Source: ../../bgp/route_table_decision.hh
// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
// Copyright (c) 2001-2003 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
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// legally binding.
// $XORP: xorp/bgp/route_table_decision.hh,v 1.7 2003/08/04 21:58:58 pavlin Exp $
#include <map>
#include "route_table_base.hh"
#include "peer_handler.hh"
#include "next_hop_resolver.hh"
template<class A>
class DecisionTable : public BGPRouteTable<A> {
DecisionTable(string tablename, NextHopResolver<A>& next_hop_resolver);
int add_parent(BGPRouteTable<A> *parent,
PeerHandler *peer_handler);
int remove_parent(BGPRouteTable<A> *parent);
int add_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
int replace_route(const InternalMessage<A> &old_rtmsg,
const InternalMessage<A> &new_rtmsg,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
int delete_route(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
int route_dump(const InternalMessage<A> &rtmsg,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller,
const PeerHandler *peer);
int push(BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
const SubnetRoute<A> *lookup_route(const IPNet<A> &net) const;
//don't call this on a DecisionTable - it's meaningless
BGPRouteTable<A> *parent() { abort(); return NULL; }
RouteTableType type() const {return DECISION_TABLE;}
string str() const;
/* mechanisms to implement flow control in the output plumbing */
void output_state(bool /*busy*/, BGPRouteTable<A> */*next_table*/) {
bool get_next_message(BGPRouteTable<A> */*next_table*/) {
return false;
bool dump_next_route(DumpIterator<A>& dump_iter);
* Notification that the status of this next hop has changed.
* @param bgp_nexthop The next hop that has changed.
virtual void igp_nexthop_changed(const A& bgp_nexthop);
void peering_went_down(const PeerHandler *peer, uint32_t genid,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
void peering_down_complete(const PeerHandler *peer, uint32_t genid,
BGPRouteTable<A> *caller);
const SubnetRoute<A> *lookup_route(const BGPRouteTable<A>* ignore_parent,
const IPNet<A> &net,
const PeerHandler*& best_routes_peer,
BGPRouteTable<A>*& best_routes_parent
) const;
bool find_previous_winner(BGPRouteTable<A> *caller,
const IPNet<A>& net,
const SubnetRoute<A>*& best_route,
const PeerHandler*& best_routes_peer,
BGPRouteTable<A>*& best_routes_parent) const;
uint32_t local_pref(const SubnetRoute<A> *route, const PeerHandler *peer)
uint32_t med(const SubnetRoute<A> *route) const;
bool resolvable(const A) const;
uint32_t igp_distance(const A) const;
bool route_is_better(const SubnetRoute<A> *our_route,
const PeerHandler *out_peer,
const SubnetRoute<A> *test_route,
const PeerHandler *test_peer) const;
map<BGPRouteTable<A>*, PeerHandler* > _parents;
NextHopResolver<A>& _next_hop_resolver;
Generated by: pavlin on on Thu Aug 28 12:52:17 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54+XORP. |