INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS
OBSOLETES: RFC 2536                               Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
                                                   Motorola Laboratories
Expires: February 2005                                       August 2004

            DSA Keying and Signature Information in the DNS
            --- ------ --- --------- ----------- -- --- ---
                         Donald E. Eastlake 3rd

Status of This Document

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, I certify that any applicable
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   The standard method of encoding US Government Digital Signature
   Algorithm keying and signature information for use in the Domain Name
   System is specified.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2004. All Rights Reserved.

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

Table of Contents

      Status of This Document....................................1
      Copyright Notice...........................................1

      Table of Contents..........................................2

      1. Introduction............................................3
      2. DSA Keying Information..................................3
      3. DSA Signature Information...............................4
      4. Performance Considerations..............................4
      5. Security Considerations.................................5
      6. IANA Considerations.....................................5
      Copyright and Disclaimer...................................5

      Normative References.......................................7
      Informative References.....................................7
      Authors Address............................................8
      Expiration and File Name...................................8

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

1. Introduction

   The Domain Name System (DNS) is the global hierarchical replicated
   distributed database system for Internet addressing, mail proxy, and
   other information [RFC 1034, 1035]. The DNS has been extended to
   include digital signatures and cryptographic keys as described in
   [RFC intro, proto, records] and additional work is underway which
   would require the storage of keying and signature information in the

   This document describes how to encode US Government Digital Signature
   Algorithm (DSA) keys and signatures in the DNS.  Familiarity with the
   US Digital Signature Algorithm is assumed [FIPS 186-2, Schneier].

2. DSA Keying Information

   When DSA public keys are stored in the DNS, the structure of the
   relevant part of the RDATA part of the RR being used is as shown

   The period of key validity is not included in this data but is
   indicated separately, for example by an RR which signs and
   authenticates the RR containing the keying information.

        Field     Size
        -----     ----
         T         1  octet
         Q        20  octets
         P        64 + T*8  octets
         G        64 + T*8  octets
         Y        64 + T*8  octets

   As described in [FIPS 186-2] and [Schneier], T is a key size
   parameter chosen such that 0 <= T <= 8.  (The meaning if the T octet
   is greater than 8 is reserved and the remainder of the data may have
   a different format in that case.)  Q is a prime number selected at
   key generation time such that 2**159 < Q < 2**160 so Q is always 20
   octets long and, as with all other fields, is stored in "big-endian"
   network order.  P, G, and Y are calculated as directed by the [FIPS
   186-2] key generation algorithm [Schneier].  P is in the range
   2**(511+64T) < P < 2**(512+64T) and thus is 64 + 8*T octets long.  G
   and Y are quantities modulo P and so can be up to the same length as
   P and are allocated fixed size fields with the same number of octets
   as P.

   During the key generation process, a random number X must be
   generated such that 1 <= X <= Q-1.  X is the private key and is used
   in the final step of public key generation where Y is computed as

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

        Y = G**X mod P

3. DSA Signature Information

   The portion of the RDATA area used for US Digital Signature Algorithm
   signature information is shown below with fields in the order they

        Field     Size
        -----     ----
         T         1 octet
         R        20 octets
         S        20 octets

   The data signed must be determined.  Then the following steps are
   taken, as specified in [FIPS 186-2], where Q, P, G, and Y are as
   specified in the public key [Schneier]:

        hash = SHA-1 ( data )

        Generate a random K such that 0 < K < Q.

        R = ( G**K mod P ) mod Q

        S = ( K**(-1) * (hash + X*R) ) mod Q

   For infromation on the SHA-1 hash function see [FIPS 180-1] and [RFC

   Since Q is 160 bits long, R and S can not be larger than 20 octets,
   which is the space allocated.

   T is copied from the public key.  It is not logically necessary in
   the SIG but is present so that values of T > 8 can more conveniently
   be used as an escape for extended versions of DSA or other algorithms
   as later standardized.

4. Performance Considerations

   General signature generation speeds are roughly the same for RSA [RFC
   3110] and DSA.  With sufficient pre-computation, signature generation
   with DSA is faster than RSA.  Key generation is also faster for DSA.
   However, signature verification is an order of magnitude slower than
   RSA when the RSA public exponent is chosen to be small, as is
   recommended for some applications.

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

   Current DNS implementations are optimized for small transfers,
   typically less than 512 bytes including DNS overhead.  Larger
   transfers will perform correctly and extensions have been
   standardized [RFC 2671] to make larger transfers more efficient, it
   is still advisable at this time to make reasonable efforts to
   minimize the size of RR sets containing keying and/or signature
   inforamtion consistent with adequate security.

5. Security Considerations

   Keys retrieved from the DNS should not be trusted unless (1) they
   have been securely obtained from a secure resolver or independently
   verified by the user and (2) this secure resolver and secure
   obtainment or independent verification conform to security policies
   acceptable to the user.  As with all cryptographic algorithms,
   evaluating the necessary strength of the key is essential and
   dependent on local policy.

   The key size limitation of a maximum of 1024 bits ( T = 8 ) in the
   current DSA standard may limit the security of DSA.  For particular
   applications, implementors are encouraged to consider the range of
   available algorithms and key sizes.

   DSA assumes the ability to frequently generate high quality random
   numbers.  See [RFC 1750] for guidance.  DSA is designed so that if
   biased rather than random numbers are used, high bandwidth covert
   channels are possible.  See [Schneier] and more recent research.  The
   leakage of an entire DSA private key in only two DSA signatures has
   been demonstrated.  DSA provides security only if trusted
   implementations, including trusted random number generation, are

6. IANA Considerations

   Allocation of meaning to values of the T parameter that are not
   defined herein (i.e., > 8 ) requires an IETF standards actions.  It
   is intended that values unallocated herein be used to cover future
   extensions of the DSS standard.

Copyright and Disclaimer

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society 2004.  This document is subject to
   the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78 and except
   as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights.

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

Normative References

   [FIPS 180-1] - U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard: Secure
   Hash Standard, April 1995.

   [FIPS 186-2] - U.S. Federal Information Processing Standard: Digital
   Signature Standard, 27 January 2000.

   [RFC records] - "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions",
   R. Arends, R. Austein, M. Larson, D. Massey, S. Rose, work in
   progress, draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-records- *.txt.

Informative References

   [RFC 1034] - "Domain names - concepts and facilities", P.
   Mockapetris, 11/01/1987.

   [RFC 1035] - "Domain names - implementation and specification", P.
   Mockapetris, 11/01/1987.

   [RFC 1750] - "Randomness Recommendations for Security", D. Eastlake,
   S. Crocker, J. Schiller, December 1994.

   [RFC intro] - "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements", R.
   Arends, M. Larson, R. Austein, D. Massey, S. Rose, work in progress,

   [RFC protocol] - "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security
   Extensions", R. Arends, M. Larson, R. Austein, D. Massey, S. Rose,
   work in progress, draft-ietf-dnsext-dnssec-protocol-*.txt.

   [RFC 2671] - "Extension Mechanisms for DNS (EDNS0)", P. Vixie, August

   [RFC 3110] - "RSA/SHA-1 SIGs and RSA KEYs in the Domain Name System
   (DNS)", D.  Eastlake 3rd. May 2001.

   [RFC 3174] - "US Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1)", D. Eastlake, P.
   Jones, September 2001.

   [Schneier] - "Applied Cryptography Second Edition: protocols,
   algorithms, and source code in C" (second edition), Bruce Schneier,
   1996, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-11709-9.

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INTERNET-DRAFT                                DSA Information in the DNS

Authors Address

   Donald E. Eastlake 3rd
   Motorola Labortories
   155 Beaver Street
   Milford, MA 01757 USA

   Telephone:   +1-508-786-7554(w)

Expiration and File Name

   This draft expires in February 2005.

   Its file name is draft-ietf-dnsext-rfc2536bis-dsa-04.txt.

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