This is the readme.txt file for mswin_check_ad_group 2.0, an external helper for the External ACL Scheme for Squid. This helper must be used in with an authentication scheme (tipically basic, NTLM or Negotiate) based on Windows Active Directory domain users. It reads from the standard input the domain username and a list of groups and tries to match it against the groups membership of the specified username. Two running mode are available: - Local mode: membership is checked against machine's local groups, cannot be used when running on a Domain Controller. - Active Directory Global mode: membership is checked against the whole Active Directory Forest of the machine where Squid is running. The minimal Windows version needed to run mswin_check_ad_group is a Windows 2000 SP4 member of an Active Directory Domain. When running in Active Directory Global mode, all types of Active Directory security groups are supported: - Domain Global - Domain Local from user's domain - Universal and Active Directory group nesting is fully supported. ============== Program Syntax ============== mswin_check_ad_group [-D domain][-G][-c][-d][-h] -D domain specify the default user's domain -G start helper in Active Directory Global mode -c use case insensitive compare (local mode only) -d enable debugging -h this message ================ squid.conf usage ================ When running in Active Directory Global mode, the AD Group can be specified using the following syntax: 1. Plain NT4 Group Name 2. Full NT4 Group Name 3. Active Directory Canonical name As Example: 1. Proxy-Users 2. MYDOMAIN\Proxy-Users 3. mydomain.local/Groups/Proxy-Users When using Plain NT4 Group Name, the Group is searched in the user's domain. external_acl_type AD_global_group %LOGIN c:/squid/libexec/mswin_check_ad_group.exe -G external_acl_type NT_local_group %LOGIN c:/squid/libexec/mswin_check_ad_group.exe acl GProxyUsers external AD_global_group MYDOMAIN\GProxyUsers acl LProxyUsers external NT_local_group LProxyUsers acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED http_access allow password GProxyUsers http_access allow password LProxyUsers http_access deny all In the previous example all validated AD users member of MYDOMAIN\GProxyUsers domain group or member of LProxyUsers machine local group are allowed to use the cache. Groups with spaces in name, for example "Domain Users", must be quoted and the acl data ("Domain Users") must be placed into a separate file included by specifying "/path/to/file". The previous example will be: acl ProxyUsers external NT_global_group "c:/squid/etc/DomainUsers" and the DomainUsers files will contain only the following line: "Domain Users" NOTES: - When running in Active Directory Global mode, for better performance, all Domain Controllers of the Active Directory forest should be configured as Global Catalog. - When running in local mode, the standard group name comparison is case sensitive, so group name must be specified with same case as in the local SAM database. It's possible to enable case insensitive group name comparison (-c), but on some not-english locales, the results can be unexpected. - Native WIN32 NTLM and Basic Helpers must be used without the -A & -D switches. Refer to Squid documentation for the more details on squid.conf. ======= Testing ======= I strongly reccomend that mswin_check_ad_group is tested prior to being used in a production environment. It may behave differently on different platforms. To test it, run it from the command line. Enter username and group pairs separated by a space (username must entered with domain%5cusername syntax). Press ENTER to get an OK or ERR message. Make sure pressing behaves the same as a carriage return. Make sure pressing aborts the program. Test that entering no details does not result in an OK or ERR message. Test that entering an invalid username and group results in an ERR message. Test that entering an valid username and group results in an OK message.