Source: ../../ospf/delay_queue.hh

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// Copyright (c) 2001-2008 XORP, Inc.
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// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
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// $XORP: xorp/ospf/delay_queue.hh,v 1.9 2008/07/23 05:11:07 pavlin Exp $


 * Entries can be added to the queue at any rate. The callback is
 * invoked at the specified period to remove an entry from the queue.
template <typename _Entry>
class DelayQueue {
    typedef typename XorpCallback1<void, _Entry>::RefPtr DelayCallback;

    DelayQueue(EventLoop& eventloop, uint32_t delay, DelayCallback forward)
	: _eventloop(eventloop), _delay(delay), _forward(forward)

     * Add an entry to the queue. If the entry is already on the queue
     * it is not added again.
    void add(_Entry entry);

     * Start the timer running but don't add anything to the queue.
    void fire();

    EventLoop& _eventloop;
    deque<_Entry> _queue;
    const uint32_t _delay;	// Delay in seconds.
    DelayCallback _forward;	// Invoked to forward an entry from the queue.
    XorpTimer	_timer;		// Timer that services the queue.

     * Invoked from the timer to take the next entry from the queue.
    void next();

template <typename _Entry>
DelayQueue<_Entry>::add(_Entry entry)
    // If this entry is already on the queue just return.
    if (_queue.end() != find(_queue.begin(), _queue.end(), entry))

    // If the timer is running push this entry to the back of the
    // queue and return.
    if (_timer.scheduled()) {

    // If the timer isn't running then we have been idle for more than
    // delay seconds. Forward this entry immediately and start the
    // timer. Start the timer first in case this code is re-entered.

    _timer = _eventloop.new_oneoff_after(TimeVal(_delay, 0),
					 callback(this, &DelayQueue::next));


template <typename _Entry>
    if (_timer.scheduled())
    _timer = _eventloop.new_oneoff_after(TimeVal(_delay, 0),
					 callback(this, &DelayQueue::next));

template <typename _Entry>
    if (_queue.empty())

    _timer = _eventloop.new_oneoff_after(TimeVal(_delay, 0),
					 callback(this, &DelayQueue::next));
    _Entry entry = _queue.front();


#endif // __OSPF_DELAY_QUEUE_HH__

Generated by: bms on on Wed Jul 23 10:06:05 2008, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP.