THE FREEDOS BETA 7 ("SPEARS") DISTRIBUTION RELEASE NOTES Jim Hall Jeremy Davis 07 September 2001 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the Beta7 distribution! Problems/updates with the official Beta7 may be found on the FreeDOS web site at Please read the errata. Updated versions of the the semi-official "Hot" releases may be found at Changes from Beta7 are noted in changes.txt In the meantime, some things you need to watch out for: * Floppy access under the FreeDOS kernel is still a little slow. The installation will take longer than you may expect, and running programs from the Install Boot Floppy is slow. * The install program really should ask you to insert the first disk of the first install set before it tries to do anything. But I didn't fix that bug before Beta7. If you have the Install Boot Floppy in the drive, the install program will correctly ask for the Base1 disk. However, if you don't have ANY floppy in the drive at the time, you get a very odd error message from the kernel. Please watch out for this. * The version of format included requires FreeDOS kernel 2024f or higher (or MS/PC/DR DOS). Format no longer requires rebooting after formating. Remember it still does not do bad sector checking (so for now, /U /Q is implied even if not specified). * The MINI distribution is only provided with a boot disk image for 3.5inch 1.44MB floppy and disksets that will fit on 1.44MB disks. * The FULL distribution is provided with 3.5inch 1.44MB & 720KB floppy images and 5.25inch 1.2MB & 360KB floppy images. The 1.44MB image and disksets are the suggested ones to use, however to assist those without a 1.44MB floppy drive the other disk images are provided along with several of the disksets split up so they may fit on 360KB or larger disks. The 1.44MB disksets are available in full\disksets and the 360KB disksets are available in full\disksets.360 --------------------------------------------------------------------------