Quickguide to using WBD
General Information
WBD - unicast and multicast shared workspace. WBD is first and foremost a conferencing tool - not a drawing tool. You can think of it as a drawing tool with limited functionality. 

Starting up WBD

There are two ways of starting up WBD:- from the command line and from SDR. Using SDR is easier as it automatically configures the tool for use.
  1. Using SDR (RECOMMENDED) - Click on the session advertisement, a box will appear listing the available tools for the session. Either click on the 'Join' button which will start all the tools, or click on the tool buttons individually to the left of the screen.

  3. From the Command Line - As with the other Mbone tools the format for setting up WBD from the command line is as follows:
    1. Unix:
      Prompt> wbd [options] <address/port>

      Click on the Start button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen. Select Run... In the Run Window, type the following in the open: field.
      Open: wbd [options] <address/port>

      e.g. for a session using the address, and port 2222 with a ttl of 47, the correct syntax would be:-

        wbd -t 47
      **All participants must use the same multicast address and port number in order to communicate with one another** 

Using WBD


Useful WBD Control Characters:
  • BACKSPACE will delete the last typed character 
  • Carriage return will start a new line under the start of the previous line 
  • CTRL-left mouse click will delete the text or drawing under the mouse pointer


If you can't see other people's work: 
  • Make sure that you are using the correct addresses. 

  • Make sure that both your and the other participant's ttl is set to at least 47 for sessions conducted within the UK.

Further Information

The WBD userguide is available in word7 and postscript format. Please refer to this for more detailed information regarding it's operation.

Please consult this reference first. If your query still remains unanswered, send an email to k.hasler@cs.ucl.ac.uk


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