This appendix contains the complete OMG IDL [OMGIDL] for the Level 3 Document Object Model Content Model and Load and Save definitions.
The IDL files are also available as:
// File: content-models.idl #ifndef _CONTENT-MODELS_IDL_ #define _CONTENT-MODELS_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #pragma prefix "" module content-models { typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::decimal decimal; typedef dom::int int; typedef dom::Node Node; typedef dom::nsElement nsElement; typedef dom::DOMImplementation DOMImplementation; typedef dom::Element,NodeCM Element,NodeCM; typedef dom::Text,NodeCM Text,NodeCM; typedef dom::DocumentType,NodeCM DocumentType,NodeCM; typedef dom::Attr,NodeCM Attr,NodeCM; interface CMModel; interface CMChildren; interface DOMErrorHandler; interface DOMLocator; interface CMNode { const unsigned short CM_ELEMENT_DECLARATION = 1; const unsigned short CM_ATTRIBUTE_DECLARATION = 2; const unsigned short CM_NOTATION_DECLARATION = 3; const unsigned short CM_ENTITY_DECLARATION = 4; const unsigned short CM_CHILDREN = 5; const unsigned short CM_MODEL = 6; const unsigned short CM_EXTERNALMODEL = 7; readonly attribute unsigned short cmNodeType; attribute CMModel ownerCMModel; attribute DOMString nodeName; attribute DOMString prefix; attribute DOMString localName; attribute DOMString namespaceURI; CMNode clone(); }; interface CMNodeList { }; interface CMNamedNodeMap { }; interface CMDataType { const short STRING_DATATYPE = 1; short getCMPrimitiveType(); }; interface CMPrimitiveType : CMDataType { const short BOOLEAN_DATATYPE = 2; const short FLOAT_DATATYPE = 3; const short DOUBLE_DATATYPE = 4; const short DECIMAL_DATATYPE = 5; const short HEXBINARY_DATATYPE = 6; const short BASE64BINARY_DATATYPE = 7; const short ANYURI_DATATYPE = 8; const short QNAME_DATATYPE = 9; const short DURATION_DATATYPE = 10; const short DATETIME_DATATYPE = 11; const short DATE_DATATYPE = 12; const short TIME_DATATYPE = 13; const short YEARMONTH_DATATYPE = 14; const short YEAR_DATATYPE = 15; const short MONTHDAY_DATATYPE = 16; const short DAY_DATATYPE = 17; const short MONTH_DATATYPE = 18; const short NOTATION_DATATYPE = 19; attribute decimal lowValue; attribute decimal highValue; }; interface CMElementDeclaration : CMNode { attribute CMDataType elementType; readonly attribute boolean isPCDataOnly; attribute DOMString tagName; int getContentType(); CMChildren getCMChildren(); CMNamedNodeMap getCMAttributes(); CMNamedNodeMap getCMGrandChildren(); }; interface CMChildren : CMNode { const unsigned long UNBOUNDED = MAX_LONG; const unsigned short NONE = 0; const unsigned short SEQUENCE = 1; const unsigned short CHOICE = 2; attribute unsigned short listOperator; attribute unsigned long minOccurs; attribute unsigned long maxOccurs; attribute CMNodeList subModels; CMNode removeCMNode(in unsigned long nodeIndex); int insertCMNode(in unsigned long nodeIndex, in CMNode newNode); int appendCMNode(in CMNode newNode); }; interface CMAttributeDeclaration : CMNode { const short NO_VALUE_CONSTRAINT = 0; const short DEFAULT_VALUE_CONSTRAINT = 1; const short FIXED_VALUE_CONSTRAINT = 2; attribute DOMString attrName; attribute CMDataType attrType; attribute DOMString attributeValue; attribute DOMString enumAttr; attribute CMNodeList ownerElement; attribute short constraintType; }; interface CMEntityDeclaration : CMNode { const short INTERNAL_ENTITY = 1; const short EXTERNAL_ENTITY = 2; attribute short entityType; attribute DOMString entityName; attribute DOMString entityValue; attribute DOMString systemId; attribute DOMString publicId; attribute DOMString notationName; }; interface CMNotationDeclaration : CMNode { attribute DOMString notationName; attribute DOMString systemId; attribute DOMString publicId; }; interface Document { void setErrorHandler(in DOMErrorHandler handler); }; interface DocumentCM : Document { const short WF_CHECK = 1; const short NS_WF_CHECK = 2; const short PARTIAL_VALIDITY_CHECK = 3; const short STRICT_VALIDITY_CHECK = 4; attribute boolean continuousValidityChecking; attribute short wfValidityCheckLevel; int numCMs(); CMModel getInternalCM(); CMNodeList getCMs(); CMModel getActiveCM(); void addCM(in CMModel cm); void removeCM(in CMModel cm); boolean activateCM(in CMModel cm); }; interface DOMErrorHandler { void warning(in DOMLocator where, in DOMString how, in DOMString why) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); void fatalError(in DOMLocator where, in DOMString how, in DOMString why) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); void error(in DOMLocator where, in DOMString how, in DOMString why) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DOMLocator { int getColumnNumber(); int getLineNumber(); DOMString getPublicID(); DOMString getSystemID(); Node getNode(); }; interface CMModel : CMNode { readonly attribute boolean isNamespaceAware; attribute CMElementDeclaration rootElementDecl; DOMString getLocation(); nsElement getCMNamespace(); CMNamedNodeMap getCMNodes(); boolean removeNode(in CMNode node); boolean insertBefore(in CMNode newNode, in CMNode refNode); boolean validate(); CMElementDeclaration createCMElementDeclaration(inout DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedElementName, in int contentSpec) raises(dom::DOMException); CMAttributeDeclaration createCMAttributeDeclaration(inout DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString qualifiedName) raises(dom::DOMException); CMNotationDeclaration createCMNotationDeclaration(in DOMString name, in DOMString systemIdentifier, inout DOMString publicIdentifier) raises(dom::DOMException); CMEntityDeclaration createCMEntityDeclaration(in DOMString name) raises(dom::DOMException); CMChildren createCMChildren(in unsigned long minOccurs, in unsigned long maxOccurs, inout unsigned short operator) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface CMExternalModel : CMModel { }; interface DOMImplementationCM : DOMImplementation { CMModel createCM(); CMExternalModel createExternalCM(); }; interface NodeCM : Node { boolean canInsertBefore(in Node newChild, in Node refChild) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canRemoveChild(in Node oldChild) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canReplaceChild(in Node newChild, in Node oldChild) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canAppendChild(in Node newChild) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean isValid() raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface ElementCM : Element,NodeCM { int contentType(); CMElementDeclaration getElementDeclaration() raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canSetAttribute(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval); boolean canSetAttributeNode(in Node node); boolean canSetAttributeNodeNS(in Node node); boolean canSetAttributeNS(in DOMString attrname, in DOMString attrval, in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); boolean canRemoveAttribute(in DOMString attrname); boolean canRemoveAttributeNS(in DOMString attrname, inout DOMString namespaceURI); boolean canRemoveAttributeNode(in Node node); }; interface CharacterDataCM : Text,NodeCM { boolean isWhitespaceOnly(); boolean canSetData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canAppendData(in DOMString arg) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canReplaceData(in unsigned long offset, in unsigned long count, in DOMString arg) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canInsertData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean canDeleteData(in unsigned long offset, in DOMString arg) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface DocumentTypeCM : DocumentType,NodeCM { boolean isElementDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName); boolean isElementDefinedNS(in DOMString elemTypeName, in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); boolean isAttributeDefined(in DOMString elemTypeName, in DOMString attrName); boolean isAttributeDefinedNS(in DOMString elemTypeName, in DOMString attrName, in DOMString namespaceURI, in DOMString localName); boolean isEntityDefined(in DOMString entName); }; interface AttributeCM : Attr,NodeCM { CMAttributeDeclaration getAttributeDeclaration(); CMNotationDeclaration getNotation() raises(dom::DOMException); }; }; #endif // _CONTENT-MODELS_IDL_
// File: load-save.idl #ifndef _LOAD-SAVE_IDL_ #define _LOAD-SAVE_IDL_ #include "dom.idl" #pragma prefix "" module load-save { typedef dom::DOMErrorHandler DOMErrorHandler; typedef dom::DOMString DOMString; typedef dom::Document Document; typedef dom::DOMInputStream DOMInputStream; typedef dom::DOMReader DOMReader; typedef dom::Element Element; typedef dom::DOMOutputStream DOMOutputStream; typedef dom::Node Node; interface DOMBuilder; interface DOMWriter; interface DOMEntityResolver; interface DOMBuilderFilter; interface DOMInputSource; interface DOMImplementationLS { DOMBuilder createDOMBuilder(); DOMWriter createDOMWriter(); }; interface DOMBuilder { attribute DOMEntityResolver entityResolver; attribute DOMErrorHandler errorHandler; attribute DOMBuilderFilter filter; void setFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state) raises(dom::DOMException); boolean supportsFeature(in DOMString name); boolean canSetFeature(in DOMString name, in boolean state); boolean getFeature(in DOMString name) raises(dom::DOMException); Document parseURI(in DOMString uri) raises(dom::DOMException, dom::DOMSystemException); Document parseDOMInputSource(in DOMInputSource is) raises(dom::DOMException, dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DOMInputSource { attribute DOMInputStream byteStream; attribute DOMReader characterStream; attribute DOMString encoding; attribute DOMString publicId; attribute DOMString systemId; }; interface DOMEntityResolver { DOMInputSource resolveEntity(in DOMString publicId, in DOMString systemId ) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DOMBuilderFilter { boolean startElement(in Element element); boolean endElement(in Element element); }; interface DOMWriter { attribute DOMString encoding; readonly attribute DOMString lastEncoding; attribute unsigned short format; // Modified in DOM Level 3: attribute DOMString newLine; void writeNode(in DOMOutputStream destination, in Node node) raises(dom::DOMSystemException); }; interface DocumentLS { attribute boolean async; void abort(); boolean load(in DOMString url); boolean loadXML(in DOMString source); DOMString saveXML(in Node node) raises(dom::DOMException); }; interface ParserErrorEvent { readonly attribute long errorCode; readonly attribute long filepos; readonly attribute long line; readonly attribute long linepos; readonly attribute DOMString reason; readonly attribute DOMString srcText; readonly attribute DOMString url; }; }; #endif // _LOAD-SAVE_IDL_