Begin3 Title: GZIP Version: 1.2.4a Entered-date: 2007-04-23 Description: GZip compression program Keywords: gzip, zip, unzip, archiver, packer Author: Jean-loup Gailly, jloup -at- Maintained-by: Primary-site: Original-site: Platforms: DOS, FreeDOS, OS/2, Mac and a lot of others Copying-policy: GNU General Public License, Version 2 Summary: Compresses single files, such as to compress a tar file to a tgz file. (8086 and 386 versions) Modified-date: 2022-02-17.0 Group: archiver CRC: 0d812d83 MD5: 38988b291ae718b1999e700f45fd8ff6 SHA: d9e130bb1dd9276955b51cc20214bcb8060e8414c927350b97a15cdb7e2e9d05 End