---------------------------------------------------------- NOV-TS97.DOC -- 19980114 -- Various emails on TechShare'97 ---------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to add or edit this document and then email it back to faq@jelyon.com Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 14:43:01 -0500 From: Marc Williams Subject: fwiw... TechShare is coming. TechShare 98 is coming. Myself, enjoy BrainShare much more, but, TechShare isn't bad for those that need to get some of the support staff (HelpDesk, Techs) familar with general networking technologies. I found a CD from TechShare 97. It can be viewed from: It may help get an idea what's at them. Myself, appreciate talking with actual engineers and not marketing/sales folks (well, the sales folks are ok, but, if you have a 'pain' cuz of some driver/client/ whatever, there is a good idea that you can find the 'person' that is responsible for it) ------------------------------