ø . |----------------------[·You Won't Never Feel Alone·]-------------------:.+ | |: : dELIRIUM [g·H·Q] <*> aSPECT iNC [e·H·Q] <*> iLLUSION [g·H·Q] :| : __. __. .____. .____. |: : _ _________________. _ _/__|___ /__|___ ___|__ _|____| | :: | \\__ __ \__ | \\\\___ \/ \___ \/ __/ \__ \ | :| : / __/ __// |__/_. | \ | \ | / /_ | _·|_ : _/ \___ \ _/ | ! \ ! \ ! \_____ | \ / |dZG\___________/__________|________/________/_______|G'S!| ¦ \/: : ¦ : ____ ____ __¦ | : ø ___|__ _¦______________________\ /.__________\ /. /__|___ :__/\ .____| : / __/ \______ \__ _ /\__\/ / ________\/ |/ \___ \\__ \| ___ :/ | / \_______/ \___/__/ \_____ \/ / | \/ \ \ \: / ! / ! / _/ | | _\ \_ / ! \ \ \ \_________\_________\____________|____|__________/__\___________/____\____/ : : `--[ Date: 94-Apr-23 ]------------------------------[ Time: 19:28:05 ]--' ### BLOOD_TXT V2.1 © XRAY/MSQ ### ______ \ ¬/ yOU lEECHED tHIS fILE sOMEWHERE iN tHE... \\ /\____________________________________________________________. \\/ | | /\_____/\ /\____ /\_ /\____/\______ |. | / ___ \/ \/ / / \ \ || | \_____ \/ | \ /\___/ |\ \ | / || | /\_/ / / | // \ _ / _/ || | \ ______ /\ _______/ ______/\__|\ / . \ || | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/\__|\__/ || || /\_____/\/\____/\_/\_____/\/\_______ /\___ / \__ | || / ___ \ / / ___ \ \/ __ \/ \ | || \_____ \/ _/ /\_____ \/\___/ / ___/ | | \ | || /\_/ / / /\_/ / /___ / / _/ \ | | \ | || \ ______ /\__/ /\ ______ // _// / _______/ _|__|___/ | ·| \/ \/\_____/ \/ \/ \/ \__/\/ \/cU! _|____ |____________________________________________________________/\ ¬/ \ / \ // · \ / * Ask An Elite For The Number + NUP * _______ _ \// \/ - -- ------------------------------------\/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ -»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-»-» <-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<- Hell ! Approximately 35 (!!!) Boards have been busted in Germany ! Many others are offline ! Here is a New List with all Busted Boards ! This is V.2.0 of the Bust-Faq! Very interesting additional Info`s added !!! Feel free to update this list and spread !! <-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<-<- -«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-«-« @END_FILE_ID.DIZ --------------------------------------------------------------------- B U S T - F A Q v.1.1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Busted Boards: -------------- 1.Secom City 2.Ice Cream 3.North Star Land 4.Reign in Blood 5.Madman`s Sanktuary 6.Diabolo (Byteandi -TRSI) 7.Traders Home 8.Under the Jolly Roger 9.Fastway (Andy - MOTION GHQ) 10.Metal Decade (The Bird - /X GERMANY) 11.Pearl Harbour (Bomber- THHG) 12.Terra Station BBS (Karpow -Tarkus Team Ghq) 13.Gangstars District (Defjam - Scandal) 14.Marley`s Coffeshop (Dr.Dre - Trsi) 15.The Cauldron (McLoud - TRSI Leader) 16.Universe (Pigeon - Skid Row) 17.Micro Machine (The Crackin` Ltd)) 18.Circus Maximus (Croton) 19.Europes Heart (FORNAX) 20.Poison Data (Mr Soft) 21.Goldfire BBS 22.FarPoint-Station (Lefty) 23.Digital Underground (Teddy - Offline for ages!) 24.Creeping Death (Giants - The Yuelden Team) 25.Cypress hill (midwife - TYT & PDY 26.Wavespeed (Merlin - A complete legal BBS!) 27.Digital Implosion (Kiwi) 28.Crashpoint (Devil - Addonic) 29.Phantasmogoria (E.F.A. - Offline since 1 month!) 30.Central Link (Scotty - Offline since 3/4 year!) 31.Neo Geo (Jive - TRSI?) 32.Euro Node (Flashlight) 33.Break Away BBS (vASCAL - DELIGHT GHQ) 34.Exage / HJ (A single Person) 35.Nuclear Assault (Subzero - DNX Leader ) Offline Boards: --------------- RADIO TEHERAN (Triton - Prodigy) ENDLESS PAIN (Mogue! - Millenium) DESERT STRIKE ( Rainman-Prodigy-5th DyN-DnX Ghq`s ) SKARA BRAE (Amicom - Mystic) DOOM OF EXTASY (Mercury - Scandal) WHIPLASH BBS (LoCUTUS - XCT) LIGHTHOUSE LASERDANCE (Jordan) FATAL ILLUSION SPYRITS HOME (FBI - PWA) TIGERS TALON (Nicodemus and Copkiller) BELGIAN WAY (Amigavice) and many many more ! Additional : ------------ -Many good guys and traders left the scene!!! -The busts are initialised by RUSHWARE ! (Gravenreuth is working for them) -It looks like they are becoming illegal too. People talk of faked Captures, -Raiding of legal Boards,and Boards which are offline for a long time ! -Additional they depend on simple Telephonenumbers and Lists they found -while previous Busts. -Many guys think about actions against their illegal doing and took -lawyers to check this !! (My opinion : It seems like Rushware hasn`t learned from the DEATH of) (Ariolasoft and later United Software,which were responsible for all) (the previous busts,and were the MOST hated Company in the scene,and) (after all people knew this,they were avoided by everyone and got) (bankrupted !! Same will be with RUSHWARE in my eyes ! Leisuresoft and) (Co rule ! :) Additional i think,that with the rising of the illegal) (things,they are doing,and their informers can nearly do what they want,) (because they can stay anonymous,the chance for the scene/sysops/people) (rises big time,to fight back against them,and maybe that will be the) (chance,to make sure ,that the scene and the companies life fair with) (each others in the future!) -Some sources say,that about 500-600 Boards/People are about to get busted in the next time ! - Kimble`s HOUSE OF COOLNESS is back online ! We should better call it : HOUSE OF COPS !! (if you know what i mean!!!) If you want to Update this Faq,then change the Version Number in the FILE-ID and add your Name to the Version Sheet and spread the updated List like hell! V.1.o - Initial Release by :- Kater Karlo - V.1.i - 2.nd Updated Release by : - Kater Karlo - V.2.0 - Updated Release by : The Best ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ sOMEWHERE_oN tHIS gALAXY _ / \_____________ / \ _ _______ / \ ___ / \ \/ \ / \/ | \/ \ / / . _/ _ \ /\__ / | \/ | | \ | \/ / | . (____ \ / \/ / \ | | \ \ /\__ . | / \ \/\_______) | / \__|_______) \ \ | . \_______) (_____|(_______) (_____|_____)____) | | | | cALL tHE cRAZY bOARDS - tHE nEW dIMENSION iN tHIS wORLD | | _ ____________________________________________________________|_|__ __ __________________________________________________________|_|_ _ cu!| | | . · | ø . |----------------------[·You Won't Never Feel Alone·]-------------------:.+ | |: : dELIRIUM [g·H·Q] <*> aSPECT iNC [e·H·Q] <*> iLLUSION [g·H·Q] :| : __. __. .____. .____. |: : _ _________________. _ _/__|___ /__|___ ___|__ _|____| | :: | \\__ __ \__ | \\\\___ \/ \___ \/ __/ \__ \ | :| : / __/ __// |__/_. | \ | \ | / /_ | _·|_ : _/ \___ \ _/ | ! \ ! \ ! \_____ | \ / |dZG\___________/__________|________/________/_______|G'S!| ¦ \/: : ¦ : ____ ____ __¦ | : ø ___|__ _¦______________________\ /.__________\ /. /__|___ :__/\ .____| : / __/ \______ \__ _ /\__\/ / ________\/ |/ \___ \\__ \| ___ :/ | / \_______/ \___/__/ \_____ \/ / | \/ \ \ \: / ! / ! / _/ | | _\ \_ / ! \ \ \ \_________\_________\____________|____|__________/__\___________/____\____/ : : `--[ Date: 94-Apr-23 ]------------------------------[ Time: 19:28:05 ]--' ### BLOOD_TXT V2.1 © XRAY/MSQ ### · _____ · : _______________. / /_________________________ : ¦------------\ _____/____ |/ /_____ \_______ /_____ \--------------¦ | ___\_____ / _/ __/ __ \ / / __ \ | | \ / / \ \ \ \ _/ __/ \ \ | | \__________/___|\ \_________/__\ \\__________/ | | \____/D! \____/ | | _________________________________________ | | -= ConDemned \______ /____ /_____ \_____ / Cell =- | | | / __/ / / __ \ / /_ | +-----------------| . \_ _/ __/ \ \ _____/ /------------------+ | |_________/__\ \\__________/_______/ | | \____/ | | | | -> cLASSIc & gCs GHQ <- | | | | sTRICLTy cLOSEd sYSTEm - 5 nODEs - sOON fOUr mORe nODEs | `---------------------------------------------------------------------------' Upload Date: [04-26-94] - Upload Time [01:11:26] [·SPEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!·]