Getting Support for Stunnel

Getting Support for Stunnel

There are no known commercial organizations that support stunnel. If you know any, contact the FAQ maintainer. However there is a great deal of help available from the following two resources:

Stunnel-Announce Mailing List

The Stunnel-Announce mailing list is for announcements about Stunnel, such as new version announcement, etc. It is an extreemly low-bandwidth moderated list. You can subscribe online, or browse the archives.

This is not the list you need if you want to ask questions, get help, etc.

Stunnel-Users Mailing List

Probably the best way to get help with stunnel problems is by joining the Stunnel users mailing list. You can subscribe online. Before posting your question, please browse the archives to make sure it hasn't been answered before.

When asking for help, include the following information in your message:

  1. Description of your problem. What programs are on which machines, and how are they attempting to communicate. What connections are you attempting to secure in SSL.
  2. What version of Stunnel you're using - remember, Stunnel 4.x doesn't take Stunnel 3.x command line options!
  3. The list of parameters you are using for stunnel, and if you are running it standalone or from inetd/xinetd.
  4. Output of "stunnel -f -D 7 <your-parameters>".
  5. Output of "stunnel -V".
  6. Output of "uname -a".
  7. Your libc version if you use Linux.
  8. Output of "gcc -v".
  9. Output of "openssl version" or "ssleay version" depending on your library. Subscribe to stunnel-users.

There are many folks on the mailing list who can probably help out. Michal and Brian read all the mail on the list, so don't send them questions directly, ask on the list first.

Getting off the mailing lists

Send a message to and/or from the account you subscribed from.

Stunnel-Users List Archive

There is an archive of the Stunnel-Users mailing list hosted by Progressive Computer Concepts, Inc. The URL to access it is

OpenSSL mailing lists

You can also subscribe to the OpenSSL mailing lists if you have general questions about SSL. For information about their various lists, see openssl-announce and openssl-users are the lists most likely to be of general interest.