// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2001-2004 International Computer Science Institute // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a // copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software") // to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions // listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must // preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright // holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission. // The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This // notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is // legally binding. // $XORP: xorp/fea/fticonfig_entry_get.hh,v 1.13 2004/06/10 22:40:47 hodson Exp $ #ifndef __FEA_FTICONFIG_ENTRY_GET_HH__ #define __FEA_FTICONFIG_ENTRY_GET_HH__ #include "libxorp/xorp.h" #include "libxorp/ipvx.hh" #include "fte.hh" #include "netlink_socket.hh" #include "routing_socket.hh" class IPv4; class IPv6; class FtiConfig; class FtiConfigEntryGet { public: FtiConfigEntryGet(FtiConfig& ftic); virtual ~FtiConfigEntryGet(); FtiConfig& ftic() { return _ftic; } virtual void register_ftic(); /** * Start operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int start() = 0; /** * Stop operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int stop() = 0; /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return bool on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route4(const IPv4& dst, Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry4(const IPv4Net& dst, Fte4& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route6(const IPv6& dst, Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry6(const IPv6Net& dst, Fte6& fte) = 0; /** * Parse information about routing entry information received from * the underlying system. * * The information to parse is in RTM format * (e.g., obtained by routing sockets or by sysctl(3) mechanism). * * @param fte the Fte storage to store the parsed information. * @param buf the buffer with the data to parse. * @param buf_bytes buf_bytes the size of the data in the buffer. * @param is_rtm_get_only if true, consider only the RTM_GET entries. * @return true on success, otherwise false. * @see FteX. */ bool parse_buffer_rtm(FteX& fte, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_bytes, bool is_rtm_get_only); /** * Parse information about routing entry information received from * the underlying system. * * The information to parse is in NETLINK format * (e.g., obtained by netlink(7) sockets mechanism). * * @param fte the Fte storage to store the parsed information. * @param buf the buffer with the data to parse. * @param buf_bytes buf_bytes the size of the data in the buffer. * @param is_nlm_get_only if true, consider only the entries obtained * by RTM_GETROUTE. * @return true on success, otherwise false. * @see FteX. */ bool parse_buffer_nlm(FteX& fte, const uint8_t *buf, size_t buf_bytes, bool is_nlm_get_only); protected: int sock(int family); int _s4; int _s6; // Misc other stat bool _is_running; private: FtiConfig& _ftic; }; class FtiConfigEntryGetDummy : public FtiConfigEntryGet { public: FtiConfigEntryGetDummy(FtiConfig& ftic); virtual ~FtiConfigEntryGetDummy(); /** * Start operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int start(); /** * Stop operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int stop(); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route4(const IPv4& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry4(const IPv4Net& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route6(const IPv6& dst, Fte6& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry6(const IPv6Net& dst, Fte6& fte); private: }; class FtiConfigEntryGetRtsock : public FtiConfigEntryGet, public RoutingSocket { public: FtiConfigEntryGetRtsock(FtiConfig& ftic); virtual ~FtiConfigEntryGetRtsock(); /** * Start operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int start(); /** * Stop operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int stop(); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route4(const IPv4& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry4(const IPv4Net& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route6(const IPv6& dst, Fte6& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry6(const IPv6Net& dst, Fte6& fte); private: /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route(const IPvX& dst, FteX& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry(const IPvXNet& dst, FteX& fte); RoutingSocketReader _rs_reader; }; class FtiConfigEntryGetNetlink : public FtiConfigEntryGet, public NetlinkSocket4, public NetlinkSocket6 { public: FtiConfigEntryGetNetlink(FtiConfig& ftic); virtual ~FtiConfigEntryGetNetlink(); /** * Start operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int start(); /** * Stop operation. * * @return XORP_OK on success, otherwise XORP_ERROR. */ virtual int stop(); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route4(const IPv4& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry4(const IPv4Net& dst, Fte4& fte); /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route6(const IPv6& dst, Fte6& fte); /** * Lookup entry. * * @param dst network address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_entry6(const IPv6Net& dst, Fte6& fte); private: /** * Lookup a route. * * @param dst host address to resolve. * @param fte return-by-reference forwarding table entry. * * @return true on success, otherwise false. */ virtual bool lookup_route(const IPvX& dst, FteX& fte); NetlinkSocketReader _ns_reader; }; #endif // __FEA_FTICONFIG_ENTRY_GET_HH__