The FIMS V.2.33 installation instructions


FIMS V.2.33 installation instructions

Installing SkyCat V.2.6.5

  1. Retrieve and Install SkyCat V.2.6.5 . (SkyCat version supported for HP-UX-B 11.00).


Installing FIMS V.2.33

  1. Change directory to where you want to install the FIMS system. (e.g. cd /usr/local/packages)
  1. Retrieve the FIMS V.2.33 delivery package from USG anonymous ftp.

  3. At this point you should have a gzipped tar file in your current directory. Execute:


    gunzip -c fims-V.2.33.tar.gz | tar xovf -

    This will create a directory called fims.

  5. At this point you may remove the gzipped tar file. rm fims-V.2.33.tar.gz


  7. Adapt Perl path for Perl-script
  8.  which perl

    and include the result string (this is on most systems /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl ) in the first line of both Perl scripts

    (e.g. #!/usr/bin/perl )

    The script language Perl is not mandatory for FIMS. The two scripts are only to create postscript files from a MXU setup of FORS2.

  9. For installation with USER-privileges only (This applies to all users who want to install FIMS only locally on their own machine and who do not have system manager privileges)
  10. Execute the command sequence:

    cd fims
    setenv FIMSROOT $PWD
    cd src

    To avoid having to reset the environment variables every time you login, you could, for example, include the following two lines permanently in your .cshrc or .tcshrc file:

    setenv FIMSROOT $HOME/fims #(if you unwrapped the FIMS package in $HOME)
    setenv PATH ${PATH}:$FIMSROOT/bin

  11. For installation with ROOT-privileges only
  12. Execute the command sequence:

    cd fims
    setenv FIMSROOT $PWD
    cd src

    # copy Tcl plugins
    make a # compile AutoPos C++ sources
    make d # copy FORS database

    Edit $FIMSROOT/src/ to adapt it to your local site:

    When you are done with editing :

    make s # copy start script to fims/bin

    Make FIMS accessable to all USER:

    cd /usr/local/bin
    ln -s $FIMSROOT/bin/

  13. For installation on hosts with VLTSW only
  14. The VLT-Makefile can be used alternatively to install fims as an ordinary VLTSW-module:

    make -f Makefile all

Environment variables for FIMS-V.2.33

FIMS V.2.33 uses a number of environment variables, and provides defaults. They are all defined in the startup script fims/src/ Only the FIMSROOT can be overwritten by the setenv FIMSROOT command; for example, you can set it in your .chsrc or .tcshrc file at login. All other variables are hardcoded in the fims/src/ startup script. Running for the first time will create the directory INS_USER and its subdirectories, LOG_DIR, SET_DIR, and PREP_DIR with the defaults given below, if these do not exist already. If you want to place this directory tree in a different location, edit fims/src/, and do not forget to copy to the right place using make script once more.

Additionally  you should set SKYCAT_VER environment locally to the skycat version needed by FIMS
For example use the following:
      setenv SKYCAT_VER 2.6.5

By default this value is set to 2.6.5 inside the code.

Running FIMS V.2.33

FIMS V.2.33 can be started with [instrument number] [skycat options] [DEBUG] Examples are (for user smith): When is used, the following output will appear:
  W E L C O M E     T O     F I M S

 +--------------------+                +------------------+
 | FIMS          2.33 |----plugin----> | SkyCatTool 2.6.5 |
 +--------------------+                +------------------+

 | last checkin : 2000/12/17 GD 12:04:19 UT | INPUT : /home/smith/.fims/PREP
 | now is       : 2000/12/17 GD 09:10:53 UT | OUTPUT: /home/smith/.fims/SET
 | FIMS requires: SkyCat 2.6.5              | LOGS  : /home/smith/.fims/LOG

skycat -with_grid 1 -scrollbars 1 -rtd 0  ...
Loading the graphics features plugin...
Loading the FIMS plugin...for FORS2

When 0 "" DEBUG is used the additional output will appear:
 FORS_INS            = FORS1+FORS2

 FIMSROOT            = /home/smith/CMM/fims
 INS_ROOT            = /home/smith
 INS_ROOT/INS_USER   = /home/smith/.fims
 SET_DIR             = /home/smith/.fims/SET
 LOG_DIR             = /home/smith/.fims/LOG
 PREP_DIR            = /home/smith/.fims/PREP
 ISF_DIR             = /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/fors
 FORS1.isf from       /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/fors/FORS1.isf
 FORS2.isf from       /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/fors/FORS2.isf

 ESO_PLUG            = /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libesoPlugins.tcl

 SKYSEARCH_PLUGIN    = /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libfimsPlugins.tcl/SkySearch_plugin.tcl
 SKYCAT_PLUG01       = /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libfimsPlugins.tcl/SkyCat_plugin.tcl
 SKYCAT_PLUG02       = /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libesoPlugins.tcl/PE_SkyCat_plugin.tcl

 test if file exists

 found: /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libfimsPlugins.tcl/SkySearch_plugin.tcl
 found: /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libfimsPlugins.tcl/SkyCat_plugin.tcl
 found: /home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libesoPlugins.tcl/PE_SkyCat_plugin.tcl

 SKYCAT_PLUGIN       = >/home/smith/CMM/fims/lib/libesoPlugins.tcl/PE_SkyCat_plugin.tcl:

Verification of FIMS V.2.33

The output in the run-time window should be similar to
NEW MODE -->SkyCat V2.6.5 -->  FIMS V2.33 2000/09/23 12:04:21 for FORS2
FORS2 at UT2
load FORS2.isf
19 gris-filt combinations read from  FORS2.isf

modus: mos with mask mos
label: 0
BPM: 0
width: 1.0
length: real
lslit: 0.5
filter:         none 19  2 >> OS filter found ok
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none
 >>DISP  50.0 A/mmCD   1.2 A/pix   6.0  12.0 A/''   3.2   6.3 A/mmfc
 >>BLU    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>RED    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>USD    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>SPE    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR)

grism :         none 17  2                     
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none
 >>DISP  50.0 A/mmCD   1.2 A/pix   6.0  12.0 A/''   3.2   6.3 A/mmfc
 >>BLU    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>RED    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>USD    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>SPE    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR)

colli: COLL_SR+6
FORS2 at UT2
NOMI SCALE : 0.200000''/p = 5.555556e-05 o/p  0.100000''/p = 2.777778e-05 o/p  1
.900729''/mm ff
Ok     : Filter does match Grism
grism :         none 19  2                     
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none
 >>DISP  50.0 A/mmCD   1.2 A/pix   6.0  12.0 A/''   3.2   6.3 A/mmfc
 >>BLU    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>RED    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>USD    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>SPE    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR)

 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0
 >> 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 < 500.0 none none
 >>DISP  50.0 A/mmCD   1.2 A/pix   6.0  12.0 A/''   3.2   6.3 A/mmfc
 >>BLU    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>RED    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>USD    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>SPE    0.0 A =    0.0 pixel =    0.0 '' =  0.000 ' =     0.000 mm(fp)
 >>CCD total range = 2462.1 A (SR) = 2433.8 A (HR)

mask initialized
The output is explained in the FORS1+2 User Manual

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