-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- ---------------------------------------------------- AbattoiR Beta Read Me File 20/12/1999 ---------------------------------------------------- This is the second test build of AbattoiR. For those who had received the pre-beta release by email I recommend that you update to this version. It's is much nicer, and multi-threaded, unlike it's previous incarnation. I have tested it and found that it produces the desired results. What is it for? It's to generate PGP DS keys with a target Key ID. Run the program. Goto the File|Configure & Go Enter the desired Key parameters. You will be asked to enter some random data. After which the key generation process will begin. While in the key generation phase, you may abort any time by selecting File|Abort Keygen from the menu. You will have to wait anywhere from 1 to a couple of minutes before your abort request is processed. The state of the program as well as it's progress is displayed in the log window. When the key generation is successful the key is dumped to a file in the same directory were you had run the program. The key file will have the same name as the key fingerprint suffixed by a .asc extension. i.e. 1740398E6CBD40FDCC76C2357F9DBEE8DEADBEEF.asc Double click on the file to import it into your key ring. BTW, the passphrase for the generated key will be bozo. Please note that the key so generated is a sign only key. You will need to create it's DH part in order to make it a sign and encrypt key. This is clearly work in progress. A lot of work remains to be done for the final version. Therefore, please do not distribute, share, or discuss it. Also, your feedback and suggestions will be most appreciated. Please note that it takes a very long time to produce the desired key. Just be patient, and eventually the program will generate the DS key with the KeyID you requested it to produce. How long does it take? I would say at the most 24 hours if you are not lucky. Or forever if you are very unlucky. As always, Enjoy! Best regards Imad R. Faiad -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 6.5.1ckt http://irfaiad.virtualave.net/ Comment: KeyID: 0x833F1BAD Comment: Fingerprint: 75CD 96A7 8ABB F87E 9390 5FD7 2A88 4F45 iQEVAwUBOF5wwbzDFxiDPxutAQGb2gf+NeqaJcNBoMxfcLPl/ysBbdNPvD/UeT8U HK3Qjr47M8N62eKemm/TAuPu89lxptXZbDStccRguf18MfhW9J5PywpiyAPCmqKb I1B+Vd69V1xEKJUu9S1hiTsQSWTlpzc3VExEfEEnYSf/2XcHMBV0EaAWJZ+u42Ok ZUrD/Q3SwVwmRd9RgCxV8mOMgxTxxXtC16g2CfIBX+JenevPEbJ6xTBERhaZ8BUI SVZOf0RDOX4w+EDcuri4gSRQjCvuzAU1J6ttoxcKujsCmfTKdetczowa5Qft/ilF IjB/oXT+EVzC4whI5jNwYeIDIe9VM9q06G2Zg9z1v3D/bbeCJCTkyQ== =rG0V -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----