Sociology - Course Description

Taught By: 
Various sociology tutors from Essex University
Number of students and their location:
30 students located in lecture room at SSEES receiving lectures by videoconference. 
Over 100 students located in lecture theatre where lecture is being held.
Start Date:
Beginning of Christmas term.

Number of Sessions:

12 Weekly sessions, 1 hour each.

Description of Course:

The Department of Eastern European Studies and SSEES are working in a long-term academic collaboration and resource sharing activity: SSEES teaches EE languages to students at Essex, whilst social science lectures at Essex are attended by students at SSEES.
Up to 25 first-year students are following sociology lectures given in a lecture theatre at Essex Univ. from conference room NG14 at SSEES.  There will be a Teaching Assistant in attendance at SSEES. 

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