Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #242
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Info-Mac Digest             Sat, 08 Nov 97       Volume 15 : Issue 242

Today's Topics:

      [*] BetterTelnet 1.2.2
      [*] BigPicture37
      [*] BlackSun 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] BlackSun+ 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope
      [*] BumperTech 1.0 - for Kaleidoscope
      [*] CastPainter 1.0 demo
      [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 043
      [*] DepecheOS v1.0.0. - A Kaleidoscope Scheme
      [*] Dr. Max 1.0
      [*] Fallout Character Editor
      [*] Font Gander Pro 124 DEMO.hqx
      [*] FractalDesk.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns
      [*] FractalDesk2.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns
      [*] FractalDesk3.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns
      [*] FractalDesk4.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns
      [*] FractalDesk5.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns
      [*] FreePPP-NewIconResources
      [*] GraphicConverter_302DE
      [*] hanmac-word-j-204
      [*] hanmac-word-k-204
      [*] HelpLess-1.0.2.hqx
      [*] HyperSlider 1.8.5 - creating interactive slide shows
      [*] InterWorks v2.5
      [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.3.3 - foreign languages learning
      [*] LoopCD - a looping CD player
      [*] macattack-195.sit
      [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.2
      [*] Mr. Cat's Quest 2.1
      [*] Net Folder 2.4
      [*] offline_Redr
      [*] QuickestMirror 1.1; easier and faster downloading
      [*] RKD's SHAREWARE Bookmarks v.1.1
      [*] software-hdware-tracker-201.sit
      [*] STATsimple 1.0.2 DEMO
      [*] StuffCM 1.1.1
      [*] Ultra Recorder 2.3
      [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2
      [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2
      [A]: alphabetize bookmarks in netscape 4.03
      [Q] OnCue - What ever happend to it?
      Disk Drivers
      info-mac digest upgrade?
      Info-Mac Digest V15 #241

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
information, visit the Info-Mac Web site at <>.

Email Addresses and Instructions:
* To submit articles to the digest, email <>.
* To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in
  the Subject line. <>
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* Please send administrative queries to <>.
* To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a
  description to <>. Submissions must be made
  by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week
  to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads.

FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions:
* To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to 
  <> and then use an FTP client to upload the 
  binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the
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* A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below:
* Search the archive at <>.

Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Mike
O'Bryan, Michael Bean, and Liam Breck.

The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers
of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email
publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for
the main Info-Mac machine. <>

Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------"
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Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:31 -0700
Subject: [*] BetterTelnet 1.2.2

Name: BetterTelnet 1.2.2 (FAT)
Author: Rolf Braun (
Requirements: System 7 or later
Description: Telnet client, enhanced version of NCSA Telnet
File Name: bettertelnet-122-fat.sit.hqx

BetterTelnet 1.2.2 is a much improved version of NCSA Telnet with many new
features (including S/Key and OTP support, improved boldfacing and
printing, improved scrollback, better interface) and many, many bug fixes.

For more info, see the BetterTelnet web page:

The official FTP site for BetterTelnet is:

- Rolf Braun ... e-mail:
- Sassy Software: cool stuff for your Macintosh & Apple IIgs

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/better-telnet-122-fat.hqx; 454K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:07 -0700
Subject: [*] BigPicture37

BigPicture 3.7

For viewing image files.

System 6 or System 7.

Simple, friendly, useful, and convenient user interface.

Online help, help balloons.

Can handle hundreds of image files at the same time!

For viewing PICT, BMP, GIF, JPG, MacPaint, StartupScreen,
and QuickTime movies, and others...

save image catalogs, print images at different sizes, print
high resolution catalogs, and much much more..

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/big-picture-37.hqx; 368K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:56 -0700
Subject: [*] BlackSun 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope

BlackSun 1.5.4 - updated to work really wonderfully with Kaleidoscope
1.7.3 and MacOS8; readable text on 'About this Computer' and etc..

 KaleidoScopies at...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/black-sun.hqx; 24K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:55 -0700
Subject: [*] BlackSun+ 1.5.4 - Kaleidoscope

BlackSun+ 1.5.4 - Works really wonderfully with Kaleidoscope 1.7.3 and
MacOS8; readable text on 'About this Computer' _and_ custom foldericons

 KaleidoScopies at...

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/black-sun-plus.hqx; 51K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:59 -0700
Subject: [*] BumperTech 1.0 - for Kaleidoscope

BumperTech 1.0 - for Kaleidoscope

Here's my first scheme!  BumperTech 1.0  The package includes schemes of
6 different colors (same theme, different flavors), a desktop pattern,
and a DOCmaker stand alone read me file.

Requirements:  MacOS computer capable of displaying 256 colors (sorry
PowerBook and B&W monitor users) with the Kaleidoscope control panel

BumperTech is freeware.  All I ask is that you send me feedback on it.
Drop me a note and tell me what you liked and what you hated.  It can
only get better from there!

Please distribute BumperTech freely in it's original unaltered package.
Including the Info-Mac CD-ROM and other CD-ROM archives.

Scott Brown
Kind Ground

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/bumper-tech-1.hqx; 219K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:09 -0700
Subject: [*] CastPainter 1.0 demo

CastPainter 1.0 demo - is a 15 day Tryout version is based upon Totally Hip's
popular WebPainter software series. This new program is designed to work
with Macromedia Director. CastPainter works separately from Director, allowing
the author to create freehand paintings and animations that can then be directly
used within a Director presentation. This demo limits output to only eight
that can be used within Director.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/cast-painter-10-demo.sit.hqx; 3972K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:45 -0700
Subject: [*] csmp digest Vol 4 No 043

C.S.M.P. Digest             Mon, 03 Nov 97       Volume 4 : Issue 43

Today's Topics:

        "Composite" AppleEvents
        "Unselecting" a editText item?
        Advice needed
        Any problem with long GWorlds?
        Audio CD control?
        Drag 'n drop start up (ie aete resource)
        Drawing Directly To The Screen
        Event Filter Trap Description and Parameters
        Graying out an edit field
        Growing resources
        Help: Getting and Displaying keys
        How do I control the CD-ROM?
        How to Assert Serial Port Pins
        How to patch traps under PPC
        How to set the desktop pattern?
        Installing system-wide AE handler from app?
        MDEF's - Code-based Installation
        PowerPC-CFM Question
        Problems with stereo sound positioning
        Progress Bar in OS8 and 7.5
        Q: CM plug-in example code
        Q: How to use AppearanceLib with 68K app?
        RegisterAppearanceClient questions (Appearance manager)
        ResEdit 'hdlg' resource editor?
        Serial port help
        Speeding up concave polygon drawing...
        VBL programming
        Window Size
        [Q] Drawing regions really quickly.
        [Q] How to Hide Applications Programmatically
        [Q] Modem or Printer Port ?
        communicating with internal PB modem
        copying from serial port
        custom boot disk-micro OS?
        network PBRead slow in OS8

The Comp.Sys.Mac.Programmer Digest is moderated by Mark Aiken

The digest is a collection of article threads from the internet
newsgroups,, csmp.misc and
[Archived as /info-mac/per/csmp/csmp-digest-4-043.txt; 143K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:00 -0700
Subject: [*] DepecheOS v1.0.0. - A Kaleidoscope Scheme

DepecheOS v1.0.0.
A Kaleidoscope Scheme
by Daniel "The BRAT" Barassi

Simply put, this is my first Kaleidoscope scheme. It includes elements of
one of my favorite bands, Depeche Mode. See the ReadMe file for full

This was tested on a PowerMac 8500/180, and worked fine. Works in 256 (or
more) colors. Anything less than 256 is not that great.

This can *not* be included on the Info-Mac CD Rom. The readme explains why.

Feel free to email me about the scheme, and enjoy!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/depecheos.hqx; 382K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:25 -0700
Subject: [*] Dr. Max 1.0

Extra! Extra! Announcing the much-anticipated release of Dr. Max, a new
Macintosh game by Steve Chamberlin, the author of the award-winning game
Tetris Max.

With great music and and a highly polished arcade feel, this game is
guaranteed to quickly become a favorite! Help Dr. Max stop a runaway viral
experiment before it takes over the entire lab! Guide falling vitamin
capsules to trap the pesky viruses in lines of the same color. If you work
quickly the viruses can be destroyed, but make a mistake and they'll get
better of you. Inspired by the arcade classic "Doctor Mario".

Dr. Max is shareware, with a $15 registration fee.

For more information about Dr. Max or other Macintosh games by Steve
Chamberlin, please visit the Opinicus Microtech web page at

[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/dr-max-10.hqx; 1648K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Fallout Character Editor

The Fallout Character Editor is just what it sounds like; and editor for
use with Macplay's new game Fallout, which allows you to edit a new
character's statistics.

This is an alpha version which may or may not contain bugs, and does not
yet allow editing of characters which are already in play.

If you haven't already, be sure to check out DeskBots and my other
software at:



[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/fallout-character-editor.hqx; 306K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:26 -0700
Subject: [*] Font Gander Pro 124 DEMO.hqx

Font Gander Pro 1.2.4 DEMO

Font Gander Pro allows you to view and print font samples without first
installing the fonts. With Drag-and-Drop simplicity, you can open and print
whole folders or disks full of fonts at one time. Renders TrueTypes and
Type-1's at high resolution, and works with any printer. Includes the
Gander Quill editor - as friendly as any draw program - which allows you to
design your own layouts featuring up to 99 fonts per page!. This is the
ONLY font sampler program that gives you these features.

Now you can always get the latest Font Gander Pro at:

Version 1.2.4 fixes some unusual startup bugs in both Gander Pro and Gander
Quill. Also adds "metered cursors" to Quill, for more accurate placement of

Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher.

*Inclusion on CD-ROM permitted*

[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/font-gander-pro-124-demo.hqx; 394K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:53 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesk.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns

Volume one off an archive of desktop textures based on fractal images.  You
seen anything till you've seen these.

This submission replaces previous versions of FractalDesk.sit - please
remove those
from your archives.

Please feel free to include these in any collection that you wish.  If you
make a
lot of money off them, though, I want some.  :]

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/fractal-desk.hqx; 714K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:48 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesk2.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns

Volume two off an archive of desktop textures based on fractal images.  You
seen anything till you've seen these.

Please feel free to include these in any collection that you wish.  If you
make a
lot of money off them, though, I want some.  :]

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/fractal-desk-2.hqx; 661K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:22 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesk3.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns

Volume three off an archive of desktop textures based on fractal images.  You
haven't seen anything till you've seen these.

Please feel free to include these in any collection that you wish.  If you
make a
lot of money off them, though, I want some.  :]

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/fractal-desk-3.hqx; 821K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:50 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesk4.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns

Volume four off an archive of desktop textures based on fractal images.  You
haven't seen anything till you've seen these.

Please feel free to include these in any collection that you wish.  If you
make a
lot of money off them, though, I want some.  :]

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/fractal-desk-4.hqx; 796K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:51 -0700
Subject: [*] FractalDesk5.sit - Fractalish Desktop Patterns

Volume five off an archive of desktop textures based on fractal images.  You
haven't seen anything till you've seen these.

Please feel free to include these in any collection that you wish.  If you
make a
lot of money off them, though, I want some.  :]

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/fractal-desk-5.hqx; 717K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:41 -0700
Subject: [*] FreePPP-NewIconResources

Here it is, another set of icons to replace those plug ugly originals that ship
with FreePPP.  Stuffed and hexed, for your browsing pleasure.

This download will require ResEdit to use - please see enclosed ReadMe for
instructions on how to get and use that program.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/conn/ppp/free-ppp-new-icon-resources.hqx; 41K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:11 -0700
Subject: [*] GraphicConverter_302DE

GraphicConverter_302DE.hqx - GraphicConverter 3.0.2 (DE)

GraphicConverter converts about 90 graphic file format to other formats.
Also, it have editing tools, support for animated GIF creation, batch
conversion and slide show.
The 3.0 introduces a new graphical file browser for fast and simple image
sorting and previewing.
GraphicConverter is shareware ($35).

Thorsten Lemke

This archive may be added to the info-mac CD-Rom.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/grafikkonverter-302-de.hqx; 2661K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:41 -0700
Subject: [*] hanmac-word-j-204

About HanMac Word-J

HanMac Word-J is a full featured Macintosh wordprocessor to handle
English and also Japanese if you have KanjiTalk installed.

Key features of HanMac Word-J are as follow:
- Support character spacing and scaling in 1/1000 of measurement unit
- Multiple non-contiguous text selection
- Powerful find/replace
- Multiple sections with independent page number and header/footer
- User definable footnote mark and position
- Support frames such as text box, picture box, graphic, memo, and table
- Easy and powerful table handling
- Drag & Drop within a document, between documents, from/to desktop
- Document database to view or search documents
- HTML document conversion with preview
- Internet mail using Eudora

HanMac Word-J is now distributed as a shareware at US$35.00 for each copy.
This program can be included in commercially distributed CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/hanmac-word-j-204.hqx; 2243K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:42 -0700
Subject: [*] hanmac-word-k-204

About HanMac Word-K

HanMac Word-K is a full featured Macintosh wordprocessor to handle
English and also Korean if you have HangulTalk installed.

Key features of HanMac Word-K are as follow:
- Support character spacing and scaling in 1/1000 of measurement unit
- Multiple non-contiguous text selection
- Powerful find/replace
- Multiple sections with independent page number and header/footer
- User definable footnote mark and position
- Support frames such as text box, picture box, graphic, memo, and table
- Easy and powerful table handling
- Drag & Drop within a document, between documents, from/to desktop
- Document database to view or search documents
- HTML document conversion with preview
- Internet mail using Eudora

HanMac Word-K is now distributed as a shareware at US$35.00 for each copy.
This program can be included in commercially distributed CD-ROM.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/hanmac-word-k-204.hqx; 2525K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:47 -0700
Subject: [*] HelpLess-1.0.2.hqx

Ever wished you could stop the Apple Guide or other help systems swinging
into action when you hit the 'Help' key by accident instead of the delete
key. Tired of waiting for Apple Guide to start up while your busy trying to
edit a document.

Then HelpLess is what your looking for. It helps prevent accidental hits on
the help key, instead just giving a beep.

When you want help to appear you can just hold down a modifier key and
HelpLess will make it look like you pressed the 'Help' key. A simple
control panel interface lets you turn it's activity on/off, control if a
beeps will sound, and choose which modifier key to use.

Compatible with System 7.0 upwards including MacOS 8.

New in version 1.0.2
Fixed a bug that stopped HelpLess from being turned off on PPC machines.
Fixed a bug that mean't that cntrl-E key presses were trapped as Help key
presses. This would prevent use of some editors such as Emacs and Alpha
which use cntrl key combinations for text navigation.
Changed the name of the extension so that it should now load first or close
to first. This should help reduce extension conflicts that some users have
been experiencing.

Shareware. $10.
Comment/Queries to

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/helpless-102.hqx; 134K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:12 -0700
Subject: [*] HyperSlider 1.8.5 - creating interactive slide shows

HyperSlider 2.0e (FAT)   (Copyright 1997 by Wolfgang Thaller)

english version only

-- creating interactive and automatic serial slide shows
-- many transitions effects
-- simple multimedia authoring (combine graphics, sounds, movies..)
-- ideal for educational purposes

New in version 2.0:
 - "Sound Environments" (music playing in the background)
 - Quicktime movies can be used as sounds
 - New effect: "Smooth dissolve" (only on Power Macs, only in
      millions of colors) - a unique feature of HyperSlider!
 - program size reached more than 30000 lines of C++ code
     (not including libraries, etc.)

What it is:
HyperSlider is a shareware-program ($10) written by Wolfgang
Thaller (
It is a tool for creating and viewing interactive (and serial)
slide shows and presentations with hyperlinks between the slides.
Just command-drag a rectangle on a slide to create a hyperlink!
   In addition you can
      - add movies to your shows
      - place text and graphics on your slides
      - link sounds to the transitions
      - play music in the background
      - create stand-alone players (registered users only)
      - choose among many transition effects
      - and much more
HyperSlider tries to preload slides into memory for
better performance.
Note: The slides cannot be created or changed with HyperSlider,
they have to be prepared in PICT-format by another program.
Iit is also possible to view slides directly from a Photo CD.
The HyperSlider 2.0e Folder contains the application,
a user-manual, an Apple Guide file for on-line help and
a demo show.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/hyper-slider-20e.hqx; 1524K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:38 -0700
Subject: [*] InterWorks v2.5

InterWorks v2.5 is an application for helping you make sure your web surfing
is fast and safe. Whether you have 1, 2, 3 or even 4 different browsers,
InterWorks 2.5 allows you to accomplish an otherwise tedious task,
browser-wide. The shareware fee is a cheap $5.00, and file size of 8k! Find
out more below.


This feature allows you to make sure that what you do on the web is not being
tracked, and seen by webmasters, or other computer users that might want it.
InterWorks deletes the cookie, and history files for your browser(s) with one
click. With Internet Explorer, it deletes the "downloads.html" file that
keeps a record of everything you have downloaded with that browser, but not
cookies, because it has its' own way to handle them.


The cache feature in InterWorks v2.5 will delete your browser(s) cache, which
can take up a lot of space on your hard drive. It can also be opened by
people who want to find out what pages you've been to, and places you've
seen. InterWorks makes sure that doesn't happen. Once running InterWorks, you
can clear your browser(s) cache with just one click, an otherwise long and
boring task. support for more browsers. InterWorks now supports Netscape
Internet Explorer, America Online, and Cyberdog.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/interworks-25.hqx; 14K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:28 -0700
Subject: [*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.3.3 - foreign languages learning

Language Toolkit Writer is an authoring tool for preparing interactive
multimedia lessons for any language. You build a lesson by
dragging-and-dropping ready-made components, pasting illustrations, adding
QuickTime=81 movies, sound, vocabulary, exercises based on text and on sound=
and notes on grammar. To save you time the program includes five ready-made
exercise layouts. Students use the companion program Language Toolkit
Reader to make use of the lessons. An associated program Verbs & Nouns
allows an author to prepare additional modules to support a series of
lessons, i.e. for use as dictionaries and for practising inflection and
translation at the level of single words.

To see the latest information about my programs visit my home-page at:

Jacek Iwanski.

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-writer-133.hqx; 1235K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:01 -0700
Subject: [*] LoopCD - a looping CD player

This program plays audio CDs in your computer's CD-ROM drive. It features
the ability to define and repeatedly play back sections of audio called
LoopCD is $10 US shareware and requires at least System 7.

-Randall Voth

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/loop-cd-100.hqx; 195K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:20 -0700
Subject: [*] macattack-195.sit

MacAttack is a fast-paced arcade game only available on (you guessed it)
the Mac. The game plays similar to the classic arcade game "Tempest".
However, the graphics have been updated substantially. Version 1.95
fixes several bugs.

MacAttack is fun for players of all skill levels. There are 5 difficulty
settings and unlike most games they significantly affect the way the
game is played. With this download you can only play 3 levels of the
game until you send in the shareware fee of $15. When you send in the
fee you'll get a password to unlock all 30 levels of the game. For more
info and to order the game visit our web page:

* Full-screen play on any Monitor. MacAttack will scale to the size of
your monitor (even 20 inch ones) if you give it enough memory.
* Smooth animation - 30 frames/second, digitized explosions
* Rendered 3d graphics
* Digitized explosions

System requirements:
* System 6.07 or later
* Any Macintosh capable of running color Quickdraw. Including: Mac SE30
or later and most PowerBooks
* 2MB of free RAM

For more information visit our web page:

[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/mac-attack-195.hqx; 1570K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:03 -0700
Subject: [*] MicNotePad Lite 4.2

MicNotePad Lite 4.2 is a newly improved free version of Nirvana Research's
easy to use, reliable, digital no-tape recorder and transcriber software
for Macintosh.

Background operation, compression, reliability, variable speed, and
scriptability are some of the many features of MicNotePad Lite.

New in version 4.2 (since 4.1.4):
  - optional "MicNotePad Control Strip Module" allows to start and
    stop recording while you work in other application programs;
    it can be installed from MicNotePad's full Special Settings menu,
    although it requires " MicNotePad Init" to be installed already;
    (while the MicNotePad control strip module does not function by
     itself - it requires the MicNotePad application to be running
     or it launches the MicNotePad application, and it requires the
     MicNotePad init to be installed - it is powerful in combination)

On a PowerPC, MicNotePad Lite optionally allows speech recording in less
than 6MB per hour, or less than 100K per minute.  On older 68k Macs that
number is 14MB per hour.

Among the many exciting features of MicNotePad Lite is the ability to play
back while still recording.  You can't do that with a tape recorder!

MicNotePad is being used to record, review, transcribe, and archive
lectures, meetings, interviews, and radio shows, and for professional,
medical, and legal office dictation.

More information at
MicNotePad is a creation of Nirvana Research at

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/mic-notepad-lite-420.hqx; 456K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Mr. Cat's Quest 2.1

One day Mr. Cat finds that his wife has been taken by the evil Madison's
Cat. He must find her fast. Madison's Cat live deep underground and Mr.
Cat is going to have to get through many caves to get his wife back. Can
he do it?

[Archived as /info-mac/game/mr-cats-quest-21.hqx; 343K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:32 -0700
Subject: [*] Net Folder 2.4

Net Folder is an apple script droplet working with Fetch. Net Folder which
recorded host, path and user ID of FTP site  is made by Net Folder Maker.
You can connect the FTP site wiht double clicking the Net Folder and upload
a  File to the FTP site with drag & drop to the Net Folder.

You need Fetch 3.0.3 and Apple Script.
You must install OSAX "Dialog Director" and OSAX "Resource Utilities" which
is included in the package of "Dialog direcor v0.6"


Tetsurou Kurita

	<=EC=D8=EF=EF=C5F Net Folder 2.4.sit>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/net-folder-24.hqx; 34K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:35 -0700
Subject: [*] offline_Redr

Offline Reader.

Offline is a reading program for downloaded Usenet News, email and other
text.  Internet subscribers who connect over dial-up lines (particularly
with ISPs who charge according to connect time) often find it more useful
to download news with a program such as Newswatcher, and then read it
offline after they have completed their connection session.  This
small-footprint program provides a comfortable interface for indexing and
browsing through these downloaded files.

Offline is shareware, and payment is made through Kagi.  Comments should be
directed to the author at <>

Please post this to Info-Mac.

Thanks a lot,


Michael Odawa
Simple Software

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/offline-reader.hqx; 464K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:36 -0700
Subject: [*] QuickestMirror 1.1; easier and faster downloading

QuickestMirror lets you quickly and easily access data replicated
("mirrored") on several Internet servers such as the popular Info-Mac

To solve the problem, I devised a new URL scheme that maps a single URL to
a list of URLs.

For more info, check out the QuickestMirror web page:
Also, TidBITS published my article about QuickestMirror:

QuickestMirror requires:
System 7 or later;
InternetConfig (possibly 1.1 or later, 1.4 or later recommended);
a 68020 processor or better (it runs native on PowerPC-based Macs).

It requires Open Transport 1.1.1 or later to assess network performance;
MacTCP users will still be able to pick a server at random, which is better
than a fixed selection.

New since 1.0.1:
* Supports Vremya by Kirill Levchenko
  The Vremya application can set your Macintosh system clock accurately.
  QuickestMirror stores a list of public Network Time servers
  via an experimental "x-ntp" URL notation.
* Added Anarchie-like ratings to the About box.
* Improved scripting support, especially with regard to UserLand Frontier.
  DocServer help text is now included!
* Fixed several URLs in the archive.
* Updated the docs.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/quickest-mirror-11.hqx; 239K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:40 -0700
Subject: [*] RKD's SHAREWARE Bookmarks v.1.1

RKD's SHAREWARE Bookmarks v.1.1


Netscape Navigator 2.0 or higher
Internet Explorer  2.0 or higher
Cyberdog 1.0 or higher
Approx. 480k of free disk space

A fine collection of Internet bookmarks for the Netscape user. Can also be
imported into Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Cyberdog.

A $5 SHAREWARE program that is a bit "geared" to the Macintosh user with
bookmarks to virtually every Apple web page on the Internet. But still, even
if your not a Mac user, removing those sites still leaves you with a "hefty"
bookmark file.

With over 30 categories there is something for everyone. From Apple to
Webstar, from the U.S. Government to Books. How about 29 bookmarks for
C/NET.COM ? Or can't quite remember the name of that software company? It's
probably in the list of 150 Tech companies. Have a hankering for some "inside"
Mac news? Go to Mac-ezines and select one of many. Want today's news? USA
Today, N.Y. Times, Chicago Tribune, or how about the Palo Alto Weekly? Got you
covered. Sports, University's, Museum's, or a huge hand picked miscellaneous
file from A to Z.

In all, way over 1000 bookmarks to start with, add to, delete from, or simply
to help a disabled person collect enough funds to purchase  software to learn
HTML and become self supporting once again.

$5 (US) may or may not sound like a lot to you, but if you pay your shareware
fee for this program it will go a long way to helping me make my dream happen.

Thank you,

Royce DeBow
Cedarburg, Wi.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/rkds-bookmarks-111.hqx; 42K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:29 -0700
Subject: [*] software-hdware-tracker-201.sit

Software & Hardware Tracker II v2.0.1a (October 25th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix

Software & Hardware Tracker II is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 (or later)
relational database which will help you collect, store and organize
useful information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product
notes, useful adresses as well as phone/fax numbers and URLs for software
authors, companies and distributors, etc.) about all your computer
products (hardware, software and freeware/shareware). Even better, you
can launch URLs directly from inside the database, which will then call
upon the Internet Config system to open them with the proper helper
applications. That means Software & Hardware Tracker II can also be used
as a powerful FMPro based Internet bookmark manager.

Software & Hardware Tracker is a CNET/ and a BizProWeb "pick
of the day".

It's being distributed as shareware and costs $15 (as always, upgrades
are free for registered users of previous version). Registrations are
handled by Kagi Shareware.

New in 2.0.1a: the original Netscape bookmarks included in the package
were corrupted; they're now fixed. If you've already downloaded v. 2.0.1,
you don't need to download this version. Just use the Register
application or the online registration links provided on my web page to

Thanks for supporting shareware!

(Software & Hardware Tracker II 2.0.1 may be included on the Info-Mac
CD-ROM and on the AMUG CD "BBS in a box".

[Archived as /info-mac/data/software-hdware-tracker-201.hqx; 1608K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:19:43 -0700
Subject: [*] STATsimple 1.0.2 DEMO

Statistics program with:
 - Discriptive Stats
 - Histogram Plots
 - Student's t-Test
 - Linear Regression

Minimum requirements:
 - Mac Plus with 512K available RAM
 - System 6.0.4 or higher

DEMO is free
Registered program is $20 Canadian or $15 US

[Archived as /info-mac/sci/stat-simple-102.hqx; 212K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:43 -0700
Subject: [*] StuffCM 1.1.1

StuffCM is a contextual menu plugin for PowerPC computers running MacOS 8.
It uses StuffIt Engine to perform stuffing, unstuffing, and related
operations directly in the Finder.

Visit the StuffCM web page:

	<Enclosure: stuffcm.sit.hqx>

[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/stuff-cm-111.hqx; 254K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:05 -0700
Subject: [*] Ultra Recorder 2.3

Ultra Recorder is the fun and easy way to explore the amazing world of
sounds on your Macintosh computer!

Ultra Recorder utilizes the power of the Macintosh and QuickTime to
provide unparalleled sound conversion, recording, and playback. Ultra
Recorder's easy to use interface allows the user to play, convert and
record in a wide variety of sound formats. Ultra Recorder uses all of
Apple's latest technologies including System 8's platinum appearance,
Apple's Sound Manager 3.0 beyond, QuickTime 2.1 and beyond, and Apple's
Drag & Drop Technology.  Ultra Recorder is $20 Shareware; the enclosed
"Register" application and links to an online ordering web site make
payment easy through Kagi Shareware.

Ultra Recorder can play and convert sounds in the following formats: AIFF
and AIFF-C Sound Files, SoundEdit Sound Files, Windows WAV Sound Files (up
to 16-Bit), System 7 Sound Files, sound tracks in QuickTime movies, sound
tracks on Compact Disks, UNIX u-law internet sound files, and sound
resources inside applications and other files.

 System Requirements

Ultra Recorder requires System 7. The most recent version of Apple's Sound
Manager (part of the System software) is recommended (currently version
3.2). QuickTime 2.1 or later is also recommended.

EJ Campbell
EJ Enterprises
2 November, 1997

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/ultra-recorder-23.hqx; 678K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:23 -0700
Subject: [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2


NEW YORK- Freeverse Software today announced the release of version 1.2
of X-Words Deluxe, a crosswords game for the Macintosh by Andrew

X-Words Deluxe, MacWorld Online's highest rated SCRABBLE playing game,
has enthralled thousands of users with its combination of traditional and
innovative features. These include ten different skill settings to
provide competition for beginning or advanced players, numerous word
lists including ones for kids and ones in foreign languages, a selection
of playing boards, and more. The versatility of X-Words Deluxe also
allows you to add or delete words from the dictionary as well as the
ability to create totally original boards for endless variety.

X-Words Deluxe 1.2 is US$19.95 shareware and $29.95 for a CD-ROM version
that includes additional computer opponents, word lists and boards. The
update is free for previously registered users of X-Words Deluxe. It is
available from WWW.FREEVERSE.COM or wherever better shareware is found.

System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or other computer running MacOS
System 6.0! thru System 8.0

Andrew Trevorrow is the author of the new game, CrossCards, also from
Freeverse Software, as well as Anagrams for Macintosh and the scientific
typesetting system, OzTeX.

Freeverse Software is a leading developer and publisher of shareware
computer games for the Macintosh. Freeverse is the recipient of numerous
industry awards, most recently the 1997 Ziff/Davis MacUser Shareware
Award for their game Enigma. Other games from Freeverse include:

HEARTS DELUXE - The shareware classic.
REVERSI: The Eclipse - The best Othello game on any platform.
CROSSCARDS - An original mix of poker and Scrabble.
and the forthcoming BURNING MONKEY SOLITAIRE, (don't ask :-)

Freeverse is also the maker of the popular anti-productivity suites
"JARED: Butcher of Song" and SimStapler '97.

For More Information Contact:

Colin Lynch Smith
(212) 929-3549

[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/x-words-deluxe-12.hqx; 2499K]


Date: Sat, 8 Nov 1997 07:20:16 -0700
Subject: [*] X-Words Deluxe v.1.2


NEW YORK- Freeverse Software today announced the release of version 1.2
of X-Words Deluxe, a crosswords game for the Macintosh by Andrew

X-Words Deluxe, MacWorld Online's highest rated SCRABBLE playing game,
has enthralled thousands of users with its combination of traditional and
innovative features. These include ten different skill settings to
provide competition for beginning or advanced players, numerous word
lists including ones for kids and ones in foreign languages, a selection
of playing boards, and more. The versatility of X-Words Deluxe also
allows you to add or delete words from the dictionary as well as the
ability to create totally original boards for endless variety.

X-Words Deluxe 1.2 is US$19.95 shareware and $29.95 for a CD-ROM version
that includes additional computer opponents, word lists and boards. The
update is free for previously registered users of X-Words Deluxe. It is
available from WWW.FREEVERSE.COM or wherever better shareware is found.

System Requirements: Any Apple Macintosh or other computer running MacOS
System 6.0! thru System 8.0

Andrew Trevorrow is the author of the new game, CrossCards, also from
Freeverse Software, as well as Anagrams for Macintosh and the scientific
typesetting system, OzTeX.

Freeverse Software is a leading developer and publisher of shareware
computer games for the Macintosh. Freeverse is the recipient of numerous
industry awards, most recently the 1997 Ziff/Davis MacUser Shareware
Award for their game Enigma. Other games from Freeverse include:

HEARTS DELUXE - The shareware classic.
REVERSI: The Eclipse - The best Othello game on any platform.
CROSSCARDS - An original mix of poker and Scrabble.
and the forthcoming BURNING MONKEY SOLITAIRE, (don't ask :-)

Freeverse is also the maker of the popular anti-productivity suites
"JARED: Butcher of Song" and SimStapler '97.

For More Information Contact:

Colin Lynch Smith
(212) 929-3549

[Archived as /info-mac/game/word/x-words-deluxe-12.hqx; 2499K]


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 12:12:34 -0600
From: george s stripling jr <>
Subject: [A]: alphabetize bookmarks in netscape 4.03

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, Roger Wise <> wrote:

>I can't seem to figure out how to alphabetize the bookmarks in netscape
>4.03 standalone. Can anyone help with this?

what i do is use BBEdit (free 'Lite' version will do) with Craig H.
Maynard's <> LineSort extension (also free). works _very_


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 21:02:39 -0500
Subject: [Q] OnCue - What ever happend to it?

Many many years ago (when MacII's were the latest and greatest) there was a
utility called "On Cue". It was a great time saver, as you could have a
pop-up menu appear magically under your mouse when you pressed a
user-defined key-combination. On this menu would be applications, folders,
documents etc.

I'm interested in finding an updated version but I can't seem to find it at
MacWarehouse or on the net.

Anyone know where it might be or what happened to it?

 Philip D. Emery                One Dog Digs Design
                                        it's "Good Design"         


Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 18:21:58 -0500
From: "Edward W. Ver Hoef" <>
Subject: Disk Drivers

I have a 160 MB Quantum hard drive in a Quadra I am retiring. I would like
to give it to my son-in-law who is struggling along with an 80 MB drive. I
presume he will need new disk drive software in order to use this drive.
Where can we get the requisite software and what is the mechanism for
making the switch? ( I know how to install the hardware - I just don't know
the sequence of things such that when we reboot, the system will start up
from the new hard drive.) TIA.

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Thu, 06 Nov 1997 12:52:33 -0500
From: Bob Worts <>
Subject: fax-o-manic

I am too attached to my Gloval Fax software to give it up.  When I
got a 6400/200 with the built-in modem I just couldn't abide by
the clunky Apple fax stuff, so I threw it out, bought a Port
Juggler and hooked the GV Platinum up to it.  Problem is that I
would like to print stuff as I download it.

Is there any way to use the two modems AND keep my GV software? 
What would I need to re-install to make the built-in work?  


Bob Worts
Contract Coverage Associates, Inc.
Communications Integrators, Inc.


Date: 6 Nov 1997 17:52:10 GMT
From: "Rod MacQuarrie" <NOSPAMrmacquarrie@ronningen-petter.comNOSPAM>

Speaking of Global Village...

I spent over $250 earlier this year on a modem that for all practical
purposes appeared to be upgradable to 56k technology from what was written
on the box. I actually had a 56k modem in my hand from USRobotics that was
cheaper...but I chose the Global Village because of it's cool toaster
shape. Bad move.

Well...come to find was only 33.6. I called them and they said
they were working on a downloadable update from the Internet to make my
modem 56k in the near I waited. Too long...the update never
came and I couldn't send the modem back.

Recently I saw that they are discontinuing my brand new modem due to their
inability to make the modems 56k compatible. So I called them and they
totally changed their story about how the modem can be upgraded. "It would
have required a chip inside so we called some of our users and most would
prefer a new modem over sending the old one in to get a new chip
installed." Well they didn't call me. And what was once an Internet flash
rom upgrade changed in to an installable chip! So my modem is now
"upgradable" via what they call an "upgrade path" to a new 56X2 or 56Kflex
modem for the mere sum of $109.00...and I get to keep my old modem.
Great...what do I want that for now? I can buy the modem they want to sell
me for $140 through a mailorder place...No thank you!

I will NEVER buy a modem or any product from this company again! Ever!
First they use gimmicky advertising to suck you in to buying their
modems...then they promise upgrades...and then they charge you $109 to stay
on an "upgrade path". And I've been able to compare this modem to a similar
one by USRobotics - The USRobotics modem <always> connects at a faster rate
and <never> disconnects me. The Global Village one always connects slower
and disconnects me frequently.

If they were an honest company they'd give me the money back for the modem
I bought or allow me to trade it in on the new one for nothing!

RM wrote in article <>...
> In article <
> (Diz2000) wrote:
> >
> > I recently bought the 56k modem from Global Village.  They told me they
> >  sell it to me for $169.99, ONLY if I sent them my old modem.  If I
failed to
> >  return the old one they would charge me an extra $100.
> >
> > The internal Global Village 28.8 that came with my Mac 6400/200 is no
> >  manufactured or supported.  So basically they told me to buy another
> >  newer and fast, and more expensive, or to shove the old one up my ass.
> >
> > I ended up sending the new one back because it was no faster than my
> >  down 28.8.  However, they have pretended not to receive it and refuse
to give
> >  me a refund.  I have canceled the charge on my visa so nothing lost
there, but
> >  their lack of customer service and honesty is alarming.  And
consequently, you
> >  can buy a Global Village modem in any catalog for $169.99, and you
don’t need
> >  to send your old one.  Another lie.
> >


Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 11:50:20 +0100
From: (richters, j.j.)
Subject: info-mac digest upgrade?

Hi nice people at info-mac digest.
You always present a table of contents at the beginning of the digest.
May I suggest that each item in the table of contents is hypertext
linked with the corresponding article further on in the digest. That
makes for faster perusal. Doei.


Date: Fri, 07 Nov 1997 15:52:28 +1100
From: (Andrew Treloar)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V15 #241

> Date: Thu, 6 Nov 1997 02:33:09 +1000
> From: Brett Crozier <>
> Subject: 'Dodgy' SIMM causes bloated system -- comments?
> Hi all,
> I just saw a very strange thing happen with a friend's Quadra 610 -- I
> thought I'd share it and ask if anyone had ever seen anything similar.
> She'd just got it, and had a 32 mb SIMM installed (4 mb soldered on board)
> taking it up to 36 mb. Later she found problems running larger apps and,
> checking the About box, discovered the System Software seemed to be taking
> up about 28 mb. After reinstalling the system a couple of times, we tried
> removing the SIMM, and the system seemed to drop back to a reasonable size.
> Another clean install without the SIMM produced a similar result but, after
> reinsertion, the System jumped back up to around 28 mb. Strangely enough,
> throughout this the About box always reported the correct amount of memory
> for what we thought we had installed.
> The SIMM seems the reasonable suspect, no? Does anyone have a clue as to
> how the system was fooled into thinking it was running at 28 mb?

You need to turn on 32-bit addressing in the Memory control panel.
Otherwise the System says it is using all the memory above 8 Meg (plus
whatever it is really using). If it makes you feel better, this is one of
the most common questions when people upgrade their RAM (or even their
computer's RAM!)



End of Info-Mac Digest