The following interfaces are defined below: SVGFontElement, SVGGlyphElement, SVGMissingGlyphElement, SVGHKernElement, SVGVKernElement, SVGFontFaceElement, SVGFontFaceSrcElement, SVGFontFaceUriElement, SVGFontFaceFormatElement, SVGFontFaceNameElement, SVGDefinitionSrcElement.

Interface SVGFontElement

The SVGFontElement interface corresponds to the 'font' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'font' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontElement : 
                SVGStylable {};

Interface SVGGlyphElement

The SVGGlyphElement interface corresponds to the 'glyph' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'glyph' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGGlyphElement : 
                SVGStylable {};

Interface SVGMissingGlyphElement

The SVGMissingGlyphElement interface corresponds to the 'missing-glyph' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'missing-glyph' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGMissingGlyphElement : 
                SVGStylable {};

Interface SVGHKernElement

The SVGHKernElement interface corresponds to the 'hkern' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'hkern' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGHKernElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGVKernElement

The SVGVKernElement interface corresponds to the 'vkern' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'vkern' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGVKernElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGFontFaceElement

The SVGFontFaceElement interface corresponds to the 'font-face' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'font-face' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontFaceElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGFontFaceSrcElement

The SVGFontFaceSrcElement interface corresponds to the 'font-face-src' element.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontFaceSrcElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGFontFaceUriElement

The SVGFontFaceUriElement interface corresponds to the 'font-face-uri' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'font-face-uri' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontFaceUriElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGFontFaceFormatElement

The SVGFontFaceFormatElement interface corresponds to the 'font-face-format' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'font-face-format' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontFaceFormatElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGFontFaceNameElement

The SVGFontFaceNameElement interface corresponds to the 'font-face-name' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'font-face-name' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGFontFaceNameElement : SVGElement {};

Interface SVGDefinitionSrcElement

The SVGDefinitionSrcElement interface corresponds to the 'definition-src' element.

Object-oriented access to the attributes of the 'definition-src' element via the SVG DOM is not available.

IDL Definition
interface SVGDefinitionSrcElement : SVGElement {};