File: BeNFSClientPR1.tgz
       Author: Andreas Huber (
      Release: PR1 (April, 29th, 1997)
Compatibility: DR8.x
     Location: contrib/network
  Description: An NFS Client for BeOS

BeNFSClient PR 1 for DR8.x

Welcome to the first preview of BeNFSClient, part
of the BeNFS package.

I hope to satisfy those of you who have written me in search of an 
NFS client for the BeOS.
Now, there it is. It is not really an NFS filesystem mounter, because
the current BeOS filesystem architecture does not allow mounting
of foreign file systems in DR8, but kind of a "better" ftp.

Starting the program you will see the mount dialog, in which
you specify the server (ip-name) you want to connect to.
After pressing return or clicking "Exports", the client
scans the remote server for exported file-systems, which appear
in the list below.
Select one entry from the list by pressing return again or
simply double-click an entry.
The client will try to mount this filesystem and, if sucessful,
brings up a folderwindow similar to the browser's.

You may double-click subfolder-icons to open that folder in a new
window (or hold the Ctrl-key to browse in the same window)

Secondary mouse-button-click on a regular file pops up
a context-sensitive menu containing only one item :
copy to local file-system
This behaves (hopefully) as you would expect from a save-as command
in other applications.

You may also want to try the opposite direction :
Just drag a file from one of your browser's windows (local harddisk)
onto an NFS-Folderwindow (the window, not a foldericon)
The file will be uploaded to the nfsserver, if you have permission
to do so.

There is not much error-handling up to now. The few error-alerts
should suffice for now.

Ah, yes, press Command-R to refresh the contents of the active

I hope to improve this client in the future, so be sure to
keep me informed about problems you notice.
Suggestions and feature-requests are welcome, too.

P.S: I tested this proggy with my own BeNFSServerPR5 with no problems
( :)), what a wonder, isn't it ).
I also did a few tests with MacNFSd, a publicly available nfs-server
for MacOS. There are some problems when trying to upload to macnfs,
the remote file-size seems to stay at 8K. I will have to contact
the author of macnfsd about this, since I do not think it is a
client problem.

P.P.S: There are two parameter to those of you trying to configure the
client to their personal needs:

You can launch BeNFSClient with 

	- maximum timeout: this is the time after the client retransmits
						a given packet if no response was received
						from the server
	- max retransmissions : the maximum number of retransmissions
						the client emits until he gives up

for example
	BeNFSClient 30 3   (30 sec timeout, max. 3 retries, this is default)
if you connect to the server via modem it is sometimes useful to change
the default settings. Try and error!

Happy coding,
You can reach me at
	(Andreas Huber)