D·E·L·I·G·H·T EHQ /| ~~~~~~~ / | _________ ____ /\ /|________ /\__ ____ ___ __ / |________ \_ _ \ \ \Jo/ \/ . / |/ / \ \ (___) / \/ |\ _ / / / _/ / / / / |___/| / / / / | |/ \ |/ _/\/ / / \/ \/\ / l \ | \ \ / \/\| / / | \ /_________/\_______\ \_______\|___|\ \_\_______\__/ \_____\_______\ `--------' \___/ /_____| /X 3.XX AMIGA 3000 28MHz 2 GIGS ONELINE STUFF :call now : ELITE Dual 14400 ELITE ZYXEL 19200 ELITE ISDN 64000 ELITE ISDN 64000 ###############^^ DO NOT CALL THIS SHIT BBS ! IT IS *LAME* ^^############# : . ° ° ° | : . : . | | | | : _/\ ______/\ ____/\ ____/\ ______/\ |/ \/ _ \ o\/ \ _ \ /o /\ / o/_ _/ \\ _\__/ / / // //\\_/ /// \ \___/ __/__\_/ __/ _/ / \ / / / / o/ / \ : \ ____ /_ /_____ /____ //__/ \ o\ | \/| \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/MAZ! \ \\ M E ! : | : ______/\ _____\/\ \ _/\_____/\ ____/\ . | | ./ \/ _ \ \/ \ \/o \ ° : | :\ /\ \ / o/ \ / \___// _\__/ . : |/\_/ / o/\_/ //_ / /__/_ __/__ ° . _/ / // / \ o/ / o/ / / \_______ /__/_ /__/\ //_____ //____ / .| \/ \_/ \_/ \_/ |\_/ : | : : : ° : . | . ° ° . ° FIRST NODE : +49-ONLY-ELITE THIRD NODE : +49-ONLY-ELITE SECOND NODE : +49-ONLY-ELITE FOURTH NODE : +49-ONLY-ELITE NUP : GET IT SOMEWHERE ###############vv DO NOT CALL THIS SHIT BBS ! IT IS *LAME* vv############# @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ2Tuff left the scene :-( @END_FILE_ID.DIZ þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ þ A hard-working scene member leaves the scene (another one) þ þþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþþ Written By: Shyiem After speaking with 2TUFF for many years now, I was shocked when he told me he was quitting the scene????????? I thought shit another gone (what with N.O.M.A.D etc) thats another Birmingham legend to just be remembered. I can remember 2TUFF way back in the old skool days of the computer scene, as early as the C64. Admittedly we were not too old then haha!!! During his Amiga dayz he was as loyal to the Amiga and Commodore computers as a guide dog is to his blind keeper. Noone could slag anything to do with Amiga off etc. AFter being in a few groups, Craig decided to join the great CRYSTAL. This all happened after unloyal members left for some reason?!?! Craig was no longer working so he became a supplier of original Amiga software. The same happened as with Amiga etc, Craig was so loyal to his group (CSL) that any shit said about him or them, then it was prepare for raggings time! This may of earned Craig a bad name, but really it showed he was probably one of only a few real dedicated pirates of the scene. Craig did not do shit for money and just did it cause he enjoyed beating other scene members and groups. Craig is/was most likely the best original supplier the Amiga scene ever had (at least in U.K.) During his supplying days there was alot of software released by Crystal before many even had known the games were released! Then after a long period of time others such as SKID-ROW started to get quicker and more into the supplying/cracking scene. After a while the competition got quite furious, but Craig being Craig he beat others many a time. Craig may be not liked by many but at least he did something for the piracy world and he did it with style and speed. Many who do/did slag him off really underneath know he possessed skills in his job. People who think supplying is easy, are WRONG!!! It is alot of hassle having to run here and there to pick games up, getting hassle from the sources etc and then having to stop up all hours to help get the game cracked! Craig also helped spread the cracks around the bulletin boards, how many suppliers do you know that did this and never wanted anything in return bar a free call? NONE! Craig may be more well known with the Amiga, but he was also deeply involved in the console scene. Unlike Amiga the console scene consists of much more new people, who dont know what went on in the old skool (as craig would say) days. Craig helped produce a console scene back in the days of when people either never heard of a copier or were not sure it worked! Craig was one of the very first people to get a copier, him and a guy from London called Executioner (i think) + some big bbs in USA that was i think an ex member of DEFJAM[AMIGA] started it all. They, especially Craig managed to persuade sysop's to make conferences for console and stick with them, even when there was absolutely no software to put on them, bar some cartridges few people had. Craig helped start PC-Engine piracy off in a big way as well. During time Craig has lost interest in the piracy game, Amiga died off with him and now recently Snes started dieing?!?!? I think it may be all the other things he has like 3DO, JAGUAR etc who knows. All i know is that hes now left the scene and i am in mourning as i used to get a big majority of Snes software off him for a big period of time( I might miss all those HIP-hop tracks he always plays?!?!? YuCk). Craig stopped supplying Originals around December 1993, i think the last games he supplied were things like F1 etc which CRYSTAL released in November, December time. I THINK THE SCENE HAS LOST A REAL LOYAL AND GREAT PERSON WHO GAVE ALOT ALMOST TOO MUCH TO THE SCENE AT TIMES. 2TUFF If you read this Craig, lets hope a Jaguar copier scene starts so you come back. sniff boo hoo sobbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Later 2TUFF _______ ___________ ________________ ________ ____ __ _________________ \______\__/______/_ Yo __ \___ __ Yo __ Yo Y Yo __ ___/ \____ ____/ |___| |_______ \/ |___ \/ |__ | |____ ___ |___/ || \__/ || ___|__ \__ || __ || __ |_____ || || ___|__ || || || | | | || || || \/ || | || || | | :____::____:________:_______:___::____:________:________:____:________: : :: : : : :: : : : :[NASHUA]: . . . . . . . . . . . ---==+>> INDEPENDENT <<+==--- RUNNING /X 3.20 - USR HST 16k8 DUAL POWER - 24 HRS - 0-1 DAY AMIGA WARES --- FREE DOWNLOAD EVERY DAY --- --- LOTS OF GAME HELP FILES - TRAINERS - DOCS ETC. --- --- USES OFFLINECHECKING, SO NO TIME WASTED ONLINE --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +45-428-818-85 - +45-428-818-85 - +45-428-818-85 - +45-428-818-85 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ###############^^ DO NOT CALL THIS SHIT BBS ! IT IS *LAME* ^^############# _ HØT 0-D/\Y W/\REZ FRØM /\££ /\®ØUND D/\ GLØBE (_) | | ___ ____ _______ ___________________ | | |^ | \^ \ /^ _ \ |^ _ /^ __ \ ___| |___ || | ___\ \\ // /_\__/ || |_\___/|| |_/ // /_________\ |: | ___/ ./\ \\ \_____ .\ |: _|___ |: _ \\ V ||| V |. |_/ | //__\ .\/ \_\ \\|. |_/ \|. | \ .\ |:| |_________|__________\_________/|__________\___| \___\ |.| ________ ____ ____ ___ ___________ ___________ |^ __ \ \^ \ |^ \ | .||^ _ /|^ _ / || | \ \ ___\\ \ || \| :||| | \___/ || |_\___/ |: | \ \/ ./\. \|: | |||: | ___ |: _|___ |. | __/ / //__\. \. |\ |||. |_/ \ |. |_/ \ | ||____/____________\__| \____||__________\|__________\ |:| - AMIGA2000+ OS/2 - HOT XXX RATED - FUNKY DEMOS |.| - FAST US IMPORTS - FRESH /XTOOLS - SMART DOORS \ | \| 4 NDZ! RINGDOWN <<<<>>>> ++49-(0)NLY-FRIENDS <<<<>>>> ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ###############vv DO NOT CALL THIS SHIT BBS ! IT IS *LAME* vv############# _/\_________ ________ ____________ __________ _________/\_ \_______ \\__ | \__ \\__ \\__ I \ / | <_/ l______/ T \/ T__/\/ <_ / T \ ! \ _ \ ! \ T \ / _______/____________/_____l______/__________/_____j \ \_______j sctl_______/ _/\_____ __________________ __________/\_ \__ | \__ ___ \\__ _____/ / l______/ | T \/ __>____ / ! \ | | \ ! ~ \ / _______/_____j_____l______/______ \ \_______j l_______/ /X 3.XX AMIGA 3000 28MHz 3 Nodes 2000 mb`s Stuff MASTER S.Y.S.O.P Blue C·O·S·Y·S·O·P`S COROPLEX JORDAN :call now : ELITE Dual 14400 ELITE ZYXEL 19200 ELITE ISDN 64000 ELITE ISDN 64000