal" and "real" units was added, so that a file with + parameters for "metal" units can be used in a simulation with + "real" units, if the pair style supports it. + - Ordering of #include "" statements has been revised and the + lists updated where possible after analyzing with the IWYU + tool. + - Significant refactoring of CMake scripts enabled by moving the + minimum required CMake version from 2.8.x to 3.10.x. CMake + build support is more reliable, portable to different host + operating systems and efficient. + - Conventional build system now always builds the LAMMPS library + and the executable, so the available modes are reduced from 4 + to 2: mode=static and mode=shared. The CMake build behaves + equivalently. + - Use pre-processor macros (requiring C++11) to provide + compatibility with OpenMP 4.x and later semantics + - Many small fixes and improvements. + - Removal of outdated or obsolete makefiles. Removal of obsolete + files and folder in the bench folder. +- Updates and new commands or styles or packages: + - New MLIAP package providing a generalized framework for + machine-learning potentials. This currently includes an + implementation of the SNAP potential + - New USER-MESONT package for mesoscale modeling of nanotubes. + - New command reset_mol_ids + - New fix widom for modeling Widom insertions + - New fix pafi to perform langevin or brownian dynamics time + integration constrained to a potential hyperplane. Intended to + be coupled to the PAFI C++ code. + - Bugfixes, improved documentation, and new functionality for + fix bond/react in particular RMSD based constraints. + - New fix accelerate/cos and compute viscosity/cos in USER-MISC + as yet another method to compute viscosity. + - New fix momentum/chunk to remove per chunk momentum + - New bond style special to provide a mechanism to implement + special bond exclusions beyond 1-4. + - Ports of more functionality to the KOKKOS package and several + performance optimizations. Support for AMD GPUs via HIP. + Update of the bundled Kokkos library to version 3.2. + - Support for triclinic cells when using "tiled" communication + style. + - New pair style for charge-dipole damping with Tang-Toennies + function in the USER-DRUDE package + - Updates, bugfixes and adjustments to LAMMPS requiring C++11 in + the USER-COLVARS package (now at version 2020-09-17). + - Support for building triclinic neighbor lists on the GPU in + the GPU package. Bugfixes and performance improvements for GPU + styles. + - Updates to writing binary dump files and binary2atom tool to + become consistent with current text mode custom dumps + - Updates to the user supported examples/COUPLE/fortran and + examples/COUPLE/fortran2 wrappers to become compatible with + updates to the C-library interface. Also work on a new, + "object oriented" Fortran interface has started. + - New LAMMPS shell command as alternative to the regular LAMMPS + executable for improved interactive use. + - Interface file for use with SWIG to create bindings to the + LAMMPS library interface for a wide variety of (mostly + scripted) programming languages (like Java, JavaScript, Lua, + Perl, Ruby, Tcl and more). + - Improved support for cross-compiling binaries for Windows on + Linux. This enables building a liblammps.dll file and loading + the LAMMPS Python module also on Windows. + - Improved CMake support for building with "ninja" instead of + "make". + +- dropped disable_noopt.patch, merged upstream +- added 9cdde97863825e4fdce449920d39b25414b2b0b3.patch from + fix a failing test +- added 61ce73273b3290083c01e6a2fadfb3db0889b9ba.patch from + fix another failing test +- bump version to 20200918 (patch) + - New fix pafi to perform langevin or brownian dynamics time + integration constrained to a potential hyperplane. Intended to + be coupled to the PAFI C++ code (Thomas Swinburne, CNRS /CINaM + Marseille and Mihai-Cosmin Marinica, SRMP/CEA Saclay) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#1472] + - Update of the Kokkos library to version 3.2 (Stand Moore, SNL + and the Kokkos developers), PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2311] + - Updates to KOKKOS package to improve usability with the HIP + backend for AMD GPUs (Nick Curtis) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2371] + - Update of the USER-COLVARS package to version 2020-09-17 + (Giacomo Fiorin, NIH and other Colvars developers) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2356], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2376] + - Change behavior of fix bond/react to update all charges by + default which is the more intuitive behavior. Keywords have + been updated to be more intuitive as well (Jake Gissinger, U + Colorado) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2368] + - Update of dump styles in the COMPRESS package to be consistent + with recent changes elsewhere, added support for Zstd + compression and the option to set the compression level (Richard + Berger, Temple U), PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2331] + - Use eigensolver contributed to USER-REACTION package to + replace the old "jacobi" function to avoid licensing issues. + Implement wrapper functions around templated implementation + (Andrew Jewett, Scripps), PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2347] + - Small refactor of fix qeq/reax and its USER-OMP and KOKKOS + variants to reduce code replication and allow to add features + (Stan Moore, SNL) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2354] + - Replace the use of the C-style NULL with the C++11 nullptr + keyword, where meaningful. (E. Anne Gunn, Sheridan College) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2358] + - Replace numeric constants in Atom and AtomVec classes by + symbolic ones via enumerators (Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2360] + - Bugfixes for the GPU package and related CMake/make files + (Vsevolod Nikolskiy, HSE University Moscow and Trung Nguyen, + Northwestern U), PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2307], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2313], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2322], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2326] + - Bugfix for Langevin thermostatting inside of multiple fix + rigid variants (Trung Nguyen, Northwestern U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2367] + - Refactoring of the C library interface and the Python wrapper + for consistency and maintainability, unit test support for the + interfaces, decoration of library functions with Doxygen comments + for semi-automatic documentation in the manual (Axel Kohlmeyer and + Richard Berger, Temple U) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2310], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2318], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2320], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2357], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2359], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2362] + - Update of documentation build system to include Doxygen + processing and integration of that output via the "breathe" + Sphinx extension inclusion of the Developer Guide in the + manual, update and corrections to the CMake support (Axel + Kohlmeyer and Richard Berger, Temple U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2309], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2312], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2327] + - Update headers in the documentation of LAMMPS style commands + to be more compact and check for missing index entries + (Richard Berger, Temple U) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2335] + - Update the compilation related documentation to use the + sphinx-tabs extension (in HTML mode only) to make it more + compact (Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2348] + - Revised internal and external links in the documentation (Matt + Mansell and others) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2341] + - Move more convenience functions from classes to the utils + namespace, update the code to consistently use the new + versions and remove the old, update the manual to include the + documentation of those APIs into the developer guide (Axel + Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2319], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2349] + - Start of a new (and "official") Fortran library interface and + corresponding sphinx API documentation in the programmer guide + plus unit tests for implemented APIs (Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2325] + - Update include file conventions and update lists of include + files accordingly, add make iwyu target to run the + include-what-you-use tool (Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2338] + - Make internal memory usage reporting consistently use the same + data type (Axel Kohlmeyer, Temple U) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2363] + - Add support to call reset_mol_ids internally from fix + bond/react (Jake Gissinger, U Colorado), PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2240] + - Add RMSD based constraint to fix bond/react (Jake Gissinger, U + Collorado, and Andrew Jewett, Scripps, and Yuya Kurebayashi, + Tohoku U) PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2314] + - Refactor of USER-BOCS code to fix memory leaks and memory + access issues (E. Anne Gunn, Sheridan College) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2274] + - Implementation of force history for Mindlin variants of the + granular pair style (Jibril B. Coulibaly, Northwestern U), PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2196] + - Updated singularity container description files to better + support the upcoming stable release (Richard Berger, Temple U) + PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2340] + - Various small updates and corrections (multiple authors) PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2315], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2317], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2336], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2344], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2353], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2364], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2366], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2373], PR + [gh#lammps/lammps#2369], PR [gh#lammps/lammps#2375] + +- disable march=native optimization by setting empty + CMAKE_TUNE_FLAGS + +- fix build on ppc64le by enabling gnu extensions, see + [gh#lammps/lammps#2079], this is a bug in older version of the + ocl package, compare [GCC#58241]. + +- gcc flags an issue on leap 15.1 that is a false positive, see + [gh#lammps/lammps#2078], so disabling lammps custom no optimzation + flags, using disable_noopt.patch + +- bump version to 20200505 (patch) + - update of the bundled Kokkos library to version 3.1 (Stan + Moore and the Kokkos developers, SNL) [gh#lammps/lammps#2004], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2054] + - new Kokkos styles compute orientorder/atom and coord/atom and + some related bugfixes/improvements (Stan Moore, SNL) + [gh#lammps/lammps#1895], [gh#lammps/lammps#1902], + [gh#lammps/lammps#1906], [gh#lammps/lammps#2033] + - new fix accelerate/cos and compute viscosity/cos in USER-MISC + as yet another method to compute viscosity (Zheng Gong, École + normale supérieure de Lyon) [gh#lammps/lammps#2019] + - update of the polymorphic pair style with bug fixes and a new + feature (Xiaoweng Zhou, SNL) [gh#lammps/lammps#2000] + - added option to create a dummy fix as a placeholder early in + an input to guarantee placement at the top of the list of + fixes. (Steve Plimpton, SNL) [gh#lammps/lammps#1760] + - update to fix bond/react to allow using equal style variables + a probability input (Wolfgang Verestek, U Stuttgart) + [gh#lammps/lammps#2013] + - small update to internal commands in kim_interactions to + improve KIM simulator model handling (Ronald Miller Carleton + U, Ryan S. Elliott U Minn), [gh#lammps/lammps#2014] + - many small fixes and updates to source code (mainly for the + KOKKOS package), cmake scripts, and documentation to address + issues with recent changes and minor long-standing issues. + (multiple authors) [gh#lammps/lammps#2003], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2006], [gh#lammps/lammps#2010], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2015], [gh#lammps/lammps#2022], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2023], [gh#lammps/lammps#2026], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2027], [gh#lammps/lammps#2030], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2032], [gh#lammps/lammps#2035], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2036], [gh#lammps/lammps#2041], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2043], [gh#lammps/lammps#2044], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2045], [gh#lammps/lammps#2046], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2047], [gh#lammps/lammps#2048], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2049], [gh#lammps/lammps#2051], + [gh#lammps/lammps#2053], [gh#lammps/lammps#2055] +- enable kokkos and OpenMP + +- bump versoin to 20200303 (stable) + * General changes + * The documentation file format has been changed from the custom txt2html markup to using reStructuredText (rst). + * Many file read operations are now monitored for read errors and thus allowing to detect damaged or incomplete files like potential parameter files and restart files + * Updates and improvements to the CMake build system to more closely match all the functionality provided by the conventional make based build system + * Support for threaded FFTs from FFTW and MKL, support for cuFFT and KISSFFT on the GPU with KOKKOS + * Expose neighbor lists to the library interface and the Python wrapper + * Documentation of installing LAMMPS via conda + * Many small improvements or bugfixes + * Updates and new commands or styles + * new dump_modify options to embed ITEM: UNITS and ITEM: TIME with information about units and accumulated simulation time + * new pair styles cosine/squared, local/density, mesocnt + * new fix styles wall/reflect/stochastic, propel/self, 'npt/cauchy` + * new compute gyration/shape/chunk + * new compute hma for fast, high-precision computation of certain thermodynamic properties of solids + * new compute style centroid/stress/atom for computing per atom stress in a way allowing for more accurate heat flux computations with interactions involving more than two atoms + * new third_order command, a companion command to dynamical_matrix, for computing the third order force tensor from finite differences + * new options ratio and subset for create_atoms and similarly new options type/ratio and type/subset to the set command + * new tool for post-processing parallel tempering trajectories + * multiple updates, bugfixes, and improvements to fix bond/react + * improved implementation of minimization style fire + * support to run NWChem along with LAMMPS in client/server mode + * Updates for packages + * KOKKOS now supports minimization (limited to minimization styles cg and quadratic), updates to the KOKKOS library, general improvements and bugfixes, more styles ported to KOKKOS + * several new SNAP potentials + * tweaks to USER-INTEL to compile correctly with too aggressively optimizing compilers, corrections and improvements + * bugfixes and improvements for the GRANULAR package + * several new SNAP potentials and a new compute snap for training SNAP potentials + * bugfixes and improvements to the KIM package, new command kim_param for accessing KIM model parameters + * updates to the USER-COLVARS package with updates to the included Lepton library + * updates to the USER-PLUMED package with bugfixes and support for recent releases + * updates to the USER-CGDNA package including a new coarse grained RNA model (oxRNA2) + * improvements and updates to the SPIN package, L-BFGS minimizer added + * updates, extensions, and improvements to the USER-MEAMC package + * memory leaks fixed when using styles from the GPU with multiple run commands, new pair style lj/cut/tip4p/long/gpu + * updates to fix rigid variants to add gravity to rigid objects with overlapping (granular) particles + * support for rerun and read_dump with USER-ADIOS + * Backward compatibility notices + * building the USER-COLVARS package with all features enabled now requires a C++-11 compatible compiler + * due to changes in the random number generator initialization, results when using fix pour, fix deposit, fix evaporate or create_atoms random will not match with previous versions of LAMMPS. see PR #1569 + * the gjf keyword for fix langevin no longer supports the option yes. Instead you have to use either vhalf or vfull + * the FIRE minimizer has been replaced with an improved implementation. The previous implementation is available as fire/old. + * new documentation has to be written in reStructuredText format + +- generify used mpi version + +- bump versoin to 20190807 (stable) + * General changes: + * further tweaks, refactoring, and improvements to building LAMMPS with CMake + * refactoring of header file handling for improved consistency and removal of cross dependencies + * refactoring of include keyword processing to lift some limitations and to enable KIM simulator models (see below) + * Updates for packages: + * major update of the KIM package to use KIM-API v2.1.x with support for Simulator models and new commands to generate variables for transparent unit conversion in input files + * optimizations and corrections to the KOKKOS packages, especially when used with CUDA, update of KOKKOS library included in LAMMPS to version 2.9.0 + * updates and bugfixes of the USER-COLVARS package bringing it up to version 2019-08-05 + * new PPPM and Ewald solvers for electric dipoles and nuclear spins + * optimizations and improvements to pair style and computes in the SNAP package + * updates, bugfixes and portability improvements for USER-PLUMED package (supports plumed 2.5.2) + * update to USER-CGDNA package in preparation of supporting an RNA coarse grain force field + * new keyword hybrid/pair for compute pressure + * new compute gyration/shape to compute eigenvalues and shape parameters from gyration radius tensor + * new compute momentum command + +- bump version to 20190605 (stable) + * General changes: + + further tweaks and improvements to building LAMMPS with CMake. + + improved error messages + + refactoring of scripts in the lib folders to use the argparse module + + better checking for style compatibility with suffixed styles + * New packages: + + USER-YAFF providing styles for force fields using QuickFF used for simulation of MOFs + + USER-ADIOS package to provide Exascale compatible I/O support for dump files through the ADIOS v2.x library + * Updates for packages: + + consolidation of "soft" pair styles in USER-FEP package and addition of CLASS2 pair style variants. + + KOKKOS package bugfixes and enhancements (Stan Moore, SNL) + + new generalized pair style granular (Dan S. Bolintineanu, Ishan Srivastava, Jeremy B. Lechman, SNL) + + new pair style drip for dihedral-angle-corrected registry-dependent interlayer potential (DRIP) + + new pair style e3b for adding option to model the E3B water potential (Steven E. Strong, U Chicago) + + new fix style electron/stopping for modeling energy loss through interactions high speed atoms with electrons + + update to USER-COLVARS package to version 2019-04-26 + + update of the KIM package to use KIM-API v2.0 (Ryan Elliot, UMN) + + update to USER-INTEL package to enable use of the package with -DLAMMPS_BIGBIG + + update to USER-PTM package. examples added, license info updated, documentation updates (Peter Larsen, MIT) + + updates and additions to the SPIN package (Julien Tranchida, SNL) + + updates to hyper-dynamics support (Steve Plimpton, SNL) + + updates, improvements, and bugfixes to fix bond/react (Jake Gissinger, U Colorado) + + bugfix/refactoring of REBO pair style to correctly implement what is advertised in the documentation. +- enable support for kim through kim-api package + +- bump version to 20181212 (stable) + * general: + + major improvements to building LAMMPS with CMake. + + significant consolidation and improved consistency of the manual after the refactoring for the last stable release + + reduced risk of memory/buffer overflows by replacing most uses of sprintf() by snprintf() + * new packages + + USER-PLUMED package with a native interface (no more patching) + + USER-SDPD package for smoothed dissipative particle dynamics (SDPD) + + USER-PTM package for polyhedral template matching analysis to characterize local structure + + new kspace style scafacos, which interfaces to the ScaFaCoS library of long-range coulomb solvers. + * updates for packages: + + USER-COLVARS: updates and bugfixes + + REPLICA: added support for (local and global) hyperdynamics + + KOKKOS: updated Kokkos library, added several KOKKOS versions of styles from the GRANULAR package + + USER-INTEL: updates, bugfixes and improved support for using + + USER-MISC: new styles, compute pressure/cylinder, fix ffl (fast forward langevin), bugfixes and improvements + + Many small bugfixes, corrections for memory leaks and memory management inconsistencies and general improvements. + * Backward compatibility notices: + + the command line flags -restart and -r are no longer available. + + the naming conventions for the group name of groups maintained by fix bond/react have changed. + + pair styles in the USER-SPH package no longer support Pair::single(). + + the meaning of the sign of mu in fix atom/swap has been reversed to be consistent with usual conventions. + + the default installation prefix for CMake based compilation has been changed from /usr/local to $HOME/.local + +- bump version to 20180822 (stable) + * New CMake option for building LAMMPS and all of its packages, as an alternative to traditional make + * Restructured documentation + * DEM polygonal and polyhedron particles + * new compute entropy/atom command + * New SPIN package for modeling the dynamics of magnetic atomic spins + * New fix bond/react command to enable simulation of one or more complex heuristic reactions + * New USER-BOCS package + * Fixes memory leaks caused when using the GPU package and OpenCL + * Various other small updates and bugfixes +- drop 858.patch - merged upstream + lapdog +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_lapdog.service.patch + lasem +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to version 0.4.4: + + Updated translations. + lastpass-cli +- Add patch 0001-Mark-global-variable-as-extern.patch to fix builds with gcc10 + +- Update to version 1.3.3: + * Decrease the time for the cli app to do things (Wesley Schwengle) + * 'blob_load' refactor (Wesley Schwengle) + * Fixed bug where logout requires login (Wesley Schwengle) + * Fix non-default PKG_CONFIG_PATH on macOS (Alyssa Ross) +- Changes for version 1.3.2: + * Don't require using make (Eli Schwartz) + * Disable IPv6 support (Wesley Schwengle) + * Link against Brew Curl on MacOS (Tom Sullivan) + * Autogenerate versions from git (Wesley Schwengle/Eli Schwartz) + * Remove memory leak in config_path_for_type (Tom Sullivan) + * Install bash-completions in PREFIX dir (Wesley Schwengle) + * Include libgen.h for BSD builds (Tom Sullivan) + * Create subdirectories when determining config path (Tom Sullivan) + * Only show basename in usage (William Casarin) + * Fix segmentation fault on BSD while running make test (Björn Ketelaars) + * updates: + + Brew formula installation (Thomas Haggett) + + Ubuntu Xenial dependencies (Nick Timkovich) + + Debian stable/testing and Ubuntu dependencies (Wesley Schwengle) + latex2rtf +- Version bump to 2.3.18a. + Changelog: + * Added support for non-ascii characters in verbatim blocks + * Added support for theorem captions + * Added support for the proof environment + * Fixed bug "latex2rtf ignores '-C'" + * Added support for user defined counters accessed through + \the<counter> + * Cleaned up Makefile, isolating DESTDIR from PREFIX + * Added hebrew.cfg +- Remove unnecessary patch `fix_makefile_dist.patch`. + latte-dock +- Update to 0.10.4 + * Feature Indicators: extend Indicators API in order for + indicators to be able to animate their parent icon including + when a task launcher is activated + * Feature Indicators: expose more Icon properties to indicators + * Important: Fix 25secs startup freezes from QDBusInterface + desktop geometry calls (kde#444739) + * Important: Fix startup delays because KWin was reconfiguring + even though it was needed when BorderlessMaximized windows were + activated + * Important: Remove plasma workarounds that were hiding plasma + desktop bug #445495 + * Wayland: hide black line in the dock/panel center for + AlwaysVisible visibility mode (kde#444419) + * LastActiveWindow: update last activated window properties when + changed + * Initialize VirtualDesktopsWrappingAround property in a proper + way (kde#444572) + * Plasmoid: decouple bouncing launcher animation for task real + removal animation + * Fix binding loops for Indexer qml ability + * Respect applets maximumLength when equals zero + +- Update to 0.10.3 + * Support GlobalScale in combination with PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING + properly under X11 environment (kde#444222) + * Add CornerMargin option for latte and plasma indicators and + expose it through the indicators api (kde#442675) + * Unblock visibility mode properly when Meta is used to show an + application launcher such as Win11, Simple menu etc. + (kde#441053) + * Fix focus behavior when applets are requesting input such as + notes applet (kde#443236) + * Expose indicators iconOffsetX/Y value to applets + * Enable/disable "CanBeAboveFullscreenWindows" option properly + (kde#443536) + * Disable GtkFrameExtents for docks and panels that + ByPassWindowManager ("CanBeAboveFullscreenWindows" option) + under X11 + * Draw always a contrasted border for latte indicator + * Simplify latte indicator implementation + * Enforce RoundToIconSize for all applets always and as such the + Items Size is always respected. If the user has blur issues + with its icons, he should specify an items size that is + provided by its icons theme. For example, 16px., 24px., 36px., + 48px. + * Identify kickofflegacy applet properly + * Fix popup positioning for plasma-style popups when the dock + background is using very big corner roundness + * Prevent session manager from restoring latte just like + Spectacle is already doing + * Respect virtual desktops navigation wrapping around option + * Expose translations for default dock and panel templates + (kde#442435) + +- Update to 0.10.2 + * Fix crash from containmentactions loading after KDE Frameworks + 5.86 (kde#441448) + * Fitt's Law fix for vertical panels in justify alignment + * Fitt's Law fix for applets touching the screen edge and at the + same time using parabolic effect + * Hide all context menu actions if the user has chosen it + * Add missing translations for docks/panels dialog + +- Update to 0.10.1 + * fix autostart crash: do not show settings dialog too early + (kde#440731) + * fix build for Fedora (kde#440759) + * specify product name in KAboutData to receive bug reports + correctly at kde bug tracker + +- Exclude private QML requires + +- Update to 0.10.0 + * 2200 commits after version 0.9 + * plenty of bug fixes and improvements + * Highlights: + + multiple docks and panels on the same screen edge + + floating docks and panels + + support background radius and background shadow size + + ten different visibility modes + + ondemand sidebars support + + inform Plasma Desktop about panels and docks geometries + (since plasma 5.18) + + inform window managers about docks visible area + (GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS support) + + provide internal Widgets Explorer dialog and thus being able + to be used completely in other desktop environments such as + GNOME and XFCE + + support multiple Latte Tasks in the same dock or panel + + improve applets positioning for Justify alignment in latte + panels + + support latte centric applets that can use parabolic effect + easily + + support Plasma Margins Area Separators + + user can specify custom color scheme per layout + + redesign and improve all layouts dialogs + + use templates for all layout functionality + + provide move/copy/paste functionality for docks and panels + + export layouts and docks/panels as templates for public use +- Remove conditional for obsolete openSUSE versions +- Use %cmake_build instead of %make_jobs + +- Update to 0.9.12 + * Support Plasma 5.22 +- Drop 0001-Tasks-support-new-private-api-for-Plasma-5.22.patch, + merged upstream + +- Add patch to fix compatibility with Plasma 5.22: + * 0001-Tasks-support-new-private-api-for-Plasma-5.22.patch + lazarus +- Add lazarus-PascalScript_PPC.patch (fixes PPC build) +- Add _constraints file + lbdb +- Update to 0.49.1: + * Update to Standards-Version 4.6.0 + * Create empty config.rpath to make autoconf 2.71 happy + +- Update to version 0.49 + * lbdbq: re-add $exec_prefix, which may be used in libdir. + * Strip suffixes starting with "+" from elpa version. + * Forward INMAIL_DB default from m_inmail to lbdb-munge. + * Build-Depends on dh-elpa >= 1.16 to avoid path injection (Closes: #973971) + * Upgrade to debhelper v13 and use debhelper-compat instead of d/compat. + * Upgrade Standards-Version to 4.5.0. + * Move mutt_ldap_query to /usr/bin, since it can be called separately. + * Linitian override for false positive bin-sbin-mismatch. + +- Update to 0.48.1: + * Fix wrong quoting in lbdb-fetchaddr + * m_muttalias: Fix some shellcheck warnings. + * Change project homepage URL to https. + * Use literal tab characters in order to make m_abook and m_goobook + modules work without requiring GNU sed(1). Thanks to Raf Czlonka. + * Add tests for m_abook. + * Add update-version target to update version in all autotool files. + * m_abook: Fix a shellcheck warning. + * lbdbq, lbdb-fetchaddr: Fix some shellcheck warnings. + * Upgrade Standards-Version to 4.3.0 + - Declare Rules-Requires-Root: no. + * Upgrade debhelper to v12. + * m_inmail/lbdb-munge: Use INMAIL_DB if set in config + * Upgrade debhelper to v11. + * Replace legacy `...` by $(...) in sh scripts. + * Update copyright notice. + * Add test_perl to check perl syntax. + * Add some perl libs <!nocheck> to Build-Depends, to be able do + perl syntax check. + * Replace undefined $rv by $?. + * Make the database file for m_inmail/lbdb-fetchaddr configurable. + * Add LBDB_OVERRIDE_METHODS, OVERIDE_MUTTALIAS_FILES variables for + testing. + * Add a test suite. + - Add a test for m_muttalias. + * m_muttalias: rewrite sed regex as ERE, which should be more POSIX + compatible and should work on non GNU sed, too. + * lbdbq: Remove whitespace from number of matches to become more + portable. + -- new version 0.35.1 - * supports ldaps - -- new version 0.34 - * vcquery: avoid free() on unallocated memory if fullname is not set. - * vcquery: Use value of concatenated N fields if FN field is missing. -- fix hostname lookup if multiple domains are listed in resolv.conf - -- new version 0.33 - * Add SORT_OUTPUT=reverse_comment to do reverse sort by the third column - (most recent m_inmail timestamp at the top). - * Comment out LDAP_NICKS in lbdb.rc because this should only be an - example and if it is set there it overrides other LDAP settings - lbreakouthd +- Update to version 1.0.8: + * The paddle if controlled by keys or game pad now has a slight + acceleration instead of going to maximum speed instantly as + before. This makes minor adjustments of the position much + easier and allows for a pretty nice control of the paddle now. + * A minor bug in the levelset selection dialog was fixed + * Cross compiling instructions were improved. + +- Update to version 1.0.7: + * added difficulty "very easy". + * added gamepad support. + * added option to restart level. + * adjusted Kids difficulty. + +- Update to version 1.0.6: + - fixed crash with 4k resolution (2019/12/27 MS) +- Run spec-cleaner + lbzip2 +- Update project URL in spec file; the previously official domain + has seemingly lapsed and been taken over by an impostor + -- update to 0.18: - * sanity checks were added to both decompressors - * input FILE operands were removed - * the --keep and --force options were added - * owner, group, permission bits, access time, modification time - are copied to regular output files - * logging was cleaned up and internally categorized into INFO, - WARNING, and FATAL levels - * a separate exit status was introduced for the case when a - warning message was printed - * the decompressor robustness tests were re-executed - lcab +- Small package cleanup + lcov +- Fix output of --version option. + +- Update to version 1.15+git.20200812.d100e6c: + * lcov: Finalize release 1.15 + * Makefile: Reduce unnecessary meta-data in tar and RPM files + * geninfo: Add workaround for MSYS GCC problem + * geninfo: Change json module + * geninfo: Fix warning due to non-numerical branch count + * geninfo: Fix missing check for unterminated exclusion marker + * Exclusion of exception branches + * genhtml: Fix applying prefix to a prefix filename + * genhtml: Add more demangler options + * tests: Minor improvements + * tests: Minor test improvements + * man: Add clarification regarding file patterns + * geninfo: Change gzip decompression module + * Fixed processing GCOV intermediate format. + +- Remove no longer needed kernel-coverage conflict (bsc#1078447) + +- Update to version 1.15+git.20200723.b668fab: + * tests: Fix subdirectory testing + * tests: Provide option to specify tool parameters + * tests: Simplify test Makefiles + * Allow to override man page date (boo#1047218) + * bin: remove outdated FSF mailing address from license boilerplate + +- Update to version 1.15+git.20190524.75fbae1 (boo#1138276): + * geninfo: Add intermediate JSON format support + * geninfo: Add intermediate text format support + * genhtml: Maintain order of branches in unnamed blocks + * man: Fix missing parameter in genhtml synopsis + * lcov: Finalize release 1.14 + * geninfo: Fix missing FN: entries in result files + * Makefile: Make Perl path install-time configurable + * bin,test: Use /usr/bin/env to locate script interpreters + * bin/*: Remove '-w' from interpreter specifications + * geninfo: Fix errors while resolving /././ path components + * geninfo: preserve-paths makes gcov to fail for long pathnames + * geninfo: Fix "Can't use an undefined value" error + * geninfo: Ignore artificial functions during --initial + * geninfo: Fix data collection for files containing templates + * genhtml: Unconditionally include anchor for each named line + * genhtml: Use gmtime for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH conversion + * genhtml: honor the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH variable + * Tolerate CDPATH being set + * CONTRIBUTING: Clarify patch format requirements + * geninfo: Fix accounting of basic blocks in exceptional paths + * lcov: Fix branch coverage summary +- Depend newly on perl-PerlIO-gzip + +- Update to version 1.14: + + GCC 8 support + + Options to filter out source files during data collection based + on regular expressions + + Option to show number of missed lines, functions and branches + + Configuration file option for --demangle-cpp + + Unconditional HTML anchors in source view + + SOURCE_DATA_EPOCH support for reproducible builds + + Multiple bug fixes and performance improvements + -- Update to version 1.11: - + Improved support for GCC 4.7 - + Improved performance for specific functions - + Compatibility support for LLVM's gcov - + Multiple bug fixes and documentation improvements -- Adapt lcov-1.10-except-unreach.patch to upstream changes - > lcov-1.11-except-unreach.patch - -- Update to version 1.10 - + drop lcov-1.9-gcc-compat-4.7.patch, already in upstream - + carry over lcov-1.9-except-unreach.patch, fixed in post-1.10 CVS - -- add lcov-1.9-except-unreach.patch and lcov-1.9-gcc-compat-4.7.patch to make - lcov work with gcc-4.7 - -- Update to version 1.9 - + geninfo now prints debugging messages to stderr instead of - stdout. - + Some fixes. - + Added a --list-full-path option for lcov. - + Added lcov_list_width and lcov_list_truncate_max directives to - the lcov configuration file to allow for list output - customization. - + Improved lcov's list output. - -- Update to version 1.8 - + Added support for branch coverage measurements - + Bug fixes - + genhtml: Added --demangle-cpp option, improved color legend - + genhtml: Improved coverage rate limits - + geninfo: Added --derive-func-data and --debug options - + geninfo: Added support for exclusion markers to exclude source lines - + lcov: Added support for the linux-2.6.31 upstream gcov kernel support - + lcov: Added --from-package, --to-package and --derive-func-data options - + lcov: Added overall coverage result output for more operations - -- initial package of lcov (version 1.7) - ldapvi +- Fixed 64bit-portability-issue crypt.h fixed via + 0007-crypth.patch + ldb +- Update to version 2.4.1 + + Corrected python behaviour for 'in' for LDAP attributes + contained as part of ldb.Message; (bso#14845); + + Fix memory handling in ldb.msg_diff; (bso#14836); + + Corrected python docstrings + ldc +- Update to 1.26.0: + * Frontend, druntime and Phobos are at version 2.096.1+ + incl. new ldmd2 command-line option -gdwarf=<version> + * Supports LLVM 6.0 - 12.0 + * LDC invocations can now be nicely profiled via --ftime-trace. + * Struct TypeInfos are emitted into referencing object files only, + and special TypeInfo member functions into the owning object + file only. + * Bug fixes: + * TypeInfo for interface gives invalid string for name. + * dcompute: Don’t reject CUDA versions 7.x - 8.0.0. + * Don’t enforce the frame pointer for functions with GCC-style + inline asm. + * Fix some cases of insufficient alignment for arguments and + parameters. + * Fix a few issues with LLVM 12. + * Add source location information for TypeInfo diagnostics + with -betterC. + * Keep init symbols of built-in TypeInfo classes mutable just + like any other TypeInfo, so that e.g. synchronized() can be + used on the implicit monitor. + * Predefine version FreeStanding when targeting bare-metal. + * druntime: Define rt.aaA.AA as naked pointer, no struct wrapper + * Misc. fixes and improvements for the CMake scripts, + incl. new defaults for LDC_INSTALL_{LTOPLUGIN,LLVM_RUNTIME_LIBS} + * -cleanup-obj: Put object files into unique temporary directory + by default. + * druntime: Add missing core.atomic.atomicFetch{Add,Sub}. + * Fix regression wrt. non-deleted temporary -run executable. + * Breaking ABI changes: + * extern(D): Pass non-PODs by ref to temporary. + * -linkonce-templates comes with a new experimental template + emission scheme and is now suited for projects consisting of + multiple object files too. +- 1.13+ is now required for 1.26+ on 32bit + leafnode +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_leafnode@.service.patch + +- It is not necessary to manually set rights and ownership on + %{spooldir}, and it prevents a security issue (bsc#1159996). + +- Add sudoers droplet to allow users in newsadmin group to + run fetchnews. + +- Run through spec-cleaner + +- Add Conflicts: inn, because of conflicting moderators(5) + manpage and really, these shouldn't be on one system together. + +- Replace leafnode-1 with leafnode-2 (original leafnode-2 + changelog is interspersed among the records of this changelog). + Details of the change are available in the file + CHANGES-FROM-LEAFNODE-1 packaged as a documentation file within + the package. +- Add README-SUSE.rst for more information on the status of the + package in the openSUSE world. +- Add systemd-timers.patch to switch from cron to systemd-timers + (bsc#1115443) +- Remove leafnode-1.11.6-spooldir-permissions.diff patch which is + not relevant for the rebased leafnode. + +- Remove support for cron and xinetd +- Silence rpmlint + +- add patch fix_overflow.diff: fixes potential stack buffer overflow if + unexpected directories with high numbers as a prefix appear. This is only a + hardening. + +- BuildRequire cron since it contains now the cron directories +- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318] + +- Clean up SPEC and setup _service, remove unnecessary RHEL/Fedora + conditionals. + +- Update to version 2.0.0+git.1527241185.66da754: + * Convert manpages to UTF8 and mark them a such. + * Fixes autotools on systemd-based systems. + * #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE for newer glibc features.h + * Avoid crash on missing/empty authentication file. + * Gitorious -> GitLab. + * Replace defunct URLs by those that work. + * Replace COPYING.LGPL with a fresh copy. + * Apparently leafnode-2 as of now builds with autoconf 2.63 + * Convert to UTF-8. Suggested by Matěj Cepl. + * Add Lloyd Zusman and Robert Grimm to authors file. + +- Port to OpenSUSE (as well) + +- systemd unit files are not executable anymore +- rebase on the top of the upstream Gitlab checkout. + -- 1.11.10 - no user visible changes - * source changes affecting build system and portablility - * fixes an abort in verbose mode when running fetchnews 1.11.9 -- 1.11.9 - no user visible changes - * source changes affecting build system and compiler warnings -- packaging changes: - * require pcre >= 2.06 - * droped leafnode-1.11.8-gethostbyname-2-getaddrinfo.patch : - accepted upstream - * verify source signature - -- reformat spec file, licence is LGLP-2.1+, remove INSTALL - -- update list of authors to include current maintainer - -- add patch for getaddrinfo - -- update to upstream 1.11.18 - * 1.11.8, 2010-06-12 - [#]## BUGFIXES -- Performance optimization, reported by Gary R. Schmidt. -- Fix a compiler warning on computers where "long" is a wider type than "int", - such as many 64-bit computers. -- Fix compiler warnings on computers where "long" is a wider type than - "time_t", such as NetBSD 5.X on 64-bit computers. -- Fix compiler warning "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break - strict-aliasing rules" -- Fix a file descriptor leak in fetchnews.c's getbody_newno function; reported - to Debian BTS by Helmut Grohne, fix by Robert Grimm. - [#]## CHANGES -- Leafnode now enables IPv6 support by default. Use --without-ipv6 to disable. -- Leafnode now supports detecting if a peer is in a local network also - for IPv6 global addresses, providing that the host OS provides getifaddrs(). - This comprises Linux, NetBSD, FreeBSD, but not, for instance, Solaris 10. - Reported missing by M. G. Berberich. -- Leafnode is now always compiled in maintainer mode. - This has no impact on run-time behaviour. -- Leafnode now assumes that handlers for signal() do not return a value. - [#]## WORKAROUND -- Skip arbitrary amounts of contiguous CR right before LF. Reported by John R. - Myers. - [#]## DOCUMENTATION -- Remove the long-obsoleted README.FIRST file. -- The FAQ has information on how to copy the spool. -- FAQ: The MAC OS X two-level namespace documentation for PCRE was removed, - PCRE is no longer part of the leafnode distribution. -- FAQ: mention how to fix losing unsubscriptions of low-traffic groups in slrn -- config.example: The expire documentation should now be clearer and closer to - the one in the leafnode(8) manual page. Along the lines discussed by Chris G - and Whiskers on the leafnode mailing list. - * 1.11.7, 2009-04-20 - [#]## WORKAROUND -- fetchnews: If the LN_SUPPRESS_DATE environment variable is defined and set - to any value or empty, fetchnews will not test the upstream server's time by - means of the "DATE" NNTP command. - This can be used to quench related log messages. - [#]## BUGFIXES -- Fix logging if texpire unlinks files without further hardlinks from - -- Fix potential segfault on libcs that do not catch NULL for %s formatting - (several GNU libc versions do) when trying to retrieve delayed bodies from - corrupt article headers. Pretend success, to purge article number from - subscription file. Bug reported by Chris Carr. -- Fix & change "noactive" so that it can be overridden by "fetchnews -f", as - documented in config.example. - Regression as side effect of 1.9.50 fix, reported by Jesse F. Hughes. -- Fix logged IP address in "connected to..., reply:" message when compiled - without IPv6 support. - Fixes Mandriva Bug #45605, reported by David W. Hodgins. -- Print connected to... to console as well at proper verbosity level, found - by maintainer while debugging aforementioned bug. -- Only emit warning that no server with posting permission was found if that's - actually needed. Reported by Christian Weiske. -- If corrupted articles had been detected, fetchnews -x NNN would not be able - to re-fetch the said article because a 0-sized file remained in, - making fetchnews believe the article was in the spool. - 0-sized files are now purged when checking if the article is - already in the spool. - Reported by Peter Bauernfeind. ( post, May 2008) -- Change interface enumeration to track incompatible NetBSD 5 changes. The - latter led to bogus connection refusals in NNTPD. SourceForge Bug #2700756, - by Aleksey Cheusov, fix suggested by Roy Marples. -- Add support for SIOCGIFALIAS where available (BSD) in order to obtain - netmasks for 4.4BSD-style IP aliases. - getifaddrs() has been suggested as well, but it isn't available everywhere, - so we would have to keep the old code around anyways, and we can just fix - that rather than introduce alternative code branches. - [#]## BUGFIXES BACKPORTED FROM LEAFNODE 2 -- lsort (used by make update) now detects and report errors. -- "make update" handles the lockfile properly now: it records its PID and - removes the lock also in cases of failure. -- "make update" restores the old groupinfo file if lsort fails. -- "make update" now builds an up-to-date lsort first. -- "make update" now uses the configured NEWS_USER and _GROUP. -- "make update" is now a phony Makefile target, i. e. it will work even - if there is a file "update" in the build directory. - [#]## CHANGES -- When creating a Path: header (because the newsreader did not do that), use - "not-for-mail" instead of NEWS_USER (usually "news") as the user component. - This seems to resolve propagation issues with 2nd-hop-upstreams, as reported - in Debian Bug#459980 by Michael Weitzel, with Universität Siegen, Germany. -- When writing to client fails, log decoded errno, too. - This can help debugging certain firewall misconfigurations more easily. -- Undoing a wordwrap in allows for bootstrapping on Cygwin. -- Drop obsolete mysetvbuf(). -- leafnode-version now supports an additional "-v" mode to print more - information on the installation. The output then is similar, but not - identical - due to different feature sets - to the way leafnode-2 prints it. - [#]## DOCUMENTATION -- Add some comments to UNINSTALL-daemontools -- Put README-FQDN* under leafnode's license. Found to be in conflict with - Debian's DFSG by Mark Brown. - -- resurrect package from discontinued 11.1 -- move make check to %check section to fix rpmlint warning -- adjust %install section to not clean out doc_german too much to make %check work -- adjust %files section to name files in doc_german individually -- add %config to config.example to fix rpmlint warning +- Make cronjobs into proper scripts and add proper configuration + file. + +- Add patch converting fetchnews(8) to UTF-8. + +- Make it buildable on RHEL-6 (apparently just decreasing required + autoconf is enough). + +- Set run_as_user parameter in /etc/leafnode/config explicitly. -- add an example crontab to fetch news every hour (bnc #382542) +- [leafnode 2] Update to the latest upstream lector +- Add python3-PyMuPDF as recommends + ledger +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-compilation-with-Boost-1.76.patch + +- Remove trailing .sh suffix from bash-completion to make sure + ledger is actually recognized as a command with completions + +- Update to version 3.2.1: + * Fix regression with expression evaluation by reverting commit + Correction to the way parens are parsed in query expressions + * Fix --invert breakage by reverting commit Change --invert to + invert displayed amounts and totals, not amounts + * Fix performance regression by reverting commit Compare price + annotations using their textual rendering + * Fix library path issue + * Allow specifying the Python version + * Some documentation fixes +- Clean up spec file of various legacy parts - it fails to build + anyways +- Refresh ledger-cmakelists.patch + +- Update to 3.2.0 + * Port Python support to Python 3 + * Entities are no longer regarded as defined due to being part of a + * cleared transaction. --explicit is effectively enabled by default + and is now a no-op (PR #1819) + * Add --average-lot-prices to show the average of lot prices + * Add support for %F date format specifier (bug #1775) + * Add commodity_price(NAME, DATE) function + * Add set_commodity_price(NAME, DATE) function + * Fix buffer overflow when evaluating date + * Fix balance assertions on accounts with virtual posts (bug #543) + * Fix segfault with ledger print (bug #1850) + * Ensure that apply directives (like apply account) have the + required argument (bug #553) + * Format annotations using a date format that can be parsed + * Change --invert to invert displayed amounts and totals, not amounts + * Correct the way parens are parsed in query expressions + * Compare price annotations using their textual rendering + +- add patch ledger-cmakelists.patch: + * Use set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) to select de desired standard + * Build everything with hidden visibility, this allows the compiler + to create significantly better code and smaller executable (-800kb) + lekha +- Update to 0.2.1 + * Add paged scrolling + * Add zoom on CTRL + Mouse Wheel + * Fix reading PDF's with no metadata + * Fix outlines panel inadvertedly being controlled by mouse wheel +- Dropped upstream fixed fix-panel-on-mouse.patch and + feature-mouse-zoom.patch + lemonbar +- Update to version 1.4 + + Unlimited number of clickable areas, the -a switch was removed. + + Unlimited number of loadable fonts (yay, I guess?). + + You can now specify what screens are used by lemonbar with + the -o switch. + + The new Sn specifier allows you to select a screen by name. + + Much better handling of rapidly-changing input + + Underlines and overlines are not reset when changing the + alignment. + + Use opaque black/white colors as default values. + + Reset the attributes and colors between each rendered line. + +- Update to version 1.3 + + Correct handling of escaped % characters. + + The WM_NAME atom is now set for all the windows. + + Fix an unsafe memory access during the argument parsing. + + Correct the coordinate calculation for the EWMH STRUT atoms. +- Version 1.2 + + The -f switch now doesn't accept comma-separated font names + anymore, use multiple -f instead. + + Named colors aren't supported anymore. + leptonica +- Update to 1.80.0. + * Improve bmp handling of 1 bpp images and sanity checking of params. + * Add function to display all rgb gamut colors. + * In, use option serial-tests to avoid races in + testing. + * Make md subdirectory and add there. + * Simple function for hue-invariant mapping + (pixMapWithInvariantHue). + * Fixed bug in limit of ptra size when used for sorting by bins. + * Use hashmap to count pixel colors in RGB(A) images. + * Convert hashtest program to regression test hash_reg. + * Convert croptest program to regression test crop_reg. + * New color segmentation by region growing (colorfill.c). + * New regression tests: colorfill_reg, circle_reg, ccbord_reg. + * Set maxima for all allocations for common leptonica data structures. + * Don't fail when downscaling 2, 4, 8, and 32 bpp images, even to one + pixel, invoking pixScaleSmooth(). + * New functions that select 1 bpp components based on their area. + * Incremental addition to sorted array of numbers. + * New prog/fuzzing directory for oss-fuzz based fuzzing programs. + * Ue of pixcmapIsValid() with extra argument to determine validity + with the pix it is attached to. + * Use lept_stderr() in all programs in the prog directory. + * New program rasteroptest() for thorough testing of rasterop functions. + * Removed the pixSaveTiled*() functions. + * Stubbed pixDisplayWrite(). Last used in tesseract 3.04.01 (2/2016). + +- Update to 1.79.0. + * Clean up auto-generation of files; removed 'register'. + * Some fixes for issues identified by fuzzer. + * New source files: checkerboard.c. + * New programs: replacebytes.c, webpanimio_reg.c, partifytest.c, + rectangle_reg.c, lowsat_reg.c, rotate_it.c, scale_it.c, dewarp_it.c, + pdfio1_reg.c, pdfio2_reg.c, checkerboard_reg.c, underlinetest.c. + * Convert to standard reg test: heap_reg.c, pixa1_reg.c, + smallpix_reg.c. + * Improve data checking when reading image file headers + (pnm, png, jpeg, tiff). + * Fix some bugs in pnm reading. + * Fix inconsistencies with the encoding type flags in pdf + writing. + * Allow tiff to write images with colormaps. + * Fix errors in PS code; made some functions static. + * Add code for animated webp (requires webp mux and demux + libraries). + * Add "partify" application for separating parts in a musical + score. + * Enable tif read/write of gray+alpha and rgba; filter out tiff + pixels that are not uint and compression by tile. + * Apply consistent formatting of static const variables. + * Add programs for scaling, rotation and deskew, named dewkew_it, + rotate_it and scale_it, for useful operations on arbitrary images. + * Convert pdfiotest program to two regression tests: pdfio1_reg + and pdfio2_reg. + * Remove all use of strncat; use stringCat(). + * New functions from removing outliers in sequences of boxes. + * Generalize pixAverageInRect(): mask, region and range filters, + and subsampling. New pixAverageInRectRGB(). + * Fix int overflow bug in pixMedianCut(); required new heap accessor. + * New pixMultiplyGray() allows pix to be multiplied by an array (or + another pix). + * Better routines for counting color. + * Lossless conversion for RGB to cmap with not more than 256 colors. + * New histo based global thresholding: pixThresholdByHisto(). + * Allow most reg tests to run even if external libraries are not + available. + * New one-line gplot functions that return a pix. + * New application to find where corners meet in a checkerboard. + * Add utility functions for painting through mask in cmap pix, + creating a hit-miss sela from a color pix, equality of two pta. + * Proper handling of 1 bpp colormap tiffs: remove when reading, + preserve when writing. + * Deprecate three pixSaveTile*() functions; removed all calls to + these from the library and progs. + * Include auto_config.h explicitly in all src and prog files. + * Improve input data checking for bmp files. + +- Update to 1.78.0. + * Various improvements in handling boxa sequences and transforms. + * New regression tests: boxa4_reg, string_reg. + * New function for copying a pix, filtered by a boxa. + * Modify histogram method for image comparison. + * More careful attention to invalid boxes in box geometry functions. + * Better string and array functions for search and replace. + * Convenience functions for generating simple masks. + * Allow pdf writing of jp2k images, in full generality. + * Allow writing compressed ps images for printing. + * Modified enum comments to include a suggested enum name. + * New program: imagetops. + +- Update to 1.77.0 + * CVE-2018-7442: potential injection attack because '/' is allowed in gplot + rootdir. (bsc#1082748) + * CVE-2018-7186: number of characters not limited in fscanf or sscanf, + allowing possible attack with buffer overflow. (bsc#1081576) + * CVE-2018-3836: command injection vulnerability in gplotMakeOutput(). + (bsc#1079358) + * CVE-2017-18196: duplicated path components. (bsc#1082843) + * CVE-2018-7441: hardcoded /tmp pathnames. (bsc#1082749) + * CVE-2018-7247: input 'rootname' can overflow a buffer. (bsc#1081631) + * CVE-2018-7440: command injection in gplotMakeOutput using $(command). + (bsc#1082747) + * Using a packed struct for bmp headers to avoid crash on some big-endians. + * Fixed a bug in the prototype parser for xtractprotos that was + surfaced by a typedef declaration for the bmp headers. + * Added some basic pixa functions for rotation and translation. + * Added an iterative method to find rectangular coverings for arbitrary + connected components. + * Enabled read/write for standard jpeg compressed tiff images. + * Enabled reading for the old (deprecated) jpeg-encoded tiffs. + * Fix range selectors for pixa, pixaa, boxa, boxaa, pta: Now, last = -1 goes + to the end. + * When reading tiff --> pix, insert IMAGEDESCRIPTION into text field. + +- Update to 1.76.0. + * Modify infrastructure to fix outstanding security issues. + By default, you can no longer create temp directories and temp + files whose names are known to the compiler. Also, prevent + "system" calls, which were used for image display and gnuplot. + * Replaced remaining sprintf() with snprintf() in prog tests. + * Added non-transcoding functions for generating pdf from jpeg + pixacomp. + * Add control of jpeg quality from pixWriteMem() and + pixWriteStream(). + * Fixed getFilenamesInDirectory() to properly identify + directories. + * Prevent size overflow in calloc for kernel; cleaned it up fpix + and dpix. + * bmp reading now accepts negative height. + * Simplified splitimage2pdf; it no longer uses ps2pdf. + * Remove name-mangling WRITE_AS_NAMED compile option. + * Removed 2 deprecated write functions. + * Added these regression tests: locminmax_reg, speckle_reg, + watershed_reg. + -- Update to 1.71. - * This version supports tesseract 3.0.4. In particular, 3.0.4 has - automatic conversion of a set of scanned images, either in a - directory or coming directly from a scanner, into pdf with - injected text. This is something we've wanted to do for several - years! - * Improved jp2k header reading, including resolution. - * Removed src files: rotateorthlow.c, pdfio.c, pdfiostub.c. - * Renamed jp2kio.c, jp2kiostub.c ==> jp2kheader.c, - jp2kheaderstub.c. These header reading functions parse the jp2k - files, and don't require a jpeg2000 library. - * New jp2kio.c, jp2kiostub.c, that uses openjpeg-2.X to read and - write jp2k. We now support I/O from these formats: png, tiff, - jpeg, bmp, pnm, webp, gif and jp2k as well as writing to - PostScript and pdf. - * New pdfio1.c, pdfio1stub.c, pdfio2.c pdfio2stub.c, where we've - split functions into high and low level. - * Fixed memory bug in bilateral.c. - * Improved reading/write of binary data from file. For example, - l_binaryReadStream() can now be used to capture data piped in - via stdin. - * Font directory now arg passed in everywhere (not hardcoded). - * Don't write temporary files to /tmp; only to a small number of - subdirectories, to avoid spamming the /tmp directory. E.g., for - regression tests, the current output is now to /tmp/regout/. - * For jpeg reading modify pixReadJpeg() to take as a hint a bit - flag that allows extraction of only the luminance channel. - * Allow wrapping of pdf objects from png images without - transcoding. - * Better support for alpha on read/write with png, including 1 - bpp with colormap, alpha (supported in png with transparency - array). - -- Update to 1.70. - * New bilateral filtering. - * New simple character recognition utility. - * Improved dewarping functionality, in model building and - rendering. More flexible use of ref models. - * Better and more consistent handling of alpha layer in RGBA, - though use of the spp field. Ability to handle more png files - with alpha, including palette with alpha. - * New fast converters from jpeg and jpeg2000 to pdf, without - transcoding. - * Made bmp reader (and pix reading in general) more robust; avoid - size overflow errors. - * New text labelling operations; depth conversion of a set of - images. -- Major version changed to 4. -- Rename liblept-devel to leptonica-devel. -- Drop liblept-1.69-no_return and leptonica-1.69-giflib5 patches - (fixed upstream). -- BuildRequires: pkgconfig(libwebp) >= 0.2.0 -- Correct URL and a source URL. - -- fix build with giflib-5.x, leptonica-1.69-giflib5.patch - lib3ds +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - libArcus +- update to 4.9.0 + Release notes: + * + +- Require the sip module (under PyQt5.sip namespace as per patch) + +- Depend on python3-sip < 5, as libArcus build is incompatible with + SIP 5 and upstream currently has no intention to update, see + gh#Ultimaker/libSavitar#26. +- Move the python bindings to a separate package which can be used + as a dependency elsewhere. + +- update to 4.8.0 + * no code changes, just some build system churn. +- Fix build error with Python 3.8, add + 0001-Fix-build-with-Python-3.8-and-no-undefined-linker-flags.patch + +- update to 4.7.1 + * Do not link to libpython with Python >= 3.8 + +- update to 4.6.2 + * no code changes + +- update to version 4.6.1 + * no code changes +- Fix Arcus python import error with current PyQt5, add + libArcus-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch + +- update to version 4.4.1 + * no code changes + +- update to version 4.4.0 + obsoletes + 0001-Install-the-Python-extension-module-to-Python-sitear.patch + 0002-Fix-Python3_SITEARCH-for-old-cmake.patch + +- Make sure the package actually builds, add + 0001-Install-the-Python-extension-module-to-Python-sitear.patch + 0002-Fix-Python3_SITEARCH-for-old-cmake.patch + +- update to version 4.3.0 + * no code changes + +- fix build for factory + +- udpate to version 4.2.0 + * just build env changes + +- update to version 4.1.0 + * + libLASi +- Add GCC 11 build fix: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch + [] + libSavitar +- update to 4.9.0 + Release notes: + * + +- Depend on the PyQt5.sip module (see sr#849990 for libArcus) +- Refresh libSavitar-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch to query correct moudle + for version + +- Depend on python3-sip < 5, as libSavitar build is incompatible + with SIP 5 and upstream currently has no intention to update, + see gh#Ultimaker/libSavitar#26. + +- update to 4.8.0 + * no code changes, just some build system churn. + +- update to version 4.6.1 + * mostly internal changes +- Fix Savitar python import error with current PyQt5, add + libSavitar-3.5.1-PyQt5.sip.patch + +- update to version 4.4.1 + * mostly internal changes + +- update to version 4.1.0 + * +- enable test cases + libXaw -- U_NULL-pointer-dereference-in-XawAsciiSinkInitialize.patch - * Fix crash when required font is not installed. (bsc#1098411) - -- Update to version 1.0.13 - * Fix build with gcc -Werror=format-security - * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE - * Honor NOCONFIGURE=1 - * Use autoconf HAVE_UNISTD_H instead of imake X_NOT_POSIX to find <unistd.h> - * Just use C89 size_t instead of rolling our own Size_t - * Use SEEK_* names instead of raw numbers for fseek whence argument - * Makefile: use AM_V_GEN and AM_V_at to implement automake silent rules - * Makefile: use $(LN_S) for better code portability - * Include <unistd.h> - * Fix abs() usage. - -- Update to version 1.0.12: - + Replace TXT16 with XChar2b inline. - + Remove CRAY/WORD64 support. - + Fix fd leak when write() fails in WriteToFile(). - + Fix fd leak when fdopen() fails in InitStringOrFile(). - + Include winsock header on WIN32 to provide fd_set etc. - -- Add proper bit-type symbols for sparc64 - -- Use more robust make install call - -- Update to version 1.0.11: - + Only call XawStackFree if XawStackAlloc was used for allocation - + Correct order of arguments to XawStackFree() - + Correct undefined behavior access to out of scope pointer - contents - -- Update to version 1.0.10: - + Fix potential infinte loop in XawBoxQueryGeometry() - + Fixes for compiler warnings - + General cleanups - + Build configuration and documentation improvements -- Changes from version 1.0.9: - + Fix build issues - + Minor documentation cleanups - + Build configuration improvements - -- Split xorg-x11-libs into separate packages - libXbgi +- Update to release 365 + * Bugs in xkbhit(), outtext(), and outtextxy() fixed. + libaal +- Modernize specfile. + -- re-enable static libraries, as they are needed for some packages (most - prominently: reiserfs4progs) -- remove embedded changelog from spec file -- add rpmlintrc to suppress false positive error about explicit library - requires -- removed NEWS, is an empty file - libadlmidi +- Update to version + * Fixed an incorrect timer processing when using a real-time + interface + libaec +- Update to version 1.0.6: + * Improved cmake for mingw and MSVC by Milos Komarcevic + +- remove doc/patent.txt and patent comment in spec file, as the new + standard 121.0-B-3 declares: + "At time of publication, the specifications of this Recommended + Standard are not known to be the subject of patent rights." + libansilove +- Update to version 1.2.8 + * Add LibFuzzer-based fuzzers for each supported format + * Do not hardcode CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release" in CMakeLists.txt + * Only enable FORTIFY_SOURCE level 2 for release builds + * Add #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" to allow calling library + functions from C++ + * Constify input and output arguments of ansilove_loadfile() and + ansilove_savefile() + +- Update to version 1.2.7 + - Error out early with ANSILOVE_FORMAT_ERROR in case ctx->length + is 0. + - Initialize ansi_buffer and pcboard_buffer to NULL. + - Refactor the IceDraw loader to use a state machine. + - Check strndup() return value and error out on failed allocations + - Add some file format integrity checks in the IceDraw loader. + - Add range integrity checks for scale_factor values in the + output() function. + - Return error code directly if ctx->length is 0 in the ANSI and + PCBoard loaders. + - Add range integrity checks for columns value in relevant loaders + - Add range integrity checks for bits value in relevant loaders + - Add additional file format integrity check in the XBin loader + +- Update to version 1.2.6 + * Introduce canvas' width/height variables and refactor canvas + creation. + * Refactor the ANSI loader to use a state machine. + * Remove systematic filtering of Form Feed characters in Amiga mode + * Correct values for TUNDRA_COLOR_FOREGROUND and + TUNDRA_COLOR_BACKGROUND. + * Switch to using reallocarray(3) in the ANSI and PCBoard loaders + * Add a compat layer for systems which do not have reallocarray(3) + * Refactor canvas allocation for retina output + * Introduce the ANSILOVE_RANGE_ERROR macro, for values out of + allowed range + * Error gracefully if canvas' width or height is equal to zero + * Remove an useless comparison in drawchar() + * Add some file format integrity checks in the Tundra loader + * Refactor error handling in several loaders + +- Update to version 1.2.5 + * Add missing parentheses in an if statement in output() + * Define CR, LF, TAB, SUB, and ESC macros only once + * Refactor error handling in the PCBoard loader + * Stop parsing for PCBoard cursor position sequences + * Add bound checks for {back,fore}ground color values in the + PCBoard loader + * Fix default background and foreground colors in the PCBoard + loader + * Refactor the PCBoard loader to use a state machine + * Refactor the Binary loader to use a state machine + * Refactor the Artworx loader to use a state machine + * Add some file format integrity checks in the XBin loader + +- Update to version 1.2.4 + * Use size_t in for loops setting color palettes + * Remove unneeded gdImageFill() call when using Workbench mode + * Define _GNU_SOURCE in CMakeLists.txt to avoid cluttering + source files + * Use size_t type for variables used to loop over arrays + * Separate RGB values for palettes, makes color allocation code + more readable and efficient + * Move ADF color mapping array to config.h + +- Update to version 1.2.3 + * Call memset() to set all fontData struct fields to zero in + all loaders + * Refactor error handling in ansilove_savefile() + * Add error handling for fwrite() in ansilove_savefile() + * Fix includes in various source files + libaom +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-30474 [bsc#1186799], aom_dsp/grain_table.c in libaom in AOMedia before 2021-03-30 has a use-after-free. + + libaom-CVE-2021-30474.patch + +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-30475 [bsc#1189497], Buffer overflow in aom_dsp/noise_model.c + + libaom-CVE-2021-30475.patch + +- Enable CONFIG_LOWBITDEPTH. Makes 8-bit decoding faster. The only + reason this confusingly-named option is not enabled by default + is that its behavior might not match the 16-bit reference code + path, and that hardware vendors want to be able to validate + their designs against it. No actual mismatches have been found. + See + +- Pass conditional AOM_TARGET_CPU to cmake, fix build for arm and + ppc, as well as optimize target cpu for other arches. + +- Init, v1.0.0 + libapparmor +- Modify add-samba-bgqd.diff: Add new rule to fix new "DENIED + operation="file_mmap" violation in SLE15-SP4; (bsc#1192336). + +- add aa-notify-more-arch-mr809.diff: Add support for reading s390x + and aarch64 wtmp files (boo#1181155) + +- add add-samba-bgqd.diff: add profile for samba-bgqd (boo#1191532) + +- profile: allow reading files that live on NFS over UDP + (added to apparmor-lessopen-nfs-workaround.diff) (boo#1190552) + +- add profiles-python-3.10-mr783.diff: update abstractions/python and + profiles for python 3.10 + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.3 + - fix a failure in the parser tests + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.2 + - add missing permissions to several profiles and abstractions + (including boo#1188296) + - bugfixes in utils and parser (including boo#1180766 and boo#1184779) + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- remove upstreamed patches: + - apparmor-dovecot-stats-metrics.diff + - abstractions-php8.diff + - crypto-policies-mr720.diff + +- added apparmor-dovecot-stats-metrics.diff to allow Prometheus metrics end-point + +- move Requires: python3 back to the python3-apparmor subpackage - + readline usage is in the python modules, not in apparmor-utils + +- Remove python symbols (python means currently python2), work + only with python3 ones (fallout from bsc#1185588). + +- add abstractions-php8.diff to support PHP8 in abstractions/php (boo#1186267) + +- add crypto-policies-mr720.diff to allow reading crypto policies + in abstractions/ssl_certs (boo#1183597) + +- replace %{?systemd_requires} with %{?systemd_ordering} to avoid dragging in + systemd into containers just because apparmor-parser ships a *.service file + +- merge libapparmor.changes into apparmor.changes + +- avoid file listed twice error + +- define %_pamdir for <= 15.x to fix the build on those releases + +- add apache-extra-profile-include-if-exists.diff: make <apache2.d> + include in apache extra profile optional to avoid problems with empty + profile directory (boo#1178527) + +- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) + * use %_pamdir + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.1 + - minor additions to profiles and abstractions + - some bugfixes in libapparmor, apparmor_parser and the aa-* utils + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- removed upstream(ed) patches: + - changes-since-3.0.0.diff + - extra-profiles-fix-Pux.diff + - utils-fix-hotkey-conflict.diff + +- Use apache provided variables for the module_directry: + + Use %apache_libexecdir + + Add apache-rpm-macros BuildRequires + +- add utils-fix-hotkey-conflict.diff to fix a hotkey conflict in + de, id and sv translations (and fix the test) (MR 675) +- add extra-profiles-fix-Pux.diff to fix an inactive profile - + prevents a crash in aa-logprof and aa-genprof when creating a new + profile (MR 676) + +- update to AppArmor 3.0.0 + - introduce feature abi declaration in profiles to enable use of + new rule types (for openSUSE: dbus and unix rules) + - support xattr attachment conditionals + - experimental support for kill and unconfined profile modes + - rewritten aa-status (in C), including support for new profile modes + - rewritten aa-notify (in python), finally dropping the perl + requirement at runtime + - new tool aa-features-abi for extracting feature abis from the kernel + - update profiles to have profile names and to use 3.0 feature abi + - introduce @{etc_ro} and @{etc_rw} profile variables + - new profile for php-fpm + - several updates to profiles and abstractions (including boo#1166007) + - fully support 'include if exists' in the aa-* tools + - rewrite handling of alias, include, link and variable rules in + the aa-* tools + - rewrite and simplify log handling in the aa-logprof and aa-genprof + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- patches: + - add changes-since-3.0.0.diff with upstream fixes since the 3.0.0 + release up to 3e18c0785abc03ee42a022a67a27a085516a7921 + - drop upstreamed usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff + - drop 2.13-only libapparmor-so-number.diff + - refresh apparmor-enable-profile-cache.diff - partially upstreamed + - update apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff and + apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch - switch to "include if exists" + - apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch: add abi rule to lessopen profile + - refresh apparmor-lessopen-nfs-workaround.diff +- move away very loose apache profile that doesn't even match the + apache2 binary path in openSUSE to avoid confusion (boo#872984) +- move rewritten aa-status from utils to parser subpackage +- add aa-features-abi to parser subpackage +- replace perl and libnotify-tools requires with requiring + python3-notify2 and python3-psutil (needed by the rewritten + aa-notify) +- drop ancient cleanup for /etc/init.d/subdomain from parser %pre +- drop (never enabled) conditionals to build with python2 and to + build the python-apparmor subpackage (upstream dropped python2 + support) +- drop setting PYTHON and PYTHON_VERSIONS env variable, no longer needed +- set PYFLAKES path for utils check +- add precompiled_cache build conditional to allow faster local + builds without using kvm +- remove duplicated BuildRequires: swig + +- update to AppArmor 2.13.5 + - add missing permissions to several profiles and abstractions + - bugfixes in parser and tools + - fix two potential build failures in libapparmor + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- remove upstream(ed) patches + - changes-since-2.13.4.diff + - abstractions-X-xauth-mr582.diff + - sevdb-caps-mr589.diff + - libvirt-leaseshelper.patch + - cap_checkpoint_restore.diff +- add libapparmor-so-number.diff to fix libapparmor so version (!658) + +- add CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE to severity.db (MR 656, + cap_checkpoint_restore.diff) + +- %service_del_postun_without_restart only works for Tumbleweed, + keep using DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE for Leap 15.x + +- Make use of %service_del_postun_without_restart + And stop using DISABLE_RESTART_ON_UPDATE as this interface is + obsolete. + +- libvirt-leaseshelper.patch: add /usr/libexec as a path to the + libvirt leaseshelper script (jsc#SLE-14253) + +- sevdb-caps-mr589.diff: add new capabilities CAP_BPF and CAP_PERFMON + to severity.db (lp#1890547) + +- add abstractions-X-xauth-mr582.diff to allow reading the xauth file + from its new sddm location (boo#1174290, boo#1174293) + +- add changes-since-2.13.4.diff with upstream changes and fixes + since 2.13.4 up to 5f61bd4c: + - add several abstractions related to xdg-open: + dbus-network-manager-strict, exo-open, gio-open, gvfs-open, + kde-open5, xdg-open + - introduce @{run} variable + - update dnsmasq and winbindd profile + - update mdns, mesa and nameservice abstraction + - some bugfixes in the aa-* tools, including a remote bugfix in the + YaST AppArmor module (boo#1171315) +- drop upstream(ed) patches (now part of changes-since-2.13.4.diff): + - make-4.3-capabilities.diff + - make-4.3-capabilities-vim.diff + - make-4.3-fix-utils-network-test.diff + - make-4.3-network.diff + - abstractions-add-etc-mdns.allow-to-etc-apparmor.d-abstractions-mdns.patch +- apply usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff only for + Tumbleweed, but not for Leap 15.x where it's not needed +- refresh usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff + +- Add abstractions-add-etc-mdns.allow-to-etc-apparmor.d-abstractions-mdns.patch + (bsc#1168306) + +- fix build with make 4.3 by backporting some commits from upstream + master (boo#1167953): + - make-4.3-capabilities.diff + - make-4.3-capabilities-vim.diff + - make-4.3-network.diff + - make-4.3-fix-utils-network-test.diff + +- update to AppArmor 2.13.4 + - several abstraction updates (including boo#1153162) + - disallow writing to fontconfig cache in abstractions/fonts + - some bugfixes in the aa-* tools + - fix log parsing for logs with an embedded newline + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- drop upstreamed patches: + - abstractions-ssl-certbot-paths.diff + - apparmor-krb5-conf-d.diff + - libapparmor-python3.8.diff + - usr-etc-abstractions-authentification.diff +- refresh usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff + +- add usr-etc-abstractions-base-nameservice.diff to adjust + abstractions/base and nameservice for /usr/etc/ (boo#1161756) + +- Properly pull in full python3 interpreter + +- add libapparmor-python3.8.diff to fix building the libapparmor python + bindings (deb#943657) + +- add usr-etc-abstractions-authentification.diff to allow reading + /usr/etc/pam.d/* and some other authentification-related files (boo#1153162) + +- add abstractions-ssl-certbot-paths.diff - add certbot paths to + abstractions/ssl_certs and abstractions/ssl_keys + +- add apparmor-krb5-conf-d.diff for kerberos client + +- update to 2.13.3 + - profile updates for dnsmasq, dovecot, identd, syslog-ng + - new "lsb_release" profile (only used when using "Px -> lsb_release") + - fix buggy syntax in tunables/share + - several abstraction updates + - parser: fix "Px -> foo-bar" (the "-" was rejected before) + - several bugfixes in aa-genprof and aa-logprof + - some fixes in cache handling + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- drop upstream(ed) patches: + - apparmor-nameservice-resolv-conf-link.patch + - profile_filename_cornercase.diff + - dnsmasq-libvirtd.diff + - dnsmasq-revert-alternation.diff + - usrmerge-fixes.diff + - libapparmor-swig-4.diff +- re-number remaining patches + +- add upstream libapparmor-swig-4.diff: fix libapparmor tests with swig + 4.0 (boo#1135751) + +- Disable LTO (boo#1133091). + +- update profile for usrMerge (bash and tar) (boo#1132350) + +- add usrmerge-fixes.diff: fix test failures when /bin/sh is handled by + update-alternatives (boo#1127877) + +- add dnsmasq-revert-alternation.diff: revert path alternation in + dnsmasq profile and re-add peer=/usr/sbin/libvirtd rules to avoid + breaking libvirtd (boo#1127073) + +- add dnsmasq-libvirtd.diff: allow peer=libvirtd in the dnsmasq profile + to match the newly added libvirtd profile name (boo#1118952#c3) + +- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318] + +- add apparmor-lessopen-nfs-workaround.diff: allow network access in + for reading files on NFS (workaround for boo#1119937 / + lp#1784499) + +- add profile_filename_cornercase.diff: drop check that lets aa-logprof + error out in a corner-case (log event for a non-existing profile while + a profile file with the default filename for that non-existing profile + exists) (boo#1120472) + +- netconfig: write resolv.conf to /run with link to /etc (fate#325872, + boo#1097370) [patch apparmor-nameservice-resolv-conf-link.patch] + +- update to AppArmor 2.13.2 + - add profile names to most profiles + - update dnsmasq profile (pid file and logfile path) (boo#1111342) + - add vulkan abstraction + - add letsencrypt certificate path to abstractions/ssl_* + - ignore *.orig and *.rej files when loading profiles + - fix aa-complain etc. to handle named profiles + - several bugfixes and small profile improvements + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- remove upstreamed fix-syntax-error-in-rc.apparmor.functions.patch + +- update to 2.13.1 + - add qt5 and qt5-compose-cache-write abstractions + - add @{uid} and @{uids} kernel var placeholders + - several profile and abstraction updates + - ignore "abi" rules in parser and tools (instead of erroring out) + - utils: fix overwriting of child profile flags if they differ from + the main profile + - several bugfixes (including boo#1100779) + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- remove upstream(ed) patches: + - aa-teardown-path.diff + - fix-apparmor-systemd-perms.diff + - logprof-skip-cache-d.diff + - fix-samba-profiles.patch + - make-pyflakes-happy.diff + - dnsmasq-Add-permission-to-open-log-files.patch +- refresh apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff +- add fix-syntax-error-in-rc.apparmor.functions.patch + +- update rpmlintrc: + - whitelist .features file which is part of the pre-compiled cache + - comment out filters for the disabled tomcat_apparmor subpackage + +- Backport dnsmasq fix: + 025c7dc6 - dnsmasq-Add-permission-to-open-log-files.patch + (boo#1111342) + +- add make-pyflakes-happy.diff to fix an unused variable (SR 629206) + +- add fix-samba-profiles.patch - smbd loads new shared libraries. + Allow winbindd to access new kerberos credential cache location + (boo#1092099) + +- exclude the /etc/apparmor.d/cache.d/ directory from aa-logprof parsing + (logprof-skip-cache-d.diff) + +- add fix-apparmor-systemd-perms.diff - fix permissions of + /lib/apparmor/apparmor.systemd (boo#1090545) + +- create and package precompiled cache (/usr/share/apparmor/cache, + read-only) (boo#1069906, boo#1074429) +- change (writeable) cache directory to /var/cache/apparmor/ - with the + new btrfs layout, the only reason for using /var/lib/apparmor/cache/ + (which was "it's part of the / subvolume") is gone, and /var/cache + makes more sense for the cache +- adjust parser.conf (via apparmor-enable-profile-cache.diff) to use both + cache locations +- clear cache also in %post of abstractions package + +- update to AppArmor 2.13 + - add support for multiple cache directories and cache overlays + (boo#1069906, boo#1074429) + - add support for conditional includes in policy + - remove group restrictions from aa-notify (boo#1058787) + - aa-complain etc.: set flags for profiles represented by a glob + - aa-status: split profile from exec name + - several profile and abstraction updates + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- drop upstreamed patches and files: + - aa-teardown + - apparmor.service + - apparmor.systemd + - 32-bit-no-uid.diff + - disable-cache-on-ro-fs.diff + - dovecot-stats.diff + - parser-write-cache-warn-only.diff + - set-flags-for-profiles-represented-by-glob.patch + - fix-regression-in-set-flags.patch +- drop spec code that handled installing aa-teardown, apparmor.service + and apparmor.systemd (now part of upstream Makefile) +- simplify "make -C profiles parser-check" call (upstream Makefile bug + that required to call "cd" was fixed) +- add aa-teardown-path.diff - install aa-teardown in /usr/sbin/ +- move 'exec' symlink to parser package (belongs to aa-exec) + +- Set flags for profiles represented by glob (bsc#1086154) + set-flags-for-profiles-represented-by-glob.patch + fix-regression-in-set-flags.patch + +- add dovecot-stats.diff: + - add dovecot/stats profile and allow dovecot to run it (boo#1088161) + - allow dovecot/auth to write /run/dovecot/old-stats-user (part of boo#1087753) +- update 32-bit-no-uid.diff with upstream fix + +- Change of path of rpm in (boo#1082956) + +- add disable-cache-on-ro-fs.diff - disable write cache if filesystem is + read-only and don't bail out (bsc#1069906, bsc#1074429) + +- add parser-write-cache-warn-only.diff to make cache write failures a + warning instead of an error (boo#1069906, boo#1074429) +- reduce dependeny on libnotify-tools (used by aa-notify -p) to "Suggests" + to avoid pulling in several Gnome packages on servers (boo#1067477) + +- update to AppArmor 2.12 + - add support for 'owner' rules in aa-logprof and aa-genprof + - add support for includes with absolute path in aa-logprof etc. (lp#1733700) + - update aa-decode to also decode PROCTITLE (lp#1736841) + - several profile and abstraction updates, including boo#1069470 + - preserve errno across aa_*_unref() functions + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- drop upstreamed patches: + - read_inactive_profile-exactly-once.patch + - utils-fix-sorted-save_profiles-regression.diff +- lessopen profile: change all 'rix' rules to 'mrix' +- add 32-bit-no-uid.diff to fix handling of log events without ouid on + 32 bit systems +- no longer package static libapparmor.a + +- update to AppArmor 2.11.95 aka 2.12 beta1 + - add JSON interface to aa-logprof and aa-genprof (used by YaST) + - drop old YaST interface code + - update audio, base and nameservice abstractions + - allow @{pid} to match 7-digit pids + - see + for the detailed upstream changelog +- drop upstreamed patches + - apparmor-yast-cleanup.patch + - apparmor-json-support.patch + - nameservice-libtirpc.diff +- drop obsolete perl modules (YaST no longer needs them) +- drop patches that were only needed by the obsolete perl modules: + - apparmor-utils-string-split + - apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff +- drop profiles-sockets-temporary-fix.patch - obsoleted by a fix in + apparmor_parser +- refresh utils-fix-sorted-save_profiles-regression.diff +- add aa-teardown (new script to unload all profiles) +- make ExecStop in apparmor.service a no-op (workaround for a systemd + restriction, see boo#996520 and boo#853019 for details) +- lessopen profile: allow capability dac_read_search and dac_override, + allow groff to execute several helpers (boo#1065388) + +- read_inactive_profile-exactly-once.patch (bsc#1069346) + Perform reading of inactive profiles exactly once. + +- update to AppArmor 2.11.1 + - add permissions to several profiles and abstractions (including + lp#1650827 and boo#1057900) + - several fixes in the aa-* tools (including lp#1689667, lp#1628286, + lp#1661766 and boo#1062667) + - fix downgrading/converting of 'unix' rules (will be supported in + kernel 4.15) to 'network unix' rules in apparmor_parser (boo#1061195) + - see for + upstream changelog +- remove upstream(ed) patches + - upstream-changes-r3616..3628.diff + - upstream-changes-r3629..3648.diff + - parser-tests-dbus-duplicated-conditionals.diff + - apparmor-fix-podsyntax.patch + - sshd-profile-drop-local-include-r3615.diff +- refresh apparmor-yast-cleanup.patch +- add utils-fix-sorted-save_profiles-regression.diff to fix a regression + in displaying the "changed profiles" list in aa-logprof + +- add nameservice-libtirpc.diff to fix NIS/YP logins (boo#1062244) + +- profiles-sockets-temporary-fix.patch to cater to nameservices with the + new sockets mediation, until unix rules are upstreamed (boo#1061195) + +- add apparmor-fix-podsyntax.patch from mailing list to fix + compilation with perl 5.26 + +- do not require exact X.Y version of "python3" +- require also matching python(abi) which is arguably more important + +- don't rely on implementation details for reload in %post + +- add JSON support. Required for FATE#323380. + (apparmor-yast-cleanup.patch, apparmor-json-support.patch) + +- add upstream-changes-r3629..3648.diff: + - preserve unknown profiles when reloading apparmor.service + (CVE-2017-6507, lp#1668892, boo#1029696) + - add aa-remove-unknown utility to unload unknown profiles (lp#1668892) + - update nvidia abstraction for newer nvidia drivers + - don't enforce ordering of dbus rule attributes in utils (lp#1628286) + - add --parser, --base and --Include option to aa-easyprof to allow + non-standard paths (useful for tests) (lp#1521031) + - move initialization code in apparmor.aa to init_aa(). This allows to + run all utils tests even if /etc/apparmor.d/ or /sbin/apparmor_parser + don't exist. + - several improvements in the utils tests +- drop upstreamed python3-drop-re-locale.patch +- no longer delete/skip some of the utils tests (to allow this, add + parser-tests-dbus-duplicated-conditionals.diff) +- add var.mount dependeny to apparmor.service (boo#1016259#c34) + +- Cleanup spec file: + - don't use insserv if we afterwards call systemd, this can + have bad side effects + - remove dead code + - remove now obsolete 'distro' checks +- Replace init.d script with new wrapper working with systemd + +- add python3-drop-re-locale.patch: remove deprecated re.LOCALE + flag in Python UI as it was dropped from Python 3.6 (lp#1661766) + +- Fix RPM groups + +- add upstream-changes-r3616..3628.diff: + - update abstractions/base, abstractions/apache2-common and dovecot profiles + - merge ask_the_questions() of aa-logprof and aa-mergeprof + - pass LDFLAGS when building parser, libapparmor perl bindings and pam_apparmor +- adjust deleting the cache in profiles %post to the new cache location +- silence errors when deleting the cache (boo#976914) + +- split libapparmor into separate spec to get rid of build loop + involving mariadb, systemd, apparmor, libapr and mariadb again + (see the discussion in SR 448871 for details) +- libapparmor.spec is based on the AppArmor 2.11 apparmor.spec, but + with minimum BuildRequires + +- update to AppArmor 2.11.0 + - apparmor_parser now supports parallel compiles and loads + - add full support for dbus, ptrace and signal rules and events to the + utils + - full rewrite of the file rule handling in the utils + - lots of improvements and fixes + - see for the + detailed changelog +- patches: + - add sshd-profile-drop-local-include-r3615.diff to fix 'make check' + - drop aa-unconfined-fix-netstat-call-2.10r3380.diff, no longer needed + - refresh apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff + - refresh apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff +- spec changes: + - aa-unconfined switched to using ss (from iproute2), adjust Recommends: + - move libapparmor to /usr/lib*/ + - drop %if %suse_version checks for 12.x + - change several Obsoletes from %version to < 2.9. Those package names + weren't used since years, and 2.9 is still a careful choice + - include apparmor.service independent of %suse_version + - techdoc.pdf is now shipped in upstream tarball to reduce BuildRequires + - drop latex2html, texlive-* and w3m BuildRequires + - techdoc.txt and techdoc.html not included, drop them from the package + - run most of utils/ make check (some tests expect /etc/apparmor.d/ and + /sbin/apparmor_parser to exist, skip them) + - BuildRequires python3-pyflakes (utils tests) and dejagnu (libapparmor tests) + - drop sed'ing python3 into aa-* shebang (upstreamed) + - build binutils + - aa-exec is now written in C and lives in /usr/bin/, move it to the + apparmor_parser package and create a compability symlink in /usr/sbin/ + - aa-exec manpage moved to section 1 + - aa-enabled is a small new tool to find out if AppArmor is enabled + - package new aa_stack_profile(2) manpage + +- change /etc/apparmor.d/cache symlink to /var/lib/apparmor/cache/. + This is part of the root partition (at least with default partitioning) + and should be available earlier than /var/cache/apparmor/ + (boo#1015249, boo#980081, bsc#1016259) +- add dependency on var-lib.mount to apparmor.service as safety net + +- update to AppArmor 2.10.2 maintenance release + - lots of bugfixes and profile updates (including boo#1000201, + boo#1009964, boo#1014463) + - see for details +- add aa-unconfined-fix-netstat-call-2.10r3380.diff to fix a regression + in aa-unconfined +- drop upstream(ed) patches: + - changes-since-2.10.1--r3326..3346.diff + - changes-since-2.10.1--r3347..3353.diff + - libapparmor-fix-import-path.diff (upstream fix is slightly different) + - nscd-var-lib.diff +- refresh apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff + +- add nscd-var-lib.diff to allow /var/lib/nscd/ in the nscd profile and + abstractions/nameservice (path changed in latest nscd in Tumbleweed) + +- add changes-since-2.10.1--r3347..3353.diff with upstream changes and + fixes in the 2.10 branch, including + - allow writing *.qf files (for disk-based buffering) in syslog-ng profile + - add several permissions to the dovecot profiles (deb#835826) + - add a missing path in the traceroute profile + +- add changes-since-2.10.1--r3326..3346.diff with upstream changes and + fixes since the 2.10.1 release, including + - allow dac_override in winbindd profile (boo#990006#c5) + - allow mr for /usr/lib*/ldb/*.so in samba abstractions (needed since + Samba 4.4.x, boo#990006) + - abstractions/nameservice: also support ConnMan-managed resolv.conf + - let aa-genprof ask about profiles in extra dir (again) + - fix aa-logprof "add hat" endless loop (lp#1538306) + - honor 'chown' file events in + - ignore log file events with a request mask of 'send' or 'receive' + because they are actually network events (lp#1577051, lp#1582374) + - accept hostname with dots when parsing logs (lp#1453300 comments #1 and #2) +- fix python LibAppArmor import failures with swig > 3.0.8 (boo#987607) + (libapparmor-fix-import-path.diff) +- refresh apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff +- drop upstreamed profiles-ping-inet6-r3449.diff +- add %check section - runs libapparmor (including swig bindings), + parser and profiles tests +- add BuildRequires: perl(Locale::gettext) - needed for parser tests + +- add profiles-ping-inet6-r3449.diff - latest ping also does IPv6 (boo#980596) + +- update to AppArmor 2.10.1 (2.10 branch r3326): + - fix incorrect output of child profile names (apparmor_parser -N) which + caused 'rcapparmor reload' to remove child profiles and hats (lp#1551950) + - fix a crash in aa-logprof / for change_hat log events + (lp#1523297) and log events that look like file events, but aren't + (lp#1540562, lp#1525119, lp#1466812) + - write unix rules when saving a profile (lp#1522938, boo#954104#c3) + - several fixes for variable handling in aa-logprof + - map c (create) log events to w instead of a + - add python to the "no Px rule" list in logprof.conf + - let aa-logprof check for duplicate profiles + - let aa-status work without the python module (boo#971917, + lp#1480492) + - add permissions in several profiles (including boo#948584, boo#948753, + boo#954959, boo#954958, boo#971790, boo#964971, boo#921098, boo#923201 and + boo#921098#c15). + - and many more fixes, see the full changelog at + +- drop upstream(ed) patches: + - fix-initscript-aa_log_end_msg.diff + - syslog-ng-profile-boo948584.diff + - upstream-profile-updates-r3205-3241.diff +- refresh patches: + - apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff + - apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff +- drop libapparmor call (broke the build) and remove libtool BR + +- add syslog-ng-profile-boo948584.diff - add several permissions needed + by latest syslog-ng (boo#948584, boo#948753) +- add upstream-profile-updates-r3205-3241.diff with several profile updates: + - add /usr/share/locale-bundle/** to abstractions/base + - allow dnsmask to use /bin/sh (boo#940749) and /bin/dash + - allow dovecot imap to read /run/dovecot/mounts + - allow avahi-daemon to write to /run/systemd/notify + - allow ntpd to read $PATH directory listings (boo#945592, boo#948752) + - update dhclient profile + - allow skype to read @{PROC}/@{pid}/net/dev (boo#939568) + - and some other small updates +- drop upstreamed apparmor-winbindd-r3213.diff (included in the + upstream-profile-updates patch) + +- netstat moved to net-tools-deprecated in Tumbleweed (boo#944904) + +- add apparmor-winbindd-r3213.diff - add missing k permissions for + /etc/samba/smbd.tmp/msg/* in winbindd profile (boo#921098 #c15..19) + +- add fix-initscript-aa_log_end_msg.diff - fixes ugly initscript + output (boo#862170) + +- update to AppArmor 2.10 (trunk r3205) + - profile names can now contain variables + - improved profile compile time in apparmor_parser + - lots of improvements, refactoring and bugfixes in the aa-* tools + - new apis for managing and loading profile caches into the kernel in + libapparmor + - lots of profile updates + - see for the + complete changelog with more details +- add new apparmor_private.h and the aa_query_label(2), aa_features(3), + aa_kernel_interface(3), aa_policy_cache(3), aa_splitcon(3) manpages + to libapparmor-devel +- drop apparmor-2.5.1-edirectory-profile patch - it's most probably + no longer needed (see boo#621394 for details) +- drop upstreamed samba-4.2-profiles.diff +- refresh apparmor-samba-include-permissions-for-shares.diff + +- systemd-rpm-macros and %systemd_requires were at the wrong place, + move them to the parser package (boo#931792) + +- update to AppArmor 2.9.2 (2.9 branch r2911) + - lots of bugfixes in the parser and the aa-* tools (including + boo#918787) + - update dovecot and dnsmasq profiles and several abstractions + (including boo#911001) + - see for the + full changelog +- remove upstream(ed) patches apparmor-changes-since-2.9.1.diff and + apparmor-fix-stl-ostream.diff +- replace GPG key with new AppArmor GPG signing key, see + + +- make sure %service_del_postun doesn't call systemctl try-restart + (boo#853019, bare systemd edition) +- add samba-4.2-profiles.diff: update samba (winbindd and nmb) + profiles for samba 4.2 (boo#921098, boo#923201) + +- only install apparmor.service for openSUSE > 13.2 + +- Add a native systemd unit which *at the moment* only + wraps/masks the early boot script. + +- add apparmor-fix-stl-ostream.diff which fixes odd uses of + std::ostream which are not valid. Fixes build with GCC 5 + +- allow to run /usr/bin/unzip-plain (boo#906858) + +- add Requires: python3 to python3-apparmor package - readline isn't + part of python3-base (boo#917577) + +- add apparmor-changes-since-2.9.1.diff with upstream fixes since the + 2.9.1 release + - update to support changed syslog format (lp#1399027) + - update usr.sbin.dovecot and usr.lib.dovecot.imap{, -login} profiles + (lp#1296667) + - update the mysqld profile + - fix network rule description in apparmor.d(5) manpage +- drop upstreamed dnsmasq-profile-fixes.patch +- update expired GPG key + +- update to AppArmor 2.9.1 (2.9 branch r2831) + - fix log parsing for 3.16 kernels and syslog-style logs (boo#905368) + - several fixes and performance improvements in the aa-* utils + - profile updates for dnsmasq (boo#907870), nscd (boo#904620#c14 and + bnc#908856), useradd, sendmail, man and passwd + - see + for full release notes +- refresh dnsmasq-profile-fixes.patch + +- Fix dnsmasq profile to allow executing bash to run the --dhcp-script + argument. Also fixed /usr/lib -> /usr/{lib,lib64} to get libvirt + leasehealper script to run even on x86_64. + dnsmasq-profile-fixes.patch. boo#911001 + +- rename profile file to to match the + script filename + +- add apparmor-lessopen-profile.patch: /usr/bin/ needs + confinement. bnc#906858 + +- delete cache in apparmor-profiles %post (workaround for + bnc#904620#c8 / lp#1392042) + +- No longer perform gpg validation; osc source_validator does it + implicit: + + Drop gpg-offline BuildRequires. + + No longer execute gpg_verify. + +- fix bashism in post script + +- update to AppArmor 2.9.0 (r2759) + - change aa-mergeprof to the final commandline syntax + - lots of bugfixes in the aa-* tools (bnc#900163, lp#1328707 and several + bugs without a formal bugreport) + - small additions to gnome,, ubuntu-browsers.d/java + and user-mail abstractions + - fix mod_apparmor to not break basic auth + - update perl modules to support signal, unix and ptrace rules (bnc#900013) + - don't warn about rules not supported by the kernel + - fix logging of "audit capability" (lp#1378091) + - add support for the "hat" keyword in apparmor.vim + - build html version of apparmor.vim manpage again (lp#1366572) + - see also +- update apparmor-abstractions-no-multiline.diff +- remove upstreamed apparmor-profiles-ntpd-pid-location.diff + libasn1c -- Update to new upstream release 0.31 +- Update to release 0.9.33 + * Changes to build system only; no user-visible changes. + +- Remove old specfile constructs. +- Move headers to distinct directory to enforce pkg-config + correctness on library users. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.9.32 + * Fix misapplication of library SO version + +- Update to new upstream release 0.9.31 libass -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2020-36430 [bsc#1188539], heap-based buffer overflow in decode_chars - + libass-CVE-2020-36430.patch - -- Add upstream CVE-2020-24994_1.patch and CVE-2020-24994_2.patch (bsc#1184153, CVE-2020-24994) - * Stack overflow in the parse_tag function in libass/ass_parse.c - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2020-26682 [bsc#1177862], signed integer overflow in the call to outline_stroke() from ass_outline_construct() - + libass-CVE-2020-26682.patch - -- Update to version 0.14.0: - * Brand new, faster and better outline stroker (replaces FreeType - stroker) - * Remove option to use the FreeType rasterizer - * Fix spots of missing border around self-intersecting shapes - * Switch from Yasm to NASM for building hand-written assembler - code - * Clear font cache in ass_set_fonts(). This fixes potentially - incorrect font choices and an occasional crash if this function - is called midway through rendering a file. - -- Update to version 0.13.7 - * Fix invalid memory accesses with BorderStyle=4 - * Fix change detection bug on frame resizes - * Fix cache bugs with border size - * Reduce precision of border width in font outline caching - * Don't treat :;<=>? as hexadecimal digits in color headers - * Fix parsing of unusual Alignment values in ASS style definitions - * Fix potential truncation in timestamp parsing - * Treat negative PlayResX/PlayResY like VSFilter - * Fixes to parsing of embedded fonts - * Remove arbitrary bitmap limit (fixes issues with subtitle rendering at 4K) - * Allow using shadow offset to adjust size of background with BorderStyle=4 - -- Update to version 0.13.6: - * Add Justify style override that changes text justification - (left/right/center) without affecting event positioning. This - breaks ABI compatibility with prior releases. - * Fix ass_set_cache_limits() to affect total bitmap cache size - including composite bitmap cache. - * Number parsing fixes - + Fix illegal read when parsing some numbers in scientific - notation with huge exponents. - + Correctly evaluate numbers in scientific notation with large - exponents. - + Correctly evaluate numbers with many leading zeros. - * Bug fixes found with fuzzing - + Fix a small memory leak in the parser. - + Fix illegal read in the parser on specially crafted input - with \t tags. - -- Update 0.13.4: - * Fuzzing fixes bnc#1002982 CVE-2016-7969, CVE-2016-7970 and - CVE-2016-7972 - * Improve compatibility/portablility of build system, should fix e.g. compilation on Solaris. - * Fix memory leak in DirectWrite font provider. - * Fix the rasterizer when rendering some large outlines. - * Remove hack that forced RTL base direction depending on font encoding. - * Greatly improve the internal caches with refcounting and gradual clearing. - -- Update to 0.13.2 - * Add ass_set_check_readorder() API function to disable use of - the ReadOrder field for duplicate checking in - ass_process_chunk(). - * ass_step_sub(track, now, 0) now finds the start of the subtitle - at now. - * Bug fixes: - + Fix an issue with the new duplicate checking, which could - lead to missing subtitles after seeking. - + Fix a crash with Core Text under specific circumstances. - -- Update to 0.13.1 - * Much faster duplicate event check in ass_process_chunk. - * Interpret negative timestamp components as actual negative numbers. - * Look up fonts that contain PostScript outlines by their PostScript - name instead of their full names. Family names continue to be used for all fonts. - * Keep spaces in font names - * Drop support for Fontconfig < 2.10.92 to ensure correct font matching - * Fix some small memory leaks, potential crashes and bad data uses - -- Update summary/description - -- Update RPM groups - -- Update to 0.13.0 - * Add native font selection backends for OSX (CoreText) and - Windows (DirectWrite). You can now run libass without - fontconfig on these platforms. This fixes problems with - fontconfig behaving badly on these platforms (it could take - minutes to scan all system fonts). Even on Linux, this speeds - up loading of embedded fonts (such as provided by - ass_add_font()). The DirectWrite backend only works on Windows - Vista and later. On XP, fontconfig is still needed. libass can - be compiled with both DirectWrite and fontconfig, and then it - will fallback to fontconfig automatically if DirectWrite is not - available at runtime. - * Add ass_get_available_font_providers() API function. - * Change the 4th parameter of ass_set_fonts(). This now selects - the font provider. This is somewhat backwards compatible with - the old behavior, but if you ever passed values other than 0 - or 1, your application might break with this libass release. - * The ass_fonts_update() function now does nothing. It's kept - for backward compatibility only. - * Much faster gaussian blur. This can bring a large speedup with - big blurred signs and such. - * Drop ENCA support - * Bug fixes - + Fix compilation of the freetype rasterizer (disabled by - default) - + Fix rendering with some cases of consecutive line breaks - (\N\N). - + Fix some memory allocation failure checks - + Avoid system locale dependent behavior by reinventing some - standard C functions - + Fix rendering errors with strikes (GH #193) - + MSVC compilation fixes -- Enable harfbuzz and yasm build requires - -- Update to 0.12.3 - * VSFilter blur compatibility changes - * VSFilter color/alpha parsing compatibility changes - * Bugfixes - + Fix some potential memory leaks and crashes - + Fix large timestamps (larger than about 600 hours) - + Fix a potential crash with the new rasterizer and complex - fonts - + Do not apply user-configured line position to non-dialog - events - + Strictly clip non-dialog events to the video rectangle -- Changes for 0.12.2 - * Add extern "C" guards to the public headers for C++ - compatibility - * Improvements to style override API and implementation - * Bugfixes - + Fix some rasterizer bugs of unknown severity - + Fix a broken memset() of unknown severity - + Make timestamp parsing more lenient, which makes libass - accept invalid - + files accepted by most other ASS parsers - + Increase compatibility with broken ASS drawings accepted by - VSFilter - -- Update to version 0.12.1 (bnc#921212) - * Make ASS drawings with an extremely high number of control points work - This change increases compatibility with VSFilter. - * Bugfixes - - Fix a crash when using newer harfbuzz versions (GH #155) - - Load embedded memory fonts correctly - - Large shadow offsets rendered incorrectly (GH #142) - - Fix incorrect closing of last drawing contour - - Fix issues with undefined behavior in shifts - - Lots of of malloc() error checking -- Update home and download source Url to new project home -- Add baselibs.conf in sources list for Factory - libavtp +- Add baselibs.conf + +- Don't build / package static library + +- Update to 0.1.0+git20200527.9482c11 + * Fix compilation with GCC 9 + * Declare dependency so libavtp can be used as a meson subproject + * Update version to MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format + * Fix URL in + * Add IEC 61883/IIDC support + * Many added examples and tests + * Add CVF support - H.264 only + * Factor out "common stream header" from avtp_aaf.c + libax25 +- Update to version 0.0.12rc5 + * Lots of stylistic cleanups to the code trying to follow the + coding style of the kernel. + * Lots of small cleanup and fixes to silence warnings and issues + * Build system related changes + -- BuildRequires fixed for 12.2 - libb64 +- Small spec file cleanup + libbde +- Add keyring + +- Update to release 20210605 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to snapshot 20210425 (585f94c5) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch +- Added the --enable-wide-character-type flag at build time + -- add "Requires: %lname = %version" to python section. -- add provides pybde to python sub-package to match upstream requires statements -- cleaned up BuildRequires statements to allow build for openSUSE 13.1 -- ran spec-cleaner - libbeecrypt6 +- Don't package static archive +- Use %license + libbraille +- Let the distro decide if it wants to disable python2 bindings + (bcond_without python2). Enabled by default, unless overwritten + by the builder. + +- Fix building with py2 directly only +- Convert to pkgconf style dependencies + +- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. Update summaries. +- Remove pointless --with-pic (static libs only). + +- Explicitly call autoreconf in libltdl: Fix build with automake + 1.16. + +- fix links in spec file, use *.gz + -- fix some packaging errors - libbullet +- Require freeglut-devel instead of pkgconfig(freeglut). + The pkgconfig name changed in Tumbleweed. + +- Removed fix-pkgconfig-cflags.patch +- Added fix-pkgconfig-includedir.patch +- Update to v2.89 + * New implementation of volumetric deformable objects and cloth + based on the Finite Element Method + * Two-way coupling between deformabled and rigit/multi body + is achieved using a unified constraint solver + +- Update to release 2.88 +- Add patch: use-system-libs.patch +- Cleaned up specfile + -- Resolved bnc#889897: - * deleted Extras and Glut dirs. - -- switched back to source archive to submit to Factory: http:// - - -- updated to 2.82: - * Featherstone Articulated btMultiBody, with two-way interaction - with regular btRigidBody. See Bullet/Demos/ - /FeatherstoneMultiBodyDemo. Thanks to Stephen Thompson for the - initial Featherstone implementation, and Martin Felis and Jakub - Stepien for the discussion and information. - * New MLCP constraint solver interface for higher quality direct - solvers. Dantzig (by Russel Smith OpenDE), PATH and Projected - Gauss Seidel Mixed Linear Complementarity solvers, with - fallback to the original Bullet sequential impulse solver. In a - nutshell, direct MLCP solvers are useful when higher quality - simulation is needed, for example in robotics. The performance - is less than the PGS/SI solver, but it usually convergence - faster to a good solution. See src/BulletDynamics/MLCPSolvers - and Bullet/Demos/ForkLiftDemo for an example. - * New btFixedConstraint as alternative to a - btGeneric6DofConstraint with all DOFs locked. - See Demos/VoronoiFractureDemo - * Various bug fixes, related to force feedback and friction. - Improved performance between btCompoundShape using the new - btCompoundCompoundCollisionAlgorithm. See the commit log at - -- switched to download_files service. -- "E: no-pkg-config-provides" was fixed via pkgconfig required. -- "W: files-duplicate" was fixed via fdupes macro. - libcaes +- Add keyring + +- Update to release 20210522 + * No changelog was provided + libcap -- Add explicit dependency on libcap2 with version to libcap-progs - and pam_cap (bsc#1184690) - -- Update to libcap 2.26 for supporting the ambient capabilities - (jsc#SLE-17092, jsc#ECO-3460) -- Use "or" in the license tag to avoid confusion (bsc#1180073) - -- Use %license (boo#1082318) - -- Enable PAM module - -- RPM group association fix - -- Update to versison 2.25: - + Recover gperf detection in make rules. - + Man page typo fix. - + Tweak make rules to make packaging more straightforward. - + Fix error explanation in setcap. - + Drop need to link with libattr. It turns out libcap wasn't - actually using any code from that library, so linking to it was - superfluous. -- Drop libcap-nolibattr.patch: fixed upstream. -- No longer add %{buildroot} to all variables for make install the - Makefile learned about the meaning of DESTDIR. - -- Update to version 2.24 - * Fix compilation problems (note to self, make distclean && make, - before release) - * Some make rule changes to make uploading a release to - easier for me. - * Tidied up some documented links. -- Update libcap-nolibattr.patch -- Add pkg-config build requirement; libcap now provides a pkgconfig - file -- Clean up specfile -- Move libraries and binaries to /usr because of #UsrMove - -- libcap-nolibattr.patch Do not link to libattr, it is - a bogus dependency. application uses sys/xattr from libc. - -- update license to new format - -- Cleanup specfile a bit: Remove old tags. - libcdata +- Add keyring + -- update to v0~20130904 - * added fail safe check in array - * bug fix in array clone function - * fix in file - * updated dependencies - * bug fixes for recent changes - * worked on multi-threading support - * worked on tests - * added libcthreads - * updated msvscpp files - * bug fix in range list - libcdaudio +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) +- Use modern rpm macros +- Trim filler wording from descriptions + +- Update to version 0.99.12p2 + * ( Fix IRIX detection. Permit nonnumeric versions + in Automake. +- Added baselibs.conf as source +- Added libcdaudio-getmntinfo.patch to fix Factory build + (courtesy of debian) +- Spec cleanup + -- Use RPM_OPT_FLAGS - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - libcec +- Add reproducible.patch to drop build host name (boo#1084909) + +- Update to version 6.0.2: + * See provided for detailed list of changes +- Drop no longer applying libcec-build-compare.patch + +- Fix dependency handling for python3 + +- Use noun phrase in summary. Generalize description. + +- Update to version 4.0.4: + * fixed: only prevent TV polls when a Samsung TV is detected + instead of suppressing all logical addresses. issue #424 #444 +- Changes for version 4.0.3: + * fixed: + + detect debian based distros properly when installing python. closes #314 + + don't filter out broadcast in HandleDeviceVendorCommandWithId(). issue + [#309] + + send an active source message when a routing change has been received with + libCEC's address as new route and no active source message has been sent + yet. issue #309 #205 #233 + + vs2015 c++ redistributables + + fix missing tinfo linking in cec-client. #341 + + set wrong variable. #343 #352 + + LG - don't activate the source when receiving vendor command 0xB. #344 + + LG TV always changing input when turned on #307 + + Fix menu language string. #360 + + correct python lib path for python 2.7+/3+. #356 + + Fix build if tinfo library is not present. #398 + + disable autonomous mode when a Samsung TV is connected. Samsung 2017+ TVs + will power on randomly (Samsung bug). don't poll the TV. #424 + + CRPiCECAdapterMessageQueue::Write() accessed the queue without locking. + [#423] + + use sig_atomic_t for shared object between sig handler and main. #425 + + python 3.5+ import. #356 + + TDA995x: Fix logical address readback. #303 + + TDA995x: Handle physical address change, optimize logical address setup. + [#303] + + Pulse-Eight USB CEC adapter detection on macOS Mojave. #434 + + Fix broken Python version check and failure to build on cmake < 3.7. #409 + + 13 char device name got truncated + * changed: + + log a warning when we detect that RPi's CEC service is used by something + else, blocking libCEC. issue #191 + + const IAdapterCommunication::GetLogicalAddresses(), making the mutex + mutable for now without changing the platform lib. closes #259 + + Add a Reinitialze action. Useful for after the device has been powered + down. #299 + + Panasonic media control info to the readme + + detect WIN64 in cmake automatically. #322 + + #330 + + instructions for hdmi_force_hotplug=1 on the pi + + eventghost plugin install/create. #375 + + Include C version of libCEC loader when installing. #397 + + Explicitly use python3 in pyCecClient. #433 + + build with vs 2015 +- Refresh patches: + * libcec-cmake_install_lib_dir.patch + * libcec-build-compare.patch + libchardet +- Update to version 1.0.6: + * Add subdir-objects to (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#9). + * Fix an autogen failure because of AM_PROG_AR with + automake 1.11.1 (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#10). + * Fix no include guard (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#12). + * Add a BOM member to the DetectObj structure + (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#13). + * Support automake-style "make check" + (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#15). + * Fix a vulnerability: access to deleted heap memory in chardet + and chardet_r api (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#18). + * Can't detect short euc-kr (gh#Joungkyun/libchardet#14). + libchewing +- Update to version 0.5.1+git20200627.452f622: + * supports platforms with 64bit pointer + * Change ︰ to : + * Don't run tests in parallel + * Try Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial + * autotools: Build with -fPIC like the CMake-based one does + * Show compilation commands if the build system is autotools + * Tolerate unused const warnings + * Fix LSan + * Use internal-sqlite instead of static-sqlite, following 570ab6be + +- Remove unneeded BuildRequires on python-devel, and the conflicting + old py_* macros. +- Remove references to "Python 2", the module supports Python 3. +- Mark COPYING as license. + +- Remove pointless ldconfig call from chewing-utils subpackage. +- Specfile update: remove implicit BuildRoot and defattrs. +- Properly fulfill SLPP requirement that only the library file + is in the library subpackage. + -- retrack upstream source. previous source is from unknown origin. - * it couldn't be found at the link in specfile. - * it didn't have the same content and build result - as upstream source. - * it missed entire python and data sub directories, - so almost useless. -- remove ambiguous libchewing package. fix bnc#808338 - * libchewing is always taken as an old version by users. - * libchewing contained the runtime libraries but it was - not required by libchewing3. important orphan package. - so ibus-chewing and fcitx-chewing can't work. -- enable ncurses wide-char and thread-safe (w6) -- enable python. -- new sub-packages: chewing-data python-chewing chewing-utils - -- fix baselibs.conf - there is no libchewing-32bit - -- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags -- Remove redundant %clean, authors sections -- Avoid requires on library, the other way is preferred - (library requires data package) - -- Split* into subpackage libchewing3 - -- Update to libchewing 0.3.4 -- Remove libchewing-gcc-fix.diff (upstream rewrite this part) -- Improve the description of libchewing API - Simplified examples to illustrate the usage are added -- Revise libchewing API. Check the documentation for details -- Support THL (Taiwan Huayu Luomapinyin) and MPS2 Pinyin keyboard layout -- Reimplementation of unit test framework. No external 'check' package is required -- Fix several phrase errors - Add exceptional phrase as well -- Improved developer and user guide -- Introduce CMake based build system, which is convenient to MS-Windows based environments. -- Add --enable-gcov to enable gcov coverage -- Fix possible strncat() overflow -- Consistent checks for bopomofo sequence internally -- Handle incomplete bopomofo with space key properly -- Internal structure refactoring -- Read hash path from CHEWING_PATH environment variable -- Make libchewing thread-safe -- Fix IM crash by changing default candidate per page to 10 -- Fix the detection of ncursesw -- Fix the usage of autotools -- Update and tune symbols -- Fix valgrind warning -- Fix several compilation warnings -- Fix GCC visibility availability for Darwin specific PIC code -- Fix hash table initialization and its memory leakage -- Support building with mingw32 toolchain -- Fix GNU Hurd build -- Fix Microsoft VC build -- Fix Windows 64-bit build -- Fix mingw32/64 + WINE build - -- add libtool as explicit buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency from prjconf - -- Update to libchewing 0.3.3: - Fix setfault, improved python-binding, build fixes, etc; - see for details - -- fix buffer overflow - -- updated patches to apply with fuzz=0 - -- fix to apply the previous patch properly - -- fix missing call to fclose in sort_word.c (bnc#535452) - -- updated to version 0.3.2, including previous fix patches, - fix memory leaks, doxygen updates, etc. - See ChangeLog for details. -- build with -fno-strict-aliasing to avoid type punning problems - in src/hash.c - libchipcard +- Update to 5.1.6 + + Changed project URL + + Code cleanup + + Small bugfixes + +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static). +- Modernize rpm macro constructs. +- Make description neutral. + +- Update to 5.1.5 ("rc2") + + support for ChipTAN USB + + many fixes for ZKA cards + -- Ported to pcsc-lite-1.6. - -- Update to version 5.0.0 - + First stable release of the 5.x series - + Do not create an own service anymore. Instead, depend on pc/sc - service. Old versions did conflict, which caused a lot of - problems. - + Require gwenhywfar 4 -- Rename base package to libchipcard (avoid the need to rename it - with the next major release again) -- Drop shlib subpackages libchipcardc2 and libchipcard_ctapi0 -- Add new subpackage libchipcard6 -- Clean BuildRequires: Remove libusb-devel, opensc-devel, hal, - hal-devel, pkg-config, xorg-x11-fonts -- Add zlib-devel BuildRequires. -- As there is no longer an init script, stop it in preun in case - it still exists from a previous version. - -- Use ">=" in shared library version requirements. - libclaw +- Refresh no-boost-math.patch, limits header is missing in public + header file, results in build errors with gcc11 of packages using it +- Refresh fix-cmake.patch, use upstream patch +- Refresh libclaw-doxy-w-date-time.patch + +- Add no-boost-math.patch, as Boost.Math now (boost 1.76) requires + c++11, but source code does not work with c++11, so replacing + Boost.Math with standard functions. + libclocale +- Add keyring + +- Update to release 20210526 + * No changelog was provided + libcompizconfig +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * Read SYSCONFDIR/compizconfig/presets.ini as default values if + exists. + * Avoid using glibc-specific strcasestr and asprintf. +- Rebase libcompizconfig-config-dir.patch. +- Improve libcompizconfig-configure-retval.patch: there is no need + in a return value at all. + +- add patch libcompizconfig-configure-retval.patch + fix configure check for posix compatible scandir function + that always failed due to -Werror=return-type + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * No changelog available. +- Remove libcompizconfig-0.8.14-fix-protobuf.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Add libcompizconfig-0.8.14-fix-protobuf.patch: Fix protobuf + support. + -- Spec clean up: - + skip unused patch section - + fix License - + skip old ccs-lib obsoletes / provides - + skip ExclusiveArch: section in spec file - -- Update to version 0.8.8 - -- Update to version 0.8.4: - + Ignore extensions and string restrictions at startup - + Fix circular dependencies - + Use XDG_CACHE_HOME for protobuf cache -- Drop libcompizconfig-linkX11.patch - upstream included. -- Disable libcompizconfig-NOMAD.diff. - -- Add libcompizconfig-linkX11.patch to fix startup error due to - missing symbols (bnc#525691) -- Add missing startup-notify-devel BuildRequires. - libcomps +- Upgrade to 0.1.18 + + Fix several covscan warnings + +- Upgrade to 0.1.17 + + Fix a crash when clearing COMPS_ObjRTree (rh#1888343) + + Don't print empty requires + + Fix memory leaks and resource leaks + + Remove Python 2 support +- Drop patch included in this release + + Patch: fix-sphinx.patch + +- Add upstream patch fix-sphinx.patch which fixes build with Sphinx 4.x. + libconfini +- libconfini 1.16.3: + * performance optimizations + +- libconfini 1.16.2: + * fix heap buffer overflow when parsing a multiline comment + +- libconfini 1.16.1: + * updates to documentation and examples + +- libconfini 1.16.0: + * new function ini_get_bool_i() + * documentation and examples + +- libconfini 1.15.0: + * Public function ini_global_set_lowercase_mode() and global + variable INI_GLOBAL_LOWERCASE_MODE marked as deprecated + * Global integer constant INI_DISABLED_FLAG and macro + INI_IS_IMPLICIT_SUBSTR() added to the public header + * Documentation, Examples, build system fixes and minor bug fixes + +- libconfini 1.14.2: + * Improved re-implementation of stdbool.h in case of --with-io-api=nolibc + * Documentation, Examples + libcontainers-common +- Update common to 0.44.0 + 0.42.3: + * (*libimage.Image).HasDifferentDigest: add authentication + 0.42.2: + Backports for Podman 3.3.2 + Fix the fallback runtime path + Switch default Rootless Networking to "CNI" for OSX + libimage: disk usage: catch corrupted images + set GOPROXY= + 0.44.0: + Add HelperBinariesDir field to engine config + Add space trimming check in sysctl.Validate + Cirrus: Use fresher VM images + Fix `pkg/sysctl` path typo + Fix the fallback runtime path + Switch default Rootless Networking to "CNI" for OSX + Update pkg/sysctl/sysctl.go + add some cni plugin paths + build(deps): bump from 5.15.0 to 5.16.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.34.0 to 1.35.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 + build(deps): bump from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 + docs/ Fix manpage section + fix untag + v0.43.2 + libimage: disk usage: catch corrupted images + libimage: relax untag by digest checks + path: dest paths inside container should always be treated as *nix type + remove-image: Add optional `LookupManifest` to RemoveImagesOptions. + runtime: Add ReturnManifestIfPresent to LookupImageOptions + runtime: Add `ManifestList` to `LookupImageOptions` + seccomp: allow memfd_secret + 0.43.2: + * libimage: relax untag by digest checks + * path: dest paths inside container should always be treated as *nix type + 0.43.1: + Fix spelling mistakes + Fix examples in containers.conf + 0.43.0: + Add documentation for Containerfile and Dockerfile + Remove no_libsubid flag + Add machine_image to containers.conf + build(deps): bump from 1.33.1 to 1.34.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to 1.8.4 + Add machine_image to containers.conf + Switch default logdriver and eventslogger to journald, if root + build(deps): bump from 0.3.1 to 0.4.1 + build(deps): bump from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 + libimage: {un}tag: reject digests + build(deps): bump from 20.10.7+incompatible to 20.10.8+incompatible + style: complete containers#556 to-do list part 4 + build(deps): bump from 5.14.0 to 5.15.0 + set GOPROXY= + 0.42.1: + * pull: fallthrough for registry parsing errors + 0.42.0: + * Remove --accept-repositories flag + * pull policy: support camel cases + * Use authfile in options to search image + * vendor in containers/storage v1.33.0 + * config: split arguments in DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS + * pkg/seccomp: avoid DefaultErrnoRet: null + * Add and use libimage.Runtime.imageIDsForManifest() + * Add libimage/manifests.LockerForImage() + * Add support for path based registry in login/logout + * libimage: pull: normalize docker-daemon + * libimage: report all removed images + * libruntime: layer tree: handle empty images + * refine dangling filters + * libimage.RuntimeFromStore(): stop overriding the BlobInfoCache location + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 + * pull with custom platform: handle "localhost/" + * User option to prepare container after creation for volume copy-up. Docker does this by default. + * add config option for ChownCopiedFiles + * build(deps): bump from 1.32.5 to 1.32.6 + * libimage: image tree: fix nil deref +- Update podman to 3.3.1 + 3.3.1: + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where unit files created by `podman generate systemd` could not cleanup shut down containers when stopped by `systemctl stop` ([#11304]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman machine` commands would not properly locate the `gvproxy` binary in some circumstances. +- Fixed a bug where containers created as part of a pod using the `--pod-id-file` option would not join the pod's network namespace ([#11303]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman, when using the systemd cgroups driver, could sometimes leak dbus sessions. +- Fixed a bug where the `until` filter to `podman logs` and `podman events` was improperly handled, requiring input to be negated ([#11158]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers using CNI networking run on systems using `systemd-resolved` for DNS would fail to start if resolved symlinked `/etc/resolv.conf` to an absolute path ([#11358]( + [#]## API +- A large number of potential file descriptor leaks from improperly closing client connections have been fixed. + 3.3.0: + [#]## Features +- Containers inside VMs created by `podman machine` will now automatically handle port forwarding - containers in `podman machine` VMs that publish ports via `--publish` or `--publish-all` will have these ports not just forwarded on the VM, but also on the host system. +- The `podman play kube` command's `--network` option now accepts advanced network options (e.g. `--network slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns`) ([#10807]( +- The `podman play kube` commmand now supports Kubernetes liveness probes, which will be created as Podman healthchecks. +- Podman now provides a systemd unit, `podman-restart.service`, which, when enabled, will restart all containers that were started with `--restart=always` after the system reboots. +- Rootless Podman can now be configured to use CNI networking by default by using the `rootless_networking` option in `containers.conf`. +- Images can now be pulled using `image:tag@digest` syntax (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34@sha256:1b0d4ddd99b1a8c8a80e885aafe6034c95f266da44ead992aab388e6aa91611a`) ([#6721]( +- The `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands can now be used to checkpoint containers that are in pods, and restore those containers into pods. +- The `podman container restore` command now features a new option, `--publish`, to change the ports that are forwarded to a container that is being restored from an exported checkpoint. +- The `podman container checkpoint` command now features a new option, `--compress`, to specify the compression algorithm that will be used on the generated checkpoint. +- The `podman pull` command can now pull multiple images at once (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34 ubi8:latest` will pull both specified images). +- THe `podman cp` command can now copy files from one container into another directly (e.g. `podman cp containera:/etc/hosts containerb:/etc/`) ([#7370]( +- The `podman cp` command now supports a new option, `--archive`, which controls whether copied files will be chown'd to the UID and GID of the user of the destination container. +- The `podman stats` command now provides two additional metrics: Average CPU, and CPU time. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--pid`, to specify the PID namespace of the pod. If specified, containers that join the pod will automatically share its PID namespace. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--infra-name`, which allows the name of the pod's infra container to be set ([#10794]( +- The `podman auto-update` command has had its output reformatted - it is now much clearer what images were pulled and what containers were updated. +- The `podman auto-update` command now supports a new option, `--dry-run`, which reports what would be updated but does not actually perform the update ([#9949]( +- The `podman build` command now supports a new option, `--secret`, to mount secrets into build containers. +- The `podman manifest remove` command now has a new alias, `podman manifest rm`. +- The `podman login` command now supports a new option, `--verbose`, to print detailed information about where the credentials entered were stored. +- The `podman events` command now supports a new event, `exec_died`, which is produced when an exec session exits, and includes the exit code of the exec session. +- The `podman system connection add` command now supports adding connections that connect using the `tcp://` and `unix://` URL schemes. +- The `podman system connection list` command now supports a new flag, `--format`, to determine how the output is printed. +- The `podman volume prune` and `podman volume ls` commands' `--filter` option now support a new filter, `until`, that matches volumes created before a certain time ([#10579]( +- The `podman ps --filter` option's `network` filter now accepts a new value: `container:`, which matches containers that share a network namespace with a specific container ([#10361]( +- The `podman diff` command can now accept two arguments, allowing two images or two containers to be specified; the diff between the two will be printed ([#10649]( +- Podman can now optionally copy-up content from containers into volumes mounted into those containers earlier (at creation time, instead of at runtime) via the `prepare_on_create` option in `containers.conf` ([#10262]( +- A new option, `--gpus`, has been added to `podman create` and `podman run` as a no-op for better compatibility with Docker. If the nvidia-container-runtime package is installed, GPUs should be automatically added to containers without using the flag. +- If an invalid subcommand is provided, similar commands to try will now be suggested in the error message. + [#]## Changes +- The `podman system reset` command now removes non-Podman (e.g. Buildah and CRI-O) containers as well. +- The new port forwarding offered by `podman machine` requires [gvproxy]( in order to function. +- Podman will now automatically create the default CNI network if it does not exist, for both root and rootless users. This will only be done once per user - if the network is subsequently removed, it will not be recreated. +- The `install.cni` makefile option has been removed. It is no longer required to distribute the default `87-podman.conflist` CNI configuration file, as Podman will now automatically create it. +- The `--root` option to Podman will not automatically clear all default storage options when set. Storage options can be set manually using `--storage-opt` ([#10393]( +- The output of `podman system connection list` is now deterministic, with connections being sorted alpabetically by their name. +- The auto-update service (`podman-auto-update.service`) has had its default timer adjusted so it now starts at a random time up to 15 minutes after midnight, to help prevent system congestion from numerous daily services run at once. +- Systemd unit files generated by `podman generate systemd` now depend on `` by default ([#10655]( +- Systemd unit files generated by `podman generate systemd` now use `Type=notify` by default, instead of using PID files. +- The `podman info` command's logic for detecting package versions on Gentoo has been improved, and should be significantly faster. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not perform SELinux relabelling of volumes specified with a `mountPath` that included the `:z` or `:Z` options ([#9371]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would ignore the `USER` and `EXPOSE` directives in images ([#9609]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would only accept lowercase pull policies. +- Fixed a bug where named volumes mounted into containers with the `:z` or `:Z` options were not appropriately relabelled for access from the container ([#10273]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs -f` command, with the `journald` log driver, could sometimes fail to pick up the last line of output from a container ([#10323]( +- Fixed a bug where running `podman rm` on a container created with the `--rm` option would occasionally emit an error message saying the container failed to be removed, when it was successfully removed. +- Fixed a bug where starting a Podman container would segfault if the `LISTEN_PID` and `LISTEN_FDS` environment variables were set, but `LISTEN_FDNAMES` was not ([#10435]( +- Fixed a bug where exec sessions in containers were sometimes not cleaned up when run without `-d` and when the associated `podman exec` process was killed before completion. +- Fixed a bug where `podman system service` could, when run in a systemd unit file with sdnotify in use, drop some connections when it was starting up. +- Fixed a bug where containers run using the REST API using the `slirp4netns` network mode would leave zombie processes that were not cleaned up until `podman system service` exited ([#9777]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would leave zombie processes after its initial launch that were not cleaned up until it exited ([#10575]( +- Fixed a bug where VMs created by `podman machine` could not be started after the host system restarted ([#10824]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod ps` command would not show headers for optional information (e.g. container names when the `--ctr-names` option was given). +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman create` and `podman run` commands would ignore timezone configuration from the server's `containers.conf` file ([#11124]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would only respect `.containerignore` and not `.dockerignore` files (when both are present, `.containerignore` will be preferred) ([#10907]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would fail to send the Dockerfile being built to the server when it was excluded by the `.dockerignore` file, resulting in an error ([#9867]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command could unexpectedly stop streaming the output of the build ([#10154]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would fail to build when run on Windows ([#11259]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest create` command accepted at most two arguments (an arbitrary number of images are allowed as arguments, which will be added to the manifest). +- Fixed a bug where named volumes would not be properly chowned to the UID and GID of the directory they were mounted over when first mounted into a container ([#10776]( +- Fixed a bug where named volumes created using a volume plugin would be removed from Podman, even if the plugin reported a failure to remove the volume ([#11214]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman exec -i` command would hang when input was provided via shell redirection (e.g. `podman --remote exec -i foo cat <<<"hello"`) ([#7360]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created with `--rm` were not immediately removed after being started by `podman start` if they failed to start ([#10935]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--storage-opt` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10264]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--device-cgroup-rule` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10302]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--tls-verify` option to `podman manifest push` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman import` command could, in some circumstances, produce empty images ([#10994]( +- Fixed a bug where images pulled using the `docker-daemon:` transport had the wrong registry (`localhost` instead of ``) ([#10998]( +- Fixed a bug where operations that pruned images (`podman image prune` and `podman system prune`) would prune untagged images with children ([#10832]( +- Fixed a bug where dual-stack networks created by `podman network create` did not properly auto-assign an IPv4 subnet when one was not explicitly specified ([#11032]( +- Fixed a bug where port forwarding using the `rootlessport` port forwarder would break when a network was disconnected and then reconnected ([#10052]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would ignore user-specified SELinux policies for containers using the Kata OCI runtime, or containers using systemd as PID 1 ([#11100]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers created using `--net=host` would add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for the container's hostname pointing to `` ([#10319]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman unpause --all` command would throw an error for every container that was not paused ([#11098]( +- Fixed a bug where timestamps for the `since` and `until` filters using Unix timestamps with a nanoseconds portion could not be parsed ([#11131]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman info` command would sometimes print the wrong path for the `slirp4netns` binary. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers joined to a CNI network would not have functional DNS when the host used systemd-resolved without the resolved stub resolver being enabled ([#11222]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` of rootless containers could sometimes break port forwarding to the container ([#11248]( +- Fixed a bug where joining a container to a CNI network by ID and adding network aliases to this network would cause the container to fail to start ([#11285]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Containers included healthcheck information for all containers, even those that did not have a configured healthcheck. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers would fail to create containers with the `NetworkMode` parameter set to `default` ([#10569]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle healthcheck commands ([#10617]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers would always send an empty string error message when no error occurred. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Stats endpoint for Containers would not error when run on rootless containers on cgroups v1 systems (nonsensical results would be returned, as this configuration cannot be supportable). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Images omitted the `ContainerConfig` field ([#10795]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Build endpoint for Images was too strict when validating the `Content-Type` header, rejecting content that Docker would have accepted ([#11022]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images could fail, but return a 200 status code, if an image name that could not be parsed was provided. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images would continue to pull images after the client disconnected. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Networks would fail for non-bridge (e.g. macvlan) networks ([#10266]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod List endpoint for Networks would return nil, instead of an empty list, when no networks were present ([#10495]( +- The Compat and Libpod Logs endpoints for Containers now support the `until` query parameter ([#10859]( +- The Compat Import endpoint for Images now supports the `platform`, `message`, and `repo` query parameters. +- The Compat Pull endpoint for Images now supports the `platform` query parameter. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.22.3 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.34.1 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.15.2 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.42.1 + 3.3.0-RC3: + This is the third release candidate of Podman v3.3.0 + Preliminary release notes follow: + [#]## Features +- Containers inside VMs created by `podman machine` will now automatically handle port forwarding - containers in `podman machine` VMs that publish ports via `--publish` or `--publish-all` will have these ports not just forwarded on the VM, but also on the host system. +- The `podman play kube` command's `--network` option now accepts advanced network options (e.g. `--network slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns`) ([#10807]( +- The `podman play kube` commmand now supports Kubernetes liveness probes, which will be created as Podman healthchecks. +- Podman now provides a systemd unit, `podman-restart.service`, which, when enabled, will restart all containers that were started with `--restart=always` after the system reboots. +- Rootless Podman can now be configured to use CNI networking by default by using the `rootless_networking` option in `containers.conf`. +- Images can now be pulled using `image:tag@digest` syntax (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34@sha256:1b0d4ddd99b1a8c8a80e885aafe6034c95f266da44ead992aab388e6aa91611a`) ([#6721]( +- The `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands can now be used to checkpoint containers that are in pods, and restore those containers into pods. +- The `podman container restore` command now features a new option, `--publish`, to change the ports that are forwarded to a container that is being restored from an exported checkpoint. +- The `podman container checkpoint` command now features a new option, `--compress`, to specify the compression algorithm that will be used on the generated checkpoint. +- The `podman pull` command can now pull multiple images at once (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34 ubi8:latest` will pull both specified images). +- THe `podman cp` command can now copy files from one container into another directly (e.g. `podman cp containera:/etc/hosts containerb:/etc/`) ([#7370]( +- The `podman cp` command now supports a new option, `--archive`, which controls whether copied files will be chown'd to the UID and GID of the user of the destination container. +- The `podman stats` command now provides two additional metrics: Average CPU, and CPU time. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--pid`, to specify the PID namespace of the pod. If specified, containers that join the pod will automatically share its PID namespace. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--infra-name`, which allows the name of the pod's infra container to be set ([#10794]( +- The `podman auto-update` command has had its output reformatted - it is now much clearer what images were pulled and what containers were updated. +- The `podman auto-update` command now supports a new option, `--dry-run`, which reports what would be updated but does not actually perform the update ([#9949]( +- The `podman build` command now supports a new option, `--secret`, to mount secrets into build containers. +- The `podman manifest remove` command now has a new alias, `podman manifest rm`. +- The `podman login` command now supports a new option, `--verbose`, to print detailed information about where the credentials entered were stored. +- The `podman events` command now supports a new event, `exec_died`, which is produced when an exec session exits, and includes the exit code of the exec session. +- The `podman system connection add` command now supports adding connections that connect using the `tcp://` and `unix://` URL schemes. +- The `podman system connection list` command now supports a new flag, `--format`, to determine how the output is printed. +- The `podman volume prune` and `podman volume ls` commands' `--filter` option now support a new filter, `until`, that matches volumes created before a certain time ([#10579]( +- The `podman ps --filter` option's `network` filter now accepts a new value: `container:`, which matches containers that share a network namespace with a specific container ([#10361]( +- The `podman diff` command can now accept two arguments, allowing two images or two containers to be specified; the diff between the two will be printed ([#10649]( +- Podman can now optionally copy-up content from containers into volumes mounted into those containers earlier (at creation time, instead of at runtime) via the `prepare_on_create` option in `containers.conf` ([#10262]( +- A new option, `--gpus`, has been added to `podman create` and `podman run` as a no-op for better compatibility with Docker. If the nvidia-container-runtime package is installed, GPUs should be automatically added to containers without using the flag. +- If an invalid subcommand is provided, similar commands to try will now be suggested in the error message. + [#]## Changes +- The `podman system reset` command now removes non-Podman (e.g. Buildah and CRI-O) containers as well. +- The new port forwarding offered by `podman machine` requires [gvproxy]( in order to function. +- Podman will now automatically create the default CNI network if it does not exist, for both root and rootless users. This will only be done once per user - if the network is subsequently removed, it will not be recreated. +- The `install.cni` makefile option has been removed. It is no longer required to distribute the default `87-podman.conflist` CNI configuration file, as Podman will now automatically create it. +- The `--root` option to Podman will not automatically clear all default storage options when set. Storage options can be set manually using `--storage-opt` ([#10393]( +- The output of `podman system connection list` is now deterministic, with connections being sorted alpabetically by their name. +- The auto-update service (`podman-auto-update.service`) has had its default timer adjusted so it now starts at a random time up to 15 minutes after midnight, to help prevent system congestion from numerous daily services run at once. +- Systemd unit files generated by `podman generate systemd` now depend on `` by default ([#10655]( +- The `podman info` command's logic for detecting package versions on Gentoo has been improved, and should be significantly faster. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not perform SELinux relabelling of volumes specified with a `mountPath` that included the `:z` or `:Z` options ([#9371]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would ignore the `USER` and `EXPOSE` directives in images ([#9609]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would only accept lowercase pull policies. +- Fixed a bug where named volumes mounted into containers with the `:z` or `:Z` options were not appropriately relabelled for access from the container ([#10273]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs -f` command, with the `journald` log driver, could sometimes fail to pick up the last line of output from a container ([#10323]( +- Fixed a bug where running `podman rm` on a container created with the `--rm` option would occasionally emit an error message saying the container failed to be removed, when it was successfully removed. +- Fixed a bug where starting a Podman container would segfault if the `LISTEN_PID` and `LISTEN_FDS` environment variables were set, but `LISTEN_FDNAMES` was not ([#10435]( +- Fixed a bug where exec sessions in containers were sometimes not cleaned up when run without `-d` and when the associated `podman exec` process was killed before completion. +- Fixed a bug where `podman system service` could, when run in a systemd unit file with sdnotify in use, drop some connections when it was starting up. +- Fixed a bug where containers run using the REST API using the `slirp4netns` network mode would leave zombie processes that were not cleaned up until `podman system service` exited ([#9777]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would leave zombie processes after its initial launch that were not cleaned up until it exited ([#10575]( +- Fixed a bug where VMs created by `podman machine` could not be started after the host system restarted ([#10824]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod ps` command would not show headers for optional information (e.g. container names when the `--ctr-names` option was given). +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman create` and `podman run` commands would ignore timezone configuration from the server's `containers.conf` file ([#11124]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would only respect `.containerignore` and not `.dockerignore` files (when both are present, `.containerignore` will be preferred) ([#10907]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would fail to send the Dockerfile being built to the server when it was excluded by the `.dockerignore` file, resulting in an error ([#9867]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command could unexpectedly stop streaming the output of the build ([#10154]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest create` command accepted at most two arguments (an arbitrary number of images are allowed as arguments, which will be added to the manifest). +- Fixed a bug where named volumes would not be properly chowned to the UID and GID of the directory they were mounted over when first mounted into a container ([#10776]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman exec -i` command would hang when input was provided via shell redirection (e.g. `podman --remote exec -i foo cat <<<"hello"`) ([#7360]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created with `--rm` were not immediately removed after being started by `podman start` if they failed to start ([#10935]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--storage-opt` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10264]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--device-cgroup-rule` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10302]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--tls-verify` option to `podman manifest push` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman import` command could, in some circumstances, produce empty images ([#10994]( +- Fixed a bug where images pulled using the `docker-daemon:` transport had the wrong registry (`localhost` instead of ``) ([#10998]( +- Fixed a bug where operations that pruned images (`podman image prune` and `podman system prune`) would prune untagged images with children ([#10832]( +- Fixed a bug where dual-stack networks created by `podman network create` did not properly auto-assign an IPv4 subnet when one was not explicitly specified ([#11032]( +- Fixed a bug where port forwarding using the `rootlessport` port forwarder would break when a network was disconnected and then reconnected ([#10052]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would ignore user-specified SELinux policies for containers using the Kata OCI runtime, or containers using systemd as PID 1 ([#11100]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers created using `--net=host` would add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for the container's hostname pointing to `` ([#10319]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman unpause --all` command would throw an error for every container that was not paused ([#11098]( +- Fixed a bug where timestamps for the `since` and `until` filters using Unix timestamps with a nanoseconds portion could not be parsed ([#11131]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman info` command would sometimes print the wrong path for the `slirp4netns` binary. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Containers included healthcheck information for all containers, even those that did not have a configured healthcheck. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers would fail to create containers with the `NetworkMode` parameter set to `default` ([#10569]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle healthcheck commands ([#10617]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers would always send an empty string error message when no error occurred. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Stats endpoint for Containers would not error when run on rootless containers on cgroups v1 systems (nonsensical results would be returned, as this configuration cannot be supportable). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Images omitted the `ContainerConfig` field ([#10795]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images could fail, but return a 200 status code, if an image name that could not be parsed was provided. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images would continue to pull images after the client disconnected. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Networks would fail for non-bridge (e.g. macvlan) networks ([#10266]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod List endpoint for Networks would return nil, instead of an empty list, when no networks were present ([#10495]( +- The Compat and Libpod Logs endpoints for Containers now support the `until` query parameter ([#10859]( +- The Compat Import endpoint for Images now supports the `platform`, `message`, and `repo` query parameters. +- The Compat Pull endpoint for Images now supports the `platform` query parameter. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.22.0 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.34.1 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.15.1 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.42.1 + 3.3.0-RC2: + [#]## Features +- Containers inside VMs created by `podman machine` will now automatically handle port forwarding - containers in `podman machine` VMs that publish ports via `--publish` or `--publish-all` will have these ports not just forwarded on the VM, but also on the host system. +- The `podman play kube` command's `--network` option now accepts advanced network options (e.g. `--network slirp4netns:port_handler=slirp4netns`) ([#10807]( +- The `podman play kube` commmand now supports Kubernetes liveness probes, which will be created as Podman healthchecks. +- Podman now provides a systemd unit, `podman-restart.service`, which, when enabled, will restart all containers that were started with `--restart=always` after the system reboots. +- Rootless Podman can now be configured to use CNI networking by default by using the `rootless_networking` option in `containers.conf`. +- Images can now be pulled using `image:tag@digest` syntax (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34@sha256:1b0d4ddd99b1a8c8a80e885aafe6034c95f266da44ead992aab388e6aa91611a`) ([#6721]( +- The `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands can now be used to checkpoint containers that are in pods, and restore those containers into pods. +- The `podman container restore` command now features a new option, `--publish`, to change the ports that are forwarded to a container that is being restored from an exported checkpoint. +- The `podman container checkpoint` command now features a new option, `--compress`, to specify the compression algorithm that will be used on the generated checkpoint. +- The `podman pull` command can now pull multiple images at once (e.g. `podman pull fedora:34 ubi8:latest` will pull both specified images). +- THe `podman cp` command can now copy files from one container into another directly (e.g. `podman cp containera:/etc/hosts containerb:/etc/`) ([#7370]( +- The `podman cp` command now supports a new option, `--archive`, which controls whether copied files will be chown'd to the UID and GID of the user of the destination container. +- The `podman stats` command now provides two additional metrics: Average CPU, and CPU time. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--pid`, to specify the PID namespace of the pod. If specified, containers that join the pod will automatically share its PID namespace. +- The `podman pod create` command supports a new flag, `--infra-name`, which allows the name of the pod's infra container to be set ([#10794]( +- The `podman auto-update` command has had its output reformatted - it is now much clearer what images were pulled and what containers were updated. +- The `podman auto-update` command now supports a new option, `--dry-run`, which reports what would be updated but does not actually perform the update ([#9949]( +- The `podman build` command now supports a new option, `--secret`, to mount secrets into build containers. +- The `podman manifest remove` command now has a new alias, `podman manifest rm`. +- The `podman login` command now supports a new option, `--verbose`, to print detailed information about where the credentials entered were stored. +- The `podman events` command now supports a new event, `exec_died`, which is produced when an exec session exits, and includes the exit code of the exec session. +- The `podman system connection add` command now supports adding connections that connect using the `tcp://` and `unix://` URL schemes. +- The `podman system connection list` command now supports a new flag, `--format`, to determine how the output is printed. +- The `podman volume prune` and `podman volume ls` commands' `--filter` option now support a new filter, `until`, that matches volumes created before a certain time ([#10579]( +- The `podman ps --filter` option's `network` filter now accepts a new value: `container:`, which matches containers that share a network namespace with a specific container ([#10361]( +- The `podman diff` command can now accept two arguments, allowing two images or two containers to be specified; the diff between the two will be printed ([#10649]( +- Podman can now optionally copy-up content from containers into volumes mounted into those containers earlier (at creation time, instead of at runtime) via the `prepare_on_create` option in `containers.conf` ([#10262]( +- A new option, `--gpus`, has been added to `podman create` and `podman run` as a no-op for better compatibility with Docker. If the nvidia-container-runtime package is installed, GPUs should be automatically added to containers without using the flag. +- If an invalid subcommand is provided, similar commands to try will now be suggested in the error message. + [#]## Changes +- The `podman system reset` command now removes non-Podman (e.g. Buildah and CRI-O) containers as well. +- The new port forwarding offered by `podman machine` requires [gvproxy]( in order to function. +- Podman will now automatically create the default CNI network if it does not exist, for both root and rootless users. This will only be done once per user - if the network is subsequently removed, it will not be recreated. +- The `install.cni` makefile option has been removed. It is no longer required to distribute the default `87-podman.conflist` CNI configuration file, as Podman will now automatically create it. +- The `--root` option to Podman will not automatically clear all default storage options when set. Storage options can be set manually using `--storage-opt` ([#10393]( +- The output of `podman system connection list` is now deterministic, with connections being sorted alpabetically by their name. +- The auto-update service (`podman-auto-update.service`) has had its default timer adjusted so it now starts at a random time up to 15 minutes after midnight, to help prevent system congestion from numerous daily services run at once. +- Systemd unit files generated by `podman generate systemd` now depend on `` by default ([#10655]( +- The `podman info` command's logic for detecting package versions on Gentoo has been improved, and should be significantly faster. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not perform SELinux relabelling of volumes specified with a `mountPath` that included the `:z` or `:Z` options ([#9371]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would ignore the `USER` and `EXPOSE` directives in images ([#9609]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would only accept lowercase pull policies. +- Fixed a bug where named volumes mounted into containers with the `:z` or `:Z` options were not appropriately relabelled for access from the container ([#10273]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs -f` command, with the `journald` log driver, could sometimes fail to pick up the last line of output from a container ([#10323]( +- Fixed a bug where running `podman rm` on a container created with the `--rm` option would occasionally emit an error message saying the container failed to be removed, when it was successfully removed. +- Fixed a bug where starting a Podman container would segfault if the `LISTEN_PID` and `LISTEN_FDS` environment variables were set, but `LISTEN_FDNAMES` was not ([#10435]( +- Fixed a bug where exec sessions in containers were sometimes not cleaned up when run without `-d` and when the associated `podman exec` process was killed before completion. +- Fixed a bug where `podman system service` could, when run in a systemd unit file with sdnotify in use, drop some connections when it was starting up. +- Fixed a bug where containers run using the REST API using the `slirp4netns` network mode would leave zombie processes that were not cleaned up until `podman system service` exited ([#9777]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would leave zombie processes after its initial launch that were not cleaned up until it exited ([#10575]( +- Fixed a bug where VMs created by `podman machine` could not be started after the host system restarted ([#10824]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod ps` command would not show headers for optional information (e.g. container names when the `--ctr-names` option was given). +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman create` and `podman run` commands would ignore timezone configuration from the server's `containers.conf` file ([#11124]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would only respect `.containerignore` and not `.dockerignore` files (when both are present, `.containerignore` will be preferred) ([#10907]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command would fail to send the Dockerfile being built to the server when it was excluded by the `.dockerignore` file, resulting in an error ([#9867]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command could unexpectedly stop streaming the output of the build ([#10154]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest create` command accepted at most two arguments (an arbitrary number of images are allowed as arguments, which will be added to the manifest). +- Fixed a bug where named volumes would not be properly chowned to the UID and GID of the directory they were mounted over when first mounted into a container ([#10776]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman exec -i` command would hang when input was provided via shell redirection (e.g. `podman --remote exec -i foo cat <<<"hello"`) ([#7360]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created with `--rm` were not immediately removed after being started by `podman start` if they failed to start ([#10935]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--storage-opt` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10264]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--device-cgroup-rule` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was nonfunctional ([#10302]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--tls-verify` option to `podman manifest push` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman import` command could, in some circumstances, produce empty images ([#10994]( +- Fixed a bug where images pulled using the `docker-daemon:` transport had the wrong registry (`localhost` instead of ``) ([#10998]( +- Fixed a bug where operations that pruned images (`podman image prune` and `podman system prune`) would prune untagged images with children ([#10832]( +- Fixed a bug where dual-stack networks created by `podman network create` did not properly auto-assign an IPv4 subnet when one was not explicitly specified ([#11032]( +- Fixed a bug where port forwarding using the `rootlessport` port forwarder would break when a network was disconnected and then reconnected ([#10052]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would ignore user-specified SELinux policies for containers using the Kata OCI runtime, or containers using systemd as PID 1 ([#11100]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers created using `--net=host` would add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for the container's hostname pointing to `` ([#10319]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman unpause --all` command would throw an error for every container that was not paused ([#11098]( +- Fixed a bug where timestamps for the `since` and `until` filters using Unix timestamps with a nanoseconds portion could not be parsed ([#11131]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman info` command would sometimes print the wrong path for the `slirp4netns` binary. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Containers included healthcheck information for all containers, even those that did not have a configured healthcheck. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers would fail to create containers with the `NetworkMode` parameter set to `default` ([#10569]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle healthcheck commands ([#10617]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers would always send an empty string error message when no error occurred. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Stats endpoint for Containers would not error when run on rootless containers on cgroups v1 systems (nonsensical results would be returned, as this configuration cannot be supportable). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Images omitted the `ContainerConfig` field ([#10795]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images could fail, but return a 200 status code, if an image name that could not be parsed was provided. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Pull endpoint for Images would continue to pull images after the client disconnected. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List endpoint for Networks would fail for non-bridge (e.g. macvlan) networks ([#10266]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod List endpoint for Networks would return nil, instead of an empty list, when no networks were present ([#10495]( +- The Compat and Libpod Logs endpoints for Containers now support the `until` query parameter ([#10859]( +- The Compat Import endpoint for Images now supports the `platform`, `message`, and `repo` query parameters. +- The Compat Pull endpoint for Images now supports the `platform` query parameter. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.22.0 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.33.1 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.15.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.42.1 +- Update storage to 1.36.0 + 1.36.0: + (*Store)Layer(): fix race when loading layers + Add Inodes to OverlayOptionsConfig + build(deps): bump from 0.8.20 to 0.8.22 + build(deps): bump + build(deps): bump from 1.13.4 to 1.13.5 + build(deps): bump from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 + chunked: cache all the files with the same digest + chunked: do not store the digest if it is empty + chunked: estargz support + chunked: fix linkat for rootless + chunked: restrict dedup with hard links + 1.35.0: + chunked: add new pull options use_hard_links and enable_partial_images + build(deps): bump from 0.11.1 to 0.11.2 + build(deps): bump from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 + Update + Add LayerOptions.OriginalDigest and LayerOptions.UncompressedDigest + Separate the IDMappingOptions logic from other LayerOptions work + Reorganize uncompressedCounter + Only compute {un,}compressedDigester.Digest() once + Reorganize the "defragmented" reader construction a bit. + Rename {un,}compressedDigest to {un,}compressedDigester + Have NewReadCloserWrapper pass through io.WriterTo + chunked: remove unused args + chunked: fix fd leak on error + chunked: remove unused argument missingDirsMode + chunked: add new pull option use_hard_links + chunked: allow to disable partial images feature + 1.34.1: + types: on error fallback to filepath.Clean() + build(deps): bump from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4 + Add codespell fixes + ApplyDiff: compress saved headers without concurrency + build(deps): bump from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 + 1.34.0: + overlay: check for aufs-style whiteout at startup + Invert libsubid tag + 1.33.2: + build(deps): bump from 0.3.1 to 0.4.1 + Follow symlinks if they exists + idtools: add support for libsubid + Makefile: use buildtags for golangci-lint + Cirrus: Use fresh VM & Container images + build(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 + build(deps): bump from 1.13.1 to 1.13.3 + 1.33.1: + Fix handling of quota on volumes + 1.33.0: + Add inode support to quota + Creating fifo files while non root should be supported + Revert #952, we don't want to use /run/user on non systemd systems + Split pkg/chunked.ZstdCompressor into a separate subpackage + Update docs/ + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 + overlay: check if we can mknod() kernel whiteout +- Update image to 5.16.0 + v0.44.0: + * Add HelperBinariesDir field to engine config + * Add space trimming check in sysctl.Validate + * Cirrus: Use fresher VM images + * Fix `pkg/sysctl` path typo + * Fix the fallback runtime path + * Switch default Rootless Networking to "CNI" for OSX + * Update pkg/sysctl/sysctl.go + * add some cni plugin paths + * build(deps): bump from 5.15.0 to 5.16.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.34.0 to 1.35.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.15.0 to 1.16.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.4 to 1.8.5 + * docs/ Fix manpage section + * fix untag + v0.43.2 + * libimage: disk usage: catch corrupted images + * libimage: relax untag by digest checks + * path: dest paths inside container should always be treated as *nix type + * remove-image: Add optional `LookupManifest` to RemoveImagesOptions. + * runtime: Add ReturnManifestIfPresent to LookupImageOptions + * runtime: Add `ManifestList` to `LookupImageOptions` + * seccomp: allow memfd_secret + v0.43.2: + * libimage: relax untag by digest checks + * path: dest paths inside container should always be treated as *nix type + v0.43.1: + * Fix spelling mistakes + * Fix examples in containers.conf + v0.43.0: + * Add documentation for Containerfile and Dockerfile + * Remove no_libsubid flag + * Add machine_image to containers.conf + * build(deps): bump from 1.33.1 to 1.34.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.2 to 1.8.4 + * Add machine_image to containers.conf + * Switch default logdriver and eventslogger to journald, if root + * build(deps): bump from 0.3.1 to 0.4.1 + * build(deps): bump from 1.14.0 to 1.15.0 + * libimage: {un}tag: reject digests + * build(deps): bump from 20.10.7+incompatible to 20.10.8+incompatible + * style: complete containers#556 to-do list part 4 + * build(deps): bump from 5.14.0 to 5.15.0 + * set GOPROXY= + v0.42.1: + * pull: fallthrough for registry parsing errors + v0.42.0: + * Remove --accept-repositories flag + * pull policy: support camel cases + * Use authfile in options to search image + * vendor in containers/storage v1.33.0 + * config: split arguments in DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS + * pkg/seccomp: avoid DefaultErrnoRet: null + * Add and use libimage.Runtime.imageIDsForManifest() + * Add libimage/manifests.LockerForImage() + * Add support for path based registry in login/logout + * libimage: pull: normalize docker-daemon + * libimage: report all removed images + * libruntime: layer tree: handle empty images + * refine dangling filters + * libimage.RuntimeFromStore(): stop overriding the BlobInfoCache location + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 + * pull with custom platform: handle "localhost/" + * User option to prepare container after creation for volume copy-up. Docker does this by default. + * add config option for ChownCopiedFiles + * build(deps): bump from 1.32.5 to 1.32.6 + * libimage: image tree: fix nil deref + +- Comment out ostree_repo if it's blank [boo#1189893] + +- Comment out ostree_repo [boo#1189893] + +- Update common to 0.41.0 + 0.38.18: + [0.38] seccomp: add support for defaultErrnoRet + 0.41.0: + Allow /etc/containers/containers.conf to be read by non-root + Created numMem_linux.go and numMem.go and nummem_unsupported.go + Fix default definition of secrets in containers.conf + Report bad entries in containers.conf to the user + add shelldriver. + build(deps): bump from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 + build(deps): bump from 1.32.2 to 1.32.5 + build(deps): bump from 1.1.2 to 1.4.1 + build(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 + feat: add shell secret driver. + libimage: LookupImage: remove IgnorePlatform option + libimage: `(*Runtime).SystemContext()` + libimage: events: deferred write + libimage: force internal image lookups to ignore arch + libimage: import: fix tags + libimage: pull: enforce pull policy for custom platforms + libimage: pull: ignore platform for local image lookup + libimage: pull: override even --pull=never with custom platform + pull: custom platform: do not use local image name + 0.38.13: + * libimage: events: deferred write + 0.38.12: + * pull: custom platform: do not use local image name + 0.40.1: + Vendor in containers/image v5.13.2 + seccomp: tweak default profile (followup for #573) + libimage: lookup images by custom platform + libimage: force remove: only untag on multi tag image + build(deps): bump from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1 + Set BigFilesTemporaryDir to GetEnv(TMPDIR) if set or /var/tmp + seccomp: always allow get_mempolicy, set_mempolicy, mbind + seccomp: let membarrier fail with ENOSYS + seccomp: allow rseq + seccomp: allow pkey_* + seccomp: let io_uring_* fail with ENOSYS + seccomp: allow clone3 + 0.40.0: + Add default for log-tag + Add support for config drop in directories + Do not set the default netns + Don't use systemd defaults if /proc/1/comm != systemd + Fix spacing on name value pairs to be consistent + Leave default seccomp path empty + Sort containers.conf and + Strip extra trailing newlines in templates + Tests are writing customer config to host machine + Use SetCredentials and add verbose to loginopts + [NO TESTS NEEDED] Sort containers.conf and + add 'secret' section to the containers.conf struct. + add @Luap99 to OWNERS + add passdriver for secrets. + build(deps): bump from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.32.0 to 1.32.2 + build(deps): bump + build(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.3.2 + build(deps): bump from 1.16.2 to 1.16.4 + build(deps): bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 + fix autodiscovery of the secret passdriver. + fixed comments + libimage: fix Exists + libimage: pull: turn image-lookup errors non-fatal + libmage: Exists: catch corrupted images + made necessary changes to handle OS/Arch while importing an image + pkg/config: fix systemd compile errors + pull: don't resolve short names on explicit docker:// reference + seccomp: add support for defaultErrnoRet + seccomp: allow more *_time64 syscalls + seccomp: allow timer_settime64 + seccomp: switch default to ENOSYS + secrets: fix build with go 1.15 + support tag@digest notation + 0.39.0: + Vendor in containers/storage v1.32.0 + Ensure configuration directory is created for networks + Include gateway in generated default networks + Use Private as default for rootless when we want CNI + rootless networking + libimage: add some comments + libimage: add more image tests + build(deps): bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 + rootless_networking = "slirp4netns | cni" + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc94 to 1.0.0-rc95 +- Update podman to 3.2.3 + 3.2.3: + [#]## Security +- This release addresses CVE-2021-3602, an issue with the `podman build` command with the `--isolation chroot` flag that results in environment variables from the host leaking into build containers. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where events related to images could occur before the relevant operation had completed (e.g. an image pull event could be written before the pull was finished) ([#10812]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman save` would refuse to save images with an architecture different from that of the host ([#10835]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman import` command did not correctly handle images without tags ([#10854]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman's journald events backend would fail and prevent Podman from running when run on a host with systemd as PID1 but in an environment (e.g. a container) without systemd ([#10863]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using rootless CNI networking would fail to start when the `dnsname` CNI plugin was in use and the host system's `/etc/resolv.conf` was a symlink ([#10855]( and [#10929]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using rootless CNI networking could fail to start due to a race in rootless CNI initialization ([#10930]( + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.21.3 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.16 +- Update storage to 1.32.6 + 1.32.6: + Fix runtime panic for opening lockfile if parent dir got removed + Cleanup exclude exceptions path + build(deps): bump from 0.8.17 to 0.8.20 + Add test for bad entries in storage.conf + chunked: fix the path used for layers dedup + Report bad entries in storage.conf to the user + Use /run/user/UID in rootless mode if writable +- Update image to 5.14.0 + v0.41.0: + * Allow /etc/containers/containers.conf to be read by non-root + * Created numMem_linux.go and numMem.go and nummem_unsupported.go + * Fix default definition of secrets in containers.conf + * Report bad entries in containers.conf to the user + * add shelldriver. + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 + * build(deps): bump from 1.32.2 to 1.32.5 + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.2 to 1.4.1 + * build(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 + * feat: add shell secret driver. + * libimage: LookupImage: remove IgnorePlatform option + * libimage: `(*Runtime).SystemContext()` + * libimage: events: deferred write + * libimage: force internal image lookups to ignore arch + * libimage: import: fix tags + * libimage: pull: enforce pull policy for custom platforms + * libimage: pull: ignore platform for local image lookup + * libimage: pull: override even --pull=never with custom platform + * pull: custom platform: do not use local image name + v0.40.1: + * Vendor in containers/image v5.13.2 + * seccomp: tweak default profile (followup for #573) + * libimage: lookup images by custom platform + * libimage: force remove: only untag on multi tag image + * build(deps): bump from 5.13.0 to 5.13.1 + * Set BigFilesTemporaryDir to GetEnv(TMPDIR) if set or /var/tmp + * seccomp: always allow get_mempolicy, set_mempolicy, mbind + * seccomp: let membarrier fail with ENOSYS + * seccomp: allow rseq + * seccomp: allow pkey_* + * seccomp: let io_uring_* fail with ENOSYS + * seccomp: allow clone3 + v0.40.0: + * Add default for log-tag + * Add support for config drop in directories + * Do not set the default netns + * Don't use systemd defaults if /proc/1/comm != systemd + * Fix spacing on name value pairs to be consistent + * Leave default seccomp path empty + * Sort containers.conf and + * Strip extra trailing newlines in templates + * Tests are writing customer config to host machine + * Use SetCredentials and add verbose to loginopts + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Sort containers.conf and + * add 'secret' section to the containers.conf struct. + * add @Luap99 to OWNERS + * add passdriver for secrets. + * build(deps): bump from 5.12.0 to 5.13.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.32.0 to 1.32.2 + * build(deps): bump + * build(deps): bump from 0.3.0 to 0.3.2 + * build(deps): bump from 1.16.2 to 1.16.4 + * build(deps): bump from 1.12.0 to 1.13.0 + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 + * fix autodiscovery of the secret passdriver. + * fixed comments + * libimage: fix Exists + * libimage: pull: turn image-lookup errors non-fatal + * libmage: Exists: catch corrupted images + * made necessary changes to handle OS/Arch while importing an image + * pkg/config: fix systemd compile errors + * pull: don't resolve short names on explicit docker:// reference + * seccomp: add support for defaultErrnoRet + * seccomp: allow more *_time64 syscalls + * seccomp: allow timer_settime64 + * seccomp: switch default to ENOSYS + * secrets: fix build with go 1.15 + * support tag@digest notation + v0.39: + * Vendor in containers/storage v1.32.0 + * Ensure configuration directory is created for networks + * Include gateway in generated default networks + * Use Private as default for rootless when we want CNI + * rootless networking + * libimage: add some comments + * libimage: add more image tests + * build(deps): bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 + * rootless_networking = "slirp4netns | cni" + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc94 to 1.0.0-rc95 + +- Mention libcontainers-common.rpmlintrc as source +- Use versioned obsoletes + +- Update common to 0.38.11 + 0.38.11: + * Strip extra trailing newlines in templates + * Set BigFilesTemporaryDir to GetEnv(TMPDIR) if set or /var/tmp + 0.38.10: + * libimage: pull: override even --pull=never with custom platfo + * libimage: pull: enforce pull policy for custom platforms + * libimage: pull: ignore platform for local image lookup + * Allow /etc/containers/containers.conf to be read by non-root + * [0.38] libimage: force remove: only untag on multi tag image + 0.38.9: + * libimage: fix Exists + 0.38.8: + * libmage: Exists: catch corrupted images + 0.38.7: + * libimage: pull: turn image-lookup errors non-fatal + 0.38.6: + * [0.38] Leave default seccomp path empty + 0.38.5: + * pull: don't resolve short names on explicit docker:// reference + 0.38.4: + Revert "Do not emit warnings about OCI runtime paths" + libimage: lookup: tolerate corrupted image + 0.38.3: + build(deps): bump from 1.30.3 to 1.31.1 + libimage: fix manifest list lookup +- Update podman to 3.2.2 + 3.2.2: + [#]## Changes +- Podman's handling of the Architecture field of images has been relaxed. Since 3.2.0, Podman required that the architecture of the image match the architecture of the system to run containers based on an image, but images often incorrectly report architecture, causing Podman to reject valid images ([#10648]( and [#10682]( +- Podman no longer uses inotify to monitor for changes to CNI configurations. This removes potential issues where Podman cannot be run because a user has exhausted their available inotify sessions ([#10686]( + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` would, when given a directory as its source and a target that existed and was a file, copy the contents of the directory into the parent directory of the file; this now results in an error. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command would, when following a running container's logs, not include the last line of output from the container when it exited when the `k8s-file` driver was in use ([#10675]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to run containers if `systemd-resolved` was incorrectly detected as the system's DNS server ([#10733]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec -t` command would only resize the exec session's TTY after the session started, leading to a race condition where the terminal would initially not have a size set ([#10560]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode would add an incorrect entry to `/etc/hosts` pointing the container's hostname to the wrong IP address. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would create volumes specified by images with incorrect permissions ([#10188]( and [#10606]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not respect the `uid` and `gid` options to `podman volume create -o` ([#10620]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` command could panic when parsing the system's cgroup configuration ([#10666]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build -f - ...` command did not read a Containerfile from STDIN ([#10621]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman container restore --import` command would fail to restore checkpoints created from privileged containers ([#10615]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman was not respecting the `TMPDIR` environment variable when pulling images ([#10698]( +- Fixed a bug where a number of Podman commands did not properly support using Go templates as an argument to the `--format` option. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not include information on container healthchecks ([#10457]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod and Compat Build endpoints for Images did not properly handle the `devices` query parameter ([#10614]( + [#]## Misc +- Fixed a bug where the Makefile's `make podman-remote-static` target to build a statically-linked `podman-remote` binary was instead producing dynamic binaries ([#10656]( +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.11 + 3.2.1: + [#]## Changes +- Podman now allows corrupt images (e.g. from restarting the system during an image pull) to be replaced by a `podman pull` of the same image (instead of requiring they be removed first, then re-pulled). + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to start containers if a Seccomp profile was not available at `/usr/share/containers/seccomp.json` ([#10556]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman machine start` command failed on OS X machines with the AMD64 architecture and certain QEMU versions ([#10555]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would always use the slow path for joining the rootless user namespace. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would fail on Cgroups v1 systems when run on a container running systemd ([#10602]( +- Fixed a bug where pre-checkpoint support for `podman container checkpoint` did not function correctly. +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not properly handle the `-f` option ([#9871]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman run` command would sometimes not resize the container's terminal before execution began ([#9859]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter` option to the `podman image prune` command was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs -f` command would exit before all output for a container was printed when the `k8s-file` log driver was in use ([#10596]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not correctly detect that systemd-resolved was in use on the host and adjust DNS servers in the container appropriately under some circumstances ([#10570]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` commands acted improperly when containers were in the Created state, marking the changes as done but not actually performing them. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Prune endpoints for Networks returned null, instead of an empty array, when nothing was pruned. +- Fixed a bug where the Create API for Images would continue to pull images even if a client closed the connection mid-pull ([#7558]( +- Fixed a bug where the Events API did not include some information (including labels) when sending events. +- Fixed a bug where the Events API would, when streaming was not requested, send at most one event ([#10529]( + [#]## Misc +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.9 + 3.2.0: + [#]## Features +- Docker Compose is now supported with rootless Podman ([#9169]( +- The `podman network connect`, `podman network disconnect`, and `podman network reload` commands have been enabled for rootless Podman. +- An experimental new set of commands, `podman machine`, was added to assist in managing virtual machines containing a Podman server. These are intended for easing the use of Podman on OS X by handling the creation of a Linux VM for running Podman. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now be run on Podman named volumes (generating `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML), in addition to pods and containers. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports two new options, `--ip` and `--mac`, to set static IPs and MAC addresses for created pods ([#8442]( and [#9731]( +- The `podman play kube` command's support for `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML has been greatly improved. +- The `podman generate kube` command now preserves the label used by `podman auto-update` to identify containers to update as a Kubernetes annotation, and the `podman play kube` command will convert this annotation back into a label. This allows `podman auto-update` to be used with containers created by `podman play kube`. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports Kubernetes `secretRef` YAML (using the secrets support from `podman secret`) for environment variables. +- Secrets can now be added to containers as environment variables using the `type=env` option to the `--secret` flag to `podman create` and `podman run`. +- The `podman start` command now supports the `--all` option, allowing all containers to be started simultaneously with a single command. The `--filter` option has also been added to filter which containers to start when `--all` is used. +- Filtering containers with the `--filter` option to `podman ps` and `podman start` now supports a new filter, `restart-policy`, to filter containers based on their restart policy. +- The `--group-add` option to rootless `podman run` and `podman create` now accepts a new value, `keep-groups`, which instructs Podman to retain the supplemental groups of the user running Podman in the created container. This is only supported with the `crun` OCI runtime. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--timeout`. This sets a maximum time the container is allowed to run, after which it is killed ([#6412]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--pidfile`. This will create a file when the container is started containing the PID of the first process in the container. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--requires`. The `--requires` option adds dependency containers - containers that must be running before the current container. Commands like `podman start` will automatically start the requirements of a container before starting the container itself. +- Auto-updating containers can now be done with locally-built images, not just images hosted on a registry, by creating containers with the `io.containers.autoupdate` label set to `local`. +- Podman now supports the [Container Device Interface]( (CDI) standard. +- Podman now adds an entry to `/etc/hosts`, `host.containers.internal`, pointing to the current gateway (which, for root containers, is usually a bridge interface on the host system) ([#5651]( +- The `podman ps`, `podman pod ps`, `podman network list`, `podman secret list`, and `podman volume list` commands now support a `--noheading` option, which will cause Podman to omit the heading line including column names. +- The `podman unshare` command now supports a new flag, `--rootless-cni`, to join the rootless network namespace. This allows commands to be run in the same network environment as rootless containers with CNI networking. +- The `--security-opt unmask=` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports glob operations to unmask a group of paths at once (e.g. `podman run --security-opt unmask=/proc/* ...` will unmask all paths in `/proc` in the container). +- The `podman network prune` command now supports a `--filter` option to filter which networks will be pruned. + [#]## Changes +- The change in Podman 3.1.2 where the `:z` and `:Z` mount options for volumes were ignored for privileged containers has been reverted after discussion in [#10209]( +- Podman's rootless CNI functionality no longer requires a sidecar container! The removal of the requirement for the `rootless-cni-infra` container means that rootless CNI is now usable on all architectures, not just AMD64, and no longer requires pulling an image ([#8709]( +- The Image handling code used by Podman has seen a major rewrite to improve code sharing with our other projects, Buildah and CRI-O. This should result in fewer bugs and performance gains in the long term. Work on this is still ongoing. +- The `podman auto-update` command now prunes previous versions of images after updating if they are unused, to prevent disk exhaustion after repeated updates ([#10190]( +- The `podman play kube` now treats environment variables configured as references to a `ConfigMap` as mandatory unless the `optional` parameter was set; this better matches the behavior of Kubernetes. +- Podman now supports the `--context=default` flag from Docker as a no-op for compatibility purposes. +- When Podman is run as root, but without `CAP_SYS_ADMIN` being available, it will run in a user namespace using the same code as rootless Podman (instead of failing outright). +- The `podman info` command now includes the path of the Seccomp profile Podman is using, available cgroup controllers, and whether Podman is connected to a remote service or running containers locally. +- Containers created with the `--rm` option now automatically use the `volatile` storage flag when available for their root filesystems, causing them not to write changes to disk as often as they will be removed at completion anyways. This should result in improved performance. +- The `podman generate systemd --new` command will now include environment variables referenced by the container in generated unit files if the value would be looked up from the system environment. +- Podman now requires that Conmon v2.0.24 be available. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not support the `--arch`, `--platform`, and `--os`, options. +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command ignored the `--rm=false` option ([#9869]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build --iidfile` command could include extra output (in addition to just the image ID) in the image ID file written ([#10233]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not preserve hardlinks when moving files into the container via `COPY` instructions ([#9893]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate extra `--iidfile` arguments if the container was already created with one. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command would generate unit files that did not include `RequiresMountsFor` lines ([#10493]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command produced incorrect YAML for containers which bind-mounted both `/` and `/root` from the host system into the container ([#9764]( +- Fixed a bug where pods created by `podman play kube` from YAML that specified `ShareProcessNamespace` would only share the PID namespace (and not also the UTS, Network, and IPC namespaces) ([#9128]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network reload` command could generate spurious error messages when `iptables-nft` was in use. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to attach to containers when the user running Podman had a large UID. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` command could fail with a `no such container` error due to a race condition with container removal ([#10120]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode and setting a custom `slirp4netns` subnet while using the `rootlesskit` port forwarder would not be able to forward ports ([#9828]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter ancestor=` option to `podman ps` did not require an exact match of the image name/ID to include a container in its results. +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter until=` option to `podman image prune` would prune images created after the specified time (instead of before). +- Fixed a bug where setting a custom Seccomp profile via the `seccomp_profile` option in `containers.conf` had no effect, and the default profile was used instead. +- Fixed a bug where the `--cgroup-parent` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was ignored in rootless Podman on cgroups v2 systems with the `cgroupfs` cgroup manager ([#10173]( +- Fixed a bug where the `IMAGE` and `NAME` variables in `podman container runlabel` were not being correctly substituted ([#10192]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could freeze when creating containers with a specific combination of volumes and working directory ([#10216]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers restarted by restart policy (e.g. containers created with `--restart=always`) would lose networking after being restarted ([#8047]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command could not copy files into containers created with the `--pid=host` flag ([#9985]( +- Fixed a bug where filters to the `podman events` command could not be specified twice (if a filter is specified more than once, it will match if any of the given values match - logical or) ([#10507]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would include IPv6 nameservers in `resolv.conf` in containers without IPv6 connectivity ([#10158]( +- Fixed a bug where containers could not be created with static IP addresses when connecting to a network using the `macvlan` driver ([#10283]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not allow advanced network options to be set ([#10110]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers ignored static IP information provided in the `IPAMConfig` block ([#10245]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers returned null (instead of an empty list) for Networks when the container was not joined to a CNI network ([#9837]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers could miss containers exiting if they were immediately restarted. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Volumes required that the user provide a name for the new volume ([#9803]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Info handler would sometimes not return the correct path to the Podman API socket. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Events handler used the wrong name for container exited events (`died` instead of `die`) ([#10168]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Push endpoint for Images could leak goroutines if the remote end closed the connection prematurely. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.21.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.5 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.31.3 + 3.2.0-RC3: + This is the third release candidate for Podman v3.2.0. We expect it will be the final RC. + Preliminary release notes follow: + [#]## Features +- Docker Compose is now supported with rootless Podman ([#9169]( +- The `podman network connect`, `podman network disconnect`, and `podman network reload` commands have been enabled for rootless Podman. +- An experimental new set of commands, `podman machine`, was added to assist in managing virtual machines containing a Podman server. These are intended for easing the use of Podman on OS X by handling the creation of a Linux VM for running Podman. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now be run on Podman named volumes (generating `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML), in addition to pods and containers. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports two new options, `--ip` and `--mac`, to set static IPs and MAC addresses for created pods ([#8442]( and [#9731]( +- The `podman play kube` command's support for `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML has been greatly improved. +- The `podman generate kube` command now preserves the label used by `podman auto-update` to identify containers to update as a Kubernetes annotation, and the `podman play kube` command will convert this annotation back into a label. This allows `podman auto-update` to be used with containers created by `podman play kube`. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports Kubernetes `secretRef` YAML (using the secrets support from `podman secret`) for environment variables. +- Secrets can now be added to containers as environment variables using the `type=env` option to the `--secret` flag to `podman create` and `podman run`. +- The `podman start` command now supports the `--all` option, allowing all containers to be started simultaneously with a single command. The `--filter` option has also been added to filter which containers to start when `--all` is used. +- Filtering containers with the `--filter` option to `podman ps` and `podman start` now supports a new filter, `restart-policy`, to filter containers based on their restart policy. +- The `--group-add` option to rootless `podman run` and `podman create` now accepts a new value, `keep-groups`, which instructs Podman to retain the supplemental groups of the user running Podman in the created container. This is only supported with the `crun` OCI runtime. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--timeout`. This sets a maximum time the container is allowed to run, after which it is killed ([#6412]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--pidfile`. This will create a file when the container is started containing the PID of the first process in the container. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--requires`. The `--requires` option adds dependency containers - containers that must be running before the current container. Commands like `podman start` will automatically start the requirements of a container before starting the container itself. +- Auto-updating containers can now be done with locally-built images, not just images hosted on a registry, by creating containers with the `io.containers.autoupdate` label set to `local`. +- Podman now supports the [Container Device Interface]( (CDI) standard. +- Podman now adds an entry to `/etc/hosts`, `host.containers.internal`, pointing to the current gateway (which, for root containers, is usually a bridge interface on the host system) ([#5651]( +- The `podman ps`, `podman pod ps`, `podman network list`, `podman secret list`, and `podman volume list` commands now support a `--noheading` option, which will cause Podman to omit the heading line including column names. +- The `podman unshare` command now supports a new flag, `--rootless-cni`, to join the rootless network namespace. This allows commands to be run in the same network environment as rootless containers with CNI networking. +- The `--security-opt unmask=` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports glob operations to unmask a group of paths at once (e.g. `podman run --security-opt unmask=/proc/* ...` will unmask all paths in `/proc` in the container). +- The `podman network prune` command now supports a `--filter` option to filter which networks will be pruned. + [#]## Changes +- The change in Podman 3.1.2 where the `:z` and `:Z` mount options for volumes were ignored for privileged containers has been reverted after discussion in [#10209]( +- Podman's rootless CNI functionality no longer requires a sidecar container! The removal of the requirement for the `rootless-cni-infra` container means that rootless CNI is now usable on all architectures, not just AMD64, and no longer requires pulling an image ([#8709]( +- The Image handling code used by Podman has seen a major rewrite to improve code sharing with our other projects, Buildah and CRI-O. This should result in fewer bugs and performance gains in the long term. Work on this is still ongoing. +- The `podman auto-update` command now prunes previous versions of images after updating if they are unused, to prevent disk exhaustion after repeated updates ([#10190]( +- The `podman play kube` now treats environment variables configured as references to a `ConfigMap` as mandatory unless the `optional` parameter was set; this better matches the behavior of Kubernetes. +- Podman now supports the `--context=default` flag from Docker as a no-op for compatibility purposes. +- When Podman is run as root, but without `CAP_SYS_ADMIN` being available, it will run in a user namespace using the same code as rootless Podman (instead of failing outright). +- The `podman info` command now includes the path of the Seccomp profile Podman is using, available cgroup controllers, and whether Podman is connected to a remote service or running containers locally. +- Containers created with the `--rm` option now automatically use the `volatile` storage flag when available for their root filesystems, causing them not to write changes to disk as often as they will be removed at completion anyways. This should result in improved performance. +- The `podman generate systemd --new` command will now include environment variables referenced by the container in generated unit files if the value would be looked up from the system environment. +- Podman now requires that Conmon v2.0.24 be available. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not support the `--arch`, `--platform`, and `--os`, options. +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command ignored the `--rm=false` option ([#9869]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build --iidfile` command could include extra output (in addition to just the image ID) in the image ID file written ([#10233]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not preserve hardlinks when moving files into the container via `COPY` instructions ([#9893]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate extra `--iidfile` arguments if the container was already created with one. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command produced incorrect YAML for containers which bind-mounted both `/` and `/root` from the host system into the container ([#9764]( +- Fixed a bug where pods created by `podman play kube` from YAML that specified `ShareProcessNamespace` would only share the PID namespace (and not also the UTS, Network, and IPC namespaces) ([#9128]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network reload` command could generate spurious error messages when `iptables-nft` was in use. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to attach to containers when the user running Podman had a large UID. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` command could fail with a `no such container` error due to a race condition with container removal ([#10120]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode and setting a custom `slirp4netns` subnet while using the `rootlesskit` port forwarder would not be able to forward ports ([#9828]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter ancestor=` option to `podman ps` did not require an exact match of the image name/ID to include a container in its results. +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter until=` option to `podman image prune` would prune images created after the specified time (instead of before). +- Fixed a bug where setting a custom Seccomp profile via the `seccomp_profile` option in `containers.conf` had no effect, and the default profile was used instead. +- Fixed a bug where the `--cgroup-parent` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was ignored in rootless Podman on cgroups v2 systems with the `cgroupfs` cgroup manager ([#10173]( +- Fixed a bug where the `IMAGE` and `NAME` variables in `podman container runlabel` were not being correctly substituted ([#10192]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could freeze when creating containers with a specific combination of volumes and working directory ([#10216]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers restarted by restart policy (e.g. containers created with `--restart=always`) would lose networking after being restarted ([#8047]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command could not copy files into containers created with the `--pid=host` flag ([#9985]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not allow advanced network options to be set ([#10110]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers ignored static IP information provided in the `IPAMConfig` block ([#10245]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers returned null (instead of an empty list) for Networks when the container was not joined to a CNI network ([#9837]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers could miss containers exiting if they were immediately restarted. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Volumes required that the user provide a name for the new volume ([#9803]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Info handler would sometimes not return the correct path to the Podman API socket. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Events handler used the wrong name for container exited events (`died` instead of `die`) ([#10168]( + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.21.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.4 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.31.1 + 3.2.0-RC2: + This is the second release candidate for Podman v3.2.0. We expect a final RC early next week, and a final release late next week if all goes well + Preliminary release notes follow: + [#]## Features +- Docker Compose is now supported with rootless Podman ([#9169]( +- The `podman network connect`, `podman network disconnect`, and `podman network reload` commands have been enabled for rootless Podman. +- An experimental new set of commands, `podman machine`, was added to assist in managing virtual machines containing a Podman server. These are intended for easing the use of Podman on OS X by handling the creation of a Linux VM for running Podman. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now be run on Podman named volumes (generating `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML), in addition to pods and containers. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports two new options, `--ip` and `--mac`, to set static IPs and MAC addresses for created pods ([#8442]( and [#9731]( +- The `podman play kube` command's support for `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML has been greatly improved. +- The `podman generate kube` command now preserves the label used by `podman auto-update` to identify containers to update as a Kubernetes annotation, and the `podman play kube` command will convert this annotation back into a label. This allows `podman auto-update` to be used with containers created by `podman play kube`. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports Kubernetes `secretRef` YAML (using the secrets support from `podman secret`) for environment variables. +- Secrets can now be added to containers as environment variables using the `type=env` option to the `--secret` flag to `podman create` and `podman run`. +- The `podman start` command now supports the `--all` option, allowing all containers to be started simultaneously with a single command. The `--filter` option has also been added to filter which containers to start when `--all` is used. +- Filtering containers with the `--filter` option to `podman ps` and `podman start` now supports a new filter, `restart-policy`, to filter containers based on their restart policy. +- The `--group-add` option to rootless `podman run` and `podman create` now accepts a new value, `keep-groups`, which instructs Podman to retain the supplemental groups of the user running Podman in the created container. This is only supported with the `crun` OCI runtime. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--timeout`. This sets a maximum time the container is allowed to run, after which it is killed ([#6412]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--pidfile`. This will create a file when the container is started containing the PID of the first process in the container. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--requires`. The `--requires` option adds dependency containers - containers that must be running before the current container. Commands like `podman start` will automatically start the requirements of a container before starting the container itself. +- Auto-updating containers can now be done with locally-built images, not just images hosted on a registry, by creating containers with the `io.containers.autoupdate` label set to `local`. +- Podman now supports the [Container Device Interface]( (CDI) standard. +- Podman now adds an entry to `/etc/hosts`, `host.containers.internal`, pointing to the current gateway (which, for root containers, is usually a bridge interface on the host system) ([#5651]( +- The `podman ps`, `podman pod ps`, `podman network list`, `podman secret list`, and `podman volume list` commands now support a `--noheading` option, which will cause Podman to omit the heading line including column names. +- The `podman unshare` command now supports a new flag, `--rootless-cni`, to join the rootless network namespace. This allows commands to be run in the same network environment as rootless containers with CNI networking. +- The `--security-opt unmask=` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports glob operations to unmask a group of paths at once (e.g. `podman run --security-opt unmask=/proc/* ...` will unmask all paths in `/proc` in the container). +- The `podman network prune` command now supports a `--filter` option to filter which networks will be pruned. + [#]## Changes +- The change in Podman 3.1.2 where the `:z` and `:Z` mount options for volumes were ignored for privileged containers has been reverted after discussion in [#10209]( +- Podman's rootless CNI functionality no longer requires a sidecar container! The removal of the requirement for the `rootless-cni-infra` container means that rootless CNI is now usable on all architectures, not just AMD64, and no longer requires pulling an image ([#8709]( +- The Image handling code used by Podman has seen a major rewrite to improve code sharing with our other projects, Buildah and CRI-O. This should result in fewer bugs and performance gains in the long term. Work on this is still ongoing. +- The `podman auto-update` command now prunes previous versions of images after updating if they are unused, to prevent disk exhaustion after repeated updates ([#10190]( +- The `podman play kube` now treats environment variables configured as references to a `ConfigMap` as mandatory unless the `optional` parameter was set; this better matches the behavior of Kubernetes. +- Podman now supports the `--context=default` flag from Docker as a no-op for compatibility purposes. +- When Podman is run as root, but without `CAP_SYS_ADMIN` being available, it will run in a user namespace using the same code as rootless Podman (instead of failing outright). +- The `podman info` command now includes the path of the Seccomp profile Podman is using, and whether Podman is connected to a remote service or running containers locally. +- Containers created with the `--rm` option now automatically use the `volatile` storage flag when available for their root filesystems, causing them not to write changes to disk as often as they will be removed at completion anyways. This should result in improved performance. +- The `podman generate systemd --new` command will now include environment variables referenced by the container in generated unit files if the value would be looked up from the system environment. +- Podman now requires that Conmon v2.0.24 be available. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command did not support the `--arch`, `--platform`, and `--os`, options. +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command ignored the `--rm=false` option ([#9869]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate extra `--iidfile` arguments if the container was already created with one. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command produced incorrect YAML for containers which bind-mounted both `/` and `/root` from the host system into the container ([#9764]( +- Fixed a bug where pods created by `podman play kube` from YAML that specified `ShareProcessNamespace` would only share the PID namespace (and not also the UTS, Network, and IPC namespaces) ([#9128]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network reload` command could generate spurious error messages when `iptables-nft` was in use. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to attach to containers when the user running Podman had a large UID. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` command could fail with a `no such container` error due to a race condition with container removal ([#10120]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode and setting a custom `slirp4netns` subnet while using the `rootlesskit` port forwarder would not be able to forward ports ([#9828]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter ancestor=` option to `podman ps` did not require an exact match of the image name/ID to include a container in its results. +- Fixed a bug where the `--filter until=` option to `podman image prune` would prune images created after the specified time (instead of before). +- Fixed a bug where setting a custom Seccomp profile via the `seccomp_profile` option in `containers.conf` had no effect, and the default profile was used instead. +- Fixed a bug where the `--cgroup-parent` option to `podman create` and `podman run` was ignored in rootless Podman on cgroups v2 systems with the `cgroupfs` cgroup manager ([#10173]( +- Fixed a bug where the `IMAGE` and `NAME` variables in `podman container runlabel` were not being correctly substituted ([#10192]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build --iidfile` command could include extra output (in addition to just the image ID) in the image ID file written ([#10233]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could freeze when creating containers with a specific combination of volumes and working directory ([#10216]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers restarted by restart policy (e.g. containers created with `--restart=always`) would lose networking after being restarted ([#8047]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not allow advanced network options to be set ([#10110]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers ignored static IP information provided in the `IPAMConfig` block ([#10245]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers returned null (instead of an empty list) for Networks when the container was not joined to a CNI network ([#9837]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers could miss containers exiting if they were immediately restarted. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Volumes required that the user provide a name for the new volume ([#9803]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Info handler would sometimes not return the correct path to the Podman API socket. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Events handler used the wrong name for container exited events (`died` instead of `die`) ([#10168]( + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.21.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.38.4 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.31.1 + 3.2.0-RC1: + This is the first release candidate for the Podman v3.2.0 release. Podman 3.2.0 features improved rootless networking (including support for rootless Docker compose), a rewritten image backend, and numerous other changes. + Full release notes will be available with the release of RC2 next week. +- Update storage to 1.32.5 + 1.32.5: + Fix handling of user namespace + 1.32.4: + Vendor in opencontainers/runc v1.0.0 + overlay: fix check for rootless native diff + 1.32.3: + Reload layer storage if layers.json got externally modified + build(deps): bump from 1.13.0 to 1.13.1 + Fix cancel deferred remove bug + Cirrus: Fix references to master branch + [CI:DOCS] Fix docs links due to branch rename + 1.32.2: + lockfile: merge Seek+Read/Write into Pread/Pwrite + Added support for CONTAINERS_STORAGE_CONF override + canUseShifting can segfault + build(deps): bump from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 + build(deps): bump from 1.12.3 to 1.13.0 + overlay: make userxattr,metacopy=on debug message + build(deps): bump from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 + 1.31.3: + * store: ReloadIfChanged propagates errors from Modified() + * store: load additional image stores once + * store: fix graphLock reload + 1.32.1: + store: fix graphLock reload + store: ReloadIfChanged propagates errors from Modified() + store: load additional image stores once + delete_internal: return error early + build(deps): bump from 1.12.2 to 1.12.3 + 1.32.0: + chunked: fix build on other platforms + Avoid failure when umount an unmounted mountpoint + overlay: enable native diff for fuse-overlayfs + Enable to export layers from Additional Layer Store + 1.31.2: + build(deps): bump from 0.4.17 to 0.5.0 + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc94 to 1.0.0-rc95 + reintroduce store: allow shifting only with contiguous mappings + overlay: check for unix.ENOTSUP + archive/overlay: ignore failures from nested whiteouts + overlay: honor DisableShifting + store: allow shifting only with contiguous mappings + 1.31.1: + Revert "store: allow shifting only with contiguous mappings" +- Update image to 5.13.2 + v0.38.11: + * Strip extra trailing newlines in templates + * Set BigFilesTemporaryDir to GetEnv(TMPDIR) if set or /var/tmp + v0.38.10: + * libimage: pull: override even --pull=never with custom platfo + * libimage: pull: enforce pull policy for custom platforms + * libimage: pull: ignore platform for local image lookup + * Allow /etc/containers/containers.conf to be read by non-root + * [0.38] libimage: force remove: only untag on multi tag image + v0.38.9: + * libimage: fix Exists + v0.38.8: + * libmage: Exists: catch corrupted images + v0.38.7: + * libimage: pull: turn image-lookup errors non-fatal + v0.38.6: + * [0.38] Leave default seccomp path empty + v0.38.5: + * pull: don't resolve short names on explicit docker:// reference + v0.38.4: + * Revert "Do not emit warnings about OCI runtime paths" + * libimage: lookup: tolerate corrupted image + v0.38.3: + * build(deps): bump from 1.30.3 to 1.31.1 + * libimage: fix manifest list lookup + +- Update image to 5.12.0 + v0.38.2: + * libimage: add save tests + * libimage/Image.HasDifferentDigest: handle manifest lists + * libimage: push: ignore image platform + * Cirrus: Use config. in common with all repos. + * libimage: add import test + * Fix handling of all capabilities + * libimage: add save tests + * containers.conf: don't set default logging driver + v0.38.1: + * libimage: add save tests + * libimage/Image.HasDifferentDigest: handle manifest lists + * libimage: push: ignore image platform + * Cirrus: Use config. in common with all repos. + * libimage: add import test + * Fix handling of all capabilities + * libimage: add save tests + * containers.conf: don't set default logging driver + v0.38.1: + * adjust log-driver defaults + * Do not emit warnings about OCI runtime paths + * build(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + * build(deps): bump from 1.30.1 to 1.30.3 + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix reading configs on mac and windows + * libimage: add push tests + * build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.0.0-rc94 + * libimage: fix pull from dir + * libimage: add load unit tests + * Only close EventChannel if it has been created. + v0.38: + * build(deps): bump + * libimage: add an events system + * libimage: add unit tests + * libimage: rename dockerTransport to registryTransport + * Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 + * pull: simplify transports switch + * Fix images tagged by 64 chars cannot be pulled when ommiting "docker://" prefix + * Add support for codespell, and fix issues found + * libimage: restore the ability to pull from docker-daemon and tarball + * Swap default logging to journald + * fix image tree + * Add support for creating default CNI network + * Bump from 5.11.1 to 5.12.0 + * Bump from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 + * Add a default network creation package + * Add ability to specify a subnet for the default network + * libimage: follow-up changes + v0.37.1: + * Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.30.1 + * Add support for the runsc OCI Runtime + * Add support for machine_enabled in containers.conf + * modify Contributing section finetuning + * Add support for image_parallel_copies in containers.conf + * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 +- Update common to 0.38.2 + 0.38.2: + libimage: add save tests + libimage/Image.HasDifferentDigest: handle manifest lists + libimage: push: ignore image platform + Cirrus: Use config. in common with all repos. + libimage: add import test + Fix handling of all capabilities + libimage: add save tests + containers.conf: don't set default logging driver + 0.38.1: + adjust log-driver defaults + Do not emit warnings about OCI runtime paths + build(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + build(deps): bump from 1.30.1 to 1.30.3 + [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix reading configs on mac and windows + libimage: add push tests + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.0.0-rc94 + libimage: fix pull from dir + libimage: add load unit tests + Only close EventChannel if it has been created. + 0.38.0: + build(deps): bump + libimage: add an events system + libimage: add unit tests + libimage: rename dockerTransport to registryTransport + Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 + pull: simplify transports switch + Fix images tagged by 64 chars cannot be pulled when ommiting "docker://" prefix + Add support for codespell, and fix issues found + libimage: restore the ability to pull from docker-daemon and tarball + Swap default logging to journald + fix image tree + Add support for creating default CNI network + Bump from 5.11.1 to 5.12.0 + Bump from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 + Add a default network creation package + Add ability to specify a subnet for the default network + libimage: follow-up changes + 0.37.1: + Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.30.1 + Add support for the runsc OCI Runtime + Add support for machine_enabled in containers.conf + modify Contributing section finetuning + Add support for image_parallel_copies in containers.conf + Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 +- Update storage to 1.31.0 + 1.31.0: + Update docs/ + store: add option to disable volatile + build(deps): bump from 0.8.16 to 0.8.17 + Enable zstd:chunked support in containers/image + overlay: honor DisableShifting + store: allow shifting only with contiguous mappings + idtools: new function IsContiguous + store: replace Modified+Load with ReloadIfChanged + store: new method ROFileBasedStore.ReloadIfChanged() + Expand the scope of transaction in the process of deleting device + Remove unlock/lock caused by Incorrect assumption + 1.30.3: + Update to F34 and U2104 + Update vendor opencontainers/selinux v1.8.1 + AUFS not supported in Ubuntu 21.04+ + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.0.0-rc94 + TestMatch: handle cases where NewPatternMatcher catches syntax errors + 1.30.2: + Switch from ffjson to json-iterator + Remove dependencies on ffjson + Expand Variables on rootlessStoragePath + Log expected rootless overlay mount failures as debug level + +- Update common to 0.37.0 + 0.37.0: + new libimage package + Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 + config: suggest enable-linger only if euid != 0 + Change log message in findRuntime() + Add setns to default seccomp.json + Cleanup debugf information to make debugging more useful +- Update podman to 3.1.2 + 3.1.2: + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where images with empty layers were stored incorrectly, causing them to be unable to be pushed or saved. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rmi` command could fail to remove corrupt images from storage. +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman save` command did not support the `oci-dir` and `docker-dir` formats ([#9742]( +- Fixed a bug where volume mounts from `podman play kube` created with a trailing `/` in the container path were were not properly superceding named volumes from the image ([#9618]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could fail to build on 32-bit architectures. + [#]## Misc +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.11.1 +- Update storage to 1.30.1 + 1.30.1: + Allow users to tag images in read/only image stores + build(deps): bump from 1.12.1 to 1.12.2 + Validate selinux label before attempting to use it + 1.30.0: + unshare: new function HasCapSysAdmin + btrfs: Do not disable quota on cleanup + build(deps): bump from 1.11.13 to 1.12.1 +- Update image to 5.11.1 + * new libimage package + * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 + * config: suggest enable-linger only if euid != 0 + * Change log message in findRuntime() + * Add setns to default seccomp.json + * Cleanup debugf information to make debugging more useful + +- Force overlay as default storage driver if system is not btrfs + (gh#containers/buildah#3153) + +- Update common to 0.36.0 + 0.36.0: + no changelog found + 0.35.4: + pkg/seccomp: simplify and fix IsSupported + pkg/seccomp: use sync.Once to speed up IsSupported + capabilities: ALL returns the bounding set + capabilities: memoize BoundingSet + capabilities: add new method BoundingSet() + Update pause image to 3.5 +- Update podman to 3.1.1 + 3.1.1: + [#]## Changes +- Podman now recognizes `trace` as a valid argument to the `--log-level` command. Trace logging is now the most verbose level of logging available. +- The `:z` and `:Z` options for volume mounts are now ignored when the container is privileged or is run with SELinux isolation disabled (`--security-opt label=disable`). This matches better matches Docker's behavior in this case. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where pruning images with the `podman image prune` or `podman system prune` commands could cause Podman to panic. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman save` command did not properly error when the `--compress` flag was used with incompatible format types. +- Fixed a bug where the `--security-opt` and `--ulimit` options to the remote Podman client's `podman build` command were nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `--log-rusage` option to the remote Podman client's `podman build` command was nonfunctional ([#9489]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command could, in some circumstances, use the wrong OCI runtime ([#9459]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's `podman build` command could return 0 despite failing ([#10029]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman container runlabel` command did not properly expand the `IMAGE` and `NAME` variables in the label ([#9405]( +- Fixed a bug where poststop OCI hooks would be executed twice on containers started with the `--rm` argument ([#9983]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to launch containers on cgroups v2 systems when the `cgroupfs` cgroup manager was in use. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command could error when statistics tracked exceeded the maximum size of a 32-bit signed integer ([#9979]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers run with `--userns=keepid` (without a `--user` flag in addition) would grant exec sessions run in them too many capabilities ([#9919]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--authfile` option to `podman build` did not validate that the path given existed ([#9572]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--storage-opt` option to Podman was appending to, instead of overriding (as is documented), the default storage options. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` connection did not function properly when run in a socket-activated systemd unit file as a non-root user. +- Fixed a bug where the `--network` option to the `podman play kube` command of the remote Podman client was being ignored ([#9698]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--log-driver` option to the `podman play kube` command was nonfunctional ([#10015]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Create endpoint for Manifests did not properly validate the image the manifest was being created with. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod DF endpoint could, in error cases, append an extra null to the JSON response, causing decode errors. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod and Compat Top endpoint for Containers would return process names that included extra whitespace. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Prune endpoint for Containers accepted too many types of filter. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.20.1 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.29.0 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.11.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.36.0 +- Update storage to 1.29.0 + 1.29.0: + ReloadConfigurationFile should Reset storage options + rootless overlay: use user.* instead of trusted.* + build(deps): bump from 0.8.15 to 0.8.16 + Support additional layer store + overlay, rootless: use user.* instead of trusted.* + archive, rootless: use user.* instead of trusted.* + copy, rootless: skip copying trusted.* xattr + Make sure rootless mounts support the userxattr flag + Rework autons ID mapping generation. + Set default to overlay from storage.conf + build(deps): bump from 1.11.12 to 1.11.13 +- Update image to 5.11.0 + * no changelog found + +- Update common to 0.35.3 + 0.35.3: + * capabilities: add new method BoundingSet() + * Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 + * Bump from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 + * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + * Remove `vendor` from dependabot config + * Add dependabot config file to support vendoring + * Bump from 1.10.5 to 1.11.0 + * Bump from 1.15.0 to 1.15.1 + * Bump from 5.10.4 to 5.10.5 + 0.35.2: + Vendor in containers/common and start using types subdir. + shrink the vendoring size of containers/common/pkg/config + Bump from 5.10.3 to 5.10.4 +- Update podman to 3.1.0 + 3.1.0: + [#]## Features +- A set of new commands has been added to manage secrets! The `podman secret create`, `podman secret inspect`, `podman secret ls` and `podman secret rm` commands have been added to handle secrets, along with the `--secret` option to `podman run` and `podman create` to add secrets to containers. The initial driver for secrets does not support encryption - this will be added in a future release. +- A new command to prune networks, `podman network prune`, has been added ([#8673]( +- The `-v` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new volume option, `:U`, to chown the volume's source directory on the host to match the UID and GID of the container and prevent permissions issues ([#7778]( +- Three new commands, `podman network exists`, `podman volume exists`, and `podman manifest exists`, have been added to check for the existence of networks, volumes, and manifest lists. +- The `podman cp` command can now copy files into directories mounted as `tmpfs` in a running container. +- The `podman volume prune` command will now list volumes that will be pruned when prompting the user whether to continue and perform the prune ([#8913]( +- The Podman remote client's `podman build` command now supports the `--disable-compression`, `--excludes`, and `--jobs` options. +- The Podman remote client's `podman push` command now supports the `--format` option. +- The Podman remote client's `podman rm` command now supports the `--all` and `--ignore` options. +- The Podman remote client's `podman search` command now supports the `--no-trunc` and `--list-tags` options. +- The `podman play kube` command can now read in Kubernetes YAML from `STDIN` when `-` is specified as file name (`podman play kube -`), allowing input to be piped into the command for scripting ([#8996]( +- The `podman generate systemd` command now supports a `--no-header` option, which disables creation of the header comment automatically added by Podman to generated unit files. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now generate `PersistentVolumeClaim` YAML for Podman named volumes ([#5788]( +- The `podman generate kube` command can now generate YAML files containing multiple resources (pods or deployments) ([#9129]( + [#]## Security +- This release resolves CVE-2021-20291, a deadlock vulnerability in the storage library caused by pulling a specially-crafted container image. + [#]## Changes +- The Podman remote client's `podman build` command no longer allows the `-v` flag to be used. Volumes are not yet supported with remote Podman when the client and service are on different machines. +- The `podman kill` and `podman stop` commands now print the name given by the user for each container, instead of the full ID. +- When the `--security-opt unmask=ALL` or `--security-opt unmask=/sys/fs/cgroup` options to `podman create` or `podman run` are given, Podman will mount cgroups into the container as read-write, instead of read-only ([#8441]( +- The `podman rmi` command has been changed to better handle cases where an image is incomplete or corrupted, which can be caused by interrupted image pulls. +- The `podman rename` command has been improved to be more atomic, eliminating many race conditions that could potentially render a renamed container unusable. +- Detection of which OCI runtimes run using virtual machines and thus require custom SELinux labelling has been improved ([#9582]( +- The hidden `--trace` option to `podman` has been turned into a no-op. It was used in very early versions for performance tracing, but has not been supported for some time. +- The `podman generate systemd` command now generates `RequiresMountsFor` lines to ensure necessary storage directories are mounted before systemd starts Podman. +- Podman will now emit a warning when `--tty` and `--interactive` are both passed, but `STDIN` is not a TTY. This will be made into an error in the next major Podman release some time next year. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers joined to CNI networks could not receive traffic from forwarded ports ([#9065]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman network create` with the `--macvlan` flag did not honor the `--gateway`, `--subnet`, and `--opt` options ([#9167]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command generated invalid YAML for privileged containers ([#8897]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command could not be used with containers that were not running. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command could duplicate some parameters to Podman in generated unit files ([#9776]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not add annotations specified in `containers.conf` to containers. +- Foxed a bug where Podman did not respect the `no_hosts` default in `containers.conf` when creating containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `--tail=0`, `--since`, and `--follow` options to the `podman logs` command did not function properly when using the `journald` log backend. +- Fixed a bug where specifying more than one container to `podman logs` when the `journald` log backend was in use did not function correctly. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman create` commands would panic if a memory limit was set, but the swap limit was set to unlimited ([#9429]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--network` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman pod create` would error if the user attempted to specify CNI networks by ID, instead of name ([#9451]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman's cgroup handling for cgroups v1 systems did not properly handle cases where a cgroup existed on some, but not all, controllers, resulting in errors from the `podman stats` command ([#9252]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` did not properly handle cases where `/dev/stdout` was specified as the destination (it was treated identically to `-`) ([#9362]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command would create files with incorrect ownership ([#9526]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command did not properly handle cases where the destination directory did not exist. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command did not properly evaluate symlinks when copying out of containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rm -fa` command would error when attempting to remove containers created with `--rm` ([#9479]( +- Fixed a bug where the ordering of capabilities was nondeterministic in the `CapDrop` field of the output of `podman inspect` on a container ([#9490]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network connect` command could be used with containers that were not initially connected to a CNI bridge network (e.g. containers created with `--net=host`) ([#9496]( +- Fixed a bug where DNS search domains required by the `dnsname` CNI plugin were not being added to container's `resolv.conf` under some circumstances. +- Fixed a bug where the `--ignorefile` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9570]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--timestamp` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9569]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--iidfile` option to `podman build` could cause Podman to panic if an error occurred during the build. +- Fixed a bug where the `--dns-search` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9574]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--pull-never` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9573]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--build-arg` option to `podman build` would, when given a key but not a value, error (instead of attempting to look up the key as an environment variable) ([#9571]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--isolation` option to `podman build` in the remote Podman client was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network disconnect` command could cause errors when the container that had a network removed was stopped and its network was cleaned up ([#9602]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network rm` command did not properly check what networks a container was present in, resulting in unexpected behavior if `podman network connect` or `podman network disconnect` had been used with the network ([#9632]( +- Fixed a bug where some errors with stopping a container could cause Podman to panic, and the container to be stuck in an unusable `stopping` state ([#9615]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman load` command could return 0 even in cases where an error occurred ([#9672]( +- Fixed a bug where specifying storage options to Podman using the `--storage-opt` option would override all storage options. Instead, storage options are now overridden only when the `--storage-driver` option is used to override the current graph driver ([#9657]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created with `--privileged` could request more capabilities than were available to Podman. +- Fixed a bug where `podman commit` did not use the `TMPDIR` environment variable to place temporary files created during the commit ([#9825]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman could error when attempting to resize short-lived containers ([#9831]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman was unusable on kernels built without `CONFIG_USER_NS`. +- Fixed a bug where the ownership of volumes created by `podman volume create` and then mounted into a container could be incorrect ([#9608]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman volumes using a volume plugin could not pass certain options, and could not be used as non-root users. +- Fixed a bug where the `--tz` option to `podman create` and `podman run` did not properly validate its input. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the `X-Registry-Auth` header did not accept `null` as a valid value. +- A new compat endpoint, `/auth`, has been added. This endpoint validates credentials against a registry ([#9564]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Build endpoint for Images specified labels using the wrong type (array vs map). Both formats will be accepted now. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Build endpoint for Images did not report that it successfully tagged the built image in its response. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Images did not provide progress information on pulling the image in its response. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Push endpoint for Images did not properly handle the destination (used a query parameter, instead of a path parameter). +- Fixed a bug where the compat Push endpoint for Images did not send the progress of the push and the digest of the pushed image in the response body. +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Networks returned null, instead of an empty array (`[]`), when no networks were present ([#9293]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Networks returned nulls, instead of empty maps, for networks that do not have Labels and/or Options. +- The Libpod Inspect endpoint for networks (`/libpod/network/$ID/json`) now has an alias at `/libpod/network/$ID` ([#9691]( +- Fixed a bug where the libpod Inspect endpoint for Networks returned a 1-size array of results, instead of a single result ([#9690]( +- The Compat List endpoint for Networks now supports the legacy format for filters in parallel with the current filter format ([#9526]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle tmpfs filesystems specified with options ([#9511]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not create bind-mount source directories ([#9510]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle the `NanoCpus` option ([#9523]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod create endpoint for Containers has a misnamed field in its JSON. +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Containers did not populate information on forwarded ports ([#9553]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Containers did not populate information on container CNI networks ([#9529]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat and libpod Stop endpoints for Containers would ignore a timeout of 0. +- Fixed a bug where the compat and libpod Resize endpoints for Containers did not set the correct terminal sizes (dimensions were reversed) ([#9756]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Remove endpoint for Containers would not return 404 when attempting to remove a container that does not exist ([#9675]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Prune endpoint for Volumes would still prune even if an invalid filter was specified. +- Numerous bugs related to filters have been addressed. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.20.0 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.28.1 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.10.5 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.35.4 + 3.1.0-RC2: + This is the second release candidate for Podman v3.1.0 + Preliminary release notes are below. Please note that these are subject to change until the final release. + [#]## Features +- A set of new commands has been added to manage secrets! The `podman secret create`, `podman secret inspect`, `podman secret ls` and `podman secret rm` commands have been added to handle secrets, along with the `--secret` option to `podman run` and `podman create` to add secrets to containers. The initial driver for secrets does not support encryption - this will be added in a future release. +- A new command to prune networks, `podman network prune`, has been added ([#8673]( +- The `-v` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new volume option, `:U`, to chown the volume's source directory on the host to match the UID and GID of the container and prevent permissions issues ([#7778]( +- Three new commands, `podman network exists`, `podman volume exists`, and `podman manifest exists`, have been added to check for the existence of networks, volumes, and manifest lists. +- The `podman cp` command can now copy files into directories mounted as `tmpfs` in a running container. +- The `podman volume prune` command will now list volumes that will be pruned when prompting the user whether to continue and perform the prune ([#8913]( +- The Podman remote client's `podman build` command now supports the `--disable-compression`, `--excludes`, and `--jobs` options. +- The Podman remote client's `podman push` command now supports the `--format` option. +- The Podman remote client's `podman rm` command now supports the `--all` and `--ignore` options. +- The Podman remote client's `podman search` command now supports the `--no-trunc` and `--list-tags` options. +- The `podman play kube` command can now read in Kubernetes YAML from `STDIN` when `-` is specified as file name (`podman play kube -`), allowing input to be piped into the command for scripting ([#8996]( +- The `podman generate systemd` command now supports a `--no-header` option, which disables creation of the header comment automatically added by Podman to generated unit files. + [#]## Changes +- The Podman remote client's `podman build` command no longer allows the `-v` flag to be used. Volumes are not yet supported with remote Podman when the client and service are on different machines. +- The `podman kill` and `podman stop` commands now print the name given by the user for each container, instead of the full ID. +- When the `--security-opt unmask=ALL` or `--security-opt unmask=/sys/fs/cgroup` options to `podman create` or `podman run` are given, Podman will mount cgroups into the container as read-write, instead of read-only ([#8441]( +- The `podman rmi` command has been changed to better handle cases where an image is incomplete or corrupted, which can be caused by interrupted image pulls. +- The `podman rename` command has been improved to be more atomic, eliminating many race conditions that could potentially render a renamed container unusable. +- Detection of which OCI runtimes run using virtual machines and thus require custom SELinux labelling has been improved ([#9582]( +- The hidden `--trace` option to `podman` has been turned into a no-op. It was used in very early versions for performance tracing, but has not been supported for some time. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman containers joined to CNI networks could not receive traffic from forwarded ports ([#9065]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman network create` with the `--macvlan` flag did not honor the `--gateway`, `--subnet`, and `--opt` options ([#9167]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command generated invalid YAML for privileged containers ([#8897]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command could not be used with containers that were not running. +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not add annotations specified in `containers.conf` to containers. +- Foxed a bug where Podman did not respect the `no_hosts` default in `containers.conf` when creating containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `--tail=0`, `--since`, and `--follow` options to the `podman logs` command did not function properly when using the `journald` log backend. +- Fixed a bug where specifying more than one container to `podman logs` when the `journald` log backend was in use did not function correctly. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman create` commands would panic if a memory limit was set, but the swap limit was set to unlimited ([#9429]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--network` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman pod create` would error if the user attempted to specify CNI networks by ID, instead of name ([#9451]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman's cgroup handling for cgroups v1 systems did not properly handle cases where a cgroup existed on some, but not all, controllers, resulting in errors from the `podman stats` command ([#9252]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` did not properly handle cases where `/dev/stdout` was specified as the destination (it was treated identically to `-`) ([#9362]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command would create files with incorrect ownership ([#9526]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command did not properly handle cases where the destination directory did not exist. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman cp` command did not properly evaluate symlinks when copying out of containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rm -fa` command would error when attempting to remove containers created with `--rm` ([#9479]( +- Fixed a bug where the ordering of capabilities was nondeterministic in the `CapDrop` field of the output of `podman inspect` on a container ([#9490]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network connect` command could be used with containers that were not initially connected to a CNI bridge network (e.g. containers created with `--net=host`) ([#9496]( +- Fixed a bug where DNS search domains required by the `dnsname` CNI plugin were not being added to container's `resolv.conf` under some circumstances. +- Fixed a bug where the `--ignorefile` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9570]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--timestamp` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9569]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--iidfile` option to `podman build` could cause Podman to panic if an error occurred during the build. +- Fixed a bug where the `--dns-search` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#9574]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--build-arg` option to `podman build` would, when given a key but not a value, error (instead of attempting to look up the key as an environment variable) ([#9571]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network disconnect` command could cause errors when the container that had a network removed was stopped and its network was cleaned up ([#9602]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network rm` command did not properly check what networks a container was present in, resulting in unexpected behavior if `podman network connect` or `podman network disconnect` had been used with the network ([#9632]( +- Fixed a bug where some errors with stopping a container could cause Podman to panic, and the container to be stuck in an unusable `stopping` state ([#9615]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman load` command could return 0 even in cases where an error occurred ([#9672]( +- Fixed a bug where specifying storage options to Podman using the `--storage-opt` option would override all storage options. Instead, storage options are now overridden only when the `--storage-driver` option is used to override the current graph driver ([#9657]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created with `--privileged` could request more capabilities than were available to Podman. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the `X-Registry-Auth` header did not accept `null` as a valid value. +- A new compat endpoint, `/auth`, has been added. This endpoint validates credentials against a registry ([#9564]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Build endpoint for Images specified labels using the wrong type (array vs map). Both formats will be accepted now. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Build endpoint for Images did not report that it successfully tagged the built image in its response. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Images did not provide progress information on pulling the image in its response. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Push endpoint for Images did not properly handle the destination (used a query parameter, instead of a path parameter). +- Fixed a bug where the compat Push endpoint for Images did not send the progress of the push and the digest of the pushed image in the response body. +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Networks returned null, instead of an empty array (`[]`), when no networks were present ([#9293]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Networks returned nulls, instead of empty maps, for networks that do not have Labels and/or Options. +- The Libpod Inspect endpoint for networks (`/libpod/network/$ID/json`) now has an alias at `/libpod/network/$ID` ([#9691]( +- Fixed a bug where the libpod Inspect endpoint for Networks returned a 1-size array of results, instead of a single result ([#9690]( +- The Compat List endpoint for Networks now supports the legacy format for filters in parallel with the current filter format ([#9526]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle tmpfs filesystems specified with options ([#9511]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not create bind-mount source directories ([#9510]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle the `NanoCpus` option ([#9523]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Containers did not populate information on forwarded ports ([#9553]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat List endpoint for Containers did not populate information on container CNI networks ([#9529]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat and libpod Stop endpoints for Containers would ignore a timeout of 0. +- Fixed a bug where the compat Remove endpoint for Containers would not return 404 when attempting to remove a container that does not exist ([#9675]( +- Fixed a bug where the compat Prune endpoint for Volumes would still prune even if an invalid filter was specified. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.19.8 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.28.0 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.10.5 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.35.3 + 3.1.0-RC1: + This is the first release candidate for Podman v3.1.0. Release is expected later this week. +- Update storage to 1.28.1 + 1.28.1: + overlay.recreateSymlinks: handle missing "link" files, add a test + TestLockfileWriteConcurrent: stay below 8192 goroutines + Use an xz library instead of shelling out to xz for decompression + overlay: check selinux label support + 1.28.0: + Add dependabot.yml configuration file + Add more mount information to errors + Inherit system storage driver in rootless configurations + archive: make getFileOwner public + archive: make getWhiteoutConverter public + archive: whiteout creation with a handler + build(deps): bump from 0.8.14 to 0.8.15 + build(deps): bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + build(deps): bump from 1.11.7 to 1.11.12 + build(deps): bump from 0.4.0 to 0.4.1 + build(deps): bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + chown: ignore both pkg/system.EOPNOTSUPP and pkg/system.ErrNotSupportedPlatform + containers-storage: add --volatile to container create + copy: create a unix socket with os.ModeSocket + drivers: make copyRegular public + drivers: new function CopyRegularToFile + fswriters: honor nosync option + overlay: add detection for overlay support in a user namespace + overlay: allow to reset mount_program + overlay: factor function out + overlay: fix path to incompat/volatile + overlay: improve overlay error message + overlay: public function to check for overlay support + overlay: record if using mount_program + overlay: rootless move error to debug message + overlay: use direct mount instead of mountFrom + support patches to prepare #775 + tests: test mount/unmount volatile container + types: check for native overlay support + 1.27.0: + Move storageOpts structures into types subdir to shrink bindings. + (*store).Diff: add missing unlock in error case + pkg/lockfile: fix a race and re-enable unit tests + Add warning about possible storage corruption + pkg/chrootarchive.TestChrootUntarWithHugeExcludesList: fix compile error + pkg/archive.TestCopyWithTarSrcFile(): update for NoOverwriteDirNonDir + drivers/devmapper: default the rootfs directory to 0555 + TestRootlessRuntimeDir: iterate tests using testing.T.Run() + Fix TestDefaultStoreOpts() + getRootlessRuntimeDirIsolated(): don't use an empty tmpPerUserDir + drivers/zfs: default the base layer to 0555 + drivers/btrfs: default the base layer to 0555 + drivers/aufs: inherit permissions on "/" from parent layers + drivers/vfs: inherit permissions on "/" from parent layers + graphtest: expect 0555 permissions + pkg/archive.parseDirent(): adjust to avoid unsafe pointer conversion + Add warning about possible storage corruption + pkg/idtools.TestParseSubidFileWithNewlinesAndComments(): clean up + pkg/mount.TestSubtreeUnbindable(): check for wrapped EINVAL + pkg/directory: count inodes of directories + Makefile local-test-unit: use -race if it's available + pkg/mount: don't complain if the filesystem volunteers inode32/inode64 + CI: run unit tests again + pkg/lockfile: fix a race and an incorrect unit test + 1.26.0: + build(deps): bump from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0 + homedir: add GetCacheHome + Call recreateSymlinks when not found during Readlink + build(deps): bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 + We should ignore metacopy option on kernels that do not support it + drivers: add support for volatile to overlay + store: support volatile containers + overlay: support native rootless mounts + overlay: force metacopy=on for naivediff + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc91 to 1.0.0-rc93 + 1.25.0: + layers: support BigData + Fix FreeBSD support + Remove empty line as per feedback + Improve project quota to support querying disk usage + Use unix.Statfs instead of syscall.Statfs + overlay: use XFS quota when possible + drivers/quota: add GetDiskUsage endpoint +- Update image to 5.10.5 + v0.35.3: + * capabilities: add new method BoundingSet() + * Bump from 1.27.0 to 1.28.0 + * Bump from 1.15.1 to 1.15.2 + * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Bump from 1.8.0 to 1.8.1 + * Remove vendor from dependabot config + * Add dependabot config file to support vendoring + * Bump from 1.10.5 to 1.11.0 + * Bump from 1.15.0 to 1.15.1 + * Bump from 5.10.4 to 5.10.5 + v0.35.2: + Vendor in containers/common and start using types subdir. + shrink the vendoring size of containers/common/pkg/config + Bump from 5.10.3 to 5.10.4 + +- Reintroduce SLE specific mounts config, to avoid errors on non-SLE systems + +- Require util-linux-systemd for %post scripts (findmnt) (boo#1182998) + +- Update commonver to 0.35.1 + v0.35.1: + Bump from 5.10.2 to 5.10.3 + Stop logging messages about using DOCKER_CONFIG + Add autocompletions to be shared between buildah and podman + Bump from 1.7.1 to 1.8.0 + Export error constants from pkg/secrets + v0.35: + Bump from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 + Move EnforceRange and HasTable out of Podman and into common + Bump from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 + Bump from 5.10.1 to 5.10.2 + Add missing values to containers.conf man page + update pause image to 3.4.1 + v0.34: + Add image_default_format + Change default log driver to journald + Add compatible template functions + Add U volume flag to chown source volumes + Bump from 5.09.0 to 5.10.1 + seccomp: various updates + pkg: check ownership for XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + seccomp: update profile to Linux 5.11 list + seccomp: add CI check for up-to-date seccomp.json + seccomp: re-add generation script + seccomp: deduplicate default profile + Add image_parallel_copies engine config + Fix secret create prefix + cgroupv2: fix typo in comment + Add accessor for log-driver + Fix secret name validation + Fix name validation and dir mode in secrets + Bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 + config: fix runtime_supports_nocgroup key name + fix - make target all on osx + Fix secret name regex + Rename internal functions to make them easier to understand +- Update podmanver to 3.0.1 + 3.0.1: + [#]## Changes +- Several frequently-occurring `WARN` level log messages have been downgraded to `INFO` or `DEBUG` to not clutter terminal output. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `Created` field of `podman ps --format=json` was formatted as a string instead of an Unix timestamp (integer) ([#9315]( +- Fixed a bug where failing lookups of individual layers during the `podman images` command would cause the whole command to fail without printing output. +- Fixed a bug where `--cgroups=split` did not function properly on cgroups v1 systems. +- Fixed a bug where mounting a volume over an directory in the container that existed, but was empty, could fail ([#9393]( +- Fixed a bug where mounting a volume over a directory in the container that existed could copy the entirety of the container's rootfs, instead of just the directory mounted over, into the volume ([#9415]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would treat the `--entrypoint=[""]` option to `podman run` and `podman create` as a literal empty string in the entrypoint, when instead it should have been ignored ([#9377]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would set the `HOME` environment variable to `""` when the container ran as a user without an assigned home directory ([#9378]( +- Fixed a bug where specifying a pod infra image that had no tags (by using its ID) would cause `podman pod create` to panic ([#9374]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--runtime` option was not properly handled by the `podman build` command ([#9365]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would incorrectly print an error message related to the remote API when the remote API was not in use and starting Podman failed. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would change ownership of a container's working directory, even if it already existed ([#9387]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command would incorrectly escape `%t` when generating the path for the PID file ([#9373]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could, when run inside a Podman container with the host's containers/storage directory mounted into the container, erroneously detect a reboot and reset container state if the temporary directory was not also mounted in ([#9191]( +- Fixed a bug where some options of the `podman build` command (including but not limited to `--jobs`) were nonfunctional ([#9247]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a breaking change to the Libpod Wait API for Containers where the Conditions parameter changed type in Podman v3.0 ([#9351]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle forwarded ports that did not specify a host port. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Wait endpoint for Containers could write duplicate headers after an error occurred. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Images would not pull images that already had a matching tag present locally, even if a more recent version was available at the registry ([#9232]( +- The Compat Create endpoint for Images has had its compatibility with Docker improved, allowing its use with the `docker-java` library. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.19.4 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.6 + 3.0.0: + [#]## Features +- Podman now features initial support for Docker Compose. +- Added the `podman rename` command, which allows containers to be renamed after they are created ([#1925]( +- The Podman remote client now supports the `podman copy` command. +- A new command, `podman network reload`, has been added. This command will re-configure the network of all running containers, and can be used to recreate firewall rules lost when the system firewall was reloaded (e.g. via `firewall-cmd --reload`). +- Podman networks now have IDs. They can be seen in `podman network ls` and can be used when removing and inspecting networks. Existing networks receive IDs automatically. +- Podman networks now also support labels. They can be added via the `--label` option to `network create`, and `podman network ls` can filter labels based on them. +- The `podman network create` command now supports setting bridge MTU and VLAN through the `--opt` option ([#8454]( +- The `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands can now checkpoint and restore containers that include volumes. +- The `podman container checkpoint` command now supports the `--with-previous` and `--pre-checkpoint` options, and the `podman container restore` command now support the `--import-previous` option. These add support for two-step checkpointing with lowered dump times. +- The `podman push` command can now push manifest lists. Podman will first attempt to push as an image, then fall back to pushing as a manifest list if that fails. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now be run on multiple containers at once, and will generate a single pod containing all of them. +- The `podman generate kube` and `podman play kube` commands now support Kubernetes DNS configuration, and will preserve custom DNS configuration when exporting or importing YAML ([#9132]( +- The `podman generate kube` command now properly supports generating YAML for containers and pods creating using host networking (`--net=host`) ([#9077]( +- The `podman kill` command now supports a `--cidfile` option to kill containers given a file containing the container's ID ([#8443]( +- The `podman pod create` command now supports the `--net=none` option ([#9165]( +- The `podman volume create` command can now specify volume UID and GID as options with the `UID` and `GID` fields passed to the the `--opt` option. +- Initial support has been added for Docker Volume Plugins. Podman can now define available plugins in `containers.conf` and use them to create volumes with `podman volume create --driver`. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--platform`, to specify the platform of the image to be used when creating the container. +- The `--security-opt` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports the `systempaths=unconfined` option to unrestrict access to all paths in the container, as well as `mask` and `unmask` options to allow more granular restriction of container paths. +- The `podman stats --format` command now supports a new format specified, `MemUsageBytes`, which prints the raw bytes of memory consumed by a container without human-readable formatting [#8945]( +- The `podman ps` command can now filter containers based on what pod they are joined to via the `pod` filter ([#8512]( +- The `podman pod ps` command can now filter pods based on what networks they are joined to via the `network` filter. +- The `podman pod ps` command can now print information on what networks a pod is joined to via the `.Networks` specifier to the `--format` option. +- The `podman system prune` command now supports filtering what containers, pods, images, and volumes will be pruned. +- The `podman volume prune` commands now supports filtering what volumes will be pruned. +- The `podman system prune` command now includes information on space reclaimed ([#8658]( +- The `podman info` command will now properly print information about packages in use on Gentoo and Arch systems. +- The `containers.conf` file now contains an option for disabling creation of a new kernel keyring on container creation ([#8384]( +- The `podman image sign` command can now sign multi-arch images by producing a signature for each image in a given manifest list. +- The `podman image sign` command, when run as rootless, now supports per-user registry configuration files in `$HOME/.config/containers/registries.d`. +- Configuration options for `slirp4netns` can now be set system-wide via the `NetworkCmdOptions` configuration option in `containers.conf`. +- The MTU of `slirp4netns` can now be configured via the `mtu=` network command option (e.g. `podman run --net slirp4netns:mtu=9000`). + [#]## Security +- A fix for CVE-2021-20199 is included. Podman between v1.8.0 and v2.2.1 used `` as the source address for all traffic forwarded into rootless containers by a forwarded port; this has been changed to address the issue. + [#]## Changes +- Shortname aliasing support has now been turned on by default. All Podman commands that must pull an image will, if a TTY is available, prompt the user about what image to pull. +- The `podman load` command no longer accepts a `NAME[:TAG]` argument. The presence of this argument broke CLI compatibility with Docker by making `docker load` commands unusable with Podman ([#7387]( +- The Go bindings for the HTTP API have been rewritten with a focus on limiting dependency footprint and improving extensibility. Read more [here]( +- The legacy Varlink API has been completely removed from Podman. +- The default log level for Podman has been changed from Error to Warn. +- The `podman network create` command can now create `macvlan` networks using the `--driver macvlan` option for Docker compatibility. The existing `--macvlan` flag has been deprecated and will be removed in Podman 4.0 some time next year. +- The `podman inspect` command has had the `LogPath` and `LogTag` fields moved into the `LogConfig` structure (from the root of the Inspect structure). The maximum size of the log file is also included. +- The `podman generate systemd` command no longer generates unit files using the deprecated `KillMode=none` option ([#8615]( +- The `podman stop` command now releases the container lock while waiting for it to stop - as such, commands like `podman ps` will no longer block until `podman stop` completes ([#8501]( +- Networks created with `podman network create --internal` no longer use the `dnsname` plugin. This configuration never functioned as expected. +- Error messages for the remote Podman client have been improved when it cannot connect to a Podman service. +- Error messages for `podman run` when an invalid SELinux is specified have been improved. +- Rootless Podman features improved support for containers with a single user mapped into the rootless user namespace. +- Pod infra containers now respect default sysctls specified in `containers.conf` allowing for advanced configuration of the namespaces they will share. +- SSH public key handling for remote Podman has been improved. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman history --no-trunc` command would truncate the `Created By` field ([#9120]( +- Fixed a bug where root containers that did not explicitly specify a CNI network to join did not generate an entry for the network in use in the `Networks` field of the output of `podman inspect` ([#6618]( +- Fixed a bug where, under some circumstances, container working directories specified by the image (via the `WORKDIR` instruction) but not present in the image, would not be created ([#9040]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command would generate invalid unit files if the container was creating using a command line that included doubled braces (`{{` and `}}`), e.g. `--log-opt-tag={{.Name}}` ([#9034]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate unit files including invalid Podman commands if the container was created using merged short options (e.g. `podman run -dt`) ([#8847]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate unit files that did not handle Podman commands including some special characters (e.g. `$`) ([#9176]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set a static IP address ([#7842]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set network aliases ([#8567]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote client could, under some circumstances, not include the `Containerfile` when sending build context to the server ([#8374]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman did not mount `/sys` as a new `sysfs` in some circumstances where it was acceptable. +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers that both joined a user namespace and a CNI networks would cause a segfault. These options are incompatible and now return an error. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle `CMD` and `ARGS` from images ([#8803]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle environment variables from images ([#8608]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly print errors that occurred when starting containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command errored when `hostNetwork` was used ([#8790]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would always pull images when the `:latest` tag was specified, even if the image was available locally ([#7838]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle SELinux configuration, rending YAML with custom SELinux configuration unusable ([#8710]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command incorrectly populated the `args` and `command` fields of generated YAML ([#9211]( +- Fixed a bug where containers in a pod would create a duplicate entry in the pod's shared `/etc/hosts` file every time the container restarted ([#8921]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman search --list-tags` command did not support the `--format` option ([#8740]( +- Fixed a bug where the `http_proxy` option in `containers.conf` was not being respected, and instead was set unconditionally to true ([#8843]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could, on systems with a recent Conmon and users with a long username, fail to attach to containers ([#8798]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command would break and fail to display any images if an empty manifest list was present in storage ([#8931]( +- Fixed a bug where locale environment variables were not properly passed on to Conmon. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not build on the MIPS architecture ([#8782]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to properly configure user namespaces for rootless containers when the user specified a `--uidmap` option that included a mapping beginning with UID `0`. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command using the `k8s-file` backend did not properly handle partial log lines with a length of 1 ([#8879]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `--follow` option did not properly handle log rotation ([#8733]( +- Fixed a bug where user-specified `HOSTNAME` environment variables were overwritten by Podman ([#8886]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would applied default sysctls from `containers.conf` in too many situations (e.g. applying network sysctls when the container shared its network with a pod). +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where a secondary image store was in use and an image was present in both the secondary and primary stores ([#8176]( +- Fixed a bug where systemd-managed rootless Podman containers where the user in the container was not root could fail as the container's PID file was not accessible to systemd on the host ([#8506]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--privileged` option to `podman run` and `podman create` would, under some circumstances, not disable Seccomp ([#8849]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command did not properly add capabilities when the container or exec session were run with `--privileged`. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would use the `--enable-sandbox` option to `slirp4netns` unconditionally, even when `pivot_root` was disabled, rendering `slirp4netns` unusable when `pivot_root` was disabled ([#8846]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman build --logfile` did not actually write the build's log to the logfile. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command did not close STDIN, and could display user-interactive prompts ([#8700]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system reset` command could, under some circumstances, remove all the contents of the `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` directory ([#8680]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network create` command created CNI configurations that did not include a default gateway ([#8748]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman.service` systemd unit provided by default used the wrong service type, and would cause systemd to not correctly register the service as started ([#8751]( +- Fixed a bug where, if the `TMPDIR` environment variable was set for the container engine in `containers.conf`, it was being ignored. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command did not properly handle future times given to the `--until` option ([#8694]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command wrote container `STDERR` logs to `STDOUT` instead of `STDERR` ([#8683]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created from an image with multiple tags would report that they were created from the wrong tag ([#8547]( +- Fixed a bug where container capabilities were not set properly when the `--cap-add=all` and `--user` options to `podman create` and `podman run` were combined. +- Fixed a bug where the `--layers` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#8643]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system prune` command did not act recursively, and thus would leave images, containers, pods, and volumes present that would be removed by a subsequent call to `podman system prune` ([#7990]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--publish` option to `podman run` and `podman create` did not properly handle ports specified as a range of ports with no host port specified ([#8650]( +- Fixed a bug where `--format` did not support JSON output for individual fields ([#8444]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would fail when run on root containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode ([#7883]( +- Fixed a bug where the Podman remote client would ask for a password even if the server's SSH daemon did not support password authentication ([#8498]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would fail if the system did not support one or more of the cgroup controllers Podman supports ([#8588]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` option to `podman create` and `podman run` did not ignore the `consistency` mount option. +- Fixed a bug where failures during the resizing of a container's TTY would print the wrong error. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network disconnect` command could cause the `podman inspect` command to fail for a container until it was restarted ([#9234]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created from a read-only rootfs (using the `--rootfs` option to `podman create` and `podman run`) would fail ([#9230]( +- Fixed a bug where specifying Go templates to the `--format` option to multiple Podman commands did not support the `join` function ([#8773]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rmi` command could, when run in parallel on multiple images, return `layer not known` errors ([#6510]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command on containers displayed unlimited ulimits incorrectly ([#9303]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to start when a volume was mounted over a directory in a container that contained symlinks that terminated outside the directory and its subdirectories ([#6003]( + [#]## API +- Libpod API version has been bumped to v3.0.0. +- All Libpod Pod APIs have been modified to properly report errors with individual containers. Cases where the operation as a whole succeeded but individual containers failed now report an HTTP 409 error ([#8865]( +- The Compat API for Containers now supports the Rename and Copy APIs. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Prune APIs (for volumes, containers, and images) did not return the amount of space reclaimed in their responses. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Exec APIs for Containers would drop errors that occurred prior to the exec session successfully starting (e.g. a "no such file" error if an invalid executable was passed) ([#8281]( +- Fixed a bug where the Volumes field in the Compat Create API for Containers was being ignored ([#8649]( +- Fixed a bug where the NetworkMode field in the Compat Create API for Containers was not handling some values, e.g. `container:`, correctly. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Containers did not set container name properly. +- Fixed a bug where containers created using the Compat Create API unconditionally used Kubernetes file logging (the default specified in `containers.conf` is now used). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect API for Containers could include container states not recognized by Docker. +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean up after calls to the Events API when the `journald` backend was in use, resulting in a leak of file descriptors ([#8864]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Pull endpoint for Images could fail with an `index out of range` error under certain circumstances ([#8870]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Exists endpoint for Images could panic. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not support all filters ([#8860]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not properly populate the Status field. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Resize APIs for Containers ignored the height and width parameters ([#7102]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Search API for Images returned an incorrectly-formatted JSON response ([#8758]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Load API for Images did not properly clean up temporary files. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Networks could panic when an empty IPAM configuration was specified. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect and List APIs for Networks did not include Scope. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers did not support the same wait conditions that Docker did. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.19.2 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.5 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.10.2 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.33.4 + 3.0.0-RC3: + Please note that these release notes are preliminary until v3.0.0 final is released + [#]## Features +- Podman now features initial support for Docker Compose. +- Added the `podman rename` command, which allows containers to be renamed after they are created ([#1925]( +- The Podman remote client now supports the `podman copy` command. +- A new command, `podman network reload`, has been added. This command will re-configure the network of all running containers, and can be used to recreate firewall rules lost when the system firewall was reloaded (e.g. via `firewall-cmd --reload`). +- Podman networks now have IDs. They can be seen in `podman network ls` and can be used when removing and inspecting networks. Existing networks receive IDs automatically. +- Podman networks now also support labels. They can be added via the `--label` option to `network create`, and `podman network ls` can filter labels based on them. +- The `podman network create` command now supports setting bridge MTU and VLAN through the `--opt` option ([#8454]( +- The `podman container checkpoint` and `podman container restore` commands can now checkpoint and restore containers that include volumes. +- The `podman container checkpoint` command now supports the `--with-previous` and `--pre-checkpoint` options, and the `podman container restore` command now support the `--import-previous` option. These add support for two-step checkpointing with lowered dump times. +- The `podman push` command can now push manifest lists. Podman will first attempt to push as an image, then fall back to pushing as a manifest list if that fails. +- The `podman generate kube` command can now be run on multiple containers at once, and will generate a single pod containing all of them. +- The `podman generate kube` and `podman play kube` commands now support Kubernetes DNS configuration, and will preserve custom DNS configuration when exporting or importing YAML ([#9132]( +- The `podman generate kube` command now properly supports generating YAML for containers and pods creating using host networking (`--net=host`) ([#9077]( +- The `podman kill` command now supports a `--cidfile` option to kill containers given a file containing the container's ID ([#8443]( +- The `podman pod create` command now supports the `--net=none` option ([#9165]( +- The `podman volume create` command can now specify volume UID and GID as options with the `UID` and `GID` fields passed to the the `--opt` option. +- Initial support has been added for Docker Volume Plugins. Podman can now define available plugins in `containers.conf` and use them to create volumes with `podman volume create --driver`. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new option, `--platform`, to specify the platform of the image to be used when creating the container. +- The `--security-opt` option to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports the `systempaths=unconfined` option to unrestrict access to all paths in the container, as well as `mask` and `unmask` options to allow more granular restriction of container paths. +- The `podman stats --format` command now supports a new format specified, `MemUsageBytes`, which prints the raw bytes of memory consumed by a container without human-readable formatting [#8945]( +- The `podman ps` command can now filter containers based on what pod they are joined to via the `pod` filter ([#8512]( +- The `podman pod ps` command can now filter pods based on what networks they are joined to via the `network` filter. +- The `podman pod ps` command can now print information on what networks a pod is joined to via the `.Networks` specifier to the `--format` option. +- The `podman system prune` command now supports filtering what containers, pods, images, and volumes will be pruned. +- The `podman volume prune` commands now supports filtering what volumes will be pruned. +- The `podman system prune` command now includes information on space reclaimed ([#8658]( +- The `podman info` command will now properly print information about packages in use on Gentoo and Arch systems. +- The `containers.conf` file now contains an option for disabling creation of a new kernel keyring on container creation ([#8384]( +- The `podman image sign` command can now sign multi-arch images by producing a signature for each image in a given manifest list. +- The `podman image sign` command, when run as rootless, now supports per-user registry configuration files in `$HOME/.config/containers/registries.d`. +- Configuration options for `slirp4netns` can now be set system-wide via the `NetworkCmdOptions` configuration option in `containers.conf`. +- The MTU of `slirp4netns` can now be configured via the `mtu=` network command option (e.g. `podman run --net slirp4netns:mtu=9000`). + [#]## Security +- A fix for CVE-2021-20199 is included. Podman between v1.8.0 and v2.2.1 used `` as the source address for all traffic forwarded into rootless containers by a forwarded port; this has been changed to address the issue. + [#]## Changes +- Shortname aliasing support has now been turned on by default. All Podman commands that must pull an image will, if a TTY is available, prompt the user about what image to pull. +- The `podman load` command no longer accepts a `NAME[:TAG]` argument. The presence of this argument broke CLI compatibility with Docker by making `docker load` commands unusable with Podman ([#7387]( +- The Go bindings for the HTTP API have been rewritten with a focus on limiting dependency footprint and improving extensibility. Read more [here]( +- The legacy Varlink API has been completely removed from Podman. +- The default log level for Podman has been changed from Error to Warn. +- The `podman network create` command can now create `macvlan` networks using the `--driver macvlan` option for Docker compatibility. The existing `--macvlan` flag has been deprecated and will be removed in Podman 4.0 some time next year. +- The `podman inspect` command has had the `LogPath` and `LogTag` fields moved into the `LogConfig` structure (from the root of the Inspect structure). The maximum size of the log file is also included. +- The `podman generate systemd` command no longer generates unit files using the deprecated `KillMode=none` option ([#8615]( +- The `podman stop` command now releases the container lock while waiting for it to stop - as such, commands like `podman ps` will no longer block until `podman stop` completes ([#8501]( +- Networks created with `podman network create --internal` no longer use the `dnsname` plugin. This configuration never functioned as expected. +- Error messages for the remote Podman client have been improved when it cannot connect to a Podman service. +- Error messages for `podman run` when an invalid SELinux is specified have been improved. +- Rootless Podman features improved support for containers with a single user mapped into the rootless user namespace. +- Pod infra containers now respect default sysctls specified in `containers.conf` allowing for advanced configuration of the namespaces they will share. +- SSH public key handling for remote Podman has been improved. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman history --no-trunc` command would truncate the `Created By` field ([#9120]( +- Fixed a bug where root containers that did not explicitly specify a CNI network to join did not generate an entry for the network in use in the `Networks` field of the output of `podman inspect` ([#6618]( +- Fixed a bug where, under some circumstances, container working directories specified by the image (via the `WORKDIR` instruction) but not present in the image, would not be created ([#9040]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command would generate invalid unit files if the container was creating using a command line that included doubled braces (`{{` and `}}`), e.g. `--log-opt-tag={{.Name}}` ([#9034]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate unit files including invalid Podman commands if the container was created using merged short options (e.g. `podman run -dt`) ([#8847]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could generate unit files that did not handle Podman commands including some special characters (e.g. `$`) ([#9176]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set a static IP address ([#7842]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set network aliases ([#8567]( +- Fixed a bug where the remote client could, under some circumstances, not include the `Containerfile` when sending build context to the server ([#8374]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman did not mount `/sys` as a new `sysfs` in some circumstances where it was acceptable. +- Fixed a bug where rootless containers that both joined a user namespace and a CNI networks would cause a segfault. These options are incompatible and now return an error. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle `CMD` and `ARGS` from images ([#8803]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle environment variables from images ([#8608]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly print errors that occurred when starting containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command errored when `hostNetwork` was used ([#8790]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would always pull images when the `:latest` tag was specified, even if the image was available locally ([#7838]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command did not properly handle SELinux configuration, rending YAML with custom SELinux configuration unusable ([#8710]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate kube` command incorrectly populated the `args` and `command` fields of generated YAML ([#9211]( +- Fixed a bug where containers in a pod would create a duplicate entry in the pod's shared `/etc/hosts` file every time the container restarted ([#8921]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman search --list-tags` command did not support the `--format` option ([#8740]( +- Fixed a bug where the `http_proxy` option in `containers.conf` was not being respected, and instead was set unconditionally to true ([#8843]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could, on systems with a recent Conmon and users with a long username, fail to attach to containers ([#8798]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command would break and fail to display any images if an empty manifest list was present in storage ([#8931]( +- Fixed a bug where locale environment variables were not properly passed on to Conmon. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not build on the MIPS architecture ([#8782]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to properly configure user namespaces for rootless containers when the user specified a `--uidmap` option that included a mapping beginning with UID `0`. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command using the `k8s-file` backend did not properly handle partial log lines with a length of 1 ([#8879]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `--follow` option did not properly handle log rotation ([#8733]( +- Fixed a bug where user-specified `HOSTNAME` environment variables were overwritten by Podman ([#8886]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would applied default sysctls from `containers.conf` in too many situations (e.g. applying network sysctls when the container shared its network with a pod). +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where a secondary image store was in use and an image was present in both the secondary and primary stores ([#8176]( +- Fixed a bug where systemd-managed rootless Podman containers where the user in the container was not root could fail as the container's PID file was not accessible to systemd on the host ([#8506]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--privileged` option to `podman run` and `podman create` would, under some circumstances, not disable Seccomp ([#8849]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command did not properly add capabilities when the container or exec session were run with `--privileged`. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would use the `--enable-sandbox` option to `slirp4netns` unconditionally, even when `pivot_root` was disabled, rendering `slirp4netns` unusable when `pivot_root` was disabled ([#8846]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman build --logfile` did not actually write the build's log to the logfile. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command did not close STDIN, and could display user-interactive prompts ([#8700]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system reset` command could, under some circumstances, remove all the contents of the `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` directory ([#8680]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network create` command created CNI configurations that did not include a default gateway ([#8748]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman.service` systemd unit provided by default used the wrong service type, and would cause systemd to not correctly register the service as started ([#8751]( +- Fixed a bug where, if the `TMPDIR` environment variable was set for the container engine in `containers.conf`, it was being ignored. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command did not properly handle future times given to the `--until` option ([#8694]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command wrote container `STDERR` logs to `STDOUT` instead of `STDERR` ([#8683]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created from an image with multiple tags would report that they were created from the wrong tag ([#8547]( +- Fixed a bug where container capabilities were not set properly when the `--cap-add=all` and `--user` options to `podman create` and `podman run` were combined. +- Fixed a bug where the `--layers` option to `podman build` was nonfunctional ([#8643]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system prune` command did not act recursively, and thus would leave images, containers, pods, and volumes present that would be removed by a subsequent call to `podman system prune` ([#7990]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--publish` option to `podman run` and `podman create` did not properly handle ports specified as a range of ports with no host port specified ([#8650]( +- Fixed a bug where `--format` did not support JSON output for individual fields ([#8444]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would fail when run on root containers using the `slirp4netns` network mode ([#7883]( +- Fixed a bug where the Podman remote client would ask for a password even if the server's SSH daemon did not support password authentication ([#8498]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command would fail if the system did not support one or more of the cgroup controllers Podman supports ([#8588]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` option to `podman create` and `podman run` did not ignore the `consistency` mount option. +- Fixed a bug where failures during the resizing of a container's TTY would print the wrong error. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network disconnect` command could cause the `podman inspect` command to fail for a container until it was restarted ([#9234]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created from a read-only rootfs (using the `--rootfs` option to `podman create` and `podman run`) would fail ([#9230]( + [#]## API +- Libpod API version has been bumped to v3.0.0. +- All Libpod Pod APIs have been modified to properly report errors with individual containers. Cases where the operation as a whole succeeded but individual containers failed now report an HTTP 409 error ([#8865]( +- The Compat API for Containers now supports the Rename and Copy APIs. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Prune APIs (for volumes, containers, and images) did not return the amount of space reclaimed in their responses. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Exec APIs for Containers would drop errors that occurred prior to the exec session successfully starting (e.g. a "no such file" error if an invalid executable was passed) ([#8281]( +- Fixed a bug where the Volumes field in the Compat Create API for Containers was being ignored ([#8649]( +- Fixed a bug where the NetworkMode field in the Compat Create API for Containers was not handling some values, e.g. `container:`, correctly. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Containers did not set container name properly. +- Fixed a bug where containers created using the Compat Create API unconditionally used Kubernetes file logging (the default specified in `containers.conf` is now used). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect API for Containers could include container states not recognized by Docker. +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean up after calls to the Events API when the `journald` backend was in use, resulting in a leak of file descriptors ([#8864]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Pull endpoint for Images could fail with an `index out of range` error under certain circumstances ([#8870]( +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod Exists endpoint for Images could panic. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not support all filters ([#8860]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not properly populate the Status field. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Resize APIs for Containers ignored the height and width parameters ([#7102]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Search API for Images returned an incorrectly-formatted JSON response ([#8758]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Load API for Images did not properly clean up temporary files. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Networks could panic when an empty IPAM configuration was specified. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect and List APIs for Networks did not include Scope. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.19.2 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.5 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.33.4 + 3.0.0-rc2: + This is the second release candidate of Podman v3.0. + 3.0.0-rc1: + [#]## Features +- Add ability to set system wide options for slirp4netns +- Add --cidfile to container kill +- Add commas between mount options +- Add compose regression to ci +- Add containerenv information to /run/.containerenv +- Add default sysctls for pod infra containers +- Add --filter to podman system prune +- Adding json formatting to `--list-tags` option in `podman search` command. +- Add mask and unmask option to --security-opt +- Add 'MemUsageBytes' format option +- Add more information and examples on podman and pipes +- Add network filter for podman ps and pod ps +- Add Networks format placeholder to podman ps and pod ps +- Add pod filter for ps +- Add podman network create option for bridge mtu +- Add podman network create option for bridge vlan +- Add pre checkpoint +- Add Security information to podman info +- Add support for Gentoo file to package query +- Add support for network ids +- Add support for pacman package version query +- Add support for persistent volume claims in kube files +- Add support for --platform +- Add systempaths=unconfined option +- Add volume filters to system prune +- Add volume prune --filter support +- Allow podman push to push manifest lists +- Allow users to specify TMPDIR in containers.conf +- Always add the default gateway to the cni config file +- Drop default log-level from error to warn +- Enable short-name aliasing +- Generate kube on multiple containers +- Generate systemd: do not set `KillMode` +- Image sign using per user registries.d +- Implement pod-network-reload +- Include named volumes in container migration +- Initial implementation of renaming containers +- Initial implementation of volume plugins +- Network connect disconnect on non-running containers +- Not use local image create/add manifest +- Podman network label support +- Prepare support in kube play for other volume types than hostPath +- Remote copy +- Remove the ability to use [name:tag] in podman load command +- Remove varlink support from Podman +- Sign multi-arch images +- Support --network=default as if it was private +- Support Unix timestamps for `podman logs --since` + [#]## Changes +- Add LogSize to container inspect +- Allow image errors to bubble up from lower level functions. +- Change name of imageVolumes in container config JSON +- Cleanup CNI Networks on reboot +- Consolidate filter logic to pkg subdirectory +- Make `podman stats` slirp check more robust +- More /var/run -> /run +- Prefer read/write images over read/only images +- Refactor kube.ToSpecGen parameters to struct +- Rename AutocompletePortCommand func +- Repeat system pruning until there is nothing removed +- Switch references of /var/run -> /run +- Use HTTPProxy settings from containers.conf +- Use Libpod tmpdir for pause path +- Use Options as CRImportCheckpoint() argument +- Use Options as exportCheckpoint() argument +- Use PasswordCallback instead of Password for ssh +- Use abi PodPs implementation for libpod/pods/json endpoint +- Validate that the bridge option is supported +- archive: move stat-header handling into copy package +- libpod, conmon: change log level for rootless +- libpod: change function to accept ExecOptions +- libpod: handle single user mapped as root +- make podman play use ENVs from image +- pkg/copy: introduce a Copier +- podman events allow future time for --until +- podman.service should be an exec service not a notify service +- rewrite podman-cp +- rootless: add function to retrieve gid/uid mappings +- rootless: automatically split userns ranges +- runtime: set XDG_* env variables if missing +- shell completion for the network flag +- specgen: improve heuristic for /sys bind mount +- systemd: make rundir always accessible + [#]## Bugfixes +- Close image rawSource when each loop ends +- Containers should not get inheritable caps by default +- Correct port range logic for port generation +- Correct which network commands can be run as rootless +- Disable CGv1 pod stats on net=host post +- Do not error on installing duplicate shutdown handler +- Do not ignore infra command from config files +- Do not mount sysfs as rootless in more cases +- Do not pull if image domain is localhost +- Do not use "true" after "syslog" in exit commands +- Do not validate the volume source path in specgen +- Don't accidently remove XDG_RUNTIME_DIR when reseting storage +- Ensure that `podman play kube` actually reports errors +- Ensure that user-specified HOSTNAME is honored +- Ensure we do not edit container config in Exec +- Exorcise Driver code from libpod/define +- Expose Height/Width fields to decoder +- Expose security attribute errors with their own messages +- Fix Wrong image tag is used when creating a container from an image with multiple tags +- Fix `podman images...` missing headers in table templates +- Fix build for mips architecture +- Fix build for mips architecture follow-up +- Fix custom mac address with a custom cni network +- Fix extra quotation mark in manpages. +- Fix missing options in volumes display while setting uid and gid +- Fix missing podman-container-rename man page link +- Fix network ls --filter invalid value flake +- Fix option names --subuidname and --subgidname +- Fix panic in libpod images exists endpoint +- Fix podman build --logfile +- Fix podman logs read partial log lines +- Fix problems reported by staticcheck +- Fix problems with network remove +- Fix shell completion for ps --filter ancestor +- Fix some nit +- Fix spelling mistakes +- Fix storage.conf to define driver in the VM +- Fix support for rpmbuild < 4.12.0. +- Fix: unpause not supported for CGv1 rootless +- Fxes /etc/hosts duplicated every time after container restarted in a pod +- Handle --rm when starting a container +- Handle podman exec capabilities correctly +- Honor the --layers flag +- Ignore containers.conf sysctls when sharing namespaces +- Improve error message when the the podman service is not enabled +- Make podman generate systemd --new flag parsing more robust +- Pass down EnableKeyring from containers.conf to conmon +- Properly handle --cap-add all when running with a --user flag +- Revert "Allow multiple --network flags for podman run/create" +- Revert e6fbc15f26b2a609936dfc11732037c70ee14cba +- Revert the custom cobra vendor +- Rework pruning to report reclaimed space +- Set NetNS mode instead of value +- The slirp4netns sandbox requires pivot_root +- close journald when reading +- container create: do not clear image name +- container stop: release lock before calling the runtime +- exec: honor --privileged +- fix: disable seccomp by default when privileged. +- image list: ignore bare manifest list +- network: disallow CNI networks with user namespaces +- oci: keep LC_ env variables to conmon +- oci: use /proc/self/fd/FD to open unix socket +- pass full NetworkMode to ParseNetworkNamespace +- play kube: fix args/command handling +- play kube: set entrypoint when interpreting Command +- podman build --force-rm defaults to true in code +- podman logs honor stderr correctly +- podman, exec: move conmon to the correct cgroup +- podman-remote fix sending tar content +- podman: drop checking valid rootless UID +- re-open container log files +- security: honor systempaths=unconfined for ro paths + [#]## API +- Add API for communicating with Docker volume plugins +- Change bindings to stop two API calls for ping +- Close the stdin/tty when using podman as a restAPI. +- Compat api containers/json add support for filters +- Container rename bindings +- Do not pass name argument to Load API +- Docker compat API - /images/search returns wrong structure (#7857) +- Docker compat API - containers create ignores the name +- Fix some network compat api problems +- Jira RUN-1106 Container handlers updates +- Jira RUN-1106 Image handlers updates +- Jira RUN-1106 Network handlers updates +- Jira RUN-1106 System handlers updates +- Jira RUN-1106 Volumes handlers updates +- Makefile: add target to generate bindings +- More docker compat API fixes +- Podman image bindings for 3.0 +- REST API v2 - ping - fix typo in header +- REST API v2 - ping - remove newline from response to improve Docker compatibility +- Reduce general binding binary size +- Restore compatible API for prune endpoints +- compat create should use bindings +- hack/podman-socat captures the API stream +- libpod API: pull: fix channel race +- misc bindings to podman v3 +- pkg/copy: add parsing API +- podman v3 container bindings +- podman v3 pod bindings + [#]## Misc +- Bump from 0.8.7 to 0.9.0 +- Bump from 0.30.0 to 0.31.1 +- Bump from 5.8.1 to 5.9.0 +- Bump from 1.24.1 to 1.24.5 +- Bump to latest master +- Bump from 1.1.2 to 1.1.5 +- Bump from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4 +- Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.8.0 +- Bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 +- Bump from 0.19.4 to 0.20.2 +- Bump master to v3.0.0-dev +- Bump to containers/buildah 1.9.2 +- Bump version in README to v2.2.0 +- vendor containers/psgo@v1.5.2 +- Update storagever to 1.24.8 + 1.24.8: + Call recreateSymlinks when not found during Readlink + homedir: add GetCacheHome + 1.24.7: + ignore metacopy option on kernels that do not support it + 1.24.6: + overlay: force metacopy=on for naivediff +- Update imagever to 5.10.4 + 5.10.4: + * copy: compute blob compression on reused blobs based on source MediaType + * copy: provide compression info about copied blobs + 5.10.3: + * place shortnames in `~/.cache` not `~/.config/.cache` + 5.10.2: + * short-name-aliases.conf: use cache folders instead of $HOME + Note: the v5.10.x series is now cut from the `release-v5.10` branch. + 5.10.1: + Fix segfault if sys is not defined. + 5.10.0: +- tarball: fix example code +- Bump from 0.5.8 to 0.5.9 +- Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.8.0 +- Bump from 5.3.0 to 5.4.0 +- Add DockerLogMirrirChoice to ctx for log +- Rename variables in pkg/docker/config tests +- Fix pkg/docker/config tests on non-Linux systems +- Add macOS test cases to GetPathToAuth +- Fix docker tests with recent c/storage +- Fix signature tests with recent c/storage +- Fix sysregistriesv2 tests with recent c/storage +- Fix pkg/docker/config tests with recent c/storage +- Bump from 1.23.7 to 1.24.5 +- Bump from 1.11.3 to 1.11.6 +- Enable subdomain matching in policy.json +- Bump from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 +- Bump from 1.11.6 to 1.11.7 +- ostree.TestReferenceSignaturePath: fix a compiler warning in a test +- manifest: add a test for UpdatedMIMEType +- blobinfocache: track compression types for locations +- Actually make a copy of ctx as the comment claims +- Actually use the SystemContext copy in the one place that matters +- Update golangci-lint +- Clarify the canModifyBlob condition in copyBlobFromStream +- Cleanup description of shortname expansion +- Allow callers to set the MaxParallelDownloads field +- Fix up errors linter is complaining about +- Set a default User-Agent if unset + +- Update common to 0.33.0: + v0.33: + seccomp: drop 'vmsplice' from the allowed list + Add new function to setup default environment + Implement secrets pkg: backend and filedriver + v0.32: + Do not retry on most syscall failures + Set http_proxy default to true + Add new completion functions for Arch and Os. + v0.31: + Switch default runtime from runc to crun + Add a volume plugins field to containers.conf + Remove libpod.conf + v0.30: + Add ability to set system wide options for slirp4netns + v0.29: + Remove stutter APIs from pkg/umask and pkg/subscriptions. + v0.28: + Add support for enabling/disabling kernel keyring in engines + We should not be setting a default infra command. + Print the error to log info + Move buildah/pkg/secrets to common/pkg/subscriptions + Move some volume and device parsing from buildah to common + v0.27: + fix: Set ping_group_range to 0 0 by default + Allow users to customer the --remote flag to be on by default. + v0.26: + Consolidate reporting functions from Buildah and Podman. + Update pkg/report to consolidate --format flag handling between Buildah and Podman and eventually Skopeo. + v0.25: + Common library now has pkg/formats pulled out of containers/buildah to make it easier to share with other tools. + Recommended containers.conf is also now available to be used by distros and CI/CD systems. + v0.24: + Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 + Add shared autocomplete functions for podman/buildah + v0.23: + Allow users to specify the default format for image builds + Shell Completion with cobra for login/logout flags + remove fchmodat2 from seccomp.json file + Add support for CONTAINER_CONNECTION environment variable + Bump from 5.5.2 to 5.6.0 + Allow pidfd_getfd by default in seccomp.json + Fix problems found by codespell + v0.22: + Add new syscalls to allowed seccomp.json + ValidatePullPolicy case-insensitive + Update default seccomp rules to match fedora rules + Bump from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2 + Bump from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1 + Bump from 1.23.3 to 1.23.5 + Add seccomp validation unit test for failing BuildProfile() + v0.21: + Add BuildFilter() and ValidateProfile() API + Add FindAppArmorParserBinary() helper + Add mock'able unit tests and move package to `internal` + Add owners file + Bump from 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 + Bump from 1.23.2 to 1.23.3 + Bump golang to 1.15 + Change fmt.Errorf calls to be replaced by errors package + Enable retry EOF from http request + Fix all gocritic lints + Fix nested elseif + Migrate seccomp/containers-golang + RetryIfNecessary: add a field for setting the delay in RetryOptions + Update golangci-lint and add config + Update pkg/config/config_darwin.go + Update pkg/config/config_linux.go + Update pkg/config/config_windows.go + Update pkg/retry/retry.go + Validate that apparmor_parser is available on the system + begin migration off travis + containers.conf: Fix ulimits nofile example syntax + fix windows containers.conf path + getCustomConfigFile for windows and darwin + v0.20: + multi_image_archive: add option for `podman save` + Wrap AppArmor errors to provide more debug information + Omit apparmor_parser warnings when parsing the version + Support different zoneinfo locations + Do not mention libpod.conf if no files found + v0.19: + Vendor in containers/storage v1.23.0 + Fix duplicated code found by codeverity. + Export NormalizeCapabilities function + Use homedir.GetConfigHome() + Respect XDG_CONFIG_HOME for policy.json and cni + Fix documentation + hooks_dir_path was in wrong location, should be under Enigine section + Fix deprecation warnings about libpod.conf and raise log level + v0.18: + Move retry code to pkg/retry + Bump from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2 + v0.17: + Add retry helper functions + Remove extra lock in Reload function + v0.16: + Add support for Umask + Fix config reload race + Add support for multiple service destinations + Bump from 1.21.0 to 1.21.1 + Add config reload + Bump from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 + Bump from 1.13.0 to 1.14.0 + v0.15: + Add support for timezone + Specify container engine in comments of engine env + Add env to [engines] for engine to use + Fix location of stop_timeout in default containers.conf + Bump from 5.4.4 to 5.5.1 + Fix testing to not race on containers.conf + pkg/version -> version + Move pkg/version to version to be consistent with other libraries in c/image. + Fixup handling of remote_uri for documentation + Add script to rebuild images on + Fix AppArmor profile prefix and name + Change AppArmor profile prefix and fix name-check +- Update image to 5.9.0: + v5.5.0: + * Add Security Policy + * Bump to v5.5.0-dev again + * Bump from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2 + * Add debug line to get Content-Type from manifests + * Add defaults for using the rootless policy path + * Bump from 1.0.0-rc1 to 1.0.0 + * Bump from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 + * pkg/docker/config/ModifyJSON: fix MkdirAll usage + * Bump from 5.0.4 to 5.2.1 + * Bump from 1.19.2 to 1.20.1 + * Bump from 1.10.5 to 1.10.6 + * Bump from 5.2.1 to 5.2.2 + * Go module noise + * Fix crash on inspecting an OCI image with no config + * Bump from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 + * Add hardcode Authfile for windows and mac + * docker/config: initialize dockerConfigFile + * docker/config: add `GetAllCredentials` + * Bump from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 + * Bump from 1.10.6 to 1.10.7 + * Bump from 1.20.1 to 1.20.2 + * Add documentation for credHelper + * Fix error messages on !canModifyManifest + * Add support for ProgressEventSkipped + * Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 + * Bump from 1.10.7 to 1.10.8 + * oci: don't overwrite tags pointing at the same manifest + * oci test: simplify length calculation + v5.5.1: + because the Go proxy caches an old version of the 5.5.0 tag, making + it difficult to use 5.5.0. + v5.5.2: + * backports pagination fix + v5.6.0: + * When we can't store signatures, point the user at the destination. + * Update for + * Refactor configPath API + * Load the rootless registries.conf.d for override + * docker config: clean up after test + * blobinfocache: clean up after test + * enable search using pagination + * pkg/docker/config: correct default file mode when create auth.json file + * Update to Go 1.13 + * Coverity found potential nil dereference + * Look for normalized paths in tarfile. + * Move docker/tarfile.Destination to docker/internal/tarfile.Destination + * Use the docker/internal/tarfile.Destination from docker/daemon and docker/archive + * Remove deprecated non-SystemContext functions from docker/internal.tarfile + * Introduce Destination.configPath and Destination.physicalLayerPath + * Split docker/internal.tarfile.Writer from Destination + * Move createRepositoriesFile to a bit better place + * Split Writer.createManifest from Destination.PutManifest + * Reorganize docker/internal/tarfile.Writer.createManifest a bit + * Move the computation of layerPaths in docker-archive + * Implement writing multiple images in the modern format. + * Split createSingleLegacyLayer from writeLegacyLayerMetadata + * Move legacy layer ID computation to a bit later + * Merge writeLegacyMetadata and createRepositoriesFile + * Implement writing multiple images in the legacy format + * Separate tarfile.Writer creation from Destination creation + * Lock docker/internal/tarfile.Writer to support concurrent uses + * Split openArchiveForWriting from docker/archive/newImageDestination + * Finally, introduce docker/archive.Writer + * use container/storage/pkg/homedir + * Fix an error message on docker-archive:path:name@sha256:$digest + * Move docker/tarfile.Source to docker/internal/tarfile.Source + * Use the docker/internal/tarfile.Source from docker/daemon and docker/archive + * Remove deprecated non-SystemContext functions from docker/internal/tarfile + * Split docker/internal/tarfile.Reader from Source + * Separate tarfile.Reader creation from Source creation + * Read the tarfile manifest already when initializing tarfile.Reader + * Turn tarfile.Source.LoadTarManifest into a TarManifest + * Allow choosing an image from tarfile.Reader by reference + * Introduce docker-archive:path:@index syntax for reading untagged images + * Introduce docker/archive.Reader + * Finally, share a tarfile.Reader across archiveSource objects + * Add docker/archive.NewReaderForReference + * Add docker/archive.Reader.ManifestTagsForReference + * Support per user registries.d + * Move TestInvalidPolicyFormatError + * Reduce duplication in policy_config_test.go + * Eliminate more duplication in signature/policy_config_tests.go + * Return error body if UnexpectedHTTPResponseError + * Set NoLchown to true in untar opts + v5.7.0: + * add comment on CVE-2020-15157 + * Bump from 1.23.5 to 1.23.6 + * Search credentials under XDG_CONFIG_HOME + * Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.11.1 + * Use $DOCKER_CONFIG/config.json to match the docker CLI. + * Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 + * Regenerate oci/layout fixture certificates + * Extend the lifetime of test certificates to 10 years + * Set default rootless sigstore + * Update copier/imagecopier to fix race + * Fix problems found by codespell + v5.8.0: + * pkg/shortnames + * Finally, split configuration loading and merging + * Reorder merging code in loadConfig to match field order in V2RegistriesConf + * Remove "TODO: separate upper format from internal data below:" + * Move shortNameMode from V2RegistriesConf to parsedConfig + * Behavior change: Move unqualifiedSearchRegistriesOrigin to parsedConfig + * Deprecate TryUpdatingCache return value, warn about parsedConfig.v2 + * Some progress: Move aliasCache out of V2RegistriesConf to parsedConfig + * Add a parsedConfig return value to loadConfigFile + * Split shortNameAliasCache.updateWithConfigurationFrom from loadConfig + * Move the creation of shortNameAliasCache to loadConfigFile + * Rename shortNameAliasConf.parseAndValidate to newShortNameAliasCache + * Move the allocation of an empty alias map to editShortNameAlias + * Bump from 1.11.1 to 1.11.2 + * Split shortNameAliasCache from shortNameAliasConf + * Split the error and success return paths of shortNameAliasConf.parseAndValidate + * Sort Registries in V2RegistriesConf.postProcess + * Make it clearer that .postProcessRegistries() is called on the V2RegistriesConf data + * Make tomlConfig private + * Split loadConfigFile from loadConfig + * Make loadConfig a method on parsedConfig instead of tomlConfig + * Introduce sysregistriesv2.parsedConfig, use it for configCache + * Don't hard-code cache implementation details in tests + * Add a test for correctly merging unqualified-search-registries + * sysregistriesv2: short-name aliasing + * Add GetDigest method to retrieve digest from manifest HEAD request + * Fix misleading network error + * Bump from 1.23.6 to 1.23.7 + * docs: update reference to + v5.9.0: + * copy: check our assumptions about compression + * Add a signedIdentity choice "type": "remapIdentity" + * shortnames: error if there's no alias and no search registries +- Update podman to 2.2.1 + v2.2.1 + [#]## Changes +- Due to a conflict with a previously-removed field, we were forced to modify the way image volumes (mounting images into containers using `--mount type=image`) were handled in the database. As a result, containers created in Podman 2.2.0 with image volumes will not have them in v2.2.1, and these containers will need to be re-created. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would, on systems without the `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` environment variable defined, use an incorrect path for the PID file of the Podman pause process, causing Podman to fail to start ([#8539]( +- Fixed a bug where containers created using Podman v1.7 and earlier were unusable in Podman due to JSON decode errors ([#8613]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman could retrieve invalid cgroup paths, instead of erroring, for containers that were not running. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system reset` command would print a warning about a duplicate shutdown handler being registered. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would attempt to mount `sysfs` in circumstances where it was not allowed; some OCI runtimes (notably `crun`) would fall back to alternatives and not fail, but others (notably `runc`) would fail to run containers. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman create` commands would fail to create containers from untagged images ([#8558]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman would prompt for a password even when the server did not support password authentication ([#8498]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command did not move the Conmon process for the exec session into the correct cgroup. +- Fixed a bug where shell completion for the `ancestor` option to `podman ps --filter` did not work correctly. +- Fixed a bug where detached containers would not properly clean themselves up (or remove themselves if `--rm` was set) if the Podman command that created them was invoked with `--log-level=debug`. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle the `Binds` and `Mounts` parameters in `HostConfig`. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers ignored the `Name` query parameter. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle the "default" value for `NetworkMode` (this value is used extensively by `docker-compose`) ([#8544]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Build endpoint for Images would sometimes incorrectly use the `target` query parameter as the image's tag. + [#]## Misc +- Podman v2.2.0 vendored a non-released, custom version of the `` package; this has been reverted to the latest upstream release to aid in packaging. +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.9.0 + v2.2.0 + [#]## Features +- Experimental support for shortname aliasing has been added. This is not enabled by default, but can be turned on by setting the environment variable `CONTAINERS_SHORT_NAME_ALIASING` to `on`. Documentation is [available here]( and [here]( +- Initial support has been added for the `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` commands, which allow existing containers to modify what networks they are connected to. At present, these commands can only be used on running containers that did not specify `--network=none` when they were created. +- The `podman run` command now supports the `--network-alias` option to set network aliases (additional names the container can be accessed at from other containers via DNS if the `dnsname` CNI plugin is in use). Aliases can also be added and removed using the new `podman network connect` and `podman network disconnect` commands. Please note that this requires a new release (v1.1.0) of the `dnsname` plugin, and will only work on newly-created CNI networks. +- The `podman generate kube` command now features support for exporting container's memory and CPU limits ([#7855]( +- The `podman play kube` command now features support for setting CPU and Memory limits for containers ([#7742]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports persistent volumes claims using Podman named volumes. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports Kubernetes configmaps via the `--configmap` option ([#7567]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports a `--log-driver` option to set the log driver for created containers. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports a `--start` option, enabled by default, to start the pod after creating it. This allows for `podman play kube` to be more easily used in systemd unitfiles. +- The `podman network create` command now supports the `--ipv6` option to enable dual-stack IPv6 networking for created networks ([#7302]( +- The `podman inspect` command can now inspect pods, networks, and volumes, in addition to containers and images ([#6757]( +- The `--mount` option for `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new type, `image`, to mount the contents of an image into the container at a given location. +- The Bash and ZSH completions have been completely reworked and have received significant enhancements! Additionally, support for Fish completions and completions for the `podman-remote` executable have been added. +- The `--log-opt` option for `podman create` and `podman run` now supports the `max-size` option to set the maximum size for a container's logs ([#7434]( +- The `--network` option to the `podman pod create` command now allows pods to be configured to use `slirp4netns` networking, even when run as root ([#6097]( +- The `podman pod stop`, `podman pod pause`, `podman pod unpause`, and `podman pod kill` commands now work on multiple containers in parallel and should be significantly faster. +- The `podman search` command now supports a `--list-tags` option to list all available tags for a single image in a single repository. +- The `podman search` command can now output JSON using the `--format=json` option. +- The `podman diff` and `podman mount` commands now work with all containers in the storage library, including those not created by Podman. This allows them to be used with Buildah and CRI-O containers. +- The `podman container exists` command now features a `--external` option to check if a container exists not just in Podman, but also in the storage library. This will allow Podman to identify Buildah and CRI-O containers. +- The `--tls-verify` and `--authfile` options have been enabled for use with remote Podman. +- The `/etc/hosts` file now includes the container's name and hostname (both pointing to localhost) when the container is run with `--net=none` ([#8095]( +- The `podman events` command now supports filtering events based on the labels of the container they occurred on using the `--filter label=key=value` option. +- The `podman volume ls` command now supports filtering volumes based on their labels using the `--filter label=key=value` option. +- The `--volume` and `--mount` options to `podman run` and `podman create` now support two new mount propagation options, `unbindable` and `runbindable`. +- The `name` and `id` filters for `podman pod ps` now match based on a regular expression, instead of requiring an exact match. +- The `podman pod ps` command now supports a new filter `status`, that matches pods in a certain state. + [#]## Changes +- The `podman network rm --force` command will now also remove pods that are using the network ([#7791]( +- The `podman volume rm`, `podman network rm`, and `podman pod rm` commands now return exit code 1 if the object specified for removal does not exist, and exit code 2 if the object is in use and the `--force` option was not given. +- If `/dev/fuse` is passed into Podman containers as a device, Podman will open it before starting the container to ensure that the kernel module is loaded on the host and the device is usable in the container. +- Global Podman options that were not supported with remote operation have been removed from `podman-remote` (e.g. `--cgroup-manager`, `--storage-driver`). +- Many errors have been changed to remove repetition and be more clear as to what has gone wrong. +- The `--storage` option to `podman rm` is now enabled by default, with slightly changed semantics. If the given container does not exist in Podman but does exist in the storage library, it will be removed even without the `--storage` option. If the container exists in Podman it will be removed normally. The `--storage` option for `podman rm` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. +- The `--storage` option to `podman ps` has been renamed to `--external`. An alias has been added so the old form of the option will continue to work. +- Podman now delays the SIGTERM and SIGINT signals during container creation to ensure that Podman is not stopped midway through creating a container resulting in potential resource leakage ([#7941]( +- The `podman save` command now strips signatures from images it is exporting, as the formats we export to do not support signatures ([#7659]( +- A new `Degraded` state has been added to pods. Pods that have some, but not all, of their containers running are now considered to be `Degraded` instead of `Running`. +- Podman will now print a warning when conflicting network options related to port forwarding (e.g. `--publish` and `--net=host`) are specified when creating a container. +- The `--restart on-failure` and `--rm` options for containers no longer conflict. When both are specified, the container will be restarted if it exits with a non-zero error code, and removed if it exits cleanly ([#7906]( +- Remote Podman will no longer use settings from the client's `containers.conf`; defaults will instead be provided by the server's `containers.conf` ([#7657]( +- The `podman network rm` command now has a new alias, `podman network remove` ([#8402]( + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where `podman load` on the remote client did not error when attempting to load a directory, which is not yet supported for remote use. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could hang when the `newuidmap` binary was not installed ([#7776]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--pull` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman build` did not match Docker's behavior. +- Fixed a bug where sysctl settings from the `containers.conf` configuration file were applied, even if the container did not join the namespace associated with a sysctl. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not return the text of errors encounted when trying to run a healthcheck for a container. +- Fixed a bug where Podman was accidentally setting the `containers` environment variable in addition to the expected `container` environment variable. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman using CNI networking did not properly clean up DNS entries for removed containers ([#7789]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman untag --all` command was not supported with remote Podman. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command could time out even if active attach connections were present ([#7826]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would sometimes never time out despite no active connections being present. +- Fixed a bug where Podman's handling of capabilities, specifically inheritable, did not match Docker's. +- Fixed a bug where `podman run` would fail if the image specified was a manifest list and had already been pulled ([#7798]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not take search registries into account when looking up images locally ([#6381]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest inspect` command would fail for images that had already been pulled ([#7726]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would not add supplemental GIDs to containers when when a user, but not a group, was set via the `--user` option to `podman create` and `podman run` and sufficient GIDs were available to add the groups ([#7782]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman commands did not properly handle cases where the user gave a name that could also be a short ID for a pod or container ([#7837]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman image prune` could leave images ready to be pruned after `podman image prune` was run ([#7872]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `journald` log driver would not read all available logs ([#7476]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--rm` and `--restart` options to `podman create` and `podman run` did not conflict when a restart policy that is not `on-failure` was chosen ([#7878]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--format "table {{ .Field }}"` option to numerous Podman commands ceased to function on Podman v2.0 and up. +- Fixed a bug where pods did not properly share an SELinux label between their containers, resulting in containers being unable to see the processes of other containers when the pod shared a PID namespace ([#7886]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--namespace` option to `podman ps` did not work with the remote client ([#7903]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman incorrectly calculated the number of UIDs available in the container if multiple different ranges of UIDs were specified. +- Fixed a bug where the `/etc/hosts` file would not be correctly populated for containers in a user namespace ([#7490]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network create` and `podman network remove` commands could race when run in parallel, with unpredictable results ([#7807]( +- Fixed a bug where the `-p` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman pod create` would, when given only a single number (e.g. `-p 80`), assign the same port for both host and container, instead of generating a random host port ([#7947]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers did not properly store the cgroup manager they were created with, causing them to stop functioning after the cgroup manager was changed in `containers.conf` or with the `--cgroup-manager` option ([#7830]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command did not include information on the CNI networks a container was connected to if it was not running. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not print a newline after detaching from the container ([#7751]( +- Fixed a bug where the `HOME` environment variable was not set properly in containers when the `--userns=keep-id` option was set ([#8004]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman container restore` command could panic when the container in question was in a pod ([#8026]( +- Fixed a bug where the output of the `podman image trust show --raw` command was not properly formatted. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command could panic if a label to run was not given ([#8038]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman start --attach` commands would exit with an error when the user detached manually using the detach keys on remote Podman ([#7979]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless CNI networking did not use the `dnsname` CNI plugin if it was not available on the host, despite it always being available in the container used for rootless networking ([#8040]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where an OCI runtime is specified by its full path, and could revert to using another OCI runtime with the same binary path that existed in the system `$PATH` on subsequent invocations. +- Fixed a bug where the `--net=host` option to `podman create` and `podman run` would cause the `/etc/hosts` file to be incorrectly populated ([#8054]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command did not include container network information when the container shared its network namespace (IE, joined a pod or another container's network namespace via `--net=container:...`) ([#8073]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` command did not include information on all ports a container was publishing. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command incorrectly forwarded `STDIN` into build containers from `RUN` instructions. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman wait` command's `--interval` option did not work when units were not specified for the duration ([#8088]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--detach-keys` and `--detach` options could be passed to `podman create` despite having no effect (and not making sense in that context). +- Fixed a bug where Podman could not start containers if running on a system without a `/etc/resolv.conf` file (which occurs on some WSL2 images) ([#8089]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--extract` option to `podman cp` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `--cidfile` option to `podman run` would, when the container was not run with `--detach`, only create the file after the container exited ([#8091]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` and `podman images -a` commands could panic and not list any images when certain improperly-formatted images were present in storage ([#8148]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command could, when the `journald` events backend was in use, become nonfunctional when a badly-formatted event or a log message that container certain string was present in the journal ([#8125]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman would, when using SSH transport, not authenticate to the server using hostkeys when connecting on a port other than 22 ([#8139]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not exit when containers stopped ([#8154]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean paths before verifying them, resulting in Podman refusing to start if the root or temporary directories were specified with extra trailing `/` characters ([#8160]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman did not support hashed hostnames in the `known_hosts` file on the host for establishing connections ([#8159]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman image exists` command would return non-zero (false) when multiple potential matches for the given name existed. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest inspect` command on images that are not manifest lists would error instead of inspecting the image ([#8023]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would fail if the directory the Unix socket was to be created inside did not exist ([#8184]( +- Fixed a bug where pods that shared the IPC namespace (which is done by default) did not share a `/dev/shm` filesystem between all containers in the pod ([#8181]( +- Fixed a bug where filters passed to `podman volume list` were not inclusive ([#6765]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman volume create` command would fail when the volume's data directory already existed (as might occur when a volume was not completely removed) ([#8253]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman create` commands would deadlock when trying to create a container that mounted the same named volume at multiple locations (e.g. `podman run -v testvol:/test1 -v testvol:/test2`) ([#8221]( +- Fixed a bug where the parsing of the `--net` option to `podman build` was incorrect ([#8322]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command would print the ID of the built image twice when using remote Podman ([#8332]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command did not show memory limits for containers ([#8265]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod inspect` command printed the static MAC address of the pod in a non-human-readable format ([#8386]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--tls-verify` option of the `podman play kube` command had its logic inverted (`false` would enforce the use of TLS, `true` would disable it). +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network rm` command would error when trying to remove `macvlan` networks and rootless CNI networks ([#8491]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman was not setting sane defaults for missing `XDG_` environment variables. +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman would check if volume paths to be mounted in the container existed on the host, not the server ([#8473]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest create` and `podman manifest add` commands on local images would drop any images in the manifest not pulled by the host. +- Fixed a bug where networks made by `podman network create` did not include the `tuning` plugin, and as such did not support setting custom MAC addresses ([#8385]( +- Fixed a bug where container healthchecks did not use `$PATH` when searching for the Podman executable to run the healthcheck. +- Fixed a bug where the `--ip-range` option to `podman network create` did not properly handle non-classful subnets when calculating the last usable IP for DHCP assignment ([#8448]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman container ps` alias for `podman ps` was missing ([#8445]( + [#]## API +- The Compat Create endpoint for Container has received a major refactor to share more code with the Libpod Create endpoint, and should be significantly more stable. +- A Compat endpoint for exporting multiple images at once, `GET /images/get`, has been added ([#7950]( +- The Compat Network Connect and Network Disconnect endpoints have been added. +- Endpoints that deal with image registries now support a `X-Registry-Config` header to specify registry authentication configuration. +- The Compat Create endpoint for images now properly supports specifying images by digest. +- The Libpod Build endpoint for images now supports an `httpproxy` query parameter which, if set to true, will forward the server's HTTP proxy settings into the build container for `RUN` instructions. +- The Libpod Untag endpoint for images will now remove all tags for the given image if no repository and tag are specified for removal. +- Fixed a bug where the Ping endpoint misspelled a header name (`Libpod-Buildha-Version` instead of `Libpod-Buildah-Version`). +- Fixed a bug where the Ping endpoint sent an extra newline at the end of its response where Docker did not. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers did not send a newline character after each log line. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers would mangle line endings to change newline characters to add a preceding carriage return ([#7942]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not properly list the container's stop signal ([#7917]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers formatted the container's create time incorrectly ([#7860]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not include the container's Path, Args, and Restart Count. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers prefixed added and dropped capabilities with `CAP_` (Docker does not do so). +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Info endpoint for the Engine did not include configured registries. +- Fixed a bug where the server could panic if a client closed a connection midway through an image pull ([#7896]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for volumes returned an error when a volume with the same name already existed, instead of succeeding with a 201 code ([#7740]( +- Fixed a bug where a client disconnecting from the Libpod or Compat events endpoints could result in the server using 100% CPU ([#7946]( +- Fixed a bug where the "no such image" error message sent by the Compat Inspect endpoint for Images returned a 404 status code with an error that was improperly formatted for Docker compatibility. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for networks did not properly set a default for the `driver` parameter if it was not provided by the client. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for images did not populate the `RootFS` field of the response. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for images would omit the `ParentId` field if the image had no parent, and the `Created` field if the image did not have a creation time. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Remove endpoint for Networks did not support the `Force` query parameter. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.18.0 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.1 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.8.1 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.27.0 + v2.2.0-rc2 + APIv2 + * Fix Bugs and compatability + * Fix list of images - mandatory Created attribute + * Add network connect|disconnect compat endpoints + Missing Commands + * Add alias for podman network rm -> remove + * Add podman container ps command + Missing Options support + * Align the podman pod ps --filter behavior with podman ps + * Allow containers to --restart on-failure with --rm + * Allow multiple --network flags for podman run/create + Documentation: + * Containers.conf settings for remote connections + * Specify what the replace flag replaces in help text + * Clarify ps(1) fallback of `podman top` + Improve shell completions + Bugs + * Fix ip-range for classless subnet masks + * Make c.networks() list include the default network + * Make podman service log events + * Set PATH env in systemd timer. + * Fix container cgroup lookup + v2.2.0-RC1 + This is the first release candidate for Podman v2.2.0. Preliminary release notes are below: + [#]# 2.2.0 + [#]## Features +- Experimental support for shortname aliasing has been added. This is not enabled by default, but can be turned on by setting the environment variable `CONTAINERS_SHORT_NAME_ALIASING` to `on`. Documentation is [available here]( +- The `podman generate kube` command now features support for exporting container's memory and CPU limits ([#7855]( +- The `podman play kube` command now features support for setting CPU and Memory limits for containers ([#7742]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports Kubernetes configmaps via the `--configmap` option ([#7567]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports a `--log-driver` option to set the log driver for created containers. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports a `--start` option, enabled by default, to start the pod after creating it. This allows for `podman play kube` to be more easily used in systemd unitfiles. +- The `podman run` command now supports the `--network-alias` option to set network aliases (additional names the container can be accessed at from other containers via DNS if the `dnsname` CNI plugin is in use). Please note that this requires a new release (v1.1.0) of the `dnsname` plugin, and will only work on newly-created CNI networks. +- The `podman network create` command now supports the `--ipv6` option to enable dual-stack IPv6 networking for created networks ([#7302]( +- The `podman inspect` command can now inspect pods, networks, and volumes, in addition to containers and images ([#6757]( +- The `--mount` option for `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new type, `image`, to mount the contents of an image into the container at a given location. +- The Bash and ZSH completions have been completely reworked and have received significant enhancements! Additionally, support for Fish completions and completions for the `podman-remote` executable have been added. +- The `--log-opt` option for `podman create` and `podman run` now supports the `max-size` option to set the maximum size for a container's logs ([#7434]( +- The `--network` option to the `podman pod create` command now allows pods to be configured to use `slirp4netns` networking, even when run as root ([#6097]( +- The `podman pod stop`, `podman pod pause`, `podman pod unpause`, and `podman pod kill` commands now work on multiple containers in parallel and should be significantly faster. +- The `podman search` command now supports a `--list-tags` option to list all available tags for a single image in a single repository. +- The `podman search` command can now output JSON using the `--format=json` option. +- The `podman diff` and `podman mount` commands now work with all containers in the storage library, including those not created by Podman. This allows them to be used with Buildah and CRI-O containers. +- The `podman container exists` command now features a `--external` option to check if a container exists not just in Podman, but also in the storage library. This will allow Podman to identify Buildah and CRI-O containers. +- The `--tls-verify` and `--authfile` options have been enabled for use with remote Podman. +- The `/etc/hosts` file now includes the container's name and hostname (both pointing to localhost) when the container is run with `--net=none` ([#8095]( +- The `podman events` command now supports filtering events based on the labels of the container they occurred on using the `--filter label=key=value` option. +- The `podman volume ls` command now supports filtering volumes based on their labels using the `--filter label=key=value` option. +- The `--volume` and `--mount` options to `podman run` and `podman create` now support two new mount propagation options, `unbindable` and `runbindable`. +- The `name` filter for `podman pod ps` now matches based on a regular expression, instead of requiring an exact match. + [#]## Changes +- The `podman network rm --force` command will now also remove pods that are using the network ([#7791]( +- The `podman volume rm`, `podman network rm`, and `podman pod rm` commands now return exit code 1 if the object specified for removal does not exist, and exit code 2 if the object is in use and the `--force` option was not given. +- If `/dev/fuse` is passed into Podman containers as a device, Podman will open it before starting the container to ensure that the kernel module is loaded on the host and the device is usable in the container. +- Global Podman options that were not supported with remote operation have been removed from `podman-remote` (e.g. `--cgroup-manager`, `--storage-driver`). +- Many errors have been changed to remove repetition and be more clear as to what has gone wrong. +- The `--storage` option to `podman rm` is now enabled by default, with slightly changed semantics. If the given container does not exist in Podman but does exist in the storage library, it will be removed even without the `--storage` option. If the container exists in Podman it will be removed normally. The `--storage` option for `podman rm` is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. +- The `--storage` option to `podman ps` has been renamed to `--external`. An alias has been added so the old form of the option will continue to work. +- Podman now delays the SIGTERM and SIGINT signals during container creation to ensure that Podman is not stopped midway through creating a container resulting in potential resource leakage ([#7941]( +- The `podman save` command now strips signatures from images it is exporting, as the formats we export to do not support signatures ([#7659]( +- A new `Degraded` state has been added to pods. Pods that have some, but not all, of their containers running are now considered to be `Degraded` instead of `Running`. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where `podman load` on the remote client did not error when attempting to load a directory, which is not yet supported for remote use. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could hang when the `newuidmap` binary was not installed ([#7776]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--pull` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman build` did not match Docker's behavior. +- Fixed a bug where sysctl settings from the `containers.conf` configuration file were applied, even if the container did not join the namespace associated with a sysctl. +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not return the text of errors encounted when trying to run a healthcheck for a container. +- Fixed a bug where Podman was accidentally setting the `containers` environment variable in addition to the expected `container` environment variable. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman using CNI networking did not properly clean up DNS entries for removed containers ([#7789]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman untag --all` command was not supported with remote Podman. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command could time out even if active attach connections were present ([#7826]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would sometimes never time out despite no active connections being present. +- Fixed a bug where Podman's handling of capabilities, specifically inheritable, did not match Docker's. +- Fixed a bug where `podman run` would fail if the image specified was a manifest list and had already been pulled ([#7798]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not take search registries into account when looking up images locally ([#6381]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest inspect` command would fail for images that had already been pulled ([#7726]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would not add supplemental GIDs to containers when when a user, but not a group, was set via the `--user` option to `podman create` and `podman run` and sufficient GIDs were available to add the groups ([#7782]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman commands did not properly handle cases where the user gave a name that could also be a short ID for a pod or container ([#7837]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman image prune` could leave images ready to be pruned after `podman image prune` was run ([#7872]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `journald` log driver would not read all available logs ([#7476]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--rm` and `--restart` options to `podman create` and `podman run` did not conflict when a restart policy that is not `on-failure` was chosen ([#7878]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--format "table {{ .Field }}"` option to numerous Podman commands ceased to function on Podman v2.0 and up. +- Fixed a bug where pods did not properly share an SELinux label between their containers, resulting in containers being unable to see the processes of other containers when the pod shared a PID namespace ([#7886]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--namespace` option to `podman ps` did not work with the remote client ([#7903]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman incorrectly calculated the number of UIDs available in the container if multiple different ranges of UIDs were specified. +- Fixed a bug where the `/etc/hosts` file would not be correctly populated for containers in a user namespace ([#7490]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman network create` and `podman network remove` commands could race when run in parallel, with unpredictable results ([#7807]( +- Fixed a bug where the `-p` option to `podman run`, `podman create`, and `podman pod create` would, when given only a single number (e.g. `-p 80`), assign the same port for both host and container, instead of generating a random host port ([#7947]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman containers did not properly store the cgroup manager they were created with, causing them to stop functioning after the cgroup manager was changed in `containers.conf` or with the `--cgroup-manager` option ([#7830]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command did not include information on the CNI networks a container was connected to if it was not running. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not print a newline after detaching from the container ([#7751]( +- Fixed a bug where the `HOME` environment variable was not set properly in containers when the `--userns=keep-id` option was set ([#8004]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman container restore` command could panic when the container in question was in a pod ([#8026]( +- Fixed a bug where the output of the `podman image trust show --raw` command was not properly formatted. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command could panic if a label to run was not given ([#8038]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman start --attach` commands would exit with an error when the user detached manually using the detach keys on remote Podman ([#7979]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless CNI networking did not use the `dnsname` CNI plugin if it was not available on the host, despite it always being available in the container used for rootless networking ([#8040]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where an OCI runtime is specified by its full path, and could revert to using another OCI runtime with the same binary path that existed in the system `$PATH` on subsequent invocations. +- Fixed a bug where the `--net=host` option to `podman create` and `podman run` would cause the `/etc/hosts` file to be incorrectly populated ([#8054]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman inspect` command did not include container network information when the container shared its network namespace (IE, joined a pod or another container's network namespace via `--net=container:...`) ([#8073]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` command did not include information on all ports a container was publishing. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command incorrectly forwarded `STDIN` into build containers from `RUN` instructions. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman wait` command's `--interval` option did not work when units were not specified for the duration ([#8088]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--detach-keys` and `--detach` options could be passed to `podman create` despite having no effect (and not making sense in that context). +- Fixed a bug where Podman could not start containers if running on a system without a `/etc/resolv.conf` file (which occurs on some WSL2 images) ([#8089]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--extract` option to `podman cp` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `--cidfile` option to `podman run` would, when the container was not run with `--detach`, only create the file after the container exited ([#8091]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` and `podman images -a` commands could panic and not list any images when certain improperly-formatted images were present in storage ([#8148]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman events` command could, when the `journald` events backend was in use, become nonfunctional when a badly-formatted event or a log message that container certain string was present in the journal ([#8125]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman would, when using SSH transport, not authenticate to the server using hostkeys when connecting on a port other than 22 ([#8139]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not exit when containers stopped ([#8154]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean paths before verifying them, resulting in Podman refusing to start if the root or temporary directories were specified with extra trailing `/` characters ([#8160]( +- Fixed a bug where remote Podman did not support hashed hostnames in the `known_hosts` file on the host for establishing connections ([#8159]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman image exists` command would return non-zero (false) when multiple potential matches for the given name existed. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman manifest inspect` command on images that are not manifest lists would error instead of inspecting the image ([#8023]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command would fail if the directory the Unix socket was to be created inside did not exist ([#8184]( +- Fixed a bug where pods that shared the IPC namespace (which is done by default) did not share a `/dev/shm` filesystem between all containers in the pod ([#8181]( +- Fixed a bug where filters passed to `podman volume list` were not inclusive ([#6765]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman volume create` command would fail when the volume's data directory already existed (as might occur when a volume was not completely removed) ([#8253]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` and `podman create` commands would deadlock when trying to create a container that mounted the same named volume at multiple locations (e.g. `podman run -v testvol:/test1 -v testvol:/test2`) ([#8221]( +- Fixed a bug where the parsing of the `--net` option to `podman build` was incorrect ([#8322]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command would print the ID of the built image twice when using remote Podman ([#8332]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman stats` command did not show memory limits for containers ([#8265]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman pod inspect` command printed the static MAC address of the pod in a non-human-readable format ([#8386]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--tls-verify` option of the `podman play kube` command had its logic inverted (`false` would enforce the use of TLS, `true` would disable it). + [#]## API +- The Compat Create endpoint for Container has received a major refactor to share more code with the Libpod Create endpoint, and should be significantly more stable. +- A Compat endpoint for exporting multiple images at once, `GET /images/get`, has been added ([#7950]( +- The Compat Network Connect and Network Disconnect endpoints have been added. +- Endpoints that deal with image registries now support a `X-Registry-Config` header to specify registry authentication configuration. +- The Compat Create endpoint for images now properly supports specifying images by digest. +- The Libpod Build endpoint for images now supports an `httpproxy` query parameter which, if set to true, will forward the server's HTTP proxy settings into the build container for `RUN` instructions. +- The Libpod Untag endpoint for images will now remove all tags for the given image if no repository and tag are specified for removal. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers did not send a newline character after each log line. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers would mangle line endings to change newline characters to add a preceding carriage return ([#7942]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not properly list the container's stop signal ([#7917]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers formatted the container's create time incorrectly ([#7860]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not include complete network information on the container. +- Fixed a bug where the server could panic if a client closed a connection midway through an image pull ([#7896]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for volumes returned an error when a volume with the same name already existed, instead of succeeding with a 201 code ([#7740]( +- Fixed a bug where a client disconnecting from the Libpod or Compat events endpoints could result in the server using 100% CPU ([#7946]( +- Fixed a bug where the "no such image" error message sent by the Compat Inspect endpoint for Images returned a 404 status code with an error that was improperly formatted for Docker compatibility. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for networks did not properly set a default for the `driver` parameter if it was not provided by the client. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for images did not populate the `RootFS` field of the response. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.18.0 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.0 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.8.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.27.0 + v2.1.1 + [#]## Changes +- The `podman info` command now includes the cgroup manager Podman is using. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not build with the `varlink` build tag enabled. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman save` command could, when asked to save multiple images, write its progress bar to the archive instead of the terminal, producing a corrupted archive. +- Fixed a bug where the `json-file` log driver did not write logs. +- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote start --attach` did not properly handle detaching using the detach keys. +- Fixed a bug where `podman pod ps --filter label=...` did not work. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build` command did not respect the `--runtime` flag. + [#]## API +- The REST API now includes a Server header in all responses. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod and Compat Attach endpoints could terminate early, before sending all output from the container. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers did not properly handle the Interactive parameter. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Kill endpoint for containers could continue to run after a fatal error. +- Fixed a bug where the Limit parameter of the Compat List endpoint for Containers did not properly handle a limit of 0 (returning nothing, instead of all containers) ([#7722]( +- The Libpod Stats endpoint for containers is being deprecated and will be replaced by a similar endpoint with additional features in a future release. + v2.1.0 + [#]## Features +- A new command, `podman image mount`, has been added. This allows for an image to be mounted, read-only, to inspect its contents without creating a container from it ([#1433]( +- The `podman save` and `podman load` commands can now create and load archives containing multiple images ([#2669]( +- Rootless Podman now supports all `podman network` commands, and rootless containers can now be joined to networks. +- The performance of `podman build` on `ADD` and `COPY` instructions has been greatly improved, especially when a `.dockerignore` is present. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new mode for the `--cgroups` option, `--cgroups=split`. Podman will create two cgroups under the cgroup it was launched in, one for the container and one for Conmon. This mode is useful for running Podman in a systemd unit, as it ensures that all processes are retained in systemd's cgroup hierarchy ([#6400]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now specify options to slirp4netns by using the `--network` option as follows: `--net slirp4netns:opt1,opt2`. This allows for, among other things, switching the port forwarder used by slirp4netns away from rootlessport. +- The `podman ps` command now features a new option, `--storage`, to show containers from Buildah, CRI-O and other applications. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--sdnotify` option to control the behavior of systemd's sdnotify with containers, enabling improved support for Podman in `Type=notify` units. +- The `podman run` command now features a `--preserve-fds` opton to pass file descriptors from the host into the container ([#6458]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now create overlay volume mounts, by adding the `:O` option to a bind mount (e.g. `-v /test:/test:O`). Overlay volume mounts will mount a directory into a container from the host and allow changes to it, but not write those changes back to the directory on the host. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports the Socket HostPath type ([#7112]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports read-only mounts. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports setting labels on pods from Kubernetes metadata labels. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports setting container restart policy ([#7656]( +- The `podman play kube` command now properly handles `HostAlias` entries. +- The `podman generate kube` command now adds entries to `/etc/hosts` from `--host-add` generated YAML as `HostAlias` entries. +- The `podman play kube` and `podman generate kube` commands now properly support `shareProcessNamespace` to share the PID namespace in pods. +- The `podman volume ls` command now supports the `dangling` filter to identify volumes that are dangling (not attached to any container). +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--umask` option to set the umask of the created container. +- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now feature a `--tz` option to set the timezone within the container ([#5128]( +- Environment variables for Podman can now be added in the `containers.conf` configuration file. +- The `--mount` option of `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new mount type, `type=devpts`, to add a `devpts` mount to the container. This is useful for containers that want to mount `/dev/` from the host into the container, but still create a terminal. +- The `--security-opt` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new option, `proc-opts`, to specify options for the container's `/proc` filesystem. +- Podman with the `crun` OCI runtime now supports a new option to `podman run` and `podman create`, `--cgroup-conf`, which allows for advanced configuration of cgroups on cgroups v2 systems. +- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support a `--override-variant` option, to override the architecture variant of the image that will be pulled and ran. +- A new global option has been added to Podman, `--runtime-flags`, which allows for setting flags to use when the OCI runtime is called. +- The `podman manifest add` command now supports the `--cert-dir`, `--auth-file`, `--creds`, and `--tls-verify` options. + [#]## Security +- This release resolves CVE-2020-14370, in which environment variables could be leaked between containers created using the Varlink API. + [#]## Changes +- Podman will now retry pulling an image 3 times if a pull fails due to network errors. +- The `podman exec` command would previously print error messages (e.g. `exec session exited with non-zero exit code -1`) when the command run exited with a non-0 exit code. It no longer does this. The `podman exec` command will still exit with the same exit code as the command run in the container did. +- Error messages when creating a container or pod with a name that is already in use have been improved. +- For read-only containers running systemd init, Podman creates a tmpfs filesystem at `/run`. This was previously limited to 65k in size and mounted `noexec`, but is now unlimited size and mounted `exec`. +- The `podman system reset` command no longer removes configuration files for rootless Podman. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for a container if it joined another container's network namespace ([#66782]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman save --format oci-dir` saved the image in an incorrect format ([#6544]( +- Fixed a bug where privileged containers would still configure an AppArmor profile. +- Fixed a bug where the `--format` option of `podman system df` was not properly interpreting format codes that included backslashes ([#7149]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would ignore errors from `newuidmap` and `newgidmap`, even if `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` contained valid mappings for the user running Podman. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman commit` command did not properly handle single-character image names ([#7114]( +- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman ps --format=json` did not include a `Status` field ([#6980]( +- Fixed a bug where input to the `--log-level` option was no longer case-insensitive. +- Fixed a bug where `podman images` could segfault when an image pull was aborted while incomplete, leaving an image without a manifest ([#7444]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would try to create the `~/.config` directory when it did not exist, despite not placing any configuration files inside the directory. +- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman system df` was inconsistent based on whether the `-v` option was specified ([#7405]( +- Fixed a bug where `--security-opt apparmor=unconfined` would error if Apparmor was not enabled on the system ([#7545]( +- Fixed a bug where running `podman stop` on multiple containers starting with `--rm` could sometimes cause `no such container` errors ([#7384]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote` would still try to contact the server when displaying help information about subcommands. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build --logfile` command would segfault. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command did not properly handle containers which were created with a name given as `--name=$NAME` instead of `--name $NAME` ([#7157]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` was ignoring the `--latest` flag. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote kill` command would hang when a signal that did not kill the container was specified ([#7135]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--oom-score-adj` option of `podman run` and `podman create` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `--display` option of `podman runlabel` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command would not pull images that did not exist locally on the system. +- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote run` would not exit with the correct code with the container was removed by a `podman-remote rm -f` while `podman-remote run` was still running ([#7117]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote run --rm` command would error attempting to remove containers that had already been removed (e.g. by `podman-remote rm --force`) ([#7340]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users in `/etc/passwd` in the container that belong to groups without a corresponding entry in `/etc/group` ([#7389]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman run --userns=keepid` could create entries in `/etc/passwd` with a UID that was already in use by another user ([#7503]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users that could not be logged into ([#7499]( +- Fixed a bug where trying to join another container's user namespace with `--userns container:$ID` would fail ([#7547]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would trim underscores from container names ([#7020]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not show output when attaching to a container with a terminal ([#6523]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system df` command could be extremely slow when large quantities of images were present ([#7406]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman images -a` would break if any image pulled by digest was present in the store ([#7651]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--mount` option to `podman run` and `podman create` required the `type=` parameter to be passed first ([#7628]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--infra-command` parameter to `podman pod create` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where `podman auto-update` would fail for any container started with `--pull=always` ([#7407]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman wait` command would only accept a single argument. +- Fixed a bug where the parsing of the `--volumes-from` option to `podman run` and `podman create` was broken, making it impossible to use multiple mount options at the same time ([#7701]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command would not join executed processes to the container's supplemental groups if the container was started with both the `--user` and `--group-add` options. +- Fixed a bug where the `--iidfile` option to `podman-remote build` was nonfunctional. + [#]## API +- The Libpod API version has been bumped to v2.0.0 due to a breaking change in the Image List API. +- Docker-compatible Volume Endpoints (Create, Inspect, List, Remove, Prune) are now available! +- Added an endpoint for generating systemd unit files for containers. +- The `last` parameter to the Libpod container list endpoint now has an alias, `limit` ([#6413]( +- The Libpod image list API new returns timestamps in Unix format, as integer, as opposed to as strings +- The Compat Inspect endpoint for containers now includes port information in NetworkSettings. +- The Compat List endpoint for images now features limited support for the (deprecated) `filter` query parameter ([#6797]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers was not correctly handling bind mounts. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers would not return a 404 when the requested image was not present. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers did not properly handle Entrypoint and Command from images. +- Fixed a bug where name history information was not properly added in the Libpod Image List endpoint. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod image search endpoint improperly populated the Description field of responses. +- Added a `noTrunc` option to the Libpod image search endpoint. +- Fixed a bug where the Pod List API would return null, instead of an empty array, when no pods were present ([#7392]( +- Fixed a bug where endpoints that hijacked would do perform the hijack too early, before being ready to send and receive data ([#7195]( +- Fixed a bug where Pod endpoints that can operate on multiple containers at once (e.g. Kill, Pause, Unpause, Stop) would not forward errors from individual containers that failed. +- The Compat List endpoint for networks now supports filtering results ([#7462]( +- Fixed a bug where the Top endpoint for pods would return both a 500 and 404 when run on a non-existant pod. +- Fixed a bug where Pull endpoints did not stream progress back to the client. +- The Version endpoints (Libpod and Compat) now provide version in a format compatible with Docker. +- All non-hijacking responses to API requests should not include headers with the version of the server. +- Fixed a bug where Libpod and Compat Events endpoints did not send response headers until the first event occurred ([#7263]( +- Fixed a bug where the Build endpoints (Compat and Libpod) did not stream progress to the client. +- Fixed a bug where the Stats endpoints (Compat and Libpod) did not properly handle clients disconnecting. +- Fixed a bug where the Ignore parameter to the Libpod Stop endpoint was not performing properly. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers did not stream its output in the correct format ([#7196]( + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.16.1 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.23.5 +- Updated the containers/image library to v5.6.0 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.22.0 + v2.1.0-RC2 + This is the second release candidate for Podman v2.1.0. + v2.1.0-RC1 + This is the first release candidate of Podman v2.1.0. Preliminary release notes are attached below: + [#]## Features +- A new command, `podman image mount`, has been added. This allows for an image to be mounted, read-only, to inspect its contents without creating a container from it ([#1433]( +- The `podman save` and `podman load` commands can now create and load archives containing multiple images ([#2669]( +- Rootless Podman now supports all `podman network` commands, and rootless containers can now be joined to networks. +- The performance of `podman build` on `ADD` and `COPY` instructions has been greatly improved, especially when a `.dockerignore` is present. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now support a new mode for the `--cgroups` option, `--cgroups=split`. Podman will create two cgroups under the cgroup it was launched in, one for the container and one for Conmon. This mode is useful for running Podman in a systemd unit, as it ensures that all processes are retained in systemd's cgroup hierarchy ([#6400]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now specify options to slirp4netns by using the `--network` option as follows: `--net slirp4netns:opt1,opt2`. This allows for, among other things, switching the port forwarder used by slirp4netns away from rootlessport. +- The `podman ps` command now features a new option, `--storage`, to show containers from Buildah, CRI-O and other applications. +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--sdnotify` option to control the behavior of systemd's sdnotify with containers, enabling improved support for Podman in `Type=notify` units. +- The `podman run` command now features a `--preserve-fds` opton to pass file descriptors from the host into the container ([#6458]( +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands can now create overlay volume mounts, by adding the `:O` option to a bind mount (e.g. `-v /test:/test:O`). Overlay volume mounts will mount a directory into a container from the host and allow changes to it, but not write those changes back to the directory on the host. +- The `podman play kube` command now supports the Socket HostPath type ([#7112]( +- The `podman play kube` command now supports read-only mounts. +- The `podman play kube` command now properly handles `HostAlias` entries. +- The `podman generate kube` command now adds entries to `/etc/hosts` from `--host-add` generated YAML as `HostAlias` entries. +- The `podman play kube` and `podman generate kube` commands now properly support `shareProcessNamespace` to share the PID namespace in pods. +- The `podman volume ls` command now supports the `dangling` filter to identify volumes that are dangling (not attached to any container). +- The `podman run` and `podman create` commands now feature a `--umask` option to set the umask of the created container. +- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now feature a `--tz` option to set the timezone within the container ([#5128]( +- Environment variables for Podman can now be added in the `containers.conf` configuration file. +- The `--mount` option of `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new mount type, `type=devpts`, to add a `devpts` mount to the container. This is useful for containers that want to mount `/dev/` from the host into the container, but still create a terminal. +- The `--security-opt` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` now supports a new option, `proc-opts`, to specify options for the container's `/proc` filesystem. +- Podman with the `crun` OCI runtime now supports a new option to `podman run` and `podman create`, `--cgroup-conf`, which allows for advanced configuration of cgroups on cgroups v2 systems. +- The `podman create` and `podman run` commands now support a `--override-variant` option, to override the architecture variant of the image that will be pulled and ran. +- A new global option has been added to Podman, `--runtime-flags`, which allows for setting flags to use when the OCI runtime is called. +- The `podman manifest add` command now supports the `--cert-dir`, `--auth-file`, `--creds`, and `--tls-verify` options. + [#]## Changes +- Podman will now retry pulling an image 3 times if a pull fails due to network errors. +- The `podman exec` command would previously print error messages (e.g. `exec session exited with non-zero exit code -1`) when the command run exited with a non-0 exit code. It no longer does this. The `podman exec` command will still exit with the same exit code as the command run in the container did. +- Error messages when creating a container or pod with a name that is already in use have been improved. +- For read-only containers running systemd init, Podman creates a tmpfs filesystem at `/run`. This was previously limited to 65k in size and mounted `noexec`, but is now unlimited size and mounted `exec`. +- The `podman system reset` command no longer removes configuration files for rootless Podman. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not add an entry to `/etc/hosts` for a container if it joined another container's network namespace ([#66782]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman save --format oci-dir` saved the image in an incorrect format ([#6544]( +- Fixed a bug where privileged containers would still configure an AppArmor profile. +- Fixed a bug where the `--format` option of `podman system df` was not properly interpreting format codes that included backslashes ([#7149]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would ignore errors from `newuidmap` and `newgidmap`, even if `/etc/subuid` and `/etc/subgid` contained valid mappings for the user running Podman. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman commit` command did not properly handle single-character image names ([#7114]( +- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman ps --format=json` did not include a `Status` field ([#6980]( +- Fixed a bug where input to the `--log-level` option was no longer case-insensitive. +- Fixed a bug where `podman images` could segfault when an image pull was aborted while incomplete, leaving an image without a manifest ([#7444]( +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would try to create the `~/.config` directory when it did not exist, despite not placing any configuration files inside the directory. +- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman system df` was inconsistent based on whether the `-v` option was specified ([#7405]( +- Fixed a bug where `--security-opt apparmor=unconfined` would error if Apparmor was not enabled on the system ([#7545]( +- Fixed a bug where running `podman stop` on multiple containers starting with `--rm` could sometimes cause `no such container` errors ([#7384]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote` would still try to contact the server when displaying help information about subcommands. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman build --logfile` command would segfault. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command did not properly handle containers which were created with a name given as `--name=$NAME` instead of `--name $NAME` ([#7157]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman ps` was ignoring the `--latest` flag. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote kill` command would hang when a signal that did not kill the container was specified ([#7135]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--oom-score-adj` option of `podman run` and `podman create` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `--display` option of `podman runlabel` was nonfunctional. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman runlabel` command would not pull images that did not exist locally on the system. +- Fixed a bug where `podman-remote run` would not exit with the correct code with the container was removed by a `podman-remote rm -f` while `podman-remote run` was still running ([#7117]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman-remote run --rm` command would error attempting to remove containers that had already been removed (e.g. by `podman-remote rm --force`) ([#7340]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users in `/etc/passwd` in the container that belong to groups without a corresponding entry in `/etc/group` ([#7389]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman run --userns=keepid` could create entries in `/etc/passwd` with a UID that was already in use by another user ([#7503]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman --user` with a numeric user and `podman run --userns=keepid` could create users that could not be logged into ([#7499]( +- Fixed a bug where trying to join another container's user namespace with `--userns container:$ID` would fail ([#7547]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` command would trim underscores from container names ([#7020]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman attach` command would not show output when attaching to a container with a terminal ([#6523]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system df` command could be extremely slow when large quantities of images were present ([#7406]( + [#]## API +- Docker-compatible Volume Endpoints (Create, Inspect, List, Remove, Prune) are now available! +- Added an endpoint for generating systemd unit files for containers. +- The `last` parameter to the Libpod container list endpoint now has an alias, `limit` ([#6413]( +- The Libpod image list API new returns timestamps in Unix format, as integer, as opposed to as strings +- The Compat Inspect endpoint for containers now includes port information in NetworkSettings. +- The Compat List endpoint for images now features limited support for the (deprecated) `filter` query parameter ([#6797]( +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers was not correctly handling bind mounts. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers would not return a 404 when the requested image was not present. +- Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for containers did not properly handle Entrypoint and Command from images. +- Fixed a bug where name history information was not properly added in the Libpod Image List endpoint. +- Fixed a bug where the Libpod image search endpoint improperly populated the Description field of responses. +- Added a `noTrunc` option to the Libpod image search endpoint. +- Fixed a bug where the Pod List API would return null, instead of an empty array, when no pods were present ([#7392]( +- Fixed a bug where endpoints that hijacked would do perform the hijack too early, before being ready to send and receive data ([#7195]( +- Fixed a bug where Pod endpoints that can operate on multiple containers at once (e.g. Kill, Pause, Unpause, Stop) would not forward errors from individual containers that failed. +- The Compat List endpoint for networks now supports filtering results ([#7462]( +- Fixed a bug where the Top endpoint for pods would return both a 500 and 404 when run on a non-existant pod. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.16.1 +- Updated the containers/storage library to v1.23.5 +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.22.0 + v2.0.6 + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where running systemd in a container on a cgroups v1 system would fail. +- Fixed a bug where `/etc/passwd` could be re-created every time a container is restarted if the container's `/etc/passwd` did not contain an entry for the user the container was started as. +- Fixed a bug where containers without an `/etc/passwd` file specifying a non-root user would not start. +- Fixed a bug where the `--remote` flag would sometimes not make remote connections and would instead attempt to run Podman locally. + [#]## Misc +- Updated the containers/common library to v0.14.10 + v2.0.6-rc1 + This is the first release candidate for Podman v2.0.6. It includes several small bugfixes for issues identified with v2.0.5. + v2.0.5 + [#]## Features +- Rootless Podman will now add an entry to `/etc/passwd` for the user who ran Podman if run with `--userns=keep-id`. +- The `podman system connection` command has been reworked to support multiple connections, and reenabled for use! +- Podman now has a new global flag, `--connection`, to specify a connection to a remote Podman API instance. + [#]## Changes +- Podman's automatic systemd integration (activated by the `--systemd=true` flag, set by default) will now activate for containers using `/usr/local/sbin/init` as their command, instead of just `/usr/sbin/init` and `/sbin/init` (and any path ending in `systemd`). +- Seccomp profiles specified by the `--security-opt seccomp=...` flag to `podman create` and `podman run` will now be honored even if the container was created using `--privileged`. + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the `podman play kube` would not honor the `hostIP` field for port forwarding ([#5964]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd` command would panic on an invalid restart policy being specified ([#7271]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command could take a very long time (several minutes) to complete when a large number of images were present. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman logs` command with the `--tail` flag would not work properly when a large amount of output would be printed ((#7230)[]). +- Fixed a bug where the `podman exec` command with remote Podman would not return a non-zero exit code when the exec session failed to start (e.g. invoking a non-existent command) ([#6893]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman load` command with remote Podman would did not honor user-specified tags ([#7124]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman system service` command, when run as a non-root user by Systemd, did not properly handle the Podman pause process and would not restart properly as a result ([#7180]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--publish` flag to `podman create`, `podman run`, and `podman pod create` did not properly handle a host IP of (attempting to bind to literal, instead of all IPs on the system) ([#7104]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman start --attach` command would not print the container's exit code when the command exited due to the container exiting. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rm` command with remote Podman would not remove volumes, even if the `--volumes` flag was specified ([#7128]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman run` command with remote Podman and the `--rm` flag could exit before the container was fully removed. +- Fixed a bug where the `--pod new:...` flag to `podman run` and `podman create` would create a pod that did not share any namespaces. +- Fixed a bug where the `--preserve-fds` flag to `podman run` and `podman exec` could close the wrong file descriptors while trying to close user-provided descriptors after passing them into the container. +- Fixed a bug where default environment variables (`$PATH` and `$TERM`) were not set in containers when not provided by the image. +- Fixed a bug where pod infra containers were not properly unmounted after exiting. +- Fixed a bug where networks created with `podman network create` with an IPv6 subnet did not properly set an IPv6 default route. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman save` command would not work properly when its output was piped to another command ([#7017]( +- Fixed a bug where containers using a systemd init on a cgroups v1 system could leak mounts under `/sys/fs/cgroup/systemd` to the host. +- Fixed a bug where `podman build` would not generate an event on completion ([#7022]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman history` command with remote Podman printed incorrect creation times for layers ([#7122]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would not create working directories specified by the container image if they did not exist. +- Fixed a bug where Podman did not clear `CMD` from the container image if the user overrode `ENTRYPOINT` ([#7115]( +- Fixed a bug where error parsing image names were not fully reported (part of the error message containing the exact issue was dropped). +- Fixed a bug where the `podman images` command with remote Podman did not support printing image tags in Go templates supplied to the `--format` flag ([#7123]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman rmi --force` command would not attempt to unmount containers it was removing, which could cause a failure to remove the image. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman generate systemd --new` command could incorrectly quote arguments to Podman that contained whitespace, leading to nonfunctional unit files ([#7285]( +- Fixed a bug where the `podman version` command did not properly include build time and Git commit. +- Fixed a bug where running systemd in a Podman container on a system that did not use the `systemd` cgroup manager would fail ([#6734]( +- Fixed a bug where capabilities from `--cap-add` were not properly added when a container was started as a non-root user via `--user`. +- Fixed a bug where Pod infra containers were not properly cleaned up when they stopped, causing networking issues ([#7103]( + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the libpod and compat Build endpoints did not accept the `application/tar` content type (instead only accepting `application/x-tar`) ([#7185]( +- Fixed a bug where the libpod Exists endpoint would attempt to write a second header in some error conditions ([#7197]( +- Fixed a bug where compat and libpod Network Inspect and Network Remove endpoints would return a 500 instead of 404 when the requested network was not found. +- Added a versioned `_ping` endpoint (e.g. `http://localhost/v1.40/_ping`). +- Fixed a bug where containers started through a systemd-managed instance of the REST API would be shut down when `podman system service` shut down due to its idle timeout ([#7294]( +- Added stronger parameter verification for the libpod Network Create endpoint to ensure subnet mask is a valid value. +- The `Pod` URL parameter to the Libpod Container List endpoint has been deprecated; the information previously gated by the `Pod` boolean will now be included in the response unconditionally. + [#]## Misc +- Updated Buildah to v1.15.1 +- Updated containers/image library to v5.5.2 + v2.0.4 + [#]## Bugfixes +- Fixed a bug where the output of `podman image search` did not populate the Description field as it was mistakenly assigned to the ID field. +- Fixed a bug where `podman build -` and `podman build` on an HTTP target would fail. +- Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would improperly chown the copied-up contents of anonymous volumes ([#7130]( +- Fixed a bug where Podman would sometimes HTML-escape special characters in its CLI output. +- Fixed a bug where the `podman start --attach --interactive` command would print the container ID of the container attached to when exiting ([#7068]( +- Fixed a bug where `podman run --ipc=host --pid=host` would only set `--pid=host` and not `--ipc=host` ([#7100]( +- Fixed a bug where the `--publish` argument to `podman run`, `podman create` and `podman pod create` would not allow binding the same container port to more than one host port ([#7062]( +- Fixed a bug where incorrect arguments to `podman images --format` could cause Podman to segfault. +- Fixed a bug where `podman rmi --force` on an image ID with more than one name and at least one container using the image would not completely remove containers using the image ([#7153]( +- Fixed a bug where memory usage in bytes and memory use percentage were swapped in the output of `podman stats --format=json`. + [#]## API +- Fixed a bug where the libpod and compat events endpoints would fail if no filters were specified ([#7078]( +- Fixed a bug where the `CgroupVersion` field in responses from the compat Info endpoint was prefixed by "v" (instead of just being "1" or "2", as is documented). +- Update storage to 1.24.5 + 1.24.5: + Use STORAGE_DRIVER environment variable in rootless mode + Fix errors about undefined storage driver in vms + idtools: handle single user mapped as root + 1.24.4: + Use /run instead of /var/run + archive: Skip FIFO creation in user namespace + 1.24.3: + Revert returning storageOpts early in rootless mode. + Log message when graphdriver is not set + 1.24.2: + Fix reading of ~/.config/containers/storage.conf + 1.24.1: + Fix unshare.HomeDir to use entry in /etc/passwd + 1.24.0: + Add support for force_mask field, which allows for sharing container image over NFS shares or between different users on the same system. (Experimental) + 1.23.9: + Improve handling Get() in pkg/homedir, handling user namespaced homedirs correctly + Improve ID range selection for automatic user namespace range selection. + Restore usage of rootless_storage_path in user storage.conf + 1.20.5: + Fix handling of Interrupts while changing file system attributes. + 1.23.8: + Tighten permissions on created directory + Fix handling of EINTR when changing file permissions, being triggered by newer version of golang. + Fix resource leaks and improve error messages. + 1.23.7: + Fix handling of SetDefaultConfigFilePath(path) + Switch to handling EINTR when chowning content. + 1.23.6: + Lot's of bug fixes. + Drop some Warning messages down to Info level + Improve error messages for users + Improve imput parsing. + Maintain IMA Attributes in image creation + Fix usage of rootless_storage_path from system storage.conf file + Improve devmapper handling. + 1.23.5: + For podman v2.0 we need to use use ignore_chown_errors field if set + utils_test.go: make test show mismatching items + Support the rootless storage path from the system file + build(deps): bump from 1.10.11 to 1.11.0 + 1.20.4: + For podman v2.0 we need to use use ignore_chown_errors field if set + 1.23.4: + build(deps): bump from 1.2.4 to 1.2.5 + fix goroutine leak with close tatLogger in a defer clause + 1.23.3: + Switch to moby/sys/mountinfo + counter: check for external umounts + 1.20.3: + counter: check for external umounts + 1.23.2: + counter: check for external umounts + 1.23.1: + recover use graphLock when mount a layer + build(deps): bump from 1.10.10 to 1.10.11 + Use `bash` binary from env instead of /bin/bash for scripts + build(deps): bump from 1.10.10 to 1.10.11 + Allow users to override imagestores + Remove dead code + 1.23.0: + * Revert "build(deps): bump" + * Allow any env variable for graphroot, runroot, storagepath + * fileutils.Pattern.compile(): end the regex with the right path separator + * archive: preallocate a buffer for io.Copy + 1.22.0: + Allow env variables in graphroot and runroot + userns: make sure host id is not always 0 + store: support mapped layers deletion + Cirrus: Fix matrix filter + build(deps): bump + Cirrus: Add success-accumulator task + Cirrus: Note matrix filter resolution + store: support mapped layers deletion + userns: fix host id calculation when ranges overlap + userns: simplify function + Fix leaked fd + Coverity errors found + 1.21.2: + archive: fix the bug of ReadSecurityXattrToTarHeader + unbreak build on mipsen harder + unshare: memoize HomeDir() + 1.21.1: + userns: fix available range with explicit idmapping + layer mount: fix RO logic + When mounting images we have no lowers, but still need to mount + layerStore: clean residual resources in layerStore when remove an image + Allow mounting of Non Read Write images read/only + Always mount the layer via overlay. + 1.21.0: + Remove whitelist and replace with allowed + build(deps): bump from 1.5.2 to 1.6.0 + new interface for MountImage added + Record security.ima in container images + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc90 to 1.0.0-rc91 + Store the pvcreate --metadatasize option in storage.conf + new interface Free for deleting Store object + Just uncommenting this line blew up on me + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0 + Use temp instead of run as fallback directory for rootless mode + Make lock files world readable + Lock files should be CLOEXEC + Stop using golang 1.12 + build(deps): bump from 1.10.8 to 1.10.10 + devmapper: allow devmapper devices as directlvm device + build(deps): bump from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 + 1.20.2: + Add back skip_mount_home + Update git validation EPOCH + build(deps): bump from 1.0.0-rc9 to 1.0.0-rc90 + build(deps): bump from 1.10.5 to 1.10.7 + build(deps): bump from 1.5.1 to 1.6.0 + unbreak build on mipsen +- Switch to seccomp profile provided by common instead of podman +- Update containers.conf to match latest version + +- Simplify %setup statements. + libcorrect +- Generate and package pkg-config file + libcpuid +- Update to version 0.5.1+git.1626502835: + * CMake: reduce min cmake requirement 3.14 -> 3.13 + * Fix failing CI builds introduced by cb5fdd1 + * Use popcount64 from libc when available (#152) + * allow to build either static or shared (#156) + * cmake: allow libcpuid to be added as a CMake subproject (#155) + * fix installation of BUNDLE if iOS (#154) + * cmake: add an option to build tests (#153) + * Fix #150: CPU Family/Model is used as Ext.Family/Model + * DB: add Tiger Lake + libcss +- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do + not have that macro + +- Update to 0.9.1: + * Many bugfixes around + * support for new netsurf-buildsystem toolset +- Rebase libcss-buildopts.patch to this release +- Add patch to fix missing inlcudes: + * fix-test-includes.patch + libcthreads +- Update to tag 20211115 + * Build updates for MSVC. + libctl +- Update Source URL, moved to + +- update to 4.5.0: + * New `make_slanted_prism` functions to make a prism with + a given sidewall angle (gh#NanoComp/libctl#53). + * Defined `LIBCTL_MAJOR_VERSION` etc. in `ctlgeom.h` header file + when using stand-alone libctlgeom. + * Bugfix in point-in-prism test (gh#NanoComp/libctl#49). + * `geom_object_volume` function to get the volume of a 3d + object (accelerates `box_overlap_with_object` for objects + completely within a box) (gh#NanoComp/libctl#45). + * `ctl_printf_callback` so that callers can capture stdout + (gh#NanoComp/libctl#39). + +- Update to version 4.2.0 + * Better handling of center parameter of prisms + +- Update to version 4.1.4 + * See included for details +- remove patch: + * libctl-sincos-check.patch: obsolete +- download source from GitHub +- correct installing of doc files + libdevil +- +- added patches + fix build with openexr3 + + libdevil-openexr3.patch + +- Remove bias and marketing wording from descriptions. + +- bsc#1144245: Remove JPEG2000 support due to dropping dependency + on libjasper +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Fix %install_info_delete usage: + * It has to be performed in %preun, not %postun. + * See + -- Renamed spec and main package to be consistent - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - -- Remove false Requires from the devel package -- Add the full URL to the Source tag -- Use the original tarball without recompression - -- Use %_smp_mflags -- Clean up .spec -- Make .spec compatible with Mandriva - libdnet +- update to 1.14: + * many fixes included +- remove libdnet-autoreconf.patch + libdnet-config-multilib.patch + libdnet-fortify.patch + reproducible.patch: drop (upstream) +- skip-test-subdir.patch: skip building tests, we don't need + to install them and don't run them + +- Drop python2 bindings as they don't make sense to be built with + python2 removal + +- Add reproducible.patch to sort linked .o files + to make package build reproducible (boo#1041090) + -- fix build by adapting to the library packaging policy -- remove useless libtool archive -- correct some minor packaging issues - -- Initial package (1.11) - libdvbpsi +- Update to version 1.3.3: + + Fix regression in dvbpsi_decoder_psi_section_add() + set i_last_section_number + -- Upgrade to version 1.1.0: - * New API: make API more consistent, see howto-new-api. - * Bew SONAME. - * Remove deprecated APIs and bump library version. - * Corrected use of dvbpsi_ValidPSISection(). - * Remove workaround for checking CRC32 in TOT PSI table. - * Add function dvbpsi_CalculateCRC32(). - * Fix offset for description parsing in tables. - * Several new descriptors. - * EIT table generation, and decoding fixes, add NVOD event - detection. - * new example application dvbinfo - * misc examples: fixes to gen_pat, gen_pmt - * updated documentation (new api howto) - * add log callback (remove fprintf's) - * RST table decoding and generation - * descriptor 0x03: added variable_rate_audio_indicator - * ATSC tables EIT, ETT, MGT, STT and VCT decoders - libdvdnav +- update to 6.1.1: + * fix build issues + * improve CI + -- Update to version 4.2.1: - + Fixed failed assertion on menu-less DVDs. - + Fixed playback issues on multi-angle DVDs. - + Fixed crash when playing a DVD from different region than - currently set in the DVD drive. - + Fixed segfaults when reading certain DVDs (including "Jack - Reacher", "Ghost Protocol", "Inside Man", "Tangled" and - "The Dictator"). - libdxfrw +- Update to version 1.0.1+git.20200429: + * Fix includes install dir + * Export target as libdxfrw::libdxfrw to keep consistency with Conan packages + * Add archive destination in install + * Install DXFRW::dxfrw target + * Remove duplicate target properties + * Remove version from pkg-config file + * Let CMake handle C++11 compiler definition + * Change minimal required CMake version to 3.0 + * cmake: add doc target + * fix typo + * cmake: generate and install pkgconfig + * cmake: add one for dwg2dxf + * cmake: set library VERSIONs + * cmake: use GNUInstallDirs +- add patches (build fixes) + * + * drw_header-fix-indentation-level.patch +- remove patches (they got upstreamed) + * 0001-cmake-use-GNUInstallDirs.patch + * 0002-cmake-set-library-VERSIONs.patch + * 0003-cmake-add-one-for-dwg2dxf.patch + * 0004-cmake-generate-and-install-pkgconfig.patch + +- switch from sourceforge to more up-to-date github repo +- Update to version 0.6.3+git.20190501: + * Add build status and update example link + * Add Travis-CI script + * [#10] Fix compilation on GCC + * Fix bugs with .dwg import of TEXT and MTEXT entities + * This was unnecessary + * Link libdxfrw against libstdc++ + * Return an error when the file ends prematurely + * Add version getter + * Fix polyline 2d/3d write + * Initialize return buffers in GetRawChar8 et al. +- add + * 0001-cmake-use-GNUInstallDirs.patch + * 0002-cmake-set-library-VERSIONs.patch + * 0003-cmake-add-one-for-dwg2dxf.patch + * 0004-cmake-generate-and-install-pkgconfig.patch +- remove + * libdxfrw-LibreCad-2.1.0-changes.patch + libeXosip2 +- Update to 5.1.0 + * critical security issues + * See package, very many long neglected bug fixes + * directly supports openssl 1.0.2-1.1.1 (and libressl) without patching +- drop no longer needed openssl patch + openssl110-fix.patch +- now requires libosip2 >= 5.1.0 +- now requires c-ares for proper resolver functionality +- license was actually gpl-2.0-or-later, confirmed from sources and headers + -- create package - libebml +- Add patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1183715) + * 0001-include-appropriate-header-files-for-std-numeric_lim.patch + libeconf -- explicitly BuildRequire: pkgconfig for /usr/lib/rpm/ - On TW it's pulled in implicitly by libxcrypt-devel which is not the - case on 15.2 - -- Update to version 0.3.8+git20200710.5126fff: - * Add CMake build scripts, remove autotools support - * Move C++ ABI compatibility section - -- Update to version 0.3.7+git20200605.c67ef9a: - * Fix build on i586 - -- Update to version 0.3.6+git20200529.276359f: - * Package meson files with autotools - * Use newer version of actions/checkout - * Add actions for meson - * Create meson.yml - * Use meson source root for tests configuration files - * Add additional compiler warnings - * First useable meson build support including unit tests - * Add global options, build with pie and GNU_SOURCE - * Fix name of library, add example binary - * add support for meson - * Add C++ compatibility - * Add test case for crash with empty value keys - -- Update to version 0.3.5+git20200203.3144b69: - * Release version 0.3.5 - * Use float.h instead of obsolete gnuism values.h - * Remove gnuism (strdupa) - * Check for empty value (NULL pointer) before calling strdup. - -- Update to version 0.3.4+git20200121.febebf2: - * Release version 0.3.4 - * Fix buffer overflow in econf_readDirs - * Fix parsing of quoted strings, and values starting with delimiters - * tests: add test for quoted strings - * tests: tst-configdirs5: fix config dir paths - -- Update to version 0.3.3+git20191028.3ac14ce: - * Release version 0.3.3 - * Reset *key_file to NULL after free - -- Update to version 0.3.2+git20190926.fea4a03: - * Release version 0.3.2 - * Fix merging an empty file (#105) - * Add test cases for merge function - -- Update to version 0.3.1+git20190924.822cf5b: - * release version 0.3.1 - * Set delimiter in readFile - * Change parser interface to store file name and line numbers per key - * Update ccpp.yml - -- Update to version 0.3.0+git20190906.0e60a88: - * Ensure LICENSE, README, and TODO are included in the release tarball - * Rewrite set*ValueNum functions to avoid libm usage and add error checking - * Move src/*.c to lib and release version 0.3.0 - -- Update to version 0.3.0+git20190905.0ca8fe2: - * Merge doc changes from parlt91 (pull rq#73) - * Implement econf_get*ValueDef functions: if key is not found, a provided default is returned. - * Differentiate between no value provided and empty value provided - * Remove obsolete check for comments - * Enhance and adjust test cases - * Remove obsolete check for comments - -- Update to version 0.2.0+git20190904.03fa5b4: - * Enhance and adjust test cases - * Update ccpp.yml - * Update ccpp.yml - * Update ccpp.yml - -- Update to version 0.2.0+git20190904.989df9f: - * Remove debug printf - -- Update to version 0.2.0+git20190904.c9c1820: - * Implement alternate file parser solving the problems with group entry detection. - * Add new parse error error code - * Bool values read from a config file are not sanitzied, so we need to do that in the getBoolValueNum function, too. - * Only use <file>.<suffix>.d directories - * Release version 0.2.0 - * Add an explanation about this project. - * Check for NULL pointer arguments - * Fix error return value - * Fix typo in comment - * Add test case for reading login.defs with data from util-linux test suite - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190902.dd17c11: - * Fix int64 variables on 32bit architectures - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190831.fb7c1bb: - * Rewrite econf_readDirs - don't assume suffix is ".conf" - Read files and directories in correct order - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190830.04ba053: - * Make clear that the API and ABI of the three functions econf_newIniFile, econf_newKeyFile, econf_writeFile are not stable yet. - * Fix getGroups argument types and add several test cases for this. - * Fix cppcheck and compiler warnings - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190829.a1479b1: - * Make comment argument an array, so that we can support more than one comment character in the future. - * Change the API - * Fix size_t as return value of getc() - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190829.209219e: - * Convert all functions to new error API - * Convert econf_newKeyFile provide the error via return code - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190828.74eeb32: - * Fix tst-arguments3 and tst-arguments4 and only use error return code. - * Bug fixes for new API - * Change API of econf_get* and econf_set* functions to return error code direct. - * Fix some compiler warnings - * Prevent possible crash when parsing 0xFF - * Add "--enable-compiler-warnings" option to enable much more GCC compiler warnings - * Fix more cppcheck warnings - * Fix github actions build - * Update bin/ to work with Asan - * Add missing tst-getconfdirs4-data to EXTRA_DIST - * Fix some cppcheck warnings - * Don't ignore getline return value - * Add free for getStringValue in tst-group1 - * Remove XFAIL for tst-groups1 - * Update example.c to free after getStringValue - * Add addbrackets for getValue functions - * tst-getconfdirs4: make sure, only a file in /etc/ and not in /usr/etc works, too. - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190827.5ed5492: - * Mark all input char pointer as const in the official API - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190827.b243e6c: - * getStringValueNum returns a newly allocated string or NULL in error case. - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190827.8374759: - * Fix missing return - * Remove XFAIL for tst-setgetvalues1 - * Fix representation of float and double values - * Add preliminary test case for group handling - * NULL terminate string returned by addbrackets - * Fix addbrackets function - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190826.99b6bf3: - * Add more "const". - * Fix setString and setBoolean - * Add test suite which sets and gets all possible kind of types. Some are failing, so mark this test as XFAIL. - * Start marking some string arguments/results as const - * Optimize some strdup away - * Mark econf_write_key_file as ALPHA as the API is not stable - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190826.9e69003: - * Update ccpp.yml - * Add --enable-compiler-checks option to configure, enables AddressSanitizer - * Fix printf format directive - * Rework set*Value functions for error checking and error handling - * Add tst-getconfdirs3: verify we can load original file without local changes - * Error handling for econf_getGroups and econf_getKeys - * More errorreporting changes - * Fix make distcheck/don't mess around with libtool install/uninstall, this breaks to much other stuff. - * Autotools cleanup and fixes - * Fix logindefs1 test case - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190823.09a8f2e: - * Fix buffer overlow of realpath - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190823.acd8cdf: - * Update ccpp.yml - * Fix crash in strcmp, if strchr returns NULL - * Add error reporting to econf_merge_key_files and adjust the depending code. - * setStringValue return NULL on error/key not found - * Add framework for correct error reporting - * Disable searching through XDG dirs for now - * Add test cases for econf_get_conf_from_dirs - * Update comment setValue -> econf_setValue - * Update test cases to use econf_destroy - * Replace econf_afree with econf_destroy in example - * Add _generic macro to free memory of econf_ functions - * Add tst-merge2 to .gitignore - * Fix pointer arithmetic - * Adjust Makefiles and code to make "make distcheck" working - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190822.bb9702b: - * Ignore /usr file if /etc exists when merging - * Add NULL value handling - * Update merge example - * Rework merge_functionality - * Use deep copies instead of pointers for merged files - * Replace [] with KEY_FILE_NULL_VALUE - * Refactor getfilecontent functions - * Remove cmake files - * Fix test cases - * Update libeconf.c - * Change License from LGPL-2.1 to MIT - * libeconf.pc should only be deleted on distclean, not normal clean - * Fix delim argument - * Add more test cases for login.defs and wrong arguments - * Link libeconf against libm, so that it is enough to link an application against libeconf and developers don't need to bother with other dependencies - * Add, which calls autoconf/automake/libtool in the correct order to create the configure script - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190820.742af8c: - * Remove accidental .swp file - * Update example with conf.d directory - * Remove regex, replace with strchr(delim, ch) - * Add symbol versioning Don't ignore complete lib directory - * Include all headers in tar archive - * Don't define our own errno - * Remove wrong commit - * Add some basic tests - -- Update to version 0.0.0+git20190807.7aedb57: - * Refactor getfilecontent functions - * Update example file - * Add econf prefix to public API functions - * Add cmake targets for debugging - * Fix build with cmake - * Fix build with autotools - * Move Key_File allocation from the stack to the heap - * Move Key_File create functions to libeconf.c - * Move destroy functions from helpers.c to libeconf.c - * Add macro to set supported types generic. - -- Initial version - liberasurecode +- update to 1.6.2: + * Allow the writing of fragments with the legacy, non-standard CRC-32. + This is intended to smooth upgrades from liberasurecode 1.5.0 and + earlier in a system with multiple readers and writers. + See for more + information, including a script you can run on already-written + fragments to determine whether you are affected. + If you are affected: + - Upgrade liberasurecode on all systems, restarting processes as needed. + Upgraded writers will continue writing CRCs that not-yet-upgraded + readers can use. + - After liberasurecode is upgraded everywhere, remove the environment + variable. zlib CRCs will be used for new writes, and data written with + either CRC will still be readable. + +- Update to 1.6.1: + * Fixed CRC validation of little-endian fragments on big-endian. + * Fixed compile warning about unaligned pointers. +- Changes from 1.6.0: + * Use zlib for CRC-32. + * Allow support for reading of little-endian framents on + big-ending and vice-versa. + * Added check to return error for negative data or parity + arguments. + * Added better argument validation for flat_xor_hd. + libertinus-fonts +- Update to 7.0.40: + * A number of small updates across several fonts. + For details see: + + +i +- Update to 7.0.31 + * Correct distribution release filenames + +- Update to 7.030: + * Overhaul dot placement on all Latin capitals with dot-above + * Align dot-below on ṃ U+1E43 below middle stroke of m + * Remove bogus glyphs encoded as subscripts from Display and + Serif Semibold + * Drop inappropriate kerning classes from ₘ U+2098 and â‚™ U+2099 + * Zero out kerns between super/subscript glyphs + * Add glyph for U+0453 to Cyrillic Italic styles + * Enable support for Macedonian localized Italics + * Expand range of available angle bracket sizes in Math family + * Add alternative slanted integrals to Math family (as feature + +ss08) +- Use tar.xz archive + +- Update to 7.020: + * Fix name tables broken in 7.010 that associate styles in the + Serif family + * Correct position of middle dot on Å€ U+0140 in Mono and Keyboard + families + * Adjust height of middle dot in Ä¿ U+013F in the Display family + * Un-slant ‖ U+2016 and ‗ U+2017 in Mono family + * Un-slant, center, and fix widths of dash related characters in + Mono family + +- Update to 7.010: + * Build WOFF2 static font files suitable for use as self-hosted + webfonts (these are not packaged here) + * Add ‘ð„†â€™ [U+1D106] and ‘ð„‡â€™ [U+1D107] MUSICAL SYMBOL REPEAT SIGN + glyphs + * Add ‘꞉’ [U+A789] MODIFIER LETTER COLON glyph + * Fix weight of period (and derivatives such as colon) in Serif + Semibold + * Fix side bearings for +dlig ‘tz’ + * Fix vertical alignment of dots in colon to not shift between + weights + * Fix kerning of ‘f\’ and substitute an alternate ‘f’ glyph used + in ‘f)’ + * Cleanup encoding used in source files and build rules for easier + maintenance + * Update font meta data fields, documentation for downloads, and + build process + +- Update to 7.000 + * Adopt maintenance of project and update foundry, docs, URLs, etc. (alerque) + * Change version scheme to be OpenFV compatible with 3 digit minor version. + * Use Fontship to build all fonts and generate release packages. + * Filter out generated font artifacts from source repository. + +- Update to 6.12: + * Increase right side bearing of math italic R’s (#304). + * Add glyph variants for floor and ceiling, to make their sizing + consistent with other delimiters. + * Remove kerning and other glyph positioning features, combining + marks and other non-keycap glyphs from Libertinus Keyboard font. + * Fix size and shape of U+2639, U+263A and U+263B (frowning & + smiling faces). + * Add “smcpâ€/“c2sc†variants for letters with macron (#303). + * Make U+2223-2226 the same height as bar (#324). + * Drop “sinf†feature, it just duplicates “subs†feature. + * Improve sizing and spacing of math over accents. + * Building the fonts no longer use FontForge. + libesedb +- Drop python2 module build. + +- Update to snapshot 20210513 (b0598ded) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + +- update to v0~20200418 + * worked on format support + * changes to make esedbexport more tolerant for empty long values + * worked on python bindings + +- add LGPL text +- add README to tools + +- Allow distros to decide to no longer build python2 bindings + (bcond_without python2). Tumbleweed declares this already. + +- update to v0~20191220 + * code clean-up + * increased format support +- rename python-libesedb to python2-libesedb +- add python3 binding subpackage +- Use libcerror and libcstring from factory instead of internal versions + +- update to v0~20181229 + * worked on Python 2 / 3 support + * worked on Python bindings + * multiple bug fixes + * libfdata API change triggered changes + -- initial package in OBS (v0~20140803) - libetonyek +- Update to 0.1.10 (jsc#SLE-18214): + * Parse shadow. + * Improve detection of the "new" formats. + * Fix handling of text baseline shift. + * Improve various formats. +- Update to 0.1.9: + * Various small bugfixes and fuzzer fixes + -- Update Source URL to have auto-download working again. - -- libetonyek-0.1.1-constants.patch - * Ditch the boost/math/constants/constants.hpp altogether - * Fixes build on systems with older boost - -- Upgrade to upstream version 0.1.1 - * Fix detection of Keynote 3 documents. - -- Upgrade to upstream version 0.1.0 - * ABI change - * Remove dependency on libwpd-devel - * Add dependency on librevenge-devel - -- Version bump to 0.0.4: - * Various bugfixes found during the libreoffice-4.2 cycle -- Drop upstreamed patches: - * libetonyek-0.0.3-comma.patch - * libetonyek-0.0.3-lexical_cast.patch - * libetonyek-more-lib64.patch - -- build with -fvisibility-inlines-hidden, around 400 symbols - less in the export symbol table. - -- Add ppc64le to list of lib64 archs for boost detection - Added patches: - * libetonyek-more-lib64.patch - -- Drop useless dep over libwpg. Cleanup whitespace. - -- Fix build with some boost versions and compilers - - Cannot take address of a template function -- added patches: - * libetonyek-0.0.3-lexical_cast.patch - -- Fix comma at the end of an enum. -- added patches: - * libetonyek-0.0.3-comma.patch - -- Bump to 0.0.3 - - import text formatting attributes - - draw rounded rectangles and callouts - - fixed build with older boost - - implemented import of tables - - implemented import of presentation notes - - implemented import of sticky notes -- removed patches: - * libetonyek-0.0.0-pi.patch - integrated upstream - -- Modify libetonyek-0.0.0-pi.patch - * fixes build of tests with less recent boost versions - -- Bump to 0.0.1 - * Fixes test - * Various runtime fixes - -- Add libetonyek-0.0.0-pi.patch - * fixes build problems with less recent boost versions -- Don't build noarch docs for SLE11 - -- Make the package actually build. - -- Initial commit, needed by libreo-4.2 - libevdev +- It is actually not necessary to use python2, python3 works as + well. + +- update to 1.11.0: + * One new API, libevdev_disable_property() + * Kernel 5.8 changed the SW_MAX define from 0x0f to 0x10. In some niche cases + this causes issues if libevdev and the software build against + different headers and thus end up with different values + * include: sync event codes with kernel 5.10 + * Fix included license to the "always intended" MIT license + +- update to 1.9.1 + * no changelog available +- remove n_buildfix_for_opensuse_12_2.patch: obsolete + +- Update to 1.9.0 (no changelog) + +- Update to 1.8.0 + * Bug fixes + * Docs update + * Improve tests + * Sync with latest kernels + -- Update to 1.3: - * m4: fix CC_CHECK_WERROR and CC_FLAG_VISIBILITY macros - * Add per-device log handlers - * include: update to Linux 3.15 header - * uinput: use the UI_GET_SYSNAME ioctl if available - * uinput: change strcpy/strcat usage for snprintf - * include: add uinput.h header as well - * include: update to Linux 3.16 header - * uinput: check errno against the positive value - * uinput: preserve the errno before cleaning up - * configure: move the python check down to re-unite the - gcov check outputs - * Add libevdev_property_from_name() - * Rename symbols leaking from static library to - avoid name clashes - * uinput: close the managed fd on error - * tools: pass -rc to strerror, not rc - * uinput: explicitly ignore the UI_DEV_DESTROY return value - * Hook up nm to check for leaking symbols in the static library - * Add some minimal documentation about static linking - -- Add git repository metadata - -- Update to 1.2 (recommended for xf86-input-synaptics 1.8.0) - -- add baselibs.conf since libevdev2-32bit is required by libinput-32bit - -- Update to (1.1~rc1) - * Send an extra ABS_MT_SLOT event to sync the client up with - the current slot - * Fix the include directives when building in tools/ - * tools: Fix compiler warning - * Replace hardcoded 0 with the enum for it - * tools: add a tool to print the actual range provided by - a touchpad - * Document that the return value of get_name|uniq|phys is - not permanent - * Plug a memory leak for name, uniq, phys - * Fix memory leaks when failing to create a uinput device - * Document the FORCE_SYNC behavior a bit better - * Fix a wrong reference in the libevdev_next_event - documentation - * Add unlikely() macro - * Don't sync past MAX_SLOTS slots - * Dynamically allocate the slot values - * Reduce memory requirement for MT syncing - * Increase MAX_SLOTS to 60 - * Cap slot values to the announced maximum - * Move some functions/macros between libevdev-int.h - and libevdev-util.h - * Don't sync the MT state for fake MT devices - * If the tracking ID changes during SYN_DROPPED, terminate - the touch first - * Add a documentation note to update the slot after syncing -- New tools subpackage - -- Update to 1.0, for more details, please see: - - and -- SO version bumped to 2 -- Explicitly remove la files, instead of excluding them - -- fixed license to MIT in specfile - -- n_buildfix_for_opensuse_12_2.patch - * buildfix for openSUSE 12.2 (Linux kernel headers too old) - -- Initialize libevdev pckage - libevtx +- Add keyring + +- Update to release 20210525 + * No changelog was provided +- Drop python2 module build. + -- update to 0~20140901 - * bug fix in Python-bindings -- update Source: field to have fullpath, delete DL_URL - -- testing failed, passes if these 2 internal packages are used - * libfguid - * libfdatetime - libexif-gtk +- updated to 0.5.0 final + * Enable AM_SILENT_RULES by default + * Fix cross-compilation with pkg-config + * Fix a bunch of compiler warnings + * Remove unused macro files + * Add continuous integration builds + -- undeprecate, so it compiles. - libfaketime +- update to 0.9.9: + - When compiled with the CFLAG FAKE_RANDOM set, + libfaketime will intercept calls to getrandom() + and return pseudorandom numbers for determinism. + The mechanism needs to be activated by setting + the environment variable FAKERANDOM_SEED to a + 64-bit seed value, e.g., "0x12345678DEADBEEF". + Please note that this completely breaks the + security of random numbers for cryptographic + purposes and should only be used for deterministic + tests. Never use this in production! + - When the environment variable FAKETIME_TIMESTAMP_FILE is + set, points to a writeable (creatable) custom config file + and the environment variable FAKETIME_UPDATE_TIMESTAMP_FILE + is "1", then the file also is updated on each call. By + this, a common "virtual time" can be shared by several + processes, where each can adjust the time for all. + - Additional link-time LDFLAGS can be passed via the + environment variable FAKETIME_LINK_FLAGS when + running 'make'. + - Compile-time CFLAG FAKE_SETTIME can be enabled to + intercept calls to clock_settime(), settimeofday(), and + adjtime(). (suggested and prototyped by @ojura) + - Additional compile-time CFLAGs can be passed via the + environment variable FAKETIME_COMPILE_CFLAGS when + running 'make'. + - src/Makefile CFLAG FORCE_PTHREAD_NONVER should be set on + systems that hang on CLOCK_REALTIME, or that hang on + CLOCK_MONOTONIC where FORCE_MONOTONIC_FIX is not sufficient. + libfallocate +- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. + libfdata +- Update to release 20211023 + * No changelog was provided + libfmapi +- Update to snapshot 20210415 (8c611961) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + +- update to v0~20180714 + * removed guid in favor of class identifier + * Changes for external variables + libfole +- Update to snapshot 20210415 (bd3f3608) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + libfprint +- Update to version 1.94.2 + * Highlights: + + goodixmoc: Fix protocol error with certain username lengths + + elanmoc: New PID 0x0c7d + + goodixmoc: New PID 0x63cc +- Changes from version 1.94.1 + * Highlights: + + Ship a simple script to create new CI tests using tshark + + Added CI tests for elan, uru4000, aes2501 + + goodixmoc: Remove duplicate checking during enroll and let fprintd handle it + + uru4000: Fix USB transfer type + + synaptics: Support for new PIDs + + goodixmoc: Support for new PIDs +- Changes from version 1.94.0 + * Highlights: + + Implement suspend/resume handling including USB wakeup configuration. + + This requires writing the "persist" and "wakeup" sysfs attributes. + + Add simple temperature module to prevent devices from becoming too hot + + Add feature for continuous scanning + + New internal "critical section" API to simplify driver development + + elan: new PID 0x0c58 + + elanmoc: Fixes for multi-user handling and FW changes + + virtual-device: Do not time out for SCAN command + +- Update descriptions, replace historic goals. + +- Update version to 1.92.1 + * Highlights: + + elanmoc: New driver for ELAN match-on-chip devices + + egis0570: New driver for some Egis Technology devices + + synaptics: Fix empty identify causing enroll issues + + elan: Support more PIDs + + misc: Architecture related bugfixes +- Update version to 1.92.0 + * Highlights: + + Support for SPI devices added together with the elanspi driver + + Generate hwdb for autosuspend (which is now pulled by systemd) + + An API was added to clear the device storage. + + Note: Devices may not implement the "list" API anymore. + + Device features can now be queried using a common API + * New drivers: + + vfs7552 + + nb1010 + + elanspi + * For additional changes, see + + +- Update version to 1.90.7 + * vfs5011: Fix possible use-after-free + * goodixmoc: Add two new PIDs (0x63AC, 0x639C) + * goodixmoc: Support finger status API + * synaptics: Only identify within provided prints + * synaptics: Reject devices with old firmware during probe + +- Update to version 1.90.6 + * Object reference management fixes for FpPrint and identify + * Fixed issues that caused problem on non-x86 machines (#236) + * Fix building with older GLib versions + * synaptics: Support PID 00e7 + * goodix: Fix issue with long USB packages +- Update to version 1.90.5 + * Remove USB hub from udev autosupend rules + * synaptics: Add PID 0x00c9 which is used in some HP laptops +- Update to version 1.90.4 + * Work around GUsb cancellation issue + * Redefine internal image device state machine for more robustness + * Add public finger-status reporting to FpDevice + * Rework device removal API to be convenient (#330) + * Enable powersave for unsupported USB devices + * Improvements to examples + * synaptics: Support identify operation + * synaptics: Fix possible crash when the interrupt transfer is + resubmitted + * synaptics: Add support for PIDs 0x00f9, 0x00fc and 0x00c2 + * elan: Add PID 0x0c4d to supported device list + * aes3k: Fix driver and add CI test (#306) + * uru4000: Fix reference counting of image transfer + * vfs301: Fix driver and add CI test (#320) + +- update to 1.90.3: + * New goodixmoc driver supporting Goodix USB devices: 27C6:5840 27C6:6496 27C6:60A2 + * Newly added support for Synaptics device: 06CB:00E9 06CB:00DF + * Fixed an issue with Synaptics devices sometimes not working at boot + * Fix issue with aes3k driver (#306) + * A patch for nbis required for some sensors was accidentally dropped in an earlier release + Users of these sensors/drivers need to re-enroll + +- gobject-introspection-devel added to fix TW build error + +- Update version to 1.90.1 + * Library: + * Add early report mechanism for verify and identify (API CHANGE!) + * Add support to run tests in gdb/valgrind + * Allow testing on all architectures + * Avoid image device AWAIT_FINGER_ON to deactivate state transitions + * Fix verify/identify error propagation to library user + * Correctly read image device information from class data + * Continue enroll after an image driver reported a retry error + * Change external API to allow reporting match results early + * A lot of new unit tests and integration tests have been added + * Drivers API: + * Added API for early report of matching results or retry errors + * Verify and identification completion functions have been simplified + * Support variadic arguments in error functions + * Various re-definitions of ownership handling + * Add convenience API to change state after a timeout + * Add unit tests for all the drivers API + * Drivers: + * elan: Ensure correct deactivation of device + * uru4000: Fix IRQ handler registration and internal state handling + * uru4000: Fix control transfer request type + * synaptics: + Ensure errors are only reported after finger removal + Use early report mechanism +- Enable documents build + +- update to 1.0: + * Library: + * Add guards to the public API and require GLib 2.50 + * Deprecate print storage API + * Better documentation for fp_discover_devs() + * Remove unused internal fpi_timeout_cancel_for_dev() + * Remove state from fp_img_driver activate handler + * Bug fixes related to restarting a failed verification immediately + * Drivers: + * The Elan driver received a lot of bug fixes including a fix for a hang when verifying prints with fprintd, quirks for some devices, a memory leak fix and support for 04f3:0c42 + * Fix a probable crash in all the AES drivers + * Add support for Lenovo Preferred Pro Keyboard (KUF1256) to vfs5011 + * Prevent hang during enroll process in etes603 driver + * Fix possible integer overflow in uru4000 + * Work-around SELinux AVC warnings when uru4000 driver starts + * Remove long-unmaintained and broken fdu2000 driver + * Tools/Examples: + * Fix examples not working due to an overly strict check + * Fix crash in GTK demo when there's no supported devices + * Disable GTK demo until we have a USB Flatpak portal + * Remove sleep() in enroll example which caused a crash in some drivers + * Add a simple storage implementation example + +- Update to version 0.99.0: + + Library: + - All the internal API for device driver writers is now covered + by the documentation and has been enhanced to make it easier + to write drivers. + - Update internal NBIS fingerprint data processing library to + one that's nearly 10 years newer. + - Re-add accessor for minutia coordinates which was used in the + very old fprint_demo program, but also by our new GTK+ test + program (see below). + - Fix a crash when too many minutiae were detected in a + capture. + + Drivers: Support more devices in the Elan driver, stability + improvements. + + Tools: Add a test GTK+ application that will eventually be used + for testing drivers without modifying the OS installed version. + Note that this application currently requires manually changing + permissions of USB devices, this will be fixed when the + infrastructure exists to access those devices without + additional permissions, as a normal user. +- Changes from version 0.8.2: + + Drivers: + - Add USB ID for TNP Nano USB Fingerprint Reader. + - Fix UPEKTS enrollment never finishing on some devices. + + Library: + - Fix fp_get_pollfds() retval type, a small ABI change + - Downgrade fatal errors to run-time warnings, as a number of + drivers used to throw silent errors and we made them fatal. + Those will now be visible warnings, hopefully helping with + fixing them. +- Changes from version 0.8.1: + + Brown paperbag release to install the udev rules file in the + correct directory if the udev pkg-config file doesn't have a + trailing slash. +- Changes from version 0.8.0: + + Port to meson as the build system. + + Port documentation to gtk-doc. + + Drivers: + - Add Elan driver + - Increase threshold to detect encryption on URU4000 devices. + - Remove already replaced UPEKE2 driver. + - Fix possible crash caused by vfs5011 when no lines were + captured. + + Library: + - Fix a number of memory and file descriptor leaks and + warnings. + - Make NSS (and URU4000) driver optional. + - Fix assembling of frames for non-reverse and non reverse + stripes. + - Split internal private header to clarify drivers API. + - Simplify logging system, now all the builds can be used to + output debug information. + - Mark fp_dscv_print functions as deprecated. + + Udev rules: Add some unsupported devices to the whitelist. +- Changes from version 0.7.0: + + Drivers: + - Add VFS0050 driver. + - Fix possible crash in AES3500 and AES4000. + - Fix broken enrollment in VFS101. + - Better verification with small sensor scanners. + - Plenty of fixes in VFS5011. + - Fix memory corruption in AES1610. + - Improve calibration settings for AES1610. + - Improve image assembling in upeksonly driver. + - Autodetect whether image is encrypted in uru4k. + + Library: + - NBIS: Remove false minutia at the edge of partial image. + - Introduce routines to assemble image from lines (used in + VFS5011 and upeksonly). + - Fix a bug that can cause driver state machine to enter into + endless loop. + + Udev rules: Add driver name to the USB properties. + + Plenty of build fixes. +- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros + following upstreams port. +- Drop automake and libtool BuildRequires, no longer needed. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec, use modern macros. +- Drop libfprint-upeke2_6stage.diff and + libfprint-install_examples.patch: No longer needed, nor applies + due to upstream changes. +- Drop _service file, upstream moved to gitlab, and have unique + download urls now, so service file no longer usefull. +- Drop examples subpackage and obsolete it, follow fedoras + packaging lead here. + -- define _udevrulesdir only if not already in place. -- run %udev_rules_update if such macro is defined - -- Update to version 0.5.1: - + Add support for 147e:2020 to upeke2 driver - + Fix possible race condition, and cancellation in uru4000 driver - + Add Microsoft keyboard to the suspend blacklist - + Plenty of build fixes -- Adhere to -- Rebased libfprint-install_examples.patch -- Removed libfprint-upeke2_add_147e_2020_id_support.patch as it is included now. - -- upeke2: Add support for 147e:2020 ID (fdo#59320) - -- Fix file conflicts - -- fix -devel package requires,nowhere this library requires - pkgconfig(ImageMagick), pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(libusb-1.0) - pkgconfig(openssl), pkgconfig(zlib), not at linking time, not at - the headers.. - -- Place udev rules in the correct directory. - -- Update to version 0.5.0: - + Drivers: - - New VFS300/VFS301 driver - - New AES2550/AES2810 drivers - - New AES1660 driver - - New AES2660 driver - - New DigitalPersona URU4500 driver - - Avoid empty capture and improve image contrast in the - AES2501 and AES2550 drivers - - Update upektc driver, add support for Eikon Touch 300 - - Fix UrU4000 image capture on ARM - + Library: - - Fix global variable collisions with libusb and other system - headers - - Fix possible crash in NBIS image processing with some - fingerprints - + Udev rules: - - Fix power control path for newer kernels - - Move udev rules to the correct directory - - Don't print duplicated udev rules - - Include udev rules in the tarball - - Allow disabling of udev rules for cross-compiling - - Add driver names in the generated rules - -- Release 0.4.0 : - * Add support for Validity VFS101 (USB ID 138a:0001) - * Fix crasher when resizing a fingerprint image - * Fix wrong timeout being returned when either of - libusb or libfprint doesn't have a timeout -- Remove unnecessary "obsoletes" and "provides" libfprint0 package entries -- Fix URL - -- license update: LGPL-2.1+ - No LGPL-2.1 "only" licenses found in the package - libfsapfs +- Update to snapshot 20210513 (3def3dae) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + +- update to 20201107: + * no changelog available + libfsntfs +- Update to tag 20211023 + * Changes to handle sparse data runs of bitmap attributes + * Added check for total data runs size + libftdi1 +- Update to version 1.5.12+git.0684c1b: + * Don't set EEPROM serial when it's not used. + * Remove legacy EEPROM fields from FT4232H. + * Don't fail reading missing strings. + * Don't spam stderr when flashing FT232H eeprom + * examples/bitbang_cbus.c: Check return value of fgets() + ... +- Integrated mainline: + D Fix-building-unit-tests-without-FTDIPP.patch + +- Update to version 1.5: + * Implement tc[io]flush methods & deprecate broken + purge_buffers methods + * Add program to test buffer flush (purge) functionality + * Add kernel driver auto attach/detach. + See new AUTO_DETACH_REATACH_SIO_MODULE option + * Add ftdi_setflowctrl_xonxoff() + * ftdi_eeprom / eeprom handling: + + Unify handling of all boolean eeprom flags + + Add device release number support + + Add channel_a_driver support for type xxR chips + + Add support for group0 drive levels on x232H chips + + Fix handling of high_current_drive parameter + + Fix inverted handling of VCP driver field for TYPE_R chips + + New --verbose option for eeprom decode operation + * Add example code for async mode + * Add SPDX license identifiers to the core library & + ftdi_eeprom + * Various python SWIG wrapper improvements + * Various cmake file improvements + * Fix small bugs in error code paths +- Drop upstream libftdi-cmake.patch +- Correct License, the library is LGPL-2.1-only (see SPDX headers), + while various other parts are GPL-2.0-only (with and without + linking exceptions). +- Add Fix-building-unit-tests-without-FTDIPP.patch + +- Cleanup spec file - drop obsolete conditionals and use modern + macros +- Run tests +- Dont build static libraries + -- updated to 1.0 - * Ported to libusb 1.x (initial work by Jie Zhang) - * Many eeprom handling improvements (Uwe Bonnes, Anders Larsen) - * Renamed pkconfig, library .so etc. files to "libftdi1" (Intra2net) - * ftdi_eeprom is part of libftdi now (Intra2net) - * New baudrate calculation code + unit tests (Uwe Bonnes and Intra2net) - * Improved python bindings including python3 support (Michel Zou) - * Switched completely to cmake build system (Intra2net) - * cmake: Easy libftdi discovery via find_package() (Michel Zou) - * eeprom handling now done via get()/set() functions (Uwe Bonnes) - * C++ wrapper: Fixed use-after-free in List::find_all() (Intra2net) - * Documentation updates (Xiaofan Chen) - * See the git history for more changes and fixes -- removed buildfixes.diff - -- updated to 0.20 - * Support for FT232H (Uwe Bonnes) - * Fixed install location of header files (Uwe Bonnes and Intra2net) - * Backported serial_test tool from libftdi 1.x (Uwe Bonnes) -- updated to 0.19 - * Make kernel driver detach configurable (Thomas Klose) - * Correct ftdi_poll_modem_status() result code (Tom Saunders) - * cmake build system improvements (Evgeny Sinelnikov) - * Fix uninitialized memory access in async mode (Intra2net) - * Support for FT232R eeprom features (Hermann Kraus) - * Fix size returned by ftdi_read_data (Hermann Kraus) - * C++ wrapper: Fix infinite recursion in set_bitmode (Intra2net) - * Improvements to the python wrapper (Flynn Marquardt and Chris Zeh) - libfwevt +- Update to release 20211121 + * Updates to Python bindings + +- Update to release 20210714 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to release 20210528 + * No changelog was provided + libfwnt +- Update to release 20210906 + * Updated security descriptor documentation + libgexiv2 +- Update to version 0.14.0: + + Fix BMFF compile test. +- Changes from version 0.13.0: + + Update gexiv2-dump tool + + More additions to API and _try versions that support GErorr if + exiv2 might throw + + Some additions to gexiv2-tool + + Changes in build configuration + +- Update to version 0.12.3: + + Enable Exiv2's BMFF support if available + + Catch WError on windows + + Deprecate gexiv2_metadata_from_stream + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gexiv2#66 + +- Update to version 0.12.2: + + Introduce gexiv2_metadata_get_exif_data + + Clarify License of C/C++ code + + Documentation clean-up + + Fix filename handling for windows + + Fix _get_iptc_tags returning duplicates + + Add _get_multiple() for all tag domains + + Introduce a set of new functions that will pass on Exiv2's + exception instead of silently dropping a warning to the console + + Fix XMP tags sort order + + Fix xmpText/altLang handling for _get_tag_multiple() + + Add XMP namespace lookup + + Windows compatibility fixes + +- Update to version 0.12.1: + + Support macOS dylib versioning + + Improve compatibility with current exiv2 development versions + + Fix compiling on windows + + Fix issue with problematic symbol visibility of exiv2 + + Fix issues with tests overwriting environment variables + + Fix exception escaping on division by zero + + Fix overflow in altitude fraction conversion + + Fix crash with experimental GIO support + + Documentation fixes + + Add gexiv2_metadata_update_gps_info which will not remove all + other GPS information + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!41, glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!42, + glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!45, glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!52, + glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!53, glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!54, + glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!55. + +- Update to version 0.12.0: + + Include a test for glgo#GNOME/shotwell!94. + + Disable autoptr test when not running on GCC/Clang. + + Revert symbol hiding script. + + Improve building the vapi using meson's vala support. + + Add canary test for glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!27. + + Promote gexiv2-dump to a tool. + + Documentation fixes. + + flake8 fixes for python code. + + Bugs fixed: glgo#GNOME/gexiv2!27. + libgig +- update to version 4.3.0 ( + * requires a C++11 compliant compiler + * gig file format extensions used by recent versions of + LinuxSampler + * Fix compatibility with GigaStudio 3 + * Extend Serialization framework o support common C++ STL classes + +- Update to version 4.2.0 + new libgig soversion + use %license for COPYING + -- update to svn trunk rev 2342 - -- update to 3.3.0 - libgpod +- Use libplist-2.0 on Leap 15.4 + +- Use libplist-2.0 on Tumbleweed: + libgpod-Use-libplist-2.0.patch + libgtkdatabox +- Update to version + * bug fix that caused xoscope's background color to be + displayed incorrectly + libgtpnl +- Update to release 1.2.2 + * install gtp-tunnel and gtp-link tools + +- Remove old specfile constructs. + libgudev +- Update to version 237: + + Fix reading double precision floats from sysfs attributes in + locales that use comma as a separator + + Fix compilation warning + + Fix headers to help with build reproducibility + + Clarify licensing information +- Changes from version 236: + + Fix meson project name to match autotools. +- Changes from version 235: + + Port build system to meson and remove autotools + + Fix conversion of sysfs attributes to boolean. +- Add meson BuildRequires and macros following upstreams port. +- Enable pkgconfig(umockdev-1.0) BuildRequires and test macro. +- Update Licence tag to LGPL-2.1-or-later. + +- update to 234: + * Clarify that _get_sysfs_attr() functions are cached + * Add functions to get uncached sysfs attributes + +- Update to version 233: + + Require glib 2.38. + + Small documentation updates. + + Remove gnome-common build dependency. +- Use modern macros. + +- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner + libguestfs +- Add python-rpm-macros (bsc#1180125) + +- Fix build errors in Factory + * Alert ocaml_deprecated_cli: Setting a warning with a sequence + of lowercase or uppercase letters, like 'CDEFLMPSUVYZX', is + deprecated. + 63c9cd93-m4-guestfs-ocaml.m4-Fix-deprecated-warning-format.patch + * Error (warning 6 [labels-omitted]): label verbose was omitted + in the application of this function. + a4930f5f-customize-Suppress-OCaml-warning.patch + +- Update spec file licenses to GPL-2.0-or-later + +- bsc#1190501 - virt-builder fails to install packages when + building an image + 9db0c98c-appliance-enable-bashs-Process-Substitution-feature.patch +- Upstream bug fixes + c0de4de9-appliance-add-reboot-and-netconfig-for-SUSE.patch + f47e0bb6-appliance-reorder-mounting-of-special-filesystems-in-init.patch + +- Newer cpio versions must be told to extract over symlinks + + + + +- Allow the use busybox dhcp client + appliance.patch + netconfig.patch + +- Update to version 1.44.2 + makefile-ocaml-find-guestfs.patch + * Port libguestfs to use pcre2 instead of pcre + * inspection: More reliable detection of Linux split /usr configurations + * python: Relicense to LGPLv2+ (originally GPLv2+) + * lib: qemu: Don't use -enable-fips option. + * rust: Fix deprecated use of panic!(format!(...)) + * point users to Libera Chat rather than FreeNode + * python: Don't leak fields when creating Python structs + * appliance: Add IBM850 iconv converter for syslinux + * launch: board model for RISC-V + * lib: Add osinfo information for Windows Server 2022 Datacenter + * lib: Autodetect backing format for qemu-img create -b + * appliance: Fix searching for shared libraries on usr-merged Debian systems + * appliance: Add mount package for Debian + * m4/guestfs-appliance.m4: Add support for Alma and Cloud Linux + * daemon/luks.c: Ignore bogus GCC -fanalyzer double-free warning + * daemon/xattr.c: Increase size of temporary buffer for %zu + * daemon/utils.c: Fix potential unbounded stack usage + * Various other bug fixes +- Upstream bug fixes post 1.44.2 + e26cfa44-daemon-Build-with--pthread.patch + 489b14b7-ocaml-examples-Link-examples-to-gnulib.patch + 68a02c2f-customize--resize--sparsify--sysprep-Link-explicitly-with-pthread.patch + +- Require current ocaml-rpm-macros + libhdhomerun +- Update to version 20190621: + Please read + +- Format with spec-cleaner + * get paralel build, %license macro/etc. + +- Remove libhdhomerun-20180327-maintain-abi.patch; pointless +- Run %configure instead of ./configure + +- Update to version 20180327 + Please read +- Adapt libhdhomerun-20150615-maintain-abi.patch to upstream changes + > libhdhomerun-20180327-maintain-abi.patch + +- Update to version 20161117 + + bump SONAME + +- Fix ABI breaks introduced in 21050406 and 20150604 + - * update device firmware to 20150615 + * Add API to return the model number of a HDHomeRun + * Report original network ID in scan results -- Add .desktop and icon for hdhomerun_config_gui - -- Update to 20140121. - * License changed to LGPL 2.1. - * Improvements to socket handling on Mac/Linux. - * Corrections to EU channel map. - * Increase firmware upload chunk size. - -- Documenting Makefile.patch as required by policy: - Makefile.patch is used to build libraries in to the proper - directory based on 64-bit/32-bit and to add a version to the - shared object ( -> - -- added missing header files to devel package - -- Update to version 20130328 - Upstream changelog: -- HDHomeRun Config GUI: Fix installation to non-default directory. - -- Update libhdhomerun to version 20130117 - libhinawa +- Update to version 2.2.0: + * Some symbols are newly available as public API for new features. + * HinawaFwResp::requested2 is added to deprecate HinawaFwResp::requested + * Current implementation of HinawaFwResp::requested signal doesn't deliver + all information in data of struct fw_cdev_event_request2 type. + This is inconvenient for some applications bound to device which + sends transactions to different addresses within a certain space. + At release v2.1.0, nothing was added for error reporting of + HinawaFwResp since it was not necessary. However, it's + convenient to retrieve error reporting at failure of + allocation in 1394 OHCI controller. + * HinawaFwRespError enumeration is added and + hinawa_fw_resp_error_quark() represents the domain of GError + with the code in enumeration. + +- Updated to version 2.0.0: + Major version updates includes refactoring and code cleanup to + dismiss obsoleted stuffs added by period of version 1, toward + better language bindings such as Python 3 and Rust. +- Updated to version 2.1.0: + Minor version update so that some symbols are newly available as + public API. +- Update subpackage SO version: libhinawa2 +- Update URL + libhts -- CVE-2020-36403.diff: Add patch fixing CVE-2020-36403 #boo1187917 +- Update to version 1.12: + * Added experimental CRAM 3.1 and 4.0 support. + * Added a general filtering syntax for alignment records in + SAM/BAM/CRAM readers. + * The knet networking code has been removed if favor of libcurl + * The old htslib/knetfile.h interfaces have been marked as deprecated. + * Added an introspection API for checking some of the capabilities + provided by HTSlib + * Made performance improvements to probaln_glocal method, which + speeds up mpileup BAQ calculations. + * Added a public method for constructing a BAM record from the + component pieces. + * Added two public methods, sam_parse_cigar and bam_parse_cigar, + as part of a small CIGAR API + * HTSlib, and the included htsfile program, will now recognise + the old RAZF compressed file format. Note that while the format + is detected, HTSlib is unable to read it. + * The S3 plugin now has options to force the address style. + It will recognise the addressing_style and host_bucket entries + in the respective AWS .credentials and s3cmd .s3cfg files. + * Fixed VCF #CHROM header parsing to only separate columns at tab + characters. + * Fixed a crash reported in bcf_sr_sort_set, which expects REF + to be present. + * Fixed a bcf synced reader bug when filtering with a region list, + and the first record for a chromosome had the same position as + the last record for the previous chromosome. + * Fixed a bug in the overlapping logic of mpileup, dealing with + iterating over CIGAR segments. + * Fixed a tabix bug that prevented setting the correct number of + lines to be skipped in a region file. + * Made bam_itr_next an alias for sam_itr_next, to prevent it from + crashing when working with htsFile pointers. + * Fixed once per outgoing multi-threaded block bgzf_idx_flush + assertion, to accommodate situations when a single record could + span multiple blocks. + * Fixed assumption of pthread_t being a non-structure, as + permitted by POSIX. + * Fixed the minimum offset of a BAI index bin, to account for + unmapped reads. + * Fixed the CRLF handling in sam_parse_worker method. + * Included unistd.h and errno.h directly in HTSlib files, as + opposed to including them indirectly, via third party code. + +- Update to version 1.11: + * Features and Updates + - Support added for remote reference files. + - Added tabix --separate-regions option + - Added tabix --cache option to set a BGZF block cache size. + - Improved error checking in tabix and added a --verbosity option + - A note about the maximum chromosome length usable with TBI + indexes has been added to the tabix manual page. + - New method vcf_open_mode() changes the opening mode of a variant + file based on its file extension. + - The VCF parser has been made faster and easier to maintain. + - bcf_record_check() has been made faster + - The VCF parser now recognises the <NON_REF> symbolic allele produced by GATK. + - Support has been added for simultaneous reading of unindexed + VCF/BCF files when using the synced_bcf_reader interface. + - The VCF and BCF readers will now attempt to fix up invalid INFO/END tags + - The htsFile interface can now detect the crypt4gh encrypted format + - hts_srand48() now seeds the same POSIX-standard sequences of pseudo-random + numbers regardless of platform, including on OpenBSD where plain srand48() + produces a different cryptographically-strong non-deterministic sequence. + - Iterators now work with 64 bit positions. + - Improved the speed of range queries when using BAI indexes by making better + use of the linear index data included in the file. + - Alignments which consume no reference bases are now considered to have length 1. + - A bam_set_seqi() function to modify a single base in the BAM structure has been added. + - Writing SAM format is around 30% faster. + - Added sam_format_aux1() which converts a BAM aux tag to a SAM format string. + - bam_aux_update_str() no longer requires NUL-terminated strings. + - It is now possible to use external plug-ins in language bindings + that dynamically load HTSlib. + - bgzf_close(), and therefore hts_close(), will now return non-zero when + closing a BGZF handle on which errors have been detected. + - Added a special case to the kt_fisher_exact() test for when the table + probability is too small to be represented in a double. + - Improved error diagnostics in the CRAM decoder (#1042), BGZF (#1049), + the VCF and BCF readers (#1059), and the SAM parser (#1073). + - ks_resize() now allocates 1.5 times the requested size when it needs to + expand a kstring instead of rounding up to the next power of two. + * Bug fixes + - Fixed hfile_libcurl breakage when using libcurl 7.69.1 or later. + - Fixed overflows kroundup32() and kroundup_size_t() which caused them to return + zero when rounding up values where the most significant bit was set. + - Fixed missing return parameter value in idx_test_and_fetch(). + - Fixed crashes due to inconsistent selection between BGZF and plain (hFILE) + interfaces when reading files. + - Added and/or fixed byte swapping code for big-endian platforms. + - Fixed a problem with multi-threaded on-the-fly indexes which would occasionally + write virtual offsets pointing at the end of a BGZF block. + - In sam_hdr_create(), free newly allocated SN strings when encountering an error. + - Prevent double free in case of idx_test_and_fetch() failure. + - In the header, link a new PG line only to valid chains. Prevents an explosive + growth of PG lines on headers where PG lines are already present but not linked + together correctly. + - Also in the header, when calling sam_hdr_update_line(), update target arrays + only when the name or length is changed. + - Fixed buffer overflows in CRAM MD5 calculation triggered by files with invalid + compression headers, or files with embedded references that were one byte too short. + - Fix mpileup regression between 1.9 and 1.10 where overlap detection was incorrectly + skipped on reads where RNEXT, PNEXT and TLEN were set to the "unavailable" values + ("*", 0, 0 in SAM). + - kputs() now checks for null pointer in source string. + - Fix potential bcf_update_alleles() crash on 0 alleles. + - Added bcf_unpack() calls to some bcf_update functions to fix a bug where updates + made after a call to bcf_dup() could be lost. + - Error message typo "Number=R" instead of "Number=G" fixed in bcf_remove_allele_set(). + - Fixed crashes that could occur in BCF files that use IDX= header annotations to + create a sparse set of CHROM, FILTER or FORMAT indexes, and include records that + use one of the missing index values. + - Fixed potential integer overflows in the VCF parser and ensured that the total + length of FORMAT fields cannot go over 2Gbytes. + - Download index files atomically in idx_test_and_fetch(). This prevents corruption + when running parallel jobs on S3 files. + - The pileup constructor callback is now given the copy of the bam1_t struct made + by pileup instead of the original one passed to bam_plp_push(). + - Fixed possible error in code_sort() on negative CRAM Huffman code length. + - Fixed possible undefined shift in cram_byte_array_stop_decode_init(). + - Fixed a bug where range queries to the end of a given reference would return + incorrect results on CRAM files. + - Fixed an integer overflow in cram_read_slice(). + - Fixed a memory leak on failure in cram_decode_slice(). + - Fixed a regression which caused cram_transcode_rg() to fail, resulting in a + crash in "samtools cat" on CRAM files. + - Fixed an undersized string reallocation in the threaded SAM reader which caused + it to crash when reading SAM files with very long lines. Numerous memory allocation + checks have also been added. libhubbub +- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do + not have that macro + +- Update to 0.3.7: + * Fixes build with new netsurf-buildsystem pkg +- Remove non applicable patches: + * 0001-workaround-fail-on-ppc64.patch +- Do not bother with doxygen as the docu is online: + * libhubbub-0.3.0-notimestamp.patch + +- Removed patch: + * libhubbub-0.3.0-is_error.patch + + json-c/bits.h does not exist in newer json-c versions + * 0001-do-not-use-deprecated-is_error.patch + + Do not use deprecated is_error + + Fixes build of tests + libimobiledevice +- Use the new library name in baselibs.conf. + +- Remove unnecessary provides/obsoletes + +- Update to verison 1.3.0+git.20200910 + * Fix service startup for iOS 14b4 + * Add more lockdown error codes + * Add new lockdownd_pair_with_options() function + * Make sure sockets only listen locally due to security reasons + * Plug various memory leaks + * Store application information in Info.plist using idevicebackup2 + * Various other bugfixes and improvements + +- Update to version 1.2.0+git.20200330: + * Add idevicesetlocation tool + * debugserver: Fix argv encoding + * Update debug.c to consistently output to stderr + * idevicedebug: Rename name-colliding debug_info() to log_debug() + * debugserver: Fix whitespace error + * debugserver: Proxy SERVICE_E_TIMEOUT into DEBUGSERVER_E_TIMEOUT + * introduces optional `idevice_connection_disable_ssl` with ability not to send SSL shutdown message. As in debugserver this message will be considered as GDB server communication and break things + * Increase timeout for service receive methods + * idevicesyslog: Make sure CTRL+C works when waiting for passcode entry + * Add checks to ensure libusbmuxd is up-to-date + +- Fix not needed requires + +- Switch python bindings to base on python3 +- Update version to 1.2.0+git20200220.3d8d13f: + * Many fixes all around + * support for py3 + -- add hard depedency on libplist-devel for libimobiledevice-devel - * fix build for openSUSE Factory - * I don't know why it didn't automatically requires it. - libindi -- Update to 1.9.2 (fix boo#1192322): +- Add ioptron_fixes.patch (bsc#1193622): + * Fix PEC being on by default, it should be OFF by default. + * Fix iOptronV3 parking bug by using a workaround, because the + firmware must be fixed by iOptron. + * Add meridian behavior action and limit. + +- Update to 1.9.3: + * Fast Exposure support. Capture next frame in camera immediately + to avoid any delays. + * Support for DC focusers in Pegasus DMFC driver. + * Updates and cleanup for the OpenWeatherMap driver + * V42L driver supports detecting camera and renaming the driver + * LX200 SiteName Fix V2 + * Improve lynx sync and homing behavior + * Fix FocusLynx GetConfig for focusers without HomeOnStart + * Force using hour angle when mount is slewing + * Correction the amplification values to spec. + * Fixes to PlaneWave EFA driver + * Add setting of home position for Rigel/Pulsar dome + +- Update to 1.9.2: libinput +- Update to release 1.19.2: + * quirks: add quirk for GPD Win Max + * evdev: disable button scroll timeout for extra mouse buttons + * evdev: avoid usage of bogus BTN_FORWARD name + * gestures: avoid processing the last hold and + motion event twice + * quirks: Add quirk for StarLabs clickpads with two + phyisical buttons + * quirks: Update dmi for StarBook Mk V + * quirks: relax DMI modalias match for Purism Librem 14v1 + +- Update to release 1.19.1 + * New: Detects (and works around) buggy devices that claim to + have a high-resolution scroll wheel but which do not actually + send events. + * New assumption that any non-bluetooth touchpad is internal. + * Jumping cursor warning has been reduced once again. + +- Update to release 1.19 + * Hold gestures are a new type of gestures that are triggered + by holding one or more fingers on a touchpad without + significant movement. They add to the existing pinch and + swipe gestures and allow for the implementation of + hold-to-click. + * High-resolution wheel scrolling has been long in the making + and the solution ends up replacing the existing pointer axis + API. Three new events are available: + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_WHEEL, + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_FINGER, and + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_CONTINUOUS. These events + replace the existing LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS events, i.e. + if you are processing the new events simply discard the old + events. + +- Update to release 1.18.1 + * This release only adds device-specific quirks. + libinput:extra +- Update to release 1.19.2: + * quirks: add quirk for GPD Win Max + * evdev: disable button scroll timeout for extra mouse buttons + * evdev: avoid usage of bogus BTN_FORWARD name + * gestures: avoid processing the last hold and + motion event twice + * quirks: Add quirk for StarLabs clickpads with two + phyisical buttons + * quirks: Update dmi for StarBook Mk V + * quirks: relax DMI modalias match for Purism Librem 14v1 + +- Update to release 1.19.1 + * New: Detects (and works around) buggy devices that claim to + have a high-resolution scroll wheel but which do not actually + send events. + * New assumption that any non-bluetooth touchpad is internal. + * Jumping cursor warning has been reduced once again. + +- Update to release 1.19 + * Hold gestures are a new type of gestures that are triggered + by holding one or more fingers on a touchpad without + significant movement. They add to the existing pinch and + swipe gestures and allow for the implementation of + hold-to-click. + * High-resolution wheel scrolling has been long in the making + and the solution ends up replacing the existing pointer axis + API. Three new events are available: + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_WHEEL, + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_FINGER, and + LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_SCROLL_CONTINUOUS. These events + replace the existing LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS events, i.e. + if you are processing the new events simply discard the old + events. + +- Update to release 1.18.1 + * This release only adds device-specific quirks. + libisds +- add tests-Fix-building-with-GCC-10.patch + libjaylink +- Update to upstream version 0.2.0 + * Initial support for TCP/IP devices + * libusb is now optional + * configure: Add switch to build without libusb + * configure: Show enabled transports + * Support for various new USB product IDs + * Fix build issue with MSYS2 + * Fix socket timeouts on Windows + * Make library C++ compatible + * New log level for I/O debug messages + * Add function to get USB bus and port numbers of a device + * Add function to retrieve counter values +- Update repository URL +- Switch from obs_scm to obs_tar for disabled service, as the additional + tar service seems unavailable these days. + +- Update to latest Git snapshot (8645845c1abebd004e991ba9a7f808f4fd0c608b) + libkdumpfile +- upgrade to libkdumpfile-0.4.1 + * Support Linux on AArch64 + * Support for x86 Secure Memory Encryption + * Clean up vmcoreinfo string API + * Expose mmap and read cache statistics +- Drop patches that are upstream: + * libkdumpfile-use-python-distutils.patch + * libkdumpfile-uninstall-using-distutils.patch + * libkdumpfile-honour-DESTDIR.patch + * libkdumpfile-move-python-setup-command-options.patch + * libkdumpfile-python-includedir.patch + +- Fix build for openSUSE:Factory. + +- Switch to Python distutils: + * libkdumpfile-use-python-distutils.patch + * libkdumpfile-uninstall-using-distutils.patch + * libkdumpfile-honour-DESTDIR.patch + * libkdumpfile-move-python-setup-command-options.patch + * libkdumpfile-python-includedir.patch +- Merge python-libaddrxlat into python-libkdumpfile. +- Build both Python2 and Python3 packages. + +- upgrade to libkdumpfile-0.4.0 + * 5-level paging for x86-64 + * bitmap and blob attributes + * kASLR support for Linux kernels + * address translation speed-ups + * many bugfixes +- Drop fix-build-with-recent-glibc.patch (now upstream). + +- Mark COPYING* files with %license. + +- Add fix-build-with-recent-glibc.patch + libkeccak +- update to 1.2.2: + * Deprecate libkeccak_{state,hmac}_{unmarshal_ship,marshal_size} + and replace them with the functions without the _skip and + _size suffix + * Fix stack-overrun segfault when operating on files with large + st_blksize + liblightgrep +- Remove rhetorics from description. + +- aarch64_and_ppc64le.patch: add riscv64 +- Use %license for COPYING + liblms7002m +- Update to version 0.0.0+git.20200518: + * Migration to Python 3 + * add API to enable external ADC input + liblo +- update to 0.31: + - oscsend can write to files and stdout. + - oscdump can write raw output. + - Fixed parsing bug with } and [a-] patterns. + - Support for // mattern matching operator. + - Support for double-ENDed SLIP packets. + - Assertions in C++ header and optional use of exceptions. + - Fixed improper use of va_end. + - Fix a clang compilation error. + - Compatibility with ESP32 embedded platform. + +- Use noun phrase in descriptions. Kill off historic boilerplate + descriptions. +- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. +- Remove --with-pic which is useless when --disable-static is used. + +- Update to version 0.30 + * Functions to wait and receive on multiple servers + (lo_servers_wait and lo_servers_recv_noblock) + * Improvements to the CMake build system. + * Remove premake4 files and rely on CMake for building on + Windows. + * Fix memory leak in lo_server_recv_raw_stream. + * C++ wrapper: Fix memory leak on string allocation. + version 0.29: + * Several fixes for C++ headers + * Addition of function to remove methods by lo_method + identifier (lo_server_del_lo_method) + * Addition of a secondary CMake-based build system + * Fix a bug in SLIP decoder + * Support run-time specification of maximum message size + * Remove limit on outgoing TCP message size + * Make oscdump use unbuffered output by default + * Add timetags to oscdump output + * Add a utility to play back oscdump output +- Spec cleanup + -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- Added 32bit compatibility libraries -- Removed a period at the end of a summary (fix for RPMLINT warning) - -- update to version 0.25 , 20+ bugfixes and improvements, see Changelog -- remove static libraries and "la" files - liblscp +- update to 0.9.3: + * Expose actual system error codes via client interface + * Added new client interface function for checking whether client + lost connection to server + * Fixed potential missing NULL termination of locale strings +- drop liblscp-remove_build_timestamps.patch, no longer needed + libltc +- update to 1.3.1: + * Added methods to write and read numbers from user bytes + * Fix compilation for Ardunio/AVR (missing rint) + +- Update to version 1.3.0 + * fix potential offset overflow (user provided relative position) + * add link examples and bindings/wrapper code to documentation + * documentation spelling fixes + * fix endianess detection (gcc-4.4 compat) + * improve realtime safety, don't even print errors +- Drop oxygen buildrequirement and libltc_doxyfile_no_timestamp.patch + libluksde +- Remove unnecessary BuildRequires on python-devel + +- Update to snapshot 20210419 (7b40e4b7) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + libm4ri +- Update to release 20200125 + * Minor bug fixes. + libm4rie +- Update to release 20200125 + * Minor bug fixes. + libmediainfo +- Update to version 21.09 + Added features: + * Graph view for 3D audio streams (thanks to graphviz) + * ADM: full featured support (programmes, content, objects, + pack formats...) + * ADM: in WAV (axml, bxml), MXF + * S-ADM in AES3: support of Levels A1 and AX1 + * MOV/MP4: support of Dolby Vision Metadata XML + * MXF: detection of IAB + * SMPTE ST 337 (AES3): support of subframe mode + * HEVC: CEA-608/708 caption support + * MP4/QuickTime: Android slow motion real frame rate + * JSON output: add creatingLibrary field + Fixed bugs: + * MPEG-4: read too much data with some predecessor definitions + * EBUCore: fix of fields order and types + libmediawiki +- Add Fix-compilation-error-with-Qt-5.15.patch to fix build with + the latest Qt + +- Spec cleanup + libmesode +- Update to 0.10.1: + * Use correct version in + +- Update to 0.10.0: + * New API: + - xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns() + - xmpp_stanza_new_from_string() + * Fixed issue with IPv6 on Windows (strophe/libstrophe#153) + * LibreSSL support + * Improved portability across systems such as Haiku, Windows + libmicro +- Do not ship .o files - boo#1159556 + +- Modernise spec file + -- retrieve the essential test executing file: -- clarify the path for binary in - -- initial package - libmikmod +- Update to version 3.3.11 + * Fixed lots of possible crashes in the IT, XM, S3M, STM, STX, + AMF, IMF, GDM and MED module loaders. + * Fixed a possible endless loop in the IT loader with + malformed files. + * Fixed signed integer overflow leading to crashes in the + sample loader. + * Fixed a possible crash in MMCMP depacker with malformed + files. + * Fixed the broken fixed-line comment reader which might + possibly lead to crashes, and also badly translated several + song messages. The new code is adapted from libopenmpt. + * Support for building the Windows version using Open Watcom + compiler. + * A few minor OS/2 fixes. + * CMake updates. + * Other minor fixes/tidy-ups. + version 3.3.10: + * Fixed windows builds when UNICODE is defined. (Thanks S. + Michel). + version 3.3.9: + * Amiga, AHI driver: Fixed a crash upon driver shutdown. + * Amiga: Updates. Added standalone makefiles with cross-build + support. + * RAW file writer: Changed to use ansi stdio functions instead + of posix unistd, for better portability. + * Playercode: Allocate the right channel reverb buffers only + if the mixer is setup for stereo mode. (Helps with ports to + memory-tight platforms. Patch from Andrew Rossignol.) + * Fixed access to uninitialized memory in the simpleplayMEM + example program. + * Added a configuration option to exclude the hqmixer (off by + default.) + * Using locale-insensitive ctype.h and casecmp functions in + library. + * Configury: New --disable-alldrv option to disable all of the + audio output drivers. If additional --enable-xxx options are + given, the specified drivers will be enabled. + version 3.3.8: + * Handle the FastTracker2 pattern loop (E60) bug. Modules + abusing this bug (roadblas.xm) should play correctly now. + Thanks to Eugene Toder. + * AMF loader: Fixed segmentation fault in case of bad sample + offsets in broken files. ( bug #26, thanks to 'Saga' + of OpenMPT project for the report and analysis.) + * AMF loader: Fixed loading of v10 files where sample loop + start and end values must be read as 32 bits, not 16 bits. + (Tested with Maelcum's "the tribal zone" and "the way its + gonna b". Noticed in OpenMPT source) + * Fixed a possible undefined behavior in the XM loader. + * Support for MMCMP, Amiga PP20 (PowerPack), STC (Stone + Cracker S404) and XPK compressed module formats, based on + public domain code from libmodplug and libxmp. + * Support for OpenBSD sndio. + * Fixed SDL output driver, so that it doesn't crash upon + resetting. + * Disabled the gt2 loader until it is completed properly. (It + has been always non-functional since its introduction in + v3.2.0.) + * Updated configury. The aix, hpux, bsd/sunaudio and sgi audio + drivers are now configurable and not built unconditionally. + Haiku support thanks to Jérôme Duval. + * Documentation update. + * Update DOS build for the new djgpp-2.05 release. + * Minor fix/tidy-ups. +- Spec cleanup + -- add explicit buildrequire makeinfo - libmirage +- Update to 3.2.5 + * Added Vala bindings + * Display a warning when ISRC validation fails + * Fix crash caused by buffer overrun +- Fixed broken URL +- Dropped upstream fixed + 0001-libMirage-utils.h-added-missing-extern-specifiers.patch +- Dropped upstream fixed CVE-2019-15757.patch + (fixed since 3.2.3, commit bf3f346) + +- Add 0001-libMirage-utils.h-added-missing-extern-specifiers.patch . + +- Update to release 3.2.4 + * Remove old unused code. + +- Update to release 3.2.3 + * CSO filter: replaced a g_assert() with error return + * CSO filter: validate part size + * NRG parser: validate nrg_data_length + * ISO writer: ignore raw and subchannel modes for non-CD media + * TOC image writer: return error when trying to open non-CD + image for writing +- Drop 0001-libMirage-CSO-filter-validate-part-size.patch, + 0002-libMirage-CSO-filter-replaced-a-g_assert-with-error-.patch + (merged upstream) + -- Update to new upstream release 3.0.2 - * TOC writer: fixed object (session, track, fragment) leak. - Fixes problems with no data being written to files in cases when - a virtual image is written, its target files removed and then - burned again. - -- Update to new upstream release 3.0.1 - * added missing installation rules for GBI and XMD MIME types - libmpdclient +- Updated to 2.20 + * + * support MPD protocol 0.23: + * getvol + * position argument for searchadd, findadd, load and playlistadd + * whence argument for addid and add + * range argument for playlistdelete + * support MPD protocol 0.22.4: binarylimit + * support MPD protocol 0.22.0: readpicture + * support MPD protocol 0.21.0: albumart + * support tags: "ComposerSort", "Ensemble", "Movement", "MovementNumber", "Location" + * queue: make "priority" parameter unsigned + +- Add patch libmpdclient-doxygen_nodatetime.patch. +- Add file doxygen-nodatetime-footer.html. +- Include documentation and place vala files in properly versioned + subdirectory in devel package. + +- Update to 2.19 + * + * fix off-by-one bug in MPD_HOST parser + * add function mpd_lookup_replay_gain_mode() + * identify messages with length over the buffer limit + * support MPD protocol 0.16: replay gain + * support MPD protocol 0.19: idle events "neighbor" and "mount" + * support MPD protocol 0.20: rangeid + * support MPD protocol 0.21: command "tagtypes all" + +- Update to 2.14 + * support MPD protocol 0.21 + - command "outputset" + - mpd_output_get_plugin() + - receive output attributes + * MSVC compatibility + * improved local and abstract socket support + libmwaw +- update to 0.3.20 (jsc#SLE-18214): + - add a parser for Student Writing Center files (v1) + - add a parser for Word Maker files (v1) + - add a parser for Canvas 9/10 files (Mac) + - add a parser for Canvas 7/8 files (Mac) + - add a parser for Canvas Image files (Mac 5-8, Windows 5-6) + - add a parser for Canvas 6 (Mac and Windows) + - remove many coverity warnings + - add a parser for Canvas 5 ( Mac and Windows ) + - add basic support for hatch + - add basic support for drop cap + libnetfilter_acct +- Modernize specfile constructs. + libnetfilter_log +- Update to release 1.0.2 + * nlmsg: Add NFULA_CT and NFULA_CT_INFO attributes support + +- Modernize specfile constructs. + libnfc +- Update to release 1.8.0 + * New driver for pn71xx NXP's NFC Controllers through Linux + Libnfc-nci (untested). + * New driver for contactless PC/SC readers (only as initiator). + * nfc_device_get_supported_baud_rate() now takes also "mode" as + argument. + * New nfc_device_get_supported_baud_rate_target_mode() + * New NFC modulation type NMT_BARCODE and nfc_barcode_info + struct to support Thinfilm NFC Barcode protocol. + * New NFC modulation type NMT_ISO14443BICLASS and + NMT_ISO14443BICLASS struct to support HID iClass (Picopass). + * pn53x_transceive() is now part of public API + libnjb +- Clean spec-file using spec-cleaner; mainly move LICENSE from %doc + to %license (boo#1082318). + libnl-doc +- Update to release 3.5.0 + * Update for libnl's new APIs in 3.5.0 + libofx +- Require libofx7 from the devel package: requiring the library as + the target to the .so symlink is mandatory. + +- Update to 0.10.3: + * Fix gmt offset seconds + * Fix various typos in source code + +- Update to 0.10.2 + * Improved imported date stability + * Respect --libdir for opensp. Don't override docdir. + +- update to 0.10.1: + * Correct casting of iconv input argument + * Let ofxdump also return an error value on error + * Code cleanup towards normal C++ + +- update to 0.10.0: + * fixed: Remove unimplemented function from libofx.h header + * fixed: Return error value if file parsing is unsuccessful in libofx_proc_file + * fixed: Use given parameter for actual file type in libofx_proc_file + * Large contribution adding investment / security handling in OFX files, by jeffjl74. + ABI-breaking change, hence MINOR version incremented (due to MAJOR still at zero), + but libofx.h API should only have additions + * jeffjl74 Enhanced handling of investments in OFX files (support not added to OFC) + * increased OFX_SECNAME_LENGTH to match the OFX spec (ABI-breaking change, + hence MINOR version incremented) OfxSecurityData now includes: + - an enum for the type of the security (stock, bond, fund, option) + - the optional <SECINFO> fields + - the mandatory <DEBTINFO> and <OPTINFO> fields + - the optional <DEBTINFO> and <OPTINFO> fields + * added <INVBAL> parsing for cash balances in investment accounts + - usefulness depends upon how the broker uses these fields + - Vanguard fund account puts the market value in there instead of the cash balance + - other tested brokers use it appropriately, though the date of the + balance is sometimes inconsistent usually due to unsettled trades, + i.e. the "as of" date will say "today" but the cash + balance will actually be from a couple of days ago with the + difference being unsettled trades. + * <STMTTRN> fields under an <INVBANKTRAN> are now parsed into an + OfxInvestmentTransactionContainer + * added the fields from section of OFX spec 2.1.1 to OfxTransactionData + * added <INVPOS> support to provide balances for securities + * added <CURRENCY>, <ORIGCURRENCY>, <CURRATE> and <CURSYM> parsing and fields to + transactions, securities, and positions + * added a new account type OfxAccountData::OFX_401K + * added a fix for sourceforge bug #46 account callback on <TRANSFER> + * modified ofxdump to support the above changes + * added investment account examples from OFX 2.1.1 spec to "ofx_sample_files" + * could not get openSP to parse ofx201.dtd + +- update to 0.9.15: +- Fix segfault on uninitialized iconv +- Make file format less stringent +- Minor fixes in the build system +- Fix proprietary tags striping eating the content of the previous tag if + proprietary tag is in the middle of the line +- Don't output invalid line numbers on the console before SGML processing starts +- Fix potential heap overflow + - Fix crash on some malformed ofx files + - Fix crash in ofxconnect on missing command line arguments + - Fix for daylight savings time handling + - Easier compile on macos: obey LIBTOOLIZE env variable, and fallback to glibtoolize + - Fix compile on win32 (mingw-w64) + - Performance an reliability fixes in header parsing + - Strip CATEGORY tag added by Chase bank +- remove libofx-CVE-2017-14731.patch (upstream) + -- Update to version 0.9.9: - + Fix missing increment of SO_CURRENT number in libofx-0.9.6 to - avoid crashes when mixing this with older applications. - + bug#41: Fix a crash that occurs while importing a possibly - invalid OFX file. -- Rename libofx5 subpackage to libofx6, following the soname bump. -- Delete backup files that should not be in the tarball. - -- Update to version 0.9.8: - + Fix errorneous reading of files with empty lines. - + bug#24: Fix build error on solaris. - + bug#40: Fix compiler warnings of OFX clang -- Changes from versiom 0.9.7: - + Fix errorneous reading of files with long lines. - -- Update to version 0.9.6: - + Extend buffer for TRANSACTION_NAME to 96 bytes due to UTF-8 - multibyte characters. - + Fix typo in info message. - + Allow lines longer than 1024 caracters. - + Fix treatment of empty date strings: Must return a zero date - instead of a bogus one. - + Replace unlink() with remove() to fix compile problems with - gcc 4.7 - + Make configure fail if gengetopt is missing and generated files - are not present. - + Fix garbled character encoding for UTF-8 encoded OFX 2.0 (XML) - files. Sadly, because of a bug in OpenSP with xml decoding this - currently means that iso-8859-1 OFX-2.0 files will still not be - properly decoded. -- Drop libofx-gcc47.patch, fixed upstream. - -- Add libofx-gcc47.patch: Fix build with gcc 4.7. - -- Update to version 0.9.5: - + Workaround OFX files specifying invalid encoding values - (specifically: UNICODE and CP1252). This should fix most - encoding problems reported. - + Look for DTD in source directory (simplifies developpement) - + Add minor argument checking - + Expose field: OfxSecurityData::fiid in API - + Make string arguments a const reference where appropriate - + Add configure check for help2man tool - + Improve build system and autoconf 2.68 compatibility - + Improve generated man pages - + Use GCC's -fvisibility=hidden to hide internal symbols from - external users. -- Rename libofx4 subpackage to libofx5, following the soname bump. -- Clean spec-file using spec-cleaner. - libolecf +- Switch to curated tarballs + libopenraw +- Update to version 0.1.3: + + Add support for lots and lots of new cameras. + + Rename .pc to libopenraw-0.1.pc. +- Drop patches fixed upstream: + + libopenraw-orf-thumbnail.patch. + + openraw-noansiflag.patch. +- Following the above, drop autoconf, automake and libtool + BuildRequires and autoreconf usage. +- Stop exporting no longer needed CXXFLAGS. + -- Add missing Requires for gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders to - gdk-pixbuf-loader-libopenraw in baselibs.conf. - libopenshot +- python3_sitearch is defined in python-rpm-macros, BuildRequire + explicitly. + +- Update to version 0.2.7: + * Bumping version to 0.2.7, SO 21 + * Reversing y_offset direction to match previous OpenShot crop + behavior + * Adding an X and Y offset to the current crop effect, to better + support previous clip crop parameters (for migrating crop + options from OpenShot 2.5.1 to OpenShot 2.6). Also refactoring + the crop effect, to actually copy the pixels into a new image + buffer. + * Merge master 0.2.6 into develop + * set default crop border to 0 + +- Use the released version 0.2.6 instead of develop branch; + _service is changed accordingly, too + +- Update to version 0.2.6+5: + * Merge master 0.2.6 into develop + * set default crop border to 0 + * Update Version to 0.2.6 SO 20 + * Link catch-main wtih Catch2::Catch2 (#714) + * Bug fix. Prevent adding the same clip as child in the Tracker and Object Detection Effects + * Fixing SVG unit tests to correctly check the default SVG size + * SCALE_NONE was incorrectly sizing SVG, Image, and Video files. Since OpenShot changes the preview window size during editing, the SCALE_NONE clips should always be scaled to the ratio: preview / timeline... so they stay relative sized to the timeline size. + * FFmpeg: Create, use av_err2string() (#689) + * Fixed Draw Box property in ObjectDetection Effect + * Prevent re initializing ParametricEQ for each frame + * Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 2.0.2 (#709) + * Updating audio descriptions + * Added Delay and Echo effects + * Eliminate useless 'const' (#703) + * CMake: Fix ENABLE_MAGICK (#701) + * Bugfix + * Adding description on the audio effects and cleaning the code + * Adjusting parameters of distortion + * Spliting secundary effects from Robotization and Compressor + * Fixed weird noises in the audio robotization effect + * Added voice robotization and whisperization effect working + * removed comment with number + * Fix audio encoding on FFmpeg 4.4. AVFrame was missing a few properties that need to be set in newer versions of FFmpeg. This is also compatible with FFmpeg 3+. + * Reverting video_timestamp increment logic which used pkt.duration. In some codecs (such as vp8), this approach breaks due to differences in the timebase vs the framerate. For example, if the timebase is an inverse of the FPS, everything works. But if the timebase is not, for example 1/1000000, this approach breaks. + * Only get rotation from metadata if 0 keyframes + * Unit tests: --output-on-failure + * Switch to pkt.duration for incrementing PTS, and rename the 2 timestamp variables to something more sane. + * Experimental conversion of timestamp rescaling to use the av_packet_rescale_ts() method. I'm just not sure the backwards compatibility of this approach with older FFmpeg versions. + * We already init values in constructor, and moving incrementing to later in function. + * FFmpeg: Move av/swresample decision into CMake (#693) + * Reduced, but didn't eliminate empty time at the beginning + * Fix invalid starting PTS value, preventing blank 1st frames on some thumbnailing and video players. + * FindFFmpeg: Don't report missing components + * CMake: Adapt to FindFFmpeg.cmake changes + * Enhance FindFFmpeg.cmake + * CMake: USE_SWIG_DEPENDENCIES for CMake 3.20+ (#691) + * Fixed avresample dependency + * Implemented Initial audio effects + * tests: Make ImageWriter tests optional (#685) + * Unit tests: Don't run in parallel on Windows + * CMake: Handle indeterminate FFMpeg HWAccel status + * CMake: Protect against empty version vars + * Unit tests: Destroy zombie test + * Move FFmpeg hwaccel checks to CMake, eliminate #pragma messages (#645) + * Default virtual destructor for TrackedObjectBase + * TrackedObject: DRY out with delegating ctors + * TrackedObject: Pare down includes + * EffectBase: Fix JSON signatures + * Add TrackedObjectBBase to Python SWIG + * CMake: Drop minimum version to 3.10 (#682) + * Clip: Restore property choice names (#681) + * CMake: Set minimum version to 3.12 (#680) + * Clip: Mark GetFrame() override as such (#679) + * Fixed Keyframe Test + * removed assert from interpolation + * Refactoring timeline_frame_number out of apply_layer() and TimelineInfoStruct, we already have this data in scope (on the background frame instance) + * Fixed missing detection in the first frame + * More permissive range interval for Tracker test + * Fixed Json in Tracker Tests + * Refactor of global timeline effects, to address a regression with global/timeline Mask/Transitions no longer working correctly. This was caused by an optimization that broke the general behavior of the global transitions. + * Disabling Examples_opencv because it needs a deep refactor + * Added TrackedObjectBBox to python bindings + * Included AVresample outside if statement + * CMake: VERBOSE_TESTS option (default off) + * Settings: Unit test LIBOPENSHOT_DEBUG envvar + * Updated Json communication of Tracker effect + * Removed unnecessary Json tags + * Key "objects" in Json hold a dict of tracked objects + * Fix counting of points for color effects (#666) + * CI,bionic: Work around broken libzmq5 dep (#671) + * OpenCV: Adapt to API changes in OpenCV 4.5.2+ (#639) + * CMake: Build bundled jsoncpp as an OBJECT library + * Don't link with ImageMagick MagickWand (not used) + * FFmpeg: Reduce overlinking + * Rename version_info files to NAME.env (#665) + * Settings: Support LIBOPENSHOT_DEBUG envvar + * Fixed missing parent clip in TrackedObjectBoundingbox + * Downgrade OpenCV 4.5.1 msg to WARNING + * Add OPENCV_VERSION_STR to library symbols + * CMake: Reject OpenCV 4.5.1, prepare for 4.5.2+ + * Remove mistakenly-added file + * small fix + * Fixed aspect ratio and off-center displacement when attaching a clip to a tracked object + * Added author and added licence in ClipProcessingJobs + * Tests: Switch to standard BUILD_TESTING variable + * Tests: Shorten some crazy long test names + * CMake: Add separate unit test targets + * Gitlab-CI: Update Windows builder configs, OpenShotAudio linking; enable Windows unit tests (#657) + * tests: Make ImageWriter tests optional (#659) + * CMake: Properly enable unit tests (#658) + * Fixed attaching a clip to Tracker and ObjectDetection + * Don't use OpenShot.h in OpenCV example + * Don't use OpenShot.h in ExampleHtml.cpp + * Properly handle unavailable Catch2 (#656) + * OpenCV is again an optional dependency + * Fixed FPS ToInt() conversion and changed initial frame number to 1 + * Normalize repo to LF (Unix) line-endings, enforce (#654) + * Added option to hide bounding box text in ObjectDetector effect. Fixed tab formatting + * Changed None to empty string, corrected dynamic pointers + * Removed namespaces, iostream library and added TrackedObject test + * Changed formatting from tab to spaces + * Fixed variable names and comments + * tests/KeyFrame: Split a CHECK(), for readability + * Give SWIG's Ruby code a namespace hint + * effects/ObjectDetection: Declare drawPred correctly + * src/effects/Tracker.h: Fix bad merge + * tests/KeyFrame.cpp: Typo + * tests/KeyFrame.cpp: Typo + * Added class filter and updated visualization + * tests/CV*: Fix opening comment + * tests/CacheDisk: Use separate path for each test + * Install Catch2 in Github Actions CI + * tests/FrameMapper: Variables fixes + * Remove old UnitTest++ tests + * Fix test memory leaks + * Port new test to Catch2 + * Some fixes to new unit test + * Fix unit test building + * Port unit tests to Catch2 + * Fixing tabs/spaces + * Removing some debug logging related to opencv effects + * Added new unit test which distributes audio samples between many different framerates (30/1, 24/1, 30000/1001, 119/4), and fixes a huge issue with mapping frame numbers incorrectly causing audio crackles/pops. Also fixes a bug which causes crashes on NON-STEREO channel layouts. + * Added confidence threshold + * Added default class colors + * Added Color selection, stroke size and opacity to ObjectDetection rectangles + * Fixed ObjectDetection crash (disabled effect parenting) + * Rename tests/*_Tests.cpp to tests/*.cpp + * Duplicate *_Tests.cpp history in cppunittest/ history. + * Protecting ObjectDetection when no object is found + * Timeline: Add constructor accepting ReaderInfo + * Tabs->spaces in OpenCV effect headers + * FFmpegReader: Throw correct exception (#647) + * tests/DummyReader: Goose coverage (#650) + * Add repo name to CI workflow title + * README: Label badges visibly + * README: label badges by repo + * README: Add Github Actions status badges + * README: Remove Travis build shields + * Added opacity to Tracker effect + * Implemented Stroke width and background color for Tracker bounding boxes + * Renamed "Parent Object ID" to "Parent" + * Renamed "Parent Effect ID" to "Parent" + * Fixed draw_box scope + * Protect against linking the tracked object with the parent clip + * Allow the user to hide the blue bounding box on the Tracker effect + * Added jitter filter on Tracked boxes + * Using normalized initial bounding box on CVTracker + * Set checkout fetch depth for codecov + * Increasing max fuzz for Chromakey + * Fixing logic when applying chromakey logic with pre-multiplied alpha. Each channel must be updated, vs just the alpha value. + * Actions CI: Set fetch-depth for Codecov + * Deprecate TooManySeeks exception less confusingly + * src/CMakeLists: Don't confuse Doxygen + * Incorporate doxygen -u changes + * ObjectDetection: Use std::make_shared<>() + * Headers: Fix doc comments + * Reverting version + * Test bumping the version (for gitlab-ci deployment testing) + * Fixing version info needed by deployment process + * Adding version and so to version info (for use during deployment step) + * Adding version and so to version info (for use during deployment step) + * Adding version and so to version info (for use during deployment step) + * Adding version and so to version info (for use during deployment step) + * Adding CI_PIPELINE_ID into the version info + * Updating git log format to be consistent across all 3 repos (for final release publishing reasons) + * Implementing Codacy improvements, removing some unused or pointless code + * Re-enable Zmq logging + * Updating documentation on CacheBase class::GetFrame override + * Removing caching from Clip object. Causes too many issues and does not add any performance (in my tests) + * Fixing regression with Waveform generation. + * Add CODECOV_TOKEN envvar to Github CI + * Disabling Clip caching and fixing a bug with waveform() + * Large refactor of OpenMP integration (or rather the removal of OpenMP on the Timeline and FFmpeg-related classes). The logic behind this decision, was based on profiling libopenshot and the amount of wasted CPU idle time on all the various threads. The slow code is still synchronous, and all the threads must wait on each other, adding additional overhead. So, removing lots of unneeded threads, and simplifying the underlying Timeline->Clip->FFmpegReader flow. Also, removed 2 calls to QPainter::drawImage, by improving the flexibility of Clip->GetFrame. + * Reducing the # of threads on the Timeline in half, with a minimum of 4. Trying to experiment and reduce stuttering. + * Improving performance after working with google-prof, to profile CPU. Calling OMP_MP_NUM_PROCESSORS less often, since it's quite expensive according to profiling. Adjusting Timeline final_cache to match the video caching thread max_frames, so one doesn't clobber the other. Also, fixing an issue with openshot-player, where a video file with no audio skips horribly. + * Minor fix + * Added support to set an effect's properties by it's parent effect + * Updated JSON functions related to Tracked Objects + * Added support to insert the image of a clip inside a Tracked Object + * Added support to set the visibility of a Tracked Object + * Increasing Linux build threads... experimental + * Experimental multi-thread builds for Linux and Mac + * Switching to QImageReader for parsing a path to a QImage, and allowing the AutoTransform property correctly handle exif metadata (flipping and orientation of images) + * Removed unused class KeyframeBase + * Fixed bug in ObjectDetection effect + * Keyframe: Remove Coordinate ctor unit test + * Add Exceptions.h back to OpenShot.h + * Keyframe: Get rid of vector aliases, Coord ctor + * Fraction: Restore __str__ for Python + * KeyFrame.h: Avoid shadowing SWIG templates + * Add Protobuf and OpenCV to CI preinstalls + * Add Exceptions.h include to new effects + * Fixing scope issue and unused var + * Fixing a big issue where SVG files are not correctly scaled to larger resolutions, for cases where the default size is smaller than the Timeline size (or preview size). Now SVG files are rescaled/re-rasterized larger when needed, and otherwise cached. + * Updated variable names + * Added support to attach a clip to another clip + * ObjectDetection: updated object selection and transform handler + * Added support to show the transform handler for the selected object + * Coordinate_Tests: include Exceptions.h + * Fraction: Implement dict type methods + * Effect GetFrame(): Use std::make_shared + * Thanks to @ferdnyc for the suggestion to better detect alpha channels. + * Until I find a better method of detecting pix_fmt's that have an alpha channel, I'm going with a simple list. Not sure if this will work well with older versions of FFmpeg though, as these items change over time. Waiting to see how build servers handle it. + * Move Exceptions.h includes to .cpp files + * Restore (unused) TooManySeeks exception, deprecate + * Updated documentation + * ObjectDetection: show object's icons and transform handlers per frame + * Added support to update the detected bounding-boxes keyframes + * Added support to attach clip to detected object (ObjectDetection) effect + * Clip.cpp: Removed hard-coded Tracker effect check in AddEffect function + * Fixed codacy review warnings + * Fixed clip transform handler when attached to object + * Fixed codacy review warnings + * Tracker effect and export video fixes + * Tracked object bounding box transform handler fix + * Attaching clip to tracked object fixes + * Changed KeyframeBBox to TrackedObjectBBox and added TrackedObjectBase + * Update copyright in README and OpenShot.h + * Update Clip.cpp apply_keyframes funcion + * Removed IKeyFrame.h and applied minor fixes to Clip.cpp + * Updated Clip.cpp to support GUI to select attached object + * Minor fixes + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Rename protobuf packages to pb_foo + * OpenCV: Move 'using ns std', scrub whitespace + * OpenCV/Protobuf: Install library and headers + * Fix FindResvg for older CMake + * Property fixes for bindings + * Propagate library defs to swig + * Results of include-what-you-use run + * Update src/effects/Stabilizer.h + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Updating link to renamed protobuf library + * Changing name of ProtoBufMessage to openshot_protobuf for clarity, also installing it in PREFIX/lib + * Fraction: Restore __string__ for Python + * Eliminate TooManySeeks exception (#611) + * Reverting 'clear the cache when the user seeks' experiment. It was a failed experiement, not to mention that it destroys performance on the "Transform" tool. + * Fixing alpha videos, by handling the conversion to premultiplied RGBA separately + * Unit tests: Don't use OpenShot.h header (#607) + * Delete actions/labeler config (#608) + * Add Dependabot checking for Actions (#606) + * Remove OpenShot.h from OpenCV unit tests + * Unit tests: Don't use OpenShot.h header + * CMake: Add ENABLE_OPENCV option, use targets + * Added functionality to link a clip to a tracked object (Animations) + * Correct OpenMP function name (#601) + * Refresh Codecov configs (#603) + * Fixed protobuf message compiling on Mac + * Fixed protobuf message compiling on Mac + * Added rotation transform to the tracker bounding-box. + * Improved protobuf message compiling + * Refactored KeyframeBBox + * Improved protobuf message compiling + * label-conflicts: Only on branch push, not PR (#600) + * Switch to Github Actions for CI builds (#599) + * Update .gitlab-ci.yml + * Update .gitlab-ci.yml + * Keyframe: Replace pair vector w/ CoordinateVector + * Bindings: Add template specializations + * Keyframe: Unit tests for new constructors + * Keyframe: Add vector ctors + * Fix Point unit tests + * Keyframe: Replace AddPoint overload w/default arg + * Point: Unit tests for new constructor + * Point: Convert to delegating ctors, constref args + * # This is a combination of 2 commits. # This is the 1st commit message: + * Coordinate: Add std::pair constructor + * Update .gitlab-ci.yml + * Update .gitlab-ci.yml + * Timeline::GetClip: Add anti-slicing unit tests (#596) + * Fixing an issue caused by timeline::GetClip returning a ClipBase instead of a Clip (broke waveform generation). Also adding a swig definition for the Caption effect. + * Added transform handler for Tracker effect + * Updated include path on opencv examples + * Fixed opencv example compilation on cmake + * Clip: Mark methods as overrides + * various Readers: Fix GetCache return type + * tests/Coordinate: Complete coverage + * various: Tidy up some includes + * tests/Fraction: Unit tests for new ctors + * Fraction: New ctors accept STL container args + * Fraction: Update Python __repr__ + * Add label-merge-conflicts Action workflow + * Added properties to Tracker effects + * Solved FPS bug. + * Removed Excess information from json. + * Added scale factor to class to replace OpFPS. + * Make OpenShotAudio loading conditional + * Applied code review suggestions + * codecov.yml: Update ignore list + * Applied code review suggestions + * Improved error handling for effect pre-processing + * Color_Tests: Remove commented code, be const + * Codecov: Update ignore list in YAML + * Point_Tests: Increase coverage + * Color_Tests: Increase coverage + * Fixed CVTracker test + * FrameMapper_tests: Add more coverage + * FrameMapper_Tests: Correct for reader duration + * FrameMapper_Tests: Use SUITE, create no-op test + * Added error message handling for ClipProcessingJob + * Fixing color format for opencv conversion + * Initial design of new keyframes specialized classes + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Fixed binding issues for opencv effects + * Fix stale yml string to be a literal string (instead of folded) + * Fixed a few codacy issues + * Updating method docs + * Improvement to video caching thread, to recover from the separation of cache vs display frame #. Also found a mutex that was needed, to prevent crashing when the video thread calls timeline::GetFrame at certain times... colliding with another thread (and independent of OpenMP). + * Added 2 new unit tests for Clip's with a Timeline associated with them, and FFmpegReaders with a Clip/Timeline associated with them. + * Added 2 FrameMapper unit tests which verify resampled audio data has no gaps/pops, and offset FrameMapper clips don't use the wrong # of audio samples + * Removing invalid ICC sRGB color profile from these PNG used in unit tests (which throw warnings) + * - Added default caption value, for demonstration purposes (to help users see a valid example) - Append some newlines onto the end of any caption text... needed by the regex for some reason - Updated font name and caption text to be a new type (font and caption), and we have corresponding UI changes for those on openshot-qt + * - Added word-wrap (using adjustable left, top, and right side keyframes) - Added background color and alpha - Added font color alpha - Added fade in / out logic - Added background padding & rounded corners - Added adjustable font name + * - Simplifying the FrameMapper Clip::AdjustFrameNumber method - Removing transformed == true boolean (Qt should be smart enough to optimize for blank transforms) - Fixing regression from TimelineBase import + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Apply suggestions from code review + * Resolving conflicts + * Add a comment explaining FFmpegReader::HasAlbumArt()'s behavior + * Finish conflict resolution + * Fixing some additional cpp_test complaints + * Fixing some cpp_test complaints + * Fix alpha and mask effects, so they correctly multiply the alpha to all colors (since we have switched to a premulitplied alpha format) + * Replacing ARGB32_Premultiplied with Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied, which still seems to benefit from performance, but keeps the byte order the same as before. win win + * Converting RGB8888 to ARGB32_Premultiplied (for performance reasons) + * Replacing audio fix implementation with ParentClip(), to access clip start and position (if any) + * Implemented position remapper inside FrameMapper to fix audio noise when exporting to different fps + * Initializing Clip info struct, and fixing clip cache settings + * Initialize parent clip variable + * Fixing some regressions on image merging + * Large refactor of Timeline, TimelineBase, ClipBase, and Clip, to allow a Clip access to the parent timeline instance (if available), and thus, certain properties (preview size, timeline FPS, etc...). This allows for a simpler rendering of Clip keyframes (during the Clip::GetFrame method), and a simpler Timeline class, that can change the preview window size dynamically and no longer requires a Singleton Settings class. - Also removed "crop" from Clip class, as it was never implmeneted correctly, and we have a fully functional "crop" effect when needed - Added caching to Clip class, to optimize previewing of cached frames (much faster than previous) + * Fixed a bug with cropping logic on Clip (disabled it temporarily). I need to replace the Crop functionality with a more robust cropping tool. Also, updated Timeline to use the MaxWidth/MaxHeight settings when calling the clip (since those are set when the screen is resized). + * Refactored the Settings::Instance()->MAX_WIDTH and Settings::Instance()->MAX_HEIGHT out of the Cilp class. GetFrame() now has an overload which specifies the width, height, and samples needed. Otherwise, it returns the Clip image based on the source reader (width, height, num samples). + * - Refactoring all Timeline drawing code into the Clip class - Making Clip a proper Reader (so it can be used directly, instead of a Timeline) + * Fix Markdown style + * FindOpenShotAudio: Fix linking + * Codecov: Update excludes for new repo layout + * CMake: Code and Find module tweaks + * CMake: Add target for ImageMagick dependency + * Rename FindResvg, target is now Resvg::Resvg + * ImageReader/Writer.h: Goose coverage to 100% + * Fix Ruby example script bug + * Update instructions for tree reorg + * tests/CmakeLists, Update paths + * Root CMakeLists: Adjust paths for tree reorg + * Examples: Add new CMakeLists.txt for directory + * Bindings: Rename MappedMetadata to MetadataMap + * Bindings: Use SWIG shared_ptr for Ruby, also + * Bindings: Update include paths + * Examples: Update include paths + * tests: Update include paths + * Use new OpenShot::Audio target in CMakeLists.txt + * Update src/CMakeLists.txt for source tree reorg + * Update include paths in all source/header files + * Reorganize source tree (headers in src/) + * QtImageReader: Consolidate ctors + * Tests: Increase coverage for ImageReader/Writer + * ImageReader: Consolidate ctors using default arg + * Update the stale github message + * Fixing some additional cpp_test complaints + * Fixing some cpp_test complaints + * Update Saturation.cpp + * Update Saturation.cpp + * Fix alpha and mask effects, so they correctly multiply the alpha to all colors (since we have switched to a premulitplied alpha format) + * Replacing ARGB32_Premultiplied with Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied, which still seems to benefit from performance, but keeps the byte order the same as before. win win + * Converting RGB8888 to ARGB32_Premultiplied (for performance reasons) + * Replacing audio fix implementation with ParentClip(), to access clip start and position (if any) + * Initializing Clip info struct, and fixing clip cache settings + * Initializing Clip info struct, and fixing clip cache settings + * Implemented position remapper inside FrameMapper to fix audio noise when exporting to different fps + * Initialize parent clip variable + * Allow sub-pixel sized pen stroke + * Adding initial caption effect, which supports VTT and SubRip formats (limited support, no formating, no regions) + * Fixing some regressions on image merging + * Large refactor of Timeline, TimelineBase, ClipBase, and Clip, to allow a Clip access to the parent timeline instance (if available), and thus, certain properties (preview size, timeline FPS, etc...). This allows for a simpler rendering of Clip keyframes (during the Clip::GetFrame method), and a simpler Timeline class, that can change the preview window size dynamically and no longer requires a Singleton Settings class. - Also removed "crop" from Clip class, as it was never implmeneted correctly, and we have a fully functional "crop" effect when needed - Added caching to Clip class, to optimize previewing of cached frames (much faster than previous) + * CMake: Switch default build type to Release + * Add ENABLE_MAGICK CMake option (default ON) + * This padding is needed to not lose samples in the first frame of a resample. Apparently, we need enough padding, so we exceed the # of samples required for the first frame, and 20 was just too low for many frame rates / sample rates. + * Frame: Reduce code duplication + * VideoRenderWidget: missing includes + * Pixelate: Fix missing includes + * Frame: Use delegating constructors + * Frame: Put Qt includes where they're used + * video_codec -> video_codec_ctx + * Change of name of library + * Adding TODO for future improvements + * Fix the PTS offset logic error when first reading a file on FFmpegReader. Use the calculated 0 - PTS, unless it is too large (more than 1 second off from zero) + * README: Wrap to 80-col, copyright => 2020 + * Timeline.h: Formatting + * Const temporary variable + * Replace sleep()/usleep() with std::chrono calls (#473) + * Timeline_Tests: Unit tests for new methods + * Add GetMaxTime + * Timeline: Add id-lookup API and GetMaxFrame + * Clip: GetEffect implementation + * Timeline.h: Add lots of openshot:: prefixes + * ReaderBase: Deprecate SetClip/GetClip names + * Use MacOS 10.11 SDK (still targeting 10.9) + * Fixed a bug with cropping logic on Clip (disabled it temporarily). I need to replace the Crop functionality with a more robust cropping tool. Also, updated Timeline to use the MaxWidth/MaxHeight settings when calling the clip (since those are set when the screen is resized). + * Refactored the Settings::Instance()->MAX_WIDTH and Settings::Instance()->MAX_HEIGHT out of the Cilp class. GetFrame() now has an overload which specifies the width, height, and samples needed. Otherwise, it returns the Clip image based on the source reader (width, height, num samples). + * - Refactoring all Timeline drawing code into the Clip class - Making Clip a proper Reader (so it can be used directly, instead of a Timeline) + * Tests: Don't enable HW accel as side-effect (#557) + * Frame.cpp/h: Fix a bunch of wrong comments + * Use std::make_shared to allocate shared ptrs + * Add QtUtilities.h header + * Include Qt header for Qt::endl + * Use Qt::endl with QTextStream + * Revert "opencv path added for windows 32 build" + * opencv path added for windows 32 build + * opencv path added for windows 32 build + * minor fix + * opencv path added for windows 64 build + * Correction of bounding box negative proportions + * Drop QtMultimedia and QtMultimediaWidgets deps (#551) + * Improved documentation + * CVStabilization Test small fix + * Remove FFmpeg 3.2 from Travis matrix (#548) + * "Ensure full 40-character hashes in changelog" + * Replace C compatibility headers with C++ + * Frame: juce::String supports std::basic_ostream + * Remove .../usr/include path on MacOS + * Replace math.h header with cmath + * Experimental clang++ compiling of libopenshot + * Testing -stdlib=libc++ to prevent linking with gcc's libstd++ + * Using new 5.15 qt install for mac builder + * minor fixes + * Opencv is an optional dependency + * Fixed Stabilizer and created Object Detector tests + * Improved SORT algorithm and fixed bug when cutting clips + * Changed bounding box draw in Object Detector effect + * Added normalized bboxes for tracker and object detector + * Updating path to Qt5 on Mac builder + * Updated protobuf bash script + * CMake: Remove threading config variables + * Added CVObjectDetection and ObjectDetection effect + * Added interval to apply OpenCV effects + * Added zoom to Stabilizer Effect + * Tracker Effect minor fixes + * Fixed crashing problem and added cut compatibility with opencv effects + * Protobuf messages now compile with Cmake + * Bug fixes for the function Frame::SetImageCV + * minor fix + * Added thread runner with pre-processing effects + * improved the stabilize effect integration + * Updating linux to use Ubuntu Bionic build server + * Added code comments and minor changes + * Added Stabilize Effect + * Add some comment + * Enable IN_LIST in older CMake + * FFmpegWriter: Missed 1 rename to video_codec_ctx + * created protobuf message for Stabilization Effect + * Included Tracker as an effect + * Fixed typo + * Formating + * Removing commented out code + * Experimental ABI fix to deal with '__cxx11' (take 2) + * Experimental ABI fix to deal with '__cxx11' + * Experimenting with new include folder, since Catalina doesn't have a /usr/include/ + * Experimenting with Cmake and Threads failure + * Making CMake Threads not required. + * Updating to gcc 8.4 for MacOS Catalina + * included CVStabilization into Clip + * modified cmake to include OpenCV and Protobuf as optional dependencies + * Leave the values for qmin and qmax at their default values except for mpeg2. Changing them for the other codecs resultet in exporting with the wrong bitrate. + * bug fixes + * Implemented CVStabilization, removed cv namespace + * Included unit tests for Frame and CVTracker + * finished adding protobuf message to CVTracker class + * Added protobuf dependency to load and save CVtracker data + * integrated Qimage to Mat conversion into Frame + * implemented KCF fracker class and included opencv in cmake + * MagickUtils: Add #pragma to silence IM6 warning + * Set the field order when interlace is on + * Fix indentation (2) + * Fix indentation + * Update src/FFmpegWriter.cpp + * Update src/FFmpegWriter.cpp + * Update src/FFmpegWriter.cpp + * Update src/FFmpegWriter.cpp + * Update src/FFmpegWriter.cpp + * Add a note about the buffering behavior of Timeline to DummyReader + * Add an APPIMAGE_BUILD option to libopenshot + * Timeline: const-ref path arg in constructor, docs + * OpenMP: Move off deprecated allow_nested boolean + * FFmpeg: Combine 2 constructors via a default arg, fix docs, const refs + * FFmpegWriter: Remove unreachable branch + * Replacing WriteFrame() method with custom constructor which can accept a CacheBase* pointer, for instances where a DummyReader needs some specific test Frame objects + * Added an additional unittest for DummyReader (for invalid frame) + * Adding some new functionality and documentation to DummyReader. Adding the ability to add test frames, with fake image and audio data. This will can be used in unittests, and will soon be used to verify some new audio improvements (coming soon). + * Removing bad suggestion. In theory, we could change this signature to take a const reference to a string, but for now, I'm reverting it. + * Fix regression caused by Codacy tweaks + * Fixing undefined got_packet int + * Changing some libopenshot code based on Codacy feedback. Small refactoring, scope limiing. + * Improvements to handling of new codecs + * Refert last commit + * Replace _Pragma with #pragma + * Include data for fps in clip created by ffmpeg 4+ + * Update Ruby compatibility message + * Use Ubuntu 20.04 for FFmpeg 4 + * Remove unused Qt PPAs + * Travis: allow_failures for FFmpeg 3.2 + * Travis: allow_failures for FFmpeg 3.2 + * Fix FPS setting on FFmpeg 4, which currently is not setting a valid FPS. + * Fix crashes and failures on decoding some types of album art images + * Support older CMake + * Add some missing juce:: prefixing + * Deprecated juce::ScopedPointer => std::unique_ptr + * Work around Ruby/JUCE isfinite() conflict properly + * use reader instead of new_reader + * Set clip in constructor to resolve scale crop issue + * FFmpegUtilities: replace variable definition with statement expression + * Add more build-config variables + * Add script (#500) + * Add QT_VERSION_STR define to OpenShotVersion.h + * Exponential regression rule for Pixelate scale + * Various: Remove unused variables (#467) + * Exceptions: Rename BaseException, for python (#497) + * Travis: Fix package list syntax, contents + * Findjsoncpp: Fix target + * CMake: Rename, modernize Findjsoncpp.cmake + * INSTALL doc: Correct some CMake flags, reorder + * Make debug handling match libopenshot-audio (#499) + * Remove some broken macOS defines + * Overrides for derived-class methods + * Effects: Mark overridden methods accordingly + * Adding keyframable origin point (for shear and rotation) + * Formatting, markdown cleanup + * Add non-subsampled color format for h264 encoder + * Travis: Do some YAML syntax linting (#484) + * Fix Win64 Gitlab builds (#485) + * Update release-log formatting on builders + * Fix Win64 Gitlab builds + * Add frame rate test to FFmpegReader_Tests + * Ignore ctags file (#482) + * Fix float to int16_t conversion in resampler + * Add SWIG/Ruby compatibility check & warning (#480) + * Fix zmq version check (#478) + * Add version reporting to FindZeroMQ + * ZeroMQ's std::string support is too new + * Add version gating for Zmq and Qt deprecations (#470) + * bindings: Remove relative header paths (#469) + * python/CMakeLists: Lowercase commands, indents + * ruby/CMakeLists: Lowercase commands + * DummyReader: Initialize is_open + * FrameMapper: Eliminate is_open member variable + * FFmpegWriter: Free any old context before clobbering + * FFmpegWriter: Replace AVRational casts with av_make_q() + * FFmpegWriter: (a/v)_codec => (a/v)_codec_ctx + * Exclude thirdpart/jsoncpp from Codecov scanning + * Clip_Tests: Remove try/catch blocks + * Fix test sample values + * Restore default gain when adding audio + * Fix float to int16_t conversion + * CMake: Use GNUInstallDirs for install paths (#457) + * Travis: Drop extra FFmpeg 3.4 GCC job (#463) + * Travis: Use CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX + * bindings: Relative paths, overridable + * FFmpegWriter: Code reformatting + * FFmpegWriter: Drop ancient FFmpeg code + * FFmpegWriter: Use std::clog for output + * Simplify fix for RAWVIDEO handling for ffmpeg 4+ + * Fix handling of RAWIMAGE under ffmpeg 4 + * Change frame rate detection + * Initial svt-hevc (h.265) encoder support added + * Minor improvements + * Newer codecs + * ZmqLogger: Add optional dumping to stderr + * Try instead + * Color-separated Saturation: Optimized math (removed no-ops) + * Color-separated Saturation: Line Wrap + * Color-separated Saturation: Enhanced description of constructor + * Color-separated saturation: Documented new constructor parameters + * Color-separated Saturation: Enhanced constructor parameter names + * Saturation: Enhanced Comment ("greyscale" vs. "black and white") + * Color-separated Saturation: Enhanced Comment + * Color-separated Saturation + * Update CMakeLists.txt + * Update labeler.yml + * Delete FindZMQ.cmake + * Add labeler.yml control file for label Action + * Add labeler workflow file +- Drop Fix-ODR-violation-replace-variable-definition.patch, + because now in upstream. + +- Fix compilation with GCC 10, add + Fix-ODR-violation-replace-variable-definition.patch + libopenshot-audio +- Update to version 0.2.2: + * Bump version to 0.2.2 (SO still 8) + * Ensure NEED_ASIO is always set + +- Use the released version 0.2.1 instead of development branch; + updated _service as well + +- Update to version 0.2.1+5: + * Updated version to 0.2.1 SO 8 + * Ensure NEED_ASIO is always set + * Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 (#128) + * Add juce_dsp module + * CMake: Correct EXPORTED config install path (#127) + * Rename version_info files to NAME.env (#126) + * Name generate-docs workflow file sensibly + * Rename docs temp dir + * Generate and install JuceHeader.h + * Bump actions/upload-artifact from v2.2.2 to v2.2.3 + * GH Actions: Build and publish docs (#122) + * CMake: Don't export openshot-audio-demo (#121) + * Ensure we use C++11 to build demo code (#120) + * Gitlab-ci: Update Windows builder configs (#119) + * CMake: Create and install EXPORTED configuration (#118) + * Normalize repo to LF (Unix) line endings, enforce (#117) + * Add repo name to workflow job title + * README: Add Github Actions status badge + * Update copyright in README (#113) + * README: Remove Travis build shield + * Revert version back to 0.2.0 + * Test bumping the version (for gitlab-ci deployment testing) + * Test bumping the version (for gitlab-ci deployment testing) + * Fixing regex syntax to extract version + * Fixing regex syntax to extract version + * Fixing regex syntax to extract version + * Fixing regex syntax to extract version + * Attempting to extract VERSION and SO from CMakeLists.txt file, to be used in build system (and deployment system) + * Adding CI_PIPELINE_ID into the version info + * Updating git log format to be consistent across all 3 repos (for final release publishing reasons) + * Experimental multi-thread builds for Linux and Mac + * CI: Pare down Windows deps (#110) + * Add Dependabot checking for Actions (#109) + * CI: Switch to Github Actions (#108) + * Formatting fixes for INSTALL docs (#104) + * Fix stale yml message to be a literal string + * Travis: Add Focal build (#102) + * Updating stale github comment message + * Upgrade JUCE to 5.4.7 (#88) + * Ensure full 40-character hashes in changelog + * Testing -stdlib=libc++ to prevent linking with libstd++ from gcc + * Updating tag on gitlab to use new Ubuntu bionic build server + * Make JUCE source path configurable + * Revert "Fix isfinite() for ruby bindings" + * Add shell script to output version (#95) + * Travis: Add macOS build w/ newer XCode (#94) + * Update formatting for commit logs + liborigin +- update to 3.0.1: + * support 2021bSR0 + * drop liborigin-link-opj2dat-against-sharedlib.patch, included + * drop liborigin-remove-exit-calls.patch, included upstream +- silence packaging warning for liborigin-tools via rpmlintrc + +- Update to version 3.0.0: + * No news file or changelog from upstream. +- Drop liborigin2-nostatic.patch: instead specify build targets + for make individually, omitting the static lib. +- Add liborigin-link-opj2dat-against-sharedlib.patch: compile + opj2dat against the shared lib instead of the static lib; patch + taken from upstream bug report + ( +- Add liborigin-remove-exit-calls.patch: Remove exit calls from + library; patch taken from upstream git (commit #a8b25b48). +- Update shared lib package name in keeping with upstream so + versioning bump. +- Use %%cmake_build for building and pass individual targets for + make: origin, opj2dat, and doc. +- Building doc now requires doxygen. +- Drop boost-devel BuildRequires: no longer needed. +- Update sed command to fix location of documentation in keeping + with changes to upstream CMakelists.txt file. +- Use %%autosetup to setup build dir. +- Package pkgconfig file; introduce BuildRequires: pkgconfig to + auto-generate appropriate pkgconfig-based Provides. +- Drop sed script for libdir, no longer needed. +- Minor cleanups using spec-cleaner. + libosip2 +- update to 5.2.1: + * add OSIP_RETRY_LIMIT which may be useful to exosip + * add osip_timersub macro + * fix validate that the API are used with the expected/required + leading char + * fix memory out-of-bound access in broken uncompliant Via header + * fix k= within media being rejected since 5.1.1 [wrong check] +- package license text +- add upstream signing key and validate source signature +- run tests +- drop libosip2-5.0.0.patch, not required + +- update to 5.2.0: + * use localtime_r when __USE_POSIX is available + * sync versions with libexosip +- use https for urls + +- Drop old specfile constructs and excess Provides lines. + +- update to 5.1.1: + * fix vulnerability report: Authentication-Info or Proxy-Authentication-Info are affected by a buffer overflow when building sip messages. + * fix vulnerability report: when boundary only contains one quote, strncpy will use the unsigned value of -1 as size parameter. + * fix: avoid several memory leaks detected in the SDP parser upon invalid SDP formats. + * fix bug #57467: infinite loop in sdp_message_a_attribute_del_at_index + * fix bug #56071: Heap-buffer-overflow in osip_util_replace_all_lws function in osip_message_parse.c + * fix to reject any non compliant answer with missing version digits. + +- Update to 5.1.0 + * See package, very many changes since prior 5.0.0 release. +- drop patch already in 5.1.0 + SIP_body_len_underflow.patch +- make package so library naming compliant with opensuse library versioning +- pre-requisite for updating to libeXosip2 5.1.0 + -- patch license to follow standard - -- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building - -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- fix botched pthread linkage,it is going to break sooner or later. - -- update to version 3.5.0 - * iphone with TCP/TLS background support. - * a lot of minor change/fix/improvments, sorry for not being - able to have an history here... -- libosip2 (3.4.0) - * remove CRLF before parsing SIP message. - * modification to allow non-blocking socket for reliable transport. - * fix race condition for non-atomic incrementation operation. - * osip_list improvements. - * osip_list prototypes and warnings fix. - * new osip_strcasestr method. -- libosip2 (3.3.0) - * new APPLE native interface for semaphore - * add relative time in log information on linux/windows - * fix: unescape last uri parameters. -- libosip2 (3.2.0) - * return new error code for all API. - libpano -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2021-20307 [bsc#1184726], Format string vulnerability in panoFileOutputNamesCreate() - + libpano-CVE-2021-20307.patch +- Update to version 2.9.20 + * Bugfixes for Panini General, Biplane and Triplane output + projections + * Fix crash and security issue caused by malformed filename prefix + ( CVE-2021-20307 ) +- Dropped upstream fixed libpano-implicit-decl.patch +- Use SourceURL: +- Do not ship build instructions and outdated docs libparserutils +- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do + not have that macro + +- Fix the compilation to actually work + +- update to 0.2.4: + * Tests: Fix memory leak + * Tests: Fix read before start of unused expected buffer + libpff +- Update to release 20211114 + * Improved compressed OST format support + +- Update to snapshot 20210508 (b736acdd) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + +- convert python bindings to python3 +- rename the binding submodule from python-libpff to python3-libpff + +- Updated to v0~20180714 + * several bug fixes + * see github log +- update which internal packages from libyal are used. Now only libcpath + -- Put documentation in -devel; do not bloat the shlib package -- Set licenses in each sub-package -- Remove unused %py_requires - -- initial package (version 0.0.0~20120802) - alpha quality software - libpgf +- Update to version 7.21.7: + * This bug fix is for ROI decoding only. This bug fix is + necessary if several Read() and ResetStreamPos() operations are + called with the same PGFimage object after a single Open() + call. + From version 7.21.2: + * Documentation and build tool update. + +- Update to version 7.19.3: + * This version fixes a compilation bug seen when ROI support is + disabled. + libplacebo +- Update libplacebo to version 4.157.0: + This is a major new release involving a significant overhaul of the + public API, full thread safety, support for Direct3D 11 / Win32 / + MSVC, native HDR output, and more. + The primary way of accessing most libplacebo objects has been revamped. + Rather than writing e.g. `const struct pl_tex *image`, users now simply + write `pl_tex image`. In addition, the `struct pl_context *ctx` was + universally refactored and replaced by `pl_log log`, with no concern + besides logging. + Direct3D 11 is now natively supported by libplacebo, and compiling on + Windows in general has been made more straightforward. + The entire API was revamped to be thread safe by default, even when + using OpenGL (assuming the user provides the appropriate context binding + callbacks). Accompanying this change, the `pl_queue` has been rewritten + with multi-threaded decoding loops in mind. See the accompanying + `plplay` demo for an illustration. + Finally, this release brings with it a lot of features for feature + parity with mpv, such as the ability to get pass stats / timings, + oversample scaling, and more. + Additions: +- add a `void *user_data` field to `pl_frame`, with no further + interpretation by libplacebo +- add `pl_queue_push_block`, useful for multi-threaded decoding loops +- add a `uint64_t timeout` to `pl_queue_update`, allowing it to + block until frames are available even when not using a `get_frame` + callback +- make `pl_queue_update` also return valid data when failing with + PL_QUEUE_MORE, allowing access to partial/incomplete mix outputs +- allow calling `pl_render_image` on `image == NULL`, to render overlays + only +- add `pl_get_buffer2`, API-compatible with AVCodecContext.get_buffer2 +- add support for blitting from/to several obscure formats such as + a1rgb5 or 64-bit integer formats +- add `pl_tex_clear_ex` to support clearing integer textures +- add `pl_render_params.ignore_icc_profiles`, for debugging +- add `pl_queue_params.interpolation_threshold`, to allow disabling + frame mixing when the source FPS approximately matches the display FPS +- always accept DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID for texture imports +- add extra windowing functions to <libplacebo/filters.h> +- add the `pl_fmt.gatherable` capability +- add `pl_shader_sample_oversample`, a variant of nearest-neighbour + that preserves pixel aspect ratios - good for pixel art +- add `pl_scale_filters` alongside `pl_frame_mixers` +- add support for compile-time specialization constants (`pl_constant`), + and use them to speed up recompilation of shaders with hard-coded + constants +- add `pl_render_params.dynamic_constants`, which lifts hard-coded + constants to dynamic variables - useful for scenarios in which render + parameters are expected to change very frequently +- add more PL_COLOR_TRC_GAMMAxx definitions +- implement full black point adaptation, even when not using ICC + profiles, and infer this black-point-adapted BT.1886 instead of gamma + 2.2 as the default gamma curve for SDR files. +- add `pl_shader_res.description` and `pl_shader_res.steps`, containing + more friendly names for shaders plus a detailed list of operations + that shader is performing +- add callbacks to `pl_dispatch` and `pl_renderer` for informing users + of executed passes and their execution times +- add support for the Direct3D 11 graphics API +- add `pl_swapchain_colorspace_hint`, replacing + `pl_swapchain_hdr_metadata` as the new way to update swapchain + colorspace metadata at runtime. This can be used to e.g. switch + between HDR and SDR mode, for supported swapchains +- add `pl_peak_detect_params.minimum_peak`, allowing users to constrain + the detected peak values to only be sensible (e.g. above 1.0) + Changes: +- simplify the `shaderc` pkg-config check - rather than querying for + `shaderc_shared.pc`, `shaderc_combined.pc` etc, simply check for + `shaderc.pc`, matching upstream +- make almost everything thread-safe, and document the parts that + aren't. In particular, almost all GPU state access is now thread safe, + freeing up users to access `pl_gpu` instances from multiple threads, + even when the underlying API is OpenGL +- deprecate `disable_overlay_sampling`, now effectively always true +- `struct pl_overlay` has been refactored completely to allow for + overlays with more than one part per texture. The only way of using + this struct is deprecated +- prefix `enum pl_queue_status` members by `PL_`, fixing an oversight in + the previous version of this API +- make `pl_renderer` automatically clear the target image, freeing users + from the responsibility of calling `pl_frame_clear` themselves. This + can be controlled via three new fields in `pl_render_params`: + `background_color`, `background_transparency` and `skip_target_clearing` +- rename `pl_context` to `pl_log`, and make its use optional. The old + names have been deprecated. It now lives inside <libplacebo/log.h> +- add `typedefs` to all public-facing object types, o make them shorter + to reference. For example, `const struct pl_tex *tex` is now simply + `pl_tex tex`. This change affects almost every type of object in + libplacebo. The old way of referencing these objects is still + possible, but considered deprecated. Note that due to C++-specific + reasons, C++ users *must* upgrade their codeto the new API style +- remove PL_PRIM_TRIANGLE_FAN +- remove support for 64-bit float formats, which probably don't work on + any Vulkan implementation +- stop contrast-limiting ICC profiles, instead assuming perceptual + profiles have infinite contrast +- remove `pl_shader_signature` for being necessarily unsafe +- require Vulkan 1.1 as the minimum vulkan version +- rename `pl_oversample_frame_mixer` to `pl_filter_oversample`, and + allow using it for image scaling as well +- change `pl_color_space_monitor` from PL_COLOR_TRC_GAMMA22 to UNKNOWN +- change the signature of `pl_shader_(de)linearize` slightly +- significantly increase the default strengths of the desaturation + settings in`pl_color_map_params`, to mimic the hollywood feel +- refactor `pl_glsl_desc` and `pl_gpu_caps` completely, in favor of the + new structs `pl_glsl_version` and `pl_gpu_limits`, with new members. + The old API is still available for the time being, but deprecated + Fixes and performance improvements: +- fix possible use-after-free in `plplay` +- don't explode `pl_queue` on NaN/Infinity/weird PTS values +- fix edge case involving plane merging for cropped images +- improve `plplay` by using threaded libplacebo APIs +- several fixes for edge cases in <libplacebo/utils/libav.h> helpers +- several fixes for 32-bit platforms (e.g. integer overflows) +- fix blending edge cases involving overlays and alpha channels +- skip some unnecessary matrix multiplications for RGB content +- allow for some small backwards PTS jumps in `pl_queue_update` +- fix drawing overlays to subsampled targets +- `pl_dispatch` now garbage collects old, unused passes to free up RAM +- various improvements to debug/diagnonstic printouts +- allow blitting from e.g. 2D to 3D textures +- slightly improve small texture transfers in some emulated edge cases +- fix several possible hash collisions for generated shaders, making the + shader dispatch mechanism significantly more robust +- properly allow building against vulkan headers without linking to the + vulkan loader +- C++ compatibility for public headers +- improve performance of textureGather-based polar sampling, especially + for radius 2 and 4 +- fix vulkan texture handle capabilities check, again +- don't include superfluous pNext chains, fixes undefined behavior +- fix crash on edge case when shader compilation fails +- infer unsampled alpha channels as 1.0, rather than 0.0 +- properly infer `target->color` in `pl_render_image` +- properly tag the OpenGL swapchain as pl_color_space_monitor +- fix possible crash in pl_get_detected_peak +- fix several edge cases in pl_render_image_mix relating to LUTs, + 3DLUTs, HDR peak detection and so on +- fix sig_peak inferral for HLG content +- several compatibility fixes for older GLSL, and GLES 2.0 +- fix possible use-after-free in pl_shader_custom +- fix `pl_color_map_params.gamut_clipping` for HDR targets +- reduce the number of redundant color space transformations required + for frame mixing +- fix edge case in pl_dispatch_save for some ancient GL drivers +- several fixes for LLVM/MinGW/MSVC +- fix bug where pl_pass_run incorrectly invalidated/accessed + `params->target` even for compute shaders +- add windows compatibility to several demo programs +- fix the pl_fmt <-> DRM fourcc format mapping table +- fix inappropriate texture access function for generated samplers with + the sampler2D API +- avoid generating spurious EGL errors when probing for EGL format + modifiers +- fix various typis in the documentation + +- Update libplacebo to version 3.120.3: + This minor release fixes a number of regressions surrounding memory + imports and DRM modifiers, specifically aimed at issues that arose with + mpv's --hwdec=vaapi. + Changes: +- `pl_fmt.modifiers` now always includes DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID on + OpenGL, which instructs the implementation to not specify modifiers +- passing a DRM modifier not in the list of supported modifiers is now + considered a hard error, to rule out non-working hwaccel formats + Fixes: +- fix a crash when using sampling shaders on textures with unknown formats +- fix improperly specified SDL header imports in the demos +- fix an issue where the vulkan texture handle capabilities were testing + for presence of the wrong extension +- fix an issue where non-enabled DRM modifier structs were accidentally + linked into the pNext chain, causing issues with some drivers + +- Update libplacebo to version 3.120.2: + This minor release fixes a number of additional bugs related to the + thread queue, included demos, included helpers, and build system. + Changes: +- replace the `shaderc` library checks by pkg-config checks +- `pl_dispatch` no longer grows infinitely, but prunes stale cache + entries after a certain threshold +- improve logging of GPU capabilities (including format capabilities) + Fixes and performance improvements: +- fix a typo on an error message +- fix a use-after-free edge case in `plplay` +- filter out Infinity, NaN and other values from fps/vps estimates +- add several warnings for suspected frame queue API misuses +- fix a crash when combining pl_render_image_mix with cropped frames +- fix a crash on AV_PIX_FMT_NONE in the libav helpers +- fix the loading of overlays in the `sdlimage` demo +- fix a number of potential overflows on 32-bit platforms +- omit redundant identity matrices in pl_shader_decode_color +- fix crash in frame queue with certain out-of-order PTS sequences +- add missing link to vulkan dependency in the `video-filtering` demo +- correctly shift overlays when drawing to subsampled YCbCr planes +- add missing check for PL_GPU_CAP_CALLBACKS in `utils/{libav,dav1d}.h` +- improve handling of asynchronous texture uploads in `utils/libav.h` + +- Update libplacebo to version 3.120.1: + This hotfix release fixes a number of minor issues with the v3.120.0 + release, and also modularizes the included demo programs to cut down on + the number of compiled binaries. + Changes: +- hexadecimal strings in custom shaders may now include whitespace +- added 16-bit half float formats to the dummy pl_gpu +- significantly reduced verbosity of the included demo programs +- merged all of the demo program variants into a single binary that + picks the best windowing system / graphical API at runtime +- install `plplay` when demos are enabled + Fixes and performance improvements: +- fixed an integer overflow in a texture bounds check +- fixed a false positive error in the test framework on 32-bit platforms +- fixed some minor issues with various outdated comments +- fixed a potential use-after-free in the `plplay` demo program when + playing files containing embedded ICC profiles + +- Update libplacebo to version 3.120.0. (Upstream changelog appended) +- Create a new package `plplay` for the included demo program. This requires + bundling a copy of `nuklear.h`, which is single-header library not included + as part of the libplacebo source distribution. + This is a feature release, introducing frame mixing, DRM format + modifiers, and support for custom LUTs -, while also greatly expanding + the available demo programs, in particular the `plplay` video player. + The main highlight is the new `pl_queue` abstraction living in + <libplacebo/utils/frame_queue.h>. This greatly simplifies the core of a + libplacebo-based video renderer by translating a stream of input frames + into an array of GPU-mapped textures suitable for frame mixing, given a + corresponding vsync timestamp. New frames can be delivered to this API + using a push or pull model, and they are lazily uploaded on an as-needed + basis as well as internally garbage collected when no longer needed. + This abstraction also contains all needed machinery for estimating + source/display framerates by comparing and averaging timestamps, freeing + users from the burden of having to accurately determine this information + a priori. + Also worth mentioning is the addition of support for custom LUTs, + currently only in Adobe's .cube format. They can be applied flexibly at + a number of locations in the video processing pipeline, including as a + replacement for YUV<->RGB conversion or tone/gamut mapping, and fed with + either normalized linear light or native-gamma values. + Among the included demo programs, the `plplay` example video player has + been greatly expanded - adding support for a settings GUI (based on + nuklear), frame timing and mixing, custom shaders, and more. This + example video player now serves as a convenient platform to demonstrate + all of libplacebo's advanced rendering features. + Finally, all of libplacebo now contains only code written entirely from + scratch (rather than deriving from mpv), opening up the possibility to + explore different licenses besides the current LGPLv2.1+. In particular, + permissive (MIT/BSD-style) licenses are being considered. + Additions: +- add asynchronous GPU callbacks, specifically to `pl_tex_transfer`, + allowing for non-blocking host memory transfer operations +- add `pl_shared_mem.stride_w/h` to control dmabuf pitch +- add `pl_render_image_mix` to blend multiple frames into a single + output image, given relative timestamp information +- add the `pl_filter_mitchell_clamp` filter preset +- add `pl_render_params.preserve_mixing_cache` to speed up redraws after + renderer size changes when frame mixing is active +- add <libplacebo/utils/dav1d.h> to help with Dav1dPicture mapping +- implement `PL_HANDLE_HOST_PTR` for the OpenGL backend +- implement drm format modifiers for vulkan +- add a new field `pl_fmt.modifiers` for DRM format modifier negotiation +- add new header <libplacebo/shaders/lut.h> to load custom LUTs + (currently only supporting the .cube format) +- add `index_data/buf` to `pl_pass_run_params`, adding support for + indexed vertex data when dispatching shader passes +- add `pl_dispatch_vertex` to allow dispatching fragment shaders using + a list of custom vertices with custom vertex attributes +- add `pl_frame_recreate_from_avframe` and `pl_download_avframe` to help + downloading GPU textures back into AVFrame form +- add a new header <libplacebo/utils/frame_queue.h> to assist in taking + a stream of (Frame, PTS) pairs as well as a list of VSync times and + turning them into a stream of `pl_frame_mix` structs +- add `pl_white_from_temp` and `pl_color_adjustment.temperature` to + apply white point adjustments between correlated color temperatures (K) +- add `pl_filter_preset.description` containing a longer, human-readable + name for a given filter preset + Changes: +- `pl_3dlut_params` has been renamed `pl_icc_params` +- `pl_render_params.force_3dlut` has been renamed `force_icc_lut` +- `pl_3dlut_update/apply` have been renamed to `pl_icc_update/apply` and + moved to a (conditionally installed) new header <libplacebo/shaders/icc.h> +- `pl_upload_plane` no longer initializes `out_plane->shift_x/y` to 0, + instead leaving them unmodified (to avoid clobbering existing shift data) +- `pl_filter_box` has been renamed to `pl_filter_nearest` +- `pl_filter_triangle` has been renamed to `pl_filter_bilinear` +- `pl_render_params.frame_mixer = NULL` now disables frame mixing - to + get back the old behaviour, set this to `&pl_oversample_frame_mixer`. +- `pl_color_map_params.gamut_warning` now highlights out-of-gamut colors + in bright pink, rather than the old (ill-defined) inversion behaviour +- `pl_named_filter_config` has been renamed to `pl_filter_preset` +- `pl_find_named_filter` has been renamed to `pl_find_filter_preset` +- ditto for `pl_named_filter_function` and `pl_filter_function_preset` + Fixes and performance improvements: +- fix buffer overflow in custom shader STORAGE blocks +- fix include path for glslang >= 11.0.0 +- actually enable shader subgroup operations for HDR peak detection +- fix locale dependence of shader parsing primitives +- fix AVCOL_SPC_SMPTE170M mapping +- fix wrong color space selection in `pl_vulkan_create_swapchain` +- work-around low UBO size limits on some platforms +- fix compilation issues on C++ due to the use of reserved identifiers +- fix `pl_get_detected_peak` on platforms without host-visible SSBOs +- fix edge case in vulkan texture handle capabilities check +- fix suboptimal mutex destruction code +- skip peak detection when outputting to HDR displays +- fix edge cases in shader LUT type selection logic +- avoid redundant scaling passes when scaling anamorphic content +- merge similar planes before dispatching heavy shaders (e.g. + debanding, hooks) +- avoid scaling passes for certain small fractional scaling steps +- entirely avoid processing unneeded components when dispatching scalers +- avoid using more components than necessary for intermediate FBOs +- fix out-of-bounds read for small non-cropped emulated textures +- avoid thrashing the shader cache when reinitializing OpenGL FBOs +- fix incorrect include in <libplacebo/opengl.h> +- fix vk.xml priority issue on windows +- fix undefined behaviour / GPU hangs in HDR peak detection shader +- fix incorrect forwarding of DRM modifiers to the OpenGL backend +- fix crash on AV_PIX_FMT_FLAG_BAYER +- fix various compilation issues on certain platforms +- fix obscure edge-case in floating point printing routine +- `pl_render_params.force_icc_lut` now excludes no-op cases +- fix handling of custom shader COMPUTE blocks +- correctly apply hue and saturation controls for non-YCbCr color spaces + +- Update to version 3.104.0 + This is a major release, introducing many new features and + modifications. Most importantly, libplacebo now interoperates well + with FFmpeg's libav* abstractions. This is primarily exposed via a + new set of helpers, <libplacebo/utils/libav.h>, implemented as a + single header library. In addition to this, a number of other + supporting changes have been made to the API, most notably the + unification of `pl_image` and `pl_render_target` into a single + `pl_frame` concept, similar in spirit to AVFrame. As such, + libplacebo now supports **rendering to planar targets**, including + subsampled YCbCr. + Besides the libav* compatibility changes, this release also brings + with it a new feature for custom shaders: buffer blocks, and + persistent storage. This can be used by third parties to implement + stateful shaders (e.g. motion interpolation or temporal + deinterlacing), or be leveraged to speed up some shaders by + combining multiple passes into one. + Finally, various import/export procedures have been expanded, + including the ability to import host pointers and real-world + DMABUFs. + Additions: + * add `pl_memory_qualifiers`, plus a corresponding + `pl_shader_desc.memory`, to allow attaching GLSL memory + qualifiers (coherent, volatile etc.) to shader descriptors + * add functions `pl_dispatch_save` and `pl_dispatch_load` to + allow saving/restoring the contents of an entire + `pl_dispatch`'s cache + * add functions `pl_renderer_save` and `pl_renderer_load` to + allow saving/restoring the contents of an entire + `pl_renderer`'s cache + * add `pl_vulkan_swapchain_params.prefer_hdr`, which will cause + the surface format selection logic to try HDR output formats + first + * add `pl_buf_copy` to copy from one buffer to another + * add `pl_get_detected_peak`, to read back the result of peak + detection + * add `pl_primaries_superset` to test if one set of primaries is + fully enclosed by another + * add `pl_color_map_params.gamut_clipping`, which will + colorimetrically clip any out-of-gamut colors by desaturating + them towards neutral gray until they're in-gamut, rather than + clipping per channel as before + * add `PL_GPU_CAP_SUBGROUPS` and `pl_gpu_limits.subgroup_size`, + to expose GLSL subgroup functionality via the `pl_gpu` + interface + * add `pl_gpu_is_failed`, to query at a high level whether the + `pl_gpu` is in some internal failure state. GPUs in this state + should be recreated, using the appropriate mechanism + * add `pl_shader_custom`, to allow injecting arbitrary custom + GLSL code into a `pl_shader`. + * add `pl_buf_params.import_handle` to allow importing buffers + * add `PL_HANDLE_HOST_POTR`, to allow importing arbitrary host + pointers + * add `pl_pass_run_params.vertex_buf`, to allow drawing vertex + data directly from a `pl_buf`, guarded by + `pl_gpu_limits.max_vbo_size` + * add `_COUNT` members to all public enums, for consistency + * add `pl_shared_mem.drm_format_mod`, to allow communicating + DRM format modifiers when importing/exporting textures + * add support for importing DMABUFs via EGL, via the new fields + `pl_opengl_params.egl_display/context` + * add `pl_fmt.fourcc` to facilitate mapping between `pl_fmt` and + DRM + * add the missing `pl_var_*` helpers, for consistency + * add `pl_plane_data_align` to help with aligning + `pl_plane_data` structs to byte boundaries + * add support for STORAGE textures in user shaders, which can be + used to persist data across separate invocations of the shader + * add support for BUFFER blocks in user shaders, which can be + used to create UBOs or SSBOs for use inside shaders, the latter + of which can also persist across frames and be used to store + persistent state + * add PL_COLOR_PRIM_EBU_3213 and PL_COLOR_PRIM_FILM_C + * add a new header <libplacebo/utils/libav.h>, containing a + variety of helper functions for interoperating between libav* + and libplacebo + * add `demos/plplay.c` to serve as a demonstration of how to make + a trivial playback loop with libavcodec and libplacebo + * add `pl_sample_src.component_mask` to allow sampling an + arbitrary subset of the available components from a plane + * add `pl_frame_is_cropped` and `pl_frame_clear` to assist in + properly clearing frames before rendering to them + * add `pl_tex_poll` to assist in interoperating with some + external APIs + * add `pl_render_params.blend_params` to allow blending the final + output + Changes: + * remove `pl_image.signature` and + `pl_render_params.skip_redraw_caching` + * change vulkan surface format selection to prioritize formats by + 'score', preferring higher depth integer formats + * `pl_fmt` may now have PL_FMT_CAP_STORABLE even when + `glsl_format` is NULL, in which case formatless image storage + must be used + * `pl_buf_read` no longer requires `buf_offset` be a multiple of + 4 + * `pl_buf_*` commands are now synchronized internally: + * `pl_buf_write` and `pl_buf_read` now block while the buffer is + in use Note: for this reason, `pl_buf_write` should not be used + in loops + * `pl_tex_upload/download` may now be called on in-use buffers + * allow `pl_dispatch_compute` on shaders with outputs, including + the ability to automatically determine the number of work + groups based on the shader output resolution + * remove `pl_buf_params.type`, and the concept of buffer types in + general. `pl_buf` is now a generic catch-all for any type of + buffer, with individual capabilities in `pl_buf_params` + determinig what type of shader operations it can be used for + * relax the alignment requirements on `pl_tex_transfer_params` + * change `pl_opengl_wrap_params` to allow directly importing + framebuffers in addition to textures + * rename `pl_color_levels` members for clarity + * make `pl_opengl` ignore software rasterizers by default, unless + the new field `pl_opengl_params.allow_software` is set + * add `pl_av1_grain_params.luma_comp` to allow drawing the luma + component from a channel with nonzero index + * `pl_renderer` now supports rendering to planar targets, + including subsampled targets + * `pl_image` and `pl_render_target` have been removed and unified + into a single `pl_frame` concept + * remove `pl_tex_params.sample_mode/address_mode` and move them + to `pl_desc_binding` instead, to decouple them from texture + creation + * refactor the signature of `pl_tex_blit` + Fixes and performance improvements: + * fix an oversight where `pl_buf_destroy` delayed some buffer + destructions unnecessarily + * fix a limitation where `pl_tex_destroy` sometimes delayed + destroying textures unnecessarily + * improve the performance of `pl_dispatch`'s code for assembling + UBOs + * improve the performance of `pl_shader_av1_grain` by switching + from SSBOs to texture LUTs, also improving compatibility with + older GL + * improve the performance of `pl_shader_detect_peak` on GPUs with + access to subgroups operations + * fix an issue where reinitializing shader state objects with + different settings sometimes resulted in undefined behaviour + * fix some GLSL backwards compatibility issues + * slightly cut down on unnecessary image layout transitions + * add some miscellaneous debug print-outs, and improve the + legibility of some existing log messages + * fix an issue where freeing buffer variables from shader + descriptors could result in use-after-free + * add support for vulkan memory imports requiring dedication + allocations + * slightly improve, and fix, the vulkan memory placement logic + * significantly improve the performance of `pl_tex_download` by + importing the target host pointer directly + * improve the performance of small LUTs, especially for the + non-compute polar fallback path + * prevent `pl_renderer` from unneccessarily applying a 3DLUT when + both the input and output frames have the same ICC profile + * fix the behaviour of partially specified `pl_bit_encoding` + structs + * fix the component ordering on some odd packed vulkan formats + * fix an issue where `pl_plane_data_from_mask` broke for high bit + depths + * make `pl_renderer` consult the dither bit depth from the + texture precision, if absent from `pl_bit_encoding` + * fix the behaviour of `pl_renderer` when sampling from textures + with swapped component orders + * fix the implementation of PL_COLOR_SYSTEM_BT_2100_HLG + * fix some issues relating to missing includes + * enforce legality of image usage parameters on `pl_vulkan_wrap` + * fix an undesired shader double-compilation when using + orthogonal scalers with subsampled chroma planes + * fix an issue where application of a 3DLUT cleared the alpha + channel + * add a missing extension to `pl_vulkan_recommended_extensions` + * fix the plane alignment code for oddly sized subsampled chroma + * fix the poor precision of `pl_shader_dither` for high bit + depths + * fix several possible overflows in the BT.2390 shader + * fix a bug where using a polar sampler to draw a scaled overlay + onto a non-storable target neglected to disable compute shaders + * fix a bug where the renderer could sometimes alias when + downscaling, in particular if both the upsampler and + downsampler are set to bicubic + * improve performance of scalers by avoiding bilinear filtering + * reduce verbosity of memory allocations + * fix missing PL_FMT_CAP_BLENDABLE on opengl fbos + * significantly improve precision of float literals in shaders + * add better error checking to gl_pass_create + +- Update to version 2.72.2 + This hotfix release fixes an additional glslang linking/build issue + that was missed in v2.72.1. + Bug fixes: + * fix linking issue with some installations of glslang >= 11.0.0 + Changes for 2.72.1: + This release backports a number of bug fixes from master affecting + the v2.72.0 release, most notably extending the range of supported + glslang versions, as well as fixing the 3DLUT/ICC generation code. + Bug fixes: + * compatibility with glslang >= 8.13.3743 + * compatibility with new glslang semantic versioning scheme + * fix broken shaders on some versions of GLES by defaulting to + 32-bit precision for floating point math + * fix the vulkan API version passed to shaderc + * fix the extension check for glInvalidateTexImage + * fix pl_tex_create on older GLES versions + * fix OpenGL logging thread safety + * fix undefined memcmp() in pl_shader_av1_grain + * fix pl_render_target.repr being ignored by pl_render_image + * fix 3DLUT generation code (generated corrupt LUTs in all cases) + * fix symbol visibility on some versions of GCC + * fix potential overflow in BT.2390 shader + * properly restrict pl_shader_sample_polar to GLSL >= 130 + * fix vulkan function loading of promoted core functions + Other changes: + * tiny performance gain in 3DLUT generation + * pl_opengl_create now logs GL_EXTENSIONS + * log some additional VkResult enum members + * improve several vulkan log messages by using friendly names of + enums + * add a copy of the config.h variables to the libplacebo.pc file + +- Update to version 2.72.0 + This is a major release with several key additions, most notably + being the support for custom, mpv-style "user shaders" (.hook), + giving us access to a large variety of pre-existing user shaders + such as RAVU, FSRCNNX, Anime4K, SSimSuperRes, KrigBilateral, + NNEDI3, and more. + In addition to this, major additions include a completely + refactored and fixed AV1 grain generation shader, support for + Vulkan versions higher than 1.0, support for GPU-based timers, + and improved interop APIs for both Vulkan and OpenGL, and new + and improved aspect ratio handling. + Finally, this release also brings with it a major change to the way + HDR and SDR content are mapped between each other, including a new + tone-mapping function based on the industry-standard + ITU-R BT.2390 EETF. + Additions: + * add pl_swapchain_hdr_metadata, to set HDR metadata on supported + swapchains (currently only vulkan with VK_EXT_hdr_metadata) + * add support for vulkan versions higher than 1.0, communicated + via the new fields api_version and max_api_version + * add support for GPU-assisted validation and best practices + layers, via the new field pl_vk_inst_params.debug_extra + * add helper functions for working with pl_rects, including new + aspect ratio handling helpers (pl_rect2df_aspect_*) + * add field pl_vulkan_params.device_uuid to allow choosing the + vulkan device by its UUID + * add function pl_vulkan_hold_raw, to hold images without + actually transitioning its layout and access mode + * add function pl_vulkan_import, to allow directly re-using an + existing VkDevice rather than creating a new one; this requires + communicating metadata about how the device was created + * add field pl_vulkan_params.features to allow loading optional + extra device features at device creation time + * add support for mpv-style custom user shaders (.hook), + using the set of functions in <libplacebo/shaders/custom.h> + * add pl_render_high_quality_params, enabling debanding and + EWA scaling + * add pl_timer GPU resource type and associated API functions, + allowing the GPU execution time of shaders and texture transfer + operations to be measured directly + * add PL_SHADER_SIG_SAMPLER, allowing generated sampling shaders + to directly accept the sampler to use as function parameters + * add pl_image_set_chroma_location to automatically apply the + correct chroma location to any subsampled planes + * add PL_TONE_MAPPING_BT_2390, a tone mapping function based on + the EETF from ITU-R Report BT.2390 (and make it the default) + * add pl_peak_detect_params.overshoot_margin to help combat + clipping on certain types of rapid scene fade-ins + * add pl_sampler_type to allow encoding non-standard sampler + types such as sampler2DRect, and also generalize samplers to + allow e.g. usampler2D or isampler3D + * add pl_opengl_wrap and pl_opengl_unwrap, to allow directly + mapping between OpenGL textures and the pl_tex abstraction + Changes: + * deprecate pl_image.width/height, which are now inferred + automatically from the actual planes + * pl_vulkan_wrap now takes a pl_vulkan_wrap_params struct + instead of directly accepting its parameters, including new + fields sample_mode and address_mode to configure the created + sampler + * change pl_dispatch_compute to allow optionally passing in a + simulated framebuffer width/height, which will be used to + translate vertex attributes (if any) + * undefine disabled config.h features, instead of defining them + as 0 + * remove debanding from pl_render_default_params + * refactor HDR<->SDR mapping; PL_COLOR_REF_WHITE has been removed + and replaced by PL_COLOR_SDR_WHITE (203 cd/m^2) + and PL_COLOR_SDR_WHITE_HLG (75% HLG), respectively + * completely refactor pl_shader_av1_grain`, which now samples + directly from the passed texture rather than requiring the + color be pre-sampled + * pl_render_image now infers the image primaries based on + resolution, rather than always hard-coding + PL_COLOR_SPACE_UNKNOWN as BT.709 + * change pl_render_target.dst_rect from pl_rect2d to pl_rect2df, + allowing more accurate aspect ratio handling, and correctly + compensate for subpixel scaling ratios + * require python3-mako as a dependency of the vulkan feature + * pl_chroma_location_offset now treats PL_CHROMA_UNKNOWN as + PL_CHROMA_LEFT, the de-facto standard chroma location + * the default value of pl_color_map_params.tone_mapping_algo + is now PL_TONE_MAPPING_BT_2390 + Fixes and performance improvements: + * fix shader generation when the GLSL version is explicitly + overridden + * properly mark some shader failures (pl_shader_is_failed) + * fix texture invalidation on OpenGL + * correctly respect pl_swapchain_frame.flipped in + pl_render_target_from_swapchain + * correctly validate descriptor uniqueness in pl_pass_create + * skip redundant matrix multiplication in pl_shader_encode_color + wherever possible + * work around driver bugs w.r.t out-of-order buffer offsets by + sorting all buffer variables by offset + * fix edge cases in vulkan swapchain usage flag checks + * fix excessive CPU usage in pl_tex_download + * reduce the number of unnecessary GPU flushes caused by + pl_buf_poll + * fix issue where blending did not work on some drivers + (e.g. nvidia) + * make the framebuffer discard check more aggressive + * fix computation of anti-aliased resizable orthogonal filters, + e.g. when downscaling using pl_filter_lanczos + * fix external image memory barriers for exclusive mode images + * fix failure path of pl_swapchain_submit_frame + * fix various GLSL compatibility issues with av1 grain generation + * reduce maximum vulkan memory allocation slab size to conform to + AMD recommendations + * fix build error when lcms is not available + * fix double-application of texture scale for e.g. + 10-bit content when using separable scalers + * fix a multitude of bugs affecting av1 grain generation, + especially for chroma planes + * fix segfault on vulkan device oom + * fix invalid shader generation on some platforms + * fix a multitude of bugs, edge cases and subtle off-by-ones + related to chroma scaling and plane alignment + * add fallback code for edge case w.r.t chroma scaling and gpu + resource exhaustion + * correctly load VK_KHR_swapchain in all circumstances that + require accessing its functions + * minimize fbo usage inside pl_renderer, by re-using unused fbos + * tweak the work group size for polar scaling to perform better + on modern GPUs (tested on RDNA) + * transparently upgrade fragment shaders to compute shaders on + environments with async compute + * pick a more reasonable size for the dummy gpu's + max_group_threads + * forbid 10-bit linear transfer functions from vulkan swapchains + * fix segfault when re-executing previously failed shaders + * fix swapchain creation errors on GLES 2 + * explicitly mark all shader resources as non-aliased + * correctly specify shader storage buffers as coherent for + shaders that require them + * fix various memory barrier synchronization issues for opengl + libplist +- Drop incorrect Provides/Obsoletes of library packages +- Avoid libplist{,++} capabilities by using the library names directly +- Use %autosetup +- Use install with -D instead of mkdir + +- Obsolete old python 2 plist module. It conflicts with the + python 3 version. + +- Update baselibs.conf. +- Stop obsoleting 'virtual' provides. The package manager + will take care of package updates. +- Also rename libplist-devel to libplist-2_0-devel. +- Add missing provides/obsoletes for devel packages. + +- Update to 2.2.0: + - Rename library and all related files by adding an API version resulting in libplist-2.0 and libplist++-2.0 + - bplist: Improve recursion check performance by at least 30% for large files + - Add new plist_val_compare(), plist_val_contains() helper functions + - plistutil: Added ability for files to be read from stdin + - plistutil: Added ability to specify output format + - Fix/suppress several compiler warnings + - Fix: Return NULL from plist_copy() if passed a NULL pointer instead of asserting + - Fix removal of docs directory on make clean + +- Update to 2.1.0: + * Add new plist_get_data_ptr() and plist_get_string_ptr() for direct access to underlying buffer + * Increase precision when converting PLIST_REAL nodes to XML + * Fix several issues in libcnary (UaF, segfault, memory leak) + * Fix copying of hash table entries when cloning array/dict nodes + * cython: Implement load()/loads() and dump()/dumps() to match up with plistlib (Python 3.4) + * Add new plist_dict_item_get_key() for retrieving key node of a dict item + * Add new plist_array_item_remove() to allow removing an array's child node without relying on the index + * Make plist_array_get_item_index() return UINT_MAX instead of 0 when node can't be found + * Add index lookup table for large PLIST_ARRAY nodes + * Add iterator for array nodes: plist_array_new_iter(), plist_array_next_item() + * Improve performance of plist_dict_next_item() drastically + * Improve performance and memory usage when writing XML plists + * Improve performance and memory usage when writing binary plists + * Allow building with sanitizers (without fuzzers) + * Prevent store to misaligned address when writing real/date nodes + * Work around misaligned reads in binary plist parser + * Integrate fuzzing targets (libFuzzer) into project + * Add sanitizers (ASAN, UBSAN) when building fuzzers (--with-fuzzers) + -- update version 1.11 - * Deprecated plist_dict_insert_item() in favor of plist_dict_set_item() - * Updated cython bindings for Python 3.x - * Removed swig python bindings - * Changed build system to autotools - * Added new plist_dict_merge() function - * WIN32 (MinGW) + OSX compilation fixes - * Made base64 decoding thread safe -- remove patch: libplist-1.8-pkgconfig.patch - * upstream fixed -- added plist.pxd, needed by python-imobiledevice build - -- Added url as source. - Please see - -- license update: LGPL-2.1+ - LGPL-2.1 can be relicensed to GPL without further permission. No need to - explicitly call out the GPL as a license option. Fedora has been using - LGPL-2.1+ for awhile so gain compatibility there too - -- Allow compilation on 11.4 by disabling cython bindings - -- Update to version 1.8 - * Add Cython based Python bindings - * Fix memory corruption in libcnary - * Fix building on Big Endian systems - * Removed glib dependency, libplist now uses bundled libcnary - * Fix building of Python bindings with GCC 4.6 -- Do not build SWIG bindings for Python -- Remove gcc46_build_fix.patch due to upstream fixes -- Update pkgconfig patch - -- Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions -- Parallel building using %_smp_mflags - -- cross-build fix: set cmake root, python paths -- cross-build workaround: move installed files from sysroot to - real root - -- Add baselibs.conf - needed by usbmuxd's baselibs.conf. - -- Add gcc46_build_fix.patch. Fixes build with GCC4.6 - -- Update to version 1.4 - * New maintainer and source location - * Update AUTHORS from git history - * Fix Unicode writing in binary plists - * Update plist doctype - * Fix Dictionary copy constructor - * Fix Mac OS X library install path detection - * Plug memory leak when writing Unicode data -- Remove pkgconfig patch due to upstream fixes - -- Fix both -devel package dependencies and broken pkgconfig file - -- Update to version 1.3 - * Endianness, alignment and type-punning fixes - * Fix armel floating point endianess - * Allow compiling with mingw on Windows - * Minor bugfixes - -- Clean up packaging, based on what I did in multimedia:libs. - -- run prepare_spec - -- Update to version 1.2 - * Fix xml entity conversion - * Silence build warnings -- Remove upstreamed patches - -- Add patches to fix xml entity conversion and tests - -- Update to version 1.1 - * Fix use of integer nodes within Python Bindings - -- Update to version 1.0 - * Bugfixes - * Remove deprecated API - -- Update to version 0.16 - * Build fixes - * Fix issues with SWIG - -- Update to version 0.15 - * Build fixes -- Update to version 0.14 - * Add C++ binding - * Refactor API - * Bugfixes - -- Update to version 0.13 - * Add plist_copy for deep node copies - * Add node setter functions - * Unlink nodes from parent if free'd - * Update Python bindings - -- Update to version 0.12 - * Merge ascii and unicode handling in PLIST_STRING using UTF-8 - * Remove unicode related declaration in API (breaks API&ABI) - * Fix bad variable type for date elements - * Silence compiler warnings - * Plugged few memory leaks - -- Update to version 0.11 - * Fix Python binding segfaults - * Python API additions - * Better binary buffer handling in Python bindings - -- Update to version 0.10 - -- Add patch to fix uninitialized buffer - -- Initial package created - libpulp +- Remove gcc9 as build requirement. + libqjack +- Added qjack-Qt511.patch to fix build with Qt 5.11 + libquo +- Use openmpi macros to always build with the default openmpi version. + +- update to 1.3.1: + * see +- remove 29.patch (upstream) + +- generify used mpi implementation + +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. +- Run spec-cleaner + libqxmpp +- update to 1.4.0: + * Qt 6 port, including many undeprecations and some refactoring + * Add XEP-0224: Attention manager + * Implement MIX-MISC XEP-0407: Invitation message extension + * New SCRAM-SHA3-512 and SCRAM-SHA-512 SASL algorithms + * Client: Advertise stream management state + * RosterManager: Cache roster if stream can be resumed + * RosterManager: Enable MIX annotation for roster items + * Bind IQ errors are now handled properly + * Fix cached stream management packets are resent with the wrong account + * TransferManager: Fix undefined behaviour when parsing features + * OutgoingServer: Add missing 'to' and 'from' stream attributes + +- Enable gstreamer + +- update to 1.3.1: + * The most important change of this release is the fix of CVE-2017-5603. QXmpp is + not vulnerable to roster push attacks (CVE-2016-9928). + - QXmppRosterIq: Set subscriptionType to NotSet correctly (#293, @melvo) + - Fix `QXMPP_EXPORT` define when linking statically (#299, @leobasilio) + - QXmppMessageReceiptManager: Ignore all error messages (#300, @lnjX) + - QXmppCarbonManager: Fix CVE-2017-5603 (missing sender check) (#304, @lnjX) + QXmpp complys with the XMPP Compliance Suites 2020 (XEP-0423) for client + development in the Core, IM and Advanced Mobile suites now. For this prupose it + has been updated to RFC6120 and RFC6121. ABI compatibility was kept with this + release (apart from classes marked as 'NOT FINALIZED'). + - Port QXmppCallManager to GStreamer (#207, @olesalscheider) + - Add XEP-0245: The /me Command (#276, @lnjX) + - Add XEP-0357: Push Notifications: Enable/disable IQ (#271, @jbbgameich, + @zatroxde) + - Add XEP-0359: Unique and Stable Stanza IDs (#256, @lnjX) + - Add XEP-0428: Fallback Indication (#253, @lnjX) + - Update from RFC3920 to RFC6120: + * Deprecate PaymentRequired stanza error condition as it was not adopted in + RFC6120 (#277, @lnjX) + * Add PolicyViolation stanza error condition added in RFC6120 (#279, @lnjX) + * Add redirection URI from RFC6120 for Gone and Redirect conditions (#280, + @lnjX) + * Add 'by' attribute to QXmppStanza::Error from RFC6120 (#283, @lnjX) + - Update from RFC3921 to RFC6121: + * Add pre-approved presence subscriptions (#285, @lnjX): + - Add 'approved' attribute to QXmppRosterIq + - Add stream feature for pre-approved presence subscriptions + * Add stream feature for roster versioning (#286, @lnjX) + - Use QUuid by default to generate unique stanza IDs (#255, @lnjX) + - Add roster extension for MIX-PAM (XEP-0405) (#175, @lnjX) + - Update MAM to v0.6 (including namespace bump to `urn:xmpp:mam:2`) (#254, + [#257], @lnjX) + - Add not-authorized stream error condition in QXmppOutgoingClient (#191, + @henry61024) + - Add missing static service discovery features for supported message + extensions (#287, @lnjX) + - Add utility constructor to QXmppDataForm and QXmppDataForm::Field to make + creation of forms easier (#273, @lnjX) + - Make QXmpp work with projects using `QT_NO_KEYWORDS` (#258, @tomcucinotta) + - Add hyperlinks to XEP references in the documentation (@lnjX) + - Move from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions (#265, @jlaine) + - Replace deprecated `qsrand()` and `qrand()` by QRandomGenerator (#267, + @melvo) + - Add tests for QXmppStanza::Error parsing (#279, @lnjX) + - `QXmppStanza::Error::Condition::PaymentRequired`: The error condition was + unused and not adopted in RFC6120 + +- Fix baselibs.conf following the sover bump + +- Update to 1.2.1. Changes since 1.1.0: + * QXmppRegistrationManager: Fix failed and succeeded signals are both emitted + on success + * QXmppMessageReceiptManager: Fix receipts are sent on error messages + * QXmppVCardManager: Fix clientVCardReceived() not emitted when IQ is from the + bare JID of the user + * QXmppRosterManager: Fix 'ask' attribute is included when renaming item + * QXmppRosterIq: Add missing implementation of the copy constructor + * Implement XEP-0077: In-band registration: + * Add registration manager with full unit tests + * Add `registered` and `remove` to the IQ + * Implement XEP-0231: Bits of Binary + * Add `QXmppClient::indexOfExtension<T>()` + * Add QXmppStartTlsPacket to replace fixed XML data + * Move TLS code to private QXmppTlsManager + * Add private QXmppInternalClientExtensions to access private part of the + client + * Add utility methods to QXmppRegisterIq to create common requests + * QXmppMucManager: Make it possible to handle stanzas not handled by the + manager + * Only send Client State Indication (CSI) states when connected + * Fix no documentation is generated for QXmppStanza::Error and + QXmppStreamFeatures + * Fix some doxygen warnings and undocumented Q_PROPERTYs + * Replace deprecated Q_FOREACH + * Replace deprecated Q_ENUMS with Q_ENUM + * Replace deprecated signal/slots syntax + * Switch to Ubuntu Bionic for Travis-CI builds + * Use QSharedDataPointers for QXmppRegisterIq, QXmppPubSubIq, + QXmppDiscoveryIq, QXmppMam{Query,Result}Iq, QXmppStreamFeatures + * Refactor QXmppPubSubIq and add missing tests + * Refactor QXmppPresence and add missing tests + * Replace manual xmlns writing by writeDefaultNamespace() + * Use QT_VERSION_CHECK to generate QXMPP_VERSION + * Add clang-format file +- Fixed shlib-policy-name-error libqxmpp2 (sover bump up to 3). + -- update to 0.8.0 - * Add organizations info interface to QXmppVCardIq. - * Remove deprecated QXmppPresence::Status type. -- Source URL was put back. -- Url tag and Source URL were updated to - -- Source URL was temporary deleted to pass factory-auto. - -- update to 0.7.6+git.2014.03.09 - * Added QPair include just in case. - * Avoid keeping the source QDomDocument in QXmppElement. - Serialize the node instead of keeping QDomElement - with a ref to the original QDomDOcument. - * QXmppElement::sourceDomElement(). - * Namespace-based matching for known elements. - * Cover non-'x' extensions in tests. - * Support other extensions besides 'x' in QXmppMessage. - * Fixes to support Qt5. - * Re-order member initialization (silences GCC warning). - * Fixed possible memory leak in QXmppTransferManager. - * Added missing assert for connecting signal in QXmppStream. - * Fixed C-style pointer cast. - * Fixed uninitialized pointers in QXmppOutgoingClientPrivate. - * Fixed uninitialized pointer in QXmppCallPrivate. - * Fixed uninitialized pointer in QXmppRtpAudioChannelPrivate. - * Fixed uninitialized member in QXmppOutgoingClient. - * Fix QXmppServer incoming connections with Qt5 (issue 175). - -- Full VoIP support was enabled. -- Spec was fixed up via spec-cleaner. - -- Override LIBDIR instead of moving the library manually - libraqm +- Update to 0.7.2 + * Fix test failure with newer HarfBuzz versions. + * Apply FT_Face transformation matrix when built against FreeType + 2.11 or later. + * Add meson build system. Autotools build system will be dropped + in next release. + * Improve MSVC support (#134). + * Build and documentation fixes. +- Drop upstream patch: + * libraqm-fix-cursor_position-GB8a.patch +- Add upstream change: + * 0001-Pass_version_to_meson_library.patch + +- Drop libraqm-test.patch altogether, testsuite completes now + on TW and SLE15. +- Remove unnecessary ldconfig calls. + +- Add libraqm-fix-cursor_position-GB8a.patch: Fix test suite run, + patch cherry-picked from upstream commit 9badec46. + +- Make libraqm-test.patch apply to all suse versions to fix build. +- Use "pkgconfig(harfbuzz) >= 1.7.2" as build requirement. + +- Update to version 0.7.1 + * Require HarfBuzz >= 2.0.0 + * Build and documentation fixes. + libratbag +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_ratbagd.service.patch + +- Update to version 0.16: + * Events are now scheduled as soon as possible + * Improvements to the sinowealth driver + * Added support for a few devices: + + Logitech G915 TKL + + Logitech G Pro X Wireless (only via USB connection) + + Logitech M545 + + Logitech M500s + + SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Pro Edition + + Roccat Kone Pure SEL + + openinput devices + librecad +- add add-boost-tuple-include-to-fix-build.patch + +- Add fix-build-with-Qt-5.15.patch. Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon. + libregf +- Update to release 20210809 + * No changelog was provided + +- Update to release 20210615 + * No changelog was provided +- Drop python2 module build + librep +- Update to 0.92.7 +- Drop upstreamed stack-direction.patch +- Make package build reproducible (boo#1084909) + +- stack-direction.patch: Make detection of stack direction more robust +- Use %license for COPYING + -- Update to (no changelog difference as previous release) - * spec cleanup - + BuildRequires xz if openSUSE 12.1 or older - + 0001-fix-incorrect-fsf-address.patch - + 0001-install-byte-compiled-emacs-lisp to provide byte - compiled rep-debugger (adds emacs-nox to build requirements) - -- Update to version 0.92.2: - + Assume stack-direction `downwards' for x86_64. Self-detection - doesn't work with gcc >= 4.7.0 - + read_line no longer aborts at 400 characters -- Changes from version 0.92.1b: - + Fixed a bug in librep.pc -- Changes from version 0.92.1: - + Added `positon' meta-function - + Imported utility-functions from Sawfish: `beautify-symbol', - `remove-newlines', `option-index' and `string->symbol'. - + Build fixes. -- Changes from version 0.92.0: - + Bumped soname to 16.0.0 - + Make librep loading shared-objects, rather than - libtool-archives - + Removed architecture and version from installation paths -- Changes from version 0.91.1: - + New `rep.ffi.util' module - + New functions: - - `function-name' returns the name of the function object. - - `remove-hook-by-name' removes functions from a hook by their - name. - + Minor bugfix: `remove-hook' used to emit an error if the hook - was unbound, but it's fixed. - + Documentation improvements. - + Build fixes. -- Changes from version 0.91.0: - + Halfway improved `debug-on-error' and `backtrace-on-error' - + When you evaluate a closure interactively, the module it - belongs to is printed, too. - + Improved functions' docstring support - + New function `subr-structure' - + `define-special-variable' is replaced by `defvar-setq' - + Major documentation revision -- Changes from version 0.90.6: - + renamed `file-uid-p' to `file-uid' and `file-gid-p' to - `file-gid' - + Process execution failure emits better message. - + Minor doc improvements. -- Rename librep9 to librep16, following upstream soversion bump. - librtprocess +- Update to 0.12.0+20210408: + * Add missing copyright/license headers and Boost license text + for files derived from sleef + * Fix border issue + * rcd demosaic: speedup and reduced memory usage + * Fix some double promotions + * Fix bug in calculation of tile size + * make StopWatch more robust + * rcd_demosaic(): SSE code for step 3 +- Add add-missing-include.patch to fix a compilation issue +- Add missing license BSL-1.0 + librubberband +- Update to version 1.8.2 + * Fix a number of small memory leaks + * Make stretcher more robust to being fed invalid input (with + NaNs) + * Various platform build fixes and improvements + * The API is unchanged and the library is binary compatible + with version 1.7. +- Refreshed rubberband-mk.patch +- Spec cleanup + libsearpc +- New release, no changelog + +- Add libsearpc-fix-compilation-glib2_68.patch + libseccomp +- reenable python bindings at least for the distro default python3 + package: + - adds make-python-build.patch + +- Update to release 2.5.3 + * Update the syscall table for Linux v5.15 + * Fix issues with multiplexed syscalls on mipsel introduced in v2.5.2 + * Document that seccomp_rule_add() may return -EACCES + +- Skip 11-basic-basic_errors test on qemu linux-user emulation + +- Update to release 2.5.2 + * Update the syscall table for Linux v5.14-rc7 + * Add a function, get_notify_fd(), to the Python bindings to + get the nofication file descriptor. + * Consolidate multiplexed syscall handling for all + architectures into one location. + * Add multiplexed syscall support to PPC and MIPS + * The meaning of SECCOMP_IOCTL_NOTIF_ID_VALID changed within + the kernel. libseccomp's fd notification logic was modified + to support the kernel's previous and new usage of + SECCOMP_IOCTL_NOTIF_ID_VALID. + +- update to 2.5.1: + * Fix a bug where seccomp_load() could only be called once + * Change the notification fd handling to only request a notification fd if + * the filter has a _NOTIFY action + * Add documentation about SCMP_ACT_NOTIFY to the seccomp_add_rule(3) manpage + * Clarify the maintainers' GPG keys +- remove testsuite-riscv64-missing-syscalls.patch + +- Do not rely on gperf: pass GPERF=/bin/true to configure and + remove gperf BuildRequires. The syscalls.perf file it would + generate is part of the tarball already. + +- testsuite-riscv64-missing-syscalls.patch: Fix testsuite failure on + riscv64 +- Ignore failure of tests/52-basic-load on qemu linux-user emulation + +- Update to release 2.5.0 + * Add support for the seccomp user notifications, see the + seccomp_notify_alloc(3), seccomp_notify_receive(3), + seccomp_notify_respond(3) manpages for more information + * Add support for new filter optimization approaches, including a balanced + tree optimization, see the SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_OPTIMIZE filter attribute for + more information + * Add support for the 64-bit RISC-V architecture + * Performance improvements when adding new rules to a filter thanks to the + use of internal shadow transactions and improved syscall lookup tables + * Properly document the libseccomp API return values and include them in the + stable API promise + * Improvements to the s390 and s390x multiplexed syscall handling + * Multiple fixes and improvements to the libseccomp manpages + * Moved from manually maintained syscall tables to an automatically generated + syscall table in CSV format + * Update the syscall tables to Linux v5.8.0-rc5 + * Python bindings and build now default to Python 3.x + * Improvements to the tests have boosted code coverage to over 93% +- libseccomp.keyring: replaced by Paul Moore <> key. + +- Update to release 2.4.3 + * Add list of authorized release signatures to + * Fix multiplexing issue with s390/s390x shm* syscalls + * Remove the static flag from libseccomp tools compilation + * Add define for __SNR_ppoll + * Fix potential memory leak identified by clang in the + scmp_bpf_sim tool +- Drop no-static.diff, libseccomp-fix_aarch64-test.patch, + SNR_ppoll.patch (merged) + +- Add patch to fix ntpsec and others build (accidental drop of symbols): + * SNR_ppoll.patch + +- Tests are passing on all architectures + +- Backport patch to fix test on aarch64: + * libseccomp-fix_aarch64-test.patch + +- Update to release 2.4.2 + * Add support for io-uring related system calls + +- ignore make check error for ppc64/ppc64le, bypass boo#1142614 + +- Update to new upstream release 2.4.1 + * Fix a BPF generation bug where the optimizer mistakenly + identified duplicate BPF code blocks. + +- updated to 2.4.0 (bsc#1128828 CVE-2019-9893) + - Update the syscall table for Linux v5.0-rc5 + - Added support for the SCMP_ACT_KILL_PROCESS action + - Added support for the SCMP_ACT_LOG action and SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_LOG attribute + - Added explicit 32-bit (SCMP_AX_32(...)) and 64-bit (SCMP_AX_64(...)) argument comparison macros to help protect against unexpected sign extension + - Added support for the parisc and parisc64 architectures + - Added the ability to query and set the libseccomp API level via seccomp_api_get(3) and seccomp_api_set(3) + - Return -EDOM on an endian mismatch when adding an architecture to a filter + - Renumber the pseudo syscall number for subpage_prot() so it no longer conflicts with spu_run() + - Fix PFC generation when a syscall is prioritized, but no rule exists + - Numerous fixes to the seccomp-bpf filter generation code + - Switch our internal hashing function to jhash/Lookup3 to MurmurHash3 + - Numerous tests added to the included test suite, coverage now at ~92% + - Update our Travis CI configuration to use Ubuntu 16.04 + - Numerous documentation fixes and updates +- now gpg signed, added key of Paul Moore from keyserver. + +- Use %license instead of %doc [bsc#1082318] + +- Update to release 2.3.3: + * Updated the syscall table for Linux v4.15-rc7 + +- Unconditionally rerun autoreconf because of patches + +- Update to release 2.3.2: + * Achieved full compliance with the CII Best Practices program + * Added Travis CI builds to the GitHub repository + * Added code coverage reporting with the "--enable-code-coverage" configure + flag and added Coveralls to the GitHub repository + * Updated the syscall tables to match Linux v4.10-rc6+ + * Support for building with Python v3.x + * Allow rules with the -1 syscall if the SCMP\_FLTATR\_API\_TSKIP attribute is + set to true + * Several small documentation fixes +- Remove service file as we are not based on git + +- Update to new upstream release 2.3.1 + * arch: fix the multiplexed ipc() syscalls + * s390: handle multiplexed syscalls correctly +- Remove 0001-arch-fix-a-number-of-32-bit-x86-failures-related-to-.patch, + 0001-tests-replace-socket-syscall-references-in-15-basic-.patch + (fixed upstream) + +- Add 0001-tests-replace-socket-syscall-references-in-15-basic-.patch + +- Add 0001-arch-fix-a-number-of-32-bit-x86-failures-related-to-.patch + +- updated to final 2.3.0 release +- builderror-k316.diff: fixed upstream +- i586 testsuite fails, disable for now + +- Update to git snapshot 2.3.0~g96 + * have libseccomp build with newer linux-glibc-devel; + "multiplexed and direct socket syscalls" +- Drop libseccomp-s390x-support.patch, libseccomp-ppc64le.patch + (no longer apply - merged upstream) +- Add builderror-k316.diff + +- Add baselibs.conf: systemd-32bit-224+ links against + + +- Update to new upstream release 2.2.3 + * Fix a problem with the masked equality operator + * Fix a problem on x86_64/x32 involving invalid architectures + * Fix a problem with the ARM specific syscalls + +- Update to new upstream release 2.2.1 + * Fix a problem with syscall argument filtering on 64-bit systems + * Fix some problems with the 32-bit ARM syscall table +- Drop 0001-tools-add-the-missing-elf.h-header-file.patch, + libseccomp-arm-syscall-fixes.patch + (applied upstream) + +- Fix ppc64le build: libseccomp-ppc64le.patch + +- Fix some arm syscall constants + libseccomp-arm-syscall-fixes.patch + +- Update to new upstream release 2.2.0 + * Added support for aarch64, mips, mips64, mips64n32 (BE/LE). + * Added support for using the new seccomp() syscall and the thread + sync functionality. + * Added Python bindings +- Remove 0001-build-use-autotools-as-build-system.patch + (merged). Add no-static.diff. + Add 0001-tools-add-the-missing-elf.h-header-file.patch + libsidplayfp +- Update to version 2.1.2: + * songlength DB: fix parsing of milliseconds with leading zeroes + * Fixed building hardsid support + * reSIDfp: shift register regression fixes + * Updated RAM init pattern similar to how it's done in VICE + * Do not use smart pointers in public headers + (Warning! breaks ABI compatibility) + * resid/residfp: Use soft instead of hard clipping + rough implementation of bitfade + * residfp: better bandpass frequency calculation, + updated 8580 resistor ratios based on schematics and adjusted + voltage range, updated TTL values, assume a high impedance + audio amplifier yielding an 1.6Hz high-pass +- Update to version 2.0.5: + * Fixed CIA SDR handling, code borrowed from Denise emulator + * Fixed external filter coefficients calculation in resid/residfp + * Update osc3 on waveform zero in resid/residfp + * Further improved CPU/CIA/VICII emulation based on VICE testprogs + * Fixed an envelope generator regression in resid/residfp + * Improved noise+pulse interaction in resid/residfp + * Avoid saturation of residfp 8580 filter + * Adjusted residfp 6581 filter parameter range + * Recalculate noise output when actually changed in residfp + * Fix loading stereo mus tunes + * Fix residfp envelope + * Make digiboost work with resid + * Make MUS loading more robust to malformed files + * Reworked SidDatabase API + * Fix hang on exit + * CIA model is now configurable + * Added digiboost support + * Added support for milliseconds in SLDB + * Improved 8580 filter + * CIA and SID fixes ported from VICE + * Added MOS 6573 (PAL-M) emulation + * Other minor fixes and code cleanup + * Do not use kernal calls in psid driver + -- Initial package - libsigscan +- Update to snapshot 20210419 (a5c92123) + * No changelog was provided +- Add system-libs.patch + +- update to 20201117 + libskk +- Don't depend on Python 2. + +- Rename %soname to %sover to better reflect its use +- Update summaries + +- Update to 1.0.3 (1.2.0+git20171110+1.0.3) + + Fix hiragana to katakana conversion in abbrev mode [#41] + + Make "commit-unhandled" actually commit in abbrev mode [#39] + + Avoid redundant dictionary lookup in non-numeric conversion + cases [#36] + + Fix KZIK rules [#35, #37] + + Add command for sticky-shift [#32] + + Don't crash when a rule has no default metadata [#31] + + Bind C-j to go back to hiragana in AZIK latin [#30] + + Build fixes [#42, #43] + -- license update: GPL-3.0+ - See COPYING - -- Initial package 1.0.0. - * Make sure to create parent directory of user-dict (Debian bug#685745). - * Clear output and preedit on context reset. - * Fix header include in tests (Issue#19). - libsmpp34 +- Update to release 1.14.1 + * Changes to the build system only; no user-visible changes. + +- Upgrade old specfile constructs. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.14.0 + * Allow application to override default heap allocator + libsmraw +- Update to release 20210817 + * Python binding updates + +- Remove unused BuildRequire on python2. + -- update to 20140817 - * Worked on smrawmount -- updated Source: field to have fullpath; removed DL_URL field - -- update BuildRequires to use as many external packages as possible -- add Provides: pysmraw to python sub-project to match upstream requires -- add %doc to all sub-projects - libsndfile -- Fix heap buffer overflow vulnerability in msadpcm_decode_block - (CVE-2021-3246, bsc#1188540): - ms_adpcm-Fix-and-extend-size-checks.patch - -- Fix segfault in wav conversion due to the invalid loop count - (CVE-2018-19758, bsc#1117954): - libsndfile-wav-loop-count-fix.patch - -- Fix buffer overflow in sndfile-deinterleave, which isn't really a - security issue (bsc#1100167, CVE-2018-13139, bsc#1116993, - CVE-2018-19432): - sndfile-deinterlace-channels-check.patch - -- Use license file tag - -- Fix potential overflow in d2alaw_array() (CVE-2017-17456, - bsc#1071777): - libsndfile-CVE-2017-17456-alaw-range-check.patch -- Fix potential overflow in d2ulaw_array() (CVE-2017-17457, - bsc#1071767): - libsndfile-CVE-2017-17457-ulaw-range-check.patch - -- Fix VUL-0: divide-by-zero error exists in the function - double64_init() in double64.c (CVE-2017-14634, bsc#1059911): - 0030-double64_init-Check-psf-sf.channels-against-upper-bo.patch -- Tentative fix for VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function - d2alaw_array() in alaw.c (CVE-2017-14245, bsc#1059912) and - VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function d2ulaw_array() in - ulaw.c (CVE-2017-14246, bsc#1059913): - 0031-sfe_copy_data_fp-check-value-of-max-variable.patch - -- Fix Heap-based Buffer Overflow in the psf_binheader_writef - (CVE-2017-12562, bsc#1052476): - 0020-src-common.c-Fix-heap-buffer-overflows-when-writing-.patch - -- Fix out-of-bounds read memory access in the aiff_read_chanmap() - (CVE-2017-6892, bsc#1043978): - 0010-src-aiff.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch - -- Fix FLAC buffer overflows (CVE-2017-8361 CVE-2017-8363 - CVE-2017-8365 CVE-2017-8362 bsc#1036944 bsc#1036945 bsc#1036946 - bsc#1036943): - 0001-FLAC-Fix-a-buffer-read-overrun.patch - 0002-src-flac.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch - -- Update to version 1.0.27: - * Fix a seek regression in 1.0.26 - * Add metadata read/write for CAF and RF64 - * FIx PAF endian-ness issue -- Update to version 1.0.28 - * Fix buffer overruns in FLAC and ID3 handling code - (CVE-2017-7585, CVE-2017-7586, bsc#1033054, bsc#1033053) - * Reduce default header memory requirements - * Fix detection of Large File Support for 32 bit systems. -- Obsoleted patch: - libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch - -- Fix spec file to enable builds on non opensuse OS - -- Update to version 1.0.26: - * Fix for CVE-2014-9496, CVE-2014-9756 and CVE-2015-7805. - * Add ALAC/CAF support. Minor bug fixes and improvements. -- Refreshed patches: - sndfile-ocloexec.patch - libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch -- Removed obsoleted patches: - libsndfile-example-fix.diff - libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch - libsndfile-paf-zero-division-fix.diff - libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch - libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch - sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch - sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch - -- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-7805, bsc#953516) - libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch - libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch -- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-8075, bsc#953519) - libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch -- Fix the build with SLE11-SP3 due to AM_SILENT_RULE macro - -- VUL-1: libsndfile DoS/divide-by-zero (CVE-2014-9756, bsc#953521): - libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch - -- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner -- Add gpg signature -- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes - -- VUL-0: two buffer read overflows in sd2_parse_rsrc_fork() - (CVE-2014-9496, bnc#911796): backported upstream fix patches - sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch - sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch - libsoc +- Modernise spec file + libsocketcan +- Update to upstream release 0.0.11 + * Add interface to retrieve link statistics + * Update CAN netlink header + libspnav +- The project moved its official repository to github +- Add separate LICENSE file (formerly only available as part of the + README file + - * No changelog available + * fixed invalid quaternion bug in cube example, when receiving + zero-angle rotations. + * fixed memory leak in spnav_remove_events. + * makefile improvements (MacOS X build, DESTDIR, shared library + symlinks, create missing install paths). + * fixed bug when closing and reopening the connection to spacenavd. libssh +- Update to version 0.9.6 (bsc#1189608, CVE-2021-3634) + * + +- Add missing BR for openssh needed for tests + +- update to 0.9.5 (bsc#1174713, CVE-2020-16135): + * CVE-2020-16135: Avoid null pointer dereference in sftpserver (T232) + * Improve handling of library initialization (T222) + * Fix parsing of subsecond times in SFTP (T219) + * Make the documentation reproducible + * Remove deprecated API usage in OpenSSL + * Fix regression of ssh_channel_poll_timeout() returning SSH_AGAIN + * Define version in one place (T226) + * Prevent invalid free when using different C runtimes than OpenSSL (T229) + * Compatibility improvements to testsuite + +- Update to version 0.9.4 + * + * Fix possible Denial of Service attack when using AES-CTR-ciphers + CVE-2020-1730 (bsc#1168699) + +- Drop the hack to pull curl-mini: we moved the split a bit higher + up and now have a non-curl linked variant of cmake in + openSUSE:Factory. + +- Update to version 0.9.3 + * Fixed CVE-2019-14889 - SCP: Unsanitized location leads to command execution (bsc#1158095) + * SSH-01-003 Client: Missing NULL check leads to crash in erroneous state + * SSH-01-006 General: Various unchecked Null-derefs cause DOS + * SSH-01-007 PKI Gcrypt: Potential UAF/double free with RSA pubkeys + * SSH-01-010 SSH: Deprecated hash function in fingerprinting + * SSH-01-013 Conf-Parsing: Recursive wildcards in hostnames lead to DOS + * SSH-01-014 Conf-Parsing: Integer underflow leads to OOB array access + * SSH-01-001 State Machine: Initial machine states should be set explicitly + * SSH-01-002 Kex: Differently bound macros used to iterate same array + * SSH-01-005 Code-Quality: Integer sign confusion during assignments + * SSH-01-008 SCP: Protocol Injection via unescaped File Names + * SSH-01-009 SSH: Update documentation which RFCs are implemented + * SSH-01-012 PKI: Information leak via uninitialized stack buffer + +- Rename suffix define to pkg_suffix: rpm 4.15 has suffix reserved + for internal use. + +- Update to version 0.9.2 + * Fixed libssh-config.cmake + * Fixed issues with rsa algorithm negotiation (T191) + * Fixed detection of OpenSSL ed25519 support (T197) + +- Update to version 0.9.1 + * Added support for Ed25519 via OpenSSL + * Added support for X25519 via OpenSSL + * Added support for localuser in Match keyword + * Fixed Match keyword to be case sensitive + * Fixed compilation with LibreSSL + * Fixed error report of channel open (T75) + * Fixed sftp documentation (T137) + * Fixed known_hosts parsing (T156) + * Fixed build issue with MinGW (T157) + * Fixed build with gcc 9 (T164) + * Fixed deprecation issues (T165) + * Fixed known_hosts directory creation (T166) + +- Split out configuration to separate package to not mess up the + library packaging and coinstallation + +- Update to verion 0.9.0 + * Added support for AES-GCM + * Added improved rekeying support + * Added performance improvements + * Disabled blowfish support by default + * Fixed several ssh config parsing issues + * Added support for DH Group Exchange KEX + * Added support for Encrypt-then-MAC mode + * Added support for parsing server side configuration file + * Added support for ECDSA/Ed25519 certificates + * Added FIPS 140-2 compatibility + * Improved known_hosts parsing + * Improved documentation + * Improved OpenSSL API usage for KEX, DH, and signatures +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Implement-OpenSSH-compatible-AES-GCM-ciphe.patch +- Removed 0001-libgcrypt-Implement-OpenSSH-compatible-AES-GCM-ciphe.patch +- Removed 0001-tests-Add-aes-gcm-ciphers-tests.patch +- Add libssh client and server config files + +- Fix the typo in Obsoletes for -devel-doc subpackage +- Actually remove the description for -devel-doc subpackage + +- Add support for new AES-GCM encryption types; (bsc#1134193) + * Add 0001-libcrypto-Implement-OpenSSH-compatible-AES-GCM-ciphe.patch + * Add 0001-libgcrypt-Implement-OpenSSH-compatible-AES-GCM-ciphe.patch + * Add 0001-tests-Add-aes-gcm-ciphers-tests.patch + +- Avoid build cycle between curl and libssh by using obs hint to + prefer curl-mini + +- Update to version 0.8.7 + * Fixed handling extension flags in the server implementation + * Fixed exporting ed25519 private keys + * Fixed corner cases for rsa-sha2 signatures + * Fixed some issues with connector + +- Drop doxygen from dependencies to avoid buildcycle + * the documentation is available online anyway for anyone to + consume and consult + +- Added the tests in a multiple build description file *test* to + break the cycle for cmocka, curl, doxygen and libssh. + +- Update to version 0.8.6 + * Fixed compilation issues with different OpenSSL versions + * Fixed StrictHostKeyChecking in new knownhosts API + * Fixed ssh_send_keepalive() with packet filter + * Fixed possible crash with knownhosts options + * Fixed issus with rekeying + * Fixed strong ECDSA keys + * Fixed some issues with rsa-sha2 extentions + * Fixed access violation in ssh_init() (static linking) + * Fixed ssh_channel_close() handling + +- Update to version 0.8.5 + * Added support to get known_hosts locations with ssh_options_get() + * Fixed preferred algorithm for known hosts negotiations + * Fixed KEX with some server implementations (e.g. Cisco) + * Fixed issues with MSVC + * Fixed keyboard-interactive auth in server mode + (regression from CVE-2018-10933) + * Fixed gssapi auth in server mode (regression from CVE-2018-10933) + * Fixed socket fd handling with proxy command + * Fixed a memory leak with OpenSSL + +- Update to version 0.8.4 + * Fixed CVE-2018-10933; (bsc#1108020) + * Fixed building without globbing support + * Fixed possible memory leaks + * Avoid SIGPIPE on sockets + +- Update to version 0.8.3 + * Added support for rsa-sha2 + * Added support to parse private keys in openssh container format + (other than ed25519) + * Added support for diffie-hellman-group18-sha512 and + diffie-hellman-group16-sha512 + * Added ssh_get_fingerprint_hash() + * Added ssh_pki_export_privkey_base64() + * Added support for Match keyword in config file + * Improved performance and reduced memory footprint for sftp + * Fixed ecdsa publickey auth + * Fixed reading a closed channel + * Added support to announce and + in the sftp server +- Removed patch: 0001-poll-Fix-size-types-in-ssh_event_free.patch + +- Update to version 0.8.2 + * Added sha256 fingerprints for pubkeys + * Improved compiler flag detection + * Fixed race condition in reading sftp messages + * Fixed doxygen generation and added modern style + * Fixed library initialization on Windows + * Fixed __bounded__ attribute detection + * Fixed a bug in the options parser + * Fixed documentation for new knwon_hosts API +- Added patch: 0001-poll-Fix-size-types-in-ssh_event_free.patch + * Fix compiler warning on SLE12 + +- Add missing zlib-devel dependency which was previously pulled in + by libopenssl-devel + +- Remove the symlink + +- Update to version 0.8.1 + * Fixed version number in the header + * Fixed version number in pkg-config and cmake config + * Fixed library initialization + * Fixed attribute detection + +- Update to version 0.8.0 + * Removed support for deprecated SSHv1 protocol + * Added new connector API for clients + * Added new known_hosts parsing API + * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1 + * Added support for chacha20-poly1305 cipher + * Added crypto backend for mbedtls crypto library + * Added ECDSA support with gcrypt backend + * Added advanced client and server testing using + * Added support for curve25519-sha256 alias + * Added support for global known_hosts file + * Added support for symbol versioning + * Improved ssh_config parsing + * Improved threading support +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Remove-AES_ctr128_encrypt.patch +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Introduce-a-libcrypto-compat-file.patch +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Use-newer-API-for-HMAC.patch +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Use-a-pointer-for-EVP_MD_CTX.patch +- Removed 0001-libcrypto-Use-a-pointer-for-EVP_CIPHER_CTX.patch +- Removed 0001-pki_crypto-Use-getters-and-setters-for-opaque-keys-a.patch +- Removed 0001-threads-Use-new-API-call-for-OpenSSL-CRYPTO-THREADID.patch +- Removed 0001-cmake-Use-configure-check-for-CRYPTO_ctr128_encrypt.patch +- Removed 0001-config-Bugfix-Dont-skip-unseen-opcodes.patch + +- Disable timeout testing on slow build systems (bsc#1084713) + * 0001-disable-timeout-test-on-slow-buildsystems.patch + +- Add patch to fix parsing of config files (boo#1067782): + * 0001-config-Bugfix-Dont-skip-unseen-opcodes.patch + +- add support for building with OpenSSL 1.1 (bsc#1055266) + * added patches: + * 0001-cmake-Use-configure-check-for-CRYPTO_ctr128_encrypt.patch + * 0001-libcrypto-Introduce-a-libcrypto-compat-file.patch + * 0001-libcrypto-Remove-AES_ctr128_encrypt.patch + * 0001-libcrypto-Use-a-pointer-for-EVP_MD_CTX.patch + * 0001-libcrypto-Use-a-pointer-for-EVP_CIPHER_CTX.patch + * 0001-libcrypto-Use-newer-API-for-HMAC.patch + * 0001-pki_crypto-Use-getters-and-setters-for-opaque-keys-a.patch + * 0001-threads-Use-new-API-call-for-OpenSSL-CRYPTO-THREADID.patch + +- add package keyring and verify source signature + +- Update to version 0.7.5 + * Fixed a memory allocation issue with buffers + * Fixed PKI on Windows + * Fixed some SSHv1 functions + * Fixed config hostname expansion + +- Update to version 0.7.4 + * Added id_ed25519 to the default identity list + * Fixed sftp EOF packet handling + * Fixed ssh_send_banner() to confirm with RFC 4253 + * Fixed some memory leaks +- Removed patch gcc5-fixes.patch + +- Update descriptions. Drop redundant pkgconfig require + (it's autodetected). + +- Update to version 0.7.2 + * Fixed OpenSSL detection on Windows + * Fixed return status for ssh_userauth_agent() + * Fixed KEX to prefer hmac-sha2-256 + * Fixed sftp packet handling + * Fixed return values of ssh_key_is_(public|private) + * Fixed bug in global success reply + +- Enable testsuite run to check the state of libssh itself +- Use SUSE macros to define environment clearly +- Enable gssapi by adding krb5 dependency + +- Update to version 0.7.1 + * Fixed SSH_AUTH_PARTIAL auth with auto public key + * Fixed memory leak in session options + * Fixed allocation of ed25519 public keys + * Fixed channel exit-status and exit-signal + * Reintroduce ssh_forward_listen() + +- Update to version 0.7.0 + * Added support for ed25519 keys + * Added SHA2 algorithms for HMAC + * Added improved and more secure buffer handling code + * Added callback for auth_none_function + * Added support for ECDSA private key signing + * Added more tests + * Fixed a lot of bugs + * Improved API documentation + +- add gcc5-fixes.patch: Fix build against GCC 5.x + +- Update to version 0.6.5 + * Fixed CVE-2015-3146 + * Fixed port handling in config file + * Fixed the build with libgcrypt + * Fixed SFTP endian issues (rlo #179) + * Fixed uninitilized sig variable (rlo #167) + * Fixed polling issues which could result in a hang + * Fixed handling of EINTR in ssh_poll() (rlo #186) + * Fixed C99 issues with __func__ + * Fixed some memory leaks + * Improved macro detection on Windows + +- removing argument from popd +- add baselibs.conf as source + +- Update to version 0.6.4 + * Fixed CVE-2014-8132. + * Added SHA-2 for session ID signing with ECDSA keys. + * Added support for ECDSA host keys. + * Added support for more ECDSA hostkey algorithms. + * Added ssh_pki_key_ecdsa_name() API. + * Fixed setting the bindfd only after successful listen. + * Fixed issues with user created sockets. + * Fixed several issues in libssh C++ wrapper. + * Fixed several documentation issues. + * Fixed channel exit-signal request. + * Fixed X11 request screen number in messages. + * Fixed several memory leaks. + libstfl +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. + libstorage-ng +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#848 +- properly quote partition label +- coding style +- 4.4.63 + +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#847 +- support to set partition label +- updated pot and po files +- extended documentation +- 4.4.62 + +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#846 +- make function is_efibootmgr() public (for bsc#937067) +- 4.4.61 + +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#845 +- prefer file system over empty MS-DOS partition table (bsc#1186823) +- fixed testcase +- 4.4.60 + +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#844 +- extended Holder::set_source for multipath devices +- documentation and coding style +- 4.4.59 + +- Translated using Weblate (Catalan) (bsc#1149754) +- 4.4.58 + +- merge gh#openSUSE/libstorage-ng#843 +- added convenience function get_blk_devices() for Multipath and + DmRaid +- added macro LIBSTORAGE_NG_VERSION_AT_LEAST +- 4.4.57 + libstrophe +- Update to 0.11.0: + * SASL EXTERNAL support (XEP-0178) + * Client certificate can be provided for TLS negotiation. If + the certificate contains a single xmppAddr and JID is not + provided with xmpp_conn_set_jid(), the xmppAddr is chosen as JID + * element contains "from" attribute over TLS connections now + * GnuTLS can be selected optionally with configure script + * Support for manual certificate verification + * New API: + + xmpp_conn_set_client_cert() + + xmpp_conn_cert_xmppaddr_num() + + xmpp_conn_cert_xmppaddr() + + xmpp_conn_set_cafile() + + xmpp_conn_set_capath() + + xmpp_conn_set_certfail_handler() + + xmpp_conn_get_peer_cert() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_ctx() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_conn() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_pem() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_dnsname() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_string() + + xmpp_tlscert_get_description() + + xmpp_tlscert_free() + +- Update to 0.10.1: + * Fixed compilation error when LibreSSL is used + * Fixed crash when NULL is provided as password + +- Update to 0.10.0: + * Coding style has been unified + * SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512 support + * c-ares support + * LibreSSL support + * Introduced global timed handlers that fire periodically + regardless of connections status, such a handler can be + used to implement deferred re-connection + * examples/register implements XEP-0077 + * Fixed issue with IPv6 on Windows (#153) + * Improved portability across systems such as Haiku, Windows + * New API: + - xmpp_stanza_get_child_by_name_and_ns() + - xmpp_conn_is_connecting() + - xmpp_conn_is_connected() + - xmpp_conn_is_disconnected() + - xmpp_stanza_new_from_string() + - xmpp_stanza_add_child_ex() + - xmpp_stanza_get_context() + - xmpp_stanza_reply_error() + - xmpp_global_timed_handler_add() + - xmpp_global_timed_handler_delete() + libt3config +- Update to release 1.0 + * This release changes the internal type of integers to int64_t + and adds access routines for int64_t. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.2.11 + * No functional changes: The pre-generated Doxygen + documentation is removed from the source package. + libt3highlight +- Update to release 0.5.0 + * This release adds highlighting scopes, which provides the + ability to use different rendering for included languages. + For example, it allows using different rendering for keywords + in CSS than for keywords in the HTML it is embedded in. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.4.8 + * These releases fixes incorrect calls to free when validation of + highlight data failed. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.4.6 + * Support for highlighting C++11 raw string literals. + * Support for Ruby highlighting. + libt3key +- Update to release 0.2.10 + * This release shuffles a few keys around in the xterm keymap, + to make it work on more terminals that claim to be xterm, and + adds a link for rxvt-unicode-256color. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.2.9 + * Updated the rxvt definition to include keys from mrxvt. + * Updated the Linux key database with keys for Application + Keypad Mode. + * Added fallbacks from terminfo for many keys with modifiers, + using the ncurses extended names. + libt3widget +- Update to release 1.2.0 + * This release provides several new features and bug fixes, + among which: + * Pressing ctrl+backspace will delete the previous word, + * Extra navigation keys (+/- and arrows) for expander widgets. + * Checkboxes can now have a third, indeterminate, state. + * Frame resizing correctly redraws the frame. + * This release changes the selection of binary attributes to + make the distinction between explicitly unset and fallback + from base attribute + +- Update to new upstream release 1.0.6 + * This release makes the indent_selection and + unindent_selection functions on edit_window_t behave exactly + as pressing tab or shift-tab. This resolves a segmentation + fault when calling these functions without a selected text. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.0.3 + * Fixed: The indicator in list panes would disappear of screen + when scrolling beyond the first page. + * Fixed: The cursor position after undoing an unindent + operation was set incorrectly. + * Fixed: Bracketed paste mode was not handled correctly due to + inadvertent setting of the EKEY_PROTECT bit. + * The API has been overhauled to use more of the features of + the C++11 standard. + * Fixed: Unsplitting caused segmentation faults. + * The connection to GPM remained open during suspend, making + GPM useless for the duration of the suspend. + * Prevent the mouse cursor from moving beyond the top of the + screen while holding down the mouse button in GPM mode. + * Ensure that the mouse cursor is visible when the holding down + the mouse button in GPM mode. + * Allow searching for empty strings using regular expressions. + libt3window +- Update eto release 0.4.0 + * This release allows explicitly unsetting the binary + attributes when combining attributes using + t3_term_combine_attrs. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.3.2 + * Allow compilation in C++ with pre C++11 compilers. + * A new function is provided which determines the width of a + string with explicit length. + * Replacement functions for determining the length are provided + that return a size_t instead of an int. + * Includes a C++ class which wraps a t3_window_t pointer and + forwards all the functions. Otherwise behaves like + std::unique_ptr, to make memory management simpler. + * Prefer to use Unicode line-drawing characters if they are + available. Some terminals explicitly disable the alternate + character set if UTF-8 encoding is enabled, resulting in bad + output. + * Don't use the alternate characterset for line drawing if the + terminal type is ansi, or if the smacs capability is not + defined. + * Internal tables were updated to Unicode 10.0. + * Terminal size detection is done based on cursor position + reporting if no other information is available. + libtar +- Small packaging cleanup + libtermkey +- update to 0.22 + 0.22 - changes: bugfixes for unit tests on BSD platforms + 0.21.1 - changes: internal bugfixes, valgrind neatness + -- update to 0.7 - libtimidity +- Drop sourceforge download URL that doesn't work any longer... + +- Update to version 0.2.6 + * fixed a possibly signed integer overflow with crafted midi + files. + * other minor clean-ups, etc. + version 0.2.5: + * allow dual-licensing as LGPL / Artistic. + version 0.2.4: + * fixes to the pkg-config file. + version 0.2.3: + * fixed a potential buffer overrun in timi_fgets() which might + have led to a crash during config parsing. +- Spec cleanup + libtins +- Update to version 4.2 +- build-patch adapted + * add libtins-4.2_build.patch: for new version + * remove libtins-3.5_build.patch: now outdated +- use source download service + libtool -- Fix install_info_{install,delete} usage: install-info does not - allow file globbing. - -- Remove spurious install_info_delete in postun (bsc#940773). - -- Fix call of install_info. - -- Remove empty entry. - -- Use url for signature -- Add keyring file for automatic verification of signature -- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner -- Remove old ppc/ppc64 obsolete/provides -- Update info pre/post requires and replace postun with preun - -- Update to 2.4.6: - Noteworthy changes in release 2.4.6 (2015-02-15) [stable] - * New features: - - LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH can be set in, or at configure time - and persists correctly in the generated libtool script. - * Bug fixes: - - Fix a race condition in ltdl dryrun test that would cause spurious - random failures of that test. - - LT_SYS_DLSEARCH_PATH is munged correctly. -- Add tarball signature. - -- Add libtool-no_host_name.patch to remove the host name from - generated scripts (bnc#916268). - -- Update to libtool 2.4.5 - New features: - - Libtoolize searches for the best available M4 on the user PATH at - runtime, rather than settling for the first one found. - - Support munging sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec with LT_SYS_LIBRARY_PATH - environment variable. - Bug fixes: - - Bail out at configure time if the installed M4 is not sufficient - for the purposes of libtoolize. - - freebsd-elf library versioning was upgraded incorrectly in 2.4.4, - but now works properly again. - - Fix a 2.4.4 regression so that libltdl subprojects do not warn - about missing libltdl/libltdl directory as in prior releases. - - When using Sun C++ on Solaris or GNU/Linux we used to set libtool's - postdeps permanently, based on the contents of $CXX and $CXXFLAGS at - configure time, which was brittle and error-prone. Now, we no - longer check for a SunCC ABI at configure time, but augment the - postdeps at libtool time based on the current invocation flags on - each call. - Changes in supported systems or compilers: - - /usr/local prefixed rpaths are now added to the link-line on - ia64-hp-hpux*, because the default system runtime loader path does - not contain them. - - Previously, when using Sun C++ on Solaris or GNU/Linux, `-Cstd -Crun` - flags were added to $postdeps unless CXX or CXXFLAGS contained - `-library=stlport4`. Newer releases have added other compiler flags - that are also incompatible with `-Cstd -Crun`, so now we don't add - them if any of `-std=c++[0-9][0-9]`, `-library=stdcxx4` or - `-compat=g` were found in CXX or CXXFLAGS when the Sun C++ compiler - is detected. - -- Require M4 as libtool's libtoolize requires it since 2.4.3 - -- Drop patch libtool-dont_delete_gnulib_files.patch which is - included in 2.4.4 -- Update to libtool 2.4.4 - * * New features: - - Libltdl maintains its own fork of argz, with macros and files in - the LT_ and lt__ namespaces (resp.) where they cannot clash with - client projects' use of gnulib argz. - * * Bug fixes: - - Installation of 'libtoolize' once again obeys '--program-prefix', - '--program-suffix' and '--program-transform-name' configure options. - - `libtoolize` doesn't remove any files that it can't reinstall, - including old versions of the snippet directory, and gnulib's - version of the argz module and supporting files. - - LT_FUNC_DLYSM_USCORE now works correctly on systems that don't - support self dlopen()ing. - * * Important incompatible changes: - - LT_LIB_DLLOAD no longer prepends -ldl or -ldld to LIBS, causing - duplicate occurrences in libltdl link lines. If you need to - add a library for dlopen() or shl_load() in your Makefile, then - use $(LIBADD_DLOPEN) or $(LIBADD_SHL_LOAD) respectively. If you - are using libltdl, this all happens automatically, and the only - difference you'll see is no more duplicated library names in the - verbose link line. - * * Changes in supported systems or compilers: - - Preliminary support for tcc on linux*. Although it already worked - sometimes in previous releases, making sure to set LD correctly now - avoids mis-matching GNU ld with tcc: - ./configure CC=tcc LD=tcc - - Added -os2dllname option to work around 8 character base name - limit on OS/2. The option has no effect on other systems. - - Support for DLL versioning, -export-symbols and -export-symbols-regex - on OS/2. - - Support filename-based shared library versioning on AIX. See manual - for details. - -- - -- Add libtool-dont_delete_gnulib_files.patch that prevents deletion - of files from gnulib to be deleted by libtoolize. -- BuildRequire help2man. -- Remove unneeded clean section. -- Use rpm macros where possible. -- Pass V=1 to make to make compilation verbose. - -- Drop patch config-guess-sub-update.patch for libltdl/config as the - folder no longer exists. -- Drop patch libtool-ppc64le.patch for ppc handling as it is already - part of v2.4.3 -- Update to libtool 2.4.3 - * * New features: - - Moved to gnulib release infrastructure. - - M4 is now used for scanning the M4 macros in your that - 'libtoolize' looks at to determine what files you want, and where you - would like them installed. This means that you can compose your - version number or any other argument that Libtoolize needs to know at - M4 time using git-version-gen from gnulib, for example. - - Invoking 'libtoolize --ltdl' no longer maintains a separate autoconf - macro directory in the libltdl tree, but automatically adjusts the - installed libltdl configuration files to share whatever macro - directory is declared by the parent project. (Note: if you were - already sharing a macro directory with AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR(ltdl/m4) - or similar, that still works as does any other directory choice). - - Invoking 'libtoolize --ltdl' no longer maintains a separate auxiliary - scripts directory in the libltdl tree, but automatically adjusts the - installed libltdl configuration files to share whatever auxiliary - scripts directory is declared by the parent project. (Note: if you - were already sharing an auxiliary directory with subproject libltdl - using AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR(ltdl/config) or similar, that still works as - does any other directory choice). - - The legacy tests have all been migrated to the Autotest harness. - - The Autotest testsuite can be run without the especially time consuming - tests with: - make check-local TESTSUITEFLAGS='-k "!expensive"' - * * Bug fixes: - - Fix a long-standing latent bug in autom4te include path for autotests - with VPATH builds. - - Fix a long-standing latent bug in libtoolize that could delete lines - from libltdl/ in recursive mode due to underquoting in a - sed script. - - Fix a long-standing bug in libtoolize, by outputting the 'putting - auxiliary files in' header with 'libtoolize --ltdl --subproject'. - - Fix a long-standing bug in libtoolize subproject installation, by not - installing a set of autoconf macro files into the parent project if - there is no present to use them. - - The libtoolize subproject mode selector is now named '--subproject' - and is equivalent to the implied '--subproject' mode when no other - mode is selected; '--standalone' never worked, and is no longer - accepted. - - Libtool and libtoolize no longer choke on paths with a comma in them. - - In the case where $SHELL does not have the same enhanced features - (e.g. the ability to parse 'var+=append') as $CONFIG_SHELL, libtool - will now correctly fallback to using only vanilla shell features - instead of failing with a parse at startup. - - Correctly recognize import libraries when Microsoft dumpbin is used - as the name lister and extend the dumpbin wrapper to find symbols - in import libraries using the -headers option of dumpbin. Also fix a - bug in the dumpbin wrapper that could lead to broken symbol listings - in some corner cases. - - Use the improved Microsoft dumpbin support to mend preloading of - import libraries for Microsoft Visual C/C++. - - No longer mangle module-definition (.def) files when feeding them to - the Microsoft Visual C/C++ linker via the -export-symbols argument to - the libtool script, thus matching how .def files are handled when - using GNU tools. - - Recognize more variants (e.g. those starting with a LIBRARY statement) - of module-definitions (.def) files when using them instead of a raw - list of symbols to export. - - Fix a long-standing bug when using libtoolize without automake; we - no longer remove install-sh with --force, since it's not a file - libtoolize will reinstall without --install.. - * * Important incompatible changes: - - GNU M4 is required to run libtoolize in a directory with a - '' (or '') that needs tracing to determine - what modes and directories have been specified. - - The use of the idiosyncratically named '' in nonrecursive - libltdl builds is deprecated, although it will be supported for one - more year or until the next release, whichever takes longer. Please - upgrade to the more standard naming of '' in keeping with other - GNU projects. - - libtoolize now behaves consistenty in respect of multiple directory - arguments to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS and multiple invocations of AC_CONFIG- - _MACRO_DIRS, where the first directory is always selected. Previous - releases took the first ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS argument, but the last - invocation of AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS. - - The libtoolize program now advises use of the new Autoconf - AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS declaration. If you follow that advice, all - your developers will need at least autoconf-2.70 and automake-1.13 - to rebootstrap your probject. If you still need to support - bootstrap with older Autotools, then you should add the following - to your file: - m4_ifndef([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], - [m4_define([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS], - m4_defn([AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR]))]) - - Overhead of probing for a non-backslash crippled echo equivalent - during initialization of every script has been removed in favor of - trusting that "printf %s\n" works out of the box on all non-museum - host architectures. Manually setting ECHO appropriately in the - build environment will be necessary on some ancient architectures. - * * Changes in supported systems or compilers: - - Support for bitrig (*-*-bitrig*). - - Solaris 7 and earlier requires ECHO=/usr/ucb/echo in the build - environment, to build and use libtool. - libtorrent +- Remove outdated specfile constructs. + +- Update to 0.13.8 + * Close log files when reusing a name. (pyroscope) + * Increased max timeout for tracker requests. + * Set max piece size 512mb. + * Switch to C++11 MRT RNG for random bytes. (lps-rocks) + * Added support for openssl 1.1. + * Fix honoring throttle.min_peers* settings in rtorrent. (chros) + * Improved failed tracker bencode parsing. (chros) + * Added example rtorrent.rc. (g0tmi1k) + * Added a temporary name filter. (Toff) + * Added 'log.close' command. + * Added 'd.tracker_announce.force' command. + * Added 'event.system.startup_done/shutdown' commands/events. (chros) + * Added 'd.custom.if_z' command. (pyroscope) + * Added 'd.multicall.filtered' command. (pyroscope) + * Added 'event.view.hide/show' commands. (pyroscope) +- Update to 0.13.7 + * Fixed ip filter memory usage. (sallyswiss/chros73) + * Add space to fmt str in log_gz_file_write. (pastly) + * Fix compilation issue with gcc v6.x and empty CXXFLAGS. (chros73) + * Fix BEP7 compatibility with IPv6 trackers and IPv4 peers. + * Include SCGI/XMLRPC example in rtorrent.rc. (ss23) + * Handle SIGHUP like SIGINT. (pyroscope) + * Fix Throttle args. (chros73) + * Fix missing ranlib - not defined but used. (duraki) + * Fix no // are at start of expanded paths. (pyroscope) + * Fix ncurses header include. (theirix) + * Fix segfault when viewing a magnet download in the leeching view. (slingamn) + -- Run format_spec_file to please the automatic factory - pre-checkin checker scripts - -- Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions -- Parallel building using %_smp_mflags -- New patch libtorrent-decls.diff: add missing includes to - fix build errors - libtranscript +- Add keyrings and HTTPS URLs. + +- Update to new upstream release 0.3.3 + * No functional changes. The pre-generated Doxygen documentation + was removed from the source tarball. + libuev +- libuev 2.4.0: + * major ABI bump: + Add struct signalfd_siginfo to uev_t, valid for signal watchers + Now more metadata is available to signal callbacks + * built for 64 bit time_t, requiring users to use the following: + CPPFLAGS += -D_TIME_BITS=64 -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 + * documentation updates +- run tests during build +- drop 0001-Fix-25-glibc-2.33-requires-_FILE_OFFSET_BITS-64-with.patch + +- Add glibc >= 2.33 build fix: + * 0001-Fix-25-glibc-2.33-requires-_FILE_OFFSET_BITS-64-with.patch + +- libuev 2.3.2: + * fixes for other distributions only +- switch to bootstrapped upstream tarball + +- Update to 2.3.1: + * Use separate aux/ dir for auxilliary files and check for install + libuna +- Unconditionally run autoreconf because of patches + +- Update to release 20210801 + * No changelog was provided + -- update to v0~20130728 - * fixes for some stream functions being too strict -- fix version numbers on dependancies to not have 0~ in them - -- update to v0~20130609 - * fix in file - * updated dependencies - * fixes issues for building with stand-alone version of libcnotify - * removed date time functionality from libcsystem -- change to gz compression for tarball to eliminate conversion from download -- use libyal libraries from factory where posible, not internal versions - libuna:mini +- Unconditionally run autoreconf because of patches + +- Update to release 20210801 + * No changelog was provided + -- update to v0~20130728 - * fixes for some stream functions being too strict -- fix version numbers on dependancies to not have 0~ in them - -- update to v0~20130609 - * fix in file - * updated dependencies - * fixes issues for building with stand-alone version of libcnotify - * removed date time functionality from libcsystem -- change to gz compression for tarball to eliminate conversion from download -- use libyal libraries from factory where posible, not internal versions - libunibreak -- Update to version 4.1: - * Update the code and data to conform to Unicode 11.0.0, especially - adding support for extended pictographs in word and grapheme breaking - * ZWJ support has been much improved (it was broken) - * Make minor tweaks to the project files -- run tests - added: - + LineBreakTest.txt, - + WordBreakTest.txt and - + GraphemeBreakTest.txt - from to run the - tests offline -- spec file cleanup: - + put documentation into devel package - + use %%license macro, if possible - libunicap +- Fix Factory build, add patches from Fedora: + libunicap-0.9.12-gcc10.patch, libunicap-0.9.12-arraycmp.patch, + libunicap-0.9.12-datadirname.patch, libunicap-bz641623.patch + and libunicap-0.9.12-memerrs.patch + -- Fixed typos in spec file that was causing a build error -- Added -32bit compatibility package. This will be needed - by some packages using this library. - libusb3380 +- Update to version 0.0.0+git.20190126: + * proper initialization to work with short packets + libusbauth-configparser +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libdev) instead of libudev-devel: allow + OBS to shortcut thhrough the -mini flavors. + libusbmuxd +- Update baselibs.conf + +- Update to 2.0.2: + - Handle USB and network devices with new options in tools + - Make connecting sockets non-blocking + - Rename library and all related files by adding an API version resulting in libusbmuxd-2.0 + - Allow to specify source address for listening socket in iproxy + - Allow to map multiple ports in iproxy + - Lots of bug fixes and other improvements + +- Update to 2.1.0: + - Add proper support for USB and network (WiFi sync) devices reported by usbmuxd + - Add new usbmuxd_events_subscribe/unsubscribe functions with a context so it can be used in different threads + - Add new tool 'icat' + - Lots of bug fixes and other improvements + - Rename 'icat' tool to 'inetcat' due to name conflict with sleuthkit's icat +- Remove merged patch libusbmuxd-CVE-2016-5104.patch + +- Software using pthread_cleanup_* routines must be built with + with -fexceptions so a safer and cleaner implementation is + used. + -- initial version 1.0.9 - libusrp +- Update to version 3.4.6: + + use python3 for build + libva-utils +- update to 2.13.0: + * code style:unify the code styles using the style_unify script + * fix: h264encode, hevcencode: fix integer overflow for high definition + +- update to 2.11.1: + * vainfo: add VA_RC_TCBRC to reported caps list + * jpegenc: Allow encoding a 4K frame + * h264encode: Added low_power command line option + * test_va_api: Enable new caps for VAConfigAttribEncryption + * ci: upgrade FreeBSD to 12.2 + * ci: enable github actions + +- update to 2.10.0: + * add Mediacopy Sample code + * Enable new caps for rate control TCBRC + * Add support for a --repeat command line option to vp8enc. + * fix one null pointer dereference risk + +- update to 2.9.1: + * Fix one KW issue + * Fix null pointer dereference + +- udpate to 2.9.0: + * Fix KW issues + * Add support for csc with RGBP + +- version 2.8.0 needed for jira#SLE/SLE-12712 + +- update to 2.8.0: + * test: cast VA_STATUS_ERROR_UNKNOWN to VAStatus type + * test/fixture: fix GCC 10.0.1 error with drmDevicePaths + +- Update to version 2.7.1: + * meson: add missing samples. + * sfcsample: drop unused Linux-only header. + * autotools: drop libdrm dependency (only libva-drm is used). + * autotools: drop unused X11 dependencies. + * Add 10/12bit RT format check. + * test/createsurfaces: add some scoped traces. + * test/streamable: add VAConfigAttrib and VASurfaceAttrib. + * Modify output CS settings for Chroma siting on Linux. + * Align libva attribute check. + * Added displaying supported config attributes. + * add the VP samples README. + +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * Align libva attribute check. + * Added displaying supported config attributes. + * add the VP samples README. + * add VP sample for usrptr and 1:N output. + +- Update to version 2.5.0: + * meson: rename the h264enc binary to be in line with the + autotools build. + * Unify NEWS format. + * sfcsample: don't include X11 headers. + * test: update vaInitialize_vaTerminate_Bad_vaSetDriverName. + * Check for -fstack-protector. + * vavpp: csc with AYUV format. + * vavpp: requires BGRA frame when saving a BGRA file. + +- Update to version 2.4.1: + * No changes, sync with libva version only. +- Changes from version 2.4.0: + * Fix make dist issue caused by decode streamout sample. + * Add VP sample for Blending. + * Add VP seperate sample for scaling, csc, sharpness, denoise, + chromasitting. + +- Update to version 2.3.0: + * Add HEVC encode sample code + * Add sample code for avc decode streamout + * Add VP8 sample encoder application (SVCT supported) +- Changes from version 2.2.0: + * Add meson build + * Remove driver specific test cases. +- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and macros. +- Drop conditionals for obsolete versions of openSUSE. +- Disable sha1sum as source, currently not provided by upstream. + +- Update to version 2.1.0: + * Refine gtest conformance cases. + * vp9enc: add support low power mode. + * vavpp: add support for RGBA/RGBX surface. + * vainfo: add support new profile/entrypoint pairs. + +- disabled wayland build on Leap 42.3 + libva-vdpau-driver +- moved profiles for setting env variables LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME and + VDPAU_DRIVER to /usr/etc/profiles.d on TW (boo#1173036) + +- in addition to setting LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME to 'vdpau' also set + VDPAU_DRIVER to 'nvidia' if NVIDIA's proprietary drivers are + in use, so instead of (non-existing) + (notice the empty string after _) is being used + (boo#1171923) + libvdpau-va-gl +- moved profiles for setting env variable VDPAU_DRIVER to + /usr/etc/profiles.d on TW (boo#1173040) + -- Does not Provides/Obsoletes libvdpau-va-gl as the package never - exist. -- Remove useless %files section. -- The profile script do not need to get executable bits. - libvirt +- Don't spawn pkttyagent when stdin is not a tty + 0001-util-Don-t-spawn-pkttyagent-when-stdin-is-not-a-tty.patch + bsc#1193574 + +- libxl: Fix libvirtd deadlocks and segfaults + 23b51d7b-libxl-disable-death-event.patch, + a4e6fba0-libxl-rename-threadinfo-struct.patch, + e4f7589a-libxl-shutdown-thread-name.patch, + b9a5faea-libxl-handle-death-thread.patch, + 5c5df531-libxl-search-domid-in-thread.patch, + a7a03324-libxl-protect-logger-access.patch + bsc#1191668, bsc#1192017 + +- Update to libvirt 7.10.0 + - jsc#SLE-18260, jsc#SLE-19264 + - Many incremental improvements and bug fixes, see + + +- virt-create-rootfs: Fix repository URLs + Updated virt-create-rootfs.patch + boo#1192318 + +- spec: Weaken apparmor-abstractions dependency to Recommends + bsc#1192119 + libvmdk +- Update to release 20210807 + * Python binding updates + -- remove reference to GFDL-1.1+. Supplemental docs were GFDL-1.3+ only. - libvmime -- Update to Kopano branch of vmime, 0.9.2k2 +- Wrap a number of build dependencies into %{?with_pdf} + +- Update to snapshot (edcb4b4b1f1f) + * imap: Added support for pipelined and out-of-order replies. + * smtp: Add basic support for delivery status notifications (DSN) + * mime: Reply-To is now an addressList in accordance with the RFC + (API change) +- Add libvmime-soname.diff + +- Update to 0.9.2k4 ( + * Skip delimiter lines that are not exactly equal to the boundary + +- Update to Kopano branch of vmime, 0.9.2k2 ( libvorbis -- Replace vorbis-CVE-2017-14160.patch with the upstream fix - (commit 018ca26dece6), refresh vorbis-CVE-2018-10393.patch -- Fix the validation of channels in mapping0_forward() - (CVE-2018-10392, bsc#1091070): - vorbis-CVE-2018-10392.patch - -- Fix out-of-bounds access inside bark_noise_hybridmp function - (CVE-2017-14160, bsc#1059812): - downstream fix: vorbis-CVE-2017-14160.patch -- Fix stack-basedbuffer over-read in bark_noise_hybridm - (CVE-2018-10393, bsc#1091072): - downstream fix: vorbis-CVE-2018-10393.patch - -- Split libvorbis-doc subpackage to a separate spec file for - reducing the dependencies - -- Update to version 1.3.6: - * Fix CVE-2018-5146 - out-of-bounds write on codebook decoding. - * Fix CVE-2017-14632 - free() on unitialized data - * Fix CVE-2017-14633 - out-of-bounds read - * Fix bitrate metadata parsing. - * Fix out-of-bounds read in codebook parsing. - * Fix residue vector size in Vorbis I spec. - * Appveyor support - * Travis CI support - * Add secondary CMake build system. - * Build system fixes -- Build documents with doxygen, and many tex stuff; - this requires to disable parallel builds partially -- Move COPYING to license directory -- Drop obsoleted patches: - vorbis-fix-linking.patch - 0001-CVE-2017-14633-Don-t-allow-for-more-than-256-channel.patch - 0002-CVE-2017-14632-vorbis_analysis_header_out-Don-t-clea.patch - libvorbis-CVE-2018-5146.patch - -- Fix VUL-0: libvorbis: Out of bounds memory write while processing - Vorbis audio data (CVE-2018-5146, bsc#1085687): - libvorbis-CVE-2018-5146.patch - -- Fix VUL-0: out-of-bounds array read vulnerability exists in - function mapping0_forward() (CVE-2017-14633, bsc#1059811): - 0001-CVE-2017-14633-Don-t-allow-for-more-than-256-channel.patch -- Fix VUL-0: Remote Code Execution upon freeing uninitialized - memory in function vorbis_analysis_headerout(CVE-2017-14632, - bsc#1059809): - 0002-CVE-2017-14632-vorbis_analysis_header_out-Don-t-clea.patch - -- Added 32bit libvorbis-devel in baselibs.conf - -- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner -- Update to 1.3.5 - * Tolerate single-entry codebooks. - * Fix decoder crash with invalid input. - * Fix encoder crash with non-positive sample rates. - * Fix issues in vorbisfile's seek bisection code. - * Spec errata. - * Reject multiple headers of the same type. - * Various build fixes and code cleanup. - -- Fix obsoletes and provides in baselibs.conf. - -- Xiph libvorbis 1.3.4 - * reduced static data size in libvorbisenc - * associated minor changes required to libvorbis and libvorbisfile - * minor build fixes and build system updates - * no functional changes over the previous 1.3.3 release -- removed libvorbis-pkgconfig.patch, in upstream -- updated vorbis-fix-linking.patch for context changes - -- Added url as source. - Please see - -- fix build with automake-1.13.1 - -- updated to 1.3.3 - * vorbis: additional proofing against invalid/malicious - streams in decode (see SVN for details). - * vorbis: fix a memory leak in vorbis_commentheader_out(). - * updates, corrections and clarifications in the Vorbis I - specification document - * build warning fixes - -- VUL-0: CVE-2012-0444: libvorbis: heap-based buffer overflow - (bnc#747912) - -- -O20 optimization level doesn't exist, use -O3 - -- open files with O_CLOEXEC, in order to avoid fd leaks - when calling applications fork() ..execve()... - This patch does not cover the executable tools since - it is not critical for them. - -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- Fix build with no-add-needed - -- fix provides/obsoletes in baselibs - -- Split libvorbisenc2 and libvorbisfile3 from libvorbis0 -- Removed services. - -- fix the package split - -- updated to version 1.3.2 - * vorbis: additional proofing against invalid/malicious - streams in floor, residue, and bos/eos packet trimming - code (see SVN for details). - * vorbis: Added programming documentation tree for the - low-level calls - * vorbisfile: Correct handling of serial numbers array - element [0] on non-seekable streams - * vorbisenc: Back out an [old] AoTuV HF weighting that was - first enabled in 1.3.0; there are a few samples where I - really don't like the effect it causes. - * vorbis: return correct timestamp for granule positions - with high bit set. - * vorbisfile: the [undocumented] half-rate decode api made no - attempt to keep the pcm offset tracking consistent in seeks. - Fix and add a testing mode to seeking_example.c to torture - test seeking in halfrate mode. Also remove requirement that - halfrate mode only work with seekable files. - * vorbisfile: Fix a chaining bug in raw_seeks where seeking - out of the current link would fail due to not - reinitializing the decode machinery. - * vorbisfile: improve seeking strategy. Reduces the - necessary number of seek callbacks in an open or seek - operation by well over 2/3. -- updated to version 1.3.1 - * tweak + minor arithmetic fix in floor1 fit - * revert noise norm to conservative 1.2.3 behavior pending - more listening testing -- updated to versio 1.3.0 - * Optimized surround support for 5.1 encoding at 44.1/48kHz - * Added encoder control call to disable channel coupling - * Correct an overflow bug in very low-bitrate encoding on 32 bit - machines that caused inflated bitrates - * Numerous API hardening, leak and build fixes - * Correct bug in 22kHz compand setup that could cause a crash - * Correct bug in 16kHz codebooks that could cause unstable pure - tones at high bitrates -- run spec-cleaner -- removed libvorbis-automake-fix.diff, libvorbis-doc-fixes.diff, - libvorbis-r16326-CVE-2009-3379.diff and - libvorbis-r16597-CVE-2009-3379.diff (upstream fixed) -- follow library packaging policy -- run make check - -- VUL-0: libvorbis: memory corruption while parsing ogg files - (bnc#608192, CVE-2009-3379) - -- add baselibs.conf as a source -- enable parallel building -- package documentation as noarch - -- updated to version 1.2.3: - * correct a vorbisfile bug that prevented proper playback of - Vorbis files where all audio in a logical stream is in a - single page - * Additional decode setup hardening against malicious streams - * Add 'OV_EXCLUDE_STATIC_CALLBACKS' define for developers who - wish to avoid avoid unused symbol warnings from the static - callbacks defined in vorbisfile.h -- updated to version 1.2.2: - * define VENDOR and ENCODER strings - * seek correctly in files bigger than 2 GB (Windows) - * fix regression from CVE-2008-1420; 1.0b1 files work again - * mark all tables as constant to reduce memory occupation - * additional decoder hardening against malicious streams - * substantially reduce amount of seeking performed by Vorbisfile - * Multichannel decode bugfix - * build system updates - * minor specification clarifications/fixes -- dropped aotuv patch temporarily - -- updated to aoTuV patch version beta5.7: - * including security fixes - * improved encoding speed of low bitrate mode - * reduced distrotion by clipping at low sampling frequency - * fixed noise control part of impulse block - * tuning of each part was redone - * expanded noise control of the impulse block - * fixed pre-echo reduction code - * noise normalization reviewed - * detailed tuning done again - -- fix build with automake 1.11 - libvshadow +- Update to release 20211114 + * Recognize up to python3.11 during build + +- Update to release 20211113 + * No changelog was provided + libvslvm +- Update to release 20210807 + * Python binding updates + +- Update to release 20210524 + * No changelog was provided + libwacom +- Add python requires to tools subpackage (bsc#1192852) + +- update to 1.12: + - New devices: + - ELAN 2513 + - HP Probook x360, 435 G7 + - Waltop Slim Tablet 12.1 + - XP-PEN Star 3 + - Lenovo ThinkPad L390 Yoga, Yoga C940, Yoga 460, Yoga 720 + - ThinkVision M14t, IdeaPad Flex5 + - HP EliteBook x360 1030 G3 + - Dell XPS 13 9310 2-in-1 + - HUION Kamvas Pro 13 + - ELAN 2514 variant 2718 + - libwacom's hwdb no longer tags devices with "Keyboard" in + their name as ID_INPUT_TABLET + +- update to 1.10: + - Duplicate matches in /etc no longer cause conflicts with the + system-provided .tablet files + - libwacom-list-local-devices now prints YAML by default + - New tools: + - libwacom-list-devices lists all supported devices + - libwacom-update-db to update the db after adding tablet files + - New devices: + - Elan 2514 variant 25BF + - Huion H640P + - Lenovo X1 Yoga Gen 6 + - Samsung CHromebook Pro + - libwacom can now read tablet and stylus files from /etc/libwacom + - New tool: libwacom-show-stylus to interactively show stylus IDs and serial + numbers + - New devices: + - HP Envy x360, Pro Tablet 508 + - Lenovo X1 Yoga Gen5, Yoga6, Ideapad Flex 5, Yoga 7, Yoga C650, L13 Yoga + - Microsoft Surface Go + - New devices: + - Dell XPS 15 7590 + - HP EliteBook x360 (830 and 1030), Spectre x360 + - Lenovo Thinkpad P15 Gen1, Yoga, Yoga 3, Yoga 11e, X13 Yoga + - New devices: + - Dell XPS 13 2-in-1 9310 + - Lenovo IdeaPad Flex 14API, Flex 5 + - HP Envy x360, EliteBook x360 + - Huawei MateBook HZ-W19 + - XP Pen Star G640 + +- update to 1.6: + * add XP Pen G640 + * add XP Pen G430 + * build fixes + +- Use official %%meson_test macro for the %check section. +- Do not crrate empty %check section when not using meson. + +- Fix Leap build. + +- update to 1.5: + - New devices: + - Acer Spin 5 / Acer Spin SP513-54N + - Dell Latitude 7410, + - GAOMON S620 + - HP Pavilion x360 Convertible 14-dh0xxx + - Huawei MateBook HZ-W19 + - Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Yoga 3rd + - Wacom Cintiq 16, DTK-1660E + +- update to 1.4.1: +- New devices: + - HP ZBook Studio x360 G5 + - Dell Latitude 7285 + - Dell Latitude 7200 2-in-1, Dell Latitude 7400 2-in-1 + - Elan 2415 + - HP ENVY x360 Convertible 13, + - Huion 420, 1060 Plus, + - GAOMON S56K + - Wacom FT-0405 + - Many AES stylus definitions added + - New API: libwacom_stylus_get_eraser_type() + - udev rules are now using hwdb entries + +- use %{_udevrulesdir}, %{_libexecdir} now expands to /usr/libexec + +- Update to 1.3 +- Add a dependency on doxygen +- Remove 174.patch + + The changes were merged upstream + +- Pass b_lto option to meson, otherwise the previous patch has no + effect (meson does not derive the b_lto value from the FLAGS). + libwapcaplet +- Define conditionally make_build to fix build on systems that do + not have that macro + +- Update to 0.4.3: + * Fixes build with new netsurf-buildsystem + libwebcam +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + libwnck2 +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Rename package to libwnck2 and adapt specfile accordingly. - -- licenses package is about to die - libx86 +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. + -- Split up devel library. - libxcb +- u_don-t-flag-extra-reply-in-xcb_take_socket.patch + * Fix IO errors with KWin in combination with NVIDIA driver. + (bnc#1101560) + +- Update to version 1.13 + * As with xcb-proto, this release mainly enables multi-planar buffers in + DRI3 v1.2 via support for variable-sized lists of FDs, and enables + sending GenericEvents to other clients. Present v1.2 and RandR v1.6 + did not require any specific library changes. +- supersedes U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch, + u_build_python3.patch + +- Really conditionalize the python3 option to allow us building + without any python2 present + * u_build_python3.patch +- Convert to pkgconfig style deps +- Format bit with spec-cleaner + +- Enable xinput extension. (bnc#1074249) +- U_add-support-for-eventstruct.patch + * Update xinput to the state when it was enabled by default + upstream. + +- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch + * Prevent infinite loop also in case DISPLAY is non-local. + +- Use spaces instead of tabs in the patches (as does the original + source code) to avoid confusion. +- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch + * If authentication (with *stage == 0) failed and the variable + XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME wasn't set, we were never getting to stage 2 + in the original patch, causing calls to xcb_connect_to_display + to be stuck in an infinite loop. + Now we also go to stage 2 if the variable isn't set. + +- fixes build against python3 (package rename of + python-xcb-proto-devel to python3-xcb-proto-devel) + +- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch + * Modify this patch to do what it say - retry not only if the current hostname is + not found in the xauthority file, but also when it is rejected by X server. + (bnc#1043221) + +- Update to version 1.12 + * here is a new version of libxcb for you to enjoy. The + highlights are the same as for the new xcb-proto release: + xinput support, RandR 1.5 and an automatic alignment checker. +- removed libxcb-xevie0/libxcb-xprint0 subpackages + +- n_If-auth-with-credentials-for-hostname-fails-retry-with-XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME.patch: + If auth with credentials for hostname fails retry with XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME + (boo#906622). + +- Update to version 1.11.1: + This fixes some threading-related bugs with + xcb_wait_for_special_event() and adds 64-bit versions of + functions that work with sequence numbers. + libxdg-basedir +- update to 1.2.2: + * Minor documentation fixes. + * Fix xdgZeroMemory fallback (when memset/bzero aren't available). + * Update version number and maintainer. + * Use strdup rather than malloc+strcpy. + * Fix out-of-date comment. + * Fix extraneous semicolons and formatting. + * Free runtimeDirectory memory too + * Remove trailing whitespace in libxdg-basedir.pc +- drop 0001-Overflow-bug.diff (upstream) + +- Don't use the lto flags for building static libs. +- Run spec-cleaner +- Update the URL. The previous domain is down. +- Redownload the tarball. the CRC changed. + libxml2 -- Update to version 2.9.12 in SLE-15-SP4 [jsc#SLE-21255] - * Drop patches fixed upstream: - - libxml2-CVE-2018-14404.patch - - libxml2-CVE-2018-14567.patch +- Limit BuildRequires of python-rpm-macros to 20211022 (to have working + multi-version macros). + +- Rewrite package to the single-spec %python_subpackage_only style and + eliminate unnecessary multibuild. -- Remove libxml2-CVE-2019-19956.patch - -- Fix invalid xmlns references since the fix for CVE-2019-19956 [bsc#1172021] -- Security fix: [bsc#1161521, CVE-2019-20388] - * Memory leak in xmlSchemaPreRun in xmlschemas.c -- Add libxml2-CVE-2019-20388.patch - -- Security fix: [bsc#1161517, CVE-2020-7595] - * xmlStringLenDecodeEntities in parser.c has an infinite loop in - a certain end-of-file situation -- Add libxml2-CVE-2020-7595.patch - -- Security fix: [bsc#1159928, CVE-2019-19956] - * Memory leak related to newDoc->oldNs in xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover:parser.c -- Add libxml2-CVE-2019-19956.patch - +- Security fix: [bsc#1159928, CVE-2019-19956] + * Memory leak related to newDoc->oldNs in + xmlParseBalancedChunkMemoryRecover:parser.c + Fix byl later reverted, so it is not present in the upstream + tree anymore. + + Memory leak in xmlFreeID (xmlreader.c) -- Synchronize changelog files for libxml2 and python-libxml2-python [bsc#1123919] - - decompression (boo#1088279 boo#1105166). + decompression (boo#1088279 boo#1105166, bsc#1088279 bsc#1105166). - (boo#1102046). + (boo#1102046, bsc#1102046). -- Security fix: - [bsc#1088279, CVE-2018-9251][bsc#1105166, CVE-2018-14567] - * Infinite loop in LZMA decompression - * Fixes CVE-2018-9251 introduced by CVE-2017-18258 - * Added libxml2-CVE-2018-14567.patch - -- Security fix [bsc#1102046, CVE-2018-14404] - * NULL pointer dereference in xpath.c:xmlXPathCompOpEval() can - allow attackers to cause a denial of service - * Added libxml2-CVE-2018-14404.patch - libxmp +- Update to release 4.5.0 + * Fix incorrect handling of GDM speed effect + * Implement GDM surround effect + * Add support for DSMI 0.8 and 0.9 AMF modules + * Fix IT bug where Cxx on same row as SBx would not be ignored + * Fix IT bug where Qxy would ignore the volume parameter + * IT: T00 now repeats previous slide + +- Disable LTO, as it leads to a build error + "<artificial>:(.text.startup+0xb0): undefined reference to `xmp_set_player'" +- Modernize specfile. + libxtrx +- Builds with SoapySDR 0.8 +- Patch 0001-Fix-test_xtrx_soapy-build-issue.patch removed (not + needed for build now) + +- Update to version 0.0.0+git.20201202: + * xtrx_open_string: properly terminate 4096-byte paramstrings + * soapy: Fix RX stream activation by avoiding unintended + runtime error. + * Fix test_xtrx_soapy build issue + * soapy: Fix the timestamp calculation of the first sample in + the burst + * soapy: Implement support of special mode for simultaneous Rx + and Tx streams activation + * soapy: add the option for setting antenna in auto mode using + the function setAntenna() + * soapy: set antenna in auto mode during setup stream procedure + * soapy: Explain an internal variable purpose. + * Fix typos in the log output. + * add RCVEX_REPORT_GTIME to report global time on recv() + * Set reference clock at all levels when needed. + * Set _actual_masterclock in the SoapySDR module. + * Remove xtrx_fe_lms7.c - we no longer support libLMS7002M. + * Add API flags to work with time sync without seconds recovery + * Fix compilation due to xtrx_api.h not being found + * octoCAL: add ability to switch A/B channels in GUI + * add new octo version + * fix GPIO xonfiguration + * xtrx_fe_octorx0.c: don't use absolute include paths for + external libraries + * build and install example + * fix include for proper build + * add octoRFX6 support + * fix uninitialized variables +- Drop not longer needed patch + * libxtrx-fix-include.patch +- Rebase and rename patch + * libxtrx-fix-xtrx_fft.patch -> 0001-Fix-CMake-FindQCustomPlot.patch +- Add patch: + * 0001-Fix-test_xtrx_soapy-build-issue.patch + libxtrxdsp +- Update to version 0.0.0+git.20190830: + * Add FFT accelleration functions + * CMakelists: use -dump-machine to detect the target architecture + * Fix for GCC-4.8 +- Drop patch: + * 0001-Make-xtrxdsp-compile-with-older-gcc-versions.patch + libxtrxll +- Update to version 0.0.0+git.20201202: + * test_xtrxll: Only set TCXO DAC value when it's changed in the + GPSDO algo. + * Document XTRXLL_ONEPPS_CAPTURED sensor enum value. + * Fix log output laguage. + * test_xtrxll: Debug output and usage text improvements. + * test_xtrxll: Cleanup the GPSDO test code. + * test_xtrxll: Correctly handle coefficients history in GPSDO code. + * test_xtrxll: Support -h command line argument + * general fixes for rev5 + * add extrenal SPI interface over FPC GPIO + * add ability to work with any packet size using short packets + libzbc +- Update to release 5.12.0 + * No changes; maintainers are still experimenting with libtool + options. + +- Update to release 5.11.1 + * New versioning scheme and SONAME + +- Update to release 5.11 + * Increase of the default command timeout from 20s to 30s to be + in-line with the kernel default settings. Similarly to the + kernel, the timeout for device write cache flush commands is + also double the default value (60s). + * Improved handling of timeout errors. These errors are now + notified using the ETIMEDOUT error code instead of the generic + EIO. + * SCSI backend driver fixes and improvements: optimized SAT + correctness detection for ZAC devices and faster device + capacity detection. + * Block backend driver improvements: retreive the maximum + number of open zones from the device sysfs attributes if the + kernel exposes it. + * Improvement of the zbc_report_zones() function that avoids + multiple buffer allocation/free operations for large reports. + +- Update to release 5.10 + * Fix the block backend driver to always issue a reset zone ioctl + * Fix the fake backend driver zbc_fake_set_write_pointer() function + * Fix the tools command line parsing and error messages + +- Update to release 5.9.0 + * Compilation warning fixes +- Drop 0001-build-avoid-double-definition-of-zbc_log_drv-etc.patch + (merged) + +- Add 0001-build-avoid-double-definition-of-zbc_log_drv-etc.patch + [boo#1166503] + +- Update to release 5.8.5 + * Fix potential IO error for large IO requests with a buffer + not page aligned. + * Modifications to the block backens driver to support the new + ioctl() commands introduced in kernel 5.5 (zone open, close + and finish ioctls). + +- Update to release 5.8.4 + * zbc_device_is_zoned() does not use a device real path as + given by zbc_realpath(), causing problems with symbolic + links. + * Better handling of sense data reporting feature on ATA + drives: some drives do not accept setting this feature + causing zbc_open(). to fail. Fix this by testing first if the + feature is already enabled instead of blindly setting it. + * Fix zbc_write_zone tool not writing any data to a zone due to + a loop control error. + +- Update to release 5.8.3 + * This release fixes a bug in gzviewer and compilation + warnings. It also adds the --disable-gui configuration option + to allow manually disabling the compilation of GUI tools + (gzbc and gzviewer). + +- Update to new release 5.8.2 + * Fix SG IO header dxfer_len field to avoid failures of + vectored IOs with more than a single vector. + * Change error code returned by zbc_preadv() and zbc_pwritev() + from -EINVAL to -EIO in the case of an an unaligned IO + request. This change matches the kernel returned error value. + * New gzviewer tool to graphically display a device zone state. + +- Update to new upstream release 5.8.0 + * This new release adds the new functions zbc_preadv() and + zbc_pwritev() to support vectored read and write. The + zbc_read_zone and zbc_write_zone tools are also updated to + allow using these new functions with the new -vio option. + Various bug fixes are also included. + +- Update to new upstream release 5.7.1 + * Improved handling of non-SCSI zoned block devices. + * Change the behavior of zbc_open() to return an error when + trying to open a regular block device that was not + initialized for the emulation mode using the zbc_set_zones. + light-locker +- Update to version 1.9.0: + * Add Meson build system. + * Fallback to XDG_SESSION_ID if sd_pid_get_session fails. + * Remove GTK 2 support. + * Remove ConsoleKit support. + * Update translations. + +- Update to version 1.8.0: + * Build against newer systemd. + * Add information for debugging. + * Proper exit codes for light-locker-command. + * Update translations. +- Remove light-locker-systemd-209.patch: fixed upstream. + lightly +- Update to version 0.4.1. + * Fixed plasmashell crashes + * Fixed non blurred tilebar when window is maximized + * Removed left gap in some tabs bars + * Shadows are no longer visible under translucent widgets, such + as tabs or buttons. + * Tweaked some animations speed + lightmediascanner +- Update to 0.5.2: + * Fix a regression in lms_db_cache_resize + * lighmediascanner_process: check the return of 'read()'. + * wave: move in file before going to the next field. + * Fix Coverity CID116112 - Untrusted pointer write + * Fix Coverity CID116116 - Untrusted value as argument + * Fix Coverity CID116111 - Untrusted value as argument + * Fix Coverity CID116109 - Missing break in switch + * Fix Coverity CID116106 - Logically dead code + * Fix Coverity CID116115 - Integer overflowed argument + * Fix Coverity CID116086 - Explicit null dereference. + * Fix Coverity Issues (CID116113, CID116114, CID116118, + CID116120) + * Fix Coverity CID116102 - Dereference after null check + * Fix Coverity CID116110 - Resource Leak + * Fix Coverity CID116117 - Resource Leak + * Fix Coverity CID116119 - Resource Leak + * Fix Coverity CID116121 - Resource Leak + * Merge pull request #18 from phako/master + lightsoff +- Update to version 40.0.1: + + Updated appdata with 40.0 stable info. +- Changes from version 40.0: + + Use unowned for GtkChild fields. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.rc: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.beta: + + Rework UI to work better on smaller screens. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.alpha: + + Code cleanup and modernization. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.90: + + Switch to GTK mode by default. + + Updated translations. + lilypond +- Exclude all 32 bit builds. + +- Update to 2.23.3 +- Update dependencies: + * Add texlive-bibtex-bin build requirement. + * Use sil-gentium-fonts instead of gentium. +- Remove deprecated scripts in spec file. +- Refreshed patches: + * reproducible.patch + * add_dircategories_to_documentation.patch + * use_cstring_and_ctype_includes.patch +- Update _constraints to let lilypond-doc build. + +- Fix factory build by requiring t1utils for the build. + +- Update to version 2.22.0 and remove incorporated patches: + 0101-read_relocation_dir-in-lilypond_datadir-too.patch and + 0001-scm-disable-embedded-ps-and-embedded-svg-in-dsafe-mo.patch +- Upstream changes: + * Displaying pitch improvements + * Rhythm improvements + * Expressive mark improvements + * Editorial annotation improvements + * Vocal music improvements + * Unfretted and fretted string instrument improvements + * Chord notation improvements + * Contemporary music improvements + * Input file improvements + * Output improvements + limesuite +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Update to version 20.10.0 + LimeSuite library changes: + * Fixed GFIR floating point comparison. + * Disabled caller-saves optimization for GCC versions 9.3 onwards + * Changed USB processing, FIFO and remote thread priorities. + * Fixed null pointer dereferences in StreamChannel write/read + functions. + * Added option to configure data link format from API. + * TDD mode registers are reset after initialization on + LimeSDR-Core boards. + * Changed default Common Control Signal value for most boards. + * Changed LMS_Init to tune SXR/SXT PLL's. + * Changed LMS_Init to calibrate Tx frontend IAMP gain. + * Updated SXR/SXT MCU tune algorithm to match host. + * Added optional gain behavior where TIA/IAMP gain elements are + removed from available gain range. + * Improved spurious USB transfer handling. + LimeSuiteGUI: + * Fixed an issue of file close not being called in FFTviewer. + * Fixed compilation for wxWidgets STL. + SoapyLMS: + * Updated linkFormat stream option so it changes link format + in LimeSuite library. + Other changes: + * Added LimeSuite library information to QuickTest. + * Added CMake option to enable optional gain behavior. +- Drop patch (included upstream): + * 0001-Allow-compilation-with-wxWidgets-STL-build.patch + +- Use wxGTK3 instead of wxWidgets (GTK2), allow building with + STL variant: + * 0001-Allow-compilation-with-wxWidgets-STL-build.patch +- Remove irrelevant dependencies: i2c-tools, sqlite3 + +- Update to version 20.07.2 + - Updated CMake to automatically include atomic library when + needed. + - Updated CMake to include required thread libraries on different + systems. + - Added missing changelog entries and version information + +- Update to version 20.07.1 + LimeSuite library changes: + * Changed LimeSDR-Mini SXR default values to match SXT + * Fix for lms chip id not changing when setting interface + frequency + * Improve SXT/SXR tune in MCU calibrations + * Set stream FIFO size to be at least 4 packets + * Increased availble COM port values for LimeRFE board + * Added unicode check when LimeRFE COM port is being opened + LimeSuiteGUI: + * Fixed display of CLKGEN values + * Changed numeric slider settings for better fit on some + distributions + * Changed power meter to always be visible in LimeRFE panel + * Changed LimeRFE panel's info to be read only + * Added clear button to LimeRFE info panel + * Fixed GUI freezing when opening LimeRFE board through SDR + connection with flipped cable + SoapyLMS: + * Return actual supported sample rates instead of returning + static limits + Octave: + * Fixed warnings when loading LimeSuite library + Other changes: + * Updated CMake so that LimeRFE module is optional + * Added HW, GW version and temperature information to QuickTest + output + * Fixed LimeUtil loading wrong device with optional arguments +- Remove patch (not longer needed): + * 0001-Remove-some-warnings-LimeRFE-related.patch + linbox +- Update to release 1.6.3 + * Major code refactorizations for: Solve Solution, Echelon Form + Code, prime generators, Smith Form via Valence, MPI + serialization and communicators. + * New hadamard bound solutions. + * Removal of the obsolete sage-interface. + * Updated and new polynomial matrix classes and API with Givaro. + * MPI-based Chinese Remaindering applied to Solve. +- Drop 0001-remove-unnecessary-double-template-fixing-gcc-8.1-co.patch + +- Add option to build without openblas + +- Add 0001-remove-unnecessary-double-template-fixing-gcc-8.1-co.patch + from upstream. + links +- update to 2.25: + * delete the expired Let's encrypt certificate from the builtin + certificate store + * Set the flag X509_V_FLAG_TRUSTED_FIRST, so that Let's encrypt + works with openssl-1.0.2 + +- update to 2.24: + * Fix a crash in the X driver if some window asks for clipboard + and is closed before Links responds to this request + * Updated the Turkish translation + * Support the "id" attribute on COLGROUP, COL, TR, THEAD, TBODY, + TFOOT tags + +- update to 2.23: + * Fix a bug that the user could set floating-point parameters to nan + via command-line argument or config file option + * Fix broken display if the user uses custom font and non-default + aspect ratio + * Fix a bug that the code incorrectly assumed that mktime returns UTC + * Add an option that enables cookie saving + +- update to 2.22: + * Save and restore the terminal using xterm escape codes + * Save and restore the console using "cons.saver" from + Midnight Commander + * Support UTF-8 frames + * Fixed a bug in displaying non-printable characters + +- links 2.21: + * Fix a bug that textarea was broken if it immediatelly followed + a list + * Fix a bug that an image would not be properly resized sometimes + * Delete the 4-pixel border in Xwindow + * Updated Turkish translation + +- links 2.20.2: + * If the user runs links on a framebuffer and switch to a + different framebuffer, links would incorrectly respond to mouse + clicks + linphone +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * Update log file only if enabled to avoid unwanted file creation + * Use belle_sdp_attribute_parse() so that headers are parsed with the correct type + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * Fix crash when configuring tones while core is not yet started + +- Update to 5.0.47: + * Fix broken reading of video capture device from config file + * Fix crash on PUBLISH when SIP-Etag is missing + * Correctly route sound to speaker after early media and when cancelling call + * Attempt to make local network permission detection more reliable + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * Use UTF8 instead of locale in chat message modifiers` + * Fix bad chat room when creating a call + * Crash on ec-calibration : Use tone sent callback only on MS_DTMF_GEN_EVENT + * Added missing conference APIs + * Play ring tone only if tone indications are enabled + * Fix tonemanager on infinite rings and wrong ring type + * fix crash of kickOffConnectivity + * Add option to deactivate potentially weak digest authentication schemes + * Fix issue when receiving an INVITE with ICE and rtcp-mux + * Fix call repair in case of multi account + * Fix regression with ICE not setting candidates correctly for completed check-lists + * Improve reliability of account creation by increasing account creation timeout to 30s + * Change contact address if call in IncomingReceived state is added to conference + * fix crash when session refresh after BYE received + * Repair streaming from file feature of AudioStream/VideoStream + * Fixed error logs showing CoreManager's core being const + * Logging facility optimization + * Fix bug with ChatRoomParams::isGroup() erroneously returning true for some basic chatrooms + * Count unread chat messages in all Chat Rooms with a weak address testing + * avoid to downgrade chat message participant state and add unitest + * Stop audio stream when setting new device + This fix allow changing device on Desktop while ringback + * Audio : Allow setting NULL device (case of no cards available) + * Fixed call to content.isFileEncrypted() on a FileTransferContent + * Fixed mic gain +- Update to 5.0.0: + * Support of Capability Negociation framework - RFC5939 + limited to media encryption choice (None, SRTP, DTLS-SRTP, ZRTP) + * New API to manage SIP accounts: LinphoneAccount and LinphoneAccountParams + replacing LinphoneProxyConfig which is now deprecated. + LinphoneProxyConfig remains fully usable for backward compatibility with previous version. + * New implementation of LinphoneAccountCreator relying on http REST API. + * Added LDAP contact provider API integrated with LinphoneMagicSearch + * Added asynchronous API to the LinphoneMagicSearch API (for contact searching). + * Fixed erroneous ICE ufrag and passwd parameters sent in reINVITE while ICE + was refused previously. + * Fixed swift and C# wrappers corner-case usage issues. +- Build and use Belledonne's version of libldap +- delete build-liblinphone4-with-mediastreamer5.patch +- add linphone-build-jsoncpp.patch +- add BuildRequires: jsoncpp-devel + +- removed unnecessary baselibs.conf + +- Update to 4.5.25: + * Fix an issue with ICE ufrag and passwd sent erroneously during reINVITE + * Fixed crash in message tests suite + * Prevent crash when receiving non-ephemeral message with linphone cpim namespace + * Fixed mic gain +- add build-liblinphone4-with-mediastreamer5.patch + +- fix several RPMLINT warning +- Update to 4.5.21: + * Improved metered active network while in background check, + update network reachability when background/foreground + state changes + * Fix setting output audio device that was based on ringer device + on specific call state + * Handle situation where a participant with an invalid address is + added to a chat room + * Fix conference server memory leak +- Update to 4.5.15: + * Don't play the local ringtone when callkit is used + * fix memory leak + * Fix : on incoming call, do not start the ring tone if the + call's state has been modified by listeners +- Update to 4.5.10: + * Fix Callkit audio bug producing only with some old ios devices + * Stop file player to play a file when stopping tone is requested +- Update to 4.5.7: + * Fix bug causing undesired transition from Paused to + StreamsRunning state in case of incoming UPDATE request + * Proper CoreManager destruction + * Abort push notification init on Android if gcm_defaultSenderId + resource isn't found + * Fix lime enabled device receiving an INVITE without SDP crash + * Improved how we detect if firebase is available or not + * Fixed ringing during early media for Android if native ringing + enabled + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * CoreService class for Android can make the device vibrate while + incoming call is ringing. + * Audio conference API improved: distribution of participant list + over RFC4575 SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY. + * enterForeground() and enterBackground() automatically called + (iOS and Android). + * auto acquire and release of audio focus for Android. + * Core.iterate() is being called automatically internally for + Android, it is no longer needed to create a timer in the + application to call it. + * New audio routes API to choose which device use to capture & + play audio (Android & iOS). The application can manage + * audio route changes (bluetooth, speaker, earpiece) throug + liblinphone's API. + * Added API to play user's ringtone instead of default ringtone + for Android. + * Added callback to notify a message is about to be sent. + * iOS: added linphone_core_configure_audio_session() to be called + when used with Callkit + * client-based video conference in active speaker switching mode + (beta feature). + * Warning: some function parameters have been renamed for + consistency, which modified the Swift API (where parameter + names are part of the ABI). As a result, adjustements in + applications are expected when migrating a swift app based on + liblinphone from 4.4 to 4.5. + * Improved Android network manager. + * To make it consistent with other liblinphone's object, + linphone_core_create_subscribe(), + linphone_core_create_subscribe2(), + linphone_core_create_publish() now give ownership of the + returned LinphoneEvent, which means that it is no longer need + to call linphone_event_ref() after calling these functions. As + a consequence, an application not using linphone_event_ref() + should now use linphone_event_unref() when the LinphoneEvent is + no longer used, otherwise it will create a memory leak. + * Real time text related function + linphone_chat_message_get_char() now will always return the + new line character, which wasn't the case before if the + get_char() was done after the composing callback was triggered + for this character. + * linphone_core_interpret_url() will unescape characters first if + possible if only a username is given as input parameter. + * linphone_chat_message_cancel_file_transfer() no longer deletes + the file for outgoing messages. + * magic search result created from filter now applies the + international prefix of the default proxy config if possible. + * To improve performance file transfer progress callback will be + at most notified 100 times. + * Deprecate linphone_core_audio_route_changed() that was + introduced in 4.4, to fix audio issues + * when switching audio to some low sample rate Bluetooth devices + It is now handled internally. + * Internal refactoring of management of locally played tones, in + order to fix race conditions. + * Magic search bar not looking in all friends lists. + * Error IMDN in LIME chat rooms not properly sent. + * Chat message lost during attachment auto download if Core + stopped during the process. + * Windows tests. + * Name of MediaCodec encoder and decoder filters in H264Helper + Java class. + * Both FileContent and FileTransferContent being present in + linphone_chat_message_get_contents() list until upload is + finished. +- Move grammar to liblinphone-data + * boo#1181746 + +- Force linking to libsoci_sqlite3 + * boo#1140595 (comment 15) + * linphone-link-soci-sqlite3.patch + +- Update to version 4.4.0: + * See + +- Update to version 4.3.1: + * No changelog available. +- Update the licence: it is now GPLv3+. +- Rebase linphone-build-readline.patch, + linphone-fix-pkgconfig.patch. +- Drop linphone-fix-gtkui-build.patch. +- Remove outdated elements from the spec file. + +- Add reproducible.patch to sort file list to make build reproducible + (boo#1041090) + +- Change the build dependency from udev to libudev-devel. +- Change the RPM group to the more appropriate and precise + Productivity/Telephony/SIP/Clients. + linphoneqt +- Require liblinphone-data (bsc#1181746) + +- Update to version 4.3.2: + * ALSA volumes can be view/changed while being in call. + * Remove constraints on actions (call/chat) that were based on friends capabilities. + * Unblock secure group chat activation. + * Unselect current contact if history call view is displayed. + * Show chat actions in history view + +- Update to 4.3.1: + * A banner is shown when copying text. + * Options to enable standard and secure chats. + * Add tunnel support if build. + * Overhaul of color managment and use monochrome images. + * Change Contact Edit and SIP Addresses selections to start a standard chat or a secure one. + * Call history button in the timeline panel. + * Timeout of incoming call notification is now based on `inc_timeout` + * More actions in contact edit panel (call/video call). + * Allow to make a readonly variable in configuration (only for enabling chats yet). + +- Update to 4.3.0: + * Chat groups with administrator mode, participants management and devices display + * Secure chat rooms for 1-1 and group chat using LIME end-to-end encryption + * Ephemerals Chat rooms + * LDAP integration: settings allow remote LDAP servers to be configured + * Show subject in notifications for group chats + * Chat area is no more fixed but adapts to content + * Allow to hide or show the timeline panel + * Allow to hide or show empty chat rooms in settings + * Messages font can now be changed in settings + * Echo calibration in settings view + * Options to audio codec can be used and stored + * A silence file have been added : `silence.mkv` and can be used to switch off some musics + +- allow to build linphone-desktop-4.2.5 with liblinphone 5.0.x + +- add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5TextToSpeech) + +- add BuildRequires: Mesa-libGLESv2-devel +- add CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-fpermissive + +- fixed several RPMLINT warning + +- Added linphoneqt-0002-remove-bc_compute_full_version-usage.patch + * Patch from ArchLinux to fix build without .git or linphone SDK +- Update to 4.2.5: + * No changelog available. +- Update to 4.2.4: + * Play DTMF when receiving it and show the Dialpad on outgoing + call to allow sending DTMF + * Update settings view to not deactivate transport but allow not + binding port + * Show all call logs by clicking on previously bar + * Displaying names in UTF8 + * Keep unsend typed message in memory when changing of chat room + * Log files have Qt logs + * Add SOCI Sqlite3 library in Appimage + * Use the more generic linphone folder and not Linphone for + installation + * Simplify build process to use install keyword +- Update to 4.2.3: + * Add support to tel and callto protocols + * Allow Pulseaudio to switch devices automatically. For example, + it will mute all applications that have music when receive a + call from Linphone. + * Contact name can contain special characters + * Avoid to reduce window if it is currently maximized when + clicking on contacts + * Cleaner use of Windows registries +- Update to 4.2.2: + * Crash on Opus + +- CMake Release build type to remove QML debugging boo#1140595 + +- Update to version 4.2.1: + * See +- Update licence to GPLv3+. +- Rebase linphoneqt-fix-no-git.patch. +- Drop linphoneqt-fix-cmake-i18n.patch, + linphoneqt-fix-qt-5.11.patch, fix-qm-generation.patch, + linphoneqt-force-default-style.patch: fixed upstream. +- Drop linphoneqt-qt-5.9-fix-buttons.patch: no longer supported. + linssid +- Add linssid-qwt620.patch +- Spec cleanup + +- Avoid use of ®/â„¢ signs in specfiles as per guidelines. + +- Refreshed linssid-use-shared-qwt-qt5.patch to use pkgconfig + - linssid-use-shared-qwt-qt5.patch to use pkgconfig -- Avoid use of ®/â„¢ signs in specfiles as per guidelines. -- Spec cleanup + linssid-use-shared-qwt-qt5.patch -- Update to version 2.6: - + Fixes a possible bug in interface detection - + Static link to libboost-regex (openSUSE dropped in patch) - + Update vendor database -- Updates from version 2.5: - + Fixes an issue with how the zsh shell interprets command lines. - Huge thanks to Alex Stelmachonak. -- Updates from version 2.4: - + Same as 2.3 code but necessary to get a i386 build through - Canonical. Long story. -- Updates from version 2.3: - + Fixed issue with RTL8187SE card and driver not providing - frequency resulting in LinSSID crash. - + Renamed the column that displays WEP, WPA2, etc., to "Privacy". - + Added column for protocol {a,b,g,n}. (Note that many drivers do - not report protocol.). - + Modified data logging format to reflect as above. - + Added buttons for immediate clear or set of plotting of all - visible attach points. - + Improved response to Plot column check boxes. - + Cleaned up a few minor bugs. - + Updated vendor database. -- Updates from version 2.2: - + Fixes several small bugs. - + Adds a status display line to top panel. - + Now built with QT5 and Qwt 6.1. - + Updated wifi vendor database. -- Rebase linssid-fix-make-and-compile-errors.patch to clean up - build errors and desktop file. - -- Initial build. -- Add linssid-fix-make-and-compile-errors.patch: Clean up pro, - desktop files and fix compile errors. -- Add linssid_wrapper script to ensure the /usr/sbin path is set - and removed when finished. - linuxconsoletools +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) instead of udev: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: + Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- update to 1.6.1 + * inputattach supports the RainShadow HDMI CEC dongle (this requires + kernel 4.12 or later; thanks to Hans Verkuil). +- Port ffmvforce away from SDL 1.2, add + 0001-Port-ffmvforce-to-SDL2-some-bugfixes.patch + +- update to 1.6.0 + * inputattach supports the Pulse-Eight HDMI CEC dongle (this requires kernel 4.8 or later; thanks to Hans Verkuil <>). + * evdev-joystick can set the minimum and maximum axis values (thanks to Jon Sangster <>). + * The udev rules are installed without executable permissions. + * The evdev-joystick manpage is installed along with the other manpages. + -- new package (version 1.4.6) - lit +- Drop use of %ifpython3 macro, which no longer fires with multi-build + Python. + +- Use singlespec correctly +- Provide lit by python3 package + +- Use Python Singlespec to build also python2-lit package + +- Update to 0.6.0: + * No changelog upstream + litetran +- Run spec-cleaner +- Fix rpmlint: executable-docs, script-without-shebang + +- Ensure neutrality of description. + +- Update to version 1.3+git20161111. + * No changelog available. +- Add litetran-fix-qt-5.11.patch: Fix Qt 5.11+ compatibility. +- Change the RPM group to Productivity/Networking/Web/Frontends. + littlewizard +- added littlewizard-reproducible_build.patch from Reiner Herrmann +- added littlewizard.xpm for desktop file from Debian +- patch the existing desktop file: added littlewizard-desktop-file.patch + +- use X-KDE-Edu-Teaching as desktop category +- use SSL for Url + -- added littlewizard-1.2.0-fix-mime-type.patch - -- Update to the next major release 1.2.0 - + New control flow commands "else", "break", "continue", "step" - + Command "read" for user interactivity - + Command "concatenate" for concatenating the strings - + Command "length" for obtaining the length of the string or size of an array - + Command "rand" behaves like in Pascal, it now generates values between 0 <= x < v - + Boolean values (but dynamic "C" like casting still possible) - + Smart comparation of the values, numerical or lexigraphical depending on the content. - + Remarks - + Mostly rewritten parser and interpreter part - + Possibility to set initial position and direction of the wizard - + Moving tiles on world board using a "SHIFT" key - + Mime support (project files have own icon and can be loaded from the browser) - + Memory leaks fixes and various optimizations, etc -- Dropped gcc 4.3 patch - live-fat-stick +- The description is not supposed to be a manual: trim instructions. +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. +- Use noun phrase in summaries. + +- Update descriptions. + +- Add lsb-release requirement, fixes BSC #1093817 + live555 +- update to 2021.11.23: + * Updated the "RTSPServer::setTLSState()" function to take an optional + parameter "weServeSRTP". For now, the default value of this parameter is + False, but it will get changed to True later, when we implement server-side + SRTP. + * Updated the RTSP server implementation to (optionally) support connections via TLS. + * Updated the "TLSState" interface and implementation to (1) reduce the + amount of stuff that the compiler gets to see if you're compiling with + NO_OPENSSL defined, and (2) add a new subclass "ServerTLSState" that + will eventually be used to implement optional TLS connections to our RTSP server. + * Split the "TLSState" class into two classes: "TLSState" (an abstract base + class), and "ClientTLSState" (a subclass). This is in preparation for later defining + second subclass "ServerTLSState" that will eventually be used to implement TLS connections + in our RTSP server. + * Updated the implementation of AES encryption/decryption (used by our client SRTP + implementation) to use the new OpenSSL EVP interface. This makes it possible to + use hardware acceleration (e.g., AES-NI), when it is available. + * Updated the "RTSPClient"s implementation of receiving RTP/RTCP-over-TCP so + that it will also work over a RTSP-over-TLS (including RTSPS) connection. + * Fixed a bug in "MatroskaFileParser" that could cause delivery of data to a downstream object + that wasn't expecting it (potentially causing an invalid memory access). + * The final (I hope!) update to eliminate a "depends on uninitialised value" + report from 'valgrind'. + +- Update to 2021.08.23: + * Updated the "readSocket()" code in "GroupsockHelper.cpp" yet + again to try to eliminate another (alleged) "depends on + uninitialised value" report from 'valgrind'. + (If, after this, you still see this, then your implementation + of "recvfrom()" is broken.) +- Changes in 2021.08.19: + * Updated the "readSocket()" code in "GroupsockHelper.cpp" to + eliminate another possible "depends on uninitialised value" + report from 'valgrind'. +- Changes in 2021.08.18: + * Updated the "readSocket()" code in "GroupsockHelper.cpp" to + eliminate a "depends on uninitialised value" report from + 'valgrind'. +- Changes in 2021.08.17: + * Updated the 'groupsock' "setPortNum()" function to not rely + upon the "ss_family" family field, in case it's uninitialized. +- Changes in 2021.08.14: + * Fixed a minor bug in the previous release ("delete" should have + been "delete[]") +- Changes in 2021.08.13: + * Fixed a bug in "MPEG1or2Demux" that could cause a 'reading + twice at the same time" abort when streaming from a MPEG + Program Stream file. (boo#1189726, CVE-2021-39283) + * Fixed a potential memory leak in "AC3AudioStreamFramer". + (boo#1189725, CVE-2021-39282) + +- Update to 2021.08.09: + - Fixed a bug in the MPEG-1 or 2 file server demultiplexors that + could cause a RTSP server to crash if it received successive + RTSP "SETUP" commands for the same track. (Thanks to Ba + Jinsheng for reporting this.)(boo#1189352, CVE-2021-38381) +- Update to 2021.08.06: + - Fixed a bug in the Matroska and Ogg file server demultiplexors + that could cause a RTSP server to crash if it received + successive RTSP "SETUP" commands for the same track. (Thanks + to Ba Jinsheng for reporting this.)(boo#1189353, CVE-2021-38382) +- Update to 2021.08.04: + - In the "MP3FileSource" implementation, we no longer do a + recursive call to "doEventLoop()" when attempting to + synchronously read from a MP3 file. This avoids a possible + stack overflow in the RTSP server if multiple concurrent + requests are made. (Thanks to Ba Jinsheng for reporting this.) + The server still does some synchronous reads, when + initializing, and when parsing MP3 frame headers. This should + be fixed sometime in the future. (boo#1189351, CVE-2021-38380) +- Update to 2021.07.20: + - If a "RTSPClient" receives a response to a RTSP "PLAY" that + changes the 'scale()' or 'speed()' of the whole session, then + those parameters also need to be changed in each subsession (as + that inheritance doesn't happen automatically). (Thanks to a + developer in China for reporting this.) +- Update to 2021.07.10: + - Updated "H264or5VideoStreamFramer.cpp" once again to set the + default value of "DeltaTfiDivisor" to 2.0 for H.265, and 1.0 + for everything else. (This fixes the frame rate for another + stream supplied by Paul Westlund.) +- Update to 2021.06.29: + - In the proxy server implementation, if a client closes one + substream, but there are still other clients receiving other + substream(s), then we no send a single-track RTSP "PAUSE" + command downstream, because some back-end servers might handle + that by pausing all tracks of the stream. So now, in this + case, we don't send a RTSP "PAUSE" command at all. (Thanks to + Jose Maria Infanzon for noting this issue.) +- Update to 2021.06.25: + - Updated "H264or5VideoStreamFramer.cpp" to set the default value + of "DeltaTfiDivisor" to 1.0 (rather than 2.0), and to assume a + frame rate of 30 fps (rather than 25 fps) if there is no VPS or + SPS NAL unit that specifies a different frame rate. This seems + to work the best for most raw H.264 and H.265 video streams. + (Thanks to Paul Westlund for supplying an example file to + motivate this.) +- Change the so version of libliveMedia to 97 + llcbench +- Use openmpi-macros-devel to automatically pick the default OpenMPI version +- Use new setup_openmpi macro to pick the right mpicc + lldpd +- Update to versino 1.0.13 + * Add support for 2.5G, 5G, 25G and 50G based Ethernet. + * Fix LLDP packets encapsuled in VLAN 0 in some conditions. + * Fix heap overflow when reading SONMP. CVE-2021-43612. + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_lldpd.service.patch + +- Update to version 1.0.12: + Fix: + * Use a dedicated file lock to prevent concurrent changes from + lldpcli. + * Require/display powerpairs for Dot3 power even when device + type is PD. +- Fix URL + +- Update to version 1.0.11: + * Changes: + + Disable LLDP in firmware for Intel X7xx cards. + * Fix: + + Ensure Intel E8xx cards can transmit LLDP packets. + +- Update to version 1.0.10: + Fix: + * Fix chroot directory creation. + +- Update to version 1.0.9: + Fix: + * Do not use interface alias if we set it ourselves. + * More memory leak fixes on duplicate TLVs in LLDP, CDP and EDP + (related to CVE-2020-27827). + Changes: + * Display port status with "show interfaces". + * Do not display "age" and "via" when using "show interfaces". + +- Update to version 1.0.8: + Fix: + * Out-of-bound read access when parsing LLDP-MED civic address in + liblldpctl for malformed fields. + * Fix memory leak when receiving LLDPU with duplicate fields. + CVE-2020-27827. + Changes: + * Enable "router" capability bit when IPv6 routing is enabled. + +- Update to version 1.0.7: + Fix: + * Do not listen only to LLDP packets on Linux. When an interface + is enslaved to an Open vSwitch, incoming packets are missed. + +- Replace old specfile constructs. Do not suppress errors from + useradd. Require right subpackage from lldpd-devel. Trim + redundancies from descriptions. + +- Update to version 1.0.6: + Fix: + * Do not loose chassis local information when interface status + changes. + * Fix SNMP walk on lldpRemTable when missing remote system + name or description. + * Remove length limitation on system description and platform. + Changes: + * Deprecate use of lldpctl_watch_callback(). Use + lldpctl_watch_callback2() instead. + * Upgrade embedded libevent to 2.1.11-stable + * Add support of sending LLDP frames on a configured VLAN + llmnrd +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_llmnrd.service.patch + Modified: + * llmnrd.service + +- Update to version 0.7 + * set stdout to line buffering + * don't exit on SO_BINDTODEVICE failure + * create pid file when daemonizing, and remove it on exit + * add command line option to log to syslog instead of stdio + * only async signal safe functions may be called in signal handler + * exit gracefully on select() EINTR + log4cplus +- update to 2.0.6: + * Fixes to internal thread pool. + * Internal thread pool can now be disabled during compilation. Use + - -disable-thread-pool with Autotools based build or set + LOG4CPLUS_ENABLE_THREAD_POOL to OFF with CMake based build. + * Improved SONAME handling in CMake. + * Update Catch to 2.13.4 to fix compilation on MacOS X on AArch64. + +- update to 2.0.5: + * long list of improvements and bugfixes, see + + +- update to 1.2.1 (bsc#1085912): + * many improvements and bug fixes + * verify source signature + log4cpp +- Wrap description again. +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. + +- update to version 1.1.3 + * no upstream changelog +- drop fix_sle11_build.patch, no longer needed + -- fixed some more rpmlint badness - -- fixed duplicate files - log4cxx +- update to 0.11.0: + * maintenance release, see +- drop gcc6.patch, log4cxx-fix_duplicate_entries.patch: obsolete + logback +- Upgrade to version 1.2.8 (bsc#1193795) + * Changes of version 1.2.8 + + In response to LOGBACK-1591, all JNDI lookup code in logback + has been disabled until further notice. This impacts + ContextJNDISelector and <insertFromJNDI> element in + configuration files. + + Also in response to LOGBACK-1591, all database (JDBC) related + code in the project has been removed with no replacement. + + Note that the vulnerability mentioned in LOGBACK-1591 requires + write access to logback's configuration file as a + prerequisite. The log4Shell/CVE-2021-44228 and LOGBACK-1591 + are of different severity levels. A successful RCE requires + all of the following conditions to be met: + - write access to logback.xml + - use of versions < 1.2.8 + - reloading of poisoned configuration data, which implies + application restart or scan="true" set prior to attack + + As an additional extra precaution, in addition to upgrading to + logback version 1.2.8, the users are advised to set their + logback configuration files as read-only. + * Changes of version 1.2.7 + + Added hostnameVerification to property SSLSocketAppender. + This fixes LOGBACK-1574. + * Changes of version 1.2.6 + + To prevent XML eXternal Entity injection (XXE) attacks, Joran + no longer reads external entities passed in XML files. This + fixes LOGBACK-1465. + * Changes of version 1.2.5 + + Instead of an Appender, the LayoutWrappingEncoder now accepts + a variable of type ContextAware as a parent. This fixes + LOGBACK-1326. + * Changes of version 1.2.4 + + Added support for minimum length in %i filename pattern. This + fixes LOGBACK-1248. + + For size bound log file archiving, allow + TimeBasedArchiveRemove to remove files with indexes containing + upto 5 digits. This fixes LOGBACK-1175. + + Added %prefix composite converter which automatically prefixes + child converter output with the name of the converter. This + feature is quite handy in environments where log files need to + be parsed and monitored. +- Changed patch: + * logback-1.1.11-jetty.patch -> logback-1.2.8-jetty.patch + + Rediff to changed context + +- Do not force building with java < 9 +- Specify maven.compiler.release=8 to access the + java.util.function.Supplier API, introduced in java 8 +- Added patch: + * logback-1.2.3-getCallerClass.patch + + Access the sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass by + reflection, in order to be able to build with jdk >= 9 + logstalgia +- update to 1.1.2: + * Fixed compatibility with GLM + * Fixed rendering of FreeMonoBold with FreeType2 2.8 by disabling hinting. + * Updated fonts. + lollypop +- Update to version 1.4.24: + * Fix playback stop while in miniplayer + (glgo#World/lollypop#2849). + * Fix albums being incorrectly split (glgo#World/lollypop#2806). + * Allow to lower volume when using equalizer + (glgo#World/lollypop#2836). + * Fix tracks not being displayed for artists with one album + (glgo#World/lollypop#2837). + +- Remove useless %exclude from main package file list. +- Remove old non-relevant comments. + +- Update description: Radio support has been removed for a few + versions now. + +- Update to version 1.4.23: + * Better looking selected album. + * Fix deactivation of Jamendo service provider + (glgo#World/lollypop#2815). + +- Update to version 1.4.22: + * Fix a permission issue with Flatpak (glgo#World/lollypop#2791). +- Changes from version 1.4.21: + * Fix some crashes (glgo#World/lollypop#2797, + glgo#World/lollypop#2802). + * Fix album duration computation for albums featuring several + artists (glgo#World/lollypop#2798). + +- Update to version 1.4.20: + * Fix an issue with adaptative mode (glgo#World/lollypop#2778). + * Improve identification of compilations. + +- Update to version 1.4.19: + * Fix an issue with library indexing (glgo#World/lollypop#2759). + * Add compilation tag for FLAC, OggVorbis and other Xiph-Formats + (glgo#World/lollypop#2756). + +- Update to version 1.4.18: + * Fix album restarting when manually playing one of its tracks + (glgo#World/lollypop#2758). + * Fix fading (glgo#World/lollypop#2755). + * Fix exception when clicking on decade in "Years" + (glgo#World/lollypop#2747, glgo#World/lollypop#2751). + +- Update to version 1.4.17: + * Fix an issue with playback (glgo#World/lollypop#2717). + * Fix a crash when moving tracks in playback + (glgo#World/lollypop#2700). + * Fix a crash when updating smart playlist + (glgo#World/lollypop#2738). + * Fix application not starting occasionally + (glgo#World/lollypop#2730). + * Fix a crash when searching online (glgo#World/lollypop#2719, + glgo#World/lollypop#2722). +- Move _service from tar_scm to obs_scm and obscpio format. + +- Update to version 1.4.16: + * Fix playback stopping after reordering songs + (glgo#World/lollypop#2709). + * Prevent LastFM/ListenBrainz scrobble loss upon e.g. loss of + Internet access. + +- Update to version 1.4.15: + * Use GLib.get_tmp_dir() instead of harcoded "/tmp" for better + support of Flatpak (glgo#World/lollypop#2706). + * Fix undesired time slider rewinds (glgo#World/lollypop#2703, + rh#1919715). + * Fix a crash when clicking on the 3-vertical-dots button + (glgo#World/lollypop#2701, rh#1919676). + * Fix a crash when playing a track from the web + (glgo#World/lollypop#2698). + * Fix an issue with history (glgo#World/lollypop#2697). + * Fix wrong track repeat (glgo#World/lollypop#2696). + * Fix cover size in fullscreen view (glgo#World/lollypop#2665). + * Fix an issue with filter (glgo#World/lollypop#2689). + * Fix repeated covers for albums with same name but different + years (glgo#World/lollypop#2687). + +- Update to version 1.4.14: + * Fix an issue with HiDPI (glgo#World/lollypop#2665). +- Changes from version 1.4.13: + * Fix a crash with per-track artwork (glgo#World/lollypop#2684). + +- Update to version 1.4.12: + * Fix a crash on init due to missing secret. + * Fix a crash on album widget reveal (glgo#World/lollypop#2679). + * Fix a playback issue (glgo#World/lollypop#2683). + * Fix content not being reloaded after resizing window + (glgo#World/lollypop#2673). + * Fix album artwork removal (glgo#World/lollypop#2680). + +- Update to version 1.4.11: + * Fix an issue with blacklisted songs (glgo#Wolrd/lollypop#2676). + * Fix an issue with loved songs (glgo#World/lollypop#2677). + +- Update to version 1.4.10: + * Fix crash when clicking "Play all" button for entire library + (glgo#World/lollypop#2674) + * Rework ReplayGain defaults (glgo#World/lollypop#2564). + +- Update to version 1.4.9: + * Fix spurious track removals from playlists + (glgo#World/lollypop#2663). + +- Update to version 1.4.8: + * Fix reading stars from tags (glgo#World/lollypop#2654). + * Fix a crash in Information View (glgo#World/lollypop#2660). + * Fix a crash in Album view (glgo#World/lollypop#2645). + * Fix Flatpak issues: Credentials, MTP sync, ... + * Rework the way we blacklist tracks/albums. + * Enhanced queue manager (glgo#World/lollypop#2617). + * Less memory usage (glgo#World/lollypop#2111). + * Allow to select tracks with Ctrl and Shift + (glgo#World/lollypop#2487). +- Take into account new icons in installed file list. + +- Update to version 1.4.7: + * Update translations. + +- Update to version 1.4.6: + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 1.4.5: + * Fix an issue with command line handler + (glgo#World/lollypop#2590). + +- Update to version 1.4.4: + * Fix an issue with equalizer (glgo#World/lollypop#2588). + * Use relative path in .m3u files if possible + (glgo#World/lollypop#2585). + * Fix duration for Last.FM searches. + +- Update to version 1.4.3: + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 1.4.2: + * Bug fixes. + * Add information as a view. + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 1.4.0: + * New settings dialog. + * Move to libhandy. + * New artist view. + +- Update to version 1.3.6: + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 1.3.5: + * Fix wrong lyrics displayed (glgo#World/lollypop#2517). + * Fix a crash (glgo#World/lollypop#2516). +- Update meson dependency version. +- Add missing dependency on python3-gst. + +- Update to version 1.3.4: + * Fix an issue with disc numbers (glgo#World/lollypop#2510). + * Fix party mode not being resumed on lollypop restart + (glgo#World/lollypop#2512). + * Fix an issue which prevented tracks from being played from + artist view (glgo#World/lollypop#2513). + +- Update to version 1.3.3: + * Better cover handling in playlists view. + * Bug fixes. + +- Update to version 1.3.2: + * Fix an issue with ListenBrainz. + * Fix scrobbling (glgo#World/lollypop#2452). + +- Update to version 1.3.1: + * Fix a crash when playing a radio (glgo#World/lollypop#2459). + * Fix an issue with shuffle (glgo#World/lollypop#2453). + * Remove reference to meson deprecated python3 module. +- Replace shebangs which use env interpreter. + lomt-fonts +- Fix bsc#1182704 and use https:// prefix instead of git:// + lout +- Use fork by William Bader + * +- Update to version 3.42: + * Support for embedding PDF and bitmapped images in lout. + * Small images are now placed more accurately. + * Improve accuracy of the CM unit. + * Add support for segmented postscript files. + * Fix the fatal error "AdjustSize: Up(x) == x!" + * Fix possible memory overwrite + * Fix some bad memory accesses + * Full changes: + +- Update to version 3.41: + * Fix CVE-2019-19918 and CVE-2019-19917 +- Always generate the PDFs, dropped as sources +- Drop upstream resolved + * makefile.patch + * lout-3.40-cve.patch + +- Why in the world we set executable bit on README? Fixed. + love +- Drop remove-duplicate-typedef.patch as it causes build failure for i586 now + +- update to 11.3: + * Added support for FLAC audio files. + * Added support for microphone recording on Android. + * Added (false by default). On Android, setting it to true requests microphone recording permission from the user. + * Added Decoder:clone. + * Added Data:getFFIPointer. + * Added Joystick:getDeviceInfo. + * Added Joystick:getGamepadMappingString and love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid). + * Added love.math.colorToBytes and love.math.colorFromBytes. + * Added 'usedpiscale' boolean (true by default) to love.window.setMode and love.conf. Disables automatic DPI scaling when false. + * Added love.window.getDisplayOrientation and a love.displayrotated callback. + * Added love.window.get/setVSync, to allow setting vsync without recreating the window. + * Added love.window.getSafeArea. + * Added an optional vertex count parameter to Mesh:setVertices. + * Added support for rgba4, rgb5a1, rgb565, rgb10a2, rg11b10f, r8, rg8, r16, rg16, r16f, rg16f, r32f, and rg32f formats in ImageData and Images. + * Added support for loading .dds files that contain uncompressed pixel data. + * Changed audio file type detection, so it probes all supported backends for unrecognized extensions. + * Fixed "bad lightuserdata" errors when running love on some arm64 devices. + * Fixed boot.lua's line numbers in stack traces to match its source code. + * Fixed the deprecation system not fully restarting when love.event.quit("restart") is used. + * Fixed love.isVersionCompatible. + * Fixed named Channels persisting across love.event.quit("restart") occurrences. + * Fixed race conditions when different love.physics Worlds are used in different threads. + * Fixed World:getJoints to return the fully resolved type of the Joint, instead of the base type. + * Fixed love.timer.sleep(0) to return control to the OS scheduler instead of being a no-op. + * Fixed love.math.randomNormal incorrectly using cached state after love.math.setRandomSeed or setRandomState. + * Fixed returning an incorrect hash for certain input sizes. + * Fixed to cause a Lua error instead of crashing when invalid arguments are used. + * Fixed the Data-returning variant of and File:read to return the number of bytes that were read. + * Fixed love.filesystem's require loaders to error instead of crashing when no argument is given. + * Fixed love.filesystem.mount(Data). + * Fixed a memory leak when loading files in some situations. + * Fixed + * Fixed audio clicks immediately after playing a Source on iOS. + * Fixed Source:play + Source:stop + Source:play looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS. + * Fixed Source:play + Source:seek looping the first few ms of sound for streaming Sources on iOS. + * Fixed occasional pops in streaming sources on iOS. + * Fixed to use previously set playback positions on stopped Sources. + * Fixed Source:setEffect(name, true) and Source:getEffect(name) when the effect has no associated Filter. + * Fixed, "queue") to cause a Lua error. + * Fixed Source:setPitch to error if the given pitch is <= 0, NaN, or infinity. + * Fixed video seeking and pausing in various scenarios. + * Fixed an audio Source memory leak when a Video gets garbage collected after playing it. + * Fixed video playback support on some Adreno-based Android devices. + * Fixed black fringes around text in some situations. + * Fixed extreme flickering when text moves along non-integer coordinates. + * Fixed the first character in a string sometimes not being processed during text vertex generation. + * Fixed Text:set(" ") not clearing any previously set text in a Text object. + * Fixed to return a table with boolean values in its fields instead of number values. + * Fixed lines not rendering properly if a single line has more than 65,000 vertices. + * Fixed a pixel shader performance regression on some graphics drivers when OpenGL 3 or OpenGL ES 3 is used. + * Fixed text not showing up on Radeon HD 3000-series graphics cards on Windows. + * Fixed non-integer DPI scale values being truncated to integers in + * Fixed creating depth canvases on Windows systems when using an Intel HD 3000 GPU. + * Fixed automatic batching performance to be more consistent on all operating systems. + * Fixed gammaToLinearPrecise in shaders not being as precise as it should be. + * Fixed ImageData:paste and ImageData:setPixel to have more consistent clamping and rounding of color values when different formats are used. +- remove love-11.2-return.patch: upstream + +- Added remove-duplicate-typedef.patch to fix i586 build + +- Update to 11.2: + Additions: + * Added Source:setAirAbsorption and Source:getAirAbsorption. + * Added Body:setTransform and Body:getTransform. + Performance Improvements: + * Improved performance of slightly on iOS and Android. + Fixes: + * Fixed love.filesystem initialization on Windows 10 update 1809. + * Fixed various issues with running on macOS 10.14. + * Fixed compatibility with Lua 5.2 and 5.3. + * Fixed the explicit format + Data argument variant of + * Fixed love.joystick.setGamepadMapping not being able to change existing mappings. + * Fixed a crash on quit on Linux if a custom Cursor is active when quitting. + * Fixed a crash in the Data variant of Shader:send when it's called after love.window.setMode. + * Fixed a error message to be less confusing. +- Add love-11.2-return.patch: to make compiler happy +- Remove love.mpg123.patch: don't see why needed anymore +- Remove update-luasocket.patch: upstreamed +- Run spec-cleaner + -- update to version 0.9.1 -- added -devel package to solve the rpmlint error -- added post script macros for desktop, icon and mime - -- updated to 0.9.0 - * Added three new modules: love.window, love.math, and love.system. - * Reworked the love.joystick and love.thread modules. - * Added new features to, including polygon meshes and vertex shaders. - * Integrated the ENet networking library via lua-enet. - * Renamed many functions to be more consistent with the rest of the API. - * Improved the performance of several APIs in - * And a lot more! -- dropped remove-mpg123.patch (applied upstream) - -- Sanitize description to not read like an ad. Use project's - actual name with diacritic marks. -- Use more robust make install call. - -- updated to 0.8.0 release -- removed unneeded_deps.patch (applied upstream) - lpairs +- Update to 1.0.5 + - reduced delay to prevent event loop from dying (2018/11/02 MS) + - fixed compiler warnings and errors (2018/11/02 MS) + - improved ingame font (2015/04/12 MS) + - always choose set from all icons (2015/04/12 MS) + - added animation for removing cards (2015/04/12 MS) +- Run spec-cleaner +- Fix Group Tag + lpe +- multiple_definitions.patch: fix build with GCC10 + lrslib +- Update to release 7.1b + * Fixed an issue where output can be lost in arithmetic change. + * Place lrsrestart.h into buildroot upon `make install`. + +- Update to release 7.1a + * Fixed memory leak in countonly option for mplrs/lrs. + +- Update to release 7.1 + * lrs: redund function is now performed by lrs via options, but + legacy redund maintained. + * lrs: extract option to extract columns from the input especially + with linearities. + * lrs: hvref makes a cross reference list between H and V + representations. + * mplrs: Temporary files no longer used for communicating with + workers. + * mplrs: Parallel version of redund is now available. +- Drop lrs-version.diff. Add lrs-types.diff. + +- Update to release 7.0a + * Misplaced leaf test degraded performance and has been fixed. + * Bug in volume computation in mplrs fixed. + * Default cache limit set back to 10 to allow large parallel + runs with low memory. + * Reintroduced buffer for removing most duplicates when + allbases option is set. + * lrs1/2 on overflow no longer gives core dump. + +- Update to upstream rerelease 7.0 + (replacing tarballs sucks, upstream!) + - -- lrslib-070~/lrslib.c 2018-06-25 12:30:34.000000000 +0200 + +++ lrslib-070/lrslib.c 2018-10-23 08:22:44.000000000 +0200 + +- Update to new upstream release 7.0 + * hybrid (64bit/128bit/GMP) arithmetic implemented: + * speedups of roughly 3-5 times (64bit) and 2 times(128bit) + over GMP for problems using small integers. + * overflow checking for 64/128 bit arithmetic + * __int128 (gcc v.4.6.0 or later) and FLINT arithmetic now supported + * lrsgmp, mplrsgmp uses only GMP arithmetic, same as lrslib-062 + * lrs/redund/mplrs start in 64 bit moving to 128 bit and then + to gmp arithmetic as necessary. + * single arithmetic versions of lrs/mplrs available for + comparison purposes. + * single arithmetic versions of lrsnash are available with + overflow checking. + * plrs is no longer supported + * removing the -DSAFE option disables overflow checking in + 64/128 bit mode and results are unpredicable if overflow + occurs. + * mplrs now prints maximum tree depth at end and supports + printcobasis option in input files. +- Drop lrs-am.diff (no longer wanted). Add lrs-version.diff + and lrs-128.diff. + +- lrs-am.diff: add -lpthread for programs using boost_thread + lsp-plugins -- Update to 1.2.29 +- stop owning directories provided by filesystem (bsc#1184786) + +- upstream update in source release + +- Update to 1.1.30 + * Implemented Oscilloscope plugin series: x1, x2 and x4. + UX design by Boris Gotsulenko. + * Added data streaming port support to plugin framework. + * Added strobe feature to mesh primitives that allows to draw + * multiple streamed meshes together. + * Implemented 4-lobe Lanczos oversampling DSP functions for i586 + architecture. + * Implemented 4-lobe Lanczos oversampling DSP functions for + x86_64 architecture. + * Implemented 4-lobe Lanczos oversampling DSP functions for + 32-bit ARM architecture. + * Implemented 4-lobe Lanczos oversampling DSP functions for + 64-bit ARM architecture. + * Minor bugfixes in the core library. + * Fixed bug with character set encoding for several systems with + limited iconv. + * Fixed latency compensation issue that happened for the 'Bypass' + switch/automation. + * Implemented additional 'Boosting' mode for the single-band + compressor plugin series. + * Implemented additional 'Boosting' mode for the multiband-band + compressor plugin series. + * Updated french translations (contributed by Olivier Humbert). + * Updated italian translations by Stefano Tronci. + * Desktop icon installation moved to a separate 'install_xdg' + icon to prevent LSP icon flooding for several systems which + don't support XDG standard. + +- Update to 1.1.29 lsyncd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * lsyncd.service + +- Use %%cmake macros + +- Rebase lsyncd-lua.patch and add fix for implicit declaration of + function lua_objlen - renamed to lua_rawlen in 5.2 +- Run spec-cleaner +- Remove insserv configuration and lsyncd-init.d + +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. Use %_smp_mflags for + parallel build. + +- update to 2.2.3 + - enhaencement: supporting includes with new filter and filterFrom + options + - change: needing now at least Lua 5.2 (Lua 5.1 no longer + supported, Lua5.3 supported) + - change: if the target/targetdir ends with a ':' do not append + a trailing '/' to it, since that would change it from homedir + to rootdir! + - add: example for Amazon S3 Bucket (Daniel Miranda) + - fix: setting stdout/stderr to linebuffer mode. + - fix: Lua5.3 compatiblity, using load() instead of loadstring() + - fix: cmake lua detection, will resort to "lua" and "luac" + binaries only if more specific suffixes (e.g. luac5.3) are not + available + - fix: test suit, Lua5.3 compatibility (table.unpack) +- changes from 2.2.2 + - fix: checkgauge 'insist' + - fix: no partial path exlusion tests + - fix: write pid of forked process in pidfile + - fix: crash on not reachable target + - workaround: changed back to filter style rsync calling until + is fixed and + released. +- changes from 2.2.1 + - enhancement: now always using filter lists with rysnc instead + of include/exclude lists taking advantage of the new + - -delete-missing-args parameter to delete files on target. + >>> Thus Lsyncd 2.2.1 needs rsync >= 3.1.0 + - change: added "tests" make target to run all the tests. + - fix: crash due to typo in changed ^path, ^pathdir, ^pathname +- changes from 2.2.0 + - enhancement: add rsync options: + "append", + "append_verify", + "backup", + "backup_dir", + "chmod", + "chown", + "copy_dirlinks", + "existing", + "groupmap", + "omit_dir_times", + "omit_link_times", + "suffix," + "usermap", + - enhancement: settings{ } now checks for unknown entries and + errors if so. + - change: Level3 scripts ^path,^pathdir and ^pathname now don't + start with a slash. + - change: Lsyncd now writes a startup log message before + daemonizing does in case logging fails, it is recognized before + it cannot message anything about it, since it deamonized + - change: compatible with Lua5.3 (along with 5.1 and 5.2) + - change: _verbatim forced for 'exitcodes' entry. + - change: manpage is not rebuild by default. it is provided + precompiled. + - change: faulty/deprecated config files that use + settings = { ... }, with equal sign are no longer worked + around. + - change: now calls copy with -p + - fix: potential race conditions: default.rsyncssh will now + channel deletes also through rsync and treats moves as + blocking events. + - fix: ']' is not escaped for rsync rules, since rsync only + applies doesn't applie pattern matching if no other pattern + chars are found. + - fix: Shell injection hole close for on mv + commands. + - fix: Crash of default-direct when source doesn't exit + - fix: fixed faulty event replacement, a race condition noticed + by extensive default.rsyncssh testing changed Delays were not + reflected in Events +- changes from 2.1.6 + - enhancement: Lsyncd now locks its pidfile + - enhancement: added ssh.identifyFile and ssh.options options + - enhancement: added rsync inplace option + - fix: ignore blank lines and rsync commenits in exclude files + - fix: don't tread exclude lines with embedded "+" chars as + inclusions + - fix: crash when debugging inotify + - fix: fixed Finished/Retrying error messages being swapped around + - fix: properly encapsulate filenames on ssh mv commands to avoid + shell command injections. + - fix: postcmd example + - change: closes also on INT signals + - change: now removes its pidfile on INT and TERM signals + - change: changed build system from autotools to cmake +- change url and source to new location +- remove lsyncd-lua-5_3.patch, because no more need +- aad patch lsyncd-lua.patch to find libraries +- add patch lsyncd-man.patch to put manpages to correct location +- fix all rpmlint warnings +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. +- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build. + -- update to 2.1.4 -- remove lua 5.2 patch ( - -- Build against LUA 5.2 - -- fix build in factory (build against lua 5.1) - -- update to 2.0.5 - * fix: Lsyncd will now terminate if it inotify watching exceeds - its preset limit. - * fix: rsync error exit code 12 now results in retries. - * fix: Lsyncd 2.0.5 should now compile better on a bit elder - GNU/Linux versions. - * fix: examples are now installed in the configured document directory. - * fix: partial transfers during startup are considered ok. Lsyncd - will rework the specified files anyway. - * change: Layer 1 interface init() now receives an "Init" event - instead of an inlet. - * change: builtin Lua code is now loaded via a c-array.Now more - portable and correct memory flags are set. - * change: Lsyncd will now bail on unknown error codes. - * enhancement: settings.maxProcesses can now be set as a global limit of childprocesses - * enhancement: Lsyncd will refuse to start when any startup rsync - does not work cleanly and returns "again" unless settings.insist or - - -insist is specified, then Lsyncd will keep retrying until it works. - * enhancement: option "rsyncBinary" determines which rsync Lsyncd calls. - Default is "/usr/bin/rsync" - * enhancement: fsevents ("inotify for OSX") fixed for Snowleopard. - and is available to configure by default. - * enhancement: settings.inotifyMode: the actualy Modification event - Lsyncd reacts to can now be configured. Default is to react on - file closing in write mode. - * enhancement: readdir(path) is available to userscripts, reads the contents - of a directory. - lutris +- Update to + * Fix possible escaping error for gamescope option + * Remove walrus operator to restore compatibility with + Python 3.7 / Ubuntu 18.04 + * Remove log file being written in the home folder + * Fix install button for community installer + * Fix markup error on gamescope option + * Update URL for Ryujinx build + * Fix Steam sync creating duplicate games + +- Update to 0.5.9: + * Add initial support for Epic Games Store + * Add support for Steam for Windows as a game source + * Add support for DXVK-NVAPI and DLSS + * Add FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) option for compatible Wine versions + * Add workaround for locale issues when Lutris is launched from Steam + * Add gamescope option + * Lutris games can now be launched from Steam + * 3rd party services can be enabled or disabled in the preferences + * The main preferences window has now tabs on the left side + * Runner configuration is now available from the main preferences window + * VKD3D is a separate option from DXVK + * Esync is enabled by default + * Dolphin is available as a game source (reads games from the emulator's + local database of games) + * Scan for installed games when using Steam source + * Improved automatic installers for GOG, detection of DOSBOX and ScummVM + games. + * DRM free services (Humble, GOG) can locate existing installations of games + * Use 7zip as the default extractor when not given an archive type + * Improve process monitoring, allowing for monitoring of Steam games + * Disable AMD switchable graphics layer by default (breaks games) + * Removed support for Gallium 9 + * Removed support for X360CE + * Removed legacy WineD3D options + +- Add python-magic make Lutris able to find games. + +- Update to + * Fix Steam icon showing too big on some systems + * Fix DXVK not updating + * Fix Python 3.9 compatibility + * Update sidebar on service login + * Remember position of window except on Wayland maybe + * GST plugin path is now only set if it exists + * Default to 7zip when not given an archive extractor + * Switch IRC to Libera chat + * Fix libretro info file loading + * Let pipewire users toggle "Reduce PulseAudio latency" + +- Update to + * Really fix popovers not showing on Wayland without making + them non-modal + * Prevent GStreamer based configuration from being applied + in incompatible wine builds. + * Fix crash when wine runner accesses DXVK versions before + they are uploaded. + * Prevent init dialog from being closed while it + downloads the runtime. + +- Add recommendation to python3-distro to avoid warning on startup. + +- Added additional dependencies required by Lutris to run. + * python3-lxml + * python3-cssselect + +- Update to + * Fix popover menus not appearing on Wayland + * Fix game bar getting unselected on Wayland (Forces the last game to stay + selected) + * Update Chinese, Dutch, German and Russian translations + * Download DXVK when Lutris starts + * Add fsync2 feature detection + * Limit simultaneous downloads to 3 + * Add support for deb file extraction + * Add support for Adobe Air games from Humble Bundle (Installation only, + * Air runtime will come at a later stage) + * Add support for GStreamer enabled Wine builds. This will provide better + compatibility for games using Media Foundation + +- Update to + * Remove Proton from available Wine versions + * Display a dialog until Lutris finishes initializing + * Allow to keep game files when uninstalling a game + * Remove custom sidebar CSS + * Fix popup menu not showing in list view + * Fix script loading for local files + * Fix installed at column setting name for list view + * Fix lutris not launching games with rungameid + * Fix installed Steam game for fresh lutris installs + +- Update to 0.5.8: + * 3rd party services are now available from the main window + * The "Import games" window has been removed. The concept of + importing games from other services into Lutris has been removed. + * Syncing games from other services on start has been removed. + * Integration with the lutris website such as login and showing your + library has been delegated to the 'lutris' service in the sidebar. + * The lutris service gives the option of searching your library or the whole + library. + * Games from 3rd party services no longer depend on an install script to be + present on the website. Lutris will automatically install games with an + auto-generated script. Scripts from the website take precedence if available. + * Steam games are directly loaded from the Steam API and it is no longer needed + to sync your Steam library on the lutris website to see all your Steam games. + * Game banners and icons are downloaded from the services themselves. This + allows for customized media size in the UI based on what's available from the + service. + * Added option to hide the text under the icons + * The installer game cache configuration has been moved to the installer + window. + * Installers now offer the choice between downloaded files, custom user + provided files or cached files (when available). + * Bonus content for GOG games such as manuals or soundtracks can now be + downloaded as part of the install process. Selected content are downloaded + in a 'extras' folder in the game folder. Those files will likely be in + compressed format. + * The right side bar has been moved to the bottom of the window to optimize + space and to declutter the overall design. Game actions are now shown in a + popover menu displayed next to the play button. Runner actions, if available + (for example, wine), will show up in a popover menu next to the runner icon. + * Running games have been moved from the right side bar to a row on the left + side bar. + * Added favorites section and allow to add/remove games from favorites + When removing a game, Lutris now displays the size of the folder to be + deleted. + * Game logs are no longer erased when switching to another game in the + window. + * Game logs can be saved to a file + * Lutris runners can now be written in JSON instead of Python code. This + handles only simple cases but it's enough to handle a vast number of + emulators or game engines. Some existing runners have been migrated to JSON + such as dgen, ppsspp, citra, ags, virtualjaguar... as well as new ones like + melonds, tic80, pcem... Check out the share/lutris/json folder for those + runners. If you plan to submit new JSON based runner be sure to provide a valid + 'download_url' otherwise the lutris client won't have a runner to download. + * Lutris will not delete any game folder that is used by another game or any + folder that is in some predefined locations. Note that protection of folders + such as 'Documents' or 'Downloads' only works on English locales for the moment. + * Added a Mangohud option with special modes for OpenGL and 32bit games. + * Added a wine menu entry to launch a bash shell in the game's environment + with WINEPREFIX set and the correct Wine build aliased to wine. + * Added a command line option to generate a bash script that will run a + lutris game without the client. ex: lutris quake --output-script + This will create a '' script to launch the game. + * Removed all platform and runner icons from the code base to eliminate any + issue regarding their licenses (This is done to help get the lutris + package into debian). + * DOSBox and PCSX2 display an error if needed libraries are missing. + * The old versions of gamemode are no longer supported. Make sure you have + the one that ships with a gamemoderun executable. + * The runtime now supports downloading individual files. New icons can be + submitted by sending a PR to + * Refactor of several core components. New python packages + lutris.database and lutris.gui.installer + +- Update to + * Provide D3D12.DLL, based on vkd3d3-proton project + (, + as part of our DXVK runtime. This will help push updates faster + and provide better compatibility for Direct3D 12 titles such as + World of Warcraft. + +- Update to 0.5.7: + * Use Meson and Ninja to build translation files + * Improve Debian package compliance with standards + * Add translation strings for the code base + * Set a default directory to manually added games, + allowing to remove them + * Deprecate MESS runner + * Migrate all MESS games to MAME + * Get full supported system list from the XML given by MAME + * Allow to run MAME games by ID if the ROM path is set + * Add a no-GUI option to RPCS3 + * Fix GalliumNine conflicts with DXVK + * Improve performance of DirectX 12 games running on AMD GPU by + setting RADV_DEBUG=zerovram + * Code style fixes. Pylint is now used in the Travis checks. + lv2-swh-plugins +- updated fftw3-devel dependency. + lxc +- use --withpamdir and use pam macros to fix UsrMerge problems +- update to 4.0.10 + Bugfixes + * Fix issues with less common architectures + * Support for additional idmap mounts + * nft support in lxc-net + * Cleaner mount entries for sys:mixed + * Switched GPG server to + +- fix wrong Source URLs in spec + +-update to 4.0.9: + * You may have noticed the sudden jump from 4.0.6 to 4.0.9, + that's because 4.0.7 and 4.0.8 both included regressions that were + reported by early users and were considered bad enough to require a new release. + * Testing improvements including fixes from oss-fuzz + * Rework of the attach codepath + * Cgroup handling rework + * for full list of changes see + + +- update to 4.0.6: + * Improve handling for compatibility architectures for seccomp + * Harden seccomp notifier implementation + * Rework parsing of /proc/<pid>/mountinfo to handle kernel regression + * Improve network device restoration + * Significantly cleanup and harden config file parsing + * Support new capabilities CAP_PERFORM, CAP_BPF, and CAP_CHECKPOINT_RESTORE + * Harden containers started without CAP_NET_ADMIN + * for full list of changes see + + lxcfs +- update to 4.0.8: + * Correct file size for proc files + * for full list of changes see + + +- update to 4.0.7: + * Consistent swap behavior (documented in README) + * for full list of changes see + + +- update to 4.0.6: + * Add support for fuse3 + * Update for new diskstats fields + * Fix some build issues + * for full list of changes see + + +- update to LXCFS 4.0.5 + detailed changelog: + + +- update to LXCFS 4.0.4 (released on the 18th of June 2020) + detailed changelog: + + +- update to LXCFS 4.0.3 (released on the 17th of April 2020) + detailed changelog: + + +- Clean up %if macro. lxd +- Update to LXD 4.21. The full upstream changelog is available from: + + boo#1193649 + + Cluster member groups + * Reworked cloud-init support + + Trust certificate self-renewal + + Restricted disk passthrough in projects + + Restricted idmap uid/gid in projects + + List all lxc commands with --sub-commands + + List instances across all projects with --all-projects + + New database-leader cluster role + * Consistent units for byte sizes. + * Routed networking in virtual machines + + Support for ipv4.routes and ipv6.routes on routed type NICs + + Option to skip records for NAT-ed addresses in network zones + + Allow blocking an IP address family with security filtering options + + New ceph.rbd.du storage config option to disable potentially slow rbd du + * Optimized moving of instances and volumes between projects + * Support for copying/moving custom volumes between cluster members + +- Update to LXD 4.20. The full upstream changelog is available from: + + boo#1192432 + + Live migration of virtual machines + + Network peering for OVN + + Network zones (DNS) + + SR-IOV acceleration for OVN networking + + Linux sysctl configuration on containers + + Core scheduling for virtual machines + + Cluster member configuration + * Improvement to network leases + +- Update to LXD 4.18. The full upstream changelog is available from: + + boo#1190323 + + Network forwards (floating IPs) + + Native BGP support + * NAT address customization with OVN + * lxd cluster edit for cluster disaster recovery + + Refresh support for custom volume copies + + Additional device restrictions for projects + * --minimal option for lxd init + * Additional network counters in instance state +- Disable stripping of binaries, which seems to be causing issues at runtime + due to some assertion failing. In particular it seems that libdqlite is + getting corrupted somehow. + lynis +- Add additional_module_blacklist_locations.patch to check fo blacklisted + modules under /usr/lib/modules.d + +- Update to 3.0.6: + * Added + - OS detection: Artix Linux, macOS Monterey, NethServer, openSUSE MicroOS + - Check for outdated translation files + * Changed + - DBS-1826 - Check if PostgreSQL is being used + - DBS-1828 - Test multiple PostgreSQL configuration file(s) + - KRNL-5830 - Sort kernels by version instead of modification date + - PKGS-7410 - Don't show exception for systems using LXC + - GetHostID function: fallback options added for Linux systems + - Fix: show correct text when egrep is missing + - Fix: variable name for PostgreSQL + +- Changed tests_binary_rpath to subtract points for files found with RPATH set, + not add points for files that are configured correctly. This resulted in a + huge number of points that skewed the overal result + +- fix SLE 12 build + +- Update to 3.0.5 + * Added + - OS detection of Arch Linux 32, BunsenLabs Linux, and Rocky Linux + - CRYP-8006 - Check MemoryOverwriteRequest bit to protect against cold-boot + attacks (Linux) + * Changed + - ACCT-9622 - Corrected typo + - HRDN-7231 - When calling wc, use the short -l flag instead of --lines + (Busybox compatibility) + - PKGS-7320 - extended to Arch Linux 32 + - Generation of host identifiers (hostid/hostid2) extended + - Linux host identifiers are now using ip as preferred input source + - Improved logging in several areas + +- Update to 3.0.4 + * Added + - ACCT-9670 - Detection of cmd tooling + - ACCT-9672 - Test cmd configuration file + - BOOT-5140 - Check for ELILO boot loader presence + - OS detection of AlmaLinux, Garuda Linux, Manjaro (ARM), and others + * Changed + - BOOT-5104 - Add service manager detection support for runit + - FILE-6430 - Report suggestion only when at least one kernel module is not in the blacklist + - FIRE-4540 - Corrected nftables empy ruleset test + - LOGG-2138 - Do not check for klogd when metalog is being used + - TIME-3185 - Improved support for Debian stretch + - Corrected issue when Lynis is not executed directly from lynis directory + +- Update to 3.0.3 + * Added + - Check for registered non-native binary formats + - OS detection of Parrot GNU/Linux + * Changed + - Force test to check only password authentication + - Support for NetBSD + * Fixed: command 'configure settings' did not work as intended + +- Update to 3.0.2 + * Added + - Scan for locked user accounts in /etc/passwd + - Loghost configuration + - Check for active Suricata daemon + - OS detection of Flatcar, IPFire, Mageia, NixOS, ROSA Linux, SLES (extended), Void Linux, Zorin OS + - OS detection of OpenIndiana (Hipster and Legacy), Shillix, SmartOS, Tribblix, and others + - EOL dates for Alpine, macOS, Mageia, OmniosCE, and Solaris 11 + - Support for Solaris svcs (service manager) + - Enumeration of Solaris services + * Changed + - Detect sysstat systemd unit + - Only fail if both SHA_CRYPT_MIN_ROUNDS and SHA_CRYPT_MAX_ROUNDS are undefined + - Support for Solaris + - Improved reboot test by ignoring known bad values + - Ignore rescue kernel such as on CentOS systems + - Detection of Alpine Linux kernel + - Compatibility change for hostname check + - Support for Solaris + - Don't show exception if no kernels were found on the disk + - Supports now checking files at multiple locations (systemd) + - ParseNginx function: Support include on absolute paths + - ParseNginx function: Ignore empty included wildcards + - Set 'RHEL' as OS_NAME for Red Hat Enterprise Linux + - HostID: Use first e1000 interface and break after match + - Translations extended and updated + - Test if pgrep exists before using it + - Better support for busybox shell + - Small code enhancements + +- Add a Requires for net-tools-deprecated, as legacy binary binaries + are still used by some of the custom lynis tests we ship. Later on + I'll port them to use current binaries and remove this again + +- Update to 3.0.1 + * Added + - Detection of Alpine Linux + - Detection of CloudLinux + - Detection of Kali Linux + - Detection of Linux Mint + - Detection of macOS Big Sur (11.0) + - Detection of Pop!_OS + - Detection of PHP 7.4 + - Malware detection tool: Microsoft Defender ATP + - New flag: --slow-warning to allow tests more time before showing a warning + - Test TIME-3185 to check systemd-timesyncd synchronized time + - rsh host file permissions + * Changed + - Added option for LOCKED accounts and bugfix for older bash versions + - Presence check for grub.d added + - Added support for certificates in DER format + - Added data to report + - Redirect errors (e.g. when swap is not encrypted) + - Don't grep nonexistant modprobe.d files + - Set initial firewall state + - Corrected text on screen + - Handle zipped kernel configuration correctly + - Improved version detection for non-symlinked kernel + - Extended detection of BitDefender + - Find more time synchronization commands + - Corrected detection of time peers + - Fix: hostid generation routine would sometimes show too short IDs + - Fix: language detection + - Generic improvements for macOS + - German translation updated + - End-of-life database updated + +- Update to 3.0.0 + * Security issues + - CVE-2020-13882: incorrect Access Control because of a TOCTOU race condition (boo#1173141). + - CVE-2019-13033: local disclosure of license key when data is uploaded (boo#1173142). + * Breaking change: Non-interactive by default + - Lynis now runs non-interactive by default, to be more in line with the Unix + philosophy. So the previously used '--quick' option is now default, and the tool + will only wait when using the '--wait' option. + * Breaking change: Deprecated options + - Option: -c + - Option: --check-update/--info + - Option: --dump-options + - Option: --license-key + * Breaking change: Profile options + - The format of all profile options are converted (from key:value to key=value). + You may have to update the changes you made in your custom.prf. + * Security + - An important focus area for this release is on security. We added several + measures to further tighten any possible misuse. + * New: DevOps, Forensics, and pentesting mode + - This release adds initial support to allow defining a specialized type of audit + Using the relevant options, the scan will change base on the intended goal. +- Further features, bug fixes and details about the release listed in + + +- Update to 2.7.5 + Added: + * Danish translation + * Slackware end-of-life information + * Detect BSD-style (rc.d) init in Linux systems + * Detection of Bro and Suricata (IDS) + Changed: + * Corrected end-of-life entries for CentOS 5 and 6 + * Change name to check in /etc/passwd file for QNAP devices + * AIX enhancement to use correct find statement + * Filter on correct field for AIX + * Set ss command as preferred option for Linux and changed output format + * List of PHP ini file locations has been extended + * Removed several pieces of the code as part of cleanup and code health + * Extended help + +- Add more false-positive packages to Dbus database: tuned, autofs, lightdm, geoglue2, snapper and ModemManager + +- Add these common false-positive packages to Dbus database whitelist: FirewallD, SystemD and Wicked + +- Update to 2.7.4 + Added + * FILE-6324 - Discover XFS mount points + * INSE-8000 - Installed inetd package + * INSE-8100 - Installed xinetd package + * INSE-8102 - Status of xinet daemon + * INSE-8104 - xinetd configuration file + * INSE-8106 - xinetd configuration for inactive daemon + * INSE-8200 - Usage of TCP wrappers + * INSE-8300 - Presence of rsh client + * INSE-8302 - Presence of rsh server + * Detect equery binary detection + * New 'generate' command + Changed + * AUTH-9278 - Test LDAP in all PAM components on Red Hat and other systems + * PKGS-7410 - Add support for DPKG-based systems to gather installed kernel packages + * PKGS-7420 - Detect toolkit to automatically download and apply upgrades + * PKGS-7328 - Added global Zypper option --non-interactive + * PKGS-7386 - Only show warning when vulnerable packages were discovered + * PKGS-7392 - Skip test for Zypper-based systems + * Minor changes to improve text output, test descriptions, and logging + * Changed CentOS identifiers in end-of-life database + * AIX enhancement for IsRunning function + * Extended PackageIsInstalled function + * Improve text output on AIX systems + * Corrected lsvg binary detection + +- update to 2.7.3 + Added + * Detection for Lynis being scheduled (e.g. cronjob) + Changed + * HTTP-6624 - Improved logging for test + * KRNL-5820 - Changed color for default fs.suid_dumpable value + * LOGG-2154 - Adjusted test to search in configuration file correctly + * NETW-3015 - Added support for ip binary + * SQD-3610 - Description of test changed + * SQD-3613 - Corrected description in code + * SSH-7408 - Increased values for MaxAuthRetries + * Improvements to allow tailored tool tips in future + * Corrected detection of blkid binary + * Minor textual changes and cleanups + +- update to 2.7.2 + * Added support for doas (OpenBSD) + * Added test file permissions of doas configuration + * Added support for systemd-boot boot loader + * Added simplify service filter and allow multiple dots in service names + * Added check OpenBSD boot daemons + * Added test permissions for boot files and scripts + * Added support for end-of-life detection of the operating system + * Added new 'lynis show eol' command + * Multiple changes and improvements + +- update to 2.7.1 + * Improve support for Red Hat and clones + * Additional support for Hands Off!, LuLu, and Radio Silence + * Added MariaDB filter for deleted files (tested on CentOS) + * Added /etc/bash.bashrc.local to umask check + * Removed shift statement that did not work on all operating systems + * Minor cleanups and enhancements + * Small improvements to logging + * Added translation for Slovak + +- update to 2.7.0 + * added detection of TOMOYO binary (MACF-6240) + * Status of TOMOYO framework updated (MACF-6242) + * OpenSSH server version detected (SSH-7406) + * Check active OSSEC analysis daemon (TOOL-5160) + * Changed several warning labels on screen + * More generic sulogin for systemd rescue (AUTH-9308) + * OS detection now ignores quotes for getting the OS ID + +- update to 2.6.9 + * Man page has been updated + * Command 'lynis show options' provides up-to-date list + * Option '--dump-options' is deprecated + * Several options and commands have been extended with more examples + * OS detection now supports openSUSE specific distribution names + * Changed command output when using 'lynis audit system remote' + * added /usr/local/redis/etc path and QNAP support + * ignore exception when no vmlinuz file was discovered + +- update to 2.6.8: + * improved parsing of boot parameters to init process + * test all PHP files for expose_php and improved logging + * Docker check now tests also for CMD, ENTRYPOINT, and USER configuration + * Improved display in Docker output for showing which keys are used for signing +- includes changes from 2.6.7: + * Added busybox as a service manager + * Limit PAE and no-execute test to AMD64 hardware only + * Ignore /dev/zero and /dev/[aio] as deleted files + * Changed classification of SSH root login with keys + * Docker scan uses new format for maintainer value +- includes chagnes from 2.6.6: + * Improved log text about running kernel version + * Under some condition no hostid2 value was reported + * Solved 'extra operand' issue with tr command + +- update to 2.6.5: + * mail: Exim configuration test + * network: Use FQDN to test status of a nameserver instead of own IP address + * ssh: Improved test to allow configurations with a Match block +- includes changes from 2.6.4: + * auth: Made 'sulogin' more generic for systemd rescue shell + * dns: Initial work on DNSSEC validation testing + * network: Added support for local resolver + * php: Suhosin test disbled + * ssh: Removed 'DELAYED' from OpenSSH Compression setting + * time: Improvements to detect step-tickers file and entries +- includes changes from 2.6.3: + * crypt: Do prevalidation for certificates before testing them + * hardening: Enhanced compiler permission test + * name: Improved test to filter out empty lines + * packages: changes to detect yum-utils package and related tooling + * plugins: cron file permissions +- includes changes from 2.6.2: + * Textual changes for several tests + * Update of tests database + lynx +- version update to 2.9.0~dev.9 [bsc#1189354] + * development version, see CHANGES for details + namely: + * strip user/password from ssl_host in HTLoadHTTP, incorrectly passed as + part of the server name indicator (Debian #991971) -TD + +- update to 2.8.9rel1.1: + * documentation/metrics updates + * fix an inconsistency in message for -listonly option + * update test-packages to use current ncurses test-packages + * improve portability for sockaddr structures used in HTTP and FTP, for IPv6 and SOCKS configurations + * fix several minor warnings reported by Coverity + * build-fix overlooked in 2.8.9dev.3 when INACTIVE_INPUT_STYLE_VH is defined, for problem introduced by 2.8.8dev.17 code-cleanup + * trim unnecessary intllib symbols from src/chrtrans/ + * when cross-compiling, trim LDFLAGS from makefile rule linking makeuctb +- dropped patches: + lynx-helpfile.patch: latest documentation available online + -- lynx 2.8.8rel.2 - * correct errata in test-files which cause broken links in - break-out directory in server - * amend change from 2.8.8pre.2, to ensure that MinGW libraries - already declaring 'sleep()' will build - * drop unused save/compress rules from, because fixing - umask for these is pointless - * modify to establish sane umask value in the - "install-doc" rule -- lynx as an extra version element, append to version and adjust - filename to make download_files pass - -- lynx 2.8.8rel.1 -- user visible changes: - * add internal URL scheme "LYNXEDITMAP:" field-editing help - * correct formatting of large file-sizes in directory listing - * add "submit" and "reset" commands - * add "pwd" command, to show current working directory in the - statusline - * add option -unique-urls - * add -list_inline option, which modifies -dump output to put - links inline with the text rather than in a list at the end of - the dump - * GNUTLS to enable SNI (Server Name Indication) - * improved HTML interpretation - * improved handling and display of character sets - * Full list of changes and improvements: - -- packaging changes: - * fix self-obsoletion of lynxssl - * removed patches: - + lynx-openssl.patch, committed upstream - * modified patches: - + lynx-2.8.5-charset.patch adjust for upstream changes - lyx +- Stop owning directories provided by the filesystem package + (boo#1184786) + +- Add texlive-cprotect and texlive-doublestroke, needed to build + the userguide from within LyX + +- Add BuildRequires: mythes-devel to build with system mythes + lzip +- update to 1.22: + * Lzip now reports an error if a file name is empty (lzip -t ""). + * Option '-o, --output' now behaves like '-c, --stdout', but + sending the output unconditionally to a file instead of to + standard output. + * Lzip now does not even open the output file if the input file + is a terminal. + * Lzip can now be built, tested, and installed on systems + lacking a 'make' program. (Feature suggested by Mohammad + Akhlaghi). + * The words 'decompressed' and 'compressed' have been replaced + with the shorter 'out' and 'in' in the verbose output when + decompressing or testing. + * Option '--list' now reports corruption or truncation of the + last header in a multimenber file specifically instead of + showing the generic message "Last member in input file is + truncated or corrupt." + * The commands needed to extract files from a tar.lz archive + have been documented in the manual, in the output of '--help', + and in the man page. + * Plzip and tarlz are mentioned in the manual as alternatives for + multiprocessors. + * Several fixes and improvements have been made to the manual. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.21 + * Errors are now also checked when closing the input file + * The descritions in the man pages are improved + * Config script now accepts appending CXXFLAGS options + +- Update to new upstream release 1.21~rc1 + * Detection of forbidden combinations of characters in trailing + data has been improved. + -- license update: GPL-3.0+ - Use SPDX format ( - -- update to 1.13: - * lziprecover has been moved to its own package - * inability to change output file attributes has been downgraded from error - to warning - * compression time of option "-0" has been reduced by 2% - * a reorganization of the compression code has been made - * a small change has been made in the "--help" output and man page - * quote characters in messages have been changed as advised by GNU Coding - Standards - -- update to 1.12: - * the option "-F, --recompress", which forces recompression of files whose - name already has the ".lz" or ".tlz" suffix, has been added - * for large values of "--match-length", the compression ratio has been - slightly increased, and compression time has been reduced by up to 6% - * the compression time of the option "-0" has been reduced by 2% - * this release will print only one status line for each multi-member file - when only one "-v" is specified - * it will print up to 6 bytes of trailing garbage when "-vvvv" is specified - * it does not show the message "and `--stdout' was not specified" for file - types that can't be read (directories, etc) - lzlib +- Update to 1.12: + * see included NEWS + * The value of the version test macro 'LZ_API_VERSION' is now + defined as 1000 * major + minor. For version 1.12 it is 1012. + * The new function 'LZ_api_version', which returns the + LZ_API_VERSION of the library object code being used, has + been added to lzlib. + * Decompression speed has been slightly increased. + * The new option '--check-lib', which compares the version of + lzlib used to compile minilzip with the version actually + being used, has been added to minilzip. + * Minilzip now reports an error if a file name is empty (minilzip -t ""). + * Option '-o, --output' now behaves like '-c, --stdout', but + sending the output unconditionally to a file instead of to + standard output. See the new description of '-o' in the + manual. This change is not backwards compatible. + * When using '-c' or '-o', minilzip now checks whether the + output is a terminal only once. + * The words 'decompressed' and 'compressed' have been replaced + with the shorter 'out' and 'in' in the verbose output of + minilzip when decompressing or testing. + * It has been documented in the manual that + 'LZ_(de)compress_close' and 'LZ_(de)compress_errno' can be + called with a null argument. + * Bugfixes, documentation updates. + +- Move to final release 1.11 + * No visible changes + +- Update License field as per SR 658030 review + +- Update to new upstream release 1.11~rc2 + * In case of decompression error caused by corrupt or truncated data, + LZ_decompress_read now does not signal the error immediately + to the application, but waits until all decoded bytes have + been read. This allows tools like tarlz to recover as much + data as possible from damaged members. + -- Update to new upstream release 1.4 - * Compression ratio has been slightly increased. - * Compression time has been reduced by 8%. - * Decompression time has been reduced by 7%. - * Arguments and return values of functions in lzlib.h have been - changed from "long long" to "unsigned long long". - * "LZ_decompress_read" now tells "header error" from "unexpected - eof" the same way as lzip does when the EOF happens at the header. -- Do signature verification -- Base name of devel package on main name -- Remove static libraries from installation -- Wrap description at 70 cols - -- update to 1.3: - * Lzlib has been translated to C from the C++ source of lzlib 1.2. This has - been done to avoid the dependency on libstdc++, making lzlib useful in more - environments - -- Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions - -- update to 1.2: - * for large values of "--match-length", compression ratio has been slightly - increased and compression time has been reduced by up to 6% - * the option "-F, --recompress", which forces recompression of files whose - name already has the ".lz" or ".tlz" suffix, has been added to minilzip - lzma-sdk +- Update lzma-sdk-shlib.patch to use Sha256Opt.c for generating + boo#1193657 + +- Update to version 21.06 + * Bug in LZMA encoder in file LzmaEnc.c was fixed: + LzmaEnc_MemEncode(), LzmaEncode() and LzmaCompress() could + work incorrectly, if size value for output buffer is smaller + than size required for all compressed data. LzmaEnc_Encode() + could work incorrectly, if callback ISeqOutStream::Write() + doesn't write all compressed data. + NCompress::NLzma::CEncoder::Code() could work incorrectly, + if callback ISequentialOutStream::Write() returns error + code. + * Bug in versions 21.00-21.05 was fixed: + 7-Zip didn't set attributes of directories during archive + extracting. + version 21.04 beta: + * 7-Zip now reduces the number of working CPU threads for + compression, if RAM size is not enough for compression with + big LZMA2 dictionary. + * 7-Zip now can create and check "file.sha256" text files that + contain the list of file names and SHA-256 checksums in + format compatible with sha256sum program. + version 21.03 beta: + * The maximum dictionary size for LZMA/LZMA2 compressing was + increased to 4 GB (3840 MiB). + * Minor speed optimizations in LZMA/LZMA2 compressing. + version 21.02 alpha: + * The speed for LZMA and LZMA2 decompression in arm64 versions + was increased by 20%-60%. + version 21.01 alpha: + * The improvements for speed of ARM64 version using hardware + CPU instructions for AES, CRC-32, SHA-1 and SHA-256. + * Some bugs were fixed. + version 20.02 alpha: + * The default number of LZMA2 chunks per solid block in 7z + archive was increased to 64. It allows to increase the + compression speed for big 7z archives, if there is a big + number of CPU cores and threads. + * The speed of PPMd compressing/decompressing was increased + for 7z archives. + * The new -ssp switch. If the switch -ssp is specified, 7-Zip + doesn't allow the system to modify "Last Access Time" + property of source files for archiving and hashing operations. + * Some bugs were fixed. + version 20.00 alpha; + * 7-Zip now supports new optional match finders for LZMA/LZMA2 + compression: bt5 and hc5, that can work faster than bt4 and + hc4 match finders for the data with big redundancy. + * The compression ratio was improved for Fast and Fastest + compression levels with the following default settings: + + Fastest level (-mx1) : hc5 match finder with 256 KB + dictionary. + + Fast level (-mx3) : hc5 match finder with 4 MB + dictionary. + * Minor speed optimizations in multithreaded LZMA/LZMA2 + compression for Normal/Maximum/Ultra compression levels. + mISDNuser +- Update to new snapshot 2.1.0+2.0.22+git6 (d6818dd9a) + * mISDNcapid: Add experimental partial early B3 support. + * mISDNcapid: Parse B channel id first from message then its + included IEs. + * Add LLC logging + * Create signal handler for capi20: SIGHUP re-opens debug log file. + * Fix possible buffer overflows detected by newer GCC versions. + -- first version - macrofusion +- Add gobject-introspection to build requires to ensure typelibs + are pulled in on install. +- Run spec-cleaner. + +- Add frombytes.patch to use Image.frombytes instead of Image.fromstring + see + madplay +- Added madplay-switch-to-new-alsa-api.patch to fix Factory build +- Spec cleanup + mailprocessing +- Update to mailprocessing-1.2.7 + * imapproc: fix crash when attempting to query message flags on empty folders + * maildirproc: catch and log ENOENT when moving to a nonexistent target folder + * maildirproc: logging improvements/fixes + * maildirproc: fix handling of '/' as separator + * Various test fixes and flake8 cleanups (test suite still non-functional) + * Fix clean target in Makefile on MacOS + +- Switch back to tarball from Github (used to be the generated one) + +- Update to mailprocessing-1.2.6 + * Added example logrotate configurations + * Added SIGHUP handler for reopening log files (useful for + log rotation) + * Use locking for PID and log files. You need to specify + dedicated PID and lock files if you want to run multiple + concurrent imapproc processes. + * Write PID file + * Improve signal handling and cleanup after receiving fatal + signals. Continuous mode in particular is a lot more + reliable and predictable now. + * Download message headers in a batched manner + * Download message flags in a batched manner + * Various documentation and release engineering fixes/cleanups + mairix +- update to 0.24 + * Support fancy Content-Disposition + * RFC5987-compliant headers + * Support for remote IMAP folders + * Fix string overrun bugs in nvp.c + * Option to follow symlinks to mboxes in rc file + * Minor parsing improvements, documentation fixes, and small bug + repairs. +- includes 0.23 + * Allow '=' in message-id search for RFC2822 conformance + * Add the option -H to force hardlinks + * Skip .gitignore files + * Do not interpret special characters [~,/=^] in Message-ID + queries + * Fix faultly mbox message separators + * Improve reporting of unparsed MIME headers + * Allow empty sections in MIME headers + * Add support for uuencoded attachments + * Improve the parsing of MIME boundaries + * Fix SEGV if mbox shrinks + * Add test suite + * Fix building in parallel + makedumpfile -- Fix guessing of VA_BITS and if present use TCR_EL1_T1SZ to determine - vabits_actual (since kernel v5.9). (bsc#1183977) +- Non-existent patches must be listed twice to appear as added in a + unified diff against a version that had them. Only that can make + factory-auto happy. Here we go: + +- Merge SLE15 SP3 changelog. +- Patches that were never actually applied to Factory: + * makedumpfile-Retrieve-MAX_PHYSMEM_BITS-from-vmcoreinfo.patch + (included in 1.6.8) + * makedumpfile-arm64-Add-support-for-ARMv8.2-LPA-52-bit-PA-su.patch + (included in 1.6.8) + +- Turn on zstd. + +- Update to 1.7.0 + * Zstandard (zstd) compression support + * New -L option to limit output file size + * Support of kernels up to v5.15 (x86_64) + +- Update to 1.6.9 + * Add initial mips64 support + * Support newer kernels up to v5.12 + * x86_64: fix a use-after-free bug in -e option + * arm64: support flipped VA and 52-bit kernel VA + * Add shorthand --show-stats option to show report stats + * Add --dry-run option to prevent writing the dumpfile + * printk: add support for lockless ringbuffer +- Fix rpmlintrc to not be version agnostic +- Refresh makedumpfile-override-libtinfo.patch +- Drop upstream merged + * makedumpfile-printk-add-support-for-lockless-ringbuffer.patch + * makedumpfile-printk-use-committed-finalized-state-value.patch + * + * makedumpfile-1-3-Use-vmcoreinfo-note-in-proc-kcore-for-mem-.patch + * makedumpfile-2-3-arm64-Make-use-of-NUMBER-VA_BITS-in-vmcore.patch + * makedumpfile-3-3-arm64-support-flipped-VA-and-52-bit-kernel.patch + +- Update patch metadata. + +- Fix guessing of va_bits (bsc#1183977) +- Support kernel 5.11: + * + make use of '' offset in VMCOREINFO. + +- Update upstream project location (URL and Source). + +- Update to version 1.6.8: + * Support newer kernels up to v5.9 + * arm64: Add support for ARMv8.2-LPA (52-bit PA support) + * Retrieve MAX_PHYSMEM_BITS from vmcoreinfo + * sadump, kaslr: fix failure of calculating kaslr_offset + * Introduce --check-params option + * cope with not-present mem section +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * makedumpfile-Fix-cd_header-offset-overflow-with-large-pfn.patch + * makedumpfile-arm64-Align-PMD_SECTION_MASK-with-PHYS_MASK.patch + * makedumpfile-sadump-Fix-failure-of-reading.patch +- Allow to read kernel log from the lockless ringbuffer (bsc#1183965): + * makedumpfile-printk-add-support-for-lockless-ringbuffer.patch + * makedumpfile-printk-use-committed-finalized-state-value.patch + makeself +- Update to 2.4.5 + * Fix some issues with the compatibility of the archives + * Reversing the previous generation of strictly POSIX tar archives. + * Fix possible incompatibilities with the default ustar TAR format + * Introducing a new --tar-format option when creating the format + +- update to 2.4.3: + * includes a number of bug fixes. + * POSIX tar archive format is now explicitly set to increase compatibility + between GNU and BSD variants of the command. + +- Update to version 2.4.2: + * New --cleanup and --cleanup-args arguments for cleanup scripts; + * Added threading support for supported compressors + * Now supports zstd compression. +- Changes for version 2.4.0: + * Added new --sha256 argument to use a SHA256 checksum to verify + the integrity of archives. The shasum or sha256sum commands + need to be available on the targeted systems. + * Fixes for extracting to directories containing spaces. + * OpenSSL improvements. + * Base64 decoding support on macOS. + * Various documentation updates. + +- Adjust source URL for factory service run to fix factory-auto + -- initial OBS build. - man-pages-ja -- update to 20171215 +- Remove conflicting cdparanoia manpage + +- update SPEC file + +- Update to version 20210515 -- Update to 20170515 +- version update to 20201215 -- update to 20161115 +- version update to 20201115 -- update to 20151215 +- version update to 20191215 -- update to 20150415 +- update to 20181215 -- update to 20141115 +- update to 20171215 -- Update to new upstream release 20140915 - * No upstream changelog was provided -- Remove ancient specfile tags and sections -- Remove unneeded dependency "deb", has no effect on filelist +- Update to 20170515 + * added and improved manual pages + +- update to 20161115 + * added and improved manual pages -- updated to 20140615: +- update to 20151215 -- updated to 20140315: +- update to 20150415 -- updated to 20131115: +- update to 20141115 manpageeditor +- Update to version 0.1.3 + * Added --import MANPAGE option to command line. + * Added --section SECTION option to command line. + * Added -v/-? options to command line. + * Updated manpage. + * Fixed wrongly labeled 'Save' menu. + * Added recent menu. + * Added key shortcuts to formating menu items ( finally ). + * Added 'Documentation' sub catagory to desktop file. + * Application icons now symlinked instead of installed. + * Tweaked .desktop files for compatability. +- Drop manpageeditor-desktop-warnings.diff +- Build with gtk3 +- Use upstream URL + +- Modify useless link to + +- depend on aspell, it will not be removed from factory + (sorry for noise) + +- remove dependency on aspell, it is going to be removed from + factory + manufacturer-PPDs +- BuildRequires cups-rpm-helper to fix printer driver provides (boo#1172407) + -- Ignore cupstestppd FAILs because of errors in UIConstraints - and/or NonUIConstraints which are detected since cupstestppd - in CUPS > 1.2.7 (i.e. since openSUSE 10.3). - See Novell/Suse Bugzilla bug #309822: When this bug is fixed, - cupstestppd would no longer result zero exit code. - In the long run the PPDs should be fixed but as far as we know - there have been no problems because of such UIConstraints errors - so that it should be o.k. let those PPDs pass even if they are - not strictly compliant. - marisa +- update version 0.2.6 + * see git commits +- enable python3 binding again + +- No longer package python2-binding on suse_version > 1500. + +- Drop build time from perllocal.pod for reproducibility (boo#1047218) + mate-applet-dock +- Update to version 21.10.0: + * Only activate the topmost window for Unity-style window + switching behaviour. + * Add i18n support along with French and Spanish translations. + * Fix AttributeError in start_app(). +- Change the requirement from python3-xdg to python3-pyxdg. +- Add the mate-applet-dock-lang package. + mate-panel +- Update to version 1.26.1: + * Fix show window thumbnails check button. + * Revert "window-list.c: use g_settings_* functions directly + instead of using stored values" + * Update installation instructions. + * Fix the mate-desktop-item-edit executable. + * Update translations. + mate-screensaver +- Update to version 1.26.1: + * gs-theme-manager: Reload on menu_tree changed. + * Prompt-driven auth. helper. + * Update translations. + materia-gtk-theme +- Update to version 20210322 + * Add support for GTK 4 + * Add support for gnome-shell 40 + * Update color scheme + * Make dark theme darker + * Update scrollbar slider colors + * gtk3: Change background/surface rule + * gtk3: Drop undershoot styling + * gtk3/assistant: Change highlighted label style in sidebar + * gtk3: Tone down hover overlay in some widgets + * gtk3: Drop transparency from overlay scrollbars + * gtk3: Change the direction of the expander arrow + * gtk3/combobox: Update the arrow button style + * gtk3: Make checked flat button blue + * gtk3/pathbar: Make checked button's text/ink color blue + * gtk3: Update stacksidebar style + * gtk3: Update notebook style + * gtk3: Update .keycap style + * gtk3: Update focus entry style + * cinnamon & gnome-shell: Revamp drop shadows + * gnome-shell: Update app folder icon style + * meson: Allow specifying micro version in the build option `gnome_shell_version` + * meson: Avoid copying configured SCSS files to current_source_dir() + * Other various minor improvements and fixes + mathgl +- Do not compile with python2 on Leap 15.4 + mathomatic +- Update to version 16.0.5 + * Corrected and improved "tests/" and the + terminology used, thanks to Wolfram Alpha. + * Fixed "./update" command (which updates "proto.h") to work + without the readline development headers and libraries + installed. + * m4/gradians.m4 copied with m4/functions.m4, when installing + with "make m4install" into "/usr/local/share/mathomatic/m4/", + so gradian trig mode can be used by typing "rmath + gradians.m4" at the shell prompt, while in that directory. + The debug level was being set in degrees.m4 and gradians.m4; + no longer. + * Mathomatic now always runs "set load" after "set save", + for the convenience of immediately loading the specified + settings, and for error checking. + From now on Mathomatic does not set the alarm nor hangup + handlers, because it crashes the entire shell window when + readline is compiled in and an alarm or hangup signal + happens. Works acceptably now that these signal handlers are + not set, it just quits when time is up, saying "Alarm clock"; + The same thing happens for SIGHUP, except it just says + "Hangup" and quits. I am really not liking readline nor its + license now. + SIGALRM and SIGHUP are no longer given handlers. The default + seems to be what has to be there with the current readline + mess. + Overwriting the current signal handlers causes serious bugs, + but only for readline. + * Fixed "lib/compile.testmain" to work with the latest linker. + * Made all output methods respect "set columns", so + "display all >output.txt" will not always use infinite + columns. This goes for the Symbolic Math Library, too. +- Re-enabled ppc64 build +- Dropped mathomatic.desktop as source +- Spec cleanup + -- Updated to Mathomatic version 15.8.2 - This release fixes regressions and other bugs. - All changes are listed at - matio +- Update to version 1.5.21 + * Fixed: Avoid usage of strlen when creating MAT_T_UTF8 encoded + character array + * Fixed reading of compression flag from HDF5 MAT file +- Use https for URL and SourceURL + +- Update to version 1.5.20: + * Added support for writing MAT_T_UTF8 encoded character array + to HDF5 MAT file (by conversion to UTF-16 if in BMP). + * Updated cmake-conan to v0.16.1. + * Fixed bug with size_t arguments of logging function calls. + * Fixed bug reading past EOF from (crafted) MAT file. + * Fixed bug writing MAT_T_UTF8 encoded character array to v5 MAT + file. + * Fixed printing of MAT_T_UTF8 encoded character array. + * Several other fixes, for example for memory leaks. + +- Update to version 1.5.19: + * Fixed support for CMake (>= v3.19.0) build system. + * Fixed bug reading variable from v4 MAT file (regression of + v1.5.18). + +- Update to version 1.5.18: + * Added support of HDF5 v1.12.x. + * Added support for reading uncompressed v5 MAT file generated + by SWAN. + * Added error codes to public interface. + * Added support for CMake build system. + * Fixed read performance of numeric array from compressed v5 MAT + file. + * Fixed support for VS2005 and VS2008 (MSVC) (regression of + v1.5.15). + * Fixed mktemp linker warning when using GNU linker. + * Fixed bug writing struct array to uncompressed v5 MAT file on + big endian architecture (regression of v1.5.10). + * Fixed bug writing cell array to uncompressed v5 MAT file on + big endian architecture. + * Fixed bug reading variable name from v4 MAT file + (CVE-2019-17533). + * Fixed bug reading dimensions from (crafted) compressed v5 MAT + file (CVE-2019-20017, CVE-2019-20018, CVE-2019-20020, + CVE-2019-20052). +- Bump soversion to 11. + matomo +- Update to 4.6.2 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #18444 Ensure UTF8mb4 conversion command always enables tracking again [by @sgiehl] + - #18455 Ignore segment errors in update script [by @sgiehl] + - #18473 Ensure update to 4.6.2 removes deleted files [by @sgiehl] + - #18421 Remove unneeded plugin.json from CoreVue plugin [by @diosmosis] + +- Update to 4.6.1 + - In this release there is no code change but a change to the + "Manifest File integrity list" to prevent a warning in the + System check for some users. + +- Update to 4.6.0 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #6784 Dashboard shows proportional evolution comparison for incomplete periods (rather than absolute values) + - #3883 Row Evolution, Support Per-Goals and Ecommerce metrics: conversions, conversion rate, revenue and total revenue + - #6032 Transitions reports: export full data as XML/JSON + - #10291 Show difference in graphs for data of “unfinished periods†and “complete periods†+ - #14370 Remember “Rows to display†user preference for Evolution graphs + - #17976 Scheduled tasks should not launch archiving + - #8444 Ensure that the archive algorithm cannot be triggered multiple times for a same site/period/segment + - #11627 JavaScript Tracker: Add possibility to set URL parameters to ignore + - #18186 Improve in-app feedback mechanism to gain insight from users about pain points + - #18036 Optimise ecommerce life time metric query + - #18079 Make error messages not leak potentially sensitive information when tracker db connection fails + - #18244 Ensure DNS records are only requested for IP allowlist when needed + - #18232 Remove “refer us†feature + - #18250 Remove review popup + - #18251 Collect feedback about what features people are using? + - #3513 Column names could stick to the top of screen when scrolling down report tables + - #16607 More verbose error message when login nonce check fails + - #18164 Install routine: Fix text contrast for accessibility + - #17589 Add config option to disable http requests in System Checks to prevent server crashes with mod_security + - #17856 [database_tests] section no longer generated when executing php tests + - #18133 JSONp API request (with callback) strips first and last character from result + - #18178 Fix segment creation fails when enable_create_realtime_segments = 0 + - #18313 Newsletter Signup in personal settings, mention Matomo privacy policy applies + - #17815 Improve UI of report info icon to show report generation time and help message + - #18058 Add system check for 32 bit PHP / OS + - #18070 New console command “marketplace:add-license-key†which adds a marketplace license key + - #18107 Add more granular access control for segment creation + - #18162 Close Tooltip when redirecting to another page + - #18152 Improve performance of Process::isSupported by caching it + - #18157 Make cli archiving faster if only one concurrent request per website is configured + - #18172 Fix initial export option values so checkbox shows correct value + - #18211 Updates davaxi/sparkline to 2.0 to PHP8.1 compatible version + - #18215 Fix CSP issue when viewing marketplace plugin details + - #15429 Mention guides for Wix, WordPress, SquareSpace, Sharepoint in the “No data†email and in the “Tracking code†pag + - #17602 Fix 2-lines label overflows the input + - #17786 Install routine: language changer line height improvements + - #11175 Improve help text on ‘Users’ report when no data + - #17010 When “average generation time†is zero, hide the sparkline and “Avg generation time†graphs metric from picker + - #17890 Remove “add new segment†selector in segment editor + - #17996 Manage Users: When user is admin, mention other users might exist + - #17973 Remove Provider and CustomVariables plugin from our core release + - #18011 Update list of no longer supported browsers (IE11) + - #17923 Make SecurityPolicy methods a public API and fully enable the CSP + - #16153 Tracking request may trigger a warning when providing an invalid regex + - #14695 Special character apostrophe is not getting printed properly in visits log (campaign url) + - #16067 Fix dashboard showing incorrect percentage on increases bigger than 1000% + - #17939 Include lox/xhprof in the Matomo build release so Profiling works + - #18019 Make the opt out work when a PHP 32 bit is used + - #18130 Fixed in place sorting order bug for PHP8+ + - #18231 Fix annotations for “Behaviour > Performance†StackedBarEvolution charts + - #18267 Decode goal top dimension values + - #10550 Add field lastSeen in the API for the UsersManager + - #17916 Introduce new config setting to set a contact email address + - #17940 [Vue] Introduce Vue + Workflow commands + - #18071 Provide console command for adding a marketplace license key (#18070) + - #18074 Update container factory to allow for sorting plugins + - #18110 Use detachEvent when removeEventListener isn’t available + - #18123 Don’t browser archive when segment is set to be pre-processed + - #18137 Make the Twig cache template path more configurable with a DI entry + - #18149 Fix error cannot read property “replace†of undefined in quick search + - #18156 Small optimisations to Archiving performance + - #18166 [Vue] Migrate content-block, enriched-headline, rate-feature + related + - #18187 Fix possible problem with CSP in overlay feature + - #18193 [Vue] migrate comparisons service + component + - #18204 Always remove hash part from URL when detecting the script name + - #18213 [Vue] migrate date-picker and other period-selector related components + - #18214 [Vue] migrate dropdown and related directives + - #18225 [Vue] migrate notifications directive & service + UI.Notifications + - #18235 Changes to keep sorting order consistent across all PHP versions for Live.getLastVisitsDetails API + - #18241 Take archive TTL time into consideration for today when browser archiving is enabled + - #18255 Fix archiving too many segments that aren’t needed and showing 0 conversions for new visits/returning visitors + - #18263 Support downloading system tests from plugins + - #18278 Remove cache clearing from forget invalidations loop. + - #18300 Corrected paths mentioning “piwik/†to “/path/to/matomo/â€. + - #18309 Couple of fixes in QuickForm2 for PHP8.1 compatibility + * matomo-org/tag-manager + - #217 Enable Debugging mode without URL parameter + - #375 Right clicks trigger twice for “All Links Click†and “All Elements Click†in Firefox + - #378 Fix deprecation warning on PHP 8.1 + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #5773 Add detection for Google Podcasts + - #6793 Improvements for the OS parser a second level of regular expressions has been added + - #6870 Detect devices for existing brands: Xiaomi, Samsung, Realme, Tecno Mobile, Mobicel, Vivo, Lenovo, ZTE, + OPPO, Oukitel, CUBOT, UMIDIGI, OnePlus, Ulefone, Doogee, TCL, Vivo, Vertex, Infinix, Krüger&Matz, Wiko, DEXP, BQ + - #6872 Detect new brand Nubia + - #6873 Detect new brands: Bluebird, Mara and Detect devices for existing brands: Krüger&Matz, iHunt, Sony, Teclast, + Tanix, Logicom, Nubia, Xiaomi, QMobile, DIXON, Zuum, Vodacom, Mobicel, Oukitel, Motorola, Stylo, Tecno Mobile, + Chuwi, OnePlus, Vivo, iTel, Doogee, Cat, Homtom, CUBOT, MLS, Blu, Casper, Unonu + - #6874 Detect new brands: BMAX, Geotex and Detect devices for existing brands: Telefunken, Asus, Huawei, Lenovo, + Tecno Mobile, Nomi, Coolpad, Blu, Navitel, Winnovo, Digiland, DEXP, Sony, Inoi, OPPO, Samsung, Xiaomi, LG, Vivo, + UMIDIGI, Mobicel, Teclast, Zuum + - #6877 Detect new brand: Rakuten and Detect devices for existing brands: Beelink, Sony, Blackview, Samsung, + NUU Mobile, Oukitel, Coolpad, LG, DEXP, Acer, ZTE, TCL, Mobicel, Contixo, BQ, ONYX BOOX, Mecer, Digma, Lenovo, + RCA Tablets, Intex, Huawei, Santin, Vivo, NOA, iTel, Sharp, Prestigio, HTC, OnePlus, Wiko, Fly, Meizu, Lava, Gionee + - #6878 detect the device type for other browsers (Huawei, Quark, MQQBrowser) + - #6879 Detect devices for existing brands: Vivo, Huawei, ZTE, Smartisan, Samsung, OPPO, HTC, Xiaolajiao, POCO, Xiaomi, Blu + - #6880 Adds detection for Apple iPhone 13 models + - #6881 Detect device type for chrome forks + - #6883 Detect devices for existing brands: Vivo, HTC, Hisense, Gionee, Huawei, Samsung, Realme, Blu, NOA + - #6885 Detect oss: Java ME, REX + - #6886 Detect new brand: DING DING and Detect devices for existing brands: Zopo, F2 Mobile, iBall, Krüger&Matz, + Hotwav, Orange, Tecno Mobile, Runbo, Vonino, M4tel, Kempler & Strauss, Rokit, Stylo, DEXP, Prestigio, Mobicel, Santin + - #6888 Detect devices for existing brands: X-TIGI, Prestigio, Micromax, LG, DEXP, Oukitel, Hurricane, Alcatel, + M4tel, Blackview, S-TELL, Coolpad, HTC, Teclast, Mecer, Huawei, Reeder, Orange, Mobicel, Realme, NUU Mobile, + Xiaomi, Huawei, Hisense, Zuum, Krüger&Matz, Motorola + - #6889 Adds detection for GitHub Desktop and Logi Options+ apps + - #6890 Adds detection for Bonsai, Peeps dBrowser, Flash, Harman, Lagatos, LT, PSI, Spectre and Sushi Browsers + - #6891 Adds detection for Roku OS + - #6892 Adds detection for OpenWrt OS and uclient-fetch library + - #6894 Adds detection for multiples apps and improves iOS, Windows, iPhone, iPod detection + - #6895 Detect devices for existing brands: Nubia, F150, Vivo, Huawei, Realme, Google, Oukitel, TCL, Packard Bell, + Xiaomi, Cube, Lenovo, OnePlus, iHunt, Proline, Reeder, Stylo, Hurricane, OPPO, Mobicel, Ugoos, Beeline, 4Good, + Teclast, K-Touch, Prestigio, Tecno Mobile, AllDocube, Ravoz, T-Mobile, DIXON, Motorola, Asus + - #6897 Detect new brands: Trident, SUNWIND, OKSI, Taiga System and Detect devices for existing brands: TechPad, + Santin, Realme, Meizu, Alcatel, Xiaomi, ONN, UMIDIGI, DEXP, Premio, Oukitel, Coolpad, Sky, Huawei, Stylo, Mobicel, + Casper, Infinix, TCL, Qumo + - #6899 Adds detection for Apple Watch Series 7 + - #6900 Improves detection for Apple devices + - #6901 Improves detection for Hisense, Samsung and TCL devices + - #6902 Improves Android, iPadOS, iOS, macOS version detection + - #6903 Improves detection for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, Android, Windows, Apple, Motorola, Samsung and Sony brands, + and adds detection for Telco brand and various apps + - #6904 Adds detection for Cellution, Juniper Systems, Kazuna, Oculus, STRONG, Topelotek brands and improves detection for + Alcatel, Amazon, ANS, Kocaso, LG, Motorola, Sony, UMIDIGI brands + - #6905 Adds detection for various apps + - #6906 Detect new brands: Glofiish, Polar, MyGica and Detect devices for existing brands: Cavion, Stylo, Mobicel, + Hurricane, Proline, bq, Hisense, Archos, NOA, GOCLEVER, Blackview, Blu + - #6907 Adds detection for KRIP brand, improves detection for Alcatel, Blu, BMobile, Epik One, Gateway, Huawei, Hyundai, + IKU Mobile, MobiWire, MicroMax, Positivo, Safaricom, TCL, UMIDIGI, Vivo brands and improves detection for Opera GX, + Windows, x86, x64 platforms + * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker + - #97 Fix for double newline issue when a redirect is used + - #98 Couple of fixes for PHP 8.1 + +- Update to 4.5.0 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #17870 Improve I/O performance by not writing placeholder files when they already exist + - #17732 Users can get logged out when many notifications are pending + - #17853 Clicking through the following pages in the transition overlay for page titles does not work + - #17872 If the period is not enabled in config “The period is not supported†message is shown in cron archiving + - #17926 Console error “There was an error setting cookie `mtm_cookie_consent`. + Please check domain and path.†when calling ‘rememberCookieConsentGiven’ + - #17965 In Acquisition > Overview report, the Row selector is missing + - #17966 Warning DataCollection.php(381): Notice – Undefined index: 2021-04-26,2021-05-02 + - #17091 Failing SMTP connection might result in information disclosure in password recovery + - #17773 Matomo should be setting content security policy to prevent some XSS + - #18030 Remove fallback to mt_rand and always use random_int for secure randomness + - #2672 New INI config setting for Custom image to replace default 1×1 GIF image + - #16576 New console command config:delete to delete a key + - #16859 Add JS tracker methods setPagePerformanceTiming and getCustomPagePerformanceTiming to set + specific values for performance metrics + - #17738 Don’t log an error when not supported browser is used + - #14719 Run OPTIMIZE TABLE on each table in a separate SQL query to work better with replication + - #15322 Removed misleading help text from segment dimensions tooltip + - #15892 ‘Acquistion/Overview/Evolution over the period’ graph fails when adding more channels + - #16529 Old data in log tables without idvisit column are not purged (affects plugins) + - #15036 Hide “AND segmented reports are pre-processed (faster, requires cron)†from + the UI when enable_create_realtime_segments = 0 + - #15135 Link to a helpful FAQ in the error message “Oops, there was a problem during the request.†+ - #15335 When configuring an e-mail report, the selected segment is not saved + - #16604 Update RegEx extractions help text to show slashes don’t need escaping + - #17577 Split private directories system check into “Required†and “Recommended†+ - #16834 Use row_format=dynamic by default when creating a table + - #18012 Add warning about dropping support for IE11 in Matomo user interface + - #18039 Remove not used DB adapters + - #16459 Heartbeat timer ping request is not always sent + (focusing away from the tab should trigger the ping request) + - #17640 Page Overlay ignores token_auth in URL when opened from a Widget + - #17752 Automatically delete plugin specific/report specific invalidations that do not need to run + - #17787 Javascript console error when clicking Install routine: Download System Check button + - #17816 Limiting ecommerce product reports to 10,000 to avoid memory issues with new INI config setting to customise + - #17871 Added info message that INI setting archiving_query_max_execution_time may not work for MySQLI + - #17883 Possible warning notices during log archive + - #17925 The selected [Allow multiple conversions per visit] option is not displayed when editing a goal + - #18046 For login allow list add support for IPv6 + - #17817 When aggregating reports, inflate one expanded datatable at a time + - #17818 get rid of stashed datatables before going into safe mode to free up memory + - #17846 Remove checking for /proc existence + - #17849 Scheduled tasks: Always read timetable from the database and not from memory + - #17855 Use Monolog:SyslogHandler syslog default facility + - #17867 Do not log a failed login if a valid app token_auth is sent + - #17869 Fix a couple a possible warnings in PHP 8.1 + - #17877 Only set requests in tracking request set when correct value is given + - #17891 Ignore overwrite subtable warning for summary rows for old data to avoid re-archiving for a single row + - #17905 Update cache component + - #17910 Expose methods to disable content security policy or loosen it for embedded iframes + - #17937 Load sparkline images only once they are near view port + - #17943 When processing a dependent archive for a range, then only process the requested plugin, not all plugins + - #17949 try and reconnect database after running each scheduled task (at most once per two hours) during core:archive + - #17992 Update doctrine cache to the right version + - #18023 Allow social & search definitions to be sourced locally + - #18024 Check config file was written correctly + - #18033 Allow scheduled report emails to be differentiated from other emails + - #18042 removed files related to unsupported databases + - #18074 Update container factory to allow for sorting plugins + * matomo-org/tag-manager + - #217 Enable Debugging mode without URL parameter + - #208 Added option to configure cookie domain in configuration + - #328 Observe DOM element changes even when a user doesn’t scroll on the page + - #339 Visibility trigger add feature to observe DOM changes etc. + - #49 Make Matomo tag parameters descriptions translatable + - #225 Explain what the Tag Manager “Enable DNT†setting in the Matomo Configuration variable does + - #268 New “Click Button†variable and “All Elements Click†and “All Links Click†will trigger on middle and right click also + - #349 The `WindowUnload` event should be triggered only once for Microsoft Internet Explorer in Edge mode + - #362 Element visibility trigger may trigger too often + - #344 Visibility trigger add feature to observe DOM changes + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6477 Adds detection for Secure Browser + - #6546 Adds detection for tvOS and removes Apple TV + - #6812 Added detection for existing brands: AT&T, Tecno Mobile, Vivo, Blu, Philips, Phonemax, + Motorola, Ulefone, ZTE, DEXP, JVC, UMIDIGI, F150, Neffos, Nomi, Nomu, NOA, Inoi, Doogee, + Senseit, Pixus, Mintt, Mobicel + - #6813 Added detection for existing brands: ZTE, HTC, Lenovo, Doogee, Prestigio, GOCLEVER, + iLife, Explay, Blu, Vivo, Overmax, Vertex, Blackview + - #6815 Added detection for bots: LinkPreview, JungleKeyThumbnail + - #6817 Adds detection for various bots + - #6818 Added detection for mobile app: NTV Mobil + - #6819 Detect devices for existing brands: Infinix, Oukitel, Inoi, Wileyfox, Teclast, Iris, + Umax, Sencor, Meizu, Huawei, Blu, MyPhone, Hisense, ZTE, Vivo + - #6822 Detect devices for existing brands: Doro, Xiaomi, Turbo-X, Majestic, Energizer, + Ulefone, Prestigio, Nomi, NGM, Lenovo, Blu, HTC, ZTE, Motorola, Digma + - #6824 Detect devices for existing brands: Santin, Ulefone, DEXP, TrekStor, Teclast, Asus, + Neffos, Nobby, Xiaomi, ZTE, OPPO, Wiko, Lenovo, LT Mobile, MLS, Vertex, MyPhone, Lava, + HTC, Palm, Jinga, Archos, Bravis, Nomi, Elephone + - #6825 Detect bot Turnitin + - #6827 Detect devices for existing brands: A1, Huawei, Crosscall, Samsung, Tecno Mobile, + Teclast, Realme, Reeder, Leagoo, OPPO, Sony, Asus, Sharp, Fujitsu, Xiaomi, Motorola + - #6828 Detect app TikTok for Android + - #6829 Adds bot detection Google StoreBot + - #6830 Detect new brands Adronix, ProVision and Detect devices for existing brands: + AllDocube, Asus, Fujitsu, Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo, Motorola, Openbox, Karbonn, + Lava, Vivo, Meizu, Hoozo, Realme, Krüger&Matz + - #6834 Adds bot detection Dotcom Monitor + - #6835 Detect apps: AliExpress, QuickCast, Blue Proxy, COAF SMART Citizen + - #6837 Detect devices for existing brands: Alcatel, MTC, HTC, Nokia, Vivo, Samsung, + OnePlus, Nomi, ONN, Tecno Mobile, Realme, Blackview, LG, Lenovo, Motorola, Digma, + Fairphone, Homtom + - #6839 Detect new brand Sirin labs and Detect devices for existing brands: + Google, Vivo, POCO, OPPO, Sony, Sharp, Oukitel, Lenco, iVA, Doogee, MyPhone, + M-Horse, Dialog, Digma, Energizer, Santin, MDC Store, 4Good, Matrix, Allwinner, + Prestigio + - #6840 Detect new brands: Anker, Perfeo, CGV and Detect devices for existing brands: + Hoffmann, Huawei, Lenovo, Prestigio, Coolpad, Digiland, Reeder, Xiaomi, Realme, + Oukitel, Oale, Tecno Mobile, Medion, Teclast, Kyocera, Gionee, MTC, Alcatel, + DEXP, Irbis + - #6842 Adds browser detection for Stampy Browser + - #6843 Add Amazonbot and simplify some bot regexes + - #6845 Detect bots: ThinkChaos, DataForSeoBot + - #6846 Detect new brands: Telia, Canal Digital and Detect device OPPO A16 + - #6847 Detect new brand ZIFRO and Detect devices for existing brands: + Blu, Prestigio, Bluboo, Leagoo, Motorola, Sigma, Google, Tecno Mobile, Archos, + Xiaomi, Ginzzu, Qumo, UMIDIGI, DEXP, EE, CUBOT, Amoi, Xgody, Sony, IconBIT, + MegaFon, OPPO + - #6850 OS family added to operating system parse result + - #6851 Detect brand Google model: Chromecast (2020) + - #6852 Detect new brands: SmartBook, Covia, Qubo, Bundy, Sprint, Kiowa and + Detect devices for existing brands: F2 Mobile, QMobile, KINGZONE, Mobicel, + Vodafone, HTC, Bmobile, Gome, Cherry Mobile, Oukitel, Alcatel, Sunny, + Primux, Sky, Vestel, iView, Realme, Ainol, IconBIT + - #6854 Detect brand Huawei model: Nexus 6P + - #6856 Detect new brands: Smart, Stylo, Galaxy Innovations, Benzo, Exmart and + Detect devices for existing brands: GOCLEVER, Hurricane, Gresso, Mobicel, + Riviera, Haier, Alcatel, Kanji, Karbonn, NextBook, Leader Phone, Leotec, + TrekStor, Highscreen, Starmobile, Blu, Lava, Gome, Hyundai, Carrefour, + F2 Mobile, Xiaomi, Sony, Sico, Amazon, Asus + - #6857 Rename brand 2F Mobile to F2 Mobile + - #6859 Detect app TikTok for iOS + - #6861 Detect OS HarmonyOS + - #6863 Detect browser GoBrowser for Symbian + - #6865 Improved browser engine detection for Tenta browser + - #6866 Detect new brands: Vexia, AIRON, Mymaga, HiMax, Packard Bell, Qnet Mobile and + Detect devices for existing brands: Hyundai, Odys, Inco, Amazon, NEC, Sony, iMars, + Qubo, Mito, DNS, Lark, Timovi, Masstel, Telefunken, Luna, MyPhone, Leader Phone, + Elephone + - #6868 Detect New Model: Mi Mix 4 + - #6870 Detect devices for existing brands: Xiaomi, Samsung, Realme, Tecno Mobile, + Mobicel, Vivo, Lenovo, ZTE, OPPO, Oukitel, CUBOT, UMIDIGI, OnePlus, Ulefone, + Doogee, TCL, Vivo, Vertex, Infinix, Krüger&Matz, Wiko, DEXP, BQ + - #6872 Detect new brand Nubia + - #6873 Detect new brands: Bluebird, Mara and Detect devices for existing brands: + Krüger&Matz, iHunt, Sony, Teclast, Tanix, Logicom, Nubia, Xiaomi, QMobile, DIXON, + Zuum, Vodacom, Mobicel, Oukitel, Motorola, Stylo, Tecno Mobile, Chuwi, OnePlus, + Vivo, iTel, Doogee, Cat, Homtom, CUBOT, MLS, Blu, Casper, Unonu + - #6874 Detect new brands: BMAX, Geotex and Detect devices for existing brands: + Telefunken, Asus, Huawei, Lenovo, Tecno Mobile, Nomi, Coolpad, Blu, Navitel, + Winnovo, Digiland, DEXP, Sony, Inoi, OPPO, Samsung, Xiaomi, LG, Vivo, UMIDIGI, + Mobicel, Teclast, Zuum + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-list + - #1284 Add + - #1285 Add + - #1286 Add + - #1287 Add + - #1288 Add + +- Update to 4.4.1 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #17829 Testcookie causes warning in browser console + - #17835 Fix sorting of Geolocation providers + - #17838 More warnings about missing shell_exec() since Matomo 4.4.0 + - #17831 make sure summary rows are serialized with their in-db + subtable ID and not in memory one + - #17832 Add command to generate a system check + - #17842 Revert “more private Referrer-Policy: use + strict-origin-when-cross-origin †+ * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6811 Detect devices for existing brands: Lenovo, Xiaomi, + Samsung, Asus, ZTE, Vivo, Hyundai, Motorola, NYX Mobile, + OPPO, LG, Sharp, Realme +- Fix integrity check for misc/log-analytics/ + +- Update to 4.4.0 + * Breaking Changes + - The logme method for automatic logins is now disabled by + default for new installations. For existing installations it + will be enabled automatically on update. If you do not need + it please consider disabling it again for security reasons + by setting login_allow_logme = 0 in General section of + config.ini.php. + - The redirect using the url param for the automatic + login action logme, will no longer do redirects to untrusted + hosts. If you need to do redirects to other URLs on purpose, + please add the according hosts as trusted_hosts entry in + config.ini.php + * New config.ini.php settings + - When determining the client IP address from proxy headers + like X-Forwarded-For, Matomo will by default look at the first + IP in the list. If you need to read the last IP instead, + the new INI config option [General] proxy_ip_read_last_in_list + be set to 1. Using the last IP can be more secure when you are + using proxy headers in combination with a load balancer. + - Matomo logs can now be written into "errorlog" (logs using + the error_log() php function) and "syslog" (logs to the + syslog service) (to complement existing log writers: + "screen", "file", "database"). Learn more. + * New commands + - Added new command core:version which returns the Matomo + version number. + +- Change shebang of misc/log-analytics/ to be python3. + +- Update to 4.3.1 + * New commands + - Added new command core:create-security-files which creates + some web server security files if they haven't existed + previously (useful when using for example Apache or IIS web + server). + +- Update to 4.3.0 + * Breaking Changes + - Before every JS error was tracked, from this version the same + JS error will be only tracked once per page view. If the very + same error is happening multiple times, then it will be + tracked only once within the same page view. If another page + view is tracked or when the page reloads, then the error will + be tracked again. + - It's no longer possible to store any class instances directly + in the session object. Please use arrays or plain data instead. + * Upcoming Breaking Changes + - In Matomo 4.3.0 we have added a 'passwordConfirmation' + parameter to the CorePluginsAdmin.setSystemSettings API + method. It is currently optional, but will become mandatory + in version 4.4.0. Plugin developers and users of the API + should make sure to update their plugins and apps before this + happens. + * New config.ini.php settings + - The password_hash_algorithm, password_hash_argon2_threads, + password_hash_argon2_memory_cost and + password_hash_argon2_time_cost INI config options have been + added to allow using specific password_hash algorithms and + options if desired. + - The enable_php_profiler INI config option was added. This + must now be set to 1 before profiling is allowed in Matomo. + For a full changelog, look at: + + +- Rebase matomo-package_update.patch. + +- Update to 4.2.1 + To many changes, so look at: + + +- Update to 4.2.0 + To many changes, so look at: + + +- Update to 4.1.1 + To many changes, so look at: + + +- Update to 4.1.0 + - No changelog from upstream at this time. + +- Put apache configuration files in separate subpackages. +- Update cron, service, lograte files with apache macros. + +- Update to 4.0.5 + - Avoid inserting duplicates in invalidation table to reduce IO. + - Limit to given sites to not select too much. + - fix build + - tweaks to duplicate checking query + - more pr feedback + - fix cron archive test + +- Update to 4.0.4 + - No changelog from upstream. + +- Use apache-rpm-macros. + +- Update to 4.0.2 + No changelog from upstream but you can see changes since 4.0.1 + here: + +- Update to 4.0.1 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #16778 SEO Plugin broken + - #16788 CLI Archive might not stop + - #16786 No custom dimensions in Matomo 4.0.0 + - #16798 Error upgrading db while upgrading to 4.0.0-b1 + (session update fails) + - #16804 Matomo 4.0.0 warns about “ExampleTheme requires + Piwik <4.0.0-b1†+ * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6443 Detect browsers: Slimjet, 7Star, MxNitro + - #6444 Detect new brands: Starlight, GEOFOX, Verico, Tinmo, + Matrix and Detect devices for existing brands: Asus, Sharp, + Coolpad, Sony, OPPO, Lenovo, Philips, Vivo, Xiaomi, + Manta Multimedia, NEC, Vernee, Karbonn, Krüger&Matz, RugGear, + DEXP, Digma, MiXzo, Atom, Yu, Acer, Irbis, teXet, Telefunken, + Onda, IconBIT, Polaroid, Doogee, Allview, BB Mobile, + Touchmate, ArmPhone, Memup, Kazam, ZTE, Odys, Jinga, Ginzzu, + iLife, Mobicel, Blu, Blaupunkt + [#6448] Detect Crazy Browser + +- Update to 4.0.0 + Too many changes to list here. See instead: + +- Fix boo#1162178: + Add matomo-package_update.patch to not show warning message when + auto_update_enable es disable through package installation. + +- Update to 3.14.1 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #16223 piwik-php-tracker missed after update + - #16382 Urgent update to Danish translation + - #16210 Allow plugins to configure custom user preferences + - #16291 Official PHP Reporting Client, or at least link those that already exist + - #16295 Number formatting may be wrong when eg German language is used + - #16322 Fix plugins might not be updated when updating core + * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker + - #61 Tracker does not set samesite cookie + - #73 Make it possible to configure cookie options for Secure, HTTPOnly and SameSite + * matomo-org/matomo-log-analytics + - #273 When input is stdin (‘-‘), doesn’t work + - #274 always disable queued tracking when sending requests from log import + * matomo-org/tag-manager + - #252 Improve detection of preview release if it wasn’t detected previously somehow + * matomo-org/matomo-package + - #112 Ship Matomo with Provider and Custom Variables plugin + * matomo-org/device-detecto + - #5389 Iceweasel should be tracked as Firefox + - #5713 WebOS regex is incorrect. + - #6075 Fixed version truncation so one client doesn’t affect the others + - #6292 Adds detection for multiple notebooks + - #6321 add sistrix crawler + - #6324 Detect new brand: 360, Owwo, TD Systems; Detect old devices model for brands: AllDocube, Coolpad, Huawei, Vivo, + Mecool, Sony, Samsung, Sharp, Kyocera, Fujitsu, LG, ZTE, NEC, Freetel, OPPO, Realme, Philips, Hoffmann, GOME, + Ginzzu, Alcatel, EVOLVEO, Bravis, Condor, Casper, Hisense, Videocon, Walton, IMO, Yu, Own, YEZZ, Nvidia, Medion, + BQ, Impression, Ulefon, Aligator; + - #6325 Detect new browser Yaani Browser + - #6327 Detect new browser: Blue Browser + - #6332 Detect new brand: Soundmax; Detect old devices model for brand Samsung + - #6333 Detect new brand: Tone, AT&T, BIHEE, Ravoz and Detect old devices model for brands: Realme, Positivo BGH, Blackview, + Wiko, Alcatel, Multilaser, Samsung, How, LG, Kyocera, Huawei, Oppo, HTC, Sony, Sharp, Google, Panasonic, ZTE, Coolpad + - #6335 Logicom Le Hola FR not detected as smartphone, but detected as hola! browser + - #6336 Fix detect browser: hola! Browser and detect brand Logicom model: Le Hola FR + - #6337 Update + - #6338 Adds detection for client DingTalk + - #6342 Detect new brands: Enot, Kooper, Anry, Tinai and detect devices for existing brands: Thomson, Denver, Highscreen, + Oppo, O+, Highsense, Lenovo, Cheery Mobile, Unimax and OnePlus + - #6345 Support for Seobility + - #6346 Detect notebook devices in Facebook useragents + - #6347 Detect new brands: Minix, Winds, Asano, MyTab, Phonemax and detect new bot Seobility and Detect devices for + existing brands: Asus, Aligator, BQ, Bravis, Ergo, HTC, Polaroid, Highscreen, Ulefone, Doodgee and Pixus + - #6348 Added ReactorNetty library + - #6352 improved statistics.php report output + - #6354 Detect new brands: Eltex, Neomi, Lumigon, OzoneHD, Kzen, Melrose, Crony, Takara, Amigoo and Detect devices for + existing brands: Tecno, Coolpad, Sharp, Sony, Alcatel, BQ, ZTE, Kyocera, Condor, Santin, Own, RugGear, Oukitel, + Elephone, Vestel, Oysters, MTC, Umax, Echo mobiles, Beeline, Inoi, Wexler, Asus, Samsung, Bitmore, Ulefone, Krüger&Matz, + Nobby, Highscreen, Xiaomi, Leagoo, Starway, 4Good, MLS, Digma, Irbis, LG, Lenovo, Fujitsu, Advan, Google, Turbo, Ainol, + Archos, Prestigio, Aligator, Yezz and Detect app: U-Cursos + - #6357 Detect new brands: Klipad, Tele2, Alfawise, Senkatel, Bobarry, BB mobile, E2, Wortmann, Billion and Detect devices + for existing brands: Teclast, Alcatel, Assistant, Ace, Ergo, DEXP, Aiwa, Irbis, Datsun, Overmax, Logicom, Ravoz, Asus, + Blu, Cube, Onda, Oysters, Zidoo, ZTE, Digma, DNS, Sugar, Philips, Ulefone, Fly, Hisense, MicroMax, Brondi, Telefunken, + Vivax, Yu, Zidoo, Majestic, Leotec + - #6358 Detect Samsung Galaxy Note 20, Galaxy Note 20 Ultra, and Galaxy Note 20 Ultra 5G + - #6360 Detect mobile app HeyTabBrowser + - #6363 Detect devices for existing brands: Samsung, Sony, Phonemax, Casper, DEXP, Nomi, Essentielb, Acer, Digma, + Tele2, Oukitel, Kyocera, Sharp + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-list + - #1225 Update new repository name referrer-spam-list + - #1229 Add to spammers list + - #1230 Added + - #1231 Add + - #1232 Add + - #1233 Added more spammers + - #1234 Add +- Changes from 3.14.0 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #16055 Do not load JS tracking code deferred + - #11071 security ‘forget your password’ prone to phishing attacks + - #16042 Expose setVisitorId JS tracker method + - #16193 JS tracker should support CSS class matomo_ignore as alias of piwik_ignore + - #16189 assign _paq to window in tracking code + - #15778 Cookie domain config is not applied in ignore cookie preventing opt out to work + - #16057 Nonce::verifyNonce() returning FALSE when it should not + - #13056 Add possibility to turn cookies back on, JS enableCookies + - #13246 ‘requireConsent’ has not effect on cookie setting + - #15948 Document “How can I still track a visitor without cookies after they declined the cookie consent?†+ - #15955 Do not check if any archive is running when a segment is forced + - #16006 Removing piwik composer deprecations + - #16047 Fix falsely assumes session was already started + - #16069 Add legacy autoloader to support Matomo namespaces in 3.X + - #16087 wrong escaping of cookie path + - #16119 Clarify the “password changed†e-mail notification text + - #13109 Fix 3rd party cookie / global visitorid race condition + - #16162 GeoLite2-ASN Geolocation not working + - #13462 Offer possibility to sync JavaScript tracker with any CDN + * matomo-org/matomo-log-analytics + - #178 Allow wildcards for importing logs + - #184 Adds Incapsula log format + - #222 Add haproxy log format + - #236 Fix timezone calculation for non-integer timezones + - #237 Apply config.options.seconds_to_add_to_date to _…ts tracker params + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6140 Can’t detect mobile safari browser version + - #6182 iPhone OS 12_4 is not browser + - #6209 Ability to use external source + - #6303 Detect devices and new browser Quark; Detect new brands: Readme, Sugar, PocketBook, Goophone, Bitmore; + Detect old brands: Xiaomi, Huawei, Lenovo, Mio, Oppo, CUBOT, Capser, BQ, Backview, Digma, Oysters, Meitu, Odys, Smartisan, Protruly + - #6308 Detect new brand Xshitou and detect old devices model for brands: Xiaomi, Huawei, Oppo, Gionee, Vivo, Walton, Meizu, Teclast + - #6310 Added a few Android devices + - #6312 Detect new brand TWM, Mito, Gree, VKworld, Vodacom, JKL and detect old devices model for brands: Smartisan, OnePlus, OPPO, Vivo, Sharp, Huawei + - #6316 Improves device detection for mobile apps using chrome + - #6317 Improves detection for Facebook mobile app + - #6318 Added a few Android devices + - #6319 Adds detection for Clout and MLS devices + - #6320 Detect new brand Contixo, Prixton, Newland, Orbic and detect old devices model for brands: Coolpad, Huawei, Acer, Vivo, + Meizu, Smartisan, Samsung, HTC, ZTE, Xiaomi, Hisense, Miscrosoft, Sharp, Alcatel, SUGAR, Evercoss + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist + - #1209 Add + - #1210 Add + - #1211 should not be listed as referral spam + - #1212 Added new spammer variant domains + - #1213 Add + - #1214 Add + - #1215 Add + - #1216 Add + - #1217 Add + - #1218 Add + - #1219 Add + - #1220 Add + - #1221 Add + - #1223 Add + - #1226 Adding + - #1227 Added + * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker + - #69 Fix include_once warning Failed opening ‘./PiwikTracker.php’ for inclusion + - #71 Method setRequestMethodNonBulk() added to allow (non bulk) POST requests + * matomo-org/tracker-proxy + - #61 rename piwik -> matomo +- Changes from 3.13.6 + Security release + - In this release we have fixed an non-critical issue in the LDAP plugin. + * matomo-org/matomo + - #13655 Limit visitor fingerprint by default for even better privacy + - #15930 Archive Blob Tables bloating in size + - #13151 Improve config file and configuration overview in admin + - #14579 JS Tracker: add rtf to list of downloads + - #15853 Make sure to increase time limit when archiving + - #15862 Queue content tracking request + - #15869 Update visit only when needed + - #15870 Reexpire archive lock less often + - #15902 Instagram generates heaps of different referrer urls causing out of memory issues + - #15954 Fix a plugin that enriches the tracker needed to mark plugin as tracker + - #15978 Real-time visitors live widget don’t refresh after live_widget_refresh_after_seconds “timed out†without new visits/actions on websites + - #13783 title-text of JavaScript Tracking option help box shows HTML + - #15982 Fix: Logo being displayed too small on IE 11 + - #15894 Send onboarding email during installation + - #15901 Fix Javascript error in JS global template causing side effects + - #15910 Add link to shopify tracking installation guide when no data tracked yet + - #12685 Change widget category of Realtime Map to Live! + - #1931 Translation file cleanups (refactor all html code, commands to type etc.) + - #13398 undefined method createTestConfig() in BenchmarkTestCase + - #15883 Updates device detector to 3.12.5 + - #15980 require category and action in logEvent + - #16015 Fixes some date comparison issues + - #15111 Load more in Visitor Profile doesn’t load actions + - #15876 Warning while upgrading “Warning – array_merge(): Argument 2 is not an array†+ - #15881 No Visitors shown in Brandenburg (state of Germany) on the Map + - #15923 Search engines are displayed in the wrong channel type + - #15270 Skip password min length checks when disable_checks_usernames_attributes=1 + - #15854 Keep last 100 characters of archive error message when error is too long + - #15865 Cron – Filesystem.php(430): Warning – filesize(): stat failed for […] + - #15867 Fix plugins/Live/Controller.php(99): Notice – Undefined variable: visitors + - #15879 Minor performance improvement when invalidating archives + - #15915 Search for links on page load as well, not just on ready + - #15937 Baidu not considered as a search engine? + - #15965 Fix theme rewrite removes src attribute when custom plugin directory is used + - #15997 Fix min archive time not correctly respected + - #16010 Optional userLogin in getUserPreference API + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6169 Google-HTTP-Java-Client is detected as a bot – correctly? + - #6244 Adds detection for Light browser + - #6245 Adds detection for Elements Browser + - #6248 Adds detection for VMware AirWatch browser + - #6249 Adds detection for Origin browser + - #6250 Adds detection for PlayStation 4 Pro console + - #6251 Add Steam Overlay + - #6252 Adds detection for Steam browser + - #6253 Adds detection for AOL Desktop browser + - #6261 Detect devices and apps; Detect brands: Vivo, Umidigi, Teclast, Huawei, Asus, Irbis, Ergo, + DEXP, Black Fox, Xiomi, Doogee, Highscreen, NextBook, Ginzzu, Gome, Bravis, Sigma, Qumo, ZTE; + Detect apps: Snapchat, TopBuzz; Detect new brand: Wigor + - #6266 Improves detection for Apple iPhone devices + - #6268 Adds detection for Safe Exam Browser + - #6269 Improves detection for Avast Secure Browser + - #6270 Adds detection for Colibri browser + - #6271 Adds detection for Xvast browser + - #6272 Adds detection for Tungsten browser + - #6273 Adds detection for Lulumi browser + - #6274 Adds detection for Yahoo! Japan Browser + - #6275 Improves detection for Lunascape browser + - #6276 Adds detection for Lunascape Lite browser + - #6277 Adds detection for Jig Browser Plus + - #6278 Improves detection for Qwant Mobile browser + - #6279 Adds detection for Polypane browser + - #6280 Adds detection for Sizzy browser + - #6281 Adds detection for OhHai Browser + - #6282 Adds detection for Glass Browser + - #6283 Improves detection for multiple brands + - #6284 Adds detection for TmaxOS and ToGate browser + - #6288 Improves detection for Baidu Browser + - #6289 Apple Email client is not detecting on v3.12.5 + - #6293 MatomoDeviceDetector.NET is cloned project from totpero/DeviceDetector.NET + - #6294 Adds detection for new brands Datawind, Droxio, NEXON, ONN, Q.Bell and devices from various existing brands + - #6295 Update + - #6297 Add detect Zvu browser + - #6300 Update + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist + - #1197 Add + - #1199 Add + - #1200 add 2 new domains + - #1201 Add + - #1202 Add + - #1203 Request sites in blacklist + - #1204 More spammers + - #1205 Add + - #1206 Add + - #1207 Add + - #1208 Add + * matomo-org/searchengine-and-social-list + - #73 Adds detection for (without subdomain) +- Changes from 3.13.5 + * matomo-org/matomo + - #15831 Archive Blob Tables bloating in size + - #15545 Deadlock found when trying to get lock + - #15732 Faster segmented suggested values when browser archiving is disabled + - #15747 Archiving status: Reexpire lock only when needed + - #15853 Make sure to increase time limit when archiving + - #15727 Archiving specific date via console won’t take date as argument. + - #15750 Fix displaying of actions when loading additional visits in visitor profile + - #15724 Add possibility to silently stop the archiver without an error + - #15757 Update device detector to latest 3.12.4 + - #15644 no popup graph shown after the first in page titles report + - #15740 Pagetitle reports “Page Name not defined†although all PageViews do have a title (action_name) + - #15764 Realtime visitors “visitsTotalâ€-div is inserted multiple times + - #15773 Notifications with the same id might not be shown at all + - #15784 Force POST for bulk requests, fix alwaysUseSendBeacon not respected for bulk requests + - #15809 Fix problem when comparing segments or opening popovers + - #15688 Ensure stringify/parse is a function + - #15696 Better handling of processing uniques for multiple sites + - #15729 Codespell report for “Matomo†(on + - #15746 Fix inconsistent usage of segment idSites + - #15769 Revert detect page view bucket + - #15770 One click update in two parts so new code is loaded for second. + - #15779 Avoid possible error subtable already exists but not loaded + - #15785 Make sure to always set JSON_PIWIK to native JSON when possible + - #15798 Make sure to clean up tracking failures before sending email notification + - #15800 purge all old archives regardless of done value + - #15808 Add more parameters to the computeNbUnique event + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6170 Problem detecting Twitter App on iOS + - #6203 Improves detection for Alcatel, Allview, Casper, Condor, Crosscall, Doogee, Lanix, OnePlus, Orange, + Ulefone, UMIDIGI, Wiko devices + - #6205 Adds detection for TV Bro Browser and devices of Shift Phones, RugGear, Aligator, Maxcom, Luna and some existing brands + - #6206 Adds detection for Oukitel devices + - #6207 Adds detection for Ace device + - #6210 Santin BiTBiZ incorrect brand name + - #6211 Fix brand Santin name and added other models + - #6215 What type of device to use in motamo? if the device is a smartwatch + - #6216 Adds detection for Razer device + - #6217 Detect devices for brands: iBall, Irbis, Motorola, Huawei, Casper, Qysters, Protruly, RegGear, Runbo, Telefunken, JFone, + Ritmix, IconBIT, Samsung, LG, Acer, Assistant, Vonino, UMIDIGI, Philips, Krüger&Matz, Uhans, Overmax, ArmPhone + - #6218 Adds detection for Goanna browser engine + - #6219 Adds detection for Amazon devices + - #6220 Adds detection for Grundig devices + - #6221 Adds detection for Insignia devices + - #6222 Adds detection for Element device + - #6226 Add surf browser + - #6229 Adds detection for XenForo service agent + - #6231 Update + - #6232 Adds detection for Google Duplex on the Web bot + - #6234 Adds detection for GTmetrix crawler + - #6235 Tests run failed for another lib matthiasmullie\scrapbook\src\Adapters\MemoryStore + - #6236 Adds detection for new brands iGet, Soyes, Zfiner and Zidoo and some other devices + - #6239 Adds detection for new brands iVa, Phicomm, Gome, Voyo, Huadoo, Ryte, Vontar and some other devices + - #6240 Adds detection for Mypal browser + - #6241 Adds detection for Centaury browser + - #6242 Adds detection for Arctic Fox browser + - #6243 Fix Basilisk browser rendering engine + - #6246 Adds detection for Atom browser + - #6247 Improves detection for Avast Secure Browser + - #6254 Adds detection for 115 Browser + - #6257 Detect mobile app Twitter + - #6258 Add support for AspiegelBot, a new Huawei spider + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist + - #1189 add + - #1190 Four more Referrerspammer + - #1192 More spammers + - #1193 Add + - #1194 Remove from list + - #1195 Update spammers.txt + - #1196 Add + * matomo-org/tag-manager + - #235 Fix possible error on PHP 7.4 + +- Update to 3.13.4 + This release is rated moderate security release. + - Fix a a possible XSS issue. + * matomo-org/matomo + - #15625 ‘Remember me’ not working because cookie expire is in wrong format [by @sgiehl] + - #15598 Set samesite lax instead of None if site is not on https [by @tsteur] + - #15623 Mention require PHP 7.2 in admin notification [by @sgiehl] + - #15588 slow SQL query using MariaDB causing high CPU load [by @sgiehl] + - #15609 Limit max execution time of transitions feature [by @sgiehl] + - #15616 Review Archive invalidation code [by @diosmosis] + - #15646 Today archive is invalidated too often [by @diosmosis] + - #14694 Warning – ucwords() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given [by @katebutler, @sgiehl] + - #14764 Page Overlay stuck on “Loading…†+ - #15589 [Geo] Unknown region metrics increased significantly after update to v3.13.1 + - #15629 Using Opt-Out iFrame twice doesn’t work [by @sgiehl] + - #15637 Ecommerce Orders Conversion Rate Rounding Error [by @sgiehl] + - #15550 Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in + core/Session/SessionAuth.php on line 63 [by @diosmosis] + - #15651 Prevent connection timed out when requesting configs.php file on IIS in web.config + - #15672 There is no way to enable ‘secure’ for the 3rd party cookie [by @tsteur] + - #15580 Geolocation: automatically download latest paid DB-IP databases [by @sgiehl] + - #15614 Remove donation widget from dashboard [by @tsteur] + - #15665 Convert range date to date archive if needed [by @tsteur, @sgiehl] + - #15673 Always send a referrer-policy header [by @polarbirke, @diosmosis] + - #15684 Retry compiling less file if it fails [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + - #15686 Prevent notice in PHP 7.4 Passing glue string after array is deprecated + - #15687 Make sure config cache is only used when there is a correct path + - #15707 Detect page view bucket [by @tsteur] + * matomo-org/device-detector + - #6174 Oppo devices not detected (new useragent list & model names) + - #6176 Detect devices for brands: Asus, Oppo, Huawei, Sony, Lenovo, LG, Wiko, Nuvo, Alcatel, + Irbis, Heair, Motorola, CoolPad, Sunvell, AllDocube, Assistant, DEXP, ZTE, CAT, Xiaomi, + Google, Yandex, Hisense, T-Mobile, Allview, ViewSonic, Yxtel, Ginzzu, HTC + - #6178 Add Java port to [by @mngsk, @sgiehl] + - #6181 Add ScalaJ HTTP library [by @wallin, @sgiehl] + - #6183 Detection of Google Stackdriver Monitoring [by @Pierre-Lannoy, @sgiehl] + - #6184 Detection for Google Cloud Scheduler [by @Pierre-Lannoy, @sgiehl] + - #6185 Car tablet CarPad + - #6186 Panasonic Lumix DMC-CM1 + - #6189 feat(device) detect new brand NewsMy & CarPad 2, CarPad 3; [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl] + - #6191 Detect devices for brands: Wiko, Oysters, Pixus, Cherry Mobile, Vivo, EvroMedia, + Allview, ZTE, Lenovo, Kiwi, Spectrum, Vesta, Ritmix, Casper, NUU, Ginzzu, Telefunken, + National, Kaiomy, Kanji [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl] + - #6195 Added Node Fetch library [by @wallin, @sgiehl] + - #6198 Adds detection for Samsung devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + - #6200 Adds detection for iHunt devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + - #6201 Adds detection for Allview devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + - #6202 Adds detection for Wiko devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist + - #1181 More spammers [by @AaronVanGeffen, @spmedia] + - #1182 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + - #1184 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + - #1185 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + - #1186 More spammers [by @AaronVanGeffen, @spmedia] + - #1187 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + - #1188 Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + * matomo-org/tag-manager + - #229 Set samesite flag (used in “preview mode†in tag manager container) + - #232 Remove duplicate index in variables table [by @tsteur] + * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker + - #60 Prevent double slashes [by @tsteur, @sgiehl] + * matomo-org/matomo-log-analytics + - #180 Improve regex for date and time in w3c formats [by @sgiehl] + +- Update: 3.13.3 + In this new release we’re solving a few regressions and making a + few minor improvements. In terms of bugs, an issue in the Overlay + report causing sessions to logout has been fixed. + Other issues were fixed the Samesite cookies handling and session, + and a bug was fixed in the new Date comparison feature. + [#15513] Loading Page Overlay fails and logs user out [by @diosmosis] + [#15602] Fix session cookies for Matomo installed in subdirectory + [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + [#15605] Fix VisitorFrequency.get API for idsites=all [by @sgiehl] + [#15553] piwik_ignore cookie is blocked on macOS and Chrome 80 [by @diosmosis] + [#15561] Various fixes for Samesite handling in sessions, + iframes [by @diosmosis, @tsteur] + [#15568] Support tracker js files from custom plugin directories [by @tsteur] + [#15569] Fix non-numeric value encountered in session recording [by @tsteur] + [#15576] Do not record the stack trace for user input errors [by @tsteur, @sgiehl] + [#15577] During archive invalidation clear general cache less often [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15590] Fallback to JSON renderer if no valid format is given [by @tsteur] + [#15592] Try to determine the region iso code based on its name if + not available [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + +- Update: 3.13.2 + In this release we’re focusing on fixing a few minor bugs and two + regressions that were introduced in the last release + (tracking IE<9 was not working anymore, and automatic login within + an iframe has also been fixed). + 41 tickets have been closed by more than 12 contributors! + Main (core) tickets closed: + [#15404] Real time map dialog box does not close with x [by @sgiehl] + [#8505] Visitor map shows info icon but no tooltip when there is no data [by @sgiehl] + [#15414] Since 3.13.1 autologin in an iframe does not work anymore [by @tsteur] + [#15422] Fix removing user capabilities [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + [#15477] Matomo can’t track IE <9 any more [by @tsteur] + [#15500] Undefined index: bounce_rate_new [by @sgiehl] + [#15417] In Update pop up venster Piwik is mentioned instead of Matomo [by @sgiehl] + [#14549] update mocha + [#15469] Two YAML parser + [#15307] Visits log fails without any error [by @tsteur] + [#15420] Cannot copy a dashboard to a user when the user is not one of + the first 100 [by @sgiehl] + [#15430] VisitorLog.php(225): Trying to access array offset on value + of type null – Matomo 3.13.1 [by @sgiehl] + [#15441] UserId.getUsers generates warnings: Warning – Illegal + offset type and Notice – Undefined index: label [by @sgiehl] + [#15452] Trying to access array offset on value of type null [by @sgiehl] + [#15046] Clarify how to Setup the archiving cronjob using Plesk in the user guide manual + [#15293] New visit not created after logout + [#15428] Order of implode() args, avoid E_NOTICE in PHP7.4 [by @PeterUpfold, @sgiehl] + [#15445] Forward instance_id from local config when reseting config + during tests. [by @diosmosis] + [#15446] silence is_executable call in case user doesn’t have permission + to access dir [by @diosmosis] + [#15457] Add event that allows plugins to disable archiving for certain + periods/sites if they want. [by @diosmosis] + [#15462] Day range archiving issue [by @diosmosis, @tsteur] + [#15464] Use latest davaxi/sparkline release [by @sgiehl] + [#15481] Mention Joomla install FAQ [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15487] Sort Packages [by @limitstudios, @tsteur] + [#15489] Make sparklines work when mbstring extension is not installed + [by @mattab, @diosmosis] +- pre-require php-json to make sure the post script works + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- Update: 3.13.1 + In this release we’re focusing on fixing a few bugs, a regression in tracking + unique visitors affecting some users, we’re making Matomo tracking slightly + faster, and we ensure compatibility with the upcoming Chrome 80 browser. + + This release is also rated critical and includes a major security fix. + + A regression was introduced in 3.13.0 which could in some cases lead + to inflate unique visitors/unique users metrics, when the User ID + feature is used: this regression has been fixed. + + Another regression causing some of the number metrics to display + wrongly in some languages such as German has been fixed. + + As the default geolocation provider MaxMind is introducing new + complicated licensing terms for their geolocation database, and + broke auto-updating of geolocation databases for Matomo, we’re + introducing a new Geolocation provider by default to replace MaxMind. + Matomo will now use as a geolocation provider and all + Matomo users will automatically download this new geolocation + database starting in 3.13.1. + + Chrome 80 is planning to make all cookies that don’t have an explicit + `SameSite` option have `SameSite=Lax` by default. So far it has been + an optional flag but Chrome 80 (release due in January 2020) will have + it enabled by default. + Matomo 3.13.1 will be fully compatible and won’t issue a browser + console warning anymore. + + The Countries Regions maps should now work again and display data + for most countries regions. + + In terms of new features, we’ve improved the Behaviour > Engagement report, + which will now clearly display all metrics for both Returning visits and + New visits + +- (add) more secure PHP settings for: + upload_tmp_dir => "/var/cache/apache2" (upload is disabled, but this + makes Matomo's security check happy) + session.save_path => "/run/matomo_sessions/", to keep session files + secure. Added: matomo-tmpfile.conf for this +- just recommend cron and mariadb: + * mariadb can be run on another host (matomo just needs the client) + * cron script can be obsoleted by the provided systemd timer +- pre-require php, to run the commands in post +- recommend php-openssl for (php) curl requests from matomo + +- moved the update message in post to the right position +- disable some (unused) php functions +- use open basedir +- add newly required php modules: + php-ctype, php-dom, php-iconv, php-tokenizer, php-xmlreader, + php-xmlwriter, php-zlibm +- define locations of web-, log- and config directories dynamically +- allow to enable compression +- enhanced README.SUSE + +- Update: 3.13.0 + * matomo-org/matomo + [#15030] Adds links to online guides in reports help [by @sgiehl, @diosmosis] + [#4519] Segment by Product Category, Product name, Product SKU, Product prices [by @diosmosis] + [#15049] More efficient heart beat timer [by @tsteur] + [#10439] After updating the 2019_01 archive blob tables are gaining size [by @diosmosis] + [#15086] Auto Archiving falls back to DEFAULT_DATE_LAST even if last archiving ran until completion [by @katebutler, @diosmosis] + [#10765] Write a User guide for Custom alerts [by @mattab] + [#14835] Page Overlay – JavaScript Error – TypeError: location.match(…) is null [by @diosmosis] + [#15101] Matomo 3.12.0 missing Action in Proxy module + [#15044] Slight performance improvement when rendering data table visualisations [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15000] _pk_testcookies set while using “disableCookies†[by @tsteur] + [#15070] Matomo 3.12 doesn’t work with open_basedir restrictions [by @tsteur] + [#15078] Integrity check issue in Matomo 3.12.0 + [#15093] Fix reports by dimensions layout [by @sgiehl, @diosmosis] + [#15102] Fix Insight visualization layout [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + [#15151] E-Mail reports date range error [by @diosmosis] + [#14945] In Comparison mode, numbers are not formatted (thousands separator) [by @katebutler] + [#14821] Make Matomo compatible with PHP 7.4 [by @diosmosis] + [#10373] Excluding IPs doesn’t work on php7 + [#14623] Update message creates empty space in admin and pushes widgets down + [#14714] JS Tracker: setUserId and addEcommerceItem sku should work when User ID is a number [by @tsteur] + [#15080] Comparison feature displays segment definition instead of segment name when segmenting action based custom dimensions [by @diosmosis] + [#15103] Ensure insight reports uses the correct compare period number for periods other than day [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + [#15140] [automatic translation update] Updated 173 strings in 10 languages (es-ar, de, el, nl, pl, pt-br, pt, sq, zh-cn, zh-tw) [by @sgiehl] + [#15195] [automatic translation update] Updated 160 strings in 6 languages (fr, it, ja, lt, pt-br, tr) [by @sgiehl] + [#12816] Rename “Clicked URL†dimension to “Clicked Outlink†[by @katebutler] + [#14360] UserID no longer overwrites VisitorId [by @MichaelHeerklotz, @diosmosis] + [#14827] German title HTML entity encoded [by @sgiehl] + [#15026] Use thousands separator in single metric view [by @katebutler, @tsteur] + [#15032] Some overlay improvements [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15037] Prevent warning array to string conversion in console renderer [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15055] Updates device detector to 3.12.1 [by @sgiehl, @diosmosis] + [#15057] Prevent notice in tracker code generator [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15066] Avoid ‘Trying to add two strings in DataTable\Row::sumRowArray’ warning in SEO API [by @sgiehl, @diosmosis] + [#15079] Revert umlaut icons [by @Findus23, @tsteur] + [#15087] 3.12.0 (3.12.0-b4 and up) is broken on NixOS + [#15088] Rename “Clicked URL†dimension to “Clicked Outlink†[by @katebutler, @diosmosis] + [#15090] Made a few minor grammar changes to the [by @ALucatero03, @tsteur] + [#15095] Fix zend session hides actual error when there are two or more errors… [by @tsteur] + [#15098] Invert change comparison when displaying percents in the UI … [by @diosmosis] + [#15110] Fixes a couple segment handling regressions in the UI [by @diosmosis] + [#15113] Document that Matomo won’t work with a MySQL load balancer such as ProxySQL unless… [by @mattab] + [#15114] Better detection of a succesfull start of a session [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15116] Show the link to upload a new plugin when enable_plugin_upload=1 [by @mattab, @diosmosis] + [#15129] Don’t freeze lefthand column of datatable on small screens [by @katebutler, @tsteur] + [#15147] Adds new event to define if lower metric values are better [by @sgiehl, @tsteur] + [#15152] Fix manual plugin upload process when Marketplace plugin is disabled [by @diosmosis, @tsteur] + [#15165] Update FAQ “How do I measure and get reports for my page sections / categories / mini-sites / languages?†to reflect how segment now work [by @tsteur] + [#15166] Fix socket configuration not applied in MySQLi [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#15178] API reference doc: fix some of the example links [by @mattab, @diosmosis] + [#15183] Update spyc to 0.6.X [by @tsteur] + [#15187] Fix broken dashboard when a new version available and when multi_server_environment = 1 [by @mattab, @diosmosis] + [#15189] Support CliMulti on OS X and print note about whether CliMulti is used in archive output [by @diosmosis] + * matomo-org/device-detector + [#5797] Did not catch “The Knowledge AI†+ [#6070] Add 7 new crawlers and 3 feed readers [by @Kdecherf, @sgiehl] + [#6078] add new rules and tests for Nokia/Microsoft devices [by @mimmi20, @sgiehl] + [#6081] Detect devices for brands: Samsung, Vivo, iHunt, Huawei, Ritmix, Ross&Moor [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl] + [#6083] Fail to Detect Meitu Device + [#6084] Added detect devices Meitu [by @sanchezzzhak, @sgiehl] + [#6085] Adds detection for Yandex Browser Lite and improves version detection for Yandex Browser [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + [#6086] Adds detection for Shopify Partner bot [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + [#6087] Added RestSharp library [by @wallin, @sgiehl] + [#6088] Improves detection for Vonino devices [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + [#6092] Fix detection for AIS [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + [#6093] Adds detection for Servo browser engine [by @liviuconcioiu, @sgiehl] + [#6096] Not Detecting OnePlus 7 Pro + * matomo-org/component-network + [#4] Function getIPRangeBounds doesn’t always work on php7 [by @tsteur] + [#10] Validate CIDR range is 0..32 (IPv4) or 0..128 (IPv6); ref RFC-4632 [by @robocoder, @tsteur] + [#12] Test enhancement [by @peter279k, @tsteur] + [#13] Improving tests for IP class [by @peter279k, @tsteur] + * matomo-org/tracker-proxy + [#57] Test enhancement [by @peter279k, @tsteur] + * matomo-org/tag-manager + [#176] Adjustments for using TM and classic Tracking Code at the same time [by @MichaelHeerklotz, @tsteur] + [#184] Do not regenerate containers after core archiving [by @tsteur] + [#197] Use matomo.js and matomo.php as default if preferred [by @tsteur] + [#198] Convert empty date to null [by @tsteur] + [#199] fix: Tag::updateContainerTag setting a wrong startDate and endDate value [by @lockland, @tsteur] + [#202] Fix first trigger callback when tracker js is already loaded [by @MichaelHeerklotz, @tsteur] + * matomo-org/matomo-log-analytics + [#251] Clarified usage of –token-auth=<SECRET> [by @cedwardsmedia, @tsteur] + * matomo-org/matomo-php-tracker + [#44] Unlink userId and visitorId logic [by @MichaelHeerklotz, @diosmosis] + [#48] Fix wrong tracking url generated if tracker API endpoint already contains query search [by @tsteur, @diosmosis] + [#50] Regression: Wrong header is enabled only for GET. [by @diosmosis] + * matomo-org/referrer-spam-blacklist + [#1143] Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + [#1145] Add 350+ spammer in bulk [by @Zodiac1978, @spmedia] + [#1146] Block [by @jonhenshaw, @spmedia] + [#1147] Update spammers.txt [by @spmedia] + [#1148] Add [by @ericguirbal, @spmedia] + [#1149] Block [by @jonhenshaw, @spmedia] + * matomo-org/component-ini + [#11] Test enhancement [by @peter279k, @tsteur] + [#12] Problem about IniReader::getFileContent method implementation + +- js folder needs to be RW for the tag manager plugin + +- Fixed unsafe permissions for directory js +- Fixed permissions for piwik.js, matomo.js and js/piwik.min.js + +- Fix wrong permission for directory js. +- Use original source file. + +- piwik.js needs to be writable, too + +- more permission fixes + * matomo.js needs to be owned by the apache user so that plugins can + rewrite it if required + * new md5sum for global.ini.php + +- disabled the auto updater, doesn't work with this set of permissions + +- Update to 3.12.0 + * new comarison feature for date ranges and visitor segments + * several significant performance improvements, usability improvements and fixes to security issues + * full changelog is at + +- Security fix: BSC#1154324 + * Have as little as possible owned by, and writable for, the apache user + +- Update to 3.11.0 + This release includes security improvements (including a security + fix) and also several performance improvements and bug fixes. + Details: +- Fix fileintegritycheck under systemcheck. + +- Insert configuration for mariadb. +- Add missing htaccess rules. + +- Update to 3.10.0 + * Breaking Changes + - When giving a user superuser access through the + UsersManager.setSuperUserAccess API, a new parameter + passwordConfirmation needs to be sent along with the request + containing the current password of the user issuing the API + request. + - Website referrer URLs are now detected using domain only + instead of domain and path. This means if you have two + different websites on the same domain, but different paths, + and a visitor visits from one to the other, it won't have + a referrer website set. + - Custom Dimensions values set with setCustomDimension are now + URL encoded (they previously weren't). If you were manually + URL encoding the custom dimension values before calling + setCustomDimension, your custom dimension values appearing in + reports and Visits log/Visitor profile may now be double URL + encoded. To solve the double encoding issue, you can remove + your URL encoding and trust that Matomo JavaScript Tracker + will URL encode the values correctly. + * New APIs + - A new tracker method ping has been added to send a ping + request manually instead of using the heart beat timer. + - Added new event ViewDataTable.configure.end, triggered after + view configuration properties have been overwritten by saved + settings and query parameters. + maxima +- Update to version 5.45.1: + * Reverts the changes made to plot3d to fix the mesh_lines_color + option in newer versions of Gnuplot, because it breaks plot3d + for users of older versions. + * Bug fixes: + - 926: sign errors in cartan package + - 3789: package ezunits: ev(dimensions(u), nouns) stack + overflow + - 3793: plot2d fails on small x-range + - 3796 plot3d doesn't support rotation in 5.45 + - 3797: plot2d(0, ...) gives "can't plot with empty y range" + +- Update to version 5.45.0: + * Too many changes to list, see + + +- Disable sbcl backend for openSUSE < 1500 where sbcl is not + available. +- maxima-exec-sbcl: Use `requires_eq` (on supported distro + versions) to enforce Requires on the same version of sbcl + against which it is built. + +- also ship README.SUSE.packaging as source + +- Replace manually defined macros to enable/disable different + lisp bindings with %bcond_with(out) macros. +- Improve dependency resolution between the different lisp + versions of maxima_exec by using Supplements: packageand() + appropriately. +- Enable sbcl compiled binaries and package it (needed for + maxima-jupyter). +- Enable mathjax support for installed html manual (pass + - -enable-mathjax to configure). +- Add Requires: rlwrap to maxima, needed for rmaxima. +- Add Suggests: maxima-exec-sbcl to maxima to weakly recommend a + specific flavour of maxima in case the user doesn't specify one + during installation. +- Add README.SUSE.packaging documenting the packaging changes that + will be needed for pkgs depending on maxima. + +- Update to version 5.44.0: + * Long list of changes, see + +- Run gzip over additional locale-specific man files. +- Replace PreReq tags with Requires(post) tags, that too only for + openSUSE <= 1500; for newer openSUSE, install-info is + automatically handled by rpm. +- Run spec-cleaner to clean up specfile. +- Drop commands deleting spurious files that are no longer + installed. +- Drop Group tags in packages. +- Drop BuildRoot tag: no longer needed. +- Drop defattr in file lists: no longer needed. + mbedtls -- Security fix: [bsc#1189589, CVE-2021-24119] - * Side-channel vulnerability in base64 PEM - * Guard against strong local side channel attack against base64 - tables by making access aceess to them use constant flow code. - * Add mbedtls-CVE-2021-24119.patch - -- Update to version 2.16.9: - * Reduce stack usage significantly during sliding window exponentiation. - * Remove the zeroization of a pointer variable in AES rounds. - It was valid but spurious and misleading since it looked like a mistaken - attempt to zeroize the pointed-to buffer. - * see -- Update to version 2.16.8 - * Support building on e2k (Elbrus) architecture: correctly enable -Wformat-signedness, - and fix the code that causes signed-one-bit-field and sign-compare warnings. - * see -- Update to version 2.16.7 - * Unify the example programs termination to call mbedtls_exit() - instead of using a return command. This has been done to - enable customization of the behavior in bare metal environments. - * Abort the ClientHello writing function as soon as some extension - doesn't fit into the record buffer. Previously, such extensions - were silently dropped. As a consequence, the TLS handshake now - fails when the output buffer is not large enough to hold the ClientHello. - * The ECP module, enabled by MBEDTLS_ECP_C, now depends on MBEDTLS_CTR_DRBG_C, - MBEDTLS_HMAC_DRBG_C, MBEDTLS_SHA512_C or MBEDTLS_SHA256_C for some side-channel - coutermeasures. If side channels are not a concern, this dependency can be avoided - by enabling the new option MBEDTLS_ECP_NO_INTERNAL_RNG. - * see -- Update to 2.16.6 - * CVE-2020-10932: Fixed side channel in ECC code that allowed an adversary with - access to precise enough timing and memory access information (typically an - untrusted operating system attacking a secure enclave) to fully recover - an ECDSA private key (boo#1181468). - * Fix a potentially remotely exploitable buffer overread in a - DTLS client when parsing the Hello Verify Request message. +- Update to 2.27.0: + API changes: + * Update AEAD output size macros to bring them in line with the PSA Crypto + API version 1.0 spec. This version of the spec parameterizes them on the + key type used, as well as the key bit-size in the case of + PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH. + The old versions of these macros were renamed and deprecated as follows: + - PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH -> PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_1_ARG + - PSA_AEAD_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE -> PSA_AEAD_ENCRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE_2_ARG + - PSA_AEAD_DECRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE -> PSA_AEAD_DECRYPT_OUTPUT_SIZE_2_ARG + - PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE -> PSA_AEAD_UPDATE_OUTPUT_SIZE_2_ARG + - PSA_AEAD_FINISH_OUTPUT_SIZE -> PSA_AEAD_FINISH_OUTPUT_SIZE_1_ARG + - PSA_AEAD_VERIFY_OUTPUT_SIZE -> PSA_AEAD_VERIFY_OUTPUT_SIZE_1_ARG + * Implement one-shot cipher functions, psa_cipher_encrypt and + psa_cipher_decrypt, according to the PSA Crypto API 1.0.0 + specification. + Features: + * Add mbedtls_rsa_rsassa_pss_sign_ext() function allowing to generate a + signature with a specific salt length. This function allows to validate + test cases provided in the NIST's CAVP test suite. + * Added support for built-in driver keys through the PSA opaque crypto + driver interface. Refer to the documentation of + MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_BUILTIN_KEYS for more information. + * Implement psa_sign_message() and psa_verify_message(). + * The new function mbedtls_mpi_random() generates a random value in a + given range uniformly. + * Implement psa_mac_compute() and psa_mac_verify() as defined in the + PSA Cryptograpy API 1.0.0 specification. + * MBEDTLS_ECP_MAX_BITS is now determined automatically from the configured + curves and no longer needs to be configured explicitly to save RAM. + Security + * Fix a bias in the generation of finite-field Diffie-Hellman-Merkle (DHM) + private keys and of blinding values for DHM and elliptic curves (ECP) + computations. + * Fix a potential side channel vulnerability in ECDSA ephemeral key generation. + An adversary who is capable of very precise timing measurements could + learn partial information about the leading bits of the nonce used for the + signature, allowing the recovery of the private key after observing a + large number of signature operations. This completes a partial fix in + Mbed TLS 2.20.0. + * It was possible to configure MBEDTLS_ECP_MAX_BITS to a value that is + too small, leading to buffer overflows in ECC operations. Fail the build + in such a case. + * An adversary with access to precise enough information about memory + accesses (typically, an untrusted operating system attacking a secure + enclave) could recover an RSA private key after observing the victim + performing a single private-key operation. + * An adversary with access to precise enough timing information (typically, a + co-located process) could recover a Curve25519 or Curve448 static ECDH key + after inputting a chosen public key and observing the victim performing the + corresponding private-key operation. - * Fix compilation failure when both MBEDTLS_SSL_PROTO_DTLS and - MBEDTLS_SSL_HW_RECORD_ACCEL are enabled. - * Fix a function name in a debug message. Contributed by Ercan Ozturk in - [#3013]. -- Cheanged License in changes file from Apache-2.0 to - Apache-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later as the upstream package changed too + * Add printf function attributes to mbedtls_debug_print_msg to ensure we + get printf format specifier warnings. + * Fix premature fopen() call in mbedtls_entropy_write_seed_file which may + lead to seed file corruption in the case where the path to the seed file is + equal to MBEDTLS_PLATFORM_STD_NV_SEED_FILE. + * PSA functions other than psa_open_key now return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE + rather than PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST for an invalid handle, bringing them + in line with version 1.0.0 of the specification. + * PSA functions creating a key now return PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT rather + than PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE when the identifier specified for the key + to create is not valid, bringing them in line with version 1.0.0 of the + specification. + * Fix some cases in the bignum module where the library constructed an + unintended representation of the value 0 which was not processed + correctly by some bignum operations. This could happen when + mbedtls_mpi_read_string() was called on "-0", or when + mbedtls_mpi_mul_mpi() and mbedtls_mpi_mul_int() was called with one of + the arguments being negative and the other being 0. + * Fix a bug in ECDSA that would cause it to fail when the hash is all-bits + zero. + * Fix a compilation error when MBEDTLS_ECP_RANDOMIZE_MXZ_ALT is + defined. + * Fix an incorrect error code when parsing a PKCS#8 private key. + * In a TLS client, enforce the Diffie-Hellman minimum parameter size + set with mbedtls_ssl_conf_dhm_min_bitlen() precisely. Before, the + minimum size was rounded down to the nearest multiple of 8. + * In library/net_sockets.c, _POSIX_C_SOURCE and _XOPEN_SOURCE are + defined to specific values. If the code is used in a context + where these are already defined, this can result in a compilation + error. Instead, assume that if they are defined, the values will + be adequate to build Mbed TLS. + * The cipher suite TLS-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-GCM-SHA384 was not available + when SHA-1 was disabled and was offered when SHA-1 was enabled but SHA-384 + was disabled. Fix the dependency. + * Do not offer SHA384 cipher suites when SHA-384 is disabled. + * With MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_C disabled, some functions were getting built + nonetheless, resulting in undefined reference errors when building a + shared library. + * Fix test suite code on platforms where int32_t is not int, such as + Arm Cortex-M. + * Fix some issues affecting MBEDTLS_ARIA_ALT implementations: a misplaced + directive in a header and a missing initialization in the self-test. + * Fix a missing initialization in the Camellia self-test, affecting + MBEDTLS_CAMELLIA_ALT implementations. + * Restore the ability to configure PSA via Mbed TLS options to support RSA + key pair operations but exclude RSA key generation. When MBEDTLS_GENPRIME + is not defined PSA will no longer attempt to use mbedtls_rsa_gen_key(). + * Fix a regression introduced in 2.24.0 which broke (D)TLS CBC ciphersuites + (when the encrypt-then-MAC extension is not in use) with some ALT + implementations of the underlying hash (SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-384), causing + the affected side to wrongly reject valid messages. + * Remove outdated check-config.h check that prevented implementing the + timing module on Mbed OS. + * Fix PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF and PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS being too permissive + about missing inputs. + * Fix a resource leak in a test suite with an alternative AES + implementation. + * Fix a crash in mbedtls_mpi_debug_mpi on a bignum having 0 limbs. This + could notably be triggered by setting the TLS debug level to 3 or above + and using a Montgomery curve for the key exchange. + * psa_verify_hash() was relying on implementation-specific behavior of + mbedtls_rsa_rsassa_pss_verify() and was causing failures in some _ALT + implementations. This reliance is now removed. + * Disallow inputs of length different from the corresponding hash when + signing or verifying with PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS (The PSA Crypto API mandates + that PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS uses the same hash throughout the algorithm.) + * Fix a null pointer dereference when mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod() was called with + A=0 represented with 0 limbs. Up to and including Mbed TLS 2.26, this bug + could not be triggered by code that constructed A with one of the + mbedtls_mpi_read_xxx functions (including in particular TLS code) since + those always built an mpi object with at least one limb. + * Fix mbedtls_mpi_gcd(G,A,B) when the value of B is zero. This had no + effect on Mbed TLS's internal use of mbedtls_mpi_gcd(), but may affect + applications that call mbedtls_mpi_gcd() directly. + * The PSA API no longer allows the creation or destruction of keys with a + read-only lifetime. The persistence level PSA_KEY_PERSISTENCE_READ_ONLY + can now only be used as intended, for keys that cannot be modified through + normal use of the API. + * When MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_SPM is enabled, crypto_spe.h was not included + in all the right places. Include it from crypto_platform.h, which is + the natural place. + * mbedtls_pk_sign() and mbedtls_pk_verify() and their extended and + restartable variants now always honor the specified hash length if + nonzero. Before, for RSA, hash_len was ignored in favor of the length of + the specified hash algorithm. + * Fix which alert is sent in some cases to conform to the + applicable RFC: on an invalid Finished message value, an + invalid max_fragment_length extension, or an + unsupported extension used by the server. + * Correct (change from 12 to 13 bytes) the value of the macro describing the + maximum nonce length returned by psa_aead_generate_nonce(). + Changes + * Add extra printf compiler warning flags to builds. + * Fix memsan build false positive in x509_crt.c with Clang 11 + * Fix the setting of the read timeout in the DTLS sample programs. + * Remove the AES sample application programs/aes/aescrypt2 which shows + bad cryptographic practice. + * Alternative implementations of CMAC may now opt to not support 3DES as a + CMAC block cipher, and still pass the CMAC self test. + * Remove configs/config-psa-crypto.h, which was identical to the default + configuration except for having some extra cryptographic mechanisms + enabled and for unintended differences. This configuration was primarily + intended to demonstrate the PSA API, and lost most of its usefulness when + MBEDTLS_PSA_CRYPTO_C became enabled by default. + * When building the test suites with GNU make, invoke python3 or python, not + python2, which is no longer supported upstream. + * When using session cache based session resumption on the server, + double-check that custom session cache implementations return + sessions which are consistent with the negotiated ciphersuite + and compression method. + * Fix build failure on MinGW toolchain when __USE_MING_ANSI_STDIO is on. + When that flag is on, standard GNU C printf format specifiers + should be used. + * Reduce the default value of MBEDTLS_ECP_WINDOW_SIZE. This reduces RAM usage + during ECC operations at a negligible performance cost. + * mbedtls_mpi_read_binary(), mbedtls_mpi_read_binary_le() and + mbedtls_mpi_read_string() now construct an mbedtls_mpi object with 0 limbs + when their input has length 0. Note that this is an implementation detail + and can change at any time, so this change should be transparent, but it + may result in mbedtls_mpi_write_binary() or mbedtls_mpi_write_string() + now writing an empty string where it previously wrote one or more + zero digits when operating from values constructed with an mpi_read + function and some mpi operations. + * Implicitly add PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_MESSAGE key usage policy flag when + PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_HASH flag is set and PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_MESSAGE flag + when PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_HASH flag is set. This usage flag extension + is also applied when loading a key from storage. + * Remove mbedtls-4237.patch upstream + * Library soname bump to libmbedcrypto7 + +- Workaround for building with gcc-11 boo#1181876 + +- Update to 2.26.0: [bsc#1189589, CVE-2021-24119] + * * This release of Mbed TLS provides bug fixes, minor enhancements and new + features. This release includes fixes for security issues. + * see +- Fix build with patch from + mbedtls-4237.patch + +- Fix build for Leap targets +- Use upstream tarball name + +- update to 2.25.0: + * This release of Mbed TLS provides bug fixes, minor enhancements and new + features. This release includes fixes for security issues. + * see + * The functions mbedtls_cipher_auth_encrypt() and + mbedtls_cipher_auth_decrypt() would write past the minimum documented size + of the output buffer when used with NIST_KW. As a result, code using those + functions as documented with NIST_KW could have a buffer overwrite of up to + 15 bytes, with consequences ranging up to arbitrary code execution + depending on the location of the output buffer. + * Limit the size of calculations performed by mbedtls_mpi_exp_mod to + MBEDTLS_MPI_MAX_SIZE to prevent a potential denial of service when generating + Diffie-Hellman key pairs. Credit to OSS-Fuzz. + * A failure of the random generator was ignored in mbedtls_mpi_fill_random(), + which is how most uses of randomization in asymmetric cryptography (including + key generation, intermediate value randomization and blinding) are implemented. + This could cause failures or the silent use of non-random values. A random + generator can fail if it needs reseeding and cannot not obtain entropy, or due + to an internal failure (which, for Mbed TLS's own CTR_DRBG or HMAC_DRBG, can + only happen due to a misconfiguration). + * Fix a compliance issue whereby we were not checking the tag on the algorithm + parameters (only the size) when comparing the signature in the description part + of the cert to the real signature. This meant that a NULL algorithm parameters + entry would look identical to an array of REAL (size zero) to the library and + thus the certificate would be considered valid. However, if the parameters do + not match in any way then the certificate should be considered invalid, and + indeed OpenSSL marks these certs as invalid when mbedtls did not. Many thanks + to guidovranken who found this issue via differential fuzzing and reported it + in #3629. + * Zeroising of local buffers and variables which are used for calculations in + mbedtls_pkcs5_pbkdf2_hmac(), mbedtls_internal_sha*_process(), + mbedtls_internal_md*_process() and mbedtls_internal_ripemd160_process() + functions to erase sensitive data from memory. Reported by Johan Malmgren and + Johan Uppman Bruce from Sectra. + +- update to 2.24.0: + * see + * Fix a vulnerability in the verification of X.509 certificates when matching + the expected common name (the cn argument of mbedtls_x509_crt_verify()) + with the actual certificate name: when the subjecAltName extension is + present, the expected name was compared to any name in that extension + regardless of its type. This means that an attacker could for example + impersonate a 4-bytes or 16-byte domain by getting a certificate for the + corresponding IPv4 or IPv6 (this would require the attacker to control that + IP address, though). Similar attacks using other subjectAltName name types + might be possible. + * When checking X.509 CRLs, a certificate was only considered as revoked if + its revocationDate was in the past according to the local clock if + available. In particular, on builds without MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE, + certificates were never considered as revoked. On builds with + MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME_DATE, an attacker able to control the local clock (for + example, an untrusted OS attacking a secure enclave) could prevent + revocation of certificates via CRLs. Fixed by no longer checking the + revocationDate field, in accordance with RFC 5280. Reported by yuemonangong + in #3340. Reported independently and fixed by Raoul Strackx and Jethro + * In (D)TLS record decryption, when using a CBC ciphersuites without the + Encrypt-then-Mac extension, use constant code flow memory access patterns + to extract and check the MAC. This is an improvement to the existing + countermeasure against Lucky 13 attacks. The previous countermeasure was + effective against network-based attackers, but less so against local + attackers. The new countermeasure defends against local attackers, even if + they have access to fine-grained measurements. In particular, this fixes a + local Lucky 13 cache attack found and reported by Tuba Yavuz, Farhaan + Fowze, Ken (Yihan) Bai, Grant Hernandez, and Kevin Butler (University of + Florida) and Dave Tian (Purdue University). + * Fix side channel in RSA private key operations and static (finite-field) + Diffie-Hellman. An adversary with precise enough timing and memory access + information (typically an untrusted operating system attacking a secure + enclave) could bypass an existing counter-measure (base blinding) and + potentially fully recover the private key. + * Fix a 1-byte buffer overread in mbedtls_x509_crl_parse_der(). Credit to + OSS-Fuzz for detecting the problem and to Philippe Antoine for pinpointing + the problematic code. + * Zeroising of plaintext buffers in mbedtls_ssl_read() to erase unused + application data from memory. + +- Add workaround for failing builds (Python not found) due to + + +- Do not run testsuite in parallel - its not reliable + +- update to 2.23.0: + a lot of changes see + * Fix a side channel vulnerability in modular exponentiation that could reveal an RSA private key used in a secure enclave. Noticed by Sangho Lee, Ming-Wei Shih, Prasun Gera, Taesoo Kim and Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology); and Marcus Peinado (Microsoft Research). Reported by Raoul Strackx (Fortanix) in #3394. + * Fix side channel in mbedtls_ecp_check_pub_priv() and mbedtls_pk_parse_key() / mbedtls_pk_parse_keyfile() (when loading a private key that didn't include the uncompressed public key), as well as mbedtls_ecp_mul() / mbedtls_ecp_mul_restartable() when called with a NULL f_rng argument. An attacker with access to precise enough timing and memory access information (typically an untrusted operating system attacking a secure enclave) could fully recover the ECC private key. Found and reported by Alejandro Cabrera Aldaya and Billy Brumley. + * Fix issue in Lucky 13 counter-measure that could make it ineffective when hardware accelerators were used (using one of the MBEDTLS_SHAxxx_ALT macros). This would cause the original Lucky 13 attack to be possible in those configurations, allowing an active network attacker to recover plaintext after repeated timing measurements under some conditions. Reported and fix suggested by Luc Perneel in #3246. mbuffer +- Update to version 20180505 (important changes since 20151002): + * fix potential hang with small input size + * configure enhancement: objdump may be named gobjdump + * fix tape end of file marker may be ignored + * removed obsolete alpha code + * fix: fix listen's backlog argument, which can cause issues on Linux 4.4 + * fix: fix potential assertion triggered by interrupted system call + * fix: use thread-safe mt_usleep instead of sleep(3) for watchdog timing + * enhancement: ignore EINTR for I/O syscalls + * enhancement: report percent done, when input size is known (is a file) + * enhancement: watchdog raises SIGKILL if SIGINT had no effect + * added an example config file, with documentation of all options + * added parameter StatusInterval + * fix false warning on comments in config files + * performance optimized defaults + * fix: potential hang, when one output fails to open +- Remove mbuffer-fix_pointer_cast.patch: dont see a reason for this + -- update to 20101230: - * hash values now are also written to log files - * this release will report the last block number on volume, report time per - volume - mccs +- Add mccs-gcc11-fix.patch to fix compilation with GCC 11. + mcjoin +- Update to version 2.9 + * Multiple viewing modes, including new stats and rate/bytes + view. See help text for details. + * Another presentation view, show rate/bytes + plotter. + * Update plotter on timer, not input, we want to see the gaps. + * Change style of headings from top style to pimctl/mroutectl + style. + * Improved viewing modes and plotter characters for + dupes/delay/etc. + * Improved column sizing for better use of whitespace in narrow + ttys. + * Show stats on exit. + * Support for scrolling log up/down with PgUp/PgDn. + * Support for displaying uptime, also shown on exit. + * Support for generating duplicate frames, for testing purposes. + * Support for toggling debug logs at runtime. + +- Update to version 2.8 + * Detect a default interface even on systems without default + route. + * Support Ctrl-L to refresh a garbled display. + * Support for a deadline timeout -W sec. + * Support for redirecting output to a log file + e.g. "mcjoin -l debug > file". + * Document reverse path filtering in Linux. + * Document how to test with older IGMP versions in Linux. + * Fix resize glitch in plotter (new event based framework). + * Fix TTY restore on abort or abnormal exit. + * Fully restore support for old output, "-o". + +- Update to version 2.7 + * New user interface, inspired by mtr. Easier to track multiple + streams and spot gaps in real-time. + * Adjust ulimit so we can open enough sockets to send/receive + multicast. + * Support for adjusting payload length, 42 -> 1648. + * Support for adjusting packet send/poll rate. + * Support for using old UI using -o flag. + * Support any source port in (S,G) joins. + * Greatly improved IPv6 support, portability and multiple groups. + * Dropped -r SEC option, not needed anymore and was misleading. + * Fix #8: Handle IPv6 being disabled, per group and per socket. + * Fix #9: No feedback on receiver when using mcjoin as sender. + * Fix #10: Calculate and show gaps in received groups. + mdbtools +- Switch to new upstream url +- Update to version 0.9.3 - see NEWS for detailed list of changes + +- No longer build gui sub-package: + + Drop gnome-common, gtk-doc, libglade2-devel, libgnomeui-devel + and scrollkeeper. +- Following the above drop gmdb2.desktop, and no longer pass + - -enable-sql and --enable-gtk-doc to configure, nor handle + desktop_database_post(un) for the now dropped sub-package. and + drop gnome_prefix and gnome_datadir defines, no longer used. +- Add explicit --disable-gmdb2 --disable-gtk-doc calls. +- Add pkgconfig(glib-2.0) BuildRequires, new dependency previously + autoamaticly pulled in. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. + -- Add provides so that 0.6pre1 is newer than 20070410cvs. - -- call autoreconf -f -i for new libtool - meabo +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Update to version 1.0+git.20180412: + * Add missing #ifdef _OPENMP + med-tools +- Fix no-return-in-nonvoid-function issue + * Fix-no_return_in_nonvoid_function.patch + +- Update to version 4.1.0 + * Allows creation of 3.y file by MEDfileVersionOpen + * Development of a new mode of access to the content of a control + * Typing corrections in error messages in med-int = long configuration + * Creation of an mdump4 using the new functions for quick access to + lists of entities/geo fields. + * Medimport update + * Update doxygen version and documentation fixes + * Updating CMake files by applying various patches + * Possibility to define -DMED_MEDINT_TYPE = {int | long | long long (WINDOWS)} + for the construction in cmake + * Unicode management for MED file names under windows (Cmake option off by default) + * Correction of a typing bug of med_idt for opening fct f77 in // * mode +- Drop these patches which merged into upstream + * 0001-Fix-error-message-concatenation.patch + * 0002-Return-this-from-operator-in-medenum-python-wrapper.patch + * 0004-Fix-allocation-for-MEDfileName-consider-trailing-nul.patch + * 0005-Respect-DESTDIR-when-byte-compiling-python-code.patch +- Modify these patches + * fix-cmakefiles.patch + * 0003-Avoid-format-warnings-on-64-bit.patch + * use_installed_python_modules_for_tests.patch + +- Fix failing python tests due to different filesystem layout of built + and installed modules, add use_installed_python_modules_for_tests.patch + mediainfo +- Update to version version 21.09 + New features: + * Graph view for 3D audio streams (thanks to graphviz) + * ADM: full featured support (programmes, content, objects, + pack formats...) + * ADM: in WAV (axml, bxml), MXF + * S-ADM in AES3: support of Levels A1 and AX1 + * MOV/MP4: support of Dolby Vision Metadata XML + * MXF: detection of IAB + * SMPTE ST 337 (AES3): support of subframe mode + * HEVC: CEA-608/708 caption support + * MP4/QuickTime: Android slow motion real frame rate + * JSON output: add creatingLibrary field + Fixed bugs: + * MPEG-4: read too much data with some predecessor definitions + * EBUCore: fix of fields order and types + mediastreamer2 +- Update license to GPL-3.0-or-later + +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * Add extra log traces when setting input/output audio device + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * Add a way to change volume on ALSA with MSFilterAudioPlaybackInterface + and MSFilterAudioCaptureInterface + +- Update to 5.0.46: + * Delete unnedded log + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * Fix tone manager issues and crash with a full refactoring +- remove 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch +- add BuildRequires: broadvoice16-devel + +- Update to 5.0.35: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.0.3: + * no changelog + +- SRTP_LIBRARIES not found during build, fixing fix-srtp2-linphone.patch + +- Update to 5.0.0: + * added API to change media encryption in the fly + * refactoring and simplifications for the MSOgl filter + (video OpenGL rendering) + * fixed absence of dummy stun packets when DTLS is used with + "encryption_mandatory" preventing DTLS handshare to take place +- Add dependency on bcmatroska2 >= 0.23.1 since this release introduces + a new method required by mediastreamer 5.0 +- Add fix-srtp2-linphone.patch + +- We actually don't need python2 BR at all, it seems. + +- Update to 4.5.20 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.16 (no changelog) +- Bump min requirement for libjpeg-turbo to 2.0.0 + +- Update to 4.5.15 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.10 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.3: + * No changelog available. + +- Update to 4.5.0: + + Added + * New camera capture backend based on Windows MediaFoundation + * MSMediaPlayer enhancements. + * VideoConference API and engine prototype (active speaker switching only) + + Changed + * audio flow control algorithm improved, silent portions are dropped first. + * MKVPlayer supports seek in files without cue table. + 'packetlosspercentage' is now configurable in opus encoder. + + Fixed + * misfunction in DTLS handshake over TURN + * fix arythmetic issue in clock skew computation, causing bad audio when the sound device outputs + * audio fragments not multiple of 10ms. + * wrong selection of ICE TURN candidates when the TURN server is behind a firewall + * unsent TURN SenderIndication packets on iOS + * fix video freeze in VP8, due to lack of retransmission of SLIs. + * All these fix were backported to 4.4 branch. + +- Update to 4.4.33 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.29 (no changelog) + +- Add patch to fix build with GCC 11 (boo#1181920) + * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch + +- Trim redundancies from the description. + +- Update to 4.4.24 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.21 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.13 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.7 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.6 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.2 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.0 + * TURN over TCP or TLS (previously was only UDP) + * Capture/playback gain control for Mac OS (AudioUnit) + * Optimize mirroring for OpenGL based display filters. It was previously done in software. + * Make V4L2 capture filter work with read-only devices (such as with v4lloopback driver) + * ICE: set source IP addresses of outgoing packets consistent with the local candidate it is supposed to test or use. This fixes various ICE failures occuring when the host has multiple IP addresses (which is now common with IPv6) + * New implementation of MSEventQueue, to fix unreproductible crashes with the previous implementation. + * Crashes around mblk_t management of Video4Linux2 catpure filter. + * Random crash in VideoToolbox decoding filter. + * VP8 decoding errors due to an invalid aggregation of packets in rare circumstances + * Crash while reading mkv file with checksums. + +- Update to 4.3.1 (no changelog) +- Remove mediastreamer2-fix-xv.patch +- Remove mediastreamer2-2.16.1-fix-no-git.patch + +- Add mediastreamer2-2.16.1-fix-no-git.patch: Fix building + out-of-git (commit de3a24b). +- Fix missing package documentation and licensing files. + megaglest +- Added wxwidgets3_1.patch to fix build with factory + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Modernise spec file + +- require p7zip-full for TW as 7z/7za binaries needed by megaglest + were moved to this package (see bsc#899627 for more details + about this change) + megatools +- udated to 1.10.3 +- updated keyring file to new public key +- specified GPL2 version + memkind +- update to version 1.12.0 (JSC#SLE-22050) + * Optimized hog memory + * Removed memkind_malloc_wrapper + * Extended error handling in pmem_allocator + From version 1.11.0: + * Provided a function to verify if path supports DAX - memkind_check_dax_path() + * Provided a NUMA node interleave variant for MEMKIND_DAX_KMEM (MEMKIND_DAX_KMEM_INTERLEAVE) + * Provided a function to enable/disable background threads - memkind_set_bg_threads() + * Provided a function to print statistics - memkind_stats_print() + * Extended configure mechanism by enable-memkind-initial-exec-tls option + * Extended memkind to support HMAT (libhwloc required) + * Provided memory property abstraction (MEMKIND_HIGHEST_CAPACITY*, MEMKIND_LOWEST_LATENCY_LOCAL*, MEMKIND_HIGHEST_BANDWIDTH_LOCAL*) + * Extended support for MEMKIND_HBW* to platforms with full HMAT support (kernel+hardware) + +- Enable build on aarch64 + +- Update to version 1.10.1 + * Fixed calculation size for pmem kind + * Add support for MEMKIND_HOG_MEMORY in pmem kind + * Fixed memkind_defrag_reallocate + * Extended configure mechanism by MIN_LG_ALIGN parameter and disable-heap-manager options + * Optimized searching command in mallctl, memkind_defrag_reallocate and memkind_detect_kind methods + * Removed punch-hole in destroy extent operation +- Removed the patch Add-missing-includes.patch, it + was merged into upstream. + memprof +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Use sr@latin instead of sr@Latn. - -- Fix check for libbfd. - mercurial -- Fix incorrect patch-checking with symlinks and subrepos - (CVE-2019-3902, bsc#1133035): - hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix1.patch - hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix2.patch - hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix3.patch - -- Fix out-of-bounds read during parsing of a malformed manifest - entry (CVE-2018-17983, bsc#1110899): - hg-CVE-2018-17983.patch - -- Fix security issues in mpatch overflow and other misbehavior - (CVE-2018-13346, bsc#1100354, CVE-2018-13347, bsc#1100355, - CVE-2018-13348, bsc#1100353): - hg-mpatch-fix01.patch - hg-mpatch-fix02.patch - hg-mpatch-fix03.patch - hg-mpatch-fix04.patch - hg-mpatch-fix05.patch - hg-mpatch-fix06.patch - hg-mpatch-fix07.patch - hg-mpatch-fix08.patch - hg-mpatch-fix09.patch +- Adding bug and CVE references from SLE to prepare the submission + for SLE 15 SP4/Leap 15.4 +- CVE-2019-3902 (bsc#1133035) not affecting versions 5.0+ SLE + internal patches removed: + * hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix1.patch + * hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix2.patch + * hg-CVE-2019-3902-fix3.patch +- CVE-2018-17983 (bsc#1110899) not affecting versions 4.7.2+ SLE + internal patch removed: + * hg-CVE-2018-17983.patch +- CVE-2018-13346 (bsc#1100354), CVE-2018-13347 (bsc#1100355), + CVE-2018-13348 (bsc#1100353) not affecting versions 4.6.1+ SLE + internal patches removed: + * hg-mpatch-fix01.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix02.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix03.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix04.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix05.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix06.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix07.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix08.patch + * hg-mpatch-fix09.patch + +- Provide mercurial tests in a package mercurial-tests. + +- Mercurial 5.9.1 + No upstream release notes, see + for changelog +- Mercurial 5.9 + + New Features + * `hg config` now has a `--source` option to show where each configuration + value comes from. + +- Mercurial 5.8.1 + No upstream release notes, see + for changes + +- Mercurial 5.8 + + New Features + * `hg purge` is now a core command using `--confirm` by default. + * The `rev-branch-cache` is now updated incrementally whenever changesets + are added. + * The new options `experimental.bundlecompthreads` and + `experimental.bundlecompthreads.<engine>` can be used to instruct the + compression engines for bundle operations to use multiple threads for + compression. The default is single threaded operation. Currently only + supported for zstd. + + Default Format Change + These changes affects newly created repositories (or new clone) done with + Mercurial 5.8. + * The `ZSTD` compression will now be used by default for new repositories + when available. This compression format was introduced in Mercurial 5.0, + released in May 2019. See `hg help config.format.revlog-compression` for + details. + * Mercurial installation built with the Rust parts will now use the + "persistent nodemap" feature by default. This feature was introduced in + Mercurial 5.4 (May 2020). However Mercurial instalation built without + the fast Rust implementation will refuse to interract with them + by default. This restriction can be lifted through configuration. + See `hg help config.format.use-persistent-nodemap` for details + + New Experimental Features + * There's a new `diff.merge` config option to show the changes relative to + an automerge for merge changesets. This makes it easier to detect and + review manual changes performed in merge changesets. It is supported + by `hg diff --change`, `hg log -p` `hg incoming -p`, + and `hg outgoing -p` so far. + + Bug Fixes + * gracefully recover from inconsistent persistent-nodemap data from disk. + + Backwards Compatibility Changes + * In normal repositories, the first parent of a changeset is not null, + unless both parents are null (like the first changeset). Some legacy + repositories violate this condition. The revlog code will now silentely + swap the parents if this condition is tested. This can change the output + of `hg log` when explicitly asking for first or second parent. The + changesets "nodeid" are not affected. + + Internal API Changes + * `changelog.branchinfo` is deprecated and will be removed after 5.8. + It is superseded by `changelogrevision.branchinfo`. + * Callbacks for revlog.addgroup and the changelog._nodeduplicatecallback + hook now get a revision number as argument instead of a node. + * revlog.addrevision returns the revision number instead of the node. + * `nodes.nullid` and related constants are being phased out as part of + the deprecation of SHA1. Repository instances and related classes + provide access via `nodeconstants` and in some cases `nullid` attributes. +- updated mercurial-locale-path-fix.patch + +- enable building `chg` (thanks @expehaa) + +- Mercurial 5.7.1 + * No upstream release notes, see + + +- added the _service file for updating sources with single command +- Mercurial 5.7 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + + New Features + * There is a new config section for templates used by hg commands. It + is called `[command-templates]`. Some existing config options have + been deprecated in favor of config options in the new + section. These are: `ui.logtemplate` to `command-templates.log`, + `ui.graphnodetemplate` to `command-templates.graphnode`, + `ui.mergemarkertemplate` to `command-templates.mergemarker`, + `ui.pre-merge-tool-output-template` to + `command-templates.pre-merge-tool-output`. + * There is a new set of config options for the template used for the + one-line commit summary displayed by various commands, such as + `hg rebase`. The main one is `command-templates.oneline-summary`. That + can be overridden per command with + `command-templates.oneline-summary.<command>`, where `<command>` + can be e.g. `rebase`. As part of this effort, the default format + from `hg rebase` was reorganized a bit. + * `hg purge` is now a core command using `--confirm` by default. + * `hg strip`, from the strip extension, is now a core command, + `hg debugstrip`. The extension remains for compatibility. + * `hg diff` and `hg extdiff` now support `--from <rev>` and `--to <rev>` + arguments as clearer alternatives to `-r <revs>`. `-r <revs>` has been + deprecated. + * The memory footprint per changeset during pull/unbundle + operations has been further reduced. + * There is a new internal merge tool called `internal:mergediff` (can + be set as the value for the `merge` config in the `[ui]` + section). It resolves merges the same was as `internal:merge` and + `internal:merge3`, but it shows conflicts differently. Instead of + showing 2 or 3 snapshots of the conflicting pieces of code, it + shows one snapshot and a diff. This may be useful when at least one + side of the conflict is similar to the base. The new marker style + is also supported by "premerge" as + `merge-tools.<tool>.premerge=keep-mergediff`. + * External hooks are now called with `HGPLAIN=1` preset. This has the side + effect of ignoring aliases, templates, revsetaliases, and a few other config + options in any `hg` command spawned by the hook. The previous behavior + can be restored by setting HGPLAINEXCEPT appropriately in the parent process. + See `hg help environment` for the list of items, and how to set it. + * The `branchmap` cache is updated more intelligently and can be + significantly faster for repositories with many branches and changesets. + * The `rev-branch-cache` is now updated incrementally whenever changesets + are added. + + New Experimental Features + * `experimental.single-head-per-branch:public-changes-only` can be used + restrict the single head check to public revision. This is useful for + overlay repository that have both a publishing and non-publishing view + of the same storage. + + Backwards Compatibility Changes + * `--force-lock` and `--force-wlock` options on `hg debuglock` command are + renamed to `--force-free-lock` and `--force-free-wlock` respectively. + + Internal API Changes + * `changelog.branchinfo` is deprecated and will be removed after 5.8. + It is superseded by `changelogrevision.branchinfo`. + +- mercurial 5.6.1: + * no upstream changelog + +- Mercurial 5.6 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + * New Features + + `hg mv -A` can now be used with `--at-rev`. It behaves just like + `hg cp -A --at-rev`, i.e. it marks the destination as a copy of the + source whether or not the source still exists but the source must exist + in the parent revision). + + New revset predicate `diffcontains(pattern)` for filtering revisions the + same way as `hg grep --diff pattern`. + + The memory footprint per changeset and per file during pull/unbundle + operations has been significantly reduced. + * Internal API Changes + + `merge.update()` is now private (renamed to `_update()`). Hopefully the + higher-level functions available in the same module cover your use cases. + + `phases.registernew` now takes a set of revisions instead of a list + of nodes. `phases.advanceboundary` takes an optional set of revisions in + addition to the list of nodes. The corresponding members of the + `phasecache` class follow this change. + + The `addgroup` member of `revlog` classes no longer keeps a list of all + found nodes. It now returns `True` if a node was found in the group. + An optional callback for duplicated nodes can be used by callers to keep + track of all nodes themselve. + + The `_chaininfocache` of `revlog` classes has been changed from a dict + to a LRU cache. + +- Mercurial 5.5.2: + * fix a crash in the log command + * bug fixes in hgdemandimport + * stip: with --keep, consider all revs "removed" from the wcp + +- Mercurial 5.5.1: + Regularly scheduled bug fix release. + * bug fixes + + keepalive: Do not append _rbuf if _raw_readinto exists (issue6356) + +- Mercurial 5.5: + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release + * New Features + + clonebundles can be annotated with the expected memory requirements + using the `REQUIREDRAM` option. This allows clients to skip bundles + created with large zstd windows and fallback to larger, but less + demanding bundles. + + The `phabricator` extension now provides more functionality of the + arcanist CLI like changing the status of a differential. + + Phases processing is much faster, especially for repositories with old + non-public changesets. + * New Experimental Features + + The core of some hg operations have been (and are being) implemented in + rust, for speed. `hg status` on a repository with 300k tracked files + goes from 1.8s to 0.6s for instance. This has currently been tested only + on linux, and does not build on windows. See rust/README.rst in the + mercurial repository for instructions to opt into this. + + An experimental config `rewrite.empty-successor` was introduced + to control what happens when rewrite operations result + in empty changesets. + * Bug Fixes + + For the case when connected to a TTY, stdout was fixed + to be line-buffered on Python 3 (where it was block-buffered before, + causing the process to seem hanging) and Windows on Python 2 (where it + was unbuffered before). + + Subversion sources of the convert extension were fixed to work + on Python 3. + + Subversion sources of the convert extension now interpret the encoding + of URLs like Subversion. Previously, there were situations where + the convert extension recognized a repository as present but Subversion + did not, and vice versa. + + The empty changeset check of in-memory rebases was fixed to match that + of normal rebases (and that of the commit command). + + The push command now checks the correct set of outgoing changesets for + obsolete and unstable changesets. Previously, it could happen that the + check prevented pushing changesets which were already on the server. + * Backwards Compatibility Changes + + Mercurial now requires at least Python 2.7.9 or a Python version that + backported modern SSL/TLS features (as defined in PEP 466), and that + Python was compiled against a OpenSSL version supporting TLS 1.1 or + TLS 1.2 (likely this requires the OpenSSL version to be at least 1.0.1). + + The `hg perfwrite` command from contrib/ was made more flexible + and changed its default behavior. To get the previous behavior, run + `hg perfwrite --nlines=100000 --nitems=1 --item='Testing write performance' --batch-line`. + + The absorb extension now preserves changesets with no file changes that + can be created by the commit command (those which change the branch name + compared to the parent and those closing a branch head). + +- Mercurial 5.4.2: + * rebase: avoid clobbering wdir() with --dry-run or --confirm + * curses: do not initialize LC_ALL to user settings + +- Mercurial 5.4.1: + * graft-state: save --base in graft's state, fixing bug with + graft --continue + * graft: fix --base value to be saved in state file + * dirstate: make sure the dirstate is loaded before the changelog + * bash_completion: do not use aliased hg if it sources a script + * demandimport: fix compatibility with meta path finders w/o + find_spec() method + * flags: read flag from dirstate/disk for workingcopyctx + * fsmonitor: coerce 'clock' variable to byte-string + * url: fix a bytes vs str crash in processing proxy headers + +- Mercurial 5.4: + * hg purge/hg clean can now delete ignored files instead of + untracked files, with the new -i flag. + * hg pull now has a --confirm flag to prompt before applying + changes. Config option pull.confirm is also added for that. + * hg log now defaults to using an '%' symbol for commits involved + in unresolved merge conflicts. That includes unresolved + conflicts caused by e.g. hg update --merge and hg graft. '@' + still takes precedence, so what used to be marked '@' still is. + * hg copy --forget can be used to unmark a file as copied. + * The format.revlog-compression configuration entry now accept + a list. The first available option will be used. for example + setting:: + [format] + revlog-compression=zstd, zlib + Will use zstd compression for new repositories is available, + and will simply fall back to zlib if not. + * hg debugmergestate output is now templated, which may be useful + e.g. for IDEs that want to help the user resolve merge + conflicts. + * hg copy now supports a --at-rev argument to mark files as + copied in the specified commit. It only works with --after for + now (i.e., it's only useful for marking files copied using non-hg + cp as copied). + * Use hg copy --forget --at-rev REV to unmark already committed + copies. + * bug fixes + * changes that may affect backwards compatibility +- there is no canonical upstream signing key, remove + +- fix bash completion script (boo#1170703) + +- Mercurial 5.3.1 + +- Mercurial 5.3 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + See release notes at +- drop mercurial-4.8-python2-shebang.patch because of switch to Python 3 +- fixed and refreshed mercurial-locale-path-fix.patch + +- Switch Mercurial to Python 3 (it should be supported already, + according to +- Fix rpmlint warnings. + +- Mercurial 5.2.1 + +- Mercurial 5.2 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + + New Features + * The amend extension supports the `--currentuser` argument. + * The amend extension supports the `--close-branch` argument. + * The amend extension supports the `--secret` argument. + * The uncommit extension supports the `rewrite.update-timestamp` config + option. + + Backwards Compatibility Changes + * A shell that supports `$(command)` syntax for command substitution is + now required for running the test suite. The test runner normally + uses `sh`, so if that is a shell that doesn't support `$(command)` + syntax, you can override it by setting `$HGTEST_SHELL` or by passing it + to ` --shell <shell>`. + * The (experimental) narrow extension's wire protocol changed. If you're + using it, you'll need to make sure to upgrade server and client at the + same time. +- refreshed mercurial.keyring + +- Mercurial 5.1.2 + Regularly scheduled bug fix release. + * extensions + + phabricator: don't abort if property writing fails during amending + * tests + + test: allow different result for zstd compression (issue6188) + +- Mercurial 5.1.1 + Regularly scheduled bug fix release. + * commands + + bookmarks: actual fix for race condition deleting bookmark + * core + + exchange: abort on pushing bookmarks pointing to secret changesets (issue6159) + + python-zstandard: apply big-endian fix (issue6188) + + fncache: make debugrebuildfncache not fail on broken fncache + * tests + + various test runner fixes + + fixed use of `tr --delete` for tr(1) portability + +- Mercurial 5.1 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + * New Features + + New config `` shows status after successful + commit. + + `hg root` now has templating support, including support for showing + where a repo share's source is. See `hg help -v root` for details. + + New `--force-close-branch` flag for `hg commit` to forcibly close branch + from a non-head changeset. + + The curses-based interface for commands like `hg commit -i` now supports + a range-select mechanism. Select the first line using space like before, + navigate to the last line, and press X (capital x) to set all items in + the range at once. Lowercase x has been added as a synonym for space to + help reinforce the mechanism, and pressing enter/return continues to be a + synonym for "toggle the current line and move down to the next item in + this section." + * New Experimental Features + + New config `experimental.log.topo` makes `hg log -G` use topological + sorting. This is especially useful for aliases since it lets the alias + accept an `-r` option while still using topological sorting with or + without the -r (unlike if you use the `sort(..., topo)` revset). + * Bug Fixes + + issue4292: "hg log and {files} {file_adds} {file_mods} {file_dels} in + template show wrong files on merged revision". See details in "Backwards + Compatibility Changes". + * Backwards Compatibility Changes + + Removed (experimental) support for log graph lines mixing + parent/grandparent styles. Setting e.g. + `experimental.graphstyle.parent = !` and + `experimental.graphstyle.grandparent = 3.` would use `!` for the first + three lines of the graph and then `..`. This is no longer supported. + + If ui.origbackuppath had been (incorrectly) configured to point to a + file, we will now replace that file by a directory and put backups in + that directory. This is similar to how we would previously replace files + * in* the configured directory by subdirectories. + + Template keyword `{file_mods}`, `{file_adds}`, and `{file_dels}` have + changed behavior on merge commits. They used to be relative to the first + parent, but they now consider both parents. `{file_adds}` shows files + that exists in the commit but did not exist in either parent. + `{file_dels}` shows files that do not exist in the commit but existed in + either parent. `{file_mods}` show the remaining files from `{files}` + that were not in the other two sets. + * Internal API Changes + + Matchers are no longer iterable. Use `match.files()` instead. + + `match.visitdir()` and `match.visitchildrenset()` now expect the empty + string instead of `'.'` to indicate the root directory. + + `util.dirs()` and `util.finddirs()` now include an entry for the root + directory (empty string). + + `shelve` is no longer an extension now. It will be turned on by default. + + New API to manage unfinished operations: Earlier there were distinct APIs + which dealt with unfinished states and separate lists maintaining them + that are `cmdutil.afterresolvestates`, `cmdutil.unfinishedstates` + and `cmdutil.STATES`. Now these have been unified to a single API which + handles the various states and their utilities. This API has been added + to ``. Now instead of adding to these 3 lists independently a + state for a new operation can be registered using `addunfinished()` + in `state` module. + + `cmdutil.checkunfinished()` now includes detection for merge too. + + merge abort has been disallowed in case an operation of higher + precedence is in progress to avoid cases of partial abort of operations. + + We used to automatically attempt to make extensions compatible with + Python 3 (by translating their source code while loading it). + We no longer do that. + +- Mercurial 5.0.2 + A regularly scheduled bugfix release. + + commands + * Help fixes on hg mv and hg cp + + unsorted + * debugrevlog: fix average size computation for empty data (issue6167) + * Fix an obscure data corruption bug with musl libc + (and presumably others). + See + for more details. + +- Mercurial 5.0.1 + A regularly scheduled bugfix release. + + commands + * bookmark: also make bookmark cache depends of the changelog + * commit: allow --interactive to work again when naming a directory (issue6131) + + unsorted + * manifest: avoid corruption by dropping removed files with pure (issue5801) + * sslutil: fsencode path returned by certifi (issue6132) + +- Mercurial 5.0 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + + New Features + * Python 3 Support (Beta) + * `ui.relative-paths` option for getting relative path output from most + commands. This is enabled when `ui.tweakdefaults` is enabled. + * `expectsize()` revset errors out if revset has unexpected number + of elements. + * `config()` template function for getting a config value. + * `{negrev}` template keyword shows the negative revision number. This is + convenient because it is usually shorter than the positive number, but + note that it is less stable. + * `hg uncommit` now has an `--allow-dirty-working-copy` option. + * `hg shelve` now has `--keep` option, which shelves but also leaves the + working directory unchanged. + * `hg diff` will now include specified files in subrepos. + * `hg recover` now has a `--no-verify` option + + Other Improvements + * Improved color scheme for histedit's curses interface, making it more + consistent with the curses hunk selector. + + Bug Fixes + * Histedit's curse interface has improved support for non ascii characters. + + Backwards Compatibility Changes + * color: change color of grep.rev label (BC) + * commit: if interactive, look elsewhere for whitespace settings (BC) + * diff: make sure we output stat even when --git is not passed (issue4037) (BC) + * uncommit: abort if an explicitly given file cannot be uncommitted (BC) + +- require openssl python module for runtime (not only build) + (boo#1132347) + +- Mercurial 4.9.1 + A regularly scheduled bugfix release, late due to vacations and similar + disruptions at the regular time. + * commands + + record: prevent commits that don't pick up dirty subrepo + changes (issue6102) + * extensions + + rebase: add missing dashes in help text + * unsorted + + subrepo: avoid false unsafe path detection on Windows + + test-https: add some more known failure messages of client + certs (issue6030) + +- Mercurial 4.9 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + See complete changelog at + + * Security Fixes + It was possible to use symlinks and subrepositories to defeat Mercurial's + path-checking logic and write files outside a repository. This has been + fixed. Users on older versions can either disable subrepositories witt + ``` + [subrepos] + allowed = false + ``` + in their configuration or by ensuring any cloned repositories don't + contain malicious symlinks. + * New Features + + 'hg histedit' will now present a curses UI if curses is available and + 'ui.interface' or 'ui.interface.histedit' is set to 'curses'. + + The 'sparse-revlog' delta strategy is enabled by default for new + repositories. See `hg help config.format.sparse-revlog` for details. + * Other Notable Features + + New `rewrite.update-timestamp=True` option to update the commit + timestamp on history editing (e.g. amend.) + + New `ui.message-output=stderr` option for scripting, which prevents + status messages from interleaved. + + New `rootglob:` filename pattern for a glob that is rooted at the root + of the repository. See `hg help patterns` and `hg help hgignore` for + details. + + Some more reimplementation of ancestry algorithms in Rust for better + performance. + * Backwards Compatibility Changes + + Boolean options passed to the logtoprocess extension are now formatted + as "0" or "1" instead of "None", "False", or "True". + + The logtoprocess extension no longer supports invalid "ui.log()" + arguments. A log message is always formatted and passed in to the + "$MSG1" environment variable. + * Internal API Changes + + Status messages may be sent to a dedicated stream depending on + configuration. Don't use "ui.status()", etc. as a shorthand for + conditional writes. Use "ui.write()" for data output. + + Add 'exthelper' class to simplify extension writing by allowing + functions, commands, and configitems to be registered via annotations. + The previous APIs are still available for use. + + The extension hook "extsetup" without a 'ui' argument has been + deprecated, and will be removed in the next version. Add a 'ui' argument + to avoid the deprecation warning. + +- Mercurial 4.8.2 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release containing following fixes: + * commands + + update: do not pass in user revspec as default destination (issue6044) + * core + + match: fix assertion for fileset with no context (issue6046) + + revlog: catch delta base value under -1 + + revlog: catch revlog corruption in index_baserev + + server: always close http socket if responding with an error (issue6033) + + vfs: ensure closewrapbase fh doesn't escape by entering context manager + * extensions + + phabricator: properly encode boolean types in the request body + * unsorted + + windows: ensure mixedfilemodewrapper fd doesn't escape by entering context mgr + + worker: do not swallow exception occurred in main process + +- Mercurial 4.8.1 + A regularly scheduled bugfix release. Some security fixes are included, but + all are expected to be low-risk. + * commands + - commandserver: get around ETIMEDOUT raised by selectors2 + - graft: do not try to skip rev derived from ancestor more than + once (issue6024) + - verify: provide unit to ui.makeprogress() + * core + - revlog: fix out-of-bounds access by negative parents read from + revlog (SEC) + * extensions + - rebase: abort in-mem rebase if there's a dirty merge state + - rebase: fix dir/file conflict detection when using in-mem merge + - rebase: fix path auditing to audit path relative to repo root (issue5818) + - rebase: preserve working copy when redoing in-mem rebase on disk + * unsorted + - tests: stabilize test-inherit-mode.t on FreeBSD and macOS (issue6026) + +- mercurial-4.8-python2-shebang.patch: fixes boo#1114895 +- explicitly depend on Python 2.7+ + +- Mercurial 4.8 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + See release overview at and + complete changelog at + + +- Mercurial 4.7.2 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release containing following fixes: + * security + + Fix a potential out-of-bounds read in manifest parsing C code. + * core + + various minor correctness fixes in revsets for commonancestors() and + similar + * unsorted + + chgserver: do not send system() back to client if stdio + redirected (issue5992) + + procutil: compare fd number to see if stdio protection + is needed (issue5992) + +- Mercurial 4.7.1 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release containing following fixes: + * commands + + merge: do not delete untracked files silently (issue5962) + * core + + revlog: fix descendant deprecated method + * hgweb + + hgweb: load revcount + 1 entries to fill nextentry in log page (issue5972) + * performance + + remotephase: avoid full changelog iteration (issue5964) + + remotephase: fast path newheads computation in simple case (issue5964) + + scmutil: avoid quadratic membership testing (issue5969) + + sparse-revlog: fix delta validity computation + +- Mercurial 4.7 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release and has it's own + release notes page which can be found here: + [Full release notes]( + +- Mercurial 4.6.2 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release containing following fixes: + * merge: do not fill manifest of committed revision with pseudo node + (issue5526) + * crecord: fix line number in hunk header (issue5917) + * lazymanifest: don't crash when out of memory (issue5916) + * procutil: use unbuffered stdout on Windows + +- Mercurial 4.6.1 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release that also contains security + fixes. + * Security Fixes + Multiple issues found in mpatch.c with a fuzzer: + + OVE-20180430-0001 + + OVE-20180430-0002 + + OVE-20180430-0004 + With the following fixes: + mpatch: be more careful about parsing binary patch data (SEC) + mpatch: protect against underflow in mpatch_apply (SEC) + mpatch: ensure fragment start isn't past the end of orig (SEC) + mpatch: fix UB in int overflows in gather() (SEC) + mpatch: fix UB integer overflows in discard() (SEC) + mpatch: avoid integer overflow in mpatch_decode (SEC) + mpatch: avoid integer overflow in combine() (SEC) + No exploits are known at the time, however, it is highly recommended that + all users upgrade. + * Bug Fixes + Also included in this release are the following, + + zstandard: pull in bug fixes from upstream 0.9.1 (issue5884) + + bundle2: fix old clients from reading newer format (issue5872) + + bdiff: fix xdiff long/int64 conversion (issue5885) + + push: continue without locking on lock failure other than EEXIST (issue5882) + + lfs: fix crash in command server (issue5902) + + hghave: fix deadlock in test runner + + rebase: fix error when computing obsoletenotrebased (issue5907) + + rebase: prioritize indicating an interrupted rebase over update (issue5838) + + revset: pass in lookup function to matchany() (issue5879) + +- Mercurial 4.6 + This is a regularly-scheduled quarterly feature release. + See complete changelog at + +- Mercurial 4.5.3 + This is a regularly-scheduled bugfix release. + * Bug Fixes + + rebase: on abort, don't strip commits that didn't need to be rebased + (issue5822) + + hgweb: garbage collect on every request + + amend: abort if unresolved merge conflicts found (issue5805) meson +- meson 0.59.4: + * Fix crash when getting cuda options + +- Update to version 0.59.3: + + No upstream changes provided. +- Drop meson-rust-1.55.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Add meson-rust-1.55.patch: Fix test suite run with rust 1.55. + +- Update to version 0.59.2: + + No upstream changes provided. + +- Update to version 0.59.1: + + No upstream changes provided. + +- Update to version 0.59.0: + +- refreshed meson-test-installed-bin.patch to apply cleanly again + meson:test +- meson 0.59.4: + * Fix crash when getting cuda options + +- Update to version 0.59.3: + + No upstream changes provided. +- Drop meson-rust-1.55.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Add meson-rust-1.55.patch: Fix test suite run with rust 1.55. + +- Update to version 0.59.2: + + No upstream changes provided. + +- Update to version 0.59.1: + + No upstream changes provided. + +- Update to version 0.59.0: + +- refreshed meson-test-installed-bin.patch to apply cleanly again + metacity +- Update to version 3.42.0: + * Enable XPresent compositor. + * Fix regression in opacity handling. + * Fix tooltip style. + * Update translations. +- Add metacity-glib-2.62.patch: Restore GLib 2.62 support. + metamail +- Add simple mimelang tool to be able to check unicode block of + UTF-8 MIME encoded e-mail subjects + +- Replace old mgrep script with new m(mime)grep written in hackweek + +- Remove tcsh dependency by dropping bogus mailserver and + sun-message.csh +- use autosetup, refresh all 5 patches + -- Fix typo in mailto manual page (bnc#422090) - -- Avoid autobuild error - -- Add MIME check script usable e.g. in procmailrc filter rules - meteo +- Update to + * Modify snap builder + * Update meson + * Update Readme + * Add Moon phases + * Add deploy folders + +- Update to 0.9.8: + * Indicator icon issue fixed. + * Fixed some lintian warnings on packaging. + * Fixed issues: #125, #128, #129. + +- Update to 0.9.7: + * Update some locale strings + * Merge branch 'master' of + * Add dutch language + meterbridge +- Update to 0.9.3 + * No changelog provided +- Clean up SPEC file +- Refresh meterbridge-gcc4-fix.diff and meterbridge-makefile-fix.diff +- Add patches from Gentoo: meterbridge-0.9.3-asneeded.patch, and + meterbridge-0.9.3-setrgba.patch + -- build as user - metronome +- Update to 1.0.0: + * Small fixes for notation + * Remove CMake files + * Update installation instructions for consistency + * Update packaging for meson + * Update install section in + * Add meson + * Merge pull request #33 from dabou/master + * Add gitignore file + * fixed warning for appdata + * Merge pull request #31 from Vistaus/master + * Update com.github.artemanufrij.metronome.appdata.xml +- Spec file cleanup + +- Update to 0.3.0: + * fixed iconname + * Update + * def docu + * renamed icons + * Add files via upload + * Added build instructions to + * switched to Gtk.Application +- Switch to metainfo from appdata +- Remove obsolete macros + mfoc +- Update to snapshot 0.10.7+git38 (ba072f16f) + * Support 2K, TNP, 4K, Mini in miLazyCracker patch + mftrace +- Remove unnecessary BuildRequires on python-devel. + +- Update to version 1.2.20 + * Fix p.add_option() issue + * Fix parsing of italic correction + * Fix FTP_DIR. + * Migrate package to python3 + * Add manpage for gf2pbm + * Quieten fontforge invocation + +- Remove autotrace from build dependencies + * Autotrace has many security bugs which will not be fixed + (bsc#1040278), so it is better to drop it. + Moreover it is not necessary here, so it should be + removed from build dependencies. + -- require texlive instead of tetex - -- Updated to version 1.2.5: - * Code cleanup. - * Documentation fixes. - * Now probably requires python 2.x. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - miller +- Update to version 5.10.3 + * autoreconf.fiv; manpage & docs w/ 5.10.3 + * Replace NDEBUG with MLR_DSL_NDEBUG ifdef to avoid name clash + with conda build + * precompute lemon artifacts + mimetic +- Refreshed spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations. +- Added mimetic-gcc11-fix.patch and fixed gcc11 build. + mimic +- Set disk constraints for all archs + +- Update to version + +- Add _constraints file to ensure enough disk for ppc64(le) builds +- Remove unwanted comments in .spec file + +- Disable LTO to build correctly + minder +- Update to 1.13.1: + * Changes + * Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella) + * Updated screenshots for elementary OS 6. + * Bug Fixes + * Fixed command support for non-English keyboard layouts. + * New + * Added support for toggling the task indicator when multiple + nodes are selected. + * Added German translation (thanks to Peter Sonntaga). + * Added zoom amount in the zoom button tooltip. + * Added support for y command to create/remove node links when + multiple nodes are selected. + * Added support for x command to create connections when two + * Added support for system dark mode setting. + * Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella). + * Updated Russian translation (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine). + * Improved task indicator sizes in leaf nodes. + * Changed fold indicator from a circle to a square. + * Removed zoom in/out menu items and made them buttons instead. + * Node/connection is now automatically selected on right click + if it is not selected. + * Moved node change contextual menu items into their own + submenu. + * Changed forward slash command to Control-A for selecting all + text. + * Changed backward slash command to Control-Shift-A for + deselecting all text. + * Changed F1 command to Control-? for displaying keyboard + shortcuts. + * Updated keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet. + * Updated code base for elementary OS 6 (gtksourceview-4, + libhandy-1, Flatpak support, etc.) + * Fixed issue where sticker tooltips were not displaying + translated names. + * Fixed node resizing issues when system font is changed in + system settings. + * Fixed Flatpak issue to allow dark mode system settings to + affect application. + * Fixed layout issues when root node is resized. + * Fixed squared and rounded link display for nodes attached to + root node. + * Fixed cursor location when End key used. + * Fixed potential node identification generation issue that can + lead to bad connections on load. + * Fixed location of node stickers within the node to improve + look. + * Fixed issues copying and pasting a single selected node. + +- Update 1.12.5: + Changes: + * Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella) + * Updated Russian translation (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine) + Bug Fixes: + * Added missing translatable strings in various parts of the UI. + * Fixed URL parser issues. + * Fixed application crash when forward deleting non-Latin text + +- Update 1.12.2: + * Features and Changes + * Added subscript and superscript support to Markdown parser. + * Added support for switching tabs with Control-Tab and Shift-Control-Tab. + * Added support for remembering last used open/save dialog directories. + * Added support for Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down keyboard shortcuts to rearrange sibling nodes. + * Added support for searching all tabs (thanks to @Messius58). + * Added about window for non-elementary builds. + * Added ability to move child nodes to parent via Alt+direction. + * Added support for including images in Markdown export. + * Added installation instructions to for Debian (thanks to Róbert Hubinák) + * Added support for Control-Home/End to move the cursor to the beginning/end of the text. + * Added support for folded children count tooltip. + * Added Basque translation (thanks to @alexgabi) + * Replaced export UI with a new, improved UI with support for export options. + * Moved add node menu items to a submenu. + * Improved focus mode behavior. + * Changed property header button to a toggle button and clarified the tooltip + * Changed keyboard shortcut to open sidebar from Control-| to F9. + * Changed non-symbolic header bar icons to symbolic icons for non-elementary OS environments. + * Improved link drawing algorithm to make link connections easier to see. + * Changed "Link Color" in node inspector to "Color" to reflect the colors use. + * Improved task button drawing. + * Updated to Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella) + * Updated to Brazilian Portugese translation (thanks to Felipe Simoes) + * Opening a file will automatically close an existing unsaved, unchanged tab. + * Changed color of connection drag handles to yellow. + * Making it easier to grab connection drag handle when it is close to connection handles. + * Reducing auto-saves when editing node text. + * Many, many bugfixes since last update on OBS. + +- Update to 1.11.3: + * Changes + * Updated Italian translation (thanks to Albano Battistella). + * Bug Fixes + * Fixed application crash issues due to using custom themes. + * Added missing theme colors in custom theme pane. + * Fixed issues with application crash when editing a root node. + * Fixed issue with filepath parser highlighting normal text + that contains slash characters. + +- Update to 1.11.1: + * New + * Added Shift-e keyboard shortcut to edit note text for nodes + and connections. + * Changes + * Updated Italian translation (thanks to @albanobattistella). + * Improved automatic layout of node trees when adjacent tree + sizes change. + * Changed node and connection contextual menus to show (Edit + Note) instead of (Add Note) and (Remove Note) options. + * Bug Fixes + * Fixing compilation issues. + * Fixing behavior of 't' command when node is selected. + * Fixing support for undo/redo of root node insertion. + * Added Preferences dialog. + * Added Portuguese translation (thanks to Andre Barata). + * Added keyboard shortcut (Menu or Shift-F10) to display + contextual menus in mindmap. + * Added default theme preference option. + * Added preference option to select map items on cursor hover. + * Added Shift+Home/End support for selecting all text from + current cursor to beginning/end of node or connection titles when + editing. + * Added support for PlantUML import/export. + * Added support for displaying notifications on completion of + export operation. + * Added keyboard shortcuts for displaying tabs in sidebar. + * Added support for making filepath URIs clickable in nodes, + connections and notes (displays the files in the file manager + application). + * When nodes are copied to clipboard, pasting them as text in + an external application will be displayed as in text export + format. + * When text is copied to the clipboard from an external + application, pasting as nodes in Minder will parse in text import + * Improved look of menu accelerators and added missing + accelerators. + * Changed 't' command to transition task status from disabled + to enabled to done and back to disabled. + * Fixed issues with undo/redo of node/connection title changes. + * Fixed issue with undoing a connection add operation. + * Fixed issue with connection titles being clear when + connection is moved to a different node. + * Fixed UI issue with changing window width by dragging right + side of window when sidebar is hidden. + * Fixed issues with inputting special characters with US + international keyboard. + * Fixed issue where images in resized nodes were not displaying + properly on application restart. + * Fixed issue where copying a filename in a file manager and + pasting in Minder would attempt to past the icon image instead of + the filename when editing text. + +- Update to 1.10.0: + * Working around layout issues when importing + Freemind/Freeplane with folded nodes. + * Merge pull request #205 from Fatih20/icon-redesign + * Icon Tweaks + * Fixing node link issue in Freemind/Freeplane formats. + * Fixing parsing support for some Freemind/Freeplane formats. + * Fixing application crash when node is deleted or cut. + * Fixing issue with being able to identify folded node based on + x,y coordinates. + * Updating README. + * Updating version. + * Updating screenshots. + * Updating application description. + * Merge branch 'devel' + * Merge branch 'mouse_shortcuts' into devel + * Adding mouse events. + * Checkpointing work on mouse event shortcuts. + * Merge branch 'group_undo' into devel + * Adding undo/redo group support to cut methods. + * Fixing undo/redo issue with node groups. + * Checkpointing group undo work + * Fixing issue with attempting to export an SVG image to XMind. + * Fixing image support to XMind export/import. + * XMind export enhancements. + * Merge branch 'conn_edit_title' into devel + * Fixing various critical errors in regards to editing + connections. + * Finishing support for edit connection title on creation + option. + * Fixing group drawing when nodes are folded. + * Fixing issue with making node visible when it it folded and a + node link to it is clicked. + * Fixing critical error when double-clicking an empty + connection title + * Changing connection to allow sticker to be dropped even when + title does not exist. + * Adding support for panning with middle mouse button. + * Adding keyboard shortcut for 'Zoom to Fit'. + * Attempting to fix compile issues with newer valac compilers. + * Merge branch 'devel' of into + devel + * Fixing issues around opening/saving documents + * adding create group + * ... + +- Update to 1.9.2: + * Fixing some issues with tree overlay in Freemind and + Freeplane imports. + * Fixing application crash when exporting to Freemind. + * Merge branch 'freeplane_crash' + +- Update to 1.9.1: + * Merge branch 'xml_huge_fix' + * Fixing issues with reading large/deep XML-styled files + * Fixing issue with setting the cursor when zoom is not 100% + * Merge pull request #165 from albanobattistella/patch-1 + * Update it.po + * Merge branch 'devel' + * Fixing string copy of node text to clipboard. + * Updating appdata. + * Fixing issue with pasting UTF-8 text from clipboard. + * Updating Minder version and appdata.xml + * Chaning panning to use the Alt key while the mouse is being + moved. + * Adding proper support for opening one or more files from + command-line. + * Fixing issue with connection color handling. + * Bug fixes + * Fixing issues with quick entry from previous submission. + * Fixing issues with pasting text in QuickEntry. + * Fixing issues with selection box behavior. + * Fixing QuickEntry issues. + * Checkpointing work on fixing/enhancing quick entry (work in + progress). + * Updating contextual menus. + * Changing select parent node algorithm to work with multiple + nodes. + * Updating selection shortcut cheatsheet. + * Fixing issues with selection boxes. + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into devel + * Fixing application crash when animation is disabled and the + re-enabled. + * Merge pull request #141 from febrezo/master + * changing warning to message + * Adding debug output + * Adjusting default connection colors and causing connections + to follow theme colors unless manually changed. + * Fixing syntax issue with + * Fixing custom theming issues. + * Making default connection color lighter to improve contrast + against background. + * Merge branch 'master' into devel + * ... + +- Update to 1.8.0: + * Added support for pasting an image or text as a new node. + * Added support for pasting an image or text, replacing the current node content. + * Added support for pasting text, replacing the current connection content. + * Added task support to Outliner import/export. + * Added keyboard shortcut (Control-E) to display export interface. + * Added support for creating a new root node hitting the Return key when no node is selected. + * Added ability to add a new root node via the contextual menu when no node is selected. + * Added ability to launch quick entry dialog via the contextual menu when no node is selected. + * Added node alignment support for manual node layouts. + * Added ability to create a connected root node. + * Added ability to replace/edit nodes via the Quick Entry feature. + * Added .editorconfig file. + * Updated image editor dialog button bar to include support for clipboard operations. + * Improved display of buttons in image area of the node inspector sidebar. + * Updated keyboard shortcut cheatsheet. + * Changed quick text entry keyboard shortcut from Control-E to Control-Shift-E. + * Changed the paste text in contextual menu to indicate what will be pasted. + * Updated Outliner import/export support for tasks. + * Added tooltip and changed cursor when cursor is over a link and the Control key is held down. + * Removed empty Outliner rows from being added when Outliner file is imported. + * Fixed loss of selection when shift key is held down and the background is clicked. + * Added themed background color to exported PDF format. + * Fixed exports to allow existing files to be overwritten. + * Fixed Org-Mode export syntax errors. + mined +- Update to 2015.25 + * [feature] Transparent editing of encrypted files. + * [feature] Enhanced auto-indentation, bullet list + and numbered list support. + * [feature] Enhanced smart spaces/dashes/arrows/minus. + * [feature] Revised flag menus and header line. + * [feature] Configurable appearance of menu background + * [feature] CUPS printer selection. + * [feature] Configurable character information in status line + * [feature] Additional character transformation support for + Italian, East European, Tatar, Bashkir. + * [feature] Character information includes Unicode named + sequences and spacing combined status. + * [feature] Support for ISO 8859/EBCDIC Next Line character + (NL U+0085). + * [feature] Option -E disables text encoding auto-detection, + using locale instead. + * [bugfix] Fixed handling of interrupts while reading file. + * [bugfix] Fixed new unnamed UTF-16 text to actually be saved + as UTF-16. + * [bugfix] Fixed text encoding auto-detection on unsigned char + platforms (since 2000.14). + * [bugfix] Fixed pasting invalid UTF-8 as digit '8' in + non-UTF-8 text. + -- update to mined 2000.16. - Major enhancements in this release: - Text editing features: - • New rectangular copy/paste area mode. - • Enhanced smart quotes algorithm and input support for apostrophe. - • Support fow Hawai'ian input. - Interactive: - • Self-made visual selection highlighting, supporting all terminals. - • Changed Del keypad key to more common behaviour. - • Calculated dim attribute for line markers in xterm and mintty. - • Enabled keyboard mapping (input method handling) for DOS/djgpp version. - • Menu navigation: On a submenu entry, cursor-right enters the submenu too. - File handling: - • The text position is now more easily remembered. - minetest +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * minetest@.service + +- Add GCC 11 compatibility patch: + * 0001-Fix-build-for-newer-versions-of-GCC-11246.patch + +- Update to version 5.4.1: + * This is a maintenance release based on 5.4.0, + it contains bugfixes but no new features. + * Apply 'old-desktopfile-standard.patch' to Leap 15.3 as well. + +- Fixed build on current Factory (checking symlinks) +- Update to version 5.4.0 + * Full log: + * Removed support for bumpmapping, generated normal maps + and parallax occlusion + * By default, the crosshair will now change to an "X" when + pointing to objects + * Prevent players accessing inventories of other players + * Prevent interacting with items out of the hotbar + * Prevent players from being able to modify ItemStack meta + +- added patch to build .desktop file without 'PrefersNonDefaultGPU' + option on Leap 15.2 and below (old-desktopfile-standard.patch) +- removed conditional build for very old openSUSE/SLES versions +- add minetest-runtime provides + +- Update to version 5.3.0. + (see + * Formspec improvements, including a scrolling GUI element + * Performance improvements to the Server and API + * Many bug fixes and small features +- Now requires desktop-file-utils version >= 0.25. + +- spec-cleaner +- Make sure the package does not build with bundled libraries +- Add minetest-fix-luajit-include-path.patch + Fixes the FindLuaJIT CMake module so it also looks for the + moonjit include path + minetest-game +- Update to version 5.4.1: + * This is a maintenance release based on 5.4.0, + it contains bugfixes but no new features. + +- Dropped rpmlintrc +- Update to 5.4.0: + * Add crafting guide + * Added 5 wood variants of Mese Post Light + * Add environment sounds for lava and active furnace + * Change several block sounds + * Fix players sleeping in an occupied bed + * Fix 'sleepwalking' in bed + * Fix sleeping player flying off the bed when damaged and flying + far away from the bed after death + * Fix sleeping player being immobilized and bed undiggable after + death + * Fix furnace infotext not always updating when removing item + * New translation: Slovak, Brazilian Portuguese and + Lojban (admittedly not a very good translation) + * Update existing translations + +- Changed requirement for minetest-runtime to greater or equal, + since running the game in a higher engine version works as well. + +- require minetest-runtime + +- Update to version 5.3.0 + * Rename “Dry Dirt†and related blocks to “Savanna Dirt†and + similar (paramat) + * Added Wild Cotton: grows in savannas, drops Cotton Seeds + (paramat) + * Sort items into correct categories (An0n3m0us) + * Tune cloud density variation (paramat) + * Fix broken Creative inventory search in translation (sfan5) + * Make Straw Stairs/Slabs usable as fuel (Paul Ouellette) + * New textures: Dry Shrub, Brake Rail (Extex101, Hooded Ice) + * Block particles when leaves decay, TNT explodes (sfan5) +- Use spec-cleaner on spec file + minidlna +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * minidlna.service + +- Use sysusers macros to create minidlna user +- Cleanup dependencies +- Don't hardrequire logrotate, we don't write log files anymore + -- updated to version 1.0.22 -- added rescan action to rcminildna file - 1.0.22 - Released 24-Aug-2011 - - ------------------------------- - - Add bookmark support for some Samsung TV's. - - Fix a memory leak when certain model Samsung TV's or Roku devices are on the network. - - Fix detection of Samsung Series D models. - - Add WAV MIME workaround for Marantz Receivers and Roku SoundBridge. - - Fix bitrate displayed on Microsoft PFS devices. - - Fix a scanner crash when trying to scan image files with no read access. - 1.0.21 - Released 18-July-2011 - - ------------------------------- - - Fix a few issues with new libav/ffmpeg versions. - - Fix FF/REW of AVI files on Samsung Series B TV's. - - Fix a crash bug when playing music on TiVo. - - Add the ability to change the root media container. - - Add WAV/RIFF INFO tag parsing support for the most common tags. - - Fix a crash bug with clients that request a large number of results. - -- Initial version - minigalaxy +- Update to 1.1.0: + * Improve integrity check after downloading + * Show an error showing Windows games cannot be enabled + * Add properties menu for games where game specific actions can be made like setting launch options and opening the store page + * Add a disk space check before downloading + * Use a different color for the play button for installed games + * Put installed games at the top of the list + * Store saved installers in ~/GOG Games/installer by default again + * Remember if the user had the installed filter enabled + * Extract Windows games in the background if Innoextract is available + * Extract Windows games in the background + * Fix installing DLC for Windows games + * Fix an error showing if the user has no games + * Add option to hide games + * Ask user if they are sure when logging out + * Add a dark theme + * Run post install script after installation. This fixes Full Throttle Remastered + * Fix games being shown twice + * Fix crash when GOG is down + * Make the language configurable + +- Update to 1.0.2: + * Fix updates sometimes not working + * Fix some games always showing an update is available + * Fix DLC not downloading + * Fix DLC update option not showing up + * Fix show store page button not showing anymore + * Fix missing thumbnails not being downloaded for already installed games + * Fix the login screen crashing in some cases + * Use the system's icon theme for icons used + +- Update to 1.0.1: + * Open maximized if the window was maximized when last closed + * Kept installers are now stored in ~/.cache/minigalaxy/download + * Fix about window displaying wrong version number + * Fix show store page button not showing anymore + * Fix the download manager crashing when an installer has been damaged + during downloading + * Fix games showing an update is available while the latest version is + installed + * Fix loading the library taking a long time when many games are installed + * Fix Gex not launching + * Add the following translations: + - Swedish + * Update the following translations: + - Polish + - Russian + +- Update to 1.0.0: + * Games can now be updated + * DLC can now be installed and updated + * The installed filter now also shows games which are downloading + * Fix crash on some systems where /usr/bin is linked to /bin + * Create new config file if old one is unreadable + * Fix some Windows games not installing because of the directory name used + * Fix some Windows games like Witcher 3 not launching because of the working directory not being set + * Clean up installation files for cancelled downloads + * Fix crash on flaky internet connection + * Use 755 permissions for all directories created by Minigalaxy + * Remove cached files when cancelling a download + * Installed games should no longer be shown twice + * Add and update translations + minisat +- Update to version 2.2.1+20200902: + * Fixing exported definitions + * Adding uninstall capability + * Revert "CMakeLists: support different lib dirs" + * Removing second STATICCOMPILE + * CMakeLists: support different lib dirs + * Updating to fix build + * Export minisat project for other cmake builds + * Fixing static vs. dynamic compile + * Quell some clang warnings +- switch to obs_scm +- drop 0001-CMakeLists-make-static-lib-optional.patch (in upstream) + +- Update to version 2.2.1+20180702: + * Fix linking of minisat as dependency library on MacOSX + * fixed GCC 6.3 warning: invalid suffix on literal; C++11 requires a space between literal and string macro [-Wliteral-suffix] + * Specify default argument in the declaration not the friend declaration + * Fix declaration of Minisat::memUsedPeak for non-Linux systems + * Remove illegal (and not neccesary) friend definition to fix compilation under clang. + * Fixing problems with compilation with C++11 compilers +- switch to cmake + * add 0001-CMakeLists-support-different-lib-dirs.patch + * add 0001-CMakeLists-make-static-lib-optional.patch +- remove friend-declaration.patch (in upstream now) +- remove Makefile_lib_rule.patch (not needed -- cmake) + +- Add friend-declaration.patch: + * Fix the illegal friend declaration that caused a build failure. + minitube +- Update to 3.9.2: + - Update media + - Load previews sequentially + - Update js + - Updated translations + +- Update to 3.9.1: + + +- Update to version 3.9: + + +- Update to version 3.8.2: + - Updated translations +- Update Build Requires - QT >= 5.12 is needed + +- Update to version 3.8.1: + - Fix search by url + - Updated translations + - Fix videoIdFromUrl + - Fix missing name signal + - Remove json debug + - Cleanup + +- Update to version 3.8: + - Fix crash + - Smaller duration font + - View reworking + - Import subscriptions + - Fix related videos thumbs + - Translations + +- Update to version 3.7: + - Update js + - Update media + - Better seeking + - Remove obsolete code + - Also parse hours + - Minor performance fix + - Remove deprecated sorting + - Minor cleanup + - Singlevideosource + - Emit error if there are no results + - consolidate yt stuff + - Fake more videos by loading videos related to the last one + - Fix crash + +- Update to version 3.6.6 + - handle thumb loading error + +- Update to version 3.6.5 + - fix deprecated call + +- Update to version 3.6.2 + - remove unused functions + +- Update to version 3.6.1: + - Update http + +- Update to version 3.5.1: + - Update + - Fix build + - Better server init + - Update http + - Better Invidious code + - Disable yt key warning +- Drop minitube-build-fix.patch. Fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 3.5: + * Minitube uses now the Invidious API. No need to use a Google + API key anymore. +- Rebase minitube-no-update-check.patch: Disable build of internal + updater. +- Add minitube-build-fix.patch. See + + +- Update to version 3.4.2: + * esc closes about view +- Drop minitube-fix_audio_playback.patch, fixed upstream + +- Drop minitube-fix-for-upstream-missing-qthelper.hpp-in-newer-mpv-version.patch, + fixed upstream + + +- Update to version 3.4: + * 0-9 keyboard shortcuts to navigate video + * Left and Right arrow keyboard shortcuts to seek 10 seconds + * New icons + * Fixed layout bug when window is maximized on macOS + * Fixed playback for some videos + * Updated Polish and Japanese translations +- Run spec-cleaner +- Rebase minitube-no-update-check.patch, + minitube-qt5-lessthan-ten.patch and + minitube-fix-for-upstream-missing-qthelper.hpp-in-newer-mpv-version.patch +- Add minitube-fix_audio_playback.patch + +- Added fix for building with newer mpv versions: + minitube-fix-for-upstream-missing-qthelper.hpp-in-newer-mpv-version.patch + The qthelper.hpp header file is removed in the git version of mpv + because it is depreceated +- Fix german translation (symlink DE_de -> de). + +- Update to version 3.3: + * Fix video playback + * Updated translations + * Change user agent from curl to Mozilla + +- Update to version 3.2: + * Updated translations + * Fixes to video playback + * Qt >= 5.10 is needed +- Removed minitube.changes as source to use as reference for the + fake build date, because SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is used +- Spec cleanup + +- Update to version 3.1: + * Fixes some videos skipping. + * Bug fix for audio playback not resuming after long pauses. + +- Update to version 3.0: + * Port from Phonon to MPV. + * Support all YouTube video resolutions up to 4K. +- Switch to SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for fake build dates. + miniupnpc +- add upstream signing key and validate source signature + +- Update to version 2.2.2: + * miniupnpcmodule.c: throw an exception in UPnP_discover() + * Fix usage of IP_MULTICAST_IF with struct ip_mreqn + +- Can't assume non-existence of python38 macros in Leap. + gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#107 + Test for suse_version instead. Only Tumbleweed has and needs the + python_subpackage_only support. + +- update to 2.2.1: + * Add miniupnpc.rc for .dll description + * Check properly for reserved IP addresses + * prevent infinite loop in upnpDiscover() + * Add Haiku support + * can use either "ip addr" or "ifconfig -a + * fix UPNP_GetValidIGD() when several devices are found + * Allow Remote Host on upnpc command line + * fix error 708 description in strupnperror() + * Fix memory leak in upnpreplyparse.c with NewPortListing element + * connecthostport.c: Code simplification, error trace fix + * set timeout for select() in connecthostport() + * miniupnpcmodule.c: check return of WSAStartup() + +- Fix the python subpackage generation + gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#79 + +- Support multiple python3 flavors gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66 +- Don't own the whole python sitearch directory + +- Version 2.1 solved: + * CVE-2017-1000494: + * bnc#1075137 - (CVE-2017-1000494) VUL-1: CVE-2017-1000494 miniupnpc: Multiple vulnerabilities can allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service or potentially execute code + +- Fix reproducability by not coding in kernel version: + * miniupnpc-kernelversion.patch +- Fix build with python3 only present in system + +- Build 2.1 + * CMake Modernize and cleanup CMakeLists.txt + * Update MS Visual Studio projects + listdevices: show devices sorted by XML desc URL + * Small fix in miniupnpcmodule.c (python module) + * Support cross compiling in Makefile.mingw + * Use SOCKET type instead of int (for Win64 compilation) + * Increments API_VERSION to 17 + * Disable usage of MiniSSDPd when using -m option + * Fix buffer over run in minixml.c + * Fix uninitialized variable access in upnpreplyparse.c + -- Update to 1.9: - * added argument remoteHost to UPNP_GetSpecificPortMappingEntry() - increment API_VERSION to 10 - * --help and -h arguments in upnpc.c - * fixed potential buffer overrun in miniwget.c - bnc#881990 - CVE-2014-3985 - Modified UPNP_GetValidIGD() to check for ExternalIpAddress - * define MAXHOSTNAMELEN if not already done - * update upnpreplyparse to allow larger values (128 chars instead of 64) - * Update upnpreplyparse to take into account "empty" elements - validate upnpreplyparse.c code with "make check" - * Fix Solaris build thanks to Maciej MaÅ‚ecki - * Fix for BSD - * Fixed Makefile for *BSD - * Update Makefile to use JNAerator version 0.11 - * Fix for use with dash - Use $(DESTDIR) in Makefile -- Use optflags for building - -- Update to 1.8: - * fix testminiwget with no IPv6 support - * Rename all include guards to not clash with C99 - (7.1.3 Reserved identifiers). - * Added -e option to upnpc program (set description for port mappings) - * Python 3 support (thanks to Christopher Foo) - * Fix a memory link in UPNP_GetValidIGD() - * Try to handle scope id in link local IPv6 URL under MS Windows - * Disable HAS_IP_MREQN on DragonFly BSD - * GetUPNPUrls() now inserts scope into link-local IPv6 addresses - * More error return checks in upnpc.c - [#]define MINIUPNPC_GET_SRC_ADDR enables receivedata() to get scope_id - * parseURL() now parses IPv6 addresses scope - * new parameter for miniwget() : IPv6 address scope - * increment API_VERSION to 9 - * fixed CMakeLists.txt - * Improvements in - -- Update to 1.7 version: - * Cleanup settings of CFLAGS in Makefile - * Fix signed/unsigned integer comparaisons - * Allow to specify protocol with TCP or UDP for -A option - * Only try to fetch XML description once in UPNP_GetValidIGD() - * Added -ansi flag to compilation, and fixed C++ comments to ANSI C comments. - * minor improvements to minihttptestserver.c - * upnperrors.c returns valid error string for unrecognized error codes - * make minihttptestserver listen on loopback interface instead of - * Maven installation thanks to Alexey Kuznetsov - * Replace WIN32 macro by _WIN32 - * Fixes in java wrappers thanks to Alexey Kuznetsov : - - * Make and install .deb packages (python) thanks to Alexey Kuznetsov : - - * The multicast interface can now be specified by name with IPv4. - * Install man page - * added header to Port Mappings list in upnpc.c - * Makefile : make clean now removes jnaerator generated files. - * MINIUPNPC_VERSION in miniupnpc.h (updated by make) - * added rootdescURL to UPNPUrls structure. -- Remove unneeded miniupnpc-makefile.patch - -- Install the headers in /usr/include/miniupnpc/ instead of - /usr/include/: this is cleaner, and this is what users of the - library expect. - mipv6d +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * mipv6d.service + -- Updated to git master commit 74528e1f fixing a memory leak, - adopted build requires, touched ghost mip6d.conf, test the - config size in the init script. - -- Select libnl-1_1-devel - miredo +- Drop PrivateDevices and ProtectClock (bsc#1193130) + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * miredo-client.service + * miredo-server.service + mirrormagic +- Update to 3.0.0 + * Build with SDL2 + * Integrated the classic Mirror Magic game engine into the game + Rocks’n’Diamonds as a new custom game engine + * Mirror Magic now also offers new features already known from + R’n’D like scalable window size and fullscreen mode and + solution tapes were added to the included level sets + “Deflektor†and “Mindbenderâ€. +- Add fix-multiple-definitions.patch +- Drop upstream fixed mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_tools.c.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_editor.c.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_events.c.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_files.c.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_libgame_sdl.c.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_libgame_sdl.h.patch, + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_libgame_gadgets.c.patch and + mirrormagic-2.0.2-src_main.h.patch + mksusecd +- merge gh#openSUSE/mksusecd#59 +- support tftpboot-installation-<PRODUCT> RPMs as source + (jsc#SLE-22669) +- 2.5 + mkvtoolnix -- Update to version 59.0.0 (fixes boo#1188209) +- Update to version 63.0.0 + New features and enhancements: + * mkvmerge: AC-3 parser: E-AC-3 with BSID values > 10 and ≤ 15 + are recognized now, too. + * mkvmerge: when using language codes for track selection + (e.g. `-a und,en`) all tracks that do not have a language + property (due to their container not providing one, e.g. + AVIs) will be treated as if they did have one set to `und` + ("undetermined") as that is the language the track will have + in the Matroska file anyway. Before this change it wasn't + possible to match such tracks via language codes. + * MKVToolNix GUI: the spinner in the bottom right corner will + now be hidden when no jobs are currently running. + * MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: a new column has been added + to the tree view showing the status of the "track enabled" + flag. The information is also shown on the track overview + page on the right. + * MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: users can now reorder tracks + by dragging & dropping. + Bug fixes: + * mkvmerge: AVI reader: fixed reading AVI files that contain + `vprp` video properties header chunks; reading aborted too + early. + +- Update to version 62.0.0 + New features and enhancements: + * all: IETF BCP 47/TFC 5646 language tags: all ISO 639 + languages are now available, even the ones that aren't of + types "Constructed", "Living" or "Special". + * mkvmerge, mkvpropedit: chapters: both programs will now + write elements set to their default value, too (e.g. the + legacy language element if it's set to `eng`). This is done + to be more consistent with how MKVToolNix GUI writes chapters. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding new files as + attachments the GUI checks if there are other attachments with + the same name. If so, the GUI would ask whether to skip the + affected files or add them anyway. There's now an option in + the preferences to always skip such files, and it's enabled + by default. + * MKVToolNix GUI: chapter editor: removed the support for + explicitly setting the legacy country elements. Instead the + legacy country elements are derived from the region parts of + the IETF BCP 47 languages. + Bug fixes: + * mkvmerge: fixed a crash when splitting by chapters is + enabled but there are no chapters at all. + * mkvmerge: the error message when trying to split by a + chapter number that doesn't exist contained the wrong + number of chapters that actually do exist. + * mkvmerge: AVC ES parser: fixed mkvmerge aborting due to + uncaught exception when encountering bad SPS data. + * mkvmerge: AVC/H.264 parser: re-added the hack `--engage + all_i_slices_are_key_frames` which was accidentally removed + in release v61. + * mkvmerge: AVI reader: fixed a crash trying to allocate too + big of a memory chunk due to an integer overflows in check + conditions. + * mkvmerge: HEVC ES parser: fixed another issue with frame type + recognition. Certain frames were marked as B + frames/discardable on the container level even though they + could be reference pictures. Now only SLNR pictures + (sub-layer non-reference) are marked that way. + * mkvmerge: HEVC ES reader: improved file content detection + for HEVC ES files with wrong file name extensions (e.g. + `.mkv`), which fixes them being mis-detected as something + else, e.g. DTS. + * mkvmerge: HEVC ES parser: "end of sequence" NALUs are kept + now, and no superfluous flushing will be done when one is + found. This prevents splitting NALUs into two different + Matroska blocks when they should really be part of a single + one, also causing problems with erroneous timestamps. Mostly + affects DoVi NALUs. + * mkvmerge: Matroska reader, TrueHD: mkvmerge will now probe + much more TrueHD frames trying to find the first sync frame. + This fixes track detection in situations when a TrueHD + doesn't start with a sync frame, e.g. when the source file's + the result of splitting between sync frames. + * mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: IETF BCP 47/RFC + 5646 language tags: when reading chapters from MPLS playlist + files, the `ChapLanguageIETF` element will now be set to the + configured default chapter language, not just the legacy + `ChapterLanguage` element. + * mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: IETF + BCP 47 elements will now always be created before writing + chapters unless IETF BCP 47 elements are disabled. + * mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: when + a chapter display element contains legacy language & country + elements but no IETF BCP 47 elements and IETF BCP 47 elements + aren't disabled, the IETF BCP 47 elements created will + contain the region from the legacy element. + * mkvmerge, mkvpropedit, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: + Legacy country elements are now created when IETF BCP 47 + elements are present & contain a region code allowed in + legacy country elements. + Build system changes: + * The `tools` sub-directory is now always built. The + corresponding `configure` option `--with-tools` has been + removed. The `install` target still doesn't install them, + though. +- Add tools subpackage + +- Update to version 61.0.0 + New features and enhancements: + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: implemented support + for officially registered IANA language tag extensions. + * mkvmerge: track selection: when using language tags for + selecting which tracks to keep, mkvmerge will now use + component-based language tag matching instead of comparing + them verbatim. This means that only those components + (language, region etc.) the user specified will be required + to exist and be equal. For example, if a file contains three + subtitle tracks with languages `es` (generic Spanish), + `es-MX` (Spanish as spoken in Mexico) and `es-ES` (Spanish as + spoken in Spain), the user can use `--stracks es` to match + all three tracks or be more specific with e.g. `--stracks + es-MX` which would only match one track. Similarly inverting + the selection with e.g. `--stracks !es` would get rid of all + three tracks, not just the one for the generic Spanish. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving track languages from + file names: the GUI can now detect full BCP 47/RFC 5646 + language tags in file names. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving track languages from + file names: the default list of boundary characters now + includes `-`. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: the GUI now defaults to the + "lower" process priority setting for new installations in + order to leave more room for other applications, especially + interactive ones. Up to and including v59 the default was + the "normal" process priority. v60 changed that to "lowest", + which turned out to be much slower on Windows for no real + gain over "lower". The setting will be auto-corrected by the + GUI if the settings file were saved last with a version + between v60.0.0.0 & v60.0.0.17 & "lowest" & it is still set + to "lowest". + * HEVC dumper development tool: the tool has been renamed to + `xvc_dump` and extended to be able to dump AVC/H.264 + bitstreams, too. It now also detects the type of bitstream + framing (ISO 14496-15 vs. ITU-T H.264/H.265 Annex B). + Bug fixes: + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: fixed a corner case + of wrongfully allowing scripts/variants not listed in any of + the entries in the prefix list when the prefix list contains + prefixes restricting scripts/variants and a prefix solely + with the language at the same time (example: the variant + `ekavsk` with its prefixes `sr`, `sr-Cyrl` and `sr-Latn` + where e.g. `sr-ekavsk` and `sr-Cyrl-ekavsk` should be + allowed but not `sr-Bali-ekavsk`). + * mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265: the frame type of B frames was often + wrongfully signalled as P frames instead, both with + `BlockGroup` (missing second references) and `SimpleBlock` + ("discardable" flag not set) elements. + * mkvmerge: SSA/ASS packetizer: the frame numbers will now be + re-calculated when appending SSA/ASS tracks so that frame + numbers of appended tracks are always strictly higher than + frame numbers of the track they're appended to. + * mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: BCP 47/RFC 5646 + language tags: when BCP 47 language tags are used with a + language code that isn't part of ISO 639-2, the programs + will now write a legacy language element set to `und` + ("undetermined") instead of not writing such an element at + all or writing one with an invalid code. + * mkvmerge, MKVToolNix GUI's chapter editor: BCP 47/RFC 5646 + language tags: the programs will ensure that the legacy and + IETF language elements written will be unique within the + scope of the same "chapter display" element. + * mkvinfo, MKVToolNix GUI's info tool: in summary mode the + frame type was reported wrong for `BlockGroup` elements in + which the `ReferenceBlock` elements were located behind the + `Block` element. + Build system changes: + * all: `std::codecvt_utf8` is now used instead of Boost's + `utf8_codecvt_facet`. The bundled copy the latter in + `lib/boost` has therefore been removed. +- Drop mkvtoolnix-use-system-boost.patch (no longer necessary) + +- Update to version 60.0.0 + New features and enhancements: + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: added support for + language families from ISO 639-5 that aren't part of 639-2. + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: implemented support + for Alpha 2 country codes of the "user-defined" category: + `AA`, `QM`–`QZ`, `XA`–`XZ` and `ZZ`. + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: updated the various + lists of valid subtags from the official specs. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: pressing the keyboard shortcut + for the track's "Language" label (Alt+L for English) will + now open the language dialog. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: added an option in the + preferences for turning off the colored boxes indicating + which file each track belongs to. + Bug fixes: + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: fixed validating + extended language & variant subtags against their allowed + prefixes (e.g. a valid tag with a country code as in + `de-CH-1996` is recognized as valid while two generally + known variants that aren't allowed together as in + `de-1901-1996` is recognized as invalid). + * all: IETF BCP 47/RFC 5646 language tags: when looking up a + language for a two- or three-letter code, the programs will + no longer compare that code with language names as that was + unintended, ambiguous (e.g. the code "Ga" could be + interpreted as the 639-2 alpha-2 code for "Irish" or as the + name of the language called "Ga") and only worked with + languages whose name was at most three letters long. + * mkvmerge: HEVC/H.265: appending Matroska files with HEVC + tracks might lead to the loss of the first couple of frames + from each of the second and all following files. + * mkvmerge, mkvextract: HEVC/H.265 parser: fixed the programs + aborting when parsing VPS or SPS NALUs with invalid content + due to unhandled exceptions. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when the option "use legacy + MIME types for font attachments" is enabled, the GUI will + now use `application/x-truetype-font` for font collection + files. + * MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when adding multiple files at + once, the GUI will sort file names with numbers the way a + human would expect it to. For example, `1.mp4`, `9.aac`, + ``, `` are now sorted exactly that order instead + of `1.mp4`, ``, ``, `9.aac`. + * MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: the header editor will now + honor the "use legacy MIME types when adding font + attachments" setting when adding new attachments. + +- Update to version 59.0.0 mmc-utils +- Update to version 0.1+git.20210930: + * mmc-utils: One further optimization of trimming routine + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20210824: + * mmc-utils: Fix for Firmware Version string printing + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20210511: + * mmc-utils: Add eMMC erase command support + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20210330: + * Various fixes + * Add various SD/eMMC vendors to table + * Fix parsing of Product Revision and Serial Number + * mmc_cmds.c: fix build with gcc 4.9 + * mmc-utils: Add AUTO_EN support in the BKOPS_EN + * mmc-utils: Expand 'writeprotect boot' + * mmc-utils: Fix scaling of cache size + * rpmb: Zero-init MMC_IOC_MULTI_CMD structures + * mmc-utils: let FFU mode use CMD23 and CMD25 + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20191004: + * Add eMMC vendor Micron to table + * Optimize to_binstr() function + * Fix parsing of character in to_binstr() + * Cleanup memory in error case + * Check calloc's return value before using the pointer + * mmc-utils: feature spec 5.0+, add secure removal type fields to Extended CSD + * mmc-utils: use MMC_IOC_MULTI_CMD for RPMB access + * use proper type for RPMB blocks_cnt + * fix GCC7 build by refactoring trimming routines + * fix ENH_START_ADDR overflow + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20190808: + * mmc-utils: feature spec 5.0+, add secure removal type fields to Extended CSD + * mmc-utils: use MMC_IOC_MULTI_CMD for RPMB access + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20181208: + * use proper type for RPMB blocks_cnt + * fix GCC7 build by refactoring trimming routines + +- Update to version 0.1+git.20180327: + * fix ENH_START_ADDR overflow +- Dont build with -Werror + mobidict +- Update to version 1.2 + * Fixes CVE-2018-11724, CVE-2018-11725 and CVE-2018-11726 + +- Update to version 1.1 + * Remove a hack used for broken mobi files + * Update libmobi for better compatibility + moc +- Enable ncursesw (UTF-8 support) in the confgure. + +- Switch to svn checkout via service, version 2.6.0~svn2994. +- Add pkgconfig(popt) BuildRequires: New dependency. +- No longer force usage of ffmpeg3 versions of pkgconfig(libav*). + We can now build with ffmpeg v4. +- Drop moc-2.5.0-underlinking.patch: No longer needed. + -- Change the pkgconfig(libavformat) BuildRequires for libffmpeg1-devel - Unfortunatelly the pkg-config files don't clarify the API version. - -- Fix build with ffmpeg 0.11 - moe +- GNU moe 1.11: + * Begin of text is now correctly defined as the position of the + first non-blank character in a line, instead of the first non- + whitespace character. This fixes the behavior of 'auto indent' + and 'smart home'. + * Add new option '-2, --two-spaces', that tells moe to put two + spaces after period when reformatting a paragraph, has been + added. + * Add new search sequence '\T' (trailing whitespace) + * UTF-8 codes are now shown as Uhhhh, not 0xhhhh. + * The command 'C-s g' (Show global status) now shows the number + of buffers being edited, not the number of buffer handles. + * Pressing <Tab> in the file menu now shows the list of matching + files even if there is only one, showing that a matching file + exists. + * Add new command 'C-s b' (toggle clock blinking) + * Recursive load now ignores some more non-text or non-source + files by extension; ".bmp", ".elf", ".obj", ".xcf", ".zip", + ".info", ".jpeg", ".class" + * The command 'F3' (load file) now shows feedback + ("loading...") and may be aborted with Control-C. + * The command Control-X (save and close) now updates the status + line before exiting if closing the last buffer handle. + * The command Alt-Z (scroll down) now scrolls until only two + lines are visible + * The command 'C-k w' (write the block to a file) now asks + before overwriting an existing file and works when writing + from an unnamed read-only buffer. + * The UTF-8 decoder now converts some more characters (mostly + Greek) and some alphabetic presentation forms + * It now also converts the 'latin capital letter sharp s + (german)' to "SS". + * The emergency save triggered by an abnormal event now only + saves non-empty buffers and only once even if any of them has + multiple handles. + * The commands needed to set the text console in the right mode + for moe have been documented in the manual. + +- GNU moe 1.10: + * The default right margin has been changed from 72 to 76. + * The new command 'C-o k' (capitalize words in block) has been + added. It uppercases the first letter of each word and + lowercases the rest. + * The new command 'C-s p' (show line position in buffer) has + been added. It shows on the status line the percent position + of the current line in the buffer. + * Recursive load now ignores some non-text files by extension + * Infinite replacement loops are now detected. + * 'C-q c' (exit without saving) and 'C-q x' (save and exit) now + exit much faster when editing many files (thousands). + * 'C-q x' (save and exit) now does not delete any buffer handles + until all modified buffers have been succesfully saved. And + shows "Read only" without asking for a name if a modified + unnamed read-only buffer is found. + * The UTF-8 decoder now converts some more characters. + * Showing the contents of a directory no longer alters the + position of the top line of the buffers menu. + * The buffers menu is now shown even if there is only one buffer + * When showing the contents of a directory, ".." is now put + always first even if some file precede it in ASCIIbetical order + * On buffers larger than 1000 lines, bookmarks 1 to 9 are now set + at 10% to 90% of the buffer size in lines + -- new package - mojave-gtk-theme +- Update to 20210720: + * Fix gnome-shell 40.3 issues + +- Update to 20210623: + * Several issues fixed + * Full gnome 40 support + +- Update to 20201129: + * Fix gnome 3.38 issues + molsketch +- Put essential libraries in the main package + +- Update to version 0.7.0 + * New localizations: Greek, German, and Chinese + * Direction of attached hydrogen atoms can be set explicitly by user + * Atom shape can also be a circle instead of a rectangle + * Bitmap export with adjustable resolution + * Support OpenBabel 3 + * Fixes for sum formula and molecule tooltip + * Fix clipping of bonds + * Fixed OpenBabel support +- Add fix-compilation.patch + +- Update to version 0.6.0: + * Levels on which items are drawn are accessible; bonds are + indicated to cover other bonds if on higher level + * Broken bond indicator with same color as rest of bond + * Show sum formula of molecule during hover and after selection + * Closable wiki query + * Improved performance for drag-and-drop insertion of molecules + * Associated *.msm files with Molsketch + * Fixed crashes after undo/redo (changed linkage between + molecule, bonds, atoms) + * Fixed global preferences (accidentally had no effect) + * Fixed number of hydrogens and charge in saving/loading + molecules +- Update options passed to cmake to keep up with upstream changes; + omit MSK_INSTALL_LIBS specification entrirely since specifying + it leads to installation of *.so into a subdir for x86_64 and + directly into %{_lib} for i586. +- Force ascii mode when using dos2unix. +- Drop conditionals for obsolete openSUSE versions. +- Drop shared lib package: versioned shared libraries are no + longer installed, so everything is packaged in -devel. + -- fix build on SLE 11 - -- fix openbabel dependency according to package name changes - -- update to version 2.0.0 with fixes from git by the developer - monapo-fonts +- Upstream update to 20170722 + * Update IPA P Gothic to 00303 + mono-addins +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- update version 1.3.3 + * bump nuget version + -- Split off a -msbuild subpackage so the main mono-addins package - does not depend on mono-devel (bnc#671844) - -- Update to 0.5 - * User defined custom attributes can now be used to declare extensions and add-in metadata. - * The new AddinEngine class allows hosting several independent add-in engines in a single application domain. - * Improved lazy loading of add-ins. More information is now lazy loaded. - * An XML manifest can now be split in several files embedded as resources in an assembly. - * More add-in information can be declared using custom attributes instead of an XML manifest: author list, imported files and assemblies, optional modules, localizers. - * Added new API based on generic methods and collections. - * New MSBuild tasks file and target, which allows using add-in references directly in a build file (still experimental). - * Reorganized the samples directory. - * Many bug fixes. - mono-basic +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec + +- Update to version 4.7: +- Remove use-roslyn-vbc.patch: + * Never roslyn-vbc is unable to properly bootstrap vbnc binary with provided obsolete bootstrap-libraries +- Remove roslyn-conditional build from spec file: + * Bootstrap\build routine provided with package now works as intended with mono 5.16 and up + -- Update to 2.8 - * - -- Update to 2.6.2 - * - mopac7 +- Fix build on aarch64 %arm by adding '-fPIC' flag + +- Modernise spec file by using latest macros + -- update to 1.15 - -- update to 1.14 -- adapted patches for new version - moreutils +- update to 0.66: + * vipe: When no output is piped into vipe, and stdin is connected to + the terminal, don't read from stdin before opening the editor. + This allows eg: vipe | command + * chronic: With -v, flush stdout after printing "STDERR" header. + mosh +- Update to version 1.3.2+20200518: + * If exec()ing the remote command fails, pause briefly + * Move generated includes to their own directory to avoid conflicts. + * Use Travis Homebrew addon. + * "Fix" Travis OS X builds. + * configure: Add test for whether protoc matches protobuf + * configure: Fix FD_ISSET test under -Werror + * configure: Fix forkpty test code indentation + * configure: Remove unused tests + * configure: Set language to C++ globally + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + +- Switch to git snapshots as there was no release over years. +- Update to version 1.3.2+20190710 + * Apply latest consecutive resize, not earliest. + * mosh-server: improve error logging + * Add syslog logging of connections + * Fix issue with incorrect true-color background erase colors. + * Add true color support. + * Allow non-inserting prediction. + * Don't do prediction on large pastes into mosh-client. + * and more. + -- Patch (mosh-1.2.4-ipv6.patch) for IPv6 support from - - -- Make ufw files happy with rpmlint from suse (i hope). - motif +- Add openmotif-2.3.3-multiscreen.patch and + openMotif-2.3.3-mwm-screenresize.patch (bsc#1184184) preventing + the third party application crashing. + +- motif-2.3.4-implicit-fortify-decl.patch: fix bad use of reserved + identifier + +- Use url for source +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner +- Remove old ppc obsoletes/provides + +- Add motif-2.3.4-implicit-fortify-decl.patch + * Fix implicit-fortify-decl and implicit-function-decl errors + +- add pkgconfig(printproto) as requires to motif-devel + +- openmotif-2.3.1-suse-stipple.patch - forward-port SLE's feature + that allows disabling of upstream fix1381. This is necessary + in some legacy scenarios, but undesirable in new apps. To enable + the stipple feature (disable fix1381), set environment variable + SUSE_OPENMOTIF_ENABLE_STIPPLE to 1. + +- merge motif and openmotif +- add localonly service to recompress + +- please legal-team (bnc#827674) by removing all files that + have strange licenses + +- Drop openmotif-libpng14.diff: fixed in upstream + +- Motif 2.3.4 strictly requires Xmu >= 1.1.1 (changed prototypes) + motion +- Update to 4.4.0: + * Fixes + + Use default for non ASCII characters in drawing + + Maximum movie time + + Guide updates + * Enhancements + + Updated translations + + Lockout on failed authentications + + Hardware decoding for some network cameras + + User specification of ffmpeg options for network cameras + + Change default processing for http cameras. + * New Configuration Options + + watchdog_tmo + + watchdog_kill + + pause + + webcontrol_lock_minutes + + webcontrol_lock_attempts + + webcontrol_lock_max_ips + * Renamed Configuration Options + + vid_control_params -> video_params + + mmalcam_control_params -> mmalcam_params + * Changed Configuration Options + + v4l2_palette use video_params + + input use video_params + + norm use video_params + + frequency use video_params + + netcam_highres use netcam_high_params + + netcam_keepalive use netcam_params + + netcam_proxy use netcam_params + + netcam_tolerant_check use netcam_params + + netcam_use_tcp use netcam_params + + netcam_decoder use netcam_params + + webcontrol_cors_header use webcontrol_header_params + + stream_cors_header use stream_header_params + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_motion.service.patch + +- update to 4.3.2: + * Revise to use MHD function for url decode + * Update travis distribution testing + * Eliminate compiler warnings on unsigned comparisons + * Eliminate compiler warnings on MHD return codes + +- Update to 4.3.1 + * Fixes + + Compiler errors with GCC 10 + + Overrides to CFLAGS + + Add maintainer mode + + Segfault when invalid camera directory specified + + MariaDB initializations + + Updated guide +- Update to 4.3.0 + * Fixes + + Use default for non ASCII characters in drawing + + Removed poll requirement for MHD + + Implement revised configure and automake + + Updated testing for travis + + Revise MMAL to handle revisions from upstream. + + Fix movie start times + + Set the FPS on v4l2 devices + + Consolidate the JPEG code processing + + Fix substream processing for non modulo 16 + + Ignore invalid data sent from rtsp cameras. + + Adjust the netcam handler wait and processing + + Answer incorrect web requests. + + Implement a delay upon excessive reconnect attempts + + Fix filetype specified for snapshots + + Guide updates + + Fix vbr calculation for high frame rates + * Enhancements + + Updated translations + + Implement revised directory structure + + Implement optional decoder and encoders + + Allow for distros that use videoio.h + + Revise and enhance the sample service file + + Output to the log the resulting ext pipe command + * New Configuration Options + + netcam_decoder +- Update to 4.2.2 + * Fixes + + Webcontrol quit/end + + Add stream_motion option + + Generic tracking option + + Delay stream when starting + + Hostname for IPV6 + + Multiple source streams when using passthrough + + Guide update +- Cleanup spec file + -- imported from fedora specfile -- some cleanups - mousepad +- Update to version 0.5.8 + * Revert "Chain-up to parent in `mousepad_window_scroll_event()`" + (gxo#apps/mousepad#150) + * Search: Fix a memory leak + * Search: Remove obsolete workaround for the document finalization + * Drop restrictions on URI scheme + * Update `` + * Printing: Remove the "Page Setup" dialog (gxo#apps/mousepad#148) + * Flatpak: Complete scripts + * Flatpak: Access remote locations with GVfs + * Search: Fix the history cleanup + * Search: Prevent GTask warnings when replacing text + * Search: Ensure settings synchronization before searching + * Fix translation domain in Appdata file + * flatpak: Update README + * flatpak: Add generic manifest and basic scripts + * Translation Updates + mozilla-nss +- Mozilla NSS 3.68.1 + MFSA 2021-51 (bsc#1193170) + * CVE-2021-43527 (bmo#1737470) + Memory corruption via DER-encoded DSA and RSA-PSS signatures +- Remove now obsolete patch nss-bsc1193170.patch + +- Add patch to fix CVE-2021-43527 (bsc#1193170): + nss-bsc1193170.patch + mozo +- Update to version 1.26.1: + * mozo-ui: Fix a typo in the button label. + * Make the collection menu item removeable. + * Fix adding and removing seperator item. + * Update translations. + mp3_check +- Refresh mp3_check-fix_makefile.patch and + mp3_check-fix_printf_format_for_size_t.patch +- Add mp3_check-gcc10.patch + mpfi +- Update to new upstream release 1.5.4 + * mp_exp_t replaced by mpfr_exp_t, mp_prec_t replaced by + mpfr_prec_t, mp_rnd_t replaced by mpfr_rnd_t GMP_RNDx + replaced by MPFR_RNDx. + mpir +- Specfile modernization. + +- Run autoreconf to get uptodate configure scripts +- Use %license + -- Make package build on SLE11 again - mpitests +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mpich +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mpich-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mpich-ofi +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mpich-ofi-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2 +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2-psm +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2-psm-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2-psm2 +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:mvapich2-psm2-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi1-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi2 +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi2-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi3 +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mpitests:openmpi3-gnu-hpc +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.3 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.6 + +- Update OSU micro benchmark to 5.6.2 +- Update Intel MPI Benchmarks to v2019.5 + +- Add build for openmpi4 + +- Fix syntax error in SLE version checks for openmpi3, sle_version + is not defined for Factory. + mplus-fonts +- Updated to testflight 063a + * Added glyphs from full width Roman numerals U+2160 to U+217F for fixed + width fonts M+ M and MN. + * Fixed the problem that some symbols are not displayed during vertical + writing. + * Added the glyphs from Box Drawing U+2504 to U+250B. + -- Updated to testflight 051; following changelog is translated - through Google Translate (slightly shortend and corrected): - * Amount of characters are now 4200 Chinese glyphs - * If there is a synthesis of (IPA Extensions) - is not functioning international phonetic symbols. - * You have to disable the character uniFB04 Ligature of fixed-width - font characters, from uniFB00. - * Fixed a bug is in Kana characters nasal sound, left glyph can - not be displayed. - * When using vertical, screws, and gemination punctuation, symbol - class has gone and is no longer displayed in the correct position. - * Trouble seems to have occurred to send single-byte characters - of a fixed-width font under some circumstances. - If you are, please let us know about the cause or idea, similar cases. - mpv -- Revert to version 0.32.0+git.20200301T004003.e7bab0025f: - * Add back BR on libsmclient-devel - * Pass --enable-libsmbclient to restore samba functionality without - ffmpeg boo#1173726 +- Disabled mujs support on Leap 15.4 + * mujs BuildRequires pkgconfig(readline) which can not be provided + +- Update to version 0.34.0+git.20211101T154439.9ca9066d05: + * input.conf syntax: support custom quotes in `XstringX` form & single quotes + * ao_oss: readd OSSv4 audio output, default on *BSD + * osc: seekbar hover/drag: display target chapter at the OSC title + * stats.lua: add page 4 with a list of active key bindings + * sub: add --sub-filter-jsre (JS regex) + * vo_rpi: restore fullscreen handling + * vo_tct: add resize capability + * ytdl_hook.lua: search for yt-dlp by default (preferred over youtube-dl) + * vo_sixel: many fixes and improvements + * filters: switch from scaletempo to scaletempo2, used for speed option + * audio/vo_pulse: fix various edge cases and issues + * stats.lua: move internal performance info from page 4 to page 0 + * command: don't hardcode command lists to be repeatable + * vo_gpu: drop support for libplacebo older than v3.104.0 + * See + or + for the complete changelog. + +- Update to version 0.33.1+git.20210630T163736.f2afae55e9: + * wayland: refactor surface scaling + * sub: fix subs/lyrics on music files with sub-past-video-end=no + * wayland: fix wl_surface_set_buffer_scale usage + * wayland: always be sure to initially try to render + * wayland: remove unused includes + * wayland: handle app id option less stupidly + * wayland: reorganize wayland common code + * stats.lua: add scaled resolution + * DOCS: fix typo on seekbarkeyframes + * TOOLS/lua/autoload: load files even if current file is hidden + * TOOLS/lua/autoload: add ignore_hidden option + * player: fix property name + * lua: idle observers: ensure timers are up-to-date + * lua: timers: don't block forever with slow callbacks + * sub: by default, don't render timestamps after video EOF + * player: change cover-art-auto behavior + * js: idle-observers: minor performance improvement + * osc: seekbar hover/drag: display target chapter at the title + * manpage: add article in fuzzy explanation + * player: remove unnecessary check + * player: fix segfault + * osc: ensure tick after any mouse-event + * osc: don't initialize while mouse-down over an element + * osc: update chapter marker positions when duration changes + +- Update to version 0.33.1+git.20210613T225337.bc9d556f3a: + * js: add mp.utils.append_file + * vo_gpu: vulkan: displayvk: Fix handling of unconnected planes + * vo_gpu: vulkan: implement a VkDisplayKHR backed context + * vo_gpu: vulkan: provide a helper to access device name option + * vo_rpi: fix argument name + * github/issue_template: irc -> IRC + * {ci,docs,README}: update IRC references to new network + * docs: fix leftover reference to the now defunct --video-sync-adrop-size option + * ytdl_hook: improve handling of json parsing errors + +- Update to version 0.33.1+git.20210528T161101.d7f3d1fff7: + * wayland: refactor dispatching events + * manpage: mention cover-art-auto + * README: fix link to feature-request issues + * player: load cover art with the media filename + * win32: support the property 'focused' + * osc: re-initialize when chapter list changes + * recorder: fix codec_tag / codec_id confusion + * recorder: clear codec_tag if no target format support + * af_scaletempo2: use gcc vectors to speed up inner loop + * vo_gpu: replace --icc-contrast by --icc-force-contrast + * wayland: shuffle around the render loop again + * wayland: send VO_EVENT_DPI on output event as well + * command: add a missing comma to MP_EVENT_WIN_STATE + * vo_gpu: fix extreme clipping with --gamut-clipping for HDR outputs + * wayland: simplify render loop + * player/command: add secondary-sub-text property + * sub/osd: hide secondary subtitles if secondary-sub-visibility is false + * vo_gpu: hwdec_vaapi: silence errors while probing + * stream_lavf: remove uninitialized http_like array + * osxbundle: fix slow and wasteful memory allocation + * stream_file: disable read ahead for remote files on macOS + * build: move mingw jobs to Github actions + * build: move website rebuild into Linux/clang travis job + +- Update to version 0.33.1+git.20210511T222233.ded36a4470: + * options: add some entries to --display-tags defaults + * ytdl_hook: expose some JSON fields as tags + * edl: add a way to add tags + * zsh completion: perform globbing on binary path + * vo_gpu: fix trivial memory leak + * Revert "vo_gpu: revert 8a09299 and conditionally clear framebuffer again" + * vf_sub: restore OSD if removed + * options: extend --replaygain-preamp range + * audio: fix replaygain being completely broken + * Revert "audio: set audio chain ao on reinit" + * mac: add support for display-width/display-height property + * command: add display-width/display-height property + * DOCS/input.rst: clarify --no-input-default-keybindings docs + * filter_kernels: fix quadric window + * DOCS/lua.rst: fix docs for utils.file_info + * build: address AVCodec, AVInputFormat, AVOutputFormat const warnings + * scripting (lua/js): utils.getpid: make wrapper of pid property + * command: new property: pid (process id) + * DOCS: clarify how client/script names work + * command: osd-dimensions: return ints and doc fixes + * audio: add two minor log messages + * ao/pulse: fix incorrect state reported after reset + * osc: reset margins when using boxvideo with showfullscreen/showwindowed + * wayland: ignore toplevel listener if geometry is 0 + * osc: display immediately when visibility changes from never to always + * mac: fix window geometry calculation on secondary screens + * stream_file: add new identifier for macOS FUSE filesystems + * DOCS: mpv.rst: minor escaping clarifications + * win32: fit_window_on_screen: simplify, add comments + * win32: fit_window_on_screen: centralize logic (no-op) + * win32: fit_window_on_screen: ensure top edge is inside + * options: win32: ignore and deprecate --fit-border + * demux_lavf: fix minor memory leaks + * vo_gpu: greatly increase maximum shader cache size + * wayland: workaround hidden state detection badness + * audio: set audio chain ao on reinit + * wayland: update geometry + cursor on output event + +- Update to version 0.33.1+git.20210412T140928.74f5d4940e: + * wayland: support the display-hidpi-scale property + * demux: undeprecate --cache-secs + * audio/aframe: reuse data buffer if less than 8 channels + * stream: turn stream_info.open2's args argument const + * stream_slice: fix use-after-free if inner stream fails to open + * player/scripting: fix use-after-free when loading script folders + * stream_mf: set correct stream origin + * demux_mf: improve format string processing + * manpage: fix a typo in the --aid option note + * vo_gpu: adjust interpolation_threshold's default + * options: Add validation macro for int type + * demux: Move demuxer help to new standard mechanism + * options: Make validation and help possible for all option types + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20210321T171820.6265724f33: + * vo_gpu: placebo: keep track of texture sample mode + * stats.lua: include a filter's @label when displaying filters on page 1 + * ao_oss: add this audio output again + * audio: prevent uninit_audio_out during encoding + * stream_lavf: add support for Gopher over TLS. + * ao/pulse: signal the mainloop when ops are done + * player/command: add albumart argument to video-add + * player/{core,loadfile}: make cover art loading more explicit + * ao/pulse: wait for command completion when setting volume or mute + * ytdl_hook: fix crash on missing track bitrate + * umpv: Use generator expression for files + * wayland: no mouse dragging in fullscreen/maximized + * manpage: mention rotate limitations with hwdec + * vd_lavc: wrap use of deprecated AVCodecContext.thread_safe_callbacks in #if + * manpage: video-rotate supports arbitrary steps + * mac: fix traditional fullscreen on macOS 11 + * mac: remove an unused variable + +- Added JS scripting support (mujs) for Tumbleweed and Leap > 15.3. + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20210223T124404.09d7c75bfe: + * vo_gpu: libplacebo: require v2.72.0 + * appveyor: Use MSYS2's spirv-cross package instead of building it + * appveyor: use latest build image for fixed MSYS2 installation + * msg: fix really-quiet option to only affect terminal output + * mac: add ability to toggle visibility on all workspaces from menubar + * command: add label for on-all-workspaces command + * mac: support --on-all-workspaces option + * vo_gpu: don't abort() if plane tex creation fails + * filters/auto_filters: switch from scaletempo to scaletempo2 + * af_scaletempo2: fix crash for speed >= 16 + * travis: fix macOS VMs with older homebrew versions + * mac: only update touch bar items when necessary + * mac: use custom touch bar item and slider instead of a touch bar slider + * vo_gpu: vaapi: export plane pitch properly + * DOCS: fix cplugins information in libmpv.rst. + * demuxer/demux_mf: add support for more image codecs + * man: update deband-threshold default + * vo_gpu: lower default deband threshold + * vo_wlshm: support big endian systems + * README: update libass dependency harfbuzz as non-optional + * manpage: fix PDF build + * docs: Fix an old style parameter reference + * umpv: remove unused imports + * stream_lavf: support rtsps + * player: make resetting of track selection to "auto" work + * mac: fix dangling pointers + * mac: drop build support for swift versions earlier than version 4.1 + * mac: fix usage of temporary pointers + * manpage: document off-by-one loop-file behavior + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20210103T120530.1251f7bbf9: + * manpage: rename OS X references to macOS + * vo_gpu: don't segfault if 3DLUT texture fails uploading + * input.conf syntax: support custom quotes !XstringX! + * input.rst: fix typo commands -> arguments + * csputils: add mappings for DCI-P3 (ST.431-2) and P3-D65 (ST.432-1) + * vd_lavc: add VP8 to the default allowed hwdec codec list + * vo_gpu: cast bvecN to vecN for mix() on older GLSL + * bootstrap: log caught URLError + * Revert "build: recognize Lua 5.1 on Arch Linux" + * build: fail configure if --lua is specified and Lua isn't found + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20201220T105748.1ba5dc84ca: + * wayland: support multiple modifiers + * mac: fix type mismatch Int instead of Int32 + * mac: use visible frame rectangle for window geometry calculation + * mac: fix a window positioning bug when exiting fullscreen + * appveyor: use MSYS2 shaderc package + * vo_wlshm: support presentation time + * wayland: unify frame/presentation callback code + * x11: update geometry/autofit opts on runtime + * wayland: update geometry/autofit opts on runtime + * console: use wl-paste on Wayland + * wayland: remove unused function declaration + * auto_profiles: fix compile_cond on lua 5.1 + * build: recognize Lua 5.1 on Arch Linux + * manpage: document background transparency + * manpage: clarify that you can prefetch m3u8 urls + * wayland: handle multiple outputs more correctly + * vo_gpu: revert 8a09299 and conditionally clear framebuffer again + * mac: support screen-name and fs-screen-name opts + * wayland: support fs-screen-name option + * x11: support screen-name and fs-screen-name opts + * player: add --screen-name and --fs-screen-name + * manpage: clarify profile-cond requires underscores + * build: restore support for non-pkgconfig zlib + * build: use pkg-config for zlib + * vo_gpu: placebo: update for upstream API changes + * vo_sixel: don't divide by zero on small terminal + * vo_sixel: re-fit image on terminal resize + * vo_sixel: refactor of resize, reconfig (no-op) + * vo_sixel: Update description string of vo driver + * csputils: add MP_CHROMA_TOPLEFT + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20201129T160245.f16c6472a1: + * travis: use newer 10.15 VM with newer xcode + * travis: fix macOS 10.13 build + * vo_sixel: don't leak the frame reference + * vo_tct: don't leak the frame reference + * vo_tct: remove unused variable + * player: allow vo to be switched at runtime + * demux: add function to refresh a track without (de-)selecting it + * vo_sixel: use draw_frame instead of draw_image + * vo_sixel: skip testdither init in fixed palette + * vo_sixel: Update libsixel constant values + * remove python2 support + * remove all python2 support + * vo_sixel: change default dither to "auto" + * vo_sixel: fix the image corruption with mlterm + * vo_sixel: support --vo-sixel-exit-clear[=yes] + * terminal: process input when foregrounded + +- Update to version 0.33.0+git.20201122T184820.fa7afc3e19: + * Update VERSION + * Release 0.33.0 + * file2string: remove question mark from safe chars + * Revert "options: disable vsfilter blur compat by default" + * build: always run waf with python3 + * build: fix macOS arm builds + * vo_sixel: draw osd on the output frame + * vo_sixel: return -1 instead of SIXELSTATUS on failure + * vo_sixel: set --vo-sixel-fixedpalette=yes by default + * vo_sixel: Add aspect ratio based output centering + * vo_sixel: rename all user options with opt_ prefix + * vo_sixel: set output resolution based on terminal_get_size2 + * osdep/terminal: Add function to get terminal pixel dimensions + * doc: split BNF definitions of <command> and <argument> in separate lines + * manpage: document improved --playlist security + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20201116T202958.24d6961833: + * command: mouse: generate MOUSE_{ENTER,LEAVE} if required + * docs/input.rst: document the mouse-pos property + * command: mouse-pos property: add field "hover" + * lua/js: mp.get_mouse_pos: use the mouse-pos property + * command: new property: mouse-pos + * command: add internal INPUT_PROCESSED event + * path: do not use old_home for win32 exe dir + * js: report scripts CPU/memory usage statistics + * ci: fix mingw build by adding harfbuzz + * command: make subtitle time properties observable + * manpage: properties fixes + * manpage: document the property-change event + * manpage: document video-frame-info sub-properties + * manpage: remove redundant "Return(s) " + * manpage: document demuxer-cache-state better + * manpage: be consistent with booleans + * vo_sixel: Add fallback terminal width and height + * vo_sixel: Add checks to prevent null pointer dereferencing. + * ao_alsa: handle -EPIPE XRUNs from snd_pcm_status + * ao_alsa: always initialize state if passed + * wayland: fix buffer overrun in get_mods + * wayland: check for modifier keys on pointer events + * Revert "wayland: conditionally commit surface on resize" + * DOCS: correct interface-changes.rst + * mac: make focus property observable + * video/out/vo_sixel.c: Implement sixel as a output device + * manpage: document av1 addition to --hwdec-codecs default setting + * vd_lavc: add AV1 to the default allowed hwdec codec list + * player: fix external cover file prioritization + * input.conf: add default keybindings for sub-scale + * console: let type set the cursor position + * ytdl_hook: if ytdl not found in config dirs, use ytdl_path as is + * ytdl_hook: support alternative youtube-dl path + * player: reorder list of external cover files for optimal results + * build: disable wayland if linux/input-event-codes.h isn’t available + * wayland: use more specific input codes header + * demux_lavf: initialize ReplayGain data + * command: add delete-watch-later-config + * vo_gpu: improve gamut warning bounds checks + * wayland: don't use presentation time if ust is 0 + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20201016T174805.cbbdb3fae4: + * stats: display hw pixel format too + * command: expose underlying pixfmt for hwdec + * manpage: Document behaviour of *nix configuration directories + * build: bump waf to 2.0.20 + * stream_lavf: enable SRT protocol support through FFmpeg + * vo_gpu: fix segfault when updating render opts + * vo_gpu: EGL: hack for alpha on different platforms + * wayland: update opaque region on runtime + * vo_gpu: update render options on runtime + * wayland: be less strict about when to render + * docs: fix simple typo, unminimze -> unminimize + * DOCS: fix typo on sub-filter-regex-enable + * manpage: reference standard for configuration file location + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20201008T111710.16b44d93f7: + * Revert "demux: add a POS" + * player: fix another nightmarish corner case + * demux: add a POS + * Revert "wayland: add wayland-display-socket option" + * wayland: add wayland-display-socket option + * screenshot: add --screenshot-sw option + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20201001T111222.34b8adc456: + * wayland: set an opaque region + * options: fix --cover-art-file typo + * player: cosmetically change around some code + * player: add automatic loading of external cover art files + * player: let frontend decide whether to use cover-art mode + * ci: fix spirv-cross build in mingw scripts + * mac: add support for the focused property + * mac: add an option to prevent focusing of the window on open + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200922T130339.c535dfed66: + * travis: fix macOS 10.12 legacy build + * wayland: only render if we have frame callback + * player: add pause state to playback start message + * terminal: fix segfault when backgrounding + * f_decoder_wrapper: make log prefix less verbose + * audio: take paused state into account in ao_start() + * audio: move start() calls outside of lock + * mac: add an option to change the App activation policy + * mac: add ontop window level for desktop + * options: simplify --android-surface-size handling + * build: disable GLX + * manpage: fix console keybindings punctuation + * msg: make --msg-time show time in seconds + * build: sort dependencies (to make build deterministic) + * command, demux: make drop-buffers reset state even harder + * terminal: attempt to handle the ESC key + * client API: update alignment requirements for software rendering + * sws_utils: work around libswscale corrupting memory yet again + * manpage: refer to --sub-color for colors + * manpage: mark file-local-options as writable + * stream_slice: interpret `end` as offset if it starts with '+' + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200912T130313.49f5c9b482: + * command: add property track-list/N/main-selection + * player: fix inconsistent AO pause state in certain situations + * player: some minor code golf + * vo_vdpau: remove an unused variable + * player: clamp relative seek base time to nominal duration + * manpage: "fix" some formatting + * terminal-unix: attempt to support more CTRL + * vo_vdpau: remove deprecated/inactive --vo-vdpau-deint option + * command: add read-only focused property + * manpage: fix typo + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200904T003159.f57b90b069: + * options: fix a flags field + * ao_alsa: make partial writes an error message + * audio: fix stream-silence with push AOs (somewhat) + * encode: propagate errors to exit status properly + * ao_lavc: slightly simplify filter use + * client API: inactivate the opengl_cb API + * encode: disable unsupported media types automatically + * encode: remove early EOF failure handling + * audio: slightly simplify audio_start_ao() + * audio: reduce excessive logging of delayed audio start + * ao_alsa: log more information on short writes + * audio: do not show audio draining message when it does not make sense + * audio: do not wake up player when waiting for audio state and paused + * audio: fix AVFrame allocation (crash with opus encoding) + * DOCS/interface-changes: remove encoding mode deprecation entry + * player/playloop.c: reorder included headers per + * ao_openal: restore working condition with new push API + * ao: remove unused field + * audio: fix inefficient behavior with ao_alsa, remove period_size field + * encode: undeprecate + * ring: remove this + * audio_buffer: remove this + * audio: refactor how data is passed to AO + * DOCS: fix minor issue on the --video-latency-hacks explanation + * Update + * manpage: reorder sentence + * f_async_queue: add various helper functions + * f_async_queue: don't count EOF frames as samples + * f_async_queue: change reset behavior + * filter: add filter priority thing + * manpage: slightly improve property list note + * sd_ass: replace deprecated ASS_OVERRIDE_BIT_FONT_SIZE + * osd_libass: don't use deprecated ass_set_aspect_ratio + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200827T184057.fc6c209cbd: + * f_demux_in: log EOF "recovery" + * f_decoder_wrapper: pass through EOF after EOF + * player: fix video paused condition on VO creation + * filter: add a helper + * audio: clarify set_pause() documentation + * audio: adjust frame clipping for spdif formats + * audio: remove unused ring.h includes + * player: fix swapped debug output + * vo_gpu: EGL: fix transparency on X11/EGL/Mesa + * vo_gpu: EGL: slightly better debug logging of EGL configs + * ao/pulse: create the stream corked + * wayland: always update sbc for presentation time + * Revert "demux_lavf: always give libavformat the filename when probing" + * audio: remove delay debug logging + * wayland: simplify presentation time + * demux_mf: actually report errors + * player: do not loop if there's nothing to loop + * options: do not accept ":" as separator anymore in key/value lists + * cocoa-cb: force layer update on resize + * mac: add icc profile and ambient light sensor support + * mac: use config cache und wakeup for mac option runtime changes + * mac: make ontop level runtime changeable + * mac: properly guard and unwrap an optional value + * cocoa-cb: generalisation of backend independent parts + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200820T203717.b16a6cb6c6: + * client API: note about libswscale corrupting memory + * wayland: conditionally commit surface on resize + * player: add --subs-with-matching-audio option + * wayland: refactor geometry/window handling + * stream: Implement slice:// for reading slices of streams + * wayland: reset geometry on reconfig if fullscreen + * wayland: soften GNOME warning + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200816T162900.486516f723: + * See + for the complete changelog. + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200802T170651.fb55ee99e3: + * See + for the complete changelog. + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200701T004440.8fbc4b1737: + * ci: add d3d11 to mingw build + * vo_gpu: vulkan: add ability to disable events + * player: warn if both proper and compat. config directories exist + * path: do not use old_home for win32 exe dir + * path: switch back to using non-XDG config dir by default + * vo_gpu: fix typo in struct name + * manpage: --demuxer-seekable-cache is useless + * ci: replace mingw build scripts + * vo_gpu: use highp float if available for GLES + * vo_gpu: add better gamut clipping option + * vo_gpu: fix scaler/window validation to allow unsetting + * vo_x11: partially restore operation on bad endian systems + * video: some concessions to big endian hosts + * test: update to new ffmpeg pixfmts + * video: alias IMGFMT_RGB30 to AV_PIX_FMT_X2RGB10 + * repack: handle endian in a more general way + * img_format: fight ffmpeg pixdesc some more + * audio: don't lock ao_control for pull mode drivers + * vo_gpu: placebo: add fallback code for stride mismatch + * vo_gpu: add BT.2390 tone-mapping + * vo_gpu: reinterpret SDR white levels based on ITU-R BT.2408 + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200610T171643.c7fe4ae73a: + * vo_gpu: move coherent specifier to the correct location + * player: make unpausing directly after seek work with --keep-open (again) + +- Update to version 0.32.0+git.20200609T164905.d5de79d10f: + * See + for the complete changelog. mpv-mpris +- Update to 0.6: + * Fix YouTube regex including 0 to the numeric range + * Fix LoopStatus property change signal + * Fix loop-file change handler in mpv 0.33.0 + * Fix LoopStatus when numeric argument given to loop-file or loop-playlist + * Full changelog: + mr +- update to 1.20180726: + * Mitigate vulns caused by git code execution (CVE-2018-7032) + * Migrate from ack-grep to ack + * More reliable output supervision + * Improve the status output for CVS + * Improve the git-cvs extension + * Allow prepending commands to existing commands + * Allow for fallback to default commands + * Add support for caching command output + * Add shell extension to maintain a repo status cache + * Add graph, remote, upgrade extensions + * git registration improvements + * webcheckout: prefer https transport + mrboom +- Update to version 4.9 + * SDL2: fix linux window resizing + * SDL2: arrow keys on GamePad(#46) +- Add patch: + * mrboom-fix-build.patch + mrrescue +- Cleaned up specfile +- Added: support-love-11.patch to fix runtime error on Tumbleweed + +- Use zip -X to make build reproducible (boo#1134568) + msgpack +- Update to 3.3.0: + * Add json example for C (#870) + * Add both header and body packing functions for C (#870) + * Set default ref_size and chunk_size to vrefbuffer (#865) + * Add examples (#861) + * Improve build system (#839, #842) + * Improve tests (#829) + * Improve documents (#828) + * Remove some warnings (#827, #851, #871]) + * Improve CI environment (#824, #831, #833, #834, #846, + [#860], 874) + mtd-utils +- Update to version 2.1.2: + * Features: + + flashcp: Add option -A/--erase-all + + mtd-utils: add optional offset parameter to flash_otp_dump + + ubi-utils: Implement a ubihealthd + + mkfs.ubifs: Add authentication support + * Fixes: + + ubifs-media: Update to Linux-5.3-rc3 + + mtd-utils: Fix return value of ubiformat + + ubiupdatevol: Prevent null pointer dereference + + libubigen: remove unnecessary include + + libubi: remove private kernel header from includes + + mkfs.ubifs: fscrypt: bail from encrypt_block if gen_essiv_salt fails + + mkfs.ubifs: abort add_directory if readdir fails + + mkfs.ubifs: close file descriptor in add_file error path + + mkfs.ubifs: don't leak copied command line arguments + + mkfs.ubifs: free derived fscrypt context in add_directory error paths + + mkfs.ubifs: don't leak hastable iterators + + mkfs.ubifs: don't leak temporary buffers + + mkfs.ubifs: propperly cleanup in ALL interpret_table_entry error paths + + mkfs.jffs2: don't leak temporary buffer if readlink fails + + libmtd: don't leak temporary buffers + + ftl_check: don't leak temporary buffers + + ftl_format: don't leak temporary buffers + + ubiformat: don't leak file descriptors + + nanddump: don't leak copied command line arguments + + mtd_debug: cleanup error handling in flash_to_file + + jittertest: fix error check for open system call + + fs-tests: don't leak temporary buffers + + mtd-utils: Fix printf format specifiers with the wrong type + + mtd-utils: Fix potential negative arguments passed to close(2) + + mtd-utils: Fix various TOCTOU issues + + mtd-utils: Fix some simple cases of uninitialized value reads + + mtd-utils: Fix wrong argument to sizeof in nanddump + + mtd-utils: Fix "are we really at EOF" test logic in libubi read_data + + mtd-utils: Fix potentially unterminated strings + + mtd-utils: Add checks to code that copies strings into fixed sized buffers + + mkfs.ubifs: fix broken build if fscrtyp is disabled + +- Update to version 2.1.1: + * Features: + - mkfs.ubifs: Add ZSTD compression + * Fixes: + + ubiformat: Dont ignore sequence number CLI option + + mkfs.ubifs: fix build without openssl + + mkfs.ubifs: fix regression when trying to store device special files + + mkfs.ubifs: fix description of favor_lzo + + unittests/test_lib: Include proper header for _IOC_SIZE + + unittests/libmtd_test: Include fcntl header + + unittests: Define the use of _GNU_SOURCE + + ubinize: Exit with non-zero exit code on error. + + mtd-tests: nandbiterrs: Fix issue that just insert error at bit 7 + + ubi-tests: ubi_mkvol_request: Fully initialize 'struct ubi_mkvol_request req' + + ubi-tests: io_read: Filter invalid offset value before 'lseek' in io_read test + + ubi-tests: mkvol test: Checks return value 'ENOSPC' for 'ubi_mkvol' + + ubi-tests: fm_param: Replace 'fm_auto' with 'fm_autoconvert' + +- Update to version 2.1.0: + * Features: + + mkfs.ubifs: Implement support for file system encryption + + mkfs.ubifs: Implement selinux labelling support + + ubinize: add support for skipping CRC check of a static volume when opening + + ubimkvol: add support for skipping CRC check of a static volume when opening + + Add lsmtd program + * Fixes: + - update various kernel headers + + Instead of doing preprocessor magic, just output off_t as long long + + fix verification percent display in flashcp + + mkfs.ubifs: fix double free + + mkfs.ubifs: Fix xattr nlink value + + ubinize: avoid to create two UBI_LAYOUT_VOLUME_ID volume + + common.h: fix prompt function + + libmtd: don't print an error message for devices without ecc support + + io_paral: Fix error handling of update_volume() + + ubimkvol: Initialize req to zero to make sure no flags are set by default + + libubi: add volume flags to ubi_mkvol_request + + mkfs.ubifs: add_xattr is not depending on host XATTR support + + Revert "Return correct error number in ubi_get_vol_info1" which introduced a regression. + + make sure pkg-config is installed in configure script + + ubiformat: process command line arguments before handling file arguments + * Cleanup: + + ubiformat: remove no-volume-table option + +- Update to version 2.0.2: + * libmtd: Add support to access OOB available size + * mkfs.ubifs: Allow root entry in device table + * Fix unit-test header and file paths for out of tree builds + * Fix unit test mockup for oobavail sysfs file + * misc-utils: flash_erase: Fix Jffs2 type flash erase problem + * libmtd_legacy: Fix some function description mismatches + * mtd-utils: ubifs: fix typo in without_lzo definition + * mtd: tests: check erase block count in page test + * mtd: unittests: Stop testing stat() calls + * mtd: unittests: Decode arg size from ioctl request + * mtd: unittests: Use proper unsigned long type for ioctl requests + * mtd: tests: Fix check on ebcnt in nandpagetest + * ubi-utils: ubicrc32: process command line arguments first + * nandbiterrs: Fix erroneous counter increment in for loop body + * jittertest: Use the appropriate versions of abs() + * Mark or fix switch cases that fall through + * mkfs.ubifs: ignore EOPNOTSUPP when listing extended attributes + * misc-utils: initialize "ip" in docfdisk to NULL + * mkfs.ubifs: Apply squash-uids to the root node + -- %debug_package no longer required - -- rewrote spec file -- added libacl support -- created in the filesystems repository - -- Update to version 1.2.0. - -- Initial build. - mtree +- Run spec-cleaner on spec file + +- Added mtree-stat-mtime.patch + + Fixes build issue with struct stat "st_mtimespec" field + +- Add note to description about newer NetBSD port "nmtree" + -- Spec file tweaks/cleanups - -- Initial release - multimon-ng +- Update to new upstream release 1.1.9 + * multimon-ng now has a man page, let's try to keep it updated. + * FLEX: Changes to group messages and delimiters. + * FMS: Fixed a problem with the direction of telegrams. + * POCSAG: Support for the Slovenian charset. + multipath-tools +- Update to 0.8.8+38+suse.2bdd3a14.obscpio + * upstream version bump. Code-wise identical to 0.8.7+138+suse.7c9afe31 + +- Drop versioned dependency on libmpath0 again (bsc#1190622) + * Since 0.8.6, libmultipath and libmpathpersist have got proper ABI + versioning, and rpmbuild auto-generates dependencies on + etc. + +- Update to version 0.8.7+138+suse.7c9afe31: + New upstream version (pre-0.8.8) + * deprecate "config_dir" and "multipath_dir" config options + (will be removed in future version) + * remove dependency on systemd-udevd-settle.service (boo#1193336) + * fix crash in remove_map (boo#1193334) + * CLI: add path wildcard "%I" for init state + * CLI: add "reconfigure all" command + * allow multiple pending "reconfigure" commands (bsc#1189551) + * speed up "reconfigure" by avoiding unnecessary map reloads + (bsc#1189551) + * rework of CLI command handler (unix socket handler) to avoid + hanging CLI commands (bsc#1189551) + * fix multipathd startup after stop during reconfigure (boo#1193338) + * improve error detection and warning messages in config file parser + * fix exit status of multipath -T (bsc#1191900) + * fix defects reported by coverity (boo#1193342) + - avoid sleeping with locks held + - exit if bindings file is broken + - set umask before mkstemp + - add bounds and consistency checks in SCSI VPD parsing code + * add hardware table entry for DellEMC/ME4 (PowerVault ME4) + +- Add a versioned dependency of multipath-tools on libmpath0 + (bsc#1190622) + +- Update to version 0.8.7+14+suse.5a09bfa1: + * Fix possible string overflows (bsc#1188148) +- Upstream fixes / changes + * better string handling + * multipath: print warning if multipathd isn't running + * mpathpersist: better error msg when no usable paths exist + * fixes from 0.8.6+32+suse.f11c192 merged upstream + +- Spec file: remove compatibility code for SLE <= SLE15-SP2 + +- Update to version 0.8.6+32+suse.f11c192: + * libmultipath:fix compilation with glibc 2.34 (bsc#1189099) + * libmultipath: avoid buffer size warning with systemd 240+ + (bsc#1189176) + * libmultipath: use uint64_t for sg_id.lun (bsc#1187534) +- Upstream bug fixes: + * multipath-tools: make HUAWEI/XSG1 config work with alua and multibus + * multipath-tools: add info about HPE Alletra 6000 and 9000 + * multipathd: cli_getprkey(): fix return value and "aptpl" support + * multipathd: don't rescan_path on wwid change in uev_update_path + * kpartx: Don't leak memory when getblock returns NULL + * multipath: free vectors in configure + * multipathd: fix ev_remove_path return code handling + * multipathd: remove duplicate orphan_paths in flush_map + * multipathd: don't fail to remove path once the map is removed + * multipathd: fix compilation issue with liburcu < 0.8 + mumble +- Enable JACK support + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * mumble-server.service + munge +- Disable s390*-builds. On s390x the test suite fails. + +- Typo fix to sysuser file. + +- Restore tmpfiles.d handling which was deleted for no good + reason. +- Make sure the product specific run-directory is used which + is taken from the RPM macro %_rundir (bsc#1191336). + +- Utilize sysuser infrastructure to set user/group munge. + +- Use 'mungekey' to generate munge key, + Change permission of 'mungekey' from 0400 to 0600 +- Remove munge key on uninstall +- Add a bit of QA by running 'make check' +- Consolidate 'rundir'-handling: + * fixed the location using %_rundir + * %ghost-ed %_rundir/munge +- Pinned down configuration by adding more configure options +- Consolidated the file attribute setting +- Consolidated handline of /etc/sysconfig/munge +- Remove tmpfiles.d/munge.conf: the runtime directory is created + by systemd itself. + muparserx +- Update to release 4.0.11 + * Resolve an incorrect assignment during multiplication + * Logic operator lacked short-circuit feature + museic +- Update to 2.1.3: + * Update + * Update screenshots + +- Update to 2.1.0: + * Fix: add show_all to childs of pophover + * Update version + * Use "popup" in Popovers + * Addapt CSS to use Element Selectors + +- Update to 2.0.2: + * Change screenshots and version + * Add more help + * Avoid ports below 1024 + * Allow server customize port + * Server uses configured ports + * Basic dummy conf menu + * Use granite seekbar as streambar + * revert changes of config.vala file + * design changes +- Remove obsolete macros +- Build with granite >= 0.5 + +- Update to 2.0.1: + * Fix screenshoots and appdata + +- Change the SourceURL + +- Update to 2.0.0: + * Update screenshots path + * Update appdata + * Allow delete files from filelist + * Delete files from filelist + * Fix metedata update + * Update doc + * Change library info of files + * Add button and windows to edit metadatas + * TreeViews not searchable + * Control ant/next file from keyboard + * Don't use duration metadata + * Fix: get duration instead of artist in searched filles + * Clean artist name + * Show artisi filelist onclick current artist + * Change library version + * Imp: avoid processin 2 times museic files + * Show duration in gui + * Calc duration at the begining of the precess + * Calc duration of MuseIC files on creation + * Focus current file played onclick it's name in status labelº + * Play/Pause on press space + mvapich2:gnu-hpc +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mvapich2:gnu-hpc-psm +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mvapich2:gnu-hpc-psm2 +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mvapich2:psm +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mvapich2:psm2 +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mvapich2:standard +- Remove obsolete python dependency (bsc#1190996) + +- Update to mvapich2 2.3.6 + - Enhanced performance for UD-Hybrid code + - Add multi-rail support for UD-Hybrid code + - Enhanced performance for shared-memory collectives + - Enhanced job-startup performance for flux job launcher + - Use PMI2 by default when SLURM is selected as process manager + - Add support to use aligned memory allocations for multi-threaded + applications + - Architecture detection and enhanced point-to-point tuning for + Oracle BM.HPC2 cloud shape + - Add support for GCC compiler v11 + - Update hwloc v1 code to v1.11.14 + - Update hwloc v2 code to v2.4.2 +- Drop obsolete patches: + - fix-missing-return-code.patch as it was fixed upstream + - mvapich2-remove-deprecated-sys_siglist.patch + - rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch +- Refresh reproducible.patch + +- Update mvapich2 to 2.3.5. + * Enhanced performance for MPI_Allreduce and MPI_Barrier + * Support collective offload using Mellanox's SHARP for Barrier + - Enhanced tuning framework for Barrier using SHARP + * Remove dependency on underlying libibverbs, libibmad, libibumad, and + librdmacm libraries using dlopen + * Add support for Broadcom NetXtreme RoCE HCA + - Enhanced inter-node point-to-point support + * Support architecture detection for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for Fujitsu A64fx processor + * Enhanced point-to-point and collective tuning for AMD ROME processor + * Add support for process placement aware HCA selection + - Add "MV2_PROCESS_PLACEMENT_AWARE_HCA_MAPPING" environment variable to + enable process placement aware HCA mapping + * Add support to auto-detect RoCE HCAs and auto-detect GID index + * Add support to use RoCE/Ethernet and InfiniBand HCAs at the same time + * Add architecture-specific flags to improve performance of certain CUDA + operations + - Thanks to Chris Chambreau @LLNL for the report + * Read MTU and maximum outstanding RDMA operations from the device + * Improved performance and scalability for UD-based communication + * Update maximum HCAs supported by default from 4 to 10 + * Enhanced collective tuning for Frontera@TACC, Expanse@SDSC, + Ookami@StonyBrook, and bb5@EPFL + * Enhanced support for SHARP v2.1.0 + * Generalize code for GPU support +- Obsolete: wrapper-revert-ldflag-order-change.patch. +- Replace: mvapich2-fix-double-free.patch by + rdma_find_network_type-return-MV2_NETWORK_CLASS_UNKNOWN-when-dev_list-is-freed.patch + mwic +- update to version 0.7.8: + * Add new multi-word misspellings to the dictionary. + * Use the \e[90m sequence for dark gray. + * Improve the build system: + + Check Python version on install. + + Byte-compile Python code on install. + + + Don't require GNU install(1). + * Rephrase descriptions of --help and --version in help messages. + * Improve the test suite. + +- remove reproducible-manpage.patch +- update to version 0.7.7: + * no upstream changelog available + +- add reproducible-manpage.patch +- update to version 0.7.6: + * no upstream changelog available + +- Update summary so it's a bit more useful in lists like yast's. +- Wrap description. + +- update to version 0.7.5: + * Update PyPI URLs in documentation. + * Update Lintian URLs in the manual page. + mxml +- update to 3.3: + * Cleaned up usage of `free` throughout the library + * Added more error handling to the library + * Fixed potential memory leak in `mxmlLoad*` functions + * Fixed `mxmlSaveString` with a buffer size of 0 + * Fixed `MXML_MINOR_VERSION` value in "mxml.h" + * Fixed POSIX threading support for MingW + * Fixed some minor memory leaks found by Coverity + +- update to 3.2: + - Added support for shared libraries on Haiku (Issue #262) + - Fixed handling of unquoted attribute values that start with a Unicode + character (Issue #264) + - Fixed handling of elements that start with a Unicode character (Issue #267) + - Fixed some minor issues identified by the LGTM security scanner. + +- Add keyring +- Fix source URLs to point to actual releases + +- Update to version 3.1 + - The mxmlLoad* functions now print an error when the XML does + not start with < and no parent node is supplied (Issue #256, + Issue #259) + - Fixed an issue with “make install†trying to install old files + (Issue #257) + - Fixed some DSO installation issues on Linux. +- Changes from 3.0 + - Changed the license to Apache 2.0 with exceptions (Issue #239) + - All of the internal node structures are now moved out of the + public header (Issue #240) + - Fixed a potential buffer overflow when writing floating point + data (Issue #233) + - Moved mxmldoc to a new codedoc project whose focus is on + generating code documentation (Issue #235, Issue #236, Issue + [#237]) + - Error messages now include the line number of the error (Issue + [#230]) + - The mxmlSetCDATA, mxmlSetElement, mxmlSetOpaque, + mxmlSetOpaquef, mxmlSetText, and mxmlSetTextf functions caused + a use-after-free bug if the value came from the same node + (Issue #241) + - The mxmlSetOpaquef and mxmlSetTextf functions did not work + (Issue #244) + - The _mxml_strdupf function did not work on Windows (Issue #245) +- Changes from 2.12 + - Added yet more documentation about using MXML_OPAQUE_CALLBACK + when you want to get full strings for inline text instead of + separated words (Issue #190) + - No longer build documentation sets on macOS since Xcode no + longer supports them (Issue #198) + - Updated the va_copy macro for use with BCC (Issue #211) + - The mxmlNewCDATA and mxmlSetCDATA functions incorrectly added + the XML trailer “]]†to the string (Issue #216) + - Cross-compiling failed on install (Issue #218) + - Fixed a crash bug in the mxmlWrite functions (Issue #228) + - The mxmlWrite functions no longer write the siblings of the + passed node (Issue #228) + - Updated the markdown and ZIP container libraries used for + mxmldoc. +- remove mxmldoc binaries and man pages +- enable threading support + +- Update to version 2.11: + * CDATA nodes now omit the trailing "]]" for convenience + (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#170). + * Fixed a memory leak in mxmlDelete (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#183) + * mxmlElementSetAttrf did not work with some versions of Visual + Studio (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#184) + * Added mxmlElementGetAttrByIndex and mxmlELementGetAttrCount + functions (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#185) + * The configure script now properly supports cross-compilation + (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#188) + * The mxmldoc utility now supports generation of EPUB files + (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#189) + * The mxmldoc utility now supports the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH + environment variable for reproducible builds + (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#193) + * The mxmldoc utility now supports Markdown + (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#194) + * Fixed writing of custom data values (gh#michaelrsweet/mxml#201) + * Added mxmlNewOpaquef and mxmlSetOpaquef functions to add and + set formatted opaque string values. + * The mxmldoc utility scanned and loaded descriptive text + differently, causing the detailed descriptions ("discussion") + to be lost in generated documentation. + * The mxmldoc utility now supports @exclude format@ comments to + exclude documentation based on the output format. The format + string can be all to exclude documentation for all formats or a + comma-delimited list such as @exclude man,html@. +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * reproducible.path + * mxml-2.3-nobinstrip.patch +- Clean spec file. + -- Remove redundant tags/sections per specfile guideline suggestions -- Parallel building using %_smp_mflags - -- fixed typos in mxml.spec - -- update to version 2.6 - - Documentation fixes (STR #91, STR #92) - - The mxmldoc program did not handle typedef comments properly - (STR #72) - - Added support for "long long" printf formats. - - The XML parser now ignores BOMs in UTF-8 XML files (STR #89) - - The mxmldoc program now supports generating Xcode documentation - sets. - - mxmlSave*() did not output UTF-8 correctly on some platforms. - - mxmlNewXML() now adds encoding="utf-8" in the ?xml directive to - avoid problems with non-conformant XML parsers that assume - something other than UTF-8 as the default encoding. - - Wrapping was not disabled when mxmlSetWrapMargin(0) was called, - and "<?xml ... ?>" was always followed by a newline (STR #76) - - The file was broken (STR #79) - - The mxmldoc program now handles "typedef enum name {} name" - correctly (STR #72) -- drop requires on main package from the library package - -- use shared library package policy - -- update to version 2.5 - The new release fixes some XML parsing problems and adds many - new mxmldoc features. -- additional changes from 2.4 - fixes some build and XML parsing bugs, adds support for the apos - character entity, and adds per-thread global settings. - mycroft-core +- Update to 18.8.13: + * Nice duration gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1977 + A new parsing helper for extracting durations from text has been added. + The extract_duration() method returns a tuple with a timedelta and the + remaining text. + * Document "save_utterance" config option gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1980 + The "record_utterance" option was undocumented and badly named so a new + config option "save_utterance" was added to the listener config. The + "record_utterance" option will still be working until 19.02. + * Update Italian formatting functions gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1984 + * Bugfixes + + Fix issue with using sudo during the interactive part of + gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1978 + + Fix minor typo in api-code gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1991 + + Fix multiple skills subprocesses gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1975 + + Fix rare crash issue when adding vocabulary while calculating intents. + gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1975 + +- Update to 18.8.12: + * GUI update (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1964) + + Adds ability to sync variables from the gui into the skill and makes it + possible to override the idle page. + * Always load dialogs as utf-8 (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1958) + + This ensures that systems with a default file encoding of ascii, ansi and + similar can read the dialog files correctly. + * Fix normalize of sentences containing "half" + (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1966) + + A bug introduced when improving the handling of numbers silently made the + normalize not parse numbers after a "half" in the sentence. The change + was reverted and the old behaviour is back. + * Update of stop handling of TTS (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1961) + + The tts now cancels all pending speech requests that were issued before + the stop command. + * Resting screen decorator (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1970) + + Creating Idle pages was previously a tricky task requiring setting up + message handlers and sending the correct message. Now a method can simply + be tagged as an resting screen handler by applying the decorator + @resting_screen_handler. + * Additional info from the audiotest (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1971) + + The audio test now prints which device is used for recording and the + command line used for playback. A -l option is also available now to list + available audio devices. + * Prefer local audio outputs (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1963) + + The audio system now prefer local backends before trying external ones. + For example a https url will now consistently play using the vlc backend + and not on a chromecast unless specified. + * Misc + + Clean up unnecessary Logs in text client (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1957) + + Tests for commented dialogs added (gh#MycroftAI/mycroft-core#1853) +- Update to 18.8.11: + * Select microphone by name . The microphone can now be selected in the + listener configuration by using the "device_name" parameter. + * Audio seeking . Added an extension of the audioservice allowing seeking + within an audio file. + * Language updates for Italian and Dutch. + * Minor bugfixes and improvements + - The pep8 speaks config was updated to match the Travis line length + settings + - CLI now catches Ctrl+c correctly + - All class inheritances from object was removed +- Update to 18.8.10: + * Barge-in support . The mic can now be configured to remain unmuted while + mycroft is speaking. + * Allow Mimic2 pronouncing negative numbers. This fixes an error in the + number parsing before sending to the mimic2 service. + * Gui update . Update to handle inserting and switching pages according to + the new mycroft-gui model. + * Swagger documentation for the mycroft api . The swagger config for the + mycroft api documentation is now included in the project. + * Bugfixes and minor improvements + - Handle year style pronounciation correctly when a float is provided. + - Write config files in a human readable format + - Allow to explicitly skip mimic build +- Update to 18.8.9: + * Italian text resources has been updated and completed + * Make sure the precise processes are shutdown when a reload of the voice + hotword engine occurs. +- Rebase patches: + * fix-installation-paths.patch + * use-pycodestyle-instead-of-pep8.patch + +- Update to 18.8.8: + * This fixes a semi-critical bug in msm which could cause the Mark-1 device + to not start at all. msm uses a local checkout of the skills repository as + a reference. If a connection error occurred during startup the repo would + be deleted and the skill startup process would stop. +- Update to 18.8.7: + * This release contains the start of a new gui framework and a sort of a gui + debug console has been added to the CLI. + * GUI Connection interface . The enclosure client can now negotiate + connections from "screens" and can send qml pages to draw and related + variables. + * Update msm to version 0.6x . This adds better support for working with the + skill manifest both as a library and as a standalone application from the + command line. + * Hungarian translations . Added Hungarian translations and format/parsing + functions. + * Common Query Framework . A system for negotiating the best result for a + question. The system inherits a lot of it's design from the common play + framework. + * Bugfixes + - Handle invalid refresh tokens to allow the pairing skill to launch + re-pairing if needed + - gTTS modules updated to support latest changes on google's side. + - Handle faulty configs when the logger is created. + - bugfix in padaos to handle bad .intent lines without crashing the + intent system + +- Update to 18.8.6: + * New function extract_numbers() will extract all numbers from a string. + * The extract_datetime() function now accepts now as well as + "within X minutes/hours". + * Bugfixes: + + Utterance remainder does now only replace whole words (and not parts). + + Fix start playback for fast CPS_start() methods + - * No information from upstream yet. It'll be published at: - + * Update Readthedocs documentation . Build scripts have been updated to work + in the current virtualenv and skill members such as file_system and log in + MycroftSkill is now documented. + * Extract date time function improvement. Fixed handling of phrases like + "in a minute" and added support for extracting "now". + * Upgrade requests minimum version to 2.20. + * Fix incorrect path in the prepare-msm script. naev +- Update to 0.8.2 + * Gameplay + - Fixed duplicate rewards from pirate ship-stealing missions. (Sorry.) + - Fixed the Advanced Nebula Research mission's failure condition in case you don't stick with the transport ship. (Sorry.) + - Fixed the "The one with the Runaway" mission so the captured drone doesn't appear back in space. + * Engine + - Fixed a bug loading games with short (1-character) names. + - Tweaked chances of seeing Spaceport Bar missions. + - Updated German translation. + - Fixed "configure" script when the system has a "cxsparse" library and no "csparse". + - Fixed source .tar.gz so ./configure is immediately usable again. (Note: 0.9.x will use Meson for builds.) +- Removed naev-0.8.1-overlay.tar.gz + +- Modernize specfile + +- Update to 0.8.1 + * Gameplay + - Lowered large ships' time constant (renamed from time dilation) by 50% of the deviation from 100%. + - Tweaked Za'lek ships' stats and outfit slot behavior to match expectations. + * Engine + - Restored macOS support. (Catalina users will have to bypass Gatekeeper: See for details.) + - Fixed a crash-loop when the "saves" folder gets populated by Steam data (or other files) and no Naev save files. + - Fixed intermittent error messages about the "Lua Spawn script for faction 'Trader'". + - Fixed rare/potential bugs in font and save-file code. + - Fixed crash when navigating landing screens with the tab key. + - Updated German translation. + - Improved text in minor ways. +- Added naev-0.8.1-overlay.tar.gz to fix autotools compilation + +- Update to 0.8.0 + * Gameplay + - Overhaul of the interface to be more sleek and functional + * Interface is much more slick + * Dark theme to be more consistent with space + * Font uses outlines to be more readable + - New map overlay with adjustable opacity + - Added rarity indicator to ships and outfits + - Changed fonts + - Indicate non-common NPC with exclamation marks + - Added accessory slot and unique accessory outfits as mission rewards + - Simple economy model implemented with map visualizations + - Added travelling merchant who sells unique items + - Made missiles and fighter bays reload while in space + - Modified the balancing of missiles + - Added asteroids and mining + - Improved player GUI + - Brushed GUI is now the default + - Improved and fixed escort system + - Made Pirates and FLF spawn in a fairer way + - Made time pass at different rates for different ships ("Time Dilation") + - Made piracy missions available from any Independent or black market planet + - Substantially increased pay for unique missions (10x in most cases) + - Made references to the player gender-neutral + - Made combat music vary from faction to faction + - Made it so AI ships spawn with cargo + - Improved AI behaviours + - Nerfed Quicksilver + - Added the ability to buy "fake IDs" from pirate strongholds + - Made jammers into activated outfits that increase cloaking + - Added Soromid organic ships that level up organs + - Improved and expanded NPC portraits + - Commodities can be sold/bought everywhere + - Added a "slow mode", which runs the game at half speed (like an easy mode) + - Added a ship log which records events + - Added a "system map" which displays information about known remote planets + - Added support for giving commands to individual escorts + - New intro images replacing old placeholders + - Increased pirate name variety for bounty missions + - Ships now travel with you automatically for free, as with outfits + - Added map decorators showing locations of factions and the Nebula + - Added a dogfight aiming helper + - More music + - New and/or improved missions + * New Za'lek mini-campaign + * Completed the FLF campaign + * Fixed up the Collective campaign + * Improved the Shark (Nexus Shipyards) campaign + * Improved the Dvaered anti-FLF campaign + * Added and improved piracy missions + * New minor Soromid campaign, "Coming Out" + * New tutorial mission at the start of a new game + * Various newly added and improved generic missions + * Engine + - Support for compilation with Meson + - HiDPI-awareness + - Support for translations + - Added shaders to speed up and improve graphics + - Added support for non-ascii direct character input + - Added support for map decorators + - Removed support for Lua 5.0 + - Removed support for SDL 1, only SDL 2 is supported + - Added support for translating + - Made the OSD compact itself to avoid showing redundant information + - Made Autonav able to follow ships + - Consolidated the effects of cloaking and jammers under cloaking + - Added workaround for ALSOFT buggy version that crashes + - Added a polygon-based collision algorithm + - Added some symbols for partial colorblind accessibility + - Support #include in shaders + - Multiple font support + - Many bugfixes + -- naev 0.5.2 - * New events and missions - * New outfits - * House Soromid now has a logo - * More ways of mapping the universe - * Disabling damage leaks through shields - * conf.lua-tweakable font sizes for accessibility - * Bug fixes - -- naev 0.5.1 - * Many new missions, and improvements for older ones. - * Soromid faction added. - - Full array of ships for the faction. - - Populated northern area of the galaxy. - * New disable mechanic - - Disabling damage is separate from regular damage. - - Player ships can now be disabled, boarded and looted! - - Disabled ships will recover automatically over time. - * Jump points, planets and stations must now be discovered through exploration. - * Maps now reveal fixed routes, mostly between major factions’ space. - * Fancier map search shows details about found items. - * New planet and station graphics. - * Large AI ships now have greater weapons diversity. - * General usability improvements for low resolutions. - * Missiles lock on gradually, depending on electronic warfare values. - * The tutorial has been substantially expanded and reworked. - * Active outfits allow for powerful, temporary abilities to be toggled. - * New key bindings make the it possible to use the keyboard most of the time. - - Autonav is now more flexible and can travel to planets in addition to systems. - - Navigate the spaceport with keytips. - * Improved faction reputation logic. - - Factions now have ceilings for reputation gained through killing. - - Missions are necessary to elevate your standing beyond this. - - Completing major missions can increase the reputation ceilings. - * Landing permissions enhanced beyond the simple boolean (hostile or friendly) model. - - Landing at military and other special assets typically requires high reputation with a faction. - - When you don’t meet the required standing but aren’t hostile, assets are marked ‘restricted’. - * Overhaul of spaceport bar NPCs. NPCs will now often say meaningful things and can even help the player out by hinting at missions or updating his galaxy map. - * Complete ship health rebalancing. - * Store user data in XDG-compliant locations (*nix-only) - * Misc. bug fixes - * Faction standing and land permission code moved to Lua. - - Reputation is now handled with per-faction scripts. - - Special assets can have unique landing code (e.g. requiring a particular mission to be done) - * Large amount of Lua API additions and changes. - * Greatly enhanced the in-game universe editor. - * XML data (ships, planets, etc.) has been split into individual files to allow greater modularity. - * Various faction specific scripts have been reorganized to be in a more logical location, and these script have been tied closer to the master faction definition. - * Generally less crash-prone when loading corrupt data. - * Misc. bug fixes - -- Fix building on openSUSE 12.1 -- Some SPEC file clean-up - nanomsg -- Update to versoin 1.1.4 +- Add patch: + * nanomsg-fix-rpath-issue.patch + +- Update to version 1.1.5 + * This release is a minor bug fix release, and includes some + improvements to the CMake logic that should make incorporating + nanomsg into larger projects easier. + * Removed patch: + - strict.diff (fixed by upstream) GH#990 + +- Update to version 1.1.4 -- initial package for 0.3+git.1400232496.c00be36 - nant +- Add reproducible.patch to make build reproducible (boo#1047218) + -- Update to 0.90 - * - nasc +- Added nasc-fix_gcc9_build.patch + +- Update to 0.5.4: + * Update com.github.parnold-x.nasc.desktop + * Update com.github.parnold-x.nasc.appdata.xml + * Update + +- Update to 0.5.2: + * CMake: Remove --thread option for Vala Compiler + * CMake: Fix linking + * Enhance AppData file + * Enhance desktop file + * Use get_user_data_dir() instead of hardcoded path + * Update control +- Drop nasc-0.5.0-link.patch (fixed) + +- Update to 0.5.1: + * Update .travis.yml + +- Update to 0.5.0: + * Update com.github.parnold-x.nasc.appdata.xml + * Update Appdata Infos + * revert static lib commit because it does not work and rename + binary + * don't build libqalculatenasc shared library, but link directly +- Update nasc-0.4.7-link.patch > nasc-0.5.0-link.patch +- Spec file cleanup + nautilus-dropbox +- Add 98.patch: workaround build script not coping with the new + GNOME versioning scheme. In case of x.alpha or x.beta version, we + declare them as x.0. +- Add libtool BuildRequires and call to autoreconf, as above patch + touches the build system. + nautilus-image-converter +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + nautilus-sendto +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 3.8.1: - + Fix warnings when no mail client is installed. - + Remove support for ancient evolution versions. - + Updated translations. - -- Update to version 3.8.0: - + Updated translations. - nautilus-terminal +- Update to version 4.0.2 + + Support Nautilus 40 + + Adds an "About" window + + Adds a context menu to copy/paste, run dconf-editor and + display the "About" window + + Adds a CLI to check, install, uninstall, print debug, etc + + Fixes Nautilus Terminal stealing the focus in new Nautilus windows + + Adds an option to clear the terminal after each navigation +- Add do-not-install-compiled-schemas.patch + + Do not install the precompiled schemas but the sources only + +- Update to version 3.5 + + nautilus-terminal was completly rewritten in python (> 3.6) + + Embed a Terminal in each Nautilus tab / window + + Follows the navigation: if you navigate in Nautilus, + the cd command is automatically executed in the terminal + + Can be displayed / hidden using the F4 key + + Configurable: font, background and text color, terminal + position (displayed at top or at bottom of the windows) + + Support for copy / paste through contextual menu and + Ctrl+Shift+C / Ctrl+Shift+V + + Supports drag & drop of file on the terminal +- Dropped outdated nautilus-terminal-vte2.91.patch +- Modified build requirements: + + Removed: gobject-introspection and vte-devel + + Added: + - python3-psutil for both, buildtime and runtime + - python3-setuptools + - Use fdupes and python-rpm-macros + - pkgconfig(glib-2.0) for directory ownership + -- New package, version 0.3. - nauty +- Disable lzcnt instruction to make build reproducible (boo#1100677) + +- Update to release 2.7.1 + * The -B/--B switch of listg/countg is now + isomomorphism-invariant. + +- Update to new upstream release 2.7~rc2 + * -h and -k options for independent set size and clique size + were added to countg and pickg. For some graphs these use the + program cliquer. + * Added option -a to complg. + * Program copyg can now be used to make a simple filter. + * Programs countg and pickg can now display some parameter values + as ranges instead of writing a separate line for each value. + * Program vcolg now handles digraphs and graphs with loops. + * genrang can now make random spanning trees of K(n1,n2) + * amtog has an "s" command for reading tournaments + * genspecialg can now make multiple special graphs at once. + The -b option has been extended to allow removing a matching + from a complete bipartite graph. + * See /usr/share/doc/packages/nauty/changes24-27.txt for details. + +- Update to new upstrem release 2.6.11 + * No changelog was provided + +- Disable popcnt instruction to make build reproducible (boo#1100677) + ncdu +- Update to 1.16 + * Increase width of size bar depending on terminal size + * Set/increment $NCDU_LEVEL variable when spawning a shell + * Indicate whether apparent size or disk usage is being displayed + * Display setuid, setgid and sticky bits in file flags in extended mode + * Fix error handling while reading --exclude-from file + * Improve JSON import to allow for several future extensions to the format + * Export link count in JSON dumps + * Don't export inode in JSON dumps for non-hardlinks + +- update to 1.15.1 + - (Linux) Fix build on older Linux systems (Christian Göttsche) + - (MacOS) Revert "Exclude firmlinks by default" behavior (until we have a better solution) + - (MacOS) Add --exclude-firmlinks option to opt-in to the above behavior + +- Update to version 1.15 + * (Linux) Add --exclude-kernfs option to exclude pseudo filesystems (Christian Göttsche) + * Fix bug in calculating the apparent size of directories containing hardlinks + * Fix integer overflow with directories containing >2GiB worth of file names + * Fix yet another possible 100% CPU bug when losing terminal +- run spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 1.14 + * Add mtime display and sorting + * Add (limited) --follow-symlinks option + * Display larger file counts in browser UI + * Add -V, --version, and --help alias flags + * Fix crash when attempting to sort an empty directory + * Fix 100% CPU bug when ncdu loses the terminal + * Fix '--color=off' flag + * Fix some typos + -- update to 1.8: - * use hash table to speed up hard link detection - * added read-only option (-r) - * use KiB instead of kiB (sf#3399279) - -- update to 1.7 -- This release has improved handling of hard links, a more intuitive - multi-page browser, and various performance improvements and bugfixes. - -- update to 1.6 -- This release adds hard link detection, VIM keybindings, improved support for - non-ASCII characters in filenames, and fixes for several bugs. - -- update to 1.5 - ncftp +- Fix build with GCC 10: + * Set gBm as extern only in bookmark.h +- Add ncftp-gcc10-gBm.patch + -- Update to 3.2.0 including: - o Makefile fixes (obsoletes ncftp-3.1.8-DESTDIR.diff) - o Makefile fix (ncftp-3.2.0-mkdir_parents.diff) - o ncftpls can now try to attempt to filter the files with a wildcard - with the new -i option. - o ncftpls can also now behave similar to /usr/bin/find, with the new -g - option. When invoked with -gg, it appends a slash to directory pathnames - so you can distinguish files from directories. - o Fixed a problem with ASCII translation where a CR+LF may not have - been converted to the local text EOLN format if the CR+LF was split - over an internal block boundary. - o You can now edit remote files. - o Progress meters now output to stderr. - o You can now resume uploads when uploading into a temporary file - o Fixes for Cygwin. - o Some fixes for largefile support on Windows. - o You can now resume transfers in ASCII mode, rather than just binary. - o Fixed a problem with recursive uploads for Windows. - o You can now use an empty password if your user account does not have - a password. - o Fixed a problem in the "ls" implementation for international - month names. - o Fixed a bug where Type of Service socket options were being set - with IPPROTO_TCP instead of IPPROTO_IP. - nco +- Update to version 5.0.3 + * ncremap: contains the necessary options to exploit MPI-enabled + weight generators such as ESMF_RegridWeightGen. + * ncremap: now supports the MOAB parallel interface to the + TempestRemap (TR) weight-generation libraries for 1D FV->FV grids. + * ncremap: now supports the MOAB parallel interface to the TempestRemap + (TR) weight-generation libraries for 1D FV->FV grids. + * ncclimo: now splits timeseries into variables specified by + regular expressions. + * ncclimo: now splits timeseries into variables specified by regular + expressions. + * The regridder and all quantization algorithms (including BitGroom) + have been refactored + +- Update to version 5.0.0 + * ncremap has crucial fixes for applying and exporting the mask + field, if any. + * ncremap provides new flags to control the application of + _FillValue attributes in empty destination cells, and to + accomodate map-files that ignore or violate proper treatment + of masked grids. + * ncks auxiliary coordinates (-X) now support wrapped longitude + regions. +- Update to version 4.9.9 + * ncclimo now supports the mth_srt/end options for high resolution + timeseries that do not begin/end in Jan/Dec + * ncremap has crucial fixes for weight generation and map-checking + for masked grids, fixes for curvilinear grid inferral, + and automatic rounding when regridding integer-valued fields +- Drop manual removing of `__DATE__` and `__TIME__` macros, those + get automatically overriden by `SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH` set by rpmbuild + (supported since gcc7) + +- Update to version 4.9.8: + * Support for unpacking sparse 1D (S1D) data and restart files + used for plant functional types and multiple elevation classes + * Support for splitting monthly resolution timeseries that do not + begin/end in Jan/Dec + * Support seamless climos for the E3SM ice-sheet model (MALI) + * Bugfixes for inferring grid files and handling sub-gridscale data + ncompress +- Update to version 5.0: + * New stream for cleanups + * Drop support for 2.0 output & -C option + * Improve & fix recursive mode + * Drop old DEF_ERRNO support + * Drop DIRENT/SYSDIR config knobs + * Drop support for REGISTER build knob + * Drop support for explicit unaligned memory accesses + * Drop support for dead operating systems + * Fix Windows access fallback logic + * Include io.h on Windows + * Disable "deprecated" API warnings on Windows + * Add setmode binary for stdin and stdout on Windows + * Clean up help text a bit + * Add a standard -k (keep) option + * Use io.h fallbacks on mingw too + +- Update to version + * Fix tests under macOS + * Drop support for NOFUNCDEF + * Drop old unused MARK & SIZE_INNER_LOOP defines + * Add chmod/chown stubs for AMIGA/DOS + * Add a WINDOWS define for disabling chmod/chown + * Simplify LSTAT checking + * Disable utime usage on AMIGA/DOS/WINDOWS + * Add a fallback for access() for DOS & WINDOWS + * Disable unistd.h include on DOS & WINDOWS + * Disable chmod/chown/utime for mingw builds + * Add xxx->_xxx redirects on WINDOWS for filesystem funcs + * Add support for Windows in Travis + * Add PREFIX conformance, add option to only install main program by Eli Schwartz + * Don't strip binaries by default by Eli Schwartz + * Set the mandir to use $(PREFIX)/share/man by default by Eli Schwartz + * Do not set exit_code when an error is ignored by Petr Kubat + * Use default CFLAGS when using GNU make + * Fix typos in Makefile.def + * Tweak Changes style for better markdown integration + +- Update to version + * New homepage + * Switch to intmax_t for nlink_t fields when printing + * Make builds more reproducible by dropping datestamps + * Fix integer overflow in maxmaxcode computation by Jakub Wilk + * Don't leak file descriptor in error cases by Pavel Raiskup + * Drop 8.3 filename checks for old DOS/Windows + * Change signal ifdef logic to the signal names + * Fix -Werror=parentheses errors with newer compilers + * Define LSTAT=1 in modern builds by default + * Change pathnames to be dynamic to avoid hardcoded 1k limit + * Add a standard -h (help) option + * Change version output to go to stdout + * Start a testsuite! + * Add support for -- to halt option parsing + * Add a uncompress(1) link to compress(1) +- Drop all upstreamed patches: + * ncompress-2GB.patch + * ncompress- + * ncompress- + * ncompress- + * ncompress-4.2.4-endians.patch + * ncompress-4.2.4-make.patch + +- Really use optflags + -- adapted for openSUSE build service - Sun Oct 01 2006 Jesse Keating 4.2.4 -- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21 - Tue Sep 19 2006 Peter Vrabec 4.2.4 -- fix endian problem (#207001) - Thu Aug 10 2006 Peter Vrabec 4.2.4 -- fix bss buffer underflow CVE-2006-1168 (#201919) - Fri Apr 21 2006 Peter Vrabec 4.2.4 -- fix problems with compressing zero-sized files (#189215, #189216) - Fri Feb 10 2006 Jesse Keating 4.2.4 -- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64) - Tue Feb 07 2006 Jesse Keating 4.2.4 -- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes - Thu Sep 22 2005 Peter Vrabec 4.2.4 -- compress zero-sized files when -f is used(#167615) - Tue Oct 05 2004 Than Ngo 4.2.4 -- permit files > 2GB to be compressed (#126775). - Thu Dec 12 2002 Tim Powers 4.2.4 -- rebuild on all arches - Wed Jun 19 2002 Trond Eivind Glomsrød 4.2.4 -- Don't strip when installing - Mon Nov 26 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød 4.2.4 -- Rebuild, to fix problem with broken man page (#56654) - Wed Nov 21 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød 4.2.4 -- Exit, don't segfault, when given too long filenames - Sat Jun 09 2001 Florian La Roche 4.2.4 -- s390x change - Tue May 8 2001 Trond Eivind Glomsrød -- Make it support large files (structs, stats, opens and of course: - _don't use signed longs for file size before and after compression_.) - This should fix #39470 - Thu Apr 26 2001 Florian La Roche -- add s390x, patch from Oliver Paukstadt - Mon Nov 13 2000 Oliver Paukstadt -- add s390 to the bigendian arch list - Thu Aug 17 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrød -- change category to Applications/File, to match - gzip and bzip2 -- rename the spec file to ncompress.spec -- add ppc to the bigendian arch list - Tue Jun 13 2000 Trond Eivind Glomsrød -- update URL -- use %%{_mandir} - Wed May 5 2000 Bill Nottingham -- fix build for ia64 - Mon Feb 7 2000 Bill Nottingham -- handle compressed manpages - Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton -- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 14) - Thu Aug 13 1998 Jeff Johnson -- build root - Mon Apr 27 1998 Prospector System -- translations modified for de, fr, tr - Wed Oct 21 1997 Cristian Gafton -- fixed the spec file - Mon Jun 02 1997 Erik Troan -- built against glibc - ndesk-dbus +- Update to version 0.6.1a + * Improve exception handling +- Fix self-obsoletes + ndppd +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_ndppd.service.patch + neard +- Update to release 0.17 + * Fix some memory leaks and double frees. + +- Drop ProtectClock hardening, can cause issues if other device acceess is needed + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_neard.service.patch + Modified: + * neard.service + +- update to 0.16: + * Added NDEF multi-record write support. + * Added ST Type5 tags support. + * Added nciattach tool for NCI UART configuration. + * Added support for NFC_CMD_ACTIVATE_TARGET. + * Added NDEF MIME payload exposure. + * Fixed Mifare Ultralight C issue. + * Fixed ACE starting logic. + * Fixed an NDEF segmentation fault. + * Fixed nfctool -d command line option handling. + * Fixed several secure elements related bugs. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libudev) instead of libudev-devel: allow + OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- add %doc AUTHORS COPYING ChangeLog README - -- Remove Unnecessary BuildRequires: systemd and systemd-devel. - -- Clean empty %post.(bnc#837978) -- Add 'send_destination' to org.neard.conf.(bnc#837978) -- Add 'ACTION=="add"' for udev rule.(bnc#837978) - -- use --prefix=%_prefix, kill the %clean section. kill has_systemd. - (bnc#837978) -- add udev rules to enable this service by systemd. -- remove systemctl from %post. - -- license update: GPL-2.0 - majority of files have GPL-2.0 (only) license - neko +- Update to neko 2.3.0. + * Added socket_set_broadcast function. + * Fixed sha1_update. + * Fixed 0x7F detection in utf8 functions. + * Changed date_get_tz to take an argument (a timestamp), + and to return minutes instead of seconds. + * Added date_utc_format, date_get_utc_day, and + date_get_utc_hours - all variants of existing functions, but + using gmtime_r instead of localtime_r. + nemesis +- Update to version 1.8 + Changes + * Add automatic IP multicast group to MAC multicast address + translation + * Improved usability for composing IGMPv3 reports: + + Default to for IGMPv3 report type + + Add -n NUM to control number of group records + Fixes + * Fix IGMP v2 join example in README + * Fix logic for printing DNS protocol: TCP/UDP + * Fix #12: allow as RIP address + * Fix #13: multiple definitions of variables + +- Update to version 1.7 + Changes + * Convert all man pages to mdoc format + Fixes + * Fix #6: Skip sleep/delay when sending only one frame, + i.e. default + * Fix #9: Call correct exit function in nemesis-dhcp + * Fix missing S: to getopt() in nemesis-dhcp + * Fix network byte ordering problem with CIADDR, YIADDR, SIADDR, + and GIADDR in nemesis-dhcp + * Fix command line parsing of client MAC address, Ethernet + source MAC address, and Ethernet destination MAC address in + nemesis-dhcp + * Fix missing newline in nemesis-dhcp usage text + * Fix invalid call to close(), found by Valgrind + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + nemiver +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Add nemiver-fix-desktopfile-syntax.patch, fix broken syntax in - .desktop file. - -- Update to version 0.9.4: - + Added search keywords to .desktop file. - + Fix well form-ness of gl.po. - + Fix help browser launching. - + Ensure workbench body is shown. - + Added a README.release.txt file. - + Various code cleanups. - + Use new documentation infrastructure. - + Bugs fixed: bgo#689338, bgo#689458, bgo#684046, bgo#670439, - bgo#689575. - + Updated translations. -- Replace gnome-doc-utils-devel BuildRequires with yelp-tools, - following upstreams port to the new documentation infrastructure. -- Drop obsolete --disable-scrollkeeper configure parameter. - neofetch +- Update to 7.1.0: + * [distro] added support for latest macOS. + * [distro] added automatic detection for Ubuntu flavours. + * [uptime] fixed seconds on Linux. + * [desktop environment] enabled version output by default. + * [distro] now displays whether -current or -release when OpenBSD is detected. + * [distro] added support for OpenStage Linux. + * [theme] change gtk3 config order. + * [distro] split AOSC into OS and OS/Retro. + * [distro] added support for openmamba + * [general] added support for OIL shell. + * [distro] added support for Alter Linux + * [distro] added support for Serene Linux + * [window manager] added support for xmonad. + * [packages] sped up guix. + * [shell] added es shell support. + * [distro] added support for OS Elbrus. + * [distro] added support for sambabox. + * [disk] fixed bug with disk entries and spaces in filenames. + * [resolution] multi-monitor Windows support. + * [distro] added support for Venom Linux. + * [song] added playerctl support. + * [general] updated iOS device information. + * [distro] added support for Hash Linux. + * [distro] added support for Garuda Linux. + * [window manager] added support for x11fs. + * [song] added Tauon Music Box support. + * [distro] added support for DarkOS. + * [song] added support for Olivia player. + * [distro] added support for ITX. + * [resolution] fixed output when monitor connected but turned off. + * [ascii] added logo for Ubuntu Cinnamon. + * [distro] added support for OpenEuler. + * [terminal] added support for Windows terminal. + * [memory] added support for changing output unit (kb, mb, gb). + * [wallpaper] added LXQT support. + +- Update to 7.0.0: + * Start of Neofetch code cleanup. + * ASCII: Added various new small logos. + * ASCII: Added various small logos from pfetch. + * ASCII: New Linux Mint logo. + * window manager: Fixed bugs in window manager detection. + * window manager: Added KWin Wayland detection. + * window manager: Added GNOME Wayland detection. + * desktop environment: Added support for showing DE version. + * desktop environment: Added Regolith linux support. + * image display: Fixed terminal size detection issues. + * terminal font: Added font detection for ConEmu. + * terminal font: Konsole fixes. + * uptime: Fixed Haiku uptime detection. + * song: Added support for Muine player. + * song: Added support for Elementary music player. + * song: Various fixes. + * theme: Fixed Plasma issues. + * theme: Fixed Openbox issues. + * color blocks: Added option to position color blocks + horizontally. + * wallpaper: Added Plasma desktop support. + * disk: Added '--disk_subtitle none'. + * disk: Added '--disk_percent'. + * resolution: Added TTY support. + * resolution: Added naive Wayland support. + * title: Added --title_fqdn. + * CPU: AMD fixes. + * packages: Appimage support. + * shell: Fixed yash support. +- remove file from %files section of spec file + +- Update to 6.1.0: + OS: + * Added support for KISS Linux. + * Added support for Bonsai Linux. @mitchweaver + * Added support for Radix Linux. + ASCII: + * ascii: Fixed bug causing ascii files to not work. + * Fix big Puffy ascii logo. Charlène + * ASCII: Updated Artix ASCII with new logo. @konimex + * Add ascii art for Clear Linux. @chrisweeksnz + * new logo for Ataraxia Linux. @protonesso + * ASCII: Add fedora_small. @zyg812 + * Added a case for displaying the Ubuntu logo for i3buntu. @chrissxYT + * New Peppermint Logo. @Mark-Peppermint + * ascii: Fix void. + * update Red Hat with new 2019 logo. @infinitewarp + * ascii: Add back old redhat logo (--ascii_distro redhat_old). + * ASCII: Added Feren OS. @konimex + * Linux: Update ASCII for Sailfish OS. @konimex + * Linux: Fix ASCII for Sailfish OS. @Michal-Szczepaniak + * Small tweak to the colours used for the Feren OS Logo. @feren + Images: + * general: fix image sizing in VTE terminals. + * general: Fix issue with URxvt and no internal border. + * display_image: Allow Chafa backend to stretch image to desired size. @hpjansson + Terminal: + * term_font [kitty]: Fix bug with empty config. + * term_font: fix issue with konsole font detection. Michael Straube + * Robuster kitty font parsing. @SibrenVasse + * term_font: Fix crash when parsing Xresources. + * kitty font parsing where font name has whitespaces. @lebensterben + * term: Fix wrapper scripts in NixOS. Thanks Tdeo. + Memory: + * Memory [AIX]: Detect memory based on pages (like Solaris) for more accuracy. @konimex + CPU: + * CPU [Linux/ARM]: Use Hardware field directly. @konimex + GPU: + * Properly work with multiple GPUs. @lebensterben + * Fix GPU parsing. + Packages: + * Set nullglob for package counting. @14mRh4X0r + * packages: Check brew on Linux. @dawidd6 + Theme: + * WM Theme: update for Mojave. @iandrewt + * Handle ${GTK2_RC_FILES} with multiple values. @edward-p + * use "$GTK2_RC_FILES". @edward-p + Song: + * song: add strawberry player. Michael Straube + * song: Added support for plasma-browser-integration. + * song: add gogglesmm. Michael Straube + * song: add xnoise. Michael Straube + IP: + * Retrieve public IP info via drill. @vaygr + Shell: + * support other versions of ksh. @mitchweaver + netcdf:gnu-openmpi2-hpc +- Fix: + * CVE-2019-20007 + * CVE-2019-20006 + * CVE-2019-20201 + * CVE-2019-20202 + * CVE-2019-20199 + * CVE-2019-20200 + * CVE-2019-20198 + * CVE-2021-26221 + * CVE-2021-26222 + * CVE-2021-30485 + * CVE-2021-31229 + * CVE-2021-31347 & + * CVE-2021-31348 + * CVE-2021-31598 + (bsc#1191856) + Note: + * CVE-2021-26220 + not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. + * CVE-2019-20005 + Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. + Added: + * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch + netcdf:openmpi2 +- Fix: + * CVE-2019-20007 + * CVE-2019-20006 + * CVE-2019-20201 + * CVE-2019-20202 + * CVE-2019-20199 + * CVE-2019-20200 + * CVE-2019-20198 + * CVE-2021-26221 + * CVE-2021-26222 + * CVE-2021-30485 + * CVE-2021-31229 + * CVE-2021-31347 & + * CVE-2021-31348 + * CVE-2021-31598 + (bsc#1191856) + Note: + * CVE-2021-26220 + not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. + * CVE-2019-20005 + Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. + Added: + * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch + netcdf:openmpi3 +- Fix: + * CVE-2019-20007 + * CVE-2019-20006 + * CVE-2019-20201 + * CVE-2019-20202 + * CVE-2019-20199 + * CVE-2019-20200 + * CVE-2019-20198 + * CVE-2021-26221 + * CVE-2021-26222 + * CVE-2021-30485 + * CVE-2021-31229 + * CVE-2021-31347 & + * CVE-2021-31348 + * CVE-2021-31598 + (bsc#1191856) + Note: + * CVE-2021-26220 + not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. + * CVE-2019-20005 + Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. + Added: + * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch + netcdf:openmpi4 +- Fix: + * CVE-2019-20007 + * CVE-2019-20006 + * CVE-2019-20201 + * CVE-2019-20202 + * CVE-2019-20199 + * CVE-2019-20200 + * CVE-2019-20198 + * CVE-2021-26221 + * CVE-2021-26222 + * CVE-2021-30485 + * CVE-2021-31229 + * CVE-2021-31347 & + * CVE-2021-31348 + * CVE-2021-31598 + (bsc#1191856) + Note: + * CVE-2021-26220 + not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. + * CVE-2019-20005 + Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. + Added: + * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch + netcdf:serial +- Fix: + * CVE-2019-20007 + * CVE-2019-20006 + * CVE-2019-20201 + * CVE-2019-20202 + * CVE-2019-20199 + * CVE-2019-20200 + * CVE-2019-20198 + * CVE-2021-26221 + * CVE-2021-26222 + * CVE-2021-30485 + * CVE-2021-31229 + * CVE-2021-31347 & + * CVE-2021-31348 + * CVE-2021-31598 + (bsc#1191856) + Note: + * CVE-2021-26220 + not relevant for netcdf: code isn't used. + * CVE-2019-20005 + Issue cannot be reproduced and no patch is available upstream. + Added: + * Fix-CVE-2021-30485-bug-25.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31229-bug-26-CVE-2019-20201-bug-16-CVE-2019-20198-bug-20.patch + * Fix-CVE-2021-31347-bug-27.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20006-CVE-2019-20202-CVE-2021-31598-ezxml-bug-15-17-28.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20007-ezxml-bug-13.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20199-ezxml-bug-18.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2019-20200-ezxml-bug-19.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26221-ezxml-bug-21.patch + * Fix-for-CVE-2021-26222-ezxml-bug-22.patch + netdata +- Fix build on s390x + (Adding s390x to ifnarch statement for xenstat in spec file) + +- Update to 1.31.0 (go.d.plugin 0.29.0) + The v1.31.0 release of Netdata comes with re-packaged and + redesigned elements of the dashboard to help you focus on your + metrics, even more Linux kernel insights via eBPF, on-node machine + learning to help you find anomalies, and much more. + This release contains 10 new collectors, 54 improvements (7 in the + dashboard), 31 documentation updates, and 29 bug fixes. + At a glance + We re-packaged and redesigned portions of the dashboard to improve + the overall experience. Part of this effort is better handling of + dashboard code during installation—anyone using third-party + packages (such as the Netdata Homebrew formula) will start seeing + new features and the new designs starting today. The timeframe + picker has moved to the top panel, and just to its right are two + counters with live CRITICAL and WARNING alarm statuses for your + node. Click on either of these two open the alarms modal. + We've also pushed a number of powerful new collectors, including + directory cache monitoring via eBPF. By monitoring directory cache, + developers and SREs alike can find opportunities to optimize memory + usage and reduce disk-intensive operations. + Our new Z-scores and changefinder collectors use machine learning + to let you know, at a glance, when key metrics start to behave + oddly. We'd love to get feedback on these sophisticated, subjective + new brand of collectors! + Improvements + * Automatically trigger Helmchart PR on Agent release. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11084) + * Implement ACLK env endpoint. (gh#netdata/netdata#10833) + * Implement new HTTPS client for ACLK. (gh#netdata/netdata#10805) + * Update ACLK passwd endpoint to match specifications of the new + architecture. (gh#netdata/netdata#10859) + * Implement ACLK new backoff (TBEB) architecture. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10941) + * Add functionality to store node_id for a host. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11059) + * Remove version negotiation from ACLK-NG. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10980) + * Persist claim IDs in local database for parent and children. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10993) + * Provide more agent analytics to PostHog. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11020) + * Reduce logging when sending agent analytics. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11091) + * Remove error message on Netdata restart. + (gh#netdata/netdata#8685) + * Add a timeout when sending anonymous statistics using curl. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11010) + * Improve dash-example.html. (gh#netdata/netdata#10870) + * Add host_cloud_enabled attribute to analytics. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11100) + Dashboard + * Bundle the react dashboard code into the agent repo directly. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11139) + * Add dashboard info strings for systemdunits collector. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10904) + * Update dashboard version to v2.17.0. (gh#netdata/netdata#10856) + + Top bar, side panel and overall navigation has been + redesigned. + + Top bar now includes a light bulb icon with news/features and + the number of CRITICAL or WARNING alarms. + + Documentation and settings buttons moved to the sidebar. + + Improved rendering of sign in/sign up option button along + with an operational status option (under user settings). + + In the left panel, nodes show a status badge and are now + searchable if there are more than 4. + Health + * Improvements + + Add charts configuration option to templates. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11054) + + Add new attributes to health configuration files. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10961) + + Add inconsistent state to the mysql_galera_cluster_state + alarm. (gh#netdata/netdata#10945) + + Add systemdunits collector alarms. (gh#netdata/netdata#10906) + + Use average instead of sum in VerneMQ alarms. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11037) + + Check configuration for CUSTOM and MSTEAM. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11113) + + Reduce alarms notifications dump logging. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11116) + * Bug fixes + + Add synchronization.conf to the Makefile. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10907) + + Fix Microsoft Teams naming. (gh#netdata/netdata#9905) + Collectors + * New + + Add a chart for out of memory kills. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10880) + + Add a chart with Netdata uptime. (gh#netdata/netdata#10997) + + Add a module for ZFS pool state. (gh#netdata/netdata#11071) + + Add a plugin for the system clock synchronization state. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10895) + + Add new charts for extended disk metrics. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10939) + + Add support for renaming libvirtd LXC containers. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11006) + + Add a metric for Percpu memory. (gh#netdata/netdata#10964) + + Add an eBPF directory cache collector. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10855) + + Add a Z-scores python collector. (gh#netdata/netdata#10673) + + Add changefinder python collector. (gh#netdata/netdata#10672) + * Improvements + + Remove dots in cgroup IDs. (gh#netdata/netdata#11050) + + Add support for attribute 249 (NAND Writes 1GiB) to the + smartd_log module. (gh#netdata/netdata#10872) + + Add RAID level to the mdstat collector chart families. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11024) + + Update fping version. (gh#netdata/netdata#10977) + + Add plugin and module names to the python.d.plugin runtime + charts. (gh#netdata/netdata#11007) + + Move global stats to a separate thread. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10991) + + Add memory size adjustments for eBPF hash tables. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10962) + + Add improvements to anomalies collector. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11003) + + Add support for loading of kprobe names in the eBPF plugin. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11034) + + Don't repeat the cgroup discovery cleanup info message. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11101) + + Change ACLK statistics charts units from kB/s to KiB/s. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11103) + * Bug fixes + + Fix the detection of cgroups v2 by checking the version of + the default cgroup mountpoint. (gh#netdata/netdata#11102) + + Fix eBPF cachestat chart type. (gh#netdata/netdata#11074) + + Fix gaps in eBPF cachestat charts. (gh#netdata/netdata#10972) + + Fix detection of opensipsctl executable. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10978) + + Fix network interfaces detection when using virsh. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11096) + + Fix eBPF plugin crash during shutdown. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10957) + Exporting + * Improvements + + Allow the remote write configuration to have multiple + destinations (gh#netdata/netdata#11005) + * Bug fixes + + Fix backend chart filtering backward compatibility. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11002) + Bug fixes + * Reduce the number of ACLK chart updates during chart + obsoletion. (gh#netdata/netdata#11133) + * Fix SSL random failures when using multithreaded web server + with OpenSSL < 1.1.0. (gh#netdata/netdata#11089) + * Fix storing an NULL claim ID on a parent node. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11036) + * Prevent MQTT connection attempt on OTP failure. + (gh#netdata/netdata#10839) + * Rename struct fields from class to classification. + (gh#netdata/netdata#11019) + * Fix spelling mistakes in various components: + + aclk (gh#netdata/netdata#10910) + + build (gh#netdata/netdata#10909) + + collectors (gh#netdata/netdata#10912) + + daemon (gh#netdata/netdata#10913) + + database (gh#netdata/netdata#10914) + + exporting (gh#netdata/netdata#10915) + + libnetdata (gh#netdata/netdata#10917) + + health (gh#netdata/netdata#10916) + + streaming (gh#netdata/netdata#10919) + + tests (gh#netdata/netdata#10920) + + backend (gh#netdata/netdata#10911) + + bidirectional (gh#netdata/netdata#10918) + + HTTP API (gh#netdata/netdata#10921) + + web (gh#netdata/netdata#10922) + +- Update to 1.30.0 (go.d.plugin 0.28.1) + The v1.30.0 release of Netdata completely replaces Google + Analytics/GTM for product telemetry (disabled by default in + openSUSE). We're also releasing the first changes in an upcoming + overhaul to both our dashboard UI/UX and the suite of preconfigured + alarms that comes with every installation. + v1.30.0 contains 3 new collectors, 3 enhancements to notifications + method, 38 improvements (13 in the dashboard), 16 documentation + updates, and 17 bug fixes. + At a glance + The ACLK-NG is a much faster method of securely connecting a node + to Netdata Cloud. In addition, there are no external dependencies + to our custom libmosquitto and libwebsockets libraries, which means + there's no more need to build these during installation. + We replaced Google Analytics/GTM, which we used for collecting + product telemetry, with a self-hosted instance of the open-source + PostHog project. When sending statistics to PostHog, any fields + that might contain identifiable information, such as an IP address + or URL, are hardcoded. If you previously opted-out of anonymous + statistics, this migration does not change your existing settings. + Improvements + * Add check for children connecting to a parent agent with an + unsupported memory mode. + * Add lock check to avoid shutdown when compiled with internal + and locking checks. + * Update chart's metadata in database when it already exists + during creation. + * ACLK separate HTTPS client. + * Add new ACLK implementation (ACLK-NG). + * Add CPU statistics per ALCK query thread. + * Add _aclk_impl label to the /api/v1/info endpoint. + * Add a new chart parameter to the /api/v1/alarm_log endpoint. + * Add data query support for archived charts. + * Add HTTP cookie (SameSite, Secure). + * Add statistics per Cloud query type. + * Add support for changing the number of pages per database + engine extent. + * Add the ability to store chart labels in the database. + * Enable metadata persistence in all memory modes. + * Increase curl connect-timeout and decrease number of claim + attempts. + * Increase the ACLK exponential backoff randomness. + * Log ACLK Cloud commands to access.log. + * Remove an unused function warning in legacy version of the + ACLK. + * Remove unreachable #else directives in plugins. + * Rename struct avl to avl_element and the typedef to avl_t. + * Replace Google Analytics with PostHog for backend telemetry + events. + * Skip C++ incompatible header in main libnetdata header. + * Try to keep all pages from extents read from disk in the cache. + * Use a parameter name that is not a reserved keyword in C++. + * Use of out-of-line struct definitions. + Dashboard + * Add max value to the nvidia_smi.fan_speed gauge. + * Add state map to duplex and operstate charts. + * Add supervisord to dashboard_info.js. + * Fix broken external links. + * Make network state map syntax consistent in dashboard_info.js. + * Fix alarms log export. + * Persist relative timeframe. + * Allow multirow names in the replicated nodes list. + * Fix the date & time picker overlap. + * Update Font Awesome. + * Truncate long names. + * Update links: change to + Health + * Bug fixes + + Fix delaying CLEAR notifications when using the repeat + feature. + + Fix wrong count of entries in the alarm.log. + * Alarms + + Add wmi_ prefix to the wmi collector network alarms. + + Add collector prefix to the external collectors alarms. + + Apply adapter_raid alarms for every logical/physical device. + + Apply megacli alarms for every adapter/physical disk. + + Exclude cgroups network interfaces from packets dropped + alarms. + + Fix various alarms critical and warning thresholds + hysteresis. + + Improve alarms info fields. + + Make VerneMQ alarms less sensitive. + + Make alarms less sensitive. + + Remove exporting_metrics_lost template. + + Remove ram_in_swap alarm. + + Use separate packets_dropped_ratio alarms for wireless + network interfaces. + * Notifications + + Add ability to change port number when using IRC notification + method. + + Add dump_methods parameter to + + Log an error if there is a failure during an email alarm + notification. + Collectors + * New + + Add monitoring of synchronization system calls to the eBPF + collector. + + Add monitoring of Linux page cache to the eBPF collector. + * Improvements + + Add k6.conf to the StatsD collector. + + Clean up the eBPF collector. + + Use working set for memory utilization in the cgroups + collector. + + Add new configuration parameters to the example Python + collector. + + Add carrier and MTU charts for network interfaces. + + Improve email, cron, and UPS groups in the apps.plugin + configuration. + + Add Wireguard to the vpn group in the apps.plugin + configuration. + + Add alarm values collection to the Python alarms collector. + + Add attribute 233 (Media Wearout Indicator (SSD)) collection + to the python smartd_log collector. + + Move network interface speed, duplex, and operstate variables + to charts. + + Update go.d.plugin version to v0.28.1. + + Add a noauthcodecheck workaround flag to the freeipmi + collector. + * Bug fixes + + Fix eBPF collector compatibility with kernels v5.11+. + + Fix disks identification in the diskstats collector. + + Fix the count of cpuset.cpus in the cgroups collector. + + Fix disk utilization and backlog charts in the diskstats + collector. + Exporting + * Bug fixes + + Fix adding duplicate _total suffixes for the Prometheus + collector. + Bug fixes + * Fix a typo in main.h. + * Fix a typo in backend_prometheus.c. + * Fix a typo in dashboard_info.js. + * Fix segfault due to misalignment between global and StatsD + memory modes. + * Fix zombie alarms for charts that are obsolete/removed. + * Fix a Coverity warning in the new MQTT library. + * Fix a parameter binding issue when storing chart names in the + database. + * Fix crash when executing data query with context and + non-existing chart_label_key. + * Fix claiming behind Squid proxy. + * Fix Coverity issue (CID 367566). + * Fix memory leak when archived data is requested. + * Fix clash with C++ standard definitions by changing abs to ABS. + +- Update to 1.29.3 + Release v1.29.3 is a patch release to improve the stability of the + Netdata Agent. + We discovered a bug that when proc.plugin attempts to collect the + operstate parameter for a virtual network interface. If the chart + is obsoleted, the Netdata Agent crashes. + This release also contains additional bug fixes and improvements. + Bug fixes + * Fix proc.plugin to invalidate RRDSETVAR pointers on obsoletion. + +- Update to 1.29.2 + Release v1.29.2 is a patch release to improve the stability of the + Netdata Agent. + We discovered that an improvement introduced in v1.29.0 could + inadvertently set all os_* host labels to unknown, which could + affect users who leverage these host labels to organize their + nodes, deploy health entities, or export metrics to external + time-series databases. This bug has been fixed. + This release also contains additional bug fixes and improvements. + Improvements + * Make the Opsgenie API URL configurable. + * Add k8s_cluster_id host label. + * Enable apps.plugin aggregation debug messages. + * Add configuration parameter to disable stock alarms. + * Add ACLK proxy setting as host label. + * Add freeswitch to apps_groups.conf. + * Simplify thread creation and remove unnecessary variables in + the eBPF plugin. + Bug fixes + * Fix the context filtering on the data query endpoint. + * Fix container/host detection in the script. + * Add a small delay to the ipv4_tcp_resets alarms. + * Fix collecting operstate for virtual network interfaces. + * Fix sendmail unrecognized option F error. + * Fix so that raw binary data should never be printed. + * Change KSM memory chart type to stacked. + * Allow the REMOVED alarm status via ACLK if the previous status + was WARN/CRIT. + * Reduce excessive logging in the ACLK. +- Changes in 1.29.1 + Release v1.29.1 is a hotfix release to address a crash in the + Netdata Agent. + A locking bug in one of the internal collectors in Netdata could + cause it to crash during shutdown in a way that would result in the + Netdata Agent taking an excessively long time to exit. + Bug fixes + * Fix crash during shutdown of cgroups internal plugin. + +- Update to 1.29.0 (go.d.plugin 0.27.0) + The v1.29.0 release of the Netdata Agent is a maintenance release + that brings incremental but necessary improvements that make your + monitoring experience more robust. We've pushed improvements and + bug fixes to the installation and update scripts, enriched our + library of collectors, and focused on fixing bugs reported by the + community. + At a glance + Netdata now collects and meaningfully organizes metrics from both + the Couchbase JSON document database and the nginx-module-vts + module for exposing metrics about NGINX virtual hosts. + We've also migrated more collectors from Python to Go in our + continued efforts to make data collection faster and more robust. + The newest effort includes our Redis, Pika, and Energi Core Wallet + collectors. + On the dashboard, we improved the responsiveness of panning forward + and backward through historical metrics data by preventing + unnecessary updates and reducing the number of calls. The charts + should also now immediately update when you stop panning. + Improvements + * Reduce the number of alarm updates on ACLK. + * Remove unused entries from structures. + * Improve the retry/backoff during claiming. + * Support multiple chart label keys in data queries. + * Truncate excessive information from titles for apps and + cgroups collectors. + * Use mguid instead of hostname in the ACLK collector list. + * Cleanup and minor fixes to eBPF collector. + * Add _is_k8s_node label to the host labels. + * Move ACLK into a legacy subfolder. + * Exclude autofs by default in the diskspace plugin. + * Mark internal functions as static in health code. + * Remove unused struct in health code. + * Add support for per series styling for dygraphs. + Dashboard + * Fix minor vulnerability alert by updating socket-io dependency. + * Fix dygraph panning responsiveness, chart heights and + performance improvements. + * Make legend position configurable. + Collectors + * Add Go version of the redis collector. + * Add Go version of the pika collector. + * Add Go version of the energis collector. + * Add a new nginxvts collector. + * Add a new couchbase collector. + * Add Traefik v2 to the prometheus collector default + configuration. + * Add an expected_prefix configuration option to the prometheus + collector. + * Add patterns support to the filecheck collector. + Bug fixes + * Fix container detection from systemd-detect-virt. + * Fix handling of TLS config so that cURL works in all cases. + * Fix disconnect message sent via ACLK on agent shutdown + * Fix prometheus remote write header + * Fix values in Prometheus export for metrics, collected by the + Prometheus collector + * Fix handling spaces in labels values in the Prometheus + collector + * Fix mysql.slave_status alarm for go mysql collector + * Make mdstat_mismatch_cnt alarm less strict + * Dispatch cgroup discovery into another thread + * Fix data source option for Prometheus web API in exporting + configuration + * Fix anomalies collector custom model bug + * Fix broken dbengine stress tests. + * Fix segmentation fault in the agent + * Fix memory allocation when computing standard deviation + * Fix temperature parsing in the hddtemp collector + * Fix postgres password bug and change default config + * Add handling "yes" and "no" and flexible space match in the + python.d/fail2ban plugin + * Fix spelling mistakes in the Python plugin and documentation. + +- Update to v1.28 + Release v1.28.0 is a hotfix release to address a deadlock in the + Netdata Agent. If the Agent-Cloud link (ACLK) connection drops and + the Agent fails to queue an on_connect message, it also fails to + properly release a lock in the web server thread. + +- Enable additional dependencies (gprc, json, libcurl, libelf, + libwebsockets, protobuf, snappy, xenstat, yajl) +- Update to v1.27.0 (go.d.plugin 0.26.2) + The v1.27.0 release of the Netdata Agent brings dramatic + improvements to long-term metrics storage via the database engine, + and new dashboard features like a time & date picker for + visualizing precise timeframes. Two new collectors bring incredible + new value to existing features, including a bit of machine learning + magic. + This release contains 8 new collectors, 1 new notification method + (2 others enhanced), 54 improvements, 41 documentation updates, and + 58 bug fixes. + Improvements + * Add labels for Kubernetes pods and containers. + * Add plugin and module health entities. + * Migrate the metadata log to SQLite. + * Add an extent cache to the database engine. + * Added new data query option allow_past. + Netdata Cloud + * Add the ability to query child nodes by their GUID. + * Add child availability messages to the ACLK. + * Add a metric showing how long a query spent in the queue. + * Completely hide the SSO iframe. + Collectors + * Add alarms obsoletion and disable alarms collector by default. + * Add calls for tcp_sendmsg, tcp_retransmit_skb, tcp_cleanup_rcv, + udp_sendmsg, udp_recvmsg functions charts to the eBPF + collector. + * Add two more insignificant warnings to suppress in anomalies + collector. + * Add the number of allocated/stored objects within each storage + to the varnish collector. + * Add a wireless statistics collector. + * Add support for MSE (Massive Storage Engine) to the varnish + collector. + * Remove remove crit from unmatched alarms in the web_log + collector. + * Add GPU key metrics (nvidia_smi collector) to + dashboard_info.js. + * Add allocated space metrics to the oracledb collector. + * Restructure the eBPF collector to improve usability. + * Add an anomaly detection collector. + * Add a Netdata alarms collector. + * Add a configuration option to exclude users with zero memory + allocated to the nvidia_smi collector. + * Add per queue charts to the rabbitmq collector. + * Add support for HBA drives to the hpssa collector. + * Update the cgroups collector default filtering by adding pod + level cgroups. + * Add a Go version of the CouchDB collector (couchdb). + * Add collecting HTTP method per URL pattern (url_pattern option) + to the web_log collector. + * Add custom time fields feature to the web_log collector. + * Add a Go version of the PowerDNS Authoritative Nameserver + collector (powerdns). + * Add a Go version of the PowerDNS Recursor collector + (powerdns_recursor). + * Add a Go version of the PowerDNS DNSdist collector (dnsdist). + * Add a Dnsmasq DNS Forwarder collector (dnsmasq). + * Add collecting directories size to the filecheck collector. + * Add old systemd versions support to the systemdunits collector. + * Add unmatched lines logging to the web_log collector. + Notifications + * Add API V2 support to the PagerDuty health integration. + * Add threads support to the Google Hangouts health integration. + * Add a Opsgenie health integration. + Exporting + * Add HTTP and HTTPS support to the simple exporting connector. + Packaging/installation + * Update React dashboard v2.11. + * Update go.d.plugin version to v0.26.2. + * Update eBPF collector to 0.4.9. + * Add ability to use system libwebsockets instead of bundled + version. + * Update the version of libJudy that we bundle to 1.0.5-netdata2. + Bug fixes + * Fix crash in the eBPF plugin by initializing variables. + * Fix sending chart definition on every data collection in alarms + collector. + * Fix a lock check. + * Fix issue with chart metadata sent multiple times over ACLK. + * Fix a buffer overflow when extracting information from a + streaming connection. + * Fix hostname configuration in the exporting engine. + * Fix units and data source exporting options. + * Fix exporting config. + * Fix health by disabling used_file_descriptors alarm. + * Fix GPU data filtering in the nvidia_smi collector. + * Fix username resolution in the nvidia_smi collector. + * Fix compilation with HTTPS disabled. + * Fix hostname when syslog is used in syslog health integration. + * Fix streaming buffer size. + * Fix database endless loop when cleaning obsolete charts. + * Disable chart obsoletion code for archived chart creation. + * Fix Prometheus remote write exporter so that it doesn't stop + when data is not available for dimension formatting. + * Fix memory calculation by moving shared from cached to used + dimension. + * Fix parsing in the libreswan collector. + * Fix an infinite loop in the statsd plugin + * Disregard host tags configuration pointer. + * Fix platform dependent printf format. + * Fix cgroups collector resolving container names in k8s. + * Fix python.d plugin runtime chart creation. + * Fix race condition in rrdset_first_entry_t() and + rrdset_last_entry_t(). + * Fix the data endpoint so that the context param is correctly + applied to children. + * Fix Coverity errors (CID 364045,364046). + * Fix the elasticsearch_last_collected alarm. + * Fix spelling error in xenstat.plugin. + * Fix chart filtering. + * Fix libnetdata headers to be compatible with C++. + * Fix registry responses to remove caching. + * Fix eBPF memory management. + * Fix overlapping memory issue. + * Fix response and upstream response time histogram charts in the + web_log collector. + * Fix logs timestamps always in UTC issue in the go.d.plugin + * Fix collecting slave status for MariaDB v10.2.0- in the mysql + collector + * Fix cumulative_stats configuration option in the unbound + collector + * Fix parsing configuration file (respect 'include-toplevel' + directive) in unbound collector + * Fix handling charts with >= 200 (netdata limit) in + go.d.plugin + * Fix parsing version query response in the mysql collector + * Fix Netsplits chart dimensions algorithm in the the vernemq + collector. + * Fix a typo in dashboard_info.js for VerneMQ. + +- Allow go plugin to build for Tumbleweed + +- Fix RPM file list +- Update to v1.26.0 (go.d.plugin 0.23.0): + Improvements + * Add the ability to send Agent alarm notifications to StackPulse + * Add a way to get build configuration info from the Agent + * Add chart for churn rates to python.d/rabbitmq + * Add failed dim to the connection_fails alarm in the Portcheck + alarm + * Improve the data query when using the context parameter + * Add a context parameter to the data endpoint + (Netdata Cloud) + * Change default ACLK query thread count + * Remove leading whitespace before JSON in ACLK + * Allow using libwebsockets without SOCKS5 + * Add information about Cloud disabled status to -W buildinfo + (Collectors) + * Update go.d.plugin version to v0.23.0 + + Add new filecheck collector + + Add new systemd unit state collector + + Add new ISC DHCP collector + (Dashboard) + * Add missing period in Netdata dashboard + Bug Fixes + * Fix systemd comment syntax + * Fix file descriptor leak in Infiniband collector (proc.plugin) + * Fix the data endpoint to prioritize chart over context if both + are present + * Fix cleanup of obsolete charts + * Fix build for the AWS Kinesis exporting connector + * Fix gauges for go.d.plugin/web_log collector + * Fix locking order to address CID_362348 + * Fix chart's last accessed time during context queries + * Fix resource leak in case of malformed request to Netdata Cloud + +- Move edit-config to libexeddir +- Fix conf.d path in edit-config + +- Fix building with go support on openSUSE 15.2 + +- Build with python3 +- Protect /etc/netdata as it contains sensitive data (passwords, secrets) + +- update to 1.25.0: + Improvements + * Add code to release memory used by the global GUID map (#9729, @stelfrag) + * Add check for spurious wakeups + Netdata Cloud + * Add v2 HTTP message with compression to ACLK (#9895, @underhood) + * Add version negotiation to ACLK (#9819, @underhood) + * Add claimed_id for child nodes streamed to their parents (#9804, @underhood) + * Update to enable Netdata Cloud support in macOS (#9360, @mrbrutti) + Collectors + * Update go.d.plugin version to v0.22.0 (#9898, @ilyam8) + * Add support for IP ranges to Python-based isc_dhcpd collector (#9755, @vsc55) + * Add Network viewer charts to ebpf.plugin (#9591, @thiagoftsm) + * Add collecting active processes limit on Linux systems (#9843, @Ancairon) + * Improve eBPF plugin by removing unnecessary debug messages (#9754, @thiagoftsm) + * Add CAP_SYS_CHROOT for netdata service to read LXD network interfaces (#9726, @vlvkobal) + * Add collecting maxmemory to python.d/redis (#9767, @ilyam8) + * Add option for multiple storage backends in python.d/varnish (#9668, @florianmagnin) + * Dashboard + * Update dashboard v1.4.2 (#9837, @jacekkolasa) + * Lots of documentation improvements and bug fixes + +- update to 1.24.0: + * The v1.24.0 release of the Netdata Agent brings enhancements to the breadth of metrics we collect with a new generic Prometheus/OpenMetrics collector and enhanced storage and querying with a new multi-host database mode. + * Add generic Prometheus/OpenMetrics collector (#9644, @ilyam8) + * Add locking between different collectors for the same application, implemented in different technologies (#9584, @vlvkobal), (#9564, @ilyam8) + * Implement multihost database (#9556, @stelfrag) + * Add alarms for FreeBSD interface errors (#8340, @lassebm) + * Many bugfixes, see + +- Update to v1.23.2: + * Fixed a buffer overrun vulnerability in Netdata's JSON parsing + code. This vulnerability could be used to crash Agents + remotely, and in some circumstances, could be used in an + arbitrary code execution (ACE) exploit. + Improvements: + * Add support for multiple ACLK query processing threads + * Add Infiniband monitoring to collector proc.plugin + * Change the HTTP method to make the IPFS collector compatible + with 0.5.0+ + * Add support for returning headers using python.d's UrlService + Bug fixes: + * Fix vulnerability in JSON parsing + * Fixed stored number accuracy + * Fix transition from archived to active charts not generating + alarms + * Fix PyMySQL library to respect my.cnf parameter + * Remove health from archived metrics + * Update exporting engine to read the prefix option from instance + config sections + * Fix display error in Swagger API documentation + * Wrap exporting engine header definitions in compilation + conditions + * Improve cgroups collector to autodetect unified cgroups + * Fix CMake build failing if ACLK is disabled + * Fix now_ms in charts.d collector to prevent tc-qos-helper + crashes + * Fix python.d crashes by adding a lock to stdout write function + * Fix an issue with random crashes when updating a chart's + metadata on the fly + * Fix ACLK protocol version always parsed as 0 + * Fix the check condition for chart name change + * Fix the exporting engine unit tests + * Fix a Coverity defect for resource leaks + +- update to v1.23.1: + - Lots of fixes and improvements, please see + - update go.d plugin to v0.19.2 + +- Update to v1.22.1: + Bug fixes: + - Fixed the latency issue on the ACLK and suppress the diagnostics. + - Restored old semantics of "netdata -W set" command. + - Removed check for old alarm status. +- Changes for v1.22.0: + Breaking Changes: + * The previous iteration of Netdata Cloud, accessible through + various Sign in and Nodes view (beta) buttons on the Agent + dashboard, is deprecated in favor of the new Cloud experience. + * Our old documentation site ( was replaced + with Netdata Learn. All existing backlinks redirect to the new + site. + * Our localization project is no longer actively maintained. + We're grateful for the hard work of its contributors. + Improvements: + * Netdata Cloud: + - Enabled support for Netdata Cloud. + - Added TTL headers to ACLK responses. + - Improved the thread exit fixes in #8750. + - Improved ACLK reconnection sequence. + - Improved ACLK memory management and shutdown sequence. + - Added session-id to ACLK using connect timestamp. + * Collectors: + - Improved the index size for the eBPF collector. + - Added health alarm templates for the whoisquery collector. + - Added a whoisquery collector. + - Removed an automatic restart of apps.plugin. + * Exporting: + - Enabled internal statistics for the exporting engine in the + Agent dashboard. + - Implemented a Prometheus exporter web API endpoint. + * Notifications: + - Added a certificate revocation alarm for the x509check + collector. + - Added the ability to send Agent alarm notifications to + Dynatrace. + * Other: + - Updated main copyright and links for the year 2020 in daemon + help output. + - Moved bind to to [web] section and update + to sync it with recent changes. + - Put old dashboard behind a prefix instead of using a script + to switch. + - Enabled the truthy rule in yamllint. + - Added Borg backup, Squeezebox servers, Hiawatha web server, + and Microsoft SQL to apps.plugin so that it can appropriately + group them by type of service. + * Bug fixes: + - Fixed mdstat failed devices alarm. + - Fixed rare race condition in old Cloud iframe. + - Removed no-clear-notification options from portcheck health + templates. + - Fixed old URLs to silence Netlify's mixed content warnings. + - Fixed master streaming fatal exits. + - Fixed email authentiation to Cloud/Nodes View. + - Fixed non-escaped characters in private registry URLs. + - Fixed crash when shutting down an Agent with the ACLK + disabled. + - Fixed status checks for UPS devices using the apcupsd + collector. + - Fixed alarm notification script by adding a check to the + Dynatrace notification method. + - Fixed threads_creation_rate chart context in the + python.d MySQL collector. + - Fixed sudo check in charts.d libreswan collector to prevent + daily security notices. + +- Update to v1.21.1: + Release v1.21.1 is a hotfix release to improve the performance of + the new React dashboard, which was merged and enabled by default in + v1.21.0. + The React dashboard shipped in v1.21.0 did not properly freeze + charts that were outside of the browser's viewport. If a user who + loaded many charts by scrolling through the dashboard, charts + outside of their browser's viewport continued updating. This excess + of chart updates caused all charts to update more slowly than every + second. + v1.21.1 includes improvements to the way the Netdata dashboard + freezes, maintains state, and restores charts as users scroll. + +- Update to v1.21.0 (go.d.plugin v0.18.0): + Improvements: + * Extended TLS support for 1.3. + * Switched to the React dashboard code as the default dashboard. + * Collectors: + - Added a new Pulsar collector. + - Added a new VerneMQ collector. + - Added high precision timer support for plugins such as + idlejitter. + - Added an alarm to the dns_query collector that detects DNS + query failure. + - Added the ability to get the pod name from cgroup with + kubectl in bare-metal deployments. + - Added the ability to connect to non-admin user IDs for a Ceph + storage cluster. + - Added connections (backend) usage to Postgres monitoring. + * Exporting: + - Added a MongoDB connector to the exporting engine. + - Added a Prometheus Remote Write connector to the exporting + engine. + - Added an AWS Kinesis connector to the exporting engine. + Bug fixes: + * Removed notifications from the dashboard and fixed the + /default.html route. + * Fixed help-tooltips styling, private registry node deletion, + and the right-hand sidebar "jumping" on document clicks. + * Fixed errors reported by Coverity. + * Fixed broken pipe ignoring in apps.plugin. + * Fixed the bytespersec chart context in the Python Apache + collector. + * Fixed charts.d.plugin to exit properly during Netdata + service restart + * Fixed minimist dependency vulnerability. + * Fixed how SimpleService truncates Python module names. + * Added proper prefix to Python module names during loading. + * Fixed the flushing error threshold with the database engine. + * Fixed memory leak for host labels streaming from slaves to + master. + * Fixed streaming scaling. + * Fixed missing characters in kernel version field by encoding + slave fields. + * Fixed Ceph collector to get osd_perf_infos in versions 14.2 + and higher. + * Removed extraneous commas from chart information in dashboard. + * Removed tmem collection from xenstat_plugin to allow Netdata + on Xen 4.13 to compile successfully. + * Restricted messages to Google Analytics. + * Fixed Python 3 dict access in OpenLDAP collector module. + +- Update to v1.20.0 (go.d.plugin v0.15.0) + Breaking Changes: + * Removed deprecated bash collectors apache, cpu_apps, cpufreq, + exim, hddtemp, load_average, mem_apps, mysql, nginx, phpfpm, + postfix, squid, tomcat. If you were still using one of these + collectors with custom configurations, you can find the new + collector that replaces it in the supported collectors list. + Improvements: + * Host labels: + + Added support for host labels + + Improved the monitored system information detection. + Added CPU freq & cores, RAM and disk space. + + Started distinguishing the monitored system's (host) + OS/Kernel etc. from those of the docker container's + + Started creating host labels from collected system info + + Started passing labels and container environment variables + via the streaming protocol + + Started sending host labels via exporting connectors + + Added label support to alarm definitions and started + recording them in alarm logs + + Added support for host labels to the API responses + + Added configurable host labels to netdata.conf + + Added kubernetes labels + * New collectors: + + eBPF kernel collector + + CockroachDB + + squidlog: squid access log parser + * Collector improvements: + + apps.plugin: Created dns group, improved database group, + improved ceph & samba groups + + varnish: Added SMF metrics (cache on disk) + + phpfpm: Fixed per process chart titles and readme + + python.d: Formatted the code in all modules + + node.d/snmp: - Added snmpv3 support, formatted the code in + snmp.node.js + + cgroups: Improved LXC monitoring by filtering out irrelevant + LXC cgroups + + litespeed: Added support for different .rtreport format + + proc.plugin: Added pressure stall information + + sensors: Improved collection logic + + proc: Started monitoring network interface speed, duplex, + operstate + + smartd_log: Fixed the setting in the reallocated sectors + count, by setting ATTR5 chart algorithm to absolute + + nvidia-smi: Allow executing nvidia-smi in normal instead of + loop mode + + wmi: collect logon metrics, collect logical_disk disk + latency metrics + + weblog: handle MKCOL, PROPFIND, MOVE, SEARCH http request + methods + + scaleio: storage pools and sdcs metrics + * Exporting engine: + + Implemented the main flow for the Exporting Engine + * Streaming: + + Add versioning to the streaming protocol + * Installation/Packages: + + Improved the systemd service files, by removing unecessary + ExecStartPre lines and moving global options to netdata.conf + * Privacy: + + Added support for opting out of telemetry via the + DO_NOT_TRACK environment variable (telemetry is disabled by + default on openSUSE) + * Other: + + Preparations for the next netdata cloud release. Added custom + libmosquitto, netdata-cli and other prerequisites. + + Applied linter fixes in shell scripts + + Started supporting -fno-common in CFLAGS + + Completely removed the unbound python collector (dead code) + + Added possibility to change badges' text font color + + Small updates to sample multi-host dashboard, dash.html + + Added missing quoting in shell scripts + + Bump handlebars from 4.2.0 to 4.5.3 + + Reduce log level for uv_thread_set_name_np from error to info + + Set standard name to non-libnetdata threads (libuv, pthread) + * Bug fixes: + + Fixed problems reported by Coverity for eBPF collector plugin + + Fixed invalid literal for float\(\): NN.NNt error in the + elasticsearch python plugin, by adding terabyte unit parsing + + Fixed timeout failing in docker containers which broke some + python.d collectors + + Fixed problem with the httpcheck python collector not being + able to check URLs with the POST method, by adding body to + the URLService. Also record the new options in httpcheck.conf + + Fixed dbengine repeated global flushing errors and collectors + being blocked, by dropping dirty dbengine pages if the disk + cannot keep up + + Fixed issue with alarm notifications occasionally ignoring + the configured severity filter when the ROLE was set to root + + Fixed Netlink Connection Tracker charts in the nfacct plugin + + Fixed metric values sent via remote write to Prometheus + backends, when using average/sum + + Fixed unclosed brackets in softnet alarm + + Fixed SEGFAULT when localhost initialization failed + + Reduced the number of broken pipe error log entries, + after a SIGKILL + + Fixed Coverity errors by restoring support for protobuf 3.0 + + Fixed inability to disable Prometheus remote API + + Fixed SEGFAULT from the cpuidle plugin + + Fixed samba collector not working, due to inability to run + sudo + + Fixed invalid css/js resource errors when URL for slave node + has no final / on streaming master + + Fixed keys_redis chart in the redis collector, by populating + keys at runtime + + Fixed UrlService bytes decoding and logger unicode encoding + in the python.d plugin + + Fixed a warning in the prometheus remote write backend + + Fixed not detecting more than one adapter in the hpssa + collector + + Fixed race conditions in dbengine + + Fixed race condition with the dbenging page cache descriptors + + Fixed dbengine dirty page flushing warning + + Fixed missing parenthesis on alarm softnet.conf + + Fixed "Master thread EXPORTING takes too long to exit. + Giving up" error, by cleaning up the main exporting engine + thread on exit + + Fixed rabbitmq error "update() unhandled exception: invalid + literal for int() with base 10" + + Fixed some LGTM alerts + + Fixed valgrind errors + + Fixed monit collector LGTM warnings + + Fixed the following go.d.plugin collector issues: + . mysql: panic in Cleanup (#326) + . unbound: gather metrics via unix socket (#319) + . logstash: pipelines chart (#317) + . unbound: configuration file parsing. + . Support include mechanism. (#298) + . logstash: pipelines metrics parsing (#293) + . phpfpm: processes metrics parsing (#297) + +- Also package go.d.plugin (v0.14.1) +- Update to v1.19.0 + Improvements: + * New collectors: + + AM2320 sensor collector plugin + + Added parsing of /proc/pagetypeinfo to provide metrics on + fragmentation of free memory pages + + The unbound collector module was completely rewritten, in Go + * Collector improvements: + + We rewrote our web log parser in Go, drastically improving + its flexibility and performance + + The Kubernetes kubelet collector now reads the service + account token and uses it for authorization. We also added a + new default job to collect metrics from + https://localhost:10250/metrics + + Added a new default job to the Kubernetes coredns collector + to collect metrics from + http://kube-dns.kube-system.svc.cluster.local:9153/metrics + + apps.plugin: Synced FRRouting daemons configuration with the + frr 7.2 release + + apps.plugin: Added process group for git-related processes + + apps.plugin: Added balena to the container-engines + application group + + web_log: Treat 401 Unauthorized requests as successful + + xenstat.plugin: Prepare for xen 4.13 by checking for check + xenstat_vbd_error presence + + mysql: Added galera cluster_status alarm + * Metrics database: + + Netdata generates alarms if the disk cannot keep up with + data collection + * Health: + + Fine tune various default alarm configurations + + Update SYN cookie alarm to be less aggressive + + Added support for IRC alarm notifications + Bug fixes: + * Prevented freezes due to isolated CPUs + * Fixed missing streaming when slave has SSL activated + * Fixed error 421 in IRC notifications, by removing a line break + from the message + * proc/pagetypeinfo collection could under particular + circumstances cause high CPU load. As a workaround, + we disabled pagetypeinfo by default + * Fixed incorrect memory allocation in proc plugin’s + pagetypeinfo collector + * Eliminated cached responses from the postgres collector + * rabbitmq: Fixed "disk_free": "disk_free_monitoring_disabled" + error + * Fixed Apache module not working with letsencrypt certificate + by allowing the python UrlService to skip tls_verify for http + scheme + * Fixed invalid spikes appearing in certain charts, by improving + the incremental counter reset/wraparound detection algorithm + * Fixed issue with unknown variables in alarm configuration + expressions always being evaluated to zero + * Fixed issue of automatically picking up Pi-hole stats from a + Pi-hole instance installed on another device by disabling the + default job that collects metrics from http://pi.hole + +- Update to v1.18.1 + Improvements: + * Disable slabinfo plugin by default to reduce the total number + of metrics collected + * Add dbengine RAM usage statistics + * Support Google Hangouts chat notifications + * Add CMocka unit tests + * Add prerequisites to enable automatic updates for installations + via the static binary ( + Bug fixes: + * Fix unbound collector timings: Convert recursion timings to + milliseconds. + * Fix unbound collector unhandled exceptions + * Fix megacli collector binary search and sudo check + * Fix Clang warnings + * Fix python.d error logging: change chart suppress msg level + from ERROR to INFO + * Fix freeipmi update frequency check: was warning that 5 was too + frequent and it was setting it to 5. + * Fix alarm configurations not getting loaded, via better + handling of chart names with special characters + * Don't write HTTP response 204 messages to the logs + * Fix build when CMocka isn't installed + * Prevent zombie processes when a child is re-parented to netdata + when its running in a container, by adding child process reaper +- Update to v1.18.0 + Improvements: + * Database engine: + + Make dbengine the default memory mode + + Increase dbengine default cache size + + Reduce overhead during write IO + + Detect deadlock in dbengine page cache + + Remove hard cap from page cache size to eliminate deadlocks. + * New collectors: + + SLAB cache mechanism + + Gearman worker statistics + + vCenter Server Appliance + + Zookeeper servers + + Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) nodes + * Collector improvements: + + rabbitmq: Add vhosts message metrics from /api/vhosts + + elasticsearch: collect metrics from _cat/indices + + mysql: collect galera cluster metrics + + Allow configuration of the python.d launch command from + netdata.conf + + x509check: smtp cert check support + + dnsmasq_dhcp: respect conf-dir,conf-file,dhcp-host options + + plugin: respect previously running jobs after plugin restart + + httpcheck: add current state duration chart + + springboot2: fix context + * Health: + + Enable alarm templates for chart dimensions + + Center the chart on the proper chart and time whenever an + alarm link is clicked + * Other: + + API: Include family into the allmetrics JSON response + + API: Add fixed width option to badges + + Allow hostnames in Access Control Lists + Bug fixes: + * Fix issue error in alarm notification script, when executed + without any arguments + * Fix Coverity warnings + * Fix dbengine consistency when a writer modifies a page + concurrently with a reader querying its metrics + * Fix memory leak on netdata exit + * Fix for missing boundary data points in certain cases + * Fix unhandled exception log warnings in the python.d collector + orchestrator start\_job + * Fix CORS errors when accessing the health management API, + by permitingt x-auth-token in Access-Control-Allow-Headers + * Fix misleading error log entries RRDSET: chart name 'XXX' on + host 'YYY' already exists, by changing the log level for + chart updates + * Properly resolve all Kubernetes container names + * Fix LGTM warnings + * Fix agent UI redirect loop during cloud sign-in + * Fix python.d.plugin bug in parsing configuration files with no + explicitly defined jobs + * Fix potential buffer overflow in the web server + * Fix netdata group deletion on linux for uninstall script + * Various cppcheck fixes + * Fix handling of illegal metric timestamps in database engine + * Fix a resource leak + * Fix rabbitmq collector error when no vhosts are available. + +- Update to v1.17.0 + Improvements: + * Database engine: + + Variable granularity support for data collection + + Added tips on the UI to encourage users to try the new DB + Engine, when they reach the end of their metrics history + * Health: + + Added support for plain text only email notifications + + Started showing “hidden†alarm variables in the responses of + the chart and data API calls + + Added a new API call for alarm status counters, as a first + step towards badges that will show the total number of alarms + * Security: + + Added configurable default locations for trusted CA + certificates + + Added safer way to get container names + + Added SSL connection support to the python mongodb collector + * New collectors: + + VSphere collector + * Archiving: + + Added a new MongoDB backend + * Other: + + Added apps grouping debug messages + + GCC warning and linting improvements + + Added global configuration option to show charts with zero + metrics + + Improved the way we parse HTTP requests, so we can avoid + issues from edge cases + * Bug fixes: + + Fixed sensor chips filtering in python sensors collector + + Fixed user and group names in apps.plugin when running in a + container, by mounting and reading /etc/passwd + + Fixed possible buffer overflow in the JSON parser used for + health notification silencers + + Fixed handling of corrupted DB files in dbengine, that could + cause netdata to not start properly + (CRC and I/O error handling) + + Fixed an issue with Netdata snapshots that could sometimes + cause a problem during import + + Fixed bug that would cause netdata to attempt to kill already + terminated threads again, on shutdown + + Fixed out of memory (12) errors by reimplementing the + myopen() function family + + Fixed wrong redirection of users signing in after clicking + Nodes + + Fixed python.d smartd collector increasing CPU usage + + Fixed mongodb python collector stock configuration mistake, + by changing password to pass + + Fixed handling of UTF8 characters in badges and added + International Support to the URL parser + + Fixed nodes menu sizing (responsive) + + Fixed issues with http redirection to https and streaming + encryption + + Fixed broken links to and in + dashboard_info.js + + Fixed bug with the nfacct plugin that resulted in missing + dimensions from the charts + + Stopped anonymous stats from trying to write a log under /tmp + + Properly delete obsolete dimensions for inactive disks in + smartd_log + + Fixed handling of disconnected sockets in unbound python.d + collector + + Fixed crash in malloc + + Fixed issue with mysql collector that resulted in showing + only a single slave_status chart, regardless of the number + of replication channels + + Fixed a segmentation fault in backends + + Fixed spigotmc plugin bugs + + Fixed dbengine 100% CPU usage due to corrupted transaction + payload handling + +- Update to v1.16.0 + Improvements: + * Health: + + Easily disable alarms, by persisting the silencers + configuration + + Repeating alarm notifications + + Simplified the health cmdapi tester - no setup/cleanup needed + + Αdd last_collected alarm to the x509check collector + + New alarm for abnormally high number of active processes. + * Security: + + SSL support in the web server and streaming/replication + + Support encrypted connections to OpenTSDB backends + * New collectors: + + Go.d collector modules for WMI, Dnsmasq DHCP leases + and Pihole + + Riak KV instances collector + + CPU performance statistics using Performance Monitoring Units + via the perf_event_open() system call. (perf plugin) + * Collector improvements: + + Handle different sensor IDs for the same element in the + freeipmi plugin + + Increase the cpu_limit chart precision in cgroup plugin + + Added userstats and deadlocks charts to the python mysql + collector + + Add perforce server process monitoring to the apps plugin + * Backends: + + Prometheus remote write backend + * DB engine improvements: + + Reduced memory requirements by 40-50% + + Reduced the number of pages needed to be stored and indexed + when using memory mode = dbengine, by adding empty page + detection + * Rebranding: + + Updated the netdata logo and changed links to point to the + new website + * Other: + + Pass the the cloud base url parameter to the notifications + mechanism, so that modifications to the configuration are + respected when creating the link to the alarm + + Improved logging, to be able to trace the + CRITICAL: main[main] SIGPIPE received. error + Bug fixes: + * Fixed ram_available alarm + * Stop monitoring /dev and /run in the disk space and inode + usage charts + * Fixed the monitoring of the “time†group of processes + * Fixed compilation error PERF_COUNT_HW_REF_CPU_CYCLES' + undeclared here in old Linux kernels (perf plugin) + * Fixed invalid XML page error (tomcat plugin) + * Remove obsolete monit metrics + * Fixed Failed to parse error in adaptec_raid + * Fixed cluster_health_nodes and cluster_stats_nodes charts in + the elasticsearch collector + * A modified slave chart's "name" was not properly transferred + to the master + * Netdata could run out of file descriptors when using the + new DB engine + * Fixed UI behavior when pressing the End key + * Fixed UI link to check the configuration file, + to open in a new tab + * Prevented Error: 'module' object has no attribute 'Retry' + messages from python collectors, by enforcing minimum version + check for the UrlService library + * Fixed typo that causes nfacct.plugin log messages to + incorrectly show freeipmi + * The daemon could get stuck during collection or during + shutdown, when using the new dbengine. Reduced new dbengine IO + utilization by forcing page alignment per dimension of chart. + * Properly handle timeouts/no response in dns_query_time + python collector + * When a collector restarted after having stopped for a long + time, the new dbengine would consume a lot of CPU resources. + * Fixed error Assertion old_state & PG_CACHE_DESCR_ALLOCATED' + failed` of the new dbengine. Eliminated a page cache descriptor + race condition + * tv.html failed to load the three left charts when accessed via + https. Turn tv.html links to https + * Change print level from error to info for messages about + clearing old files from the database + * Fixed warning regarding the x509check_last_collected_secs + alarms. Changed the template update frequency to 60s, to match + the chart’s update frequency + * Email notification header lines were not terminated with \r\n + as per the RFC + * Some log entries would not be caught by the python web_log + plugin. Fixed the regular expressions + * Corrected the date used in pushbullet notifications + * Fixed FATAL error when using the new dbengine with no direct + I/O support, by falling back to buffered I/O + * Fixed compatibility issues with varnish v4 (varnish collector) + * The total number of disks in mdstat.XX_disks chart was + displayed incorrectly. + Fixed the "inuse" and "down" disks stacking. + * The config option --disable-telemetry was being checked after + restarting netdata, which means that we would still send + anonymous statistics the first time netdata was started. + (NOTE: Telemetry is disabled by default on openSUSE.) + * Fixed apcupsd collector errors, by passing correct info to the + run function. + * apcupsd and libreswan were not enabled by default + * Fixed incorrect module name: energi to energid + * The nodes view did not work properly when a reverse proxy was + configured to access netdata via paths containing subpaths + (e.g. myserver/netdata) + * Fix error message PLUGINSD : cannot open plugins directory + * Corrected invalid links to web_log.conf that appear on the + agent UI + * Fixed ScaleIO collector endpoint paths + * Fixed web client timeout handling in the go.d plugin httpcheck + collector + +- Update to v1.15.0 + Bug Fixes: + * Prowl notifications were not being sent, unless another + notification method was also active + * Fix exception handling in the python.d plugin + * The node applications group did not include all node processes. + * The nvidia_smi collector displayed incorrect power usage + * The python.d plugin would sometimes hang, because it lacked + a connect timeout + * The mongodb collector raised errors due to various KeyErrors + * The smartd_log collector would show incorrect temperature + values + Improvements: + * Support for aggregate node view + * Database engine + * New collector modules: + + Go.d collectors for OpenVPN, the Tengine web server and + ScaleIO (VxFlex OS) instances + + Monitor disk access latency like ioping does + * Energi Core daemon monitoring, suits other Bitcoin forks + * Collector improvements: + + Add docker swarm manager metrics to the go.d docker_engine + collector + + Implement unified cgroup cpu limit + + python.d.plugin: Allow monitoring of HTTP(S) endpoints which + require POST data and make the UrlService more flexible + * Support the AWS Kinesis backend for long-term storage + * Add a new "text-only" chart renderer + * API Improvements: + + Smarter caching of API calls. Do not cache alarms and info + api calls and extend no-cache headers. + + Extend the api/v1/info call response with system and + collector information + + k6 script for API load testing + * Kubernetes helmchart improvements: + + Added the init container, where sysctl params could be + managed, to bypass the Cannot allocate memory issue + + Better startup/shutdown of slaves and reduced memory usage + with liveness/readiness probes and default memory mode none + + Added the option of overriding the default settings for + kubelet, kubeproxy and coredns collectors via values.yaml + + Make the use of persistent volumes optional, add apiVersion + to fix linting errors and correct the location of the env + field + +- Update to v1.14.0 + The release introduces major additions to Kubernetes monitoring, + with tens of new charts for Kubelet, kube-proxy and coredns + metrics, as well as significant improvements to the netdata + helm chart. + Two new collectors were added, to monitor Docker hub and Docker + engine metrics. + Finally, v1.14 adds support for version 2 cgroups, OpenLDAP + over TLS, NVIDIA SMI free and per process memory and configurable + syslog facilities. + Bug Fixes: + * Fixed problem autodetecting failed jobs in python.d plugin. + It now properly restarts jobs that are being rechecked, + as soon as they are able to run. + * CouchdDB monitoring would stop sometimes with an exception. + Fixed the unhandled exception causing the issue. + * The netdata api deliberately returned http error 400 when + netdata ran in memory mode none. Modified the behavior to + return responses, regardless of the memory mode + * The python.d plugin sometimes does not receive SIGTERM when + netdata exits, resulting in zombie processes. Added a heartbeat + so that the process can exit on SIGPIPE. + * The new SMS Server Tools notifications did not handle errors + well, resulting in cryptic error messages. + Improved error handling. + * Fix segmentation fault in streaming, when two dimensions had + similar names. + * Kubernetes Helm Chart: Fixed incorrect use of namespaces in + ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBinding RBAC fixes. + * Elastic search: The option to enable HTTPS was not included in + the config file, giving the erroneous impression that HTTPS was + not supported. The option was added. + * RocketChat notifications were not being sent properly. + Added default recipients for roles in the health alarm + notification configuration. + Improvements: + * go.d.plugin v0.4.0 : Docker Hub and k8s coredns collectors, + springboot2 URI filters support. + * go.d.plugin v0.3.1 : Add default job to run k8s_kubelet.conf, + k8s_kubeproxy, activemq modules + * go.d.plugin v0.3.0 : Docker engine, kubelet and kub-proxy + collectors. x509check module reading certs from file support + * Added unified cgroup support that includes v2 cgroups + * Disk stats: Added preferred disk id pattern, so that users can + see the id they prefer, when multiple ids appear for the same + device + * NVIDIA SMI: Added memory free and per process memory usage + charts to the collector + * OpenLDAP: Added TLS support, to allow monitoring of LDAPS. + * PHP-FPM: Add health check to raise alarms when the phpfm server + is unreachable + * PostgreSQL: Our configuration options to connect to a DB did + not support all possible option. Added option to connect to a + PostreSQL instance by defining a connection string (URI). + * python.d.plugin: There was no way to delete obsolete dimensions + in charts created by the python.d plugin. The plugin can now + delete dimension at runtime. + * netdata supports sending its logs to Syslog, but the facility + was hard-coded. We now support configurable Syslog facilities + in netdata.conf. + * Kubernetes Helm Chart improvements: + + Added serviceName in statefulset spec to align with the k8s + documentation + + Added preStart command to persist slave machine GUIDs, + so that pod deletion/addition during upgrades doesn't lose + the slave history. + + Disabled non-essential master netdata collector plugins to + avoid duplicate data + + Added preStop command to wait for netdata to exit gracefully + before removing the container + + Extended configuration file support to provide more control + from the helm command line + + Added option to disable Role-based access control + + Added liveness and readiness probes. + +- Update to v1.13.0 + netdata has taken the first step into the world of Kubernetes, + with a beta version of a Helm chart for deployment to a k8s + cluster and proper naming of the cgroup containers. + We have big plans for Kubernetes, so stay tuned! + A major refactoring of the python.d plugin has resulted in a + dramatic decrease of the required memory, making netdata even + more resource efficient. + We also added charts for IPC shared memory segments and total + memory used. + Improvements: + * Kubernetes: Helm chart and proper cgroup naming + * python.d.plugin: Reduce memory usage with separate process + for initial module checking and loaders cleanup + * IPC shared memory charts + * mysql module add ssl connection support + * FreeIPMI: Have the debug option apply the internal freeipmi + debug flags + * Prometheus backend: Support legacy metric names for source=avg + * Registry: Allow deleting the host we are looking at + * SpigotMC: Use regexes for parsing. + Bug Fixes: + * Postgres: fix connection issues + * Proxmox container: Fix cgroup naming and use total_* memory + counters for cgroups + * proc.plugin and plugins.d: Fix memory leaks + * SpigotMC: Fix UnicodeDecodeError and py2 compatibility fix + * Fix non-obsolete dimension deletion + * UI: Fix incorrect icon for the streaming master + * Docker container names: Retry renaming when a name is not found + * apps.plugin: Don't send zeroes for empty process groups + * go.d.plugin: Correct sha256sum check + * Unbound module: Documentation corrected with troubleshooting + section. + * Streaming: Prevent UI issues upon GUID duplication between + master and slave netdata instances + * Linux power supply module: Fix missing zero dimensions + * Minor fixes around plugin_directories initialization +- Update to v1.12.2 + Bug Fixes: + * Zombie processes exist after restart netdata - add heartbeat + to python.d plugin + * RocketChat notifications not working + * SIGSEGV crash during shutdown of tc plugin + * CMake warning for nfacct plugin + Improvements: + * Oracledb python module + * Show streamed servers even for users that are not signed in + +- Drop GPG signature (no longer used) +- Drop spec compatibility with old distro versions +- Drop netdata-automake-no-dist-xz.patch +- Refresh netdata-smartd-log-path.patch +- Update to v1.12.1 + Fixes: + * Fix SIGSEGV at startup: Don't free vars of charts that do not + exist #5455 + * Prevent invalid Linux power supply alarms during startup #5447 + * Correct duplicate flag enum in health.h #5441 + * Remove extra 'v' for netdata version from Server response + header #5440 and spec URL #5427 + * apcupsd - Treat ONBATT status the same as ONLINE #5435 + * Fix #5430 - LogService._get_raw_data under python3 fails on + undecodable data #5431 + * Correct version check in UI #5429 + * Fix ERROR 405: Cannot download charts index from server - + cpuidle handle newlines in names #5425 + * Fix clock_gettime() failures with the CLOCK_BOOTTIME argument + [#5415] + * Use netnsid for detecting cgroup networks; #5413 + * Python module sensors fix #5406 + * Fix for Python3 #5396 (GaetanF) + * Fix warning condition for mem.available #5353 + * cups.plugin: Support older versions #5350 + Improvements: + * Add driver-type option to the freeipmi plugin #5384 + * Add support of tera-byte size for Linux bcache. #5373 + * Split nfacct plugin into separate process #5361 + * Add cgroup cpu and memory limits and alarms #5172 + * Add message queue statistics #5115 +- Update to v1.12.0 + Key improvements: + * Introducing, the free netdata service for all + netdata users + * High performance plugins with go.d.plugin (data collection + orchestrator written in Go) + * 7 new data collectors and 11 rewrites of existing data + collectors for improved performance + * A new management API for all netdata servers + * Bind different functions of the netdata APIs to different ports + Management API: + Netdata now has a management API. We plan to provide a full set + of configuration commands using this API. + In this release, the management API supports disabling or + silencing alarms during maintenance periods. + For more information about the management API, check + + Anonymous statistics: + Anonymous usage information can be collected and sent to Google + Analytics. This functionality is disabled by default in openSUSE. + Remove /etc/netdata/.opt-out-from-anonymous-statistics to enable. + The statistics calculated from this information will be used for: + 1. Quality assurance, to help us understand if netdata behaves as + expected and help us identify repeating issues for certain + distributions or environment. + 2. Usage statistics, to help us focus on the parts of netdata + that are used the most, or help us identify the extend our + development decisions influence the community. + Information is sent to Netdata via two different channels: + * Google Tag Manager is used when an agent's dashboard is + accessed. + * The script is executed by the Netdata + daemon, when Netdata starts, stops cleanly, or fails. + Both methods are controlled via the same opt-out mechanism. + For more information, check + + Data collection: + This release introduces a new Go plugin orchestrator. + This plugin has its own github repo + ( It is open-source, + using the same license and we welcome contributions. + The orchestrator can also be used to build custom data collection + plugins written in Go. We have used the orchestrator to write + many new Go plugins in our go.d plugin github repo. + For more information, check + + New data collectors: + * Activemq (Go) + * Consul (Go) + * Lighttpd2 (Go) + * Solr (Go) + * Springboot2 (Go) + * mdstat - nonredundant arrays (C) + * CUPS printing system (C) + High performance versions of older data collectors: + * apache (Go) + * dns_query (Go) + * Freeradius (Go) + * Httpcheck (Go) + * Lighttpd (Go) + * Portcheck (Go) + * Nginx (Go) + * cpufreq (C) + * cpuidle (C) + * mdstat (C) + * power supply (C) + Other improved data collectors: + * Fix the python plugin clock (collectors falling behind). + * adaptec_raid: add to python.d.conf. + * apcupsd: Detect if UPS is online. + * apps: Fix process statistics collection for FreeBSD. + * apps: Properly lookup docker container name when running in ECS + * fail2ban: Add 'Restore Ban' action. + * go_expavar: Don't check for duplicate expvars. + * hddtemp: Don't use disk model as dim name. + * megacli: add to python.d.conf. + * nvidia_smi: handle N/A values. + * postgres: Fix integer out of range error on Postgres 11, + fix locks count. + * proc: Don't show zero charts for ZFS filesystem. + * proc; Fix cached memory calculation. + * sensors: Don't ignore 0 RPM fans on start. + * smartd_log: check() unhandled exception: list index out of + range. + * SNMP: Gracefully ignore the offset if the value is not a number + Health Monitoring: + * Add Prowl notifications for iOS users. + * Show count of active alarms per state in email notifications. + * Show evaluated expression and expression variable values in + email notifications. + * Improve support for slack recipients (channels/users). + * Custom notifications: Fix bug with alarm role recipients. + Dashboards: + * Server filtering in my-netdata menu when signed in to + + * All units are now IEC-compliant abbreviations (KiB, MiB etc.). + * GUI: Make entire row clickable in the registry menu showing + the list of servers. + Backends: + * Do not report stale metrics to prometheus. + Other: + * Treat DT_UNKNOWN files as regular files. + * API: Stricter rules for URL separators. +- Update to v1.11.1 + Improved internal database: + Overflown incremental values (counters) do not show a zero point + at the charts. Netdata detects the width (8bit, 16bit, 32bit, + 64bit) of each counter and properly calculates the delta when + the counter overflows. + The internal database format has been extended to support values + above 64bit. + New data collection plugins: + * openldap, to collect performance statistics from OpenLDAP + servers. + * tor, to collect traffic statistics from Tor. + * nvidia_smi to monitor NVIDIA GPUs. + Improved data collection plugins: + * BUG FIX: network interface names with colon (:) in them were + incorrectly parsed and resulted in faulty data collection + values. + * BUG FIX: smartd_log has been refactored, has better python v2 + compatibility, and now supports SCSI smart attributes + * cpufreq has been re-written in C - since this module if common, + we decided to convert to an internal plugin to lower the + pressure on the python ones. There are a few more that will be + transitioned to C in the next release. + * BUG FIX: sensors got some compatibility fixes and improved + handling for lm-sensors errors. + Health monitoring: + * BUG FIX: max network interface speed data collection was + faulty, which resulted in false-positive alarms on systems with + multiple interfaces using different speeds (the speed of the + first network interface was used for all network interfaces). + Now the interface speed is shown as a badge. + * notifications got a few improvements + * BUG FIX: conntrack_max alarm has been restored (was not working + due to an invalid variable name referenced) + Registry (my-netdata menu): + * It has been refactored a bit to reveal the URLs known for each + node and now it supports deleting individual URLs. +- Update to 1.11.0 + * Stock config files are now in /usr/lib/netdata; use the + /etc/netdata/edit-config script to copy and edit them. + * The query engine of netdata has been re-written to support + query plugins. We have already added the following algorithms + that are available for alarm, charts and badges: + + stddev, for calculating the standard deviation on any + time-frame. + + ses or ema or ewma, for calculating the exponential weighted + moving average, or single/simple exponential smoothing on + any time-frame. + + des, for calculating the double exponential smoothing on any + time-frame. + + cv or rsd, for calculating the coefficient of variation for + any time-frame. + Fixed security issues: + * CVE-2018-18836 Fixed JSON Header Injection (an attacker could + send \n encoded in the request to inject a JSON fragment into + the response). boo#1139094 + * CVE-2018-18837 Fixed HTTP Header Injection (an attacker could + send \n encoded in the request to inject an HTTP header into + the response). boo#1139095 + * CVE-2018-18838 Fixed LOG Injection (an attacker could send \n + encoded in the request to inject a log line at access.log). + boo#1139098 + * CVE-2018-18839 Not fixed Full Path Disclosure, since these are + intended (netdata reports the absolute filename of web files, + alarm config files and alarm handlers). + * Fixed Privilege Escalation by manipulating apps.plugin or + cgroup-network error handling. + * Fixed LOG injection (by sending URLs with \n in them). + New data collection modules: + * rethinkdbs for monitoring RethinkDB performance + * proxysql for monitoring ProxySQL performance + * litespeed for monitoring LiteSpeed web server performance. + * uwsgi for monitoring uWSGI performance + * unbound for monitoring the performance of Unbound DNS servers. + * powerdns for monitoring the performance of PowerDNS servers. + * dockerd for monitoring the health of dockerd + * puppet for monitoring Puppet Server and Puppet DB. + * logind for monitoring the number of active users. + * adaptec_raid and megacli for monitoring the relevant raid + controller + * spigotmc for monitoring minecraft server statistics + * boinc for monitoring Berkeley Open Infrastructure Network + Computing clients. + * w1sensor for monitoring multiple 1-Wire temperature sensors. + * monit for collecting process, host, filesystem, etc checks + from monit. + * linux_power_supplies for monitoring Linux Power Supplies + attributes + Data collection orchestrators changes: + * node.d.plugin does not use the js command any more. + * python.d.plugin now uses monotonic clocks. There was a + discrepancy in clocks used in netdata that resulted in a shift + in time of python module after some time (it was missing 1 sec + per day). + * added MySQLService for quickly adding plugins using mysql + queries. + * URLService now supports self-signed certificates and supports + custom client certificates. + * all python.d.plugin modules that require sudo to collect + metrics, are now disabled by default, to avoid security alarms + on installations that do not need them. + Improved data collection modules: + * apps.plugin now detects changes in process file descriptors, + also fixed a couple of memory leaks. Its default configuration + has been enriched significantly, especially for IoT. + * freeipmi.plugin now supports option ignore-status to ignore + the status reported by given sensors. + * statsd.plugin (for collecting custom APM metrics) + + The charting thread has been optimized for lowering its CPU + consumption when several millions of metrics are collected. + + sets now report zeros instead of gaps when no data are + collected + + histograms and timers have been optimized for lowering their + CPU consumption to support several thousands of such metrics + are collected. + + histograms had wrong sampling rate calculations. + + gauges now ignore sampling rate when no sign is included in + the value. + + the minimum sampling rate supported is now 0.001. + + netdata statsd is now drop-in replacement for datadog statsd + (although statsd tags are currently ignored by netdata). + * proc.plugin (Linux, system monitoring) + + Unused interrupts and softirqs are not used in charts + (this saves quite some processing power and memory on systems + with dozens of CPU cores). + + fixed /proc/net/snmp parsing of IcmpMsg lines that failed on + a few systems. + + Veritas Volume Manager disks are now recognized and named + accordingly. + + Now netdata collects TcpExtTCPReqQFullDrop and re-organizes + metrics in charts to properly monitor the TCP SYN queue and + the TCP Accept queue of the kernel. + + Many charts that were previously reported as IPv4, were + actually reflecting metrics for both IPv4 and IPv6. + They have been renamed to ip.*. + + netdata now monitors SCTP. + + Fixed BTRFS over BCACHE sector size detection. + + BCACHE data collection is now faster. + + /proc/interrupts and /proc/softirqs parsing fixes. + * diskspace.plugin (Linux, disk space usage monitoring) + + It does not stat() excluded mount points any more (it was + interfering with kerberos authenticated mount points). + + several filesystems are now by default excluded from + disk-space monitoring, to avoid breaking suspend on + workstations. + * python.d.plugin PYTHON modules (applications monitoring) + + web_log module now supports virtual hosts, reports http/https + metrics, support squid logs + + nginx_plus module now handles non-continuous peer IDs + + ipfs module is optimized, the use of its Pin API is now + disabled by default and can enabled with a netdata module + option (using the IPFS Pin API increases the load on the + IPFS server). + + fail2ban module now supports IPv6 too. + + ceph module now checks permissions and properly reports + issues + + elasticsearch module got better error handling + + nginx_plus module now uses upstream ip:port instead of + transient id to identify dimensions. + + redis, now it supports Pika, collects evited keys, fixes + authentication issues reported and improves exception + handling. + + beanstalk, bug fix for yaml config loading. + + mysql, the % of active connections is now monitored, + query types are also charted. + + varnish, now it supports versions above 5.0.0 + + couchdb + + phpfpm, now supports IPv6 too. + + apache, now supports IPv6 too. + + icecast + + mongodb, added support for connect URIs + + postgress + + elasticsearch, now it supports versions above 6.3.0, + fixed JSON parse errors + + mdstat , now collects mismatch_cnt + + openvpn_log + * node.d.plugin NODE.JS modules + + snmp was incorrectly parsing a new OID names as float. + * charts.d.plugin BASH modules + + nut now supports naming UPSes. + Health monitoring: + * Added variable $system.cpu.processors. + * Added alarms for detecting abnormally high load average. + * TCP SYN and TCP accept queue alarms, replacing the old softnet + dropped alarm that was too generic and reported many false + positives. + * system alarms are now enabled on FreeBSD. + * netdata now reads NIC speed and sets alarms on each interface + to detect congestion. + * Network alarms are now relaxed to avoid false positives. + * New bcache alarms. + * New mdstat alarms. + * New apcupsd alarms. + * New mysql alarms. + * New notification methods: + + + + Microsoft Teams + + syslog + + + + Amazon SNS + Backends: + * Host tags are now sent to Graphite + * Host variables are now sent to Prometheus + Streaming: + * Each netdata slave and proxy now filter the charts that are + streamed. This allows exposing netdata masters to third parties + by limiting the number of charts available at the master. + * Fixed a bug in streaming slaves that randomly prevented them + to resume streaming after network errors. + * Fixed a bug that on slaves that sent duplicated chart names + under certain conditions. + * Fixed a bug that caused slaves to consume 100% CPU (due to a + misplaced lock) when multiple threads were adding dimensions + on the same chart. + * The receiving nodes of streaming (netdata masters and proxies) + can now rate-limit the rate of inbound streaming requests + received. + * Re-worked time synchronization between netdata slaves and + masters. + API: + * Badges that report time, now show "undefined" instead of + "never". + Dashboard: + * Added UTC timezone to the list of available time-zones. + * The dashboard was sending some non-HTTP compliant characters + at the URLs that made netdata dashboards break when used under + certain proxies. + netdate +- Use more modern macros for building +- Do not rely on inaccessible source url anymore + -- compile with $RPM_OPT_FLAGS and -D_GNU_SOURCE -- fixed file list - netdiscover +- Update to version 0.8.1 + * Replaced deprecated function pcap_lookupdev + * Updated OUI table + +- Update to version 0.8: + * Changed PCAP_TOUT from 0 to 512 in src/ifaces.h, to avoid no + results whe scanning with CIDR /24 if netdiscover is being + built with libpcap >= 1.10. + +- Update minimal requirement for libnet +- Fix usage of hwdata oui + +- Update to version 0.7: + * Updated to 2.0 version. + * Updated manpage dates. + * Updated to be useful in macOS. + * Updated OUI table. + +- Update to version 0.6: + * Fix build with GCC 10. (Jaime Peñalba) + +- Update project url +- Drop no longer needed patches: + * netdiscover-fix-spelling-binary.patch + * netdiscover-fix-manpage.patch + * netdiscover-fix-makefile.patch + * netdiscover-update-oui.patch +- Update to version 0.5.1: + * Added an official repository notice in README. + * Added dates of releases in ChangeLog. + * Added some copyright notices. + * Several important fixes and improvements in manpage and help page. +- For changes for previous releses see provided Changelog + -- Modified for RedHat/Fedora - -- Correction of installation directories - -- Initial writing - netgen +- Exclude all 32bit archs, no longer supported upstream (fails to + build). + +- update to version 6.2.2101 + * no changelog provided +- Properly split package: libraries (as required by e.g FreeCAD), + python-bindings, examples and standalone GUI. +- Drop upstream fix_build.patch +- Replace 0001-Allow-compilation-on-archs-beyond-x86.patch + with -DUSE_NATIVE_ARCH=OFF +- Fix build: + * Add 0001-Disable-backtrace-generation.patch, do not call "nm" + or "addr2line" from library. + * Add 0001-Set-explicit-OBJECT-library-type-for-internal-togl.patch + * Add 0001-Throw-in-case-enum-value-is-unhandled.patch + * Disable -Wl,--no-undefined, libs have circular dependencies + * Add 0001-Fix-GetTimeCounter-for-Aarch64-variants.patch +- Enable Catch2 unittests, add + 0001-Optionally-use-system-provided-Catch2.patch + netsniff-ng +- Update to version 0.6.8 + * Bugfix release + * remove "CFLAGS+=-fcommon" + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + +- Update to version 0.6.7 + * trafgen: reset errno before calling sscanf in str2mac + * ifpps: fix iface stat parsing if interface name contains + uppercase characters + * mausezahn: fix display of missing argument error + * mausezahn: support -R to set packet priority + * netsniff-ng: handle various malformed packets in protocol + dissectors + netsurf-buildsystem +- Add patch to not expect which to be in /bin: + * hardcoded.patch + +- update to 1.9: + * openbsd support + * Enable sanitize target for new gccs and clang + * cope with Apple clang version + * Add support for INCLUDEDIR + * Fix Build/HOST confusion + * Fix quotation in case expansion for make selection + network-autoconfig +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars. +- Remove redundant %clean section. + +- Add systemd support + [bsc#1116057, network-autoconfig.service,] + nextcloud -- Update to 20.0.12 - * Fix boo#1190291 - - CVE-2021-32766 (CWE-209): Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information - - CVE-2021-32800 (CWE-306): Missing Authentication for Critical Function - - CVE-2021-32801 (CWE-532): Insertion of Sensitive Information into Log File - - CVE-2021-32802 (CWE-829): Inclusion of Functionality from Untrusted Control Sphere - * Changes - - Bump vue-router from 3.4.3 to 3.4.9 (server#27224) - - Bump v-click-outside from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (server#27232) - - Bump url-search-params-polyfill from 8.1.0 to 8.1.1 (server#27236) - - Bump debounce from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (server#27646) - - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (server#27701) - - Design fixes to app-settings button (server#27745) - - Reset checksum when writing files to object store (server#27754) - - Run s3 tests again (server#27804) - - Fix in locking cache check (server#27829) - - Bump dompurify from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 (server#27836) - - Make search popup usable on mobile, too (server#27858) - - Cache images on browser (server#27863) - - Fix dark theme on public link shares (server#27895) - - Make user status usable on mobile (server#27897) - - Do not escape display name in dashboard welcome text (server#27913) - - Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.31 to 0.5.33 (server#27924) - - Fix newfileMenu on public page (server#27941) - - Fix svg icons disapearing in app navigation when text overflows (server#27955) - - Bump bootstrap from 4.5.2 to 4.5.3 (server#27965) - - Show registered breadcrumb detail views in breadcrumb menu (server#27970) - - Fix regression in file sidebar (server#27976) - - Bump exports-loader from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 (server#27984) - - Bump @nextcloud/capabilities from 1.0.2 to 1.0.4 (server#27985) - - Bump @nextcloud/vue-dashboard from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 (server#27988) - - Improve notcreatable permissions hint (server#28006) - - Update CRL due to revoked twofactor_nextcloud_notification.crt (server#28018) - - Bump sass-loader from 10.0.2 to 10.0.5 (server#28032) - - Increase footer height for longer menus (server#28045) - - Mask password for Redis and RedisCluster on connection failure (server#28054) - - Fix missing theming for login button (server#28065) - - Fix overlapping of elements in certain views (server#28072) - - Disable HEIC image preview provider for performance concerns (server#28081) - - Improve provider check (server#28087) - - Sanitize more functions from the encryption app (server#28091) - - Hide download button for public preview of audio files (server#28096) - - L10n: HTTP in capital letters (server#28107) - - Fix dark theme in file exists dialog (server#28111) - - Let memory limit set in tests fit the used amount (server#28125) - - User management - Add icon to user groups (server#28172) - - Bump marked from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2 (server#28187) - - Fix variable override in file view (server#28191) - - Bump regenerator-runtime from 0.13.7 to 0.13.9 (server#28207) - - Bump url-loader from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 (server#28208) - - Fix Files breadcrumbs being hidden even if there is enough space (server#28224) - - Dont apply jail search filter is on the root (server#28241) - - Check that php was compiled with argon2 support or that the php-sodium extensions is installed (server#28289) - - Fix preference name when generating notifications (activity#603) - - Fix monochrome icon detection for correct dark mode invert (activity#607) - - Fix "Enable notification emails" (activity#613) - - Show add, del and restored files within by and self filter (activity#616) - - Link from app-navigation-settings to personal settings (activity#625) - - Fix pdfviewer design (files_pdfviewer#446) - - Include version number in firstrunwizard (firstrunwizard#570) - - Use notification main link if no parameter has a link (notifications#1040) - - Bump sass-loader from 10.1.0 to 10.1.1 (text#1360) - - Bump @babel/plugin-transform-runtime from 7.13.9 to 7.13.15 (text#1548) - - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.13.9 to 7.13.15 (text#1550) - - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.6 to 15.9.7 (text#1592) - - Unify error responses and add logging where appropriate (text#1719) - - Disable header timeout on mobile (viewer#978) - -- Update to 20.0.11 - - Fix boo#1188247 - CVE-2021-32678: OCS API response ratelimits are not applied - - Fix boo#1188248 - CVE-2021-32679: filenames where not escaped by default in controllers using DownloadResponse - - Fix boo#1188249 - CVE-2021-32680: share expiration date wasn't properly logged - - Fix boo#1188250 - CVE-2021-32688: lacking permission check with application specific tokens - - Fix boo#1188251 - CVE-2021-32703: lack of ratelimiting on the shareinfo endpoint - - Fix boo#1188252 - CVE-2021-32705: lack of ratelimiting on the public DAV endpoint - - Fix boo#1188253 - CVE-2021-32725: default share permissions were not being respected for federated reshares of files and folders - - Fix boo#1188254 - CVE-2021-32726: webauthn tokens were not deleted after a user has been deleted - - Fix boo#1188255 - CVE-2021-32734: possible full path disclosure on shared files - - Fix boo#1188256 - CVE-2021-32741: lack of ratelimiting on the public share link mount endpoint - - Bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (server#26900) - - Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (server#26909) - - Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (server#26920) - - Don't break OCC if an app is breaking in it's Application class (server#26954) - - Add bruteforce protection to the shareinfo endpoint (server#26956) - - Ignore readonly flag for directories (server#26965) - - Throttle MountPublicLinkController when share is not found (server#26971) - - Respect default share permissions for federated reshares (server#27001) - - Harden apptoken check (server#27014) - - Use parent wrapper to properly handle moves on the same source/target storage (server#27016) - - Fix error when using CORS with no auth credentials (server#27027) - - Fix return value of getStorageInfo when 'quota_include_external_storage' is enabled (server#27108) - - Bump patch dependencies (server#27183) - - Use noreply@ as email address for share emails (server#27209) - - Bump p-queue from 6.6.1 to 6.6.2 (server#27226) - - Bump browserslist from 4.14.0 to 4.16.6 (server#27247) - - Bump webpack from 4.44.1 to 4.44.2 (server#27297) - - Properly use limit and offset for search in Jail wrapper (server#27308) - - Make user:report command scale (server#27319) - - Properly log expiration date removal in audit log (server#27325) - - Propagate throttling on OCS response (server#27337) - - Set umask before operations that create local files (server#27349) - - Escape filename in Content-Disposition (server#27360) - - Don't update statuses to offline again and again (server#27412) - - Header must contain a colon (server#27456) - - Activate constraint check for oracle / pqsql also for 20 (server#27523) - - Only allow removing existing shares that would not be allowed due to reshare restrictions (server#27552) - - Bump ws from 7.3.1 to 7.5.0 (server#27570) - - Properly cleanup entries of WebAuthn on user deletion (server#27596) - - Throttle on public DAV endpoint (server#27617) - - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.3 to 15.9.7 (server#27639) - - Bump eslint-plugin-standard from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (server#27651) - - Validate the theming color also on CLI (server#27680) - - Downstream encryption:fix-encrypted-version for repairing bad signature errors (server#27728) - - Remove encodeURI code (files_pdfviewer#396) - - Only ask for permissions on HTTPS (notifications#998) - - Fix sorting if one of the file name is only composed with number (photos#785) - - Backport 20 fix Photos not shown in large browser windows #630 (#686) (photos#810) - - Update File.vue (photos#813) - - Update chart.js (serverinfo#309) - - Only return workspace property for top node in a propfind request (text#1611) - - ViewerComponent: pass on autofocus to EditorWrapper (text#1647) - - Use text/plain as content type for fetching the document (text#1692) - - Log exceptions that happen on unknown exception and return generic messages (text#1698) - - Add fixup (viewer#924) - - Fix: fullscreen for Firefox (viewer#929) +- Update to 23.0.0 + - No changelog from upstream at this time. + +- Update to 22.2.3 + - Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.33 to 0.5.34 (server#29658) + - Don't flash external storage mountpoints during the status check (server#29706) + - Bump doctrine/dbal to 3.1.4 (server#29717) + - Add composer patch (3rdparty#890) + - Bump doctrine/dbal to 3.1.4 (3rdparty#895) + +- Update to 22.2.2 + - Single fix that could cause significant performance degradation: + Fix missing token update #29682 + +- Update to 22.2.1 + - Ensure that user and group IDs in LDAP's tables are also max 64chars (server#28968) + - Fix Lots of Error: file_exists(): open_basedir restriction in effect.… (server#29016) + - Change output format of Psalm to Github (server#29046) + - Don't further setup disabled users when logging in with apache (server#29062) + - Allow "TwoFactor Nextcloud Notifications" to pull the state of the 2FA again (server#29066) + - Fix path of `file_get_contents` (server#29073) + - Do not transfer shares for deleted users (server#29078) + - Add a few sensitive config keys (server#29086) + - Update the certificate bundle (server#29096) + - Add button color variables (server#29113) + - Generate a better optimized query for path prefix search filters (server#29121) + - Set associative = true for cleanup job (server#29124) + - Keep pw based auth tokens valid when pw-less login happens (server#29129) + - Explicitly close source stream on local / encryption storage (server#29133) + - Properly handle folder deletion on external s3 storage (server#29160) + - Tokens without password should not trigger changed password invalidation (server#29162) + - Add 'supported'-label to all supported apps (server#29183) + - Keep group restrictions when reenabling apps after an update (server#29196) + - Fix translated app details (server#29207) + - Add documentation for files_no_background_scan (server#29217) + - Don't setup the filesystem to check for a favicon we don't use anyway (server#29221) + - Add proper message to created share not found (server#29225) + - Fix background scan doc in config (server#29251) + - Add configuration flag to disable the background job for files_trashbin (server#29262) + - Add configuration flag to disable the background job for files_versions (server#29263) + - Fix bug introduced on drag and drop external files (server#29283) + - Get `filesize()` if `file_exists()` (server#29288) + - Fix app upgrade (server#29301) + - Fix cliping issues in alternative logging buttons (server#29311) + - Avoid PHP errors when the LDAP attribute is not found (server#29316) + - Fix basic auth for OAuth token endpoint (server#29341) + - Fix login button alignment (server#29359) + - Fix security issues when copying groupfolder with advanced ACL (server#29365) + - Prevent duplicate auth token activity updates (server#29381) + - Catch null path in share manager (server#29383) + - Scheduling plugin not updating responding attendee status (server#29385) + - Make calendar schedule options translatable (server#29389) + - S3 external storage fixes (server#29391) + - Fix federated scope not shown when public addressbook upload is disabled (server#29393) + - Make the route name error more helpful (server#29398) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3 (server#29409) + - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.8.0 to ~3.9.0 in /build/integration (server#29410) + - Handle files with `is_file` instead of `file_exists` (server#29415) + - Fixes an undefined index when getAccessList returns an empty array (server#29419) + - Backport #29260: Respect user enumeration settings in user status lists (server#29427) + - Implement local filtering in file list (server#29442) + - Detect mimetype by content only with content (server#29459) + - Fix permissions when copying from ObjectStorage (server#29475) + - Bump vue-router from 3.5.2 to 3.5.3 (server#29494) + - Bump bootstrap from 4.6.0 to 4.6.1 (server#29495) + - Update CRL (server#29503) + - Limit parameter count per query in Cache.removeChildren (server#29506) + - Fix/images php 8.0 (server#29519) + - Revert split capability "AccountPropertyScopesFederationEnabled" (server#29528) + - Expose send_password_by_mail via capabilities (server#29534) + - Update update-psalm-baseline workflow (server#29549) + - Do not retain VerifyUserData job when lookup server is not available (server#29562) + - Bump @nextcloud/initial-state from 1.2.0 to 1.2.1 (server#29575) + - Update behat/behat requirement from ~3.9.0 to ~3.10.0 in /build/integration (server#29578) + - Handle empty directory drag-and-drop in Files UI (server#29597) + - Fix HTML entity rendering in file comments sidebar (server#29598) + - Reduce the sleep time in test-dummy-token handler (circles#816) + - Dispatching event before the action (circles#825) + - Bump version (files_pdfviewer#513) + - Allow to open links in new tab (notifications#1078) + - Fix deleting notifications with numeric user ID (notifications#1088) + - Add integration tests for push registration (notifications#1095) + - Restore old device signature so the proxy works again (notifications#1103) + - Bump autoprefixer from 9.8.6 to 9.8.7 (photos#902) + - Bump autoprefixer from 9.8.7 to 9.8.8 (photos#907) + - Bump prosemirror-schema-list from 1.1.5 to 1.1.6 (text#1871) + - Bump prosemirror-transform from 1.3.2 to 1.3.3 (text#1881) + - Additional checks for workspace controller (text#1885) + +- Update to 22.2.0 + - Fix SQL type error (server#28531) + - Allow to open any app in a standalone window (server#28594) + - Fix encrypted version to 0 when finding unencrypted file (server#28603) + - Only recommand for php-sodium on >= PHP 7.4 (server#28658) + - Fix position of search bar (server#28670) + - Fix S3 ObjectStore proxy option (server#28683) + - NMC-464 Highlight the search term on no results (server#28685) + - NMC-552 Move filename/size out of the download button (server#28697) + - Fix user list infinite loading state in user settings (server#28701) + - Pin Psalm version for security analysis (server#28705) + - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.6 to 2.4.7 (server#28712) + - Check if SVG path is valid (server#28734) + - Remove 2FA exemption from PublicPage annotation (server#28740) + - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28744) + - Send attendence links to required and optinal attendees of an event without an RSVP (server#28748) + - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28752) + - Fix trashbin files view sticky action bar (server#28769) + - Make it possible to override the default collation on mysql (server#28777) + - Allow users to choose a different email for notifications (server#28780) + - Dashboard - fix touch layout (server#28781) + - Scan the shared external storage source on access (server#28785) + - Bump vue-clipboard2 from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 (server#28801) + - Add database ratelimiting backend (server#28814) + - Fixes missing prefix to validate password reset token (server#28824) + - Update .htaccess (php8+ and mod_lsapi) (server#28827) + - Do not cache file ids in FileSystemTags inside group folders (server#28830) + - Allow using of disabled password reset mechanism for special cases (server#28841) + - The user always may modify their additional emails (server#28843) + - Added support for transferring incoming file shares. (server#28844) + - L10n: ignore packed js files from TX sync (server#28850) + - Add config.php option for transfer ownership (server#28851) + - L10n: Remove a text string from translation (server#28852) + - Let user choose notification email in user settings (server#28855) + - Add email addresses to contacts menu (server#28860) + - Add new ExternalShareActions API (server#28865) + - Fix files view change and undefined currentFileList (server#28878) + - Fix file creation from template without ext (server#28881) + - Bump vue-clipboard2 from 0.3.2 to 0.3.3 (server#28888) + - Fall back to full file for video previews (server#28895) + - Update CRL due to revoked twofactor_email.crt (server#28900) + - Support seeking also from the end of file on S3 storage (server#28910) + - Use IRoomMetadata as source of truth for supported room types (server#28919) + - Bump 3rdparty ref (server#28928) + - Allow upgrade from to (server#28945) + - Fix caching of objectsid searches (server#28949) + - Allow casting query functions (server#28953) + - Fix check for redis minimal version (server#28954) + - Don't allow to change activity settings that don't work (server#28962) + - Bump app versions (server#28984) + - Fix redirect during initial setup (server#28998) + - Fix CI (3rdparty#758) + - Bump Webauthn Lib to 3.3.9 (3rdparty#780) + - Bump Archive_Tar to latest release (3rdparty#781) + - Composer install (3rdparty#812) + - Read the email from IUser (API) not guess from the DB (activity#637) + - Increase activity email speed in instances with more than 500 users (activity#641) + - Bump pdfjs-dist from 2.8.335 to 2.9.359 (files_pdfviewer#478) + - Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (files_pdfviewer#479) + - Fix phpunit (files_pdfviewer#487) + - Update workflows (files_pdfviewer#492) + - Use setup-php v2 (files_pdfviewer#495) + - Bump cli-progress from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 (files_pdfviewer#504) + - Fix illustrations (photos#876) + - Bump @nextcloud/vue from 3.10.0 to 3.10.2 (photos#889) + - Dependency updates (text#1835) + - Bump prosemirror-markdown from 1.5.1 to 1.5.2 (text#1851) + - Update dependabot (viewer#1013) + +- Update to 22.1.1 + - No changelog from upstream at this time. + +- Update to 22.1.0 + - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 7.3.0 in + /build/integration (server#27654) + - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (server#27658) + - Bump vue-router from 3.5.1 to 3.5.2 (server#27659) + - Ignore subdomain for soa queries (server#27825) + - Fix in locking cache check (server#27826) + - Fixes recursion count incrementation (server#27848) + - Make search popup usable on mobile, too (server#27856) + - Cache images on browser (server#27861) + - Fix add group button (server#27878) + - Fix dark theme on public link shares (server#27889) + - Make user status usable on mobile (server#27898) + - Check if dns_get_record returns non-false (server#27925) + - Correctly skip suppressed errors in PHP 8.0 (server#27938) + - Fix newfileMenu on public page (server#27942) + - Do not escape display name in dashboard welcome text (server#27944) + - Fix svg icons disapearing in app navigation when text overflows (server#27957) + - Revert "Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 7.3.0 + in /build/integration" (server#27959) + - Also hide group from direct matches (server#27964) + - Show registered breadcrumb detail views in breadcrumb menu (server#27966) + - Fix regression in file sidebar (server#27974) + - Allow to get a local cloud id without going through the contacts + manager (server#27979) + - Multiple Emails UI and Integration (server#28001) + - Improve notcreatable permissions hint (server#28008) + - Some multiselect design fixes (server#28011) + - Only display supported email scopes (server#28014) + - Update CRL due to revoked twofactor_nextcloud_notification.crt (server#28016) + - Increase footer height for longer menus (server#28043) + - Add titleTooltip to sidebar (server#28047) + - Mask password for Redis and RedisCluster on connection failure (server#28053) + - Fix missing theming for login button (server#28061) + - Improve Emails UX (server#28071) + - Fix overlapping of elements in certain views (server#28073) + - Disable HEIC image preview provider for performance concerns (server#28079) + - Improve provider check (server#28085) + - Sanitize more functions from the encryption app (server#28089) + - Hide download button for public preview of audio files (server#28093) + - Fix dark theme in file exists dialog (server#28109) + - Support redis user password auth and tls encryption (server#28112) + - Bump @babel/core from 7.14.3 to 7.14.8 (server#28121) + - Let memory limit set in tests fit the used amount (server#28123) + - Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (server#28126) + - Allow empty Redis config (server#28131) + - Add an option to the multiple files selected actions to add and + remov… (server#28135) + - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.3 to 2.4.5 (server#28149) + - Make sure that the dav propfind plugins always use the proper + user id (server#28152) + - Admin Audit - Sharing: createShare - report the full path (server#28167) + - Fix sort function of files multiple selection actions (server#28168) + - User management - Add icon to user groups (server#28170) + - Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.14.7 to 7.14.8 (server#28177) + - Bump sass from 1.35.1 to 1.35.2 (server#28179) + - Bump autosize from 4.0.2 to 4.0.4 (server#28181) + - Fix variable override in file view (server#28193) + - Fix comments file action sidebar opening (server#28197) + - Set openfile params when following internal links (server#28215) + - Fix Files breadcrumbs being hidden even if there is enough + space (server#28222) + - Dont apply jail search filter is on the root (server#28228) + - Fix missing label of Search function (server#28244) + - Add missing order attribute to tag multiselect action (server#28247) + - Update guzzlehttp/guzzle requirement from 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 in + /build/integration (server#28269) + - Bump css-loader from 5.2.6 to 5.2.7 (server#28270) + - Bump css-vars-ponyfill from 2.4.5 to 2.4.6 (server#28272) + - Bump regenerator-runtime from 0.13.7 to 0.13.9 (server#28273) + - Fix "Enable notification emails" (activity#611) + - Show add, del and restored files within by and self filter (activity#614) + - Only call getCloudId if needed (activity#618) + - Link from app-navigation-settings to personal settings (activity#623) + - Remove echo (circles#688) + - Returns files shared to Personal (circles#698) + - Make cs-fix/cs-check (circles#699) + - Cs fix (circles#700) + - Backport of 704 (circles#708) + - Avoid timeout on check (circles#709) + - Better probe (circles#714) + - Removing hidden flag by default (circles#717) + - Generate probe if needed (circles#719) + - Adding unified search (circles#721) + - Detect source of search (circles#724) + - Remove root circles from search for new members (circles#727) + - Sending mail on new shares (circles#729) + - GetDefinition (circles#732) + - Cloud_force_base (circles#737) + - Fixing notification and mails (circles#738) + - Remote inherited and memberships (circles#740) + - Sendmail on new fileshare (circles#741) + - Fix phpdoc+lint (circles#742) + - Better display of mail addresses (circles#744) + - Limit non-local circles as members of local circles (circles#747) + - Local stays local (circles#749) + - Local circles starts local (circles#751) + - Throw instead of doing nothing (circles#754) + - Send mails to inherited members on GS (circles#755) + - Optional details on Link (circles#757) + - Include and config path in loopback (circles#759) + - Cleaning old code (circles#761) + - Migration to 22.1.0 - child shares (circles#762) + - Fix pdfviewer design (files_pdfviewer#445) + - Include version number in firstrunwizard (firstrunwizard#568) + - Remove timeout of browser notifications (notifications#1049) + - Some Design fixes (text#1711) + - Unify error responses and add logging where appropriate (text#1717) + - Bump eslint-plugin-import from 2.23.3 to 2.23.4 (text#1734) + - Bump @babel/core from 7.14.3 to 7.14.6 (text#1739) + - Fix: rich workspaces overlap with new file dropdown (text#1769) + - Azul/fix links 1676 (text#1775) + - Extend mimetypes for direct editing (text#1781) + - Bump @vue/test-utils from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 (text#1792) + - Make occ command return an integer as return code (text#1797) + - Custom input rule to add first character after bullet + (Backport #1798) (text#1806) + - Fix: cypress icon close selector (text#1808) + - Disable header timeout on mobile (viewer#977) + +- Fix some scriptlet and their output text. + +- Update to 22.0.0 + - User-defined groups with Circles that makes it easier to manage teams + where you can share files or assign tasks to circles, or create chat + rooms for a circle + - Integrated chat and task management where you can simply share a deck + card into a chat room or turn a chat message into a task + - Easy approval workflow, where an administrator can define a new + approval flow in the settings and users can, on a document, request + approval + - Getting your document signatures easy with integrated PDF signing with + DocuSign, EIDEasy, and LibreSign + - Integrated knowledge management Nextcloud puts knowledge available to + everyone at a moments' notice, providing easy search, sharing, and + portable access + - Groupware improvements bringing a trash bin feature in Calendar, + resource booking to facilitate the handling of resources in + organizations. Nextcloud Mail features improved threading, email tagging, + and support for Sieve filtering + +- Update to 21.0.3 + - Don't break OCC if an app is breaking in it's Application class (server#26879) + - Bump handlebars from 4.7.6 to 4.7.7 (server#26905) + - Bump url-parse from 1.4.7 to 1.5.1 (server#26911) + - Bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (server#26912) + - Bump hosted-git-info from 2.8.8 to 2.8.9 (server#26918) + - Fix occ command user:add-app-password (server#26952) + - Add bruteforce protection to the shareinfo endpoint (server#26955) + - Ignore readonly flag for directories (server#26964) + - Throttle MountPublicLinkController when share is not found (server#26972) + - Respect default share permissions for federated reshares (server#26999) + - Harden apptoken check (server#27012) + - Use parent wrapper to properly handle moves on the same source/target + storage (server#27015) + - Fix log error when creating files from an empty template (server#27021) + - Fix error when using CORS with no auth credentials (server#27028) + - Fix filesize error on log rotation, if file does not exist (server#27058) + - Avoid reading ~/.aws/config when using S3 provider (server#27097) + - Fix return value of getStorageInfo when 'quota_include_external_storage' + is enabled (server#27107) + - Move remnants of ocs api requests to v2 endpoint (server#27109) + - Add DB exception '@throws' tag to QBMapper PHPDoc (server#27121) + - Improve type handling of Avatar::generateAvatarFromSvg (server#27124) + - Bump patch dependencies (server#27184) + - Fix the get editable fields endpoint without a user id (server#27195) + - Use noreply@ as email address for share emails (server#27208) + - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.6 to 15.9.7 (server#27231) + - Bump moment-timezone from 0.5.32 to 0.5.33 (server#27237) + - Bump browserslist from 4.16.0 to 4.16.6 (server#27248) + - Bump ws from 7.3.1 to 7.4.6 (server#27250) + - Properly use limit and offset for search in Jail wrapper (server#27303) + - Make user:report command scale (server#27318) + - Properly log expiration date removal in audit log (server#27324) + - Emit UserLoggedInEvent on apache auth (server#27333) + - Don't allow executing cli if cache backend is unavailable (server#27334) + - Propagate throttling on OCS response (server#27336) + - Replace OCSController with OCP\API (server#27346) + - Don't throw when comments is disabled (server#27347) + - Set umask before operations that create local files (server#27350) + - Escape filename in Content-Disposition (server#27359) + - Don't update statuses to offline again and again (server#27411) + - Fix some php 8 warnings (server#27415) + - Don't pass a column object to addOrderBy (server#27446) + - Header must contain a colon (server#27455) + - Only allow removing existing shares that would not be allowed due + to reshare restrictions (server#27551) + - Bump postcss from 7.0.35 to 7.0.36 (server#27569) + - Properly cleanup entries of WebAuthn on user deletion (server#27599) + - Throttle on public DAV endpoint (server#27616) + - Bump dompurify from 2.2.8 to 2.2.9 (server#27622) + - Unshift crash reports when they are loaded, to break the recusion (server#27670) + - Validate the theming color also on CLI (server#27679) + - LDAP: determine shares of offline users only when needed (server#27703) + - Downstream encryption:fix-encrypted-version for repairing + "bad signature" errors (server#27727) + - Remove encodeURI code (files_pdfviewer#397) + - Disable content copy for PDF files that specify it (files_pdfviewer#417) + - Update openssl for PHP 8.0 (nextcloud_announcements#78) + - Only ask for permissions on HTTPS (notifications#997) + - Fix sorting if one of the file name is only composed with number (photos#784) + - Update File.vue (photos#812) + - Hide free space if it can't be calculated (serverinfo#295) + - Update chart.js (serverinfo#308) + - Only return workspace property for top node in a propfind request (text#1610) + - Use text/plain as content type for fetching the document (text#1691) + - Log exceptions that happen on unknown exception and return + generic messages (text#1697) + - Try enabling apcu on cli for cypress (text#1700) + - Add fixup (viewer#923) + - Fix: fullscreen for Firefox (viewer#928) + - Use physical pixel size for preview resolution (viewer#937) + +- Update to 21.0.2 + - L10n: Add word user in FederatedShareProvider.php (server#26508) + - Increase subnet matcher (server#26514) + - Limit size of properties to 2048 characters (server#26525) + - Fix accessibility issues on log in screen (server#26535) + - Fix constraint violation detection in QB Mapper (server#26587) + - Bump ssri from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 (server#26604) + - Add force option to app install command (server#26607) + - Update root.crl due to revoked news.crt (server#26616) + - Do not allow adding file drop shares to your own cloud (server#26621) + - Fix empty password check for mail shares (server#26625) + - Require read permissions for federated shares (server#26636) + - Ensure redis returns bool for hasKey (server#26639) + - Make lookup search explicit (server#26641) + - Update psalm baseline (server#26653) + - Fix broken Expiration test (server#26667) + - Do not stop directory listing when ACL is blocking access (server#26677) + - Mention MariaDB in MySQL support warning (server#26685) + - Make Testcase class compatible with phpunit-9.5 (server#26690) + - Explicitly check hex2bin input (server#26694) + - Remove undefined parameter, add description (server#26702) + - FIx Oracle by testing on Ubuntu 20.04 until is available for … (server#26703) + - Update icewind/smb to 3.4.1 (server#26704) + - Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 (server#26733) + - Private cannot be final (server#26752) + - Fix installer deprecation warnings for PHP 8 (server#26759) + - Validate the website field input to be a valid URL (server#26760) + - Respect the error level when logging (server#26766) + - Improve federated permission handling (server#26770) + - No longer add trusted servers on federated share creation (server#26778) + - Fix ratelimit template (server#26789) + - LDAP: do not bother to search after the last page (server#26797) + - Fail when creating new files with an empty path (server#26808) + - Only return display name as editable when the user backend allows it (server#26815) + - Do not try to contact lookup server if not needed (server#26823) + - Only perform login check during ownership transfer for encryption (server#26863) + - Fix creating vcards with multiple string values (server#26865) + - L10n: Spelling unification (server#26881) + - Remove self setting checking which can not be set anymore (activity#574) + - Ensure link names are unique for accessibility, thanks @nickvergessen, fix #575 (activity#578) + - Use PNG images in daily activity summary emails (activity#584) + - Fix accessibility issues in PDF pt. II (example-files#18) + - Fix admin notification api (notifications#929) + - Only push delete-push to devices that also got the notification (notifications#938) + - Move counting storage statistics to the background (serverinfo#298) + - Hide squashfs and overlay-FS from the overview (serverinfo#304) + - Add download button in actions menu (viewer#849) + - Limit scope of the icon white overwrite (viewer#858) + - Fixes for naughty filenames (viewer#869) + +- Update to 21.0.1 + - No changelog from upstream at this time. + - Switch requires from mysql to mariadb. + - Now minimum require php is 7.3 and recommend 7.4. + +- Update to 21.0.0 + The biggest improvements we introduce with Nextcloud 21 are: + - High Performance Back-end for Nextcloud Files: reduces server + load from desktop clients and web interface polling by 90% + while delivering instant notifications to users. + - And a wide range of performance improvements all over on top, + decreasing loading times of pages and reducing load on the server + - Collaborative features: new Whiteboard, author colours in Text + and Document Templates to increase team productivity + - Nextcloud Talk: debuts message status indicators, a raise hand + feature, a group conversation description and more! + - A range of Groupware improvements like drag'n'drop and nicer + threading in Mail and syncing social media avatars in Contacts. + * BugFixes: + +- Fix missing db things automatically at upgrade. - * CVE-2020-8293: Fixed input validation which allowed users to store unlimited - data in workflow rules (boo#1181445). - * CVE-2020-8294: Fixed a missing link validation (boo#1181803). -- NC-SA-2020-037 - PIN for passwordless WebAuthm is asked for but not verified - - NC-SA-2020-033 (CVE-2020-8228) - Missing rate limit on signup page - - NC-SA-2020-029 (CVE-2020-8233, boo#1177346) - Re-Sharing allows increase of privileges - - NC-SA-2020-026 - Passowrd of share by mail is not hashed when given on the create share call - - NC-SA-2020-023 - Increase random used for encryption -- CVE-2020-8295: Fixed Denial of service attack when resetting the password for a user(boo#1181804) nfacct +- Modernize specfile constructs. + nfs-ganesha +- Add patch to fix getopt return value on aarch64 (bsc#1192367) + * Add getopt_aarch64.patch +- Disable build of the XFS FSAL + + + +- Enable FSAL_RGW again, as it turned out to be compatible with Ceph 16.x, but + needs patching from upstream. Backport upstream patch to fix version + comparison. + * Add fix-compilation--faulty-version-comparison.patch + +- Disable FSAL_RGW which is incompatible with Ceph 16.1.0 + +- Remove -fcommon from spec file + * Reverting changes made to fix boo#1164548. + +- dropped fix-compilation-errors-on-xfs-ioctl-syscall-structs.patch which is a part of upstream 3.3 +- Update to version 3.3+git0.39e0cf712: + * V3.3 + * FSAL_CEPH: Fix size of handle + * FSAL_CEPH: Always use the large handle size + * FSAL_CEPH: clarify the User_Id setting in the sample config + * FSAL_CEPH: set ino_release_cb on mount + * RADOS_URLS: restore rados_urls watch on new configuration + * RADOS_URLS: when built with rados_urls, don't error if lib not installed + * Fix accessing object handle after feering its last state + * Fix get_state_obj_export_owner_refs() fail case + * Fix responding with NFS version mismatch + * core: multiple definitions of 'common' data compiling with gcc-10 + * Fixes in stats module + * Throttle the health warning + * Fix seg fault when NFSv4 compound op fails for regular files + ngrep +- Update to version 1.47 + * Fix "no VLAN support for XXX"-related problems + * Fix truncated/garbled output (e.g. SIP over SLL/Linux cooked + sockets) + * Change exit behavior to match BSD & GNU grep (see manpage) + * Add Solaris IPnet support + * Update to use 32bit values where relevant + * Emit frame # in header, useful for reference/analysis + * Emit total received, matched upon exit (dropped unreliable + PCAP stats) + * Import debian patches related to autotools, manpage, and + compilation on other platforms + * Fix build clean/distclean when not linked against provided + GNU regex + * Fix build --enable/--disable flag processing + * Update to latest autotools (2017) + * Fix building under MS VS2012 / Win32 +- cleanup with spec-cleaner +- drop 10_man-fixes.diff + * upstreamed in 8e5187def73abd624c10ed37d42b7416e4a1ce97 +- tcpkill compilation disabled due to incompatiblity with modern + libnet +- remove future tense in description + nilfs-utils +- Move some files to /usr for UsrMerge (bsc#1191083) +- Use macro for post scripts + +- update to 2.2.8: + * fix some build issues + * fix bugs: + - mkfs.nilfs2: fix underflow in calculation of minimum number of + segments + - mkfs.nilfs2: fix wrong suggestion of minimum device size + * update maintainer's email address + * Fix conflicting data buffer error; this fixes a cleanerd crash + issue in some high loads that leads the file system to a disk + full. + * dumpseg: fix misuse of endian conversion macro for ss_nblocks + * libnilfs: fix potential memory access overrun at + * nilfs_psegment_is_valid() + * libnilfs: fix potential underflow at nilfs_psegment_is_end() + * libnilfs: fix potential underflow of p_maxblocks at + nilfs_psegment_init() + * libnilfs: add missing errno setting at nilfs_sb_write() + * libnilfs: add sanity check on segment summary header size + * libnilfs: check range of finfo and binfos before reading them + * libnilfs: add sanity check for block counts in finfo + * libnilfs: get rid of HAVE_MUNMAP + * fix the problem that checkpoints and blocks with a future timestamp + * fix the problem that cleanerd timeout can be too long when the + system time is changed to earlier time: + * fix other problems that can happen when the system time is changed + to earlier time + * fix bugs + * improve checkpatch script: + * fix coding style issues: + * minor-amendments: + * cleanups: + * lib/nilfs.c: add missing initialization of nilfs->n_opts + * lib/cleaner_exec.c: use _exit() to safely terminate child processes + * update and misspelled words dictionary (spelling.txt) + * lib/ do not set -fPIC and -static manually + * lib/ use AM_CFLAGS and AM_CPPFLAGS for simplicity + * lib/crc32.c: make crc32tab array static const + * remove obsolete email addresses + * AUTHORS: update header line of author list + -- updated to version 2.0.13: - * The reported cleanerd failure on mount was fixed - * The rmcp command was enhanced so that it can handle range of - checkpoint numbers - -- initial version: 2.0.12 - nim +- Update to version 1.2.12 + * Fixed GC crash resulting from inlining of the memory + allocation procs + * Fixed “incorrect raises effect for $(NimNode)†(#17454) +- from version 1.2.10 + * Fixed “JS backend doesn’t handle float->int type conversion “ (#8404) + * Fixed “The “try except†not work when the “OSError: + Too many open files†error occurs!†(#15925) + * Fixed “Nim emits #line 0 C preprocessor directives with + –debugger:native, with ICE in gcc-10†(#15942) + * Fixed “tfuturevar fails when activated†(#9695) + * Fixed “nre.escapeRe is not gcsafe†(#16103) + * Fixed ““Error: internal error: genRecordFieldAux†- in + the “version-1-4†branch†(#16069) + * Fixed “-d:fulldebug switch does not compile with gc:arc†(#16214) + * Fixed “osLastError may randomly raise defect and crash†(#16359) + * Fixed “generic importc proc’s don’t work (breaking lots + of vmops procs for js)†(#16428) + * Fixed “Concept: codegen ignores parameter passing†(#16897) + * Fixed “{.push exportc.} interacts with anonymous functions†(#16967) + * Fixed “memory allocation during {.global.} init breaks GC†(#17085) + * Fixed "Nimble arbitrary code execution for specially crafted package metadata" + + + + (bsc#1185083, CVE-2021-21372) + * Fixed "Nimble falls back to insecure http url when fetching packages" + + + + (bsc#1185084, CVE-2021-21373) + * Fixed "Nimble fails to validate certificates due to insecure httpClient defaults" + + + + (bsc#1185085, CVE-2021-21374) +- from version 1.2.8 + * Fixed “Defer and –gc:arc†(#15071) + * Fixed “Issue with –gc:arc at compile time†(#15129) + * Fixed “Nil check on each field fails in generic function†(#15101) + * Fixed “[strscans] scanf doesn’t match a single character with + $+ if it’s the end of the string†(#15064) + * Fixed “Crash and incorrect return values when using + readPasswordFromStdin on Windows.†(#15207) + * Fixed “Inconsistent unsigned -> signed RangeDefect usage + across integer sizes†(#15210) + * Fixed “toHex results in RangeDefect exception when + used with large uint64†(#15257) + * Fixed “Mixing ‘return’ with expressions is allowed in 1.2†(#15280) + * Fixed “proc execCmdEx doesn’t work with -d:useWinAnsi†(#14203) + * Fixed “memory corruption in tmarshall.nim†(#9754) + * Fixed “Wrong number of variables†(#15360) + * Fixed “defer doesnt work with block, break and await†(#15243) + * Fixed “Sizeof of case object is incorrect. Showstopper†(#15516) + * Fixed “Mixing ‘return’ with expressions is allowed in 1.2†(#15280) + * Fixed “regression(1.0.2 => 1.0.4) VM register messed up + depending on unrelated context†(#15704) +- from version 1.2.6 + * Fixed “The pegs module doesn’t work with generics!†(#14718) + * Fixed “[goto exceptions] {.noReturn.} pragma is not detected + in a case expression†(#14458) + * Fixed “[exceptions:goto] C compiler error with dynlib pragma + calling a proc†(#14240) + * Fixed “Nim source archive install: ‘’ fails with error: + cp: cannot stat ‘bin/nim-gdb’: No such file or directory†(#14748) + * Fixed “Stropped identifiers don’t work as field names in + tuple literals†(#14911) + * Fixed “uri.decodeUrl crashes on incorrectly formatted input†(#14082) + * Fixed “odbcsql module has some wrong integer types†(#9771) + * Fixed “[ARC] Compiler crash declaring a finalizer proc + directly in ‘new’†(#15044) + * Fixed “code with named arguments in proc of winim/com can + not been compiled†(#15056) + * Fixed “javascript backend produces javascript code with syntax + error in object syntax†(#14534) + * Fixed “[ARC] SIGSEGV when calling a closure as a tuple + field in a seq†(#15038) + * Fixed “Compiler crashes when using string as object variant + selector with else branch†(#14189) + * Fixed “Constructing a uint64 range on a 32-bit machine leads + to incorrect codegen†(#14616) + +- Update to version 1.2.2: + * See for details +- Enable the full testsuite in the %check section + * Add build dependencies to run the testsuite + * Whitelists a few tests that are not passing yet + +- Update to version 1.0.2: + * See for details +- Update dependencies (based on changes by Federico Ceratto + +- Added ppc64le + +- Added armv7l and aarch64 + ninvaders +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon to workaround gcc10 errors (boo#1160244) + nitrogen +- Update to 1.6.1: + * Root window detection for windows such as conky fixed (#40, #90, #88, #86, #89) + * Fixed Mutter detection, added wrapped mode for mutter (#78) + * Respect $PREFIX for application data (@berkley4, #70) + * Don't set show desktop key for Nemo (#91) + * No-op when Apply is pressed and nothing is selected (#92) + * Translations now install again (#64) + * Xinerama disabled compilation fix (@jer-gentoo, #84) + * Random codepath if statement fix (#85) + * README spelling error (@gfa, #82) +- Changes for 1.6.0: + New features: + * Keyboard shortcuts (#10) + * Select head on command line with (--head) (@jaypikay, #13) + * Exit confirmation dialog (@jameh, #33) + * Can restore original background in X if changes not confirmed + * Sorting and recursion pref options (@easysid, #47, #23) + * Icon view with captions (#15) + * Random background selector (Ctrl+R or --random) + * Mutter support (#61) + * LXDE support (#63, #80) + * SVG image file support (@Vladimir-csp, #75) + Issues fixed: + * Autotools issue with X11 (#12) + * Add desktop file (@andrewsomething, @Vladimir-csp, #28, #29, #74) + * Freedesktop spec fix (@EvanPurkhiser, #30) + * Nautilus detection fixes (#52, #59) + * XDG system dir fix (Unit193, #41) + * Don't let Xinerama mode set heads that don't exist (#55) + * Xinerama fullscreen issue/detection (#59) + * Man pages (#20) + Internal: + * Major refactor of setter code/organization, easier to support external background setters (gnome/lxde/xfce etc) (#25) + * Autotools refactor (@JamesNZ/@JamesWrigley, #42, #45) + * Whitespace cleanup (@jubalh, #56) + * Notes for packagers about C++11 (@rtlanceroad, #65) +- Add language package +- Add appdata file +- Remove iconcach and desktop file update in post/postun +- Remove x11_linking.patch: upstreamed + nkf +- Update to version 2.1.5 + * [bugfix] reset bom flag on each checking call + (nkf-bug#34797) + * [bugfix] nkf32.dll: SetNkfOption can't correctly specify + options for multiple options + * [bugfix] add document about multiple options + (nkf-bug#32974) + * [bugfix] Split install into -main, -man, -man-ja + (nkf-bug#34250) + * [bugfix] add LDFLAGS (nkf-bug#32639) + * [bugfix] fix pod2man doesn't through non ASCII + (nkf-bug#32546) + -- update to 2.0.2 - * now with UTF-8 support -- remove obsolete patch which was needed namazu, it's included - in the new version already. - nlohmann_json +- Update to 3.10.2 + - Annoying -Wundef on new JSON_DIAGNOSTICS macro #2975 + - += issue with multiple redirection. #2970 + - incomplete type nlohmann::detail::wide_string_input_helper + compilation error #2969 + - Fix -Wunused warnings on JSON_DIAGNOSTICS #2976 (gcerretani) +- Changes from 3.10.1 and 3.10.0 see: + + +- update to version 3.9.1 +- drop gcc10-fix.patch +- enable JSON_MultipleHeaders for backwards compatibility +- disable tests which download data from the internet + +- Fix typo in summary: headeri -> header + +- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. + nlopt +- Update to version 2.7.0: + * New nlopt_set_param API for setting internal algorithm + parameters (gh#stevengj/nlopt#365). + * Avoid library-symbol conflicts (gh#stevengj/nlopt#355, + gh#stevengj/nlopt#361) +- Run tests using ctest as part of %check section. +- Handle erroneous RPATH in openSUSE:Leap:15.2's %cmake macro by + explicitly setting CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH to OFF and + CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH to ON; while only required for 15.2, + setting these for all versions doesn't hurt. + -- install python parts to sitearch (pythondir.patch) - nml +- update to 0.6.1 + - Support for NewGRF additions of OpenTTD 12.0: + - Update: Increase number of OTTD_GUI sprites to 191 (#253) + - Switches can now be used as functions inside expressions + - Switches can now define parameters, which are passed by callers for usage inside the switch + - NML now applies optimisations to switches and chains of switches + - optimisation and deprecation warnings can be suppressed with nmlc flags, see 'nmlc --help' (#230) + - Add: rail vehicle property and callback 'curve_speed_mod' (rail vehicle property 0x2E) (#222) + - Update: Increase number of OTTD_GUI sprites to 186 (#183) + - Add: Industry spec_flag 'IND_FLAG_DO_NOT_CLAMP_PASSENGER_PRODUCTION' (#183) + - Add: Vehicle variables 'tile_(supports|powers|is)_(rail|road|tram)type' (#183) + - Add: Vehicle variable 'tile_has_catenary' (#183) + - Add: General variable 'inflation', which reports the game setting (#183) + - Add: Alternative string constants introduced in OpenTTD/OpenTTD#8392 (#176) + - Add: industry variable for 'town_index' (var 0x41) + - Add: constants GROUNDSPRITE_GRASS, GROUNDSPRITE_DESERT_2_2, GROUNDSPRITE_GRASS_1_3, GROUNDSPRITE_GRASS_2_3, GROUNDSPRITE_GRASS_3_3 + - Add: builtin functions for round() and sqrt() + - Add: plural form 14 for Romanian + - Change: Check that user code doesn't try to use reserved registers (#189) + - Change: warn when a deprecated constant is used + - Change: progress display shows input filename when reading files + - Change: improve error message when invalid features are used + - Add: More-obvious error for trailing '.' in a string id (#145) + - Change: Clean up language definitions (#208) + - Fix #184: Share townname bits when possible (#185) + - Fix: Compatibility with Pillow 8.1.0 (#182) + - Fix #180: No proper error message was given, if an unreferenced String was unable to allocate an id (#181) + - Fix: Access to persistent-storage of towns (#173) + - Fix: Don't suppress errors for incorrect `hide_sprite` values (#168) + - Fix: Remove trailing whitespaces in NFO output (#164) + - Fix: town_euclidean_dist was returning incorrect value (#206) + - Fix: rename MAP_TYPE_RECTANGULAR to MAP_TYPE_SQUARE (#201) + - Fix: LZ77 compatibility with Python 3.9+ (#215, #228) + - Fix: access to persistent-storage of towns was broken (#173) + - Fix: use most likely defined position when reporting error (#226) + - Update: VS generation script syntax (#233) +- remove upstreamed pcx images + +- Backport corrected pcx images to fix tests with Pillow 8.1.0 + (gh#OpenTTD/nml!188, deb#980641): + * arctic_railwagons.pcx + * opengfx_generic_trams1.pcx + * opengfx_trains_start.pcx + +- Update to version 0.5.3 +- Drop python-pillow-version.patch +- Drop 0001-Fix-52-time.clock-has-been-removed-in-python-3.8-53.patch + -- update to 0.3.1 (drops support for Python version 2.5) - -- update to 0.2.4 (OpenGFX - (check changelog.txt) - -- downgrade to 0.2.3 - OpenGFX 0.4.5 builds with NML 0.2.3 only - nnn +- support macOS iterm2 in plugin preview-tui (#1196) +- use selection at native command prompt with %j and %J (docs) +- scroll strings longer than columns in rename/new prompts (#1213, #279) +- batch rename symlink targets in listing mode (#1214) +- option for recursive rename in plugin .nmv (#1186) +- more frequent checks for cancellation during du (#1236) +- picker mode: enable auto-proceed +- picker mode: don't pick hovered file on Enter if selection exists +- picker mode: fix issue in plugin fzopen when used to pick files +- send file to explorer FIFO on double left click instead of opening it +- new neovim plugin nnn.nvim featuring explorer mode +- explorer mode for nnn.vim +- remove option -w: always place HW cursor on current entry +- accept link name when linking a single target (#1201) +- option -i to show current file information in info bar +- force GNU sed on *BSD and Solaris +- add nsxiv support to nuke, preview-tabbed and imgview (#1230) +- fix preview-tui without -a (#1208) +- pass pts in env var for preview-tui to use in tput (#1235) +- disable editing file in picker mode (#1183) +- save session in picker mode (#1190) +- use nerd icons for gitstatus patch (#1220) + +* update to v4.3 + * add completions + * cool ASCII art logo in the help screen + * add bookmarks directory for flexible symlinked bookmarks + * new key B to add a symlinked bookmark for current dir + * special variables $dN, $fN available for plugins/prompt/shell to access per-context dir/hovered file + * config NNN_ORDER to set directory-specific ordering + * show/hide hidden files as per context state in plugin based batch rename + * retain search filter history for plugin finder + * sync multiple instances of nnn after operation on selection + * signal CWD change to terminal via OSC-7 (#1147) + * save complete per-context filter when saving sessions + * disable symlink resolution for paths in NNN_BMS and arg PATH + * do not end selection mode on running plugins/prompt/shell + * plugin bookmarks replaced by symlinked bookmarks support + * list open locations in active contexts in help page + * make option O_MATCHFLTR to discard filter key if no match + * configurable NNN_TMPFILE to cd on quit + * disable auto marking directories (use -) + * picker mode improvements + open tty for input if STDIN is non-tty + truncate output file before writing + do not double select a file on Enter + * legacy macOS (< 10.12.0) support + * no redraw during du calculation, show processed dir name + * plugin xdgdefault: add dmenu support + * user patch restorepreview: close/restore preview-tui for internal edits + +- Update to version 4.2 (Mojito) + - `NNN_PLUG` indicator symbol interpretation has **changed**: + - `!` - _run-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `_`) + - `&` - _run-gui-cmd-as-plugin_ (earlier `|`) + - `|` (new) - page noninteractive _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output + - persistent selection markers (#1086) + - option _extract to..._ for archives + - mount remote and mount/extract archive to a smart context + - confirm file trashing to avoid accidental press of <kbd>x</kbd> (#1101) + - insert the last command executed at prompt on <kbd>Up</kbd> or <kbd>Down</kbd> + - insert the current file name at empty prompt on <kbd>TAB</kbd> + - handle redraw issue on missed `KEY_RESIZE` (#1067) + - add force-tty capability to spawn and set pagers to it (#1064) + - clear selection mode on deselecting last selected file (#1098) + - remove selected hovered entry from selection on deletion + - disable filtering in empty directories + - ignore last pressed filter character when no matches + - fix broken screen on resize while paging (#1072) + - fix archive not hovered on creation + - remove libgit2 dependency in `gitstatus` patch (#1095) + - add `-G` flag for `gitstatus` patch + - option `-X` for explorer (persistent picker) mode + - option `-F` decommissioned in favour of config `NNN_HELP` + - `-F` redefined to multiplex `NNN_FIFO` to preview or explore + - support paging noninterative _run-cmd-as-plugin_ output + - `nuke` - add option to execute binaries (#1111) + - plugin `fzopen` - call `open` on macOS, add option to use `nuke` + - plugin `fzcd` will not modify selection + - plugin `suedit` - preserve environment + - several `preview-tui` fixes + - plugin `wall` renamed to `wallpaper` + - remove plugin `fzz` - merged into plugin `autojump` + - remove plugin `upgrade` - packaging is on OBS now + - remove plugin `treeview` - needs minor `preview-tui` tweak + - remove plugin `picker` - `nnn -p -` does the same + - remove plugin `pdfview` - needs simple change in `pdfread` + - remove plugin `uidgid` - use program option `-U` + - remove plugins `mediainf`, `hexview` - simple one-liners + +- update to 4.1.1: + - fix segfault on session save (#1041) + - remove redundant `_Atomic` usage + - move [`patches`](../tree/master/patches) directory to top-level + - fix and cleanup gitstatus patch + - plugin `imgview` improvements (#1049) + - restore source-code packing on CircleCI + - add Makefile target to compile with musl + +- Update to version 4.1 (Sake) + * a patch management model for approved patches + * multi-threaded disk usage calculation using pthreads and FTS + * dynamic view update when calculating disk usage + * <kbd>Bksp</kbd>/<kbd>Del</kbd> at empty filter prompt to refresh dir + * Try to create new context with <kbd>Shift-TAB</kbd>, else reverse cycle + * <kbd>Alt+Esc</kbd> to quit context from filter prompt + * fix zombies left behind after running plugins (#999) + * named persistent sessions (mcchrish/nnn.vim#43) + * consider nanosecond resolution when sorting by time (#978) + * check external selection in `'c'urrent / 's'el` prompt (#976) + * show number of files selected in local selection buffer, if any + * `nnn` & picker plugin (e.g. `fzopen`) sync (mcchrish/nnn.vim#82) + * make batch rename interactive (#971) + * cached uid/gid for performance improvement + * fixes for `nnn` with `netbsd-curses`, `musl-fts`, `musl` (#998) + * script to statically compile `nnn` with `musl gcc` on Ubuntu + * restore hovered file when plugin is chosen from plugin dir + * support QuickLook on WSL in `preview-tui` (#959) + * toggle `preview-tui` with the same _custom_ plugin key + * smoother preview toggling in `preview-tui` (#966) + * `listen_on` should be set in kitty.conf for `preview-tui` (#970) + * minimal `bat` style in `preview-tui`, honors `$BAT_STYLE` + * plugin `preview-tui-ext` supersedes `preview-tui` (#1033) + * plugin `fzcd` can now fuzzy search multiple directories + * plugin `imgview` supersedes `imgthumb` and `vidthumb` + * plugin `umounttree`: unmount remote mntpoint from within + * plugin `xdgdefault`: set the default app for hovered file type + * plugin `fzplug`: fuzzy find, preview and run other plugins + * plugin `cmusq`: queue/play music in `cmus` + * plugin `mocplay` renamed to `mocq` + * plugin `cleanfilename` renamed to `fixname` + * go to last dir on <kbd>~</kbd> (HOME) or <kbd>`</kbd> (ROOT) key repeat + * ambiguous key <kbd>^Space</kbd> to select/clear range dropped (#998) + * user wiki page for [Themes]( + * show selection mark (`+`) in reverse bold for improved visibility + * reverse block replaces `>` to mark hovered entry in detail mode + * make option `O_CKBOARD` removed + * make option `O_NOLOC` renamed to `O_NOLC` + * ignore `O_NOLC` if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified (#1026) + * unicode arrow indicators if `O_ICONS` or `O_NERD` is specified + * make option `NOX11`: disable notis, sel-clipboard sync, xterm title + * retain filter in _nav-to-type_ mode after file open + * fix no files picked with `NNN_TMPFILE` exported and <kbd>q</kbd> to quit + * disable xterm title setting in picker mode (#974) + +- Update to version 4.0 (Shushi) + * show xterm title on option `-x`. + +- No renaming of source file after download from source0. +- Update to version 3.7 + * allow plugins to clear selection (#884, #889, #917) + * do not clear selection on hovered file deletion + * resurrect `'c'urrent/'s'el` prompt and option `-u` (#889) + * show only file name in reverse in detail mode + * more file/mime types supported in `preview-tui-ext` + * plugin `mtpmount` - (un)mount MTP devices + * plugin `cleanfilename` - more shell-friendly file names + * plugin `rsynccp` - copy-paste with visual progress + * replace `$HOME` by `~` in address bar + * show current path in terminal title (#911) + * total links and inode number of hardlink in statusbar + * fix symlink to text file not opening in CLI editor (#890) + * fix symlink size shown as 0B in statusbar (#888) + * show symlink target in statusbar (#893) + * show correct disk free/total on macOS (#888) + * fix directory disk usage showing as 0 on macOS (#941) + * fix name col len with `-C` and icons compiled-in (#936) + * refactor printing entries in light/detail modes (#934) + * make option `O_CKBOARD` for checker board as indicator + +- Update to version 3.6 + * REPL command prompt (<kbd>Esc</kbd> or <kbd>Enter</kbd> to exit) + * invert selection with <kbd>A</kbd> + * option `-u` removed (always prefer selection to hovered) + * visit start dir on <kbd>@</kbd> when start path is a file + * exit filter mode and redraw on <kbd>^L</kbd> if no last filter + * plugin `fzcd` now selects the chosen file (#876) + * `ueberzug` support in plugin `preview-tui` + * new plugin `preview-tui-ext` with extra preview support + * clear selection after successful plugin invocation + * add method to sync subshell `$PWD` in WIki + * clear selection on single file deletion (#812) + * copy between instances not working (#864) + * plugin `togglex` to toggle exe mode of a selection (#813) + * fix `memccpy()` buffer overlap fault on macOS (#786) + * show `0 selected` msg on cp/mv with empty selection (#855) + * fix frozen terminal caused by opener (#858) + * migrate macOS CI to GitHub workflows, retire Travis + +- Update to version 3.5 + * compile-in Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro + * support Nerd Font patched icons [`make O_NERD=1`] + * enhance plugin `dups` to delete duplicates interactively + * plugin `autojump` now supports `jump` and `zoxide` + * support `gio trash` to Trash [`export NNN_TRASH=2`] (#740) + * quit program on double <kbd>Esc</kbd> in normal mode (#775) + * <kbd>^Space</kbd> replaces <kbd>^K</kbd> for range selection/clear selection + * show selection symbol (`+`) next to filename in detail mode (#741) + * error & quit on <kbd>Q</kbd> if no selection, else pick to stdout + * repeat <kbd>^T</kbd> to cycle sort by time, size and clear + * option `-U` to show user & group info in status bar + * option `-J` to disable auto-proceed on select (#713) + * option `-D` to show dirs in context color with `NNN_FCOLORS` + * honor option `-C` for context colors + * show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744) + * show missing utility name in flash msg (#753) + * exit `preview-tabbed` on <kbd>^C</kbd> (#727) + * fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735) + * fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743) + * fix input stream not listed with `-s`/`-S` (#777) + * fix locker not being invoked + * make target `upx` for additional binary compression + * compress auto-generated static binaries with upx + * make variable `O_NOSSN` to compile out sessions + * make variable `O_NOUG` to compile out user & group info + +- Update to version 3.4 + * icons with icon-specific colors (thanks @KlzXS) + * enhanced `NNN_COLORS` with xterm 256 colors support + * new colorscheme with `NNN_FCOLORS` (file type specific colors) + * switch `-C` to force earlier colorscheme (dirs follow context color) + * updates for Haiku (thanks @CodeforEvolution) + * fix XFS navigation issue (thanks @ucs1) + * optimize archive extension matching on file open + * show location in context color + * support `host[:dir]` format for remote mounts + * clear selection after copy + * support traversal on file/dir creation + * show selection in reverse in status bar + * show status bar indicator `H` when hidden files are listed + * show and confirm archive command output + * support _cd on quit_ in picker mode + +- Update to version 3.3 + * subdir `mounts` for remote and archive mounts + * remove mount point on successful unmount of remote/archive + * show error and prompt user if `cp`/`mv`/`rm` operation fails + * support absolute/relative paths in cp/mv as + * mark current path automatically on archive/remote mount + * mark current path automatically on target file visit in _find and list_ mode + * option `-C` to place HW cursor on hovered for screen readers and braille displays + * option `-u` to use selection (if available) and skip `current/sel` prompt + * key <kbd>Alt+Esc</kbd> to clear filter prompt and redraw + * support <kbd>Esc</kbd> to cancel remove operation + * `gpge` & `gpgd`: encrypt and decrypt with GPG + * `blknew`: create new files and directories in bulk + * `preview-tui` + - unified to support `tmux`/`kitty`/`xterm`/`$TERMINAL` + - auto-determine split orientation based on terminal height and width + - provision to use [``]( and [`pistol`]( + * various other improvements + * `upload`: send to Firefox Send if [`ffsend`]( is found + * `hexview`: add [`hx`]( as alternative hex viewer + * `nuke` and `imgview`: add [`imv`]( as alternative image viewer + * add find (with `fd`) and grep (with `rg`) examples in plugins doc + * key <kbd>Esc</kbd> or left click to resend hovered file path to `NNN_FIFO` + * show `+` instead of `s` in status bar on selection + * <kbd>F5</kbd> removed (misfit for toggle hidden), <kbd>^S</kbd> removed (often masked, redundant) + * handle abnormal program termination and remove NNN_PIPE and/or NNN_FIFO + * clear selection after successful batch rename, link creation + * make option `O_CTX8` for 8 contexts (NOT backward compatible with 4 contexts) + * fix issue with child window resize (see #656) + * fix issue with `NNNLVL` on macOS (see #639) + * fix issue with restoring session with du/au enabled + +- Update to version 3.2 + * previews + - config `NNN_FIFO` to write hovered file paths a previewer can read + - plugin `preview-tabbed`: [tabbed]( based file previewer + - plugin `preview-tui`: simple TUI file previewer in tmux/xterm + - plugin `preview-kitty`: preview using kitty terminal's capabilities + - [live preview]( configuration example + * find & list + - send list of files from (cmd run as) plugin to `nnn` + - plugin `finder`: find/fd/fzf/grep/ripgrep/fzf (in subtree) and list in `nnn` + - <kbd>Right</kbd> or <kbd>l</kbd> on symlink in list dir takes to target file + * persistent session option `-S` [for disk usage, run `nnn -T d` (see help)] + * hover on the file when a file path is passed as positional argument + * go to first file or match with <kbd>'</kbd> (followed by <kbd>'</kbd> or <kbd>char</kbd>) + * config `NNN_SEL` to specify custom selection file + * config `NNN_LOCKER` to specify locker program + * dim file details in detail mode + * call `chdir()` on directory change + * option `-l`: number of lines to move on mouse scroll + * graphical [keybind map]( + * let `NNN_COLORS` override `NO_COLOR` + * plugins + - option `-P`: run plugin by key at start + - run plugins with <kbd>Alt+key</kbd> + - allow `NNN_PIPE` usage by commands run as plugin + - input format to `NNN_PIPE`: `<ctxcode><opcode><data>` (see plugins doc) + - set `ctxcode` to `+` for smart context usage (next inactive, else current) + - `getplugs` to fetch plugins by installed version of `nnn` + - plugin `mimelist`: list files by mime type in subtree + - plugin `bookmarks`: named bookmarks using symlinks + - plugin `nbak`: backup `nnn` config + - `nuke` adds lowdown as alternative markdown viewer + - several plugin improvements + * fix broken screen on resize (see #520) + * fix broken version sort (see #550) + * fix list and pipe modes not working together + * fix multiple issues with listing files + * fix `@` shown in detail mode for symlink to dir + * fix listing files directly under `/` + * move to `-std=c11` + +- Update to version 3.1 + * unlimited bookmarks and plugin keys + * status bar text in context color + * support config `NO_COLOR` to disable colors + * config `NNN_OPTS` to specify binary options to `nnn` + * config `NNN_MCLICK` to emulate configurable key + * toggle selection on right click + * ignore hard links when calculating disk usage + * dim (hard/sym) link names (symlink to file has `@`) + * more special keys at empty filter prompt in _type-to-nav_ + * key <kbd>></kbd> to export file list + * option `-F` to show fortune in help and settings screen + * option `-T` to specify sort order (obsoletes `-v`) + * option to clear sort order + * key <kbd>T</kbd> to change time type (access/change/mod) + * `.nmv` - internal fully-functional batch renamer plugin + * make var `O_NOBATCH` to disable native batch renamer + * `nuke` & `imgview` - open all images in directory sxiv + * `nuke` - open log files in vi + * plugin `x2sel` - system clipboard to selection copier + * plugin `fzy` - cd using z database + * plugin `fzopen` - support `FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND` + * create new context on TAB without prompt + * hover and connect by dir name (within config dir) + * move to next entry on current file delete + * on single file copy/move, select the copied/moved file + * option `-f` to to use readline history file (off by default) + * use `s` in status bar to indicate selection in progress + * make var `O_NOMOUSE` to disable mouse support + * do not store `NNN_TRASH` and `-Q` in config/session + * add sample .desktop file for XDG compatible DEs + * rename _nav-as-you-type_ to _type-to-nav_ mode + * fix PCRE case-insensitive regex search + * fix no error msg when filter length limit exceeded + * fix static package generation + * fix broken abort message when started in du-mode + * fix filter lost on context switch in non _type-to-nav_ mode + * fix broken readline prompt + * fix long strings treated as action keys in filter prompt + * fix `NNNLVL` not reset when spawned shell is exited + +- Update to version 3.0 + * take list of files as input and show + * option `-e` replaces `NNN_USE_EDITOR` + * option `-t` replaces `NNN_IDLE_TIMEOUT` + * PCRE support + * more readline bindings for native prompts + * run GUI app as plugin + * attempt lazy unmount when regular unmount fails + * fix unmount on macOS: use `umount` + * detect `sshfs` and `rclone` to prompt intelligently + * auto-proceed on file open (toggle key <kbd>+</kbd>) + * quit with error code on <kbd>Q</kbd> + * additional key <kbd>F5</kbd> to toggle hidden + * key 'e' to edit in EDITOR (back on multiple user requests) + * option to edit list of files in selection is changed to 'E' + * do not end selection on redraw + * `nuke`: [`glow`]( as Markdown viewer + * `nuke`: refactor, handle some common video types by extension + * file name removed from status bar + * static Makefile target + * generate, upload static package on release + * fix crash on entering empty dir, then Down + * fix keypresses lost when showing message + * fix #227: `nnn` creates xdg-open zombies + +- Update to version 2.9 + * user pain points addressed + - all keybinds and options reviewed by the team and frozen (see #422) + - fewer keybinds + - greatly improved help screen readability + * nuke: sample opener (CLI-only by default) and plugin + * fast line redraws instead of full screen refresh (thanks @annagrram) + * auto archive handling by extension (see config NNN_ARCHIVE) + * Lead key simplified to bookmark key (b or ^/) + * single key to toggle order (t or ^T) + * plugins + - .cbcp: copy selection to system clipboard (internal, program option -x) + - .ntfy: show noti on cp, mv, rm completion (internal, program option -x) + - autojump: navigate using autojump + - upload: paste text files to, upload rest to + - all fuzzy plugins modified to support both fzf and fzy + * more control on plugins + - prefix - to skip directory refresh after running (cmd as) plugin + - suffix * to skip confirmation after running cmd as plugin + * indicate range selection mode with * + * list keys at bookmark and plugin key prompts + * visit to pinned dir like bookmarks (Bookmark key followed by ,) + * toggle executable (key *) + * show mime along with file details + * more special keys at empty filter prompt: + - apply the last filter (^L) + - toggle between string and regex (/) + - toggle case-sensitivity (:) + * retain filter on Esc, Up, Down + * show filter details when filter is on + * remove option to run filter as cmd on prompt key (can be disruptive) + * program options + - option -x: enable notis and copy selection to system clipboard + - option -g: regex filters (string filter is default now) + - option -Q: quit program without confirmation + - option -s: load session + - option -n: start in nav-as-you-type mode + - option -v: version sort + - option -V: show program version + - option -A: disable dir auto-select + * ISO 8601 compliant date in status bar + * ported to Haiku OS (thanks @annagrram) + * sort only filtered entries (to avoid directory refresh) + * fix getplugs to install hidden files + * fix several selection issues (see #400) + * fix detail mode not restored on loading session + * fix symlink to directory not auto-selected + * fix regex error on partial regex patterns + * fix symlink not shown if stat(2) on target fails + * fix flags when spawning a CLI opener as default FM + * fix issue with stat flag on Sun (no support for dirent.d_type) + * fix current file in current context not saved correctly in session + * signed source distribution on release + * simplified debugging with line numbers in logs + +- Update to version 2.8.1 + * Fixes to regression caused by 2.8. + +- Update to version 2.8 + * sessions (thanks @annagrram) + * rclone support for remote access (mount any cloud storage!!!) + * toggle selection with Space or ^J + * ignore events during selection so the + symbol is not lost + * run custom (non-shell-interpreted) commands like plugins + * configure cd-on-quit as the default behaviour + * create parent dirs for new files and dirs, duplicate a file/dir anywhere + * copy/move as workflow (thanks @KlzXS) + * edit , flush selection buffer (thanks @KlzXS) + * support xargs with minimal options (as in BusyBox) (thanks @KlzXS) + * changed the key to size sort to z + * additional key ] to show command prompt + * mount archives using archivemount + * smoother double click handling + * program option -R to disable rollover at edges + * keybind collision checker (for custom keybind config) (thanks @annagrram) + * show size of file in bytes in status bar in disk usage mode + * pass unresolved path as second argument ($2) to plugin + * mechanism for plugins to control active directory + * all binary questions are confirmed by y or Y + * plugin changes + - some plugins renamed + - integrated shellcheck in CI, POSIX-compliance fixes (thanks @koalaman) + - getplugs - detect modifications in exiting plugin file (thanks @KlzXS) + - drag-file & drop-file: drag & drop files using dragon + - gutenread: browse, download and read from Project Gutenberg + - suedit - edit file with superuser permissions + - fzhist - fuzzy select commands from history, edit and run + - fzcd - change to a fuzzy-searched directory + - rename - batch rename directory or selection using qmv or vidir + - pskill - fuzzy list a process or zombies by name and kill + - exetoggle - toggle executable status of hovered file + - treeview - informative tree output with file permissions and size + - chksum - recursively calculate checksum for files in hovered directory + - fzopen renamed to fzopen + - imgsxiv instructions added to browse and rename images + * create link to current file + * additional key ; to execute plugin + * more explicit force removal message + * force non-detachable internal edits in $EDITOR (option -E) + * export current file as $nnn (instead of $NN) + * fix file open failure from browser when configured as default FM + +- Update to 2.7 + * plugins for image preview, image and video thumbnails + * redesigned selection workflow + * drop path prefix for files in current dir for selection based archives + * custom direct keybinds for plugins + * libreadline `.history` file moved to `nnn` config directory + * export current entry as `$NN` at command prompt + * more informative status bar in light/detail modes + * auto-proceed to next file on single file select + * path clipping for long paths + * completely revamped wiki + * new program options: + - `-a` to use file access time throughout the program + - `-c` to indicate cli-only opener + - `-f` to run filter as command on <kbd>^P</kbd> + - `-o` replaces config `NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN` + - `-t` replaces config `NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT` + - `-r` replaces config `NNN_OPS_PROG` + * plugin changes: + - `vidthumb` - show video thumbnails in terminal + - `mediainf` - show media info (decoupled as a plugin) + - `notes` - open a quick notes file/dir in `$EDITOR` (decoupled as a plugin) + - `dups` - list duplicate files in the current directory + - `oldbigfile` - list large files by access time + - `moclyrics` - show lyrics of the track currently playing in MOC + - `uidgid` list uid and gid of files in directory + - `mocplay` - now detects if a track is playing or not + - `organize` - categorize files and move to respective directories + - `pastebin` - now uses paste service + - `fzy-edit` - merged into `fzy-open` + - `viuimg` - fix directory view + - `checksum` - fixed POSIX compliance issues + - `boom` - play music in MOC + * keybind changes: + - select entry: <kbd>Space</kbd> and <kbd>^J</kbd> + - select range (or clear selection): <kbd>m</kbd> and <kbd>^K</kbd> + - select all in dir: <kbd>a</kbd> + - list selection: <kbd>M</kbd> + - <kbd>^N</kbd> replaces <kbd>^T</kbd> to toggle _nav-as-you-type_ + - <kbd>Shift TAB</kbd> to reverse context cycle + - <kbd>'</kbd> to jump to first file in dir + - <kbd>S</kbd> for du, <kbd>A</kbd> for apparent du + - additional key <kbd>:</kbd> to run plugin + - additional key <kbd>F2</kbd> to rename file + - additional key <kbd>F5</kbd> to redraw + - quit context key <kbd>Leadq</kbd> is removed + * Leader key combinations: + - <kbd>Lead'</kbd> to jump to first file in dir + - <kbd>Lead]</kbd> go to next active context + - <kbd>Lead[</kbd> go to prev active context + - <kbd>Lead.</kbd> toggle show hidden files + * improved duplicate file workflow + * improved batch rename workflow when a selection exists + * removed the wild load option (`-w`) + * removed quick notes (added plugin `notes`) + * fix #225 (thanks @KlzXS) + * fix `tar`/`bsdtar` always creating tar archives (and not by suffix) + * fix single mouse click to select file not working + * fix symlink to dir removed on batch rename + * fix detail mode not set with program option `-S` + +- Update to 2.6 + * new plugins + view image or browse a directory of images in terminal + show image thumbnails + PDF and text file reader + calculate and verify checksum of selection or file + append (and play) selection/dir/file music in MOC + variable bitrate mp3 ringtone generator + split current file or join selection + * better experience on Termux (and touch based devices) + mouse scrolling support (with ncursesw6.0 and above) + tap/left click to visit parent, toggle nav-as-you-type mode + * light mode set as default + * show status bar and use reverse video in light mode + * changed program options + - d: detail mode + - H: show hidden files + - l is retired + * support XDG_CONFIG_HOME + * support / as an additional Leader key when filter is on + * sort by file extension + * use zip/unzip/tar if atool/bsdtar not found + * support duplicate file (key ^R, same as rename file) + * new config option NNN_SSHFS_OPTS to specify sshfs options + * restrict opening 0 byte files (NNN_RESTRICT_0B is obsolete) + * critical defects fixed + fix #276 - crash with variable length inotify event handling + fix #285 - hang after deleting/moving current directory + fix #274 - a broken prompt on empty input with libreadline + fix #304 - list selection from another instance + * cmatrix as locker fallback + * wait for user input after running a command from prompt + * scrolloff set to 3 from 5 + +- Update to 2.5 + * plugin support. 19 plugins added. Some are: + pdfview: view a PDF in pager + nmount: (un)mount a storage device + ndiff: file and directory diff for selection + hexview: view a file in hex + imgresize: batch resize images to desktop resolution + ipinfo: check your IP address and whois information + transfer: upload a file to + pastebin: paste the contents of a text file to + boom: play random music from a directory + nwal: set an image as wallpaper using nitrogen + pywal: set selected image as wallpaper, change terminal color scheme + getplugs: update plugins + * SSHFS support + * support bsdtar, simplify patool integration + * native batch rename support (vidir dependency dropped) including selection + * mouse support + * new location for config files - ~/.config/nnn + plugin dir location: ~/.config/nnn/plugins + selection file .nnncp is now ~/.config/nnn/.selection + * support configuration as the default file manager + * per-context detail/light mode + * case-insensitive version compare + * shortcut to visit / - ` (backtick) + * vim-like scrolloff support + * ^D & ^U: scroll half page, PgDn & PdUp: scroll full page + * fix selection across contexts + * recognize Home and End keys at prompt for editing + * fix broken program option -b + * POSIX-compliant user-scripts (wherever possible) + * NNN_SCRIPT is retired (replaced by plugins) + +- Update to 2.4 + * Tinier and lighter! + * compliant trashing + * mark selected entries with + + * wild mode (option -w, key ^W) for nav-as-you-type + * POSIX-compliant GUI app launcher with drop-down menu (key =) + * new scripts: + * - upload image to imgur + * - send selection to Android using kdeconnect-cli + * show permissions in detail mode + * cp, mv progress bar on Linux (needs advcpmv) [BSD, macOS shows on ^T] + * make libreadline an optional dep (reduces memory usage) + * minimize the number of redraws + * handle screen resize gracefully + * option -d to show hidden files (NNN_SHOW_HIDDEN is removed) + * additional key K to toggle selection + * change visit start dir key to @ + * option -C to disable colors removed + * per-context initial directory replaced by program start dir + * marker msg when spawning new shell removed + * rename debug file to nnndbg + +- update to 2.3 + * user-contributed scripts repository + * substring search for filters (option -s) + * version sort (option -n) + * key N (1 <= N <= 4) to switch to context N + * disk usage calculation abort with ^C + * create sym/hard link(s) to files in selection + * archiving of selection + * show dir symlinks along with dirs on top + * use nnn as a file picker with + * fixed CJK character handling at prompts + * bring back NNN_OPENER to specify file opener + * env var NNN_NOTE and keybind ^N for quick notes + * handle multiple arguments in VISUAL/EDITOR + * show the current directory being scanned in du mode + * select all files with Y + * remap key to show command prompt to ^P + * key , replaces ` as alternative Leader Key + * keybind for visit pinned directory is now ^B + * additional key ^V to run or select custom script + * use libreadline for command prompt + * reduce delay on Esc press + * config option to avoid unexpected behaviour on 0-byte file open (see #187) + * rename config option DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV to NNN_RESTRICT_NAV_OPEN + * keys removed - $, ^, Backspace, ^H, ^P, ^M, ^W, ` + +- Update to 2.2 + * (neo)vim plugin nnn.vim + * macOS fixes + - Fix issues with file copy, move, remove + - Handle Del in rename prompt + - Pass correct file option to identify mime + * Support selection across directories and contexts + * Offer option force before file remove + * Keys Tab, ^I to go to next active context + * Per-context directory color specified by $NNN_CONTEXT_COLORS + - Option -c is removed + * Option -C to disable colors + * Choose script to run from a script directory + * Run a command (or launch an application) + * Run file as executable (key C) + * Documentation on lftp integration for remote file transfers + * Support a combined set of arguments to $EDITOR, $PAGER and $SHELL + * Handle > 2 GB files on 32-bit ARM + * Env var $DISABLE_FILE_OPEN_ON_NAV to disable file open on Right or l + * NUL-terminated file paths in selection list instead of LF + * Better support for Termux and Cygwin environments + * Remapped keys + - ^I - go to next active context + - ^T - toggle navigate-as-you-type + +- Update to 2.1 + * Multiple contexts (aka tabs aka workspaces) [max 4] + * Copy, move, remove selected files, remove current file + * Leader key (like vim) + * In-built GUI app launcher with up to 2 arguments (key o) + * List copy selection (key y) + * Env var NNN_NO_AUTOSELECT to disable dir auto-select + * Key Esc exits prompt, ^L clears prompt + * Program runtime help revamped + * Static code analysis integration + * gcc-8 warnings fixed + * Remapped keys: + ^W - go to pinned dir + ^X - delete current entry + ^Q - quit program + * nlay is retired (functionality built into nnn) + * chdir prompt is retired + * Env var NNN_NO_X retired, selection now works out of the box + * Only single-char bookmark keys (to work with Leader key) + +- Update to 2.0 + * Added mode to show apparent size (key S) + * Added script to integrate patool instead of atool + * Added support bashlock (OS X) and lock (BSD) as terminal locker + * Added symbol @/ for symlink to dir + * Dependency on libreadline removed + +- Update to 1.9 + * Support unlimited number of scripts + * Pass currently selected filename as first argument to custom scripts + * Support directory auto-select in navigate-as-you-type mode + * Show selection name in archive name prompt + * Better support on RHEL 25 with earlier version on curses + * Sample script for fzy integration + no-more-secrets +- Update to 1.0.1: + * Updated output for nms -v to match release version. + +- Update to 1.0.0: + * Added cyan for color output. + * Fixed issues with the ncurses implementation. + * Improved code for getting input and error reporting. + * Turned on optimizations for the c compiler. + * Various other small code improvements and small bug/typo fixes. + nodejs-underscore +- Update version to 1.13.1 + * Fix security issue (boo#1184800, CVE-2021-23358) + * Fix bugs + * Many new features + nodejs12 +- update to 12.22.7: + * deps: update llhttp to 2.1.4 + - HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers + (bsc#1191601, CVE-2021-22959) + - HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body + (bsc#1191602, CVE-2021-22960) +- changes in 12.22.6: + * deps: upgrade npm to 6.14.15 which fixes a number of + security issues + (bsc#1190057, CVE-2021-37701, bsc#1190056, CVE-2021-37712, + bsc#1190055, CVE-2021-37713, bsc#1190054, CVE-2021-39134, + bsc#1190053, CVE-2021-39135) +- versioned.patch: refreshed + nodejs14 +- update to 14.18.1: + * deps: update llhttp to 2.1.4 + - HTTP Request Smuggling due to spaced in headers + (bsc#1191601, CVE-2021-22959) + - HTTP Request Smuggling when parsing the body + (bsc#1191602, CVE-2021-22960) +- changes in 14.18.0: + * buffer: + + introduce Blob + + add base64url encoding option + * child_process: + + allow options.cwd receive a URL + + add timeout to spawn and fork + + allow promisified exec to be cancel + + add 'overlapped' stdio flag + * dns: add "tries" option to Resolve options + * fs: + + allow empty string for temp directory prefix + + allow no-params fsPromises fileHandle read + + add support for async iterators to fsPromises.writeFile + * http2: add support for sensitive headers + * process: add 'worker' event + * tls: allow reading data into a static buffer + * worker: add setEnvironmentData/getEnvironmentData +- changes in 14.17.6: + * deps: upgrade npm to 6.14.15 which fixes a number of + security issues + (bsc#1190057, CVE-2021-37701, bsc#1190056, CVE-2021-37712, + bsc#1190055, CVE-2021-37713, bsc#1190054, CVE-2021-39134, + bsc#1190053, CVE-2021-39135) +- test-skip-y2038-on-32bit-time_t.patch: fix test failure when + 64-bit time_t is used on 32-bit arches +- refreshed patches: versioned.patch, flaky_test_rerun.patch + non-ntk +- remove from package sources (bsc #1182396) + (unused leftover from original fedora package, we don't do snapshot packaging anyways) + +- update to version 1.3.1000 +- remove non-ntk-1.3.0-fpermissive.patch (fixed upstream) +- run spec-cleaner, improve specfile following its proposals + +- add non-ntk-1.3.0-fpermissive.patch + (fixes friend declaration using default argument in fluid/Fl_Type.h) + -- Initial package - normaliz +- Update to release 3.9.1 + * This simplifies the handling of distributed computations in + connection with volume by signed decomposition. There are a + few other improvements. + +- Update to release 3.9.0 + * Normaliz now uses e-antic for algebraic polyhedra. + * Added the Lawrence algorithm for polytope volumes by signed + decomposition into simplices. + * The descent algorithm for volumes now has a variant exploiting + isomorphisms of faces. + +- Update to release 3.8.10 + * New data structure for the return of triangulations and other + decompositions by libnormaliz. + +- Update to release 3.8.9 + * New extensions: + * Input types rational_lattice and rational_offset. They allow + to choose an arbitrary sublattice of the rational space as + the lattice of reference. + * Computation goal IsEmptySemiOpen. It allows to check the + emptyness of semiopen polyhedra defined by inequalities + and strict inequalities. + * Computation goals DualFaceLattice, DualFVector, DualIncidence + computing the face lattice etc. for the dual cone. + * Computation goal TriangulationGenerators: it replaces + unstable Generators, and the name says explicitly for what it + is meant. + +- Enable flint integration + +- Update to release 3.8.8 + * No user-visible changes; a build fix for Debian packaging. + +- Update to release 3.8.7 + * It is now possible to check the emptyness of semiopen + polyhedra via the new computation goal IsEmptySemiopen. The + '"open faces" are defined by excluded_faces and + inhom_excluded_faces. + +- Update to release 3.8.5 + * New feature: computation of refined triangulations using all + input generators or all lattice points in a polytope or being + unimodular. + +- Update to release 3.8.4 + * Use of precomputed data newly designed. + * New versions of CoCoALib and nauty integrated. + +- Update to release 3.8.3 + * Technical realease that fixes an incompatibility between + libnormaliz and PyNormaliz in version 3.8.2. + +- Update to release 3.8.2 + * Some improvement in convex hull computation for algebraic + polytopes. + * Code cleaned up and formatted; also in the installation files. + +- Update to release 3.8.1 + * This release fixes the codimension bug of 3.8.0. + +- Update to release 3.8.0 + * This release adds the computation of automorphism groups to + Normaliz. Various types of automorphism groups can be + computed: combinatorial, rational/algebraic, integral and + euclidean. It is not yet possible to use the automorphism + groups in the computation of other invariants, which is the + main reason for their introduction. +- Remove 0001-Fix-a-bunch-of-compiler-warnings-and-two-actual-bugs.patch, + headerfile.patch + +- Add headerfile.patch to provide normaliz/output.h. + +- Update to new upstream release 3.7.4 + * Algebraic polyhedra: these can now be computed directly in + Normaliz so that QNormaliz has become obsolete. + * Face lattice and f-vector can now be computed by Normaliz. + * NumberLatticePoints is a new computation goal that lets + Normaliz count lattice points in polytopes without storing + them. + * Added the computation goals Dynamic and Static and the + libnormaliz function modifyCone. +- Add 0001-Fix-a-bunch-of-compiler-warnings-and-two-actual-bugs.patch + +- Update to version 3.6.3: + * Fix that caused building issues. +- Update to version 3.6.2: + * Fix problems with certain borderline input, like empty + polytopes or polytopes of embedding dimension 0. + +- Update to version 3.6.1: + * Introduction of NoGradingDenom and better treatment of + polytopes. + * Refinements in the computation of volumes. + +- Update to version 3.6.0: + * Includes QNormaliz as a tool for algebraic polyhedra and its + Python interface PyQNormaliz. + * The install scripts have been revised thoroughly. + noson +- Update to 2.4.1 + * Fallback when presentation map is invalid for the service + * Includes improvements for pulse streamer + +- Update to 2.3.1: + * Fix build for SunOS + noson-app +- Update to 4.4.9 + * Add the minimal step on volume tap up + * Fix crash in m4a parser caused by an invalid scale + * Add filter by composer in "This device" + * Includes improvements for the Pulse Streamer. The playback lag + should be as short as possible, but it always depends on how + your Sonos device handles its internal buffer. + +- Update to 4.4.2 +- Update noson build dependency to 2.3.1 + +- Update to 4.4.1 + * Add a new setting to configure an additional music location + other than the default XDG + notification-daemon +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + notify-osd +- Update to version 0.9.35~bzr20191129: + * Support "image-path" as hint (lp#1840741). +- Rebase notify-osd-leolik.patch. +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + notify-sharp +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + novprog +- Update to version 3.2.0: + * Added setting words written for current day + * Added support for Qt 6 + * Refactored code + * Removed XPM icon + * Translation updates: Dutch, Lithuanian + +- Update to version 3.1.7: + * FIXED: Did not load locales with underscores + * Improved Windows deployment + * Replaced deprecated code +- Changes in version 3.1.6: + * FIXED: Window icon didn't work in Wayland + * Improved loading locales + * Improved Windows deployment + * Replaced deprecated code + +- Update to version 3.1.5: + * FIXED: Automatic high DPI support +- Changes for version 3.1.4: + * Extra warnings only shown in debug build + * Translation updates: Portuguese +- Mark license as such + +- Update to version 3.1.5 + * FIXED: Automatic high DPI support +- Update to version 3.1.4 + * Extra warnings only shown in debug build + * Improved Linux deployment + * Improved macOS deployment + * Improved Windows deployment + * Translation updates: Portuguese +- Applied spec-cleaner + nsd +- New upstream release 4.3.9 + * Fix #198: nsd-control reconfig core dump. + * Fix to remove git tracking and ci information from release tarballs. + * Fix unit tests for new answer-cookie default. + * Fix socket_partitioning unit test for FreeBSD. + * Fix SVCB test to work around older dig with drill. + +- adjusted SystemCallFilter= in nsd.service + +- set RestrictAddressFamilies= in nsd.service + +- reworked nsd.service: + * directly start as User=_nsd + * even more hardening + * removed commented and unused directives + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * nsd.service + +- New upstream release 4.3.8 + FEATURES: +- Merge #185 by cesarkuroiwa: Mutual TLS. +- Set default for answer-cookie to no. Because in server deployments + with mixed server software, a default of yes causes issues. + BUG FIXES: +- Fix to compile with OpenSSL 3.0.0beta2. +- Fix configure detection of SSL_CTX_set_security_level. +- Fix deprecated functions use from openssl 3.0.0beta2. +- For #184: Note that all zones can be targeted by some nsd-control + commands in the man page. +- Fixes for #185: Document client-cert, client-key and client-key-pw + in the man page. Fix yacc semicolon. Fix unused variable warning. + Use strlcpy instead of strncpy. Fix spelling error in error + printout. +- Merge #187: Support using system-wide crypto policies. +- Fix #188: NSD fails to build against openssl 1.1 on CentOS 7. +- Fix sed script in ssldir split handling. +- Fix #189: nsd 4.3.7 crash answer_delegation: Assertion + `query->delegation_rrset' failed. +- Fix #190: NSD returns 3 NSEC3 records for NODATA response. +- Fix compile failure with openssl 1.0.2. +- Fix #194: Incorrect NSEC3 response for SOA query below delegation + point. + +- New upstream release 4.3.7 + FEATURES: +- Syntax of SVCB and HTTPS RR type as per draft-ietf-dnsop-svcb-https +- Client side DNS Zone Transfer-over-TLS (XoT) support as per + draft-ietf-dprive-xfr-over-tls +- Interoperable DNS Cookies support as per RFC7873 and RFC9018 + BUG FIXES: +- Fix for #170: Fix build warnings when IPv6 is disabled. +- Fix #170: Disabled IPv6 and DNSTAP enabled triggers a build error. +- Fix for #128: Skip over sendmmsg invalid argument when port is zero. +- Fix #171: Invalid negative response (NSEC3) after IXFR. +- Fix to make nsec3_chain_find_prev return NULL if one nsec3 left. +- Fix #174: NS Records below delegation are not ignored (nsd-checkzone + also does not raise any issue). +- Fix #176: please review Loglevel on missing zonefile. +- Update the ACX_CHECK_NONBLOCKING_BROKEN test for the configure + script. +- Fix #179: log notice and server-count. +- Update configure nonblocking test to use host. +- Fix #168: Buffer overflow in the dname_to_string() function +- Fixes for child server processes getting out of sync with the + dnstap-collector process +- Fix gcc-11 warning on array bounds. +- Fix compile of cookies on FreeBSD without IPv6. +- Fix for loop initial declaration for nonc99 compiler +- Fix typo in xfrd-tcp.c. + +- New upstream release 4.3.6 + FEATURES: +- Fix #146 with #147: DNSTAP log the local address of the server + with the dnstap logs. +- Enable configuring a control-interface by interface name. +- A -p option to nsd-checkzone to print a successfully read zone. +- Add Extended DNS Errors RFC8914 +- Per zone Access Control List for queries + with an allow-query: option. + BUG FIXES: +- Prevent a few more yacc clashes. +- Merge PR #153 from fobser: Repair -fno-common linker errors + automatically. +- Fix uninitialized access of log_buf in error printout on apply ixfr. +- Fix AF_LOCAL compile error for Solaris. +- Fix ifaddrs compile error for Solaris. +- Fix ifaddrs.h compile error for Solaris. +- Man page documentation for dnstap options. +- Fix segfault on high verbosity for TLS channels with dnstap log + local address. +- Fix #163: A TSIG noncompliance with RFC 2845. +- Fix that wildcard is printed as a star instead of escaped, in + logs and in written zone files. +- Fix double config.h include in configlexer.c +- Fix to remove configyyrename from and also + update the flex and bison rules there to add the "c_" prefix. +- Fix configure to use header checks with compile. +- Fix warning about unused function log_addr. +- Fix #154: TXT with parentheses fails in 4.3.5. +- Align parsing of TXT elements with how bind does it. +- Fix configure failure for enable systemd because of autoconf. + +- New upstream release 4.3.5 + BUG FIXES: +- Fix #143: xfrd no hysteresis with NOT IMPLEMENTED rcode. +- Fix #144: Typo fix in +- For #145: Fix that service of remaining TCP and TLS connections + does not allow new queries to be made, the connection is closed. + Only existing queries and zone transfers are answered, new ones + are rejected by a close of the channel. +- Fix that nsd-control has timeout when connection is down. +- remove windows socket ifdefs from nsd-control. +- Fix #148: CNAME need not be followed after a synthesized CNAME + for a CNAME query. +- Fix for autoconf 2.70. +- Fix #150: TXT record validation difference with BIND. +- Fix #151: DNAME not applied more than once to resolve the query. +- Fix #152: '*' in Rdata causes the return code to be NOERROR instead + of NX. + nsjail +- Update to 3.0: + * the TCP proxy mode is a socketpair proxy now + * fixes for some configs/ (e.g. for xchat and for znc) + * new clone option recognized (CLONE_NEWPID) + * fixed max_conns_per_ip + * clarification of units for cgroups_mem_max +- Remove remove_werror.patch + +- Add remove_werror.patch to prevent build errors due to deprecation + warnings. I expect this can be removed with 3.0 + nss_ldap -- bsc#1154340 missing export caused INET6 to fail in nss_ldap - -- bsc#1081768 missing nss_ldap and pam_ldap packages (plus dependencies) - -- Add nss_ldap-perl-5.26.patch: Fix build with perl 5.26. $cwd is - no longer part of @INC. - -- Add reproducible.patch to allow for reproducible builds - -- Relabel patches: - nss_ldap.dif -> 0000-nss_ldap.dif - group-utf8.dif -> 0001-group-utf8.dif - nss_ldap-ldapconn-leak-bug418.dif -> - 0002-nss_ldap-ldapconn-leak-bug418.dif - nss_ldap-getent-retry.dif -> 0003-nss_ldap-getent-retry.dif - nss_ldap-getent-skip-invalid-uidgidnumber.dif -> - 0004-nss_ldap-getent-skip-invalid-uidgidnumber.dif - nss_ldap-265-glibc-2.16.patch -> 0005-nss_ldap-265-glibc-2.16.patch - nss_ldap-265-pthread.patch -> 0006-nss_ldap-265-pthread.patch - bnc#842120.dif -> 0007-bnc#842120.dif - bnc#866763.dif -> 0008-bnc#866763.dif -- Add patches: - * Resolve a connection management issue in oneshot operation mode & - Fix bad variable initialisation (bsc#934444) - 0009-fix-for-BUG-412-don-t-close-nested-contexts.patch - 0010-initialize-context-in-_nss_ldap_getbyname.patch - * Fix buffer management issue between glibc and LDAP (bsc#986858) - 0011-When-invoked-via-glibc-the-input-buffer-is-enlarged.patch - -- Use %configure macro -- Remove unrecognized configure options - * --enable-schema-mapping, - * --enable-xad -- Use url for source -- Update dependencies on autotools -- Use Requires(pre) in spec file - -- Call autoreconf -fiv in place of autoreconf: ensure that - autoreconf is successful in newer versions too. - -- Save old ldap.conf from pwdutils to not lose ldap configuration - [bnc#891585] - -- added bnc#842120.dif bnc#866763.dif -- bnc#879368 - Bug in ldap_nss prevents Nomachine NX server to start -- bnc#866763 - reverse ipv6 host lookups fail when ldap is used - * bnc#866763.dif -- bnc#842120 - nss_ldap crashes when running atfork() hooks - * bnc#842120.dif - -- bnc#889015 - Package 'nss_ldap' contains 'SuSE' spelling in a filename and/or SPEC file - ntl +- Update to release 11.5.1 + * Fixed bug that prevented compilation on IBM z + +- Update to release 11.5.0 + * Added experimental support for AES-CTR mode as an alternative + to ChaCha20 for Pseudo-Random Number Generation. + +- Update to release 11.4.4 + * Improved Karatsuba code for ZZX and GF2EX (as well as the + non-GMP implementation of ZZ). + +- Update to release 11.4.3 + * Added KarMul and KarSqr for ZZ_pX (declared in ZZX.h and + implemented in ZZX.cpp). These are not a part of the + documented interface. + +- Update to release 11.4.1 + * Fixed bug in new NTL_EXEC_DIVIDE that could manifest itself + when NTL_THREAD_BOOST=off. Existing code that does not + explicitly use this feature should not be affected by this + bug. + * Fixed some namespace visibility issues in the TLS hack macros. + +- Update to release 11.4.0 + * The Schoenhage–Strassen FFT for both ZZ_pX and ZZX is now fully + "thread boosted". + +- Specfile modernization. + +- Update to new upstream release 11.3.2 + * Fixed a performance issue in the PowerMod function for the + ZZ class. + +- Update to new upstream release 11.3.1 + * Fixed a bug that effected image, kernel, and gauss routines + for Mat<zz_p>. These routines did not behave correctly when + the input matrix was zero. Also improved the mat_lzz_pTest + program. + +- Update to new upstream release 11.3.0 + * Performance tuned GF2EX arithmetic. Tuned crossovers for + various algorithms. + * Implemented asymptotocially fast GCD and XGCD for GF2EX, + zz_pEX, and ZZ_pEX. + +- Update to new upstream release 11.2.1 + * The low-level "small-prime" FFT (a.k.a., NTT) was rewritten. It + implements a "truncated" FFT, which can speed up polynomial + multiplication by a factor of two, and which mainly eliminates + "jumps" in the running time at powers of two. The new FFT + routines are in fact a bit faster even at powers of two. + * Improved performance of ZZ mul and sqr on small inputs: + mul speedup: 1 limb: 2.5x; 2 limbs: 1.4x; 3 limbs: 1.3x. + * More efficient implementation of low-level butterfly + operations. +- Remove ntl-automake.diff, add no-static.diff. + +- Update to new upstream release 11.0.0 + * Multithreading is enabled. To get these speedups, you have to + call SetNumThreads. + * Thread boosted all cubic-time operations in mat_ZZ_pE, + mat_lzz_pE, and mat_GF2E. This includes: matrix + multiplication, inversion, determinant, kernel, image, and + solving linear systems. + * Thread boosted RandomPrime, GenPrime, and GenGermainPrime. + * New functions: GetWallTime, VectorRandomWord. + nudoku +- Update to 2.1.0: + * Use actual terminal background color (instead of black) as + background color (pr #31) + * Define minimum gettext version instead of exact one (pr #32) + * Require gettext 0.20 + * Add Japanese translation (pr #40) + * Minor code change +- Drop nudoku-2.0.0-unused-var.patch: upstreamed +- Drop nudoku-2.0.0-gettext.patch: upstreamed + +- Add nudoku-2.0.0-unused-var.patch: + Remove unused variable. Fixes build on TW. +- Add nudoku-2.0.0-gettext.patch: + Require gettext 0.20 + +- Add cairo dependency: enable PDF and PNG creation + +- Update to 2.0.0: + * Translation support + * Added translations for: Spanish, German, Russian + * Refactoring and code cleanup + * Add color difference between provided numbers and the ones + entered by the user + * Output sudoku PDFs (-p/-n option) + * Output sudoku PNG (-i option) + * Fix duplicate fields in sudoku generation (pr #28) + numix-gtk-theme +- Add numix-gtk-theme-add-text_view_bg.patch: New version of VTE + requires themes to export text_view_bg, this patch adds it. + (bsc#1184979) + +- Update to version + * Fix Thunar sidebar + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#742) + * eclipse: fix small toolbar buttons + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#748) + * Replace deprecated Ruby Sass with SassC + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#734) + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#740) + * Update budgie panel and workspace-switcher colors + (gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#368) + * Gtk-3.20:xfce Add whisker menu style + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#666) + * Update xfce4-notifyd specific gtk3 style + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#677). + * Correct maximize button behavior in Openbox + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#77) + * [Gtk-2.0] Remove unnecessary executable permissions + (#gh#numixproject/numix-gtk-theme#690) +- Package changes: + * Replace saas with sassc. + * Don't build for EOL distribution versions. + * Spec-cleaner run + * Pull the source using obs_scm/_service until upstream + tags the new release. + nuspell +- Update to version 5.0.0. + * Fixed + * Greatly reduce memory usage. + * Increase speed of spellchecking. + * Fix long lagging when generating suggestions in edge cases. + * Fix building on OS Haiku. + * Changed + * Split file dictionary.hxx/cxx into multiple files. The other + files are implementation details and the public header + dictionary.hxx is now clean of private details. + * Removed + * Remove functions and classes that were deprecated in v4.x. + nvdock +- Use license compatibility cruft, cleanup spec file +- Fix build with gcc10 + * nvdock-fix-gcc10-build.patch + nvme-cli +- Allow -1 as ctrl_loss_tmo value (bsc#1192348) + * add 0013-nvme-cli-ctrl-loss-tmo-should-accept-1-as-value.patch +- Fix segfauls while discovering (bsc#1191935) + * add 0014-Input-expects-device-name-without-dev.patch + * add 0015-fabrics-fix-nvme-discover-segfault-if-sysfs-path-is-.patch + * add 0016-fabrics-Only-free-initialized-valued-on-exit.patch + * add 0017-nvme-print-add-discovery-async-event-config-field.patch + * add 0018-fabrics-fix-nvme-connect-segfault-if-transport-type-.patch +- Context udpate + * refresh 0004-nvme-topology-no-error-message-when-openeing-of-cont.patch +- Adding missing hunk (bsc#1182591) + * update 0001-fabrics-ensure-zero-kato-for-non-persistent-controllers.patch +- Use pkg-config for libuuid dependency setup + * add 0103-build-use-pkg-config-for-libuuid-detection.patch + nxtvepg +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * nxtvepg.service + +- Properly use the systemd rpm macros with nxtvepg.service. + Also drop the initscript since it's no more used since the + introduction of nxtvepg.service. + +- Added support for systemd + [bsc#1116025, nxtvepg.service] + -- updated to version 2.7.7 - * Implemented new algorithm in EPG stream decoder to improve - performance under bad reception conditions (i.e. with high data - loss rates) - * bugfix in TV app detection -> fixes interaction with - "tvtime" - * Minor bugfix in display of user-defined separators in programme - list's context menu - * Minor bugfix in reminder message popup windows: font for - programme title can now be changed with "pi_font" in the - resource file (i.e. file or via X11 resources on - UNIX) - * Work-around for bttv driver bug in kernel 2.6.16 (fixed - in 2.6.18) Thanks to all the people in the nxtvepg forum who - helped debugging this and esp. to Lars for providing the first - work-around. - * improved portability of timezone offset calculation - * Excluded deceased providers "RTL2" (Germany) and "VT" (Belgium) - from documentation and the EPG scan's list of pre-defined - providers. - * Many fixes and improvements in the German documentation; Thanks - again to Kurt Lettmaier - * Added German translation of the manual and help pages. - Many thanks to Olaf Noehring and Kurt Lettmaier for - contributing the translation. - * Major bugfix in reminder removal (when removing multiple - reminders in the same order they were created, the wrong - reminder was removed and nxtvepg could even crash.) Thanks to - Kurt for reporting this bug. - * Added menu entry "Edit filter-based reminders" to promote the - possibility to create reminders based on shortcuts. - * Minor fix in XMLTV export (DTD 0.6): several elements were not - in the correct order, which caused warnings with some XML - processors - * Provider scan now issues an appropriate error message - upon device errors (Thanks to Andreas for reporting this - problem) -- added insserv macros to %preun and %postun - -- fix build with X.Org 7.1 - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - o2locktop +- Use better RPM category group. +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars by macros. +- Avoid name repetition in summary. + o2scl +- Add o2scl-cpp17-legendre-conflict.patch -- Rename function + legendre() to legendrex() to avoid conflict with std::legendre() + in c++17 (default in GCC 11) [gh#awsteiner/o2scl#17]. +- Update URL to current upstream. + +- Add o2scl-boost-math-gamma-header.patch: Include boost header + required for tgamma function. +- Fix an EOL encoding issue. + +- Update to version 0.925: + * Fixed interpolation bug and log grid bug in + tensor_grid::rearrange_and_copy(). + * Improved acol docs everywhere. Created acol table3d + to-tensor-grid, acol table3d to-hist-2d, acol table3d + get-grid, acol create table-mv, acol table3d slice-hist, acol + table3d select, acol h5-copy, acol table correl, acol + constant, acol binary, acol docs, and acol wdocs. + * The integration routines for semi-infinite intervals have been + refactored to use \ref integ_iu(), \ref integ_il() and \ref + integ_i(). + * Improved error handling and documentation in cloud_file. + * Several updates to eos_sn, nstar_rot, eos_had_rmf, + eos_had_rmf_hyp_ts, and ex_eos_gibbs. + * Created new beta-equilibrium functions in some EOS classes. + * Created new function nucmass_fit::fit_covar() to fit nuclear + masses with a covariance matrix. + * Reworked documentation in sphinx/breathe. + * Fixed spacing bug in rewrap_keep_endlines(). + * Updated strings_spec(), vector_spec(), mult_vector_spec() and + value_spec(). + * Added OpenMP support to some table functions. Updated + table::swap(). + * Created experimental new convert_units::convert_calc() + function and created find_constants class. Updated solar + system constants. + * Improvements to the vec_index class. + * Updated the vector_acor() function. Created vectors_equal() + and vectors_equal_tol(). + * Fixed hidden virtual function warnings. + * Created columnify::add_spaces(). + * Worked on multiprecision support for several particle classes. + * Cleaned up polylogs and created bessel_K_exp class. + * Fixed HDF5 1.12-related deprecation warnings. + * Renamed integration classes for infinite or semi-infinite + limits. + * Created a new experimental auto_format class. + * Created new vt100 string functions and moved them into a new + terminal class. + * Added quadratic and cubic discriminants. + * Added experimental part_pdg. +- Add o2scl-disable-slow-hdf-test.patch: Disable a slow hdf test + that causes OBS workers to time out. +- Add o2scl-exp-overflow.patch: Fix for overflows from GSL exp.c; + patch taken from upstream git commit [gh#awsteiner/o2scl#16]. +- Drop o2scl-disable-failing-eos-test.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Pass "-DO2SCL_HDF5_PRE_1_12" to CXXFLAGS to use HDF5 1.10.x + specific definitions. + obs-service-download_files +- update to version 0.9.1: + * supporting alternative local filenames in spec and PKGBUILD + * Download files only on the "last" *.spec files + * fixes for silent download + +- Update to version 0.8.0: + * updated debian control and changelog + * added debian.dsc + * added 'make test' to spec file + * fix '--recompress' + * fix test suite + * added KankuFile + * added section 'clean' to Makefile + +- Update to version 0.7.2: + * add install time dependencies + +- Update to version 0.7.1: + * fix enforceupstream option with cold/disabled cache + +- Update to version 0.7.0: + * Support modification time header check during download + * Fedora dependency updates from cfelder + * fix missing dep for appimage parser + +- fix dependency to perl(YAML::XS) for appimage parser + +- Update to version 0.6.2: + * support appimage.yml parsing + +- update to new tag 0.6.1 + * changed _service to @PARENT_TAG@ + * swap wget parameters + * remove unset urlextension variable + * remove unused BN + * remove leftover partial file when wget fails + * Add missing build-dependencies to d/control + * [dist] replace shebang to get rid error while building package + * [dist] remove obsrun user and cachedir from package + +- Update to version 0.6.0.git.1529932613.88b8b29: + * [dist] remove obsrun user and cachedir from package + * [dist] migrate spec file from OBS to git repo + * debian changelog entry + * make enforcement of IPv4 and SSL verification optional. + * Add file + * fixes #6 + * added gitignore + * [testing] better handling for files in download server + * fixed tabs + * fixed recompression and started with automated testing + +- Update to version 0.6.0.git.1529932093.f836107: + * [dist] migrate spec file from OBS to git repo + -- Update to version 0.5+git.1392281610.962de91: - + Generate changes entries from special files - -- Add source service tar_scm to fetch sources moved to - -- Run spec-cleaner - -- We do not tell the server that we are an OBS tool by default anymore, - because too many sites just have a white list, but they accept wget - -- fallback to openSUSE 12.3 config if build does not provide default.config - -- Fix download from github by explicitly specifying output file. -- Use local scope where possible. -- Add bash comparsions instead of posix ones as bash invoke them - faster. -- Remove urlextension variable which was always empty. - obs-service-download_url +- replace mentions of curl with wget + +- Update to version 0.1.3: + * Revamp + +- Update to version 0.1.2: + * make download_url executable. + * GPL license file + obs-service-extract_file +- Update to version 0.4: + * add support for obscpio archives from obs_scm + * Add file + obs-service-product_converter +- 1.4.8 + * removing another trace of obsolete SP migration package handling + +- 1.4.7 + * new option for picking rpms by version number instead of + repository priority + +- 1.4.6 + * add a field for default repository name for + zypper (bsc#1187425) + * add an automatic field for default OBS download URL + * release spec file cleanup + +- 1.4.5 + * Write beta version to the pretty name of os-release file. + * drop it from VERSION_ID since space violate the format spec. + jsc#SLE-170001 + +- 1.4.4 + - allow to write milestone comment independent of beta version (OBS-51) + - additional warning when using it manually to verify OBS_NAME + +- 1.4.2 + - try to get OBS_NAME when using evil local wrapper scripts + which do not set it (they can still set it wrong) + - add warning for missing OBS_NAME + +- 1.4.1 + - fix regression creating empty ExclusiveArchs lists + +- 1.4.0 + - obsolete and conflict predecessor flavors + - Avoid Duplicate Repository Entries in .prod file + - If defined build a ExclusiveArch list from 'distrotarget' + +- 1.3.0 + - no more migration spec files got created (supposed to be obsolete) + - extend summary: with possible defined beta version + +- 1.2.0 + * provide and require correct obsproduct:/ for pool repository + +- 1.1.5 + * enable preference hybrid flag in RPi mode + +- 1.1.4 + * regression fix by Ludwig for release package handling + +- update to 1.1.3 + * support RPI hybrid mode + obs-service-refresh_patches +- Require python3 instead of python, which is python2 + * See last commit. We do not want to pull in obsolete python2 + * This removes compatibility with SLE 11, RHEL7 and older +- Work around older rpm versions in older distributions + +- Update to version 0.3.9+git.1625238904.d59f20e: + * Switch to python3 + * add license file + +- Fix Group and License tags for Mageia packages + - * Avoid parsing shell output (boo#1108189) + * Avoid parsing shell output (boo#1108189, CVE-2018-12477) -- Update to version - + Support quilt on SLE_11 - -- Update to version 0.3.4+git.1386595051.c3f87d4: - + Fix %pre section patch regex - -- Update to version 0.3.3+git.1385473723.13c63f4: - + Whitespaces handling in OSCRC_EMAIL regexp - ocaml-benchmark +- Require current dune macros +- Update to version 1.6, via _service file + Fix some typos in the documentation. + Add option --all to the Tree.arg. + Fix uncaught exception in Tree.run_global. + ocaml-facile +- Update to 1.1.4 + build with dune +- Refresh ocaml-4.patch +- Require current ocaml-rpm-macros + +- Require current dune macros + oce +- Add _constraints with default 7G min disk space. + +- minor update to 0.18.3 + - fixes for VTK 8 + - merged xlocale fix (oce-check-for-xlocale.patch) +- added file for developer informations + +- minor update to 0.18.2 + ocrad +- update to 0.27: + * fixes for compiler warnings and other developer visible changes + +- Update to version 0.26 + * Version 0.26 released. + * (main): Don't use stdin more than once. + * configure: Avoid warning on some shells when testing for g++. + * Detect the existence of install-info. +- Spec cleanup + -- update to version 0.18 - * Added a layout analyser able to process arbitrary pages. - * Added new option `--quiet'. - * The `--layout' option no more accepts an argument. - * The `--crop' option now accepts negative coordinates. - * New recognized letter; 'a' with ring above. - * Fixed recognition on files with a single big character. - * Fixed bug that didn't write maxval when saving pgm or ppm. - * Fixed some includes that prevented compilation with GCC 4.3.0. - * "make install-info" should now work on Debian and OS X. - * Arg_parser updated to 1.2. - * Verbosity control of messages has been modified. -- add info files post and postun scripts - -- make patch0 usage consistent - ocserv +- Update to version 1.1.3 + * No longer close stdin and stdout on worker processes as they + are already closed in main process. + * Advertise X-CSTP-Session-Timeout. + * No longer recommend building with system's libpcl but rather + the bundled as it is not a very common shared library. + * Corrected busyloop on failed DTLS handshakes. + * Emit OWASP best practice headers for HTTP. + +- Update to version 1.1.2 + * Allow setup of new DTLS session concurrent with old session. + * Fixed an infinite loop on sec-mod crash when server-drain-ms + is set. + * Don't apply BanIP checks to clients on the same subnet. + * Don't attempt TLS if the client closes the connection with + zero data sent. + * Increased the maximum configuration line; this allows banner + messages longer than 200 characters. + * Removed the listen-clear-file config option. This option was + incompatible with several clients, and thus is unusable for a + generic server. + +- Update to version 1.1.1: + * Improved rate-limit-ms and made it dependent on secmod backlog. + This makes the server more resilient (and prevents connection + failures) on multiple concurrent connections + - Added namespace support for listen address by introducing the + listen-netns option. + - Disable TLS1.3 when cisco client compatibility is enabled. New + anyconnect clients seem to supporting TLS1.3 but are unable to + handle a client with an RSA key. + - Enable a race free user disconnection via occtl. + - Added the config option of a pre-login-banner. + - Ocserv siwtched to using multiple ocserv-sm processes to + improve scale, with the number of ocserv-sm process dependent + on maximum clients and number of CPUs. Configuration option + sec-mod-scale can be used to override the heuristics. + - Fixed issue with group selection on radius servers sending + multiple group class attribute. +- Update patch: + * ocserv-enable-systemd.patch + * ocserv.config.patch + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Update to version 1.1.0: + * Switch from fork to fork/exec model to achieve better scaling + and ASLR protection. This introduces an ocserv-worker application + which should be installed at the same path as ocserv (#285). + * When Linux OOM takes control kill ocserv workers before + ocserv-main or ocserv-secmod (#283). + * Disable TCP queuing on the TLS port. + * Fix leak of GnuTLS session when DTLS connection is + re-established (#293). +- Verify source with keyring before build. + +- Add signature and keyring for source verification +- Build with support for maxminddb +- Build with support for OATH +- Update to version 1.0.1 + * Prevent clients that use broken versions of gnutls from + connecting using DTLS. + * occtl: added machine-readable fields in json output. + * occtl: IPs in ban list value is now reflecting the actual + banned IPs rather than the database size. +- Update to version 1.0.0 + * Avoid crash on invalid configuration values. + * Updated manpage generation to work with newer versions of ronn. + * Ensure scripts have all the information on all disconnection + types. + * Several updates to further restrict the control that worker + processes have on the main process. + * Add support for RFC6750 bearer tokens. This adds the "auth=oidc" + config option. See doc/ for more information. + * Add USER_AGENT, DEVICE_TYPE and DEVICE_PLATFORM environment + variables when connect/disconnect scripts execute. + * Corrected issue with DTLS-PSK negotiation which prevented it + from being enabled. + * Improved IPv6 handling of AnyConnect client for Apple ios. + * Fixed issue with Radius accounting. +- Update to version 0.12.6 + * Improved IPv6 support for anyconnect clients. + * The 'split-dns' configuration directive can be used per-user. + * The max-same-clients=1 configuration option no longer refuses + the reconnection of an already connected user. + * Added openat() to the accepted list of seccomp calls. This + allows ocserv to run under certain libcs. +- Update to version 0.12.5 + * Added configuration option udp-listen-host. This option + supports different listen addresses for tcp and udp such as + haproxy for tcp, but support dtls at the same time. + * occtl: fixed json output of show status command. Introduced + tests for checking its json output using yajl. + * occtl: use maxminddb when available. +- Update to version 0.12.4 + * Added support for radius access-challenge (multifactor) + authentication. + * Fixed race condition when connect-script and disconnect-script + are set, which could potentially cause a crash. + * Perform quicker cleanup of sessions which their user explicitly + disconnected. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: + Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + +- Update to version 0.12.3: + * Fixed crash when no DTLS ciphersuite is negotiated. + * Fixed crash happening arbitrarily depending on handled string + sizes (#197). + * Fixed compatibility issue with GnuTLS 3.3.x (#201). + * occtl: print the TLS session information, even if the DTLS + channel is not established. + +- Update to version 0.12.2: + * Added support for AES256-SHA legacy cipher. This allows the + anyconnect clients to use AES256. + * Added support for the DTLS1.2 protocol hack used by new + Anyconnect clients. + +- Update to version 0.12.1: + * Fixed crash on initialization when server was running on background + * Work around issues with GnuTLS 3.4.x on ubuntu 16.04, at the cost of a memory leak on key reload + +- Update to version 0.12.0 + * Allow DTLS stream to come from different IP from TLS stream. There are situations where internet providers send the UDP stream from different IP. + * Increased possibilities of allowed combinations of authentication methods. + * Corrected regression since 0.11.8 with OTP authentication. + * Added support for hostname-based virtual hosts, utilizing TLS SNI. With that change it is possible to configure multiple servers running over the same port. + * Rename the tun device on BSD systems which support SIOCSIFNAME ioctl. + * Correctly handle proxy-protocol’s health commands. That eliminates few connection drops when proxy protocol is in use. + * Corrected crash on certain cases when proxy protocol is in use. +- Update ocserv.config.patch due to upstream changes + octave +- Update to version 6.4.0: + * Improvements and fixes: + - Reduce memory usage in BISTs for copyobj, hgsave (bug + [#57591]). + - hgsave.m, copyobj.m: Use 'qt' graphics toolkit in BISTs. + - Use getopt to parse command line arguments (bug + [#60886]). + - Remove invalid case (bug #60886). + - Disable getopt error reporting in wrapper program (bug + [#60886]). + - interp1.m: Don’t interpret later numeric input as xi (bug + [#60967]). + - pkg: Improve similar package name suggestion (bug #61067). + - Store parent name in function object when caching parents in + scope (bug #61105). + - Avoid internal error and segfault with eval and scripts (bug + [#61191]). + - rmpath: Prevent removing the current directory from the load + path (bug #61216). + * GUI: + - Fix missing interpreter event in octave-scintilla. + - Fix opening a file in a custom editor (bug #60990). + * Documentation: + - Improve docstring for disable_diagonal_matrix, + disable_diagonal_matrix, and disable_range (patch #10089). + - cbrt: Clarify that function errors for non-real input. + - dsearchn.m: Added optional distance output description (bug + [#61156]). + - Add Hungarian translation for project description files. + - Document fsolve output “info†-2 (bug #61310). + * Build system: Correct error message for incompatible CXSparse + (bug #61385). +- Refresh 0001-Use-reentrant-libqhull_r.patch for version 6.4.0 + (line offset changes only). +- Substitute OCTAVE_BLAS_LIBRARY_NAME value in installed macros + file rather than modifying the source file itself. + +- Upgrade to octave 6.3.0: + * Long list of changes, see + +- Update 0001-Use-reentrant-libqhull_r.patch for use with version + 6.3.0 +- Add octave-qhull_r-fixes.patch to complement + 0001-Use-reentrant-libqhull_r.patch for the build system. + +- move rpm macros to /usr/lib/rpm/marcos.d (boo#1185659) + +- Fix incomplete geometry support, use reentrant libqhull_r instead + of the deprecated non-reentrant, add + 0001-Use-reentrant-libqhull_r.patch + +- Update to version 6.2.0: + * Bug fix release, see + + +- Update to version 6.1.0: + * Long list of changes, see + +- Add BuildRequires: sundials-devel to enable sundials based + solvers; also add libsundials*.so to Requires for octave-cli to + resolve between multiple providers coming from serial and + different parallel flavours of sundials. +- Update api version to 55 in keeping with upstream. +- Minor adjustment of patches to fix line offsets. +- Drop external pkgconfig file: octave now installs its own. +- Link duplicate files in %{_datadir} using fdupes. + +- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro. + octave-forge-communications +- Update to version 1.2.3: + * The following functions are new: berconfint, bin2gray, + finddelay, rcosfir. + * The function `poly2trellis' now supports feedback connections. + * Fixed a bug in 'de2bi' that gave an error when only specifying + input decimal and MSB direction, and also improved Matlab + compatibility of input option handling. + +- Update to version 1.2.2 + * The communications package is now compatible with Octave 4.4 and 5. +- Drop upstream/obsolete patches: + * communications-octave-4.2.patch + * communications-octave-4.2-cxxflags.patch + * 0001-Update-deprecated-functions-includes.patch + octave-forge-control +- Update to version 3.3.1: + * Fixed time response for first order systems. +- Changes from version 3.3.0: + * New function rlocusx providing gain, damping and frequency for + selected poles together with the possibility to generate open + loop bode plots and simulations of the closed loop for + selected closed loop poles. + * Fixed several issues in bode, c2d, lsim and step. + * Fixed issues in legends of time and frequency responses when + * requested for multiple systems. + * Fixed usage of deprecated LAPACK routines. + * Added discretization method 'foh' to c2d. + * Added tests for c2d with 'foh' and to dlyapchol. + * Fixed transposing a tfploy. +- Drop control-gcc-errors.patch: No longer required as fixed + upstream. + +- Update to version 3.2.0 + * new function sgrid + * New function: ss2ss + * Fixed many warnings + * added demos to rlocus, pzmap, bode, nichols, nyquist, impulse, lsim, + ramp and step + * improved pzmap to plot with only zeros +- Update to version 3.1.0 + * New function: damp + * Changed nelem to numel and length to numel to remove the warnings + during installation. + * The Impulse section has been rewritten, and a new file - imp_invar.m - + added. The old system tried to use the "zoh" to get an impulse response + but that is impossible. + * The new function "imp_invar.m" converts a Laplace tranfer function + to a discrete tranfer function. + * New functions: acker, dsort, esort. + * Function lsim now plots inputs as well. + * Class 'ss' should now work with complex inputs. + * Extend nyquist plots. + * Fixed warnings with newer Octave versions. + octave-forge-doctest +- Update to version 0.7.0: + * Functions within compiled `.oct` files can now be tested. + * Tests are run with default number formatting (see `help doctest`). + * More robust to errors during testing. + * Makefile improvements and fixes. + octave-forge-econometrics +- Update to version 1.1.2: + * Required Octave version bumped up because of update for new + Octave versions + octave-forge-fuzzy-logic-toolkit +- Update to version 0.4.6 + * Bug #53549 was fixed (parse error in function defuzz.m -- + anonymous function body requires only a single expression). +- Drop inst-defuz.m-update-anonymous-funtion.diff: fixed upstream. + octave-forge-ga +- Update to version 0.10.2: + * Bug fixes #59299 + +- Update to version 0.10.1 + * Bug fixes #55348, #53875 + * minor updates for octave capapability + * minor documentation updates + octave-forge-general +- Fix installation of metainfo file. + +- Update to version 2.1.1: + * updated configure script to detect function names for various + octave versions. + * added additional BIST tests + * minor documentation updates +- Install metainfo + octave-forge-generate_html +- Update to version 0.3.2: + * Fix empty '{}' to work with Octave >= 6. + octave-forge-geometry +- Add upstream patch: + * compile-with-g++-v11.patch + +- Update to version 4.0.0 + * As of this version, geometry does not contain any matgeom + functionality. It contains all the extra functions that we + have been adding to geometry, in particular matlab compatible + functionality for the mapping package. + It might need that you do not need geometry anymore and + instead you need to install matgeom to get the functionality + you were using. + * Functions have been modified + clipPolygon: + - Accepts boolean operation as strings or as integer. + - Accepts a box [xmin xmax ymin ymax] as clipping polygon. + * Added Functions + drawFilledPolygon + +- Update to version 3.0.0 + * This version of the package is not backward compatible for the + following reasons: + + Functions have changed their name + beltproblem --> beltProblem + closed_path --> closedPath + shapearea --> shapeArea + shapecentroid --> shapeCentroid + shapeplot --> plotShape + shapetransform --> transformShape + simplifypolygon --> simplifyPoligon + simplifyPolyline --> simplifyPolyline + + Functions that are in GNU Octave core since 4.0.1 + rad2deg deg2rad + * Added Functions: + isAxisHandle isPolygonCCW isPolygonCW_Clipper joinPolygons polygon2patch + orientPolygon boundedVoronoi2d drawGraphEdges clipGraph grAdjacentEdges + grAdjacentNodes grEdgeLengths centroidalVoronoi2d clipGraphPolygon + cvtUpdate intersectEdgePolygon intersectLinePolygon isPointInPolygon + polygonBounds polygonContains convexHull minimumCaliperDiameter + grShortestPath drawNodeLabels nndist createRotation3dLineAngle drawPlane3d + rotation3dAxisAndAngle boxToMesh checkMeshAdjacentFaces + clipConvexPolyhedronHP clipMeshVertices createDodecahedron + createDurerPolyhedron createIcosahedron createMengerSponge createOctahedron + createRhombododecahedron createSoccerBall createTetrahedron + createTetrakaidecahedron cylinderMesh drawFaceNormals drawPolyhedron + ellipsoidMesh faceCentroids faceNormal intersectLineMesh3d intersectPlaneMesh + mergeCoplanarFaces meshAdjacencyMatrix meshDihedralAngles meshEdgeFaces + meshEdgeLength meshEdges meshFace meshFaceAdjacency meshFaceEdges + meshFaceNumber meshFacePolygons meshSurfaceArea meshVolume minConvexHull + polyhedra polyhedronCentroid polyhedronMeanBreadth polyhedronNormalAngle + polyhedronSlice readMesh_off removeMeshVertices smoothMesh sphereMesh + steinerPolytope subdivideMesh surfToMesh tetrahedronVolume torusMesh + triangulateFaces trimMesh trimeshEdgeFaces trimeshMeanBreadth + trimeshSurfaceArea vertexNormal distancePoints clipLine3d + drawLine3d eulerAnglesToRotation3d intersectLineSphere linePosition3d + recenterTransform3d transformLine3d transformVector3d intersectPolylines + clipPolyline clipPolyline_clipper clipPolygon clipPolygon_clipper + * Improved Functions + + drawPolygon is more efficent when drawing polygons in cells and now it + takes an axis handle as first argument (optional). Added demo and tests + + intersectEdges accepts tolerance as third argument + + polygon2patch demo fixed, missing third argument for patch. + octave-forge-image +- Update to version 2.12.0: + * The following functions are new: + imref2d integralImage integralImage3 + imref3d + * Improved the cubic interpolation method in imremap. This should + also cause improved results in the functions imperspectivewarp, + imresize, and imrotate when using the cubic or bicubic methods. + * The function labelmatrix was changed for compatibility with the + upcoming Octave version 6. + * The function bwmorph now supports the "endpoints" operation. + * The function nonmax_supress was renamed nonmax_suppress to fix its + incorrect spelling. The incorrectly named function is kept for + backwards compatibility. + * The functions imremap, imperspectivewrap, and imrotate no longer + return the `valid' output argument. + * The imgradientxy function will now recognize the methods "central" + and "intermediate" for Matlab compatibility. Their previous names + "centraldifference" and "intermediatedifference" continue to work + for backwards compatibility. + * The stdfilt function will again handle all images of non floating + type (a regression introduced in the version 2.10.0). + octave-forge-instrument-control +- Update to version 0.7.0: + * Update get function for instrument controls to not use cellfun + (Bug #59581) + * UDPPORT: Added new udpport class + * TCPCLIENT: Added new tcpclient class + * SERIALPORT: update property access to proper case usage + +- Update to version 0.6.0: + * SPI: added new spi object and functions. + * TCP: + - added tcpclient, depreciated tcpip. + - added methods flush, read, write. + * UDP: added methods flush, read, write. + +- Update to version 0.5.0: + * General updates to support Octave 6+ + * Added common functions + + flushinput + + flushoutput + + instrhelp + * SERIALPORT: added new serialport object and functions + * SERIAL: use extended win32 serial name for comports so > 10 work. + + New serial functions: + * serialbreak + + Added overload functions for: + * fprintf + * fread + * fwrite + + Added properties: + * port + + Added .property access + * UDP: add .property access to the object + + Added properties: + * localhost + + Updates property timeout to be seconds + + Updated udp constructor to be closer to matlab compatible + * TCP: add .property access to the object + + Updates property timeout to be seconds + + Updated constructor to be closer to matlab compatible + * I2C: + + Implement object properties + + Added overload functions for: + * fread + * fwrite + * get + * set + * PARALLEL: + + Added overload functions for: + * fclose + * fopen + * fread + * fwrite + * USBTMC: + + Added overload functions for: + * fread + * fwrite + * VXI11: + + Added overload functions for: + * fread + * fwrite + * insthwinfo: updated to show i2c ports + * added toolkit manual + +- Update to version 0.4.0: + * SERIAL: added 'status', 'bytesavailable', 'name' and 'type' + properties, and the following functions: + + seriallist + + flushinput + + flushoutput + * UDP: added 'status' and 'bytesavailable' properties and the + following functions: + + flushinput + + flushoutput + * TCP: added properties to object, added overridden functions: + + get + + set + + fprintf + + fread + + fwrite + + flushinput + + flushoutput + * tcpip(): added wrapper to be matlab compatible(ish) + * distribute rpc generated files + * verify -M option will work on rpcgen + * detect if rpc_error functions allow use of const inputs + * prefer libtirpc over builtin rpc when detecting vxi11 functionality + * add lock functions used on pkg load/unlock to lock .oct files + * implemented instrhwinfo serial list for mac + octave-forge-io +- Update to version 2.6.3: + * Bug fixes: + - xlsopen.m: don't wipe user selected reqinterface upon first + call to xlsopen after loading io package (bug #59273, bug + [#59277]) + - Improve handling of POI interface, esp. OOXML support (bug + [#59273]) + - Make reading .ods using OCT interface more reliable (bug + [#59273]) + * Code improvements: + - Spreadsheet I/O interfaces echoed to screen when invoking + test scripts with "verbose flag. + - Significant speed improvements when reading .xlsx files with + OCT interface, thanks to Dennis Zeilstra (bug #59277) + * New functions + - toJSON and fromJSON: convert Octave objects into a JSON + string and vice versa, contributed by Ketan M. Patel (patch + [#9980]). + +- Update to version 2.6.2: + * Bug fixes: + + Fix Named range read errors for .ods files with OCT interface. + + dbfread.m: open files in little-endian mode (fix by Rafael Laboissière). + + xlsopen.m: improve filename extension checking (.xlsm, .xlsb and .sxc + were not recognized). + + xlsclose (private/__COM_spsh_close__.m): add missing output formats for + COM interface (esp. .ods; also .wk3 and .wk4). + + xlsread.m: implement options argument (it *was* mentioned in the help + but didn't work) + + Improve character encoding for COM interface (bug #59203); credits to + Markus Mützel + * Code improvements: + + xlsfinfo.m: implement 'verbose' flag to echo used interface info. + + io_testscript.m: minimize delay, improve texinfo. + + csv2cell's maximum line length has been increased to 32768 characters + (bug #58618). + + Remove autotools (bootstrap, configure). Avoids potential problems and + makes code easier to maintain. Kudos to Kai Torben Ohlhus (bug 357081). + + Reintroduce xmlread and xmlwrite functions. + NOTE: xmlread may provoke Octave crashes on some Linux systems (see + bug #58004) + +- Update to version 2.6.1: + * io-2.6.1 is meant to polish a few prominent bugs introduced unfortunately + in the coarse of code overhaul for io-2.6.0. + * Bug fixes: + - xlsopen: reinstate default OCT interface (reason that on systems w/o + Java or with non-matching Java bit width "no spreadsheet I/O support + was found" for .ods and .xlsx). + - ods*.m wrapper functions: properly implement output args (bug #58045). + - Wrong concatenation of indices when reading .xlsx with OCT interface. + * Still no fix for the XML functions :-( +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * Bug fixes: + - Fixed some concealed bugs in getxmlattv.m & __OXS_spsh2oct__.m. + - dbfwrite.m: made more robust as regards heterogeneous data columns, just + skip them rather than abort. + Also fixed writing just one data row (bug #57669) + - read_namelist.m: fixed a minor typo. + - OCT interface: properly return negative values formatted as "(<value>)" + (bug #57812). + - The XML functions xmlread.m and xmlwrite.m have been (temporarily) + removed (see bug #58004). Once that bug is fixed these functions will be + reinstated. + * Code improvements: + - Most user-visible spreadsheet I/O functions have been adapted such that: + * All supported spreadsheet formats / file types can be read and written + with the xls*.m functions. So it isn't required anymore to read + .xlsx/.xls with xlsread, and .ods with odsread, etc. + * The ods*.m functions still exist but now are mere wrappers for the + corresponding xls*.m functions. They are (softly) deprecated but will + be retained for a while (to at least somewhere in 2022 ?). + As they are mere wrappers they have all the functionality of the + corresponding xls*.m and previous ods*.m functions. + This has been done to cut down on code maintenance; it wasn't really + manageable to keep two separate function sets in sync that behind the + scenes provided close to 95 % overlapping internal functionality. The + choice for keeping xls*.m rather than ods*.m functions was made for + Matlab compatibility - that has no ods*.m functions. + - The xlsread.m help text now contains an extensive explanation of + spreadsheet I/O interfaces. + - The message indicating which interfaces were found is now silenced but + can be shown by adding an argument "verbose" to xlsread / xlsopen / + xlswrite. See the help for xlsread, xlsopen and xlswrite. + * Other changes + The previously separate READ-ODS.html and READ-XLS.html docs in the doc/ + subdirectory have been replaced by a new combined html background document + rewritten from scratch: Spreadsheet-IO-in-Octave.html + +- Update to version 2.4.13: + * Bug fixes: + - COM interface: restore writing formulas to spreadsheet + - OCT interface: ignore NA and NaN values when writing .ods and + .gnumeric (bug #56375) + - OCT interface: don't truncate arrays when using single + cell-range input with oct2ods and oct2xls functions (bug #56444) + - csv2cell: properly process leading tilde in file name (bug #53591) + * Code improvements: + - COM interface: better support for creating file formats other than + .xlsx + - ditto for UNO interface + - Remove references to legacy Java package, as io depends on Octave + >= 4.0 where core Octave should have built-in Java support anyway + - Replace calls to strmatch() with calls to str(n)cmp(i)() + - Replace calls to __octave_config_info__() and __have_feature__() by + javachk() (bug #47480) + * Various: + - The io package now needs Octave >= 4.0.0, due to dependence on javachk + octave-forge-level-set +- Update to version 0.3.1: + * Updated the C++ code to not depend on functions deprecated in + Octave 4.2. + * Modernised the code in general to work well with Octave 5.1. + * Specified dependency on "parallel" as well as bumped minimum + required Octave version. +- Use _service file to download source directly from upstream git + repository as updated version hasn't been released as tarball. +- Bump minimum required octave version to 4.0 as expected by + upstream. +- Require octave-forge-parallel. +- Switch to BuildArch: noarch as package doesn't install any + arch-dependent binaries any more. + octave-forge-linear-algebra +- Update to version 2.2.3: + * The following functions have been removed from the package. + They have been in Octave core since version 4.4 or earlier: + + condeig + + gsvd + + pgmres (superseded by gmres in core Octave) +- Drop upstream patches: + 0001-CmplxGSVD-dbleGSVD-replace-include-config.h-with-oct.patch + 0002-Remove-autotools-cruft-from-the-very-old-times-of-Oc.patch +- Drop no longer required build dependencies, make package noarch + octave-forge-lssa +- Update to version 0.1.4: + * Code updates to support install in Octave 6.0 + +- Update to version 0.1.3: + * Mark fastlscomplex BIT as a known failure (Bug #53963) + * Update package with maintainer makefile + * Code updates to support install in Octave 4.4 +- Drop upstream lssa-complex-real-imag.patch + octave-forge-ltfat +- Add ltfat-nsdgt_m-syntax-error.patch: Fix syntax error in + nsdgt.m to build against octave >= 6; patch taken from upstream + git commit and rebased to apply with -p1 (gh#ltfat/ltfat#115). + +- Update to version 2.4.0: + * Added universal filterbank phase reconstruction function: + + filterbankconstphase (Thanks to Nicki Holighaus) + * Added time-frequency jigsaw puzzle tonal-transinet-residual + separation: + tfjigsawsep, plottfjigsawsep, demo_tfjigsawsep + Thanks to Daniel Haider. + * Added coiflet filters up to K=17. Thanks to KIMURA Masaru. + * Added wavelet function generator (supported Cauchy, Morse) + freqwavelet + * Function cqtfilters now accepts windows from freqwin. + * MEX files are now compatible with the new MATLAB 2018a API. + * Deprecated cqt, icqt, erblett ierblett. Replacements: + cqt: cqtfilters and filterbank + icqt: filterbankdual and ifilterbank or ifilterbankiter + erblett: audfilters with 'erb' and filterbank + ierblett: filterbankdual and ifilterbank or ifilterbankiter +- Remove explicit blas build dependency, octave pulls in a BLAS + implementation (blas or openblas, dependent on archictecture) +- Delete the blockproc.jar included in the sources and regenerate + it by running make before %octave_pkg_src. +- Add RPM optflags to CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS, otherwise these are not + taken into account by the Makefiles. + octave-forge-mapping +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * The following functions are new in mapping 1.4.1: + angl2str angltostr departure ecef2aer + ecef2enu ecef2enuv ecef2ned ecef2nedv + egm96geoid enu2geodetic enu2ecef enu2ecefv + gc2sc gcxgc gcxsc geodetic2aer + geodetic2enu geodetic2ned ned2aer ned2ecef + ned2ecefv ned2geodetic scxsc str2angle + * Bug fixes: + + gpxread.m (bug #58701): + - read milliseconds in Time nodes in Tracks, if present. + Time fields in Waypoint sections are still ignored. + - Various other fixes (missing Ele(vation) and Time nodes, + texinfo help text). + + kmlread.m (bug #58854): + - Accept various mixed time formats. + - Be more flexible regarding missing fields. + Note: kmlread.m is still considered experimental. + Thanks to Geoff Warne for supplying numerous .gpx and .kml + test files and aid in diagnosing issues. + + roundn.m: much improved Matlab-compatibility + + angl2str.m: ditto, thanks to Ricardo Fantin da Costa + + shapedraw: fix some Point geometry plotting logic, return + empty file handle in case of empty shapes + * Code improvements + + distance.m: improve accuracy for small distances- + +- Update to version 1.4.0 + * The mapping package now depends on the geometry and io packages. The + (suggested) dependency on the octclip package has been removed. + * The following functions are new in mapping 1.4.0: + aer2ecef aer2enu aer2geodetic aer2ned + axes2ecc antipode closePolygonParts deg2nm + deg2sm dxfdraw dxfparse dxfread + earthRadius ecc2flat ecc2n ecef2geodetic + enu2aer enu2uvw flat2ecc geodetic3ecef + geocentricLatitude geodeticLatitudeFromGeocentric + geodeticLatitudeFromParametric gmlread gpxread + isShapeMultipart kmlread kmzread + majaxis meridianarc minaxis n2ecc + parametricLatitude polycut rad2nm + rad2sm rasterclip rcurve + referenceEllipsoid utmzone wgs84Ellipsoid + * Bug fixes: + shapedraw.m: * Fix color arg. bug when drawing (poly)line + geometries. + * Restore input check order. + * Do not connect multipoint shapes. + shaperead.m: * Fix reading 'line' geometries. + * Ignore shapes with (almost) infinite + coordinates. + * Fix .shx file usage. + * Move file existence check to start of function. + * Fix reading MultiPoint shapefiles. + * Provision for absent M-values in M and Z + shapetypes. + * More robust input validation. + * Properly process BoundingBox limits. + * Fix incompatible dimensions bug when reading + Multipoint files. + * Fix reading selected attributes. + shapewrite.m: * Various fixes (credits to a.o., Martin Kunz, + M.Parkan). + * Properly write missing M-values. + * Fix OOM error when writing large Point type files. + * Fix and overhaul writing requested attributes. + Fixes for bug #53422: + * Unconditionally write .dbf file. + * Fix record lengths for all Point types. + * Fix XY coordinate write order for all Multipoint + types. + * Update .shx header as well. + rasterinfo.m: * Show nr. of bands and bounding box. + * Code improvements + shaperead.m: * Invoke the Clipper library for clipping polylines + and polygons, leading to much improved performance + when invoking the BoundingBox option together with + the Clip option. To use this feature the Octave- + Forge geometry package >= 4.0.0 must be installed + and loaded. + * New features + shapewrite.m: * Allow writing M & Z shape types (Matlab- + incompatible types, yet supported by Octave). + octave-forge-miscellaneous +- Update to version 1.3.0: + * New functions: + idxmatrix: creates a matrix with each element corresponding to + its subindex in the matrix. + hc2ind: Hilbert curve to linear indices + * The function publish has been removed from the miscellaneous + package because it is now released with Octave core since + version 4.2. Note that it's API is slightly different. + * The package is no longer dependent on the general package. + * pkg update for octave 5.1+ functionality + octave-forge-ncarray +- Update to version 1.0.4: + * Avoid obsolete strmatch function + * Use a tolerance in test script (bug #49391) + octave-forge-netcdf +- Update to version 1.0.14: + * Add NC_STRING type as an octave type + +- Update to version 1.0.13: + * Update to depend on Octave 3.8+ + * Update for Octave 5 and newer + octave-forge-nurbs +- Update to version 1.4.2: + * remove use of deprecated functionality in oct-files +- Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.1: + * inst/nrbglue: added new function + * inst/nrbinverse: add a way to recognize non-convergence +- Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.4.0: + * inst/basiskntins: return the identity when there is no + insertion + * inst/nrbderiv: 3rd and 4th order derivatives + * inst/nrbdeval: 3rd and 4th order derivatives + * inst/nrbruled: extended to trivariates + * inst/nrbmak: added the possibility to normalize the knot + vector + * inst/vecnormalize: renamed the old function vecnorm +- Summary of important user-visible changes for nurbs 1.3.14: + * inst/nrbextract: possibility to extract a list of boundary + sides + * inst/nrbmultipatch: added tolerance as an optional argument + * inst/nrbspheretiling: added new function + * inst/nrbspheretile: added new function +- Switch to using _service to download directly from upstream + mercurial repository since source tarballs are no longer + released. +- Bump minimum required octave version to 5.1 in keeping with + upstream. + +- Update to version 1.3.13: + * inst/aveknt.m: added new function + * inst/nrbclamp.: added new function + * inst/nrbmodp.m: added new function + * inst/nrbmodw.m: added new function + * inst/nrbeval_der_p.m: added new function + * inst/nrbeval_der_w.m: added new function + * inst/nrbsquare.m: added new function + * inst/bspinterpcrv.m: added new function + * inst/bspinterpsurf.m: added new function + * inst/nrbinverse.m: added new function + * inst/nrbbasisfun.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working + version for volumes + * inst/nrbbasisfunder.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working + version for volumes + * inst/nrbnumbasisfun.m: faster version for cell-arrays. Working + version for volumes. Now using 0-based indexing for cuves + (different from basisfun). +- Update to version 1.3.12: + * nrbmultipatch: check if two faces match more accurately +- Update to version 1.3.11: + * nrbextract, nrbmultipatch: generalized for curves + * inst/deg2rad, inst/rad2deg: removed functions from the package + octave-forge-octclip +- Update to version 2.0.1: + * Minor changes in src/Makefile +- Update to version 2.0.0: + * API changed, added XOR operation, and help strings rewritten +- Update to version 1.0.9 + * Minor changes due to + +- Rebase octclip-openmp.patch +- Drop obsolete compile-with-gcc-9.patch from Debian +- Force GCC 9 on Leap, OpenMP code is only compatible with GCC>=9 + +- Add compile-with-gcc-9.patch from Debian +- Run spec-cleaner + octave-forge-optics +- Update to version 0.1.4: + * Two new zernike functions + + zernike_osa_ansi_to_mn + + zernikes_and_derivatives_cartesian_OSA + octave-forge-optim +- Update to version 1.6.1: + * Bug fixes: `__qp__' invocation in `quadprog' (and so + `lsqlin'), handling of combined linear and non-linear + constraints, handling 'fixed' parameters in `residmin_stat'. + * `fmincon': Handle bound vectors which are too short as in + Matlab. + +- Update to version 1.6.0: + * Build fixes for Octave 5.1 and some bug fixes. + * With Octave from version 5.1 on, a parallel cluster established + with package `parallel' can be used for computation of gradients + with option `parallel_net'. + * Compatibility frontend `fmincon' has been added. + * `lsqnonlin' and `lsqcurvefit' now accept a problem structure as + single argument for compatibility. + * LinearRegression: + - Corrected errors in computing variances of data and + parameters. + - Erroneous documentation of the 2nd output (`e_var', + variances of data) has been fixed. + - The 5th output (previously `y_var'), which was erroneously + documented as the variances of dependent variables, has been + replaced by `fit_var', the variances of computed function + values. + * Removed deprecated function `samin'. The functionality is + available with the `samin' backend of function `nonlin_min'. +- Drop add_missing_iostream_include.patch: fixed in upstream + sources. + octave-forge-parallel +- Update to version 4.0.1: + * The current search path is now set in the Octave sessions used + by parcellfun and pararrayfun. + * In starting parallel Octave sessions by parcellfun, + pararrayfun, or the remote server, the executable + 'octave-cli-<current_version>' is prefered over 'octave-cli'. + * Fixed bug that produced an error for not enough output + arguments. + * Fixed handling of execution errors by parcellfun and + pararrayfun. + * The documentation now mentions the limitation that + command-line functions can't be used by parcellfun or + pararrayfun. + +- Update to version 4.0.0: + * New systems both for local and cluster-based parallel execution: + Octave sessions directly generated by 'fork()' are not used + anymore for parallel execution. Instead, freshly started Octave + sessions are used. This fixes problems with threads of Octave and + of libraries used by Octave. For parcellfun/pararrayfun, it + introduces some limitations, in particular with anonymous + functions in Octave versions < 5.1. + * The package should now run on Windows, too, though this is less + tested than running on GNU/Linux. + * The server for cluster-based execution is not installed on Windows + or macOS (the client and the system for local parallel execution + are). + * Compatible with Octave 5.2 and current (2020-04-11) development + version of Octave. + * Removed deprecated function scloseall(). +- Drop obsolete octave-forge-parallel-build-with-octave5.patch + octave-forge-queueing +- Update to version 1.2.6: + * queueing-1.2.7 contains new features + * Added computation of state occupancy probabilities to functions + qsmm1(), qsmm1k(), qsmminf(), qsmmm(), qsmmmk() + * Function qncmmvaap() has been deprecated and renamed to qncmmvabs() + * The following deprecated functions have been removed: qnvisits(), + qnopensingle(), qnopenmulti(), qnopenbsb(), qnopenab(), qnmvapop(), + qnmvablo(), qnjackson(), qnconvolution(), qnconvolutionld(), + qncmva(), qnclosedsinglemva(), qnclosedsinglemvald(), qnclosedpb(), + qnclosedmultimva(), qnclosedab(), qnclosedbsb(), qnclosedgb(), + qnclosedmultimvaapprox(), qnclosedsinglemvaapprox(), qnmg1(), + qnmh1(), qnmm1(), qnmminf(), qnmmmk(), qnmmm(), qnmm1k(), qnammm(), + ctmc_bd(), ctmc_exps(), ctmc_fpt(), ctmc_mtta(), ctmc_taexps(), + dtmc_bd(), dtmc_exps(), dtmc_fpt(), dtmc_mtta(), dtmc_taexps(), + population_mix(), dtmc_is_irreducible(), ctmc_check_Q(), + dtmc_check_P() + +- Update to version 1.2.6: + * queueing-1.2.6 contains new features + * New functions dtmcisir() and ctmcisir() + * General documentation cleanup + octave-forge-signal +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * Build failures introduced in the previous release on BSD and Windows + systems have been fixed. + * The compiled functions have been made compatible with recent changes + in the development version of Octave. + * Minor bug fixes and documentation improvements have been made to the + following functions: + butter rceps zplane + filtfilt sos2tf + filtic tukeywin + octave-forge-sockets +- Update to version 1.2.1: + * Updates for Octave 6 compatability + * Change minimum Octave version to 3.6 + octave-forge-splines +- Update to version 1.3.4: + * New functions regularization, regularization2D + +- Update to version 1.3.3: + * Demo and efficiency improvement (and accuracy fix for new fminbnd + default settings) in csaps_sel + * Bug fix in csape + octave-forge-statistics +- Update to version 1.4.2: + * canoncorr: allow more variables than observations + * fitgmdist: return fitgmdist parameters (Bug #57917) + * gamfit: invert parameter per docs (Bug #57849) + * geoXXX: update docs 'number of failures (X-1)' => + 'number of failures (X)' (Bug #57606) + * kolmogorov_smirnov_test.m: update function handle usage from + octave6+ (Bug #57351) + * linkage.m: fix octave6+ parse error (Bug #57348) + * unifrnd: changed unifrnd(a,a) to return a 0 rather than + NaN (Bug #56342) + * updates for usage of deprecated octave functions +- Drop obsolete + octave-bug-50365-Wrong-distance-results-from-kmeans-and-wrong-centers.patch + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + * update install scripts for octave 5.0 depreciated functions + * bug fixes to the following functions: + - pdist2.m: use max in distEucSq (Bug #50377) + - normpdf: use eps tolerance in tests (Bug #51963) + - fitgmdist: fix an output bug in fitgmdist + - t_test: Set tolerance on t_test BISTS (Bug #54557) + - gpXXXXX: change order of inputs to match matlab (Bug #54009) + - bartlett_test: df = k-1 (Bug #45894) + - gppdf: apply scale factor (Bug #54009) + - gmdistribution: updates for bug #54278, ##54279 + - wishrnd: Bug #55860 + - Add octave-bug-50365-Wrong-distance-results-from-kmeans-and-wrong-centers.patch + octave-forge-stk +- Update to version 2.6.1: + * Documentation + + stk_factorialdesign: Provide missing help text. (ticket #91) + + Fix HTML doc (INDEX structure was broken). +- Update to version 2.6.0: + * Required Octave version + + Required Octave version number has been raised to 3.8. + * Parameter estimation + + stk_param_init: The syntax with an additional do_estim_lnv parameter + is now deprecated. Set model.lognoisevariance to NaN if you want an + initial estimate for the variance of the noise. + + stk_param_init_lnv: Refuse noiseless models (error). + + stk_model_gpposterior: Trigger parameter estimation when lognoisevariance + is NaN. In the (experimental) case where lognoisevariance is a noise + model object, parameter estimation is triggered as soon as at least one + of the optimizable parameters of the model is NaN. (ticket #93) + + stk_param_relik: Return [] instead of NaN when the derivative with + respect to lnv is requested for a noiseless model. + + stk_param_relik: Detect duplicated observation points automatically + and raise an error for noiseless models. + + stk_param_getdefaultbounds: Estimation bounds for the regularity parameter + of the Matérn covariance function are now customizable through the options + nu_min_dimfun and nu_max_dimfun. + * Covariance functions + + Deprecated: stk_noisecov. + * Models + + stk_get_input_data, stk_get_output_data, stk_get_prior_model: New getters + for model properties, that replace get_input_data, get_output_data and + get_prior_model respectively (now deprecated). + + stk_get_observation_variances: New getter, which returns the vector of + variances associated to the observations that have been used to build a model. + + stk_gaussiannoise_, stk_gaussiannoise_het0: New classes representing Gaussian + noise models. Currently in experimental state, these two classes are merely a + proof-of-concept. Other noise model classes can be defined by subclassing + stk_gaussiannoise_. (ticket #38) + + stk_example_misc05: Demonstrate the use of noise model objects to estimate + the dispersion parameter in an heteroscedatic case. + + stk_simulate_noise: New function to simulate noise sample replicates. + * stk_dataframe and related classes + + stk_dataframe: Accept char vectors (or strings) as colnames or rownames + argument when there is only one column or one row (ticket #92) + + @stk_dataframe/sort: Argument dim can now be skipped, as in the base sort function. + + @stk_dataframe/unique: Overload base function. + * Graphics + + stk_plot1d: Do not create a legend systematically. (ticket #82) + + stk_legend: New function to create a legend, using the graphical objects for + which a non-empty DisplayName has been provided. + + stk_plot_shadedci: Change gray levels and improve legend. + * Miscellaneous + + stk_options_set: Make it possible to set all options at once using an option + structure. Add help text. + + stk_runtests: Return test results in a structure. + + stk_sampling_nesteddesign: Fix help text. + octave-forge-struct +- Update to version 1.0.17: + * Build fixes and adaption to changes in Octave 6.1. + +- Update to version 1.0.16: + * Build fixes. Builds with Octave 5.1 +- Drop release-current-tip.diff, incorporated into upstream + sources; also drop automake and autoconf BuildRequires which + were only needed because of the patch. + octave-forge-tsa +- Update to version 4.6.3: + * invest0, and sinvest1 are now also utf-8 encoded. + +- Update to version 4.6.2: + * all source files are now utf-8 encoded +- Update to version 4.5: + * the following functions have been moved into the + NaN-toolbox: + detrend, histo, histo2, histo3, histo4 + * detrend: the 2nd output (trend) can be interpolated and + should not contain any NaN. +- Update to version 4.4.5: + * make TSA-package dependent of NaN-package + * avoid compiling the same core functions from the NaN-toolbox +- Update to version 4.4.4: + * fixes bug #49468 - NaN-toolbox is not required anymore + when using Octave's pkg installer + ode +- Update to 0.16.2: minor bug and compatibility fixes + -- update to 0.10.1 - * New function: dJointSetPistonAnchorOffset - * Add new function dJointSetHingeAxisDelta - * Fix problem with dJointGetPistonPosition and - dJointGetPistonPositionRate when the joint is attached to only - a body 2. The sign was inversed. - * Update the slider joint to have the same behavior as the other - joint when there is only a body2 attached to it. - * Rename the new function dJointSetHingeAxisDelta to - dJointSetHingeAxisOffset. This will remove confusion with the - old function dJointSetHingeAnchorDelta. - * Bug fix: Max Correcting Vel behavior is now the same as before - 0.10. - ofono +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_ofono.service.patch + +- Update to version 1.33: + * Fix issue with filling unused part of AID with FFs. + * Fix issue with reads beyond the first block of SIM filesystem. + * Fix issue with parsing auth response according to TS 31.102. + +- Update to version 1.32: + * Fix issue with handling of IMS private identity validation. + * Fix issue with handling of SIM EF structure bit processing. + * Fix issue with handling removal of Huawai modems. + * Add support for USSD indication with QMI modems. + +- Fix invalid usage of %{_libexecdir} to reference systemd owned + directories. + +- Update to version 1.31: + * Fix issue with handling CID 0 context identifier. + * Fix issue with handling detach state and running LTE. + * Fix issue with handling SIM states and Quectel modems. + +- Update to version 1.30: + * Fix issue with handling of IPv6 address and xmm7xxx modems. + * Fix issue with default context creation with an empty APN. + * Fix issue with activation of context with CID zero. + * Add support for Quectel MC60 modems. + +- Update to version 1.29 + * Fix issue with QMI and SIM initialized notification. + * Add support for multiple PDP contexts and xmm7xxx modems. + * Add support for handling Dual SIM Single Active feature + * Add support for SIM PIN caching feature. + +- Update to version 1.28: + * Fix issue with SIM initialization and Gemalto modems. + +- Update to version 1.27: + * Add support for handling SIMCom based SIM800 modems. + * Add support for SIM lock state with xmm7xxx modems. + * Add support for coexistence feature with xmm7xxx modems. +- Changes for version 1.26: + * Fix issue with AT callback handler and GPRS. + * Fix issue with handling EUTRAN SMS only states. + * Fix issue with handling MBIM strings on big endian. + * Fix issue with missing char and SMS national language. + * Fix issue with unsolicited notifications of +CGAUTH/+CGDCONT. + * Add support for setting "none" authentication method. + * Add support for SMS and phonebook with xmm7xxx modems. + * Add support for voice features and Gemalto modems. + * Add support for Bengali and Gujrati SMS alphabets. + * Add support for 8 additional languages for GSM 7 bit + * Add support for using internal Embedded Linux library. + +- Update to version 1.25: + * Fix issue with handling GPRS context release. + * Fix issue with GPRS context shutdown and Huawei modems. + * Fix issue with roaming status report and QMI devices. + * Add support for voice call handling of U-Blox modems + * Add support for EUTRAN technology reporting. + +- Update to version 1.24: + * Fix issue with property changed signals and CDMA networks. + * Fix issue with handling SIM filesystem and SIM removal. + * Fix issue with handling PIN state and incorrect codes. + * Fix issue with handling of parsing AID type. + * Fix issue with SIM detection and QMI devices. + * Fix issue with PIN handling and QMI devices. + * Fix issue with USSD handling and QMI devices. + * Fix issue with handling USSD TERMINATED response. + * Fix issue with handling USSD reset and STK REFRESH. + * Add support for detecting Gemalto ALS3 modems. + * Add support for SIMCom based SIM7100E modems. + -- Update to 1.15 - ogmtools +- fix build against gcc 11 + -- Update to ogmtools 1.4. - oidentd +- Remove unsupported hardening flags when using old version + with old systemd. +- Removed harden_oidentd@.service.patch as this package is using own + service instead of upstream one, which also has same security switches. + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_oidentd@.service.patch + Modified: + * oidentd@.service + +- Update to version 2.5.0 + * Add '--reply-all' option. + * Clarify behavior of user configuration files. + * Import documentation from website. + * Revert deprecation of '--disable-masq' configure flag. + * Remove default CFLAGS -fstack-protector -fPIE. + * Updated signing key file "oidentd.keyring" + +- Updated signing key to a new version used to sign the package + +- Updated systemd files from upstream + +- Version bump to 2.4.0 + Changes in version 2.4.0 + * Linux: removed optional dependency on libcap-ng. + * Deprecated '\e' escape sequence in configuration files. + * Fixed incorrect username in log message when spoofing fails. + * Implemented XDG Base Directory specification + * ~/.config/oidentd.conf takes precedence over ~/.oidentd.conf + * Rewrote all manual pages, now licensed under GFDL v1.3+. + * Prevent overflow when too many replies are specified in the + system-wide configuration file. + * Rewrote INSTALL and README files. + * Improved PRNG interface. + * Changed project description. + * Deprecated support for MASQFILE and IPCONNTRACK on Linux. + * Users of recent kernels are unaffected by this change. + * Minor bugfixes, cleanups, and improvements. + * Deprecated support for Darwin. + * Deprecated support for FreeBSD 1-3. + * Deprecated support for FreeBSD 4. + * Deprecated support for NetBSD 1-4. + * Deprecated support for OpenBSD 2.0-2.3. + * Deprecated support for OpenBSD 2.4-2.8. + * Deprecated support for OpenBSD 2.9. + * Deprecated support for Solaris 2.4. + * Deprecated support for Solaris 2.5. + * Deprecated support for Solaris 2.6-2.7. + * Deprecated support for Solaris 2.8. + Changes in version 2.3.2 + * Option `--forward` now implies `--masquerade`. + * Added a warning when the connection limit is exceeded. + * Added systemd services and a socket file. + * Added compile-time configuration to `--version` output. + * Linux: fixed incorrect buffer lengths when compiled with `--disable-ipv6`. + * Deprecated libudb (user database library) support. + * Linux: fixed incorrect byte order in libnetfilter_conntrack queries. + * Linux: fixed a null dereference with libnetfilter_conntrack on kernels + without a connection tracking file. + * Build as a position-independent executable and with stack protection. + * Fixed an invalid comment style in the default oidentd_masq.conf file. + Changes in version 2.3.1 + * Fixed build with libnetfilter_conntrack on Linux. + Changes in version 2.3.0 + * Added a forwarding capability. + * Added Linux IPv6 masquerading support. + * Added build information to `--version` output. + * Always use libnetfilter_conntrack when available. + * Fixed signed/unsigned bit shifting on Linux. + * Minor bugfixes. + +- fix source URLs and some spec cleanup + +- Version bump to 2.2.3 +- Added bison and flex as build dependencies as upstream changed + the project to generate the files at the build time +- Removed TODO as it is not present an more +- Changed service file to oidentd@.service, so each opened socket + can be given own instance. + FWIW, instead of this, oidentd could be run as a traditional + daemon, by removing oidentd.socket and flag --stdio from the + service. For some reason, to resolve boo#953608 @ was removed, + which prevents using oidentd at least on Leap 15.0. + -- Use systemd instead of sysvinit for openSUSE >= 12.1 -- Do not copy the INSTALL file in package documentation; user doesn't - install from sources -- Get rid of depreciated stuff - -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- Package the init script with 0755 permissions; (bnc#557358). - -- Update to version 2.0.8. - + Removed spaces between commas and colons from responses. - + Pulled in patches for Linux from Debian. - + Open masquerading options before dropping permissions on linux. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- Add missing PreReq (#46479) - okteta +- Update to 0.26.6 + * Improved: translations + * Changed: touch screen input now handled explicitly, not as + simulated mouse + Initial set of support: + + pinch gesture for zooming + + tap gesture for setting cursor + + tap & hold gesture for context menu + + flick gesture for scrolling + * Fixed: cursor after replacing inserts always positioned after + new content + * Fixed: cursor no longer displays value for 0x20 byte in some + non-positions + * Fixed: "Cut" menu entry now disabled in overwrite mode, being + ignored action + * Fixed: modification status icons update on app color theme + change + * Fixed: current cursor colors updated right after app color + theme change + onednn +- Skip RPATH entirely on Leap 15.4 + +- Fix build on aarch64: + * onednn-xbyak-aarch64.patch + +- Update to version 2.2.4: + * Fixed build error with GCC 11 (eda1add) + * Fixed an issue with reorder reporting unimplemented when + quantizing f32 weights to s8 (4f05b76, 5d3d1e1, cc77eef) + * Updated name for GPU gen12 architecture to xe (3d202c2) +- Drop upstream patch: + * 0001-common-gpu-include-thread-and-limit-headers-to-fix-G.patch + +- Update to version 2.2.3 + * Fixed a bug in int8 depthwise convolution ptimitive with groups + and 1d spatial size for processors with AVX-512 and AVX2 support + * Fixed correctness issue for PReLU primitive + * Fixed corretness issue in reorder for blocked layouts with + zero padding + * Improved performance of weights reorders used by BRGEMM-based + convolution primitive for processors with AVX-512 support + * Added -fp-model=precise build flag for DPC++ code + * Fixed potential memory leak in matmul primitive + * Fixed performance of matmul primitive when fused with bias + update and sum + * Fixed a bug in matmul primitive when writing to non-contiguous + destination buffer +- Add upstream patch for GCC11 support + * 0001-common-gpu-include-thread-and-limit-headers-to-fix-G.patch + +- Update descriptions. + +- Update to 2.2.2, changes: + * Fixed performance regression in fp32 forward inner product for + shapes with number of output channels equal to 1 for processors + with Intel AVX-512 support (714b1fd) + * Fixed performance regression in forward convolutions with groups + for processors with Intel AVX-512 support(3555d4a) + * Removed -std=c++11 build flag for DPC++ headers (1fcb867) + * Fixed buffer access in initializing workspace in RNN + implementation on GPU (9b03091) + * Fixed fix a bug in convolution with 1x1 kernel and mixed + strides on processors with Intel AVX-512 support (d0b3e3f) + * Used getauxval for Linux to get CPU features on for AArch64 + systems (25c4cea) + * Added -fp-model=precise build flag for DPC++ code (3e40e5e) + * Fixed out-of-bounds writes in elementwise primitive on + Intel Processor Graphics (bcf823c) +- Fix build with Arm Compute Library: + * onednn-1045.patch + +- Update to 2.2.1, changes: + * From 2.2: + Fixed segfault for cases when primitive descriptor or attributed contain NaN (e6d05ec, dbca1e9, 0326b09, 0326b09) + Fixed engine creation failure for GPU subdevices (4c3a114) + Fixed long lines clipping in verbose output (70d70a8) + Fixed segfault in bfloat16 convolution weight gradient implementation on processors with Intel AMX support (a3a73a3) + Fixed performance regression in binary primitive with per_oc broadcast strategy (9ac85d8) + Worked around a bug with Microsoft Visual C++ compiler version detection in CMake 3.19 (2f39155) + Removed -std=c++11 build flag for DPC++ code to align with SYCL standard (1b026f5) + * Changes between 2.1 and 2.2: + Performance Optimizations + Intel Architecture processors + Improved performance of int8 compute functionality for future Intel Xeon Scalable processor (code name Sapphire Rapids). The functionality is disabled by default and should be enabled via CPU dispatcher control. + Improved performance of compute functionality for future Intel Core processor with Intel AVX2 and Intel DL Boost instructions support (code name Alder Lake). + Improved fp32 inner product forward propagation performance for processors with Intel AVX-512 support. + Improved dnnl_gemm performance for cases with n=1 on all supported processors. + Intel Graphics products + Introduced NHWC format support for activations for int8 primitives. + AArch64-based processors + Improved performance of fp32 and int8 convolution, and softmax primitives for processors with SVE 512 support. + Improved performance of fp32 convolution via Arm Compute Library (ACL). + Improved performance of convolution with a combination of sum and relu post-ops via ACL. + Functionality + Extended eltwise primitive with support for mish and hardswish algorithms. + Extended binary primitive with support for comparison operators. + Introduced support for post-ops in GPU resampling implementation. + Introduced asymmetric quantization support for int8 deconvolution. + Introduced binary post-ops support for matmul primitive. + Usability + Improved presentation of oneDNN primitives in VTune Amplifier. + Introduced Linux perf support for AArch64. + Introduced support for Fujitsu C++ compiler. + Introduced a build time check for minimal supported ACL version. Currently oneDNN requires ACL 21.02 or later. + Added support for cuDNN 8.x + +- Update to 2.1 +- Add Arm ComputeLibrary support on aarch64 + onedrive +- Update to version 2.4.14 + +- When using --logout there is no reauth performed as before, to login + again just use the same command as on first run +- Enable notifications + +- Weaken systemd service hardening to make services start again. + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_onedrive.service.patch + * harden_onedrive@.service.patch + +- Update to version 2.4.13: + +- Removed: dmd-20970-support.patch + Patch was included upstream and thus removed + +- add patch for new dmd (from master merged patch) + Support DMD 2.097.0 as compiler #1505 dmd-20970-support.patch + +- Update to version 2.4.12: + + +- Update to version 2.4.11: + + +- Update to version 2.4.10: + * Release files for 2.4.10 (#1283) + * Update + * Update + * Update + * Update + * Support sync_list matching full path root wildcard with exclusions to simplify sync_list configuration (#1273) + * Use correct path offset for sync_list exclusion matching (#1269) + * Revert the config & logpath change and check correct input entry (#1270) + * Update + * Fix logging output when handing downloaded files (#1267) + * Revert "Fix logging output when handing downloaded new files (#1265)" + * Fix logging output when handing downloaded new files (#1265) + * Dockerfile config for arm64 (#1259) + * Correctly handle '~' when present in 'log_dir' configuration option (#1258) + * Update + * Improve upload handling of files for SharePoint sites (#1250) + * Adding TOC to (#1244) + * Use correct driveId value to query for changes when using --single-directory (#1235) + * Search all distinct drive id's rather than just default drive id for --get-file-link (#1230) + * Rename to (#1232) + * Support new file maximum upload size of 250GB (#1233) + * Fix alpine build so it uses the same alpine version (#1226) + * Catch database assertion when item path cannot be calculated (#1217) + * Update + * Add new config option to rate limit connection to OneDrive (#1210) + * Add upload speed metrics when files are uploaded (#1209) + * Release 2.4.10 Dev Prep (#1207) + * Release files for 2.4.9 (#1204) + * Fixed 2 typos in (#1201) + * Fix application crash with --get-O365-drive-id when API response is restricted (#1198) + * Fix Alpine Docker build (#1197) + * Fix application crash when calculating the path length due to invalid UTF characters (#1193) + * Add Docker environment variable to allow --logout for re-authentication (#1187) + * Improve application startup when using --monitor when there is no network connection to the OneDrive API (#1188) + * Fix typo in (#1181) + * Fix crash when unable to read a local file due to file permissions (Issue #1178) (#1179) + * Add debug log output for configured API URL's (#1177) + * Remove duplicate code for error output functions and enhance error logging output (#1170) + * Handle case where API provided deltaLink generates a further API error (#1175) + * Release 2.4.9 Dev Prep (#1168) + oneko +- Update to version + * Added bitmaps of Sakura Kinomoto and Tomoyo Daidouji + * Modified to support -name, -towindow, -toname and -tofocus + * Added 4.3BSD daemon bitmaps + * Allowing to use daemon bitmaps +- Drop upstream fixed oneko-1.1b.dif + -- fixed for new glibc - ooRexx +- bsc#1191085: re-adding rc* service sbin links with macros. + +- bsc#1191085: removing rc* service sbin links for UsrMerge compatibility. + +- Fixing build on latest tumbleweed by forcing C11 mode. + +- boo#1185665: moving the RPM macros to the proper directory. + open-iscsi +- Merged latest upstream. Mostly cleanup, but includes a fix for + iscsi-init.service when trying to write to the root volume too + early (bsc#1192568), as well as an upstream fix for possible + deadlock when dealing with sysfs. + +- Fix the usr-merge changes (bsc#1192013). This includes catching + all the places that /sbin was still used directly, as well as + making the SPEC file build using /usr/sbin for openSUSE but + still use /sbin for SLE, for now. + +- Fix possible systemd cycle by adding an "obsoletes" for + the old libopeniscsiusr for older versions. + +- Update to latest from upstream, fixing: + * Moving the executables from /sbin to /usr/sbin (bsc#1191054) + * Remove default dependencies from iscsi-init.service + (bsc#1187190) + +- Updated to latest upstream 2.1.5 as 2.1.5-suse, which contains + these changes not already present: + * Handle IPv6 interfaces correctly. (bsc#1187958) + * Handle qedi correctly in NPAR mode (bsc#1187958) + * Update iscsiadm man page (bsc#1187958) + * Update iface.example for ipv6 + * Change iscsi IP type from defines to enum. + * Handle recv() returning 0 in iscsid_response() + +- Merged latest upstream, which includes: + * iscsid: set PR_SET_IO_FLUSHER (bsc#1188869) + openCOLLADA +- update to 1.6.68: + * no upstream changelog available + +- Update to version 1.6.63 +- Add openCOLLADA-pcre-redefined.patch to fix build against new pcre. +- Upstream changes: + * Load images declared in profile_COMMON + * Corrected whitespace + * Subclass effect loaders from image loaders so that images + declared within effects are loaded properly + openQA +- Update to version 4.6.1639414134.aa9bed13e: + * Pass program name in scripts using `getopt` (instead of `parse-options`) + * Add `--help` flag to `openqa-check-devel` required by `t/44-scripts.t` + * Extract health check for `devel:openQA` repository + * Allow hxnormalize in apparmor config + * t: Add Test::Warnings to most files where missing + * branding: Again adapt bug reporting link for SUSE 15 SP4 + +- Update to version 4.6.1639150327.6dac4a283: + * Rename signal guard variable to make its effect more clear + * Retry Minion jobs for cleanup on SIGTERM/SIGINT (e.g. service restarts) + +- Update to version 4.6.1639057582.07f0f29cd: + * t: Consistently use Test::Most everwhere + * t: Prevent warning about signatures in 35-script_clone_job.t + * t: Prevent warning about signatures in 24-worker-overall.t + * Dependency cron 2021-12-08 + * Avoid Perl warning in `testcasedir` when no root directory is present + * Avoid unhandled log messages in `t/16-utils.t` + * Use unique check names in `t/16-utils` + * Turn signal handling functions for retrying Minion jobs into an object + * Retry Minion jobs for cleaning results on SIGTERM/SIGINT + * Remove unused package defined in `t/16-utils.t` + * CI: Prevent commit message check on master when it is too late + +- Update to version 4.6.1638808687.ea514e9d8: + * docs: Add section how to disable cleanup + * docs: Properly wrap the 'timers and triggers' section + * docs: Improve location of 'timers and triggers' section + +- Update to version 4.6.1638528184.2ec841d38: + * Log the current download speed with every cache service download + * Fix running `t/16-utils.t` multiple times + +- Update to version 4.6.1638461619.b7ce2240e: + * t: Prevent non-deterministic test step calculation using wait_for_ajax + * t: Fix timeout calculation in wait_for_developer_console_like + * t: Prevent trying to wait longer for dev console than overall timeout + * t: Simplify OpenQA::Test::FullstackUtils + * t: Use signatures in OpenQA::Test::FullstackUtils + * t: Add timeout to developer console waiting status log message + * docs: Make os-autoinst doc reference more prominent + * docs: Add additional hint for SCHEDULE + +- Update to version 4.6.1638286681.f004793c0: + * container: Persist images directory + * container: Add upgradedb mode in run script + * t: Fix regression that we fail on too many js errors (48664aa) + * t: Add more details to wait_for_result_panel log message + * t: Also look for worker-log in resultdir + * t: Provide autoinst-log.txt in full-stack.t also before uploading + * t: Provide stack trace for better context on Selenium related bails + * AMQP: allow and handle some TLS-related query parameters + * Amend description of tag usage in the documentation + * Improve investigation tests so every check has a description + * Fix checking investigation response + * Fix displaying investigation fields like `diff_to_last_good` + * doc: Add section about performance testing under troubleshooting + * doc: Fix minor details in installation documentation + +- Update to version 4.6.1637913492.4e7a64436: + * apparmor: Allow local additions to the worker profile + * Handle chown in + * ci: Manual fullstack tests via GHA + +- Update to version 4.6.1637672074.afbb8ee35: + * use printf (shellcheck SC2028) + * Add option of using git-lfs to fetchneedles + * Improve fetchneedles --help output + * Fail on unexpected Javascript console errors + * Prevent confusion about "priority" + +- Update to version 4.6.1637407518.4c2ce7ada: + * Dependency cron 2021-11-20 + +- Update to version 4.6.1637233070.75fb859c3: + * Render the test_log value correctly when config has http url + * fullstack: Log worker-log.txt on test bail + * Allow some special characters in tag labels + * Speed up 25-cache-service.t with a shorter worker timeout + * Add test for progress bar link on parent group level + * Add test for progress bar link on parent group level + * commit message checker: Allow tags with dashes and white-spaces + * clone-job: Fix accidentally skipping asset downloads + * Fix parent progress bar links + +- Update to version 4.6.1637075542.066802195: + * Fix conflicting attr names in collapse class of the investigation tab + * Increase time limit for 25-cache-service.t a little + * Construct the data attribute of the gitrepodir on investigation + * Extend test coverage and apply review feedback + * Update dependencies.yaml with Config::Tiny + * Add self-deduced git repo construction + * Provide the git stats hash with links + * Change how the investigation tab displays the git log output + * Fix enabling systemd unit `openqa-reload-worker-auto-restart@.path` + * Explicitly fail when no jobs to label are found + * Remove deprecated openqa-client calls + * Improve logging for openqa-label-all script + +- Update to version 4.6.1636709514.73f6020e3: + * doc: Consider `nftables` being used in modern systems + * doc: Make it clear that SuSEfirewall2 is only used on older setups + +- Update to version 4.6.1636630679.707ec60a3: + * Dependency cron 2021-11-11 + * Make logging when stopping command server gracefully less confusing + * Change $job->cancel to have reason + +- Update to version 4.6.1636468466.ad625ca71: + * Dependency cron 2021-11-07 + * Move verbose authentication log messages to trace level + * Add support for trace log level (below debug level) + * Skip uefi-vars download unless parent has UEFI=1 + +- Update to version 4.6.1636004420.dae9f4e5c: + * Dependency cron 2021-11-03 + +- Update to version 4.6.1635851989.3196423d5: + * Remove workaround for broken Chromium on Leap 15.3 + * Unschedule jobs which are too long in 'SCHEDULED' state + +- Update to version 4.6.1635525801.1df7a829f: + * Make text result thumb look same across browsers + * Display previews for `wait_serial`-results like before 009e9256 + * docs: Add instructions for "installation from source" + * templates: Fix redundant spaces around the duration on finished jobs + * templates: Add comma to prevent ambiguous state+timestamp combinations + +- Update to version 4.6.1635405484.2bcc5e885: + * Add "retries" option to openqa-cli to work around busy openQA instances + * t: Fix 03-auth.t for perl-Mojolicious >= 9.22 + * Dependency cron 2021-10-27 + * Log slow SQLite queries that run longer than 60 seconds + * t: Mark more lines as uncoverable + * Increase SQLite busy timeout to 10 minutes and add a missing index + * Dependency cron 2021-10-25 + * Dependency cron 2021-10-25 + * tools: Prevent unnecessary commit of files from CI + * Delete erroneously commited file gendep_before.txt (71bef7e3c) + * t: Mark all uncovered fail-handler lines as such in FullstackUtils + * Display badges for all categories on test result overview + +- Update to version 4.6.1634908963.3d5c24113: + * Also ignore all aborted results for 'todo' flag + * Fix missing display of aborted test results in overview status line + * Turn around double negation in Schema::Result::Jobs + * t: Make summary line check stricter in 10-tests_overview.t + * t: Simplify fixture job creation in 10-tests_overview.t + * t: Bump timeout of api/04-jobs.t based on local runtime + * t: Bump timeout of ui/18-test-details.t based on local runtime + * Update the link for OSD's setup and administration which has been moved + * Use signatures in OpenQA::Worker::WebUIConnection + * Use Time::Seconds in OpenQA::Worker::Settings + * Use signatures in OpenQA::Worker::Settings + * Consistently describe "Idle" workers as such + * t: Add test for worker statistics and numbers + * templates: Delete unused worker statistics variables + * Use diag instead of note when bailing with log + * Enable diagnostics for serialization errors + * fullstack: Add context to result panel wait + +- Update to version 4.6.1634844038.99a1a2378: + * Make text results rendering unified with other + * Add error handling when updating 'force_result' label comments + * t: Prevent aborting the complete test run when interactively debugging + * Elaborate on local adjustment of apparmor profiles + * t: Mark statements as uncoverable in + * Tidy up to satisfy CircleCI + * Restart the job which incomplete with a known QEMU terminated issue + * Override job incomplete reason when fail to allocate memory + * Prevent creation of comments with invalid "force_result" command + * Makefile: Use many more retries for unstable full-stack.t + * Add missing dependency for python-scripts + * Use 'backoff' style delay for AMQP publishing attempts + * Change test to reflect changes in UI + * Make sections clickable for "sort by group" view + * Make progress bar sections clickable for children + * Add links to overview in progress bar segments for builds + * Add a retry delay for publishing AMQP events + * Add retry for publishing AMQP events + * Streamline error handling when publishing AMQP event + * Simplify AMQP plugin code + * Avoid escaping issues when making AMQP URL by using `Mojo::URL` + * t: Provide more fitting error feedback scope in api/09-comments.t + * t: Use signatures in api/09-comments.t + * Immediately prevent writing invalid comments with "force_result" + * Add configurable regex match rule for "force_result" labels + * Ensure force_result is only accepted when being part of the label string + * t: Add test for 'job_update_result' event + * Prevent deletion of 'force_result' label comments + * Add possibility to override the job result with special comments + * templates: Add force_result label help text + * templates: Replace obsolete wiki reference labels + * docs: Add force_result label description + * OpenQA::Schema::Result::Comments: Use signatures + * OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1::Comment: Simplify + * OpenQA::WebAPI::Controller::API::V1::Comment: Use signatures + * CI: Try to continue on spurious zypper refresh problems + +- Update to version 4.6.1634301296.a0543cf54: + * t: Add a hook to tools/retry to delete coverage data + +- Update to version 4.6.1634224259.e820fe5b6: + * ci: Update codecov uploader + * Generalize CI scripts location + * Test handling promise for publishing AMQP events + * Improve coding style in `t/23-amqp.t` + * tests: Use separate databases for unstable tests + * Fix error handling when publishing an AMQP event fails + * Use signatures in OpenQA::Jobs::Constants + * ci: Mark uncoverable bailout code paths + * Reformat code to current perltidy style + * tools/tidy: Disable aligning assignments + * .mergify.yml: Make rules stricter requiring patch coverage + +- Update to version 4.6.1634049705.509fad0ac: + * CI: Add retry for chrome workaround + * CI: Move test run instructions to separate file + * t: Fix path in t/01-style.t + * Downgrade chromedriver from problematic version + * git subrepo pull (merge) external/os-autoinst-common + * CI: Allow exception for "git subrepo pull" messages + * Use consistent abbreviated SPDX license identifiers + * ci: Always checkout sha in + * workflows/commit_message_checker.yml: Fix file based prefix + * Pass all parameters to productdir() + +- Update to version 4.6.1633624491.52d9e3c63: + * Add CLONED_FROM to cloned job settings + * Reduce timeout in `t/05-scheduler.full.t` again + * Improve quoting style in `t/05-scheduler.full` + * Avoid full `OpenQA::Jobs::Constants::` prefix in `t/05-scheduler-full.t` + * Fix race-condition in `t/05-scheduler-full.t` which can lead to failures + * Continue further checks if job is not done/incomplete in scheduler test + * Run hook script timeout in verbose mode + * Allow hxselect in apparmor profile + * Dependency cron 2021-10-06 + * Allow more shells in apparmor profile + * CI: Use current updated Selenium::Remote::Driver version to fix CI + * Use consistent "Copyright" header without problematic characters + * Extract code from `clone_job_download_assets` into separate function + * Add missing separator in log message of `openqa-clone-job` script + * Consider all parent jobs in `openqa-clone-job` to skip certain assets + * Prevent useless downloads of `uefi-vars` assets + * Extend tests for asset download in `openqa-clone-job` script + +- Update to version 4.6.1633442652.bbce4ad33: + * Dependency cron 2021-10-05 + * Upgrade CI scripts for using Leap 15.3 based container images + * Dependency cron 2021-10-05 + * OpenQA::Log: Speedup, simplify and fix format with Time::Moment + * t: Bump timeout of 25-cache-service.t + * t: Bump timeout of 40-script_openqa-clone-custom-git-refspec.t + * OpenQA::Log: Simplify + * OpenQA::Log: Use signatures + * Generalize containerized setup to refer to 'container' + * Generalize Makefile and scripts to refer to 'container' + * CI: Generalize scripts to refer to 'container' instead of docker + * Use simpler 'podman' as drop-in replacement for our checks + * Extend clone-job unit tests for handling/ignoring missing assets + * Add ignore-missing-assets to unit tests + * Add ignore-missing-assets to clone-job + * Upgrade CI container image versions to Leap 15.3 + * Upgrade containers for containerized setup to Leap 15.3 + * Log return code of hook command + +- Update to version 4.6.1632930736.2895850f3: + * CI: Extract script "prepare_dependency_pr" + * Fix SQL error in `refresh_assets` caused by 5b14fe + * Also auto-clone on VNC connection timeouts of non-qemu backends + * Ensure that temporary HTTP 503 errors are handled with auto-clone + * CI: Add more explicit error message in cache load script + +- Update to version 4.6.1632803445.44df68079: + * Avoid warning in `untie_asset_from_job_and_unregister_if_unused` + * Fix computation of missing assets if there are no relevant assets + * Ensure nightly job for deps prefers openQA:devel + * Try to fix sporadic CircleCI issues in 05-scheduler-full.t + * Fix build in tests/overview when groupid is defined + * Speed up asset cleanup by only updating last job on changes + * Speed up asset cleanup by only updating the "fixed status" on changes + * Speed-up asset cleanup by caching path of asset file on disk + * Ignore shellcheck false positives in tools/generate-documentation + * Remove useless x in if in tools/run-tests-within-container + * Remove useless assignment in tools/generate-documentation + * Change shell to bash in tools/generate-packed-assets + +- Update to version 4.6.1632424784.6736f5e9a: + * templates: Clarify which filter options in /overview apply to the job + * Trigger minion tasks when jobs are done + * Fix typo in jobs API documentation + * Document installing test distri deps for containerized setup + * Follow symlinks when installing test distri dependencies + * Fix config for cloning with container setup + * Set a default `base_url` for containerized setup and document config + * Add missing spaces in human_readable_size() + * downloads: Print asset size + * Plugin/ Add human_readable_size() helper + * Revert mistaken worker write access to needles + * Improve cleanup documentation + * Allow configuring concurrent cleanup + +- Update to version 4.6.1632228188.ad82e8315: + * Makefile: Add retries for current instabilities of t/full-stack.t + * Print pool directory on error + * Add OPENQA_HOSTNAME to the job settings + * Make clear 'Module' field in test overview page + * Mark non-existing asset as such in the downloads tab + * Cover missing lines in function for module result upload + * Cover `OpenQA::Worker::Job::settings` + * Additions to apparmor profiles + +- Update to version 4.6.1631887122.a5fe7e20c: + * Test format_time_duration + * Explicitly install os-autoinst dependencies in container + * format_time_duration: Also display days in test duration + * Refresh asset size after the upload has been completed + +- Update to version 4.6.1631807736.c954196f5: + * Explicitly cover code with unstable test coverage + * Dependency cron 2021-09-15 + * Add NAMEs such that pod2man output is valid man(7) + * overview: Add higher inactivity timeout + * Stop upsetting pod2man + +- Update to version 4.6.1631608585.77a6c349a: + * Remove unnecessary x-bit + * Fix broken syntax in logrotate config + * docs: Treat database migration as advanced topic + * Install recommended deps in worker container + * Fetch and display job status for test urls in comments + * Install test distri deps in worker container on entry + * Fix reference to "Changing timeouts" section + * Speed up scan_for_untracked_assets further + * Speed up scan_for_untracked_assets by using less syscalls + * Strip down `openqa-clone-job` examples for `docker-compose` setup + * Mark single exception log in ResultSet::Assets as uncoverable + * Improve docker-compose docs as suggested in review + * Document running `openqa-clone-job` within container + * Document accessing a `psql` shell when using the docker-compose setup + * Do not configure web UI and worker containers to share the same network + * Fix configuration of additional web UI services in docker-compose setup + * Fix quoting in example in container setup docs + * Fix indentation of "Data storage …" section in container setup docs + * Improve documentation of docker-compose setup + * Fix docker-compose setup for worker + * Fix client and worker configuration of docker-compose setup + * Fix NGINX config for docker-compose setup + +- Update to version 4.6.1631288156.16e44e0ea: + * Add common error message in pitfalls.asciidoc + * Simplify code for making asset hash + * Simplify code for artefact creation + +- Update to version 4.6.1631197970.87d9d07f3: + * Redirect to original page even on automatic login redirect + * Use consistent quoting style in `create_artefact` + * Improve formatting tx error on artefact creation + * Return errors on artefact creation correctly + * Fix job status icons in activity view + * Avoid rendering `ARRAY(0x…)` in users table + * Use consistent colors for checkbox buttons in users table + * Fix checkboxes on users table broken by ForkAwesome migration (35a5333) + +- Update to version 4.6.1631021118.ebe25e524: + * Ensure that worker_container can start any instance + * Dependency cron 2021-09-07 + * Write error check in `eveluate_error` in a more compact way + * Improve logging for artefact uploads + * Remove no longer necessary test code + * Speed up 21-admin-needles.t by running all Minion jobs in foreground + * Fix permission errors when running tidy with docker-compose setup + * Add documentation for upgrading PostgreSQL database + * Optimize group_overview + * Don't check for unset var BYPASS_SYSTEMD_CHECK in openqa-bootstrap + * Reference arch diagram in devel mode debug steps + * Reference doc about debugging devel mode on errors + * Dependency cron 2021-09-06 + * Add filter searching modules by regular expression + * Speed up 12-needle-edit.t by running all Minion jobs in foreground + * Migrate from FontAwesome to ForkAwesome + * Add note about `[global]` section for configuring `WORKER_HOSTNAME` + * Enable `[global]` section of `workers.ini` by default + * Speed up cache service tests by not forking Minion jobs + * Return to previous page on openID login + * Allow limit parameter for api/v1/jobs/overview + * Add /usr/bin/tac to apparmor profile to fix hook script on o3 + +- Update to version 4.6.1629997637.5c3f9e2dd: + * Fix flaky coverage in `t/05-scheduler-full.t` + * git subrepo pull (merge) --force external/os-autoinst-common + * Add `/usr/bin/tail` to apparmor profile to fix hook script on o3 + * Dependency cron 2021-08-26 + * fullstack: Wait for live view button + * Avoid printing stacktrace when cgroup configuration fails + * Move code for cgroups configuration into its own function + * Prevent private assets from being cleaned up too early + * Refactor function to determine a job's parent IDs + * Improve asset registration function + * Prevent public assets from being cleaned up too early + * Improve `t/15-assets.t` + * Reenable sysusers once again on Tumbleweed + * Dependency cron 2021-08-25 + * doc: Make the PRODUCTDIR overwrite docs less confusing + * Remove unused test mock and mark uncoverable line + * Optimize querying progress of running jobs by utilizing module columns + * doc: Document new cache service setting `CACHE_MIN_FREE_PERCENTAGE` + * doc: Improve documentation of cache service + * doc: Fix typo in `Installing.asciidoc` + * Allow configuring worker cache to keep certain percentage of free space + * fullstack: scale panel waits via TimeLimit + * Document that needles will not be loaded from a custom `CASEDIR` + * doc: Remove remark that asset caching overrides PRODUCTDIR + * Remove TODO-comment in worker code which is most likely obsolete + * Avoid uncovered lines in `t/24-worker-engine.t` + * Fix bug reporting link for SUSE 15 SP4 + * job: Record hook_cmd in minion job notes + * worker: Remove delay function as now proper callbacks are used + * Improve test coverage of `` + * worker: Use proper callback instead of `delay` function during setup + * Let workers declare themselves as broken if asset downloads pile up + * Print stacktrace when worker crashes due to unhandled exception + * workflows: Drop the body line length check + * worker: Workaround errors in web socket handling + * workflows: Allow 180 characters in commit body + * Improve worker's exception handling and related test + * Add an explicit unit test for the workers `exec` and `delay` functions + * Do not remove timer after delay + * Create `cache_tests` jobs with increased prio + * Dependency cron 2021-08-11 + * Bail out whenever the expected result was not found + * fullstack: Extended wait for result panel + * fullstack: Return early if stat fails to avoid file errors + * Allow users to change which group $dbuser belongs to + * ci: Improve hadolint check + * Log user data received during OAuth2 + * Add yaml file to enable commit message checks + * Dependency cron 2021-08-06 + * Fix "not last X" needle searches to include "never" results + * search: Search Python filenames and contents + * Ensure we end testing when bailing due to missing Selenium drivers + * Add perl(IO::Uncompress::UnXz) as an optional dependency + * Dependency cron 2021-08-04 + * spec: Exclude t/43-scheduling-and-worker-scalability.t from tests again + * Simplify loop over results in dump_templates + * Extract function for product_key from dump_templates + * t: Add complete statement coverage for dump_templates + * Extract functions in script/dump_templates + * t: Add one subtest for dump_templates options + * Use "url_from_host" in OpenQA::Script::CloneJob as well + * Extract method OpenQA::Client::url_from_host for load+dump_templates + * Slightly simplify script/load+dump_templates + * Use signatures in script/load+dump_templates + * Slightly simplify OpenQA::Script::CloneJob + * Use signatures completely in OpenQA::Script::CloneJob + * Use signatures in script/openqa-clone-job + * t: Fix 40-openqa-clone-job to not read personal config files + * Fix OPENQA_CONFIG in OpenQA::UserAgent to override, not add config search path + * Use signatures in OpenQA::Script::Client + * t: Clarify that 40-script_load_templates also calls dump_templates + * Simplify script/dump_templates a bit + * Add regex and tests for fragment identifier recognition + * Retry the assets package generation if a CDN fails + * Generalize path to "unstable tests" + * Simplify all test selection switches for all "fullstack" tests into one + * Remove unnecessary "SCALABILITY_TEST" variable + * Update dependencies + * Remove `collect_coverage_of_gru_jobs` where `run_gru_job` is used anyways + * Perform minion jobs in foreground in several tests using `perform_jobs` + * Remove unused imports of `collect_coverage_of_gru_jobs` + * Perform all Minion jobs consistently in foreground in `t/14-grutasks.t` + * Remove `collect_coverage_of_gru_jobs` from `t/api/02-iso-download.t` + * Fix stability of check for scroll-up button in `t/ui/14-dashboard.t` + * Enable all rules from eslint:recommended related to syntax and logic errors + * Makefile: Bump retries for fullstack-unstable after recent instabilities + * Make default test runs less noisy + * Makefile: Add optional "EXTRA_PROVE_ARGS" to add to prove calls + * Makefile: Fix comment alignment + * Make scalability test setup independent of test data from `os-autoinst` + * Remove more dead code from OpenQA::WebAPI::Plugin::Helpers + * Remove dead code from OpenQA::WebAPI::Plugin::Helpers + * Generalize CI base container path + * git subrepo pull (merge) --force external/os-autoinst-common + * t: Bump timeout for ui/14-dashboard.t + * Make message about clone error unique + * worker: Unify retry-behavior of artefact file uploads with regular API calls + * worker: Move error handling for API calls into a separate function + * worker: Pass error during final upload as `api failure: …` reason + * worker: Retry when sending an artefact fails + * Improve error handling of _upload_log_file to retry also on connection errors + * Run tools/tidy + * Adapt codecov target to current coverage + * OpenQA::Worker::Engines::isotovideo: Use consistent single-ticks where applicable + * OpenQA::Worker::Engines::isotovideo: Simplify using signatures + * docs: Add option to disable test timeout with env variable + * Dependency cron 2021-07-27 + * Mark most of the unstable worker test code as uncoverable + * t: Ensure `t/ui/14-dashboard.t` passes also when browser window is big + * t: Disable coverage report for forked processes in scalability test + * t: Fix check for `last_updated` column of needles + * Avoid perl warning in string concatenation + * Remove .jsbeautifyrc, since it is no longer needed + * Dependency cron 2021-07-22 + * Use the OPENQA_UPLOAD_DELAY environment variable to speed up 24-worker-jobs.t + * Replace wait_with_progress with a sleep call + * Cover wait_with_progress with basic tests + * Remove dead code from LiveViewHandler + * git subrepo commit (merge) external/os-autoinst-common + * Dependency cron 2021-07-20 + * containers: Install ruby and rubygem-sass + * Dependency cron 2021-07-17 + * Add minimal js-tidy script that will take care of Node.js dependencies + * cache service: Avoid logging back-traces when scanning + * docs: Add a test example written in Python + * t: Improve coding style in `t/21-needles.t` + * t: Fix check for `last_updated` column of needles + * t: Use `Time::Seconds` in `t/21-needles.t` + * t: Cover worker's log file upload + * .circleci: Be more gracious with timeouts due to random slowness + * t: Bump timeout for ui/06-operator_links.t + * t: Bump timeouts for 44-scripts.t + * Simplify script/modify_needle + * t: Add test for script/modify_needle + * Improve error message (report filename instead of test name) + * Avoid getting stuck syncing tests by adding timeout to `rsync` call + * Prefer "const" to "let" in JavaScript code if the value is never changed + * Fix all ESLint rule violations + * Add eslint and prettier support + * Show logs when docker compose up fails in the test_containers_compose + * Fix use of su by providing shell for geekotest + * Clean up param_hash helper code + * t: Cover worker's asset upload + * Remove debug logging for livelog viewers + * t: Cover worker's handling of failing asset upload + * openqa-bootstrap: Check that systemd is available + * Add basic unit test for image live streaming + * Use configurable constants instead of hard-coded intervals for streaming + * Fix error handling when asking worker to enable the live log + * Improve error handling when streaming images for live view + * Improve log messages of image streaming code + * doc: Document finding tests via the REST-API + * doc: Improve `openqa-cli` documentation + * doc: Improve introduction of REST-API + * doc: Improve references + * Distinguish comment types on /tests + * Fix 'This: command not found' errors + * t: Cover posting job setup status + * t: Cover handling job timeout + * t: Cover worker's image upload + * t: Cover case when worker accepts job but the ws connection has been lost + * Write code in `t/24-worker-jobs.t` in a more compact way + * Avoid forking in `t/24-worker-jobs.t` to collect coverage of upload code + * Split `_upload_results_step_2_upload_images` into multiple functions + * Revert "Reenable sysusers" + * Remove the link to /tests/overview in the parent group overview + * Revert "Distinguish comment types on /tests" + * openqa-bootstrap: Ensure to enforce expected error handling + +- Update to version 4.6.1625814138.021a88a2a: + * t: Simplify "linked" lookup in 10-jobs.t + * t: Add test for happy-path of OpenQA::Worker::Engines::isotovideo::sync_tests + * OpenQA::Worker::Engines::isotovideo: Remove dead code "_kill" + * t: Increase timeouts + * Fix use of `isnt` in `t/lib/OpenQA/Test/` + * t: Bump timeout in more slow tests + * t: Bump timeout for ui/26-jobs_restart.t + * Distinguish comment types on /tests + * t: Bump timeout for deploy.t after recent slowdown + * Fix typos found by codespell + * Update parent_group link to test/overview to the new icon format + * Add link to /test/overview from index page for every parent group + * Add a check for the geekotest & _openqa-worker user to test specs + * Switch to systemd-sysusers instead of getent + useradd + * Mark uncovered line in OpenQA::Schema::Result::Assets + * Remove uncovered conditions for internal search of job settings + * Delete unused args special case handling in OpenQA::Schema::Result::GruTasks + * Simplify OpenQA::Schema::ResultSet::JobSettings + * Slightly simplify OpenQA::Schma::ResultSet::Assets for full statement coverage + * Slightly simplify OpenQA::Schma::ResultSet::AuditEvents for full statement coverage + * Do not fail Minion jobs when asset download fails due to a client error + +- Update to version 4.6.1625604748.6b93c98dd: + * build-docs-ci: Fix sporadic zypper install failure with retrying + * Simplify circleCI config by extracting build-docs-ci script + * Fix the multi-job-group overview link to show all results + * Return the error message the Downloader up the stack + * Add a regression test to make sure an empty flavor value does not result in all jobs getting loaded + * Fiter all incoming parameters, but do not actually validate them yet + * Add test filter option to test overview + * Add flavor filter option to test overview + * Use a more feasible timeout for t/full-stack.t + * ci: Increase several timeouts + * fullstack test: Remove job settings to fix execution with QEMU 6 + * fullstack test: Stop when first test incompletes + * search: Correctly use username for gru lock if logged in + * Take test modules without result into account for carry-over + * Consider all modules on carry over, despite missing/broken results + * t: Simplify setup of `t/17-labels_carry_over.t` + * Fix carry-over only due to one matching bugref in step title + * Refactor carry-over in OpenQA::Schema::Result::Jobs + * BugLinks: Do not attempt label with incomplete referer URLs + * Dependency cron 2021-06-30 + * Add link to /test/overview from a parent job group + * Revert "Switch to systemd-sysusers instead of getent + useradd" + * Encode query parameters in openqa-label-all + * Fix a few more cases where "if (%foo" was used instead of "if (keys %foo" + * Fix a small mistake where "if (%foo" was used instead of "if (keys %foo" + * Switch to using the %make_build macro + * Fix parse failure if is_opensuse is undefined + * Switch to systemd-sysusers instead of getent + useradd + * Dependency cron 2021-06-27 + * Convert a few more tests to use OpenQA::Test::Utils::perform_minion_jobs + * Replace perform_minion_jobs_in_foreground workaround with upstream Minion feature + * openqa-label-all: Allow to call without specific build + * Remove code for mocking Minion in `t/42-df-based-cleanup.t` + * docs: Adapt docs after ffc13764b fixed the lookup of multiple builds + * Fix show results for multiple groups in /test/overview + +- Update to version 4.6.1624362583.02699d6c5: + * Optimize group_overview: don't fetch bugdetails where not needed + - * Workaround for boo#1187425 openSUSE-release-tools +- Update to version 20211210.dacaa5c5: + * Dashboard: Add containerfile + +- Update to version 20211208.fda88d31: + * metrics: telegraf: Fix URL for after machines were moved to openSUSE internal network + +- Update to version 20211201.2f3a762b: + * gocd: Use https://legaldb instead of http + +- Update to version 20211122.1875f66a: + * legal-auto: Fix regression in product import + +- Update to version 20211122.45e3d064: + * legal-auto: Move the "ignore channels" feature in the proper function + +- Update to version 20211119.ce4a3e37: + * Add note about missing IPv4 logs + +- Update to version 20211118.5f3b629b: + * Skip empty cache files + * Fix handling missing log files + +- Update to version 20211107.bab90ef3: + * devel-project: make "list" the default command work in Python 3.3 + * devel-project: Add a func callback to main parser + +- Update to version 20211105.c4e7e358: + * Retry GETs if they catch a TimeoutError + +- Update to version 20211105.cd161f34: + * add option to use newest package for resolving dependencies + +- Update to version 20211104.5fa0da62: + * Run TTM for openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images + +- Update to version 20211102.e777410a: + * Move remaining vagrant publishers from Jenkins to botmaster + +- Update to version 20211029.a924a9b0: + * Revert container-cleaner experiments + +- Update to version 20211029.4c20c475: + * One more endless loop test against the API + +- Update to version 20211029.b54a9360: + * Make the container cleaner endless loop against login proxy without auth + +- Update to version 20211029.c711dd57: + * Now test endless loop on a different SSL host + +- Update to version 20211029.80bb54c9: + * Debug endless loop to verify the underlying problem + +- Update to version 20211029.ca55ff6c: + * gocd: Disable cache for container cleaner + +- Update to version 20211029.faa760d6: + * gocd: Run container cleanup with full debug + +- Update to version 20211029.321c5259: + * gocd: Experiment with a special sysctl for container cleanup + +- Update to version 20211027.80b3fafb: + * gocd: Also run the microos stagings only once per hour + * miniobs: The upstream OBS project changed repo names + * pkglistgen: Skip repos without state + * gocd: Fix typo found by accident + +- Update to version 20211027.014d1c7a: + * gocd: Run release package generation for stagings only once an hour + +- Update to version 20211026.f1790c67: + * pkglistgen: Keep caching repo solv files but copy them away + +- Update to version 20211026.417c4e6d: + * pkglistgen: Skip relying on the global cache directory + +- Update to version 20211026.802e0d64: + * filter out 15-sp3 and 15-sp4 from factory-source review + +- Update to version 20211025.11d2c9be: + * Change vagrant publisher resource to staging-bot + +- Update to version 20211024.0472da96: + * pkglistgen: Do not generate weakremovers if in release package mode + * pkglistgen: Generate the release packages first + +- Update to version 20211022.c7c2beb4: + * Adjust secret_config_id in the dashboard.generator pipeline + * Add pipeline to publish the vagrant boxes to Vagrant Cloud + +- Update to version 20211012.2f5f796d: + * try to skip channel files as submitted with kernels and livepatches, as they cannot be legal reviewed + +- Update to version 20211007.f5e62341: + * Remove kubernetes setup + * Remove devel package and make check target + +- Update to version 20211001.62170202: + * Fix tests + * CI: Run Tumbleweed container as priveleged in docker + +- Update to version 20210930.155a1eb6: + * Fix the only offense of E731 + +- Update to version 20210925.391bef87: + * pkglistgen: add openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin + * totest-manager: add openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Update:Respin + * skippkg-finder: add --alternative-project option overrides OPENSUSE_PROJECT for package checking + +- Update to version 20210923.153aea36: + * check_source: Fix revert case for patch detection (fix#2640) + +- Update to version 20210923.8f4795d1: + * Clarify status and deployment of check_source_in_factory + * Delete + * Delete + * Delete + * Delete + * Delete leaper, update_crawler and manager_42 + * Delete + +- Update to version 20210922.75227421: + * Adds dependency for full check_source testing + +- Update to version 20210922.0dd8b501: + * Remove redundant information from + +- Update to version 20210921.009ead7b: + * Remove E265 from flake ignore list + * Make use of the 15.3 miniobs container + +- Update to version 20210921.9fa0b78b: + * Remove E713 offense from flaker + * pkglistgen: Accept i686 as well + * pkglistgen: replace if not a in with if a not in + * pkglistgen: Fix architecture handling of weakremovers + * gocd: Use python3 -u for pkglistgen + +- Update to version 20210921.22ab5cba: + * miniobs: Use 15.3 repos - 15.1 is EOL + +- Update to version 20210920.e1eef928: + * Link the new testcase from + * Test to showcase a submit request to SLE + +- Update to version 20210916.1cb39a18: + * Ignore PR verification runs with / in BUILD + +- Update to version 20210916.57abe572: + * Fix typo in documentation + * OBSLocal: functions to easily manage several review bots + * OBSLocal: rename assertReviewBot to assertReviewScript + * OBSLocal: improve documentation about scripts and asserts + * OBSLocal: small reorganization + * Extract useful stuff to a base OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow class + * OBSLocal: clarify some aspects of attributes management + * Rename test file to ensure it is executed in CI + * Rename OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow to OBSLocal.FactoryWorkflow + +- Update to version 20210914.b25b3f35: + * Add pipeline to setup QR home project + +- Update to version 20210913.f61b2e79: + * gocd: rename SLE_BCI to SLE_BCI_15SP3 and add SP4 flavor + +- Update to version 20210910.877432d2: + * do not use oscrc from fixtures (should fix #1989) + * fix deprecation warning in parser + +- Update to version 20210907.d2e3c9d2: + * Add some comments + * Create ProductVersion attribute + * Remove attributes when destroying a workflow + +- Update to version 20210907.d07908c4: + * skippkg-finder: move extra packages to the OSRT attribute + +- Update to version 20210906.2f7e2499: + * Improve text + * Add line breaks + * Improve text + * Document ADI projects + * Add documentation + +- Update to version 20210906.63613a92: + * skippkg-finder: add two packages to the extra list for zypper dup reason + +- Update to version 20210901.f75b5c1b: + * gocd: fix a missing whitespace between command and argument for skippkg-finder + +- Update to version 20210831.0de63caa: + * Update specfile for skippkg-finder + * Run before pkglistgen + * Add to overwrite NON_FTP_PACKAGES for obsoleted and unneeded package + +- Update to version 20210820.43b07171: + * gocd: Fix timer specification for Update.Repos.Leap + +- Update to version 20210819.0316d3b0: + * Test to showcase a submit request to Factory + +- Update to version 20210819.abe2f698: + * gocd: increase the timer for fire Leap updaterepos every 3 days + +- Update to version 20210812.b133ea61: + * add release package and packagelist bots for LEO + +- Update to version 20210810.918f32cc: + * ttm: add new ttm pipeline for Leap 15.4 + +- Update to version 20210805.5b68d530: + * OBSLocal: top-level classes documentation to clarify the scope + * Point to osc.core to compare the APIs + * More improvements in the documentation + * In OBSLocal.StagingWorkflow.submit_package, package may not be None + * Some convenience extensions to OBSLocal + * OBSLocal: improved management of meta + * Tiny fix in + * Improvements in the documentation + * Convert OBSLocal documentation to reStructured Text + * document + +- Update to version 20210729.455dc99c: + * Refactor code to split big method and improve doc + * Add test for inherit maintainer role + * Add note about explicit ignoring of inherited maintainership + * Avoid creation of duplicate add_role requests (fixes #2609) + +- Update to version 20210723.7e5bacec: + * Fix reference to docs/ + * Fix a few gocd links + * Update more tools status + * Update some tools status + * Add some info about obsolete tools + * Update gocd links + * Mark sync-rebuild as obsolete + * Extend container_cleanup description + * Apply suggestions from the review to the inventory + * Apply suggestions from the review to the inventory + * Fix a few typos + * Make clear that systemd units are not used by bots anymore + * Fix a few typos + * Add a document describing the contents of the repository + +- Update to version 20210722.9d1e9c24: + * Fix header level in + +- Update to version 20210722.a9b5d53a: + * Improvements in based on peer review + * Add + +- Update to version 20210719.16822566: + * Fix typos + * Review of the tricks section while debugging the CI + * Extend docker-compose commands info when debugging the CI + * Add to README hints how to debug failures in CI + +- Update to version 20210716.80f24854: + * gocd: update staging bot for Backports + * gocd: update rbeuild-trigger for Backports and Step + +- Update to version 20210716.7b59f334: + * Properly handle required-source-maintainer when it is group + * Updates from code review + * Check for maintainers in the source project + * Add descriptions to check_source tests + +- Update to version 20210714.bc466636: + * gocd: Drop openSUSE:Factory:WSL + +- Update to version 20210714.5d5297cb: + * pkglistgen: initialize pkglistgen for Leap 15.4 + +- Update to version 20210713.677b3163: + * Make test CWD agnostic + * Use pytest instead of nosetests (fixes #2524) + +- Update to version 20210713.f9ab72aa: + * Package: Fix rpm warning about unversioned obsoletes + * Package: Drop systemd services + * Add a check on the gocd config to github actions + * Transpose #2568 into the proper format + * Validate the yaml-config-plugin download + +- Update to version 20210713.8e913573: + * Preparation for switch from nosetests to pytest + +- Update to version 20210709.f461ce7b: + * gocd: fix path for script and use suse-repos.git + +- Update to version 20210709.80bd9187: + * Run perl checks as part of flaker ci task + * fix perl warnings in + +- Update to version 20210709.54eaaf82: + * Document how to create the osc alias for the local CI instance + +- Update to version 20210708.ecafba4f: + * Test accepting a package from a devel project + * Initial testcase for + * Small code reorganization in + +- Update to version 20210708.c80ddc2c: + * Rename DVD-Backports to DVD-Backports-Incidents + +- Update to version 20210708.b73d663f: + * Add missing libraries to testenv image to run + +- Update to version 20210707.82fd000a: + * osclib/ Don't use same config for openSUSE:Leap:15.3:ARM and :Images + +- Update to version 20210705.8922fa23: + * Revert "Exclude .open-build-service/ from docker, flake8, and git." + * Update exclude section in .flake8 + +- Update to version 20210702.b265c66f: + * Staging: add 'rebase' as an alias to the 'freeze' command + +- Update to version 20210702.d0f59b78: + * Explain how to run a single test + * Allow adjusting the exposed OBS port in Docker Compose + * Replace Coveralls badge with Codecov one + * Add some notes about CI + * [CI] Expose port 3000 of the api service + +- Update to version 20210701.9c0e048a: + * paralelize running linter + * use proper badge for ci + +- Update to version 20210630.2c4d242c: + * Use configparser from python3-base.rpm + * Make the usage message more helpful + * Add a meaningful one line description + * Improve instructions for Readme / Development + +- Update to version 20210630.a3151f0b: + * update version of gh actions checkout action to speed up ci and codecov to be uptodate + +- Update to version 20210625.f030cb17: + * Setup for SLE15 SP3 Quarterly Update + +- Update to version 20210623.f07ad86d: + * Add the reason why a review was added (e.g. which whitelist warning was suppressed) + +- Update to version 20210623.7899db11: + * pkglistgen opensuse gocd: remove 15.3 pkglsitgen and updaterepos + +- Update to version 20210622.3d879f53: + * gocd: change how scripts are retrieved + +- Update to version 20210622.b376746f: + * accept_command: use the value of attribute to set ProductVersion if always_set_productversion_to option presents + +- Update to version 20210621.a11cc821: + * gocd/totestmanager.gocd.yaml: Update list of projects + +- Update to version 20210621.f05d1f9e: + * Switch off abi checker as it keeps failing + +- Update to version 20210618.8e162872: + * ttm/ Also find versions from plain tarballs + * ttm/ If force is set, ignore QA and other checks + +- Update to version 20210618.4c407e7a: + * Use codecov for coverage - easier GA integration + * Increase timeout to 40 minutes + * Remove travis CI + * pkglistgen: Automatically merge old update repos + * pkglistgen: Add a way to merge files from 000update-repos + +- Update to version 20210618.9a8de07f: + * Create ci-test.yml + +- Update to version 20210618.660e75bd: + * gocd: plug release in BCI pipeline + +- Update to version 20210616.02b53c6b: + * Fix Leap:15.3:ARM which was broken when Leap:15.3:ARM:Images has been introduced + +- Update to version 20210614.d271a1a3: + * Add 15-SP4 setup + +- Update to version 20210607.ed56c252: + * add bot for ARM:Images + * Support Leap:15.3:ARM:Images as well + +- Update to version 20210607.9b86fb95: + * Enable pkglistgen for openSUSE:Factory:ARM rings + +- Update to version 20210528.983c167a: + * Add Backports to the updates being tested + +- Update to version 20210528.c321aed8: + * Decline if source_revision not set + +- Update to version 20210527.973d7cea: + * gocd: add SLE_BCI packagelist generation + +- Update to version 20210520.9bd9aeb2: + * Remove obsolete Leap 15.1 + +- Update to version 20210520.fdb7ec1d: + * Update e-mail address for Factory:ARM mailing list + +- Update to version 20210510.0d5a9cfe: + * pkglistgen: Force outdir for the checkouts + +- Update to version 20210507.a59ce12e: + * Do rebuilds for Step + +- Update to version 20210506.bdf351d3: + * gocd: fix incorrect yaml for BCI + +- Update to version 20210505.9888ea18: + * add packagelist and release package bots for BCI + +- Update to version 20210429.5470e3d1: + * Update email address for Factory mailing list + +- Update to version 20210426.57b78c17: + * Fix for wrong indented json in #2537 + +- Update to version 20210422.ab2264e1: + * Drop the old path for releasing SP3:GA/sles15-image + +- Update to version 20210420.1c2151c4: + * Update check_source.asciidoc + * Update testing.asciidoc + * Update staging.asciidoc + * Update staging.asciidoc + * grammar-gender + +- Update to version 20210416.730e78b0: + * Add automated rebuilds for step Backports + +- Update to version 20210415.4a57f7a7: + * gocd: Drop obsolete projects, fix whitespace + +- Update to version 20210413.d92c1396: + * Remove release from images-ndb repository + +- Update to version 20210408.3990fecd: + * Remove comment inside script + +- Update to version 20210408.89c0136c: + * Release SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:GA sles-image into :TEST and :PUBLISH + +- Update to version 20210408.b593b12c: + * Revert pkglistgen: ignore bootstrap_copy repo + +- Update to version 20210406.a75bf5b7: + * Update MicroOS IBS project (MicroOS51) in botmaster + * pkglistgen: don't die on unset pkglistgen-ignore_repos + +- Update to version 20210406.0e9a3e52: + * Revert "Add bot for Camerleon project" + +- Update to version 20210406.1055d062: + * legal import: Scan openSUSE projects more often + * legal-auto: Reopen obsolete reviews while scanning projects + +- Update to version 20210406.6b65b00a: + * pkglistgen: ignore bootstrap_copy repo + +- Update to version 20210406.2fec2dbe: + * pkglistgen: After solving check all packages listed + +- Update to version 20210330.e6a45eb4: + * legal: Only wait 2 hours for legal reviews for openSUSE:Factory + +- Update to version 20210324.a747e490: + * Add release to PUBLISH for containers + +- Update to version 20210319.fd0124a9: + * Add missing repos for 15.3 + * Add Leap 15.3 Maintenance configuration + +- Update to version 20210319.de08ea9d: + * findfileconflicts: hardcode exception for glibc and bash + * handle usrmerge + +- Update to version 20210315.d6cd0125: + * Build containerfile and images repos against each other + * Add containerfile_products type to totest-manager + * Add a containerfile repo to adi stagings + * Make Dockerfile builds pass + +- Update to version 20210315.167397b8: + * Add Leap:15.3:ARM to test armv7 Step:15 + +- Update to version 20210311.1b7e79b9: + * build-fail-reminder: don't use cgi.escape, but rather html escape the fixed string directly + +- Update to version 20210310.18652691: + * metrics: add sample Apache vhost config + * metrics: accept more flavors + +- Update to version 20210303.440e1a88: + * Monitor release process + +- Update to version 20210303.72b45750: + * adi: stage Non-Ring delete requests in adi projects + +- Update to version 20210215.e68b5e0b: + * Fix repo state error handling in pkglistgen + +- Update to version 20210203.2caa5a9e: + * Switch to python3 shebang + +- Update to version 20210122.29b776fd: + * Calculate the i586 DVD as i686 package set + +- Update to version 20210119.d564b3d0: + * Accept: Don't crash on actions that aren't submit/delete + +- Update to version 20210119.75c001c9: + * pkglistgen: Check the return code of Popen calls + +- Update to version 20210118.bb3c6e1c: + * pkglistgen: Allow to set require_all for some groups to disable ignore + * Update aggregate.php + +- Update to version 20210106.deab50eb: + * fix typo in pkglistgen.leap.15.3 + * monitor: remove Jump from monitor and add Backports to monitor + +- Update to version 20210104.7b7d4aa8: + * gocd: enable staging bot and staging installcheck on SLE15 SP3 Backports + +- Update to version 20201218.7cd9d749: + * rebuild-trigger: run project-installcheck on SLE15-SP3 Backports + +- Update to version 20201217.06e44bca: + * Fix typo in the source checker + +- Update to version 20201216.b9ce7bf1: + * Also add required checks to adi stagings after adding architectures + +- Update to version 20201216.bb412fe4: + * Fix being ignored if i586 is present + +- Update to version 20201215.76b63b74: + * Enable TTM for openSUSE:Leap:15.3:Images + +- Update to version 20201211.df53c462: + * check_source: mode='manual' is permitted in _service files + * One .changes file per package is enough + * check_source: Advertise the usage of 'osc service runall $FOO' + * Don't produce directory conflicts of ghost files + +- Update to version 20201210.049f70f7: + * Add 'kernel-64kb' to the list of kernel packages to reduce kernel spam + +- Update to version 20201209.32338511: + * Add bot for Camerleon project + +- Update to version 20201202.0bafe324: + * Add schedule for Leap 15.1, 15.2 and 15.3 + +- Update to version 20201202.7103cd65: + * Use string instead of byte stream for configparser + * Rename ConfigParser to configparser + * Replace sys.maxint with sys.maxsize + +- Update to version 20201127.8335cbff: + * SLE15SP3: Release images-ndb to :TEST + +- Update to version 20201123.5ffdcc9e: + * Also release sles15-image to :ToTest in SLE15.SP3.ImagesManual + * Don't publish sles15-image as part of Release.Images.To.Publish + +- Update to version 20201123.10a2268e: + * Release and publish SUSE:SLE-15-SP3:Update:CR/sles15-image as well + +- Update to version 20201112.4a3abc91: + * metrics: Update product pattern to match Leap 15.2 + +- Update to version 20201103.e77961f0: + * pkglistgen gocd: rename Pkglistgen.openSUSE_Leap to avoid the dup'ed key + +- Update to version 20201102.21e0b914: + * Leap 15.3: Jump project discontinued but Leap 15.3 started + +- Update to version 20201030.620b9480: + * Merge common code of SP1 and SP2 + * Add back setup for 15SP1 quarterly updates + +- Update to version 20201022.3934deb8: + * pkglistgen gocd: remove wrong -s target option for Leap MicroOS + +- Update to version 20201022.fccc3b92: + * pkglistgen: add Leap 15.2 MicroOS back to pipeline + +- Update to version 20201007.ccac00af: + * Fix MQ timeouts in rabbit-repoid + +- Update to version 20201007.706b6713: + * Do not try to push empty changes in rabbit-repoid + +- Update to version 20201007.c336e60c: + * Check git errors in rabbit-repoid + +- Update to version 20200930.488b0fc7: + * gocd: Run ttm for openSUSE:Jump:15.2:Images + +- Update to version 20200923.c33e6a9e: + * Change SP2 QU job to run on Thursday + * Remove 15SP1 QU settings + * Add setup for 15SP2 quarterly updates + +- Update to version 20200921.26408ca6: + * Dashboard: be more precise in percentage to avoid to display 'done' with few jobs remaining + +- Update to version 20200918.4b77ae84: + * Add a readme about TTM + +- Update to version 20200909.0bb0f971: + * TTM: Ignore arch check for multibuild containers + +- Update to version 20200907.aa447872: + * handle also GO_SERVER_URL when port is 8153 + +- Update to version 20200907.6c213476: + * TTM: Verify that all successfully built products are mentioned in the config + +- Update to version 20200903.6c099fbb: + * Dashboard: Handle 'broken' state for OBS + +- Update to version 20200903.1a4894ef: + * Add release to TEST and PUBLIC for MicroOS + +- Update to version 20200903.c28f1293: + * added a 30 minute timeout to the openqa run + +- Update to version 20200902.771d1db6: + * Add the ARM rings + +- Update to version 20200902.aea8d9fa: + * Dashboard: Handle 'locked' state for OBS + +- Update to version 20200826.3b33c0a6: + * Revert "Retrieve packages download statistics" + +- Update to version 20200826.f6a30eed: + * Bugfixes + * [metrics-access] Fix packages path + * Optimize searching access logs + * Parse and count packages + +- Update to version 20200820.30a5ec58: + * fix typo + * switch to python3 + +- Update to version 20200811.7a216cd0: + * fix tests + * repoid monitor: monitoring events from openSUSE:Jump + * gocd: remove Leap config and enable Jump project to pipeline if needed + * conf: general config for openSUSE Jump + * TTM: enable Jump project on totest manager and remove old main project + +- Update to version 20200811.41fe9c2f: + * Add MicroOSNG setup + +- Update to version 20200810.6e220f02: + * Remove SLE-15-SP2 setup + +- Update to version 20200716.558f783b: + * metrics/grafana/openqa: Add openSUSE Leap 15.1 and 15.2 + * factory-auto: add opensuse-review-team on submits to NonFree + * fixed a whitespace + * skip SUSE:Channel files harder + +- Update to version 20200714.b826963d: + * fix cutting off part of a stagings name + +- Update to version 20200709.cef2425d: + * Merge check images and release to TEST for 15-SP3 + * Add SLE15-SP3 setup. + +- Update to version 20200708.6a13cb44: + * WSL: Add output of gocd/ + * Add openSUSE:Leap:15.2:WSL under gocd control + +- Update to version 20200706.c31bc8f1: + * Update version attribute also in o:F:RISCV + +- Update to version 20200705.5aedaf1c: + * Add pkglistgen instance for openSUSE:Factory:RISCV + * Add rebuild trigger for openSUSE:Factory:RISCV + +- Update to version 20200625.d66b16f2: + * Forgot to add the erb file too... + +- Update to version 20200623.49cd77b8: + * gocd: pkglistgen for MicroOS + +- Update to version 20200610.3c1b0160: + * Fix flake error F541 in tests/ + * Fix osc.core.repository_path_expand + +- Update to version 20200517.e09639bc: + * ignore packages that just have _channel inside + +- Update to version 20200515.13e2fbe2: + * Fix crash in project-installcheck if there are no packages in the pra + +- Update to version 20200515.bfa069ee: + * Trigger rebuilds on zSystem as needed + openafs +- re-add linux-kmp.patch. Required for 5.15 + +- Fix %ifarch for 32-bit arm + +- update to openafs version 1.8.8 +- remove linux-kmp.patch. Not required at the minute. + +- add patches for kernel 5.12 to linux-kmp.patch + +- add patches for kernel 5.11 to linux-kmp.patch + +- fix building of perl module AFS::ukernel + +- choose safe CWD while executing the build to + prevent files being created in unsafe locations. Use new SUSE naming + convention and rely on /etc/os-release, since /etc/SuSE-release no longer + exists. + openbsc +- Update to new upstream release 1.4.1 + * Changes to the build system only + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_osmo-bsc-mgcp.service.patch + * harden_osmo-nitb.service.patch + +- Update to release 1.4.0 + * rsl: Send IE MS Power Param during CHAN ACT and MS PWR CTRL + messages + +- Disable -Werror. Add -fcommon. + opencl-cpp-headers +- Update to version 2.0.15. + * Synchronize with OpenCL v3.0.8 specification release. + +- Include the actual headers: cl2.hpp is just importing the new + opencl.hpp now. + +- Update to version 2.0.14. + * Synchronize with OpenCL v3.0.7 specification release. + opencsg +- New upstream release + + Version 1.4.2 +- Drop individual HTML files from %doc section +- Add doc folder from source to %doc section + opendchub +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon. + opendkim +- Added hardening to systemd service (bsc#1181400). Added patch: + * harden_opendkim.service.patch + Modified: + * opendkim.service + +- Add cve-2020-12272.patch (CVE-2020-12272) + * Confirm that the value of "d=" is properly formed, fixed + upstream in commit 14d54524e0a97d3fe9b80441907d7e356c9ded04 +- Add unbound-fix.patch + * Plug memory leak in Unbound callback + + +- add opendkim to Group unbound to be able to read TrustAnchorFile +- add postfix to Group opendkim to be able to read/write to opendkim.sock +- add %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/keys dir +- change /var/run to /run wherever used +- rework opendkim-2.9.2_default_config.patch and renamed it to + opendkim-default_config.patch + +- Fix usage of %{_libexecdir} when %{_tmpfilesdir} was meant to be + used. + +- opendkim calls openssl, make sure the command is there + +- Use systemd_ordering instead of systemd_requires for container +- Update to opendkim 2.11.0-Beta2 + - Add support for ED25519 keys + - Add compatibility with openssl-1.1.0 + - Feature request #190: Reject signature object requests + where the domain name or selector includes non-printable + characters. + - Feature requrest #187: Add option to match subdomains when + generating zone files. + - Many bug fixes + - Obsoletes opendkim.ticket35+37.patch +- Disable erlang, new erlang version seems to miss required files + openexr +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-3941 [bsc#1192556], Divide-by-zero in Imf_3_1:RGBtoXYZ + + openexr-CVE-2021-3941.patch + +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2021-3933 [bsc#1192498], Integer-overflow in Imf_3_1:bytesPerDeepLineTable + + openexr-CVE-2021-3933.patch + +- security update openfortivpn +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_openfortivpn@.service.patch + +- Updat eto version 1.17.1 + * fix regression: enable OpenSSL engines by default + * fix typos found by codespell + * fix LGTM alerts + +- Update to version 1.17.0 + * make OpenSSL engines optional + * document and favor --pinentry over plain text password in + configuration file + * fix buffer overflow and other errors in URI espcaping for + - -pinentry + * use different --pinentry hints for different hosts, usernames + and realms + * fix memory management errors related to --user-agent option + +- Update to version 1.16.0 + * support for user key pass phrase + * add a space at the end of the OTP prompt + * modify memory allocation in the tunnel configuration structure + * openfortivpn returns the PPP exit status + * print SSL socket options in log + +- Update to version 1.15.0 + * fix issue sending pin codes + * add command line option to bind to specific interface + * use different hints for OTP and 2FA + * remove password from /proc/#/cmd + * extend OTP to allow FTM push + * add preliminary support for host checks + * don't accept route to the vpn gateway + * fix byte counter in pppd_write + +- Update to version 1.14.1 + * fix out of bounds array access + openlibm +- Exclude riscv64 arch; source currently does not support it. + +- update to 0.7.1: + * build + bugfixes + +- version update to 0.7.0 + * Enable optimization again for *int.c and *intf.c + * This release adds support for: wasm32, mips, s390, s390x, netbsd + -- Update to version 0.3 - * No changelog available -- Add build target for i586 - * openlibm-build-targets.patch -- spec file cleanup - -- initial import of tagged openlibm-0.2 package from JuliaLang - project - openmoji-fonts +- Update to version 13.1.0. + * Full support of Unicode Emoji 13.1. + * Lots of fixes and redesigns + * New flags and misc emojis in extras-openmoji + +- Update to version 13.0.0. + * Full support of Unicode Emoji 13.0. + * New Coronavirus related emojis by Guemil Project + * Lots of fixes and redesigns + * New logos and symbols + +- Update to version 12.4.0. + * More Emoji 13, only 20 missing + * New set of gardening related things + * Lots of fixes + * New Code of Conduct + +- Update to version 12.3.0. + * More Emoji 13, ca. 2/3 of all new ones + * New logos and symbols + * New and consolidated animals + * New flags and lots of fixes + * New set of various coffee related things + openobex +- Skip RPATH entirely on Leap 15.4 + -- Add Source URL, see - openocd +- Update to upstream version 0.11.0. + The list of changes is massive, see + + for details. +- libjaylink 0.2.0 is now required. +- Removed 0001-bitbang-Fix-FTBFS-with-GCC-10.patch patch. +- Use a source service to download sources. + +- Add 0001-bitbang-Fix-FTBFS-with-GCC-10.patch: fix building for gcc 10 + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libudev) instead of libudev-devel: allow + OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- Use spec_cleaner - -- Drop not needed comments - -- Provide COPYING file with the license. - openomf +- Add patch to workaround gcc10 compilation errors (boo#1160244): + * openomf-set-cflags.patch + openpgm +- Add use_python3.patch to allow use of Python3 instead of + Python2 for generating files. + +- Always pretend we do not have ftime(3), function is deprecated + and absent from next glibc release. + -- initial version (5.1.118) - openrct2 +- Update to version + * Improved: The Tile Inspector window’s layout has been tweaked + slightly. + * Change: Weird bonus for path 0 - likely intended as a queue + bonus (original bug). + * Fix: Sometimes small scenery stays when building through it. + * Fix: Placing track designs at locations blocked by anything + results in wrong error message. + * Fix: Tile Inspector can be resized too small. + * Fix: Tile Inspector has inconsistent text colours. + * Fix: Crash when opening a ride window for a corrupted vehicle. + * Fix: Crash when track elements have no ride assigned. + * Fix: Research status incorrectly considered for scenery when in + editor modes. + * Fix: Track designs of some ride types are incorrectly exported + to TD6. + +- Update to version + * Fix: Crash when placing large scenery. + * Fix: Crash when removing litter with cheats. + * Fix: Crash when using banner window. + * Fix: Crash when opening large scenery signs. + * Improved: Allow using RCT2 saves to mark RCT Classic + (.sea) parks as finished and vice versa. +- Update to version 0.3.4 + * Feature: Track List window now displays the path + to the design when debugging tools are on. + * Feature: “Vandals stopped†statistic for security + guards. + * Feature: Lighting effects for shops and stalls. + * Feature: Allow using early scenario completion + in multiplayer. + * Feature: [Plugin] Add property for getting current + plugin api version. + * Feature: [Plugin] Add properties related to guest + generation. + * Feature: [Plugin] Add properties related to climate + and weather. + * Feature: Opaque water (like in RCT1). + * Change: [Plugin] Rename Object to LoadedObject to fix + conflicts with Typescript's Object interface. + * Change: [Plugin] Rename ListView to ListViewWidget to + make it consistent with names of other widgets. + * Change: “No construction above tree height†limitation + now allows placing high trees. + * Change: Redesign the About window, including new + button to copy the current version info. + * Fix: Visual glitches and crashes when using RCT1 assets + from mismatched or corrupt CSG1.DAT and CSG1i.DAT files. + * Fix: Windows can appear off screen with small + screens or high scaling. + * Fix: Opening the Options menu causes a noticeable + drop in FPS. + * Fix: Block brakes do not animate. + * Fix: OpenGL: Track preview window, flip/rotate button + do not update the thumbnail. + * Fix: Crash when trying to rename Air Powered Vertical + Coaster in Korean. + * Fix: join_server uses default_port from config. + * Fix: Entrances/exits are removed when built on top of + each other. + * Fix: Surface smoothing at extra zoom levels not + working. + * Fix: Cannot close Options window on Android. + * Fix: [Plugin] isHidden only works for tile elements + up to the first element with a base height of over 32. + * Fix: Confusing message when joining server with + mismatched network version. + * Fix: American-style Steam Trains are not imported + correctly from RCT1 saves. + * Fix: The “About OpenRCT2†window cannot be themed. + * Fix: Crash when painting Swinging Ships with + invalid subtype. + * Fix: Crash when window is closed during text input. + * Fix: Ride/Track Design preview does not show if it + costs more money than available. + * Fix: Incorrect import of scenery research caused + all scenery to be unlocked. + * Fix: Incorrect function call in WallPlaceAction + plugin code. + * Fix: Crash when trying to place track when there + are no free tile elements. + * Fix: Unable to close changelog window when its + content fails to load. + * Fix: Incorrect drop height penalty on log flume ride. + * Fix: Unable to build in multiplayer as client with + "Build while paused" cheat enabled when the host is paused. + * Improved: “Unlock operating limits†cheat now also + unlocks all music. + * Improved: Improve startup times. + * Improved: Add Malgun Gothic and change Nanum Gothic + filename for Korean. +- Update official objects to 1.2.1 + * Fix grass ID and source games + * Split footpaths into footpaths and railings + +- Update to version 0.3.3 + * An enhanced Track Designer with ability to add/remove + scenery and footpaths. + * The Track Designer has a pause button now. + * There's a new single-rail roller coaster. + * Terrain surfaces from RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 are now supported. + * Lots of plugin improvements and new API additions. + * Lots of bugfixes. + +- Update to version 0.3.2 +- Note: this does now rely on the multi-header version of nlohmann-json + (already included in Tumbleweed) + +- Update to version 0.3.1 (enhancements of the plugin API) + +- Update to version 0.3.0 (major feature: scripting support) + +- Update to version 0.2.6 (see distribution/changelog.txt) + openresolv +- update to 3.12.0: + * Allow configurations to be marked as Deprecated and Acivtated + * Harden resolvconf lock detection + +- update to 3.11.0: + * Add allow_interfaces and deny_interfaces configuration options + * Add support to notify avahi-daemon and mdnsd of resolv.conf changes + +- Update to version 3.9.2 + * dnsmasq: clear cache after updating servers via dbus + * pdns_recursor: Fix global forwards (thus now installed by + default) + * man: layout and misc fixes + * build: added import-src target + version 3.9.1 + * More strict POSIX shell support + * Interfaces have an implicit metric of 0 unless specified + * Inline comments are stripped from nameserver and domain + entries +- Spec cleanup + openscad +- Added patch fix_build_with_cgal-5.3.patch. + Upstream patch to fix build with CGAL-5.3. + openspecfun +- update to 0.5.3: + * see + openssh +- Add openssh-bsc1190975-CVE-2021-41617-authorizedkeyscommand.patch + (bsc#1190975, CVE-2021-41617), backported from upstream by + Ali Abdallah. + opentracing-cpp +- Update to v1.6.0 + * Implements CPack for easy RPM building + * Support copying span contexts + * Fix error code comparisons + * Directly support opentracing::string_view as a Value + * Support specifying timestamp with Log + * Support accessing IDs + * Support querying to see if a tracer is registered + * Specialize conversion between time points of the same clock +- from v1.5.1 + * Fix error handling for dynamic loading + openxcom -- Switch to github service as there was n o release since 2014 +- Update to version + * Fix Elerium crafts potentially wasting one item of fuel during maintenance. + * Fix Broken Korean Letters + * Compatibility with OXCE saves + * More precise distance calculation for 2x2 units + * More generous detection + * Don't bother with brew update, it often fails + * Remove Travis builds + * fix drag scrolling with black borders, part 2 + * Fix inventory sprite checks + +- Switch to cmake build system as upstream deprecates the + autotools one + +- Update to version + * Stop the charade + * Stop using in-tree builds and use the ENABLE_WARNING setting instead of rolling our own custom flags. + * Move CI to ubuntu 20.04 and use the yaml-cpp package + * silence OpenGL deprecation warnings on MacOS 10.14+ + * Final fix to 25y bug with throw + * Make shuffle deterministic + * Add missing Croatian characters + * Prevent AI frozen in place + * Fix build with clang 10.0.1 on FreeBSD + * Hack throw bug + * Mission zone fix + * Prevent psionic capture of uncapturable units + * Unified production monetary cost check + * Fix research lookup costs + * Set artifact site counters when loading OG saves + * fix small bug with melee reaction + * fix up some HWP damage values + * fix zombie armour values + * fix warnings about missing override keyword + * fix string conversion warnings + * treat third-party include files as system includes + * Allow player access to the built-in melee attack for Lobstermen + * Fixed average monthly rating calculation in StatisticsState + +- Update to version + * Fix potential leak in window position option + * Don't load sounds when audio is disabled + * Typo + * Make demigod difficulty a mod setting + * add demigod to new battle mode + * add 6th difficulty to stats page + * restore vanilla superhuman difficulty and add demigod level + * unify crash/destruction checks for UFOs + * Fix encoding + * Revert "game loop: reduce idle cpu burn" + +- Switch to github service as there was no release since 2014 -- Fix Sources url as it aint woring at all. - -- Update to version 1.0.0 - -- Version bump to 0.9.0: major update with almost full possible - gameplay. - -- Version bump to 0.4.5. Fix various warnings from obs. - opmsg +- update to to 1.78s: + - opmsg: allow to pass --confdir and --burn via opmux to opmsg + - opmsg: add RAND_load_file() return check also in main(). + optee-client +- Update to 3.9.0 +- Add libckteec package +- Add upstream patch to fix libckteec soname: + * optee-client-fix-lib.patch +- Re-enable Werror + +- Update to v3.5.0 + * Drop optee-libname.patch (upstreamed) + * CMakeLists.txt is no longer wrongly installed + * was dropped + optipng +- install rpm macros in %{_rpmmacrodir} [bsc#1185664] +- call spec-cleaner + -- updated to 0.7.1: - !! Fixed a regression in the reduction of palette-encoded grayscale - images. This regression was introduced in version 0.7. - (Thanks to Adam Ciarcinski for the fix.) - opus -- Add opus-fix-celt-decoder-assertion.patch: When using - OPUS_CUSTOM, CELTDecoder->end can be larger than 21. - This causes builds with CUSTOM_MODES and either ENABLE_HARDENING - or ENABLE_ASSERTIONS to crash. This patch fixes it. - (bsc#1172526) - -- Add 2 upstream bug fixes for Silk: - * opus-Silk-CNG-adapts-faster.patch: Silk CNG adapts faster to - received packets with lower gains. - * opus-Silk-fix-arm-optimization.patch: Avoid processing LPC - coeffs beyond the given order in NEON optimizations. - -- Own %{_datadir}/aclocal: when we might switch to pkgconf instead - of pkg-config, nothing in the build root is 'accidentally' owning - this directory for us. - -- Update to version 1.3.1 - * This release fixes an issue with the analysis on files with - digital silence (all zeros), especially on x87 builds - (mostly affects 32-bit builds). - * Two new features: - + A new OPUS_GET_IN_DTX query to know if the encoder is in - DTX mode (last frame was either a comfort noise frame or - not encoded at all) - + A new (and still experimental) CMake-based build system - that is eventually meant to replace the VS2015 build - system (the autotools one will stay). - -- Update to 1.3: - - improved speech/music detection based on a neural network - - low-bitrate speech improvements - - support for immersive audio using ambisonics - - tone quality improvements - - updates to the Opus standard (rfc 8251) are on by default - - security improvements -- Clean up SPEC to the latest standards - -- Update to version 1.2.1: - + This fixes an issue where the encoder can misdetect that the - signal is SWB instead of FB, lowpassing the signal. This patch - makes the encoder much more careful about doing that. - -- Cleanup with spec-cleaner - -- Update to version 1.2 - + Speech quality improvements especially in the 12-20 kbit/s - range - + Improved VBR encoding for hybrid mode - + More aggressive use of wider speech bandwidth, including - fullband speech starting at 14 kbit/s - + Music quality improvements in the 32-48 kb/s range - + Generic and SSE CELT optimizations - + Support for directly encoding packets up to 120 ms - + DTX support for CELT mode - + SILK CBR improvements - + Support for all of the fixes in - draft-ietf-codec-opus-update-06 (the mono downmix and the - folding fixes need --enable-update-draft) - + Many bug fixes, including integer wrap-arounds discovered - through fuzzing (no security implications) -- Removed static package - -- Update to version 1.1.5 - + This release backports the surround encoder bug fix from - 1.2-beta branch - -- Rename %soname to %sover to better reflect its use. - RPM group fix. - -- Update to version 1.1.4 (CVE-2017-0381): - + A specially-crafted Opus packet could cause an integer - wrap-around in the SILK LSF stabilization code. This would - cause an out-of-bounds read 256 bytes before a constant table. -- Drop opus-NLSF-not-negative.patch: Fixed upstream. - -- Fix CVE-2017-0381 (boo#1020102), opus: remote code execution - vulnerability in silk/NLSF_stabilize.c. -- Add opus-NLSF-not-negative.patch: Ensure that NLSF cannot be - negative when computing a min distance between them. - -- Update to version 1.1.3: - + Neon optimizations improving performance on ARMv7 and ARMv8 by - up to 15%. - + Fixes some issues with 16-bit platforms (e.g. TI C55x). - + Fixes to comfort noise generation (CNG). - + Documenting that PLC packets can also be 2 bytes. - + Includes experimental ambisonics work (--enable-ambisonics). -- Stop passing conditional --enable/disable-intrinsics, it's - enabled by default now. -- Not adding the new --enable-ambisonics to configure, it's still - experimental. - -- Disable SSE2 in SLE_11 due to code or compiler bugs. - -- Enable tests during package build -- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner -- Drop not needed libtool dependency for build - -- Update to version 1.1.2, fixes the following bugs: - + Resetting the encoder or decoder state with OPUS_RESET_STATE - would disable some run-time selected architecture-specific - optimizations. - + In hybrid mode discontinuous transmission (DTX) operation, - the comfort noise above 8 kHz was incorrectly estimated - and could oscillate in time. - -- Update to version 1.1.1: - + x86 SSE, SSE2 and SSE4.1 intrinsics optimizations with run-time - CPU detection. - + MIPS intrinsics optimizations. - + ARM Neon optimizations. - + Many architecture-independent optimizations and memory - footprint reductions that should improve performance on all - platforms, and several minor bug fixes. -- Pass --enable-intrinsics to configure. - opus-tools +- Version update to 0.2: + * Opus decoder opusdec has been converted to use the opusfile library + * Opus encoder opusenc has been converted to use the libopusenc library + opusfile +- update to 0.12: + * Fix stack overflow buffering out-of-sequence streams. + * Fix possible divide-by-zero. + * Fix issues with seeking in the win32 backend. + * Fix an issue where the seek algorithm could be confused by stream data changing between reads. + * Clean up compiler and scan-build warnings. + * Avoid use of the deprecated ftime() function which has Y2038 problems. + * Remove undefined behaviour memcpy(NULL) in op_read_native(). + * Visual Studio project files updated for libogg 1.3.4 library name change. + * Various build systems updates. + * Various integration and testing environment improvements. + +- Version update to 0.11: + * Fix two potential integer overflows. (These were not security-critical unless the compiler took the opportunity provided by the undefined behavior to format your hard drive.) + * Allow JPEGs in METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tags to include EXIF data. + * A few warning fixes for gcc 8. + * Make opus_tags_copy return OP_EFAULT on failure instead of returning success. + * Various integration and testing environment improvements. + orthanc +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * orthanc.service + +- Test for SharedLibrary.Basic disabled (fails with new glibc) + +- Version 1.9.7 + * New configuration option "DicomAlwaysAllowMove" to disable verification of + the remote modality in C-MOVE SCP + * API version upgraded to 15 + * Added "Level" option to POST /tools/bulk-modify + * Added missing OpenAPI documentation of "KeepSource" in ".../modify" and ".../anonymize" + * Added file CITATION.cff + * Linux Standard Base (LSB) builds of Orthanc can load non-LSB builds of plugins + * Fix upload of ZIP archives containing a DICOMDIR file + * Fix computation of the estimated time of arrival in jobs + * Support detection of windowing and rescale in Philips multiframe images + orthanc-dicomweb +- Version 1.7 + * Detection of windowing and rescale in ".../rendered" for Philips multiframe images + orthanc-python +- Version 3.4 + * On Orthanc stopping, wait for all the queued events to have been processed + * Docker-based builder scripts distinguishing Debian buster and bullseye + +- version 3.3 + * New Python function: "orthanc.RegisterStorageArea()" + * Custom exception "orthanc.OrthancException" is raised instead of "ValueError" + +- version 3.2 + * New functions from the SDK wrapped in Python: + - orthanc.CreateDicom() + - orthanc.CreateImageFromBuffer() + - orthanc.DicomInstance.GetInstanceData() + - orthanc.FindQuery.GetFindQueryTagElement() + - orthanc.FindQuery.GetFindQueryTagGroup() + - orthanc.Image.GetImageBuffer() + - orthanc.LookupDictionary() + - orthanc.RegisterFindCallback() + - orthanc.RegisterMoveCallback() + - orthanc.RegisterWorklistCallback() + - orthanc.WorklistAnswers.WorklistAddAnswer() + orthos-client +- Update to version 1.0.135+git.c802577: + * Add missing import in client + +- Update to version 1.0.133+git.66567a6: + * Tiny fixups + * Show logged in user in command prompt + * Do not enforce username, token is enough + * Introduce new client parameter: -c/--config to pass an addtional orthosrc config file + * Move user orthosrc file to ~/.config/orthosrc + +- Update to version 1.0.116+git.68f5ece: + * Move user orthosrc file to ~/.config/orthosrc + * Add manpage generated in orthos2 server package via Source1: tag + ortp +- Update to version 5.0.53: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.49: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.46: + * no changes + +- Update to 5.0.36: + * no changes +- Add BuildRequires: graphviz + +- Update to 5.0.35: + * no changelog + +- Update to 5.0.0: + * small memory leak around TMMBR receiving. + +- Update to 4.5.20, no changelog + +- Update to 4.5.15 (no changelog) + +- update to 4.5.13: + * no change, just a rerelease + +- Update to 4.5.10 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.5.3 + * No changelog available. + +- Update to 4.5.0: + * minor fixes + +- update to 4.4.33: + * RTP bundling according to + * RTP extension header support + * IP_PKTINFO for outgoing packets - useful for ICE. This let specify the source IP address to use while sending a packet. + * Random crash when network simulator is activated, while destroying an RtpSession. + * Fix issue where DTLS handshake cannot take place when the media path goes through a TURN server + * Fix a race condition around rtpsession's auxiliary destinations. + +- Update to 4.4.29 (no changelog) + +- Trim redundancies from the description. + +- Update to 4.4.24 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.21 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.13 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.7 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.6 (no changelog) + +- Update to 4.4.0 (no changelog) +- Remove fix-cmakelists.patch + +- Update to 4.3.1 (no changelog) +- Add fix-cmakelists.patch file until upstream PR is merged + os-autoinst +- Update to version 4.6.1639403953.ae94c4bd: + * mergify: Add more useful checks + * mergify: Use non-deprecated 'check-succes' instead of 'status-success' + * mergify: Reduce duplication with YAML anchors + * mergify: Rely on more reviewers + * Makefile: Fix build dir when calling make with "-C" itself + +- Update to version 4.6.1638699195.e4430abe: + * Streamline the use of "|||" log marker with new "modstate" function + +- Update to version 4.6.1638540755.a348c6d8: + * ci: Fix OpenQA::Test::CheckGitStatus exit status + * ci: Fix exit code of OpenQA::Test::CheckGitStatus + * Add signatures for new method + * Add execution time for failed test modules + +- Update to version 4.6.1638454781.7b07525b: + * xt: Fix style check when called in CI from other directory + * t: Fix missing Test::Warning check in 36-openqa-namedioselect + * Remove obsolete consoles::remoteVnc + * Use proper perl "signatures" in some consoles + * baseclass: Add test for check_select_rate() function + * baseclass: Improve error message on "half-open socket" + +- Update to version 4.6.1638289529.0a3f5b98: + * Fix sporadic error in t/10-virtio_terminal.t + * t: Reduce test timeout for 31-sshSerial as feasible + * t: Simplify mocked methods in 31-sshSerial.t + * t: Add full coverage for 31-sshSerial.t + +- Update to version 4.6.1638007345.ae6eed2a: + * Update deprecated 'short-form boolean' qemu args + * imgsearch: disable OpenCV logging + * qemu: Automatically create swtpm device + * commands: Use same log format as isotovideo + +- Update to version 4.6.1637851285.25850081: + * Fix collecting coverage when invoking `run_all` in `t/08-autotest.t` + * Avoid redundant code in `t/08-autotest.t` + * Add test for early stop due to `TESTDEBUG` + * Improve coding style and simplify `t/08-autotest.t` + * Log reason for stopping the test execution early + * Avoid running into TBB's soft limit for the max. number of threads + * docs: Clearly mention devel:openQA in README + * Fix working directory for generating HTML coverage report + * Add unit test for basetest::get_new_serial_output + * osutils: Do not hide errors of exec call in run() and run_diag() + * qemu: Don't call chattr with timeout and remove -f arg + * baseclass: Fix errors in some tests by increasing _CHKSEL_RATE_HITS + * testapi: Add die_on_timeout option to testapi::script::run() + * ipmi: Make persistent SOL console enabled by default + * Ignore the previous tests fail hook output in the search for issues + +- Update to version 4.6.1636972309.195774f7: + * dist: Also disable i586 build for -test flavor + * Extend all backend API function signatures with optional slurpy @ + * Use proper perl "signatures" in backend + +- Update to version 4.6.1636551041.85fc82ce: + * Warn about backend errors more prominently in log + +- Update to version 4.6.1636474618.9c079e07: + * t: Add test for backend::spvm + * t: Add test for backend::driver + * t: Add test for backend::null + * Simplify backend::baseclass::alive + * Delete unused exception handling in backend::qemu + * backend::qemu: Fix bug that qemu alive status was never tested + * Declare likely obsolete backend::pvm as deprecated + * Mark only sporadically test covered statements + * t: Improve Test::More error output context in helper + * t: Output state file content in case of error where missing + * Add simple instantiation test of backend::pvm + * dist: Do not build for i586 + * Fix missing subsecond display in video captions + * doc: Add missing documentation for NOVALINK variables + * Update tidy to 20211029 + +- Update to version 4.6.1635869279.8838dc09: + * Fix handling resume command (of developer mode) when not paused + * Fix passing border_offset parameter to mouse_hide + * t: Use Test::Warnings in all tests + * Use proper SPDX identifier in t/15-logging.t as well + * t: Add Test::Warnings to 30-mmapi.t + * xt: Add style check to ensure all tests use Test::Most + * t: Use Test::Most in all tests for consistency + * Switch from usb-ehci to qemu-xhci + * Provide more explicit error handling on invalid product dir + * t: Move subtest in 14-isotovideo which does not need mocked backend + * t: Extract OpenQA::Isotovideo::Utils specific test + +- Update to version 4.6.1635464770.6790629e: + * Add quirk for QEMU >= 5 on PPC + * t: Add test for qemu_params_ofw + * backend:qemu: Extract 'qemu_params_ofw' + * t: Check git status at the end of every test + * t: Add test for one error handling of myjsonrpc + * myjsonrpc: Remove redundant next at end of while + * myjsonrpc: Slightly simplify the code + * t: Use signatures in 24-myjsonrpc.t + * myjsonrpc: Provide stack trace on undefined value used as symbol ref + +- Update to version 4.6.1634839907.cef5afdf: + * t: Cleanup files at the and of tests + * Exclude more files in .gitignore and remove others + * Upload coverage data to codecov from the build directory + * Use signatures in ocr + * Use signatures in signalblocker + * Run `codecovbash` in the source directory so it can find source files + * Fix assignment of `build_dir` for CI build/tests + * consoles/sshSerial: Make ssh port configurable + * Use signatures in myjsonrpc + * CI: Do out-of-source tree build + +- Update to version 4.6.1634214936.d7a89a59: + * Exclude all currently generated files in git + * ci: Update codecov-action to v2 + * dist: Bump up timeout scale due to recent OBS observed failures + * .mergify.yml: Make rules stricter requiring patch coverage + +- Update to version 4.6.1634046033.a9024b37: + * validate_script_output: Fix static timeout when typing command + * testapi: Fix POD parsing for "distri->script_run" with escaping + * Reformat code to current perltidy style + * tools/tidy: Disable aligning assignments + * Revert "qemu: fall back to HDDSIZEGB value, even for backing file" + * Use proper perl "signatures" in OpenQA::Isotovideo + * Document `imgsearch` script + * Add test for imgsearch script + * Add standalone script for using fuzzy image comparison + * Use proper perl "signatures" in OpenQA + * Use proper perl "signatures" in OpenQA::Qemu + * OpenQA: Simplify variable use to avoid typo + * CI: Allow exception for "git subrepo pull" messages + * git subrepo pull (merge) external/os-autoinst-common + * qemu: fall back to HDDSIZEGB value, even for backing file + +- Update to version 4.6.1633618600.9b31e877: + * testapi: Remove redundant "use 5.018" replaced by Mojo::Base -strict + * Use proper perl "signatures" in t + * t: Output backend state message on error for debugging + * tools: Use git for faster tidy file cleanup if possible + * Select sensible default of 5 minutes for SSH command timeout + * ssh_screen::type_string(): Print error code if write() fails + * Add unit tests for baseclass::wait_serial + * Avoid tidy script failures when a filename has spaces + * Allow running tidy on single files + * Rename subroutine to clear serial line buffer + * Set offset in serial output buffer + * Use consistent abbreviated SPDX license identifiers + * Speedup, simplify and fix log format with Time::Moment + * Use consistent "Copyright" header without problematic characters + * t: Add Test::Warnings to 08-autotest + * t: Fix "Useless use of a constant" + * Fully tidy consoles/ + * Use proper perl "signatures" in tools + * Use proper perl "signatures" in t/data + * workflows/commit_message_checker.yml: Fix file based prefix + * Replace all possible occurences of docker with generic version + * Use simpler 'podman' as drop-in replacement for our checks + +- Update to version 4.6.1632799442.f77d4e14: + * Add support for timeout on SSH based commands if possible + * Allow spaces and comma as delimiter for SCHEDULE variable + * Flush Python's `stderr` to ensure error messages end up in logs + * Adapt container path in README in accordance with 16d2b42e0960 + * Use Leap 15.3 container + * Correctly use QEMU_COMPRESS_QCOW2 + * Use Leap 15.3 as TW's glibc 2.34 breaks CI + +- Update to version 4.6.1632416043.04a757ed: + * Remove check for qemu >= 4 in qemu backend + +- Update to version 4.6.1632209573.6778e83a: + * mmapi: Allow for longer and more retries after observed failures + * Fix spelling for svirt xml file + * Add OPENQA_HOSTNAME to xml metadata + +- Update to version 4.6.1631879042.64c44cb2: + * Add aarch64 qemu binary + * Add missing files section to spec for s390-deps subpkg + * Install fonts-config needed by x3270 and require everything + +- Update to version 4.6.1631697994.f5fcf5e7: + * Regression in 'consoles::sshVirtsh::get_remote_vmm' + * Extend unit tests for svirt backend + * Write condition in `attach_to_running` in a more compact way + * Fix parameters of `attach_to_running` + +- Update to version 4.6.1631543245.9bb4b0ca: + * Recommend dependencies xterm xterm-console xdotool + * Recommend dependency icewm required by consoles/ + * Recommend dependency x3270 needed by consoles/ + +- Update to version 4.6.1631277879.0da8130f: + * mmapi: Add get_current_job_id() function + +- Update to version 4.6.1631168368.97814235: + * Deduce format of backing file from extension + * Fix `qemu-img` failure with QEMU 6.1.0 due to missing file format + +- Update to version 4.6.1630918490.b349ba2a: + * consoles::sshVirtsh: Remove the unused argument + * consoles::sshVirtsh: Remove unnecessary second argument + * Allow more modern perl style with consistent "use Mojo::Base -strict" + * t: Add more low-level python module test with more details + * consoles::sshVirtsh: Extract methods for copy_image variants + * consoles::sshVirtsh: Extract helper methods in consoles::sshVirtsh + * consoles::sshVirtsh: Extract methods for create_disk/copy_image + * Use signatures in consoles::sshVirtsh + * Allow overriding Mojolicious limits for the file upload + * Add test for upload exceeding error + * Fix error handling when creating target directory for upload + * Add tests for upload API + * Fix render calls in error handling of asset upload + * tests: Verify that serialization works after cloning + * Fix incorrect serialization attempts of paths leading to error + +- Update to version 4.6.1629993316.ad40aced: + * git subrepo pull (merge) --force external/os-autoinst-common + * Consistently replace File::Spec uses with Mojo::File + * Remove unused import File::Spec + * dist: Bump timeout scaling factor for slow OBS tests + * Add tests for console::sshVirtsh::add_disk() in t/22-svirt.t + * Do not override bus and dev types for xen + * Add YAML file for commit message checks + * testapi: Use "use Mojo::Base -strict;" to also enforce strictness + +- Update to version 4.6.1629812293.642d6bac: + * Fix unintended code sections in documentation + * testapi: Simplify host_ip and data_url + * t: Add tests for host_ip and data_url + * testapi: Fix implementation sections erroneously rendered into documentation + * testapi::compat_args: Fix if given value contains invalid regex + * Disable certain warnings in the XS file as it is generated by xsubpp + * Allow one to easily configure a build with commonly useful warnings + * Fix disabling of compression in qemu + * qemu: remove medium from cd when ejecting + * t: Prevent git test destroying user-local git config + * qemu: Ensure chattr ends within reasonable time to prevent potential blockage + * qemu: Add three debug log statements near potential blocking processes + * t: save multiple calls into handle_qmp_command + * Create backing file of arbitrary size for disk image + * Simplify code in qemu modules + * Revert "Workaround "No route to ..." after upstream fix + * Update tidy to 20210717 + * mmapi: Prevent API failures due to short server unavailabilities + * mmapi: Use simpler module variables rather than constants + * mmapi: Prevent API errors in wait functions being ignored + * t: Fix missing '$_' for test debug output + * t: Add test for current error-handling of wait_for_children + * mmapi: Simplify incomplete host variable handling + * t: Save around 30s from the full stack test + * Use Time::Seconds instead of magic numbers + * lockapi: Simplify record_info call + * Remove unused method baseclass::reduce_deadline + * qemu: Make QEMU_BALLOON_TIMEOUT configurable replacing magic number + * t: Delete unused mock line + * Display curl progress meter in upload_logs() & upload_assets() + * Run make update-deps + * git subrepo pull (merge) --force external/os-autoinst-common + * Allow additional spaces when suppressing warning + * Fix warning about expected termination + * Workaround "No route to host" error on `wget` command in fullstack test + * Fix formatting timestamp (after f1f1e966c) + * Remove contradicting timezone stamps Delete contradicting timezone stamps observed in the autoinst-log.txt Ammending deletes the second timestamp that is UTC contradicting with the initial CEST obserbved at the begening of the line The changes should be should produce the following example [2021-07-05T17:14:58.348 CEST] [debug] ||| finished grub_test installation (8 s) instead of [2021-07-05T17:14:58.348 CEST] [debug] ||| finished grub_test installation at 2021-07-05 15:14:58 (8 s) + * Revert "Merge pull request #1717" + * Simplify baseclass with post-conditions + * baseclass: Extract function for capture-loop eval-body + * Simplify some code in baseclass + * Remove unused method baseclass::reduce_deadline + * t: Delete unused mock line + +- Update to version 4.6.1625796159.4048f0f9: + * Improve error message when cloning git repository + * Set default value for HDDSIZEGB as in QEMU or PVM backends + +- Update to version 4.6.1625603601.8466828c: + * t: Simplify log parsing in 99-full-stack.t + * t: Add trivial s390x test + * Remove "SUSEMIRROR" check now being in os-autoinst-distri-opensuse + * t: Add test for bmwqemu::save_json_file + * Fix a few typos + * Remove 10-virtio_terminal from OBS tests + * Allow specifying multiple tests via `TESTS` variable as documented in README + * Fix use of QEMU_NUMA on qemu >= 5.2 + * Add unit tests for the vagrant backend + * Strip down qemu-backend symptom reporting to focus on real errors + * Show likely QEMU errors more prominently + * Skip empty ISO_X variables when configuring block devices + * Add brief documentation of the vagrant backend + * Add vagrant backend to os-autoinst + * Update tidy to 20210625 + * bmwqemu: Remove deprecated fileContent method + +- Update to version 4.6.1624262954.5361bf1c: + * bmwqemu: Mark fileContent function as deprecated before removing + * Replace bmwqemu::fileContent usage with cleaner Mojo::File + * Simplify bmwqemu::fileContent with Mojo::File + * Remove broken 'vncpw' handling after regression in 6d2d8062 + * Remove unused bmwqemu fileContent and save_vars references + * Remove unused use-statements in backend::amt + * Fix QEMU_COMPRESS_QCOW2 missing implementation introduced with c670720d + * t: Add missing letter to the test data + * ci: Workaround ci_extended container setup gid issue + +- Update to version 4.6.1623757687.3f64b638: + * Add tests for new_ssh_connection with a custom port + * Allow to specify the port for a ssh connection + * Correct user -> username in sshSerial::activate + * Correct docs of get_ssh_credentials: host -> hostname + +- Update to version 4.6.1623425960.44a81109: + * t: Compare similarities with some tolerance to avoid test failures + * Fix typo in README + * virtio_terminal: Store activated state on (save_|load_)snapshot() + +- Update to version 4.6.1623266740.54327cdf: + * Add shell style checks based on ShellCheck + * Fix all shell style issues reported by ShellCheck + * No longer convert to 16 colours + * Add one more needle test case for small checkboxes in select_patterns + +- Update to version 4.6.1622595893.93f70700: + * Find out if qemu is killed because of out-of-memory + +- Update to version 4.6.1622545881.99ce6034: + * dist: Try to fix still appearing sporadic test timeouts in OBS environment + * Reformat python files with black + * Add 'black' for python code style check + +- Update to version 4.6.1622223685.2259c969: + * Improve coding style in + * Improve documentation of CASEDIR/PRODUCTDIR/NEEDLES_DIR + * Increase timeout scaling of test for isotovideo's runtime + * Fix test execution - force users to specify test directory + * signalblocker: Fix typo in log message + +- Update to version 4.6.1621420911.f21226c3: + * Add note about GENERAL_HW_CMD_DIR ignored by openQA + * Fix table formatting + * Add test for log indentation + * Indent the new lines in logs using the log format + +- Update to version 4.6.1621025086.2605c1fc: + * Improve log output of bare "CORE::say" in vnc_base + +- Update to version 4.6.1620833632.f1d52cb5: + * Replace raw prints with the correct logs messages in qemu + * Support UEFI_PFLASH_VARS is a basename + * Add checks for 'info' type in serial failure detection + * t: Reduce runtime of 31-sshSerial by mocking time based methods + +- Update to version 4.6.1620235366.b165997a: + * consoles: Simplify single-line statements in serial_screen + * consoles: Fix language and wrapping in serial_screen comments + * t: Slightly simplify mocked methods in 31-sshSerial.t + * t: Specify proper test messages on each test statement in 31-sshSerial.t + * proxy_console: Tidy the code, replace tabs with spaces + * console_proxy: Proxy also the caller context (list or scalar) + +- Update to version 4.6.1620044708.f7851280: + * Extend QEMU backend tests for functions `eject_cd` and `execute_qmp_command` + * Fix `eject_cd` command by using `id` and `force` parameters + * Add function to QEMU backend which allows executing any QMP command + * Make device to eject via `eject_cd` command configurable + +- Update to version 4.6.1619585128.5d4663ae: + * Support assets symlink + +- Update to version 4.6.1619442285.14cadbcb: + * Enable smbd usage to upload assets from worker pool + * stop appending the basename to a set log_name + +- Update to version 4.6.1619173284.645c6c12: + * dist: Install along with other files for easier inclusion + +- Update to version 4.6.1619083988.b15e5e5e: + * Make persistent SOL console configurable + * Update qemu argument used to disable floppy drive for qemu 6.0 + * Make ipmi SOL console persistent + * container: Fix Dockerfile style issues DL3059 + +- Update to version 4.6.1618839153.ad5932c7: + * Correct url to npm docs in backend_vars.asciidoc + * dist: Bump test timeout due to failures in OBS tests + +- Update to version 4.6.1618564966.3ff78d0c: + * Update tidy to 20210402 + * mergify: Wait for all requested reviews + * 22-svirt.t: Simplify SSH tests for svirt console sshVirtsh + * 23-baseclass.t: Extent SSH test coverage + * baseclass: Add use OpenQA::Exceptions + * 23-baseclass.t: Use MockObject for Net::SSH2 + * baseclass: Recover broken SSH connection with keep_open=>1 + +- Update to version 4.6.1618465785.f3f4079f: + * Fix return value of _dbus_do_call + * sshVirtsh: Allow additional parameters for run_cmd() + * Re-connect to dbus for each call + * signalblocker: Also block SIGCHLD + +- Update to version 4.6.1618238732.abb1c9e7: + * Add USBSIZEGB var to set the size of the overlay for USBBOOT + * tests: Avoid failures when running openQA's test suite + +- Update to version 4.6.1617787694.965960f5: + * autotest: Improve test module loading error handling + * README: Add section to describe test modules with python support + * t: Fix flaky coverage with deterministic code + * backend: Use named variable in place of magic number + * Fix lookup of perl module from python + * t: Slightly extend 04-testapi-python.t + * autotest: Use more prominent output format for errors in test modules + * Fix lookup of os-autoinst modules from Python context + * Add python binding/import/wrapping code for testapi + * external: Move hadolint commands into config file + * Optimize hadolint call with passing project dir + +- Update to version 4.6.1616752214.24ec8f98: + * t: Fix deprecation warning about 'ide-drive' + * Also accept test modules with file extension in SCHEDULE + * Use proper logging calls instead of bare print + +- Update to version 4.6.1615799823.a1b2e4ba: + * Add current path to lib when CASEDIR is a relative path + * Add background_script_run() testapi function + * Add more tests for '&' in script_run() + +- Update to version 4.6.1615462203.793fdffe: + * Make hyperv powershell commands work in non-interactive ssh session + +- Update to version 4.6.1614955627.711a5797: + * testapi: Add convenience function "enter_cmd" + * Catch incorrect use of '&' at end of script_run calls + * testapi: Add optional "lf" parameter to type_string + * Handle already present '&' terminator in "script_run" gracefully + +- Update to version 4.6.1614711054.7b334c37: + * Simplify the CMake invocation within the convenience Makefile + * Create symlinks by default in convenience Makefile + +- Update to version 4.6.1614612897.75967767: + * tools: Update Tumbleweed based new dev image + * Fix missing dependency for 'cpio' + * t: Fix check for 'cpio' producing warning if cpio not installed + * Allow following test execution when running check targets via ninja + * Clarify where the path come from when init needles failed + +- Update to version 4.6.1614171005.a4459c0c: + * spec: Account for sporadic slowness in build environments + * Slightly simplify with condensed lines + +- Update to version 4.6.1613739162.3c1f4d7d: + * Simplify some code in baseclass + * Improve scoping of '$current_test' variable + * autotest: Fix tab in POD + * Delete unused autotest methods + +- Update to version 4.6.1612977597.496edb5a: + * t: Explicitly import Test::Output functions + +- Update to version 4.6.1612868503.2e2b378a: + * doc: Correct explanation for NICVLAN + +- Update to version 4.6.1611071183.d4854e5a: + * tools/tidy: Use the perltidy version from the calling repo + * docker: Upgrade os-autoinst_dev image to Tumbleweed + * Fix 14-isotovideo.t by using Perl's qx() + * Use Mojolicious::Routes::Route::any instead of deprecated …::route + * Update Perl::Tidy to 20210111 + +- Update to version 4.6.1610429804.fb1c49e4: + * docker: Use travis-CI independant name for dev image + * Move the DIE handler down to prevent an error with version + * Simpler invocation and output checks in isotovideo tests + * README: Use updated github actions badge + * README: Replace "travis CI" reference by more generic term + * t: Prevent "uninitialized value" on 02-test_ocr.t test fail + * t: Bump timeout for 99-full-stack.t after local timeout in coverage run + * doc: Add missing variables to fix t/04-check_vars_docu.t + * t: Sort all non-qemu backend tests together with higher numbers + * codecov: Bump coverage threshold to current level + * t: Properly mark all test modules as executables + * t: Delete dead code in 10-terminal.t + +- Update to version 4.6.1609752238.01857082: + * Add static checks for our container definitions + * external: Fix style issues in container files based on hadolint reports + * container: Fix style issues based on hadolint reports + * tools: Add prove arg --timer to be consistent with openQA + * Add test for our container definitions + * Use more general folder name "container" rather than docker + +- Update to version 4.6.1608558896.743495da: + * Support relative path when loading test modules specified by SCHEDULE + +- Update to version 4.6.1608301075.2287dabd: + * Add unit test for sshSerial + * t: Prevent sporadic timeout failure in 10-virtio_terminal.t + * Implement SSH serial terminal + * Implement ssh_screen::type_string() + * ssh_screen::read(): Allow direct logging into file + * t: Bump timeout in 10-virtio_terminal.t due to fail in OBS + * Filter out carriage returns Jobs running on hyperv or vmware usually contain LF and CR. In our particular case `0d 0d 0a` seems to be present in each line of SUTs output. + +- Update to version 4.6.1608149831.eea793d2: + * Update tidy version to 20201207 + * Delete travis CI config to completely disable + * t: Catch output in t/29-backend-generalhw.t + * t: Catch output in t/19-isotovideo-command-processing.t + * Makefile: Fix call of make without argument on already existing build dir + * Separate developer-centric tests into "xt/" for faster coverage analysis runs + * t: Catch output in t/14-isotovideo.t + * t: Catch output in t/10-virtio_terminal.t + * t: Catch output in t/10-terminal.t + * t: Add OpenQA::Test::Timelimit to all modules where useful + * tools/tidy: Allow to run on mismatching tidy version + * t: Catch all output in 03-testapi.t + * docker_run_ci: Add command line parsing with getopt + * Add support for 'Codecovbash' to upload results in GHA + * Fix qemu test timeouts based on coverage runs + * .github: Enable codecov report uploading with "action" + * tools: docker_run_ci: Bump timeout for github actions behaviour + * Add github actions CI definitions + * t: Add 'external' to search path of tests + * t: Output gathered stdout on error in 27-update-deps + * Update perltidy to 20201202 + * Move dev container base to Leap 15.2 + * backend: ipmi: Bring back proper return code for module + * backend: ipmi: Add quoting for ping command + * t: Add test for backend::ipmi + * backend: ipmi: Make "mc reset" parameters configurable + * Use other log functions from bmwqemu as well according to severity + +- Update to version 4.6.1607343404.748c0f7c: + * .gitignore: Remove all old autotools related entries + +- Update to version 4.6.1607122640.3bb9e173: + * Add convenience Makefile after we removed autotools + * git subrepo commit (merge) external/os-autoinst-common + * Delete unused "diag" imports + * Phrase debug message "Extract" as a progress description rather than command + * Delete not helpful debug message about a qmpsocket file descriptor + * Add tests for wait_for_children and wait_for_children_to_start + * Mark sleeps in mmapi/lockapi for retrying/polling as uncoverable + * Avoid hard-coded retry count and poll intervals in mmapi + * Improve mmapi test + * lockapi tests: Add checks for mocked record_info + * Improve error handling in mmapi/lockapi + * Add better tests for lockapi + * Return 0 instead of undef when destroying a barrier fails + * lockapi: Make hard-coded intervals and retry attempts overridable + os-autoinst-distri-opensuse-deps +- Added dependency perl(Net::IP) +- Added dependency perl(NetAddr::IP) + +- Added dependency perl(DateTime) + +- Removed dependency perl(constant) +- Added dependency perl(LWP::Simple) +- Removed dependency perl(LWP::Simple) +- Removed dependency perl(parent) +- Removed dependency perl(Perl::Critic::Freenode) +- Added dependency perl(Perl::Critic::Freenode) +- Removed dependency perl(strict) +- Removed dependency perl(utf8) +- Removed dependency perl(version) +- Removed dependency perl(warnings) +- Added dependency perl(constant) +- Added dependency perl(parent) +- Added dependency perl(strict) +- Added dependency perl(utf8) +- Added dependency perl(version) +- Added dependency perl(warnings) + +- Removed dependency perl(Archive::Tar) + +- Added dependency perl(Code::DRY) + osc-plugin-collab +- Update to version 0.104+17: + * [upstream] track some more gnome packages + +- Update to version 0.104+15: + * [upstream] track some more gnome packages + +- Update to version 0.104+14: + * obs-db/upstream: range expects an int value + * No longer try to download GNOME 3.12 data - EOL + * Upstream: track gnome-tour (new in GNOME 40) + +- Update to version 0.104+11: + * osc-collab: Do not crash if we encounter a (broken) package (version unknown) + * gnome-versions: fix crash in new GNOME version scheme code + +- Update to version 0.104+9: + * upstream: Follow GNOME's new versioning scheme + * client: fix crash in case the parent version could not be identified + +- Update to version 0.104+7: + * gnome-version: use rpm.labelCompare to compare version numbers + * gnome-versions: ignore ../ directory + +- Update to version 0.104+5: + * gnome-versions: fix extraction of versions with new gdo UI + +- Update to version 0.104+4: + * gnome-versions: sync up with latest UI + +- Update to version 0.104+3: + * gnome-updates: upstream no longer tracks a -stable.config + * gnome-versions: fix typo + +- Update to version 0.104+1: + * Cleanup TMPDIR at the end of collecting GNOME versions + +- Update to version 0.104: + * upstream-packages-match.txt: GTK+ was renamed to GTK + +- Update to version 0.103+13: + * run-upstream: remove debug print + * No longer track legacy openSUSE releases < Leap 15.2 + * Track GNOME:STABLE:3.34 + * Add main runner + * Prepare for better pkg installation + * run-gnome-versions: adjust cache path in line with the rest of the tool + * run-updategit: not needed: this is now properly packaged + * Add gnome-upstream version tooling + * Convert upstream scripts to python3 + * buildservice: use osc to download stuff + * Auto-convert obs-db to python3 by 2to3 + * Update default configuration for openSUSE installation (based on package) + +- Switch to use _source service: + + We need the entire git tree, as newly we also produce server + packages. This is possibly less interesting for the masses, but + the openSUSE infrastructure will use this package. + -- Update to version 0.98: - + Really port plugin to osc >= 0.140.1 - + Remove compatibility code with very old versions of osc -- Update Requires on osc to be versioned, since this now really - only works with a recent version of osc. - -- Update to version 0.97: - + Adapt code to osc's new plugin mechanism - -- Make build noarch. -- Fix build on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS/ScientificLinux: - + Use Requires instead of Recommends since there are no - Recommends there. - + Package .pyc/.pyo files following the Fedora packaging policy - (except for ScientificLinux, which doesn't do that). - -- Update to version 0.96: - + Use new collab server. - -- Update to version 0.95: - + Features: - - Add ugly workaround to extract files from .tar.xz tarballs - - Extract a diff of old and new configure.{ac,in} on update - - Supersede old requests on buildsubmit/forward (unless - - -no-supersede is used) - + Fixes: - - List requests that are in state 'review' - - Improve todo performance - - Use a cache when listing requests to improve performance - - Fix crash in todo for packages with no upstream version - - Use UTC for timezone in .changes entries - - Change forwarded request description to the one from webui - - Reset Release tag to 0 instead of 1 on updates -- Add Recommends for xz, so we can extract files from .tar.xz - tarballs. - osc-plugin-install +- Don't do singlespec. + * Depend on python3-certifi directly + * Just in case: also provide python3-osc-plugin-install + * Keep the original package name + +- Fix build for multiple python3 variants + +- Change package to single-spec to fix missing dependencies on python3 variants on openSUSE Tumbleweed + +- Update to version 0.27: + * turn seen.keys() dictionary to a list + * fix some python3 incompatibility + * decode IO reads as they are byteslike objects now. + +- Update to version 0.26: + * Fix most style issues reported by flake8 + * Update to some python3 compatible code + * Fix lookup of architecture from /etc/os-release + * Include 'boo#1009432_replace_etc_suse_release_by_os_release.patch' from OBS + * Delete obsolete 'next' version + * Add + * Use more common name 'TODO' instead of FIXME.txt + * Create LICENSE + * Delete personal work notes SUBMIT.txt +- Move to new upstream project +- Some changes for python3 support +- Remove patch boo#1009432_replace_etc_suse_release_by_os_release.patch + included in upstream source now + +- Fix :test for older repos by defining %install explicit an both multibuild variants + -- fixing - -- V0.22 added lispish parens to print statements to make newer osc happy. - -- V0.21 shortened useless meta filenames - -- V0.20 added _pipe_from_cmd_stdout() to obsolete - TeePopen() where it misbehaves. - -- V0.19 added ymp parsing, so that dependencies from layered - repos can be installed, just like the one-click would do it. - -- V0.18 many fixes during the last year. - Added direct .rpm file path usage from osc bse - osdlyrics +- Update version to 0.5.7 + * Netease: Show more results + * Add Megalobiz + * Remove ViewLyrics + * Remove LRC123 + * Add Subtitles4Songs + +- Update version to 0.5.5 + * Fix D-Bus race-condition + * Enhance metadata parsing + * Update romanian translation + osinfo-db +- jsc#SLE-17764 - Dev: Support Oracle Linux as a guest VM. See also + bsc#1192238 [Build58.2][KVM] The latest supported OracleLinux as + guest versions are not included anywhere + add-missing-oracle-linux-versions.patch + osmo-fl2k +- Update to version 0.1.1+git.20200602: + * lib: revert implementing RGB233 mode + * lib: fix hang on exit + * lib: reuse hint message when zero-copy buffer alloc fails + * lib: fixed rgb332 macros + * lib: added utility macros for rgb332 mode + * lib: implement enabling RGB332 mode + * lib: fall back to iface 1 in case iface 0 altsetting 1 fails + * lib: use interface 0 altsetting 1 instead of interface 1 + * set CMake policy CMP0075 if it exists + * fix compiler warnings + * fl2k_tcp: don't free buffer while lib still uses it + * improve exit handling on device removal + * lib: wait for sample worker thread before freeing buffers + * fl2k_file: check read return value before repeating + * fl2k_fm: make inline functions static + * contrib/ osmo-fl2k build verification + * lib: Add workaround for Linux usbfs mmap() bug + * lib: add I2C support + * fix sleep durations on Windows + * debian: build-dep on dh-autoreconf for Ubuntu 16.04/Debian8 + * debian: Attempt to down-grade the debhelper version requirement + * Add Debian packaging information + * enable multiarch build by means of GNUInstallDirs + * libusb-1.0.22 deprecated libusb_set_debug() with + libusb_set_option() + * fl2k_file: support reading from stdin + * lib: update output on zero-copy allocation + * lib: free zero-copy buffers in case of error + +- Update to version 0.1.1+git.20180428: + * fl2k_test: fix build on Mac OS + * fl2k_fm: add missing help text for stereo and rds + * update version to 0.1.1 + * set version to 0.1git + oto +- Update to 0.5 + * Minor fixes to get rid of warnings from gcc. +- Removed patch fix-implicit-declarations.patch. + otter-browser +- Drop the optional QtWebKit dependency. + QtWebKit is unmaintained and must go away soon from Factory. + +- Update to version 1.0.02: + * optimized handling of large images for Start Page backgrounds + * improved validation of content blocking profile checksum + * updated translations + * some other fixes +- Add otter-browser-lang package. +- Update build requires. +- Remove conditional builds für openSUSE < 15. +- Remove post/postun. +- Run spec-cleaner. + +- Update to version 1.0.01: + * Some enhancements in the experimental backend for QtWebEngine + (Blink): + + download dialogue is now shown for the tab that initiated it; + + add support for handling requests to print page. + * Many other fixes. + +- Update to version + * QtWebEngine backend no longer uses locks for fetching feeds, + links or search engines. + * Some other fixes. + +- Update to version + * Reworked handling of custom icons for toolbar entries. + * Some other fixes. + +- Update to version + * Add an importer for OPML files. + * Add support for abp: a protocol for adding new content + filtering profiles. + * Add ability to open selection as a link if it matches the URL + format. + * Various fixes and minor improvements for the Feeds reader. + +- Update to version 0.9.99 (changes since 0.9.97): + * Several enhancements in the experimental backend for + QtWebEngine (Blink): + + initial work on global history support; + + add support for alternative stylesheets; + + add support for fetching lists of search engines, feeds and + links. + * Initial version of the Feeds Reader: + + Atom and RSS 2.0 parsers; + + Support for categories; + + Ability to preview feeds before subscribing using + view-feed: protocol. + * Add an action to take page's screenshot. + * Several bug fixes and some minor optimisations. + ovmf +- For preparing push to SLE15-SP4, add more notes: + - Drop upstreamed ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-fixes.patch from 15-SP4 + - All patches in the above big patch are in edk2-stable202011 + - Some changes in ovmf.spec file of 15-SP4: + - brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz and "add brotli" section + be removed because ovmf-disable-brotli.patch. + - Using %{_prefix} instead of /usr hard code. + - Redundant %defattr(-,root,root) are removed. + - BuildRoot be removed because factory doesn't have it. + - Sync some differences in the change log between 15-SP3 with openSUSE + TW since "Wed Jan 24 06:31:21 UTC 2018": + - Add TLS and IPv6 supports for ArmVirtQemu. + - ovmf-bsc1119454-additional-scsi-drivers.patch to support more + SCSI drivers (PvScsi, MptScsi, and LsiScsi) (bsc#1119454) + - already in edk2-stable202008 + - Drop the build requirement of python2 + +- cross-i386-binutils and cross-i386-gcc have been dropped from + Factory, so use only cross-x86_64-* - boo#1193424 + +- Merge the difference from SLE for pushing back to SLE15-SP4 + - Add/Update 50-xen-hvm-x86_64.json in descriptors.tar.xz + - Add the json descriptor for xen-hvm (bsc#1180050) + - Add "nvram-template" and change the firmware file to + ovmf-x86_64-ms-4m.bin (bsc#1180050, bsc#1181264) + - The following patches in SLE are already in edk2-edk2-stable202108 + in factory, so they will be removed from 15-SP4 + - ovmf-bsc1177789-cryptopkg-fix-null-dereference.patch to fix + the potential NULL dereference in AuthenticodeVerify() + (bsc#1177789, CVE-2019-14584) + - 26442d11e620a9 edk2-stable202011~124 + - ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch to mitigate the + potential AMD SEV-ES security issues + (bsc#1180079) + - a91b700e385e74 edk2-stable202102~181 + - ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-use-physical-address.patch as the + follow-up patch for SEV-ES to fix the flash writing + (jsc#SLE-16075) + - 3a3501862f7309 edk2-stable202102~105 + - ovmf-bsc1183578-lzma-catch-4GB.patch to fix the possible + heap corruption + (bsc#1183578, CVE-2021-28211) + - e7bd0dd26db7e5 edk2-stable202011~7 + - ovmf-bsc1183579-fix-fv-recursion.patch to fix unlimited FV + recursion + (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) + - b9bdfc72853fe9 edk2-stable202011~9 + - Add ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch to fix the possible + overflows in IScsiDxe + (bsc#1186151) + - 83761337ec91fb edk2-stable202108-rc0~171 + +- Update rpmlintrc (fixes aarch64 build) + +- Removed patches which are merged to mainline: + ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch + ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch +- Removed patches because replaced: + ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch + ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch + +- Removed edk2-stable202105.tar.gz because we updated to edk2-stable202108 + +- Update to edk2-stable202108 + - Features ( + OvmfPkg: remove Xen support from OvmfPkg*.dsc, in favor of OvmfXen.dsc + Add CLANGDWARF toolchain for generating ELF+DWARF + NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: remotely exploitable buffer overflows + NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: add sha256 support to CHAP + Create header files and multiple Hobs for Universal Payload + Add search feature in config editor + Add additional build option to treat Dynamic Pcd as DynamicEx Pcd + Add a new MicrocodeLib for microcode loading + Implement key enrolment from default key variables + StandaloneMm support for 32bit Arm machines + Add firmware support for Cloud Hypervisor on arm64 + Support architecture-specific openssl acceleration + Support measured AMD SEV boot with kernel/initrd/cmdline + Add ACPI 6.4 header + Add new BootDiscoveryPolicyUiLib + - Patches (git log --oneline --reverse edk2-stable202105~..edk2-stable202108): + e1999b264f ArmPkg/ArmGic: Fix maximum number of interrupts in GICv3 + b8ed8c0fb2 Maintainers.txt: add Sami Mujawar as top-level ArmVirtPkg reviewer + dbc22a1785 UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Allocate a separate SEV-ES AP reset stack area + 0095070e70 MdePkg/Register/Amd: expand the SEV MSR to include the SNP definition + f828fc9876 MdePkg/Register/Amd: realign macros with more space for future expansion + 34e16ff883 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macros for hypervisor feature detection + f0983b2074 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macro for Register GPA structure + 4665fa6503 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macro for the Page State Change + dfd41aef78 MdePkg/Register/Amd: define GHCB macros for SNP AP creation + 5a7cbd54a1 MdePkg/BaseLib: add support for PVALIDATE instruction + 2b5b2ff04d MdePkg/BaseLib: add support for RMPADJUST instruction + 901a9bfc3a OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: introduce MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() + c394fa4c9e OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: use MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() to clear EncMask + 8ee4e52ba8 OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: use Mmio helper to clear enc mask + b4a8de5d27 OvmfPkg/TpmMmioSevDecryptPei: use MemEncryptSevClearMmioPageEncMask() + adfa3327d4 OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: remove Flush parameter + fe5da0927a IntelFsp2WrapperPkg: Remove microcode related PCDs + d3ff5dbe1d MdePkg: MmControl: Fix function and structure definition mismatches + 197e27c90a MdePkg: Add new 16550-compatible Serial Port Subtypes to DBG2 + fdf3666f01 MdePkg: Update DBG2 and SPCR header with NVIDIA 16550 Subtype + b233eb1849 EmbeddedPkg/RealTimeClockRuntimeDxe: Improve GetWakeupTime + b5379899b3 MdeModulePkg/Xhci: Fix TRT when data length is 0 + 039e07f626 MdePkg/MdeModulePkg: Move AML_NAME_SEG_SIZE definition + 1f515342d8 DynamicTablesPkg: Use AML_NAME_SEG_SIZE define + 75e9154f81 OvmfPkg/VirtioMmioDeviceLib: Add EFIAPI to VirtioMmioSetQueueAddress + c410ad4da4 MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix AsmReadSs() with GCC toolchain + c1aa3bab12 BaseTools: Add for CLANG8 tool chain with max-page-size + c6b872c6ab BaseTools GenFw: Support CLANG8ELF with conversion ELF to PE/COFF image + cf9959adff BaseTools: Update build_rule to skip CLANG resource section generation + 4b56ad2049 BaseTools: Add new CLANG8ELF tool chain for new LLVM/CLANG8 + e1636fe18f BaseTools: Update to keep dynamic section + 924c2b847f BaseTools: Change CLANG8ELF to CLANGDWARF + e25566cd2b OvmfPkg: remove the Xen drivers from the IA32, IA32X64, and X64 platforms + aa7f19f480 OvmfPkg: remove the Xen drivers from the AmdSev platform + 7bc04a75a7 OvmfPkg: switch IA32, IA32X64, X64 to the fw_cfg-only ACPI platform driver + d697037446 OvmfPkg: switch the AmdSev platform to the fw_cfg-only ACPI platform driver + ae4aa4a346 OvmfPkg/README: bump minimum QEMU version to 1.7.1, machine types to 1.7 + 2a85d9b07e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: fix header file warts + 180f1908b3 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: sort #includes and [LibraryClasses] + 6d1e56e715 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe/QemuLoader.h: remove QemuFwCfgLib class dependency + 747b1ef725 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: move "QemuLoader.h" to IndustryStandard + cc302b799e OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: consolidate #includes and [LibraryClasses] + c9bba52fc7 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: create from AcpiPlatformDxe + a31fcb5096 OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: remove the "AcpiPlatformDxe.inf" driver + 4115840c28 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove the QEMU ACPI linker/loader client + d6ba8aa6ef OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove QEMU fw_cfg dependency + 3f975ee570 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove the InstallAcpiTable() helper function + 8f8d3d90c5 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove OVMF's built-in ACPI tables + 4174c5c787 OvmfPkg/Bhyve/AcpiPlatformDxe: fix file path typo in comment + d491c88a0c OvmfPkg/AcpiTables: remove unused module + e7641171b6 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: make "PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration" Fixed-at-Build + 3357ac7380 OvmfPkg/XenAcpiPlatformDxe: remove delayed ACPI table installation + d06eb2d1d9 OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: remove Xen support + 8899e3fe6a OvmfPkg: drop PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration from the IA32, IA32X64, X64 DSCs + 2833589ad0 OvmfPkg: drop PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration from the AmdSev platform + e43cca74ad OvmfPkg/Bhyve: make "PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration" Fixed-at-Build + b005f9f1f5 OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: remove IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport DXE driver + 8c8f886f27 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: remove IncompatiblePciDeviceSupport DXE driver + 984c93ece3 OvmfPkg/IncompatiblePciDeviceSupportDxe: remove PcdPciDisableBusEnumeration + 32fef03563 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLib: consolidate #includes and INF file sections + e120c962f5 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: create from PciHostBridgeLib + c2f24ba321 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: consume PciHostBridgeLibScan + 307763c3da OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: consume PciHostBridgeLibScan + 242678da2a OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLib: remove Bhyve and Xen support + 33d4f3e39e OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: remove QEMU (fw_cfg) support + 4c81178cf0 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: remove PcdOvmfHostBridgePciDevId + 8af38170b5 OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLibScan: clean up file names and file-top comments + 7e25086a00 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: clean up #includes and INF + 5072593738 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: return EFI_NOT_FOUND if there is no SMBIOS data + 4db374562f OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: locate SMBIOS protocol in InstallAllStructures() + a8ab14424e OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: split GetXenSmbiosTables() decl. to new header + 9d84e74ca0 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: declare InstallAllStructures() in header file + d4a8aaee73 OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: create Xen-specific module INF file + ce270905bf OvmfPkg/SmbiosPlatformDxe: split Xen entry point from QEMU entry point + 51adb689e1 OvmfPkg: restrict XenPlatformLib to BdsDxe in the IA32, IA32X64, X64 DSCs + ddb3fdbef3 BaseTools GenFw: Fix regression issue to convert the image to ACPI data + 558d83ab1a OvmfPkg/README: Fix typo in README + beb443fde0 ShellPkg: Fix typo + 702ba436ed OvmfPkg/PlatformCI: bump QEMU choco package version to 2021.5.5 + 83761337ec NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: wrap IScsiCHAP source files to 80 characters + 29cab43bb7 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: simplify "ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA.InChallenge" size + 95616b8661 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: clean up "ISCSI_CHAP_AUTH_DATA.OutChallengeLength" + e8f28b09e6 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: clean up library class dependencies + cf01b2dc8f NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix potential integer overflow in IScsiBinToHex() + d90fff40cb NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: assert that IScsiBinToHex() always succeeds + dc469f1371 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: reformat IScsiHexToBin() leading comment block + 47b76780b4 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix IScsiHexToBin() hex parsing + 54e90edaed NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: fix IScsiHexToBin() buffer overflow + b8649cf2a3 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: check IScsiHexToBin() return values + 288bd74a22 Pytool: SpellCheck: Fix incorrect file mask across package matrices + 1ad794b627 MdeModulePkg: Fix device path when boot manager menu is from different FV + 11b1c1d4b9 SecurityPkg: TcgStorageOpalLib: Initialize SupportedAttributes parameter. + d58016b768 UefiPayloadPkg: Get platform specific logic via protocol for BDS + d8c18ba3f4 MdeModulePkg: Add Universal Payload general definition header file + b597b6e24c MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the PCI Root Bridge Info Hob + 99de2e7e03 UefiPayloadPkg: UefiPayload retrieve PCI root bridge from Guid Hob + 9d53e01efe MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload SMBios Table Hob + 70e8c9c3bc MdeModulePkg/Universal/SmbiosDxe: Scan for existing tables + 302a8f353c UefiPayloadPkg: Create gUniversalPayloadSmbiosTableGuid Hob + 75293330ea MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload ACPI Table Hob + 761329ee27 MdeModulePkg/ACPI: Install ACPI table from HOB. + 8c0d678063 UefiPayloadPkg: Create gUniversalPayloadAcpiTableGuid Hob + fa24b6ed26 UefiPayloadPkg: Use DynamicEx instead of Dynamic to pass PCD across binary + c511426abe MdeModulePkg/UniversalPayload: Add definition for extra info in payload + fe471d4a57 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PayloadLoaderPeim which can load ELF payload + ab2b389e7a PeiCore: Remove assertion when failing to load PE image + 1b380aa603 BaseTools GenFw: Keep read only alloc section as text when convert ELF + 9cf9de668f StandaloneMmPkg: Core: Spelling error in comment + 610385fa3b ArmPlatformPkg: SpellCheck: Switch spellcheck CI to AuditOnly + 04ddd1271e ArmPkg: SpellCheck: Update valid acronyms in ExtendedWords + cdf7544703 MdeModulePkg PciBusDxe: Increase the width of data read during oprom shadow + 2847c72fda Maintainers.txt: Add Reviewers for Universal Payload definitions + 1162ae8297 Maintainers.txt: Add reviewers for ACPI and SMBIOS modules + a63914d3f6 ArmPkg: Move cache defs used in Universal/Smbios into ArmCache.h + 6cfeeb71c4 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: Correct the CPU location check + d9a7612f8d MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Update BdsEntry to use Variable Policy + 5959879e92 ArmVirtPkg: Add PCIe host bridge utility lib for ArmVirtPkg + 4dda0f7ab4 ArmVirtPkg: Enable PCIe support for Kvmtool + 1e5e58d39b UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Improve bootloader memrange parsing + 7471751a4d UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadEntry: Remove 4GB memory WA + 20ca528828 CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Update Salt length requirement for RSA-PSS scheme. + 18b2272e4d Azurepipeline: SpellCheck: Enforce Node dependency to use version 14.x + eba32695ee CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Enabled CryptSha512 for Smm/Runtime drivers + 12e34cd2f7 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: clean up TPM_ENABLE remnants + 82f727c4af UefiPayloadPkg: Add HobLib for UniversalPayload + ea0bd5f6a7 MdeModulePkg: Add new structure for the Universal Payload Serial Port Info + a75c029f60 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a separate PlatformHookLib for Universal Payload + d63595c3c9 UefiPayloadPkg: Update the function definition of HobConstructor + 0ff6de9358 UefiPayloadPkg: Create separate Payload Entry for UniversalPayload + b208d37c73 UefiPayloadPkg: Get and enter DxeCore for Universal Payload + 27cb64fffc UefiPayloadPkg: Fix up UPL Pcd database + 6b69f73b59 UefiPayloadPkg: Include UniversalPayLoad modules in UefiPayloadPkg.dsc + 86e6948cfb UefiPayloadPkg: Remove assert when reserve MMIO/IO resource for devices + 2db0ed93ff UefiPayloadPkg: Add macro to enable and disable some drivers + 3eb72b308a UefiPayloadPkg: Add PcdInstallAcpiSdtProtocol feature in UefiPayloadPkg + caa139fe17 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PcdResetOnMemoryTypeInformationChange in UefiPayloadPkg + 8efd912baf UefiPayloadPkg: Add new structure for BootManagerMenuFile HOB + 19a541d70e UefiPayloadPkg: consume the BootManagerMenuFile HOB + 333a866106 BaseTools: Remove check for Split.exe in toolset.bat + f0a3f6d9c3 BaseTools: Fix spelling of "overwrite" and "overwriting" in toolset.bat + 17143c4837 BaseTools: Reset ERRORLEVEL in toolsetup.bat after edk2basetools check + abfff7c45d BaseTools GenFw: Add support for RISCV GOT/PLT relocations + 27b8a52957 MdePkg: MmConfiguration: Move definition of EFI_MM_RESERVED_MMRAM_REGION + d1fc3d7ef3 MdePkg: MmConfiguration: Added definition of MM Configuration PPI + 5a2e030f73 OvmfPkg/GenericQemuLoadImageLib: plug cmdline blob leak on success + 932449710c OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: plug cmdline blob leak on success + 24b0e9d128 Revert "OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: don't expose kernel command line" + cf20302474 OvmfPkg/GenericQemuLoadImageLib: Read cmdline from QemuKernelLoaderFs + 9421f5ab8d OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: State fw_cfg dependency in file header + b37cfdd280 OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Relocate shared_info page mapping + 55dee4947b MdePkg : Add IPMI Macro and Structure Defintions to resolve build errors + 580b11201e IntelFsp2Pkg: Add Config Editor tool support + 939ed3a592 UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoader: Fix bug in locating relocation section + 3cde0d553d UefiPayloadPkg/PayloadLoader: Remove assertion + 49eeda113a NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: re-set session-level authentication state before login + 7eba9f698e NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: add horizontal whitespace to IScsiCHAP files + 7b6c2b2a26 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: distinguish "maximum" and "selected" CHAP digest sizes + 903ce1d8f8 NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: support multiple hash algorithms for CHAP + 47fea2abcb NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: support SHA256 in CHAP + bb33c27fbe NetworkPkg: introduce the NETWORK_ISCSI_MD5_ENABLE feature test macro + 8697dc60cc Maintainers.txt: Update Maintainers and reviewers for UefiPayloadPkg + fea7901dba UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the build failure + 1e0c441c92 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: add USB support + 44ced03798 OvmfPkg/Bhyve: use static PCI32Base address + b3db0cb1f8 MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Ignore PMBR BootIndicator per UEFI spec + 0a6b303dce UefiCpuPkg/ExceptionLib: Conditionally clear shadow stack token busy bit + d10e058016 MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Fix memory assert in FreePool() + 4c051c2c65 MdeModulePkg: Update YAML file to fix CI error + 31fcee6d99 ArmVirtPkg: Add PlatformHasAcpiDtDxe for Cloud Hypervisor + c28fc8ab3b ArmVirtPkg: Install Acpi tables for Cloud Hypervisor + 0e3b6bd0ee ArmVirtPkg: support Cloud Hypervisor in edk2 + b560e9d9b6 IntelFsp2Pkg: PatchFv parseInfFile function modification + f47c4676dd Pytool: SpellCheck: Defer path expansion in cspell parameters + cc89d245f9 Maintainers.txt: remove Laszlo Ersek's entries + 84af6ea320 BaseTools/Scripts: Ignore Mergify merge commits in + b491eace37 .mergify: Simplify Mergify rules using GitHub status checks + 5ef08a49e3 .azurepipelines: Remove FINISHED and FAILED states + ad1009ec62 MdePkg/Include: Add STATIC_ASSERT for L'' and L"" strings + 3de3c24755 BaseTools: Remove non-ascii character of StructurePcd comment + 40a9066439 BaseTools: Enable the flag to treat dynamic pcd as dynamicEx + 22fe311bd2 .pytool/EccCheck: Locate BaseTools dir with EDK_TOOLS_PATH + a050c599df .pytool/EccCheck: Rename edk2_path as workspace_path + 50672d2692 .pytool/EccCheck: Check ecc_csv exists + fb5b6220a9 .pytool/EccCheck: Set PACKAGES_PATH env var in Ecc + fda5226aa3 UefiPayloadPkg: Dump hob information from boot loader + 7d748705b1 MdeModulePkg: Change the PldHeader to Header in ExtraData.h + 9bf4aee734 UefiPayloadPkg: Assign the length of UniversalPayload ExtraData + d0b6596b8e MdeModulePkg/RamDiskDxe: Init list head before registering RamDisk protocol + 91f5d3b410 IntelFsp2Pkg: BaseCacheLib EfiProgramMtrr MtrrNumber Should be UINT32 + be282b1493 UefiPayloadPkg: Add PCD_DYNAMIC_AS_DYNAMICEX and set to True + cac83b6f3b IntelFsp2Pkg: Add search function for Config Editor + 4bac086e8e UefiPayloadPkg: Add FV Guid for DXEFV and PLDFV + fddb8d24ec ArmPlatformPkg/Scripts: Infer dll load address from console output + 885efcd3f9 MdePkg/Include: Smbios Specification 3.4.0 changes + 83b43c4cb1 MdeModulePkg PCD: Print which PCD was unable to be found + c32c5911c4 BaseTools GenFw: Add support for R_RISCV_PCREL_LO12_S relocation + 097aeeb119 MdePkg/BaseLib: Add MemoryFence implementation for RiscV64 + 391cffcb61 MdeModulePkg PiSmmCore: Change MemoryAttributes message to DEBUG_VERBOSE + 8781b143de BaseTools/Scripts: Fix line endings + 28ef05ce10 BaseTools/Scripts: Allow GitHub ID at end Maintainers.txt lines + 2f5ad3f451 Maintainers.txt: Add GitHub IDs + 332632abf3 Maintainers.txt: Add Jiewen Yao as OvmfPkg Maintainer + 4d28a1c2fd BaseTools: Remove COMMON section from the GCC discard list + 878a92a887 CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add native instruction support for X64 + 147f34b56c CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Commit the auto-generated assembly files for X64 + ac70e71b1f NetworkPkg: Making the HTTP IO timeout value programmable with PCD + ab796d3e2a NetworkPkg: Add HTTP Additional Event Notifications + b461d67639 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: move SEV specific code in a separate file + 7f05102f65 OvmfPkg/ResetVector: add the macro to invoke MSR protocol based VMGEXIT + dc485c556d OvmfPkg/ResetVector: add the macro to request guest termination + f05eb2dfe5 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretDxe: fix header comment to generic naming + 35e267cb34 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: use GenericQemuLoadImageLib in AmdSev builds + a26a08dc1f OvmfPkg: PlatformBootManagerLibGrub: Allow executing kernel via fw_cfg + 0cb48007f7 OvmfPkg: add library class BlobVerifierLib with null implementation + c73e31f54d OvmfPkg: add BlobVerifierLibNull to DSC + 6bf5580a3d ArmVirtPkg: add BlobVerifierLibNull to DSC + d10ad8444f OvmfPkg/QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe: call VerifyBlob after fetch from fw_cfg + 5ace477f34 OvmfPkg/AmdSev/SecretPei: build hob for full page + 0deeab36d1 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: reserve MEMFD space for for firmware config hashes + 385b9d80a0 OvmfPkg/AmdSev: add BlobVerifierLibSevHashes + 514b3aa08e OvmfPkg/AmdSev: Enforce hash verification of kernel blobs + 8e6bb64fe4 EmbeddedPkg/VirtualRealTimeClockLib: Fix SetTime issues + 610bcc69ed ArmVirtPkg: Remove meaningless comment + 3445058aea MdeModulePkg/CapsuleApp: Fix typo in error message + 2e1fb41339 build: Fix python3.10 threading DeprecationWarnings + 0b1b0a9674 python: Replace distutils.utils.split_quotes with shlex.split + fc50df0d8e BaseTools: Drop check for distutils.utils + 03e77558d4 BaseTools: use shutil.copyfile instead shutil.copy2 + 2b47aaecef MdeModulePkg: Add BootDiscoveryPolicyUiLib. + bb806a6e88 SecurityPkg: Create SecureBootVariableLib. + 9732659698 SecurityPkg: Create library for enrolling Secure Boot variables. + 12a4d0cb9d ArmVirtPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution + 3d427c5f83 OvmfPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution + b926956418 EmulatorPkg: add SecureBootVariableLib class resolution + db959018b6 SecurityPkg: Remove duplicated functions from SecureBootConfigDxe. + a97e9e327e ArmPlatformPkg: Create include file for default key content. + 94e065582b SecurityPkg: Add SecureBootDefaultKeysDxe driver + 19107590b6 SecurityPkg: Add EnrollFromDefaultKeys application. + 45f3dd2ce9 SecurityPkg: Add new modules to Security package. + 55266a9b8a SecurityPkg: Add option to reset secure boot keys. + 6355287206 Maintainers.txt: Add new maintainer and reviewer to EmbeddedPkg/ + 9abc60f9f7 EmbeddedPkg/libfdt: Add strcmp and strncpy to libfdt_env.h + 0856cdc89e MdePkg: add definition of LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID + 97fdcbda4e OvmfPkg: Remove Initrd LINUX_EFI_INITRD_MEDIA_GUID + 4de77ae989 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Sort CpuCacheInfo array + 3c6107758b SecurityPkg: Fix GetSupportedAndActivePcrs counter calculation + b40bdd6ecd UefiPayloadPkg: Add Fixed PCDs and use Macro to define the default value. + d497eace3b UefiPayloadPkg: define some PCD as DynamicEX PCD + ac6e5d6b41 UefiPayloadPkg: change the default value of some PCDs. + 672bd1c711 UefiPayloadPkg: Add a macro to enable or diable the serial driver. + d02dbb53cd UefiPayloadPkg: Fix the non-ascii character in UniversalPayloadEntry.c + a7ddc7847c RedfishPkg/JsonLib: Add more JsonLib functions + 5963ce5d28 MdePkg: Add ACPI 6.4 header file + 4d7137f261 MdePkg: Increment FADT version + d910e83299 MdePkg: Rename SBSA Generic Watchdog to Arm Generic Watchdog + ad3dea9861 MdePkg: Update PMTT to ACPI 6.4 + ced4cb7609 MdePkg: Add SPA Location Cookie field to SPA Range structure + c82d6dd4a3 MdePkg: Remove DPPT table + 357383bc4f MdePkg: Add flags and MinTransferSize to Generic Initiator + 7b17bcd9a0 MdePkg: Add 'Type 5' PCC structure + 0938f9235c MdePkg: Add Multiprocessor Wakeup structure + 75c4a8e10d MdePkg: Add the Platform Health Assessment Table (PHAT) + 1803757a9b MdePkg: Add Secure Access Components in the SDEV table + 605c4a1ff2 MdePkg: Add Cache ID to PPTT + 3d359ff905 MdePkg: Fix broken coding style in Acpi64.h + 7311e96417 RedfishPkg/RefishCrtLib: Public RefishCrtLib + 03e19e6bc8 ArmPkg/IndustryStandard: 32b/64b agnostic FF-A, Mm SVC and Std SMC IDs + aee0098faf ArmPkg: prepare 32bit ARM build of StandaloneMmPkg + ca1773878d GenFv: Arm: support images entered in Thumb mode + b7f0226a46 StandaloneMmPkg: fix pointer/int casts against 32bit architectures + a776bbabd9 StandaloneMmPkg: build for 32bit arm machines + ac826886c9 MdeModulePkg/UefiSortLib:Add UefiSortLib unit test + 6fdd1c13a7 MdeModulePkg PCD: Reinstall PCD service PPIS when memory available + ef56f55d19 EmbeddedPkg/NonCoherentDmaLib: Avoid dereferencing unset Map field + 8dd4fc5be6 UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Correct logical for identifying cache type + 7b4a99be8a CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib fix incorrect param order + - Removed patches which are merged to mainline: + ovmf-bsc1186151-fix-iscsi-overflows.patch + ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch + - Updated patches + ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-set-PcdAcpiS3Enable-at-initializatio.patch + ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch -> ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-add-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch + - Added patches + ovmf-OvmfPkg-OvmfXen-Fix-build-with-QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe.patch + +- Add ovmf-fix-xen-s3-detection.patch to fix the S3 detection in + ovmf-xen +- Add ovmf-xen-add-qemu-kernel-loader-fs.patch to add + QemuKernelLoaderFsDxe to ovmf-xen to load kernel from qemu fw_cfg + +- Add ovmf-xen-relocate-shared_info_page-map.patch to fix the + save/restore/migrate in ovmf-xen + +- Correct the path to copy the Xen flavor + +- Update to edk2-stable202105 + * MdeModulePkg/UfsPassThruDxe: Improve Device initialization + polling Loop + * MdePkg: MmUnblockMemoryLib: Added definition and null instance + * OvmfPkg: resolve MmUnblockMemoryLib (mainly for + VariableSmmRuntimeDxe) + * MdeModulePkg: VariableSmmRuntimeDxe: Added request unblock + memory interface + * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Switching from gSmst to gMmst + * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Separate Tcg2Smm into 2 modules + * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Added support for Standalone Mm + * SecurityPkg: Tcg2Acpi: Added unblock memory interface for NVS + region + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Use NASM struc to avoid hardcode offset + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove unused Lock from + MP_CPU_EXCHANGE_INFO + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Move multi-instance function decl + to header + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Rename SmmCpuFeaturesLib.c + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Cleanup library constructors + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Abstract PcdCpuMaxLogicalProcessorNumber + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: Add Standalone MM support + * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Don't allocate Token for SmmStartupThisAp + * RedfishPkg/Library: RedfishLib + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: refactor hotplug logic + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: collect hot-unplug events + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: add Qemu Cpu Status helper + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: introduce UnplugCpus() + * OvmfPkg: define CPU_HOT_EJECT_DATA + * OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: init CPU ejection state + * OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: call CPU hot-eject handler + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: add EjectCpu() + * OvmfPkg/CpuHotplugSmm: do actual CPU hot-eject + * OvmfPkg/SmmControl2Dxe: negotiate CPU hot-unplug + * EmbeddedPkg/PrePiHobLib: replace duplicate GUID + * MdePkg/UefiLib: Correct the arguments passed to + IsLanguageSupported() + * UefiCpuPkg/CpuCacheInfoLib: Collect cache associative type + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: avoid printing debug messages in AP + * UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Rename variables to follow EDKII coding + standard + * UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Guarantee GDT is below 4GB + * BaseTools/Ecc: Make Ecc only check first include guard + * ShellPkg/SmbiosView: add more items for smbiosview -t 3 + * MdePkg: Support standalone MM Driver Unload capability + * OvmfPkg/X86QemuLoadImageLib: Handle allocation failure for + CommandLine + * ShellPkg/Pci: Add valid check for PCI extended config space + parser + * CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.1j + * OvmfPkg: strip build paths in release builds + * MdeModulePkg: Initialize local variable value before they are + used + * UefiCpuPkg/SmmCommunication: Remove out-dated comments + * MdePkg: use CpuPause() in CpuDeadLoop() + * MdePkg/Include: EFI Redfish Discover protocol + * ShellPkg/UefiHandleParsingLib: Support EFI Redfish protocols + * MdePkg/Include/Protocol: EFI_HII POPUP_PROTOCOL duplicate + declaration + * MdePkg/Include/Protocol: EFI_RESET_NOTIFICATION_PROTOCOL + duplicate + * CryptoPkg/Private/Protocol/Crypto.h: Remove duplicate function + type + * MdePkg/BaseLib: Add support for the XSETBV instruction + * MdeModulePkg/PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Rename mAcpiS3Enable to + avoid dup symbol + * MdePkg/IoLib: Filter/trace port IO/MMIO access + * MdePkg/Baseib: Filter/trace MSR access for IA32/X64 + * UefiCpuPkg: Remove PEI/DXE instances of CpuTimerLib. + * UefiCpuPkg: Add MicrocodeLib for loading microcode + * OvmfPkg: Add MicrocodeLib in DSC files. + * UefiPayloadPkg/UefiPayloadPkg.dsc: Consume MicrocodeLib + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Consume MicrocodeLib to remove duplicated + code + * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Support detect SMM shadow stack + overflow + * ShellPkg: Fix smbiosview system enclosure type table + * UefiCpuPkg/CpuTimerLib: Update LIBRARY_CLASS of Base instance. + * RedfishPkg/RedfishDiscoverDxe: EFI Redfish Discover Protocol + * RedfishPkg/RedfishConfigHandler: EDKII RedfishConfigHandler + Protocol + * UefiCpuPkg: PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Check buffer size before accessing + * BaseTools/Conf: Fix MAKE_FLAGS typos in tools_def.template + * MdeModulePkg: Initialize temp variable in VarCheckPolicyLib + * SecurityPkg/Tcg2Smm: Initialize local Status variable + * DynamicTablesPkg: add validation for PcdNonBsaCompliant16550SerialHid + * OvmfPkg/XenResetVector: Silent a warning from nasm + * MdePkg: Allow PcdFSBClock to by Dynamic + * OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard/Xen: Apply EDK2 coding style to + XEN_VCPU_TIME_INFO + * OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: Introduce PageTable.h + * OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Map extra physical address + * OvmfPkg/XenPlatformPei: Calibrate APIC timer frequency + * OvmfPkg/OvmfXen: Set PcdFSBClock + * DynamicTablesPkg: Re-order GicItsIdentifierArray struct + * DynamicTablesPkg: Remove EArmObjExtendedInterruptInfo + * MdePkg: Fix AsmReadMsr64() and AsmWriteMsr64() with GCC + toolchain + * BaseTools/PlatformAutoGen: MAKE_FLAGS and MAKE_PATH fixes + * RedfishPkg/RestJsonStructureDxe: Fix typo in function header + * MdePkg/Include: Allow CPU specific defines to be predefined + * CryptoPkg/Library/Include: Allow CPU specific defines to be + predefined + * ArmPlatformPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 + * ArmPlatformPkg: Fix Ecc error 9001 + * ArmPlatformPkg: Remove package dependency in + NorFlashStandaloneMm + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in Chipset + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in SemihostLib + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8001 in ArmArchTimerLib + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 9005 in CpuDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10006 in ArmPkg.dsc + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10016 in StandaloneMmMmuLib + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in ArmScmiDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in GenericWatchdogDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in MmCommunicationDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 10014 in SemihostLib + * ArmPkg: Remove ArmGic/ArmGicSecLib.c + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 5003 in ArmExceptionLib + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 6001 in MmCommunicationDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 6001 in ArmSoftFloatLib + * ArmPkg: Rename include guard in ArmGicLib.h + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 7008 for SCMI_CLOCK_RATE + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 7008 for OPTEE_MESSAGE_PARAM + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005/8007 in ArmDisassemblerLib + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_PROTOCOL_ID + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_TYPE + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_STATUS + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_BASE + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_CLOCK + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_CLOCK_RATE_FORMAT + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8005 for SCMI_MESSAGE_ID_PERFORMANCE + * RedfishPkg: Add EDK2 Redfish Foundation diagrams + * SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: remove redundant sizeof + * ShellPkg: Rename Address Size to Access size + * DynamicTablesPkg: Add access size to CM_ARM_SERIAL_PORT_INFO + * DynamicTablesPkg: Set the Access size for the SPCR table + * DynamicTablesPkg: Set the Access size for the DBG2 table + * UefiCpuPkg: PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Not to Change Bitwidth During + Static Paging + * MdePkg/Cpuid.h: Define new element in CPUID Leaf(07h) data + structure. + * SecurityPkg: Add constraints on PK strength + * ArmPkg: Allow platforms to supply more data for SMBIOS Type3 + record + * ArmPkg: Allow platforms to report their boot status via + OemMiscLib call + * ArmPkg: Fix calculation of offset of chassis SKU Number in + SmbiosMiscDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix typo of Manufacturer in comment in SmbiosMiscDxe + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 8003 + * ArmPkg: Fix Ecc error 3002 in StandaloneMmMmuLib + * ArmPkg: Add missing library headers to ArmPkg.dec + * ArmPlatformPkg: Document libraries in ArmPlatformPkg.dec + * ArmPkg: Add OemMiscLibNull library to ArmPkg.dsc + * ArmPkg: Correct small typos + * ArmPlatformPkg: Add + * OvfmPkg/VmgExitLib: Properly decode MMIO MOVZX and MOVSX + opcodes + * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Add support for new MMIO MOV opcodes + * OvmfPkg: Define a new PPI GUID to signal TPM MMIO accessability + * OvmfPkg/TpmMmioSevDecryptPei: Mark TPM MMIO range as + unencrypted for SEV-ES + * OvmfPkg/Tcg2ConfigPei: Update Depex for IA32 and X64 + * ArmPkg: Update SCMI Base Protocol version to 0x20000 + * MdePkg/BaseRngLib: Add support for ARMv8.5 RNG instructions + * SecurityPkg: Add support for RngDxe on AARCH64 + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Properly cast from PCD to SEV-ES jump + table pointer + * BaseTools: Add support for version 3 of FMP Image Header + structure + * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Add RSA PSS verify support + * ShellPkg/UefiShellCommandLib: suppress incorrect gcc warning + * OvmfPkg/VirtioFsDxe: suppress incorrect gcc warnings + * UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandler: Add missing comma to exception + name array + * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Remove hardcode 48 address size limitation + * MdeModulePkg: Retrieve boot manager menu from any fv + * ShellPkg/HttpDynamicCommand: Fix possible uninitialized use + * MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Fix possible uninitialized use + * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Fix possible uninitialized use + * MdeModulePkg/PlatformDriOverrideDxe: Fix overflow condition + check + * MdeModulePkg/VariableLock: downgrade compatibility warnings to + DEBUG_WARN + * ArmPkg/ArmGic: Fix maximum number of interrupts in GICv3 +- Update openssl to 1.1.1j +- Drop upstreamed patch: ovmf-bsc1184801-fix-sev-with-tpm.patch +- Add the new Xen flavor for x86_64 + + Update 50-xen-hvm-x86_64.json to use ovmf-x86_64-xen-4m.bin as + the default firmware for Xen + +- Add ovmf-bsc1184801-fix-sev-with-tpm.patch to fix SEV-ES guest + crash with TPM (bsc#1184801) + -- Add ovmf-bsc1183578-lzma-catch-4GB.patch to fix the possible - heap corruption (bsc#1183578, CVE-2021-28211) -- Add ovmf-bsc1183579-fix-fv-recursion.patch to fix unlimited FV - recursion (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) +- Add ovmf-disable-brotli.patch to remove brotli since there is no + real user and it requires extra effort to maintain the brotli + submodule tarball + + Drop ovmf-bsc1183713-fix-gcc10-brotli-errors.patch and + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz + +- Add ovmf-bsc1183713-fix-gcc10-brotli-errors.patch to fix the + gcc10 error from brotli (bsc#1183713) + +- Update to edk2-stable202102 + * ArmVirtPkg: support extra pci root bridges (pxb) + * SEV Encrypted Boot for Ovmf (remote attestation) + * virtio-fs driver for OvmfPkg and ArmVirtPkg + * Apply SEV-ES mitigations for encryption bit position and MMIO + * Add Core CI support for StandaloneMmPkg + * Update LZMA module to LZMA SDK latest version 19.00 + * Port open source JSON library (jansson) + * add file buffering to the UEFI shell's COMP command + * Shell: pathname / filename sorting + * Extend support of peripheral x64 MM_STANDALONE drivers + * BaseTools: Convert the Split tool from C language to Python + * ArmPkg: Add Universal/Smbios + * Move to Pip based Basetools python + * Add support for use of FF-A callsw +- Drop upstreamed patches: + + ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-use-physical-address.patch + + ovmf-bsc1180079-amd-sev-es-mitigation.patch -- Add ovmf-bsc1177789-cryptopkg-fix-null-dereference.patch to fix - the potential NULL dereference in AuthenticodeVerify() - (bsc#1177789, CVE-2019-14584) +- Update to edk2-stable202011 + * MdeModulePkg/VariablePolicyLib: Fix runtime panic in + ValidateSetVariable() + * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Fix buffer double free in + CryptPkcs7VerifyEku + * Revert "SecurityPkg: Add RPMC Index to the RpmcLib" + * MdeModulePkg/LzmaCustomDecompressLib: catch 4GB+ uncompressed + buffer sizes (bsc#1183578, CVE-2021-28211) + * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: limit FwVol encapsulation section + recursion (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) + * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: assert SectionInstance invariant in + FindChildNode() (bsc#1183579, CVE-2021-28210) + * SecurityPkg: Add RPMC Index to the RpmcLib + * BaseTools: Resolve index out of range errors. + * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Reflect page table depth with page + table address + * UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Correct the Cr3 typo + * CryptoPkg: Make the MD5 disable as default for security + * NetworkPkg/Defines: Make iSCSI disable as default + * OvmfPkg/OvmfXen.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgX64.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32X64.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * OvmfPkg/OvmfPkgIa32.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemuKernel.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu.dsc: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * NetworkPkg: Enable MD5 while enable iSCSI + * CryptoPkg/dsc: Enable MD5 when CRYPTO_SERVICES enable MD5 + * SecurityPkg/Hash2DxeCrypto: Remove SHA1 support + * SecurityPkg/Hash2DxeCrypto: Remove MD5 support + * MdeModulePkg: Drop VarLock from RuntimeDxe variable driver + * MdeModulePkg: Change TCG MOR variables to use VariablePolicy + * SecurityPkg: Allow VariablePolicy state to delete authenticated + variables + * MdeModulePkg: Allow VariablePolicy state to delete protected + variables + * MdeModulePkg: Connect VariablePolicy business logic to + VariableServices + * ArmVirtPkg: Add VariablePolicy engine to ArmVirtPkg platform + * OvmfPkg: Add VariablePolicy engine to OvmfPkg platform + * BaseTools: Fix BrotliCompress tool issue + * MdePkg/BaseRngLibDxe: Add DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER class to RngLib + * MdeModulePkg DisplayEngineDxe: Correct the local variable name. + * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Trace ATA packets + * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Restart failed packets + * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Add SATA error recovery flow + * MdeModulePkg/AtaAtapiPassThru: Check IS to check for command + completion + * MdeModulePkg/DriverSampleDxe: Add HII sample options + * MdeModulePkg/Library: Revise HiiLib to check REST_STYLE + * BaseTools/VfrCompile: VFR compiler supports REST_STYLE in HII + option + * MdePkg: Add GUID for REST Style Formset + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: For SEV-ES guest, set stack based on + processor number + * UefiCpuPkg, OvmfPkg: Disable interrupts when using the GHCB + * OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Fix erase blocks for + SEV-ES + * OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Set the SwScratch valid + bit + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Set the SW exit fields when performing + VMGEXIT + * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SwScratch valid bit for MMIO events + * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SwScratch valid bit for IOIO events + * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Set the SW exit fields when performing + VMGEXIT + * OvmfPkg/VmgExitLib: Implement new VmgExitLib interfaces + * UefiCpuPkg/VmgExitLib: Add interfaces to set/read GHCB + ValidBitmap bits + * MdePkg: Clean up GHCB field offsets and save area + * BaseTools: Limit command line length. + * BaseTools: Update report map file format + * BaseTools: Add image type into generate map file + * BaseTools: Incremental build issue for included ASI file's + deletion. + * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: log memory base and length, after lib + ctors again + * BaseTools: Fix BaseTools nmake cleanall hang issue + * ShellPkg:Fix bug in FileBuffer.c + * BaseTools: Enable Module Scope Structure Pcd + * MdeModulePkg/Gcd: Check memory allocation when initializing + memory + * BaseTools: Remove the dependency on the build intermediate file + * DynamicTablesPkg: Add SSDT CMN-600 Table generator + * MdePkg: Definitions for Extended Interrupt Flags + * BaseTools: Update the FV Space Information to display decimal + and Hex + * MdePkg/Include: Definitions of EFI REST JSON Structure Protocol + * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Retry device slot init on failure + * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocation for RSDP if + possible + * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocation for RSDT/XSDT + if possible + * MdeModulePkg/AcpiTableDxe: use pool allocations when possible + * MdePkg: Fix SmBios.h PROCESSOR_CHARACTERISTIC_FLAGS to be + UINT16 + * MdePkg: Update SmBios.h to add SMBIOS 3.4.0 ARM64 SoC ID field + * ShellPkg: Add ARM64 SoC ID to Processor Characteristics in + smbiosview + * ShellPkg: Fix smbiosview string definition name for "boot from CD" + * ShellPkg: Fix a couple of typos in smbiosview + * MdeModulePkg/Core: Support standalone MM in FV2 protocol + GetNextFile(). + * MdePkg/SystemResourceTable.h: Add vendor range values + * MdePkg/Include: Fix wrong spelling in http11.h + * BaseTools/Ecc: Fix ECC check MetaFile Copyright information + issue + * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Error handle for USB slot initialization + failure + * ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Explicitly cast function pointer argument + * ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib: Explicitly cast UINT32 data conversions + * DynamicTablesPkg: SsdtSerialPortFixupLib fix ECC errors + * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlEncoding change debug macro + * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlLib\AmlDbgPrint fix ECC error + * DynamicTablesPkg: AmlLib fix ECC errors + * DynamicTablesPkg: AcpiSratLibArm fix ECC error + * DynamicTablesPkg: SsdtSerialPortLibArm fix ECC error + * DynamicTablesPkg: Fix order of assert checks + * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: fix NULL dereference (CVE-2019-14584) + (bsc#1177789) + * Revert "MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Fix the incorrect LBA size + in child ..." + * UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Reduce reset vector memory pressure + * SecurityPkg/Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLib: Fix incorrect TCG VER + comparision + * CryptoPkg: BaseCryptLib: Add unit tests (Host and Shell based) + * ArmVirtPkg: Add kvmtool to package dictionary + * ArmVirtPkg: Package dependency for MC146818 RTC + * ArmVirtPkg: Support for kvmtool virtual platform + * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool Platform Pei Lib + * ArmVirtPkg: 16550 UART Platform hook library + * ArmVirtPkg: GUID Hob for 16550 UART base address + * MdeModulePkg: Fix constructor invocation ordering + * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool NOR flash lib + * ArmVirtPkg: kvmtool platform memory map + * ArmVirtPkg: Add kvmtool platform driver + * ArmPlatformPkg: Dynamic flash variable base + * ArmVirtPkg: Add Kvmtool RTC Fdt Client Library + * PcAtChipsetPkg: Add MMIO Support to RTC driver + * MdePkg/Include: Add HTTP definitions + * BaseMemoryLibSse2: Take advantage of write combining buffers + * RedfishPkg/Include: PCD definitions of Host Interface EFI + device path + * MdePkg/Include: Definitions of EFI REST EX Protocol + * ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Add DDR5 support + * MdePkg/BaseLib: Fix invalid memory access in AArch64 + SetJump/LongJump + * BaseTools: Add EDKII_DSC_PLATFORM_GUID MACRO + * MdeModulePkg: Remove code wrapped by + DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES + * MdePkg: Remove code wrapped by + DISABLE_NEW_DEPRECATED_INTERFACES + * BaseTools Build_Rule: Add the missing ASM16_FLAGS for ASM16 + source file + * BaseTools: Move C tool flags before the common flags + * BaseTools: Copy PACKED definition from MdePkg Base.h + * MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: expose SP and CRYPTO capabilities in + UEFI memmap + * MdePkg/UefiSpec: separate page access bitmask from SP and + CRYPTO caps + * MdePkg: SMBIOS 3.4.0 Update "adding DDR5 definitions". + * NetworkPkg: Fix possible infinite loop in HTTP msg body + parser + * NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: TlsChildHandle is not cleared when reset + * NetworkPkg: Add RngLib entry to .dsc file. + * MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabase: Do not modify CONST string + * OvmfPkg: enable HttpDynamicCommand + * ArmVirtPkg: enable HttpDynamiCommand + * ShellPkg/DynamicCommand: add HttpDynamicCommand + * CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: add crypto algorithms needed by + variable protection + * BaseTools: Add RISCV64 binding + * MdeModulePkg/XhciDxe: Fix Broken Timeouts + * BaseTools: Set section alignment as zero if its type is Auto + * BaseTools: Remove CanSkip calling for incremental build + * BaseTools: Normalize case of pathname when evaluating Macros. + * BaseTools: Clean the ffs folder before generating files in it + * BaseTools: Add included files to deps_target file. + * OvmfPkg/README: HTTPS Boot: describe host-side TLS cipher + suites forwarding + * MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe: Add NULL pointer + check + * CryptoPkg: OpensslLib: Use RngLib to generate entropy in + rand_pool + * ArmVirtPkg: Add RngLib based on TimerLib for CryptoPkg + * OvmfPkg: Add RngLib based on TimerLib for Crypto + * MdePkg: BaseRngLibDxe: Add RngLib that uses RngDxe + * MdePkg: TimerRngLib: Added RngLib that uses TimerLib + * MdePkg: Correct EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL_REVISION3 value + * OvmfPkg: drop redundant VendorID check in VirtioMmioDeviceLib + * MdePkg: PciExpressLib support variable size MMCONF + * UefiPayloadPkg: Store the size of the MMCONF window + * SecurityPkg/PeiTpmMeasurementLib: remove + gEfiTpmDeviceSelectedGuid + * BaseTools: update IASL extdep to more modern version + * UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Support MpServices2 only + case. + * BaseTools: Sort the Pcd set when generating the VPD binary + * SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Disable SHA1 base on MACRO +- Refresh ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch +- Drop upstreamed ovmf-jscSLE-16075-SEV-ES-fixes.patch + +- Cosmetic changes in the spec file suggested by spec-cleaner - + OvmfPkg: Add SEV-ES support (jsc#SLE-16075) + + OvmfPkg: Add SEV-ES support +- Update openssl to 1.1.1g +- Drop openssl-fix-syntax-error.patch + + The new openssl already includes the fix. +- Refresh ovmf-pie.patch and ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch + +- Fixed TPM support. TPM2_ENABLE & TPM2_CONFIG_ENABLE build flags + were changed to TPM_* since upstream commit 07952a962a40. + +- Use the reduced source tarballs since ovmf only needs a portion + of the code. + + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328.tar.xz -> + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz + - We only need the "c" directory, not the whole tarball. + + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1.tar.xz -> + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1-src.tar.xz + - We only need the "src" directory, not the whole tarball. + +- Update to edk2-stable202005 -- Update openssl to 1.1.1g -- Add 2 reduced source tarballs from the submodules of edk2: - + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328-c.tar.xz - - We only need the "c" directory, not the whole tarball. - + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1-src.tar.xz - - We only need the "src" directory, not the whole tarball. +- Add 2 tarballs from the submodules of edk2: + + brotli-v1.0.7-17-g666c328.tar.xz + + oniguruma-v6.9.4_mark1.tar.xz +- Refresh patches: + + ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch + + ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch +- Drop upstream patch: ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ping-and-ip6dxe.patch +- Drop ovmf-bsc1171643-workaround-outline-atomics.patch since + upstream fixed it in another way. + +- Add ovmf-bsc1171643-workaround-outline-atomics.patch to disable + gcc10 outline-atomics in AArch64 (bsc#1171643) + -- Add for building the variable templates -- Drop upstreamed patches - + ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ip4dxe-and-arpdxe.patch - + ovmf-bsc1175476-fix-DxeImageVerificationLib-overflow.patch - + ovmf-bsc1119454-additional-scsi-drivers.patch - + ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ping-and-ip6dxe.patch - + ovmf-bsc1163969-fix-DxeImageVerificationHandler.patch - + ovmf-bsc1163959-PiDxeS3BootScriptLib-fix-numeric-truncation.patch - + openssl-fix-syntax-error.patch -- Refresh patches - + ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch - + ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch - + ovmf-pie.patch - -- Add ovmf-bsc1175476-fix-DxeImageVerificationLib-overflow.patch - to fix overflow in DxeImageVerificationHandler - (bsc#1175476, CVE-2019-14562) - -- Add ovmf-bsc1119454-additional-scsi-drivers.patch to support more - SCSI drivers (PvScsi, MptScsi, and LsiScsi) (bsc#1119454) - + Enable LsiScsi explicitly since it's disabled by default +- Update to edk2-stable202002 + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Skip reading PlatformId on AMD processors. + + BaseTools: Remove invalid leading space before !INCLUDE in Makefile + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: unbreak "secondary-vga" and "bochs-display" support + + NetworkPkg/ArpDxe: Recycle invalid ARP packets (CVE-2019-14559) + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Prevent infinite loop if structure length is 0 + + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Change PcdHashApiLibPolicy type to FixedAtBuild + + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Align BaseHashApiLib with TPM 2.0 Implementation + + MdeModulePkg: Make retval in UninstallMultipleProtocol follow Spec + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: change IsCertHashFoundInDatabase + name (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Differentiate error/search + result (2) (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: plug Data leak in + IsForbiddenByDbx() (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: tighten default result + (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Differentiate error/search + result (1) (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: refactor db/dbx fetching + code (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: avoid bypass in fetching + dbx (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: fix wrong fetch dbx in + IsAllowedByDb (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: reject + CertStack.CertNumber==0 per DBX (CVE-2019-14575) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationLib: Fix memory leaks + (CVE-2019-14575) + + NetworkPkg/Ip4Dxe: Check the received package length + (CVE-2019-14559). + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate ACPI table 'Length' field + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Remove duplicate ACPI structure size definitions + + UefiCpuPkg RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Match data type and format specifier + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix double PciIo Unmap in TRB creation + (CVE-2019-14587) + + MdeModulePkg/DisplayEngine: Zero memory before free (CVE-2019-14558) + + MdeModulePkg/String.c: Zero memory before free (CVE-2019-14558) + + MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Remove configuration table when it's freed + (CVE-2019-14586) + + MdePkg: Remove FIT table industry standard header file. + + UefiCpuPkg: Remove FIT based microcode shadow logic from MpInitLib. + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuFeature: Introduce First to indicate 1st unit. + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Rename [Before|After]FeatureBitMask + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Delete CPU_FEATURE_[BEFORE|AFTER] + + MdePkg: Add PCCT table signature definition + + BaseTools: Fixed build failure when using python38 + + BaseTools:fix Ecc tool issue for check StructPcd + + BaseTools: Remove caret in NASM_INC macro + + BaseTools: Rationalise makefile generation + + MdePkg: Add PCI Express 5.0 Header File + + MdePkg: Disable EBC for unit tests in MdePkg.dsc + + MdePkg/SmBios.h: Add two additional DWORD for smbios 3.3.0 type17 + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Not pass microcode info between archs in CPU_MP_DATA + + Revert UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Relocate microcode patch fields in CPU_MP_DATA + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate global pointers before use + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Validate System Locality count + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Set ItemPtr to NULL for unprocessed table fields + + ShellPkg: Document UpdateArgcArgv returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER + + ShellPkg: Document ParseCommandLineToArgs returns EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER + + ShellPkg/UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib: Fix FADT Parser + + SecurityPkg: Fix incorrect return value when File is NULL + + BaseTools: Fixed a Incremental build issue + + CryptoPkg/CryptoPkg.dsc: Add build of Crypto libraries/modules + + CryptoPkg/Library: Add BaseCryptLibOnProtocolPpi instances + + CryptoPkg/Driver: Add Crypto PEIM, DXE, and SMM modules + + CryptoPkg: Add EDK II Crypto Protocols/PPIs/PCDs + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Add X509ConstructCertificateStackV(). + + MdeModulePkg/PiDxeS3BootScriptLib: Fix potential numeric truncation + (CVE-2019-14563) + + MdeModulePkg/Capsule: Remove RT restriction in UpdateCapsule service. + + SecurityPkg/TcgPhysicalPresenceLib: Replace the ASSERT with error code + + BaseTools/PcdValueCommon: Fix 64-bit host compiler error + + BaseTools/Build: Do not use Common.lib in Structured PCD app + + MdeModulePkg/BaseSerialPortLib16550: Fix Serial Port Ready + + BaseTools: Script for converting .aml to .hex + + MdeModulePkg: Perform test only if not ignore memory test + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Always get CPUID & PlatformID in MicrocodeDetect() + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: detect SMRAM at default SMBASE (for real) + + OvmfPkg: introduce PcdCsmEnable feature flag + + OvmfPkg/SmmAccess: close and lock SMRAM at default SMBASE + + OvmfPkg/SEV: don't manage the lifecycle of the SMRAM at the default SMBASE + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: reserve the SMRAM at the default SMBASE, if it exists + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: assert there's no permanent PEI RAM at default SMBASE + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: detect SMRAM at default SMBASE (skeleton) + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: factor out Q35BoardVerification() + + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: add MCH_DEFAULT_SMBASE* register macros + + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: increase vertical whitespace in Q35 macro defs + + OvmfPkg: introduce PcdQ35SmramAtDefaultSmbase + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLibNull: Add missing HkdfSha256ExtractAndExpand() + + BaseTools/DscBuildData: Fix PCD autogen include file conflict + + CryptoPkg/BaseHashApiLib: Implement Unified Hash Calculation API + + CryptoPkg: Add CryptoPkg Token Space GUID + + BaseTools/Conf/gitattributes: fix "--function-context" for C source code + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix "defer" vs. "deny" policies + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix imgexec info on memalloc fail + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix retval for (FileBuffer==NULL) + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: eliminate "Status" variable + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: unnest AddImageExeInfo() call + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: remove superfluous Status setting + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: fix retval on memalloc failure + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: narrow down PE/COFF hash status + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: keep PE/COFF info status internal + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: remove "else" after return/break + + SecurityPkg/DxeImageVerificationHandler: simplify "VerifyStatus" + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: rewrite MaxCpuCountInitialization() for CPU hotplug + + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: define macros for QEMU's CPU hotplug registers + + OvmfPkg/OvmfXen.dsc: remove PcdCpu* dynamic defaults + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: remove HmacXxxGetContextSize interface + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: replace HmacXxxInit API with HmacXxxSetKey + + BaseTools: Fixed a incremental build bug + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix possible uninitialized 'InitFlag' field + + FmdDevicePkg/FmpDxe: Support Fmp Capsule Dependency. + + MdeModulePkg/CapsuleApp: Enhance CapsuleApp for Fmp Capsule Dependency + + MdePkg: Add definition for Fmp Capsule Dependency. + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add retries for async commands + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add retries for sync commands + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Refactor command error detection + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix DAT lane SW reset + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix 2M->4K page splitting regression for PDEs + + MdeModulePkg/Variable: Fix VarErrorFlag RT cache offset calculation + + MdePkg Base.h: Use correct style to check the defined macro + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Update SRAT parser to ACPI 6.3 + + BaseTools/Capsule: Add capsule dependency support + + MdeModulePkg/Setup: Update opcode number variable type to UINTN + + ArmPlatformPkg/PrePeiCore: enable VFP at startup + + ArmPkg/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: fix 32-bit truncation in HTTPS download + + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: log reserved mem allocation failure + + BaseTools/Scripts/PatchCheck: Address false error conditions + + BaseTools:Fix GenFds issue for BuildOption replace GenFdsOption + + BaseTools:Change the case rules for ECC check pointer names + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix unknown doxygen tag error + + ArmVirtPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + + OvmfPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + + UefiPayloadPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + + PcAtChipsetPkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + + MdeModulePkg: remove EnterS3WithImmediateWake () from ResetSystemLib + + UefiCpuPkg: Shadow microcode patch according to FIT microcode entry. + + MdePkg: Add header file for Firmware Interface Table specification. + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: SMXE bit of CR4 should set + + MdePkg BaseLib.h: Update IA32_CR4 strut to include all public fields + + MdePkg: Do not use CreateEventEx unless required + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add missed comments for parameter. + + OvmfPkg: use HII type PCDs for TPM2 config related variables + + OvmfPkg: reorganize TPM2 support in DSC/FDF files + + BaseTools/ Ignore CR and LF characters in subject length + + MdeModulePkg: Add EDK2 Platform Boot Manager Protocol + + CryptoPkg: Support for SHA384 & SHA512 RSA signing schemes + + UefiCpuPkg: Always load microcode patch on AP processor. + + UefiCpuPkg: Remove alignment check when calculate microcode size. + + Revert "UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix buffer overflow issue." + + MdeModulePkg/UsbMouseAbsolutePointer: Fix endpoint selection + + MdeModulePkg/Usb/UsbMouse: Fix endpoint selection + + MdeModulePkg/Usb/EfiKey: Fix endpoint selection + + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Pei: Add TCG PFP 105 support. + + MdeModulePkg/Smbios: Add TCG PFP rev 105 support. + + MdeModulePkg/dec: add PcdTcgPfpMeasurementRevision PCD + + MdeModulePkg/Smbios: Done measure Smbios multiple times. + + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Dxe: Add Tcg2Dxe to support 800-155 event. + + SecurityPkg/Guid: Add TCG 800-155 event GUID definition. + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add function to start SD clock + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Hook SwitchClockFreq after SD clock start + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Pre-allocate PROCEDURE_TOKEN buffer + + UefiPayloadPkg/BootManager: Add PS2 keyboard support + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant microcode fields in CPU_MP_DATA + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Relocate microcode patch fields in CPU_MP_DATA + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Produce EDKII microcode patch HOB + + UefiCpuPkg: Add definitions for EDKII microcode patch HOB + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Reduce the size when loading microcode patches + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Collect processors' CPUID & Platform ID info + + BaseTools/Scripts: Add sendemail.transferEncoding to + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix buffer overflow issue. + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Remove dependence between APs + + edksetup.bat stuck on unicode locale Windows + + MdePkg/Tcg: Add new definition in TCG PFP spec. + + MdePkg: Use __builtin_offset with CLANGPDB toolchain + + MdePkg PciExpress21: PCI_REG_PCIE_DEVICE_CONTROL2 struct has 17 bits + + ShellPkg/ShellProtocol: Return error code while fail parsing cmd-line + + MdePkg/Spdm: fix Nonce structure error. + + BaseTools: Resolve a issue of Incremental build + + Maintainers.txt: Update email address and role + + BaseTools:replaces the two offending quotes by ascii quotes + + BaseTools: Fix build failure when multiple build targets given + + MdePkg/Include: Add DCC and BCM2835 SPCR UART types + + ArmPkg/MmCommunicationDxe: relay architected PI events to MM context + + SecurityPkg/Tcg2Smm: Measure the table before patch. + + BaseTools: Remove redundant binary cache file + + BaseTools: Leverage compiler output to optimize binary cache + + BaseTools: enhance the CacheCopyFile method arg names + + BaseTools: store more complete output files in binary cache + + BaseTools: Enhance Basetool for incremental build + + BaseTools: Update build_rule.txt to generate dependent files. + + BaseTools: Generate dependent files for ASL and ASM files + + BaseTools: Add build option for dependency file generation + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Avoid allocate Token every time + + BaseTools: Avoid "is" with a literal Python 3.8 warnings + + ArmPkg: Dispatch deferred images after EndOfDxe + + ShellPkg/UefiHandleParsingLib: Fix error allocate pool + + ShellPkg/edit: typo "%d Lines Wrote" + + ShellPkg: acpiview: IORT Spec Rev D updates + + ShellPkg: acpiview: Add support for parsing FACS + + MdeModulePkg: Add ARM/Aarch64 support which were missing + + MdeModulePkg: LzmaCustomDecompressLib.inf don't support EBC anymore + + BaseTools:Enhance the way to handling included dsc file + + UefiCpuPkg/UefiCpuPkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + + NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + + MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.uni: Add missing strings for PCD + + NetworkPkg: Fixes to static code analysis hits + + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib.inf: list OpenSSL local header "ms/uplink.h" + + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: improve INF file consistency + + MdeModulePkg/VariableSmmRuntimeDxe.inf: list local header "Variable.h" +- Drop upstreamed fixes + + ovmf-bsc1163927-fix-ip4dxe-and-arpdxe.patch + + ovmf-bsc1163959-PiDxeS3BootScriptLib-fix-numeric-truncation.patch + + ovmf-bsc1163969-fix-DxeImageVerificationHandler.patch +- Refresh ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch + +- Disable TLS for IA32(i586) to avoid exceeding the size limitation + while using the tool chain from SLE15-SP2/openSUSE Leap 15.2 + +- Add ovmf-bsc1153072-fix-invalid-https-cert.patch to reject the + invalid server certificates for HTTPS Boot + (bsc#1153072, CVE-2019-14553) + +- Add the firmware descriptors for QEMU +- Tweak the install commands + - + Add TLS and IPv6 supports for ArmVirtQemu - + Various fixes and updates for TPM2 - + Various fixes for OvmfPkg and the underlying infrastructures - + Drop the build requirement of python2 - + Drop the obsolete IntelFrameworkPkg and IntelFrameworkModulePkg - + Remove ShellBinPkg and move the platform packages out of edk2 + + OvmfPkg: Introduce platform OvmfXen + + OvmfPkg/ResetSystemLib: Add missing dependency on PciLib + + MdeModulePkg DxeCore: Fix for missing Memory Attributes Table + (MAT) update + + BaseTools: Fixed issue of incorrect Module Unique Name + + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Add missing header files in INF file + + SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.uni: Add missing strings for new PCDs + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIplPeim: Initialize pointer PageMapLevel5Entry + + MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec: Remove gEfiDpcProtocolGuid + + add submodule policy and clone commands + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIplPeim: Relocate operation of + PageMapLevel5Entry++ + + MdeModulePkg: Add missing header files in INF files + + MdePkg: Add MmAccess and MmControl definition. + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Wrap OpenSSL HKDF algorithm + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Create 5-level page table for long mode + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Introduce PCD PcdUse5LevelPageTable + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Support parsing 5-level page table + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Enable 5-level paging for AP when BSP's + enabled + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: Change referenced MSR name. + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add check for pointer Pml5Entry + + SecurityPkg/SecurityPkg.dec: Remove trailing white space + + MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Use unique structure signatures + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: don't shadow the microcode patch twice. + + ShellPkg: improve acpiview + + MdePkg: Add PI 1.5 SmramMemoryReserve HOB file + + MdePkg/PciExpress21.h: Fix the PCI industry standard register + defines + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Use cmp-operator for non-Boolean + comparisons + + ArmPkg: DebugPeCoffExtraActionLib: fix trivial comment typos + + ArmPkg: DebugPeCoffExtraActionLib: debugger commands are not + errors + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Start all processors + simultaneously. + + UefiCpuPkg: Add new EDKII_PEI_MP_SERVICES2_PPI + + list module-internal header files in INF [Sources] + + SecurityPkg: introduce the SM3 digest algorithm + + BaseTools: Fix python3.8 SyntaxWarning + + BaseTools: Add HOST_APPLICATION module type. + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Enable 5 level paging when CPU supports + + MdePkg/BaseLib.h: Update IA32_CR4 structure for 5-level paging + + UefiCpuPkg RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Fix an ASSERTION issue + + ArmPlatformPkg: Actually disable PL031 interrupts + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Change variable names and comments to follow + SDM + + OvmfPkg: use DxeTpmMeasurementLib if and only if TPM2_ENABLE + + ArmPlatformPkg: Fix various typos + + ArmPkg: Fix various typos + + Remove IntelFrameworkPkg + + Remove IntelFrameworkModulePkg + + MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Use a pcd to control PlatformRecovery + + MdeModulePkg: Add a pcd to set the OS indications bit + + SecurityPkg: Remove DxeDeferImageLoadLib in DSC + + BaseTools:Linux changes the way the latest version is judged + + Fix indentation in SetupPython3 + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcHcDxe: Implement revision 3 of + SdMmcOverrideProtocol + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcOverride: Add GetOperatingParam notify phase + + MdeModulePkg/UfsPassThruDxe: Fix unaligned data transfer + handling + + ArmVirtPkg: handle NETWORK_TLS_ENABLE in ArmVirtQemu* + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: MicrocodeDetect: Ensure checked range is + valid + + MdeModulePkg/UfsPassThruDxe: Refactor UFS device presence + detection + + PcAtChipsetPkg: Remove framework modules + + SecurityPkg: add FvReportPei.inf in dsc for build validation + + SecurityPkg/FvReportPei: implement a common FV verifier and + reporter + + SecurityPkg: add definitions for OBB verification + + OvmfPkg: don't assign PCI BARs above 4GiB when CSM enabled + + OvmfPkg: Don't build in QemuVideoDxe when we have CSM + + OvmfPkg/LegacyBbs: Add boot entries for VirtIO and NVME + devices + + OvmfPkg/LegacyBios: set NumberBbsEntries to the size of + BbsTable + + SecurityPkg: Add missing instances for build only + + BaseTools: Move Build Cache related function out of + CreateAsBuiltInf + + BaseTools: refine CreateAsBuiltInf function + + BaseTools:Add to Edk2\BaseTools\Scripts + + BaseTools:Add import in FvImageSection + + MdeModulePkg/PeiMain: PeiAllocatePool: output NULL if HOB + creation fails + + MdePkg: Add Generic Initiator Affinity Structure definitions + to SRAT + + BaseTools:Introduce CopyFileOnChange() function to copy cache + files + + MdeModulePkg: Add missing instances for build only + + SourceLevelDebugPkg: Add missing instances for build only + + CryptoPkg: Add missing instance for build only + + MdeModulePkg: Introduce EDKII_SERIAL_PORT_LIB_VENDOR_GUID + + MdeModulePkg/GraphicsConsoleDxe: Initialize the output mode + + MdeModulePkg/ConSplitterDxe: Optimize the + ConSplitterTextOutSetMode + + BaseTools: add script to configure local git options + + BaseTools: add centralized location for git config files + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Shouldn't assume system in VGA alias + mode. +- Refresh ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch +- Enable NETWORK_TLS_ENABLE for AArch64 + +- Reset BootOrder after enrolling the default keys (boo#1140195) + +- Update to edk2-stable201905 + + Update OpenSSL version to upcoming 1.1.1 + + Delete EdkCompatibilityPkg from edk2/master + + Remove .S assembly code for IA32 and X64 arch + + Replace BSD 2-Clause License with BSD + Patent Licence + + Recovery PEI BlockIO support for ATA device + + Add PCD to Enabled/Disabled IPv4/IPv6 PXE Support in NetworkPkg + + Remove NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe + + Add api to DebubLib to expose a print routine with VaList + parameter + + Introduce DebugPpi to save the image size with the debug + message + + ResetSystemLib Adds a new API ResetSystem + + ResetUtilityLib Add a new API ResetSystemWithSubtype + + Add support for get organization name to x509 in BaseCryptLib + + Add support for checking x509 EKUs in BaseCryptLib + + Add support for PKCS 1v2 RSAES-OAEP PKI encryption in + BaseCryptLib + + Remove ShellBinPkg from edk2/master + + Enable multiple thread /MP option for MSVC compiler + + Upstream the EnrollDefaultKeys application to OvmfPkg + + Share code for BaseUefiDecompressLib in MdePkg and MdeModulePkg + + Move network related components from MdeModulePkg to NetworkPkg + + Move BeagleBoardPkg and Omap35xxPkg from edk2 to edk2-platforms + repo + + Move MinnowMax and Quark platform to edk2-platforms repo + + Move OptionRomPkg into new Drivers directory edk2-platforms + repo + + Add ACPI6.3 definition + + Remove Nt32Pkg from edk2/master + + update ArmSoftFloatLib to latest upstream version (= 3e) -- Add ovmf-bsc1153072-fix-invalid-https-cert.patch to reject the - invalid server certificates for HTTPS Boot - (bsc#1153072, CVE-2019-14553) -- Enable TLS (HTTPS Boot) and TPM2 support -- Add the firmware descriptors for QEMU -- Update README to match the current settings -- Update the License tag to BSD-2-Clause-Patent -- Build SecureBoot firmwares for aarch64 -- Add a new "smm" flavor to enable System Management Mode - + Also add ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to exclude shell - from the resultant SMM firmware files -- Retire the old openSUSE 4096 bit certificates since all those - programs are unmaintained. -- Drop upstreamed patches - + ovmf-bsc1092943-fix-attributes-table.patch - + ovmf-bsc1099193-fix-sev-flash-variables.patch - + ovmf-bsc1115916-fix-timestamp-zeroing.patch - + ovmf-bsc1115917-bounds-checking-for-ueficompress.patch - + ovmf-bsc1127820-fix-blockio-buffer-overflow.patch - + ovmf-bsc1127821-dns-check-packet-size.patch - + ovmf-bsc1127822-fix-fv-parsing.patch - + ovmf-bsc1128503-fix-stack-overflow-in-HiiImage-and-HiiDatabase.patch - + ovmf-bsc1130267-overflow-in-partition-and-udf.patch - + ovmf-bsc1131361-fix-stack-overflow-xhci.patch +- Update the build flags for network functions + + For x86_64, only enable TLS for the 4MB image since the code + size exceeds the boundary of 2MB image +- Update README +- Update the License tag to BSD-2-Clause-Patent + +- Build SecureBoot firmwares for aarch64 -- Add ovmf-bsc1131361-fix-stack-overflow-xhci.patch to fix stack - overflow in UsbBusDxe and UsbBusPei (bsc#1131361, CVE-2019-0161) +- Enable debug for aarch32 +- Add aavmf-aarch32-code.bin and aavmf-aarch32-vars.bin files + +- Update to 2019+git1552059899.89910a39dcfd (edk2-stable201903) + + MdeModulePkg/HiiImage: Fix stack overflow when corrupted BMP + is parsed (bsc#1128503, CVE-2018-12181) + + MdeModulePkg/HiiDatabase: Fix potential integer overflow + (bsc#1128503, CVE-2018-12181) + + UefiCpuPkg/Microcode.c: Add verification before calculate + CheckSum32 + + UefiCpuPkg/Microcode: Fix InComplete CheckSum32 issue + + UefiCpuPkg: restore strict page attributes via #DB in nonstop + mode only + + IntelFrameworkModulePkg/FwVolDxe: Ensure FfsFileHeader 8 bytes + aligned (bsc#1127822, CVE-2018-3630) + + MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Ensure FfsFileHeader 8 bytes aligned + (bsc#1127822, CVE-2018-3630) + + MdeModulePkg/PeiCore: Ensure FfsFileHeader 8 bytes aligned + (bsc#1127822, CVE-2018-3630) + + NetworkPkg: Add WiFi Connection Manager to NetworkPkg + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpu: Add Shadow Stack Support for X86 SMM + + MdePkg/BaseLib: Add Shadow Stack Support for X86 + + NetworkPkg/DnsDxe: Check the received packet size before + parsing the message (bsc#1127821, CVE-2018-12178) + + MdeModulePkg/RamDiskDxe: Restrict on RAM disk size + (bsc#1127820, CVE-2018-12180) + + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Ensure blocksize holds MBR + (bsc#1127820, CVE-2018-12180) + + ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: display boot option + loading/starting + + ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu*: enable minimal Status Code Routing + in DXE + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: display boot option + loading/starting + + OvmfPkg: add library to track boot option loading/starting on + the console + + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: fix LoadImage/StartImage + status code rep + + MdeModulePkg/AhciPei: Add AHCI mode ATA device support in PEI + + MdeModulePkg: Add definitions for EDKII PEI ATA PassThru PPI + + MdeModulePkg: Add definitions for ATA AHCI host controller PPI + + MdePkg/UefiDevicePathLib: Add sanity check for FilePath device + path + + UefiCpuPkg/Microcode: Fix incorrect checksum issue for + extended table + + SecurityPkg/TcgConfigDxe: Allow enabling TPM 1.2 device from + disabled state + + UefiCpuPkg/SecCore: Wrong Debug Information for SecCore + + Various bug fixes in BaseTools + + DynamicTablesPkg: Dynamic Tables Framework + + MdeModulePkg: Remove EmuVariableRuntimeDxe + + UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Fix a bug that may wrongly set memory <1MB + to UC + + MdeModulePkg/BmBoot: Report status when fail to load/start + boot option + + MdeModulePkg/ReportStatusCodeLib: Avoid using AllocatePool if + possible + + NetworkPkg/Ip6Dxe: Clean the invalid IPv6 configuration during + driver start + +- Add TPM2_CONFIG_ENABLE build flag to enable TPM2 config menu + +- Update to 2019+git1550452308.c417c1b33d06 + + BaseTools: Fixed an issue about StructurePcd + + UefiCpuPkg/SecCore: Support EFI_PEI_CORE_FV_LOCATION_PPI + + OvmfPkg: Add TCG2 Configuration menu to the Device Manager menu + + FatPkg/FatPei/Gpt.c: Fix uninitialized variable issue + + Make BaseTools compatible with python3 + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: split CryptPkcs7Verify.c on behalf + of runtime + + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Match the nested partitions + + ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: get rid of needless TLB invalidation + + Upgrade UEFI supporting TCG spec info + + MdeModulePkg Variable: Add emulated variable NV mode support + + Code clean-up in the network packages + + OvmfPkg: add MmServicesTableLib resolution + + ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib AARCH64: fix out of bounds access + + BaseTools/VfrCompile: report error for Integer overflow + + OvmfPkg: require GCC48 or later + + MdePkg/BaseLib: Introduce new SpeculationBarrier API + + Remove the obsolete network packages in MdeModulePkg + + Upgrade OpenSSL to 1.1.0j + + MdePkg/Base: introduce MAX_ALLOC_ADDRESS + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: Fix system hang when no PCI Option ROM exists + + BaseTools/tools_def AARCH64 RELEASE: move GCC49/GGC5 to 4 KB + alignment + + SecurityPkg: Remove dead code and inf redundant definitions + + UefiCpuPkg/Cpuid.h: Sync CPUID definition to latest SDM + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: Shadow option ROM after BARs are programmed + + ArmVirtPkg/QemuVirtMemInfoLib: trim the MMIO region mapping + + ArmVirtPkg/XenVirtMemInfoLib: refactor reading of the PA space + size + + ArmVirtPkg/QemuVirtMemInfoLib: remove 1:1 mapping of top of + PA range + + ArmVirtPkg/NorFlashQemuLib: discover NOR flash banks dynamically + + ArmPkg/ArmSmcPsciResetSystemLib: add missing call to + ExitBootServices() + + SecurityPkg: Update TCG PFP spec revision. + + OvmfPkg: simply use the Bochs interface for vmsvga + + ArmPlatformPkg & ArmVirtPkg: clear frame pointer in startup + code + + Remove unused DuetPkg, EdkShellBinPkg, and UnixPkg + + ArmPkg/ArmGicDxe ARM: fix encoding for GICv3 interrupt + acknowledge + + MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsicArmVirt ARM: avoid double word loads + and stores +- Refresh patches + + ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch + + ovmf-disable-ia32-firmware-piepic.patch +- Enable Python3 support in BaseTools (bsc#1075770) -- Add ovmf-bsc1130267-overflow-in-partition-and-udf.patch to fix - buffer overflows in PartitionDxe and UdfDxe (bsc#1130267, - CVE-2019-0160) - -- Add ovmf-bsc1128503-fix-stack-overflow-in-HiiImage-and-HiiDatabase.patch - to fix stack overflow in HiiImange and HiiDatabase (bsc#1128503, - CVE-2018-12181) - -- Add ovmf-bsc1127820-fix-blockio-buffer-overflow.patch to fix - buffer overflow in BlockIo protocol (bsc#1127820, CVE-2018-12180) -- Add ovmf-bsc1127821-dns-check-packet-size.patch to check the size - of the received DNS packet (bsc#1127821, CVE-2018-12178) -- Add ovmf-bsc1127822-fix-fv-parsing.patch to fix the logic error - in FV parsing (bsc#1127822, CVE-2018-3630) +- Add a new "smm" flavor to enable System Management Mode + + Also add ovmf-add-exclude-shell-flag.patch to exclude shell + from the resultant SMM firmware files +- Retire the old openSUSE 4096 bit certificates since all those + programs are unmaintained. +- Amend the numbering of patches and sources +- Update README to reflect the current status - auto-enrollment only happen at the very first time. (bsc#1117998) + auto-enrollment only happen at the very first boot. (bsc#1117998) +- Change the group of qemu-ovmf-x86_64-debug to Development/Sources + since there is no Development/Debug anymore + +- Update to 2018+git1542164568.85588389222a (edk2-stable201811) + + UefiCpuPkg/CommonFeature: Always set FEATURE_CONTROL.Lock + + MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressPei: Refine data buffer & len check in + PassThru + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: list "UnalignedIoInternal.h" in the INF + file + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: VMWare SVGA device support + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Helper functions for unaligned port I/O + + OvmfPkg: VMWare SVGA display device register definitions + + Fix UEFI and Tiano Decompression logic issue + + MdePkg: Fix incorrect check for DisplayOnly text format in + AcpiEx + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Separate semaphore container + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Separate semaphore container + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Adjust Order + + MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib: Fix InternalSync[De|In]crement + + UefiCpuPkg/SmmCpu: Block access-out only when static paging is + used + + MdeModulePkg/Core: fix ineffective guard page issue + + MdeModulePkg/Core: fill logic hole in + MemoryProtectionCpuArchProtocolNotify + + MdeModulePkg/Mtftp4Dxe: Fix invalid configuration of MTFTP + local port + + OvmfPkg: Replace obsoleted network drivers from platform DSC/FDF + + MdePkg/Base.h: Implement BASE_CR() via OFFSET_OF() + + MdeModulePkg/PiSmmIpl: Do not reset SMRAM to UC when CPU driver + runs + + NetworkPkg/TlsDxe: Fix failure to process multiple TLS records + + BaseTools ConvertFceToStructurePcd: Fix the array value with + empty string + + CryptoPkg/BaseCryptLib: Fix potential integer overflow issue + + ArmPkg/OpteeLib: Add APIs to communicate with OP-TEE + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Fix ASSERT for success + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix ASSERT for success + + MdeModulePkg/Core: fix an issue of potential NULL pointer access + + NetworkPkg/Mtftp6Dxe: Correct the total received and saved + block number + + MdeModulePke/Mtftp4Dxe: Correct the total received and saved + block number + + MdeModulePkg EhciDxe: Extract new EhciInsertAsyncIntTransfer + function + + MdeModulePkg XhciDxe: Extract new XhciInsertAsyncIntTransfer + function + + BaseTools: Sync the DevicePath Function update from MdePkg + + MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Make sure database update behaviors are + atomic + + MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Reorganize codes of exporting HII settings + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Support combo CPU feature + style + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Fix ECC issues + + MdeModulePkg/Core: add freed-memory guard feature + + MdeModulePkg/Core: prevent re-acquire GCD memory lock + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: prevent recursive calling of + InitializePageTablePool + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: consider freed-memory guard in non-stop mode + + MdeModulePkg: introduce UEFI freed-memory guard bit in HeapGuard + PCD + + MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressDxe: Refine PassThru IO queue creation + behavior + + MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressDxe: Always copy CQ entry to PassThru + packet + + MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressDxe: Refine data buffer & len check in + PassThru + + MdePkg: Handle various device path when optional para is not + specified + + FatPkg: Correct the line ending to CRLF + + MdePkg-BaseLib: Fix PathCleanUpDirectories() issue with + "\\..\\.." + + FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe Fix Double Cluster Allocation + + FatBinPkg: Remove FatBinPkg and refresh document + + ShellPkg/dmem: Only dump sizeof (EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE) bytes for gST + + MdeModulePkg/UsbMass: Fix USB key write failure + + IntelFrameworkModulePkg: Add more checker in + UefiTianoDecompressLib (CVE FIX) + + MdePkg: Add more checker in UefiDecompressLib to access the + valid buffer only (CVE FIX) + + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Add check for underlying device + block size (bsc#1130267, CVE-2019-0160) + + MdeModulePkg Xhci: Handle value 5 in Port Speed field of PORTSC + + MdeModulePkg XhciDxe: Assign Usb2Hc.XXXRevision based on SBRN + + MdePkg/BaseLib: AsciiStrToUnicodeStr(S) not handle EASCII + properly + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuCommonFeaturesLib: Register MSR base on scope Info + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe: Keep old data if value already existed + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Add logic to support semaphore type + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Add logic to support + semaphore type + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib.h: Add new dependence types + + UefiCpuPkg/Include/AcpiCpuData.h: Add Semaphore related + Information + + NetworkPkg/IpSecDxe: Fix issue to parse SA Payload + + NetworkPkg: Correct the time stamp and fix the integer overflow + issue + + NetworkPkg/TlsDxe: Remove the redundant library class + + MdePkg UefiLib: Check Table against NULL in ScanTableInSDT + + MdeModulePkg BrotliDecompressLib: Add the checker to avoid array + out of bound + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: always clear descriptor data + in advance + + fix InternalSyncCompareExchange*() + + MdeModulePkg Variable: Fix Timestamp zeroing issue on + APPEND_WRITE + + MdeModulePkg/Bus/Ufs: Ensure device not return more data than + expected + + MdeModulePkg/AbsPointer: Don't access key codes when length is + wrong + + MdeModulePkg BrotliCustomDecompressLib: Don't build it for EBC + arch + + MdeModulePkg RegularExpressionDxe: Enable STDARG for variable + arguments + + MdeModulePkg/RegularExpressionDxe: Miss null pointer check + + MdeModulePkg PcdDxe: ASSERT PcdSetNvStoreDefaultId set + + UefiCpuPkg/S3Resume2Pei: disable paging before creating new + page table + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Allow additional SDHCI versions + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Add controller version defines + + MdePkg: Use VENDOR_DEVICE_PATH structure for Debug Port device + path + + ShellPkg-Cd: Ensure all valid cd targets are handled properly + + MdePkg-BaseLib: Fix PathCleanUpDirectories() error involving + "\..\.." + + MdeModulePkg/NonDiscoverablePciDeviceDxe: expose unique B/D/F + identifiers + + MdeModulePkg: Update Brotli DecompressLib to the latest v1.0.6 + + BaseTools: Update Brotli Compress to the latest one 1.0.6 + + MdePkg: Add PciRoot/PcieRoot text for ACPI Expanded Device Path + + MdePkg: Correct condition check for AcpiExp text format + + MdePkg: Correct the string order of ACPI Expanded Device Path + + MdePkg: Correct the string expression of UTF8 vendor device path + + MdeModulePkg/HiiDB: Fix incorrect structure convention for + checkbox + + Lzma: Update LZMA SDK version to 18.05 + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: clear CPU caches + + Various BaseTools clean up and fixes + + Various UDF fixes + + Various USB fixes +- Drop upstreamed patches + + ovmf-bsc1115916-fix-timestamp-zeroing.patch + + ovmf-bsc1115917-bounds-checking-for-ueficompress.patch -- Add ovmf-bsc1099193-fix-sev-flash-variables.patch to fix the - missing EFI variables when SEV is set (bsc#1099193) - -- Update openssl to 1.1.0h (bsc#1094289, CVE-2018-0739) - -- Add ovmf-bsc1092943-fix-attributes-table.patch to avoid sending - the memory map with invalid attributes (bsc#1092943) +- Update to 2018+git1538590187.c0b1f749ef13 + + ShellPkg: Create a homefilesystem environment variable + + NetworkPkg/HttpUtilitiesDxe: fix read memory access overflow + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: fix read memory access overflow in HTTPBoot + + PcAtChipsetPkg PcRtc: Use new EfiLocateFirstAcpiTable() + + MdeModulePkg S3SaveStateDxe: Use new EfiLocateFirstAcpiTable() + + MdePkg UefiLib: Add new EfiLocateXXXAcpiTable() APIs + + NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Add the clarification compared to + UefiPxeBcDxe in MdeModulePkg + + NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: Add the clarification compared to + IScsiDxe in MdeModulePkg + + NetworkPkg/TcpDxe: Add the clarification compared to Tcp4Dxe + in MdeModulePkg + + MdeModulePkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Add the clarification compared + to UefiPxeBcDxe in NetworkPkg + + MdeModulePkg/IScsiDxe: Add the clarification compared to + IScsiDxe in NetworkPkg + + MdeModulePkg/Tcp4Dxe: Add the clarification compared to TcpDxe + in NetworkPkg + + NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Use the specified MTFTP windowsize + + NetworkPkg: Define one PCD for PXE to specify MTFTP windowsize + + NetworkPkg/Mtftp6Dxe: Support windowsize in read request + operation + + MdeModulePke/Mtftp4Dxe: Support windowsize in read request + operation + + MdePkg/BaseSynchronizationLib: fix XADD operands in GCC + IA32/X64 assembly + + MdeModulePkg/PciHostBridge: Fix a bug that prevents PMEM + access + + MdeModulePkg/PciHostBridge: Enhance boundary check in + Io/Mem.Read/Write + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: support more NX related PCDs + + MdeModulePkg: XhciDxe: Prevent illegal memory access in + XhcSetHsee + + SecurityPkg/TcgStorageOpalLib: Fixed correct user password + not works issue + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Execute card detect only for + RemovableSlot + + MdeModulePkg/SdMmcPciHcDxe: Fix SdMmcHcReset to set only + necesery bits + + NetworkPkg: UefiPxeBcDxe: Add EXCLUSIVE attribute when opening + SNP protocol installed by PXE + + BaseTools: Check GUID C structure format + + MdeModulePkg: Avoid key notification called more than once + + IntelFrameworkModulePkg: Avoid key notification called more + than once + + MdeModulePkg/Library/DxeHttpLib: Handle the blank value in + HTTP header + + MdeModulePkg/Ip4Dxe: Sync the direct route entry setting + + MdeModulePkg XhciDxe: Set HSEE Bit if SERR# Enable Bit is set + + BaseTools: Correct DXE_PCD_DATABASE_INIT + + BaseTools: Check PcdNvStoreDefaultValueBuffer + + BaseTools: Involve Dec default value to calculate Maxsize + + BaseTools: Structure Pcd value override incorrect + + BaseTools: Report error for incorrect hex value format + + MdeModulePkg/ConPlatform: Support short-form USB device path + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: fix an incorrect bit-wise operation + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: fix ECC reported issues + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuMpPei: support stack guard feature + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: fix register restore issue in AP wakeup + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: support stack switch for + PEI exceptions + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: disable paging before creating new page + table + + MdeModulePkg PeiCore: Always use PeiImageRead() function to + load PEI image + + MdeModulePkg/EhciDxe: factor out EhcIsDebugPortInUse() + + BaseTools/ Fix error when run with Python3 + + BaseTools: Report more clear error message for PCD used in + expression + + BaseTools: Fix a bug about list the PCD in "not used" section + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix ECC issues + + MdeModulePkg/EhciDxe: fix host controller reset condition in + BindingStart + + BaseTools: Extend the keyword "!include"/"!if" to + case-insensitive + + MdeModulePkg/Setup: Fix incorrect size used in AllocateCopyPool + + MdeModulePkg DxeCore: Handle multiple FV images in one FV file + + MdeModulePkg PeiCore: Handle multiple FV images in one FV file + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Avoid calling PEI services + from AP + + CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Add comments to make code more readable + + BaseTools: Fixed the PcdValue trailing zero issue + + BaseTools: Dynamic Pcd value override from command line + + BaseTools: Check pcd DefaultValue and SkuId EBNF + + ShellPkg: Update Ifconfig command to accept 32bit subnet mask + + MdeModulePkg/Network: Add 32bit subnet mask support for IP4 + PXE boot + + BaseTools: Clarify a DSC parsing error about PCDs + + BaseTools: minimize assignment processing + + BaseTools: Refactor to remove functionally equivalent + functions + + BaseTools: include variable namespace GUIDs of HII PCDs in + Guid.xref + + ShellPkg/SmbiosView: Update SmbiosView for SMBIOS3.2.0 + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: change level of DEBUG message + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: implement non-stop mode for uefi + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Setup single step in #PF + handler + + MdeModulePkg/MdeModulePkg.dec: add new settings for PCDs + + MdePkg: Add the missing spec version information for header + files + + BaseTools: Fix one expression bug to support ~ operate + + BaseTools: Add check only VOID* type Pcd need the maxsize info + + MdeModulePkg: Update SMBIOS PCDs to 3.2.0 + + MdePkg SmBios.h: Add SMBIOS 3.2.0 definitions + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: Restrict one VGA per HostBridge not + Segment + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: Refine ActiveVGADeviceOnTheRootBridge + + ArmPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: fix hotkey of boot option + + BaseTools: Use hashlib instead of md5 + + BaseTools: remove cmp due to deprecated in python3 + + BaseTools: Modify class OrderedListDic + + BaseTools: Update Makefile for ECC tool + + BaseTools/VfrCompile: honor EXTRA_LDFLAGS + + NetworkPkg/TlsAuthConfigDxe: fix TlsCaCertificate attributes + retrieval + + IntelFrameworkPkg/FrameworkUefiLib: don't special-case + EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE + + MdePkg/UefiLib: don't special-case EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE in + OpenMode + + Remove redundant variables, functions, library clesses, and + GUIDs + +- Update to 2018+git1534736099.43fe4c405292 + + BaseTools: AutoGen refactor ModuleAutoGen caching + + OvmfPkg: link Sha384 and Sha512 support into Tcg2Pei and Tcg2Dxe + + MdePkg/UefiLib: introduce EfiOpenFileByDevicePath() + + BaseTools: Update the rule to remove .lib before link it for GCC + + BaseTools: Add Dns and BluetoothLE DevicePath + + MdeModulePkg SmmLockBox: Return actual data length in + SmmLockBoxRestore + + UefiCpuPkg/RegisterCpuFeaturesLib: Combine implementation + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe: Remove below 4G limitation + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuS3DataDxe: Change Memory Type and address + limitation + + UefiCpuPkg/AcpiCpuData.h: Remove AcpiNVS and Below 4G limitation + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: Use GDT/IDT saved in Smram + + SecurityPkg/TcgStorageCoreLib.h: Use ascii instead of unicode + + BaseTool: Fixed the bug of Boolean Hii Pcd packing + + SecurityPkg: HashLib: Update HashLib file GUID + + SecurityPkg/Library/Tpm2DeviceLibDTpm: fix s/Constructor/CONSTRUCTOR + + OvmfPkg/PlatformDebugLibIoPort: fix port detection for use in + the DXE Core + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Strip square brackets in IPv6 expressed + HostName + + MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Move display of test key usage into BDS + module + + ArmPkg: Add initial OpteeLib implementation + + SecurityPkg: HashLib: Add SHA384, SHA512 HashLib + + MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Call PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot() + + MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: Revert "fall back to UI loop before hanging" + + ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBDS: Implement PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBds: Implement PlatformBootManagerUnableToBoot + + MdeModulePkg/PciBusDxe: Fix small memory leak in FreePciDevice + + MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Not update RtCode in MemAttrTable after + EndOfDxe + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Not use disabled AP when call StartAllAPs + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Remove redundant CpuStateFinished State + + MdeModulePkg/DxeLoadFunc: Add use case for new Perf macro + + SecurityPkg/Tcg: Add use case for new Perf macro + + ArmVirtPkg: remove wrong and superfluous ResourcePublicationLib + resolution + + OvmfPkg: Correct ResourcePublicationLib class name in DSC/INF + file + + MdeModulePkg CapsuleApp: Do not parse bits in CapsuleFlags of + ESRT + + MdeModulePkg, TpmMeasureLib: Variable: Re-prioritize TCG/TCG2 + protocol + + SecurityPkg: TcgSmm: Handle invalid parameter in MOR SMI handler + + OvmfPkg/XenPvBlkDxe: remove gEfiDevicePathProtocolGuid from + [Protocols] + + StandaloneMmPkg/Core: Implementation of Standalone MM Core Module + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: fix incorrect check of SMM mode + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Optimize get processor number performance + + OvmfPkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: clean up libs and protos in + "AcpiPlatformDxe.inf" + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Fix S3 resume hang issue + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Use BSP uCode for APs if possible + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Relocate uCode to memory to save time + + Update BaseTools for the preparation of python3 adoption +- Refresh ovmf-pie.patch and ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch + +- Update to 2018+git1531464032.ae08ea246fe9 + + ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: enable the IPv6 stack + + SecurityPkg: Fix assert when setting key from eMMC/SD/USB + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Avoid calling PEI services from AP + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the bug when parsing HTTP(S) message + body + + SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Fixed input correct password not + works issue + + SecurityPkg/TcgStorageOpalLib: Return AUTHORITY_LOCKED_OUT error + + OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Restore C-bit when SEV + is active + + OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Do not expose MMIO in + SMM build + + OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: mark Flash memory + range as MMIO + + MdeModulePkg/Variable: Check EFI_MEMORY_RUNTIME attribute + before setting it + + MdeModulePkg SataControllerDxe: Calculate ChannelCount based + on PI value + + SecurityPkg Tpm2DeviceLibDTpm: Update enum type name to match + the one in lib + + MdeModulePkg UsbBusDxe: Fix wrong buffer length used to read + hub desc (bsc#1131361, CVE-2019-0161) + + SecurityPkg: Tpm2DeviceLib: Enable CapCRBIdleBypass support + + SecurityPkg: Cache TPM interface type info + + FatPkg/FatPei: Add the recognition of recovery capsule on NVME + device + + MdeModulePkg/NvmExpressPei: Add the NVME device PEI BlockIo + support + + MdeModulePkg: Add definitions for EDKII PEI NVME host + controller PPI + + ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: fix Mva to use idx instead of table base + + ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: assume page tables are in writeback + cacheable memory + + ArmPkg/ArmMmuLib ARM: remove cache maintenance of block mapping + contents + + MdeModulePkg: Enable SATA Controller PCI mem space + + MdeModulePkg/NetworkPkg: Checking for NULL pointer before use + + MdeModulePkg/Core: remove SMM check for Heap Guard feature + detection + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: allow accessing (DXE) page table in SMM mode + + BaseTools/tools_def IA32: drop -no-pie linker option for GCC49 + + SecurityPkg/SecureBootConfigDxe: Fix invalid NV data issue + + ArmVirtPkg: add QemuRamfbDxe + + OvmfPkg: add QemuRamfbDxe + + BaseTools/tools_def IA32: disable PIE code generation explicitly + + MdePkg UefiLib: Use comparison logic to check UINTN parameter + + ArmVirtPkg: switch to KVM safe IoLib implementation + + MdePkg/BaseIoLibIntrinsic: make BaseIoLibIntrinsic safe for + ArmVirt/KVM + + ArmPkg/CompilerIntrinsicsLib: fix GCC8 warning for + __aeabi_memcpy aliases +- The IP6 stack of AAVMF is enabled + +- Update to 2018+git1528497654.eb5943134630 + + CryptoPkg PeiCryptLib: Enable SHA384/512 support + + MdePkg/UefiRuntimeLib: Do not allow to be linked by DXE driver + + CryptoPkg: Remove deprecated function usage in + X509GetCommonName() + + PlatformBootManagerLib: add missing report status code call + + OvmfPkg: raise DXEFV size to 11 MB + + SignedCapsulePkg/PlatformFlashAccessLib: Add progress API + + MdeModulePkg: Add DisplayUpdateProgressLib class + + PcAtChipsetPkg/PcRtc: Add two new PCD for RTC Index/Target + registers + + OvmfPkg/Virtio10Dxe: convert to PciCapLib + + OvmfPkg/PciHotPlugInitDxe: convert to PciCapLib + + ArmVirtPkg: resolve PciCapLib, PciCapPciSegmentLib, + PciCapPciIoLib + + OvmfPkg: resolve PciCapLib, PciCapPciSegmentLib, PciCapPciIoLib + + OvmfPkg: introduce PciCapPciIoLib + + OvmfPkg: introduce PciCapPciSegmentLib + + OvmfPkg: introduce PciCapLib + + BaseTools/tools_def: add "-fno-unwind-tables" to + GCC_AARCH64_CC_FLAGS + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: process TPM PPI request + + OvmfPkg: add Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibQemu + + OvmfPkg/IndustryStandard: add QemuTpm.h header + + OvmfPkg: add Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibNull when !TPM2_ENABLE + + MdePkg/SmmPeriodicSmiLib: Get Periodic SMI Context More Robustly + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: connect Virtio RNG devices again + + ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: connect Virtio RNG devices + again + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Enable DISPLAY_OTHER pci class for qemu + stdvga + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: Add SubClass field to QEMU_VIDEO_CARD + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: connect consoles unconditionally + + BaseTools: Fix generating array's size is incorrect in AutoGen.c + + BaseTools: incorrect calculation for 16M + +- Enable TLS support correctly + +- Enable TPM 2.0 support + +- Update to 2018+git1525854636.13e3f8c03339 + + BaseTools/VfrCompile: Avoid using uninitialized pointer + + MdeModulePkg/PciHostBridge: Count the (mm)io overhead when polling + + UefiCpuPkg/SecMain: Add NORETURN decorator to SecStartup() + + CryptoPkg/CrtLibSupport: add secure_getenv() stub function + + MdeModulePkg/AcpiPlatformDxe: Unload after execution + + SecurityPkg/OpalPassword: Add support for pyrite 2.0 devices + + NetworkPkg/NetworkPkg.dsc: Add the instance of library class + [SafeIntLib] + + ArmVirtPkg: use protocol-based DevicePathLib instance for most + DXE modules + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: round up FrameBufferSize to full page + + ArmVirtPkg: reinstate timer unmask quirk for Xen + + ArmPkg/TimerDxe: remove workaround for KVM timer handling + + FatPkg/EnhancedFatDxe: Ensure traverse of subtasks is + delete-safe + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: add USB keyboard to ConIn + + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.0h + (bsc#1094289, CVE-2018-0739) + + OvmfPkg/TlsAuthConfigLib: configure trusted cipher suites for + HTTPS boot + + ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtQemu: hook NvVarStoreFormattedLib into + VariableRuntimeDxe + + ArmPlatformPkg/NorFlashDxe: cue the variable driver with + NvVarStoreFormatted + + ArmPlatformPkg/NorFlashDxe: initialize varstore headers eagerly + + OvmfPkg: remove BLOCK_MMIO_PROTOCOL and BlockMmioToBlockIoDxe + + OvmfPkg/TlsAuthConfigLib: configure trusted CA certs for + HTTPS boot + + MdeModulePkg/Variable/RuntimeDxe: introduce + PcdMaxVolatileVariableSize + + NetworkPkg/TlsAuthConfigDxe: preserve TlsCaCertificate variable + attributes + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: drop misleading comment / status code in + cert config + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: use error handler epilogue in + TlsConfigCertificate() + + NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: fix typo in DHCPv4 packet parsing + + OvmfPkg/QemuVideoDxe: handle invalid BltOperation gracefully + + NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Configure the ARP Instance/RouteTable + with new address + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Handle the large data request via HTTPS + channel + + NetworkPkg/TlsDxe: Handle the multiple TLS record messages + encryption/decryption + + SecurityPkg Tpm12CommandLib: Fix TPM12 GetCapability response + error + + SecurityPkg Tpm2CommandLib: Fix TPM2.0 response memory overflow + + MdeModulePkg/DxeMain: Fix BSP interrupts reenabled in + ExitBootServices + + UefiCpuPkg/MpInitLib: Disable interrupt at ExitBootServices AP + Mwait + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: process "-kernel" before boot + devices + + OvmfPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: hoist PciAcpiInitialization() + + ArmVirtPkg/PlatformBootManagerLib: return to "-kernel before + boot devices" + + MdeModulePkg/Core: allow HeapGuard even before CpuArchProtocol + installed + + UefiCpuPkg CpuExceptionHandlerLib: use FixedPcdGetSize() as the + macro value + + remove TrEE + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: return CPU address for GetBarAttributes + + MdeModulePkg/PciBus: convert host address to device address + + MdeModulePkg/PciHostBridgeDxe: Add support for address translation + + OvmfPkg/PciHostBridgeLib: clear PCI aperture vars for (re)init + + ArmPkg/TimerDxe: Add ISB for timer compare value reload + + BaseTools code refactoring + +- Update to 2018+git1521096615.b3fa393f477a + + OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: add ConnectDevicesFromQemu() + + NetworkPkg/IScsiDxe: Fix the ISCSI connection failure in + certain case + + OvmfPkg/QemuFlashFvbServicesRuntimeDxe: Clear C-bit when SEV is + active (bsc#1099193) + + OvmfPkg: include Tcg2Dxe module + + OvmfPkg: simplify SecurityStubDxe.inf inclusion + + OvmfPkg/AmdSevDxe: decrypt the pages of the initial SMRAM save + state map + + OvmfPkg/SmmCpuFeaturesLib: SEV: encrypt+free pages of init. + save state map + + OvmfPkg/PlatformPei: SEV: allocate pages of initial SMRAM save + state map + + OvmfPkg/MemEncryptSevLib: find pages of initial SMRAM save + state map + + MdeModulePkg/UsbMass: Retry CMD for MediaChanged sense key + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Support HTTP Delete Method + + NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Fix the incorrect error message output + + MdeModulePkg: Add Boot Logo 2 Protocol + + MdeModulePkg/UsbMass: Fix hot-plug USB CDROM can't be recognized + + NetworkPkg: Read HttpTlsCipherList variable and configure it + for HTTPS session + + NetworkPkg: Define one private variable for HTTPS to set Tls + CipherList + + ArmVirtPkg: Add SafeIntLib and BmpSupportLib to DSC files + + OvmfPkg: Add SafeIntLib and BmpSupportLib to DSC files + + UefiCpuPkg/PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: fix infinite loop issue in SMM profile + + MdeModulePkg Ppi/IoMmu.h: Add EFI_NOT_AVAILABLE_YET return + status code + + MdeModulePkg/Core: fix feature conflict between NX and heap guard + + ReadKeyStrokeEx always return key state + + SecurityPkg: Tcg2Smm: Enable TPM2.0 interrupt support + + MdeModulePkg/Partition: Fix media probe + + NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Avoid to corrupt HttpBootDxe setup screen + + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Skip the DNS device path node check + + MdeModulePkg/Core: fix a logic hole in page free + + OvmfPkg/BaseMemEncryptSevLib: Enable protection for newly + added page table + + MdeModulePkg/Ip4Dxe: Add an independent timer for reconfig checking + + NetworkPkg: Fix a memory leak issue in UDP6 driver + + UefiCpuPkg/MtrrLib: Fix bug that may calculate wrong MTRR result + + MdeModulePkg/DxeNetLib: Fix an error in packet length counting + + NetworkPkg: Fix memory leak problem in PXE driver + + MdeModulePkg/DxeHttpLib: Add boundary condition check + + CryptoPkg/OpensslLib: Update OpenSSL version to 1.1.0g + + MdeModulePkg/Core: Fix heap guard issues + + NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Break the HttpBoot Callback function + when meet redirect status + + NetworkPkg/HttpBootDxe: Avoid the potential memory leak when + eror happen + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIplPeim: fix incorrect page table split during + protecting + + NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Allow the NULL configuration for + NewStationIP/NewSubnetMask + + NetworkPkg/UefiPxeBcDxe: Fix Pxe.Dhcp() return status code + + MdeModulePkg/Dhcp*: Check Media status before starting DHCP process + + MdeModulePkg/Ip4Dxe: fix ICMP echo reply memory leak + + NetworkPkg/DnsDxe: Update RetryCount/RetryInterval to comply + with UEFI spec + + MdeModulePkg/TcpIoLib: Cancel TCP token if connect/accept is + timeout + + MdeModulePkg/TcpIoLib: Check input Timeout before calling + CheckEvent() service + + MdeModulePkg/DxeIpl: Mark page table as read-only + + SecurityPkg:Tcg2Smm:Enabling TPM SIRQ interrupt support + + MdeModulePkg/ScsiDisk: Return EFI_NO_MEDIA when no media presents + + BaseTool/tools_def GCC5: enable optimization for ARM/AARCH64 + DEBUG builds + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuDxe: Initialize stack switch for MP + + UefiCpuPkg/CpuExceptionHandlerLib: Add stack switch support + + UefiCpuPkg PiSmmCpuDxeSmm: SMM profile and static paging mutual + exclusion + + MdeModulePkg/NetLib: Fix an error when AIP doesn't support + network media state detection + + MdeModulePkg/NetLib: Add NetLibDetectMediaWaitTimeout() API to + support EFI_NOT_READY media state detection + + MdeModulePkg/Core/Dxe: log informative memprotect msgs at + DEBUG_INFO level + + ArmVirtPkg/ArmVirtXen: move from Intel to generic BDS + + MdeModulePkg/SerialDxe: Do not fail reset when SetAttributes is + not supported + + MdeModulePkg/DxeCorePerformanceLib: add lock protection + + OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: let an OFW devpath match multiple + UEFI boot opts + + OvmfPkg/QemuBootOrderLib: skip already matched / appended UEFI + boot opts + + MdeModulePkg/Core: Merge memory map after filtering paging + capability + + ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: don't export PE/COFF and LZMA libraries via HOBs + + MdeModulePkg/BdsDxe: fall back to a Boot Manager Menu loop + before hanging + + SecurityPkg/SecureBootConfigDxe: Fix deleting signature data issue + + CryptoPkg/IntrinsicLib: Fix the warning on memset + + MdeModulePkg/DxeCore: Filter out all paging capabilities + (bsc#1092943) + + CryptoPkg/TlsLib: Change the return type of TlsInitialize() + + NetworkPkg/HttpDxe: Fix the incorrect SizeofHeaders in + HttpTcpReceiveHeader() + + ArmVirtPkg: introduce ArmVirtMemInfoLib library class + + ArmVirtPkg/PrePi: remove bogus primary core check + + BaseTools/tools_def AARCH64 ARM: suppres PIE sections via + linker script + + PcAtChipsetPkg: Define FixePCD's for RTC register values + + MdeModulePkg EhciPei: Minor refinement about IOMMU + + MdeModulePkg/UefiBootManagerLib: Remove assertion + + MdeModulePkg EhciPei: Also check Buf against NULL to return error + + MdeModulePkg/UsbMassStorageDxe: Check Get Max LUN status/value + + MdeModulePkg/UsbBusDxe: Add UsbControlTransfer() error check + + BaseTools: Fix a bug for single module build with GenC/GenMake option + + MdeModulePkg/PiSmmCore: Fix an assert issue in pool free + + BaseTools: Fix the bug to collect source files per build rule family + + MdeModulePkg/UdfDxe: Avoid possible loss track of allocated buffer + + MdeModulePkg/PartitionDxe: Merge the discovery of ElTorito into UDF +- Refresh ovmf-gdb-symbols.patch and ovmf-pie.patch +- Modify openssl tarball unpacking to fit the change in ovmf owasp-modsecurity-crs +- use system apache rpm macros + owncloud-client +- Update to version 2.9.2 + * Upstream bugfix release +- Add upstream patch to fix install directory of libcloudproviders + config file: fix-cloudproviders-install.patch + +- Update to version 2.9.1 + * Upstream bugfix release + +- Update to version 2.9.0 +- Removed patch fix-use-of-deleted-function.patch as it went upstream. + +- Add upstream patch to fix build: + * fix-use-of-deleted-function.patch + +- Remove the unneeded QtWebKit build dependency. + +- Update to upstream version 2.8.1 + Upstream bugfix release, see for details: + + +- Update to upstream version 2.7.6 + Upstream bugfix release, see for details: + +- Rename sysctl file to 69-sync-inotify.conf otherwise it is not + executed by sysctl. + oxygen-gtk2 +- Run spec-cleaner +- Trim the packages description + +- Add oxygen-gtk2-1.4.6-xul.patch to fix crashes in newmoon/palemoon + -- Added: - * 0001-properly-reset-_previous-and-_current-widget-if-matc.patch - from upstream, for trying to resolve kde#329112, kde#324438, - kde#328495 and kde#325196 - -- Update to version 1.4.1 - * Bugfix release, no changelog provided from upstream -- Adjust Source URL (ftp will soon no longer be used on KDE's mirrors) - oyranos +- Fix a compile error with Qt 5.14, name clash between X11 #define + None and QActionGroup::None. + + 0001-Fix-compile-errors-due-to-None-redefinition-by-X11-X.patch + +- Add reproducible.patch to not include build kernel version (boo#1101107) + -- use one source tar ball for all distributions -- bnc#896491 Make oyranos-monitor depend on xcalib is fixed in 0.9.5 - -- recommend icc-examin from oyranos-ui-fltk -- require oyranos-profile-graph and oyranos-monitor from oyranos -- spec clean up of old suse versions - p8-platform +- Use moder macros for building + pacemaker +- fencer: get current time correctly + * 0001-Fix-fencer-get-current-time-correctly.patch + +- Update to version 2.1.2+20211124.ada5c3b36 (Pacemaker-2.1.2): +- fencer: add missing space to topology message +- controller: handle remote connection start timeouts correctly + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20211116.8db4569e4 (Pacemaker-2.1.2-rc2): +- fencing: mark state as done if remapped "on" times out +- Fix OCF_RA_INSTALL_DIR Autoconf variable name in pkg-config files +- daemons: Free memory at the end of fail_pending_op. + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20211104.62c36e2b1 (Pacemaker-2.1.2-rc1): +- Use user_include_exclude_cb in crm_mon more. (clbz#5485) +- Only set default sections in crm_mon once. (clbz#5485) +- fencer: improve messages for dynamic target queries (rh#1470834) +- fencer: consolidate messages for asynchronous results (rh#1470834) +- fencer: log a message when out of memory for dynamic target search (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: distinguish local and global configuration errors (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: improve messages for pre-execution failures in child (rh#1470834) + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20211028.70f82d2c0: +- attrd: check election status upon loss of a voter to prevent unexpected pending (bsc#1191676) + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20211028.7ee8b5bdd: +- tools: select technical or human-friendly output of failed actions (rh#1470834) +- controller,executor: tweak action result messages (rh#1470834) +- install init scripts only if not using systemd +- executor: log execution status and exit reason with results (rh#1470834) +- executor: improve result message (rh#1470834) +- controller: log exit reason with action results (rh#1470834) +- controller: make executor result messages more consistent (rh#1470834) +- daemon metadata: Output OCF-1.1-style metadata for enum options +- libcrmservice: avoid memory leak when checking systemd unit existence +- fencer: avoid memory leak on async execution failure (rh#1470834) +- fencer: report correct code for CIB secret failure (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: improve exit codes for child execution failures (rh#1470834) +- cib,pacemakerd,libcrmcommon,libcrmservice: improve child completion logs (rh#1470834) +- executor: map nagios warnings to OCF "degraded" result code (rh#1470834) +- schemas: update crm_resource API schema for --force-* changes (rh#1470834) +- tools: show exit reason for crm_resource --force-* (rh#1470834) +- daemons: Be more careful about restarting subdaemons. (clbz#5225) +- daemons: Re-register UID/GID with corosync on restart. +- tools: handle crm_resource --force-* failures consistently (rh#1470834) +- tools: improve check for supported standards in crm_resource --force-* (rh#1470834) +- tools: map LSB status to OCF correctly with crm_resource --force-check (rh#1470834) +- tools: show detailed message with crm_resource --force-* failure (rh#1470834) +- daemons: Correct which subdaemons need the cluster. +- daemons: Keep track of which daemons need corosync. +- libcrmservice: improve handling of too many nagios parameters (rh#1470834) +- executor,libstonithd,libcrmservice: better error handling for generic actions (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: set exit reason for some memory errors when creating action (rh#1470834) +- executor,libcrmservice: set exit reason for invalid arguments (rh#1470834) +- executor: use exit reason from service library when available (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: set exit reason for internal errors (rh#1470834) +- tools: avoid double free with crm_resource --force-* +- tools: avoid error message when no stdout +- fencing: improve error handling when executing fence actions (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: check for memory errors when creating an action (rh#1470834) +- executor,libcrmservice: don't overwrite execution status from execute_action() (rh#1470834) +- executor,controller,libcrmservice: use PCMK_OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR for timeouts (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: don't assert for mainloop error (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure rc/status are set for meta-data failures (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure synchronous file action always sets rc and status (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: use NAGIOS_STATE_UNKNOWN for internal nagios errors (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: use standard-appropriate exit code for signal management failures (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: properly detect systemd unit existence (rh#1470834) +- Rebase: + * bug-728579_pacemaker-stonith-dev-id.patch + * bug-943295_pacemaker-lrmd-log-notice.patch + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20210924.be206af22: +- fenced: Change query timeout calculation. +- resources: update HealthIOWait agent for OCF 1.1 +- resources: add integer parameter validation to HealthIOWait +- resources: fix HealthIOWait validate action + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20210923.ce81ff72e: +- tools: Properly display supported output formats in crm_mon. +- libcrmservice: avoid possible use-of-NULL +- libcrmservice: update systemd agent meta-data for OCF 1.1 +- libcrmservice: set default execution status for systemd actions to error (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure status is set when masking systemd errors (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure rc/status are set when parsing systemd results (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure execution status is set after parsing status result (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure rc/status are set after invoking systemd unit paths (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure rc/status are set after systemd LoadUnit calls (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: ensure rc/status are set when loading systemd unit (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: set rc and status appropriately for systemd timeouts (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: handle corner cases when creating action (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: always set rc/status when executing files (rh#1470834) +- libcrmservice: always set rc/status when executing systemd actions (rh#1470834) +- libstonithd: check libcrmservice status rather than exit code for timeouts (rh#1470834) +- fencer: avoid assertions in delegate_from_xml() +- scheduler: quote execution status in failed action output (rh#1470834) +- liblrmd: don't mask errors from sending IPC (rh#1470834) +- executor: set exit reason for stonith resource action failures (rh#1470834) +- controller: set exit reason for executor communication timeout (rh#1470834) +- controller: use OCF timeout exit code for executor communication timeout (rh#1470834) +- controller: set exit reason when using synthesize_lrmd_failure() (rh#1470834) +- controller: set exit reason when using fake_op_status() (rh#1470834) +- controller,libpacemaker: set exit reason for internal errors (rh#1470834) + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20210910.89c5b06a3: +- controller: use "not connected" status for remote execution failure (rh#1470834) +- controller: send error reply if can't initiate action via executor (rh#1470834) +- controller: improve messages for failed resource agent actions (rh#1470834) +- tools: better error message if crm_resource can't create action (rh#1470834) +- controller: set exit reason when remote connection start fails (rh#1470834) +- tools: better error messages for crm_resource executor failures (rh#1470834) +- fenced: add support for mapping pcmk_delay_base pr node +- scheduler: use existing epoch-to-string function in failed action display (rh#1470834) +- scheduler: add exit reason to failed action string only if present (rh#1470834) +- scheduler: add timing details to failed action strings only when available (rh#1470834) +- scheduler: ensure failed action display handles NULL values (rh#1470834) +- fence_watchdog: fix malformed xml in metadata +- fenced: support escaped characters as values in pcmk_host_map +- fenced: Added nanosecond field to operation completion data. +- controller: use sensible message for poke of disconnected executor (rh#1470834) +- controller: improve messages for remote executor connection failure (rh#1470834) +- controller: improve message for failed local executor connection (rh#1470834) +- scheduler: reword "multiply active" message (rh#1470834) +- libcrmcluster: reword initial quorum message (rh#1470834) +- libcrmcluster: downgrade message for CPG messages sent (rh#1470834) +- scheduler: improve migration threshold message (rh#1470834) +- fencer: downgrade reboot remapping to notice +- controller: handle malformed CIB diffs better +- scheduler: avoid memory leak for invalid ordering constraints +- scheduler: improve bad id-ref handling +- scheduler: downgrade inverse ordering failure to warning +- fence_watchdog: fix version output needed for help2man +- rpm: package fence_watchdog in base-package +- watchdog-fencing: Silence warning without node restriction +- tools: If there are no nodes, don't add an extra blank line. +- watchdog-fencing: allow restriction to certain nodes + +- pacemaker.rpmlintrc: filter out shlib-policy-name-error (bsc#1191776) + +- Update to version 2.1.1+20210909.77db57872 (Pacemaker-2.1.1): +- liblrmd: avoid segfault on TLS connection errors +- tools: Fix a segfault when calling "crm_simulate -U". +- tools: make exit-code stdout/stderr consistent with --version + -- libcrmcommon: drop unformatted log message about log permissions +- libcrmcommon: drop unformatted log message about log permissions (bsc#1190821) packETH +- Update to version 2.1 + * packETHcli added burst mode (-m -6) + * packETHcli added receiver option (mode -m -9) to count received + packets + * packETHcli added option to incluce pattern (predifined or custom) + which can be checked by packETHcli in receiver mode if all packets + that were sent were also correctly received at the receiver site + * packETHcli - nanoseconds support +- Replaced packeth-ftbs-gcc10.patch with e72195b573.patch + +- packeth-ftbs-gcc10.patch: fix build with gcc >= 10 + paexec +- Initialize /var/tmp/mkcmake-home/.mkcmake during prep phase: + works against a race condition in bmake. + +- update to 1.1.4: + Fix use of uninitialized array. + As a rsult paexec generates incorrect shell command to run + on nodes. Seen with "clang-7.0.1" with -O2 and -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 + Add one line description to projects. + So, one can run "mkcmake help" + -- 0.18.0 - -- NMU: 0.16.1 built with: - + mk-configure 0.21.2 - + libmaa 1.3.1 - + runawk -- spec cleanup - pagein +- Update to 0.01.06 + * Fixed uninitialized variables + +- update to 0.01.05: + * rerelease without changes + +- Align SLEap builds with TW Builds. + +- Supplement against bash-completion, not bash + +- Update to version 0.01.04 + * Add bash command completion script + * Remove kthreads stat, add in total mappings stat + * Add unreadable skipped pages stats + * Expand pid field to 6 digits + * Manual: change example to Xorg as a process to page in + * Remove defunct command options -d, -t, -w + pagetools +- Modernise spec file + pagure +- Drop unused dependency on nose + palaura +- Update to version 1.5.1 + * New API based on Google Dictionary, should be more stable + +- Update to 1.2.2: + * Merge pull request #47 from binotaliu/bugfix/text-category + * fix text category parse + * Merge pull request #46 from ryonakano/use-gtk-application + * Use Gtk.Application instead of deprecated Granite.Application + +- Update to 1.2.1: + * fix showing list of results + * Merge branch 'master' of + palaura.changes palaura.spec + * RISE FROM YOUR GRAVE! + * Merge pull request #40 from meisenzahl/master + * Update + * Update + * Update + +- Update to 1.0.8: + * Create FUNDING.yml + * Add + * Add other languages + Update build + * Fix build + * Merge pull request #32 from Vistaus/master + * Add nl_NL + +- Update to 1.0.5: + * Merge pull request #28 from NathanBnm/master + +- Update to 1.0.4: + * moderate "social info" OARS due to sending data + * Update + * Update com.github.lainsce.palaura.appdata.xml + +- Update to 1.0.3: + * Clean the deb-packaging branch + +- Use noun phrasing. + +- Update to 1.0.2: + * Juno initial release. +- Build with granite >= 0.5 +- Switch to metainfo from appdata +- Remove obsolete macros + pam +- Corrected a bad directive file which resulted in + the "securetty" file to be installed as "macros.pam". + [pam.spec] + +- Added tmpfiles for pam to set up directory for pam_faillock. + [pam.conf] + +- Corrected macros.pam entry for %_pam_moduledir + Cleanup in pam.spec: + * Replaced all references to ${_lib}/security in pam.spec by + %{_pam_moduledir} + * Removed definition of (unused) "amdir". + +- Added new file macros.pam on request of systemd. + [bsc#1190052, macros.pam] + +- Added pam_faillock to the set of modules. + [jsc#sle-20638, pam-sle20638-add-pam_faillock.patch] + +- In the 32-bit compatibility package for 64-bit architectures, + require "systemd-32bit" to be also installed as it contains + for 32 bit applications. + [bsc#1185562, baselibs.conf] + +- If "LOCAL" is configured in access.conf, and a login attempt from + a remote host is made, pam_access tries to resolve "LOCAL" as + a hostname and logs a failure. + Checking explicitly for "LOCAL" and rejecting access in this case + resolves this issue. + [bsc#1184358, bsc1184358-prevent-LOCAL-from-being-resolved.patch] + +- pam_limits: "unlimited" is not a legitimate value for "nofile" + (see setrlimit(2)). So, when "nofile" is set to one of the + "unlimited" values, it is set to the contents of + "/proc/sys/fs/nr_open" instead. + Also changed the manpage of pam_limits to express this. + [bsc#1181443, pam-bsc1181443-make-nofile-unlimited-mean-nr_open.patch] + +- Add a definition for pamdir to pam.spec + So that a proper contents of macros.pam can be constructed. + [pam.spec] + +- Create macros.pam with definition of %_pamdir so packages which + are commonly shared between Factory and SLE can use this macro + [pam.spec] + +- pam_cracklib: added code to check whether the password contains + a substring of of the user's name of at least <N> characters length + in some form. + This is enabled by the new parameter "usersubstr=<N>" + See + [jsc#SLE-16719, jsc#SLE-16720, pam-pam_cracklib-add-usersubstr.patch] + +- pam_xauth.c: do not free() a string which has been (successfully) + passed to putenv(). + [bsc#1177858, pam-bsc1177858-dont-free-environment-string.patch] + +- Initialize pam_unix pam_sm_acct_mgmt() local variable "daysleft" + to avoid spurious (and misleading) + Warning: your password will expire in ... days. + fixed upstream with commit db6b293046a + [bsc#1178727, pam-bsc1178727-initialize-daysleft.patch] + +- /usr/bin/xauth chokes on the old user's $HOME being on an NFS + file system. Run /usr/bin/xauth using the old user's uid/gid + Patch courtesy of Dr. Werner Fink. + [bsc#1174593, pam-xauth_ownership.patch] + +- Moved pam_userdb to a separate package pam-extra. + [bsc#1166510, pam.spec] + +- disable libdb usage and pam_userdb again, as this causes some license + conflicts. (bsc#1166510) + +- Add libdb as build-time dependency to enable pam_userdb module. + Enable + [jsc#sle-7258, bsc#1164562, pam.spec] + +- When comparing an incoming IP address with an entry in + access.conf that only specified a single host (ie no netmask), + the incoming IP address was used rather than the IP address from + access.conf, effectively comparing the incoming address with + itself. (Also fixed a small typo while I was at it) + [bsc#1115640, use-correct-IP-address.patch, CVE-2018-17953] + +- Remove limits for nproc from /etc/security/limits.conf + ie remove pam-limit-nproc.patch + [bsc#1110700, pam-limit-nproc.patch] + +- pam_umask.8 needed to be patched as well. + [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch] + +- Changed order of configuration files to reflect actual code. + [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch] + +- Use %license (boo#1082318) + +- Prerequire group(shadow), user(root) + +- Allow symbolic hostnames in access.conf file. + [pam-hostnames-in-access_conf.patch, boo#1019866] + +- Increased nproc limits for non-privileged users to 4069/16384. + Removed limits for "root". + [pam-limit-nproc.patch, bsc#1012494, bsc#1013706] + +- pam-limit-nproc.patch: increased process limit to help + Chrome/Chromuim users with really lots of tabs. New limit gets + closer to UserTasksMax parameter in logind.conf + +- Add doc directory to filelist. + +- Remove obsolete README.pam_tally [bsc#977973] + +- Update Linux-PAM to version 1.3.0 +- Rediff encryption_method_nis.diff +- Link pam_unix against libtirpc and external libnsl to enable + IPv6 support. + +- Add /sbin/unix2_chkpwd (moved from pam-modules) + +- Remove (since accepted upstream): + - 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch + - 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch + - 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch + - 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch + - 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch + +- Add 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch + - Replace IPv4 only functions + +- Fix typo in common-account.pamd [bnc#959439] + +- Add 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch + - readd PAM_EXTERN for external PAM modules + +- Add 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch +- Add 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch +- Add 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch + +- Add folder /etc/security/limits.d as mentioned in 'man pam_limits' + +- Update to version 1.2.1 + - security update for CVE-2015-3238 + +- Update to version 1.2.0 + - obsoletes Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff + +- Re-add lost patch encryption_method_nis.diff [bnc#906660] + +- Update to current git: + - Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff replaces Linux-PAM-git-20140127.diff + - obsoletes pam_loginuid-log_write_errors.diff + - obsoletes pam_xauth-sigpipe.diff + - obsoletes bug-870433_pam_timestamp-fix-directory-traversal.patch + +- increase process limit to 1200 to help chromium users with many tabs + pam_ccreds +- Use the %_pam_moduledir macro in pam_ccreds.spec in order to + have the package follow UsrMerge. + [bsc#1190947, pam_ccreds.spec] + -- version 8 -- remove ccreds_file parameter -- makes it possible to select gnuTLS (gcrypt) instead of - OpenSSL during compile time (--enable-gcrypt) -- fix dbopen() usage for Berkeley DB 3 -- add usage option to cc_dump -- BUG#227: verify password via ccreds_chkpwd for - non-root users - pam_csync +- Update to version 0.43.0 +- Removed 0001-Remove-backward-compatibility-option-for-newer-cmake.patch + -- Initial package (version 0.42.0 alpha1) - pam_dbus +- Extend patch pam_dbus- to silent the module usage + +- The python2 pacakge dbus-1-python is gone: use python3-dbus-python + +- Add patch py3port.patch + * First try to port pam_dbus to python3 + pam_mktemp +- Split the install section into an install and a check section. + Otherwise i[345]86 will not build. + +- Use the %_pam_moduledir macro in pam_mktemp.spec in order to + have the package follow UsrMerge. + [bsc#1190953, pam_mktemp.spec] + -- fix build with newer kernel headers - -- version 1.0.2 branched from pam-modules - pam_passwdqc +- Use the %_pam_moduledir macro in pam_passwdqc.spec in order to + have the package follow UsrMerge. + [bsc#1190956, pam_passwdqc.spec] + +- Verify source signature +- Update to version 1.4.0 + Changes since 1.3.2 to 1.4.0: + * Implemented i18n support in pam_passwdqc (off by default) + * Implemented audit support in pam_passwdqc (off by default) + Changes since 1.3.1 to 1.3.2: + * Compatibility for building with newer versions of glibc, where + we now have to define _DEFAULT_SOURCE for our use of crypt(3). + * Clarified in the man pages that /etc/passwdqc.conf is not read + unless this suggested file location is specified with the + config= option. + +- Update to passwdqc 1.3.1 + * The rarely used "non-unix" option to pam_passwdqc was broken + (uninitialized pointer): when that option was enabled, + pam_passwdqc would either segfault or potentially wrongly + conclude that a password is based on the user's information + (false positive detection of weak password). + -- update to version 1.0.5 - - Replaced the separator characters with some of those defined by RFC 3986 - as being safe within "userinfo" part of URLs without encoding. - - Reduced the default value for the N2 parameter to min=... (the minimum - length for passphrases) from 12 to 11. - - Corrected the potentially misleading description of N2 (Debian bug #310595). - - Applied minor grammar and style corrections to the documentation, a - pam_passwdqc message, and source code comments. - - Changed Makefile to pass list of libraries to linker after regular - object files, to fix build with -Wl,--as-needed. - - Fixed potential memory leak in conversation wrapper. - - Restricted list of global symbols exported by the PAM module - to standard set of six pam_sm_* functions. - -- version 1.0.2 branched from pam-modules - pam_script +- Use spec file macros for pam (boo#1190959) + pam_userpass +- Split the install section into an install and a check section. + Otherwise i[345]86 will not build. + +- Use the %_pam_moduledir macro in pam_userpass.spec in order to + have the package follow UsrMerge. + [bsc#1190962, pam_userpass.spec] + +- Cleanup spec file +- Use url for sources + pam_wrapper +- Update to version 1.1.4 + * + +- Fix the build (remove py2 lib if built without py2 support) + +- Update to version 1.1.3 + * + +- Update to version 1.1.2 + * + +- Update to version 1.1.1 + * + +- Update to version 1.1.0 + * Added support for pam_start_confdir() + * Added pam_chatty module + * Added gitlab CI support + * Fixed crash when a PAM module outputs too much data +- Removed pam_wrapper-1.0.8-fix_with_latest_pam.patch +- Removed fix-pam-module-output-crash.patch + +- Add patch to fix crash when testing fprintd: + * fix-pam-module-output-crash.patch +- Fix build without python2 that is atm being removed from Tumbleweed +- Use cmake macros for build + +- Fix pam_wrapper with Linux-PAM master +- Added pam_wrapper-1.0.8-fix_with_latest_pam.patch + +- Build documentation in the build stage +- Use ctest macro + +- Update to version 1.0.7 + * Added support for running with AddressSanitizer + * Added logging for pam_set_items module + * Fixed building python modules + * Fixed pam conversation in libpamtest + pamixer +- Update to 1.5: + * Add "set-limit" option, set a limit for the volume + * Fixed typos + * Fix memory leak on Pulseaudio object destruction + * Add man page +- Add fix-makefile-installation.patch + +- update to 1.4: + * Allow --get-volume with --get-mute + * Check return values when creating and connecting `pa_context` + * add "--get-volume-human" option that gives 75% or muted + pangox-compat +- Refreshed spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations. + * Refreshed patch pangofontclass-rm-findshaper.patch. + * Refreshed URL and Source0. + panini +- Disable on Arm, since build fails + +- Update to 0.73.0: + * Add AppData file (@sanjayankur31 gh#pr#8) + * Enable mipmapping and anisotropic filtering. + Greatly enhances rendering quality, especially + for high resolution images. (@danpla gh#pr#9) + paperkey +- Update to version 1.6: + * Selftest updates to allow running tests in parallel via make -j + papirus-folders +- Update to version 1.9.0. + * Added carmine folder color + papirus-icon-theme -- Update to version 20200201 +- Update to version 20211101 + * Added icons + * ayatana-indicator-notification #2848 + * bsnes #2825 + * Colorway #2849 + * dialog-objects + * Eqonomize #2835 + * GameJolt Client #2847 + * Feather Wallet #2851 + * MAD Linux #2830 + * Mailspring (Flathub) #2007 + * mesen #2850 + * #2833 + * OpenJDK 17 #2836 + * papirus-folders GUI + * Rare #2844 + * Revolt (Flathub) #2007 + * Servez #2832 + * Share Preview #2838 + * Sparrow Wallet #2827 + * Strawberry Music Player (Flathub) #2007 + * Subtitle Composer (Flathub) #2007 + * The Gnumeric Spreadsheet (Flathub) #2007 + * WhatPulse #2845 + * xemu (Flathub) #2007 + * Xonsh #2837 + * Updated icons + * Among Us + * GNOME Twitch + * Moe Era + * MyNotes + * Notes (categories icon) + * Notification Bell (preferences icon) #2841 + * PIA Manager + * Simplenote + * SkullGirls + * Stem Link + * Sticky Notes + * TeamViewer + * Unity & Unity Hub #2843 + * YouTube + * Youtube DL + * Youtube Music + * Changes and fixes + * Fixed color changing for folder_home2, folder_man, and + folder_wordprocessing places icons + * Minor fixes to Anki icon + +- Update to version 20211001 + * Added icons + * ares #2826 + * Artikulate (Flathub) #2007 + * Badlion Client #2804 + * Bitwig Template (mimetypes icon) + * BOINC Manager (Flathub) #2007 + * Borderlands #2811 + * Brave (AUR) + * Brave (Flatpak) #2824 + * Caprine (Flathub) #2007 + * Chatty #2747 + * Commit #2818 + * Cowsay #2007 + * CudaText (Flathub) #2007 + * D-Spy #2007 + * Denemo (Flathub) #2007 + * Electronics (categories icon) #2814 + * Emblem #2007 + * Game Maker Studio 2 #2812 + * GNOME Calls #2747 + * GNOME Text Editor #2815 + * GNU GTick #2806 + * Google Chat (PWA) + * Google Translate #2798 + * gpx-viewer (Flathub) #2007 + * Guilded (Flathub) #2007 + * Haguichi (rDNS panel symlinks) #2823 + * Hyperbola (distributor logo) + * IceDove UXP + * IceWeasel UXP + * JamesDSP (apps and tray icons) #2810 + * JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler (Flathub) #2007 + * KeePassXC (Flatpak tray icons) + * King’s Cross #2747 + * Linquist TS (mimetypes icons) + * Lorem #2007 + * MEGA (megaalert tray icon) + * Megapixels #2747 + * Metronome (Flathub) #2007 + * Multi Lingual TERMinal emulator + * NetEase Cloud Music GTK #2007 + * Portfolio #2747 + * Powersupply #2747 + * PWAs for Brave #2819 + * Revolt Chat + * RubyMine (Flathub) #2007 + * Sharik + * sidebar-collapse, sidebar-expand (actions icons) + * Syncthing (folder icon) #2778 + * Tenacity #2813 + * Textadept #2808 + * ThinkOrSwim (Flathub) #2007 + * Thonny (Flathub) #2007 + * Typography #2007 + * Vector Slicer #2007 + * Ventoy #2809 + * view-pages-* (actions icons) + * Wired network status icons for Plasma + * Xilinx Vivado (part of Xilinx Vivado Design Suite) (Flathub) #2007 + * Youtube Music Desktop (Flatpak) + * ZeroTier GUI + * Updated icons + * Bitwig (apps and mimetypes icons) + * Desktop Locale (Settings) + * Desktop Notification Bell (Settings) + * GNOME Connections #2796 + * Google Chat + * KTorrent + * Security High/Low/Medium + * System Monitor + * TigerVNC + * Changes and fixes + * Added a few missing GNOME symbolic icons + * Added darkcyan folder color that suitable + to Pop!_OS GTK theme #2820 + * Added missing KDE ColorScheme class on + indicator-notification-close-deselect icon + +- Update to version 20210901. + * Added icons + * Animage + * Audacium (AppImage) + * Avocado (PSX emulator) + * Badger + * Badgie + * Bauh (tray icons) + * Burp Suite #2768 + * CatFacts + * DarkBar + * Deepin applications + * edit-move (actions icon) + * Enigma + * GitsCover + * Grapejuice #2770 + * GreenWithEnvy (tray icons) + * Health + * Highscore #2762 + * Hourglass + * Insomnia + * Iridium + * Jadx-Gui #2776 + * Khronos + * Kiwix (Flathub) #2007 + * KLayout (Flathub) #2007 + * KWin (actions icons) #2789 + * LibreOffice 7.2 + * Louper + * Mandelbulber2 (Flathub) #2007 + * Mattermost (tray icons) + * MediaGet + * Mixer + * Moneta + * mpvz + * Nasc + * NES, SNES, and Wii (mimetype icons) #2505 + * ObConf-Qt + * Olivia + * Ordne + * OutLiner + * ParaView (Flathub) #2007 + * Pebbles + * Peeq + * Play! (PS2 emulator) + * Popsicle + * QRC (mimetype icons) + * QtWAW (app & tray) #2769 + * Rambox Pro (app & tray icons) #2765 + * Rannum + * Remember The Milk (tray icons) + * remmina-status (tray icons) + * Scilab (Flathub) #2007 + * ShouldIDoIt + * SMPlayer (Flatpak, AppImage) + * Sonic Mania (Steam and Lutris) + * Synology Cloud Station Backup #2007 + * Time-Limit + * Touché #2785 + * Tuner + * TypeWriter + * Wasabi Wallet (Flathub) #2007 + * Weather icons (48px status) #2764 + * window-keep-{above,below}, and window-{shade,unshade} + (actions icons) #2767 + * Windy weather icons #2764 + * Yaradio Yamusic (app and tray icons) + * Zint Barcode Studio (Flathub) #2007 + * Updated icons + * Audacium + * Dialect #2421 + * Insync (app and tray icons) + * Mailspring + * Preferences Desktop Display + * RPCS3 + * show-menu (actions icon) + * Ubiquity + * Changes and fixes + * Increased opacity for monochrome icons from + 0.30 to 0.35 #2782 + * Removed Blueman icons from status #2784 + * Removed KDE color scheme from ePapirus symbolic icons #2781 + * Others + * Added test for searching unoptimized icons + * Fixed installation issue when target directory contained + spaces #2795 + +- Update to version 20210802 + - Highlights + - Modernized applications and devices icons with display + - Updated icons for the categories: + * Development + * Development Translation + * Education + * Games + * Graphics + * Internet #2621 + * Utilities + - Added icons + - 0CC-FamiTracker + - A7800 + - Albert launcher tray icon (#2738) + - Audacium #2761 + - BambooTracker + - BEAST + - cpupower-gui + - CraftStudio + - Doki Doki Literature Club Plus! + - Dopamine (AppImage) + - drive-removable-media-usb-panel #2744 + - Eiciel + - EmulationStation + - FamiStudio + - FamiTracker + - ffdec #2741 + - Fontmatrix + - Github-desktop (Flathub) #2007 + - GMAMEUI + - Google Tasks Desktop + - GOverlay + - gsplus + - Heroic + - Higan + - icarus + - Insomnia (Flathub) #2007 + - JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler #2741 + - Keysmith (Flathub) #2007 + - KWeather (Flathub) #2007 + - Liquid War + - Logseq #2751 + - m64p + - MATE Eiciel + - Mednafen + - MESS + - Monero GUI (Flathub) #2007 + - moserial (Flathub) #2007 + - MotionBox Video Browser + - new-window-symbolic #2754 + - Olympus #2753 #2748 + - OpenJDK 16 #2737 + - Opensnitch (tray icons) + - QtScrcpy #2732 + - QuickHash + - Redis Desktop Manager (Flathub) #2007 + - Rivals of Aether + - RustDesk #2743 + - Sayonara (Flathub) #2007 + - Session Desktop #2731 + - Spek + - Trilium Notes #2746 + - udiskie (actions icons) #2744 + - Wasabi #2757 + - Waveform11 (Flathub) #2007 + - YOGA Image Optimizer + - Zenbooru + - ZSNES #2662 + - Updated icons + - Clight + - Google Calendar #2756 + - Ishiiruka + - Mednaffe + - Changes and fixes + - Changed symlinks target for system monitor apps + - Removed preferences-system from actions + +- Update to version 20210701 + - Added icons + * AppCenter #2735 + * Art of Illusion (app and mimetype icons) + * Bulky + * Bullet list symbolic icon #2709 + * Cine Encoder + * ClickUp #2725 + * cuteNTR + * Decoder #2708 + * Deskreen + * Dhewm 3 (Flathub) #2007 + * GDLauncher (Flathub) #2007 + * gngeo #2705 + * GNOME Tour #2707 + * GNOME Video Arcade + * GNvim + * Gromit-MPX + * Haruna Video Player (Flathub) #2007 + * Kooha #2730 + * LinuxDC++ (Flathub) #2007 + * m64p (Flathub) #2007 + * NCSA Mosaic (AppImage) + * Neko Project II kai + * PDF Chain (Flathub) #2007 + * Plank Show Desktop #2706 + * Plots + * Pop!_OS COSMIC dock icons #2734 + * ProtonVPN GUI #2720 + * PyCrust + * QMC2 Arcade #692 + * Radicle Upstream + * RSS Guard + * Slimbook AMD Controller (app and tray icons) + * Surviving Mars (Steam & Lutris) #2711 + * TDE package_games_arcade + * TETR.IO Desktop + * Uno Calculator + * Webamp Desktop + * Webex #2717 + * Wine Launcher + * XDCed + * Ymuse (app & actions icons) + * Yuzu (Flathub) #2007 + * Zint + * zmNinja + - Updated icons + * applets-screenshooter symbolic icon + * channel-secure and channel-insecure symbolic icons + * Dolphin Emulator + * Godot #2723 + * Jami + * Pixelorama #2684 + * Planner + * Symbolic icons for radio and checkbox buttons + * Toggl Track + - Changes and fixes + * Removed unused view-filter-rtl icon. Updated view-filter + and view-list-tree icons + * Updated document-replace, swap-panels, view-choose, and + view-visible actions icons + +- Update to version 20210601 + - Added icons + * add-subtitle (actions) + * Allusion + * application-default-symbolic #2672 + * ASCIIpOrtal #2541 + * Athena File Manager + * AutoRemesher + * AwesomeBump + * Bootstrap Studio #2686 + * Calibre icons (Flatpak) #2693 + * Clapper #2699 + * Daily Wallpaper + * DeSmuME + * Dopamine + * DSDA-Doom #2685 + * DuckStation (Flathub) #2007 + * EasyEffects #2680 + * Electron Cash #2671 + * Foot + * gtkcord + * Hatari (Flathub) #2007 + * Identity + * KLatexFormula #2664 + * KLayout #2683 + * Knowte + * LibreWolf Community + * Mail filetype icons #2688 + * application/mbox + * application/vnd.stardivision.mail + * message/rfc822 + * text/vcard + * Mate Desktop #2700 + * media-playlist-repeat-song/single (actions) #2675 + * Mednaffe (Flathub) #2007 + * Melvor Idle #2694 + * Monero GUI #2678 + * Motrix (Flathub) #2007 + * mpv (Flathub) #2007 + * Outwiker + * PC Engine (mimetypes) #2505 + * Pocket Casts (app & tray) #2670 + * Portal Reloaded #2667 + * Programming filetype icons #2691 + * application/vnd.chess-pgn + * application/x-asp + * text/vnd.wap.wmlscript + * text/x-cobol + * text/x-eiffel + * text/x-erlang + * text/x-fortran + * text/x-gradle + * text/x-gradle + * text/x-lilypond + * text/x-ms-regedit + * text/x-ocaml + * text/x-opml+xml + * text/x-scheme + * text/x-vbscript + * PyMOL (Flathub) #2007 + * QElectroTech (Flathub) #2007 + * Qt Creator (Flathub) #2007 + * REDRIVER2 + * Remote Raspberry + * Rolled Out #2674 + * SciDAVis (Flathub) #2007 + * Spot + * Sunvox #2689 + * Super Mario 64 + * tomboy-ng + * TOML (mimetypes) #2676 + * torrenttools + * Tribler (Flathub) #2007 + * Veusz (Flathub) #2007 + * Virtual Boy (mimetypes) #2505 + * Vitomu + * Worms Armageddon + * YouTube Music (app & tray) + * Yuna + - Updated icons + * 1Password (tray icons) + * Azure Data Studio #2701 + * Discord (app and tray icons) #2679 + * Fedora #2684 + * Fedora Media Writer #2684 + * Google Meet #2703 + * Kitty #2673 + * Linux Mint #2684 + * Mint Dev Settings #2684 + * PulseEffects + * Zulip #2684 + - Changes and fixes + * Added and remapped a lot of mimetypes symlinks #2697 + * Added Carmine folder color #2692 + * Renamed Nicotine+ tray icons #2687 + +- Update to version 20210401 + - Added icons + * Apollo Studio #2612 + * Armello (Lutris & Steam) + * AT Launcher #2562 + * Blush Blush (Steam & Lutris) + * Clight + * Colortone (Steam & Lutris) + * Crush Crush (Steam & Lutris) + * CubicSDR #2559 + * Dead Or Alive 6 + * Endless Zone (Steam & Lutris) + * ET: Legacy (Flathub) #2007 + * Evernote Client + * Fluent Reader #2571 + * Fluffychat #2576 + * FortiClient & FortiClient SSLVPN #2603 + * Freezer #2591 + * FTB App #2586 + * Gaphor #2553 + * Gear Up (Steam & Lutris) + * glabels-qt #2593 + * GNOME Software #2617 + * GOA Microsoft Exchange #2563 + * GoldenDict (Flathub) #2007 + * Grand Theft Auto V (Steam & Lutris) + * GTA III (Steam & Lutris) + * GTA: Vice City (Steam & Lutris) + * Guilded #2597 + * Hacknet (Steam & Lutris) + * Hashbrown #2572 + * Helltaker (Steam & Lutris) + * Hyperspace #2599 + * Jubler + * Jupyter Lab #2584 + * KmCaster (Flathub) #2007 + * Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (Lutris & Steam) + * LibreOffice 7.1.x + * Lite #2600 + * LiVES + * MeshLab + * MeshLab (Flathub) #2007 + * message-indicator-symbolic #2624 + * Metadata Cleaner #2561 + * Muse Dash (Lutris & Steam) + * Narcissu (Steam & Lutris) + * NBTExplorer (Flathub) #2007 + * NEKOPARA vol. 0-4 (Steam & Lutris) + * NightSky (Steam & Lutris) + * nnn #2554 + * Omnishell #2580 + * Onivim2 #2607 + * OpenRGB + * PHD2 #2579 + * Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Steam & Lutris) + * Pitivi/GES video project (mimetype icons) #2594 + * Plexamp (Flathub) #2007 + * Portfolio Performance #2566 + * qBittorrent (dark and light tray icons) #2609 + * Sakura Spirit (Steam & Lutris) + * SciDAVis #2581 + * Sengi #2556 + * Setzer #2589 + * Sidekick Web Browser #2602 + * SoundCloud PWA #2604 + * Steam Link (Flathub) #2007 + * Stellaris (Lutris & Steam) + * SysMonTask #2598 + * Tabletop Simulator (Lutris & Steam) + * Technic Launcher #2590 + * Tekken 7 #2582 + * The Witcher 3 (Steam & Lutris) + * Valheim (Steam & Lutris) + * Videomass + * Viper Browser + * Wike + * Xfce4 panel plugins: + * GenMon + * NetLoad + * SystemLoad + * Youtube-dl-gui (AppImage) + * Yuzu EA + * Zoho Mail - Desktop #2569 + - Updated icons + * Applications folder #2549 + * Clock #2613 + * Dolphin File Manager (FlatHub) + * Epiphany #2573 + * GNOME Disk Utility #2443 + * KAlarm + * KPhotoAlbum + * Pitivi #2594 + * Q4Wine #2618 + * Steam #2588 #2595 + * SteamOS + * VSCodium #2596 + * web-, photo-, and video- cameras + * Windows distributor logo and Windows executable files + * Wine #2618 + * wine-folder #2618 + * Winetricks #2618 + * Youtube + * Youtube Music Desktop + * Youtube-dl + * Zim Desktop Wiki #2616 + - Changes and fixes + * Removed fedora-logo-icon to avoid confusion in RHEL 8 #2619 + - Others + * Added alternate icons Nautilus and Thunar (see comment) #2567 + +- Update to version 20210302 + - Highlights + * Added a lot of icons for KMyMoney #1629 + * Returned classic icon for Nautilus, Thunar, Nemo, and Dolphin + file managers #2555 #2567 + * Returned old Telegram tray icons #2477 + * Updated shape of folders #2570 + - Added icons + * Alarm Clock Applet (app and tray icons) + * AntiMicroX (tray icon) + * Authenticator (Flathub) #2007 + * Break Timer (Flathub) #2007 + * Butter + * Chiaki (Flathub) #2007 + * Citra (Flathub) #2007 + * Curtail #2551 + * DeltaChat (app and tray icons) #2575 + * Deluge (Flathub) #2007 + * Droidcam #2536 + * Fcitx 5 (Flathub) #2007 + * FlameRobin #2544 + * Frescobaldi (Flathub) #2007 + * Geeqie (Flathub) #2007 + * GeForce Now Electron (Flathub) #2007 + * Ghidra (Flathub) #2007 + * GitQlient + * Granatier (Flathub) #2007 + * GTA 3 & GTA Vice City + * Guitarix (Flathub) #2007 + * homerun (actions icon) + * Jamulus (Flathub) #2007 + * Kame Editor #2542 + * KBlackbox (Flathub) #2007 + * Logisim Evolution (Flathub) #2007 + * Lutris (tray icon) + * MegaBasterd (Flathub) #2007 + * Moonlight (AppImage) + * Obsidian #2007 #2534 + * OCaml #2538 + * OnionShare (Flathub) #2007 + * OpenJDK 15 #2564 + * PDF Arranger (Flathub) #2007 + * Plasma System Settings #2550 + * PopcornTime-Ru + * Popout3D (Flathub) #2007 + * Posterazor #2547 + * ProtonVPN Linux GUI (app and tray icons) #2537 + * regexxer #2543 + * SC Controller (tray icons and AppImage symlink) + * Standard Notes (Flathub) #2007 + * Stremio (Flathub) #2007 + * Thorium Reader #2539 + * TikTok (Web App) + * Toggl Track (Flathub) #2007 + * TorrServer + * UnCiv (Flathub) #2007 + * Webfont Kit Generator #2552 + * Whatsapp for Linux #2574 + * Wiz Note (Flathub) #2007 + * Xfe #2525 + * Xfimage #2526 + * Xfpack #2527 + * Xfwrite #2528 + * Zenmap (Flathub) #2007 + - Updated icons + * office-chart-* actions icons + * QJoyPad (tray icon) + * Terminal emulators (Terminal, Terminal SU, Xfce Terminal) #2545 + * System Software Install + - Changes and fixes + * Added 64px trash-bin icons to fix scaling + * Added symlinks for many varied mimetypes #2568 + * Fixed rendering of Joplin icon + * Fixed monochrome trash-bin icons alongside color icons in the + sidebar of file managers + * Removed system-software-install from 22x22/actions and + 24x24/actions + * Returned accent color on indicator-messages-new icon #2540 + - Others + * Added SVGO 2.0.0+ config. SVGO v1 support was dropped! + +- Update to version 20210201 paps +- Add patch paps-header_features.patch which combines three + patches to be able to change header font, date, and rule + thickness + +- Update to paps 0.7.1 + * Added initial meson compilation support. + * Minor accumulated bug fixes since 0.7.0 +- Drop patch paps-prog_cc_c_o.patch as now solved upstream + par +- Trim name repetition from summary. + +- Corect download url +- Clarify changelog + +- Update previou changelog entry +- Fix download url + +- Revert pacakge to build 'par' using the parchive sources. + On 2016-11-23 this package was updated to be built from the + 'par2cmdline' sources instead of the 'parchive' sources. These + are different projects (although worked on by some of the same + people, which probably led to some confusion). + This change converts this project from building par2cmdline + v0.8.0 to building the correct project of parchive v1.2. + In conjunction with this package fix, a new package called + 'par2cmdline' will be made available to return par2cmdline + v0.8.0 to the repos. +- Re-add par.diff + -- initial package of version 1.1 - par2cmdline +- Provide par2 as it makes dependencies of other package more clear + paraviewdata +- Update to version 5.8.0. +- Switch installation dir to %{_datadir}/paraviewdata-%{version}, + to allow multiple versions to be installed in parallel. +- Add Copyright.txt file from upstream git as a Source and install + it. + +- Drop the empty docdir directory. + +- Update to version 5.7.0. +- Switch Source to .xz tarball. +- Run spec-cleaner for minor specfile cleanups. + +- Trim marketing wording from description. + pari +- Update to release 2.13.3. Fixed + [last column crossreferences current development release 2.14.0] + * zeta(-2 + O(x)) => division by 0 [F25] + * (-1)^(-1/2) -> I instead of -I [F56] + * GC error in ZX_Uspensky(, flag = 0) [F58] + * ellisomat(ell/nf not integral) -> oo-loop or wrong result [F59] + * (f(~v)=v[1]=1);(g(v) = f(~v)); my(V=[0]);g(V);V -> [1] + instead of [0] due to missing copy on write [#2304] [F60] + * hypergeom([1/12,1/12],2/3,3) -> wrong result [F61] + * overflow in mulu_interval(,ULONG_MAX) [#2309] [F62] + * ellE(1) -> domain error [#2312] [F63] + * log1p(-1 + 10^-10) -> oo time [F64] + * bernvec entries were wrong from B_{2*4064} on [#2311] [F65] + * plotrecthraw for multi-curves [F66] + * RgXn_powu(,,1) wrong result [#2314] [F67] + * erfc incorrect on negative imaginary axis [#2315] [F68] + * mfgalpoistype bug for dihedral types (when conductor at oo + is not stable under Galois) [#2293] [F69] + * [32bit] forfactored(n=223092868, 223092871, ) -> + SEGV [#2318] [F70] + * Fp_issquare(0, p) would return 0 [F71] + +- Split '%make_build all docpdf' into separate executions due to + non-reproducible results during parallel build with varying + numbers of jobs. Thanks to Bernhard M. Wiedemann for reporting + the bug. + +- Update to release 2.13.2. Fixed + [last column crossreferences current development release 2.14.0] + * rnfidealup(, non-integral ideal) -> division by 0 [F22] + * memory leak in ellheight [F23] + * memory leak in bnfinit [F24] + * nfeltdiv(nfinit(x^2+1), 0, 1+x/2) -> SEGV [#2277] [F26] + * znchargauss(g,chi,0) -> oo loop [F28] + * bnflog(bnr, ...) -> SEGV [F29] + * elliptic functions: incorrect reduction + of z/w1 mod [1,tau] => catastrophic cancellation [F30] + * powcx(x, t_COMPLEX with 0 imaginary part) -> crash [F31] + * nfsubfields(t_POL in other var than x,,1) -> SEGV [F32] + * extra terms in power t_SER substitutions [#2281] [F33] + * k=bnfinit(quadpoly(-2923,a)); + bnrclassfield(k,3) -> SEGV [#2280] [F34] + * rnfdisc mishandled polynomials with denominators [#2284] [F35] + * elltamagawa(ellinit([-1456/243,93184/19683])) -> + wrong result [F36] + * mfsearch would sometimes miss the trivial form [F37] + * typo in allh [affects ECPP tunings] [F38] + * mfisetaquo(mffrometaquo([1,12;193,12])) -> 0 [F39] + * polroots(1.E-47*t^6+1.E-47*t^5+4.E-46*t^4) -> + bug in type [#2286] [F40] + * ceil(quadgen(5)) -> 1 instead of 0 [#2288] [F41] + * floor(Mod(0,3)*quadgen(5)) -> crash [F42] + * wrong ispower(t_RFRAC) and issquare(t_RFRAC, &z) [#2289] [F45] + * 1+O(x)==O(x) [F47] + * qfauto([[1,0;0,1],[0,0;1,0]]) -> SEGV [F49] + * bnfsunit(...)[4] (the S-regulator) did not correspond to + its definition in the documentation [ was using log(p) + instead of log(Norm P)) for P in S above p ] [F50] + * rnfdisc could return corrupted result [F51] + * concat(List([1])[1..0]) ->SEGV (instead of error) [#2299] [F53] + * List([1])[1..0]==List() -> 0 instead of 1 [F54] +- Build PDF documentation and place it into separate + pari-doc package. Move examples from pari-devel package + to pari-doc. +- Add %{_sysconfdir}/gprc to packaging. +- Remove patch pari-nodate.diff (replace with the sed one-liner + in the %prep section). +- Remove obsolete stuff from the spec file. +- Apply spec-cleaner. + +- Update to release 2.13.1. Fixes the following bugs: + * GC error in idealinv. + * qfminim inefficiency (initial bound from non-LLL-reduced matrix). + * mfshimura in weight 3/2 => infinite loop + * matsolve([1,1,1/2; 1,0,1/2; 2,1,0], [-1;1;-1]) -> SEGV. + * qfminim(Mat(1),,,2) -> precision error. + * subst(p, v, t_SER) very slow if p contains many variables. + * mfsymboleval for trivial path returned 0 instead of a vector + of 0s when f has multiple embeddings. + * 2^(1 + O(3^4)) -> type error. + * Zn_quad_roots(8,0,-1) to compute roots of x^2-1 mod 8 -> [4,[1,3]] + (1 or 3 mod 4) instead of the expected [2,[1]] (1 mod 2). + * tan(1+10^20*I) -> overflow (same for cotan and psi). + * Mod(2,3)^1000000000000000000001 -> Mod(-1,3). + * subst(O(y) + x, x, (1 - y + O(y^2))*x + O(x^2)) -> SEGV. + * (Mod(0,3) + x) + O(x^2) -> x + O(x^2) [now Mod(1,3)*x + O(x^2)]. + * Precision too low for units in mfgaloisprojrep. + * Missing GC at the end of RgXn_inv. + * (-1)^(1/3) -> -1 instead of exp(log(-1)/3). + * mfeisenstein(k, trivial characters mod N > 1) was incorrect. + * Missing GC in qfsolve. + +- Update to release 2.13.0 + * New libpari functions: perm_sqr, perm_powu, perm_orderu, quodif. + * Added asymptotically fast quadunit. + * Faster intnumgaussinit and change default number of points + to B/4, suitable when b - a ~ distance to the nearest pole. + * In libpari, perm_pow now takes a t_INT exponent, permorder + and perm_order return a t_INT. + * sizebyte(objects containing t_LIST): would assign size 3 to all lists + * permorder returned incorrect results for large orders + * cure SIGSEGV on [Map(Mat([0, 0])), [0, 0, 1]] + * cure SIGSEGV on zeta(I+2^(-64)) + * cure infinite loop on p=[4,54];lfunmf(mfinit(p,0), mftraceform(p,0)) + * printf("%5.2f",M) transposed M + * bnfinit instability at low accuracy. E.g., at \p38 + P=x^7+22*x^6+184*x^5+764*x^4+2020*x^3+3792*x^2+5712*x+4; + bnfinit(P,1).no -> 4 times too large + * Accuracy problems in bnfisunit after bnfinit(P,1). E.g., + P=x^7-22*x^6+169*x^5-568*x^4+1263*x^3-1506*x^2+2295*x+2; + setrand(1); K=bnfinit(P,1); U=bnfunits(K,idealprimedec(K,2)); + bnfisunit(K,4*(x^2-18*x+85)/x^2*Mod(1,K.pol),U) -> error +- Update to release 2.12.1. + * New functions in GP: asympnumraw, bnrmap, bnfunits, + dirpowerssum, ellpadiclambdamu, eulerianpol, eulerfrac, + eulerpol, eulervec, fft, fftinv, halfgcd, lfundual, lfunshift, + matreduce, mfisetaquo, mscosets, msfarey, nfsubfieldscm, + nfsubfieldsmax, parforeach, parforprimestep, parplothexport, + permcycles, polylogmult, rootsof1, zetamultdual. + * New libpari functions: absZ_factor_limit_strict, + bnf_build_cheapfu, bnf_compactfu, bnf_compactfu_mat, + bnf_get_sunits, bnf_has_fu, bnrchar_primitive_raw, + bnrconductor_factored, bnrconductor_raw, bnrisprincipalmod, + bnr_subgroup_check, checkbnr_i, checkfarey_i, + closure_callgen0prec, cmpss, cmpuu, cyc_get_expo, div_content, + ellQtwist_bsdperiod, etaquotype, expIPiC, expIPiR, F2m_row, + F2Ms_colelim, F2Ms_ker, F2Ms_to_F2m, F2m_to_F2Ms, + F2m_transpose, F2v_and_inplace, F2v_hamming, + F2v_negimply_inplace, F2v_or_inplace, F2xn_inv, F2xn_red, + F2xqX_halfgcd, F2xX_to_F2xC, F2xXV_to_F2xM, factorial_Fl, + factorial_Fp, famat_div, famat_idealfactor, famat_nfvalrem, + famat_remove_trivial, famatV_factorback, famatV_zv_factorback, + ff_parse_Tp, FFX_add, FFX_halfgcd, Flv_factorback, Flx_blocks, + Flx_Fl_sub, Flx_is_totally_split, Flxn_expint, Flxq_autpowers, + FlxqV_factorback, FlxqX_fromNewton, FlxqX_Newton, + FlxqXn_expint, FlxqXn_inv, FlxqXn_mul, FlxqXn_sqr, + Flx_translate1_basecase, FlxV_Flv_multieval, FlxX_blocks, + FlxX_invLaplace, FlxX_Laplace, FlxXn_red, FlxX_translate1, + forqfvec1, FpV_prod, FpXC_to_mod, FpX_divu, FpX_Fp_div, + FpX_FpXV_multirem, FpXM_to_mod, FpXn_expint, FpXQXn_expint, + FpXV_chinese, FpXY_FpXQ_evaly, FqC_FqV_mul, FqC_to_mod, + FqV_factorback, FqXC_to_mod, FqX_expint, FqXM_to_mod, + galoismatrixapply, gc_const, gen_sort_shallow, gen_ZpM_Newton, + groupelts_conj_set, groupelts_quotient, groupelts_to_group, + group_subgroup_is_faithful, halfgcdii, hash_zv, + idealfactor_partial, ideallogmod, ideallog_units, + ideallog_units0, idealpseudominvec, Idealstarmod, init_Flxq, + is_qfb_t, Kronecker_to_ZXQX, lfunquadneg, minim_zm, + mseval2_ooQ, mspadic_parse_chi, mspadic_unit_eigenvalue, + nf_cxlog, nf_cxlog_normalize, nfhyperellpadicfrobenius, + nflogembed, nfsign_fu, nfsign_tu, nfV_cxlog, nfX_disc, + nfX_resultant, pariplot, pari_realloc_ip, pow2Pis, pow2Pis, + powPis, powPis, QabM_tracerel, Qab_tracerel, QabV_tracerel, + Qdivis, Qdiviu, Q_lval, Q_lvalrem, QM_gauss_i, QM_image, + QM_image_shallow, QM_ImQ, QM_ImQ_all, QM_ImZ, QM_ImZ_all, + QM_sqr, quotient_groupelts, QXQ_to_mod_shallow, QXQX_gcd, + QXQX_mul, QXQX_powers, QXQX_QXQ_mul, QXQX_sqr, radicalu, + random_zv, rfracrecip, RgM_ZM_mul, RgV_type, RgV_type2, + RgX_halfgcd, RgXn_expint, RgXV_to_FlxV, + rnf_get_ramified_primes, SL2_inv_shallow, sumdivmultexpr, + sunits_makecoprime, uis2psp, uispsp, upowers, vec_equiv, + vecfactorsquarefreeu_coprime, vec_reduce, vecsmall_is1to1, + vecsmall_isconst, vecvecsmall_sort_inplace, + vecvecsmall_sort_shallow, Vgaeasytheta, ZC_u_divexact, + zlx_translate1, zlxX_translate1, ZMrow_equal0, ZpM_invlift, + ZpX_primedec, ZV_lcm, ZV_snf_gcd, zv_sumpart, ZX_compositum, + zx_lval, ZXQ_minpoly, ZXQ_powers, ZXQX_gcd, ZXQX_ZXQ_mul, + ZX_realroots_irred, ZX_sturm_irred, ZXX_evalx0, ZXX_Q_mul, + zx_z_divexact, + * Allow nfinit([T, basis, ramified primes]). + * Allow nf.p, rnf.p [rational ramified primes]. + * Add flag bit to ZM_snfall_i. + * Allow real t_QUAD in floor, ceil, divrem, %, \, \/. + * Parallel support for lfuninit. + * Direct formulas for quadratic Dirichlet L-functions at integers. + * lfuncreate: support for closures of arity 0. + * Compact representation of units in bnf (bnfinit(pol,1)) and of + principal ideal generators (bnfisprincipal(bnf,id,4)). + * lfuncreate(znstar or bnr,): allow a vector of characters => + vector-valued L-function. + * Holes in multi-assignement: [a,,c]=[1,2,3]. + * nfisincl: new flag: return a single embedding. + * qflll(x,3) in place reduction: return x * qflll(x) (faster). + * galoisinit: support for group (3x3):4 (GAP4(36,9)). + * Removed obsolete function rootsof1_kannan: use nfrootsof1. + * Removed obsolete function checkbnrgen: use bnr_get_gen. + * For additional changes, see the included changelog. +- Update to release 2.12.0. + * New functions in GP: airy, arity, bnrclassfield, derivn, + dirpowers, ellE, ellK, export, exportall, ffmaprel, + getlocalbitprec, getlocalprec, hypergeom, idealdown, + idealismaximal, mfgaloisprojrep, nfdiscfactors, pollaguerre, + polteichmuller, strjoin, strsplit, strtime, unexport, + unexportall. + * New libpari functions: bid_get_fact2, closure_derivn, + constzeta, divisorsu_fact_factored, divisorsu_moebius, + F2xqX_disc, F2xqX_resultant, F2x_recip, F2x_Teichmuller, + FF_preimagerel, FF_var, FFX_disc, FFX_extgcd, FFX_gcd, + FFXQ_minpoly, FFX_resultant, Flx_fromNewton, Flx_integ, + Flx_invLaplace, Flx_Laplace, Flx_Newton, Flxn_exp, Flxn_red, + Flxn_sqr, FlxqX_disc, FlxqX_resultant, Flx_Teichmuller, + Fp_divu, FpXC_FpXQ_eval, FpXQX_disc, FpXQX_resultant, gc_bool, + gc_double, gc_int, gc_long, gc_NULL, gc_ulong, + gluncloneNULL_deep, guncloneNULL, hash_init, hash_init_ulong, + has_str_len, identity_zv, identity_ZV, maxprimeN, mpsinhcosh, + mulu_interval_step, nfX_to_monic, nonsquare_Fl, + pari_get_histrtime, polint_i, polintspec, pollegendre_reduced, + psi1series, qfiseven, rfrac_deflate, rfrac_deflate_max, + rfrac_deflate_order, RgV_is_arithprog, RgV_isin_i, set_avma, + setunion_i, walltimer_delay, walltimer_start, ZpXQX_liftroots, + zv_cyc_minimal, zv_cyc_minimize, ZXQ_powu. + * qfbsolve(Q,n) now supports arbitrary integer n. + * limitnum/asympnum: allow closures of the form + N->[u(1),...,u(N)], which allows to handle efficiently sums, + recursions, continued fractions, etc. + * Optional flag to pollegendre and polhermite. + * Allow subst(e, x, vector v) for vector(subst(e, x, v[i])). + * Optional v argument to nfmodprinit. + * Support call by reference in GP function: f(~L,x)=listput(~L,x+1). + * Generic fast linear algebra using CUP decomposition. + * Implement lfunmfspec in odd weight. + * Support for rational model in ellratpoints and hyperellratpoints. + * Fast algorithm for zeta([a + b*n | n<-[0..N]]). + * ellheight(E) now returns the Faltings height of E. + * lfun now allows non-integral weights. + * example/parigp.sty to re-enable PARI's \pmatrix with amsmath. + * Removed member functions .futu and .tufu (deprecated since 2.2). + * Removed inferior hash function hash_str2: use hash_str. + * Removed obsolete binary flag '2' in matsnf (make it a no no-op). + * For additional changes, see the included changelog. + +- Update to release 2.11.4 + * fixed "factor((x-1)*(x-y)^2)" going into an infinite loop + * "ellap" could fail with division by 0 + * cure wrong results from "bnfsunit" + pari-nftables +- Reformat .spec to be in line with other pari data packages + parsec +- Fix /run/parsec permission to 755. This is enough for all + users to access the service - boo#1193484 - CVE-2021-36781 + +- Allow access to /run/parsec to all users +- Requires rust 1.53+ (now also available in 15.3/15-SP3 via Update) + which allow to enable same features accross distros + +- Update to 0.8.0: + * Changelog: +- Drop upstream patch: + * parsec-fix-old-rust.patch +- Disable 'trusted-service-provider' as it currently fails to build +- Disable 'jwt-svid-authenticator' (SPIFFE-based authenticator) + on Leap, as it cannot be compiled with rust 1.43.1 + parsec-tool +- Update to 0.3.1: + * changelog from 0.3.0 to 0.3.1: + + partclone -- Update to version 0.3.11: +- update to 0.3.18: + * Add block_size and blocks_total in to provide + partition info + * change C99 for loop init to C89 for compatibility + * try to fix ignore_crc not working properly + +- Drop dependency on libreiserfs + +- Resolve build failure on Tumleweed + +- update to 0.3.17: + * fix progress + * update btrfs to 5.4.1 + * fix crash when backing up swap partition + * Ignore free space check if compression is enabled + +- Update to 0.3.15 + * XFS fixes + +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Update to version 0.3.13" + * Add support for apfs +- Update download url + +- Update to version 0.3.12: + * Support compressed cloned images +- Enable exfat support + +- Update to version 0.3.11 (boo#1130986): -- Update to 0.2.58: - * ship failmbr - * fixed jfs issues - * fixed ncurses interface - * updated doc and man pages - -- Update to 0.2.48: - * fixed VMFS-5 and NTFS cloning - * updated the ntfsfixboot version - * memory usage optimized - * updated man pages -- Build with support for btrfs, extfs, fat, hfsp, ntfs, reiserfs. - pass-otp +- Fix library path where %{_libexecdir} points to %{_prefix}/libexec + like in Tumbleweed, instead use %{_prefix}/lib as library path since + pass looks for plugins under /usr/lib/password-store + password-store +- Add patch to fix boo#1185984: + Added default-to-xclip.patch + +- Make password-store-dmenu require password-store, as it's + useless without pass. + +- New upstream release 1.7.4: + * Ignore non-printable characters in calls to tree + * Use GPG_OPTS when verifying .gpg-id signature + * Strip comments in gpg-id files + * Escape colons in zsh completion to show url ports + * passmenu: add support for wayland + * fish-completion: don't print full path when PASSWORD_STORE_DIR is set + * Add path to accommodate macOS' dynamic $TMPDIR + * Add a :redraw to redact_pass.vim before diag print + +- boo#1185984: Require either xclip or wl-clipboard + +- Update to version 1.7.3+git20210216.918992c: + * fish-completion: reuse "git" and "grep" completions + * fish-completion: don't erase existing completions for pass + * fish-completion: force some variables to be script-local + * fish-completion: support completions for wrapper commands + * fish-completion: remove obsolete flag + * fish-completion: avoid printing errors with an empty password store + * Unset variables messing with Git use + * Support extractions of secret fields other than password + * Re add password-store-timeout for backward compatibility + * Account for missing [:graph:] on Busybox by using [:alnum:][:punct:] + * Exclude invalid, disabled and revoked subkeys from subkey selection + * clip: Add support for wl-clipboard + * bash-completion: detect whether to use gpg/gpg2 binary for complete keys + * bash_completion: do not leak variables to globals scope + * Do not reencrypt symbolic links + -- Version bump 1.6.3 (no upstream changelog) -- Upstream added tests, enable them in the package (added according Build deps) -- New subpackage password-store-dmenu, that adds passmenu binary - It is a dmenu interface to pass -- Installation of completion files is fully and properly handled by the Makefile -- Depend on tree 1.7.0 - patch2mail +- BuildRequire cron, as it contains now the cron directories + -- spec file cosmetics: GPLv2+ instead of just GPL - patool +- Fix up dependency of -bash-completion subpackage: + + Require the main package. The bash completion is useless + without the application. + + Supplement it against bash-completion, not against bash. + -- initial package (0.10) - patterns-ceph-containers +- Added tcmu-runner-handler-rbd to ceph_base (bsc#1175862) + patterns-devel-C-C++ +- Change icon for C devel package. (boo#1039994) + pavucontrol +- Update to version 5.0: + * Support for switching Bluetooth codecs (new in PulseAudio 15.0). + * Support for locking card profiles (new in PulseAudio 15.0). + Locking a profile prevents PulseAudio from automatically switching + away from that profile on plug/unplug events. + * New translations: Asturian, Basque, Belarusian, Galician, Hebrew, + Kazakh, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Sinhala, Slovenian + * Updated translations: Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese + (Traditional), Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, + Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Norwegian + Nynorsk, Polish, Portugese, Portugese (Brazil), Slovak, Spanish, + Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian. + * Some bug fixes. + * New dependency: json-glib. + * Minimum gtkmm version bumped to 3.22. + -- Add explicit gtkmm2-devel BuildRequires. -- Remove libcanberra-gtk and libsndfile-devel BuildRequires. - pax-utils +- Update to 1.2.8. +- Changes since 1.2.6: + - Add support for arm64 arch. + - Add flag -U/--uuid to dump the object's UUID. + This is in particular useful when comparing against TextAPI stubs, .tbd files. + +- Update to 1.2.6. +- Changes since 1.2.4: + - Add RISC-V to the list of architectures in ELF + - dumpelf.c: add missing break when decoding SHT_GNU_LIBLIST. + - resolve python location through PATH. + - lddtree: Put ldso interpreter library path at end. + - scanelf.c: be more verbose at saying what all the addresses mean. + - scanelf.c: don't crash in -v mode on non-functions. + - security.c: allow 'semtimedop' in seccomp sandbox. + - security.c: allow 'statx' in seccomp sandbox. + +- Update to 1.2.4. +- Removed patches that have since been committed to upstream (1.2.3): + - 0001-dumpelf-check-for-invalid-section-entry-sizes.patch + + - 0002-dumpelf-check-for-invalid-program-headers.patch + + - 0003-dumpelf-check-for-invalid-notes.patch + + - 0004-scanelf-check-range-of-hash-bucket.patch + +- Changes since 1.2.2: + - paxldso: properly decode the flags bits in the cache + This fixes handling of multiple ABIs for a single arch like x86/x86_64/x32 + or mips o32/n32/n64. It also fixes decoding of arm float libs. + - dumpelf: add support for dumping notes + - dumpelf: add support for prelink sections + - scanmacho: fix 126 byte limit on -E option + - security fixes (mentioned above) + -- new version 0.1.15 - * Support added for displaying em_machine via %a format flag in scanelf - * Make scanelf_file_bind() not output anything if quiet mode and the ELF is - static or not setuid. - * pspax: new options -u and -g - -- new version 0.1.13 - * supports scanning archives and searching for specific sections - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - pcm +- Update to 202110: + * support ADL (Alder Lake) in pcm tool + * display average uncore frequency in pcm.x + * allow verbose CPU topology printing with PCM_PRINT_TOPOLOGY environment variables + * pcm-raw: support event group multiplexing + * pcm-iio: support csv output + * developed a workaround to make PCM work in VMware guest + * various bug fixes + +- Update to 202107: + * support systems with > 1024 logical cores + * support Rocket Lake + * pcm-pcie: fix HIT metrics calculation on Broadwell/Haswell server platforms + * pcm: add several additional columns to the socket and core sections in csv output + * pcm-iio: fix multiplier value for outbound events on Snowridge and Icelake server platforms + * implement workaround for Linux watchdog not clearing its event programming + * move Icelake top-down events to a separate group to fix counting through Linux perf API + * added pcm-mmio utility to rpm + +- Update to 202105: + * support Intel Atom Processor P5900 Series (previously codenamed SnowRidge) + * address Linux warnings + +- Update to 202104: + * Add Icelake server support + pdfgrep +- Create subpackages for bash- and zsh-completion +- Use correct upstream URL + +- Update to version 2.1.2: + * Bugfix: Fix crash when compiled with hardened compiler flags + (specifically -D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS) +- Changes for version 2.1.1: + * Bugfix: Fix build with libunac support enabled +- Changes for version 2.1.0: + * New option `--page-range` to limit search to a set of pages + * New option `--file/-f` to read patterns from a file + * New option `--regexp/-e` to specify multiple patterns + (combined with OR). + * New options `--files-with-matches/-l` and + `--files-without-match/-L` to only list filenames of files + that contain or don't contain matches. + * Major manpage restructuring. It's now divided into subsections + like the GNU grep's manpage. + * Bugfix: Actually stop searching after first match with `-q` + pdns +- Update to 4.5.2 with bug fixes: + * bindbackend: skip rejected zones during list and search PR#10968 + * make the zone cache more robust for bad data and save some SOA queries for DNSSEC zones PR#10964 + * api, check SOA location PR#10962 + * improve dnsname exception handling for SOA records PR#10952 + * improve SOA parse exception handling PR#10792 + * try to reload rejected zones in bind-backend once every bind-check-interval PR#10778 + +- Update to 4.5.1 + * Fixes a remote DoS when server receives query with QTYPE 65535 + (bsc#1188495, CVE-2021-36754) +- update keyring file +- no longer builds on 32-bit arches (since 4.5.0 release) + +- Update to 4.5.0 + * With version 4.5.0, support for platforms with a time_t type smaller + than 64 bits is dropped. + * The ‘zone cache’, which allows PowerDNS to keep a list of zones in + memory, updated periodically. + * Priority ordering in the AXFR queue in PowerDNS running as a secondary. + * Small improvements and fixes. + +- Update to 4.4.1 + * Improvements + - debian packaging update #9965 + - dockerfiles: do not claim equivs-dummy is built from the pdns source package #9953 + - Fix missing #include for gcc-11#9952 + - lmdb: Do a mdb_readers_check to clean up stale readers on database load #9946 + * Bug Fixes + - fix TCP answer counters #10008 + - run deleteDomain() inside a transaction #10039 + - lmdb: do not reuse backend that has seen corrupted data #9985 + - lmdb: serialise LMDBBackend construction to ensure only a single schema upgrade is attempted #9949 + - backport some asan/ubsan fixes #9923 + - pdnsutil edit-zone: do not exit on ZoneParser exception #9912 + +- Update to 4.4.0 + * the LMDB backend now supports long record content, making it + production ready for everybody + * the SVCB and HTTPS record types are supported, with limited + additional processing + * transaction handling in the 2136 handler and the HTTP API was again + improved a lot, avoiding various spurious issues users may have noticed + if they do a lot of changes + * a new setting (consistent-backends) offers a roughly 30% speedup, + subject to conditions + * we finally emit Prometheus metrics! +- 9070.patch: upstreamed and removed + +- Drop GSS-TSIG support in the spec file as it's a removed from the + upcoming 4.4.0 version due to security issues and lack of testing + + pdns-common +- bsc#1130588: Require shadow instead of old pwdutils + pdns-recursor +- update to 4.5.7: + * A SHA-384 DS should not trump a SHA-256 one, only potentially ignore SHA-1 DS records. + References: #10908, pull request 10912 + * rec_control wipe-cache-typed should check if a qtype arg is present and valid. + References: #10905, pull request 10911 + * Put the correct string into appliedPolicyTrigger for Netmask matching rules. + References: #10842, pull request 10863 + +- update to 4.5.6: + * Bug Fixes + - fixes to the way RPZ updates are handled + - fix to a case where traffic to a forwarder could be throttled while it should not. + - fixed few minor DNSSEC validation issues + - fix for case where the combining of equivalent queries wasn't + effective were resolved + +- update to 4.5.5: + * Improvements + - Work around clueless servers sending AA=0 answers. + References: #10555, pull request 10564 + * Bug Fixes + - Ancestor NSEC3s can only deny the existence of a DS. + References: #10587, pull request 10593 + - Make really sure we did not miss a cut on validation failure. + References: #10570, pull request 10575 + - Clear the current proxy protocol values each iteration. + References: #10515, pull request 10573 + +- update to 4.5.4: + * Make sure that we pass the SOA along the NSEC(3) proof for + DS queries. + +- no longer supports 32-bit arches -- requiers 64-bit time_t +- specfile cleanup - drop initrd cases +- build-require gcc7 on SLE-12 variant + +- update to 4.5.2: + * default value of nsec3-max-iterations[1] has been lowered to 150 + * fixed issue affecting the "refresh almost expired" function + +- update to 4.5.1: +- Main changes: + * Dropped support for 32-bit platforms! + * Rewrite of the way zone cuts are determined, reducing the number of + outgoing queries by up to 17% when doing DNSSEC validation while reducing + the CPU usage more than 20% . + * Added implementation of EDNS0 padding (RFC 7830) for answers sent to clients. + * Added implementation of RFC 8198[2]: Aggressive use of DNSSEC-Validated Cache. + * Added a cache of non-resolving nameservers. + * Re-worked negative cache that is shared between threads. + * Added support for Extended DNS Errors (RFC 8914[5]). + * A "refresh almost expired records" (also called "refetch") mechanism[8] + has been introduced to keep the record cache warm. +- Other new features and improvements: + * The complete protobuf and dnstap logging code has been rewritten to + have much smaller performance impact. + * We have introduced non-offensive synonyms for words used in + settings. See the upgrade[9] guide. + * The default minimum TTL[10] override has been changed from 0 to 1. + * The spoof-nearmiss-max setting[11]'s default has been changed to 1. + This has the consequence that the Recursor will switch to do TCP + queries to authoritative nameservers sooner as an effective measure + against many spoofing attacks. + * Incoming queries over TCP now also use the packet cache, providing + another performance increase. + * File written to by the rec_control command are new opened by the + command itself. It is also possible to write the content to the + standard output stream by using a hyphen as file name. + * TCP FastOpen (RFC 7413[12]) support for outgoing TCP connections to + authoritative servers and forwarders. + +- update to 4.4.3: + Improvements + Use a short-lived NSEC3 hashes cache for denial validation. + References: #9856, pull request 10221 + Bug Fixes + More fail-safe handling of Newly Discovered Domain files. + Handle policy (if needed) after postresolve. + Return current rcode instead of 0 if there are no CNAME records to follow. + Lookup DS entries before CNAME entries. + Handle failure to start the web server more gracefully. + Test that we correctly cap the answer’s TTL in expanded wildcard cases. + Fix the gathering of denial proof for wildcard-expanded answers. + Make sure we take the right minimum for the packet cache TTL data in the SERVFAIL case. + For details see, + + +- update to 4.4.2: + Improvements + * UUID: Use the non-cryptographic variant of the boost::uuid. + * Keep a cached, valid entry over a fresher Bogus one. + * Ensure socket-dir matches runtime directory on old systemd + * Move to several distinct Bogus states, for easier debugging. + * Do not chase CNAME during qname minimization step 4. + Bug Fixes + * Untangle the validation/resolving qnames and qtypes. + * APL records: fix endianness problem. + For details see, + + +- update to 4.4.1 + * Allow specifying a name in getMetric() that is used for Prometheus + * Avoids a CNAME loop detection issue with DNS64 + * No longer sends overly long NOD lookups. + * If a.b.c CNAME x.a.b.c is encountered, switch off QName Minimization. + * Fix the processing of answers generated from gettag. + +- Only require 'insserv' when this package ships an initscript + +- fix default config + - turn off chroot by default as it is not supported on systemd + enabled systems + - set query-local-address to ::, + to make ipv6 only nameservers work out of the box + +- update to 4.4.0 with these major enhancements: + * Native DNS64 support, without the need to use Lua. + * The ability to add custom tags to RPZ hits. + * Names encountered while resolving CNAMEs are now subject to RPZ + processing. + * More detailed information about RPZ handling is now available while + tracing, in Lua and in the protobuf logging messages. + * To allow more efficient use, the record cache is now shared between + threads. + * A routing tag[3] can be added in Lua code, which will be used as an + additional record cache key instead of an EDNS subnet mask, + enabling for a simpler record cache structure which will enhance + query processing where the EDNS subnet mask is relevant. + * The Proxy Protocol version 2 has been implemented to allow for a + structured exchange of information between a client (typically + dnsdist) and the Recursor. +- removed obsolete back-port fix 9070.patch + pdnsd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * pdnsd.service + peek +- Use Python3 instead of Python 2 when running meson. + +- Update to 1.5.1: + * build: Fixed building with CMake + * Update Ukranian translation + +- Update to version 1.5.0: + * feat: Dialog to set recording area size (#246, #519) + * feat: Use radio buttons for format selection to easily show selected format + * fix: Show error dialog on startup if recording backend is unavailable (#539) + * fix: Fix missing title in taskbar on KDE Plasma (#349) + * fix: Changing output format in small UI mode resizes the window + * fix: Disable menu during recording + * i18n: New translations for Finnish and Hebrew + * i18n: Updated translations for Basque, Chinese (Simplified), + Chinese (Traditional), Croation, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, + Lithuanian, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish and Swedish + +- Update to version 1.4.0 + * feat: Move app menu into application Window (#391, #438) + * feat: New application icon following new GNOME icon + guidelines (#114, #390) + * feat: Set window type hint to UTILITY (ensures window gets + opened as floating on tiling window managers) + * feat: Show shortcut hint in main window (#234, #285) + * feat: Added Recorder, Video and AudioVideo to desktop files + categories (#340) + * feat: Improved the error message shown on GNOME Shell + recording issues + * feat: Provide more details in error reports + * fix: Fixed double free error after ffmpeg recording (#419) + * fix: Fixed building with Vala 0.46.1 (#501) + * misc: Raised minimum Gtk version to 3.20 + * i18n: Updated translations for Basque, Chinese (simplified), + Chinese (traditional), Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, French, + German, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, + Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Russian, + Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian + * i18n: New translations for Japanese and Turkish + * build: New Meson based build (old CMake build is deprecated + and will be removed in release 1.5) + * build: Autogenerate po/LINGUAS +- Switch to meson build +- Dropped peek-1.3.1-fix-double-free-tcache2.patch (merged + upstream) +- Spec cleanup + +- add peek-1.3.1-fix-double-free-tcache2.patch + * avoid double free when passing string array to async functions + * should be removed next release + +- update to version 1.3.1 + Fixes some color issues with the new VP9 encoding and rebuilds Ffmpeg for Flatpak and AppImage to fully support the VP9 encoding. + * fix: Use yuv420p for VP9 encoding (#299) + * fix: Disable animations and transitions on recording view overlays (#208) + * i18n: Updated French and Russian translations + * packaging: Build ffmpeg with vp9_superframe for Flatpak and AppImage (#300, #301) +- changes from 1.3.0 + * feat: Use VP9 instead of VP8 for WebM recording (#293) + * feat: libx264 is no longer required when just recording GIF / APNG with FFmpeg back end + * feat: Removed avconv / libav backend and ImageMagick post processor + * misc: Added sources for DBus interfaces (#296) + * fix: Fixed lossy artifacts increasing GIF size when using gnome-shell recorder (#288) + * fix: Fixed countdown sometimes appearing in recording (#208) + * fix: Do not freeze window size on Xfce (#269) + * i18n: Fixed names of Chinese localization files (#294) + * i18n: Updated translations for Basque, Chinese (Simplified), Lithuanian, + * Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian + * packaging: Removed Snapcraft build and Snap packages (#245, #270) +- changes from 1.2.2 + * feat: Option to enable/disable desktop notifications after saving (#21) + * fix: Do not use H.264 baseline profile if libx264 was compiled with 10bit (#248) + * fix: Recording 1fps with Ffmpeg does not fail anymore (#249) + * i18n: Updated translations for Arabic, Basque, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, + * Dutch, Esperanto, German, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), + * Russian, Swedish +- changes from 1.2.1 + * i18n: Updated translations for Arabic, Czech, Esperanto, French, Lithuanian, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Polish and Serbian +- changes from 1.2.0 + * feat: Quick format selection in headerbar (#174) + * feat: GIF conversion with gifski if installed for improved quality (#212, #179) + * feat: GIF quality level can be set in preferences, if gifski is available (#212) + * feat: GIF conversion with FFmpeg as default instead of ImageMagick (#125) + * feat: Display elapsed time in headerbar (#214) + * feat: Display an animated spinner while post processing (#58) + * feat: Support APNG as output format (#108) + * feat: Command line parameter --no-headerbar (#203) + * feat: Show dialog with error details on recording errors (#49) + * fix: Temporary files get unique name again (was broken in #161) + * fix: Quitting application does not interrupt rendering (#189) + * fix: Much smaller temporary file sizes + * fix: Recording could be stopped before it had actually started + * fix: Do not load local settings schema in release builds + * fix: On Plasma with Breeze theme Peek window was hard to resize (#199) + * i18n: Added Chinese (Traditional), Neapolitan + * i18n: Updated translations for Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, German, Italian, + * Lithuanian, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Polish, Serbian, Swedish + * build: libkeybinder is now optional + * package: Reduced file size for Snap packages +- changes from 1.1.0 + * feat: Transparent recording area without compositor (#147, #7) + * fix: Unusual default permissions (#161) + * fix: Explicitly set ImageMagick resource limits (#112, #125) + * i18n: Updated translations for Basque, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Dutch, + * French, German, Lithuanian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Swedish, Polish, + * Portuguese (Brazil) + * build: New flag DISABLE_GNOME_SHELL to disable gnome-shell recorder + * build: New flag DISABLE_OPEN_FILE_MANAGER to disable file manager integration + * build: Use CMake GNUInstallDirs variables + * package: Updated dependencies for Flatpak and Snap packages + * package: Stable Snap package depending on gnome-platform 3.26 (#84) + pegtl +- Update to version 2.8.3: + * Fixed excessive read-ahead with incremental inputs. + * Added state manipulators remove_first_state, + remove_last_states, rotate_states_right, rotate_states_left + and reverse_states to contrib. + * Reduced the number of intermediate parse tree nodes. +- Changes from version 2.8.2: + * Fixed parse tree node generation to correctly remove + intermediate nodes. +- Add -Wno-error=type-limits to optflags to fix build with GCC 10 + (gh#taocpp/PEGTL#217). +- Use ctest macro to run test suite. + pen +- update to 0.34.1: + * Corrected typo in pen.c per suggestion by Belinda Liu. + * Merged pull request from Vincent Bernat for OpenSSL 1.1.0 compatibility. + * Allow setting local address for upstream connections. This fixes issue #31. + * Fixed issue #30: UDP not working in combination with a configuration file. + * In epoll.c: check for EPOLLHUP. + * In dsr.c: always use our real mac address, to avoid confusing switches. + * Cleaned up code residue surrounded by "#if 0". + * Added CS_HALFDEAD for UDP streams that haven't seen traffic in a while. + * Bug in pending_and_closing: don't modify the list we're looping over. + * Updated pen manpage. + * Added transparent UDP test case to + * Contribution from Talik Eichinger: add X-Forwarded-Proto when doing + * SSL decryption. + * Added tarpit test case to + * Tarpit functionality to be used with the DSR mode. + * pen.1: removed obsolete -S option, updated defaults for -x and -L. + * In failover_server: sanity checks to failover routine. + * In add_client: add the initial server to .client as well as .initial. + * In failover_server: changed abuse_server to ABUSE_SERVER and emerg_server + * to EMERG_SERVER, to handle their default NO_SERVER values. + * See issue #19 on Github. + * At the suggestion from Marcos Vinicius Rogowski, the hash algorith + * will now include the client port number if the -r (roundrobin) + * option is used. See + * Released 0.31.0. + * Officially released 0.30.1. + * Fixed IP-based client tracking. + * Removed unnecessary #include <pen.h> in dlist.c + * Released 0.30.0. + * Added UDP mode for Direct Server Return. + * Updated for compatibility with CentOS 6. + * Added #ifdef around SSLv3 initialization code in ssl, as + * Released 0.29.0. + * Transparent reverse proxy support for Linux, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. + * Allow the client table size to be updated on the fly. Default size still 2048. + * Introduced the macro NO_SERVER to be used instead of -1 to signify + * Fixed cosmetic bug in startup code which required port to be specified + * Released 0.28.0. + * Numerous updates to support the madness that is Windows. + * Fix from Vincent Bernat: segfault when not using SSL. + * DSR support using Netmap on FreeBSD. + * Replaced all calls to perror with debug(..., strerror(errno); + * More refactoring: broke out conn.[ch], client.[ch], server.[ch], + * Broke out public definitions for dsr into dsr.h. + * Added dsr.c + * Bug in copy_down affecting SSL connections fixed. + * Updated ocsp stapling to be compatible with server name indication. + * SSL code broken out into ssl.[ch]. SSL context creation broken + * OCSP stapling. New command ssl_ocsp_response filename + * New command ssl_client_renegotiation_interval specifies the + * Enabled SSL session resumption. + * Added ssl_option no_tlsv1.1 and ssl_option no_tlsv1.2 to disable + * Released 0.27.3. + * Added autoconf check that the ECDHE is available and not disabled. + * Support for ECDHE cipher suites. + * New commands ssl_option and ssl_ciphers to individually disable + * Updated penctl.1 with the new command. + * New knob to tweak max number of pending nonblocking connection + * Released 0.27.2. + * Moved dlist prototypes to dlist.h. + * Added check to close idle connections after a period of inactivity. + * Moved git repository to GitHub.. + * New feature: dummy server. Rather than acting as a proxy, + * Yet Another command: abort_on_error|no abort_on_error makes + * New feature: "reliable idling". Pen will make and maintain a + +- Feed through spec-cleaner. Trim undesirable author list. +- Drop unused PreReq, and add needed systemd-rpm-macros instead. + +- Added systemd support. + [bsc#1116032, pen.service] + -- fixed the init script give feedback on restart action -- upgraded to version 0.16.0 -- the configure option for ssl is now: - - -with-experimental-only-ssl -- new "abuse server", similar to the emergency server: - use "-B host:port" to enable - -- Initial version of SUSE pen package - -- upgraded to version 0.15.0 - perf +- Apply latest git-fixes reported against kernel-source: +- ASan reports memory leaks while running: + New patch: perf-bench-Fix-two-memory-leaks-detected-with-ASan.patch +- Resolve memory leak in BPF when attempting to insert duplicate id's + New patch: perf-bpf-Avoid-memory-leak-from-perf_env__insert_btf.patch +- Resolve failure to execute zstd test on !s390 systems + New patch: + +- Incorporate latest git-fixes + New patch: perf-tests-attr-Add-missing-topdown-metrics-events.patch + +- Create devel package based on Factory commit: + "Mon Jul 26 07:05:21 UTC 2021 - Jiri Slaby <>" + Since we now have a -devel package, move bpf includes to there also. + +- Update to v5.14 perf (from SLE-15-SP4:GA kernel-source - jsc#SLE-17360) + Please refer to the kernel-* changelog for more information about changes + included in this release. + Delete patches (contained in v5.14): + libperf-add-build-version-support.patch + libperf-add-debug-output-support.patch + libperf-add-libperf-to-the-python-so-build.patch + libperf-add-nr_entries-to-struct-perf_evlist.patch + libperf-add-perf-core-h-header.patch + libperf-add-perf_cpu_map-struct.patch + libperf-add-perf_cpu_map__dummy_new-function.patch + libperf-add-perf_cpu_map__get-perf_cpu_map__put.patch + libperf-add-perf_evlist-and-perf_evsel-structs.patch + libperf-add-perf_evlist__add-function.patch + libperf-add-perf_evlist__init-function.patch + libperf-add-perf_evlist__remove-function.patch + libperf-add-perf_evsel__init-function.patch + libperf-add-perf_thread_map-struct.patch + libperf-add-perf_thread_map__get-perf_thread_map__put.patch + libperf-add-perf_thread_map__new_dummy-function.patch + libperf-include-perf_evlist-in-evlist-object.patch + libperf-include-perf_evsel-in-evsel-object.patch + libperf-make-libperf-a-part-of-the-perf-build.patch + perf-arm-spe-support-synthetic-events.patch + perf-augmented_raw_syscalls-add-handler-for-openat.patch + perf-augmented_raw_syscalls-augment-sockaddr-arg-in-connect.patch + perf-augmented_raw_syscalls-rename-augmented_args_filename-to-augmented_args_payload.patch + perf-augmented_raw_syscalls-support-copying-two-string-syscall-args.patch + perf-augmented_raw_syscalls-switch-to-using-bpf_map_type_prog_array.patch + perf-auxtrace-add-an-option-to-synthesize-callchains-for-regular-events.patch + perf-auxtrace-add-four-itrace-options.patch + perf-auxtrace-add-option-to-synthesize-branch-stack-for-regular-events.patch + perf-bench-futex-wake-restore-thread-count-default-to-online-cpu-count.patch + perf-bench-numa-fix-cpumask-memory-leak-in-node_has_cpus.patch + perf-bench-numa-use-numa_node_to_cpus-to-bind-tasks-to-nodes.patch + perf-block-cleanup-and-refactor-block-info-functions.patch + perf-bpf-do-not-attach-a-bpf-prog-to-a-tracepoint-if-its-name-starts-with.patch + perf-bpf-loader-add-missing-for-key_scan_pos.patch + perf-c2c-add-option-to-enable-the-lbr-stitching-approach.patch + perf-c2c-display-proper-cpu-count-in-nodes-column.patch + perf-c2c-fix-report-with-offline-cpus.patch + perf-cacheline-move-cacheline-related-routines-to-separate-files.patch + perf-callchain-fix-segfault-in-thread__resolve_callchain_sample.patch + perf-callchain-save-previous-cursor-nodes-for-lbr-stitching-approach.patch + perf-callchain-stitch-lbr-call-stack.patch + perf-callchain-use-struct-map_symbol-in-struct-callchain_cursor_node.patch + perf-cpu_map-rename-struct-cpu_map-to-struct-perf_cpu_map.patch + perf-cpumap-fix-snprintf-overflow-check.patch + perf-cs-etm-move-definition-of-traceid_list-global-variable-from-header-file.patch + perf-debug-remove-needless-include-directives-from-debug-h.patch + perf-diff-don-t-use-hack-to-skip-column-length-calculation.patch + perf-diff-report-noisy-for-cycles-diff.patch + perf-diff-support-hot-streams-comparison.patch + perf-diff-use-llabs-with-64-bit-values.patch + perf-env-do-not-return-pointers-to-local-variables.patch + perf-env-remove-needless-cpumap-h-header-partial.patch + perf-events-parser-add-missing-intel-cpu-events-to-parser.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__add-to-evlist__add.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__close-to-evlist__close.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__delete-to-evlist__delete.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__disable-to-evlist__disable.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__enable-to-evlist__enable.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__init-to-evlist__init.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__new-to-evlist__new.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__open-to-evlist__open.patch + perf-evlist-rename-perf_evlist__remove-to-evlist__remove.patch + perf-evlist-rename-struct-perf_evlist-to-struct-evlist.patch + perf-evsel-remove-need-for-symbol_conf-in-evsel_fprintf-c.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__apply_filter-to-evsel__apply_filter.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__cpus-to-evsel__cpus.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__delete-to-evsel__delete.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__disable-to-evsel__disable.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__enable-to-evsel__enable.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__init-to-evsel__init.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__new-to-evsel__new.patch + perf-evsel-rename-perf_evsel__open-to-evsel__open.patch + perf-evsel-rename-struct-perf_evsel-to-struct-evsel.patch + perf-evsel-store-backpointer-to-attached-bpf_object.patch + perf-expr-add-expr-c-object.patch + perf-expr-add-expr_-prefix-for-parse_ctx-and-parse_id.patch + perf-expr-add-expr_scanner_ctx-object.patch + perf-expr-fix-copy-paste-mistake.patch + perf-expr-increase-expr_max_other-to-support-metrics-with-more-than-15-variables.patch + perf-expr-make-expr__parse-return-1-on-error.patch + perf-expr-move-expr-lexer-to-flex.patch + perf-expr-straighten-expr__parse-expr__find_other-interface.patch + perf-header-support-cpu-pmu-capabilities.patch + perf-hist-add-fast-path-for-duplicate-entries-check.patch + perf-hist-count-the-total-cycles-of-all-samples.patch + perf-hist-support-block-formats-with-compare-sort-display.patch + perf-hists-browser-restore-esc-as-zoom-out-of-dso-thread-etc.patch + perf-hists-fix-variable-name-s-inconsistency-in-hists__for_each-macro.patch + perf-include-bpf-add-bpf_tail_call-prototype.patch + perf-intel-pt-add-brief-documentation-for-pebs-via-intel-pt.patch + perf-intel-pt-fix-pebs-sample-for-xmm-registers.patch + perf-intel-pt-process-options-for-pebs-event-synthesis.patch + perf-jevents-fix-resource-leak-in-process_mapfile-and-main.patch + perf-jevents-support-metric-constraint.patch + perf-kvm-s390-add-missing-string-h-header.patch + perf-list-allow-plurals-for-metric-metricgroup.patch + perf-list-hide-deprecated-events-by-default.patch + perf-machine-factor-out-lbr_callchain_add_kernel_ip.patch + perf-machine-factor-out-lbr_callchain_add_lbr_ip.patch + perf-machine-refine-the-function-for-lbr-call-stack-reconstruction.patch + perf-machine-remove-the-indent-in-resolve_lbr_callchain_sample.patch + perf-make-perf-able-to-build-with-latest-libbfd.patch + perf-map-fix-off-by-one-in-strncpy-size-argument.patch + perf-map-no-need-to-adjust-the-long-name-of-modules.patch + perf-map_groups-pass-the-object-to-map_groups__find_ams.patch + perf-metricgroup-factor-out-metricgroup__add_metric_weak_group.patch + perf-metricgroup-fix-printing-event-names-of-metric-group-with-multiple-events-incase-of-overlapping-events.patch + perf-metricgroup-fix-printing-event-names-of-metric-group-with-multiple-events.patch + perf-metricgroup-remove-needless-includes-from-metricgroup-h.patch + perf-metricgroup-scale-the-metric-result.patch + perf-metricgroup-support-metric-constraint.patch + perf-metricgroup-support-multiple-events-for-metricgroup.patch + perf-metricgroups-enhance-json-metric-infrastructure-to-handle.patch + perf-metrics-fix-parse-errors-in-power8-metrics.patch + perf-metrics-fix-parse-errors-in-power9-metrics.patch + perf-metrics-fix-parse-errors-in-skylake-metrics.patch + perf-metrictroup-split-the-metricgroup__add_metric-function.patch + perf-parse-events-fix-an-incompatible-pointer.patch + perf-pmu-add-support-for-pmu-capabilities.patch + perf-pmu-change-convert_scale-from-static-to-global.patch + perf-probe-check-address-correctness-by-map-instead-of-etext.patch + perf-probe-do-not-show-the-skipped-events.patch + perf-probe-filter-out-instances-except-for-inlined-subroutine-and-subprogram.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-check-blacklist-address-correctly.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-find-range-only-function-instance.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-list-probe-event-with-correct-line-number.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-probe-a-function-which-has-no-entry-pc.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-probe-an-inline-function-which-has-no-entry-pc.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-show-calling-lines-of-inlined-functions.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-show-function-entry-line-as-probe-able.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-show-inlined-function-callsite-without-entry_pc.patch + perf-probe-fix-to-show-ranges-of-variables-in-functions-without-entry_pc.patch + perf-probe-fix-wrong-address-verification.patch + perf-probe-skip-end-of-sequence-and-non-statement-lines.patch + perf-probe-skip-overlapped-location-on-searching-variables.patch + perf-probe-walk-function-lines-in-lexical-blocks.patch + perf-record-fix-binding-of-aio-user-space-buffers-to-nodes.patch + perf-regs-make-perf_reg_name-return-unknown-instead-of-null.patch + perf-report-add-option-to-enable-the-lbr-stitching-approach.patch + perf-report-allow-specifying-event-to-be-used-as-sort-key-in-group-output.patch + perf-report-dump-lbr-callstack-data-by-d-jointly-with-thread-stack.patch + perf-report-fix-incorrectly-added-dimensions-as-switch-perf-data-file.patch + perf-report-fix-no-branch-type-statistics-report-issue.patch + perf-report-fix-null-pointer-dereference-in-hists__fprintf_nr_sample_events.patch + perf-report-jump-to-symbol-source-view-from-total-cycles-view.patch + perf-report-sort-by-sampled-cycles-percent-per-block-for-stdio.patch + perf-report-sort-by-sampled-cycles-percent-per-block-for-tui.patch + perf-report-support-a-new-key-to-reload-the-browser.patch + perf-report-support-interactive-annotation-of-code-without-symbols.patch + perf-report-support-percent-limit-for-total-cycles.patch + perf-report-top-do-not-offer-annotation-for-symbols-without-samples.patch + perf-report-top-tui-support-hotkey-a-for-annotation-of-unresolved-addresses.patch + perf-report-tui-fix-segmentation-fault-in-perf_evsel__hists_browse.patch + perf-script-add-option-to-enable-the-lbr-stitching-approach.patch + perf-script-allow-time-with-reltime.patch + perf-script-fix-brstackinsn-for-auxtrace.patch + perf-script-introduce-deltatime-option.patch + perf-scripts-python-export-to-postgresql-py-fix-struct-pack-int-argument.patch + perf-scripts-python-exported-sql-viewer-py-fix-unexpanded-find-result.patch + perf-scripts-python-exported-sql-viewer-py-fix-zero-id-in-call-graph-find-result.patch + perf-scripts-python-exported-sql-viewer-py-fix-zero-id-in-call-tree-find-result.patch + perf-sort-remove-needless-headers-from-sort-h-provide-fwd-struct-decls.patch + perf-srcline-add-missing-srcline-h-header-to-files-needing-its-defs.patch + perf-stat-align-the-output-for-interval-aggregation-mode.patch + perf-stat-don-t-report-a-null-stalled-cycles-per-insn-metric.patch + perf-stat-ensure-group-is-defined-on-top-of-the-same-cpu-mask.patch + perf-stat-fix-duration_time-value-for-higher-intervals.patch + perf-stat-fix-free-memory-access-memory-leaks-in-metrics.patch + perf-stat-fix-null-pointer-dereference.patch + perf-stat-fix-wrong-per-thread-runtime-stat-for-interval-mode.patch + perf-stat-honour-timeout-for-forked-workloads.patch + perf-stat-improve-runtime-stat-for-interval-mode.patch + perf-stat-increase-perf-metric-output-resolution.patch + perf-stat-move-loaded-out-of-struct-perf_counts_values.patch + perf-stat-show-percore-counts-in-per-cpu-output.patch + perf-stat-support-all-kernel-all-user.patch + perf-stat-support-new-per-thread-topdown-metrics.patch + perf-stat-zero-all-the-ena-and-run-array-slot-stats-for-interval-mode.patch + perf-streams-calculate-the-sum-of-total-streams-hits.patch + perf-streams-compare-two-streams.patch + perf-streams-get-the-evsel_streams-by-evsel_idx.patch + perf-streams-introduce-branch-history-streams.patch + perf-streams-link-stream-pair.patch + perf-streams-report-hot-streams.patch + perf-test-report-failure-for-mmap-events.patch + perf-test-session-topology-fix-data-path.patch + perf-tests-expr-added-test-for-runtime-param-in-metric-expression.patch + perf-tests-fix-out-of-bounds-memory-access.patch + perf-tests-remove-needless-headers-for-bp_account.patch + perf-thread-add-a-knob-for-lbr-stitch-approach.patch + perf-thread-save-previous-sample-for-lbr-stitching-approach.patch + perf-tools-add-aux-output-config-term.patch + perf-tools-add-aux_output-attribute-flag.patch + perf-tools-add-documentation-for-topdown-metrics.patch + perf-tools-add-hw_idx-in-struct-branch_stack.patch + perf-tools-add-itrace-option-o-to-synthesize-aux-output-events.patch + perf-tools-add-map_groups-to-struct-addr_location.patch + perf-tools-enable-hz-hz-prinitg-for-metric-only-option.patch + perf-tools-fix-reading-new-topology-attribute-core_cpus.patch + perf-tools-fix-record-failure-when-mixed-with-arm-spe-event.patch + perf-tools-move-arm-spe-pkt-decoder-h-c-to-the-new-dir.patch + perf-tools-powerpc-add-support-for-extended-register-capability.patch + perf-tools-powerpc-add-support-for-extended-regs-in-power10.patch + perf-tools-remove-debug-h-from-header-files-not-needing-it.patch + perf-tools-remove-needless-evlist-h-include-directives-partial.patch + perf-tools-remove-needless-thread-h-include-directives-partial.patch + perf-tools-remove-util-h-from-where-it-is-not-needed.patch + perf-tools-rename-struct-thread_map-to-struct-perf_thread_map.patch + perf-tools-tools-include-should-come-before-tools-uapi-include.patch + perf-tools-use-define-api-pure-full-instead-of-pure-parser.patch + perf-top-set-display-thread-comm-to-help-with-debugging.patch + perf-top-support-group-sort-idx-to-change-the-sort-order.patch + perf-top-support-hotkey-to-change-sort-order.patch + perf-trace-add-bpf-handler-for-unaugmented-syscalls.patch + perf-trace-add-pointer-to-bpf-object-containing-_augmented_syscalls__.patch + perf-trace-add-sendfile64-alias-to-the-sendfile-syscall.patch + perf-trace-allow-specifying-the-bpf-prog-to-augment-specific-syscalls.patch + perf-trace-beauty-add-bpf-augmenter-for-the-rename-syscall.patch + perf-trace-beauty-beautify-bind-s-sockaddr-arg.patch + perf-trace-beauty-beautify-sendto-s-sockaddr-arg.patch + perf-trace-beauty-disable-fd-pathname-when-close-not-enabled.patch + perf-trace-beauty-do-not-try-to-use-the-fd-pathname-beautifier-for-bind-connect-fd-arg.patch + perf-trace-beauty-make-connect-s-addrlen-be-printed-as-an-int-not-hex.patch + perf-trace-forward-error-codes-when-trying-to-read-syscall-info.patch + perf-trace-handle-raw_syscalls-sys_enter-just-like-the-bpf_output-augmented-event.patch + perf-trace-look-for-default-name-for-entries-in-the-syscalls-prog-array.patch + perf-trace-look-up-maps-just-on-the-_augmented_syscalls__-bpf-object.patch + perf-trace-mark-syscall-ids-that-are-not-allocated-to-avoid-unnecessary-error-messages.patch + perf-trace-order-e-syscalls-table.patch + perf-trace-preallocate-the-syscall-table.patch + perf-trace-put-the-per-syscall-entry-exit-prog_array-bpf-map-infrastructure-in-place.patch + perf-trace-reuse-bpf-augmenters-from-syscalls-with-similar-args-signature.patch + perf-ui-gtk-add-missing-zalloc-object.patch + perf-unwind-use-struct-map_symbol-in-struct-unwind_entry.patch + perf-util-factor-out-sysctl__nmi_watchdog_enabled.patch + perf-util-move-block-tui-function-to-ui-browsers.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-add-itlb-instruction-fetch-hits-event-for-zen1.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-add-l2-prefetch-events-for-zen1.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-add-l3-cache-events-for-family-17h.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-add-recommended-events.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-add-zen2-events.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-enable-family-19h-users-by-matching-zen2-events.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-remove-redundant.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-remove-trailing-commas.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-restrict-model-detection-for-zen1-based-processors.patch + perf-vendor-events-amd-update-zen1-events-to-v2.patch + perf-vendor-events-arm64-fix-hisi-hip08-ddrc-pmu-eventname.patch + perf-vendor-events-intel-add-icelake-v1-00-event-file.patch + perf-vendor-events-intel-add-no_nmi_watchdog-metric-constraint.patch + perf-vendor-events-intel-add-tremontx-event-file-v1-02.patch + perf-vendor-events-intel-update-all-the-intel-json-metrics-from-tmam-3-6.patch + perf-vendor-events-intel-update-cascadelakex-events-to-v1-05.patch + perf-vendor-events-power9-add-hv_24x7-socket-chip-level-metric-events.patch + perf-vendor-events-power9-add-missing-metrics-to-power9-cpi_breakdown.patch + perf-vendor-events-remove-p8-hw-events-which-are-not-supported.patch + perf-vendor-events-s390-add-json-transaction-for-machine-type-8561.patch + perf-vendor-events-s390-add-new-deflate-counters-for-ibm-z15.patch + perf-vendor-events-s390-remove-name-from-l1d_ro_excl_writes-description.patch + perf-vendor-events-s390-use-s390-machine-name-instead-of-type-8561.patch + pref-tools-make-struct-addr_map_symbol-contain-struct-map_symbol.patch + s390-cpum_cf-perf-change-dflt_ccerror-counter-name-partial.patch + perl-Algorithm-C3 +- updated to 0.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Algorithm-C3/Changes + 0.11 - 2020-11-10 + - set metadata for static dependency list and install + - move repository to github + - minor test cleanups + - fix Makefile.PL to work for authors in perl 5.26+ + perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits +- updated to 1.3.6 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits/Changes + v1.3.6 Tue Nov 16 11:38:44 CET 2021 + - adjust repository to reflect move on GitHub + +- updated to 1.3.5 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits/Changes + v1.3.5 Wed Nov 18 16:18:35 CET 2020 + - added links to repository and bugtracker + - added entry to changelog + - fix Bug #133767 + v1.3.4 Thu 17. Nov 15:13:54 CET 2020 + - revise lib/Algorithm/CheckDigits/ (irish TIN) + - fix Bug #133031 + +- updated to 1.3.3 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Algorithm-CheckDigits/Changes + v1.3.3 Di 14. Jul 19:20:56 CEST 2020 + - reworked lib/Algorithm/, allow 10-digit numbers, + allow prepending of 'BE' before the digits + - fix Bug #132950 + perl-Alien-wxWidgets +- Update patch perl-Alien-wxWidgets-ignore_cbuilder_version.patch + +- updated to 0.69 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Alien-wxWidgets/Changes + 0.69 Tue Apr 18 2017 + - added build dependency on LWP::Protocol::https - it is always + - necessary due to sourceforge redirect to https + -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- initial package 0.51 - * created by cpanspec 1.78 -- Spec file cleaned with spec-cleaner - perl-AnyEvent +- updated to 7.17 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-AnyEvent/Changes + TODO: document TCP_*** constants + TODO: add debug/trace logging to some modules + TODO: use the eval-with-cb-call trick also to speed up JSON? + TODO: FAQ: common pitfalls? invoke-before-return + TODO: FAQ: scope-ids? hosts file order? + TODO: AnyEvent::Handle with AnyEvent::IO? + TODO: invalid. and localhost. specialcasing inside AEDNS and not AESocket (rfc6761) + TODO: maybe implement env variable to give hosts precedence + TODO: more formats for parse_ipv6 (single ipv6 address without port, ...p80, ...#80) + TODO: inet_aton maybe pack C4? no, add a comment why not + TODO: socket prepare callbacks, can they easily signal failure as well? + TODO: Олег Г <>, empty A record response causes + AnyEvent::resolve_sockaddr to eventually call pack_sockaddr with undef - + broken dns server, but maybe improve the response. + 7.17 Wed Sep 18 03:04:49 CEST 2019 + - work around antique openssl version in RHEL 7 by formatting + dh parameters differently (reported by several people). + - add t/13_weaken.t. + +- updated to 7.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-AnyEvent/Changes + +- updated to 7.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-AnyEvent/Changes + 7.15 Tue Feb 26 03:07:42 CET 2019 + - INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: AnyEvent::Handle's tls_detect documentation gave + separate major and minor versions, while code passed only a single + value. This version follows the documentation and now passes separate + major and minor values. + - work around Net::SSLeay not having been ported to openssl 1.1, but many + distributions compiling it against openssl 1.1, which unfortunately + succeeds and results in a very broken module. + - AnyEvent::DNS::dns_unpack now stores the original DNS packet + in the __ member, to allow decoding of undecodable resouce records + containing compressed domian names. + - AnyEvent::Socket::parse_ipv6 would NOT, as advertised, accept ipv4 + addresses. It now does and converts them to ipv4 mapped addresses. + - support CAA records, based on patch by Steve Atkins. + - add freenom and cloudflare nameservers as dns fallback. + - AnyEvent::Strict would not properly ward against io watchers + on files when the handle passed was a file descriptor. + - document "internal" variables used by the dns en-/decoder to allow + enterprising users to extend them in a semi-official way. + -- updated to 7.07 - - the documentation for custom tls verify schemes was wrong. make it agree - with the code (reported by Maxime Soulé). - - added cbor read and write types to AnyEvent::Handle (using CBOR::XS). - - work around an API change in openssl that could cause wrong tls connection - aborts, likely on windows only (analyzed by sten). - - calling AnyEvent->now_update with AnyEvent::Impl::Perl caused an - endless loop (reported by Dietrich Rebmann). - - add tlsv1_1 and tlsv1_2 protocols to AnyEvent::TLS - (patch by Maxime Soulé). - - document AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::set_loop and - $AnyEvent::Impl::IOAsync::LOOP. Though only documented now, this - functionality has _always_ been available. - - force a toplevel domain name in t/81_hosts.t (analyzed by - David Jack Wange Olrik). - - document that AnyEvent::Log uses AnyEvent::IO. - - warn about AnyEvent::Filesys::Notify performance. - - praise the joys of AnyEvent::Fork::*. - - time for an =encoding directive. - - do no longer use JSON to create a default json coder, use - JSON::XS or JSON::PP directly. - -- updated to 7.05 - - couldn't be found due to wrong naming of the file - (reported by Fulko Hew). - - handle lone \015's properly in AE::Handle's default line read - (reported by various people). - - untaint ip addresses found in /etc/hosts (patch by José Micó). - - the memleak fix in 7.03 caused resolving via /etc/hosts to always - fail on first use (reported and testcase by Andrew Whatson). - - expose AnyEvent::Log::format_time, and allow users to redefine it. - - expose AnyEvent::Log::default_format, and allow redefinition. - - expose AnyEvent::Log::fatal_exit, to allow redefinition. - - AnyEvent::Debug shell can now run coro shell commands, if available. - - t/63* tests were wrongly in MANIFEST. - -'s finger server went MIA, switch to and - - - clarify that IO::AIO and AnyEvent::AIO are needed for AnyEvent::IO - to function asynchronously (reported by Daniel Carosone). - - hard-disable $^W in most tests, it generates too much garbage output. - - use a (hopefully) more future-proof method to emulate common::sense. - - upgrade to UTS-46:6.2.0. - - switch to INSTLIB from INSTLIBDIR, as INSTLIBDIR was wrongly - documented. should not affect anything. - -- updated to 7.04 - - debugging code left in. - - AnyEvent::Socket::inet_aton did not work when dns resolution was - used to find the addresses (analyzed and patch by Maxime Soulé). - - fix a memory leak in the /etc/hosts lookup code when hosts don't - resolve and are not in hosts (analyzed by sten). - perl-AnyEvent-HTTP +- updated to 2.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-AnyEvent-HTTP/Changes + TODO: cookie_jar_extract should refuse when host is an ip literal + TODO: cookie_jar_et_cookie should reject cookies not matching their down server domain + TODO: cookie prefixes? + TODO: default rbuf_max limit for header-reading, chunk header reading etc. + 2.25 Mon Apr 27 14:11:40 CEST 2020 + - fix incorrectly sending proxy requests to origin servers + when reusing proxy connections (analyzed and testcase by Ivan Robert). + - the sessionid parameter was documented as session in random + places - fix docs and keep using sessionid in the code as before. + - fix cookie format documentation. + +- updated to 2.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-AnyEvent-HTTP/Changes + -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - -- initial package (1.46) - perl-Apache-AuthCookie +- updated to 3.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes + 3.30 2020-04-14 + - Fix logic error for EnforceLocalDestination + - Add a bunch of tests to cover all scenarios of EnforceLocalDestination and + DefaultDestination + +- updated to 3.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes + 3.29 2020-03-22 + - Add optional support for enforcing a local destination, like so: + PerlSetVar MyAuthEnforceLocalDestination 1 + - Add optional support for specifying a default destination when the login + form's destination argument is unspecified or invalid (including + non-local if local destinations are enforced), like this: + PerlSetVar MyAuthDefaultDestination /protected/user/ + +- updated to 3.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes + 3.28 2019-11-19 + - Add support for SameSite cookie property (can be strict/lax). + - Minor POD updates. + +- updated to 3.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-AuthCookie/Changes + 3.27 2017-07-28 + - Fix POD spelling error [#118545]. + 3.26 2016-09-30 + - remove unused module Apache::AuthCookie::Autobox from dist + - remove dependency. has been removed from perl core, which + was the primary reason we used it in the first place. Replaced with + dependency on lighter weight set of three modules: + * HTTP::Body + * WWW::Form::UrlEncoded + * Hash::MultiValue + Also recommended (but not required) is WWW::Form::UrlEncoded::XS + - Add optional support for charset encoding. If you have something like + PerlSetVar MyAuthNameEncoding UTF-8 + Then AuthCookie with now automatically decode parameters using the given + encoding now. AuthCookie params() data will be decoded automatically if + this is on. See details in AuthCookie module documentation. In addition + r->user will be encoded (using byte semantics) using this encoding. + * **** IMPORTANT ***** + If you turn this on, this could break your code. r->user() will now be + byte encoded using the given encoding. If you use usernames that contain + non-ascii characters you either need to use decoded_user(), or decode + r->user() yourself in your subclasses. + See the AuthCookie docs for more details. + - add optional support for decoding httpd.conf requires directives. This is + enabled with a RequiresEncoding setting: + PerlSetVar MyAuthNameRequiresEncoding UTF-8 + Then decoded_requires($r) will return the decoded value of $r->requires + You only need this if you have non-ascii characters in your requires + directives such as: + Requires user programmør + - add decoded_user($r) method to get the value of r->user decoded using + character semantics instead of bytes. Due to the fact that r->user is a C + API method we cannot get character semantics on r->user directly. If no + Encoding directive is in effect, then this is the same as r->user. + - add encoding($r): string which returns the value of the Encoding directive + that is in effect for the current request. + -- update to 3.18 2011-01-24 - * remove 3.17's test skip hacks and bump Apache::Test prereq to - v1.53 which fixes this issue - * fix MANIFEST.SKIP to ignore genereated t/conf/mime.types - * remove dist.inim weaver.ini from dists - * fixed t/real.t to use correct -withtestmore import syntax - * rename sample authcookie handlers to Sample::Apache and - Sample::Apache2 namespaces -- update to 3.17 2011-01-19 - * skip the test suite if running as root. Apache::Test 1.34 fails - the test suite if running as root instead of skipping it. By - skipping, AuthCookie can be installed via as root -- update to 3.16 2011-01-19 - * require Apache::Test 1.32 - fixes Ubuntu build issue - * remove mod_perl/mod_perl2 related rereq's from META.yml. The - correct mod perl version is not known until Makefile.PL is run. - should not try to install either one until it is known - which one is appropriate. (RT 64926) -- update to 3.15 2010-08-27 - * enable Dist::Zilla Manifest plugin - * add FAQ - * add FAQ entry on how to protect an entire site/document root - * recognize_user: return DECLINED if user is already set - * refactor P3P header generation into send_p3p($r) so subclasses - can overload it - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- update to 3.14 - - MP2: doc updates: remove beta warnings, change Apache::AuthCookie to - Apache2::Authcookie where appopriate. - - docs: change my email to my cpan address - - docs: remove POST limitations reference (handled by POST to GET conversion) - - sign dist with Module::Signature - - add signature test - - MP1: perltidy Apache::AuthCookie sources. - - update mod_perl2 prereq version (still 2.0.0 RC5, but version number was - incorrect in Makefile.PL) - - use Dist::Zilla for building the dist -- 3.13 2010-04-12 - - removed: bad dist -- recreated spec by cpanspec 1.78 -- noarch package - -Version: 3.12 - - Makefile.PL If no mod_perl version is found, just require mod_perl2. - This makes sure that CPAN testers will get the right dependencies. - way. Also set up PREREQ_PM properly for mod_perl version 1. - Version: 3.11 - - Fix tiny pod doc error. - - Escape CR and LF in 'destination' field to prevent possible XSS attack - [Steffen Schwigon] - perl-Apache-Session +- updated to 1.94 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache-Session/CHANGES + -- update to 1.86 - * Default number of semaphores for *BSD is 8 - in Apache::Session::Lock::Semaphore - perl-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI +- updated to 2.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI/Changes + 2.19 - Sun Dec 8 15:06:12 PST 2019 + - Added support for group authorizations on Apache 2.4.x. This addresses + and + + - Refactored group authorization code. + - Eliminated duplicate calls of _dbi_config_vars() to improve efficiency. + - Added docker directory that contains Dockerfiles for Apache 2.2 and 2.4 + Changes by Ed Sabol + +- updated to 2.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Apache2-AuthCookieDBI/Changes + 2.18 - Sat Aug 17 12:35:38 PDT 2019 + - Fix + "DBI_CryptType crypt does not appear to work" + Changes by Ed Sabol + perl-App-CLI +- Ignore Test::Kwalitee dependency (not needed) + +- updated to 0.52 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-CLI/Changes + 0.52 Tue Dec 15 11:27:33 CET 2020 + * set bugtracker metadata explicitly + 0.51 Mon Dec 14 19:56:11 CET 2020 + * fix licensing inconsistency (spotted by kentnl) + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 0.50 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-CLI/Changes + +- updated to 0.49 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-CLI/Changes + 0.49 Mon Nov 06 07:46:11 CET 2017 + * add files to MANIFEST missing from last release + 0.48 Sun Nov 05 13:34:46 CET 2017 + * fixed help output behaviour (patch from sunnavy) + * more rigorous testing of Help class + * minor documentation improvements + * add AppVeyor configuration + 0.47 Wed Nov 01 22:31:41 CET 2017 + * add missing prereqs + * add missing LICENSE file + * add POD tests + * fix utf8 error in POD + 0.46 Wed Nov 01 20:21:58 CEST 2017 + * many documentation updates + * extended test suite + * fix several perlcritic issues + * mention package aliases in command list (José JoaquÃn Atria) + * add default version command (José JoaquÃn Atria) + * add a 'commands' command to list commands in app (José JoaquÃn Atria) + * multiple general improvements to the code (José JoaquÃn Atria) + -- recreate with cpanspec 1.78.02 and recompress tar - -- do not build noarch - -- update to 0.08 - * Allow commands to be provided as inner packages - -- enable parallel build - -- make patch0 usage consistent - perl-App-Cmd +- updated to 0.334 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-Cmd/Changes + 0.334 2021-06-18 22:14:14-04:00 America/New_York + - add a perl-support block to docs + - update author contact info + +- updated to 0.333 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-Cmd/Changes + 0.333 2021-03-14 15:45:02-04:00 America/New_York + - dial back required perl to v5.20.0 + 0.332 2021-03-12 21:25:38-05:00 America/New_York + - bump up minimum required perl to the one from 5yr ago + - make some tests laxer to prep for changes in Getopt::Long::Descriptive + - the App::Cmd object is constructed and blessed in new before _command + is called on it (thanks, Lucas Theisen) + -- updated to 0.318 - App::Cmd::Tester treats undef code as 0 now (thanks, David Golden) - piles of documentation improvement also by David Golden - -- updated to 0.317 - App::Cmd::Tester now reports exit code 1 for unknown commands, as - App::Cmd would exit(1) in that case; addresses - reported by - David Golden - perl-App-FatPacker +- updated to 0.010008 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-FatPacker/Changes + 0.010008 - 2019-02-18 + - documentation improvements + - switch to letting EUMM rewrite fatpack's #! + perl-App-Nopaste +- updated to 1.013 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-Nopaste/Changes + 1.013 2019-07-23 02:00:06Z + - amended instructions in App::Nopaste::Service::Gist regarding + creating a gist authorization token + - --copy now works with Control-V on X windows (PR#17, Shlomi Fish) + +- updated to 1.012 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-Nopaste/Changes + -- updated to 0.92 - Fix the language mappins for Ubuntu's pastebin (Sergey Romanov) - Don't need to load Moose in the tests (Sergey Romanov) - Decode incoming text as utf8 (Jesse Luehrs) - Support for GITHUB_USER and GITHUB_PASS (Rafael Kitover) - Name the gist file `nopaste` not `nopaste.txt` for possible syntax highlighting (Rafael Kitover) - Use decode_json not a regular expression to decode Gist response body (Shawn M Moore) - Give a hint to perldoc App::Nopaste::Service::Gist on 401 (Shawn M Moore) - Port from Moose and MooseX::Getopt to Getopt::Long::Descriptive (frew) - App::Nopaste is not using any interesting Moose features, - so it doesn't make sense to pay the startup cost (even - though it's probably dominated by network latency) - Please report any regressions! - -- updated to 0.35 - Don't barf when gist-ing STDIN. (Ricardo SIGNES) - Support for GitHub's v3 API [Ð’ÑчеÑлав ТихановÑкий (vti)] - perl-App-cpanminus +- updated to 1.7044 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-App-cpanminus/Changes + perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper +- updated to 0.38 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.38 (2020/08/09): + Fixed issue 17 - + The fixes were only related to different licenses over the files of the distribution. + Small fixes over the documentation as well. + No changes to the code. :-) + +- updated to 0.37 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.37 (2019/08/24): + Fixed issue 14 - + +- updated to 0.36 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.36 (2019/04/11): + Bug fixes since tests on Windows were failing after latests changes. + Refactored code due unexpected way bsdtar on Windows and tar on OpenBSD behave. + Refactored the tests due the bugs found. + Small fixes on Pod, specially the section for MS Windows users. + Added the missing tests to the MANIFEST. + +- updated to 0.35 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.35 (2019/04/05): + Added _rem_dots method, a improved way to remove '.' and '..' from readdir(), supposed to be faster than previous implementation with sort() and shift(). + Added two more tests to increase testing coverage. + Fixed a small bug regarding Pod, that now covers 100% of the code. + Small fixes to documentation. + 0.34 (2019/03/22): + Increased test coverage. + Refactored code to make it easier for testing. + Disabled performance-small.t for now. + Refactored bzip2 tests. + Adding META.yml "provides" from Makefile.PL + Covered methods that didn't have Pod. + Refactored all Pod following best practices. + Refactored a single method to be "private". + Slightly changed new() to enable unit testing for OS specific configurations. + +- updated to 0.34 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + +- updated to 0.33 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.33 (2018/07/10): + Skipping bzip2 testing if the program is not available + ( + Undeclared dependency of Dumbbench + ( + 0.32 (2018/07/10): + Typo fixed by Mohammad S Anwar + ( + Refactored performance tests, and now they will run as TODO to test the + hypotesis that there is a better algorithm to write() method. + 0.31 (2018/07/03): + Enabled performance testing to acquire from different setups which scheme is + faster to remove dots when reading directories. + Disabled Solaris OS until issues are fixed. + Fixed bug introduced in Makefile.PL due changes of release 0.30 (thanks to + David Cantrell <>). + Updated documentation. + 0.30 (2018/06): + Keeping track of changes per request + + Fixing proper handling of File::Which when checking on Microsoft Windows. + Refactored troubleshooting messages on Microsoft Windows. + Bug fixes provided by Shoichi Kaji (skaji at in PRs + + and + 0.29 (2018/06/25): + Added Microsoft Windows support with the help of Ingram Braun M.A. + <>. + 0.28 (2018/06/19) + Moving Test::Simple dependency to TEST_REQUIRES per issue + + Removed the README (completely replaced by + Fixed licensing declaration per + + Refactored more debugging messages with proper use of Log::Log4perl. + Applied the usage of Test::More is_deeply() whenever possible to improve + tests results in case of errors. + Small refactorings. + 0.27 (2018/06/15) + Added Test::Simple 1.302073 as minimum version required to be able to use + is_deeply(). + Getting a logger from Log::Log4perl to be able to improve performance by + avoiding doing expensive string + concatenation unless the log level allows it. + Reverted changes on list_reset() to go back reading and printing each line + recovered instead of keeping it in memory, instead of following PBP. + Refactored t/001Basic.t by following PBP, using three arguments for open() + and adding note() to include more information. + +- updated to 0.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + +- updated to 0.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper/Changes + 0.26 (2018/06/09) + Implemented refactoring due warnings from Perl::Critic. + 0.25 (2018/06/04) + Implemented refactoring due warnings from Perl::Critic. + Merge pull request #3 from manwar/suggest-code-tidy + 0.24 (2018/06/02) + Added a LICENSE file (GNU GPL v3). + Removed MYMETA files (see + Improved Kwalitee by adding information to Makefile.PL + Fixed tests under OpenBSD + Added some code to check for OpenBSD tar, which is not quite compatible to the command line options passed by this module. + Also made the method is_gnu() more robust, testing the return code and properly handling STDOUT and STDERR when trying "tar --version". + Dependencies added are those already available on standard perl (Config and IPC::Open3). + Added a for better formatting in Github project page. + Small refactorings and code formating with perltidy. + -- initial package 0.14 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.04 - perl-B-Keywords +- updated to 1.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes + +- updated to 1.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes + 1.22 2021-02-22 09:42:18 rurban + - add try/catch by Tom Wyant + +- updated to 1.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes + 1.21 2019-12-17 17:38:00 rurban + - isa was added with 5.31.7 + - improved t/z_kwalitee.t + +- updated to 1.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes + 1.20 2019-02-15 11:03:00 rurban + - extern was added with 5.29.0c + +- updated to 1.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-B-Keywords/Changes + 1.19 Thu Aug 23 11:16:09 CEST 2018 + - our was added with 5.005_61 + -- updated to 1.12 - - Add new keywords for 5.16, __SUB__ and evalbytes. - - Add new keyword fc (Unicode casefolding) for 5.16 added with commit 838f2281 - - added diag before each big t/11keywords.t loop - -- fix license - -- updated to 1.10 - - Fix typo in SYNOPSIS - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - perl-Benchmark-Timer +- updated to 0.7112 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Benchmark-Timer/CHANGES + Version 0.7112: + - Fix Makefile.PL warning + - Fix deleting of inc during release process + - Better fix for AutomatedTester warning + Version 0.7111: + - Update META.yml + Version 0.7110: + - Trying once again to fix the compile test on windows + Version 0.7109: + - Add missing URI::Escape dependency + - Check in standard tests, including one that skips the compile check on Windows + +- updated to 0.7108 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Benchmark-Timer/CHANGES + perl-CGI-FastTemplate +- Update URL + perl-CGI-Simple +- updated to 1.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CGI-Simple/Changes + 1.25 2020-02-10 MANWAR + - Merged PR #9, thanks @ktat. + 1.24 2020-02-07 MANWAR + - Addressed issue RT #125383 raised by SREZIC. + 1.23 2020-02-06 MANWAR + - Fixed issue RT #131590, samesite parameter can be "None" as well. + +- updated to 1.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CGI-Simple/Changes + 1.22 2019-09-07 MANWAR + - Fixed issue RT# 130454, samesite parameter missing from sub cookie(). + +- updated to 1.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CGI-Simple/Changes + +- Avoid overly "super duper" summary. + +- Update URL, provide zero padded version number to satisfy version checks + +- updated to 1.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CGI-Simple/Changes + 1.16 2018-07-25 MANWAR + - Made t/manifest.t AUTHOR only (RT #125383). + - Removed +x bits from test scripts. + -- recreated by cpanspec 1.78.03 - o fix deps -- remove Author - -- disable perl_requires macro for older Distributions - -- update to 1.113: - + fixes the following security bugs reported via CVE: - CVE-2010-2761 - mime boundary issue - CVE-2010-4410 - crlf injection - CVE-2010-4411 - incomplete fix for crlf injection - - and also via bnc #657343 and bnc #663396 - + Port max-age support from, to improve compatibility and - RFC-compliance - + some fixes in the testsuite - + Sync cookie references with add reference to the - newer RFC 2695 - + documentation fixes - + Optimize Vars(): Don't build %hash if we aren't going to use it, - and don't call "tie" unless we need to - + Added "+" and "\." to the mime character class. - + Fixed wrong match for mimetypes. -- remove perl-CGI-Simple-CVE-2010-2761.patch (included upstream) - -- fix CVE-2010-2761 (bnc#657731) - multipart mime boundary - (perl-CGI-Simple-CVE-2010-2761.patch) - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- enable parallel build - perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases +- updated to 5.20211120 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20211020 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210920 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210821 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210722 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210620 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210521 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210515 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210505 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210420 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210320 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210220 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210123 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210120 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20210109 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20201220 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20201120 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20201020 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200920 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200820 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200717 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200620 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200607 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +updated to 5.20200601 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +updated to 5.20200524 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +updated to 5.20200428 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200320 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200314 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200229 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200220 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20200120 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 5.20191220 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 4.00 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.98 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.96 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.94 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.92 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.90 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.88 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.84 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.80 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.76 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.74 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.72 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.70 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.68 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.64 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + +- updated to 3.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases/Changes + perl-CPAN-Uploader +- updated to 0.103016 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Uploader/Changes + 0.103016 2021-10-30 22:49:45-04:00 America/New_York + - update author contact info + - add policy on required versions of perl + - drop prereq on File::HomeDir (thanks, Karen Etheridge) + - document the CPAN_UPLOADER_URI env var (thanks, Marcus Ramberg) + - fix some text and behavior around reaching max retries (thansk, + Thibault DUPONCHELLE) + +- updated to 0.103015 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Uploader/Changes + 0.103015 2020-08-20 23:07:25-04:00 America/New_York + - quiet a harmless warning + +- updated to 0.103014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CPAN-Uploader/Changes + 0.103014 2020-06-07 13:40:36-04:00 America/New_York + - add a --retries option to make multiple upload attempts in the face + of a 500 error (thanks, PERLANCAR) + -- updated to 0.103004 - like 0.103003, but a production release - use https by default (thanks, Mike Doherty) - cpan-uploader now can take a list of filenames to upload (Thanks, - Gabor Szabo!) - -- updated to 0.103001 - * Small fixes about upload_uri usage (Getty) - -- updated to 0.103000 - * allow an alternate upload_uri via constructor arg or env var - perl-Carp-Always +- updated to 0.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Always/Changes + perl-Carp-Assert-More +- updated to 2.0.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Assert-More/Changes + 2.0.1 Fri Aug 13 11:57:15 CDT 2021 + [FIXES] + assert_all_keys_in() mistakenly required a non-empty list of + keys to check. + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Sped up assert_isa_in(), assert_is(). + 2.0.0 Thu Aug 12 23:00::00 CDT 2021 + [DIFFERENCES] + Now requires Perl 5.10 or higher. No longer requires Carp::Assert. + The numeric functions are more stringent now. If it expects + a number, then you need to pass a number. For example, + assert_nonnegative($x) would pass if $x was a non-numeric + string. Now it must be numeric. + assert_empty() and assert_nonempty() no longer gives a message + of "Not an array or hash reference". If you don't pass an array + or hash reference, the assertion will just fail with the message + passe3d in. + assert_aoh() and assert_datetime() no longer provide a default + message. + assert_in() is more strict. Each element of the target array + is checked to not be a reference. + assert_exists() and assert_lacks() are more strict. The list + of keys to check cannot be empty. + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Most of the functions are about twice as fast because of reduced + number of function calls internally. + Added assert_context_nonvoid() and assert_context_scalar() + to assert on how the executing function has been called. + assert_in() now lets you use undef as both the needle and one + of the values in the haystack. + +- updated to 1.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Assert-More/Changes + 1.26 Sat Dec 26 00:26:23 CST 2020 + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Add assert_arrayref_nonempty(). + Add assert_hashref_nonempty(). + +- updated to 1.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Assert-More/Changes + 1.24 Tue Oct 6 22:37:06 CDT 2020 + [ENHANCEMENTS] + The requirement for Perl 5.10 has been reverted to 5.6.1. + 1.22 Tue Oct 6 22:03:55 CDT 2020 + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Add assert_keys_are() for asserting an exact list of keys. + +- updated to 1.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Assert-More/Changes + 1.20 Fri Aug 9 10:10:06 CDT 2019 + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Add assert_datetime() for asserting DateTime objects. + +- updated to 1.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Carp-Assert-More/Changes + 1.18 Fri Jul 19 17:12:32 CDT 2019 + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Added assert_aoh() for asserting an array of hashrefs. + perl-Catalyst-Manual +- updated to 5.9011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Catalyst-Manual/Changes + 5.9011 - 2020-07-22 + - added NGINX Unit deployment documentation + +- updated to 5.9010 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Catalyst-Manual/Changes + 5.9010 - 2019-04-25 + - updated stale urls + - numerous typo fixes + - many pod syntax fixes + - other pod syntax cleanup + - added references to the RT issues queue, mailing list, and irc channel + perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped +- Remove perl526.patch + Not needed anymore because Makefile.PL was fixed upstream + +- updated to 0.10014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Class-Accessor-Grouped/Changes + 0.10014 2018-07-01 19:25 (UTC) + - releasing 0.10013_01 as stable + 0.10013_01 2018-05-28 13:37 (UTC) + - convert packaging from Module::Install to plain ExtUtils::MakeMaker + - fix running Makefile.PL when @INC does not contain '.' (perl 5.26). + - don't run author tests at all for user installs + -- update to 0.09002 - - removing Class::XSAccessor usage for now - * 0.09001 Thu Oct 1 21:48:06 2009 - - remove optional dep from Makefile.PL - * 0.09000 Sun Aug 23 20:08:09 2009 - - release - * 0.08999_01 Tue July 7 22:06:21 2009 - - Make _mk_group_accessors name the closures installed for Moose compat - - Use Class::XSAccessor if available RT#45577 (Andy Grundman) - * 0.08003 Sat Mar 21 9:27:24 2009 - - Fixed set_inherited under C3::Componentised: RT#43702, RIBASUSHI - * 0.08002 Mon Nov 17 20:27:22 2008 - - Removed unnecessary code in get_simple: RT#40992, BUCHMULLER Norbert -- cleanup spec - * added header - * fixed deps - * moved changelog to .changes -- added perl-macros - * perl_gen_filelist - -- first release 0.08001 - perl-Class-C3 +- updated to 0.35 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Class-C3/Changes + 0.35 - 2020-11-09 + - update bundled ExtUtils::HasCompiler to 0.022 + - support PUREPERL_ONLY environment variable during installation + - fix no-XS test to not require newer Test::More that declared prereq + - drop optional Devel::Hide prereq + -- updated to 0.24 - - Require Class::C3::XS on 5.8 perls if a working compiler is found - perl-Class-C3-XS +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Class-C3-XS/Changes + 0.15 2020-04-09 02:10:13Z + - minor distribution tooling updates + perl-Class-Date +- Update to 1.1.17 + * Bugfixes: + - Modules still had the hard-coded $VERSIONs in them. +- Update to 1.1.16 + - Remove the xs part of the distribution, which was not adding + much for the extra pain. + - Quiet spurious warning + - Fix typos in documentation. +- Cleaned spec-file with spec-cleaner + -- update to 1.1.9 - * no upstream changelog available - perl-Class-Load +- updated to 0.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Class-Load/Changes + 0.25 2018-06-10 20:55:10Z + - merged required and recommended Data::OptList version prerequisite, to + work around bug (RT#123447) + -- update to 0.12: - + Depend on Module::Runtime 0.011+. This fixes problems with - Catalyst under Perl 5.8 and 5.10. - perl-Class-Trigger +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Class-Trigger/Changes + 0.15 2020-04-05 20:41:50 PDT + - Repackaged to avoid build issues with modern perls + perl-Clone +- updated to 0.45 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Clone/Changes + 0.45 2020-04-23 14:46:00 atoomic + - bump B::COW requirement to fix big-endian issue + +- updated to 0.44 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Clone/Changes + +- updated to 0.43 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Clone/Changes + 0.43 2019-07-29 13:47:42 atomic + - fix an issue when cloning a NULL mg_ptr pointer + +- updated to 0.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Clone/Changes + 0.42 2019-07-19 23:06:04 garu + - make handling of mg_ptr safer (ATOOMIC, Harald Jörg) + - change license wording on some test files to + make the entire dist released under the same + terms as Perl itself (fixes GH#20) (GARU) + +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Clone/Changes + 0.41 2018-10-25 10:20:03 garu + - Check the CowREFCNT of a COWed PV (ATOOMIC) + this should fix some issues people have been + having with 0.40 on DBD drives and DBIx::Class + - Make buildtools files not executable (Mohammad S Anwar) + 0.40 2018-10-23 20:001:49 garu + - reuse COWed PV when cloning (fixes RT97535) (ATOOMIC) + - extra protection against potential infinite loop (ATOOMIC) + - improved tests + -- use original .tar.gz - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- recreated by cpanspec 1.78 -- bzipped Source - -- add perl as explicit buildrequire - -- enable parallel build - perl-Code-DRY +- updated to 0.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-DRY/Changes + 0.10 + - yet another fix for Build.PL, sigh + 0.09 + - bugfix #129533: disable hard link detection on Windows (but not on cygwin). Thanks Shawn + 0.08 + - fix Build.PL syntax for older versions + +- updated to 0.07 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-DRY/Changes + 0.07 + - fix bugs found on OpenBSD + +- updated to 0.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-DRY/Changes + 0.06 + - fix a test for older Perls + +- updated to 0.05 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-DRY/Changes + 0.05 + - Version 0.04 had some ugly bugs that were masked by my testing. Thanks to CPANTS testers. + - bugfixes in salcpis.c and DRY.xs + +- updated to 0.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Code-DRY/Changes + 0.04 + - Build.PL added + - documentation fixes + - increase test coverage + - exclude symbolically or hard linked files + perl-Compress-Bzip2 +- updated to 2.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Bzip2/Changes + 2.28 2020-07-18 08:05:11 rurban + - re-upload with unexpired gpg key. no changes. + +updated to 2.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Bzip2/Changes + 2.27 2020-05-26 15:56:27 rurban + - fix various null derefs (RT #132711, reported by Petr Pisar) + - 5.6 does not work for some time, disallow + -- updated to 2.15, no changelog - -- update license to new format - perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma +- updated to 2.101 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.101 20 February 2021 + * fix version numbers in meta files + +- updated to 2.100 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.100 7 January 2021 + * Expose liblzma's 'preset_dict' feature + + 4d9d4e596c4f567c87626a827e39c4435e62472d fix typo + dc394d53b0575edf8f72e28829a2ff9faea7e729 Add t/10preset_dict.t + c5afb68e2a3a4b2fc4e548ffa61d2a3a383b5c96 Add cast to deRef + 32f9085aba510c4d99d4a374406e734b13b82eef fix minor typos + 55b8d6a6f65a1d6426c55f5b51aefdba6dabfbb3 fix merge issue + 9eb88de7abaaefe736d475260c73de525e7ae39f Merge branch 'master' of + 3432a769b283ac5dc9fd757e973cc8aefc1e2345 Merge pull request #6 from anall/wip/preset_dictionary + 68fe695c16b14a983f39c8c8567557148bbc43ca Expose the preset_dict feature from liblzma when creating a Lzma filter + * trim whitespace + 4ca252f1e1d740489dbd3736ab1f74e1492dff6d + +- updated to 2.096 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.096 31 July 2020 + * No changes + 2.095 19 July 2020 + * No changes + +- updated to 2.094 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.094 13 July 2020 + * Issue with Append mode & SvOOK + Issue + 10fbd83afbf02b255bfac79fc38f6b507bc93b4e + +- updated to 2.093 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.093 7 December 2019 + * Lzma.xs -- add allocator to lzma_properties_decode + Fixes chach on Windows. + Issue + 155b1730163301f59260316b2c011ec41ff4e378 + +- updated to 2.092 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.092 1 December 2019 + * use lzma_llocator + Issue + 2cf13f99ef6ce862b138f83f6d3d9597d59106b9 + +- updated to 2.091 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.091 23 November 2019 + * More updates for memory leak in raw_decoder + Issue + 08e80080b0d94e17eb1e9ceed589b145cdaf8495 + ac9b6e5c9c6966a40d1a6caf2f2c6dc021ed50d9 + * Silence compiler warning + + c496f8716b3651cab2753cf90a3aa47a7ce0a339 + +- updated to 2.090 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.090 9 November 2019 + * Memory leak in raw_decoder + Issue + 05c0eac3ab1edd05e5bc945463af004dcbc88c00 + b020045e17a7ab7338c010f5100ec63e8e8e9040 + +- updated to 2.089 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.089 3 November 2019 + * No Changes + 2.088 31 October 2019 + * Add SUPPPORT section + 11a43c1b8053a0502d7a89bcfeb62f8fe5da7f14 + +- updated to 2.087 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + +- updated to 2.086 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.086 31 March 2019 + * Moved source to github + * Add META_MERGE to Makefile.PL + * Added meta-json.t & meta-yaml.t + +- updated to 2.085 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.085 12 January 2019 + * t/050interop-xz.t + Test harness can use a lot of memory. + On systems with small memory t/050interop-xz.t can fail. + Free memory before invoking xz. + [ #128194] may fail (memory leak?) + +- updated to 2.084 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.084 5 January 2019 + * No Changes + +- updated to 2.083 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Compress-Raw-Lzma/Changes + 2.083 30 December 2018 + * No Changes + -- Update to 2.062, since 2.052 fails on 13.1 with - t/01llzma-generic.t at line 487 - [ 61s] # got: 'Appended$&A*Ì“5KH=*5$Appended' - [ 61s] # expected: 'Appended' - and many other fatal errors. -- 2.062 11 August 2013 * fix typos [RT #86418] -- 2.061 19 May 2013 * silence compiler warning by making 2nd parameter to DispStream a const char* -- 2.060 7 January 2013 * No Changes -- 2.059 24 November 2012 * Copy-on-write support -- 2.058 12 November 2012 * No Changes -- 2.057 10 November 2012 - * update to ppport.h that includes SvPV_nomg_nolen - * added PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT -- 2.055 5 August 2012 * Fix misuse of magic in API - -- update to 2.052 - * Fixed to allow building with C++ -- 2.049 17 February 2012 - * README wasn't included in the distribution. -- 2.047 28 January 2012 - * Set minimum Perl version to 5.6 -- 2.045 3 December 2011 - * Moved FAQ.pod to IO::Compress -- 2.044 2 December 2011 - * Moved FAQ.pod under the lib directory so it can get installed -- 2.039 28 October 2011 - * croak if attempt to freeze/thaw compression object - [RT #69985] -- 2.036 18 June 2011 - * A number of changes to facilitate adding LZMA support to - IO::Compress::Zip & IO::Uncompress::Unzip - * Added preset filters Lzma::Filter::Lzma1::Preset & - Lzma::Filter::Lzma2::Preset - * Added forZip option to Compress::Raw::Lzma::Encoder - * Added properties option to Compress::Raw::Lzma::RawDecoder -- update license to spdx format - -- updated to 2.035 - code name "No Changes" - -- updated to 2.033 - * Changed default MemLimit from 128Meg to unlimited. - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-Config-GitLike +- updated to 1.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Config-GitLike/Changes + 1.18 2020-03-12 + - Return a more correct `dir_file` for Config::GitLike::Git; this + change is not backwards-compatible, but matches behavior to existing + documentation and expectation. + perl-Config-INI +- updated to 0.027 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Config-INI/Changes + 0.027 2021-06-22 22:27:53-04:00 America/New_York + - require Mixin::Linewise v0.110 to cope with new error message + 0.026 2021-06-20 17:14:32-04:00 America/New_York + - update author contact info + perl-Config-MVP +- updated to 2.200012 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Config-MVP/Changes + 2.200012 2021-01-09 19:51:18-05:00 America/New_York + - don't try to array-dereference non-array references (thanks, Sven + Kirmess) + perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI +- updated to 2.101464 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Config-MVP-Reader-INI/Changes + 2.101464 2021-07-03 13:18:24-04:00 America/New_York + - update author contact info + - document perl version policy + perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum +- updated to 0.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum/Changes + 0.09 2017/12/01 + - fix #4 License is not specified in metadata + - fix #6 Strip + and out of $lib and $inc + - fix #7 Fix building with OpenSSL 1.1.0 + 0.08 2017/02/08 + - Makefile.PL MSWin32 fix + 0.07 2016/10/25 + - Makefile.PL supports OPENSSL_PREFIX or OPENSSL_LIB+OPENSSL_INCLUDE env variables + - Makefile.PL tries to find libcrypto via pkg-config + -- Initial version of perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum - perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess +- updated to 0.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess/Changes + 0.14 2021-10-28T15:35:02Z + - macOS: check dylib exists in library paths (PR#11) + - backport from Net::SSLeay 1.91_01 (PR#10) + +- updated to 0.13 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess/Changes + 0.13 2021-05-03T15:37:39Z + - use --installed option while executing brew --prefix (PR#9 @skaji++) + +- updated to 0.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess/Changes + 0.12 2021-03-05T08:54:55Z + - backport from Net::SSLeay 1.90 (PR#7) + - use `brew --prefix` for OPENSSL_PREFIX if available (PR#8) + perl-CryptX +- updated to 0.074 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.077 2021-11-06 + - fix #75 Missing methods _sadd + _ssub in Math::BigInt::LTM + - fix #76 Tests failing for numbers with multiple underscore characters (Math::BigInt::LTM) + +- updated to 0.073 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.073 2021-07-18 + - fix #73 CPAN testers failure with Math::BigInt 1.99982 + - fix #70 remove lto related hacks from Makefile.PL + - fix #72 drop optional prereqs JSON::XS + Cpanel::JSON::XS, use optionally only JSON + +- updated to 0.072 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.072 2021-04-29 + - fix #69 Identifier Octet's Leniency in RSA PKCS#1 Signature Verification + - bundled libtomcrypt update branch:develop (commit:165c795b 2021-04-14) + +- updated to 0.071 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.071 2021-03-30 + - fix #67 (better handling of PEM decoding failures) + +- updated to 0.070 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.070 2021-02-12 + - fix #66 remove -flto=auto (Makefile.PL) + - fix #65 typo in docs (lib/Crypt/ + - bundled libtomcrypt update branch:develop (commit:910d6252 2021-01-19) + +- updated to 0.069 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-CryptX/Changes + 0.069 2020-08-25 + - fix #64 ECC: segfault on invalid input + - fix #63 ltc Licensing could be clearer (added src/{ltc,ltm}/LICENSE) + - fix #62 documentation only (Crypt::CBC related) + - bundled libtomcrypt update branch:develop (commit:d8d7a83b 2020-07-14) + perl-Curses +- Update to 1.38: + * Fix compilation failure with some compilers, including AIX's + because _XOPEN_SOURCE_EXTENDED was defined with null value. + +- Build and link against ncurses version 5 to fix missing exported + symbols [bsc#1119646] + +- Build with support for MENUS, PANELS and FORMS +- Fix perl script interpreters + +- updated to 1.37 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Curses/HISTORY + New in 1.37 + Fix printw for wide characters. + Fix bug: wenclose() and mouse_trafo() treat an integer as a boolean. The + functional effect is they return true if they fail to do the window move (I + don't understand this - there's some kind of window move that is part of + every function). False is better. + +- updated to 1.36 (Released August 14, 2016) + Fix the GNU Hurd thing from 1.35 by including the hints file in the + manifest. + New in 1.35 (Released July 11, 2016) + Added hints file for GNU Hurd ($OSNAME == 'gnu'). From Pino Toscano. + New in 1.34 (Released April 2, 2016) + Several bugs fixed in demo programs (which also function as the + documentation) for forms and menus and comments added explaining need to + keep Perl variables around to avoid invalid memory references. + New in 1.33 (Released October 3, 2015) + Package contains META files. +- Cleaned with spec-cleaner + -- update to 1.28 - * Disable Curses::Var::STORE. It doesn't work (doesn't even compile) with - newer Ncurses (due to updates to make Ncurses reentrant). One can - re-enable it by defining ALLOW_VARS_STORE in c-config.h. - * Improve "not provided by your vendor" message. - -- enable parallel build - -- update to 1.27 - * Extraneous .i and .s files in 1.26 removed. 'make clean' cleans - all .i and .s too. - * 'gen' directory is replaced by gen.tar file, so CPAN doesn't - index the stuff in there. That directory is stuff for developing - the Curses package, not stuff for users. - * newterm() is available and putwin() and getwin() work in newer - Perl (with PerlIO). We now use PerlIO_findFile(). - -- update to 1.24 - * Export KEY_RESIZE, KEY_EVENT. - * For Netbsd, allow both Netbsd and BSD guesses via CURSES_LIBTYPE, - and default to Ncurses. - * Add guess capability for Dragonfly. - -- update to 1.23 - * Fix crash of Makefile.PL on Windows. - * Don't undefine 'bool' macro in c-darwin hints file. - * Fix missing comment delimiter. - perl-DBD-CSV +- updated to 0.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-CSV/ChangeLog + 0.58 - 2021-02-10, H.Merijn Brand + * It's 2021 + * "class" is not a CSV attribute to pass on (issue#8) + 0.57 - 2020-12-17, H.Merijn Brand + * META fixes + -- updated to 0.41 - * Use File::Spec->tmpdir () for universal existing folder - Note that huge $TMP folders may cause the test to run slow - * Use File::Spec::rel2abs () instead of abs_path and hoops - * Guard against parallel testing, which is unsupported - * Guard against streaming tests (they PASS on the DBI-devel) - perl-DBD-ODBC +- updated to 1.61 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-ODBC/Changes + 1.61 2020-01-30 + [BUG FIXES] + Fix 12blob.t test by pali + Fix searching for ODBC libraries in system by pali (#15) + [ENHANCEMENTS] + use PERL_NO_GET_CONTEXT for more performance by markusbeth (#13) + [MISCELLANEOUS] + Fix travis builds for older Perls by pali + +- updated to 1.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-ODBC/Changes + 1.60 2018-10-31 + [BUG FIXES] + Merged pull request 11 from audun which fixes some issues with the AutoCommit flag + on commit and rollback. + [MISCELLANEOUS] + Merged pull request 10 from vadz which fixed typo (affecting license) in + +- updated to 1.59 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBD-ODBC/Changes + 1.59 2018-08-10 + [BUG FIXES] + git issue 8. Setting odbc_utf8_on didn't work properly. Thanks to David Wheeler for + reporting and helping to debug. + -- updated to 1.45, see Changes for (a lot of) details - -- updated to 1.43, see Changes (a lot) - -- update to 1.33 - [ENHANCEMENTS] - * Enable multiple active statement support in 70execute_array.t for - drivers we recognise which support MAS. - * Change column_info to support Unicode catalog/schema/table/column - names. - * Use SQLGetTypeInfoW on unicode builds. - * DBD::ODBC now allows unicode catalog/schema/table parameters to be - passed to table_info. Of course they will only reliably work with - a supporting Unicode ODBC driver. - * Added new odbc_driver_complete attribute allowing the ODBC Driver - Manager and ODBC Driver to throw dialogues for incomplete - connection strings or expired passwords etc. - [BUG FIXES] - * remove debugging printf which output "HERE" in some rare cases. - rt 72534 - thanks John Deighan for spotting this. - * The test 70execute_array.t could fail due to warning being output - if the driver does not support Multiple Active Statements. - * Fix bug in utf16_copy which was not adding a trailing NUL but I'm - not sure this affected anyone until I changed table_info this - release. - * I omitted rt_68720.t from the 1.31 distribution which leads - to a warning as it is mentioned in the MANIFEST. - [DOCUMENTATION] - * new FAQ entries - * added note saying you cannot pass unicode schema/table/column - names to metadata calls like table_info/column_info currently. - [OTHER] - * Changed line endings in and README.unicode to be unix - line endings and native eol-style in subversion. - * Minor changes to Makefile.PL to save the opensuse guys patching. - * Added and examples - * added more examples - perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler +- updated to 0.002233 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler/Changes + 0.002233 2019-09-25 13:32:11-04:00 America/New_York + - Add txn_wrap attribute to DBIC::DeploymentHandler + - Bugfix: Do not remove "false" transactions in deploy() + - use SQL::SplitStatement to split SQL statements in DDLs + - Add txn_prep attribute to keep backwards-compatibility + - Fixes GH #47, #68, #72 - thanks @augenslat + +- updated to 0.002232 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler/Changes + 0.002232 2019-06-06 21:49:17-04:00 America/New_York + - Add missing dependency on + +- updated to 0.002231 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler/Changes + 0.002231 2019-05-10 09:28:36-04:00 America/New_York + - Revert conversion to Moo; this code is now identical to v0.002224, with one + small fix from 0.002225, having to do with Pg chunk-splitting when there + is no semicolon + +- updated to 0.002230 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler/Changes + 0.002230 2019-03-14 18:31:07+00:00 Europe/London + - MooX::Role::Parameterized forces min perl 5.010 + 0.002229 2019-03-14 18:13:25+00:00 Europe/London + - convert from Package::Variant to MooX::Role::Parameterized - fix #67 + 0.002228 2019-03-14 07:13:33+00:00 Europe/London + - IO::All dep to 0.87 in case causing Win32 problem + +- updated to 0.002227 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler/Changes + 0.002227 2019-03-11 05:58:07+00:00 Europe/London + - test version-objects in 5.8-10 compatible way + 0.002226 2019-03-11 03:14:04+00:00 Europe/London + - relax the Pg chunk-splitting when no ";" + - better test of version-object on schema + 0.002225 2019-03-11 01:56:47+00:00 Europe/London + - convert to Type::Tiny + - Port to Moo + - convert parameterised role to Package::Variant + - convert file-handling to IO::All + 0.002224 2019-03-09 05:16:47+00:00 Europe/London + - binmode on all filehandles so lines always end LF - thanks @wchristian + - more sophisticated SQL parsing handles Pg $$ stuff - thanks @mrenvoize + for report + 0.002223 2019-03-07 01:36:36+00:00 Europe/London + - handle "package NAME VERSION" in a DBIx::Class::Schema - $VERSION + will be object + - add needed dep - thanks @wheinze + -- updated to 0.002210 - -- regenerate with uptodate cpanspec - -- Fixed the license in the spec file and added a version number to the - perl-Log-Contextual build dependency - perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config +- updated to 0.001014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config/Changes + 0.1.14: + - Allow Mojo::Pg-like postgresql:// links for schema connect. + - Switch from Module::Install to Dist::Zilla. + +- updated to 0.001013 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config/Changes + +- updated to 0.001012 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Config/Changes + 0.1.12 + - Add '.' to @INC so Module::Install continues to work. + perl-DBM-Deep +- updated to 2.0016 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DBM-Deep/Changes + -- update Build_n_Test patch - perl-Data-ObjectDriver +- updated to 0.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-ObjectDriver/Changes + +- updated to 0.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-ObjectDriver/Changes + +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-ObjectDriver/Changes + +- updated to 0.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-ObjectDriver/Changes + +- updated to 0.17 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-ObjectDriver/Changes + -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- Initial package (0.06) - perl-Data-OptList +- updated to 0.112 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-OptList/Changes + 0.112 2021-06-26 11:01:31-04:00 America/New_York + - no changes since last trial release (0.111) + 0.111 2021-06-20 20:55:10-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - update author contact info + - add perl version support to docs + - replace a "goto" deep in the guts with a sub call, for speed (thanks, + Olivier Mengué and Graham Knop) + perl-Data-Page +- updated to 2.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Page/Changes + perl-Data-Peek +- updated to 0.50 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Peek/ChangeLog + 0.50 - 2020-12-21, H.Merijn Brand <> + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.58 + * Prevent false negative CPANTESTERS fail reports + * Prepare for perl7 + * Move to XSLoader + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.61 + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.62 + * Fix META for bugtracker + +- updated to 0.49 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Peek/ChangeLog + 0.49 - 2020-01-31, H.Merijn Brand <> + * Add sort types N and NR + * Add tests for sorting + * Use DDual in void context for triplevar example + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.43 + * It's 2019 + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.48 + * Changed Test::NoWarnings to Test::Warnings + * Raised minimum perl to 5.8.1 + * Provide cpanfile + * Make DHexdump work on EBCDIC/1047 (OS/390) too + * Add Data::Dumper::Purity = 1 + * It's 2020 + * Update to Devel::PPPort-3.56 + * Add generated preformatted docs for github + * Tested with 127 versions/configurations of perl: 5.8.1 .. 5.31.8 + +- updated to 0.48 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Peek/ChangeLog + -- updated to 0.34 - * Tests require Test::More-0.88 or up (RT#70538) - * Tested on perl-5.14.1 and 5.15.1 - -- fix deps, build for RHEL, CentoS, < 1120 - * Test::More >= 0.88, and others - -- initial package 0.33 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.05 - perl-Data-Perl +- updated to 0.002011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Perl/Changes + 0.002011 2020-01-22 13:33:30+00:00 Europe/London + - pod cleanups + - update Changes file which was missed out in last release + 0.002010 2020-01-22 13:28:03+00:00 Europe/London + - adds head and tail methods for Array + - @tobyink is now maintainer + perl-Data-Printer +- updated to 1.000004 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Printer/Changes + 1.0.4 2021-03-03 + BUG FIXES: + - fix DBIx::Class print when literal SQL is present (Veesh Goldman) + 1.0.3 2021-03-02 + OTHER: + - fixup documentation on how to convert from the old .dataprinter + format to the new one (GH#157) + - test fixes + +- updated to 1.000002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Printer/Changes + 1.0.2 2021-02-28 + OTHER: + * Material's color for caller_info and code is now a bit brighter + to improve readability on terminals with dark background. + * improve MS Windows support + * increase test coverage + 1.0.1 2021-02-25 + BUG FIXES: + - properly parse the "n" option in regexes + - fix unwrap of __PACKAGE__, __FILENAME__ and __LINE__ + on caller_message (GH#156) + - add a single space between caller message and data when + caller_message_newline is false + - proper colorization on caller message. + OTHER: + - improve documentation on caller message behavior + - document caveat of printing array/hash slices (GH#152) + - fix broken link in documentation (GH#155) + - improve tip on how to make a drop-in replacement + to Data::Dumper (GH#154) + 1.0.0 2021-02-24 + We are really excited to finally bring to you Data::Printer 1.0.0 \o/ + This release includes all modifications from the 0.99_* series as + described below. + 0.99_026 2021-02-19 + BUG FIXES: + - test fixes/updates + - improved support for Cpanel::JSON::XS::Boolean + 0.99_025 2021-02-18 + BUG FIXES: + - improved support for perl 5.8.9 (thank you cpantesters!) + 0.99_024 2021-02-17 + NEW FEATURES: + - fix rc file conversor to change 'color' to 'colors' + (thanks Buddy Burden for reporting the issue!) + OTHER: + - massive documentation rewrite. + - drop support for "ignore_keys" for now. + 0.99_023 2021-02-01 + NEW FEATURES: + - profiles! Now you make complex settings using Perl code. + - allow .dataprinter files on the project home and subdirs. + - new option 'warnings', when set to 0 will make DDP silence + (almost) all warnings such as theme/profile not found. Default is 1. + - filter for the 'Date' module (the evolution of Panda::Date) + BUG FIXES: + - properly show roles' attributes from Role::Tiny, Moo and Moose; + - 'quote_keys' also quotes the path of circular references and found elements. + - when 'quote_keys' is set, hash keys are quoted with whatever 'scalar_quotes' + is set to. + - escape quote characters in quoted strings and hash keys + - blessed regexps (in objects different than the native 'Regexp') are now + properly displayed as objects of their class. + OTHER: + - new string_max default: 4096 + - new array_max default: 100 + - new hash_max default: 100 + - dropped filter support for the deprecated Panda::Date dist + - dropped filter support for the Date::Pcalc dist (buggy in recent perls) + - lowercased all words in class dump for output consistency + 0.99_022 2020-09-26 + BUG FIXES: + - fix test case of rc option containing spaces + 0.99_021 2020-09-26 + NEW FEATURES: + - 'caller_message_position' option to control whether to show labels 'before' + or 'after' the dump (defaults to 'before'); + - 'caller_message_newline' puts an automatic "\n" after the message; + - 'resolve_scalar_refs' option to show values instead of just + the reference indicator; + - when multiline is false, string/hash/array overflow become "(...)"; + - filter loading errors are not fatal anymore, unless you set the + 'die_on_filter_error' option; + BUG FIXES: + - allow quoted values when parsing .dataprinter; + - np() is never colored on 'auto' colors; + - printing to a file or to a variable is never colored on 'auto' colors; + - fulldump typo fix; + - fix filter test failure when Mojo::JSON loads ::XS backends (GH#136); + - do not call 'stringify' on PDF::API2 objects as it's a destructive op; + - allow code filters in the new .dataprinter format, but only if the + file meets certain permissions criteria; + - 'dump' mode working as expected again; + OTHER: + - simplified homedir logic for MSWin32, Linux and MacOS + (Karen Etheridge); + - new 'contributing to' data; + - minor color adjustments on Material theme to improve legibility + on lighter terminals; + 0.99_020 2018-06-30 + NEW FEATURES: + - new 'fulldump' option to ignore max string/array/hash. + - also stringify on to_string() + - ContentType filter shows utf8 symbol for image/audio/video/etc + - ContentType filter now has its own color + - ContentType filter understands Sereal binaries + BUG FIXES: + - prevent 'undefined' warning in ContentType filter + - fix test on old HTTP::Headers + OTHER: + - improved documentation + 0.99_019 2018-06-27 + BUG FIXES: + - more filter fixes on different module versions + (many thanks to Slaven Rezić and all other CPAN testers). + 0.99_018 2018-06-25 + BUG FIXES: + - fix filter test on older HTTP::Message + 0.99_017 2018-06-25 + BUG FIXES: + - fix filter test failure on older Mojolicious + - fix filter test failure on older Digest::MD5 + 0.99_016 2018-06-25 + NEW FEATURES: + - unsee() method in DDP objects to ignore visits + - new Web filter bundle parsing JSON, Cookies and HTTP Request/Response. + - DateTime filter now understands Time::Seconds and Time::Moment. + BUG FIXES: + - fixed show_tied, which was not working properly since the refactor. + - prevent non-ref counters from being refcounted + - fix floating point test error in unusual hardware/OS combinations. + OTHER: + - improved implementation of "seen" counter + - improved documentation + - removed unused code + 0.99_015 2018-06-14 + NEW FEATURES: + - new ContentType filter to detect popular binaries in strings, + like images, videos and documents. + OTHER: + - code tidying + - greatly improved documentation + - test coverage increased + BUG FIXES: + - DateTime/Digest/DB filters now honor colorization from themes + - test fixes + 0.99_014 2018-06-08 + BUG FIXES: + - DateTime filter: fix Class::Date test on systems + that treat GMT as UTC. + 0.99_013 2018-06-08 + NEW FEATURES: + - dualvar lax mode accepts leading/trailing whitespace in numbers + - DB filter: improve display of replication lag + - DB filter: list unique constraints on DBIC + - DB filter: improved parsing of DBIC sources/resultsets/rows + BUG FIXES: + - filter listings in RC file now always an array ref + - DateTime filter: fix parsing of old Mojo::Date objects + - DB filter: test fixes + - Digest filter updated and re-added + OTHER: + - DB filter: improve documentation + - DB filter: increase test coverage + - Digest filter: show class name by default on parsing digests + 0.99_012 2018-05-25 + NEW FEATURES: + - show_dualvar now accepts 'strict', 'lax' and 'off'. Default is + 'lax', ignoring decimal zeroes to the right (e.g. 1.00 and '1', + '1.10' and 1.1) + - multiline => 0 now also shortens the hash separator + OTHER: + - test improvements + - improved documentation + 0.99_011 2018-05-24 + BUG FIXES: + - proper color downgrade on terminals who only support 256 colors. + - fixed colorization tests + - fixed DB external filters + 0.99_010 2018-05-21 + BUG FIXES: + - extra debug info for failed colorization tests + - another fix for Panda::Date (Slaven Rezić) + 0.99_009 2018-05-20 + BUG FIXES: + - fix dualvar test on different locales (Slaven Rezić) + - fix Panda::Date test when en_US locale not present (Slaven Rezić) + 0.99_008 2018-05-20 + NEW FEATURES: + - show_dualvar (defaults to true) lets you know whenever both numeric + and string values of a variable are set to a different thing + (Philippe "BooK" Bruhat) + - maybe_colorize() accepts a 'default color' so filters can use it. + - extra_config() provies all non-core settings passed + to Data::Printer, so filters can use them. + - DateTime filter for Panda::Date (Sergey Aleynikov) + BUG FIXES: + - fixed DateTime external filters + - fix issue with dereferencing code refs (HÃ¥kon Hægland) + - fix 'pass' on globs, regexes and code references + (HÃ¥kon Hægland, Sergey Aleynikov) + OTHER: + - documentation improvements + 0.99_007 2018-05-17 + BUG FIXES: + - fix regex parsing in 5.10.1 + - test fixes for 5.11 + 0.99_006 2018-05-17 + BUG FIXES: + - fix longstanding issue of displaying weirdly-named objects + like 'HASH' or "0" (github issue #105) (bessarabov + dur-randir) + - fix test for UNIVERSAL::DOES + OTHER: + - documentation improvements + - remove undocumented and unsupported extra option in + external filters. + 0.99_005 2018-05-13 + BUG FIXES: + - fix regex filter on perl 5.8 + - improve ISA detection in perl 5.8 without MRO::Compat + 0.99_004 2018-05-12 + BUG FIXES: + - fix tests on win32 + 0.99_003 2018-05-11 + BUG FIXES: + - fix test plan issue on some versions of Test::More + - die from caller perspective on filter error + - drop support for Sort::Naturally::XS + 0.99_002 2018-05-10 + BUG FIXES: + - fix tests when bogus RC file is present + - fix colored tests on travis + - fix refcount test on perls <= 5.12 + - reset internal state after parsing + - when scouting for methods, ensure GVs are named + - synced p() and np() code so they behave exactly the same + - fix use_prototypes => 0 + - prevent "double plan" warninga on tests + OTHER: + - extra tests to increase code coverage + - improved error handling in themes + - function to convert old RC format to the new one + - improved README + - extra debug info on test failures + - cleanup on unreachable code + 0.99_001 2018-04-21 + BACKWARDS-INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE + - new format for the .dataprinterrc file + NEW FEATURES: + - Data::Printer::Object available for public usage! + (big thanks to frew && rjbs) + - use DDP; p $foo, as => 'this is a label'; + Hopefully this helps people tag their debug code without having + to write caller_info => 1, caller_message => '...' + - theme => 'XXX' will try and load Data::Printer::Theme::XXX, + which you can create to share your colour scheme with the world! + - speaking of colours, you can now use up to 256 of them + (if your terminal supports them, of course) + - print only a slice of arrays and hashes with: + - array_max => 10 (default is 50, set it to 0 for unlimited) + - array_overflow => '(...skipping __SKIPPED__ items...)' + - array_preserve => 'begin' + if the array has more than array_max elements, preserve the first + array_max elements and replace the rest with '(...skipping XX items...)'. + Other available options are 'end', 'middle', 'extremes', and 'none'. + - hash_max / hash_overflow / hash_preserve (same! note however that + preserved keys will only be the same if hash keys are sorted) + Defaults to 50. + - ignore_keys to skip their dump (feature by Eugen Konkov) + - string_max/string_overflow/string_preserve to limit string entries (scalars), + just like arrays and hashes. Defaults to 1024 and 'begin'. Set it + to 0 for unlimited size. + - new 'separator', 'brackets' and 'overflow' colors to control + - unicode_charnames, when set to 1 (together with escape_chars) + will try and use the Unicode name when escaping strings. + So `$s = "\x{2603}"; p $s` will output "\N{SNOWMAN}" + - show_refcount => 1 exposes the reference count for the data structure + (and inner data) if the count is greater than 1. (default 0, showing no refcounts). + - show_memsize => 1 shows the (approximated) amount of memory the variable + occupies for all variables on that level. This means that '1' will show + the size of the entire data structure, while 2 will also show sizes of + inner data, 3 will go even deeper and so on. To get the size of everything, + use 'all' - though usually you'll probably want to just use '1'. + This requires Devel::Size, so the default is 0 for none. + - memsize_unit defined in which unit to show the memory usage. Can be + set to 'b'(ytes), 'k'(ilobytes), 'm'(egabytes) or 'auto' (the default). + - new property 'format_inheritance', defaults to "lines", a shiny and much + clearer new way to displays methods per inherited package. You may also + set it to 'string' to preserve the old behaviour. + - inheritance tree is considered when filtering objects unless you disable + it with 'parent_filters => 0' (Ovid) + - new option 'stringify' (default: 1) will return the stringified version + of the object, if one is available. It will try overloaded strings/numbers, + as_string() and stringify() calls, respectively. Note that this will efectivelly + ignore all other class details you may have chosen. + (Sergey Aleynikov, Benct Philip Jonsson) + - new option show_overloads (default: 1) will list all overloads + from the object's class. + - the standard class filter is now able to show internals in blessed subs + - support for faster natural sorting via Sort::Key::Natural + if the user has it installed (feature request by @grr on github) + BUG FIXES: + - fix array subelement alignment when index is shown (GARU) + - show UNIVERSAL in linear ISA if it's on (GARU) + - use "\n" instead of $/ as default line separator (HÃ¥kon Hægland && Chung-Kuan Tsai) + - less magic added to internal Perl representation of variables + (Jarrod Funnell, Sergey Aleynikov, Michael Conrad, Nicolas R.) + - show_methods is now independent from show_inherited, meaning you can + check all inherited methods and no local ones, or any combination thereof. + This is the expected behaviour from the documentation, but was not happening. + perl-Data-Validate-IP +- updated to 0.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Validate-IP/Changes + 0.30 2021-03-29 + - Added some more details to the security docs to include mentions of the + is_*_ip() functions too. + 0.29 2021-03-29 + - Fixed a typo in the POD. + 0.28 2021-03-29 + - Added docs about the security implications of using functions like + is_private_ip4() without _also_ calling is_ipv4() first. This was inspired + by a recent issue with the Node netmask package. See + + for a write up. + perl-Data-Visitor +- updated to 0.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Data-Visitor/Changes + Revision history for Data-Visitor + 0.31 2020-08-02 22:39:31Z + - updated distribution tooling (resolves RT#133059, a problem with the + compilation test when the installed perl has whitespace in its path) + perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible +- updated to 0.34 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible/Changes + 0.34 + - support timezones in parenthesis + - Add support for YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM P.M. format + - thanks Michael Schout for the patch! + +- updated to 0.33 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible/Changes + 0.33 Wed May 26 2021 + - changes to how some days are parsed to fix memory leaks + - remove Module::Pluggable as a dependency + - thanks BBKR rt #136597 + -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601 +- updated to 0.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601/Changes + 0.16 2021-02-14 + - Add support for YYYYMMDDThhmm[+-]hhmm and YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm+hh:mm + formats. Based on GH #13 from lbjw. + +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601/Changes + 0.15 2020-10-24 + - Fixed the SYNOPSIS, which showed calling parse_time with a string that would + cause an error. Reported by Yuki Yoshida. GH #12. + +- updated to 0.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-ISO8601/Changes + perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL +- updated to 0.0701 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-MySQL/Changes + 0.0701 2021-05-22 + - Fix versioning, reindex + 0.07 2021-05-21 + - if microseconds are set on provided DateTime object to time_format, + use them. Fixes RT #136549 + perl-DateTime-Format-Pg +- updated to 0.16014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-Pg/Changes + 0.16014 2021-03-15T13:37:16Z + - Fix handling for fractional seconds (#17) + - Accept concatenated dates (#18) + perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF +- updated to 0.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF/Changes + DateTime::Format::W3CDTF + ======================== + Created: 2003-02-25 + Home page: <> + Bug tracker: <> + 0.08 2020-12-18 + - (Update) Add 'strict' option to require timezone in time components (PR + [#3] from @timgimyee). + - (Update) Updated Makefile.PL with new metadata. + perl-Devel-CheckOS +- updated to 1.87 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG + 1.87 2021-05-25 + - Add support for Devuan Linux + 1.86 2021-05-20 + - Belatedly add doco on Debian family to Families.pod + - Add Mac OS 11 (Big Sur) + +- updated to 1.85 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG + 1.85 2020-10-15 Add Linux::Raspbian and Linux::Ubuntu; + Add Linux::RealDebian for *actual* Debian Linux; + Add Linux::UnknownDebianLike for anything else that's like Debian; + Linux::Debian has become a family that includes all the above + +- updated to 1.84 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG + 1.84 2020-10-05 Add some more versions of MacOS; + Note change of name Mac OS X -> MacOS, but don't + change the module name for backward compatibility; + Add MSYS (reported by perl in MinGW environments) + +- updated to 1.83 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-CheckOS/CHANGELOG + 1.83 2020-02-15 Remove dependency on Data::Compare, which in turn + depends on non-pure-perl XS in + 1.82 2020-02-15 Fix build bug affecting perl 5.8 when AUTOMATED_TESTING + is set ( + -- updated to 1.64 - * Add support for GNU/kFreeBSD - -- initial package 1.63 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-Devel-Cover-Report-Codecovbash +- updated to 0.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Cover-Report-Codecovbash/Changes + 0.04 2021-07-20 + - Fix report for uncoverable lines + perl-Devel-FindPerl +- updated to 0.015 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-FindPerl/Changes + 0.015 2018-10-15 13:00:25+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + Import splitpath before using it + perl-Devel-Hide +- updated to 0.0015 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Hide/Changes + 0.0015 2021-09-28 + - Test warnings more carefully to avoid spurious test failures caused by a + bug in Test2::Util ( + +- updated to 0.0014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Hide/Changes + +- updated to 0.0013 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Hide/Changes + 0.0013 2020-01-16 + - Cope with changes to how the hints hash works in perl 5.31.7 + 0.0012 2020-01-15 + - Add -lexically argument to import() to support hiding modules + just during the current scope + +- updated to 0.0011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Hide/Changes + 0.0011 2020-02-12 + - Fix + - Fix + - Add -quiet option to suppress some notices + +- updated to 0.0010 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-Hide/Changes + perl-Devel-NYTProf +- updated to 6.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-NYTProf/Changes + =head2 Changes in Devel::NYTProf 6.11 - 19th Sep 2021 + Removed F<lib/Devel/NYTProf/js/jquery.floatThead.min.js> in L<GH 194: Remove + jquery.floatThead.min.js|>. + In L<GH 192: nytprofhtml - internal anchor links in html pages go to wrong + locations|> Shawn Laffan + reported that internal links to anchors in the generated HTML pages were not + correctly positioned in the vertical dimension. Discontinuing use of this + Javascript file appears to correct the problem. + +- updated to 6.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-NYTProf/Changes + +- updated to 6.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-NYTProf/Changes + +- updated to 6.07 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-NYTProf/Changes + =head2 Changes in Devel::NYTProf 6.07 - 6th April 2020 + Focus is to enable test suite to pass with perl-5.33.3 and higher. (Changes + in blead required changes in expectations set in test data files.) + Correction to MANIFEST + thanks to mattlaw. #142 + POD improvements + thanks to tomhukins. #129 + Makefile.PL modernizations + thanks to karenetheridge. #126 + .gitignore corrections + thanks to jkeenan. #146 + Adapt tests to work with 5.33 and higher + thanks to jkeenan. #147 + +- updated to 6.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-NYTProf/Changes + =head2 Changes in Devel::NYTProf 6.06 - 4th June 2018 + Fix sorting of numbers ending ...5s as microsec + thanks to pichi. #120 + Fix tests for Strawberry Perl portable + thanks to shawnlaffan. #123 + Fixed broken link in the pod to YAPC::NA 2014 talk video + thanks to manwar. #116 + Add "NYTProf" to buffer overflow error message for easier triage + thanks to atomicstack. #119. + Add appveyor config file for CI on Windows + thanks to shawnlaffan. #117 + -- updated to 5.06 - Fixed for perl 5.19.4. RT#88288 thanks to sprout. - Fixed test for change in perl 5.18.x error message text. - Fixed to no longer open a file when start=no. RT#86497/RT#87404. - Fixed compiler warnings. RT#86728 thanks to Alexander Bluhm. - Document that Devel::NYTProf needs to be loaded as early as possible - even when using start=no. PR#10 thanks to moritz. - Removed unused keyword $Id$. PR#9 thanks to dsteinbrunner. - Removed old files. RT#86704. - Corrected assorted typos. PR#8 thanks to dsteinbrunner. - Added meta-spec to META_MERGE. PR#12 thanks to dsteinbrunner. - -- updated to 5.05 - Fixed crash on "Can't use string as a subroutine ref" error, - and probably other die-at-pp_entersub cases, - with thanks to Zefram. RT#86638 - Fixed crash with libcexit=1, thanks to Zefram. RT#86548 - Allow negative times in tests for systems with unstable clocks - thanks to Gisle Aas, RT#85556. - Added libcexit=1 option thanks to Zefram, RT#75912. - Added documentation for endatexit and libcexit options. - Added documentation for nytprofhtml --minimal - thanks to Mike Doherty, RT#86039. - -- updated to 5.03 - Fix windows to use flamegraph.bat [Christian Walde] - Generates META.yml which mentions github repo [Christian Walde] - Add meta robots noindex to html pages [Tokuhiro Matsuno] - Can't rely on #!-line to always work, PR#3 - thanks to Gisle Aas. - Avoid triggering "gcc internal compiler error" PR#4 - thanks to Gisle Aas. - Added subroutine entry and return event stream, - controlled via the calls=N option. Default calls=1. - Added nytprofcalls command to process the call event stream to - generate timings for distinct call stacks (experimental). - Added Flame Graph visualization SVG using the call stack data. - Changed blocks=N option to be 0 (disabled) by default. - Fixed test for perl 5.17+ hash randomization. - Fixed nytprofhtml for Windows thanks to Jan Dubois. PR#2 - Fixed assorted nits thanks to Steve Peters. PR#1 - Deprecated nytprofcsv - speak up if you use it! - No longer warn about $&, $` and $' being slow if $] >= 5.017008. - Fix u2time clock (ie Time::HiRes, used by Windows) - Clarify sigexit option docs. - Loosen test timing constraints (for slow cpantester VMs). - Significant improvement in the accuracy of the subroutine profiler, - especially for frequent calls to very short duration subs/ops, - and more so for POSIX and OSX systems with sub-microsecond clocks. - Fixed tests to work with perl 5.17.7+ (PL_sawampersand gone). - Fixed some doc typos thanks to Jesse Sheidlower. - Improved nytprofmerge behaviour with inconsistent attributes. - Removed the usecputime=1 option. Use clock=N instead if possible. - Moved main repo to git (and - -- fix non-executables in bin - -- initial package 4.06 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-Devel-PPPort +- updated to 3.63 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.63 - 2021-07-06 + * Backport SvPVCLEAR + * Backport ASSUME + * Backport NOT_REACHED + * Backport G_LIST + * various internal changes + +- updated to 3.62 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.62 - 2020-10-16 + * Restore missing + * Fix metaCPAN indexing + +- updated to 3.61 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + +- updated to 3.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.60 - 2020-08-11 + * Restore PERL_BCDVERSION helper which is used on CPAN + * A few API elements were not properly found, like IVTYPE + 3.59 - 2020-08-10 + * Add PERL_VERSION_* compare macros + * Rename PERL_BCDVERSION to internal name to discourage future use + * Stop versioning generated test files + * Enforce strict & warnings + * Avoid indirect calls + * scanprov: multiple improvements + * Use ivers() in tests + * Update POD documentation and HACKERS file + * Change ppport.h --api-info to not output non-API info unless that is the + only match + * Find more elements to be listed in the --api-info option (and similar) to + ppport.h + +- updated to 3.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.58 - 2020-03-09 + * Safer definition of UVCHR_SKIP + * Make sure WIDEST_UTYPE is unsigned + * Avoid Pax Header in tarballs + +- updated to 3.57 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.57 - 2020-01-31 + * Fix eval_sv for Perl versions prior to 5.6.0 (Pali) + * Fix t/ppphtest.t for Perl versions prior to 5.6.0 (Pali) + * Fix compilation of sv_setsv_flags when GCC extensions are not present (Pali) + * Fix SV_NOSTEAL on 5.7.2 (Karl Williamson) + * Fix multiple unit test issues (Craig A. Berry, Karl Williamson, Pali) + * Avoid generating warnings on early Perls (Karl Williamson) + * Backport memCHRs (Karl Williamson) + * Implement sv_setsv_flags() with SV_NOSTEAL and SV_GMAGIC flags for Perl versions < 5.7.3 (Pali) + * Implement UTF8f format and its UTF8fARG macro (Pali) + +- updated to 3.56 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.56 - 2019-11-25 + * mktests.PL: use FindBin for INC setup + * devel/regenerate: Adjust POD line length + * Fix compilation with Visual C++ bugs introduced in 3.55 (Tomasz Konojacki) + * Fix mess.t failures when on VC++ when $0 contains backslashes (Tomasz Konojacki) + * Fix failing builds on 5.20.[1-3] introduced in 3.55 (Karl Williamson) + * Change tests to accept and use Test::More-like functions (Karl Williamson) + +- updated to 3.55 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.55 - 2019-11-07 + * Fix p5-Text-Xslate on Perl 5.8.5 (Nicolas R) + * Fix EBCDIC build problem (Karl Williamson) + * Fix isGRAPH_L1() bug (Karl Williamson) + * utf8_to_uvchr_buf: Fix error checking on early EBCDICs and proper length (Karl Williamson) + * HACKERS: fix typos and clarification (Karl Williamson) + * Update bugtracker and repository URLs (Nicolas R) (upstream/urls) + * Add warning about UTF-8 unreliable in early perls (Karl Williamson) + * Add withinCOUNT and inRANGE (Karl Williamson) + * Implement G_RETHROW for eval_sv (Pali) + * Backport some isFOO_LC macros (Karl Williamson) + * Backport isFOO_LC_utf8_safe() (Karl Williamson) + * Backport toFOO_uvchr() (Karl Williamson) + * Backport isFOO_uvchr() (Karl Williamson) + * Backport isFOO_utf8_safe() macros (Karl Williamson) + * Backport toLOWER_utf8_safe and kin (Karl Williamson) + * Backport UTF8_MAXBYTES_CASE (Karl Williamson) + * Backport UTF8_CHK_SKIP (Karl Williamson) + * Backport UTF8_SKIP (Karl Williamson) + * Backport UNI to/from NATIVE (Karl Williamson) + +- updated to 3.54 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.54 - 2019-09-27 + * Fix Unix-format path in Devel::PPPort's Makefile.PL + * Fix utf8_to_uvchr_buf for 5.7.0 + * Add hint for utf8_to_uvchr() + * Fix hints for is_ascii_string + * Use numeric comparisons with $] + * Fix 'for loops' to work on early perls + * Can't use GCC brace groups before 5.4 + * Add script to regenerate ppport.fnc + * Suppress useless warning + * Fix mktests.PL for Perl 5.8.0 + * Implement sv_len_utf8_nomg() and sv_len_utf8() + * Fix eval_pv for Perl versions prior to 5.31.2 + * Consolidate UTF-8 functions/macros into new file + * Implement sv_mortalcopy_flags() + * Implement newSVsv_flags() + * Enable Perl compile-time warnings at all place + * Improve Makefile.PL + * Add tests for IVdf, UVuf, IV_MAX and UV_MAX + 3.53 - 2019-09-27 + * Rename PPPort_xs.PL to RealPPPort_xs.PL + * Fix compilation issues with version older than 5.010 + * Fix compilation issues with version older than 5.010 + +- updated to 3.52 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.52 - 2019-05-14 + * fix utf8_to_uvchr_buf retval in 5.30 + +- updated to 3.51 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + Revision history for Devel-PPPort + 3.51 - 2019-05-01 + * include the module version in metadata for proper PAUSE indexing + 3.50 - 2019-04-30 + * Order warn before uv for packWARN (shown in 5.6.1) + 3.49 - 2019-04-29 + * Fix tests for 64bit int, 32bit ptr platforms + 3.48 - 2019-04-28 + * Order misc before uv for UNLIKELY (<=5.8.8) + 3.47 - 2019-04-27 + * re-fix leaky code (used only in tests) + 3.46 - 2019-04-26 + * Fix the isFOO character type classification macros to work properly on + all versions, as follows: + * Fixed isALNUM, isALPHA, isDIGIT, isIDFIRST, isLOWER, and isUPPER on + very early perls to not be locale-dependent + * Fixed isASCII on early perls to work with signed char arguments + * Fixed isCNTRL on early perls to know that DEL is a control + * Fixed isSPACE on perls before 5.20 to know that VERTICAL TAB is a + space + * Added isALPHANUMERIC, synonym for isALNUMC + * Added isIDCONT, to match legal non-initial characters in an + identifier + * Added isOCTAL, to match [0-7] + * Added isWORDCHAR, synonym for isALNUM + * Make all the character classification isFOO macros work on EBCDIC + platforms on all versions + * Added isFOO_A synonyms for all character classification isFOO + macros + * Provide LIKELY/UNLIKELY branch prediction + * Provide av_tindex/av_top_index + * Provide __ASSERT_ for assertions inside macros + * Provide UTF8_SAFE_SKIP + * Provide my_strnlen() + * Provide utf8_to_uvchr_buf() + * Replace utf8_to_uvchr() with a safer version + * Provide UNICODE_REPLACEMENT + +- updated to 3.45 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + 3.45 - 2019-03-19 + * Restore missing unit tests from the previous release. + +- updated to 3.44 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + +- updated to 3.43 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PPPort/Changes + -- update to 3.20 - * fix CPAN #56749: isASCII and isCNTRL macros are buggy - (thanks to Karl Williamson for providing a patch and patiently - waiting almost two years for me to integrate it) - * fix CPAN #70427: RealPPPort.xs:1587: error: lvalue required as unary ‘&’ operand - * keep up with latest core changes - * fix a warning emitted by the test suite with older perls - * added support for the following API - newSVpvs_share - get_cvn_flags - get_cvs - * fix CPAN #50763: mistaken use of $[ - (thanks to Zefram for spotting this) - * remove spurious PUSHMARK from Perl_ppaddr_t - (thanks to Gerard Goossen for providing a patch) - * improved support for newer compilers in - (thanks to Philippe Bruhat (BooK) for providing a patch) - * added support for the following API - memEQs - memNEs - * lots of small toolchain updates - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- initial version 3.19 - perl-Devel-PatchPerl +- updated to 2.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 2.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 2.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 2.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 2.00 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +updated to 1.98 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.92 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.90 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.84 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.80 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.78 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.76 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.66 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.64 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.62 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.56 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.54 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + +- updated to 1.52 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Devel-PatchPerl/Changes + -- updated to 1.24 - Add COW speedup fix for v5.20.0 - - Look for gpatch if patch is not found - -- updated to 1.18 - Update included hints to v5.19.9 level - perl-Device-Yeelight +- updated to 0.13 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Device-Yeelight/Changes + 0.13 2021/08/05 + - fixed documentation (#1, #2) + +- updated to 0.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Device-Yeelight/Changes + perl-Dumbbench +- updated to 0.501 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Dumbbench/Changes + 0.501 2021-02-15T16:39:38Z + * Align the rates and precision separately (Github #4). This changes + the data structure that cmpthese returns by inserting a column in + each row. + perl-Email-Abstract +- updated to 3.009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Abstract/Changes + 3.009 2021-06-20 16:54:40-04:00 America/New_York + - MIME::Entity 5.508 is required for operation + - update author information + - add a perl support section to docs + perl-Email-Date-Format +- Updated spec file with spec-cleaner +- Added required dependencies +- Capitalize summary + +- Add fix-time-local.patch to call Time::Local correctly + -- package created (version 1.002) - perl-Email-MIME +updated to 1.949 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-MIME/Changes + 1.949 2020-05-24 10:25:36-04:00 America/New_York + - no changes since trial release + 1.948 2020-05-09 14:57:17-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - fixes to handling of content-type parameters (thanks, dlucredativ and + Pali Rohár) + 1.947 2020-05-09 14:30:06-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - add $Email::MIME::MAX_DEPTH and refuse to parse deeper than that many + parts; current default: 10 + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 1.946 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-MIME/Changes + 1.946 2017-08-31 09:29:41-04:00 America/New_York + - propagate encode_check to subparts (thanks, Michael McClimon) + - use the new parse_content_disposition function in + Email::MIME::ContentType (thanks, Pali Rohár) + - fix a bug in AddressList handling (thanks, Pali Rohár) + 1.945 2017-07-25 14:17:32-04:00 America/New_York + - fix encode-check.t to pass under legacy Test::Builder + 1.944 2017-07-25 12:38:41-04:00 America/New_York + - non-trial release of header_as_obj changes + - support for supplying a non-croak encode_check (thanks, Matthew + Horsfall) + 1.943 2017-06-09 19:00:09-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - add Email::MIME::Header::AddressList and related support code + 1.942 2017-03-05 08:15:00-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - This adds ->header_as_obj to get MIME headers out of the header not + as strings, but as objects. The field-to-header mapping can be + amended with the ->set_class_for_header method. + 1.941 2017-03-04 19:12:11-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - pointless mistake release + -- updated to 1.925 - improve reliability of mail reconstruction during walk_parts (thanks, - Tomohiro Hosaka!) - update use of Email::MIME::ContentType to match new, fixed hash keys: - type/subtype - do not consider the part-ending CRLF part of the body - avoid undefined warnings in debug_structure [ #82388] - (Thanks, Kurt Anderson) - better error message when the given body is a ref but not a scalar - ref [ #59205] - repackage, fixing version number - repackage, remove PEP links, update bugtracker - do not call parts_set during walk_parts unless the parts have - actually changed - When trying to decode a body, fall back to 7bit if the encoding is - unknown. Trying to create a new body in an unknown encoding is still - forbidden. This should make it easier to handle broken messages - from "the internet." ("Content-Transfer-Encoding: n"!?) - try to encode headers based on the header structure, if it has one, - rather than treating the header as a big string in all cases; thanks - for this work go to Jesse Luehrs - require a newer Email::Simple and cope with its improved line ending - tweaks - -- (cumulated) update to 1.908: - * be more lenient with Content-Tranfser-Encoding values; stop at semicolons - * fix a long-standing bug that prevent walk_parts from reaching all parts - * eliminate memory leak in walk_parts (RT#59581) - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-Email-MIME-ContentType +- updated to 1.026 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-MIME-ContentType/Changes + 1.026 2021-01-10 15:31:45-05:00 America/New_York + - don't use more memory than necessary to store parts of an encoded + parameter (thanks, Pali) + +updated to 1.024 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-MIME-ContentType/Changes + 1.024 2020-05-24 10:19:20-04:00 America/New_York + - no changes since stable release + 1.023 2020-05-09 14:51:41-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - All of this release is thanks to Pali Rohár, who suffered through a + long period of waiting while RJBS, the maintainer, let the module + languish. Thank you for your patience, Pali and everybody else. + - silence an uninitalized value warning + - avoid allowing non-Latin digits in numbers + - add new functions build_content_type() and build_content_disposition + -- Initial release - perl-Email-Sender +- updated to 2.500 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Sender/Changes + 2.500 2021-07-04 13:26:47-04:00 America/New_York + - version bumped to account for change in fractional part precision + +- updated to 1.500 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Sender/Changes + 1.500 2021-06-20 20:30:24-04:00 America/New_York + - adjust version number for bookkeeping reasons + 1.300036 2021-06-17 09:51:12-04:00 America/New_York + - add "maybestarttls" option, to allow opportunistic STARTTLS + (thanks, Marc Bradshaw!) + +- updated to 1.300035 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Sender/Changes + 1.300035 2020-10-10 12:34:29-04:00 America/New_York + - drop some needless version checking from the days when we worked with + broken Net::SMTPs (thanks, Bernhard Graf and Aristotle Pagaltzis and + Pali Rohár) + - documentation tweaks and spelling corrections (thanks, James E + Keenan, Stefan Hornburg, M Somerville, and jazzkutya) + +- updated to 1.300034 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Sender/Changes + 1.300034 2019-12-02 22:21:58-05:00 America/New_York + - add documentation for the SMTP "hosts" parameter! + +- updated to 1.300033 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Sender/Changes + 1.300033 2019-11-26 14:44:51-05:00 America/New_York + - no changes since 1.300031 + -- update to 0.110001: no user-visible changes -- added missing Requires: perl(Throwable) -- enabled tests - -- update to 0.110000: - * provide a much clearer and more fatal error when SASL authentication has - failed because Authen::SASL or MIME::Base64 is not available - perl-Email-Simple +- updated to 2.216 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Email-Simple/Changes + 2.216 2018-06-06 11:47:52-04:00 America/New_York + - no changes since v2.215 + 2.215 2018-05-04 16:21:28+10:00 Australia/Melbourne (TRIAL RELEASE) + - do not re-fold folded lines (Marc Bradshaw) + -- update to 2.101: - * remove instruction to use ::Creator instead of just ->create - * documentation improvements - perl-Encode +- updated to 3.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.07 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +updated to 3.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.05 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.01 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 3.00 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + +- updated to 2.99 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Encode/Changes + perl-Eval-LineNumbers +- updated to 0.35 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Eval-LineNumbers/Changes + perl-Event +- updated to 1.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Event/Changes + 1.28 2021-04-29 + - remove C-only restriction on ->Inline method - thanks @oodler577 + +- updated to 1.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Event/Changes + 1.27 2018-11-17 + - only Zero(Polld) if not NULL (reported by @andk, thanks!) + -- updated to 1.15, no Changelog provided - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder +- updated to 0.280236 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder/Changes + 0.280236 - 2021-02-12 + Fix: + - Remove image-base generation on Win32/gcc and instead use GCC's built-in + `--enable-auto-image-base` linker option. + +- updated to 0.280235 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder/Changes + 0.280235 - 2020-11-01 + Fix: + - Fix compilation on darwin with XCode 12 (-Werror=implicit-function-declaration) + Thanks to DrHyde for the patch. + -- updated to 0.280205 - Fixed: - - Fixed bug picking up ccflags from Config - - Quotation style cleanup - - Appends CFLAGS and LDFLAGS environments instead of overriding - - Reset ccflags on compilation for VMS. - Changed: - - Refactored OS name mapping to use Perl::OSType - -- updated to 0.280202 - - Different file names used for test files; allows EU::CB tests - to be run in parallel. [Florian Ragwitz] - Fixed: - - t/04-base.t no longer attempt to compile or link as this provokes - failures on main platforms - - Various typo fixes in Pod or comments - - Incorporated another t/04-base.t fix from bleadperl - [Chris Williams] - - Fixed spurious t/04-base.t failure when run from Perl core - [David Golden] - - Fixed t/02-link.t on perl < 5.8 - - Preserves exit status on VMS [Craig Berry] - - Fix Win32 split_like_shell escaping [Christian Walde] - - Tests no longer fail if user has set the CC environment variable - perl-ExtUtils-CChecker +- updated to 0.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-CChecker/Changes + 0.11 2021-07-12 + [CHANGES] + * Added `try_find_cflags_for` + * Added `extend_module_build` + * Various small style fixes + perl-ExtUtils-F77 +- updated to 1.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-F77/CHANGES + +- updated to 1.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-F77/CHANGES + v1.24 released Jul 21st 2019 + - -------------------------- + * Fix of library order of -lgfortran and -lquadmath which effected MS Windows + +- updated to 1.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-F77/CHANGES + v1.23 released Jan 5th 2019 + - -------------------------- + * Use File::Which and List::Util instead of bespoke code (mohawk2) + * Improvements to docs (karlglazebrook,mohawk2) + * improvements to tests and warnings (mohawk2) + * tidy up of code (mohawk2) + * simplify out of gfortran handling (mohawk2) + +- updated to 1.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-F77/CHANGES + v1.22 released Dec 2nd 2018 + - -------------------------- + * Fixed some minor typos in README and + v1.21 released Nov 25th 2018 + - ---------------------------- + * Adjust ordering of searched for Generic GNU compilers (Nov 2018) + * Addition to pod format content (Nov 2018) + * Use Text::ParseWords not naive split (mohawk2) + * Modernize t/require.t (mohawk2) + -- enable parallel build - -- update to 1.16 - * Added new config entry for Darwin/OSX (using gcc 4.0 and g77, - gfortran or g95) - * Added new entry for gfortran under Linux - * Works fine under g77 on intel Mac OS X. -- remove our gfortran patch, fixed in upstream - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- Add gmp-devel to nfb - perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile +- updated to 0.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile/Changes + 0.09 2018/12/28 + - fixed tests not to fail when $^X contains spaces + (RT-125074) + perl-ExtUtils-Manifest +- updated to 1.73 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest/Changes + 1.73 2021-01-16 + - Calculate absolute path to MANIFEST.SKIP (in $DEFAULT_MSKIP) at module + load time, where __FILE__ is guaranteed to valid. + - skip github and iCloud files + +- updated to 1.72 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest/Changes + 1.72 2019-03-10 + - also skip META_new.* (thanks, brian d foy!) + +- updated to 1.71 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-ExtUtils-Manifest/Changes + 1.71 2018-05-15 + - also skip .travis.yml (thanks, Jerome Eteve!) + - also skip .appveyor.yml (thanks, James E Keenan!) + perl-FFI-CheckLib +- updated to 0.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-FFI-CheckLib/Changes + 0.28 2021-05-16 15:10:34 -0600 + - Avoid undef warning from File::Spec->catpath (gh#30, gh#33) + - The alien option now works in fallback mode; if one or more of the + Aliens are not installed then they will be ignored, previously this + module would throw whatever exception was produced by require (gh#23, gh#34) + - Move to PerlFFI org on GitHub (previously this dist lived in Perl5-FFI) + (gh#24) + perl-Feed-Find +- updated to 0.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Feed-Find/Changes + 0.12 2021.10.22 + - Add GitHub info to Makefile.PL + +- updated to 0.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Feed-Find/Changes + 0.11 2021.06.14 + - Add test for "file://" URLs (RT 12242) + 0.10 2021.06.11 + - Switch to using Test::LWP::UserAgent so we don't require + an internet connection for the tests. + 0.09 2021.06.10 + - Remove "use_test_base" from (Test::Base wasn't + used and it brought in a copy of Test::Builder that seems + to break stuff). + 0.08 2021.06.09 + - Add .atom as a possible feed extension. + - Temp fix to the tests (because the original domain has gone). + perl-File-BaseDir +- updated to 0.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-BaseDir/Changes + perl-File-Comments +- Regenerate spec file with cpanspec to fix build with perl 5.32 + perl-File-LibMagic +- updated to 1.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-LibMagic/Changes + 1.23 2020-08-28 + - Fixed a bug with the Makefile.PL that caused every call to "make" to + recompile the object file for the package's XS code. Reported by Kent + Fredric. GH #28. + +- updated to 1.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-LibMagic/Changes + 1.22 2020-04-26 + - This is a stable release with the same changes as 1.21. See the change logs + for 1.17 and 1.21 for details of what's new. + 1.21 2020-04-04 (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Add two class methods that provide introspection on the available limit + processing parameters, max_param_constant() and + limit_key_is_supported(). Based on a PR from Paul Wise. GH #24. + 1.20 2020-03-28 (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Fix one last test that assumed a limit parameter was available. Reported by + Slaven Rezić. GH #22. + 1.19 2020-03-28 (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Fix tests that still mistakenly assumed that all limit parameter constants + should be exported by File::LibMagic. Reported by Slaven Rezić. GH #22. + 1.18 2020-03-28 (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Not all versions of libmagic support setting processing limits, and those + that do may not support all the limit parameters that the most recent + version supports. This release fixes compilation and runtime issues that + would occur with older libmagic versions that don't support the same options + as the version I have installed locally. Reported by Slaven Rezić. GH #22. + 1.17 2020-03-28 (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Switched to using GitHub issues. + - Removed embedded copy of Config::AutoConf from distro. Instead this is now a + configure phase prereq. Implemented by Paul Wise. GH #19. + - Moved list of constants in libmagic that we care about to one + module. Implemented by Paul Wise. GH #20. + - Add support for setting libmagic processing limits. Implemented by Paul + Wise. GH #15. + - Check all libmagic function return values properly and croak on + failure. Implemented by Paul Wise. GH #21. + -- Sorry that 11.2 did not check the RPM-Group. fixed. - -- cleaned up spec-file, added example subdir - My tests show, that this is the best of all. File::MimeInfo::Magic comes second. - Thanks Christos! - perl-File-Map +- updated to 0.67 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-Map/Changes + 0.67 2020-06-26 00:26:54+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Fix unresolved symbol "madvise" on QNX NTO + - Fix regression that could cause empty maps to crash upon reuse. + perl-File-MimeInfo +- Add shared-mime-info dependency to cpanspec.yml + +- updated to 0.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-MimeInfo/Changes + 0.30 2020-10-26 + - Added function File::MimeInfo::has_mimeinfo_database() to test if + mimeinfo database is found + - mimetype and mimeopen now exit with an error code if no mimeinfo database + is found + - Added explicit dependency on Encode::Locale + - Properly decode parameters for `mimeopen` and `mimetype`. + Patch provided by Nikos Skalkotos + - Fix for undefined defaults (fixes #36). + Reported & fix provided by Martin Vassor + - Improved installation instructions, specifically on macOS, by + Oleg Kostyuk & Michiel Beijen + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 0.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-MimeInfo/Changes + 0.29 2018-08-05 + - Stable release to CPAN. + 0.28_03 2017-01-22 + - `mimeinfo --stdin` did not work. Reported by Marius Gavrilescu, + Debian bug + Added minimal tests for `mimeinfo`. + 0.28_02 2016-12-17 + - Improved handling of Path::Tiny objects in default method. + 0.28_01 2016-11-29 + - Spelling fix courtesy gregor herrmann, Debian Perl group (fixes #25) + - Added t/000-report-versions-tiny.t to find out issue with Path::Tiny file + handles. + -- recreated specfile with cpanspec 1.78 -- should now also work on SLES_10 - -- added Requires: shared-mime-info - -- added Requires: perl(File::BaseDir) - -- 0.15, initial checkin - perl-File-Path-Tiny +- updated to 1.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-Path-Tiny/Changes + 1.0 2021-02-04 13:53:54 + - rt 125502: fix empty_dir() fast-mode, thanks ishigaki! + - f749173 Stop using bareword handle (still ::Tiny since perl is newer) + perl-File-ReadBackwards +- updated to 1.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-File-ReadBackwards/Changes + 1.06 + - Drop support for Perls prior to 5.6 + - Fix bug in tests that fail could fail with parallel build + (rt#92313, HAARG++) + - Fixed typo in documentation (rt#90009, dsteinbrunner++) + - Incidentally fixed compatability with Perls that do not have `.` in @INC + (rt#121002) + perl-File-Unpack +- Take 12.diff from + +- Take 11.diff from + +- Remove perl-File-Unpack-fix-race.patch in favor of 9.diff +- Add 10.diff from yet another pull request: + + +- Add perl-File-Unpack-fix-race.patch to make build reproducible + (boo#1102408) + +- require p7zip-full for TW as 7z binary needed by perl-File-Unpack + was moved to this package (see bsc#899627 for more details about + this change) + -- Added symlinks file_unpack_deep and unpack_deep to exploit the new semantics. -- Update to 0.69 - - fixed - - Semantics change of - Default to one_shot unless $0 contains 'deep'. New --deep option to also switch this one. - This is a move towards least surprise. No other unpacker has this deep feature. - - Fixed builtin helper for application=x-lzip to conform to IPC::Run::run() semantics. - - Added an example how to write a mime helper script to the documentation. - - Fixed diagnostics in case a helper script fails. - -- perl-String-ShellQuote pulled in by name, to work around - perl-App-cpanminus false positives. - -- 0.66 harmful filename test removed, fixing bnc#860561. - The name may not match, when symlinking back. Readlink is the only thing that counts. -- _run_mime_helper() now returns diagnostics even when 'successful' so that we - can see reasoning for 'passed'. -- added t/08-survive-corrupt.t to define behavoiur for good10.pdf and bad34.pdf -- registered the two new test files with t/02-mime.t and t/07-cmdline.t - -- 0.65 CPAN no longer fails with 'Using $< in a non-suffix rule context is a GNUmake idiom' - perl-File-chdir +- regenerate with uptodate cpanspec + +- update to 0.1011: + * Fix POD typos + perl-FileHandle-Unget +- updated to 0.1634 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-FileHandle-Unget/CHANGES + Version 0.1634: + - Fix Makefile.PL warning + - Fix deleting of inc during release process + - Better fix for AutomatedTester warning + Version 0.1632: + - Updating META.yml + Version 0.1632: + - Switch to File::Slurper + +- updated to 0.1631 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-FileHandle-Unget/CHANGES + +- updated to 0.1629 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-FileHandle-Unget/CHANGES + -- update to 0.1622 - * Updated to the latest version of Module::Install - * Removed auto-install for better compatibility with CPAN - and others - * Moved hosting to Google Code - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- update to 0.1621 - perl-Furl +- Add 0001-Remove-use-of-Mozilla-CA.patch patch to cpanspec.yml + +- updated to 3.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Furl/Changes + 3.14 2021-05-13T05:30:22Z + - Support 308 HTTP status code + -- update to 0.38: - * added ->agent method -- changes from 0.37: - * fixed SSL closing issue -- changes from 0.35: - * compensate for slash of path-query -- changes from 0.34: - * accept the domain using '_' character -- changes from 0.33: - * support url doesn't have trailing slash like - '' - perl-Future +- updated to 0.47 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.47 2021-01-01 + [BUGFIXES] + * Don't weaken() the waiting future in Future::Mutex as that causes + it to be dropped in some situations + +- updated to 0.46 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.46 2020-10-19 + [CHANGES] + * Provide AWAIT_CHAIN_CANCEL named method for compatibility with + upcoming Future::AsyncAwait::Awaitable method rename + [BUGFIXES] + * Ensure that Future::Mutex returns proper cloned future instances + when waiting (RT133563) + +- updated to 0.45 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.45 2020-04-22 + [CHANGES] + * API changes to make duck-typing closer to Promises/A+ + + Allow sequencing methods to yield non-Future results; upgrade + them to being Future-wrapped + + Add ->resolve and ->reject as aliases of ->done and ->fail + * Recognise PERL_FUTURE_STRICT environment variable to restore + previous sequencing method behaviour + [BUGFIXES] + * ->without_cancel still needs to cancel result if caller is + cancelled + * Ensure all Future::AsyncAwait interop methods properly respect + subclassing + +- updated to 0.44 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.44 2020-03-25 + [CHANGES] + * Added ->result; use that in unit tests and docs where appropriate + * Slight performance boost in internals by direct field access rather + than accessor methods + * Document ->await properly; make it wait until ready + * Discourage ->block_until_ready + +- updated to 0.43 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.43 2020-01-07 + [CHANGES] + * Implement the Future::AsyncAwait::Awaitable API methods directly + +- updated to 0.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.42 2019-11-12 + [CHANGES] + * Added Future::Queue + [BUGFIXES] + * Remove already-completed futures from the on_cancel chain of others + to avoid the list growing arbitrarily large in some situations; e.g + easily provoked by long loops in Future::AsyncAwait + +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.41 2019-06-13 + [CHANGES] + * Added Future::Exception->throw + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + 0.40 2019-05-03 + [CHANGES] + * Added Future::Exception (RT129373) + * Make ->get throw a Future::Exception and ->fail recognise one + * Better documentation of the failure category parameter + * Added a properly-documented ->block_until_ready + +- updated to 0.39 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Future/Changes + -- initial package 0.19 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.07 - perl-GD +- Remove not needed build requirement libvpx-devel [bsc#1173279] + +- updated to 2.73 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GD/ChangeLog + 2.73 * allow --options override the libgd options. Not recommended. + See GH #33 and RT #130045 + +- Enable the test suite + +- updated to 2.72 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GD/ChangeLog + 2.72 * fix CVE 2019-6977 colorMatch for older unpatched libgd versions. + This is a severe security problem, an exploitable heap-overflow. + See + +- updated to 2.71 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GD/ChangeLog + 2.71 * skip Test::Fork on freebsd (GH #25) + 2.70 * fixes for hardened CCFLAGS with -Werror (RT #128167) +- Rebased patch GD-cflags.patch +- Enabled tests during build +- Updated URL to MetaCPAN + +- updated to 2.69 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-GD/ChangeLog + 2.69 * little spelling error, GH #29 Xavier Guimard + 2.68 * fix GD::Polygon->clear, RT #124463 Michael Cain + 2.67 * fix thread-safety for GD::Simple %COLORS (#26 melak) + * fix arc start-angle docs, RT #123277 Andrew G Gray + * improve setBrush docs, RT #123194 Andrew G Gray + * improve StringFT docs, RT #123193 + * replace MacOSX by darwin, and not by Mac OS X/macOS as suggested + in PR #24 + * add GD::Image->_file method as suggested in RT #60488 by Kevin Ryde, + also the helper GD::supportsFileType +- Cleaned with spec-cleaner + -- updated to 2.51 - Fix misleading warning message about location of gd.h file. - -- disable test suite - comparing the bits of pngs is not good enough, - debian and fedora have the same problem and no reaction upstream - (RT#85789) - -- updated to 2.50 - Fix gdUseFontConfig so that it can be called as a class method. - Add GitHub information to README. - Fix compile crash on windows and strawberry ( - Fix compilation on older perl's without the Newxz macros. -- rebased GD-cflags.patch - -- do not add break perl structures in overwriting CCFLAGS with invalid - flags -- regenerate with cpanspec 1.78.04 - -- update to 2.46 - Added a basic "use" test for GD::Simple - Corrected license to GPL+ or Artistic - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive +- updated to 0.110 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.110 2021-10-30 23:11:43-04:00 America/New_York + - just small packaging updates + +- updated to 0.109 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.109 2021-03-16 19:55:45-04:00 America/New_York + - eliminate warnings-count failure by requiring an ExtUtils::MakeMaker + from late 2013 or later; without this, very old EUMM could pass -w + to the tests, enabling more warnings than we wanted (thanks, Matthew + Horsfall and Graham Knop!) + 0.108 2021-03-16 09:54:51-04:00 America/New_York + - provide diagnostics in tests when more warnings arrive than are + expected + +- updated to 0.107 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.107 2021-03-14 16:15:57-04:00 America/New_York + - Term::ReadKey has been dropped; caused too many problems + - minimum version is now v5.10.1, not v5.10.0 + 0.106 2021-03-12 21:29:54-05:00 America/New_York + - improved formatting of switches + - when available, use Term::ReadKey to get terminal width + - when an option name is defined twice, warn about it + THIS WILL BECOME FATAL IN A FUTURE VERSION + +- updated to 0.105 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.105 2020-02-26 09:40:36+11:00 Australia/Melbourne + - one_of suboptions now get accessors (thanks, Michael McClimon!) + +- updated to 0.104 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.104 2019-04-27 10:50:50+01:00 Europe/London + - allow for verbatim text in descripition options + +- updated to 0.103 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Getopt-Long-Descriptive/Changes + 0.103 2018-08-02 11:11:30-04:00 America/New_York + - show --[no-]option for boolean toggle options + -- updated to 0.097 - - explicitly make the default behavior case-sensitive - - add show_defaults option (thanks, Thomas Neumann) - -- updated to 0.096 - - update version of Test::Warnings required - (thanks, Alexandr Ciornii!) - -- updated to 0.095 - - add the "shortcircuit" option option (thanks, Diab Jerius!) - - update documentation to note that failed validation is fatal (thanks, - SMYLERS) - - show off "required" in the SYNOPSIS (thanks, OALDERS) - -- updated to 0.093 - bogus %-codes in usage description are now noticed and fatal - make "hidden" options usable on their own (thanks, Roman Hubacek!) - -- updated to 0.091 - don't die quite so violently when a Params::Validate constraint fails - (initial patch by harleypig@github; final blame to RJBS) - -- updated to 0.090 - bump prereq on Params::Validate to deal with recent buggy versions - perl-Glib-Object-Introspection +- updated to 0.049 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + +- updated to 0.048 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + +- add license to cpanspec.yaml + +- Add BuildRequires to cpanspec.yaml and spec + +- updated to 0.047 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 0.046 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + +- updated to 0.045 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + +- updated to 0.044 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Glib-Object-Introspection/ + perl-Gnome2-VFS +- updated to 1.083 + * Fix a logic error in the args checking of Gnome2::VFS::read + * Update FSF address; resolves RT#89039 +- Cleaned with spec-cleaner + perl-HTML-Clean +- Manually fix typos (PR is still + open) + +- updated to 1.4 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Clean/Changes + +- Spell corrections in description section + +- updated to 1.2 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Clean/Changes + 1.2 Tue Sep 9 13:56 MSK 2019 + - Fix pod + 1.1 Tue Sep 9 12:30 MSK 2019 + - Fix pod. Add github repository + +- Drop perl-HTML-Clean-0.8-IO.diff as upstream moved to IO::File + +- updated to 0.9 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Clean/Changes + 0.9 Tue Aug 20 09:24 PDT 2019 + - Fix warnings - use IO::File instead deprecated module IO. + -- add perl as explicit buildrequire - -- enable parallel build - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- add norootforbuild - -- remove unused IO (#56387) - -- require the perl version we build with - perl-HTML-FillInForm +- Remove patch rt-100926.patch merged upstream + +- updated to 2.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-FillInForm/Changes + Revision history for HTML-FillInForm + -- update to 2.00 - * Allow passing an arrayref of hashrefs through fdat - * Several new shortcuts - * Add support for ID attribute on form tags - * Added 'disable_fields' method - * Support IE down-level revealed HTML comments - * hash is not reset before each() is called - * bugfixes - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - perl-HTML-Scrubber +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-Scrubber/Changes + 0.19 2019-09-24 13:26:46+01:00 Europe/London + - Made List::Util import explicitly require version 1.33 (for 'any') + 0.18 2019-09-22 12:10:47+01:00 Europe/London + - Reduced standard build dependancies (removed author deps) + 0.17 2017-06-27 14:03:47+01:00 Europe/London + 0.16 2017-06-25 20:30:15+01:00 Europe/London (TRIAL RELEASE) + - Add missing testing prereqs (github pr#9 paultcochrane) + - Extend list of Perls in Travis config (github pr#10 paultcochrane) + - Avoid pod-spell test failure from ABSTRACT text (github pr#11 paultcochrane) + - Minor documentation fixes (github pr#12 paultcochrane) + - Purge trailing whitespace in Travis config (github pr#13 paultcochrane) + - Fix perlcritic issues (github pr#14 paultcochrane) + - Fix stale URLs (github pr#15 paultcochrane) + - Remove invalid end tags for empty elements (RT120384) + (github pr#16 paultcochrane) + - Rework Dist::Zilla config to be more portable + -- spec file cleanup - perl-HTML-SimpleParse +- Change architecture to 'noarch' + -- adapt to perl-5.8.1 -- use %perl_process_packlist - perl-HTML-TableExtract +- Fix build: Test 30_tree.t fails +- Add patch perl-HTML-TableExtract-test-30_tree.patch + +- updated to 2.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTML-TableExtract/Changes + perl-HTTP-DAV +- updated to 0.49 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-DAV/Changes + v0.49 (released 2018/11/28): + * bug fixes + Fixed perl shebang line in "dave" script, for ExtUtils::MakeMaker to + correctly replace it. Closes "RT#127819". + Fixed "propfind" response handling to also consider successful an + HTTP 207 status code. Closes "RT#127591". + Fixed "clone()" method to properly respect the class name. Closes + "RT#123528". Thanks to Ricardo Signes for the patch. + * documentation fixes + Fixed various pod issues raised by Debian contributor + "". Closes "RT#119878". + -- update to 0.40 - * HTTP::DAV::Comms->credentials() method erroneously autovivified - basic authentication internal values, causing wrong or undefined - credentials to be sent out, or credentials to be "forgot" by HTTP::DAV. - perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser +- updated to 0.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser/Changes + 0.25 2020-11-28T02:35:28Z + - handle empty Content-Type as if octet-stream blob #14 + +- updated to 0.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser/Changes + 0.24 2020-08-05T05:36:49Z + - encode recursively nested Arrayrefs and Hashrefs in JSON #13 + +- updated to 0.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-HTTP-Entity-Parser/Changes + 0.23 2020-07-10T02:45:46Z + - Handle nested arrays #12 + perl-Hash-Merge +- Limit description to two paragraphs + +- updated to 0.302 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Hash-Merge/Changes + 0.302 2020-07-30 + - Prevent object-based test from failing randomly on BSDs and MacOS + 0.301 2020-06-18 + - fix object-based interface memory leak (RT#132627) (Thanks to mithaldu) + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 0.300 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Hash-Merge/Changes + 0.300 2018-03-09 + - fix old EU::MM support (RT#123915) + - rename specify_behavior and improve SYNOPSIS (RT#123785) + - improve CI tests + - update resources information for META.json + +- updated to 0.299 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Hash-Merge/Changes + perl-Hash-MoreUtils +- updated to 0.06 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Hash-MoreUtils/Changes + 0.06 2018-06-08 + - update toolchain for modern perl environments including + * automated regression test + * test coverage analyzation + * pod coverage + - introducing common code style + - introduce a bunch of missing functions: + * slice_without (Thanks to Theo van Hoesel <>) + * slice_missing / slice_missing_map (Thanks to Christoph Zimmermann <>) + * slice_notdef / slice_notdef_map (Thanks to Christoph Zimmermann <>) + * slice_true / slice_true_map + * slice_false / slice_false_map + perl-IO-Interactive +- updated to 1.023 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Interactive/Changes + 1.023 2021-02-03T22:37:57Z + * Explain why ARGV is a problem (Github #9) + * Freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions + perl-IO-Pager +- updated to 2.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 2.10 Nov + ::Perl Alter tp local script installation for parallel make. RT#133651 + ::Perl Add basic Windows support. RT#133663 + ::Perl Add TOPT environment variable to tp. + ::Perl Enable scrollbar in interactive test 16. + +- updated to 2.01 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 2.01 Nov 02 2020 + ::Perl Fixed bug that left terminal in unclean state if exit at EOF + was enabled. + ::Perl Fixed jump to end of file shortcut to show last line on bottom + of screen instead of top to provide more context. + ::Perl Made scrollbar interactive using xterm control sequences. + ::Perl Added scroll wheel support using xterm control sequences. + +- Don't do parallel build + +- updated to 2.00 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 2.00 Nov 01 2020 + Fix interactive tests 7 and 16 in bogus environments w/o PAGER. RT#13330 + Add tp to local script installation. RT#133651 + Add suport for visible scrollbar. RT#133652 + ::Perl Rename prompt() to status(), I18N{prompt} to I18N{minihelp}, + and I18N{status} to I18N{prompt} + ::Perl Fix long lines in absence of Text::Wrap + ::Perl Consolidate dialog() + ::Perl Add ability to open file interactively + ::Perl Prevent jumping to invalid bookmark + ::Perl Fix tp -j + +- updated to 1.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 1.03 Jun 13 2020 + Fix destruction warnings in Buffered + Fix version number in Unbuffered + Fix undefined warnings in unrealistically spartan environments. + ::Perl Add ability to save buffer to file + ::Perl Add search wrapping + ::Perl Add navigation for multi-file viewing in tp. + ::Perl Add flush buffer command to complement --tail. + ::Perl Actually publish v1.02 changes for tp, they were made + to a copy of the file not included in the distribution + ::Perl Add experimental/incomplete grep mode; grep is lost + on backwards scroll or dialog + ::Perl Fix pause behavior in tp. + ::Perl Fix folding; Text::Wrap was loaded at the wrong time. + ::Perl Fix P, ^b and M-v, and add a bunch more command aliases. + ::Perl Add work around for use of +OCRNL TTY mode to prevent + status bar ghosting when using Enter to downline + ::Perl restore Esc+x input + ::Perl Remove unused (debugging) code. + +- updated to 1.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 1.02 Sun Jun 07 2020 + Fix warning for undefined PAGER RT#132658 + Fix flipped operands for cmp_ok in test 11. + Fix synthetic warning in test 9. + Win32 path fixes (git pull #6) + Remove deprecated POD content that some parsers carped about RT#131437 + ::Perl Add --tail mode to tp + ::Perl Implement reflow for toggleable line numbering and folding. + ::Perl Add support for bookmarks. + ::Perl Add and document environment variable + switch processing to tp. + ::Perl Rename visualBeep to visuaBell, but keep visualBeep as an alias. + ::Perl Rename done() to close(), but keep done() as an alias. + ::Perl Remove some debugging status updates. + ::Perl More fixes for interactive test 16. + +- updated to 1.01 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 1.01 Tue Oct 08 2019 + Add to MANIFEST + Fix interactive test 16 + 1.00 Mon Oct 07 2019 + Fork Term::Pager to IO::Pager::Perl, with many new features. + NOTE: This is a breaking change from 0.43 & 0.44. What was + IO::Pager::Perl in those versions is now IO::Pager::less i.e; + a shim for pager-less systems to use the pure perl pager + implementation in IO::Pager::Perl. + Update bloody version number transclusions. RT#130643 + 0.44 Mon Sep 30 2019 + Remove debugging calls mistakenly left in code. RT#130595 + Skip testing on dumb "terminal" setups. RT#130596 + Add (unexposed) code for less -J search line highlighting, + and more form feed break to tp (IO::Pager::Perl). + 0.43 Sun Sep 29 2019 + Roll out a suboptimal but functional IO::Pager::Perl, + fixing RT#130461 and RT#130565 + +- updated to 0.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + 0.42 Thu Sep 05 2019 + Disambiguate tee open. RT#127551 + Stringify version. RT#127342 + Add bignum dependency RT#130319 + Add support for eventual Term::Pager v1.5 + Update META files. + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Pager/CHANGES + -- updated to 0.31 - Add missing IO::Handle fallback for ::Unbuffered (RT#82351) - Bogus fix for Windoze automatic line-ending failure of t/11 (RT#79950), - improvements welcomed. - Implement feature request #78270 to include support say - Preserve layers of passed hilehandle on instantiation. - Fixed tests under Win32 & cygwin, bug #75181. - Swap IO::Pager:new and ::open, alter subclass::open to - remove unnecessary level of subroutine calls - Return IO::Handle objects when not connected to a TTY for - transparent use of IO::Pager when programming OO. - NOTE: This is broken, see ::less in TODO - -- updated to 0.24 - * Fixed bug #74691, tests fail if CPANTS folk don't have a perl in PATH! - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - -- add perl as explicit buildrequire - -- enable parallel build - -- initial package - perl-IO-Stty +- updated to 0.04 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Stty/Changes + 0.04 Sat Jan 18 2020 + - Switch to EU::MM + - Address a few deficiencies in the way how the stty() sub processes its arguments + - Enable testing on Github actions. + 0.03 Thu May 6 2010 + - Re-vamp IO::Stty to modern layout + - stty.txt moved into POD for module + - in docs. Die if no params passed to stty + -- removed bogus self-provides - perl-IO-Tee +- updated to 0.66 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IO-Tee/Changes + 0.66 2020-08-19 NEILB + - Fix to the testsuite for Windows, so now it passes. + Thanks to IKEGAMI + 0.65_01 2020-08-16 NEILB + - A fix to the Windows tests, proposed suggested by IKEGAMI. + CPAN Testers has been mainly reporting fails, so hoping this + helps turn things green! Thanks Eric. + perl-IPC-Run +- Rebase IPC-Run-0.89-path.diff + +updated to 20200505.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IPC-Run/Changelog + +- updated to 20180523.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IPC-Run/Changes + 20180523.0 Wed May 23 2018 + - #99 - Fix using fd in child process when it happens to be the same number in + the child as it was in the parent. + -- buildrequire explicitly netcfg for the test suite - -- update to 0.91 - - Tests are good in dev version. Releasing to stable. - - RT 57277 - Apply suggested 1 line fix for dev release to public. - -- update to 0.90 - - RT 57277 - Add breaking test. No solution at present. - - RT 68623 - disable parallel tests on windows - - RT 43072 - Skip dragonfly platform on t/pty.t (hangs) - - RT 14078 - run() miscalculates length of UTF-8 strings - - RT 49693 - security patch for lib/IPC/Run/ s/INADDR_ANY// - - RT 38193 - Fix error detection on non-English operating systems - - Add a blank doc entry for IPC::Run::Win32IO::poll to quiet - windows pod parser errors - - RT 57190 - handle PATH environment variable not being defined. - WILL NOT default to '.' since UNIX would not do this and the - program has been behaving the UNIX way to date. -- removed authors line from .spec - perl-IRI +- updated to 0.011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IRI/Changes + 0.011 2020-02-20 + - (Update) Add IRI->rel method. + +- updated to 0.010 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IRI/Changes + 0.010 2019-12-26 + - (Update) Fix component resolution to remove dots when base resolution + occurs without a scheme but with a user/port/host. + +- Remove outdated patch fix-package.diff (also not needed anymore) + Remove manual fix for inc::Module::Install + +- updated to 0.009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-IRI/Changes + 0.009 2018-10-30 + - (Update) Reduce Minimum Perl Version to 5.10 (#12 from @tehmoth). + 0.008 2017-08-06 + - (Update) Fix typo in regex rule causing problems parsing codepoints + beyond BMP (#11). + 0.007 2017-04-03 + - (Addition) Add query_form accessor and set_query_param constructor (#4). + - (Update) Updated Makefile.PL for perl 5.26. + perl-Image-ExifTool +- require File::RandomAccess otherwise exiftool(1) won't start + +- updated to 12.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Image-ExifTool/Changes + +- Update to version 12.29: + * Added a few new Nikon and Olympus lenses (thanks LibRaw) + * Improved a QuickTime "File format error" message to be more + meaningful, and made it a minor error + * Changed PNG writer to add EXIF before IDAT + * Some changes the way JUMBF metadata is handled + * Patched to read timed GPS from a different type of INSV videos + * Patched a security issue + * Fixed problem where ExifTool could hang when processing mebx + timed metadata + * Added read support for Leica Image File (LIF) images + * Added a new Olympus LensType (thanks LibRaw) + * Decode another Panasonic tag (thanks LibRaw) + * Decode more timed metadata from Sony MP4 videos + * Attempt to shorten tag names for metadata in CZI files + * Allow full QuickTime Keys tag ID's in UserDefined tags + * Patched to handle special characters in Torrent tag values + * Added two new Nikon LensID values (thanks Daniel) + * Added a new Pentax RawDevelopmentProcess value + * Added a few new Sony LensType values (thanks Jos Roost) + * Added warning if IPTCDigest is not current + * Decode a couple more Pentax tags (thanks LibRaw) + * Decode streaming GPS from Novatek INNOVV MP4 and TS videos + * Improved tag names in confi_files/covert_regions.config + * Changed MIME types for MS Office macro-enabled formats + to add the .12 + * Patched Canon LensID logic to properly identify the + Canon RF 24-105mm F4 L IS USM lens + * Patched decoding of camm6 GPSDateTime to use a flexible epoch + because other apps don't seem to use a consistent time zero + * Fixed family 7 group names for QuickTime Keys tags + * Fixed problem reading BeatsPerMinute from some MP4 files + * Fixed hemisphere problem when extracting GPS from 70mai + dashcam videos + * Added support for JPEG Stereo (JPS) images + * Added a new Sony LensType (thanks LibRaw) + * Added a new PentaxModelID (thanks LibRaw) + * Changed ExifTool namespace URI to use + instead of in the -X option output ( + is still recognized when reading XML) + * Improved handling of large-array warnings in -htmldump output + * Changed handling of escaped characters in #[CSTR] lines + of -@ argfile + * Patched security vulnerability in argument of -lang option + * Fixed problem which could cause a "Wide character" warning + and generate a corrupted output file when writing + some illegal values + perl-Image-Info +- updated to 1.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Image-Info/CHANGES + 2019-10-19 Slaven Rezic <> + Release 1.42 + Stable release with all changes in 1.41_50 + 2019-10-16 Slaven Rezic <> + Release 1.41_50 + Support for WEBP files (RT #130529) (by Nicolas Clark) + Cease a warning (by H.Merijn Brand) + Various minor test and CI polishing + perl-Image-Size +- add fix for JPEG markers starting with 0x00 + (Image-Size-3.300_Fix_JPEG_00_Markers.patch) + -- update to 3.220 - * lib/Image/ Small fix to the regex for detecting GIFs, - per Slaven Rezic. - * lib/Image/ Moved around some conditionally-needed libs to - delay loading until/unless needed. Also made a small fix - per Perl::Critic. - perl-Inline +- updated to 0.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Inline/Changes + 0.86 Wed Jan 8 21:19:58 PST 2020 + - Fix various test problems + 0.85 Mon Jan 6 07:33:52 PST 2020 + - Fix a taint issue @mohawk2++ + 0.84 Mon Jan 6 07:04:31 PST 2020 + - Make correct PERL5LIB to + pass on including -I flags @mohawk2++ + +- updated to 0.83 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Inline/Changes + 0.83 Sun 28 Apr 2019 11:30:37 AM CEST + - Reference Inline::Module in docs related to installation (PR#68 + @nrdvana++) + - create_config_file: don't accidentally skip rest of directory scanning + (PR#73 @eserte++) + - Merge per-language config, not overwrite (PR#71 @mohawk++) + +- updated to 0.82 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Inline/Changes + 0.82 Sun 31 Mar 2019 04:10:24 PM CEST + - Another fix for @INC PR#69 TINITA + +- updated to 0.81 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Inline/Changes + -- update to 0.48 - * new buildrequires - Test::Warn - * Makefile.PL - Change the Test::Warn dependency from 0.22 to 0.21 and - specify it in top-level Makefile.PL instead of in C/Makefile.PL. - * Changes to Inline::C test suite - see C/Changes. - -- update to 0.47 - Version 0.47 released to CPAN. No changes from 0.46_02 - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - perl-Inline-Python +- Switch to python3 as python2 is considered obsolete + -- updated to 0.39 - - Added py_is_tuple and made Pl2Py recognize an array ref that has - been a tuple before in Python. - - Fixed memory corruption on a Python function calling a Perl function - that changed the stack pointer. - - Fixed several memory leaks (scalars and dict keys). - - Fixed wrong refcount of return values in py_eval (RT #48081) - - Fixed accessing Unicode keys in a dict passed from Perl. - - Fixed compatability of t/30floats.t with Python 2.7. - - Fix Perl assertion fail if __getitem__ called multiple times - - Fix "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar" sometimes happening when - calling a Perl sub with named parameters from Python. - - Fix several memory leaks found using valgrind - - Add py_finalize to be able to shut down the Python interpreter. - - Added line numbers to Python exception messages. - - Fixed passing of a perl code ref through Python space. - - Allow passing references to methods from Python to Perl. - - Implemented py_has_attr complementing py_get_attr. - - We now support stringification of Python objects via __str__ methods. - - Fixed segfault when accessing a Python object's attributes throws an - exception. - - Fixed some problems with the test suite, hopefully making installation - work on more machines. - - Fixed compilation on Win32, linking still seems broken though :( - - Fixed a segfault when passing dicts with Unicode keys to Perl - - Pass Python exceptions to Perl instead of just printing to STDERR - perl-JSON-Validator +- updated to 5.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes + 5.03 2021-11-20T13:32:42+0900 + - Fix OpenAPIv3::add_default_response() will not overwrite nested $ref + - Fix finding "readOnly" and "writeOnly" inside nested $ref + - Fix joi required() with nested objects + Contributor: Tim Stallard + +- updated to 5.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes + 5.02 2021-10-06T09:58:55+0900 + - Fix defaults for arrays with collectionFormat #263 + Contributor: Ilya Rassadin + - Improved documentation for JSON::Validator and JSON::Validator::Schema #230 + 5.01 2021-10-04T07:13:32+0900 + - Fix registering the correct $ref when bundling + - Changed get() to resolve $ref #262 + - Deprecated $schema->contains() + - Deprecated $schema->schema() + 5.00 2021-10-02T10:15:16+0900 + - Validation is much faster + - Fix "$defs" in draft7 is "definitions" + - Add benchmark.t to track validation speed + * Runtime v4.21: 2.62s (n=200) + * Runtime v5.00: 1.52s (n=200) + - Add JSON::Validator::Store::resolve() + - Add JSON::Validator::URI + - Fix incorrect validation error paths when validating references to same object #244 + - Changed JSON::Validator::Util::is_type() + * Add JSON::Validator::Util::is_bool() + * Add JSON::Validator::Util::is_num() + - Changed bundled definitions/$defs names + - Changed invalid schema id/$id will not croak + - Changed internal _validation_xxx() methods to take $state + - Removed support for bundle({replace => 1}) #194 + - Removed JSON::Validator::OpenAPIv2::allow_invalid_ref() + - Removed JSON::Validator::Ref + - Removed JSON::Validator::Util::json_pointer() + - Removed JSON::Validator::Util::schema_extract() + +- updated to 4.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes + 4.25 2021-09-26T08:41:51+0900 + - Fix checking OpenAPI schema for errors if coerce(defaults) is on #254 + - YAML::XS is preferred instead of YAML::PP #259 + - Cleaned up CPAN distribution files #260 + 4.24 2021-09-16T08:02:26+0200 + - Add OpenAPI v3.1.x support + +- updated to 4.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-JSON-Validator/Changes + 4.23 2021-08-28T16:44:05+0200 + - Fix mishandling of nullable combined witn enum in OpenAPIv3 #256 #257 + 4.22 2021-08-27T13:12:56+0200 + - Fix email checking #258 + Contributor: Stephan Hradek + perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect +- updated to 1.905 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect/Changes + 1.905 Tue Dec 8 19:21:16 2020 + - Removed gratuitous use of + (Thanks, Bob) + +- updated to 1.904 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Inflect/Changes + 1.904 Sat Apr 27 22:01:03 2019 + - Corrected 'cyclops', 'triceratops', etc. + (Thanks, Lady Aleena) + perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence +- updated to 0.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Sentence/Changes + 0.31 Aug 19 2018 + Declared min version of Perl. Fix for RT bug #124686 + perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger +- updated to 0.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger/Changes + 0.31 Aaron Coburn 7/12/19 + Fix memoize function + +- updated to 0.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger/Changes + 0.30 Aaron Coburn 8/27/18 + Re-release without PaxHeader garbage in tar distribution. + +- updated to 0.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-EN-Tagger/Changes + 0.29 Aaron Coburn 5/18/18 + Add an add_tags_incrementally method for a more + stream-based parsing mechanism. Updated email address. + perl-Lingua-Stem +- updated to 2.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-Stem/Changes + +- updated to 2.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Lingua-Stem/Changes + 2.30 2020.06020 - Cleanup for initial upload to GitHub. Version + numbers for all sub-modules synced on 2.30 for + consistency. Maintainer updated. Build.PL and + Makefile.PL updates. Addition of 'use warnings' + to all files. POD encoding error fix. + perl-Linux-Inotify2 +- updated to 2.3 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Linux-Inotify2/Changes + 2.3 Sat Jul 31 13:45:51 CEST 2021 + - store a filehandle internally so it gets perl's CLOEXEC flag as needed. also + gets rid of the destructor and the internal close function for added space + savings (reported by Eric Wong). + - add new ->fh accessor. + +- updated to 2.2 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Linux-Inotify2/Changes + 2.2 Mon Dec 9 04:09:05 CET 2019 + - define IN_EXCL_UNLINK to 0 if it is missing, for the benefit of + antique systems that lack this symbol. + +- updated to 2.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Linux-Inotify2/Changes + 2.1 Fri Oct 26 03:16:03 CEST 2018 + - damn, left debugging code not caught by tests (reported by losyme). + 2.0 Thu Oct 25 03:19:08 CEST 2018 + - fix poll and read documentation w.r.t. errors - this changes the + documented API, but is how the module has always behaved. + - mention in the docs. + - new on_overflow callback, called for overflow events. + - new ->broadcast method that calls all watchers with some event. + - automatically broadcast overflow events to all watchers by default. + - read now returns all events (except ignored ones), not just ones + it has registered watchers for (e.g. overflow events). + - reduced dependencies (Mike Pomraning). + - add IN_EXCL_UNLINK flag. + - more efficient constant initialisation. + -- enable parallel build - -- update - -- remove buildrequires for certain kernel, does not - help in a build environment -- added to require at least 2.6.17 on build host - perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext +- updated to 1.32 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext/Changes + 2021-02-08 version 1.32 + 1. Makefile.PL, Build.PL: Added the CPAN distribution metadata. + 2021-02-07 + 1. maketext: Fixed the version number. + 2021-02-07 version 1.31 + 1. Updated .gitignore. + 2. Added MANIFEST.SKIP. + 3. MANIFEST, META.json, META.yml, SIGNATURE: Generated files + removed from the Git repository. + 4. COPYING: Removed the redundant and irrelevant GPL license. + 5. BUGS, INSTALL, README, THANKS, TODO, Replaced the + messy GNU-styled documents with a single Markdown, + and updated the URLs. + 6.,, maketext, 11-command-line.t, + 12-cache.t, Changes: Various fixes to avoid JetBrains IDE + problem detection. + +- updated to 1.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext/Changes + 2019-09-17 version 1.30 + Fix after 10 years. + 1. 12-cache.t: Fixed so that it works on MS-Win32. I forgot to + issue binmode when copying the MO files. + 2. 00-signature.t: Removed TEST_SIGNATURE, as this does not work + on everybody who does not have my GPG public key, but me. + 3. 03-errors.t: Removed the debugging output. + +- updated to 1.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Locale-Maketext-Gettext/Changes + 2019-09-09 version 1.29 + Fix after 10 years. + 1. Added support to purge the lexicon cache and + reread the MO file on calling textdomain() when MO file is + updated automatically. This enables MO file live update with + persistant applications like Mojolicious or mod_perl. + 2. Source is now on Github. See: + + perl-Log-Dispatch +- updated to 2.70 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatch/Changes + 2.70 2020-07-20 + - Make locking test wait longer before giving up. Some filesystems (like NFS) + can be quite slow to lock files. Fixed by Joelle Maslak. GH #61. + +- updated to 2.69 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatch/Changes + 2.69 2019-10-25 + - Fix a warning Log::Dispatch::Email::Mailsender (GH #57). Fixed by Graham + Knop. 58 #GH. + +- updated to 2.68 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatch/Changes + 2.68 2018-08-21 + - Speedups to the internals to avoid re-validating the same sets of parameters + repeatedly. Based on a PR #54 from Sergey Leschenko. + perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate +- updated to 1.38 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate/Changes + 1.38 Wed 14 26 2021 + - No Changes other than SIGNATURE, v1.37 was missing SIGNATURE + 1.37 Wed 58 26 2021 + - Improve synopsis showing how to use it with Log::Dispatch [Github #23] + - Bump minimum version of Log::Dispatch to v2.59 to address minimum + List::Util indirect dependency via Specio [Github #26] + +- updated to 1.36 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate/Changes + 1.36 Sun 24 29 2018 + - If the "permissions" param is set, use the same permissions for the lock + file that the log file will use. [github #21] + perl-Log-Dispatchouli +- updated to 2.023 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.023 2021-06-18 21:52:17-04:00 America/New_York + - update author contact info + - add perl-support section + +- updated to 2.022 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.022 2020-08-24 13:50:15-04:00 America/New_York + - don't duplicate pid in syslog! + +- updated to 2.021 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.021 2020-08-12 11:48:57-04:00 America/New_York + - add another experimental means to replace how Syslog output is set up + 2.020 2020-02-06 13:45:44-05:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - add stdio_dispatcher_class, so you can subclass the Screen dispatcher + for stderr and stdio; this is experimental! + +- updated to 2.019 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.019 2019-07-27 16:13:30-04:00 America/New_York + - fix an initialization ordering bug for loggers using stdio + +- updated to 2.018 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.018 2019-07-26 18:36:56-04:00 America/New_York + - add enable_stdout and enable_stderr to, uh, enable stdout and enable + stderr (after initial construction) + +- updated to 2.017 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Log-Dispatchouli/Changes + 2.017 2019-03-12 21:10:26-04:00 America/New_York + - syslog_socket can now be supplied to replace the native socket for + Sys::Syslog (thanks, Jon Stuart!) + -- updated to 2.010 - add the file_format option (thanks, Randy Stauner) - -- updated to 2.009 - load the Proxy class earlier, to get it loaded prefork - -- updated to 2.008 - fix test for JSON::PP, which doesn't always follow orders about - spaces! (thanks, Dagfinn Ilmari MannsÃ¥ker!) - doc fixes and tests (thanks George Hartzell and Randy Stauner) - -- updated to 2.006 - put the ->info, ->fatal, ->debug methods on proxies, too - (thanks George Hartzell) - -- updated to 2.005 - add log_file and log_path options - BUG FIX: it is okay to replace the default logger, always - add config_id to allow faking Global equality when testing - -- initial package 2.002 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-MCE +- updated to 1.876 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes + 1.876 Thu Dec 02 18:00:00 EST 2021 + * Allow percentage above 100% for max_workers in MCE. + * MCE::Child update. + Improved _ordhash. + Renamed JOINED to REAPED in code for better clarity. + Specify a percentage for max_workers. + Added t/05_mce_child_max_workers.t + +- updated to 1.875 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes + 1.875 Tue Nov 16 04:00:00 EST 2021 + * Specify a percentage for max_workers. + Thank you, kcott@PerlMonks (Ken) for the idea. + + * Added t/03_max_workers.t + +- updated to 1.874 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes + +- updated to 1.873 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes + 1.873 Sat Aut 01 16:00:00 EST 2020 + * Removed unused variable in MCE::Mutex::Channel. + * Fixed typo in prior change log. + Replaced "completed" with "feature complete". + +- updated to 1.872 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MCE/Changes + 1.872 Sun Jun 14 22:30:00 EST 2020 + * Added open to required dependencies. + * Set default encodings on standard filehandles in tests using UTF-8. + * Bumped minimal Perl version to 5.8.1. + * Bumped MCE version to 1.872 to align with MCE::Shared. + * The MCE project is completed. + perl-MIME-Lite +- updated to 3.033 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Lite/changes.pod + =item Version 3.033 + No changes since previous version, just made non-trial. + =item Version 3.032 + Fix an error in printing to Net::SMTP (thanks, Peter Heirich) + Add "use warnings" and require v5.6 + +- updated to 3.031 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Lite/changes.pod + =item Version 3.031 + Add an SSL option to connect to the SMTP relay via SSL on port 465. (thanks, + Max Maischein) + Document some tips on using non-ASCII content with MIME::Lite (thanks, + and Tom Hukins) + -- enable parallel build - -- update to 3.024 - * Respect crazy people who put multiple Cc or Bcc headers in message - * Cope with missing local sendmail - * fixes -- require perl-Email-Date-Format, perl-MailTools, perl-MIME-Types - perl-MIME-Types +- updated to 2.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Types/ChangeLog + version 2.22: Wed 27 Oct 16:54:38 CEST 2021 + Changes: + - webm keeps on producting unexpected results [issue #11, Даша Федорова] + - iana updates + +- updated to 2.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Types/ChangeLog + version 2.21: Fri 28 May 12:01:00 CEST 2021 + Changes: + - application/octet-stream is better for .dat [issue #11, Даша Федорова] + - add video/webm which Google forgot to register [issue #12, Brent Laabs] + - add image/webp which Google registered too late [issue #12, Brent Laabs] + +- updated to 2.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Types/ChangeLog + version 2.20: Thu 22 Apr 12:48:35 CEST 2021 + Fixes: + - problems with PAUSE cause the previous release to show-up in + the wrong location. Let's hope this release solves it. + Changes: + - heif/heic/heifs/heics/hif fix [issue #9, Даша Федорова] + - no 'and' and 'or' extensions [issue #9, Даша Федорова] + - application/octet-stream is better for .bin [issue #10, Даша Федорова] + +- updated to 2.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Types/ChangeLog + version 2.19: Fri 16 Apr 11:47:10 CEST 2021 + Improvements: + - update with the newest data from IANA and Apache httpd + Changes: + - mp4 preference is video/mp4 [issue #5, Даша Федорова] + - yt preference is video/ [issue #6, Даша Федорова] + - 3gp and 3gpp preference is video/3gpp [issue #7, Даша Федорова] + +- updated to 2.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MIME-Types/ChangeLog + version 2.18: Wed 9 Dec 10:29:46 CET 2020 + Improvements: + - update with newest data + Changes: + - Mojo 6.0 changed types() into mapping() [Dmitry Latin ] + - Mojo 7.94 adds experimental file_type() + - Mojo 7.94 adds experimental content_type() + -- update to version 2.0.8 - - version 2.08: Fri Sep 5 15:29:52 CEST 2014 - Fixes: - - fix test t/40mojo.t which mojo is not installed - [Chris] - Improvements: - - remove dependency on Scalar::Util - - documentation fixes - - version 2.07: Fri Sep 5 12:08:06 CEST 2014 - Fixes: - - MIME::Type::equals() did cmp not eq - Improvements: - - new httpAccept() wth tests in t/21accept.t - - new httpAcceptBest() and httpAcceptSelect() with tests - in t/22accbest.t - - add MojoX::MIME::Types with tests in t/40mojo.t - - now depends on List::Util and Scalar::Util - - version 2.06: Thu Aug 28 16:28:43 CEST 2014 - Improvements: - - needed other file from broofa :( - [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋá´á´¡] - - fix scan of freedesktop definitions - #98385 [Russell Jenkins] - -- update to version 2.05: - Improvements: - - rename ::Type::isAscii() into ::Type::isText() - - add source table broofa - [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋá´á´¡] - - add source table freedesktop - [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋá´á´¡] - - update iana types - -- update to version 2.04 - - version 2.04: Thu Sep 12 15:46:28 CEST 2013 - Fixes: - - one more localize $_ in ::Types::_read_db() - [Gerda Shank] - - version 2.03: Wed Sep 4 17:12:27 CEST 2013 - Improvements: - - typo in docs, [Gregor Herrmann, Debian] - - require perl 5.8.8, because <:encoding [cpantesters] - - updated IANA - - a bit more DESCRIPTION - - version 2.02: Sun Aug 18 12:49:23 CEST 2013 - Fixes: - - localize DB and $_ in ::Types::_read_db() - [Gerda Shank] - - version 2.01: Sat Aug 3 01:07:27 CEST 2013 - Improvements: - - add dummy ::Types::create_type_index() because - Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple calls it :( - - version 2.00: Fri Aug 2 17:44:53 CEST 2013 - Changes: - - the mime information is now collected from various sources, amongst - them IANA. Therefore, some types may use different x-'s - [#]types up from 995 to 2096 - - a separate table is built for the extension-to-type mapping. - [#]exts up from 734 to 1425 - - the memory foot-print and start-up speed should have improved - considerably. - Improvements: - - added bin/collect_types - - 3 typos. [D Steinbrunner] - - add ::Type::isVendor(), ::isExperimental(), ::isPersonal on request - by [Lars Dɪᴇᴄᴋá´á´¡ 迪拉斯] - - cleaned-up Exporter syntax of (very) old interface. - - added ::Types::listTypes() - - version 1.38: Fri Jan 11 09:58:08 CET 2013 - - add application/ and five - related from - [M Jemmeson] - - version 1.37: Fri Dec 21 11:33:53 CET 2012: - - all mime.types files agree that perl scripts should use - application/x-perl. Hence removed text/x-perl - [Kent Fredric] - - version 1.36: Wed Oct 31 20:34:42 CET 2012 - - xlsx and friends had encoding 'binary' (since version 1.30), - but should have been 'base64' - [Douglas Wilson] - - version 1.35: Tue Jun 19 20:37:21 CEST 2012 - - added video/webm and audio/webm, although not (yet) IANA registered. - [Kurian Jose Aerthail] - perl-Mac-PropertyList +- updated to 1.502 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mac-PropertyList/Changes + 1.502 2021-01-19T10:17:29Z + * freshen distro, dump Travis CI, add Github Actions + +- updated to 1.501 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mac-PropertyList/Changes + 1.501 2020-09-30T04:50:46Z + * Added create_plist_from_string() + * Merged Tom Wyant's code to handle CF$UID types + * A few more things emit warnings if they don't get the right type + * $XML_{head,foot} are now subroutines + -- ran spec-cleaner -- upgrade to v1.37 - * fix plist_as_perl to be the same as as_perl (and as documented) - * Update the docs, and make the previous dev releases official - * Document the as_perl method, which undecorates that internal - -- fix deps - * perl >= 5.10.0 - perl-Mail-IMAPClient +- updated to 3.43 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mail-IMAPClient/Changes + version 3.43: Tue Feb 16 16:53:26 UTC 2021 + - admin: update copyright, move from (retired) to github + - compress: Readmethod: avoid false-positive EOF + [Eric Wong] + - Parsing headers fails under special condition + [Jens Berthold] + - avoid cyclic reference on ->compress + [Eric Wong] + - append_string can fail to match APPENDUID in response + [RadomÃr Polách] + - allow for undocumented BODYSTRUCTURE extensions + [Rhesa Rozendaal] + -- update to 3.29 - * bugfixes, see Changes. -- Fix examples to use proper perl path. - perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser +- updated to 1.5111 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser/CHANGES + Version 1.5111: + - Ensure that temp file is created in temp dir + - Fix Makefile.PL warning + - Fix deleting of inc during release process + - Better fix for AutomatedTester warning + Version 1.5110: + - Updating META.yml + Version 1.5109: + - Switch to File::Slurper + Version 1.5108: + - Trying once again to fix the compile test on windows + Version 1.5107: + - Check in standard tests, including one that skips the compile check on Windows + +- updated to 1.5106 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser/CHANGES + -- update to 1.5000 - * The Cache and Grep implementations now detect when changes - have occurred to the file being parsed, and automatically - invalidate their cache values and revert to the Perl - implementation. NOTE: This works well for appending to - the mailbox, but undefined behavior occurs if modifications are - made to the mailbox at locations earlier than the current - position. - * Changed the reset test so that it doesn't create output with - inconsistent line endings in the case of a dos mailbox. - * Fixed a bug where occasionally the reading of the next email - will go into an infinite loop when reading from standard input. - * read_next_email now returns undef on end of file. - * Simplified code by removing end_of_file attribute of parser - objects. - -- update to 1.4005 - * Fixed a bug where emails with a line near the end that start - with "From " would cause the Grep implementation to go into - an infinite loop. - * Fixed some minor coding style issues. - perl-Math-BigInt +- updated to 1.999827 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999827 2021-10-03 + * Improve error message for missing library argument. + * Skip tests that don't work on older Perls. Also skip tests that compare + floating point numbers. + 1.999826 2021-10-01 + * Improve documentation related to floating point literals. + * Skip tests that fail due to Perl's broken handling of floating point literals + before v5.32.0. + 1.999825 2021-09-28 + * Make Math::BigInt accept integers regardless of whether they are written as + decimal, binary, octal, or hexadecimal integers or decimal, binary, octal, or + hexadecimal floating point number. + * When numeric constants are overloaded (with the ":constant" option) in + Math::BigInt, every numeric constant that represent an integer is converted + to an object regardless of how it is written. All finite non-integers are + converted to a NaN. + * When numeric constants are overloaded (with the ":constant" option) in + Math::BigFloat, every numeric constant is converted to an object regardless + of how it is written. + * Add method from_dec() (cf. from_bin(), from_oct(), and from_hex()). It is + like new() except that it does not accept anything but a string representing a + finite decimal number. + +- updated to 1.999824 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999824 2021-09-20 + * Don't allow mixing math libraries. Use the first backend math library that is + successfully loaded, and ignore any further attempts at loading a different + backend library. This is a solution to the re-occurring problem of using + objects using different math libraries. + * Add missing documentation. + * Miscellaneous minor improvements. + +- updated to 1.999823 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999823 2021-07-12 + * Improve the handling of the backend libraries. Provide more useful warnings + and error messages. Update the documentation. + 1.999822 2021-07-09 + * Make the from_hex(), from_oct(), and from_bin() methods consistent with + CORE::oct(), which does not require a leading "0" before the letter ("x", + "o", or "b"). + * Make the from_oct() and new() methods accept octal numbers with prefix + "0o", "0O", "o" (lowercase letter o), and "O" (capital letter O). + * Make the from_bin() and new() methods accept binary numbers with + prefix "0b", "0B", "b", and "B". + * Make the from_hex() and new() methods accept hexadecimal numbers with + prefix "0x", "0X", "x", and "X". + * Update test files to match with the above. + 1.999821 2021-07-06 + * Make new() and from_hex() accept the "0X" prefix, not just the "0x" prefix, + but not accept just "X" or "x". Now, "0XFF" returns 255, not NaN. + * Make new() and from_bin() accept the "0B" prefix, not just the "0b" prefix, but + not accept just "B" or "b". Now, "0B1111" returns 255, not NaN. + * Make new() and from_oct() accept the "0o" and "0O" prefixes, but not accept + just "O" (capital letter O) or "o" (lowercase letter o). Now, "0o377" and + "0O377" return 255, not NaN. Also intepret floating point numbers with a + leading zero and a binary exponent as an octal number, so that "01.4p0" + returns 1.5, not NaN. There is still no ambiguety, since decimal floating + point numbers use "e" or "E" before the exponent, and binary and hexadecimal + floating point numbers use a "0b"/"0B" or "0x"/"0x" prefix, respectively. + 1.999820 2021-07-06 + * Fix bug and improve error messages in Math::BigInt::import(). + 1.999819 2021-07-02 + * Add method btfac() (triple factorial) and bmfac() (multi-factorial), + including tests and documentation. + * Add missing and correct erroneous documentation for bfac() (factorial) + and bdfac() (double factorial). Also correct handling of special cases + and add tests for these cases. + * Fix error in bsin() and bcos() causing them to hang indefinitely if the + invocand is +/-inf. + * Make it possible for the end user to specify the base length used internally + in Math::BigInt::Calc. + +- updated to 1.999818 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999818 2019-10-20 + * Fix CPAN RT #130736 regarding numify() on a Math::BigFloat with a large + number of digits and an equally large, but negative, exponent. + * Fix a problem in to_ieee754() due to rounding in bpow(). + +- updated to 1.999817 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999817 2019-10-11 + * Avoid non-integers in intermediate computations in Math::BigInt::Calc. This + causes errors due to rounding issues, e.g., 47265625999999999 / 1000000000 + is 47265626 with double precision. + * Remove api_version() and the corresponding test file. There is no need to + check which methods are supported by a backend library now that each backend + library is a subclass of Math::BigInt::Lib. Methods not provided in the + backend library are provided by the parent class. + * Add to_ieee745() and from_ieee754(). + * Add backermann() and ackermann() for the Ackermann function. + * Add buparrow() and uparrow() for Knuth's up-arrow notation. + * Add information about the github repository. + * Update links in SUPPORT section in POD. + * Fix bpow(). It returned NaN when it should truncate to zero. + * Make blsft() in Math::BigInt allow bases up until the largest unsigned + integer. + * Make _lsft() in Math::BigInt::Calc handle an arbitrarily large base. + * Add new methods bdigitsum() and digitsum() to Math::BigInt. Add new method + _digitsum() to Math::BigInt::Lib. + * Add new methods is_non_negative() and is_non_positive(). + * Extend the default collation sequence used by to_base() and from_base() to + all the 94 printable ASCII characters except blank/space. + * Make new() in Math::BigFloat handle octal floating point numbers. + * Slightly more robust t/01load.t. + * Remove unused variables. + * Miscellaneous code cleanup. + +- updated to 1.999816 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt/CHANGES + 1.999816 2018-10-26 + * bnok() for Math::BigInt and Math::BigFloat now support the full Kronenburg + extension. The behaviour is identical to the behaviour of the Maple and + Mathematica function for negative integers n, k. Add tests. This closes CPAN + RT #95628. + * Fix POD errors. This closes CPAN RT #125141. + 1.999815 2018-10-19 + * Move bitwise operators signed and, signed or, and signed xor from + lib/Math/BigInt/ into lib/Math/BigInt/ The file + lib/Math/BigInt/ is no longer needed and thus removed. + 1.999814 2018-10-01 + * Add to_base() and from_base() to Math::BigInt and corresponding library + methods _to_base() and _from_base() to Math::BigInt::Lib. This was inspired + by CPAN RT #122681. + * Fix Makefile.PL to reflect that Test::More is only needed for testing, not + for building. + * In the documentation for each of the to_(bin|hex|oct|bytes) methods, add a + reference to the corresponding from_(bin|hex|oct|bytes) method. + perl-Math-BigInt-GMP +- updated to 1.6009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES + 1.6009 2021-09-28 + * Sync test files with Math-BigInt. + +- updated to 1.6008 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES + 1.6008 2021-07-02 + * Sync test files with Math-BigInt. + +- updated to 1.6007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES + 1.6007 2019-10-10 + * Sync test files with Math-BigInt. + +- updated to 1.6006 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-BigInt-GMP/CHANGES + 1.6006 2018-10-09 + * Update MANIFEST.SKIP. + * Sync test files with Math-BigInt. + * Better Makefile.PL. + perl-Math-Clipper +- updated to 1.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-Clipper/Changes + 1.29 Thursday May 16 23:51:00 2019 + - Fix build error under clang and pre-5.18 Perls. + +- updated to 1.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-Clipper/Changes + 1.28 Sat May 11 03:42:00 2019 + - Avoid use of ** in calculating scaling factors in + integerize_coordinate_sets() to avoid inconsistent + behavior of underlying pow() function between BSD + clang + and other systems. + +- updated to 1.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-Clipper/Changes + 1.27 Sun May 13 17:46:00 2018 + - Fix integerize bug introduced in 1.26 for 32 bit Perl (ivsize < 8) + +- updated to 1.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-Clipper/Changes + 1.26 Tue May 1 02:47:00 2018 + - Harmonize differences in float multiplication results found on + FreeBSD + clang systems in integerize_coordinate_sets() + 1.25 Mon April 30 11:44:00 2018 + - Fix Integerize.t to support Perls with long doubles + - More explicit rounding and truncating in integerize_coordinate_sets() + perl-Math-PlanePath +- updated to 129 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-PlanePath/Changes + +- updated to 128 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-PlanePath/Changes + +- updated to 127 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Math-PlanePath/Changes + -- fix license: GPL-3.0+ - perl-Meta-Builder +- updated to 0.004 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Meta-Builder/Changes + perl-Minion +- updated to 10.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.22 2021-06-10 + - Add perform_jobs_in_foreground method to Minion. + +- updated to 10.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.21 2021-03-20 + - Fixed YAML::XS dependency. + +- updated to 10.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.20 2021-03-13 + - Removed experimental status from expiring jobs feature. + - Added Minion::Guide. + - Improved admin ui and job command to use YAML::XS to make job information easier to read. + +- updated to 10.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.19 2021-03-10 + - Improved admin ui to include search feature on all pages. + +- updated to 10.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.18 2021-03-09 + - Improved admin ui with search feature. + +- updated to 10.17 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.17 2021-03-05 + - Added support for high priority fast lane. + - Added each method to Minion::Iterator. + - Added min_priority option to dequeue methods in Minion::Worker and Minion::Backend::Pg. + - Added spare and spare_min_priority options to run method in Minion::Worker. + - Added -s and -S options to worker command. + - Added --retry-failed and --remove-failed options to job command. + +- updated to 10.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.16 2021-02-16 + - Fixed Mojolicious 9.0 compatibility. + +- updated to 10.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion/Changes + 10.15 2020-12-10 + - Updated examples to use signatures. + perl-Minion-Backend-SQLite +- updated to 5.0.6 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Minion-Backend-SQLite/Changes + v5.0.6 2021-11-12 19:39:19 EST + - Improve efficiency of stats query (#19, Sebastian Riedel) + perl-Mixin-Linewise +- updated to 0.110 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mixin-Linewise/Changes + 0.110 2021-06-22 22:27:07-04:00 America/New_York + - tweak the file test again to exclude directories; (is this going to + turn into something more convoluted in several releases? probably) + 0.109 2021-06-20 21:10:22-04:00 America/New_York + - use "-r" test instead of "-f" test, to allow use on (say) named + pipes (thanks, L. Alberto Giménez!) + - update author information + - add perl support section to docs + perl-Modern-Perl +- updated to 1.20200211 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20200211 2020-02-10 19:33:55-08:00 America/Los_Angeles + - bash doesn't like !' in double quotes, so it stuck up for awk + +- updated to 1.20200201 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20200201 2020-01-31 18:41:36-08:00 America/Los_Angeles + - fix tests for Perl 5.32 (Tony Cook, RT #131608) + - update for 2020 + +- updated to 1.20190727 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20190727 2019-07-27 12:15:27-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - remove explicit autodie dependency (GH #11, gordon-fish, mst, #perl) + - add description of odern::Perl module (Utkarsh Gupta, Debian, GH issue #12) + +- updated to 1.20190601 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20190601 2019-06-01 09:19:36-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - update for 2019 + - reduce scope of lexical %dates (RT #128406) + - support `perl -Modern::Perl=20xx` (RT #96319) + +- updated to 1.20181021 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20181021 2018-10-21 12:09:32-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - autogenerate META.json file (Mohammad S Anwar, GH PR #7) + - remove Module::Build build dependency to make installation easier + +- updated to 1.20180928 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20180928 2018-09-27 18:29:25-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - skip tests for Perls without arraybase (Dagfinn Ilmari MannsÃ¥ker, GH #10) + +- updated to 1.20180901 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + +- updated to 1.20180701 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Modern-Perl/Changes + 1.20180701 2018-07-01 10:34:32-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - added support for Perl 5.26 and 5.28 + -- updated to 1.20140107 - - updated for 2014 release - - added support for 5.18 - -- updated to 1.20121103 - - fixed VERSION( undef ) (Peter Vereshagin, RT #80304) - - fixed POD encoding error (Norbert E. Grüner, RT #80468) - - added Perl 5.16 support - -- updated to 1.20120130 - - fixed t/year_imports.t for 5.10 (ANDK and sprout again) - - fixed t/regressions.t for 5.10 - - made raw numbers work in import - - fixed for Perl 5.15.5 and later (ANDK and sprout) - - loaded IO::File/IO::Handle to allow methods on lexical filehandles - - added unimporting - - removed use of autodie; moved it to a distribution prerequisite - - enabled unicode_strings by default when your Perl supports it - - migrated to Dist::Zilla - - added autodie dependency/import - -- use original .tar.gz - -- initial package 1.03 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-Module-Build-XSUtil +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Build-XSUtil/Changes + 0.19 2018-04-17T14:51:20Z + - Use File::Copy::Recursive::Reduced instead File::Copy::Recursive(#13) + (jkeenan) + perl-Module-Signature +- updated to 0.87 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Signature/Changes + [Changes for 0.87 - Sat Jul 4 15:04:41 CST 2020] + * Skip 3-verify.t on Crypt::OpenPGP installations. (@pyramation) + +- updated to 0.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Signature/Changes + [Changes for 0.86 - Thu Jun 25 21:06:24 CST 2020] + * Update PAUSE and ANDK keys to 2020. (@dweekly) + * Update documentation pertaining to SHA1. (@dweekly) + * Fix compatibility with Crypt::OpenPGP. (@niklasholm) + +- updated to 0.83 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Signature/Changes + [Changes for 0.83 - Wed Aug 29 17:33:12 JST 2018] + * Update META.yml. + +- updated to 0.82 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Signature/Changes + [Changes for 0.82 - Sun Aug 26 23:00:04 CST 2018] + * Fix CRLF handling on Win32. (@niklasholm) + * Default to SHA256 on new hashes as SHA1 is deprecated. (@niklasholm) + -- fix souce url - -- update to 0.73 - * fix for bnc#828010 (CVE-2013-2145) - - - * Properly redo the previous fix using File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute. -- [Changes for 0.72 - Wed Jun 5 23:19:02 CST 2013] - * Only allow loading Digest::* from absolute paths in @INC, - by ensuring they begin with \ or / characters. - Contributed by: Florian Weimer (CVE-2013-2145) -- [Changes for 0.71 - Tue Jun 4 18:24:10 CST 2013] - * Constrain the user-specified digest name to /^\w+\d+$/. - * Avoid loading Digest::* from relative paths in @INC. - Contributed by: Florian Weimer (CVE-2013-2145) -- [Changes for 0.70 - Thu Nov 29 01:45:54 CST 2012] - * Don't check gpg version if gpg does not exist. - This avoids unnecessary warnings during installation - when gpg executable is not installed. - Contributed by: Kenichi Ishigaki -- [Changes for 0.69 - Fri Nov 2 23:04:19 CST 2012] - * Support for gpg under these alternate names: - gpg gpg2 gnupg gnupg2 - Contributed by: Michael Schwern - -- license update: CC0-1.0 and (GPL-1.0+ or Artistic-1.0) - License purports to be CC zero, not CC-BY. Also, see the script/cpansign - and Module/Signature (line 88+) files for Perl licenses - -- regenerate with cpanspec to fix requires/buildrequires - perl-Module-Starter +- updated to 1.77 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Starter/Changes + +- updated to 1.76 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Starter/Changes + +- updated to 1.75 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Starter/Changes + +- updated to 1.74 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Starter/Changes + +- updated to 1.73 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Module-Starter/Changes + -- updated to 1.56 - Special thanks goes to Andy Lester, who has been, still is and - will remain an inspiration to many programmers, myself included. - [ENHANCEMENTS] - Added hooks for distribution building in App. Thanks to Brian D. Foy. - MANIFEST is now created via the proper builder. - Kept create_MANIFEST to act as hook. - Added Apache license by pfig. - * [RT #53539] Refactoring, adding hooks, described above. - (Patch provided by brian d. foy) - * [RT #27304] Minimal version of perl (5.006) - (Patch provided by Alexandr Ciornii) - * [RT #53339] ::Simple uses the builder to create the MANIFEST - * Moved repository to Github - * Some more refactoring in Simple::create_builder() - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- add perl as explicit buildrequire - perl-Mojo-DOM58 +- updated to 3.001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-DOM58/Changes + 3.001 2021-06-16 01:28:52 EDT + - Update IRC metadata to + +- updated to 3.000 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-DOM58/Changes + 3.000 2021-04-04 23:34:33 EDT + - Added head and tail collection methods. (from Mojolicious 8.23) + - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for :any-link pseudo-class. (from Mojolicious 8.42) + - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for case-sensitive attribute selectors like + [foo="bar" s]. (from Mojolicious 8.42) + - Renamed experimental :matches pseudo-class to :is. (from Mojolicious 8.42) + - Fixed a bug where the case-sensitivity identifier in attribute selectors was + case-sensitive. (from Mojolicious 8.42) + - Fixed a bug where select and ruby elements were parsed incorrectly. + (from Mojolicious 8.54) + - Added EXPERIMENTAL support for :scope and :has pseudo-classes. + (from Mojolicious 8.54) + - Added support for MOJO_DOM58_CSS_DEBUG environment variable to print + diagnostics information for CSS selectors. (from Mojolicious 8.55) + - Unknown CSS selectors will now throw exceptions. (from Mojolicious 8.66) + - (INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE) Improved all_text method to exclude "<script>" and + "<style>" from text extraction in HTML documents. (from Mojolicious 9.0) + perl-Mojo-IOLoop-ReadWriteProcess +- updated to 0.32 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-IOLoop-ReadWriteProcess/Changes + 0.32 2021-12-09T18:03:02Z + - Project moved to + - Introduce emit_from_sigchld() + - CI moved to GitHub Actions + +- updated to 0.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-IOLoop-ReadWriteProcess/Changes + 0.31 2021-12-01T15:51:06Z + - Fix bad release to cpan + - Enable GitHub Actions for the project + - Fix ReadWriteProcess::Queue as regression of 1e0addb6 + - Fix race on `open3/fork` and `session->register($pid)` call -- second attempt + - Fix `args` processing + - Fix race of SIG{CHLD} handler setup + - Fix _getlines() to avoid extra newline (\n) in scalar context + - Session: Do not set SIG{CHLD} handler twice + - Match on 'armv7l' as well as 'arm' for prctl detection + +- Ignore more unstable tests ( + perl-Mojo-Pg +- updated to 4.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.26 2021-09-08 + - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Pg::PubSub would sometimes miss notifications. (akarelas) + +- updated to 4.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.25 2021-02-20 + - Moved SQL::Abstract::Pg into a separate distribution. + +- updated to 4.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.24 2021-01-27 + - Fixed Mojolicious 8.72 support. + +- updated to 4.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.23 2020-12-20 + - Updated examples to use signatures. + - Improved Mojo::Pg::PubSub to handle unknown notifications more gracefully. + +- updated to 4.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.22 2020-11-06 + - Added from_dir method to Mojo::Pg::Migrations. (kiwiroy) + - Improved Mojo::Pg::Database to handle connection errors more gracefully. + +- updated to 4.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.21 2020-10-25 + - Added reset method to Mojo::Pg. + - Changed SQL style to use uppercase keywords. + +- updated to 4.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.20 2020-10-01 + - Fixed fork-safety feature to work with more than one fork. + +updated to 4.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.19 2020-05-30 + - Improved .perltidyrc with more modern settings. + - Fixed validation problem in blog example. + 4.18 2020-01-30 + - Improved support for -json values to be a little more consistent. + +- updated to 4.17 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.17 2019-10-07 + - Reverted connection cache optimization from 4.14, because it caused problems + with some connections closed by the PostgreSQL server. + - Updated mojo_migrations table created by Mojo::Pg::Migrations to use a + primary key. + +- updated to 4.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.16 2019-09-04 + - Updated DBD::Pg requirement to 3.7.4 due to certain JSON features not + working with older versions. + +- updated to 4.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.15 2019-07-24 + - Improved compatibility with older versions of DBI. + +- updated to 4.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.14 2019-07-22 + - Improved connection cache to be more than an order of magnitude faster for + blocking queries. + - Fixed a bug in Mojo::Pg::PubSub where listen/unlisten did not work while + reconnecting. + +- updated to 4.13 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.13 2019-01-20 + - Added support for multi-column joins to SQL::Abstract::Pg. (rsindlin) + +- updated to 4.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.12 2018-11-24 + - Added reconnect_interval attribute to Mojo::Pg::PubSub. (jberger) + - Added db method to Mojo::Pg::PubSub. (jberger) + - Fixed reconnect logic in Mojo::Pg::PubSub. (jberger) + +- Replace useless summary. + +- updated to 4.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + 4.11 2018-10-18 + - Improved various attributes to use new Mojolicious 8.03 features to avoid + memory leaks. + +- updated to 4.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + +- updated to 4.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-Pg/Changes + perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client +- updated to 0.3.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client/Changes + 0.3.1 2019-08-20T20:45:53Z + - Re-apply licensing note from #37 - now in proper place + 0.3.0 2019-08-20T20:35:39Z + - Allow EXTERNAL as well as AMQPLAIN auth #35 (@AdamWill) + - fixes legal issues with AMQP specs licensing #37 + +- updated to 0.2.4 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client/Changes + 0.2.4 2019-08-20T00:49:27Z + - Prevent warning about undefined object on closed channels #36 (@okurz) +- Drop 0001-Prevent-warning-about-undefined-object-on-closed-cha.patch + Prevent warning about undefined object on closed channels + now included in upstream + +- Add 0001-Prevent-warning-about-undefined-object-on-closed-cha.patch + Prevent warning about undefined object on closed channels + +- updated to 0.2.3 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client/Changes + 0.2.3 2019-07-24T21:06:16Z + - Clarified documentation #33, #34 (@AdamWill) + +- update to 0.2.2 + 0.2.2 2019-05-23T11:20:22Z + - Minor documentation fixes #32 (@sjn) + - fix around 30 memory leaks #31 (@kraih) + perl-Mojo-SQLite +- updated to 3.006 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + 3.006 2021-06-16 00:30:47 EDT + - Set default abstract generator to an SQL::Abstract::Pg object, enabling additional features. + - Update IRC metadata to + +- updated to 3.005 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + 3.005 2021-02-15 21:47:59 EST + - Add query_p, select_p, insert_p, update_p, delete_p Mojo::Promise-returning methods to Mojo::SQLite::Database. + These are for API compatibility with Mojo::Pg and do not provide non-blocking query functionality. (#20, Stefan Adams) + - Use Mojo::Promise in tests instead of the deprecated and decored Mojo::IOLoop::Delay (#20, Stefan Adams) + +- updated to 3.004 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + 3.004 2020-07-22 22:50:43 EDT + - The Mojo::SQLite::Migrations sqlite attribute and the + Mojo::SQLite::Transaction db attribute are now weak attributes, increasing + the required version of Mojolicious to 8.03. + - Defer loading of Mojo::IOLoop unless the callback compatibility API is + used. + - Newly created mojo_migrations tables from Mojo::SQLite::Migrations will use + a primary key. + - Recognize -json parameters in queries. + +- updated to 3.003 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + 3.003 2019-10-01 15:49:43 EDT + - Increase DBD::SQLite dependency to 1.64 to support configuring + double-quoted string literals. + - Disable double-quoted string literals for all connections. + + - Change default SQL::Abstract identifier back to double quote. + +- updated to 3.002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + 3.002 2019-06-21 17:41:35 EDT + - Changed default SQL::Abstract identifier quoting character to `, as double + quoted identifiers may be interpreted as string literals if they are not + valid identifiers. + +- updated to 3.001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojo-SQLite/Changes + perl-Mojolicious +- updated to 9.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes + 9.22 2021-10-16 + - Added a referer method to Mojo::Headers, as an alias for the referrer method. + - Fixed response status log message to use the "trace" log level instead of "debug". + +- updated to 9.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes + 9.21 2021-08-13 + - Added EXPERIMENTAL supprt for top-level await to Mojo::Promise. + - Updated Future::AsyncAwait requirement to 0.52 for new fatures and bug fixes. + - Improved *_attr and *_text methods in Test::Mojo to return undef instead of empty string for values that do not + exist. (tim-2) + - Fixed Mojo::DOM not to auto-close tags in <svg> and <math> blocks. (mkende) + +- updated to 9.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes + 9.20 2021-08-09 + - Added trace log level to Mojo::Log. + - Changed default log level in Mojo::Log from "debug" to "trace" and moved all built-in "debug" log messages to the + level "trace". That will allow for the "debug" level to be used exclusively for user defined log messages. + perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf +- updated to 0.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf/Changes + 0.23 2020-08-10 + - [Doc] Document necessary ENV variables for non-broken report links + +- updated to 0.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf/Changes + 0.22 2019-07-01 + - Bump Mojolicious version requirement to 8.00 + - Add nonblocking example to ExampleApp + - Document caveats with using async code with profiling + perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2 +- Remove last description paragraph talking about manual installation + of modules, the recommends are in place + +- updated to 2.01 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-OAuth2/Changes + 2.01 2021-10-28T18:29:45+0900 + - Test suite is compatible with older versions of Mojolicious + - OpenID Connect require Mojo::JWT 0.09 + 2.00 2021-10-27T19:36:44+0900 + - Removed $c->oauth2->get_token() + + - Add support for "OpenID Connect" #65 + Contributor: Roy Storey + - Add "debian_salsa" as an OAuth2 id provider #62 + Contributor: Gregor Herrmann + - Moved mock code to Mojolicious::Plugin::OAuth2::Mock + - Bumped Mojolicious version to 8.25 + perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-RenderFile +- only rename pod file when it is installed + +- Rename README.pod to README-RenderFile.pod to prevent file conflict + with perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-NYTProf + perl-MooX-HandlesVia +- updated to 0.001009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooX-HandlesVia/Changes + 0.001009 2020-10-16 10:53:01+01:00 Europe/London + - new maintainer (@mattp -> @tobyink) + - update repo links + - mention Sub::HandlesVia in documentation + perl-MooseX-App-Cmd +- updated to 0.34 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-App-Cmd/Changes + 0.34 2021-03-17 18:04:14Z + - fix prereqs - MooseX::Getopt is not optional (RT#134779) + 0.33 2021-03-16 20:57:41Z + - soften tests to handle changes in App::Cmd 0.332 (RT#134752) + perl-MooseX-Daemonize +- updated to 0.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Daemonize/Changes + 0.22 2019-12-07 01:25:48Z + - fix usage of setsid + perl-MooseX-Getopt +- updated to 0.75 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Getopt/Changes + 0.75 2021-03-16 19:25:29Z + - adjust tests to deal with formatting changes in Getopt::Long::Descriptive + 0.106 (RT#134754) + +- updated to 0.74 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Getopt/Changes + 0.74 2018-09-23 23:41:10Z + - fix init_arg when used in combination with an underscored attribute read + from the config file (Andreas Koenig, github #11) + +- updated to 0.73 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Getopt/Changes + +- updated to 0.72 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Getopt/Changes + -- updated to 0.61 - - fix potentially-broken check-breaks test when a conflicting module fails to - compile - - avoid failing an optional test when YAML is not installed - -- updated to 0.59 - - re-release to fix compile test - -- updated to 0.58 - - remove use of deprecated $Config::Any::YAML::NO_YAML_XS_WARNING in tests - - warnings tests bypassed during installation - - author metadata moved to contributors - - spelling fixes (RT#87780, David Steinbrunner) - - removed use of deprecated Class::MOP::load_class - - repository migrated from shadowcat to the github moose organization - -- updated to 0.56 - - depend on newest Path::Tiny, to regain 5.8.x compatibility (gone since - v0.52) - - fix broken tests on win32 with file comparisons - - fix broken tests on win32 with file comparisons - - allow configfiles called "0" - - support more mechanisms for overriding default configfile - - when using in conjunction with MooseX::ConfigFromFile, configfile value now - properly passed to new() - - properly indicate optional dependency in tests using - MooseX::ConfigFromFile - - tests converted from using Path::Class to Path::Tiny - - missing test prereqs now declared (thanks for the automated reports, David - Cantrell!) - - unbreak Catalyst::Runtime tests (etc) by keeping _getopt_full_usage in the - callstack. (RT#82249) - - silence a warning in tests if the user does not have YAML::XS installed - (thanks for the report, Getty!) - - fix off-by-one issues in test plans if optional requirements are not met - - documentation and tests amended to prefer usage of 'trait' over 'metaclass' - as much as possible - - print_usage_text() exposed as a public method, to make it easier for - consuming classes to modify the behaviour when usage text is printed - - re-release to remove double $VERSION declarations - - -h is also treated as a --help option -- remove old perl-MooseX-Getopt-use_lib.patch - perl-MooseX-Role-Cmd +- Drop arch-specific Makefile from noarch package (boo#1109534) + perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized +- updated to 1.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Role-Parameterized/Changes + 1.11 2019-07-16 01:33:16Z + - remove MooseX::Role::WithOverloading from test dependencies (RT#130075) + -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - perl-MooseX-SetOnce +- updated to 0.201 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-SetOnce/Changes + 0.201 2021-06-18 20:54:02-04:00 America/New_York + update author email contact info + perl-MooseX-Storage +- updated to 0.53 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-MooseX-Storage/Changes + 0.53 2020-04-18 03:46:55Z + - minor prerequisite improvements + perl-Mouse +- updated to 2.5.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + v2.5.10 2020-03-28T13:15:57Z + - Do not use Fatal (#108) + +- updated to 2.5.9 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + v2.5.9 2019-08-26T14:46:49Z + - Fix circular dependencies between Mouse and MouseX::Foreign (pghmcfc #102) + +- updated to 2.5.8 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + v2.5.8 2019-08-25T18:52:19Z + - Fix segmentation fault which occurs when using MouseX::Foreign and role->apply at the same time (ken39arg #100, #101) + +- updated to 2.5.7 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + v2.5.7 2019-08-12T08:45:37Z + - Bump Module::Build::XSUtil prereq (KnowZero #99) + +- updated to 2.5.6 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + v2.5.6 2018-08-13T22:47:57Z + - Revert "Warn if accessors overwrite methods/functions" for now; it may cause crashes in perl 5.28.0 (#94) + v2.5.5 2018-08-13T15:41:32Z + - Warn if accessors overwrite methods/functions (ybrliiu #86, #90, #93) + - Fix for threads and XS; use newSVpvs instead of newSVpvs_share (sergeykolychev #92) + +- updated to 2.5.4 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mouse/Changes + perl-Net-CIDR +- updated to 0.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-CIDR/ChangeLog + 0.21 + 2021-03-30 Sam Varshavchik <> + * Update perldoc to emphasize proper usage of ciddrvalidate(). + perl-Net-Daemon +- Add manual license + +- updated to 0.49 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Daemon/ChangeLog + 2020-09-22 Todd Rinaldo <> (0.49) + * Perl 5.6 is the minimum required version now. + * RIP it has not been relevant since 5.6 + * Now using github CI to monitor the major platforms. + * .gitignore for better management + * Update the MANIFEST + * Perltidy the code base. + * use strict, warnings, no vars, our + * Remove perl 4-ish subroutine calls + * Require Sys::Syslog 0.29 to function properly. + * t/base.t -> Test::More + * Improve skipall messages and detection of ithreads/forks + * Disable t/ithreadm.t for Windows See + * Only load threads if forks hasn't already been loaded and threads exist. + * Update tracker location to github + * Fix ReadConfigFile implementation traversing @INC + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- Update to version 0.38 - perl-Net-IDN-Encode +- Remove patch encodeoffbyone.diff + * The corresponding code has been refactored, so the patch does not apply + anymore. Tests are passing without the patch, so I assume it was fixed. + I could not figure out the corresponding RT Ticket or github issue. + +- updated to 2.500 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-IDN-Encode/Changes + -- updated to 2.003 - - FIXES required version of Unicode::Normalize in - (reported by CPAN testers) - 2.002 (2012-01-18) - - FIXES dependencies/required perl version - - FIXES: #74021 Makefile.PL bad value for - version-requirement - 2.001 (2012-01-12) - - FIXES XS_VERSION mismatch - - FIXES depencency on Unicode::Normalize (was 1.000 or higher, - but this is not needed). - 2.000 (2012-01-08) - - switch to Unicode Technical Standard #46 (previously, - IDNA2003 has been used, which is now available as - Net::IDN::IDNA2003): - - add Net::IDN::UTS46 + test vectors from UTS #46 - - remove Net::IDN::Nameprep (only required for IDNA2003) - - add documentation about IDNA Standards and IDNA module - Overview/Roadmad - - allow NON-LDH labels (e.g. for SRV records), even if - UseSTD3Rules=true (parameter now only applies to - U-labels and A-labels, i.e. labels that are converted by - IDNA). - - FIXES potential portability problems in - Net::IDN::Punycode XS 1.999_20120108 - - FIXES 'wide character' warning with tests if tests - fail/if TB2 is used on modern perl installations. - - FIXES decoding bug in Net::IDN::Punycode::PP (discovered - through UTS #46 test vectors) - 1.101 (2011-12-08) - - FIXES: #72615 faulty data in Build.PL causes a lack of - meta files, which breaks carton. - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-Net-IDN-Nameprep +- Fix UTF-8 issue in short description + perl-Net-SSH2 +- updated to 0.72 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-SSH2/Changes + 0.72 2020-12-22 + - Add support for some new error codes in latest libssh2 + versions. + - Improve error reporting on "auth" method. + - Fix crypto backend selection at build time. + +- updated to 0.71 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-SSH2/Changes + 0.71 2020-04-10 + - Fix building on Windows. + - Fix installation on macOS with Homebrew. + - Rewrite synopsis to be more relevant to usual use-cases. + +- updated to 0.70 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-SSH2/Changes + 0.70 2019-3-17 + - Documentation improvements. + - SFTP stat was not reporting errors correctly (bug report and + patch by Thomas Lochmatter). + perl-Net-Whois-RIPE +- updated to 2.008001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + 2.008001 2021-04-10 + - Update to catch up with multiple RIPE database modifications (1.99): + - Slight update in README files + +- updated to 2.007004 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + 2.007004 2020-02-06 + - Improve tests to better handle network issues + - Improve tests to better cope with old Perl versions + - Update/sync authors/ownership data + +- updated to 2.007003 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + 2.007003 2020-02-03 + - Add List::Utils to the prerequisites (Kwalitee) + - Update copyright/authors/sponsor information + - Attempt to fix the undefined line bug + +- updated to 2.007002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + +- updated to 2.007001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + 2.007001 2020-01-16 + - Minor improvement to fix Kwalitee issues (use strict, non ASCII characters in POD) + +- updated to 2.007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + +- updated to 2.006002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-RIPE/Changes + -- updated to 2.005001 - -- updated to 2.005001 - - Add support for APNIC objects through Net::Whois::Generic - - Simplify query options handling in Net::Whois::Generic - (remove keepalive options) - - Start adding some documentation (far from enough although) - - Add support for generic objects (from various sources, AFRINIC being the first implemented) - through Net::Whois::Generic - -- updated to 2.004002 - - Add 'abuse_c' to AutNum object - ( - -- updated to 2.004001 - - Remove Test::Exception requirement - - Add one test - - Fix 'delete' mode on accessor - - Add skeleton script - Another contribution from Moritz Lenz : - - Add abuse_c field to Organisation - - Inet6num has an attribute 'assignment_size' - - Unknown attributes in Object->new do not die anymore - - Add 'delete' mode to attribute update - - Minor documentation fix - - Add the clone() method to Net::Whois::Object - - Enhance accessor for multiple value attributes - (enable multiple values in default append mode, add a replace mode) - - Add a skeleton for github - - Changes date format in Changes file - (to comply to Test-Changes spec) - - Add new attributes (geoloc, language, abuse_mailbox) to Organisation object - Add 'geoloc', 'language', 'abuse_mailbox' to the Organisation object - Add 'org' to the PeeringSet object - Add 'org' attribute to the RtrSet object - Add 'org' attribute to the RouteSet object - Add 'pingable', 'ping_hdl' and 'org' attribute to the Route(6) objects - Add 'org' attribute to the Role object - Add 'org' and 'abuse_mailbox' attribute to the Person object - Add 'geoloc' and 'language' attribute to the InetNum object - Add 'geoloc' and 'language' attribute to Inet6Num object - Add 'org' and 'mnt_lower' attribute to AsSet object - Update tests accordingly - -- update to 2.00009 - - bugfix -- licence in spdx format - -- update to 2.00008 - - New option that enables unfiltered object output responses. - This produces objects that can be presented back to the - RIPE Database for updating. - -- fix deps - o Req: perl(IO::Socket::INET), perl(IO::Select) -- fix License - o perl -> GPL+ or Artistic - perl-Net-Whois-Raw +- updated to 2.99032 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99032 Aug 17 2021 Alexander Nalobin + - Fix whois server for .mx + +- updated to 2.99031 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99031 Sep 1 2020 Alexander Tsoy + - Fix whois server for .mx + +- updated to 2.99030 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99030 Aug 7 2020 Chase Venters + - Fix whois server for .in (India) + +- updated to 2.99029 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99029 Jun 26 2020 Alexander Nalobin + - Fix whois servers of some tlds + - Small refactor for get_server() + +updated to 2.99028 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99028 May 9 2020 Eugeny Subachev + - Deleting duplicates from notfound and servers + - Fix whois server of xn--ses554g tld + +- updated to 2.99027 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99027 Feb 24 2020 Alexander Nalobin + - pwhois script refactoring + - Can pass arbitrary query part to pwhois script + +- updated to 2.99026 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99026 Oct 25 2019 Alexander Nalobin + - Change whois server to + +- updated to 2.99025 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99025 Oct 24 2019 Eugeny Subachev + - Fixed 'not found' pattern for + - New tld .NET.SO + +- updated to 2.99024 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99024 Oct 10 2019 Eugeny Subachev + - A lot of new tlds added + 2.99023 Oct 09 2019 Eugeny Subachev + - New tlds .ORG.HN, .NET.HN + +- updated to 2.99022 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99022 Jul 12 2019 Dave Hayes + Fix caching for QRY_ALL ( + +- updated to 2.99021 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99021 Nov 20 2018 Eugeny Subachev + - Fixed/added 'not found' patterns of vg gd kiwi sx TLDs. + +- updated to 2.99020 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99020 Sep 24 2018 Alexander Nalobin + - fix recursive whois regexp. Now matches + line endings. + 2.99019 Sep 24 2018 Alexander Nalobin + - fix precedence in 2.99016 fix, thanx to Slaven Rezić. + +- updated to 2.99018 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + +- updated to 2.99016 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99016 Jul 18 2018 Alexander Nalobin + - fixed recursion to referal whois servers in QRY_FIRST mode + +- updated to 2.99015 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99015 Jun 14 2018 Sergei Sedinkin + - new whois server for, and domains + +- updated to 2.99014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Net-Whois-Raw/Changes + 2.99014 May 8 2018 Alexander Nalobin + - is no longer a whois server ( + perl-NetPacket +- updated to 1.7.2 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-NetPacket/Changes + 1.7.2 2019-07-20 + [ DOCUMENTATION ] + - fix typos. (GH#14) + [ STATISTICS ] + - code churn: 7 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) + +- updated to 1.7.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-NetPacket/Changes + 1.7.1 2019-06-08 + [ BUG FIXES ] + - fixes inverted ethernet ports (reported by sanyacomua) + [ STATISTICS ] + - code churn: 4 files changed, 140 insertions(+), 130 deletions(-) + +- updated to 1.7.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-NetPacket/Changes + 1.7.0 2018-12-30 + [ ENHANCEMENTS ] + - Setup aliases at compile time (Nicolas R, GH#11) + - add recommended Net::Pcap{,Utils} from README (Zak B. Elep, GH#12) + [ NEW FEATURES ] + - adds back basic support for IPv6. (Dan Book, GH#10) + [ STATISTICS ] + - code churn: 16 files changed, 1177 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-) + perl-Object-Signature +- updated to 1.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Object-Signature/Changes + perl-PAR-Dist +- updated to 0.51 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR-Dist/Changes + 0.51 2020-11-30 + - Fix problem with Cwd::realpath() + Some versions of Cwd::realpath() must be called on an *existing* path, + otherwise they will return undef. + +- updated to 0.50 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PAR-Dist/Changes + perl-PDF-API2 +- updated to 2.042 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.042 2021-09-16 + - This release includes many changes to method names, options, and + documentation aimed at improving approachability, but existing code should + continue to work. See the new Backward Compatibility section in the main + PDF::API2 documentation for details about deprecation timelines and a + suggested workflow for handling upgrades. See the new Migration section + for a consolidated list of deprecated methods/options and their + replacements. + - Renamed several methods in the PDF::API2 base class: + - end -> close + - open_scalar -> from_string + - stringify -> to_string + - pages -> page_count + - importPageIntoForm -> embed_page + - isEncrypted -> is_encrypted + - xmpMetadata -> xml_metadata + - outlines -> outline + - Merged saveas into save. + - Added individual accessors for PDF metadata (title, author, producer, + etc.). Replaced info and infoMetaAttributes with info_metadata for custom + metadata. + - Renamed the following methods in the PDF::API2::Page class: + - gfx -> graphics + - rotate -> rotation + - Added $page->boundaries() and $pdf->default_page_boundaries() to replace + the separate methods for the various page boundaries. The supported + arguments are slightly different; some edge cases have been removed and + new options have been added. See below and the PDF::API2::Page + documentation for details. + - Added $page->size() and $pdf->default_page_size() as a shortcut for + setting the media box. + - Both $page->size() and $page->boundaries() (and their $pdf default + equivalents) now accept "WxH" page sizes in inches (e.g. 11x17 or 8.5x11). + This does not apply to the deprecated versions of these methods. + - Both $page->size() and $page->boundaries() (and their $pdf default + equivalents) now accept a single number for page boundaries other than the + media box, representing an amount in points to shrink the next larger box. + This does not apply to the deprecated versions of these methods. + - Replaced pageLabel with page_labels. The option syntax is slightly + different (pass options as a hash instead of a hashref; remove hyphens + from option names). + - Replaced image_jpeg, image_tiff, image_pnm, image_png, image_gif, and + image_gd with $pdf->image. + - Replaced the individual barcode methods with $pdf->barcode, which is + fully documented and includes reasonable defaults based on the chosen + barcode format. + - Improved spacing between barcodes and labels when both bar_extend + (formerly -lmzn) and font_size (formerly -fnsz) are set and the font size + is larger than the bar extension. + - Replaced corefont, ttfont, psfont, and bdfont with $pdf->font. Unlike + corefont, font requires the exact name of one of the standard fonts. + Kerning is on by default (vs. off by default in the type-specific + methods). + - Renamed synfont to synthetic_font. Renamed and documented the options. + The new hscale option (formerly -slant) now takes a percentage (100 = no + change, vs. 1 = no change for -slant) to match the hscale method in + Content. The new "bold" option is in thousandths of a text unit, + vs. hundredths for "-bold", so multiply the old value by 10 when + migrating. + - Replaced the individual colorspace methods with $pdf->colorspace. Added + documentation and examples for the various colorspace types except for the + former colorspace_hue, because I couldn't find the standard that it + implements (if one exists). + - Renamed several methods in PDF::API2::Content: + - linewidth -> line_width + - linecap -> line_cap + - linejoin -> line_join + - miterlimit -> miter_limit + - flatness -> flatness_tolerance + - endpath -> end + - rectxy -> rectangle + - fillstroke -> paint + - charspace -> character_spacing + - wordspace -> word_spacing + - nl -> crlf + - advancewidth -> text_width + - In PDF::API2::Content, replaced image and formimage with object. Added a + $page->object() convenience method that is equivalent to + $page->graphics->object(). + - In PDF::API2::Content, merged text_center and text_right into text. Use + the "align" option to set alignment to "center" or "right". + - In PDF::API2::Content, merged paragraphs into paragraph. + - In PDF::API2::Content, deprecated poly and added polyline. poly was the + only path-drawing method that took a starting position as its first two + arguments. These should be passed to a move call instead, with the + remaining arguments passed to the new polyline method. + - In PDF::API2::Content, added position, which combines the functionality of + distance and textpos2 (which was undocumented). Deprecated textpos, which + attempted to return the position of the "cursor" after taking into account + coordinate transformations. textpos2 and the new position method return + the text position before any coordinate transformations are applied, which + is consistent with how the other methods in this class behave. + - In PDF::API2::Content, deprecated bogen. Recreate using arc, if feasible. + If not, I'm likely to leave the code in place indefinitely as an + undocumented method. + - In PDF::API2::Content, deprecated cr. Replace with either position (if + called with arguments) or crlf (if called without arguments). + - Tentatively deprecated $pdf->cjkfont. If you're successfully using this + method for CJK font support, read PDF::API2::Resource::CIDFont::CJKFont + and contact me to discuss your use case. + - Tentatively deprecated $pdf->unifont. If you're successfully using this + method for Unicode support, please contact me to discuss your use case. + - Replaced $pdf->preferences() with separate page_mode, page_layout, + viewer_preferences, and open_action methods, all of which are now fully + documented. + - Added font_path and set_font_path accessors for the font search path (the + list of directories searched when a font name is included without its full + path). Renamed addFontDirs to add_to_font_path. + - Removed C:/WinNT/Fonts from the default font search path. + - Named Destinations are now fully documented, with updated method names and + arguments. + - Outlines are now fully documented, with additional methods for examining + and modifying the outline tree. Existing method names and arguments have + been updated to match those used in Named Destinations. Various bugs have + been fixed when reading or modifying outlines in existing PDFs. + - Updated annotation documentation. Revised methods and arguments to match + those used in Named Destinations and Outlines. + - A PDF version number specified in the document catalog is now respected by + $pdf->version(). + - Fixed space calculation between words in justified text (report and fix by + Vladislav Glinsky). + +- updated to 2.041 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.041 2021-07-27 + - Bug reports should now be made at GitHub Issues rather than RT. + - Rename openpage to open_page in PDF::API2. The old name is deprecated. + - [RT #136648] Fix when writing PDFs containing cross-reference streams + (reported by Chris Papademetrious, fix by Vadim Repin from RT #117184). + - [RT #44877] GIFs containing comments or plain-text representations will no + longer result in an error (reported by Chris Czub). + - [RT #132844] Fix corruption when a PGM image is included (reported by Jeff + Ratcliffe, fix by Vadim Repin). + - Expand PNM support to include all image types. + - [RT #131657] Disable recursion warnings while releasing (destroying) PDF + indirect objects, which can be highly-interconnected (reported by Leon + Winter). + - [RT #41971] Fix when attempting to read an existing PDF's outlines + (reported by Damyan Ivanov, fix based on a patch by Vadim Repin). + +- updated to 2.040 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.040 2021-04-13 + - Fix open() followed by stringify() resulting in a corrupt (mostly-empty) + PDF, which was broken by changes in 2.039 (reported by Gareth Tunley). + - [RT #134993] Calling open($filename) followed by saveas($same_filename) + instead of update() resulted in a corrupt PDF in 2.039, which no longer + reads the entire file into memory on open (reported by Marco Pessotto). + - [RT #134957] Fix encoding of \n in a PDF string containing non-printable + characters (reported by Stuart Henderson). + - [RT #133131] Fix endianness of 64-bit numbers in cross-reference stream + widths array (reported by Christopher Papademetrious, fix by Vadim Repin). + +- updated to 2.039 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.039 2021-03-04 + - PDF::API2->open($filename) no longer reads the entire file into memory + before working on it, instead reading from the file as needed. This + results in a substantial reduction in memory usage and start-up time for + large PDF files, particularly in cases where the calling script doesn't + need to access all of the contents of the PDF. + - PDF files containing cross-reference streams can now be modified and saved + normally. Previously, they were read-only. + - $text->paragraph(...) and $text->paragraphs(...) (formerly "section") are + no longer undocumented and experimental. If you were previously using + them at your own risk, note that "-spillover" is no longer an option (text + will always wrap inside the specified width if possible). In addition, + paragraphs(...) no longer collapses consecutive newlines. + - [RT #98546] There is now an -align-last option for justified text to + specify how the final line should be justified. Left is still the + default. + - Code in the PDF::API2::Basic::PDF namespace was originally licensed under + the Perl Artistic License, which has been determined to not be + (L)GPL-compatible. Martin Hosken has graciously granted an MIT license + for use of his code contained in PDF::API2, so the distribution may now be + used solely under the terms of the LGPL rather than requiring both + licenses simultaneously. Many thanks to Petr Pisar for his help in + working through the licensing issues. + - Renamed $text->lead(...) to $text->leading(...). The old name is + deprecated but will continue to work. If you're modifying PDF::API2 + objects by editing their hash values instead of using these accessors, + you'll need to update your code. + - Added a -compress option (on by default) to PDF::API2->new(), open(), and + open_scalar(). If disabled, most streams won't be compressed, which can + simplify debugging. + +- updated to 2.038 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.038 2020-08-31 + - Use PDF::API2::XS or Image::PNG::Libpng, if either is installed, to speed + up inclusion of PNG files with an alpha channel by an order of magnitude + (written by Rob Scovell, sponsored by + +- updated to 2.037 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.037 2020-02-05 + - Allow PDF 2.0 files to be opened. + - [RT #131147] Ignore dictionary entries with null values (reported by Klaus + Ethgen, fix by Vadim Repin). + +- updated to 2.036 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.036 2019-09-17 + - Eliminate another uninitialized value warning in + +- updated to 2.035 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + +- updated to 2.034 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PDF-API2/Changes + 2.034 2019-06-29 + - SUPPORTED PERL VERSIONS: Starting with this release, PDF::API2 will + support major Perl versions released in the past six years, plus the major + release before that one. This should provide backward compatibility for + the life of most LTS server distributions, while eliminating the need to + troubleshoot warnings and bugs that only show up in increasingly-ancient + versions of Perl. + For this release, it means that the minimum supported Perl is 5.18, which + was first released on 2013-05-18. + - Add support for cross-reference streams using 64-bit field widths. + - When the utf8 flag is set for a PDF string, automatically encode it as + UCS-16BE instead of requiring a separate flag to be set in the PDF object. + This resolves [RT #33497] and [RT #117031] in addition to making the code + easier to maintain. + - [RT #126274] Fix alignment when using UniFont with text_center or + text_right when all characters are in the same block. + - [RT #121911] Fix adding pages to a document structure with nested Pages + elements. This included a fairly substantial rewrite of the relevant + code, so please report any new bugs related to adding pages (report and + troubleshooting by Vadim Repin). + - Renamed pdfile() to pdf_file() in PDF::API2::Annotation and + PDF::API2::Outline. The old name continues to work, but is deprecated. + perl-PPI +- updated to 1.270 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.270 2019-07-09 15:14:57Z + Summary: + - attempt to handle new blead binary/hexadecimal parsing behavior in tests + +- updated to 1.269 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.269 2019-05-17 18:36:46Z + Summary: + - many small documentation improvements + 1.268 2019-05-16 10:00:39Z + Summary: + - fix a broken link in the pod + 1.267 2019-05-16 09:22:34Z + Summary: + - make PPI::Test::Run more OS-agnostic + 1.266 2019-05-15 16:17:49Z + Summary: + - keep heredoc terminator detection from triggering regex errors + - small cleanups + Details: + - make the output of PPI::Test::Run more useful + - remove a superfluous import + +- updated to 1.265 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.265 2019-05-14 12:39:51Z + Summary: + - simplified a code construct + +- updated to 1.264 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.264 2019-04-28 14:56:28Z + Summary: + - keep vstring processing from swallowing underscores + 1.262 2019-04-28 11:41:54Z + Summary: + - convert newlines in some raw test files from win32 to unix + 1.260 2019-04-28 11:10:02Z + Summary: + - allow underscores in vstrings + +- updated to 1.258 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.258 2019-04-27 17:05:33Z + Summary: + - remove accidentally included Test::InDistDir + 1.256 2019-04-26 16:40:01Z + Summary: + - allow all PPI::Document instances to have a filename attribute + 1.254 2019-04-26 16:23:21Z + Summary: + - recognize `for (;<$foo>;) {}` as containing a readline operator + 1.252 2019-04-26 14:21:36Z + Summary: + - add support for the double diamond (<<>>) input operator + - adjust position of a todo marker to not catch a passing test + +- updated to 1.250 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPI/Changes + 1.250 2019-04-25 16:43:32Z + Summary: + - various smaller releng changes + Details: + - removed dependency on File::Remove + - add some tests including a TODO test for misparse bug on '(1)-1' + - allow tests to run without pre-determined module versions + - add travis-perl helper to be run before install + - update versions of Perl Travis tests on + 1.248 2019-04-25 16:08:08Z + Summary: + - parse list-embedded curlies as hash constructors + 1.246 2019-04-25 15:33:48Z + Summary: + - support indented here-docs + - fixed some typos + 1.244 2019-04-25 15:21:51Z + Summary: + - support key-value and index-value slices in PPI::Token::Symbol symbol method + 1.242 2019-04-25 14:33:56Z + Summary: + - keep exponents of 2 or more zeroes from trapping PPI in an endless loop + 1.240 2019-04-25 14:09:24Z + Summary: + - add support for lexical subroutines from perl-5.26 + 1.238 2019-04-25 12:03:37Z + Summary: + - only release engineering, moved to Dist::Zilla, straightened out + dependencies and fixed some formatting in Changes + 1.237_001 Wed 15 Nov 2017 + Summary: + - support postfix dereference + - remove dependencies on vars, base and List::MoreUtils + - reduce globals and cross-package variables + - make xt/api.t skip/run properly + Details: + - convert many cross-package var accesses to var imports + - convert several unnecessary globals to local variables + -- updated to 1.218 - Summary: - - Fixes for various parsing and documentation bugs - - 1MB limit on input document size removed - - Moved repository to GitHub: - Details: - - Stop directing bugs to (GitHub #40) (MOREGAN) - - Fix documentation reference to List::Util (RT #75308) (RWSTAUNER) - - Improve scalability of parsing long lines, and remove the size - limit on documents PPI will parse (GitHub #5) (MITHALDU) - - Speed up adding an element to an unlabeled statement. - Allow inlining of some methods. (WOLFSAGE) - - Expanded test coverage (DOLMEN, MOREGAN) - - Convert inline tests to standalone tests (GitHub #12) (MOREGAN) - - Fix for '1=>x' being parsed as x operator (GitHub #46) (MOREGAN) - - Recognize that '1 x3' is the x operator followed by a 3 - (RT #37892, GitHub #27) (MOREGAN) - - Support all augmented assignment operators (<<=, ||=, etc.) - (RT #68176, 71705) (MOREGAN) - - Stop upper-case "=CUT" from terminating POD (RT #75039) (JAE) - - Support upper-case digits in hex and binary numbers, including - in the leading '0X' and '0B'. (RT #36540) (KRYDE, MOREGAN) - - Fix float argument to range operator misparsed as version - string (RT #45014) (MOREGAN) - - Fix POD markup in PPI::Find (RT #51693) (FWIE) - - Fix spelling of "Tom Christiansen" (RT #67264) (TADMC) - - Fix a large raft of spelling and grammar errors (RT #85049) (David - Steinbrunner, DOLMEN, MOREGAN) - - Fix errors in documentation of the PPI::Element class hierarchy - (RT #30863, 69026) (SJQUINNEY) - - Prevent PPI::XSAccessor packages from hiding corresponding PPI - packages in CPAN (RT #90792) (MITHALDU) - - Recognize the formfeed character as whitespace (RT #67517) (WYANT) - - Recognize regex match following 'return' (RT #27475) (ADAMK) - - Fix missing dereference, length called on reference (RT #40103) - (ADAMK) - -* update to 1.215 - - Confirmed new Perl::Critic works with 1.214_02, so we - can release a new PPI now. - - Updated copyright year to 2011 (ADAMK) - - Fixed RT #64247 bless {} probably contains a hash constructor (WYANT) - - Backed out glob fix (WYANT) - - Fixed RT #65199 Cast can trump braces in - PPI::Token::Symbol->symbol (WYANT) - - index_locations on an empty document no longer warns (WYANT) - - Corrected a bug in line-spanning attribute support (WYANT) - - Regression test for line-spanning attribute support (ADAMK) - - Fixed #61305 return { foo => 1 } should parse curlys as hash - constructor, not block (WYANT) - - Fixed #63943 map and regexp confuse PPI? (ADAMK) - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -update to 1.213 - o for a full list see Changes file -- recreated by cpanspec 1.78 - perl-PPIx-QuoteLike +- updated to 0.019 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.019 2021-11-15 T. R. Wyant + Add CONTRIBUTING file. + Try to quell weird Win32 test failures which seem to occur only in + tests where I am using 'use open' to put the standard handles into + UTF-8 mode. The fix (I hope) is to do this to the Test::Harness + handles at run time instead of to the standard handles at compile + time. + +- updated to 0.018 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.018 2021-10-22 T. R. Wyant + Argument postderef is now fatal. + Correct generation of 'provides' metadata. Thanks to Favio Poletti + for blogging +, + and ultimately to Joel Berger for the pointer to + + +- updated to 0.017 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.017 2021-04-16 T. R. Wyant + All uses of the postderef argument to new() now warn. + +- updated to 0.016 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.016 2021-03-26 T. R. Wyant + Add back to bug reporting methods. Long live RT! + Get prerequisites up to snuff, and add xt/author/prereq.t to ensure + they stay that way. + Refactor authortest into three, so I do not have to generate stub + files to test without optional modules. + +- updated to 0.015 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.015 2021-02-05 T. R. Wyant + Handle <<\EOD and <<~\EOD, which are equivalent to <<'EOD' and + <<~'EOD', respectively. + Recognize indented here documents. Thanks to Olaf Alders (oalders) + for alerting me to this omission. + +- updated to 0.014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.014 2021-01-14 T. R. Wyant + Add Travis CI testing. + Use GitHub as bug tracker. R.I.P. + +- updated to 0.013 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.013 2020-10-09 T. R. Wyant + Warn on first use of attribute 'postderef'. + +- updated to 0.012 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-QuoteLike/Changes + 0.012 2020-07-28 T. R. Wyant + Remove prototypes from testing subroutines defined in t/*.t. + perl-PPIx-Regexp +- updated to 0.082 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.082 2021-11-29 T. R. Wyant + Add --version to eg/predump, and document all options with double + dashes. + Silence 'uninitialized' warning generated by /(?<=.{35})/. + Thanks to Brian Fraser for reporting this. + Try to quell weird Win32 test failures which seem to occur only in + tests where I am using 'use open' to put the standard handles into + UTF-8 mode. The fix (I hope) is to do this to the Test::Harness + handles at run time instead of to the standard handles at compile + time. + Add file CONTRIBUTING. + +- updated to 0.081 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.081 2021-10-22 T. R. Wyant + Any use of the postderef argument is now fatal. + Correct generation of 'provides' metadata. Thanks to Favio Poletti + for blogging +, + and ultimately to Joel Berger for the pointer to + + Add YAPE::Regex to SEE ALSO + +- updated to 0.080 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.080 2021-04-16 T. R. Wyant + All uses of the postderef argument to new() now warn. + +- updated to 0.079 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.079 2021-03-26 T. R. Wyant + Get prerequisites up to snuff, and add xt/author/prereq.t to ensure + they stay that way. + Add back to bug reporting methods. Long live RT! + +- updated to 0.078 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.078 2021-01-28 T. R. Wyant + Allow CPAN to index Script_Run, Atomic_Script_Run, since they made + it into a production release. + Allow {,3} and { 0 , 3 } as quantifiers, requiring at least Perl + 5.33.6. Previously these parsed as literals. This parse will be + retracted if it does not make it into 5.34.0. + +- updated to 0.077 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.077 2021-01-14 T. R. Wyant + Add Travis CI testing. + Use GitHub as bug tracker. R.I.P. + +- updated to 0.076 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.076 2020-11-28 T. R. Wyant + Correct (I hope) detection of \K in nested assertions. + Variable-length look-behind is version 5.029009. + Look-behinds quantified longer than 255 characters are an error, and + are made into unknown tokens or structures. I ended up refactoring + the PPIx::Regexp::Token::GroupType class initialization for the + latter two changes. + +- updated to 0.075 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.075 2020-10-08 T. R. Wyant + Warn on first use of attribute 'postderef'. + +- updated to 0.074 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.074 2020-09-08 T. R. Wyant + Remove PPIx::Regexp::StringTokenizer itself and all documentation + referring to it or the 'parse' argument to PPIx::Regexp->new(). + +- updated to 0.073 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.073 2020-07-28 T. R. Wyant + Remove prototypes from testing subroutines defined in t/*.t. + +updated to 0.072 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PPIx-Regexp/Changes + 0.072 2020-05-20 T. R. Wyant + Drop dependency on List::MoreUtils. Thanks to Graham Ollis + (plicease) for bringing the issues with this module to my attention. + perl-PPIx-Utilities +- Remove trailing dot from the summary + perl-PadWalker +- updated to 2.5 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PadWalker/Changes + 2.4 Sat 26 Sep 2020 18:39:17 BST + - Names of utf8 lexical vars not reported correctly + + 2.5 Sun 27 Sep 2020 13:22:11 BST + - Make 2.4 compatible with older perl. + -- Update to latest source, version 1.92 - perl-Params-Coerce +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Params-Coerce/Changes + perl-Parse-PMFile +- updated to 0.43 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Parse-PMFile/Changes + 0.43 2020/12/12 + - Avoid instantiating `Safe` compartment if operating in "unsafe" mode. + (GH#12; bleargh45++) + +- updated to 0.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Parse-PMFile/Changes + 0.42 2019/11/09 + - no code changes + - explicitly declared ExtUtils::MakeMaker::CPANfile as a configure + requirement (Nikolo++) + perl-Parse-Win32Registry +- Remove fix-time-local.patch (not needed anymore) + +- updated to 1.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Parse-Win32Registry/Changes + * * 1.1 2020-09-19 + Added fix for errors decoding registry timestamps. (This was due to the + interpretation of dates in timegm changing in recent versions of Perl.) + Thanks to B.M.W. and Slaven Rezic for their help with this. + Updated as_regedit_export to handle undefined REG_SZ values. + perl-Perl-Critic +- updated to 1.140 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes + 1.140 Tue Mar 23 21:42:19 CDT 2021 + [New Features] + Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn now lets you specify a + terminal_methods parameter to specify methods that should been as + terminal. This is like the terminal_funcs parameter, but for methods. + Thanks, Robin Smidsrød and Mike Bruins. (GH #920) + 1.139_01 Tue Sep 1 23:52:18 CDT 2020 + [Fixes] + Removed an extra /x in that caused + deprecation warnings in Perl 5.22 and higher. (GH #822) + Documentation::RequirePackageMatchesPodName now recognizes the package + name if it's in C<< I<> >> or C<< B<> >> markup. Thanks, Renée Bäcker. + (GH #913) + +- updated to 1.138 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes + 1.138 Fri Jan 24 15:50:34 CST 2020 + Stable release. No changes since 1.137_01. + 1.137_01 Thu Jan 23 16:44:57 CST 2020 + [Fixes] + RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval didn't count returning the result of an + eval as checking it. Now it does. However, it's only if you "return eval + { ... }". It still doesn't handle the case of "return ( eval {} )". + Thanks, Tom Wyant. (GH #324) + ProhibitPunctuationVars would get confused and think that the expression + qr/SOME$/ was using the $/ special variable. Thanks, Tom Wyan. (GH #843) + +- updated to 1.136 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes + 1.136 Wed Nov 27 09:51:09 CST 2019 + Stable release. No changes since 1.135_01. + 1.135_01 Tue Nov 26 14:50:11 CST 2019 + [New Features] + The ProhibitNoWarnings pollicy now handles warnings in the experimental:: + group. Thanks, Renée Bäcker. (GH #892) + [Documentation] + Prevented some example code from showing up in `perldoc`. Thanks, Tom + Hukins. (GH #799) + +- updated to 1.134 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes + 1.134 Wed May 22 21:17:21 CDT 2019 + Stable release. No changes since 1.133_02. + +- updated to 1.132 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic/Changes + 1.32 Thu May 31 21:48:48 CDT 2018 + [New Features] + Added the ability to specify a regex to tell what unused private + subroutines are OK in Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines. + This is handy for Moose classes where there could be many false + positives on _build_xxxx() subroutines. + Thanks, Dave Cross. (GH #811, #812) + [Dependencies] + Perl::Critic now no longer relies on the deprecated Email::Address. + (GH #816) + 1.131_02 Tue Feb 20 17:18:03 CST 2018 + [New Features] + Perl::Critic now assumes that .psgi files are Perl, too. Thanks, Tom + Hukins. (GH#805) + Variables::ProhibitUnusedVariables no longer gives a false positive for + variables used in interpolation. Thanks, Omer Gazit. (GH#801) + [Bug Fixes] + Added missing requirement for + 1.131_01 Tue Nov 21 17:28:06 CST 2017 + [New Features] + In the ProhibitLeadingZeros policy, added an exception for mkfifo. + Thanks, Evan Zacks. (GH#786) + Add color support for Windows platforms. Thanks, Roy Ivy III. (GH#700) + [Bug Fixes] + Recode Perl::Critic::Utils::all_perl_files() to use File::Find instead + of opendir/readdir. This solves endless directory traversals if + the directories contain circular symbolic references. Thanks, Tom Wyant. + [Documentation] + Added Thanks, Jonas B. Nielsen. + -- Added new themes based on CERT guidelines. - -- update to 1.120 - Bug Fixes: - * Corrected "Possible precedence issue with control flow operator" - warning. This fixes RT #88866 - -- updated to 1.119 - Bug Fixes: - * Tests were failing with Config::Tiny 2.17 or later, due to a - change in the error messages produced by that module. - This fixes #16 on Github, #88679 & #88889 on RT. - Policy Changes: - * BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitVoidGrep and ::ProhibitVoidMap: grep - and map called as functions are now allowed in slice operations. - RT #79289 - Thanks to Wade at Anomaly dot org for the patch. - * Subroutines::RequireArgUnpacking: Most tests of the size of @_ - are now allowed. RT #79138 - Other Changes: - * Modernized our usage of Exporter. See RT #75300. - Thanks to Olivier Mengué for the patch. - -- updated to 1.118 - Policy Changes: - * CodeLayout::RequireTidyCode: Revise to work with incompatible - changes in Perl::Tidy 20120619. RT #77977. - * TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitNoWarnings: Correct the parse of the - 'no warnings' statement, so that 'no warnings "qw"' is recognized - as supressing just 'qw' warnings. RT #74647. - * Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords has been moved to the Perl-Critic-More - distribution, RT #69546 - Other Changes: - * Make all unescaped literal "{" characters in regexps into - character classes. These are deprecated, and became noisy with - Perl 5.17.0. RT #77510. - -- updated to 1.117 - New Policies: - * Variables::ProhibitAugmentedAssignmentInDeclaration reports - constructs like 'my $x += 1'. Contributed by Mike O'Regan - Policy Changes: - * BuiltinFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr: Add explicit 'use version'. - RT #68498. - * CodeLayout::ProhibitHardTabs: Add 'pbp' to the default_themes list. - RT #71093. - * ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that - tr///r (introduced in 5.13.7) does not change its operand. - * ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions now understands that - '//=', '<<=', and '>>=' are assignment operators. RT #70901. - * ErrorHandling::RequireCheckingReturnValueOfEval now allows things - like grep { eval $_ }. RT #69489. - * Modules::RequireExplicitPackage now has configuraion option - allow_import_of, to allow the import of specified modules before - the package statement. RT #72660. - * RegularExpressions::ProhibitEnumeratedClasses no longer thinks - that [A-Za-z_] matches \w. RT #69322. - * RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now skips the first - block of an 'if' or 'elsif' if the regular expression is bound to - its operand with the '!~' operator. RT #69867. - * RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCaptures now looks into lists - and blocks in the replacement portion of the regular expression if - /e is asserted. RT #72086. - * RegularExpressions::RequireDotMatchAnything, - RegularExpressions::RequireExtendedFormatting and - RegularExpressions::RequireLineBoundaryMatching now honor defaults - set with 'use re "/modifiers"'. RT #72151. - * Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs now recognizes '+' as a prototype - character. - * Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars now recognizes bracketed - variables embedded in interpolated strings (e.g. "${$}"). For the - purpose of the 'allow' configuration, these are considered - equivalent to the unbracketed form. RT #72910. - Other Changes: - * Corrected POD in Perl::Critic::PPI::Utils. RT #68898. - * Perl::Critic::Violation source() method now returns the line - containing the violation (not the first line) when the statement - containing the violation spans multiple lines. - perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode +- updated to 0.033 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.033 2020-12-21 19:39:58 EST + - Update various recommendations for alternatives in DiscouragedModules policy + - Add better examples for EmptyReturn (#39) and Each policies + +- updated to 0.032 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.032 2019-11-11 11:09:08 EST + - Add check for CORE::wantarray and CORE'wantarray to WantArray policy (simcop2387 #37) + +- updated to 0.031 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.031 2019-09-25 19:00:39 EDT + - Add FindBin to DiscouragedModules policy (#31) + - Add MultidimensionalArrayEmulation policy (#35) + +- updated to 0.030 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.030 2019-08-26 11:27:15 EDT + - Allow signature_enablers to be configured for Prototypes policy (#34) + +- updated to 0.029 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.029 2019-04-26 13:12:43 EDT + - Added LexicalForeachIterator policy + - Require PPI 1.252+ allowing simplifications to the DeprecatedFeatures and + WhileDiamondDefaultAssignment policies + +- updated to 0.028 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Freenode/Changes + 0.028 2018-11-29 19:32:49 EST + - Split out lower severity violations from DiscouragedModules policy into a + new PreferredAlternatives policy. Perl::Critic does not support filtering + individual violations by severity, only policies, so this will allow + separately configuring and filtering these violations. + - Fixed DiscouragedModules and DeprecatedFeatures policy violations to report + severity as configured. + - Fixed DeprecatedFeatures to avoid false positives on method calls with the + same name as autoderef functions. + - Added /\C/, chdir(''), and bare here-docs to DeprecatedFeatures policy. + 0.027 2018-06-20 20:17:06 EDT + - Add LoopOnHash policy + perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp +- updated to 99 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp/Changes + +- updated to 97 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Critic-Pulp/Changes + +- add avoid-wrong-provides.diff to avoid wrong provides + perl-Perl-PrereqScanner +- updated to 1.024 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-PrereqScanner/Changes + 1.024 2021-07-03 13:28:30-04:00 America/New_York + - switched from List::MoreUtils to List::Util (thanks, Karen + Etheridge!) + - update author contact info + - add docs on perl version policy + -- update to 1.008: - * fix rt#72062 - look for "require Module; Module->VERSION(min);" -- changes from 1.007: - * new option --combine for scan_prereqs script -- changes from 1.006: - * add the POE scanner for POE components -- changes from 1.005: - * stop stripping "always core" prereqs like strict and warnings - * add the Aliased scanner for - perl-Perl-Tidy +- updated to 20211029 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2021 10 29 + - No significant bugs have been found since the last release, but several + minor issues have been fixed. Vertical alignment has been improved for + lists of call args which are not contained within parens (next item). + - Vertical alignment of function calls without parens has been improved with + the goal of making vertical alignment essentially the same with or + without parens around the call args. Some examples: + [#] OLD + mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y, -anchor => 'se', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x + 30, $y, -anchor => 's', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x + 60, $y, -anchor => 'sw', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y + 30, -anchor => 'e', $color; + [#] NEW + mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y, -anchor => 'se', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x + 30, $y, -anchor => 's', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x + 60, $y, -anchor => 'sw', $color; + mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y + 30, -anchor => 'e', $color; + [#] OLD + is id_2obj($id), undef, "unregistered object not retrieved"; + is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty"; + is register($obj), $obj, "object returned by register"; + is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object registry nonempty"; + is id_2obj($id), $obj, "registered object retrieved"; + [#] NEW + is id_2obj($id), undef, "unregistered object not retrieved"; + is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty"; + is register($obj), $obj, "object returned by register"; + is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object registry nonempty"; + is id_2obj($id), $obj, "registered object retrieved"; + This will cause some changes in alignment, hopefully for the better, + particularly in test code which often uses numerous parenless function + calls with functions like 'ok', 'is', 'is_deeply', .... + - Two new parameters were added to control the block types to which the + - bl (--opening-brace-on-new-line) flag applies. The new parameters are + - block-left-list=s, or -bll=s, and --block-left-exclusion-list=s, + or -blxl=s. Previously the -bl flag was 'hardwired' to apply to + nearly all blocks. The default values of the new parameters + retain the the old default behavior but allow it to be changed. + - The default behavior of the -bli (-brace-left-and-indent) flag has changed + slightly. Previously, if you set -bli, then the -bl flag would also + automatically be set. Consequently, block types which were not included + in the default list for -bli would get -bl formatting. This is no longer done, + and these two styles are now controlled independently. The manual describes + the controls. If you want to recover the exact previous default behavior of + the -bli then add the -bl flag. + - A partial fix was made for issue for git #74. The -lp formatting style was + being lost when a one-line anonymous sub was followed by a closing brace. + - Fixed issue git #73, in which the -nfpva flag was not working correctly. + Some unwanted vertical alignments of spaced function perens + were being made. + - Updated the man pages to clarify the flags -valign and -novalign + for turning vertical alignment on and off (issue git #72). + Added parameters -vc -vsc -vbc for separately turning off vertical + alignment of code, side comments and block comments. + - Fixed issue git #68, where a blank line following a closing code-skipping + comment, '#>>V', could be lost. + - This version runs 10 to 15 percent faster on large files than the + previous release due to optimizations made with the help of NYTProf. + - This version of perltidy was stress-tested for many cpu hours with + random input parameters. No instabilities, internal fault checks, + undefined variable references or other irregularities were seen. + - Numerous minor fixes have been made, mostly very rare formatting instabilities + found in random testing. An effort has been made to minimize changes to + existing formatting that these fixes produce, but occasional changes + may occur. Many of these updates are listed at: + + +- updated to 20210717 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2021 07 17 + - This release is being made mainly because of the next item, in which an + error message about an uninitialized value error message could be produced + in certain cases when format-skipping is used. The error message was + annoying but harmless to formatting. + - Fixed an undefined variable message, see git #67. When a format skipping + comment '#<<' is placed before the first line of code in a script, a + message 'Use of uninitialized value $Ktoken_vars in numeric ...' can + occur. + - A warning will no longer be given if a script has an opening code-skipping + comment '#<<V' which is not terminated with a closing comment '#>>V'. This + makes code-skipping and format-skipping behave in a similar way: an + opening comment without a corresponding closing comment will cause + the rest of a file to be skipped. If there is a question about which lines + are skipped, a .LOG file can be produced with the -g flag and it will have + this information. + - Removed the limit on -ci=n when -xci is set, reference: rt #136415. + This update removes a limit in the previous two versions in which the + value of -ci=n was limited to the value of -i=n when -xci was set. + This limit had been placed to avoid some formatting instabilities, + but recent coding improvements allow the limit to be removed. + - The -wn and -bbxx=n flags were not working together correctly. This has + been fixed. + - This version may produce occasional differences in formatting compared to + previous versions, mainly for lines which are near the specified line + length limit. This is due to ongoing efforts to eliminate edge cases of + formatting instability. + - Numerous minor fixes have been made. A complete list is at: + + +- updated to 20210625 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2021 06 25 + - This release adds several new requested parameters. No significant bugs have + been found since the last release, but a number of minor problems have been + corrected. + - Added a new option '--code-skipping', requested in git #65, in which code + between comment lines '#<<V' and '#>>V' is passed verbatim to the output + stream without error checking. It is simmilar to --format-skipping + but there is no error checking of the skipped code. This can be useful for + skipping past code which employs an extended syntax. + - Added a new option for closing paren placement, -vtc=3, requested in rt #136417. + - Added flag -atnl, --add-terminal-newline, to help issue git #58. + This flag tells perltidy to terminate the last line of the output stream + with a newline character, regardless of whether or not the input stream + was terminated with a newline character. This is the default. + If this flag is negated, with -natnl, then perltidy will add a terminal + newline character to the the output stream only if the input + stream is terminated with a newline. + - Some nested structures formatted with the -lp indentation option may have + some changes in indentation. This is due to updates which were made to + prevent formatting instability when line lengths are limited by the maximum line + length. Most scripts will not be affected. If this causes unwanted formatting + changes, try increasing the --maximum-line-length by a few characters. + - Numerous minor fixes have been made. A complete list is at: + + +- updated to 20210402 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2021 04 02 + - This release fixes several non-critical bugs which have been found since the last + release. An effort has been made to keep existing formatting unchanged. + - Fixed issue git #57 regarding uninitialized warning flag. + - Added experimental flag -lpxl=s requested in issue git #56 to provide some + control over which containers get -lp indentation. + - Fixed issue git #55 regarding lack of coordination of the --break-before-xxx + flags and the --line-up-parens flag. + - Fixed issue git #54 regarding irregular application of the --break-before-paren + and similar --break-before-xxx flags, in which lists without commas were not + being formatted according to these flags. + - Fixed issue git #53. A flag was added to turn off alignment of spaced function + parens. If the --space-function-paren, -sfp flag is set, a side-effect is that the + spaced function parens may get vertically aligned. This can be undesirable, + so a new parameter '--function-paren-vertical-alignment', or '-fpva', has been + added to turn this vertical alignment off. The default is '-fpva', so that + existing formatting is not changed. Use '-nfpva' to turn off unwanted + vertical alignment. To illustrate the possibilities: + [#] perltidy [default] + myfun( $aaa, $b, $cc ); + mylongfun( $a, $b, $c ); + [#] perltidy -sfp + myfun ( $aaa, $b, $cc ); + mylongfun ( $a, $b, $c ); + [#] perltidy -sfp -nfpva + myfun ( $aaa, $b, $cc ); + mylongfun ( $a, $b, $c ); + - Fixed issue git #51, a closing qw bare paren was not being outdented when + the -nodelete-old-newlines flag was set. + - Fixed numerous edge cases involving unusual parameter combinations which + could cause alternating output states. Most scripts will not be + changed by these fixes. + - A more complete list of updates is at + + +- updated to 20210111 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2021 01 11 + - Fixed issue git #49, -se breaks warnings exit status behavior. + The exit status flag was not always being set when the -se flag was set. + - Some improvements have been made in the method for aligning side comments. + One of the problems that was fixed is that there was a tendency for side comment + placement to drift to the right in long scripts. Programs with side comments + may have a few changes. + - Some improvements have been made in formatting qw quoted lists. This + fixes issue git #51, in which closing qw pattern delimiters not always + following the settings specified by the --closing-token-indentation=n settings. + Now qw closing delimiters ')', '}' and ']' follow these flags, and the + delimiter '>' follows the flag for ')'. Other qw pattern delimiters remain + indented as the are now. This change will cause some small formatting changes + in some existing programs. + - Another change involving qw lists is that they get full indentation, + rather than just continuation indentation, if + (1) the closing delimiter is one of } ) ] > and is on a separate line, + (2) the opening delimiter (i.e. 'qw{' ) is also on a separate line, and + (3) the -xci flag (--extended-continuation-indentation) is set. + This improves formatting when qw lists are contained in other lists. For example, + [#] OLD: perltidy + foreach $color ( + qw( + AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 + SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 + ), + qw( + LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 + SeaGreen1 Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 Tan4 + ) + ) + [#] NEW, perltidy -xci + foreach $color ( + qw( + AntiqueWhite3 Bisque1 Bisque2 Bisque3 Bisque4 + SlateBlue3 RoyalBlue1 SteelBlue2 DeepSkyBlue3 + ), + qw( + LightBlue1 DarkSlateGray1 Aquamarine2 DarkSeaGreen2 + SeaGreen1 Yellow1 IndianRed1 IndianRed2 Tan1 Tan4 + ) + ) + - Some minor improvements have been made to the rules for formatting + some edge vertical alignment cases, usually involving two dissimilar lines. + - A more complete list of updates is at + + +- updated to 20201207 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + +- updated to 20201202 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2020 12 02 + - This release is being made primarily to make available a several new formatting + parameters, in particular -xci, -kbb=s, -kba=s, and -wnxl=s. No significant + bugs have been found since the previous release, but numerous minor issues have + been found and fixed as listed below. + - This version is about 20% faster than the previous version due to optimizations + made with the help of Devel::NYTProf. + - Added flag -wnxl=s, --weld-nested-exclusion-list=s, to provide control which containers + are welded with the --weld-nested-containers parameter. This is related to issue git #45. + - Merged pull request git #46 which fixes the docs regarding the -fse flag. + - Fixed issue git #45, -vtc=n flag was ignored when -wn was set. + - implement request RT #133649, delete-old-newlines selectively. Two parameters, + - kbb=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-before=s, and + - kba=s or --keep-old-breakpoints-after=s + were added to request that old breakpoints be kept before or after + selected token types. For example, -kbb='=>' means that newlines before + fat commas should be kept. + - Fix git #44, fix exit status for assert-tidy/untidy. The exit status was + always 0 for --assert-tidy if the user had turned off all error messages with + the -quiet flag. This has been fixed. + - Add flag -maxfs=n, --maximum-file-size-mb=n. This parameter is provided to + avoid causing system problems by accidentally attempting to format an + extremely large data file. The default is n=10. The command to increase + the limit to 20 MB for example would be -mfs=20. This only applies to + files specified by filename on the command line. + - Skip formatting if there are too many indentation level errors. This is + controlled with -maxle=n, --maximum-level-errors=n. This means that if + the ending indentation differs from the starting indentation by more than + n levels, the file will be output verbatim. The default is n=1. + To skip this check, set n=-1 or set n to a large number. + - A related new flag, --maximum-unexpected-errors=n, or -maxue=n, is available + but is off by default. + - Add flag -xci, --extended-continuation-indentation, regarding issue git #28 + This flag causes continuation indentation to "extend" deeper into structures. + Since this is a fairly new flag, the default is -nxci to avoid disturbing + existing formatting. BUT you will probably see some improved formatting + in complex data structures by setting this flag if you currently use -ci=n + and -i=n with the same value of 'n' (as is the case if you use -pbp, + - -perl-best-practices, where n=4). + - Fix issue git #42, clarify how --break-at-old-logical-breakpoints works. + The man page was updated to note that it does not cause all logical breakpoints + to be replicated in the output file. + - Fix issue git #41, typo in manual regarding -fsb. + - Fix issue git #40: when using the -bli option, a closing brace followed by + a semicolon was not being indented. This applies to braces which require + semicolons, such as a 'do' block. + - Added 'state' as a keyword. + - A better test for convergence has been added. When iterations are requested, + the new test will stop after the first pass if no changes in line break + locations are made. Previously, file checksums were used and required at least two + passes to verify convergence unless no formatting changes were made. With the new test, + only a single pass is needed when formatting changes are limited to adjustments of + indentation and whitespace on the lines of code. Extensive testing has been made to + verify the correctness of the new convergence test. + - Line breaks are now automatically placed after 'use overload' to + improve formatting when there are numerous overloaded operators. For + example + use overload + '+' => sub { + ... + - A number of minor problems with parsing signatures and prototypes have + been corrected, particularly multi-line signatures. Some signatures + had previously been parsed as if they were prototypes, which meant the + normal spacing rules were not applied. For example + OLD: + sub echo ($message= 'Hello World!' ) { + ...; + } + NEW: + sub echo ( $message = 'Hello World!' ) { + ...; + } + - Numerous minor issues that the average user would not encounter were found + and fixed. They can be seen in the more complete list of updates at + + +- updated to 20201001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2020 10 01 + - Robustness of perltidy has been significantly improved. Updating is recommended. Continual + automated testing runs began about 1 Sep 2020 and numerous issues have been found and fixed. + Many involve references to uninitialized variables when perltidy is fed random text and random + control parameters. A complete list is given in the file + + - Added the token '->' to the list of alignment tokens, as suggested in git + [#39], so that it can be vertically aligned if a space is placed before them with -wls='->'. + - Added parameters -bbhb=n (--break-before-hash-brace=n), -bbsb=n (--break-before-square-bracket=n), + and -bbp=n (--break-before-paren=n) suggested in git #38. These provide control over the + opening container token of a multiple-line list. Related new parameters -bbhbi=n, -bbsbi=n, -bbpi=n + control indentation of these tokens. + - Added keyword 'isa'. + +- updated to 20200907 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2020 09 07 + - Fixed bug git #37, an error when the combination -scbb -csc was used. + It occurs in perltidy versions 20200110, 20200619, and 20200822. What happens is + that when two consecutive lines with isolated closing braces had new side + comments generated by the -csc parameter, a separating newline was missing. + The resulting script will not then run, but worse, if it is reformatted with + the same parameters then closing side comments could be overwritten and data + lost. + This problem was found during automated random testing. The parameter + - scbb is rarely used, which is probably why this has not been reported. Please + upgrade your version. + - Added parameter --non-indenting-braces, or -nib, which prevents + code from indenting one level if it follows an opening brace marked + with a special side comment, '#<<<'. For example, + { #<<< a closure to contain lexical vars + my $var; # this line does not indent + } + [#] this line cannot 'see' $var; + This is on by default. If your code happens to have some + opening braces followed by '#<<<', and you + don't want this, you can use -nnib to deactivate it. + - Side comment locations reset at a line ending in a level 0 open + block, such as when a new multi-line sub begins. This is intended to + help keep side comments from drifting to far to the right. + +- updated to 20200822 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2020 08 22 + - Fix RT #133166, encoding not set for -st. Also reported as RT #133171 + and git #35. + This is a significant bug in version 20200616 which can corrupt data if + perltidy is run as a filter on encoded text. + * *Please upgrade** + - Fix issue RT #133161, perltidy -html was not working on pod + - Fix issue git #33, allow control of space after '->' + - Vertical alignment has been improved. Numerous minor issues have + been fixed. + - Formatting with the -lp option is improved. + - Fixed issue git #32, misparse of bare 'ref' in ternary + - When --assert-tidy is used and triggers an error, the first difference + between input and output files is shown in the error output. This is + a partial response to issue git #30. + +- updated to 20200619 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Perl-Tidy/ + [#]# 2020 06 19 + - Added support for Switch::Plain syntax, issue git #31. + - Fixed minor problem where trailing 'unless' clauses were not + getting vertically aligned. + - Added a parameter --logical-padding or -lop to allow logical padding + to be turned off. Requested by git #29. This flag is on by default. + The man pages have examples. + - Added a parameter -kpit=n to control spaces inside of parens following + certain keywords, requested in git#26. This flag is off by default. + - Added fix for git#25, improve vertical alignment for long lists with + varying numbers of items per line. + - calls to the module Perl::Tidy can now capture any output produced + by a debug flag or one of the 'tee' flags through the new 'debugfile' and + 'teefile' call parameters. These output streams are rarely used but + they are now treated the same as any 'logfile' stream. + - add option --break-at-old-semicolon-breakpoints', -bos, requested + in RT#131644. This flag will keep lines beginning with a semicolon. + - Added --use-unicode-gcstring to control use of Unicode::GCString for + evaluating character widths of encoded data. The default is + not to use this (--nouse-unicode-gcstring). If this flag is set, + perltidy will look for Unicode::GCString and, if found, will use it + to evaluate character display widths. This can improve displayed + vertical alignment for files with wide characters. It is a nice + feature but it is off by default to avoid conflicting formatting + when there are multiple developers. Perltidy installation does not + require Unicode::GCString, so users wanting to use this feature need + set this flag and also to install Unicode::GCString separately. + - Added --character-encoding=guess or -guess to have perltidy guess + if a file (or other input stream) is encoded as -utf8 or some + other single-byte encoding. This is useful when processing a mixture + of file types, such as utf8 and latin-1. + Please Note: The default encoding has been set to be 'guess' + instead of 'none'. This seems like the best default, since + it allows perltidy work properly with both + utf8 files and older latin-1 files. The guess mode uses Encode::Guess, + which is included in standard perl distributions, and only tries to + guess if a file is utf8 or not, never any other encoding. If the guess is + utf8, and if the file successfully decodes as utf8, then it the encoding + is assumed to be utf8. Otherwise, no encoding is assumed. + If you do not want to use this new default guess mode, or have a + problem with it, you can set --character-encoding=none (the previous + default) or --character-encoding=utf8 (if you deal with utf8 files). + - Specific encodings of input files other than utf8 may now be given, for + example --character-encoding=euc-jp. + - Fix for git#22, Preserve function signature on a single line. An + unwanted line break was being introduced when a closing signature paren + followed a closing do brace. + - Fix RT#132059, the -dac parameter was not working and caused an error exit + - When -utf8 is used, any error output is encoded as utf8 + - Fix for git#19, adjust line break around an 'xor' + - Fix for git#18, added warning for missing comma before unknown bare word. + perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict +- updated to 0.008 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict/Changes + 0.008 2020-09-19 00:11:59+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Make unread by :crlf on top of :utf8_strict reliable + perl-Pod-Eventual +- updated to 0.094002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Eventual/Changes + 0.094002 2021-07-03 13:16:26-04:00 America/New_York + - fix typo (thanks, BooK!) + - update author contact info + - document perl version policy + perl-Pod-Markdown +- updated to 3.300 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Markdown/Changes + 3.300 2020-10-31T22:57:42Z + - Add escape_url option to allow disabling it (defaults to true). + Thanks plicease! (gh-19) + +- updated to 3.200 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Markdown/Changes + 3.200 2019-10-09T16:36:15Z + - Allow local_module_url_prefix to be '' [rt-129865]. + - URI Escape the module name in external pod links + (introduces dependency on URI::Escape). + +- updated to 3.101 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Markdown/Changes + 3.101 2018-08-06T14:32:38Z + - Ensure local_module_url_prefix defaults to current perldoc_url_prefix. + +- updated to 3.100 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Pod-Markdown/Changes + 3.100 2018-08-06T02:07:18Z + - Add "local_module_url_prefix" and "local_module_re" args + to allow pointing links for local modules to another site [rt-120452]. + -- initial package 1.103491 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-Pod-MinimumVersion +Refresh spec file with cpanspec to fix build with perl 5.32 + perl-Pod-Spell +- update specfile with cpanspec to fix build + -- update license to new format - perl-Prima +- updated to 1.63 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + +- updated to 1.62 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.62 2021-06-16 + - Add opendir/closedir/*dir for unicode operations + - Add Prima::Drawable::Antialias for drawing aliased graphic primitives + - Interactive selection change in Edit and PodView does not flicker now + - Drawable::text_wrap can operate on text together with glyph objects, + allowing for proper wrapping of shaped text + - Added ist::OR and ist::AND image stretch types + - Implemented arabic kashida and interspace justifications for glyphs + - Markup is a first class citizen with $w->text(\"B<bold>") syntax + (note: Q was renamed to G and will be used for quoting instead). + - Minor UI facelift - sliders, buttons, inputline, podview, etc + - Added Prima::Drawable::Metafile + - Recognize mouse buttons 4 and 5 on win32 + - win32: support unicode supplementary planes + +- updated to 1.61 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.61 2021-04-21 + - DWM API Removed (not useful on Windows 10) + - Support regions and paths for the PS backend + - Prima::XXXDialog classes finally moved to Prima::XXX::Dialog + - Support unicode-aware filesystem functions + - - Prima::Utils extended and Prima::sys::FS added + - - Do not use libX11.XReadBitmapFileData as it is not unicode-aware + - Add Application.stop to break from a running event loop + +- updated to 1.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.60 2020-10-31 + - Added ProgressBar with 3d look + - Added PDF generation + - - PrintDialog has extra "Save As PDF" target now + - Clipboard enhancements + - - cmClipboard added for X11 to select type of data to be pasted + - - Image codecs return MIME as part of codec data + - - Special formats Text and Image are documented + - - Added Clipboard.[text/image/copy] KEEP parameter + - Image.put_image supports new rop::ConstantColor + - Optimizations for cache misses in Drawable.text_wrap + - Fixes for unicode handling in FileDialog and Utils::get_dir + - Fixes for XRandr extension + - Fixes for scrolling with synthetic transparency in win32 + +updated to 1.59 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.59 2020-05-27 + - Added support for unicode bidirectional algorithm and text shaping: + - - All standard widgets are moved to new shaped text implementation: + formerly char-based position properties, such as firstChar and selection, + are now cluster-based. + - - Unicode bidirectional algorithms uses fribidi on all platforms + - - Text shaping uses harfbuzz on unix + - - Text::Bidi is no loger used + - - Text input direction is deduced from new Application.language + - Switch PostScript backend to generate embedded Type1 fonts only + - - Remove bitmap font generation and remove support for native PS fonts + - - Remove support for encodings, leave only Unicode + - Move Prima::* files into Prima::Dialog::* namespace. + - - The old packages will be alive for a while, but will print a deprecation message + +- updated to 1.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + +- updated to 1.57 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.57 2017-11-17 + - Add photoshop image operators (rop::Add, rop::Multiply, rop::SoftLight etc) + - Support animated PNG files + - Add Image.flood_fill + +- updated to 1.56 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.56 2019-08-19 + - Rename and expand Drawable.fillWinding to .fillMode + - Add Drawable.render_glyph and glyph outline functions + - Add Drawable.miterLimit + - Drawable.render_spline produces 8-connected shapes instead of 4-connected + - Image can stroke and fill shapes outside begin_paint now + - Image drawing outside begin_paint supports regions,translations,patterns,and rop2 + - Regions can keep a non-OS-specific data copy, when needed by Image drawing + - supports polybox structure from .get_boxes() + - Add sv::FixedPointerSize do deal with pointer size limits + - Better support for touchpad scrolling + +- updated to 1.55 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.55 2019-03-25 + - Add WebP images support + +- the software is dual-licensed and includes: + The FreeBSD License and the GNU Affero General Public License + => adjust the License string in the package + +- updated to 1.54 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.54 2019-02-09 + - Support screen grabbing on Mac and Gnome/Wayland + +- remove upstreamed gcc-warnings.patch and Prima-GenericEvent.patch + +- updated to 1.53 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Prima/Changes + 1.53 2018-10-10 + - Image downsampling made consistent; added ict::Posterization; + - Added images to documentations + - Support gtk3 (but prefer gtk2) + 1.52 2017-06-28 + - Better support for multi-threading + - Better support of MacOS/XQuartz + - Aesthetic fixes for scrollbars, spin edits, and sliders + - Fixes for paths; path demo with PS interpreter + - Add Widget.clipChildren, Drawable.fillPatternOffset, Timer.toggle + - Coredump fix for Data::Dumper::GUI usage pattern + - Support colored cursors on X11 + 1.51 2017-03-28 + - Add graphic paths support + - Add spinner widgets by Maximilian Lika + - Use Region objects for shape and clipping + 1.50 2017-01-03 + - Renamed utils after debian standard + - Support high-dpi monitors and uiScaling, also with smooth bitmap scaling + - made faster by returning a read-only scalar + - Support multiple monitors for win32 + - Adapt event loop for AnyEvent integration ( add onIdle and yield(1) ) + 1.49 2016-09-27 + - Fixes for new development bugs in 1.48 + 1.48 2016-08-21 + - Support dynamic font loading + - Added support for invividual horizontal font glyph metrics + - Added afm2prima script to convert .afm PostScript font headers to Prima format + - Add Markup (rich text) widget support, originally implemented by Teo Sankaro + - Add KeySelector integration with menu shortcuts + - Add alpha layering and blending with native win32 and XRender support: + - - New Drawable call .alpha() + - - New Icon.maskType property containing either im::bpp1 or im::bpp8; the latter represents ARGB image + - - Widgets and Windows can request per-pixel alpha transparency with new .layered property + - - DeviceBitmap.monochrome property changed to .type(Bitmap/Pixmap/Layered) + - - put_image and stretch_image support new rops rop::SrcCopy and rop::SrcOver with ARGB images and surfaces + - - put_image and stretch_image support new rop::AlphaCopy with grayscale images to address alpha channel only + - - Image bit operations support 12 Porter-Duff rops and alpha pre-multiplication on ARGB images + and RGB images with constant alpha value + - - PNG codec supports ARGB icons + -- updated to 1.37 - Support libgif5. Podview fixes. - -- updated to 1.36 - Remove OS/2 support. Add binary compatibility checks. - Fixes in unicode, files, documentation, installed POD paths. - -- the license is actually BSD-2-Clause, as confirmed by the author, - next version will have it fixed in the documentation (bnc#688800) - ( - -- Update to 1.34 - * 1.34: Unicode fixes, ready for 5.16 - * 1.33: Image codecs: remove prigraph, add XBM, and enhance TIFF support - Add -- Clean up spec file, removing cruft -- Run X11 based tests with Xvfb - -- update to 1.32 - Support image/mime clipboard formats under GTK. - Better libiconv support. - perl-Proc-Fork +- updated to 0.806 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-Fork/Changes + 0.806 Fri 24 Aug 2018 + - No functional changes + - Documentation server example fix, spotted by Shoichi Kaji + +- updated to 0.805 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-Fork/Changes + 0.805 Tue 21 Aug 2018 + - No functional changes + - No compile test and no test dependencies any more + perl-Proc-ProcessTable +- updated to 0.634 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-ProcessTable/Changes + +- updated to 0.611 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-ProcessTable/Changes + 0.60 2021-08-14 + * compiles on musl + * Skip LXC hidden dir in /dev when looking for TTYs + * Fix test on OpenBSD + 0.61 2021-08-18 + * fixed regression: on linux only 1st char of the command names was parsed + +- updated to 0.59 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-ProcessTable/Changes + 0.59 2019-06-20 + * works again on AIX + * fixed mswin32 stuff, hope it works now + * reogranized code and started to use newest version ExtUtils::MakeMaker + +- updated to 0.58 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-ProcessTable/Changes + +- updated to 0.56 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Proc-ProcessTable/Changes + 0.56 2019-02-07 + * Testing support for mswin32 + * minor fix for FreeBSD + -- updated to 0.50 - - Initial release by new maintainer jswartz, identical to 0.45 except for meta - files and README - 0.47 16 Feb. 2013 - - Initial releas by new maintainer jwb. Incorporated meta file updates from - Jonathan Swartz <>. Closed a bunch of bugs: Patch from - Christian Boitel <> (fixes #51470); added - suggestion from Opera Wang <> (fixes #51470 even - more); patches from Michael Schilli (MSCHILLI) (fix #41397, #46861 and - [#58236]), work on perl w/o threads; pulled commits from Slaven Rezić - <>, use kvm implementation for FreeBSD >= 6.0 (closes #68405 - and #16978); fixed bug #69397, fh not closed; fixed RT #72862, unsafe use of - /tmp; added tests; - 0.48 - - Pulled commits from Chris Williams <>, fixes build - errors on NetBSD and OpenBSD. Fixed #72862 (byte order tag in cache file), - applied patch to fix #67224 (cygwin PID_ORPHANED) by <rurban at>. - Pulled FreeBSD patches from Slaven Rezić <>; - Pulled from David Zaebst <>): Fixes to stay accurate on - machines with many cpus (#82175), to include system time into calculations - (#80391) and others (#81312, #82175 and #80391) and to fix unknown process - states for debian kernels #71976. Tried to get it compiling under - MidnightBSD. - 0.49 - - Fixed #61946 (odd process names), solution by Bernd Kallies. Fixed #48445, patch from - Guillaume Rousse. Pulled fixes from Opera Wang. Fixed typos discovered by - Salvatore Bonaccorso, David Steinbrunner and HMBRAND. Fixed #89117, patch - from yyang. Got it (hopefully) running under kfreebsd. -- changed license to perl as written in the META, I couldn't find any GPL 2 file - -- update license to new format - -- pacified rpmlint - -- regenerate with cpanspec - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-Protocol-WebSocket +- updated to 0.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Protocol-WebSocket/Changes + 0.26 2019-03-09T09:35:15Z + - Introduce MAX_FRAGMENTS_AMOUNT to change the allowable amount of fragments (Daniel Kamil Kozar) + - Update draft-ietf-hybi-00 tests to include the error text in response line (Daniel Kamil Kozar) + 0.25 2019-03-09T09:31:45Z + - The "Wrong response line" error now includes the actual response line (Max Maischein) + perl-Quantum-Superpositions +- updated to 2.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Quantum-Superpositions/Changes + 2.0.2 Sun Jul 8 15:28:31 CDT 2018 + - POD, thanks for Florian Schlichting + -- package directories - perl-Redis +- updated to 1.998 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Redis/Changes + 1.998 2020-08-18 11:04:12+02:00 Europe/Paris + * remove test expression that is problematic on OpenBSD and NetBSD + 1.997 2020-80-17 10:03:00+01:00 Europe/Paris + * various travis fixes + * #112 applied + * enable unix socket tests by enabling them in the local test server + * #144: change exists into defined + * #146: Fix sentinel option typo + +- updated to 1.996 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Redis/Changes + 1.996 2020-03-05 16:17:21+01:00 Europe/Paris + 1.996 2020-03-05 11:56:11+01:00 Europe/Paris + * #139: Fix for "Unexpected error condition 104/linux" + +- updated to 1.995 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Redis/Changes + 1.995 2019-07-22 11:20:07+02:00 Europe/Paris + * revert #136, remove deps that are in core, as it breaks builds in some setup + 1.994 2019-07-22 07:51:57+02:00 Europe/Paris + * Don't send SELECT if current database equals the one being selected (@dallaylaen, #132) + 1.993 2019-07-22 07:01:30+02:00 Europe/Paris + * fix missing deps (@manwar, #136 ) + +- updated to 1.992 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Redis/Changes + 1.992 2019-07-21 18:27:23+02:00 Europe/Paris + * relax the check in 04-pipeline.t about unknown command output (#130) + -- updated to 1.974 - * release again, last one was screwed up. - * fix #85 (PR #86) reconnect during transaction - 1.973_03 2014-05-12 22:49:07 Europe/Amsterdam - * fix #85 (PR #86) reconnect during transaction - 1.973_02 2014-04-30 12:04:29 Europe/Amsterdam - * merge PR #84 optimize try read sock - 1.973_01 2014-04-26 18:00:31 Europe/Amsterdam - * use new network code from Ivan Kruglov - * fix sentinel tests - * fix #81: doc for 'every' option - -- updated to 1.972 - * Sentinel features (connections, timeouts, etc) support - * various bugfixes and testfixes - * fix network code for BSDs - * no_auto_connect_on_new - 1.971 2014-02-01 09:55:11 Europe/Paris - * skip some tests that fail on some platforms for now - 1.970 2014-01-30 15:07:42 Europe/Amsterdam - * fix tests breaking in some case - 1.969 2014-01-30 13:19:28 Europe/Amsterdam - * Clarification for (p)unsubscribe commands. - * use Test::TCP for testing - 1.968 2014-01-30 12:19:11 Europe/Amsterdam - * Add a no_auto_connect_on_new parameter to new() to allow users - to call $x = Redis->new and then $x->connect, instead of Redis - auto-connecting. Useful for tuning the cnx_timeout parameter. - 1.967 2013-12-28 22:58:55 Europe/Paris - * use new IO::Socket::Timeout with different API - 1.966 2013-12-17 13:58:33 Europe/Amsterdam - * fix tests for Redis 2.8 - -- initial package 1.904 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.04 - perl-SDL +- Remove hanging tests on s390x: 't/sdlx_controller_interface.t' + +- Remove hanging tests on %arm and ppc64*: 't/sdlx_controller_interface.t' + +- Fix autogenerated changes + +- updated to 2.548 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SDL/CHANGELOG + * 2.548 May 19 2018 + - Add version number to all modules [FROGGS] + +- updated to 2.546 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SDL/CHANGELOG + -- remove packlist with -f to fix build on 11.4 - -- rediff path for fuzz=0 - -- updated to 2.2.6 - - Garu added a preview of SDL::Game::Rect - - Garu fixed up LunarLander Tutorial - - Kartik and Garu made a Pong preview for YAPC::Brasil - - Last release of this API to provide newcomers with Pong and LunarLander Tutorial - THIS IS THE LAST RELEASE OF THIS API. - -- updated to - - fixes broken frozen-bubble [bnc#548122] - - Critical Build.PL fix for META.yml - - Moved Debian patches upstream - - Made App loop() faster - - Patched support for add support for gluquadric* sub - - Made App init slimer - - Added faster SDL::Color alternative - - Added better error reporting for TTFont errors - - Fixed constants with help from arodland - - Added warning instead of die for frozenbubble's sake - - fixed undef access to blit in Surface - - made sdl font strict acceptable -- drop obsoleted patch warning-fix.patch (in mainline) - -- fix build failure - perl-SQL-Abstract +- updated to 2.000001 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Abstract/Changes + 2.000001 - 2021-01-23 + - Remove Module::Runtime requirement + 2.000000 - 2021-01-21 + - Collapse custom join conditions back to something DBIC might understand + 1.90_03 - 2019-10-13 + - Add proof of concept DBIx::Class::SQLMaker::Role::SQLA2Passthrough + - _where_field_IN/BETWEEN are documented as subclassable; feature restored + 1.90_02 - 2019-10-12 + - fix DBIC ident op expander compat wrapper to handle call as unop + 1.90_01 - 2019-10-09 + - Complete overhaul of the internals, see the SQL::Abstract::Reference + docs to understand the new implementation's affordances. + +- updated to 1.87 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Abstract/Changes + 1.87 - 2020-06-02 + - Add runtime dependency on Test::Deep and Test::Builder::Module for + SQL::Abstract::Test (RT#131623) + +- updated to 1.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Abstract/Changes + 1.86 - 2018-07-09 + - Remove obsolete documentation about arrayrefref as the $source + argument for ->select (removed in version 1.74) + - Factor out the field list part of SELECT for subclassability (GH#13) + - Do not replace literal '0' with empty string in WHERE clauses (GH#14) + -- updated to 1.73 - - Fix parsing of ORDER BY foo + ? - - Stop filling in placeholders in `format-sql` since it does not support - passing values for them anyway - - Fix parsing of NOT EXISTS - - Fix over-eager parenthesis unrolling - - Fix deep recursion warnings while parsing obnoxiously long sql statements - - Fix incorrect comparison of malformed lists - - Fix incorrect reporting of mismatch-members in SQLA::Test - - Migrate the -ident operator from DBIC into SQLA - - Migrate the -value operator from DBIC into SQLA - -- update to 1.72 - * lots of changes, see Changes - -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-SQL-Statement +- updated to 1.414 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Statement/Changes + 1.414 2020-10-21 + * re-release 1.413_001 without further changes + 1.413_001 2020-09-28 + * Spell check + * Be specific in which files to skip from the distribution + * Author fixes + * Makefile.PL: port WriteMakefile1 from Hash::Merge + * .travis.yml: update for Xenial VMs + * cleanup MANIFEST.SKIP + * bump copyright year + * SQL::Parser correctly parse VALUES and SET clauses containing function invocations with several arguments + patch provided by Edgar J. Holleis + -- update to 1.28 - - [Improvements] - * Introduce new "capability" method for SQL::Statement and SQL::Eval::Table - + Add capability for "insert_new_row" to allow DBD::DBM to fix PK - constrain on INSERT statements. - * Performance of IMPORT feature improved (thanks to Sven Probst, RT#57322) - - [Bug fixes] - * expect every table object being derived from SQL::Eval::Table - * rewrite DELETE and UPDATE command based on table capabilities - * add abstract methods for all methods derived classes must override - (this means, open_table for SQL::Statement deriveds must be overridden - and all data access methods of tables - see SQL::Eval::Table for details) - * Tests are fixed to use TEMP TABLES explicitely when required - * check for invalid column names fixed - * Don't let depreciated parser structures stay alive in SQL::Statement when - reusing the Parser - - [Documentation] - * Method documentation of SQL::Statement and SQL::Eval::Table are improved - * Add a Roadmap describing future plans for SQL::Statement (in addition to - DBD::File::Roadmap). - * POD spelling fixes provided by H.Merijn Brand and Pod::Spell::CommonMistakes - (thanks Tux) - * POD grammar fixes and reasonable sentences created by Martin Evans - - [Things that may break your code] - * SQL::Statement 1.28 is expected not to work proper in combination with - DBI 1.611 and below - * SQL::Statement::ColumnValue expects now every table being derived from - SQL::Eval::Table -- recreated by cpanspec 1.78 -- added Authors - perl-SQL-Translator +- updated to 1.62 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Translator/Changes + 1.62 - 2020-09-14 + * Update Pg support to allow version 12 (still supporting back to 7.4) + +- updated to 1.61 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Translator/Changes + 1.61 - 2020-04-19 + * Fixes for Sybase producer + * Support CHECK (expr) for SQLite and MySQLoids + * Avoid accidentally whole objects in YAML output + * Prettify comment generation + * Tyop fixes + +- updated to 1.60 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SQL-Translator/Changes + 1.60 - 2019-05-29 + * No changes since 1.59_01 + 1.59_01 - 2019-04-28 + * Add support for parsing PostgreSQL dollar-quoted strings + * Add support for materialized views in Oracle producer + * switched JSON backend from to JSON::MaybeXS + * Port Makefile.PL from Module::Install to Distar + * Synchronise the version number across all modules + -- updated to 0.11018 - * Apply quotes to fix tables that are reserved words, DBI::SQLServer (Jonathan C. Otsuka) - * Add DECIMAL_DIGITS to field size for scale info, DBI::SQLServer (Jonathan C. Otsuka) - * De-linkify XML namespace in docs (RT#81838) - * Allow both single and double quotes for values in MySQL parser - * Fix diff for altering two things per column - add ; at the end - * Call all diff methods in list context (it can be merged later) - * Fix Pg diff issue with drop constraint on primary keys - * SQLite support for SET NULL, SET DEFAULT and NO ACTION in FK clauses - * Clean up properly after Parser::DBI::PostgreSQL tests - * Fix typos in error messages - * Add SQL_TINYINT and SQL_BIGINT to the type map in - SQL::Translator::Schema::Field - * Add JSON parser and producer (Jon Jensen) - * Clean up TTSchema doc some (Gavin Shelley) - -- license update: (Artistic-1.0 or GPL-1.0+) and GPL-2.0 - See e.g. script/sqlt - -- updated to 0.11016 - * Allow passing an arrayref to SQLT->filename (lost in Mooification) - * Fix stupid missing version number in SQL::Translator::Schema::Object - * Relicense under Perl 5 terms - * Remove SQL::Translator::Schema::Graph as announced in 0.11011 - * Remove a number of no longer needed deps - * Fix missing dep (List::MoreUtils) - * Convert SQL::Translator, ::Schema and ::Schema::* to Moo - * Fix leaks by weakening circular references between schema objects - * Make MySQL producer add NULL after every nullable field, conforming to SQL - standard, and avoiding MySQL bugs -- remove sqlite.patch which was declined upstream - perl-SVG +- updated to 2.86 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SVG/Changes + 2.86 2021.04.22 MANWAR + - Replace last use of "vars" with "our", thanks @JRaspass. + +- updated to 2.85 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-SVG/Changes + 2.85 2020.07.02 MANWAR + - Minor documentation fix, thanks @polettix. + - Fixed broken author test (xt/author). + perl-Scope-Upper +- updated to 0.32 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Scope-Upper/Changes + 0.32 2019-07-08 12:50 UTC + + Fix : [RT #129539] : fails with v5.27.3 and later with DEBUGGING + The module has been amended to accomodate with a change of + behaviour of a core macro. + + Upd : Contact info. + +- updated to 0.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Scope-Upper/Changes + 0.31 2018-08-26 19:50 UTC + + Fix : [RT #125931] : localized SCALAR doesn't get imported + localize '$Foo::x' => $var now properly imports $x into Foo. + Thanks Vernon Lyon for reporting. + -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver +- updated to 1.46 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.46 2021-12-04 TEODESIAN + - Document the keys of WDKEYS hash in POD. Contribution by Yuki Kimoto. + +- updated to 1.45 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.45 2021-10-21 TEODESIAN + - Remove ill-advised test reaching out to saucelabs at install-time, vendors are the users' problem + +- updated to 1.44 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + +- updated to 1.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.42 03-17-2021 TEODESIAN + - Once more with feeling + +- updated to 1.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + +- updated to 1.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + +- updated to 1.39 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.39 01-08-2021 TEODESIAN + [NEW FEATURES] + - Add execute_script and execute_async_script convenience methods to WebElements. + - Add die flag to Selenium::Waiter + - fix double_click + [BUG FIXES] + - Fix a couple more documentation issues with driver specific problems + [REMOVALS] + - Removed ide-plugin.js, as it's not been supported or working in years + +- updated to 1.38 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + +- updated to 1.37 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.37 02-17-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - obey the auto_close flag in the direct drivers + +- updated to 1.36 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.36 10-21-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Adjust handling of chrome due to it implementing WC3 mostly correctly now + - Fix browser detection logic in screenshot() + - Actually apply the fix from 1.35 in the right place, heh + +- updated to 1.35 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.35 10-21-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Fix race condition and inability to find a port in certain circumstances when using direct driver modules. + +- Remove post_install (not needed anymore) + +- updated to 1.34 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.34 09-11-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Remove .so files from Firefox lib tree to simplify CPAN RPM build tool chains + +- Delete also on x86: we don't have the old + available in the distro. + +- updated to 1.33 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.33 06-17-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Add chrome shim to disable sandboxing by default so that Selenium::Chrome usage isn't broken by default + - Report failures to obtain sessions better + +- updated to 1.32 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.32 06-12-2019 TEODESIAN + [New Features] + - Add support for mozilla full pags screenshots + [BUG FIXES] + - Fix typo in WebElement drag() talking to action chains module. No wonder that didn't work + - Don't auto-da-fe on Macos when shutting down the binary in direct drivers + +- Add lsof dependency which is required by version > 1.31 + +- updated to 1.31 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.31 01-06-2019 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Kill dangling driver processes in Selenium::Chrome/Firefox on unix hosts + - Adjust set_timeout to WC3 standard changing out from under us + +- updated to 1.30 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.30 09-17-2018 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Fix broken name selector polyfill when using Selenium::Firefox directly + - Fix switch_to_frame(undef) brokenness due to unneeded polyfill + - Correct POD information about how to use raw firefox profiles + - Advertise Microsoft Browser Standalone Drivers (Edge, IE) + +- updated to 1.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.29 08-17-2018 TEODESIAN + [New Features] + - Selenium::Edge and Test::Selenium::Edge now exist + - Pass caller argument array as final arg to error_handler callbacks + - Add child() and children() aliases to Selenium::Remote::WebElements + [BUG FIXES] + - Fixed Test::Selenium::* direct usage modules from getting undef method errors when acting on WebElements + - Fixed issue where capabilities could not be passed with Selenium::Firefox + - Make it actually possible for find_element_ok to fail without dying + +- updated to 1.28 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Selenium-Remote-Driver/Changes + 1.28 06-05-2018 TEODESIAN + [BUG FIXES] + - Fix incorrect documentation of constructor fields. + - Remove bogus get_style header in WebElement POD. + - Fix chrome maximize() polyfill + - Adjust is_displayed to do appropriate "displayedness" checks when in WC3 mode. + perl-Sereal-Decoder +- updated to 4.018 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.018 Thurs Aug 3, 2020 + * Fix issue with gcc 10 with snappy compression. + +- updated to 4.017 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.017 Thurs July 9, 2020 + * The build fixes in 4.016 didn't work correctly, this should fix them. + 4.016 Thurs July 9, 2020 + * Fix some dependency issues in build process + 4.015 Weds July 8, 2020 + * Build fixes (missing dependency) + * Hardening against corrupted data + * New thresholds to manage decoding process + +- updated to 4.014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.014 Thurs June 11, 2020 + * Fix build issue on non-win32 platforms. + * Update zstd to 1.4.5 + 4.012 Weds June 10, 2020 + * Fix memory leak in looks_like_sereal(), thanks to Kirill Sysoev + +- updated to 4.011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.011 Tues February 4, 2020 + * Fix and test custom opcode logic for 5.31.2 and later. + 4.010 Tues February 4, 2020 + * Update miniz + * Update zstd + * perltidy perl code to a standard style + +- updated to 4.009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.009 Fri January 31, 2020 + * Update ppport.h for modern perls. + 4.008 Thurs Jan 30, 2020 + * Build fixes for modern perls. + * Pod fixes + +- Add custom_build in cpanspec.yml. make doesn't work here with -j... + +- updated to 4.007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + 4.007 Tues Apr 9, 2019 + * Tweak docs for looks_like_sereal/scalar_looks_like_sereal + 4.006 Mon Apr 8, 2019 + * Version bump only + +- updated to 4.006 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Decoder/Changes + -- initial package 3.001 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.08 - perl-Sereal-Encoder +- updated to 4.018 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.018 Thurs Aug 3, 2020 + * Fix issue with gcc 10 with snappy compression. + +- updated to 4.017 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.017 Thurs July 9, 2020 + * The build fixes in 4.016 didn't work correctly, this should fix them. + 4.016 Thurs July 9, 2020 + * Fix some dependency issues in build process + 4.015 Weds July 8, 2020 + * Build fixes (missing dependency) + +- updated to 4.014 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.014 Thurs June 11, 2020 + * Fix build issue on non-win32 platforms. + * Update zstd to 1.4.5 + 4.012 Weds June 10, 2020 + * Fix memory leak in looks_like_sereal(), thanks to Kirill Sysoev + +- updated to 4.011 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.011 Tues February 4, 2020 + * Fix and test custom opcode logic for 5.31.2 and later. + 4.010 Tues February 4, 2020 + * Update miniz + * Update zstd + * perltidy perl code to a standard style + +- updated to 4.009 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.009 Fri January 31, 2020 + * Update ppport.h for modern perls. + 4.008 Thurs January 30, 2020 + * Fixup casting error for pedantic compilers in srl_compress.h + * Build fixes. + +- Add custom_build in cpanspec.yml. make doesn't work here with -j... + +- updated to 4.007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + 4.007 Tues Apr 9, 2019 + * Version bump only + 4.006 Mon Apr 8, 2019 + * Version bump only + +- updated to 4.006 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sereal-Encoder/Changes + -- initial package 0.37 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.07 - perl-Set-Object +- updated to 1.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Set-Object/Changes.pod + =head1 1.41, 2021-01-17 + =over + =item * + Use meta-spec 2, Moose -> dev.requires not runtime.recommends + (GH #6, RT #134034) by mohawk + =back + +- updated to 1.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Set-Object/Changes.pod + =head1 1.40, 2020-01-19 + =over + =item * + Fixed perl5.28 regressions (not cperl), for @$set args to other set functions. + (RT #131345). Fixed by adding missing SvGETMAGIC expansions to all args. + =item * + Bumped minimal required perl version to 5.8 for arrayref @$set behavior. + =item * + Fixed the smokers and some author tests. + =back + -- remove /var/adm/perl-modules - -- add perl as explicit buildrequire - perl-Socket-MsgHdr +- updated to 0.05 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Socket-MsgHdr/Changes + 0.05 Fri Nov 30 2018 + - No changes. + 0.04_03 Fri Nov 30 2018 + - Fix runtime loads. (FG) + 0.04_02 Mon Jan 11 23:09:10 2010 + - (hints/, Add -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=520 to treat + i86pc-solaris smoke test failures, also force "N/A" on MSWin32. +- Drop perl-Socket-MsgHdr.diff: integrated upstream + perl-Spooky-Patterns-XS +- Enable aarch64 builds + +- redownloaded source file + +- 1.55: Ignore more tokens on matching + +- 1.54: Add BagOfPatterns to calculcate closest pattern + +- 1.53: Return all characters of last line + +- 1.52: Record all matches even if they overlap at the start + perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX +- updated to 0.17 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX/Changes + 0.17 + - fix RT #139898: missing file from MANIFEST + - fix RT #127829, #80565, #79016: [Warning] Argument "#N/A" isn't numeric in int + +- updated to 0.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Spreadsheet-XLSX/Changes + 0.16 + - added GitHub repository + - fix RT #125112: Update module name in comments and POD + - improve POD + - improve kwalitee test + perl-Statistics-Descriptive +- updated to 3.0800 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Statistics-Descriptive/Changes + 3.0800 2020-10-17 + - dist.ini / weaver.ini / .tidyallrc / etc. cleanup + - Move to @SHLOMIF + - Inspired by Lady_Aleena (Thanks!) + v0.2.1 2015-04-28 + - Specify minimal version of perl to 5.8.x. + - CPANTS / Kwalitee + - Add provides to META.yml. + - CPANTS / Kwalitee + v0.2.0 2015-03-09 + - Remove dependency on Moo/MooX/MooX::late. + - Seemed like an overkill for such a small and simple app. + - Remove dependency on List::MoreUtils. + - To avoid unnecessary deps. + v0.0.5 2015-01-25 + - Add inc/ to the git repo, so minting a new release. + v0.0.4 2014-05-04 + - Add minimal prereq on Getopt::Long 2.36 for GetOptionsFromArray. + - There were test failures with older Getopt::Long-s. + v0.0.3 2014-05-02 + - Convert t/app.t from IPC::System::Simple to Test::Trap hoping to + fix test failures on MS Windows. + - we also don't use a separate process now but rather capture + STDOUT. + v0.0.2 2014-05-01 + - Change the meta resources/links to point to the actual repository at + GitHub. + - Thanks to pyon from Freenode for noticing it. + +- updated to 3.0702 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Statistics-Descriptive/Changes + 3.0702 2018-10-25 + - Rephrase some lacking phrasing in the docs. + - + - Thanks to @melak . + +- updated to 3.0701 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Statistics-Descriptive/Changes + 3.0701 2018-07-14 + - Typo corrections thanks to Debian + +- updated to 3.0700 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Statistics-Descriptive/Changes + 3.0700 2018-07-13 + - Typo corrections thanks to Debian + - Added the ->summary() method to Statistics::Descriptive::Full. + - + - Thanks to Su-Shee + +- updated to 3.0613 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Statistics-Descriptive/Changes + 3.0613 2018-05-02 + - Convert to Dist-Zilla. + -- updated to 3.0605 - - Add t/style-trailing-space.t . - - Add t/cpan-changes.t . - - Convert Changes to it. - - Correct a misspelling of "weight" in - lib/Statistics/Descriptive/Smoother/ - - Thanks to Wilhelm for the report. - - Update the scripts/ file for Mercurial. - - Use in_between to compare decimal numbers - - Smoothing tests were failing because of rounding problems - - Thanks to Andreas J. König for reporting it and to - Fabio Ponciroli for fixing it. - - Correct a typo: - - - - Thanks to Salvatore Bonaccorso and the Debian Perl Group - for the report. - - No longer using Test::Exception in the tests. - - It was used by the tests and not specified in - test_requires/build_requires. - - Thanks to for the report. - - Add the smoothing functionality. - - Add the following public methods: add_data_with_samples(), - set_smoother(), get_smoothed_data() to the main module. - - Add the lib/Statistics/Descriptive/ and - lib/Statistics/Descriptive/Smoother/ - lib/Statistics/Descriptive/Smoother/ - modules. - - Thanks to Fabio Ponciroli - - Add the scripts/ to facilitate bumping the - version number. - - Add the get_data_without_outliers() and the set_outlier_filter() - methods. - - See - - Thanks to Fabio Ponciroli - -- updated to 3.0300 - - Now mean() and median() and other routines return undef() if there are - no data. - - Somewhat incompatible change: some methods that returned undef() under - list context now return an empty list (so it will be false). - - it is generally not recommended to call such methods in list context - as they should always be called in scalar context. - - Resolves - - thanks to Shawn Laffan for the report and the patch. - - Fix . - - percentile should not die and should return undef if there are - no elements in the collection. - -- update to 3.0202 - - Moved to scripts/ (though we now use - Mercurial instead of Subversion.) - - Add t/mode.t to test the ->mode() method. - - Documented ->mode() better. - - Optimized ->mode(). - - Add some documentation clarifying the 0th percentile return, as it - returns undef() for representing -inf: - - Fix - - Thanks to Dave Breimann for reporting it. - - Add the to tag a release using Subversion. - -- switch to perl_requires macro - -- initial package 3.0200 - * created by cpanspec 1.78 - perl-String-Formatter +- updated to 1.234 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-String-Formatter/Changes + 1.234 2021-08-28 17:28:18-04:00 America/New_York + - move from dist root so it won't get installed to @INC + - fix some problems with doc layout + perl-String-RewritePrefix +- updated to 0.008 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-String-RewritePrefix/Changes + 0.008 2020-01-25 16:10:30-05:00 America/New_York + more tests (thanks, Olivier Mengué!) + warn when rewriting an empty list in scalar context (thanks, Olivier Mengué!) + perl-Struct-Dumb +- updated to 0.12 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Struct-Dumb/Changes + 0.12 2020-04-21 + [BUGFIXES] + * Better ways to detect late-loading of Data::Dump. + + Avoid touching its $VERSION + + Check it is loaded when the destroywatch is invoked before + actually applying filter + +- updated to 0.11 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Struct-Dumb/Changes + 0.11 2020-04-17 + [BUGFIXES] + * Fix for detecting Data::Dump being loaded afterward Struct::Dumb + 0.10 2020-04-17 + [CHANGES] + * Optional named parameter versions of constructor functions + * Apply hackery to Data::Dump to allow it to print structures + perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods +- updated to 0.100054 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods/Changes + 0.100054 2021-04-17 17:59:05-04:00 America/New_York + - no change since last trial release + 0.100053 2021-04-04 12:59:57-04:00 America/New_York (TRIAL RELEASE) + - replace Sub::Name with Sub::Util, which has been core since 2015 + perl-Sys-LoadAvg +- added 0001-enhance-loadavg-array-from-2-to-3-doubles.patch + (Fixes: +- re-run cpanspec version 1.80.01 + perl-Sys-Virt +- Update to 7.10.0 + - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 7.10.0 + - jsc#SLE-18260, jsc#SLE-19264 + perl-Task-Kensho-Config +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Config/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Config/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-Dates +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Dates/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Dates/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-Exceptions +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Exceptions/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Exceptions/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-OOP +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-OOP/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-OOP/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-Scalability +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Scalability/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Scalability/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-Testing +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Testing/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-Testing/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Task-Kensho-XML +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-XML/Changes + 0.41 2021-07-03 + - Async: added Future, Mojo::IOLoop, MCE, Parallel::ForkManager + - Dates: added Time::Piece; removed Date::Tiny, Time::Tiny, DateTime::Tiny + - ExcelCSV: replaced Spreadsheet::ParseExcel with Spreadsheet::Read, + added Excel::Writer::XLSX + - Hackery: added ojo + - Logging: added Log::Any + - Testing: added Test2::Suite + - WebCrawling: added Mojo::UserAgent + - WebDev: added Web::Simple + +- updated to 0.40 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Task-Kensho-XML/Changes + 0.40 2018-12-01 + - CLI: added Reply + - Dates: added Time::Moment + - Email: added Email::Stuffer + - Exceptions: added Syntax::Keyword::Try + - ModuleDev: added Code::TidyAll, removed Perl::Version + - OOP: removed Task::Moose + - Toolchain: added App::cpm + - WebDev: added HTTP::BrowserDetect, Attean + - XML: removed RDF::Trine + perl-Term-Encoding +- updated to 0.03 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Term-Encoding/Changes + 0.03 2019-03-21 23:25:34 PDT + - Repackaged with Milla + perl-Term-UI +- updated to 0.50 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Term-UI/CHANGES + 0.50 Fri 6 Aug 17:52:26 BST 2021 + * Fix number of tests to skip + (Michal Josef Å paÄek) + * Fix selecting the last choice + (Valery Kalesnik) + 0.48 Tue 3 Aug 19:13:22 BST 2021 + * Allow to specify the preput argument for the Term::ReadLine::Gnu + (Constantin Kulikov) + * RT#134899 Regex metacharacters in the choices can cause breakage + (Valery Kalesnik) + * Better width for choice number field + (Valery Kalesnik) + * RT#68198 Better processing of 'default' holding numbers + (Valery Kalesnik) + * Modernisation of distribution and coding + (Valery Kalesnik) + perl-Test-CChecker +- updated to 0.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CChecker/Changes + 0.10 2019-03-10 20:57:17 -0400 + - Archiving github repository, you can file bugs with Alien-Build. + at + although support will likely be limited to helping you upgrade to + Test::Alien + - Switch to EUMM + perl-Test-CPAN-Meta +- Convert changes file to proper UTF-8 format: new + version of RPM are getting strict in interpreting files. + perl-Test-CheckManifest +- updated to 1.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.42 2019-02-22 17:41:00 + * add section in doc that explains how to replace test scripts using Test::CheckManifest + * stable release with all the changes from the test releases + 1.41_04 2019-02-21 15:12:00 + * fix test failure on Win32 - use "plan skip_all" instead of "skip '...'" + * update dist.ini + 1.41_03 2019-02-21 09:27:00 + * optimize ok_manifest() + * add more tests for find_home() + 1.41_02 2019-02-20 13:37:00 + * more debugging stuff + 1.41_01 2019-02-20 09:50:00 + * use regexes to silence warnings + * add debugging stuff to debug win32 failures + +- updated to 1.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.41 2019-02-19 10:53:00 + * improve tests + * Removed regex warnings on windows box as reported by CPANTESTERS (Thanks to manwar) + +- updated to 1.39 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.39 2019-02-14 07:28:00 + * release 1.39 + 1.38_02 2018-12-23 11:32:00 + * fix test failures (thanks to manwar and LorenzoTa) + 1.38_01 2018-12-21 14:30:00 + * more tests + * refactor code + +- updated to 1.38 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.38 2018-12-13 16:26:00 + [BUGFIX] + * require at least Cwd 3.75 + +- updated to 1.36 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.35 2018-12-12 09:05:00 + [BUGFIX] + * Tests failed + +- updated to 1.34 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-CheckManifest/Changes + 1.34 2018-12-11 + [BUGFIX] + * Tests failed on Windows (github #9) + * 'exclude' is meant to be a list of directories, but it was handled as regular expressions + [IMPROVEMENTS] + * rewrite larger parts of the module + * add lots of tests + -- recreated specfile - * created by cpanspec 1.78.02 - -- 1.22 from cpan - perl-Test-Compile +- updated to 3.0.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v3.0.1 2021-08-22 + - (waterkip) Really remove UNIVERSAL::require (CPAN-RT 138934) + v3.0.0 2021-08-21 + - Stop tring to detect the OS + - Stop doing strange things for non posix systems (not backwards compatible) + - Don't depend on UNIVERSAL::require + +- updated to 2.4.2 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.4.2 2021-06-16 + - (dboehmer) make 'all_files_ok()' more consistent + - (dboehmer) Fix typo + - More documentation improvements + - Yet more tests + - Update copyright + +- updated to 2.4.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.4.1 2020-07-06 + - Fix if perl is installed in a dir with a space in it's path + - Fix for Strwberry perl without Devel::CheckOS + +- updated to 2.4.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.4.0 2020-03-29 + - RT-132153: Be more verbose when in verbose mode + - Update copyright + +- updated to 2.3.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.3.1 2019-10-23 + - RT-130694: all_pm_files_ok and all_pl_files_ok should return true/false + +- updated to 2.3.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.3.0 2019-10-09 + - Search for perl files in blib first (Alexandr Ciornii <>) + - Improve tests, remove redundant code, + - Refactor POD, make the deprecation of the functional interface clearer + +- updated to 2.2.2 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.2.2 2019-07-11 + - Fix cpan-test failures on mswin32 + v2.2.1 2019-07-09 + - Ooops, the module still depends on UNIVERSAL::require + - Oh, and the subprocess function now requires perl 5.10.0 + v2.2.0 2019-07-08 + - RT-118530: Capture (and optionally suppress) all output from subcommands + - RT-102817: Change the default value for 'verbose', from 1 to undef + - RT-118419: pm and pl files are now both checked using 'perl -c' + - Changes to POD: fixes to escaping, update for new functionality, simplify it + - The module no longer depends on UNIVERSAL::require + v2.1.2 2019-07-03 + - More corrections to the POD + - More tests, try specifying specific files to all_pX_files() + - Use the correct method in all_pl_files_ok() (Noel Maddy) + +- updated to 2.1.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + +- updated to 2.1.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.1.0 2019-XX-XX + - Update copyright + - Add all_pm_files_ok() and all_pl_files_ok() methods to the internal class + +- updated to 2.0.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + +- updated to 2.0.0 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Compile/Changes + v2.0_0 2019-06-18 (DEV RELEASE) + Åukasz Hejnak <> + - Replaced import() with Exporter usage. + - Added all_files_ok to the procedural mode. + - Added .git to list of directories ignored when looking for pm/pl files. + - Added an else clause for pl_file_compiles so that it catches file not found errors. + Evan Giles <> + - Remove 'exported_to' function + - Remove cleanup steps from the Build.PL file + - Bump version number for backwards incompatible changes ( + -- initial package 0.13 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.04 - perl-Test-Directory +- updated to 0.051 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Directory/Changes + 0.05 2019-09-21 + - fix merge issues that prevented some features from being released + - add overloaded {} operator + 0.05.1 2019-09-24 + - rm overloaded {} operator, doesn't seem to work anymore + perl-Test-EOL +- updated to 2.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-EOL/Changes + 2.02 2020-12-07 07:08:39Z + - fix failing test on MSWin32 + 2.01 2020-12-06 00:39:19Z + - better matching on files, directories to be ignored (e.g. no longer + confuses directory "vincent" for "inc") - closes RT#133862, PR #1 + - handle long @INC lines by passing through $PERL5LIB (Father Chrysostomos, + RT#123448) + perl-Test-File +- updated to 1.448 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes + 1.448 2021-03-05T15:01:18Z + * Promote to a user release + 1.447_01 2021-03-02T16:11:23Z + * Try handling all-numeric user and group names (but, also, wtf?) + Github #26. + +- updated to 1.447 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes + 1.447 2021-02-24T21:32:41Z + * Trying harder to get the tests to pass on Cygwin + +- updated to 1.446 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes + 1.446 2021-02-20T21:18:48Z + * Better cygwin detection, from Achim Gratz + +- updated to 1.445 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes + 1.445 2021-02-16T08:57:34Z + * Get the tests to pass under Cygwin (Github #17, from Slaven Rezić) + +- updated to 1.444 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-File/Changes + 1.444 2021-01-06T03:40:19Z + * Remove Travis, add GitHub actions + * Add file_is_symlink_not_ok + 1.443_03 2020-06-15T13:13:42Z + * Merge some test additions from Desmond Daignault (GitHub #20) + 1.443_02 2020-06-15T12:10:34Z + * Deprecated directories in tests appropriate for only plain files. + It's a diag() message now but will be a test failure later. + 1.443_01 2020-06-12T11:54:41Z + * change the file_writeable_ok tests to file_writable_ok, which + is the correct spelling. The old names work but now warn to use + the new name. + * Some updates to refresh the tests. + * Start mirroring Test2::Tools::File so we support the same names. + Thanks to Torbjørn Lindahl for spotting rough edges. + -- initial version (1.29) - perl-Test-LWP-UserAgent +- updated to 0.034 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-LWP-UserAgent/Changes + 0.034 2020-03-06 04:22:25Z + - fix t/10-request-args-network.t under EXTENDED_TESTING=1 where the + test URL was returning random content for each request and + therefore failing a comparison check + perl-Test-Manifest +- updated to 2.022 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Manifest/Changes + 2.022 2021-01-16T13:29:49Z + * freshen distro, remove Travis CI, add Github Actions + * choroba fixed parallel testing (Github #4) + +- updated to 2.021 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Manifest/Changes + 2.021 2018-05-08T02:47:56Z + * Clarify that it's the Artistic License 2.0 + 2.02_01 2016-06-07T20:39:40Z + * Start tracking down odd get_test_files failures. + perl-Test-MockObject +- updated to 1.20200122 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-MockObject/Changes + 1.20200122 2020-01-22 10:47:03-08:00 America/Los_Angeles + - allow mock() to mock multiple methods at once (GH PR #19, Felipe Gaspar) + - tidy up dist metadata (GH PR #18, Mohammad S. Anwar) + +- updated to 1.20191002 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-MockObject/Changes + 1.20191002 2019-10-02 09:32:54-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - replace non-core CGI dependency with core CPAN dependency + (Yanick Champoux, GH PR #16) + +- updated to 1.20180705 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-MockObject/Changes + 1.20180705 2018-07-05 16:47:18-07:00 America/Los_Angeles + - added destructor to clear counters (choroboa PR #15, RT #71831) + -- initial package (1.09) - perl-Test-Output +- updated to 1.033 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Output/Changes + 1.033 2021-02-11T00:21:54Z + * v1.032 had some regressions because I released 1.031 from an + unmerged branch. + This was noticed by Tina Müller in + * I didn't realize that I'd released an experiment in 2017, but + no own complained until it was reverted (by releasing from master). + The experiment worked I guess? Sub::Exporter is gone, so the + dependency tree for this is greatly reduced, and now it's gone + again. + +- updated to 1.032 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Output/Changes + -- spec mods - * removed ^---------- - * removed ^#--------- - -- update to 0.13 - * brian d foy ( is the new maintainer - * Updated docs for source code location, license, etc - perl-Test-PerlTidy +- updated to 20210709 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-PerlTidy/Changes + 20210709 2021-07-09 + * Fix the tests when TEST_AUTHOR=1 + - Remove t/critic.t + - + +- updated to 20200930 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-PerlTidy/Changes + 20200930 2020-09-30 + * Fix the tests with lates Perl::Tidy + perl-Test-Refcount +- updated to 0.10 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Refcount/Changes + 0.10 2019-06-26 11:28:13 + [BUGFIXES] + * Fix unit tests to handle when both Devel::MAT and Devel::FindRef + are available (RT129908) + (No module code changes, purely tests) + +- updated to 0.09 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Refcount/Changes + 0.09 2019-06-25 21:06:57 + [CHANGES] + * Add a `refcount()` function that callers can use to build + refcount-preserving tests + * Adjust docs to explain more about the Devel::MAT use-case + * General build file style updates + perl-Test-Script +- updated to 1.29 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Script/Changes + 1.29 2021-05-13 09:17:30 -0600 + - Production release identical to 1.28_01 release. + 1.28_01 2021-05-10 10:12:22 -0600 + - Added script_fails and program_fails functions (brainbuz++ gh#34, gh#38) + +- updated to 1.27 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Script/Changes + 1.27 2021-02-17 13:15:57 -0700 + - Documentation improvements (RRWO++ gh#31, gh#30) + +- updated to 1.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Script/Changes + 1.26 2019-10-25 21:22:03 -0700 + - Add program_runs and related functions for testing programs + that do not run under Perl (gh#26, gh#27) + +- updated to 1.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Script/Changes + 1.25 2018-09-27 15:33:19 -0400 + - Production release identical to 1.24_01 release. + 1.24_01 2018-09-24 12:38:07 -0400 + - Add interpreter_options to script_runs options + -- use original .tar.gz - perl-Test-Spec +- updated to 0.54 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Spec/Changes + 0.54 Tue Nov 21 12:46:00 MSK 2017 + - `around` method added to allow localized variables and other local setup. + Call `yield` method to run examples by `around` CODE. + Contributed by @akzhan + - Replace some `use base` with `use parent` and other minor updates. + Contributed by @akzhan + - Now tested under Perl 5.22-5.26 too + Contributed by @akzhan + - predictable_destroy spec fixed under Perl 5.8 + Contributed by @akzhan + -- update to 0.39 - - Added xit/xthey/xdescribe to mark TODO tests, inspired by the - Jasmine JavaScript framework. - Contributed by Marian Schubert (issue #10). - - Added share() function to facilitate spec refactoring. - - Fixed bug where shared examples defined in one package could not be - used in another package. - - Improved reporting of errors using spec_helper. - - Minor documentation formatting fixes - - Fixed test suite for Windows environments. - - Added spec_helper utility function to load helper scripts - relative to the spec. - perl-Test-Spelling +- updated to 0.25 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Spelling/Changes + 0.25 2019-05-28 + - Re-worded the documentation. + - Ordered documented function in alphabetical order. + - Fixed up the synopsis. + - Put function usage examples directly below the function name; this + makes it easier to get clickable links for functions in metacpan + - Documented get_pod_parser + - Moved hunspell up to the preferred checker + +- updated to 0.24 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Spelling/Changes + 0.24 2019-05-24 + - Fixup the prereqs some + - Revert the unicode support added in the last release as it caused + some test breakage + +- updated to 0.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Spelling/Changes + 0.23 2019-05-21 + - Fixed some documentation errors (Mohammad S Anwar) + - Added unicode support (Kivanc Yazan, GH PR#10) + - Bump Perl prereq to 5.8 now that we support unicode + - Don't inherit from Exporter (Olivier Mengué, GH PR#9) + - Bump Exporter prereq to 5.57 + +- updated to 0.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Spelling/Changes + 0.22 2019-04-24 + - Zero-code-change release encompassing everything from 0.21 + - Resolves RT#120425 . in @INC should no longer be an issue + 0.21 2019-04-19 (TRIAL) + - Removed the POD spelling test from /t as it's now in /xt + - Forego usage of inc::Module::Install for EU::MM + - List out all prereqs individually; provide cpanfile + - Use dzil to build the dist + - Convert the README to markdown + - Add a LICENSE file + - Clean up the Changes log + -- initial package (0.11) - perl-Test-Synopsis +- updated to 0.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Synopsis/Changes + 0.16 2019-05-24 + - Fix test failures when version 0.23 of + Test::Spelling is in use (by ppisar, #21) + perl-Test-Taint +- updated to 1.08 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Taint/Changes + 1.08 Wed Jun 12 15:01:48 CDT 2019 + [FIXES] + Fixed intermittent failures in the test suite. Thanks, Petr + Pisar. (RT #119897) +- obsoletes Test-Taint-1.06-Test-taintedness-on-X-instead-of-environment-variabl.patch + +- add patch to prevent random test failures: + Test-Taint-1.06-Test-taintedness-on-X-instead-of-environment-variabl.patch + perl-Test-Trap +- updated to 0.3.4 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-Trap/Changes + 0.3.4 Sun Oct 14 20:39:41 CEST 2018 + For this release, many thanks go to Todd Rinaldo, who found + that my fix for the $^E clobbering wound up clobbering $! in + every basic test. + - Declared some required and optional dependencies. + - RT #127112 is addressed, using the patch from + augmented wtih a comment. + - A regression test has been added for this. + perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize +- updated to 1.54 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Changes + 1.54 Tue Dec 8 23:25:06 CST 2020 + - ----------------------------------- + [ENHANCEMENTS] + Use ok() instead of cmp_ok() inside of lacks_uncapped_inputs(). + This output makes more sense. + lacks_uncapped_inputs() now has a a default message if one isn't supplied. + [FIXES] + Fixed the subtest name inside of C<lacks_ids_ok>. + Fixed the minimum version of Carp::Assert::More in Makefile.PL. + +- updated to 1.52 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize/Changes + 1.52 Wed Dec 5 10:00:56 CST 2018 + - ----------------------------------- + [ENHANCEMENTS] + click_ok() method can now take a button with X/Y coordinates. + Thanks to GitHub user @marderh. (GH #45) + Added the ability to modify the HTML that the html_tidy_ok() validates. + See the content_for_validation() method. (GH #61) + Add a set of methods for existence of IDs: id_exists(), id_exists_ok(), + ids_exist_ok(), lacks_id_ok() and lacks_ids_ok(). (GH #48) + Add button_exists(), button_exists_ok() and lacks_button_ok() + methods. (GH #50) + [FIXES] + Clarified warnings to make it clear that certain modules are + optional. Thanks, Matthew Chae. + perl-Test-utf8 +- updated to 1.02 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Test-utf8/CHANGES + 1.02 Fix for 5.26 not including '.' in INC, which was breaking the + Module::Install stuff (thanks to preaction) + Fix to link to the github repo (thanks to dsteinbrunner) + perl-Text-Autoformat +- updated to 1.75 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Text-Autoformat/Changes + 1.75 2019-08-13 NEILB + - Correctly handle lists with "0" on the end of them to preserve + the "0" rather than dropping it + -- update to 1.669002 - - Patched missing case in 'ignore' option handling (thanks Alan) -- 1.669001 Fri May 28 07:38:36 2010 - - Added major improvements to the 'ignore' option (thanks Dan!) -- 1.668001 Sat Apr 3 15:38:55 2010 - - Removed spurious debugging statement in bad Pod. (Thanks Chris) -- 1.666.0 Fri Apr 17 08:00:36 2009 - - No changes logged - 1.14.0 Sun Sep 30 04:29:29 2007 - - Fixed bug in handling empty mail messages - - Fixed bug in handling sig delimiters - - Fixed bug in paragraph ignoring code (thanks Rob) - - Fixed bug in handling whitespace-only input (thanks Ed) - - Fixed bug in Roman numerals (thanks Suresh) - - Fixed overeager autocentering (thanks Suresh) - - Enhanced 'lists' option to allow only specific types of lists - to be recognized (thanks Rob) - - Fixed bug in numbered hangs (thanks Rob) - - Fixed bug in Roman numeraled hangs (thanks Rob) - - Fixed misidentification of 8:20-style times as leading numbers (thanks - Rob) - - Fixed sentence mode (thanks Eric) - - Changed licence to "same terms as Perl itself" to improve Fedora - compatibility -- recreated by cpanspec 1.78 -- noarch pkg - perl-Text-Capitalize +- updated to 1.5 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Text-Capitalize/Changes + 1.4 Changed uc calls to ucfirst (hypothetically better + for title-casing with unicode strings) + 1.5 Removed PerlIO::locale dependency from tests, + got rid of the Andy Lester tests of pod and such. + perl-Text-Sprintf-Named +- updated to 0.0405 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Text-Sprintf-Named/Changes + 0.0405 2020-10-18 + - Avoid stale POD + - Inspired by Lady_Aleena. + +- updated to 0.0404 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Text-Sprintf-Named/Changes + 0.0404 2020-10-06 + * Dist-Zilla / tidyall / etc. cleanups and corrections. + * Fairly minor and not related to the production-code. + +- updated to 0.0403 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Text-Sprintf-Named/Changes + 0.0403 2018-05-20 + * Convert to Dist-Zilla . + perl-TheSchwartz +- updated to 1.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-TheSchwartz/Changes + 1.16 2021-07-16T07:49:43Z + - Add ability to disable job randomization GH#9 (@jamadam++) + +- updated to 1.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-TheSchwartz/Changes + 1.15 2020-01-28T06:19:54Z + - Fix tests on win32 GH#4 (@charsbar++) + +- updated to 1.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-TheSchwartz/Changes + 1.14 2019-10-17T17:51:40Z + - Added missing prereq Class::Accessor::Fast as suggested by CPANTS. GH#1 (@manwar++) + +- updated to 1.13 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-TheSchwartz/Changes + perl-Throwable +- updated to 1.000 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Throwable/Changes + 1.000 2021-06-26 13:46:02-04:00 America/New_York + - The previous release changed from 0.xxxxxx to for + version numbering. While this is safe to do within the realm + of Perl version comparisons, some tools treat the x numbers, + above, as suitable for direct comparison. Generally, when changing + the precision of a decimal version number in Perl, one must bump the + integer part, which I did not do. I took a risk, and somebody + noticed. + So, this release is now v1.000, despite not being a milestone of any + sort. So it goes. + 0.201 2021-06-18 21:33:37-04:00 America/New_York + - remove inadvertant use of 5.12-only syntax + 0.200014 2021-06-18 18:56:53-04:00 America/New_York + - just fixing contact address for author + perl-Tie-Hash-DBD +- updated to 0.23 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + 0.23 - 18 May 2021, H.Merijn Brand + * It's 2021 + * Enable use of tables with extra fields + +- updated to 0.22 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + 0.22 - 21 Dec 2020, H.Merijn Brand + * Try to make persist tests use more unique table names + * Fix META issue for bugtracker + +- updated to 0.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + 0.21 - 09 Apr 2020, H.Merijn Brand + * It's 2020 + +- updated to 0.20 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + 0.20 - 02 Sep 2019, H.Merijn Brand + * Require the correct module for YAML::Syck::Dump + +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + 0.19 - 27 Aug 2019, H.Merijn Brand + * Don't skip the test, but do not require the feature + * It's 2019 + * Support Sereal for (de-)serialization + * Support JSON, JSON::Syck, YAML, YAML::Syck, XML::Dumper, FreezeThaw, + and Bencode for (de-)serialization. + * Streamlined the test suite + * Doc updates + * Provide cpanfile + +- updated to 0.18 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tie-Hash-DBD/Changes + perl-Time-Duration +- updated to 1.21 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Time-Duration/Changes + 1.21 2019-05-11 NEILB + - Added Time::Elapsed to SEE ALSO, suggested by Ron Savage in RT#122186. + - Updated AUTHOR section to reflect that Neil Bowers is current maintainer. + - Extended testsuite so there's full code coverage (not pod yet). + -- update to 1.06 - * Fixing Makefile -- fix BuildRequires, move make test to %check - perl-Time-Duration-Parse +- updated to 0.16 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Time-Duration-Parse/Changes + 0.16 2021-05-19 NEILB + - Switched to plain Exporter, instead of Exporter::Lite. + Thanks to Graham Knop for PR. + +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Time-Duration-Parse/Changes + 0.15 2019-05-12 NEILB + - Added support for fractional parts of seconds in hh:mm:ss.ssss + - Added L<> links to Time::Duration and duration_exact in that module. + - Fixed grammar in doc + +- updated to 0.14 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Time-Duration-Parse/Changes + 0.14 2018-06-29 NEILB + - Added "hrs" as another form for "hours". Thanks to Stig for the PR. + perl-Time-modules +- update to 2013.0912: + Pulled fix from Adam Schobelock that removes timezone offset + caching because it was creating incorrect behavior for Moscow. +- Upstream changed the location of the project to: + +- Cleaned with spec-cleaner + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - perl-Tk-Clock +- updated to 0.42 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tk-Clock/ChangeLog + 0.42 - 23 Dec 2020, H.Merijn Brand + * Ignore leading dash in config + * Fix META issue for bugtracker + +- updated to 0.41 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tk-Clock/ChangeLog + 0.41 - 09 Apr 2020, H.Merijn Brand + * It's 2017 + * It's 2018 + * Document TAGS + * It's 2019 + * Add cpanfile + * It's 2020 + perl-Tree-DAG_Node +- updated to 1.32 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Tree-DAG_Node/Changelog.ini + -- switch to perl_requires macro - perl-UNIVERSAL-require +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-UNIVERSAL-require/Changes + 0.19 2021-03-27 NEILB + - Noted that the module is now deprecated + - Added a list of alternatives to SEE ALSO + perl-URI-Fetch +- updated to 0.15 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-URI-Fetch/Changes + 0.15 2021-05-27 NEILB + - Specify min perl as 5.008001 rather than 5.008_001, which was + causing problems with some versions of ExtUtils::MakeMaker. + RT#133491 + 0.14 2021-05-26 NEILB + - When Benjamin created this, he had a server set up for doing the + tests, but that's gone now. So to stop all the fails, I'm skipping + the live tests for now. Could do with mocking, but this is a stop-gap. + 0.13_01 2021-05-25 NEILB + - Changed the test suite to use some online HTTP status code test servers. + Let's see how reliable they are. + perl-URI-db +- updated to 0.19 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-URI-db/Changes + 0.19 2018-07-19T15:15:04Z + - Added URI::snowflake. + perl-Verilog-Perl -- Initial package, version 3.404 +- updated to 3.478 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog-Perl 3.478 2021-06-06 + * *** Fix ${ENVVAR} expansion (#1671). [Henry Hsieh] + +- updated to 3.476 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog-Perl 3.476 2021-04-13 + * *** Fix parameter type = struct. [Nathan Chrisman] + +- updated to 3.474 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog-Perl 3.474 2020-10-29 + * *** Add filenames in vhier --xml cells. + * *** Fix duplicates in vhier --includes. [Gregory Pierce] + +- updated to 3.472 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + +- updated to 3.470 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.470 2020-01-06 + * *** Fix capital S for signed numbers, [Piotr Binkowski] + * *** Fix // in filenames, bug1610. [Peter Nelson] + +- updated to 3.468 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.468 2019-09-12 + * *** Support ${} for env vars in file lists, msg3065. + * *** Fix multidimensional cell/interfaces, bug1505. [Anderson Ignacio Da Silva] + +- Add bison, flex and gcc requirements + +- updated to 3.466 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.466 2019-05-04 + * *** Fix Mac OS-X Perl 5.26.3 issues, bug1428. [Jack Langsdorf] + +- updated to 3.464 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.464 2019-05-01 + * *** Fix vrename with escaped names, bug1420. [Kerry Imming] + +- updated to 3.462 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.462 2019-04-09 + * ** Fix legacy $pin->netlist accessor. + * ** Fix nettype declarations, msg2931. [Andreas Sunardi] + +- updated to 3.460 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + +- updated to 3.454 + * Verilog::Language 3.454 2018-08-21 + * *** Support parsing around Cadence protected meta-comments. + * *** Fix define argument stringification (`"), broke since 3.446. [Joe DErrico] + * *** Fix to ignore Unicode UTF-8 BOM sequences, msg2576. [HyungKi Jeong] + +- updated to 3.452 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.452 2018-04-12 + * *** Fix parsing "output signed" in V2K port list, msg2540. [James Jung] + * *** Fix GLIBC assertion failure, bug1299. [Filipe Rosset] + * Verilog::Language 3.450 2018-03-12 + * * Support SystemVerilog 1800-2017. + * * Moving forward, use the git "stable" branch to track the latest release, + and git "v#.###" tags for specific releases. + +- updated to 3.448 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Verilog-Perl/Changes + * Verilog::Language 3.448 2018-01-02 + * *** Workaround comment bug in flex 2.6.4, bug1252. [Rob Stoddard] + * Verilog::Language 3.446 2017-11-08 + * *** Fix `` expansion of `defines, bug1225, bug1227, bug1228. [Odd Magne Reitan] + * Verilog::Language 3.444 2017-09-21 + * *** Fix replication handling error, bug1205. [Leon Medpum] + * *** Fix compile error on MAC OS X/clang 8.1.0, msg2337. [Kunal Bansal] + * Verilog::Language 3.442 2017-09-08 + * *** Fix new concatenation handling error, bug1200. [by Stefan Tauner] + * *** Fix unreferenced scalar warning, bug1200. [by Stefan Tauner] + * Verilog::Language 3.440 2017-08-31 + * * Support for buses and concats in Netlist, msg1626. [by Stefan Tauner] + * * Support pragma protect begin_protected/end_protected, msg2313. [George Cuan] + * Verilog::Language 3.430 2017-07-24 + * * Support Verilog::SigParser pin select parsing, msg1626. [by Stefan Tauner] + * Verilog::Language 3.426 2017-06-06 + * *** Fix lineno with class callbacks, bug1162. [Dave Storrar] + * Verilog::Language 3.423 2017-04-26 + * *** Fix tests '.' for Perl 5.26.0, rt121025. [Dan Collins] + * Verilog::Language 3.422 2016-11-24 + * *** Add additional tests, msg1982. [by Stefan Tauner] + * *** Fix passing enum types in SigParser, bug1107. [by Lalit Chhabra] + * Verilog::Language 3.420 2016-07-30 + * ** Add vhier --skiplist option. [John Busco] + * *** Fix duplicate cells when delete cells, bug1049. [by Stefan Tauner] + * *** Fix core dump on Storable store/retrieve, bug1063. [G Aydos] + * Verilog::Language 3.418 2016-02-02 + * *** Fix Flex 2.6.0 warnings. + * Verilog::Language 3.416 2015-10-02 + * *** Fix dumpcheck test false failures, bug939. [Gene Sullivan] + * *** Fix vrename missing first quote symbol msg1684. [Josef Wells] + * Verilog::Language 3.414 2015-06-26 + * *** Add Parser useProtected argument to aid runtime, bug899. [Corey Teffetalor] + * *** Fix Preproc loop under Perl-Tk, bug913. [Stefan Tauner] + * *** Fix vhier infinite loop on recursive modules. + * *** Fix preprocessing stringified newline escapes, bug915. [Anton Rapp] + * *** Fix building for Mac 10.10 with Perl 5.18.2, bug923. [S Liu] + * *** Fix parsing comments before signal end, bug917. [Raj G, Jeffrey Huynh] + * Verilog::Language 3.412 2015-03-16 + * *** Fix len error in 3.410, bug896. [Jon Nall] + * Verilog::Language 3.410 2015-03-14 + * *** Fix non-ANSI modport instantiations, bug868. [Kevin Thompson] + * *** Fix extra text in delay-number callback, bug893. [Greg Waters] + * *** Fix virtual modport without interface in classes, bug778. [Jon Nall] + * Verilog::Language 3.408 2014-11-15 + * ** Fix +define+A+B to define A and B to match other simulators, bug847. [Adam Krolnik] + * ** Show old and new value when redefining a define, bug846. [Adam Krolnik] + * *** Fix loss of trireg on output signals, msg1491. [Matt Lanahan] + * *** Fix quoted comment slashes in defines, bug845. [Adam Krolnik] + * Verilog::Language 3.406 2014-09-21 + * ** Add Verilog::Preproc->parent() method, bug813. [Ed Carstens] + * ** Add Verilog::Netlist::File->preproc() method, bug813. [Ed Carstens] + * *** Pass CFLAGS/CPPFLAGS for easier packaging, bug786. [Florian Schlichting] + * *** Fix width of byte, bug812. [Ed Carstens] + * *** Fix interfaces with variable dimension, bug818. [Glen Gibb] perl-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded +- updated to 0.26 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded/Changes + 0.26 2019-06-07T06:35:00Z + - + - + perl-WWW-Shorten +- updated to 3.094 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-WWW-Shorten/Changes + perl-WebService-MusicBrainz +- updated to 1.0.5 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-WebService-MusicBrainz/Changes + 1.0.4 Friday February 16th 2018 + - Merge pull request (jwbargsten) + perl-Wx +- No need to add an explicit Requires specifying the version, as the + soname on SUSE includes the full version since WxWidgets 3.0.4 +- Drop conditionals handling obsolete releases, or releases lacking + the dependencies (e.g. SLE 11). +- Reproducible build: + * Add 0003-Define-overload-constants-in-sorted-order.patch + * Add 0004-Define-enum-values-in-sorted-order.patch + +- Fix the wxWidgets requirements. Instead of listing each version + for every *SUSE flavor, we're now calling rpmqpack to find the + correct dependency. +- Update cpanspec.yml accordingly. + -- fix permissions - -- initial package 0.98 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.04 - perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed +- updated to 0.904 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed/Changes + 0.904 Jun 03 May 2020 + - Minor packaging improvement + 0.903 Jun 03 May 2020 + - No spurious test failures when DateTime::TimeZone fails + perl-XML-SAX-ExpatXS +- add parser to ParserDetails.ini + -- initial build on obs - perl-XML-SemanticDiff +- updated to 1.0007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-XML-SemanticDiff/Changes + 1.0007 2018-07-31 + - Drop minimum perl back down to 5.8 + perl-XML-XSLT +- Fix build and update spec file +- Add cpanspec file +- Add fdupes macro + -- don't package MANIFEST - perl-YAML-PP +- updated to 0.030 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes + 0.030 2021-11-07 21:57:28+01:00 + - preserve: Keep existing data (issue #44) + - Forbid directive without directive end marker + - Support explicit empty key/value pairs in flow mappings + - Enforce EOL after end of flow context + - Forbid multiple question marks in flow mappings + +- updated to 0.029 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes + 0.029 2021-10-25 00:02:53+02:00 + - Fix basic implicit mappings in flow sequences, e.g. [a, b: c, d] + 0.028 2021-10-21 22:00:36+02:00 + - Fix empty values with properties in flow mappings and sequences + (`[ &foo , bar]`, `{ &foo , k: v }`) + - Fix: Allow comment lines with tabs in flow + - Fix: parsing of explicit block indenting (issue #46) + - Automatically tie new hashes inside tied hashes (issue #44) + - yamlpp-load-dump: Add options --dump-module and --include* + - docs: Add mising constants (issue #45) + +- updated to 0.027 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-YAML-PP/Changes + 0.027 2021-04-09 11:13:28+02:00 + - Forbid duplicate keys by default like announced in 0.026 + - Add possibility to preserve alias names (see 'preserve' option) + - Highlighter: Add option to expand tabs in ansi color mode + - yamlpp-events: Add option --module + - Improve error message when trying to load an undefined alias + - Fix a test for perl 5.8.8 + perl-autobox +- updated to 3.0.1 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-autobox/Changes + 3.0.1 Sat 5 May 20:50:14 2018 + - GH #11: fix version declaration on 5.8 (thanks, Grinnz) + 3.0.0 Sat 5 May 18:10:16 2018 + - breaking change: + - the behaviour of UNIVERSAL methods like $native->can and + $native->isa is now defined as being the same as when autobox + is not enabled rather than "undefined". (technically, this + still falls under the rubric of "undefined", but the switch + from "don't know" to "don't" could break buggy code, so bump + for safety) + - add DOES to the list of non-autoboxed methods + - switch to SemVer i.e. 2.86 (v2.860.0) -> 3.0.0 (v3.0.0) + - upgrade ppport.h from 3.35 -> 3.42 + -- initial package 2.71 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.03 - perl-bareword-filehandles +- updated to 0.007 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-bareword-filehandles/Changes + 0.007 2019-05-27 20:15:54+01:00 Europe/London + - Disable checking filetest ops on perl < 5.31.1 (RT#127073) + perl-experimental +- updated to 0.025 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes + 0.025 2021-07-30 14:41:39+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Add missing documentation for try + +- updated to 0.024 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes + 0.024 2021-05-01 19:44:14+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Rereleased without NYTProf files + 0.023 2021-04-30 19:35:09+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Added try feature + +updated to 0.022 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes + 0.022 2020-05-04 22:34:48+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Skip tests when needed, to allow installation on <5.10 + +- updated to 0.021 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes + 0.021 2020-02-22 23:18:22+01:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Add the isa feature + +- updated to 0.020 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-experimental/Changes + 0.020 2018-05-09 21:31:22+02:00 Europe/Amsterdam + - Add the declared_refs feature + -Upstream changes -- 0.011 Clarified which order to apply pragmas [Grant McLean] -- 0.010 Add returning 1's to evals in tests -- 0.009 Hardcode features for perl < 5.15.7 - -- initial package 0.008 - * created by cpanspec 1.78.08 -- checked license -- took over maintainership - perl-indirect +- updated to 0.39 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-indirect/Changes + 0.39 2019-07-08 12:00 UTC + + Fix : [RT #127118] : Fails on perl >= v5.28.0 with -DDEBUGGING + The module has been amended to accomodate with a change of + behaviour of a core macro. + + Upd : Contact info. + perl-prefork +- Remove patch and use PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC + +- updated to 1.05 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-prefork/Changes + perl-strictures +- updated to 2.000006 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-strictures/Changes + 2.000006 - 2019-03-10 + - update internal list of warnings for categories added in blead (v5.29.9) + - fix extras test to avoid any files in the temp directory's parent + directories interfering (RT#128751) + -- updated to 1.005001 - - fix skip on old perl on test script - - detect mercurial when checking for development trees - - avoid using to save a bit of memory on older perls - - update to v2 metadata - - fix crash in 1.004003 due to qw() list being readonly - perl-version +- updated to 0.9929 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-version/CHANGES + 0.9929 + * Upgrade to ppport 3.62 + * Import fix for core build warning + 0.9928 + * silence warning for our LC_NUMERIC_LOCK macro + +- updated to 0.9928 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-version/CHANGES + +- updated to 0.9927 + see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-version/CHANGES + -- updated to 0.9909 - Compatibility release for Perl 5.20.1. Apply two patches from bleadperl - (one which shipped with 5.20.0 and one from bleadperl) so that a clean - release can be applied prior to 5.20.1 being shipped. Holding back a few - other improvements, so expect 0.9910 shortly. - pfstools +- Use OpenCV 4 on Tumbleweed +- Guard OpenEXR build dependency (needs OpenEXR < 3) +- Adjust pfscalign package name to pfsalign, match contained tool +- Cleanup spec file, remove old dependencies: + + lapack, blas (uses GSL instead) + + doxygen, libtool (unused) +- Correct GL build dependency (pkgconfig(gl) instead of Mesa) + +- update to 2.2.0 + This is mostly a bug-fix release with many fixes allowing to + work with newer version of libraries. Several compilation issues + have been resolved on Ubuntu 18.04, 20.04 and Cygwin. The HDR + merging (pfshdrcalibrate) uses now better, noise-optimal weights, + which should reduce noise for darker image parts. + * Added: v210 format in pfsinyuv + * Fixed: memleak in pfssize + * Fixed: Fix format-security errors with Octave 5.1 + * Added: pfs_automerge + * Fixed: typos in the documentation + * Added: simple deghosting in pfshdrcalibrate (-d option) + * Fixed: pfsalign now uses free AKAZE feature detector, avoiding + issues with missing non-free OpenCV classes + * Fixed: Updated installation instruction for Ubuntu 18.04 + * Fixed: Fixed a number of compiler warnings from g++ 7.4.0 + * Fixed: Octave interface upgraded to Octave-6 + * Fixed: pfstmo_durand02 - reversed the old fix that made images + over-saturated. Now 99.5th percentile is mapped to white. + * Removed: pfsinjpeghdr, pfsoutjpeghdr (discontinued) + * Fixed: compilation fails with GCC11/std=c++17, duplicate "clamp" definition + * Added: pfshdrcalibrate now performs exposure merging in a noise-optimal manner + * Added: pfsindcraw now calls libraw's dcraw_emu instead of + dcraw if the former is available +- Rebase patch: pfstools-1.8.1-fix-return-in-nonvoid.patch +- Drop patches (included upstream): + - pfstools-Fix-build-with-Octave-6.patch + - 0001-Remove-using-namespace-std-from-global-namespace.patch +- Disable EXR package which does not build +- Reenable OpenCV package + +- Fix build with GCC11/C++17, add + 0001-Remove-using-namespace-std-from-global-namespace.patch + +- Fix build with Octave 6 + + pfstools-Fix-build-with-Octave-6.patch + phoronix-test-suite +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_phoromatic-client.service.patch + * harden_phoromatic-server.service.patch + * harden_phoronix-result-server.service.patch + +- version update to 10.4.0 + * For detailed list of changes see ChangeLog +- deleted patches + - phoronix-test-suite-9703b4b.patch (upstreamed) + +- version update to 10.2.2 + * For detailed list of changes see ChangeLog +- added patches [bsc#1175508] (internal) + fix + + phoronix-test-suite-phoronix-test-suite-9703b4b.patch + +- Update to version 9.6.0 + * For detailed list of changes see ChangeLog +- Change to new download url. + +- Update to version 7.8.0 + * For detailed list of changes see ChangeLog + photoqt +- Add patches to fix build with Exiv2 0.27: + 0001-Switch-to-FindLibExiv2-from-ECM-5.53.0.patch + 0002-Fix-build-with-exiv2-0.27.patch + +- Update to 1.7.1: + * Fix: Animated images would not load + * Fix: The more images in a directory the slower PhotoQt would + load first image + * Fix: Deleting an image would lead to infinite 'loading' indicator + * Fix: List of releases in appdata file was in reverse order + * Add: Show 'busy' cursor while loading a Loader item + +- Use constant CRYPTKEY to make build reproducible (boo#1062303) + +- Update to 1.7: + * Add: proper support for formats supported by KDE image plugins + * Add: FreeImage image library + * Add: DevIL image library + * Add: Poppler (for: PDF (inline or document viewer mode)) + * Add: libarchive (for: comic book archives, ZIP, RAR, 7ZIP, TAR) + * Add: unrar (Unix-only) (for: better RAR support) + * Add: Detect images also by MIME type and not only by file ending + * Add: Detect, display and manage people tags (stored in XMP metadata) + * Add: Current Zoom level to quick info label + * Add: Setting to adjust step size of zoom + * Add: Basic Window Management (using quick info labels) + * Improve: GraphicsMagick speed + * Improve: Usability of PhotoQt on small screens + * Improve: More efficient and compact fileformats handling + * Improve: overall speed and responsiveness + * Fix: Trash for files on removable drive + * Fix: Masking image display shown when needed + * Fix: many small bugs +- Fix build with freeimage (photoqt-1.7-link.patch) +- Add dependencies: extra-cmake-modules, pkgconfig(libarchive), + pkgconfig(poppler-qt5), pkgconfig(IL), freeimage-devel +- Spec file cleanup + php-cs-fixer +- Update to version 2.16.1: + * BlankLineAfterNamespaceFixer - do not remove indent, handle comments + * MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - fix for on_multiline:ensure_fully_multiline with trailing comma in function call + * FileLintingIterator - fix current value on end/invalid + * FunctionTypehintSpaceFixer - Ensure single space between type declaration and parameter + * MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - handle misplaced ) + * NoLeadingImportSlashFixer - Add space if needed + * SimpleToComplexStringVariableFixer - Fix $ bug + * Fix preg_match error on 7.4snapshot + * IsNullFixer - fix null coalescing operator handling + * ToolInfo - fix access to reference without checking existence + * Fix non-static closure unbinding this on PHP 7.4 + * Use Box 3 to build the PHAR + * PHP 7.4 - Tests for support + * DX: test that default config is not passed in RuleSet + * DX: test to ensure @PHPUnitMigration rule sets are correctly defined + * DX: static call of markTestSkippedOrFail + * Add apostrophe to possessive "team's" + * ReadmeCommandTest - use CommandTester + * DX: control names of public methods in test's classes + * NewWithBracesFixer - Fix object operator and curly brace open cases + * fix typos in README + * DX: Fix shell script syntax in order to fix Travis builds + * DX: Lock binary SCA tools versions + * Revert PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping + * DX: AutoReview - ensure Travis handle all needed PHP versions + * MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - make explicit configuration to prevent fail on configuration change + * IndentationTypeFixer - fix handling 2 spaces indent + * NoSuperfluousElseifFixer - fix invalid escape sequence in character class + * NoUnusedImports - Fix imports detected as used in namespaces + * PhpUnitNoExpectationAnnotationFixer - fix handling expect empty exception message + * HeredocIndentationFixer - remove whitespace in empty lines + * ClassKeywordRemoveFixer - fix for self,static and parent keywords + * TokensAnalyzer - handle nested anonymous classes + * CombineConsecutiveIssetsFixer - fix stop based on precedence + * Fix command exit code on lint error after fixing fix. + * FunctionsAnalyzer: fix for comment in type + * BracesFixer - handle dynamic static method call + * Braces - fix both single line comment styles + * PhpdocTypesOrderFixer - Prevent unexpected default value change + * Add PHPStan + * IncludeFixer - remove braces when the statement is wrapped in block + * Allow running if installed as project specific + * Verify PCRE pattern before use + * Remove superfluous leading backslash, closes 4520 + * DX: ensure data providers are used + * Redo PHP7.4 - Add "str_split" => "mb_str_split" mapping + * DX: use PHIVE for dev tools + * Docs: update Cookbook + * Enhancement: Use default name property to configure command names + * DX: removing unnecessary variable initialization + * DX: use ::class whenever possible + * DX: travis_retry for dev-tools install + * Allow 7.4snapshot to fail due to a bug on it + * GitlabReporter - fix report output + * Move readme-update command to Section 3 + * Update symfony ruleset + * Command::execute() should always return an integer + * Add suport for true/false return type hints. + * Increase PHPStan level to 1 + * Fix deprecation notices + * Output details - Explain why a file was skipped + * Fix STDIN test when path is one level deep + * PhpdocToReturnType - Add support for Foo[][] + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 typed properties + * Import cannot be used after `::` so can be removed + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 numeric literal separator + * Fix PHP 7.4 deprecation notices + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 arrow functions + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 spread operator in array expression + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 null coalescing assignment operator + * Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony + * Travis CI - Update known files list + * Remove workaround for dev-tools install reg. Phive + * FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls + * Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest + * ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values + * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces + * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type + * Allow Symfony 5 components (l-vo) + * Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI + * PHP 7.4 integration test + * DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project + * Check PHP extensions on runtime + * Improve docs - README + * DX: generate headers in README.rst + * Enable execution under PHP 7.4 + * TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot + * PhpdocLineSpanFixer - Introduction + * Add FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer + * FinalStaticAccessFixer - Introduction + * Issue #4274: Let lowercase_constants directive to be configurable. + * GlobalNamespaceImportFixer - Introduction + * SelfStaticAccessorFixer - Introduction + * CommentToPhpdocFixer - allow to ignore tags + * Add NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer + * Add SingleLineThrowFixer + * NoSuperfluousPhpdocTags - Add remove_inheritdoc option + * NoSuperfluousPhpdocTagsFixer - allow params that aren't on the signature + * PhpdocAlignFixer - add "property-read" and "property-write" to allowed tags + * Phpdoc to param type fixer rebase + * Raise deprecation warnings on usage of deprecated aliases + * DX: update branch alias + * SelfStaticAccessor - extend itests + * Configure no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags for Symfony + * DX: fix usage of deprecated options + * Fix PHP 7.3 strict mode warnings + * Add single_line_throw to Symfony ruleset + * FunctionsAnalyzer - add "isTheSameClassCall" for correct verifying of function calls + * PhpdocToParamTypeFixer - cover more cases + * FinalPublicMethodForAbstractClassFixer - Do not attempt to mark abstract public methods as final + * NullableTypeDeclarationForDefaultNullValueFixer - fix for not lowercase "null" + * Ensure compatibility with PHP 7.4 + * Add typed properties test to VisibilityRequiredFixerTest + * ArrayIndentationFixer - Fix array indentation for multiline values + * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for extending multiple interfaces + * TokensAnalyzer::isConstantInvocation - fix for interface method return type + * Allow Symfony 5 components + * Disallow PHP 7.4 failures on Travis CI + * README - Mark up as code + * PHP 7.4 integration test + * DX: Update .gitattributes and move to root of the project + * Check PHP extensions on runtime + * Improve docs - README (mvorisek) + * DX: generate headers in README.rst + * Enable execution under PHP 7.4 + * TravisTest - rewrite tests to allow last supported by tool PHP version to be snapshot +- Update README.rst. +- Define both the minimum and maximum versions in the PHP "build" + dependency. +- Minor spec clean-up. + +- Update to release 2.15.1 + * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes + which do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) + * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip + anonymous classes and lambda (SpacePossum) + * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in + function calls (SpacePossum) + * minor #4345 Travis: PHP 7.4 isn't allowed to fail anymore + (Slamdunk) + * minor #4403 LowercaseStaticReferenceFixer - Fix invalid PHP + version in example (HypeMC) + * minor #4424 DX: cleanup of composer.json - no need for + branch-alias (keradus) + * minor #4425 DX: assertions are static, adjust custom + assertions (keradus) + * minor #4426 DX: handle deprecations of + symfony/event-dispatcher:4.3 (keradus) + * minor #4427 DX: stop using reserved T_FN in code samples + (keradus) + * minor #4428 DX: update dev-tools (keradus) + * minor #4429 DX: MethodArgumentSpaceFixerTest - fix hidden merge + conflict (keradus) + +- Update to release 2.14.4 + * bug #4418 PhpUnitNamespacedFixer - properly translate classes which + do not follow translation pattern (ktomk) + * bug #4419 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - skip anonymous + classes and lambda (SpacePossum) + * bug #4420 MethodArgumentSpaceFixer - PHP7.3 trailing commas in + function calls (SpacePossum) + +- Update to release 2.14.3 + * bug #4298 NoTrailingWhitespaceInCommentFixer - fix for non-Unix + line separators (kubawerlos) + * bug #4303 FullyQualifiedStrictTypesFixer - Fix the short type + detection when a question mark (nullable) is prefixing it. (drupol) + * bug #4313 SelfAccessorFixer - fix for part qualified class name + (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) + * bug #4314 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - fix for having + property with name as method to update (kubawerlos, SpacePossum) + * bug #4316 NoUnsetCastFixer - Test for higher-precedence operators + (SpacePossum) + * bug #4327 TokensAnalyzer - add concat operator to list of binary + operators (SpacePossum) + * bug #4335 Cache - add indent and line ending to cache signature + (dmvdbrugge) + * bug #4344 VoidReturnFixer - handle yield from (SpacePossum) + * bug #4346 BracesFixer - Do not pull close tag onto same line as a + comment (SpacePossum) + * bug #4350 StrictParamFixer - Don't detect functions in use + statements (bolmstedt) + * bug #4357 Fix short list syntax detection. (SpacePossum) + * bug #4365 Fix output escaping of diff for text format when line is + not changed (SpacePossum) + * bug #4370 PhpUnitConstructFixer - Fix handle different casing + (SpacePossum) + * bug #4379 ExplicitStringVariableFixer - add test case for variable + as an array key (kubawerlos, Slamdunk) + * feature #4337 PhpUnitTestCaseStaticMethodCallsFixer - prepare for + PHPUnit 8 (kubawerlos) + php-pear-Mail_Mime +- new upstream release 1.10.11 + * Fix PHP 8.1: strlen(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of + type string is deprecated + * Fix encoding recipient names with @ character and no space between + name and address + * Fix the license label in composer.json + +- new upstream release 1.10.10 + * Compatibility fixes for PHP 5.2 and 5.3 + * Corrected soft line breaks handling to be RFC compliant + * Corrected line breaks for lines ending in dots and length more + than 74 + +- new upstream release 1.10.9 + * Added a workaround for an opcache bug on OpenSuse 15.1 + +- new upstream release 1.10.8 + * Fix encoding issues with ISO-2022-JP-MS input labelled with + ISO-2022-JP + php-pear-Net_SMTP +- New upstream release 1.10.0 + * Add the starttls() method + +- New upstream release 1.9.2 + * Repackage documentation + +- New upstream release 1.9.1 + * Added .gitattributes for nicer packaging + -- version 1.6.1 -- Fixing the detection of SASL-based AUTH methods. (pear Bug #18594) -- Adding a new command() method for sending arbitrary SMTP commands. -- More kinds of socket write() failures are now detected. -- Improved PEAR_Error internal handling. (Bug 18469) -- External authentication methods are now supported via setAuthMethod(). -- Resource-based data streams are no longer terminated prematurely. (pear Bug #18563) -- Avoid appending an extra space in mailFrom() when $params is empty. (pear Bug #17989) -- Differentiating between a connection timeout and general socket I/O timeouts. (pear Request #18197) - -- change to php_pear_gen_filelist macro - -- pkg rename php5-pear-Net_SMTP -- merge with php-pear-net_smtp, php5-pear-net_smtp -- dr for php-pear-net_smtp, php5-pear-net_smtp -- update to 1.4.4 - * Corrected a problem with SMTP servers that don't support the SIZE - feature. (Bug 17942) -- 1.4.3 - - Reduce peak memory usage when sending large files. (Request 17887) - - Adding support for proxy authentication. (Request 17358) -- for more info please see ChangeLog - -- added php-macros -- cleanup spec - php-pear-Net_Sieve +- New upstream release 1.4.5 + * Support XOAUTH2 authorization method + -- version 1.3.2 -- Fix referrals if host data or user credentials are passed to connect() and login() instead of the constructor (Aleksander Machniak, Bug #17107). -- Query capabilities again after successful authentication (Jesse Crawford, Request #18382). -- Escape quotes and backslashes in script names, and use literal strings for script names with non-ASCII characters (Aleksander Machniak, Bug #16691). -- Work around broken STARTTLS behavior in Cyrus versions before 2.3.10 (Aleksander Machniak, Bug #18241). -- Improve string literal parsing (Aleksander Machniak, Bug #18228). - php7-phpunit8 +- Use %_rpmmacrodir instead of wrong %{_libexecdir}/rpm/macros.d + (libexecdir changes to /usr/libexec). + +- Update package to release 8.5.0 + * +- Update package to release 8.4.3 + * +- Update package to release 8.3.5 + * +- Update package to release 8.2.5 + * +- Update package to release 8.1.6 + * + phpMyAdmin -- phpMyAdmin 4.9.7 (boo#1177842): +- Update to 5.1.1 + - Fixes for several PHP errors + - Fixes for "$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase']" and other related configuration directives not working properly + - Fix Yaml export to quote strings even when they are numeric + - Fix TCPDF open_basedir issue due to internal guessing code from TCPDF + - Fix for quick search not working when using more than one configured server + Fix datetime decimals displayed (.00000) after edit + - Fix new lines in text fields are doubled + - Fixed URL generation by removing un-needed & escaping for & char + - Improvements for working with PHP 8.1 + - Improved handling of adding a new user with the Percona database server + For a detail cahngelog see: + + +- Update to 5.1.0 + - issue #15350 Change Media (MIME) type references to Media type + - issue #15377 Add a request router + - issue Automatically focus input in the two-factor authentication window + - issue #15509 Replace gender-specific pronouns with gender-neutral pronouns + - issue #15491 Improve complexity of generated passwords + - issue #14909 Add a configuration option to define the 1st day of week + - issue #12726 Made user names clickable in user accounts overview + - issue #15729 Improve virtuality dropdown for MariaDB > 10.1 + - issue #15312 Added an option to perform ALTER ONLINE (ALGORITHM=INPLACE) + when editing a table structure + - issue Added missing 'IF EXISTS' to 'DROP EVENT' when exporting databases + - issue #15232 Improve the padding in query result tool links + - issue #15064 Support exporting raw SQL queries + - issue #15555 Added ip2long transformation + - issue #15194 Fixed horizontal scroll on structure edit page + - issue #14820 Move table hide buttons in navigation to avoid hiding a table by mistake + - issue #14947 Use correct MySQL version if the version is 8.0 or above for documentation links + - issue #15790 Use "MariaDB Documentation" instead of "MySQL Documentation" on a MariaDB server + - issue #15880 Change "Show Query" link to a button + - issue #13371 Automatically toggle the radio button to "Create a page and save it" on Designer + - issue #12969 Tap and hold will not dismiss the error box anymore, you can now copy the error + - issue #15582 Don't disable "Empty" table button after clicking it + - issue #15662 Stay on the structure page after editing/adding/dropping indexes + - issue #15663 show structure after adding a column + - issue #16005 Remove symfony/yaml dependency + - issue #16005 Improve performance of dependency injection system by removing yaml parsing + - issue #15447 Disable phpMyAdmin storage database checkbox on databases list + - issue #16001 Add autocomplete attributes on login form + - issue #13519 Add "Preview SQL" option on Index dialog box when creating a new table + - issue #15954 Fixed export maximal length of created query input is too small + - issue Redesign the server status advisor page + - issue #13124 Use same height for SQL query textarea and Columns select in SQL page + - issue #16005 Add a new vendor constant "CACHE_DIR" that defaults + to "libraries/cache/" and store routing cache into this folder + - issue #16005 Warm-up the routing cache before building the release + - issue #16005 Use --optimize-autoloader when installing composer vendors before building the release + - issue #15992 Add back the table name to the printable version on "Structure" page + - issue #14815 Allow simplifying exported view syntax to only "CREATE VIEW" + - issue #15496 Add $cfg['CaptchaSiteVerifyURL'] for Google ReCaptcha siteVerifyUrl + - issue #14772 Add the password_hash PHP function as an option when inserting data + - issue #15136 Add a notice for Hex converter giving invalid results + - issue #16139 Use a textarea for JSON columns + - issue #16223 Make JSON input transformation editor less narrow + - issue #14340 Add a button on Export Page to show the SQL Query + - issue #16304 Add support for INET6 column type + - issue #16337 Fix example insert/update query default values + - issue #12961 Remove indexes from table relation + - issue #13557 Use a full list of functions instead of a separated one on insert/edit page "Function" selector + - issue #14795 Include routines in the export in a predictable order + - issue #16227 Fixed autocomplete is not working in case the table name is quoted by "`" symbols + - issue #15463 Force BINARY comparison when looking at privileges to avoid an SQL error on privileges tab + - issue #16430 Fixed Windows error message uses trailing / instead of \ + - issue #16316 Added support for "SameSite=Strict" on cookies using configuration "$cfg['CookieSameSite']" + - issue #16451 Fixed AWS RDS IAM authentication doesn't work because pma_password is truncated + - issue #16451 Show an error message when the security limit is + reached instead of silently trimming the password to avoid confusion + - issue #15001 Add back Login Cookie Validity setting to the features form + - issue #16457 Add config parameters to support third-party ReCaptcha v2 compatible APIs like hCaptcha + - issue #13077 Moved tools section to left on large devices (Bootstrap xl) + - issue #15711 Moved some buttons to left on large devices (Bootstrap xl) + - issue #15584 Add $cfg['MysqlSslWarningSafeHosts'] to set the red text black when ssl is not used on a private network + - issue #15652 Replace deprecated FOUND_ROWS() function call on "distinct values" feature + - issue Export blobs as hex on JSON export + - issue #16095 Fix leading space not shown in a CHAR column when browsing a table + - issue Make procedures/functions SQL editor both side scrollable + - issue #16407 Bump pragmarx/google2fa conflict to >8.0 + - issue #14953 Added a rename Button to use RENAME INDEX syntax of MySQL 5.7 (and MariaDB >= 10.5.2) + - issue #16477 Fixed no Option to enter TABLE specific permissions when the database name contains an "_" (underscore) + - issue #16498 Fixed empty text not appearing after deleting all Routines + - issue #16467 Fixed a PHP notice "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" on Designer PDF export + - issue #15658 Fixed saving UI displayed columns on a non database request fails + - issue #16495 Fix drop tables checkbox is above the checkbox for foreign keys + - issue #16485 Fix visual query builder missing "Build Query" button + - issue #16565 Added 'IF EXISTS' to 'DROP EVENT' when updating events to avoid replication issues + - issue Removed metro fonts that where Apache-2.0 files that are incompatible with GPL-2.0 + - issue #16464 Made the relation view default to the current database when creating relations + - issue #16463 Fixed 'REFERENCES' privilege checkbox's title on new MySQL versions and on MariaDB + - issue #16405 Added jest as a Unit Testing tool for our javascript code + - issue #16252 Fixed the too small font size when editing rows (textareas) + - issue #16585 Fixed BLOB to JPG transformation PHP errors + - issue Made the console setup async to avoid blocking the page render + - issue #16429 Use PHP 8.0 fixed version (commit) for TCPDF + - issue #16005 Major performance improvements on browsing a lot of rows + - issue #16595 Fixed editing columns having a `_` in their name in specific conditions + - issue #16608 Fix "Sort by key" restore auto saved value + - issue #16611 Fixed unable to add tables to rename aliases twice on Export + - issue #16621 Fixed link HTML messed up in Advisor + - issue #16622 Fixed Advisor formatting incorrect for long_query_time notice + - issue #15389 Fixed reset current page indicator after deleting all rows to current page and not page 1 + - issue #15997 Fixed auto save query + - issue #15997 Made auto saved query database or database+table independent + - issue #16641 Fixed query generation that was allowing JSON to have a length + - issue #15994 Fixed the selected value detection for "on update current_timestamp" + - issue #16614 Fixed PHP 8.0 dataseek offset call to the MySQLI extension + - issue #16662 Fixed Uncaught TypeError on "delete" button click of a database search results page + - issue Fixed Undefined index: selected_usr when the user tried to delete no selected user + - issue #16657 Fixed the QBE interface when the configuration storage is not enabled + - issue #16479 Fix our Selenium test-suite + - issue #16669 Fixed table search modal for BETWEEN + - issue #16667 Fixed LIKE and TINYINT in search not working properly + - issue #16424 Fixed numerical search in table and zoom + - issue Improve the version handling (new Version class) and add a VERSION_SUFFIX for vendors + - issue #14494 Fix uncaught TypeError when editing partitioning + - issue #16525 Fix PHP 8.0 failing tests when comparing 0 to '' + - issue #16429 Fixed PHP 8.0 errors on preg_replace and operand types + - issue #16490 Fixed PHP 8.0 function libxml_disable_entity_loader() is deprecated + - issue #16429 Fixed failing unit tests on PHP 8.0 + - issue #16609 Fixed Sql.rearrangeStickyColumns is not a function +- Rebase phpMyAdmin-config.patch. + +- Use coreutils to generate blowfish secret to reduce dependencies + +- Attempt to migrate modified configuration file rather than just + replacing it by default configuration + +- The apache subpackage must require the main package, otherwise it + will not be uninstalled when the main package is uninstalled + +- Generate blowfish secret and enable Apache modules/flags only on + install +- Only empty temporary directory on upgrade/uninstall (not remove) + to prevent RPM warnings/errors +- Don't empty directories not owned by this package (these should + have been cleaned up by previous versions that owned them) + +- Use %apache_request_restart/%apache_restart_if_needed macros to restart + apache in order to prevent unneccessary restarts + +- Package language files in separately + +- Put Apache configuration files in separate subpackage +- Generate blowfish secret with openssl on non-openSUSE systems as + pwgen is not available + +- Use system apache rpm macros + +- Update to 5.0.4 + - issue #16245 Fix failed Zoom search clears existing values + - issue Fixed a PHP error when reporting a particular JS error + - issue #16326 Fixed latitude and longitude swap for geometries in edit mode + - issue #16032 Fix CREATE TABLE not being tracked when auto tracking is enabled + - issue #16397 Fix compatibility problems with older PHP versions (also issue #16399) + - issue #16396 Fix broken two-factor authentication +- Changes from 5.0.3 + - +- Changes from 5.0.2 + - +- Changes from 5.0.1 + - +- Changes from 5.0.0 + - +- Set php >= 7.4 as recommends because: + Due to changes in the MySQL authentication method, PHP versions + prior to 7.4 are unable to authenticate to a MySQL 8.0 or newer + server (our tests show the problem actually began with MySQL 8.0.11). + This relates to a PHP bug +- Remove Suggests: php-mcrypt as described in boo#1050980 +- Change tmpdir from ap_docroot/tmp to localstatedir/cache/phpMyAdmin. + +- phpMyAdmin 4.9.7: - This is a security release. + This is a security release. +- fix for boo#1170743 + phpMyAdmin installation wipes it's sysconfig apache_server_flag entry + +- Don't expand @FQDN@ from /etc/HOSTNAME (this used to set + $cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] parameter, but this variable is no longer + in the config.sample.ini file) + +- Drop python-devel BuildRequires: python2 is EOL and this seems + unused. +- Drop xz BuildRequires: OBS takes care of unpacking the tarball. + +- fix for boo#1092345 + * change ap_docroot from /srv/www/htdocs to /usr/share + work is based on changes provided by + if phpMyAdmin.conf for apache was changed by local admin, we will + create a backup and replace the original file with the new version + sorry admins, but you need to apply your changes again + * needed Alias /phpMyAdmin is an enabled APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS default + for more info have a look into /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf +- cleanup tmp/twig on + * uninstall + * ap_docroot change + phpPgAdmin +- Update to 7.13.0 + - Add support for Postgres 13 + - Add provisional support for Postgres 14 + - Upgrade Jquery library to 3.4.1 + - Allow users to see group owned databases when using "owned only" + - Fix bug where sorting on selects dumped you to the table screen + - This release drops support for PHP 7.1 + - This will be the last release to support PHP 7.2 +- Put apache configuration files in separate subpackage. + +- use system apache rpm macros + +- change ap_docroot from /srv/www/htdocs to /usr/share + if phpPgAdmin.conf for apache was changed by local admin, we will + create a backup and replace the original file with the new version + sorry admins, but you need to apply your changes again +- needed Alias /phpPgAdmin is an enabled APACHE_SERVER_FLAGS default + for more info have a look into /etc/apache2/conf.d/phpPgAdmin.conf +- add +- some rpmlint fixes + +- Version 7.12.1 (December 10, 2019) + Features: + * Add support for granting USAGE on sequences + * Update French translation + Bugs: + * Fix issues with OID removal in Postgres 12+ + * Remove broken tree branch from table/view browse option + * Properly escape identifiers when browsing tables/views/schemas + * Fix truncation of long multibyte strings + * Clean up a number of misspellings and typos from codespell report + Incompatabilities: + * Require mbstring module support in PHP +- Version 7.12.0 (September 28, 2019) + Features + * Add Support for PHP 7.x + * Add Support for Postgres 12 + * Update Bootstrap to version 3.3.7 (wisekeep) + Bugs + * Fix several issues with CSS files (wisekeep) + * Clean up file permissions (nirgal) + * Fixed Reflected XSS vulnerability (om3rcitak) + * Fixes with sequence visbility and permission handling. + Incompatabilities: + * We no longer support php5 (>= 7.1) + * Change in version numbering system +- rebase patch + * rename to +- fix changes file + -- update to 5.0.2 - - Released: 3rd January 2011 - - Some bug fixes. - * Fix a css typo & error in cappuccino theme - * Fix #3139003 "Autocomplete doesn't insert value", report and - patch by Aleksander Machniak - * Fix bad inheritance between pg83 -> pg instead of pg83 -> pg84 in - the database access classes. This bug was breaking some - functionnalities with 8.3 - * Fix a lot of nonstandard escaped string in the database access - classes - - Version 5.0.1 - - Released: 14th December 2010 - - Minor bug fix and update version. - * Fix #3124417 "Wrong german translation", reported by schnoesel - * Fix (officialy) a bug where non-super user roles cannot check - ownership on objects - * Add forgotten Galician language to the target "all" of lang/Makefile - * Update jQuery library to current stable 1.4.4 - * remove useless date from the topbar informations. - This was the only place that did PHP 5.3 complain about bad timezone - configuration (a non-PPA related warning). As it was a totaly - useless information, we decide to remove it. - - Version 5.0 - - Released: 29th November 2010 - - Features - * Support for PostgreSQL 8.4 and 9.0 - * Support for database level collation for 8.4+ - * Support for schema level export - * Add ability to alter schema ownership - * Clean up domain support and improve interface - * Add support for commenting on functions - * Allow user to rename role/users and set new passwords at the same time - * Greatly enhanced Full-Text-Search capabilities (ioguix, Loomis_K) - * Overhauled Selenium Test suite to support multiple database versions - * Optimized application graphics (Limo Driver) - * Support for Column Level Privileges - * Allow users to specify a template database at database creation time - * Support killing processes - * Add ability to create indexes concurrently - * Much better support of autovacuum configuration - * Add an admin page for table level - * Refactored autocompletion: - * fix support for cross-schema objects - * support multi-field FK - * support for pagination of values in the auto-complete list - * Allow user to logicaly group their server under custom named - node in the browser tree - * New themes (Cappuccino and Gotar) and a theme switcher on the - introduction page - * Auto refresh Locks page - * Auto refresh Processes page - * Link in the bottom of the page to go to top of page - * Browsing on Foreign Keys (When browsing a table, clicking on a - FK value, jump to the PK row) - - Bugs - * Fix problems with query tracking on overly long queries - * Ensure pg_dump paths are valid - * Fix multiple bugs about quoting and escaping database objects - names with special chars - * Fix multiple bugs in the browser tree - * Fix multiple bugs on the SQL and script file import form - * One security fix about code injection - * Don't allow inserting on a table without fields - * Some fix about commenting databases - * removed deprecated functions from PHP 5.3 - * Lot of code cleanup - * Many other small minor bugs found on our way - * Fix the operator property page - - Translations - * Czech (Marek Cernocky) - * Greek (Adamantios Diamantidis) - * Brazillian Portuguese (Fernando Wendt) - * Galician (Adrián Chaves Fernández) - - Incompatabilities - * No longer support PHP < 5.0 - * No longer support Postgres < 7.4 -- some spec cleanup - o fix description - -- update to 4.2.3 - * Fix bug where space as first character in a bytea column was - removed by html renderer - * Check if the given pg_dumpall / pg_dump paths are correct before - using them - * Fix some transalation files that had bad UTF-8 declaration, rising - a warning - * Fix bug with tables that contain quote in their name - * support PHP 5.3 -- Version 4.2.2 - * Fix bug where long SQL queries get truncated - * Fix createFunction method on PostgreSQL < 7.3 - * Fix bug with alter schema in PostgreSQL < 7.4 - * Remove alter domain for PostgreSQL < 7.4 - * Fix local file inclusion vulnerability: - - Unset language variable before determine file includes -- Version 4.2.1 - * Fix table icon/link disapearing when navigating between pages - during column browse (ioguix) - * Fix import/export links from tree menu (Denis Golovtsov, ioguix) - * Fix missing language string for shared credential logout - * Add missing text search functions/operators (Loomis K, xzilla) - * Update FAQ info for postgres win32 releases - * Fix database list error for users without connect privileges on - all databases (Thomi Dammann, xzilla) -- add/remove patches - * remove obsolete CVE-2008-5587 patch - * add patch -- add http config -- add some macros -- fix deps -- fix descr -- remove changelog from spec - -- Added phpPgAdmin-CVE-2008-5587.patch to fix a directory - traversal vulnerability (bnc#462762). - -- update to Version 4.2 - * Add Analyze to Table Level Actions (ioguix) - * Add support for multiple actions on main pages (ioguix, Robert Treat) - * Added favicon for Mozilla and a backwards compatible version for IE. - * Allow browsers to save different usernames and passwords for different servers. - * Pagination selection available for reports - * You can configure reports db, schema and table names - * Add support for creating a table using an exsting one (ioguix) - * Auto-expand a node in the tree browser if there are no other nodes (Tomasz Pala) - * Add column about fields constraints type + links in table properties page (ioguix) - * Support for built-in Full Text Search (Ivan Zolotukhin) - * Addd alter name, owner & comment on views (ioguix) - * Add column about called procedure + links to their definition in the triggers - properties page (ioguix) - * Add Support for Enum type creation (ioguix,xzilla) - * Add alter name, owner, comment and properties for sequences (ioguix) - * Add function costing options (xzilla) - * Add alter owner & schema on function (xzilla) - * Add a popup window for the session requests history (karl, ioguix) - * Add alter table, view, sequence schema (ioguix) - * several bugfixes - picard +- Update to 2.6.4: + * PICARD-2199 - Saving ID3 ratings fails, if rating e-mail contains + non latin-1 characters + * PICARD-2200 - Copy and pasting function names from inline scripting + docs can copy Unicode left-to-right mark + * PICARD-2230 - Picard fails to start on Windows if the hostname + contains non-ASCII characters and browser integration is enabled + * PICARD-2269 - "TypeError: arguments did not match any overloaded + call" with Python 3.10 + * PICARD-2274 - Picard 2.6.3 crashes when track is removed or moved + during lookup + +- Update to 2.6.3: + * PICARD-2205[1] - Syntax highlighting ignores functions + starting with underscore or numbers + * PICARD-2206[2] - Fix tab order in option pages + * PICARD-2209[3] - Minimizing / maximizing Picard window + registers desktop status indicator multiple times + * PICARD-2214[4] - Backslash at end of script raises TypeError + * PICARD-2219[5] - Empty file naming script causes files + to be renamed to _ext + * PICARD-2226[6] - Some config changes are not applied + until restart + +- Update to 2.6.2: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-2188 - Plugin update can fetch old version from + network cache + - PICARD-2191 - Revert title and track number guessed from + filename should show up as changed metadata + +- Update to 2.6.1: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-2160 - Switching dark mode in macOS preferences does + not change list elements leading to mix of light and + dark mode + - PICARD-2166 - "Use original values" for a tag on a large + selection takes very long with a high CPU usage + - PICARD-2168 - Keyboard shortcut to trigger script editor + auto completion does not work on macOS + - PICARD-2170 - Title and track number guessed from filename + should show up as changed metadata + - PICARD-2173 - "Search for similar tracks" is enabled by + default, causes crash if used without selection + - PICARD-2187 - Scripting error in file naming options is + not displayed properly + * New Features + - PICARD-2161 - Add script function $unique to remove + duplicate values from multi-value variables + - PICARD-2177 - Add script function $replacemulti to replace + entries in multi-value variables + * Improvements + - PICARD-2157 - Reduce comparison overhead of logging window + - PICARD-2162 - Coverart box is slow to update when many files + are selected + - PICARD-2185 - Remove empty elements from $map() output + +- Update to 2.6: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-2156 - macOS: Use Cmd+Shift+H instead of Cmd+H for + opening history view to avoid conflicts with system keyboard + shortcut to hide window + - PICARD-2159 - macOS: Scripting Documentation dialog opens + behind options dialog + * Improvements + - PICARD-2158 - Make Scripting Documentation dialog available + in renaming script + - PICARD-2164 - Add shortcut Ctrl+T for "Search for similar + tracks" +- Version 2.6.0b3 + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-2135 - Tags license and website cannot be deleted and + get duplicated on update for ID3 + - PICARD-2136 - macOS: File browser does not use user's home + folder by default + - PICARD-2138 - macOS: After saving options the toolbar style + changes + * Improvements + - PICARD-1357 - Support dark mode on macOS Mojave 10.14 and + later + - PICARD-2095 - Allow the user to choose between light or + dark theme on Windows and macOS +- Version 2.6.0b2 + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-2131 - Tagger button reacts slow in Firefox + * Improvements + - PICARD-2130 - Restructure cover art options to make them + easier to understand +- Version 2.6.0b1 + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1528 - "Search for similar albums" causes crashes if + the selection includes clusters and files + - PICARD-1689 - Freezes when adding tags to large album + - PICARD-1747 - macOS: Tearing when scrolling list of plugins + - PICARD-1926 - "Show changes first" in tag preview window + leads to freeze + - PICARD-2088 - Picard hangs when adding new tag to multiple + tracks in an album + - PICARD-2091 - Loading images from cover art via drag and + drop from browser only loads PNG and JPEG images + - PICARD-2097 - Crash with zh_CN locale + - PICARD-2113 - Script can change title of "Unclustered files" + special cluster + - PICARD-2127 - "Lookup in browser" in metadata box does not + pass tagger port + * New Features + - PICARD-204 - Support for track-level original release date + - PICARD-1998 - Add "director" (for videos) tag + - PICARD-2089 - Support WebP images for cover art + - PICARD-2124 - Add MB release annotation field as + %_releaseannotation% variable + * Tasks + - PICARD-715 - Chrome to block browser access to localhost + - PICARD-1950 - Fix macOS builds with PyQt > 5.13.2 + * Improvements + - PICARD-2084 - Use TLS for AcoustID web service requests + - PICARD-2090 - Reenable TIFF support for cover art images + - PICARD-2092 - Improve script editor function/variable auto + completion + - PICARD-2105 - Improve script function popup descriptions + - PICARD-2110 - Add %originaldate% and %originalyear% to file + naming examples + - PICARD-2114 - Show disambiguation comment in CD Lookup + popup window + - PICARD-2125 - Enable CAA Release Group cover art provider + by default + - PICARD-2126 - Allow cross origin access to browser + integration + +- Update to 2.5.6: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-2074 - Crash when trying to add new tags + - PICARD-2083 - Snap version: path to fpcalc gets invalid + after update + - PICARD-2087 - Adding new tags crashes Picard with Qt < 5.10 + +- Update to 2.5.5: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-2070 - Lookup on cluster only moves every other file + - PICARD-2071 - Track listings sometimes in reverse order +- Update to 2.5.4: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-2067 - 2.5.3 crashes on start on Windows +- Update to 2.5.3: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-2016 - AcoustID API Key is not stripped + - PICARD-2017 - Picard crashes when removing entries on the + right side while loading + - PICARD-2019 - Saving tracks to SMB share on Windows 10 + results in ever more nested folders + - PICARD-2020 - Multi-value album or recording ID tags prevent + Picard from loading the proper albums + - PICARD-2021 - SameFileError when moving files between network + path and local path on Windows + - PICARD-2022 - Crash accessing network share without access + rights on Windows + - PICARD-2023 - Appdata file not generated on non-Linux + platforms + - PICARD-2028 - Deleting albums and saving files is extremely + slow + - PICARD-2031 - Scripting documentation link 404 + - PICARD-2036 - MultiMetadataProxy::pop is not flagged as a + WRITE_METHOD; this breaks the "keep" plugin + - PICARD-2037 - Improve Info/Error tab readability + - PICARD-2045 - After fingerprint, unsaved tracks have green + tick + - PICARD-2050 - File selector pane jumps around horizontally + instead of expanding / collapsing the folder + - PICARD-2056 - Interface color changes are not saved + - PICARD-2058 - Add File dialog does not show files with + uppercase extension on case-sensitive file systems + - PICARD-2059 - Scripting Documentation shows extra line for + each function + - PICARD-2062 - Searching for similar tracks can remove current + album even if there are unmatched tracks + - PICARD-2064 - Cluster shows empty album column + * Improvements: + - PICARD-2034 - Add context menu entry for copy and paste to + metadata view + - PICARD-2035 - More verbose tooltip for album error icon + - PICARD-2038 - Integrate metadata box clipboard with system + clipboard + - PICARD-2039 - Unify error handling for albums, non-album + tracks and files, show errors in info dialog + - PICARD-2044 - Add date and originaldate fields to the choice + of columns in the list views + - PICARD-2046 - AcoustID submission can fail due to body size + limit of AcoustID server + - PICARD-2047 - Improve contrast for console text in dark mode + - PICARD-2057 - Allow showing all files in Add Files dialog + - PICARD-2063 - Add an option to disable automatic horizontal + scrolling in file browser + +- Update to 2.5.2: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-1991 - Case-only changes to file names are not applied + on case insensitive file systems on Linux + - PICARD-1992 - Case-only changes to file names are not applied + on FAT32 and exFAT file systems on Windows 10 + - PICARD-2001 - Directory drag & drop from file browser to + cluster area broken + - PICARD-2004 - Metadata changes loaded asynchronously by + plugins are reset if file gets matched to track + - PICARD-2005 - Modified fields are sometimes not correctly + marked as changed when multiple files are selected + - PICARD-2006 - "Local files" cover provider does not detect + cover files for files already present at release loading time + - PICARD-2012 - Loaded files not shown in UI if release + MBID is a redirect + - PICARD-2014 - Config upgrade from Picard < 1.3.0 to + version 2.4 or later fails + * Improvements: + - PICARD-1828 - Allow assigning cover art to multiple selected + files + - PICARD-1999 - Provide binary distributions for Windows and + macOS on PyPI + - PICARD-2007 - Disable analyze / audio fingerprinting for MIDI + files + +- Update to 2.5.1: + * Bugfixes: + - PICARD-1987 - Special variables %_multiartist%, %_pregap%, + %_datatrack% and %_totalalbumtracks% missing after files + got matched to a track + - PICARD-1988 - Aborts if directory scan finds a directory + which cannot be read + - PICARD-1989 - Auto-sizing does not work right on first column + - PICARD-1990 - Case-only changes to file names are not applied + on Windows if running with Python >= 3.8 + * Improvements: + - PICARD-1985 - Support chorus master recording relationships + as "performer:chorus master" instead of second conductor + - PICARD-1995 - Add command line parameter --no-player to + disable media player + - PICARD-1997 - Reduce performance impact of fingerprinting + column + +- Update to 2.5: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-214 - Take case insensitive file systems into account + when renaming files + - PICARD-1972 - Times missing in bottom panel + - PICARD-1973 - Multi-value tags getting flattened when files + get matched to tracks + - PICARD-1974 - Picard crashes when using the same tag name + more than once in "Tags from File Names..." + - PICARD-1975 - Tags from file names does not properly set + hidden tags + - PICARD-1976 - Cover art providers do not handle URLs with + query arguments correctly + - PICARD-1979 - Comment tag in MP4 not saved correctly + - PICARD-1982 - Cover art not saving properly + * Improvements + - PICARD-1978 - Add keyboard shortcut for Tags From Filenames + and allow to place it in toolbar +- Update to 2.5.0b1: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1882 - Scripting text not well readable with + dark theme on KDE + - PICARD-1888 - Returning tracks to cluster uses matched + release rather than what's in the files + - PICARD-1932 - Failed AcoustID submission shows as successful + - PICARD-1939 - Crash when "Remove" button is hit without + picking a file first + - PICARD-1941 - Unchanged multi-value tags on tracks show up + as changed + - PICARD-1954 - Right-clicking on album with "could not load + album" message crashes + - PICARD-1956 - It is possible to have the same file multiple + times inside the same cluster + - PICARD-1961 - Capitalization for non-standardized instruments + - PICARD-1963 - Possible stack overflow when loading files + - PICARD-1964 - Scripting documentation does not support RTL + languages + - PICARD-1969 - Browser integration port changes without saving + options + - PICARD-1971 - Tags from file names dialog does not restore + window size + * New Features + - PICARD-259 - Make file-specific variables and metadata + available to tagger script + - PICARD-534 - Support SOCKS proxy + - PICARD-1908 - Allow loading release group URLs / MBIDs + - PICARD-1942 - Display tracklist in Info dialog for loaded + releases + - PICARD-1946 - Map "vocal arranger" rel to arranger tag + * Improvements + - PICARD-1390 - Apply a network timeout to avoid network + requests hanging indefinitely + - PICARD-1782 - Allow locking table headers to prevent + accidental resorting + - PICARD-1879 - When dragging tracks onto a release add + those tracks sequentially + - PICARD-1906 - Clarify uninstall message in Windows installer + - PICARD-1936 - Rename the "Whitelist" cover art provider to + "Allowed Cover Art URLs" + - PICARD-1937 - Add context menu entry to cover art box to + browse for local file + - PICARD-1938 - Add context menu option to load files / folders + from file browser + - PICARD-1951 - Avoid complete hiding of metadata box or file + panes + - PICARD-1952 - Allow using native Qt styles on Linux + - PICARD-1955 - Use built-in search by default for new installs + - PICARD-1957 - Load files in file browser on double click + - PICARD-1958 - macOS: Offer link to Applications folder in + disk image + - PICARD-1959 - In disc ID dialog rename "Lookup in Browser" + to "Submit disc ID" + - PICARD-1960 - Allow adding new items in list editor views + using Insert key + - PICARD-1965 - Allow opening fingerprinting options in + AcoustID missing API key dialog + * Tasks + - PICARD-1929 - Make NSIS installer translations available on + Transifex + +- Update to 2.4.4: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1931 - Regression: "Unmatched Files" do not appear + when release was deleted from MB +- Update to 2.4.3: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1916 - Picard crashes on older releases of macOS due + to theming exception + - PICARD-1918 - Saving files fails if there is no front image + and "Save only one front image as separate file" is enabled + - PICARD-1921 - Windows 10: With dark theme inactive checkboxes + cannot be distinguished from active ones + - PICARD-1928 - After clustering fingerprint icon disappears + - PICARD-1931 - Regression: "Unmatched Files" do not appear + when release was deleted from MB + * Improvements + - PICARD-1935 - Include tests in PyPI sdist tarball + +- Update to 2.4.2: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1909 - No refresh of metadata on "Use Original Value" + or remove tags + - PICARD-1911 - Removing tags does not update list views + - PICARD-1913 - Changing tags of a track without matched files + changes original metadata + - PICARD-1914 - Editing track metadata edits data of previously + linked file + - PICARD-1915 - An album selected during loading should update + the metadata view when loading has finished + - PICARD-1916 - Picard crashes on older releases of macOS due + to theming exception + * Improvements + - PICARD-1860 - New added tag should open field to enter value + automatically + - PICARD-1899 - Update help links to go to + + - PICARD-1920 - Open documentation in options dialog using the + platform's help shortcut (e.g. F1 on Windows or Ctrl+? on macOS) +- Update to 2.4.1: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1904 - Picard 2.4 does not start on Windows 7 and Windows 8 + +- Update to 2.4: + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1763 - App does not start on macOS 10.13 High Sierra + - PICARD-1873 - Scripting documentation uses an ugly font on Windows + - PICARD-1881 - Function names in script documentation not readable + with dark theme + - PICARD-1884 - No tracknumber tag if track number is 0 + - PICARD-1889 - "Use track relationships" is including release + relationships + - PICARD-1890 - User is warned about color changes when exiting + options, even if no change was made + - PICARD-1891 - Crash parsing bad date in metadata + - PICARD-1892 - Deleting "Total Tracks" or "Total Discs" from + Vorbis tags causes save to fail + - PICARD-1894 - Detecting track number from filename wrongly + detects leading or trailing numbers + - PICARD-1896 - Instrument arranger is not being mapped for + tagging using the correct key + - PICARD-1902 - Crash when typing $noop(\) in the script editor + * New Features + - PICARD-1128 - Support Microsoft WAVE format (RIFF/WAVE) tagging + with ID3 + - PICARD-1839 - Support DSDIFF (DFF) files + * Improvements + - PICARD-1812 - Support RIFF INFO chunks for WAVE files + - PICARD-1871 - Use tag list editor for preserved tags + - PICARD-1875 - Improve function documentation for $firstalphachar + - PICARD-1878 - Inefficient reading of tracks leads to slow saving + on some file systems and network shares + - PICARD-1880 - Use Consolas font on Windows for monospace font + (script editor, log view etc.) + - PICARD-1887 - On macOS use dark syntax theme if dark mode is + enabled (currently only when running from source) +- Update to 2.4.0b2 + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1864 - Adding single files does ignore existing MBIDs + - PICARD-1866 - Coverart pane does not update during / after + saving files + - PICARD-1867 - Guess format fallback is broken + - PICARD-1868 - CAA type selection dialog does not translate + "Unknown" +- Update to 2.4.0b1 + * Bugfixes + - PICARD-1753 - Fix font size of script editor and log view + on Windows + - PICARD-1807 - Wrong error handling when using python-libdiscid + - PICARD-1813 - $title function throws error on empty value + - PICARD-1820 - PLUGIN_VERSION no longer displayed correctly + in plugins dialog + - PICARD-1823 - Genre tag ordering is non-deterministic + - PICARD-1826 - "no appropriate stream found" when saving .ogg + (OPUS) file + - PICARD-1838 - Files with a .dff file extension are interpreted + as DSF files and fail to load + - PICARD-1853 - Crash if tags contain null character + - PICARD-1855 - Relationships not tagged for non-album track + - PICARD-1859 - "ValueError: Invalid literal" followed by crash + when opening certain files + * New Features + - PICARD-1704 - Support Windows 10 dark mode + - PICARD-1797 - Autocompletion for script functions and variables + - PICARD-1798 - Add support for inline translatable documentation + * Improvements + - PICARD-824 - Expand all option submenus by default + - PICARD-920 - Remember selected options page + - PICARD-1117 - Instrumental recordings of a work should set + language to "No lyrics" + - PICARD-1796 - Consider release date when matching files to + releases + - PICARD-1805 - Make it easier to add the first script + - PICARD-1818 - Make PyQt5.QtDBus optional + - PICARD-1829 - Add support for disc numbers in cluster Info + dialog tracklists + - PICARD-1831 - Mitigate performance impacts of file selection + and UI updates during processing + - PICARD-1840 - Instrumental recordings of a work should drop + the lyricist credit + - PICARD-1842 - AIFF and DSF: Add support for albumsort, + artistsort, titlesort and discsubtitle + - PICARD-1843 - Improve load and clustering performance + - PICARD-1844 - Further improve loading and clustering performance + - PICARD-1845 - Add "lookup in browser" for musicbrainz_discid tag + in metadata view + - PICARD-1846 - Metadata.unset should not raise KeyError + - PICARD-1847 - Restructure tag compatibility options + - PICARD-1852 - Make about a separate dialog + - PICARD-1854 - Improve sorting performance in main window + - PICARD-1856 - Use pgettext function in Python 3.8 + - - [PICARD-1783] - Deleting performer, comment or lyrics tag fails for some cases in ID3, Vorbis, MP4 and Apev2 tags + - [PICARD-1783] - Deleting performer, comment or lyrics tag fails + for some cases in ID3, Vorbis, MP4 and Apev2 tags - - [PICARD-1785] - $delete(_id3:TXXX:foo) does not delete the ID3 frames - - [PICARD-1786] - Deleting tag stored in ID3 TIPL frame only removes first occurrence - - [PICARD-1787] - Deleting case-insensitive TXXX frames does not delete anything - - [PICARD-1788] - Saving ID3 tags marked as case-insensitive causes duplicated TXXX frames + - [PICARD-1785] - $delete(_id3:TXXX:foo) does not delete the ID3 + frames + - [PICARD-1786] - Deleting tag stored in ID3 TIPL frame only removes + first occurrence + - [PICARD-1787] - Deleting case-insensitive TXXX frames does not + delete anything + - [PICARD-1788] - Saving ID3 tags marked as case-insensitive causes + duplicated TXXX frames - - [PICARD-1795] - iTunes tags not removable (reappear after being deleted) + - [PICARD-1795] - iTunes tags not removable (reappear after being + deleted) picom +- update to 8.2: + * Fixes assertion failures related to WIN_FLAGS_SHADOW_STALE, see #479 + * write-pid-path in configuration file now accepted, see #492 + * Pid files are now deleted during shutdown, see #492 + * Build fixes for certain platforms, see #501, #502 + +- Since it requires dbus, use dbus by default. + +- Updated to version 8 + * You can now use the time variable in window shaders to get a + timestamp. An example usage is to create animated effects, + e.g. + * --max-brightness, which allows you to dim windows that are + too bright. When enabled, all windows' average brightness will + be clamped to the set value. + * Automatic configuration file reloading after it's changed. + * A lot of the artifacts seen with blur and use-damage enabled + are fixed. + * _NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR property are now handled. + (Related to i3/i3lock#204) + * Completely transparent windows won't have a blurred background + anymore. + * Improved fullscreen window detection. Now EWMH is used to + detect fullscreen windows as well. You can turn it off with + - -no-ewmh-fullscreen + * Various improvments to the script + * wintype notify has been renamed to notification to match the + EWMH names. (Old name still works) + * picom no longer sets the opacity property on windows based on + opacity rules. This is to fix the problem where picom "forgets" + it set the opacity property after, e.g., window manager + restarts. + * libxdg-basedir is no longer a dependency + * Fixed wrong client window detection after i3wm restarts + * Fixed wallpaper disappearing after screen resolution changes. + * Fixed crashing when a really big window is created with shadow + * Fixed --frame-opacity with the experimental backends + * --blur-* command line options are now handled properly + * Various build fixes + * Various memory leakage fixes + * Various documentation fixes and improvments + * Various other crash, assertion failure fixes + * Fixed some left over problems related to terminals in floating + scratchpads losing transparency after restarting i3 + * Using these options is now an error: alpha-step, -d, -S, + - -no-named-pixmap xrender-sync. They were deprecated in v5. + paint-on-overlay, --dbe. They were deprecated in v4. + * Error messages will no longer be printed for these removed + options: glx-use-copysubbuffermesa, glx-copy-from-front. + They were removed in v7 + pin -- read the correct column of /etc/os-release to really fix boo#1095723 +- read the correct variable from /etc/os-release to really fix boo#1095723 +- Fix typo SuSE-Release -> SuSE-release + +- final fix for [bsc#1095723] + -- package with cboltz fixes subbmitted - Sun May 6 19:58:00 CET 2007 - cboltz -- fixed fix for bug #188068, copying ARCHIVES.gz should now work - with any shell -- clean up tempfile if pin gets killed or Ctrl-c'ed (bug #218263) - -- --nosignature --nodigest for rpm -qa to speedup (thanks Pascal) -- su & tcsh fix (bug #188068) (thanks Volker) - pinfo +- added -Wno-error=format to CPPFLAGS to avoid compilation errors + +- update to 0.6.13: + - Fix crash on 32-bit architectures + - minor release to fix the use of defualt colors (COLOR_DEFAULT) on ncurses + installs; COLOR_DEFAULT values in pinforc were silently ignored, causing + pinfo to use black-on-balc or white-on-white text + - remove AM_MAINTAINER_MODE from autoconf scripts to make sure all necessary + files are always rebuilt on ./configure && make + - fix possibel buffer overflow (and compiler error with gcc 8.2) + - Gracefully handle missing indirect info nodes + - Fix infinite loop when regexp-matching an empty string + - Fix loading of bare info pages (i.e., without .info extension) + - Properly load info pages whose name starts with "dir" + - Changes and tweaks to the auto* build tools + - Get rid of inlined functions, which break building with gcc7 + - Fix segfautl when closing unopened file + - Fix typos in docs + - Fix compiler warnings + - Fix a number of out-of-buffer write, buffer overflows, string truncations + - Clean up documentation + - Correctly handle redirected stdin and/or stdout ( + - Fix crash after failed global search + - Make curses mouse behaviour configurable + Note: this changes the default behaviour to not capture the mouse. To + restore the old behaviour, set GRAB-MOUSE=true in pinforc. + - Avoid an infinite loop for malformed info pages + - Add readline tab completion for nodes ( + - Correct parse node links that span multiple (indented) lines. + - If a direct info page hit isn't found, try to look up a node in the dir + - Improve lookup of info pages + - Fix linking to man pages in a different section + - Fix the -n/--node command line option + - Fix issue with handling of suspend/resume and character input + - New maintainer: Bas Zoetekouw <> + - License is now GPL version 2 only + - Updated German, Dutch, English, Polish, Russian, Czech translations and + added Basque, Swedish, Viernamese and Brazilian translations. Thanks to + Jens Seidel, Rene van Bevern, Piarres Beobide, Krzysztof Krzyzaniak, Yuri + Kozlov, Eddy PetriÅŸor, KatarÃna Machálková, Clytie Siddall and Felipe + Augusto van de Wiel. + - Nodes containing a "." are now correctly found + - Non-ASCII man pages are displayed correctly + - Improved the history behavior of the search input line + - Broken tag tables are now automatically fixed + - Don't segfault when a broken regexp is entered + - Fixed a number of segfaults caused by using uninitialized pointers and + off-by-1 errors + - Fixed heap corruption caused by non-ascii chars in info pages + - Fixed a lot of patch searching issues + - Fixed text display on narrow terminals + - Fixed highlighting of searches + - The default pinforc now uses the terminal's default foreground and + background colors. Thanks to Rob Funk for a patch. + - Use libreadline by default; readline version 4 is now required. + - Better cooperation between ncurses and readline + - Fixed some memory leaks + - Got rid of tempnam() calls + - Fixed -Wall and -Wshadow compiler warnings + - Use utf8 in documentation files and fixed typoes +- add 16dba5978146b6d3a540ac7c8f415eda49280847.patch + 23c169877fda839f0634b2d193eaf26de290f141.patch: fix build issues with gcc 10 +- remove pinfo-0.6.10-tinfo.patch, pinfo-0.6.9-nul-strings.patch + pinfo-curses-detection.patch: upstream + +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + -- disable as-needed for this package as it fails to build with it - -- updated ncurses patch to stop it from looking for the wrong header - files - -- updated to version 0.6.9 - * Nodes containing a "." are now correctly found - * Non-ASCII man pages are displayed correctly - * Improved the history behavior of the search input line - * Broken tag tables are now automatically fixed - * Don't segfault when a broken regexp is entered - * Fixed a number of segfaults caused by using uninitialized - pointers and off-by-1 errors - * Fixed heap corruption caused by non-ascii chars in info pages - * Fixed a lot of patch searching issues - * Fixed text display on narrow terminals - * Fixed highlighting of searches - * The default pinforc now uses the terminal's default foreground - and background colors. Thanks to Rob Funk for a patch. - * Use libreadline by default; readline version 4 is now required - * Better cooperation between ncurses and readline - * Fixed some memory leaks - * Got rid of tempnam() calls - * Use utf8 in documentation files and fixed typoes -- fixed corrupted unicode characters in status line [#264229] - (ncursesw.patch) -- using %find_lang macro in spec file - pink-pony +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-compile-issues-caused-by-Imath-being-moved-out-o.patch + pinta +- Update to version 1.7: + * New Features / Improvements + + Added a tab view to switch between images. The tabs can also be docked side-by-side or pulled into new windows. (#94). + + The Rotate / Zoom dialog now supports zooming and panning (#1252756). + + Added a Smooth Erase tool, which is enabled using the Type menu on the Erase tool's toolbar (#110). + + The Pencil tool can switch between different blend modes (#124, #1688743). + + Added support for JASC PaintShop Pro palette files (#126). + + The transform tools can now rotate in fixed increments by holding Shift (#134). + + The Move Selected tool can now scale by holding Ctrl (#138). + + Dragging and dropping a URL (e.g. image from a web browser) to download and open the image is now supported (#80, #644123). + + Performance improvements when interacting with selections, particularly for large images (#1428740). + + The Rectangle Select tool now shows different arrow cursors at each corner of the selection (#1188143). + + Added an AppData file for integration with some Linux app stores (#121). + + A new user guide has been written for the Pinta website! Thanks to @jeneira94, @akaro2424, and @anadvu for their contributions! + * Changes + + .NET 4.5 / Mono 4.0 are now required. + + Mono 6.x is strongly recommended for Mac and Linux users. + + UI improvements to the New Image dialog (#99, [1424547). + + The Rotate / Zoom dialog now rotates in-place instead of changing the layer's size. + + Cairo blend operations are now used instead of PDN's managed blend modes (#98, #1248933, #1091910). + + The tool windows can now only be closed with the View -> Tool Windows menu, as it was easy to accidentally close them without knowing how to recover them (#1428720). + + The shortcut for the Intersect selection mode is now Alt + Left Click instead of using Shift, which had caused conflicts with holding Shift to constrain the selection to a square (#1426660). + * Bug Fixes + + Fixed many issues where selection changes did not update correctly (#1438022, #1188924, #1429830, #1098137, #105). + + Fixed incorrect behaviour when using the Shift key to constrain to a square or circle in the Rectangle and Ellipse tools (#1452607). + + The option to expand the canvas when pasting an image now only changes the canvas size in the dimension where the pasted image is larger (#1883623). + + Fixed a bug where Auto Crop used the current layer instead of the entire image when deciding what to crop, and takes the selection into account (#1434928, #1434906). + + Fixed potential crashes when switching tools without any open documents (#1425612). + + Fixed a potential bug where the OK button in the New Image dialog could be incorrectly disabled (#1430203). + + Fixed a crash when clicking on the Open Images pad after closing all images (#1430789). + + Fixed a bug where the Levels dialog closed unexpectedly when clicking on one of the color checkboxes (#1435045). + + The outline width settings on the Text Tool's toolbar now only show up if they are relevant to the stroke style being used (#1426663). + + Fixed a potential crash creating gradients (#1446217). + + Fixed issues where the selection handles disappeared after pressing Delete (#1424629). + + Fixed several transparency-related issues with premultiplied alpha (#109, #113, #114, #117, #125). + + Corrected display problems in the Move Selected Tool and live previews for effects (#115). + + Add-ins can now load icons correctly (#116). + + Fixed strange behaviour when the width or height of a drawn rounded rectangle is 0 (#112). + + Fixed issues with the text tool on OSX (#1425749). + + Fixed inconsistent labels in the UI (#1579033). + + Fixed issues with the zoom tool under certain locales (#139, #133, #1464855). + + Fixed issues when drawing on very zoomed-in images (#129, #133). + + Fixed issues where brushes could draw outside the selection (#1775709). + + Fixed issues with the docking library (#832395). + + Fixed a bug where undoing a history item could set the background palette color to the foreground color (#1888131). + + Fixed issues where the zoom level was not maintained when undoing a Crop to Selection (#1888885). + + Fixed an error on newer Mono versions when opening URLs via the menu items under the Help menu (#1888883). + + Fixed some occasional crashes on dragging and dropping or pasting into a new image (#1838620, #1508777). + + Fixed issues where using the Rectangle Select tool after the Move Selection or Move Selected Pixels tools did not update correctly (#1889647, #1473430, #1889774). + + Adjusted Pinta.Install.proj to simplify installing to a custom prefix (#781836). + +- Fix unresolvable Mono addins dependency + -- Update to 1.0 - * - -- Add missing Url tag - piper +- Update to version 0.6: + * Adds missing SVGs and device IDs for multiple devices. + pithos +- Update to 1.5.1: + * Add Quit to the app menu + * Remove the limit of 95 stations + * Handle Enter keypress in stations search + * Fix app menu keybindings failing to work + * Fix syntax error on Python 3.8 + * Fix an exception on newer versions of pygobject + * Fix album art downloads in Flatpak + * MPRIS: Fix media keys failing to bind on KDE + +- Update to version 1.5.0: + + This is a relatively small release fixing appmenu integration + on modern versions of GNOME as well as using more sandbox + (Flatpak) friendly APIs. Note that this move may introduce + behavior changes on some platforms. + + Remove appmenu and move into a menu button in the toolbar. + + Fix preference dialog accidentally getting destroyed. + + Notify: Migrate to GNotification. + + MPRIS: Rename name to match app-id + ( + + Screensaver Pause: Remove platform specific screensaver support + and use GTK's built-in detection. +- Drop pithos-fix-deprecated-pygobject.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Drop post(un) handling of glib2_gsettings_schema_post(un), + desktop_database_post(un) and icon_theme_cache_post(un), no + longer needed for any supported version of openSUSE. +- Drop update-desktop-files BuildRequires and macro, no longer + needed. + +- Create noarch pyc files (boo#1110032) + +- Update to version 1.4.1: + + Change default quality to high (mp3) + + Mark application as DBusActivatable + + MPRIS: Fix potential unhandled exception + + Mediakeys: Handle keyboards with a dedicated pause key + + Mediakeys: Fix support on GNOME-Shell 3.26+ and MATE + + Notify: Improve behavior on various notification servers +- Changes from version 1.4.0: + + Add new plugin that inhibits screensaver/suspend during + playback + + Add new plugin adding a 10-band equalizer + + Add new plugin that automatically normalizes volume between + tracks + + Add help entry (F1) that opens the wiki + + Replace build system with Meson + + Automatically detect if the user has Pandora One + + Improve saving and restoring window position + + Improve plugin loading performance and error reporting + + Notification Icon: Improve detecting if a tray is available + + Notification Icon: Add option to use symbolic icon +- Changes from version 1.3.1: + + Fix exception on Python 3.6+ + + Add ability to create stations based upon current song/artist + + Show useful error on renaming Thumbprint Radio + + Show useful error on creating already existing station + + Minor buffering improvements + + lastfm: Improve preferences and offer to deauthorize account + + mpris: Add extension for ratings and remove legacy interface + + mediakeys: Fix on future versions of GNOME 3.24.2+ + + mediakeys: Avoid using keybinder on Wayland (old keybinder + would crash) +- Changes from version 1.3.0: + + Add support for MPRIS TrackList and PlayList interface + + Add dynamic rating and cover icons based upon theme colors + + Add plugin for logging to systemd journal + + Add symbolic icon + + Add man page + + Improve handling playlist expiration + + Improve search in stations list + + Improve accessibility of UI + + Improve buffering behavior + + Improve libsecret support + + Remove dependency on libnotify + + Fix disabling keybindings plugin when using keybinder + + Fix notification icon trying to load on Wayland + + Fix failure to reconnect on login expiration + + Fix some plugins not being enabled by default + + Fix handling error on MPRIS plugin failure + + Fix migrating configs from < 0.3.18 +- Switch to meson buildsystem, add meson BuildRequires and + corresponding macros. +- Add pithos-fix-deprecated-pygobject.patch: Fix deprecated + PyGObject usage. +- Conditionalize post(un) handling, no longer needed for modern + versions of openSUSE. +- Drop fdupes BuildRequires and macro, no longer needed. + -- Update to version 0.3.17: - + Switch to JSON API to work around XMLRPC API update - (lp#988395). - + Fix rename station menu item. - + Update FSF address in (lp#987883). - + Remove #! header from files that are not executable - (lp#988364). -- Drop pithos-fix-incorrect-fsf-address.patch: fixed upstream. -- Drop pithos-fix-non-executable-script.patch: fixed upstream. - -- Updated to new version 0.3.16: - + Numerous bugfixes. - + Minor User Interface improvements. -- Add pithos-fix-incorrect-fsf-address.patch: Fix incorrect FSF - address (lp#987883). -- Add pithos-fix-non-executable-script.patch: Fix file contains a - shebang (lp#988364). - -- New bzr version now at revision 202: - + Tweaks to prefs dialog. - + Pass album art URL to MPRIS for Unity sound menu (lp#876984). - + Add "Quit" item to menu (lp#904589). - + Better handling of fatal gstreamer codec errors. - + Add "Player" to category to allow build on openSUSE Open Build - service (lp#976327). - + Handle urllib HTTPError. -- Drop pithos-fix-no-sufficient-category-definition.patch as this - has been upstreamed. - -- Initial build. -- Add pithos-fix-no-sufficient-category-definition.patch: Add - Player to categories in desktop file (lp#976327). - pkTriggerCord +- update to 0.85.00 + * K-1 battery fields fix + * K-70: read one push bracketing field + * Using one push bracketing field in command line + * Print out command line in debug mode + * K-70 bulb mode bugfix + * --settings + * K-1 bulb mode bugfix (testing) + * --dangerous no longer required for K-70 + * bulb_mode setting reading for K-70, K-50, K-01 + * better handling of unknown and n/a settings + * K-x settings parser (very simple) + * Checking both both /dev/block and /dev + * Android: using gradle instead of ant + * Android: nicer image download indicator + * GUI ISO table bugfix + * Updating lens info database ( exiftool 10.70 ) + * Android: better support of landscape mode + * GTK code cleanup + * Requires at least gtk+ 2.18 + * GTK status info/status hex bugfix + * Using command 0x02 0x00 for buffer mask (K-70, K-3II) + * Possibility to specify stdout as output file using - + * Default mode prints out status info instead of taking a picture + * using_aperture_ring setting reading for K-70 + * shake_reduction setting reading for K-70 + * astrotracer setting reading for K70, K-3II + * horizon_correction setting reading for K-70 + * astrotracer timer sec setting reading for K-3II + * K-3II bulb mode bugfix (testing) + * Restore bulb_timer, astrotracer fields after bulb + * CLI: Support for single buffer mode mode (K-70) + * GUI: Settings info + * GUI: Support for single buffer mode mode (K-70) + * Testing support for KP + * K-70 GUI image save bugfixes + * Android: Better error message if root access is missing. + * GUI ISO table simplification + * GUI Preview image bugfix + * Filename extension bugfixes + * Avoid double unrecognized option error message + * Show error message if servermode is specified in Windows + * Human readable selected/focused af point (for 11 AF points) + * K-70 AF selection mode reading hack + * K-70 reading selected af point + * --select_af_point also accepts raw numerical values + * Testing support for K-1 II +- add 0001-Makefile-remove-external-target.patch to fix build +- add 0001-rules-handle-permissions-by-uaccess.patch to switch from + groups to uaccess (bnc#1157352) -- dropped setcap mess + +- update to 0.84.04 + * about/version code cleanup + * Testing suport for K-70 + * K-70, K-1 selected_af_point hack + * K-1 bufmask testing + * GUI: Status hexdump + * New status field: auto_bracket_picture_counter + * GUI: Editable bulb exposure time + * GUI: Hide AF points if camera has more than 11 + * K-S1 bugfix + * K-70 battery field reading bugfix + * Handling two new jpeg image tones: CrossProcessing, Flat, Auto + * Handling new white balance modes: MultiAuto, Manual2, Manual3, Kelvin1, + Kelvin2, Kelvin3 + * Fixing incorrectly recognized exposure submodes + * Handling new exposure submodes: Forest, NightSceneHDR, BacklightSilhouette, + BlueSky + * Renaming exposure submode to scene mode + * Avoid infinite loop if green button fails + * Adding bufmask field to --status printing + * Handling higher ISO values in the GUI + * GUI: Avoid thumbnail reading, downscale preview instead + * Possibility to read lens database from latest exiftool + * Updating lens info database ( exiftool 10.300 ) + * Testing support for K-1 + * Small speedup + * servermode subcommand: set_shutter_speed, set_iso, usleep + * servermode: avoid segmentation fault if camera is not connected + * K-500 support + * Limited K-3 II support (Testing) + * K-3 support + * Eliminate GTK settings window closing warning + * Limited K-S1, K-S2 support + * Eliminate segmentation fault (non-root Linux usage) + * autosave, save as dialog cancel bugfix + * Linux/Android: driveinfo bugfix + pkgconf +- Update to version 1.8.0: + + Fix a minor memory leak relating to cross-personalities + + Fix some edge cases with --redefine-prefix + + Do not prepend sysroot_dir if the .pc file does not exist + in the sysroot + + Do not perform path filtering on default system include + and library path lists. + +- Update to 1.7.4 + + Add PKG_CONFIG_DONT_DEFINE_PREFIX environment variable + + Handle platforms where realpath(3) requires a pre-allocated + buffer + + Fix null-dereference crash when pulling a malformed + 'uninstalled' .pc file into a dependency tree. + +- do not own directories provided by filesystem +- small cleanups inspired by spec-cleaner + +- Add /usr/local paths to pkg-config(1) search path for non RPM builds (boo#1175039) + +- Update to 1.7.3 + - Bug fixes: + + Fix a possible out of boundary write when evaluating dependencies. + Patch by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Fix escaping logic on Windows. Patch by Vincent Torri. + + Fix out of boundary reads and writes with a malformed fragment. + Patches by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Fix a possible out of boundary write when evaluating tuples. + Patch by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Fix a windows-specific crash relating to path fixups. + + Fix a possible out of boundary access in the parser for the + cross-compile database. Patch by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Missing files for building with Meson are now included in the + tarball. Patch by Neal Gompa. + + Fix calculation of package atoms on Windows with paths that + use both directory separator characters. + + Fix a possible buffer overflow involving newline escaping. + Patch by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Fix an out of boundary access in the parser. + Patch by Tobias Stöckmann. + + Fix leakage of strcmp() result value in pkgconf_compare_version() + responses. + + Return the default personality if loading a cross-compile + personality file failed. + + Do not complain about newlines when validating package versions. + + Properly detect strndup() on Windows when building with Meson. + - Enhancements: + + A new --shared option and WantDefaultStatic cross-compile + configuration option have been added. This allows for toolchains + to specify that static linking should be used by default. + + Support for the PKG_CONFIG_MSVC_SYNTAX environment variable has + been added. Patch by Dan Kegel. + + Support for the PKGCONF_PKG_PKGF_DONT_MERGE_SPECIAL_FRAGMENTS + client flag which disables emulation of pkg-config + fragment merging semantics has been added. + Patch by Karen Arutyunov. + +- Update to 1.6.3 + + Fixed a memory leak when deduplicating paths. + + Fixed strndup-related build regression on Windows. + + Added --modversion description to pkgconf(1) man page. + + Properly tokenize versions. Versions cannot logically contain + whitespace, as dependency-lists would not properly tokenize if + they could. A diagnostic is generated for malformed version + strings containing whitespace when --validate is used. + +- Co-own aclocal directory to avoid requiring autoconf-archive + +- Add missing -gnu ABI suffix to platform names in pkgconf-pkg-config (boo#1144318) + +- Fix license tag for pkgconf-m4 + +- Set pkgconf to provide pkgconfig on Tumbleweed (post SUSE Linux 15) + +- Update to 1.6.1 + + Fixed an issue where a personality may not be properly selected + due to argv[0] containing a full path. + + Fixed a regression where having an empty PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR + environment variable would not eliminate the default search + paths. + + Use POSIX realpath(3) instead of readlink() for deduplicating the + search path. Use _fullpath() on Windows for the same purpose. + + The dequoting logic for tuples has been improved to ensure that + quotes *inside* a value remain quoted when necessary. + + Fixed issue where packages which referenced missing packages in + Requires.private may have crashed due to memory corruption issues + in some circumstances. + + Fixed warnings reported by GCC 8 diagnostics. + + Add LIBPKGCONF_VERSION and LIBPKGCONF_VERSION_STR macros for + determining libpkgconf version. + + Add pkgconf_fragment_copy_list() to copy a fragment list to + another fragment list. + + Fix edge cases for path canonicalization (especially on Windows) +- Add personality.d directories for cross-targets +- Add pkgconf rpm macros for pkgconf directories +- Simplify platform-pkg-config wrapper to work with POSIX sh + pkgdiff +- Package cleanup + plasma-applet-weather-widget +- Reapply the change. The plasma-framework workaround was removed. + +- Undo last change, since the change in KF5Plasma that required + this has been reverted in Tumbleweed. + +- Fix build with KF5Plasma 5.84. + +- Spec cleanup + plasma-pass +- Fix the %files section. plasma-framework >= 5.84 doesn't install + desktop files in %_kf5_servicesdir anymore. + +- Update to 1.2.0 + * Add support for OTP codes +- Remove 0001-Fix-build-against-Qt-5.15.patch + * Fixed upstream +- Add patch 0001-Fix-build-Qt-5.12.patch + * Fix build for Qt 5.12 and lower + +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-build-against-Qt-5.15.patch + plasma5-applet-suse-prime +- Fix the %files section. plasma-framework >= 5.84 doesn't install + desktop files in %_kf5_servicesdir anymore. + +- Spec cleanup + platformsh-cli +- Update to version 3.67.2: + * Release v3.67.2 + * Fix: user:add command was silently doing nothing during non-interactive use + * Pass --fail to curl utility commands (#1049) + * Release v3.67.1 + * Fix environment type not found when --type not specified in push command + * Release v3.67.0 + * Support build-time environment-level variables (#1051) + * Support new /users/me API in auth:info command + * Release v3.66.4 + * Fall back to old /me API if there is no proxy URL configured + * Fix user:update to avoid recalculating environment access changes while they are made + * Mention the type in the environment label + * Add a --type option to the push command + * Add --type option to the branch command + * Translate validation errors in the env:info command + * Allow the env type to be modified in the env:info command + * Add the type in the environment:list (env) command + * Direct the user to Console in the web command (#1062) + * Release v3.66.3 + * Fix filename of arm64 Keychain credential helper + * Release v3.66.2 + * Update docker-credential-helpers; add Keychain support for Mac M1 (#1060) + * Add a workaround for the default branch title in new projects (#1061) + * Do not require an env when the branch command is used without arguments + * Use the /users/me API if enabled + * Fix edge case bug (#1057) + * Release v3.66.1 + * Bump paragonie/random_compat from 2.0.19 to 2.0.20 (#1050) + * Unhide the subscription:info command (#1052) + * Exclude lost+found directory to avoid permission error in mount:size command (#1056) + * Swap --access order in httpaccess example (fixes #1053) + * SSH diagnostics: avoid recommending ssh-cert:load if it is not enabled + * Set the default_branch to "main" by default for new projects (#1046) + * Add a link to help on the --type option for the activity:list command (#1048) + * Bump phpseclib/phpseclib from 2.0.29 to 2.0.31 in /vendor-bin/box (#1047) + * Document PLATFORMSH_CLI_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT in the README + * Release v3.66.0 + * Bump drush/drush from 8.4.6 to 8.4.8 (#1045) + * Use http scheme for SOLR service tunnel URL (#1034) + * Add --default-branch option to the project:create command (#1042) + * Make the default timeout configurable through an env var + +- Update to version 3.65.4: + * Release v3.65.4 + * Support indexed SSH URLs (for apps with multiple instances) + * Release v3.65.3 + * Fix proxy settings in Api service (#1041) + * Make the OAuth2 client ID configurable by env var + * Improve worker not found error message when the app name is incorrect + * Fix --worker compatibility for various commands + * Only send the token to obtain the initial redirect + * Fix "Link not found: #manage-access" when checking environment roles + * Fix error "SSH service not available" with build --clone + * Also decode COMPOSER_AUTH + * installer: support using a GitHub token to download assets + +- Update to version 3.65.2: + * Release v3.65.2 + * Add help in self:release about obtaining a token from the GitHub CLI + * Fix activity log in PHP 8 (#1036) + * Replace http->tcp and https->ssl in proxy URLs (#1037) + * Bump drush/drush from 8.4.5 to 8.4.6 (#1029) + * Release v3.65.1 + * Add a default timeout to all requests + * Fix incomplete activity list example + * Support a relative update download path + +- Update to version 3.65.0: + * Release v3.65.0 + * Rename the backup --unsafe option to --live (#1026) + * Add "plain" format option for table commands (#1021) + * Remove the restriction on deleting the main environment + * Remove us-2 from available region examples (#1025) + * Release v3.64.6 + * integrations: Pass the user-supplied token for creating webhooks (#1023) + * Bump stecman/symfony-console-completion from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0 + * Configure composer updates with Dependabot (#1022) + * Release v3.64.5 + * Fix HTTP access username validation to match the API + * Reduce environment list indent from 3 to 2 spaces + * Remove patch version notes from manifest.json + +- Update to version 3.64.4: + * Release v3.64.4 + * Add "offline" commands test to Travis + * Fix error about a non-existent service "input" for some commands (including 'list') + * Release v3.64.3 + * Slight improvements to git/SSH setup + * Fix archive/extract test by removing property dependency of getTreeId() + * Avoid checking SSH identities when not logged in + * Use "main" in Git service test + * Fix local builds, unable to depend on the Ssh service + * Refactor Git service to include SSH options automatically + * Fix property formatter returning empty + * Fix loading backups choices in backup:restore command + * Clean up some unused code + * Fix drush alias command for Enterprise projects + * Unused import + +- Update to version 3.64.2: + * Release v3.64.2 + * Add support for changing environments on the "script" integration + * Default to the primary route in the route:get interactive choices + * Release v3.64.1 + * Fix box composer.json to install dependencies on on PHP 8 + * Fix build to include a .php8 file in symfony/polyfill-mbstring + +- Update to version 3.64.0: + * Release v3.64.0 + * Fix 500 error in backup:list (backups) command + * Add --unsafe option to the backup:create (backup) command + * Remove problematic progress output + * Add a new line after progress messages + * More loading messages (for slow connections) + * Show a loading message on environments and project lists + * Update slow integration tests from PHP 7.3 -> 7.4 on Travis + * Update Travis to Ubuntu Xenial + * Remove hardcoded instances of "master" for the default branch (#1003) + * Recommend an SSH certificate if not present after a publickey error + * Add mongodb support to the db:size command (#1001) + * Add activity choice + * Add activity:cancel command + * Add state and result filters to activity commands + * Disable Travis coverage to fix unit tests on PHP 7.3 + * Update dependencies (inc. Symfony v3.4.42 => v3.4.47) + * SSH diagnostics: do not make a test connection >3 seconds after the failed one started + * Update README for migration + * Check host key error in SSH diagnostics (#1004) + * Release v3.63.3 + * Avoid sending prompt=select_account to authorization when not logged in + * Fix "Property not found: token" when trying to check integration hooks + * Enable auto login from curl commands + * Improve placement of session advice when requiring auto login + * Tweak README for default state of auto_load_ssh_cert + * Release v3.63.2 + * Fix browser login after session expiry + * Add a timeout for browser login + * Revert "Add the --app (-A) option to the environment:url (url) command" + * Allow updating the default_branch in the project:info command + * Add the --app (-A) option to the environment:url (url) command + * Automatically rewrite installer.php config on build, to match config.yaml + * Release v3.63.1 + * Fix script display in the integration:list command (#998) + * Fix "box" composer.lock for Composer 2 (#999) + * Change default release branch + * Add --insecure option to the installer + * Fix writable test on self:build --output option [skip changelog] + * Increase timeout when fetching activity logs (#991) + * Update README: Add note about a possible need for "php.exe" when running the install command + * Release v3.63.0 + * Add --gateway-ports (-g) option to tunnel commands (#993) + * Stop using SSH home directory substitution (#995) + * Installer: auto-detect existing but disabled extensions (#996) + * Fix missing Git detection on Windows + * Modify ProcessFailedException to extend Symfony's, for easier try/catch + * Fix test namespaces for Composer 2 compatibility [skip changelog] + * Avoid running getUser() when api.auth is not enabled + * Bugfix 32bit limit (#989) + * Release v3.62.6 + * Try "which" as well as "where" on Windows for command existence + * Typo in method name [skip changelog] + * Release v3.62.5 + * Move test connection messages to debug verbosity + * Do not display "You probably need to add an SSH key" if the authentication succeeded + * Release v3.62.4 + * Fix Windows arg escaping for SSH commands (#982) + * Clarify when a sensitive variable value cannot be read + * Fix error message for variable:get when there are no variables + * Avoid repeating IdentityFile SSH options + * Release v3.62.3 + * Fix file quoting for SSH options (#981) + * Github Actions workflow to build CLI phar executable (#977) + * Fix shell arguments for multi-instance mongo commands + * Strip mongo log messages when detecting collections in mongoexport command + +- Update to version 3.62.2: + * Release v3.62.2 + * SSH diagnostics fixes + * Diagnose whether MFA is required for a failed SSH connection (#974) + * Release v3.62.1 + * Trigger prompt=select_account after the "Log in anyway?" question, in browser login command + * Increase drush alias command timeout + +- Update to version 3.62.0: + * Release v3.62.0 + * Apply feature flag to the --force-invite option + * Handle mongodb URIs in relationships (#975) + * Show the stderr of every shell command, if in debug mode (#972) + * Retry fetching the activity log stream (#973) + * Support force-sending an invitation (#976) + +- Update to version 3.61.0: + * Release v3.61.0 + * Add proxy support to the installer (#953) + * Provide autocomplete choice of projects if there are many + * Use --globoff by default in curl commands + * Disable use of SSH agent unless explicitly enabled in the user config file + * Explicitly request the offline_access scope when logging in + * Add a comment to auto-generated temporary SSH keys (#970) + * Release v3.60.4 + * Restore PLATFORMSH_CLI_ACCOUNTS_API environment variable option for backwards compatibility + * Release v3.60.3 + * Fix locating projects that are not in the user's list + * Release v3.60.2 + * Ignore project-level variable activities (#968) + * Detect the SSH version and show appropriate messages (#969) + * Refine --no-refresh help in the ssh-cert:info command + * Fix extra prompt for input in mongodump command + * Add hidden ssh-cert:info utility/debug command + * Revamp config to no longer use a service.accounts_url nor an api.accounts_api_url + * Fix Match syntax with multiple hosts + * Release v3.60.1 + * Add the SSH certificate to the SSH agent, if possible (#963) + * Clean up the "domain already claimed" error in the domain:add command + * Put host condition back on "Match ... exec" + * Use ed25519 for autogenerated SSH keys + * Always create a new SSH key when generating a certificate + * README: add extensions needed by cli (#958) + * Release v3.60.0 + * The root SSH config file should have a Host line too + * Add comments to the session-specific SSH config + * Support multiple domain wildcards in SSH config + * SSH config: end the Host block explicitly with "Host *" (#960) + * Autoload SSH certificates on login or SSH + * Show the ssh-cert:load command in the list + * Avoid unnecessary SSH messages in verbose mode + * Installer: allow iconv as an alternative to mbstring + * Fix detection of internal vs external Git domains for platform:get (get) command errors + +- Update to version 3.59.1: + * Release v3.59.1 + * Fix error (undefined index) when selecting some projects + * Remove GH issue number from manifest.json + * Release v3.59.0 + * Revert "Installer: remove unnecessary mbstring check" + * Clarify API token login vs environment variables in README + * Support new user invitations + * Clean up temporary file in self:build command + * Remove some unused variables/code + * Avoid hardcoding the token URL in the auth:api-token-login command + * Installer: Create a .zshrc file if it doesn't already exist, on ZSH (#956) + * Release v3.58.0 + * Support prompting for re-authentication in the login command + * Add results per page (--count/-c option) to the self:stats command + * Fix method name in sorting regions + * Sort regions by domain independently of suffix + * Move SSH hostname to the session-specific configuration + * Decrease condescension level + * Sort regions + * Release v3.57.6 + * Update dependencies (symfony 3.4.37 -> 3.4.42) + * Remove session:switch command suggestion when not relevant in the login command + * Login help clarifications + +- Update to version 3.57.5: + * Release v3.57.5 + * Add logout --other option, to log out from other sessions (#947) + * Add redeploy warnings to the user:add and user:delete commands (#946) + * Add a couple more user:add examples + * Only prompt to add an SSH key if one isn't found locally + * Release v3.57.4 + * Fix: exclude API token session IDs from the autocomplete list + * Release v3.57.3 + * Fix: do not reuse session file storage when an API token is set + * Release v3.57.2 + * Improve session info after logout + * Clean the whole session directory on logout + * Release v3.57.1 + * Better ensure the legacy session SSH config file is removed + * Silence SSH certificate reload + +- Update to version 3.57.0: + * Release v3.57.0 + * Remove whitelist/blacklist from variable names + * Add file-level comment for config.yaml + * Show session info in auth:info, logout, login, and welcome commands + * Recommend login after switching sessions; report filename of invalid ID + * Fix not logged in error after switching session + * Improve SSH key commands + * Improve session:switch documentation + * Improve comment in session.config file + * Clean up Api service - remove getCache(), add some property documentation + * Fix running parent command after login + * Display the session ID when useful + * Add session:switch command + * Fix 403 errors when a non-current project is specified + * Silence deleting session include files when it's automatic + * Only add the default SSH identities if necessary + * Automatically select an SSH key corresponding to the user account (#941) + * Refactor API token configuration to remove circular dependency + * Delete SSH configuration on logout independently from Certifier + * Include only one session's SSH certificate configuration + * Refactor Config service to allow new instances + * Select integration from a list in integration:update command (when interactive) + * Disable command auth:password-login, which no longer works + * Fix use of certifier URL configuration + * Release v3.56.6 + * Search more activities to find the backup in backup:restore command (#938) + * Sort routes, and optionally display the URL, in the route:list (routes) command (#935) + * Skip python dependencies install on Travis + * Separate dependencies tests + * Find existing pip command automatically + * Clarify error when a repository is not found, for an external repository + * Move some SSH certificate code into the API client library + * Release v3.56.5 + * Ensure include file for SSH configuration exists + * Support app config grouped in .platform/applications.yaml (#932) + * Read certificate principals, options, and extensions as arrays (#934) + +- Update to version 3.56.4: + * Release v3.56.4 + * Include default identity files during wrapped SSH + * Clarify testing instructions on dev build (#933) + * Fix local build when pip3 exists, but not pip + * Read routes from the deployments API in route:list command (#929) + * Recommend all apps/services/workers commands from each other (#930) + * Use a wildcard include for SSH configuration to reduce need for user configuration updates + * Include default SSH identity files when adding SSH config + * Avoid listing empty To email address in integration:list + * Release v3.56.3 + * Fix phar decoding errors during update + * Fix .ssh/config permissions issues + * Fix release notes for very old version updates [skip changelog] + +- Update to version 3.56.2: + * Release v3.56.2 + * More ssh cert improvements + * Display MFA status in ssh-cert:load command + * Release v3.56.1 + * Make certifier URL configurable + * Release v3.56.0 + * Add an alias for environment deactivation. (#922) + * Support option for building draft pull requests in GitHub integration + * Introduce utility to manage code/config snippets + * Add automatic SSH certificate support + * Fix error in command listing, when the is not found + * Extra space [skip changelog] + playerctl +- Update to version 2.4.1 + * Fix a crash in playerctld when players use TrackList and + Playlists interfaces + * Add the trunc() template function + * Allow to use playerctl as a subproject and cpp linking + * bugfix: subscribe to all signals when multiple template + functions are used + * bugfix: workaround for players that use uint64 values in the + formatter + +- Obsolete typelib-1_0-Playerctl-2_0_1: the package was wrongly + named. With the correct name now provided, we have to ensure the + users can cleanly upgrade. + +- Fix dependencies of bash and zsh completion subpackages + +- Update to version 2.3.1 + * Add option to toggle shuffle + * Add -s, quiet flag to supress some messages from stderr + * Add math operations to the formatter + * Change instance delimiter to "." + * Use playerctld to get players in order of activation when it + is running + * Remove warning message when the system bus isn't found + * playerctld: add daemon activation command + * playerctld: add unshift command + * bugfix: improve property setter reliability +- add zsh shell completion package + +- Update to version 2.2.1 + * Fix a crash when the `emoji()` template function is used + * Add a `shift` command to `playerctld` to shift the active + player + * Fix a crash when system players are present + version 2.1.1 + * Playerctl now has a test suite that covers most features of + the CLI. + playerctld: + * Add `playerctld`: an activatable DBus service for selecting + the most recently active player + CLI: + * Add the `markup_escape()` formatter function + * Mark the `emoji()` formatter function as no longer + experimental + * Add the `default()` formatter function + * Add the special `%any` player token for prioritizing player + selection + * Add bash completions + * Add debug logging + * Rewrite and expand manpage with `mdoc(7)` + * Attempt to autostart `playerctld` if it is present in players + * bugfix: incorrect error message for shuffle command + * bugfix: don't crash if no system bus is present + * bugfix: don't crash if given a nonexistent format function + Build: + * Required meson version is now `0.50.0`. + version 2.0.2 + CLI: + * Regression: exit 1 when no players are found + * Regression: fix sort order for `--player` command + * Handle nonfile uris in the `open` command + Build: + * Fix documentation of the `--follow` flag + * Update manpage release date at build time + * fix gir build on cross compilation +- Added bash-completion subpackage + plib +- add plib-1.8.5-CVE-2021-38714.patch from Anton Gladky to fix + original security issue (boo#1189887) + +- Disable libssg and libssgaux build to fix (boo#1189887) + -- Applied patches from plib SVN - * Fixed segfault in puInput when pasting empty buffer - * Fixed heap corruption when removing puInputBase objects - * Fixed various puSlider issues - -- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) - plzip +- update to 1.9: + * (main): Report an error if a file name is empty. + Make '-o' behave like '-c', but writing to file instead of stdout. + Make '-c' and '-o' check whether the output is a terminal only once. + Do not open output if input is a terminal. + * New option '--check-lib'. + * Replace 'decompressed', 'compressed' with 'out', 'in' in output. + *,, + Continue testing if any input file fails the test. + Show the largest dictionary size in a multimember file. + * Show final diagnostic when testing multiple files. + *, [LZ_API_VERSION >= 1012]: Avoid + copying decompressed data when testing with lzlib 1.12 or newer. + *, Start only the worker threads required. + * Splitter stops reading when trailing data is found. + Don't include trailing data in the compressed size shown. + Use plain comparison instead of Boyer-Moore to search for headers. + * Improve messages for corruption in last header. + * Shorten messages 'Data error' and 'Unexpected EOF'. + * Set a valid invocation_name even if argc == 0. + * Document extraction from tar.lz in manual, '--help', and man page. + * plzip.texi (Introduction): Mention tarlz as an alternative. + * plzip.texi: Several fixes and improvements. + * testsuite: Add 8 new test files. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.8 + * No functional changes; just a version bump. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.8~rc1 + * The new options '--in-slots' and '--out-slots', setting the + number of input and output packets buffered during streamed + decompression, have been added. Increasing the number of + packets may increase decompression speed, but requires more + memory. + * The default number of input packets buffered per worker + thread when decompressing from non-seekable input has been + increased from 2 to 4. + * The default number of output packets buffered per worker + thread when decompressing to non-seekable output has been + increased from 32 to 64. + * Detection of forbidden combinations of characters in trailing + data has been improved. + -- Update to new upstream release 1.1 - * Plzip now shows the progress of compression at verbosity - level 2 (-vv). - -- Update to new upstream release 1.0 - * Scalability of compression (max number of useful worker threads) - has been increased. Scalability when decompressing from/to - regular files has been increased. - * The number of worker threads is now limited to the number of - members in the input file when decompressing from a regular file. -- Do signature verification -- Wrap description at 70 cols -- Remove redundant %clean section - -- update to 0.9: minor fixes and cleanup - pmidi +- update to 1.7.1: + * Fixes a bug reported to debian from the mayhem project. + * Some minor compilation warnings and man page fix. + -- updated to ver.1.5.4. - built on the standard configure procedure now. -- added glib and glib-devel to neededforbuild. - pngcheck +- version update to 3.0.0 + * 20070709 GRR: tweaked color definitions slightly to work better on terminals + * with white/light backgrounds + * 20070712 GRR: added Makefile.mingw32 + * 20100504 GRR: fixed DHDR (pre-MNG-1.0) bug identified by Winfried <> + * 20170713 GRP: added eXIf support (GRR: added check for II/MM/unknown format) + * 20201012 BB: converted static const help/usage-related strings to macros so + * -Werror=format-security doesn't trigger (Ben Beasley) + * 20201015 BB: added (help2man-generated) man pages for all three utils + * 20201017 GRR: added top-level LICENSE file; fixed various compiler warnings + * 20201031 GRR: replaced gpl/COPYING (outdated address, references to Library + * GPL) with + * (thanks to Ben Beasley for catching that) + * 20201113 BB: fixed buffer-overflow vulnerability discovered by "giantbranch + * of NSFOCUS Security Team" + * + * 20201128 BB: found and fixed four additional vulnerabilities (null-pointer + * dereference and three buffer overruns) + * 20201209 LP: fixed an off-by-one bug in check_magic() (Lucy Phipps) + * 20201209 LL: converted two zlib-version warnings/errors to go to stderr + * (Lemures Lemniscati, actually from 20180318; forwarded by LP) + * 20201210 BB: fixed another buffer-overflow vulnerability discovered by + * "giantbranch of NSFOCUS Security Team" + * + * 20201212 GRR: removed -f ("force") option due to multiple security issues +- modified patches + % fixbuild.diff (refreshed) +- deleted patches + - pngcheck-CVE-2020-27818.patch (upstreamed) + pngtoico +- Modernise spec file + -- also add -lm - pnm2ppa +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + podman +- Add: Provides: podman:/usr/bin/podman-remote subpackage for a clearer upgrade + path from podman < 3.1.2 + +- Update to version 3.4.2: + * Fixed a bug where podman tag could not tag manifest lists (#12046). + * Fixed a bug where built-in volumes specified by images would not be + created correctly under some circumstances. + * Fixed a bug where, when using Podman Machine on OS X, containers in pods + did not have working port forwarding from the host (#12207). + * Fixed a bug where the podman network reload command command on containers + using the slirp4netns network mode and the rootlessport port forwarding + driver would make an unnecessary attempt to restart rootlessport + on containers that did not forward ports. + * Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command would generate YAML + including some unnecessary (set to default) fields (e.g. empty SELinux and + DNS configuration blocks, and the privileged flag when set to false) (#11995). + * Fixed a bug where the podman pod rm command could, if interrupted at the right moment, + leave a reference to an already-removed infra container behind (#12034). + * Fixed a bug where the podman pod rm command would not remove pods with + more than one container if all containers save for the infra container + were stopped unless --force was specified (#11713). + * Fixed a bug where the --memory flag to podman run and podman create did + not accept a limit of 0 (which should specify unlimited memory) (#12002). + * Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman build command could + attempt to build a Dockerfile in the working directory of the podman + system service instance instead of the Dockerfile specified by the user (#12054). + * Fixed a bug where the podman logs --tail command could function improperly + (printing more output than requested) when the journald log driver was used. + * Fixed a bug where containers run using the slirp4netns network mode with + IPv6 enabled would not have IPv6 connectivity until several seconds after they started (#11062). + * Fixed a bug where some Podman commands could cause an extra dbus-daemon + process to be created (#9727). + * Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would sometimes print warnings + about a failure to move the pause process into a given CGroup (#12065). + * Fixed a bug where the checkpointed field in podman inspect on a container + was not set to false after a container was restored. + * Fixed a bug where the podman system service command would print + overly-verbose logs about request IDs (#12181). + * Fixed a bug where Podman could, when creating a new container without a name + explicitly specified by the user, sometimes use an auto-generated name already + in use by another container if multiple containers were being created in parallel (#11735). + +- Update to version 3.4.1: + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where podman machine init could, under some circumstances, + create invalid machine configurations which could not be started (#11824). + - Fixed a bug where the podman machine list command would not properly + populate some output fields. + - Fixed a bug where podman machine rm could leave dangling sockets from + the removed machine (#11393). + - Fixed a bug where podman run --pids-limit=-1 was not supported (it now + sets the PID limit in the container to unlimited) (#11782). + - Fixed a bug where podman run and podman attach could throw errors about + a closed network connection when STDIN was closed by the client (#11856). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stop command could fail when run on a + container that had another podman stop command run on it previously. + - Fixed a bug where the --sync flag to podman ps was nonfunctional. + - Fixed a bug where the Windows and OS X remote clients' podman stats + command would fail (#11909). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command did not properly handle + environment variables whose values contained an = (#11891). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command could generate + invalid annotations when run on containers with volumes that use SELinux + relabelling (:z or :Z) (#11929). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command would generate YAML + including some unnecessary (set to default) fields (e.g. user and group, + entrypoint, default protocol for forwarded ports) (#11914, #11915, and #11965). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command could, under some + circumstances, generate YAML including an invalid targetPort field for + forwarded ports (#11930). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman's podman info command could, under + some circumstances, not read available CGroup controllers (#11931). + - Fixed a bug where podman container checkpoint --export would fail to + checkpoint any container created with --log-driver=none (#11974). + * API + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers could panic + when no options were passed to a bind mount of tmpfs (#11961). + +- Update to version 3.4.0: + * Features + - Pods now support init containers! Init containers are containers which run before the rest of the pod starts. There are two types of init containers: "always", which always run before the pod is started, and "once", which only run the first time the pod starts and are subsequently removed. They can be added using the podman create command's --init-ctr option. + - Support for init containers has also been added to podman play kube and podman generate kube - init containers contained in Kubernetes YAML will be created as Podman init containers, and YAML generated by Podman will include any init containers created. + - The podman play kube command now supports building images. If the --build option is given and a directory with the name of the specified image exists in the current working directory and contains a valid Containerfile or Dockerfile, the image will be built and used for the container. + - The podman play kube command now supports a new option, --teardown, which removes any pods and containers created by the given Kubernetes YAML. + - The podman generate kube command now generates annotations for SELinux mount options on volume (:z and :Z) that are respected by the podman play kube command. + - A new command has been added, podman pod logs, to return logs for all containers in a pod at the same time. + - Two new commands have been added, podman volume export (to export a volume to a tar file) and podman volume import) (to populate a volume from a given tar file). + - The podman auto-update command now supports simple rollbacks. If a container fails to start after an automatic update, it will be rolled back to the previous image and restarted again. + - Pods now share their user namespace by default, and the podman pod create command now supports the --userns option. This allows rootless pods to be created with the --userns=keep-id option. + - The podman pod ps command now supports a new filter with its --filter option, until, which returns pods created before a given timestamp. + - The podman image scp command has been added. This command allows images to be transferred between different hosts. + - The podman stats command supports a new option, --interval, to specify the amount of time before the information is refreshed. + - The podman inspect command now includes ports exposed (but not published) by containers (e.g. ports from --expose when --publish-all is not specified). + - The podman inspect command now has a new boolean value, Checkpointed, which indicates that a container was stopped as a result of a podman container checkpoint operation. + - Volumes created by podman volume create now support setting quotas when run atop XFS. The size and inode options allow the maximum size and maximum number of inodes consumed by a volume to be limited. + - The podman info command now outputs information on what log drivers, network drivers, and volume plugins are available for use (#11265). + - The podman info command now outputs the current log driver in use, and the variant and codename of the distribution in use. + - The parameters of the VM created by podman machine init (amount of disk space, memory, CPUs) can now be set in containers.conf. + - The podman machine ls command now shows additional information (CPUs, memory, disk size) about VMs managed by podman machine. + - The podman ps command now includes healthcheck status in container state for containers that have healthchecks (#11527). + * Changes + - The podman build command has a new alias, podman buildx, to improve compatibility with Docker. We have already added support for many docker buildx flags to podman build and aim to continue to do so. + - Cases where Podman is run without a user session or a writable temporary files directory will now produce better error messages. + - The default log driver has been changed from file to journald. The file driver did not properly support log rotation, so this should lead to a better experience. If journald is not available on the system, Podman will automatically revert to the file. + - Podman no longer depends on ip for removing networks (#11403). + - The deprecated --macvlan flag to podman network create now warns when it is used. It will be removed entirely in the Podman 4.0 release. + - The podman machine start command now prints a message when the VM is successfully started. + - The podman stats command can now be used on containers that are paused. + - The podman unshare command will now return the exit code of the command that was run in the user namespace (assuming the command was successfully run). + - Successful healthchecks will no longer add a healthy line to the system log to reduce log spam. + - As a temporary workaround for a lack of shortname prompts in the Podman remote client, VMs created by podman machine now default to only using the registry. + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where whitespace in the definition of sysctls (particularly default sysctls specified in containers.conf) would cause them to be parsed incorrectly. + - Fixed a bug where the Windows remote client improperly validated volume paths (#10900). + - Fixed a bug where the first line of logs from a container run with the journald log driver could be skipped. + - Fixed a bug where images created by podman commit did not include ports exposed by the container. + - Fixed a bug where the podman auto-update command would ignore the io.containers.autoupdate.authfile label when pulling images (#11171). + - Fixed a bug where the --workdir option to podman create and podman run could not be set to a directory where a volume was mounted (#11352). + - Fixed a bug where systemd socket-activation did not properly work with systemd-managed Podman containers (#10443). + - Fixed a bug where environment variable secrets added to a container were not available to exec sessions launched in the container. + - Fixed a bug where rootless containers could fail to start the rootlessport port-forwarding service when XDG_RUNTIME_DIR was set to a long path. + - Fixed a bug where arguments to the --systemd option to podman create and podman run were case-sensitive (#11387). + - Fixed a bug where the podman manifest rm command would also remove images referenced by the manifest, not just the manifest itself (#11344). + - Fixed a bug where the Podman remote client on OS X would not function properly if the TMPDIR environment variable was not set (#11418). + - Fixed a bug where the /etc/hosts file was not guaranteed to contain an entry for localhost (this is still not guaranteed if --net=host is used; such containers will exactly match the host's /etc/hosts) (#11411). + - Fixed a bug where the podman machine start command could print warnings about unsupported CPU features (#11421). + - Fixed a bug where the podman info command could segfault when accessing cgroup information. + - Fixed a bug where the podman logs -f command could hang when a container exited (#11461). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd command could not be used on containers that specified a restart policy (#11438). + - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman build command would fail to build containers if the UID and GID on the client were higher than 65536 (#11474). + - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman build command would fail to build containers if the context directory was a symlink (#11732). + - Fixed a bug where the --network flag to podman play kube was not properly parsed when a non-bridge network configuration was specified. + - Fixed a bug where the podman inspect command could error when the container being inspected was removed as it was being inspected (#11392). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command ignored the default pod infra image specified in containers.conf. + - Fixed a bug where the --format option to podman inspect was nonfunctional under some circumstances (#8785). + - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman run and podman exec commands could skip a byte of output every 8192 bytes (#11496). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stats command would print nonsensical results if the container restarted while it was running (#11469). + - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client would error when STDOUT was redirected on a Windows client (#11444). + - Fixed a bug where the podman run command could return 0 when the application in the container exited with 125 (#11540). + - Fixed a bug where containers with --restart=always set using the rootlessport port-forwarding service could not be restarted automatically. + - Fixed a bug where the --cgroups=split option to podman create and podman run was silently discarded if the container was part of a pod. + - Fixed a bug where the podman container runlabel command could fail if the image name given included a tag. + - Fixed a bug where Podman could add an extra entry to /etc/hosts under some circumstances (#11596). + - Fixed a bug where the remote Podman client's podman untag command did not properly handle tags including a digest (#11557). + - Fixed a bug where the --format option to podman ps did not properly support the table argument for tabular output. + - Fixed a bug where the --filter option to podman ps did not properly handle filtering by healthcheck status (#11687). + - Fixed a bug where the podman run and podman start --attach commands could race when retrieving the exit code of a container that had already been removed resulting in an error (e.g. by an external podman rm -f) (#11633). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command would add default environment variables to generated YAML. + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command would add the default CMD from the image to generated YAML (#11672). + - Fixed a bug where the podman rm --storage command could fail to remove containers under some circumstances (#11207). + - Fixed a bug where the podman machine ssh command could fail when run on Linux (#11731). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stop command would error when used on a container that was already stopped (#11740). + - Fixed a bug where renaming a container in a pod using the podman rename command, then removing the pod using podman pod rm, could cause Podman to believe the new name of the container was permanently in use, despite the container being removed (#11750). + * API + - The Libpod Pull endpoint for Images now has a new query parameter, quiet, which (when set to true) suppresses image pull progress reports (#10612). + - The Compat Events endpoint now includes several deprecated fields from the Docker v1.21 API for improved compatibility with older clients. + - The Compat List and Inspect endpoints for Images now prefix image IDs with sha256: for improved Docker compatibility (#11623). + - The Compat Create endpoint for Containers now properly sets defaults for healthcheck-related fields (#11225). + - The Compat Create endpoint for Containers now supports volume options provided by the Mounts field (#10831). + - The Compat List endpoint for Secrets now supports a new query parameter, filter, which allows returned results to be filtered. + - The Compat Auth endpoint now returns the correct response code (500 instead of 400) when logging into a registry fails. + - The Version endpoint now includes information about the OCI runtime and Conmon in use (#11227). + - Fixed a bug where the X-Registry-Config header was not properly handled, leading to errors when pulling images (#11235). + - Fixed a bug where invalid query parameters could cause a null pointer dereference when creating error messages. + - Logging of API requests and responses at trace level has been greatly improved, including the addition of an X-Reference-Id header to correlate requests and responses (#10053). + * Misc + - Updated Buildah to v1.23.0 + - Updated the containers/storage library to v1.36.0 + - Updated the containers/image library to v5.16.0 + - Updated the containers/common library to v0.44.0 + +- require runc >= 1.0.1 + +- Update to version 3.3.1: + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where unit files created by podman generate systemd could + not cleanup shut down containers when stopped by systemctl stop (#11304). + - Fixed a bug where podman machine commands would not properly locate + the gvproxy binary in some circumstances. + - Fixed a bug where containers created as part of a pod using the + - -pod-id-file option would not join the pod's network namespace (#11303). + - Fixed a bug where Podman, when using the systemd cgroups driver, + could sometimes leak dbus sessions. + - Fixed a bug where the until filter to podman logs and podman events + was improperly handled, requiring input to be negated (#11158). + - Fixed a bug where rootless containers using CNI networking run on + systems using systemd-resolved for DNS would fail to start if resolved + symlinked /etc/resolv.conf to an absolute path (#11358). + * API + - A large number of potential file descriptor leaks from improperly closing + client connections have been fixed. + +- Revert crun change due to crun having exclusive arch targets + that would drop podman support in PPC and IBM Z + +- Update to version 3.3.0: + * Fix network aliases with network id + * machine: compute sha256 as we read the image file + * machine: check for file exists instead of listing directory + * pkg/bindings/images.nTar(): slashify hdr.Name values + * Volumes: Only remove from DB if plugin removal succeeds + * For compatibility, ignore Content-Type + * [v3.3] Bump c/image 5.15.2, buildah v1.22.3 + * Implement SD-NOTIFY proxy in conmon + * Fix rootless cni dns without systemd stub resolver + * fix rootlessport flake + * Skip stats test in CGv1 container environments + * Fix AVC denials in tests of volume mounts + * Restore buildah-bud test requiring new images + * Revert ".cirrus.yml: use fresh images for all VMs" + * Fix device tests using ls test files + * Enhance priv. dev. check + * Workaround host availability of /dev/kvm + * Skip cgroup-parent test due to frequent flakes + * Cirrus: Fix not uploading logformatter html + +- Switch to crun (bsc#1188914) + +- Update to version 3.2.3: + * Bump to v3.2.3 + * Update release notes for v3.2.3 + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.16 + * vendor containers/buildah@v1.21.3 + * Fix race conditions in rootless cni setup + * CNI-in-slirp4netns: fix bind-mount for /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf + * Make rootless-cni setup more robust + * Support uid,gid,mode options for secrets + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.15 + * [CI:DOCS] podman search: clarify that results depend on implementation + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.14 + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.13 + * [3.2] vendor containers/common@v0.38.12 + * Bump README to v3.2.2 + * Bump to v3.2.3-dev + +- Update to version 3.2.2: + * Bump to v3.2.2 + * fix systemcontext to use correct TMPDIR + * Scrub podman commands to use report package + * Fix volumes with uid and gid options + * Vendor in c/common v0.38.11 + * Initial release notes for v3.2.2 + * Fix restoring of privileged containers + * Fix handling of podman-remote build --device + * Add support for podman remote build -f - . + * Fix panic condition in cgroups.getAvailableControllers + * Fix permissions on initially created named volumes + * Fix building static podman-remote + * add correct slirp ip to /etc/hosts + * disable tty-size exec checks in system tests + * Fix resize race with podman exec -it + * Fix documentation of the --format option of podman push + * Fix systemd-resolved detection. + * Health Check is not handled in the compat LibpodToContainerJSON + * Do not use inotify for OCICNI + * getContainerNetworkInfo: lock netNsCtr before sync + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Create /etc/mtab with the correct ownership + * Create the /etc/mtab file if does not exists + * [v3.2] cp: do not allow dir->file copying + * create: support images with invalid platform + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.10 + * logs: k8s-file: restore poll sleep + * logs: k8s-file: fix spurious error logs + * utils: move message from warning to debug + * Bump to v3.2.2-dev + +- Update to version 3.2.1: + * Bump to v3.2.1 + * Updated release notes for v3.2.1 + * Fix network connect race with docker-compose + * Revert "Ensure minimum API version is set correctly in tests" + * Fall back to string for dockerfile parameter + * remote events: fix --stream=false + * [CI:DOCS] fix incorrect network remove api doc + * remote: always send resize before the container starts + * remote events: support labels + * remote pull: cancel pull when connection is closed + * Fix network prune api docs + * Improve systemd-resolved detection + * logs: k8s-file: fix race + * Fix image prune --filter cmd behavior + * Several shell completion fixes + * podman-remote build should handle -f option properly + * System tests: deal with crun 0.20.1 + * Fix build tags for pkg/machine... + * Fix pre-checkpointing + * container: ignore named hierarchies + * [v3.2] vendor containers/common@v0.38.9 + * rootless: fix fast join userns path + * [v3.2] vendor containers/common@v0.38.7 + * [v3.2] vendor containers/common@v0.38.6 + * Correct qemu options for Intel macs + * Ensure minimum API version is set correctly in tests + * Bump to v3.2.1-dev + +- Update to version 3.2.0: + * Bump to v3.2.0 + * Fix network create macvlan with subnet option + * Final release notes updates for v3.2.0 + * add ipv6 nameservers only when the container has ipv6 enabled + * Use request context instead of background + * [v.3.2] events: support disjunctive filters + * System tests: add :Z to volume mounts + * generate systemd: make mounts portable + * vendor containers/storage@v1.31.3 + * vendor containers/common@v0.38.5 + * Bump to v3.2.0-dev + * Bump to v3.2.0-RC3 + * Update release notes for v3.2.0-RC3 + * Fix race on podman start --all + * Fix race condition in running ls container in a pod + * docs: --cert-dir: point to containers-certs.d(5) + * Handle hard links in different directories + * Improve OCI Runtime error + * Handle hard links in remote builds + * Podman info add support for status of cgroup controllers + * Drop container does not exist on removal to debugf + * Downgrade API service routing table logging + * add libimage events + * docs: generate systemd: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR + * Fix problem copying files when container is in host pid namespace + * Bump to v3.2.0-dev + * Bump to v3.2.0-RC2 + * update c/common + * Update Cirrus DEST_BRANCH to v3.2 + * Updated vendors of c/image, c/storage, Buildah + * Initial release notes for v3.2.0-RC2 + * Add script for identifying commits in release branches + * Add host.containers.internal entry into container's etc/hosts + * image prune: remove unused images only with `--all` + * podman network reload add rootless support + * Use more recent `stale` release... + * network tutorial: update with rootless cni changes + * [CI:DOCS] Update first line in intro page + * Use updated VM images + updated automation tooling + * auto-update service: prune images + * make vendor + * fix system upgrade tests + * Print "extracting" only on compressed file + * podman image tree: restore previous behavior + * fix network restart always test + * fix incorrect log driver in podman container image + * Add support for cli network prune --filter flag + * Move filter parsing to common utils + * Bump from 1.30.2 to 1.30.3 + * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` + * [CI:DOCS] hack/bats - new helper for running system tests + * fix restart always with slirp4netns + * Bump from 1.0.0-rc93 to 1.0.0-rc94 + * Bump from 22.3.1 to 22.3.2 + * Add host.serviceIsRemote to podman info results + * Add client disconnect to build handler loop + * Remove obsolete skips + * Fix podman-remote build --rm=false ... + * fix: improved "containers/{name}/wait" endpoint + * Bump from 1.30.1 to 1.30.2 + * Add envars to the generated systemd unit + * fix: use UTC Time Stamps in response JSON + * fix container startup for empty pidfile + * Kube like pods should share ipc,net,uts by default + * fix: compat API "images/get" for multiple images + * Revert escaped double dash man page flag syntax + * Report Download complete in Compatibility mode + * Add documentation on short-names + * Bump + * Adds support to preserve auto update labels in generate and play kube + * [CI:DOCS] Stop conversion of `--` into en dash + * Revert Patch to relabel if selinux not enabled + * fix per review request + * Add support for environment variable secrets + * fix pre review request + * Fix infinite loop in isPathOnVolume + * Add containers.conf information for changing defaults + * CI: run rootless tests under ubuntu + * Fix wrong macvlan PNG in networking doc. + * Add restart-policy to container filters & --filter to podman start + * Fixes docker-compose cannot set static ip when use ipam + * channel: simplify implementation + * build: improve regex for iidfile + * Bump from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 + * cgroup: fix rootless --cgroup-parent with pods + * fix: docker APIv2 `images/get` + * codespell cleanup + * Minor podmanimage docs updates. + * Fix handling of runlabel IMAGE and NAME + * Bump to v3.2.0-dev + * Bump to v3.2.0-rc1 + * rootless: improve automatic range split + * podman: set volatile storage flag for --rm containers + * Bump from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2 + * Bump from 5.11.1 to 5.12.0 + * migrate Podman to containers/common/libimage + * Add filepath glob support to --security-opt unmask + * Force log_driver to k8s-file for containers in containers + * add --mac-address to podman play kube + * compat api: Networks must be empty instead of null + * System tests: honor $OCI_RUNTIME (for CI) + * is this a bug? + * system test image: add arm64v8 image + * Fix troubleshooting documentation on handling sublemental groups. + * Add --all to podman start + * Fix variable reference typo. in multi-arch image action + * cgroup: always honor --cgroup-parent with cgroupfs + * Bump + * Don't require tests for github-actions & metadata + * Detect if in podman machine virtual vm + * Fix multi-arch image workflow typo + * [CI:DOCS] Add titles to remote docs (windows) + * Remove unused VolumeList* structs + * Cirrus: Update F34beta -> F34 + * Update container image docs + fix unstable execution + * Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.30.1 + * TODO complete + * Docker returns 'die' status rather then 'died' status + * Check if another VM is running on machine start + * [CI:DOCS] Improve titles of command HTML pages + * system tests: networking: fix another race condition + * Use seccomp_profile as default profile if defined in containers.conf + * Bump from 1.1.10 to 1.1.11 + * Vendored + * Autoupdate local label functional + * System tests: fix two race conditions + * Add more documentation on conmon + * Allow docker volume create API to pass without name + * Cirrus: Update Ubuntu images to 21.04 + * Skip blkio-weight test when no kernel BFQ support + * rootless: Tell the user what was led to the error, not just what it is + * Add troubleshooting advice about the --userns option. + * Fix images prune filter until + * Fix logic for pushing stable multi-arch images + * Fixes generate kube incorrect when bind-mounting "/" and "/root" + * libpod/image: unit tests: don't use system's registries.conf.d + * runtime: create userns when CAP_SYS_ADMIN is not present + * rootless: attempt to copy current mappings first + * [CI:DOCS] Restore missing content to manpages + * [CI:DOCS] Fix Markdown layout bugs + * Fix podman ps --filter ancestor to match exact ImageName/ImageID + * Add machine-enabled to containers.conf for machine + * Several multi-arch image build/push fixes + * Add podman run --timeout option + * Parse slirp4netns net options with compat api + * Fix rootlesskit port forwarder with custom slirp cidr + * Fix removal race condition in ListContainers + * Add github-action workflow to build/push multi-arch + * rootless: if root is not sub?id raise a debug message + * Bump from 0.36.0 to 0.37.0 + * Add go template shell completion for --format + * Add --group-add keep-groups: suplimentary groups into container + * Fixes from make codespell + * Typo fix to usage text of --compress option + * corrupt-image test: fix an oops + * Add --noheading flag to all list commands + * Bump from 1.29.0 to 1.30.0 + * Bump from 5.11.0 to 5.11.1 + * [CI:DOCS] Fix Markdown table layout bugs + * podman-remote should show podman.sock info + * rmi: don't break when the image is missing a manifest + * [CI:DOCS] Rewrite --uidmap doc in and + * Add support for CDI device configuration + * [CI:DOCS] Add missing dash to verbose option + * Bump + * Remove an advanced layer diff function + * Ensure mount destination is clean, no trailing slash + * add it for inspect pidfile + * [CI:DOCS] Fix introduction page typo + * support pidfile on container restore + * fix start it + * skip pidfile test on remote + * improve document + * set pidfile default value int containerconfig + * add pidfile in inspection + * add pidfile it for container start + * skip pidfile it on remote + * Modify according to comments + * WIP: drop test requirement + * runtime: bump required conmon version + * runtime: return findConmon to libpod + * oci: drop ExecContainerCleanup + * oci: use `--full-path` option for conmon + * use AttachSocketPath when removing conmon files + * hide conmon-pidfile flag on remote mode + * Fix possible panic in libpod/image/prune.go + * add --ip to podman play kube + * add flag autocomplete + * add ut + * add flag "--pidfile" for podman create/run + * Add network bindings tests: remove and list + * Fix build with GO111MODULE=off + * system tests: build --pull-never: deal with flakes + * compose test: diagnose flakes v3 + * podman play kube apply correct log driver + * Fixes podman-remote save to directories does not work + * Bump from 0.14.1 to 0.14.2 + * Update documentation of podman-run to reflect volume "U" option + * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build : try 2 + * compose test: ongoing efforts to diagnose flakes + * Test that we don't error out on advertised --log-level values + * At trace log level, print error text using %+v instead of %v + * pkg/errorhandling.JoinErrors: don't throw away context for lone errors + * Recognize --log-level=trace + * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build + * System tests: fix racy podman-inspect + * Fixes invalid expression in save command + * Bump from 0.35.4 to 0.36.0 + * Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` + * compose test: try to get useful data from flakes + * Remove in-memory state implementation + * Fix message about runtime to show only the actual runtime + * System tests: setup: better cleanup of stray images + * Bump from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 + * Reflect current state of prune implementation in docs + * Do not delete container twice + * [CI:DOCS] Correct status code for /pods/create + * vendor in containers/storage v1.29.0 + * cgroup: do not set cgroup parent when rootless and cgroupfs + * Overhaul Makefile binary and release worflows + * Reorganize Makefile with sections and guide + * Simplify Makefile help target + * Don't shell to obtain current directory + * Remove unnecessary/not-needed release.txt target + * Fix incorrect version number output + * Exclude .gitignore from test req. + * Fix handling of $NAME and $IMAGE in runlabel + * Update podman image Dockerfile to support Podman in container + * Bump from 5.10.5 to 5.11.0 + * Fix slashes in socket URLs + * Add network prune filters support to bindings + * Add support for play/generate kube volumes + * Update manifest API endpoints + * Fix panic when not giving a machine name for ssh + * cgroups: force 64 bits to ParseUint + * Bump from 0.20.5 to 0.21.0 + * [CI:DOCS] Fix formatting of podman-build man page + * buildah-bud tests: simplify + * Add missing return + * Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.16.1 + * speed up CI handling of images + * Volumes prune endpoint should use only prune filters + * Cirrus: Use Fedora 34beta images + * Bump go.sum + Makefile for golang 1.16 + * Exempt Makefile changes from test requirements + * Adjust libpod API Container Wait documentation to the code + * [CI:DOCS] Update swagger definition of inspect manifest + * use updated ubuntu images + * podman unshare: add --rootless-cni to join the ns + * Update swagger-check + * swagger: remove name wildcards + * Update buildah-bud diffs + * Handle podman-remote --arch, --platform, --os + * buildah-bud tests: handle go pseudoversions, plus... + * Fix flaking rootless compose test + * rootless cni add /usr/sbin to PATH if not present + * System tests: special case for RHEL: require runc + * Add --requires flag to podman run/create + * [CI:DOCS] swagger-check: compare operations + * [CI:DOCS] Polish swagger OpertionIDs + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs` + * Ensure that `--userns=keep-id` sets user in config + * [CI:DOCS] Set all operation id to be compatibile + * Move operationIds to swagger:operation line + * swagger: add operationIds that match with docker + * Cirrus: Make use of shared get_ci_vm container + * Don't relabel volumes if running in a privileged container + * Allow users to override default storage opts with --storage-opt + * Add support for podman --context default + * Verify existence of auth file if specified + * fix machine naming conventions + * Initial network bindings tests + * Update release notes to indicate CVE fix + * Move socket activation check into init() and set global condition. + * Bump from 1.15.2 to 1.16.0 + * Http api tests for network prune with until filter + *, : Adjust Markdown layout for --userns + * Fix typos --uidmapping and --gidmapping + * Add transport and destination info to manifest doc + * Bump from 0.14.0 to 0.14.1 + * Add default template functions + * Fix missing podman-remote build options + * Bump from 22.3.0 to 22.3.1 + * Add ssh connection to root user + * Add rootless docker-compose test to the CI + * Use the slrip4netns dns in the rootless cni ns + * Cleanup the rootless cni namespace + * Add new docker-compose test for two networks + * Make the docker-compose test work rootless + * Remove unused rootless-cni-infra container files + * Only use rootless RLK when the container has ports + * Fix dnsname test + * Enable rootless network connect/disconnect + * Move slirp4netns functions into an extra file + * Fix pod infra container cni network setup + * Add rootless support for cni and --uidmap + * rootless cni without infra container + * Recreate until container prune tests for bindings + * Remove --execute from podman machine ssh + * Fixed podman-remote --network flag + * Makefile: introduce install.docker-full + * Makefile: ensure install.docker creates BINDIR + * Fix unmount doc reference in image.rst + * Should send the OCI runtime path not just the name to buildah + * podman machine shell completion + * Fix handling of remove --log-rusage param + * Fix bindings prune containers flaky test + * [CI:DOCS] Add local html build info to docs/ + * Add podman machine list + * Trim white space from /top endpoint results + * Remove semantic version suffices from API calls + * podman machine init --ignition-path + * Document --volume from podman-remote run/create client + * Update main branch to reflect the release of v3.1.0 + * Silence podman network reload errors with iptables-nft + * Containers prune endpoint should use only prune filters + * resolve proper aarch64 image names + * APIv2 basic test: relax APIVersion check + * Add machine support for qemu-system-aarch64 + * podman machine init user input + * manpage xref: helpful diagnostic for unescaped dash-dash + * Bump to v3.2.0-dev + * swagger: update system version response body + * buildah-bud tests: reenable pull-never test + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Shrink the size of podman-remote + * Add powershell completions + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Drop Warning to Info, if cgroups not mounted + * Fix long option format on + * system tests: friendier messages for 2-arg is() + * service: use LISTEN_FDS + * man pages: correct seccomp-policy label + * rootless: use is_fd_inherited + * podman generate systemd --new do not duplicate params + * play kube: add support for env vars defined from secrets + * play kube: support optional/mandatory env var from config map + * play kube: prepare supporting other env source than config maps + * Add machine support for more Linux distros + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Use same function podman-remote rmi as podman + * Podman machine enhancements + * Add problematic volume name to kube play error messages + * Fix podman build --pull-never + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix for kernel without CONFIG_USER_NS + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Turn on podman-remote build --isolation + * Fix list pods filter handling in libpod api + * Remove resize race condition + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Vendor in containers/buildah v1.20.0 + * Use TMPDIR when commiting images + * Add RequiresMountsFor= to systemd generate + * Bump from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 + * Fix swapped dimensions from terminal.GetSize + * Rename podman machine create to init and clean up + * Correct json field name + * system tests: new interactive tests + * Improvements for machine + * libpod/image: unit tests: use a `registries.conf` for aliases + * libpod/image: unit tests: defer cleanup + * libpod/image: unit tests: use `require.NoError` + * Add --execute flag to podman machine ssh + * introduce podman machine + * Podman machine CLI and interface stub + * Support multi doc yaml for generate/play kube + * Fix filters in image http compat/libpod api endpoints + * Bump from 0.35.3 to 0.35.4 + * Bump from 1.28.0 to 1.28.1 + * Check if stdin is a term in --interactive --tty mode + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Remove /tmp/containers-users-* files on reboot + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Fix rootless volume plugins + * Ensure manually-created volumes have correct ownership + * Bump + * Unification of until filter across list/prune endpoints + * Unification of label filter across list/prune endpoints + * fixup + * fix: build endpoint for compat API + * [CI:DOCS] Add note to mappings for user/group userns in build + * Bump from 0.20.1 to 0.20.5 + * Validate passed in timezone from tz option + * WIP: run buildah bud tests using podman + * Fix containers list/prune http api filter behaviour + * Generate Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims from named volumes + +- Update to version 3.1.2: + * Bump to v3.1.2 + * Update release notes for v3.1.2 + * Ensure mount destination is clean, no trailing slash + * Fixes podman-remote save to directories does not work + * [CI:DOCS] Add missing dash to verbose option + * [CI:DOCS] Fix Markdown table layout bugs + * [CI:DOCS] Rewrite --uidmap doc in and + * rmi: don't break when the image is missing a manifest + * Bump containers/image to v5.11.1 + * Bump from 22.2.0 to 22.3.1 + * Fix lint + * Bump to v3.1.2-dev +- Split podman-remote into a subpackage +- Add missing scriptlets for systemd units +- Escape macros in comments +- Drop some obsolete workarounds, including %{go_nostrip} + +- Update to version 3.1.1: + * Bump to v3.1.1 + * Update release notes for v3.1.1 + * podman play kube apply correct log driver + * Fix build with GO111MODULE=off + * [CI:DOCS] Set all operation id to be compatibile + * Move operationIds to swagger:operation line + * swagger: add operationIds that match with docker + * Fix missing podman-remote build options + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Shrink the size of podman-remote + * Move socket activation check into init() and set global condition. + * rootless: use is_fd_inherited + * Recreate until container prune tests for bindings + * System tests: special case for RHEL: require runc + * Document --volume from podman-remote run/create client + * Containers prune endpoint should use only prune filters + * Trim white space from /top endpoint results + * Fix unmount doc reference in image.rst + * Fix handling of remove --log-rusage param + * Makefile: introduce install.docker-full + * Makefile: ensure install.docker creates BINDIR + * Should send the OCI runtime path not just the name to buildah + * Fixed podman-remote --network flag + *, : Adjust Markdown layout for --userns + * Fix typos --uidmapping and --gidmapping + * Add default template functions + * Don't relabel volumes if running in a privileged container + * Allow users to override default storage opts with --storage-opt + * Add transport and destination info to manifest doc + * Verify existence of auth file if specified + * Ensure that `--userns=keep-id` sets user in config + * [CI:DOCS] Update swagger definition of inspect manifest + * Volumes prune endpoint should use only prune filters + * Adjust libpod API Container Wait documentation to the code + * Add missing return + * [CI:DOCS] Fix formatting of podman-build man page + * cgroups: force 64 bits to ParseUint + * Fix slashes in socket URLs + * [CI:DOCS] Correct status code for /pods/create + * cgroup: do not set cgroup parent when rootless and cgroupfs + * Reflect current state of prune implementation in docs + * Do not delete container twice + * Test that we don't error out on advertised --log-level values + * At trace log level, print error text using %+v instead of %v + * pkg/errorhandling.JoinErrors: don't throw away context for lone errors + * Recognize --log-level=trace + * Fix message about runtime to show only the actual runtime + * Fix handling of $NAME and $IMAGE in runlabel + * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build : try 2 + * Fix flake on failed podman-remote build + * Update documentation of podman-run to reflect volume "U" option + * Fixes invalid expression in save command + * Fix possible panic in libpod/image/prune.go + * Update all containers/ project vendors + * Fix tests + * Bump to v3.1.1-dev + +- Update to version 3.1.0: + * Bump to v3.1.0 + * Fix test failure + * Update release notes for v3.1.0 final release + * [NO TESTS NEEDED] Turn on podman-remote build --isolation + * Fix long option format on + * Fix containers list/prune http api filter behaviour + * [CI:DOCS] Add note to mappings for user/group userns in build + * Validate passed in timezone from tz option + * Generate Kubernetes PersistentVolumeClaims from named volumes + * libpod/image: unit tests: use a `registries.conf` for aliases +- Require systemd 241 or newer due to podman dependency go-systemd v22, + otherwise build will fail with unknown C name errors + +- Create docker subpackage to allow replacing docker with + corresponding aliases to podman. + +- Drop obsolete varlink.patch + +- Update to v3.0.1 + * Changes + - Several frequently-occurring WARN level log messages have been downgraded to INFO or DEBUG to not clutter terminal output. + Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where the Created field of podman ps --format=json was formatted as a string instead of an Unix timestamp (integer) (#9315). + - Fixed a bug where failing lookups of individual layers during the podman images command would cause the whole command to fail without printing output. + - Fixed a bug where --cgroups=split did not function properly on cgroups v1 systems. + - Fixed a bug where mounting a volume over an directory in the container that existed, but was empty, could fail (#9393). + - Fixed a bug where mounting a volume over a directory in the container that existed could copy the entirety of the container's rootfs, instead of just the directory mounted over, into the volume (#9415). + - Fixed a bug where Podman would treat the --entrypoint=[""] option to podman run and podman create as a literal empty string in the entrypoint, when instead it should have been ignored (#9377). + - Fixed a bug where Podman would set the HOME environment variable to "" when the container ran as a user without an assigned home directory (#9378). + - Fixed a bug where specifying a pod infra image that had no tags (by using its ID) would cause podman pod create to panic (#9374). + - Fixed a bug where the --runtime option was not properly handled by the podman build command (#9365). + - Fixed a bug where Podman would incorrectly print an error message related to the remote API when the remote API was not in use and starting Podman failed. + - Fixed a bug where Podman would change ownership of a container's working directory, even if it already existed (#9387). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd --new command would incorrectly escape %t when generating the path for the PID file (#9373). + - Fixed a bug where Podman could, when run inside a Podman container with the host's containers/storage directory mounted into the container, erroneously detect a reboot and reset container state if the temporary directory was not also mounted in (#9191). + - Fixed a bug where some options of the podman build command (including but not limited to --jobs) were nonfunctional (#9247). + * API + - Fixed a breaking change to the Libpod Wait API for Containers where the Conditions parameter changed type in Podman v3.0 (#9351). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not properly handle forwarded ports that did not specify a host port. + - Fixed a bug where the Libpod Wait endpoint for Containers could write duplicate headers after an error occurred. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Images would not pull images that already had a matching tag present locally, even if a more recent version was available at the registry (#9232). + - The Compat Create endpoint for Images has had its compatibility with Docker improved, allowing its use with the docker-java library. + * Misc + - Updated Buildah to v1.19.4 + - Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.6 +- Changes from v3.0.0 + * Features + - Podman now features initial support for Docker Compose. + - Added the podman rename command, which allows containers to be renamed after they are created (#1925). + - The Podman remote client now supports the podman copy command. + - A new command, podman network reload, has been added. This command will re-configure the network of all running containers, and can be used to recreate firewall rules lost when the system firewall was reloaded (e.g. via firewall-cmd --reload). + - Podman networks now have IDs. They can be seen in podman network ls and can be used when removing and inspecting networks. Existing networks receive IDs automatically. + - Podman networks now also support labels. They can be added via the --label option to network create, and podman network ls can filter labels based on them. + - The podman network create command now supports setting bridge MTU and VLAN through the --opt option (#8454). + - The podman container checkpoint and podman container restore commands can now checkpoint and restore containers that include volumes. + - The podman container checkpoint command now supports the --with-previous and --pre-checkpoint options, and the podman container restore command now support the --import-previous option. These add support for two-step checkpointing with lowered dump times. + - The podman push command can now push manifest lists. Podman will first attempt to push as an image, then fall back to pushing as a manifest list if that fails. + - The podman generate kube command can now be run on multiple containers at once, and will generate a single pod containing all of them. + - The podman generate kube and podman play kube commands now support Kubernetes DNS configuration, and will preserve custom DNS configuration when exporting or importing YAML (#9132). + - The podman generate kube command now properly supports generating YAML for containers and pods creating using host networking (--net=host) (#9077). + - The podman kill command now supports a --cidfile option to kill containers given a file containing the container's ID (#8443). + - The podman pod create command now supports the --net=none option (#9165). + - The podman volume create command can now specify volume UID and GID as options with the UID and GID fields passed to the the --opt option. + - Initial support has been added for Docker Volume Plugins. Podman can now define available plugins in containers.conf and use them to create volumes with podman volume create --driver. + - The podman run and podman create commands now support a new option, --platform, to specify the platform of the image to be used when creating the container. + - The --security-opt option to podman run and podman create now supports the systempaths=unconfined option to unrestrict access to all paths in the container, as well as mask and unmask options to allow more granular restriction of container paths. + - The podman stats --format command now supports a new format specified, MemUsageBytes, which prints the raw bytes of memory consumed by a container without human-readable formatting #8945. + - The podman ps command can now filter containers based on what pod they are joined to via the pod filter (#8512). + - The podman pod ps command can now filter pods based on what networks they are joined to via the network filter. + The podman pod ps command can now print information on what networks a pod is joined to via the .Networks specifier to the --format option. + - The podman system prune command now supports filtering what containers, pods, images, and volumes will be pruned. + - The podman volume prune commands now supports filtering what volumes will be pruned. + - The podman system prune command now includes information on space reclaimed (#8658). + - The podman info command will now properly print information about packages in use on Gentoo and Arch systems. + - The containers.conf file now contains an option for disabling creation of a new kernel keyring on container creation (#8384). + - The podman image sign command can now sign multi-arch images by producing a signature for each image in a given manifest list. + - The podman image sign command, when run as rootless, now supports per-user registry configuration files in $HOME/.config/containers/registries.d. + - Configuration options for slirp4netns can now be set system-wide via the NetworkCmdOptions configuration option in containers.conf. + - The MTU of slirp4netns can now be configured via the mtu= network command option (e.g. podman run --net slirp4netns:mtu=9000). + * Security + - A fix for CVE-2021-20199 is included. Podman between v1.8.0 and v2.2.1 used as the source address for all traffic forwarded into rootless containers by a forwarded port; this has been changed to address the issue. + * Changes + - Shortname aliasing support has now been turned on by default. All Podman commands that must pull an image will, if a TTY is available, prompt the user about what image to pull. + - The podman load command no longer accepts a NAME[:TAG] argument. The presence of this argument broke CLI compatibility with Docker by making docker load commands unusable with Podman (#7387). + - The Go bindings for the HTTP API have been rewritten with a focus on limiting dependency footprint and improving extensibility. Read more here. + - The legacy Varlink API has been completely removed from Podman. + - The default log level for Podman has been changed from Error to Warn. + - The podman network create command can now create macvlan networks using the --driver macvlan option for Docker compatibility. The existing --macvlan flag has been deprecated and will be removed in Podman 4.0 some time next year. + - The podman inspect command has had the LogPath and LogTag fields moved into the LogConfig structure (from the root of the Inspect structure). The maximum size of the log file is also included. + - The podman generate systemd command no longer generates unit files using the deprecated KillMode=none option (#8615). + - The podman stop command now releases the container lock while waiting for it to stop - as such, commands like podman ps will no longer block until podman stop completes (#8501). + - Networks created with podman network create --internal no longer use the dnsname plugin. This configuration never functioned as expected. + - Error messages for the remote Podman client have been improved when it cannot connect to a Podman service. + - Error messages for podman run when an invalid SELinux is specified have been improved. + - Rootless Podman features improved support for containers with a single user mapped into the rootless user namespace. + - Pod infra containers now respect default sysctls specified in containers.conf allowing for advanced configuration of the namespaces they will share. + - SSH public key handling for remote Podman has been improved. + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where the podman history --no-trunc command would truncate the Created By field (#9120). + - Fixed a bug where root containers that did not explicitly specify a CNI network to join did not generate an entry for the network in use in the Networks field of the output of podman inspect (#6618). + - Fixed a bug where, under some circumstances, container working directories specified by the image (via the WORKDIR instruction) but not present in the image, would not be created (#9040). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd command would generate invalid unit files if the container was creating using a command line that included doubled braces ({{ and }}), e.g. --log-opt-tag={{.Name}} (#9034). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd --new command could generate unit files including invalid Podman commands if the container was created using merged short options (e.g. podman run -dt) (#8847). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate systemd --new command could generate unit files that did not handle Podman commands including some special characters (e.g. $) (#9176 + - Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set a static IP address (#7842). + - Fixed a bug where rootless containers joining CNI networks could not set network aliases (#8567). + - Fixed a bug where the remote client could, under some circumstances, not include the Containerfile when sending build context to the server (#8374). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman did not mount /sys as a new sysfs in some circumstances where it was acceptable. + - Fixed a bug where rootless containers that both joined a user namespace and a CNI networks would cause a segfault. These options are incompatible and now return an error. + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command did not properly handle CMD and ARGS from images (#8803). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command did not properly handle environment variables from images (#8608). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command did not properly print errors that occurred when starting containers. + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command errored when hostNetwork was used (#8790). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command would always pull images when the :latest tag was specified, even if the image was available locally (#7838). + - Fixed a bug where the podman play kube command did not properly handle SELinux configuration, rending YAML with custom SELinux configuration unusable (#8710). + - Fixed a bug where the podman generate kube command incorrectly populated the args and command fields of generated YAML (#9211). + - Fixed a bug where containers in a pod would create a duplicate entry in the pod's shared /etc/hosts file every time the container restarted (#8921). + - Fixed a bug where the podman search --list-tags command did not support the --format option (#8740). + - Fixed a bug where the http_proxy option in containers.conf was not being respected, and instead was set unconditionally to true (#8843). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could, on systems with a recent Conmon and users with a long username, fail to attach to containers (#8798). + - Fixed a bug where the podman images command would break and fail to display any images if an empty manifest list was present in storage (#8931). + - Fixed a bug where locale environment variables were not properly passed on to Conmon. + - Fixed a bug where Podman would not build on the MIPS architecture (#8782). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could fail to properly configure user namespaces for rootless containers when the user specified a --uidmap option that included a mapping beginning with UID 0. + - Fixed a bug where the podman logs command using the k8s-file backend did not properly handle partial log lines with a length of 1 (#8879). + - Fixed a bug where the podman logs command with the --follow option did not properly handle log rotation (#8733). + - Fixed a bug where user-specified HOSTNAME environment variables were overwritten by Podman (#8886). + - Fixed a bug where Podman would applied default sysctls from containers.conf in too many situations (e.g. applying network sysctls when the container shared its network with a pod). + - Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where a secondary image store was in use and an image was present in both the secondary and primary stores (#8176). + - Fixed a bug where systemd-managed rootless Podman containers where the user in the container was not root could fail as the container's PID file was not accessible to systemd on the host (#8506). + - Fixed a bug where the --privileged option to podman run and podman create would, under some circumstances, not disable Seccomp (#8849). + - Fixed a bug where the podman exec command did not properly add capabilities when the container or exec session were run with --privileged. + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would use the --enable-sandbox option to slirp4netns unconditionally, even when pivot_root was disabled, rendering slirp4netns unusable when pivot_root was disabled (#8846). + - Fixed a bug where podman build --logfile did not actually write the build's log to the logfile. + - Fixed a bug where the podman system service command did not close STDIN, and could display user-interactive prompts (#8700). + - Fixed a bug where the podman system reset command could, under some circumstances, remove all the contents of the XDG_RUNTIME_DIR directory (#8680). + - Fixed a bug where the podman network create command created CNI configurations that did not include a default gateway (#8748). + - Fixed a bug where the podman.service systemd unit provided by default used the wrong service type, and would cause systemd to not correctly register the service as started (#8751). + - Fixed a bug where, if the TMPDIR environment variable was set for the container engine in containers.conf, it was being ignored. + - Fixed a bug where the podman events command did not properly handle future times given to the --until option (#8694). + - Fixed a bug where the podman logs command wrote container STDERR logs to STDOUT instead of STDERR (#8683). + - Fixed a bug where containers created from an image with multiple tags would report that they were created from the wrong tag (#8547). + - Fixed a bug where container capabilities were not set properly when the --cap-add=all and --user options to podman create and podman run were combined. + - Fixed a bug where the --layers option to podman build was nonfunctional (#8643). + - Fixed a bug where the podman system prune command did not act recursively, and thus would leave images, containers, pods, and volumes present that would be removed by a subsequent call to podman system prune (#7990). + - Fixed a bug where the --publish option to podman run and podman create did not properly handle ports specified as a range of ports with no host port specified (#8650). + - Fixed a bug where --format did not support JSON output for individual fields (#8444). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stats command would fail when run on root containers using the slirp4netns network mode (#7883). + - Fixed a bug where the Podman remote client would ask for a password even if the server's SSH daemon did not support password authentication (#8498). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stats command would fail if the system did not support one or more of the cgroup controllers Podman supports (#8588). + - Fixed a bug where the --mount option to podman create and podman run did not ignore the consistency mount option. + - Fixed a bug where failures during the resizing of a container's TTY would print the wrong error. + - Fixed a bug where the podman network disconnect command could cause the podman inspect command to fail for a container until it was restarted (#9234). + - Fixed a bug where containers created from a read-only rootfs (using the --rootfs option to podman create and podman run) would fail (#9230). + - Fixed a bug where specifying Go templates to the --format option to multiple Podman commands did not support the join function (#8773). + - Fixed a bug where the podman rmi command could, when run in parallel on multiple images, return layer not known errors (#6510). + - Fixed a bug where the podman inspect command on containers displayed unlimited ulimits incorrectly (#9303). + - Fixed a bug where Podman would fail to start when a volume was mounted over a directory in a container that contained symlinks that terminated outside the directory and its subdirectories (#6003). + API + - Libpod API version has been bumped to v3.0.0. + - All Libpod Pod APIs have been modified to properly report errors with individual containers. Cases where the operation as a whole succeeded but individual containers failed now report an HTTP 409 error (#8865). + - The Compat API for Containers now supports the Rename and Copy APIs. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Prune APIs (for volumes, containers, and images) did not return the amount of space reclaimed in their responses. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Exec APIs for Containers would drop errors that occurred prior to the exec session successfully starting (e.g. a "no such file" error if an invalid executable was passed) (#8281) + - Fixed a bug where the Volumes field in the Compat Create API for Containers was being ignored (#8649). + - Fixed a bug where the NetworkMode field in the Compat Create API for Containers was not handling some values, e.g. container:, correctly. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Containers did not set container name properly. + - Fixed a bug where containers created using the Compat Create API unconditionally used Kubernetes file logging (the default specified in containers.conf is now used). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect API for Containers could include container states not recognized by Docker. + - Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean up after calls to the Events API when the journald backend was in use, resulting in a leak of file descriptors (#8864). + - Fixed a bug where the Libpod Pull endpoint for Images could fail with an index out of range error under certain circumstances (#8870). + - Fixed a bug where the Libpod Exists endpoint for Images could panic. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not support all filters (#8860). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat List API for Containers did not properly populate the Status field. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat and Libpod Resize APIs for Containers ignored the height and width parameters (#7102). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Search API for Images returned an incorrectly-formatted JSON response (#8758). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Load API for Images did not properly clean up temporary files. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create API for Networks could panic when an empty IPAM configuration was specified. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect and List APIs for Networks did not include Scope. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Wait endpoint for Containers did not support the same wait conditions that Docker did. + * Misc + - Updated Buildah to v1.19.2 + - Updated the containers/storage library to v1.24.5 + - Updated the containers/image library to v5.10.2 + - Updated the containers/common library to v0.33.4 + +- Update to v2.2.1 + * Changes + - Due to a conflict with a previously-removed field, we were forced to + modify the way image volumes (mounting images into containers using + - -mount type=image) were handled in the database. + As a result, containers created in Podman 2.2.0 with image volume + will not have them in v2.2.1, and these containers will need to be re-created. + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would, on systems without the + XDG_RUNTIME_DIR environment variable defined, use an incorrect path + for the PID file of the Podman pause process, causing Podman to fail + to start (#8539). + - Fixed a bug where containers created using Podman v1.7 and earlier were + unusable in Podman due to JSON decode errors (#8613). + - Fixed a bug where Podman could retrieve invalid cgroup paths, instead + of erroring, for containers that were not running. + - Fixed a bug where the podman system reset command would print a warning + about a duplicate shutdown handler being registered. + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would attempt to mount sysfs in + circumstances where it was not allowed; some OCI runtimes (notably + crun) would fall back to alternatives and not fail, but others + (notably runc) would fail to run containers. + - Fixed a bug where the podman run and podman create commands would fail + to create containers from untagged images (#8558). + - Fixed a bug where remote Podman would prompt for a password even when + the server did not support password authentication (#8498). + - Fixed a bug where the podman exec command did not move the Conmon + process for the exec session into the correct cgroup. + - Fixed a bug where shell completion for the ancestor option to + podman ps --filter did not work correctly. + - Fixed a bug where detached containers would not properly clean themselves + up (or remove themselves if --rm was set) if the Podman command that + created them was invoked with --log-level=debug. + * API + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not + properly handle the Binds and Mounts parameters in HostConfig. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers + ignored the Name query parameter. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for Containers did not + properly handle the "default" value for NetworkMode (this value is + used extensively by docker-compose) (#8544). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Build endpoint for Images would sometimes + incorrectly use the target query parameter as the image's tag. + * Misc + - Podman v2.2.0 vendored a non-released, custom version of the + package; this has been reverted to the latest + upstream release to aid in packaging. + - Updated the containers/image library to v5.9.0 + +- Update to v2.2.0 + * Features + - Experimental support for shortname aliasing has been added. This is not enabled by default, but can be turned on by setting the environment variable CONTAINERS_SHORT_NAME_ALIASING to on. Documentation is available here and here. + - Initial support has been added for the podman network connect and podman network disconnect commands, which allow existing containers to modify what networks they are connected to. At present, these commands can only be used on running containers that did not specify --network=none when they were created. + - The podman run command now supports the --network-alias option to set network aliases (additional names the container can be accessed at from other containers via DNS if the dnsname CNI plugin is in use). Aliases can also be added and removed using the new podman network connect and podman network disconnect commands. Please note that this requires a new release (v1.1.0) of the dnsname plugin, and will only work on newly-created CNI networks. + - The podman generate kube command now features support for exporting container's memory and CPU limits (#7855). + - The podman play kube command now features support for setting CPU and Memory limits for containers (#7742). + - The podman play kube command now supports persistent volumes claims using Podman named volumes. + - The podman play kube command now supports Kubernetes configmaps via the --configmap option (#7567). + - The podman play kube command now supports a --log-driver option to set the log driver for created containers. + - The podman play kube command now supports a --start option, enabled by default, to start the pod after creating it. This allows for podman play kube to be more easily used in systemd unitfiles. + - The podman network create command now supports the --ipv6 option to enable dual-stack IPv6 networking for created networks (#7302). + - The podman inspect command can now inspect pods, networks, and volumes, in addition to containers and images (#6757). + - The --mount option for podman run and podman create now supports a new type, image, to mount the contents of an image into the container at a given location. + - The Bash and ZSH completions have been completely reworked and have received significant enhancements! Additionally, support for Fish completions and completions for the podman-remote executable have been added. + - The --log-opt option for podman create and podman run now supports the max-size option to set the maximum size for a container's logs (#7434). + - The --network option to the podman pod create command now allows pods to be configured to use slirp4netns networking, even when run as root (#6097). + - The podman pod stop, podman pod pause, podman pod unpause, and podman pod kill commands now work on multiple containers in parallel and should be significantly faster. + - The podman search command now supports a --list-tags option to list all available tags for a single image in a single repository. + - The podman search command can now output JSON using the --format=json option. + - The podman diff and podman mount commands now work with all containers in the storage library, including those not created by Podman. This allows them to be used with Buildah and CRI-O containers. + - The podman container exists command now features a --external option to check if a container exists not just in Podman, but also in the storage library. This will allow Podman to identify Buildah and CRI-O containers. + - The --tls-verify and --authfile options have been enabled for use with remote Podman. + - The /etc/hosts file now includes the container's name and hostname (both pointing to localhost) when the container is run with --net=none (#8095). + - The podman events command now supports filtering events based on the labels of the container they occurred on using the --filter label=key=value option. + - The podman volume ls command now supports filtering volumes based on their labels using the --filter label=key=value option. + - The --volume and --mount options to podman run and podman create now support two new mount propagation options, unbindable and runbindable. + - The name and id filters for podman pod ps now match based on a regular expression, instead of requiring an exact match. + - The podman pod ps command now supports a new filter status, that matches pods in a certain state. + * Changes + - The podman network rm --force command will now also remove pods that are using the network (#7791). + - The podman volume rm, podman network rm, and podman pod rm commands now return exit code 1 if the object specified for removal does not exist, and exit code 2 if the object is in use and the --force option was not given. + - If /dev/fuse is passed into Podman containers as a device, Podman will open it before starting the container to ensure that the kernel module is loaded on the host and the device is usable in the container. + - Global Podman options that were not supported with remote operation have been removed from podman-remote (e.g. --cgroup-manager, --storage-driver). + - Many errors have been changed to remove repetition and be more clear as to what has gone wrong. + - The --storage option to podman rm is now enabled by default, with slightly changed semantics. If the given container does not exist in Podman but does exist in the storage library, it will be removed even without the --storage option. If the container exists in Podman it will be removed normally. The --storage option for podman rm is now deprecated and will be removed in a future release. + - The --storage option to podman ps has been renamed to --external. An alias has been added so the old form of the option will continue to work. + - Podman now delays the SIGTERM and SIGINT signals during container creation to ensure that Podman is not stopped midway through creating a container resulting in potential resource leakage (#7941). + - The podman save command now strips signatures from images it is exporting, as the formats we export to do not support signatures (#7659). + - A new Degraded state has been added to pods. Pods that have some, but not all, of their containers running are now considered to be Degraded instead of Running. + - Podman will now print a warning when conflicting network options related to port forwarding (e.g. --publish and --net=host) are specified when creating a container. + - The --restart on-failure and --rm options for containers no longer conflict. When both are specified, the container will be restarted if it exits with a non-zero error code, and removed if it exits cleanly (#7906). + - Remote Podman will no longer use settings from the client's containers.conf; defaults will instead be provided by the server's containers.conf (#7657). + - The podman network rm command now has a new alias, podman network remove (#8402). + * Bugfixes + - Fixed a bug where podman load on the remote client did not error when attempting to load a directory, which is not yet supported for remote use. + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman could hang when the newuidmap binary was not installed (#7776). + - Fixed a bug where the --pull option to podman run, podman create, and podman build did not match Docker's behavior. + - Fixed a bug where sysctl settings from the containers.conf configuration file were applied, even if the container did not join the namespace associated with a sysctl. + - Fixed a bug where Podman would not return the text of errors encounted when trying to run a healthcheck for a container. + - Fixed a bug where Podman was accidentally setting the containers environment variable in addition to the expected container environment variable. + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman using CNI networking did not properly clean up DNS entries for removed containers (#7789). + - Fixed a bug where the podman untag --all command was not supported with remote Podman. + - Fixed a bug where the podman system service command could time out even if active attach connections were present (#7826). + - Fixed a bug where the podman system service command would sometimes never time out despite no active connections being present. + - Fixed a bug where Podman's handling of capabilities, specifically inheritable, did not match Docker's. + - Fixed a bug where podman run would fail if the image specified was a manifest list and had already been pulled (#7798). + - Fixed a bug where Podman did not take search registries into account when looking up images locally (#6381). + - Fixed a bug where the podman manifest inspect command would fail for images that had already been pulled (#7726). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman would not add supplemental GIDs to containers when when a user, but not a group, was set via the --user option to podman create and podman run and sufficient GIDs were available to add the groups (#7782). + - Fixed a bug where remote Podman commands did not properly handle cases where the user gave a name that could also be a short ID for a pod or container (#7837). + - Fixed a bug where podman image prune could leave images ready to be pruned after podman image prune was run (#7872). + - Fixed a bug where the podman logs command with the journald log driver would not read all available logs (#7476). + - Fixed a bug where the --rm and --restart options to podman create and podman run did not conflict when a restart policy that is not on-failure was chosen (#7878). + - Fixed a bug where the --format "table {{ .Field }}" option to numerous Podman commands ceased to function on Podman v2.0 and up. + - Fixed a bug where pods did not properly share an SELinux label between their containers, resulting in containers being unable to see the processes of other containers when the pod shared a PID namespace (#7886). + - Fixed a bug where the --namespace option to podman ps did not work with the remote client (#7903). + - Fixed a bug where rootless Podman incorrectly calculated the number of UIDs available in the container if multiple different ranges of UIDs were specified. + - Fixed a bug where the /etc/hosts file would not be correctly populated for containers in a user namespace (#7490). + - Fixed a bug where the podman network create and podman network remove commands could race when run in parallel, with unpredictable results (#7807). + - Fixed a bug where the -p option to podman run, podman create, and podman pod create would, when given only a single number (e.g. -p 80), assign the same port for both host and container, instead of generating a random host port (#7947). + - Fixed a bug where Podman containers did not properly store the cgroup manager they were created with, causing them to stop functioning after the cgroup manager was changed in containers.conf or with the --cgroup-manager option (#7830). + - Fixed a bug where the podman inspect command did not include information on the CNI networks a container was connected to if it was not running. + - Fixed a bug where the podman attach command would not print a newline after detaching from the container (#7751). + - Fixed a bug where the HOME environment variable was not set properly in containers when the --userns=keep-id option was set (#8004). + - Fixed a bug where the podman container restore command could panic when the container in question was in a pod (#8026). + - Fixed a bug where the output of the podman image trust show --raw command was not properly formatted. + - Fixed a bug where the podman runlabel command could panic if a label to run was not given (#8038). + - Fixed a bug where the podman run and podman start --attach commands would exit with an error when the user detached manually using the detach keys on remote Podman (#7979). + - Fixed a bug where rootless CNI networking did not use the dnsname CNI plugin if it was not available on the host, despite it always being available in the container used for rootless networking (#8040). + - Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly handle cases where an OCI runtime is specified by its full path, and could revert to using another OCI runtime with the same binary path that existed in the system $PATH on subsequent invocations. + - Fixed a bug where the --net=host option to podman create and podman run would cause the /etc/hosts file to be incorrectly populated (#8054). + - Fixed a bug where the podman inspect command did not include container network information when the container shared its network namespace (IE, joined a pod or another container's network namespace via --net=container:...) (#8073). + - Fixed a bug where the podman ps command did not include information on all ports a container was publishing. + - Fixed a bug where the podman build command incorrectly forwarded STDIN into build containers from RUN instructions. + - Fixed a bug where the podman wait command's --interval option did not work when units were not specified for the duration (#8088). + - Fixed a bug where the --detach-keys and --detach options could be passed to podman create despite having no effect (and not making sense in that context). + - Fixed a bug where Podman could not start containers if running on a system without a /etc/resolv.conf file (which occurs on some WSL2 images) (#8089). + - Fixed a bug where the --extract option to podman cp was nonfunctional. + - Fixed a bug where the --cidfile option to podman run would, when the container was not run with --detach, only create the file after the container exited (#8091). + - Fixed a bug where the podman images and podman images -a commands could panic and not list any images when certain improperly-formatted images were present in storage (#8148). + - Fixed a bug where the podman events command could, when the journald events backend was in use, become nonfunctional when a badly-formatted event or a log message that container certain string was present in the journal (#8125). + - Fixed a bug where remote Podman would, when using SSH transport, not authenticate to the server using hostkeys when connecting on a port other than 22 (#8139). + - Fixed a bug where the podman attach command would not exit when containers stopped (#8154). + - Fixed a bug where Podman did not properly clean paths before verifying them, resulting in Podman refusing to start if the root or temporary directories were specified with extra trailing / characters (#8160). + - Fixed a bug where remote Podman did not support hashed hostnames in the known_hosts file on the host for establishing connections (#8159). + - Fixed a bug where the podman image exists command would return non-zero (false) when multiple potential matches for the given name existed. + - Fixed a bug where the podman manifest inspect command on images that are not manifest lists would error instead of inspecting the image (#8023). + - Fixed a bug where the podman system service command would fail if the directory the Unix socket was to be created inside did not exist (#8184). + - Fixed a bug where pods that shared the IPC namespace (which is done by default) did not share a /dev/shm filesystem between all containers in the pod (#8181). + - Fixed a bug where filters passed to podman volume list were not inclusive (#6765). + - Fixed a bug where the podman volume create command would fail when the volume's data directory already existed (as might occur when a volume was not completely removed) (#8253). + - Fixed a bug where the podman run and podman create commands would deadlock when trying to create a container that mounted the same named volume at multiple locations (e.g. podman run -v testvol:/test1 -v testvol:/test2) (#8221). + - Fixed a bug where the parsing of the --net option to podman build was incorrect (#8322). + - Fixed a bug where the podman build command would print the ID of the built image twice when using remote Podman (#8332). + - Fixed a bug where the podman stats command did not show memory limits for containers (#8265). + - Fixed a bug where the podman pod inspect command printed the static MAC address of the pod in a non-human-readable format (#8386). + - Fixed a bug where the --tls-verify option of the podman play kube command had its logic inverted (false would enforce the use of TLS, true would disable it). + - Fixed a bug where the podman network rm command would error when trying to remove macvlan networks and rootless CNI networks (#8491). + - Fixed a bug where Podman was not setting sane defaults for missing XDG_ environment variables. + - Fixed a bug where remote Podman would check if volume paths to be mounted in the container existed on the host, not the server (#8473). + - Fixed a bug where the podman manifest create and podman manifest add commands on local images would drop any images in the manifest not pulled by the host. + - Fixed a bug where networks made by podman network create did not include the tuning plugin, and as such did not support setting custom MAC addresses (#8385). + - Fixed a bug where container healthchecks did not use $PATH when searching for the Podman executable to run the healthcheck. + - Fixed a bug where the --ip-range option to podman network create did not properly handle non-classful subnets when calculating the last usable IP for DHCP assignment (#8448). + - Fixed a bug where the podman container ps alias for podman ps was missing (#8445). + * API + - The Compat Create endpoint for Container has received a major refactor to share more code with the Libpod Create endpoint, and should be significantly more stable. + - A Compat endpoint for exporting multiple images at once, GET /images/get, has been added (#7950). + - The Compat Network Connect and Network Disconnect endpoints have been added. + - Endpoints that deal with image registries now support a X-Registry-Config header to specify registry authentication configuration. + - The Compat Create endpoint for images now properly supports specifying images by digest. + - The Libpod Build endpoint for images now supports an httpproxy query parameter which, if set to true, will forward the server's HTTP proxy settings into the build container for RUN instructions. + - The Libpod Untag endpoint for images will now remove all tags for the given image if no repository and tag are specified for removal. + - Fixed a bug where the Ping endpoint misspelled a header name (Libpod-Buildha-Version instead of Libpod-Buildah-Version). + - Fixed a bug where the Ping endpoint sent an extra newline at the end of its response where Docker did not. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers did not send a newline character after each log line. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Logs endpoint for containers would mangle line endings to change newline characters to add a preceding carriage return (#7942). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not properly list the container's stop signal (#7917). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers formatted the container's create time incorrectly (#7860). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers did not include the container's Path, Args, and Restart Count. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for Containers prefixed added and dropped capabilities with CAP_ (Docker does not do so). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Info endpoint for the Engine did not include configured registries. + - Fixed a bug where the server could panic if a client closed a connection midway through an image pull (#7896). + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for volumes returned an error when a volume with the same name already existed, instead of succeeding with a 201 code (#7740). + - Fixed a bug where a client disconnecting from the Libpod or Compat events endpoints could result in the server using 100% CPU (#7946). + - Fixed a bug where the "no such image" error message sent by the Compat Inspect endpoint for Images returned a 404 status code with an error that was improperly formatted for Docker compatibility. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Create endpoint for networks did not properly set a default for the driver parameter if it was not provided by the client. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for images did not populate the RootFS field of the response. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Inspect endpoint for images would omit the ParentId field if the image had no parent, and the Created field if the image did not have a creation time. + - Fixed a bug where the Compat Remove endpoint for Networks did not support the Force query parameter. + poezio +- Remove filler wording from description. + +- add README.rst to the package polari +- Update to version 41.0: + + Update screenshots and metainfo. + + Refresh application icon. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 41.rc: + + Support Soup 3. + + Replace custom logging with console module. + + Fix pasting text files. + + Put status message on the left. + + Improve chat log appearance. + + Port to GTK4. + + Updated translations. +- Drop pkgconfig(gtk+-3.0) BuildRequires: no longer needed after + port to GTK4. NOTE: gtk4 is not needed during build. + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Update GNOME server list. + + Misc. bug fixes. + + Updated translations. + +- Fold typelib-1_0-Polari-1_0 into the main package: the .typelib + file is installed in a private gi-repository. +- Obsolete the old package name to ease upgrades. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + Promisify async operations. +- Changes from version 3.38.1: + + Add hackint to predefined networks. + + Add Libera.Chat to predefined networks. + + Promote Libera.Chat over Freenode. + + Update OFTC server list. + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Disable URL previews when on metered data. + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. + + Updated translations. +- Drop polari-fix-log-spam.patch: Fixed upstream. + +- Update to version 3.37.3: + + Add WHOIS command. +- Changes from version 3.37.2: + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + Add the ability to mute nicknames. + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. + + Updated translations. + +- Drop mozjs68 BuildRequires: it is only required to syntax check + the .js files during build. As we use pristine upstream sources, + we can assume them to be tested by the CI already. + +- Add polari-fix-log-spam.patch: Quiet down unneeded warnings. + +- Update to version 3.36.3: + + Misc. bug fixes and cleanups. + + Improve performance while idle. + posix_cc +- Modernize spec file +- Build in build phase + posixovl +- Update to new upstream release 1.3 + * Support xattr.h moved from libattr-devel to glibc-devel. + postfixadmin +- Update to PostfixAdmin 3.3.10 + - Merge password expiration fixes + - Remove html readonly attribute from user's vacation page to/from selectors. + - - allow smtp helo to be specified + - Security fix - ClickJacking protection + - Security fix (low risk) - Improve randomness with PFA_token for CSRF protection + - Fix viewlog to allow admins to see all domains + - Disable password autocompletion in edit forms + +- Update to PostfixAdmin 3.3.9 + - several bugfixes, see CHANGELOG.TXT for details + +- Update to PostfixAdmin 3.3.5 + - several bugfixes, see CHANGELOG.TXT for details + +- Update to PostfixAdmin 3.3.1 + - switch of bootstrap theme + - let setup.php display less information + - change internal database routines to use PHP's PDO + - various improvements and bug fixes + - new setup password hashing method (you'll need to create a new + $CONF['setup_password']) + postgresql12 +- bsc#1192516: Upgrade to version 12.9: + * Make the server reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23214). + * Make libpq reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23222). + * + +- Let genlists skip non-existing binaries to avoid lots of version + conditionals in the file lists. +- Remove postgresql-testsuite-int8.sql.patch, because its purpose + is unclear. This affects only the test subpackage. + postgresql13 +- bsc#1192516: Upgrade to 13.5: + * Make the server reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23214). + * Make libpq reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23222). + * + postgresql14 -- Let genlists skip non-existing binaries to avoid lots of version - conditionals in the file lists. +- bsc#1192516: Upgrade to 14.1 + * Make the server reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23214). + * Make libpq reject extraneous data after an SSL or GSS + encryption handshake (CVE-2021-23222). + * + +- boo#1191782: Let rpmlint ignore shlib-policy-name-error. + postgrey +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * postgrey.service + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- fix for boo#1115454 + * rename postgrey_daily_greylist.crontab + to + * add postgrey_daily_greylist.service + and postgrey_daily_greylist.timer + -- Update to 1.35 (boo #919194) - - use just 'postgrey' as process name, instead of '/usr/sbin/postgrey', because - Linux tools are limited to 15 characters (#5) - - Make postgrey work with Perl 5.18 (Yasuhiro KIMURA, #4) - - updated whitelist - postsrsd +- Update to release 1.11 [boo#1180251] + * Drop group privileges as well as user privileges + * Fixed: The subprocess that talks to Postfix could be caused + to hang with a very long email address. [CVE-2020-35573] + +- Update to release 1.6 + * Fix endianness issue with SHA-1 implementation + * Add dual stack support + * Make SRS separator configurable + pound +- bsc#1130588: Require shadow instead of old pwdutils + +- Update to 2.8 + * removed DynScale flag and support + * removed support for multi-line headers (both input and output) + * CVE-2018-21245: fixed potential request smuggling via fudged headers (boo#1173075) +- Add add-openssl_1.1-support.patch to fix bnc#1116061 + (Patch from, mentioned here: + +- Run spec-cleaner + +- Fix libopenssl dependency, add openssl + -- fixed openssl 1.0 build with patch from redhat. - -- update to version 2.4.5 (various bug fixes, enhancements in - xHTTP 3 and 4 support) - -- update to version 2.4.3 (various bug fixes, no new features) - povray +- Fix typo in RPM group. + +- Update to maintenance release + * Changes between and + + Modify thread creation code to more easily address thread stack size issues + in Mac OS builds (requires Boost 1.50 or later to be effective). + * Changes between and + + Fix configure script failing to properly handle `.` directory in + `C_INCLUDE_PATH` or `CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH` (fixes GitHub issue #342, + "AX_FIX_INCORRECT_PATH is broken"). + * Changes between and + + Fix configure script failing to use -lboost_system with Boost 1.66 + (fixes GitHub issue #341, "macOS build failure for"). + * Changes between and + + Fixed compatibility with systems defining `NULL` as `0` when using + `shared_ptr` from C++11 rather than boost/tr1 (GitHub issue #339). + + Fixed compatibility with systems not exposing `atof` in the global + namespace (reported in discussion about GitHub issue #317). + + Eliminated use of `register` keyword to silence warnings with C++11 (where + the keyword is deprecated) and improve compatibility with C++17 (where the + keyword is disallowed). + * Changes between and + + Fixed minor error in Unix man page. + + Partially fixed incompatibility with Boost 1.65.0. + * Changes between and + + Updated OpenEXR file handling code to be compatible with GNU C++ compiler + g++ 6.x (missed that code portion in + + Fixed a bug discovered in bicubic patch code that could theoretically lead + to unpredictable behaviour. (To our knowledge, the official 3.7.0 Windows + binaries should be safe.) + * Changes between and + + Updated the bundled boost library to version 1.62, as the version bundled + with the source code (boost 1.59) turned out to have a bug that + would have caused POV-Ray for Windows to wake the computer from sleep mode + even when not currently rendering. + + Updated code to be compatible with GNU C++ compiler g++ 6.x (tested with + 6.3.1). + * Changes between 3.7.0 and + + Updated the Unix build process to be compatible with modern versions of + Automake. + + Updated the Unix build process to automatically link the `boost_system` + library if required, to be compatible with modern versions of the boost + libraries. + + Updated the source code to eliminate conflicts with C++11. + + Updated the Unix-specific source code and build process to be compatible + with Mac OS X. +- Drop obsolete povray- +- Correct License, with Povray 3.7.0 the license changed to + AGPL-3.0-or-later, see +- Package documentation + -- Fix buildRequires and build on Factory - -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - powerline +- Keep ipython binding files in python sitelib -- fixes boo#1187199 +- Remove shebang in +- Deduplicate docs + +- Update to version 2.8.2 + * + +- Activate test suite +- Require python3-psutil needed for segments env, net and sys +- Add Provides python3-powerline-status for compatibility with + python_module macro +- Recommend python3-i3ipc needed for bindings to i3 and lemonbar +- Recommend git-core needed for most git functionality +- Update to v2.8.1 + * Add __version__ + +- Update to version 2.8 + * Added ipython >= 7.0.0 support + * Various other minor fixes and improvements + * Removed python2 support +- Removed powerline-py2v3-fix.patch + +- Update to version 2.7 + * Added ALE support. + * Added mocp support. + * Added awesome 4+ support. + * Added support for `$pipestatus` in bash. + * Recognize terminal-job mode. + * Fixed i3 bindings when both i3-py and i3ipc are installed. + * Fixed i3 bar bindings. + * Fixed checking for battery in WSL. + * Fixed spotify segment on Mac OS. + * Fixed compiling C client with GCC-7. +- Removed powerline-2.6-gcc7_fixes.patch + powermanga +- generate startup code dynamically to cope with libexec relocation + -- Initial package built from Fedora package (0.90-2) - powerpc-utils +- Avoid error with HCN IDs containing same consecutive bytes (bsc#1192095 ltc#194963). + + hcnmgr-Avoid-hexdum-squeezing-consecutive-identical-.patch + pptpd +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- add missing remote_fs dependency to init script -- add missing calls to restart_on_update and stop_on_removal macros - praat +- Update to version 6.1.48 + * TextGrid window: Shift-drag drags multiple boundaries again + even if the Shift key is not released. + * Scripting: publishing ("Extract") an object from an editor + window returns its ID again. + * Scripting: "Select..." in an editor window is now prevented + from selecting outside the time domain. + version 6.1.47: + * The Escape key now means Cancel also in a non-pausing pause + window. + version 6.1.46: + * Fixed a bug with line types in the Picture window. + * TextGrid window: shift-click on a boundary again extends the + selection. + version 6.1.45: + * Praat picture files can be drawn with Read from file again. + version 6.1.44: + * Scripting: queries in editor windows are scriptable again. + version 6.1.43: + * TextGrid window: characters in the IPA chart grow with the + window. + * TextGrid window: seeing the maroon shadow now always means + that the boundary will be moved when the mouse is released + (problem since 6.1.20 or so). + version 6.1.42: + * Settings windows: taller text fields for formulas and + vectors. +- Add praat-gcc11.patch to fix build in Factory + prboom-plus +- Update to release 2.6.1um + * Allow colored blood to get set/overridden by DEHACKED + * Made the Ouch Face fix available on all complevels + * Added the autoload folder feature from Chocolate Doom + * Made Doom sound quirk fixes available on all complevels + * UMAPINFO: introduce the new 'label' field (#308) + * Fixed a levelstat crash + * Added a "-coop_spawns" parameter for using "coop in single-player" mode + * UMAPINFO: entries without defined 'levelname' fall back to default + -- Update to snapshot SVN4355 - * Added "Fix clipping problems in large levels" option. - * Added "gl_finish" config variable. - * Added a "Health Bar Above Monsters" option (health_bar* config - variables; GL only). - * Added a "Things appearance" automap option. Possible values: - "classic", "scaled" and "icons". - * Added "notarget" and "fly" cheat codes. - * Added MBF's "-beta" codepointers. - * Added a new HUD. - * Added "shaders" sector light mode. - * Support "Classic Doom" WAD files of Doom 3 BFG Edition and HACX - 1.2 IWAD - * Restricted mouse look (Heretic-style Y-shearing) now is available - in software mode. - * Added a crosshair. Three different crosshair graphics are for - choice: cross, angle and dot. Extra features are changing - crosshair colors according to the player's health and/or on sight - of a target. - * "Use GL surface for software mode" mode now works much faster if - gl_finish is 0 in config. - * Ability to use e.g. doom1.wad as a resource for a doom2 IWAD, - e.g. freedoom (prboom-plus -iwad freedoom.wad -file doom1.wad). - presage +- Fix one more GCC 11 warning. + +- redo presage-0.9.1-gcc11.patch (boo#1181881) + * use noexcept(false) for "throw PresageException" + +- add presage-0.9.1-gcc11.patch (boo#1181881) + * fix ISO C++17 does not allow dynamic exception specifications + * fix come from + +- Revert change of the source package name for the doc flavor. + Different flavors require distinct package names for _multibuild + to work properly. + +- Update presage-0.9.1-python3.patch: Adjust two more env python to + for python3. + +- Export the include path to fix the build under python 3.8 + +- Add presage-0.9.1-python3.patch, port python binding and apps + to python3 +- Rename subpackages: + * dbus-1-presage -> python3-dbus-presage + * python-presage -> python3-presage + * pyprompter -> python3-pyprompter + * python-presagemate -> python3-presagemate + +- Add explicit BuildRequires for pkg-config for doc flavor, otherwise + configuration on Leap 15.x / SLE 15 fails. +- Disable build and checks for tools/bindings when building API docs. + +- Make the package name dependent on the flavor, otherwise OBS can not track + the packages correctly and keeps blocking until all flavors are finished. +- Remove unnneded Requires: presage in devel subpackge + +- Split out API doc generation using multibuild. graphviz-gd has + become quite heavy as a build dependency. +- Cleanup specfile + * remove defattr, use license macro + * remove conditionals for EOLed distribution versions +- Remove gpresagemate, it depends on the long deprecated XEVIE extension +- Set she-bang for /usr/bin/presage_dbus_* to /usr/bin/python2 + -- update version 0.9.beta20140216 - * see ChangeLog file -- drop patch: presage-0.8.9-automake_1.12_abuild.patch -- add patch: presage-0.9.0-automake_1.12_abuild.patch - primesieve +- Fix issues with big.LITTLE CPUs e.g. Intel Alder Lake +- Improved C API error messages +- Improved C/C++ API documentation + +- Update to primesieve-7.6 + privoxy +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * privoxy.service + +- Revert privoxy-nopcreposix.patch because of bsc#1184945. + +- Using pcre is good, however using the pcreposix library is not and will + lead to undefined behaviour as symbol clashes with glibc. + (privoxy-nopcreposix.patch) + product-builder-plugin-Tumbleweed +- 1.6.0 + * KIWIDnfRepoclosurePlugin added + * KIWIPackagesDVDPlugin added + +- 1.4.3 + * comps meta data support + +- 1.4.0 + * modulemd data support + profanity +- Update to 0.11.1: + * Fix typo in shade color theme (#1579) + * Fix memory leaks (#1583) (#1584) (#1585) + * Fix buffer overread (#1586) + * Don't handle /me in the middle of a message with mentions (#1586) + * Explicitly check for curl version (#1581) + * Fix OMEMO devicelist access model by reconfiguring it (#1538) (#1591) + * Cosmetic cleanup (#1593) + * Change attentionflag shortcut from alt-f to alt+v (#1580) + * Update man page and /help information + * Enable whole word only notifications by default (#1578) + +- Update to 0.11.0: + * Fix 'headache' and 'whiteness' themes (#1471) + * Fix help text for `/logging` (#1470) + * Fix theme loading with -t parameter when a disconnect happens (#1472) + * Add `/mam` command (MAM is still experimental) (#660) + * Improve MAM support: load multiple pages with RSM (#660) + * Fix titlebar MUC name display when no name is set (#1481) + * Improved window title output (#1493) + * Show offline members in occupants panel (#1495) + `/occupants default show|hide [jid|offline]` + `/occupants show|hide [jid|offline]` + * Support handling `file://` prefix in patchs (#1498) + * Update HTTP Upload XEP-0363 to 1.0.0 (#1499, #1500) + * New `/changepassword` command to change users password (XEP-0077) (#1501) + * Add ability to request 'voice' in MUCs (XEP-0045) (#1211, #1504) + `/affiliation request` + * Add ability to approve MUC voice requests (XEP-0045) (#1507, #1508) + * Improve `/bookmark` help (#1511) + * Add ability to register a nickname with a MUC (XEP-0045) (#1510, #1210) + `/affiliation register` + * Fix segfault on `/sendfile` using OMEMO on Raspberry Pi (#1512) + * Use shorter IDs (#1520) + * Add abbility to launch external editor to write (multiline) messages (#1485, #1546) + `/editor` + * Introdcue OMEMO trustmode (#1506) + `/omemo trustmode manual|firstusage|blind` + * Fix random string generation (8e588d6) + * Separate settings to configure printing of typing information in console and titlebar (#1516, #1532) + `/intype on|of` -> `/intype titlebar|console on|off` + * Use direct messages instead of MUC-PMs for non-anonymous MUCs (#1534) + * Add ability to mark a window with an attention flag as a reminder to read it later (#1543) + ALT+F to toggle the flag + ALT+M to switch to marked windows + `/wins attention` to list windows with the attention flag set + * Don't log chat states as empty messages (#1550) + * Fix wrong message display when mention is triggered (#1557, #1231) + * Add command to show single bookmark details (#1558, #1559) + * `/bookmark list <jid>` + * Display a notice when someone tries to call (XEP-0353) (#1525, #1560) + * Fix logfile rotation (#1518, #1563) + * Disable notifications by default (#977, #1564) + * Add support for XEP-0157 server contact information discovery (#1524, #1567) + `/disco info` does now include server contact information + * Fix segfault in `/url open` with OMEMO encrypted files (#1478) + * Add XEP-0377 Spam Reporting (#1434, #1569) + `/blocked report abuse|spam <jid> <msg>` + * Remember status on reconnect (#1006, #1570) + * Option to accept chat messages only from known contacts (#955, #1571) + `/silence on|off` + * Improve OX (XEP-0373) handling (#1566) + * Extend Python API (#1528, #1529) + * Cleanups (#1513, #1554, #1561) + * OMEMO related fixes (#1496, #1515, #1539, #1540, #1548, #1549, #1530, #1553, #1565) + * For details see +- Remove profanity-0.10.0-theme-typo.patch: upstreamed + +- Fix Factory build: + * Create correct symlinks + * Use update-alternatives correctly + * Use clearer style + - * Add profanity-0.9.5-theme-typo.patch + * Add profanity-0.10.0-theme-typo.patch + +- Update to 0.10.0: + * Code cleanup + * Several memory leaks fixed (b45384, #805, #1416, #1427) + * Handle headline stanza (#1366) + * By default log only WARN not INFO (#1353) + * Fix OMEMO: check for current item (#1384) + * Fix request OMEMO device id (#1332) + * Add experimental OX (XEP-0373, XEP-0374) support (#1331) + * Add clang format file for uniform coding style (#1396) + * Add contributing guidelines (#1397) + * Dont highlight console once all messages have been read (#1399) + * New setting: Only highlight in console upon MUC mention (#1371) + `/console muc mention` + * Remove `/tiny` command (#1370) + * Fix `/lastactivity` behaviour (#1411) + * Fix `/correct` quotation marks usage (#1404) + * Parse Stable Stanza IDs (XEP-0359) (#1207) (#660) + * Only insert new messages in database (c9b154) (#660) + * Support both gtk2 and gtk3 (05d19c) + * Update gruvbox theme (#1421) + * Add NetBSD support (#1424) + * Fix uninitialized field in bookmarks (#1432) + * Don't link functional tests against tcl (da513a) + * Fix date format for MAM requests (15f45f) + * Print error stanzas (#1435) + * Add man pages for each profanity command (#1444) + * Fix chatlogs for outgoing carbons (#1439) + * Add OMEMO media sharing support (#1375) + See `/help sendfile` `/help executable` + * Expand trackbar to whole line (#1448) + * Set default color for trackbar (#1453) + * Log incoming carbons (#1446) + * Use whole path as logfile when defined via -f (#1442) + `profanity -f ~/mylog` + * Fix color for outgoing messages when no receipts are enabled (#1441) + * Set input window size to max window size (#1458) + * For details see: proftpd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_proftpd.service.patch + Modified: + * proftpd.service + progress +- Update to 0.16: + * fix procstat_getprocs() + * add support for single binary + * add scp, zip and unzip + * add FreeBSD support + +- Update to version 0.15 + * fix non-ASCII (Unicode) chars in ncurses + * fix sprintf build warnings + +- Update to version 0.14 + * add support for 7z, 7za, split and gpg + * add support for .progressrc + * doc and build fixes +- cleanup with spec-cleaner + +- using master head from git +- add progress-fix_ncurses_without_pkgconfig.patch: fix Makefile to + build with our ncurses-devel (doesn't have a pkgconfig file) + -- Add LICENSE and to %doc - -- license update: GPL-3.0+ - or later in GPL-3.0 was missing. - -- Initial packaging of cv version 0.4.1 - prosody +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * prosody.service + proxychains-ng -- Update to 4.15 - * fix configure script for buggy binutils version - * initialize rand_seed with nano-second granularity - * add support for numeric ipv6 in getaddrinfo - * fix bug in getaddrinfo when node is null and !passive - * add dnat feature - * add raw proxy type - * add proxy_dns_old to emulate proxychains 3.1 behaviour - * add new proxy_dns_daemon feature (experimental) - * various other fixes - Version 4.14 - * allow alternative proto://user:pass@ip:port syntax for proxylist - * fix endless loop in round robin mode when all proxies are down (#147) - * fix fd leak in forked processes (#273) - * skip connection attempt to nullrouted ips - * allow hostnames for proxylist under specific circumstances - Version 4.13 - * fix robustness of DNS lookup thread and a segfault - * fix socks5 user/pass auth on non-conforming servers - * fix memory leak - Version 4.12 - * fix several build issues - * compatibility fix for some GUI apps (8870140) - * compatibility fix for some HTTP proxies (cf9a16d) +- update to to 4.14: + - allow alternative proto://user:pass@ip:port syntax for proxylist + - fix endless loop in round robin mode when all proxies are down (#147) + - fix compilation on android (#265) + - fix fd leak in forked processes (#273) + - skip connection attempt to nullrouted ips + - allow hostnames for proxylist under specific circumstances + - fix robustness of DNS lookup thread and a segfault + - fix socks5 user/pass auth on non-conforming servers + - fix memory leak + - add support for Solaris + - fix several build issues + - for MAC + - with -pie + - with custom CC + - compatibility fix for some GUI apps (8870140) + - compatibility fix for some HTTP proxies (cf9a16d) + - fix several warnings for cleaner build on debian + - fix random_chain on OSX (0f6b226) psgml +- Add patch bugzilla-1175274-emacs-27.1.patch + There is no (process-kill-without-query) anymore, use + (set-process-query-on-exit-flag) instead (boo#1175274). + +- Add psgml-texinfo-6.7.patch: Fix build with texinfo 6.7, which + defaults to UTF-8 unless differently specified. + +- In comments, escape macros. +- Stop compiling tdtd-font-maker.el (do not needed at run-time). + +- Run emacs with -Q (instead of --no-site). + -- make patch0 usage consistent - -- add unzip BuildRequires - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- Require 'emacs_program'. - pspg +- version 1.9.0 + * Sort by numeric column support + * vertical cursor (column cursor) & column searching support + (since 1.7.0) + * fixes for menu drawing. Menus that are larger in any dimension + over terminal when terminal is resized (since 1.6.5) + * libvte related fixes for color processing (since 1.6.4) + * minor overall bugfixes + +- version 1.6.2 + * Uses readline when this library is available. It supports + persistent history of searching strings + * configuration via pull down menu + * possibility to hide status/menu/command bars + * possibility to show row numbers + * possibility to hide cursor + pspp +- Do not own filesystem owned directories like + /usr/share/mime/packages and /usr/share/appdata. + pssh +- Fix spec to be able to build on openLeap 15.N + +- Update to version 2.3.4+git10.d4909c9: + * add install instruction + * fix manpages + * prsync: support downloading + * bin/*: explicitly run with python3 + * binary files do not support line buffering, fix #118 + * add flag for file append + * change default file write behaviour to append over recreate + * remove ancient workaround to workaround a new bug + * Bump version to 2.3.4 + * support only Python 3.5+ +- Use %license for current distribution versions. +- Remove distribution specific special cases as far as possible. +- Adapt source url in spec and switch to _service +- Remove patches applied in the new version: + * 0004-test-Teardown-code-was-never-called.patch + * 0005-Add-an-explicit-API-entrypoint.patch + * 0006-openSUSE-Adjust-man-pages-destination.patch + * 0002-Fix-quiet-option-after-API-patch.patch + -- Update license string in spec file - -- add man page pssh(1) -- update to v2.2.2 - ptokax +- Cure build failure with Lua 5.4 by adding pkg-config results + to the makefile. + +- Trim old RPM constructs. Drop hard dependency on systemd. +- Add %noreplace for config files. + +- Align getent/useradd error hiding with the other Factory packages. + -- initial release for openSUSE - ptpd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * ptpd2.service + +- Use %_unitdir instead of %{_libexecdir}/systemd/system in the + %files section. + +- Trim redundant metadata from the description. Use noun phrase + for the summary. + +- Fix name conflict with openssl variable + * ptpd-evp-md-ctx.patch + +- Enable experimental features + -- use original tar -- do not mention runlevel 4 -- don't depend on octave for documentation -- remove unused patches - -- update to release 1.1.0 (2010-10-12) - * Add code to limit how much of an offset or delay the client is - willing to tolerate. - * Add support for BINTIME on FreeBSD which gives more accurate - packet timestamps. - * Add quality file support - * Add support for syslog. - * Add support for user configurable TTL. - * Clean up code formatting, headers, comments etc. - -- Update to ptpd git snapshot of 599b03b post 1.0.0. release, includes - patches by Patrick Ohly from the ptpd git repo as follows: - 599b03b... added basic compilation instructions - ef2a5cc... Linux HW time stamping: define fallbacks no longer in net_tstamp.h, - need them in user space to compile - f837c84... netShutdown(): check whether it is called during init and avoid - SIOCSHWTSTAMP with invalid eventSock - 70181a1... Linux: use generic net_tstamp API for more accurate time stamping, - with and without HW support - e003660... Merge branch 'ptpd-1.0.0-cluster-clock' - c6eb9c8... timertest: ping-pong test which measures clock skew between nodes - 9275c8d... adjtimex call: added error checking - 03085e7... use ajdtimex() tick adjustment to increase range of total clock - adjustment - 576ffbf... fixed and extended printing of statistics - dc61251... include time in initialization of random seed for delay requests: - otherwise different runs use the same intervals - c380fa7... allow much higher frequency adjustments - 7523072... added implementation of E1000 NIC time control - 96beda4... optionally set PTP_ASSIST in msgPackDelayReq() - 7ad1b32... *always* set PTP_ASSIST in Sync message - 3444e67... configuration file for doxygen - 864a492... separated system time and time which is controlled/used by PTP - - added Doxygen-style comments - - time.c accesses PTP time (currently always uses system time) - - timer.c controls delays in the host's system time (as before) - - moved nanoSleep() to be consistent - 3762491... added the possibility to log into system log: use -f syslog - b8e2d39... fix ubild on freebsd - -- fix build with glibc 2.10 - pugixml +- update to 1.11.4: + * Add xml_node::remove_attributes and xml_node::remove_children + * Add a way to customize floating point precision via xml_attribute::set and + xml_text::set overloads + * XPath parser now limits recursion depth which prevents stack overflow on + malicious queries + * Exported CMake target name changed to pugixml::pugixml; see subsequent + patch releases + * Regression bugfixes + +- Update to version 1.10: + * XPath union operation now is ~2x faster to compute and results + in a stable order that doesn't depend on pointer order. + * Add format_skip_control_chars formatting flag to skip + non-printable ASCII characters. + * Add format_attribute_single_quote formatting flag to use single + quotes for attribute values. + * Add Visual Studio .natvis files to improve debugging + experience. +- Remove merged patches: + * pugixml-1.9-use-CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR.patch. + * pugixml-1.9-install-pc-file.patch. + -- Update to version 1.4: - Specification changes: - * Documents without element nodes are now rejected with - status_no_document_element error, unless parse_fragment option is used - New features: - * Added XML fragment parsing (parse_fragment flag) - * Added PCDATA whitespace trimming (parse_trim_pcdata flag) - * Added long long support for xml_attribute and xml_text (as_llong, as_ullong - and set_value/set overloads) - * Added hexadecimal integer parsing support for - as_int/as_uint/as_llong/as_ullong - * Added xml_node::append_buffer to improve performance of assembling - documents from fragments - * xml_named_node_iterator is now bidirectional - * Reduced XPath stack consumption during compilation and evaluation (useful - for embedded systems) - Compatibility improvements: - * Improved support for platforms without wchar_t support - * Fixed several false positives in clang static analysis - * Fixed several compilation warnings for various GCC versions - Bug fixes: - * Fixed undefined pointer arithmetic in XPath implementation - * Fixed non-seekable iostream support for certain stream types, i.e. boost - file_source with pipe input - * Fixed xpath_query::return_type() for some expressions - * Fixed dllexport issues with xml_named_node_iterator - * Fixed find_child_by_attribute assertion for attributes with null name/value -- Removed fix_install_libdir.patch (not needed anynore). - -- Small change in "make install" to fix SLES build. - pullin-bcm43xx-firmware +- use %_firmwaredir + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + pulseaudio-equalizer +- Update to version 3.0.2: + * No changelog available. +- Drop 0000-add-python3-compat.patch, 0001-pulse-path.patch, + 0002-remove-preamp.patch, 0005-window-icon.patch, + 0003-force-default-persistence-value.patch, + 0004-do-not-crash-on-missing-preset.patch, + 0007-pygobject3-port.patch, 0009-do-not-zero-volume.patch: fixed + upstream. +- Replace 0006-fix-desktop.patch with %suse_update_desktop_file, + the icon change has been done upstream. +- Simplify and rename 0008-fix-locale-issues.patch to + pulseaudio-equalizer-fix-locale-issues.patch: iconv does not + appear to be necessary. +- Add pulseaudio-equalizer-use-pactl.patch: Use pactl instead of + pacmd for compatibility with other PulseAudio daemon + implementations. +- Require pulseaudio-daemon instead of pulseaudio. + pure-ftpd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * pure-ftpd.service + +- Small cleanup + purple-carbons +- Update to version 0.2.2: + * Use JabberStream to account's domain instead of parsing the + username + * Make sure to not edit the client capabilities while connected + * Do not set any pointers to null while processing (should play + nicer with other plugins) + * Makefile improvements + +- Update to version 0.2.1: + * Add a missing null check. + * Delete some unused constants. +- Remove purple-carbons-fix-omemo-crash.patch: Merged upstream. + +- Add purple-carbons-fix-omemo-crash.patch: Fix a crash when an + OMEMO message is carboned. + +- Update to version 0.2.0: + * Got rid of the commands, the plugin now sends a feature + discovery request to the server and activates message carbons + if they are supported by the server. + +- Update to version 0.1.6: + * Clean up the code a bit. + purple-facebook +- update to version 0.9.6 + * This release fixes these two recent issues: + * "Failed to get sync_sequence_id" (#449) Facebook increased the + version number requirement for a significant fraction of users + (but not everyone, at least not yet) + * "Failed to read fixed header" (#410 for nss, #444 for gnutls) + NSS and GnuTLS, the two TLS/SSL libraries that libpurple supports, + enabled TLS 1.3 support in recent versions, and so did facebook. + There were some incompatibilities with libpurple 2.12.0 (fixed + in 2.13.0) and a subtle race condition on our side. + purple-lurch +- Update to version 0.7.0: + * An API reachable through libpurple signals. + See lurch_api.h for details and usage. + * Testing setup using cmocka and tests for new modules. + * The possibility to dynamically link against the submodule + libaries. + * Change the /command handler using the API. + The commands are a bit different and some are new. + * Warnings are no longer displayed at level "error". + * Report skipped messages in conversation window and not just in + the debug log. + * Some memory handling improvements. + * Update the libomemo submodule to version 0.7.1. + * Update the axc submodule to version 0.3.4. +- Remove purple-lurch-libomemo-fix-dino-compat.patch, + libomemo-27.patch: fixed upstream. + +- Add libomemo-27.patch to fix encryption + +- Add purple-lurch-libomemo-fix-dino-compat.patch: Fix + compatibility issues with Dino (commit e3b2125e). + +- Update to version 0.6.8: + * Makefile adaptations should help building and running this for + some. + * Fix some bugs regarding carbons and sending messages to + yourself, also added NULL checks so that it plays nicer with + other plugins which might set the message to NULL. + * Update submodules and their dependencies, most importantly + libsignal-protocol-c to 2.3.2. + * Add plugin preferences prototype: Single option is logging + verbosity on the debug log. + purple-mattermost +- Update to release 2.0 + * Mattermost API v4 Support + putty +- Update to release 0.76 + * New option to abandon an SSH connection if the server allows + you to authenticate in a trivial manner. + * Bug fix: server colour-palette reconfigurations were + sometimes lost. + +- Update to release 0.75 + * Upgraded default SSH key fingerprint format to OpenSSH-style + SHA-256. + * Upgraded private key file format to PPK3, with improved + passphrase hashing and no use of SHA-1. + * Terminal now supports ESC [ 9 m for strikethrough text. + * New protocols: bare ssh-connection layer for use over + already-secure IPC channels, and SUPDUP for talking to very + old systems such as PDP-10s. + * PuTTYgen now supports alternative provable-prime generation + algorithm for RSA and DSA. + * The Unix tools can now connect directly to a Unix-domain + socket. + pybugz +- Spec-cleaner & rewrite broken %ifpython3 + pyradio +- Updated to version + * Search history navigation will work with normal keys in + addition to Control-key combinations (when a line editor does + not have the focus). + * When navigating to a new search term, in the RadioBrowser + Search Window, the two main check boxes will always get the + focus (makes it easier to navigate using normal keys). + * Docs Updated +- Changes from version + * Fixing RadioBrowser history save confirmation window. + * Interchanging ^T and ^Y in the RadioBrowser Search Window. + * Addinf FULL_SCREEN_MODES for farter rendering. +- Changes from version -.8.9.7: + * All Search Window movement keys (^N, ^P, ^Y) ill add a new + history item (if possible). + * ^B does not save history to file. + * Do not close browser if network fails. +- Changes from version + * RadioBrowser History Management finalized. + * Fields' placement fixed in RadioBrowser Search Window. + * RadioBrowser readme page added. + * Docs updated. +- Changes from + * Screen flickering when moving within the stations' list + eliminated. + * VLC player is available again (disabled by unreported bug). + * Advancing Radio Browser support. + * Fixing python 2 return from Radio Browser TUI breakage. + * Adding dnspython module availability check. +- Changes from version + * Implemented the so called "Listening" mode, in which PyRadio + TUI can be reduced down to a single line (the "Status Bar"). + Requested for tilling WM use, (gh#coderholic/pyradio#128). +- Changes from version 0.8.9: + * Implemented a simplified method to install, update, uninstall. + * PyRadio will detect its player abnormal termination. + * Player's connection timeout can now be disabled. Once a player + is started, it will be considered to be connected immediately. + * stations.csv changes can now be integrated into user's + stations.csv. + * mplayer "pyradio" profile will use the internal mixer to adjust + volume. + * BUG FIX: Active players parameter list is always synchronized + to saved. + * BUG FIX: Clicking on empty space (past last station) will not + crash pyradio. +- Changes from version + * Fixing -ap value not activated by player. + * Commenting out excessive error log messages. +- Changes from version + * Fixing double click behavior (while in playback double clicking + to a different station will start it. + * vcl will not start muted (volume = 0) +- Changes from version + * Basic mouse support implemented. + * Config option to enable mouse support added. + * Implementing players extra parameters set. + * Player selection Config window redesigned. + * Adding -ep. -ap, -lp command line parameters. + * Fixing a bug which would lead to a crash when "r" would be + pressed in the config window. + * Playback will be restarted when vital parameters are changes + (encoding, connection type, player parameters). + * When restarting playback, play the correct station not the + selected one. + * Adding autostart BAT file on Windows to prevent session locking + when Windows terminate while PyRadio is still running. + * pyradio will always use a profile + * Fixing several minor bugs. +- Changes from version + * Gracefully exit when the terminal is closed. +- Changes from version + * Restarting implementation. +- Changes from version 0.8.8: + * Implementing "Paste to playlist" (\p) command. + * Implementing "Create Playlist" (\n). + * Addind \u (show Unnamed Register) command. + * Fixing volume display for MPV on python3 before a valid Title + has been received. + * Revert to stations playlist if default one (set by config) does + not exist. + * Second level config windows will not be displayed when main + window shows "Window too small" message. + * When opening a playlist/register from register mode, continue + playing active station (if found in opened playlist/register). + * Do not show "'" when opening a playlist/register from register + mode. + * "Title: (null)" will not appear any more (vlc). + python-Automat -update to version v0.6.0 +- update to 20.2.0 + * Fix attrs warnings + +- Update to version 0.8.0: + * Retrieve the version from the installed distribution. + * Add support for Python 3.8 + * Remove support for 3.4 + +- Add mulitbuild to make sure we do not cycle + +- Update to version 0.7.0: + * test updates + * pep fixes +- Run tests + +- update to version v0.6.0 python-Babel +- Add CVE-2021-42771-rel-path-traversal.patch fixing + CVE-2021-42771 by cleaning locale identifiers before loading + from file (bsc#1185768). + python-GooCalendar +- Version 0.7.2 + * Add support GooCanvas 3.0 + * Add selected text color property + * Remove lighter background on event + +- Drop the bogus and incomplete typelib() (Build)Requires. Add + gobject-intrpsection BuildRequires instead to have the typelib() + deps autogenerated (uncovered as part of boo#1183216). + python-MulticoreTSNE +- fix cmake argument generation in + +- Skip python36 flavor: python36-scipy not in Tumbleweed + python-OWSLib +- Update to version 0.25.0 + * WMS: include custom headers (#763) + * ISO: add MD_BrowseGraphic support (#757) + * OGC API: fix bbox handling #779), request/response handling + * WFS: add support for topological filters (#780) + * various bug fixes +- Release notes for 0.24.1 + * fix CSW request byte handling (#776) +- Release notes for 0.24.0 + * CSW: add CSW 3 client (#746) + * CSW: add support for distributed search (#771) + * OGC API: refactor collections for broader use (#753) + * OACov: add support for scaling (#756) + * Auth: make most Authentication attributes private (#770) + * various bug fixes +- Don't test on Leap + +- Disable python36 build: pyproj not available +- Enable test suite (at least a part of it) + +- Update to version 0.23.0 + * WMS: Handle empty <DataURL>.<Format> element in + GetCapabilities (#739) + * WCS: Feature/wcs headers integration (#741) + * Tests: fix WFS tests (#743) + * Auth: Support requests AuthBase in addition to basic password + authentication (#724) + * WCS: Fix bug with timeout not assigned (#738) + * Tests: restore ISO GM03 tests as pytests (#734) + * ISO: OWS/ISO metadata updates (#736) + * ISO: add support for ISO 19115 keyword thesaurus URLs via + gmx:Anchor (#735) + * ISO: fix reference (#733) +- Changes in 0.22.0 + * Tests: Fix tests coveralls (#732) + * WCS, WFS: Add timeout to get capabilities (#730) + * Tests: migrate to GitHub actions (#727) + * ISO: add support for ISO 19115-2 (#726) +- Fix malformed python_module line + +- Depend on python-PyYAML instead of python-pyyaml + +- update to version 0.21.1 + + This release adds the draft implementation of OGC API + + Coverages support as well as numerous fixes to the codebase. + + A full list of commits for 0.21.0 can be found at: + +- packaging + + Update copyright year + + Sync list of Requires (pyproj > 2 and add pyyaml) with + requirements + python-Paver +- Fix condition around BuildRequirement + +- We don't need to break Python 2.7 + +- Add remove_external_pkgs.patch to remove use of external + packages (gh#paver/paver#206). + Remove remove_nose.patch, because it is merged into that patch + as well. + +- Add remove_nose.patch to remove dependency on nose. + python-Pygments +- Add cve_2021_27291.patch (CVE-2021-27291, bsc#1184812) + + fix several exponential/cubic complexity regexes + python-Sphinx +- Explicitly Require python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp >= 1.0.2 to prevent + bsc#1157793 and bsc#1158158 from occuring. + +- Fix Provides and Obsoletes ... we cannot use python_module there + +- Revert to 2.3.1 due to severely increased memory usage when building + kernel documentation. bsc#1166965 + +- update to version 2.4.4: + * #7197: LaTeX: platex cause error to build image directive with + target url + * #7223: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 + +- specfile: + * update copyright year +- update to version 2.4.3: + * Bugs fixed + + #7184: autodoc: "*args" and "**kwarg" in type comments are not + handled properly + + #7189: autodoc: classmethod coroutines are not detected + + #7183: intersphinx: ":attr:" reference to property is broken + + #6244, #6387: html search: Search breaks/hangs when built with + dirhtml builder + + #7195: todo: emit doctree-resolved event with non-document node + incorrectly +- changes from version 2.4.2: + * Bugs fixed + + #7138: autodoc: "autodoc.typehints" crashed when variable has + unbound object as a value + + #7156: autodoc: separator for keyword only arguments is not + shown + + #7146: autodoc: IndexError is raised on suppressed type_comment + found + + #7161: autodoc: typehints extension does not support parallel + build + + #7178: autodoc: TypeError is raised on fetching type annotations + + #7151: crashed when extension assigns a value to + "env.indexentries" + + #7170: text: Remove debug print + + #7137: viewcode: Avoid to crash when non-python code given +- changes from version 2.4.1: + * Bugs fixed + + #7120: html: crashed when on scaling SVG images which have float + dimentions + + #7126: autodoc: TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not + iterable +- changes from version 2.4.0: + * Deprecated + + The "decode" argument of "sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer()" + + "sphinx.directives.other.Index" + + "sphinx.environment.temp_data['gloss_entries']" + + "sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.indexentries" + + + "sphinx.environment.collectors.indexentries.IndexEntriesCollector" + + "sphinx.ext.apidoc.INITPY" + + "sphinx.ext.apidoc.shall_skip()" + + "" + + "" + + "sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer.encoding" + + "sphinx.roles.Index" + + "sphinx.util.detect_encoding()" + + "sphinx.util.get_module_source()" + + "sphinx.util.inspect.Signature" + + "sphinx.util.inspect.safe_getmembers()" + + "" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.contentsname" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docclass" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docname" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.title" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.DEFAULT_SETTINGS" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.LUALATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.PDFLATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG" + + "sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_GREEK_DEFAULT_FONTPKG" + * Features added + + #6910: inheritance_diagram: Make the background of diagrams + transparent + + #6446: duration: Add "sphinx.ext.durations" to inspect which + documents slow down the build + + #6837: LaTeX: Support a nested table + + #7115: LaTeX: Allow to override LATEXOPTS and LATEXMKOPTS via + environment variable + + #6966: graphviz: Support ":class:" option + + #6696: html: ":scale:" option of image/figure directive not + working for SVG images (imagesize-1.2.0 or above is required) + + #7025: html search: full text search can be disabled for + individual document using ":nosearch:" file-wide metadata + + #6994: imgconverter: Support illustrator file (.ai) to .png + conversion + + autodoc: Support Positional-Only Argument separator (PEP-570 + compliant) + + autodoc: Support type annotations for variables + + #2755: autodoc: Add new event: + :event:`autodoc-before-process-signature` + + #2755: autodoc: Support type_comment style (ex. "# type: (str) + - > str") annotation (python3.8+ or `typed_ast + <>`_ is required) + + #7051: autodoc: Support instance variables without defaults + (PEP-526) + + #6418: autodoc: Add a new extension + "sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints". It shows typehints as object + description if "autodoc_typehints = "description"" set. This + is an experimental extension and it will be integrated into + autodoc core in Sphinx-3.0 + + SphinxTranslator now calls visitor/departure method for super + node class if visitor/departure method for original node class + not found + + #6418: Add new event: :event:`object-description-transform` + + py domain: :rst:dir:`py:data` and :rst:dir:`py:attribute` take + new options named ":type:" and ":value:" to describe its type + and initial value + + #6785: py domain: ":py:attr:" is able to refer properties again + + #6772: apidoc: Add "-q" option for quiet mode + * Bugs fixed + + #6925: html: Remove redundant type="text/javascript" from + <script> elements + + #7112: html: SVG image is not layouted as float even if aligned + + #6906, #6907: autodoc: failed to read the source codes encoeded + in cp1251 + + #6961: latex: warning for babel shown twice + + #7059: latex: LaTeX compilation falls into infinite loop + (wrapfig issue) + + #6581: latex: ":reversed:" option for toctree does not effect to + LaTeX build + + #6559: Wrong node-ids are generated in glossary directive + + #6986: apidoc: misdetects module name for .so file inside module + + #6899: apidoc: private members are not shown even if "--private" + given + + #6327: apidoc: Support a python package consisted of + file + + #6999: napoleon: fails to parse tilde in :exc: role + + #7019: gettext: Absolute path used in message catalogs + + #7023: autodoc: nested partial functions are not listed + + #7023: autodoc: partial functions imported from other modules + are listed as module members without :impoprted-members: option + + #6889: autodoc: Trailing comma in ":members::" option causes + cryptic warning + + #6568: autosummary: "autosummary_imported_members" is ignored on + generating a stub file for submodule + + #7055: linkcheck: redirect is treated as an error + + #7088: HTML template: If "navigation_with_keys" option is + activated, modifier keys are ignored, which means the feature + can interfere with browser features + + #7090: std domain: Can't assign numfig-numbers for custom + container nodes + + #7106: std domain: enumerated nodes are marked as duplicated + when extensions call "note_explicit_target()" + + #7095: dirhtml: Cross references are broken via intersphinx and + ":doc:" role + + C++: + - Don't crash when using the ``struct`` role in some cases. + - Don't warn when using the ``var``/``member`` role for function parameters. + - Render call and braced-init expressions correctly. + + #7097: Filenames of images generated by + "sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.images.ImageConverter" or + its subclasses (used for latex build) are now sanitized, to + prevent broken paths + +- Update to version 2.3.1 + * #6936: sphinx-autogen: raises AttributeError + version 2.3.0: + * #6742: ``end-before`` option of :rst:dir:`literalinclude` + directive does not match the first line of the code block. + * #1331: Change default User-Agent header to ``"Sphinx/X.Y.Z + requests/X.Y.Z python/X.Y.Z"``. It can be changed via + :confval:`user_agent`. + * #6867: text: content of admonitions starts after a blank line + * #6707: C++, support bit-fields. + * #267: html: Eliminate prompt characters of doctest block + from copyable text + * #6548: html: Use favicon for OpenSearch if available + * #6729: html theme: agogo theme now supports ``rightsidebar`` + option + * #6780: Add PEP-561 Support + * #6762: latex: Allow to load additonal LaTeX packages via + ``extrapackages`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` + * #1331: Add new config variable: :confval:`user_agent` + * #6000: LaTeX: have backslash also be an inline literal word + wrap break character + * #4186: LaTeX: Support upLaTeX as a new + :confval:`latex_engine` (experimental) + * #6812: Improve a warning message when extensions are not + parallel safe + * #6818: Improve Intersphinx performance for multiple remote + inventories. + * #2546: apidoc: .so file support + * #6798: autosummary: emit ``autodoc-skip-member`` event on + generating stub file + * #6483: i18n: make explicit titles in toctree translatable + * #6816: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_auth` option to + provide authentication information when doing ``linkcheck`` + builds + * #6872: linkcheck: Handles HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect + * #6613: html: Wrap section number in span tag + * #6781: gettext: Add :confval:`gettext_last_translator' and + :confval:`gettext_language_team` to customize headers of POT + file + +- update to version 2.2.2: + * Incompatible changes + + #6803: For security reason of python, parallel mode is disabled + on macOS and Python3.8+ + * Bugs fixed + + #6776: LaTeX: 2019-10-01 LaTeX release breaks + :file:`sphinxcyrillic.sty` + + #6815: i18n: French, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese and Korean + translation messages has been broken + + #6803: parallel build causes AttributeError on macOS and + Python3.8 + +- Update to 2.2.1: + * #6641: LaTeX: Undefined control sequence \sphinxmaketitle + * #6710: LaTeX not well configured for Greek language as main language + +- Update 2.2.0: + * apidoc: template files are renamed to ``.rst_t`` + * html: Field lists will be styled by grid layout + * #5124: graphviz: ``:graphviz_dot:`` option is renamed to ``:layout:`` + * #1464: html: emit a warning if :confval:`html_static_path` and + :confval:`html_extra_path` directories are inside output directory + * #6514: html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes + * #5602: apidoc: Add ``--templatedir`` option + * #6475: Add ``override`` argument to ``app.add_autodocumenter()`` + * #6310: imgmath: let :confval:`imgmath_use_preview` work also with the SVG + format for images rendering inline math + * #6533: LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use ``\sphinxsetlistlabels`` + * #6628: quickstart: Use ```` for default setting of + :confval:`intersphinx_mapping` + * #6419: sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded + +- Add Sphinx translation files via %find_lang + +- Update to 2.1.2: + * #6497: custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error + * #6478, #6488: info field lists are incorrectly recognized + +- Update to 2.1.1: + * #6442: LaTeX: admonitions of note type can get separated from immediately preceding section title by pagebreak + * #6448: autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with __slots__ = None + * #6452: autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties + +- Update to 2.1: + * Many major updates in the package + * Supports only python 3.5+ +- Remove obsolete conditionals wrt 3.5+ only support + +- don't provide sphinx from test subpackage, it is for testing + +- fix tests to include latex/extmath tests + +- Remove last remainder of python-Sphinx-doc-man-common subpackage + +- Switch off test_latex_images test, because it tries to download + image from the + +- Remove lang packages + +- Revert to multiple lang files using standard macros. + +- Drop patch disable-test.patch no longer applicable + -- Refresh path disable-test.patch and fix-keyword-escaping.patch -- Add patch disable-python2-test.patch to disable - test_get_module_source in Python2 -- Disable test_math_compat for Python2 - -- Add missing Requires of python-packaging (bsc#1174571) - -- Add patch to produce output compatible with current Qt - (bsc#1157793, boo#1158158): - * fix-keyword-escaping.patch + +- Rewrite the package to multibuild. Remove python-Sphinx-doc*. +- Fix %check to make tests passing. + +- update to 1.8.4: + There are many changes so have a look at the following changes files: + * + * + * + * + * + * + * + * python-Twisted +- Add 9580-test_fails_cryptography_25.patch to overcome test failures on + SLE-15 with older version of OpenSSL. + +- Remove h2 < 4.0 and priority < 2.0 version restriction. (boo#1190036) + * remove-dependency-version-upper-bounds.patch + +- Restore no-pygtkcompat.patch due to boo#1110669 + +- typing_extensions is now required + +- Update to 21.7.0: + - Python 3.10 beta is now a supported platform and should be ready for + the final 3.10 release. + - twisted.web.template.renderElement() now accepts any IRequest + implementer instead of only twisted.web.server.Request. Add type + hints to twisted.web.template. (#10184) + - Type hinting was added to twisted.internet.defer, making this the + first release of Twisted where you might reasonably be able to use + mypy without your own custom stub files. (#10017) +- Patch incremental-21.patch removed, because included in the + upstream tarball. + +- add incremental-21.patch: support newer incremental versions + +- Update to 21.2.0: + * Features + - The enableSessions argument to + twisted.internet.ssl.CertificateOptions now + - actually enables/disables OpenSSL's session cache. Also, due to + - session-related bugs, it defaults to False. (#9583) + - twisted.internet.defer.inlineCallbacks and ensureDeferred will now + associate a contextvars.Context with the coroutines they run, + meaning that ContextVar objects will maintain their value within + the same coroutine, similarly to asyncio Tasks. This functionality + requires Python 3.7+, or the contextvars PyPI backport to be + installed for Python 3.5-3.6. (#9719, #9826) + - twisted.internet.defer.Deferred.fromCoroutine has been added. This + is similar to the existing ensureDeferred function, but is named + more consistently inside Twisted and does not pass through + Deferreds. (#9825) + - trial now allows the @unittest.skipIf decorator to specify that an + entire test class should be skipped. (#9829) + - The twisted.python.deprecate.deprecatedKeywordParameter decorator + can be used to mark a keyword paramater of a function or method as + deprecated. (#9844) + - Projects using Twisted can now perform type checking against + a Twisted + - installation, for example using mypy. (#9908) + - twisted.python.util.InsensitiveDict now fully implements + MutableMapping. (#9919) + - Python 3.8 is now tested and supported. (#9955) + - Support a coroutine function in twisted.internet.task.react + (#9974) + - PyPy 3.7 is now tested and supported. (#10093) + * Bugfixes + - twisted.web.twcgi.CGIProcessProtocol.processEnded(...) now handles + an already-finished request, for example when + request.connectionLost(...) was called previously. (#9468) + - Twisted's dependency on PyHamcrest has been moved from the base + package to the new "test" extra. Consequently the test extra must + be installed for Twisted's test suite to pass. (#9509) + - Fixed serialization of timedelta, date, and time objects in + twisted.spread. (#9716) + - twisted.internet.asyncioreactor.AsyncioSelectorReactor now raises + an exception if instantiated with an event loop which is not + compatible with asyncio.SelectorEventLoop. This fixes the + AsyncioSelectorReactor in Python 3.8+ on Windows, where in + bp-34687 the default Windows asyncio event loop was changed to + ProactorEventLoop. Applications that use AsyncioSelectorReactor on + Windows with Python 3.8+ must call + asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) + before instantiating and running AsyncioSelectorReactor. (#9766) + - twisted.internet.process.registerReapProcessHandler and + ._BaseProcess.reapProcess will no longer raise a TypeError when + processing a None PID (#9775) + - INotify will close its file descriptor if a directory is + automatically removed by twisted from the watchlist because it's + deleted, avoiding orphaned filedescriptors. (#9777) + - DelayedCall.reset() is now working properly with asyncioreactor + (#9780) + - AsyncioSelectorReactor.seconds() now correctly returns an epoch + time. (#9787) + - The _connDone parameter has been removed from + twisted.internet.abstract.FileDescriptor.loseConnection()'s + signature in order to match the signature in the base class + twisted.internet._newtls.ConnectionMixin loseConnection(). (#9849) + - The Gtk3 reactor now runs on Wayland-only sessions (#9904) + - Descriptive error messages from twisted.internet.error are now + present when running with 'python -OO'. (#9918) + - Comparator methods such as eq() now always return NotImplemented + for uncomparable types. (#9919) + - When installing Twisted it now requires a minimum Python 3.5.4 + version to match the version used with automated testing. This is + the minimum Python version that we know that Twisted works with. + (#10098) +- Drop patches no-pygtkcompat.patch, python-38-hmac-digestmod.patch, + python-38-no-cgi-parseqs.patch, twisted-pr1369-remove-pyopenssl-npn.patch, + twisted-pr1487-increase-ffdh-keysize.patch and + test-mktime-invalid-tm_isdst.patch as they have been merged. +- Refresh other patches. +- Add no-cython_test_exception_raiser.patch to avoid another dependency. +- Update URL and make use of sitelib, not sitearch macros + +- Add 1521_delegate_parseqs_stdlib_bpo42967.patch to overcome + effects of bpo#42967, which forbade mixing amps and semicolons + in query strings as separators + ( + +- Relax the crypto policies for the test-suite + +- Add twisted-pr1369-remove-pyopenssl-npn.patch to support + pyOpenSSL 20 +- Add twisted-pr1487-increase-ffdh-keysize.patch to support + crpytography 3.3 +- Fix the update-alternatives setup + * manpages were cloned but never registerd with u-a + * install alternatives as master and slave links now + +- Add no-test_successResultOfWithFailureHasTraceback.patch to + skip sted.conch.test.test_keys.KeyTests.test_fromOpenSSH, + which fails. Upstream suggests +, but it has never + been confirmed, even less fixed. + +- Update to 20.3.0 + * drop Python 2 + * is deprecated. + * twisted.conch.ssh now supports the curve25519-sha256 key exchange + algorithm (requires OpenSSL >= 1.1.0). + * many bugfixes and other miscelaneous fixes +- Fixed update-alternatives mechanism +- Added true-binary.patch +- Dropped python-38-xml-namespace.patch +- Reapplied python-38-hmac-digestmod.patch + +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + python-abimap +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + +- Drop no longer needed abimap-0.3.0-disable-pytest-console-script-tests.patch + and properly depend on pytest-console-scripts + +- Update to 0.3.2: + * Fixed broken builds due to changes in warning output + * Changed tests to check error messages + * Added python 3.7 to testing matrix + * Added requirement to verify SNI when checking URLs in docs + python-affine +- use %pytest macro + python-alsa +- Fix Obsoletes with version comparison +- Backport upstream fixes for python3: + 0001-alsaseq-fix-constant-objects-in-Python-3.patch + 0002-Fix-PyTuple_SET_ITEM-usage-no-return-value.patch + +- Use https for URL and SourceURL + -- initial version: 1.0.22 - python-apipkg +- Update to v2.1.0 + * fix race condition for import of modules using apipkg.initpkg + in Python 3.3+ by updating existing modules in-place rather + than replacing in sys.modules with an apipkg.ApiModule + instances. This race condition exists for import statements + (and __import__) in Python 3.3+ where sys.modules is checked + before obtaining an import lock, and for + importlib.import_module in Python 3.11+ for the same reason. +- Release 2.0.1 + * fix race conditions for attribute creation +- Release 2.0.0 + * also transfer __spec__ attribute + * make py.test hack more specific to avoid hiding real errors + * switch from Travis CI to GitHub Actions + * modernize package build + * reformat code with black +- Drop pytest4.patch + +- The now broken apicycle requires apipkg to be importable from + elsewhere -- use src dir. + +- Split package into multibuild, to avoid apipkg -> pytest -> py -> + apipkg cycle. + +- refresh pytest4.patch for pytest5 + +- Add patch to fix build with pytest newer than 4: + * pytest4.patch + +- update to 1.5 +- fixed dependencies + * switch to setuptools_scm + * avoid dict iteration (fixes issue on python3) + * preserve __package__ - ths gets us better pep 302 compliance + python-aubio +- Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy. + +- Make aubiocut a slave of aubio alternative, so the alternative + symlink is updated in %post (for example, to fix a dangling + symlink to an old python version) + python-babelfish +- Update to version 0.6.0 + * Use poetry as build system + * Use pytest as test runner + * Move documentation to README + * Switch to "main" branch + +- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro + python-celery +- Use really the upstream tarball + +- Don't update to 5.0.0 because missing dependencies +- Update to version 4.4.7 + + Add task_received, task_rejected and task_unknown to signals + module. + + [ES backend] add 401 as safe for retry. + + treat internal errors as failure. + + Remove redis fanout caveats. + + FIX: -A and --args should behave the same. (#6223) + + Class-based tasks autoretry (#6233) + + Preserve order of group results with Redis result backend + (#6218) + + Replace future with celery.five Fixes #6250, and reraise to + include + + Fix REMAP_SIGTERM=SIGQUIT not working + + (Fixes#6258) MongoDB: fix for serialization issue (#6259) + + Make use of ordered sets in Redis opt-in + + Test, CI, Docker, style and minor doc impovements. + +- since version 4.3 celery depends on cryptography instead of + PyOpenSSL + +- disable failing minor test test_pytest_celery_marker_registration + for now + +- Update to 4.4.6: + * Remove autoscale force_scale methods (#6085). + * Fix autoscale test + * Pass ping destination to request + * chord: merge init options with run options + * Put back KeyValueStoreBackend.set method without state + * Added --range-prefix option to celery multi (#6180) + * Added as_list function to AsyncResult class (#6179) + * Fix CassandraBackend error in threads or gevent pool (#6147) + * Kombu 4.6.11 +- Additional changes from 4.4.5: + * Add missing dependency on future (#6146). + * ElasticSearch: Retry index if document was deleted between + index + * fix windows build + * Customize the retry interval of chord_unlock tasks + * fix multi tests in local +- Additional changes from 4.4.4: + * Fix autoretry_for with explicit retry (#6138). + * Kombu 4.6.10 + * Use Django DB max age connection setting (fixes #4116). + * Add retry on recoverable exception for the backend (#6122). + * Fix random distribution of jitter for exponential backoff. + * ElasticSearch: add setting to save meta as json. + * fix #6136. celery 4.4.3 always trying create /var/run/celery + directory. + * Add task_internal_error signal (#6049). +- Additional changes from 4.4.3: + * Fix backend utf-8 encoding in s3 backend . + * Kombu 4.6.9 + * Task class definitions can have retry attributes (#5869) + * Upgraded pycurl to the latest version that supports wheel. + * Add uptime to the stats inspect command + * Fixing issue #6019: unable to use mysql SSL parameters when getting + * Clean TraceBack to reduce memory leaks for exception task (#6024) + * exceptions: NotRegistered: fix up language + * Give up sending a worker-offline message if transport is not + connected + * Add Task to __all__ in + * Ensure a single chain object in a chain does not raise + MaximumRecursion + * Fix autoscale when prefetch_multiplier is 1 + * Allow start_worker to function without ping task + * Update celeryd.conf + * Fix correctly handle configuring the serializer for always_eager + mode. + * Remove doubling of prefetch_count increase when + prefetch_multiplier + * Fix eager function not returning result after retries + * return retry result if not throw and is_eager + * Always requeue while worker lost regardless of the redelivered + flag + * Allow relative paths in the filesystem backend (#6070) + * [Fixed Issue #6017] + * Avoid race condition due to task duplication. + * Exceptions must be old-style classes or derived from BaseException + * Fix windows build (#6104) + * Add encode to meta task in (#5894) + * Update to solve the microsecond issues (#5199) + * Change backend _ensure_not_eager error to warning + * Add priority support for 'celery.chord_unlock' task (#5766) + * Change eager retry behaviour + * Avoid race condition in elasticsearch backend + * backends base get_many pass READY_STATES arg + * Add integration tests for Elasticsearch and fix _update + * feat(backend): Adds cleanup to ArangoDB backend + * remove jython check + * fix filesystem backend cannot not be serialized by picked + +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + +- Update to 4.4.2: + * Various fixes for the 4.4 series +- Remove no longer needed unpin-pytest.patch + +- update to 4.4.0 + * Python 3.4 drop + * Replace deprecated PyMongo methods usage + * Avoid serializing datetime + * fixed call for null args + * Fix termination of asyncloop + * Python 3.8 + * Fix a race condition when publishing a very large chord header +- Drop unneeded patch pytest5.patch +- Reapplied unpin-pytest.patch + +- use %pytest macro + +- Add patch from git to fix build with new pytest: + * pytest5.patch + +- Add ringdisabled to avoid pulling the test deps in rings to + keep them from growing too much + +- Switch to multibuild in order to not pull moto everywhere + +- Update to 4.3.0: + * See the changelog for in-depth details +- Remove merged patches: + * python37-1.patch + * python37-2.patch + * python37-3.patch + * disable-pytest-log-capturing.patch + * celery-no-redis.patch + * relax-billiard-pin.patch +- Rebase patch unpin-pytest.patch + +- shelve (used in needs python3-dbm for one particular task + python-celery-batches +- Update to 0.4 + * Officially support Celery 5.0. Drop support for Celery < 4.4. + * Drop support for Python < 3.6. +- Add celery-fixtures.patch to fix the testsuite + python-certbot +- Update to version 1.18.0 + * New functions that Certbot plugins can use to interact with the user have + been added to certbot.display.util. We plan to deprecate using IDisplay + with zope in favor of these new functions in the future. + * The Plugin, Authenticator and Installer classes are added to + certbot.interfaces module as alternatives to Certbot's current zope based + plugin interfaces. The API of these interfaces is identical, but they are + based on Python's abc module instead of zope. Certbot will continue to + detect plugins that implement either interface, but we plan to drop support + for zope based interfaces in a future version of Certbot. + * The class certbot.configuration.NamespaceConfig is added to the Certbot's + public API + * When self-validating HTTP-01 challenges using + acme.challenges.HTTP01Response.simple_verify, we now assume that the response + is composed of only ASCII characters. Previously we were relying on the + default behavior of the requests library which tries to guess the encoding of + the response which was error prone + * In order to simplify the transition to Certbot's new plugin interfaces, the + classes Plugin and Installer in certbot.plugins.common module and + certbot.plugins.dns_common.DNSAuthenticator now implement Certbot's new + plugin interfaces. The Certbot plugins based on these classes are now + automatically detected as implementing these interfaces. + * The Apache authenticator no longer crashes with "Unable to insert label" + when encountering a completely empty vhost. This issue affected Certbot 1.17.0. + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * We changed how dependencies are specified between Certbot packages. For this + and future releases, higher level Certbot components will require that lower + level components are the same version or newer. More specifically, version X + of the Certbot package will now always require acme>=X and version Y of a + plugin package will always require acme>=Y and certbot=>Y. Specifying + dependencies in this way simplifies testing and development. + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Use UTF-8 encoding for renewal configuration files + * This release contains a substantial command-line UX overhaul, + based on previous user research. The main goal was to streamline + and clarify output. If you would like to see more verbose output, use + the -v or -vv flags. UX improvements are an iterative process and + the Certbot team welcomes constructive feedback. + * Functions certbot.crypto_util.init_save_key and certbot.crypto_util.init_save_csr, + whose behaviors rely on the global Certbot config singleton, are deprecated and will + be removed in a future release. Please use certbot.crypto_util.generate_key and + certbot.crypto_util.generate_csr instead. + * Installers (e.g. nginx, Apache) were being restarted unnecessarily after dry-run renewals. + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * Remove further references to certbot-auto in the repo + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * certbot-auto no longer checks for updates on any operating system. + * Don't output an empty line for a hidden certificate when certbot certificates + is being used in combination with --cert-name or -d.0 + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * The `--preferred-chain` flag now only checks the Issuer Common Name of the + topmost (closest to the root) certificate in the chain, instead of checking + every certificate in the chain. + See [#8577]( + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + * CLI flags `--os-packages-only`, `--no-self-upgrade`, `--no-bootstrap` and `--no-permissions-check`, + which are related to certbot-auto, are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. + * Certbot no longer conditionally depends on an external mock module. Certbot's + test API will continue to use it if it is available for backwards + compatibility, however, this behavior has been deprecated and will be removed + in a future release. + * Certbot and all of its components no longer depend on the library `six`. + * The update of certbot-auto itself is now disabled on all RHEL-like systems. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + + Added + * We deprecated support for Python 2 in Certbot and its ACME + library. Support for Python 2 will be removed in the next + planned release of Certbot. + * certbot-auto was deprecated on all systems. For more + information about this change, see + + * We deprecated support for Apache 2.2 in the certbot-apache + plugin and it will be removed in a future release of Certbot. + + Fixed + * The Certbot snap no longer loads packages installed via pip + install --user. This was unintended and DNS plugins should be + installed via snap instead. + * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with HTTP 409/412 + errors when used with very large zones. See #6036. + * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with an HTTP 412 + error if preexisting records had an unexpected TTL, i.e.: + different than Certbot's default TTL for this plugin. + See #8551. +- update to version 1.10.1 + + Fixed + * Fixed a bug in certbot.util.add_deprecated_argument that + caused the deprecated --manual-public-ip-logging-ok flag to + crash Certbot in some scenarios. +- update to version 1.10.0 + + Added + * Added timeout to DNS query function calls for dns-rfc2136 + plugin. + * Confirmation when deleting certificates + * CLI flag --key-type has been added to specify 'rsa' or + 'ecdsa' (default 'rsa'). + * CLI flag --elliptic-curve has been added which takes an + NIST/SECG elliptic curve. Any of secp256r1, secp284r1 and + secp521r1 are accepted values. + * The command certbot certficates lists the which type of the + private key that was used for the private key. + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + + Changed + * certbot-auto was deprecated on Debian based systems. + * CLI flag --manual-public-ip-logging-ok is now a no-op, + generates a deprecation warning, and will be removed in a + future release. + + Fixed + * Fixed a Unicode-related crash in the nginx plugin when + running under Python 2. + +- Update to version 1.9.0 + * certbot-auto was deprecated on all systems except for those based on Debian or RHEL. + * Update the packaging instructions to promote usage of python -m pytest to test Certbot + instead of the deprecated python test setuptools approach. + * Reduced CLI logging when handling some kinds of errors. + * The minimum version of the acme library required by Certbot was corrected. + In the previous release, Certbot said it required acme>=1.6.0 when it + actually required acme>=1.8.0 to properly support removing contact + information from an ACME account. + +- Update to version 1.8.0 + + Added + * Added the ability to remove email and phone contact + information from an account + * using update_account --register-unsafely-without-email + + Changed + * Support for Python 3.5 has been removed. + + Fixed + * The problem causing the Apache plugin in the Certbot snap on + ARM systems to + * fail to load the Augeas library it depends on has been fixed. + * The acme library can now tell the ACME server to clear + contact information by passing an empty + * tuple to the contact field of a Registration message. + * Fixed the *** stack smashing detected *** error in the + Certbot snap on some systems. + * More details about these changes can be found on our GitHub + repo. +- Add certbot keyring and hash file + +- Update to version 1.7.0 + * Third-party plugins can be used without prefix (plugin_name instead of dist_name:plugin_name): + this concerns the plugin name, CLI flags, and keys in credential files. + The prefixed form is still supported but is deprecated, and will be removed in a future release. + * We deprecated support for Python 3.5 in Certbot and its ACME library. + Support for Python 3.5 will be removed in the next major release of Certbot. + +- Update to version 1.6.0 + * Certbot snaps are now available for the arm64 and armhf architectures. + * Make Certbot snap find externally snapped plugins + * Function certbot.compat.filesystem.umask is a drop-in replacement for + os.umask implementing umask for both UNIX and Windows systems. + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + * Require explicit confirmation of snap plugin permissions before connecting. + * Add support for OCSP responses which use a public key hash ResponderID, + fixing interoperability with Sectigo CAs. + python-certbot-apache +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * Add Void Linux overrides for certbot-apache. + * The Apache authenticator now always configures virtual hosts which do not have + an explicit ServerName. This should make it work more reliably with the + default Apache configuration in Debian-based environments. + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + * Drop merged patch 0001-Change-the-SUSE-override-to-use-apachectl.patch + +- Add patch to fix the apache2 package not providing apache2ctl + any longer (gh#certbot/certbot#8592) + * 0001-Change-the-SUSE-override-to-use-apachectl.patch + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * We deprecated support for Apache 2.2 in the certbot-apache + plugin and it will be removed in a future release of Certbot. +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * The problem causing the Apache plugin in the Certbot snap on ARM systems to + fail to load the Augeas library it depends on has been fixed. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Improved error message in apache installer when mod_ssl is not available. + python-certbot-dns-cloudflare +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-cloudxns +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon) + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * DNS plugins based on lexicon now require dns-lexicon >= v3.1.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-digitalocean +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * The DigitalOcean plugin now creates TXT records for the DNS-01 + challenge with a lower 30s TTL. + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-dnsimple +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon). + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-dnsmadeeasy +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon). + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * DNS plugins based on lexicon now require dns-lexicon >= v3.1.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-google +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + + Fixed + * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with HTTP 409/412 + errors when used with very large zones. See #6036. + * certbot-dns-google would sometimes crash with an HTTP 412 + error if preexisting records had an unexpected TTL, i.e.: + different than Certbot's default TTL for this plugin. + See #8551. +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-linode +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon). + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * DNS plugins based on lexicon now require dns-lexicon >= v3.1.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * The Linode DNS plugin now waits 120 seconds for DNS propagation, instead of 1200. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-luadns +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon). + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * DNS plugins based on lexicon now require dns-lexicon >= v3.1.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-nsone +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- Skip building for python 3.6: not all deps are available anymore + (e.g dns-lexicon). + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * DNS plugins based on lexicon now require dns-lexicon >= v3.1.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-rfc2136 +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Added timeout to DNS query function calls for dns-rfc2136 + plugin. + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-dns-route53 +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-certbot-nginx +- update to version 1.18.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.17.0 + * When we increased the logging level on our nginx "Could not parse file" message, + it caused a previously-existing inability to parse empty files to become more + visible. We have now added the ability to correctly parse empty files, so that + message should only show for more significant errors. + +- update to version 1.16.0 + * Require the latest certbot and acme plugins for simplicity + +- update to version 1.15.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.14.0 + * sync with the main certbot package + +- update to version 1.13.0 + * Support for Python 2 has been removed. + * The nginx authenticator now configures all matching HTTP and HTTPS vhosts for the HTTP-01 + challenge. It is now compatible with external HTTPS redirection by a CDN or load balancer. + +- update to version 1.11.0 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.1 + * sync with the main certbot package +- update to version 1.10.0 + * Support for Python 3.9 was added to Certbot and all of its + components. + * Fixed a Unicode-related crash in the nginx plugin when running + under Python 2. + +- update to version 1.9.0 + * Reduced CLI logging when reloading nginx, if it is not running. + * Fixed server_name case-sensitivity in the nginx plugin. + +- update to version 1.7.0 + * Added --nginx-sleep-seconds (default 1) for environments where nginx takes a long time to reload. + +- update to version 1.6.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + +- update to version 1.5.0 + * Sync with main certbot package. + python-ciscoconfparse +- Update to version 1.5.60 + * Fix race-condition for `CiscoConfParse` kwarg in IOSConfigList, + NXOSConfigList, and ASAConfigList. + * Add explicit configuration file encoding with default encoding + from python's locale module. + * Add tests to catch breakage similar to Github Issue #209. + * Remove colorama dependency. + +- Update to version 1.5.51 + * New release with modified copyrights + * Fix typos and syntax + * Fix insert_before() and insert_after(), update Copyrights + * Expose a proxy function to call ipaddress.collapse_addresses() + * More logging work... prepare for debugging overhaul. + * Refine error logging in + * Fix get_metadata() returned value in + * Rework version.json to metadata.json + +- Update to version 1.5.36 + * Fix git tags in Makefile + * Add a helper-function: as_text_list(); improve performance of + .delete() + * Fix __int__() and __index__() on IPv4Obj() and IPv6Obj() + * Enhance ccp_util.CiscoRange() to parse a wider variety of + string inputs + * Remove slow code from ccp_util.CiscoRange() + * Make ccp_util.L4Object().__repr__() more friendly + +- Update to version 1.5.25 + * Fix Github Issue gh#mpenning/ciscoconfparse#195 + * merge PR gh#mpenning/ciscoconfparse#194 + * fix multiple unreported bugs in ccp_util.L4Object() +- Drop remove-mock.patch and test-lists.patch fixed upstream + +- Update to 1.5.24 + * Fix Github Issue #178 +- Changes for 1.5.23 + * Prevent find_object_branches() from using None +- Changes for 1.5.22 + * Fix Github issue #186 (replace variables named input) +- Changes for 1.5.21 + * Fix Github issue #187 +- Changes for 1.5.20 + * Fix Github issue #185 +- Changes for 1.5.19 + * Add __ne__() support to IPv4Obj and IPv6Obj +- Changes for 1.5.18 + * Fix Github issue #180 - IPv4Obj() and IPv6Obj() cannot + use logical compare ops with certain Python objects +- Changes for 1.5.17 + * Fix Python 2.7 packaging +- Changes for 1.5.7 + * Revise IPv4Obj & IPv6Obj __lt__(), __gt__(), and + __contains__() methods (impacts sorting behavior); + reformatted documentation to latest numpydoc format. + Add version number as json data instead of raw text... +- Add remove-mock.patch -- gh#mpenning/ciscoconfparse#194 +- Add test-lists.patch -- gh#mpenning/ciscoconfparse#195 + +- Update to version 1.5.6 + * Improve find_object_branches() speed + +- Update to version 1.5.5 + * Beta-test new function: find_object_branches() +- Update to version 1.5.4 + * Modify IPv4Obj().__add__() and IPv6Obj().__add__() (and __sub__()) + methods return IPv4Obj()/IPv6Obj() objects. + * Add support for int(), bin() and hex() on the IPv4Obj() and IPv6Obj() + python-cogapp +- always use absoulte import paths for -I parameter: mitigate + failure due to bpo-43105 fix. + python-cymruwhois +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + python-dfdatetime +- update to v0~20200824 + * Extended time elements with copy from datetime object + * Extended time elements with copy from RFC 822 and 1123 methods + * Added date and time values factory class for serialization + python-django-crispy-forms +- Update to 1.11.2 + * Fixed test causing SystemCheckError in some cases. + * Radio and Checkbox now respect the field's disabled attribute when using the + Bootstrap4 template pack. + * Implemeneted custom-select for Select widgets in the Bootstrap4 Template Pack + * Added custom-select for select widgets within prepended and appended fields + +- Update to 1.9.2 + * Fixed FileField UI bug +- Remove test suite from runtime installation +- Fix test suite execution + +- Update to 1.9.1 + * Added Bootstrap 4 styling for clearable file widget. + * Fixed FileField UI bug + * Project now uses GitHub actions for testing + python-django-grappelli +- Launch tests + +- Update to 2.14.2 + * Fixed: Django version (3.0) with docs and quickstart. + * Fixed: Dashboard with metaclass. + * Fixed: Missing variable in RelatedObjectLookups. + * Fixed: Sortables with tuples when using StackedInlines. + * Improved: Removed six dependency. + * Improved: Changed bodyclass in order to allow adding more attributes. + -- Update to 2.4.4: - * New: Added Czech translation for TinyMCE. - * Fixed: set correct case-sensitive dependency for Django in - - * Fixed: Make work with Python 3. - * Fixed: Breadcrumbs with delete_confirmation. - * Fixed: Showing help-text with empty FK autocompletes. - * Fixed: Custom USERNAME_FIELD names for Django 1.5. - * Fixed: Updated grappelli/urls to support Django 1.5. - * Fixed: Added has_usable_password. - * Fixed: Distinct results with Autocompletes. - * Fixed: Fix RelatedLookup when called with empty string as - object_id. - * Fixed: 2 clicks to remove items with m2m–autocompletes. - * Fixed: Error with adding values to hidden–fields with - autocomplets (after using the pop up window). - * Fixed: Autocomplete generic lookups when object_id is not an - integer field. - * Improved: App titles are now translatable with the dashboards - app list. - * Improved: Rewrites views into class-based views. - * Improved: Better messages with autocompletes and no results. - * Improved: Removed Django as a requirement with the setup file. - * Improved: Replaced p.grp-readonly with div.grp-readonly (in - order to show contents with mark_safe). - -- Update to 2.4.3: - * Fixed: i18n of the Save-Button. - * Fixed: ``related_label`` used for autocomplete list. - * Fixed: help_text with related–lookups and autocomplete lookups - (help_text with M2M is not possible because of a django–bug). - * Fixed: Bug with model does not exist and m2m lookups. - * Fixed: Calendar button with Chrome and zooming. - * Improved: Error messages on Change–List are now below form - fields (not above). - * Improved: Design of the Login screen. - * Improved: Cloning inlines now works with django-autocomplete-light. - * Added: Password reset (on login page). - * New: New Login screen. - * New: Support for Django 1.5. - python-django-health-check +- Workaround upstream packaging problem omitting sub-packages + and templates + +- Update to v3.14.0 + * Register health check for each cache configuration +- from v3.13.2 + * Add backend checking if all migrations are applied +- from v3.12.2 + * Close all (even non default) db connections after check suite + +- Fix test execution + python-django-jsonfield +- Fix test execution + python-django-mailman3 +- Update to version 1.3.7 + * Set the minimum required version of mailmanclient in + +- restrict to primary python3 flavor due to mailman + +- Update to version 1.3.5 + * Add a new method get_django_user to return Django User model. (See !99) + * Add delete_archives field to mailinglist_deleted Signal. + * Replaced deprecated ugettexy_lazy with gettext_lazy. (Closes #37) +- Fix building on tumbleweed + +- Update to 1.3.4 + * Fix a bug caused by bumping to Mailman API 3.1 in version 1.3.3 which + resulted in 404 errors for some users. + python-django-pyscss +- Disabled python2 + python-django-q +- Update to version 1.3.9 + * Sets Autofield + * Fix RemovedInDjango41Warning + * Create codeql-analysis.yml + * Codecov_fixes. Got coverage again + * Feature/improves multiple databases support + * Fix for SSL errors in #422 + * Fixes #314 - Convert func to its import path str so that + resubmitting failed task works + * Add "qmemory" command + * Allow tasks to be scheduled on a specific cluster + * Fixes #225 - Successful tasks grow beyond SAVE_LIMIT + * Update documentation for new retry time default + * Fixes deprecated count method + * Adds long polling support + * Use 'timezone.localtime()' when calculating the next run time + * Add a warning for misconfiguration. + * Add broker name in Schedule and enhanced Queued Tasks list + display admin + * Add example of http health check + * Added german translation + * Try to get SQS queue before creating it + * Empty dictionary as configuration value for SQS + * Model.unicode() has no effect in Python 3.X + * Fix deprecation warning RemovedInDjango40Warning + * Fix for #424 TypeError: can't pickle _thread.lock objects + * [WIP]Change Django documentation links and URLs to a + supported version (v1.8 -> v2.2) + * Add attempt_count to limit the number of times a filed task + will be re-attempted + * Updates to Django 3.1 + * Resource limits: max rss memory limit for workers + +- Update to 1.3.1 + - Ability to customize schedule creation + - django-picklefield 3.0.1 has requirement Django>=2.2 + - select_for_update could not be used outside of a transaction + - Support for Cron expressions + - Updates packages + - Adds hint, some linting and a release drafter + - Use 'force_str' instead of deprecated 'force_text' + - Add missing migration + +- Update to 1.2.4 + * When sync=True, re-raise exceptions from the worker + * Fix issue when using USE_TZ=False with MySQL + * Fix issues when using multiple databases with a database router + * Expose list of workers and their states via API + * Add missing migration + python-dpkt +- Update skip-BE-tests.patch so that it actually fixes things, + instead of just skipping tests (gh#kbandla/dpkt#615). + +- Update to + - Fixed performance regression (#611) + - Moved the project documentation from Read the Docs(RST) to + + - Added a new mechanism for creating bit-sized field + definitions in the protocol parsers (Packet.__bit_fields__) + - Added pretty printing capability aka Packet.pprint(), + Packet.__pprint_funcs__ + - Added documentation on developing protocol parsers in dpkt + ( + - Added a universal pcap+pcapng reader + (dpkt.pcap.UniversalReader) + - Improved TLS ClientHello and ServerHello parsing: return an + "Unknown" ciphersuite instead of raising an exception, add + codes for rfc8701, GREASE ciphersutes + - Added function to get IP protocol name + - Modified Packet.__getitem__() and added Packet.__contains__() + to address the nested protocol layers + - Fixed payload length interpretation in AH decoder + - Improved handling of invalid chunks in HTTP and SCTP + - Fixed decoding of IPv6 fragments after the 1st fragment + - Support rfc3540 nonce sum flag in TCP + - Added in the TLS 1.3 Cipher Suite from the RFC 8446 dated + August 2018 + - Added support for Linux cooked capture v2, SLL2. + - New example showing how to process truncated DNS packets + (examples/ + - Corrected typo in BGP.notification attribute. + - BGP.Update.Attribute.MPReachNLRI.SNPA now inherits from + dpkt.Packet. + - Byteorder is now specified when packing GRE optional fields. + - #517: Improvement to Radiotap class, supporting multi-byte + and misaligned flags fields. Endianness is now enforced. + - Github issue template added for bug reporting. + - Compliance with flake8 formatting. + - method now returns time in UTC, instead of + local. + - Allow multiple InterfaceDescriptionBlocks with pcapng.Writer. + - SCTP decoder DATA chunk padding aligned to 4-bytes, and + improved handling of .data field. + - IEEE80211 DELBA frame now works on big and little-endian + architectures. + - Introduce compat.ntole which converts from network byte order + to little-endian byte order, regardless of host endianness. + - Ethernet class now attempts to unpack the padding and trailer + if present. + - Added anonymous property to cipher suites, which returns True + if the cipher suite starts with 'anon'. + - Added pfs (Perfect Forward Secrecy) and aead (Authenticated + Encryption with Additional Data) properties to cipher suites. + - Added old CHACHA20-POLY1305 related cipher suites to TLS + CipherSuite list. + - Remove redundant num_compression_methods from TLSClientHello + - Testing improved from 90% coverage to over 99%. +- Remove upstreamed patch fix_s390x_tests.patch +- Add patch skip-BE-tests.patch skipping failing tests again + (gh#kbandla/dpkt#505). + +- Rename skip_s390x_tests.patch to fix_s390x_tests.patch (from the + upstream commit 4ce0b897e60a), which seems to fix the problem. + +- Add skip_s390x_tests.patch to skip failing tests on s390x + (gh#kbandla/dpkt#505). + +- Update to 1.9.4: + - drop python 2.6 support + - add python 3.7, 3.8 support + - fix netbios name encoding and decoding + - properly set type of last vlan tag to type of layer + - fix QinQ vlan tag parsing with miscellaneous data + - add explicit iter to dpkt.Packet so dict() maps the fields nicely + - fix ipv6 packet so that it can be used for generating IPv6 data + - handle zero Eth type + - python 3 compatibility fixes + -- Update to version 1.6 - -- Initial release - python-dtfabric +- Add tests-improved.patch gh#libyal/dtfabric#25 + +- Update to 20200621 release + * No changelog was provided. + +- Setup use of update-alternatives for the package binary. + python-dulwich +- update to 0.20.24 + * + * fix build after 2023 (boo#1102840) + * config: disregard UTF-8 BOM when reading file + * Split out a AbstractHTTPGitClient class + * Set zip_safe=false + * Add separate HTTPProxyUnauthorized exception + +- update to 0.20.23: + * Fix installation of GPG during package publishing. + * Prevent removal of refs directory when the last ref is + deleted. + * Fix filename: MERGE_HEADS => MERGE_HEAD. + * For ignored directories, porcelain.add and porcelain.status now only return + the path to directory itself in the list of ignored paths. Previously, paths + for all files within the directory would also be included in the list. + * Provide depth argument to ``determine_wants``. + * Various tag signature handling improvements. + * Add separate Tag.verify(). (Peter Rowlands) + * Add support for version 3 index files. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Fix autocrlf=input handling. (Peter Rowlands, Boris Feld) + * Attempt to find C Git global config on Windows. + * The APIs for writing and reading individual index entries have changed + to handle lists of (name, entry) tuples rather than tuples. + +- update to 0.20.21: + * Add basic support for a GcsObjectStore that stores + pack files in gcs. + * In porcelain.push, default to local active branch. + * Support fetching symrefs. + +- update to 0.20.20: + * Support untracked symlinks to paths outside the + repository. + * Fix handling of negative matches in nested gitignores. + * Fix formatting in (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Add release configuration. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * credentials: ignore end-of-line character. (Georges Racinet) + * Fix failure in get_untracked_paths when the repository contains symlinks. + * docs: Clarify that Git objects are created on `git add`. + * Add flag to only attempt to fetch ignored untracked files when specifically requested. + +- update to 0.20.15: + * Add some functions for parsing and writing bundles. + * Add ``no_verify`` flag to ``porcelain.commit`` and ``Repo.do_commit``. + * Remove dependency on external mock module. +- drop remove_mock.patch (upstream) + +- update to 0.20.14: + * Fix some stash functions on Python 3. + * Fix handling of relative paths in alternates files on Python 3. + * Add py.typed to allow type checking. + * Add tests demonstrating a bug in the walker code. + +- Fix condition around BuildRequirement + +- We don't need to break Python 2.7 + +- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock + package (gh#dulwich/dulwich#820). + +- update to 0.20.11: + * Fix wheels build on Linux. (Ruslan Kuprieiev) + * Enable wheels build for Python 3.9 on Linux. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Check core.repositoryformatversion. (Jelmer Vernooij, #803) + * Fix ACK/NACK handling in archive command handling in dulwich.client. + +- update to 0.20.6: + * Add a ```` interface. + * Fix pushing of new branches from porcelain.push. + * Honor shallows when pushing from a shallow clone. + * Fix porcelain.path_to_tree_path for Python 3.5. + +- update to 0.20.5: + * Print a clearer exception when is executed on Python < 3.5. + * Send an empty pack to clients if they requested objects, even if they + already have those objects. Thanks to Martijn Pieters for + the detailed bug report. + * porcelain.pull: Don't ask for objects that we already have. + * Add LCA implementation. (Kevin Hendricks) + * Add functionality for finding the merge base. (Kevin Hendricks) + * Check for diverged branches during push. + * Check for fast-forward during pull. (Jelmer Vernooij, #666) + * Return a SendPackResult object from + GitClient.send_pack(). (Jelmer Vernooij) + * ``GitClient.send_pack`` now sets the ``ref_status`` attribute + on its return value to a dictionary mapping ref names + to error messages. Previously, it raised UpdateRefsError + if any of the refs failed to update. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #780) + * Add a ``porcelain.Error`` object that most errors in porcelain + derive from. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Fix argument parsing in dulwich command-line app. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #784) + * Add support for remembering remote refs after push/pull. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #752) + * Support passing tree and output encoding to + dulwich.patch.unified_diff. (Jelmer Vernooij, #763) + * Fix pushing of new refs over HTTP(S) when there are + no new objects to be sent. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #739) + * Raise new error HTTPUnauthorized when the server sends + back a 401. The client can then retry with credentials. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #691) + * Move the guts of bin/dulwich to dulwich.cli, so it is easier to + test or import. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Install dulwich script from entry_points when setuptools is available, + making it slightly easier to use on Windows. (Jelmer Vernooij, #540) + * Set python_requires>=3.5 in (Manuel Jacob) + +- update to 0.20.2: + * Brown bag release to fix uploads of Windows wheels. + * Publish binary wheels for: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. + (Jelmer Vernooij, #711, #710, #629) + * Drop support for Python 2. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Only return files from the loose store that look like git objects. + * Ignore agent= capability if sent by client. + * Don't break when encountering block devices. + * Decode URL paths in HttpGitClient using utf-8 rather than file system + * Fix pushing from a shallow clone. + * Don't send "deepen None" to server if graph walker + supports shallow. (Jelmer Vernooij, #747) + * Support tweaking the compression level for + loose objects through the "core.looseCompression" and + "core.compression" settings. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Support tweaking the compression level for + pack objects through the "core.packCompression" and + "core.compression" settings. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Add a "dulwich.contrib.diffstat" module. + (Kevin Hendricks) + +- Do not remove the tests from distdir as other pkgs can import + them + +- update to 0.19.15: + * Properly handle files that are just executable for the + current user. (Jelmer Vernooij, #734) + * Fix handling of stored encoding in + ``dulwich.porcelain.get_object_by_path`` on Python 3. + (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Support the include_trees and rename_detector arguments + at the same time when diffing trees. + (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Strip superfluous <> around email. (monnerat) + * Stop checking for ref validity client-side. Users can + still call check_wants manually. (Jelmer Vernooij) + * Switch over to Google-style docstrings. + * Add a ``dulwich.porcelain.active_branch`` function. + * Cleanup new directory if clone fails. (Jelmer Vernooij, #733) + * Expand "~" in global exclude path. (Jelmer Vernooij) + +- Update to 0.19.13: + * Don't trust modes if they can't be modified after a file has been created. + * Implement ``RefsContainer.__iter__`` + * Mark ``.git`` directories as hidden on Windows. + * Return a 404 not found error when repository is not found. + * Add a basic ``porcelain.clean``. + * Update directory detection for `get_unstaged_changes` for Python 3. + * Avoid ``PermissionError``, since it is Python3-specific. + +- Use Recommends for python-gpg and python-fastimport. Both are + optional requirements + +- Update to 0.19.11: + * too many changes to enumerate, see NEWS +- Drop docu subpackage as it needs many more sphinx modules + + + CVE-2017-16228 python-easypysmb +- Update to version 1.4.4: + * No documented changelog. + python-fastimport +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + python-fastnumbers -- Do not restrict architectures +- Update to 3.1.0: + * Added + + query_type function to determine what as type fastnumbers will + interpret a given input + * Fixed + + Support for Python 3.9 (eliminate use of private Python C function + that is now hidden in 3.9) + +- Update to 3.0.0 + + Added + * Support and tests for Python 3.8 + * Text to highlight that `fastnumbers` is not always faster that native Python + * `on_fail` option that is identical to `key`, but has a more descriptive name + * Windows testing to Travis-CI + * Code quality checks to Travis-CI + * Deployment from Travis-CI + * + + Changed + * Cleaned up all test code so that it no longer includes unused code + and also conformes to flake8/black + * Near-complete re-write of the README, hopefully to make the functionality + of `fastnumbers` clearer, to support better navigation, and to better + highlight caveats. + * Made all named options keyword-only except for `default` + + Deprecated + * `key` function (it will forever remain allowed, but is "hidden" and cannot + be given with `on_fail`) + + Fixed + * Bug where the `coerce` option of `real()` was ignored + * Improved testing reproducibility by pinning all test dependencies + + Removed + * Support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 + * Appveyor service + +- Fix spurious test failure + +- Remove arch restriction python-flaky +- Fix condition around BuildRequirement + +- We don't need to break Python 2.7 + +- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock package. + +- Add remove_nose.patch to remove dependency on nose. + +- Update to 3.7.0: + * Flaky now retries tests which fail during setup. + +- Add required suffix to package name for test package. Although + no binary package is created, the OBS blocks any dependent + packages until also the test package has been built (Giveaway: + main and test flavor create the same .src.rpm) + +- Update to 3.6.1: + * Reraise KeyboardInterrupt when running tests under pytest. + +- version update to 3.6.0 + * Do not print an empty report if no tests marked 'flaky' were run at all (#116). NOTE: This change could be breaking if you relied on the flaky report being printed. +- test via multibuild +- added sources + + _multibuild + +- Update to 3.5.3: + * Bugfixes - Flaky is now compatible with pytest >= 4.1. + * Officially support and test on Python 3.6 and 3.7. + * Adds a pytest marker that can be used instead of `@flaky. + * Replaced references to 'slaveoutput', where possible with 'workeroutput', following the convention chosen by pytest. + * Prints formatted tracebacks in the flaky report when using nose. + python-flatbuffers +- Update to version 2.0.0 + python-freeipa +- version update to 1.0.6 + * no upstream changelog found +- use %pytest macro + python-geographiclib +- version update to 1.50 + * no upstream changelog found +- modified sources + % LICENSE.txt + python-geojson +- Update to 2.5.0 + * Add "precision" parameter to GeoJSON Object classes with + default precision of 6 (0.1m) + * Fix bug where map_geometries() util was not preserving Feature + IDs + * Remove crs module and features to conform to official + WGS84-only GeoJSON spec +- Switch to PyPI source +- Add geojson-py39-jsonload.patch gh#jazzband/python-geojson#151 + for compatibility with the python39 flavor + python-geopy +- Disabled python2 + -- Update to 0.94; -- Building as noarch for openSUSE >= 11.2. - python-geventhttpclient +- Update to 1.4.5 + * Don't auto parse query string. Add params keyword argument. +- don't try to set a nonexistend attribute for a test + gh#gwik/geventhttpclient#137 + +- Fix condition around BuildRequirement + +- We don't need to break Python 2.7 + +- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock + package (gh#gwik/geventhttpclient#135). + +- Remove gevent-mark-tests.patch and LICENSE-MIT that are + now incorporated upstream +- Update to v1.4.4 + * Add kwargs to exception objects representation +- from v1.4.3 + * Fix Unhandled UnicodeDecodeError exception if response with + status 400 and request contains binary payload +- from v1.4.0 + * httpparser: update http parser to 2.9.4 + python-googlemaps +- Update to 4.4.1 + * Add support for Maps Static API + * Adding support for passing in experience_id to Client class + * Python 2 is no longer supported + * Removed place fields: alt_id, id, reference, and scope. + * APIError.__str__ should always return a str + * Tests for distribution tar as part of CI + * Support for subfields such as geometry/location and geometry/viewport in Places. + * Switched build system to use nox, pytest, and codecov. + python-gphoto2 +- Fix rpmlint errors. + python-graphviz +- update to 0.14.1 + * Document the colon-separated ``node[:port[:compass]]`` format used for ``tail`` + and ``head`` points in the ``edge()``- and ``edges()``-methods' + * Improve handling of escaped quotes (``\"``). Different from other layout engine + escapes sequences such as ``\l`` and ``\N`` (which are passed on as is by + default), there is no use case for backslash-escaping a literal quote character + because escaping of quotes is done by this library. Therefore, a + backslash-escaped quote (e.g. in ``label='\\"'``) is now treated the same as a + plain unescaped quote, i.e. both ``label='"'`` and ``label='\\"'`` produce + the same DOT source ``[label="\""]`` (a label that renders as a literal quote). + Before this change, use of ``'\\"'`` could break the quoting mechanism creating + invalid or unintended DOT, possibly leading to syntax errors from the rendering + process. + +- update to version 0.13.2: + * Fix missing support for four-part versions in + "graphviz.version()". +- changes from version 0.13.1: + * Tag Python 3.8 support. + * Fix quoting for non-ASCII numerals. + +- Update to 0.13: + * Fix missing escaping of backslashes, e.g. in labels + * Add basic debug logging via the stdlib ``logging`` module. + * Add ``escape()`` function (resembling ``re.escape()``) + * Add explicit support for layout engine escape sequences + +- update to version 0.11.1: + * Include "stderr" in "str()" of raised + "subprocess.CalledProcessError". + +- specfile: + * be more specific i %files section +- update to version 0.11: + * Add "quiet" argument to ".render()" and ".pipe()" methods of + "Graph", "Digraph", and "Source" objects, allowing to suppress + "stderr" of the layout subprocess (parity with stand-alone + "render()" and "pipe()" functions). + * The rendering process for "render()" methods and stand-alone + function is now started from the directory of the rendered dot + source file. This allows to render graph descriptions that use + relative paths inline (e.g. for referring to image files to be + included) by using paths relative to the source file + location. Previously, such relative paths would need to be given + relative to the directory from which "render()" was started, so + this change is backwards incompatible for code that relied on the + previous behaviour. + * Drop Python 3.4 support. + +- Add minimal needed versions to BuildRequires + Build fails with older python-pytest-mock versions so add the + needed checks to avoid that + +- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package + +- Update to 0.10.1: + * python 3.7 support + * Various fixes + python-gzipstream +- version +- Bumping package version + python-html2text +- Correct Provides/Obsoletes + +- Add Conflicts with html2text +- Ignore upstream egg-info and regenerate it + +- Update to 2020.1.16 + * Add type annotations. + * Add support for Python 3.8. + * Performance improvements when ``wrap_links`` is ``False`` (the default). + * Configure setuptools using setup.cfg. + +- Update to 2019.9.26: + * Fix long blockquotes wrapping. + * Remove the trailing whitespaces that were added after wrapping list items & blockquotes. + * Remove support for Python <= 3.4. Now requires Python 3.5+. + * Fix memory leak when processing a document containing a <abbr> tag. + * Fix AttributeError when reading text from stdin. + * Fix UnicodeEncodeError when writing output to stdout. +- Disable build for Python 2 + python-hypothesis +- Precompile Python files to avoid troubles with mtime and magic values. + +- Clean up SPEC +- Add %check section, but make it disabled per default (circular + dependency on pytest) + +- Drop the pytest-xdist dependency to build on Leap 42.3, as it + does not run tests it was quite pointless + +- update to version 3.66.6: + * This patch ensures that Hypothesis fully supports Python 3.7, by + upgrading from_type() (issue #1264) and fixing some minor issues + in our test suite (issue #1148). + +- update to version 3.66.5: + * This patch fixes the online docs for various extras, by ensuring + that their dependencies are installed on (issue + [#1326]). + +- update to version 3.66.4: + * This release improves the shrinker’s ability to reorder examples. + +- update to version 3.66.1: + * This patch fixes a rare bug where an incorrect percentage drawtime + could be displayed for a test, when the system clock was changed + during a test running under Python 2 (we use time.monotonic() + where it is available to avoid such problems). It also fixes a + possible zero-division error that can occur when the underlying C + library double-rounds an intermediate value in math.fsum() and + gets the least significant bit wrong. + +- update to version 3.66.0: + * This release improves validation of the alphabet argument to the + text() strategy. The following misuses are now deprecated, and + will be an error in a future version: + + passing an unordered collection (such as set('abc')), which + violates invariants about shrinking and reproducibility + + passing an alphabet sequence with elements that are not strings + + passing an alphabet sequence with elements that are not of + length one, which violates any size constraints that may apply + +- remove redundant pythons buildrequire + +- specfile: + * be more specific for %{python_sitelib} in %files +- update to version 3.65.0: + * This release deprecates the max_shrinks setting in favor of an + internal heuristic. If you need to avoid shrinking examples, use + the phases setting instead. (issue #1235) +- changes from version 3.64.2: + * This release fixes a bug where an internal assertion error could + sometimes be triggered while shrinking a failing test. +- changes from version 3.64.1: + * This patch fixes type-checking errors in our vendored + prety-printer, which were ignored by our mypy config but visible + for anyone else (whoops). Thanks to Pi Delport for reporting issue + [#1359] so promptly. +- changes from version 3.64.0: + * This release adds an interface which can be used to insert a + wrapper between the original test function and @given (issue + [#1257]). This will be particularly useful for test runner + extensions such as pytest-trio, but is not recommended for direct + use by other users of Hypothesis. +- changes from version 3.63.0: + * This release adds a new mechanism to infer strategies for classes + defined using attrs, based on the the type, converter, or + validator of each attribute. This inference is now built in to + builds() and from_type(). + * On Python 2, from_type() no longer generates instances of int when + passed long, or vice-versa. +- changes from version 3.62.0: + * This release adds PEP 484 type hints to Hypothesis on a + provisional basis, using the comment-based syntax for Python 2 + compatibility. You can read more about our type hints here. + * It also adds the py.typed marker specified in PEP 561. After you + pip install hypothesis, mypy 0.590 or later will therefore + type-check your use of our public interface! + +- specfile: + * use %{version} in source +- update to version 3.61.0: + * This release deprecates the use of settings as a context manager, + the use of which is somewhat ambiguous.Users should define + settings with global state or with the @settings(...) decorator. +- changes from version 3.60.1: + * Fixed a bug in generating an instance of a Django model from a + strategy where the primary key is generated as part of the + strategy. See details here. +- changes from version 3.60.0: + * This release add initialize decorator for stateful testing + (originally discussed in issue #1216). initialize act as a special + rule that is only called once, and all initialize rules are + guaranteed to be called before any normal rule is called. +- changes from version 3.59.3: + * This is a no-op release to take into account some changes to the + release process. It should have no user visible effect. +- changes from version 3.59.2: + * This adds support for partially sorting examples which cannot be + fully sorted. For example, [5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0] with a constraint + that the first element needs to be larger than the last becomes + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0]. +- changes from version 3.59.1: + * This patch uses random.getstate() and random.setstate() to restore + the PRNG state after @given runs deterministic tests. Without + restoring state, you might have noticed problems such as issue + [#1266]. The fix also applies to stateful testing (issue #702). +- changes from version 3.59.0: + * This release adds the emails() strategy, which generates unicode + strings representing an email address. +- changes from version 3.58.1: + * This improves the shrinker. It can now reorder examples: 3 1 2 + becomes 1 2 3. +- changes from version 3.58.0: + * This adds a new extra timezones() strategy that generates dateutil + timezones. Depends on python-dateutil. + +- Use github source archive as recommended by upstream. +- Remove unneeded python-hypothesis-build.patch + +- Update to 3.57.0 + * Using an unordered collection with the :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.permutations` + strategy has been deprecated because the order in which e.g. a set shrinks is + arbitrary. This may cause different results between runs. +- Update to 3.56.10 - 2018-05-16 + * This release makes :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.define_setting` + aprivate method, which has the effect of hiding it from the + documentation. +- Update to 3.56.9 + * This is another release with no functionality changes as part of changes to + Hypothesis's new release tagging scheme. +- Update to 3.56.8 + * This is a release with no functionality changes that moves Hypothesis over to + anew release tagging scheme. +- Update to 3.56.7 + * This release provides a performance improvement for most tests, but in + particular users of ``sampled_from`` who don't have numpy installed should see + asignificant performance improvement. +- Update to 3.56.6 + * This patch contains further internal work to support Mypy. + There are no user-visible changes... yet. +- Update to 3.56.5 + * This patch contains some internal refactoring to run :pypi:`mypy` in CI. + There are no user-visible changes. +- Update to 3.56.4 + * This release involves some very minor internal clean up and should have no + user visible effect at all. +- Update to 3.56.3 + * This release fixes a problem introduced in :ref:`3.56.0 <v3.56.0>` where + setting the hypothesis home directory (through currently undocumented + means) would no longer result in the default database location living + in the new home directory. +- Update to 3.56.2 + * This release fixes a problem introduced in :ref:`3.56.0 <v3.56.0>` where + setting :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.max_examples` to ``1`` would result in tests + failing with ``Unsatisfiable``. This problem could also occur in other harder + to trigger circumstances (e.g. by setting it to a low value, having a hard to + satisfy assumption, and disabling health checks). +- Update to 3.56.1 + * This release fixes a problem that was introduced in :ref:`3.56.0 <v3.56.0>`: + Use of the :envvar:`HYPOTHESIS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL` environment variable was, rather + than deprecated, actually broken due to being read before various setup + the deprecation path needed was done. It now works correctly (and emits a + deprecation warning). +- Update to 3.56.0 + * This release deprecates several redundant or internally oriented + :class:`~hypothesis.settings`, working towards an orthogonal set of + configuration options that are widely useful *without* requiring any + knowledge of our internals (:issue:`535`). + + Deprecated settings that no longer have any effect are no longer + shown in the ``__repr__`` unless set to a non-default value. + + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.perform_health_check` is deprecated, as it + duplicates :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.suppress_health_check`. + + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.max_iterations` is deprecated and disabled, + because we can usually get better behaviour from an internal heuristic + than a user-controlled setting. + + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.min_satisfying_examples` is deprecated and + disabled, due to overlap with the + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.HealthCheck.filter_too_much` healthcheck + and poor interaction with :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.max_examples`. + + :envvar:`HYPOTHESIS_VERBOSITY_LEVEL` is now deprecated. Set + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.verbosity` through the profile system instead. + + Examples tried by :func:`~hypothesis.find` are now reported at ``debug`` + verbosity level (as well as ``verbose`` level). +- Update to 3.55.6 + * This release fixes a somewhat obscure condition (:issue:`1230`) under which you + could occasionally see a failing test trigger an assertion error inside + Hypothesis instead of failing normally. +- Update to 3.55.5 + * This patch fixes one possible cause of :issue:`966`. When running + Python 2 with hash randomisation, passing a :obj:`python:bytes` object + to :func:`python:random.seed` would use ``version=1``, which broke + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.derandomize` (because the seed depended on + arandomised hash). If :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.derandomize` is + * still* nondeterministic for you, please open an issue. +- Update to 3.55.4 + * This patch makes a variety of minor improvements to the documentation, + and improves a few validation messages for invalid inputs. +- Update to 3.55.3 + * This release updates the URL metadata associated with the PyPI package (again). + It has no other user visible effects. +- Update to 3.55.2 + * This release updates the URL metadata associated with the PyPI package. + It has no other user visible effects. +- Update to 3.55.1 + * This patch relaxes constraints on the expected values returned + by the standard library function :func:`hypot` and the internal + helper function :func:`~hypotheses.internal.cathetus`, this to + fix near-exact test-failures on some 32-bit systems. +- Update to 3.55.0 + * This release includes several improvements to the handling of the + :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.database` setting. + + The :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.database_file` setting was a historical + artefact, and you should just use :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.database` + directly. + + The :envvar:`HYPOTHESIS_DATABASE_FILE` environment variable is + deprecated, in favor of :meth:`~hypothesis.settings.load_profile` and + the :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.database` setting. + + If you have not configured the example database at all and the default + location is not usable (due to e.g. permissions issues), Hypothesis + will fall back to an in-memory database. This is not persisted between + sessions, but means that the defaults work on read-only filesystems. +- Update to 3.54.0 + * This release improves the :func:`~hypotheses.strategies.complex_numbers` + strategy, which now supports ``min_magnitude`` and ``max_magnitude`` + arguments, along with ``allow_nan`` and ``allow_infinity`` like for + :func:`~hypotheses.strategies.floats`. + Thanks to J.J. Green for this feature. +- Update to 3.53.0 + * This release removes support for Django 1.8, which reached end of life on + 2018-04-01. You can see Django's release and support schedule + `on the Django Project website <>`_. +- Update to 3.52.3 + * This patch fixes the :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.min_satisfying_examples` settings + documentation, by explaining that example shrinking is tracked at the level + of the underlying bytestream rather than the output value. + * The output from :func:`~hypothesis.find` in verbose mode has also been + adjusted - see :ref:`the example session <verbose-output>` - to avoid + duplicating lines when the example repr is constant, even if the underlying + representation has been shrunken. +- Update to 3.52.2 + * This release improves the output of failures with + :ref:`rule based stateful testing <rulebasedstateful>` in two ways: + The output from it is now usually valid Python code. + When the same value has two different names because it belongs to two different + bundles, it will now display with the name associated with the correct bundle + for a rule argument where it is used. +- Update to 3.52.1 + * This release improves the behaviour of :doc:`stateful testing <stateful>` + in two ways: + Previously some runs would run no steps (:issue:`376`). This should no longer + happen. + RuleBasedStateMachine tests which used bundles extensively would often shrink + terribly. This should now be significantly improved, though there is likely + a lot more room for improvement. + * This release also involves a low level change to how ranges of integers are + handles which may result in other improvements to shrink quality in some cases. +- Update to 3.52.0 + * This release deprecates use of :func:`@settings(...) <hypothesis.settings>` + as a decorator, on functions or methods that are not also decorated with + :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>`. You can still apply these decorators + in any order, though you should only do so once each. + * Applying :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>` twice was already deprecated, and + applying :func:`@settings(...) <hypothesis.settings>` twice is deprecated in + this release and will become an error in a future version. Neither could ever + be used twice to good effect. + * Using :func:`@settings(...) <hypothesis.settings>` as the sole decorator on + atest is completely pointless, so this common usage error will become an + error in a future version of Hypothesis. +- Update to 3.51.0 + * This release deprecates the ``average_size`` argument to + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.lists` and other collection strategies. + You should simply delete it wherever it was used in your tests, as it + no longer has any effect. + In early versions of Hypothesis, the ``average_size`` argument was treated + as a hint about the distribution of examples from a strategy. Subsequent + improvements to the conceptual model and the engine for generating and + shrinking examples mean it is more effective to simply describe what + constitutes a valid example, and let our internals handle the distribution. +- Update to 3.50.3 + * This patch contains some internal refactoring so that we can run + with warnings as errors in CI. +- Update to 3.50.2 + * This has no user-visible changes except one slight formatting change to one docstring, to avoid a deprecation warning. +- Update to 3.50.1 + * This patch fixes an internal error introduced in :ref:`3.48.0 <v3.48.0>`, where a check + for the Django test runner would expose import-time errors in Django + configuration (:issue:`1167`). +- Update to 3.50.0 + * This release improves validation of numeric bounds for some strategies. + + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.integers` and :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` + now raise ``InvalidArgument`` if passed a ``min_value`` or ``max_value`` + which is not an instance of :class:`~python:numbers.Real`, instead of + various internal errors. + + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` now converts its bounding values to + the nearest float above or below the min or max bound respectively, instead + of just casting to float. The old behaviour was incorrect in that you could + generate ``float(min_value)``, even when this was less than ``min_value`` + itself (possible with eg. fractions). + + When both bounds are provided to :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.floats` but + there are no floats in the interval, such as ``[(2**54)+1 .. (2**55)-1]``, + InvalidArgument is raised. + + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.decimals` gives a more useful error message + if passed a string that cannot be converted to :class:`~python:decimal.Decimal` + in a context where this error is not trapped. + Code that previously **seemed** to work may be explicitly broken if there + were no floats between ``min_value`` and ``max_value`` (only possible with + non-float bounds), or if a bound was not a :class:`~python:numbers.Real` + number but still allowed in :obj:`python:math.isnan` (some custom classes + with a ``__float__`` method). +- Update to 3.49.1 + * This patch fixes our tests for Numpy dtype strategies on big-endian platforms, + where the strategy behaved correctly but the test assumed that the native byte + order was little-endian. + There is no user impact unless you are running our test suite on big-endian + platforms. Thanks to Graham Inggs for reporting :issue:`1164`. +- Update to 3.49.0 + * This release deprecates passing ``elements=None`` to collection strategies, + such as :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.lists`. + Requiring ``lists(nothing())`` or ``builds(list)`` instead of ``lists()`` + means slightly more typing, but also improves the consistency and + discoverability of our API - as well as showing how to compose or + construct strategies in ways that still work in more complex situations. + Passing a nonzero max_size to a collection strategy where the elements + strategy contains no values is now deprecated, and will be an error in a + future version. The equivalent with ``elements=None`` is already an error. +- Update to 3.48.1 + * This patch will minimize examples that would come out non-minimal in previous versions. Thanks to Kyle Reeve for this patch. +- Update to 3.48.0 + * This release improves some "unhappy paths" when using Hypothesis + with the standard library :mod:`python:unittest` module: + + Applying :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>` to a non-test method which is + overridden from :class:`python:unittest.TestCase`, such as ``setUp``, + raises :attr:`a new health check <hypothesis.settings.not_a_test_method>`. + (:issue:`991`) + + Using :meth:`~python:unittest.TestCase.subTest` within a test decorated + with :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>` would leak intermediate results + when tests were run under the :mod:`python:unittest` test runner. + Individual reporting of failing subtests is now disabled during a test + using :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>`. (:issue:`1071`) + + :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>` is still not a class decorator, but the + error message if you try using it on a class has been improved. + As a related improvement, using :class:`django:django.test.TestCase` with + :func:`@given <hypothesis.given>` instead of + :class:`hypothesis.extra.django.TestCase` raises an explicit error instead + of running all examples in a single database transaction. +- Update to 3.47.0 + * :obj:`~hypothesis.settings.register_profile` now accepts keyword arguments + for specific settings, and the parent settings object is now optional. + Using a ``name`` for a registered profile which is not a string was never + suggested, but it is now also deprecated and will eventually be an error. +- Update to 3.46.2 + * This release removes an unnecessary branch from the code, and has no user-visible impact. +- Update to 3.46.1 + * This changes only the formatting of our docstrings and should have no user-visible effects. +- Update to 3.46.0 + * :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.characters` has improved docs about + what arguments are valid, and additional validation logic to raise a + clear error early (instead of e.g. silently ignoring a bad argument). + Categories may be specified as the Unicode 'general category' + (eg ``u'Nd'``), or as the 'major category' (eg ``[u'N', u'Lu']`` + is equivalent to ``[u'Nd', u'Nl', u'No', u'Lu']``). + * In previous versions, general categories were supported and all other + input was silently ignored. Now, major categories are supported in + addition to general categories (which may change the behaviour of some + existing code), and all other input is deprecated. +- Update to 3.45.5 + * This patch improves strategy inference in :mod:`hypothesis.extra.django` + to account for some validators in addition to field type - see + :issue:`1116` for ongoing work in this space. + Specifically, if a :class:`~django:django.db.models.CharField` or + :class:`~django:django.db.models.TextField` has an attached + :class:`~django:django.core.validators.RegexValidator`, we now use + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.from_regex` instead of + :func:`~hypothesis.strategies.text` as the underlying strategy. + This allows us to generate examples of the default + :class:`~django:django.contrib.auth.models.User` model, closing :issue:`1112`. +- Update to 3.45.4 + * This patch improves some internal debugging information, fixes + atypo in a validation error message, and expands the documentation + for new contributors. +- Add license file + +- Allows Recommends and Suggest in Fedora + +- fix deps for setuptools + +- Recommends only for SUSE + +update to version 3.45.3 + * Bump version to 3.44.26 and update changelog + * That doesn't need to be conditional in the shrinker + * Add release notes + * Wrong backticks + * Response to review + * Switch over to an adaptive greedy algorithm + * Clarify dependencies on enum34, Django + * don't try to assign to *args + * Don't split expression over multiple lines needlessly + * define labels in top-level constants since they're expensive-ish to compute + * Change how we track whether a block is shrinking + * Add tests for zig zagging behaviour + * Update isort from 4.2.15 to 4.3.2 + * Add a section about deferring errors + * specify target and args for build() together as *target_and_args + * Fix typo + * Bump version to 3.44.17 and update changelog + * Add flaky annotation to test_can_generate_interval_endpoints + * Add notion of labels to strategies + * Bump version to 3.44.25 and update changelog + * Update pytest from 3.3.2 to 3.4.0 + * address more code review comments + * Bump version to 3.44.19 and update changelog + * Remove just and of course + * Bump version to 3.45.2 and update changelog + * don't refer to hypothesis_internal_target from bad implementation + * Add a release note for the source changes + * Add quality tests on Python 2 + * Update safety from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0 + * Fix typo in docstring + * Bump the required version of attrs + * Fix unbalanced quotes + * Pass access to blocks and intervals through a level of indirection + * Run 'make format' with the new version of isort + * dont use 'target' in naming arg to builds() + * Improve section on testing + * Fix tests expecting specific example counts + * add docstrings in base_defines_strategy + * fix test_{nested_}discarded_intervals_are_not_in_labels to not assert exact equality + * Clean up argument handling logic so we have full coverage again + * Deal with another old-typing-module problem + * write release note + * Update isort from 4.3.2 to 4.3.3 + * Run 'make requirements' + * Add tests for labelling behaviour + * Expand on what we track + * Whoops new style class + * Update pytz from 2017.3 to 2018.3 + * Move interval calculation to shrinker + * Convert types from strings to hbytes + * Only replace examples, not joined intervals. Make more things examples + * Switch hyphens to em-dashes + * Update autoflake from 1.0 to 1.1 + * Bump version to 3.44.21 and update changelog + * Update python-gitlab from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 + * Use more descriptive names + * Move instructions on running tests to testing guide + * Lets not have slow tests like that in tests/cover + * Track changed blocks and remove a common offset from them + * give every Example a label + * Bump version to 3.44.18 and update changelog + * Update isort from 4.3.3 to 4.3.4 + * Add tests for new behaviour + * Bump version to 3.44.22 and update changelog + * test_saves_negated_examples_in_covering docstring wording tweak + * remove old implementation + * Fix style issues in src + * fix based on Zac's code review + * Update imagesize from 0.7.1 to 1.0.0 + * Update coverage from 4.5 to 4.5.1 + * Update tests to account for new covering examples + * Update certifi from 2017.11.5 to 2018.1.18 + * Update typing from 3.6.2 to 3.6.4 + * Track examples by draw index + * rename target arg so we can use targets requiring an argument 'target' + * Update babel from 2.5.2 to 2.5.3 + * Update pytest-xdist from 1.21.0 to 1.22.0 + * Add a release note + * Monospace + * Move flake8 config to tox.ini + * Add flake8-docstrings + * improve test_saves_negated_examples_in_covering to check what we actually care about + * tweaks from code review + * There was no good reason for that test to be that complicated + * Correct env naming + * Clean up unfinished examples at the end + * Add a guide for working on internals + * ideally -> usually + * Update autopep8 from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 + * Bump version to 3.45.3 and update changelog + * Bump version to 3.45.0 and update changelog + * Make test_minimize_sets_of_sets non-flaky + * Remove seed + * Remove reference to intervals + * Update coverage from 4.4.2 to 4.5 + * Bump version to 3.45.1 and update changelog + * Slight rewording + * Bump version to 3.44.24 and update changelog + * Update doctest + * Bump version to 3.44.20 and update changelog + * add myself to contributors + * Bump version to 3.44.23 and update changelog + * Update babel from 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 + * don't use backticks in exception messages + * remove duplicate + * Change the way we calculate average_size's default + * fix formatting of release file + * Remove a bunch of dead code and comments + * Revert "Switch hyphens to em-dashes" + * Track labels on examples + * Fix style issues in tests + * Clarify specificity there + * Update sphinx from 1.6.6 to 1.6.7 + * Update sphinx from 1.6.7 to 1.7.0 + * Those spaces aren't needed + * Run tests on 2.7.14 + * Just exit with the return code + * fix indentation of docstrings produced by renamed_arguments + * fix formatting + * Update pygithub from 1.35 to 1.36 +- Use sdist for Source +- Comment BuildRequires for tests. Tests in %check section are + currently disabled + +- Condition py2 only dependencies so we do not pull them on py3 + only scenario + +- update to version 3.44.16: + * This release improves test case reduction for recursive data + structures. Hypothesis now guarantees that whenever a strategy + calls itself recursively (usually this will happen because you are + using deferred()), any recursive call may replace the top level + value. e.g. given a tree structure, Hypothesis will always try + replacing it with a subtree. + * Additionally this introduces a new heuristic that may in some + circumstances significantly speed up test case reduction - + Hypothesis should be better at immediately replacing elements + drawn inside another strategy with their minimal possible value. +- changes from version 3.44.15: + * from_type() can now resolve recursive types such as binary trees + (issue #1004). Detection of non-type arguments has also improved, + leading to better error messages in many cases involving forward + references. +- changes from version 3.44.14 : + * This release fixes a bug in the shrinker that prevented the + optimisations in 3.44.6 from working in some cases. It would not + have worked correctly when filtered examples were nested + (e.g. with a set of integers in some range). + * This would not have resulted in any correctness problems, but + shrinking may have been slower than it otherwise could be. +- changes from version 3.44.13: + * This release changes the average bit length of values drawn from + integers() to be much smaller. Additionally it changes the + shrinking order so that now size is considered before sign - + e.g. -1 will be preferred to +10. + * The new internal format for integers required some changes to the + minimizer to make work well, so you may also see some improvements + to example quality in unrelated areas. +- changes from version 3.44.12: + * This changes Hypothesis’s internal implementation of weighted + sampling. This will affect example distribution and quality, but + you shouldn’t see any other effects. +- changes from version 3.44.11 : + * This is a change to some internals around how Hypothesis handles + avoiding generating duplicate examples and seeking out novel + regions of the search space. + * You are unlikely to see much difference as a result of it, but it + fixes a bug where an internal assertion could theoretically be + triggered and has some minor effects on the distribution of + examples so could potentially find bugs that have previously been + missed. +- changes from version 3.44.10: + * This patch avoids creating debug statements when debugging is + disabled. Profiling suggests this is a 5-10% performance + improvement (issue #1040). + +- update to version 3.44.9: + * This patch blacklists null characters ('\x00') in automatically + created strategies for Django CharField and TextField, due to a + database issue which was recently fixed upstream (Hypothesis issue + [#1045]). + +- update to version 3.44.8: + * This release makes the Hypothesis shrinker slightly less greedy in + order to avoid local minima - when it gets stuck, it makes a small + attempt to search around the final example it would previously + have returned to find a new starting point to shrink from. This + should improve example quality in some cases, especially ones + where the test data has dependencies among parts of it that make + it difficult for Hypothesis to proceed. + +- update to version 3.44.7: + * This release adds support for Django 2 in the hypothesis-django + extra. + * This release drops support for Django 1.10, as it is no longer + supported by the Django team. + +- update to version 3.44.6: + * This release speeds up test case reduction in many examples by + being better at detecting large shrinks it can use to discard + redundant parts of its input. This will be particularly noticeable + in examples that make use of filtering and for some integer + ranges. +- changes from version 3.44.5: + * This is a no-op release that updates the year range on all of the + copyright headers in our source to include 2018. + +- Disable the tests as it is too flaky to be reliable + +- update to version 3.44.4: + * This release fixes issue #1044, which slowed tests by up to 6% due + to broken caching. + +- update to version 3.44.3: + * This release improves the shrinker in cases where examples drawn + earlier can affect how much data is drawn later (e.g. when you + draw a length parameter in a composite and then draw that many + elements). Examples found in cases like this should now be much + closer to minimal. +- changes from version 3.44.2: + * This is a pure refactoring release which changes how Hypothesis + manages its set of examples internally. It should have no + externally visible effects. +- changes from version 3.44.1: + * This release fixes issue #997, in which under some circumstances + the body of tests run under Hypothesis would not show up when run + under coverage even though the tests were run and the code they + called outside of the test file would show up normally. +- changes from version 3.44.0: + * This release adds a new feature: The @reproduce_failure, designed + to make it easy to use Hypothesis’s binary format for examples to + reproduce a problem locally without having to share your example + database between machines. + This also changes when seeds are printed: + + They will no longer be printed for normal falsifying examples, + as there are now adequate ways of reproducing those for all + cases, so it just contributes noise. + + They will once again be printed when reusing examples from the + database, as health check failures should now be more reliable + in this scenario so it will almost always work in this case. +- changes from version 3.43.1: + * This release fixes a bug with Hypothesis’s database management - + examples that were found in the course of shrinking were saved in + a way that indicated that they had distinct causes, and so they + would all be retried on the start of the next test. The intended + behaviour, which is now what is implemented, is that only a + bounded subset of these examples would be retried. + +- update to version 3.43.0: + * HypothesisDeprecationWarning now inherits from FutureWarning + instead of DeprecationWarning, as recommended by PEP 565 for + user-facing warnings (issue #618). If you have not changed the + default warnings settings, you will now see each distinct + HypothesisDeprecationWarning instead of only the first. + +- Add patch python-hypothesis-build.patch + to fix Factory build error + +- Update to 3.42.2: + * Few tiny fixes +- Switch to github tarball to contain tests +- Make sure to state all buildtime dependencies + +- update to version 3.42.1: + * This release has some internal cleanup, which makes reading the + code more pleasant and may shrink large examples slightly faster. + +- specfile: + * removed conditional for test as requested in SR 555280 + * added coverage as a requirement +- update to version 3.42.0: + * This release deprecates hypothesis[fakefactory], which was + designed as a transition strategy but does not support example + shrinking or coverage-guided discovery. + +- update to version 3.41.0: + * sampled_from() can now sample from one-dimensional numpy + ndarrays. Sampling from multi-dimensional ndarrays still results + in a deprecation warning. Thanks to Charlie Tanksley for this + patch. + python-incremental +- update to 21.3.0: + - The output of incremental is now compatible with Black (#56, #60) + - Incremental now properly supports PEP 440-compliant dev, rc, post suffixes (#62) + - Incremental now properly supports PEP 440-compliant post releases (#37) + - Incremental will no longer attempt to read git or svn repositories to see if + the project is running from a checkout. (#30, #31, #32) + +- Skip two tests that fail due to changes in pytest framework + needs to be fixed by upstream + +- Switch to multibuild to avoid build cycle + +- run the testsuite + +- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package + python-jedi +- Force pytest5 because it has the pluggy<1 pin patched out + +- Add jedi-py39-pytest.patch to support Python 3.9 + +- update to 0.18.0 (get it together with the latest python-parso just to + be sure): + - Dropped Python 2 and Python 3.5 + - Using ``pathlib.Path()`` as an output instead of ``str`` in most + places: + - ``Project.path`` + - ``Script.path`` + - ``Definition.module_path`` + - ``Refactoring.get_renames`` + - ``Refactoring.get_changed_files`` + - Functions with ``@property`` now return ``property`` instead of + ``function`` in ``Name().type`` + - Started using annotations + - Better support for the walrus operator + - Project attributes are now read accessible + - Removed all deprecations + This is likely going to be the last minor release before 1.0. + +- Revert back to 0.17.2. + +- Exclude pytest 6 gh#davidhalter/jedi#1660 + +- Update to version 0.17.2 + * Added an option to pass environment variables to ``Environment`` + * ``Project(...).path`` exists now + * Support for Python 3.9 + * A few bugfixes +- rpmlint zero length django-stubs + +- Update to version 0.17.1 + * Django ``Model`` meta class support + * Django Manager support (completion on Managers/QuerySets) + * Added Django Stubs to Jedi, thanks to all contributors of the + `Django Stubs <>`_ project + * Added ``SyntaxError.get_message`` + * Python 3.9 support + * Bugfixes (mostly towards Generics) +- drop jedi-pr1543-sorttest.patch merged upstream + +- Skip two tests on leap not just sp1+ + +- Update to v0.17.0 + * Added ``Project`` support. This allows a user to specify which + folders Jedi should work with. + * Added support for Refactoring. The following refactorings have + been implemented: ``Script.rename``, ``Script.inline``, + ``Script.extract_variable`` and ``Script.extract_function``. + * Added ``Script.get_syntax_errors`` to display syntax errors in + the current script. + * Added code search capabilities both for individual files and + projects. The new functions are ````, + ``Project.complete_search``, ```` and + ``Script.complete_search``. + * Added ```` to make it easier to display a help + window to people. Now returns pydoc information as well for + Python keywords/operators. This means that on the class + keyword it will now return the docstring of Python's builtin + function ``help('class')``. + * The API documentation is now way more readable and complete. + Check it out under A lot of it + has been rewritten. + * Removed Python 3.4 support + * Many bugfixes +- back to regular releases, no git service needed anymore +- jedi-pr1543-sorttest.patch gh#davidhalter/jedi#1543 + +- tell Leap 15.1 and SLE 15 SP1 pytest to ignore test/ + so that a test file with purposely placed syntax errors does not + trip the entire discovery + +- reenable (most) unittests +- remove unbundle.patch -- according to upstream, typeshed is meant + to be bundled. + +- fix version string to 0.16.0+git55.17b3611c + +- Update to version v0.16.0+git55.17b3611c: + * Included statement as a possible return type for BaseDefinition.type + +- Disable tests + +- Update to version v0.16.0+git54.0888dd46: + * Fix partialmethod issues + * Make sure partialmethod tests are only executed for Python 3 + * Refactor stdlib PartialObject + * Fix PartialMethodObject (WIP) + * Changed semantics of ClassVar attributes in classes, fixes #1502 + * Avoid duplicate definitions for goto, fixes #1514 + * Merge _remove_statements and infer_expr_stmt, fixes #1504 + * Add partialmethod, fixes #1519 + * Attempt at a test of completion of filepath after ~. + * Complete path after ~. + +- Remove patches from git in preparation to switch to git service: + * delete.patch + * typing.patch + +- add typing.patch - fix test_sys_getwindowsversion with new parso + +- update to 0.16.0 +- add delete.patch + * Added Script.get_context to get information where you currently are. + * Completions/type inference of Pytest fixtures. + * Tensorflow, Numpy and Pandas completions should now be about 4-10x faster after the first time they are used. + * Dict key completions are working now. e.g. d = {1000: 3}; d[10 will expand to 1000. + * Completion for “proxies†works now. These are classes that have a __getattr__(self, name) method that does a return getattr(x, name). after loading them initially. + * Goto on a function/attribute in a class now goes to the definition in its super class. + * Big Script API Changes: + + The line and column parameters of jedi.Script are now deprecated + + completions deprecated, use complete instead + + goto_assignments deprecated, use goto instead + + goto_definitions deprecated, use infer instead + + call_signatures deprecated, use get_signatures instead + + usages deprecated, use get_references instead + + jedi.names deprecated, use jedi.Script(...).get_names() + * BaseDefinition.goto_assignments renamed to BaseDefinition.goto + * Add follow_imports to Definition.goto. Now its signature matches Script.goto. + * Python 2 support deprecated. For this release it is best effort. Python 2 has reached the end of its life and now it’s just about a smooth transition. Bugs for Python 2 will not be fixed anymore and a third of the tests are already skipped. + * Removed settings.no_completion_duplicates. It wasn’t tested and nobody was probably using it anyway. + * Removed settings.use_filesystem_cache and settings.additional_dynamic_modules, they have no usage anymore. Pretty much nobody was probably using them. + +- update to 0.15.2 +- skip tests based on bundled typeshed +- refreshed unbundle.patch + * Call signatures are now detected a lot better + * Add fuzzy completions with Script(...).completions(fuzzy=True) + * Files bigger than one MB (about 20kLOC) get cropped to avoid + getting stuck completely. + * A big refactoring around contexts/values + +- So, this is completely boring, non-offensive changelog record, + which says, that I have also add previously missing skip over + test_compiled_signature test case, because of + gh#davidhalter/jedi#1429 + +- Skip TestSetupReadline.test_import because of gh#davidhalter/jedi#1429 + +- Skip another time based test test_os_path_join + +- Skip flaky test test_static_analysis + +- update to version 0.15.1: + * Small bugfix and removal of a print statement +- changes from version 0.15.0: + * Added file path completions, there's a new "Completion.type" path, + now. Example: '/ho -> '/home/ + * *args/**kwargs resolving. If possible Jedi replaces the parameters + with the actual alternatives. + * Better support for enums/dataclasses + * When using Interpreter, properties are now executed, since a lot + of people have complained about this. Discussion in #1299, #1347. + * New APIs: + + Definition.get_signatures() -> List[Signature]. Signatures are + similar to CallSignature. Definition.params is therefore + deprecated. + + Signature.to_string() to format call signatures. + + Signature.params -> List[ParamDefinition], ParamDefinition has + the following additional attributes infer_default(), + infer_annotation(), to_string(), and kind. + + Definition.execute() -> List[Definition], makes it possible to + infer return values of functions. + +- update to 0.14.1 + * CallSignature.index should now be working a lot better + * A couple of smaller bugfixes + +- update to 0.14.0 +- enable tests +- add unbundle.patch + * Added goto_*(prefer_stubs=True) as well as goto_*(prefer_stubs=True) + * Stubs are used now for type inference + * Typeshed is used for better type inference + * Reworked Definition.full_name, should have more correct return values + +- Disable tests as it is not working at all on python 3.7 + +- Do not bother condition for typing, on 3.7+ it is provided by base + +- Update to 0.13.3: + * Fixed an issue with embedded Python see + +- Fix the typing dependency +- Really run the tests + +- specfile: + * update copyright year +- update to version 0.13.2: + * Fixed a bug that led to Jedi spawning a lot of subprocesses. + +- update to version 0.13.1 + * Bugfixes, because tensorflow completions were still slow. +- update to version 0.13.0 + * A small release. Some bug fixes. + * Remove Python 3.3 support. Python 3.3 support has been dropped by the Python + foundation. + * Default environments are now using the same Python version as the Python + process. In 0.12.x, we used to load the latest Python version on the system. + * Added ``include_builtins`` as a parameter to usages. + * ``goto_assignments`` has a new ``follow_builtin_imports`` parameter that + changes the previous behavior slightly. +- Remove test_requrements.patch, no longer needed + +- specfile: + * require parso >= 0.3.0 + * remove python-devel requirement +- update to version 0.12.1: + * This release forces you to upgrade parso. If you don't, nothing + will work anymore. Otherwise changes should be limited to bug + fixes. Unfortunately Jedi still uses a few internals of parso that + make it hard to keep compatibility over multiple releases. Parso + >=0.3.0 is going to be needed. + +- Update to version 0.12.0 + * Virtualenv/Environment support + * F-String Completion/Goto Support + * Cannot crash with segfaults anymore + * Cleaned up import logic + * Understand async/await and autocomplete it (including async generators) + * Better namespace completions + * Passing tests for Windows (including CI for Windows) + * Remove Python 2.6 support +- Update to version 0.11.1 + * Parso update - the caching layer was broken + * Better usages - a lot of internal code was ripped out and improved. +- Remove upstream-included test_requrements.patch +- Add new test_requrements.patch to avoid limit on pytest version. +- Disable tests, they don't work in most situations. + python-kiwi +- Bump version: 9.23.20 → 9.24.2 + This version upgrade includes several fixes: + * Fixed secure boot fallback setup + Make sure MokManager gets copied. The name and location of + the mok manager is distribution specific in the same way as + the shim loader. Thus we need to apply a similar concept + for looking it up. This Fixes bsc#1187515 + * Allow creation of LUKS system with empty key + To support cloud platforms better we should allow the + creation of an initial(insecure) LUKS encrypted image + with an empty passphrase/keyfile. This Fixes + bsc#1187461 and bsc#1187460 + * Delete obsolete ddb.adapterType patching + When building a vmdk image with pvscsi as adapter type, kiwi + implicitly changed the adapter_type from pvscsi to lsilogic + because qemu only knows lsilogic. At the end kiwi patched + the adapter type in the descriptor of the vmdk header back + to pvscsi. That patching seems to be wrong according to + information from users and VMware support. This commit + deletes the descriptor patching and only leaves the pvscsi + setting in the guest configuration(vmx). + This Fixes bsc#1180539 and Fixes #1847 + * Make dracut version check more robust + The check_dracut_module_versions_compatible_to_kiwi() runtime + check calls the package manager from the host and reads the + package database from the image root. Doing this requires + the package database in the image to be compatible with the + package manager on the host. However this cannot be guarenteed + and it is more robust to chroot into the image root and call + the package manager from there. However, this change also comes + with the cost that it's required to have a package manager + available in the image root tree. Therefore along with the + chroot based call, eventual exceptions from the call are now + catched and leads to a debug message in the log file but will + not lead the runtime check to fail. I consider the cases + without a package database inside of the image to be less + critical than the incompatibility issue between the host + tooling and the package database in the image. + This Fixes bsc#1185937 + * Fixed setup of repository architecture + Unfortunately the architecture reported by uname is not + necessarily the same name as used in the repository metadata. + Therefore it was not a good idea to set the architecture + and manage the name via a mapping table. It also has turned + out that repo arch names are distro specific which causes + more complexity on an eventual mapping table. In the end + this commit changes the way how the repository architecture + is setup in a way that we only set the architecture if + a name was explicitly specified such that the user keeps + full control over it without any mapping magic included + This Fixes bsc#1185287 + * Do not apply default subcommand for derivate containers + This commit does not apply the default subcommand for derivate + containers. Fixes bsc#1184823 + * Added openssl to the core requires + openssl is used in kiwi to construct a password hash + if the plaintext password feature for user settings + is used. This Fixes bsc#1184128 + python-latexcodec +- Update to 2.0.1: + - Drop Python 3.3 support. + - Added a few more translations. + - Lexer now processes unicode directly, to fix various issues with + multibyte encodings. This also simplifies the implementation. Many + thanks to davidweichiang for reporting and implementing. + - New detailed description of the package for the readme, to clarify + the behaviour and design choices. Many thanks to tschantzmc for + contributing this description (see issue #70). + - Minor fix in decoding of LaTeX comments (see issue #72). + - Support Python 3.9 (see issue #75). + - More symbols (THIN SPACE, various accented characters). + - Fix lexer issue with multibyte encodings (thanks to davidweichiang + for reporting). + - More symbols (EM SPACE, MINUS SIGN, GREEK PHI SYMBOL, HYPHEN, + alternate encodings of Swedish Ã¥ and Ã…). + - Doesn't need nose anymore (switched to pytest). + python-libvirt-python +- Update to 7.10.0 + - Add all new APIs and constants in libvirt 7.10.0 + - jsc#SLE-18260, jsc#SLE-19264 + python-natsort +- Disabled python2 + python-nautilus +- Add python-nautilus-gcc10-buildfix.patch: Fix build with gcc 10. + -- Port to pygobject 3.0: - + Add nautilus-python-pygobject-3.0.patch: do the port :-) - + Change pkgconfig(pygobject-2.0) BuildRequires to - pkgconfig(pygobject-3.0). - + Add call to autoreconf, needed for the patch. -- Use a build_doc macro to decide whether to build the - documentation. It controls the following: - + Use of gtk-doc BuildRequires. - + Use of --disable-gtk-doc or --enable-gtk-doc option passed to - configure. -- Set build_doc macro to 0 as the documentation build currently - requires the old pygobject. -- Add python-nautilus-fix-warnings.patch: fix various warnings in - the build. -- Add python-nautilus-no-extension-on-failure.patch: do not load - extensions on initialization failures. - python-neovim-remote +- Switch to using update-alternatives(1) to avoid collisions. + python-notify2 +- Fix Requires of dbus-python so that the macros can work out the + correct flavor for multiple python3 flavors + gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66 + python-openapi-core +- Disabled python2 + python-ordered-set +- Update to version 4.0.2 + * Restore compatibility with Python 3.5 + * fix packaging, remove vestiges of type stubs + * Remove unused type + * Add a mailmap + * remove old .pyi type stub + * Implement code review suggestions for types + * Code formatting (isort and black) + * Move type annotations inline + * Directly distribute type stub file via PEP 561 + * Handle another indexing case from NumPy + +- Add Provides: for python*dist(ordered-set): work around + boo#1186870 + +- Use %pycache_only %python_sitelib instead of %python3_sitelib + fixes gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#64#issuecomment-715373348 + +- Replace Source URL with the standard one + python-osmviz +- Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy. + python-parso +- update to 0.8.2: + - Various small bugfixes + +- update to 0.8.1 (according to gh#davidhalter/jedi#1650 it + should be compatible with python-jedi now): + - Dropped Support for Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5 + - It's possible to use ``pathlib.Path`` objects now in the API + - The stubs are gone, we are now using annotations + - ``namedexpr_test`` nodes are now a proper class called ``NamedExpr`` + - A lot of smaller refactorings + +- update to 0.7.1: + - Fixed a couple of smaller bugs (mostly syntax error detection in + ``Grammar.iter_errors``) + +- Revert back to the 0.7.0 version. + +- update to 0.7.0 + * Fix a lot of annoying bugs in the diff parser. The fuzzer did not find + issues anymore even after running it for more than 24 hours (500k tests). + * Small grammar change: suites can now contain newlines even after a newline. + This should really not matter if you don't use error recovery. It allows for + nicer error recovery. +- remove py_38.patch (merged upstream) + +- update to 0.6.2 + * Add Grammar.refactor (might still be subject to change until 0.7.0) + * add py_38.patch - fix tests with py-3.8.2 + +- update to 0.6.1 + * Add parso.normalizer.Issue.end_pos to make it possible to know + where an issue ends + * Dropped Python 2.6/Python 3.3 support + * del_stmt names are now considered as a definition (for name.is_definition()) + +- update to 0.5.2 + * Add include_setitem to get_definition/is_definition and get_defined_names + * Fix named expression error listing + * Fix some f-string tokenizer issues + +- update to 0.5.1 + * Fix: Some unicode identifiers were not correctly tokenized + * Fix: Line continuations in f-strings are now working + +- update to 0.5.0 + * comp_for is now called sync_comp_for for all Python versions to + be compatible with the Python 3.8 Grammar + * Added .pyi stubs for a lot of the parso API + * Small FileIO changes + +- update to 0.4.0 + * Python 3.8 support + * FileIO support, it's now possible to use abstract file IO, support is alpha + +- Update to 0.3.4: + * Fix an f-string tokenizer error + * Fix async errors in the diff parser + * A fix in iter_errors + * 20+ bugfixes in the diff parser and 3 in the tokenizer + * A fuzzer for the diff parser, to give confidence that the diff parser is in a good shape. + * Some bugfixes for f-string + +- Drop bogus dependency on pytest-cache + +- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package + +- Drop dependency on tox, not really needed + +- specfile: + * make sure tests are run +- update to version 0.3.1: + * Bugfixes in the diff parser and keyword-only arguments + +- update to version 0.3.0: + * Rewrote the pgen2 parser generator. + +- specfile: + * update copyright year +- update to version 0.2.0: + * f-strings are now parsed as a part of the normal Python + grammar. This makes it way easier to deal with them. + python-pexpect +- Remove executable flag from examples/*.py: since we already patch + out the shebangs, they are not directly startable anyway + (boo#1189065). + +- Add patch to build without python2: + * no-python-binary.patch + python-prompt_toolkit +- update to 3.0.8: + - Added `validator` parameter to `input_dialog`. + - New "placeholder" parameter added to `PromptSession`. + - Fixes + - The SSH/Telnet adaptors have been refactored and improved in several ways. + See issues #876 and PR #1150 and #1184 on GitHub. + * Handle terminal types for both telnet and SSH sessions. + * Added pipe input abstraction. (base class for `PosixPipeInput` and + `Win32PipeInput`). + * The color depth logic has been refactored and moved to the `Output` + implementations. Added `get_default_color_depth` method to `Output` + objects. + * All line feets are now preceded by a carriage return in the telnet + connection stdout. + - Introduce `REPLACE_SINGLE` input mode for Vi key bindings. + - Improvements to the checkbox implementation: + * Hide the scrollbar for a single checkbox. + * Added a "checked" setter to the checkbox. + - Expose `KeyPressEvent` in key_binding/ (often used in type + annotations). + - The renderer has been optimized so that no trailing spaces are generated + (this improves copying in some terminals). + +- Update to 3.0.5 + * no notable changes + +- Update to 3.0.4 + * Python 2 support has been dropped. + * Native asyncio, so some async code becomes slightly different. + * (almost) 100% type annotated. + * Added shift-based text selection (use shift+arrows to start selecting text). + * Accept an empty prompt continuation. + * Improved support for "dumb" terminals. + * `ShiftControl` has been replaced with `ControlShift` and `s-c` with `c-s` in + key bindings. Aliases for backwards-compatibility have been added. + python-ptpython +- version update to 3.0.1 + - Fix backwards-compatibility of the `run_config` function. (used by + django-extensions). + - Fix input mode in status bar for block selection. + - Upgrade to prompt_toolkit 3.0. + - Requires at least Python 3.6. + - Uses XDG base directory specification. + - Added dictionary completer (off by default). + - Added fuzzy completion (off by default). + - Highlight keywords in completion dropdown menu. + - Enable universal wheels. + - Fixed embedding repl as asyncio coroutine. + - Fixed patching stdout in embedded repl. + - Fixed ResourceWarning in + python-pulsectl +- update to 21.3.4 + * Add timeout= option for connect() method [#48]. + * Expose "base_volume" (alsa volume level) attribute for sinks/sources [#47]. + python-py3c +- Update to 1.3.1 + * Allow building the documentation without sphinx_rtd_theme +- Release 1.3 + * Tested with Python 3.9.0 + * To help avoid compiler warning about uninitialized members, + extra members are added to the PyModuleDef structure for Python + 2: m_slots, m_traverse, m_clear and m_free. Under Python 2, + they must be set to NULL (usually by continuing to leave them + out). +- Release 1.2 + * Tests updated to pass with Python 3.9.0b3 + * make install now honors DESTDIR to support staged installations +- drop destdir.patch fixed upstream + python-pybtex +- Update to 0.24.0: + * Added support for sup and sub tags to LaTeX and Markdown backends. + * Added support for @online entries and the urldate field. + * Fixed bugs in the example plugin. + * Fixed bad get_default_encoding() call. + * Reimplemented pybtex.utils.OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict using + collections.OrderedDict (so it has a __delitem__). + * now supports type when formatting phdthesis. + * Added from_string to pybtex.database.BibliographyData. + * Added from_string and to_string to pybtex.database.Entry. + * Preserve order in pybtex.utils.OrderedCaseInsensitiveDict.__repr__. + * Fixed entries with duplicate keys being removed during sorting. + * Fixed handling of duplicate person fields + * Use xml.etree.ElementTree instead of the deprecated cElementTree. + * Import base classes from instead of collections. + * Use __iter__ instead of deprecated Element.getchildren(). +- Switch to using pytest to run tests, and run the testsuite. + +- Do not ship tests + +- update to 0.22.2: + * Fixed compatibility with Python 2 and older versions of Python 3. + * Fixed non-working ``--backend`` option with ``pybtex -l python``. + * Fixed handling of duplicate fields in ``.bib`` biles. + * BibTeX parser is now up to 10% faster on some files. + * Fixed parsing of names with ``\~`` characters. + * Fixed formatting proceedings without an ``editor`` field in ````. + * In case of too many braces in a BibTeX string, ``PybtexSyntaxError`` is now raised instead + * Dropped ``2to3``, made the code compatible with both Python 2 and 3 with Six_. + * Moved tests outside of the ``pybtex`` package. + * Fixed searching in docs with recent versions of Sphinx_. + * API: renamed ``bibtex.BibTeXEntryIterator`` to ``bibtex.LowLevelParser`` for clarity. + * API: removed confusing usage of ``Person.text`` in ``tempate.names``. + * API: ``Entry.fields`` does not automagically look for cross-referenced entries + + anymore. + +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative + -- update to version 0.15 - - changed license from GPL-3 to MIT - - when parsing multiple BibTeX files, macros defined in earlier - files are now available to all subsequent files, like in BibTeX - - BibTeX .bst interpreter now prints warnings on missing entries, - like BibTeX, instead of raising a KeyError - - call.type$ BibTeX built-in function now uses default.entry for - unknown entry types, like in BibTeX - - substring$ now accepts start=0 and returns an empty string. - - added more detailed error messages for already defined - variables in .bst files - - bugfixes - -- add documentation - -- initial packaging - python-pylast +- Update to 4.1.0. + * Added + * Add support for streaming (#336) @kvanzuijlen + * Changed + * Update copyright year (#360) @hugovk + * Replace Travis CI with GitHub Actions + * Fixed + * Set limit to 50 by default, not 1 + * Updates for 4.0.0. + * Added + * Add support for Python 3.9. + * Removed + * Remove deprecated Artist.get_cover_image, + User.get_artist_tracks and STATUS_TOKEN_ERROR. + +- Update to version 3.3.0 + * `User.get_now_playing`: Add album and cover image to info (#330) @hugovk + * Improve handling of error responses from the API (#327) @spiritualized + * Deprecate `Artist.get_cover_image`, they're no longer available from (#332) @hugovk + * Fix `artist.get_bio_content()` to return `None` if bio is empty (#326) @hugovk + python-pymemcache -- update to 3.1.0: - * Add TLS support for TCP sockets. - * Fix corner case when dead hashed server comes back alive. - -- Fix build without python 2 - -- version update to 3.0.1 - * Make MockMemcacheClient more consistent with the real client. - * Pass ``encoding`` from HashClient to its pooled clients when ``use_pooling`` - is enabled. - -- Update to 3.0.0 - * The serialization API has been reworked. Instead of consuming a serializer - and deserializer as separate arguments, client objects now expect an argument - ``serde`` to be an object which implements ``serialize`` and ``deserialize`` - as methods. (``serialize`` and ``deserialize`` are still supported but - considered deprecated.) - * Validate integer inputs for ``expire``, ``delay``, ``incr``, ``decr``, and - ``memlimit`` -- non-integer values now raise ``MemcacheIllegalInputError`` - * Validate inputs for ``cas`` -- values which are not integers or strings of - 0-9 now raise ``MemcacheIllegalInputError`` - * Add ``prepend`` and ``append`` support to ``MockMemcacheClient``. - * Add the ``touch`` method to ``HashClient``. - * Added official support for Python 3.8. - -- Update to 2.2.2: - * Fix long_description string in Python packaging. - * Fix flags when setting multiple differently-typed values at once. - * Use setup.cfg metadata instead config to generate package. - * Add default_noreply parameter to HashClient. - * Add encoding parameter to Client constructors (defaults to ascii). - * Add flags parameter to write operation methods. - * Handle unicode key values in MockMemcacheClient correctly. - * Improve ASCII encoding failure exception. - * Fix dependency on six already being installed. - -- Trim filler wording from descriptions. - -- update to 2.1.0: - * Check reStructuredText along with flake8 - * Hotfix broken path - * fix result - * Update changelog - * Fix syntax errors - * Use byte strings after serializing with serde - * correct spelling mistake - * Remove deprecated Python version. - * Add tests for serde module - * Kill python 2.6 - * Add optional support for unicode keys - * Update README to mention tox - * Fix support newbytes from future - * Final touches for 1.3.7 - * Make tuple once, instead of on every call - * Use only the highest, premium quality picklers available at runtime. - * Enforce version for sphinx - * Don't Raise Generic Exception (#164) - * DocString: `gets` returns values, not keys - * Always send command keys in their original order - * Bump version to 1.4.3 - * Bump version to 1.4.2 - * Bump version to 1.4.1 - * Bump version to 1.4.0 - * Import Classes, Function into package level - * new Patch version for minor change - * trevor sucks - * Remove docs from being run when you're running tests - * Add integration environment to tox - * Remove py26 detritus from .travis.yml (#181) - * We only need to import cPickle explicitly if Python 2 - * Add test for subclasses of builtin types - * Added default parameter support for "get" and "gets" methods in Client - * Always close the existing socket on _connect() (#208) - * Add support for stats cachedump - * Add test coverage for the 'cache_memlimit' command - * Comparing ord(character) so its compatible with python 2 and 3 - * Introduce some missing .set() assertions - * Add Code of Conduct and Contributing guides - * Finish preparing the 2.1.0 release - * Make serde use BytesIO for Python 3 compat - * fixed markdown syntax to rst link format (#205) - * Test against py35 and py36 - * Update ChangeLog.rst - * Release 1.3.7 - * Return default value instead of False when all clients are down - * Make pickle version for python_memcache_serializer adjustable - * Add virtualenv env/ and .cache/ to gitignore - * remove suggestion to use python-clandestined - * add delete and delete_multi benchmarks - * Fix typo in doc - * Bump version - * split benchmarks by method and include get_multi and set_multi - * Fixed a small typo in the doc string of the pooled client - * Add Nicholas Charriere to contributors :D - * Remove 'sudo: false' from Travis configuration (#204) - * Update release notes for version 2.0.0 - * fix return object - * ensure that client 'if not self.sock: self._connect()' behavior is tested - * minor tweaks for an extra 7.5% gain - * Prevent pytest-warning on pytest 3.0+ - * Add CODEOWNERS listing global project reviewers (#203) - * Bump docs' the copyright year to 2018 - * Improve MemcacheIllegalInputError messages - * add validation code with NOT_STORED - * Start a list of project adopters - * Improve syntax - * Bumpversion - * allow friendly imports - * removed apidoc directory from repo - * update comparison to pylibmc - * Raising MemcacheIllegalInputError when a key contains null byte, new line, or carriage return - * Fixed docs - * fix ChangeLog.rst - * Clean up some changelog links - * Use simpler Travis pip caching syntax - * refactor BaseClient._store_cmd() to handle multiple key-value pairs so set_many can work as desired - * Use a bytes string - * Add gevent to test-requirements - * Simplify README for running tests. Only tox - * Use cPickle for six.moves - * test for default_noreply for both clients - * Added changelog - * gevent 1.3 is required for Python 3.7 support - * Switch to is bytes for bytes comparision - * Improve the cache_memlimit documentation - * Renaming byte to character - * Improve serde - * typo: alwais -> always - * Update getting_started.rst - * gevent 1.3.6 has some additional Python 3.7 fixes - * Refactor _delete_many() to batch its keys - * Fixes tox six pkg ImportError #198 (#199) - * Switch to an SVG Travis-CI build badge (#207) - * added OK as acceptable response - * Test for expected flags with serde tests - * Bump version to 2.0.0 - * Add UNIX domain socket support (#206) - * Changelog for 1.4.2 - * Add gets_many to HashClient. - * Iterating over characters in key once - * Using bytearray - * Add that we're hiring on README - * Use cPickle as pickle if available - * Add cPickle change to Changelog - * Exclude well-known non-code paths from flake8 - * Imports the right path in doc building step - * Make restriction wider to avoid breaking client - * Fix #117, illegal unicode character in middle of key (or value now) - * add apidoc to .gitignore - * Lint with Python 3.4 too - * Bump version to 1.3.8 - * Doc about keys - * Fix flake8 issues - * Added Python 3.5 and 3.6 to the build. - * Make line length reqs explicit - * Fixed stats evictions conversion - * Reverse backwards compatible change - * Add more serde unit tests for bytes/unicode - * Add a few more serde integration tests - * Fix #99 unsanitized input - * fix failed keys - * fix pep8 - * Ensure serde integration tests return the same type - * Try fix import error six - * Fix flake8 and cleanup build - * Update documentation to cover serde module - * Add changelog for 1.4.1 - * Updating exception message - * Preparing for release 1.3.6: adding bumpversion config and changelog - * fix comment for set_many - * Run full benchmark test in travis - * Automate doc building - * refactor - * Fix the MockMemcacheClient implementation - * Add pypy3 to travis test matrix - * Changelog changes for 1.4.3 - * Add default_noreply property to PooledClient - * Add FLAG_BYTES - * Moving test cases - * Assert bytes string - * Add failing test of MockMemcacheClient serializer/deserializer - * Omit test/* code from the coverage report - * Have MockMemcacheClient support non-ascii strings (#169) - * Start preparing the 2.1.0 release (#202) - * Use is type for type comparisons - * fix implementation HashClient - * Make serde import on Python 3 - * Close client socket if it fails to connect (#165) - * Add official Python 3.7 support - * Adding test case for null character - * Fix encode/decode wrong way around - * Add integration test for serde serialization - * Improve stats parsing - * Parse version directly from pymemcache/ - * Fix an issue in Travis where the build breaks because of a gevent bump - * Mention the `no_delay` connection flag - * PooledClient now use default_noreply arg set on init - * Convert readthedocs link for their .org -> .io migration for hosted projects - * simplify and speed up _check_key() performance - * fix test -- Convert to singlespec +- Use python-rpm-mcros to build for both Python 2 and Python 3. +- Obsolete the old name. +- Initial version. + python-pymol +- Remove the execute bit from some test scripts to remove a spurious + requirement. + +- Skip python3.6 because numpy no longer support it. +- Add mmtf-cpp-devel and use msgpackc. +- Attempt to get the test to run. + * Use _service to download pymol-testing for test data. + * Use bcond to enable/disable testing arguments. + * Pymol seems to need itself to test. + * Add %check section. + +- Update to 2.4.0: + * load_traj + - support netcdf format + - support `selection` argument with all file formats + * CCP4/MRC Map Support + - Distinguish .ccp4 and .mrc extensions (regarding origin) + - .map extension: auto-detect the format + * New distance mode 8 + * MMTF export: Consider `pdb_retain_ids` setting + * GLTF export (based on collada2gltf) + * New `internal_gui_name_color_mode` setting + * MPEG4 Movie export: Apply `movie_fps` setting to exported + file + * Python API + - Improved error handling with exceptions + - New: cmd.rebond() + - New: cmd.get_capabilities() + - Fix: cmd.get_bonds() state off by one + - et al.: raise on error + * Launch Options + - Restore `-V` launch argument for external GUI height + - macOS: `open` event opens new window + python-pyo +- Update to 1.0.3 + * Added new object: MML, Music Macro Language evaluator. + * Fixed segfault in reducePoints function. + * PVBuffer's length attribute can now be changed dynamically. + * Added the first version of the Events framework. + * Expr API: Expr now can handle multiple input sources. + * Expr API: Expr now can generate multiple output signals. + * CallAfter's time and arg arguments can be changed dynamically. + * Epyo: Added auto complete for cpp file (from corresponding header file). +- Add upstream-but-rebased py39.patch to fix build with python 3.9 +- Pull LICENSE from github because it isn't in the tarball + python-pyroomacoustics +- Update to version 0.4.2 + * Change the eps for geometry computations from 1e-4 to 1e-5 in + ``libroom`` + * Added a specialized ``is_inside`` routine for ``ShoeBox`` rooms +- Changes in 0.4.1 + * Issue #162 (crash with max_order>31 on windows), seems fixed by + the new C++ simulator + * Added minimal `Dockerfile` example. +- Changes in 0.4.0 + * Improved Simulator with Ray Tracing + - Ray Tracing in the libroom module. The function compute_rir() + of the Room object in python can now be executed using a pure + ray tracing approach or a hybrid (ISM + RT) approach. That's + why this function has now several default arguments to + run ray tracing (number of rays, scattering coefficient, + energy and time thresholds, microphone's radius). + - Bandpass filterbank construction in ``pyroomacoustics. + acoustics.bandpass_filterbank`` + - Acoustic properties of different materials in + ``pyroomacoustics.materials`` + - Scattering from the wall is handled via ray tracing method, + scattering coefficients are provided + in ``pyroomacoustics.materials.Material`` objects + - Function ``inverse_sabine`` allows to compute the + ``absorption`` and ``max_order`` to use with + the image source model to achieve a given reverberation time + - The method ``rt60_theory`` in ```` + allows to compute the theoretical + RT60 of the room according to Eyring or Sabine formula + - The method ``measure_rt60`` in ```` + allows to measure the RT60 of the simulated RIRs + * Changes in the Room Class + - Deep refactor of Room class. The constructor arguments have + changed + - No more ``sigma2_awgn``, noise is now handled in + ``pyroomacoustics.Room.simulate`` method + - The way absorption is handled has changed. The scalar + variables ``absorption`` are deprecated in favor of + ``pyroomacoustics.materials.Material`` + - Complete refactor of libroom, the compiled extension module + responsible for the room simulation, into C++. The bindings + to python are now done using pybind11. + - Removes the pure Python room simulator as it was really slow + - ``pyroomacoustics.transform.analysis``, ``pyroomacoustics. + transform.synthesis``, ``pyroomacoustics.transform. + compute_synthesis_window``, have been deprecated in favor of + ``pyroomacoustics.transform.stft.analysis``, + ``pyroomacoustics.transform.stft.synthesis``, + ``pyroomacoustics.transform.stft.compute_synthesis_window``. + - ``pyroomacoustics.Room`` has a new method ``add`` that can be + used to add either a ``SoundSource``, or a + ``MicrophoneArray`` object. Subsequent calls to the method + will always add source/microphones. There exists also methods + ``add_source`` and ``add_microphone`` that can be used to add + source/microphone via coordinates. The method + `add_microphone_array`` can be used to add a + ``MicrophoneArray`` object, or a 2D array containing the + locations of several microphones in its columns. While the + ``add_microphone_array`` method used to replace the existing + array by the argument, the new behavior is to add in addition + to other microphones already present. + * From Issue #150, increase max iterations to check if point is + inside room + * Fixed normalization part in FastMNMF + * Added `room_isinside_max_iter` in `` + * Default set to 20 rather than 5 as it was in `pyroomacoustics. + room.Room.isinside` + * Changed while loop to iterate up to `room_isinside_max_iter` in + `` + * Changed initialization of FastMNMF to accelerate convergence + * Fixed bug in doa/tops (float -> integer division) + * Added vectorised functions in MUSIC + * Use the vectorised functions in _process of MUSIC +- Skip python36 build, because NumPy in TW dropped it (NEP 29) +- Use system eigen3 headers +- Clean test rig setup + * Only test on x86_64: All other platforms fail because of + rounding errors vs. too tight precision requirements in tests. + +- switch from nose to pytest + python-pytest -- Skip garbage test -- Update in SLE bsc#1167732 +- nose is actually not required: the test suite happily skips over tests + which require it. -- Do pull in properly pytest not pytest3 +- Rebase and re-add tidy-up-embeddedfile.patch, it was only partially merged + upstream. -- Remove docu part so we don't need to pull the dependencies - -- add attrs.patch - fix compatibility with attrs-19.2+ - -- Revert the importlib-metadata.patch change from last - change and split it to separate patch adding more content: - * importlib-py38.patch +- update to 5.4.3 + * Paths appearing in error messages are now correct in case the current working + directory has changed since the start of the session. + * Support deleting paths longer than 260 characters on windows created inside tmpdir. + * Prevent pytest from printing ConftestImportFailure traceback to stdout. + * Prevent hiding the underlying exception when ConfTestImportFailure is raised. + * Fix regression where running with --pdb would call the tearDown methods + of unittest.TestCase subclasses for skipped tests. + +- Update to 5.4.2 + * Fix crash with captured output when using the capsysbinary fixture. + * Ensure a unittest.IsolatedAsyncioTestCase is actually awaited. + * Fix TerminalRepr instances to be hashable again. + * Fix regression where functions registered with TestCase.addCleanup + were not being called on test failures. + * Allow users to still set the deprecated TerminalReporter.writer attribute. + * Revert “tmpdir: clean up indirection via config for factories + * Fixed regression: asyncbase.TestCase tests are executed correctly again + * Fix File.from_constructor so it forwards extra keyword arguments to the constructor. + * Classes with broken __getattribute__ methods are displayed correctly during failures. + * Fix _is_setup_py for files encoded differently than locale. + +- Update to 5.4.1: + * #6909: Revert the change introduced by #6330, which required all + arguments to @pytest.mark.parametrize to be explicitly defined + in the function signature. + * #6910: Fix crash when plugins return an unknown stats while using + the --reportlog option. + * #6316: Matching of -k EXPRESSION to test names is now case-insensitive. + * #6443: Plugins specified with -p are now loaded after internal plugins + * #6637: Removed the long-deprecated pytest_itemstart hook. + * #6673: Reversed / fix meaning of “+/-†in error diffs. “-†means that + sth. expected is missing in the result and “+†means that there are + unexpected extras in the result. +- Remove merged patch tidy-up-embeddedfile.patch + +- Add patch tidy-up-embeddedfile.patch based on an upstream PR. Can + be dropped when updating. + +- Update to 5.3.5 + * Captured output during teardown is shown with -rP + * Fix a pytest-xdist crash when dealing with exceptions raised + in subprocesses created by the multiprocessing module. + * FixtureDef objects now properly register their finalizers + with autouse and parameterized fixtures that execute before + them in the fixture stack so they are torn down at the right times, + and in the right order. + * Fix parsing of outcomes containing multiple errors with testdir results + +- Fix typo importlib_metadata -> importlib-metadata + +- Update to 5.3.2: + * junitxml: Logs for failed test are now passed to junit report in + case the test fails during call phase. + * supporting files in the .pytest_cache directory are kept with + - -cache-clear, which only clears cached values now. + * Fix assertion rewriting for egg-based distributions and editable + installs (pip install --editable). + * Improve check for misspelling of pytest.mark.parametrize. + * Handle exit.Exception raised in notify_exception (via pytest_internalerror), e.g. when quitting pdb from post mortem. + * default value of junit_family option will change to xunit2 in + pytest 6.0, given that this is the version supported by default in + modern tools that manipulate this type of file. + * In order to smooth the transition, pytest will issue a warning in + case the --junitxml option is given in the command line but + junit_family is not explicitly configured in pytest.ini. + +- Update to 5.2.4: + * #6099: Fix --trace when used with parametrized functions. + * #6183: Using request as a parameter name in @pytest.mark.parametrize now produces a more user-friendly error. + * #6194: Fix incorrect discovery of non-test files. + +- Update to 5.2.2: + * #5206: Fix --nf to not forget about known nodeids with partial test selection. + * #5906: Fix crash with KeyboardInterrupt during --setup-show. + * #5946: Fixed issue when parametrizing fixtures with numpy arrays (and possibly other sequence-like types). + * #6044: Properly ignore FileNotFoundError exceptions when trying to remove old temporary directories, for instance when multiple processes try to remove the same directory (common with pytest-xdist for example). + +- Update to 5.2.1: + * #5902: Fix warnings about deprecated cmp attribute in attrs>=19.2. + * #1682: Passing arguments to pytest.fixture() as positional arguments is deprecated - pass them as a keyword argument instead. + * #1682: The scope parameter of @pytest.fixture can now be a callable that receives the fixture name and the config object as keyword-only parameters. See the docs for more information. + * #5764: New behavior of the --pastebin option: failures to connect to the pastebin server are reported, without failing the pytest run + +- Update to 5.1.3: + * #5807: Fix pypy3.6 (nightly) on windows. + * #5811: Handle --fulltrace correctly with pytest.raises. + * #5819: Windows: Fix regression with conftest whose qualified name contains uppercase characters + +- Update to 5.1.2: + * #2270: Fixed self reference in function-scoped fixtures defined plugin classes: previously self would be a reference to a test class, not the plugin class. + * #570: Fixed long standing issue where fixture scope was not respected when indirect fixtures were used during parametrization. + * #5782: Fix decoding error when printing an error response from --pastebin. + * #5786: Chained exceptions in test and collection reports are now correctly serialized, allowing plugins like pytest-xdist to display them properly. + +- Update to 5.1.1 + * Removed: + + Request.getfuncargvalue: use Request.getfixturevalue instead. + + pytest.raises and pytest.warns no longer support strings as the second argument. + + message parameter of pytest.raises. + + pytest.raises, pytest.warns and ParameterSet.param now use native keyword-only + syntax. This might change the exception message from previous versions, but + they still raise TypeError on unknown keyword arguments as before. + + pytest.config global variable. + + tmpdir_factory.ensuretemp method. + + pytest_logwarning hook. + + RemovedInPytest4Warning warning type. + + request is now a reserved name for fixtures. + + Removed unused support code for unittest2. + +, pytest.xfail and pytest.skip no longer support bytes + for the message argument. + * New Config.invocation_args attribute containing the unchanged arguments passed to pytest.main(). + * New NUMBER option for doctests to ignore irrelevant differences in floating-point numbers + * JUnit XML now includes a timestamp and hostname in the testsuite tag. + * Fix RuntimeError/StopIteration when trying to collect package with “†only. + * Warnings issued during pytest_configure are explicitly not treated as errors, + even if configured as such, because it otherwise completely breaks pytest. + * The XML file produced by --junitxml now correctly contain a <testsuites> root element. + * Fixed using multiple short options together in the command-line (for example -vs) in Python 3.8+. + * Fix issue where tmp_path and tmpdir would not remove directories containing + files marked as read-only, which could lead to pytest crashing when executed + a second time with the --basetemp option. + * Replace importlib_metadata backport with importlib.metadata from the standard + library on Python 3.8+. + * Improve type checking for some exception-raising functions (pytest.xfail, + pytest.skip, etc) so they provide better error messages when users meant + to use marks (for example @pytest.xfail instead of @pytest.mark.xfail). + * Fixed internal error when test functions were patched with objects that cannot + be compared for truth values against others, like numpy arrays. + * pytest.exit is now correctly handled in unittest cases. This makes unittest + cases handle quit from pytest’s pdb correctly. + * Improved output when parsing an ini configuration file fails. + * Fix collection of staticmethod objects defined with functools.partial. + * Skip async generator test functions, and update the warning message to refer + to async def functions. + +- Add setuptools requires as we still use entrypoints + +- Python-pytest4 contains pytest4; python-pytest3 contains pytest3 + the main package from now on will be tracking upstream releases +- Update to 5.0.1: + * Major update; from now on supporting only python3+ +- Remove merged patches: + * fix_test_raises_exception_looks_iterable.patch - -- Update importlib-metadata.patch to not pull in the importlib - on python 3.8+ + * new-pluggy.patch + * sphinx2.0.patch python-pytest-doctestplus +- Update to 0.9.0 + * Declare setuptools runtime dependency. [#93] + * Add SHOW_WARNINGS flag to show warnings. [#136] + * Add the doctestplus sphinx extension. [#113] + * Compatibility with pytest>=6.3 [#140, #141] + +- Update to 0.8.0 + * Compatibility with ``pytest`` 6.0.0. [#120] + +- Update to 0.7.0: + * Added a new ini option, doctest_subpackage_requires, that can + be used to skip specific subpackages based on required packages. [#112] + +- Update to 0.6.1: + * Disabling the usage of the doctest_ignore_import_errors option + * Drop support for python versions earlier than 3.6. [#103] + * Drop support for pytest versions earlier than 4.0. [#103] + * Fix compatibility with pytest 5.4. [#103] + +- Update to 0.5.0: + * No longer require Numpy. [#69] + * Fixed a bug that caused __doctest_requires__ to not work correctly with submodules. [#73] + * Fixed a limitation that meant that ELLIPSIS and FLOAT_CMP could not be used at the same time. [#75] + * Fixed a bug that caused .. doctest-requires:: to not work correctly. [#78] + * Fixed a FutureWarning related to split() with regular expressions. [#78] + * Make it possible to specify versions in .. doctest-requires::. [#78] + * Allow to use doctest-glob option instead of doctest-rst and text-file-format [#80] + * Make comment character configurable via ini variable text_file_comment_chars [#80] + * Respect ignore and ignore-glob options from pytest. [#82] + * Add --doctest-only option. [#83] + * Added an IGNORE_WARNINGS option for # doctest: [#84] +- Remove merged patch pr_37.patch + +- Update to 0.4.0: + * Avoid SyntaxWarning regarding invalid escape sequence in Python 3.9. [#62] + * Compatibility with pytest 5.1 to avoid AttributeError caused by FixtureRequest. [#63] +- Drop merged patch: + * merged_pr_63.patch +- Rebase patch: + * pr_37.patch + +- Add merged_pr_63.patch to fix incompatibility with pytest 5.1 +- Add pr_37.patch to remove numpy dependency + python-pytest-faulthandler +- Disabled python2 + python-pytest-filter-subpackage +- disable python36 build: pytest-doctestplus dropped support + +- Fix test suite: Don't error on OBS resource warnings + +- Fix test failure gh#astropy/pytest-filter-subpackage#3 + fix-doctestplus-count.patch + python-pytest-flakes +- Update to Version 4.0.1 + * Maintenance of pytest-flakes has moved from fschulze to + asmeurer. The repo for pytest-flakes is now at + + * Fix test failures. [asmeurer] + * Fix deprecation warnings from pytest. [asmeurer] + * Fix invalid escape sequences. [akeeman] +- drop patches for fixed test + * remove-bad-test.patch + * replace-pytest-pep8-with-pytest-codestyle.patch +- no pytest-codestyle needed for packaging + +- use pytest macro + +- Fix the pytest call + python-pytest-forked +- Update to 1.3.0 + * Add support for pytest 6 (issue #45 / PR #46) + * Replace `@pytest.mark.tryfirst` with newer `@pytest.hookimpl` (PR #46) + * Invoke `pytest_runtest_logstart` and `pytest_runtest_logfinish` hooks in `runtest_protocol` (issue #31 / PR #46) + +- Update to 1.2.0 + * Add limited support for xfail marker (issue #33 / PR #34). + * Fix support for pytest 5.4.0+ (issue #30 / PR #32). + * Drop support for Python 3.4 as it is EOL (PR #39). +- Drop patch pytest5-compat.patch + +- Add pytest5-compat.patch to make the test suite compatible + with pytest 5.4.0+ (gh#pytest-dev/pytest-forked#32) + python-pytest-relaxed +- Add missing BuildRequires on six. + +- Upper limit pytest 6.1 -- gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#12 + +- fix test failure by pytest-relaxed-pr10.patch + gh#bitprophet/pytest-relaxed#10 + python-pytest-translations +- Fix incompatibility with pytest 6.2.1 +- Disable Python 2 builds due to pytest minimum version +- Re-enable two disabled tests +- Update to v3.0.0 + * refactor for pytest 6 compatibility +- Add upstream patch pr_48.patch + +- Fix build without python2 + +- Format with spec-cleaner +- Make sure the tests are executed properly + python-pytest-virtualenv +- We don't need to break Python 2.7 + +- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock + package (gh#man-group/pytest-plugins#168). Also add + remove_virtualenv.patch to remove dependency on external + virtualenv package. + python-pytest-xdist +- Update to 1.32.0: + * #524: Add testrun_uid fixture. This is a shared value that uniquely identifies a test run among all workers. This also adds a PYTEST_XDIST_TESTRUNUID environment variable that is accessible within a test as well as a command line option --testrunuid to manually set the value from outside. + * #486: Add support for Python 3.8. + * #491: Fix regression that caused custom plugin command-line + arguments to be discarded when using --tx mode. + * Fix crash issues related to running xdist with the terminal plugin disabled + * Initialization between workers and master nodes is now more consistent + * #226: --max-worker-restart now assumes a more reasonable value (4 times the number of nodes) when not given explicitly. This prevents test suites from running forever when the suite crashes during collection. + * #435: When the test session is interrupted due to running out of workers, the reason is shown in the test summary for easier viewing. + * #442: Compatibility fix for upcoming pytest 5.0: session.exitstatus is now an IntEnum object. + * #435: No longer show an internal error when we run out of workers due to crashes. + * #426: pytest-xdist now uses the new pytest_report_to_serializable and + pytest_report_from_serializable hooks from pytest 4.4 + python-python-afl +- Add remove-nose.patch: + * Stop using nose methods, using bare asserts instead. + +- %check: use %pytest_arch rpm macro + +- update to version 0.7.3: + * Improve the build system: + + Declare build-dependencies (as per PEP-518). + * Improve the test suite. + python-python-crontab +- Remove %python-base check + +- Fix testsuite and devel BuildRequirements for different flavors + python-python-daemon -- Do not pull in docutils on runtime, bsc#1150145 +- update to 2.3.0: + * Remove support for Python versions older than Python 3. + Python 2 has been unsupported by the Python project since 2020. + * Remove dependency on back-ported `unittest2` and `mock`. + Depend instead on standard library `unittest` and `unittest.mock`. + +- Switch off running of the test suite + ( + +- update to 2.2.4: + * Run the Setuptools `egg-info` command as part of the `build` + command. + * Create the socket and catch “non-socket†errors. + * Only deal with a range of file descriptors if the range is not empty. + * Declare Twine as a build dependency. + * Reformat the change log entries with sub-sections. + +- Skip broken test + +- Rebuild for jsc#SLE-5706 to be sent to SUSE:SLE-12-SP5:GA. + +- Add missing GPL license file +- Add README to %doc +- Drop extra 'doc' subdirectory under %doc +- Remove docutils from installed egg-info + +- Remove unnecessary dependency on python-devel +- Remove unnecessary runtime dependency on docutils +- Update URL to +- Update to v2.2.3 + * Use custom fake file type for testing `fileno` behaviour. + This works around an incompatibility in Python 2.7 `file` type that + caused test cases to fail. + * Promote the warning for `runner` module to a `DeprecationWarning`. + This has been an unofficial example module from the beginning, and + it will be removed in a future version. +- from v2.2.2 + * Remove from the build system specification a white space character + not permitted in TOML format. + * Implement test suite automation in virtualenvs, using Tox. +- from v2.2.1 + * Add a :PEP:`518` conformant build system specification (the + ``pyproject.toml`` file). +- from v2.2.0 + * Correct the description of the return value for + `daemon.is_detach_process_context_required`. + * Set a sensible default for `Distribution.script_name`. + This works around a bug in Setuptools which calls commands before + the `Distribution` is initialised. + * The test suite now relies on the test discovery feature in + ‘unittest’. This feature is in Python version 2.7 and later. + * Improve performance of `daemon.close_all_open_files`. + +- Remove dependency on unittest2 -- Require python-setuptools instead of distribute (upstreams merged) - -- Correctly provide/obsolete python-daemon -- Spec file cleanup - -- BuildRequire lowercase python-minimock -- to also work with the existing 11.4 package - python-python-gnupg +- update to 0.4.7: + * Added support for no passphrase during key generation. + * Improved permission-denied test. + * Updated logging to only show partial results. + * Allowed a passphrase to be passed to import_keys(). + +- Update to 0.4.6 + * Fixed #128: Added ECC support by changing key generation parameters. (The Key-Length + value isn't added if a curve is specified.) + * More bugfixes. + * Support for Python versions 3.5 and under is discontinued, except for Python 2.7. + python-python-xlib +- Completely remove python2 build for TW, Leap 15.4 and SLE 15 SP4. + +- Add buildrequires xauth to successfully build on SLE. + +- Update to version 0.29 + * Drawable & XInput: Avoid using array.array.tostring() which + will be removed in Python 3.9 (thanks @t-wissmann). +- Changelog for version 0.28 + * DPMS: Display Power Management Signaling (by @thiagokokada) +- Add remove-mock.patch gh#python-xlib/python-xlib#186 +- Let the python-rpm-macros do their job for correct provides and + obsoletes tag for all python3 flavors + gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66 + +- Replace nose with pytest +- dos2unix %doc files + +- update to 0.27 + * fix TypeError in socket.error exception handling for Python 3.x (by @t-wissmann) + * NV-CONTROL: set offset for all perf levels (by @Sporif) + -- Fix building on SLES - -- Remove redundant (%clean, Authors) sections -- Make package compile on RH6-like as well - -- added python-xlib-0.14-xauthlocalhostname.patch which takes - XAUTHLOCALHOSTNAME into account when connecting to a local Unix - socket, this fixes python-xlib when logging in with gdm/xdm - (bnc#623507) -- removed python-xlib-0.14-fix-ssh-tunnel-auth.patch, already taken - care of - python-pyxb +- Obsolete old python2 packages in SLE as well. + +- Update to 1.2.6: + - Overriding the DOM implementation via PYXB_XML_STYLE is + deprecated. See issue 87. + - Examples were not in the test suite. issue 61 + - Disallow setting an empty namespace prefix. issue 66 + - Support unicode identifiers under Python 3. issue 67 + - Do not use default value when constructing empty scalar + values. issue 71 + - Defer validation when type is not yet available. issue 72 + - Correct validation of fixed values from XML. issue 73 + - Remove GPL code from PyXB. issue 77 + - Fix identification of restricted complex type. issue 78 + - Discard schema elements that cannot produce content. issue 79 + - Demonstrate use of overriding built-in bindings so XHTML + model groups can be referenced. issue 81 + - Deconflict class properties from module identifiers. issue 27 + - Correct handling of xsi:type on non-abstract types. issue 32 + - Fix generation of zero-span durations. issue 38 + - Document how to use file URIs on Windows. issue 34 + - Document need for common bindings when generating OpenGIS + bindings. issue 28 + - Fix literal representation of not-a-number and infinite + values. issue 43 + - Document that Python 3 is supported. issue 36 + - Fix processing of empty binary data tpyes. issue 51 + - Fix transition sort key to support Python 3. issue 52 + - Fix generation of modules that cannot be imported due to use + of invalid characters in the module path. issue 48 + - Add a method to xsd.base64Binary to allow a heavy-weight + validation step to be bypassed. issue 50 +- Clean up and make tests passing, more or less. +- Add patches for that purpose: + - deprecated-collection-use.patch + - eight-args-datetime.patch + python-qtconsole +- Update to version 5.2.1 + * Fix error when deleting CallTipWidget. + * Another fix for the 'Erase in Line' ANSI code. +- Enable libalternatives as with the rest of the jupyter commands + +- Update to version 5.2.0 + * Fix hidden execution requests. + * Fix ANSI code for erase line. + +- Require a Qt backend. boo#1136083 + +- Update to version 5.1.1 + * Improve handling of different keyboard combinations. + * Move cursor to the beginning of buffer if on the same line. + +- Update to version 5.1.0 + * Two new keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + Up/Down to go to the + beginning/end of the buffer. + * Monkeypatch RegexLexer only while in use by qtconsole. + * Import Empty from queue module. + +- Update to version 5.0.3 + * Emit kernel_restarted signal only after a kernel crash. +- move u-a scriptlets to the correct package + +- specfile: + * update copyright year +- update to version 5.0.2: + * Fix launching issue with Big Sur + * Remove partial prompt on copy + +- Move the alternative binary to the flavored python package + +- update to version 5.0.1: + * Add python_requires to for Python 3.6+ compatibility +- changes from version 5.0.0: + * Additions + + Add option to set completion type while running. + * Changes + + Emit kernel_restarted after restarting kernel. + + Drop support for Python 2.7 and 3.5. + +- skip two tests: gh#jupyter/qtconsole#443 + +- update to version 4.7.7: + * Change font width calculation to use horizontalAdvance + +- Update to 4.7.6 + * Replace qApp with QApplication.instance(). + * Fix QFontMetrics.width deprecation. +- use alternatives for entry point +- SIP is not used anymore + +- Update to 4.7.5 + * Print input if there is no prompt. + python-rebulk -- Update to version 3.0.1 (fixes boo#1186892) +- do not require pytest-runner for build, it is not needed + +- Update to version 3.1.0 + * defaults: Add overrides support + * python: Add python 3.10 support, drop python 3.5 support + +- Update to version 3.0.1 python-remoto +- Use python_module devel expansion for all Python versions we build. + -- Removed embeded python-execnet. -- Removed unneeded dependendcies and build dependencies. -- Replaced summary and description. -- Removed unneeded build enviroment variables. - python-rpm-macros +- Update to version 20211022.38e7c70: + * no newline after python_install_alternative + +- Update to version 20211018.c7614ad: + * remove ghost gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#118 + * revert reset name change + * fix README + * move u-a/la switch for scriptlets to build phase + +- Update to version 20211001.fc6c04e: + * Supporting libalternatives. + +- Update to version 20210628.eccf3f2: + * fix boolean split gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#111 + +- Update to version 20210607.c22f1cc: + * increase default python3 update-alternative prio by 1000 + * Update default-prjconf + * Support flavor rewriting of boolean runtime dependencies + +- Update to version 20210204.937b8d8: + * fixup: last PR was missing a commit for pyproject_wheel syntax errors + +- Update to version 20210204.90721de: + * mv -n does not work in SLE12 + * Update PEP517/518 macro documentation in README + * Let pyproject_install search for more locations for wheels or specify explicitely + * Read .rpmmacros (= prjconf Macro: definitions) for default buildset + +- Update to version 20210203.0d8a91e: + * don't define skip_python2 by default + +- Update to version 20210131.ec7577b: + * remove old commented path finding section + * expand python_subpackage_only not earlier than in python_subpackages call + * make the path and var macros return a non-interrupted string even when the flavor is not installed + +- Update to version 20210131.1450767: + * only add parentheses when boolean operators are used + * sync buildset definitions with Factory + * fix typo + +- Update to version 20210127.3a18043: + * dont't rename wheel when it already has the same name + +- Update to version 20210126.fea1c1f: + * Document python_module with boolean dependecies + * workaround undetected abi and platform tags gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#93 + +- Update to version 20210121.ef5b8b9: + * Add %python pseudo-macro for %python_modules -- server and rpm version + +- Update to version 20210117.63cf413: + * improve flavor variable naming in python_expand + +- Update to version 20210116.2682657: + * remove python2 not found error + +- Update to version 20210112.86f4d9d: + * fix gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#84: python_sysconfig_ macros + +- Update to version 20201207.2177fcf: + * README update after merge + +- Update to version 20201207.259cdda: + * Update python_expand description in README + * python_expand to basename only + +- Update to version 20201204.32a910e: + * fix print_provided_flavor again + +- Update to version 20201203.5331183: + * fix print_provided_flavor + +- Update to version 20201128.669edb3: + * fix provides (for python-numpy f2py, in gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#66) + +- Update to version 20201123.6978323: + * also rewrite subpackage_only default providers + * pytest: ignore _build dirs for all flavors + +- Update to version 20201119.6bb5f69: + * add default provider properties + * don't replace %name, for subpackage_only + * expand parameters for subpackage_only packages + +- Update to version 20201112.a4c80dc: + * handle python_subpackage_only, fixes gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#73 + * define default providers for pythonX from pythonXY flavors: fixes #69 + +- Update to version 20201103.cec67c2: + * document python_find_lang + * add python_find_lang and allow to specify in %python_files. Fixes #5 + +- Update to version 20201102.31ccfc2: + * fix python_clone shebang replacement + * one less expansion for python_exec + * expand default %python_ macros earlier + * update README for multiple flavors + * more command delimiters for %python_expand + +- Update to version 20201022.7f87908: + * Add python36 and python38 flavours. + +- Update to version 20201021.adb6953: + * Prepare for multiple python3 flavors +- Remove multiple_flavors.patch as it is included in the upstream + tarball. + +- Update to version 20201016.5d22545: + * fix whitespace after escape in compileall macro + +- Update to version 20201016.db09189: + * Delete pycache files before compilealll + * Update macros/010-common-defs + * Reword compileall + * mention pyproject.toml and link to PEP517 and PEP518 + * add description for pyunittest macro + * add description for python_compileall macro + * add description for pyproject macros + * add python_compileall macro and use it in pyproject_install + * disable pip version check: no connection to + +- Update multiple_flavors.patch to generate correct names of the + python binary. + +- %__#FLAVOR# should be defined as + /usr/bin/python%{#FLAVOR#_version} not just /usr/bin/#FLAVOR# + +- Add patch multiple_flavors.patch which makes + generate alternative flavours as well. + +- Update to version 20200824.8fa42a7: + * Drop -v from the pyunittest macros + +- Update to version 20200806.f44d3ac: + * fix unittest macros + +- Update to version 20200714.252de1f: + * Add pyunittest and pyunittest_arch macros + +- Update to version 20200701.9f5a2f6: + * add blank line between pytest and pytest_arch to fix expansion + failure in Leap gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#53 + +- Update to version 20200625.e862151: + * fix pytest_arch PYTHONPATH + * expand calls pyproject* macros (revert #45) + * let the shell expand PYTHONPATH + +- Update to version 20200623.3ea9b62: + * fix PYTHONPATH on pytest_arch macro + +- Update to version 20200622.1919233: + * Expand %buildroot first (avoid endless cycle; bsc#1162743) + +- Update to version 20200622.1f4c5d2: + * Add missing semicolon + +- For Factory change %system_python to python3. + +- Update to version 20200603.503823c: + * Don't add empty path to PYTHONPATH setting. + * Do not expand macros, just print them unexpanded (for %pytest* and %pyproject* macros) + * Replace py.test -> pytest + +- Update to version 20200529.b301e36: + * update-alternatives are quiet during install + python-setuptools +- We cannot remove vendored packages when generating setuptools + wheel (bsc#1177127). + +- Add remove_mock.patch to remove dependency on the external mock + package. + +- Avoid duplicite wheel name in the generated package, and we actually + don't need a subpackage at all. + +- Make wheel a separate build run to avoid the setuptools/wheel build + cycle. + +- update to 44.1.0 + * Set sys.argv[0] in setup script run by build_meta.__legacy__ + * Fix for Python 4: replace unsafe six.PY3 with six.PY2 + * Fixed a bug in the “setuptools.finalize_distribution_options†hook + that lead to ignoring the order attribute of entry points managed + by this hook. + * Avoid loading working set during Distribution.finalize_options prior + to invoking _install_setup_requires, broken since v42.0.0. + +- use local source dir for pytest imports + gh#openSUSE/python-rpm-macros#48 + +- Fix License to the correct MIT + +- Fix build without python2 + +- update to 44.0.0 +- last version with python2 support +- add testdata.tar.gz -> missing data for testsuite + * Drop support for Python 3.4. + * include pyproject.toml in source distribution by default. + Projects relying on the previous behavior where pyproject.toml + * Setuptools once again declares 'setuptools' in the build-system.requires + and adds PEP 517 build support by declaring itself as the build-backend + * Fix support for easy_install's find-links option in setup.cfg + * Build dependencies (setup_requires and tests_require) now install transitive + dependencies indicated by extras. + * Mark the easy_install script and setuptools command as deprecated, and use + pip when available to fetch/build wheels for missing setup_requires/tests_require + requirements, with the following differences in behavior: + + support for python_requires + + better support for wheels (proper handling of priority with respect to PEP 425 tags) + + PEP 517/518 support + + eggs are not supported + + no support for the allow_hosts easy_install option (index_url/find_links are still honored) + + pip environment variables are honored (and take precedence over easy_install options) + * Removed the "upload" and "register" commands in favor of twine. + * Add support for the license_files option in setup.cfg to automatically + include multiple license files in a source distribution. + * Update handling of wheels compatibility tags: * add support for manylinux2010 + * fix use of removed 'm' ABI flag in Python 3.8 on Windows + * Fix empty namespace package installation from wheel. + * Setuptools now exposes a new entry point hook "setuptools.finalize_distribution_options", + enabling plugins like setuptools_scm to configure options on the distribution + at finalization time. + +- update to 41.6.0 +- add importlib.patch + * Replace usage of deprecated imp module with local + re-implementation in setuptools._imp + * Fix pkg_resources.Requirement hash/equality implementation + * Fix tests when running under python3.10. + * drop 'deprecated' documentation (test command, ez_setup, EasyInstall) + +- Remove runtime dependency for the full python3 package, as the + actually required SSL module is in python3-base. For python(2), + SSL is in the "full" python package. Avoids build loops and + shortens the dependency chain for e.g. rust. + +- Try to use system packages rather than the vendored variants + +- Add patch to sort outputs for better reproducability: + * sort-for-reproducibility.patch +- Add missing dep on ordered-set as it is now in the vendored + dir too + +- Update to 41.4.0 + * In declarative config, now traps errors when invalid python_requires + values are supplied. + * When storing extras, rely on OrderedSet to retain order of extras + as indicated by the packager, which will also be deterministic + on Python 2.7 (with PYTHONHASHSEED unset) and Python 3.6+. + * Fixed failing integration test triggered by 'long_description_content_type' in packaging. + +- Define LANG in %check to fix openSUSE/SLE 15 testsuite + +- Switch to multibuild to enable testsuite + +- Update to 41.2.0: + * #479: Remove some usage of the deprecated imp module. + * #1565: Changed html_sidebars from string to list of string as per + * #1697: Moved most of the constants from to setup.cfg + * #1756: Forse metadata-version >= 1.2. when project urls are present. + +- update to version 41.0.1: + * #1671: Fixed issue with the PEP 517 backend that prevented + building a wheel when the dist/ directory contained existing .whl + files. + * #1709: In test.paths_on_python_path, avoid adding unnecessary + duplicates to the PYTHONPATH. + * #1741: In package_index, now honor "current directory" during a + checkout of git and hg repositories under Windows + +- update to 41.0.0 + * #1735: When parsing setup.cfg files, setuptools now requires the files + to be encoded as UTF-8. Any other encoding will lead to a UnicodeDecodeError. + This change removes support for specifying an encoding using a 'coding: ' + directive in the header of the file, a feature that was introduces in 40.7. + Given the recent release of the aforementioned feature, it is assumed that + few if any projects are utilizing the feature to specify an encoding + other than UTF-8. + +- update to version 40.8.0: + * #1652: Added the build_meta:__legacy__ backend, a "compatibility + mode" PEP 517 backend that can be used as the default when + build-backend is left unspecified in pyproject.toml. + * #1635: Resource paths are passed to pkg_resources.resource_string + and similar no longer accept paths that traverse parents, that + begin with a leading /. Violations of this expectation raise + DeprecationWarnings and will become errors. Additionally, any + paths that are absolute on Windows are strictly disallowed and + will raise ValueErrors. + * #1536: setuptools will now automatically include licenses if + setup.cfg contains a license_file attribute, unless this file is + manually excluded inside +- changes from version 40.7.3: + * #1670: In package_index, revert to using a copy of splituser from + Python 3.8. Attempts to use urllib.parse.urlparse led to problems + as reported in #1663 and #1668. This change serves as an + alternative to #1499 and fixes #1668. + +- update to version 40.7.2: + * #1666: Restore port in URL handling in package_index. +- changes from version 40.7.1: + * #1660: On Python 2, when reading config files, downcast options + from text to bytes to satisfy distutils expectations. +- changes from version 40.7.0: + * #1551: File inputs for the license field in setup.cfg files now + explicitly raise an error. + * #1180: Add support for non-ASCII in setup.cfg (#1062). Add support + for native strings on some parameters (#1136). + * #1499: setuptools.package_index no longer relies on the deprecated + urllib.parse.splituser per Python #27485. + * #1544: Added tests for (for git URLs). + * #1625: In PEP 517 build_meta builder, ensure that sdists are built + as gztar per the spec. + +- BuildIgnore python[23]-pyparsing: python-packaging requires it + for some actions it could perform, but we don't make use of these + here. Ignoring this dependency allows us to break open a + BuildCycle. + +- update to 40.6.3: + * #1594: PEP 517 backend no longer declares setuptools as a dependency + as it can be assumed. + +- Fix fdupes call + +- update to version 40.6.2: + * #1592: Fix invalid dependency on external six module (instead of + vendored version). +- changes from version 40.6.1: + * #1590: Fixed regression where packages without author or + author_email fields generated malformed package metadata. +- changes from version 40.6.0: + * #1541: Officially deprecated the requires parameter in setup(). + * #1519: In pkg_resources.normalize_path, additional path + normalization is now performed to ensure path values to a + directory is always the same, preventing false positives when + checking scripts have a consistent prefix to set up on Windows. + * #1545: Changed the warning class of all deprecation warnings; + deprecation warning classes are no longer derived from + DeprecationWarning and are thus visible by default. + * #1554: build_meta.build_sdist now includes in source + distributions by default. + * #1576: Started monkey-patching get_metadata_version and + read_pkg_file onto distutils.DistributionMetadata to retain the + correct version on the PKG-INFO file in the (deprecated) upload + command. + * #1533: Restricted the recursive-include setuptools/_vendor to + contain only .py and .txt files. + * #1395: Changed Pyrex references to Cython in the documentation. + * #1456: Documented that the rpmbuild packages is required for the + bdist_rpm command. + * #1537: Documented how to use setup.cfg for src/ layouts + * #1539: Added minimum version column in setup.cfg metadata table. + * #1552: Fixed a minor typo in the python 2/3 compatibility + documentation. + * #1553: Updated installation instructions to point to pip install + instead of + * #1560: Updated setuptools distribution documentation to remove + some outdated information. + * #1564: Documented setup.cfg minimum version for version and + project_urls. + * #1572: Added the concurrent.futures backport futures to the Python + 2.7 test suite requirements. + +- build python3 subpackage (FATE#323875) + +- update to 18.0.1 for fate#319032 + * see full changelog in CHANGES.txt + +- fix vulnerability in non-RFC6125-compliant host name matching + (bsc#930189, setuptools-1.1.7-match-hostname.patch) + +- Add package to SLE 12 SDK (FATE#318137, bnc#913229) + python-setuptools-git +- %check: use %pyunittest rpm macro + -- license update: SUSE-Public-Domain - SPDX format (or SUSE version thereof) - python-snuggs +- Do not build for Python 3.6, due to no NumPy. + python-sqlparse +- update to 0.4.2 (bsc#1190741, CVE-2021-32839): + * This release fixes a security vulnerability in the strip + comments filter. + * Add ELSIF as keyword (issue584). + * Add CONFLICT and ON_ERROR_STOP keywords. + * Fix parsing of backticks (issue588). + * Fix parsing of scientific number (issue399). + python-structlog +- Update to 21.2.0: + Highlights: + * Support for for beautiful (and helpful!) exceptions by integrating + ConsoleRenderer with rich or better-exceptions. + * Helpers to access thread-local and context-local context. + * Deeper contextvars support. + Backward-incompatible changes: + * To implement pretty exceptions (see Changes below), + now formats exceptions itself. + Make sure to remove format_exc_info from your processor chain if you + configure structlog manually. This change is not really breaking + because the old use-case will keep working as before. However if + you pass pretty_exceptions=True (which is the default if either + rich or better-exceptions is installed), a warning will be raised + and the exception will be renderered without prettyfication. + Changes: + * structlog is now importable if sys.stdout is None (e.g. when + running using pythonw). #313 + * structlog.threadlocal.get_threadlocal() and + structlog.contextvars.get_contextvars() can now be used to get a copy + of the current thread-local/context-local context that has been bound + using structlog.threadlocal.bind_threadlocal() and + structlog.contextvars.bind_contextvars(). #331 #337 + * structlog.threadlocal.get_merged_threadlocal(bl) and + structlog.contextvars.get_merged_contextvars(bl) do the same, but + also merge the context from a bound logger bl. Same pull requests as + previous change. + * structlog.contextvars.bind_contextvars() now returns a mapping of + keys to contextvars.Tokens, allowing you to reset values using the + new structlog.contextvars.reset_contextvars(). #339 + * Exception rendering in is now configurable + using the exception_formatter setting. If either the rich or the + better-exceptions package is present, structlog will use them for + pretty-printing tracebacks. rich takes precedence over + better-exceptions if both are present. + This only works if format_exc_info is absent in the processor chain. + [#330] #349 + * All use of colorama on non-Windows systems has been excised. Thus, + colors are now enabled by default in + on non-Windows systems. You can keep using colorama to customize + colors, of course. #345 + * The final processor can now return a bytearray (additionally to str + and bytes). #344 + +- Update to 21.1.0: + * structlog.threadlocal.wrap_dict() now has a correct type + annotation. #290 + * Fix isolation in structlog.contextvars. #302 + * The default configuration and loggers are pickleable again. #301 + * will now look for a logger_name + key if no logger key is set. #295 + +- Update to 20.2.0: + Backward-incompatible changes: + * Python 2.7 and 3.5 aren't supported anymore. The package meta + data should ensure that you keep getting 20.1.0 on those versions. #244 + * structlog is now fully type-annotated. This won't break your + applications, but if you use Mypy, it will most likely break your CI. + Deprecations: + * Accessing the _context attribute of a bound logger is now deprecated. + Please use the new structlog.get_context(). + Changes: + * structlog has now type hints for all of its APIs! Since structlog + is highly dynamic and configurable, this led to a few concessions + like a specialized structlog.stdlib.get_logger() whose only difference + to structlog.get_logger() is that it has the correct type hints. + We consider them provisional for the time being – i.e. the backward + compatibility does not apply to them in its full strength until we + feel we got it right. Please feel free to provide feedback! #223, #282 + * Added structlog.make_filtering_logger that can be used like + configure(wrapper_class=make_filtering_bound_logger(logging.INFO)). + It creates a highly optimized bound logger whose inactive methods + only consist of a return None. This is now also the default logger. + * As a complement, structlog.stdlib.add_log_level() can now + additionally be imported as structlog.processors.add_log_level + since it just adds the method name to the event dict. + * structlog.processors.add_log_level() is now part of the default configuration. + * structlog.stdlib.ProcessorFormatter no longer uses exceptions for + control flow, allowing foreign_pre_chain processors to use + sys.exc_info() to access the real exception. + * Added structlog.BytesLogger to avoid unnecessary encoding round trips. + Concretely this is useful with orjson which returns bytes. #271 + * The final processor now also may return bytes that are passed + untouched to the wrapped logger. + * structlog.get_context() allows you to retrieve the original + context of a bound logger. #266, + * structlog.PrintLogger now supports copy.deepcopy(). #268 + * Added structlog.testing.CapturingLogger for more unit testing goodness. + * Added structlog.stdlib.AsyncBoundLogger that executes logging + calls in a thread executor and therefore doesn't block. #245 + +- version update to 20.1.0 + - This is the last version to support Python 2.7 (including PyPy) and 3.5. + All following versions will only support Python 3.6 or later. + - Added a new module ``structlog.contextvars`` that allows to have a global but context-local ``structlog`` context the same way as with ``structlog.threadlocal`` since 19.2.0. + `#201 <>`_, + `#236 <>`_ + - Added a new module ``structlog.testing`` for first class testing support. + The first entry is the context manager ``capture_logs()`` that allows to make assertions about structured log calls. + `#14 <>`_, + `#234 <>`_ + - Added ``structlog.threadlocal.unbind_threadlocal()``. + `#239 <>`_ + - The logger created by ``structlog.get_logger()`` is not detected as an abstract method anymore, when attached to an abstract base class. + `#229 <>`_ + - ``colorama`` isn't initialized lazily on Windows anymore because it breaks rendering. + `#232 <>`_, + `#242 <>`_ + python-tablib +- Disabled python2 + python-twine +- Disabled python2 + python-txtorcon +- Update to 21.1.0: + - This fixes some incorrectly-skipped tests in 21.0.0 + * Fix some incorrect unit-test skipping logic gh#meejah/txtorcon#354 + and gh#meejah/txtorcon#352 + * Fix broken tests revealed by previous fixes gh#meejah/txtorcon#356 + * fix Python 3.x+ bug with TorInfo and .__class__ access + (gh#meejah/txtorcon#350) +- Patch 362-skip-failing-tests.patch can be removed again. + +- Add 362-skip-failing-tests.patch to skip failing tests + (gh#meejah/txtorcon#362). + +- Async tests don't work with pytest. Use python -m twisted.trial + instead. + python-typing_extensions +- Update to + * Implement TypeGuard (PEP 649) + * backport ParamSpecArgs/Kwargs + * Fixed required/optional keys with old-style TypedDict + * Bring in protocol’s __init__ behaviour same like in python > 3.8 + * Support PEP 612 in typing_extensions (Python 3) + * Add OrderedDict to typing_extensions + +- Test in separate multibuild flavor to break depcycles with full + python stdlib + +- clean requirements specifications for python flavors + +- add transitional typing-extensions provides + +- Use python_module macro for BuildRequires when available. + +- update to version + * enables PEP 613 Typealias to typing_extensions + * Fix tests for Python 3.9 + python-urlgrabber -- declare $ sign as a safe character in url paths to prevent - escaping /$RCE/ which lead into problems with token auth - (bnc#902416) +- Make independent of the actual value of %%{_libexecdir} macro. +- Conflicts python-urlgrabber to avoid conflicts with older + python2 version of the package (modern python2-urlgrabber is + all right). + +- urlgrabber-ext-down as an alternative + +- %python3_only -> %python_alternative +- urlgrabber-ext-down is expected to reside under /usr/libexec + +- Update to 4.1.0: + * Fix confused license header to clarify licensing + * Fix Python 3 compatibility with urlgrabber-ext-down + * Support HTTP CONNECT with reget. BZ 1585596 + * Fix for usage of _levelNames from logging module + * Fix issue when URLGRABBER_DEBUG is not an integer on Python 3 + * Revise to remove need for extra setup-time dependencies + * setuptools: Update Development Status to Production/Stable + +- Drop patch grabber_fix.diff that was never upstreamed. Should + not be needed anymore + +- Update to the upstream version 4.0.0: + * Port to Python 3 rocket + * Add curl_obj option to grabber + * Throw an obvious error message when urlgrabber-ext-down is + missing when attempting to use external downloader + * Use setuptools for instead of distutils +- Remove merged patches: -- set curl option SSL_VERIFYHOST correct - -- Add python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-preserve-queryparams-in-urls.patch - (bnc#896844) + * python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-preserve-queryparams-in-urls.patch -- Add grabber_fix.diff: Fixed timeout and other errors breaking yum - compatibility (bnc#793650) +- Remove superfluous devel dependency for noarch package -- Fixed wrong license header in urlgrabber/ (bnc#781323) -- Updated upstream URL, the project moved the (yum) +- Clean SPEC file -- Update to version 3.9.1: - * cleanup all the old urlgrabber urllib code that's not being used - * delete sslfactory and keepalive fix up the unittests to match existing code - * make sure the value we get back from the parse150 and other calls is - converted to an int before we make it 'size' rhbug: #524705 -- Spec file updates: - * Removed authors from description - * Dropped useless python-urlgrabber-2.9.9.patch - * Dropped obsolete python-urlgrabber-3.1.0.patch (upstream changed) - * Require python-pycurl - -- build as noarch on newer distros -- switched filelist to --record-rpm - -- sync factory and build service - -- use new python macros - -- fix build on 11.1 onwards, where python must be in the - buildrequires in addition to python-devel, because otherwise - urllib2 appears to have no SSL support +- singlespec auto-conversion -- add python to BuildRequires to fix build +- declare $ sign as a safe character in url paths to prevent + escaping /$RCE/ which lead into problems with token auth + (bnc#902416) + * declare-dollar-sign-as-safe-in-urlquote.patch + * python-urlgrabber-3.9.1-set-SSL_VERIFYHOST-correct.dif +- set curl option SSL_VERIFYHOST correct python-vdirsyncer +- Add missing BR python-atomicwrites + python-wxPython +- Remove python 2 guard for python-wxWidgets, it is required for all + built Python versions. + python-yara +- Update to 4.0.2, tied to changes in yara package itself only + python3-azurectl +- Bump version: 3.0.3 → 3.0.4 + +- Run tox for unit tests in Makefile + +- added tox check target to run flake8 tests + +- Bump version: 3.0.2 → 3.0.3 + +- Added tox python 3.4 target + +- Exit code for --version | --help should be zero + +- Add tox setup for easier development + +- Update path to publishsettings downloader + ... and add an additional note about preselecting the proper subscription. + q5go +- Update to 2.1.2 + * fix an issue when saving SGF files in locales where a comma + is used instead of a decimal point. + qactus +- Fix build for openSUSE Leap 15.2 and 15.3 + * qactus-fix-leap-build.patch + +- Update to 2.1.0 + * New feature: monitor an entire project + qbittorrent +- Update to version 4.3.9 + Bug fixes: + * Fix "no action" option on torrent double click + * Fix broken behavior of "priority by shown file order" + Web UI: + * Fix WebUI crash when tracker URL is invalid + * Revert "WebUI: group trackers by hostname" + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_qbittorrent-nox@.service.patch + +- Update to version 4.3.8 + Bug fixes: + * Delay processing of watched folders + * Use the same icon for selecting folders/files + * Use default upper limits for ddns entries + Web UI: + * Expose SSRF mitigation + * Update webui libraries + * Group trackers by hostname + * Improve "last activity" calculation in WebAPI + +- Update to version 4.3.7 + Bug fixes: + * Don't forget to start Watched folders timer + * Don't close tags menu when toggling items + * Don't overwrite tracker message + * Bump file pool size + * Properly create "clean path" for watched folder + Web UI: + * Disconnect comment links + +- Update to version 4.3.6 + New features: + * New languages: Mongolian, Persian, Thai + Bug fixes: + * Provide correct error description in "upload mode" + * Allow adding torrents with relative save path + * Fix main window turns blank after restoring from tray + * Remove the lockfile on exit + * Improve "Watched folders" feature + * Keep sub-sorting order + * Properly add torrent with new tags + qcustomplot +- Update to version 2.1.0: + * Compatibility up to Qt 6.0 + * Fixed bug where QCPLayer::replot wouldn't issue full replot even + though invalidated buffers existed + * Fixed QCPCurve bug causing rendering artifacts when using + keys/values smaller than about 1e-12 in some constellations + * Fixed getValueRange when used with explicit keyRange, now doesn't + use key range expanded by one point to each side anymore + * Fixed bug of QCPAxis tick label font size change only propagating + to the layout after second call to replot + * Fixed bug of QCPTextElement not respecting the configured text + alignment flag + * Various documentation typos and improvements + * QCPLegend::clearItems is now faster in case of many legend items + * Work around Qt bug, drawing lines with pen width 1 as slow as + with pen widths > 1 (polyfill instead of line algorithm, + also on Normal-DPI), by using pen width 0 in such cases. + qd +- Update to version 2.3.22 + Changes for 2.3.22 + Made changes suggested by Vasiliy Sotnikov + Changes for 2.3.21 + Changed renorm in include/qd/qd_inline.h + Changes for 2.3.20 + added #include <string.h> to quadt_test.cpp + changed references to 2.3.20 from 2.3.18 + Changes for 2.3.19 + - Updated qd_real.cpp and dd_real.cpp to fix a + buffer overflow problem. + Changes for 2.3.18 + - Updated qd_real.cpp and dd_real.cpp to fix a problem in output. + Changes for 2.3.17 + - updated qd_real.cpp, to fix a problem with improper treatment of + negative arguments in nroot. + Changes for 2.3.16 + - Updated dd_real.cpp, to fix a problem with inaccurate values + of tanh for small arguments. +- License changed to BSD-3-Clause-LBNL + qdirstat +- Update to V1.8: + - New view: File Age Statistics + - Navigation history like in a web browser (Back, Forward) + - Bug fixes + - Some small improvements + -- Reverted some of mrey's .spec file changes to fix build failures - on SLE-12-SPx -- Re-added man pages to files list now that they finally build -- Update to V1.7; upstream change log: +- Update to V1.7: - reported by the du command: Now also taking the allocated size - into account. - - Now also displaying the allocated size where it makes sense. - - New "Mounted Filesystems" window showing output similar to the - df command (but without the cruft). - - New directory selection dialog showing all (real) filesystems. - - New checkbox to cross filesystems (temporarily) in the - directory selection dialog. - - Workaround for NTFS oddities: Ignoring hard links on NTFS. - - Added config option to ignore hard links in general. - - Added a document about Btrfs free size and how different tools - tend to show different values: - - Fixed the internal cache writer (the one called from the File - menu, not the qdirstat-cache-writer Perl script): For files - with multiple hard links, it wrote the wrong size to the cache - file: The result of size / links, not size. - (GitHub Issue #124.) - - Fixed crash when terminating with Ctrl-Q while reading - directories (GitHub Issue #122). - - Now automatically reopening the old current branch in the tree - view when using actions like "refresh selected" and "continue - reading at mount point (GitHub Issue #135). - - Now automatically expanding the first directory level of a - mount point after "continue reading at mount point". - - Now correctly labelling a mount point as mount point in the - "Details" panel. -- Changes in spec file - - Run spec file through spec-cleaner - - Change Source to an URL - - use %make_build in build step + reported by the "du" command: Now also taking the allocated + size into account + - New "Mounted Filesystems" window showing output similar to "df" + - New directory selection dialog showing all (real) filesystems + - Workaround for NTFS oddities: Ignoring hard links on NTFS + - Bug fixes qemacs +- Update to 0.3.3 + * fixed HTML mode in 64 bit mode + * added C-x s save-buffer mapping +- Drop upstream fixed patches: gcc4.patch and includes.patch +- Fix URL and SourceURL + -- fix to build with gcc 4. - qgit +- stop owning directories provided by filesystem (bsc#1184786) + -- Use RPM_OPT_FLAGS. -- Don't strip binaries. - qhull +- Drop deprecated (non-reentrant) qhull headers since we don't + provide the corresponding shared lib. +- Move the qhull_r libs, headers, related files into new shared + lib libqhull_r and qhull_r-devel packages as appropriate; have + qhull_r-devel provide qhull-devel. +- Move qhullcpp library, headers, and pkgconfig file into separate + qhullcpp-devel-static package. +- qhullcpp is only supported as static library and needs to be + built with "-ffat-lto-objects"; add this to CXXFLAGS. +- Delete unnecessary pkgconfig files corresponding to static libs + that are not built/installed. + +- updated to 2020.2 (8.0.2): + * Qhull 202.2 updates Qhull's builds and Qhull's C++ interface. + See for details. +- updated to 2020.1 (8.0.2): + * Qhull 2020.1 enhances the C++ interface with QhullUser and + support for Voronoi diagrams. See user_eg3 for C++ examples. + * Qhull builds support pkg-config, SONAME, DESTDIR for staged + installs, PREFIX, QhullExport, and CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. +- Drop 0001-Allow-disabling-of-static-or-shared-library-builds.patch +- Rebase 0002-Remove-tools-from-CMake-exported-targets.patch + +- Fix static library references in CMake files, replace + 0001-Link-tools-to-shared-library.patch with upstream + 0001-Allow-disabling-of-static-or-shared-library-builds.patch +- Also remove references to tools in CMake files, add + 0002-Remove-tools-from-CMake-exported-targets.patch + +- Add missing dependency from devel package to shared library. +- Use shared linking for qhull tools. + 0001-Link-tools-to-shared-library.patch + +- Correct name of the library package according to SLPP - the + current and older versions both packaged, but due + to the full version in the package name (libqhull7-7_3_2) it + was not considered an update of the old one (libqhull7-7_2_0). + +- updated to 2019.1 (7.3.2): + * A large number of changes, please see included Changes.txt +- General spec-file cleanups + -- license update: SUSE-Qhull - Use SUSE- proprietary prefix until Qhull (incidentially, also the Fedora - designation for the license) is accepted upstream at - -- Add some detail about the version update to 2012.1 - -- updated to 2012.1.2 (6_3_1_1494) - - upstreamed liblibname.patch - -- updated to 2012.1.1 (6_3_1_1490): - - Require option 'Qz' for Delaunay triangulation/Voronoi diagram - of cocircular/cospherical points [D. Sheehy] - - qh_errexit: Do not call qh_printsummary or qh_printstats on qh_ERRinput - - Change error QH6227 (all degenerate) from qh_ERRinput to qh_ERRprec - - Change error QH6159 (ID overflow) from qh_ERRinput to qh_ERRqhull - - eg/q_eg, q_egtest, q_test: Run if qconvex is in $PATH [M. Atzeri] - -- updated to 2012.1: - - Add config to distribution - - Add testqset to config build - - config/ copies program files into src/libqhull - -- Fix duplicate files - qimgv +- Update to version 1.0.2 + Bug fixes: + * fix file replace dialog not working + * fix trackpad scroll with libinput + Misc: + * build with Qt 5.12 now works again! + +- Update to version 1.0.1 + Bug fixes: + * fix mouse wheel not working with libinput 1.19 + * fix thumbnails not rendering properly when fractional + scaling is enabled + * fix "Save As" working incorrectly when changing file + extension (KDE) + * add confirmation when editing from folderview + * fix crop selection not working when another aspect ratio is + selected first + * fix possible crash when opening the context menu + * fix WheelUp / WheelDown being swapped around (no user action + needed) + +- Update to version 1.0.0 + General: + * Qt6 support + * UI updates + * Custom theme support + * Printing support + * Export to pdf + * Improved image format compatibility + * Allow image resizing by percentage + * Tweak zoom step range + * Add absolute zoom step option + * Confirmation when overwriting files + * Allow Tab key in shortcuts + * Add slideshow / shuffle mode indication in window title + * Adjacent directory switching (shift+left / shift+right) + * Automatic seamless directory switching + * Allow more video formats besides webm/mp4 + * Zoom Lock feature + * Shortcut for toggling fullscreen infobar + * Show in folder menu option now pre-selects current file + Folder view: + * Display folders + * Display image resolution + * Filesystem navigation via Enter / Backspace + * Show path bar (will be improved in future) + * Allow multi-selection + * Mass rotate / delete + * Improved drag'n'drop + * Renaming now works in folderview + * Improved thumbnail loading responsiveness + * Unload off-screen thumbnails option + Misc: + * Fix video playback with the latest mpv + * Fix window positioning under some window managers + * Allow custom cache folder location + * Change default thumbnailer thread count to 4 + * Fix cursor autohide on wayland + * Fix context menu potentially appearing off-screen + * Other minor bug fixes + * Lots of visual fixes +- Refresh qimgv-PIE.patch +- Drop qimgv-pluginpath_1.patch, qimgv-pluginpath_2.patch and + qimgv-pluginpath_3.patch +- Add qimgv-no_return_in_nonvoid.patch + qjackctl +- Update to 0.9.5 + - Streamlined Windows and MacOSX deliverables. + - Korean (ko) translation added. + +- update to 0.9.4: + * All builds default to Qt6 (Qt >= 6.1) where available. + * CMake is now the official build system. + +- Add pipewire-libjack-0_3 as an alternative requirement + +- Update to 0.9.3 + - Graph connection lines drop-shadow eye-candy has been + optimized, improving a lot on moving highly-connected nodes, + especially the ones with plenty of backward-curved connections. + - All packaging builds switching to CMake. + - Fixed default preset/aliases switching and reloading when + entering pure-client mode (ie. "Active" status). + +- Update to 0.9.2 + - Clock source, Self-connect mode and Server synchronous mode + options are now always enabled on the Setup / Settings dialog, + although only available or effective to jackd2. + - Graph Disconnect now applies to selected connections or nodes + only. + +- Update to 0.9.1 + - Graph Disconnect now applies to all selected ports and + connections. + - Main window is now freely resizable, while keeping all the + buttons stretched to the same aspect ratio. + - Warning to confirm application close is now back in business + when functioning as client only (Active). + - Graph items are automatically raised when created or + high-lighted (incremental z-value). + - Add a little but straight horizontal line-gap to the Graph + connections. + - Customize the Graph zoom slider widget to reset upon mouse + middle-button click. + - Add Clear preset button to Setup dialog. + - Use default values for most preset parameters: sample rate, + frames/period (aka. buffer-size), periods/buffer, + realtime priority, port maximum, client timeout, word length, + wait time, channel maximum. + - Early preparations for the New Year develop(ment) cycle. + +- Update to 0.9.0 + - List only available backend drivers when JACK D-BUS is enabled. + - Graph client-name / node-title aliases persistence have been + hopefully fixed. + - Get rid of those "JACK has crashed" red-herrings from latest + Windows(tm) builds. + - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 6.0.0 and comply with C++17 + standard. + +- update to 0.6.3: + Clock source and Self connect restriction options + have been added to Setup / Settings / Advanced + - Added preliminary support for JACK CV signal-type + ports and JACK OSC event-type ports (Graph only). + - Left-clicking on the system-tray icon now simply + toggles the main widget visibility, disregarding + if already hidden undercover to other windows. + - Graph nodes and ports are now presented with some + gradient background. + - Fixed Setup dialog Cancel (or close) behavior when + Settings > Parameters > Frames/Period (aka. buffer- + size) it's the only setting that's changed. + - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 5.15.0. + - A scalable (.svg) icon version has been added. + - Make man page compression reproducible (after request + by Jelle van der Waa, while on the Vee-Ones, thanks). + - Ditching deprecated QTime methods for QElapsedTimer's + (in compliance to Qt >= 5.14.0). + - Custom color (palette) theme editor introduced; color + (palette) theme changes are now effective immediately, + except on default. + - Second attempt to fix the yet non-official though + CMake build configuration. + - When using autotools and ./configure --with-qt=..., + it is also necessary to adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH + environment variable (after a merge request by plcl + aka. Pedro López-Cabanillas, while on qmidinet, + thanks). + - Graph: avoid self-connecting over their own ports + when client nodes are selected as a whole group; + also try to match port-types in a oderly fashion + when connecting multiple selected ports. + - Fix HiDPI display screen effective support (Qt >= 5.6). + - Command line arguments (--start, --preset=[label] and + - -active-patchbay=[path]) are passed and take effect + on the current singleton/unique application instance, + when enabled and already running. + +- Update to 0.5.7 + * Graph node and port title renaming and nodes position move + changes are now undo/redo-able. + * Graph client and port title in-place renaming is now integrated + to native aliases and JACK metadata (aka. pretty-names). + * Refactored all native client/port name aliases. + * Re-defined all main application UNIX signal handling. +- Changes from 0.5.6 + * Refactored all singleton/unique application instance setup + logic away from X11/Xcb hackery. + * At last, JACK freewheel mode is now being detected as to + postpone any active patchbay scans as much as possible. + * Removed old pre-FFADO 'freebob' driver support. + * HiDPI display screen support (Qt >= 5.6). + * Graph port temporary highlighting while hovering, if and only + if connecting ports of same type and complementary modes. + * Bumped copyright headers into the New Year (2019). + +- Update to 0.5.5 + * Old deprecated Qt4 build support is no more. + * Graph port sort options added as View / Sort menu. + * System tray options now subject to current desktop environment + availability. + * Also disable Setup / Misc / Other / Save JACK server + configuration to (.jackdrc) when JACK D-Bus interface is + enabled. + * Whether to use server synchronous mode option added to + Setup / Settings / Parameters (only applied when JACK D-BUS + interface is enabled). + * Disable some Setup / Settings / Advanced parameters when + JACK D-Bus interface is enabled and vice-versa. + * Attempt to power-cycle JACK D-Bus service on demand; + * Marked as probably useless anyway, old "H/W Monitor" option + (-H) is now being ditched from Setup / Settings / Advanced tab. + +- Update to version 0.5.4 + * Graph port-type colors are now configurable (cf. menu + View > Colors. + * Make Graph nodes (ie. client boxes) transparent for yet + some eye-candiness ;). Also keep the (Graph) current + selection across port (dis)connections. + * Drawing patchbay connector lines as (bezier) curves is + now a difinitive and fixed feature (as long as no more + remains from the so called "Cambric explosion era" are + still lurking in there). + * AppStream metadata updated to be the most compliant with + latest specification and recommendation. + * Graph auto-layout improvement for brand new node clients. + * Avoid showing setup warning when no server settings have + changed. + * Fixed JACK D-Bus settings for MIDI driver parameter. + version 0.5.3 + * Portuguese (pt) translation added (by Heitor Rocha). + * AppData/AppStream metadata is now settled under an all + permisssive license (FSFAP). + * Improved Graph rubberband add (Shift) and toggle (Ctrl) + multiple (de)selections. + * Added user preference option: Setup / Misc / Buttons / + Replace Connections with Graph button (on main window). + * Added a zoom slider control to the Graph view status bar. + version 0.5.2 + * Respect ALSA Sequencer support option also on Graph view. + * Regression to new Graph node/ports sorting comparator; + also fixed multiple and many port removals, most probably + causing it to crash due to double-free/delete potential. + * Fixed the automatic aggregation of new Graph client nodes + that are split as either input or output only (ie. system, + terminal, physical or otherwise non-duplex nodes). + * Added View/Zoom Range mode option to Graph tool. + version 0.5.1 + * Half a decade later, recent new custom entries may now get + removed from Session Infra-client list. + * Some rather old, better said "Cambric explosion era", user + preference options have been ditched altogether: Display / + Time Format; Display / Shiny glass light effect; Display / + Connections/Draw connections and patchbay lines as Bezier + curves; Misc/Configure as temporary server. + * A brand new and way long overdue connections Graph widget + is finally introduced, only to be accessible through the + context menu at this time. + * Extended multi-selection is now supported on all Connections + client/port lists, allowing for multiple (dis)connections at + once. + * Disable singleton/unique application instance setup logic + when the display server platform is not X11. + * A little hardening on the configure (autoconf) macro side. + version 0.5.0 + * Current preset is always taken into account if ever changes + while the Setup dialog is hidden (eg. via context menu). + * Desktop entry specification file is now finally independent + from build/configure template chains. + * Updated target path for's AppStream metainfo + file (formerly AppData). + version 0.4.5 + * On some desktop-shells, the system tray icon blinking on + XRUN ocurrences, have been found responsible to excessive + CPU usage, an "eye-candy" effect which is now optional as + far as Setup/Display/Blink server mode indicator goes. + * Added French man page (by Olivier Humbert, thanks). + * Make builds reproducible byte for byte, by getting rid of + the configure build date and time stamps. + version 0.4.4 + * Fixed an early crash when the singleton/unique application + instance setup option is turned off. + * Almost complete overhaul on the configure script command + line options, wrt. installation directories specification, + eg. --prefix, --bindir, --libdir, --datadir and --mandir. + -- qjackctl-remove_absolute_path_from_exec_in_desktop-file.patch: - This patch removes the absolute path of the qjackctl binary from the desktop - file, that is in %{_datadir}/applications/%{name}.desktop - (This was not mentioned in the previous submission) - -- update to 0.3.11: - * interface device selection is now unified, by moving the old '>' pop-up - menu into the customized combo-box drop-down list showing all available - card/device names and descriptions - -- update to 0.3.10: - * session infra-client management finally being added - * transport tempo (BPM) precision display fixed to 4 digits - * color-candy (dang old ANSI terminal?) escape sequences are - now silently stripped from jackdbus messages captured log - * list ALSA device card id. string instead of device number, - while on setup dialog - * Japanese (ja) translation added - -- update to 0.3.9: - * killing D-BUS controlled JACK server is now made optional, cf. - Setup/Misc/Stop JACK audio server on application exit - * a new so called "Server Suffix" parameter option appears to rescue on the - situations where QjackCtl falls short on extra, exquisite and/or esoteric - command line options eg. (net)jack1/2 differences. - * fixed D-Bus Input/Output device parameter settings, filled when either - interface is selected for Capture/Playback only - * main window is now brought to front and (re)activated when clicking on the - system tray icon instead of just hiding it - * add current xrun count to the system tray icon tooltip, if not zero -- added portaudio support -- revamped spec file -- moved translations to -lang package - -- update to 0.3.8: - - Debugging stacktrace now applies to all working threads. - - Session "Save" button now a drop-down menu, replacing the - session save type combo-box/drop-down list selection. Also, - an early session directory versioning/numbering scheme is - now in place, although optional. - - Probable fix to debian bug report #624198 - segfault when - pressing the stop button (by Grant Adrian Diffey, after a - patch from Adrian Knoth, thanks). - - Desktop environment session shutdown (eg. logout) is now - tapped for graceful application exit, even though the main - window is active (visible) and minimizing to system tray - is enabled. Both were causing first shutdown/logout attempt - to abort. Not anymore, hopefully ;). - - Make sure all activated patchbay definition files are in - their complete and absolute directory path forms. - - Connections refresh button now does an immediate and true - reconstruction of all clients and their respective ports - and connections, unconditionally. - - Command line server start option (-s, --start) is now made - independent from configuration setup option (cf. Setup/Misc - /Start JACK audio server on application startup). - - Now handling cable socket types properly to let patchbay - definitions work correctly, whenever having sockets with - the very same literal name (twisted from patch #3183467, - by Karsten, thanks;). - - Abrupt focus behavior when any of the keyboard modifiers - (Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Caps Lock) is hit while on Connections - client/port aliases editing (rename) has been fixed. - - Russian (ru) translation updated (by Alexandre Prokoudine). - - Added include "errno.h" alegedly missing for BSD style - systems (applying patch for bug #3126091). - qloud +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * Reinstates the QtCharts flavour + * Minor fixes + +- Update to version 1.4 + * Use QT5 + * Use QtCharts plotting. + * Translation has been enabled + * French translation has been done + * Exporting data to Gnuplot and Printing features have been added. + * Added .desktop file and icon +- Drop qloud-Qt5.patch, merged upstream +- Upstream changed from to + + See old upstream. + qmltermwidget +- Add patches to fix Tumbleweed compilation issues: + * 0001-Fix-missing-includes-in-TerminalCharacterDecoder-27.patch + * 0004-Refix-CTRL-SPACE-behaviour-on-QT5.patch + * 0005-QMAKE_POST_LINK-doesn-t-work-in-Qt-5.5.-10.patch + qmmp +- Update to version 1.5.1 + * added application startup optimization + * added Korean translation + * enabled Matroska container by default in the ffmpeg plugin + * removed lyrics provider + * improved qsui plugin: + + added waveform seekbar optimization + + fixed waveform generation for 16-bit samples + * fixed plugin cache cleanup + * fixed build without mpg123 + * fixed ladspa plugin regression + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + * added media library plugin (experimental) + * added PipeWire plugin (experimental) + * added built-in CUE editor + * added m4b support in the ffmpeg plugin + * added option to enable CRC checking in the mpeg plugin + * added ID3v1/ID3v2 charset detection using librcd library in + the mpeg plugin + * added WebP format support for cover image + * added groups rebuilding after playlist updating + * added metadata formatter optimization + * added "%dir()" function in the metadata formatter + * added feature to integrate widgets to the main interface + from plugins + * added feature to execute external command in the fileops + plugin + * improved visualization synchronization + * improved lyrics plugin: + + added widget mode + + show text of the current playing song (in the widget mode + only) + + changed user interface + * improved qsui plugin: + + added feature to add dock widgets from plugins + + added feature to change tab bar position + + added icons to the file system browser menu + + added feature to place dock widgets in the multiple lines + + removed "Actions" submenu, using "Tools" menu instead + * improved skinned plugin: + + added playlist color settings + + moved "Show playlists" option to "Playlist" submenu + + moved "group tracks" and "show header" options to + "Playlist" submenu + * removed some deprecated API usage + * removed obsolete code + * changed minimal FFmpeg version to 3.4 + * updated Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Galician, Spanish, + Russian, Ukrainian, French, Indonesian, Greek, Italian, + German and Finnish translations +- Refresh qmmp-fix-openmpt.patch +- Switch build from mad to mpg123 + qmmp-plugin-pack +- Update to version 1.5.1 + * added Korean translation + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + * ported to qmmp 1.5 API + * added Youtube stream seeking + * updated Dutch, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Greek, Italian, + Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and + Ukrainian translations + qos +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (sr#926717) + * Added patch harden_qos.service.patch + +- Convert from SysV to systemd service (bsc#1116033) + qpdfview +- Add qpdfview-qt5.15.patch: fix build with Qt 5.15. + +- Update to 0.4.18. + * Fixed encoding issues w.r.t. CUPS names. + * Fixed not overwriting page ranges CUPS option when set already + by Qt's print dialog. + * Fixed refreshing modified documents from disk. + * Added support for nested splitting of document views. + * Added support for transparent decompression of document files. + * Added restoring of tab order and of current tab. + * Added action to open current file in new window. + * Updated support for MuPDF to version 1.12 and later. + * Added support for EPUB, XPS, CBZ and FB2 via MuPDF. + * Imported various new and updated translations. +- Changes in 0.4.17. + * Fixed query to populate the instance list for the choose + instance dialog. + * Fixed selecting the complete text upon opening a page number + dialog. + * Fixed computation of tile sub rect w.r.t. non-unit device pixel + ratios. + * Moved loading of interactive elements out of the main event loop. + * Optimize tile rendering event handling by centralizing dispatch. + * The results of the current tab are now automatically expanded + in the extended search dock. + * Added support for external document links to the outline view. + * Added optional page-parallel execution of text search. + * Added triggering SyncTeX reverse search using a keyboard modifier. + * Keyboard modifiers for mouse interaction can be disabled. + * Optimizations of the search dock layout w.r.t. + vertical/horizontal positioning. + * Added context menu action to move document to a different + instance. + * Changed cache size tracking from byte to kilobyte granularity + to support more than 2 GB cache. + * Added a save in addition to the save-as action to simplify + modifying documents in-place. + * Added Japanese translations. + * Updated British English, Russian, French, Lithunian + translations. + +- Split plugins to separate packages. (bsc# 1122801) +- Removed obsolete Qt4 build. +- Run spec-cleaner. + qpress +- Make profile guided optimization deterministic (boo#1040589) +- Train using uncompressed data + +- Modernise spec file +- Enable profile guided optimization + qtcurve +- Readded baselibs.conf with qtcurve-gtk2-32bit support. + +- Spec cleanup. +- Remove the unneeded baselibs.conf + +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15-missing-QPainterPath-include.patch + -- Added sync_to_master.diff, resolves following issues: - - - - -- Drop omit_deprecated_apis.patch, contained in above patch - -- Build Qt5 style for 13.1 and newer: - * Create qtcurve-qt5 subpackage - * Added omit_deprecated_apis.patch, removes usage of filehooks API - removed with Qt 5.3 - * Added BuildRequires: pkgconfig(Qt5Core), pkgconfig(Qt5Gui), - pkgconfig(Qt5Widgets), pkgconfig(Qt5Svg), pkgconfig(Qt5DBus), - pkgconfig(Qt5X11Extras) and libQt5Widgets-private-headers-devel - qterm +- Update to version 0.7.4 + * No relevant changes +- Add information about upstream issue to + qterm-qt5qcollectiongenerator.patch + -- Upgrade to 0.5.12. - - Finish the two new panel to make ANSI editing easier. - - The new xml addressbook format is finally landed. - - Improved the rendering result. - - Implement the tranlucent background. - - Some bugfixes as usual. - qtox -- add qtox.keyring file -- change source download URL +- Disable Update_Check to fix coredump. + +- Update to 1.17.3 + * Features + - osx: Add support for macOS 10.16, remove support for macOS 10.13 (238b2478) + - windows: + - Build our own gdb (3092107a) + - Make sure no dlls are missing (3e6bc9b1) + - Link all Windows deps dynamically (5219ebc1) + * Bug Fixes + - build: cache debug deps during 2nd stage (2712bc68) + - osx: + - Allow rebuild using build script (b5538c3f) + - Fix missing variables in macOS build script (f741ac99) + - Update deprecated QDateTime and QProcess APIs (08abedb6) + - don't tap kde-mac/kde since it us deprecated and unused (b42ac760) + - tools: + - Add Windows to toxcore version update script (3ff53e8f) + - Use correct hash when automatically updating flatpak version (9fb96b08) + - use a subdirectory for release source archives (533f25e2) + - travis: Install virtualenv for nightly build upload script (bd5bdf18) + - windows: iconengines not being installed (399c0231) + +- Update to 1.17.2 + - This is a release to fix our automatic deployment scripts, + no code changes. +- Changes from 1.17.1 + * Bug Fixes + - ci: remove jenkins deploy step (48c688bf) +- Changes from 1.17.0 + The most notable user facing changes are group chats that stay + intact after disconnects or client shutdown as well as the very + often requested dark theme. Advanced history search was added, + as well as file transfers staying in chat history after client + restart. There are of course also tons of fixes, namely much + increased stability of audio and video calls as well as audio + group calls. + Full changelog see: + -- changes from 1.16.1 - This point release fixes our deployment of Flapak and AppImage on - Github. No feature changes. + +- update to 1.16.1 + This point release fixes our deployment of Flapak and AppImage + on Github. No feature changes. - * *deploy:** - - upload Flatpak bundle to Github releases + - deploy: upload Flatpak bundle to Github releases (59b5578c) - * *deploy:** - - fix file path in AppImage deployment + - deploy: fix file path in AppImage deployment (64602f38) - - remove full screen btn from audio group chat - - local toxcore install with - - script + - remove full screen btn from audio group chat (0d3f061b) + - local toxcore install with (9ca38750, + closes #5199) + - script (ead2152d) - ToxOptionsWrapper - - Fix usage of unitialized functions + ToxOptionsWrapper (9b6cd1c0) + - Fix usage of unitialized functions (06ae7ead) - - delete double initialization callDuration - * *Core:** - - fix use after free of proxyAddrData - * *appimage:** - - build sqlcipher form source - * *audio:** - - fix error introduced in 67f2605971cf43093c72f811e4df90ab70544dd6 - - connect the correct audio callbacks - - close the audio device after playing a sound - * *build:** + (48179b6a) + - delete double initialization callDuration (dc1f5ea0) + - Core: fix use after free of proxyAddrData (26b59d31) + - appimage: build sqlcipher form source (64a7c24b) + - audio: + - fix error introduced in + 67f2605971cf43093c72f811e4df90ab70544dd6 (40d30153) + - connect the correct audio callbacks (a00af087) + - close the audio device after playing a sound (a3370173) + - build: - - correct install script nsis for win64 - - make qTox compile with ffmpeg 4.0 and newer - * *chatform:** - - name in window title and close detached chats - - check for empty path when exporting profile - * *core:** - - Clean illegal chars from filenames - * *docs:** - - update toxcore build instructions - * *file:** - - don't clean the filenames of avatar transfer - * *history:** - - don't save both action prefix and displayed name - * *leak:** - - Fix few memory leaks - * *login:** - - start login screen on profile select by -p option - * *settings:** - - automatically disable UDP when a proxy is set - - prevent segfault on wrong proxy settings - * *simple_make:** - - correct variable initialization - * *theme:** - - clear stylesheet cache on theme colour change - * *ui:** - - increase number of low res camera options - * *video:** - - unsubscribe the video device correctly - * *wayland:** - - Fix desktop file name in Qt properties + (2cd65610) + - correct install script nsis for win64 (25e69572) + - make qTox compile with ffmpeg 4.0 and newer (44193176) + - chatform: + - name in window title and close detached chats (39968a31) + - check for empty path when exporting profile (757791ee, + closes #5146) + - core: Clean illegal chars from filenames (ab85716f) + - docs: update toxcore build instructions (b00cbc1d) + - file: don't clean the filenames of avatar transfer (2a8ab03e) + - history: don't save both action prefix and displayed name + (dfd2de83) + - leak: Fix few memory leaks (daaa5518) + - login: start login screen on profile select by -p option + (1af3ad69) + - settings: + - automatically disable UDP when a proxy is set (977b7fc9) + - prevent segfault on wrong proxy settings (dfd5232e) + - simple_make: correct variable initialization (1537f83e) + - theme: clear stylesheet cache on theme colour change + (8ba8ce91) + - ui: increase number of low res camera options (72931514) + - video: unsubscribe the video device correctly (e55f86c6) + - wayland: Fix desktop file name in Qt properties (c1caeb58) - click - - Add ability to quit group with middle click + click (aae567ed) + - Add ability to quit group with middle click (228c431c) - * *appimage:** - - build appimage on TravisCI - * *call:** - - add call end sound - * *chat:** - - add UI option to mute group peers - - full screen video chat - * *core:** - - put c-toxcore log messages in the qTox log - * *history:** - - load set number of messages from history - -- add 5041.patch to fix build in factory - see - -- disable Werror for parenthesis (breaks the build because of gtk2) - -- Update to version 1.15.0: - * chore(windows): fix automatic deploy for windows - * chore(release): update qTox version to v1.15.0 - * chore(l10n): update translations from Weblate - * chore(windows): automatically deploy for windows - * chore(version): update toxcore version to v0.2.2 - * perf(ui): cache stylesheets to reduce memory usage - * fix(settings): connect enable LAN discovery checkbox - * fix(core): split messages on utf8 multibyte character boundary properly - * feat(camera): add higher resolution camera options - * refactor(avform): simplify and standardize sliders, use RMS for volume - * fix(audio): apply gain to both audio channels - * fix(audio): move audio timers to and start from audioThread - * refactor(ui): consolidate new message settings under UI page - * feat(ui): add setting for disabling new message notification popup - * feat(ui): Add ability to disable LAN discovery - * fix(profile): don't error if no new avatar is selected - * fix(chatform): include pressed key(s) when changing focus - * fix(settings): add missing enableTestSound to settings - * fix(ui): remove placeholder update UI - * fix(docs): include master key fingerprint instead of subkey fingerprint - * refactor(call): Refactor toxcall and disconnect lambda on destruction - * chore(windows): add architecture to installer's and zip's filenames - * chore(windows): create a zip with qTox to be used in release publishing - * chore(windows): use NSIS 3 and cache NSIS ShellExecAsUser plugin - * chore(windows): bump VPX version to the latest (1.7.0) - * chore(windows): bump Sodium version to the latest (1.0.16) - * chore(windows): bump QREncode version to the latest (4.0.0) - * chore(windows): bump FFmpeg 3.2 version to the latest (3.2.10) - * chore(windows): bump SQLCipher version to the latest (3.4.2) - * chore(windows): bump Qt 5.9 version to the latest (5.9.4) - * chore(windows): bump OpenSSL version to the latest (1.0.2o) - * feat(Weblate): create script to automatically merge Weblate changes - * chore(windows): build installer on Travis - * fix(history): don't save own messages when history is disabled - * fix(docs): update dependencies for Debian - * fix(login): Don't dereference null pointer - * fix: remove build date and time from main.cpp - * fix(import): don't use java-style iterator before first element - * fix(offlinemsg): make faux offline messages purely event based - * refactor: remove some unused includes - * chore: put download URL for CircleCI artifacts in the build log - * fix(IPC): Update profileName to update IPC ID after login screen - * fix(chattextedit): ChatTextEdit bug fix for issue #5020 Corrected - * docs(build): Add Fedora to the list of quick install - * docs(build): Add Fedora simple install instructions - * chore: remove unmaintained package build script - * fix(name): Clear alias on name change so that name changes are visible - * fix(build): Remove unused vars, add default case for switch - * fix: don't use invalid reference after erasing element - * fix(avform): Audio/Video settings tab #5011 issue bugfix - * fix(widget): Fix double free crash on group leave - * docs(readme): add GPG fingerprint of tox-user -- remove/drop patch fix_compiler_warnings.patch becaue no more need -- rebase spec to fix build error - -- improve summary and description of the package - -- move LICENSE to %license section -- strip unneeded ldconfig -- disable filter_audio dependency - it is dead for more than 2 years - -- Trim filler wording from description. - -- use upstream patch and drop our -Wno-error= flags - -- Update to version 1.14.0: - * chore(release): release v1.14.0 - * chore: update to c-toxcore 0.2.1 - * fix: Fix crash on manipulation with friend - * fix(avform): Hotfix for crash on video device change on 'None' - * fix(group): Show correct count of user on first creation - * fix(friendwidget): Use queued connection to avoid removing 'this' - * chore(l10n): update translations from Weblate - * feat: Add the cmake option USE_CCACHE - * refactor: update displayed user name from the friend model - * refactor(friend): add an additional signal to Friend - * fix(chatform): Broaden URL matching to include unicode - * feat: update to the new c-toxcore 0.2.0 conferences api - * fix(core): Adapt qtox to new conferences state change callback. - * fix: Not quit on close if this setting is enabled - * docs: add qttools5-dev to the dependencies list for Ubuntu - * fix(widget): Fix status pic alignment - * fix(chatlog): Match multi-character emoticons again - * docs(fix): Write Macedonian in its national script - * fix(build): move Appdata file installation to /usr/share/metainfo - * fix(smiley): change license of classic smileys to CC BY-SA 4.0 - * refactor: add/delete checks in search code - * refactor: rename hideButton to searchHideButton - * fix: add search symbol ' in history - * style: change code in searchInText - * feat: add hot keys for search - * feat: optimise search in history - * feat: add search in text in group chats - * feat: remove search button and add line in context menu - * refactor: Move action handlers to slots - * feat: edit load history for search - * feat: add text search - * feat: add form for search - * feat: add a button to search - * refactor: Remove ChatForm from Group - * refactor: Remove using 'Group::getChatForm' - * refactor: Save GroupChatForm in Widget - * refactor: Remove chatForm from Friend - * refactor: Move using loadHistory out of Friend - * refactor: Remove using 'Friend::getChatForm' - * refactor: Remove 'FriendWidget::setChatForm' - * fix(chatlog): parse multi-length emoji properly - * chore(cmake): Lookup toxcore's static dependencies - * refactor(nexus): make loginscreen independent of nexus - * refactor: cleanup notifications and core - * chore: fix some compiler warnings - * fix(core): Use new callback API for bitrate set - * fix(core): Use new API for bitrate set - * perf(widget): don't save on setExpanded if categorywidget is unchanged Fix #4932 - * docs(README): add GPG fingerprint of Anthony Bilinski as maintainer - * refactor: Use qFuzzyCompare to compare float values - * feat: Prefere new line as message break - * fix: Use real channels number - * refactor: Override only 'doOutput' and 'captureSamples' in OpenAL2 - * style: Fix style - * fix: Allocate memory to input buffer - * fix: Call doAudio on timer timeout - * fix: [un]subscribe output in avform - * chore: Don't dereference Tox_Options, use getters instead. - * feat(groupchat): mark blocked users with different color - * chore: Reorganization of the context menu for chat - * chore: Update to immutable TES API and one-big-lib change. - * fix(l10n): Correction of the translation into Russian - * feat(UI): new status icons for message notifications - * fix(build): add needed ffmpeg decoder to configuration - * chore(i18n): update translation files for Weblate - * feat(l10n): add Macedonian translation - * feat(l10n): add Macedonian translation using Weblate - * feat(l10n): update French translation from Weblate - * feat(l10n): update Portuguese translation from Weblate - * feat(l10n): update Portuguese translation from Weblate - * fix(UI): prevent deadlocks on logout and profile delete - * chore(CI): cache whole directory instead of globbing - * chore(CI): silence CircleCI no tests warning - * chore: update download links for Windows - * chore: Elide text for CallConfirmWidget - * chore(CI): copy artifacts from correct path - * chore(CI): fix permissions on CircleCI - * fix(windows): %APPDATA -> %APPDATA% in template - * chore(CI): use TravisCI scripts also for CircleCI - * chore(CI): enable caching for CircleCI - * chore(windows): untar files with default user/permissions - * chore(CI): Add windows build with CircleCI - * chore: disable broken autoupdater by default - * fix: Correct display the call confirm window (CallConfirmWidget) - * chore: update c-toxcore for all builds - * revert: "fix(travis): switch back to older Ubuntu Image" - * fix(travis): try working around Travis + gitstats issue - * fix(l10n): Correction of the translation into Russian - -- Update to version 1.13.0: - * refactor: Update AboutFriend with new interface - * refactor: Add using IFriendSettings in AboutFriend model - * refactor: Add IFriendSettings - * fix(build): Add missing dependency for openSUSE - * refactor: Use signal + slot to update view - * refactor: Improve interface - * fix(travis): switch back to older Ubuntu Image - * fix(video): improve debug message - * fix(video): choose first available resolution in preview automatically - * fix(video): use float framerates also for V4L2 - * fix(video): allow not integer framerates - * fix: elimination of warning '-Wreorder' - * fix(cmake): fix platform extensions for windows - * fix(chatwidget): fix send file button not working - * fix(video): Fix square form of a video - * fix(cpu): Reduce CPU usage by avatar render - * fix(install): Fix gzip invalid usage - * fix(cmake): add missing dependency - * feat(avatar): Add outline hightlight on mouse hover - * refactor: Make MaskablePixmapWidget allow to apply style - * fix: Use epsilon to compare float - * refactor: Remove code duplication from GroupWidget - * refactor: Add pure virtual methods for main actions in chat - * refactor: Move buttons style in ChatForm css - * refactor(style): Move chatFormHeader to chatForm - * refactor: Restruct code - * refactor(chatform): Remove Nexus and Profile dependency from ChatForm - * chore(build): Qt's website already does mirror load balancing - * chore(build): bump Qt version to 5.9.3 for Windows + (65fc1dc2) + - appimage: build appimage on TravisCI (f7345e4d) + - call: add call end sound (65896e45) + - chat: + - add UI option to mute group peers (2fae2a30) + - full screen video chat (d6df8883) + - core: put c-toxcore log messages in the qTox log (4faab075) + - history: load set number of messages from history (ca32e77d) + +- cleanup spec + +- update to 1.15.0 + * Performance + - ui: cache stylesheets to reduce memory usage (6d9d26db) + * Bug Fixes + - remove build date and time from main.cpp (23f6ad70) + - don't use invalid reference after erasing element (1afed5f7) + - IPC: Update profileName to update IPC ID after login screen + (d2ad2107) + - audio: + - apply gain to both audio channels (f6622e40) + - move audio timers to and start from audioThread (5d0f9509) + - avform: Audio/Video settings tab #5011 issue bugfix + (ad6ddfc4) + - build: Remove unused vars, add default case for switch + (bc18990f) + - chatform: include pressed key(s) when changing focus + (a8fc6e5c) + - chattextedit: ChatTextEdit bug fix for issue #5020 Corrected + (ebdc675c) + - core: split messages on utf8 multibyte character boundary + properly (869036f3) + - docs: + - include master key fingerprint instead of subkey + fingerprint (3748ca6b) + - update dependencies for Debian (7627d60a) + - history: don't save own messages when history is disabled + (b852809d) + - import: don't use java-style iterator before first element + (acea7c31) + - login: Don't dereference null pointer (703876c3) + - name: Clear alias on name change so that name changes are + visible (c2410e0a) + - offlinemsg: make faux offline messages purely event based + (4951f909) + - profile: don't error if no new avatar is selected (cfdc1cdb) + - settings: + - connect enable LAN discovery checkbox (55d8922d) + - add missing enableTestSound to settings (65d59ba6) + - ui: remove placeholder update UI (cb0f2635) + - widget: Fix double free crash on group leave (81989406) + * Features + - Weblate: create script to automatically merge Weblate changes + (96ae4284) + - camera: add higher resolution camera options (04ecfe3f) + - ui: + - add setting for disabling new message notification popup + (fcd88d65) + - Add ability to disable LAN discovery (9f8b0fed) + +- update to 1.14.1 + - Fix crashes, name change notification, profile selection, + and openSUSE package compilation + +- update to 1.14.0 + * Bug Fixes + - Not quit on close if this setting is enabled (e73dc10c) + - add search symbol ' in history (3e05279c) + - Use real channels number (e74cc37a) + - Allocate memory to input buffer (900f2a1a) + - Call doAudio on timer timeout (2353a66f) + - [un]subscribe output in avform (8c05399e) + - Correct display the call confirm window (CallConfirmWidget) + (f4fe343e) + - elimination of warning '-Wreorder' (0869d3d8) + - Use epsilon to compare float (91dabf11) + - UI: prevent deadlocks on logout and profile delete (a49e3458) + - build: + - move Appdata file installation to /usr/share/metainfo + (5db0bdd3) + - add needed ffmpeg decoder to configuration (8973a521) + - Add missing dependency for openSUSE (f7e089f7) + - chatform: Broaden URL matching to include unicode (e564b85e) + - chatlog: + - Match multi-character emoticons again (9643e48e) + - parse multi-length emoji properly (5df63f9c) + - chatwidget: fix send file button not working (af1aebfd) + - cmake: + - fix platform extensions for windows (7ad68e2f) + - add missing dependency (423f0956) + - core: + - Adapt qtox to new conferences state change callback. + (1111949f) + - Use new callback API for bitrate set (d2deec7c) + - Use new API for bitrate set (2c8f03da) + - cpu: Reduce CPU usage by avatar render (8db61f96) + - friendwidget: Use queued connection to avoid removing 'this' + (9b4972e0) + - group: Show correct count of user on first creation + (0a590336) + - install: Fix gzip invalid usage (266f63f6) + - l10n: + - Correction of the translation into Russian (3fb42b75) + - Correction of the translation into Russian (9229fdd1) + - smiley: change license of classic smileys to CC BY-SA 4.0 + (da7c12e2) + - travis: + - try working around Travis + gitstats issue (4c980945) + - switch back to older Ubuntu Image (378daeaa) + - video: + - improve debug message (ff2fc18b) + - choose first available resolution in preview automatically + (81522dea) + - use float framerates also for V4L2 (a2927de2) + - allow not integer framerates (db7ee65d) + - Fix square form of a video (8de8c14a) + widget: Fix status pic alignment (d9118cfc) + windows: %APPDATA -> %APPDATA% in template (f53b8282) + * Features + - Add the cmake option USE_CCACHE (aa9cff31) + - update to the new c-toxcore 0.2.0 conferences api (d3d81bbd) + - add hot keys for search (ffb51e8a) + - optimise search in history (18fa8a74) + - add search in text in group chats (7718734c) + - remove search button and add line in context menu (8bb80c77) + - edit load history for search (de9c9061) + - add text search (b881d32d) + - add form for search (863c46c7) + - add a button to search (47d9da98) + - Prefere new line as message break (3b52402f) + - UI: new status icons for message notifications (4288785d) + - avatar: Add outline hightlight on mouse hover (bb26485d) + - groupchat: mark blocked users with different color (a729f2f8) + - l10n: + - add Macedonian translation (1a06f85d) + - add Macedonian translation using Weblate (41420331) + - update French translation from Weblate (a7e90969) + - update Portuguese translation from Weblate (3bad087b) + - update Portuguese translation from Weblate (8c3be522) + * Performance + - widget: don't save on setExpanded if categorywidget is + unchanged Fix #4932 (b9845e1d) - check -- add to documentation -- change to pkgconfig dependencies -- change from qmake to cmake -- run through spec-cleaner -- depend on c-toxcore instead of toxcore - -- initial version 1.1+git20150722.74b7713: - + OSX main menu bar - + OSX usable menu bar on login screen - + Update .gitattributes - + core: TOX_ERR_NEW_LOAD_BAD_FORMAT is non-fatal. - + German translation updates - + Prevent crashed when default video format not found. - + OSX: Remove dead code and make Widget own all their actions - + Add key + See + +- update to 1.12.1 + See + +- update to 1.11.0 + See + +- update to 1.10.2 + See + +- update to 1.10.1 + See +- update to 1.10.0 + See + +- update to 1.9.0 + See + +- update to 1.8.1 + See +- update to 1.8.0 + See + +- update to 1.7.1 + - Contains fixes for FreeBSD. +- update to 1.7.0 + See +- update to 1.6.0 + See + +- update to 1.5.0 + See + +- update to 1.4.1 + Bug Fixes + - settings: Look for portable setting in module path, not CWD + (95634f1c) + - updater: Use module path, not working dir (0f1c8a78) + +- update to 1.4.0 + Breaking Changes + - disable building with filter_audio by default (116cc936) + Bug Fixes + - close groupcall if alone (98d51399) + - disable netcamview if no peer left (622b543d) + - audiocall button disabled in groupchats (db4f02a0) + - Close logfile only after the disabling logging to file (de487890) + - Make logMessageHandler thread-safe (a7ffc08c) + - Deadlock while rotating logs (c1e2a3c5) + - increase faux offline message timeout (76d8e193) + - remove unnecessary qDebug call (66f96019) + - Widget::updateIcons: + - workaround QIcon fallback bug (0b53c4fd) + - fix the way systray icons are loaded (90874a47) + - addfriendform: Removed extra connect return press (66bcfdae) + - addfriendform, widget: Remove Accepted Request (53071e95) + - chatform: regression in detecting tox: type IDs (48f3fb7d) + - core, widget: Added checks (f28c3a16) + - file transfer widget: QPushButton allows image to overflow (32d588a4, closes #3042) + - genericchatitemwidget, micfeedbackwidget: Added members init in the constructor (27faec91) + - groupaudio: + - don't set button to green while call running (6d355154) + - don't play audio while call is inactive (5339ad97) + - avoid deadlock when ending groupcall (afcd146a) + - groupinviteform: + - make list of groups scrollable (b74ecd92) + - translation invite message (24efaf05) + - remove deleted buttons from set (f137ba71) + - l18n: make typing notification & groupchat name translatable (43e61041) + - login screen: Change text on login tooltip (4e065f13) + - main: Added check sodium_init result (64a19d34) + - profile: Don't require .ini to load profile (56a36e2e) + - profileform: + - Add toxme username limitation (132f87c0) + - Deleted extra check and extra url (1f7e23d0) + - Fixed very quick relogin segfault (88de3a0a) + - Fixed segfault on logut (2e9295f4) + - Fix tab order, fix loop (65ab1f4e) + - screenshot: incorrect screenshot capture resolution under HiDPI (a36248b5) + - systemtrayicon: only delete the systray backend that was used (1d6f32c9) + - systemtrayicon, widget: Added deallocate memory (cbb7eeca) + - title: Change title on initial startup on "Add friend" (47d94045, closes #3100) + - toxme: + - Delete extra check (d1b706a4) + - Fixed potential memory leaks (8f4b6869) + - Fix possible segfault (11ec3947) + - Use format strings (fc2a5723) + - Translation fixes (9565a817) + - video: + - uses explicit default screen from QGuiApplication (d2189f38) + - usage of invalid file descriptors on error (556a8750) + - incorrect desktop video resolution when using HiDPI (75b40d0a) + - widget: Change focus after creating group (b111c509) + - widget, contentdialog: Added reset icon after activate chat window (4edc5996) + Performance + - camerasource: Passed parameter by reference (910c41f4) + - contentdialog: Delete redundant conditions (904a1d49) + Features + - install icons with make install on unix (218228b6) + - disable building with filter_audio by default (116cc936) + - audio: add (repair) support for group audio calls (356543ca) + - chatform: add support for non-local file and samba share links (47764c03) + - profileform: Added ability to change toxme server (41c5d4bf) + - toxme: + - Add save toxme info (204fe1d3) + - Add ToxMe registration (cb8bf134) + +- update to 1.3.0 + - New and improved sound code + - New HTTPS ToxMe protocol support + - Translation updates + - Miscellaneous fixes and polishing + +- update to 1.2.4 + - Fix the updater not finding updates when the working directory + wasn't the same as the install directory +- changes from 1.2.3 + - Add HTTPS lookup support + +- change from git version to version 1.2.2 + +- update to newest git version +- correct spec file qtractor +- Update to version 0.9.22 + * Fixed a old bug that was preventing MIDI tracks volume and + panning automation to take effect on audio export. + * All packaging builds switching to CMake + +- Update to version 0.9.21 + * Fixed and improved automation curve recording, whenever playback + is rolling + * Fixed parsing/loading of large session bundle archive/zip files + * Fixed LV2 plug-in UI X11 (native) resize. + * Make NSM state file names independent to session display names, + keeping backward compatibility for old sessions. + * Exiting, quitting or closing the main window while under NSM, + now promptly asks whether to save, discard or cancel as usual. + * Re-improved Mixer multi-row layout. + * Fix incorrect destruction order for VST3 modules. + * Ignore snap while ALT key is pressed, on the main track-view and + the MIDI clip editors. + * Fix IPlugView leaks for VST3 plugins. + +- update to 0.9.19: + - Session directory auto-name option added to the session properties + dialog, as convenience. + - Loading and saving a LV2 plugin's state has been vastly improved. + IMPORTANT CAVEAT: From this moment onwards, when loading any newer + saved sessions into older versions of the program, all LV2 plugins + won't get their state restored correctly. + - Track colors saturation introduced as yet another eye-candy option + (cf. View/Options.../Display/Track color saturation) + - Fixed VST3 number of channels query/report. + - Fixed immediate crash when loading untitled or unnamed Instrument + Definitions files (*.ins): base file-name is now taken as default + instrument definition name or title. + - Tempo (BPM) entry may now be specified with arbitrary precision, to + at most 3 decimal positions in fractional part, while integer whole + values are displayed with no decimal point. + - Added option to keep MIDI clip editor windows (aka. piano-roll) + always on top of the main window (cf. View/Options.../General/ + Keep editor windows always on top). + - MIDI clip editor status-bar labels are not stretched to whole text + size anymore, most specially for the current file complete path. + - When under NSM, all top-level windows, main, mixer and connections, + will always start hidden. + - Plugin editors (GUIs) that are currently open on a track are now + brought up as top-level windows immediately when a track is made + current or highlighted (and Track / Auto Monitor is in effect). + - MIDI clip editor mouse hovering effect extended to whole current + note line on main view (piano-roll eye-candy++); also, the white + keys on MIDI clip editor's virtual piano keyboard, are now fully + highlighted. + - Plugin search paths (cf. View/Options.../Plugins/Paths) now showing + all the default and actual existing paths, instead of a blank list. + - Undimmed octave divider lines on the piano-roll. + - Fixed potential crash on changing audio output buses channel count. + - Note names display (inside note rectangles) are now an option on + the MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll; menu View > Note Names). + - Early fixing to build for Qt >= 6.0.0 and the C++17 standard. + - Fixed crash when changing an auto-monitored audio track's number + of channels due on switching its audio output bus. + - Avoid a complete track re-open when changing properties, unless + either input or output buses are changed. + - Fixed custom track icon selection when none is currently set. + - Experimental / High resolution plugin automation (14-bit) options + is now also removed from View > Options... > Plugins dialog. + - Audio Clip / Export... now takes into account custom fixed gain + property (shamefully missing for the whole last decade to date). + - Finally indulged on dummy LV2 plug-in CVPort support, just to + avoid certain immediate and sudden crashes when inserting those + kind of 'non-functional' plugins accidentally. + - Bring the Track Export dialog down to Clip Merge/Export as well, + for optional file type and format selection. + - When enabled, do auto-save upon adding or inserting a new plugin. + - Make sure LV2 plug-in UI GTK2 and X11 native support is selected + first by default on top to libsuil. + - Both out-of-process plugin inventory scan and LV2 Dynamic manifest + options have been removed from View > Options... > Plugins dialog. + - Fixed deprecated stuff on an early preparation for Qt6. + - Fixed MIDI tracks export that were missing the end-of-export tail + parameter and bailing out always with default SMF format anyway. + - Fixed VST3 component/controller inter-connection. + - LV2 Atom/Port-event host notification support has been retouched, + but still unofficial though. + - Fixed VST3 audio-processor initialization/activation when a plugin + has no inputs or outputs present. + - Let main window pseudo-asynchronous stabilization re. menus, tools + and status bars, just faster and immediate. + - Fixed MIDI track monitor reinstantiation and reset. + +- Update to version 0.9.14 and fix factory build. +- Upstream changes: + * LV2 plug-in UI GTK2 and X11 in Qt5 host native support in addition + and alternative to libsuil. + * Generic plug-in/Properties... dialog now showing each + parameter/property automation status on a skeuomorphic aka. fake and + tiny LED ;) + * LV2 Plug-in Patch parameter/properties automation and MIDI + Controller assignment/learn are now a possibility. + * LV2 Atom/Port-event host notification support has been implemented + (unofficial). + * Fix clean-up of any recording leftovers. + * JACK Transport latency is now taken into account for recording + latency compensation. + * Attempt to force correct audio clip offsets due on recording latency + compensation are not quantized to MIDI metronomic time-scale anymore. + * LV2 Plug-in MIDNAM support introduced. + * Use Shift or Ctrl keyboard modifiers with the mouse *wheel to change + any Direct Access plug-in parameters (issue #257). + * All meters background color are now customize-able (cf. + View/Options.../Display/Meters, color level "Back"). + * Automatic mixer grid layout (multi-row) is now in effect + permanently--being an option no more. + * Always show plugins and meters on track list/left pane as permanent + standard now. + * LV2 UI Request-value feature/interface support has been implemented. + * Audio output monitoring meters are now shown/hidden auto-magically + on MIDI tracks and/or buses--no need for some user preference option + anymore (ie. View/ Options.../Plugins/Instruments/Show audio output + monitoring meters, is now gone). + * Default track height has been slightly increased. + * Track / Duplicate Track... now also takes a MIDI track's audio + meters setting into account. + * Fixed first bar/measure position drawing on the time-scale/grid + across time-signature changes on the MIDI clip editor (aka. + piano-roll) (hopefully fixing issue #245). + * Plugins and meters on track list/left pane, are now being set on as + default--maybe going stapled in some near future ;) + * Avoid resetting top or left position when zooming with mouse pointer + is in main tracks or MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) views. + * Basic key-signature has been added to tempo, time -signature and + location markers map. + * MIDI Clip editor (aka. piano-roll) horizontal and vertical splitter + sizes, widths and heights resp. are now preserved as user preferences + and also to session state. + quadrapassel +- Update to version 40.2: + + Reduced the size of the border so shapes start at the top of + the playing area. + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Press return to restart game. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.1: + + Updated game description to provide a better description. + + Fix for incorrect preview shape when difficult blocks is + selected. + + Set application avatar in Gitlab. + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.05: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.36.04: + + Update to the icon. + + Let the input delay for fast movement be configurable. + + Change "piece" to "block". + + Updated translations. + quilter +- Update to 3.3.4: + * Listen to feedback, act upon it and make Quilter even better. + * Fix warnings that were printed when running the app + * WebView.vala / FileManager.vala - Use YAML'd markdown files + to good use + * po/ - update instructions + * MainWindow.vala - small change + * Styling - Make Sepia better styled + * Merge branch 'master' of + * Fix flatpak nightly + * headerbar.ui - Make View Type submenu look better + * HeaderBar.vala - Less wordy tooltips + * Missing tooltips re-added + * Update screenshots + * Small fix on CSS + * SideBar.vala / HeadrBar.vala - Use a Hdy.Flap + * Fix an oops for Focus Mode + * StatusBar.vala - Use a "statusbar" holding the text tracker + * HeaderBar.vala - Move View Mode switcher to Main Menu + * SearchBar.vala - Make the Search look attached to the + headerbar + * HeaderBar.vala - Move Statusbar components here / Add Save + button + * SideBar.vala - Select row in Files intelligently + * Outline should now work, finally + * UI Files - Ported Preferences and Searchbar to use .ui files. + * MainWindow.vala / SideBar.vala - Finally update the outline + even on ephemeral files (cache) + * statusbar.ui - make StatusBar.vala use a .ui file + * Various Optimizations and minor UI fixes + * sidebarbox.ui file has to have the activatable prop set to + true (1) + * small fix; the create a new file should be here + * on startup, start with a blank doc. + * sidebar/sidebarbox.ui - Change SideBar and SideBarBox.vala + into templated classes powered by .ui + * rename Devel icon to have no period between Quilter and Devel + * headerbar.ui - Headerbar is now made via UI file + * SideBar / SideBarBox / HeaderBar / styling - changes all + around + * ... + +- Update to 2.5.1: + * Urgent Fix: Major error crashing the app while in Preview. + +- Update to 2.5.0: + * Fix: Many file operation fixes both in backend and in UI. + quvi +- Add quvi-glibc-2.34.patch: Fix build with glibc 2.34, where + 'write' is an internally used name. + -- Update to version 0.2.14: - + Adds new tests; - + Many fixes on .lua files; - + Support for newer sites; - + Adds ART TV support; - + Extends HTML entity conversion table; - + Many other small fixes (ChangeLog file)... -- Spec changes: updated license (LGPLv2.1), fixed %files, added - %{soname} macro for easier maintenance, other minor fixes. - qview +- update to 4.0 + * Integrate native cocoa components on macOS for a more native-like experience, as well as just working on the macOS experience in general + * Add rename function + * Include support for .heif, .avif, and .apng images + * Extra titlebar mode that shows only the image name and the position in the folder + * Opt-in update notification system that works right after the program starts + * Add randomized sort option + * You can now close a window with Ctrl/⌘+W + * Text in the file info dialog is now selectable + * Added configurable minimum size for "window matches image size" option + * Improved error messages + * Add icons to recents menu + * Fix weird titlebar vibrancy on macOS + * Fix image not filling window properly with titlebar enabled + * Fixed window position issue with vertical monitor setups + * Fixed fullscreen causing window size to reset + * Fixed various bugs with recents, shortcuts, and options due to a massive refactoring project to hopefully make maintenance easier in the future + * Fix awful hi-dpi sizing + * Fix bug with opening images from Finder replacing currently open images on macOS + * Distribute Appimages for Linux through a new CI pipeline + * Distribute build for legacy OS X 10.10+ + * Include symbolic icon on linux (for GNOME, primarily) + * Include appdata manifest on linux + qxtglobalshortcut +- update to 688715b349f7661f55347252850839e85e0a5e00 + * add const to x11 isValid + r128gain +- Update to version 1.0.4: + * Drop Python 3.5 support + * Add typing annotations + * Fix AAC file support + +- Update to version 1.0.3: + * Fix race causing futures to be forgotten too early + * Read/write MP4 tags using lowercase key format (fixes #22) + +- Update to version 1.0.2: + * Better handling of non unicode filenames + * Pass ffmpeg verbosity flags + radamsa +- Drop no longer working downlaod url + raft +- raft 0.11.2: + * set start_index correctly when no closed segments are present + * uv_segment code correctnes fixes + * replication: do not send snapshots to offline nodes + +- raft 0.11.1: + * libuv implementation will use lz4 to compress snapshots + * minor bug fixes + +- raft 0.10.1: + * Add raft_set_initial_shapshot_timeout to API + +- raft 0.9.25: + * Add APIs to configure timeouts when promoting a stand-by + * Improve detection of the version of the ZFS kernel module + * Honor endianness when decoding test FSM commands + +- raft 0.9.24: + * updates to tests + +- raft 0.9.23: + * Disable async for UBIFS + * Reset vote when converting to candidate and starting a prevote round + * use internal configuration APIs in uv module + +- raft 0.9.22: + * various raft protocol fixes + ragel +- Update to release 7.0.4 + * No changelog provided + * The ragel-devel package is gone. A number of header files seem + to have moved to colm-devel (but in new locations, so may + need update "#include" lines in your programs). +- Add paths.patch + +- Update Git URL. + +- Update to new upstream release + * No changelog provided + +- Update to new upstream release + * No changelog was provided again + rapid-photo-downloader +- Update to version 0.9.27a3 + - Fixed bug #1946407: Work around apparent float to int + conversion when calling Qt from Python 3.10 on Fedora 35 beta. + - Fixed bug #33: Files with unique identifier added via error + handling are not marked as downloaded. + - Added folder 'Screenshots' to list of ignored paths. Remove + this folder from the list of ignored paths in the program + Preferences dialog if you do wish to download from a path that + contains this folder. + - Fix bug #1924933: Exception when scanning device with + problematic connection. + - Fix bug #1909904: python3-libunity package dumps core on + Fedora. The script will now uninstall + python3-libunity if it is found on the system, as using it + causes a calling program like Rapid Photo Downloader to crash. + - Include Python package setuptools in listing of + required of runtime packages. It has been required for some + time, but the README did not specify it. + - The script will no longer install pyheif on + Raspberry Pi OS because user feedback indicates pyheif fails to + build on that OS. If pyheif does in fact build on your install + of Raspberry Pi OS, you can install it using Python's pip. + +- Update to version 0.9.27a2 + - Fix bug #30: iPhone7 serial number format not recognized. + - Fix bug #1938341: Albanian translations not compiled. + +- Update to version 0.9.27a1 + - iOS devices are now accessed using a software library written + specifically to communicate with iOS devices, libimobiledevice. + Previously, gPhoto2 was used, but gPhoto2 is unreliable with + iOS because it appears Apple does not follow the PTP standard. + Please note that on some systems, it can take some minutes for + the iOS device to appear after it has been plugged in. + - Python 3.6 is now the minimum Python version. + - Update script to correctly enable Power Tools + repository on CentOS 8, and the Qt5 wayland package on Fedora + and CentOS 8. + - Update Albanian and Polish translations. +- new Requires imobiledevice-tools ifuse fuse + raspberrypi-rpiboot +- remove libusb-compat - it only uses libusb-1.0 + ratslap +- Update to 0.4.1 + * QB#113 - Configure DPI #[1-4], DPI Default and * DPI Shift values + * QB#125 - Error assigning Num+ + * QB#126 - Doco should generate HTML versions + * QB#128 - Unrecognised keys silently ignored + * QB#129 - Add missing keys + * Documentation fixes + * Fixed recommendations by LGTM (GitHub #22) + * Add automatic code scanning (CodeQL) + * `dpishift` fix (fixes GitHub #23) + raw-thumbnailer +- Replace pkgconfig(libopenraw-gnome-1.0) BuildRequires with + libopenraw-devel: the .pc file changed name between 0.0.x and + 0.1.x. Requiring the generic -devel name is easier than following + upstreams namechanges. +- In case we build against libopenraw-gnome-0.1, update the build + system to look for the right pc file using sed. + rawtherapee +- Backport patch for glibc 2.34 compatibility, add + fix-glibc_234-build.patch + +- Fix sgfault on exit, add patch fix-segfault-on-exit.patch + boo#1186455 + +- Adding -fno-tree-loop-vectorize because GCC10 causes a weird bug: + + razercfg +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_razerd.service.patch + rbutil +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * Support for mks5lboot installation (iPod 6G) + * Fix crash when detecting a supported player in MTP mode. +- Update patch: + * rbutil-fix-versionstring.patch +- Add patch to fix gcc10 compilation errors (boo#1160244) + * 0001-imxtools-sbtools-fix-compilation-with-gcc-10.patch + rclone -- Fix build on aarch64 and armv7 by adding: - BuildRequires: binutils-gold +- Update to 1.57.0 + * See for the + complete changelog. + * Major new features + - Use go1.17 for building and make go1.14 the minimum supported. + - fs: Move with --ignore-existing will not delete skipped files. + - touch: Add support for touching files in directory, with + recursive option, filtering and --dry-run/-i. + +- Update to 1.56.1 + * See for the + complete changelog. + * accounting: Fix maximum bwlimit by scaling scale max token bucket + size + * rc: Fix speed does not update in core/stats + * selfupdate: Fix --quiet option, not quite quiet + * serve http: Fix serve http exiting directly after starting + * Apply gofmt from golang 1.17 + * Update Go to 1.16 and NDK to 22b for android/any +- Changes in 1.56.0 + * See for the + complete changelog. + +- Update to version 1.55.1 + * VFS: Fix a code path which allows dirty data to be removed + causing data loss + * Compress: Fix compressed name regexp + * Drive: Fix backend copyid of google doc to directory + * Don't open browser when service account + * Dropbox: Add missing team_data.member scope for use + with --impersonate + * Fix About after scopes changes - rclone config reconnect + needed + * Fix Unable to decrypt returned paths from changeNotify + * FTP: Fix implicit TLS + * Onedrive: Work around for random "Unable to initialize RPS" errors + * SFTP: Fix Update ReadFrom failed: failed to send packet: EOF errors + * Zoho: Fix error when region isn't set + * Do not ask for mountpoint twice when using headless setup + +- Update to version 1.55.0 + * See for the + complete changelog. + +- Update to version 1.54.1 + * Bug Fixes + - accounting: Fix --bwlimit when up or down is off (Nick Craig-Wood) + - docs + + Fix nesting of brackets and backticks in ftp docs (edwardxml) + + Fix broken link in sftp page (edwardxml) + + Fix typo in (Romeo Kienzler) + + Changelog: Correct link to (Alex JOST) + + Replace #file-caching with #vfs-file-caching (Miron Veryanskiy) + + Convert bogus example link to code (edwardxml) + + Remove dead link from (edwardxml) + - rc: Sync,copy,move: document createEmptySrcDirs parameter (Nick Craig-Wood) + - lsjson: Fix unterminated JSON in the presence of errors (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Mount + - Fix mount dropping on macOS by setting --daemon-timeout 10m (Nick Craig-Wood) + * VFS + - Document simultaneous usage with the same cache shouldn't be used (Nick Craig-Wood) + * B2 + - Automatically raise upload cutoff to avoid spurious error (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix failed to create file system with application key limited to a prefix (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Drive + - Refer to Shared Drives instead of Team Drives (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Dropbox + - Add scopes to oauth request and optionally "" (Nick Craig-Wood) + * S3 + - Fix failed to create file system with folder level permissions policy (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix Wasabi HEAD requests returning stale data by using only 1 transport (Nick Craig-Wood) + - Fix shared_credentials_file auth (Dmitry Chepurovskiy) + - Add --s3-no-head to reducing costs docs (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Union + - Fix mkdir at root with remote:/ (Nick Craig-Wood) + * Zoho + - Fix custom client id's (buengese) + +- Update to 1.54.0: + * New backends + - Compression remote (experimental) + - Enterprise File Fabric + - HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System + - Zoho workdrive + * New Features + - Deglobalise the config + - Add --bwlimit for upload and download + - Enhance systemd integration + - Add a --download flag to md5sum/sha1sum/hashsum to force rclone + to download and hash files locally + - Add --progress-terminal-title to print ETA to terminal title + - Make backend env vars show in help as the defaults for backend flags + - dedupe: add '--by-hash' and '--dedupe-mode list' + - obscure: Make rclone osbcure - ignore newline at end of line + - serve ftp: Add options to enable TLS + - serve http/webdav: Redirect requests to the base url without the / + - serve restic: Implement object cache + - stats: Add counter for deleted directories + - sync: Only print "There was nothing to transfer" if no errors + * Bug fixes + - log: Fix enabling systemd logging when using --log-fil + - move: Fix data loss when source and destination are the same object + - operations: Fix --cutof-mode and --immutable + * Docs update + * Mount fixes + * VFS fixes + * Local fixes + * Azure + - Add support for service principals + - Add support for managed identities + - Utilize the streaming capabilities from the SDK for multipart uploads + - Fix setting of mime types + - Fix crash when listing outside a SAS URL's root + - Require go1.14+ to compile due to SDK changes + * B2 + - Make NewObject use less expensive API calls + - Fixed crash on an empty file name + * Box + - Fix NewObject for files that differ in case + - Fix finding directories in a case insentive way + * Drive + - Implement rclone backend copyid command for copying files by ID + - Added flag --drive-stop-on-download-limit to stop transfers + when the download limit is exceeded + - Implement CleanUp workaround for team drives + - Allow shortcut resolution and creation to be retried + - Log that emptying the trash can take some time + * Dropbox + - Add support for viewing shared files and folders + - Enable short lived access tokens + - Implement IDer on Objects so rclone lsf etc can read the IDs + - Set Features ReadMimeType to false as Object.MimeType not supported + - Make malformed_path errors from too long files not retriable + * S3 + - Added --s3-disable-http2 to disable http/2 + - Complete SSE-C implementation + - Add --s3-no-head parameter to minimise transactions on upload + - Add requester pays option + - Fix copy multipart with v2 auth failing with 'SignatureDoesNotMatch' + * SFTP + - Allow cert based auth via optional pubkey + - Allow user to optionally check server hosts key to add security + - Defer asking for user passwords until the SSH connection succeeds + - Remember entered password in AskPass mode + - Implement Shutdown method + - Make --tpslimit apply + - Implement --sftp-use-fstat for unusual SFTP servers + * Various fixes to other providers + +- Update to 1.53.4: + * Bug Fixes + - accounting: Fix data race in Transferred() + - build + + Stop tagged releases making a current beta + - fs: Parseduration: fixed tests to use UTC time + - fshttp: Prevent overlap of HTTP headers in logs + - rc + + Fix core/command giving 500 internal error + + Add Copy method to rc.Params + + Fix 500 error when marshalling errors from core/command + + plugins: Create plugins files only if webui is enabled. + - serve http: Fix serving files of unknown length + - serve sftp: Fix authentication on one connection blocking others + * Mount + - Add "." and ".." to directories to match cmount and expectations + * VFS + - Make cache dir absolute before using it to fix path too long errors + * Chunker + - Improve detection of incompatible metadata + * Google Cloud Storage + - Fix server side copy of large objects + * Jottacloud + - Fix token renewer to fix long uploads + - Fix token refresh failed: is not a regular file error + * Pcloud + - Only use SHA1 hashes in EU region + * Sharefile + - Undo Fix backend due to API swapping integers for strings + * WebDAV + - Fix Open Range requests to fix 4shared mount + - Add "Depth: 0" to GET requests to fix bitrix rcm +- Update to version 1.3.4 + * BUGFIX: Globs no longer expand permanently (Edd Salkield). + * BUGFIX: Show $ for symlinked dirs in `lsrc -F` (Mathias Michel). + * Feature: All symlinks in input are rejected (Mat M). + * Packaging improvements (Stephen Groat, Martin Frost, Link Dupont). + +- drop source service +- rcm 1.3.3 + * Feature: Expand ~ in DOTFILES_DIR hooks (Eric Collins). +- rcm 1.3.2 + * BUGFIX: Use =, not ==, in test(1) (Florian Tham). + * BUGFIX: Directories with spaces in rcup(1) (Florian Tham). + * BUGFIX: Fallback the LOGNAME from whoami (AJ Villalobos, Mike Burns). + * BUGFIX: Fix cd for paths beginning with hyphen (-) (Christian Höltje). + * Feature: Expand ~ in DOTFILES_DIR (Rebecca Meritz). + * Documentation improvements (Alan Yee, Eric Collins, Florian Tham, kajisha, + Matthew Horan, maxice8, Mike Burns, Rebecca Meritz, Scott Stevenson, + Tyson Gach, Yota Toyama). + -- release 1.2.1 - -- rcm 1.2.0 release - rdesktop +- remove dependency on python2 + * add rdesktop-convert-map.python3.patch, remove obsolete + rdesktop-Fix-keymap-script.patch + rdma-core +- Update to v38.0 (jsc#SLE-18383) + - Bugfixes on all providers + - New provider for irdma support + +- Add rdma-ndd to recommended depencies of rdma-core + re2 +- Use newer libs and GCC on Leap 15.3 & 15.4 + read-edid +- Fix build with gcc10. + * read-edid-fix-gcc10-build.patch + recidivm +- update to version 0.2 + * Capture stdin by default when stdio is not a tty. + (This should make the -c option redundant for most practical purposes.) + * Error out when target program fails regardless of memory limit. + * Print the help message (-h) on stdout, not stderr. + * Print signal names (e.g. “SIGABRTâ€) instead of numbers with descriptions + (e.g. “signal 6 (Aborted)â€). + * Close unneeded file descriptors. + * Unlink the temporary file as early as possible. + * Improve the build system: + + Set default PREFIX and DESTDIR. + + Add “test-installed†target. + + Add checks against BSD make. + (Only GNU make is supported.) + recordmydesktop +- Update to version 0.4.0 + * Respect TMPDIR if set instead of always using /tmp + * Fix crash when XFixesGetCursorImage() returns NULL + * Fix video encoding with newer versions of libtheora by defaulting + v_bitrate to 0 + * Change default ALSA device to "default" + * Make --rescue work again + * Completely reformat man page + * Use libpopt for option parsing +- Drop upstream fixed patches + * recordmydesktop-x11-includes.patch + * recordmydesktop-gcc-includes.patch + * recordmydesktop-sane-theora-defaults.patch + -- moved to Packman - redfishtool +- Update to version 1.1.5 + * Added --no-proxy option. + * Fixed missing documentation to show PowerCycle is a valid + reset option. + +- Update to version 1.1.4 + * Renamed the package to not conflict with the name of the script + * Added additional script for Windows compatibility +- Update to version 1.1.3 + * Added inventory and sensor options + redis +- Fix CVE-2021-32627, CVE-2021-32628 Integer to heap buffer overflows + (CVE-2021-32627, CVE-2021-32628, bsc#1191305) + * cve-2021-32627.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-32687 Integer to heap buffer overflow with intsets + (CVE-2021-32687, bsc#1191302) + * cve-2021-32687.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-32762, Integer to heap buffer overflow issue in + redis-cli and redis-sentinel (CVE-2021-32762, bsc#1191300) + * cve-2021-32762.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-32626, Specially crafted Lua scripts may result with + Heap buffer overflow (CVE-2021-32626, bsc#1191306) + * cve-2021-32626.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-32672, Random heap reading issue with Lua Debugger + (CVE-2021-32672, bsc#1191304) + * cve-2021-32672.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-32675, Denial Of Service when processing RESP request + payloads with a large number of elements on many connections + (CVE-2021-32675, bsc#1191303) + * cve-2021-32675.patch +- Fix CVE-2021-41099, Integer to heap buffer overflow handling + certain string commands and network payloads + (CVE-2021-41099, bsc#1191299) + * cve-2021-41099.patch + rednotebook +- Update to version 2.22 + * Add a "Give Feedback" button + +- update to 2.21: + * Update MathJax to version 3 (#515, @dgcampea). + * Fix date references in CEF-based HtmlView (#544, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + * Fix drag and drop (#492, @dgcampea). + * Fix external previews (Eric Chazan). + * Document how to change the theme on Windows (#487, Ankur A. Sharma). + * Allow symlinking to `./run` script (#509). + * Reload GTK theme colors when saving the journal (#485). + * Don't use dark mode for exported HTML files (#486). + * Use PNG version instead of SVG for RedNotebook icons to avoid problems on macOS. + * Use GitHub actions for continuous integration testing. + * Use background and foreground colors from GTK theme for HTML preview. + * Fix HTML colors for dark themes (#474). + +- update to 2.16 + + Add menu items for adding titles (#464, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Upgrade to version 1.2 (#470). + +- update to 2.15 + + Fix tray icon on Windows (#394). + 2.14 (2019-11-17) + + Support entry reference links in exported HTML (#452, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Add support for dark themes to cloud panel (#438). + 2.13 (2019-11-07) + + Change unnamed date references from 2019-11-06 to [2019-11-06] (#458, #460, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Add option for controlling number of displayed tags (#456, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Fix setting maximum number of displayed tags (#461). + 2.12 (2019-11-02) + + Allow linking between days with dates like 2019-02-14 and `[named links 2019-02-14]` (#176, #444, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Allow opening statistics dialog multiple times in one session (#370, #457, PaweÅ‚ Å»ukowski). + + Warn about outdated backups every week by default. + + Increase default width of left panel to ensure that the calendar is fully visible (#376). + 2.11.1 (2019-04-07) + + Always initialize spell checking whenever we switch text buffers (fixes #435). + 2.11 (2019-03-26) + + Revert to GTK 3.18 stack on Windows (fixes #429 and #430). + 2.10 (2019-03-24) + + Automatically push newest version to flathub. + 2.9.1 (2019-03-20) + + Disable internal preview on Windows again since it sometimes crashes the app. + 2.9 (2019-03-17) + + Use Python 3.6 and GTK 3.22 on Windows. + + Build Windows installer with Appveyor. + 2.8.1 (2019-03-17) + + Load the correct template for a given weekday (fixes #416). + + Clear text buffers when opening a new journal (fixes #421). + + Minor bug fixes. + 2.8 (2018-11-15) + + Support internal previews on Windows again (#369). + 2.7.1 (2018-11-13) + + Never let search phrases end up in the main text field (fixes #401). + + Fix spell checking (fixes #412). + 2.7 (2018-11-06) + + Use GtkSourceView for editor to obtain better undo/redo functionality (thanks @takluyver). + + When saving, update the list of tags in the auto-complete list for the search. + + Fix opening RedNotebook homepage from About dialog (#411). + 2.6.1 (2018-08-21) + + Fix bug preventing new installations from starting up. + 2.6 (2018-08-20) + + Move date format option to preferences dialog. + + Use date format option for date in titlebar. + + Remember selected date format for exports between sessions. + + Check remote file for latest version number. + + Check for latest version in separate thread. + 2.5 (2018-06-08) + + Restore instant search (search as you type). + + Add option for disabling instant search to preferences dialog. + + Disable undo/redo buttons in preview mode (fixes #103). + + Remove option to show/hide right-side tags panel from GUI (still present in configuration file). + 2.4 (2018-03-07) + + Make search significantly faster by indexing all days. + + Allow searching for multiple words. + + Add AppVersion to InnoSetup file. + + Homepage: Switch to HTTPS. + redsea +- Update to version 0.20 + * Recognize more ODAs and features. + * Add support for PTY names (group 10A). + * Add partial support for DAB cross-referencing. + * Add support for raw broadcaster data in EON (variant 15). + * Add support for transparent data channels (groups 5A, 5B). + * Add support for fractional seconds in the rx timestamp + format (%f). + * Add support for TMC tuning info variant 8. + * Add buffer delay compensation to rx timestamps. Timestamps + aim to represent the time the PCM samples were read in. + * Place some JSON fields in the beginning of the line for + easier visual inspection (pi, group, ps...). + * Print raw ODA data if the application is not supported. + +- Update to version 0.19 + * Add option --show-raw (-R) for including the raw group data + as a hex string in the JSON output + * Print usage help if there are non-option arguments on the + command line + * Fix uninitialized block error rate values on some systems + * Update jsoncpp from 1.8.1 to 1.8.4 to fix some warnings + redshift +- redshift-gtk require python-pyxdg, not incompatible python-xdg (boo#1179328) + Downgrade to a Recommends since it only affects autostart installation +- Remove temporary apparmor profile fix (fix_apparmor.patch) + +- Update apparmor profile to work around boo#1174290 + +- fix apparmor profile - fix_apparmor.patch boo#1111906 + +- Move python3-xdg dependency to redshift-gtk. + It's not needed for redshift itself, which is a pure C program. +- Don't require geoclue, only recommend it. +- Build and install AppArmor profile. +- desktop.patch: Do not start redshift in terminal window. + +- Use noun phrase in summary, and expand description. + +- Drop pkgconfig(gconf-2.0) BuildRequires: No longer needed, nor + used. + +- Change location providers to allow updates. GeoClue and CoreLocation + now provide continuous location updates. + - Removes deprecated original GeoClue location provider (use + GeoClue 2 instead). + - Allow time-based configuration i.e. setting the redness effect + based on time of day instead of based on the elevation of the + sun. See the man page for more information. + - Config file moved to ~/.config/redshift/redshift.conf (or + ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/redshift/redshift.conf) if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME is + set. Old location at ~/.config/redshift.conf is deprecated but + still searched as a fallback. + - Run hooks when enabling/disabling Redshift. + - Default temperatures changed to 6500K during daytime and 4500K + during night. + - With randr, allow multiple but not all CRTCs to be redshifted. + - Option for enabling a short fade between color effects is now + called `fade` instead of `transition` in the configuration file. + Term transition caused a lot of confusion about what this option + does (the old option still works but is deprecated). + - The preserve option is enabled by default for vidmode, randr, + Windows (w32gdi) and macOS (quartz). The option is now controlled + by the -P command line option. + - Work around issue where Windows adjustments sometimes fail. + - Install AppArmor profile. + - quartz: Fix incorrect use of display identifier. + - Various bug fixes and updated translations. + regionServiceClientConfigEC2 +- Update to version 3.1.0 (bsc#1029162) + + Add IPv6 addresses to config + + Include IPv6 certificates + + Requires cloud-regionsrv-client >= v9.3.0 + -- Update to version 1.0.0 - + use ful path for data collector - + fix provides - reiser4progs +- Update to release 2.0.4 + * Format release 5.1.3. + * Logical Volumes with parallel scaling out, fair distribution + and transparent data migration capabilities. + * Proxy device support (Tiering, Burst Buffers). + * Selective file migration and "immobile file status support". + +- Update to release 2.0.0 + * v5 device format support + +- Modernize specfile. + -- package added into BuildService [bnc#366250] - -- split off devel sub-package -- not using %run_ldconfig macro - -- added libaal-devel to buildreq - remake +- Update to version 4.3+dbg-1.5 + * New and Changed Features: + + --search parent -- I really like this one. + + --tasks -- the definition of a "tasks" has been simplified. + Now, it is simply a target that has a description + comment (#:) before it. +- Remove these two outdated patches, they are merged into upstream + * glob-interface.patch + * glob-lstat.patch + +- Fix building with gcc10 + -- update to remake-3.81+dbg-0.3 - -- cleanups where rpmlint wasn't so happy - remind +- rem2html is included, cleanup of specfile +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 9 - 2021-10-14 +- NEW FEATURE: Add "-+username" option to tell Remind to trust files owned by + "username" and allow RUN directives in them. Idea courtesy of Ian! D. Allen +- NEW FEATURE: Add "-u+username" variant to tell Remind to switch users to + "username" without disabling RUN directives. Idea courtesy of Ian! D. Allen +- CHANGE: rem2html: rem2html has been moved out of the www/ directory into + its own rem2html/ directory. If your system has the prerequisites + (namely Perl, Getopt::Long and JSON::Any) then rem2html will be installed + by "make install". +- CHANGE: Remove "cm2rem". It was about 20 years obsolete. +- CHANGE: rem2html: Use inline data: URL images for moon images by default, + thus producing a completely stand-alone HTML file. +- CHANGE: Remove unnecessary spaces from "remind -pp" JSON output. +- DOCUMENTATION FIX: Various man page fixes and tweaks. +- BUG FIX: rem2html: Tweak the default CSS stylesheet; more rational + handling of rem2html command-line options. +- BUG FIX: remind: "remind -c" would sometimes highlight *two* days as + "today"; this has been fixed. +- BUG FIX: Add a missing #ifdef...#endif and remove a C99-ism. This once again + allows Remind to be compiled with some very old C compilers. + +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 8 - 2021-09-13 +- NEW FEATURE: remind: Add INCLUDECMD command +- NEW FEATURE: remind: Add shellescape() built-in function +- BUG FIX: tkremind: TkRemind would sometimes fill in incorrect initial + values for the reminder-editing form if you clicked on a TkRemind-created + reminder to edit it. This has been fixed. +- BUG FIX: tkremind: Get back better error messages from Remind if you + try to create a reminder with an invalid date specification. +- BUG FIX: remind: Catch integer overflow if we try to evaluate $IntMin * -1 +- DOC UPDATES: remind: Minor man page fixes + +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 7 - 2021-05-10 +- MINOR FIX: Refuse to run "make test" as root --- it would fail + anyway with an obscure message. +- BUG FIX: Remind would sometimes compute incorrect trigger date for: + REM Tue 29 Feb MSG ... +- BUG FIX: Remind would sometimes compute incorrect trigger date for + a date spec like: Tue 31 2021 MSG ... + +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 6 - 2021-03-30 +- test/test.rem: Change local to en_US.utf-8 only if current locale + is not a UTF-8 locale. +- MINOR CHANGE: Remind's arithemtic operators (+, -, *, /) give errors + on overflow rather than silently giving the wrong answer. +- MINOR CHANGE: Add $IntMin and $IntMax system variables. +- DOCUMENTATION FIX: Document that TkRemind now requires Tcl/Tk version + 8.5 or newer. + +- update to remind 3.3.5 +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 5 - 2021-01-21 +- NEW FEATURE: tkremind: Add ability to change fonts and colors from + within TkRemind "Options" dialog. +- CHANGE: tkremind: TkRemind now requires Tcl/Tk 8.5 or newer. +- CHANGE: tkremind: You can specify the location of the options + file on the command-line if you want to use one other than ~/.tkremindrc +- CLEANUP: tkremind: Remove "Apply Options" from Options dialog; we only + need "Save Options". +- DOC FIX: Add missing release note in 3.3.4 notes regarding + setpagedevice patch +- DOC FIX: tkremind: Document shortcut keys. + +- update to remind 3.3.4 +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 4 - 2021-01-12 +- NEW FEATURE: If "inotifywait" is installed, TkRemind uses it to refresh + the calendar display right away when the reminders file/directory is updated. + This makes TkRemind react almost instantly if external tools are editing + or updating reminders. +- MINOR NEW FEATURE: rem2ps has a new '-x' option; this puts the day numbers + on the top-left of the day's box instead of the top-right. +- MINOR FIXES: A typo in remind.1 was fixed; additional comments regarding + UNTIL were added. +- BUG FIX: rem2ps: Call setpagedevice to set page size + Based on a patch from Jonathan Kamens + +- update to remind 3.3.3 +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 3 - 2020-11-09 +- BUG FIX: Fix startup crash in TkRemind if "Show Today's Reminders on + Startup" is enabled (which, unfortunately, is the default.) Bug reported + by Martin Ziemer. + +- update to remind 3.3.2 +- CHANGES TO REMIND + * VERSION 3.3 Patch 2 - 2020-11-08 +- MINOR NEW FEATURE: Add MAYBE-UNCOMPUTABLE keyword; see the man page + and discussion at + +- CHANGE: TkRemind always invokes Remind with the "-itkremind=1" option, + even when printing. NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY: This is a behavior change! + When you print from TkRemind, we also invoke Remind with "-itkprint=1" + so you can detect that PostScript is being generated. +- CHANGE: The maxmimum length of a variable name has been increased from + 16 characters to 64 characters. Modern computers have plenty of memory. +- BUG FIXES: Minor documentation updates, typo fixes, clarifications, etc. +- BUG FIX: Fix calendar-drawing alignment errors when displaying UTF-8 + strings with zero-width combining characters and strings with tabs. +- BUG FIX: TkRemind would mess up placement of the WEEK special if invoked + with the "-m" option. This has been fixed. +- BUG FIX: TkRemind would sometimes fail with an error message when editing + a reminder; this is because it was interpreting months 08 and 09 as + illegal octal numbers. This has been fixed. + +- update to remind 3.3.1 +- CHANGE: For overlapping multi-day events, issue a reminder for the + most *recent* event rather than the earliest event. NOTE + INCOMPATIBILITY: This is a behavior change! +- CHANGE: Do not convert 90-99 to 1990-1999 when parsing numbers to + recognize years. NOTE INCOMPATIBILITY: This is a behavior change! +- CHANGE: Revert change to -y option that included filename and line + number in the hash. +- CHANGE: Retain newlines (produced by %_) in JSON output. +- FIX: Document $FormWidth system variable +- FIX: Highlight today's date in "remind -c" output +- FIX: Eliminate compiler warnings on Ubuntu 18.04. +- IMPROVEMENT: Allow times to be specified either in 24-hour mode + (HH:MM or HH.MM) or AM/PM mode (HH:MMam; HH:MMpm, etc.) +- IMPROVEMENT: Allow DURATION to be specified as a time (1:30) or a + number of minutes (90). +- IMPROVEMENT: If terminal size can be determined, set $FormWidth to + terminal width - 8; if not, set $FormWidth to 72. +- MINOR IMPROVEMENT: Add the "ampm()" built-in function. + +- update to remind-3.3.0 +- FIX: rem2ps: Add a %%PageBoundingBox: document structuring convention + comment. +- FIX: rem2ps: Ignore unknown SPECIAL-type reminders. +- IMPROVEMENT: In calendar mode ("-c" option), Remind automatically adjusts + the width of the calendar to fit the terminal window if standard output + is a TTY. +- IMPROVEMENT: Add JSON-based output with "remind -pp" and "remind -ppp" + The JSON-based intermediate format preserves a lot more information + about the original reminder, allowing back-ends more insight into + the intent of the reminder, the recurrence used, etc. See the documentation + in "man rem2ps" +- IMPROVEMENT: TkRemind can "reverse-engineer" reminders that it creates + using the additional information in the "remind -pp" format, so it + doesn't create or use ugly comment blocks to delimit the reminders + it creates. +- IMPROVEMENT: TkRemind: Add popup help to most buttons and controls. +- NEW FEATURE: Add support for $DefaultColor system variable, suggested + by Tim Chase. +- NEW FEATURE: The "-@[n][,m]" command-line option allows colored reminders + in Agenda Mode as well as in Calendar Mode. It also adds support for + terminal emulators that can handle the xterm 256-color escape sequences + as well as the true 24-bit color escape sequences. +- CHANGE: SPECIALs are now case-insensitive. Before, only SPECIAL COLOR + would work. Now you can use Special Color, special color, etc. + +- defattr still needed to support SLE11-SP4 + +- update to remind-3.2.0 +- removed buildroot and defattr calls from spec. No londer needed. +- IMPROVEMENT: Add support for events spanning multiple days (with AT + and DURATION). Add trigeventstart() and trigeventduration() + introspection functions; see "MULTI-DAY EVENTS" in the man page. +- IMPROVEMENT: Add introspection functions trigback(), trigdelta(), + trigduration(), trigfrom(), trigpriority(), trigrep(), + trigscanfrom(), trigtimedelta(), trigtimerep(), and triguntil(). See + man page for details; thanks to Tim Chase for the suggestion. +- IMPROVEMENT: TkRemind: Use PNG images for the next month / previous + month buttons rather than -> and <-. Also use nice anti-aliased + moon phase images instead of ugly blocky bitmaps. +- CHANGE: Modify addition so that previously-illegal combinations + TIME + TIME, TIME + DATETIME and DATETIME + TIME are now allowed. + Also allow DATETIME - TIME. If t1 and t2 are expressions of type TIME + and dt is an expression of type DATETIME, then the following are now + equivalent (before, the expressions on the left-hand side would fail + with a "Type mismatch" error.) + t1 + t2 == t1 + coerce("INT", t2) + dt + t2 == dt + coerce("INT", t2) + t1 + dt == coerce("INT", t1) + dt + dt - t2 == dt - coerce("INT", t2) +- DOC FIX: Document previously-undocumented $MaxStringLen system variable +- DOC FIX: Various minor documentation fixes. +- BUG FIX: Specifying a DURATION without an AT clause results in an error. + Before, it would be accepted but not do anything useful. +- BUG FIX: Catch potential date overflow in slide() function +- BUG FIX: Fix compile error when compiling Romanian version; eliminate + compiler warning when compiling non-English versions. +- BUG FIX: TkRemind: Fix startup failure of TkRemind if options are at + default. :( + -- update to remind-3.1.13 - - BUG FIX: Sunrise/Sunset calculations greatly improved thanks to - John McGowan. Accuracy should now be within a couple of - minutes in most places. - - BUG FIX: Allow specification of margins as low as 0 points in - rem2ps, courtesy of Jonathan Kamens. - - BUG FIX: Permit compilation with gcc 2.95 (which doesn't allow - variable declarations after non-declaration statements in a - block.) - - BUG FIX: Several minor documentation errors corrected courtesy - of Simon Ruderich. - - BUG FIX: Spurious test harness failure was fixed. - -- update to remind-3.1.12 - - NEW FEATURE: Many substitution sequences "%x" have an alternate - mode denoted by "%*x". This alternate mode leaves out - prepositions. For example, in English "%i" might yield "on - 01-25" while "%*i" yields only "01-25". - - BUG FIX: The "dusk" and "dawn" calculations were completely - wrong. They have been fixed. Also, sunrise/sunset calculations - have been tweaked, so the results may be off by a minute or two - compared to previous versions of Remind. - - BUG FIX: For some inexplicable reason, dawn was considered to - happen when the sun was 14 degrees below the horizon instead of - the standard 6 degrees for Civil Dawn. This has been fixed. - - BUG FIXES: Clarified the man pages and fixed some typos. - - BUG FIX: Add THROUGH to the remind.vim syntax highlighting file. - - ENHANCEMENT (?): Allow SPECIAL COLOR to be spelled SPECIAL - COLOUR. - - BUG FIX: Apply minor Debian cleanups reported by Kurt B. Kaiser. - -- disable make check - it breaks the build - -- patch license to follow standard - -- clean up specfile -- enable 'make check' again - -- update to remind-3.1.10 - - add the THROUGH keyword. You can omit blocks of dates - with: OMIT start THROUGH end - - add support for multibyte characters (eg, UTF-8) in calendar - output. Note that UTF-8 strings are still not supported in - PostScript output. - - add support for UTF-8 line-drawing characters in calendar - output - - you can have multiple TAG clauses in a REM statement - - avoid spawning long-running background processes in "make - test" - - don't declare variables in the middle of statements (old C - compilers choke.) - -- update to remind-3.1.9 - - New "purge mode" to delete expired reminders. See - the PURGE MODE section of the remind man page. - - Support DURATION in TkRemind. Thanks to Marek Marczykowski. - - Don't change the order of PS and PSFILE reminders. Bug found - by John McGowan. - - "REM 1990-01-01 SATISFY 1" would yield a spurious parse error - in earlier versions of Remind. - - Yom HaShoah is moved to Thursday if it would normally fall on - a Friday. Thanks to Jonathan Kamens for pointing this out. - -- update to remind-3.1.8 - - Add the $T, $Td, $Tm, $Tw, $Ty, $U, $Ud, $Um, $Uw, $Uy - special variables to make reminder files less wordy. See man page - for details. - - Ignore msgprefix() and msgsuffix() on RUN-type reminders. - - Adjust Remind and Rem2PS so that SHADE specials don't obliterate - earlier MOON specials. - - Fix bug in SCHED calculations if Remind is started in the middle - of a SCHED interval. - -- initial package for Contrib, based on obs://home:code933k/remind - reptyr +- spec-cleaner +- Update to version 0.8.0 + * Resolve a number of bugs in FreeBSD support + * Implement reptyr -T support for FreeBSD + +- Use %make_install. + +- Update to version 0.7.0 + * Add bash completion support + * Fix compilation with musl libc, CentOS, or GCC 7+ + * Support for PowerPC and aarch64 +- Drop patches + 0001-Placate-a-gcc7-warning.patch + 0002-Include-sysmacros.h.patch + 0003-Build-with-fstrict-aliasing.patch + --fix License to be spdx correct - -- initial package, version 0.3 - rescue +- Update to 1.0.4: + * fix no sun audio crash on startup + * fix huge fonts on JDK-13 Linux/GTKTheme hi-res screens + * fix crash on no row selected in keyboard shortcut screen + resolv_wrapper +- Do not own system-directory %{_libdir}/pkgconfig + +- Fix resolv_wrapper test with glibc >= 2.34 + * Added resolv_wrapper_fix_glibc.patch + +- Add gpg armor file as source + +- Update to version 1.1.4 + * Added support for running with Sanitizers + * Added fake resolving of TXT records + * Improved logging support + * Fixed resolv.conf support on FreeBSD + * Fixed alignment issues on FreeBSD + * Fixed using IPv6 address with old glibc versions + * Added support for faking PTR entries + * Added support for faking URI entries + resource-agents -- VirtualDomain RA using migration_network_suffix does create xenmigr - URI causing live migration to fail (bsc#1180668) - Add upstream patch: - 0001-VirtualDomain-drop-prefix-xenmigr-from-migrate-uri.patch - -- SAPInstance fails to detect SAP unit files for systemd - (bsc#1189535) - Add upstream patches: - 0001-SAPInstance_fails_to_detect_SAP_unit_files_for_systemd.patch - 0002-SAPInstance_fails_to_detect_SAP_unit_files_for_systemd.patch +- Update to version 4.10.0+git22.a614b31c: + * asterisk: Sipsak check fix (#1716) + * [rpm] fix Requires to allow install on opensuse (#1721) (jsc#SLE-21043) + * Filesystem: unmount bind mounts before unmount file system + * db2: use -l forever instead of -t nodes -l reboot, as they conflict with eachother + * nginx: replace error log messages with calls to ocf_exit_reason -- (bsc#1186652) New GCP Load Balancer Resource Agent - Adapt +Update from 4.8.0 to 4.10.0 contains fix of following issues: + bsc#1151833 bsc#1154465 bsc#1170270 bsc#1172734 bsc#1180668 + bsc#1184382 bsc#1186652 +- Update to version 4.10.0+git13.7263a78d: + * rabbitmq-server-ha: Revert "OCF RA: Do not start rabbitmq if notification of start is not about us" (#1713) + * asterisk: fix sipsak check during start-action (#1715) + * rabbitmq-server-ha: Avoid forget_cluster_node without node name + * gcp-ilb: only check if log_cmd binary is available if log_enable is true + * rabbitmq-server-ha: use "s"-suffix for timeouts/intervals + * rabbitmq-server-ha: rename and add to Makefiles + * nvmet-subsystem: fix allowed_initiators for to avoid only running once (found by shellcheck) + * gcp-ilb/Squid: fix issues detected by CI + * configure: only run ci/ when shellcheck is present + * RabbitMQ OCF RA M/S HA cluster agent migration (#1698) + * build: update ChangeLog for 4.10.0 + * build: update ChangeLog for 4.10.0-rc1 -- Update to version 4.8.0+git30.d0077df0: - (bsc#1178680) HA-LVM systemid race condition introduces an error "active on 2 nodes" - (bsc#1183971) L3: azure-events puts both nodes in standby - (bsc#1177796) ethmonitor bloats journal with warnings for VLAN - (bsc#1180590) azure-events URLError fixed upstream - (bsc#1184607) gcp-vpc-move-route resource agent file_cache is unavailable when using oauth2client - (bsc#1179977) L3: anything RA stop operation fails if /root/.profile has unexpected content +- Update to version 4.9.0+git25.278c776d: + * portblock: use ss when available, netstat is "obsolete" + * iSCSILogicalUnit: do not use lio_iblock with lio-t + * VirtualDomain: Added the ability to unset utilization variables (#1703) + * nfsserver: Fix NFSv4 lock failover: set NFS Server Scope (#1688) + * metadata.rng: update to support resource agent version according to the OCF standard + * add agent and OCF version parameters (both defaults to 1.0) + * ra-dev-guide: update agent/OCF version info (#1699) + * all agents: specify agent and OCF versions corrently in metadata + * nfsnotify: fix rpcuser error when resource start on debian (#1696) + * gcp-pd-move/gcp-vpc-move-route: dont fail failed resources instantly (caused by OCF_ERR_CONFIGURED) + * symlink: fix symlink vs target realpath comparison (#1691) + +- Update to version 4.9.0+git10.8dc8b40b: + * storage-mon: update metadata to suggest usage in combination with HealthSMART agent + * configure: use new SYSTEMD_ parameters + * tools: add nfsconvert for RHEL-based distros + * [tools] fix build on opensuse 15.3 + * nfsnotify: fix default value for "notify_args" + +- Update to version 4.9.0+git0.55a4e2c9: + * build: update ChangeLog for 4.9.0 + * Filesystem: force_unmount: remove "Default value" to avoid confusion on RHEL9+ where default value is safe + * build: update ChangeLog for 4.9.0-rc1 + * MySQL: add Support for local SSL connection (#1682) + * SAPInstance: Fix for issue #1680 - SAPInstance fails to detect systemd integration (#1681) + * [build] fix out-of-tree build for man pages + * Filesystem: do not call partprobe for bind mounts + * VirtualDomain: drop prefix xenmigr from migrate uri + * iSCSILogicalUnit: lio-t: support setting product_id + * storage-mon: new resource agent (#1675) + * nvme-*: spelling fixes in meta data text + * spec: remove chkconfig dependency for Fedora < 34 + * Remove a bashism in + * NVMe-oF-Target: New RAs nvmet-subsystem nvmet-namespace nvmet-port + * gcp-ilb: add to Makefiles + * mdraid: add option description for OCF_CHECK_LEVEL + * CTDB: replace timeout override with ctdb_timeout parameter (#1661) + * findif: popen requires pclose and not fclose (#1664) + * SAPInstance: add systemd compatability (#1662) + (bsc#1189535) SAPInstance fails to detect SAP unit files for systemd + * lvmlockd: remove cmirrord support as it's incompatible with lvmlockd + +- Update to version 4.8.0+git38.c6c53268: + * podman: workaround race during container creation + * VirtualDomain: Added code to set the host_memory value for Utilization (#1649) + * gcp-vpc-move-vip: add serviceaccount JSON file support + * gcp-vpc-move-route: add serviceaccount JSON file support + * LVM-activate: fix drop-in check to avoid re-creating drop-in file when it already exists + +- Update to version 4.8.0+git28.5c54175d: + (bsc#1178680) HA-LVM systemid race condition introduces an error "active on 2 nodes" + +- Update to version 4.8.0+git12.3068bf8b: + * Add support for LIO-T incoming CHAP auth for TPG + (bsc#1183971) L3: azure-events puts both nodes in standby + (bsc#1177796) ethmonitor bloats journal with warnings for VLAN + (bsc#1180590) azure-events URLError fixed upstream + (bsc#1184607) gcp-vpc-move-route resource agent file_cache is unavailable when using oauth2client + (bsc#1179977) L3: anything RA stop operation fails if /root/.profile has unexpected content + (bsc#1178977) does not handle probe actions + (bsc#1175435) Last commit of a galera cluster member is not saved into grastate.dat + (bsc#1175101) GCP Resource Agents - Support for Multi Alias IP + (bsc#1170354) OCF version check for pacemaker is incompatible with the SUSE version strings + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec + * Changed all references of %{_libexecdir} to {_prefix}/lib + +- Update to version 4.6.1+git2.b2dcccf1: + +- Update to version 4.5.0+git2.32821fe4: - * Add support for LIO-T incoming CHAP auth for TPG -- Remove patches applied in the update: - fix-default-variables-in-clvm-RA.patch - azure-events-handle-exceptions-in-urlopen.patch - 0001-gcp-vpc-move-vip-Add-support-for-multiple-alias-IP-r.patch - enable-git-hashes-in-versions.patch - 0001-galera-Fix-automatic-recovery-when-a-cluster-was-not.patch - 0001-fix-problem-with-unset-OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_interval-.patch - 0001-SAPInstance-introduce-MINIMAL_PROBE-resource-paramet.patch - -- (bsc#1178977) does not handle probe actions - Add upstream patch: - 0001-fix-problem-with-unset-OCF_RESKEY_CRM_meta_interval-.patch - 0001-SAPInstance-introduce-MINIMAL_PROBE-resource-paramet.patch - -- Last commit of a galera cluster member is not saved into grastate.dat - [ref:_00D1igLOd._5001iQlUm4:ref] (bsc#1175435) - Add upstream patch: - 0001-galera-Fix-automatic-recovery-when-a-cluster-was-not.patch - -- GCP Resource Agents - Support for Multi Alias IP - (bsc#1175101) - Add upstream patch: - 0001-gcp-vpc-move-vip-Add-support-for-multiple-alias-IP-r.patch -- OCF version check for pacemaker is incompatible with the SUSE version - strings [ref:_00D1igLOd._5001iO8Exd:ref] (bsc#1170354) - Add upstream patch: - enable-git-hashes-in-versions.patch - -- /usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/clvm has mismatched variable assignment - (bsc#1172734) -- L3: azure-events resource agent failure causes attr_globalPullState - to be stuck in "PULLING" state. (bsc#1170270) -- Add upstream patch: - fix-default-variables-in-clvm-RA.patch - azure-events-handle-exceptions-in-urlopen.patch - Fixes to bugs bsc#1151833, bsc#1154465 are included in this update. restic +- Update to 0.12.1 + Fixes: + * #2742: Improve error handling for rclone and REST backend over HTTP2 + * #3111: Fix terminal output redirection for PowerShell + * #3214: Treat an empty password as a fatal error for repository init + * #3267: copy failed to copy snapshots in rare cases + * #3184: backup --quiet no longer prints status information + * #3296: Fix crash of check --read-data-subset=x% run for an empty repository + * #3302: Fix fdopendir: not a directory error for local backend + * #3334: Print created new cache message only on a terminal + * #3380: Fix crash of backup --exclude='**' + * #3305: Fix possibly missing backup summary of JSON output in case of error + * #3439: Correctly handle download errors during restore + Changes: + * #3247: Empty files now have size of 0 in ls --json output + Enhancements: + * #2780: Add release binaries for s390x architecture on Linux + * #3293: Add --repository-file2 option to init and copy command + * #3312: Add auto-completion support for fish + * #3336: SFTP backend now checks for disk space + * #3377: Add release binaries for Apple Silicon + * #3414: Add --keep-within-hourly option to restic forget + * #3456: Support filtering and specifying untagged snapshots + * #3167: Allow specifying limit of snapshots list + * #3426: Optimize read performance of mount command + * #3427: find --pack fallback to index if data file is missing + +- Update to 0.12.0 + + See installed /usr/share/doc/packages/restic/ + Fixes: + * #1681: Make mount not create missing mount point directory + * #1800: Ignore no data available filesystem error during backup + * #2563: Report the correct owner of directories in FUSE mounts + * #2688: Make backup and tag commands separate tags by comma + * #2739: Make the cat command respect the --no-lock option + * #3087: The --use-fs-snapshot option now works on windows/386 + * #3100: Do not require gs bucket permissions when running init + * #3111: Correctly detect output redirection for backup command on Windows + * #3151: Don't create invalid snapshots when backup is interrupted + * #3166: Improve error handling in the restore command + * #3232: Correct statistics for overlapping targets + * #3014: Fix sporadic stream reset between rclone and restic + * #3152: Do not hang until foregrounded when completed in background + * #3249: Improve error handling in gs backend + Changes: + * #3095: Deleting files on Google Drive now moves them to the trash + Enhancements: + * #2186: Allow specifying percentage in check --read-data-subset + * #2453: Report permanent/fatal backend errors earlier + * #2528: Add Alibaba/Aliyun OSS support in the s3 backend + * #2706: Configurable progress reports for non-interactive terminals + * #2944: Add backup options --files-from-{verbatim,raw} + * #3083: Allow usage of deprecated S3 ListObjects API + * #3147: Support additional environment variables for Swift authentication + * #3191: Add release binaries for MIPS architectures + * #909: Back up mountpoints as empty directories + * #3250: Add several more error checks + * #2718: Improve prune performance and make it more customizable + * #2495: Add option to let backup trust mtime without checking ctime + * #2941: Speed up the repacking step of the prune command + * #3006: Speed up the rebuild-index command + * #3048: Add more checks for index and pack files in the check command + * #2433: Make the dump command support zip format + * #3099: Reduce memory usage of check command + * #3106: Parallelize scan of snapshot content in copy and prune + * #3130: Parallelize reading of locks and snapshots + * #3254: Enable HTTP/2 for backend connections + +- Update to 0.11.0 + + See installed /usr/share/doc/packages/restic/ + Fixes: + * #1212: Restore timestamps and permissions on intermediate directories + * #1756: Mark repository files as read-only when using the local backend + * #2241: Hide password in REST backend repository URLs + * #2319: Correctly dump directories into tar files + * #2491: Don't require self-update --output placeholder file + * #2834: Fix rare cases of backup command hanging forever + * #2938: Fix manpage formatting + * #2942: Make --exclude-larger-than handle disappearing files + * #2951: Restic generate, help and self-update no longer check passwords + * #2979: Make snapshots --json output [] instead of null when no snapshots + Enhancements: + * #2969: Optimize check for unchanged files during backup + * #340: Add support for Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) on Windows + * #2849: Authenticate to Google Cloud Storage with access token + * #1458: New option --repository-file + * #2978: Warn if parent snapshot cannot be loaded during backup + retext -- Update to version 7.10 +- Update to version 7.2.1 +- Recommend PyQtWebEngine for JavaScript support + +- Update to version 7.1.0 reuse +- update to 0.11.1: + - Always write the output files encoded in UTF-8, explicitly. This is already the + default on most Unix systems, but it was not on Windows. + - All symlinks and 0-sized files in projects are now ignored. + - The licenses CAL-1.0 and CAL-1.0-Combined-Work-Exception contain an SPDX tag + within themselves. Files that are named after these licenses are now ignored. + - Fixed a bug where `addheader` wouldn't properly apply the template on + `.license` files if the `.license` file was non-empty, but did not contain + valid SPDX tags. + - Add support for autoconf comment style (listed as m4). + + Cython (`.pyx`, `.pxd`) + + Sass and SCSS (`.sass`, `.scss`) + + XSL (`.xsl`) + + Mailmap (`.mailmap`) + - Added `--single-line` and `--multi-line` flags to `addheader`. These flags + force a certain comment style. + - Added support for Mercurial 4.3+. + - A pre-commit hook has been added. + - When an incorrect SPDX identifier is forwarded to `download` or `init`, the + tool now suggests what you might have meant. + - Under the hood, a lot of code that has to do with Git and Mercurial was moved + into its own module. + - Fixed a bug with `addheader --explicit-license` that would result in + `file.license.license` if `file.license` already existed. + - Fixed a Windows-only bug to do with calling subprocesses. + - Fixed a rare bug that would trigger when a directory is both ignored and + contains a `.git` file. + +- Update to version 0.8.0: + + Performance improved with multiprocessing + + New translations added for various different languages. + + Can no longer lint subdirectories; must specify root with --root. + + addheader supports many more file types. + + Deprecated licenses are now recognised. + +- Update to version 0.7.0: + + Git submodules are ignored by default. Use --include-submodules + to include them again. + + Upstream name changed from fsfe-reuse to reuse. + + addheader improvements. + +- Update to version 0.5.0: + + The tool is now compliant with REUSE v3.0 + +- Update to version 0.3.3: + + Files ending in .spdx are no longer considered licenses. + +- Update to version 0.3.1: + + Finding of root directory fixed when using pygit2. + +- Update to version 0.3.0: + + Bill of materials output is now deterministic. Entries are + sorted. + reveng +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * Updated project URL. + rfb +- Modernise spec file +- Do not use source url as domain is no longer available +- Refresh patches + -- Use socklen_t. - rfcdiff +- update to 1.47: + * Add a --fold <column> argument, to apply line wrapping before + comparison + * Add normalization of the scheme of provided URLs, to avoid + complaints for redirects from https to http + * Add display of more error messages, and added validation and + error messages for unexpected query parameters + * Add stripping of query parameters from upload source urls + * Change http:// schemes to https:// in the .pyht script file + rinetd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * rinetd.service + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + -- add patch for a potential buffer overrun caused by failure to - reallocate one array when reallocating memory to accommodate - more than the initially allocated capacity of 64 connections. - -- added logrotate config - ripgrep +- Build with rust flags +- Add obs service file + +- update to ripgrep 13.0.0: + * A new short flag, -., has been added. It is an alias for the --hidden + flag, which includes hidden files and directories in search + * ripgrep is now using a new vectorized implementation of memmem, which + accelerates many common searches. Please report performance regressions + (or major improvements). + * BREAKING: Binary detection output has changed slightly. In this + release, a tweak has been made to the output format when a + binary file is detected. + Previous format: + Binary file FOO matches (found "\0" byte around offset XXX) + New format: + FOO: binary file matches (found "\0" byte around offset XXX) + * vimgrep output in multi-line now only prints the first line for + each match. In multi-line mode, --count is now equivalent + to --count-matches. + * VULN #1773: public facing issue tracking CVE-2021-3013. ripgrep's README + now contains a section describing how to report a vulnerability + * PERF #1657: Check if a file should be ignored first before issuing stat calls + * PERF memchr#82: ripgrep now uses a new vectorized implementation of memmem + * FEAT: Added or improved file type filtering for ASP, Bazel, dvc, + FlatBuffers, Futhark, minified files, Mint, pofiles (from GNU gettext) + Racket, Red, Ruby, VCL, Yang + * FEAT #1404: ripgrep now prints a warning if nothing is searched + * FEAT #1680: Add -. as a short flag alias for --hidden. + * FEAT #1842: Add --field-{context,match}-separator for customizing field delimiters. + * FEAT #1856: README now links to Spanish translation. + * BUG #1277: document cygwin path translation behavior in the FAQ + * BUG #1739: fix bug where replacements were buggy if the regex matched a line terminator + * BUG #1311: fix multi-line bug where a search & replace for \n didn't work as expected + * BUG #1401: fix buggy interaction between PCRE2 look-around and -o/--only-matching + * BUG #1412: fix multi-line bug with searches using look-around past matching lines + * BUG #1577: fish shell completions will continue to be auto-generated + * BUG #1642: fixes a bug where using -m and -A printed more matches than the limit + * BUG #1703: clarify the function of -u/--unrestricted + * BUG #1708: clarify how -S/--smart-case works + * BUG #1730: clarify that CLI invocation must always be valid, regardless of config file + * BUG #1741: fix stdin detection when using PowerShell in UNIX environments + * BUG #1756: fix bug where foo/** would match foo, but it shouldn't + * BUG #1765: fix panic when --crlf is used in some cases + * BUG #1638: correctly sniff UTF-8 and do transcoding, like we do for UTF-16 + * BUG #1816: add documentation for glob alternate syntax, e.g., {a,b,..} + * BUG #1847: clarify how the --hidden flag works + * BUG #1866: fix bug when computing column numbers in --vimgrep mode + * BUG #1868: fix bug where --passthru and -A/-B/-C did not override each other + * BUG #1869: clarify docs for --files-with-matches and --files-without-match + * BUG #1878: fix bug where \A could produce unanchored matches in multiline search + * BUG 94e4b8e3: Fix column numbers with --vimgrep is used with -U/--multiline +- ran spec-cleaner + ristretto +- update to 0.12.1: + * GLib >= 2.44.0 + * Optimize sorting by content type + * Load images asynchronously (gxo#apps/ristretto#16, + gxo#apps/ristretto#29, gxo#apps/ristretto#32, gxo#apps/ristretto!34) + * Increase image loading buffer size (gxo#apps/ristretto!34) + * Allow to display all files in the open dialog + (gxo#apps/ristretto!33) + * Rework the file opening procedure (gxo#apps/ristretto!33) + * Fix a memory leak when closing the window directly + * Refactoring: Clarify thumbnailer queue management + * Thumbnailer: Do not empty an unprocessed file list + * Update window title on image deletion or insertion + * Perform content*based filtering wherever necessary + * Set device scale for animated images + * Properly recognize SVG compressed image files + * Use the generic pixbuf loader for RAW image files + * Fix pointer behavior in fullscreen mode + * Icon bar: Properly highlight item under the cursor + * Icon bar: Center on the active item for any size change + * Fix regression: Exif orientation is not respected + (gxo#apps/ristretto#69) + * Do not try to load images whose pixbuf is not available + (gxo#apps/ristretto!34) + * Fix memory management of image loading objects + (gxo#apps/ristretto!34) + * Use URIs instead of filenames in the `.desktop` file + (gxo#apps/ristretto#49) + * Directory loading: Allow to load a directory via the cli + * Flatpak: Access remote locations with GVfs + * Directory loading: Fix improper use of GFileEnumerator APIs + (gxo#apps/ristretto#68) + * Translation Updates: + +- Update to version 0.12.0 + * Allow to choose the default scale (gxo#apps/ristretto!29) + * Keep the scale in memory for each loaded image + (gxo#apps/ristretto#7, gxo#apps/ristretto#17, gxo#apps/ristretto!28) + * Toggle fullscreen mode by double clicking on the image + * Optimize directory loading (gxo#apps/ristretto#20, + gxo#apps/ristretto#22, gxo#apps/ristretto#32, gxo#apps/ristretto#37, + gxo#apps/ristretto!31) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Disable overlay scrolling + (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Reuse source surface + (gxo#apps/ristretto#64, gxo#apps/ristretto!26) + * Avoid using Cairo Xlib backend to create surfaces + (gxo#apps/ristretto#60, gxo#apps/ristretto#61, gxo#apps/ristretto#62, + gxo#apps/ristretto!25) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Animation (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Background color (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Clock (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Optimize image viewer redraw: Selection box (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Don't redraw the main window when it loses focus + (gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Remove the shadow of the toolbar buttons (gxo#apps/ristretto#51, + gxo#apps/ristretto#64) + * Hide thumbnail scrollbar when unused (gxo#apps/ristretto!24) + * Use the same background for the image and the thumbnails + (gxo#apps/ristretto#36, gxo#apps/ristretto!23) + * Drop preferences-desktop-default-applications icon + * Flatpak build (gxo#apps/ristretto!32) + * Refactoring: Use only one file filter for the app + * Refactoring: Icon bar adjustments + * Cleanup: `icon_bar.c` + * Cleanup: Pass orientation directly from file to viewer + * Code refactoring: Image viewer adjustments, scale and drawing + (gxo#apps/ristretto!27) + * Use integers for the image rendering rectangle + * Code cleanup: Build sanitation, obsolete code removal, spacing, + normalization (gxo#apps/ristretto!22) + * Transfer contents from dispose() to finalize() + * Add debugging macros + * Protect asynchronous jobs from an application exit + * Fix position of the active item in the icon bar when vertical + (gxo#apps/ristretto#34) + * Take into account the device scale (gxo#apps/ristretto#47, + gxo#apps/ristretto!30) + * Properly load images via drag and drop (gxo#apps/ristretto#67) + * Delay GdkPixbufLoader "closed" signal handler + * Use the same scale factor to zoom via action and scrolling + * Fix a lack of centering when zooming via the menu action + * Fix some memory leak (several commits of this kind) + * Fix file creation monitoring + * Try to display the image on `GDK_PIXBUF_ERROR_CORRUPT_IMAGE` + (gxo#apps/ristretto#39) + * Always set adjustment upper bounds greater than page sizes + (gxo#apps/ristretto#35) + * Scaling/zoom corrections (gxo#apps/ristretto#30, gxo#apps/ristretto!8) + * Fix animated GIF display + * Automate and sanitize memory management of sources + (gxo#apps/ristretto#65) + * Fix `rstto_icon_bar_rows_reordered()` (gxo#apps/ristretto#48) + * Chain up to parent in dispose() and finalize() + * Translation Updates + rk +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) +- Upgrade old rpm constructs + rkhunter +- Remove default cron job and install it with the documentation. + This way the user can decide if he needs rkhunter to run regularly + (bsc#1150553). + +- package the /etc/cron.daily instead of buildrequire cron + +- BuildRequire cron, as this contains now the cron directories + +- Generate rkhunter.conf.local to prevent hash error for + rkhunter.conf. +- Remove some rpmlint-erros. + rkward +- Patch (patch-fix-crash-ggplot2.diff) fixing a severe issue when + using ggplot2, see + +- upstream release 0.7.2 +- New features and improvements + * Script preview keeps vertical scroll position when updating + * Add function rk.home() for retrieving application paths, similar to R.home() + * Add menu option to switch application language + * Remove direct dependency on libintl + * Add "Check installation" wizard to test for several common basic installation issues all in one place + * Add rkward internal package location to end of library search path, to make it accessible to + * Add menu action to open any supported file type, directly + * Support using QWebEngine instead of QtWebKit (still supported) + * <text> elements in plugins may now also contain clickable links, including rkward://-scheme links + * The new code hinting features from version 0.7.1 are now also available in the console + * On unix-systems, RKWard can now be run without installation + * Kate addons are now supported within RKWard. Intially, search-in-files, snippets, and projects are loaded by default + * Python development scripts have been ported to python3 +- Bug fixes + * Fix some problems with plot preview in wizard-type plugins + * Fix several small memory leaks + * Clean some logged warnings and potential issues during R backend shutdown + * Fixed: Avoid shortcut clash with kate part by removing conflicting (default) shortcuts, automatically +- Recommend kate-plugins that are usable in rkward now +- Build with QtWebEngine (instead of QtWebKit) on architectures + and distributions where it is available (in a new enough version) +- Remove no longer available NO_R_XML cmake option + robin-map +- Update to version 0.6.3: + * Fix gh#Tessil/robin-map#26: Raise the maximum possible size of + the hash table when using the prime_growth_policy on a 64-bit + platform. + * Fix gh#Tessil/robin-map#31: When min_load_factor() > 0, the + clear() method will also reset the bucket_count of the hash + table to 0. + * Fix shrink when min_load_factor is set and a range erase with + end() as last is called. The m_try_skrink_on_next_insert was + not correctly set. + * Fix gh#Tessil/robin-map#33: The value function of a const + iterator can now be called and returns a mutable reference to + the underlying value_type. +- Ran spec-cleaner. + robinhood +- update to 3.1.7 with following minor fixes: + * fix optimization for policy runs per OST + * fix pool_usage trigger + * fix pool parsing + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_robinhood.service.patch + * harden_robinhood@.service.patch + +- fixed license files + +- update to version 3.1.6 with following changes: + * fix build on Lustre 2.12.4 + * check the filesystem returns consistent statfs values + * chglog_reader: reopen changelog in case of unexpected error + * chglog_reader: de-duplicate HSM STATE events (keep the latest) + * policy run time stat now includes initial DB request time + * fix the use of archive_id parameter in lhsm +- fixed build on newer autoconf versions + * added file make-test_confparam-depend-on-lustre.patch + rockdodger +- Update to 1.1.4 + * Fixed compiler issue with GCC-10. + * Fix header files. + +- Update to version 1.1.3 (no changelog supplied) +- Dropped reproducible.patch (merged upstream) +- Spec cleanup + rocket +- Trim future plans from description. + rocksndiamonds +- Update to version + * added “last played level sets†sub-menu to level set selection + screen + * added step delay option to custom element movement configuration + * added support for left, middle or right mouse button for + CE change events + * added setup option to disable counting score after the game + * added setup options to disable asking on quit game and on + quit program + * added graphics config option to support elements on non-black + background; this feature can be activated by using + “game.use_masked_elements: true†in the custom graphics + configuration file + * changed custom artwork list to tree structure similar to level + sets, which is separated into three sub-trees for standalone + artwork + * changed sorting and coloring in level sets menu and custom + artwork menu + * changed saving back artwork info cache only if it has changed + * fixed two nasty bugs that could have crashed the game + +- don't recreate games user - managed by systemd-users-game +- update to + * fixed bug with playing team mode tapes with changed visible playfield size + * added patch mode to patch tapes to force visible playfield size of 34 x 34 + * added patch mode to automatically fix tapes for visible playfield size + * fixed single step mode for R’n’D game engine when used in team mode + * fixed triggering custom element actions by digging or collecting + * added option in level editor to use time score for 1 or 10 seconds left + * fixed time score for native Emerald Mine and Diamond Caves levels + * fixed bug with screen keyboard still being active during request dialogs + * fixed bug with screen keyboard causing overlay buttons to be disabled + * added option to disable warning about read-only levels when entering editor + * fixed bug with not updating game panel when leaving invisible warp mode + * fixed displaying new high score entry if new entry is not on the first page + * fixed graphical bug with envelope style request dialog after the game ended + +- Update to + * added showing as many keys as possible in the default game panel + * added setup option to show dynamite and keys for the Emerald + Mine collection + * added support for improved display of keys for the Emerald + Mine collection + * added support for improved request dialog in Emerald Mine + collection + * fixed graphical glitch in some cases after request dialog if + game has ended + * fixed delayed processing of input event immediately after game + has started + * fixed “empty first move†in step pause mode with Emerald Mine + game engine + * Visit for the complete + changelog. +- Update to + * added highlighting of drawing element to level editor when + pressing “Alt†key + * added support for using and switching between multiple players + or teams + * added player/team selection screen when clicking on player + name in main menu + * fixed bug with unnecessarily reloading custom artwork on + ECS/AGA change +- Update to + * fixed handling of player at fake acid for EM engine + * fixed wrap-around with entering EM style doors for EM engine + * fixed activating robot wheel at wrap-around position for EM + engine + * fixed some elements and properties when reading native DC2 + levels + * added Emscripten support for running R’n’D in a web browser + * fixed compiling on OS/2 (ArcaOS, in fact) + * fixed some compiler warnings for newer versions of GCC +- Rebase und rename half-upstreamed from + rocksndiamonds- + to rocksndiamonds-src_libgame_setup.c-CVE-2011-4606.patch + +- Update to + * fixed some problems with wrap-around levels in Emerald Mine engine + * added full compatibility for wrap-around levels in Emerald Mine engine + * fixed single-step mode for wrap-around levels in Emerald Mine engine + * fixed playing tapes recorded with old Emerald Mine game engine + * added command “autofix†to fix tapes recorded with old EM game engine + * fixed key shortcut to start/end game (which was broken since + * fixed some other key shortcuts that require entering upper case letters + * added menu command “:undo-tape†to undo/restore last recorded tape + * fixed potential crash bug that may occur when loading custom artwork + * fixed single-step mode when using custom elements with mouse click events + * added creating undo/redo snapshots when using mouse click events + * fixed problems with virtual buttons and showing envelopes on Android + * improved startup speed by optimizing parsing of parameter values + * improved handling output of warnings, errors and debug messages + * fixed showing source date on version page of info screen menu + * added showing commit hash on version page of info screen menu + * fixed broken tapes (for various reasons) recorded with old EM engine + * fixed support for initially moving spring in EM game engine + * added support for initially moving spring to R’n’D game engine + * fixed potential crash bug when reading from artwork info cache + * fixed wrong eater content when loading native EM levels + * added support for variable number of eater arrays for EM engine + * fixed vsync mode when not using OpenGL renderer (like “Metal†on Mac) + * added option for setting hint for render driver to setup config file + * added displaying render driver on info screen page + * fixed loading dynamic libraries shipped with the Linux package + * fixed level editor key shortcuts (broken by regression) + * fixed support for wrap-around levels in EM engine for old tapes + Visit for the complete + changelog. + -- Remove BuildRequires for libsmpeg-devel and add sed, - because is unresolvable -- Use BuildRequires pkgconfig(SDL_image), pkgconfig(SDL_mixer), - pkgconfig(SDL_net) instead of SDL_image-devel, SDL_mixer-devel, - SDL_net-devel -- Remove PreReq for shadow and pwdutils - -- Changed .changes and used old entries from somebody else -- Update to, announce message: - - fixed bug that prevents running the game on Mac OS X "Mavericks" - - improved behaviour on restart after failing on a broken level set - - Message for update - * added scripts directory to distribution package to enable building - element definitions after editing artwork config source code files - * added volume controls for sounds, loops and music to sound setup - Most important changes since last release version - - added native package for Macs with intel CPUs - - added support for compiling on 64-bit systems - - added alternative game mode for playing with half size playfield tiles - - added level selection screen (when clicking on main menu level number) - - added displaying if level was played or solved on level selection screen - - improved graphics performance for scrolling in Mac OS X version - - improved graphics performance for native Supaplex game engine - - improved single step mode in R'n'D, EM and SP engines - - fixed two game engine bugs in Supaplex game engine - - fixed displaying wrong Supaplex time (was running too fast before) - - fixed invisible text in envelope config in level editor -- Use check for openSUSE > 12.2 for and use shadow else pwdutils -- Add PreReq for shadow (was removed pwdutils) -- Change %fdupes -- Change Desktop entry file -- Change Summary -- Removed Contributions-1.2.0.tar.bz2 and move to new package - rocksndiamonds-data -- Use simple sed instead of rocksndiamonds- -- Use rocksndiamonds- - instead of rocksndiamonds-CVE-2011-4606.patch, upstream still has - not patched the security problem themselves -- Add BuildRequires for libsmpeg-devel -- Use %{name}-icons.tar instead of %{name}.png -- Add BuildRequires for hicolor-icon-theme -- Remove BuildRequires for deprecated pwdutils -- Add Requires for %{name}-data -- Change description -- Simplify installation handling -- Remove not needed files - -- Add games user/group on demand (fate#314560) - -- Dropped all permission scripts - rocksndiamonds-data +- Add Better_Together-1.0.0 +- Update Emerald_Mine_Club to 3.1.2 +- Replace rockslevels-sp-1.0 with Supaplex-2.0.0 + +- Update Emerald Mine Club level collection ( -> +- Run spec-cleaner + rofi +- Update to 1.7.2: + * [Build] Fix building without window mode enabled. + * [Config] Do not print out the 'theme' field in configuration on dump. + * [CI] test window mode less build. + * Allow configuration block in theme again. +- Remove fix-shebangs.patch + +- Update to 1.7.1: + * [Theme] Fix highlight with only theme. + * Updated documentation and landing page (Thanks to RaZ0rr-Two) + * [Combi] Fix nesting combi modi (#1510) + * [DMenu] Fix crash dmenu mode when no entry is available. (#1504) + * [Run|Drun] Only initialize file-completer on first use. + * [FileBrowser] Reduce number of re-allocs. + * [Readme] Remove generating readme.html for dist. + * [Dmenu] Fix uninitialized memory (non-selectable) + * [FileBrowser] Try to convert invalid encoded text. (#1471) + * [FileBrowser] Don't crash on invalid file filenames. (#1471) + * [Theme] print known colors as its color name. + * [CMD] If failed to convert commandline to new option, do not stop. (#1425) + * [Theme] Fix parsing of nested media blocks. (#1442) + * [Widgets] Fix sizing logic widgets. (#1437) + * [Window] Try to fix auto-sizing of desktop names for non-i3 desktops. (#1439) + * [Window] Fix broken close-on-delete. (#1421) + * [Listview] Correctly check if selected item is highlighted. (#1423) + * [Entry] Allow action to be taken on input change. (#1405) + * [Theme] Don't truncate double values. (#1419) + * [Grammar] Add support for env(ENV,default). + * [Documentation] documentation fixes. + * [Theme] fix dmenu theme ( #1396). + +- Update to 1.6.1: + * resolving issues that the default theme had on some systems + * [Theme] Add min/max operator support to calc() + * [Theme] @media statements can now be nested + * FileBrowser: the file browser plugin is now integrated + * Use GdkPixbuf for Icon parsing + * Fix parsing dicts in config file (with " in middle of string) + * Add -normalize-match option, that tries to o match ö, é match e + * Show error message and return to list instead of closing + * [Textbox] Try to fix estimated font height + * [DRun] Fix crash in broken caching mechanism + +- Update to 1.6.0: + * Add themes/ directory in the users rofi config directory to the + theme search path. (#1001) + * Split listview element into box widget holding icon and textbox. + Supporting more dynamic themes. (#949) + * Fix default theme. + * Add -upgrade-config option. + * Add ROFI_PLUGIN_PATH variable. + * Add check for running rofi inside a Script mode. + * Remove gnome-terminal from rofi-sensible-terminal (#1074) + * Set window title based on mode name. (#969) + * Subpixel rendering workaround. (#303) + * Support character type in configuration {} block . (#1131) + * Use XDG_CONFIG_DIRS (#1133) + * [Box] Bug fix update propagation. + * [Build] Fix meson build with meson 0.55. + * [DMenu] Add -keep-right flag. (#1089) + * [DMenu] Don't match markup when filtering. (#579,#1128) + * [DRUN] Support Type=Link (#1166) + * [DRun] Add % to escape variable. + * [DRun] Add an optional cache for desktop files. (#1040) + * [DRun] Add keywords as default match item. (#1061) + * [DRun] Don't run custom commands. + * [DRun] Match keywords field. + * [DRun] Only show selected categories. (#817) + * [Dmenu|Script] Add non-selectable entries. (#1024) + * [Doc] Update documentation. + * [IconFetcher] Add jpeg support. + * [Icon] Set default size to 1.2 CH. + * [Icon] support distance for size. + * [Listview] Add widget to show keybinding index. (#1050) + * [Listview] Fix distribution of remaining space. + * [Listview] Fix left-to-right scrolling. (#1028) + * [Listview] Fix updating elements. (#1032) + * [Matching] Make Fuzzy matching non greedy. + * [Script] Add delimiter option. (#1041) + * [Script] Add environment variable indicating state. + * [Script] Add extra matchign field (meta). (#1052) + * [Script] Add info option, hidden field that gets passed + to script via ROFI_INFO environment. + * [Script] Add no-custom option. + * [Textbox] Add cursor blinking option. + * [Textbox] Add placeholder. (#1020) + * [Theme] Add calc() support. (#1105) + * [Theme] Add alpha channel to highlight color. (#1033) + * [Theme] Add sidebar as mode-switcher alias. + * [Theme] Add some initial @media support. (#893) + * [Theme] Support buttons in the UI. + * [View] Add two widgets. One showing number of rows, + other number of filtered rows. (#1026) + * [Window] Add window thumbnail option. + * [Window] Remove arbitrary # window limit. (#1047) + * [Window] check buffer overflow. + * See + for more details +- Update xdg-terminal.patch + +- Update to version 1.5.4: + * Fix crash in SSH dialog + +- Update to version 1.5.3: + * Sidebar renamed to mode-switcher + * Icons in dmenu + * Ellipsizing listview entries + * Update manpage with missing entry. (#937) + * Rename sidebar widget to mode-switcher and allow configuration from theme. + * Timing: Moving timing output to glib debug system. + * SSH: Fix unitialized variable issue. + * SSH: resolve ':' conflict in history entries. + * SSH: be case-insensitive when parsing keywords. + * RASI Lexer: Fix nested () in variable default field. + * USABILITY: When mode not found, show in gui not just on commandline. + * ICON: Allow aligning image in icon widget. + * Meson build system: cleanups and improvements. + * Meson build system: add documentation (#943) + * Window: Fix default formatting and remove (invalid) deprecation warning. + * DMenu: Add support for showing icons infront of displayed list. + * Overlay: Fix overlay widget to correctly integrate in new theme format. + * Update libnkutils, libgwater. + * DMENU: Add format option to strip pango markup from return value. + * ListView: allow user to change ellipsizing displayed value at run-time. +- Update xdg-terminal.patch + +- Update to version 1.5.2: + * Clearify Check dependency. (#879) + * Add option to change negate character. (#877) + * Fix assert and update test. (#875) + * Add missing example Script (#869) + * Add drun-display-format option. (#858) + * Fixing typos (#867,#837,#831,#804) + * Fix loading icons that are in cache (#860) + * Improve ssh known_host parser. (#820) + * Add terminals to rofi-sensible-terminal (#808) + * Lexer Fix several ambiguity and handling of empty input. + * IconFetcher preload the user set icon theme. + * IconFetcher use generic threadpool. + * Lexer support environment variables. + * Cleanup syntax for sorting. (#816) + * Documents update. + * Fix how borders are drawn. (#792, #783) + rook +- Update to v1.6.2 + * Set base Ceph operator image and example deployments to v16.2.2 + * Update snapshot APIs from v1beta1 to v1 + * Documentation for creating static PVs + * Allow setting primary-affinity for the OSD + * Remove unneeded debug log statements + * Preserve volume claim template annotations during upgrade + * Allow re-creating erasure coded pool with different settings + * Double mon failover timeout during a node drain + * Remove unused volumesource schema from CephCluster CRD + * Set the device class on raw mode osds + * External cluster schema fix to allow not setting mons + * Add phase to the CephFilesystem CRD + * Generate full schema for volumeClaimTemplates in the CephCluster CRD + * Automate upgrades for the MDS daemon to properly scale down and scale up + * Add Vault KMS support for object stores + * Ensure object store endpoint is initialized when creating an object user + * Support for OBC operations when RGW is configured with TLS + * Preserve the OSD topology affinity during upgrade for clusters on PVCs + * Unify timeouts for various Ceph commands + * Allow setting annotations on RGW service + * Expand PVC size of mon daemons if requested +- Update to v1.6.1 + * Disable host networking by default in the CSI plugin with option to enable + * Fix the schema for erasure-coded pools so replication size is not required + * Improve node watcher for adding new OSDs + * Operator base image updated to v16.2.1 + * Deployment examples updated to Ceph v15.2.11 + * Update Ceph-CSI to v3.3.1 + * Allow any device class for the OSDs in a pool instead of restricting the schema + * Fix metadata OSDs for Ceph Pacific + * Allow setting the initial CRUSH weight for an OSD + * Fix object store health check in case SSL is enabled + * Upgrades now ensure latest config flags are set for MDS and RGW + * Suppress noisy RGW log entry for radosgw-admin commands +- Update to v1.6.0 + * Removed Storage Providers + * CockroachDB + * EdgeFS + * YugabyteDB + * Ceph + * Support for creating OSDs via Drive Groups was removed. + * Ceph Pacific (v16) support + * CephFilesystemMirror CRD to support mirroring of CephFS volumes with Pacific + * Ceph CSI Driver + * CSI v3.3.0 driver enabled by default + * Volume Replication Controller for improved RBD replication support + * Multus support + * GRPC metrics disabled by default + * Ceph RGW + * Extended the support of vault KMS configuration + * Scale with multiple daemons with a single deployment instead of a separate deployment for each rgw daemon + * OSDs + * LVM is no longer used to provision OSDs + * More efficient updates for multiple OSDs at the same time + * Multiple Ceph mgr daemons are supported for stretch clusters + and other clusters where HA of the mgr is critical (set count: 2 under mgr in the CephCluster CR) + * Pod Disruption Budgets (PDBs) are enabled by default for Mon, + RGW, MDS, and OSD daemons. See the disruption management settings. + * Monitor failover can be disabled, for scenarios where + maintenance is planned and automatic mon failover is not desired + * CephClient CRD has been converted to use the controller-runtime library + +- Update to v1.5.10 + * Ceph + * Update Ceph-CSI to v3.2.1 (#7506) + * Use latest Ceph API for setting dashboard and rgw credentials (#7641) + * Redact secret info from reconcile diffs in debug logs (#7630) + * Continue to get available devices if failed to get a device info (#7608) + * Include RGW pods in list for rescheduling from failed node (#7537) + * Enforce pg_auto_scaler on rgw pools (#7513) + * Prevent voluntary mon drain while another mon is failing over (#7442) + * Avoid restarting all encrypted OSDs on cluster growth (#7489) + * Set secret type on external cluster script (#7473) + * Fix init container "expand-encrypted-bluefs" for encrypted OSDs (#7466) + * Fail pool creation if the sub failure domain is the same as the failure domain (#7284) + * Set default backend for vault and remove temp key for encrypted OSDs (#7454) + +- Update to v1.5.7 + * Ceph + * CSI Troubleshooting Guide (#7157) + * Print device information in OSD prepare logs (#7194) + * Expose vault curl error in the OSD init container for KCS configurations (#7193) + * Prevent re-using a device to configure an OSD on PVC from a previous cluster (#7170) + * Remove crash collector if all Ceph pods moved off a node (#7160) + * Add helm annotation to keep CRDs in the helm chart during uninstall (#7162) + * Bind mgr modules to all interfaces instead of pod ip (#7151) + * Check for orchestration cancellation while waiting for all OSDs to start (#7112) + * Skip pdb reconcile on create and delete events (#7155) + * Silence harmless errors in log when the operator is still initializing (#7056) + * Add --extra-create-metadata flag to the CSI driver (#7147) + * Add deviceClass to the object store schema (#7132) + * Simplify the log-collector container name (#7133) + * Skip csi detection if CSI is disabled (#6866) + * Remove Rook pods stuck in terminating state on a failed node (#6999) + * Timeout for rgw configuration to prevent stuck object store when no healthy OSDs (#7075) + * Update lib bucket provisioner for OBCs (#7086) +- Drop csi-images-SUSE.patch + +- Derive CSI and sidecar image versions from code defaults rather + than images found in the build service + +- Update to v1.4.7 + * Ceph + * Log warning about v14.2.13 being an unsupported Ceph version due to + errors creating new OSDs (#6545) + * Disaster recovery guide for PVCs (#6452) + * Set the deviceClass for OSDs in non-PVC clusters (#6545) + * External cluster script to fail if prometheus port is not default (#6504) + * Remove the osd pvc from the osd purge job (#6533) + * External cluster script added additional checks for monitoring + endpoint (#6473) + * Ignore Ceph health error MDS_ALL_DOWN during reconciliation (#6494) + * Add optional labels to mon pods (#6515) + * Assert type for logging errors before using it (#6503) + * Check for orphaned mon resources with every reconcile (#6493) + * Update the mon PDBs if the maxUnavailable changed (#6469) + * NFS + * Update documentation and examples (#6455) + +- Drop OFFSET from cephcsi image tag + +- Update helm chart to use appropriate version prefix for the final registry + destination (e.g. or +- Improve consistency with image tags + +- Update to v1.4.6 + * Support IPv6 single-stack (#6283) + * Only start a single CSI provisioner in single-node test clusters (#6437) + * Raw mode OSD on LV-backed PVC (#6184) + * Capture ceph-volume detailed log in non-pvc scenario on failure (#6426) + * Add --upgrade option to external cluster script (#6392) + * Capture stderr when executing ceph commands and write to log (#6395) + * Reduce the retry count for the bucket health check for more accurate + status (#6408) + * Prevent closing of monitoring channel more than once (#6369) + * Check underlying block status for encrypted OSDs (#6367) +- Add 'latest' and appVersion tags to helm chart +- Include sample manifests in helm chart + +- Set the helm chart version to the rook version + +- Minor fix to helm chart to ensure SemVer formatting +- Fix typo in sample cluster.yaml + +- Update the operator.yaml ConfigMap to reflect the default SUSE images + that are used rather than upstreams. +- Fix indentation of patch tabs to match original + rosegarden +- Create _service download file due to the spec file's download + link becoming unreliable. + +- Only recommend jack to allow pipewire jack to be installed. + +- Do not build for i586: one of the main dependencies, lilypond, is + not built for that arch. + +- Update to version 21.06.1: + * Fixed a crash when building with Qt 5.14 and above and + running with multiple monitors (Bug #1599). +- Changes from version 21.06: + * New features: + - Clean Recent Files List in the preferences removes files + that aren't present on the filesystem from the recent files + list. + - Preferences: Add send BS/PC/CCs while looping. + - Added Segment label to Notation editor. + - Matrix editor now preserves zoom factor and rulers for each + Segment in the .rg file. Feature #486. + - Notation editor now preserves rulers for each Segment in the + .rg file. Feature #486. + * Many bug fixes, see + <>. + +- Add scripts-sf2rg-python3.patch: + - Port scripts/ to Python 3 + +- update to 20.12: + * Fix QPainterPath compilation error (r15845) + * Fixed several SysEx-related bugs in the Event editor (r15853) + * SysEx load now remembers the last used path. + * SysEx load now strips the F0/F7 bytes from the file when reading. + * SysEx save now remembers the last used path. + * SysEx save now fills in the FileDialog fields correctly. + * SysEx save now adds the F0/F7 bytes to the data before saving. + * Event Editor: Fix garbage on SysEx load error (r15855) + * Event Parameter Dialog: Fix incorrect window title (r15857) + * Fix length of notes added in percussion matrix (r15870) + * Fix compilation error with Qt < 5.8 (r15872, r15896, others) + * Fix issues with ALSA port name matching at file load (r15875, + r15879, r15893-r15895, r15906, r15909) + * Fix "&" in device name renders file unreadable. Bug #1586. (r15886) + * Matrix editor: Fix control rulers not appearing. Bug #1543. + (r15887) + * Event editor: Fix crashes when editing (r15899, r15902, r15903) + * Reduce connection check interval to 1 second (r15912) + * Fix external controller port not working (r15915, r15916, r15919, + r15927, r15929) + * Fix ALSA timer selection persistence (r15936) + * Fix disabled button text color (r15938) + * Fix plugins not found (r15947) + * Send proper CCs out the external controller port for motorized + control surfaces. Bug #1587. (r15952, r15954) + * Fix unwanted CCs going out with old files. Feature #482. (r15961) + * Fix slow load time with many segments. Bug #1589. (r16026) + * Enable/Disable external controller port in the preferences (r15932, + r15946, others) + * Transport buttons (play, stop, etc...) on MIDI controllers are now + supported so long as they use Pro Tools standard CCs (110-118). + Feature #423. (r15962-r15964) + * Korg nanoKONTROL2 support (r15994-r16013, r16015, r16016, r16021) + * Icon Loader (r15862-r15865, r15868) + * New ExternalController class (r15922) + * Preferences dialog (r15939-r15944) + * ALSA MIDI interface (r15975-r15993) +- remove rosegarden-include-QPainterPath.patch (obsolete) + +- update to 20.06: + * Fixed multiple memory leaks (r15684, r15685, etc...) + * Fixed 100% CPU usage when drawing lines in the controller rulers, + bug #1571 (r15705) + * Fixed multiple invalid reads (r15707, r15708) + * Increased the height of the loop ruler, feature #481 (r15718) + * Fixed CCs not going out when playback begins in the middle of + a segment, bug #1560 (r15735) + * Fixed volume and pan CCs always going out even if the controllers + were removed from the Device, feature #482 (r15750) + * Stop sending CCs on ch10 when metronome muted, feature #482 + (r15751) + * Fixed a problem with showing pitchbend ruler (r15771) + * Made default for expression CC 127 instead of 100 (r15773) + * Fixed a crash in Audio File Manager, bug #1576 (r15786) + * Fixed a crash when importing .ly as X11/RG21, bug #1579 (r15806) + * Fixed a crash on chords in pitch tracker, bug #1582 (r15835) + * Track height can now be adjusted in the preferences, feature #479 + (r15710-r15712, r15737) + * New Segment > Transpose by Semitones... available in the Segment + Canvas, feature #480 (r15715) + * Right-click can now be used in the loop ruler to set the loop, + feature #481 (r15717) + * The current segment label is now displayed in the Matrix editor + when multiple segments have been selected for editing, feature + [#470] (r15738-r15740) + * Segment "For Notation" feature, bug #1578 (r15805) + * Source distribution now includes these release notes in a + CHANGELOG file. The release notes will continue to be available + on the wiki as well: + + * PitchBend and Controller Sequence Dialog cleanup (r15662-r15684, + r15696-r15701, etc...) + * MappedEventBuffer cleanup (r15719-r15730) + * Colour removal and ColourMap cleanup (r15795-r15803) + +- Update to stable release is 19.12 and add patch to fix factory + build: rosegarden-include-QPainterPath.patch. +- Upstream changes: + * Fix synth plugin Send Test Note button (r15502) + * Plugin Editor: Fix Send Test Note not sustaining (r15511) + * Treat Left + Right mouse buttons as Middle button in Matrix and + Notation editors (r15522) + * Matrix: Fix no update on delete. Bug #1569. (r15616) + * Fix missing metronome beat when expanding end during recording + (r15621) + * Style: Make QLineEdit text gray when disabled (r15631) + * Fix transposing keys by interval (r15632) + * RMW: Reduce calls to leave/enterActionState() (r15641) + * Matrix Editor: Implement new auto-scroll behavior + (r15525 - r15544) + * Segment Canvas: Implement new auto-scroll behavior + (r15546 - r15551) + * Notation Editor: Implement new auto-scroll behavior + (r15553 - r15555) + * Add –convert command line option (r15607) + * Add quaver triplet to standard quantizations (r15613) + * Quantize: Add arbitrary quantization units. Feature #477(r15630) + * Preferences: Allow dangerous operations during playback. Feature + [#478]. (r15643, r15646, r15647, r15651) + * Add ability to enable metronome during count-in and + enable/disable during recording. Feature #453. (r15649) + * Segment Parameters box cleanup (r15562 - r15597, r15604) + * Replace FastVector with std::vector (r15609) + * Quantize dialog cleanup (r15611 - r15614, + r15617 - r15620, r15623 - r15629) + * Preferences cleanup (r15634 - r15640) + roundcubemail -- Upgrade to 1.3.15 - This is a security update to the LTS version 1.3. (bsc#1175135) - * Security: Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious svg content [CVE-2020-16145] - * Security: Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious math content - From 1.3.14 (bsc#1173792 -> CVE-2020-15562) +- update to 1.5.1 + * Fix importing contacts with no email address (#8227) + * Fix so session's search scope is not used if search is not active (#8199) + * Fix some PHP8 warnings (#8239) + * Fix so dark mode state is retained after closing the browser (#8237) + * Fix bug where new messages were not added to the list on refresh if skip_deleted=true (#8234) + * Fix colors on "Show source" page in dark mode (#8246) + * Fix handling of dark_mode_support:false setting in skins meta.json - also when devel_mode=false (#8249) + * Fix database initialization if db_prefix is a schema prefix (#8221) + * Fix undefined constant error in Installer on Windows (#8258) + * Fix installation/upgrade on MySQL 5.5 - Index column size too large (#8231) + * Fix regression in setting of contact listing name (#8260) + * Fix bug in Larry skin where headers toggle state was reset on full page preview (#8203) + * Fix bug where \u200b characters were added into the recipient input preventing mail delivery (#8269) + * Fix charset conversion errors on PHP < 8 for charsets not supported by mbstring (#8252) + * Fix bug where adding a contact to trusted senders via "Always allow from..." button didn't work (#8264, #8268) + * Fix bug with show_images setting where option 1 and 3 were swapped (#8268) + * Fix PHP fatal error on an undefined constant in contacts import action (#8277) + * Fix fetching headers of multiple message parts at once in rcube_imap_generic::fetchMIMEHeaders() (#8282) + * Fix bug where attachment download could sometimes fail with a CSRF check error (#8283) + * Fix an infinite loop when parsing environment variables with float/integer values (#8293) + * Fix so 'small-dark' logo has more priority than the 'small' logo (#8298) + +- update to 1.5.0 + + full PHP8 support + + Dark mode for Elastic skin + + OAuth2/XOauth support (with plugin hooks) + + Collected recipients and trusted senders + + Moving recipients between inputs with drag & drop + + Full unicode support with MySQL database + + Support of IMAP LITERAL- extension RFC 7888 + <> + + Support of RFC 2231 <> + encoded names + + Cache refactoring + More at +- adjusted some file names to new release + (_styles.less -> styles.less; _variables.less -> variables.less; + CHANGELOG -> +- vendor/roundcube/plugin-installer/src/bin/ does not exist + any longer +- added to documentation +- mark the whole documentation directory as documentation instead of + listing some files and others not (avoid duplicate entries in RPM-DB) +- adjust requirements: php-intl is now required + +- update to 1.4.11 with security fix: + Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious CSS content + +- add PHP version to Requires: and Recommends: to make sure the same + version is installed as used during packaging +- drop Requires: http_daemon (fixes boo#1180132) and Suggests: apache2 + (which is already required though mod_php_any) + +- update to 1.4.10: + * Stored cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML or plain text messages + with malicious content ( CVE-2020-35730 boo#1180399 ) + * Fix extra angle brackets in In-Reply-To header derived from mailto: params (#7655) + * Fix folder list issue when special folder is a subfolder (#7647) + * Fix Elastic's folder subscription toggle in search result (#7653) + * Fix state of subscription toggle on folders list after changing + folder state from the search result (#7653) + * Security: Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML or plain text + messages with malicious content + +- use system apache rpm macros + +- update to 1.4.9: + * Fix HTML editor in latest Chrome 85.0.4183.102, update to TinyMCE 4.9.11 (#7615) + * Add missing localization for some label/legend elements in userinfo plugin (#7478) + * Fix importing birthday dates from Gmail vCards (BDAY:YYYYMMDD) + * Fix restoring Cc/Bcc fields from local storage (#7554) + * Fix jstz.min.js installation, bump version to 1.0.7 + * Fix incorrect PDO::lastInsertId() use in sqlsrv driver (#7564) + * Fix link to closure compiler in bin/ script (#7567) + * Fix bug where some parts of a message could have been missing in a reply/forward body (#7568) + * Fix empty space on mail printouts in Chrome (#7604) + * Fix empty output from HTML5 parser when content contains XML tag (#7624) + * Fix scroll jump on key press in plain text mode of the HTML editor (#7622) + * Fix so autocompletion list does not hide on scroll inside it (#7592) + +- finally renamed roundcubemail-1.4.8-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-config_dir.patch to avoid additional roundtrip + times with each submission: + + removed roundcubemail-1.4.7-config_dir.patch + + added roundcubemail-config_dir.patch + +- update to 1.4.8 with security fixes: + * Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious svg content (CVE-2020-16145) + * Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via HTML messages with malicious math content + +- update to 1.4.7 with security fix: - From 1.3.13 + * Fix bug where subfolders of special folders could have been duplicated on folder list + * Increase maximum size of contact jobtitle and department fields to 128 characters + * Fix missing newline after the logged line when writing to stdout (#7418) + * Elastic: Fix context menu (paste) on the recipient input (#7431) + * Fix problem with forwarding inline images attached to messages with no HTML part (#7414) + * Fix problem with handling attached images with same name when using + database_attachments/redundant_attachments (#7455) +- renamed roundcubemail-1.4.6-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-1.4.7-config_dir.patch + +- add file + * include one file for php5/php7 admin flags/values + +- update to 1.4.6 - From 1.3.12 - * Security: Better fix for CVE-2020-12641 (bsc#1171148) +- renamed roundcubemail-1.4.5-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-1.4.6-config_dir.patch + +- update to 1.4.5 + Security fixes + * Fix XSS issue in template object 'username' (#7406) + * Fix cross-site scripting (XSS) via malicious XML attachment + * Fix a couple of XSS issues in Installer (#7406) + * Better fix for CVE-2020-12641 + Other changes + * Fix bug in extracting required plugins from composer.json that led + to spurious error in log (#7364) + * Fix so the database setup description is compatible with MySQL 8 (#7340) + * Markasjunk: Fix regression in jsevent driver (#7361) + * Fix missing flag indication on collapsed thread in Larry and Elastic (#7366) + * Fix default keyservers (use, add note about CORS (#7373, #7367) + * Password: Fix issue with Modoboa driver (#7372) + * Mailvelope: Use sender's address to find pubkeys to check signatures (#7348) + * Mailvelope: Fix Encrypt button hidden in Elastic (#7353) + * Fix PHP warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object... + in ID command handler (#7392) + * Fix error when user-configured skin does not exist anymore (#7271) + * Elastic: Fix aspect ratio of a contact photo in mail preview (#7339) + * Fix bug where PDF attachments marked as inline could have not been + attached on mail forward (#7382) + * Security: Fix a couple of XSS issues in Installer (#7406) - * Security: Fix couple of XSS issues in Installer (#7406) - From 1.3.11 (bsc#1171148 -> CVE-2020-12641 bsc#1171040 -> CVE-2020-12625 bsc#1171149 -> CVE-2020-12640) - * Enigma: Fix compatibility with Mail_Mime >= 1.10.5 - * Fix permissions on some folders created by bin/ script (#6930) - * Fix bug where inline images could have been ignored if Content-Id header contained redundant spaces (#6980) - * Fix PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant LOG_EMERGE (#6991) - * Fix PHP warning: "array_merge(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, null given in (#7003) + * Security: Better fix for CVE-2020-12641 +- renamed roundcubemail-1.4.4-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-1.4.5-config_dir.patch + +- update to 1.4.4 + * Fix bug where attachments with Content-Id were attached to the message on reply (#7122) + * Fix identity selection on reply when both sender and recipient addresses are included in identities (#7211) + * Elastic: Fix text selection with Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown in plain text editor when using Chrome (#7230) + * Elastic: Fix recipient input bug when using click to select a contact from autocomplete list (#7231) + * Elastic: Fix color of a folder with recent messages (#7281) + * Elastic: Restrict logo size in print view (#7275) + * Fix invalid Content-Type for messages with only html part and inline images * Mail_Mime-1.10.7 (#7261) + * Fix missing contact display name in QR Code data (#7257) + * Fix so button label in Select image/media dialogs is "Close" not "Cancel" (#7246) + * Fix regression in testing database schema on MSSQL (#7227) + * Fix cursor position after inserting a group to a recipient input using autocompletion (#7267) + * Fix string literals handling in IMAP STATUS (and various other) responses (#7290) + * Fix bug where multiple images in a message were replaced by the first one on forward/reply/edit (#7293) + * Fix handling keyservers configured with protocol prefix (#7295) + * Markasjunk: Fix marking as spam/ham on moving messages with Move menu (#7189) + * Markasjunk: Fix bug where moving to Junk was failing on messages selected with Select > All (#7206) + * Fix so imap error message is displayed to the user on folder create/update (#7245) + * Fix bug where a special folder couldn't be created if a special-use flag is not supported (#7147) + * Mailvelope: Fix bug where recipients with name were not handled properly in mail compose (#7312) + * Fix characters encoding in group rename input after group creation/rename (#7330) + * Fix bug where some message/rfc822 parts could not be attached on forward (#7323) + * Make script working without the 'file' program installed (#7325) + * Fix performance issue of parsing big HTML messages by disabling HTML5 parser for these (#7331) + * Fix so Print button for PDF attachments works on Firefox >= 75 (#5125) - From 1.3.10 (bsc#1146286) +- adjusted/renamed roundcubemail-1.4.3-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-1.4.4-config_dir.patch + +- update to 1.4.3 + * Enigma: Fix so key list selection is reset when opening key creation form (#7154) + * Enigma: Fix so using list checkbox selection does not load the key preview frame + * Enigma: Fix generation of key pairs for identities with IDN domains (#7181) + * Enigma: Display IDN domains of key users and identities in UTF8 + * Enigma: Fix bug where "Send unencrypted" button didn't work in Elastic skin (#7205) + * Managesieve: Fix bug where it wasn't possible to save flag actions (#7188) + * Markasjunk: Fix bug where marking as spam/ham didn't work on moving messages with drag-and-drop (#7137) + * Password: Make Python 3 compatible (#7135) + * Elastic: Fix disappearing sidebar in mail compose after clicking Mail button + * Elastic: Fix incorrect aria-disabled attribute on Mail taskmenu button in mail compose + * Elastic: Fix bug where it was possible to switch editor mode when 'htmleditor' was in 'dont_override' (#7143) + * Elastic: Fix text selection in recipient inputs (#7129) + * Elastic: Fix missing Close button in "more recipients" dialog + * Elastic: Fix non-working folder subscription checkbox for newly added folders (#7174) + * Fix regression where "Open in new window" action didn't work (#7155) + * Fix PHP Warning: array_filter() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in subscriptions_option plugin (#7165) + * Fix unexpected error message when mail refresh involves folder auto-unsubscribe (#6923) + * Fix recipient duplicates in print-view when the recipient list has been expanded (#7169) + * Fix bug where files in skins/ directory were listed on skins list (#7180) + * Fix bug where message parts with no Content-Disposition header and no name were not listed on attachments list (#7117) + * Fix display issues with mail subject that contains line-breaks (#7191) + * Fix invalid Content-Transfer-Encoding on multipart messages - Mail_Mime fix (#7170) + * Fix regression where using an absolute path to SQLite database file on Windows didn't work (#7196) + * Fix using unix:///path/to/socket.file in memcached driver (#7210) +- adjusted/renamed roundcubemail-1.4.2-config_dir.patch to + roundcubemail-1.4.3-config_dir.patch + +- prefer brotli over gzip if brotli is available: + + enable mod_brotli in roundcubemail-httpd.conf (after deflate) + + enable brotli via a2enmod for new installations + +- update to 1.4.2: + * Plugin API: Make actionbefore, before, actionafter and after + events working with plugin actions (#7106) + * Managesieve: Replace "Filter disabled" with "Filter enabled" (#7028) + * Managesieve: Fix so modifier type select wasn't hidden after hiding + modifier select on header change + * Managesieve: Fix filter selection after removing a first filter (#7079) + * Markasjunk: Fix marking more than one message as spam/ham with + email_learn driver (#7121) + * Password: Fix kpasswd and smb drivers' double-escaping bug (#7092) + * Enigma: Add script to import keys from filesystem to the db + storage (for multihost) + * Installer: Fix DB Write test on SQLite database + ("database is locked" error) (#7064) + * Installer: Fix so SQLite DSN with a relative path to the database + file works in Installer + * Elastic: Fix contrast of warning toasts (#7058) + * Elastic: Simple search in pretty selects (#7072) + * Elastic: Fix hidden list widget on mobile/tablet when selecting + folder while search menu is open (#7120) + * Fix so type attribute on script tags is not used on HTML5 pages (#6975) + * Fix unread count after purge on a folder that is not currently selected (#7051) + * Fix bug where Enter key didn't work on messages list in "List" layout (#7052) + * Fix bug where deleting a saved search in addressbook caused + display issue on sources/groups list (#7061) + * Fix bug where a new saved search added after removing all searches + wasn't added to the list (#7061) + * Fix bug where a new contact group added after removing all groups + from addressbook wasn't added to the list + * Fix so removes Bootstrap's sourceMappingURL (#7035) + * Fix so use of Ctrl+A does not scroll the list (#7020) + * Fix/remove useless keyup event handler on username input in logon form (#6970) + * Fix bug where cancelling switching from HTML to plain text didn't + set the flag properly (#7077) + * Fix bug where HTML reply could add an empty line with extra indentation + above the original message (#7088) + * Fix matching multiple X-Forwarded-For addresses with 'proxy_whitelist' (#7107) + * Fix so displayed maximum attachment size depends also on 'max_message_size' (#7105) + * Fix bug where 'skins_allowed' option didn't enforce user skin + preference (#7080) + * Fix so contact's organization field accepts up to 128 characters + (it was 50) + * Fix bug where listing tables in PostgreSQL database with db_prefix + didn't work (#7093) + * Fix bug where 'text' attribute on body tag was ignored when + displaying HTML message (#7109) + * Fix bug where next message wasn't displayed after delete in List mode (#7096) + * Fix so number of contacts in a group is not limited to 200 when + redirecting to mail composer from Contacts (#6972) + * Fix malformed characters in HTML message with charset meta tag + not in head (#7116) +- renamed patches: + - roundcubemail-1.1-beta-config_dir.patch + + roundcubemail-1.4.2-config_dir.patch + +- remove more cruft from the source (like .tavis or .gitignore) +- php documentor is not needed on a productive system -> remove +- also fix /usr/bin/env calls for two vendor scripts +- skins now have some configurable files in their directories: + move those files over to /etc/roundcubemail/skins/ +- move other text files (incl. vendor ones) out of the root + directory (and handle the LICENSE file a bit different) +- enable mod_filter and add AddOutputFilterByType for common media + types like html, javascript or xml +- enable php7 on newer openSUSE versions +- enable deflate, expires, filter, headers and setenvif on a new + installation - do not enable any module in case of an update +- recommend php-imagick for additional features + +- Updated dependencies +- Moved LICENCE file to proper directory +- removed travis files +- fixed most of the shell scripts to contain /usr/bin/php + +- Upgrade to version 1.4.1: + * new defaults for smtp_* config options + * changed default password_charset to UTF-8 + * login page returning 401 Unauthorized status + +- Upgrade to version 1.4.0: + * Update to jQuery 3.4.1 + * Update to TinyMCE 4.8.2 + * Update to jQuery-MiniColors 2.3.4 + * Clarified 'address_book_type' option behavior (#6680) + * Added cookie mismatch detection, display an error message informing the user to clear cookies + * Renamed 'log_session' option to 'session_debug' + * Removed 'delete_always' option (#6782) + * Don't log full session identifiers in userlogins log (#6625) + * Support $HasAttachment/$HasNoAttachment keywords (#6201) + * Support PECL memcached extension as a session and cache storage driver (experimental) + * Switch to IDNA2008 variant (#6806) + * Add possibility to run the update even on the up-to-date installation (#6533) + * Plugin API: Add 'render_folder_selector' hook + * Added 'keyservers' option to define list of HKP servers for Enigma/Mailvelope (#6326) + * Added flag to disable server certificate validation via Mysql DSN argument (#6848) + * Select all records on the current list page with CTRL + A (#6813) + * Use Left/Right Arrow keys to faster move over threaded messages list (#6399) + * Changes in display_next setting (#6795): + * * Move it to Preferences > User Interface > Main Options + * * Make it apply to Contacts interface too + * * Make it apply only if deleting/moving a previewed message/contact + * Redis: Support connection to unix socket + * Put charset meta specification before a title tag, add page title automatically (#6811) + * Elastic: Various internal refactorings + * Elastic: Add Prev/Next buttons on message page toolbar (#6648) + * Elastic: Close search options on Enter key press in quick-search input (#6660) + * Elastic: Changed some icons (#6852) + * Elastic: Changed read/unread icons (#6636) + * Elastic: Changed "Move to..." icon (#6637) + * Elastic: Add hide/show for advanced preferences (#6632) + * Elastic: Add default icon on Settings/Preferences lists for external plugins (#6814) + * Elastic: Add indicator for popover menu items that open a submenu (#6868) + * Elastic: Move compose attachments/options to the right side (#6839) + * Elastic: Add border/background to attachments list widget (#6842) + * Elastic: Add "Show unread messages" button to the search bar (#6587) + * Elastic: Fix bug where toolbar disappears on attachment menu use in Chrome (#6677) + * Elastic: Fix folders list scrolling on touch devices (#6706) + * Elastic: Fix non-working pretty selects in Chrome browser (#6705) + * Elastic: Fix issue with absolute positioned mail content (#6739) + * Elastic: Fix bug where some menu actions could cause a browser popup warning + * Elastic: Fix handling mailto: URL parameters in contact menu (#6751) + * Elastic: Fix keyboard navigation in some menus, e.g. the contact menu + * Elastic: Fix visual issue with long buttons in .boxwarning (#6797) + * Elastic: Fix handling new-line in text pasted to a recipient input + * Elastic: Fix so search is not reset when returning from the message preview page (#6847) + * Larry: Fix regression where menu actions didn't work with keyboard (#6740) + * ACL: Display user/group names (from ldap) instead of acl identifier + * Password: Added ldap_exop driver (#4992) + * Password: Added support for SSHA512 password algorithm (#6805) + * Managesieve: Fix bug where global includes were requested for vacation (#6716) + * Managesieve: Use RFC-compliant line endings, CRLF instead of LF (#6686) + * Managesieve: Fix so "Create filter" option does not show up when Filters menu is disabled (#6723) + * Enigma: For verified signatures, display the user id associated with the sender address (#5958) + * Enigma: Fix bug where revoked users/keys were not greyed out in key info + * Enigma: Fix error message when trying to encrypt with a revoked key (#6607) + * Enigma: Fix "decryption oracle" bug [CVE-2019-10740] (#6638) + * Enigma: Fix bug where signature verification could have been skipped for some message structures (#6838) + * Fix language selection for spellchecker in html mode (#6915) + * Fix css styles leak from replied/forwarded message to the rest of the composed text (#6831) + * Fix invalid path to "add contact" icon when using assets_path setting + * Fix invalid path to blocked.gif when using assets_path setting (#6752) + * Fix so advanced search dialog is not automatically displayed on searchonly addressbooks (#6679) + * Fix so an error is logged when more than one attachment plugin has been enabled, initialize the first one (#6735) + * Fix bug where flag change could have been passed to a preview frame when not expected + * Fix bug in HTML parser that could cause missing text fragments when there was no head/body tag (#6713) + * Fix bug where HTML messages with a xml:namespace tag were not rendered (#6697) + * Fix TinyMCE download location (#6694) + * Fix so "Open in new window" consistently displays "external window" interface (#6659) + * Fix bug where next row wasn't selected after deleting a collapsed thread (#6655) + * Fix bug where external content (e.g. mail body) was passed to templates parsing code (#6640) + * Fix bug where attachment preview didn't work with x_frame_options=deny (#6688) + * Fix so bin/ returns error code on error (#6704) + * Fix bug where bmp images couldn't be displayed on some systems (#6728) + * Fix bug in parsing vCard data using PHP 7.3 due to an invalid regexp (#6744) + * Fix bug where bold/strong text was converted to upper-case on html-to-text conversion (6758) + * Fix bug in rcube_utils::parse_hosts() where %t, %d, %z could return only tld (#6746) + * Fix bug where Next/Prev button in mail view didn't work with multi-folder search result (#6793) + * Fix bug where selection of columns on messages list wasn't working + * Fix bug in converting multi-page Tiff images to Jpeg (#6824) + * Fix bug where handling multiple messages from multi-folder search result could not work (#6845) + * Fix bug where unread count wasn't updated after moving multi-folder result (#6846) + * Fix wrong messages order after returning to a multi-folder search result (#6836) + * Fix some PHP 7.4 compat. issues (#6884, #6866) + * Fix bug where it was possible to bypass the position:fixed CSS check in received messages (#6898) + * Fix bug where some strict remote URIs in url() style were unintentionally blocked (#6899) + * Fix bug where it was possible to bypass the CSS jail in HTML messages using :root pseudo-class (#6897) + * Fix bug where it was possible to bypass href URI check with data:application/xhtml+xml URIs (#6896) + * Changed 'password_charset' default to 'UTF-8' (#6522) + * Add skins_allowed option (#6483) + * SMTP GSSAPI support via krb_authentication plugin (#6417) + * Avoid Referer leaking by using Referrer-Policy:same-origin header (#6385) + * Removed 'referer_check' option (#6440) + * Use constant prefix for temp file names, don't remove temp files from other apps (#6511) + * Ignore 'Sender' header on Reply-All action (#6506) + * Add option to delete users who have not logged in for more than X days (#6340) + * HTML5 Upload Progress - as a replacement for the old server-side solution (#6177) + * Prevent from using deprecated timezone names from jsTimezoneDetect + * Force session.gc_probability=1 when using custom session handlers (#6560) + * Support simple field labels (e.g. LetterHub examples) in csv imports (#6541) + * Add cache busters also to images used by templates (#6610) + * Plugin API: Added 'raise_error' hook (#6199) + * Plugin API: Added 'common_headers' hook (#6385) + * Plugin API: Added 'ldap_connected' hook + * Enigma: Update to OpenPGPjs 4.2.1 - fixes user name encoding issues in key generation (#6524) + * Enigma: Fixed multi-host synchronization of private and deleted keys and pubring.kbx file + * Managesieve: Added support for 'editheader' extension - RFC5293 (#5954) + * Managesieve: Fix bug where custom header or variable could be lost on form submission (#6594) + * Markasjunk: Integrate markasjunk2 features into markasjunk - marking as non-junk + learning engine (#6504) + * Password: Added 'modoboa' driver (#6361) + * Password: Fix bug where password_dovecotpw_with_method setting could be ignored (#6436) + * Password: Fix bug where new users could skip forced password change (#6434) + * Password: Allow drivers to override default password comparisons (eg new is not same as current) (#6473) + * Password: Allow drivers to override default strength checks (eg allow for 'not the same as last x passwords') (#246) + * Passowrd: Allow drivers to define password strength rules displayed to the user + * Password: Allow separate password saving and strength drivers for use of strength checking services (#5040) + * Password: Add zxcvbn driver for checking password strength (#6479) + * Password: Disallow control characters in passwords + * Password: Add support for Plesk >= 17.8 (#6526) + * Elastic: Improved datepicker displayed always in parent window + * Elastic: On touch devices display attachment icons on messages list (#6296) + * Elastic: Make menu button inactive if all subactions are inactive (#6444) + * Elastic: On mobile/tablet jump to the list on folder selection (#6415) + * Elastic: Various improvements on mail compose screen (#6413) + * Elastic: Support new-line char as a separator for pasted recipients (#6460) + * Elastic: Improved UX of search dialogs (#6416) + * Elastic: Fix unwanted thread expanding when selecting a collapsed thread in non-mobile mode (#6445) + * Elastic: Fix too small height of mailvelope mail preview frame (#6600) + * Elastic: Add "status bar" for mobile in mail composer + * Elastic: Add selection options on contacts list (#6595) + * Elastic: Fix unintentional layout preference overwrite (#6613) + * Elastic: Fix bug where Enigma options in mail compose could sometimes be ignored (#6515) + * Log errors caused by low pcre.backtrack_limit when sending a mail message (#6433) + * Fix regression where drafts were not deleted after sending the message (#6756) + * Fix so max_message_size limit is checked also when forwarding messages as attachments (#6580) + * Fix so performance stats are logged to the main console log also when per_user_logging=true + * Fix malformed message saved into Sent folder when using big attachments and low memory limit (#6498) + * Fix incorrect IMAP SASL GSSAPI negotiation (#6308) + * Fix so unicode in local part of the email address is also supported in recipient inputs (#6490) + * Fix bug where autocomplete list could be displayed out of screen (#6469) + * Fix style/navigation on error page depending on authentication state (#6362) + * Fix so invalid smtp_helo_host is never used, fallback to localhost (#6408) + * Fix custom logo size in Elastic (#6424) + * Fix listing the same attachment multiple times on forwarded messages + * Fix bug where a message/rfc822 part without a filename wasn't listed on the attachments list (#6494) + * Fix inconsistent offset for various time zones - always display Standard Time offset (#6531) + * Fix dummy Message-Id when resuming a draft without Message-Id header (#6548) + * Fix handling of empty entries in vCard import (#6564) + * Fix bug in parsing some IMAP command responses that include unsolicited replies (#6577) + * Fix PHP 7.2 compatibility in debug_logger plugin (#6586) + * Fix so ANY record is not used for email domain validation, use A, MX, CNAME, AAAA instead (#6581) + * Fix so mime_content_type check in Installer uses files that should always be available (i.e. from program/resources) (#6599) + * Fix missing CSRF token on a link to download too-big message part (#6621) + * Fix bug when aborting dragging with ESC key didn't stop the move action (#6623) + * Improved Mailvelope integration + * * Added private key listing and generating to identity settings + * * Enable encrypt & sign option if Mailvelope supports it + * Allow contacts without an email address (#5079) + * Support SMTPUTF8 and relax email address validation to support unicode in local part (#5120) + * Support for IMAP folders that cannot contain both folders and messages (#5057) + * Remove sample PHP configuration from .htaccess and .user.ini files (#5850) + * Extend skin_logo setting to allow per skin logos (#6272) + * Use Masterminds/HTML5 parser for better HTML5 support (#5761) + * Add More actions button in Contacts toolbar with Copy/Move actions (#6081) + * Display an error when clicking disabled link to register protocol handler (#6079) + * Add option trusted_host_patterns (#6009, #5752) + * Support additional connect parameters in PostgreSQL database wrapper + * Use UI dialogs instead of confirm() and alert() where possible + * Display value of the SMTP message size limit in the error message (#6032) + * Show message flagged status in message view (#5080) + * Skip redundant INSERT query on successful logon when using PHP7 + * Replace display_version with display_product_version (#5904) + * Extend disabled_actions config so it accepts also button names (#5903) + * Handle remote stylesheets the same as remote images, ask the user to allow them (#5994) + * Add Message-ID to the sendmail log (#5871) + * Add option to hide folders in share/other-user namespace or outside of the personal namespace root (#5073) + * Archive: Fix archiving by sender address on cyrus-imap + * Archive: Style Archive folder also on folder selector and folder manager lists + * Archive: Add Thunderbird compatible Month option (#5623) + * Archive: Create archive folder automatically if it's configured, but does not exist (#6076) + * Enigma: Add button to send mail unencrypted if no key was found (#5913) + * Enigma: Add options to set PGP cipher/digest algorithms (#5645) + * Enigma: Multi-host support + * Managesieve: Add ability to disable filter sets and other actions (#5496, #5898) + * Managesieve: Add option managesieve_forward to enable settings dialog for simple forwarding (#6021) + * Managesieve: Support filter action with custom IMAP flags (#6011) + * Managesieve: Support 'mime' extension tests - RFC5703 (#5832) + * Managesieve: Support GSSAPI authentication with krb_authentication plugin (#5779) + * Managesieve: Support enabling the plugin for specified hosts only (#6292) + * Password: Support host variables in password_db_dsn option (#5955) + * Password: Automatic virtualmin domain setting, removed password_virtualmin_format option (#5759) + * Password: Added password_username_format option (#5766) + * subscriptions_option: show \Noselect folders greyed out (#5621) + * zipdownload: Added option to define size limit for multiple messages download (#5696) + * vcard_attachments: Add possibility to send contact vCard from Contacts toolbar (#6080) + * Changed defaults for smtp_user (%u), smtp_pass (%p) and smtp_port (587) + * Composer: Fix certificate validation errors by using packagist only (#5148) + * Add --get and --extract arguments and CACHEDIR env-variable support to (#5882) + * Support _filter and _scope as GET arguments for opening mail UI (#5825) + * Various improvements for templating engine and skin behaviours + * * Support conditional include + * * Support for 'link' objects + * * Support including files with path relative to templates directory + * * Use instead of for submit button on logon screen + * Support skin localization (#5853) + * Reset onerror on images if placeholder does not exist to prevent from requests storm + * Unified and simplified code for loading content frame for responses and identities + * Display contact import and advanced search in popup dialogs + * Display a dialog for mail import with supported format description and upload size hint + * Make possible to set (some) config options from a skin + * Added optional checkbox selection for the list widget + * Make 'compose' command always enabled + * Add .log suffix to all log file names, add option log_file_ext to control this (#313) + * Return "401 Unauthorized" status when login fails (#5663) + * Support both comma and semicolon as recipient separator, drop recipients_separator option (#5092) + * Plugin API: Added 'show_bytes' hook (#5001) + * Add option to not indent quoted text on top-posting reply (#5105) + * Removed global $CONFIG variable + * Removed debug_level setting + * Support AUTHENTICATE LOGIN for IMAP connections (#5563) + * Support LDAP GSSAPI authentication (#5703) + * Localized timezone selector (#4983) + * Use 7bit encoding for ISO-2022-* charsets in sent mail (#5640) + * Handle inline images also inside multipart/mixed messages (#5905) + * Allow style tags in HTML editor on composed/reply messages (#5751) + * Use Github API as a fallback to fetch js dependencies to workaround throttling issues (#6248) + * Show confirm dialog when moving folders using drag and drop (#6119) + * Fix bug where new_user_dialog email check could have been circumvented by deleting / abandoning session (#5929) + * Fix skin extending for assets (#5115) + * Fix handling of forwarded messages inside of a TNEF message (#5632) + * Fix bug where attachment size wasn't visible when the filename was too long (#6033) + * Fix checking table columns when there's more schemas/databases in postgres/mysql (#6047) + * Fix css conflicts in user interface and e-mail content (#5891) + * Fix duplicated signature when using Back button in Chrome (#5809) + * Fix touch event issue on messages list in IE/Edge (#5781) + * Fix so links over images are not removed in plain text signatures converted from HTML (#4473) + * Fix various issues when downloading files with names containing non-ascii chars, use RFC 2231 (#5772) + +- Upgrade to version 1.3.10: - From 1.3.9 (bsc#1115718) - * Fix TinyMCE download location (#6694) + +- Upgrade to version 1.3.9: + * Fix TinyMCE download location(s) (#6694) - * Fix so mime_content_type check in Installer uses files that should always - be available (i.e. from program/resources) (#6599) + * Fix so mime_content_type check in Installer uses files that should always be available (i.e. from program/resources) (#6599) - From 1.3.8 + +- Upgrade to version 1.3.8: - * Fix support for "allow-from <uri>" in "x_frame_options" config option (#6449) + * Fix support for "allow-from " in x_frame_options config option (#6449) - From 1.3.7 (bsc#1115719) +- add files with .log entry to logrotate config +- enhance apache configuration by: + + disable mbstring function overload ( + + do not allow to see README*, INSTALL, LICENSE or CHANGELOG files + + set additional headers: + ++ Content-Security-Policy: ask browsers to not set the referrer + ++ Cache-Control: ask not to cache the content + ++ Strict-Transport-Security: set HSTS rules for SSL traffic + ++ X-XSS-Protection: configure built in reflective XSS protection +- adjust README.openSUSE: + + is not used any longer + + flush privileges after creating/changing users in mysql +- use %%license macro on newer distributions + +- upstream fixed broken tar.gz archive keeping same version 1.3.7 + +- Upgrade to version 1.3.7 rpmconf +- Update to version 1.1.4 (changes since 1.0.19): + * Better handle message after merging. + * Add sdiff support (gh#xsuchy/rpmconf#51). + * rpmconf.sgml: Improve readability. + * Drop the deprecated no-op "U" mode for open() for Python 3.9+. + * Fix short version of --version. + * Implement --root option. + * initialise rpm transaction faster. + * Do not traceback when Ctrl+C. + * Do not go over all packages if neither -a or -o is set. + * Implement --exclude. + * Implement unattended mode. + * Move init section after sleep() so it can be interrupted by ^C. +- Fix version in the released RPM. +- BuildRequire make. + rpmdevtools +- Stop passing --libdir=%{_libexecdir} to configure: besides being + wrong, it also has no effect in this package. + +- Switch to python 3: + * Require python3-rpm instead of python2-rpm + * Add python3-shebang.patch to run python scripts with python3 + * Add rmdevelrpms_fix_filename_search.patch to add compatibility + with both newer and older rpm binding + * Backport upstream commits 2ddae80, 693c954 and ea772da as + rmdevelrpms_use_more_raw_strings.patch + bumpspec_checksig_avoid_python_3.6_regex_related_deprecations.patch + limit_newversion_re.sub_to_a_single_replacement.patch + +- Clean up spec file with spec-cleaner +- Update names of python bindings for rpm + rpmorphan +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Use noun phrase in summary. Trim future intentions. + +- Update to 1.19: + improvement : + * (rpmorphan) add recommends option + * (rpmdep) add recommends/suggests option + * (rpmdep) handle require with if syntax (redhat-rpm-config) + * (rpmextra) add repoquery method + * (rpmextra) can force method using env RPMEXTRA_METHOD + bugfix : + * (rpmdep) remove warnings + * (rpmextra) fix problem with yum/dnf wrapping + -- Update to 1.12.2: - * fix rh#880603 : undefined used as SCALAR reference -- No need to set TARGET_LOCALE anymore. Default install dir is - /usr/lib/rpmorphan/. - -- Update to 1.12: - * libs does not need to be executable - * move libs to /usr/lib/rpmorphan - * remove Data::Dumper dependency - * (rpmduplicates) take care of arch -- Added a Recommends: entry for perl-URPM (optional runtime requirement). - -- Updated to 1.11: - * add suggests option - * add /etc/rpmorphanrc - * fix bug with space in filenames - * add env RPMORPHAN_METHOD for debugging - rpmrebuild +- Update to version 2.16 + + fix bug if more than 10 args (thanks Dmitry V. Levin) + + add signal trapping to clean directory + + fix warnings from shellcheck + + fix problem when rebuild filesystem package (builroot not a directory) + + fix installation test for kernel and multi-arch packages +- Packaging: + + run spec-cleaner -m + + remove expired keyring and sig + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Update to version 2.15 + + fix error on line 204 (verify tag) + + use env in shebang to avoid path problemes (/bin versus /usr/bin) + * ** This is reverted on openSUSE to static /usr/bin/bash *** + + updated htmc doc (features, usage) + + avoid shebang translation for rpmrebuild packages + (__brp_mangle_shebangs macro) + + fix bug on change-spec-preamble (move processing_init before + CommandLineParsing) thanks Nerijus + + fix cpio problem : add --no-absolute-filenames option + + better diagnostic on internal error + + fix bug on conditional requires (with space) +- Packaging + + renew spec with spec-cleaner + + use %autopatch macro + + Add sed instruction to remove all env calls in code + +- Update to version 2.14 + + add list of optional tags, to allow rpmrebuild work with old + rpm versions + + add dependency on setarch + + add debug code (calls on functions) + + use local variables to avoid conflicts + + rewrite html target in Makefile + + suppress VERSION (use Version) + + add comments in rpmrebuild_rpmqf.src to avoid bad syntax after + GenRpmQf + + test if awk support non-posix lshift (qf_spec_requires_raw) + + workaround for redhat 6.x / rpm 3.x, merci Francesco + +- Update to version 2.13 + + can handle recommends / supplements rpm tags + + previous 2.12-1 + - apply patch on requires from Bruce Jerrick : Handle + Requires(pre,post,preun,postun) + - add new requires syntax with if ( redhat-rpm-config ) + + previous 2.11-3 + - Made minor grammatical fixes to English language translations + (patch from beroset) + + previous 2.11-2 + - fix bad day of week in changelog (rpmbuild warning) + - add dependency to rpm-build package instead rpmbuild binary +- Packaging: + + spec-cleanup minimal (date,%licence) + + fix executable bit in %libexec/rpmrebuild + -- Update to version 2.6 -- spec cleaner -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile - (cf. packaging guidelines) -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel build- - -- Update to version 2.4 - o add -l / --list-plugin option - o add -5 / --md5-compat-digest option - -- Update to version 2.3 - o fix installation test when repackaged rpm file (with -p) - o fix for rpm 4.6 that ignore BuildRoot in the spec file flag - o do not use popt any more - -- Update to version 2.2.3 - * fix a problem with new rpm security - * fix a bug when working on package file with path - -- Update to version 2.2.1 - * fix bug on uid/gid with --pug-from-fs option - * demo plugin : better error message - * do not remove /etc/popt : it does not belong our package - * add new set_tag plugin - * new demofiles plugin - rr +- Only build for x86_64 + +- Update to 5.4.0: + * As usual there are many bug fixes, improvements to system call + coverage, and incremental performance improvements. + * AMD Zen CPUs are now supported, with some caveats. + * There is experimental support for ARM AArch64 platforms that + avoid the STREX instruction. + * rr record has a new option --nested=detach which lets nested + rr recordings run "detached" to create a separate recording. + rsibreak +- Update to 0.12.14: + * Translation improvements + * Minor code cleanup +- Remove no longer used KF5IconThemes BuildRequires + +- Update URL. + +- Spec cleanup + rsnapshot +- Add fix-tests-path.patch + By changing the access rights in Factory/TW for /home/ from + 0755 to 0555 + (see + the tests fail. + The tests are now copied to /tmp/ before execution to ensure a + smooth run. + +- update to 1.4.4: + - Add sentence explaining rsync_long|short_args + sign to man page + - Fix rsnapreport problems (incorrect header, fail when rsync present) + - Add notes about documentation, and link to the website repo + - Fix for 'rsync_cleanup_after_native_cp_al() only works on directories' fail + when sync_first on and cmd_cp not set (#133). Add test + - Fix for rm -rf failing when the path contains ./ + - Suppress noisy error from non-GNU cp on BSD-ish machines, including MacOS + - Add CentOS 7 to succesfully tested to docs + - Minor tidy up rel configure options --with-test-(true|false). + - Update docs to remove dangling refs to HOWTO on + - Skip both SSH tests (rather one) if SSH doesn't work + - Use perl-5.30 for tests (used in ubuntu 20.04 focal) + - Lower verbose level of rsync output to 1.3.x equivalent to work with + again + - Fix location of true and false binaries on macOS +- drop skip-ssh-test.patch (merged upstream) + +- update to 1.4.3: + - Fixes and minor updates to Pod / man page. + - Adds more tests. + - Restore rsync error code 23 as an important warning. + - Fixes shortargs appending. + - Non-LVM backup source breaks after LVM backup source. + - Update utility script to work with rsync >= 3.1.0 stats and bytes changes. +- remove rsnapreport_rsync_output.patch, rsnapshot-lvm-undef.patch: upstream +- add skip-ssh-test.patch (ignore ssh test failure on envs without network) +- tighten find/sed on usr/local to not touch automake related files + +- Apply backup_pgsql.patch, forgotten before... + +- Add a couple of patches from debian/upstream + rsnapshot-lvm-undef.patch + remove-dead-external-css-link.patch + rsnapreport_rsync_output.patch + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner + -- Split test phase to check one. -- Remove useless clean phase. -- Silence some rpmlint macros. - -- Add a patch to correct syntax needed by perl 5.18: - rsnapshot-1.3.1-perl5.18.patch -- Get rid of changelog entries form specfile - -- buildfix: refresh patches - -- Update to 1.3.1 - * Fix help message mixup in lines between -c and -t - * Allow named pipe as logfile - * Include rsnapshot-copy script - * Allow `backticks` in include_conf. - * hopefully fix bug with link_dest not being used on second and - later backups when you have link_dest 1 and sync_first 1 - * Added stop_on_stale_lockfile - * Added multi-line config options - * The 'interval' config option is now called 'retain' - rss-glx +- Add GCC 11 compatibility fix: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch + +- Remove the unneeded kde4-filesystem build requirement. + -- Fix build with no-add-needed, just by not using static linking -- Fix lack of optflags due to broken configure script - -- update to 0.9.1: - * added port of Pixel City - * replaced methods deprecated by ImageMagick -- fix build on < 11.2 by defining _kde4_servicesdir if not already defined - rstudio -- Use boost 1.66 on Leap 15.3 also +- Add 0009-Fix-catch-build.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34. + +- Exclude build for %ix86: not all dependencies are available. + +- Add missing symlink to pandoc + +- New upstream release v1.4.1717 + Rebase patches: + * 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch + * 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch + * 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch + * 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch + * 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch + * 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch + * 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch + * 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch + +New upstream release v1.4.1106 + Add nodejs dependency bundle for the new visual markdown editor: + + Rebase patches: + * 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch + * 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch + * 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch + * 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch + * 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch + * 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch + * 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch + * 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch + RStudio 1.4 "Tiger Daylily" + Bugfixes + Fixed issue where R code input could be executed in the wrong order in some cases (#8837) + Fixed issue where default initial working directory was incorrectly set to a project directory (#8683) + Fixed issue causing the second inline equation in a paragraph to fail to render in visual editing mode (#8810) + Fixed issue where session source database sentinel file was not being written correctly when the session is suspended (#8903) + Misc + Update Pandoc to 2.11.4 (#8848) + Update jQuery to 3.5.1 (Pro #2314) + +- New upstream release 1.4.1103 + Renamed / rebased patches: + * 0005-Use-system-hunspell.patch + * 0004-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch + * 0006-Fix-libclang-usage.patch + * 0007-use-system-node.patch + +New upstream release 1.3.1093 + Rebase patches: + * 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch + * 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch + * 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch + * 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch + * 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch + * 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch + * 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch + * 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch rtags +- Update obsolete BuildRequires: llvm-clang-devel -> clang-devel. + +- Update to 2.38 + * see packaged CHANGELOG file or + + +- Update dependencies +- Use more modern macros + +- update to 2.34 + * see packaged CHANGELOG file or + +- use release tarball instead of checking out git + +- Update to version 2.22+git.20190304.c4dea899: + * Bump version to 2.22 + * Make diagnostics completions enabled by default. They seem to work and are way way faster. + * Hopefully fix #1299 + * Fix shadowing. + * Kill inclusionError concept. Not really used anymore anyway. + * Capture assembly output + * Fix warning on clang 9 + * Convert and to POSIX sh + * Ensure that the project path always has a trailing slash + * Fix warning. + * Fix warning. + * Bump rct. + * This doesn't exist. + * Add missing newline character after printing server options + * Do not explicitly validate the project while it's still indexing (#1286) + * Consider all other unsaved files when code completing a given file + * Consider unsaved files when reindexing to recover from #include errors + * Add support to --remove for removing all files in compile_commands.json + * Support regex matching in the argument to --is-indexing + * Documentation is now available in the wiki + * Output #include/break/continue/return symbol targets for JSON and Elisp + * Do not remove characters from the display name of FieldDecl symbols + * [man] Update man pages + * Add support to --is-indexing for checking against a single project + * [travis] Find llvm-config using find + * [lisp] Add customizable user option variables for rc and rdm binary + * Fix #1262: Append llvm-config --system-libs to LIBCLANG_LIBRARIES + * Create annotated release tags + * Bump version to 2.21 + * Push commits and tags when bumping version + * [lisp] Use correct new url in `rtags-install` to fetch artifacts + * Update changelog + * [rtags] Add back unintentional removed lines from 34c63a3 + * [travis] Use GCC 7 for GNU/Linux travis build + * [rtags] Fix warnings from newer compiler versions + * [rct] Update json.hpp to fix warnings + * [travis] Run unittests on OSx again + * [rct] Fix warnings from submodule + * Run Completion test on GNU/Linux again + * Verify output commands with whitespaces with any order + * Update and fix CI builds + * Change xrange to range + * [] FileNotFoundError is not available in python 2.7 + * Completion should not show NotAccessible items + * Improve functions doc string + * Fix `rtags-find-file' no working for remote locations + * Fix bug introduced in 6aa45cb37 + * make rtags-install work with tramp locations + * Better alignment. + * Make rtags-find-dead-functions work from elisp. + * Shorten --verify-version since it's passed on every call from elisp. + * Update README; rtags-diagnostics is not required for completion + * Fix #1247 Don't enable `rtags-diagnostics` by default on `ac-init` + * rtags-trampify chokes when run run on emacs 25.3.1 + * rtags: Initial support for DragonFly BSD + * Do not display diagnostics when indexing files in the completion thread + * Do not print an error message for a null symbol that is a file symbol + * Revert fix for iOS travis build from 37fafe6 + * Bump rct + * Use --strip-paren to exclude function variables from --find-symbols + * Make --match-icase apply to --match-regexp + * Make --max option apply to the output from --code-complete-at + * Handle skipped diagnostic before a new empty entry for it can be added to the checkStyle map (operator[] creates a new entry). The empty entries showed up in the output with the message set to "null". + * Rephrase message when compiler without c++11 regex support was detected + * Bump rct + * RTags CI/CD setup + * Remove and git-archive-all scripts + * Add CHANGELOG file + * Includes. + * Added RTagsComplete to Sublime Text plugins. + * Update release notes. + * Push tag right here. + * Bump version to 2.20 + * WatchSourcesOnly isn't meant to filter out compile_commands.json changes. + * Work on reloadCompileCommands stuff. Most importantly it seems like we lost the watch on the compile_commands after it had been a target for a rename and this has caused endless grief over the last couple of years. No reason to watch the file explicitly really so we now watch the directory. Also, periodically check the dirtiness of the project to insulate against similar bugs. + * Bump rct. + * Sanity check that fils really have been removed before removing them. + * Dump info about all projects' filesystem watches. + * Do this in a timer as well. + * Oops. + * Try to fix build for emacs < 25. + * Dump emacs version. + * Use correct environment variable for config path + * Fix typo d2b10d624 + * Start groundwork for making it possible to run rp in a thread + * loose the warning. Kinda silly. + * apparently this isn't okay. + * elisp warnings + * Opt-in for completion thread diagnostics. + * Refactor automated test runner + * Warning. + * Clean up these scopes. + * don't do this for headers + * Try to suppress validation errors during indexing + * Bump rct. + * Don't expose non-default. + * Actually use diagnostics from completion thread. It seems very fast. + * Make sure we don't mix and match rdm runs with and without --no-realpath + * Bump rct. + * Compile in debug. + * This is an awful hack. + * Bump rct + * Bump rct + * Fall through + * Not used. + * Fix issue #984 properly. Supply our own tempdir under $TMPDIR and clean it out on startup of rdm as well as make subdirs for each rp. + * Remove header error stuff. It never made anything work better. + * Clean up after ourselves. + * Bump rct + * Typo. + * Release notes. + * Generate man pages + * Bump version to 2.19 + * Remove some dead functions (Found with rc --find-dead-functions)! + * Fix issue #1152. Find dead functions. + * Don't use stdin for processes. It seems to be slow. Use tempfile that rc reads instead. + * Bump rct. + * Compare the right length + * Move this. + * Better logging for completion. + * Might as well have this even if it isn't used. + * I think this is more useful output. + * Macro_Definition should be higher it seems. + * Make this work again somewhat. + * This seems to crash. + * Clang has https now! + * Some cleanup with flags etc with rtags log outputs and whatnot. + * Fix issue #1209. + * Additional logging. + * This is a novalue define. + * Fix issue #1214. No need to resolve the socket file. It's never compared as a string or give a fileid. + * Try to be more silent about these warnings. They are innocuous. + * Put actual license text in LICENSE.txt + * Fix #1129 + * Use info as level for fixits in flycheck-rtags.el + * replace auto with the type if possible. + * Fixed an issue with code completion. + * Bump rct + * Fix compile warning "maybe uninitialized" + * Fix _FORTIFY_SOURCE warnings in Debug build + * cmake: Only set property if test target was set up + * Fix test ForwardDeclaration:forward_declared_object_points_to_real_declaration_through_macro + * Rename automated_tests to automated, and move manual tests to manual dir + * Move directory automated_tests to tests directory + * Add test for #1053 + * Refactore test scripts and improve + * Watch here too. + * Change configure script flag --build-tests to --without-tests + * Check for extended regex support at compile time. + * simplify preservation of `compile-command' in `rtags-compile-file' + * quote parentheses used in the regexp in `rtags-compile-file' + * Search for perl using find_package + * Exclude "skipped" diagnostics from rc's JSON output + * Update man pages + * Remove debug steps from + * Fix CI and target test setup + * Bump rct + * fixed sandbox-root regression due to encodeUrlComponent + * Subtract one from the error column + * Add issue template for feature requests + * Increase minimum required version of GCC (4.9) and Emacs (24.3) + * Use equal to compare return code of rc calls + * Issue template work + * Add a note about tests. + * Dump sizeof in dump. + * Fix #1189 + * Formatting + * Attempt to support fisk. + * Update issue templates + * Fix tramp #1188 #1186 + * Print more descriptive message when clang sample app could no be compiled + * Fix error with newer Tramp versions + * Fixed max-depth issues. + * Fixed some of the recursion depth issues. + * Fix typo regarding bash completions configuration + * Adding imenu index function. + * Bump lisp version for --last-indexed rc option + * Add `--last-indexed` rc command giving last idle time of current project + * Roll back yesterday's changes. They seem to break stuff. I will revisit + * Bump rct + * Fix some issues running with --no-realpath + * Bump rct. + * Don't realpath in client. + * use extended POSIX regex for matching ranges + * bump rct + * bump rct + * Look harder for llvm-config + * Fix issue #1168. Honor blocked arguments for preprocessor. + * Fix inverted logic. This could lead to diagnostics with type === 'none which seems to happen sometimes. + * Print priority in -s jobs + * Fix issue #1165. + * Need this. + * Fix: reparse when saved file has changed + * Compile with lua + * More rtags-like API. + * Added RTags::getArguments() to retrieve the function arguments. + * Make it possible to customize completing-read behavior by changing rtags-completing-read-behavior + * Fix issue 1160 + * add test + * indent + * It's already there apparently + * Tests are always enabled. + * Dump the packages. + * pip is not a separate package. + * Fewer tests. + * Hacking away. + * Lets try to fix this. + * Bump rct. + * More test work + * Move StringTokenizer and StringTokenizerTests.cpp to rct. + * Is this better. + * Run make test instead. + * Ignore these . + * This should help with the tests on travis. + * Typo + * Kill CMakeCache.txt on reconfigure + * fixed scoping on an ifdef + * Mention new neo-rtags neovim client for Rtags. + * Fix issue #1150. + * Ignore and bump + * Bump rct. + * Build rct_tests + * Bump rct. + * Actually set the socket write buffer max. + * Install yarn and pip + * Fix T + * Try to move to 5.0 + * Try to move to 6.0. + * More attempts. + * Add packages + * Any clang will do. + * And maybe this. + * Add version. + * More attempts + * try to make it work again + * Oops. Don't overwrite other diagnostics. + * Unionize skipped ranges for multibuilds. + * Bump rct. + * rtags.el: Add key binding and menu item for rtags-reference-tree + * rtags.el: rename face, error customization, prompting, and scopes + +- Update to version 2.18.1+git.20180909.ce3bdfd9: + * Fix typo d2b10d624 + * Start groundwork for making it possible to run rp in a thread + * loose the warning. Kinda silly. + * apparently this isn't okay. + * elisp warnings + * Opt-in for completion thread diagnostics. + * Refactor automated test runner + * Warning. + * Fixed max-depth issues. + * Fixed some of the recursion depth issues. + * Adding imenu index function. + rtaudio +- update to version 5.1.0: + * new C API wrapper + * new static functions to get API names + * many WASAPI updates (thanks to Marcus Tomlinson) + * miscellaneous build system updates + * bug fix for stream ticking in CoreAudio if using two devices for duplex + * ALSA stream handle bug fixes + * see git history for complete list of changes + rtl8812au +- Fix build on Tumbleweed - use kernel_module_directory +- Fix build on Linux 5.15 + + Drop-ipx-support-on-Linux-5.15.patch + +- Exclude the s390x Architecture + rtl_433 +- Update to version 21.05 + Highlights + - Last release to support Autotools (autoconf, automake) builds + - Last release to offer "oldmodel" keys (deprected since 2020) + - Added GPSd tags option + - Added optional TLS support to MQTT + - Added OpenSSL support for influxs TLS + - Added support for ELK-319DWM, Alula RE101 to Interlogix + - Added conf for Tesla charge port opener + - Added support for Hyundai-VDO TPMS + - Added support for TX25U dual channel temp sensor + - Added support for Honeywell CM921/BDR91/Evohome + - Added support for Auriol AFT 77 B2 + - Added support for Auriol AHFL + - Added support for Bresser Professional Rain Gauge + - Added support for TFA Marbella pool thermometer + - Added support for Amazon Basics Meat Thermometer + - Added support for Owl 180i support + - Added support for Jansite TPMS Model Solar + - Added support for Cavius alarms + - Added support for Security plus v1 + - Added conf for Skylink HA-434TL motion sensor + - Added support for Burnhard BBQ thermometer + - Added support for wmbus water meter Maddalena + - Added conf for ATC Technology LMT-430 + - Added support for Blueline PowerCost Monitor + - Added conf for FAN-53T + - Added support for Acurite 515 fridge/freezer sensors + - Added support for TelFix-RadioLoop (#1571) + - Added conf for Salus RT300RF thermostat, Heatmiser PRT-W + thermostat + Changes + - Added pressure_kPa key for HA (#1712) + - Added support for ELK-319DWM, Alula RE101 to Interlogix (closes #1711) + - Fixed and style Honeywell CM921 + - Added option to set force_update for all sensors (#1695) + - Added Tesla charge port opener decoder conf (#1704) + - Added battery flags to Bresser 7in1 (closes #1703) + - Fixed Hyundai-VDO TPMS + - Added Hyundai-VDO TPMS (#1643) + - Added X10 Dim, Bright, All Lights ON, and All Off commands (#1687) + - Added support for TX25U dual channel temp sensor + - Fixed code warnings + - Fixed code style + - Added forgotten id + - Added Honeywell CM921/BDR91/Evohome decoder (#1336) + - Added Auriol AFT 77 B2 protocol decoder + - Fixed Holman-WS5029 rain count (#1686) + - Fixed explanation of supposed PM10 (estimated) value (#1678) + - Added support for Auriol AHFL protocol (#1683) + - Fixed PSI calculation for Ford TPMS + - Added support for higher pressure range in Ford TPMS + - Fixed secplus_v1 endless loop (closes #1662) + - Fixed secplus_v1 overflow + - Added support for some Ecowitt WH41 sensor signals + - Added comment regarding PM10 readings in the FineOffset WH0290 decoder + - Added support for Bresser Professional Rain Gauge (#1676) + - Added TFA Marbella pool thermometer protocol decoder (#1675) + - Added Amazon Basics Meat Thermometer decoder (#1671) + - Fixed exit if http server can't start + - Added Owl 180i support + - Added website and sensor specifications for Jansite TPMS Model Solar (#1666) + - Added decoder for jansite solar tpms (#1663) + - Added Ford TPMS pressure and temperature (closes #1654) + - Fixed http redirect to index for Chrome + - Added support for Cavius alarms (#1648) + - Added mqtt token slash accepts any character + - Added variable fm low pass filter option + - Added support for Security plus v1 (#1483) + - Added GPSd tags option (#1636) + - Added FineOffset WH0290 extra fields (#1639) + - Fixed Hideki Gust speed by Udo Kirsten + - Added option for multiple data tags + - Added optional TLS support to MQTT (closes #1633) + - Added OpenSSL support for influxs TLS (closes #1569) + - Added LaCrosse TX141TH-Bv2 checksum + - Changed rain field format for WS2032 + - Added m_bus decoded values + HCA (#1630) + - Changed battery_ok, rain field for WS2032 + - Fixed m_bus Show invalid dates as invalid (#1628) + - Fixed mqtt retain on hass script (#1602) + - Added Skylink HA-434TL motion sensor conf (s.a. #814) + - Added support for Burnhard BBQ thermometer (#1624) + - Added TFA 30.3208.02 note (closes #1622) + - Added raw pulse printing mode + - Added support for parsing timedate in wbus (#1616) + - Added Battery Level for Fineoffset WH0290 Wireless Air Quality Monitor (#1617) + - Fixed Blueline tweaks and improvements (#1590) + - Added support for wmbus water meter Maddalena (#1610) + - Changed soil moisture to percent display (#1595) + - Added ATC Technology LMT-430 conf (#1600) + - Fixed buffer length in honeywell (#1598) + - Fixed buffer size error (#1596) + - Fixed FineOffset WH1050 field widths (#1592) + - Added support for Blueline PowerCost Monitor + - Added FAN-53T decoder conf (#1588) + - Added support for Acurite 515 fridge/freezer sensors (#1579) + - Fixed invalid HASS "weather" device_class (#1548) + - Fixed rtlsdr_read_async() abort on read stall (closes #1581) + - Fixed rtlsdr_set_freq_correction non-error code + - Added support for UV index and light intensity readings in Cotech (#1575) + - Fixed false positive bug in Nexus (closes #1576) + - Added support for TelFix-RadioLoop to Somfy (closes #1571) + - Added Thermostat example conf files with mqtt outputs (#1573) + - Added lacrosse decoder sanity checks + +- Update to version 20.11 + Highlights + * HTTP server, JSON-RPC + * Added RfRaw analyzer output and format input support + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View LTV-R1 Rainfall Gauge + * Added support for ECODHOME smart socket + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View TH2 Thermo/Hygro sensor + * Added support for Bresser 6-in-1, 7-in-1 weather station + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View TH3 Thermo/Hygro Sensor + * Added support for LaCrosse LTV-WR1 Multi Sensor + * Added support for Nice Flor-s remote + * Added support for Schrader TPMS SMD3MA4 (Subaru) + * Added support for MightyMule Driveway Alarm FM231 + * Added support for Somfy RTS + * Added support for LaCrosse LTV-WSDTH01 + * Added support for TFA 30.3221.02 Temperature/Humidity sensor + * Added support for Security plus v2 keyfob + * Added support for Acurite Atlas and Atlas Lightning Detector + * Added support for Acurite 590TX + * Added support for ThermoPro TX2 + * Added support for IDM and NetIDM decoders + * Added support for Insteon decoder + * Added support for LaCrosse TX141B + * Added support for Sharp SPC775 + * Added support for Missil ML0757 + * Added support for Fineoffset WH32 + * Added support for Abarth124 TPMS sensor + * Added support for Fine Offset WH1080 FSK version + * Added support for SCM+ decoder + * Added support for Kerui WD51 Water leak sensor + * Added support for Cotech 36-7959 + * Added support for Eurochron EFTH-800 + * Added support for Visonic Powercode devices + * Added support for Klimalogg decoder and needed nrzs demodulator + Changed + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View R1 Rainfall Gauge (#1553) + * Added http server (#871) + * Added jsmn json lib + * Added support for ECODHOME smart socket (#1544) + * Fixed Lacrosse-THx hardcoded strings to support data extractor scripts + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View TH2 Thermo/Hygro sensor (#1552) + * Added stats start time reporting + * Fixed Analyzer FSK/OOK hint (#1557) + * Improved unit tests for bitbuffer with extra assertions + * Fixed UNUSED in term_ctl + * Removed "http" as "influx" alias + * Added arguments and docs to Home Assistant MQTT auto discovery script (#1546) + * Changed LaCrosse LTV-WR1 to wind_avg_km_h key (#1549) + * Fixed rfraw builder overflow (#1539) + * Added Dooya Curtain Remote conf (#1545) + * Added SDR loop api + * Changed to sig_atomic_t for sighandler + * Fixed wmbus csv output parameters + * Fixed flags field for TPMS Jansite (#1538) + * Added note for TFA Dostmann 30.3159.IT (#1537) + * Added SDR runtime settings api + * Changed exit async naming + * Added SDR device info + * Added support for Bresser 6-in-1, 7-in-1 weather station (#1225) + * Added support for LaCrosse Technology View TH3 Thermo/Hygro Sensor (#1536) + * Added support for LaCrosse LTV-WR1 Multi Sensor (#1533) + * Added support for Nice Flor-s remote (#1526) + * Changed remove DSC subtype key (#1522) + * Changed Acurite subtype key to message_type (#1520) + * Added support for WH31E RCC packet type (#1528) + * Fixed wmbus mode S buffer length issue for Lansen meters + * Added SoapySDR to MinGW-w64 build + * Added output format option to flex getters (#1532) + * Added TFA 30.3209 note to Nexus (#1516) + * Added TFA-Dostmann 30.3161 rain scale (#1531) + * Fixed Insteon string overflow + * Fixed missing CSV fields, add a debug check + * Added named output tag option (#1517) + * Added support for Schrader TPMS SMD3MA4 (Subaru) (#1511) + * Removed unneeded update_protocol + * Changed width calc from r_device to slicers (#1513) + * Added support for mightymule driveway alarm FM231 (#1407) (#1515) + * Changed rfraw parse to accept multiple codes + * Fixed include for memcmp in rfraw (#1507) + * Added id key to scmplus (#1503) + * Removed list of supported device protocols from man page (#1345) + * Added RfRaw analyzer output support + * Added RfRaw format input support + * Removed FSK_PULSE_MANCHESTER_ZEROBIT from ook_demods + * Fixed Inovalley kw9015b temp/rain fields proper + * Fixed Inovalley kw9015b temp/rain fields (#1501) + * Added support for Somfy RTS (#1496) + * Added 7-bit clean strings check to actions + * Added maintainer_update check + * Fixed Security+ 2.0 decoder for new gap_limit rows (#1498) + * Added clang-analyzer action + * Added build action + * Added style check action + * Improved PCM NRZ 0-bit slicing precision + * Fixed output keys for FineOffset WH51 (#1495) + * Fixed index bug in TFA 30.3221 + * Fixed simplisafe non-printable character output + * Added support for LaCrosse LTV-WSDTH01 (#1485) + * Added gap_limit to PCM demod + * Fixed invalid dumpers on ook input (#1463) + * Added support for TFA 30.3221.02 Temperature/Humidity sensor (#1426) + * Fixed Acurite 6045 temperature 2.0F too low (#1482 #1401) + * Added support for Security plus v2 keyfob (#1480) + * Fixed opus_xt300 added sanity check to data values (#1470) + * Fixed runtime error 'left shift of 229 by 24 places cannot be represented in type int (#1479) + * Fixed bad conf for Fan-11t (#1477) + * Added came top432 flex decoder config (#1474) + * Fixed wmbus raw telegram output, mainly for wmbusmeters use + * Fixed efergy_e2_classic False Trigger (#1475) + * FIXed check manchester_decode check decoded bit length in a constent method, removed superfluous comment + * FIXed check manchester_decode result length + * Fixed current_cost 8 bytes required + * Fixed TPMS Abarth124 false positive (#1466) + * Fixed alectov1 csv fields (#1457) + * Added Atlas Lightning Detector support (#1418) + * Added Acurite Atlas support (#1124) + * Added Nexus-TE82s compatibility note (#1455) + * Updated idm scmplus Meter type list (#1445) + * Added Acurite 590TX support (#1411) + * Added ThermoPro TX2 support (#1450) + * Improved program exit code in case of error (#1451) + * Improved Home Assistant MQTT auto discovery (#1390) + * Fixed Many False Positives (#1444) + * Fixed Globaltronics QUIGG GT-TMBBQ-05 false positives (#1443) + * Fixed Oregon Scientific SL109H false positives (#1442) + * Added IDM and NetIDM decoders (#1421) + * Changed Fineoffset WH32 to exclude pressure + * Added Insteon decoder (#1285) + * Added Friedland EVO door bell conf + * Added support for LaCrosse TX141B (#1434) + * Added missing parts for Sharp SPC775 decoder + * Added Sharp SPC775 support (#1433) + * Added support for Missil ML0757 + * Fixed use of return code in Abarth Spider decoder + * Added conditional to data_make (#1432) + * Added support for Fineoffset WH32 (#1431) + * Added bit reversed output for HCS200 decoder to match official tools + * Added reverse32 function + * Improved x10sec add sensors, tamper, crc (#1413) + * Improved inFactory e.g. MIC (#1325) + * Changed Kerui to break out additional fields from state (#1018) + * Updated rtl_433.example.conf + * Improved validations checks for smoke_gs558 protocol + * Added Equation/Siemens ADLM FPRF remote conf + * Added Abarth124 tpms sensor support + * Added missing protocol to readme + * Added attenuation histogram output (#1387) + * Added Fine Offset WH1080 FSK version support + * Improved FSK demodulation of distorted signals better + * Added SCM+ decoder (#1410) + * Added support for Kerui WD51 Water leak sensor (#1406) + * Fixed cancel watchdog when reading from file input + * Fixed ERT Endpoint Type extraction (#1379) + * Added custom data processor example + * Improved Honeywell sensor support (#1384) + * Added delay and low battery codes for DS10A door sensor (#1397) + * Fixed free results from SoapySDR API + * Fixed handle empty filenames + * Added support for Cotech 36-7959 (#1382) + * Removed deprecated positional flex syntax + * Changed div 10 to mul 0.1 in all decoders + * Changed value scaling for double to float in all decoders + * Changed checks on Rubicson/Nexus/Solight + * Fixed Bresser 5in1 Wind calculation (#1353) + * Improved MQTT Home Assistant example (#1357) + * Added decode_uart util (#1376) + * Fixed Eurochron EFTH-800 missing mic + * Added Eurochron EFTH-800 support (#1375) + * Fixed MQTTT mgr free + * Fixed Soapy string leaks + * Added Prometheus/OpenMetrics relay example (#1371) + * Fixed missing levels with minmax demod (fixes #1363) + * Fixed socket portability + * Fixed visonic device battery reporting + * Improved visonic_powercode + * Fixed rtl_tcp gain/rate/freq status output + * Fixed missing WSAStartup in rtl_tcp + * Added support for Visonic Powercode devices (#1349) + * Added message length check for ESIC EMT7110. + * Updated Acurite 6045 to capture all 8 bits of strike counter (#1348) + * Added configuration file for SMC5326 (#1346) + * Updated template guideline for verbosity (#1344) + * Fixed failing style-check test by adding allocation check to write-sigrok + * Fixed flex map parse + * Changed -l n to -Y level=n + * Changed detector level limits to dB + * Fixed Fineoffset-WHx080 temperature (#1327) + * Fixed Ecowitt-WH53, Maverick-ET73 timings + * Fixed Klimalogg device settings, tolerance was set to low + * Added Klimalogg decoder and needed nrzs demodulator + * Fixed negative temperatures in wmbus decoder + * Added pulse-eval example + rtorrent +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * rtorrent.service + +- Drop old specfile constructs. + +- Add missing require on useradd. + +- Add missing %service_* scriptlets + +- Update to 0.9.8 + * Close log files when reusing a name. (pyroscope) + * Increased max timeout for tracker requests. + * Set max piece size 512mb. + * Switch to C++11 MRT RNG for random bytes. (lps-rocks) + * Added support for openssl 1.1. + * Fix honoring throttle.min_peers* settings in rtorrent. (chros) + * Improved failed tracker bencode parsing. (chros) + * Added example rtorrent.rc. (g0tmi1k) + * Added a temporary name filter. (Toff) + * Added 'log.close' command. + * Added 'd.tracker_announce.force' command. + * Added 'event.system.startup_done/shutdown' commands/events. (chros) + * Added 'd.custom.if_z' command. (pyroscope) + * Added 'd.multicall.filtered' command. (pyroscope) + * Added 'event.view.hide/show' commands. (pyroscope) +- Update to 0.9.7 + * Fixed ip filter memory usage. (sallyswiss/chros73) + * Add space to fmt str in log_gz_file_write. (pastly) + * Fix compilation issue with gcc v6.x and empty CXXFLAGS. (chros73) + * Fix BEP7 compatibility with IPv6 trackers and IPv4 peers. + * Include SCGI/XMLRPC example in rtorrent.rc. (ss23) + * Handle SIGHUP like SIGINT. (pyroscope) + * Fix Throttle args. (chros73) + * Fix missing ranlib - not defined but used. (duraki) + * Fix no // are at start of expanded paths. (pyroscope) + * Fix ncurses header include. (theirix) + * Fix segfault when viewing a magnet download in the leeching view. (slingamn) +- Remove rtorrent-vim package because it was made for the old (now discouraged) config syntax + * See: + -- Add Supplements: packageand(vim,rtorrent), in order to trigger automatic - installation for users of both packages. Suggested by dimstar - -- Add vim as BuildRequirement and Requirement for rtorrent-vim, so that it - doesn't own vim's directories - -- Vim syntax file for rTorrent's config file, .rtorrent.rc - The files are taken from - -- Update to new upstream release 0.9.4 - * Added unordered curve to plot - * Added 'network.listen.backlog{,.set}' commands - * Added 'log.open_gz_file' option - -- Initial package (version 0.9.3) for OpenSUSE - rubber +- Update to version 1.6.0 + + Add support for LuaTeX via the lualatex module + + Introduce rubbercache for faster compilations + ruby2 +Add patches to fix the following CVE's: + - CVE-2021-32066.patch (CVE-2021-32066): Fix StartTLS stripping + vulnerability in Net:IMAP (bsc#1188160) + - CVE-2021-31810.patch (CVE-2021-31810): Fix trusting FTP PASV + responses vulnerability in Net:FTP (bsc#1188161) + - CVE-2021-31799.patch (CVE-2021-31799): Fix Command injection + vulnerability in RDoc (bsc#1190375) + rust +- Remove rls/gdb as they are superceded by rustup + +- Update to version 1.55 + +- Change expression of dependency requirements to resolve zypper dup + issues + -- jsc#SLE-18626 - Migrate rust to parallel versioned packages allowing - more flexible build requirements to be expressed. -- Remove patches that are no longer required due to conversation to - metapackage: - * Fix-big-endian-miscompile-of-bitcast-zex.patch +- Only install rls/README when building devtools, as otherwise this + file would end up in no package. + +- Revert package to be arch dependent based on reviewer feedback + +- Migrate to parallel versioned rust installs. +- Remove artefacts for building rust -- Define latest rust as 1.53 -- build 32bit arches llvm without debuginfo to avoid oom during build (bsc#1181571) +- Update to version 1.53: + + Language + - [You can now use unicode for identifiers.][83799] This allows multilingual + identifiers but still doesn't allow glyphs that are not considered characters + such as `â—†` or `🦀`. More specifically you can now use any identifier that + matches the UAX #31 "Unicode Identifier and Pattern Syntax" standard. This + is the same standard as languages like Python, however Rust uses NFC + normalization which may be different from other languages. + - [You can now specify "or patterns" inside pattern matches.][79278] + Previously you could only use `|` (OR) on complete patterns. E.g. + ```rust + let x = Some(2u8); + // Before + matches!(x, Some(1) | Some(2)); + // Now + matches!(x, Some(1 | 2)); + ``` + - [Added the `:pat_param` `macro_rules!` matcher.][83386] This matcher + has the same semantics as the `:pat` matcher. This is to allow `:pat` + to change semantics to being a pattern fragment in a future edition. + + Compiler + - [Updated the minimum external LLVM version to LLVM 10.][83387] + - [Added Tier 3\* support for the `wasm64-unknown-unknown` target.][80525] + - [Improved debuginfo for closures and async functions on Windows MSVC.][83941] + \* Refer to Rust's [platform support page][platform-support-doc] for more + information on Rust's tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - [Abort messages will now forward to `android_set_abort_message` on + Android platforms when available.][81469] + - [`slice::IterMut<'_, T>` now implements `AsRef<[T]>`][82771] + - [Arrays of any length now implement `IntoIterator`.][84147] + Currently calling `.into_iter()` as a method on an array will + return `impl Iterator<Item=&T>`, but this may change in a + future edition to change `Item` to `T`. Calling `IntoIterator::into_iter` + directly on arrays will provide `impl Iterator<Item=T>` as expected. + - [`leading_zeros`, and `trailing_zeros` are now available on all + `NonZero` integer types.][84082] + - [`{f32, f64}::from_str` now parse and print special values + (`NaN`, `-0`) according to IEEE RFC 754.][78618] + - [You can now index into slices using `(Bound<usize>, Bound<usize>)`.][77704] + - [Add the `BITS` associated constant to all numeric types.][82565] + + Cargo + - [Cargo now supports git repositories where the default `HEAD` branch is not + "master".][cargo/9392] This also includes a switch to the version 3 `Cargo.lock` format + which can handle default branches correctly. + - [macOS targets now default to `unpacked` split-debuginfo.][cargo/9298] + - [The `authors` field is no longer included in `Cargo.toml` for new + projects.][cargo/9282] + + Rustdoc + - [Added the `rustdoc::bare_urls` lint that warns when you have URLs + without hyperlinks.][81764] + + Compatibility Notes + - [Implement token-based handling of attributes during expansion][82608] + - [`Ipv4::from_str` will now reject octal format IP addresses in addition + to rejecting hexadecimal IP addresses.][83652] The octal format can lead + to confusion and potential security vulnerabilities and [is no + longer recommended][ietf6943]. + +- Update to version 1.52.1: + - This release works around broken builds on 1.52.0, which are caused by newly + added verification. The bugs this verification detects are present in all + Rust versions, and can trigger miscompilations in incremental builds, so + downgrading to a prior stable version is not a fix. + - What should a Rust programmer do in response? + - upgrade to 1.52.1 + - deleting your incremental compilation cache (e.g. by running cargo clean) + - forcing incremental compilation to be disabled, by setting + CARGO_INCREMENTAL=0 in your environment or build.incremental to false in + the config.toml. + - For more: + +- Update to version 1.52: + + Language + - [Added the `unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn` lint, which checks whether the unsafe code + in an `unsafe fn` is wrapped in a `unsafe` block.][79208] This lint + is allowed by default, and may become a warning or hard error in a + future edition. + - [You can now cast mutable references to arrays to a pointer of the same type as + the element.][81479] + + Compiler + - [Upgraded the default LLVM to LLVM 12.][81451] + - Added tier 3\* support for the following targets. + - [`s390x-unknown-linux-musl`][82166] + - [`riscv32gc-unknown-linux-musl` & `riscv64gc-unknown-linux-musl`][82202] + - [`powerpc-unknown-openbsd`][82733] + + Libraries + - [`OsString` now implements `Extend` and `FromIterator`.][82121] + - [`cmp::Reverse` now has `#[repr(transparent)]` representation.][81879] + - [`Arc<impl Error>` now implements `error::Error`.][80553] + - [All integer division and remainder operations are now `const`.][80962] + + Stabilised APIs + - [`Arguments::as_str`] + - [`char::MAX`] + - [`char::REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER`] + - [`char::UNICODE_VERSION`] + - [`char::decode_utf16`] + - [`char::from_digit`] + - [`char::from_u32_unchecked`] + - [`char::from_u32`] + - [`slice::partition_point`] + - [`str::rsplit_once`] + - [`str::split_once`] + The following previously stable APIs are now `const`. + - [`char::len_utf8`] + - [`char::len_utf16`] + - [`char::to_ascii_uppercase`] + - [`char::to_ascii_lowercase`] + - [`char::eq_ignore_ascii_case`] + - [`u8::to_ascii_uppercase`] + - [`u8::to_ascii_lowercase`] + - [`u8::eq_ignore_ascii_case`] + + Rustdoc + - [Rustdoc lints are now treated as a tool lint, meaning that + lints are now prefixed with `rustdoc::` (e.g. `#[warn(rustdoc::non_autolinks)]`).][80527] + Using the old style is still allowed, and will become a warning in + a future release. + - [Rustdoc now supports argument files.][82261] + - [Rustdoc now generates smart punctuation for documentation.][79423] + - [You can now use "task lists" in Rustdoc Markdown.][81766] E.g. + ```markdown + - [x] Complete + - [ ] Todo + ``` + + Misc + - [You can now pass multiple filters to tests.][81356] E.g. + `cargo test -- foo bar` will run all tests that match `foo` and `bar`. + - [Rustup now distributes PDB symbols for the `std` library on Windows, + allowing you to see `std` symbols when debugging.][82218] + + Internal Only + These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but represent significant + improvements to the internals and overall performance of rustc and + related tools. + - [Check the result cache before the DepGraph when ensuring queries][81855] + - [Try fast_reject::simplify_type in coherence before doing full check][81744] + - [Only store a LocalDefId in some HIR nodes][81611] + - [Store HIR attributes in a side table][79519] + + Compatibility Notes + - ------------------ + - [Cargo build scripts are now forbidden from setting `RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP`.][cargo/9181] + - [Removed support for the `x86_64-rumprun-netbsd` target.][82594] + - [Deprecated the `x86_64-sun-solaris` target in favor of `x86_64-pc-solaris`.][82216] + - [Rustdoc now only accepts `,`, ` `, and `\t` as delimiters for specifying + languages in code blocks.][78429] + - [Rustc now catches more cases of `pub_use_of_private_extern_crate`][80763] + - [Changes in how proc macros handle whitespace may lead to panics when used + with older `proc-macro-hack` versions. A `cargo update` should be sufficient to fix + this in all cases.][84136] +- Remove support-llvm12.patch - feature of 1.52 + +- Add support-llvm12.patch to support building with LLVM 12. + +- Update to version 1.51: + + Language + - [You can now parameterize items such as functions, traits, and `struct`s by constant + values in addition to by types and lifetimes.][79135] Also known as "const generics" + E.g. you can now write the following. Note: Only values of primitive integers, + `bool`, or `char` types are currently permitted. + + Compiler + - [Added the `-Csplit-debuginfo` codegen option for macOS platforms.][79570] + This option controls whether debug information is split across multiple files + or packed into a single file. **Note** This option is unstable on other platforms. + - [Added tier 3\* support for `aarch64_be-unknown-linux-gnu`, + `aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32`, and `aarch64_be-unknown-linux-gnu_ilp32` targets.][81455] + - [Added tier 3 support for `i386-unknown-linux-gnu` and `i486-unknown-linux-gnu` targets.][80662] + - [The `target-cpu=native` option will now detect individual features of CPUs.][80749] + \* Refer to Rust's [platform support page][platform-support-doc] for more + information on Rust's tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - [`Box::downcast` is now also implemented for any `dyn Any + Send + Sync` object.][80945] + - [`str` now implements `AsMut<str>`.][80279] + - [`u64` and `u128` now implement `From<char>`.][79502] + - [`Error` is now implemented for `&T` where `T` implements `Error`.][75180] + - [`Poll::{map_ok, map_err}` are now implemented for `Poll<Option<Result<T, E>>>`.][80968] + - [`unsigned_abs` is now implemented for all signed integer types.][80959] + - [`io::Empty` now implements `io::Seek`.][78044] + - [`rc::Weak<T>` and `sync::Weak<T>`'s methods such as `as_ptr` are now implemented for + `T: ?Sized` types.][80764] + + Stabilized APIs + - [`Arc::decrement_strong_count`] + - [`Arc::increment_strong_count`] + - [`Once::call_once_force`] + - [`Peekable::next_if_eq`] + - [`Peekable::next_if`] + - [`Seek::stream_position`] + - [`array::IntoIter`] + - [`panic::panic_any`] + - [`ptr::addr_of!`] + - [`ptr::addr_of_mut!`] + - [`slice::fill_with`] + - [`slice::split_inclusive_mut`] + - [`slice::split_inclusive`] + - [`slice::strip_prefix`] + - [`slice::strip_suffix`] + - [`str::split_inclusive`] + - [`sync::OnceState`] + - [`task::Wake`] + + Cargo + - [Added the `split-debuginfo` profile option to control the -Csplit-debuginfo + codegen option.][cargo/9112] + - [Added the `resolver` field to `Cargo.toml` to enable the new feature resolver + and CLI option behavior.][cargo/8997] Version 2 of the feature resolver will try + to avoid unifying features of dependencies where that unification could be unwanted. + Such as using the same dependency with a `std` feature in a build scripts and + proc-macros, while using the `no-std` feature in the final binary. See the + [Cargo book documentation][feature-resolver@2.0] for more information on the feature. + + Rustdoc + - [Rustdoc will now include documentation for methods available from _nested_ `Deref` traits.][80653] + - [You can now provide a `--default-theme` flag which sets the default theme to use for + documentation.][79642] + Various improvements to intra-doc links: + - [You can link to non-path primitives such as `slice`.][80181] + - [You can link to associated items.][74489] + - [You can now include generic parameters when linking to items, like `Vec<T>`.][76934] + + Misc + - [You can now pass `--include-ignored` to tests (e.g. with + `cargo test -- --include-ignored`) to include testing tests marked `#[ignore]`.][80053] + + Compatibility Notes + - [WASI platforms no longer use the `wasm-bindgen` ABI, and instead use the wasm32 ABI.][79998] + - [`rustc` no longer promotes division, modulo and indexing operations to `const` that + could fail.][80579] + - [The minimum version of glibc for the following platforms has been bumped to version 2.31 + for the distributed artifacts.][81521] + - `armv5te-unknown-linux-gnueabi` + - `sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu` + - `thumbv7neon-unknown-linux-gnueabihf` + - `armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabi` + - `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnux32` + +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (offset / fuzz) + +- rust.spec: Fix typo. + Add work-around for cargo not respecting _libexecdir on Leap. + +- Add bootstrap for armv6 + +- Update to version 1.50: + * This fixes build on armv7 - boo#1181643 + + Language + - You can now use const values for x in [x; N] array expressions. + This has been technically possible since 1.38.0, as it was + unintentionally stabilized. + - Assignments to ManuallyDrop<T> union fields are now considered safe. + + Compiler + - Added tier 3* support for the armv5te-unknown-linux-uclibceabi + target. + - Added tier 3 support for the aarch64-apple-ios-macabi target. + - The x86_64-unknown-freebsd is now built with the full toolset. + - Dropped support for all cloudabi targets. + * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on + Rust's tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - proc_macro::Punct now implements PartialEq<char>. + - ops::{Index, IndexMut} are now implemented for fixed sized + arrays of any length. + - On Unix platforms, the std::fs::File type now has a "niche" of -1. + This value cannot be a valid file descriptor, and now means Option<File> + takes up the same amount of space as File. + + Stabilized APIs + bool::then + btree_map::Entry::or_insert_with_key + f32::clamp + f64::clamp + hash_map::Entry::or_insert_with_key + Ord::clamp + RefCell::take + slice::fill + UnsafeCell::get_mut + - The following previously stable methods are now const. + IpAddr::is_ipv4 + IpAddr::is_ipv6 + IpAddr::is_unspecified + IpAddr::is_loopback + IpAddr::is_multicast + Ipv4Addr::octets + Ipv4Addr::is_loopback + Ipv4Addr::is_private + Ipv4Addr::is_link_local + Ipv4Addr::is_multicast + Ipv4Addr::is_broadcast + Ipv4Addr::is_documentation + Ipv4Addr::to_ipv6_compatible + Ipv4Addr::to_ipv6_mapped + Ipv6Addr::segments + Ipv6Addr::is_unspecified + Ipv6Addr::is_loopback + Ipv6Addr::is_multicast + Ipv6Addr::to_ipv4 + Layout::size + Layout::align + Layout::from_size_align + pow for all integer types. + checked_pow for all integer types. + saturating_pow for all integer types. + wrapping_pow for all integer types. + next_power_of_two for all unsigned integer types. + checked_next_power_of_two for all unsigned integer types. + + Cargo + - Added the [build.rustc-workspace-wrapper] option. This option + sets a wrapper to execute instead of rustc, for workspace members only. + - cargo:rerun-if-changed will now, if provided a directory, + scan the entire contents of that directory for changes. + - Added the --workspace flag to the cargo update command. + + Misc + - The search results tab and the help button are focusable + with keyboard in rustdoc. + - Running tests will now print the total time taken to execute. + + Compatibility Notes + - The compare_and_swap method on atomics has been deprecated. + It's recommended to use the compare_exchange and + compare_exchange_weak methods instead. + - Changes in how TokenStreams are checked have fixed some cases + where you could write unhygenic macro_rules! macros. + - #![test] as an inner attribute is now considered unstable + like other inner macro attributes, and reports an error by + default through the soft_unstable lint. + - Overriding a forbid lint at the same level that it was set + is now a hard error. + - You can no longer intercept panic! calls by supplying your own + macro. It's recommended to use the #[panic_handler] attribute + to provide your own implementation. + - Semi-colons after item statements (e.g. struct Foo {};) + now produce a warning. + +- Add riscv64 build + +- <>: Add "--stage 1" + to the "./ doc" call to ensure the newly built compiler gets + used. + +- Leap 15.3 does not provide a suitable llvm-devel package, hence + explicitly require llvm9-devel. Details can be seen in the following + e-mail thread + <> -- Add patch Fix-big-endian-miscompile-of-bitcast-zex.patch - to fix miscompilations with rustc 1.43 that lead to LTO failures - (bsc#1173202) +- Update to version 1.49.0 + + Language + - Unions can now implement Drop, and you can now have a field in + a union with ManuallyDrop<T>. + - You can now cast uninhabited enums to integers. + - You can now bind by reference and by move in patterns. This + allows you to selectively borrow individual components of a type. + E.g. + [#][derive(Debug)] + struct Person { + name: String, + age: u8, + } + let person = Person { + name: String::from("Alice"), + age: 20, + }; + // `name` is moved out of person, but `age` is referenced. + let Person { name, ref age } = person; + println!("{} {}", name, age); + + Compiler + - Added tier 1* support for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. + - Added tier 2 support for aarch64-apple-darwin. + - Added tier 2 support for aarch64-pc-windows-msvc. + - Added tier 3 support for mipsel-unknown-none. + - Raised the minimum supported LLVM version to LLVM 9. + - Output from threads spawned in tests is now captured. + - Change os and vendor values to "none" and "unknown" for some targets + * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's + tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - RangeInclusive now checks for exhaustion when calling contains and + indexing. + - ToString::to_string now no longer shrinks the internal buffer in + the default implementation. + - ops::{Index, IndexMut} are now implemented for fixed sized arrays + of any length. + + Stabilized APIs + - slice::select_nth_unstable + - slice::select_nth_unstable_by + - slice::select_nth_unstable_by_key + The following previously stable methods are now const. + - Poll::is_ready + - Poll::is_pending + + Cargo + - Building a crate with cargo-package should now be independently + reproducible. + - cargo-tree now marks proc-macro crates. + - Added CARGO_PRIMARY_PACKAGE build-time environment variable. This + variable will be set if the crate being built is one the user + selected to build, either with -p or through defaults. + - You can now use glob patterns when specifying packages & targets. + + Compatibility Notes + - Demoted i686-unknown-freebsd from host tier 2 to target tier 2 + support. + - Macros that end with a semi-colon are now treated as statements + even if they expand to nothing. + - Rustc will now check for the validity of some built-in attributes + on enum variants. Previously such invalid or unused attributes + could be ignored. + - Leading whitespace is stripped more uniformly in documentation + comments, which may change behavior. You read this post about + the changes for more details. + - Trait bounds are no longer inferred for associated types. + + Internal Only + These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but + represent significant improvements to the internals and overall + performance of rustc and related tools. + - rustc's internal crates are now compiled using the initial-exec + Thread Local Storage model. + - Calculate visibilities once in resolve. + - Added system to the llvm-libunwind bootstrap config option. + - Added --color for configuring terminal color support to bootstrap. +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (location) + +- LLVM >= 9.0 is needed nowadays. +- Disable usage of "ninja" for all distributions older than Leap 15.2 + +- Update to version 1.48.0 + + Language + - The `unsafe` keyword is now syntactically permitted on modules. + This is still rejected semantically, but can now be parsed by procedural + macros. + + Compiler + - Stabilised the `-C link-self-contained=<yes|no>` compiler flag. + This tells `rustc` whether to link its own C runtime and libraries or to + rely on a external linker to find them. (Supported only on `windows-gnu`, + `linux-musl`, and `wasi` platforms.) + - You can now use `-C target-feature=+crt-static` on `linux-gnu` targets. + Note: If you're using cargo you must explicitly pass the `--target` flag. + - Added tier 2* support for aarch64-unknown-linux-musl. + * Refer to Rust's platform support page for more information on Rust's + tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - io::Write is now implemented for &ChildStdin &Sink, &Stdout, and &Stderr. + - All arrays of any length now implement TryFrom<Vec<T>>. + - The matches! macro now supports having a trailing comma. + - Vec<A> now implements PartialEq<[B]> where A: PartialEq<B>. + - The RefCell::{replace, replace_with, clone} methods now all use #[track_caller]. + + Stabilized APIs + - slice::as_ptr_range + - slice::as_mut_ptr_range + - VecDeque::make_contiguous + - future::pending + - future::ready + The following previously stable methods are now `const fn's`: + - Option::is_some + - Option::is_none + - Option::as_ref + - Result::is_ok + - Result::is_err + - Result::as_ref + - Ordering::reverse + - Ordering::then + + Cargo + + Rustdoc + - You can now link to items in rustdoc using the intra-doc link syntax. + E.g. /// Uses [`std::future`] will automatically generate a link to + std::future's documentation. See "Linking to items by name" for more + information. + - You can now specify #[doc(alias = "<alias>")] on items to add search + aliases when searching through rustdoc's UI. + + Compatibility Notes + - Promotion of references to 'static lifetime inside const fn now + follows the same rules as inside a fn body. In particular, &foo() + will not be promoted to 'static lifetime any more inside const fns. + - Associated type bindings on trait objects are now verified to meet + the bounds declared on the trait when checking that they implement + the trait. + - When trait bounds on associated types or opaque types are ambiguous, + the compiler no longer makes an arbitrary choice on which bound to use. + - Fixed recursive nonterminals not being expanded in macros during + pretty-print/reparse check. This may cause errors if your macro + wasn't correctly handling recursive nonterminal tokens. + - &mut references to non zero-sized types are no longer promoted. + - rustc will now warn if you use attributes like #[link_name] or + [#][cold] in places where they have no effect. + - Updated _mm256_extract_epi8 and _mm256_extract_epi16 signatures + in arch::{x86, x86_64} to return i32 to match the vendor signatures. + - mem::uninitialized will now panic if any inner types inside a struct + or enum disallow zero-initialization. + - #[target_feature] will now error if used in a place where it has no effect. + - Foreign exceptions are now caught by catch_unwind and will cause an + abort. Note: This behaviour is not guaranteed and is still considered + undefined behaviour, see the catch_unwind documentation for further + information. + + Internal Only + These changes provide no direct user facing benefits, but represent + significant improvements to the internals and overall performance of + rustc and related tools. + - Building rustc from source now uses ninja by default over make. + You can continue building with make by setting ninja=false in + your config.toml. + - cg_llvm: fewer_names in uncached_llvm_type + - Made ensure_sufficient_stack() non-generic +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (location) + +- Check upstream signatures for binaries +- Add rust.keyring + +- Make all shared libraries in %{common_libdir} executable; otherwise + fdupes will not find any duplicates in %{rustlibdir}. + +- rust-rpmlintrc: Reflect updated LLVM name in the filter. + +- Update to version 1.47.0 + + Language + - [Closures will now warn when not used.][74869] + + Compiler + - [Stabilized the `-C control-flow-guard` codegen option][73893], which enables + [Control Flow Guard][1.47.0-cfg] for Windows platforms, and is ignored on other + platforms. + - [Upgraded to LLVM 11.][73526] + - [Added tier 3\* support for the `thumbv4t-none-eabi` target.][74419] + - [Upgrade the FreeBSD toolchain to version 11.4][75204] + - [`RUST_BACKTRACE`'s output is now more compact.][75048] + \* Refer to Rust's [platform support page][forge-platform-support] for more + information on Rust's tiered platform support. + + Libraries + - [`CStr` now implements `Index<RangeFrom<usize>>`.][74021] + - [Traits in `std`/`core` are now implemented for arrays of any length, not just + those of length less than 33.][74060] + - [`ops::RangeFull` and `ops::Range` now implement Default.][73197] + - [`panic::Location` now implements `Copy`, `Clone`, `Eq`, `Hash`, `Ord`, + `PartialEq`, and `PartialOrd`.][73583] + + Stabilized APIs + - [`Ident::new_raw`] + - [`Range::is_empty`] + - [`RangeInclusive::is_empty`] + - [`Result::as_deref`] + - [`Result::as_deref_mut`] + - [`Vec::leak`] + - [`pointer::offset_from`] + - [`f32::TAU`] + - [`f64::TAU`] + The following previously stable APIs have now been made const. + - [The `new` method for all `NonZero` integers.][73858] + - [The `checked_add`,`checked_sub`,`checked_mul`,`checked_neg`, `checked_shl`, + `checked_shr`, `saturating_add`, `saturating_sub`, and `saturating_mul` + methods for all integers.][73858] + - [The `checked_abs`, `saturating_abs`, `saturating_neg`, and `signum` for all + signed integers.][73858] + - [The `is_ascii_alphabetic`, `is_ascii_uppercase`, `is_ascii_lowercase`, + `is_ascii_alphanumeric`, `is_ascii_digit`, `is_ascii_hexdigit`, + `is_ascii_punctuation`, `is_ascii_graphic`, `is_ascii_whitespace`, and + `is_ascii_control` methods for `char` and `u8`.][73858] + + Cargo + - [`build-dependencies` are now built with opt-level 0 by default.][cargo/8500] + You can override this by setting the following in your `Cargo.toml`. + ```toml + [] + opt-level = 3 + ``` + - [`cargo-help` will now display man pages for commands rather just the + `--help` text.][cargo/8456] + - [`cargo-metadata` now emits a `test` field indicating if a target has + tests enabled.][cargo/8478] + - [`workspace.default-members` now respects `workspace.exclude`.][cargo/8485] + - [`cargo-publish` will now use an alternative registry by default if it's the + only registry specified in `package.publish`.][cargo/8571] + + Misc + - [Added a help button beside Rustdoc's searchbar that explains rustdoc's + type based search.][75366] + - [Added the Ayu theme to rustdoc.][71237] +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (offset / fuzz) + +- Update to version 1.46.0 + + Language + - [`if`, `match`, and `loop` expressions can now be used in const functions.][72437] + - [Additionally you are now also able to coerce and cast to slices (`&[T]`) in + const functions.][73862] + - [The `#[track_caller]` attribute can now be added to functions to use the + function's caller's location information for panic messages.][72445] + - [Recursively indexing into tuples no longer needs parentheses.][71322] E.g. + `x.0.0` over `(x.0).0`. + - [`mem::transmute` can now be used in statics and constants.][72920] **Note** + You currently can't use `mem::transmute` in constant functions. + + Compiler + - [You can now use the `cdylib` target on Apple iOS and tvOS platforms.][73516] + - [Enabled static "Position Independent Executables" by default + for `x86_64-unknown-linux-musl`.][70740] + + Libraries + - [`mem::forget` is now a `const fn`.][73887] + - [`String` now implements `From<char>`.][73466] + - [The `leading_ones`, and `trailing_ones` methods have been stabilised for all + integer types.][73032] + - [`vec::IntoIter<T>` now implements `AsRef<[T]>`.][72583] + - [All non-zero integer types (`NonZeroU8`) now implement `TryFrom` for their + zero-able equivalent (e.g. `TryFrom<u8>`).][72717] + - [`&[T]` and `&mut [T]` now implement `PartialEq<Vec<T>>`.][71660] + - [`(String, u16)` now implements `ToSocketAddrs`.][73007] + - [`vec::Drain<'_, T>` now implements `AsRef<[T]>`.][72584] + + Stabilized APIs + - [`Option::zip`] + - [`vec::Drain::as_slice`] + + Cargo + Added a number of new environment variables that are now available when + compiling your crate. + - [`CARGO_BIN_NAME` and `CARGO_CRATE_NAME`][cargo/8270] Providing the name of + the specific binary being compiled and the name of the crate. + - [`CARGO_PKG_LICENSE`][cargo/8325] The license from the manifest of the package. + - [`CARGO_PKG_LICENSE_FILE`][cargo/8387] The path to the license file. + +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (offset / fuzz) + +- Update to version 1.45.2 + +- Set codeunits=1 for all archs to avoid OOM-kills and produce + the fastest possible compiler-binaries (at the cost of + build-times for this package) + +- Pacify source validator + +- Add support for riscv64 + +- Minimum version needed for LLVM is >= 8.0 + +- Update to version 1.44.1 + * rustfmt accepts rustfmt_skip in cfg_attr again. + * Don't hash executable filenames on apple platforms, fixing backtraces. + * Fix crashes when finding backtrace on macOS. + * Clippy applies lint levels into different files. +- Update to version 1.44.0 + + Language + - You can now use `async/.await` with `#[no_std]` enabled. + - Added the `unused_braces` lint. + - Expansion-driven outline module parsing + + Compiler + - Rustc now respects the `-C codegen-units` flag in incremental mode. + Additionally when in incremental mode rustc defaults to 256 codegen units. + - Refactored `catch_unwind` to have zero-cost, unless unwinding is enabled and + a panic is thrown. + - Added tier 3\* support for the `aarch64-unknown-none` and + `aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat` targets. + - Added tier 3 support for `arm64-apple-tvos` and + `x86_64-apple-tvos` targets. + + Libraries + - Special cased `vec![]` to map directly to `Vec::new()`. This allows + `vec![]` to be able to be used in `const` contexts. + - `convert::Infallible` now implements `Hash`. + - `OsString` now implements `DerefMut` and `IndexMut` returning + a `&mut OsStr`. + - Unicode 13 is now supported. + - `String` now implements `From<&mut str>`. + - `IoSlice` now implements `Copy`. + - `Vec<T>` now implements `From<[T; N]>`. Where `N` is at most 32. + - `proc_macro::LexError` now implements `fmt::Display` and `Error`. + - `from_le_bytes`, `to_le_bytes`, `from_be_bytes`, `to_be_bytes`, + `from_ne_bytes`, and `to_ne_bytes` methods are now `const` for all + integer types. + + Stabilizd APIs + - [`PathBuf::with_capacity`] + - [`PathBuf::capacity`] + - [`PathBuf::clear`] + - [`PathBuf::reserve`] + - [`PathBuf::reserve_exact`] + - [`PathBuf::shrink_to_fit`] + - [`f32::to_int_unchecked`] + - [`f64::to_int_unchecked`] + - [`Layout::align_to`] + - [`Layout::pad_to_align`] + - [`Layout::array`] + - [`Layout::extend`] + + Cargo + - Added the `cargo tree` command which will print a tree graph of + your dependencies + + Misc + - Rustdoc now allows you to specify `--crate-version` to have rustdoc include + the version in the sidebar. + + Compatibility Notes + - Rustc now correctly generates static libraries on Windows GNU targets with + the `.a` extension, rather than the previous `.lib`. + - Removed the `-C no_integrated_as` flag from rustc. + - The `file_name` property in JSON output of macro errors now points the actual + source file rather than the previous format of `<NAME macros>`. + * *Note:** this may not point to a file that actually exists on the user's system. + - The minimum required external LLVM version has been bumped to LLVM 8. + - `mem::{zeroed, uninitialised}` will now panic when used with types that do + not allow zero initialization such as `NonZeroU8`. This was + previously a warning. + - In 1.45.0 (the next release) converting a `f64` to `u32` using the `as` + operator has been defined as a saturating operation. This was previously + undefined behaviour, but you can use the `{f64, f32}::to_int_unchecked` methods to + continue using the current behaviour, which may be desirable in rare performance + sensitive situations. +- Rebased patches: + + ignore-Wstring-conversion.patch (offset / fuzz) + + rust-pr70163-prepare-for-llvm-10-upgrade.patch dropped (merged upstream) +- Add rust-pr70163-prepare-for-llvm-10-upgrade.patch to fix compilation + with llvm10 + rust1 -- Change llvm_bundling to be required on s390x on 15.3 due to an llvm11 - codegen issue. +- Add BuildRequire: llvm12-devel on Tumbleweed; see boo#1192067 +- Change llvm_bundling to be required on x86_64, aarch64 and ppc64le + on 15.3, too. Otherwise cargo segfaults when building + MozillaFirefox-93.0 -Version 1.54.0 (2021-07-29) +- Swap to internal libgit due to issue in current platform libgit2 +- Remove un-needed compiler docs +- Cleanup rpmlints +- Remove conflicting shell completions + +- Remove developer tools in favour of rustup + +Version 1.55.0 (2021-09-09) + ============================ -- [You can now use macros for values in built-in attribute macros.][83366] - While a seemingly minor addition on its own, this enables a lot of - powerful functionality when combined correctly. Most notably you can - now include external documentation in your crate by writing the following. - ```rust - [#]![doc = include_str!("")] - ``` - You can also use this to include auto-generated modules: - ```rust - [#][path = concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")] - mod generated; - ``` -- [You can now cast between unsized slice types (and types which contain - unsized slices) in `const fn`.][85078] -- [You can now use multiple generic lifetimes with `impl Trait` where the - lifetimes don't explicitly outlive another.][84701] In code this means - that you can now have `impl Trait<'a, 'b>` where as before you could - only have `impl Trait<'a, 'b> where 'b: 'a`. + - ------- + - [You can now write open "from" range patterns (`X..`), which will start at `X` and + will end at the maximum value of the integer.][83918] + - [You can now explicitly import the prelude of different editions + through `std::prelude` (e.g. `use std::prelude::rust_2021::*;`).][86294] -- [Rustc will now search for custom JSON targets in - `/lib/rustlib/<target-triple>/target.json` where `/` is the "sysroot" - directory.][83800] You can find your sysroot directory by running - `rustc --print sysroot`. -- [Added `wasm` as a `target_family` for WebAssembly platforms.][84072] -- [You can now use `#[target_feature]` on safe functions when targeting - WebAssembly platforms.][84988] -- [Improved debugger output for enums on Windows MSVC platforms.][85292] -- [Added tier 3\* support for `bpfel-unknown-none` - and `bpfeb-unknown-none`.][79608] + - ------- + - [Added tier 3\* support for `powerpc64le-unknown-freebsd`.][83572] -- [`panic::panic_any` will now `#[track_caller]`.][85745] -- [Added `OutOfMemory` as a variant of `io::ErrorKind`.][84744] -- [ `proc_macro::Literal` now implements `FromStr`.][84717] -- [The implementations of vendor intrinsics in core::arch have been - significantly refactored.][83278] The main user-visible changes are - a 50% reduction in the size of libcore.rlib and stricter validation - of constant operands passed to intrinsics. The latter is technically - a breaking change, but allows Rust to more closely match the C vendor - intrinsics API. - Stabilized APIs -- [`BTreeMap::into_keys`] -- [`BTreeMap::into_values`] -- [`HashMap::into_keys`] -- [`HashMap::into_values`] -- [`arch::wasm32`] -- [`VecDeque::binary_search`] -- [`VecDeque::binary_search_by`] -- [`VecDeque::binary_search_by_key`] -- [`VecDeque::partition_point`] + - -------- + - [Updated std's float parsing to use the Eisel-Lemire algorithm.][86761] + These improvements should in general provide faster string parsing of floats, + no longer reject certain valid floating point values, and reduce + the produced code size for non-stripped artifacts. + - [`string::Drain` now implements `AsRef<str>` and `AsRef<[u8]>`.][86858] + Stabilised APIs + - -------------- + - [`Bound::cloned`] + - [`Drain::as_str`] + - [`IntoInnerError::into_error`] + - [`IntoInnerError::into_parts`] + - [`MaybeUninit::assume_init_mut`] + - [`MaybeUninit::assume_init_ref`] + - [`MaybeUninit::write`] + - [`array::map`] + - [`ops::ControlFlow`] + - [`x86::_bittest`] + - [`x86::_bittestandcomplement`] + - [`x86::_bittestandreset`] + - [`x86::_bittestandset`] + - [`x86_64::_bittest64`] + - [`x86_64::_bittestandcomplement64`] + - [`x86_64::_bittestandreset64`] + - [`x86_64::_bittestandset64`] + The following previously stable functions are now `const`. + - [`str::from_utf8_unchecked`] ------ -- [Added the `--prune <spec>` option to `cargo-tree` to remove a package from - the dependency graph.][cargo/9520] -- [Added the `--depth` option to `cargo-tree` to print only to a certain depth - in the tree ][cargo/9499] -- [Added the `no-proc-macro` value to `cargo-tree --edges` to hide procedural - macro dependencies.][cargo/9488] -- [A new environment variable named `CARGO_TARGET_TMPDIR` is available.][cargo/9375] - This variable points to a directory that integration tests and benches - can use as a "scratchpad" for testing filesystem operations. + - ---- + - [Cargo will now deduplicate compiler diagnostics to the terminal when invoking + rustc in parallel such as when using `cargo test`.][cargo/9675] + - [The package definition in `cargo metadata` now includes the `"default_run"` + field from the manifest.][cargo/9550] + - [Added `cargo d` as an alias for `cargo doc`.][cargo/9680] + - [Added `{lib}` as formatting option for `cargo tree` to print the `"lib_name"` + of packages.][cargo/9663] + Rustdoc + - ------ + - [Added "Go to item on exact match" search option.][85876] + - [The "Implementors" section on traits no longer shows redundant + method definitions.][85970] + - [Trait implementations are toggled open by default.][86260] This should make the + implementations more searchable by tools like `CTRL+F` in your browser. + - [Intra-doc links should now correctly resolve associated items (e.g. methods) + through type aliases.][86334] + - [Traits which are marked with `#[doc(hidden)]` will no longer appear in the + "Trait Implementations" section.][86513] + Compatibility Notes + - ------------------ + - [std functions that return an `io::Error` will no longer use the + `ErrorKind::Other` variant.][85746] This is to better reflect that these + kinds of errors could be categorised [into newer more specific `ErrorKind` + variants][79965], and that they do not represent a user error. + - [Using environment variable names with `process::Command` on Windows now + behaves as expected.][85270] Previously using envionment variables with + `Command` would cause them to be ASCII-uppercased. + - [Rustdoc will now warn on using rustdoc lints that aren't prefixed + with `rustdoc::`][86849] rxvt-unicode +- added handle-new-tic-and-dont-install-terminfo.patch: + This fixes the build failure on TW. We actually do not care about + the generated terminfo file it comes from a different package + anyway + +- Backport patch from upstream: perl-avoiding-recursive-loading.patch + +- Update to 9.26 + - ev_iouring.c was wrongly required during compilation, and wrongly + not packaged. +- Update to 9.25 + - for the 17.5th anniversary, and because many distributions seem to + remove rxvt in favour of urxvt, this release resurrects rclock as + urclock. + - add support for systemd socket-based activation - debian bug #917105, + freebsd bug #234276. + - do not destruct perl on exit anymore: this might fail for a variety of + reasons, and takes unneccessary time. + - remove any macros from urxvtperl manpage(s), should fix debian + bug 858385. + - the old bg image resources are now provided by the background + extension, and perl is thus required for bg image support. No + configuration change is needed: urxvt autoloads the background + ext if any bg image resource/option is present (for OSC sequences to + work you need to enable it explicity). The old bg image + resources are also now deprecated; users are encouraged to + switch to the new bg image interface (see man urxvt-background). + - confirm-paste now checks for any ctlchars, not just newlines. + - searchable scrollback will now ignore bracketed paste mode sequences + (prompted by Daniel Gröber's patch). + - drop ISO 2022 locale support. ISO 2022 encodings are not supported in + POSIX locales and clash with vt100 charset emulation (the luit + program can be used as a substitute). + - perl didn't parse rgba colours specified as an array correctly, + only allowing 0 and 100% intensity for each component (this affected + fill and tint). + - when iterating over resources, urxvt will now try to properly handle + multipart resources (such as "*background.expr"), for the benefit + of autoloading perl extensions. + - ESC G (query rxvt graphics mode) has been disabled due to security + implications. The rxvt graphics mode was removed in rxvt-unicode 1.5, + and no programs relying on being able to query the mode are known. + - work around API change breakage in perl 5.28, based on a patch by + Roman Bogorodskiy. + - improved security: rob nation's (obsolete) graphics mode queries + no longer reply with linefeed in secure/default mode. + - ISO 8613-3 direct colour SGR sequences (patch by Fengguang Wu). + - xterm focus reporting mode (patch by Daniel Hahler). + - xterm SGR mouse mode. + - implement DECRQM. Patch by PÅ™emysl Eric Janouch. + - add missing color index parameter to OSC 4 response. Patch + by PÅ™emysl Eric Janouch. + - in some window managers, if smart resize was enabled, urxvt + erroneously moved the window on font change - awesome bug + [#532], arch linux bug ##34807 (patch by Uli Schlachter). + - fix urxvtd crash when using a background expression. + - properly restore colors when using fading and reverse video + is enabled while urxvt is focused and then disabled while it + is not focused, or vice versa (patch by Daniel Hahler). + - fix high memory usage when an extension repeatedly hides and + shows an overlay (reported by Marcel Lautenbach). + - expose priv_modes member and constants to perl extensions + (patch by Rastislav Barlik). + - fix a whole slew of const sillyness, unfortunately forced upon + us by ISO C++. + - update to libecb 0x00010006. + - disable all thread support in ecb.h as we presumably don't need it. + - slightly improve Makefile source dependencies. + - work around bugs in newer Pod::Xhtml versions (flags incorrect formatting codes + in xhtml/html sections but does not interpret correct ones). +- New file: /usr/bin/urclock +- Add BuildRequires: pkgconfig(xt) +- Remove rxvt-unicode-9.22-perl_environ_segfault.patch (accepted upstream) +- Refresh patches: + - rxvt-unicode-hardening.patch, + - rxvt-unicode-9.21-xsubpp.patch + - rxvt-unicode-9.20-CVE-2008-1142-DISPLAY.patch + +- restore the -256color binaries + +- fix build error (pass -D to "install") +- fix one W: rpm-buildroot-usage +- ran spec-cleaner and tidy +- format rxvt-unicode-9.20-CVE-2008-1142-DISPLAY.patch for autosetup +- format rxvt-unicode-9.22-perl_environ_segfault.patch for autosetup + +- add rxvt-unicode-9.22-perl_environ_segfault.patch to avoid a + segfault when closing urxvt + rygel +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 0.40.2: + + Disable tracker2 in default build options. + + Fixed potential race condition in meson build. + + Updated translations. + rzip +- Modernise spec file +- Install license + s390-tools +- Added + Reading /sys/kernel/mm/page_idle/bitmap can cause hang up on + reading offline pages. (bsc#1192599) +- Added %{version} to the Requires: libekmfweb1 for the + libekmfweb1-devel package. + s3backer +- Run spec-cleaner on spec file + +- Upgrade to release 1.6.3 + + Fixed bug with `--listBlocks' threads doing redundant overlapping queries + + Refactor to support multiple different compression algorithms + + Fixed mutex handling bug in block cache (issue #152) + + Release mutexs prior to destruction (issue #151) + + Fixed use-after-free bug in XML parser (pr #154) + +- Upgrade to release 1.6.2 + + Require test directory to be absolute unless `-f' flag given (issue #143) + + Show HTTP error response payload content when `--debug-http' flag given + + List blocks in the background; added `--listBlocksThreads' (issue #24) + + Don't let IAM credentials expire while listing blocks (issue #146) + + Fixed bug parsing "--configFile" inside comma-separated option list + +- Upgrade to release 1.6.1 + + Fixed integer overflow bug setting "x-amz-meta-s3backer-filesize" (issue #141) + +- Upgrade to release 1.6.0 + + Added `--sse-key-id' flag (issue #137) + + Log a more useful error message when IAM credentials not found (issue #136) + + Warn on startup if disk space is insufficient for disk cache (issue #138) + + Added zero block cache to better handle fstrim operations (issue #139) + +- Upgrade to release 1.5.6 + + Fixed phantom write error when server-side-encryption used (issue #135) + + Allow bucket names with "subdirectory" for prefix (issue #130) + + Added `--configFile' flag (issue #129) + + Added `--accessKeyEnv' flag (issue #128) + + Removed deprecated `--rrs' flag + +- Upgrade to release 1.5.5 + + Added `--no-vhost' flag (issue #117) + + Added `--blockCacheNumProtected' flag (pr #119) + + Added `--test-errors', `--test-delays', and `--test-discard' + + Disallow stream encryption ciphers (issue #123) + +- Upgrade to release 1.5.4 + + Only set "x-amz-server-side-encryption" header with PUT requests (issue #116) + + Don't kill IAM thread unless actually started (issue #115). + +- Update to release 1.5.3 + + Fixed bug where IAM update thread was killed after fork (issue #115) + + Fixed use-after-free bug in block_cache_verified() (issue #113) + + Fixed use-after-free bug when updating IAM credentials (pr #114) + + Fixed bug in test mode that was causing bogus I/O errors + +- Update to release 1.5.2 + + Fixed bug where block cache would not work when run in the background (issue #112) + + Fixed bug where we were not parsing HTTP headers case-insensitively (pr #11) + + Bail out during `--listBlocks' if we see an object name past our block range + + Added `--blockHashPrefix' flag (issue #80) + +- Update to release 1.5.1 + + Fixed a few places where fixed-sized buffers were too small (issue #108) + + Don't claim cache hit if partial write required reading the block (pr #103) + + Exit process with error code if s3backer store setup fails at startup + + Reset statistics if stats file is unlinked (issue #106) + +- Update to release 1.5.0 + + Add support for recovering dirty blocks in the disk cache (issue #87) + + Replaced boolean 'mounted' flag with a unique 32-bit mount token (issue #87) + + Wait for min_write_delay before access after write error (issue #76) + + Configure TCP keep-alive on HTTP connections (issue #78) + + Added support for server side encryption (pull #81) + -- Update to version 1.3.7 - + Add `--keyLength' for overriding generated encryption key length - -- Update to version 1.3.6 - + Fix use of MAX_HOST_NAME in http_io.c (issue #42) - + Fix encryption key generation bug (on some systems) - -- Update to version 1.3.5 - + Check for duplicate mount at startup (issue #10) - + Minor spec file cleanups - -- Update to version 1.3.4 - + Add support for fallocate(2) - -- Fix License to use SPDX format -- Install COPYING into docs -- Remove INSTALL from docs - saja-cascadia-code-fonts +- Update to version 2102.25 + * Closes #406 - updated anchor type to lock with the other equals-related ligatures + * Closes #408 - corrected component used for glyph to align with Unicode + * Closes #412 - updated locl features removing iacute_j ligature and Catalan substitution + * Closes #414 - increased overlaps of middle glyph for arrow ligatures + * Closes #415 - reduces width of macronbelow + * Closes #416 - rolls back name ID 4 modification as JetBrains cannot process it correctly + * Closes #428 - rolls back variation of the underline to prevent MVAR table generation + * Repositioned tilde in related ligatures. Previously it was higher than the standard one. + * Added missing vietnamese anchors on acute and grave (futureproofing). + * Corrected / made consistent greater & less positioning in </> and <$> related ligatures. + * Otherwise reviewed hinting + For previous releases, see: + * 2102.03: + * 2009.22: + * 2009.21: + +- Update to version 2009.14 + * Cascadia now has support for the Salishan languages of the + Pacific Northwest and other coastal scripts! + * We've fixed an issue in the -<< ligature that caused it to + overlap itself at certain font weights (#355) + * We remastered mark positioning for glyphs with existing + diacritics for improved design for letters with multiple + diacritics above + * We have implemented a workaround for a freetype rendering + issue that resulted in chunky rendering for certain glyphs + (#350) +- Package variable fonts instead of static ones + +- Update to version 2008.25 + * We've temporarily stopped shipping variable OTFs due to some + concerns about overlapping and psautohint + * The heaviest weight of Cascadia has been made a little lighter + * We have aligned the Powerline glyphs and the box-/line-drawing + glyphs better to their metrics and to the letter glyphs + * Diacritic anchors have been added to all alphabetic characters (#282, #330) + * The font now ships with decomposed fi and fl ligatures + * The horn combining diacritic has had its weight fixed somewhat for Bold + * Primes have been redesigned to give them a more "angled" feel (#294) + * Acute and grave have been given additional weight to help + differentiate them from dot (#268) + * The contextual alternate for x used to signify hexadecimal + numbers has been disabled (#285) + +- Update to version 2007.01 + * The double-equals ligature == has been updated to improve + visual clarity + * The diacritics on IJacute are no longer malformed + * We've introduced a set of compatibility features to improve + the rendering of powerline glyphs in legacy GDI applications + sakura +- Update to 3.8.2 + * no upstream changelog available + +- update to 3.7.1: + * no upstream changelog available + +- update to 3.7.0 +- fix dependencies + +- update to 3.6.0 +- rebase sakura-icon.patch +- no upstream changelog + -- update to 2.3.7: - * adds detection for running processes when closing sakura, - instead of counting the number of opened tabs - * a man page bug has been fixed - * updated translations - -- properly pass %%optflags -- backport for vte < 0.16.15 -- update to 2.3.4: - * an option was added for a blinking cursor - * the Czech translation was updated - * the documentation was updated -- changes from 2.3.3: - * window default size problems were fixed - * minor changes were made to the close dialog - * a new Croatian translation - * an SVG icon were added - -- scrapped %changelog entries before 2.3.0 -- only apply backport UsePkgConfig patch when the cmake version is < 2.6.x -- update to 2.3.2: - * adds a new accelerator to open a URL using the left mouse button - * fixes the maximize bug and other window size problems - * less verbose when not compiled in debug mode - -- update to 2.3.1: - * all dialogs have been improved to conform to HIG recommendations - * a configuration option has been added to enable/disable the per-tab close - button - * strings are used instead of keycodes for easier key bindings configuration - samba +- Fix dependency problem upgrading from libndr0 to libndr2 and + from libsamba-credentials0 to libsamba-credentials1; + (bsc#1192684); + +- Fix regression introduced by CVE-2020-25717 patches, winbindd + does not start when 'allow trusted domains' is off; (bso#14899); +- Update to 4.15.2 + * CVE-2016-2124: SMB1 client connections can be downgraded to + plaintext authentication; (bso#12444); (bsc#1014440); + * CVE-2020-25717: A user on the domain can become root on domain + members; (bso#14556); (bsc#1192284); + * CVE-2020-25718: Samba AD DC did not correctly sandbox Kerberos + tickets issued by an RODC; (bso#14558); (bsc#1192246); + * CVE-2020-25719: Samba AD DC did not always rely on the SID and + PAC in Kerberos tickets; (bso#14561); (bsc#1192247); + * CVE-2020-25721: Kerberos acceptors need easy access to stable + AD identifiers (eg objectSid); (bso#14557); (bsc#1192505); + * CVE-2020-25722: Samba AD DC did not do suffienct access and + conformance checking of data stored; (bso#14564); + (bsc#1192283); + * CVE-2021-3738: Use after free in Samba AD DC RPC server; + (bso#14468); (bsc#1192215); + * CVE-2021-23192: Subsequent DCE/RPC fragment injection + vulnerability; (bso#14875); (bsc#1192214); +- Update to 4.15.1 + * vfs_shadow_copy2: core dump in make_relative_path; (bso#14682); + * Log clutter from filename_convert_internal; (bso#14685); + * MacOSX compilation fixes; (bso#14862); + * rodc_rwdc test flaps; (bso#14868); + * Provide a fix for MS CVE-2020-17049 in Samba [SECURITY] 'Bronze + bit' S4U2Proxy Constrained Delegation bypass in Samba with + embedded Heimdal; (bso#14642); + * Python ldb.msg_diff() memory handling failure; (bso#14836); + * "in" operator on ldb.Message is case sensitive; (bso#14845); + * Release LDB 2.4.1 for Samba 4.15.1; (bso#14848); + * samldb_krbtgtnumber_available() looks for incorrect string; + (bso#14854); + * Fix Samba support for UF_NO_AUTH_DATA_REQUIRED; (bso#14871); + * Allow special chars like "@" in samAccountName when generating + the salt; (bso#14874); + * Correctly ignore comments in CTDB public addresses file; + (bso#14826); + * Fix transit path validation; (bso#12998); + * Fix that child winbindd logs to log.winbindd instead of + log.wb-<DOMAIN>; (bso#14852); + * SMB3 cancel requests should only include the MID together with + AsyncID when AES-128-GMAC is used; (bso#14855); + * Prepare to operate with MIT krb5 >= 1.20; (bso#14870); + * Heimdal prefers RC4 over AES for machine accounts; (bso#14864); + +- Enable samba-tool without ad dc. + +- Adjust spec to use pam macros; (bsc#1191046). + +- Adjust spec for size + * allow some Recommends instead Requires to be configured + for cifs-utils, samba-libs-python3 & samba-gpupdate; + (bsc#1182847). + * remove fam, undocumented and unneeded. + +- Add missing build dependency on bison when building with the + embedded Heimdal Kerberos + samplicator +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_samplicator.service.patch + Modified: + * samplicator.service + sbcl +- Update to version 2.1.11 + * minor incompatible change: *COMPILE-PRINT* now defaults to NIL. T gives + the old behavior of echoing top level forms. Users who want to see a + report of the phases of compilation can use *COMPILE-PROGRESS* and the + corresponding COMPILE-FILE :PROGRESS argument. + * optimization: The compiler assignment-converts functions much more + aggressively; local or non-entry block-compiled functions + which always return to the same place are automatically converted into the + equivalent loop or goto control structures. + * enhancement: on x86-64 and ppc64 platforms, the system uses inline + instructions rather than page protection to implement a store barrier for + the garbage collector. + * enhancement: improved reporting of code deletion notes. + * platform support: + * * unbound-variable restarts for amd64 are now supported. + * * bug fix: single-floats to foreign functions on 32-bit ARMel. + (lp#1950080, reported by Sebastien Villemot) + * * bug fix: opening files with names containing non-ASCII characters on + Windows works better. (reported by Nikolay) + * * bug fix: use fp_xsave to access the floating point flags and control + word in Haiku signal contexts. (Thanks to Al Hoang) + * * bug fix: complex single-float support on riscv64. + * * optimization: support for accessing elements of &rest args directly on + ppc64, mips, riscv. + * * optimization: parse a /proc file rather than executing uname for + SOFTWARE-VERSION on Linux + * bug fix: fix crash from SB-COVER:RESET-COVERAGE. (lp#1950059, reported by + Gregory Czerniak) + +- Update to version 2.1.10 + * incompatible change: simd-pack without a specific element-type is no + longer treated as containing integers. A type must be supplied for VOPs to + work on such values. + * minor incompatible change: the list form of the FUNCTION type specifier + does not allow * as any argument type, but does allow * as a placeholder + for wholly unspecified arguments when specifying the value(s) type. + * minor incompatible change: the default (Lisp) toplevel option parser + throws an error if it encounters an option which was intended to be used + and removed by the C runtime. (lp#1945081, reported by Luke Gorrie) + * new feature: there is now a defined interface for defining foreign + callable functions, which can be used for passing callbacks to foreign + functions or for calling Lisp code from the foreign world as a shared + library (preliminary support). See the revised manual section "Calling + into Lisp From C" for more details. + * enhancement: arg-count mismatches in self-calls in defmethod are reported. + (lp#1912436, reported by 3b) + * enhancement: the SB-CLTL2 contrib now returns type information for + generated structure accessors. (lp#1934859, reported by SATO shinichi) + * optimization: code generation is improved for modular arithmetic involving + signed operations. + * platform support: + * * x86-64 machine code emitter crash when attempting to assemble some + vector instructions. (lp#1945975, thanks to Marco Heisig) + * * conditional move instructions are now supported on arm64. + * * a number of new peephole optimizations have been implemented on arm64. + * * arm64 on Darwin now uses gcc-compatible thread-local storage. + * bug fix: compiler notes are no longer emitted when compiling FORMATTER + forms, including when implicitly triggered on a constant string argument + to FORMAT. (lp#1946246, reported by SATO shinichi) + * bug fix: a compiler error when attempting to compile a call to AREF with + too many dimensions. (lp#1902985) + * bug fix: harmonize the behaviour of SLOT-BOUNDP on non-standard-objects + between the various ways in which it can be called. (lp#732229, reported + by Zach Beane) + * bug fix: FTRUNCATE and similar functions are now more careful about + deriving facts about the sign of zero they might return. (lp#1732009, + reported by Paul Dietz) + +- Update to version 2.1.9 + * minor incompatible change: the experimental DEFCAS macro has been removed. + * minor incompatible change: finalizing classes with slots with duplicate + symbol-names will only emit a warning if either slot name is an exported + symbol. (lp#1943559) + * platform support: + * * the debugger is better able to display SIMD packs. (thanks to Marco + Heisig) + * * fix a bug in zeroing YMM registers. (thanks to Marco Heisig) + * * fix instruction definitions for SSE blend and shuffle vector + instructions. (thanks to Marco Heisig) + * * handle heap corruption exceptions in our exception handler on win64. + * * improve WAIT-UNTIL-FD-USABLE on Windows, reducing busy-looping. + (thanks to Fabio Almeida) + * bug fix: EQUALP hash tables whose keys contain arrays containing floats should + behave correctly. (lp#1942424, reported by Nicolas Neuss) + +- Update to version 2.1.8 + * minor incompatible change: the experimental DEFINE-CAS-EXPANDER macro has + been removed. + * minor incompatible change: the hooks in *INIT-HOOKS* are called before + starting the finalizer or other non-user threads. (thanks to Sean Whitton) + * platform support: + * * many improvements to code generation on arm64. + * * avoid slow forms of the bit test instructions BT, BTS, BTR on x86-64. + * * fix a bug in loading large core files on the Apple M1/arm64. (thanks + to Mayank Manjrekar) + * * fix a bug in loading core loading on the Apple M1/arm64. (reported by + Eric Timmons) + * enhancement: the block-compiler is more robust to files with intermingled + compile-time and load-time effects. The semantics of the block-compiler + remain not-entirely ANSI compatible. (thanks to Sean Maher) + * enhancement: (CAS SAP-REF-<x>) and CAS on alien integers is implemented on + ppc64 and x86-64, working towards fixing lp#1894057 + * bug fix: fix OPEN-STREAM-P on streams closed by saving a core. + (lp#1938433, reported by Guillaume LE VAILLANT) + * bug fix: remove a spurious warning from COERCE. (lp#1920931, reported by + Andrew Berkley) + * bug fix: remove a warning from inlining SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR. (lp#1936470, + reported by Jerome Abela) + +- Update to version 2.1.7 + * incompatible change: on certain platforms (currently just x86-64), + dynamic-extent arrays specialized on character and numeric types and + created without either :INITIAL-ELEMENT or :INITIAL-CONTENTS will reflect + previous contents of the stack instead of #\null (or 0) in all elements. + * minor incompatible change: SB-SPROF:START-PROFILING no longer silently + does nothing if the clock is already running. It instead stop and restarts + with the newly provided options, and warns. + * minor incompatible change: the system attempts to refer to the supplied + pathname in compiler diagnostics, if relevant, rather than the truename. + * enhancement: new contrib module sb-graph producing graphical + visualizations of Intermediate Representations of SBCL compilation data + structures. + * platform support: + * * improved code generation for unary minus in modular contexts on arm64. + * * make the disassembler annotations slightly more robust on arm64. + * * release space back to the Operating System on Windows. + * * improve the test for whether pages need to be committed on Windows. + * * fix a bug in the use of the VPCMPEQD opcode on x86-64. (lp#1928516, + thanks to Marco Heisig) + * optimization: the type of (LOOP ... COLLECT ...), and the type of COLLECT + INTO variables, is derived as LIST. (lp#1934577, reported by SATO + shinichi) + +- Add sbcl-use-SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH-for-build-id.patch: Use + SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for build-id instead of hostname+build-date to + avoid rebuilds of dependencies purely due to build-id + differences (boo#1188873). + +- Update to version 2.1.6 + * minor incompatible change: COMPILE-FILE does not merge the input file's + pathname-directory into the output path if :OUTPUT-FILE was specified + and has a directory that is not :UNSPECIFIC. + * platform support: + * * improvements to unwind code generation on arm64. + * * on x86-64, accept three operands for vshufpd. (reported by Bela + Pecsek) + * * on x86-64, improvements to use of popcount + * * improve exception handling on 64-bit Windows. (thanks to Luis Borges + de Oliveira) + * bug fix: allow use of macros with improper argument list. (lp#1929623, + thanks to Sean Maher) + * bug fix: COERCE no longer attempts to guess what the user meant if they + provide a type specifier of a union of types other than STRING. + (lp#1929614) + * bug fix: print a single trailing zero after the decimal point for FORMAT + ~E if there are no digits remaining to be printed and the width allows it. + (lp#883520) + +- Update to version 2.1.5 + * minor incompatible change: on x86-64, the backend instruction encoders for + movzx and for string opcodes have changed their semantics. + * platform support: + * * compatibility: support the latest MinGW on x86. (lp#1923325, thanks to + Alexis Rivera) + * * bug fix: on x86-64, fix instruction encoding for TEST on RIP-relative + addresses. (lp#1925808, reported by Shinmera on #sbcl, thanks also to + 3b) + * * bug fix: on x86-64, loading all-1s into an AVX2 register no longer + causes an error. (thanks to Marco Heisig) + * * bug fix: on arm64, improve disassembly of ADD with constant 0 as MOV + * * enhancement: on arm64, support debugger commands RETURN-FROM-FRAME and + RESTART-FRAME more efficiently. + * * enhancement: on x86-64, add support for vshuf* AVX2 instructions. + (reported by Bela Pecsek) + * * optimization: faster function calls on arm64. + * * optimization: (SETF SBIT) is faster on x86-64. + * bug fix: INTEGER-DECODE-FLOAT was computing the wrong answer for denormal + double floats. (lp#1926383, reported by Stavros Macrakis) + * bug fix: RANDOM on a floating point argument now does not cons. (reported + by Tito Latini) + * bug fix: fix a compiler crash in type derivation of LOGTEST. (lp#1928243) + * bug fix: fix a compiler failure when a declared function type contains a + literal structure with a valid MAKE-LOAD-FORM method. (lp#1929160, thanks + to Yurii Hryhorenko) + * optimization: FBOUNDP on a constant symbol is now faster. + * optimization: file compilation now produces smaller fasls for files which + reference package literals. + * optimization: derive the type of calls to FLOAT-SIGN. + +- Update to version 2.1.4 + * platform support: + * * work around address-space randomization causing instability on new + versions of MinGW. (lp#1921141) + * bug fix: RANDOM on floats returns values strictly less than the float + argument. + * bug fix: compiler error on x86-64 resulting from attempting to zero a + memory location with xor. (reported by Eric Marsden) + * optimization: extended loops updating iteration variables with THEN can + perform specialized arithmetic for those updates. + * optimization: in some cases, the jump table resulting from a compilation + of TYPECASE is simpler. + * optimization: on x86-64, IF BOUNDP followed by SYMBOL-VALUE can elide some + memory loads and tests. + +- Update to version 2.1.3 + * minor incompatible change: support for the :SB-SAFEPOINT-STRICTLY, + :SB-THRUPTION, and :SB-WTIMER build features has been removed + * platform support: + * * support for :SB-CORE-COMPRESSION on Darwin/ARM64 + * * support ARM v8.1 atomic and compare-and-swap instructions + * * x86, x86-64: microoptimizations in multiple type-checking routines + * bug fix: structures and conditions are now TYPEP all classes in the class + precedence list of their class. (reported by Luis Oliveira) + * bug fix: derivation of the result type from subtraction sometimes + erroneously excluded zero. (lp#1916895) + * bug fix: reduce the number of places where the system permissively accepts + * as a type specifier where it should not be accepted. (lp#1860919) + * bug fix: the code-walker used by the system's implementation of CLOS can + handle defuns declared inline. (reported by Don Cohen) + * optimization: EQUALP on specialized vectors and arrays is faster. + * optimization: support routines for EQUALP hash tables generate less garbage. + +- Update to version 2.1.2 + * platform support: + * * support for ARM64 macOS; + * * improvement in coverage mark implementation on non-x86oid backends, + approaching the existing x86oid support; + * * more empirically-robust retrieval of the program counter from illegal + instruction traps on SPARC; + * * retain fewer dead objects when saving cores with precise collectors. + * incompatible change: MAP-ALL-SAMPLES and MAP-TRACE-SAMPLES + are no longer present in the SB-SPROF contrib module. + * minor incompatible change: SB-SPROF:WITH-PROFILING defaults to all + threads. SB-SPROF:START-PROFILING no longer accepts a :SAMPLING keyword. + * enhancement: the sb-introspect contrib now supports finding the lambda + lists of method combinations. (thanks to Didier Verna) + * enhancement: short-form DEFSETF now stores a source-location. + * bug fix: canonical unions of CONS types were being incorrectly computed. + (lp#1912863, reported by James Kalenius) + * bug fix: better understanding of array simplicity (or otherwise) in the + type system. (lp#1903241) + * bug fix: unions of rational and integer types now have a single canonical + form, allowing more correct reasoning about them in the type system. + * bug fix: less likely to overclaim certainty about type equality of union + types. (lp#1916040) + * bug fix: HANDLER-BIND evaluates the forms producing handler functions only + once. (lp#1916302, reported by Christophe Junke) + * optimization: FIND on constant sequences can be compiled into a jump + table, in a similar manner to POSITION + * optimization: the compiler's awareness of numeric contagion rules for + operations on pairs of floating point numbers is improved. (lp#1914094, + thanks to Andrew Berkley) + +- Update to version 2.1.1 + * platform support: + * * restore non-threaded NetBSD builds; + * * adjust how the finalizer thread is started; (lp#1906571, lp#1907872) + * * fix the encoding of PEXTR on x86-64; + * minor incompatible change: emit warnings for list iteration forms when the + object being iterated over is known not to be a list. (lp#1908819, + reported by Michael Fiano) + * bug fix: detect 2 or 1 as an invalid number of arguments passed to + optimized slot writing or reading effective method respectively. + (lp#1909659, reported by Michal Herda) + * bug fix: division by zero errors were in some cases not being signalled. + (lp#1910098, reported by il71) + * bug fix: erroneous coercions in the type system could lose precision. + (lp#1910294) + * bug fix: literal (read-time evaluated) NaNs in source code no longer cause + compiler crashes. (lp#1909881, reported by Michal Herda) + * bug fix: detect more erroneous syntax in method bodies. (lp#1912362, + reported by Paul M. Rodriguez) + * optimization: the compiler's understanding of EXPT is improved, reducing + the introduction of COMPLEX types. (lp#1908830, reported by Michael Fiano) + * optimization: the compiler is better at computing numeric contagion when + (COMPLEX FLOAT) types are involved. + * micro-optimizations: + * * moving from slightly-bigger-than-fixnum ranges is more efficient on x86-64; + * * encode character comparisons with smaller operands on x86-64; + * * truncating (and related operations) on floats can be inlined in more + cases on 64-bit platforms; + * * rounding can use specialized instructions on ARM64 and on x86-64 when + SSE4 is available; + sblim-tools-libra +- fix gcc10 build: add 0001-declare-sys_errlist.patch + -- packaged sblim-tools-libra-0.5.5 (fate#304337) - scanmem +- Update the spec file by running spec-cleaner +- Update patches to final upstream description + * update: fix-build-with-older-autotools.patch + scantailor +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-Fix-build-with-Qt-5.15-missing-QPainterPath-includes.patch +- Spec cleanup + -- Update to 0.9.11. - * Ability to fix DPI of source images in an existing project. - * Project portability through resource relinking. - * It's now possible to save your project in an out-of-memory - situation. - * New translations: Spanish, Ukrainean. -- Corrected icons size. - scap-workbench +- Update to 1.2.1+git20210604.1fc6def to fix Factory build +- drop 0001-Port-Qt5-deprecated-methods.patch (upstream) + scat +- Use python3 because python2 is obsolete + scdoc +- Update to 1.11.2: + * Add uninstall target + * Escape ' at the beginning of lines + * Clean up the installation process + * Check for and abort on failed memory allocations + * Disallows differing row lengths in table +- Refresh scdoc-1.6.1-makefile.patch + +- Update to 1.11.1: + * string.c: swap calloc arguments + * Cast ctype.h inputs to unsigned char + * Suppress sentence spacing after end-of-sentence characters. + +- Use _datadir macro + +- Update to 1.11.0: + * Section needs to be explicitly defined + * Allow subsection in preamble + * Add basic working tests for line breaks parsing + * Fix parsing of line breaks without newline + * Fix parsing of line breaks followed by underlined text + schedtop +- Add the missing libboost_system-devel dependency. + schismtracker +- Update to release 20211116 + * Reset filter when previewing different instrments + * Fix ST3 GUS/SB detection on big-endian platforms + +- Update to release 20211115 + * Add warning for lost patterns when saving MOD files + * Fix S3M tracker identification bug + * Add support for reading OPL instruments from MPTM files + * Allow loading ModPlug volume column panning in S3M files + * Reset mixing volume to 48 for S3Ms made with GUS + * Strip zero-param commands that only have memory in IT from + MOD/XM files when loading + * Fix depth of instrument pitch-pan separation + * Fix incorrect position calculation after reaching end of + ping-pong loops + * Add rudimentary detection for SoundTracker MODs in file browser + * Apply pitch/pan separation as part of instrument panning + +- Update to release 20210525 + * Add support for saving MOD files + * Fix conflict in MIDI setup when ALSA and OSS are both available + * Fix instrument and sample panning overwriting channel panning + * Fix issues related to portamento with Amiga slides + * Support compressed stereo samples in ITI/ITS files + * Convert XM/MOD EA0/EB0 to D00 when loading + * Fix memory access bug in the MTM loader + +- Update to new upstream release 20200412 + * Fix problem with switching tabs on the Instrument List page using the keyboard, introduced in 20190722 release. + * Implement incremental search on Load Instrument page, like on the Load Sample and Load Module pages. + * Correctly display size of exported mono files before exporting. + * Add "AudioVideo" category to Linux desktop entry. + -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- Add schismtracker-link.patch to link with new ld - -- updated to Hg snapshot 20110409 -- removed __DATE__/__TIME__ from source (via patch) - -- Add a patch to schismtracker that restores sound for - sound chips that lack hardware mixing capabilities. - scim +- Move macros.scim from /etc/rpm to %_rpmmacrodir (boo#1185657). + -- use png_fix macro [bnc#852862] - scintilla +- Update to version 5.1.4: + * Add DEL to standard set of space characters for word + operations. + * Add CARETSTYLE_CURSES to draw more than 1 caret on curses + terminal. + * On GTK, fix primary selection paste within same instance. Bug + [#2287]. + * On GTK, fix potential crash when closing Scintilla instances + due to releasing global settings object. + * GetLineEndTypesSupported returns LineEndType, not int. + +- Update to version 5.1.3: + * Fix bug with SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED on Cocoa that led to + incorrect layout with overlapping text. +- Changes from version 5.1.2: + * Add SCI_STYLESETCHECKMONOSPACED which can be used to optimize + fonts that are monospaced over the ASCII graphics characters. + * Add SC_ELEMENT_FOLD_LINE to set the colour of fold lines. Add + SC_ELEMENT_HIDDEN_LINE to show where lines are hidden. Feature + [#1241], Feature #382, Feature #203. + * Add SCI_SETCARETLINEHIGHLIGHTSUBLINE to highlight just the + subline containing the caret instead of the whole document + line. Feature #841. + * Allow SCI_HIDELINES to hide the first line or all lines which + can be useful for filtered views. + * Make negative settings for extra ascent and descent safer by + ensuring calculated ascent and thus line height is at least 1 + pixel. + * Fix display of fold lines when wrapped so they are only drawn + once per line, not on each subline. + * Fix crash with too many subexpressions in regular expression + search with SCFIND_CXX11REGEX. Bug #2281. + * On GTK, fix the line spacing so that underscores and accents + are visible for some fonts such as DejaVu Sans Mono 10. + * On GTK, respond to changes in system font scaling by clearing + any cached layout data. + +- Update to version 5.1.1: + * In DBCS encodings, treat valid DBCS lead byte followed by + invalid trail byte as single byte. Feature #1408. + * Searching was optimized for documents that contain mostly + ASCII text and is often 2-3 times faster. Feature #1381. + * Word searching behaves more consistently at start and end of + document. + * Add SCI_ALLOCATELINES to allocate indices to hold some number + of lines. This can decrease reallocation overhead when the + application can count or estimate the number of lines in huge + files. Feature #1370. + * Add SCI_AUTOCSETOPTIONS to allow choosing a non-resizeable + autocompletion list on Win32. Feature #1284. +- Minor rebase of scintilla-shared.patch to apply cleanly. + +- Update to version 5.1.0: + * Add SciFnDirectStatus, a direct access function which also + returns status. It can be retrieved with + SCI_GETDIRECTSTATUSFUNCTION. This can avoid calling + SCI_GETSTATUS after every API to determine failure so can + improve performance. + * Add more type-safe wrappers to the API. These are defined in + include/ScintillaCall.h and implemented in + call/ScintillaCall.cxx. ScintillaCall throws + Scintilla::Failure exceptions when a call fails. + * Add APIs for setting appearance (traditional blob or plain + text) and colour of representations and support setting a + representation for the "\r\n" line end sequence. + * Add SCI_REPLACERECTANGULAR to insert text like a rectangular + paste. + * Fixed bug with SCI_GETLASTCHILD. Bug #2260. + * Fixed gcc link-time-optimization (LTO) compilation. Bug #2259. +- Refresh scintilla-shared.patch to apply against updated version. +- Install license file using %license. +- Drop fdupes form BuildRequires: no longer needed. +- Minor specfile cleanups. + -- license update: MIT - License is closely related to the MIT license. Use SPDX format - -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - scmon +- Ensure neutrality of description. Use noun phrase in summary. + +- Add systemd support. + [bsc#1116035, smon-add-systemd-support.patch] + screen-message +- Update to version 0.26: + * Fix memory leak + +- Use noun phrase in summary. Drop howto from description. + +- Update to version 0.25: + * No upsteam changelog available, from debian changelog: + * Repository location switched to github + * Support -i and Ctrl-I (Closes: #862056) +- Remove _service file, is unreachable. +- Add my_gdk_rgba_parse_void.patch to fix compilation error + screencast +- Add gstreamer-plugins as recommend dependencies + +- Update to 1.0.0: + * Add the debian rules back + * Remove debian rules (makes the build falling) + * Add validation tests + * Remove CMake files + * Update packaging for meson + * Update install section in + * Switch to eson build + * Update ru.po + * Merge pull request #46 from eurruby/contrib + * Add Brazilian Portuguese to Desktop File + * fixed warnings for appdata + * make stack_switcher.homogeneous = true; + * fixed black window in juno + * Update com.github.artemanufrij.screencast.appdata.xml +- Add HiDPI icons +- Spec file cleanup + +- Ensure neutrality of description, and adjust grammar. + +- Update to 0.3.0: + * Update appdata +- Switch to metainfo from appdata +- Remove obsolete macros + screenfetch +- Small changelog cleanup + +- New upstream release 3.9.1 + * Fix GTK3 detection issues + * LXQt proper detection and theme detection + * Updated README to point to new wiki pages + * Some miscellanious awk fixes + * Miscellanious spacing fixes +- Drop screenfetch-empty_fb_fix.patch + +- Add patch screenfetch-empty_fb_fix.patch Fix error when /proc/fb + is empty. (Backport from Master) + scrot +- Update to 1.6: + * Avoid capturing the selection box when drag and drop quickly. + * Fixed the capture when a window is hidden behind another. + * Fixed the capture of the edge of the focused window. + * Fixed issue when selection reaches the end of screen. + * Fixed Control Flow Integrity complain in HardenedBSD. + * Improvement: selection option, capture the mouse cursor when + the delay option is used. + * New feature: resize the selection with the arrow keys. + * New feature: support script Imlib2 commands. + * New feature: added WM_CLASS to exclude selection mode edge from + some composite window managers. + * New feature: change the cursor pointer according to the + movement of the selection. + * Removed forced compiler options: -g -O3 + * Removed dependence on giblib library. + * Several improvements over the source code. + +- Update to 1.5: + * New feature: retry to grab the keyboard for 1s in 50ms intervals + if it is still being grabbed by the windows manager. + * Do not record pointer when selecting an area. + * Fixed a possible overflow in src/options.c. + * Fixed a segfault with --multidisp option. + * Fixed issues when file extension is more than 3 characters. + * New feature: allow save thumbnail without extension. + * New option --class (-C): discriminate windows by class name. + * Support various modes of drawing selection. + * Use correct type for calloc and other assignments. + +- Update to 1.4: + * Added a new logo 128x128. + * New Feature: capture stack/overlapping windows. + Depends of libXcomposite (X11). New option: --stack or -k. + * Call XCloseDisplay on exit. This is the right thing in every + X server program, to release acquired resources. + * Fixed autoselect. + * Fixed capturing partially hidden windows on the edge of the desktop. + * Fixed required number. + * Fixed SIGSEGV, if running without DISPLAY environment variable. + * Fixed SIGSEGV, option --note. + * Minor fix: variable is assigned that is never used. + * Stack windows: client list spec EWMH. + +- Update to 1.3 + * Added delay option to autoselect. + * Fixed bug #39, mouse pointer not captured with -a -p options. + * Added -D option to specify the display to use. + * Created full-check.yml to provide CI tests. + * Using an updated as replace for README. + * Changed the cursor to indicate the selection mode. + * Fixed some warnings and made compliant with GCC >= 8.0. + * Updated manpage and help + * Added (-n, --note) to draw a text. + * Added (-l, --line) to define the line to use to select an area to capture. + * Added a specifier ($a) to embed hostname in output file. + * Added option: --overwrite or -o. Now, by default do not overwrite the file. + * Added support to grab mouse pointer (-p option). + * Added support to freeze the screen when selection is activated (-f option). + * Fixed several issues. + * Improved the manpage to show undocumented options. + * Added --autoselect rectangle option + * Added --focused option + * Added an file. + * Added some explanation about how to help the project. + * Character cleanup for UTF-8 compatibility + * Fixed a missing option for beep prevention. + * Fixed spelling errors in final binary + * Improved the GCC hardening. + * Prevent arbitrary long file names + * Several fixes in manpage. +- Remove 08_fix-beeping.patch +- Remove 07_fix-formatstring.patch +- Remove 06_manpagespace.patch +- Remove 05-addfocusedmanpage.patch +- Remove 04-focused.patch +- Remove 02_options.c.patch +- Remove 01_manpagefix.patch +- Remove 003_descmanpage.patch + scrypt +- use https for downloads +- add gpg verification +- update to 1.3.1: + * see + +- Update to version 1.3.0: + * No upstream changelog available + scummvm-tools +- update to 2.2.0: + - Add a tool to extract Lost Eden archives + - Fix number of issues with prince translation generation. + +- Update to version 2.1.0 + * Fix bug #10559: Add workaround to compress_scumm_sou for + non-VOC speech sample in monster.sou of Indiana Jones and + the Fate of Atlantis. + * Improve endianness handling of internal FLAC encoder. + * Add tool to create HDFRAMES.DAT file for Blade Runner game. + * Major rewrite of extract_prince tool. + * Implement decompiler for Prince game scripts. + * Rework the Mohawk engine tools. + * Add tool to extract Hyperspace Delivery Boy! game archives. +- Use mad unconditionally +- Fix icon conversion +- Drop Group tag +- Spec cleanup + +- run spec-cleaner + * update copyright date + * update bugzilla url + * correct the license +- fix the configure failure by building the endianess test without + optimization + -- update to new 1.4.0 release - * Updated the compress_sci tool to add support for compressing - the AUDIO001.002 audio files of the CD versions of - King's Quest 5 and Jones in the Fast Lane. - -- update to new 1.3.0 release - * Fix bug #3092367: "TOOLS: Improve GUI for Ogg encoding options" - -- Fix >=11.4 build - sdcv +- Update to version 0.5.3: + * Use single quotes around JSON data to reduce need for escaping + * Store integer magic in cache file + * Added $SDCV_HISTFILE to set history file + * return exit code 2 if search term not found + * Comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification +- Update cmake minimum build requirement to 3.5. +- Run spec-cleaner. + sdl-ball +- Update to version 1.04: + * Improved .desktop file + * Added metadata for Linux App store + * Paddle no longer "jumps" to some weird place when menu was used + * Fixed the bug where the paddle would lock up in one corner +- Fixed wrapper with new libexec directory + -- Fixed libSDL build dependency - sdlpop +- Update to version 1.22 + Fixed: + * The prince can now grab a ledge at the bottom right corner of + a room with no room below. + * Don't allow killing a skeleton in cheat mode. + * Ctrl+S didn't mute music (except death music). + * A falling tile on the left side of a pillar could cause the + blue stripe to be drawn over the pillar. + * The top of moving gates became glitched on levels using + non-default palettes. + * The right edge of pressed drop buttons was black if a big + pillar was next to them. + * Guards appeared in the current room when they fell into spikes + in an adjacent room. (Example: original level 11, room 22.) + * Show an error message if a data file is missing. + * Colored torches were not restored on quickload if you + (quit and) restarted the game after quicksave. + * Fixed compiling with some features #undefined. (USE_TEXT, + USE_LIGHTING, USE_MENU) + * Fixed the detection of Ctrl+L during the demo level. + * Create the screenshots directory in SDLPoP's directory, even + if the current directory is something else. + This is to match how the replay folder works. + * After quickload, show the room where the prince is, even if + the player moved the view away from it (with the H,J,U,N keys). + * After quickload, don't draw guard HP if a previously viewed + room (with the H,J,U,N keys) had a guard but the current room + doesn't have one. + * Prevent the modifier remapping from accessing out-of-range + rooms. + * Don't show the mirror image if the prince is not in the + currently shown room. + * Fixed the length of feather fall in fast-forward mode. + * Prevent torches from being randomly colored when an older + replay is loaded. + * If the prince is fighting a guard, and the player does a + quickload to a state where the prince is near the mouse, the + prince would draw the sword. + * Fixed graphical glitches with an opening gate: + 1. with a loose floor above and a wall above-right. + 2. with the top half of a big pillar above-right. + See FIX_ABOVE_GATE in config.h . + * Validate mode crashed with the error "init_scaling: + SDL_CreateTexture: Invalid renderer". + * Fixed crashing when a MIDI music interrupted another one. + * Make it possible to go through a certain closed gate on + level 11 of Demo by Suave Prince. + * When the prince jumps up at the bottom of a big pillar split + between two rooms, a part near the top of the screen + disappears. + + Example: The top row in the first room of the original + level 5. + + Details: See FIX_BIGPILLAR_JUMP_UP in config.h . + * Fixed spiked/chomped/bumped guards teleporting into the wrong + room. (if fixes are enabled) + * Quicksave during feather fall mode. (if fixes are enabled) + * Prevent the prince from entering a glitched room when he + falls into a wall or he is revived near a wall. + * Optimized OPL mixing (MIDI music). + * Fixed the prince sliding through closed gates when you are + using the caped prince graphics. + * If the prince dies on level 14, don't return to the intro + after the level was restarted. + Done: + * Added command-line parameter "mute": Start the game with + sound off. + * Hide references to various features if the game was compiled + without them. + * A scrollbar appears in the pause menu if scrolling is + possible. It's not clickable yet, it just shows where you are + in the list. + * Added command-line parameter "playdemo": Make the demo level + playable. + * Speed up music, sounds, and transitions during fast forwarding. + * Added a new cheat key: Ctrl+B: Go back to the room where the + prince is. (Undo H,J,U,N.) + * Added options for changing speeds. They are detected from + PRINCE.EXE. (Used in Hurry up Prince, for example.) + * In the settings menu, allow using Page Up, Page Down, Home, End. + * Rewrote all mentions of key combinations to the "Ctrl+A" style. + * Marked which features of SDLPoP are not in the original game. + * Allow Backspace and Ctrl+C during replay. + * During playback, display the number of ticks since start, if + the timer is shown (debug cheats: T). + * Added a debug cheat to quickload but keep the currently loaded + level. (Shift+F9) + * Added a compilation-time flag to disable all fixes for vanilla + execution. + * Waste an RNG cycle in loose_shake() to match DOS PoP. + * In new replays, use deprecation_number = 2. On playback, waste + the RNG cycle only if deprecation_number >= 2. + Older replays have deprecation_number <= 1, and we don't waste + the RNG cycle when playing them back. + * When backing offscreen (to the left) from the first guard on + level 7 (among others), simulate the glitch from DOS PoP, + which causes the prince to fall through the floor. + * Added a more visible error message when a mod referenced by a + replay file cannot be found in the mods folder. + * Allow guard skill customizations in SDLPoP.ini. + * Made FIX_DOORTOP_DISABLING_GUARD configurable. +- Add patch: + * sdlpop-fix-sdl2-includes.patch + +- Update to version 1.21 + Fixed: + * Skeletons not on level 3 did not behave like skeletons. + * Don't crash if the intro music is interrupted by Tab in PC + Speaker mode. + * Don't switch to PC Speaker mode if there is a mod name in the + replay file. + * Don't draw the right edge of loose floors on the left side of a + potion or sword. + * A guard standing on a door top (with floor) should not become + inactive. + * Left jump (top-left) didn't work on some gamepads. + * Replaying from the command line did not work if there were no + replay files in the replay folder. + Done: + * Detect guard skill customizations in PRINCE.EXE. (Used in + Illusions of Persia, for example.) + * Added support for gamecontrollerdb.txt file. + * Detect changes of the shadow's starting positions and + automatic moves in PRINCE.EXE. + * Added "Restart Game" to the pause menu, so now it's possible + to restart the game using a controller. + * Added fast forward. + Added: + * You can now use quicksave and quickload while recording a + replay. +- Drop patch: + * 184.patch (fixed by upstream) + seafile +- Update to 8.0.5. No changelog. + +- Update to 8.0.4. No changelog. + seafile-client +- Update to 8.0.5. No changelog. + +- Update to 8.0.4. No changelog. + seahorse-nautilus +- Add 2.3 to the list of accepted GPG versions. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 3.8.0: - + No changes since previous release. - -- Update to version 3.7.92: - + Updated translations. - seahorse-sharing +- - Add 2.3 to the list of accepted GPG versions. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Update to version 3.4.0: - + No changes. - -- Update to version 3.3.92: - + Build fix, rename gettext package -- Drop hack to remove translations in %install now that a - non-conflicting domain is used, and enable the use of a lang - subpackage by removing the have_lang macro. - sendxmpp +- fix broken url + ser2net +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * ser2net.service + +- Update to version 4.3.3 + * Some minor bug fixes, including a long standing issue with UDP + that I finally tracked down. Nothing major, but upgrading is + recommended. +- Update to version 4.3.1 + * Lots of little cleanups and bug fixes. + +- Update to version 4.3.0 + * Add mDNS support in ser2net for advertising. + * Some minor bug fixes. + +- Update to version 4.2.3 + * bugfix release only + * No user visible changes + +- Update to version 4.2.2 + * Add user lists, so you can specify which users are allowed to + use which connections. + * Split up dataxfer.c into smaller files, since it was far too + large. + * Converted to SPDX license identifiers in the files. + * tcpd on the controller interface had the wrong name, make it + the same as the 3.5 release. + +- Update to version 4.2.1 + controller: + * Added a yaml mode for the controller interface. This should + make having a program talk to the controller much easier. + * In yaml mode for the controller interface, add asychronous + notifications to know if anything connects or disconnects. + +- Update to version 4.2.0 + telnet: + * There was an issue with telnet handling where it could get + into a loop talking to the remote end. + * Fix an issue where an error in a certain place could cause + closing to hang. + selector: + Allow an arbitrary number of file descriptors with epoll. With + epoll, you can set the max number of fds > FD_SETSIZE. Allow + that. + IPv6: + * There was a bug in the Linux SCTP stack dealing with IPv6 + handling that I thought was a bug in ser2net. So I looked, and + I found some issues with IPv6 in general and the way it handles + IPv4 address mapping. In the new code: + Modify the operation of an address without "ipv6," explicitly + in front of it to all V4 mapped addresses. And fix the connect + side to set V6 only on the socket if "ipv6,"is in front of it. + This means you cannot mix "ipv6," and "ipv6n4," addresses on + the same connection, and the default is now "ipv6n4" + This broke handling of things like "tcp,1234", so rework those + to only use IPv6 when it is mapped. That, in turn, broke UDP. + Or, more accurately, expose a UDP bug, so some work had to be + done to handle IPv4 mapped addresses in IPv6 by reworking + address comparison to handle that. + general: + convert gensio_raddr_to_str(), gensio_get_raddr(), and + gensio_remote_id() to use gensio_control(). Having separate + functions for those added to the API and added a lot of code + to all the intermediate layer. The function are there but + deprecated, and use the ioctls underneath them. + Have gensio snprint functions return a gensiods + Add dll visibililty handling. This is required for windows, + and makes things cleaner. As part of this, functions should + all be the right visibility now. + Lots of other little bug fixes and such. + relpkt: + There were issues with the way the base code handled certain + things. For a real protocol that might have outstanding data + to send but cannot send due to flow control, new functions + needs to be added to the base layer to account for this, and + relpkt needed to use them. + Fixed several other issues dealing with close handling and flow + control. It runs much better now. + msgdelim: + There was an issue with telnet handling where it could get into + a loop talking to the remote end. + Fix an issue where an error in a certain place could cause + closing to hang. + file descriptor based gensios: + Fixed an issue that would result in a callback being done after + close is compelete. + UDP: + As part of an added test, I found a situation where if the + upper layer doesn't accept the data for a UDP packet, the UDP + layer would not accept any more data from the socket. + +- Update to version 4.1.8 + * ser2net will now retry accepters and connect back connectors + if they fail to come up or get an error. + +- Update to version 4.1.7 + * Fix trace files so the actually work. + * Add a sendon option to cause data to be forwarded immediately + if the given sequence is seen. + * Convert the tests to use yaml configuration. + * Allow stdin to be read as a yaml config file. + * Allow yaml config to be passed in on the command line directly. + * Fix some issues with connect back handling. + * A host of other smaller things. + +- Install the configuration file into the correct directory + - > %{_sysconfdir}/ser2net/ + +- Update to version 4.1.6 + * upstream does not provide a changelog +- Drop patch: + * ser2net-config.patch (config is now done via YAML) +- Add BR: pkgconfig(libgensio), pkgconfig(yaml-0.1) + +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. + +- Update to version 3.5 + - allows to declare device aliases which enabled by-path device names + - adapted ser2net-config.patch + - builds with autoconf, add build dependencies (autoconf, automake, libtool) + -- version 2.9.1 - * drop tcpwrappers support - * Fix a bug in format strings where hex element (\x) - would have the wrong values for a-f. - * Make RFC2217 signature configurable: - * The baudrate, that will be sent to the client, - was converted twice. - -- Enable tcp-wrappers support -- ser2net-config.patch Do not open any serial2net connections - by default, it is up to the user to do so. - -- Initial version for factory, 2.8.rc3 - -- Cleaned up init script - -- Initial release for openSUSE - serialdv +- Update to version 1.1.4 + * no user visible changes + setconf +- Update to version 0.7.7 + * Fix file truncated when no EOL at EOF +- includes 0.7.6 + * allow uncommenting keys without providing a value +- remove copying-fsf.patch (upstreamed) +- fix E: env-script-interpreter +- ran spec-cleaner + sfftobmp +- Replace with a _service file +- Don't use an insecure download URL (boo#1182933) +- Spec cleanup + +- Add the missing libboost_system-devel dependency. + -- Compile with BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION=2 to force the v2 API. - -- extend GCC 4.3 patch to over gcc 4.4 as well - sg3_utils -- Update to version 1.44~763+19.1ed0757: - * use LUN wildcard in idlist (bsc#1069384) +- Update to version 1.47: + * sg_rep_zones: add support for REPORT ZONE DOMAINS and + REPORT REALMS in this utility + * sg_raw: fix prints of NVMe NVM command names + * sg_logs: additions to Volume statistics lpage [ssc5r05c] + - additions to Command duration limits statistics log + page [spc6r06] + * sg_vpd: fix do_hex type on some recent pages + - zoned block dev char vpd: add zone alignment mode and + zone starting LBA granularity [zbc2r11] + * sg_read_buffer: fix --length= problem + * sg_dd, sgm_dd, sgp_dd: don't close negative file descriptors + * sg_dd: srand48_r() and mrand48_r() are GNU libc specific, + put conditional in so non-reentrant version used otherwise + - 'iflag=00,ff' places the 32 bit block address (big endian) + into each block + * sgp_dd: major rework, fix issue with error being ignored + - new: --chkaddr which checks for block address in each block + - add check for stdatomic.h presence in + * sg_xcopy: tweak CSCD identification descriptor + * sg_get_elem_status: fix issue with '--maxlen=' option + - add 2 depopulation revocation health attributes [sbc5r01] + * transport error handling improved. To fix report of a + BAD_TARGET transport error but the utility still continued. + - introduce SG_LIB_TRANSPORT_ERROR [35] exit status + * several utilities: override '--maxlen=LEN' when LEN + is < 16 (or 4), take default (or 4) instead + * scripts: 55-scsi-sg3_id.rules remove outdated rule (bsc#1189297) + * sg_lib: add sg_scsi_status_is_good(), + sg_scsi_status_is_bad() and sg_get_zone_type_str() + * pt_linux: fix verify(BytChk=0) which Linux SNTL translated + to write, other SNTL cleanups + * pt_linux_nvme: fix fua setting + * pt: check_pt_file_handle() add return value of 5 for +- _service updates: + * re-enable service, hadn't been used for 1.46 release + * use upstream author's git repository, simplify versioning scheme + * use obscpio format + +- Update to version 1.46: + * sg_rep_pip: new utility: report provisioning initialization + pattern command + * sg_turs: estimated time-to-ready [spc6r03] + - add --delay=MS option + * sg_requests: substantial cleanup + * sg_vpd: add Format presets and Concurrent positioning ranges + - add hot-pluggable field in standard Inquiry [spc6r05] + - fix vendor struct opts_t alignment + * sg_inq: add hot-pluggable field in standard Inquiry + * sg_dd: --verify : separate category for miscompare errors + - --verify : oflag=coe continue on miscompares, counts them + - add cdl= operand for command duration limit indexes + - add oflag=nocreat and conv=nocreat : OFILE must exist + - add iflag=00, ff, random flags + - setup conditional auto rule for getrandom() + - add command timeout after comma in time= operand + * sg_get_elem_status: add ralwd bit sbc4r20a + * sg_write_x: add dld bits to write(32) [sbc4r19a] + * sg_rep_zones: print invalid write pointer LBA as -1 rather + than 16 "f"s + * sg_opcodes: improve handling of RWCDLP field + * sg_ses: use fan speed factor field for calculation [ses4r04] + - add --all (-a) option, same action as --join + * sg_compare_and_write: add examples section to its manpage + * sg_modes: document '-s' option (same as '-6') + * sg_sanitize + sg_format: when --verbose given once report + probable success; without --verbose 'no news is good news' + * sg_zone: add Remove element and modify zones command + * sg_raw: increase maximum data-in and data-out buffer size + from 64 KB to 1 MB + - fix --cmdfile= handling + - add --nvm option to send commands from the NVM command set + - add --cmdset option to bypass cdb heuristic + - add --scan= first_opcode,last_opcode + * sg_pt_freebsd: allow device names without leading /dev/ + thus fix for regression introduced in rev 731 (ver: 1.43) + * sg_pt_solaris+sg_pt_osf1: fix problem with clear_scsi_pt_obj() + which needs to remember is_nvme and dev_fd values + * sg_lib: add ZBC (2020) feature set entries + * sg_lib: restore elements and rebuild command added + * sg_lib,sg_pt: add partial_clear_scsi_pt_obj(), + get_scsi_pt_cdb_len() and get_scsi_pt_cdb_buf() + - add do_nvm_pt() for the NVM (sub-)command set + - tweak transport error handling in Linux + * sg_lib: Linux NVMe SNTL: add read, write and verify; + synchronize cache and write same translations + - add dummy start stop unit and test unit ready commands + - wire cache mpage's WCE to nvme 'volatile write cache' + - fix crash in sg_f2hex_arr() when fname not found + * sg_lib: reprint cdb with illegal request sense key + - asc/ascq match asc-num.txt @t10 20200708 [spc6r02] + * gcc-10: suppress warnings + * autoconf: upgrade version 2.69 to 2.70 + * remove space from end of source lines for git-svn + * testing/sg_mrq_testing: new, for blocking mrq usage + * testing/sgs_dd: add evfd flags and eventfd processing + * testing: remove master-slave terminology for sgv4 + * examples: add nvme_read_ctl.hex and nvme_write_ctl.hex +- Earlier SUSE fixes included in 1.46: - (bsc#840054, bsc#1131482) + (bsc#840054, bsc#1131482) -- Spec file: add fc_wwpn_id to generate by-path links for - fibrechannel (bsc#1005063) -- Update to version 1.44~763+17.35f525b: - * Changed versioning scheme (svn r763, pre-release of - upstream 1.44, plus 16 SUSE patches, SUSE git commit b2fedfa) - * Code-identical to previous release except for the following: +- Update to version 1.45~815+5.6aa67ed: +- Update to svn r815: + * sg_opcodes: expand MLU (spc5r20) + * sg_inq: update version descriptors to spc5r21 + * sg_vpd: 3pc VPD page add copy group descriptor + * sg_xcopy: add --fco (fast copy only) (spc5r20) and --app=1 + * add nanosecond durations with SG3_UTILS_LINUX_NANO +- Earlier SUSE fixes now included upstream: + * 58-scsi-sg3_symlink.rules: don't skip multipath members + (bsc#1085212) [r815] + * terminate scanning if last lun got removed + (bsc#1087008) [r815] + * Add (bsc#954600) [r814] + * shellcheck cleanups for [r814] + +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars. + +- Spec file: + * add fc_wwpn_id (bsc#1005063) + * add lun masking service (bsc#954600) + * drop BuildRequires on udev + * replace unversioned "Provides: scsi" with versioned +- Update to version sg3_utils-1.45~803+31.564be3d: + * New versioning scheme for upstream pre-release: + 1.45 - upstream release target, 803 - upstream svn id, + +31: SUSE commits on top of svn, 564be3d - git hash + * terminate scanning if last lun got removed + (bsc#1087008) + * 58-scsi-sg3_symlink.rules: don't skip multipath members + (bsc#1085212) + * Add (bsc#954600) +- Update to svn r803: + * sg_opcodes: expand MLU (18-102r0) + * sg_format: add --dcrt used twice (FOV=1 DCRT=0) + * rescan-scsi-bus: widen LUN 0 only scanning + (bsc#1069384) +- Earlier SUSE fixes included in 1.45: + * use LUN wildcard in idlist (bsc#1069384) + [svn: r795] + * sg_ses: fixup page decoding (bsc#1077787) [svn: r795] + * sg_ses: allow to decode raw data instead of reading from a device + (bsc#1050943) [svn: r795] +- Update to sg3_utils-1.44 [20180912] [svn: r791] + * harden code + - bump version to 20180615 + - add --ignore-rev to ignore revision change + * introduce SG3_UTILS_DSENSE environment variable + * sginfo: don't open /dev/snapshot + * sg_timestamp: add '--no-timestamp' option + - add --elapsed and --hex options + * sg_wr_mode: add --rtd option for RTD bi + * sg_unmap: add --all=ST,RN[,LA] option + * sgm_dd, sg_dd: add --dry-run and --verbose options + * sg_inq+sg_vpd: update Extended inquiry data vpd page + * sg_ses: add 'hw_reset' and 'sw_reset' to enclosure services + controller electronics element type (18-047r1) + * sg_decode sense: add --cdb and --err=ES options + * sg_format: add --dry-run option + - extend --wait timeout for > 4TB disks + * sg_sanitize: add --dry-run option +- Earlier SUSE fixes included in 1.44: + * sg_inq: decode standard INQUIRY for CD-ROMs correctly + (bsc#1065448, bsc#1070431) [svn: r742] + * sg_inq: export all NAA values (bsc#1050767) [svn: r715] + * Add fc_wwpn_id to generate by-path links for fibrechannel + (bsc#1005063) (svn@715) + * sg_vpd: struct opts_t misaligment (bsc#1050943) [svn: r707] -- Use separate repository for SLE15 +- Fixes from shellcheck sgrep +- Update to version 1.94a: + * Killed nasty hash_function() bug + + Killed nasty postings entry bug when posting was > 0xfffffff + * Bumped hash table size up + * Newer automake & autoconf files +- Changes for version 1.93a: + * Fixed a bug which caused sgrep to dump core when using SGML + scanner at least on Solaris platform (negative index to memory + mapped file) + * Fixed a bug which caused sgrep to ignore '-n' command line + option always. +- Drop no longer needed sgrep-no-build-date.patch +- Use alternative source url as official one is broken + -- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec. - sha3sum +- update to 1.2.1: + * hashes are now lowercase by default + * add -z to end lines with NUL instead of LF + * add -a option for compatibility with busybox + shadowsocks-libev +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * shadowsocks-libev-client.service + * shadowsocks-libev-client@.service + * shadowsocks-libev-manager.service + * shadowsocks-libev-nat.service + * shadowsocks-libev-nat@.service + * shadowsocks-libev-redir.service + * shadowsocks-libev-redir@.service + * shadowsocks-libev-server.service + * shadowsocks-libev-server@.service + * shadowsocks-libev-tunnel.service + * shadowsocks-libev-tunnel@.service + shairport-sync +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_shairport-sync.service.patch + +- Update version to 3.3.8 + * For the PulseAudio backend pa, added a new server entry to the pa section of + the configuration file, allowing you to specify a connection to a remote or + a local system PulseAudio instance instead of letting PulseAudio choose. + * Enhance features. See details in + * Fix bugs + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + shared-color-targets +- Update to version 0.1.7: + + Add the latest it8 reference files + shigofumi +- Update to version 0.9 + * Box types (e.g. a statutory auditor) added to testing ISDS + instance in 2017-05 are recongized now. + * Fixed a memory leak in an error path of tokenizing a command line +- Drop upstream fixed shigofumi.patch + +- Fix build with shigofumi.patch + shorewall +- Rework xt_geo_ip fixes by using dynamic patching with find + which is less burden and confusing than manual patches series. +- Add dynamic patching for *.service with removing like upstream + the obsolete StandardOutput=syslog until new release + +- Correct the xt_geo_ip locations +- Correct output to journal + +- Update to version 5.2.8 (Upgrade your configuration) + + + Certain restrictions that apply to wildcard interfaces (interface + name ends in '+') were previously not enforced when the logical + interface name did not end in '+' but the physical interface name + did end in '+'. That has been corrected. + + To ensure that error messages appear in the correct place in the + output stream, stderr is now redirected to stdout when the + configured PAGER is used by a command. + + Since Shorewall 5.1.0, the Shorewall script has + incorrectly removed ${SBINDIR}/shorewall, while the Shorewall-core + script has failed to remove that file. Both scripts + have been corrected. + + Previously, the Shorewall CLI included a spurious hyphen ('-') + between the product name (e.g., 'Shorewall6') and the version when + printing a command output banner. + + The shorewall-snat(5) manpage previously stated that a + comma-separated list of IP address could be specified for + SNAT. That statement was in error and has been removed. As part of + this change, IPv4 Example 6 has been updated to use the + PROBABILITY column. + - New features + + 'show tc' command now shows the classifiers associated with + each interface (as displayed by the 'show classifiers' + command). This integrated qdisc/filter information is also included + in the output of the 'dump' command. This change deprecates the + 'show classifiers' ('show filters') command, as that command's + output is now included in the 'show tc' output. + + Shorewall6 has traditionally generated rules for IPv6 anycast + addresses. These rules include: + a) Packets with these destination IP addresses are dropped by + REJECT rules. + b) Packets with these source IP addresses are dropped by the + 'nosmurfs' interface option and by the 'dropSmurfs' action. + c) Packets with these destination IP addresses are not logged + during policy enforcement. + d) Packets with these destination IP addresses are processes by + the 'Broadcast' action. + Beginning with this release, individual network interfaces can be + excluded from this treatment through use of the 'omitanycast' + option in /etc/shorewall6/interfaces. + Note: This option was named 'noanycast' in earlier Beta releases. + + Duplicate function names have been eliminated between the + Shorewall-core lib.cli shell library and the Shorewall lib.cli-std + library. + + The 'status' command in Shorewall[6]-lite now precedes the + configuration directory name with the administrative host name + separated with a colon (":"). + + Tuomo Soini has contributed a macro that handles NFS v1.4 (no + dynamic ports). +- Packaging: + + Add buildrequires for pkgconfig (missing) + + Use macro for sbindir + +- Update to version 5.2.7 + + **Upgrade your configuration** + + + Previously, it was not possible to classify traffic by destination + IP address when using an Intermediate Functional Block (IFB) for + traffic shaping. This is because such classification takes place + before the traffic passes through the mangle PREROUTING chain. + Such filtering is now possible by setting the 'connmark' option in + the tcdevices file. This option causes the current connection mark + to be copied to the packet mark prior to filtering, thus allowing + the packet mark to be used for classification. + This change adds a new CONNMARK_ACTION capability which is + required to be able to specify the 'connmark' option. + + The tcpri file now supports ?FORMAT 2 which inserts an SPORT + column directly to the right of the PORT column. As part of this + change, the PORT column is renamed to DPORT while allowing both + 'port' and 'dport' to be used in the alternate input format. See + shorewall-tcpri(5) and + for additional + information. + + The Simple TC document is now linked to FAQs 97 and 97a. + +- Update to version 5.2.6 + + **Upgrade your configuration** + + + When compiling for export, the compiler generates a firewall.conf + file which is later installed on the remote firewall system as + ${VARDIR}/firewall.conf. Previously, the CLI on that firewall was + not processing the file, resulting in some features not being + available: + - Default values for VERBOSITY, LOGFILE, LOGFORMAT, PATH, + SHOREWALL_SHELL, SUBSYSLOCK, RESTOREFILE, RESTART, + DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST and PAGER are not supplied. + - scfilter file supplied at compile time. + - dumpfilter file supplied at compile time. + That has been corrected. + + A bug in iptables (see + + prevents the '--queue-cpu-fanout' option from being applied unless + that option is the last one specified. Unfortunately, Shorewall + places the '--queue-bypass' option last if that option is also + specified. + This release works around this issue by ensuring that the + '--queue-cpu-fanout' option appears last. + + The -D 'compile', 'check', 'reload' and 'Restart' option was + previously omitted from the output of 'shorewall help'. It is now + included. As part of this change, an incorrect and conflicting + description of the -D option was removed from the 'remote-restart' + section of shorewall(8). + + Previously, when EXPAND_POLICIES=No, chains that enforced ACCEPT + policies were not completely optimized by optimize level 2 (ACCEPT + rules preceding the final unconditional ACCEPT were not + deleted). That has been corrected such that these rules are now + optimized. + +- Update to version + + + + Previously, ";;+" was mishandled in the snat file; the generated + rule incorrectly included the leading "+". That has been corrected + so that the generated rule is now correct. + Example (SNAT OpenVPN server traffic leaving on eth0): + SNAT( - eth0 ;;+ -p udp --sport 1194 + + + - The change in 5.2.5 base which changed the 'user' facility to the + 'daemon' facility in Shorewall syslog messages did not change the + messages with severity 'err'. That has been corrected such that + all syslog messages now use the 'daemon' facility. + - The actions.std file contains "?IF...?ELSE...?ENDIF" sequences + that provide different action options depending on the availabilty + of certain capabilities. This has resulted in the Broadcast and + Multicast options being listed twice in the output of + "shorewall[6] show actions". Beginning with this release, this + duplication is eliminated. Note, however, that the options shown + will be incomplete if they were continued onto another line, and + may be incorrect for Broadcast and Multicast. + - A typo in shorewall-providers(5) has been corrected. + + 5.2.5 Base + - Previously, Shorewall-init installed a 'shorewall' script in + /etc/network/if-down.d on Debian and derivatives. This script was + unnecessary and required Debian-specific code in the generated + firewall script. The Shorewall-init script is no longer installed + and the generated firewall script is now free of + distribution-specific code. + - Also on Debian and derivatives, Shorewall-init installed + /etc//NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01-shorewall which was also + unnecessary. Beginning with this release, that file is no longer + installed. + - Previously, if the dynamic-blacklisting default timeout was set in + a variable in the params file and the variable was used in setting + DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST, then the 'allow' command would fail with + the message: + ERROR: Invalid value (ipset-only,disconnect,timeout=) for + DYNAMIC_BLACKLIST + That has been corrected. + - When EXPAND_POLICIES=No in shorewall[6].conf, policies in complex + rulesets are enforced in chains such as 'net-all' and + 'all-all'. Previously, these chains included redundant + state-oriented rules. In addition to being redundant. these rules + could actually break complex IPv6 configurations. The extra rules are + now omitted. + +- Update to bugfix version + + The description of the 'optional' option has been expanded in + shorewall-interfaces(5). + + Previously, the AUTOMAKE option did not work properly when + /etc/shorewall[6] was a symbolic link. That has been corrected. +- Packaging + + Remove broken %pretrans, move content to %pre + + Remove use of %release in rpm scriptlet + + This will avoid constant rebuild. + siege +- Update to version 4.0.9 + * Added NULL checks for getters + * Prettified json + * Added handling for null pointer detection + +- update to 4.0.7: + * Fixed an issue with expires + * Fixed an issue with persistence + * Minor bug fix + * Fixed initialization error + +- Update to version 4.0.5: + * -j/--json-output + * For full list of changes see attached ChangeLog + -- update to 3.0.3: - * adds URL escaping: reserved characters are %-encoded as per RFC 3986 - * numerous bugfixes such as improved variable evaluation in the urls.txt - file, dynamic Accept-Encoding, improved siegerc parsing, and several memory - fixes - * fixes a siegerc parser bug which was inadvertently introduced in the 3.0.x - line: in those versions, siege ignores entries with leading whitespace - * adds URL escaping along with an option to turn the feature off - * removes chunked encoding from -g/--get requests to make the output more - human-readable -- changes from 3.0.2: - * bugfix release - * corrects a significant problem with POSTs in version 3.0.1 - * all 3.0.1 users should upgrade to this version. -- changes from 3.0.1: - * provides a new method for looping through a URLs file: each client now - begins at a different location in the file - * provides support for long URLs and POST data - * includes several bugfixes and documentation updates - sigil +- Update to 1.8.0 + * Bug Fixes: + - Reports now generate properly quoted csv when saved + - Workaround Bug in QtWebengine when using custom scheme + handler and specific audio/video codecs + - Fix CV -> Preview sync after intial load when Preview Zoom is + not equal to 100% + - Fix link tags with rel set to stylesheets via Mend and Mend + and Prettify that are missing type + - Fix GoToLinkOrStyle to work on css link tags in head + - Fix logic in GoToLinkOrStyle to better identify the actual + target with styles + - Fix insert media file when cursor at very start of tag + - Fix Windows and macOS bugs when generating Keyboard Shortcuts + - Fix insert closing tag when cursor at very start of tag + - Fix double copy to Clipboard from OPF and NCX Tabs + - Fix GoToLinkOrStyle when class attribute present but cursor + not in the class attribute + - Fix TabManager scroll to position to properly handle position + of 0 + - Fix crash using Split At Markers when body tag is completely + empty (no whitespace or anything) + * New Features: + - BookBrowser can now link javascripts similarly to how it + links stylesheets + - Epub3 javascripts can now open windows if javascript is + enabled + - Add Find and Replace context menu to clear its curent values + and history + - Add support for 3 Automation lists that support editing and + automatically running a list of commands that can include all + Sigil plugins and a limited set of Tools + - Add support for BookBrowser to insert a blank javascript file + - Do not require replacement prompt if current book is + unmodified and input plugin is run +- Update sigil user guide to version 2021.10.12. + +- Update to 1.7.0 + * Bug Fixes + - Workaround to ensure the Saved Searches Controls editor + widget is movable on all platforms + - Make the External Xhtml Editor Button/Feature work with both + PageEdit and non-PageEdit editors again + - Fix Preview sync when CV transitions from xhtml to css and + back to xhtml + - Fix Preview sync when Find and Replace opens new tab with + search target + - Fix Preview sync when Validation error clicked on + - Fix Preview sync when mathml is being used + (compensate for mathjax changes) + - Fix mathml use when external MathJax directory is specified + in builds on Linux + - Prevent Sigil from loading any manifested mimetype file from + bad epubs, give load warning + - Make Spellcheck dialog use double-click to control search in + CV, to speed paging word list. + - Prevent duplicate translated semantic names + - Fix heading tool issues after self-closed BLOCK tags + - Prevent stack overflow crashes in pcre lib due to recursion + with some valid regex + - Fix second window opening on macOS when first launching app + with file + - Remove [other.] semantic indicators for epub2 + - Fix crash in CSS Selectors Report when using Filters + * New Features: + - added Find Replace Regular Expression validator + - added SIGIL_DISABLE_VERSION_META environment variable to + control writing of Sigil Version + - enable JIT compiler for pcre library to improve regex look-up + performance + - update the pcre library to version 8.45 (Final EOL) + +- Fix dependencies (Drop Qt5Webkit and Qt5WebKitWidgets). + +- Update to 1.6.0 + * New Features: + - Find and Replace search targets expanded to include tabbed + files, CSS files, OPF and NCX files + - Saved Searches now save full search Controls (mode, + direction, options, and targets) + - Preview loading is now completely asynchronous with a loading + progress bar and loading placeholder + - Merge will now automatically prevent duplicate ids + - Merge will automatically add ids are former file boundaries + to prevent TOC, Guide, and href losses + - A new Xhtml Highlighter speeds up huge single file loading + considerably + - Redesigned CodeView Spellchecking to bring it back to + Sigil-1.3.0 speeds + - The External XHTML editor will now always pass along the OPF + path and spine position to simplify interface with PageEdit + (use "Open With" if you want the old behaviour) + - Added PyQtWebEngine as a newly required python module for + Plugins. ie. Plugins now have access to browser functionality + for implementing e-Readers, more complex guis. + * Bug Fixes: + - Add Qt workaround for restoring Sigil window sizes when + FindReplace left open on macOS + - Add missing tr() calls to the tooltips in the Special + Character selection dialog + - Fix bug when all unused selectors are removed as in css + stylesheet - adds a comment placeholder + - Make empty Nav have a title to help empty epub passing + epubcheck + - Fix bug where fonts couldn't be previewed when a space was + in the path + - Redesigned code to make Merging large numbers of files much + faster + - Fix bug in blank language field in Spellcheck Dialog + - Fix use of different indentation of css via PR from BeckyEbook + - Fix typos in plugin framework guide + - Fix hang on launch when opf manifested files exist inside the + META_INF + - Fix Metadata Editor bugs related to alternate-script + - Fix Metadata Editor bugs related to epub2 event dates +- Update sigil user guide to version 2021.05.27. + +- Update to 1.5.1 + * Features: + - Can now handle single xhtml file sizes over 2megabytes in + size via its own URL Schemehandler + - Will now highlight matched open close tag pairs while editing + in Code View + - Delete open close tag pairs (Remove Tag Pair) + - Default selection of text for basic CodeView formatting + including bold, italic, etc based on cursor position + - Shift double-click (and Alt double-click) on a tag to select + tag contents (including tag) + - Expanded split on Sigil Split Marker capabilities to work + better with nested tags + - Added a new C++ CSS Parser and Query engine that works with + Sigil's version of Gumbo + - The Reports tool for "CSS Selectors" now lists all CSS + selectors not just classes + - The "Delete Unused Styles" tool now handles all unused + CSS Selectors not just classes + - The Reports for "CSS Selectors" and "Delete Unused Selectors" + now handle selectors in XHTML Style tags + - Added ability to load text and csv files to Group Saved + Searches to automate lists of replacements + - Reworked the Metadata Editor to be much more Human Readable + with tooltips to show xml tags + - Added semantic code to the descriptive field in Add Semantics + as a learning aid (Thank You BeckyEbook!) + - Checkpoint ManageRepos now has the ability to sort the repo + table by any column (Thank You BeckyEbook!) + - The Sigil User Guide has be completely reworked to bring it + to Sigil 1.5.0+ levels + * Bug Fixes: + - Fix issue with custom ncx names in non-standard empty epub + layouts + - Fix Import Text to properly add ncx if missing for epub2 + - Fix issue with "Delete Unused Styles" not properly detecting + all used selectors + - Fix issues with repeated use of Mend and Prettify on bare + text in structural tags + - Fix extra line issue with Link to Stylesheet + - Fix bug in id assignment in EPUB3 Metadata editor + - Fix bug in trailing slash in Move To Folder paths + - Fix bug in spelling of Columbia->Colombia in Languages + - Fix bug in Clip Editor pasting of multiple clips + - Fix bug in PerformCSSUpdates related to quoted string in + content: values + - Fix bug related to iframe handling when loading Preview + - Fix typos in XMLEntities descriptions + - Fix numeric table alignment to align right in multiple tables + - Fix bug in Add Existing not properly using QProgressDialog + for long import + - Removed long deprecated and now invalid use of "altlang" in + EPUB3 Metadata Editor + +- Update to 1.4.3 + - critical bug fix for OPF metadata attributes that use named + entities + - fix mismatched override wait cursor usage + - fix crashes when dictionaries are missing on load or during + first spellcheck + - update the mapping of language codes to dictionaries without + the need to restart + - fix critical bug which caused split to break links that are + bare fragments + - fix additional critical bugs which caused split to lose + fragments from link targets + - fix double # chars in fragment ids during merge + - fix hang on load with bad encryption.xml font uris + - quiet unneeded debug output when importing an epub + - fix opf cleanup bug when identical xmlns values are used with + two different prefixes on the same tag + +- Update to 1.4.2 + * Bug Fixes: + - critical bug fix for incorrectly xml encoding of opf metadata + attributes that use entities + - fix bug in "Add Existing" files when file names would require + percent encoding + - fix bug in multiple language spellchecking dialog word lookup + when no language attributes used + - update de, nl, sv, ko, ru translations that missed + the Sigil 1.4.0 initial release + - critical bug fix for over xml encoding html used inside + metadata in the opf + - revert ctrl-f to it long standing Find and Replace behaviour + +- Update to 1.4.1 + * Bug Fixes: + - critical bug fix for over xml encoding html used inside + metadata in the opf + - return use of ctrl-f to its long standing functionality + +- Remove not needed BuildRequires: python3-sip, python3-sip-common + +- Update to 1.4.0 + * New Features: + - Two different types of Multiple Language Spellchecking support added: + - A user can now specify a Primary and a Secondary Language + dictionary for real-time spellchecking (red squiggley underline). + - The Spellcheck Dialog will now support spell checking as + determined by xml:lang and lang attributes in any languages + with dictionaries + - Main UI icons now use scalable svg files to better serve + higher res displays. + - New brighter Sigil Application Icon is now being used. + - Alternate Sigil main Application Icon now available as a + build-time option + - Sigil now provides 3 different Icon Themes for the user: + Main, Fluent, and Material. Again all thanks goes to + eckyEbook for creating/collecting all of the icon themes! + - Sigil will now support a custom user-determined Icon theme + via a custom .rcc file. + - pre-made icon themes for Legacy and Material themes in + different base colors are now available with more + user-contributed theme files to hopefully come. + - checkout for more + information and additional themes + - New main toolbar icons are now available and improved icon + groupings have been made to provide the user with a greater - + degree of toolbar customization. Users may need to drag and + drop icon grouping and modify their selections of Toolbars to + see some of these new options. + - Improved support for IRI (international) hrefs. OPF newly + added file manifest ids now converted to plain ascii to + prevent issues with older readers + * Bug Fixes: + - Fix bugs in Marking for Index + - Perform major URL en/decode refactoring to properly handle + '#' (and other reserved chars) in file names + - Translate "Table of Contents" using book language not ui + langauge + - Fix handling of links when using Add Existing on xhtml files + with links to other xhtml files + - Fix split code to better handle duplicate target ids that + reside in different files + - Bug fixes for the plugin interface from wrCisco + - Bug fixes for the plugin interface setguide from BeckyDTP + - Fix bug in OPF parsing when valid but non-traditional + namespace prefixes are used + - Fix rare off by one condition in clip number to clip enditor + model conversion + +- Update to 1.3.0 + New Features: + - Added FontTab to show a specific font by double-clicking in + BookBrowser + - Added Index Toolbar + - Added increased protection against evil epubs manipulating + file: urls + - Changes to support building with Visual Studio 2019 on Windows + - Improved Windows Installer and handling of C++ runtime + libraries + - Updated Build instructions for MacOS, Windows, and Linux + Bug Fixes: + - Reorganized the source code to add a Widgets folder to reduce + code duplication + - Fixed spelling mistakes in MetaEditor user interface and + xmlsanitycheck error messages + - Fixed mistakes handling font files (and other files) whose + names start with a "." on macOS/Linux + - Improved embedded python error messages + - Improved some error messages on epub load + - Fix TabConnections to properly handle the new FontTab tabs + - grew Preferences Colour widths to better handle non-English + colour names (Thanks BeckyEbook) + - Fixed bug in handling missing local links when using Add + Existing ... + - Removed all python2 remanants from the Sigil plugin and + pythonlib code + - If "Mend on Open" set, better handle import of huge file of of + run-on lines + - Bug fix for css url updating + - Fix bug that prevented css updates from being shown in Preview + without reload + - Fix gcc8 build warnings where possible + - Prevent BookBrowser's Rename and RERename from using URI + delimiters ("#",etc) in file names + signify +- Update to version 30 + * Minor build system related changes + signing-party +- signing-party 2.11: + * fixes for other distributions only + +- remove cve-2019-11627.patchm included in tarball. +- update to version 2.10-1: + * gpg-key2ps: Security fix for CVE-2018-15599: unsafe shell call enabling + shell injection via a User ID. Use Perl's (core) module instead + of shelling out to `iconv`. (Closes: #928256.) + sil-andika-fonts +- Update to version 6.001: + * Major update with many changes. + * Graphite support is removed +- Drop Andika New Basic: funtionality now included in main font +- Update URL + sil-gentium-fonts +- update to 6.001: + * Major update with many small changes + * Graphite support has been removed +- Gentium Basic families have been removed. All variants are now + supported by Gentium Plus +- Add 31-sil-gentium.conf so that Gentium Basic name is still + recognized +- Clean up spec file + -- removed unnecessary buildrequires for too old distros - simple-ccsm +- Correct prefix setting broken with the previous changes. + +- Update to version 0.8.18: + * No changelog available. + +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + +- Update to version 0.8.16: + * Fix Compiz checking. + * Fix some GTK+ deprecations. + * Use GApplication for command line option parsing. + * Prevent multiple instances using GtkApplication. + * Exit 1 for invalid arguments. + * Update translations. + -- Update to version 0.8.8 -- adapt to 0.8.8 - -- Require the new python-ccm backend package instead of the - full compizconfig-settings-manager with gui. - -- Change name back to 'Desktop Effects' in the menu, bnc#581548. - -- Require compiz-plugins-main instead of compiz-fusion-plugins-main - simple-mtpfs +- update to 0.4.0: + * support partial object manipulation + * fixed temporary directories removal + * build system cleanup + simple-obfs +- Add simple-obfs-gcc-buildfixes.patch: Fix build with gcc9, + patches from upstream git. Replace gcc8 and gcc8-c++ with generic + c++_compiler BuildRequires. + +- Update libcork +- Use gcc8 to fix build on Tumbleweed + simplescreenrecorder +- update to 0.4.3: + * Added V4L2 support (most webcams and capture cards). + * Added option to mark recorded area on screen during recording. + * Added JACK metadata. + * Optionally support XDG config directory (~/.config/simplescreenrecorder) instead of home directory (~/.ssr). + * Bugfixes. + +- Update to 0.4.2 (since 0.4.1): + * Improved X11/Wayland detection. + * Changed ALSA input to use non-blocking API to reduce the latency. + * Added support for s24, s32 and f32 sample formats for ALSA input. + * Added 'open folder' button after saving the recording. + * Several minor improvements. + singularity +- build requires libseccomp-devel (boo#1191697) +- fix sysuser file name + +- added example definitions for SLE12-SP5 and SLE15-SP3 + * added files: + SLE-12SP5.def + SLE-15SP3.def + +- Utilize sysuser infrastructure to set group singularity. + +- Updated to version 3.8.3 which fixes regression introduced in 3.8.1 that + caused bind mounts without a destination to be added twice. + +- update to version 3.8.2 +- New features: + * A new overlay command allows creation and addition of writable overlays. + * Administrators can allow named users/groups to use specific CNI network + configurations. Managed by directives in singularity.conf. + * The build command now honors --nv, --rocm, and --bind flags, permitting + builds that require GPU access or files bound in from the host. + * A library service hostname can be specified as the first component of a + library:// URL. +- Bug fixes: + * Respect http proxy server environment variables in key operations. + * When pushing SIF images to oras:// endpoints, work around Harbor & GitLab + failure to accept the SifConfigMediaType. + * Avoid a setfsuid compilation warning on some gcc versions. + * Fix a crash when silent/quiet log levels used on pulls from shub:// and + http(s):// URIs. + * Wait for dm device to appear when mounting an encrypted container rootfs. + * Accommodate ppc64le pageSize in TestCgroups and disable -race. + * Allow escaped \$ in a SINGULARITYENV_ var to set a literal $ in a container + env var. Also allow escaped commas and colons in the source bind path. + * Handle absolute symlinks correctly in multi-stage build %copy from blocks. + * Fix incorrect reference in sandbox restrictive permissions warning. + * Prevent garbage collection from closing the container image file descriptor. + * Update to Arch Linux pacman.conf URL and remove file size verification. + * Avoid panic when mountinfo line has a blank field. + * Fix regression when files sourced from %environment contain \ escaped shell + builtins (fixes issue with source of conda profile.d script). + * singularity delete will use the correct library service when the hostname + is specified in the library:// URI. + * singularity build will use the correct library service when the hostname is + specified in the library:// URI / definition file. + * When destination is ommitted in %files entry in definition file, ensure + globbed files are copied to correct resolved path. + * Return an error if --tokenfile used for remote login to an OCI registry, as + this is not supported. + * Ensure repeated remote login to same URI does not create duplicate entries + in ~/.singularity/remote.yaml. + * Properly escape single quotes in Docker CMD / ENTRYPOINT translation. + * Updated the modified golang-x-crypto module with the latest upstream version. + sipp +- Switch from autotools to cmake +- Update to version 3.6.1 + * Consistently unescape XML attributes when loading scenario + * Fix buffer overflow in screen output + * Fix nonce count in auth headers + * Fix parser warning when trying to access 0-byte SDP body + * Improve provided sipp.dtd file, and XML fixes + Make it easier to deal with large SIP packets by adding an + optional CPPFLAGS=-DSIPP_MAX_MSG_SIZE=262144 flag + +- Update to version 3.6.0 + * Automatic filenames (trace files, error files, etc..) are now + created in the current working directory instead of in the + directory of the scenario file. + * Only validates SSL certficate if CA-file is separately specified. + * Fix `[routes]` header in UAS scenario's. + * last\_Keyword does not search in SIP body anymore + siproxd +- Update to version 0.8.3 + * mostly bugfixes and performance improvements + * Upgrade Notes 0.8.2 to 0.8.3: + * Merge the configuration file + * New plugins: + * plugin_stats: write some statistics about currently active calls + * plugin_blacklist: new plugin to block UACs that cause excessive + failures during REGISTER attempts +- Drop upstream fixed siproxd-log.c.patch and + siproxd-multiple-definition.patch +- SPEC file drop parts for outdated openSUSE / SLE versions + +- Drop dep on %insserv_prereq as it's not needed since the switch to a + service unit + +- drop explicit buildreq for libosip2, already have libosip2-devel +- mark COPYING as license, drop defattr lines + +- Don't install SuSEfirewall2 service files, it's gone. + +- add patch siproxd-multiple-definition.patch + to fix compilation with recent gcc + accessctl.o:./src/accessctl.c:37: multiple definition of + configuration struct + +- Do not hide errors from useradd. +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. +- Remove redundant %clean section. + +- Added systemd support + [bsc#1116037, siproxd.service] + -- Added 0001-plugins_implicit_func_fix.patch to clear post-build- - check failure - -- use _rundir macro to fix build against factory - -- Fix build errors - * Fix implicit functions build error by the following patch - dejitter-implicit-func-fix.patch - * renumbered patches - * Remove INSTALL file from docs - -- Fix useradd invocation: -o is useless without -u and newer - versions of pwdutils/shadowutils fail on this now. - -- Add missing font - -- Make it build with latest TeXLive 2012 with new package layout - sipsak +- Update to version + * Bugfix release which fixes the issue of the local port always + being zero, which got introduced by the 0.9.8 release. + +- Update to version 0.9.8 + * Bugfix release only +- Drop not longer needed "CFLAGS+=-fcommon" + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon + sitecopy +- 06-sftpdriver.c-fix-for-new-openssh.patch: fix sftp support with + newer openssh versions +- 10-bts410703-preserve-storage-files-sigint.patch: preserve + storage if Ctrl-C is pressed +- 30-bts320586-manpage-document-sftp.patch: document sftp support + in the manual page + -- update to version 0.16.0 (#113504) - skrooge +- Drop the QtWebKit dependency for all archs. + +- Update to 2.26.1 + * Correction: import not working with woob bank 3.0 (kde#436006) + * Correction: Help text needs to be escaped (kde#436081) + * Correction: there's no word "reconciliate" in English, should + be reconcile (kde#436328) + * Correction: Downloading currency using fails + with UnicodeDecodeError (kde#439494) + * Correction: Small fix for FEC monthly report + * Correction: Migration on new APIs. Need a + API key now + * Correction: Fix deprecated knsrc file location + * Feature: Add confirmation message when an import is triggered + by a double click on an imported file + +- Update to 2.25.0 + * Correction: Please make qtwebengine dependency optional + (kde#429356) + * Correction: % increase calculation in dashboard account widgets + (kde#430535) + * Correction: changing filter criteria while grouping Operations + by Category expands a different set of categories (kde#430242) + * Correction: Skrooge crashes when copying tables in categories + with subcategories unfold (kde#432423) + * Correction: Currency download from Yahoo uses "low" instead of + "close" (kde#433514) + * Correction: Sub operations view's tab confusingly looks + identical to just "Operations" (kde#435330) + * Correction: Bookmarks are not created with tab name and icon + (kde#435847) + * Correction: strange appearance of Skrooge bank icon pop-up menu + if no scrollbar (kde#422273) + * Correction: Column combo box not visible in report in dashboard + * Feature: opt-out accounts from the "accounts" widget in the + Dashboard (see + + * Feature: New dashboard layouts: by columns and with layouts in + layouts + slade +- Refresh patch to fix build on aarch64: + * disable_sse.patch + +- Update to release 3.1.13 + * Updated ZDoom, MAPINFO and ACS language definitions + * Added extra UDMF flags + * Fixed an issue with the "optional" keyword in TEXTURES + +- Update to 3.1.12a + * Provide metainfo +- Install upstream provided metainfo and desktop file + * Drop our versions +- Use cmake_install macro + +- Disable Lua bindings as those fail to build +- Add 0001-build-add-cmake-option-to-skip-Lua-components-1175.patch + for Factory. + +- Add 0001-build-allow-deactivating-the-crash-handler-at-build-.patch + Deactivate the crash handler, because it hangs. Let the kernel + generate a standard dump instead. + +- Add clzma.diff to use system-provided clzma library. + +- Update to release 3.1.12 + * 'Run Archive' and 'Run Map' configurations have been + separated, so they should now make more sense for each + context. + * Fixed an issue where clicking a toolbar and pressing enter + would show/hide the 2nd group in the toolbar (this is what + was causing some people to randomly lose the zoom slider in + the gfx editor, for example). + * Added SRB2 .dta as a valid wad file extension. + * Resource Editor: + * Fixed adjusted offsets not being saved after cropping an + image. + * Fixed wrong files being deleted in some situations when + saving a directory. + * Fixed "Open map in DB2" not working for maps in zip/directory + archives. + * Map Editor: + * Added support for GZDoom slope plane UDMF properties. + * Added basic support for ZScript inheritance for thing types. + sleuth +- use system rpm macros +- run spec-cleaner + -- removed nsc-2.3 -- moved perl-Net-DNS from '# neededforbuild' to 'Requires:' -- added installation of cgi scripts together with README.SuSE noting -- it - sleuthkit +- update to 4.10.2: + * C/C++ + * Added support for Ext4 inline data + * Java + * New Blackboard Artifacts for ALEAPP/ILEAPP, Yara, Geo Area, etc. + * Upgraded to PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.18 + * Added SHA256 to files table in DB and added utility calculation methods. + * Changed TimelineManager to make events for any artifact with a time stamp + * Added Japanese translations + * Fixed synchronization bug in getUniquePath + +- fix overly picky Buildrequires statement + +- update Buildrequires line for libewf +- all libyal packages have been updated from github + +- update to 4.10.1: + * Changed Windows build to use Nuget for libewf, libvmdk, libvhdi. + * Fixed compiler warnings + * Clarified licenses and added Apache license to distribution + * Improved error handling for out of memory issues + * Rejistry++ memory leak fixes +- spec-cleaner + +- Update spec file to call for libewf version 0~20140811 + * Newer versions of libewf are experimental and not to be used in production + +- Update to 4.10.0: + * C/C++: + - Removed PostgreSQL code (that was used only by Java code) + - Added Java callback support so that database inserts are done in Java. + * Java: + - Added methods and callbacks as required to allow database population to happen in Java instead of C/C++. + - Added support to allow Autopsy streaming ingest where files are added in batches. + - Added TaggingManager class and concept of a TagSet to support ProjectVic categories. + - Fixed changes to normalization and validation of emails and phone numbers. + - Added a CASE/UCO JAR file that creates JSON-LD based on TSK objects. + +- Update to 4.9.0: + * C/C++ + - Removed framework project. Use Autopsy instead if you need an analysis framework. + - Various fixes from Google-based fuzzing. + - Ensure all reads (even big ones) are sector aligned when reading from Windows device. + - Ensure all command line tools support new pool command line arguments. + - Create virtual files for APFS unallocated space + - HFS fix to display type + * Java: + - More artifact helper methods + - More artifacts and attributes for drones and GPS coordinates + - Updated TimelineManager to insert GPS artifacts into events table + slib +- update to 3b6: + * comlist.scm (butnth): Added. + * guile-2.init: patch from + + * grapheps.scm (set-font): Fixed pointsize dependent scaling. + * Makefile (INSTALL_INFO): ginstall-info -> install-info. + * iso8601.scm (iso-8601->time): Use gmktime rather than mktime. + * mkclrnam.scm (load-rgb-txt): Make encoding case insensitive in + method m5x (FED-STD-595C1). + * Makefile, iso8601.scm, mklibcat.scm, slib.texi: + Added feature iso-8601: ISO 8601 Representation of dates and times. + -- updated to 3b2 (see ANNOUNCE) - slop +- update to 7.5: + * Added --nodrag option + * Selections can be moved by holding the space-bar mid-drag! + +- Update to new upstream release 7.4 [boo#1113605] + * Slop now no longer selects shadows around windows in Mutter. + Gone is the annoying arbitrary padding around Gnome windows. + * Users can now supply their own shaders to create neat effects. + Slop allows for chained post-processing shaders. Shaders are + written in a language called GLSL. + * Slop uses EGL now (allowing for fancy rectangles while pulling + the mouse to make a region), and falls back to XShape + otherwise. + slrn +- Clean up SPEC + -- update to version pre1.0.0-40 - * Parse mime sub-keywords without regard to case - slurp +- Update to 1.3.2: + * Fix incorrect anchor when output has negative position + * Fix loss of selection when pointer moves between outputs + +- Update to 1.3.1: + * Fix off-by-one error in in_box function + * Print output into buffer, print result late + * Safe printf usage + * readme: simplify "select output" example + * readme: clarify that -f "%o" prints the output name + +- Update to 1.3.0: + * Touch input is now supported + * The current selection can now be moved by holding the Space key + * Choice boxes specified on stdin can now be labelled + * A new format option prints the name of the output + * The new -o option allows to add all outputs as choice boxes + * The new -r option forces the user to select one of the choice boxes + smatch +- Update to version 20200608+git.e92d9e00: + * db: Fix buffer overflow in state_name_to_param_name() + * atomic_inc_dec: remove an unused parameter + * atomic_inc_dec: don't warn about impossible paths + * atomic_inc_dec: ignore local static variables + * atomic_inc_dec: unknown values are not failures + * atomic_inc_dec: don't record increment/decrement if they are reset + * atomic_inc_dec: record potential decrements as a decrement + * atomic_inc_dec: don't store information in impossible paths + * atomic_inc_dec: add more functions + * atomic_inc_dec: don't double set states to &inc/&dec + * and much more... + +- Update to version 20200127+git.2f013029: + * fresh_alloc: mark used data as unfresh + * fresh_alloc: export is_fresh_alloc() and is_fresh_alloc_var_sym() + * fresh_alloc: NULL pointers are not fresh + * mtag: export str_to_mtag() + * type: improve debug output for NULL types + * slist: fix __print_stree() debug output + * predefine "i386" if needed + * correct sparcv9 defines + * pre-define __unix__ and friends + * add necessary defined for sunos-derived systems + * define __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME + * and much more... + +- Update to version 20191028: + * rosenberg: initialization and struct assignments don't fill holes + * rosenberg: add snd_timer_append_to_tqueue() and __send_signal() + * rosenberg: add skb_put() to the list of copy functions + * extra: it's not a dereference if we're just getting the address + * helper: improve getting_address() + * parse_call_math: don't return constant allocation sizes + * extra: limit get_other_name_sym_helper() some more + * hooks: add EXPR_HOOK_AFTER + * Makefile: rebuild smatch_*.o files when smatch.h changes + * Makefile: build quietly again + * Makefile: organize the smatch_*.o objects better + * Makefile: allow CC to be a shell variable + * function_ptr: save pointers to pointers + * function_ptrs: save function return assignments + * ranges: silence Smatch warning (uninitialized variable) + * db: fix an off by one bug + * check_deref/deref_check: warn about likely/unlikely() conditions as well + * readl_infinite_loops: silence a GCC warning by adding a cast + * integer_overflow: fix uninitialized variable bug + * ranges: add casts to silence compile warnings + * and many more... + +- Update to version 20181114: + * trinity: Proof of concept to auto-generate trinity spec files + * user_data: rename to smatch_kernel_user_data.c + * assigned_expr: rename to smatch_assigned_expr.c + * smatch: make the --enable/disable options take strings + * clock() is already defined on illumos, so rename the local function. + * Ignore "#ident" as found in some old sources. + * Use $(CFLAGS) when compiling smatch.c itself. + * smatch_nul_terminated: fix compile + * untracked_param: fix a NULL dereference + * uninitialized: fix a crashing bug parsing "return (foo);" + * nul_terminator: track when strings have a NUL terminator + * and many more small fixes and updates + smcroute +- Update to version 2.5.5 + Fixes + * Parse error in /etc/smcroute.conf. SMCRoute fails to start on + interfaces with mrdisc disabled, when built with mrdisc + support and -N passed on command line. +- Update to version 2.5.4 + Fixes + * Avoid trying to delete inactive VIFs. Fixing an annoying bogus + error: "Failed deleting VIF for iface lo: Resource temporarily + unavailable". + * Too small string buffer for IPv6 address causing garbled output + in periodic expiry callback. + * Fix too small buffer for IPv6 address in mroute display + functions. + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_smcroute.service.patch + +- Update to version 2.5.3 + Changes + * New tests to verify add/del of IPv4/IPv6 routes in kernel MFC. + Fixes + * Fix #166: build warning with gcc 10.2.1: "comparison is always + true due to limited range of data type". + * Fix build warning with --disable-mrdisc configure option. + * Fix #167: cannot remove routes added with smcroutectl add, + only affects add/del at runtime with smcroutectl, not .conf + reload. + +- Update to version 2.5.2 + Changes + * Allow installing routes with no outbound interfaces. + * Reinitialize VIFs on reload in case of new interfaces. + * Handle cases when interfaces change ifindex, i.e. they've first + been * removed and then re-added with the same name. + Fixes + * Fix VIF leak when deleting interfaces with MRDISC enabled. + * Fix handling when an (S,G) moves to another IIF. This fixes + issues where the SMCRoute kernel cache was out of sync with + the kernel MFC. + * Fix handling of lost/disabled interfaces at reload. This fixes + a couple of issues where routes were not updated properly at + runtime. + * Update interface flags on reload, this fixes issues when + SMCRoute failed to detect interfaces that had their MULTICAST + flag set or cleared at runtime. + * Skip setsockopt() for IPC sockets. This fixes warnings in + syslog about failing to disable MULTICAST_LOOP and + MULTICAST_ALL. + +- Update to version 2.5.1 + Changes + * Add .sha256 checksum to dist files, useful for packagers + Fixes + * systemd Notify integration, restore NotifyAccess=main + * ftbfs on older compilers, e.g. gcc 4.8.3, use -std=gnu99 + * Fix Documentation refs in systemd unit file, new man pages + +- Update to version 2.5.0 + * Fully automated test suite with 15 tests covering many use + cases. + * Support for /etc/smcroute.d/*.conf . + * Support for applying changes to .conf files without disturbing + established flows -- i.e., seamless addition or removal of + outbound interfaces in existing rules, or add/remove routes, + without ever affecting other routes. + * Support for route replacement/update smcroutectl. + * Full (*,G) wildcard route matching, for IPv4 and IPv6. + * Variant wildcard route matching with source and group range + matching. This may of course waste a lot of resources, so + handle with care: + + (*,G/LEN), issue #135 (IPv4), and issue #162 (IPv6) + + (S/LEN,G), issue #81 + + (S/LEN,G/LEN) + * Full SSM/ASM group join support, for both IPv4 and IPv6. + Including joining group ranges from both smcroutectl and + .conf . + * New command line option, -F file.conf to verify file syntax. + * The -I NAME command line option has changed to -i NAME, + compat support for the previous option remains. + * The mrdisc flag to the phyint directive is now what solely + controls the functionality per interface. Previously a + mechanism to enable/disable the functionality (if enabled) if + active routes were in place. However, this did not cover (*,G) + routes so that has been removed to simplify and guarantee full + function. + * Output format from smcroutectl has been extensively changed. + E.g, new /LEN support means wider columns, but heading have + also changed. + Fixes + * Fix #120: failed ASM/SSM IGMP join if interface has no address + * Fix #130: dynamic IPv6 routes are not flushed (like IPv4 (*,G)) + * Fix #149: (*,G) cache timeout callback stops, or never starts + * Fix #151: same log entries + * Fix #156: smcruotectl show does not show IPv6 routes + * Fix stochastic timer behavior, e.g. mrdisc announcements + experienced interference with the (*,G) cache timer + smenu +- Update to 0.9.18: + Fixes: + * A mismatch between signed and unsigned chars has been corrected. + * A fatal error in the direct access code has been corrected. + * A logic error that could cause a crash has been fixed. + Improvements: + * The user manual has been updated. + * An early substitution option -ES similar to -S has been added. + * Special levels are now considered when displaying searched words. + * An option to change the behaviour of the multi-selection mode has + been added. + * 4 more special levels (-6, -7, -8 and -9) are now available. + * The missing blink attribute has been added. + * The possibility to overload initial limits has been added. + * A new search session now starts from scratch by default. + * The integer checking function is now more reliable. + * A better code for validating UTF-8 byte sequences is now used. + * Tests have been added. + Misc: + * A missing licence reminder in the usage.c file has been added. + * An example in the README file has been added. + * Error messages are now more consistent. + +- Version 0.9.17 + * Fixes: + - The method to get the cursor location has been fixed and improved. + - A display problem when the title takes too many lines has been fixed. + - A failure when reopening /dev/tty is now fatal. + - Interesting signals are now trapped only when needed. + - The refresh mechanism when resizing the terminal has been fixed + and improved. + - \U does not need too be escaped anymore. + * Improvements: + - The -Q|-ignore_quotes option has been added to provide a way to + ignore quotes when splitting the input stream/file into words. + - The -!|-int|-int_string option has been added to define a string to + be displayed on stdout when ^C is entered during a smenu session. + - The usage text is now displayed in case of an error on the command + line. + - The code to create include/exclude RE patterns has been simplified. + - smenu now mimics the Unix shell signal processing. + * Misc: + - The availability of str(n)dup is now checked at compile time. + - Tests for RE patterns/inv. character have bee added. + - The obsolete script has been removed. + - github's ctxopt commit f779fb8 is now used. + - The code is now a little more readable. + +- Version 0.9.16 + Fixes: + * The SIGINT handling has been fixed. + * The lvm_menu example is fixed. + * Some memory allocation issues have been corrected. + * The last example in the man page now works correctly. + * The manual has been cleaned and corrected. + * Missing headers has been added. + * The List management code has been corrected and improved. + * Invalid UTF-8 sequences entered using \u are now handled + correctly. + * Unreachable code has been removed. + * As xwcscasecmp is missing in C99, a local version is now used. + * The search timeout now works correctly. + Improvements: + * Option management has been completely rewritten to use a new, + more flexible system ( + * The horizontal and vertical scrolling symbols are now visually + consistent. + * An updated version of autotools is now used. + * Wide mode is now allowed in column mode. + * Line delimiters can now be defined to break lines in + tabulation mode. + * A set of UTF-8 characters can now be ignored as input. + * Substitution character for non-printable characters can now be + changed. + * -N and -U options can now have multiple arguments. + * Fuzzy and substring searches now ignore leading and + trailing blanks. + * Unicode codepoints can now be entered using the new \U + notation. + * smenu has been optimized to support networks with high latency. + Misc: + * A note in the README to thank the packagers has been added. + * The code has been adjusted to conform to C99. + * The code has been cleaned up in many places. + smilutils +- Fix building with gcc10 +- Modernise specfile + -- updated playlist code in libkino to support the newer playlists - smtpping +- Update to version 1.1.4 + * Added --version + * Skip /s in rate output + * Fix help + * Added support for CHUNKING + * Handle all 2yz codes as positive + * Do not try to DNS resolve @ip destinations + * Added -b (--bind) option to bind to a source IP + * Allow -r to be used with -P1 + smuxi +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Add pkgconfig(gtkspell-2.0) BuildRequires: enable automatic - spell checking. - snack +- Disable the Python binding, because it only supports Python 2. +- Remove unneeded build dependencies (snack-tk-libs.patch). + -- Don't build with multiple compile jobs. - snd +- Disable LTO on aarch64 to fix build + +- Update to 20.6 (no changelog) + +- Update to 20.4 + * no changelog + +- Update to version 20.3: + * No changelog available +- Small package cleanups + +- Update to 20.2 (no changelog) + +- Update to 20.1 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 19.5 (no changelog provided) +- Remove snd-drop-date-time.diff, no longer required +- Drop snd-fix-no-return.diff, fixed upstream +- Reenable all archs, but without jack for anything but x86/ppc + (32 and 64 bit), as it uses inline assembly + -- remove call to suse_update_config (very old work around) - -- build with --no-copy-dt-needed-entries - -- Fixed executable-stack rpmlint error in /usr/bin/snd - -- Update to version 11.4. Fix broken Url: link. Binary sndrecord no - longer exists. Added sndrpmlintrc for hidden file in tutorial. - -- updated to version 10.7: - * default audio to ALSA - * Some improvements in generators.scm, dlocsig.scm. - sndio +- Update to 1.7.0: + * No upstream changelog available +- Add new package sndioctl + +- Update to version 1.6.0: + * No upstream changelog available +- Add dependency on libbsd +- Small spec file cleanup + +- Use the libname to have devel package again installable + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + + No changelog available + sngrep +- Update to version 1.4.10 + * fix compilation errors when using -Werror=format-security + * capture: properly set transport as TCP for assembled TCP + messages + * config: alias keyword now supports IP:PORT format. + * filter: increased size of src and dst fields for IPv6 addresses +- Drop patch: + * fix-build-with-recent-ncurses-versions.patch + +- Update to version 1.4.9 + * capture: add support for HEP/EEP protocol packet capture + * capture: fixed a buffer overflow while validating TCP packets + * call flow: improved display for B-leg extended flows + +- Update to version 1.4.8 + * capture: add support for IPv6 SDP connection address + * capture: fixed a crash while parsing INVITES without R-URI + * capture: fixed a crash while parsing malformed Req/Resp lines + * call flow: improved IPv6 RTP columns address display + * core: code cleanup removing unused variables + * core: fixed multiple snprintf memory overflows + * core: avoid crash when linking against ncurses without tinfo + +- Update to version 1.4.7 + * capture: fixed a crash with invalid CSeq values + * capture: allow configurable libpcap capture buffer + * hep: support parsing of HEPv3 headers in any order + * ssl: updated code to exclude deprecated OpenSSL functions + * call raw: add support to IP alias display + * call list: updated diverted Call state conditions + * cli: match expression now applies to whole SIP payload + * cli: add support to multiple comma separated capture devices + * sip: add KDMQ custom method to SIP parser +- Update to version 1.4.6 + * capture: fixed pcap reading from stdin + * capture: make SIP regexp more tolerant to invalid uris + * capture: SIP dialogs can now start with INFO, REFER and UPDATE + * call list: Added methods and key bindings for soft clear of + call list + * call flow: improved performance while displaying a dialog with + lots of messages + * call flow: arrows are now sorted by time while displaying + multiple dialogs + * ui: fixed multiples buffer overflows crashes + * ui: improve compatibility with newest ncurses version +- Drop not longer needed patch: + * 0001-ui-add-support-for-ncurses-compiled-with-opaque-stru.patch +- Add patch: + * fix-build-with-recent-ncurses-versions.patch + snmpsim +- %check: test does not run any tests + soapy-airspy +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Update to version 0.2.0 + * Support opening the device by serial convention + soapy-bladerf +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + soapy-hackrf +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + soapy-osmo +- Make build with support for FreeSRP optional and disable it + by default. + +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Disable RfSpace module (default with next upstream release), + deprecated in favor of the separate soapy-netsdr module. + Circumvents build/linking failures. + * Add soapy_osmosdr_rfspace_disable.patch +- Drop no longer required soap-osmo-fix-pthread-linking-issue.patch + soapy-remote +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_SoapySDRServer.service.patch + +- Also make sure soapy-remote-server replaces + soapysdr0.7-module-remote. + +- Fix installation conflicts with soapysdr0.7-module-remote. +- Add Provides/Obsoletes to avoid issues with future updates. + +- New package soapysdr-remote-server splitted off. +- Systemd files installed as a part of server package. + +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Update to version 0.5.2 + * Support more than 31 clients in SSDP endpoint + * Handle cases where avahi client is null + * Handle EINTR case for SSDP server select + * Fix the scale in CS12 - CF32 conversion + * Protect getServerURLs from re-entrant calls + soapy-rtlsdr +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Update to version 0.3.2 + * Revert pull request #49, freq can be set while stream active + * Fix setFrequencyCorrection exceptional return code + * Fix to read back after setting sampleRate, ppm, + and centerFrequency; or throw on invalid input + * Fix rtlsdr_get_tuner_gain() in setupStream() (closes #51) +- Update to version 0.3.1 + * Refactor and fix open by serial implementation + * Support recent rtlsdr_set_bias_tee() API + * Do not advertise full duplex capability + * Possible fix for issue with misaligned center frequency + * Implement hardware time API using absolute sample count + soapy-sdr +- Update to version 0.8.1 + * cmake: + + fix use of CMAKE_INSTALL_LIB_DIR when absolute + + version policies for subproject compatibility + * docs: + + fixed spelling mistakes in doxygen comments + * python3: + + change OUTPUT_NAME in newer versions of cmake + * Types: + + consistency changes converting strings to bool + * Type.hpp: + + fixed templated StringToSetting return true + * Range: + + fixed default constructor not initializing step + +- Update to version 0.8.0 + * Build: + + Update to CMake 3.0 style and project config generation + + Increase the CMake build requirement to version 3.1.0 + * API: + + Added API calls for configuring an external reference clock rate + + Constants for boolean setting strings SOAPY_SDR_TRUE/FALSE + + Templated read/writeSetting()/readSensor() for SoapySDR::Device + + Added Templated StringToSetting() and SettingToString() helpers + + Python bindings duck typing for read/writeSetting()/readSensor() + + Changed SoapySDRDevice_setupStream() to return the stream pointer + + Added unloadModules() API call to manually cleanup modules on exit + + Device: added parallel make() function with string arguments + + Added ABI check to Python module + soapy-uhd +- Fix installation conflicts with soapysdr0.7-module-uhd. +- Add Provides/Obsoletes to avoid issues with future updates. + +- SoapySDR version bumped to 0.8 + +- Update to version 0.4.1 + * Fix for UHD_VERSION define and 4.0 release compilation +- Drop not longer needed patch: + * 0001-Fix-for-UHD_VERSION-check-for-4.0.patch (fixed by upstream) + +- Update to version 0.4.0 + * Support for compilation with UHD 4.0 release +- Add patch: + * 0001-Fix-for-UHD_VERSION-check-for-4.0.patch + sofia-sip +- Update to version 1.12.11+20110422 + * In the 1.12.11 release, SOATAG_LOCAL_SDP_STR_REF is broken (but + that is fixed in commmit bcd0f17f). Let's use the same version + debian/ubuntu are using. +- Add patch (various fixes from the debian package): + * sofia-sip_1.12.11+20110422.1-2.1.diff.gz +- Package cleanup +- Remove compat ifdefs for old SLE versions + -- update to version 1.12.4 -- build with -fno-strict-aliasing -- properly put the conditionals for glib2 on sles9 - solaar +- Update to version 1.1.0 + * +- Add missing dependency to python3-PyYAML - bso#1193123 + +- Update to version 1.0.7 + * + +- update to 1.0.6: + * Update sliding DPI to look for suitable keys + * Add mouse gestures that can trigger rules + * Complain if receivers do not support connection notification + * In polling rate setting, only modify onboard profiles when actually writing polling rate + * Add ability to ignore settings. + * Use symbols for receiver sub-registers + * Add support for wired G700 + * Do not set attention icon + * Replace deprecated GTK stock menu icons + * Better handling of icons in tray and tray menus + * Receiver c52e does not unpair + * Match active WM_CLASS as well as active process name in rules + * Correctly set icon theme value when regular battery icons are not available + * Handle exception when device is not available when device is being added + * Perform initial activation of devices in listener threads + * Keep track of serial numbers in the configuration file + * Don't update settings for non-active devices + * Set the current host name if not stored on the device + * Add setting for SMART SHIFT ENHANCED feature + * Don't unnecessarily use long messages for HID++ 1.0 commands + * Correctly select choices in solaar config and use 1-origin addressing + * Add quirk for G915 TKL keyboard because its host mode inteferes with its Fn keys + * Show command outputs both saved and on-device settings + * Update documentation + * Fix bug in hidconsole + * Update French translation + +- Fix the %doc files. is a symlink to + 'docs/'. Let's use this file directly. + +- Update to version 1.0.5 + * Update documentation on devices forgetting settings. + * Improve help messages + * Fix bug in finding receiver to pair + * Solaar config command can set keyed settings. + -- Disable autostart options in setup script - solfege +- Replace missed /usr/bin/python shebangs with python3. + -- Changed license field to GPL-3.0+ as solfege upgraded their - license February 5, 2008. bnc#720834 -- Added post script to create /dev/music if it doesn't exist after - reading "README" and moved timidity from "Recommends:" to - "Requires" as solfege needs this for most sound cards to produce - sound. - solo +- Modernise spec file + something-for-reddit +- Update to version 0.2.2: + + The frontpage is now visible. You can see it by going to / in + the url bar. + + The app now supports Flatpak & NixOS installation + + Performance improvements in the comments view + + The codebase is now tested! I'm pretty sure this is one of the + only GTK+ apps which has proper UI tests - so this should stop + more regressions in the future! +- Changes from version 0.2.1: + + Replaced the markdown engine, should now support more features + + The alignment in subreddit listings should now be more uniform + + Many size related bugs have been fixed + + The url bar is now less lenient on formatting. Previously, + going to /linux would take you to /r/linux. Due to the + frontpage changes, this no longer happens + + [PACKAGING] Moved icons from pixmaps to the hicolor directory + + [PACKAGING] Change SCSS compiler from ruby sass to sassc +- Drop desktop.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Replace ruby(sass) for sassc +- Fix python env to be py3 via sed call +- Modernize spec, drop no longer needed post(un) calls. + +- Drop arch-specific Makefile (boo#1109534) + sound-juicer +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Don't use proxy GSettings directly. + + Issue tracker URL is out-of-date in metainfo. + + Unescape proxy username. + + Add Flatpak manifest. + + support building with meson. + + Remove autotools. + + Migrate app menu to popover menu in main window. + + Fix musicbrainz lookups not working. + + Updated translations. +- Switch to meson build system: + + Add meson BuildRequires. + + Replace configure/make/make_install macros with respective + meson/meson_build/meson_install. +- Drop legacy glib2_gsettings_schema_, desktop_database_ and + icon_theme_cache_ post/postun macros. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + soundconverter +- Update to 4.0.1: + * Fix events leakage crash during big conversions. + * Fix UI issue when an encoder is missing, the settings were not working. + * Fix DATA_PATH from flatpak. + * Fix a few issues with appstream data + * Remove empty line in glade, remove warning log. + +- Reduce build set to default python3 flavour: Fix build on + Tumbleweed. + +- Update to 4.0.0 + See: + +- Update to 3.0.2. + * Upstream does not provide an informational log. + * Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner and manual optimizations. + * Remove Only-fetch-profiles-if-GConf-is-still-available.patch. + * Remove update_desktop_file and outdated design. + +- Add Only-fetch-profiles-if-GConf-is-still-available.patch: No + longer mandate gconf2, also add typelib(GConf) to global requires + exclude, prevent the gir scanner to add typelib. + +- Update to version 3.0.0: + + Change GConf to GSettings to store settings. + + Stop using typefind when adding files, and filter only when + converting. This is much faster. + + Actually use --jobs command line to limit the number of jobs. + + Updated translations. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec. +- Update source url to point to launchpad. +- Drop autoconf and automake BuildRequires and no longer pass + autoreconf, using properly bootstrapped tarball again. +- Drop conditionals for obsolete versions of openSUSE. +- "Updgrade" gstreamer-plugins-base and gstreamer-plugins-good + Recommends to Requires. If one wants soundconverter to do + anything meaningfull, these two are needed. +- Add gstreamer-plugins-bad-orig-addon Suggests (for aac support). + -- upstream update to 1.5.4 - -- update to 1.5.3 - -- 1.5.0 alpha1 - soup-sharp +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + spacecmd +- version 4.2.14-1 + * Update translation strings + spacenavd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_spacenavd.service.patch + Modified: + * spacenavd.service + +- Update to version 0.8 + * Rewrote the serial spaceball code from scratch, to support both spaceball + and magellan spacemice. + * Fixed non-X11 build which was broken in the previous version. + * Print usage information when encountering an invalid argument, instead of + just printing "invalid argument". + * Minor build improvements. +- Log stderr to default logger +- Update list of supported devices in spec file + +- Remove unnecessary _service file + +- Fix pidfile (/var/run -> /run) + +- Bugfix release 0.7.1 + * fixed build on gcc 10 + * fixed configure script which failed to detect the version number correctly + in release 0.7, incorrectly trying to rely on git to do so. +- remove support for pre-systemd openSUSE releases +- remove patch spacenavd-add-blacklist-and-device-ids.patch +- remove patch spacenavd-add-missing-usbid.patch +- remove patch spacenavd-0.6+git3066072.patch +- remove patch spacenavd-fix-pidfile.patch +- Release 0.7 + * implemented the ability to log to syslog. + * ignore joystick devices when searching for USB devices (linux). + * added code to attempt to wrestle devices from the X server. + * added the new 3Dconnexion vendor id to the device matching logic. + * made builds reproducible by linking in alphabetical order. + * added option led = auto, to turn the LED on only when a client connects (linux). + * implemented a blacklist of USB device ids that should be ignored. + +- Add two upstream patches for proper handling of device ids: + * spacenavd-add-blacklist-and-device-ids.patch + * spacenavd-add-missing-usbid.patch + +- Add patch spacenavd-0.6+git3066072.patch with some bug fixes und support + for newer devices: + * minor formatting fixes old and new, and usage of the LED_AUTO enumeration + in src/client.c + * LED state enumeration instead of magic numbers, since it's no longer + a simple boolean value. + * improve device information provided by daemon + * updated readme file + * replaced the svn $rev$ substitution with git describe falling back to + git rev-parse HEAD + * fixed axis detection, and added detection of the number of buttons for USB + devices on linux + * Applied Wiedemann's patch (sf#6) to link object files in alphabetical order + * Added missing include to dev_usb_darwin.c closing bug #10 + * fixed a small bug in device detection which sometimes skipped a single + character during parsing + * added rule to match devices with the new 3Dconnexion vendor id (0x256f) + * Better example-spnavrc descriptions - remove some debugging printfs which + where commited accidentally previously + * moved axis remapping before checking deadzones + * trying to remove devices from Xinput + * added all the missing options to the example-spnavrc file + * possible fix for bug #9 + * added code to skip joystick device files while parsing /proc/bus/input/devices +- Drop reproducible.patch + +- Add modalias supplements for all supported devices + +- The repository moved to github +- Rerelease of version 0.6 + * added example config file + * fixed setup_init failing to detect the correct runlevel in some cases. + * fixed calculation of time periods in motion events. + * code refactoring to support multiple operating systems. + * added freebsd and macos x support for serial devices. + * fixed build when system headers don't define EV_SYN (linux). + * added dependency tracking in the makefile. + * added separate sensitivity control for each axis. + * added separate deadzone control for each axis. + * added option to avoid grabbing the device. + * fixed spurious error messages on SIGHUP. + * added auto-repeat non-zero events option (useful for serial devices). + * added button number remapping configuration option. + * added keyboard emulation option. + * abort if spacenavd is already running. + * heed DESTDIR env var in makefile install and uninstall targets. + * merged serial magellan protocol code. + * added systemd init file under contrib/. + * merged Ralf Morel's patch for multiple device support. + * improved XAUTHORITY handling. + * improved device selection with predicate callback and USB ids. + * added joystick support. + * fixed axis remapping for some HID devices. + * fixed race condition in X detection. + * applied Christian Ehrlicher's patches fixing a number of memory bugs. + -- Change license into SPDX format -- Add systemd support -- Spec file cleanup - -- Update to version 0.5 -- Use separate changes file - -- Added rcspacenavd link -- Fixed xinitrc script - -- Initial package -- Add new init-script -- Add commented configuration file -- Add xinitrc script - spack +- Fix patch + Fix-error-during-documentation-build-due-to-recursive-module-inclusion.patch + to actually work correctly. + The updated version makes sure modules are not called recursively even + if modules are loaded in an out-of-order fashion from python-Sphinx. +- Remove duplicates in spec file. + +- fix typo to export prefix in patch (bsc#1191395): + Adapt-shell-scripts-that-set-up-the-environment-for-different-shells.patch + spatialindex +- Rename libspatialindex4 subpackage to libspatialindex6, following + the actual soname of the libraries shipped. +- Obsolete libspatialindex4 = 1.9.3 by libspatialindex6: help + zypper for the upgrade case from the wrongly packaged + libspatialindex4 to libspatialindex6. We obsolete only the + version that was wrongly packaged, so that actual users + of have a chance to co-exist. + +- added patch to restore functionality (via CMake), change Cflags + (restore-pkg-config-functionality.patch) +- Update to version 1.9.3 + * 1.9.3 fixes a critical ordering issue + in RTreenearestNeighbor sorting +- Update to version 1.9.2 + * 1.9.2 is a quick release of 1.9.1 to fix some + override declarations that were too aggressive and caused + the wrong methods to be called. +- Update to version 1.9.1 + * Expose Index_Contains_id and Index_Contains_obj in C API +- Update to version 1.9.0 + * Add flush function to each index type + * Expose internal Nodes of query for RTree types + * Fix unnecessary locking calls in pthread on Linux + * Fix Node::reinsertData selection criteria + * Correct findLeastEnlargement to always return a correct value + * Update the root MBR during condenseTree + * Fix adjustTree during R*-tree reinserts + spec-cleaner +- Fix: Use Mageia specific macro for Mageia builds in spec file + +- Update URLs +- Remove build dependencies on unnecessary pytest plugins + speex +- Fix zero division error in read_samples (CVE-2020-23903 bsc#1192580) + speex-CVE-2020-23903.patch + -- fix build for SLE_10 - autoreconf for suse_version >= 1100 -- spec - o sort TAGS - o macros - rm > {__rm} - version > {version} .... - -- split off libspeex1 and libspeexdsp1 according to library - packaging policy -- include actual tarball version in package version -- don't package README's for embedded cpus - -- add baselibs.conf as a source -- enable parallel building - spew +- Update dependencies +- Small modernisation of spec file + +- Add patches from gentoo: + * fix-automake-1.13.patch + * fix-format-security.patch + * fix-ncurses-tinfo.patch + spglib +- update to 1.16.1: + * Bug fix of fortran wrapper. + * Minor update. Symmetry operations in spg_database.c for + Hall numbers 212, 213, 214 are re-ordered to start by identity + operation. +- drop 0001-Fix-CMakeLists.txt.patch (upstream) + sphinx +- Spec cleaner minimal update date +- Minor cosmetic changes +- Close boo#1157590 + + Remove posttrans section with chown + On systems with fs.protected_hardlinks=0 this allows sphinx + to escalate to root. + + Add log directory and files to files section + spi-tools +- Update to version 1.0.1: + * support --bits config option in spi-pipe + * Support SPI mode option in spi-pipe + * Support all configuration options in spi-pipe + * Default block-size to 1 instead of -1 + +- Update to version 0.8.7: + * enable SPI abuse: Limit for the block size doesn't reflect how + far you can push most drivers. The driver itself should complain + if the block size is too large. + * Fixed typos + spice-html5 +- Update to release 0.2.2 + (includes releases 0.2.0 and 0.2.1) + * Switch implementation to use ES6 modules + * Debug console is now user toggleable + * Only use display channel with id 0 + * Better handle underruns + * Improve mouse position handling + * Improve logic for sound packet time sequencing + * Other misc bug fixes + splix +- Removed "BuildRequires: python-cups" (python2 is dead) (change + effectively done by J. Meixner). + -- Provide the license source file COPYING in the binary RPM - (fix declined IBS submitrequest 33545). - spread-sheet-widget +- Update to version 0.8: + * Just build system related changes + sqlcipher +- Update to version 4.4.3: + * Updates baseline to ustream SQLite 3.34.1 + * Fixes sqlcipher_export handling of NULL parameters + * Removes randomization of rekey-delete tests to avoid false test failures + * Changes internal usage of sqlite_master to sqlite_schema + * Omits unusued profiling function under certain defines to avoid compiler warnings + +- update to 4.4.2: + - Improve error handling to resolve potential corruption if an encryption + operation failed while operating in WAL mode + - Changes to OpenSSL library cryptographic provider to reduce initialization + complexity + - Adjust cipher_integrity_check to skip locking page to avoid a spurious error + report for very large databases + - Miscellaneous code and comment cleanup + - Updates baseline to upstream SQLite 3.33.0 + - Fixes double-free bug in cipher_default_plaintext_header_size + - Changes SQLCipher tests to use suite runner + - Improvement to cipher_integrity_check tests to minimize false negatives + - Deprecates PRAGMA cipher_store_pass + +- update to 4.4.0: + - Updates baseline to upstream SQLite 3.31.0 + - Adjusts shell to report SQLCipher version alongside SQLite version + - Fixes various build warnings under several compilers + - Removes unused id and status functions from provider interface + +- Update to version 4.3.0: + * Updates baseline to upstream SQLite 3.30.1 + * PRAGMA key now returns text result value "ok" after execution + * Adjusts backup API so that encrypted to encrypted backups are + permitted + * Adds NSS crypto provider implementation + * Fixes OpenSSL provider compatibility with BoringSSL + * Separates memory related traces to reduce verbosity of logging + * Fixes output of PRAGMA cipher_integrity_check on big endian + platforms + * Cryptograpic provider interface cleanup + * Rework of mutex allocation and management + * Resolves miscellaneous build warnings + * Force error state at database pager level if SQLCipher + initialization fails + +- Update to version 4.2.0: + * Adds PRAGMA cipher_integrity_check to perform independent + verification of page HMACs + * Updates baseline to upstream SQLite 3.28.0 + * Improves PRAGMA cipher_migrate to handle keys containing + non-terminating zero bytes + +- Update to v4.1.0: + * Adds PRAGMA cipher_settings to query current database + codec settings + * Adds PRAGMA cipher_default_settings to query current + default SQLCipher options + * PRAGMA cipher_hmac_pgno is now deprecated + * PRAGMA cipher_hmac_salt_mask is now deprecated + * PRAGMA fast_kdf_iter is now deprecated + * Disable backup API for encrypted databases (this was + previously documented as not-working and non-supported, + but will now explicitly error out on initialization) + * Default page size for databases increased to 4096 bytes + (up from 1024) + * Default PBKDF2 iterations increased to 256,000 + (up from 64,000) + * Default KDF algorithm is now PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + (from PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1) + * Default HMAC algorithm is now HMAC-SHA512 (from HMAC-SHA1) + * PRAGMA cipher is now disabled and no longer supported + (after multi-year deprecation) + * PRAGMA rekey_cipher is now disabled and no longer supported + * PRAGMA rekey_kdf_iter is now disabled and no longer + supported + * By default all memory allocated internally by SQLite before + the memory is wiped before it is freed + * PRAGMA cipher_memory_security: allows full memory wiping + to be disabled for performance when the feature is + not required + * PRAGMA cipher_kdf_algorithm, cipher_default_kdf_algorithm + to control KDF algorithm selection between PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA1, + PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 and PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + * PRAGMA cipher_hmac_algorithm, cipher_default_hmac_algorithm + to control HMAC algorithm selection between HMAC-SHA1, + HMAC-SHA256 and PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA512 + * When compiled with readline support, PRAGMA key and rekey + lines will no longer be saved to history + * Adds second optional parameter to sqlcipher_export to specify + source database to support bidirectional exports + * PRAGMA cipher_plaintext_header_size and + cipher_default_plaintext_header_size: allocates a portion of + the database header which will not be encrypted to allow + identification as a SQLite database + * PRAGMA cipher_salt: retrieve or set the salt value for + the database + -- Update to 9096584 (2014-04-23) - sqliteodbc +- update to 0.9998 + * update to SQLite 3.32.3 + * make all comparisons for table names etc. in SQLTables() + and friends case insensitive (thanks Kris Habraken for + initial fix) + * update to SQLite 3.32.2 + * fix info for SQL_OUTER_JOINS/SQL_OJ_CAPABILITIES + * provide more clean quote hints in type info + * improve SQLBulkOperations() + * better deal with auto column names in csvtable module + squidGuard +- Update to debian maintained version 1.6.0: + * Add support for IPv6 protocol (as in squid 3.x) + * Bugfix: Convert special characters to fix XSS security problem. + * Move text files to UTF-8 format. + * Fix for missing content after percent sign + * Fix for working (only) with squid 3.4 and higher. +- Update to debian maintained version 1.5.1 + * Updated links in documentation and sample files. + * Use newer OpenLDAP search + * Enable 'ldap deprecated' flag. +- Update to debian maintained version 1.5.0 + * Fixed a problem with Berkeley DB 5.x + * Fixed inconsistent blocking. + * Added Russian translation to + * Added a feature to send log messages to syslog + * Anonymized passwords (for connecting to the ldap or mysql + server) written to logfiles when squidGuard is starting. + * Added patch to check IP addresses against LDAP. + * Added patch to allow quoted strings in the configuration file + * Fixed a problem with regular expressions. + * Added patch to enable blocking against DNS based blacklists +- Update to debian maintained version 1.4.1 + * Fix of a bypass problem with URLs which length is close to + the limit defined by MAX_BUF in squidGuard and MAX_URL in + squid. Increasing the buffer limit to be higher than the one + defined in MAX_URL solves the issue. + * Fix of another bypass problem, which is related to the + definition of these buffer limits. + * Fix of one buffer overflow problem in sgLog.c when overlong + URLs are requested + * Fixes CVE-2009-3700, CVE-2009-3826 and CVE-2015-8936 +- Refreshed squidGuard-config.patch +- Refreshed default_config_pathfixes.patch +- Refreshed and renamed squidGuard-1.4-mysql.patch + to squidGuard-mysql.patch +- Dropped upstream fixed patches + * xss_fix_02_2015.patch + * squidGuard-CVE-2009-3826.patch + * squidGuard-CVE-2009-3700.patch + * squidGuard-1.4_upgrade.patch + * squidGuard-Makefile.patch + * type_fixes.patch + +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Use "su" directive in logrotate conf file (boo#1104856) +- Set user write permissions on /var/lib/squidGuard/db/blacklist + (boo#1140722) +- Get rid of SysV init call in postrotate script + -- SuSE -> SUSE [bnc#889003] - -- fix squidGuard-CVE-2009-3826.patch patch - squirrel +- Drop %defattr, drop *.la files, trim bias from description. + +- Fix the download URL + +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. +- Run spec-cleaner + -- Remove redundant/unwanted tags/section (cf. specfile guidelines) - -- Autoconfiscate the package so that handling of libraries and - installation gets easier. -- Include cstdint/stdint.h and define squirrel types using the - * _t macros. -- Rename the sq binary to sqrl to fix conflict with ispell. -- Fix aliasing issues by using unions. - -- update to 3.0: please refer to - /usr/share/doc/packages/squirrel/HISTORY for all the changes -- split out doc package with all the reference and standard - libraries manuals - ssdp-responder +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_ssdpd.service.patch + +- Package systemd service file +- Update to version 1.7 + * Use /etc/os-release as base for SSDP server string, + distribution release information is primarily stored in this + file, some Linux systems still use /etc/lsb-release, on real + UNIX systems we can use uname(1) + * Update ssdpd(8) man page +- Update to version 1.6 + * Fix CVE-2019-14323 + * Refactor socket handling, enable SO_REUSEADDR + SO_REUSEPORT + * Change default behavior, must now use -n to run in foreground + * Add ssdp-scan tool, similar to mdns-scan + * Add systemd unit file + ssh-tools +- Update to version 1.7 + * 'ssh-force-password': Enforces password authentication + * ssh-ping + + Option (-C) to connect/reconnect as soon as the host responds + + Exit Codes + - 1: More than 1 request lost + - 2: All requests lost + + Environment Variable + - SSH_PING_NO_COLORS: if set, no colors are shown (like -n) + sshguard +- Changed 'BACKEND' to "/usr/libexec/sshg-fw-iptables" from incorrect syntax + +- Update to version 2.4.2 + * Recognize rejections from Postfix's postscreen daemon + * The parser can now be changed using the 'PARSER' and + 'POST_PARSER' options + * Remove some false positive attack signatures for SSH and Cyrus + * Adjust log verbosity of some log messages + * The *firewalld* backend now uses *firewall-cmd* instead of + 'iptables' to flush block lists + +- Build version 2.4.1 + * Recognize RFC 5424 syslog banners + * Recognize busybox syslog -S banners + * Recognize rsyslog banners + * Recognize web services TYPO3, Contao, and Joomla + * Update signatures for Dovecot + * Update signatures for OpenSSH + * Whitelist entire and ::1 block + * Whitelist file allows inline comments + * Fix FILES and LOGREADER configuration file options +- boo#1124121 + +- Build version 2.4.0 + * Match "Failed authentication attempt" for Gitea + * Log human-readable service names instead of service code + * Correctly terminate child processes when sshguard is killed + * No longer accept logs given via standard input + +- Removed not needed files and service files + as sshguard can now parse journal files +- /etc/sysconfig/sshguard is not used any more + as sshguard uses it's own config file + +- Use noun phrase in summary. +- Join %service_* to reduce generated boilerplate. + +- Build version 2.3.1 + * Fix OpenSSH "Did not receive identification string" + * Fix syslog banner detection on macOS +- Build version 2.3.0 + * Add signatures for Courier IMAP/POP and OpenVPN + * Add signatures for TLS failures against Cyrus IMAP + * Match more attacks against SSHD, Cockpit, and Dovecot + * Update SSH invalid user signature for macOS + * Add to and remove from ipfw table quietly + * Reduce "Connection closed... [preauth]" score to 2 + * Switch ipsets to hash:net + * Don't recreate existing ipsets + * Match more log banners (Fix greedy SYSLOG_BANNER) +- Build version 2.2.0 + * Add '--disable-maintainer-mode' in configure for package maintainers + * BusyBox log banner detection + * Match Exim "auth mechanism not supported" + * Match Exim "auth when not advertised" + * Match Postfix greylist early retry + * OpenSMTPD monitoring support + * Recognize IPv6 addresses with interface name + * Ignore CR in addition to LF + * Only log attacks if not already blocked or whitelisted + * Use correct signal names in driver shell script +- Build version 2.1.0 + * Add nftables backend + * Add monitoring support for new service: Cockpit, Linux server dashboard + * Match "maximum authentication attempts" for SSH + * Match Debian-style "Failed password for invalid user" for SSH + * Add monitoring support for new service: Common webserver probes, in + Common Log Format + * Match 'Disconnecting invalid user' for SSH + * Add monitoring support for new service: WordPress, in Common Log Format + * Add monitoring support for new service: SSHGuard + * Firewall backends now support blocking subnets. + * Add new IPV6_SUBNET and IPV4_SUBNET configuration options. Defaults + to traditional single-address blocking. + * Add monitoring support for new service: OpenSMTPD + * Log whitelist matches with higher priority + * Match port number in "invalid user" attack + * FirewallD backend reloads firewall configuration less often. +- Build version 2.0.0 + * Add firewalld backend + * Add ipset backend + * Annotate logs using -a flag to sshg-parser + * Match "no matching cipher" for SSH + * Preliminary support for Capsicum and pledge() + * Resurrect ipfilter backend + * Support reading from os_log on macOS 10.12 and systemd journal + * Add warning when reading from standard input + * Build and install all backends by default + * Improve log messages and tweak logging priorities + * Runtime flags now configurable in the configuration file + * SSHGuard requires a configuration file to start + * Remove process validation (-f option) + * Fix ipfw backend on FreeBSD 11 + * Fix initial block time + * Update Dovecot pattern for macOS + * Use standard score for Sendmail auth attack + +- Corrected the service scripts, start after + sshpass +- update to 1.0.9: + * Explicitly set the controlling TTY (SF patch #7) + * Report when IP key has changed (Closes Debian bug #730101) + * Scrub the environment variable for -e (Closes Ubuntu bug #1649374) + * Pass signals that should terminate to ssh + * Fix race around signal handling + * Report IPC errors to stderr + * Report if can't open -f password file (closes #3) +- remove sshpass-1.05-f_option_check.patch (upstream) + ssldump +- Specfile overhaul +- Update source URL (original upstream is dead) +- Update to version 1.4 + * Add support for IPv6 traffic dump + * Fix ja3(s) length of strings used in MD5 computation + update + MD5 functions. + * Add support for ja3 & ja3s. +- Update to version 1.3 + * Avoid leak in TCP segment reassembly code. + * Avoid client session_id related leak. + * Avoid server_random related leak. + * Avoid client_random related leak. + * Check ssl_decode_enum() return code correctly. + * Exit process_tcp_packet() in case TCP header is incomplete. + * Check timestamp_diff return code correctly. + * Cleanup before exit on error. + * Fix for crash if length of captured frame is less than + Ethernet header size. + * Check packet size before looking at IP header. + * Check return code after string extraction. + * Limit length during server name decoding. + * Decode ClientHello v2 properly. + * Output error to stderr. + * Avoid leak by freeing SSL decoding context properly. + * Close everything properly in case of SIGINT. + * Fix leak in associative array implementation. + * First import of the JSON output code + * Do not print information message when no connection is + cleaned at shutdown. + * Fix memory leak in ssl_process_server_session_id() + * Close global pcap struct properly in case of SIGINT. + * Add missing extension names + * Code cleanup + * Add save decrypted datato pcap. first alpha version. + * Fix for use of deprecated OpenSSL HMAC functions. + * Fix for type casting related warnings. + * Add missing function prototype. + * Remove definitions of unused variables. + * Fix for uninitialized variables and possible overflow. + * Remove unused RCSSTRING variable globally. +- Drop patches (not longer needed) + * ssldump-0.9b3-libpcap.diff + * random_return.patch + * ssldump-0.9b3-aes.patch + * implicit_def.patch + * ssldump-0.9b3-newssl.patch + * ssldump-cvs-06-19-2006.diff + * update-config.patch + -- include openssl/md5.h in ssldecode.c - sslscan +- update to 2.0.10: + * Add the --connect-timeout option (credit alkalim) + * Fix a typo in output + * Warn on TLSv1.1, as it's now deprecated by RFC 8996 + * Fix a bug with LDAP STARTTLS + * Fix certificate detection on some broken servers + * Fix missing SCSV Fallback in XML output + * Don't show server signature algorithms by default + * Use --show-sigs to display them + +- Upgrade to version 2.0.6 + * Add <error> element to XML output + * Fix the extraneous padding of HTTP responses in XML + * Update the HTTP request to HTTP/1.1 + * More robust checking the HTTP response is valid + * Display "No response" when no HTTP response is returned + * Remove the broken HTTP request scanning option (--http) + * Fix --targets not working properly + * Flag certificates in red if CN is the same as issuer + +- Upgrade to version 2.0.1 + * Correctly set SNI name when using --targets. Fixes gh#rbsec/sslscan#215 + +- Upgrade to version 2.0.0 + Version 2 of sslscan includes a major rewrite of the backend scanning code, + which means that it is no longer reliant on the version of OpenSSL for many + checks. This means that it is possible to support legacy protocols (SSLv2 and + SSLv3), as well as supporting TLSv1.3 - regardless of the version of OpenSSL + that it has been compiled against. It is still recommended to build statically + where possible, but dynamically built version should be significantly more + useful. + Note that there are also some breaking changes to the XML output, which are + documented in the readme file. + This rewrite been made possible largely by the work of jtesta, who has been + responsible for most of the backend rewrite. +- Cleaned up spec file + +- Upgrade to version 2.0.0-beta6 + * Various bugfixes + * Added -4 and -6 options to force IPv4 and IPv6. + * Added strength attribute to XML to reflect colouring in stdout + * Checks for server signature algorithms. + * Checks for server key exchange groups. + * Support for SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocol detection regardless of OpenSSL + * Support for TLSv1.3 + * Support for additional cipher suites. + * Print curve name and key strength for ECC certs + * Fix a bug with servers that return incorrect cipher IDs. + * Add a new "<certificates>" element to the XML output. + * Remove the "Signature Algorithm:" text and spacing from the XML. + * Report servers that accept any signature algorithm in the XML +- Rebased fedora-sslscan-patents.patch +- OpenSSL dependency bumped to >= 1.1 + -- enable parallel build - -- add TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 support for OpenSSL >= 1.0.1 - -- import patch from fedora to allow building on fedora - stalonetray +- New upstream URL +- Update to version 0.8.4 + * Fixed several bugs and compiler warnings + * Added support for storing stalonetray config under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME +- Drop outdated stalonetray-fix-compile-error.diff +- Add fix-docbook-root.patch + stardict +- Update to version 3.0.6. + * Update stardict_powerword_parsedata.cpp + * Small text changes. +- Clean up spec file. + +- Remove filler wording from description. +- Don't bother with xargs, use find delete directly. + -- added stardict-3.0.3-NetDictRequest.patch to fix crash with - ERROR:compositelookup.cpp:53. Fixed bnc#736368 - -- added stardict-3.0.3-improve-desktop-file.patch -- added ru.po (fixed mistakes in Russian translation) - stardict-tools +- Add patch: python3-support.patch + * Convert all Python 2 scripts to Python 3 +- Remove shebang mangling from the specfile for python scripts. + -- initial version 2.4.8: upstream splitted the tools from the - main stardict package - starfighter +- Fixed spec file (language file directories) + +- Update to version 2.4 + * Added a Dutch translation contributed by Heimen Stoffels. + * Made it so that the player starts at the same part of the screen in Classic difficulty as in version 1.1 (which is in the top-left quadrant rather than in the center). + * Made it so that critical shield (that is, when you have only 1 shield left) causes more smoke particles to be generated. + * Fixed a bug where Kline could continue circling while running away, causing him to flee diagonally at a rather slow speed (and also allowing you to kill him pretty easily). + * Fixed a bug which caused music to not get installed properly (it was being installed in the sound directory instead of the music directory). + * Made the Venus mission start in the same way as version 1.1 in Classic difficulty (albeit with a shorter delay, since the dialog is shorter than it was in version 1.1). + * Made it so that the game doesn't go unresponsive to the OS when dying or after winning the Venus mission (meaning you don't have to wait for the game to proceed to the Game Over / Credits screen before you can quit the game normally, and also preventing weird bugs if you resize the window during that time). + * Made it so that resizing the window in the credits screen repositions the credits text to the new center. + * Simulated the smaller Kline health bars of version 1.1 in Classic difficulty. While Kline's health bar is still the larger size, its display is broken up into sections so that it now perfectly simulates version 1.1's Kline health bar behavior (a previous release already caused the portions of the health bar to be reduced in "steps", so they already behaved as if they were multiple health bars in Classic difficulty). + * Made it possible to switch to concentrate mode even with the Super Charge in Classic difficulty, as was the case in the original. + * Caused star position to be recalculated when you resize the window. This prevents weird gaps in the starfield when you make the window bigger in the middle of a mission, for instance. + * Added an option to compile a binary that will attempt to use the original music. We won't be distributing that music because that is a violation of copyright, but for those who have the music and want to mod it into the game (no pun intended), it is now possible to do this without changing the source code. Simply pass SF_OLD_MUSIC=1 as an option to the configure script and it will attempt to load the original music file names and use them exactly as version 1.1 did. + * Corrected the damage of micro rockets and triple-spread plasma bullets for Classic difficulty. These were both doubled at some point for balancing, so Classic difficulty now lowers the damage they inflict to their original values. +- Add a language package. +- Add appdata.patch for + +- Update to version 2.3.2 + * Fixed some spelling errors. + * Replaced use of AUDIO_S16 with the correct AUDIO_S16SYS; the + effect of this is that the old definition could potentially + cause sound distortions depending on the platform which + shouldn't happen anymore. + * Replaced use of "stupid" in some dialog with "foolish", since + we've been trying to avoid careless sanist rhetoric in projects + we manage recently. "Foolish" is a more neutral term that + doesn't carry any negative connotations toward mentally + disabled people. + * Updated the starfighter.desktop file to be more complete. + * Fixed leftover links to the old website. + * Added a manfile, based on one written by a Debian contributor. +- Update to version 2.3.1 + * Adjusted in-mission dialogs to match the dialogs' timing (with + one exception, the first Kline encounter, so as not to mess + with music cues there). + * Made it so that, during the Kline fight in Classic difficulty, + Kline's health goes to the health levels of respective stages + when stage changes. This is done to simulate the behavior of + the original, where Kline actually had four separate health + bars that didn't bleed into each other. + * Fixed a bug in rendering of Unicode text which allowed + multi-byte Unicode characters to be split into multiple parts. +- Update to version 2.3 + * When someone I'm very close to played Project: Starfighter + recently, we noticed a major bugs in Project: Starfighter + pertaining to gamepad control. +- Update to version 2.2.1 + * Full, proper analog control has been implemented both for + moving the cursor and for moving your ship. This release also + fixes a problem where controllers with analog triggers + wouldn't work correctly. +- Update to version 2.2 + * Added Super-Easy mode, which makes enemies weaker, allies + stronger, and does various other things to make the game much + easier. + * Changed the default difficulty mode from 'Normal" to "Easy". + Beginners should play Easy mode before Normal mode in my + opinion, and it's easier to go forward one than back one. + * Fixed the way spread works in Classic difficulty. It previously + was handled in a special manner because version 1.2 does it + that way, but it turns out that that was a change introduced + by version 1.2, and version 1.1 actually had spread just like + in every other difficulty mode. + * "Fixed" the way damage is done with the charge cannon in + Classic difficulty. It's absolutely ridiculous, but the result + is so staggeringly different I decided it isn't really a + genuine classic experience without it. Version 1.1's charge + cannon was so overpowered that some minibosses could be + one-shotted with a full blast, due to a quirk in how they + dissipate. This release restores that behavior in Classic + difficulty only. + * Added a difficulty indicator to the titles of save slots. +- Update to version 2.1 + * Improved colorblind accessibility by making friendly bolts + brighter than enemy bolts and by making the HUD's display of + powered-up status use brighter colors and textured coloring. + This change also makes it possible to see all information + through a heavily red-shifted display. + * Made it so that the Firefly's exhaust is still displayed when + low on shield, and halved the amount of explosions shown at + that time. Prior to this change, the explosions (indicating + low health) replaced the exhaust entirely, which I thought + was a bit odd. + * Except in Classic and Nightmare difficulties, the game now + waits to start the jump-out sequence until all worthwhile + powerups have been collected. This in particular ensures that + you always have a chance to collect all the money that bosses + drop; it was previously very easy to miss large amounts of it. + * Except in Classic difficulty, powerups now move outward from + their ships at only half the speed they used to. This is meant + to stop them from spreading out incredibly far from the source. + * Various fixes and improvements, including improvements to + Gettext translation support. + +- Update to 2.0: + * New URL + * Full conversion from C++ to C + * Full support for Unicode and gettext translations + * Nearly perfected emulation of the original game experience + * Implemented full window resizing support +- Spec cleanup + -- Use pkgconfig instead of pkgconfig(sdl) -- Remove sed and adjust %make_install, with XRevan86 help - -- Add BuildRequires: hicolor-icon-theme - -- Readd %{name}-icons.tar with more icons - stb +- update to version 2.36 / 2020-07-13: + * various fixes all over + +- update to version 2.35 + * fix clang-cl issues with swprintf + * fixed security issues: + bsc#1145899: CVE-2019-13217: heap buffer overflow in start_decoder() + bsc#1145892: CVE-2019-13218: stack buffer overflow in compute_codewords() + bsc#1145891: CVE-2019-13219: uninitialized memory in vorbis_decode_packet_rest() + bsc#1145890: CVE-2019-13220: out-of-range read in draw_line() + bsc#1145889: CVE-2019-13221: issue with large 1D codebooks in lookup1_values() + bsc#1145887: CVE-2019-13222: unchecked NULL returned by get_window() + bsc#1145899: CVE-2019-13223: division by zero in predict_point() + +- update to version 2.34 + * fix warnings + * more fixes to random numbers + steamtricks +- Update to version 0.3.1: + * Include $STEAMTRICKS_DATA_REPO_DIR/00-common in PATH for fix scripts. + * Include SyslogIdentifier in steamtricksd.service. + +- Add recommends for ca-certificates-steamtricks +- Apply spec-cleaner + steinberg-bravura-fonts +- Update to version 1.392 +- Trim tarball content + stellarsolver +- Update to 1.8: + * it is now possible to use the external + local solver without it needing to invoke python + * fixes and improvements wrt + * protect against malformed subframes that might lead to crashes + * fix parity calculations for ASTAP and Local + +- Fix License as, according to +, + it should be GPL 3.0 or later and not GPL 3.0 only. + stockfish +- Update to version 14: + The engine is now significantly stronger than just a few months + ago, and wins four times more game pairs than it loses against + the previous release version. + Stockfish 14 is now at least 400 Elo ahead of Stockfish 7, a + top engine in 2016. During the last five years, Stockfish has thus + gained about 80 Elo per year. +- Refresh date.patch + +- Update to version 13: + * Significantly stronger than any of its predecessors: + Stockfish 13 outperforms Stockfish 12 by at least 35 Elo + * When playing against a one-year-old Stockfish, it wins 60 times + more game pairs than it loses + * An NNUE network retrained on billions of positions + * Much faster network evaluation code + * Significantly improved search heuristics + * Additional evaluation tweaks +- Drop update-nnue.patch in favor of the release one +- Use SourceUrl for nnue + +- Update to version 12: + * 130 Elo stronger than version 11 + * powered by NNUE (nn-baeb9ef2d183.nnue) + * More at + * Added patch: update-nnue.patch + +- Update to version 11: + * 50 Elo stronger than the last version + * For detail see: + + storeBackup +- Improve config detection for storeBackup-run-all script +- Remove storeBackup-3.5.diff + +- Migrate from cron to systemd timers (bsc#1115457) + * Add a simple script to replace cron-storeBackup + +- add missing requirement to `which` + +- Package /etc/cron.daily, as this is now part of cron and we + don' want to hard require cron. + +- Remove useless -n of %prep. +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars. +- Ensure neutrality of description. + -- config file backups in /etc/storebackup.d are now ignored (bnc#855477) - -- Update to 3.5: - * Added wildcard support to series names and option - - -createNewSeries for replication in - * Fixed ownership and permissions of sysmlinks and their targets - in - * Added option --force to - * Added options --suppressTime, --maxFilelen, --noOfOldFiles, - - -saveLogs, and --compressWith to - * Added auto-detection for cpIsGnu on Linux in - * Fixed exit on error message "no permissions to read ..." in - - * Added option stayInFileSystem to - * Renamed option --noOldFiles to --noOfOldFiles in - -- Update to 3.4.3: - * Fixed occasional copying instead of hard linking identical - blocks in blocked files - * Added caching of already created directories in backup when - using --lateLinks to reduce checking whether directory does - already exist on high latency remote line - * Renamed to - * Added options --print, --color, and --grep to - * Added option --printDepth to - * Added time frame support to --progressReport option - of - -- Update to 3.4.2: - * Fixed reading output of external programs - * Fixed option --debug in - * Added time frame support to --progressReport option - * Added --createSparseFiles option to and - to create sparse files when restoring blocked - files and copying files, respectively - -- Update to 3.4.1: - * Fixed rule functions MARK_DIR and MARK_DIR_REC when using - saveRAM option - * Added chapter "Internals" to documentation - strawberry +- Update to version 1.0.0 + + Bugfixes: + + Fix updating temporary metadata when reloading songs outside of the collection. + + Don't strip off "Live" from song title when sending scrobbles. + + Fix incorrect use of QFutureWatcher. + + Fix compile of Utilities::Hmac with Qt 6.2. + + Fix a memory leak when using right click context menu in internet search. + + Fix a gstreamer bus leak when adding streams and remote playlists. + + Fix "Source ID x was not found when attempting to remove it" error. + + Escape ampersands in playlist tabs. + + Fix analyzer with S24_32LE audio format. + + Enhancements: + + Add replaygain fallback gain setting. + + Add option to turn off playlist alternating row colors. + + Make the default tabbbar background color lighter. + + Remove use of deprecated WinExtras Qt module. + + Add CMake test for Qt sqlite support. + + Automatically detect Qt version if BUILD_WITH_QT5 or BUILD_WITH_QT6 is not specified. + + Correct playlist tabbar favorite tooltip from "click" to "double-click". + + Remove scroll over icon to change track option since it does not work reliable. + + Improve resume playback on startup. + + Re-request stream URL for Tidal and QObuz when resuming playback after pausing for more than 30 seconds. + + Add Finnish, Ukrainian, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Catalan and Portuguese (Brazil). + + Add support for TagParser ( as an alternative to TagLib. + + Add Subsonic option to turn off HTTP/2. + + Fix minor Clang-Tidy and Clazy warnings. + + Use higher resolution images from API. + + Add MD5 token authentication for Subsonic. + + Use 500 albums per request when receiving albums from Subsonic. + + Use QX11Application with Qt >= 6.2 for X11 global shortcuts. + + Allow fading when a ALSA PCM device is selected. + + Store Tidal MPEG-DASH file in data uri. + + Use XSPF image elements as manually set artwork. + + Make error dialog larger. + + Show error dialog for failed SQL queries. + + Show error dialog when failing to read or write album covers. + + Add module music formats (mod, s3m, xm, it) to detected filetypes. + + Disable gapless playback for module music formats to workaround gstreamer bug. + + Update directory ID and song path immediately when organizing collection songs. + + Add right click option to star a playlist in playlist tabs. + + Use seconds instead of minutes for scrobble submit delay. + + New features: + + Add ALSA PCM devices. + + Add song fingerprinting and tracking. + + Add support for native global shortcuts on MATE. + + Add radios view with channels from Radio Paradise and SomaFM. + stress-ng +- Update to version 0.13.05 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.13.04 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.13.02 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.13.01 + See + for the full changelog +- Reenable parallel build + +- Update to version 0.13.00 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.11 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.10 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.08 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.06 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.04 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.01 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.12.00 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.24 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.23 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.22 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.21 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.20 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.19 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.18 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.17 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.15 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.14 + See + for the full changelog + +- Update to version 0.11.12 + * Setup the checksum before forking off child stressor (LP: #1880840) + - fixes null checksum if child is killed before the stressor + function gets invoked. + * stress-stackmmap: make ends of stack inaccessible to stop clobbering + non-stack regions + * stress-dev: disable TIOCGETD for the moment as it causes some hang + issues + * stress-context: always swap context back to main microthread on + termination + * stress-sock: voidify fd arg to clean up build warning on Solaris + * Add run-time autoconfig check for struct ifconf + * stress-sem-sysv: test illegal semtimedop only if it is exists + * stress-sem-sysv: workaround kfreebsd8 EINVAL on semtimedop + * stress-sem-sysv: don't use semtimedop if it returns -ENOSYS + * stress-sem-sysv: only exercise SEM_STAT on linux + * stress-ng: fetch yaml filename before running stress tests + * Makefile: rm -f the makefile on clean + * stress-ng: Don't track config or show in diff + * Makefile: remove the need for an empty config file + * stress-ng: fix long form if -x option, use "exclude" instead of "list" + * stress-ng: README: update libsctp name for RHEL, fedora, related + distros + * stress-memthrash: silently ignore ESRCH pthread_join failures + * stress-madvise: voidify pthread_join return, we don't care about it + * stress-inode-flags: voidify pthread_join return, we don't care + about it + * stress-dev: voidify pthread_join return, we don't care about it + * shim_waitpid: allow a few retries before throttling retry + * move the quick spin through stressors to the end + of the test + * Fix --seq mode checksum with multiple stressors and sanity checking + * stress-vm: fix bit error checking when bogo-ops limits reached + * core-ftrace: fix removed filename setting statement + * core-ftrace: remove setting of set_event_pid and refactor code + * core-out-of-memory: return EXIT_SUCCESS on --oomable + option (LP: #1879782) + * stress-get: fix #ifdef check on getpagesize + * core-out-of-memory: return EXIT_NO_RESOUCE on --oomable + option (LP: #1879696) + * core-shim: add delay before re-waiting + * stress-dev: add block device lseeks and force return to be stashed + * Add memory barriers an ready flag to check if counter is in a sane + state + * core-shim: rework waitpid again, terminate child on EINTR (LP: #1879447) + * stress-dev: remove sleep and return EXIT_SUCCESS on child exit + * stress-ng: add checksum sanity check on bogo ops stats and run flag + * stress-mq: add SIGEV_SIGNAL events to exercise kernel + * stress-shm-sysv: exercise shmctl and shmdt race on child exit + * stress-shm-sysv: exercise NUMA mempolicy on shm + * stress-sem-sysv: exercise some invalid options to get more kernel + coverage + * stress-sock: add a few more ioctls to exercise + * syscalls: update preadv/preadv2 and pwritev entries + * stress-hdd: use preadv, preadv2, pwritev, pwritev2 + subnetcalc +- Dependency update. + - Version update. + - Updated build scripts + - Updated LSM entry. + +- Update to 2.4.18: + - no upstream changelog available + +- update to 2.4.16: + * build script fixes, fixes for other platforms and minor fixes + subtitlecomposer +- Add subtitlecomposer-fix_empty_lines_crash.patch + (fixes boo#1192342) + +- Add subtitlecomposer-ARM_GLES.patch +- Allow build on more targets + +- Update to version 0.7.1 + * Fixed theme/icons/look outside KDE environment + * Fixed various bugs and rare crashes + * Fixed Undo stack and improved text editing undo + * Improved/replaced Video player(s) (performance, Wayland + support, OpenGL/FFmpeg) + * Improved Waveform performance + * Improved LinesWidget/Model performance + * Improved Wayland support + * Improved open/save file dialogs to use native dialogs + * Improved text charsets/encodings/end-of-line selection, + detection and handling + * Improved VobSub support + * Improved inline editor to support text styles + * Improved subtitle style rendering + * Improved character/sec support and added coloring + * Improvide command line - ability to open all subtitle/media + files + * Added Pause/Duration columns to list view + * Removed invalid subpicture/x-pgs mime + * Updated/added many translations - thanks to KDE community +- Drop 0001-Use-a-local-qthelper.cpp-copy.patch and qthelper.hpp + (no longer necessary) +- Add .sig file and subtitlecomposer.keyring as sources +- Spec cleanup + +- Spec cleanup + subtitleeditor +- Replace iso-codes-devel with pkgconfig(iso-codes) BuildRequires: + that was overlooked in the last change. +- Use modern macros. + +- Replace glibmm2-devel, gstreamer-devel, gstreamermm-devel and + gtkmm3-devel with pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamer-base-1.0), + pkgconfig(gstreamer-plugins-base-1.0), pkgconfig(gstreamermm-1.0) + and pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0): Align with what configure checks for. + -- Updated to svn revision 818. -- Fixes for openSUSE_12.2 build. - -- Added subtitleeditor-subrip-11.4.patch to fix the subrip plugin - in openSUSE_11.4 (bnc#752950), thanks to Bruno Limmer. - subversion -- /var/run in /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/svnserve.conf is deprecated (bsc#1185052) +- The following issues have already been fixed in this package + but weren't previously mentioned in the changes file: + * bsc#1185052 + +- Change to using systemd-sysusers + +- always build with kwallet support, no longer make a + distrinction between openSUSE and SLE (boo#1191282) + +- Update to 1.14.1 + * Fix non-deterministic generation of mergeinfo + * Fix invalid SQL quoting in working copy upgrade system + * Convert filename for editor from UTF-8 to the locale's encoding + * Make the script work with Python 3 + * Fix an uninitialized read in FSFS + * Fix a potential NULL dereference in the config file parser (bsc#1181687, CVE-2020-17525) +- Rebase subversion-no-build-date.patch -- Add subversion-CVE-2020-17525.patch (bsc#1181687, CVE-2020-17525) - * A null-pointer-dereference has been found in mod_authz_svn that results in - a remote unauthenticated Denial-of-Service in some server configurations. +- use system apache rpm macros +- update the path of the PIDFile in the svnserve.service file: + change /var/run/svnserve/ to /run/svnserve/ + +- update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file as requested by the + rpm output + /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/svnserve.conf:1: Line references path below + legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/svnserve → /run/svnserve; + +- speed up testsuite run by using /dev/shm +- disable output aggregation that spec-cleaner introduces in checks + +- Fix jira reference to SLE-11901 + -- Update to 1.10.6 bsc#1142743 bsc#1142721 CVE-2018-11782 - CVE-2019-0203: - * Allow the use of empty groups in authz rules. (r1854883) - * Fix conflict resolver case with move vs move conflicts. (r1863297) - * Fix #4760: Missing children in svnadmin dump --include/exclude. (r1863298) - * Fix #4793: authz rights from inverted access selectors. (r1854882) - * Fix conflict resolver bug: local and incoming edits swapped. (r1863300) - * Fix #4806: Remove on-disk trees with read-only dirs. (r1863299) - * Fix memory lifetime problem in a libsvn_wc error code path. (r1863302) - * No tree conflict when 'svn up' deletes unmodified dir with unversioned items. (r1863296) - * Remove a useless common ancestor search from conflict resolver. (r1863294) - * Conflict resolver support for added vs unversioned file (r1845577) - * Conflict resolver support for unversioned directories (r1846299) - * Fix: repos-to-WC copy with --parents doesn't create dirs (#4768) - * Fix: foreign repo copy with peg/operative revisions (#4785) - * Fix: foreign repo copy of file adding mergeinfo (#4792) - * Fix: assertion failure using -rPREV on a working copy at r0 (#4532) - * Fix: tree conflict message ends a sentence with a colon (#4717) - * Fix CVE-2018-11803: malicious SVN clients can crash mod_dav_svn - * Fix: unexpected SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_DIRECTORY errors (#4791) - * Fix: mod_dav_svn's SVNUseUTF8 had no effect in some setups (r1844882) - * Fix crash in mod_http2 (#4782) - * Store the HTTPS client cert password (r1842578) - * Fix shelving when custom diff command is configured (issue #4758) - * Fix conflict resolver crashes (issue #4744, r1842581, r1842582, r1842583) - * Fix conflict resolver endless scan in some cases (r1842586) - * Fix "Accept incoming deletion" on locally deleted file (issue #4739) - * Fix "resolver adds unrelated moves to move target list" (issue #4766) - * Correctly claim to offer Gnome Keyring support with libsecret (r1831142) - * Fix segfault using Gnome Keyring with libsecret (r1835782) - * Fix JavaHL local refs capacity warning when unparsing externals (r1831143) - * Since on Windows Subversion does not handle symlinks, never check for reparse points (r1835701) - * Prune externals after 'update --set-depth=exclude' (r1835702) - * Fix issue #4740, "conflict resolver searches too far back ..." (r1835703) -- Remove merged patch subversion-CVE-2018-11803.patch -- Remove merged patch subversion-1.10.0-fix-svn-version-gnome-keyring.patch +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + +- Update to 1.14.0: + * Support for Python 3.x + * Support for Python 2.7 is being phased out + * New Build-Time Dependency: py3c + * Many enhancements and bug fixes +- Drop patches: + * subversion-1.12.0-swig-4.patch + * ruby27-warnings.patch + * ruby-includes.patch -- Added subversion-CVE-2018-11803.patch: Fixed a vulnerability that allowed - malicious SVN clients to trigger a crash in mod_dav_svn by omitting the root - path from a recursive directory listing request (CVE-2018-11803 bsc#1122842) +- Add disable-fs-fs-pack-test.patch in order + to fix boo#1170834. + +- Try to get building with ruby 2.7 bsc#1169446 +- Add patches: + * ruby27-warnings.patch + * ruby-includes.patch + +- Fix boo#1167467 by gcc10-do-not-optimize-get_externals_to_pin.patch. + +- Disable dependency on ctypesgen which is borked with new pythons + +- Apache Subversion 1.13.0: + * New 'svnadmin rev-size' command to report revision size + * Performance improvement for 'svn st' etc., in WC SQLite DB + * Fix 'svn patch' setting mode 0600 on patched files with props + * Fix "svn diff --changelist ARG" broken in subdirectories + * Fix misleading 'redirect cycle' error on a non-repository URL + * svnserve: Report some errors that were previously ignored + * Make server code more resilient to malformed paths and URLs + * Make dump stream parser more resilient to malformed dump stream + * mod_dav_svn: Fix missing Last-Modified header on 'external' GET requests + * Fix excessive memory usage in some cases reading binary data + +- Enable build and check with swig-3: + * Only enable subversion-1.12.0-swig-4.patch for Tumbleweed + * 'make check-swig-py' doesn't pass with swig-4 +- Enable 'make check-swig-rb' everywhere again + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + +- Add patches to fix bsc#1142743 and bsc#1142721 CVE-2019-0203 + CVE-2018-11782: + * CVE-2018-11782.patch + * CVE-2019-0203.patch + +- Update to 1.12.2: + * Fix conflict resolver bug: local and incoming edits swapped. (r1863285) + * Fix memory lifetime problem in a libsvn_wc error code path. (r1863287) + * CVE-2018-11782 bsc#1142743 + * CVE-2019-0203 bsc#1142721 + +- Add subversion-1.12.0-swig-4.patch: Fix build with Swig 4 + (boo#1135747). + +- Apache Subversion 1.12.0: + * 'move vs. move' merge conflicts can now be resolve + * 'svn --version --verbose' shows loaded libraries on Linux + * 'svnrdump' can read/write a file instead of stdin/stdout + * 'svn list' tries to not truncate the author's name + * 'svn list' can show sizes in base-2 unit suffixes + * 'svn info' shows the size of files in the repository + * 'svn cleanup' can remove read-only directories + * Repos-to-WC copy with --parents works with absent target + * Repos-to-WC copy from foreign repo with peg/operative revs + * Ignore empty group definitions in authz files + * svnauthz: warn about empty groups in authz files + * Storing passwords in plain text on disk is disabled by default + +- bsc#1130588: Require shadow instead of old pwdutils + +- Install pkgconfig into libdir instead of datadir with + subversion-pkgconfig.patch + +- Apache Subversion 1.11.1: + * Add conflict resolver support for added vs unversioned file + * Add conflict resolver support for unversioned directories + * Various client-side bug fixes for working copy operations + * Server: fix unexpected SVN_ERR_FS_NOT_DIRECTORY errors + * Server: fix mod_dav_svn's SVNUseUTF8 had no effect in some setups + * Server: fix a crash in mod_http2 + * JavaHL bindings: Fix crash in client code when using external + diff +- Fixed a vulnerability that allowed malicious SVN clients to trigger a crash + in mod_dav_svn by omitting the root path from a recursive directory listing + request (CVE-2018-11803 bsc#1122842) + +- Move the bash completion to /usr as per rpmlint warning + +- Apache Subversion 1.11.0: + * Shelving is no longer based on patch files + * Shelves created on 1.10 are not compatible + * New feature: Checkpointing + * New viewspec output command + * Improvements to tree conflict resolutio + * 'patch' can now read non-pretty-printed svn:mergeinfo diffs + * Better error when http:// URL is not a Subversion repository + * Add 'schedule' and 'depth' items to 'svn info --show-item' + * Allow the client cert password to be saved + * Various bug fixes + * On-disk caching of plaintext passwords and passphrases is now + disabled by default, but users can explicitly allow this + behavior via runtime configuration +- drop upstreamed subversion-1.10.2-java10.patch + +- Apache Subversion 1.10.3: + * Store the HTTPS client cert password + * Fix shelving when custom diff command is configured + * Fix conflict resolver crashes + * Fix conflict resolver endless scan in some cases + * Fix "Accept incoming deletion" on locally deleted file + * Fix "resolver adds unrelated moves to move target list" + * Reject bad PUT before CHECKOUT in v1 HTTP protocol + * Let 'svnadmin recover' prune the rep-cache even if disabled + * Allow commands like 'svn ci --file X' to work when X is a FIFO + * 'svnadmin verify --keep-going --quiet' shows an error summary + * Fix error in german translation for 'svn help merge' + +- Added patches: + * subversion-1.10.2-java10.patch + + Partly upstream patch to remove javah requirement to build + Subversion Java bindings. + + Apply only for builds with jdk10+ that don't have javah tool + any more + * subversion-1.10.2-javadoc.patch + + Avoid loading Internet URLs during the build +- Allow building with all Java versions starting with 1.6 + +- Apache Subversion 1.10.2: + * Correctly claim to offer Gnome Keyring support with libsecret + * Fix segfault using Gnome Keyring with libsecret + * Fix JavaHL local refs capacity warning when unparsing externals + * Prune externals after 'update --set-depth=exclude' + * Fix "conflict resolver searches too far back ..." +- Dropped patches that are included in the upstream release: + * subversion-1.10.0-fix-svn-version-gnome-keyring.patch + +- Use macro to compile python objects, do not do it by hand + +- Remove useless build dependency on pkgconfig(bash-completion). +- Make subversion-bash-completion requires bash-completion, not + pkgconfig(bash-completion). +- Apache Subversion 1.8.19 (bsc#1051362): + * A malicious, compromised server or MITM may cause svn client to + execute arbitrary commands by sending repository content with + svn:externals definitions pointing to crafted svn+ssh URLs. + CVE-2017-9800 + +- Apache Subversion 1.8.18 (bsc#1026936): + This change makes Subversion resilient to collision attacks, + including SHA-1 collision attacks such as <>. + + * fsfs: never attempt to share directory representations + * fsfs: make consistency independent of hash algorithms + * work around an APR bug related to file truncation + +- Package the 'svnauthz' binary. + +- Apache Subversion 1.8.17: + * bsc#1011552 CVE-2016-8734 Unrestricted XML entity expansion in + mod_dontdothat and Subversion clients using http(s):// + * Client-side bugfixes: + + fix handling of newly secured subdirectories in working copy + + ra_serf: fix deleting directories with many files + + gpg-agent: properly handle passwords with percent characters + + merge: fix crash when merging to a local add + * Server-side bugfixes: + + fsfs: fix possible data reconstruction error + + svnlook: properly remove tempfiles on diff errors + * Client-side and server-side bugfixes: + + fix potential memory access bugs + * Bindings bugfixes: + + javahl: fix temporarily accepting SSL server certificates + + swig-pl: do not corrupt "{DATE}" revision variable + + swig-pl: fix possible stack corruption + * Developer-visible changes: + + fix inconsistent behavior of inherited property API + + fix patch filter invocation in svn_client_patch() + + fix potential build issue with invalid SVN_LOCALE_DIR + +- Add patch to build with swig3 to fix build on sle12sp2+ + * subversion-swig3.patch + +- Apply sec fixes for bnc#923793 bnc#923794 bnc#923795; + CVE-2015-0202 CVE-2015-0248 CVE-2015-0251: + * subversion-bnc923793.patch + * subversion-bnc923794.patch + * subversion-bnc923795.patch + +- Sec update bnc#909935 CVE-2014-3580, CVE-2014-8108 + * subversion-CVE-2014-3580.patch + * subversion-CVE-2014-8108.patch + suck +- Update to 4.3.4: + * Fix invalid memory access in both.c (Debian bug #858040) + * Fix SIGSEV in connect_to_nntphost (Debian bugs #716448, + [#716510], #716606) + * Fix stack smash in lmove.c and suckutils.c (Debian bug #832265) + * Fix manpage formatting (Debian bug #858262) + -- add %defattr - sudoku-sensei +- Add reproducible.patch to workaround QTBUG-83186 + to make package build reproducible + sunwait +- update to version 20201026 + - Fix error in print.cpp in displaying target time + supertux2 +- Reenable PIE/PIC. + +- Add _constraints with default 4GB min disk space + +- Update to version 0.6.2: + * A new worldmap, "Revenge In Redmond" celebrating SuperTux's + 20th anniversary, which includes new enemies and sprites + * New and improved backgrounds and sprites + * Improvements to many levels in the Icy Island and forest world + * Speed improvements for levels using a huge amount of lava tiles + * An issue causing the bridge in the forest world to not be shown + in certain cases was fixed + supertuxkart +- Update to version 1.3 + * Networking + - Server bookmarks + * Graphics + - Introduce render resolution scaling for the modern renderer. + For users with limited GPU power, this allows to get significant performance (FPS) gains + at the cost of image quality. + It can also allow additional graphics effects at the same performance. + This is especially useful for users with high-resolution and high-DPI screens. + The scaling only affects the 3D scene, the UI remains crisp at full-resolution. + - Simplification through removal of unused deprecated graphical effects + - Many updates to texture-related code + - Auto-compute Level of Detail distances for 3D models set to use LOD depending on track complexity. + The geometry level parameter allows partial control over the drawing distances. + - Improved screen space reflection + * General + - Switch port + - Gamepad force feedback support + - Highscore screen + - Grand Prix highscores + - Updates to the bundled tinygettext library + - Enable custom skidding sounds for karts + - Greatly sped up loading of tracks with many checklines through optimization + - And many bugfixes and enhancements too small or specific to be detailed + * User Interface + - Display the skin-appropriate iconset without having to restart + - Fix some issues with the options menu when used during a pause + - Add a confirmation dialog before closing the game through the "go back" key/button + - In the result screen, display the race position with a number with 10 karts or more + - In the result screen, display the challenge result and the requirements met or failed + - Many small menu and dialogs improvements + - Usability and functionality improvements to the debug menu + - Clickable URLs in text + * In-race UI + Add visual and sound feedback when a timed challenge or timed game is about to end + * Tracks and modeling + - Alien Signal + - Ancient Colosseum Labyrinth + - Improved Las Dunas Soccer + - Add lap line extensions to Hacienda, Old Mine, Ravenbridge Mansion and Shifting Sands + - New Pepper kart + - Improved Adiumy, Emule, GNU and Sara karts +- Drop supertuxkart-sdl.patch because now in upstream. + +- Add supertuxkart-sdl.patch to fix building on SDL2 >= 2.0.14 + + +- Update to version 1.2 + + Much better gamepad support + + New settings to customize the game's camera + + A new "Cartoon" theme + + An improved online rating system. Online rankings have been reset to go along with it. + + The game's window can now be resized in-game without going in the options + + The minimap now shows basketballs + + Any addon kart can now be used online even if other players don't have it. + + Three improved karts: a new Kiki kart and improved Pidgin and Puffy karts + + Add support for IPv6 LAN servers + + Improved server creation speed and performance + + In-game creation of a racing server is now possible on iOS devices + + An improved tutorial with free-flow racing + + Support for SVG icons + + New tips for soccer mode + + Team chat for team games + surfraw +- Make surfraw independent from htdig (remove woffle subpackage) + as htdig does not seem to be maintained anymore + suru-plus-dark-icon-theme +- Remove executable bit from svg files. + suse-module-tools +- Update to version 15.4.10: + * same as Factory version 16.0.17 + * 60-io-scheduler.rules: add rules for virtual devices + (boo#1193759) + * 60-io-scheduler.rules: enforce "none" for loop devices + (boo#1193759) + * install some modprobe.d files only for relevant architectures + (apm_bios, sonypi, toshiba, legacy rtc) (bsc#1192974) + +- Update to version 15.4.9: + * same as Factory version 16.0.16 + * modprobe.d: split conf files (jsc#SLE-21626, boo#1193059) + - Rather than shipping two large files with modprobe.d options + (00-system.conf and 50-blacklist.conf), ship multiple small + per-module files. This makes it easier for users to override + distribution defaults. + * blacklist isst_if_mbox_msr (bsc#1187196) + * boot-sysctl: make sure file exists (fix for containers) + * remove blacklist entry for snd_bt87x (bsc#1192974, bsc#51718) + susepaste +- Add 0002-susepaste-add-image-paste-info.patch: Add info on + posting an image to susepaste in the man page, (boo#1193400). + -- adding as another output -- adding man page - suseprime-appindicator +- Add an option to use with suse-prime-bbswitch (boo#1181373) + svgcleaner +- Removed svgcleaner-gui dependency to p7zip-full as nothing provides it in + openSUSE and the needed 7za component is already provided by p7zip + (revert + +- update to v0.9.5 + * removal of the transform attribute with a default value + * a default Transform will be printed as matrix(1 0 0 1 0) + and not as an empty string + * attributes resolving during the defs regrouping + * text with xml:space preprocessing +- update vendored sources +- refreshed svgcleaner-gui-suse.patch + +- svgcleaner-gui dependency changed to p7zip-full (7za is needed) + svxlink +- Update to version 19.09.2 + * Bugfix release + -- Update to svxlink version 11.11 - switcheroo-control +- Update to version 2.4: + * Fix the cleaned-up name of some video cards not being picked + up. + * Add a test suite. +- BuildRequires: pkgconfig(umockdev), python-dbus-python, and + python-rpm-macros for unit test run as part of %check. +- meson >= 0.50 is required; update BuildRequires accordingly. + +- Update to version 2.3: + * Fix the path to the interpreter for the switcherooctl tool + added in 2.2. +- Changes from version 2.2: + * Port build system to meson. + * Add a command-line utility to launch specific commands on a + specific GPU, or the first discrete one. +- Adapt to meson build system; drop autoconf, automake from + BuildRequires and add meson. + +- Update to version 2.1: + * Fix the wrong data type being advertised in the introspection + XML for the GPUs property, which lead to incorrect + auto-generated code + * Fix a potential assertion on startup. + +- Update to version 2.0 + + This release adds a number of new properties to list GPUs, + figure out how to launch OpenGL client on specific GPUs, and + figure out which one is the default, in a way that supports the + stock GPU drivers as well as the NVidia proprietary drivers. + + The service file itself also makes use of systemd's hardening + features. + + Note that the API was extended in a backwards compatible way. +- Change the repo URL. + +- Update to version 1.3.1 + + Fix Secure Boot work-around to not misdetect any system as + being dual-GPU and error out when it wasn't +- Changes from version 1.3: + + Work-around lack of access to vga_switcheroo when booting with + SecureBoot enabled + + Work-around a possible kernel deadlock on boot + + Install binary in $libexecdir + sxiv +- Upgrade to version 26 (maintenance release) +- Update sxiv.makefile.patch + +- Update to version 25 +- Update sxiv.makefile.patch + syncthing +- Update to 1.18.5 + * Bugfixes: + [#7715]: Deleted encrypted files don't show up as locally changed in web UI + * Enhancements: + [#7115]: Use CRLF instead of LF in config.xml and .stignore on Windows + [#8014]: Send TLS SNI to relay server + [#8021]: Provide a way to preset GUI credentials with password hashing + +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_strelaysrv.service.patch + * harden_syncthing-resume.service.patch + * harden_syncthing@.service.patch + +- Update to 1.18.4 + * Bugfixes: + [#7991]: Encryption trailer not updated on shortcut + [#7994]: Index "out of sync with reality" on receive-encrypted folder + [#8000]: stdiscosrv + strelaysrv systemd services not restarting on upgrade + [#8012]: Not retrying to sync when a new connection is established + * Enhancements: + [#4293]: make "Reduced by ignore patterns" label act like "editIgnoresButton" + +- Update to 1.18.3 + * Bugfixes: + [#7853]: gui: Superfluous quotes + [#7935]: Panic after POST /rest/system/reset + * Enhancements: + [#7940]: "Currently Shared With Devices" list in the folder Sharing tab should be sorted alphabetically + +- Use /var/lib/syncthing-relaysrv in strelaysrv.service (boo#1190877). + +- Update to 1.18.2 + * Bugfixes: + [#7827]: The error message "given name ... differs from filesystem name ..." does not help users to resolve the issue + [#7893]: Updating ignores blocks GUI when IO slots are unavailable + +- Update to 1.18.1 + * Bugfixes: + [#7704]: Changing folder type from receive encrypted to a different type corrupts the database + [#7706]: Delete Unexpected Items in receive encrypted folder is unable to delete ".stfolder.removed-*" + [#7740]: Incorrect local state when using negated patterns inside ignored parent folder on both sides + [#7809]: Syncthing attemps IPv4 addresses for quic6:// peers + [#7839]: Not exposed string for translation + [#7845]: Strings unavailable for translation + +- Update to 1.18.0 + * Bugfixes: + [#7708]: irreversible Local Additions after re-adding the same folder as Receive Only + [#7731]: Scan due to watcher can not found local change while modify file to empty + [#7733]: TypeError: Cannot read property ‘urAccepted’ of undefined + [#7741]: Out-of-sync state of zero-byte files is not reflected on peers + * Enhancements: + [#7700]: Add rest endpoint(s) to dismiss pending folder/device invitations + [#7705]: Accepting a receive encrypted folder share should prompt the user to input a password + [#7722]: Database GC can block for a long time + [#7724]: Ensure encryption to untrusted on new, trusted device on an existing folder + [#7742]: Use defaults for missing fields on the config rest API + [#7743]: Show discovery and listener status when not failed + +- Update to 1.17.0 + * This release deprecates TLS 1.2 for sync connections; other side should + be Syncthing 1.3.0 or newer, or see + insecureAllowOldTLSVersions. + * Bugfixes: + [#7592]: Web UI doesn't handle long machine names well + [#7593]: ChaCha priority detection logic broken + [#7608]: Files ignored on one remote do not get synced + [#7649]: Incorrect local and global states after ignoring and unignoring files + [#7673]: bug: cli subcommand is stuck on non-interactive shell + [#7677]: UTF-8 normalization doesn't work on macOS + [#7685]: CLI: strconv.ParseInt error when adding new device via CLI + [#7699]: Sharing receive encrypted folder as receive encrypted with yet another device creates conflicts + * Enhancements: + [#7471]: Improve UDP hole punching + [#7580]: Improve logging for service failures + [#7594]: Consider removing support for TLS <1.3 on sync connections + [#7600]: Fast connect to new devices following config update + [#7636]: Improve QUIC performance + +- Fix User, Group, EnvironmentFile and ReadWritePaths in systemd.service unit + +- update to 1.16.1: + * fixes for other distributions only + +- Update to 1.16.0 + * This release adds untrusted / encrypted devices for public testing. It + should still be considered beta / testing-only. + * Bugfixes: + [#7026]: panic: key not found when repairing DB + [#7379]: "Warning, this path is a subdirectory of an existing folder" does not appear when editing only folder label + [#7533]: Remote completion on untrusted devices is incorrect + [#7548]: Upgrading syncthing-relaysrv to 1.15.0 fails in post-installation + [#7551]: QUIC: failed to determine receive buffer size: doesn't have a SyscallConn + [#7557]: Encrypted folder(s) on Windows reported as "Unexpected Objects" + [#7568]: panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [24:3] + [#7584]: Folder label missing from folder path when adding new folders + * Enhancements: + [#109]: Support for file encryption (e.g. non-trusted servers) + [#3322]: GUI "Out of sync" modal uses massive amounts of CPU in browser + [#7520]: Ask for confirmation before reverting/overriding a folder + synnefo +- Use -ffat-lto-objects when building static libraries. +- Fix the package category +- Run spec-cleaner + sysbench +- Update to version 1.0.20: + * build/CI/packaging: Add arm64 to Travis CI matrix (#358) + * build/CI/packaging: add Ubuntu Focal + * build/CI/packaging: remove Fedora Rawhide from CI matrix + * build/CI/packaging: fix regression tests to work with MySQL 8.0.19+ + * build/CI/packaging: fix macOS builds in Travis + * build/CI/packaging: remove Ubuntu Disco (EOL) + systemd-zram-service +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * zramswap.service + systester +- Modernise spec file + -- Initial release - tachyon +- Specfile modernizations. Remove conjecture from descriptions. + tali +- Update to version 40.4: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.1: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 40.0: + + No changes compared to 40.rc + +- Update to version 40.rc: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.3: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.2: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.38.0: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.92: + + Updated translations. + +- Update to version 3.37.91: + + Beta release +- Changes from version 3.37.3: + + New application icon. +- Changes from version 3.37.1: + + New dependency on libgnome-games-support. + + Various code modernization. + + Snap package updated to use gnome-3-34 extension. + + Help updates. + + Updated translations. +- Add pkgconfig(libgnome-games-support-1) BuildRequires: new + dependency. + +- Update to version 3.36.4: + + Updated translations. + tamil-gtk2im +- Fix some macros in spec. + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - taskwarrior +- update to 2.6.1: + - The logic behind new-uuid verbosity option changed. New-uuid now overrides + new-id if set and will cause Taskwarrior to display UUIDs instead of IDs + for new tasks (machine friendly). + - If ~/.taskrc is not found, Taskwarrior will look for its configuration in + $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/task/taskrc (defaulting to ~/.config/task/taskrc). This + allows users to setup their Taskwarrior to follow XDG standard without + using config overrides. + - Newer Unicode characters, such as emojis are correctly handled and displayed. + Taskwarrior now supports all Unicode characters up to Unicode 12. + - Datetime values until year 9999 are now supported. + Duration values of up to 1 000 000 years are now supported. + - 64-bit numeric values (up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807) are now supported. + - Later/someday named datetime values now resolve to 9999-12-30 (instead of + 2038-01-18). + - Calendar now supports displaying due dates until year 9999. + - Calendar now displays waiting tasks with due dates on the calendar. + - Calendar supports highlighting days with scheduled tasks. + - Multi-day holidays are now supported. + - Holiday data files for fr-CA, hu-HU, pt-BR, sk-SK and sv-FI locales are now + generated and shipped with Taskwarrior. + - The task edit command can now handle multi-line annotations and UDAs in a + user friendly way, withouth having to handle with JSON escaping of special + chars. + - A large portion of currently known parser-related issues was fixed. + - The taskrc file now supports relative paths, which are evaluated with + respect to (a) current directory, (b) taskrc directory and (c) now also the + installation directory of configuration files. + - The currently selected context is now applied for "task add" and "task log" + commands. Section on contexts in the manpage was updated to describe this + functionality. + - Users can specify per-context specific overrides of configuration variables. + - The `task import` command can now accept annotations with missing entry + values. Current time will be assumed. + - The new 'by' filter attribute modifier compares using '<=' rather than '<' + as 'before' uses. This allows the last second of the day to match with + '', which it would not otherwise. It also works with + whole units like days, e.g. 'add test due:2021-07-17' would not match + 'due.before:tomorrow' (on the 16th), but would match ''. + - Waiting is now an entirely "virtual" concept, based on a task's + 'wait' property and the current time. Task is considered "waiting" if its + wait attribute is in the future. TaskWarrior no longer explicitly + "unwaits" a task (the wait attribute is not removed once its value is in + the past), so the "unwait' verbosity token is no longer available. + This allows for filtering for tasks that were waiting in the past + intervals, but are not waiting anymore. + - The configuration file now supports environment variables. + - Taskwarrior can now handle displaying tasks in windows with limited width, + even if columns contain long strings (like URLs). + - The nag message is emitted at most once per task command, even with bulk + operations. Additionally, the urgency of the task considered is taken + before the completion, not after. + - The export command now takes an optional argument that references an + existing report. As such, "task export <report>" command will export + the same tasks that "task <report>" prints, and in the same order. + - The burndown command now supports non-cumulative display, where tasks only + get plotted within the interval segment when they got completed. + +- Update to 2.5.3 upstream release 2.5.3, skipping 2.5.2 + Refer to /usr/share/doc/packages/task/Changelog for full list of changes + * Deprecated the 'DUETODAY' virtual tag, which is a synonym for the 'TODAY' + virtual tag. + * Removed deprecated 'alias._query' setting. + * Fixed ambiguity in the esp-ESP localization + * Deprecated the 'new-uuid' verbosity option, since its functionality can be + removed by merging with 'new-id'. + * Correct a false-positive warning when a due date is removed and a wait is + added. + * Added 'QUARTER' virtual tag. + * Fixed unquoted glob in bash completion script + * Deprecated use of alternate Boolean configuration settings. Use values "0" for + off, and "1" for on. Avoid used of "on", "off", "true", "t", "false", "f", + "yes", "y", "no", "n". + * Improved certificate validation diagnostics + * Updated the 'timesheet' command with a more compact report + * Added 'history.weekly', 'history.daily', 'ghistory.weekly', 'ghistory.daily' + report variations, with code refactoring. + * New DOM references: annotations.count, tw.syncneeded, tw.program, tw.args, + * tw.width, tw.height, tw.version. + * The message telling you to sync now indicates how many local changes will be + synced. + * Workaround for alias grep=rg in fish + -- bump 2.3.0 - - New Taskserver sync capabilities. - - New shell (tasksh) with Readline support replaces old 'task shell' command. - - The 'dateformat' settings now default to the ISO-8601 standard of 'Y-M-D'. - - Italian translation. - - French translation has begun. - - UDA fields now allow default values. - - Now requires libuuid. - - New virtual tags: WEEK, MONTH, YEAR, PARENT. - - New 'remaining' format for date columns. - - New '_get' DOM accessor helper command. - - New task-sync(5) man page. - -- update to taskwarrior 2.2.0: - * 'blocking' report and new color rule - * 'statistics' shows total number of blocked/blocking tasks - * new date shortcuts 'socm', 'eocm' - start/end of current month - * 'collumns' command can use search strings from collumn name - * virtual tags (BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED, BLOCKING, DUE, DUETODAY, TODAY, OVERDUE, - ACTIVE, SCHEDULED, CHILD, UNTIL, WAITING and ANNOTATED). - * and many more, see Changelog -- install documentation in proper SUSE place -- remove executable bit from add-ons scripts to not require perl/python/ruby - tayga +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * tayga.service + tcllib +- Update to version 1.20: /usr/share/doc/packages/tcllib/README + +- Update to version 1.19 + * Too many changes to list, please see included README files. + * Fixes bsc#1105803 + -- New version: 1.10 -- Added modules: - * mapproj: Map projections - * nns: nameservice - * uevent: user events - * wip: word interpreter -- Modules that got new features and/or bug fixes: asn, base64, - bench, blowfish, comm, des, dns, doctools, fileutil, ftp, ftpd, - grammar, http, inifile, interp, ldap, log, math, mime, nmea, - page, png, sasl, sha1, snit, struct, tar, uri. -- Details can be found under /usr/share/doc/packages/tcllib . - -- New version: 1.9 -- Added modules: - base32: Base32 encoding - bench: Benchmarking support - interp: Interpreter utilities - json: JavaScript Object Notation - ldapx: OO wrapper around ldap - math::bigfloat: Large FP numbers - nmea: NMEA gps messages - otp: RFC 2289 One-Time Passwd - page: Generator for MEcpu code and graph-based compiler - SASL::XGoogleToken: X-GOOGLE-TOKEN auth - term: Low-level terminal control - tiff: TIFF image manipulation - transfer: Classes handling and organizing various types of - data transfers across sockets. -- Textutil functionality split into separate packages. -- Updates and bugfixes to most other modules. - tclx +- Update to version 8.4.4 + * Maintained by FlightAware + * Remove CONST84 use for upcoming Tcl 8.7 release. + * Adds coalesce command. + * Don't iterate over tail calls, since tailcall can only be + called in a proc context. + * Ordered traversal of directories in for_recursive_glob to + fix tests. +- Drop unused tclx.patch + -- add %run_ldconfig - tcpflow +- Update to version 1.6.1: + - Here is release v1.6.1. Does not use the new be13 API that is updated for C++17. That's coming. + - Some problems with the checks, but they are problems with the test harness, not the tests themselves. Help from volunteers is appreciated! +- No changelog for version 1.6.0 available. +- Update to version 1.5.2: + - fixed sizeof(addr1) and sizeof(addr2) error in un_pair +- Update to version 1.5.1: + - updated for pcap_findalldevs + - added -Wno-address-of-packed-member to avoid error + +- Add the missing zlib requirement. + +- Use noun phrase in summary. + +- Update to version 1.5.0 + + Supports openssl 1.1 + + option for setting the libpcap update timeout + tcpreplay +- Update to version 4.3.4 + * Fixes ASAN reports memory leaks while running tests + * clean up new_cidr_map() string manipulation on error exit + * Fixed invalid --pps value protection + * Fixed packets slowly drift further and further behind when they + should be sent + * Fixed 64 bit rollover can cause pps replay issues after several + hours + * DLT_NULL/DLT_LOOP support for cross-platform PF_INET6 + * Fixed heap buffer overflow in tcpreplay fast_edit_packet + * Fixed heap buffer overflow in tcpreplay get_next_packet + * Fixed CVE-2020-24266 heap buffer overflow in tcpprep get_l2len + * Fixed CVE-2020-24265 heap buffer overflow in tcpprep + * handle malformed and unsupported packets as soft errors + * Fixed tcprewrite --fixlen not working on DLT conversion + * Fixed with multiplier option only first file can be sent and hang + * do not create tap0 if device already exists + +- Update to version 4.3.3: + * Increase cache buffers size to accomodate VLAN edits (#594) + * Correct L2 header length to correct IP header offset (#583) + * Fix warnings from gcc version 10 (#580) + * Heap Buffer Overflow in randomize_iparp (#579) + * Use after free in get_ipv6_next (#578) + * Heap Buffer Overflow in git_ipv6_next (#576) + * Call pcap_freecode() on pcap_compile() (#572) + * Increase max snaplen to 262144 (#571) + * Fix divide by zero in fuzzing (#570) + * Unique IP repeats at very high iteration counts (#566) + * Fails to compile on FreeBSD amd64 13.0 (#558) + * Heap Buffer Overflow in do_checksum (#556) (#577) + * Attempt to correct corrupt pcap files, if possible (#557) + * Fix GCC v10 warnings (#555) + * Remove some duplicated SOURCES entries (#551) + * Expand /dev/bpfX hard limit to fix macOS Mojave (#550) + * Implement –loopdelay-ms when using –loop=0 (#546) + * Heap overflow packet2tree and get_l2len (#530) + +- Fix building with gcc10 + +- Update to version 4.3.2 + * CVE-2019-8381 memory access in do_checksum() (#538 bsc#1125753) + * CVE-2019-8376 NULL pointer dereference get_layer4_v6() (#517 bsc#1125755) + * CVE-2019-8377 NULL points dereference get_ipv6_i4proto() (#536 bsc#1125754) + * Rename Ethereal to Wireshark (#545) + +- Update to version 4.3.1: + * Fix checkspell detected typos (#531) + * Heap overflow packet2tree and get_l2len (#530) +- Update to version 4.3.0: + * Fix TCP sequence edit seeding (#514) + * Fix issues identified by Codacy (#493) + * CVE-2018-18408 use-after-free in post_args (#489 bsc#1112354) + * CVE-2018-18407 heap-buffer-overflow csum_replace4 (#488 bsc#1112355) + * CVE-2018-17974 heap-buffer-overflow dlt_en10mb_encode (#486 bsc#1110786) + * CVE-2018-17580 heap-buffer-overflow fast_edit_packet (#485 bsc#1110333) + * CVE-2018-17582 heap-buffer-overflow in get_next_acket (#484 bsc#1110285) + * Out-of-tree build (#483) + * CVE-20180-13112 heap-buffer-overflow in get_l2len (#477) + * Closing stdin on pipe (#479) + * Second pcap file hangs on multiplier option (#466) + * TCP sequence edit ACK corruption (#451) + * TCP sequence number edit initial SYN packet should have 0 ACK (#450) + * Travis CI build fails due to new build images (#432) + * Upgrade libopts to 5.18.12 to address version build issues (#430) + * Add ability to change tcp SEQ/ACK numbers (#425) + * Hang using loop and netmap options (#424) + * tcpprep -S not working for large cache files (#423) + * Unable to tcprewrite range of ports with --portmap (#422) + * --maxsleep broken for values less than 1000 (#421) + * -T flag breaks traffic replay timing (#421) + * Respect 2nd packet timing (#418) + * Avoid non-blocking behaviour when using STDIN (#416) + * pcap containing >1020 packets produces invalid cache file (#415) + * manpage typos (#413) + * Fails to open tap0 on Zephyr (#411) + * Heap-buffer-overflow in get_l2protocol (#410) + * Heap-buffer-overflow in packet2tree (#409) + * Heap-buffer-overflow in getl2len (#408) + * Heap-buffer-overflow in flow_decode (#407) + * Rewrite zero IP total length field to match packet length (#406) + * Stack-buffer-overflow in tcapinfo (#405) + * tcpprep --include option does not exclude (#404) + * Negative-size-param memset in dlt_radiotap_get_80211 (#402) + * tcpreplay --verbose option not working (#398) + * Fix replay when using --with-testnic (#178) + tdom +- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static + library (boo#1138797). + tea +- Update to version 60.1.0 + * Input-output subsystem was rewritten. + * QML support is dropped. No more plugins. + * Added 2/Rexx, Lua, Windows batch files as scripts support + * TEA now uses some icons from the desktop theme. + * Spellchecker module has been rewritten. + * Syntax highlighting engine is almost new, and old syntax + highlighting rule file format is not supported anymore + * TEA uses the new one, although based on the old one. + * Use Ctrl-mouse wheel to zoom text at current file. + * TEA start time is shorter due to some improvements + * spell checker now initialized on demand only + * Adds a sort of syntax highlighting for SRT and + Youtube subtitles (sbv, vtt) formats (timecode highlighting) + * Haskell highlighting also featured. + * Dates panel becomes more fancy. +- Build with QT6 on Factory +- Add 0001-Add-metainfo-use-GNUInstallDirs-install-metainfo-des.patch + +- Update to version 50.1.0: + * Now the following features are disabled by default when + building with CMake and Meson: QML, Aspell, Poppler, ddjvuapi. + * Add Functions - Analysis - UNITAZ sorting length. + * Add Functions - Filter - Filter by repetitions. + * Add Functions - Sort - Sort by length. + +- update to 50.0.4: + * single application mode - fixed. + +- Update to version 50.0.3 (changes since 48.0.0): + * Drop the QtNetwork requirement. + * A new, alternative Docked interface. + * Add a Tune::Interface::UI Language list, which comes instead of + the removed "Override locale" option. + * Some parts of TEA now work faster due to iterator-based cycles + optimisation. +- Drop openSUSE Leap 42.3 support. + +- Update to version 48.0.0: + * Fix Moon calendar. + * Various fixes. + * Preparation of sources to the upcoming Qt 6. + +- Update to version 47.1.0: + * Bug fixes. +- Install the AppStream file to metainfo/ unconditionally. + +- Update to version 47.0.1 (changes since 45.0.0): + * Meson support. + * Tune::Common:: Syntax highlighting enabled - turn on/off syntax + hl globally (useful for large documents on slow machines). + * Tune :: Logmemo font settings. + * Profile saves logmemo and GUI font settings. + * QuaZip fixes. + * --m TEA command line option to enable multiply instance mode. + * Prg menu:: Run programme, Build programme, Clean programme. + * "Nav - Toggle header/source" moved to IDE menu. + * logmemo is scriptable again. + * Objective C support (hl, header/source switch). + * "search in files" results window close automatically with TEA. + * main windows destructor FIX //using deleteLater(). + * Build fixes on Qt4 and for BSDs and macOS. +- Switch to building with CMake. + +- Update to version 45.0.0: + * Recent list and bookmarks now save the word wrap settings. + * "Sum by last column" can now evaluate expressions and knows + comments. + * It is now possible to use a joystick to move cursor keys + (this feature can be enabled via Tune - Common). + tecla +- LTO breaks compilation, disable for now + telegram-purple +- Upgrade to 1.4.7 + - Retrieve history on first login + - Add options to ignore certain groups + - Fix: Typo in the German translation + - Fix: Fixed minor details required to build telegram-adium + telepathy-idle +- Update to version 0.2.2: + + Enhancements: + - Port tests to Python 3. + - Adjust code Meson to use Python 3. + + Fixes: Fix twisted tests for Meson. + +- Update to version 0.2.1: + + Enhancements: + - Port build tools to Python 3. + - Add meson build system. + + Fixes: + - Properly handle long IRC messages. + - Fix a critical message from GLib on disconnecting. + - Fix message corruption on accident bling removal. + - Update the certificate for tests. + - Fix "Invalid utf8" test for Python 3. + - Properly handle channels with a '!' at the start of name. + - Properly handle modechars. +- Drop telepathy-idle-dont-bling-non-bling.patch: Fixed upstream. +- Align BuildRequires with what configure checks for: + + Add pkgconfig(dbus-1), pkgconfig(dbus-glib-1), + pkgconfig(glib-2.0), pkgconfig(gobject-2.0) and xsltproc. + + Remove libxslt, python-xml. + +- Add telepathy-idle-dont-bling-non-bling.patch: ctcp: Don't bling + the non-bling. +- Modernize spec, add upstream URL. + -- patch license to follow standard - -- Update to version 0.1.11: - + Enhancements: - - fdo#21168: Idle now implements the Contacts interface (which - has officially been mandatory for a while). - - fdo#37145: Rather than using its own home-grown network code, - Idle now uses GIO. This should make it more robust and - maintainable. - - fdo#40734: The new Subject interface is now implemented. The - old Properties interface is no longer supported, and hence - various other aspects of room configuration are no longer - exposed. In future, they should be reincarnated on the - RoomConfig interface. -- Add pkgconfig(gio-2.0) BuildRequires. -- Change telepathy-glib-devel BuildRequires to - pkgconfig(telepathy-glib). - -- Fix typo in description. - telepathy-rakia +- Build using python3: + + Add 1.patch: Fix build when using python3. + + Drop python-xml BuildRequires. + tellico +- Update to 3.4.2 + Features: + * A new data source for RPGGeek was added. + * The TheTVDB data source was updated. + * The data source was updated. + * The data source was updated. + * The kino-teatr data source was updated. + * The IMDb data source was updated. + * The BoardGameGeek data source now uses larger images, when + configured. + * The TheMovieDB data source now allows user-entered language + selection. + * The Discogs data source can now continue searches when more + results are available. + * Context menu actions were added to copy and save images + (kde#443897). + * All entry and report templates were updated to HTML5. + * A DBUS command for importing PDF files was added. + Improvements and Bug Fixes: + * Invalid XML characters are no longer saved and no longer break + loading (kde#443845). + * Recursive audio file metadata importing now works correctly and + metadata import was expanded. + * Importing string macros from an empty bibtex file now works + correctly (kde#440652). + * Undo now works after appending a new collection. + * A crashing bug when importing some PDF files was fixed. + +- Update to 3.4.1 + Features: + * A new data source for TheTVDB was added. + * A new Year Distribution chart was added to the available + reports. + Improvements and Bug Fixes: + * The TMDb data source was improved to search for TV series. + * Charts can now be saved as .png files in addition to being + printed. + * The DBUS interface for installing templates now returns a reply + to indicate success. + * The DBC, Filmaster, and KinoPoisk data sources were updated. + * Image loading now attempts to account for orientation metadata + (kde#436683). + * Relative links are now handled correctly from the Entry View + (kde#436071). + +- Spec cleanup + +- Update to 3.4 + New Features: + * New data sources for UPCitemdb, TVmaze, and Numista were added. + * Colnect can now be searched for stamp results. + * Batch searching was added for ISBNdb. + * Barcode searching and updating was added to DVDfr, Discogs and + MusicBrainz. + * The Group View can now be sorted by fields other than the + title. + * The MultiFetcher data source was improved to "daisy-chain" + results from multiple sources, merging them together. For + example, a UPC search with UPCitemdb could be connected such + that the result has additional information from TMDb. + * Entries can now be filtered using minimum or maximum image + size. + * Importing from the Collectorz software family was added. + * Graphical chart reports were added (requires compiling with + QtCharts). + Fixes: + * The default toolbar layout for adding new entries to the + collection was tweaked. + * Data sources for Douban, Discogs, MusicBrainz, IGDB, OMDb, + TheGamesDB, and TMDb were updated. + * Overall, the entry updating and merging was also improved to + both make a better search request as well as match existing + results more efficiently. + * The AnimeNFO data source was removed. + * PlayStation5 and Xbox Series X were added to the list of + default game platforms. + * The entry and report templates were improved for mobile + layouts. + * A crashing bug on Windows was fixed (kde#422468). + * The "Filter by Group" command was again improved to better + match table fields. + * Tellico will now build against QtWebEngine instead of KHTML, + if available, since KHTML is deprecated. + * Bibtex parsing with the included btparse library is now a + compile-time option, which allows Tellico to build with MSVC. +- Build with QtWebEngine instead of KHTML where possible +- Add Qt5Charts BuildRequires to enable new graphical chart reports + terminator +- update to 2.1.1: + - add "switch profile" command to remotinator + - Terminal text isn't shown on lost focus of multiple tabs and hidden scroll bar + +- update to 2.1.0: + * We now read the terminator config file from XDG_CONFIG_DIRS which defaults to /etc/xdg + Global config is possible at: /etc/xdg/terminator/config + * Smart Copy option to clear selection after copy + * New feature: A Separate Json file for dynamic Layouts + * new feature: support for term:// 'links' that when clicked + open a new terminator ssh'ed to + * Reimplement "unfocused dim" using overpaintin + * Terminator now reads config file from /etc/xdg directory +- includes 2.0.1: + * config settings lost when I cancel "Close multiple terminals" dialog + * Feature Suggestion: Splitted screen shells based on parent + * Release 2.0 does not have signed assets + * Some files install to the wrong location + * Multi tab breaks transparent background + * make sure data/*.in files are there for distributors + * only set clear background when background_image in config + * fix INSTALL instructions for setuptools +- includes 2.0: + * Culmination of more than 4 years of work + * GTK 2 to GTK3 + * Python2 to Python3 completion + * new base repository url + Packaging: + * All scripts now use #!/usr/bin/env python as shebang, when you are using + * python3 install or similar all binary scripts should be automatically + * modified to the correct shebang + * Any feedback is welcome, please open an issue or join the community channels + Enhancements + * Bold-is-Bright option + * Keybindings for creating group in current tab and opening preferences + window, as well as keybinding improvements + * Basic background image support + * Preference to disable Ctrl + Scroll font size change + * Fixed a bug where search was not working properly + * Many other small fixes, see Full Changelog +- fixed bugs: + * No (visible) context menu in sway + * Saving a layout after changing it, it correctly updates the config file + but does not update the UI + * rewrap_on_resize is deprecated in vte-0.60.0 +-rebase terminator-desktop.patch + terminus +- Update to version 1.13.0 + * Fixed guake mode gets the focus under X11 in gnome shell + * If there is already a terminus instance when the extension is + launched, it only shows the notification once + * Fixed several warnings + +- Update to 1.12.0: + * Fix popup menu translations + +- Update to 1.10.0: + * Now it receives the focus under X11 + +- Update to 1.9.0: + * Now guarantees under Wayland that occupies the whole width + * Changed license to GPLv3 only + +- Update to 1.8.0: + * Now, under wayland, opens guake window in the mouse monitor + * Fixed red color spilling outside the window + +- Update to 1.7.1: + * Fixed red color spilling outside the window + +- Update to 1.7.0: + * Fixed the right-click menu under Wayland + * Fixed several compiling warnings + * Removed deprecated calls + * Now the Wayland version (under gnome shell) works like the + X11 one (is shown over all windows, and in all workspaces) + * Now the "guake" terminal is show always in the primary monitor + +- Update to 1.5.0: + * Now PASTE works with clipboard managers + terminus-bitmap-fonts +- Add note to package description about pango not supporting + pcf bitmap fonts. + -- amend spec file to reflect new font packaging scheme - (see openFATE#313536); - terraform-provider-openstack +- Update to version 1.43.0: + FEATURES + * __New Resource__: `dns_transfer_request_v2` (#1268) + * __New Resource__: `dns_transfer_accept_v2` (#1268) + IMPROVEMENTS + * Added `SCTP`, `PROXYV2` protocols for `lb_pool_v2` resource (#1251) + * Added `project_id` argument for `dns_recordset_v2` resource (#1254) + * Added support for `shelved_offloaded` power state of `compute_instance_v2` resource (#1259) + * Added `cidr` argument input check for `networking_subnet_v2` resource (#1267) + * Removed Octavia microversions and added explanation about minor version usage (#1249) + * Fixed `endpoints` argument for `vpnaas_endpoint_group_v2` resource in that way so endpoints + order is not relevant anymore (#1247) + * Added `addresses` argument for `db_instance_v1` resource (#1260) + * Better formatted documentation for some resources and data sources (#1252) + * Updated issues links so they point to the right repo (#1272) + BUG FIXES + * Fixed `nil` panic in `compute_instance_v2` resource that could be caught while trying to + unassign a server group from an instance (#1248) +- For changes from 1.32.0 through 1.42.0, see shipped with the package +- Enable vendoring in _service file +- Switch tarball compression to gzip as the vendoring service currently + does not support the xz compression format +- Update url field in _service file +- Update URL field and project name in spec file + +- Add symbolic link to comply with new filesystem layout for local provider copies +- Define and use common Go spec file variables + +- Update to version 1.31.0: + * Update + * Update Terraform SDK to v1.15.0, use Go 1.14.7 (#1051) + * Update + * docs: update Rackspace compatibility notes (#1049) + * Update + * feat: add floating_ip_enabled in containerinfra (#1043) + * Update + * Keymanager V1: fix ACL set for the "certificate" container type (#1046) + * Swift: run tempurl acceptance tests with slashes in object name (#1031) + * Update + * Identity V3: reduce keystone requests amount (#1044) + * Update + * [openstack_containerinfra_cluster_v1] Fix merge_labels (#1039) + * Update + * Add identity_ec2_credential resource* allows creating EC2 credentials for S3-compatible S3/RadowGW endpoints (#1033) + * Cleanup after v1.30.0 release +- from version 1.30.0 + * Update + * Add "allowed_cidrs" option for Octavia listeners (#1034) + * Update + * feat: add openstack_identity_group_v3 resource (#1028) + * Update + * Update + * data source openstack_images_image_ids_v2 (#139) + * Update + * [openstack_containerinfra_cluster_v1] Add missing options (#1024) + * fix typo (#1023) + * Cleanup after v1.29.0 release +- from version 1.29.0 + * Set Go version to 1.14.4 (#1022) + * Update + * Upgrage Terraform SDK to v0.14.0 (#1021) + * Upgrage Gophercloud to v0.12.0 (#1020) + * Bump gophercloud version (#1018) + * Update + * Compute V2: Allow to filter flavors by visibility in data source (#1017) + * Update + * Docs: cleanup Networking Port V2 docs (#1009) + * Update + * Add vip_network_id for octavia (#948) + * Update + * Add compute_instance_v2 data source (#984) + * Fix "composite literal uses unkeyed fields" go vet (#1006) + * Cleanup after v1.28.0 release + +- fix requirement mismatch + tesseract +- Fixed build on Factory, use correct libexec path for symlink + +- Added a warning to, which downloads source code via unencrypted + svn://, and upstream does not provide a secure download location. + tesseract-ocr +- Add tesseract-ocr-no-cpudetection.patch + to avoid crashing on older CPUs + and to make package build reproducible (boo#1159231) + +- Require libarchive in the devel package + +- Update to version 4.1.1 + * Bugfixes + +- Packaging Cleanups +- Update dependencies and enable openCL + +- Update to 4.1.0 + * Added a new output option formatted in the ALTO standard + * SIMD optimization + * Bugfixes +- Update to 4.0.0 + * New OCR engine based on LSTMs + * Removed Cube OCR engine + * Updated build system + * Cleanups and fixes + -- Split library into separate package (libtesseract3). -- Removed debuginfo package (not needed). -- There is no need anymore to regenerate the build system (removed automake and - libtool build requirements). -- Added pkg-config build requirement (fix for rpmlint error - "no-pkg-config-provides"). Removed also not needed - "Provides: pkgconfig(%{name})" entry. - -- Update license, some files are GPL-2.0+ licensed - -- Update to version 3.02.02 - * untested -- Notable features: - * Hebrew with BiDi support. - * More languages. -- removed upstreamed patch0 - -- Update to version 3.01: - * Removed old/dead serialise/deserialze methods on *LISTIZED classes. - * Total rewrite of DENORM to better encapsulate operation and make - for potential to extract features from images. - * Thread-safety! Moved all critical globals and statics to - members of the appropriate class. Tesseract is now - thread-safe (multiple instances can be used in parallel - in multiple threads.) with the minor exception that some - control parameters are still global and affect all threads. - * Added Cube, a new recognizer for Arabic. Cube can also be - used in combination with normal Tesseract for other languages - with an improvement in accuracy at the cost of (much) lower speed. - There is no training module for Cube yet. - * OcrEngineMode in Init replaces AccuracyVSpeed to control cube. - * Greatly improved segmentation search with consequent accuracy and - speed improvements, especially for Chinese. - * Added PageIterator and ResultIterator as cleaner ways to get the - full results out of Tesseract, that are not currently provided - by any of the TessBaseAPI::Get* methods. - All other methods, such as the ETEXT_STRUCT in particular are - deprecated and will be deleted in the future. - * ApplyBoxes totally rewritten to make training easier. - It can now cope with touching/overlapping training characters, - and a new boxfile format allows word boxes instead of character - boxes, BUT to use that you have to have already boostrapped the - language with character boxes. "Cyclic dependency" on traineddata. - * Auto orientation and script detection added to page layout analysis. - * Deleted *lots* of dead code. - * Fixxht module replaced with scalable data-driven module. - * Output font characteristics accuracy improved. - * Removed the double conversion at each classification. - * Upgraded oldest structs to be classes and deprecated PBLOB. - * Removed non-deterministic baseline fit. - * Added fixed length dawgs for Chinese. - * Handling of vertical text improved. - * Handling of leader dots improved. - * Table detection greatly improved. -- Removed the various languages traineddata subpackages (to be included in a - separate package "tesseract-traineddata"). -- Changed License to Apache-2.0 (SPDX style). -- Removed libtiff-devel build dependency (not needed anymore). -- Added new build dependency liblept-devel, required now by the package. -- Added automake and libtool build dependencies in order to regenerate the - build system because of missing -- Removed tesseract-traineddata-deu from recommended entries. -- Removed nonvoid.patch (fixed upstream). -- Added a patch (svutil.cpp_fix.patch) to fix compilation due to missing - includes (taken from upstream). -- Disabled compilation of static libraries. - testdisk +- Removed dependency on unmaintained libreiserfs library. + - ReiserFS support is now unavailable. + -- Updated to version 6.11 - - TestDisk & PhotoRec 6.11 should use less CPU. - - testdisk: This new TestDisk version can undelete files for NTFS - filesystem and recover deleted exFAT and ext4. - - photorec: Performance improvement when scanning for numerous - file type - - Fix several bugs including an endless loop, several memory leaks - and several out-of-bound memory access - - lots of new file formats are supported - See also - testssl +- Update to version 3.0.6 + * Bugfix: Remove DST x3 Root CA which lead to trust issues for + servers using a Letsencrypt certificate (Miguel Jacq) + * Bugfix: Newer openssl.cnf break detection of openssl binary + * Documenation update to reflect renaming standard ciphers to + cipher categories + * Ignore usage of ~/.digrc where possible + * Fixing host information in JSON output when using STARTTLS + XMPP + * TLS 1.3 improvements wrt server certificates + * Bugfix: Order of -U --ids-friendly doesn't matter anymore + * Disable ANSI codes when TERM=screen + * Improved SSL/TLS port detection in nmap greppable files + using as input to + * Bugfix when nmap files had .txt extension + * Display certficate time in UTC + * Use _uname -n`` instead of hostname --> POSIX + * Few output fixes + +- Update to version 3.0.5 + * Fix off by one error in HSTS (now: 180 instead of 179 days) + * Fix minor output inconsistency in JSON output (Chad) + * Improve compatibility for OpenSSL 3.0 (David Cooper) + * Fix localization issue for ciphers where e.g. in Swedish W is + being treated as a variant of V so that the W in + TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH* didn't match the bash pattern + * Fixes in file openssl-iana.mapping.html (Elfranne) + * Fix quoting for CVE+JSON output in run_heartbleed() + * Fix trailing dot issue in hostnames + * Fix improper proper halving of the dates for Let's Encrypt + certificates + +- Update to version 3.0.4 + * This version is a quick fix for a regression of detecting SSLv2 + ciphers in a basic function. + +- Update to version 3.0.3 + * Update certificate stores + * manpage fix (Karl) + * minor speedups for some vulnerability tests + * bash 5.1 fix + * Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation false positive fix + * BREACH is now medium + * invalid JSON fix and other JSON improvements (David) + * Adding native Android 7 handshake instead of Chrome which has + TLS 1.3 (Christoph) + * Header flag X-XSS-Protection is now labled as INFO + * No cyan colors in HHHTP header flags anymore, colons added + +- Update to version 3.0.2 + * Remove potential licensing conflicts + * Fix situations when TLS 1.3 is used for Ticketbleed check + * Improved compatibility with LibreSSL 3.0 + * Add brotil compression to BREACH + * Faster and more robust XMPP STARTTLS handshakes + * More robust STARTTLS handshakes + * Fix outputs, sometimes misleading + tetrinet-server +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 service, since SuSEfirewall2 has been replaced by + firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + the_silver_searcher +- Add the_silver_searcher-2.2.0-portabilityfixes.patch to fix + build with latest gcc/glibc (gh#ggreer/the_silver_searcher#1377). + +- update to 2.2.0: + * Add support for Idris, APL, J, D, TLA+, Isabelle, Coq, jinja2, + PDB, Naccess, thrift, pug, terraform, devicetree, stata + * Updates support for Haskell + thermald +- Update to 2.4.6: + * Support for Rocket Lake and Commet Lake CPU model + * Tiger Lake DPTF tables support + * CPU stuck at low frequency on two models (issue 280) + * Changes related to PID and exit codes + * Minor change for Dell XPS 13 with Tiger Lake. + * Issue with Dell Latitude 7400. + * Allow --ingore-cpuid-check to use with --adaptive option + * Address low performance with Dell Latitude 5420 with the latest BIOS + * Fix for Ubuntu bug 1930422 +- Rebase fix-man-thermald_8.patch +- Rebase fix-systemd-service.patch +- Drop fix-32bit-build.patch + +- Update to "Release 2.3" + * Merged changes from mjg59 for adaptive + * Requires Linux kernel version 5.8 or later + * By default tries --adaptive and fallback to old style + * Atleast some level of success to use adaptive option on: + (not expected to be on par with Windows DPTF) + Dell XPS 13 9360 + Dell XPS 13 9370 + Dell XPS 13 9380 + Dell XPS 13 7390 2-in-1 + Dell Insperion_7386 + HP Spectre x360 Convertible 15-ch0xx + HP ZBook 15 G5 + Lenovo Thinkpad T480 + * thermald will not run on Lenovo platforms with lap mode sysfs entry +- Update to "Release 2.2" + * Ignore PPCC power limits when max and min power is same + * Regression in cpufreq cooling device causing min state to get stuck +- Update to "Release 2.1" + * Workaround for invalid PPCC power limits + * Reduce polling for power when PPCC is not present +- Update to "Release 2.0" + * Tiger Lake support + * PL1 limit setting from PPCC as is + * Optimize multi step, multi zone control + * Add new tag for product identification "product_sku" +- Align build procedure with upstream recommendations +- Fix build on 32bit platforms + Added patch fix-32bit-build.patch + +- Fix invalid usage of %{_libexecdir} for systemd owned paths below + %{_prefix}/lib. + +- Update to "Release 1.9.1" + * Remove default CPU temperature compensation for auto generated + configuration from dptfxtract + * Minor Android build warnings +- Update to "Release 1.9" + * The major change in this version is the active power limits + adjustment. This will be useful to improve performance on some + newer platform. But this will will lead to increase in CPU and + other temperatures. Hence this is important to run dptfxtract + version 1.4.1 tool to get performance sensitive thermal limits + ( + If the default configuration picked up by thermald is not + optimal, user can select other less aggressive configuration. + Refer to the README here + + This power limit adjustment depends on some kernel changes + released with kernel version v5.3-rc1. For older kernel + release run thermald with --workaround-enabled + But this will depend on /dev/mem access, which means that + platforms with secure boot must update to newer kernels. + * TCC offset limits + As reported in some forums that some platforms have issue with + high TCC offset settings. Under some special condition this + offset is adjusted. But currently needs msr module loaded to + get MSR access from user space. I have submitted a patch to + have this exported via sysfs for v5.4+ kernel. + * To disable all the above performance optimization, use + - -disable-active-power. Since Linux Thermal Daemon + implementation doesn't have capability to match Intel® Dynamic + Platform and Thermal Framework (DPTF) implementation on other + Operating systems, this option is very important if the user + is experiencing thermal issues. If there is some + OEM/manufactures have issue with this implementation, please + get back to me for blacklist of platforms. + * Added support for Ice Lake platform + * ThermalMonitor + Cleaned up the plots, so that only active sensors and trips + gets plotted. +- removed fix_long_int_i586_issue.patch and + fix_missing_include.patch (solved upstream) +- added fix-man-thermald_8.patch and fix-systemd-service.patch +- added "power" system group +- added fillup-templates/sysconfig.thermald +- added thermal-monitor package + +- Fix build for Leap 42.3 (include missing header file) + A fix_missing_include.patch +- Fix build for i586 + A fix_long_int_i586_issue.patch +- Remove thermal-conf.xml as done mainline and add it to the docs + directory. This is an example only. + +- Update to "Release 1.8" + * Support of KBL-G with discrete GPU + * Fast removal of any cooling action which was applied once + temperature is normal + * Android support + * Add Hot trip point, which when reached just calls "suspend" + * Adding new tag "DependsOn" which enable/disable trip based on some other trip + * Polling interval can be configured via thermal xml config + * Per trip PID control + * Simplify RAPL cooling device +- Update to "Release 1.7.2" + * Workwround for platform with invalid thermal table + * Error printing for RAPL constraint sysfs read on failure + * can be read from /etc/thermald, which allows user to + modify generated thermal-conf.xml from /var/run/thermald and copy to + /etc/termald + +- Update to version 1.7.1: + * Removed dptfxtract binary as there is an issue in packaging + this with GPL source for distributions +- Changes for version 1.7.0: + * Add GeminiLake + * Add dptfxtract tool, which converts DPTF tables to thermald + tables using best effort + * Changes to accommodate dptfxtract tool conversions + * Better facility to configure fan controls + * PID control optimization + * Fix powerlimit write errors because of bad FW settings of power + limits + * More restrictive compile options and warnings as errors + * Improve logging + * Android build fixes + tig +- Update to 2.5.4: + Improvements: + * Add FreeBSD installation instructions. (#1093) + * Add TIG_EDITOR environment variable to configure editor. (#889, #1098) + * Enable mailmap by default to match git log's behaviour. (#1104, #1105) + * Enable tilde expansion for diff-highlight. (#1107) + Bug fixes: + * Escape variables with %% in external commands. (#1091, #1095) + * Fix parsing of -L argument. (#1100) + * Bugfix: smart-case does not work when search term contains a space. (#1108) + * Use ncursesw by default on Linux. (#920) + * Replace obsolete macro `AC_CONFIG_HEADER' in + +- Update to 2.5.3: + * Fix autoconf checking for readline. (#1072) + * Fix segfault when saving a view with no column. + * Reset view->parent when main view is promoted. + * Fix segfault when pressing Enter in a child main view. + * Restore lazy navigation. + * Format time_t values portably and fix other values too. (#1084, #1085) + * Fix loop when wrapping line with ISO-8859-1 character. (#1087, #1088) + +- tig 2.5.2: + * Incompatible change: Change directory from the next argument, + from now use tig -C /path/to/repo + * Can now jump from blame to commit + * Start blame of an uncommitted deleted line from HEAD so the + line's origin can be traced + * Allow maxwidth to be expressed in % of the view width + * Pass stash args through + * Restore fullscreen navigation + * Add some range so control chars ^^ and ^_ are also supported + * Disable ncurses extended key values so that esc-codes can be used + * Use id column for commit id only + * Improvements to scrolling and clicking + * Allow to generate a compilation database + * New command stage-update-part + * The line number before a diff was applied is exposed as + %(lineno_old) + * Many bug fixes + +- Update to 2.5.1: + Improvements: + * bash/zsh completion: reimplement and decrease runtime by factor 1863. + (#795) + * Add binding to reflog view to toggle reference display. + * Fail if tig is given an invalid or ambiguous ref. (#980) + * Make tig process-group leader an option. (#986, #951) + * Handle GIT_WORK_TREE environment variable. + * The blame view requires a working tree. + * Fix use of deprecated vwprintw() function. + * Update utf8proc to v2.5.0. + * Add --word-diff=plain colorizing support. (#221) + Bug fixes: + * Fix segmentation fault. (#971) + * Fix cursor position after "Move to parent" in blame view. (#973) + * Fix crash on adding a line to a view. (#523) + * Fix memory leak in diff unit. + * Fix loop after refresh or change in refs/main split view. (#991) + * Fix occasional crash on custom key bindings. (#1001) + +- Update to 2.5.0: + Improvements: + * Single file view enters blame mode on "b". (#804) + * Show untracked files in the default view. (#762) + * Disable graph if log.follow is enabled and there is only one pathspec. (#881) + * Disable graph for author searches. + * git_colors: interpret 'ul' as 'underline'. + * Add refname variable. (#900) + * Add -C option to specify the working directory. (#570) + * Improve behaviour of auto and periodic refresh modes. (#389, #441, #482, #794, #888, #932) + * Add support for repos created with git --work-tree. (#872) + * Add diff-highlight to pager mode. + * Show annotated commits in main view. (#819) + * Introduce reflog view. (#538) + * Add option to start with cursor on HEAD commit. (#755) + * Support combined diffs with more than 2 parents. + * Improve how a toggle option value is shown on the status line. (#879) + * Add options to filter refs output. (#694) + * Update utf8proc to v2.4.0. (#961) + Bug fixes: + * Fix garbled cursor line with older ncurses versions. + * Fix diff highlighting of removed lines starting with -- and added lines + * starting with ++. (#871, #875) + * Fix loop when displaying search result if regex matches an empty string. (#866) + * Add synchronous command description in tigrc. + * Fix parsing of git rev-parse output. (#884) + * Propagate --first-parent to diff arguments. (#861) + * Use proper type for hash table size. (#858) + * Fix incorrect cppcheck warning about realloc() use. + * Don't shift signed int by 31 bits. + * Fix Vim going background after running Tig outside of a git repository. (#906) + * make-builtin-config: use "read -r". (#912) + * Fix segfaults with readline 8.0. (#893) + * Reset state before closing stage view automatically. + * Don't use a child view as previous view. + * Force reload of VIEW_FLEX_WIDTH views only when needed. + * Combined diff uses @@@ as hunk marker. + * Fix memory leak induced by 'tig grep'. + * Fix memory leak in main view. + * Exit gracefully if refs view was defined without ref column. (#897) + * Fix pager view not moving up when child view is open. + * make-builtin-config: Fix unportable sed usage in read_tigrc(). + * Properly detect combined diffs. (#942) + tilda +- Update to 1.5.4 + * Fixed an issue that occurs with custom commands in newer VTE versions + * Fixes an incorrect usage of 32bit data type for X11 time, which + should be 64bit instead +- includes 1.5.3: + * Fixed an issue that could cause tilda to crash due to a BadMatch X11 + error in certain situations (such as when using the Marco + window manager of the Mate Desktop 1.24.1) + +- Update to 1.5.2 + * Fix reported version +- update copyright notice in spec file + +- Update to 1.5.1 + * tilda_terminal: match '@' character in URLs + +- Update to version 1.5.0: + * Search is now backwards by default (Sebastian Geiger). + * Tilda now handles monitor changes and adjusts its size automatically. + This is useful in cases when a notebook is connected to an external + monitor (Sebastian Geiger). + * Tilda now stores the relative sizes of the window in percent rather + than the absolute values in pixels (Sebastian Geiger). + * The confirmation dialogs for confirm tab close and prompt on exit are + now enabled by default (Sebastian Geiger). + * When using the block cursor, the background color of the cursor + is now correctly applied (Brian Hsu). + * Fixed issue in transparency. Fixes #269 (Sebastian Geiger). + * Fixed a resize issue in fullscreen mode. Fixes #306 (Sebastian Geiger). + * Tilda now uses asynchronous command spawning. A new option supports + changing the default timeout when spawning a command + (default is 3 seconds) (Sebastian Geiger). + * Various fixes related to the window title. Tooltips now display + full tab title (Tom Briden). Fixed missing title on initial window and + fixed a problem with setting the title when switching between tabs. Also + the computation of the title is now more consistent between the window + title, tooltips and the tab title (Sebastian Geiger). + * When loading configuration files tilda follows symlinks. + Fixes #327 (Sebastian Geiger). + * Tilda now uses xdg-open to open web links rather + than x-www-browser (lucasbru). + * In non-X11 environments such as Wayland tilda will now always use the + X11 backend (Roman Hoellen). + * Exclamation mark '!' is now supported by the HTTP regex for detecting + web links. + * Added a check if lock dir exists which avoids a warning when tilda + starts the first time and the lock dir has not been created yet + (Sebastian Geiger). + * We now correctly free the resources when closing the a terminal tab + (Sebastian Geiger). + * Tilda now uses structured logging. In debug mode tilda will automatically + output all debug messages. In non-debug mode, debug messages can still + be output by exporting G_MESSAGES_DEBUG=tilda (Sebastian Geiger). + * Removed 'Allow Bold' option (Sebastian Geiger). + * Removed deprecated antialiasing option (Sebastian Geiger). + * Dropped support for older VTE versions (Sebastian Geiger). + +- Remove conditionals for no longer supported versions of openSUSE. +- Run spec-cleaner, modernize spec where possible, replace + gtk3-devel and vte-devel for their pkgconfig() variants. + -- Major spec file cleanup via spec-cleaner. -- Add tilda-fix-glib-include.patch: Only <glib.h> can be included - directly (sf#3473000). -- Add tilda-desktop-icon.patch: Fix fullpath to icon and icon file - extension (sf#3473002). -- Upstream tilda-0.9.6-pointers.patch: Fix 64bit-portability-issue - (sf#3473004). -- Rename tilda-0.9.6-fix-bnc633863.patch: To - tilda-fix-gdk-x11-window-set-user-time.patch - (bnc#633863, sf#2988694). -- Update spec file License field from GPLv2+ to GPL-2.0+ to - conform with identifier. - -- added tilda-0.9.6-fix-bnc633863.patch to fix a segfault - (thanks to mandriva -- renamed desktop_icon.patch according to packaging standards -- fixed RPM group - -- explicit cast (tilda-0.9.6-pointers) to fix rpmlint error -- bziped sources to get rid off the last rpmlint warning - -- Small fixes to build for factory -- Add GenericName to .desktop -- Remove absolute patch to icon in .desktop -- Create lang package -- Removed debug package - -- Initial Package - tilde +- Update to release 1.1.2 + * This release fixes a bug where Tilde would discard read lines + before an invalid character, while requested to continue + reading. + +- Update to release 1.1.1 + * The base config from /usr/share/tilde/base.config now accepts + all options. + * Tilde maintains the list of recent files accross sessions. + * Tilde will open a recently open file at the position is was + at previously. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.0.1 + * This release rewrites the file writing code such that ownership + and permissions are never accidentally changed. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.0.0 + * Files can be opened at a specific position, by appending line + (and column) number(s). This allows jumping to positions + indicated by programs processing text files such as + compilers. + * Allow changing the default interface attributes from the + Interface Options dialog. + * Allow writing files if the directory they are in is not + writable for the current user. This is ever so slightly more + risky than creating a temporary file and moving it over the + existing one, which is the default behavior. + * Add menu items for the new Paste Selection (which pastes the + X11 primary selection) and for the new Delete Line actions. + * Make it possible to disable claiming the primary selection, + and to automatically disable this when running over SSH. When + running over SSH on high-latency connections and while + running a clipboard manager locally, the primary selection + claiming can make Tilde work slowly. + * Rewrite files in place if the owner of the file would be + changed by creating the file anew. This is a short-term + solution for fixing accidental ownership changes due to the + scheme used by Tilde to prevent file corruptions. + * Guard against off-of-line cursor positions in finding next + brace. This could cause infinite loops in some cases. + * A new dialog is available that shows the codepoints under the + cursor. + * Allow Private-Use Area characters in input and output without + substituion. + tiled +- Update to 1.7.2: + * Avoid automatically replacing external tilesets with "similar" ones + * Fixed copying and capturing stamps on staggered maps (#2874) + * Fixed possible crash in Tile Animation Editor + * Fixed data loss when saving maps with tilesets that failed to load (#3106) + * Fixed creating multi-layer tile stamp from selection (#2899) + * Scripting: Automatically reset object ID when adding to avoid duplicate IDs + * Linux: Possible workaround for crash in clipboard manager + * Updated to Sentry 0.4.12 + * Updated Italian translation + +- Update to 1.7.1: + * Don't save export target and format to exported files + * Fixed crashes resulting from the Tile Animation Editor + * Fixed possible crash when pasting multi-layer stamp (#3097) + * Fixed possible crash when restoring expanded layers in Objects view + * Fixed parallax factor getting lost when layer is cloned (#3077) + * Fixed an issue with synchronizing selected tiles to current stamp (#3095) + * Commands: Fixed possible crash in Edit Commands window + * Commands: Automatically quote the command executable + * Commands: Improved starting directory for executable file chooser + * Commands: Fixed the 'Clear' button to reset the shortcut + * Updated to Sentry 0.4.11 + * Updated French translation + +- Update to 1.7.0: + * Added basic "major grid" option with stronger lines (with Ilya Arkhanhelsky, #3032) + * Added ability to rearrange tiles in a tileset (with José Miguel Sánchez GarcÃa, #2983) + * Added option to choose background fade color (with SchmidtWC, #3031) + * Added portable mode, enabled when a "tiled.ini" is detected alongside the Tiled executable (#2945) + * Disable project extensions by default, for security reasons (#3058) + * Render selection preview and hovered item highlight above labels (#3036) + * Changed the donation reminder to be non-modal + * docs: Generate scripting API documentation using TypeDoc (with Erik Schilling (#2965) and MrMasterplan (#3040, #3041, #3045)) + * QMake/Qbs: Added a way to disable DBus support (with Dmitry Marakasov, #3039) + * Scripting: Fixed 'mouseLeft' callback for scripted tools (#3050) + * Scripting: Fixed loading of icons with explicit "ext:" prefix (#3048) + * Scripting: Made TileMap coordinate conversion functions always work (#3054) + * tBIN plugin: Convert 'color', 'object' and 'file' properties on save + * Python plugin: Added Layer.offset and Layer.setOffset (with sverx, #3073) + * Python plugin: Linux AppImage now supports Python 3.6 instead of 3.5 + * Fixed possible crash in Properties view when switching files + * Fixed watching/unwatching of folders when adding/removing from project (#3035) + * Fixed determining desired file format by extension on export + * Fixed compilation issue with GCC 10 (#3037) + * Updated Bulgarian, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian and Turkish translations +- Remove tiled-endl.patch: upstreamed + +- Update tiled-endl.patch: + Update from commit 7059846dc551a5d6b3cda8c78aa990aff8a4861f + to final one 068d0bf2e9632bf7473b40e4073eb3787f8889d1 since it + works with more Qt versions + +- Update to 1.6.0: + * Added object selection preview + * Added toggle to select enclosed rather than touched objects (#3023) + * Added Sentry crash handler to Linux AppImage (disabled by default) + * Added %tileid variable for custom commands on tilesets (#3026) + * Added option to lock the position of views and tool bars + * Added toggle to show/hide other maps in the same world (#2859) + * Added a helpful text to Terrain Sets view when it is empty (#3015) + * Allow opening projects from the File menu (#3000) + * Made the terrains list in the Terrain Sets view not collapsible (#3015) + * Automatically select the first terrain when selecting a Terrain Set (#3015) + * When duplicating objects, place the duplicates next to the originals (#2998) + * Tweaked selection outlines to be a little fatter and adjust to DPI + * Write --export-formats output to stdout instead of stderr (#3002) + * Allow hiding objects in the Tile Collision Editor + * Scripting: Added missing Tileset.transparentColor property + * Fixed 'Detach templates' export option to add tilesets when needed + * Fixed Terrain Brush behavior on map edges + * Fixed Terrain Brush behavior for sets transitioning to nothing + * Fixed loss of edit focus when hovering tileset while assigning terrain (#3015) + * Fixed shortcuts for flipping or rotating the current terrain pattern + * Fixed switching to Terrain Brush when clicked terrain is already selected (#3015) + * Fixed state of "dynamic wrapping" toggle button on startup + * Fixed parallax layer positioning when reordering layers (#3009) + * Windows: Fixed Swedish translation missing from installer + * Windows: Re-enabled code signing by SignPath (was missing for Tiled 1.5) + * snap: Added 'removable-media' plug, for accessing USB drives + * snap: "Open Containing Folder" action now also selects the file + * JSON plugin: Write out "version" property as string (#3033) + * YY plugin: Fixed plugin loading issue for qmake builds + * libtiled-java: Optimized for multithreaded usage (by Samuel Manflame, #3004) + * Updated Bulgarian, French, Portuguese (Portugal), Swedish and Turkish translations + * Added Thai translation (by Thanachart Monpassorn, currently at 54%) +- Add tiled-endl.patch: See + +- Update to 1.5.0: + * Unified Wang and Terrain tools (backwards incompatible change!) + * Added support for a per-layer parallax scrolling factor (#2951[1]) + * Added export to GameMaker Studio 2.3 (#1642[2]) + * Added option to change object selection behavior (#2865[3]) + * Added Monospace option to the multi-line text editor + * Added option to auto-scroll on middle click + * Added smooth scrolling option for arrow keys + * Added a 'Convert to Polygon' action for rectangle objects + * Added support for drawing with a blob tileset + * Added 'Duplicate Terrain Set' action + * Added Terrain Set type (Corner, Edge or Mixed) + * Added support for rotating and flipping Terrain tiles (by Christof Petig, #2912[4]) + * Added support for exporting to RPTools MapTool[5] RpMap files (by Christof Petig, #2926[6]) + * Added Ctrl+Shift to toggle Snap to Fine Grid (by sverx, #2895[7]) + * Eraser: Added Shift to erase on all layers (by Michael Aganier, #2897[8]) + * Automatically add .world extension to new World files + * Shape Fill Tool now displays the size of the current shape (#2808[9]) + * Tile Collision Editor: Added action to add an auto-detected bounding box collision rectangle (by Robin Macharg, #1960[10]) + * Tile Collision Editor: Added context menu action to copy selected collision objects to all other selected tiles (by Robin Macharg, #1960[10]) + * Tilesets view: Added "Edit Tileset" action to tab context menu + * Tilesets view: Added "Add External Tileset" action to tilesets menu + * Scripting: Added initial API for creating and modifying Terrain Sets + * Scripting: Added API for working with images (#2787[11]) + * Scripting: Added API for launching other processes (#2783[12]) + * Scripting: Added property + * Scripting: Added missing and Layer.parentLayer properties + * Scripting: Enable extending most context menus + * Scripting: Fixed reset of file formats on script reload (#2911[13]) + * Scripting: Fixed missing GroupLayer and ImageLayer constructors + * Scripting: Added default icon for scripted actions + * Enabled high-DPI scaling on Linux and changed rounding policy + * Remember last file dialog locations in the session instead of globally + * Fixed loading extension path from project config (by Peter Ruibal, #2956[14]) + * Fixed performance issues when using a lot of custom properties + * Fixed storing template instance size when overriding the tile (#2889[15]) + * Fixed removal of object reference arrow when deleting target object (#2944[16]) + * Fixed updating of object references when layer visibility changes + * Fixed map positioning issues in the World Tool (#2970[17]) + * Fixed handling of Shift modifiers in Bucket and Shape Fill tools (#2883[18]) + * Fixed scrolling speed in Tileset view when holding Ctrl + * Fixed issue causing to get written out as "." + * Fixed "Repeat last export on save" when using Save All (#2969[19]) + * Fixed interaction shape for rectangle objects to be more precise (#2999[20]) + * Fixed "AutoMap While Drawing" not applying when using Cut/Delete + * Fixed path in AutoMap error message when rules file doesn't exist + * Lua plugin: Don't embed external tilesets, unless enabled as export option (#2120[21]) + * Python plugin: Added missing values to MapObject.Shape enum (#2898[22]) + * Python plugin: Fixed linking issue when compiling against Python 3.8 + * CSV plugin: Include flipping flags in exported tile IDs + * GMX plugin: Take tile object alignment into account + * Linux: "Open Containing Folder" action now also selects the file + * libtiled-java: Many updates (by Henri Viitanen, #2207[23]) + * Ported Tiled to Qt 6 (releases still use 5.15 for now) + +- Update to 1.4.3: + * Improved error message when adding external tileset + * Tile Collision Editor: Fixed invisible tile for isometric + oriented tileset (#2892) + * Fixed Object Alignment not getting set when reloading a tileset + * Ignore attempts to replace a tileset with itself + * qmake: Support linking to system Zstd on all UNIX-like systems + +- Update to 1.4.2: + * Reverted the default layer data format back to CSV + (was changed to Zstd by accident in 1.4.0) + * Added ability to draw lines using click+drag + (in addition to click and click) when holding Shift + * Improved positioning when adding maps to world via context menu + * Disable instead of hide the "Save As Template" action when using embedded tilesets + * Made Ctrl turn off snapping if Snap to Fine Grid is enabled (#2061) + * Set minimum value of tile width and height to 1 + * Fixed Select Same Tile tool behavior for empty tiles + * Fixed clickability of the dot in point objects + * Fixed adjusting of terrain images when tileset width changes + * Worlds: Fixed potential data loss when opening .world file + * tmxrasterizer: Added --show-layer option (by Matthias Varnholt, #2858) + * tmxrasterizer: Added parameter to advance animations (by Sean Ballew, #2868) + * Scripting: Initialize tile layer size to map size upon add (#2879) + * Windows installer: Made creation of the desktop shortcut optional + * Windows installer: Made the launching of Tiled optional + * Updated Qt to 5.12.9 on all platforms except Windows XP and snap releases + * snap: Fixed issues with storing the default session (#2852) + * snap: Enabled support for Zstandard (#2850) + +- Update to 1.4.1: + * When opening a .world file, load the world and open its first map + * When opening an object template, show it in the Template Editor + * Fixed crash on trying to export using the command-line (#2842[1]) + * Fixed crash when deleting multiple objects with manual drawing order (#2844[2]) + * Fixed potential crash when removing a tileset + * Fixed potential scaling happening for maps used as tilesets (#2843[3]) + * Fixed positioning of map view when switching between maps in a world + * Fixed file dialog start location + * Scripting: Fixed issues with absolute file paths on Windows (#2841[4]) + * Lua plugin: Fixed syntax used for object properties (#2839[5]) + +- Update to 1.4.0: + * Added support for projects (#1665[1]) + * Added object reference property type (with Steve Le Roy Harris and + Phlosioneer, #707[2]) + * Added world editing tool for adding/removing and moving around maps in a + world (with Nils Kübler, #2208[3]) + * Added a quick "Open file in Project" (Ctrl+P) action + * Added new Object Alignment property to Tileset (with Phlosioneer, #91[4]) + * Added layer tint color (by Gnumaru, #2687[5]) + * Added support for using maps as images (with Phlosioneer, #2708[6]) + * Added 'Open with System Editor' action for custom file properties + (#2172[7]) + * Added option to render object names when exporting as image (#2216[8]) + * Added 'Replace Tileset' action to Tilesets view + * Added shortcut to tooltips for all registered actions + * Added automatic reloading of object templates (by Phlosioneer, #2699[9]) + * Added 'Clear Console' button and context menu action (#2220[10]) + * Added 'Reopen Closed File' (Ctrl+Shift+T) action + * Added status bar button to toggle the Console view + * Added a border around the tile selection highlight + * Switch current tileset tab if all selected tiles are from the same + tileset (by Mitch Curtis, #2792[11]) + * Made tileset dynamic wrapping toggle persistent + * Properties view: Added action for adding a property to context menu + (#2796[12]) + * Optimized loading of CSV tile layer data (by Phlosioneer, #2701[13]) + * Improved map positioning when toggling 'Clear View' + * Remember the preferred format used for saving + * Normalize rotation values when rotating objects (#2775[14]) + * Removed the Maps view (replaced by Project view) + * Removed file system hierarchy from Templates view (replaced by Project + view) + * Fixed potential crash when triggering AutoMap (#2766[15]) + * Fixed the status bar placement to be always at the bottom of the window + * Fixed potential issue with automatic reloading of files (#1904[16]) + * Fixed issue where image layer images cannot be loaded from Qt resource + files (by obeezzy, #2711[17]) + * GmxPlugin: Added support for layer tint color + * Scripting: Assign global variables to console script evaluations (by + Phlosioneer, #2724[18]) + * Scripting: Added coordinate conversion to TileMap + * Scripting: Added support for custom "file" properties + * Scripting: Added checks for nullptr arguments (by Phlosioneer, #2736[19]) + * Scripting: Added some missing tileset related properties + * Scripting: Added FileInfo API with various file path operations (with + David Konsumer, #2822[20]) + * Scripting: Provide access to registered file formats (by Phlosioneer, + [#2716][21]) + * Scripting: Enabled scripted formats to be used on the command-line + * Scripting: Added functions to access inherited properties (by Bill Clark, + [#2813][22]) + * Scripting: Introduced __filename global value (with konsumer) + * Scripting: Fixed ObjectGroup.insertObjectAt to use the index + * docs: Clarify "can contain" documentation and error handling (by + Phlosioneer, #2702[23]) + * docs: Document all optional attributes, update some docs (by Phlosioneer, + [#2705][24]) + * docs: Alphabetize scripting API reference (by Phlosioneer, #2720[25]) + * docs: Added missing BinaryFile constructor docs (by Phlosioneer, + [#2732][26]) + * docs: Enabled Algolia powered search + * Updated Bulgarian, Chinese (Simplified), Czech, Finnish, French, + Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Portuguese (Portugal) and Turkish translations + +- Update to 1.3.5: + * Fixed initialization and restoring of map view (#2779) + * Fixed skewed tile terrain/Wang overlays for non-square tiles (#1943) + * Fixed link color on dark theme + * Fixed small issue when right-clicking embedded tileset tab + * Fixed Wang Sets toggle to also appear in the Tileset menu + * Scripting: Fixed issue when closing/committing BinaryFile (#2801) + * Scripting: Fixed "Safe writing of files" when writing with TextFile + * Updated Qt to 5.12.8 on all platforms + * Small translation updates to Bulgarian, French and Portuguese + +- Update to 1.3.4: + * Fixed automatic reload issues when editing object types (regression in 1.3.1, + [#2768]) + * Scripting: Added methods to get tileset's image size (backported from 1.4, #2733) + * Scripting: Fixed map.tilesets when 'Embed tilesets' is enabled + * Fixed the "Fix Tileset" button in the Template Editor + +- Update to 1.3.3: + * Fixed loading of compression level (#2753) + * Fixed default value for Hex Side Length property + * Fixed hiding of status bar text for some tools + * Fixed removing of object labels when removing a group layer + * GmxPlugin: Fixed compatibility with GameMaker 1.4.9999 + * Scripting: Made TextFile.commit and BinaryFile.commit close as well + * Scripting: Fixed crashes when modifying certain new objects (#2747) + * Scripting: Fixed potential crash in Asset.macro/undo/redo/isModified + * Scripting: Fixed potential crash when accessing Tool.preview + * Scripting: Fixed loading of images from extensions folder + * Scripting: Reload extensions also when files are added/removed + * Updated Bulgarian translation + +- Update to 1.3.2: + * Fixed initialization of selected layers (#2719) + * Fixed stamp action shortcuts not being configurable (#2684) + * Fixed the tileset view to respect the 'wheel zooms by default' preference + * Fixed insertion position when using drag-n-drop to rearrange layers + * Fixed displayed layer data format in Properties + * Fixed repeating of export when map is saved by a custom command (#2709) + * Fixed issue when multiple worlds are loaded that use pattern matching + * Issues view can now be hidden by clicking the status bar counters + * macOS: Fixed black toolbar when enabling OpenGL rendering (#1839) + * Windows: Fixed context menus activating first item on release (#2693) + * Windows installer: Include the 'defoldcollection' plugin (#2677) + * libtiled: Avoid inheriting Properties from QVariantMap (#2679) + * docs: Added some notes to Python and JavaScript pages (#2725) + * Updated Qt from 5.12.5 to 5.12.6 + * Updated Finnish translation (by Tuomas Lähteenmäki and odamite) + * Updated part of Italian translation (by Katia Piazza) + +- Update to 1.3.1: + * Added reloading of object types when changed externally (by Jacob Coughenour, #2674) + * Added a status bar to the startup screen + * Made the shortcuts for the tools configurable (#2666) + * Made Undo/Redo shortcuts configurable (#2669) + * Fixed importing of keyboard settings (.kms files) (#2671) + * Fixed small window showing up on startup for a split second + * Windows: Fixed the shipped version of OpenSSL (fixes new version notification) + * Tiled Quick: Don't compile/install by default (#2673) +- Remove tiled-1.3.0-disable-quick.patch: upstreamed + +- Update to 1.3.0: + * Added support for extending Tiled with JavaScript (#949) + * Added error and warning counts to the status bar + * Added Issues view where you can see warnings and errors and interact with them + * Added configuration of keyboard shortcuts (#215) + * Added status bar notification on new releases (replacing Sparkle and WinSparkle) + * Added option to show tile collision shapes on the map (#799) + * Added switching current layer with Ctrl + Right Click in map view + * Added search filter to the Objects view (#1467) + * Added icons to objects in the Objects view + * Added dynamic wrapping mode to the tileset view (#1241) + * Added a *.world file filter when opening a world file + * Added support for .world files in tmxrasterizer (by Samuel Magnan, #2067) + * Added synchronization of selected layers and tileset when switching between maps in a world (by JustinZhengBC, #2087) + * Added actions to show/hide and lock/unlock the selected layers + * Added toggle button for "Highlight Current Layer" action + * Added custom output chunk size option to map properties (by Markus, #2130) + * Added support for Zstandard compression and configurable compression level (with BRULE Herman and Michael de Lang, #1888) + * Added option to minimize output on export (#944) + * Added export to Defold .collection files (by CodeSpartan, #2084) + * Added a warning when custom file properties point to non-existing files (#2080) + * Added shortcuts for next/previous tileset (#1238) + * Added saving of the last export target and format in the map/tileset file (#1610) + * Added option to repeat the last export on save (#1610) + * Added Fit Map in View action (by Mateo de Mayo, #2206) + * Tile Collision Editor: Added objects list view + * Changed the Type property from a text box to an editable combo box (#823) + * Changed animation preview to follow zoom factor for tiles (by Ruslan Gainutdinov, #2050) + * Changed the shortcut for AutoMap from A to Ctrl+M + * AutoMapping: Added "OverflowBorder" and "WrapBorder" options (by João Baptista de Paula e Silva, #2141) + * AutoMapping: Allow any supported map format to be used for rule maps + * Python plugin: Added support for loading external tileset files (by Ruin0x11, #2085) + * Python plugin: Added Tile.type() and MapObject.effectiveType() (by Ruin0x11, #2124) + * Python plugin: Added Object.propertyType() (by Ruin0x11, #2125) + * Python plugin: Added Tileset.sharedPointer() function (#2191) + * tmxrasterizer: Load plugins to support additional map formats (by Nathan Tolbert, #2152) + * tmxrasterizer: Added rendering of object layers (by oncer, #2187) + * Fixed missing native styles when compiled against Qt 5.10 or later (#1977) + * Fixed file change notifications no longer triggering when file was replaced (by Nathan Tolbert, #2158) + * Fixed layer IDs getting re-assigned when resizing the map (#2160) + * Fixed performance issues when switching to a new map in a world with many maps (by Simon Parzer, #2159) + * Fixed restoring of expanded group layers in Objects view + * Fixed tileset view to keep position at mouse stable when zooming (#2039) + * libtiled-java: Added support for image layers and flipped tiles (by Sergey Savchuk, #2006) + * libtiled-java: Optimized map reader and fixed path separator issues (by Pavel Bondoronok, #2006) + * Updated builds on all platforms to Qt 5.12 (except snap release) + * Raised minimum supported Qt version from 5.5 to 5.6 + * Raised minimum supported macOS version from 10.7 to 10.12 + * Removed option to include a DTD in the saved files + * Removed the automappingconverter tool + * snap: Updated from Ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 (core18, Qt 5.9) + * Updated Chinese, Portuguese (Portugal), Turkish and Ukrainian translations +- Add tiled-1.3.0-disable-quick.patch: + Disable build tiledquick and tiledquickplugin as they are not useful yet. + And they cause trouble because they get installed to the wrong location. + They will be disabled upstream in 1.3.1 too. + +- Update to 1.2.4: + * Fixed view boundaries to take into account layer offsets + * Fixed map size when switching infinite off + * Fixed the image cache to check file modification time + * Fixed updating a few things when changing tileset drawing offset + * Fixed position of tile object outline on isometric maps + * Fixed saving of tile stamps when using the Shape Fill Tool + * tBIN plugin: Fixed loading of some tilesets on Linux + * tBIN plugin: Fixed possible crash when images can't be found + * Python plugin: Disable this plugin by default, to avoid crashes on startup + * JSON plugin: Fixed writing of position for objects without ID + * Added Swedish translation + Changelog from 1.2.3: + * Fixed cut/copy in Tile Collision Editor + * Fixed crash when trying to add Wang colors without a selected Wang set + * tBIN plugin: Fixed hang when locating missing tileset image + * CSV plugin: Fixed exporting of grouped tile layers + +- Update to 1.2.2: + * Added 'json1' plugin that exports to the old JSON format (#2058) + * Enable the adding of point objects in Tile Collision Editor (#2043) + * Reload AutoMapping rules when they have changed on disk (by Justin Zheng, #1997) + * Fixed remembering of last used export filter + * Fixed label color to update when object layer color is changed (by Justin Zheng, #1976) + * Fixed stamp and fill tools to adjust when tile probability is changed (by Justin Zheng, #1996) + * Fixed misbehavior when trying to open non-existing files + * Fixed mini-map bounds when layer offsets are used in combination with group layers + * Fixed Templates view missing from the Views menu (#2054) + * Fixed Copy Path / Open Folder actions for embedded tilesets (#2059) + * Python plugin: Made the API more complete (#1867) + * Updated Chinese, German, Korean, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Portuguese (Portugal) and Ukrainian translations + +- Update to 1.2.1: + * Fixed JSON templates not being visible in Templates view (#2009[1]) + * Fixed Maps view to show all readable map formats + * Fixed crash when deleting a command using the context menu (by Robert Lewicki, #2014[2]) + * Fixed crash after a world file failed to load + * Fixed Select None action to be enabled when there is any selection + * Fixed disappearing of tile types on export/import of a tileset (#2023[3]) + * Fixed tool shortcuts when using Spanish translation + * Fixed saving of the "Justify" alignment option for text objects (#2026[4]) + * Changed Cut, Copy and Delete actions to apply based on selected layer types + * Updated Russian translation (by Rafael Osipov, #2017[5 + +- Update to 1.2.0: + * Added multi-layer selection, including multi-layer tile layer editing + * Added support for multi-map worlds (#1669[1]) + * Added ability to extend existing polylines (with Ketan Gupta, #1683[2]) + * Added option to highlight the hovered object (#1190[3]) + * Added news from website to the status bar (#1898[4]) + * Added option to show object labels for hovered objects + * Added option to embed tilesets on export (#1850[5]) + * Added option to detach templates on export (#1850[5]) + * Added option to resolve object types and properties on export (#1850[5]) + * Added Escape for switching to the Select Objects tool and for clearing the selection + * Added Escape to cancel the current action in all object layer tools + * Added double-click on polygon objects to switch to Edit Polygons tool + * Added interaction with segments for polygons, for selection and dragging + * Added double-clicking a polygon segment for inserting a new point at that location + * Added action to lock/unlock all other layers (by kralle333, #1883[6]) + * Added --export-tileset command line argument (by Josh Bramlett, #1872[7]) + * Added unique persistent layer IDs (#1892[8]) + * Added 'version' and 'tiledversion' to external tileset files + * Added full paths to Recent Files menu as tool tips (by Gauthier Billot, #1992[9]) + * Create Object Tools: Show preview already on hover (#537[10]) + * Objects view: Only center view on object on press or activation + * Objects view: When clicking a layer, make it the current one (by kralle333, #1931[11]) + * Unified the Create Polygon and Create Polyline tools + * JSON plugin: Made the JSON format easier to parse (by saeedakhter, #1868[12]) + * Tile Collision Editor: Allowed using object templates + * Templates view: Don't allow hiding the template object + * Python plugin: Updated to Python 3 (by Samuli Tuomola) + * Python plugin: Fixed startup messages not appearing in debug console + * Python plugin: Fixed file change watching for main script files + * Lua plugin: Include properties from templates (#1901[13]) + * Lua plugin: Include tileset column count in export (by Matt Drollette, #1969[14]) + * tBIN plugin: Don't ignore objects that aren't perfectly aligned (#1985[15]) + * tBIN plugin: Fixed "Unsupported property type" error for newly added float properties + * Automapping: Report error when no output layers are found + * AutoMapping: Changed matching outside of map boundaries and added 'MatchOutsideMap' option + * Linux: Modernized the appstream file (by Patrick Griffis) + * libtiled: Allow qrc-based tileset images (#1947[16]) + * libtiled-java: Fixed loading maps with multiple external tilesets + * Optimized deletion of many objects (#1972[17]) + * Make Ctrl+Q work for quitting also on Windows (#1998[18]) + * Fixed randomizing of terrain, Wang tiles and stamp variations (#1949[19]) + * Fixed tilesets getting added to maps when they shouldn't be (#2002[20]) + * Fixed issue with default font size in combination with custom family (#1994[21]) + * Fixed the tile grid to render below labels, handles and selection indicators + * Fixed confirming overwrite when exporting a tileset + * Fixed reading of infinite maps that don't use chunked layer data + * Updated Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Portuguese (Portugal) and Turkish translations +- Install appdata file in right location and use tiled packaged instead of tmxtools + +- Update to 1.1.6: + * Fixed Terrain Brush issue on staggered isometric maps (#1951) + * Fixed objects to stay selected when moving them between layers + * Fixed small tab bar rendering issue on high DPI displays + * Fixed rendering of arrows on scroll bar buttons + * Fixed object labels to adjust properly to the font DPI + * Fixed resize handle locations for multiple zero-sized objects + * Fixed handling of arrow keys on focused layer combo box (#1973) + * Tile Collision Editor: Fixed handling of tile offset (#1955) + * Tile Collision Editor: Fixed potential crash on Undo (#1965) + * Python plugin: Added some missing API to the Cell class + * Updates to German, Hungarian, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Polish, Portuguese (Portugal), Russian and Ukrainian translations + timewarrior +- Removed missing doc files from specfile +- Update to 1.4.2, skipping over 1.3.0, 1.4.0, 1.4.1 + * #377 make install with error due to missing file `COPYING` + * #378 Summary with `:all` hint is empty for open interval + * #126 DOM-Query for ids + * #188 DOM-Query for tags + * #206 Add :all hint + * #241 Allow continue by tag. + * #258 make error FS.cpp on freebsd 12.1 + * #307 Introduce 'journal.size' configuration item + * #309 unicode input causes indefinite hang for commands like day or month + * #331 start command adjust + * #333 Summary command fails with `:all` hint + * #335 Update docs links from to + * #351 Stop failed to close currently tracking interval + * #364 Entering an open interval with future date causes assertion error + * #372 Empty intervals are not deleted in `:adjust` overlap resolution + * #259 Migrate to python 3 + * #270 Stop with id should suggest modify command + * #275 Change `timew help intervals` to `timew help ranges` in help summary + * #278 New hint :fortnight added + * #284 modification date updated when file is not modified + * #285 Pass record id to extensions + * #290 trying to track something that would be before epoch fails silently, corrupting database + * #293 filtering by tag can produce wrong ids + * #298 Add current version of bash-completion + timezone +- timezone update 2021e (bsc#1177460): + * Palestine will fall back 10-29 (not 10-30) at 01:00 +- timezone update 2021d: + * Fiji suspends DST for the 2021/2022 season + * 'zic -r' marks unspecified timestamps with "-00" +- timezone update 2021c: + * Revert almost all of 2021b's changes to the 'backward' file + * Fix a bug in 'zic -b fat' that caused old timestamps to be + mishandled in 32-bit-only readers +- timezone update 2021b: + * Jordan now starts DST on February's last Thursday. + * Samoa no longer observes DST. + * Move some backward-compatibility links to 'backward'. + * Rename Pacific/Enderbury to Pacific/Kanton. + * Correct many pre-1993 transitions in Malawi, Portugal, etc. + * zic now creates each output file or link atomically. + * zic -L no longer omits the POSIX TZ string in its output. + * zic fixes for truncation and leap second table expiration. + * zic now follows POSIX for TZ strings using all-year DST. + * Fix some localtime crashes and bugs in obscure cases. + * zdump -v now outputs more-useful boundary cases. + * tzfile.5 better matches a draft successor to RFC 8536. +- Refresh tzdata-china.patch + timezone-java +- timezone update 2021e (bsc#1177460): + * Palestine will fall back 10-29 (not 10-30) at 01:00 +- timezone update 2021d: + * Fiji suspends DST for the 2021/2022 season + * 'zic -r' marks unspecified timestamps with "-00" +- timezone update 2021c: + * Revert almost all of 2021b's changes to the 'backward' file + * Fix a bug in 'zic -b fat' that caused old timestamps to be + mishandled in 32-bit-only readers +- timezone update 2021b: + * Jordan now starts DST on February's last Thursday. + * Samoa no longer observes DST. + * Move some backward-compatibility links to 'backward'. + * Rename Pacific/Enderbury to Pacific/Kanton. + * Correct many pre-1993 transitions in Malawi, Portugal, etc. + * zic now creates each output file or link atomically. + * zic -L no longer omits the POSIX TZ string in its output. + * zic fixes for truncation and leap second table expiration. + * zic now follows POSIX for TZ strings using all-year DST. + * Fix some localtime crashes and bugs in obscure cases. + * zdump -v now outputs more-useful boundary cases. + * tzfile.5 better matches a draft successor to RFC 8536. +- Refresh tzdata-china.patch + timidity +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * timidity.service + +- Fix install conflict between timidity and filesystem (boo#1189226) +- Use %license macro to install COPYING + +- update to 2.15.0: + Add support for segment play option (-G, --segment) with a great + contribution by Yotam Medini <>. + * Add metronome indicator in dumb interface trace mode. + * Let libao backend set ao options via TIMIDITY_AO_OPTIONS + environment variable. + * Fix for CVE-2009-0179, CVE-2009-3996, CVE-2010-2546 and + CVE-2010-2971. + * Fix for CVE-2017-11546 (bsc#1081694) + * Support for Tcl/Tk 8.6. + * Improve Windows MIDI driver. + * ...and many other bug fixes. + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(systemd) instead of systemd: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavors. + +- Disable LTO for avoiding segfaults with ALSA backend (boo#1149461) + -- Fixed init script TIM_ALSASEQPARAM -> TIM_ALSASEQPARAMS bnc#788444 -- Reversed value of the two pameters in /etc/sysconfig/timidity and - added some extra parameters as default -- Added some comment about the values of the paramters and - two recommended package: fluid-soundfont-gm and fluid-soundfont-gs - -- Update to TiMidity++ 2.14.0-pre git version (commit 81c8d72e) -- Rebase existing patches - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Parallel build with %_smp_mflags -- Disable building the Motif output plugin - (see - -- Add buildrequire on xorg-x11 for directory ownership. - -- add automake as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - tint +- Resolve ambiguity about original closeness in description. + +- Update to version 0.06 + * Bump compat level to 13 + * Add Rules-Requires-Root field + * Document global scores usage +- Dropped upstream fixed tint-0.04-fix-buffer-overflow.patch + tinyb +- Update to version 0.5.1: + * Implementing discovery filter by UUIDs (java) and fixing a bug + with discovery filter by UUIDs (c++) +- Drop no longer needed tinyb-gcc7.patch + tinyfecvpn +- Update to version 20210116.0 + * updated to lastest UDPspeeder library + tinyssh +- Update to version 20190101 + * removed aes256,nistp256,hmacsha256 + * added posquantum KEX + +- Update to version 20181206 + * tinysshd binary optimized for smaller size + * created multi-call tinysshd binary + tinyxml2 +- update to 8.1.0: + * Add support for files larger than ~2GB + * Updates to hex value partsing + * XMLPrinter: Fix indentation of first line when called with + !compactMode + +- update to 8.0.0: + three years of changes, see + for details + +- %{_libexecdir} is now /usr/libexec, so do not use it where + /usr/lib is intended + tiobench +- Modernise spec file +- Mark license information as such + tkdiff +- for release info see also +- Update to 5.2.1 + * Now provides an alternate means of displaying the list of file + pairs (in a free standing dialog) when the number of files exceeds + a user adjustable (1-25) maximum for using a simple menu choice. + * Repaired what filenames are returned by a 'recursive' Diff search + when the "-q" option is removed. Will now suppress binary files as + originally intended (fault was caused by Tcl itself - not TkDiff). + * Fixed initial display of toolbar buttons at startup. Was displaying + BOTH text and icon versions (overlaid) until after a preference + "Apply" had occurred. +- Update to 5.2 + * Permits recursive scanning of entire directory TREEs for candidate + files. Uses Diff itself to perform the search by passing the needed + options, which then become a new preference setting (to allow for + alternative Diff engine usage) + * Now shades the BOUNDARY LINE during "Split"-push manipulations: + provides clearer feedback; edge is now perceived to exist immediately + BETWEEN the shaded line and the line directly above it + * Reduced 'interactive startup' reliance on a message console and now + promotes a "retry" paradigm, rather than aborting, by presenting the + interactive command dialog after issuing MOST startup failure messages + * Fixed broken "Find Nearest Diff" (via the popup menu) to now use the + user chosen popup LOCATION as the point for measuring "Nearest" + * Repaired derivation of the INITIAL temp-dir path preference for NEW + WINDOWS users that was broken by previous release. + * Resolved minor clipping issue in toolbar combobox (re: fonts) + * Avoid Diff crash caused by specifying MULTIPLE unique "ignore blanks" + preference options + * Avoid crash from malformed filename utilizing tilde-expansion to a + non-existant user + * Repaired missing Key Accelerator+Tip for File->Recompute menu item + * Toolbar buttons now reset fully when a valid Diff execution happens + to yeild ZERO results + * Visible Focus-tabbing restored to dir/file browser buttons in the + NewDiff dialog to facilitate keyboard navigation +- Update to 5.1 + * Complete overhaul of keyboard bindings provides user selection + adds a 4th preferences editing tab for personalization of same + * Expanded Bookmark facility including scrollability of items when + toolbar capacity is exceeded. Bookmarks may be individually + annotated and form the basis of a new item specific report format + * Additional report format and ability to view complexity statistics + without needing to generate an actual report + * Internal reengineering of Read-Only text display implementation + has restored keyboard-centric operation throughout the tool + * Network latency support is now restored to the MacOS platform + * General fault-tolerance throughout the tool has been increased + with greater use of onscreen messaging instead of aborting. + * Monochrome support has been discontinued (most features unusable). + * Specific Ticket resolutions addressed: + - (73) Crash caused from inadvertent mispelling of command + - (74) Crash from scrolling prior to first hunk w/autoselect = on. + Further, autoselect now operates passively when actively + scrolling (will no longer trigger autocenter if active) + - (75) a syntactic repair to prevent a Crash when chosing either + of the L/R or R/L merge choices + * Other anomalies resolved: + - Repaired a data-dependant corner case which could either Crash or + result in incomplete highlighting of 3way Diff ancestral markers + - Resizing the main window smaller now operates properly; had been + only allowing approximately 40% reduction. + - Minor fix (toolwide) prevents wrong subwindows from squeezing shut + prematurely during resizing to a smaller size. + - Auxilliary windows (dialogs) now generally retain their prior + positions when re-appearing after the user has moved them. + - Tooltip windows on MacOS will never again display UNDER others. + * Specific internal infrastructure modifications have produced a + considerable level of uniformity and reliability throughout. + * Special case workaround (re: multiple display monitors) + Operations involving screen-edge clipping avoidance are presently + flawed under TK. Until a better solution can be found, edge + avoidance for windows appearing on secondary displays will be to + their main window and not the screen edge. This generally affects + Tooltips and combobox dropdown lists. + * As always, builtin Help is updated to cover ALL change aspects + it is recommended to read at least the process for bind editting +- Update to 5.0 + * New-Diff Dialog can now request Conflict file comparisons + - It also permits choosing a preferred SCM system from among those + detected, and is now ALWAYS the defaulted first operation when + NO command line arguments are given - UNLESS one specific user + preference has PREVIOUSLY been set which requests that the SCM + inquire for currently uncommitted changes and supply those as + parameters instead (not all SCMs can do this). For those that do, + that search request may ALSO be accessed for the current session + via the Dialog, even when such preference has been set to Off. + * CVS (like Git and Subversion) is now capable of automatic inquiry + * ALL SCMs capable of inquiry also pass CONFLICTED files when found + * URLs (Svn style) are now accepted as FileSpecs in Dialog or Cmd use. + - Including both versioned and defaulted styles, and as an Ancestor. + * Multiple SCM involvement is now possible. + * Merging when using an Ancestor file (ie. a 3-way diff) now provides + Ancestral markers for deletion activities, similar to those + already provided for additions, which also participate in both + automatic merge selection choices AND collision detection, all in + support of assuring that COMPLETE changes from both files being + merged are accounted for. + * Upgraded Conflictfile parsing to accept diff3-style file content + providing the ability to treat it as in a 3-way Diff mode. + * Interactive diff-region suppression (ie. ignoring) is now possible + * Eliminated a TK-update race condition that was randomly responsible + for odd crashes and potentially inconsistent screen updates + * Minor feature enhancements: + - Window manager is now provided a graphic to represent TkDiff + - Displayed file NAMES now try to be shorter by truncating the CWD + - Failed (or inconsistent) Diff executions are no longer fatal + - 3-way Diffs using a non-unique Ancestor now simply drops 3-way mode + * Small repairs involving: line numbering; Mac tooltip rendering; + several hilighting anomolies involving suppressed Diff regions; + and missing bindings when positioned over various Text-adjacent + Info windows involving scroll operations. Lastly, filenames with + sensitive characters (Dollar, square-Bracket) in their names + will no longer crash, and the default setting for Filebrowser + view-content filters is now specified properly. + * And the builtin Help is updated to cover aspects of ALL the changes +- Update README.SUSE accordingly + +- Use variables for version handling +- Update dependencies + +- Update to 4.3.5 + * New Diff Dialog now allows browsing for files OR directories + * Tool arguments now permit cross-branch SCM comparison + specification + * Ability to view Ancestorfile also denotes 3way mode is active + * 3-way collisions now findable via toolbar dropdown list + highlights + * Textwin labels now tooltip the name & modtime of any NON-temp + file + * Builtin editor now provides Line numbers + * Recent new color preference settings repaired to "apply" + correctly + * Crash fixed when 3-way diff was active and Lnums & Chgbars are + OFF + * Pre-startup latency msg feature now OFF (MacOS X only) stops + Crash + * Repaired Lnums,etc. to use CDR preference settings when + appropriate + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- update to version 4.1.1 which includes security patch for temp files - (CVE-2005-4434) [#141076] -- updated copyright in README.SuSE file - -- add norootforbuild - tkfont +- Explicitly require xlsfonts (boo#1191365). +- Fix command line syntax of sort (boo#1191366, tkfont-sort.patch). +- Use %license for license files instead of %doc. + -- corrected the call of the tk shell to work with the new - Tcl/Tk packages - tkinfo +- update to 2.11 + * Version 2.11 (17-October-2017): Documentation patches by Debian + maintainer Peter Blackman. + * Version 2.10 (12-October-2017): Correctly bind Shift-Tab, thanks + to Gerald Williams. + * Version 2.9 (04-October-2017): Correctly deal with "Local Variables:" + info nodes, thanks to Gerald Williams. + -- ran old prepare_spec on spec file to switch to new prepare_spec. - tlp +- Update to 1.4.0 24.09.2021 +- * Features + Audio: + - SOUND_POWER_SAVE_ON_AC: change default to enabled (Issue #495) + Battery: + - "Battery Features" renamed to "Battery Care" + - Introduce plugins to support Battery Care for non-ThinkPads: + - ASUS laptops: stop threshold + - Huawei MateBooks: start and stop threshold + - LG Gram laptops: stop threshold at 80% aka "battery care limit" + - Lenovo laptops: stop threshold at 60% aka "battery conservation mode" + - Samsung laptops: stop threshold at 80% aka "battery life extender" + - ThinkPads + - Allow deactivation of the start threshold (START_CHARGE_THRESH_BATx=0) + - Discharge malfunction: hint to check battery and charger + - Use standard sysfs attributes for charge thresholds + (Issue #513) + - Flag ThinkPad L512 as "unsupported" + - Validate charge threshold configuration, don't fail silently + - tlp-stat -b + - Battery Care: show plugin, supported features, driver usage and + related kernel module(s) + - Map battery state "Unknown" to "Idle" for clarity + Configuration: + - tlp-stat --cdiff: show configuration differing from defaults + - PARAMETER+="add values": append values to a parameter already defined + as intrinsic default or in a *previously* read file (Issue #457) + - TLP_WARN_LEVEL: warn about invalid settings, configurable for background + tasks and command line + - Rename parameters (backwards compatible to legacy config files): + SATA_LINKPWR_BLACKLIST -> SATA_LINKPWR_DENYLIST + RUNTIME_PM_BLACKLIST -> RUNTIME_PM_DENYLIST + RUNTIME_PM_DRIVER_BLACKLIST -> RUNTIME_PM_DRIVER_DENYLIST + USB_BLACKLIST -> USB_DENYLIST + USB_BLACKLIST_BTUSB -> USB_EXCLUDE_BTUSB + USB_BLACKLIST_PHONE -> USB_EXCLUDE_PHONE + USB_BLACKLIST_PRINTER -> USB_EXCLUDE_PRINTER + USB_BLACKLIST_WWAN -> USB_EXCLUDE_WWAN + USB_WHITELIST -> USB_ALLOWLIST + Disks: + - AHCI_RUNTIME_PM_ON_AC/BAT: + - Works only on disks defined in DISK_DEVICES + - Works on NVMe (new), SATA/ATA and plugged in USB (new) disks + - Works on SATA ports + - No longer experimental i.e. now enabled by default; the previously + existing risk of system freezes (and data loss) with the multiqueue + scheduler is now eliminated: + - Kernel >= 4.19 itself locks unsafe disk runtime pm + - TLP generally locks it for kernel < 4.19 + - DISK_APM_CLASS_DENYLIST: exclude disk classes from APM, i.e. you may + now activate it for USB and IEEE1394 drives (Issue #523) + - DISK_APM_LEVEL_ON_AC/BAT, DISK_SPINDOWN_TIMEOUT_ON_AC, DISK_IOSCHED: + now also work when plugging in USB disks; provided disk is contained in + DISK_DEVICES and 'usb' is removed from DISK_APM_CLASS_DENYLIST + - tlp-stat -d + - Explain why AHCI_RUNTIME_PM is locked for a disk + - Show disks attached to SATA links/ports + - Show a disk's host (for SATA_LINKPWR_DENYLIST) + - Show ALPM state in the sysfs directory of the AHCI host + - Show IDs for all disks configured in DISK_DEVICES + - Distinguish SATA from ATA(IDE) disks + - Show NVMe disk temperature + General: + - power-profiles-daemon: issue error messages about conflicting service + - tlp-stat -s: determine OS release without the lsb_release utility + Graphics: + - Add support for amdgpu (Issue #498) + - Improve powerdown of unused GPUs with drivers amdgpu, nouveau, + nvidia and without driver (Issues #488, #495, #498) + - tlp-stat -g: + - List all GPUs with at least the driver info + - Show hybrid graphics switch state (switcheroo) + - Intel GPU: + - Show hardware min/max frequency instead of + list of available frequencies (kernel change) + - Show more informative RC6, FBC and PSR status where available + (Issue #203) + Operation Mode AC/BAT: + - Speed up system shutdown/suspend by not applying AC settings anymore + - TLP_PS_IGNORE: add USB; allow to ignore multiple power supply classes + - tlp-stat -s: speed up power source detection + - tlp-stat --psup/udev: check if udev rules for power source changes and + connecting USB devices are active + PCI(e) devices: + - RUNTIME_PM_ENABLE/DISABLE: permanently enable/disable runtime PM for + PCI(e) devices based on address (independent of the power source) + - RUNTIME_PM_DENYLIST: remove amdgpu, nvidia, pcieport from defaults + - tlp-stat -e -v: show device runtime_status + Platform: + - PLATFORM_PROFILE_ON_AC/BAT: select platform profile to control system + operating characteristics around power/performance levels, thermal + and fan speed + - tlp-stat -p: show state of ThinkPad lapmode + Processor: + - CPU_HWP_DYN_BOOST_ON_AC/BAT: Intel CPU HWP dynamic boost (Issue #468) + - Remove backwards compatibility of CPU_ENERGY_PERF_POLICY_ON_AC/BAT with + ENERGY_PERF_POLICY_ON_AC/BAT to prevent performance issues caused by the + value 'power' in legacy configurations + - PHC_CONTROLS removed (obsolete) + - tlp-stat -p: + - cpu1..cpuN omitted for clarity, use -v to show all + - Sort more than 10 CPU cores in proper numerical order + - Show intel_pstate operation mode ("status") + - Omit "EPB: unsupported" for AMD or non-intel_pstate CPUs + USB: + - USB_EXCLUDE_AUDIO: exclude audio devices from autosuspend (Issue #556) + - tlp-stat -u -v: show device runtime_status + +- Don't recommend bbswitch, there's no relation to tlp (boo#1190631) + +- tlp-sleep.service does not exist anymore +- Make %files section a bit more precise + +- Recommend bbswitch for ThinkPad battery charge control instead of + acpi-call or tp-smapi not present in the distribution. + +- Use the same value for TLP_ULIB in the %build phase and the + %install phase (boo#1180495): + + BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) + + Use pkg-config --variable udev_dir udev for the value of + TLP_ULIB. + tnef +- update to 1.4.18: + * Improve safety of strdups + * Correct possible improper bitshift. + -- Update to which obsoletes our patches - tnftp +- tnftp ssl client should validate hostnames and certificates, + so for example tnftp -d + fails to connect. (tnftp-verify_hostname.patch), There are + at least two reports about this misbehaviour online but it has + never been fixed. Patch targets openSSL 1.1.x and later + so specify requirement in spec file. + tolua +- Use GNU11 instead of C99 + +- Fix build with Lua 5.4.3 + -- build for packman - -- initial release tolua-5.0 -- repacked as tar.bz2 - tomcat + * CVE-2021-30640: Escape parameters in JNDI Realm queries (bsc#1188279) + * CVE-2021-33037: Process T-E header from both HTTP 1.0 and HTTP 1.1. clients (bsc#1188278) +- Added patches: + * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-30640.patch + * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-33037.patch + +- Fixed CVEs: + * CVE-2021-41079: Validate incoming TLS packet (bsc#1190558) +- Added patches: + * tomcat-9.0-CVE-2021-41079.patch + +- Fixed CVEs: tomoe +- Drop the download URL from Source to allow submission to FACTORY + +- Remove --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) +- Replace boilerplate template description + +- Add tomoe-0.6.0-fixes-set-parse-error.patch and + tomoe-0.6.0-strerror.patch: Fix build in current Factory. +- Run spec-cleaner and modernize spec, drop conditional for ancient + version of openSUSE. + -- update to 0.4.0 - • Shortening startup time. - • Modularization handwriting recognizer and dictionary loader. - • Reconstruct and GObjectize all API. - • Release from libxml. - • Ruby binding. - • Test suite based on Ruby binding. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- new package: tomoe, version 0.2.1. - tomoyo-tools +- updated to 2.6.1-20210910 + - Add -DNCURSES_WIDECHAR=0 to programs using ncurses library. + - Loosen pathname/domainname validation. + - Limit wildcard recursion depth. + - Remove "socket:[family=\\$:type=\\$:protocol=\\$]" from ANY_PATHNAME group. + - Adjust to TOMOYO 2.6. + - Rebase to ccs-tools 1.8.5-2. +- moved /sbin/tomoyo-init binary to /usr/sbin/tomoyo-init (bsc#1191101) + tor +- tor + * Improving reporting of general overload state for DNS timeout + errors by relays + * Regenerate fallback directories for October 2021 + * Bug fixes for onion services + * CVE-2021-22929: do not log v2 onion services access attempt + warnings on disk excessively (TROVE-2021-008, boo#1192658) + +- Reduce boilerplate generated by %service_*. + torrentinfo +- Fix tests + +- remove dependency on nose, use %pytest macro + torsocks +- Update to 2.3.0, announce message: + 2018-11-19 torsocks 2.3.0 + * Fix a bunch of stuff in the wrapper script, #24967 + * gethostbyaddr_r: always assign result + * log: Remove log line when logging is stopped + * gethostbyaddr_r: Don't put garbage in data->hostname + * gethostbyaddr_r: Populate h_addrtype field + * log: Avoid crash or file corruption when closing logs + * connect: Always pass .onion IP cookie to connection object + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'yawning/bug23715' + * Make torsocks always connect to the configured Tor port + * test: Make getpeername test connect to moria1 + * socks5: Always use ATYP 0x03 for CONNECT command + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' + * doc: Clarify the libc limitation in README + * accept4: Initialize libc symbol early + * Bug 23715: Support memfd_create(2). + * test: Detect if tor is running in test_fd_passing + * No tab in the README + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'debian/bugfix/typo-subsytem' + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'debian/bugfix/typo-catched' + * Merge remote-tracking branch 'debian/bugfix/typo-conect' + * doc: Add step to README + * Add a -q/--quiet to torsocks + * tests: Add a check for a running Tor + * Make cpp conditional for definition of handle_mmap match use + * utils: Add useful function for later use + * man: Some words were missing + * Remove clang warnings + * Add missing quotes to variable in + * Fix check_addr() to return either 0 or 1 + * Ignore stderr for getcap command + * syscall: Add seccomp, gettimeofday, clock_gettime, fork + * Fix typo: conect -> connect. + * Fix typo: subsytem -> subsystem. + * Fix typo: catched -> caught. +- Remove dependency on tor + touchegg +- Update to 2.0.10 + * Touchscreen: Use touch average to calculate deltas + * libinput 1.18 support: Different deltas depending on libinput version + +- Update to 2.0.9 + * Use screen rotation to calculate touchscreen gestures direction + +- Update to 2.0.8 + * Fix animation when screens ot the same size are arranged vertically + * Fix crash caused by a g_variant not being referenced + * Handle the TOUCH_CANCEL event to avoid bugs +- Update to 2.0.7 + * Include different log levels, thanks to @imabuddha + * Improvements in documentation + * Fix intermittent crash +- Update to 2.0.6 + * New action added: `FULLSCREEN_WINDOW`. Thanks to @MarioJim + * Use D-Bus for daemon-client communication, making easier to write clients different languages + * Animations are pixel-precise at low speeds + * Make application name case insensitive in config file +- Update to 2.0.5 + * Allow to cancel non animated gestures when configured to run on end. Thanks to @d86leader + * Using unaccelerated deltas and different horizontal and vertical finish thresholds for a better + user experience + * Fix crashes when incorrect keys are used on `SEND_KEYS` + * Handle devices reporting a size of 0x0 mm + * Allow to use a symlink as configuration to Dotfiles users + * Handles window managers that don't set the `_NET_WORKAREA` atom +- Update to 2.0.4 + * New gesture available for touchscreens: `TAP` + * New action added: `MOUSE_CLICK` + * Better multi-monitor support + * Improve config file watcher +- Update to 2.0.3 + * Use `auto` with `color` and `borderColor` to use your theme's accent color + * Use `auto` with `CHANGE_DESKTOP` to follow your natural scroll preferences + * You are downloading a much better Debian (.deb) package + * Now Linux distributions shipping Touchégg by default can update your configuration easily + * Improve protocol backward compatibility for third party integrations +- Update to 2.0.2 + * Touchscreen support. Now you can use PINCH and SWIPE gestures on your touchscreen. + * Animations are smoother, even in devices with limited resources like the Raspberry Pi 4. + * CHANGE_DESKTOP now allows to use up/down/left/right directions in addition to previous/next. + Made with love for KDE users. + * Touchégg is added to startup automatically on installation. + * In case you manually added it to startup you don't need to change anything, now you can not run + multiple instances in parallel by mistake. + * Fix Crash when a screen is connected but disabled. Thanks to @magnus-gross. + * Fix Intermittent crash after editing the configuration file. + * Fix Crash when performing a gesture on the root window. +- Update to 2.0.1 + * Fix Arch Linux and openSUSE compilation +- Update to 2.0.0 + * Total rewrite + * Add libinput support + * Add 1:1 animations so your gestures doesn't feel like a "shortcut" anymore + * Drop the Qt dependency for better compatibility + * Available gestures: SWIPE, PINCH + * Available actions: MAXIMIZE_RESTORE_WINDOW, MINIMIZE_WINDOW, TILE_WINDOW, + CLOSE_WINDOW, CHANGE_DESKTOP, SHOW_DESKTOP, SEND_KEYS, RUN_COMMAND +- Removed touchegg-1.1.1-slowdown-scroll-speed.patch + Obsolete +- Removed touchegg-qt5.patch + Obsolete + tpm2 +- The update to 5.2 fill also jsc#SLE-9515 (4.1) and jsc#SLE-17366 (4.3.0) + +- Fix python3-PyYAML requirement +- Move the tests inside a bcond. Disabled by default. + +- Update to version 5.2: + + tpm2_nvextend: + * Added option -n, --name to specify the name of the nvindex in + hex bytes. This is used when cpHash ought to be calculated + without dispatching the TPM2_NV_Extend command to the TPM. + + tpm2_nvread: + * Added option --rphash=FILE to specify ile path to record the + hash of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as + rpHash. + * Added option -n, --name to specify the name of the nvindex in + hex bytes. This is used when cpHash ought to be calculated + without dispatching the TPM2_NVRead command to the TPM. + * Added option -S, --session to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the + parameters. + + tpm2_nvsetbits: + * Added option --rphash=FILE to specify file path to record the + hash of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as + rpHash. + * Added option -S, --session to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the + parameters. + * Added option -n, --name to specify the name of the nvindex in + hex bytes. This is used when cpHash ought to be calculated + without dispatching the TPM2_NV_SetBits command to the TPM. + + tpm2_createprimary: + * Support public-key output at creation time in various public-key + formats. + + tpm2_create: + * Support public-key output at creation time in various public-key + formats. + + tpm2_print: + * Support outputing public key in various public key formats over + the default YAML output. Supports taking -u output from + tpm2_create and converting it to a PEM or DER file format. + + tpm2_import: + * Add support for importing keys with sealed-data-blobs. + + tpm2_rsaencrypt, tpm2_rsadecrypt: + * Add support for specifying the hash algorithm with oaep. + + tpm2_pcrread, tpm2_quote: + * Add option -F, --pcrs_format to specify PCR format selection for + the binary blob in the PCR output file. 'values' will output a + binary blob of the PCR values. 'serialized' will output a binary + blob of the PCR values in the form of serialized data structure + in little endian format. + + tpm2_eventlog: + * Add support for decoding StartupLocality. + * Add support for printing the partition information. + * Add support for reading eventlogs longer than 64kb including + from /sys/kernel/security/tpm0/binary_bios-measurements. + + tpm2_duplicate: + * Add option -L, --policy to specify an authorization policy to be + associated with the duplicated object. + * Added support for external key duplication without needing the + TCTI. + + tools: + * Enhance error message on invalid passwords when sessions cannot + be used. + + lib/tpm2_options: + * Add option to specify fake tcti which is required in cases where + sapi ctx is required to be initialized for retrieving command + parameters without invoking the tcti to talk to the TPM. + + openssl: + * Dropped support for OpenSSL < 1.1.0 + * Add support for OpenSSL 3.0.0 + + Support added to make the repository documentation and man pages + available live on readthedocs. + + Bug-fixes: + * tpm2_import: Don't allow setting passwords for imported object + with -p option as the tool doesn't modify the TPM2B_SENSITIVE + structure. Added appropriate logging to indicate using + tpm2_changeauth after import. + * lib/tpm2_util.c: The function to calculate pHash algorithm + returned error when input session is a password session and the + only session in the command. + * lib/tpm2_alg_util.c: Fix an error where oaep was parsed under + ECC. + * tpm2_sign: Fix segfaults when tool does not find TPM resources + (TPM or RM). + * tpm2_makecredential: Fix an issue where reading input from stdin + could result in unsupported data size larger than the largest + digest size. + * tpm2_loadexternal: Fix an issue where restricted attribute could + not be set. + * lib/tpm2_nv_util.h: The NV index size is dependent on different + data sets read from the GetCapability structures because there + is a dependency on the NV operation type: Define vs Read vs + Write vs Extend. Fix a sane default in the case where + GetCapability fails or fails to report the specific property/ + data set. This is especially true because some properties are + TPM implementation dependent. + * tpm2_createpolicy: Fix an issue where tool exited silently + without reporting an error if wrong pcr string is specified. + * lib/tpm2_alg_util: add error message on public init to prevent + tools from dying silently, add an error message. + * tpm2_import: fix an issue where an imported hmac object scheme + was NULL. While allowed, it was inconsistent with other tools + like tpm2_create which set the scheme as hmac->sha256 when + generating a keyedhash object. +- Drop patches already in upstream: + + 0001-tpm2_checkquote-fix-uninitialized-variable.patch + + 0001-tpm2_eventlog-fix-buffer-offset-when-reading-the-eve.patch + + 0001-tpm2_eventlog-read-eventlog-file-in-chunks.patch + +- Add 0001-tpm2_eventlog-fix-buffer-offset-when-reading-the-eve.patch to + fix the offset of the read buffer + +- prepare running the test suite via %check, but leave it commented out, + because it is broken due to LTO linking. + +- update to version 5.1.1: + - tpm2_import: fix fixed AES key CVE-2021-3565 + - tpm2_import used a fixed AES key for the inner wrapper, which means that + a MITM attack would be able to unwrap the imported key. To fix this, + ensure the key size is 16 bytes or bigger and use OpenSSL to generate a + secure random AES key. +- Avoid pandoc build dependency, use prebuilt man pages everywhere +- Drop 0001-tpm2_import-fix-fixed-AES-key-CVE-2021-3565.patch, now upstream +- Drop _service, unused +- Drop unused unzip build dependency +- Drop autoreconfigure call, no longer necessary +- Use %autosetup +- Verify tarball signature +- Build against efivar +- Drop %check section, tests weren't built, so that was a noop + +- Add 0001-tpm2_eventlog-read-eventlog-file-in-chunks.patch to fix the + tpm2_eventlog command (boo#1187360) + +- Add 0001-tpm2_checkquote-fix-uninitialized-variable.patch for a better + fix of boo#1187316 +- Re-enable lto + +- Disable lto to fix tpm2_checkquote error (boo#1187316) +- Update service file to point to the correct revision + +- Do not BuildRequire pandoc on ix86 architectures: the haskell + stack is not supported on intel 32bit archs. + +- drop fix_pie_linking.patch: now contained in upstream tarball +- drop fix_warnings.patch: now contained in upstream tarball +- update to upstream version 5.1: + - Minimum tpm2-tss version dependency bumped to 3.1.0 + - Minimum tpm2-abrmd version dependency bumped to 2.4.0 + - tss2: + - Support in tools for PolicyRef inclusion in policy search per latest TSS. + - Support to use TPM objects protected by a policy with PolicySigned. + - Enable backward compatibility to old Fapi callback API. + - Fix PCR selection for tss2 quote. + - Support policy signed policies by implementing Fapi_SetSignCB. + - Command/ response parameter support for auditing and pHash policies: + - lib/tpm2_util.c: Add method to determine hashing alg for cp/rphash + - Add support to calculate rphash for tpm2_create, tpm2_activatecredential, + tpm2_certify, tpm2_certifycreation, tpm2_changeauth, tpm2_changeeps, + tpm2_changepps, tpm2_nvdefine, tpm2_nvextend, tpm2_unseal + - Add support to calculate cphash for tpm2_changeeps, tpm2_changepps. + - Session-support: + - tpm2_sessionconfig: Add tool to display and configure session attributes. + - tpm2_getrandom: Fix— session input was hardcoded for audit-only + - tpm2_startauthsession: Add option to specify the bind object and its + authorization value. + - tpm2_startauthsession: support for bounded-only session. + - tpm2_startauthsession: support for salted-only session. + - tpm2_startauthsession: add option to specify an hmac session type. + - Add support for specifying non-authorization sessions for audit and + parameter encryption for tpm2_getrandom, tpm2_create, tpm2_nvextend, + tpm2_nvdefine, tpm2_unseal, tpm2_activatecredential, tpm2_certify, + tpm2_certifycreation, tpm2_changeauth, tpm2_changeeps, tpm2_changepps. + - tpm2_eventlog: + - Support for event type: EV_IPL extensively used by the Shim and Grub. + - Support for event type: EV_EFI_GPT_EVENT to parse. + UEFI_PARTITION_TABLE_HEADER and UEFI_PARTITION_ENTRY. + - Support for event type: EFI_SIGNATURE_LIST, which contains one or more + EFI_SIGNATURE_DATA. + - Support for event type EV_EFI_VARIABLE_AUTHORITY. + - Parse UEFI_PLATFORM_FIRMWARE_BLOB structure that the CRTM MUST put into + the Event Log entry TCG_PCR_EVENT2.event field for event types + EV_POST_CODE, EV_S_CRTM_CONTENTS, and EV_EFI_PLATFORM_FIRMWARE_BLOB. + - Parse secureboot variable to indicate enable as 'Yes'. + - Parse BootOrder variable to a more readable format. + - Parse Boot variables per EFI_LOAD_OPTION described in more details in + UEFI Spec Section 3.1.3 + - Parse Device-path in a readable format using the efivar library. + - Support for logs longer than 64 kilobytes. + - Perform verification for event types where digest can be verified from + their event payload. + - Better support for multiline strings. + - Fix handling of event log EV_POST_CODE data where field is empty and len + is specified. + - scripts/utils: Add a utility to read the cert chain of embedded CA. + - tpm2_getekcertificate: Fix tool failing to return error/non-zero for HTTP + 404. + - tpm2_nvdefine: allow setting hash algorithm by command line parameter for NV + indices set in extend mode. + - tpm2_duplicate, tpm2_import: support duplicating non-TPM keys to a remote + TPM without first requiring them to be loaded to a local TPM. + - tpm2_dictionarylockout: Fix issue where setting value for one parameter + caused to reset the others. + - tpm2_getpolicydigest: Add new tool to enable TPM2_CC_PolicyGetDigest. + - Fix segfault where optind > argc. + - tools/tpm2_checkquote: fix missing initializer + - tpm2_convert: fix EVP_EncodeUpdate usage for OSSL < 1.1.0 + - openssl: fix EVP_ENCODE_CTX_(new|free) + - test: Add support for swTPM simulator to the testing framework and make it + the default if mssim isn't available. + - tpm2_unseal: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - tpm2_nvextend: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - tpm2_nvdefine: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - tpm2_changepps: + - Added option **\--cphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the command parameters. This is commonly termed as cpHash. + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_changeeps: + - Added option **\--cphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the command parameters. This is commonly termed as cpHash. + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_changeauth: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_certifycreation: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_certify: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_activatecredential: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added option **-S**, **\--session** to specify to specify an auxiliary + session for auditing and or encryption/decryption of the parameters. + - tpm2_create: + - Added option **\--rphash**=_FILE_ to specify ile path to record the hash + of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - tpm2_unseal: + - Added option **-S**, **--session** to specify auxiliary sessions for + audit and encryption. + - tpm2_nvdefine: + - Added option **-S**, **--session** to specify auxiliary sessions for + audit and encryption. + - tpm2_nvextend: + - Added option **-S**, **--session** to specify auxilary sessions for + audit and encryption. -- Explicitly require libuuid-devel to fix a build failure. +- fix `--version` output of tools. Since now autoreconf is called and + attempts to fetch the version from git (which we don't have + during building), the version was empty. Fix this by replacing the git + invocation in -- drop fix_bad_bufsize.patch: now contained in upstream tarball -- Adjust fix_bogus_warning.patch: one hunk no longer applies, upstream code - changed. -- add fix_pie_linking.patch: necessary to make PIE linking for tss2 binary - work. -- update to version 4.3.0 (jsc#SLE-17366): +- add fix_warnings.patch: fixes a couple of build errors resulting from LTO + linking and -Werror. +- add fix_pie_linking.patch: fixes an error in the build system that causes + the tss2 binary to be linked without passed LDFLAGS (like -pie), which + causes the binary not to be position independent. +- update to major version 5.0: + - Non Backwards Compatible Changes + * Default hash algorithm is now sha256. Prior versions claimed sha1, but were + inconsistent in choice. Best practice is to specify the hash algorithm to + avoid surprises. + * tpm2_tools and tss2_tools are now a busybox style commandlet. Ie + tpm2_getrandom becomes tpm2 getrandom. make install will install symlinks + to the old tool names and the tpm2 commandlet will interrogate argv[0] for + the command to run. This will provide backwards compatibility if they are + installed. If you wish to use the old names not installed system wide, set + DESTDIR during install to a separate path and set the proper directory on + PATH. + * tpm2_eventlog's output changed to be YAML compliant. The output before + was intended to be YAML compliant but was never properly checked and + tested. + * umask set to 0117 for all tools. + * tpm2_getekcertificate now outputs the INTC EK certificates in PEM format + by default. In order to output the URL safe variant of base64 encoded + output of the INTC EK certificate use the added option --raw. + - Dependency update + * Update tpm2-tss dependency version to 3.0.1 + * Update tpm2-abrmd dependency version to 2.3.3 + - New tools and features + * tpm2_zgen2phase: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_ZGen_2Phase. + * tpm2_ecdhzgen: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_ECDH_ZGen. + * tpm2_ecdhkeygen: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_ECDH_KeyGen. + * tpm2_commit: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_Commit. + * tpm2_ecephemeral: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_EC_Ephemeral. + * tpm2_geteccparameters: Add new tool to support command TPM2_CC_ECC_Parameters. + * tpm2_setcommandauditstatus: Added new tool to support command TPM2_CC_SetCommandCodeAuditStatus. + * tpm2_getcommandauditstatus: Added new tool to support command TPM2_CC_GetCommandAuditDigest. + * tpm2_getsessionauditdigest: Added new tool to support command TPM2_CC_GetSessionAuditDigest. + * tpm2_certifyX509certutil: Added new tool for creating partial x509 certificates required to support + the TPM2_CC_CertifyX509 command. + * tpm2_policysigned: + Added option --cphash-input to specify the command parameter hash + (cpHashA), enforcing the TPM command to be authorized as well as its + handle and parameter values. + * tpm2_createprimary: + Added option to specify the unique data from the stdin by adding + provision for specifying the option value for unique file as -. + * tpm2_startauthsession: + Added new feature/option --audit-session to start an HMAC session to + be used as an audit session. + * tpm2_getrandom: + - Added new feature/option -S, --session to specify a HMAC session + to be used as an audit session. This adds support for auditing the + command using an audit session. + - Added new feature/option --rphash to specify file path to record the + hash of the response parameters. This is commonly termed as rpHash. + - Added new feature/option --cphash to specify a file path to record + the hash of the command parameters. This is commonly termed as cpHash. + NOTE: In absence of --rphash option, when this option is selected, + The tool will not actually execute the command, it simply returns a + cpHash. + * tpm2_getcap: tpm2_getcap was missing raw on a property TPM2_PT_REVISION, + and it should always be specified. + * tpm2_sign: + - Add option --commit-index to specify the commit index to use when + performing an ECDAA signature. + - Add support for ECDAA signature. + * tpm2_getekcertificate: + - Add option --raw to output EK certificate in URL safe variant base64 + encoded format. By default it outputs a PEM formatted certificate. + - The tool can now output INTC and non INTC EK certificates from NV + indices specified by the TCG EK profile specification. + * tpm2_activatecredential: + - The secret data input can now be specified as stdin with -s option. + - The public key used for encryption can be specified as -u to make it + similar to rest of the tools specifying a public key. The old -e + option is retained for backwards compatibility. + - Add option to specify the key algorithm when the input public key is in + PEM format using the new option -G, --key-algorithm. Can specify + either RSA/ECC. When this option is used, input public key is expected + to be in PEM format and the default TCG EK template is used for the key + properties. + * tpm2_checkqoute: + - Add EC support. + - Support loading tss signatures. + - Support loading tpm2 pcrread PCR values by specifying the PCR + selection using the new option -l, --pcr-list. + - Added support for automatically detecting the signature format. With + this -F, --format option is retained for backwards compatibility but + it is deprecated. + * tpm2_createak: add option to output qualified name with new option + - q, --ak-qualified-name. + * tpm2_policypcr: Add option for specifying cumulative hash of PCR's as an argument. + * tpm2_readpublic: Add option to output qualified name using the new option + - q, --qualified-name. + * tpm2_print: + - Support printing TPM2B_PUBLIC data structures. + - Support printing TPMT_PUBLIC data structures. + * tpm2_send: Add support for handling sending and receiving command and + response buffer for multiple commands. + * tpm2_verifysignature: Added support for verifying RSA-PSS signatures. + * tpm2_eventlog: + - Add handling of sha1 log format. + - Add fixes for eventlog output to be proper YAML. + - Add support for sha384, sha512, sm3_256 PCR hash algorithms. + - Add support for computing PCR values based on the events. + * tpm2_tools (all): + - Set stdin/stdout to non-buffering. + - Added changes for FreeBSD portability. + - Bug fixes + * Fix printing short options when no ascii character is used. + * OpenSSL: Fix deprecated OpenSSL functions. ECC Functions with suffix + GFp will become deprecated (DEPRECATED_1_2_0). + * tpm2_eventlog: output EV_POST_CODE as string not firmware blob to be + compliant with TCG PC Client FPF section and + * Fix missing handle maps for ESY3 handle breaks. See #1994. + * tpm2_rsaencrypt: fix OAEP RSA encryption failing to invalid hash selection. + * tpm2_rsadecrypt: fix OAEP RSA decryption failing to invalid hash selection. + * tpm2_sign: fix for signing failures with restricted signing keys when + input data to sign is not a digest, rather the full message. The + validation ticket creation process defaults to the owner hierarchy and + so in order to choose other hierarchies the tpm2_hash tool should be + used instead. + * tpm2_print: fix segfault when -t option is omitted by appropriately + warning of the required option. + * tpm2_nvdefine: fix for default size when size is not specified by + invoking TPM2_CC_GetCapability. + * Fix for an issue where the return code for unsupported algorithms was + tool_rc_general instead of tool_rc_unsupported in tpm2_create and + tpm2_createprimary tools. + * Fix for an issue where RSA_PSS signature verification caused failures. + * tpm2_nvreadpublic, tpm2_kdfa, tpm2_checkquote, tpm2_quote: + Fixes for issues with interoperability of the attestation tools between + big and little endian platforms. + * tss2_*: + - Fix bash-completion for tss2_pcrextend and tss2_verifysignature + - Add force option to tss2_list + - Make force option consistent in all fapi tools + - Do not decode non-TPM errors + - Enhance integration tests to test changes of optional/mandatory parameters + - Add --hex parameter to tss2_getrandom + - Fix autocompletion issue + - Switch tss2_* to with-"="-style + - Add size parameter to tss2_createseal + - References to the cryptographic profile (fapi-profile(5)) and config file + - (fapi-config(5)) man pages from all relevant tss2_* man pages. + - Fix policy branch selection menu item from 1 to 0. + - Documentation + * wiki pages have been removed and data has been migrated to + portal's tutorial section. + * Fix the problem with man and no-man help output for tools were not + correctly displayed. + * man: + - tpm2_create: Correct max seal data size from 256 bytes to 128 bytes. + - tpm2_nvread: Fix manpage example. + - tpm2_nvwrite: Added missing information on how to specify the NV index as + an argument. + - tpm2_unseal: Add end-to-end example. + - tpm2_nvincrement: Fix incorrect commands in example section. + - tpm2_hmac: Fix the example section. + +- update to version 4.3: +- Remove fix_bad_bufsize.patch: is now contained in upstream tarball +- Adjust fix_bogus_warning.patch: one hunk no longer applies, upstream code + changed. + +- add fix_bad_bufsize.patch: fixes findings from compile time fread() checks + that indicate bad buffer size specification. +- add fix_bogus_warning.patch: fixes `maybe-unitialized` warnings that are + bogus, since the variables in questions will be initialized in any case + later on. -- update to major version 4.1 (jsc#SLE-9515): - - add fix_bad_bufsize.patch: fixes findings from compile time fread() checks - that indicate bad buffer size specification. - - add fix_bogus_warning.patch: fixes `maybe-unitialized` warnings that are - bogus, since the variables in questions will be initialized in any case - later on. +- update to major version 4.1: tpm2-0-tss -- drop 0001-esys-Fix-HMAC-generation-for-policy-sessions.patch: now contained - in upstream tarball -- update to upstream version 2.4.5 (jsc#SLE-17366): - - changes in version 2.3.2: - * Fix unit tests on S390 architectures - * Fixed HMAC generation for policy sessions - - changes in version 2.3.3: +- Version 3.1.0 includes: + + cover update to 2.4.5 (jsc#SLE-17366) + + cover update to 2.3.0 (jsc#SLE-9515) + + fix policy session for TPM2_PolicyAuthValue (bsc#1160736) +- Add version the configuration file tpm2-tss-fapi.conf + +- Remove conflicting sysusers.d file + +- Clean spec file +- Add new library libtss2-tcti-pcap0 +- Update to 3.1.0: + * Fix FAPI PolicyPCR not instatiating correctly (CVE-2020-24455) + * Fixed possible access outside the array in ifapi_calculate_tree + * Added pcap TCTI + * Added GlobalSign TPM Root CA certs to FAPI cert store + * Changed EncryptDecrypt mode type to align with TPM2.0 spec 1.59 + * Added two new TPM commands TPM2_CC_CertifyX509, + and TPM2_CC_ACT_SetTimeout + +- small services fixes and comments + +- update to 3.0.3: + - changes in 3.0.3: + * Fix Regression in Fapi_List + * Fix memory leak in policy calculation + - changes in 3.0.2: + * FAPI: Fix setting of the system flag of NV objects + * This will let NV object metadata be created system-wide always instead of + * locally in the user. Existing metadata will remain in the user directory. + * It can be moved to the corresponding systemstore manually if needed. + * FAPI: Fix policy searching, when a policyRef was provided + * FAPI: Accept EK-Certs without CRL dist point + * FAPI: Fix return codes of Fapi_List + * FAPI: Fix memleak in policy execution + * FAPI: Fix coverity NULL-pointer check + * FAPI: Set the written flag of NV objects in FAPI PolicyNV commands + * FAPI: Fix deleting of policy files. + * FAPI: Fix wrong file loading during object search. + * Fapi: Fix memory leak + * Fapi: Fix potential NULL-Dereference + * Fapi: Remove superfluous NULL check + * Fix a memory leak in async keystore load. + +- move the tcti-fapi tmpfiles.d config file into the libtss2-fapi1 sub-package. +- improve the descriptions of new libraries (fapi1, cmd0, swtpm0) +- adjust baselibs.conf to match new library versions and added libraries + +- Update to 3.0.1, changelog at: + +- Update libtss2-sys0 to libtss2-sys1 +- Add new libs: + * libtss2-fapi1 + * libtss2-tcti-cmd0 + * libtss2-tcti-swtpm0 + +- Update to version 2.3.3 - - changes in version 2.4.0: - * Added a new Feature API (FAPI) implementation - * Added Esys_TRSess_GetAuthRequired() ESAPI function - * Added Esys_TR_GetTpmHandle() SAPI function - * Added Esys_GetSysContext() SAPI function - * Added the with-sanitizer configure option - * Added CI for FreeBSD - * Changed MSSIM TCTI to be async capable - * Removed TCTI loaders from ESYS dependencies in pkg-config - * Changed getPollHandles to allow num_handles query - * Improved CI builds - * Converted builds to docker builds - * Number of fixes and improvements in the test code - * Changed tcti-device in non-async mode to allways block - * Fixed hmac calculation for tpm2_clear command in ESAPI - * Fixed mixing salted and unsalted sessions in the same ESAPI context - * Removed use of VLAs from TPML marshal code - * Fixed setting C++ compiler for non-fuzzing builds at configure - * Fixed setting the name of session objects - * Fixed page alignment errors in Sys_Get/SetAuths functions - * Fixed potential buffer overflow in tcti_mssim_receive - * Fixed invalid memory alloc failure in Tss2_TctiLdr_Initialize - * Fixed list of exported symbols map for libtss2-mu - * Fixed resource name calculation in Esys_CreateLoaded - * Fixed keysize of ECC curve TPM2_ECC_NISTP224 - * Fixed segmentation fault in tctildr if name_conf was too big - * Fixed memory leak in tctildr-tcti tests - * Fixed HMAC generation for policy sessions - * Added check for object node before calling compute_session_value function - * Fixed auth calculation in Esys_StartAuthSession called with optional parameters - * Fixed compute_encrypted_salt error handling in Esys_StartAuthSession - * Fixed exported symbols map for libtss2-mu - * Remove duplicate ESYS entries from map file - * Removed the private implementation of strndup from tctildr - - changes in version 2.4.1: - * Fixed systemd-sysusers/-tmpfiles creation without systemd - * Removed expired coverity token from travis.yaml - * Fixed uninitialized context of FAPI command Fapi_ChangeAuth issue - * Fixed handling of tcti pointer in Esys_Initialize - * Fixed usages of EC routines deprecated in OSSL 1.2 and greater - * Fixed FAPI handling of TPMs without stored certificates - - changes in version 2.4.2: - * Fixed duoble json_object_put call in event log processing. - * Fixed memory leaks on error paths in FAPI - * Fixed setting of FAPI app data. - * Fixed size check for Fapi_Encrypt. - * Fixed computation of PCR logs and PCR digest of PCR logs. - * Improved comments for FAPI authentication. - * Fixed segfault and leaks in FAPI - * Fixed Fapi_GetCertificate for objects which are not of type key - * Fixed hierarchy usage in Fapi_Provision - * Fixed ESYS Shared secret calculation - * Fixed doxygen warnings for FAPI docs - * Fixed copying of primary template during key loading. - * Fixed some wrong format directives in debug statements. - * Fixed usage of hierarchy and authentication in Fapi_GetCertificate und Fapi_Delete - * Fixed unallocated return buffers which may have lead to segfaults in tooling - * Fixed usage of persistent handles. - * Fixed computation of the size of a PCR selection (Fixes #1737). - * Fixed missing hierarchy authentication for Fapi_Delete. - * Fixed uninitialized context of FAPI command Fapi_ChangeAuth. - * Fixed computation of random value for objects used for sealing. - * Fixed return code for event parsing errors. - * Fixed NV index and path handling in NV creation. - * Fixed path checking for keys. - * Fixed Fapi_GetInfo function. - * Fixed path usage in Fapi_Import. - * Fixed invalid settings of default flags for keys creation. - * Fixed handle usage in Fapi_ChangeAuth - * Enabled all PCR registers for SHA256 bank in the distribution profiles. - * Added some checks to Fapi_Provisioning to avoid nasty failure states - * Added a check to prevent overwrite or delete FAPI storage objects and directories - * Remove obsolete test - * Checked hierarchy needed for EvictControl for deleting objects in FAPI. - * Checked event log file before calling the TPM in Fapi_PcrExtend. - * Adapted integration tests to SRK delete checking. - * Improved presentation of Fapi_GetInfo. - * Silenced expected errors from Esys_TestParams - * Added man pages for FAPI json config files - * Added a check that prevents deleting default directories - * Added a check if primary keys already exist for Fapi_Provision - * Added tests for derived persistent keys. - * Added test policy PCR with PCR register 8. - * Added check for deleting of the SRK. - * Added test for sealing a random value. - * Added content of the config file to FAPI Info. - * Added a check for valid pathnames in keystore module. - * Removed unecassary code from Fapi_ExportKey - * Removed obsolete LIBDL_LDFLAGS and replace it with LIBADD_DL - * Removed superfluous policies/pol_password.json file - - changes in version 2.4.3: - * Fix CVE-2020-24455 FAPI PolicyPCR not instatiating correctly - Note that all TPM object created with a PolicyPCR with the currentPcrs - and currentPcrsAndBank options have been created with an incorrect policy - that ommits PCR checks. All these objects have to be recreated! - * Fix bug in FAPI NV creation with custom index values - * Cleanup of leftover sessions in error cases in FAPI - * Better error messages in several FAPI errors - * Add checks to FAPI policy paths - * Add checks if FAPI is correctly provisioned - * Fix execution of FAPI policies in some cases - * Allow 0x prefixes for TPMU_HA in JSON encoding - - changes in version 2.4.4: - * FAPI: Fix policy searching, when a policyRef was provided - * FAPI: Accept EK-Certs without CRL dist point - * FAPI: Fix memleak in policy execution - * FAPI: Fix setting of the system flag of NV objects - This will let NV object metadata be created system-wide always instead of - locally in the user. Existing metadata will remain in the user directory. - It can be moved to the corresponding systemstore manually if needed. - * FAPI: Set the written flag of NV objects in FAPI PolicyNV commands - * FAPI: Fix deleting of policy files. - * FAPI: Fix wrong file loading during object search. - * Fapi: Fix memory leak - * Fapi: Fix potential NULL-Dereference - * Fapi: Remove superfluous NULL check - - changes in version 2.4.5: - * Fix Regression in Fapi_List - * Fix memory leak in policy calculation -- 0001-esys-Fix-HMAC-generation-for-policy-sessions.patch: fix problems with - policy sessions that don't include an TPM2_PolicyAuthValue (bsc#1160736). - This bug was fixed upstream in a minor release 2.3.2. +- Use system-users for tss user creation (boo#1162360). + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(udev) instead of udev: allow OBS to + shortcut through the -mini flavor. + +- update to upstream version 2.3.2: + - changes since version 2.3.0: + - Fix unit tests on S390 architectures + - Fixed HMAC generation for policy sessions -- update to upstream version 2.3.0 (dependency for jsc#SLE-9515): +- update to upstream version 2.3.0: tpm2-tss-engine -- add 0001-build-add-disable-defaultflags.patch: add support to disable fixed - compilation flags -- pass --disable-defaultflags to avoid breakage of our gcc-PIE profile - (resulted in non-position-independent executable tpm2-tss-genkey, bsc#1183895). +- --disable-defaultflags fix also bsc#1183895 +- Drop 0001-build-add-disable-defaultflags.patch, already included in + upstream code. + +- pass --disable-defaultflags to avoid breakage of our gcc-PIE profile (-> + resulted in non-position-independent executable). + +- Update to upstream version 1.1.0: + * Added: + - Configure option for ptpm tests + - Configure script AX_CHECK_ENABLE_DEBUG + - Option for setting tcti on executable + - TCTI-env variable used by default + - Support for parent key passwords + - openssl.cnf sample file + * Changed: + - Fix several build system, autotools and testing related issues + Now adhere to CFLAGS conventions + - Include pkg-config dependecy on libtss2-mu in order to work with tpm2-tss 2.3 + - Enables parallel testing of integration tests: + Make integration tests use TPM simulator; instead of first TPM it finds + Use of different port numbers for TCP based tests + - Fix EC param info (using named curve format) + - Use tpm2-tools 4.X stable branch for integration tests + - Use instead of custom code for tcti setup + - Fix manpages for -P/--parent option and correct engine name + - Fix TCTI env variable handling + - Set parent handle to OWNER translate-shell +- update to + * Bing Microsoft Translator: fixed (#340) + * Added a Docker image (#336) + * Fixed other minor issues (#345, #339) + +- Update to version + * Google Translate: enforced UTF-8 URL-encoding for non-ASCII + characters, fixed garbled result + * Bing Microsoft Translator: updated to API v3, fixed support + (excl. TTS) + * GNU awk 5.0.0 compatibility +- includes version + * GNU awk 5.0.0 compatibility + * Show gender-specific translations (Google Translate only) + * Support multiple source languages Support the use of language + aliases for TTS + * Fix for virtual emulators that have own BiDi support, e.g., + konsole + * New option: -bidi (enforce bidirectional conversion) + * New options: -4, -6 (choose manually IPv4 or IPv6 connection) + * New option: -no-browser (do not open the web browser) + * New option: -join-sentence (treat all arguments as one single + sentence) + * Multiple fixes +- includes version + * Removed DeepL engine support + * Close command pipelines after printing to pager + * Set minimum screen width + +- Update to version + * Fixed engine support: DeepL, Bing TTS + * New languages (Yandex only): Emoji + * Close command pipelines everywhere + translator +- Update to 1.4.1: + * Translations to brazilian portuguese (thanks to korndorfer) + * Fix appdata translations (thanks to NathanBnm) + * Save theme settings (thanks to camellan) + * Fix dark theme color + +- Update to 1.4.0: + * Clear button (thanks to camellan) + * Copy button (thanks to camellan) + * More languages and translations (thanks to camellan) + * Bug fixes (thanks to camellan) + +- Update to 1.3.2: + * Switch to meson +- Add HiDPI icons +- Remove obsolete macros +- Spec file cleanup + transmageddon +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Properly switch to python3 for building: + + Pass PYTHON=%{_bindir}/python3 to make install. + + Drop python BuildRequires. +- Do not produce the obsolete., now empty post scriptlets. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + -- Change python-gstreamer-0_10 Requires to 0.10.22 despite - mentioning 0.10.23, as this version is not avaialble - and the only point where this requirement is versioned is in - - -- Update to version 0.21: - + Fix MPEG4 profiles to work with new caps in GStreamer - + Move preset directory to be Transmageddon specific - + Stop using XDG python library and just use glib - + Fix bug with repeated remuxings of same file - + Updated translations. - -- patch license to follow standard - transmission +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_transmission-daemon.service.patch + +- Fix build with RPM 4.16: move installation of translations from + %build to %install section. + +- Update to transmission 3.00: + + Common: + - Allow the RPC server to listen on an IPv6 address. + - Change TR_CURL_SSL_VERIFY to TR_CURL_SSL_NO_VERIFY and enable + verification by default. + - Go back to using hash as base name for resume and torrent + files. + - Handle "fields" argument in "session-get" RPC request. + - Limit the number of incorrect authentication attempts in + embedded web server to 100 to prevent brute-force attacks. + - Set idle seed limit range to 1..40320 (4 weeks tops) in all + clients. + - Add Peer ID for Xfplay, PicoTorrent, Free Download Manager, + Folx, Baidu Netdisk torrent clients. + - Announce INT64_MAX as size left if the value is unknown. + - Add TCP_FASTOPEN support. + - Improve ToS handling on IPv6 connections. + - Abort handshake if establishing DH shared secret fails. + - Don't switch trackers while announcing. + - Maintain a "session ID" file (in temporary directory) to + better detect whether session is local or remote. + - Change torrent location even if no data move is needed. + - Support CIDR-notated blocklists. + - Update the resume file before running scripts. + - Make multiscrape limits adaptive. + - Add label support to libtransmission and transmission-remote. + - Parse session-id header case-insensitively. + - Sanitize suspicious path components instead of rejecting + them. + - Add support for mbedtls (formely polarssl) and wolfssl + (formely cyassl), LibreSSL. + - Fix building against OpenSSL 1.1.0+. + - Fix a number of memory leaks (magnet loading, session + shutdown, bencoded data parsing). + - Bump miniupnpc version to 2.0.20170509. + - Switch to submodules to manage (most of) third-party + dependencies. + + GTK: + - Add queue up/down hotkeys. + - Modernize the .desktop file. + - Add AppData file. + - Add symbolic icon variant for the Gnome top bar and. + when the high contrast theme is in use. + - Update file icon when its name changes. + - Switch from intltool to gettext for translations. + + QT: + - Bump minimum Qt version to 5.2. + - Fix dropping .torrent files into main window on Windows . + - Fix prepending of drive letter to various user-selected paths + on Windows. + - Fix sorting by progress in presence of magnet transfers. + - Fix .torrent file trashing upon addition. + - Add queue up/down hotkeys. + - Reduce torrent properties (file tree) memory usage. + - Display tooltips in torrent properties (file tree) in case + the names don't fit. + - Improve UI look on hi-dpi displays. + - Use session ID (if available) to check if session is local + or not. + - Use default (instead of system) locale to be more flexible. + - Modernize the .desktop file. + + Daemon: + - Use libsystemd instead of libsystemd-daemon. + - Harden transmission-daemon.service by disallowing privileges elevation. + - Fix exit code to be zero when dumping settings. + + Web Client: + - Fix tracker error XSS in inspector. + - Fix performance issues due to improper use of setInterval() + for UI refresh. + - Fix recognition of https:// links in comments field. + - Fix torrent list style in Google Chrome 59+. + - Show ETA in compact view on non-mobile devices. + - Show upload file button on mobile devices. + - Add keyboard hotkeys for web interface. + - Disable autocompletion in torrent URL field. +- Remove transmission-3rdparty-no-download.patch, + transmission-appdata.patch andRemove transmission-systemd.patch: + merged upstream. +- Change build system from cmake to autoconf: replace + %cmake/%cmake_build/%cmake_install with + %configure/%make/%make_install. + +- Use modern macros for cmake building +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Drop transmission-daemon-systemd source: No longer needed, and + does in fact lead to a problem for endusers to set own config for + the daemon. Dropping fixes boo#1139004. +- Pass explicit ENABLE_DAEMON=ON and WITH_SYSTEMD=ON to cmake, + ensure we build upstreams daemon and systemd support. + +- Added %global WITH_APPINDICATOR 1 to enable missing appindicator + support + treeline +- Update to 3.1.4 + * Bug Fixes + - Fix an incompatibility with the new Python 3.9 version under Linux + or running from source. + - Avoid an error message when a window is closed with the focus on a + dialog box. + - Fix a problem recalculating root references in field equations. + +- Update to 3.1.3 + * New Features: + - Add a more flexible tool for customizing GUI colors. + - Add an Insert Date command that adds a timestamp to text field edit boxes. + - Evaluate math expressions contained in fields that are referenced by math + field equations. + - Add support for German outline numbering using double letters in some + levels (thanks to Teresa M). + * Updates: + - Update math field equation restrictions to work with Python 3.8. + - References to a macOS port on MacPorts were added to the System + Requirements and Installation documentation. + - Update the libraries used to build the Windows binaries to Python 3.8 + and Qt/PyQt 5.14. + * Bug Fixes: + - Make the Add Child command available after filtering has ended. + - Avoid an application error when a Find and Replace command causes + fields to contain invalid data. + - Perform a more complete recalculation of math fields after certain + operations. + - Fix problems opening files that contain circular reference errors in + math fields. + - Avoid problems with empty parameters in the font dialogs. + - Fix a bug in Data Edit views when no fields are visible due to hidden + numbering or math fields. + - Properly update multiple windows after drag and drop tree changes. + - Fix issues with restoring window geometry with multiple monitors and + changing configurations. + - Work around bugs when using files located on some types of Windows + network drives. + - Fix problems detecting existing TreeLine sessions when opening files + (mostly in Linux). + -- fix DOS EOL encoding in file - -- update to 1.1.10 -- fix missing shebang and remove it from rpmlintrc exceptions - trigger-rally +- Fix build with current SDL2 versions. +- Run spec-cleaner, remove obsolete checks. +- Fix the license. trigger-rally is GPL-2.0-or-later + -- update to SVN-version (revision 5) - trinity +- Update to version 1.9+git.20211011: + * new setsockopts + * Add skeletons for a bunch of new syscalls + * protect other children's shm from corruption + +- Update to version 1.9+git.20210826: + * Use fcntl.h for dev_t & mode_t + tsung +- Update to version 1.7.0: + * see for detailed list of changes + tudu +- update to 0.10.4: + * Fixed a possible division by zero + * Silence a compilation warning +- add configure-check.patch + +- Upgrade to 0.10.3 that fixes some segfaults + tumbler +- Add Recommends: ffmpegthumbnailer + tuxpaint-config +- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218) + -- update to 0.0.10 - - Added "Allow screensaver" option, to match new - Tux Paint feature. - - Added newly supported Tux Paint locales: - + Australian English - + Azerbaijani - + Canadian English - + Khmer - + Macedonian - + Occitan - + Zapoteco - tuxpaint-stamps +- update to 2019.09.01 + + Removed white background from globe + Thanks to @568legos on Twitter for noticing + + New localizations: Kabyle + + Localization updates: Aragones, Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, + British English, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Croatian, + Danish, Dutch, Fula, Gaelic (Scottish), Galician, Georgian, + German, Greek, Gujarati, Icelandic, Irish Gaelic, Japanese, + Malay, Norwegian BokmÃ¥l, Norwegian Nynorsk, Polish, Portuguese, + Russian, Songhay, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Ukrainian + -- Recommend all other stamps in tuxpaint-stamps - tvbrowser +- update to version 4.2.3 + * Menu item to open settings directory + * Show progress during downloading plugins + * Inform plugins when TV-Browser version was updated + * Add function to replace new line characters with single white space + * Add function to escape quotes in parameter handler + * Escaped quotes are not recognized when building command line + parameters for executing external processes + * Add escape charactar to string sequences in parameter library + * Show info to user if plugin file is outside of user space on deleting + * Show channel configuration only if data plugins are installed + * Config assistant freezes TV-Browser if no data plugin is installed + * Add autostart option for Linux + * Plugins can return information about a program + * Better display of additional persons in info dialog + * Allow reset of plugin settings handled by TV-Browser + * Show info if restart is needed to apply changes + * Show genric filter info for context menu settings + * Duration exclusion not saved + * Only add date separators visibly to program list + * Global Favorite exclusions disappear after restart of TV-Browser + * Add tvb:// protocol handling + * Description not always printed in program table +- Update NewsPlugin to + +- update to version 4.2.2 + * ProgramList contains unneeded gaps + * On air status of program not refreshed under certain conditions + * Add free text filter to plugin settings tab + * Add option to prefilter showing of Reminders + * Add option to pause reminder for time range + * Already removed reminders reappear after data update + * Add history to settings dialog + * Allow highlighting with gradient colors + * Add auto update option only for prime time + * TV-Browser doesn't start with _JAVA_OPTIONS set + * Allow easy exclusion of programs from Favorite based on + duration + * Crash under macOS + * flexibilize parameter handler + * Possible NPE if filter files are broken + * Add default filter for live programs + * Add free text filter to plugin download dialog + * Show exclusions to user when newly created favorite doesn't + find program it was based on + * Add option to select/handle type of send programs to plugins + * Provide menu to delete all reminders with certain conditions + * Allow plugins to inject ActionMenu into context menu for + programs requested by plugin + * Ask user periodically for deletion of old versions settings files + * Ask user for import directory if more than one was recently + used + * Plugins cannot delete own filters + * Allow more highlighting colors + * High CPU usage under certain conditions + * Settings export goes to wrong directory with Linux OS +- Update NewsPlugin to + +- update to version 4.2.1 + * Make sure plugins are informed about TV-Browser started event + before starting auto update + * Registry values can not be set under Windows + * Allow copying of removed/added channels to clipboard + * Tray popup at wrong location on scaled displays + * Allow plugins to get context menu item of single plugin + * multiple mark priority settings only return mark priority of + first item + * follow XDG Base Directory Specification on Linux systems + * TV-Browser is not starting up in some cases + * Program count missing in plugin tree + +- update to version 4.2 + - Check if TV-Browser window is below task bar + - Divider position not remembered for Favorite tab + - use earliest reminder time for multiple reminders of program + - Option for alternative info display for program panels based on filter + - Add update function for TV-Browser JRE + - Smaller setting design improvements + - Program table not painted correctly on high resolution screens + - add option to duplicate filters and filter components + - Open TV-Browser on last used screen + - Allow smoother scrolling in lists with programs + - graphical errors while scrolling plugin installation list with touch pad + - make TV-Browser Java 11 based + - Add panning support + - Add compounded field for origin and production year fields + - Close in dual start warning not working + - Picture copyright is not searchable +- Add patch fix-junit-classpath.patch + +- update to version 4.0.1 + - Prevent pictures from growing in height too much + - Programs are not updated in frame with reminders + - Make start menu entries for Windows optional + - Autoresize reminder window + - Add system wide key shortcuts + - Date selection is not update if calendar is used + - Update launch4j itself and configuration + - TV Browser - Java 9 - Windows doesn't start. + - Center weekday labels in date selection table + - Filter edit in Favorites resets selected filter + - Allow to research all Favorite programs + - Show reminders time sorted when shown together + -- Update to version - Fix for TV-Browser might not start because of a configuration fault - in the change of the channel charing of Comedy Central (de), - VIVA (de) and Nickelodeon (de). - -- Update to version 3.4 - This version brings many new features that were often suggested like - showing of program numbers or yers on our to do list. TV-Browser 3.4 - makes it easy to install new icon themes directly in TV-Browser. - The Favorites can be viewed filtered and can be created as filter themself. - TV-Browser 3.4 also fixes bugs so it will run even better than the - previous version. We suggest to update to TV-Browser 3.4 as soon - as possible, to profit from the new features an bug fixes. -- New Feature: Allow exclusions from favorites depending on the program category -- New Feature: Let plugins request to be click action plugin -- New Feature: detect configuration changes and reload settings -- New Feature: have generic filter possibility for plugin markers -- New Feature: "Add own URL-Handler for ""tvbrowser://"" - Links " -- New Feature: "New program fields ""part number"" and ""part total number"" " -- New Feature: Make display of data in program table customizable -- New Feature: have menu item to create a debug log -- New Feature: show warning for useless search option combination -- Improvement: Allow user to create filter for single Favorite -- Improvement: Provide way for plugins to communicate with each other in an - indirect and save way -- Improvement: Allow filter usage in Favorite tab/dialog -- Improvement: Use time buttons for navigation in tab -- Improvement: Store paths relative if possible -- Improvement: show no warning for self-deleted data files -- Improvement: Store window position of reminder window -- Improvement: Don't remove channels automatically if they aren't available -- Improvement: have different additional info icon sets or allow changing those - icons easily -- Improvement: Show Info when no channels are displayed -- Improvement: Redesign search dialog to make it more easy to use -- Bug: ConcurrentModificationException while update of TV Browser data -- Bug: Wrong default reminder time causes exception at opening settings -- Bug: Internet connection check dialog not removed for update started after - startup -- Bug: Found favorites window opens with empty favorites -- Bug: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException whenn adding programs to ProgramList -- Bug: Timezone correction doesn't work properly in countries with different - daylight saving time than the channel's country -- Bug: No more updates possible for a channelgroup when all mirrors changed - since the last update -- Bug: empty plugin tree for some plugins if tvb started with closed plugin - tree view -- Bug: Background color of currently running programs is displayed false -- Bug: Program data files are not treated if the next 7 days none of them exists - -- actually build from source - tvheadend +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Added patch(es): + * harden_tvheadend.service.patch + +- Fix building with gcc10 + twemoji-color-font +- Update to twemoji 13.0.1 - 117 new Emoji + +- Update to twemoji 12.0.1 - 230 new Emoji + +- Switch source archive back to original upstream as the fork’s + changes have been incorporated and a new release (also called + 11.2) has been made. The font intself is identical to the fork. +- Replaced license placeholder with MIT license text (CC-BY 4.0 + does not fall under the OSI’s Open Source Definition, therefore + the spec file is MIT-licensed as the placeholder says). + twilio-utils +- Upgrade to release 1.2.1 + + Avoid "normalization" of numbers already in E.164 format + + Added specific SID mode to twils(1) + +- Update project URL in spec file + +- Upgrade to release 1.2.0 + + Added new twils(1) and twirm(1) utilities + + Added "-S" and "-v" command line flags to twimsg(1) + +- Upgrade to release 1.1.0 + + Added twiping(1) utility + + Added "-u", "-p", and "-P" command line flags + + Changed default truncation length from 140 -> 3200 + + Allow sending to/from short codes (but see BUGS) + + Find xmlstarlet as 'xml' or 'xmlstarlet' (pull #1) + + Fixed bug in twimsg(1) where `-F' was ignored + -- Update to release 1.0.1 - * Fix incorrect detection of missed notifications - * Add `-i' and `-m' flags to include SID, message date - -- Spec file clean-ups suggested by Greg Freemyer - -- Initial release version 1.0.0 - twm +- Update to 1.0.11: + * bugfix release + txt2tags +- Fix the setuptools requirement. + The single spec macros will make sure the right module is pulled. + 'Requires: %{python_module setuptools}' must not be used or all + the flavors will be installed unconditionally. + typescript +- Update to version 4.2.4 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 4.2.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 4.2.2 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 4.1.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 4.0.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.9.7 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.9.5 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.9.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.9.2 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.8.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.7.5 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.7.4 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.7.3 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Update to version 3.7.2 + * See + for a complete changelog. + +- Upgrade to 3.1.6. The list of changes is too long, you can find + infromation about changes on the TypeScript wiki, e.g., in + + uacme +- update to 1.5: + - uacme: -l option to allow selecting alternate chain + - ualpn: mbedtls_x509_crt_parse_der_with_ext_cb support + +- Update to version 1.4.1 + * fix SIGPIPE of parent process in daemon mode +- Update to version 1.4 + * fix + * uacme: warn that --must-staple is ignored with CSRFILE + * ualpn: swap -p and -P command line switches + * ualpn: remove redundant memset + * ualpn: increase key buffer size as required by OpenSSL 3.x + * ualpn: fix minor OpenBSD portability issues + * ualpn: fix typo in warning message + * ualpn: fix library link order when using built-in libev + * now included in distribution +- Update to version 1.3 + * allow signing revocation requests with certificate key + * add support for issuing certificates based on a CSR + * add mbedTLS implementation of OCSP check + * add dns-01 authentication script + * improve handling of RFC8738 with OpenSSL/mbedTLS + * fix memory leak in csr_gen upon some OpenSSL errors +- Update to version 1.2.4 + * improve mbedTLS detection in + * check format string arguments with GCC + * ualpn: fix incorrect message arguments + ubuntu-themes +- fix tumbleweed build + +- Update to version 19.04 (changes since 16.10~bzr20180122): + * Remove an old workaround which would force combobox menu text + (lp#1725921). + * list, row: Set padding, use white bg and hover effect on + activatable (lp#1755351, lp#1757471). + * Ambiance: Add proper theming for horizontal and vertical linked + items. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Use proper border-width for first/last + linked buttons in rtl. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Use default backdrop colours for views and + progress bars. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Implement ambiance-rw inspired darker + placessidebar. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Theme the places sidebar buttons to match + parent. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Remove the gap between the popover and tip, + add border. + * Ambiance, Radiance: use static bg imgs for window buttons and + add padding (lp#1693609). + * Ambiance, Radiance: don't use any background image (gradient) + when in backdrop. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Add more specific selectors for scale + states (lp#1759481). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Set top and bottom margins for switch and + separators in headerbar (lp#1693474). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Review of pathbar and stackswitcher buttons + (lp#1765561). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Add missing global colour definitions + (lp#1759795, lp#1762841). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Fix complex headerbars such as + gnome-builder one (lp#1762783). + * Ambiance, Radiance: No need to add icon-shadow for appmenu. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Add some transparency to links colour when + in backdrop. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Uniform the bg colour of decoration and + menubar (lp#1759754). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Use proper colours for drop actions on + places sidebar (lp#1707606). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Define colour for infobar and implement + backdrop state (lp#1765882) + * Remove nonexistent gnome-builder.css (lp#1773045). + * Radiance: Fix typo in assets link for focused buttons + (lp#1781736). + * Radiance: Use scaled image for buttons border (lp#1781736). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Don't use padding on window buttons for + chromium (lp#1782038). + * Ambiance: Use default foreground colour for toolbar menus + (lp#1758841). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Show proper arrow in combobox (lp#1743373). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Use default disabled colour for actions + headerbar buttons (lp#1785699). + * Ambiace, Radiance: Use headerbar destructive-action definition + for buttons. + * Ambiance, Radiance: Fix list selected colour for gnome-boxes + (lp#1761684). + * Ambiance, Radiance: Properly theme disabled and hovered + accelerators (lp#1795895). + * Don't use icon hover bg colour on nemo desktop (lp#1814506). +- Drop support for old openSUSE versions. + ucommon +- Update to release 7.0.1 + * OpenSSL 1.1 support fixes +- Delete gcc11.patch (obsoleted) + +- Add gcc11.patch + +- Trim old specfile constructs. + -- Update to new upstream release 6.1.10 - * Fix a memory leak in DateTime ctor - * Socket::address: allow printing to std::ostream - * Socket::address: use in_port_t for port numbers - * Socket::join, ::drop: allow to set interface index for IPv6 - udhcp +- prepare usrmerge (boo#1029961) + udiskie +- Update to 2.1.1 + * handle XDG_CONFIG_HOME variable without external pyxdg dependency + * silence warning when using AppIndicator + * make ``--appindicator`` sufficient to show icon (previously additionally + required ``--tray``) + * improve wording in password dialog "Remember" -> "Cache" + * make some of the logging more concise + * fix recursive adding/removing of some child devices: + - fix incorrect root device detection for devices without Drive property + (e.g. children of loop devices) + - fix ``--detach`` option when applied to partitions of loop devices + +- Update to 2.1.0 + * fix some typos (thanks @torstehu, #197) + * change how device rules are evaluated: lookup undecided rules on parent device (fixes issue with filters not applying to subdevices of a matched device, see #198) + * change builtin rules to not show loop devices with HintIgnore, see #181 + * change how is_external attribute is compute: use the value from udisks directly (fixes issue with is_external property not behaving as expected, see #185) + * add 'skip' keyword for rules to skip evaluation of further rules on this device, and continue directly on the parent + * fix user commands that output non-utf8 data + * fix exception when using non-device parameters with DeviceCommand (e.g. in --notify-command) + * hotfix for automounting being broken since 2.0.0 + * use importlib.resources directly on py3.7 and above, rather than requiring importlib_resources as additional dependency + * require python >= 3.5 + * drop python2 support + * drop udisks1 support + * drop command line options corresponding to udisks version selection (-1, -2) + * use py35's async def functions -- improving stack traces upon exception + * internal refactoring and simplifications + * add "show password" checkbox in password dialog + * keep password dialog always on top + * fix stdin-based password prompts + * add russian translations (thanks @mr-GreyWolf) + * fixed deprecation warnings in (thanks @sealj553) + +- Use python macros for build and install to keep working under + python 3.7 + udns +- Fix initialization problem in dns_add_srch() + * Fix-dns_add_srch-initialization-problem.patch +- Cleanup spec file + udp2raw-tunnel +- Update to version 20200818.0 + * Fixed FATAL:kernel too old (Issue 339) on x86 amd64 and + possibly arm. + +- Update to version 20200727.0 + * Fix issue 337(array out of boundary). + +- Update to version 20200715.0 + * further fix of GH#226. --fix-gro is no longer compatible with + old versions. + * fix a problem/bug in --cipher-mode aes128cfb, aes128cfb is + redesigned and not compatible with old versions. The original + aes128cfb is renamed to aes128cfb_0 and not suggested to use. + * Fixed a bug which may cause bind port fail in log and the + program to exit by itself. + udpspeeder +- Update to version 20210116.0 + * Added a warning when you send huge packets to UDPspeeder and + packets are being truncated. (to fix the problem/confusion + mentioned in + +- Update to version 20200818.0 + * Fixed FATAL:kernel too old on x86 amd64 and possibly arm. + +- Update to version 20200714.0 + * fix --key option (the longer form of -k) not working + * new options --out-addr --out-interface. + ufiformat +- Modernize specfile, update for new homepage. + uget +- Add uget-gcc10.patch: Fix build with GCC 10. + +- No longer recommend -lang: supplements are in use + +- Update to 2.2.3: + + add parser for YouTube recently changed field. +- Update to 2.2.2: + + use quicksort to sort downloads. + + backup torrent and metalink files. + + curl plug-in: handle duplicate files with double extensions. + +- Ensure neutrality of description. +- Replace %__-type macro indirections. + -- Remove redundant %clean section. - uhd +- Update to version + * This release addresses one issue in UHD regarding RX and TX + antenna configuration on the ZBX daughterboard. + * uhd + + zbx: Prevent TX antenna config from disrupting RX +- Update to version + * This release fixes some minor issues in UHD: + + Some streaming issues with the B2xx, notably good data packets + being dropped in the event of an overrun and USB overflow + issues when using the sc12 data type, have been resolved. + + The semantics of calling recv() on a streamer with 0 for + nsamps_per_buff was inadvertently changed in a previous + commit. The original correct semantics (return immediately + without regard for the timeout and availability of samples) + have been restored. + + Certain link establishment timeout cases could result in an + exception being thrown while another exception is in flight, + thus triggering process termination. The codepath triggering + the errant second exception has been corrected to avoid this + situation. + * b200 + + Fix overflow handling + * fpga + + Re-order error and data packets + + Fix sc16 to sc12 converter + * host + + Add static_assert to prevent meta_range_t(0,0) + * mpm + + x4xx: update mboard_max_rev + * mpmd + * Add discoverable feature for trig i/o mode + * sim + + Update chdr_16sc_to_sc12 testbench + * tests + + Add recv(0) case to rx_streamer_test + * uhd + + transport: Avoid exceptions in disconnect_receiver() + + streamer: Restore original recv(0) semantics + * x4xx_bist + + use get_mpm_client in gpio bist + +- Update to version + * cmake + + remove redundant include + + correctly set and unset any CMAKE_REQUIRED variables + + fix finding PkgConfig to work robustly (without CMake warnings) + * core + + remove boost::math in favor of std cmath + * docs + + x4xx: Update information on CPLD updating + + usrp_x4xx: improve filesystem update instructions + * mpm + + zbx: Fix revision compat check + + Update usrp_update_fs to support X410 + * max10_cpld_flash_ctrl: improve programming log + + Skip DTS compatibility check if DTS is not being updated +- Remove patch uhd-add-includes-for-boost.patch since boost::math + was replaced by std cmath + +- Update to version + See: for all changes +- Remove not longer needed patch uhd_fix_boost.patch (applied + upstream) +- Add a patch uhd-add-includes-for-boost.patch to fix a build for + Tumbleweed +- Enabled Python3 API +- New binary packages python3-uhd and uhd-utils + +- Fix build with Boost 1.76, replace boost::math usage with + equivalent stdlib functionality. Add uhd_fix_boost.patch. + +- Fix build on %arm by disabling Neon + +- Update to version + See: for all changes +- Use github source URLs +- Fix URL +- Switch to python3 +- Disable tests for now since compilation of the test programs fail + with recent comilers / boost versions. +- Remove not longer needed patches: + * fix-for-armv6l-armv7l-build-failure.patch + * uhd-fix-for-boost-1_66.patch + * uhd-fix-for-boost-1_67.patch + uhubctl +- Update to version 2.4.0 + * Support for toggle action (turn power on or off opposite to + current power state). + * More sane error reporting when we enumerate devices which + lack permissions. + * Allow pkg-config override to make some build systems (e.g. + chromium OS) happier. + * Even more supported devices. + +- Update to version 2.3.0 + * Much improved USB3 support, in particular for RPi 4B and + M1 Macs + * Allow forced operation on unsupported hubs - not likely to + work though + * More supported devices + +- Update to version 2.2.0 + * Added support for Raspberry Pi 4B + * Added many more devices to supported table + +- Update to new upstream release 2.1.0: + * Add explicit workaround for USB device not removed after port + power down on Linux + * Implemented reading ContainerID from BOS descriptor to detect + USB2/3 dual devices + * Support fractional seconds for delay + * Improve USB2/3 duality handling + * Add support for comma separated list of ranges to port list parser + * Improve USB3 support + uim +- Correct quotation of the anonymous function "(lambda)" + -- Fix *-32bit post and postun calls for gtk-query-immodules-2 on - openSUSE 13.1 and later (bnc#845860) - uisp +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars by macros. +- Drop author list from package description. +- Reword description to work with any computer. + +- move from /opt/cross to /usr/avr + -- added support for ATmega168, savannah-8875. - added const to some 'char *' to make beta-gcc happy. - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - ulogd +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * ulogd.service + +- Modernize specfile constructs. + -- Update to new upstream release 2.0.3 - * Optional backlog system to avoid event loss in case of database - downtime - * Optional running mode where acquisition is made in one thread - and queries to databases are made in separate threads - -- Update to new upstream release 2.0.2 - * Add GRAPHITE output module - * Add src, dst and protocol filters to nfct plugin - * Fix parsing of ipv6 flowlabel and tc fields - * Add additional ip6 header fields to database scripts - uncrustify +- Update to 0.73.0 + * Added indent_before_class_colon + * Added sp_cmt_cpp_region + * Added cmt_sp_before_doxygen_javadoc_tags + * Added cmt_align_doxygen_javadoc_tags + * Added cmt_reflow_fold_regex_file + * Added processing_cmt_as_regex + * Added cmt_reflow_indent_to_paragraph_start + * Added sp_cpp_lambda_argument_list + * Added nl_do_leave_one_liners + * Added debug_truncate + * Added indent_comma_brace + +- update to 0.72.0: + * new command option: --debug-csv-format : Dump debug info to file in csv-delimited format. + * Added: nl_inside_empty_func + * Added: debug_timeout + * Added: sp_inside_square_empty + * Added: align_eigen_comma_init + * Added: pos_shift + * Added: donot_indent_func_def_close_paren + * Added: donot_add_nl_before_cpp_comment + * see + +- Update to version 0.71.0: + * Changes too numerous to list, see ChangeLog + unetbootin +- Ignore %desktop_database_post, %desktop_database_postun, + %icon_theme_cache_post and %icon_theme_cache_postun in newer releases. +- Fix build error on SLE 12 SP4 and SLE 12 SP5 + +- update to 702: + * Fix compatibility issue on macOS big sur + +- Update to revision 700 +- Refresh unetbootin-suse.patch: + - Remove Leap_15.1 and and Leap_15.2 +- Drop 0001-rought-Qt5-port.patch, because now in upstream. +- Drop 0002-comment-out-all-sources-that-require-FTP-LIST.patch, + because now in upstream. +- Drop 0003-fix-distrolst.cpp.patch, because now in upstream. +- Drop 0004-don-t-wait-until-the-file-is-downloaded-fully-before.patch, + because now in upstream. + unibilium +- Update to 2.1.1 + * Only build system related changes + +- update to 2.1.0: + - Makefile: use "-f" with prove always (to show failed tests) (#13) + - Stop searching in further dirs on errors except ENOENT #12 + - Makefile: do not rebuild t/static_%.c with updated gen-static-test + - Add CMakeLists.txt and support for MSVC (#3) + - Relax checks for extended capability to support new format (#5) + - Makefile: use -Og with DEBUG=1 (#7) + - unibi_from_mem: fix [clang-analyzer-deadcode.DeadStores] (#8) + - Makefile: revisit regenerate-tests rule (#6) + - unibi_from_term: handle $TERMINFO as curses does #2 + unifdef +- update to 2.12: + * man: note incomplete C++ raw string literal support + * C++11 raw string literal support + * doc: clarify where to send bug reports + * unifdef.1: clarify backslash-newline behaviour in DESCRIPTION + * unifdef: more fixes for weird whitespace + * portability: fix problems compiling with C++ compiler + * Avoid -Wmissing-initializer + * man: use .Mt to mark up email addresses + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - unifraktur-fonts +- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20170319 + + Fixed a problem with TTF Autohint that cauÅ¿ed glyphs to be Å¿lightly + distorted. + + Several minor bugfixes. + +- Update UnifrakturMaguntia font to version 0.20160221 +- Changes by G. Ansmann: + + Added preconfigured variants emulating hiÅ¿toric typeÅ¿etting or + providing modern variants. + + The roman numerals were completely redone. + + The lowercaÅ¿e 1 was replaced by a more frakturesque number. + + New Glyphs: áº, ijÌ, Ä²Ì + + Improved horizontal metrics of capital letters. + + Tons of tiny fixes. + unionfs-fuse +- update to 2.1: + - fixed Finder fails on MacOS + - Implement access() for "cow,relaxed_permissions" use case + - fixed NEWS file ;-) + - reverted meta directory name back to .unionfs (from .unionfs-fuse) + this was never meant to be changed and slipped in in 1.0 release + - fixes and speed improvements + units +- require python3-requests [bsc#1186820] + unmass +- Modernise spec file + unoconv +- update to 0.9.0 + * Much improved MacOS support + * Better support for newer LibreOffice versions + * Change default updateDocMode behavior and add new option to keep old behavior + * Longer timeout for LibreOffice to start on slow systems + * A fix in error() + * Add support for Writer EPUB export + * fix boo#1154818 +- update source url + +- Update to version 0.8.2 + Changes since 0.7: + * Add option -M/--meta to add or update document metadata during + conversion. + * Add option -I/--input-filter-name to specify input format + * Dropped support for OpenOffice 3.3 and 3.4 + * Fix for Python 3 to read binary data from stdin + * Fix for password protected files + * Make -F switch working for user-defined fields +- Drop patches (not longer needed) + * 0001-libreoffice-or-OO.o-has-never-had-wps-export.patch + * 0001-make-LaTeX-export-usable-with-writer2latex-ext.patch + * 0001-python3-added-compatibility.patch + * 0001-Updated-ChangeLog.patch + * 0001-update-FSF-address.patch + * 0002-remove-export-formats-dropped-by-LibreOffice.patch +- Use tarball from github + -- Add unoconv-libreoffice-support.patch: add support for - LibreOffice. -- Add unoconv-output-argument.patch: deprecate --outputpath in - favor of --output, that works in a more reasonable way. Taken - from git. - -- added install-links - unzix +- Cleanup spec file +- Do not use source url as it is no longer available + upower +- Use libplist 2 starting from SLE15SP4 on. + +- Update to version 0.99.13: + + Tweak default percentage levels to better match other operating + systems. + + Support large energy rates seen in some modern laptops. + + Fix touchpads showing up as mice. + + Fix composite battery state when multiple batteries are used + and one isn't drawing any power. + + Make the icon and warning properties respect the "low battery + level" configuration option. + + Stop the device being suspended during the 20-second "shutdown" + grace period. +- Changes from version 0.99.12: + + Add a raft of new device types. + + Add support for iPhone XR, XS and newer models. + + Work-around incorrect battery percentage reported by MacBooks. + + Identify keyboard/pointing device combos as keyboards. + + Fix small memory leak in Bluetooth backend. + + Fix warning in Bluetooth backend. + + Set update time in Bluetooth backend. + + Remove support for obsolete CSR devices. +- Drop upower-build-Use-a-newer-libplist-if-available.patch: fixed + upstream. + +- Use libplist-2.0 on Tumblewewd. + + upower-build-Use-a-newer-libplist-if-available.patch + upx +- Add upstream change to fix build with GCC 11: + * 0001-Silence-yet-some-more-compilation-warnings.patch + -- upx-aarch64.patch: Support for AArch64 - uranium +- update to 4.9.0 + * +- Bump "UM" QML version to 1.6 + +- Add compatibility with qml-autoreqprov + +- Remove unused gcc and python3-devel build dependencies, replace + libArcus-devel by python3-Arcus. + +- update to 4.8.0 + * + +- Update to version 4.7.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * +- Drop obsolete + 0001-Handle-indexing-on-Python-3.8-AST-string-constants-c.patch + +- Update to version 4.6.1 + Release notes: + * + * + * +- Rebase fix-cmake-install.patch +- Drop obsolete Check-validity-of-polygon.patch +- Fix AST parsing for Python 3.8, add + 0001-Handle-indexing-on-Python-3.8-AST-string-constants-c.patch + +- Fix crash with libGeos 3.8.0, + Check-validity-of-polygon.patch + +- update to version 4.4.1 + * version update only + +- update to version 4.4.0 + (not tagged, assumed to be 80b34433f026cb1f0a084d8b1ca00f633692ad92) + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.3.0 + Release notes: + * + +- update to version 4.2.0 + * + +- update to version 4.1.0 + * + * fix-cmake-install.patch added +- enable test cases + uranium-lulzbot +- update to version 3.6.21 + * no changes except version +- fix_qt5.12.patch became obsolete + +- update to version 3.6.20 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.19 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.18 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.13 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.10 + * minor crash fixes + +- update to version 3.6.9 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.8 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.7 + * no changes except version + +- update to version 3.6.6 + * no changes except version + urh +- Update to version 2.9.2 + * allow incomplete complex files to load fix #848 + * Use list for checksum data_ranges + +- Update to version 2.9.1 + * use *.wav format for demodulated signal export. + * change separation colors to green and magenta. + * fix disappearing separation area in demod view. + * fix overflow in AutoInterpretation for certain signals. + +- Update to version 2.9.0 + * Avoid graph overlapping legend in spectrum analyzer. + * Improve Auto Interpretation Performance. + * Improve sdr check fix. + * Use costas loop for PSK demod. + * Consider checksum label in copy operation. + +- Update to version 2.8.9 + * make HackRF bias tee configurable. + * Fix deprecation warnings due to invalid escape sequences. + * Use ElementTree instead of deprecated cElementTree. + * Refactor FileOperator. + * properly remember size and position of dialogs fix. + * add De Bruijn fuzzing. + * add support for already demodulated signals. + * Remove NRZ-I to prevent mixing with NRZ + Invert, clarify names. + urlscan +- update to 0.9.7: + * User-option -W --whitespace-off: remove blank lines and ellipses + * Update documentation for feature --whitespace-off + * Correct regex example in urlscan.1 + * Sort and align docstrings + +- update to 0.9.6: + * Python 3.6+ required + * Convert to newer email.message.EmailMessage format for processing. Closes #98 + * Hopefully fix #105. Escapes every "&" in the URL + * Attempt --run-safe implementation + * Fixes #106 + * Scan a selection of email headers for URLs. Closes #97. + * Add option for custom regex. Closes #79. + * Allow $ as an acceptable trailing character + * Fix urwid reverse error. Thanks to @pavoljuhas. Closes #99 + +- Update to version 0.9.5 + * Change shebang to specifically call python3 + * Add --width flag to change displayed width. Closes #92. + * Update tlds and copyright dates + * Remove workaround for fixed python webbrowser bug (#94) + * Add -R option to reverse URL/context output. Closes #90 + * Add --single option to quit after opening/copying first link. + Closes #95 + * Support wl-clipboard. Resolve #88. + +- Update to version 0.9.4 + * Remove Python 2 compatibility +- Update to version 0.9.3 + * Cycle through opening links with webbrowser module, xdg-open or --run argument + * Add option to copy to primary selection or clipboard. Fix #87 + * Generate new config file using command line switch instead of keybinding + * Allow remapping a key to open url in addition to space and enter + * Show help menu with F1 and show dynamic keybindings + * Allow editing key bindings in config.json. Fix #72. +- Set python flavour spec file macro to get the rpm pythin macros defined +- Remove egg information tree as we require python3-urwid + urlwatch +- Update to 2.23: + Added: + * New filter: pretty-xml to indent/pretty-print XML documents + * New filter: jq to parse, transform, and extract JSON data + * New reporter: prowl + Fixed: + * Proper multi-line highlighting for wdiff (PR#615) + * Fix command-line generation for html2text (PR#619) + +- Update to 2.22: + Added: + * Added 'wait_until' option to browser jobs to configure how long + the headless browser will wait for pages to load. + * Jobs now have an optional treat_new_as_changed (default false) + key that can be set, and will treat newly-found pages as changed, + and display a diff from the empty string (useful for diff_tool + or diff_filter with side effects) + * New reporters: discord, mattermost + * New key user_visible_url for URL jobs that can be used to show a + different URL in reports (useful if the watched URL is a REST API + endpoint, but the report should link to the corresponding web page) + * The Markdown reporter now supports limiting the report length via + the max_length parameter of the submit method. The length limiting + logic is smart in the sense that it will try trimming the details first, + followed by omitting them completely, followed by omitting the summary. + If a part of the report is omitted, a note about this is added to the + report. (PR#572, by Denis Kasak) + Changed: + * Diff output is now generated more uniformly, independent of whether + the input data has a trailing newline or not; if this behavior is not + intended, use an external diff_tool (PR#550, by Adam Goldsmith) + * The --test-diff-filter output now properly reports timestamps from the + history entry instead of the current date and time (Fixes #573) + * Unique GUIDs for jobs are now enforced at load time, append "#1", + "#2", ... to the URLs to make them unique if you have multiple different + jobs that share the same request URL (Fixes #586) + * When a config, urls file or hooks file does not exist and should be + edited or inited, its parent folders will be created (previously only + the urlwatch configuration folder was created; Fixes #594) + * Auto-matched filters now always get None supplied as subfilter; any + custom filters must accept a subfilter parameter after the existing + data parameter + * Drop support for Python 3.5 + Fixed: + * Make imports thread-safe: This might increase startup times a bit, + as dependencies are imported on bootup instead of when first used. + Importing in Python is not (yet) thread-safe, so we cannot import + new modules from the worker threads reliably (Fixes #559, #601) + * The Matrix reporter was improved in several ways (PR#572, by Denis Kasak): + - The maximum length of the report was increase from 4096 to 16384. + - The report length limiting is now implemented via the new length + limiting functionality of the Markdown reporter. Previously, the + report was simply trimmed at the end which could break the diff + blocks and make them render incorrectly. + - The diff code blocks are now tagged as diffs which will allow the + diffs to be syntax highlighted as such. This doesn't yet work in + Element, pending on the resolution of trentm/python-markdown2#370. + +- Update to 2.21: + Added: + * Added --test-reporter REPORTER command-line option to send an + example report using any configured notification service + * JobBase now has main_thread_enter() and main_thread_exit() functions + that can be overridden by subclasses to run code in the main thread + before and after processing of a job + Removed: + * The --test-slack command line option has been removed, you can test + your Slack reporter configuration using --test-reporter slack + Changed: + * The browser job now uses Pyppeteer instead of Requests-HTML for + rendering pages while executing JavaScript; this makes JavaScript + execution work properly + Fixed: + * Applying legacy filters + +- Update to 2.20: + Added: + * A job can now have a diff_filter set, which works the same way as + the normal filter (and has the same filters available), but applies + to the diff output instead of the page content (can be tested with + - -test-diff-filter, needs 2 or more historic snapshots in the cache) + * Documentation now has a section on the configuration settings + (--edit-config) + * New filter: ocr to convert text in images to plaintext + (using Tesseract OCR) + * New reporters: + - ifttt to send an event to If This Then That ( + (#512, by Florian Gaultier) + - xmpp to send a message using the XMPP (Jabber) + protocol (#533, by Thorben Günther) + Changed: + * The urlwatch script (Git only) now works when run from different paths + * Chunking of strings (e.g. for Slack and Telegram) now adds + numbering (e.g. (1/2)) to the messages (only if a message is split + into multiple parts) + * Unit tests have been migrated from nose to pytest and moved from + test/ to lib/urlwatch/tests/ + * The css and xpath filters now accept skip and maxitems as subfilter + * The shellpipe filter now inherits all environment variables + (e.g. $PATH) of the urlwatch process + Fixed: + * The html2text method lynx now treats any subfilters with a + non-null value as command-line argument -key value (previously + only the value true was treated like this, and any other values + were silently dropped) + +- Update to 2.19: + Added: + * Documentation is now available at and + shipped in the source tarball under docs/; filter examples in + the docs are unit-tested + New filters: + * reverse: Reverse input items (default: line-based) with optional separator + * pdf2text: Convert PDF files to plaintext (must be first filter in chain) + * shellpipe: Filter text with arbitrary command-line utilities / shell scripts + * FilterBase API improvements for specifying subfilters: + - Add __supported_subfilters__ for sub filter checking and --features output + - Add __default_subfilter__ to map value-only parameters to + dict parameters, for example the grep filter now has a default + subfilter named re + * Support for using Redis as a cache backend via --cache=redis://localhost:6379/ + Fixed: + * Declare updated Python 3.5 dependency in + Changed: + * Filter improvements: + - sort: Add reverse option to reverse the sorting order + - sort: Add separator option to specify item separator (default is still line-based) + - beautify: The jsbeautifier (for <script> tags) and cssbeautifier + (for <style> tags) module dependencies are now optional + if they are not installed, beautify only works on the HTML + - Most filters that only had unnamed subfilters (e.g. grep) + now have a named default subfilter + * Reporter improvements: + - pushover: The message priority can now be configured + - Travis CI: Set pycodestyle version to 2.6.0 to avoid CI breakage + when new style checks are added + - Diff results are now runtime cached on a per-job basis, which shouldn't + affect behavior, but could be observed by an external diff_tool + running at most once per job instead of multiple times + - Jobs with a custom diff_tool or a shellpipe filter are now ignored + if jobs.yaml has the world-writable bit (o+w) set or is not owned by + the current user (does not apply to Windows); previously only shell + jobs were ignored if the permissions/owners were wrong + Deprecated: + * String-based filter definitions (e.g. html2text,grep:Current.*version,strip) + are now deprecated, it is recommended to use YAML-based dictionary-style listing + of filters, which is more flexible, easier to read and write and more structured + +- Update to 2.18: + Added: + * New filter: re.sub that can replace/remove strings using regular + expressions + * Support ignore_timeout_errors and ignore_too_many_redirects for + URL jobs (#423, by Josh aka Zevlag) + * HTML reporter: Add viewport meta tag for improved viewing on + mobile devices (#432, by Mike Borsetti) + * Optional support for insecure SMTP password storage in the + config; use with caution (#431) + Fixed: + * Fix --test-filter when the specified job is not found + * Fix another YAMLLoadWarning in unit tests (#382, by Louis Sautier) + * Documentation updates and typo fixes (by Nate Eagleson) + * Pushover: Fix default device config (Fixes #409 and #372, + documented by Richard Goodwin) + Changed: + * Nicer formatting of --features for jobs with no docstring + or many keys + * The XPath and CSS filters now support XML namespaces + (#404, by Chenfeng Bao) + * Drop support for Python 3.3 and Python 3.4 (new minimum + requirement is Python 3.5) + * Use html.escape instead of cgi.escape (which was removed + in Python 3.8; #424, by Chenfeng Bao) + * Allow non-ASCII characters in format-json output filter + (#433, by Mike Borsetti) + +- This is a python3 application, so there's no need to require python2 + packages. Also, add a missing python3-cssselect dependency and make + python3-keyring a recommndation since it's not really required + (it seems to be used only to store the smtp password when enabled) + +- Update to 2.17: + Added: + * XPath/CSS: Support for excluding elements (#333, by Chenfeng Bao) + * Add support for using external diff_tool on Windows (#373, by Chenfeng Bao) + * Document how to use Amazon Simple E-Mail Service "SES" (by mborsetti) + * Compare data with multiple old versions (compared_versions, #328, by Chenfeng Bao) + Fixed: + * YAML: Fix deprecation warnings (#367, by Florent Aide) + * Updated manpage with new options: Authentication, filter tests (Fixes #351) + * Text formatter: Do not emit empty lines for line_length=0 (Fixes #357) + Changed: + * SMTP configuration fix: Only use smtp.user config if it's a non-empty value + +- Update to 2.16: + * Added XPath: Handle /text() selector (#282) + * Added document how to specify cookies to (#264) + * Added text Reporter: minimal config option to only print a summary (PR#304, fixes #147) + * Added Document how to watch Github releases via XPath (#266) + * Added jupport for parsing XML/RSS with XPath (Fixes #281) + * Allow explicit setting of encoding for URL jobs (PR#313, contributes to #306) + * Added Slack Channel Reporter (PR#309) + * Added ANSI color output on the Windows console via colorama (PR#296, closes #295) + * Added support for using CSS selectors via the cssselect module (PR#321, closes 273) + * ignore_http_error_codes is now an option for URL jobs (PR#325, fixes #203) + * Added job_defaults in the config for globally specifying settings (PR#345, closes #253) + * Added Optional timeout (in seconds) for URL jobs to specify socket timeout (PR#348, closes #340) + * Remvoed support for JSON storage (dead code that was never used in production; PR#336) + * HtmlReporter now also highlights links for browser jobs (PR#303) + * Allow --features and --edit-* to run without urls.yaml (PR#301) + * When a previous run had errors, do not use conditional GETs (PR#313, fixes #292) + * Explicitly specify JSON pretty print separators for consistency (PR#343) + * Use data-driven unit tests/fixtures for easier unit test maintenance (PR#344) + * Fix migration issues with case-insensitive filesystems (#223) + * Correctly reset retry counter when job is added or unchanged (PR#291, PR#314) + * Fix a FutureWarning on Python 3.7 with regard to regular expressions (PR#299) + * If the filter list is empty, do not process the filter list (PR#308) + * Fix parsing/sanity-checking of urls.yaml after editing (PR#317, fixes #316) + * Fix Python 3.3 compatibility by depending on enum34 there (PR#311) + * Fix migration issues introduced by PR#180 and #256 (PR#323, fixes #267) + +- Update to 2.15: + * Added support for Mailgun regions (by Daniel Peukert, PR#280) + * Added allowing multiple occurences of 'filter' when adding jobs in CLI (PR#278) + * Fixed incorrect name for chat_id config in the default config (by Robin B, PR#276) + +- Added missing runtime dependency: python3-lxml (bsc#1111796) + +- Update to 2.14: + * Added filter to pretty-print JSON data: format-json (by Niko Böckerman, PR#250) + * Added list active Telegram chats using --telegram-chats (with fixes by Georg Pichler, PR#270) + * Added support for HTTP ETag header in URL jobs and If-None-Match (by Karol Babioch, PR#256) + * Added xupport for filtering HTML using XPath expressions, with lxml (PR#274, Fixes #226) + * Added install_dependencies to commands for easy installing of dependencies + * Added ignore_connection_errors per-job configuration option (by Karol Babioch, PR#261) + * Improved code (HTTP status codes, by Karol Babioch PR#258) + * Improved documentation for setting up Telegram chat bots + * Allow multiple chats for Telegram reporting (by Georg Pichler, PR#271) + +- Update to 2.13: + * Added support for specifying a `diff_tool` (e.g. `wdiff`) for each job + * Added support for testing filters via `--test-filter JOB` + * Remove default parameter from internal `html2text` module (Fixes #239) + * Better error/exception reporting in `--verbose` mode (Fixes #164) +- Update to 2.12: + * Bugfix: Do not 'forget' old data if an exception occurs + +- Update to 2.11: + * Retry: Make sure "tries" is initialized to zero on load + * html2text: Make sure the bs4 method strips HTML tags (by Louis Sautier) +- Marked COPYING file as %license + +- Update to 2.10: + * File editing: Fix issue when $EDITOR contains spaces + * Browser: Add support for browser jobs using requests-html + * Retry: Add support for optional retry count in job list + * HTTP: Add support for specifying optional headers + -- Initial package, version 1.17 - usbauth +- Update to version 1.0.2: + * Log dbus_error only when debug logging is enabled + * Correct man page location + +- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libudev) instead of libudev-devel: + Allow OBS to shortcut through the -mini flavors. + usbmuxd +- Update to 1.1.1: + * Features + - Make use of libusb hotplug events for device discovery + - Get correct USB device speed instead of hardcoded value + - Bump libusb dependency to 1.0.9 + - Use non-blocking sockets for client communication to avoid hanging + - Use correct manual section (8) for manpage + - Log pid of connecting clients if supported + - Implement device discovery using libusb hotplug events + - Log error message if writing a config file fails + - Tag all udev events with systemd tag + - Set socket options for client connections to improve performance + - Implement ListListeners usbmux command handling + - Bump libimobiledevice dependency to 1.3.0 + - Bump libplist dependency to 2.2.0 + - Add support for iPhone XS/XR UDID format + - Add option to allow logging to dedicated logfile + - Convert README file to markdown format + - Add support for connecting with T2 chip + - Show actual libusb version in debug message on startup + - Enable libusb debugging output + - Log client process name alongside pid if possible on Linux + - Unify and improve log message output + - Improve with project description, installation, contributing and usage sections + * Bug Fixes + - Use clock_gettime() instead of gettimeofday() to avoid timing issues when calculating packet timeouts + - Fix wrong timeout value in debug messages + - Fix blocking by using libusb asynchronous I/O for getting initial device information + - Fix occasional USB reconfiguration due to udev rules being run again + - Fix wrong timestamps when running in foreground + - Fix USB reconnection issues on virtual machines with iOS 11+ devices + - Various memory leak, deadlock and invalid free fixes + +- Update project url +- Do not manually require libusmuxd (boo#1169012) + +- Update to version 1.1.0+git.20200121: + * Fix udev rules + * device: Fix potential deadlock (#130) + * Support T2 chip in restore mode + * Fix compatibility with latest changes in libimobiledevice + * Define _BSD_SOURCE again for older platforms. + * preflight: Prevent possible UaF if usb device is removed while preflight is in progress + * device: Make sure to operate on the copy of the device list in device_get_list() + * Replace obsolete _BSD_SOURCE define with _DEFAULT_SOURCE + * preflight: Let insecure notification proxy terminate when pairing is done + * device: Plug memory leak in error condition when TH_SYN sending fails + +- Modernise spec-file with spec-cleaner + +- bsc#1130588: Require shadow instead of old pwdutils + -- define _udevrulesdir only if not already in place -- add systemd service %pre %post scriptlets -- run %udev_rules_update if such macro is defined - -- Add systemd unit file for usbmuxd and activate it from the udev rules file. - This fixes bnc#811801. -- Added 0001-Add-support-for-automatic-activation-as-systemd-serv.patch - -- Fix build with new udev rules location - -- license update: (GPL-2.0 or GPL-3.0) and LGPL-2.1+ - See README - -- Update to version 1.0.8 - * Fix possible buffer overflow in libusbmuxd - * Fix detection for Apple TV 2 due to small interface detection bug - * Licensed common/utils.c and common/utils.h under LGPL - * Several bug fixes and improvements in libusbmuxd's device detection and - event handling code - * udev: Set owner to usbmux on device node to make it useable for usbmux user - * function usbmuxd_get_device_by_uuid has been renamed to - usbmuxd_get_device_by_udid - * usbmuxd_device_info_t member uuid been renamed to udid - utf8proc +- update to 2.6.1: + - Bugfix in `utf8proc_grapheme_break_stateful` for `NULL` state argument, which + also broke `utf8proc_grapheme_break`. + - New `utf8proc_islower` and `utf8proc_isupper` functions ([#196]). + - Bugfix for manual calls to `grapheme_break_extended` for initial characters ([#205]). + - Various build and portability improvements. + +- utf8proc 2.5.0: + * Unicode 13 support + * No longer report zero width for category Sk + +- utf8proc 2.4.0: + * Unicode 12.1 support + * Fixed incorrect UTF8PROC_VERSION_MINOR version number in header + and bumped shared-library version +- includes changes from 2.3.0: + * Unicode 12 support + * New function utf8proc_unicode_version to return the supported + Unicode version + * Simpler character-width computation that no longer uses GNU + Unifont metrics: East-Asian wide characters have width 2, and + all other printable characters have width 1 + * Fix CHARBOUND option for utf8proc_map to preserve U+FFFE and + U+FFFF non-characters + +- utf8proc 2.2.0: + * Unicode 11 support + * utf8proc_NFKC_Casefold convenience function for NFKC_Casefold + normalization + * UTF8PROC_STRIPNA option to strip unassigned codepoints + * toupper of ß (U+00df) now yields ẞ (U+1E9E), similar to musl; + case-folding still yields the standard "ss" mapping. + * utf8proc_charwidth now returns 1 for U+00AD (soft hyphen) and + for unassigned/PUA codepoints + * Fixed a composition bug + uthash +- udpate to 2.3.0: + * remove HASH_FCN; the HASH_FUNCTION and HASH_KEYCMP macros + now behave similarly + * remove uthash_memcmp (deprecated in v2.1.0) in favor of + HASH_KEYCMP + * silence -Wswitch-default warnings (thanks, Olaf Bergmann!) + +- udpate to 2.2.0: + * add HASH_NO_STDINT for platforms without C99 <stdint.h> + * silence many -Wcast-qual warnings (thanks, Olaf Bergmann!) + * skip hash computation when finding in an empty hash (thanks, Huansong Fu!) + * rename oom to utarray_oom, in utarray.h (thanks, Hong Xu!) + * rename oom to utstring_oom, in utstring.h (thanks, Hong Xu!) + * remove MurmurHash/HASH_MUR + +- Update to release 2.1.0 + * The library moved to become a fully header-only library. There + is no more static archive. (And, for openSUSE, no more shared + library.) +- Drop libut-shared.patch (fails to apply, usecase is gone) +- Switch to noarch as there are only headers and doc now. + utox +- update to 0.18.1 + Fixes: + * Solved crash when undoing chat input with ctrl-z (@siburec) (d841c3e) + groups: load group topics from Tox save (d6f9b68) + * Fix heap-use-after-free when creating new group chats (@siburec) (c47612e) + langs: Remove strings that are not supposed to be translated (b1fc2f3) + * Use correct type for pthread entry point (@krobelus) (cadab94) + * Pass enum value with correct type when cancelling file transfers (@krobelus) (7bf108d) + * Copy text from chat without nicks via ctrl-c in Windows (@redmanmale) (88bf58d) + Documentation: + * Add Spanish to the list of complete translations (4b8cda7) + * Add Debian installation instructions (@garetethan) (c5595be) + * docs: fix simple typo, precomplied -> precompiled (@timgates42) (fd2ad87) + Languages: + * Complete Spanish translation (@siburec) (f840779) + +- update to 0.18.0 + Fixes: + * Fix crash when changing toxcore-related settings (92102bf) + * fix dragging friend list (#1470) (@w23rd) (70127ba) + * utox_settings struct: give proxy_ip[] a size (fix UB) (072d29e) + * Update and refactor settings loading and saving: + - Drop obsolete save and load settings format (@redmanmale) (6ead537) + - Rename (and fix usages) SETTINGS fields to match UTOXSAVE struct to be able to load it from config directly (@redmanmale) (751ea57) + - Remove unused function config_osdefaults() (@redmanmale) (fe8cfe0) + - Use settings instead of separate variables (@redmanmale) (94d474a) + - Refactoring save and load uTox settings (@redmanmale) (acb2787) + - Save settings before killing Tox threads (@redmanmale) (a615853) + - Style fixes (@redmanmale) (0a0b171) + - Update mock settings (@redmanmale) (0c8c74e) + - Try create Tox folder before saving settings (@redmanmale) (93aaef8) + - settings.c: Write macros for write_config_value_*() (6347681) + * getopt: Exit on wrong usage (c7353a3) + * Fix offset of the typing notification (@redmanmale) (c92dfe6) + * Fix file size formatting in chatlog (@redmanmale) (60a0085) + * Fix handling large files (@redmanmale) (590efb8) + Languages: + * Update Japanese (@xfm00mm) (6ef32a4) + * Update German (Markus V) (b4c8682) + uucp +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * suucp.service + uwsgi +- greenlet and gevent plugins require uwsgi-python3 instead of + uwsgi-python + +- do not require python2, drop python plugin [bsc#1191174] + v2ray-core +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * v2ray.service + * v2ray@.service + v4l2loopback +- Add undefined macros when building on older distributions + +- Add Secureboot signing support + vacuum-im +- update source to 9f3952b21b8d3ee1ef76b31abbb027fb21d8ed89 + * support for SCRAM-SHA1 authentication + +- update source to 3164aec53e8a1da58f328ed13657c654e650636c + * Do not send country code in xml:lang attribute + * Allow to change font size in editwidget + * Fixed RosterView expand state after search + -- update to 1.2.4 - * Added workarounds for Facebook XMPP server - * Fixed same problems with DIGEST-MD5 SASL authentication response - * Not all messages from server archive were displayed in a view history - window - * In a chat window with contact connected through transport all messages - were displayed as incoming after transport change - * Fixed problems with editing of a priority of the status in the edit - status dialog - * Fixed some possible errors with adding messages in Adium message styles - * On a double click on the agent in a roster at the same time opened both - a window of service discovery and a normal message window - * Fixed rare problems with establishing secure connection with server - vacuum-im-plugins-dbusnotifications +- update to 1.5.4 + * add support for Qt 5.11 + -- update to 1.0.2 - * add settings dialogue - * update ru translations - vacuum-im-plugins-usermood +- add support for Qt 5.11 + vacuum-im-plugins-usertune +- update to 1.1.3 + * add support for Qt 5.11 + * tune icon don't show in roster + * add field to show stored player name + -- update to 1.0.4 - * sync changes in vacuum-sdk - vagrant-libvirt +- New upstream release 0.7.0 + Rebase patch: + * 0001-Remove-simplecov-from-tests.patch + Added patches: + * 0002-Double-the-UDPSocket-in-cases-where-there-s-no-netwo.patch ( + * 0003-Allow-the-connection.client.libversion-call-1416.patch ( + [#] Changelog + [#]# [0.7.0]( (2021-11-08) + [Full Changelog]( + * *Closed issues:** +- Network is not available [\#1389]( +- Podman example in returns error [\#1373]( +- VM creation fails 2nd time [\#1342]( + * *Merged pull requests:** +- Derive system URI from default URI [\#1398]( ([electrofelix]( +- Switch back to read-only system connection [\#1397]( ([electrofelix]( +- Reorder qemu agent usage for use with sessions [\#1396]( ([electrofelix]( +- Add gem version badge [\#1395]( ([electrofelix]( +- Update the source code URI [\#1394]( ([electrofelix]( +- Regression unit test for frozen string literal fix [\#1393]( ([electrofelix]( +- Fix a FrozenError in prepare\_nfs\_settings.rb [\#1392]( ([rledisez]( +- Update issue templates [\#1391]( ([electrofelix]( +- Update podman instructions to mount tmp [\#1388]( ([electrofelix]( +- Replace Travis references in README [\#1387]( ([swalkinshaw]( +- Add options for 3d acceleration [\#1386]( ([amezin]( +- Add basic support to control serial console settings [\#1385]( ([Itxaka]( +- Add a :libvirt\_\_always\_destroy flag to network definitions [\#1381]( ([jamie01]( + [#]# [0.6.3]( (2021-10-16) + [Full Changelog]( + * *Fixed bugs:** +- The behavior of "vagrant box add -f" is confusing with libvirt [\#1351]( + * *Closed issues:** +- Wrong nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf [\#1380]( +- Question: Is it it supported on windows 10? [\#1368]( + * *Merged pull requests:** +- Re-upload un-versioned boxes based on modified time [\#1382]( ([electrofelix]( + [#]# [0.6.2]( (2021-10-12) + [Full Changelog]( + * *Merged pull requests:** +- Ensure ssh\_run and ssh actions match vagrant [\#1378]( ([electrofelix]( + [#]# [0.6.1]( (2021-10-11) + [Full Changelog]( + * *Closed issues:** +- Running `vagrant reload && vagrant ssh -c '..'` has unexpected results with vagrant-libvirt 0.6.0 [\#1376]( +- Question: Passthrough of blockdevice? [\#1350]( + * *Merged pull requests:** +- Rework shutdown domain to avoid trailing action [\#1377]( ([electrofelix]( + [#]# [0.6.0]( (2021-10-08) + [Full Changelog]( + * *Closed issues:** +- Vagrant up times out after a provisioner reboots the VM [\#1366]( +- Configuring provider uri per vm definition is not thread-safe [\#1358]( +- support podman in addition to docker [\#1357]( +- Not sure if this is a vagrant-libvirt issue but SD card is not correctly read. blk\_update\_request: I/O error. [\#1346]( +- Error connecting to graphical console at virt-manager. Unable to read from monitor. [\#1340]( +- ERROR warden: Error occurred: Call to virStorageVolCreateXML failed: storage volume 'xxx\_box.img' exists already [\#1338]( +- MacOS can't specify accellerator as hvf [\#1336]( +- bus pci.0 not found for q35 [\#1327]( +- Unable to install this plugin [\#1326]( +- machine\_virtual\_size has not real effect [\#1325]( +- Dep ruby-libvirt broken with Vagrant 2.2.17 and Ruby \>=3.0 [\#1322]( +- vagrant-libvirt wont work with centos8 [\#1317]( +- Error installing vagrant-libvirt on Debian buster [\#1314]( +- Creating a VM with numa fails - Parameter -numa node,mem is not supported [\#1312]( +- GPT PMBR size mismatch with second disk [\#1308]( +- Export/Import Box as Original VM with `virsh dumpxml` and `virsh define`? [\#1256]( +- hangs on Waiting for domain to get an IP address only on remote libvirt [\#1252]( +- Error during install on Debian 10 [\#1216]( +- Unable to install another plugin into Docker based Installation [\#1198]( +- Docker based Installation does not work [\#1191]( +- Support frozen string literals [\#1177]( + * *Merged pull requests:** +- Add aliases for devices [\#1374]( ([electrofelix]( +- Handle VM not accessible during reboot [\#1367]( ([electrofelix]( +- Refactor create domain tests [\#1364]( ([electrofelix]( +- Support provider URI per machine definition [\#1363]( ([electrofelix]( +- Ensure sensible default USB controller model used [\#1362]( ([electrofelix]( +- \#1341 fix condition check on @qemu\_use\_agent [\#1361]( ([abbbi]( +- Provide support for packaging into v2 format [\#1360]( ([electrofelix]( +- Document running using Podman [\#1359]( ([ghost]( +- Update to vagrant 2.2.18 for docker image [\#1354]( ([electrofelix]( +- Avoid blanking username if set by user [\#1352]( ([electrofelix]( +- Fix variable in when determining user based on Vagrantfile ownership [\#1349]( ([mmguero]( +- Output XML elements to debug logs [\#1345]( ([electrofelix]( +- Support dev setting vagrant-spec version from env [\#1344]( ([electrofelix]( +- Retrieve IP Address of management interface using qemu-guest-agent commands \#1341 [\#1343]( ([abbbi]( +- Improve handling of cpu model and initrd settings [\#1333]( ([electrofelix]( +- Fixed handling of nil volumes [\#1332]( ([guss77]( +- fix\(action\): fix typo in change domain disk\_bus [\#1331]( ([gmmephisto]( +- Unrestrict rspec-\* version to \>= 3.5 to sync with vagrant [\#1330]( ([dcermak]( +- Bump vagrant version and update README [\#1321]( ([electrofelix]( +- Use working directory for user/group resolution [\#1320]( ([electrofelix]( +- Enable frozen string across project [\#1319]( ([electrofelix]( +- Remove debug statement accidentally left behind [\#1318]( ([electrofelix]( +- Allow rspec to float on minor releases [\#1316]( ([electrofelix]( +- Disable removal of host keys by default [\#1315]( ([electrofelix]( +- Use GracefulHalt builtin action [\#1310]( ([chrisroberts]( +- Basic packaging tests and restructure action [\#1307]( ([electrofelix]( +- Default to build and publish extendible image [\#1246]( ([electrofelix]( + +- Fix ruby macro usage + vamp-plugin-sdk +- Update to version 2.10 + * Add a method to PluginWrapper, the host-side base for + adapters like PluginInputDomainAdapter that modify the + processing behaviour of a plugin, that tells it to "disown" + the wrapped plugin. The former behaviour, and still the + default, is for the wrapper to take ownership of the wrapped + plugin. The alternative behaviour makes it easier to mix + these classes with some modern C++ styles that use managed + pointers + version 2.9 + * Fix non-thread-safe behaviour in PluginAdapter. Plugins built + using the adapter classes in version 2.8 or earlier cannot + safely be used simultaneously across threads with other + instances of themselves or of other plugins in the same + library (i.e. shared object). Hosts have been required to + provide synchronisation for such cases. Version 2.9 + introduces synchronisation in the plugin, making this + usage safe. Unfortunately this does not make host code safe + when using older plugin builds, as the problem and its fix + are in the plugin side of the SDK. Caution is still required, + but this fix does allow updated plugin builds to avoid + problems with some existing hosts + * Change required C++ language standard from C++98 to C++11. + This is because of the use of std::mutex in the above fix + version 2.8: + * Fix off-by-one rounding errors in frame-to-ns conversions. + Unlike the other changes here which are invisible to plugin + code, this change can lead to different results in the lowest + significant figures from existing plugins if relinked against + the newer code + * Fix theoretical possibility of integer overflow in RealTime + constructor + * Fix use of undefined behaviour in PluginRateExtractor +- Spec cleanuo + vapoursynth +- Update to 54: + * Floating point mask clips are now a consistent thing +- Remove vapoursynth-include.patch: upstreamed + +- Fix build with gcc11: + Add vapoursynth-include.patch + See: + * + * + * and commits b5ed913f, a4c4eba7 + +- Update to version 53: + * Bugfix release + +- Update to 52: + * updated visual studio 2019 runtime version + * updated zimg + * updated vsrepo with support for python wheel packages + * vsgenstubs is now included with vsrepo + * fixed maximum for 16 bit input with diagonal filters and optimizations + * fixed deadlock in fmserial filters introduced in r51 + * fixed more averageframes bugs + +- Update to 51: + * updated visual studio 2019 runtime version + * fixed a cache shrinking issue + * fixed a crash when removing a message handler without a free function + * fixed an extremely rare threading issue only affecting + fmparallelrequests filters and arframeready events + * fixed compilation when avs+ master is used + * fixed lut and lut2 triggering a fatal error when invalid + planes were specified + * fixed property append operations on non-empty keys not properly + copying the underlying data + * fixed wave64 headers generated by avfs + * fixed crash in averageframes with odd number of clips + * scale averageframes for integer chroma by distance from grey + * several fixes and improvements regarding handling of the active + script environment in python + * plugin loading now has better error messages + * using get_core() in python now generates a deprecation warning + since it's been deprecated for years + varnish -- Add 0001-Clear-err_code-and-err_reason-at-start-of-request-ha.patch - [CVE-2019-20637, boo#1169040] -- Add 0001-Handle-badly-formatted-proxy-TLVs.patch - [CVE-2020-11653, boo#1169039] +- Added hardening to systemd service(s) (bsc#1181400). Modified: + * varnish.service + * varnishlog.service + +- Update to release 6.6.1 + * Fix an HTTP/2.0 request smuggling vulnerability. [bnc#1188470] + +- update to 6.6.0: + * The ban_cutoff parameter now refers to the overall length of + the ban list, including completed bans, where before only + non-completed (“activeâ€) bans were counted towards ban_cutoff. + * Body bytes accounting has been fixed to always represent the + number of body bytes moved on the wire, exclusive of + protocol-specific overhead like HTTP/1 chunked encoding or + HTTP/2 framing. + * The connection close reason has been fixed to properly report + SC_RESP_CLOSE where previously only SC_REQ_CLOSE was reported. + * Unless the new validate_headers feature is disabled, all newly + set headers are now validated to contain only characters + allowed by RFC7230. + * The filter_re, keep_re and get_re functions from the bundled + cookie vmod have been changed to take the VCL_REGEX type. This + implies that their regular expression arguments now need to be + literal, not e.g. string. + * The interface for private pointers in VMODs has been changed, + the VRT backend interface has been changed, many filter + (VDP/VFP) related signatures have been changed, and the + stevedore API has been changed. (Details thereto, see online + changelog.) + +- Update to release 6.5.1 + * Bump the VRT_MAJOR_VERSION number defined in the vrt.h + +- Update to release 6.5.0 + * `PRIV_TOP` is now thread-safe to support parallel ESI + implementations. + * varnishstat's JSON output format (-j option) has been changed. + * Behavior for 304-type responses was changed not to update the + Content-Encoding response header of the stored object. + +- Disable LTO, this randomly fails during link stage. + +- Update Git-Web repository link +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon. + +- Update to release 6.4.0 + * The MAIN.sess_drop counter is gone. + * backend "none" was added for "no backend". + * The hash algorithm of the hash director was changed, so + backend selection will change once only when upgrading. + * It is now possible for VMOD authors to customize the + connection pooling of a dynamic backend. + * For more, see changes.rst. + +- Update to release 6.3.2 + * Fix a denial of service vulnerability when using the proxy + protocol version 2. + +- Update to release 6.3.0 + * The Host: header is folded to lower-case in the builtin_vcl. + * Improved performance of shared memory statistics counters. + * Synthetic objects created from vcl_backend_error {} now + replace existing stale objects as ordinary backend fetches + would (for details see changes.rst) veyon +- Update to version 4.7.0. + * Core + * Fixed binary compatibility issues between different versions + of LibVNCServer/LibVNCClient. + * Messages in log files (especially debug messages) are now + much more human readable. + * Plugins + * Demo: Screens in the Demo menu are now displayed with their + actual hardware name and connector type/index. + * LDAP: Fixed querying members of a group when the nested + groups option is enabled. + * TextMessage: Students can now select and copy the text + message or parts of it. + * TextMessage: Rich text + (i.e. formatted text including hyperlinks) can now be + entered and sent to students. + * RemoteAccess: For remote computers with multiple screens, a + button with a screen selection menu has been added. + * RemoteAccess: The login name of the remote user is shown in + the window title, if the full name is not available. + * WebAPI: The header field lookup (e.g. for the connection UID) + is now case insensitive. + * Linux + * The parameter order for the ping utility has been improved. + * Issues regarding the session identification have been fixed, + solving various issues when running veyon-server manually + e.g. via autostart entries. + * Master + * A regression in Veyon 4.6.0 has been fixed to make the + computer and user search case insensitive again. + * Control messages between computers are now sent asynchronously + which improves performance and responsiveness while reducing + the CPU load. + * When closing the program, it now stops all features on the + student computers and waits until all corresponding control + messages have been sent. + * A new filter button has been added to show computers with + logged on users only. + * The dialog for confirming actions such as powering off + computers only emphasizes ALL computers if all computers are + selected. + * If available, the full name of the user is now preferred in + the tooltip. + * Server + * Server-side framebuffer update rate control has been added + which improves performance and responsive. + +- Update to version 4.6.0. + * Core + * Protocol errors during the initial authentication phase are + handled more reliably. This fixes problems when connecting to + incompatible servers accidentally. + * CLI + * The plugin and feature modules have been added. + * The config and shell plugins have been integrated as static + modules. + * Plugins + * Demo: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has been + redesigned. + * DesktopServices: The Run program feature has been renamed to + Start application. + * RemoteAccess: The visual feedback when (re-)connecting has + been redesigned. + * RemoteAccess: The computer connection of the main window is + reused if available resulting in immediate access to the remote + computer. + * RemoteAccess: The remote cursor is no longer used in view + only mode to prevent occasionally observed render artifacts. + * UserSessionControl: Non-user sessions (such as display + manager/login screen sessions) are no longer terminated by the + user logoff feature. + * WebAPI: An error code has been added to report protocol + errors occuring while connecting to the Veyon Server. + * WebAPI: The connection limit is enforced at the HTTP server + level already to properly report the connection limit reached + error instead of timing out. + * WebAPI: Skip ping for hosts which no connection could be + established to. This allows using a higher connection limit + on Linux when the number of open file descriptors is limited. + * Master + * In addition to the hostname, the computer display name is + shown in the tooltip of a computer. + * A computer's screen is shown in fullscreen and realtime while + pressing and holding the left mouse button on a computer. + * For Linux clients, [no user] is displayed as the user name + instead of the name of the display manager user. + * Server + * Hostnames of connected computers + (shown in the tooltip of the tray icon) are now reverse + resolved in background to keep connections responsive. + * Linux + * SHM support is being detected more reliably. + * Logging off users is now initiated properly through the + environment-specific session manager while systemd-logind + is used as fallback only. This fixes the display manager + (especially GDM3) not being shown again after logoff. + * Reboot and power down via systemd-logind has been improved + while the environment-specific session manager is used as + fallback only. The reboot and poweroff binaries are not usedany longer. + +- Update to version 4.5.7. + * Core: allow minus characters in authentication key name + * Linux: x11vnc: auto-detect SHM support – fixes server crashing + on start in case of lacking SHM support (no need to manually + configure -noshm as extra parameter any longer) + * Linux: fix Veyon session ID detection in case desktop session + path and ID do not match – fixes occasionally broken multi + session support + * WebAPI: improve TLS-related error messages + +- Update to version 4.5.6. + * AuthKeys: make import fail when passing a filename as first + argument + * Core: set up application parameters earlier to silence warning + * Core: fix loading Qt translations on Linux so file dialogs, + message boxes etc. are now localized properly + * Core: configure layout direction based on default locale + * Core: use uniform button layout for DesktopAccessDialog across + all platforms and desktop environments + * Demo: only start client inside user sessions + * LDAP: add support for nested user groups (AD only) + * Linux: fix login key sequence selection + * Linux: use libvnccserver provided by distribution if recent + enough + * Master: fix crash when activating computers with invalid/empty + hostname + * Master: indicate invalid/empty host address in tooltip + * PowerControl, UserSessionControl: improve confirmation dialog + when performing operations such as shutdown or reboot on all + computers + * ScreenLock: only lock screen inside user sessions + +- Update to version 4.5.5. + * Core: set OpenGL context sharing flag for proper functionality + of the Qt WebEngine WebTabs backend + * Demo: fix freezing/stopping screen broadcasting when Veyon + Master is configured to enforce selected mode for client + computers + * Demo: fix context menu for computers to properly show + "Stop demo" for any active screen sharing mode + * Service: Windows: fix memory leak + * Linux: make minimum session lifetime before server start + configurable + * Linux: only consider graphically logged in users for access + control rule condition "No user logged in" + +- Trim metadata redundancies from descriptions. Fixup grammar. + +- Update to version 4.5.4. + * Core: fix potential crash due to race condition on shutdown + * Demo: refactor server shutdown for better reliability + * Demo: refactor demo server control for better reliability + (demo server is now restarted automatically when crashed) + * Linux: ignore missing DPMS for xrdp sessions + * Linux: make key sequence for user login via display manager + fully configurable + * Linux: use session path as session ID to avoid missing updates + on closed sessions + * Linux: x11vnc: disable SHM for xrdp sessions + * Master: improve save/restore of checked locations/computers to + better handle dynamic changes when using the NetworkDiscovery + add-on + * Service: always close sessions internally properly so session + IDs are reused correctly + * Service: Linux: prevent service from killing itself in some + cases + * Service: Linux: send SIGINT/SIGTERM/SIGKILL recursively to + terminate server instances and child processes more reliably + * Service: Linux: decrease grace period for server processes + * Service: Linux: actively stop server for closing sessions + * Various PCH-related build system improvements + * Update translations + +- Update to version 4.5.3. + * BuiltinX11VncServer: add missing return value + * Core: fix hostname conversion if FQDN resolving fails + * Core: improve hostname resolution reliability + * Core: update active features after every feature status change + * Core: improve parsing port number for IPv6 + * Configurator: add scrollbars to configuration pages if they + don't fit on the screen + * Demo: fix memory leak on connection error + * Demo: fix VNC server port detection to properly work with + external VNC servers + * Demo: fix broadcasting of individual screens if placed out of + order + * Demo: fix stopping demo mode via context menu + * Master: fix automatic reload of screenshot list on filesystem + changes + * Master: fix minor issues in Linux manpage + * Linux: drop kdesudo/gksudo support + * WebAPI: qthttpserver: switch to master branch + * WebAPI: refactor to multithreaded implementation supporting + asynchronous requests + * WebAPI: increase default connection limit to 32 + * WebAPI: add status fields to feature list + * Internal build system improvements for shorter build times + * Update translations +- Disable PCH build, cause build to fail. + vhba-kmp +- Update to release 20211023 + * Support for Linux 5.15 + vidcutter +- Update to version + * Update to latest FFmpeg and mpv and switch to new libmpv + Render API. + vifm +- Update to 0.12: + * Color schemes and preview now support 24-bit colors. + * Depth of tree-view can now be limited and directories in it + can be folded. + * Textual preview of files is now done asynchronously. + * List of files can now be directly piped to programs via new macros. + * External editing now asks for a re-edit after a failure. + * Status line can now take up several lines. + * New keys for controlling viewer while in view mode. + * View column separators. + * Vifm has received a more advanced, but currently experimental, + extension interface in a form of Lua plugins. + * New logo. + * See for details + +- Update to 0.11: + * Added persistent tabs + * Added sessions + * New format of vifminfo file (old version is imported on first run) + * Smarter merging of histories between runs that avoids dropping of new entries + * Version of default color scheme for 256-color terminals + * Customizable tab labels + * Keeping ratio of pane sizes constant on resizes, restarts and tab switching + * Various performance improvements + * See change log for the full list of changes and by whom they were suggested. + +- Update to 0.10.1: + * Added file preview to miller mode + * Added preview macro to directly output to terminal, which + enables use of Sixel graphics for previewing + * Added udisks2 backend to vifm-media script (bundled script for + managing media) and version of the script for OS X + * Updated code to make use of large amount of color pairs when + available + * Functionality of previously separate neovim-vifm plugin got + merged into the main plugin + * Multiple improvements to :media menu + * Improved performance in several use cases (quickview, lots + of unhighlighted files, unnecessary cursor updates and redraws) + * See change log for the full list of changes and by whom + they were suggested. + +- Update to 0.10: + * New version includes long awaited tabs and support for managing media. + The first one comes in two flavours: tabs either include layout or don't. + The latter relies on a helper script, whose job is to adapt existing + tools to make them usable by vifm. + Main changes: + * Added tabs which either operate on the level of layout or level of individual panes + * Added ability to synchronize contents of registers among multiple instances + * Added menu for managing media (relies on helper that does the managing) + * Improved cursor positioning and control over it + * Ability to colorize statusline +- For more details see: +- Update upstream gpg key file ( + vifm-colors +- Update to 0.11: + * Add new color scheme: sandy + * Update mc-like color theme + * Add PaperColor light/dark + * Update solarized-dark theme + +- Update to 0.10: + * Add new color scheme: dwmlight (Thanks satsaeid) + * Add new color scheme: solorized-light (Thanks ayroblu) + * Add new color scheme: palenight (Thanks mroavi) + * Add new color scheme: onedark (Thanks mroavi) + * Add new color scheme: gruvbox (Thanks laur89) + * Add new color scheme: iceberg (Thanks puven12) + * Add new color scheme: dracula (Thanks EgZvor) + * Add new color scheme: molokai (Thanks mimadrid) + * Add missing :highlight clear to: + - lucius + - reicheltd-light + vigra +- added patches + + + vigra-openexr3.patch + -- Update to version 1.8.0 - * See -- Drop all the patches, fixed upstream. -- Fixed dependencies for the devel package. - vimb +- Switch to pkgconfig style BuildRequires, ensure we pull in what + the package really needs (fixes build in current Factory). + vinagre +- Remove obsolete translation-update-upstream support + (jsc#SLE-21105). + +- Add -fcommon in order to fix boo#1160419. + +- Copy preferences-desktop-remote-desktop from the adwaita icon + theme, not from the gnome theme. That should have changed quite a + long time ago. + +- Phase out telepathy support in GNOME, disable + pkgconfig(telepathy-glib) BuildRequires and pass + - -without-telepathy to configure. +- No longer pass --disable-scrollkeeper to configure, not needed, + nor recognized. +- Drop vinagre-lang Recommends: No longer needed. + virt-manager +- jsc#SLE-17764 - Dev: Support Oracle Linux as a guest VM. See also + bsc#1192238 [Build58.2][KVM] The latest supported OracleLinux as + guest versions are not included anywhere + virtinst-add-oracle-linux-support.patch + virt-viewer +- Update to 11.0: + * Minimum libgovirt is now 0.3.7 + * CentOS 7 is no longer a supported build platform + * Use header bar for oVirt ISO dialog + * Add change CD button to toolbar for oVirt + * Support using ISOs in oVirt DATA storage domains + * Remove clashing -r command line shortcut for ‘resize’ that + clashed with existing ‘reconnect’ shortcut + * Support modifier-only hotkeys for cursor release + * Fix smartcard and USB hotkey configuration regression + * Add USB device reset hotkey support + * Fix various mixed up GTK actions for hotkeys + * Release keyboard grab at same time as mouse grab with SPICE + * Fix misc compiler warnings with glib > 2.68 + * Fix creation of window when guest uses multiple heads with a + single QXL video card + * Updated translations from weblate + * Avoid warnings from GTK from overly strict minimum desktop + width/height rules + * Update window action sensitivity to fix regression causing + disabled send key menu items + * Fix mixed up action / menu state when user cancels a quit + request + * Ensure auth dialog credential fields are cleared + * Fix setting os-id when building RPMs + * Avoid extra hyphen in build ID strings + * Explicitly disable spice/ovirt features when invoking meson + for RPM builds + * Fix uninitialized variable for keymaps +- Dropped patches contained in new tarball + 0001-src-initialize-keymaps-variable.patch + 0002-rpm-explicitly-tell-meson-to-disable-spice-ovirt.patch + 0003-config.h-avoid-extra-hyphen-in-build-ID-value.patch + 0004-config.h-conditionally-define-REMOTE_VIEWER_OS_ID.patch + 0005-Fix-creation-of-window-when-using-single-QXL-card-with-2-heads.patch + 0006-src-avoid-warnings-from-use-of-G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH.patch + +- Fix broken build in Factory (bsc#1166289) + 0006-src-avoid-warnings-from-use-of-G_GNUC_FALLTHROUGH.patch + virtualbox +- Version bump to 6.1.30 (released November 22 2021 by Oracle) + This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: + VMM: Fixed 6.1.28 regression preventing VMs starting when using Hyper-V mode on Windows 10 + GUI: Fixed inability to complete First Run wizard after browsing for an external image + GUI: Fixed crash on macOS Big Sur while browsing for an external image from First Run wizard + GUI: Fixed bug on Windows with inability to save taken screenshot under a folder with native name (bug #15561) + GUI: Fixed bug on X11 with drag and drop initiated on single mouse click in VM storage settings + GUI: Fixed settings check on machines not supporting hardware virtualization + GUI: Non critical media related errors should not cause modal pop-up error messages + Host-only networking: Fixed crash parsing /etc/vbox/networks.conf + DVD: Fixed drive lock handling across VM reset + VBoxHeadless: Fixed crash when running on macOS Monterey (bug #20636) + VBoxManage: Fixed incorrect help text for "hostonlyif" + vboximg-mount: Error message if no image is specified + Linux host: For all distribution specific packages (deb/rpm format) fix the packaging so that the feature for unattended installation of guest OSes works + Linux host and guest: Introduced initial support for kernel 5.16 + Shared Clipboard: Improved communication between guest and host when guest has no clipboard data to report + Linux Guest Additions: Allow running only one VBoxDRMClient instance (bug #19373) + File "fixes_for_5.14.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + File "fixes-for-5.15.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + File "fixes-for-5.16.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + +- Fix builds for Kernel 5.16. File "fixes-for-5.16.patch" is added. + Reorder some of the patch numbers. + virtualbox:kmp +- Version bump to 6.1.30 (released November 22 2021 by Oracle) + This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added: + VMM: Fixed 6.1.28 regression preventing VMs starting when using Hyper-V mode on Windows 10 + GUI: Fixed inability to complete First Run wizard after browsing for an external image + GUI: Fixed crash on macOS Big Sur while browsing for an external image from First Run wizard + GUI: Fixed bug on Windows with inability to save taken screenshot under a folder with native name (bug #15561) + GUI: Fixed bug on X11 with drag and drop initiated on single mouse click in VM storage settings + GUI: Fixed settings check on machines not supporting hardware virtualization + GUI: Non critical media related errors should not cause modal pop-up error messages + Host-only networking: Fixed crash parsing /etc/vbox/networks.conf + DVD: Fixed drive lock handling across VM reset + VBoxHeadless: Fixed crash when running on macOS Monterey (bug #20636) + VBoxManage: Fixed incorrect help text for "hostonlyif" + vboximg-mount: Error message if no image is specified + Linux host: For all distribution specific packages (deb/rpm format) fix the packaging so that the feature for unattended installation of guest OSes works + Linux host and guest: Introduced initial support for kernel 5.16 + Shared Clipboard: Improved communication between guest and host when guest has no clipboard data to report + Linux Guest Additions: Allow running only one VBoxDRMClient instance (bug #19373) + File "fixes_for_5.14.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + File "fixes-for-5.15.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + File "fixes-for-5.16.patch" deleted - fixed upstream. + +- Fix builds for Kernel 5.16. File "fixes-for-5.16.patch" is added. + Reorder some of the patch numbers. + vit +- Update to 2.1.0 + This release adds support for TaskWarrior >= 2.5.2 + The release includes a breaking change to the keybinding parser, + and may affect users who have implemented custom keybindings in + their configuration. + * fix: blocked marker displaying for deleted/completed depends + * add quick start instructions to README + * [BREAKING CHANGE] correctly parse bracket expressions for + keybinding keys + * Add 'abort_backspace' config, False by default. If true, + hitting backspace against an empty prompt aborts the prompt. + * Use Python.ignore from github + +- Switch to 2.x branch, update to 2.0.0 + Complete ground up rewrite in Python, feature-complete with VIT 1.x + New features: + * Advanced tab completion + * Per-column colorization with markers (see + * Intelligent sub-project indenting + * Multiple/customizable themes (see + * Override/customize column formatters (see + * Fully-customizable key bindings (see + * Table-row striping + * Show version/context/report execution time in status area + * Customizable config dir (see + * Command line bash completion wrapper + * Context support + This release also changes the software license from GPL to MIT. + See for + instructions on how to upgrade from VIT 1.3. + +- Use %license +- Update to version 1.3~20190107.g96134b3: + * Make the build reproducible + +- Update to snapshot 1.3~20180806.gdbacada + * Use fixed build date (boo#1047218) + vitetris +- Update to version 0.59.1 + * Fix some options not taking effect (#20) + +- Update to version 0.59 + * Highlight last high score + * Change qualification for high score when in B-type + * Enhance desktop entry file + * Remove explicit ownership for installed files + * Add runtime library search path +- Drop patch: + * vitetris-no-need-for-root-to-install.patch + vkd3d +- added also shader library to baselibs.conf (bsc#1176894) + +- updated to 1.2 + - Availability of libvkd3d-shader as a public library. + - Support for tessellation shaders. + - Version 1.1 root signatures. + - Stream output support. +- added gpg signature and keyring. + +- updated baselibs requires to allow better wine 32bit dependencies (bsc#1172310) + vkeybd +- Fix broken symlink of icon file that broke the TW build + -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - vkmark +- Update to version 2017.08+git.20210312: + * wayland: Reply to ping message + +- Update to version 2017.08+git.20210301: + * doc: Document new Vulkan device related flags in man page + * core: Allow selecting the Vulkan device to run on + +- Update to version 2017.08+git.20200521: + * core: Use generated map of pixel formats to handle --pixel-format option + * core: Fix crash with newer vulkan-hpp + * doc: Update with new wayland dependencies + * ci: Update packages dependencies for wayland + * wayland: Port to xdg-shell + * wayland: Mark the whole surface as opaque + * wayland: Retain native size in hidpi scaled outputs + * ci: Add build and test github workflow + * Fix build against glm- + * build: Specify meson version as 0.45 + vkquake +- Add patch: + * 0001-Fix-format-overflow-warning-with-32-bit-gcc.patch + +- Fix source url + +- Update to version 1.12.1 + * Bugfix release + +- Update to version 1.12.0 + * Support for scriptable particles ported from QuakeSpasm-Spiked + (e.g. for Arcane Dimensions). If vanilla behavior is wanted + they can be diabled with r_fteparticles 0 + +- Update to version 1.11.1 + * Improved compatibility with 2021 Quake re-release + Known issues: + * Some entities don't animate smoothly with FTE protocol + extensions. cl_nopext 1 is a workaround right now. Same bug + exists in QSS. + +- Update to version 1.11.0 + * Initial support for Quake 2021 re-release + * External vis file support +- Update to version 1.10.0 + * Merged protocol extensions from QuakeSpasm-Spiked. This fixes + non smooth movement on elevators in certain cases. + * Custom HUD client side QuakeC support for Arcane Dimensions + (disable with cl_nocsqc 1). + * SIMD CPU optimizations from Andrei Drexler - especially helpful + in complex levels like ad_tears. + * Stencil buffer optimizations for sky rendering reducing + overdraw. + * Resolution scaling to 1/2 1/4 or 1/8th resolution. + * Added support for r_fullbright & r_lightmap. + * Implemented full r_showtris support. + * Option in menu to set max frame rate. + * Higher precision game time and precise frame rate throttling. + * Fix exclusive full screen alt+tab issues. + * Bumped default heap size to 384MB. + Changes from beta1: + * Fixed potential issue with Intel GPUs and render scale. + * Renamed "filter" to "textures" in menu to make it more clear + what the option does. + * Fixed missing gun icons in HUD. + Changes from beta2: + * Fixes ambient sounds. + * Multiple memory corruption fixes. + * Fix compatibility with some mods. +- Update to version 1.05.3 + * Fixed dynamic lights not updating properly. + * Added menu options for particles (GL or software style). + * Added "exclusive" menu option to fullscreen setting to control + VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive. + * Removed a bunch of rendering cvars that do nothing in vkQuake. + * Fixed edge case with out of range fog values. +- Strip binary + +- Update to version 1.05.2 + * Only use VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive with NVIDIA drivers as + people reported problems with other configurations + * Fall back to non exclusive full screen if swap chain can't be created + * Fix descriptor set leak + * Fix rare crash in vertex buffer memory management + * Fix world dynamic light update lagging one frame behind brushes + +- Update to version 1.05.1 +- Drop 0001-Remove-use-of-VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RANGE_SIZE.patch + +- Add upstream patch to fix the factory build: + * 0001-Remove-use-of-VK_DYNAMIC_STATE_RANGE_SIZE.patch + vms-empire +- Update to version 1.16 + * Minor bugfixes +- Drop upstream merged 0001-Pull-all-globals-into-a-context-struct.patch + +- Add patch to fix build with GCC10: + * 0001-Pull-all-globals-into-a-context-struct.patch + vmtouch +- update to 1.3.1: + * New switch: "-P <pidfile>". When combined with -l or -L, the + PID of the daemon process will be written to this file. + * In Makefile, support staged installs using DESTDIR + * Create snapcraft.yaml to enable snap creation + * Fix compilation for pre-C99 compilers + * Documentation improvements + vocal +- Add vocal-fix-build.patch: Fix build with granite 6.0 and newer. + Patch from arch linux. + +- Update URL to new home. + vokoscreenNG +- Update to 3.0.9 + * Add quality slider for VP8 codec + * Fix setting of audio and video codecs + * Fix window restoration after minimizing + * No longer ellipsize drop down menu entries + * Improve camera picture quality when resizing the window + * Recording countdown is now shown on the same screen as the + recorded area + * Remove AAC codec support + * Remove x264 codec support + * Remove VAAPI support + volk +- fixed build for s390x (no cpu_features) + +- Update to version 2.5.0 + Kernels + * volk_32f_stddev_and_mean_32f_x2: implemented Young and + Cramer's algorithm + * volk_32fc_accumulator_s32fc: Add new kernel + * volk_16ic_x2_dot_prod_16ic_u_avx2: Fix Typo, was _axv2. + * Remove _mm256_zeroupper() calls + * Enforce consistent function prototypes + * 32fc_index_max: Improve speed of AVX2 version + * conv_k7_r2: Disable broken AVX2 code + * improve volk_8i_s32f_convert_32f for ARM NEON + * Calculate cos in AVX512F + * Calculate sin using AVX512F + Fixes: + * Fix segmentation fault when using GCC 8 + * Fix python version detection + * cmake: Check that 'distutils' is available + * c11: Remove pre-C11 preprocessor instructions + +- Update to version 2.4.1 + Build + * cpu_features CMake option + * Add cpu_features to static library build. + * Use static liborc-0.4 library for static library build. + * cmake: Detect if cpu_features submodule is present. + Install + * Check for lib64 versus lib and set LIB_SUFFIX accordingly. +- Switch back to the release github tarballs +- Verify source signature + +- Update to version 2.4.0 + Documentation + * Update README to be more verbose and to improve usefulness. + CMake + * Enable to not install volk_modtool. + * Remove "find_package_handle_standard_args" warning. + cpu_features + * Use cpu_features v0.6.0 as a private submodule to detect + available CPU features. + * Fix incorrect feature detection for newer AVX versions. + * Circumvent platform specific feature detection. + * Enable more architecture specific kernels on more platforms. + Kernels + * Disable slow and broken SSE4.1 kernel in + volk_32fc_x2_dot_prod_32fc. + * Adjust min/max for 32f_s32f_convert_8i kernel + * Use INT8_* instead of CHAR_* +- Upstream tarball does not have the cpu_features included so use + a service file to generate the tarball. +- Add patch: + * volk-fix-cpu_features-compilation-error.patch + vorbisgain +- Added vorbisgain-c99.patch ensuring compatibility with C99. + This solves bsc#1150013. + -- Initial package creation - vorta +- Update to 0.7.8: + * Fix double call to on_user_click + * Handle malformed .vorta-init.json on import + +- Update to 0.7.7 + * New features: + + Import/export settings (or bootstrap with default config) + + Add support for 'diff --json-lines' + * Bugfixes and refinements: + + Alert when deleting last profile + + Put folders first in diff/extract + + Skip sizing folders on permission error + + Called set_progress() on wrong class + + Fix color for eye icon when masking password + + Refuse to add inaccessible folders, warn on inaccessible files during backup + + Open window on left-click on Linux + + Fix issue #940 - KeyError in get_dict_from_list + + Correctly rename profile in dropdown + + Fix 'list --json-lines' command when only a single result line is output + vpcs +- update to 0.8.1: + * switch to fork of vpcs which includes patches wrote by various people from + the community +- remove 0001-revert-from-r124.patch (upstream) +- drop vpcs-0.8-no-static.patch (obsolete) + +- Set CFLAGS+=-fcommon to workaround gcc10 errors (boo#1160244) + +- Specfile cleanup +- Add patch: + * 0001-revert-from-r124.patch + Fix bug "enter" is executed after the second typed character + See: + -- New upstream version 0.5b1 - * Support for a specified number of vpc instances (between 1 and 9) - * Support for TAP device name (only with 1 VPC instance) -- Changed project home page - -- spec file clean up - -- new upstream version 0.5b0 - * support to hypervisor mode -- added vpcs-0.5b0-no-static.patch to avoid static library linking - vpnc +- %{_libexecdir} now expands to /usr/libexec, so do not use it + where /usr/lib was intended; use %{_tmpfilesdir} in this case + instead + +- Fix references path below legacy directory /var/run -> /run +- Run %tmpfiles_create macro in %post +- Fix env-script-interpreter error + -- change License field to GPL-2.0+ (bnc#731966) - -- update to rev 481 of nortel branch - - better version of vpnc-ipid.diff upstream - - various code cleanups - - log to stdout instead of syslog in debug mode - vsqlite++ +- Modernise spec file + vtkdata +- increase _constraints from 2 to 7GB min disk space. + +- Update to version 9.0.0 - no changelog available. + -- fix release series and source url - -- Update to version 6.0.0: - + No detailed changelog available. - vym +- Update to upstream version 2.8.8 (Bugfixes) + In 2.8.0 vymBaseDir was not set correctly, which made most of vym + unusable. See also + w3c-markup-validator +- use system apache rpm macros + -- bzipped SOURCES -- fixed deps - * taken from Bundle::W3C::Validator -- removed changelog form spec -- cleanup, changes file (too long lines) - w_scan +- Fix building with gcc10 + waffle +- Update to release 1.7.0 + * wayland: Support for the xdg-shell protocol. + * surfaceless: Implement window resize + * GLX/WGL: Behave correctly in the presence of ARB_create_context + * tests: Rework and extend test suite + * cmake: Bump requirement to 2.8.12 + * man: Spelling and associated fixes. + * GBM: Pass valid arguments to gbm_surface_create_with_modifiers + * apple: Build fixes + +- bugfix release 1.6.3 (changes since 1.6.1) + * docs: Add waffle 1.6.3 release notes + * docs: Add waffle 1.6.2 release notes + * meson: Fix meson build if bash-completion not found + * meson: always install bash-completion file + * meson: do not replace datadir for bash completion + * wflinfo: use glGetStringi() only when available + * gitlab-ci: update to latest ci-template + * apple: hide GL deprecation warnings + * tests/gl_basic_test: fix SURFACELESS_EGL only build + * gbm: don't pass invalid arguments to gbm_surface_create_with_modifiers + * cmocka: don't require librt, when it's not unavailable + +- Use current cmake macros +- Specify minimal build dependencies as required by upstream + +- bugfix release 1.6.1 + * wflinfo: Correctly install the bash completion file + * GLX/WGL: Handle ARB_create_context appropriatelly + * Wayland: Build fix for -fno-common, default with GCC10 + * Surfaceless: Implement window_resize +- added tests to cover above issues +- addressing the -fno-common build issue, required us to bump the + wayland-client requirement to v1.10 + +- version 1.6.0 + * nacl support in cmake + * a shiny new meson build system + * json output from wflinfo + * EGL/GBM modifiers support + * Out of the box FreeBSD support when using meson + * Also included are a number of behind the scenes changes from + Emil, in particular a massive refactoring/improvement of the + unit tests. +- no longer package LICENSE in every subpackage: instead let library + package require base package +- improve description of devel package + +- Install license + -- update to version 1.2.2 - -- version 1.2.1 - -- initial package - wallpapers-openSUSE-extra +- Do not conflict with branding package providers: this package + contains just an additional set of wallpapers (boo#1177651). + wavemon +- Update to version 0.9.3 + Fixes General + * proper rendering on UTF-8 terminals (#70), + * enabled by using libncursesw in place of libncurses, + * and using wide-characters for rendering where supported. + Fixes Info Screen: + * properly clear area when updating with new data, + * do not leave rx / tx empty when no data available (use 'n/a' + instead), + * improve rendering on some terminal types (e.g. ansi), + * refresh immediately after a window-size change; + Fixes History Screen: + * do not display noise / SNR levels when such data is not + reported by the driver; + Fixes Scan Screen: + * fix segmentation fault when no CAP_NET_ADMIN permissions + * fix locking bug (#78), redoing the original and incorrect fix; + * as a result, screen now retains data when switching windows; + Fixes Conf Screen: + * fix memory leak identified in #73, + * reorganize into sections via separators. + Miscellaneous + * Keyboard shortcuts: can now use 0..9 in place of F10, F1..F9; + * Scan screen: increased the usable window size by 1 line; + * Build: updated several outdated build/bootstrap files. + +- Update to versino 0.9.2 + General + * proper rendering on UTF-8 terminals (#70), + * enabled by using libncursesw in place of libncurses, + * and using wide-characters for rendering where supported. + Info Screen: + * properly clear area when updating with new data, + * do not leave rx / tx empty when no data available (use 'n/a' + instead), + * improve rendering on some terminal types (e.g. ansi), + * refresh immediately after a window-size change; + History Screen: + * do not display noise / SNR levels when such data is not + reported by the driver; + Scan Screen: + * fix segmentation fault when no CAP_NET_ADMIN permissions, + * fix locking bug (#78), redoing the original and incorrect fix + (#42), + as a result, screen now retains data when switching windows; + Conf Screen: + * fix memory leak identified in #73, + * reorganize into sections via separators. + Miscellaneous + * Keyboard shortcuts: can now use 0..9 in place of F10, + F1..F9 (#76); + * Scan screen: increased the usable window size by 1 line; + * Build: updated several outdated build/bootstrap files. + +- Clean up spec file with spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 0.9.1 + Fixes + * Compatibility: + - replace non-portable on_exit with portable at_exit + - address gcc8 compiler warnings; + * Scan Screen: + - fix memory leak in scan handler + * Info Screen: + - fix logic around uninitialized variable + * Configuration Screen: + - fix numerical key issue on ARM 32bit (Raspberri Pi 2) + +- Update to version 0.9.0 + General + * wavemon now has a transparent background. + Fixes + * Info Screen: + - disable locale to avoid funny thousand separators + - prefer station signal over average station signal + * Scan Screen: + - fix bug in displaying TLV elements + - restore interface state on exit + Miscellaneous + * more fixes for reproducible builds - time/date display is gone + * various code updates (new nl80211.h) and clean-ups. + -- add autoconf as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - -- remove call to suse_update_config (very old work around) - -- Update to version 0.6.10 Removed all patches except wavemon-optflags.diff. -- *Bug Fixes: - fixed installation bug which caused manpages to be installed in /man; - fixed mode of installation to support sandbox-builds on Gentoo (Lovelace); - improved (automated) linking process, now possible to pass LDFLAGS (Boeck); - bail out when no statistics are available, instead of flagging an error. -- See /usr/share/doc/packages/wavemon/NEWS for all changes since version 0.4b. - -- disable as-needed for this package as it fails to build with it - -- Handle dBm values in /proc/net/wireless as displayed when IW_QUAL_DBM is set - by the driver; (bdo#426300); (bnc#463032). - wcd +- Update to 6.0.4 + * New Serbian translation of the manual. + * Updated French translations of messages and manual. + * Updated Esperanto translation. + +- Fix BuildRequires. gettext -> gettext-runtime (required for msgfmt). + +- Update to 6.0.3 + * New French translations of the messages and the manual. + Thanks to Grégoire Scano. + * Code cleanup. + +- Update to 6.0.2 + * New Friulian translation of the messages. Thanks to Fabio Tomat. + * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Francisco Javier Serrador. + * Makefile: Fix: Add RPM_LD_FLAGS instead of RPM_OPT_FLAGS to LDFLAGS. + * Code cleanup. + wcslib +- Update to version 7.7, for details see: + +- Remove workarounds for gfortran 10/11 +- Add 0001-Fix-utils-tofits-location-in-Fortran-GNUmakefile.patch + +- Update to version 7.6: + * C library + - Bug fix in tabs2x() triggered for 1-dimensional coordinate + lookup tables on axes > 1. Reported by Mihai Cara. + - In datfix(), don't return status 0 if no change was made (fix + for change made at release 7.4). Reported by Derek Homeier. + - New function wcspcx() in the wcsfix suite regularizes the + linear transformation component of a coordinate description + to make it more human-readable. It decomposes CDi_ja into + PCi_ja and CDELTia in such a way that CDELTia forms + meaningful scaling parameters, often leaving an orthogonal or + near-orthogonal matrix. Optionally, it can then permute rows + of this matrix to unscramble axis permutations. + A test header may be generated from wcspcx.keyrec for input + to wcsware (not exercised as part of the standard test + suite). + - New function wcstrim() frees memory allocated by wcsinit() + for arrays in a wcsprm struct that remain unused after the + struct has been set up. + - New functions wcssize(), auxsize(), tabsize(), linsize(), + dissize(), celsize(), prjsize(), spcsize(), and wcserr_size() + compute the total size of the relevant structs, including + allocated memory. + - In the C test suite, inserted a brief pause in tprj2 and + tspc, which otherwise have now become a blur. + * Fortran wrappers + - Added wrappers for wcspcx(), wcstrim(), wcssize(), auxsize(), + tabsize(), linsize(), dissize(), celsize(), prjsize(), + spcsize(), and wcserr_size(). + * Utilities + - Added -c, -cp, -C, and -Cp options to wcsware to apply + wcspcx() in a variety of ways, -m to apply wcstrim(), and -z + to report the total size of the wcsprm struct with a + breakdown of the sizes of its constituent structs. + - Fixed compiler warnings for sundazel (portability issue). + * Installation + - Upped the required version of Flex to 2.6.0 (was 2.5.9). + Problems with Flex 2.5.39 reported by Derek Homeier. + Also added '--disable-flex' as a new configure option to + force the use of the pre-generated Flex sources. + From version 7.5: + * The C code in WCSLIB is moving piecemeal to the C99 standard. + In fact, various indispensible C99 constructs have been used in + WCSLIB for many years: the long long int data type (in + fitshdr() only); stdint.h, inttypes.h, and the use of PRI + formatting control (in wcsprintf(), which is widely used by the + library); and the C99-extended library function vsnprintf() + (used by wcserr for a decade). Flex-generated C code also uses + C99 extensions, though with workarounds if they are not + available. + Except in the header prologues, which are formatted in a special + way for generating the user manual, comments were changed en + masse to C99 style in release 7.3.1, and variable declarations + in code that I have occasion to modify will transition to the + more general placement allowed by C99. However, there are no + plans to use any of the more esoteric features of C99. + * C library + - New function, wcsccs(), changes the celestial coordinate + system of a wcsprm struct, for example, from equatorial to + galactic coordinates. The parameters that define the + spherical coordinate transformation must be provided. This + allows WCSLIB to provide this functionality without needing + to know anything about specific celestial coordinate systems, + and has the advantage of making the routine completely + general. Requested by Mohammad Akhlaghi. + Modified test program twcsfix also to test wcsccs(). + - Fixed a problem common to all of the Flex code (fitshdr, + wcsbth, wcspih, wcsulex, and wcsutrn) that made it + thread-unsafe. Reported by Cyril Richard. + Added a new test program, tpthreads, to test thread safety. + It is only used for code development, and not exercised as + part of the standard test suite. + - In fitshdr(), fixed a problem that potentially could arise on + systems where sizeof(long long int) is greater than 8 (64 + bits). + * Fortran wrappers + - Match changes to the C library: added a wrapper for wcsccs(), + and modified twcsfix.f. + - Because null addresses cannot be passed to functions in + Fortran, wcssub_() now interprets *nsub == -1 && *axes == -1 + as a signal to do a deep copy of one wcsprm struct to + another. + * Utilities + - New utility, sundazel, computes the local time of the Sun's + passage through the specified apparent longitude or latitude + in a user-defined coordinate system. It can also perform + several other Solar related calculations. (It is unrelated + to FITS WCS, and does not use WCSLIB.) + * Installation + - Added an 'uninstall' rule to the makefiles. Suggested by + Cyril Richard. + +- Update to version 7.4: + * C library + - In wcshdo(), fixed a bug introduced in release 5.9 that + potentially caused loss of numerical precision in the + sprintf() formatting of floating point keyvalues. This was + triggered when a large range of CRPIXja, PCi_ja, or CDELTia + values (as three separate groups) were formatted using an 'f'' + format descriptor, the range not being so large that it would + have forced wcshdo() to revert to 'E' format. Reported by + Mohammad Akhlaghi. + Also in wcshdo(), fixed a bug introduced in release 7.1 that + caused the coefficients of the TPD distortion function not to + be written to the header. TPD and Polynomial distortion + function headers will now always include the DPja.DOCORR + keyword. Reported by Derek Homeier with patch. + - In wcsset(), fixed a segv generated in attempting to report a + non-standard units string with wcserr message reporting + disabled. Reported by Mohammad Akhlaghi. + In wcsutrne(), allow 'Angstroms' and 'angstroms' as + additional synonyms for 'Angstrom'. + - In datfix(), ensure that 0 is returned if an informational + message is set in wcsprm::err. Consequent on feedback + independently from Mihai Cara and Bruce Merry. + Clarified that informational messages may be set in + wcsprm::err for returns of 0 from datfix(), obsfix(), + unitfix(), and spcfix(). + * User manual + - Added cautions about translating CDi_ja to PCi_ja plus + CDELTia for those historical distortion functions (TPV, TNX, + ZPX) that expect to operate on intermediate world + coordinates, rather than intermediate pixel coordinates. + Consequent on feedback from Mohammad Akhlaghi. + - Documentation generation moved to doxygen 1.9.1 (was 1.8.19). + webalizer +- use system apache rpm macros + +- fix build +- added patches + fix static variables + + webalizer-static.patch + -- update to 2.23-05 - o several fixes for catalan lang - -- add world flags (sub-pkg) - o add missing link for uk.png - o add missing su.png - o add license file (CC BY-SA 3.0) - -- rework configuration patch > conf patch - o fix path to GeoIP.dat - webcamoid +- Add webcamoid-gcc11.patch to fix build in Factory + webdot +- use system apache rpm macros +- run spec-cleaner + -- build with apache2 - websocketpp +- Add Update-websocketpp-configVersion.cmake.patch to fix noarch + violations and make the package really noarch again + +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + weechat +- update to 3.3: + * core: change key kbd:[Alt+h] to kbd:[Alt+h], kbd:[Alt+c] + * core: add options "hotlist_remove_buffer", "hotlist_restore_buffer" and "hotlist_restore_all" + * core: add option "certs" in command /debug + * core: add options "-o", "-ol", "-i" and "-il" in command "/plugin list" + * api: add split of string and shell arguments in evaluation of expressions + with "split:number,seps,flags,xxx" and "split_shell:number,xxx" + * api: add `${re:repl_index}` to get the index of replacement in function + string_eval_expression + * api: add random integer number in evaluation of expressions with "random:min,max" + * api: add function string_cut + * api: add function file_copy + * api: remember insertion order in hashtables + * api: add keys/values with tags in output of irc_message_parse_to_hashtable + * irc: add option "-parted" in command /allchan + * irc: allow signals "irc_raw_in" and "irc_in" to eat messages + * irc: implement IRCv3.2 SASL authentication, add command /auth, reconnect by + default to the server in case of SASL authentication failure + * irc: add support of capability "message-tags" and TAGMSG messages + * irc: enable all capabilities by default (if supported by server and WeeChat), + change default value of option irc.server_default.capabilities to "*" + * irc: add options irc.look.display_account_message and irc.look.display_extended_join + * irc: add command /setname, add support of message and capability "setname" + * irc: always set realname in nicks even when extended-join capability is not enabled + * irc: add support of FAIL/WARN/NOTE messages + * irc: drop support of DH-BLOWFISH and DH-AES SASL mechanisms + * typing: new plugin "typing": display users currently writing messages on + IRC channel/private buffers + * core: fix decoding of attributes in basic ANSI colors + * api: fix function string_match with joker in the string if multiple words + matched in input string + * irc: fix send of empty JOIN when connecting to a server with only parted channels + * irc: fix SASL authentication when AUTHENTICATE message is received with a server name + * irc: remove unneeded message about Diffie-Hellman shared secret exchange during SSL connection to server + * irc: escape/unescape IRC message tags values + * irc: set notify level to "private" for received WALLOPS + * script: fix move of installed script on another filesystem + * core: switch to PHP 8.0 in CI + * core: add build on macOS in CI + * core: fix build on macOS (issue #1662) + * lua: add detection of Lua 5.4 + * php: add support of PHP 8.0 and 8.1 (issue #1599, issue #1668) + +- update to 3.2 +- main changes: + * use XDG directories by default (config, data, cache, runtime) + * add support of IRC SASL mechanisms + SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256 and SCRAM-SHA-512 + * automatically load system certificates + without giving a hardcoded path to the file with certificates + * add options to customize commands executed on system signals received + (SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGTERM, SIGUSR1, SIGUSR2) + * add bar item "tls_version" and buflist format + * add signals "cursor_start" and "cursor_end" + * add function crypto_hmac in API + * add translated string in evaluation of expressions with "translate:xxx" + * add info "weechat_daemon" + * add Python stub for WeeChat API + * add variables "${tg_shell_argc}" and "${tg_shell_argvN}" + in command trigger evaluated strings + * many bugs fixed. +- for all changes, please visit: + + +- update to 3.1 +- New features + * core: add options weechat.look.hotlist_update_on_buffer_switch + and weechat.look.read_marker_update_on_buffer_switch (issue #992, issue #993) + * core: add option sec.crypt.passphrase_command to read passphrase from an + external program on startup, remove option sec.crypt.passphrase_file (issue #141) + * core: improve debug in command /eval: display more verbose debug + with two "-d", add indentation and colors + * core: add options "setvar" and "delvar" in command /buffer, + rename option "localvar" to "listvar" + * core: add buffer local variable "completion_default_template" (evaluated) + to override the value of option "weechat.completion.default_template" (issue #1600) + * core: add option "recreate" in command /filter + * core: add raw string in evaluation of expressions with "raw:xxx" (issue #1611) + * core: add evaluation of conditions in evaluation of expressions + with "eval_cond:xxx" (issue #1582) + * api: add info_hashtable "secured_data" + * irc: add info "irc_is_message_ignored" + * irc: add server option "default_chantypes", + used when the server does not send them in message 005 (issue #1610) + * trigger: add variable "${tg_trigger_name}" in command trigger evaluated strings (issue #1580) +- Bug fixes + * core: fix quoted line in cursor mode (issue #1602) + * core: fix wrong size of the new window after vertical split (issue #1612) + * core: do not remove quotes in arguments of command /eval + as they can be part of the evaluated expression/condition (issue #1601) + * core: display an error when the buffer is not found with command /command -buffer + * buflist: add option buflist.look.use_items to speed up display of buflist (issue #1613) + * irc: add bar item "irc_nick_prefix" + * irc: fix separator between nick and host in bar item "irc_nick_host" + * irc: fix completion of commands /halfop and /dehalfop +- Documentation + * do not build weechat-headless man page if headless binary is disabled (issue #1607) + +- update to 3.0.1: + * exec: fix search of command by identifier + * spell: fix refresh of bar item "spell_suggest" when the input becomes empty (issue #1586) + * spell: fix crash with IRC color codes in command line (issue #1589) + +- update to 3.0 +- New features + * api: add optional list of colors in infos "nick_color" and "nick_color_name" (issue #1565) + * api: add argument "bytes" in function string_dyn_concat + * api: add function string_color_code_size (issue #1547) + * exec: add option "-oerr" to send stderr to buffer (now disabled by default) (issue #1566) + * fset: add option fset.look.auto_refresh (issue #1553) + * irc: add pointer to irc_nick in focus of bar item "buffer_nicklist" (issue #1535, issue #1538) + * irc: allow to send text on buffers with commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv + * irc: evaluate command executed by commands /allchan, /allpv and /allserv (issue #1536) + * script: add option script.scripts.download_enabled (issue #1548) + * trigger: add variable "tg_argc" in data set by command trigger (issue #1576) + * trigger: add variable "tg_trigger_name" in data set by all triggers (issue #1567, issue #1568) +- Bug fixes + * core: set "notify_level" to 3 if there is a highlight in the line (issue #1529) + * core: do not add line with highlight and tag "notify_none" to hotlist (issue #1529) + * irc: remove SASL timeout message displayed by error + after successful SASL authentication (issue #1515) + * irc: send all channels in a single JOIN command when reconnecting to the server (issue #1551) + * script: do not automatically download list of scripts on startup + if the file is too old (issue #1548) + * spell: properly skip WeeChat and IRC color codes when checking words in input (issue #1547) + * trigger: fix recursive calls to triggers using regex (issue #1546) + * trigger: add ${tg_tags} !!- ,notify_none, in conditions of default trigger "beep" (issue #1529) +- Tests + * core: add tests on GUI line functions +- Build + * core: disable debug by default in autotools build + * tests: fix compilation with CppUTest ≥ 4.0 + +- new .desktop file from weechat sources +- update to 2.9 +- New features + * core: add bar option "color_bg_inactive": color for window bars + in inactive window (issue #732) + * core: add Alacritty title escape sequence support (issue #1517) + * core: display notify level for current buffer + with command /buffer notify (issue #1505) + * core: count only visible nicks in bar item "buffer_nicklist_count", + add bar items "buffer_nicklist_count_groups" and "buffer_nicklist_count_all" + (issue #1506) + * core: set default size for input bar to 0 (automatic) (issue #1498) + * core: add default key Alt+Enter to insert a newline (issue #1498) + * core: add flag "input_multiline" in buffer (issue #984, issue #1063) + * core: add a scalable WeeChat logo (SVG) (issue #1454, issue #1456) + * core: add base 16/32/64 encoding/decoding in evaluation of expressions + with "base_encode:base,xxx" and "base_decode:base,xxx" + * core: add case sensitive wildcard matching comparison operator (==* and !!*) + and case sensitive/insensitive include comparison operators (==-, !!-, =-, !-) + in evaluation of expressions + * core: add default key Alt+Shift+N to toggle nicklist bar + * core: add command line option "--stdout" in weechat-headless binary + to log to stdout rather than ~/.weechat/weechat.log (issue #1475, issue #1477) + * core: reload configuration files on SIGHUP (issue #1476) + * api: add pointer "_bar_window" in hashtable sent to hook focus callback (issue #1450) + * api: add info_hashtable "focus_info" (issue #1245, issue #1257) + * api: rename function hook_completion_get_string to completion_get_string + and hook_completion_list_add to completion_list_add + * api: add functions completion_new, completion_search and completion_free + * api: add hdata "completion_word" + * buflist: add default key Alt+Shift+B to toggle buflist + * buflist: add options enable/disable/toggle in command /buflist + * buflist: evaluate option buflist.look.sort so that sort can be customized + for each of the three buflist bar items (issue #1465) + * irc: add support of UTF8MAPPING (issue #1528) + * irc: display account messages in buffers (issue #1250) + * python: add WeeChat sharedir python directory to PYTHONPATH (issue #1537) + * relay: increase default limits for IRC backlog options + * relay: add command "handshake" in weechat relay protocol and nonce + to prevent replay attacks, add options, +, (issue #1474) + * relay: add command "completion" in weechat relay protocol + to perform a completion on a string at a given position (issue #1484) + * relay: add option + * relay: update default colors for client status + * relay: add status "waiting_auth" in irc and weechat protocols (issue #1358) + * trigger: evaluate arguments of command when the trigger is created (issue #1472) +- Bug fixes + * core: fix command /window scroll_beyond_end when buffer has fewer lines + than chat height (issue #1509) + * core: force buffer property "time_for_each_line" to 0 for buffers + with free content (issue #1485) + * core: don’t collapse consecutive newlines in lines displayed + before the first buffer is created + * core: don’t remove consecutive newlines when pasting text (issue #1500) + * core: don’t collapse consecutive newlines in bar content (issue #1500) + * core: fix WEECHAT_SHAREDIR with CMake build (issue #1461) + * core: fix memory leak in calculation of expression on FreeBSD (issue #1469) + * core: fix resize of a bar when its size is 0 (automatic) (issue #1470) + * api: fix use of pointer after free in function key_unbind + * api: replace plugin and buffer name by buffer pointer in argument "modifier_data" + sent to weechat_print modifier callback (issue #42) + * buflist: add "window" pointer in bar item evaluation only if it’s not NULL + (if bar type is "window") + * exec: fix use of same task id for different tasks (issue #1491) + * fifo: fix errors when writing in the FIFO pipe (issue #713) + * guile: enable again /guile eval (issue #1514) + * irc: use new default chantypes "#&" when the server does not send it + * irc: add support of optional server in info "irc_is_nick", + fix check of nick using UTF8MAPPING isupport value (issue #1528) + * irc: fix add of ignore with flags in regex, display full ignore mask + in list of ignores (issue #1518) + * irc: do not remove spaces at the end of users messages received (issue #1513) + * irc: fix realname delimiter color in WHO/WHOX response (issue #1497) + * irc: reuse a buffer with wrong type "channel" + when a private message is received (issue #869) + * python: fix crash when invalid UTF-8 string is in a WeeChat hashtable + converted to a Python dict (issue #1463) + * relay: add missing field "notify_level" in message "_buffer_line_added" (issue #1529) + * relay: fix slow send of data to clients when SSL is enabled + * trigger: only return trigger’s return code + when condition evaluates to true (issue #592) + * trigger: fix truncated trigger command with commands /trigger input|output|recreate + * trigger: do not hide values of options with /set command in cmd_pass trigger +- Documentation + * add includes directory + * merge 53 auto-generated files into 11 files + * fix broken literal blocks in Japanese docs with Firefox (issue #1466) +- Tests + * core: add CI with GitHub Actions, move upload to GitHub Actions + * core: switch to Ubuntu Bionic on Travis CI, use pylint3 to lint Python scripts + * core: run tests on plugins only if the plugins are enabled and compiled + * irc: add tests on IRC color and channel functions +- Build + * javascript: disable build by default and remove Debian packaging + of JavaScript plugin (issue #360) + * core: make GnuTLS a required dependency + * core: fix build with CMake 3.17.0 + * core: fix build with cygport on Cygwin + wesnoth +- Update to 1.16.1: + * bugfix release, most important changes: + + * detailed changes: + + +- Update to 1.16.0: + * list of fixes, see + +- Update to 1.15.18: + Campaigns: + * Delfador’s Memoirs S07: Clarified objectives (issue #5608) + * Northern Rebirth Give Eryssa’s side a consistent team color (issue #5375) + * The Rise of Wesnoth Remove time-runs-out lose condition for final scenario (issue #6109) + * Under the Burning Suns + + Avoid a few possibilities where the Dust Devil could speak (issue #4892) + + Avoid dehydration status icon persisting into the next scenario (issue #5687) + + Correct Traveler’s Ring description (issue #6043) + Editor: + * Avoid rare crash situation after editing scenarios (issue #5883) + Translations: + * Updated translations: British English, Bulgarian, Czech, French, Italian, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Spanish. + * gettext plural forms now have caret prefixes stripped as well (PR #6094). + User interface: + * Steam cloud file is no longer listed in the Load Game dialog. + * Redefine green text in dialogs and tool-tips so they are no longer ‘too dark’ with recent Pango versions (issue #4348) + * Gave the main menu's Language button a label again, now displaying the current language. + * Tweaked margins around the main menu's bottom row. + * Difficulty no longer displayed in the Load Game dialog when it is not relevant to a save file (issue #5321) + Miscellaneous and Bug Fixes: + * Correct unit display adjustments on certain tiles when at zoom level other than 100% (issue #5974) + +- Update to 1.15.17: + Campaigns: + * World Conquest is re-enabled. + Translations: + * Updated translations: British English, Polish + Miscellaneous and Bug Fixes: + * Messenger MAI: fixed bug of own units sometimes blocking the path + to a waypoint for the messenger + * A bug that would corrupt WML sent to the multiplayer and add-ons + server was fixed. + +- Update to 1.15.16: + * Long list of fixes, see + +- update to 1.15.15: + * Updated translations + * Added a prompt to allow migrating settings and redownloading add-ons used + in a previous version of Wesnoth when starting a new versions for the first + time + * Fixed: keyboard input during the loading screen intermittently caused a crash + * AI: fixed custom synced commands not changing the game state + +- update to 1.15.14: + * The Battle for Wesnoth team is proud to announce that 1.15.14 is the first + beta for 1.16! + * Full changes: + +- remove fix-widgets.patch (upstream) + +- Update to 1.15.13 + * Add-ons client now has a filter based on tags. + * Updated translations: British English, Czech, Dutch, Italian, + Russian + * Added units: Horses, Seahorse and Zombie horse variation + * Update piglet/boar graphics + * The multiplayer "turns over" dialog now uses each team's colors + * Full changes: + +- Added fix-widgets.patch +- Fixed rpmlint error with Tumbleweed (not versioned Obsoletes) + +- update to 1.15.12: + * Long list of fixes, see + +- update to 1.15.11: + * AI improvements, + see + * Fixed color fringing issues with ClearType on Windows. + * Improved the Load dialog when there are no saved games for the current + version, and also when there are corrupted files. + * Re-added the pop-up when there are no saved games at all + * Fixed resource leak in the Pango text rendering pipeline when using the + characters_per_line constraint. + * Make the warning about loading saves from old versions much clearer. + * Made legacy GUI1 scrollbars match regular GUI2 scrollbars. + * Reduced font sizes for the unit HP/XP/MP/Vision/Defense displays on the + sidebar at small resolutions to avoid overlaps (issue #5575). + * Rearranged the unit XP and vision displays on the sidebar to avoid running + out of room for the XP display (issue #5575). + * Reduced font size for the ToD counter on the sidebar to avoid it being + ellipsized too often. + * Gave the turn timer display the same icon as the system clock display. + * Anchored the Observers icon to the sidebar again in a way that does not + allow it to overlap into it (issue #5575). + * Fixed the turn timer/system clock display on the top bar incorrectly using + a larger font size at small resolutions. + * Made the Defense display label on the sidebar visible (a side-effect of + replacing SDL_ttf) and rearranged it slightly. + * Set the correct default text color for in-game UI elements instead of + [#]ffffff white for consistency with other UI elements. + * Increased font sizes in Help and some legacy UI elements. + * Minor clean-up of game menus display. + * Restyled dropdown menu buttons to look like buttons rather than textboxes. + * Fixed missing display resolution ratios in Preferences -> Display + (regression introduced in 1.15.10). + +- update to 1.15.10: + * Fixed undefined behavior when servicing requests to downgrade add-ons. + * The Rise of Wesnoth + * Adjust campaign difficulty + * The Delay Advancements modification has been removed in favor of adding + the Plan Unit Advance modification to mainline. Enabling this modification + allows each player to choose what their units will level up into in case + the advancement happens on an enemy player's turn in an online multiplayer + game. + * Unit advancement that happens on an enemy's turn in online multiplayer games + are no longer randomized. Instead, the first advancement listed for the unit is + always used. + * Disabled World Conquest due to an increasing number of reported bugs and + it currently lacking a maintainer. It may be removed entirely in a future + release. + * Upgrade to Lua 5.4.2. + * Added the wesnoth.as_text(...) function as a way to more easily view the + contents of a lua table. This is intended as a debugging aid and nothing + more. + * Deprecation warnings can now be viewed in the in-game Lua console, + together with a stack trace to the first location that triggered them. + * There is now a --strict-lua command-line option that disables most + deprecated Lua functions; this makes the use of deprecated APIs an error + instead of a warning. + * Updated translations + * update footpad sprite + * north-facing frames for dunefolk skirmisher, loyalist bowman, and troll whelp + * Added a "disengaged" orb, shown instead of the partially-moved orb for + units that can move but can't attack. + * Added information about the build's (not runtime) target CPU architecture + to the game version info dialog and --report. + * Added terminal-style command history browsing with up-down keys for + in-game consoles used by debug mode, ai and search floating textboxes. + * Made the preferences dialog larger on HDPI screens; this fixes a usability + issue with HDPI font sizes (issue #5185). + * Extent 'special_id_active' and 'special_type_active' to abilities used + like weapon and to [leadership] abilities. + * abilities used like weapon can call [leading_anim] now. + * Fixed display zoom not being taken into account when using the `x`, `y`, + `directional_x` and `directional_y` attributes in unit animations. + * Fixed a warning message and the AI leader potentially not moving when it + cannot reach a keep because it's occupied by an allied unit + +- update to 1.15.9: + See + +- update to 1.15.8: + See + +- Update to 1.15.7: + See + +- Update to 1.15.6: + See + +- Update to 1.15.5: + See + +- update to 1.15.4: + * Too many changes to list, see included or + + weston +- Fix name of build dir used in tests + +- Update to release 9 + * A new kiosk shell allows to display regular desktop apps in an + always-fullscreen mode. + * DRM panel orientation property support. +- Drop 0001-tests-test-runner-needs-wayland-client.patch (merged) + +- Update to new upstream release 8 + * DRM hardware planes should be used more effectively + * The DRM backend now supports HDCP + * Headless backend now supports OpenGL + * DRM backend can now be built without GBM + * EGL_KHR_partial_update is now used when available, reducing + memory bandwidth usage on some GPUs. +- Add 0001-tests-test-runner-needs-wayland-client.patch + +- Update to new upstream release 7 + * New internal debug scopes and logging framework + * Improved documentation + * HDCP support + * A new PipeWire plugin + +- Enable simple-dmabuf-drm=intel option only on x86* since it + requires libdrm_intel, only available on x86* + +- Update to new upstream release 6.0.1 + * clients: close unused keymap fd + * compositor: Fix invalid view numbering in scene-graph + * weston-terminal: Fix weston-terminal crash on mutter + * cairo-util: Don't set title string to Pango layout if the + title is NULL +- Remove 0001-meson-dep-fix-for-compositor.h-needing-xkbcommon.h.patch, + 0001-build-add-missing-dep-to-x11-backend.patch. + +- Update to new upstream release 6 + * No changelog was provided +- Add 0001-meson-dep-fix-for-compositor.h-needing-xkbcommon.h.patch, + 0001-build-add-missing-dep-to-x11-backend.patch. + +- Update to new upstream release 5 + * The use of hardware planes in atomic mode setting. + * Clone mode + * A new touchscreen calibrator + +- Update to new upstream release 4.0.0 + * Weston now supports the input-timestamps protocol, allowing + clients to subscribe to high precision timestamp information + for input events. + * Basic atomic mode setting support has now landed. + * xdg-shell-v5 support has been removed. +- Drop 0001-build-honor-results-obtained-by-pkg-config-libinput.patch + wget2 +- Update to release 2.0.0 +- Drop test-buffer-printf.patch, test-dl.patch (no longer applies) + wgetpaste +- update to 2.32: + * Implement bpaste v1 API + * Add sprunge paste bin + * Add 0x0 pastebin + * Use new dpaste API + * Add pastebin + * Do not interpret content when posting to dpaste + * Add missing dpaste escape functions + * wgetpaste now comes with a test script + +- update to 2.30: + * Fix raw URLs with dpaste + * License under MIT + * Fix handling of bpaste urls. + * Fallback location regex confusion fix + * dd support for gitlab snippets + * Hardcode 'v4' on the help message's gitlab URL + whohas +- Update to version 0.29.1: + * Use less memory and improve threading (requires forks Perl + module). + * Update the documentation. + * Fetch multiple suites at once for Debian/Ubuntu. + * Improve options parsing. + * Add a config file to set desired distros/releases. + * Fix support for Gentoo, Slackware, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Arch, AUR, + Fedora, Fink, openSUSE, Mandriva and Cygwin. +- Add key to check signed tarball: + * whohas.keyring (Paul Wise <>) +- Fix wrong permissions on installed files: + * Add whohas-0.29.1-fix-permissions.patch. +- Rebase improve-fetchdoc.patch. +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * archlinux-url-561536.patch + * debian-versions.patch + * dont-mask-vars-560891.patch + * fedora-search-619873.patch + * gentoo-result-url-516071.patch + * help-param-513476.patch + * manpage-0.23.patch + * manpage-0.24.patch + * openbsd-cache-results-557724.patch + * opensuse.patch + * strictness-510020-510524.patch + * ubuntu-versions.patch + * whohas-fix_install.patch +- Update information for OpenBSD and Fedora (picked from upstream): + * Add whohas-0.29.1-update-fedora.patch. + * Add whohas-0.29.1-update-openbsd.patch. + -- added Patch that uses 11.3 instead of 11.2 as search term - wiggle +- Update to 1.3: + * Performance improvements when comparing large files + * libwiggle.a can be built for other tools to use + * Makefile is quieter and can put binaries elsewhere + * Fix a bug that corrupted the format of output in some case + +- Update to 1.2: + * Fix format overflow and truncation warnings with GCC-8. + * Fix array bounds error in diff_path + * extract: allow blank lines in unified diffs + * Add --no-backup option + * Preserve file mode when using doing --merge --replace + * Fix very minor memory leaks in do_merge() + * Several small fixes + +- Update to 1.1: + * Fix endian checks as per austin group definitions of endian.h + * Minor man page fixes + -- remap-segfault.diff: Fix a segmentation fault in function remap - (147977). - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - -- don't build as root - wiiuse +- Update to version 0.15.5 + * Removed WCONST macro + * Fixed the L2CAP channel setup on Linux, now we use only the + interrupt/data channel (0x13) and not the control channel (0x11) + * Fixed the RVL-CNT-01-TR (gen 2) Wiimote. + * Added: Callback API with constant-size wiimote_callback_data_t. + * Initial MotionPlus support. + * Properly disable rumbling when told to. + * Additional internal function wiiuse_millisleep() to reduce the + number of ifdefs scattered through the code. + * Provide endianness-conversion and buffer/unbuffer functions, + rather than a jumble of function-style macros and raw type punning. + wireshark +- Wireshark 3.4.10 (bsc#1192830): + * CVE-2021-39929: Bluetooth DHT dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39926: Bluetooth HCI_ISO dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39925: Bluetooth SDP dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39924: Bluetooth DHT dissector large loop. + * CVE-2021-39922: C12.22 dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39928: IEEE 802.11 dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39921: Modbus dissector crash. + * CVE-2021-39920: IPPUSB dissector crash. + * PNRP dissector large loop. + * Fix forward compatibility issue with the I/O Graphs preferences. + * OSS-Fuzz: Heap-use-after-free in ROS. + * Allow for '\0' (NULL) character as filter instead of requiring 0x00 for the character match. + * Dumpcap with threads reports double received count vs captured. + * HTTP2 dissector reports an assertion error on large data frames. + * Shark stops capturing when capturing with multiple files and packet printing enabled. +- Further features, bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in: + + +- Wireshark 3.4.9: + * TShark PDML output embeds "proto" elements within other "proto" elements. + * Filter expressions comparing against single-octet hex strings where the hex digit string equals a protocol name don’t work. + * AMQP 0.9: dissector fails to handle Content-Body frame split across TCP packets. + * IEEE 802.15.4: Missing check on "PAN ID Present" bit of the Multipurpose Frame Control field. + * Wireshark ignored some character in filename when exporting SMB objects. +- Further features, bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in: + + +- Wireshark 3.4.8: + * Dissector bug reported for Bluetooth Cycling Power Measurement + characteristic for extreme angles value + * Raknet Addresses are incorrectly identified. + * Editcap saving files as ethernet when specifying '-T ieee-802-11-*' + * CoAP dissector confuses Content-Format with Accept +- Further features, bug fixes and updated protocol support as listed in: + + wizznic +- update to 1.1: + * Not much to say about this, it's the same good old Wizznic! you know and love. + * This version only includes some memory-related bugfixes, so if you have + had bad luck running Wizznic! in the past, give this one a spin! + wondershaper +- Remove name repetition from summary (rpmlint warning) +- %service_* mandates systemd-rpm-macros and + should make use of %systemd_ordering. +- Replace old $RPM_* shell vars. +- Remove author list from description. + +- Added systemd support + [bsc#1116052, wondershaper.service] + -- fix sysconfig variable namings which made config nearly impossible - (Bug #39464) - -- fix init script. There is now a default queue so status returned - always running. (Bug #36510) - workrave +- remove obsolete fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch +- remove obsolete support-gnome-40.patch + +- update to version 1.10.48: + - Fixed GNOME Shell applet on Ubuntu 18.04 (#281) +- update to version 1.10.47: + - Fixed a crash of the GNOME Shell applet (#281) + - Adds support for GNOME Shell 40 (#288) + - Fixed issue where the installer would fail when installing as system user + (#291) + - Fixed incorrect disabling of postpone/skip button (#301) + - Warn if operation mode is not 'normal' after unlocking the screen (Windows + only for now) + +- Add back the removed patches that were not included yet in the latest + upstream release that was done already in March. + - Add fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch, now not needing rebasing + - Add support-gnome-40.patch + +- remove obsolete fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch +- remove obsolete support-gnome-40.patch +- Update to version 1.10.45: + - Micro breaks without a postpone button could be postponed by starting a + - rest break while the break prompt window was visible and then clicking + - postpone in the rest break window. The postpone button is now disabled + - when the micro break is overdue, and the maximum number of break prompts + - was reached. + - A new sound theme calls 'Bells' has been added (#225, Pieter De Decker) + - Added support for High-DPI displays in the Windows Applet. + - The Windows applet now correctly enforces a minimum size (#252) + - Initial support for icon themes. + - Fixes: + - Fixed build issue with libayatana-indicator3 + - Fixed issue where Workrave would show 2 status icons on Linux (#258) + - Fixed a deprecation warning in the Gnome Shell applet (#251) + - The cinnamon applet is no longer bouncing up and down (#253) + - Fixed issue where the current language was always "Unrecognized language" + - Fixed issue where activity monitoring would stop after restarting Gnome Shell + - Fixed issue that caused the main window to disappear (#244, 259) + - Translation updates: + - Updated Chinese translation (#232, wintertee) + - Updated French translation (Darialalala) + - Updated Dutch translation (Matthias Huijgen) + - Fixed typo in the Italian translation (#234, albanobattistella) + +- Add support-gnome-40.patch to fix working with GNOME 40 + +- Add fix-wayland-gnome-crash.patch (boo#1184773). + * Cherry-pick and rebase a fix from upstream git to fix a GNOME crash. + +- update to 1.0.44: + * Update Italian translation (Albano Battistella) + * Support libayatana-indicator3 (Kentaro Hayashi) + * Fixed issue on Gnome where Workrave would not detect that the user is idle (#181) + * Fix issue where a break window could disappear after a few seconds. + * Fix issie where the Gnome Shell applet would be reload on Ubuntu 18.04. + * Update Traditional Chinese translation (Yuenfu Chiu) + * Fix Gnome Shell applet compatibility issue with Ubuntu 18.04. + * Fix incomplete Gnome Shell applet menu with latest version of Gnome Shell + * Fix creation for source tarball. + * When it is time to take a micro break, Workrave may start a rest break + * instead. This happens when the rest break would start within 30 seconds of + * the micro break. If the postpone or skip buttons are disabled on the micro + * break, they will be temporarily disabled on the rest break window. A small + * progress bar indicates how long the buttons are disabled. Previously, + * Workrave would restart the micro break when pressing the skip or postpone + * button. + * Support applets on Gnome 3.35.1+ using libgnome-panel (Alberts MuktupÄvels). + * Added Indonesian translation (Andika Triwidada). + * Fixed issue where Workrave was not properly terminated on reinstall. + * Show operation mode in Gnome applet. + * Fixed focus issue on rest break window that caused muted (grey) text. + * Update Irish translation (Seanán Ó CoistÃn) + * new Portuguese translation (pmraps) + * Non-blocking break windows are now centered on Wayland/mutter (#163) + * Support display scaling + +- Replace glibmm2-devel and libsigc++2-devel with + pkgconfig(glibmm-2.4) and pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0) BuildRequires: + align with what configure checks for. + +- Add boost-devel build dep, replace python-cheetah with python3-Jinja2 +- Update appdata install directory +- update to version 1.10.34: + - Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial build fixes. +- update to version 1.10.33: + - Packaging fixes. +- update to version 1.10.32: + - Fixed a bug that caused high CPU load when the main window was + open for a long time. + - [internal change] Python 2 is no longer required for building + Workrave. The Python2-only Cheetah dependency has been replaced + by Jinja 2 (python3-jinja2). Additionally, Boost >= 1.52 is now + required (libboost-dev). +- update to version 1.10.31: + - Add GetTimerRemaining dbus function. +- update to version 1.10.30: + - Prevent "Workrave wants to inhibit shortcuts" on Wayland + - Fix timer bar text color under Wayland + - Do not dim text in time bar when window is not focused. +- update to version 1.10.28/29: + - Fix PPA upload +- update to version 1.10.27: + - Fix menu in Cinnamon applet + - Fix bouncing Cinnamon applet +- update to version 1.10.26: + - Fix Gnome Shell applet for Gnome Shell v3.30 + - Reduce padding in timer window +- update to version 1.10.25: + - Packaging fixes +- update to version 1.10.24: + - Fix AppStream metadata + - Update Slovak translation + +- update to version 1.10.23: + - no changelog available +- update to version 1.10.22: + - Fix size of Xfce applet +- update to version 1.10.21: + - Support MATE applet with Gtk+3 + - Support Xfce applet with Gtk+3 + -- update to version 1.9.901 (git branch): - * correctly build on Factory (gnome3) - * split packages for Factory - -- update to version 1.9.4 -- merge to only one package (without gnome and kde version) -- kde build is broken according to configure options - -- Use correct gstreamer package name. - -- Call intltoolize as last action to prevent build failures. - -- fix build regardless of libtool version - -- Updated to version 1.9.0: - * Fixed transparency of tray icon - * improved 64 bit support - * exercises are now randomized - * extended DBUS support - * networking support can now be enabled without accepting - incoming connections from other Workraves - * sound has been added - -- Added Fedora patches: - * fix locking/unlocking with gnome-screensaver (redhat#207058) - * build with gcc-4.3 - * build GNOME applet with the latest libsigc++2 -- Fixed build of KDE applet with the latest libsigc++2. -- Added desktop file. - wp-cli +- Update to version 2.5.0 + * Fix CVE-2021-29504: An improper error handling in HTTPS requests + management in WP-CLI since version 0.12.0, allowing remote + attackers able to intercept the communication to remotely disable + the certificate verification on WP-CLI side + * The security fix might break systems with invalid certificates, + for old behavior "--insecure" flag was added + * PHP 8 support + * Improved MySQL/MariaDB support + * Package Manager is now powered by Composer v2, speed improvements + * New commands for managing automatic updates + * New command for creating MO files + * New environment variable: WP_CLI_ALLOW_ROOT + * Support for third-party WP-CLI packages on GitLab + * Full release notes: + + wpan-tools +- Update to new upstream release 0.9 + * The big feature in this release is a configuration utility for + hwsim, a hardware simulation driver which landed mainline in + the 4.19 kernel release. + wrk +- update to 4.1.0: + * define _DEFAULT_SOURCE on linux + wslay +- Add upstream patch to fix build with recent sphinx versions: + * 0001-Fix-sphinx-3.3-errors.patch + +- Update to version 1.1.1 + * Check for eof when read_callback returns 0 +- Update to version 1.1.0 + * Fix compilation of examples + * Check for 0 length before memcpy + * Skip UTF-8 validation for PMCE fragments + * Allow RSV1 bit in event-based API for PMCE - RFC 7692 + * Fixed missing malloc guard + * Fix argc check + +- Use py3 version of sphinx + wt +- Upate to 4.5.1. Check the installed ReleaseNotes.html file + for the full list of changes. + * fixed Boost 1.77.0 compilation + * WWidget::setScrollVisibilityEnabled() now refers to the correct + scrollvisibility example. + * Fixed possible JavaScript issues by appending a semicolon to + all JavaScript statements when using doJavaScript. + * fixed compilation of WTextRenderer.C on some systems due to a + missing #include <limits>. + * Various fixes to make Wt build properly with C++20 +- Drop patch: + * 0001-WT-8467-add-limits-header-for-gcc-11.patch + +- Update to 4.5.0. Notable changes: + * Wt now targets C++14 + * Wt::Dbo: the Firebird backend has been marked as unmaintained + See + for other changes. +- Add upstream patch: + * 0001-WT-8467-add-limits-header-for-gcc-11.patch + wv +- Fix build: add explicit BuildRequires for libexpat-devel, + libjpeg-devel, and libpng-devel. + -- add libtool as buildrequire to avoid implicit dependency - wxEDID +- Update to v0.0.25 + Changed + * default size for all spin controls on DTD_Constructor panel. + Looks ugly, but works with wxWidgets compiled against GTK3. + Fixed + * <various functions> :: in case of error, always return error + message, not just the rcode. Some function were returning the + message only if "Ignore Errors" mode was enabled. + * Build fails with Clang: unlike GCC, Clang does not support + static initialization of flexible arrays in C++ mode: + removed flex arrays from all field groups descriptors. +- Changes in v0.0.24 + Added + * VID: Video Input Descriptor: support for field definitions + introduced in EDID v1.4 + * wxEDID_Frame::ImportEDID_hex(): report source file byte offset + if conversion fails. + Changed + * EDID base block: UNK: Unknown Descriptor, unk_cl::init(): + insert unknown byte fields instead of single byte string + (easier to view and edit). + * EDID_class.h: CEA-specific classes moved to dedicated headers: + CEA_class.h, CEA_EXT_class.h + * EDID_class.h: shared declarations moved to EDID_shared.h + Fixed + * (BUG::regression) wxEDID_Frame::UpdateBlockTree(): + the BlockTree was not expanded automatically when opened file + contains only the base EDID block (no extensions). + * (BUG::regression): edi_grp_cl::init_fields(): a call to + FieldsAr.Empty() is necessary for ForcedGroupRefresh() + functions. + * (old mislooked BUG): STI: Standard Timing Information: NU flag + was not set for unused fields. + * Menu "Options": "Reparse EDID buffer" and "AssembleEDID" + options are disabled until EDID data is loaded/imported. + * wxEDID_Frame::UpdateDataGrid(): missing auto-resizing of row + labels width: BlkDataGrid->SetRowLabelSize(wxGRID_AUTOSIZE). + +- Drop wxedid-no-implicit-string-conversion.patch +- Update to v0.0.23 + Fixed + * (BUG in GCC v8.3.0): broken array bounds checking with + optimizations enabled, f.e: "src/CEA_EXT_class.cpp:1512:13: + warning: ‘void* memcpy(void*, const void*, size_t)’ forming + offset [49, 560] is out of the bounds [0, 48] of object + ‘slocd_cl::SLOCD_subg’ with type ‘const subgrp_dsc_t’ + {aka ‘const subgrp_dsc_s’} [-Warray-bounds]" Disabled + diagnostic for [-Warray-bounds] in CEA_EXT_class.cpp + * (BUG) EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): checking of padding bytes after + last DTD did not allow to ignore errors (bad rcode on exit). + * (BUG) IFDB::VSIFD: incorrect offset for ieee_id field. + * (BUG) RMCD: several bugs in field offsets, incorrect max values + * (BUG) SAB: Speaker Allocation Block: used ID_VSD as typeID, + instead of (missing) ID_SAB. + * (BUG) SLOCD fields: incorrect offset for channel index byte. + * (BUG) VSD: Vendor Specific Data Block: cea_vsd_cl::init() + display unspecified payload data as unknown bytes (previously + ignored). + * (BUG::LEAK): GroupAr_cl: Delete()/Paste(): call Detach() then + delete the object: RemoveAt() only removes the pointer. + * (BUG::typo) HDRD: HDR Dynamic Metadata Data Block: incorrect + pointer used to read HDRD metadata lenght: base DBC pointer + (inst) used instead of p_mtd. + * (partially): VSD: dynamic data layout, depending on block + length (currently only 00-0C-03 ID is supported) + * BlkDataGrid: don't use fixed Row/Column sizes: problems on + HDPI (thanks to Jat). + * BlockTree menu: show group free space if no subgroups are + present. + * BlockTree menu: show info about free space even if there's no + source block available. + * CEA header: corrected description of dtd_offs field. + * Calc. relative offsets of top level data groups (relative to + the begin of EDID blocks) + * HDRD: fixed field descriptions, fixed min/max values for + mtd_ver and resvd47. + * InsertInto() could insert 32th DBC byte: blk_len overflow. + CanInsInto(): missing checking of sub-group free space + * VID: Video Input Descriptor fields were referencing EDID buffer + instead local instance data. + * Y24C: incorrect total data length: missing DBC header + * groups which have subgroups must call subgroups.CalcDataSZ() + on init(). + * removed ForceRefresh (EF_FGR) flag from unknown byte. + Changed + * All T_EDID_FIXED data groups are now operating on local data + buffers. Reparse() restores the loaded EDID state, reverting + all the changes - unless AssembleEDID() or Save/Export is + executed. From this point Reparse() restores the + saved/assembled state. + * Base EDID block: movable blocks are now using + edi_grp_cl::CopyInstData() to create local data instances. + * BlockTree: blocked auto-repeating of all keys except up/down + arrows. + * CEA_BlkHdr_fields[]: removed EF_FGR flags: dedicated handlers + are used. + * CEA_class.cpp: all blocks (excluding the CEA_header) are now + using edi_grp_cl::CopyInstData() to create local data instances + * DTD panel: increased H-size of pix_clk and V-refresh controls - + big values didn't fit. txc_hfreq: reduced fractional part + accuracy to 2 digits, to fit the control size. + * EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): search DTDs after DBC end, not at + declared DTD offset + * Menu Options->"Recalc Checksum" changed to "Assemble EDID" + * Remapped group IDs, so subgroups IDs can be individually masked + * UpdateEDID_Tree(): only main EDID blocks are automatically + expanded (data sub-groups are not). + * Y42C: removed cea_y42c_cl::gen_data_layout(): no longer needed. + * edi_grp_cl::base_clone() return also the rcode for reporting + errors. Non-critical errors can be now ignored. + * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs(): now uses wxCmdLineParser. + * wxEDID_Frame::ClearAll(): clear BlockTree, so if Re-OpenEDID() + fails, the tree stays empty. + * wxEDID_Frame::DTD_Ctor_WriteInt() and WriteField(): log old + field values. + Added + * Auto-reparse DBC group on Tag Code/Extended Tag Code change. + * Basic copy/paste functionality for blocks of the same type. + * Block type ID: T_EDID_FIXED: fixed, single instance block. + Instance data held in EDID buffer. Blocks without the flag set + will keep instance data in local buffers. + * BlockTree context menu: "Insert Into": insert subgroup + @idx == 0. + * BlockTree context menu: "Reparse Group": reparse single group + (root groups only). This allows to re-interpret the group f.e. + after manual editing of "unknown" bytes. + * BlockTree context menu: display additional details in a + sub-menu: abs/relative offsets and block/group free space. + * BlockTree key bindings for Copy/Paste/Cut/Move(Up/Down) + * CEA-DBC header: (Extended) Tag Code selector menus. + * CanPaste/CanInsert: checking parent block free space. + * Checking free space after manual editing of DBC block length. + * Clone() method for all data classes which can be copied. + * DBC_GrpAr_cl: array of DBC sub-groups. + * DBC_GrpAr_cl: paste/insert/move methods specialized for DBC. + * Data Grid: option for showing field details: base offset, shift + and size. Added: menu "Options"->"Block Data: show field + details" Added: config.b_dta_grid_details + * Dynamic data layout support for groups: ADB, VDB, VSD, SAB. + * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID()->CEA_Set_DTD_Offset(): check & update + DTD offset in CEA block. + * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): copy local data from movable blocks + back to the main EDID buffer. + * EDID_cl::AssembleEDID(): update block length in DBC headers. + This means that manual changes to the block length are + ignored -> only insert/delete/cut operations can change the + block size. + * GroupAr_cl: specialized derived classes: EDID_GrpAr_cl and + CEA_GrpAr_cl: block-specific implementations of + paste/insert/move methods. + * IFDB: edi_grp_cl::IFDB_Init_SubGrp(): shared init function + for sub-groups. + * Log operations: + Copy/Paste/Delete/Cut/Insert(Up/Down)Move(Up/Down) + * New array class for holding EDID groups: GroupAr_cl: implements + the copy/paste/move operations. + * New data group cea_unkdat_cl: UNK-DAT Unknown Data bytes, used + as a subgroup for representing undefined bytes. + * New field flag: EF_INIT: forced re-initialization of the group. + Flag name is "FR", same as for Forced Group Refresh. + * Saving/restoring AUI layout, window position and size. NOTE: + changed token delimiters, old cfg files have to be re-created. + * Sub-group type ID: T_DBC_FIXED: fixed within DBC, instance data + held in local buffer. + * Subgroups have the same type ID as parent groups + T_DBC_SUBGRP + flag. + * Support for manual editing of DBC block length and Tag Codes: + SAB, VDTC, VSD, UNK-TC, VCDB, HDRS, CLDB, VSVD, VSAD, VFPD, + Editing group trees: ADB, VDB, RMCD + * Support for manual editing of DBC block length and Tag Codes: + SLDB, VDDD, IFDB, HDRD (+ metadata length) + * Y42C, SLOCD: support for handling invalid block lengths. + * cea_sad_cl::byte2_afc2_8: EDID_cl::SAD_BitRate(): handling + values of bitrate in 8kHz units. + * edi_grp_cl::CodeName: code name is now separated from GroupName + * edi_grp_cl::base_DBC_Init_FlatGrp(): update field offsets if + TG_FLEX_OFFS flag is set in group descriptor. + * edi_grp_cl::parent_grp: parent group pointer: needed to update + group data size after inserting/deleting of sub-groups. + * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs() new cmd line switches: + - e --ignore-errors, -w --all-writeable. + * wxEDID_Frame::BlkTreeUpdateGrp() try to restore sub-group + selection. + * wxEDID_Frame::ClearAll(): clear edigrp_src ptr and change + mnu_BlkTree info item to miInfoNOK. + * wxEDID_Frame::evt_blktree_rmb(): handler for RMB actions. + * wxEDID_Frame::mnu_BlkTree: RMB menu for selecting block actions + Updated + * Update: manpage: added new cmd line options. + * Update: rcd_autogen v2.3 + +- Update to v0.0.22 + Fixed + * (BUG) (Thanks to Matthew Evanson): EDID_cl::ParseEDID_CEA(): + the number of included DTDs can be greater than the number of + mandatory *native* DTDs specified in + cea_hdr_t.info_blk.num_dtd. Those additional DTDs were silently + ignored in previous wxEDID versions. Additionally, the padding + area after last DTD is now checked (all bytes have to be + zeroed). + * Desription of cea_hdr_t.info_blk.num_dtd field: it should be + explicitly stated, that this is a number of *native* DTDs, + and not the total number of DTDs in the CEA block. + * wxEDID_App::CmdLineArgs(): using wxLogStderr for printing + messages to stderr. + * EDID_cl::ParseDetDtor(): error msg needs EDID block number, + passed by the caller. + * all references to GPLv3 replaced with GPLv3+, to match the + declarations in COPYING. + * strict control of what goes to the 'dist' target. + * don't distribute src/config.h -> this requires a workaround in + wxEDID_Main.h, i.e. defining dummy VERSION symbol when + rcd_autogen is running. + * (BUG) EDID_cl::VSD_ltncy(): unsupported IEEE-OUI codes: don't + overflow if the latency value is zero: mark the field as + unused. Added EF_FGR flags: editing the latency value removes + "unused" flag. + * (BUG) cea_vsd_cl::fields[] max latency value is 500ms, not 251=(500/2)+1. + Changed + * wxEDID_Frame::SaveRep_SubGrps(): export offset values in both + decimal and hex format. + * single top-level + * cea_vsd_cl::fields[]: Latency: Added info about 2ms granularity + of values. + * cea_vsd_cl: Updated group description (new IEEE-OUI codes). + Added + * man/wxedid.1 manpage written by Felix Lechner. + Updated + * rcode.h v1.1.0, rcd_autogen v2.1 + +- Update to v0.0.21 + Fixed + * (BUG): BlockTree: root node was not showing EDID file name if + the file path was provided as an cmd line argument + (both binary and --text). + * (BUG) cea_hdrs_cl::init(): Incorrect min size for + "HDR Static Metadata Data Block" (TagCode=7, ExtTagCode=6): + the min. block size is 3, not 6 bytes. Fields for bytes 4..6 + are marked as unused, depending on the block size. + * (BUG) cea_hdrs_cl: incorrect bitfield definitions for reserved + fields: "ET6-7" & "SM1-7" + * Wrong evt ID for importing HEX-text EDID from cmd line arg: + should be id_mnu_imphex, not id_mnu_exphex. + * (Regression) if config file doen't exist, the + config.b_dtd_keep_aspect is set to OFF, but by default it + should be set to ON. + +- Add wxedid-no-implicit-string-conversion.patch + Works around compilation issues with openSUSE’s wxWidgets + packages, which do not enable implicit string type conversion. +- Update to v0.0.20 + Added + * Added: Loading/Importing EDID files from path passed as cmd + line argument. + * Added: Save settings: last used directory + last opened file, + dtd_keep_aspect_ratio + Changed + * lower-case name for the final executable: wxEDID -> wxedid + Fixed + * (BUG) cea_y42c_cl::gen_data_layout() never tested: buggy code, + memory corruption. Program crash if EDID data contains + "YCBCR 4:2:0 Capability Map Data Block" + (TagCode=7, ExtTagCode=15) + +- Update to v0.0.19 + Fixed + * evt_blktree_sel(): the cell editor must be closed before + switching to newly selected data block. Otherwise the cell + editor can be "orphaned" and its window stays opened until + another cell editor is activated. This problem was visible + only when the cell editor was activated from Value Selector + Menu event and if evt_blktree_sel() was invoked with opened + cell editor. + * EDID_cl::ProdWk(): wxString::operator<<() requires type casting + to <int> when appending a byte -> otherwise <u8_t> is + interpreted as <char> + * menu Options::"Ignore EDID errors" must be always enabled, + because otherwise the option will be unavailable until a valid + EDID structure is loaded. + Added + * Menu Help::Flags & Types: info about flags displayed in the + block data grid. + +- Update to v0.0.18 + Fixed + * Removed unused "Hex View" menu item + Added + * Menu Options: "DTD preview: keep aspect ratio": keep aspect + ratio of the DTD preview screen. + * DTD_Constructor: active screen area size is now displayed on + the DTD screen preview. H/V borders are excluded from active + area. + wxEphe +- Specfile modernizations. + +- Update to release 1.7 + * Azimuth in Horizontal Coordinates is now computed with South as + reference. + +- Update to new upstream release 1.6 + * Location can now be saved. + wxMaxima +- Update to 21.05.2 + * Source cleanup, no visible changes for Linux users +- Provide correct documentation files + +- Update to version 21.05.1: + * Resolved a segfault on printing that could be triggered on + some computers. +- Changes from version 21.05.0: + * Long numbers now can be broken into lines. + * On Export long numbers sometimes got lost. + * The height of folded cells now is calculated correctly, again + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1532). + * Printing now can insert pagebreaks within GroupCells + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#970, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1528, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1241, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#181, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#573, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1082). + * Changed the font for the PDF manuals to free Google Noto + fonts. + * Now all PDF manuals can be created without missing characters. + * Solved a crash when printing. + * Updated translations. + +- remove pandoc dependency (seems to build without and is not available + on 32bit platforms) + +- Update to version 21.04.0: + * Fix visualization after "Evaluate all cells (Ctrl+Shift+R)" + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1512). + * Fix context sensitive help with F1 + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1508). + * Add an option for not showing matching parenthesis + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1509). + * Changed the weather icons in the toolbar to more meaningful + ones (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1514). + * Many bugfixes with respect to correctly breaking lines + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1528, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1471, + gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1512). + * Fix a bug in copy-paste of saved/loaded results + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1518). + * Fix a crash when pressing Ctrl-X while a math cell is selected + (gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxima#1519). + * CMake 3.10 is now required for building wxMaxima. + * C++ 14 is required for building wxMaxima. Now CMake knows + about that fact. + * Many external build scripts are now replaced by C++ and CMake + commands. + * A menu entry for when to invoke the debugger. + +- Update to version 21.02.0: + * Replaced openMP by c++11's built-in thread handling. + * Resolved a crash when deleting regions. + * The --ini switch should work again correctly. + * Fix an issue, where demos didn't re-center screen anymore, + when screen is full and print was incomplete. + * Made the time between autosaves configurable. + * Fixed an issue with reproducible builds. + * Updated translations. +- Add upstream bug reference [gh#wxMaxima-developers/wxmaxim#1504] + for wxMaxima-disable-slow-multithreadtest.patch and change + PATCH-FIX-OPENSUSE tag to PATCH-FIX-UPSTREAM. + +- Update to version 21.01.0: + * Many small bugfixes including a crash on loading files with + images + * Updated translations. +- Add wxMaxima-disable-slow-multithreadtest.patch: Disable a slow + test that causes timeouts on OBS workers for openSUSE >= 1550. + +- Update to version 20.12.2: + * Compilation now works again in the case that wxWidgets uses + the stl. + * Additional eye candy: Nicer display of sets. +- Changes from version 20.12.1: + * Resolve a small privacy issue. +- Changes from version 20.12.0: + * Support for gcc 5.5. + * Many code cleanups. + * wxMaxima now will work even if no english locale is installed. + * A few additional bug fixes. + * More work on a modern look-and-feel. + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 20.11.1: + * Bugfixes and a fight against bit rot in external frameworks. + * Many bug fixes in various places. + * Work on a more modern look-and-feel. + * stringdisp support and a menu item for it. + * Updated the default MathJAX to version 3. + * Many autosubscripting improvements. + * Updated translations. +- Changes from version 20.11.0: + * Many bug fixes. + * An editor for maxima's environment variables. + * Updated translations. +- Run tests as part of %check section; BuildRequires Xvfb. + +- Add BuildRequires: maxima-exec-sbcl; needed to resolve + unresolvable status from multiple maxima_exec being available + after we started building both sbcl and clisp versions of + maxima. + +- Update to version 20.09.0: + * Repaired the non-case-sensitive "Replace All" functionality. + * More efficient and accurate calculation of worksheet object + sizes. + * (Hopefully) reduced the last visual glitches. + * diff cells can now be broken into lines. + * Another massive performance update. + * Reduced the memory footprint of big equations. + * A better 2D ASCII Art mode. + * Better High-DPI support. + * If it is configurable it now might have a right-click menu. + * Reduced the memory footprint of cells used only when line + breaking is performed. + * Subscripts created by derivabbrev are now correctly copied as + "diff" command. + * If Maxima comes without suitable manual we now use the online + one instead. + * Added buttons that reset the configuration. + * A few menu items now are checkboxes set and cleared by maxima. + * wxMaxima forgot to release the communication port it used for + talking to maxima. + * Improved performance of receiving data from maxima. + * The font sizes are stored in configuration with full + precision, without rounding to integer. + * Many additional bug fixes. + * Updated translations. + +- Update to version 20.07.0: + * A massive performance update. + * Better display of sqrt() cells. + * Better display of fractions. + * Nicer display of lists. + * Made sure we read in the whole .mac file when opening .mac + files. + * Allow building wxMaxima, if pandoc or po4translate are not + installed. + * As always many small additional bug fixes. + * Updated translations. +- Drop wxMaxima-string-type-conversion.patch: upstreamed. + +- Compile against the more recent toolkit wxGTK3 >= 3.1 for + openSUSE >= 1550 (mainly for better HiDPI support). + wxsqlite3 +- Update to version 4.7.2 + * Added method wxSQLite3Database::QueryTransactionState + * Upgrade to SQLite3 Multiple Ciphers version 1.3.2 + * Based on SQLite 3.35.5 + * Enabled new SQLite Math Extension + * Fixed a memory leak in method wxSQLite3Database::GetTable + * WAL journals left behind by versions <= 1.2.5 are not + compatible with this new implementation. To be able to access + WAL journals created by prior versions, the configuration + parameter mc_legacy_wal was introduced. + +- Update to version 4.6.1. + No changelog provided by upstream + wxstedit +- Skip RPATH entirely on Leap 15.4 + x2x +- update url +- use latest git version +- change build system from imake to autotools +- drop: x2x-1.30-beta.dif + x2x-1.30-beta-keycodes.dif + x2x-1.30-beta-buttonmasks.dif + -- Let NumLock and CapsLock alive in both directions - xapian-bindings +- Remove %python38_version_nodots check + xawtv +- Add patch to fix build with glibc >= 2.32: + * 0001-Replace-sys_siglist-with-strsignal.patch +- Drop obsolete conditions + -- patch to read config as it can contain keyboard events for vdr - (fixes bnc#735032) - xbanish +- update to 1.7: + * build system fixes + * various new options added + +- Use noun phrase. Use %make_install again. + +- Update to stable version 1.6 (no changelog supplied) +- Spec cleanup + xbench +- Fixes for %_libexecdir changing to /usr/libexec (bsc#1174075) + -- building as non-root user - xbiff +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + +- Update to version 1.0.4 + * Use _CONST_X_STRING to make libXt declare String as const char * + * Fix -Wsign-compare warning in quit() function + * Clarify how volume works + * use exec instead of waiting for configure to finish + * Honor NOCONFIGURE=1 + * use quoted string variables + * autogen: add default patch prefix + * Update bug URL for gitlab migration + * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + * Update README for gitlab migration + xbindkeys +- update to 1.8.7: + * Bugfix: Prevent scheme functions to be garbage collected + xboxdrv +- Move modprobe.d files out of /etc + +- Drop python2 xboxdrvctl and just use systemd service or xboxdrv + binary. + +- Add xboxdrv-add-new-device.patch: Add new wireless receiver + device (0x045e:0x02a9). +- Update Homepage and download URL's. +- Run spec-cleaner. +- Fix python2 env-script-interpreter reference in xboxdrvctl. + xbrz +- Update to release 1.8 + * Consider ARGB outside area as transparent + * Fixed ARGB scaling issue on image borders + xbsql +- Remove --with-pic which has no effect with --disable-static. +- Trim old specfile constructs. + -- use RPM_OPT_FLAGS - xcalc +- Update to version 1.1.0 + * This release adds base conversion (decimal, octal, hexadecimal), + bitwise ops (and, or, xor, not, shift left/right, truncate), and + a modulo operator to the default TI (infix, i.e. not RPN/postfix) + calculator mode. It also binds the Return key to the "=" button. + +- Update to version 1.0.7 + * This release fixes things that cause warnings from gcc or + cppcheck, as well as assorted build system maintenance and + tuneups. + xcalib +- update to 0.10: + * rename -s to -o option + * Fix incorrect use of X11 screen and output + -- fix spec file to compile CentOS and RHEL - xcb +- Modernise spec file + -- Group sorted - xcb-util-xrm +- update to 1.3: + * Correctly collapse multiple consecutive bindings + xclip +- modernise spec-file (move license to licensedir) + xcolors +- Modernise spec file + -- added return value to non-void functions - xcompmgr +- Update to version 1.1.8 + * This release fixes a couple of bugs in basic eye-candy effects + of xcompmgr + xcoral +- Update to 3.50.2 + * Corrects a permission issue on the configure file + * Update of the doc + * Fix update of the chained list of color elements after a delete + +- update to 3.49.8: + * this new release uses TrueType/Type1 fonts to replace the old X11 fonts +- update xcoral-compile.patch: refresh + +- Update to version 3.49.6 + +- Update to version 3.48-8: + * No upstream changelog available +- Drop no longer needed patches: + * xcoral-3.47.configure.diff + * xcoral-arraysubscript.patch + -- move /etc/skel/.xcoralrc here - -- Fixed array subscript out of range (#152845). - -- move from /usr/X11R6 to /usr - -- converted neededforbuild to BuildRequires - xcowsay +- update to 1.5.1: + * Fix black squares around cow and bubble on non-compositing window manager + +- Upgrade to version 1.5 + Changes: + * Updated from Gtk2/GDK to Gtk3/Cairo. Note that because of the removal + of the `gtk_widget_shape_combine_mask' API that xcowsay used for + transparency, we now rely on the alpha channel of the window and a + compositing window manager for this. + * As a side effect of this, the bubble is now anti-aliased, fixing a + long-standing issue. + * Unfortunately running xcowsay without a compositor is no longer + supported. If this affects you please continue to use 1.4 as there are + no functional changes in 1.5. + * The cow position is more random (thanks to Tony Finch). +- Update souce link to use tarball from github + +- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. + +- Bump version to 1.4 +- Re-add xcowfortune because fortune is still and will be continue supported + xdiskusage +- Update to version 1.54 + * Prevent difficult-to-understand errors in the event of + filenames with newlines. + * Bugfixes + +- update to 1.52: + * bugfixes + xditview +- Update to version 1.0.5: + * Update README for gitlab migration + * Update bug URL for gitlab migration + * use quoted string variables + * autogen: add default patch prefix + * make sure filename is a regular file. + * use exec instead of waiting for configure to finish + xdotool +- update to 3.20210903.1: + * xdotool and libxdo will now reject if it is running under Wayland/XWayland. + If XWayland is detected, the program will fail. This is because XWayland + doesn't allow xdotool or libxdo to work correctly. (#342, Jordan Sissel) + * New command `windowstate` which can be used to modify properties of windows. + For example, to full-screen the current window, use: + xdotool getactivewindow windowstate --add FULLSCREEN + * New command `windowquit` which is used to ask the windowed application to + terminate. + * New command `getwindowclassname` to print the window's class name. + * When sending keystrokes, `enter` and `return` now are synonyms for the + `Return` key symbol + * getmouselocation now updates the window stack with the window the cursor is + currently over. + * search command now supports searching by window role with `--role` flag + * search command should now no longer report BadWindow errors + * get_window_location now reports correct value + * Uppercase Latin-1/Basic Latin are now typed correctly + * Document the regular expressions (POSIX Extended) supported by xdotool + * Use the default X11 Screen instead of assuming 0 + * Wrap header files with `extern "C"` to enable easier C++ use of libxdo. + * Install pkgconfig file when running `make install` + * Set permissions correctly when installing `xdo.h` + * Fix memory leak + * Fixed some documentation typos + * Fix all compiler warnings during `make` +- drop xdotool-2.2012-reproducible.patch, remove-dead-function.patch (upstream) + xen +- bsc#1193307 - pci backend does not exist when attach a vf to a pv + guest + libxl-PCI-defer-backend-wait.patch + +- Update to Xen 4.16.0 FCS release + xen-4.16.0-testing-src.tar.bz2 + * Miscellaneous fixes to the TPM manager software in preparation + for TPM 2.0 support. + * Increased reliance on the PV shim as 32-bit PV guests will only + be supported in shim mode going forward. This change reduces + the attack surface in the hypervisor. + * Increased hardware support by allowing Xen to boot on Intel + devices that lack a Programmable Interval Timer. + * Cleanup of legacy components by no longer building QEMU + Traditional or PV-Grub by default. Note both projects have + upstream Xen support merged now, so it is no longer recommended + to use the Xen specific forks. + * Initial support for guest virtualized Performance Monitor + Counters on Arm. + * Improved support for dom0less mode by allowing the usage on + Arm 64bit hardware with EFI firmware. + * Improved support for Arm 64-bit heterogeneous systems by + leveling the CPU features across all to improve big.LITTLE + support. +- bsc#1193274 - [Build67.2][Xen][uefi] xen fullvirt uefi guest can + not be created with default 'type=plash' in virt-manager + xen.spec + xf86-input-joystick +- modernize spec file: + * use https urls + * move license to licensedir + * remove unnecessary attributes and add curly braces where spec-cleaner + likes them + xf86-input-keyboard +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + -- Split xf86-input-keyboard from xorg-x11-driver-input. - Initial version: 1.6.0. - xf86-input-mouse +- Downgrade Supplements: xorg-x11-server to Enhances, to avoid the + package being pulled in by default. Contemporary mice are + handled by xf86-input-evdev or xf86-input-libinput. + +- Update to version 1.9.3 + * For Xserver 1.20 compatibility. +- supersedes U_adapt-to-removal-of-xf86GetOS.patch + -- Update to version 1.8.0: - + drop support for Xorg 1.6.x, require Xorg 1.7 or later. - + expose "Device Node" (read-only), "Mouse Middle Button Emulation" - (read-write) and "Mouse Middle Button Timeout" (read-write) - properties via the Xinput properties API to allow distinguishing - between multiple devices and controlling the 3rd button emulation - options at runtime, without having to edit xorg.conf.d files and - restart the server. - -- Update to version 1.7.2: - + minor code clean ups - + Bug fixes -- Use %x11_abi_xinput_req instead of static ABI Requires. - xf86-input-synaptics +- devel package: removed requires to main package, since it's not + required at all for development (boo#1172153) + +- move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to + /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) + +- Update to version 1.9.1: + * A few build system janitorial things, a compatibility patch + by Luca and one patch to avoid log spam when the device goes + away (and before udev tells us that it's gone). + -- Update to version 1.8.1: - A couple of coverity-induced fixes, the - top software buttons are now 15% and better detection of two-finger - taps. A couple of misc other fixes, the only oddity in there is a - fix for clock drift - if you had clickpad clicks delayed by a - second or so after a number of suspend/resume cycles then you may - want to upgrade to this version. - xf86-input-vmmouse +- modernize spec file (move licenses to licensedir) + +- move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to + /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) + -- U_Free-the-vmmouse-data-on-UnInit.patch: - Delete driver from xf86InputDevs list on UnInit(). - Fixes crash during VT switch when reloading the devices - (bnc#879450). - -- u_Don-t-access-hardware-register-while-switched-away.patch: - Update patch to also take into account new ABI versions. - (bnc#877132). - xf86-video-chips +- update to release 1.4.0 + * This is a bug fix release of Chips & Technologies DDX for X.Org + X Server. There was an X Server crash bug with the Version 1.3 + and older code when the code was converted for a newer vgaHW + ABI. This affects devices older than the HiQVideo generation. + This release fixes this particular issue. Please note that the + code may not compile against X Server 1.20 since it no longer + supports 24-bit color. + +- update to release 1.3.0 + * This is a maintenance release of Chips & Technologies DDX for + X.Org X Server. No testing has been done due to the lack of + equipment availability. + -- Use %x11_abi_videodrv_req instead of static ABI Requires. -- Add xf86-video-chips-git-fixes.patch: several fixes from git for - compatibility xith Xorg ABI 1.12 and build warnings. - -- Split xf86-video-chips from xorg-x11-driver-video. - Initial version: 1.2.4. - xf86-video-fbturbo +- n_xorg-server-21.1.patch + * WindowRec::backStorage has been removed from dix of xserver 21.1 + +- move xorg.conf.d snippet from /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d to + /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d (boo#1139692) + xf86-video-fbturbo-live +- n_xorg-server-21.1.patch + * WindowRec::backStorage has been removed from dix of xserver 21.1 + xf86-video-i128 +- Update to version 1.4.0 + * This is a maintenance release of Number Nine Imagine 128 DDX. + There was one patch that has been languishing over at Patchwork website + ( for more than 2 years, so + I decided to apply it, and release a new version. + With that patch applied and one more small patch I authored, the DDX compiles + cleanly without compilation warnings. + (Kevin Brace, Brace Computer Laboratory, +- supersedes U_Remove-mibstore.h.patch + xf86-video-mga +- adding to changelog, that + * U_Adapt-Block-WakeupHandler-signature-for-ABI-23.patch fixes + build against updated xorg-server 1.19 (bsc#1098226) + * current sources contain latest driver updates for sle12 + (fate #315643-315645, 319159-319161, 319618) + * we disabled DRI(1) in the driver (no longer supported by Mesa) + -- Update to version 1.6.3: - + mga: - - Fix XAA runtime. - - Use exaGetPixmapFirstPixel() instead of devPrivate.ptr. - + Remove mga_esc.c vestigal stub. - + Disable HW cursor by default on G200 server chips. - + Restructure code to make it more readable. - + Fix dual head crash without XAA (lp#1180986). - + Unbreak dual head (xinerama) (lp#18472, lp#292214, - gentoo#265100). - + Disable Linear Expansion on BE. - + Restrict kernel driver matching to g200 server chips - (deb#697532, bnc#823658). -- Drop U_Restrict-kernel-driver-matching-to-g200-server-chips.patch - and xf86-video-mga-g200se-swcursor.diff, fixed upstream. - xf86-video-neomagic +- Update to version 1.3.0 + * This is a maintenance release of NeoMagic DDX for X.Org X Server. + No testing has been done due to the lack of equipment availability. + -- Update to version 1.2.6: - + Fix for new vgahw ABI - + Fall back to shadowfb when XAA is unavailable -- Use %x11_abi_videodrv_req instead of static ABI Requires. - xf86-video-openchrome +- u_gcc10.patch + * fixes build against gcc10, which uses -fno-common by default + -- Initial package, version 0.3.2. -- Add xf86-video-openchrome-abuild.patch: fix brp check by using - strcmp as appropriate. - xf86-video-r128 +- update to 6.12.0: + * Separate EXA and XAA initialization + * Evaluate NoAccel option inside R128PreInit + * Evaluate EXA related options inside R128PreInit + * Evaluate software cursor option inside R128PreInit + * Remove OPTION_DAC_8BIT option + * Move many DDX UMS options into R128UMSOption + * Delete USE_CRT_ONLY conditional compilation directive + * Delete OPTION_DISPLAY option enumeration + * Move RAMDAC module initialization into R128LegacyMS + * Move loading of EXA and XAA modules into R128PreInitAccel + * Version bumped to 6.11.100 + * Prevent disabling of EXA inside R128ScreenInit + * Consolidate frame buffer initialization code + * Deprecate R128EXAAccelInit + * Deprecate R128AccelInit + * Deprecate R128VerboseInitEXA + * Consolidate EXA initialization code into R128EXAInit + * Hold off enabling acceleration until EXA / XAA are fully initialized + * Version bumped to 6.11.101 + * Rename R128UMSOption to r128UMSOption + * Consolidate acquisition of many options into two functions + * Version bumped to 6.11.102 + * Fix for build failure when --disable-dri option is specified + * Remove Dac6Bit option from man page + +- no longer require legacy extension xf86miscproto; no longer + provided by xorgproto-2019.1 by default and never needed anyway + -- Update to version 6.9.2 - * this version update fixes for EXA color errors on PowerPC, - plus updates to build with xserver 1.13 and 1.14 - -- add ExcludeArch for s390 and s390x - xf86-video-sis +- Update to version 1.12.0 +- supersedes U_06-Remove-reference-to-virtualFrom.patch, + U_07-xf86-video-sis-remove-the-GlxSetVisualConfigs-stub-and-friends.patch + -- Add mibstore.patch, fixes build with xorg-server 1.14 -- Replace xf86UnMapVidMem with pci_device_unmap_range -- Stop including xf86Priv.h -- introduce hardware supplements conditional on xorg-x11-server - package (bnc#810333) - xf86-video-tdfx +- Update to version 1.5.0 + * This is a maintenance release of 3dfx DDX for X.Org X Server. + The DDX compiles cleanly without compilation warnings on + X Server 1.19.6. + -- Split xf86-video-tdfx from xorg-x11-driver-video. - Initial version: 1.4.3. - xf86-video-v4l +- Update to version 0.3.0 + * This long overdue release features build compatibility with + newer X servers and support for v4l2 devices. +- supersedes patches: + * n_added-definition-of-VIDEO_INVERT_CLIPLIST.patch + * n_added-defines-for-xalloc-xrealloc.patch + xfce4-notes-plugin +- Drop unused pkgconfig(unique-1.0) BuildRequires. + -- added documentation files -- added xfce4-panel-plugin-notes-create-unversioned-lib.patch in - order to build the plugin module as an unversioned lib, also - install it in the default panel plugin module path -- removed xfce4-panel-plugin-notes-1.7.7-fix-desktop-file.patch - which is obsoleted by the above - xfce4-sensors-plugin +- Update to version 1.4.2 + * Migrate Source from C to C++ + * Prevent overlap of tachometer titles + * Improved standalone app layout + * Fix crash in hddtemp codepath with a SATA SSD drive + * Increase default temperature ranges of HDDs and NVIDIA GPUs by 10℃ + * Remove default values from RC configuration files + * Suppress title after the user adds the 1st sensor + * Remove hard-coded limits restricting the maximum number of sensors + * Test all possible build configurations using brute-force search + * Use xfce4::connect instead of the less safe g_signal_connect + * Enable lm_sensors in GitLab distcheck + * Fix memory leaks + * Translation Updates + -- update to version 1.2.5 - - fix German translation - - fix build with --enable-hddtemp=yes - xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin +- Update to version 2.7.0 + * Add showing categories as icons on top or bottom. + (gxo#panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin#62) + * Add hiding username. + (gxo#panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin#36) + * Add rounded profile picture. + * Add optional AccountsService support. + * Add catfish search action. + * Add CSS classes for theming. + * Improve search result relevance. + * Make stripping release builds optional. + * Rearrange settings dialog. + * Remove sliding out search results. + * Remove useless grab check. + * Rename icon to follow reverse DNS scheme. + * Replace size grip with resizing from edges. + * Replace slots with lambdas. + * Use original menu layout. + * Use dm-tool for switching users. + * Translation updates + +- Update to version 2.6.2 + * Fix background shifting when showing menu. + (gxo#panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin#41) + * Fix menu not toggling after pressing escape. + (gxo#panel-plugins/xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin#65) + * Properly prevent interactive search in treeview. + xfig +- Some fonts in the used fontsets do not exist anymore, try + smaller fonts + +- Make spec file build with older SLE versions as well to be able + to bundle this with a security update of package transfig + * This version requires transfig version 3.2.8 and above + +- Update to xfig 3.2.8 Patchlevel 8a (Mar 2021) + o Distribute a current pdf documentation. + Thanks to Roland Rosenfeld for the script and pointing out the issue. +- Correct hunk offsets of the patches + o xfig.3.2.3d-international-std-fonts.dif + o xfig.3.2.5b-locale.dif + o xfig.spec + +- update to 3.2.8: + o Shift + Wheel Up pans left, Shift + Wheel Down pans right. + Alt or Meta + Wheel Up pops up the edit panel, Alt or Meta + Wheel + Down pops up the drawing panel. Previously, Shift + Wheel Up or Down + popped up the edit or drawing panel, respectively, and panning + sideways could only be achieved by moving the wheel sideways. + o To display gif image files, either giftopnm and ppmtopcx from the + netpbm package, imagemagick, or graphicsmagick must be installed. + o Obey the resolution given in embedded png, tiff and jpeg image files. + o Embedded image files are displayed in full color, not reduced to + a maximum of 256 colors. + o Display embedded pdf files. + o Read version 1.3 fig files. + o The default resolution of embedded raster images is changed + from 80 dpi to 72 dpi. + o Read compressed files, but do not silently uncompress them. + o Get correct bounding box (/MediaBox) of embedded pdf files. +- remove xfig.3.2.5b-preview.dif, xfig.3.2.5b-pspdftex.dif, + xfig.3.2.5-xim.dif: obsolete +- remove X11R6 ifdefs from spec file, this is obsolete + +- Update to xfig 3.2.7 Patchlevel 7b (Oct 2019) + o New drawings in Electronic/Schematic library. Thanks to Niko Sauer. + Ticket numbers refer to + o When exiting, cleanly pull down all windows. Ticket #54. + o Adding and deleting arrows to arcs works, ticket #46. + o Allow more than 100 comment lines, ticket #47. + o Make `xfig -update' work again, would segfault. + o Correctly draw interpolated splines, ticket #35. + o Position points on grid, if appres.userspacing unequal 1. Ticket #31. +- Correct hunk offsets of the patches + * xfig.3.2.3d-international-std-fonts.dif + * xfig.3.2.5-xim.dif + * xfig.3.2.5b-locale.dif + * xfig.3.2.5b-null.dif + * xfig.3.2.5b-pspdftex.dif + +- also require mkfontdir, so fonts-config can create the appropriate + fonts.dir/fonts.scale/encodings.dir files (boo#1106850) + +- Revert workaround from locale patch as it breaks UTF-8 text + in file and object handling + +- Add workaround in locale patch for systems with large endcoding.dir + below /usr/share/fonts/encodings (boo#1106850) + * With this fallback to "C" for LC_CTYPE is used for UTF-8 locales + to allow that Xt library will find a useful FontSet +- Require mkfontscale +- Modernize international-std-fonts patch to fit for more fonts + -- Fix patches - xfig.3.2.5b-mediaboxrealnb.dif - xfig.3.2.5b-pspdftex.dif (bnc#882692) -- Add patch set from Debian xfig package as well - 31_spelling.patch - 39_man_hyphen.patch - 40_XAW3D1_5E_notlocal.patch - 41_mkstemp.patch (CVE-2009-1962) - -- Provide a pkgconfig file for older Xaw3d package - xfishtank +- Update to 2.6 + * Fix memory corruption + * Update man page + * Fix typos +- Use source service to verify authenticity of sources + +- update to 2.5: + * imlib2 based graphics +- remove patches (upstream): + xfishtank-2.2-implicit_decl.patch + xfishtank-2.2-orig.patch + xfishtank-2.2-random_retval.patch + +- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner +- Drop obsolete README.KDE + -- README.KDE added - -- use ComplexProgramTargetNoMan - -- renamed from fishtank to xfishtank -- source bzip2ed - xfs +- fixed build against latest gcc check changes + +- Drop '-f' option with %service_del_preun/%service_del_postun + With %service_del_preun, the option is already ignored with as + support for DISABLE_STOP_ON_REMOVAL has been dropped. + With %service_del_postun, this option shouldn't be needed besides + very few special cases. But this package doesn't seem to belong to + this category. + +- moved config file to /usr/etc/X11/fs (boo#1173050) + +- dropped /tmp/.font-unix deletion/creation from the init script + (boo#1159121) + +- switched from init.d script to a native systemd service + (boo#1116053) +- cleanup in specfile + -- udpated to current git id 2c79452 in order to fix build for - latest libXfont - -- license update: HPND - This is HPND, not MIT (absence of express sublicensing permission etc) - -- xfs 1.1.3 - * This release contains a number of code cleanups and other - minor fixes. - -- make use of %verfiy(not md5 size mtime) for /etc/X11/fs/config - (bnc#761824) - -- Update to version 1.1.2: - + Fix issues found by static analysis and compiler warnings - + Code & doc cleanups - + Build configuration improvements -- Add pkgconfig(xproto) BuildRequires: new upstream dependency. -- Remove pkgconfig(libfs) BuildRequires: dependency has been - removed. -- Call %restart_on_update for xfs in %postun, as recommended by - packaging guidelines. - xfsinfo +- Update to version 1.0.6 + * This release fixes a bug in 64-bit builds which caused the + maximum request size to be incorrectly calculated. + xgc +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + xiccd +- update to 0.3.0: + * Correct X property setting for multiple screens + * Race fixes + * Memory leak fixes + * Add desktop files + xindy +- Enable s390x architecture + xine-lib +- Update to version 1.2.11 +- Remove xine-lib-dec_info_real.patch, fixed upstream +- Upstream changes: + * Add gopher input plugin. + * Add user settings for IPv6. + * Split a52 spdif output to separate decoder. + * Code cleanup. + * More engine optimization. + * Small optimizations (opengl2, dvb subtitles, png, mpeg-ts). + * Better A/V sync. + * Fix a few crashes. + * Fix bluray playback. + * Fix VAAPI picture jitter and green flashes. + * Fix Opus and EAC3 audio playback. + * Fix text subtitles. + * Fix mpeg-ts (hdmv mode, detection of cut TV recordings). + * Fix mpeg layer 1-4 audio timing. + * Fix some VDR issues. + * Fix HLS VOD mode. + * Many small fixes. + * Build fixes. + * BSD fixes. + * Update german translation. + * Update internal libdca to upstream 0.0.7. + +- Remove xineplug_decode_qt to fix i386 build + +- Fix build with xine-lib-dec_info_real.patch + +- Update to version 1.2.10 and remove incorporated patches: + xine-lib-contrib.patch, xine-lib-alsa.patch, xine-lib-a52dec.patch + and xine-lib-ImageMagick7.patch. +- Upstream changes: + * Add (xcb)xv yuy2 emulation. + * Add libavcodec v58 compatibility. + * Add avio seek support. + * Add libdav1d, libaom and lavc AV1 video decoders. + * Add libvpx multithreading. + * Add libpng decoder. + * Add a52 double and fixed point modes. + * Add Opus audio support to ogg demuxer. + * Add AV1 video support to matroska demuxer. + * Add ivf demuxer. + * Add mpeg-ts split payload support. + * Add TLS support using gnutls or OpenSSL. + * Add ftp input plugin (ftp://) with TLS support (ftpes://) + * Add tls:// input plugin (raw TLS over TCP). + * Add libnfs NFS input plugin. + * Add ftp/http seek support. + * Add scp forward seek support. + * Add mp4 http streaming support (plain and fragment modes). + * Add HLS streaming support. + * Add HTTP 1.1 support. + * Add OpenGL EGL and Wayland support. + * Add side stream feature. + * Optimize OSD. + * Optimize output layers. + * Optimize decoder threads. + * Optimize event handling. + * Optimize stream info. + * Optimize TCP/TLS/HTTP network input. + * Optimize network buffering control. + * Alsa/oss startup optimization. + * Optimize input_stdin_fifo. + * Optimize internal liba52. + * Optimize user seek. + * Better support for audio out drivers that cannot resume after pause. + * Better support for mpeg pts jumps. + * Better bluray seek. + * XML parser fixes. + * Fix midstream audio mode switch. + * Fix FLAC audio playback via ffmpeg. + * Fix ffmpeg mpeg1/2 video. + * Fix/optimize mpeg, mpeg-ts, qt, flv, matroska, real & asf demuxers. + * Fix network seek. + * Fix/optimize audio CD. + * Fix DVD (occasional crashes, damaged video after a DVD had been + played). + * Fix opengl2 freeze after X server failure. + * Fix tvtime deinterlacer crash. + * Fix/optimize overlay. + * Fix/optimize old VDR plugin. + * Fix xine-ui freeze when opening a playlist while paused. + * Security fixes. + * More error handling instead of aborting. + +- Package xineplug_post_tvtime also on arm64 +- Added xine-lib-contrib.patch +- Remove disabled esd support +- Remove disabled directfb support +- Remove disabled aalib support +- Remove disabled gnome_vfs support +- Use gcc8 in SLE_12 +- Use plain configure macro +- Fix XINE URL +- Use without instead of !with distributable/onlynondistributable/ffmpeg/sdl +- Remove disabled code for sle10 +- Remove conditional for ffmpeg because it always exists +- Remove unused xine-lib-without-ffmpeg.patch +- Remove unused xine-lib-nukefaadetc.patch, use sed instead +- Adjust all patches for autosetup: + xine-lib-libdvdread_udf.diff + xine-lib-v4l-2.6.38.patch + xine-lib-alsa.patch + xine-lib-theora.patch + xine-lib-ImageMagick7.patch + xine-lib-a52dec.patch + +- Use alsa API properly with xine-lib-alsa.patch. Consumers are + expected to use <alsa/asoundlib.h> instead of <asoundlib.h>. + This is in preparation of an change to pkgconfig(alsa) to + not pollute CFLAGS with -I/usr/include/alsa anymore (bsc#1130333) + +- Package xineplug_post_tvtime also on arm32 + +- fix-non-x86-build.diff: remove + +- Patched up crippled build with new perl, the perl scripts no + longer work. +- Added xine-lib-nukefaadetc.patch for the same reason. +- Build with libmpeg2. + +- Set to bcond_without gnome_vfs to bcond_with, no longer build + gnome-vfs support by default, gnome-vfs is deprecated upstream + for a long time. + - * Add generic keyframe index feature. - * Add x32 (x86 32 on 64bit) support. - * Add some more debug logging. - * Join 4 network input plugins into a single file. - * Matroska fixes. - * Build fixes. - * Directx2 audio fixes. - * VAAPI fixes. - * XCB video fixes and optimizations. - * Return driver held video frames on shutdown properly. - * FAAD audio compatibility fixes. - * Fix VP9 playback. - * Fix post filtering crash. - * Make xml parser thread safe. - * More user configuration safety. - * Inline assembly fixes. - * Failed memory allocation safety fixes. - * Memory leak fixes. - * Debug and LOG build fixes. - * Again, lots of small fixes and optimizations. - * Better multiengine client safety. - * Hide yuv2rgb implementation details. - * Use a single libyuv2rgb copy in both engine and plugins. - * Minor ffmpeg optimization. - * Lift a few video engine handbrakes. Less CPU load, fewer frame - drops, faster seeking. - * Optimize audio engine. - * Optimize demux buffering system. - * Optimize metronom clock. - * Optimize port tickets. - * Optimize sse/mmx2 memcpy. - * Code simplification and cleanup. - * Update german translation. * Add LIBXINE_VERBOSITY environment var override. - * Add auto gapless switch. Play clips to their very end when that - is likely what the user wants. - * Add video single step feature. xine-ui +- Add fix-crashes.patch to fix crashes when using older skins + +- Update xine-ui-crippled-LOCAL.diff to fix a crash when changing + the skin + +- Update to 0.99.12 + * Make XLockDisplay use user switchable. + * Faster seek. + * Optimize text rendering. + * Add utf pixmap support. + * Add animated logo. + * Update splash. + * Fix build with libxine <= 1.2.9. +- Changes in 0.99.11: + * Offer all autoplay/autodir input plugins. + * Dont treat hls as playlist. + * Play ftp:/ mrls instead of downloading. + * Update german translation. + * Fix mrl browser background. + * Fix user agent. + * Fix libjpeg detection. + * Fix linking with caca. + * Fix memory and resource leaks. + * Fix crashes. + * Fix lirc build. + * Code cleanup and "dust removal". +- Rebase xine-ui-crippled-LOCAL.diff and greatly simplify it by + removing all whitespace changes +- Rebase xine-ui-AUTOMAKE.diff + -- update to 0.99.8 - * Fixed opening file using menus - * Fixed exit on panel close - * Fixed deadlocks - * Fixed segfault at exit - * Fixed keymap editor deadlock - -- added missing supported mime types in desktop file - xl2tpd +- update to 1.3.16: + * Re-add braces for if-else that have only statement [Samir Hussain] + * xl2tpd-control refactoring [Alexander Naumov] + * fix travis 'script' syntax [Alexander Naumov] + * adding xl2tpd-control tests to travis [Alexander Naumov] + * Re-adding text giving more inofrmation about using ipsec with xl2tpd [Samir Hussain] + * Update README: typo, links to RFC, link to travis [Alexander Naumov] + * Travis will test different compiler on linux distro [Samir Hussain] + * Update travis for proper matrix [Samir Hussain] + * Add Focal to travis testing [Samir Hussain] + * yet another man-page update [Alexander Naumov] + * update man-pages, fix typo [Alexander Naumov] + * set_flow: result of operation is garbage or undefined [Alexander Naumov] + * Update README [Alexander Naumov] + * adding xl2tpd.init.patch [Alexander Naumov] + * adding Makefile.patch [Alexander Naumov] + * moving changes to separate file [Alexander Naumov] + * sync/update spec file with official SUSE version [Alexander Naumov] + * Set IP_PKTINFO even if setting of IPPROTO_IP fails (as it was in 1.3.9) [shadyhh] + * Update .gitignore vim swap file [Samir Hussain] + * Travis will test supported Ubuntu LTS distros [Samir Hussain] + * Updating COMPATABILITY_ISSUES with info on Miktrotik servers [Samir Hussain] + * Add work around for Android 10 maxium retries in COMPATIBILITY_ISSUES [Samir Hussain] + * Add compatability issues with Ciso ASA [Samir Hussain] + +- Update to version 1.3.15 + * Specify missing log arguments + * Sockopt bug fix for multiple IP's + +- Update to version 1.3.14 + * Bugfix release, mostly code cleanup + +- Drop ||true from %tmpfiles_create, this is already + included in the macro. +- Reduce hard dependency on systemd during build. + +- Run spec-cleaner +- Remove support for non-systemd distros +- Remove -doc subpackage (contained only some KB text-files and + and manpages) +- Fix handling of tmpfilesdir +- Update to version 1.3.13 + * Fix compile warning with USE_KERNEL in xl2tpd.c + * Applying patch that reduces compile warnings and fixes warnings + from gcc and clang. + * Fix compiler warnings in network.c + * Add a preproc for Watchguard firewall (Github issue #136) + * Convert from ISO-8859 to UTF-8 [Simon Deziel] + Update README to provide latest info on xl2tpd + Linux kernel 4.15+ +- Update to version 1.3.12 + * TOS value to copy to the tunnel header + * Fix for ENODEV (No such device) error with Linux kernel 4.15 + * Update xl2tpd.init + * fix version number and upload +- Update to version 1.3.11 + * only changes related to debian packaging + -- Remove newline from description in xl2tpd.conf (bnc#856928) - -- Use /usr/lib/tmpfile.d for tmpfiles configuration - -- Added /etc/tmpfiles.d/xl2tpd.conf file (bnc#807605) - -- don't use old version of if_pppol2tp.h (bnc#791109) - -- xl2tpd Add kernel support for 2.6.23+ (patch v12) - xl2tpd-1.3.0-0001-Add-kernel-support-for-2.6.32.patch - Public Clone URL: git:// - (bnc#790250). - xless +- Spec file modernisation + -- /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults is part of the filesystem - xload +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + xlockmore +- update to 5.67: + * Fixing specified bound equals destination size warning in iostuff.c. + * Port updated for xscreensaver-6.01. With help from EoflaOE ViceCity. + * maze3d.c updated for VMS as CRTL now contains more standard functions + +- update to 5.66: + GL mode atunnels, juggler3d, atlantis, lament, invert, solitaire, text3d, + and text3d2 fixed up by EoflaOE ViceCity and myself to build in + xscreensaver. + bomb, helix, lightning, penrose, petal, scooter fixes for xscreensaver + port (clear screen issue). Clock fixed to run by changing a spot from + "Clock" to "CLOCK". + A few updates from xscreensaver-5.44/hacks/xlockmore.c for xscreensaver + port. + Duplicate resources and unloadable resources for xscreensaver port fixed + by EoflaOE. + Double free removed for xscreensaver port fixed by EoflaOE and myself. + Removed some warnings in xscreensaver port in fzort, rubik, skewb, and + sproingies. + Xpm textures added to xscreensaver ports that need them. + image, puzzle, decay, bat now work but use xscreensaver bitmap/pixmap + in xscreensaver port. + Bug fix in qix and toneclock for xscreensaver port, xlock was not + affected by negative NRAND input. + euler2d synced up with xscreensaver version. + Change to fzort to use __asm__ instead of asm as its probably more + likely to work. + Fixed solitaire so deckPile changes just a little bit as it doles + out cards. + Updated bomb to use size 18 font when USE_MB is not set as it seems + 34 is not widely available anymore. + pacman now has different colored ghosts (no green ghost) and also + oscillating dress and eyes. See README for a notice for this mode. + Fixed some bad drawings in solitaire and pacman noticed on + Windows side. + Warnings removed for -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes + - Wdeclaration-after-statement + +- update to 5.65: + Fix from Jan Kratochvil and Adrian Reber, adrian AT for Fedora. + xlock -startCmd true... would core on Fedora, exit() replaced with + _exit(). + Update for magick.c to use strncpy thanks to Jouk Jansen. + Fix for hyper mode from original author, for potential but not + likely memory leak and free(NULL) issue John Heidemann, johnh + AT + More buffer gcc warnings removed for dclock.c, image.c, and + scrnsave.c. + ras.c/magick.c gcc 10 fix from Adrian Reber, adrian AT . + VMS already handles this in + Lots of spelling errors fixed due to codespell + + A few more gl modes (molecule, invert) fixed up by + EoflaOE ViceCity to run in xscreensaver. + Added additional changes to solitaire and invert. invert will + build in xscreensaver with some coaxing, see README in + xscreensaver directory. + Removed buffer gcc warning about nose.c. + Fix from brett.diamond AT to get "xlock -help" from + crashing. + As a Blake's 7 fan, I had to add the Liberator to star mode. + Same fix from Jouk Jansen and Adrian Reber, adrian AT + for in previous release. + Change from Denys Vlasenko (thanks to Adrian Reber for pointing out) + + This helps xlock's parent process to know xlock crashed. + ico mode added truncated octahedron. + Another gl mode, sierpinski3d, fixed up by EoflaOE ViceCity to run + in xscreensaver. + Updated references to website to https. + A few more gl modes (incl. maze3d, pipe, sproingies) fixed up by + EoflaOE ViceCity to run in xscreensaver. + Thanks to tobik, ohartmann AT, and Jason Helfman, + jgh AT for xglock fixes for "failed due to signal" for + clang. + Syncing with xscreensaver and many modes modified, more than + half working there. pacman and puzzle run but need some + obvious work, others run too fast or flash on the screen. + Various fixes from Jouk Jansen and EoflaOE ViceCity. + Updated GL modes also, inaddition to overlap: biof, skewb, and + fire (needs images). See xscreensaver/README for new directions. + Updated in linux to build with modules, must have broken somewhere + down the line. imake build fixed too. + bomb mode fixed for xlock. + Syncing with xscreensaver. Much has changed since last time this + was done and much left to do. Nonglx "a"'s and some "b"'s done + so far. Automata modes like ant.c should use automata.c and + automata.h supplied by xlockmore. + ball bat not working right there yet. Also bouboule to do right will + require changes to xlockmore files from xscreensaver. + See new xscreensaver/README for instructions. + While testing uncovered old security bug in anenome mode and fixed. + life updates to use a more standard notation for nontotalistic cellular + automata. + ax_pthread.m4 needed for autoconf, added back in, oops. + Removed VMS caddr_t fix from matrix.c, cage.c, gears.c, glplanet.c, + invert.c, juggler3d.c, lament.c, moebius.c, molecule.c, morph3d.c, + noof.c, pipes.c, rubik.c, sierpinski3d.c, skewb.c, stairs.c, + superquadrics.c as no longer needed. Thanks to Jouk Jansen. + boxed and maze3d modes added thanks mainly to Jouk Jansen. + boxed added to xlock95.scr. xlock95 Makefile now builds to 64 bit. + Thanks to Jason Helfman, jgh AT for sound installation fixes. + Thanks to Tobias Kortkamp, for his patch for glock compile issue with + CLANG 6.0.0. + Fixing warnings using clang for back.xpm, nose.c, passwd.c. + Fixing errors using g++ for deluxe.c, also various casting added. + Fixing potential some buffer overruns pointed out in mingw in + apollonian.c and hyper.c. + Fixing potential error of using null pointer thanks again to mingw in + xlock.c. + pyro2 was not showing anything on screen due to it not finding font, + changed it to default to mode_font if can not find. + Thanks to Dave Odell, dmo2118 AT for his fzort mode update to + use the functions in xshm.c and fixes crash when running X11 over network. + Note from Dave Odell: + <>. MI_INIT() is + defined and documented in hacks/xlockmore.h, with related functions + defined in hacks/xlockmore.c. MI_INIT() currently takes three parameters: + the ModeInfo *, the state array, and a function pointer for the new free + hook. FWIW, it could instead be just the first two parameters, with the + free hook being set up like the other ModeHooks; this would be a bit + nicer, I think. But I was going for something that could be applied + incrementally to individual screenhacks in XScreenSaver, and could -- in + theory -- be brought back to xlockmore with minimal impact. + ant mode resync'd with xscreensaver... Thanks to David Odell redoing my + sad attempt. + - sound configuration changed around so it should work on more machines, + now uses DEF_PLAY and by default. + Thanks to Stanislav Brabec, sbrabec AT for his "hack" to fix for + PAM with non-English locales. He notes to fix properly a "Password" + prompt list should be obtained at the initial phase of authentication. + Added PAM_PASSWORD_PROMPT for using old way. + Fixed leak in scooter thanks to Valgrind. +- remove xlockmore-pam.patch (upstream/obsolete) + xman +- Update to version 1.1.5: + * autogen: add default patch prefix + * use quoted string variables + * use exec instead of waiting for configure to finish + * Update bug URL for gitlab migration + * Change fall through comment in ScrollByL.c to match gcc's requirements + * Delete unused function Name() from tkfuncs.c + * Make CreateManpageWidget use String type for name argument + * Change fallback_resources from char * to String type + * Pass -D_CONST_X_STRING to make libXt declare String as const char * + * If we have man-db, don't try and emulate man's pipeline + * Fix typo in manual page. + * Update README for gitlab migration + xmgrace +- Use -ffat-lto-objects to build xmgrace. +- Run spec-cleaner + -- license update: GPL-2.0+ - SPDX format - xmlbird +- update to 1.2.11: + * no upstream changelog available + xmlformat +- Update to 1.9 + - Change to the someth2say/xmlformat fork + - Add length wrap for wrap-type option. + Contains now an additional value "sentence" which wraps by sentences. + - Use version 1.9 to distinguish from original Kitebird's v1.04 + version. +- Spec file + provide update-alternatives to make it possible to switch between + the Perl or Ruby variant + xmore +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + +- Update to version 1.0.3 + * autogen: add default patch prefix + * use exec instead of waiting for configure to finish + * Honor NOCONFIGURE=1 + * use quoted string variables + * config: use AC_PROG_INSTALL now supplied by XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS + * config: replace deprecated AC_HELP_STRING with AS_HELP_STRING + * config: replace deprecated AM_CONFIG_HEADER with AC_CONFIG_HEADERS + * config: move man pages into their own directory + * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE + * Update bug URL for gitlab migration + * Update README for gitlab migration + * man: remove trailing spaces and tabs + * man page: add __xorgversion__ which was just missing. + * Change xmore DocBook XML file extension from .sgml to .xml + xmorph +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) + +- xmorph-fixbuild.patch: fixed build + -- reparing false libdir - -- splitted to xmorph and xmorph-devel -- used /sbin/ldconfig instead of %run_ldconfig - xmoto +- update to 0.6.1 + * macOS and FreeBSD support is back! + * Automated release builds for Linux/macOS/Windows + * Added support for macOS Bundles + * Improved level load times + * Improved Russian translation + * Bug fixes: + * Fixed a locale bug where the game would crash with + locales using comma (,) as the decimal separator + * No more crashing on non-existent db entries + when migrating from an old version + * Build system changed from autotools to CMake + * Support for both cross-compilation and native builds for Win32 + * Easy packaging for each supported platform + * FreeBSD and macOS support temporarily dropped + * Minor changes: + * Chat history is now shown when the chat box is opened + * Checkpoint color in ugly mode matches minimap + * Some code fixes + * glext.h dropped in favor of a proper GL loader + * Bug fixes: + * Favorite levels can be viewed again + * Safe mode now stays on after restarting a level + * remove several warnings (including replacing hash_map by unordered_map) +- remove xmoto-0.5.11-pointer-comparison.patch xmoto-0.5.5-basedir.patch xmoto-nobuild_date.patch + (upstream) + -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building -- Strip %clean section (not needed on BS) - xob +- Update to 0.3: + Added: + * Support for transparency: color specification can now contain a + value for the alpha channel. + * Automatic default sink index detection in the example pulseaudio + watcher script. This should make the script work out of the box + for most users. + * Ready to use screen brightness watcher script in the README. + * Quiet mode (-q). + Changed: + * xob now depends on libxrender for the new transparency feature + (this can be optionally disabled when building xob). + * Improved documentation of the named-pipe method. + * The documentation encourages users to use dedicated input programs + instead of the named-pipe method (now presented as a fallback method). + Fixed: + * Documentation used to advise to overwrite the content of named pipes + which could lead to premature file endings. The documentation now + recommends to append new values command >> named_pipe. + * Issue in the pulseaudio watcher script where pulseaudio sink indexes + were abusively used as indexes of the internal pulsectl library's + data structures. + +- update to 0.2: + * This release introduces more precise timeout specification (mind the new + * unit for `-t`) and an orientation option. This option makes it possible to + * chose between a new vertical style or the classic horizontal style. + - New vertical mode to display a bar that fills up from bottom to top. + - New `orientation` option to choose between classic horizontal mode and new vertical mode. + - More precise timeout specification (millisecond). Values below one second are now allowed. + - Integers (`0` and `1`) not accepted as values for `rel` options in configuration file . + - Typos in documentation. + xorg-cf-files +- u_ar-clq-Imake.tmpl-binutils_2.36.patch + * the previously ignored "l" option triggered + "ar: libdeps specified more than once" error with binutils 2.36 + (boo#1192589) + xorg-docs +- reproducable_build.patch (boo#1110020) + -- unfuzzed 'xorg-x11-doc.diff' - xorg-x11-libX11-ccache +- make package arch again (boo#1110020) + -- bumped version to 7.3 - xorg-x11-server +- U_xfixes-Fix-out-of-bounds-access-in-ProcXFixesCreateP.patch + * CVE-2021-4009/ZDI-CAN-14950 (bsc#1190487) + The handler for the CreatePointerBarrier request of the XFixes + extension does not properly validate the request length leading + to out of bounds memory write. +- U_Xext-Fix-out-of-bounds-access-in-SProcScreenSaverSus.patch + * CVE-2021-4010/ZDI-CAN-14951 (bsc#1190488) + The handler for the Suspend request of the Screen Saver extension + does not properly validate the request length leading to out of + bounds memory write. +- U_record-Fix-out-of-bounds-access-in-SwapCreateRegiste.patch + * CVE-2021-4011/ZDI-CAN-14952 (bsc#1190489) + The handlers for the RecordCreateContext and RecordRegisterClients + requests of the Record extension do not properly validate the request + length leading to out of bounds memory write. + +- u_Support-configuration-files-under-run-X11-xorg.conf..patch +- u_Add-udev-scripts-for-configuration-of-platform-devic.patch +- u_Add-udev-rule-for-HyperV-devices.patch + * Remove udev-based configuration again (not working) +- U_rendercompositeglyphs.patch + * X.Org Server SProcRenderCompositeGlyphs Out-Of-Bounds Access + Privilege Escalation Vulnerability [CVE-2021-4008, ZDI-CAN-14192] + (boo#1193030) + +- u_pci-primary-Fix-up-primary-PCI-device-detection-for-the-platfrom-bus.patch + * Fix possible SEGFAULT when parsing busid + +- u_Support-configuration-files-under-run-X11-xorg.conf..patch + * Support configuration files under /run +- u_Add-udev-scripts-for-configuration-of-platform-devic.patch + * Add udev rules for configuration of platform (e.g., + simple-framebuffer) devices +- u_Add-udev-rule-for-HyperV-devices.patch + * Add udev rules for configuration of HyperV graphics devices + xosview +- update to 1.22: + * Fix build on arm by not including sys/io.h + * Add conditional code for v_cache_count +- update xosview-1.19.dif: remove armv7l conditional as this + went upstream + +- Let it build even on amrv7l + +- Add patch xosview-1.21-lmstemp.patch to be able to determine + dynamically the coretemp intpu files below sys + +- Update to version 1.21 + * No news for linux based systems + +- Update to version 1.20 + * Small changes in inux/ + * As well as in linux/ + * New 32x32 icon + xpenguins +- Update to version 3.2.1 + * add ui + * before erasing: if drawing in a transparent window, + first set background + * Changed velocity and acceleration related entities from int to float + * Bring some randomness in start velocities and terminal velocities + * Add flag --lift + * Many changes to make it run on KDE etc in a click-through + transparent window + * max number of items to 512 +- Drop xpenguins.{png,desktop} and use upstream provided ones +- Drop upstream fixed xpenguins-2.2-typo.diff +- Drop unneeded xpenguins-2.2-automake-1.13.diff + +- Modernise spec file +- Use fdupes +- Refresh patches + -- Added desktop files (#33276). -- Note about kroot in README.SuSE (#33276). - -- Build with -fno-strict-aliasing. - xpinguin +- Enforce usage of optflags +- Modernise spec file + -- removed bogus self-provides - xplanet +- Add moon.jpg + -- Update to 1.2.2: - * Lots of changes (see ChangeLog). -- Spec file updates: - * Changes based on spec-cleaner run. - * Added libjpeg-devel and pango-devel in BuildRequires:. - * Minor other updates. - * Removed changelog entries. -- Removed fix-buffer-overflow.patch (fixed upstream). -- Removed gcc43 and gcc44 patches (not needed). - xpr +- modernize spec-cleaner (move license to licensedir) + xpra +- Drop unused pkgconfig(pygtk-2.0) BuildRequires: Not used since + version 4.0, when python 2 support was dropped. +- Add pre, post, preun and postun handling of xpra.socket. + +- Update to version 4.2.3 + * network layer: + + ensure the http headers cache is never modified + unintentionally + + invalid packet encoder names should not cause fatal errors + + preserve audio packets chunking (avoids an HTML5 client + bug) + + prefer https links + + prefer sha256 to sha1 for file transfer checksums + + mmap setup error handling + + `sndbuf_bytes` value was incorrect (currently unused) + + socket timeout too long - broke VNC connections + + AES DoS with unreasonably large number of password + stretching iterations + + tone down http content security policy for the HTML5 client + + parsing of remote ssh command output + + reply with a 404 if we have no http data to send + + stricter validation of challenge digest attribute + + stricter validation of packet indexes + + specifying invalid compressors should not be fatal + + handle more VNC clients correctly + + server errors when VNC clients are connected + + proxy sessions not found due to socket-dirs + + mmap group lookup + * encodings: + + don't enable video encoders not present in 'encodings' + option + + ffmpeg H264 errors with unreleased version + + ffmpeg codecs silencing too many warnings + + vpx encoder lossless mode detection + + potential race conditions in the proxy server's encoder + loop + + visual corruption with scaled jpeg updates + + incorrect error messages with the jpeg YUV decoder + + error in 'void' paint events (currently unused) + + CUDA 11.4 and Ampere cards + + RPM build errors when CUDA is disabled + + restrict the number of NVENC errors tagged as transient + + more robust OpenGL picture decoding sanity checks + * packaging and platforms: + + find the fakeXinerama library more reliably on all + platforms + + platform detection for CentOS / RedHat + + missing default configuration files on MS Windows + + missing webp with latest Pillow builds on MacOS + + build fix for non-amd64 Debian (missing nvfbc) + * clipboard selections getting stuck with MS Windows and MacOS + clients + * clipboard errors with some packet encoders sending strings + * authentication modules not honouring `socket-dirs` option + * make it easier to dismiss the splash screen + * ssh password and key dialogs timing out without being shown + * menu loading race condition causing empty start menu + * window size hints may not have been honoured (rare case) + * honour the force-replace-wm flag when upgrading + * correctly handle command timeouts when probing servers + * test scripts and command line tools fixups: unit tests, U2F + tool, audio test, etc + * system tray save-to-file debugging failures + * minor cosmetic fixes to logging messages, unreachable code, + icon loading errors + * make it easier to run in a prefixed installation +- Update xpra-html5 to version 4.5.1 and uglify-js to 3.14.2 + +- Update to version 4.2.2 + * don't build ffmpeg codecs on i386 (crashy) + * prevent crashes caused by svg conversion done in a thread + * always stop the 'new-stream' notification process + * prevent subprocesses from becoming zombies + * clean server on 'stop' or 'exit' + * fix application geometry issues + * show correct default values with "xpra --help" + * stop responding to 'info' requests when shutting down + network layer: + * honour the packet-encoding and compressors options + * rencode packet encoder is not thread safe! + * packet errors with bencoder and None values + * don't assume the packet encoders handle bytes and / or + strings + client issues: + * backwards compatibility with v3 servers for ssh start + * incorrect client exit code + subcommands: + * 'start-gui' invalid options shown + * 'sessions' and 'displays' subcommands do not need a display + * fix hidden 'wmname' utility subcommand + * many subcommands should send debug logging to stderr + menu loading: + * try harder to find valid menu entries to use + * skip entries that cannot be executed + * don't block the main thread when loading menus + xpra top: + * handle unicode window titles correctly + * fix screen corruption due to threading + * fix latency always showing as zero + audio: + * pipeline errors with aac encoder + * X11 warning when starting microphone forwarding from the + command line + minor / cosmetic fixes: + * cropped icons shown in html5 client connect page + * logging, error handling + * remove unused pulseaudio directories + * '1080p' resize-display string matching + +- Update to version 4.2.1 + build and packaging fixes: + * missing dependencies + * remove unused outdated code + * remove runtime dependency on distutils for 'which' + * cryptic error when a pkg_config file is missing + proxy server: + * deadlocks when queues fill up too quickly + * honour mode and display + * disconnections under heavy load + Network: + * fix RFB server protocol, sockets not timing out with VNC + clients + * invalid error when bind option points to a directory + * detect wifi network connections more reliably + * fix 'xpra' packet type auto detection + * default to ssl-mode if the 'wss' socket option is not + specified + * 'keydata' connection attribute should override other options + * correct exit code for encryption errors + Encodings: + * disable vaapi in ffmpeg codec by default (crashy / buggy) + * NVENC errors when retrying after a transient failure + * scroll detection bugs + * webp encoder invalid memory access (corruption) + Misc: + * notification forwarding errors with SVG icons + * disable SVG icon resizing (potential crashes on some + platforms) + * missing log prefix for 'xpra recover' subcommand + * faster server startup failures: don't wait for things that + were not started (ie: audio) + * fix commands started twice when upgrading (ie: ibus-daemon) + * local start with explicit attach was broken on Posix + * 'attach' option should not be forwarded to the server (which + then fails) + * invalid window resize counter (used for resize loop + prevention) + * missing icon errors when html5 client disconnects from + system-wide proxy server + * file transfer errors when a 'top' client is connected + * don't claim that non-interactive clients use the screen + * retry once after X11 query tree errors during startup + * provide XDG_RUNTIME_DIR if it is not defined + * add new 3x4K Xdummy modeline + * minor cosmetic and debug logging fixes + +- Add python3-pyinotify as recommended dependency to allow watch + for video device changes + +- Update to version 4.2 + * use pinentry for password prompts and ssh prompts + * nvjpeg encoder - also requires this commit to the html5 + client + * gui for starting remote sessions + * new subcommands: recover, displays, list-sessions, + clean-displays, clean-sockets - #3098, #3099 + * many fixes: window initial position, focus, non-opengl paint + corruption, slow rendering on MacOS, build scripts, handle + smooth scroll events with wayland clients, always lossy + screen updates for terminals, clipboard timeout, peercred + auth options + * support multiple clients using mmap simultaneously with + non-default file paths + * only synchronize xsettings with seamless servers + * automatic desktop scaling is now disabled + * workaround for gnome applications starting slowly +- Update uglify-js to 3.13.9 +- Refresh xpra-paths.patch + xrootd +- Update to version 4.12.8: + * [XrdTpc] Buffer starting at the right offset. + * [XrdHttp] Store a new header in the headers map before + mangling it, fixes gh#xrootd/xrootd#1399. + * [XrdHttp] Fix chunked transfer with 100-continue. +- Drop xrootd-build-with-glibc2.33.patch: integrated upstream. + +- Update to version 4.12.7: + * [XrdHttp] Fix empty PUT. + * [XrdTpc] Do not call Write() on flush. + * [XrdTpc] Avoid using invalid object in multi-stream. + * [XrdTpc] Always check and fail on error. + * [XrdTpc] Catch all negative return values not just SFS_ERROR. + * [XrdTpc] Fix the return value of `Stream::Write` + * [XrdTpc] Always populate error buffer with messages. + * [XrdTpc] Factor out recursive writes. + * [XrdTpc] Do not allow partial buffer writes. + * [XrdTpc] Adjust buffer size based on number of streams. +- Add xrootd-build-with-glibc2.33.patch: Fix build with glibc + 2.33; patch taken from upstream commit [gh#xrootd/xrootd#1315]. + +- Update to version 4.12.1: + * [XrdXrootdVoms] Fix run-time lib dependencies. + * [xrdcp] Don't create unwanted dir if --recursive option was + used and the source is a file. +- Changes from version 4.12.0: + * New Features: + - [Server] User redirector to find directory to be listed (R5 + backport). + - [XrdCl] More effective error recovery policy when the source + is a metalink. + - [xrdcp] Implement bandwidth limiting (--xrate option). + - [xrdcp] Implement ability to continue interrupted transfer + (--continue). + - [xrdcp/Python] Add an option (--zip-mtln-cksum) to use the + checksum from a metalink with files extracted from ZIP + archives. + - [xrdcp/Python] Automatically infer checksum type if asked + to. + - [xrdcp/Python] Add an option (--rm-bad-cksum) to + automatically remove destination file if the checksum check + failed. + * Bug fixes: + - [Server] Correct sequencing of an async close to prevent a + SEGV. + - [Server] Add missing initializer to avoid TPC SEGV on busy + systems. + - [Server] Initialize the XrdAccEntityInfo structure. + - [XrdHttp] Fix MKCOL response when we have an EEXIST. + - [XrdHttp] Periodically reload verify cert store. + - [XrdHttp] Disable session cache. + - [XrdCl] Don't set on-connection handler for local files. + - [XrdCl] Don't set the stream error window for auth errors. + - [XrdCl] Fix race condition resulting in dangling pointer to + SidMgr. + - [XrdCl] Make Channel operations thread-safe in respect to + ForceDisconnect. + * [CMake] Repleace XRootD find module with config module. + * [RPM/CMake] Don't build XrdCns. + * [Packaging] Add xrootd-voms and xrootd-voms-devel packages + equivalent. + * [Packaging] Add additional private headers for vomsxrd to the + vomsxrd packages. + * [Python] Support PyPy. +- Only package the COPYING.LGPL file and drop all extraneous + COPYING* files; the LICENSE file makes it clear that the + software is licensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later. + +- Update to version 4.11.3: + * [Server] Avoid SEGV when skipping over large if/else/fi + blocks. + * [XrdHttp] Fix curl speed limit to be really around 10KB/s. + * [xrootdfs] Make sure xrootdfs_create() checks return code of + xrootdfs_do_create(). + * [XrdHttp] Change the default ssl cipher. + * [XrdHttp] Enable elliptic-curve support for OpenSSL 1.0.2+. + * [XrdHttp] Use Mozilla cipher list only with OpenSSL 1.0.2+. + * [XrdCl] When xrdcp reports an error refine the message so it + is clear whether the erros comes from the source or + destination. + * [XrdCl] Make sure on error local redirect is not retried + infinitely. + * [XrdXrootdConfig] Fixed wrong segsz parameter. + * [XrdHttp] Give a chance to map the issuer name in the case of + a proxy certificate (needed to accommodate systems that do + user mapping, e.g. eos) + * [XrdHttp] Fix the logic for determining + * [XrdHttp] Don't overwrite after the gridmap + phase. + * [xrootdfs] Make sure xrootdfs_create() does check the return + code of xrootdfs_do_create(). + * [XrdSecgsi] In the case of delegation, give client a chance to + use XrdSecGSISRVNAMES to limit where it is being redirected + to. + * [Python] Make rpath relative to the module. + * [Debian] Proper Debian pkg naming. + * [XrdCl] Use glibc semaphores for rhel>=7. + * [Server] Export pointers to Acc, Ofs, and Sfs plugin into the + XrdEnv. + * [XrdMacaroons] Use env ptrs to get authorize obj. +- Changes from versions 4.11.0 through 4.11.2: + * See + +- Remove a spurious 'exit 0' line from %pre scriptlet. +- Recommend logrotate for xrootd-server as it installs a file in + /etc/logrotate.d/. +- Use ninja for building: + * Add BuildRequires: ninja. + * Use %cmake_build instead of make. + * Define __builder to ninja so cmake uses ninja instead of make + for building. + +- Update to version 4.10.0: + * New Features + - [POSIX] Add methods to the cache mngt objecT to get status + of a cached file. + - [Server] Add dyndns option for dynamic DNS + handling. + - [Server] Properly handle dynamic DNS environments. + - [Server] Add evict option to the prepare request. + - [Server] Allow better handling for proxy caching clusters. + - [Server] Allow configurable posc sync level. + - [Server] Implement framework for a kXR_prepare plug-in. + - [XrdCl] Implement streaming dirls, closes #225 + - [XrdCl] Retry policy changes: see details in #950. + - [XrdCl] Add switch/flag to enforce zip archive listing. + - [XrdCl] Preserve tried/triedrc cgi info on redirect for + kXR_locate request, #closes #944 + - [XrdCl] Implement prepare evict and expose in xrdfs. + - [XrdCl] Expose prepare abort and query prepare. + - [XrdCl] Add tpc.scgi if delegation is being used. + - [Python] Expose chunked dirlist API in Python. + - [Python] Support globbing. + - [XrdClHttp] Add XrdClHttp submodule. + - [XCache] Implement write-queue number of blocks / threads + config options. (#963) + - [CMake] Add switch for XrdCl builds only. + * Major bug fixes: + - [XrdCl] Allow to cancel classical copy jobs. + - [XrdCl] Fix race condition in error recovery. + - [XrdCl] Prevent race condition between Request T/O and + socket read. + - [XCache] Check for errors during XrdOssFile::FSync - do not + write cinfo file if it fails. + - [XCache] Deny write access to a file in initial Prepare() + call, fixes #663 + - [XCache] Review and correct error handling in POSIX and + XCache, implement XCache::Unlink() + - [XrdTpc] Always query dual stack for HTTP TPC. + - [XrdTpc] Do not include authz header in the filename. + - [XrdTpc] Add curl handle cleanup on redirections or errors. + - [XrdHttp] Include provided opaque information in the + redirection. + - [XrdHttp] Fix digest names returned to clients. + - [XrdHttp] Fix opaque info handling on redirections. + - [XrdMacaroon] Fix macaroon authorization config. + - [XrdSecgsi] Make proxy cache path aware. + - [XrdSecgsi] XrdSecProtocolgsi::Encrypt - set IV correctly + and report correct size. + * Minor bug fixes and miscellaneous changes: see + +- Use github URL for source tarball. +- Replace xrootd-devel by xroots-libs-devel for + xrootd-server-devel's Requires; xrootd-devel does not exist. + +- Disable ceph since linking to it fails. + +- Trim long repeated descriptions in subpackages. +- Trim future aims. Run fdupes over all of the usr subvolume. + +- Update to version 4.8.5 +- Remove upstream-included xrootd-gcc6-fix.patch +- Remove unneeded xrootd-gcc8-fix.patch +- Merge cl and cl-devel subpackages into client and client-devel + subpackages, respectively, to match upstream +- Split client and server libraries into subpackages to simplify + dependencies, simplify installation, and better match upstream. +- Switch to cmake-based install +- Switch from sysv-init to systemd. +- Build and package python3 bindings +- Build and package ceph storage backend +- Build and package documentation + +- Add patch xrootd-gcc8-fix.patch to fix build with gcc8 + -- Remove %ghost entry in /var/run to fix rpmlint error - -- Update to version 3.3.6 - * Prevent SEGV when error occurs during stat (issue #70) - * Prevent SEGV in redirect monitoring (issue #61) - * Set reasonable linux thread limit and warn it we cannot do so. - * Support for C++11 (narrowing fixes, unique_ptr vs. auto_ptr) - * Support for CMake 2.8.12 (interface link libraries) - * Fix minor Coverity issues in XrdCl - * Fix a rarely occuring segfault when forking XrdCl under heavy load - * Fix various issues related to group name retrieval (issues #51, #52, #53) - * Make XrdSys/XrdSysIOEvents.hh private - could not have been used anyways - * Add a sysconfig template to preload custom allocators in order to fix - memory issues on RHEL6 - * Allow up to 63 characters for a site name - -- Update to version 3.3.4 - * Serialize sss authentication client initialization to prevent race - conditions - * Actually cancel the JobManager threads while stopping it - this affected - client side fork handling (new client) - * Restore original meaning of -adler and -md5 to xrdcp (issue #44) - * Append CGI info when retrying at a server that handshaked but never - respnded to the request (xrdcp) - * Do socket accepts asynchronously to prevent DNS resolution from blocking - accepts (issue #33) - * Warn about incomplete dirlist responses (xrdfs) - * Cast the utilization statistics to uint16_t before printing to - print actual numbers instead of letters corresponding to ASCII codes - (xrdfs) - * When calling File::Stat use file handle instead of path - * Improve handling of malformed kXR_readv responses (new client) - * Explain parameters of xrdcopy --tpc (documentation, issue #46) - -- add libperl_requires, as we link against libperl and thus - need a specific version of perl - -- Update to version 3.3.2 - * Fix the opaque information setting in xrdcp using -OD (issue #1) - * Fix compilation on Solaris 11 (issue #7) - * Fix issues with semaphore locking during thread cancelation on MaxOSX (issue #10) - * Solve locking problems in the built-in poller (issue #4) - * Solve performance issues in the new client. Note: this actually changes some low level public interfaces, so the soname of has been bumped to The RPMs also provide the old in order to preserve the binary compatibility with the clients linked against it. - -- update to version 3.3.1 - * Correct XrdClient ABI incompatibility issue introduced in 3.3.0 - * Install additional private headers - xsane +- Own %%{_datadir}/sane, needed now due to changes elsewhere in the + stack. + -- Fix packaging - own directories. - xscreensaver -- update to 5.44 (ECO-2755): +- Do not own /usr/share/fonts. It belongs to filesystem. + +- Update to version 6.02: + * New hacks, `marbling' and `binaryhorizon'. + * `atlantis' behaviors are more random and lifelike. + * `headroom' is now Mask Headroom. + * `fontglide' skips fonts that can't display ASCII. + * Use asterisks in the password dialog if the system fonts don't + have bullets in them. + * "Disable Screen Saver" was behaving like "Blank Screen Only". +- Fix compilation with older versions of gcc and on aarch64 + (xscreensaver-6.02-marbling-std-c.patch). + +- Update to version 6.01: + * Major refactor of the `xscreensaver' daemon for improved + security, dividing it into three programs: `xscreensaver', + `xscreensaver-gfx' and `xscreensaver-auth'. + * Renamed `xscreensaver-demo' to `xscreensaver-settings'. + * Unlock dialog has user-selectable color schemes. + * Everything uses XFreeType for fonts now. + * Install a few custom fonts needed by some savers. + * Properly disable the server's built-in screen saver. + * The passwdTimeout option was being ignored. + * The display of the unlock thermometer was weird. + * Fixed password entry on old-school multi-screen setups (:0.1). + * Worked around a KDE 5 compositor bug that caused the desktop + to momentarily become visible when cycling. + * Fixed possible high CPU usage in `xscreensaver-systemd'. + * Fixed some spurious warnings in `xscreensaver-text'. + * Warn when Wayland is in use, since it makes both screen saving + and locking impossible. + * Dropped support for systems older than X11R7 (2009). + * Fading works on systems without gamma (e.g. Raspberry Pi). + * Use EGL instead of GLX when available. + * `xscreensaver-systemd' now detects when a video player has + inhibited screen blanking and then exits without uninhibiting. + * Improved GLSL and GLES3 support: Phong shading in `etruscanvenus', + `hypertorus', `klein', `projectiveplane',`romanboy' and + `sphereeversion'. + * Updates to `cubicgrid'. +- Refresh xscreensaver-disable-upgrade-nagging-message.patch. +- Use default libexecdir. + +- Update to version 5.45: + * New hacks, covid19, headroom, sphereeversion and beats. + * Shader updates to hypertorus. + * No more image-loading pause in glslideshow. + * BSOD supports GNOME. + * Image loaders support SVG. + * xscreensaver-systemd now allows video players to request that + the screen not blank. + * -log implies -verbose -no-capture-stderr. + * Glade -> GtkBuilder. + * Various bug fixes. + +- update to 5.44: xsd +- Update to 4.1.0 + * Support for abstract XML Schema types. The corresponding C++ + classes now have _clone() declared pure virtual which + prevents construction of their instances. +- Drop 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC10.patch. Merged upstream. +- Rebase xsdcxx-rename.patch + -- Changed License tag to clarify which exceptions we are talking about - xsel +- Add disable-werror.patch in order to handle with a new GCC 9 warning. + xsettingsd +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + xslide +- Stop loading xslide automatically because of conflicts with css-mode.el; + bsc#1080086. + -- Use emacs-nox to build the package. -- Update spec file: URL and Source reference; make it noarch. - xsm +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + +- n_UsrEtc.patch: + * add /usr/etc/X11/xsm/system.xsm as fallback to + /etc/X11/xsm/system.xsm (boo#1173059) + xsp +- update version 4.7.1 + * drop .NET 2.0 support + * add Mono.WebServer.Fpm + +- removal of SuSEfirewall2 files, since SuSEfirewall2 has been + replaced by firewalld, see [1]. + [1]: + +- Add asp-state4-signals.patch in order to fix + + +- Replace URL by new one (follow the http(s) redirects) +- Add systemd-rpm-macros and %systemd_ordering + to satisfy %service_*. +- Use %make_install, and limit fdupes to the btrfs subvolume. +- Ensure neutrality of descriptions. + +- Add systemd support. + [bsc#1116055, xsp-add-systemd-support.patch] + +- fix factory build, use correct dependency for sqlite + -- Changed /var/run to /run in package, to fix rpmlint check failures in - oS:Factory -- Modified: - xsp.spec - xsp.conf - xstdcmap +- Update to version 1.0.4 + * This release delivers some minor cleanups and janitorial + maintenance. + xstereograph +- xstereograph-lto.patch: fix lto build +- also fixed some, but not all, ASNEEDED issues. + -- fix build with X.Org 7.1 - xsynth-dssi +- Replace cairomm-devel with cairo-devel BuildRequires: This + package does not use any c++ code. + xtables-geoip +- Update database files to 20201001 + +- Update database files to 20200901 + +- Update database files to 20200801 + +- Update database files to 20200701 + +- Update database files to 20200601 + xvkbd +- Update to version 4.1: + * xvkbd-4.0 couldn't read word list without frequency + information. This bug is not fixed. + * Too slow startup if word list file is large. + This problem is now fixed by making xvkbd to read large word + list file on the fly. + * Modified to add prefix $(DESTDIR) to the + destination path. + * Fixed duplicate definition problem of variable appres. + +- Update to version 4.0: + * Improvements related to Word Completion: + + English word list with frequency information will be + installed with xvkbd, which was derived from: + + + xvkbd can now "learn" the recently used words, so that those + words will be listed near top of the completion list + afterword. + + completion panel can be integrated into the xvkbd's main + window, when Integrate Completion Panel? on the Property + panel set on. + + xvkbd will insert blank (' ') automatically between words, + when Insert Blank after Completion? on the Property panel set + on. + * Modifier "Super" (keysym Super_L and Super_R) is now supported, + although it is not on the supplied keyboard layouts. + Modifier "Super" can be expressed as "\W" in -text option. + * Modifiers did not work correctly before first key is pressed. + This problem is fixed. + * To build, "./configure" may be used instead of "xmkmf". +- Removed support for openSUSE <= 12.1. +- Removed imake build requirement (not needed anymore, autoconf is + used). +- Removed xvkbd.default (was not used anyway). +- Rebased xvkbd-3.0-compilerwarnings.diff to apply cleanly. + +- Update to version 3.9: + * Modifiers (Alt, etc.) not working with -text option in the + recent releases (deb#891082). This bug is now fixed. + -- update to 3.2: - + the "Behave as Toolbar Window?" option was added to the - Property panel, which may make xvkbd work better with some - kinds of window managers, such as Matchbox - + "Always on Top" will work better with window managers that - support the extended window manager hint _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE - + the -window option can now find the window whose title matches - the specified string, and the string may now include the - wildcard characters "*" and "?" - -- Update to version 3.1: - + Changed the default setting for automatic click to OFF, which - was set ON in the previous release in error and caused - confusion. - + The keypad is now customizable, too (see for the - example). - + Up to 25x25 keys can now be supported both for the main - keyboard and the keypad. - + Able to open the keypad panel when startup, by setting - `xvkbd.keypad: false' and `xvkbd.keypadOnly: true'. - + Fixed errors in some keyboard layout files (Korean, Slovene, - UK). - + A new sample layout file - -- de-fuzz the compilerwarnings patch - xwayland +- Update to version 21.1.4 + * Fixes for multiple input validation failures in X server extensions: + + CVE-2021-4008/ZDI-CAN-14192 SProcRenderCompositeGlyphs out-of-bounds access (boo#1193030) + + CVE-2021-4009/ZDI-CAN 14950 SProcXFixesCreatePointerBarrier out-of-bounds access (boo#1190487) + + CVE-2021-4010/ZDI-CAN-14951 SProcScreenSaverSuspend out-of-bounds access (boo#1190488) + + CVE-2021-4011/ZDI-CAN-14952 SwapCreateRegister out-of-bounds access (boo#1190489) + * This release also includes other fixes such as: + + Store EGLcontext to avoid superfluous eglMakeCurrent() calls + + Prefer EGLStream with NVIDIA proprietary driver if both GBM and EGLstream are available + xwmfs +- Update to version v0.90: + * feature: add desktops directory containing symlinks to respective windows + * feature: support wm/desktop_names node which returns the list of known desktop names + +- version bump to minor release 0.86: + - fixes for clang and gcc-10 compilation. + +- version bump to minor release 0.84: + * fixes a possible crash of Xwmfs when programs like ibus are running + that maintain hidden windows that quickly add/remove X properties. See + GitHub issue #2 [1]. +- removed cxx-one-definition.patch: is now contained in upstream tarball + +- cxx-one-definition.patch: temporary patch to fix compiler warning before we + get a fixed version from upstream. + +- update to minor version 0.83: + - compatibility with gcc-9 (fixed warning -Wdeprecated-copy) +- update to minor version 0.82: + - Fixes issues with make check in automated builds. + xwud +- modernize spec file (move license to licensedir) + xxhash +- add patch xxhash-avoid-armv6-unaligned-access.patch + do not expect unaligned accesses to work on armv6, it breaks + in our build setup using aarch64 kernels + xxkb +- Modernise spec file +- Honor optflags when building + xylib +- update to 1.6: + * added XSYG format from Freiberg Instruments' lexsyg + * added Bruker SPC binary format (Sebastian Kreutzer) + * added PANalytical XRDML +- drop 0001-BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN-was-deprecated-and-replaced-by-BOOS.patch (upstream) + +- Add upstream patch to fix build with recent Boost versions: + * 0001-BOOST_BIG_ENDIAN-was-deprecated-and-replaced-by-BOOS.patch +- Spec cleanup + xyscan +- update to 4.5.0 (4.50): + Most important change is probably the update of the error bar scan mechanism. + It is now possible to scan several x and y-errors (e.g. stat. and sys. + uncertainties) in one scan. + It now has a multi-lingual interface (French and German), although the + documentation remains available in English only. + Improvements were made to make full use of screens with a pixel device ratios > + 1 (most modern high-resolution screens). + The status bar on the bottom now features an additional coordinate display on + the right. + A Significant Digits command was added to the Edit menu that allows to modify + the precision of the displayed coordinates and distances. This also affects the + numbers saved in a file (or ROOT macro). + CSV was added as a third possible format for saving scanned data. This allows + to import the data into spreadsheet applications such as Excel and Numbers. + A new experimental histogram display was added that shows the grayscale density + around the cursor. In certain cases this might help to place markers or scan + points more accurately. + The format of the data table can now be toggled between stretched and resized + to content and the alignment of the numbers can be toggled between left, right, + and center. + +- Grammar fixes for the description. + yaics +- Remove the unneeded QtWebkit build dependency. + +- update to 0.6: + * bugfixes + yamagi-quake2 +- patched systemwide support (systemwide.patch) + +- Update to version 8.00 + * Client side support for the optional Vulkan renderer library. + * Non existent renderer libraries are now skipped over by the + menu. + * Fix several bugs when loading autosaves. + * Bump the maximal number of OGG/Vorbis files to 128. + * Several fixes to the Barracuda Shark. + * 'vid_fullscreen' and 'r_mode' are no longer special, they + require an explicit 'vid_restart' like every other cvar. + * Remove hardcoded map fixes and replace them by optional entity + files. Add several newly discovered map fixes. + * Send the network protocol version to the server. This can be + used by the server to support clients with different network + protocol version. + * Switch the semantics of the 'vid_fullscreen' cvar. '1' is now + native fullscreen, like it was in Vanilla Quake II. '2' is + desktop fullscreen. When desktop fullscreen is selected through + the menu, 'r_mode' is forced to '-2'. + * Add 'g_footsteps' to control the generation of footstep sound. + This cvar is cheat protected. '1' is Vanilla Quake II behavior + and the default. '0' never generates footstep sound, '2' always + generates them. + * Support stereo wave files. + * Add 'cl_r1q2_lighstyle'. When set to '1' Yamagi Quake II uses + the Vanilla Quake II light styles (for example yellow light for + the Hyperblaster) instead of the default r1q2 light styles. + * Add a submenu to configure gamepad and joystick sensitivities. + * Ensure that the config file is written before changing the + active mod. This prevents config changes from getting lost. + * Overhaul the search path logic. Make sure that each directory + is added only once. + +- update to 7.45: + * Fix some input option not getting saved. + * Limit busywaits to the full client. This lowers the cpu consumption of + q2ded considerably. + * Rework the build system to be more distribution friendly. + * Fix some corner cases of broken IPv6 connectivity. + * Fix qport colliding between several Yamagi Quake II clients. + * Keyboard keys unknown to Yamagi Quake II can now be bound. + * Adaptive vsync is now supported by setting r_vsync to 1. + * Implement coop_pickup_weapons. When set to 1, a weapon may be picked up by + coop players if the player doesn`t have the weapon in their inventory or no + other player has already picked it up. + * In coop elevators wait for coop_elevator_delay seconds. + * If cl_anglekick is set 1 angle kicks are ignored. This breaks the gameplay + a little bit, but helps against motion sickness. This cvar is cheat + protected. + * Add listmaps command and autocompletion for maps. (by JBerg) + * Make wait in scripts wait for 17 ms. This fixes some movement makros. + * Support for Haiku. (by David Carlier) + * Add a mods submenu. (by earth-metal) + * Add the vstr command and nextdemo cvar. Ported from ioquake3. (by Denis Pauk) + +- Update to version 7.44 + * Fix some input option not getting saved. + * Limit busywaits to the full client. This lowers the cpu + consumption of q2ded considerably. + * Rework the build system to be more distribution friendly. + The base CFLAGS and LDFLAGS can now be overridden by the + environment and by options passed to make. + * Fix some corner cases of broken IPv6 connectivity. + * Fix qport colliding between several Yamagi Quake II clients. + * Keyboard keys unknown to Yamagi Quake II can now be bound. + * Adaptive vsync is now supported by setting 'r_vsync' to '1'. + * Implement 'coop_pickup_weapons'. When set to '1', a weapon may + be picked up by coop players if the player doesn't have the + weapon in their inventory or no other player has already picked + it up. + * In coop elevators wait for 'coop_elevator_delay' seconds. + * If 'cl_anglekick' is set '1' angle kicks are ignored. This + breaks the gameplay a little bit, but helps against motion + sickness. This cvar is cheat protected. + * Add 'listmaps' command and autocompletion for maps. + * Make 'wait' in scripts wait for 17 ms. This fixes some movement + makros. + * Add a 'mods' submenu. + * Add the 'vstr' command and 'nextdemo' cvar. +- Drop legacy ifdefs + yamagi-quake2-ctf +- Update to version 1.08 + * Several small bugfixes. + +- Use %_libexecdir instead of hardcoding the directory name +- Remove obsolete conditions + +- Update to version 1.07 + * Several small bugfixes. + yank +- Version 1.2.0 + - Do not confuse the escape key with up arrow. + - Remove opinionated -Werror option from CFLAGS. + - Map carriage return to newline. + yara +- update to 4.1.3: + * BUGFIX: Fix issue where ERROR_TOO_MANY_MATCHES was incorrectly returned + * BUGFIX: Fix potential buffer overrun due to incorrect macro +- Change license to BSD-3-Clause (upstream changed to this license with + version 3.5.0) + +- update to 4.1.2: + * BUGFIX: TOO_MANY_MATCHES warning was causing strings to be globally disabled + * BUGFIX: fullworld modifier not working as expected in Mac OS due to locale issue + * BUGFIX: Default value for pe.number_of_imported_function not set to 0 + +- Update to version 4.1.1 + * BUGFIX: Accept the "+" character as valid in DLL names + * BUGFIX: Buffer overrun in "macho" module. + * BUGFIX: Crash due to consecutive jumps in hex strings + +- Update to version 4.1.0 + * New operators icontains, endswith, iendswith, startswith, + istartswith + * Accept \t escape sequence in text strings. + * Add --no-follow-links command-line option to yara. + * Prevent yara from following links to "." + * Implemented non-blocking scanning API + * When a string causes too many matches, YARA raises a warning + instead of failing + * BUGFIX: The use of --timeout could hang yara when scanning + directories or lists of files + * BUGFIX: Incorrect parsing of PE certificates + * BUGFIX: Short-circuit evaluation not working fine with + undefined expressions +- Drop yara-fix-arm.patch, upstream merged + +- update to 4.0.5: + * Fix bug in "macho" module introduced in v4.0.4. + +- update to 4.0.4: + * Multiple out-of-bounds read in "dotnet" module. + * Multiple out-of-bounds reads in "macho" module. + +- Backport upstream patch to fix a segfault on ARM: + * yara-fix-arm.patch + +- Update to 4.0.2: + - BUGFIX: Use-after-free bug in PE module (#1287). + - BUGFIX: Incorrect errors in rules when a single rule is badly + formatted (#1294). + - BUGFIX: Assertion failed with rules that have invalid syntax + (#1295). + - BUGFIX: Integer overflow causing missed matches on files larger + than 2GB (#1304). + - BUGFIX: Crashes in Mac OS while scanning binaries with a + signature that can't be verified (#1309). +- Update to 4.0.1: + - Update sandboxed API (#1276) + - BUGFIX: Fix regression in exports parsing in PE module + (2bf67e6) + - BUGFIX: Fix unaligned accesses in ARM (e1654ae) +- Update to 4.0.0: + - New string modifiers base64 and base64wide (#1185). + - New string modifier private (#1096) + - Iterators for dictionaries and arrays (#1141). + - Multiple API changes. + - Memory footprint greatly reduced, specially when compiling + large numbers of rules. + - New commmand-line option --scan-list (#1261). + - Added pdb_path field to "pe" module. + - Added export_details array to "pe" module. + - Added exports_index functions to "pe" module. + - Improvements to "cuckoo" module. + - BUGFIX: PE files with multiple signatures are parsed correctly + (#940). + - BUGFIX: Fix PE rich header parsing (#1164). + - BUGFIX: Buffer overruns in "dotnet" module (#1167, #1173). +- Bump .so version +- Update to 3.11.0: + - Duplicated string modifiers are now an error. + - More flexible “xor†modifier. + - Implement “private†strings (#1096) + - Add “field_offsets†to “dotnet†module. + - Implement “crc32†functions in “hash†module. + - Improvements to “rich_signature†functions in “pe†module. + - Implement sandboxed API using SAPI + - BUGFIX: Some regexp character classes not matching correctly + when used with “nocase†modifier (#1117) + - BUGFIX: Reduce the number of ERROR_TOO_MANY_RE_FIBERS errors + for certain hex pattern containing large jumps (#1107) + - BUGFIX: Buffer overrun in “dotnet†module (#1108) + - BUGFIX: Segfault in certain Windows versions (#1068) + - BUGFIX: Memory leak while attaching to a process fails (#1070) +- Update to 3.10.0: + - Optimize integer range loops by exiting earlier when possible. + - Cache the result of PE module’s imphash function in order to + improve performance. + - Harden virtual machine against malicious code. + - BUGFIX: “xor†modifier not working as expected if not + accompanied by “ascii†(#1053). + - BUGFIX: \s and \S character classes in regular expressions now + include vertical tab, new line, carriage return and form feed + characters. + - BUGFIX: Regression bug in hex strings containing wildcards + (#1025). + - BUGFIX: Buffer overrun in “elf†module. + - BUGFIX: Buffer overrun in “dotnet†module. +- Update to 3.9.0: + - Improve scan performance for certain strings. + - Reduce stack usage. + - Prevent inadvertent use of compiled rules by forcing the use of + - C when using yara command-line tool. + - BUGFIX: Buffer overflow in "dotnet" module. + - BUGFIX: Internal error when running multiple instances of YARA + in Mac OS X. (#945) + - BUGFIX: Regexp regression when using nested quantifiers {x,y} + for certain values of x and y. (#1018) + - BUGFIX: High RAM consumption in "pe" module while parsing + certain files.(0c8b461) + - BUGFIX: Denial of service when using "dex" module. Found by the + Cisco Talos team. (#1023) + - BUGFIX: Issues with comments inside hex strings. +- Update to 3.8.1: + - BUGFIX: Some combinations of boolean command-line flags were + broken in version 3.8.0. + - BUGFIX: While reporting errors that occur at the end of the + file, the file name appeared as null. + - BUGFIX: dex module now works in big-endian architectures. + - BUGFIX: Keep ABI compatibility by keeping deprecated functions + visible. +- Update to 3.8.0: + - Scanner API + - New “xor†modifier for strings + - New fields and functions in PE module. + - Add functions “min†and “max†to math module. + - Make compiled. + - yara and yaracsupport reading rules from stdin by using - as + the file name. + - Rule compilation is faster. + - BUGFIX: Regression in regex engine. /ba{3}b/ was matching + “baaaabâ€. + - BUGFIX: Function yr_compiler_add_fd() was reading only the + first 1024 bytes of the file. + - BUGFIX: Wrong calculation of sha256 hashes in Windows when + using native crypto API. + - Lots of more bug fixes. + -- split off a -doc sub-project - -- update to v3.1.0 - * Yara now supports plugin modules - * Numerous major improvements. See in the documentation folder for details -- update License to Apache 2.0 -- build with cuckoo and magic modules (cuckoo only for factory and newer) -- major specfile cleanup - * add soname as a variable and use it appropriately - * add /usr/bin/yarac and associated man file - * update Url and Source fields - * add libtool build requirement - * delete no longer needed patch, now upstream: yara-fixes.patch - * add ./ call to %build section as recommended by upstream - * add +%{_includedir}/yara to -devel since it is full of yara related header files - * use default naming for devel sub-project - * remove *.a and *.la files from the devel sub-project - * incorporate python-yara as a sub-project - -- Release should have a value of zero in OBS. It is handled automatically via OBS. - -- use %{__make} macro - -- built with default compile flags, fixed 2 small issues - yaru-theme +- Update to version + * See /usr/share/doc/packages/metatheme-yaru-common/changelog + or + +- Update to version 20.10.2: + * See /usr/share/doc/packages/metatheme-yaru-common/changelog + +- Update to version 20.04.2: + * See /usr/share/doc/packages/metatheme-yaru-common/changelog + yast2 +- Fixed RelURL to work properly with the FTP URLs (related to + jsc#SLE-22669) +- 4.4.30 + +- Fixed RelURL unit test randomly crashing (related to + jsc#SLE-22669) +- 4.4.29 + +- Added RelURL class for working with relative URLs ("relurl://") + (jsc#SLE-22669) +- 4.4.28 + +- Drop support for subscription-tools, that package is not present + in SLE15 anymore - removed modules/ProductProfiles.rb file + (bsc#1193339) +- 4.4.27 + +- Popup.YesNo(): Unify the internal [No] button ID (bsc#1193326) +- 4.4.26 + +- Add register_target to the Y2Packager::Product class + (bsc#1193212). +- 4.4.25 + +- Do not crash when it is not possible to fetch the package + containing the release notes (bsc#1193148). +- 4.4.24 + +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.23 + yast2-add-on +- Drop support for subscription-tools, that package is not present + in SLE15 anymore (bsc#1193339) +- 4.4.5 + +- Properly set the custom repository name (bsc#1191491) +- 4.4.4 + yast2-alternatives +- 4.4.0 (bsc#1185510) + +- Change .desktop file so module launches with xdg-su (bsc#1180173). +- 4.3.1 + +- Handle properly help command for alternatives client + (bsc#1172340) +- 4.3.0 + yast2-bootloader +- rely on yast-storage-ng to detect UEFI boot support status (bsc#937067) +- 4.4.10 + +- bnc#1193016 + - fixed crash due to missing require +- 4.4.9 + yast2-docker +- 4.4.0 (bsc#1185510) + yast2-firstboot-wsl +- Adjust firstboot_write_wsl.rb to changes in YaST + yast2-installation +- Self-update now supports relative URLs (relurl://), it defines + the self-update repository relatively to the main installation + repository (jsc#SLE-22669) +- 4.4.30 + +- Do not preselect any product during upgrade (related to + bsc#1192230). +- 4.4.29 + +- Improve the self-update process, do not read the products from + the installation medium (bsc#1193536) +- Adde more /etc/os-release replacements in the self-update URL +- 4.4.28 + +- Display the correct title in the welcome screen depending + on its content (related to bsc#1193223 and bsc#1192230). +- 4.4.27 + +- Display the product's license when only 1 product is available + in the online medium (bsc#1193223). +- Do not display the product's selector during upgrade + (, bsc#1192230). +- 4.4.26 + +- Drop support for subscription-tools, that package is not present + in SLE15 anymore (bsc#1193339) +- 4.4.25 + +- Do not crash when it is not possible to fetch the package + containing the release notes (bsc#1193148). +- 4.4.24 + +- Remove no longer used extra warning about destructive actions + before starting the installation process (related to bsc#1057437). +- 4.4.23 + yast2-installation-control +- Added "self_update_version" definition (bsc#1193536) +- 4.4.6 + +- Partitioning section: add mount_options for volumes (related to + fate#318196). +- 4.4.5 + yast2-journal +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.1 + yast2-network +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.32 + yast2-nfs-client +- Adding /usr/bin/killall as a requirement (bsc#1161687) +- 4.4.2 + yast2-packager +- Adapt iso handling to do properly double escaping ( fix for wrong + fix for bsc#954813) +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.18 + +- Unify the Yes/No popup button IDs (bsc#1193326) +- 4.4.17 + +- Properly set the custom repository name (#1191491) +- 4.4.16 + +- Add the register_target property to ProductSpec so it is + available in all the derived classes (bsc#1193212). +- 4.4.15 + +- Use consistent names for the Full medium repositories + (bsc#1191652) +- 4.4.14 + yast2-python-bindings +- Fix yast2-python-bindings requires Python (bsc#1190890). +- 4.4.2 + yast2-registration +- Fixed typo (bsc#1193800) +- 4.4.7 + +- Improve the self-update process, do not read the products from + the installation medium (bsc#1193536) +- 4.4.6 + yast2-ruby-bindings +- Avoid timing issue in integration tests ( bsc#1193192 ) +- 4.4.6 + +- Avoid warning in ruby3.0 ( bsc#1193192 ) +- 4.4.5 + yast2-slp-server +- 4.4.0 (bsc#1185510) + +- AutoYaST: Added supplements: autoyast(slp-server) into the spec file + in order to install this packages if the section has been defined + in the AY configuration file (bsc#1146494). +- 4.3.0 + yast2-storage-ng +- Improve probing issues handling by raising exceptions. +- Fix aborting from standalone modules when the user decides + to not continue (bsc#1193749). +- 4.4.27 + +- Partitioner: nest thin logical volumes below their thin pools (related to + jsc#SLE-15283) +- 4.4.26 + +- AutoYaST: fixes for reusing encrypted devices, RAIDs and bcache + devices (bsc#1193450). +- 4.4.25 + +- document UEFI handling (bsc#937067) +- 4.4.24 + +- Proposal: add support for mount options (related to fate#318196). +- 4.4.23 + +- use libstorage-ng to determine whether efibootmgr is available + (bsc#937067) +- 4.4.22 + +- Prepare code for ruby3 - adapt openstruct usage (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.21 + +- Fix regression for unit tests: mock the generation of Bcache + issues to avoid setting the architecture for every test (related + to jsc#SLE-18430). +- 4.4.20 + +- Refined the criteria used to check whether a certain mount point + needs the _netdev mount option (jsc#SLE-20535). +- Now _netdev is only added if needed at the end of the Guided + Proposal, is not longer suggested as part of the default mount + options for new mount points. +- 4.4.19 + +- Improve probing errors handling: when there are several errors, + only one popup is shown, and Details button shows all the errors + (jsc#SLE-18430). +- Partitioner: add menu option View/System Issues. +- 4.4.18 + +- Unify the Yes/No popup button IDs (bsc#1193326) +- 4.4.17 + +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.16 + +- Changed the HWInfoReader API: now it always returns objects of + a new Y2Storage::HWInfoDisk class (backwards compatible with + OpenStruct). + +- Fixed typo in message about encryption (part of jsc#SLE-21308) +- 4.4.15 + yast2-trans +- Update to version 84.87.20211204.c55adb9b7a: + * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * New POT for text domain 'update'. + * New POT for text domain 'storage'. + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * New POT for text domain 'base'. + * New POT for text domain 'add-on'. + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * Translated using Weblate (Portuguese) + * New POT for text domain 'users'. + * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. + * New POT for text domain 'update'. + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + +- Update to version 84.87.20211126.cedf3cc035: + * New POT for text domain 'installation'. + * New POT for text domain 'bootloader'. + * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (French) + * Translated using Weblate (Slovak) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * New POT for text domain 'storage'. + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Japanese) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * Translated using Weblate (Catalan) + * New POT for text domain 'xpram'. + * New POT for text domain 's390'. + * New POT for text domain 'packager'. + * New POT for text domain 'autoinst'. + yast2-tune +- Fixed heading if component is empty or nil (bsc#1193809) +- Fixed typo in common wizard button ID (:abort, not :bort) +- 4.4.2 + yast2-update +- Do not crash after selecting the system to upgrade when using + the full medium (bsc#1193212). +- 4.4.6 + +- Remove obsolete code for treating /var differently when mounting + partitions, avoiding calling old storage code and crashing + (related to bsc#1186268). +- 4.4.5 + yast2-users +- Prepare code for ruby3 (bsc#1193192) +- 4.4.10 + +- AutoYaST: do not warning about deprecated <group_password> + when it is empty, "x", "!", or "*" (related to jsc#SLE-20592). +- 4.4.9 + yate +- Obsolete libayet6: the library package was wrongly named (already + then shipped with the corresponding soname). + +- Conditionally build with support for DAHDI +- Use correct library-suffix + +- Update to version 6.4.0 + * Upstream does not provide a changelog + +- Update to version 6.3.0 + * Upstream does not provide a changelog + yate-bts +- Drop patch: + * yatebts-5.0.0-gcc6.patch +- Add patches: + * 0001-Fixed-build-on-newer-versions-of-C.patch + * 0002-Fixed-compile-time-error-use-newer-Channel-getStatus.patch + -- cosmetic fixes in specfile -- added yatebts-sgsnggsn-inetutils-hostname-fix.diff - Reason: (open)SUSE uses GNU hostname (from GNU inetutils: - - which has fewer options than debian/ubuntu hostname (no -I option) - yaz +- Drop --with-pic (no effect with --disable-static) + +- Update to version 5.31.0 + * Fixed yaz-marcdump: json input and leader at end undefined behavior. + * Enable xi:include processing for yaz_xml_include_glob and + yaz_xml_include_simple + +- update to 5.30.3: + * Require getaddrinfo which has been available since 2003. + * Provide server host for SSL by using gnutls_server_name_set(3). + * Obey [host]:port notation for IPV6 + +- Update to 5.30.2: + * Extend the record conversion routines to handle OPAC encoding + with outputcharset and leaderspec. + * Fix #54 in cql_strerror: incorrect call to yaz_diag_to_str YAZ-928. + * Partly revert UTF-8 records returned by yaz-ztest (introduced in 5.30.0) + * Fixes pazpar2 tests that relies on specific records being returned. + * Increase a few buffers due to compiler warning + * Buffers are involving %d-conversions. + +- Update to 5.29.0: + + Several fixes for danmarc(2) charset encoding and decoding. + YAZ-923 YAZ-924 + + Fix yaz-marcdump silently creates MARC-records with an + invalid director YAZ-926 + + Add pkg-config templates for YAZ ICU and YAZ server YAZ-925 + 5.28.0 2019/11/28 + + Element-set is case sensitive for yaz_retrieval. The element-set + name should be case insensitive, and thus, the name property + is matched in a case-insensive mannner. YAZ-922 + 5.27.2 2019/10/07 + + Fix hitting directory for docpath results in malloc failure YAZ-921 + + Fix attempt to write HTTP to a non-listening socket loops YAZ-919 + + Fix yaz-ztest SSL does not work when forking YAZ-918 + 5.27.1 2018/12/03 + + Use pkg-config to detect ICU . Closes #41 + + Describe ZOOM option timeout + + Fix typos in yaz-client man page and other typos + 5.27.0 2018/10/08 + + GFS: Allow External type TaskPackage response YAZ-915 + + zoomsh: fset command YAZ-916 + + Improve logging of extended service task type YAZ-914 + + yaz-client: document the third arg to the show command #37 + 5.26.1 2018/07/11 + + Fix segv with element-set=null and split YAZ-913 + 5.26.0 2018/07/09 + + Allow suffix split for retrieval element-set names YAZ-912 + + cql2ccl: case sensitive comparisons for ops etc YAZ-911 + 5.25.0 2018/05/04 + + ZOOM C: return extended services diagnostics separately YAZ-908 + The diagnostic code and additional info is saved in options + esError and esAddinfo respectively - as part of the ZOOM package. + 5.24.0 2018/04/25 + + New option for ZOOM C' record update: recordIdString (the string + variant of recordId). Until now only recordIdNumber and recordIdOpaque + was possible. YAZ-907 + + Update for Visual Studio 2017. Bundle runtime from that compiler. YAZ-905 + + yaz FTCBFS: uses the build architecture pkg-config YAZ-897 + 5.23.1 2017/09/04 + + Fix Omitted Content-Length not handled anymore YAZ-894 + This issue was introduced by work in YAZ-878 YAZ Version 5.20.0. + 5.23.0 2017/08/04 + + Allow for more Solr URL schemas YAZ-893 + If the Solr URL contains ? it will be treated as a URL that + includes request handler rather than hard-coded /select. For example + /solr/search? . You can also pass own arguments. For example + /solr/search?foo=bar . +- removed upstreamed patches: + + yaz-5.22.0-codecleanup.patch (yaz-5.1.2-codecleanup.diff) + + yaz-5.22.0-client.patch + +- Update to 5.22.0 + + rdf-lookup: Add timeout configuration option YAZ-891 + Add yaz_url_set_timeout + + rdf-lookup: report error if X-Path cannot be compiled YAZ-890 + + rdf-lookup: avoid double dash in generated XML comments + + rdf-lookup: fix misleading log on rdf-failures YAZ-884 + + Add documentation for <param> tag in xslt retrieval facility doc + + comstack: Fix compilation error if getaddrinfo does not exist + + yaz-url: ignore content-length for HTTP method HEAD YAZ-878 + + retrieval: fix incorrect backend schema YAZ-877 + + record_conv: allow HTTP method to be set for authority lookup + + record_conv: change error for unsupported backend element + + New type, rdf-lookup, for record conversion system (retrieval) + + Fix yaz_url_exec sending same uri for 2nd call + + cql2pqf: relation modifiers with name and value are converted + to proximity with unit=element. Left operand is the the primary + index and term. Right operand is attribute index-name mapping of name + and value being the relation modifier value. For example, + dc.title =/dc.language=dk kirke + could be mapped to + @prox 0 0 0 0 k 8 @attr 1=4 "kirke" @attr 1=54 dk + + Add ProximityUnit map to/from string utility + + New functions z_ProxUnit_to_str and z_str_to_ProxUnit. + + Allow multi-byte indicators for MARC subsystem + + JSON: to the spec check of number + + JSON: strict \uxxxx sequence + + JSON: fail for nesting more than 1000 levels + + JSON: distinguish between EOF and error + + CCL: fix r=o, r=r WRT inherited attributes YAZ-864 + + ZOOM C: tweak when connection failed is returned + + ZOOM C: deal with excess bytes HTTPS case YAZ-833 + + Fix ZOOM: crash extended services diagnostics YAZ-846 + + Make yaz_log_reopen async-signal YAZ-845 + + Add lock/unlock for YAZ log writes YAZ-843 + + Fix yaz-client command args parsing broken YAZ-855 + + yaz-client: deal with excess bytes HTTPS case YAZ-833 + + Allow Content-Type application/sru+xml YAZ-840 + + New yaz_xml_get_prop utility YAZ-839 + + Extend get_org_info (snippets) to return original string YAZ-836 + + Deal with excess bytes in HTTP response for keepalive YAZ-830 + + Refactor ssl_put and tcpip_put to one function YAZ-832 + + Refactor ssl_get and tcpip_get to one function YAZ-831 + + Fix SEGV yaz-client for HTTP decoding error YAZ-829 + + Fix buffer overflow in cmd_elements in yaz-client YAZ-828 + + Use CONNECT for SSL backends and for Z39.50 thru HTTP proxy YAZ-825 + + Fix http proxy fails with yaz-client YAZ-824 + + Fix 0 ptr reference for OPAC records from XML YAZ-822 + + Extend yaz daemon facility to assist int log rotation YAZ-818 YAZ-819 + + Moved YAZ and many other software components to GitHub +- yaz-record-conv now installed and packaged +- Adjust and rename code cleanup patches (yaz-4.1.7-codecleanup.diff + and yaz-4.1.7-client.diff) +- removed yaz-4.2.47-implicit_definitions.patch: somehow fixed + upstream (no compiler warnings any more) + -- Update to 4.2.57: - + Various enhancements and bug fixes; for more info, see -; e.g.: - + Conversion between Z39.50 OPAC and OPACXML. - -- update to 4.2.49: - + ICU has a new conversion element 'join', which joins tokens - into one with a custom character given by the rule attribute. - + New GFS search member: present_number. This is a hint to the - search handler how many records are going to be fetched immediately - following search. There's no guarantee that it's going to be - the case, since it depends on hit count (for Z39.50 piggyback) - and whether errors turn up. - + Make a few functions static (private). The functions getbyte_stream, - ungetbyte_stream and yaz_gets are now private. They were never - declared in a header file. - + ZOOM: special options to control APDU logging. - Using ZOOM_connection_option_set(c, "saveAPDU", "1") will enable - logging of APDUs until "saveAPDU" option is set again. If logging is - already enabled the effect is that current APDU buffer is cleared. - Using ZOOM_connection_option_set(c, "saveAPDU", "0") disables - logging (default behavior on new connection). - The APDUs sent/received can be obtained by using - Using ZOOM_connection_option_get(c, "APDU") or - ZOOM_connection_option_getl(c, "APDU", &l). - + GFS: relay implementation_version from backend - From 3.0.40 and later, implementation_version from backend was - not used in init response at all. -- added yaz-4.2.47-implicit_definitions.patch -- small specfile cleanup - -- Update to 4.2.43: - + Various enhancements and bug fixes; for more info, see - -- Create doc subpackage with HTML files. - -- Update to 4.2.38: - + Various enhancements and bug fixes; for more info, see - - -- Update to 4.2.34: - + Bug fixes. - -- Update to 4.2.33: - + New SRU diagnostics. - + Documentation enhancements. - + record_conf improvements. - + For detailed info, see - - yishu +- Update to 1.2.5: + * A bump because of an issue. + +- Update to 1.2.3: + * Remove unused variables + * Avoid setting file path to home on every start + * Merge pull request #54 from onderbakirtas/master + * Merge pull request #1 from + onderbakirtas/onderbakirtas-patch-tr + * Upgraded tr.po + * Merge pull request #53 from safak45x/patch-1 + * Update tr.po + * Merge pull request #52 from oskarkunik/master + * 1.2.2 + * - some stuff + yomi-formula +- Ignore libudev1 dependency for Enterprise Linux. + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1630589391.4557cfd: + * macros: fix names of states and modules + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1629280900.fdbe9f0: + * monitor: rename it to yomi-monitor + * suseconnect: make regcode parameter optional + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1619170188.fa52819: + * README: document ym.sshd parameter + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1614275707.786435e: + * pillar: update to SLE-15-SP2 + * fstab: do not mount while registering + * devices: fix documentation + * Adding a TOC + * software: add recreatedb.sls for rpmdb migration + * repository: workaround for boo#1178910 + * software: separate repository.sls + * network: generate persistent-net.rules + +- Run spec-cleaner +- Add temporary and explicit dependency to libudev1 + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1604593202.a2c22bf: + * storage: hide mountpoint if no filesystem + * software: migrate repos as certs + * software: add verify parameter + * _grains: efi grains are in Salt now + * software: transfer current repository + * software: add repository options + * lvm: fix indentation + * partitioned: fix parted call and tests + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1601999695.6141130: + * README: add user provided config + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1598948600.9a9eab0: + * Replace fdisk with parted in partitioned + +- Update to version 0.0.1+git.1595952633.b300be2: + * pillar: install always kernel-default + * chroot: python3-base is now a capability + * Move systemctl calls inside chroot + * Network: initial work for network declaration + * MicroOS: Remove tmp subvolume + * Update format following the new standard + * Fix __mount_device wrapper + you-get +- Update to version 0.4.1555 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 0.4.1545 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 0.4.1536 (no changelog) + +- Update to version 0.4.1527 (no changelog supplied) + +- Update to version 0.4.1525 (no changelog supplied) + z +- Update to version 2.7.3: + * No changelog available. + z3 +- update to 4.8.13: + The release integrates various bug fixes and tuning. + +- update to 4.8.12: + Release provided to fix git tag discrepancy issues with 4.8.11 + +- update to 4.8.11: + * fix soundness issues, invalid models, and crashes for options + "tactic.default_tactic=smt sat.euf=true" + * centos -> glibc + * updated ref to esrp + * undo cxx hoist + * hoist c++ flags + +- update to 4.8.10: + - rewritten arithmetic solver replacing legacy arithmetic solver and on by default + +- update to 4.8.9: + significant improvements to regular expression solving expose user theory + plugin. It is a leaner user theory plugin that was once available. + It allows for registering callbacks that react to when bit-vector and Boolean variables + receive fixed values. + - many + - the new arithmetic theory is turned on by default. It _does_ introduce + regressions on several scenarios, but has its own advantages. Users can + turn on the old solver by setting smt.arith.solver=2. + Depending on feedback, we may turn toggle this default setting again back to smt.arith.solver=2. +- remove remove-timestamp.patch, 5a42a000e938a295feb1a7070dd74b192796db4e.patch (upstream) + +- Backport pkg-config support from upstream + * add 5a42a000e938a295feb1a7070dd74b192796db4e.patch + +- Drop ExclusiveArch as it does build properly on other archs + +- Update to version 4.8.8: + * Various small changes +- Switch to released tarball from git snapshot + zathura +- update to 0.4.8 + * Account for page padding in full scroll + * Add forefground color for links + * Add :save and :save! aliases for :write and :write! + * Various fixes and improvements + * Updated translations + +- update to 0.4.7 + * bugfixes + * translations update + zile +- update to 2.6.1: + * fix null pointer deeference when visiting a file that contained + no line endings + +- Small packaging cleanup +- Drop doc subpackage + +- Update to version 2.6.1: + * The program has been completely rewritten in Vala. + +- update to 2.4.15: + * Ensure term.h matches [n]curses[w].h (fix #58880). + * Fix a potential crash in the Lisp “interpreterâ€. + * Build-related fixes + * Some code clean-up, including a simplification to the calling convention + * Update some docstrings to match Emacs 27.1. +- remove obsolete post install scripts for current distros + +- Update to version 2.4.14: + * Update gnulib to cope with printf restrictions (Bug #52173) + -- update to 2.4.5: - * fix an egregious bug resulting in a crash whenever a non-existent file was - edited - * fix other potential crash bugs in the low-level text-handling routine - estr_replace -- changes from 2.4.4: - * find-file and find-file-read-only now work non-interactively - * slight speed improvement to general editing operations - -- update to 2.4.3: - * fix a crash on certain terminals - * fix a recently-introduced display bug in isearch - -- update to 2.4.2: - * fix a long-standing bug in uniarg handling in macros - * fix display of percentage position in buffer - * fix display of search string in query-replace - * fix poor performance of fill-paragraph - * fix handling of Backspace/^H by looking at termcap kbs setting - * several old bugs have been fixed, a few more esoteric features removed, and - Emacs-compliance has been improved - -- update to 2.3.24: - * Bug fixes: - + fix kill-line with prefix argument - + fix a cosmetic problem with multiple ESC-digit combinations - + fix initial screen setup when some files are loaded on the command line -- changes from 2.3.23: - * Bug fixes: - + {beginning,end}-of-buffer now take account of transient-mark-mode (bug - present since “foreverâ€) - -- update to 2.3.22: - * fixes a bug in forward regex isearch introduced recently - zinnia +- Disable the build with python for Tumbleweed, as python 2 support + is dropped + znc +- Update to 1.8.2: + * Polish translation + * List names of translators in file in source, + as this contribution isn't directly reflected in git log + * During --makeconf warn about listening on port 6697 too, not only about 6667 (#1734) + * webadmin: When confirming deletion of a network and selecting No, + redirect to the edituser page instead of listusers page (#1751) + * Make more client command results translateable, which were missed before + +- update to 1.8.1: + * Authenticated users can trigger an application crash + (with a NULL pointer dereference) if echo-message is not enabled + and there is no network. (bsc#1172446, CVE-2020-1377) + +- Use pristine linker flags +- Use systemd orering to allow working in environments without + running systemd + +- Update to 1.8.0: + * Output of various commands (e.g. /znc help) was switched from a table to a list + * Support IP while verifying SSL certificates (#1504) + * Make it more visible that admins have lots of privileges + * Fix null dereference on startup when reading invalid config (#1585) + * Don't show server passwords on ZNC startup (#1599) + * Fix build with newer OpenSSL (#1688) + * Fix in-source CMake build + * Fix echo-message for *status (#1705) + * controlpanel: Add already supported NoTrafficTimeout User variable to help output + * Support python 3.9 (#1702) + * modtcl: Added GetNetworkName (#1658) + * partyline: Module is removed (#1632) + * q: Module is removed (#786) + * route_replies: Handle more numerics (#1421) (#1659) (#1660) + * sasl: Fix sending of long authentication information (#942) + * shell: Unblock signals when spawning child processes (#1590) + * simple_away: Convert to UTC time (#1506) + * watch: Better support multiple clients (#1701) + * webadmin: Better wording for TrustPKI setting (#1670) (#1711) (#1713) + * Refactor the way how SSL certificate is checked to simplify + future socket-related refactors (#1697) + * Various improvements for translation CI + * Normalize variable name sUserName/sUsername (#1546) + * Make de-escaping less lenient (#1715) + zopfli +- Fix download url + +- Update to version 1.0.3 + * No changelog available +- Spec file changes + * Use cmake for building + zpaq +- Spec file cleanup + zstd +- Update to version 1.5.0 (jsc#SLE-20392) + * + * Improved Middle-Level Compression Speed + * Improved High-Level Compression Ratio + * Faster Decompression Speed + * Dynamic Library Supports Multithreading by Default + zsync +- fix build on tumbleweed +- clean-up spec file +- removed unneeded/unused zsync-devel package + zxing-cpp +- Do not build examples to avoid a cycle with QT5Multimedia + +- Use the updated cmake3-full package instead of cmake on SLE12 +- Do not build examples on SLE12 +- Only build blackbox tests on TW + +- Update to 1.2.0 + * new BarcodeFormat names, old ones are deprecated + * new ZXingQtCamReader demo app based on QtMultimedia and QtQuick + * new QRCode reader, faster and better support for rotated symbols + * added Structured Append support for DataMatrix, Aztec and MaxiCode + * added DMRE support for DataMatrix + * switch to the reimplemented 1D detectors, about 5x faster + * a lot faster and more capable isPure detection for all 2D codes + * 20% faster ReedSolomon error correcting + * PDF417 is faster and supports flipped symbols + * reduced false positive rate for UPC/EAN barcodes and improved + Add-On symbol handling + * proper ECI handling in all 2D barcodes + * much improved python wrapper + * deprecate the use of ResultMetadata +- Add cmake-check-system-first.patch +- Drop upstream merged 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch + +- Update to 1.1.1. No changelog available. +- Drop fix-pkg-config-file.patch. Merged upstream +- Add 0001-Fix-build-with-GCC-11.patch to fix GCC 11 build + issues (boo#1181915) + +- Use %cmake_build instead of %make_jobs +- Shouldn't need -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY=ON + +- Add baselibs.conf + +- Add fix for pkg-config file so the version and library are set properly + in the resulting .pc file: + * fix-pkg-config-file.patch + +- Update to 1.1.0 + * Add Python binding + * Bug fixes from upstream XZing project + * Many performance improvements for 1D readers + * More meta-data exported when reading specific format + * Minor bug fixes and improvements for corner cases + * Improve DataMatrix encoder + * Add interface to simplify basic usage + * WASM API to support pixels array as input + * Few minor bug fixes + * A new and (hopefully) 'future proof' single ReadBarcode entry point + into the decoding functionality. + * The LuminanceSource based API is now deprecated but still compiles. + * A new BarcodeFormats flag type to specify the set of barcodes to look for. + * Deprecated unrelyable Result::resultPoints in favor of well defined + Result::position. + * Deprecated Result::metadata() -> ORIENTATION in favor + of Result::orientation. + * New Binarizer enum in DecodeHints to specify the binarizer for + the ReadBarcode API. + * New DecodeHints::isPure property to speed up detection for + 'pure' input use-cases. + * New 'unified' CMake structure to build (most) of the project from + the top-level project. + * New ZXingReader and ZXingWriter example code also meant for distributing. + * New simplified and consistent Python API (breaking change) + * ReedSolomon error detection code 2x speedup. + * Enable basic MaxiCode support. + * Fix coutry-code metatdata decoding for UPC/EAN codes. + * Slightly improved QRCode detection for rotated symbols. + * Faster PDF417 decoder. + * Lots of minor code readability and general cleanup improvements. +- Drop patches: + * add-missing-includes-of-stdexcept-header.patch + * fix-library-installation-and-versioning.patch + zynaddsubfx +- Upgrade to release 3.0.5 and patch +- Upstream changes: + * Add Stereo peaks for individual part metering + * Change LFO frequency units to Hz (from unitless) + * Enhance LFO delay parameter resolution and units (seconds) + * Enhance global volume parameter resolution and units (dB) + * Enhance part volume parameter resolution and units (dB) + * Enhance sub synth volume parameter resolution and units (dB) + * Enhance sub synth volume velocity sensing resolution + * Fix zippering when changing master volume + * Fix misaligned points in live envelope values + * Fix possible crash when envelopes are provided invalid live data + * Fix minor bugs + +- Update to release 3.0.4 and rebase zynaddsubfx-buildflags.patch. +- Upstream changes: + * Add scripting to zyn-fusion UI for automated screen capture + * Add double click to reset sliders + * Add random LFO to UI + * Add compatibility with MXML 3.0 + * Enhance modulation volume parameter resolution + * Enhance global volume parameter resolution + * Enhance state variable filter interpolation + * Change filter defaults for easier patch setup + * Fix pops with note aftertouch + * Fix pad synth export + * Fix envelope watchpoint visualization + * Fix .xlz load/save in fusion UI + * Fix minor bugs + * Added support for floating point notes via MIDI SYSEX. +