Profiling Use of PKI in IPSEC (pki4ipse) Wednesday, November 10 at 0900-1130 =================================== CHAIRS: Paul Knight Gregory Lebovitz AGENDA: (Last revised 10/29/2004 17:33) Administrivia - Paul/Gregory 10 minutes Agenda bashing; blue sheets; scribe; Jabber scribe 1) Status of draft: "Requirements for an IPsec Certificate Management Profile" (Chris Bonatti, Sean Turner) - 10 minutes 2) Status of draft and review of changes between -01 and -03: "The Internet IP Security PKI Profile of IKEv1/ISAKMP, IKEv2, and PKIX" (Brian Korver) - 30 minutes 3.a) Identification of current issues from the pki4ipsec issue tracker (discussion of issues by authors; comments from floor) 3.b) How interested parties can use the issue tracker. (Mark Zimmerman) - 30 minutes 4) Steps needed to move the two drafts (above) toward WG last call. (Paul/Gregory) - 10 minutes 5) Discussion on need to raise the level of active participation in pki4ipsec work items. (Paul/Gregory/Paul Hoffman) - 5 min