From: Tobias Neckel neckel@in.tum.de
Date: October 15, 2014
Subject: BGCE Student Paper Prize
Let us direct your attention to the 5th BGCE Student Paper Prize to be
awarded at the 2015 SIAM CS&E Conference, March 14-18, 2015, in Salt
Lake City, Utah, for outstanding student work in the field of
Computational Science and Engineering.
Founder of the prize is the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational
Engineering (BGCE, http://www.bgce.de/ ). The prize winner will be
invited to spend one week (air fare and lodging expenses covered) in
Bavaria, Germany, visiting BGCE sites in Erlangen and Muenchen and
getting in contact with BGCE's educational and research program. The
main objective is to promote excellent students in CS&E and to foster
international exchange at an early career stage. Eligible for the
prize will be undergraduate and graduate students prior to receiving
their PhD (at date of submission).
Candidates are required to summarize their work in a short paper of at
most 4 pages. The prize finalists will be asked to present their work
at SIAM CS&E 2015 with a talk to be given in a special "CS&E Student
Prize Minisymposium" (on March 15, 2015). The papers and talks will be
evaluated by an international prize committee. Excluded from the
competition are only students from our own universities, FAU and
TUM. Deadline for submissions to the BGCE Student Paper Prize is
December 14, 2014. Submissions should be sent in pdf format via email
to neckel@in.tum.de
Since we are interested in a broad and high-level competition, as we
had it in 2007, 2009, 2011, and 2013, we ask you to encourage suitable
candidates in your group or department to submit a paper and to
support their participation in SIAM CS&E 2015.
Please see http://www.bgce.de/news/bgce_prize_5th.html for details.
From: Jordi Castro jordi.castro@upc.edu
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: BlockIP: optimization package for large convex block-angular problems
BlockIP implements a specialized interior-point algorithm for large
scale convex separable problems (linear, quadratic or nonlinear) with
block-angular structure. For some classes of block-angular problems it
was from one to three orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art
standard optimization solvers.
To download the package and for more information about it:
From: Julien Bect julien.bect@supelec.fr
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: STK 2.2.0 released
STK 2.2.0 has been released, please check it out!
STK is a (not so) Small Toolbox for Kriging. Its primary focus in on
the interpolation / regression technique known as kriging, which is
very closely related to Splines and Radial Basis Functions, and can be
interpreted as a non-parametric Bayesian method using a Gaussian
Process (GP) prior. The STK also provides tools for the sequential and
non-sequential design of experiments. Even though it is, currently,
mostly geared towards the Design and Analysis of Computer Experiments
(DACE), the STK can be useful for other applications areas (such as
Geostatistics, Machine Learning, Non-parametric Regression, etc.).
A summary of user-visible changes is available here:
STK is fully compatible with both GNU Octave (from release 3.2.4
onwards) and Matlab (from release R2007a onwards). It is brought to
you under the GNU Public Licence v3 (GPLv3).
Julien Bect & Emmanuel Vazquez (Supelec, France)
From: Denis Sidorov contact.dns@gmail.com
Date: October 15, 2014
Subject: New Book, Integral Dynamical Models
Integral Dynamical Models: Singularities, Signals and Control,
by Denis N. Sidorov
Integral dynamical models. Singularities, signals and control.
(English) World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series A
87. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific (ISBN 978-981-4619-18-9/hbk;
978-981-4619-20-2/ebook) 260 p. £ 63.00/hbk; £ 47.00/ebook (2014).
This volume provides a broad introduction to nonlinear integral
dynamical models and new classes of evolutionary integral
equations. It may be used as an advanced textbook by postgraduate
students to study integral dynamical models and their applications in
machine learning, electrical and electronic engineering, operations
research and image analysis.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, foreword, preface, and bibliography, please visit
From: Bruce Bailey Bailey@siam.org
Date: October 09, 2014
Subject: New Book, Variational Analysis in Sobolev and BV Spaces
Variational Analysis in Sobolev and BV Spaces: Applications to PDEs
and Optimization, Second Edition, by Hedy Attouch, Giuseppe Buttazzo,
and Gérard Michaille
xii + 793 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611973-47-1 / List Price
$141.00 / SIAM/MOS Member Price $98.70 / Order Code MO17
This volume is an excellent guide for anyone interested in variational
analysis, optimization, and PDEs. It offers a detailed presentation of
the most important tools in variational analysis as well as
applications to problems in geometry, mechanics, elasticity, and
computer vision. The new edition features more than 150 pages of new
and revised material, including an entirely new and comprehensive
chapter devoted to gradient flows and the dynamical approach to
The book is intended for Ph.D. students, researchers, and
practitioners who want to approach the field of variational analysis
in a systematic way.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit
From: Eric Chung tschung@math.cuhk.edu.hk
Date: October 16, 2014
Subject: Multiscale Model Reduction, China, Dec 2014
2014 Winter School on Multiscale Model Reducation
Date: Dec 8-12, 2014
Place: Hunan University, The College of Mathematics and Econometrics
Main lecturer: Yalchin Efendiev, Texas A&M University
Website: http://math.hnu.cn/winter_school/hnu_winter_school.html
In this lecture series, we will give an overview of multiscale methods
and discuss their applications and algorithms. The course will consist
of lectures in the mornings and exercise sessions in the
afternoons. We will discuss the following topics:
1. General introduction to multiscale problems.
2. Homogenization and numerical homogenization. Basic concepts and
3. Global model reduction techniques.
4. Multiscale finite element methods and local model reduction. Linear
and nonlinear problems.
5. Applications and algorithms.
We intend the lectures for both graduate and undergraduate students,
and particularly encourage graduate students and young researchers to
participate in this course.
Main Instructor: Professor Yalchin Efendiev is a leading expert in
multiscale modeling and simulation. He currently serves as Mobil Chair
in Computational Science, Director of the Institute for Scientific
Computation (ISC), and Professor in the Department of Mathematics at
Texas A&M University. He is also the Director of the Numerical Porous
Media SRI Center (NumPor) at the King Abdullah University of Science
and Technology (KAUST).
Financial support: We will provide free board and accommodations for
selected graduate students during the winter school. Please contact
Lijian Jiang (ljjiang@hnu.edu.cn) for further information.
From: Mari Paz Calvo maripaz@mac.uva.es
Date: October 09, 2014
Subject: Markov Chain Monte Carlo, Spain, Jun 2015
School “New Perspectives in Markov Chain Monte Carloâ€Â
June 8-12, 2015
Univerisity of Valladolid, Spain
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are undoubtedly among the most
important algorithms in science. The school “New Perspectives in
Markov Chain Monte Carlo†is aimed at providing a survey of several
recent developments in MCMC. There will be three courses of lectures
taught by leading researchers; additionally, some participants will be
given the opportunity of presenting their own results.
The school is addressed to mathematicians, statisticians, and
scientists interested in MCMC. PhD students and postdoctoral
researchers attending the school may be financially supported by the
Further information can be founded at
From: Iain Duff duff@cerfacs.fr
Date: October 12, 2014
Subject: Sparse Days, France, Jun-Jul 2015
This is to announce that there will be a sparse days conference in St
Girons, Ariege, France (one hour from Toulouse) from 29th June to 2nd
July 2015.
This conference can be thought of as a sequel to the meetings in St
Girons in 1994 and 2003 and will be held in the context of a CIMI
(http://www.cimi.univ-toulouse.fr/-What-is-CIMI-?lang=en) funded
semester that includes four workshops and the conference.
Because this is a longer and larger event, there will be no Sparse
Days at CERFACS next year.
There will shortly be more information about both the conference and
the workshops.
From: Tom Hagstrom thagstrom@smu.edu
Date: October 09, 2014
Subject: Chair Position, Mathematics, SMU
Applications are invited for the Clements Chair of Mathematics to
begin in the fall semester of 2015. The department is searching for
senior scholars with outstanding records of research in computational
and applied mathematics as well as a strong commitment to teaching,
including an established history of advising doctoral students. We
are seeking candidates whose interests align with those of the
department and who would contribute in a substantial way to the
university’s initiatives in high performance computing and
interdisciplinary research. In addition we expect the Clements Chair
to provide leadership in the further development of our graduate and
undergraduate programs.
The Department of Mathematics offers graduate degrees in Computational
and Applied Mathematics and includes 16 tenured or tenure-track
faculty researchers, all of whom work in application areas. Visit
http://www.smu.edu/math/ for more information. To apply send a letter
of application with a curriculum vitae, a list of publications,
research and teaching statements, and the names of three references
to: The Faculty Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, Southern
Methodist University, P.O. Box 750156, Dallas, Texas, 75275-0156. The
Search Committee can also be contacted by sending e-mail to
mathsearch@mail.smu.edu. (Tel: (214)768-2452; Fax: (214)768-2355).
Applications received by December 1, 2014 will receive full
consideration, but will continue to be accepted until the position is
filled. A Ph.D. in applied mathematics or a related field is
required. Applicants will be notified when the search is concluded.
SMU, a private university with active graduate and undergraduate
programs in the sciences and engineering, is situated in a quiet
residential section of Dallas. The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex is
America's fourth largest metropolitan area, and residents enjoy access
to world-class cultural and entertainment activities.
SMU will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion,
national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran
status. SMU’s commitment to equal opportunity includes
nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender
identity and expression. Hiring is contingent upon the satisfactory
completion of a background check.
From: Qiang Du qd2125@columbia.edu
Date: October 16, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, Columbia Univ
The Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics (APAM) at
Columbia University in the City of New York invites applications for a
limited term Assistant Professor faculty position in the area of
applied and computational mathematics. The position begins July 1,
2015 for a term of 2 years. Salary is competitive and teaching is
relatively light.
Basic responsibilities focus on teaching, research and service. A
recent PhD and extraordinary promise in research are required. A broad
array of research groups is active in the department, with current
research encompassing applied and computational mathematics, and their
application to many areas of physics, biology, materials, data and
image processing, earth and environmental sciences. There are also a
strong cohort of activities on applied and computational mathematics
within the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
and the affiliated Institute of Data Science and Engineering. The
Department is especially interested in qualified candidates who can
contribute, through their research, teaching, and/or service, to the
diversity and excellence of the academic community.
Applicants should apply on-line at the following URL:
They should submit electronically the following: a current vita
including a list of publications, a brief description of their current
research work and future research interests, no more than two
pre/reprints, and three letters of recommendation. The search will
close no sooner than December 1, 2014, and will remain open until the
position is filled.
Applicants can consult http://www.apam.columbia.edu for more
information about the department.
Columbia University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
From: Wilson Rivera wilson.rivera@ece.uprm.edu
Date: October 14, 2014
Subject: Faculty Position, UPRM
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of the
University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) invites candidates
for a tenure-track position in Computer Science and Engineering.
For more information:
From: Jennifer Erway erwayjb@wfu.edu
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Position, Computational Math, Wake Forest Univ
Applications are invited for one tenure-track position in
Computational or Applied Mathematics at Wake Forest University at the
assistant professor level beginning July 2015. Hiring at the associate
professor level may be considered. We seek highly qualified candidates
who have a commitment to excellence in both teaching and research. A
Ph.D. in Mathematics or a related area is required.
The department has twenty-one members and offers both a B.A. and a
B.S. in Mathematics, a B.A. and a B.S. in Mathematical Statistics, a
B.S. in Interdisciplinary Mathematics, and a B.S. in each of
Mathematical Business and Mathematical Economics.
The department has a graduate program offering an M.A. in
Mathematics. The (non- tenured) tenure-track teaching load is two
courses per semester. A complete application will include a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, research statement,
graduate transcripts and three letters of recommendation. The
application deadline is December 1, 2014. Applicants are encouraged to
post materials electronically at http://www.mathjobs.org. Hard copy
can be sent to Dr. Edward Allen, Wake Forest University, Department of
Mathematics, P.O. Box 7388, Winston-Salem, NC 27109. (allene@wfu.edu,
http://www.math.wfu.edu) AA/EO employer.
From: Sanjukta Bhowmick sbhowmick@unomaha.edu
Date: October 09, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Big Data, Univ of Nebraska at Omaha
The College of Information Science and Technology (IS&T) at the
University of Nebraska at Omaha invites applications for two
tenure-track/tenured positions as a part of the college wide big
data recruitment initiative for a series of hires across several
departments with opportunities for joint and inter-disciplinary
collaborations. Candidates may apply as appropriate for their
research interests to one or both of the following positions.
Computer Science: Candidates particularly interested in the large
scale data applications pertaining to learning analytics, social
networking, and network sciences are highly encouraged to apply at
http://bit.ly/2014CS_BD .
Information Systems: Candidates particularly interested in big data
management and decision support, big data quality, and the impact of
big data on organizations and societies are highly encouraged to apply
at http://bit.ly/2014ISQA_BD.
To apply, please visit one of the links above or the UNO careers web
site at http://careers.unomaha.edu/, create your account and apply for
this position. Cover letter, curriculum vita and list of references
must be attached to the electronic application. If you have any
additional questions, please contact:
Dept. of Computer Science
Dr. Mahadevan Subramaniam, msubramaniam@unomaha.edu, (402) 554-4984
Dept. of Information Systems and Quantitative Analysis
Dr. Peter Wolcott, pwolcott@unomaha.edu, (402)-554-3158
The university and college have a strong commitment to achieving
diversity among faculty and staff. We are particularly interested in
applicants from underrepresented groups and strongly encourage women
and persons of color to apply.
From: Peter Jimack p.k.jimack@leeds.ac.uk
Date: October 12, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Leeds, UK
The University of Leeds is seeking to recruit up to 250 exceptional
early career academics to tenure track equivalent Academic
Fellowships, leading to Associate Professor positions, over the next
three years. In the first round of recruitment (closing date 16th
November 2014) a large number of posts have been advertised,
- Complexity Science (School of Mathematics);
- Computational Aspects of Geophysical or Environmental Fluid Dynamics
(School of Mathematics);
- Methods and Tools for Big Data Analytics (School of Computing);
- Real-Time Engineering Simulation (School of Mechanical Engineering).
Further details of these, and the other posts, are available at:
From: Xiao-Chuan Cai cai@cs.colorado.edu
Date: October 13, 2014
Subject: Tenure Track Positions, Univ of Colorado Boulder
he Department of Computer Science (CS) at the University of Colorado
Boulder seeks outstanding candidates for multiple tenure-track
positions. The openings are targeted at the level of Assistant
Professor, although exceptional candidates at higher ranks may be
considered. Research areas of particular interest include secure and
reliable software systems, numerical optimization and high-performance
scientific computing, and network science and machine learning.
The Department’s research and education efforts interact broadly with
many interdisciplinary programs and collaborators in the Boulder area,
including national labs at NIST, NOAA, NREL, and NCAR, and CU-Boulder
research institutes including the BioFrontiers Institute and the
Institute for Cognitive Science. The Department also has extensive
ties with the thriving local tech community and inhabits a desirable
and picturesque location in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains.
Applications must be submitted on-line at:
The University of Colorado is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
From: Fran Moshiri fran@rice.edu
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Tenured Position, Rice Univ
The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
(www.caam.rice.edu) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, seeks
outstanding candidates for a tenured associate or full professor
position beginning July 1, 2015. Exceptional candidates for
appointment at the rank of assistant professor will be considered.
The Department offers and excellent research environment and hosts
research programs in optimization, numerical linear algebra, control
and inverse problems, partial differential equations, and scientific
computing. Interdisciplinary work is a fundamental aspect of the
Department’s program.
Candidates must have a PhD in Applied Mathematics or a related field,
in addition to an exceptional record of research and teaching in
Applied Mathematics. Applications consisting of a letter of
application, current curriculum vitae containing a list of
publications, a description of research, and a statement on teaching
should be submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition,
candidates should arrange for at least three letters of
recommendations, which may be submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by December 1, 2014, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer-
Females/Minorities/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/Gender
From: Ivan Graham I.G.Graham@bath.ac.uk
Date: October 16, 2014
Subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader Positions, Mathematical Sciences, Bath
University of Bath
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Strategic expansion in Mathematical Sciences
The Department is advertising four new positions in the following
Statistics (closing date 3rd November 2014)
Scientific Computing (closing date 12th November 2014)
Networks or Inverse Problems (closing date 1st December 2014)
Analysis (closing date 7th December 2014)
The positions will be filled at either Lecturer (roughly equivalent
to Assistant Professor), Senior Lecturer or Reader (roughly
equivalent to Associate Professor) Level and we welcome
applications from excellent candidates.
Full details with links to the application procedures can be found
on the Department home page http://www.bath.ac.uk/math-sci
Informal enquiries can be directed to the Head of Department,
Professor Ivan Graham (I.G.Graham@bath.ac.uk)
From: Lori Choi lori.choi@northwestern.edu
Date: October 08, 2014
Subject: Visiting Professor Position, Applied Math, Northwestern Univ
Visiting Assistant Professorship in Applied Mathematics
Northwestern University
The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics at
Northwestern University (http://www.esam.northwestern.edu) invites
applications for the position of Visiting Assistant Professor in
Applied Mathematics. This is a one-year, non-tenure-track position
with the possibility of renewal for a second year. Duties involve
teaching and research in applied mathematics with a focus on
applications in engineering and/or the sciences. More information
about this position can be found at:
The starting date is September 1, 2015. Outstanding candidates at all
levels are encouraged to apply, but preference will be given to junior
level candidates. The application package should include a cover
letter, curriculum vita, statement of research accomplishments and
interests, and statement of teaching experience and philosophy. The
application should be submitted online at:
In addition, the applicant should arrange for at least two, but no
more than three letters of recommendation. Recommendation letters will
be automatically solicited from the letter writers by email after the
names are entered in the online application system.
Questions may be directed to Lori Choi at esam@northwestern.edu
(subject line: Visiting Assistant Professor Search). To ensure full
consideration, applications should be received by December 1, 2014,
but applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action
Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals
with disabilities. Women and minorities are encouraged to
apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United
From: Fran Moshiri fran@rice.edu
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Rice Univ
The Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics
(www.caam.rice.edu) at Rice University in Houston, Texas, invites
applications for a Pfeiffer Postdoctoral Instructorship. All
postdoctoral instructors in the Department are appointed for two
academic years, with possible extension for a third year. The term of
appointment may begin at any time after July 1, 2015. Candidates must
have a recent PhD in Applied Mathematics and have demonstrated
potential for excellence in both research and teaching.
Instructors teach one lecture course each semester, and conduct
research in collaboration with a faculty mentor. The Pfeiffer
Instructorships honor Professor Paul Pfeiffer (1917-2012), a founding
member of the department.
Applications consisting of a letter of application, current vita, and
descriptions of research plans and teaching experience should be
submitted via the website www.MathJobs.Org. In addition, candidates
should arrange for at least three letters of recommendations, which
may be submitted on the same website.
To receive full consideration the complete application must be
received by February 1, 2015, but the committee will continue to
accept applications until the position is filled.
Equal Opportunity Employer-
Females/Minorities/Veterans/Disabled/Sexual Orientation/ Gender
From: Joao Luiz F. Azevedo joaoluiz.azevedo@gmail.com
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Brazil
Post-doctoral Position in Scientific Computing – Brazil
The Center for Mathematical Sciences Applied to Industry
(CEPID–CeMEAI) has a post-doctoral position available for starting
immediately. The proposed work and requirements for the position are
described below. The scholarship is R$ 6.143,40 per month, tax
free. The appointed post-doctoral researcher may also get return
travel from his/her country to Brazil paid by the grant. CeMEAI is a
consortium of several universities and research institutes in the
State of São Paulo, in Brazil. The position is initially for one year,
renewable for a second year pending on suitable performance. This
particular position will be filled at Instituto de Aeronáutica e
Espaço (IAE), in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil.
Title: Numerical Investigation of Hypersonic Vehicles under
Thermochemical Non-Equilibrium Conditions
Requirements: Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Aerospace or
Mechanical Engineering, or in a related area, with demonstrated
experience in the calculation of hypersonic flows. They should submit
a comprehensive CV, which indicates their previous experience
especially as it relates to the subject matter of the present
proposal, and two letters of recommendation from university
professors, as soon as possible.
Interested Candidates Should Contact:
Dr. João Luiz F. Azevedo
Aerodynamics Division
Instituto de Aeronáutica e Espaço
12228-903 – São José dos Campos – SP – Brazil
E-mail: joaoluiz.azevedo@gmail.com
Office Phone No.: +55-12-3947-6488
Contract Condition: Grant from FAPESP under the Research,
Innovation and Dissemination Centers (RIDC-CeMEAI)
(http://www.fapesp.br/en/17, http://www.cemeai.icmc.usp.br/ )
From: Serafim Kalliadasis s.kalliadasis@imperial.ac.uk
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter
Salary: £33,410 to £42,380 per annum
Applications are invited by highly talented researchers for a 36
months Postdoctoral Research Associate position funded by the EPSRC
Grant “Statistical Mechanics of Soft Matter: Derivation, analysis and
implementation of dynamic density functional theories†under the joint
supervision of Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Imperial College, Prof. Grigorios A. Pavliotis,
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College and Dr. Benjamin
D. Goddard, School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh.
The project concerns the development and implementation of both
theoretical and computational methodologies for the description of
classical fluids using elements from applied and computational
mathematics, statistical mechanics and stochastic processes. The
ultimate aim is the derivation, analysis and understanding of reduced,
low-dimensional models which allow the systematic predictive analysis
of soft matter in a wide range of physically, biologically and
technologically relevant settings. This will also guide and motivate
numerical experiments to validate the theoretical predictions.
The successful candidate should have a PhD (or equivalent) in
Mathematics, Engineering, Science, or other related area and a strong
foundation on general mathematical modelling, mathematical techniques
(analytical and numerical), thermodynamics and statistical
mechanics. A good knowledge of density functional theory of classical
fluids is highly desirable.
If you would like to discuss the project, please contact Prof.
Serafim Kalliadasis at S.Kalliadasis@imperial.ac.uk, Telephone:
+44-(0)-20-7594-1373, postal address: Department of Chemical
Engineering, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
From: Tim Davis davis@tamu.edu
Date: October 15, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Position, Texas A&M
The Computer Science and Engineering Department at Texas A&M offers a
postdoctoral position for research in high-performance GPU computing,
under the direction of Tim Davis (formerly at the University of
Florida). As a newly NVIDIA designated CUDA Research Center, we are
developing new algorithms for sparse direct methods that exploit one
or more GPUs. Priority will be given to candidates who have a record
of developing robust and reliable high-performance mathematical
software. A PhD is required. The salary is competitive. The
position is for one year with possible extensions to one or two more
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, should be sent to
davis@tamu.edu. Applications should also arrange for at least three
letters of reference to be sent to the same address, one or two of
your best papers, and samples of software written. The evaluation of
candidates begins immediately and will continue until the position is
From: Ilse Ipsen ipsen@ncsu.edu
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Postdoc Positions, SAMSI
Up to 6 postdoctoral fellowships are available at the Statistical and
Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute for the two SAMSI Research
Programs for 2015-16: Challenges in Computational Neuroscience (CCNS)
and Statistics and Applied Mathematics in Forensic Science
(Forensics). Appointments up to 2 years, will begin in August 2015,
and will offer competitive salaries, travel stipend, health insurance.
Challenges in Computational Neuroscience (CCNS): The CCNS program will
develop mathematical and statistical methods for neuroscience
applications to understand the underlying mechanisms that bridge
multiple spatial and temporal scales, linking the activity of
individual components (e.g., molecular biology, genetics, and neuron
networks), and their interactions to the complex dynamic behavior of
the brain and nervous system.
Statistics and Applied Mathematics in Forensic Science (Forensics): In
response to the NRC, White House, and congressional call for forensic
reform, that includes a greater statistical and mathematical presence,
SAMSI announces a yearlong program in forensic science. The central
goal is to strengthen the statistical and applied mathematical bases
of forensic science.
Application to SAMSI: Go to mathjobs.org, SAMSIPD2015 Job #6133. In
your cover letter, please indicate your interest in one of the two
programs (CCNS or Forensics).
Criteria for selection of SAMSI Postdoctoral Fellows include
demonstrated research ability in statistical and/or applied
mathematical sciences, computational skills along with good verbal and
written communication abilities, and finally, a strong interest in the
SAMSI program areas. The deadline for full consideration is December
15, 2014, although later applications will be considered as resources
From: Dmitri Kuzmin kuzmin@math.uni-dortmund.de
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, TU Dortmund Univ
The FEATFLOW group at TU Dortmund University (Germany) is looking
for candidates to fill several PhD student / researcher positions
in DFG-funded projects on numerical simulation of multiphase flows.
A M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics or computational engineering
is required. The applicants are expected to have strong programming
skills (Fortran and/or C++) as well as practical experience with
advanced numerical methods for partial differential equations and
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Please send your application and CV
to Prof. Dmitri Kuzmin (kuzmin@math.uni-dortmund.de).
From: Wilson Rivera wilson.rivera@ece.uprm.edu
Date: October 14, 2014
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Puerto Rico
The Doctoral Program in Computer and Information Science and
Engineering (CISE) of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM)
is seeking outstanding candidates for PhD student positions in the
following areas:
-Parallel Computing
-Virtualization and Cloud Computing
-Computer Privacy and Security
-Scientific Computing
The positions are open for January 2015. Potential candidates are
encouraged to apply to the UPRM Graduate Studies Office at
http://grad.uprm.edu. More information about the program at
From: Tim Davis davis@tamu.edu
Date: October 15, 2014
Subject: PhD Positions, Sparse Matrices, Parallel Comp, Texas A&M
I have several openings for funded PhD positions in my new position at
Texas A&M University. I'm looking for students who love to work in
the interplay of applied math, combinatorics and graph algorithms, and
reliable high-performance software. If you're interested, or know of
anyone interested, please contact me.
Tim Davis
From: Douglas Arnold arnold@umn.edu
Date: October 08, 2014
Subject: New SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics
SMAI, the French society of applied and industrial mathematics, is
launching a new journal for computational mathematics. The journal
will publish high quality research articles in numerical analysis and
scientific computation. Peer review, production, and dissemination
will be similar to the best traditional journals, but there is a major
difference: all papers will be COMPLETELY FREE TO BOTH READERS AND
AUTHORS, thanks to the guaranteed financial support of the journal
from SMAI, CNRS, and INRIA. Comparable commercial journals charge
many thousands of dollars per annum for subscription and/or for author
fees, so this new model may prove very important for our community.
Please help by sending strong papers in computational mathematics to
the journal. More information can be found at the journal web page at
From: Ronald Haynes rhaynes@mun.ca
Date: October 17, 2014
Subject: Special Issue, JMS on Adaptive Moving Mesh Methods
We are pleased to announce an upcoming special issue of the Journal of
Mathematical Study (http://www.global-sci.org/jms/) on Adaptive Moving
Mesh Methods. Adaptive moving mesh methods attempt to redistribute
the underlying physical mesh in a continuous manner, automatically
adapting to the physical solution features while keeping the number of
mesh nodes or elements and mesh topology fixed. We invite authors to
submit their original, full length research articles using the article
submission at http://www.global-sci.org/jms/ by December 31,
2014. Please indicate AMMM special issue in the memo during
submission. All articles will undergo a rigorous refereeing process by
experts in the field.
Please feel free to contact us should you have questions.
Dr. Ronald Haynes (rhaynes@mun.ca)
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Dr. Weizhang Huang (whuang@ku.edu)
Department of Mathematics
University of Kansas, USA
From: Stephen M. Watt Stephen.Watt@uwo.ca
Date: October 13, 2014
Subject: Special Issue, TCS for Symbolic-Numeric Computation
Special Issue on Symbolic-Numeric Computation
SNC 2014, Call For Papers
This special issue of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) will include
selected enhanced papers on Symbolic Numeric Computation presented at
the SNC 2014 conference held 28-31 July 2014 in Shanghai, China,
http://symbolic-numeric-computation.org/snc-2014 as well as other
relevant papers in this subject area.
Specific topics include, but are not limited to: Hybrid
symbolic-numeric algorithms in linear, polynomial and differential
algebra; Approximate polynomial GCD and factorization;
Symbolic-numeric methods for solving polynomial equations and systems
of equations; Resultants and structured matrices for symbolic-numeric
computation; Differential equations for symbolic-numeric computation;
Symbolic-numeric methods for geometric computation; Symbolic-numeric
algorithms in algebraic geometry; Symbolic-numeric algorithms for
nonlinear optimization; Implementation of symbolic-numeric algorithms;
Model construction by approximate algebraic algorithms; Applications
of symbolic-numeric computation.
Authors are encouraged to submit articles by Email to all Guest
Editors (listed below) as .pdf file attachments.
Submission Deadline: Dec 15, 2014
Notification: May 30, 2015
Camera Ready: July 15, 2015
Guest Editors:
Victor Y. Pan, victor.pan@lehman.cuny.edu
Jan Verschelde, janv@uic.edu
Stephen M. Watt, Stephen.Watt@uwo.ca
Lihong Zhi, lzhi@mmrc.iss.ac.cn
From: Piotr Matus cmam@cmam.info
Date: October 10, 2014
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 14 (4)
Error Analysis for the Finite Element Approximation of Transmission
Eigenvalues, Cakoni, Fioralba / Monk, Peter / Sun, Jiguang,
Pp. 419-428
Space-Time Residual-Based A Posteriori Estimators for the A̢蠉۪̉ۢ
Magnetodynamic Formulation of the Maxwell System, Creusé, Emmanuel /
Nicaise, Serge / Tittarelli, Roberta, Pp. 429-460
An Arbitrary-Order and Compact-Stencil Discretization of Diffusion on
General Meshes Based on Local Reconstruction Operators, Di Pietro,
Daniele A. / Ern, Alexandre / Lemaire, Simon, Pp.461-472
Finite Volume Methods for Well-Driven Flows in Anisotropic Porous
Media, Dotlić, Milan, Pp.473-484
Convergence of Adaptive BEM and Adaptive FEM-BEM Coupling for
Estimators Without h-Weighting Factor, Feischl, Michael / Führer,
Thomas / Mitscha-Eibl, Gregor / Praetorius, Dirk / Stephan, Ernst P.,
Adaptive Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation of Eigenvalue
Clusters, Gallistl, Dietmar, Pp. 509-536
Superfast Wavelet Transform Using Quantics-TT Approximation. I.
Application to Haar Wavelets, Khoromskij, Boris N. / Miao, Sentao,
Pp. 537-554
On Two Optimal Control Problems for Magnetic Fields, Nicaise, Serge /
Stingelin, Simon / Tröltzsch, Fredi, Pp. 555-573
For more information, please, visit
http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cmam .
All CMAM ahead of print papers can be viewed at
http://www.degruyter.com/printahead/j/cmam .
From: Claude Brezinski claude.brezinski@univ-lille1.fr
Date: October 08, 2014
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 67 (2)
Table of contents for Numerical Algorithms, Volume 67, Issue 2.
The split common fixed point problem for infinite families of total
quasi-asymptotically nonexpansive operators, Wei-Qi Deng
Some new error bounds for linear complementarity problems of
H-matrices, Wen Li, Hua Zheng
A note on the Geronimus transformation and Sobolev orthogonal
polynomials, Maxim Derevyagin, Francisco Marcellan
A Newton-like method for generalized operator equations in Banach
spaces, D. R. Sahu, Krishna Kumar Singh, Vipin Kumar Singh
Numerical solutions to singular Phi-Laplacian with Dirichlet boundary
conditions, Petru Jebelean, Constantin Popa
A heuristic verification of the degree of the approximate GCD of two
univariate polynomials, Zhe Li, Qi Liu
Comparison of the EM algorithm and alternatives, Theresa Springer,
Karsten Urban
Semilocal convergence of a family of iterative methods in Banach
spaces, Jose L. Hueso, Eulalia MartÃÂnez
Efficient algorithms for multivariate and inf-variate integration with
exponential weight, L. Plaskota, G. W. Wasilkowski
Modified Euler’s method with a graded mesh for a class of Volterra
integral equations with weakly singular kernel, Hassan Majidian
A meshless method based on the moving least squares (MLS)
approximation for the numerical solution of two-dimensional nonlinear
integral equations of the second kind on non-rectangular domains,
Pouria Assari, Hojatollah Adibi, Mehdi Dehghan
An almost second order uniformly convergent scheme for a singularly
perturbed initial value problem, Zhongdi Cen, Fevzi Erdogan, Aimin Xu
End of Digest