INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 Definitions of Managed Objects for the IMA Interface Type Tue May 18 11:52:50 EDT 2004 draft-ietf-atommib-imamib-00.txt Faye Ly Pedestal Networks Status of this Memo This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026. Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at Copyright Notice Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). All Rights Reserved. Abstract This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB) for use with network management protocols in the Internet community. In particular, it describes objects used for managing IMA (Inverse Multiplexing for ATM) interface type in accordance with [ATM Forum IMA 1.1]. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 1] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 1. The Internet Standard Management Framework For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of RFC 3410 [RFC3410]. Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed the Management Information Base or MIB. MIB objects are generally accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the Structure of Management Information (SMI). This memo specifies a MIB module that is compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in STD 58, RFC 2578 [RFC2578], STD 58, RFC 2579 [RFC2579] and STD 58, RFC 2580 [RFC2580]. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 2] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 2. Overview These objects are used when the particular media being used to realize an interface is a IMA interface. At present, this applies to these values of the ifType variable in the Internet-standard MIB: atmIma (107) The definitions contained herein is based on [ATM Forum IMA 1.1]. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 3] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 2.1. Use of the ifTable This section specifies how the MIB II interfaces group, as defined in [RFC2863], is used for IMA interfaces. Only the ifGeneralInformationGroup and linkUpDownNotificationsGroup are supported. Both IMA Group and IMA Link are populated into the ifTable once created and they share the same ifType as atmIma(107). The distinction between IMA Group and IMA Link are clearly indicated by the imaGroupTable and imaLinkTable defined in this MIB module. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 4] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 2.1.1. Use of the ifAdminStatus Both IMA Group and IMA Link can be activated and de-activated using the object ifAdminStatus. An IMA Group cannot be brought down using the object ifAdminStatus unless all the IMA Links contained in this IMA Group are set to down. In another words, if the ifAdminStatus of any of the IMA link in the IMA Group is not set to 'down', the attempt to set ifAdminStatus of the IMA Group to 'down' should be rejected. The ifAdminStatus of an IMA group that doesn't contain any IMA link can be set to either 'up' or 'down'. In another words, pre-provisioning of the IMA Group is allowed and IMA link can be assigend to an active IMA Group at a later time. An IMA link cannot be assigned to an IMA Group when its ifAdminStatus is set to 'up'. This is to prevent moving an active IMA link from one group to another. To move an IMA link to a different IMA group, the ifAdminStatus of the IMA link has to be set to 'down' first. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 5] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 2.2. Use of the ifStackTable ifStackTable can be used to show the relationship between IMA Group and IMA Link. It is optional since the IMA Link table can be used to derive all the links belonging to a single IMA Group easily. ifStackTable can be used to retrieve all IMA links belonging to the same IMA Group using IMA Group ifIndex as an alternative retrieving method, for example: HigherLayer LowerLayer -------------------------- G1 L6 G1 L7 G2 L8 Where G1 and G2 are IMA Group one and two respectively and L6 to L8 are IMA links six to eight. IMA Group 1 contains IMA Link 6 and 7 and Group 2 contains link 8 only. Management entity can retrieve the information using HigherLayer or IMA Group whereas if this MIB module is used, management entity can only use imaLinkTable to retrieve the same information. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 6] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 3. Structure of the MIB The managed IMA interface objects are arranged into the following groups and tables: The imaGroupTable handles all the IMA Groups created and imaLinkTable is used to manage the IMA Links. An IMA Group can be created without having any IMA link associated. The object in ifTable ifAdminStatus is used to activate or de-activate the IMA Group. An IMA link can be created with or without being associated with an IMA Group. If it is not associated with any IMA Group, the object imaLinkGroupIndex should be set to zero. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 7] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 4. Object Definitions IMA-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, Counter32, Gauge32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE, enterprises, transmission FROM SNMPv2-SMI MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP, NOTIFICATION-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF SnmpAdminString FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DateAndTime, RowStatus FROM SNMPv2-TC PerfCurrentCount, PerfIntervalCount, PerfTotalCount FROM PerfHist-TC-MIB InterfaceIndex, InterfaceIndexOrZero, ifIndex FROM IF-MIB; imaMib MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200405180000Z" ORGANIZATION "IETF AToM MIB Working Group" CONTACT-INFO "WG charter: Mailing Lists: General Discussion: To Subscribe: Editor: Faye Ly Postal: Pedestal Networks 6503 Dumbarton Circle, Fremont, CA 94555 Tel: 510 896 2908 E-mail: Orly Nicklass Postal: RAD Data Communications, Ltd. Ziv Tower, 24 Roul Walenberg Expires Oct 2004 [Page 8] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 Tel Aviv, Israel, 69719 Tel: +9723 765 9969 E-mail:" DESCRIPTION " Copyright (c) The Internet Society (2004). This version of this MIB module is part of RFC yyyy; see the RFC itself for full legal notices. The MIB module for managing ATM Forum Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) interfaces." REVISION "200405180000Z" DESCRIPTION "The RFC yyyy version of this MIB module." ::= { transmission xx } imaMibObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMib 1 } imaMibTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMib 2 } imaMibTrapPrefix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMibTraps 0 } imaMibConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMib 3 } MilliSeconds ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Time in milliseconds" SYNTAX Integer32 ImaGroupState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of the IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55" SYNTAX INTEGER { notConfigured( 1), startUp( 2), startUpAck( 3), configAbortUnsupportedM( 4), configAbortIncompatibleSymmetry( 5), configAbortOther( 6), insufficientLinks( 7), Expires Oct 2004 [Page 9] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 blocked( 8), operational( 9), configAbortUnsupportedImaVersion( 10) } ImaGroupFailureStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Failure reason of an IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1, page 55" SYNTAX INTEGER { noFailure( 1), --unit is up startUpNe( 2), startUpFe( 3), invalidMValueNe( 4), invalidMValueFe( 5), failedAssymetricNe( 6), failedAssymetricFe( 7), insufficientLinksNe( 8), insufficientLinksFe( 9), blockedNe( 10), blockedFe( 11), otherFailure( 12), invalidImaVersionNe( 13), invalidImaVersionFe( 14) } ImaAlarmStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A qualification of the IMA trap which indicates if the condition causing the trap has been detected (declared) or is no longer present (cleared)." SYNTAX INTEGER { cleared( 1), declared( 2) } ImaAlarmType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An identification of the event that caused the generation of the IMA trap." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 12.2.3 on page 79" SYNTAX INTEGER { Expires Oct 2004 [Page 10] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaAlarmLinkLif( 1), imaAlarmLinkLods( 2), imaAlarmLinkRfi( 3), imaAlarmLinkTxMisConnect( 4), imaAlarmLinkRxMisConnect( 5), imaAlarmLinkTxFault( 6), imaAlarmLinkRxFault( 7), imaAlarmLinkTxUnusableFe( 8), imaAlarmLinkRxUnusableFe( 9), imaAlarmGroupStartupFe( 10), imaAlarmGroupCfgAbort( 11), imaAlarmGroupCfgAbortFe( 12), imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinks( 13), imaAlarmGroupInsuffLinksFe( 14), imaAlarmGroupBlockedFe( 15), imaAlarmGroupTimingSynch( 16) } ImaGroupTxClkMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indicate the transmit clock mode of the IMA group. There are two possible modes: the Common Transmit Clock (CTC) and the Independent Transmit Clock (ITC). The CTC mode corresponds to the case when the transmit clock of all IMA links are derived from the same source. The ITC configuration corresponds to the case where there is at least one IMA link whose transmit clock is derived from a source different than at least another link transmit clock." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 7 on page 38" SYNTAX INTEGER { ctc( 1), itc( 2) } ImaGroupSymmetry ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The group symmetry mode adjusted during the group start-up." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 35" SYNTAX INTEGER { Expires Oct 2004 [Page 11] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 symmetricOperation( 1), asymmetricOperation( 2), asymmetricConfiguration( 3) } ImaFrameLength ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Length of the IMA frames." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 34" SYNTAX INTEGER { m32( 32), m64( 64), m128( 128), m256( 256) } ImaLinkState ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "State of a link belonging to an IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" SYNTAX INTEGER { notInGroup( 1), unusableNoGivenReason( 2), unusableFault( 3), unusableMisconnected( 4), unusableInhibited( 5), unusableFailed( 6), usable( 7), active( 8) } ImaLinkFailureStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Local failure status of a link belonging to an IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" SYNTAX INTEGER { noFailure( 1), imaLinkFailure( 2), lifFailure( 3), lodsFailure( 4), misConnected( 5), Expires Oct 2004 [Page 12] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 blocked( 6), fault( 7), farEndTxLinkUnusable( 8), farEndRxLinkUnusable( 9) } ImaTestProcStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "States of the Test Pattern Procedure." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13 on page 81" SYNTAX INTEGER { disabled( 1), operating( 2), linkFail( 3) } ImaPerfCurrDayCount ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A gauge associated with interface performance measurements in a current 1-day (24 hour) measurement interval. The value of this gauge starts at zero at the beginning of an interval and is increased when associated events occur, until the end of the 1-day interval. At that time the value of the gauge is stored in the previous 1-day history interval, as defined in a companion object of type Ima1DayIntevalCount, and the current interval gauge is restarted at zero. In the case where the agent has no valid data available for this interval the corresponding object instance is not available and upon a retrieval request a corresponding error message shall be returned to indicate that this instance does not exist. Please note that zero is a valid value." SYNTAX Gauge32 ImaPerfTimeElapsed ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current measurement period. If, for some reason, such as an adjustment in the Expires Oct 2004 [Page 13] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 system's time-of-day clock or the addition of a leap second, the current interval exceeds the maximum value, the agent will return the maximum value. For 15 minute intervals, the range is limited to (0..899). For 24 hour intervals, the range is limited to (0..86399)." SYNTAX Integer32(0..86399) ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount ::= TEXTUAL- CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A counter associated with interface performance measurements during the most previous 1-day (24 hour) measurement interval. The value of this gauge is equal to the value of the current day gauge, as defined in a companion object of type ImaPerfCurrDayCount, at the end of its most recent interval. In the case where the agent has no valid data available for this interval the corresponding object instance is not available and upon a retrieval request a corresponding error message shall be returned to indicate that this instance does not exist." SYNTAX Gauge32 ImaPerfIntervalThreshold ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This convention defines a range of values that Expires Oct 2004 [Page 14] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 may be set in a fault threshold alarm control. As the number of seconds in a 15-minute interval numbers at most 900, objects of this type may have a range of 0...900, where the value of 0 disables the alarm." SYNTAX INTEGER(0..900) imaGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Group Configuration table." ::= { imaMibObjects 1 } imaGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group table." INDEX { imaGroupIndex } ::= { imaGroupTable 1 } ImaGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupIndex INTEGER, imaGroupRowStatus RowStatus, imaGroupIfIndex InterfaceIndex, imaGroupNeState ImaGroupState, imaGroupFeState ImaGroupState, imaGroupFailureStatus ImaGroupFailureStatus, imaGroupSymmetry ImaGroupSymmetry, imaGroupMinNumTxLinks INTEGER, imaGroupMinNumRxLinks INTEGER, imaGroupNeTxClkMode ImaGroupTxClkMode, imaGroupFeTxClkMode ImaGroupTxClkMode, imaGroupTxTimingRefLink InterfaceIndexOrZero, imaGroupRxTimingRefLink InterfaceIndexOrZero, imaGroupLastChange DateAndTime, imaGroupTxImaId INTEGER, imaGroupRxImaId INTEGER, imaGroupTxFrameLength ImaFrameLength, imaGroupRxFrameLength ImaFrameLength, imaGroupDiffDelayMax MilliSeconds, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 15] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupLeastDelayLink InterfaceIndexOrZero, imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs MilliSeconds, imaGroupAlphaValue INTEGER, imaGroupBetaValue INTEGER, imaGroupGammaValue INTEGER, imaGroupRunningSecs Gauge32, imaGroupUnavailSecs Counter32, imaGroupNeNumFailures Counter32, imaGroupFeNumFailures Counter32, imaGroupTxAvailCellRate Gauge32, imaGroupRxAvailCellRate Gauge32, imaGroupNumTxCfgLinks Gauge32, imaGroupNumRxCfgLinks Gauge32, imaGroupNumTxActLinks Gauge32, imaGroupNumRxActLinks Gauge32, imaGroupTestLinkIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero, imaGroupTestPattern INTEGER, imaGroupTestProcStatus ImaTestProcStatus, imaGroupTimeElapsed ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaGroupTxOamLabelValue INTEGER, imaGroupRxOamLabelValue INTEGER, imaGroupConfAlarmProfile SnmpAdminString } imaGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 2147483647) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique value for the IMA Group." ::= { imaGroupEntry 1 } imaGroupRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaGroupRowStatus object is used to create or delete an entry in this table." ::= { imaGroupEntry 2 } imaGroupIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 16] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the logical interface number ('ifIndex') assigned to this IMA group, and is used to identify corresponding rows in the Interfaces MIB. Note that re-initialization of the management agent may cause a client's 'imaGroupIfIndex' to change." ::= { imaGroupEntry 3 } imaGroupNeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the near-end IMA Group State Machine." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55" ::= { imaGroupEntry 4 } imaGroupFeState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current operational state of the far-end IMA Group State Machine." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55" ::= { imaGroupEntry 5 } imaGroupFailureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupFailureStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current failure status of the IMA group (the reason why the GTSM is in the down state)." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55" ::= { imaGroupEntry 6 } imaGroupSymmetry OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 17] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX ImaGroupSymmetry MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Symmetry of the IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 35" DEFVAL { symmetricOperation } ::= { imaGroupEntry 7 } imaGroupMinNumTxLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of transmit links required to be Active for the IMA group to be in the Operational state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 55" ::= { imaGroupEntry 8 } imaGroupMinNumRxLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 32) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Minimum number of receive links required to be Active for the IMA group to be in the Operational state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 55" ::= { imaGroupEntry 9 } imaGroupNeTxClkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupTxClkMode MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit clocking mode used by the near-end IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 7 on page 38" DEFVAL { ctc } ::= { imaGroupEntry 10 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 18] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupFeTxClkMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupTxClkMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Transmit clocking mode used by the far-end IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 7 on page 38" ::= { imaGroupEntry 11 } imaGroupTxTimingRefLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of the transmit timing reference link to be used by the near-end for IMA data cell clock recovery from the ATM layer. The distinguished value of zero may be used if no link has been configured in the IMA group, or if the transmit timing reference link has not yet been selected." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 8.1.1 on page 41" ::= { imaGroupEntry 12 } imaGroupRxTimingRefLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of the receive timing reference link to be used by near-end for IMA data cell clock recovery toward the ATM layer. The distinguished value of zero may be used if no link has been configured in the IMA group, or if the receive timing reference link has not yet been detected." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 8.1.1 on page 41" ::= { imaGroupEntry 13 } imaGroupLastChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DateAndTime MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 19] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "The time-of-day the object imaGroupNeState changed." ::= { imaGroupEntry 14 } imaGroupTxImaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA ID currently in use by the near-end IMA function." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 35" ::= { imaGroupEntry 15 } imaGroupRxImaId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA ID currently in use by the far-end IMA function." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 35" ::= { imaGroupEntry 16 } imaGroupTxFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaFrameLength MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frame length to be used by the IMA group in the transmit direction. Can only be set when the IMA group is startup." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 34" DEFVAL { m128 } ::= { imaGroupEntry 17 } imaGroupRxFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaFrameLength MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 20] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "Value of IMA frame length as received from remote IMA function." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 34" ::= { imaGroupEntry 18 } imaGroupDiffDelayMax OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MilliSeconds MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The maximum number of milliseconds of differential delay among the links that will be tolerated on this interface." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 9.2 on page 45" DEFVAL { 25 } ::= { imaGroupEntry 19 } imaGroupLeastDelayLink OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ifIndex of the link configured in the IMA group which has the smallest link propagation delay. The distinguished value of zero may be used if no link has been configured in the IMA group, or if the link with the smallest link propagation delay has not yet been determined." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 9.2 on page 45" ::= { imaGroupEntry 20 } imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MilliSeconds MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest maximum differential delay observed (in milliseconds) between the links having the least and most link propagation delay, among the receive links that are currently configured in the IMA group." REFERENCE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 21] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 9.2 on page 45" ::= { imaGroupEntry 21 } imaGroupAlphaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 2) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the 'alpha' value used to specify the number of consecutive invalid ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Hunt state from the IMA Sync state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11 on page 68" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { imaGroupEntry 22 } imaGroupBetaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 5) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the 'beta' value used to specify the number of consecutive errored ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Hunt state from the IMA Sync state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11 on page 68" DEFVAL { 2 } ::= { imaGroupEntry 23 } imaGroupGammaValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 5) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates the 'gamma' value used to specify the number of consecutive valid ICP cells to be detected before moving to the IMA Sync state from the IMA PreSync state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 11 on page 68" DEFVAL { 1 } ::= { imaGroupEntry 24 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 22] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupRunningSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time (in seconds) since this IMA group has been in the Operational state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55" ::={ imaGroupEntry 25 } imaGroupUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals where the IMA Group Traffic State Machine is Down." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55 and (R-136) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupEntry 26 } imaGroupNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end group failure (Config-Aborted, Insufficient-Links) has been reported since power-up or reboot." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-137) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupEntry 27 } imaGroupFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end group failure (Config-Aborted-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported since power-up or reboot. This is an optional attribute." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 23] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-25) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupEntry 28 } imaGroupTxAvailCellRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current cell rate (truncated value in cells per second) provided by this IMA group in the transmit direction, considering all the transmit links in the Active state." ::={ imaGroupEntry 29 } imaGroupRxAvailCellRate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current cell rate (truncated value in cells per second) provided by this IMA group in the receive direction, considering all the receive links in the Active state." ::={ imaGroupEntry 30 } imaGroupNumTxCfgLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of links that are configured to transmit in this IMA group. This attribute overwrites the value of the imaGroupNumRxActLinks attribute when the IMA group is configured in the Symmetrical Configuration group symmetry mode." ::={ imaGroupEntry 31 } imaGroupNumRxCfgLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of links that are configured to Expires Oct 2004 [Page 24] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 receive in this IMA group. This attribute is overwritten by the value of the imaGroupNumTxActLinks attribute when the IMA group is configured in the Symmetrical Configuration group symmetry mode." ::={ imaGroupEntry 32 } imaGroupNumTxActLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of links which are configured to transmit and are currently Active in this IMA group." ::={ imaGroupEntry 33 } imaGroupNumRxActLinks OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of links which are configured to receive and are currently Active in this IMA group." ::={ imaGroupEntry 34 } imaGroupTestLinkIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to designate an interface as the test link for use in the Test Pattern Procedure. The distinguished value of zero specifies that the implementation may choose the Test Link, in which case, the implementation may also choose the value of has yet been added to the group. Note that this value is NOT the same as the Tx LID value, but instead either identifies the ifIndex value of the test link to be used by the Test Pattern Procedure (i. e., the link whose LID value is inserted in the Tx LID field of the transmitted Expires Oct 2004 [Page 25] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ICP cells), or identifies that the implementation may choose the test link (if the value is zero)." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13 on page 81" DEFVAL { 0 } ::={ imaGroupEntry 35 } imaGroupTestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (-1.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of this object is used to specify the Tx Test Pattern in an IMA group loopback operation. A value in the range 0 to 255 designates a specific pattern. The distinguished value of -1 specifies that the implementation may choose the value. In this case, the implementation may also choose the value of It is recommended that the specific value 255 not be used for testing, since by (R-137) the IMA interface is required to transmit 0xFF (i. e., 255) when the incoming test command is inactive or the test link is not detected, and thus it cannot be established for certain whether 255 was received due to an actual loopback operation or due to the normal operation of an IMA that is not performing (or else cannot perform) the test pattern procedure." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13 on page 81" DEFVAL { -1 } ::={ imaGroupEntry 36 } imaGroupTestProcStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaTestProcStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is used to enable or disable the Test Pattern Procedure, and to note whether at least one link failed the test. The test is started by setting operating( 2) Expires Oct 2004 [Page 26] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 status. If any link should fail the test, the IMA will set the status to linkFail( 3). The linkFail( 3) state will persist until either the disabled( 1) state is set or until no instance of imaLinkTestProcStatus has the value linkFail( 3). Only the values disabled( 1) and operating( 2) may be written. Writing the operating( 2) value will not cause clearing of the linkFail( 3) state." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 13 on page 81" DEFVAL { disabled } ::={ imaGroupEntry 37 } imaGroupTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current measurement period. This attribute is only mandatory when the IMA Group Current Statistics are implemented." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupEntry 40 } imaGroupTxOamLabelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IMA OAM Label value transmitted by the NE IMA unit." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 32" ::={ imaGroupEntry 41 } imaGroupRxOamLabelValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "IMA OAM Label value transmitted by the FE IMA unit. The value 0 likely means that the IMA unit Expires Oct 2004 [Page 27] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 has not received an OAM Label from the FE IMA unit at this time." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 32" ::={ imaGroupEntry 42 } imaGroupConfAlarmProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a pointer to an Alarm configuration profile in the imaGroupAlarmConfProfileTable. The value of this object is the index of the referenced profile in the imaGroupAlarmConfProfileTable. By default, this object will have a zero length string. Any attempt to set this object to a value that is not the value of the index for an active entry in the profile table, imaGroupAlarmProfileTable, MUST be rejected." ::={ imaGroupEntry 43 } imaGroupMappingTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table mapping the 'ifIndex' values of 'imaGroupIfIndex' to the 'imaGroupIndex' values of the corresponding IMA group." ::={ imaMibObjects 2 } imaGroupMappingEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupMappingEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each row describes one ifIndex to imaGroupIndex Expires Oct 2004 [Page 28] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 mapping." INDEX { ifIndex } ::={ imaGroupMappingTable 1 } ImaGroupMappingEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupMappingIndex Integer32 } imaGroupMappingIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaGroupIndex of the IMA Group which implements the specified interface." ::={ imaGroupMappingEntry 1 } imaLinkTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA group Link Status and Configuration table." ::={ imaMibObjects 3 } imaLinkEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group Link table." INDEX { imaLinkIfIndex } ::={ imaLinkTable 1 } ImaLinkEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaLinkIfIndex InterfaceIndex, imaLinkRowStatus RowStatus, imaLinkGroupIndex Integer32, imaLinkNeTxState ImaLinkState, imaLinkNeRxState ImaLinkState, imaLinkFeTxState ImaLinkState, imaLinkFeRxState ImaLinkState, imaLinkNeRxFailureStatus ImaLinkFailureStatus, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 29] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkFeRxFailureStatus ImaLinkFailureStatus, imaLinkTxLid INTEGER, imaLinkRxLid INTEGER, imaLinkRelDelay MilliSeconds, imaLinkImaViolations Counter32, imaLinkOifAnomalies Counter32, imaLinkNeSevErroredSecs Counter32, imaLinkFeSevErroredSecs Counter32, imaLinkNeUnavailSecs Counter32, imaLinkFeUnavailSecs Counter32, imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecs Counter32, imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecs Counter32, imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecs Counter32, imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecs Counter32, imaLinkNeTxNumFailures Counter32, imaLinkNeRxNumFailures Counter32, imaLinkFeTxNumFailures Counter32, imaLinkFeRxNumFailures Counter32, imaLinkTxStuffs Counter32, imaLinkRxStuffs Counter32, imaLinkRxTestPattern INTEGER, imaLinkTestProcStatus ImaTestProcStatus, imaLinkTimeElapsed ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaLinkConfAlarmProfile SnmpAdminString } imaLinkIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX InterfaceIndex MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This corresponds to the 'ifIndex' of the MIB-II interface on which this link is established. This object also corresponds to the logical number ('ifIndex') assigned to this IMA link." ::={ imaLinkEntry 1 } imaLinkRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkRowStatus object is used to create or delete an entry in this table." ::={ imaLinkEntry 2 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 30] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value which identifies the IMA group (imaGroupIndex) of which this link is a member." ::={ imaLinkEntry 3 } imaLinkNeTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the near-end transmit link." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 4 } imaLinkNeRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the near-end receive link." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 5 } imaLinkFeTxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the far-end transmit link as reported via ICP cells." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 6 } imaLinkFeRxState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkState MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current state of the far-end receive link as Expires Oct 2004 [Page 31] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 reported via ICP cells." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 7 } imaLinkNeRxFailureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkFailureStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current link failure status of the near-end receive link." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 8 } imaLinkFeRxFailureStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkFailureStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current link failure status of the far-end receive link as reported via ICP cells." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.1.2 on page 48" ::={ imaLinkEntry 9 } imaLinkTxLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 31) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The outgoing LID used currently on the link by the local end. This value has meaning only if the link belongs to an IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 26" ::={ imaLinkEntry 10 } imaLinkRxLid OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 31) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The incoming LID used currently on the link by Expires Oct 2004 [Page 32] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 the remote end as reported via ICP cells. This value has meaning only if the link belongs to an IMA group." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section on page 26" ::={ imaLinkEntry 11 } imaLinkRelDelay OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX MilliSeconds MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The latest measured delay on this link relative to the link, in the same IMA group, with the least delay." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 9.2 on page 45" ::={ imaLinkEntry 12 } imaLinkImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICP violations: count of errored, invalid or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS- IMA conditions." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-125) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 13 } imaLinkOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES- IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-20) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 14 } imaLinkNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 33] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e. g., LOS, OOF/ LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during UAS-IMA condition." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-126) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 15 } imaLinkFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-127) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 16 } imaLinkNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at near-end: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-128) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 17 } imaLinkFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 34] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at far-end: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-129) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 18 } imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds: count of Tx Unusable seconds at the near-end Tx LSM." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-130) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 19 } imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds: count of Rx Unusable seconds at the near-end Rx LSM." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-131) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 20 } imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Tx Unusable indications from the far-end Tx LSM." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-132) in Section on page 77" Expires Oct 2004 [Page 35] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ::={ imaLinkEntry 21 } imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Rx Unusable indications from the far-end Rx LSM." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-133) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 22 } imaLinkNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., some form of implementation specific transmit fault)." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-134) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 23 } imaLinkNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA, Mis-Connected or some form of implementation specific receive fault)." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-135) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 24 } imaLinkFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 Expires Oct 2004 [Page 36] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Tx-Unusable-FE). This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-21) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 25 } imaLinkFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Rx-Unusable-FE). This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-22) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 26 } imaLinkTxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events inserted in the transmit direction. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-23) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 27 } imaLinkRxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Counter32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events detected in the receive direction. This is an optional attribute." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 37] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-24) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 28 } imaLinkRxTestPattern OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (0.. 255) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object identifies the test pattern received in the ICP Cell (octet 17) on the link during the IMA Test Pattern Procedure. This value may then be compared to the transmitted test pattern." ::={ imaLinkEntry 29 } imaLinkTestProcStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaTestProcStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This value indicates the current state of the Test Pattern Procedure. If the value is disabled( 1), the test is not running. A value of operating( 2) means the test is running and no error has been found on this interface. A value of linkFail( 3) means an error has been detected on this link during the test. Once an error is detected, the linkFail( 3) value is latched until either this object is read or until the imaGroupTestProcStatus is moved to disabled( 1). Once read, if the error no longer persists, a subsequent read will report the value operating( 2)." ::={ imaLinkEntry 30 } imaLinkTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current measurement period. This attribute is only mandatory when the IMA Link Expires Oct 2004 [Page 38] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 Current Statistics are implemented." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkEntry 33 } imaLinkConfAlarmProfile OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(0..32)) MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is a pointer to an Alarm configuration profile in the imaLinkAlarmConfProfileTable. The value of this object is the index of the referenced profile in the imaLinkAlarmConfProfileTable. By default, this object will have a zero length string. Any attempt to set this object to a value that is not the value of the index for an active entry in the profile table, imaGroupAlarmProfileTable, MUST be rejected." ::={ imaLinkEntry 34 } imaAlarmStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaAlarmStatus MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of the IMA alarm." ::={ imaMibObjects 4 } imaAlarmType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaAlarmType MAX-ACCESS accessible-for-notify STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Type of IMA alarm declared or cleared. The value of ImaAlarmType identifies the type of alarm according to the definitions in the IMA Expires Oct 2004 [Page 39] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 specification." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 12.2.3 on page 79" ::={ imaMibObjects 5 } imaFailureAlarm NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaAlarmStatus, imaAlarmType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaFailureAlarm provides a method for an agent implementing IMA to notify an NMS of an alarm condition." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 12.2.3 on page 79" ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 1 } imaGroupUnavailSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaGroupThreshUnavailSecs, imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaGroupUnavailSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs crossed the value of the object imaGroupThreshUnavailSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 2 } imaGroupNeNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaGroupThreshNeNumFailures, imaGroupCurrentNeNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaGroupNeNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaGroupCurrentNeNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaGroupThreshNeNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 3 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 40] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupFeNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaGroupThreshFeNumFailures, imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaGroupFeNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaGroupThreshFeNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 4 } imaGroupCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Group Current table." ::={ imaMibObjects 6 } imaGroupCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group Current table." INDEX { imaGroupIndex } ::={ imaGroupCurrentTable 1 } ImaGroupCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaGroupCurrentNeNumFailures PerfCurrentCount, imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures PerfCurrentCount } imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals where the IMA Group Traffic State Machine is Down in the current 15 minutes interval." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 41] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55, (R-136) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrentEntry 1 } imaGroupCurrentNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end group failure (Config-Aborted, Insufficient-Links) has been reported in the current 15 minutes interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-137) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrentEntry 2 } imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end group failure (Config-Aborted-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported in the current 15 minutes interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-25) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrentEntry 3 } imaGroupIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Group Interval table." ::={ imaMibObjects 7 } imaGroupIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group Interval table." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 42] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 INDEX { imaGroupIndex, imaGroupIntervalNumber } ::={ imaGroupIntervalTable 1 } ImaGroupIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupIntervalNumber INTEGER, imaGroupIntervalUnavailSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaGroupIntervalNeNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, imaGroupIntervalFeNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, imaGroupIntervalMoniSecs ImaPerfTimeElapsed } imaGroupIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is the least recently completed 15 minutes interval (assuming that all 96 intervals are valid)." ::={ imaGroupIntervalEntry 1 } imaGroupIntervalUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals where the IMA Group Traffic State Machine is Down in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55, (R-136) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupIntervalEntry 2 } imaGroupIntervalNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end group failure (Config-Aborted, Insufficient-Links) has been reported in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 43] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-137) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupIntervalEntry 3 } imaGroupIntervalFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end group failure (Config-Aborted-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-25) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupIntervalEntry 4 } imaGroupIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total elapsed seconds in the current 15-minute interval." ::={ imaGroupIntervalEntry 5 } imaGroupCurrDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupCurrDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Group Current Day table." ::={ imaMibObjects 8 } imaGroupCurrDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupCurrDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group Current Day table." INDEX { imaGroupIndex } ::={ imaGroupCurrDayTable 1 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 44] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ImaGroupCurrDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupCurrDayTimeElapsed ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaGroupCurrDayUnavailSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaGroupCurrDayNeNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaGroupCurrDayFeNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount } imaGroupCurrDayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of seconds that have elapsed since the beginning of the current 1-day interval." ::={ imaGroupCurrDayEntry 1 } imaGroupCurrDayUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds during the current day as measured by imaGropuCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55, (R-136) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrDayEntry 2 } imaGroupCurrDayNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end group failure (Config-Aborted, Insufficient-Links) has been reported in the current day as measured by imaGropuCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-137) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrDayEntry 3 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 45] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupCurrDayFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end group failure (Config-Aborted-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported in current day as measured by imaGropuCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-25) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroupCurrDayEntry 4 } imaGroup1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroup1DayIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Group Day Interval Table." ::={ imaMibObjects 9 } imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroup1DayIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Group Day Interval table." INDEX { imaGroupIndex, imaGroup1DayIntervalNumber } ::={ imaGroup1DayIntervalTable 1 } ImaGroup1DayIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroup1DayIntervalNumber INTEGER, imaGroup1DayIntervalMoniSecs ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaGroup1DayIntervalUnavailSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaGroup1DayIntervalNeNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaGroup1DayIntervalFeNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount } imaGroup1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER(1..30) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 46] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "History Data Interval number. Interval 1 is the the most recent previous day; interval 30 is 30 days ago. Intervals 2..30 are optional." ::= { imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry 1 } imaGroup1DayIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The amount of time in the 1-day interval over which the performance monitoring information is actually counted. This value will be the same as the interval duration except in a situation where performance monitoring data could not be collected for any reason." ::= { imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry 2 } imaGroup1DayIntervalUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Number of unavailable seconds as meansured by imaGroup- 1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, Section 10.2.1 on page 55, (R-136) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry 3 } imaGroup1DayIntervalNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end group failure (Config-Aborted, Insufficient-Links) has been reported in the day measured by imaGroup1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-137) and (O-27) in Section Expires Oct 2004 [Page 47] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 on page 77" ::={ imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry 4 } imaGroup1DayIntervalFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end group failure (Config-Aborted-FE, Insufficient-Links-FE, Blocked-FE) has been reported in 1 day measured by imaGroup1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-25) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaGroup1DayIntervalEntry 5 } imaGroupAlarmConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports definitions of alarm configuration profiles for IMA Groups. This table MUST be maintained in a persistent manner." ::={ imaMibObjects 10 } imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry corresponds to a single alarm configuration profile. Each profile contains a set of parameters for setting alarm thresholds for various performance attributes monitored at IMA groups. Profiles may be created/deleted using the row creation/deletion mechanism via imaGroupAlarmConfProfileRowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in imaGroupConfAlarmProfile defined in imaGroupTable, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." INDEX { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileName } ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileTable 1 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 48] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ImaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileName SnmpAdminString, imaGroupThreshUnavailSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaGroupThreshNeNumFailures Integer32, imaGroupThreshFeNumFailures Integer32, imaGroupAlarmConfProfileRowStatus RowStatus } imaGroupAlarmConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the unique index associated with this profile." ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry 1 } imaGroupThreshUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the unavailable seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaGroupUnavailSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry 2 } imaGroupThreshNeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the NearEnd Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaGroupCurrentNeFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaGroupNeFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry 3 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 49] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupThreshFeNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaGroupCurrentFeFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaGroupFeFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry 4 } imaGroupAlarmConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls creation/deletion of the associated entry in this table as per the semantics of RowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in imaGroupAlarmConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." ::= { imaGroupAlarmConfProfileEntry 5 } imaLinkImaViolationsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshImaViolations, imaLinkCurrentImaViolations } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkImaViolationsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentImaViolations crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshImaViolations." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 5 } imaLinkOifAnomaliesCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshOifAnomalies, imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies } STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 50] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkOifAnomaliesCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshImaViolations." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 6 } imaLinkNeSevErroredSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeSevErroredSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeSevErroredSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeSevErroredSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeSevErroredSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 7 } imaLinkFeSevErroredSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeSevErroredSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeSevErroredSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeSevErroredSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeSevErroredSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 8 } imaLinkNeUnavailSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeUnavailSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeUnavailSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 9 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 51] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkFeUnavailSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeUnavailSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeUnavailSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 10 } imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeTxUnusableSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 11 } imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeRxUnusableSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeRxUnusableSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeRxUnusableSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 12 } imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs } STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 52] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeTxUnusableSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 13 } imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecsCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeRxUnusableSecs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecsCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeRxUnusableSecs crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeRxUnusableSecs." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 14 } imaLinkNeTxNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeTxNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeTxNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 15 } imaLinkNeRxNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkNeRxNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshNeRxNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 16 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 53] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkFeTxNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeTxNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeTxNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 17 } imaLinkFeRxNumFailuresCrossing NOTIFICATION-TYPE OBJECTS { ifIndex, imaLinkThreshFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The imaLinkFeRxNumFailuresCrossing is sent whenever the value of the object imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures crossed the value of the object imaLinkThreshFeRxNumFailures." ::={ imaMibTrapPrefix 18 } imaLinkCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Link Current table." ::={ imaMibObjects 11 } imaLinkCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkCurrentEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Link Current table." INDEX { ifIndex } ::={ imaLinkCurrentTable 1 } ImaLinkCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE { Expires Oct 2004 [Page 54] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkCurrentImaViolations PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeSevErroredSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeSevErroredSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeRxUnusableSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeRxUnusableSecs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentTxStuffs PerfCurrentCount, imaLinkCurrentRxStuffs PerfCurrentCount } imaLinkCurrentImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICP violations: count of errored, invalid or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS- IMA conditions, in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-125) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 1 } imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES- IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end in the current 15 minute interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-20) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 2 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 55] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkCurrentNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e. g., LOS, OOF/ LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during UAS-IMA condition, in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-126) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 3 } imaLinkCurrentFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition, in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-127) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 4 } imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at near-end in the current 15 minute interval: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES- IMA." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-128) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 5 } imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 56] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at far-end in the current 15 minute interval: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-129) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 6 } imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Tx LSM in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-130) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 7 } imaLinkCurrentNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Rx LSM in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-131) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 8 } imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 57] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "Tx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Tx Unusable indications from the far-end Tx LSM in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-132) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 9 } imaLinkCurrentFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Rx Unusable indications from the far-end Rx LSM in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-133) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 10 } imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., some form of implementation specific transmit fault) in the current 15 minute interval." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-134) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 11 } imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA, Mis-Connected, or some form of implementation specific receive fault) in the current 15 minute interval." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 58] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-135) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 12 } imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Tx-Unusable-FE) in the current 15 minute interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-21) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 13 } imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Rx-Unusable-FE) in the current 15 minute interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-22) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 14 } imaLinkCurrentTxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events inserted in the transmit direction in the current 15 minute interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-23) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 15 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 59] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkCurrentRxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfCurrentCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events detected in the receive direction in the current 15 minute interval. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-24) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrentEntry 16 } imaLinkIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Link Interval table." ::={ imaMibObjects 12 } imaLinkIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Link Interval table." INDEX { ifIndex, imaLinkIntervalNumber } ::={ imaLinkIntervalTable 1 } ImaLinkIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaLinkIntervalNumber INTEGER, imaLinkIntervalImaViolations PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalOifAnomalies PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalFeSevErroredSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeUnavailSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalFeUnavailSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeTxNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalNeRxNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 60] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkIntervalFeTxNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalFeRxNumFailures PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalTxStuffs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalRxStuffs PerfIntervalCount, imaLinkIntervalMoniSecs ImaPerfTimeElapsed } imaLinkIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1.. 96) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A number between 1 and 96, where 1 is the most recently completed 15 minute interval and 96 is the least recently completed 15 minutes interval (assuming that all 96 intervals are valid)." ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 1 } imaLinkIntervalImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICP violations: count of errored, invalid or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS- IMA conditions, in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-125) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 2 } imaLinkIntervalOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES- IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-20) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 3 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 61] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e. g., LOS, OOF/ LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during UAS-IMA condition, in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-126) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 4 } imaLinkIntervalFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition, in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-127) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 5 } imaLinkIntervalNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at near-end in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-128) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 6 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 62] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkIntervalFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at far-end in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals: unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-129) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 7 } imaLinkIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Tx LSM in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-130) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 8 } imaLinkIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Rx LSM in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-131) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 9 } imaLinkIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 63] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Tx Unusable indications from the far-end Tx LSM in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-132) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 10 } imaLinkIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Rx Unusable indications from the far-end Rx LSM in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R- 133) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 11 } imaLinkIntervalNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., some form of implementation specific transmit fault) in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-134) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 12 } imaLinkIntervalNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 64] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA, Mis-Connected, or some form of implementation specific receive fault) in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-135) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 13 } imaLinkIntervalFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Tx-Unusable-FE) in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-21) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 14 } imaLinkIntervalFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Rx-Unusable-FE) in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-22) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 15 } imaLinkIntervalTxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 65] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events inserted in the transmit direction in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-23) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 16 } imaLinkIntervalRxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX PerfIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events detected in the receive direction in one of the previous 96, individual 15 minute, intervals. This is an optional attribute." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-24) and (O-26) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 17 } imaLinkIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Total elapsed seconds in the current 15-minute interval." ::={ imaLinkIntervalEntry 18 } imaLinkCurrDayTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLinkCurrDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The IMA Link Total table." ::={ imaMibObjects 13 } imaLinkCurrDayEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkCurrDayEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Link Total table." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 66] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 INDEX { ifIndex } ::={ imaLinkCurrDayTable 1 } ImaLinkCurrDayEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaLinkCurrDayImaViolations ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayOifAnomalies ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeSevErroredSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeSevErroredSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeUnavailSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeUnavailSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeTxNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayNeRxNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeTxNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayFeRxNumFailures ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayTxStuffs ImaPerfCurrDayCount, imaLinkCurrDayRxStuffs ImaPerfCurrDayCount } imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The elapsed time for the current day interval." ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 1 } imaLinkCurrDayImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICP violations: count of errored, invalid or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS- IMA conditions, in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-125) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 2 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 67] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkCurrDayOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES- IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-20) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 3 } imaLinkCurrDayNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e. g., LOS, OOF/ LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during UAS-IMA condition, in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-126) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 4 } imaLinkCurrDayFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition, in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-127) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 5 } imaLinkCurrDayNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 68] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at near-end in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-128) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 6 } imaLinkCurrDayFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at far-end in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE. " REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-129) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 7 } imaLinkCurrDayNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Tx LSM in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-130) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 8 } imaLinkCurrDayNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 69] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Rx LSM in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-131) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 9 } imaLinkCurrDayFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Tx Unusable indications from the far-end Tx LSM in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-132) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 10 } imaLinkCurrDayFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Rx Unusable indications from the far-end Rx LSM in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-133) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 11 } imaLinkCurrDayNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 70] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., some form of implementation specific transmit fault) in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-134) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 12 } imaLinkCurrDayNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA, Mis-Connected, or some form of implementation specific receive fault) in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-135) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 13 } imaLinkCurrDayFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Tx-Unusable-FE) in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-21) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 14 } imaLinkCurrDayFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 71] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Rx-Unusable-FE) in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-22) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 15 } imaLinkCurrDayTxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events inserted in the transmit direction in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-23) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 16 } imaLinkCurrDayRxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfCurrDayCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events detected in the receive direction in the current day measured by imaLinkCurrDayTimeElapsed." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-24) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLinkCurrDayEntry 17 } imaLink1DayIntervalTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLink1DayIntervalEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table provides one row for each IMA Link performance data collection interval." ::={ imaMibObjects 14 } imaLink1DayIntervalEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLink1DayIntervalEntry Expires Oct 2004 [Page 72] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An entry in the IMA Link Total table." INDEX { ifIndex, imaLink1DayIntervalNumber } ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalTable 1 } ImaLink1DayIntervalEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaLink1DayIntervalNumber Integer32, imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs ImaPerfTimeElapsed, imaLink1DayIntervalImaViolations ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalOifAnomalies ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeSevErroredSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeSevErroredSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeUnavailSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeUnavailSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxNumFailures ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalTxStuffs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount, imaLink1DayIntervalRxStuffs ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount } imaLink1DayIntervalNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32(1..30) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "History Data Interval number. Interval 1 is is the the most recent previous day; interval 30 is 30 days ago. Intervals 2..30 are optional." ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 1 } imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfTimeElapsed UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 73] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "The amount of time in the 1-day interval over which the performance monitoring information is actually counted. This value will be the same as the interval duration except in a situation where performance monitoring data could not be collected for any reason." ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 2 } imaLink1DayIntervalImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "ICP violations: count of errored, invalid or missing ICP cells, except during SES-IMA or UAS- IMA conditions, in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-125) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 3 } imaLink1DayIntervalOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of OIF anomalies, except during SES- IMA or UAS-IMA conditions, at the near-end in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-20) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 5 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing >= 30% of the ICP cells counted as IV-IMAs, or one or more link defects (e. g., LOS, OOF/ LOF, AIS, or LCD), LIF defects, or LODS defects, except during Expires Oct 2004 [Page 74] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 UAS-IMA condition, in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-126) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 6 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of one second intervals containing one or more RDI-IMA defects, except during UAS-IMA-FE condition, in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-127) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 7 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at near-end in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-128) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 8 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of unavailable seconds at far-end in the current day measured by Expires Oct 2004 [Page 75] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs. Unavailability begins at the onset of 10 contiguous SES-IMA-FE and ends at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SES-IMA-FE. " REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-129) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 9 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Tx LSM in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-130) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 10 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds: count of Unusable seconds at the near-end Rx LSM in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-131) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 11 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Tx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Tx Unusable indications from the far-end Tx LSM in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 76] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-132) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 12 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Rx Unusable seconds at far-end: count of seconds with Rx Unusable indications from the far-end Rx LSM in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-133) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 13 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., some form of implementation specific transmit fault) in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-134) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 14 } imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a near-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., LIF, LODS, RFI-IMA, Mis-Connected, or some form of implementation specific receive fault) in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 77] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (R-135) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 15 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end transmit failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Tx-Unusable-FE) in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-21) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 16 } imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of times a far-end receive failure alarm condition has been entered on this link (i. e., Rx-Unusable-FE) in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-22) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 17 } imaLink1DayIntervalTxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events inserted in the transmit direction in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-23) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 18 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 78] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLink1DayIntervalRxStuffs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerf1DayIntervalCount MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Count of stuff events detected in the receive direction in the current day measured by imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs." REFERENCE "ATM Forum IMA v1.1, (O-24) and (O-27) in Section on page 77" ::={ imaLink1DayIntervalEntry 19 } imaLinkAlarmConfProfileTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ImaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This table supports definitions of alarm configuration profiles for IMA Links." ::={ imaMibObjects 15 } imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Each entry corresponds to a single alarm configuration profile. Each profile contains a set of parameters for setting alarm thresholds for various performance attributes monitored at IMA groups. Profiles may be created/deleted using the row creation/deletion mechanism via imaLinkAlarmConfProfileRowStatus. If an active entry is referenced by imaLinkConfAlarmProfile in imaLinkTable, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." INDEX { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileName } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileTable 1 } ImaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry ::= SEQUENCE { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileName SnmpAdminString, imaLinkThreshImaViolations Integer32, imaLinkThreshOifAnomalies Integer32, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 79] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkThreshNeSevErroredSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshFeSevErroredSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshNeUnavailSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshFeUnavailSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshNeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshNeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshFeTxUnusableSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshFeRxUnusableSecs ImaPerfIntervalThreshold, imaLinkThreshNeTxNumFailures Integer32, imaLinkThreshNeRxNumFailures Integer32, imaLinkThreshFeTxNumFailures Integer32, imaLinkThreshFeRxNumFailures Integer32, imaLinkAlarmConfProfileRowStatus RowStatus } imaLinkAlarmConfProfileName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE(1..32)) MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object is the unique index associated with this profile." ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 1 } imaLinkThreshImaViolations OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the IMA Vioaltions alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentImaViolations reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkImaViolationsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 2 } imaLinkThreshOifAnomalies OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the OIF Anomalies alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies reaches or exceeds this Expires Oct 2004 [Page 80] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 threshold, a imaLinkOifAnomaliesCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 3 } imaLinkThreshNeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Near End Severe Errored Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeSevErroredSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 4 } imaLinkThreshFeSevErroredSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Severe Errored Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeSevErroredSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 5 } imaLinkThreshNeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Near End Unavailable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeUnavailSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } Expires Oct 2004 [Page 81] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 6 } imaLinkThreshFeUnavailSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Unavailable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkFeUnavailSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 7 } imaLinkThreshNeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Near End Transmit Un- usable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 8 } imaLinkThreshNeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Near End Receive Un- usable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentNeUnusableSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeUnusableSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 9 } imaLinkThreshFeTxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE Expires Oct 2004 [Page 82] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Transmit Un- usable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 10 } imaLinkThreshFeRxUnusableSecs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ImaPerfIntervalThreshold UNITS "seconds" MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Receive Un- usable Seconds alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeUnusableSecs reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkFeUnusableSecsCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 11 } imaLinkThreshNeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Near End Transmit Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeTxNumFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 12 } imaLinkThreshNeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 83] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "This object configures the Near End Receive Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeRxNumFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 13 } imaLinkThreshFeTxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Transmit Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkFeTxNumFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 14 } imaLinkThreshFeRxNumFailures OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object configures the Far End Receive Failures alarm threshold. When the current value of imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures reaches or exceeds this threshold, a imaLinkNeRxNumFailuresCrossing MAY be generated." DEFVAL { 0 } ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 15 } imaLinkAlarmConfProfileRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX RowStatus MAX-ACCESS read-create STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object controls creation/deletion of the associated entry in this table as per the semantics of RowStatus. If an active entry is referenced in imaLinkAlarmConfProfile, the entry MUST remain active until all references are removed." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 84] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ::= { imaLinkAlarmConfProfileEntry 16 } --Conformance Information imaMibGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMibConformance 1 } imaMibCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { imaMibConformance 2 } --Compliance Statements imaMibCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for network elements implementing ATM Forum Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) interfaces." MODULE --this module --Mandatory Part MANDATORY-GROUPS { imaGroupGroup, imaLinkGroup, imaGroupMappingTableGroup, imaAlarmGroup, imaGroupAlarmConfGroup, imaLinkAlarmConfGroup, imaNotificationsGroup } GROUP imaTestPatternGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory only for implementations that support the Test Pattern Procedure." GROUP imaGroupIntervalGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory only for implementations that support interval statistics." GROUP imaLinkIntervalGroup DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory only for implementations that support interval statistics." --Compliance Part OBJECT imaGroupSymmetry MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 85] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupMinNumTxLinks MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupMinNumRxLinks MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupTxImaId MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupTxFrameLength MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupDiffDelayMax MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupAlphaValue MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupBetaValue MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupGammaValue MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupFeNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 86] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaGroupTestLinkIfIndex MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaGroupTestPattern MIN-ACCESS read-only DESCRIPTION "Write access is not required." OBJECT imaLinkOifAnomalies MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkFeTxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkFeRxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkTxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkRxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaGroupIntervalFeNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 87] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaGroupIntervalMoniSecs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaGroupCurrDayFeNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrentTxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrentRxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalOifAnomalies MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalFeTxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 88] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalFeRxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalTxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalRxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkIntervalMoniSecs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrDayOifAnomalies MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrDayFeTxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrDayFeRxNumFailures MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrDayTxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION "This is an optional attribute." OBJECT imaLinkCurrDayRxStuffs MIN-ACCESS not-accessible DESCRIPTION Expires Oct 2004 [Page 89] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 "This is an optional attribute." ::={ imaMibCompliances 1 } --Units of Conformance imaGroupGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaGroupRowStatus, imaGroupIfIndex, imaGroupNeState, imaGroupFeState, imaGroupFailureStatus, imaGroupSymmetry, imaGroupMinNumTxLinks, imaGroupMinNumRxLinks, imaGroupNeTxClkMode, imaGroupFeTxClkMode, imaGroupTxTimingRefLink, imaGroupRxTimingRefLink, imaGroupLastChange, imaGroupTxImaId, imaGroupRxImaId, imaGroupTxFrameLength, imaGroupRxFrameLength, imaGroupDiffDelayMax, imaGroupLeastDelayLink, imaGroupDiffDelayMaxObs, imaGroupAlphaValue, imaGroupBetaValue, imaGroupGammaValue, imaGroupRunningSecs, imaGroupUnavailSecs, imaGroupNeNumFailures, imaGroupFeNumFailures, imaGroupTxAvailCellRate, imaGroupRxAvailCellRate, imaGroupNumTxCfgLinks, imaGroupNumRxCfgLinks, imaGroupNumTxActLinks, imaGroupNumRxActLinks, imaGroupTxOamLabelValue, imaGroupRxOamLabelValue, imaGroupConfAlarmProfile } STATUS current Expires Oct 2004 [Page 90] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 DESCRIPTION "A set of objects providing configuration and status information for an IMA group definition." ::={ imaMibGroups 1 } imaLinkGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaLinkRowStatus, imaLinkGroupIndex, imaLinkNeRxState, imaLinkNeTxState, imaLinkFeRxState, imaLinkFeTxState, imaLinkNeRxFailureStatus, imaLinkFeRxFailureStatus, imaLinkTxLid, imaLinkRxLid, imaLinkRelDelay, imaLinkImaViolations, imaLinkOifAnomalies, imaLinkFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkNeTxNumFailures, imaLinkNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkTxStuffs, imaLinkRxStuffs, imaLinkConfAlarmProfile } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A set of objects providing status information for an IMA link." ::={ imaMibGroups 2 } imaGroupMappingTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaGroupMappingIndex Expires Oct 2004 [Page 91] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A table mapping the 'ifIndex' values of 'imaGroupIfIndex' to the 'imaGroupIndex' values of the corresponding IMA group." ::={ imaMibGroups 3 } imaTestPatternGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaGroupTestLinkIfIndex, imaGroupTestPattern, imaGroupTestProcStatus, imaLinkRxTestPattern, imaLinkTestProcStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects in the imaGroupTable and imaLinkTable which control and report on the Test Pattern Procedure. These objects must be implemented if the IMA Test Pattern Procedure is supported." ::={ imaMibGroups 4 } imaAlarmGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaAlarmStatus, imaAlarmType } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects used in the imaFailureAlarm notification." ::={ imaMibGroups 5 } imaGroupIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaGroupTimeElapsed, imaGroupCurrentUnavailSecs, imaGroupCurrentNeNumFailures, imaGroupCurrentFeNumFailures, imaGroupIntervalUnavailSecs, imaGroupIntervalNeNumFailures, imaGroupIntervalFeNumFailures, imaGroupIntervalMoniSecs, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 92] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupCurrDayTimeElapsed, imaGroupCurrDayUnavailSecs, imaGroupCurrDayNeNumFailures, imaGroupCurrDayFeNumFailures, imaGroup1DayIntervalMoniSecs, imaGroup1DayIntervalUnavailSecs, imaGroup1DayIntervalNeNumFailures, imaGroup1DayIntervalFeNumFailures } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects containing interval statistics for an IMA group." ::={ imaMibGroups 6 } imaLinkIntervalGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaLinkTimeElapsed, imaLinkCurrentImaViolations, imaLinkCurrentOifAnomalies, imaLinkCurrentNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrentNeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrentTxStuffs, imaLinkCurrentRxStuffs, imaLinkIntervalImaViolations, imaLinkIntervalOifAnomalies, imaLinkIntervalNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkIntervalFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkIntervalNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkIntervalFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkIntervalNeTxNumFailures, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 93] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaLinkIntervalNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkIntervalFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkIntervalFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkIntervalTxStuffs, imaLinkIntervalRxStuffs, imaLinkIntervalMoniSecs, imaLinkCurrDayImaViolations, imaLinkCurrDayOifAnomalies, imaLinkCurrDayNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrDayFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkCurrDayNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrDayFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkCurrDayNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrDayNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrDayFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrDayFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkCurrDayNeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrDayNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrDayFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrDayFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkCurrDayTxStuffs, imaLinkCurrDayRxStuffs, imaLink1DayIntervalMoniSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalImaViolations, imaLink1DayIntervalOifAnomalies, imaLink1DayIntervalNeSevErroredSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalFeSevErroredSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalNeUnavailSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalFeUnavailSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLink1DayIntervalNeTxNumFailures, imaLink1DayIntervalNeRxNumFailures, imaLink1DayIntervalFeTxNumFailures, imaLink1DayIntervalFeRxNumFailures, imaLink1DayIntervalTxStuffs, imaLink1DayIntervalRxStuffs } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects containing interval statistics for an IMA link." Expires Oct 2004 [Page 94] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 ::={ imaMibGroups 7 } imaGroupAlarmConfGroup OBJECTS-GROUP OBJECTS { imaGroupThreshUnavailSecs, imaGroupThreshNeNumFailures, imaGroupThreshFeNumFailures, imaGroupAlarmConfProfileRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that allow configuration of alarm thresholds for various performance parameters for IMA Group." ::={ imaMibGroups 8 } imaLinkAlarmConfGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { imaLinkThreshImaViolations, imaLinkThreshOifAnomalies, imaLinkThreshNeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkThreshFeSevErroredSecs, imaLinkThreshNeUnavailSecs, imaLinkThreshFeUnavailSecs, imaLinkThreshNeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkThreshNeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkThreshFeTxUnusableSecs, imaLinkThreshFeRxUnusableSecs, imaLinkThreshNeTxNumFailures, imaLinkThreshNeRxNumFailures, imaLinkThreshFeTxNumFailures, imaLinkThreshFeRxNumFailures, imaLinkAlarmConfProfileRowStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group supports objects that allow configuration of alarm thresholds for various performance parameters for IMA Link." ::={ imaMibGroups 9 } imaNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP NOTIFICATIONS { imaFailureAlarm, imaGroupUnavailSecsCrossing, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 95] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 imaGroupNeNumFailuresCrossing, imaGroupFeNumFailuresCrossing, imaLinkImaViolationsCrossing, imaLinkOifAnomaliesCrossing, imaLinkNeSevErroredSecsCrossing, imaLinkFeSevErroredSecsCrossing, imaLinkNeUnavailSecsCrossing, imaLinkFeUnavailSecsCrossing, imaLinkNeTxUnusableSecsCrossing, imaLinkNeRxUnusableSecsCrossing, imaLinkFeTxUnusableSecsCrossing, imaLinkFeRxUnusableSecsCrossing, imaLinkNeTxNumFailuresCrossing, imaLinkNeRxNumFailuresCrossing, imaLinkFeTxNumFailuresCrossing, imaLinkFeRxNumFailuresCrossing } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Notifications that must be implemented for IMA groups and links." ::={ imaMibGroups 10 } END 5. Intellectual Property The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and standards-related documentation can be found in BCP-11. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat. The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary rights which may cover technology that may be required to practice Expires Oct 2004 [Page 96] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 this standard. Please address the information to the IETF Executive Director. 6. Full Copyright Statement Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). All Rights Reserved. This document and translations of it may be copied and furnished to others, and derivative works that comment on or otherwise explain it or assist in its implementation may be prepared, copied, published and distributed, in whole or in part, without restriction of any kind, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph are included on all such copies and derivative works. However, this document itself may not be modified in any way, such as by removing the copyright notice or references to the Internet Society or other Internet organizations, except as needed for the purpose of developing Internet standards in which case the procedures for copyrights defined in the Internet Standards process must be followed, or as required to translate it into languages other than English. The limited permissions granted above are perpetual and will not be revoked by the Internet Society or its successors or assigns. This document and the information contained herein is provided on an "AS IS" basis and THE INTERNET SOCIETY AND THE INTERNET ENGINEERING TASK FORCE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY THAT THE USE OF THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY RIGHTS OR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 7. Acknowledgments This document was produced by the AToM MIB Working Group. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 97] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 8. References 8.1. Normative References [ATMForumIMA] ATM Forum, "Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) Specificatin Version 1.1", March 1999. [RFC2578] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58 RFC 2578, April 1999. [RFC2579] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58 RFC 2579, April 1999. [RFC2580] McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., Schoenwaelder, J., Case, J., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser,"Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58 RFC 2580, April 1999. [RFC2863] McCloghrie, K. and F. Kastenholz, "The Interfaces Group MIB", RFC 2863, June 2000. [RFC3593] Tesink, K., "Textual Conventions for MIB Modules Using Performance History Based on 15 Minute Intervals", RFC3593, September 2003. 8.2. Informative References [RFC1213] Rose M., Editor, "Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets: MIB-II", RFC 1213, Performance Systems International, March 1991. [RFC1407] T. Cox, K. Tesink, "Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS3/E3 Interface Types", RFC 1406, January 1993. [RFC2495] Fowler D., "Definitions of Managed Objects for the DS1, E1, DS2 and Expires Oct 2004 [Page 98] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 and E2 Interface Types", RFC 2495, january 1999. *********************************************************** * NOTE TO RFC Editor (to be removed prior to publication):* * If <draft-ietf-atommib-rfc2495bis-05.txt> (or its * * successor) is to be published as an RFC concurrently * * with this document, please update this reference to * * point to that RFC, instead of RFC 2495, and change * * the reference tag [RFC2495] to match. * *********************************************************** [RFC3592] Brown, T., and Tesink, K., "Definitions of Managed Objects for the SONET/SDH Interface Type", RFC 3592, September 2003. [RFC2494] Fowler, D., "Definitions of Managed Objects for the Ds0 and DS0Bundle Interface Types", RFC 2494, January 1999. [RFC3410] Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D. and B. Stewart, "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002. Expires Oct 2004 [Page 99] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 9. Security Considerations There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write. Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments. The support for SET operations in a non-secure environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on network operations. The specific the objects and their sensitivities/vulnerabilities are as follows. The readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., the objects with a MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive in some environments since, collectively, they provide extensive information about the performance of interfaces in DS3/E3 equipment or networks and can reveal some aspects of their configuration. In such environments it is important to control even GET and NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly to encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over the network via SNMP. SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security. Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPSec), even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects in this MIB module. It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see [RFC3410], section 8), including full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for authentication and privacy). Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT RECOMMENDED. Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to enable cryptographic security. It is then a customer/operator responsibility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them. 10. Author's Address Faye Ly (editor) Pedestal Networks 6503 Dumbarton Circle, Expires Oct 2004 [Page 100] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 Fremont, CA 94555 Phone: 510-896-2908 e-Mail: Orly Nicklass (editor) RAD Data Communications, Ltd. Ziv Tower, 24 Roul Walenberg Tel Aviv, Israel, 69719 Phone: 9723-765-9969 e-Mail: Expires Oct 2004 [Page 101] INTERNET-DRAFT May 2004 Table of Contents 1 The Internet Standard Management Framework ................... 2 2 Overview ..................................................... 3 2.1 Use of the ifTable ......................................... 4 2.1.1 Use of the ifAdminStatus ................................. 5 2.2 Use of the ifStackTable .................................... 6 3 Structure of the MIB ......................................... 7 4 Object Definitions ........................................... 8 5 Intellectual Property ........................................ 96 6 Full Copyright Statement ..................................... 97 7 Acknowledgments .............................................. 97 8 References ................................................... 98 8.1 Normative References ....................................... 98 8.2 Informative References ..................................... 98 9 Security Considerations ...................................... 100 10 Author's Address ............................................ 100 Expires Oct 2004 [Page 102]