ntop 3.1 howto
Author : Eric Gerards
Sources : Based on information from www.ntop.org
Tested on SME Version 6.0 & 6.01 GPL
Updated : 15 Jun 2004
License : GPL
Before we begin, some remarks:
- I assumed you know howto install/unpack rpm/tgz files.
- I noticed that if I don't run ntop as user root, no actual data is displayed. I checked several file/dir permissions, with no result. If someone manages to successfully run ntop 3.1 as a non root user, please let me know your findings.
- Some people seem to have other versions of zlib / libpng / openssl on their system. Retrieve your correct <libname>-devel-<version>.rpm files from
- Improvements to the howto are always welcome. Just mail me.
All required files can be found under http://egerards.com/sme/
- Install rrdtool-1.0.47-3.rh73.dag.i386.rpm
Install compiler rpm's (copy following 5 in one dir and type rpm -Uvh *.rpm):
kernel-headers-2.4.9-34.i386.rpm- Install byacc-1.9-19.i386.rpm (req. for flex)
- Install flex-2.5.4a.tar.gz (req. for libpcap)
- Install bison-1.35-1.i386.rpm (req. for libpcap)
- Install libpcap-current.tar.gz (unpack, configure, make, make install)
- Install gdbm-devel-1.8.0-14.i386.rpm
- Install gd-devel-1.8.4-4.i386.rpm
- Install zlib-devel- (req. for lib-png)
- Install libpng-devel-1.0.14-0.7x.4.i386.rpm
- Install openssl-devel-0.9.6m-1es1.i386.rpm
- download file 'ntop' and move it to /etc/init.d/ntop and change access rights: chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ntop
- Get ntop source: ntop-3.1.tgz and unpack tgz file.
- In ntop dir: ./configure --with-ossl-root=/usr/bin
- make
- make install
- download file 'ntop.conf' and copy it to /etc/ntop.conf and make changes to your own needs.
- Start ntop during system boot: ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/ntop /etc/rc.d/rc7.d/S88ntop
- mkdir /var/ntop
- Set admin password: ntop --db-file-path /var/ntop -A
- /etc/init.d/ntop start
- If you want to be able to reach ntop from outside your local network:
Install dmc-mitel-portopening-0.0.1-4.noarch.rpm and open port 3001. This gives you https access to ntop. - Finally you can reach ntop at https://yourserver:3001
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