From: Lothar Reichel reichel@math.kent.edu
Date: February 04, 2014
Subject: ETNA, ToC, Vol. 40
Table of Contents, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
(ETNA), vol. 40, part I, 2013. ETNA is available at
http://etna.math.kent.edu and at several mirror sites. ETNA is in
the extended Science Citation Index and the CompuMath Citation
i-xii Table of contents and abstracts
- E. Kamgnia and B. Philippe, Counting eigenvalues in domains of
the complex field
- R. Vandebril and D. S. Watkins,An extension of the QZ algorithm
beyond the Hessenberg-upper triangular pencil
- X. Du, M. Sarkis, C. E. Schaerer, and D. B. Szyld, Inexact and
truncated Parareal-in-time Krylov subspace methods for parabolic
optimal control problems
- S. Kindermann, Discretization independent convergence rates for
noise level-free parameter choice rules for the regularization of
ill-conditioned problems
- A. Kostic and H. Voss, On Sylvester's law of inertia for
nonlinear eigenvalue problems
- A. H. Le and P. Omnes, Discrete Poincare' iequalities for
arbitrary meshes in the discrete duality finite volume context
- R. M. Tifenbach, A combinatorial approach to nearly uncoupled
Markov chains I: Reversible Markov chains
- F. Lemarie', L. Debreu, and E. Blayo, Toward an optimized global-
in-time Schwarz algorithm for diffusion equations with
discontinuous and spatially variable coefficients. Part 1: The
constant coefficients case
- F. Lemarie', L. Debreu, and E. Blayo, Toward an optimized global-
in-time Schwarz algorithm for diffusion equations with
discontinuous and spatially variable coefficients. Part 2: The
variable coefficients case
- A. Frommer and B. Hashemi, Verified stability analysis using the
Lyapunov matrix equation
- D. Potts and M. Tasche, Parameter estimation for multivariate
exponential sums
- I. S. Duff and K. Kaya, Preconditioners based on strong subgraphs
- D. Wachsmuth, Adaptive regularization and discretization of bang-
bang optimal control problems
From: Steffen Börm sb@informatik.uni-kiel.de
Date: February 04, 2014
Subject: Winter school on hierarchical matrices, Leipzig, Feb 2014
Date: February 24th to 28th, 2014
Place: MPI MIS, Inselstraße 22-26, Leipzig
Last minute registration: February 14th, 2014.
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Hackbusch, MPI MIS Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Lars Grasedyck, RWTH Aachen
Dr. Ronald Kriemann, MPI MIS Leipzig
Prof. Dr. Steffen Börm, CAU Kiel
Website: http://www.mis.mpg.de/scicomp/winterschool/2014/
Hierarchical matrix techniques can be used to treat dense matrices
efficiently. Applications include
- the construction of preconditioners for elliptic PDEs,
- the discretization of integral operators,
- the evaluation of matrix functions and
- the approximation of solutions of matrix equations.
The key idea is to use a data-sparse representation of the dense
matrix and perform operations like the matrix-vector multiplication,
matrix multiplication, factorization or inversion preserving this
The winter school consists of lectures and exercises. The lectures
present the fundamental concepts of hierarchical matrices, e.g.,
compression techniques and algorithms for algebraic operations. The
exercises offer participants the opportunity to experience
hierarchical matrices in a number of applications, e.g., by
constructing an approximation of an integral equation or a
preconditioner for an elliptic PDE.
From: Randy LeVeque rjl@uw.edu
Date: February 01, 2014
Subject: Clawpack 5.0.0 released
We are pleased to announce that Clawpack 5.0.0 has finally been
released. This should contain the full functionality of Clawpack
4.6.3 along with several new or improved features.
The Clawpack (Conservation Laws Package) software can be used to solve
linear and nonlinear hyperbolic systems of PDEs in 1, 2, and 3 space
For documentation and installation instructions, see
For some sample results, including some presented as IPython notebooks:
Some of the major changes from previous versions are summarized at:
The Clawpack Team
From: Linda Petzold petzold@engineering.ucsb.edu
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service, V1.1
We are pleased to announce the release of StochSS: Stochastic
Simulation Service, Version 1.1. StochSS is an integrated development
environment featuring state of the art algorithms for discrete
stochastic biochemical simulation. StochSS is designed to enable you
to easily scale up your simulations in complexity, deploying compute
resources as needed. The current version includes algorithms for
simulation of well-mixed systems. Problems can be specified via a
graphical user interface (or imported as StochKit2 models).
New capabilities of Version 1.1 include: simulation of ODE models,
tools for converting ODE models into stochastic models, support for
Windows systems, and enhanced management of cloud computing resources.
For more details and instructions on how to obtain the code, visit us
at http://www.StochSS.org.
Linda Petzold and Chandra Krintz
University of California Santa Barbara
Per Lotstedt and Andreas Hellander
Uppsala Universiteit
From: George Anastassiou ganastss@memphis.edu
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: New Book, Intelligent Routines II
“Intelligent Routines II: Solving Linear Algebra and Differential
Geometry with Sageâ€Â, Springer 2014, contains numerous of examples and
problems as well as many unsolved problems. This book extensively
applies the successful software Sage, which can be found free online
http://www.sagemath.org/. Sage is a recent and popular software for
mathematical computation, available freely and simple to use. This
book is useful to all applied scientists in mathematics, statistics
and engineering, as well for late undergraduate and graduate students
of above subjects. It is the first such book in solving symbolically
with Sage problems in Linear Algebra and Differential Geometry. Plenty
of SAGE applications are given at each step of the exposition.
From: Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr
Date: January 29, 2014
Subject: New Books, Selected Works of Walter Gautschi
Walter Gautschi, Selected Works with Commentaries, 3 vols.
Claude Brezinski, Ahmas Sameh, eds.
Birkhäuser, Basel, 2014
Volume 1 contains the following commentaries and the corresponding
papers: Biography of Walter Gautschi by Claude Brezinski and Ahmed
Sameh; A Brief Summary of My Scientific Work and Highlights of My
Career by Walter Gautschi; Publications by Walter Gautschi; Numerical
Conditioning by Nicholas J. Higham; Special Functions by Javier
Segura; Interpolation and Approximation by Miodrag M. Spalevic
Volume 2 contains the following commentaries and the corresponding
papers: Orthogonal Polynomials on the Real Line by Gradimir
V. Milovanovic; Polynomials Orthogonal on the Semicircle by Lothar
Reichel; Chebyshev Quadrature by Jaap Korevaar; Kronrod and Other
Quadratures by Giovanni Monegato; Gauss-type Quadrature by Walter Van
Volume 3 contains the following commentaries and the corresponding
papers: Linear Recurrence Relations by Lisa Lorentzen; Ordinary
Differential Equations by John Butcher; Computer Algorithms and
Software Packages by Gradimir V. Milovanovic; History and Biography by
Gerhard Wanner; Miscellanea by Martin J. Gander
Volume 1 http://www.birkhauser-science.com/978-1-4614-7033-5
Volume 2 http://www.birkhauser-science.com/978-1-4614-7048-9
Volume 3 http://www.birkhauser-science.com/978-1-4614-7131-8
From: Claus-Justus Heine Claus-Justus.Heine@IANS.Uni-Stuttgart.DE
Date: January 29, 2014
Subject: DUNE-FEM Course for MSc, Germany, Feb-Mar 2014
The principal focus of the course is on the discretization of
diffusion dominated boundary problems with continuous finite elements
with the DUNE-FEM discretization module. Naturally, this implies that
the course has also to give some insight into C++ programming
techniques, installation of DUNE, usage of the DUNE-core modules
during the first days.
The course forms an elective part of the regular M.Sc. curriculum at
the Math Department at the University of Stuttgart, which explains the
"uncompact" format of the block-course. However, participants from
other universities are welcome as long as there are free capacities.
External participants will be charged a fee of 50 EUR for course
material and infrastructure (coffee breaks). Contact and course venue:
Numerical Mathematics for High Performance Computing (NMH)
Institute for Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation (IANS)
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Stuttgart University
Pfaffenwaldring 57
70569 Stuttgart
2014/02/24 - 2014/03/07
Lessons will be daily, 09:00-15:00 in the first week and 09:00-12:30
in the second week. The focus of the ``free time'' in the second week
will be on a self-dependent implementation of a model problem,
including verification and visualization of the simulation results.
From: Stefan Koerkel Stefan.Koerkel@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: Industrial Optimization, Germany, Feb 2014
Industrial Optimization - Compact Course and Challenge Workshop
February 17-20, 2014, 9:00 - 17:00
Heidelberg Collaboratory for Industrial Optimization (HCO)
IWR - Im Neuenheimer Feld 368 - 69120 Heidelberg
Optimization plays a crucial role in designing and conducting
industrial processes. The potential gains range from saving valuable
resources over achieving ambitious production goals to increasing
profit margins. The mathematical models of the processes are typically
nonlinear and dynamic. Thus, complex dynamic optimization or optimal
control problems need to be formulated and solved. This field poses
numerous challenges for scientific computing and interdisciplinary
The aim of this workshop is to bring together scientists and decision
makers from industry and academia to initiate new projects and to
foster new structured collaborations in industrial optimization.
The workshop comprises
- a two-day compact course on simulation and optimization methods
- case studies on optimization problems in industrial practice and
on successful collaborations of industrial and academic research
- challenge workshop for the identification of current and future
research and development requirements
From: Wei Cai wcai@uncc.edu
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: Scientific Computing, China, May 2014
ICSC2014 (International Conference on Scientific Computing at Extreme
Scales) will be held at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai,
China, during May 7-9, 2014. This conference will highlight the
current research progress in scientific computing in terms of scalable
algorithms and supercomputing applications.
Confirmed speakers include
- Prof. Jack Dongarra, UTK, USA (keynote)
- Dr. Jacqueline H. Chen, SNL,USA
- Prof. Shiyi Chen, PKU, China
- Prof. Omar Ghattas, UT-Austin, USA
- Dr. Kirk Jordan, CSC, USA
- Prof. Petros Koumoutsakos, ETH, Switzerland
- Prof. Yutong Lu, NUDT, China
- Prof. Satoshi Matsuoka, Tokyo Tech, Japan
- Prof. Zeyao Mo, IAPCM, China
- Prof. Depei Qian, BHU, China
- Prof. Thomas Schulthess, ETH, Switzerland
- Dr. Rick Stevens, ANL, USA
- Prof. Jinchao Xu, PSU, USA
- Prof. Linbo Zhang, CAS, USA
The conference will be preceded by a two-day tutorial on the
state-of-art parallel computing given by Dr. L.Grinberg of IBM,
Dr. V.Morozov of US DOE Argonne National Lab., and Dr. YH Tang of
The registration deadline is March 30, 2014 and for more information,
please refer to the conference website:
From: Radim Blaheta blaheta@ugn.cas.cz
Date: January 25, 2014
Subject: Conference Modelling, Czech Republic, Jun 2014
The 5th IMACS Conference
on Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods,
in honour of Professor Owe Axelsson's 80th birthday
June 2-6, 2014, Roznov p.R., Czech Republic
Conference topics include: computational modelling in engineering and
science, iterative methods, efficient solvers, multiscale modelling,
multiphysics modelling, coupled THMC processes and geo applications,
progress in discretization methods and adaptive computations,
nonlinear problems, challenging applications of mathematical
modelling, exploiting massively parallel computing facilities. See
also conference web page.
Deadline for registration, including short abstract submission, is
(prolongated to) March 1, 2014. For details see the conference web.
Selected reviewed papers will be published in a special issue of the
journal Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (Elsevier, IMACS).
Deadline for full paper submissions is September 30, 2014.
From: Kateryna nesvit.k@gmail.com
Date: February 03, 2014
Subject: DSM in MathPh’14, Bulgaria, Jun-Jul 2014
Albena, Bulgaria, June 26-July 1, 2014
Symposium “Discrete Singularities Methods in Mathematical Physicsâ€Â
organized by Yuriy V. Gandel, Karazin Kharkiv National University,
Ukraine within AMiTaNS'14 which will be held by the Euro-American
Consortium for Promotion of the Application of Mathematics in
Technical and Natural Sciences.
Topics of the symposium: boundary-value problem for stationary wave
equations and boundary integral equations; mathematical and computer
modelling by discrete singularities method in mathematical physics,
aerohydrodynamics, filtration theory, electrodynamics and electronics.
Authors are invited to submit a short abstract within 300 words
clearly stating the goal and the tools of their research topic by
filling out the online Application Form via the conference website.
The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2014.
The conference proceeding will be published both on-line and hard copy
volume after a rigorous reviewing by the American Institute of Physics
within three-four months after the closing of the event.
Coordinators of this symposium:
Professor Yuriy Gandel, email: yuriy.gandel@gmail.com
Kateryna Nesvit, email: nesvit.k@gmail.com
Official conference website: http://2014.eac4amitans.eu
From: Alex Barnett ahb@math.dartmouth.edu
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers for PDEs, USA, Jun 2014
CBMS-NSF conference: Fast Direct Solvers for Elliptic PDEs
June 23 – 27, 2014, at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH
This conference is motivated by the recent rapid progress on
developing "direct" (as opposed to "iterative") solvers for
elliptic PDEs, which in a single sweep construct an approximate
solution operator. Conference themes include: (1) structured matrix
computations that exploit analytic structure in discretized
differential and integral equations; (2) new randomized methods for
accelerating certain linear algebraic computations and reducing
communication bottlenecks; and (3) the interplay between direct
solvers and high-order discretization techniques that allow the
solution of PDEs to ten digits of accuracy or more. Applications
include materials modeling, wave scattering, and fluid flow.
The conference will be anchored by 10 summer-school style lectures
delivered by Per-Gunnar Martinsson (Univ. of Colorado), with
hands-on tutorial afternoon coding sessions to explore the
algorithms. Additional lectures will be given by Alex Barnett
(Dartmouth), Leslie Greengard (Simons Foundation and NYU), and
Vladimir Rokhlin (Yale).
The conference is funded by the NSF, and financial support
(including lodging, meals, and some travel expenses) is available
for up to 30 participants. Graduate students, junior researchers,
and members of under-represented groups are particularly encouraged
to apply, and come and learn about this exciting area.
Details are available at the conference website:
From: Iain Duff duff@cerfacs.fr
Date: January 23, 2014
Subject: Sparse Days at CERFACS, France, Jun 2014
Sparse Days at CERFACS .... 5-6 June 2014
The annual "Sparse Days at CERFACS" will take place on the 5th and 6th
of June, 2014.
The Sparse Days meeting will be similar in format to previous years.
No invited speakers and all talks in plenary session. Talks on any
aspect covered by the title are fine, any on numerical linear algebra,
sparse optimization or on data assimilation would fit well with some
of the current research at CERFACS. As always we suggest a special
theme which, for this year, is in the study of how to monitor accuracy
and error when solving the very large systems that we hope will become
tractable when we have Exascale computing.
There is no registration fee and a limited amount of very low cost
accommodation is available on site at the Meteo residences.
Registration and requests for accommodation should be sent to Brigitte
Yzel (brigitte.yzel@cerfacs.fr). The deadline for doing this is 30
April 2013. However, it will help greatly with our planning if you can
let us know in advance of that deadline that you plan to come. Titles
and abstracts for presentations of 30 minutes (although you can offer
a shorter talk if you wish) should be sent to Xavier Vasseur
(vasseur@cerfacs.fr). The deadline is the same (30 April) but these
can be sent later than the registration.
Information on this meeting can be found from the Algo web pages at
Iain Duff (duff@cerfacs.fr)
From: April Shelton shelton.221@mbi.osu.edu
Date: January 31, 2014
Subject: Deadline Ext, MBI-CAMBAM-NIMBioS Summer, USA, Jul 2014
Joint 2014 MBI-CAMBAM-NIMBioS Summer Graduate Program
(July 7-18, 2014)
Rhythms & Oscillations
This summer school will focus on the theory, mathematical modeling and
experimental study of biological rhythms. The workshop will begin with
a boot-camp introducing the basic mathematical tools and techniques
used in studying biological rhythms. In depth explorations of specific
problems will then be presented. Students will also work in small
groups on projects, which will be presented at the end of the two week
summer school.
Graduate students from the mathematical, physical and life sciences
are encouraged to apply. To apply and for more information visit
The graduate program will be held at MBI. Applications received by
Friday, February 28, 2014 will receive full consideration.
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
The Ohio State University, Jennings Hall 3rd Floor, 1735 Neil Ave.,
Columbus, OH 43210; 614-292-3648
From: Didier AUSSEL aussel@univ-perp.fr
Date: January 20, 2014
Subject: EUROPT2014, France, Jul 2014
EUROPT2014, Joint event with IFORS14
Date: July 10-12, 2014
Venue: Perpignan, France
We invite all researchers from the optimization community to take part
in the EUROPT2014, to be held in Perpignan, France, July 10-12, 2014.
EUROPT2014 is the annual event of the "EUROPT group", the Continuous
Optimization Working Group of EURO (The Association of European
Operational Research Societies). EUROPT2014 is the 12th Workshop on
advances in continuous optimization.
EUROPT2014 is a joint event of the EURO/IFORS 2014 conference to be
held in Barcelona, July 13-18, 2014.
The academic program will consist in plenary talks and parallel
sessions covering several aspects of continuous optimization.
Conference website: http://europt2014.univ-perp.fr/index.html
Special Issue: A post-conference special issue of the journal
Optimization will be published.
January 1, 2014 Paper/abstract submission begins.
March 15, 2014 Paper submission deadline.
January 1, 2014 Early registration begins.
May 15, 2014 Late registration begins.
From: Julio Moro jmoro@math.uc3m.es
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis and Appl, Spain, Jul 2014
Joint ALAMA - GAMM/ANLA Meeting on Linear Algebra, Matrix
Analysis and Applications, Barcelona (Spain),
July 14th - 16th 2014
This is both the fourth edition of the biennial meeting of the spanish
Linear Algebra and Matrix Analysis thematic network ALAMA, and the
fourteenth edition of the annual workshop of the GAMM Activity Group
on Applied and Numerical Linear Algebra , GAMM/ANLA. The goal of this
meeting is to bring together scientists whose research interests are
close either to Matrix Theory, to Core, Applied or Numerical Linear
Algebra, or to any of their respective applications in different
scientific areas. The aim is to discuss recent developments, promote
cross-discipline interaction, and to foster new insights and
In this occasion, the meeting is held in honor of Juan-Miguel Gracia,
one of the pioneers of Matrix Theory in Spain, and one of the founders
of the research group in Matrix analysis and Applications of the
University of the Basque Country. He was also the first Coordinator of
the ALAMA Network at the moment of its foundation in september 2007,
and served as its first president for two years.
Invited speakers are: MarÃÂa Bras, Geir Dahl, Melina Freitag,
Juan-Miguel Gracia, Volker Grimm
Contributed talks are welcome, deadline: April 15th, 2014
Deadline for reduced registration fee: April 30th, 2014
Further details, in particular on the registration process and
abstract submission, are available at http://www.cimne.com/alama-gamm
From: A. Ismael F. Vaz aivaz@dps.uminho.pt
Date: January 24, 2014
Subject: Optimization 2014, Portugal, Jul 2014
Optimization 2014
Guimarães, Portugal
School of Engineering, University of Minho
July 28-30, 2014
Optimization 2014 is the eighth edition of a series of Optimization
international conferences held every three or four years, in Portugal.
This meeting aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from
different areas and with distinct backgrounds, but with common
interests in optimization. This conference series has international
recognition as an important forum of discussion and exchange of ideas,
being organized under the auspices of APDIO (the Portuguese Operations
Research Society).
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Masao Fukushima, Nanzan Univ
Serge Gratton, ENSEEIHT and CERFACS, Toulouse
C. Tim Kelley, NC State Univ.
Nenad Mladenovic, Brunel Univ.
Maarten H. Van der Vlerk, Univ. Groningen
François Vanderbeck, Univ. Bordeaux
Deadline for abstract submission - March 31, 2014
Notification of acceptance - May 1, 2014
Early Registration - Before May 15, 2014
For any questions regarding Optimization 2014, please contact:
From: Gerhard Zumbusch gerhard.zumbusch@uni-jena.de
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: Programming Heterogeneous Systems, Germany, Jul 2014
Workshop Programming of Heterogeneous Systems in Physics PHSP14
Jena, Germany, 14-15 July 2014
This workshop will focus on aspects of heterogeneous computing
systems, including GPU computing, accelerators offloading, vector
instruction sets and the multi level hierarchy of distributed and
shared memory resources found in large scale computing.
- Programming techniques, library and language design for
heterogeneous systems. Issues of portability and performance.
- Parallel numerical algorithms and algorithms tailored or tuned for a
specific system.
- Optimization of computational kernels. Tools and techniques for high
performance, energy efficiency, or effective code development.
Abstracts should be submitted by end of April 2014.
From: Mark Fahey mfahey@utk.edu
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: SIAM Exascale Applied Mathematics, USA, Jul 2014
SIAM Workshop on Exascale Applied Mathematics Challenges and
Opportunities (http://www.siam.org/meetings/ex14/)
July 6, 2014; The Palmer House; Chicago, Illinois
Over the past few years, the focus of most workshops on exascale
computing (defined as the use of computers capable of at least one
quintillion calculations per second) has been the expected challenges
of billion-way concurrency and the associated issues such as data
motion, resilience, and energy usage. Less attention has been paid to
the mathematics at exascale. The focus of this workshop is on
providing relevant, accessible and timely material on exascale
computing and the mathematical challenges with many-core and
accelerated architectures. The intent is that attendees come away
with a reasonable idea of the current state of the art, the current
challenges and opportunities, and what needs to be done differently
going forward. This workshop, a synthesis of the state of the field,
will be accessible to non-experts and experts alike.
Those wishing to participate should submit an abstract or position
paper by February 28, 2014. Papers should be submitted through
EasyChair at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ex14.
Please refer to the EX14 website (http://www.siam.org/meetings/ex14/)
for updates on the workshop details.
Date: January 28, 2014
Subject: Zurich Summer School, Switzerland, Aug 2014
Zurich Summerschool 2014:
Advanced Numerical Methods for Non-local Operators
ETH Zurich, 18. - 22. August 2014, Zurich, Switzerland
- Toufic Abboud, École polytechnique, France
- Steffen Börm, Dept. of Computer Science, CAU Kiel, Germany
- Laurent Demanet, MIT Department of Mathematics, USA
- Ralf Hiptmair, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
- Dirk Praetorius, TU Wien, Austria
- Stefan Sauter, Universität, Zürich, Switzerland
- Boundary element methods
- Time-domain boundary integral equations
- H- and H^2-matrices and preconditioners
- A posteriori error estimation
- Adaptive mesh-refinement and optimal convergence
- Fast multipole method
- Butterfly algorithm
- Generalized Radon transforms
Registration and further information:
From: Dmitri E. Kvasov kvadim@si.dimes.unical.it
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: Global Optimization, CST2014, Italy, Sep 2014
Black-Box Global Optimization: Fast Algorithms and Engineering
Applications (special session at the CST2014: The Twelfth
International Conference on Computational Structures Technology)
2-5 September 2014, Hotel Royal Continental, Naples, Italy
The aim of this session is to create a multidisciplinary discussion
platform focused on new theoretical, computational and applied results
in solving black-box multiextremal optimization problems. In these
problems, frequently encountered in engineering design, the objective
function and constraints (if any) are multidimensional functions with
unknown analytical representations often evaluated by performing
computationally expensive simulations. Researchers from both
theoretical and applied sciences are welcome to present their recent
developments concerning this important class of optimization
problems. To encourage young researchers to attend these conferences a
1000 Euro Young (35 years or younger) Researcher Best Paper Prize will
be awarded to the best paper presented at the conferences.
Further details can be found at:
Submission of one page abstracts: February 15, 2014
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2014
Full paper: As advised by the editor
Payment of the regular registration fee: April 15, 2014
Conference: September 2-5, 2014
From: Laura Portero laura.portero@unavarra.es
Date: January 23, 2014
Subject: Spanish-French Numerical Simulation, Spain, Sep 2014
The Spanish Society of Applied Mathematics (SEMA), in cooperation with
the Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (SMAI), is pleased
to announce the
XVI Jacques-Louis Lions Spanish-French School on Numerical Simulation
in Physics and Engineering
to be held at the Public University of Navarre, Pamplona (Spain), on
September 8-12, 2014.
The school is intended for Master's students, PhD students and early
career researchers. It can also be of interest to technicians working
in industry or academics in general willing to update their knowledge
of numerical techniques.
The scientific programme will include the following courses:
1. Numerical methods for flow in porous media, Isabelle Faille
2. Convolution quadrature for wave simulations, Francisco Javier Sayas
3. An introduction to the Reduced Basis Method, Benjamin Stamm
4. An introduction to isogeometric analysis, Rafael Vazquez (Italy).
Further information is available on the website
If you have any queries, please contact the Organizing Committee at
From: Jingmei Qiu jingqiu@math.uh.edu
Date: February 01, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Univ of Houston
The Mathematics Department at the University of Houston expects to
fill one position at the tenure track assistant professor level.
Applicants are invited to apply for the position which will begin fall
semester 2014. Preferences will be given to individuals with strength
in approximation theory, numerical analysis, scientific computing,
partial differential equations, statistics or analysis. Exceptional
candidates in all other areas of mathematics will also be
considered. We are particularly interested in mathematicians who can
help foster collaborative efforts with existing research teams in our
department and the university at large, and whose research interests
will continue to foster collaborative interactions with local
universities, local industry, and local medical centers.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, an extensive curriculum vitae
which includes a list of all scientific publications, and a
description of their current research interests. All application
materials should be uploaded to www.math jobs.org. They should also
have 4 letters of recommendation (at least one of which addresses
their qualifications as a teacher and advisor), uploaded directly by
their references to www.math jobs.org. The University of Houston is
one of the most diverse research universities in the nation. It is an
Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action employer. Minorities, women,
veterans, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
From: David Silvester d.silvester@manchester.ac.uk
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: Lectureship Position, Univ of Manchester
Lecturer in Applied Mathematics (Industrial Modeling)
School of Mathematics
University of Manchester, UK.
Reference: E&PS-03885
Applications are invited for the above post to start in September 2014
or an agreed date thereafter. This initiative is part of an ongoing
programme to further strengthen Applied Mathematics in the area of
industrially focussed mathematical modelling. Applications can be from
researchers in any area of Applied Mathematics and those areas of
Scientific Computing that complement the current activities of the
School of Mathematics. Further details of the research group can be
found at http://www.mims.manchester.ac.uk/research/applied/
Salary will be in the range 33,562 to 46,400 pounds per annum
according to relevant experience and qualifications.
Further particulars can be downloaded from
From: Silvana Ilie silvana@ryerson.ca
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Biology, Ryerson Univ
A postdoctoral position is available in Computational Biology in the
Department of Mathematics, Ryerson University
(http://www.math.ryerson.ca), Toronto, Canada. This position provides
an opportunity to engage in research in Applied Mathematics, with a
limited amount of teaching. The salary is competitive, with funding
provided for one year.
We are seeking qualified and motivated applicants in Applied
Mathematics, to work on interdisciplinary projects aimed at developing
stochastic modelling and simulation tools for studying biological
systems. The ideal candidate would have a strong background in Applied
Mathematics (Numerical Analysis and Probability) and/or Computer
Science. Strong programming skills in Matlab are
mandatory. Experience with dynamical systems is expected. In addition,
knowledge of biological/chemical reaction modelling and stochastic
simulation is considered an asset.
The fellowship is open to candidates of any nationality and selection
will be based upon the candidate's research potential and teaching
ability. Ideally the job will begin as early as May 1, 2014, however
there is some flexibility in the starting date. The research will be
led jointly by Dr. Silvana Ilie and Dr. Katrin Rohlf.
The screening process will start on February 17, 2014, and continue
until the position is filled. Applicants should submit a curriculum
vitae and three letters of recommendation. At least one of these
letters should report on the candidate's teaching abilities.
Application material and reference letters should be sent directly by
e-mail to compbio@ryerson.ca
We appreciate all replies to this advertisement, but only applicants
under consideration will be contacted. Ryerson University has an
Employment Equity Program and encourages applications from all
qualified candidates, including aboriginal peoples, persons with
disabilities, members of visible minorities, and women.
From: John A. Evans john.a.evans@colorado.edu
Date: January 31, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Univ Colorado
A postdoctoral position in Computational Fluid Dynamics at the
University of Colorado is currently available with an expected start
date of Fall 2014. The postdoctoral researcher will be responsible for
the development of next-generation direct numerical simulation (DNS)
tools for complex turbulent fluid flows using high order,
structure-preserving, and geometrically flexible numerical methods.
Candidates applying for the position should have a PhD in
mechanical/aerospace engineering, applied mathematics, computer
science, physics, or atmospheric sciences and a strong background in
turbulence modeling and simulation. In addition to excellent academic
and publication backgrounds, the ideal candidate will have experience
in C/C++ programming, parallel programming using MPI, and flow
visualization, and preference will be given to candidates with a solid
background in high order finite element and/or isogeometric
methods. The post will initially be for one year with a possible
extension subject to availability of funds.
Interested candidates are invited to submit an application packet to
Dr. John Evans by e- mail (john.a.evans@colorado.edu). The application
materials should include a one- to two-page cover letter explaining
the candidate's motivation and research interests, a CV including the
candidate's research background, a list of three references, and two
representative publications. Review of applications will begin
February 1, 2014 and will continue until the position is filled.
From: Carol Woodward woodward6@llnl.gov
Date: January 31, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Solvers, LLNL
The Center for Applied Scientific Computing (CASC) at Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) has an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher to perform research in the development of computational
methods for implicit formulations of both time dependent and steady
state nonlinear partial differential equations arising in DOE
applications. The research emphasis will be on preconditioners for
spectral element-based climate simulations. The candidate will design
algorithms and develop software for these problems, implement them on
massively parallel computers, and evaluate their performance. The
candidate will be expected to pursue independent (but complementary)
research interests and will interact with a broad spectrum of
scientists internally and externally.
Required Skills include
- Demonstrated expertise in iterative methods for solution of
nonlinear systems, including Newton-Krylov methods and implicit time
integration methods.
- Demonstrated expertise in preconditioner methods.
- Demonstrated expertise in applying numerical methods within a
scientific application.
- Demonstrated expertise programming in C++ and Fortran.
Interested candidates can apply at the following website:
Place the posting number, 11917, in the search field at the top right
of the page. That will take the candidate to the posting where they
can apply.
From: Santiago Badia sbadia@cimne.upc.edu
Date: February 03, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, CIMNE-BarcelonaTech
The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
at BarcelonaTech-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is seeking
a postdoctoral candidate to work on scalable preconditioners for
adaptive finite element multiphysics solvers.
The candidate will belong to the Large Scale Computing and
Computational Physics department, which is focused on the development
of computational methods for the numerical approximation of Partial
Differential Equations (PDEs). The creation of this group is funded by
the Starting Grant COMFUS (Dr. Santiago Badia) from the European
Research Council (ERC) and the EU FP7 project NUMEXAS: Numerical
Methods and Tools for Key Exascale Computing Challenges.
We are looking for excellent candidates holding a PhD in Applied
Mathematics, Computational Mechanics/Physics or Computer Science.
Background on parallel computing, domain decomposition techniques
and/or finite elements will be highly appreciated. The candidate would
collaborate in the development of scalable adaptive finite element
solvers, with application to plasma physics and fusion. engineering.
The position will remain opened till filled, but it is recommended to
apply before the end of March 2014. The appointment is for 2 years but
can be extended. The salary would be about 32,000-40,000 EUR, but the
numbers are flexible and will depend on experience.
Send your application, providing CV, to: comfus@cimne.upc.edu
Recommendation letters will likely be requested. Please contact
Prof. Santiago Badia (sbadia@cimne.upc.edu) or visit
http://badia.rmee.upc.edu for further information.
From: Matthew Hubbard Matthew.Hubbard@nottingham.ac.uk
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Nottingham
Applications are invited for the above EPSRC-funded post, to work on
the development, analysis and implementation of efficient numerical
algorithms for approximating three-dimensional, spatially-resolved,
mathematical models of both chemotherapy drug delivery and tumour
response to combined therapeutic strategies (chemotherapy and
radiation). Key to the success of the project will be the development
of optimal, possibly adaptive, solvers to achieve the necessary
spatial and temporal resolution, coupled with practical homogenisation
techniques for representing the transport and distribution of the drug
via the highly disordered vasculature which is inherent in
tumours. The resulting algorithms will be tailored to the underlying
mathematical models of synergistic cell response to combination
therapy, which will be developed in collaboration with the other
project sites (Cranfield University, Queen's University Belfast, the
University of Stirling), and underpinned by bespoke experimental
assays carried out at Imperial College London. The aim of the project
as a whole is to develop a multiscale, mathematical and computational,
framework for predicting the effect of combined radiotherapy and
chemotherapy treatment, the ultimate goal being to provide a tool
which can be used to recommend optimal cancer treatment plans for
individual patients. The position will be based in the Scientific
Computation Group in the School of Mathematical Sciences at the
University of Nottingham.
Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr Matthew Hubbard
email: Matthew.Hubbard@nottingham.ac.uk
More details and the online application form can be found at
From: Per Lotstedt perl@it.uu.se
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Uppsala Univ
PostDoctoral researcher in Scientific Computing at Uppsala University
in Uppsala, Sweden.
The research at the Division of Scientific Computing in Uppsala has a
broad scope, ranging from analysis and development of numerical
methods, numerical linear algebra, software development and
high-performance computing to collaborative projects in computational
science and engineering, and industrial applications. More
information can be found at http://www.it.uu.se/research/scicomp. To
qualify for the position, the applicant must hold a PhD degree in a
relevant field. The appointment is for two years.
For further information about the position and instructions on how to
apply see http://www.uu.se/en/jobs/?positionId=31238. Deadline for the
application is February 20, 2014.
From: Solenn Stoeckel solenn.stoeckel@rennes.inra.fr
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Theoretical Population Genetics, INRA Rennes
Postdoc position in theoretical population genetics and evolution of
partially asexual species, starting in winter/spring 2014 at INRA
Rennes, France -- DEADLINE: 31 Jan 2014!
Many important species reproduce both sexually and asexually. While
there is an extensive theoretical framework for both either sexual or
asexual species, our ability to understand the evolution of partial
asexuals is still impeded by a lack of suitable models to analyse and
predict changes in their genetic diversity. Using a variety of
stochastic modelling techniques (Markov chains, SDEs, individual-based
numeric simulations) and statistic approaches (Bayesian, machine
learning), our interdisciplinary workgroup (Evolutionary Biology,
Maths, Computing) aims to provide the necessary tools for closing this
gap. The task of the postdoc will be to extend the model to spatially
structured populations. Candidates should have a strong background in
at least one of the relevant domains, i.e. population genetics,
mathematics or scientific programming (Python, C, Unix batch scripts),
and the ability to collaborate with people from different scientific
backgrounds. The position is based at the French National Research
Institute for Agriculture (INRA) centre in Rennes, the capital of the
French region Brittany. It is part of the CLONIX project funded by the
French National Research Agency, with a net monthly salary of
1750-1880EUR and additional social benefits (health insurance, child
care, public transport and lunch contributions). Please provide a CV
including a full publication list and a letter of motivation by email
including the subject [ANR Clonix Postdoc Application].
For more information please contact
Solenn Stoeckel, +33 (0)2 23 48 70 83, solenn.stoeckel@rennes.inra.fr
http://www6.rennes.inra.fr/igepp_eng/ABOUT-IGEPP (Institute),
http://wwz.ifremer.fr/clonix/ (Research Project)
From: Gaertner gaertner@wias-berlin.de
Date: January 29, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Weierstrass Institute, Berlin
Postdoc and PhD student position at Weierstrass Institute, Berlin:
numerical mathematics for charge transport processes in semiconductors
with applications in photon detectors, organic semiconductors, and
silicon photonics.
Please visit for further details
From: Lianjie Huang ljh@lanl.gov
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Geophysics, LANL
The Geophysics Group at Los Alamos National Laboratory seeks 1-2
Postdoctoral Research Associates to conduct research in
elastic-waveform inversion, elastic-wave reverse-time migration,
numerical modeling of seismic-wave propagation in isotropic and
anisotropic media, and microseismic imaging, with applications to
geothermal exploration/monitoring and geologic carbon
sequestration. Experience with parallel computing using CPU/GPU
clusters is preferred. A PhD in Geophysics, Applied Mathematics, or a
related field completed within the last five years, or soon to be
completed, is required. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, and
complete contact information for four references to Lianjie Huang at
From: Christoph Ortner c.ortner@warwick.ac.uk
Date: January 24, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Multiscale Simulation, Warwick Univ
2 postdoctoral research fellow positions at the Warwick Mathematics
Institute are available as part of an ERC project on Multiscale
simulation of crystalline solids. Ideal candidates have expertise in
numerical analysis and one (or more) of the following: molecular
dynamics, electronic structure, statistical mechanics. Closing date 21
Feb 2014.
For details see: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/maths/jobs.
For informal enquiries contact Christoh Ortner .
From: Stefan Wild wild@anl.gov
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: Givens Associate Student Opportunities, Argonne
The Givens Associates summer program is intended to encourage graduate
students who are beginning careers in numerical analysis or
computational mathematics. Givens Associates will work actively with
MCS scientists designing, analyzing, and implementing numerical
The MCS Division has strong programs in software tools and in
numerical methods for automatic differentiation, optimization, partial
differential equations, and linear algebra. Internationally recognized
for innovative research in high-performance computing, the MCS
Division supports an excellent computational environment that includes
access to some of the world's fastest machines.
To be eligible, you must be in an accredited Ph.D. program in
mathematics, applied mathematics, computer science, or a related field
at a U.S. university.
Application details are at
Application deadline: February 1, 2014
From: Santiago Badia sbadia@cimne.upc.edu
Date: February 03, 2014
Subject: PhD Fellowship Positions, Scientific Computing, CIMNE-UPC
The International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE)
at BarcelonaTech-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) is seeking
candidates for PhD studies.
The candidate will belong to the Large Scale Computing and
Computational Physics department, which is focused on the development
of computational methods for the numerical approximation of Partial
Differential Equations (PDEs). The creation of this group is funded by
the Starting Grant COMFUS (Dr. Santiago Badia) from the European
Research Council (ERC) and the EU FP7 project NUMEXAS: Numerical
Methods and Tools for Key Exascale Computing Challenges.
We are looking for motivated candidates with a MSc in engineering,
mathematics, physics or computer science. Excellent qualifications
will be important, since students are also expected to apply for
competitive PhD fellowships. We have opening PhD fellowships on high
order finite element techniques, adaptive finite element solvers,
domain decomposition preconditioners, with application to plasma
physics and fusion engineering.
The position will remain opened till filled, but it is recommended to
apply before the end of March 2014. Send your application, providing
CV, to: comfus@cimne.upc.edu Recommendation letters will likely be
Please contact Prof. Santiago Badia (sbadia@cimne.upc.edu) or visit
http://badia.rmee.upc.edu for further information.
From: Eric S Fraga e.fraga@ucl.ac.uk
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Chemical Engineering Modelling
Applications are invited for a PhD funding opportunity in UCL Chemical
Engineering for a September 2014 start. The studentship will be part
of a multi-disciplinary project with UCL Chemical Engineering, UCL
Chemistry and with Chemistry and the School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering at Loughborough University. This project
seeks to develop routes to nanoparticle and printed coatings of
technologically important materials for industrial printed electronic
applications as part of a large University-Industry consortium. In
Chemical Engineering, we will be looking at the process design
elements, including scale-up, supply chain and life cycle
analysis. The project will involve a combination of modelling and
experimental work along with interactions with a number of industrial
The studentship covers tuition fees plus a stipend based on the
standard UK Research Council rate with London weighting. This
studentship may only be awarded to applicants liable to pay tuition
fees at the UK/EU rate. The procedure for determining one's tuition
fee status is outlined on the UCL website.
The requirement for admission for the MPhil/PhD in Chemical
Engineering is a Master's degree with merit or distinction in Chemical
Engineering, Chemistry, Mathematics or a related quantitative
discipline. Overseas qualifications of an equivalent standard are also
acceptable. For further information, please contact Professor Eric S
Fraga (e.fraga@ucl.ac.uk) or Professor Panagiota Angeli
(p.angeli@ucl.ac.uk), Department of Chemical Engineering, UCL
(University College London).
Apply online at
From: Ilya Safro isafro@g.clemson.edu
Date: January 21, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Combinatorial Sci Comp, Clemson Univ
We are looking for outstanding candidates for M.Sc. and Ph.D.
positions in the School of Computing at Clemson University. The
candidate will be a part of discrete algorithms team. The candidate
will work under the supervision of Dr. Ilya Safro on combinatorial
scientific computing, network science, and large-scale
optimization. Some projects will include collaboration with national
The ideal candidate should have a solid background in
- theoretical computer science, discrete mathematics, algorithms
- numerical methods (in particular, in algebra)
- C/C++
Some (academic or industrial) experience in the following areas
will be considered as an important advantage (not mandatory)
- multigrid
- machine learning/data mining
- HPC and parallel programming/MPI/OpenMP/Hadoop
- optimization
- machine learning
- probability, randomized algorithms
- graph/network libraries (such as Boost Graph Library, LEDA, and
- scientific computing libraries
Please send your application as soon as possible to Ilya Safro at
isafro@clemson.edu. The application should include one pdf with
- cover letter or/and essay
- cv
- grades
- contact details of 2-3 references
The subject line must include "PhD Application (CSC)".
From: Stefan Koerkel Stefan.Koerkel@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, IWR, Heidelberg Univ
The Junior Research Group Optimum Experimental Design at the HGS
MathComp at IWR, Heidelberg University offers a Three-Year Doctoral
Scholarship funded by BASF.
The project will be supervided by Dr. Stefan Koerkel and Prof. Dr.
Guido Kanschat. As part of the project, the following topics should be
worked on:
- Investigation of concepts and development of methods for
optimization-based model validation of 2D and 3D PDE problems,
- Solution of PDE problems with local error control, adaptive spatial
discretization and tailored linear algebra solvers using the deal.II
library for finite elements,
- Development of tailored methods for internal numerical
differentiation of the PDE solution
- Using the thus calculated derivatives for parameter estimation,
optimal oontrol and optimal design of experiments,
- Investigation of all-at-once optimization approaches compared to a
sequential approach,
- Modeling of prototypical examples in cooperation with BASF.
The applicant should have an above-average Master or Diploma degree in
Mathematics or a related field. Acceptance for Promotion by the
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at Heidelberg University
must be possible, if necessary subject to conditions.
Knowledge of numerical mathematics and optimization is required, as
well as programming experience in C++ and disposition to work
interdisciplinarily and cooperate with industrial partners,
To increase the proportion of women in research and teaching women are
explicitly encouraged to apply .
Applications should be sent electronically in ONE PDF file (max. 5
MB) to Dr. Stefan Koerkel, stefan.koerkel@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de,
and Prof. Dr. Guido Kanschat, kanschat@uni-heidelberg.de.
From: Choi-Hong Lai C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk
Date: January 22, 2014
Subject: MSc Programs, Univ of Greenwich
MSc Applicable Mathematics; MSc Computational Finance
University of Greenwich, 2014/15
These two full time 12 months programmes are designed for graduates in
mathematics, engineering, science, or a social science area with
suitable numeracy background, wishing to pursue careers in modern
applications of mathematics. MSc Applicable Mathematics suits
graduates preferring traditional engineering and science applications.
MSc Computational Finance suits graduates preferring finance, banking,
and insurance from a practitioner's perspective. The core philosophy
of the programmes is to equip students through the core course
Mathematics and its Applications. In addition the programmes will
equip students with various numerical and programming skills.
The programmes cover relevant mathematical skills and applications,
common courses such as theory and numerical skills across different
applications industries, and professional modules dedicated to each
programme utilising all research expertise within the School.
Graduates build strong ties with the industry through the weekly
expertise seminar series. The aim of the programmes is to ensure that
students have an advanced understanding of both theory and practice
for their selected specialist areas.
Detailed programme description: http://www.cms.gre.ac.uk/postgraduate/
Online application form: http://www2.gre.ac.uk/study/apply/pg
Enquiry about Applicable Mathematics may be directed to Prof. C.-H.
Lai using C.H.Lai@gre.ac.uk.
Enquiry about Computational Finance may be directed to Dr K.
Skindilias using K.Skindilias@gre.ac.uk.
From: Paul Fishman paul.fishman@iop.org
Date: January 30, 2014
Subject: Contents, Nonlinearity, 27 (2)
Volume 27, Issue 2, February 2014
This issue is available at: URL:
171, Existence and uniqueness of tronqu\'ee solutions of the third and
fourth Painlev\'e equations, Y Lin, D Dai and P Tibboel
187, Ground states for fractional Schr\"odinger equations with
critical growth, Xudong Shang and Jihui Zhang
209, On the Navier--Stokes limit of the Boltzmann equation, D
Belardinelli and R Marra
227, Multifractal spectrum of self-similar measures with overlap,
Cameron Bruggeman, Kathryn E Hare and Cheuk Yu Mak
257, Principal Poincar\'e Pontryagin function associated to some
families of Morse real polynomials, M Pelletier and M Uribe
271, Invariance of chaos from backward shift on the K\"othe sequence
space, XinxingWu, Guanrong Chen and Peiyong Zhu
289, Global dynamics of discrete neural networks allowing
non-monotonic activation functions, Eduardo Liz and Alfonso
305, Entire solutions with exponential growth for an elliptic system
modelling phase separation, Nicola Soave and Alessandro Zilio
343, On some new global existence results for 3D magnetohydrodynamic
equations, Cheng He, Xiangdi Huang and Yun Wang
End of Digest