Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #160
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 13 Dec 01       Volume 18 : Issue 160

Today's Topics:

      [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 7.12
      [*] Icon Machine 3.0b11J - Japanese version
      [*] QIF Web Extract 1.6 - Extracts Investment Transactions from Broker Websites
      Applescript to find running processes by name?
      DivX encoders for QuickTime?
      i want linux
      video input from analog videocamera

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Date: 13 Dec 2001
From: "A. Lee Bennett, Jr." <>
Subject: [*] About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) 7.12

This is the print-optimized PDF edition of the December 2001 issue of ATPM.
About This Particular Macintosh (ATPM) is a free monthly e-zine about the
*personal* computing experience. If you prefer a screen-optimized PDF or an
offline Webzine format, visit <> to download
current and past issues in your preferred format.

The contents of ATPM 7.12 are as follows:

    Apple Cider: The Year of Big Changes
    My Apple Wedge: Interview With A New User
    About This Particular Web Site
    Segments: FireWire on a Beige G3 Mac
    How To: About Two-Mac Networks
    How To: Sharing USB Printers on a Network
    Shareware Roundup: Games for Mac OS X
    Bosco's Foto Trimmer
    Wildform Flix
    iTunes 2.0.2
    Microsoft Outlook 2001 (version 9.00)
    Portraits & Prints 1.0.1
    Cartoon: Hambone
    Desktop Pictures: Sewickley, PA

[Archived as /info-mac/art/zine/atpm-712-print.hqx; 2680 K]


Date: 13 Dec 2001
Subject: [*] Icon Machine 3.0b11J - Japanese version

This is the Japanese version of the Icon Machine package.

Icon Machine is a Macintosh icon editor designed to take advantage of
the great features of the Mac OS to give you the power to make the icons
you want.

Now updated and redesigned for editing all icon sizes from 16x12 Mini to
Mac OS X's 128x128 Thumbnail, and Carbonizedfor Mac OS X, Icon Machine
is a great tool for creating icons for applications, customized folders,
eye-catching documents, and everything else.

"The Photoshop of icon editors!"
- Andrew Miller

"Icon Machine has a way of making a little square of 1024 pixels feel
like an expansive painter's canvas." 
- Eric Prentice, MacTips

Changes in version 3.0b11 (since 3.0b7)

- New application icon
- More internal changes to ensure stability and easier mantenance.
- Full support for long file names in OS X.
- Use of standard sheet dialogs.
- Taking advantage of bundle services localization (Japanese
localization included).
- Fixed masking problems with copying and pasting images.
- Support for icons dragged from IconFactory's upcoming Icon Browser.
- Fixed some window activation issues, including the ability to drag
from inactive windows.
- Pictures dragged from editing windows no longer cause crashes in OS X.
- Fixed drag outlines when running under CarbonLib.
- Improved contextual menu support, especially in OS X.
- Fixed display in large image windows, though 32-bit image view is
currently very slow.
- The text tool now uses a hierarchical font menu.
- Many other little things.�

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/icon-machine-30b11-jp.hqx; 1004 K]


Date: 13 Dec 2001
From: John Woodward <>
Subject: [*] QIF Web Extract 1.6 - Extracts Investment Transactions from Broker Websites

QIF Web Extract extracts transactions from brokerage website 
transaction history pages and converts them into Quicken Interchange 
Format (QIF). The resulting QIF file can then be imported into 
Quicken. To use QIF Web Extract, you display your transaction history 
in your web browser. You then select the entire web page (or the 
frame of the page with transactions), and copy it into the clipboard. 
Then run QIF Web Extract, which extracts the transactions you specify 
from the clipboard.

To be able to accomplish this extraction, QIF Web Extract needs to 
know what securities and accounts you have defined in your Quicken 
file, and it needs to know how your website presents its transaction 
information. You need to export your securities and accounts from 
Quicken, and QIF Web Extract needs to learn about your website.

QIF Web Extract has the ability to learn about a wide range of 
websites. However, no guarantee can be made that any particular 
website can be learned. Since different browsers encode web page 
information copied into the clipboard in different ways, the specific 
web browser used is a factor in determining whether QIF Web Extract 
can learn a particular website. QIF Web Extract has been tested with 
and works with both Internet Explorer and Netscape.

System requirements:
* System 7.5.3 through 9.1

  For more information, please read the documentation enclosed, or 
visit the QIF Web Extract Web page:


John Woodward

[Archived as /info-mac/app/bus/qif-web-extract-16.hqx; 182 K]


Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 08:44:33 -0600
From: Jeff Wechter <>
Subject: Applescript to find running processes by name?

On Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:00:39 -0800, Michael Khaw <> wrote:

>Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 20:00:39 -0800
>From: Michael Khaw <>
>Subject: Applescript to find running processes by name?
>Anyone have a fragment of Applescript to find out the names of currently
>running processes (pre OS X)?

Got this from Alsoft IIRC; it will list all the active processes and allow you to quit them:

tell application "Finder"
  set applicationList to the name of every process
end tell
choose from list applicationList
if result is not equal to false then
  tell application (item 1 of result) to quit
end if




Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 21:05:48 +0200
From: "E. Blasberg" <>
Subject: DivX encoders for QuickTime?

Hi All,

I'm a novice when it comes to DVD/vCD et. al, but I ran across a 
"QuickTime" file which my copy of QuickTime 5.0 could not open 
(QuickTime said: The required compressor could not be found).  I was 
able to open it on a Windoze machine.  Apparently the format is DivX. 
Anyone ever heard of this or know if there's a decoder for it for 
QuickTime on the mac?

Much TIA,
E. Blasberg


Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 02:14:03 +0100 (CET)
From: =?iso-8859-1?q?Dauchel=20Jean-Thomas?= <>
Subject: i want linux

I have a mac powerbook 170 and i desire to install an
unix or linux distrib. with nearly 40 MO harddisk and
8 MO of ram.Is it possible how can i get a distrib on
a floppy disk.It ' s for getting gcc or an
does a program like gcc already excist on mac?

thank's a lot...

Do You Yahoo!? -- Une adresse gratuite et en franáais !
Yahoo! Courrier :


Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2001 18:02:16 -0700
From: Robert Christy <>
Subject: Telex

I use Telex H531 without problems on TiBook 550. Just have to select USB Mic 
in Sound control panel. Using ViaVoice works well for me. 


In article <>, Greg Weston 
<> wrote:

> In article <>, bellesouth
> <> wrote:
> > I'm using a Titanium G4 on OS 9.2. I bought a USB Microphone from Telex.
> > The G4 tells me that extension software to use the mike is missing.  I sent
> > the mike back to Telex and it worked fine there on G4's.
> > 
> > Anybody else having problems with Telex mikes or know how I can get it to
> > work?
> Did you see if there's a driver necessary?
> G

This microphone has worked well for me with a G4 Cube. Did not rquire any 
drivers. I have the mic connected to one of the USB ports on my keyboard. A 
couple of times the mic did not show up as a choice in the sound Control 
panel but when I pulled the connection to the keyboard, reconnected and 
restarted the computer the mic showed up and could be chosen. I am not sure 
why this cured my problem but I have to think that I didn't have a good clean 
USB connection. I hope this will cure your problem.


Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 09:34:10 +0100
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
To: Info Mac <>
Subject: video input from analog videocamera

I wish to edit my Video8 tapes on the Mac. At the moment I work with 
a Pismo Powerbook with firewire port and an analog videocamera (which 
hasn't a firewire port...).
How can I import the videos into the Powerbook? Is there an 
analog-to-firewire device?
Paolo Bartoli

** Arch. Paolo Bartoli / **
** **
**  **



End of Info-Mac Digest