============================================================================== WISQL current version $Revision: 1.3 $ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFO: The stuff in this directory is of use to people who already have A Sybase server Open Client lib The tcl suite: tcl, tclX, Tk/wish and sybtcl 7.3/3.6 OR (preferred) tcl 7.5/4.1 -- also Paul Raines' tkbind (included with wisql) All new features and bugfixes will be applied to this version only. The Tk3.6 version of wisql is not supported after version 2.2.5 -- the first Tk4.0 version was arbitrarily called wisql 3. The semi-final port to tk4 is version 4. The Tk3.6 release will NO LONGER be found in the distrib, but write to me if you need it. It consists of the last tk3.6 version of the wisql launch script and the two tlibs (ucosyb.tlib and wisql.tlib). It is no longer actively supported. Good luck :-) If you are really beind the times and still have tcl v6, you can use the wisql and wisql.tlib in the wisql_Tcl6 subdirectory (filenames start with "V6") -- this was the last release for v6 tcl and is missing many features and fixes (see the patchlevel file) found in the current version. It is not supported. wisql is distributed with sybtcl on the major tcl archives because of these dependencies, and is also available separately from ftp.ucolick.org . You can't use any of this unless you have sybtcl. The file on ftp.ucolick.org is in pub/src/UCOSYB, and is called wisql4.tar.Z see http://www.ucolick.org/~de for various interesting stuff about tcl/tk, sybase, and my current projects and interests. Our institutional homepage is also quite entertaining. Join the MAILING LIST mail majordomo@ucolick.org in the body of your message write subscribe wisql or mail wisql-request@ucolick.org and write subscribe (this is a new majordomo, just installed 2/27/96, so there may be some "startup phenomena".) CONTENTS: See the file MANIFEST CURRENT REV: v4.mumble (see notes below) CHANGE NOTES: see the file RELEASE_NOTES TO USE WISQL: You may have to edit a couple of things before you get started. You will need to edit the library load command at the head of the 'wisql' script so that the path points to the location where you actually stored the tlib files. NOTE that you must install BOTH tlib files -- wisql needs both ucosyb.tlib and wisql.tlib in order to run. If you do not install the "secure" font then wisql will fail back to Adobe Symbol font. Wisql tries to use special bitmaps for its icons. Look for the the line where the variable 'bitmapdir' is set in wisql (not wisql.tlib) and set it appropriately. The bitmap files are called .xbm, found in the bitmaps dir in this distribution. If you are a good artist, please send me some better ones! Wisql has cmdtrace turned OFF by default, If you turn it on (see the script 'wisql') then each time you run wisql you get a cmd.log in the current directory, which contains a run trace of your session. If you have problems and want to figure out what code wisql is executing in what order, then uncomment the line cmdtrace on [open cmd.log w] in wisql. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The wisql in this directory is entirely based on Tom Poindexter's wisql, and I'd like to thank him for all the work he has put into the sybtcl C sources and into the wisql tool. I started with his code and began adding features (I wanted a pointy/clicky report generator for naive users). Contributors of bugpatches and suggestions for V4 include Ashutosh "Ashu" Joglekar ajogleka@ltcm.com Malcom Strandberg malcom@davox.com and of course Tom Poindexter tpoindex@nyx.net and Paul Raines raines@SLAC.Stanford.EDU whose tkbind package I stole in its entirety and whose tkmail package is essential to my survival :-) HISTORY: This release is a whole new repackaging. I have gone over to CVS instead of my own hacky "RCS+" system, and as a result, versioning has become somewhat opaque. In a month or so the version numbers should have settled down; meanwhile, for those with an old "patchlevel" file for wisql, please don't expect continuity :-) The HISTORY file is history, so to speak. The CVSlog file is the track record of this new packaging. ============================================================================== EXTRAS Tools/sybdump: The sybdump utility is a little extra freebie which does a creditable attempt at enabling you to dump an entire sybase database so you can later restore it. I don't like SA Companion or Sybase dump/restore software, what can I say? Platinum S'ware's reSQL (used to be EIS) is better, but costs money. I use reSQL, but sybdump still comes in handy now and then. This tool is quite beta, but you might find it useful so I threw it in for kicks. Enhancements and contributions welcome. Suggestions also. I use it a lot during development, loading table definitions/contents in and out. Known problem: sybdump has had problems with the text of triggers and procs. Gluing together the various text fields of successive records in syscomments has been a nuisance and I am still not certain that sybdump is doing this right; so if you attempt to restore from the procedure dumps, you may have to do some hand editing first. This is working better as of SEP 93. Tools/syperf: A perf meter for a sybase 4.9.mumble server. Requires NZ widgets and has been working OK with Tk4.1 -- kinda useful; tells you about process count, IO and other perf meters, and hosts connected, among other little details. See the VU tarfile for the widgets source. tcl-rpt-fmt: in ucosyb.tlib are some simple commands trf_this-n-that which will format ascii output in a fashion somewhat similar to sybase SQR. we use it and it works OK. improvements are welcome. Debug: in a subdir called Debug you will find a couple of hacky little scripts which can gen a calling/called tree from one or more tcl tlib files. See the README. This feature is intended to compensate for the death of tlibDoc in v4 ucosyb.tlib. All you need is xtree, which should have come with your X11 release. Tools/www: in a subdir called Tools/www you will find a couple of obscure scripts, not for the unwary. You should be HTML literate and have a cozy relationship with your HTTPD to use these. One will generate an HTML query page for any Sybase table (that has a primarykey), the other is the CGI bin that will use the query page. Read carefully, use at your own risk. You may want to strip out the data plotting features of the query page, as they are based on some very site-specific hackery. (A future release would use the tcl netscape plugin with BLT, or something along those lines.) ============================================================================== LEGAL DETAILS: The COPYRIGHT statement in this directory applies to everything you find in here. Respect it. Thank you. ============================================================================== FEEDBACK: I would like to hear what you think of wisql. I would also like to hear from any/all other Tk/Sybase developers, because I have a bad feeling that we are reinventing wheels all over the world. IMPORTANT: To file a failure report, see the form BUG.wisql in this distribution. Please fill out as much of this form as you can, to give me a head start on determining where your problem may lie. Given the complex interactions between your version of X11, your window manager, your copy of Tcl/Tk/sybtcl, Sybase, and wisql, it can be hard to figure out why wisql is doing for you something it never did for me. This info will help a lot. I am contemplating writing my own spreadsheet in Tk because there are no decent FREE spreadsheets available for the Suns (not that I've found) -- and if anyone else has already made progress on this, I would much rather collaborate than start over. In fact, I really don't want to do it at all. (If you like commercial software look into NeXS, a tcl-friendly spreadsheet for Solaris and Linux.) Likewise for report generators (do you like SQR? do you *really* like SQR?) Write to me about any of these topics, any time. Meanwhile try the trf_ commands in ucosyb.tlib -- the "trf" stands for Tcl Report Formatter. I would like eventually to maintain a list of Tcl/Tk/Sybase sites, with developer names and names/functions of tools, and to expand the sybtcl distribution into a rich assortment of goodies from all over. I'm doing a major Sybase project right now and can justify spending time on this. In production use at my site for 2.5 years is a Tk-based Forms Data Entry/Browse package for Sybase. If you're interested in it, let me know. It's free. de de@ucolick.org http://www.ucolick.org/~de De Clarke Software Engineer UCO/Lick Observatory UCSC, CA (USA) ============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: I built this version of wisql to meet my site's needs. I have a strong interest in making it better and seeing it go farther. However, I am also running one or two major projects at the moment. Therefore, no warranties or promises are made regarding the software, the number of bugs, or the speed with which I will fix them. I'll do my best, but I am not getting paid to support wisql nationally. So send in those suggestions, complaints, and contributions and I will try to respond at faster-than-Sybase-tech-support :-) speeds. ==============================================================================