system environment/base

apt - Debian's Advanced Packaging Tool with RPM support

License: GPL
Vendor: The KDE-RedHat Project
A port of Debian's apt tools for RPM based distributions.
It provides the apt-get utility that provides a simpler, safer way to
install and upgrade packages. APT features complete installation ordering,
multiple source capability and several other unique features.


apt-0.5.15cnc7-1.0.rhel4.kde.i386 [1003 KiB] Changelog by Ville Skyttä (2005-03-26):
- 0.5.15cnc7, drop patches applied upstream.
- Fix groupinstall config file permissions.
- Various specfile and build cleanups and typo fixes.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.2-1.fc8