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Conference Control and Shared Work Space Activity

There are many shared workspace systems. One such system is the BBN-supplied, DARPA-financed, Distributed Simulation system of Section 5.3 (MMCONF) [19]. Others have been developed under the CAR system using a form of Shared-X [14]. It is a form of the CAR system that will be combined with the XConfer system from Nottingham University/Xtel that use a generalised mechanism for sharing the applications, and will be adopted for the early stages of MICE Shared Workspace and Conference Control. It is a centralised system; SICS and INRIA are developing a more distributed system, which we hope to use later in the project. All these allow any actions on one keyboard to be viewed at all the other sites. By providing appropriate data communications facilities, or pre-transmitting the relevant files, it is possible to introduce large databases into the conferences while maintaining an interactive performance.
Thu Dec 30 18:10:38 GMT 1993