// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/fea/mfea_vif.hh,v 1.6 2004/06/18 21:51:52 pavlin Exp $ #ifndef __FEA_MFEA_VIF_HH__ #define __FEA_MFEA_VIF_HH__ // // MFEA virtual interface definition. // #include <list> #include <set> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include "libxorp/vif.hh" #include "libproto/proto_register.hh" #include "libproto/proto_unit.hh" // // Constants definitions // // // Structures/classes, typedefs and macros // class MfeaNode; /** * @short A class for MFEA-specific virtual interface. */ class MfeaVif : public ProtoUnit, public Vif { public: /** * Constructor for a given MFEA node and a generic virtual interface. * * @param mfea_node the @ref MfeaNode this interface belongs to. * @param vif the generic Vif interface that contains various information. */ MfeaVif(MfeaNode& mfea_node, const Vif& vif); /** * Copy Constructor for a given MFEA node and MFEA-specific virtual * interface. * * @param mfea_node the @ref MfeaNode this interface belongs to. * @param mfea_vif the origin @ref MfeaVif interface that contains * the initialization information. */ MfeaVif(MfeaNode& mfea_node, const MfeaVif& mfea_vif); /** * Destructor */ virtual ~MfeaVif(); /** * Start MFEA on a single virtual interface. * * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int start(string& error_msg); /** * Stop MFEA on a single virtual interface. * * @param error_msg the error message (if error). * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int stop(string& error_msg); /** * Enable MFEA on a single virtual interface. * * If an unit is not enabled, it cannot be start, or pending-start. */ void enable(); /** * Disable MFEA on a single virtual interface. * * If an unit is disabled, it cannot be start or pending-start. * If the unit was runnning, it will be stop first. */ void disable(); /** * Start a protocol on a single virtual interface. * * @param module_instance_name the module instance name of the protocol * to start on this vif. * @param module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id) of the protocol * to start on this vif. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int start_protocol(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id); /** * Stop a protocol on a single virtual interface. * * @param module_instance_name the module instance name of the protocol * to stop on this vif. * @param module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id) of the protocol * to stop on this vif. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int stop_protocol(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id); /** * Leave all previously joined multicast groups on this interface. * * @return the number of groups that were successfully left, * or XORP_ERROR if error. */ int leave_all_multicast_groups(); /** * Leave all previously joined multicast groups on this interface * by a given module. * * Leave all previously joined multicast groups on this interface * that were joined by a module with name @ref module_instance_name * and module ID @ref module_id. * * @param module_instance_name the module instance name of the protocol * that leaves all groups. * @param module_id the module ID of the protocol that leaves all groups * @return the number of groups that were successfully left, * or XORP_ERROR if error. */ int leave_all_multicast_groups(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id); /** * Get the minimum TTL a multicast packet must have to be forwarded * on this virtual interface. * * @return the minimum TTL a multicast packet must have * to be forwarded on this virtual interface. */ uint8_t min_ttl_threshold() const { return (_min_ttl_threshold); } /** * Set the minimum TTL a multicast packet must have to be forwarded * on this virtual interface. * * @param v the value of the minimum TTL a multicast packet must have * to be forwarded on this virtual interface. */ void set_min_ttl_threshold(uint8_t v) { _min_ttl_threshold = v; } /** * Get the maximum multicast bandwidth rate allowed on this virtual * interface. * * @return the maximum multicast bandwidth rate allowed * on this virtual interface. */ uint32_t max_rate_limit() const { return (_max_rate_limit); } /** * Set the maximum multicast bandwidth rate allowed on this virtual * interface. * * @param v the value of the maximum multicast bandwidth rate allowed * on this virtual interface. */ void set_max_rate_limit(uint32_t v) { _max_rate_limit = v; } /** * Get the set of protocol instances that are registered to * send/receive data packets on this vif. * * @return the set of protocol instances that are registered to * send/receive data packets on this vif. */ ProtoRegister& proto_register() { return (_proto_register); } /** * Add a multicast group to the set of groups joined on this virtual * interface. * * @param module_instance_name the module instance name of the protocol * that has joined the group. * @param module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id) of the protocol * that has joined the group. * @param group the group address. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int add_multicast_group(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id, const IPvX& group) { return (_joined_groups.add_multicast_group(module_instance_name, module_id, group)); } /** * Delete a multicast group from the set of groups joined on this virtual * interface. * * @param module_instance_name the module instance name of the protocol * that has left the group. * @param module_id the module ID (@ref xorp_module_id) of the protocol * that has left the group. * @param group the group address. * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ int delete_multicast_group(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id, const IPvX& group) { return (_joined_groups.delete_multicast_group(module_instance_name, module_id, group)); } /** * Test if a multicast group is still joined on this virtual interface. * * @param group the group address. * @return true if @ref group is still joined on this virtual address, * otherwise false. */ bool has_multicast_group(const IPvX& group) const { return (_joined_groups.has_multicast_group(group)); } private: // Private functions MfeaNode& mfea_node() const { return (_mfea_node); } /** * Get the string with the flags about the vif status. * * TODO: temporary here. Should go to the Vif class after the Vif * class starts using the Proto class. * * @return the C++ style string with the flags about the vif status * (e.g., UP/DOWN/DISABLED, etc). */ string flags_string() const; // Private state MfeaNode& _mfea_node; // The MFEA node I belong to uint8_t _min_ttl_threshold; // Min. TTL required to forward mcast pkts uint32_t _max_rate_limit; // Max. bw rate allowed to forward mcast // State to keep track of which protocols have started on this vif. ProtoRegister _proto_register; // Class to keep track of joined groups per vif class JoinedGroups { public: int add_multicast_group(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id, const IPvX& group); int delete_multicast_group(const string& module_instance_name, xorp_module_id module_id, const IPvX& group); bool has_multicast_group(const IPvX& group) const; set<IPvX>& joined_multicast_groups() { return (_joined_multicast_groups); } list<pair<pair<string, xorp_module_id>, IPvX> >& joined_state() { return (_joined_state); } private: set<IPvX> _joined_multicast_groups; // The joined mcast groups // The state about who joined which group. list<pair<pair<string, xorp_module_id>, IPvX> > _joined_state; }; JoinedGroups _joined_groups; // State with joined multicast groups }; // // Global variables // // // Global functions prototypes // #endif // __FEA_MFEA_VIF_HH__