Instructions for: Grand Prix Challenge -------------------------------------- Warning: These were some of the worst laid out instructions I have EVER seen for ANY game ! If you can make sense of them, please re-type them ! Whoever laid out these instructions, Loves Capital Letters and also speaks gibberish. (Chubby Brown) INTRODUCTION Skill Level: Press 1,2 or 3 to select a Skill level and then press Enter. Team Selection: Press Enter to list the Next Team, or press S to Sign up. Sponsors: Press 1 to 5 to select a Sponsors. MAIN MENU Press 'R' to prepare for the next race. First check SEASON ROTA for the Race Details (ie. Track & Weather Conditions and number of laps), so you can decide on your tyre selection. Press 'R' to refuel your car, press 'P' to pay travel, press 'T' to toggle through the tyre selection (Tyres Available Dry A, Dry B, Wet A & Wet B). Tyres: "A" Type are faster than the "B" Type, but they will wear faster, particularly on a rough track. "B" Type tyres are sometimes useful on longer races when you have a good car with a high driver's skill rating and you do not plan to call into the Pits. Press 'D' to toggle through the driving tactics; Aggressive, Normal or Careful. Press Symbol Shift and 'M' to Miss the race. Press 'G' to go to the race. Press 'O' for Options Page. From here, press 'S' to Save a Game, 'L' to Load a Saved Game, 'N' to Change Names. Press Symbol Shift & 'R' to resign from your team and start a New Season. Press 'S' for details of your next race and to list 11 Circuits. The new season starts in 1991. The winning drivers (Numbers) and the winning constructors in 1990 are listed on the left. Press 'C' for details of your car. Press 'T' for the Championship Tables and for details of previous Champions. Press 'P' to Gamble. Press 'S' to Increase/Decrease your bet (Min. œ50 - Max. œ500). Press 'A' - 'J' to select driver. Press 'G' for the Garage. Press 'M' for Mechanics and then press 'A' - 'J' to hire Mechanics. NOTE: To keep your Pit Times to a minimum, you will need 4 Mechanics, but you must hire at least 1 Mechanic before you can start a race. The higher rated Mechanics will work faster than Mechanics with lower ratings. Press 'M' to check your bank balance and to obtain a loan. You can borrow up to œ20,000. THE RACE The race screen shows all the Race Action, The Leaderboard, the Race Details and Details of your car. Leaderboard: This shows details of the first 3 positions: Car Number - Driver - Constructor and Lap Time. For cars in 2nd & 3rd place, it also shows the time off the leading car. Race Details: Shows your position in the Race and details of the cars immediately in front and behind you, the car's position in the race, the Driver's number and the time difference. Your lap time and your time off the leading car are also shown. Car Details: Confirms your Tyre Selection and their condition, the Bodywork and Engine Condition and your Driving Tactics. Press Enter to Start the Race: At the end of each lap you have the opportunity to call in at the Pits (press 'P') or to change your Driving Tactics (press 'D' to toggle through the driving options). If you change tyres, press 'T' to toggle through the tyre selection to select the correct type. NOTE: Time spent in the Pits will depend on the number and quality of your mechanics, the amount of work carried out and the Pit Lane Time. STRATEGY AND TACTICS The object of the Game is to Win the Drivers Championship, and it may take you more than one season to succeed. During the race, keep an eye on the condition of your tyres, engine and bodywork. Your lap times are the best indication of when you need to call into the Pits. Aggresive driving increases tyre and engine wear, and increases your chances of crashing. Your Drivers Skill Rating is an important factor in each race. The more success you have, the higher your Skill Rating. A series of poor results will reduce your skill rating. (c) Challenge Software, 1991. (Typed by Chubby Brown/Profanity '94) HINTS & TIPS by Chubby Brown. ----------------------------- Whilst piddling around with this program, I discovered a built-in cheat option. On the Options Page, press Symbol-Shift & Z (:). A cursor will appear at the bottom of the page, now enter VISA and your team will suddenly have œ1,000,000 to spend ! You can also enter LIST at the same prompt to enable you access to the BASIC listing !