Dec 5, 2000
                                                                Dave Steck
                                                                Novell, Inc.
                    UTF-8 Conversion Functions

1.  Strings in the LDAP C SDK should be encoded in UTF-8 format.
    However, most platforms do not provide APIs for converting to
    this format.  If they do, they are platform-specific.
    As a result, most applications (knowingly or not) use local strings
    with LDAP functions.  This works fine for 7-bit ASCII characters,
    but will fail with 8-bit European characters, Asian characters, etc.
    We propose adding the following platform-independent conversion functions 
    to the OpenLDAP SDK.  There are 4 functions for converting between UTF-8 
    and wide characters, and 4 functions for converting between UTF-8 and 
    multibyte characters.

    For multibyte to UTF-8 conversions, charset translation is necessary.
    While a full charset translator is not practical or appropriate for the
    LDAP SDK, we can pass the translator function in as an argument.
    A NULL for this argument will use the ANSI C functions mbtowc, mbstowcs,
    wctomb, and wcstombs.

2.  UTF-8 <--> Wide Character conversions

The following new conversion routines will be added, following the pattern of 
the ANSI C conversion routines (mbtowc, mbstowcs, etc).  These routines use
the wchar_t type.  wchar_t is 2 bytes on some systems and 4 bytes on others.  
However the advantage of using wchar_t is that all the standard wide character 
string functions may be used on these strings:   wcslen, wcscpy, etc.

   int ldap_x_utf8_to_wc  -  Convert a single UTF-8 encoded character to a wide character.
   int ldap_x_utf8s_to_wcs  -  Convert a UTF-8 string to a wide character string.
   int ldap_x_wc_to_utf8  -  Convert a single wide character to a UTF-8 sequence.
   int ldap_x_wcs_to_utf8s  -  Convert a wide character string to a UTF-8 string.

2.1  ldap_x_utf8_to_wc  -  Convert a single UTF-8  encoded character to a wide character.

int ldap_x_utf8_to_wc ( wchar_t *wchar, const char *utf8char )

  wchar		(OUT)	Points to a wide character code to receive the 
                    converted character.

  utf8char	(IN)	Address of the UTF8 sequence of bytes.

Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the length in 
        bytes of the UTF-8 input character.

        If utf8char is NULL or points to an empty string, the
        function returns 1 and a NULL is written to wchar.
        If utf8char contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence -1 is returned.

2.2  ldap_x_utf8s_to_wcs   -  Convert a UTF-8 string to a wide character string.

int ldap_x_utf8s_to_wcs (wchar_t *wcstr, const char *utf8str, size_t count)

  wcstr		(OUT)	Points to a wide char buffer to receive the 
                    converted wide char string. The output string will be 
                    null terminated if there is space for it in the 

  utf8str   (IN)	Address of the null-terminated UTF-8 string to convert.  

  count		(IN)	The number of UTF-8 characters to convert, or
        			equivalently, the size of the output buffer in wide

Return Value:
    If successful, the function returns the number of wide
    characters written to wcstr, excluding the null termination
    character, if any.

	If wcstr is NULL, the function returns the number of wide
    characters required to contain the converted string,
    excluding the null termination character.

    If an invalid UTF-8 sequence is encountered, the 
    function returns -1. 

    If the return value equals count, there was not enough space to fit the 
    string and the null terminator in the buffer.  

2.3  ldap_x_wc_to_utf8  -  Convert a single wide character to a UTF-8 sequence.

int ldap_x_wc_to_utf8 ( char *utf8char, wchar_t wchar, count )

  utf8char	(OUT)	Points to a byte array to receive the converted UTF-8

  wchar		(IN)	The wide character to convert.

  count		(IN)	The maximum number of bytes to write to the output
                    buffer.  Normally set this to LDAP_MAX_UTF8_LEN, which 
                    is defined as 3 or 6 depending on the size of wchar_t.  
                    A partial character will not be written.
Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the length in bytes of
		the converted UTF-8 output character.

        If wchar is NULL, the function returns 1 and a NULL is 
        written to utf8char.
        If wchar cannot be converted to a UTF-8 character, the 
        function returns -1.

2.4  int ldap_x_wcs_to_utf8s  -  Convert a wide character string to a UTF-8 string.

int ldap_x_wcs_to_utf8s (char *utf8str, const wchar_t *wcstr, size_t count)

  utf8str	(OUT)	Points to a byte array to receive the converted 
                    UTF-8 string. The output string will be null 
                    terminated if there is space for it in the 

  wcstr		(IN)	Address of the null-terminated wide char string to convert.

  count		(IN)	The size of the output buffer in bytes.

Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the number of bytes
		written to utf8str, excluding the null termination
        character, if any.

		If utf8str is NULL, the function returns the number of
        bytes required to contain the converted string, excluding 
        the null termination character.  The 'count' parameter is ignored.
        If the function encounters a wide character that cannot 
        be mapped to a UTF-8 sequence, the function returns -1.
        If the return value equals count, there was not enough space to fit 
        the string and the null terminator in the buffer.

3. Multi-byte <--> UTF-8 Conversions

These functions convert the string in a two-step process, from multibyte 
to Wide, then from Wide to UTF8, or vice versa.  This conversion requires a 
charset translation routine, which is passed in as an argument.
   ldap_x_mb_to_utf8  -  Convert a multi-byte character  to a UTF-8 character.
   ldap_x_mbs_to_utf8s  -  Convert a multi-byte string to a UTF-8 string.
   ldap_x_utf8_to_mb  -  Convert a UTF-8 character to a multi-byte character.
   ldap_x_utf8s_to_mbs  -  Convert a UTF-8 string to a multi-byte string.

3.1  ldap_x_mb_to_utf8  - Convert a multi-byte character  to a UTF-8 character.

int ldap_x_mb_to_utf8 ( char *utf8char, const char *mbchar, size_t mbsize, int (*f_mbtowc)(wchar_t *wchar, const char *mbchar, size_t count)  )

  utf8char	(OUT)	Points to a byte buffer to receive the converted 
                    UTF-8 character.  May be NULL.  The output is not

  mbchar    (IN)	Address of a sequence of bytes forming a multibyte character.

  mbsize	(IN)	The maximum number of bytes of the mbchar argument to 
                    check.  This should normally be MB_CUR_MAX.

  f_mbtowc	(IN)	The function to use for converting a multibyte 
                    character to a wide character.  If NULL, the local 
                    ANSI C routine mbtowc is used.

Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the length in bytes of
        the UTF-8 output character.  
        If utf8char is NULL, count is ignored and the function
        returns the number of bytes that would be written to the 
        output char.

        If count is zero, 0 is returned and nothing is written to
        If mbchar is NULL or points to an empty string, the 
        function returns 1 and a null byte is written to utf8char.
        If mbchar contains an invalid multi-byte character, -1 is returned.

3.2  ldap_x_mbs_to_utf8s  - Convert a multi-byte string  to a UTF-8 string.

int ldap_x_mbs_to_utf8s (char *utf8str, const char *mbstr, size_t count, 
        size_t (*f_mbstowcs)(wchar_t *wcstr, const char *mbstr, size_t count))

utf8str	    (OUT)	Points to a buffer to receive the converted UTF-8 string.  
                    May be NULL.

  mbchar	(IN)	Address of the null-terminated multi-byte input string.

  count	    (IN)	The size of the output buffer in bytes.

  f_mbstowcs (IN)	The function to use for converting a multibyte string
            		to a wide character string.  If NULL, the local ANSI
            		C routine mbstowcs is used.

Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the length in 
        bytes of the UTF-8 output string, excluding the null
        terminator, if present.
        If utf8str is NULL, count is ignored and the function 
        returns the number of bytes required for the output string, 
        excluding the NULL.
        If count is zero, 0 is returned and nothing is written to utf8str.
        If mbstr is NULL or points to an empty string, the 
        function returns 1 and a null byte is written to utf8str.
        If mbstr contains an invalid multi-byte character, -1 is returned.
        If the returned value is equal to count, the entire null-terminated 
        string would not fit in the output buffer.

3.3  ldap_x_utf8_to_mb  -  Convert a UTF-8 character to a multi-byte character.

int ldap_x_utf8_to_mb ( char *mbchar, const char *utf8char,
                        int (*f_wctomb)(char *mbchar, wchar_t wchar) )

mbchar	(OUT)	Points to a byte buffer to receive the converted multi-byte 
                character.  May be NULL.

  utf8char	(IN)	Address of the UTF-8 character sequence.

  f_wctomb	(IN)	The function to use for converting a wide character 
                    to a multibyte character.  If NULL, the local 
                    ANSI C routine wctomb is used.

Return Value:
		If successful, the function returns the length in 
        bytes of the multi-byte output character.  
        If utf8char is NULL or points to an empty string, the 
        function returns 1 and a null byte is written to mbchar.
        If utf8char contains an invalid UTF-8 sequence, -1 is returned.

3.4  int ldap_x_utf8s_to_mbs  - Convert a UTF-8 string to a multi-byte string.

int ldap_x_utf8s_to_mbs ( char *mbstr, const char *utf8str, size_t count, 
        size_t (*f_wcstombs)(char *mbstr, const wchar_t *wcstr, size_t count) )

  mbstr		(OUT)	Points to a byte buffer to receive the converted 
                    multi-byte string.  May be NULL.

  utf8str   (IN)	Address of the null-terminated UTF-8 string to convert.

  count		(IN)	The size of the output buffer in bytes.

  f_wcstombs (IN)	The function to use for converting a wide character 
                    string to a multibyte string.  If NULL, the local 
                    ANSI C routine wcstombs is used.

Return Value:
        If successful, the function returns the number of bytes
		written to mbstr, excluding the null termination
        character, if any.

        If mbstr is NULL, count is ignored and the function
        returns the number of bytes required for the output string,
        excluding the NULL.
        If count is zero, 0 is returned and nothing is written to
        If utf8str is NULL or points to an empty string, the 
        function returns 1 and a null byte is written to mbstr.
        If an invalid UTF-8 character is encountered, the 
        function returns -1.

The output string will be null terminated if there is space for it in 
the output buffer.