Network Working Group                                          K. Lingle
Request for Comments: 4780                           Cisco Systems, Inc.
Intended status:
Category: Standards Track                                      J-F. Mule
Expires: March 19, 2007
                                                                J. Maeng
                                                               D. Walker
                                                      September 15, 2006
                                                            January 2007

                    Management Information Base for
                 the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)

Status of this This Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, community, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid requests discussion and suggestions for a maximum
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of six months the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   The list status of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

   The list this protocol.  Distribution of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 19, 2007. this memo is unlimited.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).


   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes a set of managed objects that are used to
   manage Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities, which include User
   Agents, Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and Registrar servers.

Table of Contents

   1.  Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 ....................................................2
   2. Conventions .....................................................2
   3. The Internet-Standard Management Framework . . . . . . . . . .  3 ......................2
   4. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 ........................................................3
   5. Structure of the SIP MIB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 ........................................3
      5.1. Textual Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 ........................................6
      5.2. Relationship to the Network Services MIB . . . . . . . . .  6 ...................6
      5.3. IMPORTed MIB Modules and REFERENCE Clauses . . . . . . . . 10 ................10
   6. Accommodating SIP Extension Methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ............................10
   7. Definitions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ....................................................11
      7.1. SIP Textual Conventions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ...................................11
      7.2. SIP Common MIB Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 .....................................15
      7.3. SIP User Agent MIB Module  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 .................................54
      7.4. SIP Server MIB Module (Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and
           Registrar Servers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ........................................59
   8. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ............................................77
   9. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 ........................................77
   10. Contributor Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
   11. Changes from Previous Draft Revisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
   12. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ...................................79
      12.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 .....................................79
      12.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
   Intellectual Property and Copyright Statements . . . . . . . . . . 96 ...................................80

1.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

2.  Introduction

   This memo defines a portion of the Management Information Base (MIB)
   for use with network management protocols in the Internet community.
   In particular, it describes a set of managed objects that are used to
   manage Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) entities, which include User
   Agents, Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and Registrar servers.  The managed objects
   defined in this document are intended to provide basic SIP protocol
   management for SIP entities.  The management of application-specific
   or service-specific SIP configuration is out of scope.

2.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.  The Internet-Standard Management Framework

   For a detailed overview of the documents that describe the current
   Internet-Standard Management Framework, please refer to section 7 of
   RFC 3410 [RFC3410].

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  MIB objects are generally
   accessed through the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).
   Objects in the MIB are defined using the mechanisms defined in the
   Structure of Management Information (SMI).  This memo specifies a set
   of MIB modules that are compliant to the SMIv2, which is described in
   STD 58, comprised of RFC 2578 [RFC2578], RFC 2579 [RFC2579], and RFC
   2580 [RFC2580].

4.  Overview

   SIP [RFC3261] is an application-layer control (signaling) protocol
   for creating, modifying, and terminating sessions with one or more
   participants.  These sessions include Internet telephone calls,
   multimedia distribution, and multimedia conferences.

   This MIB provides some managed objects for SIP entities defined in
   RFC 3261 [RFC3261] - User Agents, Agents (UA), and Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and
   servers: it servers.  It is intended to provide management of the basic
   SIP entities.  It provides for monitoring of status and protocol
   statistics, as well as for configuration of SIP entities.

5.  Structure of the SIP MIB

   Four MIB modules are specified: SIP-COMMON-MIB, SIP-SERVER-MIB, SIP-
   UA-MIB, and SIP-TC-MIB.  SIP-COMMON-MIB contains common MIB objects
   used in all the SIP entities.  SIP-SERVER-MIB contains objects
   specific to Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and Registrar servers, and servers.  SIP-UA-MIB
   includes objects specific to User Agents.  SIP-TC-MIB defines the
   textual conventions used throughout the MIB modules.

   The MIB modules contain the following groups of objects:

   SIP-COMMON-MIB: Management objects common to all the SIP entities

   o  sipCommonMIBObjects

      *  sipCommonCfgBase: This object group defines configuration
         objects common to all SIP entities entities, including the SIP protocol
         version, the type of SIP entity (UA, proxy, redirect, registrar
         servers), the operational and administrative status, the SIP
         organization name, the maximum number of SIP transactions an
         entity can manage, etc.

      *  sipCommonCfgTimer: This object group defines timer
         configuration objects applicable to SIP user agent and stateful
         SIP proxy entities.

      *  sipCommonSummaryStats: This object group defines a table
         containing the summary statistics objects applicable to all SIP
         entities, including the total number of all SIP requests and
         responses in/out, in/out and the total number of transactions.

      *  sipCommonMethodStats: This object group defines a table
         containing the SIP method statistics objects applicable to all
         SIP entities, including the number of outbound and inbound
         requests on a per method basis.  Retransmissions, where
         appropriate, are also included in these statistics.

      *  sipCommonStatusCode: This object group defines a table
         indicating the number of SIP responses (in and out) that the
         SIP entity has been requested to monitor on a per method per-method basis
         (100, 200, 302, etc.).

      *  sipCommonStatsTrans: This object group defines a table
         containing a gauge reflecting the number of transactions
         currently awaiting definitive responses by the managed SIP

      *  sipCommonStatsRetry: This object group defines statistic
         objects indicating the number of retransmissions sent on a per
         per-method basis.

      *  sipCommonOtherStats: This object group defines additional
         statistics objects including the number of SIP requests
         received with unsupported URIs, the number of requests received
         with unsupported SIP methods, and the number of discarded

      *  sipCommonNotifObjects: This object group defines objects
         accessible only via a notification (MAX ACCESS clause of
         accessible-for-notify): they are related to the SNMP
         notifications defined in this MIB module.

   The SIP-COMMON-MIB also contains notifications, including:

   o  sipCommonStatusCodeNotif: indicates that a specific status code
      has been sent or received by the system.

   o  sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededNotif: indicates that a specific
      status code has been sent or received by the system frequently
      enough to exceed the configured threshold.

   SIP-SERVER-MIB: Groups of objects for SIP Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and
   Registrar servers

   o  sipServerMIBObjects

      *  sipServerCfg: This object group defines common server
         configuration objects including the SIP server host address.

      *  sipServerProxyCfg: This object group defines configuration
         objects for SIP Proxy servers Servers including the proxy mode of
         operation (stateless, stateful, call stateful), the proxy
         authentication method(s) and method(s), realm, etc.

      *  sipServerProxyStats: This object group defines a table
         containing the statistics objects applicable to SIP proxy
         servers. Proxy
         Servers.  It includes the number of occurrences of unsupported
         options being specified in received Proxy-Require headers.

      *  sipServerRegCfg: This object group defines common configuration
         objects for SIP Registrar servers servers, including the ability to
         accept third-party registrations, such as the maximum
         registration expiry that may be requested by user agents, the
         maximum number of users the registrar can support, the number
         of currently registered users, per contact registration
         information, etc.

      *  sipServerRegStats: This object group contains summary
         statistics objects for SIP Registrar servers, precisely, servers.  Precisely, it
         contains the number of REGISTER requests that have been
         accepted or rejected.

   SIP-UA-MIB: Group of objects for SIP User Agents. Agents

   o  sipUAMIBObjects

      *  sipUACfgServer: This object group specifies SIP server
         configuration objects applicable to SIP user agents including
         the Internet address of the SIP Server to use used to register,
         proxy proxy,
         or redirect calls.

   To conform with this specification, an SNMP agent MUST implement the
   SIP-TC-MIB module, plus the SIP-COMMON-MIB module and one of the SIP
   entity-type- specific
   entity-type-specific MIB modules (SIP-SERVER-MIB or SIP-UA-MIB) as
   applicable for each instance of a SIP entity being managed.  If a
   device has more than one SIP entity or multiple instances of the same
   entity type, it MUST implement multiple SIP modules.  Section 5.2
   describes handling of multiple instances in detail.

5.1.  Textual Conventions

   The data types SipTCTransportProtocol, SipTCEntityRole,
   SipTCOptionTagHeaders, and SipTCMethodName are defined in the SIP-TC-
   TC-MIB module and used as Textual Conventions in this document.

5.2.  Relationship to the Network Services MIB

   In the design of the SIP MIB, the authors considered the following
   requirement: the SIP MIB must allow a single system with a single
   SNMP agent to support multiple instances of various SIP MIB modules.
   This requirement is met by using the framework provided by the
   Network Services Monitoring MIB, NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB, RFC 2788

   A device implementing the SIP MIB MUST support the NETWORK-SERVICES-
   MIB and, at a minimum, it MUST support the index and name objects
   (applIndex and applName) in the application table (applTable).  In
   order to allow each instance of a SIP entity to be managed as a
   separate network service application, a naming convention SHOULD be
   used to make the application name unique.  For example, if a system
   is running 2 SIP UAs that need to be managed as 2 separate SIP
   entities, by convention, the application names used in the Network
   Services Monitoring MIB application table should be "sip_ua1" and
   "sip_ua2".  This convention allows each instance to have its own row
   in the application table (applTable).

   It is therefore RECOMMENDED to adopt that the following application name
   conventions be adopted:

   o  for a SIP Proxy entity, the applName value SHOULD be equal to a
      character string starting with "sip_proxy" followed by a unique
      application instance identifier, for example, "sip_proxy1",

   o  for a SIP Registrar entity, the applName value SHOULD be equal to
      a character string starting with "sip_registrar" followed by a
      unique application instance identifier, for example,
      "sip_registrar1", "sip_registrar2" "sip_registrar2".

   o  for a SIP User Agent entity, the applName value SHOULD be equal to
      a character string starting with "sip_ua" followed by a unique
      application instance identifier, for example, "sip_ua1", "sip_ua2"

   o  for any combination of Proxy, Registrar, or Redirect Server being
      managed as a single aggregate entity, the applName value for the
      combined server entity SHOULD reflect the appropriate combination
      followed by a unique application instance identifier.  In order to
      facilitate consistent agent behavior and management application
      expectations, the following order of names is RECOMMENDED:

         *  if Proxy exists, list first.
         *  if Proxy and Redirect exists, list Redirect second.
         *  if Registrar exists, always list last.

      For example "sip_proxy1", "sip_proxy_registrar1",
      "sip_proxy_redirect5", "sip_proxy_redirect_registrar2", or

   o  Note: the value of the network service application index
      (applIndex) may be different from the instance identifier used in
      the system (the applIndex is dynamically created and is the value
      assigned by the SNMP agent at the creation of the table entry entry,
      whereas the value of the instance identifier to be used in the
      application name is provided as part of the application name
      applName by the system administrator or configuration files of the
      SIP entity).  This note is illustrated in the first example
      provided below.

   Finally, the SNMP agent MAY support any combination of the other
   attributes in applTable.  If supported, the following objects SHOULD
   have values populated as follows:

   o  applVersion: version of the SIP application, application.

   o  applUptime: the value of applUptime MUST be identical to the value
      of sipCommonCfgServiceStartTime defined in the SIP-COMMON-MIB

   o  applOperStatus: the value of applOperStatus SHOULD reflect the
      operational status of sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus, at least by
      means of a mapping, mapping.

   o  applLastChange: the value of applLastChange MUST be identical to
      the value of sipCommonCfgServiceLastChange defined in the SIP-
      COMMON module.

   A number of other objects are defined as part of the applTable.  They
   are not included for the sake of brevity and due to the fact that
   they do not enhance the concept being presented.

   Example 1:

   The tables below illustrate how a system acting as both Proxy and
   Registrar server might be configured to maintain separate
   COMMON-MIB instances.

   The NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB applTable might be populated as follows:

            | applIndex |      applName     |    applDescription   |
            |     1     |   "sip_proxy10"   |   "ACME SIP Proxy"   |
            |     2     | "sip_registrar17" | "ACME SIP Registrar" |

   The SIP-COMMON-MIB sipCommonCfgTable would have two rows: one for the
   proxy (applIndex=1) and one for the registrar (applIndex=2).  The
   SIP-SERVER-MIB tables would, however, only be populated with one row
   indexed by applIndex=1 and applIndex=2 respectively applIndex=2, respectively, if the server
   provides either proxy or registrar.

   The SIP-COMMON-MIB sipCommonCfgTable might be populated as:

   |applIndex| sipCommonCfgProtocol   | applInd | sipCommonCfgProtocolVe | sipCommonCfgServiceOperS sipCommonCfgServiceOper  | ... |
   | e   x         | r         sion Version                | t          atus Status                   |     |
   |    1    |        "SIP/2.0"       |           up(1)          |     |
   |    2    |        "SIP/2.0"       |       restarting(4)      |     |

   while the sipServerProxyCfgTable in SIP-SERVER-MIB might be populated

            | applIndex | sipServerCfgProxyStatefulness | ... |
            |     1     |          stateless(1)         |     |
   and the sipServerRegUserTable in SIP-SERVER-MIB might be populated

      | applIndex | sipServerRegUserIndex | sipServerRegUserUri | ... |
      |     2     |           1           |   |     |
      |     2     |           2           |  |     |
      |     2     |           3           |   |     |
      |     2     |           4           |  |     |

   Example 2:

   This example illustrates how to represent a system acting as both
   Proxy and Registrar server, where the two entities share a single
   instance of SIP-COMMON-MIB.

   The NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB applTable might be populated as follows:

   | applIndex |        applName        |        applDescription       |
   |     1     | "sip_proxy_registrar1" |      "ACME SIP Proxy and     |
   |           |                        |          Registrar"          |

   The SIP-COMMON-MIB sipCommonCfgTable would have only one row to cover
   both the proxy and the registrar.

   The SIP-COMMON-MIB sipCommonCfgTable might be populated as:

   | applInde | sipCommonCfgProtocolVers | sipCommonCfgServiceOperStat |
   | x        | i           on           | u             s             |

  |applIndex |sipCommonCfgProtocolVersion|sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus|
  |     1    |         "SIP/2.0"         |            up(1)            |
   while the sipServerRegUserTable in SIP-SERVER-MIB might be populated

      | applIndex | sipServerRegUserIndex | sipServerRegUserUri | ... |
      |     2     |           1           |   |     |
      |     2     |           2           |  |     |
      |     2     |           3           |  |     |
      |     2     |           4           |   |     |

   The NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB assocTable is not considered a requirement
   for SIP systems.  It is not a mandatory group for compliance with the

   The relationship between the value of applOperStatus and
   sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus is as follows:

   | sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus |       --      |   applOperStatus  |
   |                               |  corresponds  |                   |
   |                               |     to -->    |                   |
   |               up              |      -->      |         up        |
   |              down             |      -->      |        down       |
   |           congested           |      -->      |     congested     |
   |           restarting          |      -->      |     restarting    |
   |           quiescing           |      -->      |     quiescing     |
   |            testing            |      -->      |         up        |
   |            unknown            |      -->      | --indeterminate-- |

   If the sipOperStatus is 'unknown' 'unknown', there is no corresponding value of
   applOperStatus.  Therefore, the last known value of applOperStatus
   SHOULD be maintained until the sipOperStatus transitions to a value
   that can be mapped appropriately.

5.3.  IMPORTed MIB Modules and REFERENCE Clauses

   The SIP MIB modules defined in this document IMPORT definitions
   normatively from the following MIB modules, beyond [RFC2578],
   [RFC2579], and [RFC2580]: INET-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001], NETWORK-

   This MIB module also includes REFERENCE clauses that normatively
   refer to SIP [RFC3261], [RFC3261] and INET-ADDRESS-MIB [RFC4001].

   Finally, this MIB module makes informative references to several RFCs
   in some of the examples described in the DESCRIPTION clauses,
   including Reliability of Provisional Responses in SIP [RFC3262], [RFC3262] and
   SIP over SCTP [RFC4168].

6.  Accommodating SIP Extension Methods

   The core set of SIP methods is defined in RFC 3261 [RFC3261].  Other
   IETF RFCs define additional methods.  In the future, additional
   methods may be defined.  In order to avoid having to update the SIP-
   COMMON-MIB module to accommodate these extension methods, we use a
   method identifier name (SipTCMethodName textual-convention) TEXTUAL-CONVENTION) to
   represent all SIP methods registered with IANA.  See the IANA
   Considerations section.

   For example, the sipCommonMethodSupportedTable is the main table for
   listing all of the SIP methods supported by a system, including the
   SIP methods defined in RFC 3261 [RFC3261] and other SIP methods
   registered with IANA.  The table is informational in nature and
   populated by the system.  Entries cannot be added or deleted by a an
   SNMP manager.

   The SIP specification RFC (RFC 3261 [RFC3261] section 27.4 [RFC3261], Section 27.4) establishes
   the sub-registries for SIP Methods and Response Codes under  This document uses
   the existing sub-registry for the names of registered SIP method. methods.

   For example, in the sipCommonMethodSupportedTable of SIP-COMMON-MIB,
   the sipCommonMethodSupportedName values can be represented as

                | sipCommonMethodSupportedName |
                |             "ACK"            |
                |             "BYE"            |
                |           "CANCEL"           |
                |           "INVITE"           |
                |           "OPTIONS"          |

7.  Definitions

7.1.  SIP Textual Conventions


          FROM SNMPv2-SMI        -- RFC 2578

          FROM SNMPv2-TC;        -- RFC 2579

    LAST-UPDATED "200609121700Z" "200701030000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "IETF Session Initiation Protocol Working Group"
             "SIP WG email:

              Co-editor  Kevin Lingle
                         Cisco Systems, Inc.
              postal:    7025 Kit Creek Road
                         P.O. Box 14987
                         Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
              phone:     +1 919 392 2029

              Co-editor  Joon Maeng

              Co-editor  Jean-Francois Mule
              postal:    858 Coal Creek Circle
                         Louisville, CO 80027
              phone:     +1 303 661 9100

              Co-editor  Dave Walker
       "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) MIB Textual Conventions TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
        module used by other SIP-related MIB Modules.

        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).  This version of
        this MIB module is part of RFC XXXX; 4780; see the RFC itself for
        full legal notices."
  -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this not
    REVISION     "200609121700Z"     "200701030000Z"
       "Initial version of the IETF SIP-TC-MIB module.  This version
        published as part of RFC XXXX."
  -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note 4780."
     ::= { mib-2 XXX1 148 }

-- RFC Ed: replace XXX1 with actual IANA assigned number for this
  --         sipTC mib module and remove this note

-- Textual Conventions

SipTCTransportProtocol ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
    STATUS      current
       "This convention is a bit map.  Each bit represents a transport
        protocol.  If a bit has value 1, then that selected transport
        protocol is in some way dependent on the context of the object
        using this convention.  If a bit has value 0, then that
        transport protocol is not selected.  Combinations of bits can
        be set when multiple transport protocols are selected.

        bit 0: a protocol other than those defined here
        bit 1: User Datagram Protocol
        bit 2 : Transmission Control Protocol
        bit 3: Stream Control Transmission Protocol
        bit 4: Transport Layer Security Protocol over TCP
        bit 5: Transport Layer Security Protocol over SCTP
    REFERENCE "RFC 3261, Section 18 and RFC 4168"
    SYNTAX      BITS {
                  other(0),  -- none of the following
                  sctp(3),   -- RFC4168
                  tlsSctp(5) -- RFC 4168

    STATUS      current
       "This convention defines the role of a SIP entity.  Examples of
        SIP entities are proxies, user agents, redirect servers,
        registrars, or combinations of the above.

        User Agent (UA): A logical entity that can act as both a user
        agent client and user agent server.

        User Agent Client (UAC): A logical entity that creates a new
        request, and then uses the client transaction state machinery
        to send it.  The role of UAC lasts only for the duration of
        that transaction.  In other words, if a piece of software
        initiates a request, it acts as a UAC for the duration of that
        transaction.  If it receives a request later, it assumes the
        role of a user agent server for the processing of that

        User Agent Server (UAS):
          a A logical entity that generates a
        response to a SIP request.  The response accepts, rejects,
        or redirects the request.  This role lasts only for the
        duration of that transaction.  In other words, if a piece of
        software responds to a request, it acts as a UAS for the
        duration of that transaction.  If it generates a request
        later, it assumes the role of a user agent client for the
        processing of that transaction.

        Proxy, Proxy Server: An intermediary entity that acts as both
        a server and a client for the purpose of making requests on
        behalf of other clients.  A proxy server primarily plays the
        role of routing, which means its job is to ensure that a
        request is sent to another entity 'closer' to the targeted
        user.  Proxies are also useful for enforcing policy.  A proxy
        interprets and, if necessary, rewrites specific parts of a
        request message before forwarding it.

        Redirect Server: A redirect server is a user agent server that
        generates 3xx responses to requests it receives, directing the
        client to contact an alternate set of URIs.

        Registrar: A registrar is a server that accepts REGISTER
        requests and places the information it receives in those
        requests into the location service for the domain it handles."
       "RFC 3261, Section 6"
    SYNTAX      BITS {

    STATUS      current
       "This convention defines the header fields that use the option
        tags per section Section 19.2 of RFC 3261.  These tags are used in
        Require (Section 20.32), Proxy-Require (Section 20.29),
        Supported (Section 20.37) 20.37), and Unsupported (Section 20.40)
        header fields."
       "RFC 3261, Sections 19.2, 20.32, 20.29, 20.37 20.37, and 20.40"
    SYNTAX      BITS {
                  require(0),       -- Require header
                  proxyRequire(1),  -- Proxy-Require header
                  supported(2),     -- Supported header
                  unsupported(3)    -- Unsupported header

    STATUS      current
       "This textual convention TEXTUAL-CONVENTION is a string that uniquely identifies a
        SIP method.  The scope of uniqueness is the context of all
        defined SIP methods.

        Experimental support of extension methods is acceptable and
        expected.  Extension methods are those defined in
        Internet-Draft documents but not yet allocated an official and
        officially sanctioned by IANA.

        To support experimental extension methods, any object using
        this textual convention TEXTUAL-CONVENTION as syntax MAY return/accept a method
        identifier value other than those sanctioned by IANA.  That
        system MUST ensure no collisions with officially assigned
        method names."
       "RFC 3261, Section 27.4"
    SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..100))


7.2.  SIP Common MIB Module


          FROM SNMPv2-SMI             -- RFC 2578

          FROM SNMPv2-TC              -- RFC 2579

          FROM SNMPv2-CONF            -- RFC 2580

          FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB     -- RFC 3411

          FROM SIP-TC-MIB


          FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;      -- RFC 4001

    LAST-UPDATED "200609121700Z" "200701030000Z"
    ORGANIZATION "IETF Session Initiation Protocol Working Group"
             "SIP WG email:

              Co-editor  Kevin Lingle
                         Cisco Systems, Inc.
              postal:    7025 Kit Creek Road
                         P.O. Box 14987
                         Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
              phone:     +1 919 392 2029

              Co-editor  Joon Maeng

              Co-editor  Jean-Francois Mule
              postal:    858 Coal Creek Circle
                         Louisville, CO 80027
              phone:     +1 303 661 9100

              Co-editor  Dave Walker
       "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Common MIB module.  This
        module defines objects which that may be common to all SIP entities.

        SIP is an application-layer signaling protocol for creating,
        modifying and terminating multimedia sessions with one or more
        participants.  These sessions include Internet multimedia
        conferences and Internet telephone calls.  SIP is defined in
        RFC 3261 (June 2002).

        This MIB is defined for managing objects which that are common to
        SIP User Agents (UAs), Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and Registrar servers.
        Objects specific to each of these entities MAY be managed using
        entity specific MIBs defined in other modules.

        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).  This version of
        this MIB module is part of RFC XXXX; 4780; see the RFC itself for
        full legal notices."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and
 -- remove this note
    REVISION        "200609121700Z"     "200701030000Z"
        "Initial version of the IETF SIP-COMMON-MIB module.  This
         version published as part of RFC XXXX."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note 4780."
     ::= { mib-2 XXX2 149 }

-- RFC Ed: replace XXX2 with actual IANA assigned number and
 --         remove this note

 -- Top-Level Components of this MIB.
sipCommonMIBNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIB 0 }
sipCommonMIBObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIB 1 }
sipCommonMIBConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIB 2 }

-- This MIB contains objects that are common to all SIP entities.

-- Common basic configuration
sipCommonCfgBase       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 1 }

-- Protocol timer configuration
sipCommonCfgTimer      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 2 }

-- SIP message summary statistics

sipCommonSummaryStats  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 3 }

-- Per method statistics
sipCommonMethodStats   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 4 }

-- Per Status code or status code class statistics
sipCommonStatusCode    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 5 }

-- Transaction statistics
sipCommonStatsTrans    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 6 }

-- Method retry statistics
sipCommonStatsRetry    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 7 }

-- Other statistics
sipCommonOtherStats    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 8 }

-- Accessible-for-notify objects
sipCommonNotifObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBObjects 9 }

-- Common Configuration Objects
sipCommonCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the common configuration objects applicable
        to all SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgBase 1 }

sipCommonCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of common configuration.

        Each row represents objects for a particular SIP entity
        instance present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely
        identify these instances of SIP entities and correlate them
        through the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTable 1 }

SipCommonCfgEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonCfgProtocolVersion      SnmpAdminString,
        sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus    INTEGER,
        sipCommonCfgServiceStartTime     TimeTicks,
        sipCommonCfgServiceLastChange    TimeTicks,
        sipCommonCfgOrganization         SnmpAdminString,
        sipCommonCfgMaxTransactions      Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable   BITS,
        sipCommonCfgEntityType           SipTCEntityRole

sipCommonCfgProtocolVersion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object will reflect the version of SIP supported by this
        SIP entity.  It will follow the same format as SIP version
        information contained in the SIP messages generated by this SIP
        entity.  For example, entities supporting SIP version 2 will
        return 'SIP/2.0' as dictated by the standard."
       "RFC 3261, Section 7.1"
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 1 }

sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the current operational state of
        the SIP application.

        unknown    : The operational status cannot be determined
                     for some reason.
        up         : The application is operating normally, normally and is
                     processing (receiving and possibly issuing) SIP
                     requests and responses.
        down       : The application is currently unable to process
                     SIP messages.
        congested  : The application is operational but no additional
                     inbound transactions can be accommodated at the
        restarting : The application is currently unavailable unavailable, but it
                     is in the process of restarting and will, will
                     presumably, soon be able to process SIP messages.
        quiescing  : The application is currently operational
                     but has been administratively put into
                     quiescence mode.  Additional inbound
                     transactions MAY be rejected.
        testing    : The application is currently in test mode
                     and MAY not be able to process SIP messages.

        The operational status values defined for this object are not
        based on any specific information contained in the SIP
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 2 }

sipCommonCfgServiceStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of sysUpTime at the time the SIP entity was last
        started.  If started prior to the last re-initialization of the
        local network management subsystem, then this object contains a
        zero value."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 3 }

sipCommonCfgServiceLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeTicks
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of sysUpTime at the time the SIP entity entered its
        current operational state.  If the current state was entered
        prior to the last re-initialization of the local network
        management subsystem, then this object contains a zero value."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 4 }

sipCommonCfgOrganization OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the organization name which that the SIP entity
        inserts into Organization headers of SIP messages processed by
        this system.  If the string is empty, no Organization header is
        to be generated."
       "RFC 3261, Section 20.25"
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 5 }

sipCommonCfgMaxTransactions OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates the maximum number of simultaneous
        transactions per second that the SIP entity can manage.  In
        general, the value of this object SHOULD reflect a level of
        transaction processing per second that is considered high
        enough to impact the system's CPU and/or memory resources to
        the point of deteriorating SIP call processing but not high
        enough to cause catastrophic system failure."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 6 }

sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
       "This object specifies which SIP service related notifications
        are enabled.  Each bit represents a specific notification.  If
        a bit has a value 1, the associated notification is enabled and
        will be generated by the SIP entity at the appropriate time.

        Support for these notifications is OPTIONAL: either none or all
        notification values are supported.  If an implementation does
        not support this object, it should return a 'noSuchObject'
        exception to an SNMP GET operation.  If notifications are
        supported, this object's default value SHOULD reflect
        sipCommonServiceColdStart and sipCommonServiceWarmStart enabled
        and sipCommonServiceStatusChanged disabled.

        This object value SHOULD persist across reboots."
    DEFVAL { { sipCommonServiceColdStart,
               sipCommonServiceWarmStart } }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 7 }

sipCommonCfgEntityType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCEntityRole
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object identifies the list of SIP entities to which this
        row is
         related to. related.  It is defined as a bit map.  Each bit
        represents a type of SIP entity.  If a bit has value 1, the
        SIP entity represented by this row plays the role of this
        entity type.  If a bit has value 0, the SIP entity represented
        by this row does not act act, as in this entity type Combinations type, combinations
        of bits can be set when the SIP entity plays multiple SIP
    ::= { sipCommonCfgEntry 8 }

-- Support for multiple ports
sipCommonPortTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonPortEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the list of ports that each SIP entity in
        this system is allowed to use.  These ports can be advertised
        using the Contact header in a REGISTER request or response."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgBase 2 }

sipCommonPortEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonPortEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "Specification of a particular port.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonPort }
    ::= { sipCommonPortTable 1 }

SipCommonPortEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonPort                 InetPortNumber,
        sipCommonPortTransportRcv     SipTCTransportProtocol

sipCommonPort OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      InetPortNumber (1..65535)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects a particular port that can be used by the
        SIP application."
    ::= { sipCommonPortEntry 1 }

sipCommonPortTransportRcv OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCTransportProtocol
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object will specify the transport protocol the SIP entity
        will use to receive SIP messages.

        This object is a bit map.  Each bit represents a transport
        protocol.  If a bit has value 1, then that transport protocol
        is currently being used.  If a bit has value 0, then that
        transport protocol is currently not being used."
    ::= { sipCommonPortEntry 2 }

-- Support for SIP option tags (SIP extensions).
-- SIP extensions MAY be supported or required by SIP entities.

sipCommonOptionTagTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonOptionTagEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains a list of the SIP option tags (SIP
        extensions) that are either required, supported, or
        unsupported by the SIP entity.  These option tags are
        used in the Require, Proxy-Require, Supported Supported, and
        Unsupported header fields.

        Example: if a user agent client supports and requires the
        server to support reliability of provisional responses (IETF
        (RFC 3262), this table contains a row with the option tag string
        '100rel' in sipCommonOptionTag and the OCTET STRING value of
        '1010 0000' or '0xA0' in sipCommonOptionTagHeaderField.

        If a server does not support the required feature (indicated in
        a Require header to a UAS, or in a Proxy-Require to a Proxy
        Server), the server returns a 420 Bad Extension listing the
        feature in an Unsupported header.


        Normally, the list of such features supported by an entity is
        static (i.e. (i.e., will not change over time)."
       "RFC 3261, Sections 19.2, 20.32, 20.29, 20.37, and 20.40"
    ::= { sipCommonCfgBase 3 }

sipCommonOptionTagEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonOptionTagEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A particular SIP option tag (extension) supported or
        unsupported by the SIP entity, and which may be supported or
        required by a peer.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonOptionTagIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonOptionTagTable 1 }

SipCommonOptionTagEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonOptionTagIndex        Unsigned32,
        sipCommonOptionTag             SnmpAdminString,
        sipCommonOptionTagHeaderField  SipTCOptionTagHeaders

sipCommonOptionTagIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies a conceptual row in the table."
    ::= { sipCommonOptionTagEntry 1 }

sipCommonOptionTag OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates the SIP option tag.  The option tag names
       are registered with IANA and available at"
    REFERENCE "RFC 3261, Section 27.1"
    ::= { sipCommonOptionTagEntry 2 }

sipCommonOptionTagHeaderField OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCOptionTagHeaders
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates whether the SIP option tag is supported
        (Supported header), unsupported (Unsupported header), or
        required (Require or Proxy-Require header) by the SIP entity.
        A SIP option tag may be both supported and required."
    ::= { sipCommonOptionTagEntry 3 }

-- Supported SIP Methods
sipCommonMethodSupportedTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonMethodSupportedEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains a list of methods supported by each SIP
        entity in this system (see the standard set of SIP methods in
        Section 7.1 of RFC 3261).  Any additional methods that may be
        incorporated into the SIP protocol can be represented by this
        table without any requirement to update this MIB module.

        The table is informational in nature; conveying to the NMS nature and conveys capabilities
        of the managed system. system to the NMS.

        From a protocol point of view, the list of methods advertised
        by the SIP entity in the Allow header (Section 20.5 of RFC
        3261) MUST be consistent with the methods reflected in this
 ::= { sipCommonCfgBase 4 }

sipCommonMethodSupportedEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonMethodSupportedEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A particular method supported by the SIP entity.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonMethodSupportedIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonMethodSupportedTable 1 }

SipCommonMethodSupportedEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonMethodSupportedIndex     Unsigned32,
        sipCommonMethodSupportedName      SipTCMethodName

sipCommonMethodSupportedIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies a conceptual row in the table
        and reflects an assigned number used to identifier identify a specific
        SIP method.

        This identifier is suitable for referencing the associated
        method throughout this and other MIBs supported by this managed
    ::= { sipCommonMethodSupportedEntry 1 }

sipCommonMethodSupportedName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCMethodName
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the supported method's name.  The method
        name MUST be all upper case (e.g, (e.g., 'INVITE')."
 ::= { sipCommonMethodSupportedEntry 2 }

-- SIP Timer Configuration
sipCommonCfgTimerTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonCfgTimerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains timer configuration objects applicable to
        SIP user agent and SIP stateful Proxy Server entities."
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimer 1 }

sipCommonCfgTimerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonCfgTimerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of timer configuration.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).
        The objects in this table entry SHOULD be non-volatile and
        their value SHOULD be kept at reboot."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerTable 1 }

SipCommonCfgTimerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonCfgTimerA               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerB               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerC               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerD               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerE               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerF               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerG               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerH               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerI               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerJ               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerK               Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerT1              Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerT2              Unsigned32,
        sipCommonCfgTimerT4              Unsigned32

sipCommonCfgTimerA OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (100..1000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the initial value for the retransmit timer
        for the INVITE method.  The retransmit timer doubles after each
        retransmission, ensuring an exponential backoff in network
        traffic.  This object represents the initial time a SIP entity
        will wait to receive a provisional response to an INVITE before
        resending the INVITE request."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 500 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 1 }

sipCommonCfgTimerB OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (32000..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP entity will wait to
        receive a final response to an INVITE.  The timer is started
        upon transmission of the initial INVITE request."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 32000 }
::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 2 }

sipCommonCfgTimerC OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (180000..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP Proxy Server will
        wait to receive a provisional response to an INVITE.  The Timer
        C MUST be set for each client transaction when an INVITE
        request is proxied."
       "RFC 3261, Section 16.6"
    DEFVAL { 180000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 3 }

sipCommonCfgTimerD OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the amount of time that the server
        transaction can remain in the 'Completed' state when unreliable
        transports are used.  The default value MUST be equal to or
        greater than 32000 for UDP transport transport, and its value MUST be 0
        for TCP/SCTP transport."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 32000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 4 }

sipCommonCfgTimerE OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (100..1000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the initial value for the retransmit timer
        for a non-INVITE method while in 'Trying State'. 'Trying' state.  The
        retransmit timer doubles after each retransmission until it
        reaches T2 to ensure an exponential backoff in network traffic.
        This object represents the initial time a SIP entity will wait
        to receive a provisional response to the request before
        resending the non-INVITE request."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 500 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 5 }

sipCommonCfgTimerF  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (32000..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP entity will wait to
        receive a final response to a non-INVITE request.  The timer is
        started upon transmission of the initial request."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 32000 }

    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 6 }

sipCommonCfgTimerG  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..1000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the initial value for the retransmit timer
        for final responses to INVITE requests.  If timer G fires, the
        response is passed to the transport layer once more again for
        retransmission, and timer G is set to fire in MIN(2*T1, T2)
        seconds.  From then on, when timer G fires, the response is
        passed to the transport again for transmission, and timer G is
        reset with a value that doubles, unless that value exceeds T2,
        in which case case, it is reset with the value of T2.  The default
        value MUST be T1 for UDP transport transport, and its value MUST be 0 for
        reliable transport like TCP/SCTP."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17.2.1"
    DEFVAL { 500 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 7 }

sipCommonCfgTimerH  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (32000..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a server will wait to
        receive an ACK before it abandons retransmitting the response.

        The timer is started upon entering the 'Completed' state."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17.2.1"
    DEFVAL { 32000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 8 }

sipCommonCfgTimerI  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..10000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP entity will wait to
        receive additional ACK message retransmissions.

        The timer is started upon entering the 'Confirmed' state.  The
        default value MUST be T4 for UDP transport and its value MUST
        be 0 for reliable transport like TCP/SCTP."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17.2.1"
    DEFVAL { 5000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 9 }

sipCommonCfgTimerJ  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (32000..300000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP server will wait to
        receive retransmissions of non-INVITE request. requests.  The timer is
        started upon entering the 'Completed' state for non-INVITE
        transactions.  When timer J fires, the server MUST transition to
        the 'Terminated' state."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17.2.2"
    DEFVAL { 32000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 10 }

sipCommonCfgTimerK  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..10000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum time a SIP client will wait to
        receive retransmissions of responses to non-INVITE requests.
        The timer is started upon entering the 'Completed' state for
        non-INVITE transactions.  When timer K fires, the server MUST
        transition to the 'Terminated' state.  The default value MUST
        be T4 for UDP transport transport, and its value MUST be 0 for reliable
        transport like TCP/SCTP."
       "RFC 3261, Section"
    DEFVAL { 5000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 11 }

sipCommonCfgTimerT1  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (200..10000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the T1 timer for a SIP entity.  T1 is an
        estimate of the round-trip time (RTT) between the client and
        server transactions."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17"
    DEFVAL { 500 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 12 }

sipCommonCfgTimerT2  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (200..10000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the T2 timer for a SIP entity.  T2 is the
        maximum retransmit interval for non-INVITE requests and INVITE
        responses.  It's used in various parts of the protocol to reset
        other Timer* objects to this value."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17"
    DEFVAL { 4000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 13 }

sipCommonCfgTimerT4  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (200..10000)
    UNITS      "milliseconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the T4 timer for a SIP entity.  T4 is the
        maximum duration a message will remain in the network.  It
        represents the amount of time the network will take to clear
        messages between client and server transactions.  It's used in
        various parts of the protocol to reset other Timer* objects to
        this value."
       "RFC 3261, Section 17"
    DEFVAL { 5000 }
    ::= { sipCommonCfgTimerEntry 14 }

-- Common Statistics Objects

-- Summary Statistics
sipCommonSummaryStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonSummaryStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the summary statistics objects applicable
        to all SIP entities.  Each row represents those objects for a
        particular SIP entity present in this system."
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStats 1 }

sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonSummaryStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of summary statistics.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsTable 1 }

SipCommonSummaryStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonSummaryInRequests         Counter32,
        sipCommonSummaryOutRequests        Counter32,
        sipCommonSummaryInResponses        Counter32,
        sipCommonSummaryOutResponses       Counter32,
        sipCommonSummaryTotalTransactions  Counter32,
        sipCommonSummaryDisconTime         TimeStamp

sipCommonSummaryInRequests OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates the total number of SIP request messages
        received by the SIP entity entity, including retransmissions.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 1 }

sipCommonSummaryOutRequests OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the total number of SIP request messages
        sent out (originated and relayed) by the SIP entity.  Where a
        particular message is sent more than once, for example as a
        retransmission or as a result of forking, each transmission is
        counted separately.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 2 }

sipCommonSummaryInResponses OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the total number of SIP response messages
        received by the SIP entity entity, including retransmissions.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 3 }

sipCommonSummaryOutResponses OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the total number of SIP response messages
        sent (originated and relayed) by the SIP entity including

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 4 }

sipCommonSummaryTotalTransactions OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a count of the number of transactions that
        are in progress and transactions that have reached the
        'Terminated' state.  It is not applicable to stateless SIP Proxy

        A SIP transaction occurs between a client and a server server, and
        comprises all messages from the first request sent from the
        client to the server server, up to a final (non-1xx) response sent
        from the server to the client.

        If the request is INVITE and the final response is a non-2xx,
        the transaction also include an ACK to the response.  The ACK
        for a 2xx response to an INVITE request is a separate

        The branch ID parameter in the Via header field values serves
        as a transaction identifier.

        A transaction is identified by the CSeq sequence number within
        a single call leg.  The ACK request has the same CSeq number as
        the corresponding INVITE request, but comprises a transaction
        of its own.

        In the case of a forked request, each branch counts as a single

        For a transaction stateless Proxy Server, this counter is
        always 0.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonSummaryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 5 }

sipCommonSummaryDisconTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        summary statistics objects in this row last experienced a
    ::= { sipCommonSummaryStatsEntry 6 }

-- SIP Method Statistics
-- Total counts for each SIP method.
sipCommonMethodStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonMethodStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the method statistics objects for SIP
        entities.  Each row represents those objects for a particular
        SIP entity present in this system."
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStats 1 }

sipCommonMethodStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonMethodStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of per entity method statistics.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonMethodStatsName }
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStatsTable 1 }

SipCommonMethodStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonMethodStatsName   SipTCMethodName,
        sipCommonMethodStatsOutbounds    Counter32,
        sipCommonMethodStatsInbounds     Counter32,
        sipCommonMethodStatsDisconTime   TimeStamp


sipCommonMethodStatsName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCMethodName
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies the SIP method related to the
        objects in a particular row."
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStatsEntry 1 }

sipCommonMethodStatsOutbounds OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of requests sent by the
        SIP entity, excluding retransmissions.  Retransmissions are
        counted separately and are not reflected in this counter.  A
        Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter
        by monitoring the sipCommonMethodStatsDisconTime object in the
        same row."
       "RFC 3261, Section 7.1"
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStatsEntry 2 }

sipCommonMethodStatsInbounds OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of requests received by
        the SIP entity.  Retransmissions are counted separately and are
        not reflected in this counter.  A Management Station can detect
        discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the
        sipCommonMethodStatsDisconTime object in the same row."
       "RFC 3261, Section 7.1"
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStatsEntry 3 }

sipCommonMethodStatsDisconTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        method statistics objects in this row last experienced a
    ::= { sipCommonMethodStatsEntry 4 }

-- Support for specific status codes
sipCommonStatusCodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonStatusCodeEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the list of SIP status codes which that each SIP
        entity in this system has been requested to monitor.  It is the
        mechanism by which specific status codes are monitored.
        Entries created in this table must not persist across reboots" reboots."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCode 1 }

sipCommonStatusCodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonStatusCodeEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This row contains information on a particular SIP status code
        that the SIP entity has been requested to monitor.  Entries
        created in this table must not persist across reboots.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonStatusCodeMethod,
            sipCommonStatusCodeValue }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeTable 1 }

SipCommonStatusCodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonStatusCodeMethod     SipTCMethodName,
        sipCommonStatusCodeValue      Unsigned32,
        sipCommonStatusCodeIns        Counter32,
        sipCommonStatusCodeOuts       Counter32,
        sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus  RowStatus,
        sipCommonStatusCodeDisconTime TimeStamp

sipCommonStatusCodeMethod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCMethodName
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies a conceptual row in the table
        and reflects an assigned number used to identify a specific SIP
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 1 }

sipCommonStatusCodeValue OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (100..999)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a SIP status code value that the SIP
        entity has been requested to monitor.  All of the other
        information in the row is related to this value."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 2 }

sipCommonStatusCodeIns OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of response messages
        received by the SIP entity with the status code value contained
        in the sipCommonStatusCodeValue column.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service, or when the
        monitoring of the Status status code is temporarily disabled.  A
        Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter
        by monitoring the sipCommonStatusCodeDisconTime object in the
        same row."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 3 }

sipCommonStatusCodeOuts OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of response messages sent
        by the SIP entity with the status code value contained in the
        sipCommonStatusCodeValue column.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service, or when the
        monitoring of the Status code is temporarily disabled.  A
        Management Station can detect discontinuities in this counter
        by monitoring the sipCommonStatusCodeDisconTime object in the
        same row."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 4 }

sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      RowStatus
    MAX-ACCESS  read-create
    STATUS      current
       "The row augmentation in sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable will be
        governed by the value of this RowStatus.

        The values 'createAndGo' and 'destroy' are the only valid
        values allowed for this object.  If a row exists, it will
        reflect a status of 'active' when queried."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 5 }

sipCommonStatusCodeDisconTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        status code statistic statistics objects in this row last experienced
        a discontinuity."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry 6 }

-- Support for specific status code notifications

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains objects to control notifications related to
        particular status codes that each SIP entity in this system has
        been requested to monitor.

        There is an entry in this table corresponding to each entry in
        sipCommonStatusCodeTable.  Therefore, this table augments that
        sipCommonStatusCodeTable and utilizes the same index

        The objects in this table are not included directly in the
        sipCommonStatusCodeTable simply to keep the status code
        notification control objects separate from the actual status
        code statistics."
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCode 2 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This row contains information controlling notifications for a
        particular SIP status code that the SIP entity has been
        requested to monitor."
    AUGMENTS { sipCommonStatusCodeEntry }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable 1 }

SipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend         TruthValue,
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode     INTEGER,
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifThresh       Unsigned32,
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifInterval     Unsigned32

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
       "This object controls whether a sipCommonStatusCodeNotif is
        emitted when the status code value specified in by
        sipCommonStatusCodeValue is sent or received.  If the value of
        this object is 'true', then a notification is sent.  If it is
        'false', no notification is sent.
        Note well, well that a notification MAY be emitted for every message
        sent or received that contains the particular status code.
        Depending on the status code involved, this can cause a
        significant number of notification emissions that could be
        detrimental to network performance.  Managers are forewarned to
        be prudent in the use of this object to enable notifications.
        Look to sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode for alternative
        controls for sipCommonStatusCodeNotif emissions."
    DEFVAL { false }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry 1 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode OBJECT-TYPE
                  triggered(3)  -- read-only
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
       "The object sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend MUST be set to 'true'
        for the values of this object to have any effect.  It is
        RECOMMENDED that the desired emit mode be established by this
        object prior to setting sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend to 'true'.
        This object and the sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend object can
        obviously be set independently, but their respective values
        will have a dependency on each other and the resulting

        This object specifies the mode for emissions of
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotif notifications.

        normal    : sipCommonStatusCodeNotif notifications will be
                    emitted by the system for each SIP response
                    message sent or received that contains the
                    desired status code.

        oneShot   : Only one sipCommonStatusCodeNotif notification
                    will be emitted.  It will be the next SIP response
                    message sent or received that contains the
                    desired status code.

                    No more notifications are emitted until this
                    object is set to either 'oneShot' again or set to
                    'normal'.  This option is provided as a means of
                    quelling the potential promiscuous behavior that
                    can be associated with the

        triggered : This value is only readable and cannot be set.  It
                    reflects the default value of the object or that
                    the 'oneShot' case has occurred and indicates occurred, indicating that
                    the mode needs to be reset to get further
                    notifications.  The mode is reset by setting this
                    object to 'oneShot' or 'normal'."
    DEFVAL { oneShot }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry 2 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifThresh OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
       "This object specifies the number of response messages sent or
        received by this system that are considered excessive.  Based
        on crossing that threshold, a
        sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededInNotif notification or a
        sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededOutNotif will be sent.  The
        sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededInNotif and
        sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededOutNotif notifications can be
        used as an early warning mechanism in lieu of using

        Note that the configuration applied by this object will be
        applied equally to inbound and outbound response messages."
    DEFVAL { 500 }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry 3 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
    UNITS      "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-write
    STATUS      current
       "This object specifies the time interval over which which, if
        sipCommonStatusCodeThresh is exceeded, exceeded with respect to sent or
        received messages, a sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededInNotif
        or sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededOutNotif notification will
        be sent.

        Note that the configuration applied by this object will be
        applied equally to inbound and outbound response messages."
    DEFVAL { 60 }
    ::= { sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry 4 }

-- Transaction Statistics
sipCommonTransCurrentTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonTransCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains information on the transactions currently
        awaiting definitive responses by each SIP entity in this

        This table does not apply to transaction stateless Proxy
    ::= { sipCommonStatsTrans 1 }

sipCommonTransCurrentEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonTransCurrentEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "Information on a particular SIP entity's current transactions.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonTransCurrentTable 1 }

SipCommonTransCurrentEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonTransCurrentactions  Gauge32

sipCommonTransCurrentactions OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the number of transactions awaiting
        definitive (non-1xx) response.  In the case of a forked
        request, each branch counts as a single transaction
        corresponding to the entity identified by applIndex."
::= { sipCommonTransCurrentEntry 1 }

-- SIP Retry Statistics
-- This group contains various statistic statistics objects about
-- retransmission counts.
sipCommonStatsRetryTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonStatsRetryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains retry statistics objects applicable to each
        SIP entity in this system."
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetry 1 }

sipCommonStatsRetryEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonStatsRetryEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of retry statistics.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipCommonStatsRetryMethod }
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryTable 1 }

SipCommonStatsRetryEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonStatsRetryMethod            SipTCMethodName,
        sipCommonStatsRetries                Counter32,
        sipCommonStatsRetryFinalResponses    Counter32,
        sipCommonStatsRetryNonFinalResponses Counter32,
        sipCommonStatsRetryDisconTime        TimeStamp

sipCommonStatsRetryMethod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCMethodName
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies the SIP method related to the
        objects in a row."
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryEntry 1 }

sipCommonStatsRetries OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of request
        retransmissions that have been sent by the SIP entity.  Note
        that there could be multiple retransmissions per request.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonStatsRetryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryEntry 2 }

sipCommonStatsRetryFinalResponses OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of Final Response retries
        that have been sent by the SIP entity.  Note that there could
        be multiple retransmissions per request.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonStatsRetryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryEntry 3 }

sipCommonStatsRetryNonFinalResponses OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the total number of non-Final RResponse Response
        retries that have been sent by the SIP entity.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonStatsRetryDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryEntry 4 }

sipCommonStatsRetryDisconTime  OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        retry statistics objects in this row last experienced a
    ::= { sipCommonStatsRetryEntry 5 }

-- Other Common Statistics
sipCommonOtherStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipCommonOtherStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains other common statistics supported by each
        SIP entity in this system."
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStats 1 }

sipCommonOtherStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipCommonOtherStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "Information on a particular SIP entity's other common

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP entity
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP entities and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788)."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStatsTable 1 }

SipCommonOtherStatsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipCommonOtherStatsNumUnsupportedUris     Counter32,
        sipCommonOtherStatsNumUnsupportedMethods  Counter32,
        sipCommonOtherStatsOtherwiseDiscardedMsgs Counter32,
        sipCommonOtherStatsDisconTime   TimeStamp

sipCommonOtherStatsNumUnsupportedUris OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "Number of RequestURIs received with an unsupported scheme.
        A server normally responds to such requests with a 400 Bad
        Request status code.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonOtherStatsDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStatsEntry 1 }

sipCommonOtherStatsNumUnsupportedMethods OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "Number of SIP requests received with unsupported methods.  A
        server normally responds to such requests with a 501 (Not
        Implemented) or 405 (Method Not Allowed).

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonOtherStatsDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStatsEntry 2 }

sipCommonOtherStatsOtherwiseDiscardedMsgs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "Number of SIP messages received that that, for any number of reasons
        reasons, was discarded without a response.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipCommonOtherStatsDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStatsEntry 3 }

sipCommonOtherStatsDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        statistics objects in this row last experienced a
    ::= { sipCommonOtherStatsEntry 4 }

-- Notification related objects

-- Status code related notification objects.
sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTo OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the value of the To header in the message
        containing the status code that caused the notification.  The
        header name will be part of this object value.  For example,
        'To: Watson '." Watson'."
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 1 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifFrom OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the value of the From header in the
        message containing the status code that caused the
        notification.  The header name will be part of this object
        value.  For example, 'From: Watson '." Watson'."
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 2 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifCallId OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the value of the Call-ID in the message
        containing the status code that caused the notification.  The
        header name will be part of this object value.  For example,
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 3 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifCSeq OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the CSeq value in the message containing
        the status code that caused the notification.  The header name
        will be part of this object value.  For example, 'CSeq: 1722
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 4 }

-- General notification related objects.
sipCommonNotifApplIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the applIndex as described in RFC 2788.
        This object is created in order to allow a variable binding
        containing a value of applIndex in a notification."
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 5 }

sipCommonNotifSequenceNumber OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..2147483647)
    MAX-ACCESS  accessible-for-notify
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a sequence number for each notification
        generated by this SIP entity.  Each notification SHOULD have a
        unique sequence number.  A network manager can use this
        information to determine whether notifications from a
        particular SIP entity have been missed.  The value of this
        object MUST start at 1 and increase by one 1 with each generated
        notification.  If a system restarts, the sequence number MAY
        start again from 1."
    ::= { sipCommonNotifObjects 6 }

-- Notifications
sipCommonStatusCodeNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that a specific status code has been sent or received
        by the system."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 1 }

sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededInNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that a specific status code was found to have been
        received by the system frequently enough to exceed the
        configured threshold.  This notification can be used as
        an early warning mechanism in lieu of using
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 2 }

sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededOutNotif NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that a specific status code was found to have been
        sent by the system enough to exceed the configured threshold.
        This notification can be used as an early warning mechanism in
        lieu of using sipCommonStatusCodeNotif."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 3 }

sipCommonServiceColdStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that the SIP service has reinitialized itself or
        started for the first time.  This SHOULD result from a hard
        'down' to 'up' administrative status change.  The configuration
        or behavior of the service MAY be altered."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 4 }

sipCommonServiceWarmStart NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that the SIP service has reinitialized itself and is
        restarting after an administrative 'reset'.  The configuration
        or behavior of the service MAY be altered."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 5 }

sipCommonServiceStatusChanged NOTIFICATION-TYPE
    STATUS      current
       "Signifies that the SIP service operational status has changed."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBNotifications 6 }

-- Conformance
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBConformance 1 }
    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipCommonMIBConformance 2 }

-- Compliance Statements
sipCommonCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for SIP entities."

    MODULE -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipCommonConfigGroup,

    OBJECT       sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus
    SYNTAX       RowStatus { active(1) }
    WRITE-SYNTAX RowStatus { createAndGo(4), destroy(6) }
       "Support for createAndWait and notInService is not required."

    OBJECT       sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable
    MIN-ACCESS   not-accessible
       "This object is optional and does not need to be supported."

    GROUP        sipCommonInformationalGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any support for these objects objects, as they provide optional

    GROUP        sipCommonConfigTimerGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any timer configuration."

    GROUP        sipCommonStatsRetryGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any retry statistics."

    GROUP        sipCommonNotifGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any notifications.  If implemented, the
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifGroup and sipCommonNotifObjectsGroup
        MUST also be implemented."

    GROUP        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any notifications.  If implemented, the sipCommonNotifGroup and
        sipCommonNotifObjectsGroup MUST also be implemented."

    GROUP        sipCommonNotifObjectsGroup
       "This group is OPTIONAL.  A SIP entity can elect to not provide
        any notifications.  If implemented, the
        sipCommonStatusCodeNotifGroup and sipCommonNotifGroup MUST also
        be implemented."

    ::= { sipCommonMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Units of Conformance
sipCommonConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing configuration common to all
        SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 1 }

sipCommonInformationalGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing configuration common to all
        SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 2 }

sipCommonConfigTimerGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing timer configuration common to
        all SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 3 }

sipCommonStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing statistics common to all SIP
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 4 }

sipCommonStatsRetryGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing retry statistics."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 5 }


    STATUS  current
       "A collection of notifications common to all SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 6 }

sipCommonStatusCodeNotifGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects related to controlling the control and attribution
        of notifications common to all SIP entities."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 7 }

sipCommonNotifObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of accessible-for-notify objects related to the
        notification defined in this MIB module."
    ::= { sipCommonMIBGroups 8 }


7.3.  SIP User Agent MIB Module


          FROM SNMPv2-SMI             -- RFC 2578

          FROM SNMPv2-CONF            -- RFC 2580


          FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB       -- RFC 4001

          FROM SIP-TC-MIB;

    LAST-UPDATED   "200609121700Z"   "200701030000Z"
    ORGANIZATION   "IETF Session Initiation Protocol Working Group"
             "SIP WG email:

              Co-editor  Kevin Lingle
                         Cisco Systems, Inc.
              postal:    7025 Kit Creek Road
                         P.O. Box 14987
                         Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
              phone:     +1 919 392 2029

              Co-editor  Joon Maeng

              Co-editor  Jean-Francois Mule
              postal:    858 Coal Creek Circle
                         Louisville, CO 80027
              phone:     +1 303 661 9100

              Co-editor  Dave Walker
       "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) User Agent (UA) MIB module.

        SIP is an application-layer signaling protocol for creating,
        modifying, and terminating multimedia sessions with one or more
        participants.  These sessions include Internet multimedia
        conferences and Internet telephone calls.  SIP is defined in
        RFC 3261 (June 2002).

        A User Agent is an application that contains both a User Agent
        Client (UAC) and a User Agent Server (UAS).  A UAC is an
        application that initiates a SIP request.  A UAS is an
        application that contacts the user when a SIP request is
        received and that returns a response on behalf of the user.
        The response accepts, rejects, or redirects the request.

        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).  This version of
        this MIB module is part of RFC XXXX; 4780; see the RFC itself for
        full legal notices."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note
    REVISION        "200609121700Z"        "200701030000Z"
       "Initial version of the IETF SIP-UA-MIB module.  This version
        published as part of RFC XXXX."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note 4780."
     ::= { mib-2 XXX3 150 }

-- RFC Ed: replace XXX3 with actual IANA assigned number
 -- RFC Ed: and remove these notes

 -- Top-Level Components of this MIB.
sipUAMIBObjects        OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipUAMIB 1 }
sipUAMIBConformance    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipUAMIB 2 }

-- This MIB contains objects related to SIP User Agents.
sipUACfgServer         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipUAMIBObjects 1 }

-- SIP Server Configuration
sipUACfgServerTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipUACfgServerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains SIP server configuration objects applicable
        to each SIP user agent in this system."
    ::= { sipUACfgServer 1 }

sipUACfgServerEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipUACfgServerEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of server configuration.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP user
        agent present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely
        identify these instances of SIP user agents and correlate
        them through the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB
        (RFC 2788).  The same value of applIndex used in the
        corresponding SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipUACfgServerIndex }
    ::= { sipUACfgServerTable 1 }

SipUACfgServerEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
        sipUACfgServerIndex       Unsigned32,
        sipUACfgServerAddressType InetAddressType,
        sipUACfgServerAddress     InetAddress,
        sipUACfgServerRole        SipTCEntityRole

sipUACfgServerIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A unique identifier of a server address when multiple addresses
        are configured by the SIP entity.  If one address isn't
        reachable, then another can be tried."
    ::= { sipUACfgServerEntry 1 }

sipUACfgServerAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the type of address contained in the
        associated instance of sipUACfgServerAddress."
       "INET-ADDRESS-MIB (RFC 4001)"
    ::= { sipUACfgServerEntry 2 }

sipUACfgServerAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the address of a SIP server this user
        agent will use to proxy/redirect calls.  The type of this
        address is determined by the value of the
        sipUACfgServerAddressType object."
    ::= { sipUACfgServerEntry 3 }

sipUACfgServerRole OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipTCEntityRole
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the function of the SIP server this user
        agent should communicate with: registrar, proxy (outbound
        proxy), etc."
    ::= { sipUACfgServerEntry 4 }

-- Conformance
sipUAMIBCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipUAMIBConformance 1 }
sipUAMIBGroups      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipUAMIBConformance 2 }


-- Compliance Statements
    STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for SIP entities that implement the
        SIP-UA-MIB module."
    MODULE -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipUAConfigGroup }

    ::= { sipUAMIBCompliances 1 }

-- Units of Conformance
    STATUS  current
       "A collection of objects providing information about the
        configuration of SIP User Agents."
    ::= { sipUAMIBGroups 1 }


7.4.  SIP Server MIB Module (Proxy, Redirect Redirect, and Registrar Servers)


          FROM SNMPv2-SMI             -- RFC 2578

    TimeStamp, DateAndTime
          FROM SNMPv2-TC              -- RFC 2579

          FROM SNMPv2-CONF            -- RFC 2580

          FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB     -- RFC 3411


          FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB;      -- RFC 4001

    LAST-UPDATED   "200609121700Z"   "200701030000Z"
    ORGANIZATION   "IETF Session Initiation Protocol
                    Working Group"
       "SIP WG email:

           Co-editor: Kevin Lingle
                      Cisco Systems, Inc.
              postal: 7025 Kit Creek Road
                      P.O. Box 14987
                      Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
             phone:   +1 919 392 2029

           Co-editor: Joon Maeng

           Co-editor: Jean-Francois Mule
              postal: 858 Coal Creek Circle
                      Louisville, CO 80027
               phone: +1 303 661 9100

           Co-editor: Dave Walker
       "Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Server MIB module.  SIP is an
        application-layer signaling protocol for creating, modifying modifying,
        and terminating multimedia sessions with one or more
        participants.  These sessions include Internet multimedia
        conferences and Internet telephone calls.  SIP is defined in
        RFC 3261 (June 2002).

        This MIB is defined for the management of SIP Proxy, Redirect Redirect,
        and Registrar Servers.

        A Proxy Server acts as both a client and a server.  It accepts
        requests from other clients, either responding to them or
        passing them on to other servers, possibly after modification.

        A Redirect Server accepts requests from clients and returns
        zero or more addresses to that client.  Unlike a User Agent
        Server, it does not accept calls.

        A Registrar is a server that accepts REGISTER requests.  A
        Registrar is typically co-located with a Proxy or Redirect

        Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).  This version of
        this MIB module is part of RFC XXXX; 4780; see the RFC itself for
        full legal notices."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note
    REVISION        "200609121700Z"        "200701030000Z"
       "Initial version of the IETF SIP-SERVER-MIB module.  This
       version published as part of RFC XXXX."
 -- RFC Ed: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove this note 4780."
  ::= { mib-2 XXX4 151 }

-- RFC Ed: replace XXX4 with actual IANA assigned number
 -- and remove this note

 -- Top-Level Components of this MIB.

sipServerMIBObjects     OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIB 1 }
sipServerMIBConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIB 2 }

-- These groups contain objects common to all SIP servers.
sipServerCfg            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBObjects 1 }

-- Common Server Configuration Objects
sipServerCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains configuration objects applicable to SIP
        Redirect and Proxy Servers."
    ::= { sipServerCfg 1 }

sipServerCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of common configuration.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through
        the common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).
        The same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipServerCfgTable 1 }

SipServerCfgEntry ::=
        sipServerCfgHostAddressType       InetAddressType,
        sipServerCfgHostAddress           InetAddress

sipServerCfgHostAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      InetAddressType
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only

    STATUS      current
       "The type of Internet address by which the SIP server is
       "RFC 3261, Section 19.1.1"
    ::= { sipServerCfgEntry 1 }

sipServerCfgHostAddress OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      InetAddress
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This is the host portion of a SIP URI that is assigned to the
        SIP server.  It MAY contain a fully qualified domain name, name or
        an IP address.  The length of the value will depend on the type
        of address specified.  The type of address given by this object
        is controlled by sipServerCfgHostAddressType."
       "RFC 3261, Section 19.1.1"
    ::= { sipServerCfgEntry 2 }

-- This group contains MIB objects
-- related to SIP Proxy Servers.
sipServerProxyCfg      OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBObjects 3 }
sipServerProxyStats    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBObjects 4 }

-- Proxy Server Configuration
sipServerProxyCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerProxyCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains configuration objects applicable to SIP
        Proxy Servers."
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfg 1 }

sipServerProxyCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerProxyCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of common proxy configuration.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgTable 1 }

SipServerProxyCfgEntry ::=
        sipServerCfgProxyStatefulness     INTEGER,
        sipServerCfgProxyRecursion        TruthValue,
        sipServerCfgProxyRecordRoute      TruthValue,
        sipServerCfgProxyAuthMethod       BITS,
        sipServerCfgProxyAuthDefaultRealm SnmpAdminString

sipServerCfgProxyStatefulness OBJECT-TYPE
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the default mode of operation for the
        Proxy Server entity.

        A stateless proxy is a logical entity that does not maintain
        the client or server transaction state machines when it
        processes requests.  A stateless proxy forwards every request it
        receives downstream and every response it receives upstream.  If
        the value of this object is stateless(1), the proxy defaults to
        stateless operations.

        A transaction stateful proxy, or simply a 'stateful proxy', is
        a logical entity that maintains the client and server
        transaction state machines during the processing of a request.
        A (transaction) stateful proxy is not the same as a call
        stateful proxy.  If the value if of this object is
        transactionStateful(2), the proxy is stateful on a transaction

        A call stateful proxy is a logical entity if it retains state
        for a dialog from the initiating INVITE to the terminating BYE
        request.  A call stateful proxy is always transaction stateful,
        but the converse is not necessarily true.  If the value of this
        object is callStateful(3), the proxy is call stateful."

        "RFC 3261, Section 16"
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgEntry 1 }

sipServerCfgProxyRecursion OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects whether or not the Proxy performs a
        recursive search on the Contacts provided in 3xx redirects.

        If the value of this object is 'true', a recursive search is
        performed.  If the value is 'false', no search is performed,
        and the 3xx response is sent upstream towards the source of
        the request."
       "RFC 3261 Sections 16.5 and 16.6"
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgEntry 2 }

sipServerCfgProxyRecordRoute OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX     TruthValue
    MAX-ACCESS read-only
    STATUS     current
       "This object reflects whether or not the proxy adds itself to
        the Record-Route header as a default action.  This header is
        used to list the proxies that insist on being in the signaling
        path for subsequent requests related to the call-leg. call leg.

        If the value of this object is 'true', the proxy adds itself to
        the end of the Record-Route header, creating the header if
        required.  If the value is 'false', the proxy does not add
        itself to the Record-Route header."
       "RFC 3261, Section 20.30"
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgEntry 3 }

-- Security
sipServerCfgProxyAuthMethod OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      BITS {
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the authentication methods that MAY be
        used to authenticate request originators.

        bit 0  no authentication is performed
        bit 1  TLS is used
        bit 2  HTTP Digest is used."
       "RFC 3261 Sections 22, 23, 26, 26.2.3"
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgEntry 4 }

sipServerCfgProxyAuthDefaultRealm OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the default realm value used in
        Proxy-Authenticate headers.  Note that this MAY need to be
        stored per user, in which case, this default value is ignored.

       "RFC 3261, Section 22.1"
    ::= { sipServerProxyCfgEntry 5 }

-- Proxy Server Statistics
sipServerProxyStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerProxyStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible

    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the statistics objects applicable to all
        SIP Proxy Servers in this system."
    ::= { sipServerProxyStats 1 }

sipServerProxyStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerProxyStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of summary statistics.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipServerProxyStatsTable 1 }

SipServerProxyStatsEntry ::=
        sipServerProxyStatProxyReqFailures Counter32,
        sipServerProxyStatsDisconTime      TimeStamp

sipServerProxyStatProxyReqFailures OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the number of occurrences of unsupported
        options being specified in received Proxy-Require headers.
        Such occurrences result in a 420 Bad Extension status code
        being returned.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipServerProxyStatsDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipServerProxyStatsEntry 1 }

sipServerProxyStatsDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE
 SYNTAX      TimeStamp
 MAX-ACCESS  read-only
 STATUS      current
    "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the server
     statistics objects in this row last experienced a discontinuity."
 ::= { sipServerProxyStatsEntry 2 }

-- This group contains MIB objects related to SIP Registrars.
sipServerRegCfg         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBObjects 5 }
sipServerRegStats       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBObjects 6 }

-- Registrar Configuration
sipServerRegCfgTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerRegCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains configuration objects applicable to SIP
    ::= { sipServerRegCfg 1 }

sipServerRegCfgEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerRegCfgEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of common Registrar configuration.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipServerRegCfgTable 1 }

SipServerRegCfgEntry ::=
        sipServerRegMaxContactExpiryDuration  Unsigned32,
        sipServerRegMaxUsers                  Unsigned32,
        sipServerRegCurrentUsers              Gauge32,
        sipServerRegDfltRegActiveInterval     Unsigned32

sipServerRegMaxContactExpiryDuration OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (0..4294967295)
    UNITS      "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum expiry that may be requested
        by a User Agent for a particular Contact.  User Agents can
        specify expiry using either an Expiry header in a REGISTER
        request, or using an Expires parameter in a Contact header in
        a REGISTER request.  If the value requested by the User Agent
        is greater than the value of this object, then the contact
        information is given the duration specified by this object, and
        that duration is indicated to the User Agent in the response."
    ::= { sipServerRegCfgEntry 1 }

sipServerRegMaxUsers OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the maximum number of users that the
        Registrar supports.  The current number of users is reflected
        by sipServerRegCurrentUsers."
    ::= { sipServerRegCfgEntry 2 }

sipServerRegCurrentUsers OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Gauge32 (0..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the number of users currently registered
        with the Registrar."
    ::= { sipServerRegCfgEntry 3 }

sipServerRegDfltRegActiveInterval OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    UNITS      "seconds"
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object reflects the default time interval the Registrar
        considers registrations to be active.  The value is used to
        compute the Expires header in the REGISTER response.  If a user
        agent requests a time interval shorter than specified by this
        object, the Registrar SHOULD honor that request.  If a Contact
        entry does not have an 'expires' parameter, the value of the
        Expires header field is used instead.  If a Contact entry has no
        'expires' parameter and no the Expires header field is present,
        the value of this object is used as the default value."
       "RFC 3261, Section 10.2"
    ::= { sipServerRegCfgEntry 4 }
-- Per User Information
sipServerRegUserTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerRegUserEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains information on all users registered to each
        Registrar in this system."
    ::= { sipServerRegCfg 2 }

sipServerRegUserEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerRegUserEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This entry contains information for a single user registered to
        this Registrar.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex, sipServerRegUserIndex }
    ::= { sipServerRegUserTable 1 }

SipServerRegUserEntry ::=
        sipServerRegUserIndex                  Unsigned32,
        sipServerRegUserUri                    SnmpAdminString,
        sipServerRegUserAuthenticationFailures Counter32,
        sipServerRegUserDisconTime             TimeStamp

sipServerRegUserIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This object uniquely identifies a conceptual row in the table."
    ::= { sipServerRegUserEntry 1 }

sipServerRegUserUri OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the user's address-of-record.  It is the
        main form by which the Registrar knows the user.  The format is
        typically 'user@domain'.  It is contained in the To header for
        all REGISTER requests."
    ::= { sipServerRegUserEntry 2 }

sipServerRegUserAuthenticationFailures OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a count of the number of times the user
        has failed authentication.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur due to
        successful user authentications, authentications and at re-initialization of
        the SIP entity or service.  A Management Station can detect
        discontinuities in this counter by monitoring the
        sipServerRegUserDisconTime object in the same row."
    ::= { sipServerRegUserEntry 3 }

sipServerRegUserDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        user registration statistic statistics objects in this row last
        experienced a discontinuity."
    ::= { sipServerRegUserEntry 4 }
-- Per Contact Information
sipServerRegContactTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerRegContactEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains information on every location where a
        registered user (specified by sipServerRegUserIndex) wishes to
        be found (i.e. (i.e., the user has provided Contact contact information to
        each SIP Registrar in this system)."
    ::= { sipServerRegCfg 3 }

sipServerRegContactEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerRegContactEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This entry contains information for a single Contact.  Multiple
        contacts may exist for a single user.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."

    INDEX { applIndex,
    ::= { sipServerRegContactTable 1 }

SipServerRegContactEntry ::=
        sipServerRegContactIndex        Unsigned32,
        sipServerRegContactDisplayName  SnmpAdminString,
        sipServerRegContactURI          SnmpAdminString,
        sipServerRegContactLastUpdated  TimeStamp,
        sipServerRegContactExpiry       DateAndTime,
        sipServerRegContactPreference   SnmpAdminString

sipServerRegContactIndex OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "Along with the sipServerRegUserIndex, this object uniquely
        identifies a conceptual row in the table."
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 1 }

sipServerRegContactDisplayName OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the display name for the Contact.  For
        example, 'Santa at Home', or 'Santa on his Sled', corresponding
        to contact URIs of or, respectively."
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 2 }

sipServerRegContactURI OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains either a SIP URI where the user can be
        contacted.  This URI is normally returned to a client from a
        Redirect Server, or is used as the RequestURI in a SIP request
        line for requests forwarded by a proxy."
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 3 }

sipServerRegContactLastUpdated OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates the time when this contact information
        was accepted.  If the contact information is updated via a
        subsequent REGISTER of the same information, this object is
        also updated."
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 4 }

sipServerRegContactExpiry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      DateAndTime
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains the date and time when the contact
        information will no longer be valid.  Such times may be
        specified by the user at registration (Expires (i.e., Expires header or
        expiry parameter in the Contact information), or a system
        default can be applied."
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 5 }

sipServerRegContactPreference OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object indicates a relative preference for the particular
        Contact header field value compared to other bindings for this
        address-of-record.  A registering user may provide this
        preference as a 'qvalue' parameter in the Contact header.

        The format of this item is a decimal number between 0 and 1
        (for example 0.9).  Higher values indicate locations preferred
        by the user."
       "RFC 3261, Section, 16.6 16.6, and 20.10"
    ::= { sipServerRegContactEntry 6 }

-- Registrar Statistics
sipServerRegStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SipServerRegStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "This table contains the summary statistics objects applicable
        to all SIP Registrars in this system."
    ::= { sipServerRegStats 1 }

sipServerRegStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      SipServerRegStatsEntry
    MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
    STATUS      current
       "A row of summary statistics.

        Each row represents those objects for a particular SIP server
        present in this system.  applIndex is used to uniquely identify
        these instances of SIP servers and correlate them through the
        common framework of the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB (RFC 2788).  The
        same value of applIndex used in the corresponding
        SIP-COMMON-MIB is used here."
    INDEX { applIndex }
    ::= { sipServerRegStatsTable 1 }

SipServerRegStatsEntry ::=
        sipServerRegStatsAcceptedRegs     Counter32,
        sipServerRegStatsRejectedRegs     Counter32,
        sipServerRegStatsDisconTime       TimeStamp

sipServerRegStatsAcceptedRegs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a count of the number of REGISTER requests
        that have been accepted (status code 200) by the Registrar.
        This includes additions of new contact information, refreshing
        contact information, as well as requests for deletion of
        contact information.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipServerRegStatsDisconTime object in the same
    ::= { sipServerRegStatsEntry 1 }

sipServerRegStatsRejectedRegs OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      Counter32
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "This object contains a count of the number REGISTER requests
        that have been rejected by the Registrar.

        Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
        re-initialization of the SIP entity or service.  A Management
        Station can detect discontinuities in this counter by
        monitoring the sipServerRegStatsDisconTime object in the same
  ::= { sipServerRegStatsEntry 2 }

sipServerRegStatsDisconTime OBJECT-TYPE
    SYNTAX      TimeStamp
    MAX-ACCESS  read-only
    STATUS      current
       "The value of the sysUpTime object when the counters for the
        registrar statistic statistics objects in this row last experienced a
 ::= { sipServerRegStatsEntry 3 }

-- Conformance
         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBConformance 1 }
         OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { sipServerMIBConformance 2 }

-- Compliance Statements
sipServerProxyServerCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for SIP entities acting as Proxy
    MODULE -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipServerConfigGroup,
    ::= { sipServerMIBCompliances 1 }

sipRedirectServerCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for SIP entities acting as Redirect
    MODULE -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipServerConfigGroup }
    ::= { sipServerMIBCompliances 2 }

sipServerRegistrarServerCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
    STATUS      current
       "The compliance statement for SIP entities acting as
    MODULE -- this module
        MANDATORY-GROUPS { sipServerConfigGroup,
                           sipServerRegistrarStatsGroup }
    GROUP sipServerRegistrarUsersGroup
       "This is an optional group."
    ::= { sipServerMIBCompliances 3 }

-- Units of Conformance
sipServerConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects providing configuration common to SIP
        Proxy and Redirect servers."
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 1 }

sipServerProxyConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects providing configuration for SIP Proxy
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 2 }

sipServerProxyStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects providing statistics for SIP Proxy
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 3 }

sipServerRegistrarConfigGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects providing configuration for SIP
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 4 }

sipServerRegistrarStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects providing statistics for SIP
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 5 }

sipServerRegistrarUsersGroup OBJECT-GROUP
    STATUS      current
       "A collection of objects related to registered users."
    ::= { sipServerMIBGroups 6 }


8.  IANA Considerations

   The MIB modules defined in this document use the following IANA-
   assigned OBJECT IDENTIFIER values recorded in the SMI Numbers

                | Descriptor   | OBJECT IDENTIFIER value |
                | sipTC        | { mib-2 XXX1 148 }           |
                | sipCommonMIB | { mib-2 XXX2 149 }           |
                | sipUAMIB     | { mib-2 XXX3 150 }           |
                | sipServerMIB | { mib-2 XXX4} 151 }           |

     -- RFC Ed:(note to be removed prior to publication): the IANA is
   requested to assign 4 values in the SMI Numbers registry for "XXX1",
     "XXX2", "XXX3", and "XXX4", all under the 'mib-2' sub-tree and to
       record the assignments in the SMI Numbers registry.  When the
   assignments have been made, the RFC Editor is asked to replace "XXX1"
   through "XXX4" (here and in the 4 MIB modules) with the corresponding
                  assigned value and to remove this note.

9.  Security Considerations

   There are a number of management objects defined in the SIP-COMMON-
   MIB MIB module with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-
   create.  Such objects may be considered sensitive or vulnerable in
   some network environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-
   secure environment without proper protection can have a negative
   effect on network operations.

   The following read-create object in SIP-COMMON-MIB is used to
   configure the status code statistics that will be monitored by the
   SIP entity:


      If this object is SET maliciously, it may result in an over over-
      allocation of resources in a system for the purpose of
      accumulating and maintaining statistics.

   The following read-write objects in SIP-COMMON-MIB are used to
   configure the behavior of certain SNMP notifications potentially
   generated by a SIP entity:

      sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend, sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode,
      sipCommonStatusCodeNotifThresh, sipCommonStatusCodeNotifInterval,

      If these objects are SET maliciously, it may result in a system
      and/or network performance impact due to the generation of SNMP

   Some of the readable objects in the MIB modules (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
   to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
   the network via SNMP.

   The following object values may contain private or confidential
   customer information like first name, last name, customer
   identification, location, company affiliation, the time the
   information was updated, etc.

      sipServerRegContactDisplayName, sipServerRegContactURI,
      sipServerRegContactLastUpdated and sipCommonCfgOrganization.

   The sipCommonCfgTable table contains some objects that may help
   attackers gain knowledge about the status and operations of the SIP
   service.  In particular, the object value of
   sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus may indicate that the SIP entity is in
   congested state and may lead attackers to build additional service
   attacks to overload the system.

   The sipCommonCfgEntityType object indicates the type of SIP entity entity,
   and the sipCommonMethodSupportedTable table contains in the SIP-
   COMMON-MIB MIB module list of SIP methods supported by each entity in
   the system.  Gaining access to this information may allow attackers
   to build method specific method-specific attacks or use unsupported methods to create
   denial of service
   denial-of-service attack scenarios.

   In the SIP-UA-MIB MIB module, the sipUACfgServerTable contains the
   address of the SIP servers providing services to the UA UA, and
   obtaining this information may disclose some private or sensitive
   information about the SIP service usage.

   In the SIP-SERVER-MIB MIB module, the sipServerCfgProxyAuthMethod
   object defines the authentication methods supported by the server and
   may be used to build specific denial of service denial-of-service attackers targeted at
   the security mechanisms employed by the SIP entity.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this set of MIB modules.

   It is RECOMMENDED that implementers consider the security features as
   provided by the SNMPv3 framework (see RFC 3410 [RFC3410]), including
   full support for the SNMPv3 cryptographic mechanisms (for
   authentication and privacy).

   Further, deployment of SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 is NOT
   RECOMMENDED.  Instead, it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to
   enable cryptographic security.  It is then a customer/operator
   responsi when bility to ensure that the SNMP entity giving access to
   an instance of this MIB module is properly configured to give access
   to the objects only to those principals (users) that have legitimate
   rights to indeed GET or SET (change/create/delete) them.

10.  Contributor Acknowledgments

   We wish to thank the members of the IETF SIP and SIPPING working
   groups, and the SIP-MIB Design team for their comments and
   suggestions.  Detailed comments were provided by Tom Taylor, Kavitha
   Patchayappan, Dan Romascanu, Cullen Jennings, Orit Levin, AC
   Mahendran, Mary Barnes, Rohan Mahy, Bob Penfield, Charles Eckel Eckel, and
   Dean Willis.  Special thanks to Bert Wijnen for his expert reviews reviews,
   which have greatly improved the SIP MIB modules.

11.  Changes from Previous Draft Revisions

   -- RFC Ed: this entire section

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to be removed by Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC Editor before

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-11.

   The changes are due to IESG Review, additional comments from Bert
   Wijnen's MIB doctor review 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and more editorial comments.  The list of
   changes includes:
   o  editorial nits included fixing a section number on page 5, table
      identing on page 7, etc.
   o  technical change: in sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable, replaced the
      error returned to inconsistentValue when this object is not
      supported but SET per E.
              Schooler, "SIP:  Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3416 3261,
              June 2002.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and Bert's comments.
   o  Technical: changed the module name of SIP-TC to SIP-TC-MIB per
      RFC4181, appendix C's naming conventions.

   o  Technical: added discontinuity timestamps for all counter tables
      where discontinuity can occur per Bert's recommendation.  This
      includes: in SIP-COMMON-MIB sipCommonSummaryStatsTable,
      sipCommonMethodStatsTable, sipCommonStatusCodeTable,
      sipCommonStatsRetryTable, sipCommonOtherStatsTable, and in SIP-
      SERVER-MIB, sipServerProxyStatsTable, sipServerRegUserTable,
   o  removed the requirements on persistency of objects for non-
      writeable objects.
   o  In section 5.2, changed MUST into SHOULD in the following
      sentence: "the applName value for the combined server entity
      SHOULD reflect the appropriate combination followed by a unique
      application instance identifier".
   o  renamed all objects in all MIB modules to ensure the object names
      start with either SipTC___, sipCommon____, sipServer___, sipUA____
      per Bert Wijnen extensive set of comments and to avoid any to
      avoid any possible future name clashes with RFC1694 (MIB module
      named sipMIB where numerous objects start with sip___)
   o  changed naming of sipMethodName to sipCommonMethodSupportedName
      because the object `sipMethodName' did differ from the old `SIP-
      TC-MIB::SipMethodName' only in case (per Dan Romanescu's
   o  changed the size limit of sipMethodName TC due to its use in the
      indexing of sipCommonMethodStatsEntry, sipCommonStatusCodeEntry
      and sipCommonStatsRetryEntry (per Dan Romanescu's comments).
   o  in sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable, added a requirement that if an
      agent does not support his object, it should return a noSuchObject
      exception, per Bert's comments and clarified the optionality of
      this object by adding an OBJECT statement in the MODULE-COMPLIANCE
      section for SIP-COMMON.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-10.

   The changes were mainly due to Last Call comments.  The list of
   changes includes:
   o  minor editorial nits including updates of all examples to use the domain name;
   o  technical changes and updates to SipTCTransportProtocol to clarify
      the use of TLS over TCP and TLS over SCTP;
   o  changed sipCommonCfgMaxTransactions to reflect that it is max
      transactions per second;
   o  removed sipCommonCfgOrganization from mandatory
      sipCommonConfigGroup in MODULE-COMPLIANCE and created a new
      (opitonal) object group sipCommonInformationalGroup;
   o  updated DESCRIPTION of sipServerProxyDefaultAuthRealm to indicate
      that this object is the *default* realm value used by the proxy in
      Proxy-Authenticate headers and, added a note to say that in case
      of per user storage, the default value is ignored by the proxy.

   o  removed sipServerRegAllowThirdParty because no registrar
      implementer seems to track them differently internally (no comment
      on the list), and a registrar would have to implement new logic in
      order to be able to exercise this part of the mib.
   o  added a couple of references like RFC 3262 and RFC 4168.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-09.

   The changes were minimal and mostly done to address MIB doctor
   comments on SipMethodIdentifier.  The list of changes includes:
   o  removal of SipMethodIdentifier textual convention per MIB doctor
   o  updates of normative references (e.g.  RFC 3291 --> RFC 4001)
   o  added a new section to provide a citation to IMPORTed RFCs as they
      are norm. references

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-08.

   The majority of changes are in response to additional SIP Working
   Group comments.
   o  General
      *  The IANA Consideration section was updated and a new section
         9.2 was added to conform with the Guidelines for Authors and
         Reviewers of MIB Documents,
         draft-ietf-ops-mib-review-guidelines-03.txt, section 3.7.
      *  In general the ability to configure SIP entities via read-
         create or read-write objects was removed and those objects MAX-
         ACCESS constrained to read-only.  This change was made based on
         general consensus that SNMP should be limited to monitoring
         rather than configuring/provisioning.
      *  The section 5.2 (Relationship to the Network Services MIB) was
         updated to allow each instance of a SIP entity to have its own
         row in the applTable (a unique application identifier should
         now be appended to the "sip_xxx" entity-name).  We also lowered
         the level of requirement on the naming convention to a SHOULD
         instead of a MUST per wg input.
      *  Updated the ORGANISATION clause of all MIB modules to include
         the full SIP working group name.
      *  Minor other editorial changes were made to the document.
      *  Updated Security consideration section.
      *  Module description of various SIP entities enhanced.
      *  sipCommonServiceAdminStatus removed from the MIB due to general
         removal of configuration capability.  Resulting OID value
         changes to succeeding entry objects.
      *  sipCommonCfgOrganization MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.

      *  sipCommonCfgTimerA MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerB MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerC MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerD MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerE MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerF MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerG MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerH MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerI MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerJ MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerK MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerT1 MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerT2 MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerT4 MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeTable indexing changed to also include
         sipCommonStatusCodeMethod.  Thusly, introducing
         sipCommonStatusCodeMethod as a new not-accessible object in
         that table.  Resulting OID value changes to succeeding entry
      *  sipCommonCfgTimer* OBJECT clauses regarding MIN-ACCESS levels
         in the MODULE-COMPLIANCE were no longer needed due to MAX-
         ACCESS changes for those objects.
      *  The description clause of sipCommonMethodStatsInbounds was
         changed to state that retransmissions are not counted.
      *  The description clause of sipCommonStatsRetries was changed to
         indicate there could be multiple retries per request (we also
         corrected a typo by removing the specific mention to INVITE
      *  The description clause of sipCommonStatsRetryFinalResponses was
         changed to indicate there could be multiple retries per
      *  Removed sipCommonCfgExpires OID declaration as this object
         group no longer exists since draft08.
      *  sipUserTableRowStatus removed from the MIB due to general
         removal of configuration capability.  In conjunction, RowStatus
         textual convention is no longer imported.
      *  sipServerCfgHostAddressType MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerCfgHostAddress MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerCfgProxyRecursion MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerCfgProxyRecordRoute MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerCfgProxyAuthMethod MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerRegAllowThirdParty MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipServerRegMaxContactExpiryDuration MAX-ACCESS changed to
      *  sipServerRegDfltRegActiveInterval MAX-ACCESS changed to read-

      *  sipServerRegUserUri MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  'smime' removed as a possible value for
   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  sipUACfgServerStatus removed from the MIB due to general
         removal of configuration capability.  In conjunction, RowStatus
         textual convention is no longer imported.
      *  sipUACfgServerAddressType MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipUACfgServerAddress MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  sipUACfgServerRole MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-07.

   The vast majority of changes are in response to the Working Group
   Last Call and expert review comments.
   o  General
      *  IANA requirements section added to specify the need for
         registered numbers for all SIP methods.  These will be used in
         the MIB objects.
      *  Updated the security consideration section to reflect the
         addition and deletion of a number of objects.
      *  Module description of various SIP entities enhanced.
      *  sipMaxSessions renamed sipCommonCfgMaxTransactions.  Workgroup
         last call reviewers suggested a change based on some change of
         terms in the standard.  Transactions seemed the appropriate
         term.  The object description was also enhanced.
      *  sipRequestUriHostMatching object removed based on comments from
         workgroup last call comments.
      *  sipCommonCfgEntityType changed from enumerated INTEGER to
         SipTCEntityRole textual convention syntax.
      *  sipCommonServiceAdminStatus enumerated value 'quiesceSessions'
         changed to 'quiesceDialogs'.
      *  sipCommonPortTable was redesigned. sipTransportSnd object was
         removed as it did not make much sense. sipCommonPortStatus was
         removed to prevent any row creation deletion.  The remaining
         object, sipCommonPortTransportRcv was made read-only.
      *  sipUriSupportedTable was removed as it was not deemed useful
      *  sipExtMethodSupportedTable replaced with a general
         sipCommonMethodSupportedTable.  IANA SIP method identifiers/
         numbers will be used in this new table.  The previous concept
         of explicitly defining objects per the current well-know
         methods and then providing separate, semantically similar,
         'extension methods' tables has been eliminated.
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerExtMethodTable was removed.  No more need for
         'extension methods' tables.

      *  sipCommonCfgRetryTable was removed.  Limits on retransmissions
         are controlled by timers in the SIP standard now rather than by
         maximum counts; therefore, these objects were no longer
         relevant. sipCommonConfigRetryGroup was likewise removed.
      *  sipFtrSupportedTable was redesigned as
      *  sipCommonCfgTimerExtMethodTable was removed.
      *  sipCommonSummaryTotalTransactions description changed to
         reflect that in the case of forked request, _each_ branch
         rather than _all_ branches count as a single transaction.
      *  sipCommonMethodStatsTable was redesigned, taking into account
         the new SipMethodIdentifer textual convention.  The objects
         were generalized to two: sipCommonStatsOutbound and
         sipCommonStatsInbound.  The indexing object
         (sipCommonMethodStats) has syntax SipMethodIdentifier and
         thereby identifies the method associated with the instances of
         in/out counter objects.
      *  sipCommonTransCurrentactions description changed to reflect
         that in the case of forked request, _each_ branch rather than
         _all_ branches count as a single transaction.
      *  sipCommonStatsRetryTable was redesigned, taking into account
         the new SipMethodIdentifer textual convention.  A single,
         generalize object (sipCommonStatsRetries) replaces several
         method-specific objects.  The new, additional indexing object
         (sipCommonStatsRetryMethod) has syntax SipMethodIdentifier and
         thereby identifies the method associated with the instances of
         the counter objects in each row.
      *  sipCommonStatsRetryExtMethodTable was removed.
      *  sipStatusCodeClassesTable removed.
      *  sipCommonOtherStatsTable has two new objects added:
         sipCommonNumUnsupportedMethods and
      *  The following object-groups were removed because their
         associated objects were removed:
         sipCommonConfigTimerExtMethodGroup, sipCommonConfigRetryGroup,
         sipCommonStatsRetryExtMethodsGroup, and
         sipCommonConfigExpiresGroup.  The references to these object-
         groups as optional in the module-compliance was updated
      *  GROUP clause for sipCommonStatsRetryGroup in module-compliance
         was udpated to no longer state any dependency on
         sipCommonConfigRetryGroup (now removed).
      *  New OBJECT clauses were added to the module-compliance to
         formalize MIN-ACCESS read-only for objects in

      *  sipCommonConfigGroup udpated with new objects
         (sipCommonOptionTag, sipCommonOptionTagHeaderField,
         sipMethodName), removed objects (sipTransportSnd,
         sipCommonPortStatus, sipUriSupported, sipFtrSupported,
         sipExtMethodName, sipRequestUriHostMatching), and changed
         objects (sipCommonCfgMaxTransactions).
      *  sipCommonStatsGroup updated with new objects
         (sipCommonMethodStatsOutbounds, sipCommonMethodStatsInbounds,
         sipCommonOtherStatsOtherwiseDiscardedMsgs) and removed objects
         (sipCommonStatsInviteIns, sipCommonStatsInviteOuts,
         sipCommonStatsAckIns, sipCommonStatsAckOuts,
         sipCommonStatsByeIns, sipCommonStatsByeOuts,
         sipCommonStatsCancelIns, sipCommonStatsCancelOuts,
         sipCommonStatsOptionsIns, sipCommonStatsOptionsOuts,
         sipCommonStatsRegisterIns, sipCommonStatsRegisterOuts,
         sipCommonStatsExtMethodIns, sipCommonStatsExtMethodOuts,
         sipCommonStatsInfoClassIns, sipCommonStatsInfoClassOuts,
         sipCommonStatsSuccessClassIns, sipCommonStatsSuccessClassOuts,
         sipCommonStatsRedirClassIns, sipCommonStatsRedirClassOuts,
         sipCommonStatsReqFailClassIns, sipCommonStatsReqFailClassOuts,
         sipCommonOtherStatsClassesIns, sipCommonOtherStatsClassesOuts).
      *  sipCommonStatsRetryGroup updated with new object
         (sipCommonStatsRetries) and removed objects
         (sipCommonStatsRetryInvites, sipCommonStatsRetryByes,
         sipCommonStatsRetryCancels, sipCommonStatsRetryRegisters,
      *  Module description of various SIP entities enhanced.
      *  sipServerStats 'placeholder' IOD removed.  No objects were ever
         defined under that subtree.
      *  Removed the following objects from sipServerProxyCfgTable:
         sipRequestMaxExpires, sipServerProxySendsCancel,
         sipServerProxyForwardAll1xx, sipServerProxyProvideAlternatives,
         and sipServerProxyNonceLifeTime. sipServerProxyConfigGroup
         updated accordingly.
      *  sipServerCfgProxyStatefulness MAX-ACCESS changed to read-only.
      *  DEFVAL removed from sipServerRegMaxContactExpiryDuration.
      *  sipServerRegContactRetryAfter removed from
      *  sipUser* and sipServerRegContact* objects were moved from
         sipServerRegistrarConfigGroup to a new object-group:
         sipServerRegistrarUsersGroup.  The new group was made an
         optional group in the MODULE-COMPLIANCE.

   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  SipTCEntityRole imported from SIP-TC-MIB module and used as the
         syntax for new object sipUACfgServerRole.
      *  sipUACfgSipServerTable (and objects therein) have their
         descriptors changed to sipUACfgServer* ("Sip" removed).
         sipUAConfigGroup updated accordingly.
      *  sipUACfgServerRole added to sipUACfgServerTable.
      *  DEFVAL { ipv4 } removed from sipUACfgServerAddressType.
   o  SIP-TC-MIB
      *  New textual conventions: SipTCEntityRole,
         SipTCOptionTagHeaders, and SipMethodIdentifier added.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-06
   o  General
      *  Minor editorial changes in the Textual Conventions section.
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeValue SYNTAX changed from INTEGER to
      *  Optional sipCommonNotifObjectsGroup explicitly added to MODULE-
      *  Removed OBJECT refinement for sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus
         added to compliance in previous revision.  SMIC MIB compiler
         issues required it to be commented out.  Instead, simply
         removed it.
      *  Removed OID placeholders: sipRedirCfg, sipRedirStats.
         sipServerRegCfg and sipServerRegStats OID values subsequently
         changed as a result.
   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  Removed OBJECT refinement for sipUACfgSipServerStatus added to
         compliance in previous revision.  SMIC MIB compiler issues
         required it to be commented out.  Instead, simply removed it.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-05
   o  Front paper/Back paper and General changes
      *  Removed all references and special handling of SIP INFO method
         Removed references and objects specific to RFC 2976: INFO will
         be treated as any SIP extension method.
      *  Changed requirements verbs from lowercase to uppercase wherever
      *  Added RFC Editor notes.
      *  Updated all REFERENCE clauses and DESCRIPTIONS from RFC 2543 to
         RFC 3261.
      *  Explained the approach taken for extension methods that might
         be defined in the future.
      *  Defined a mapping of sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus to

      *  Enhanced Security section with details on various objects.
      *  Added descriptive language to various Entry objects regarding
         the expected persistence of data across system restarts.
      *  Removed sipTransactionTable after input from SIP community.
      *  Made all extension method tables augmentations of
         sipExtMethodSupportedTable.  This resulted in the removal of
         the following objects: sipCfgTimerExtMethodName,
         sipCfgRetryExtMethodName, sipCommonStatsExtMethodName,
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode default value changed to
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededNotif was replaced by two
         notifications: sipCommonStatusCodeThreshExceededOutNotif and
      *  Re-arranged the enumerated value of
         sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus; making 'unknown' the first
         value.  Added some words to the DESCRIPTION of that object
         stating the values are not based on anything in the SIP
      *  Clarified rules for capitalization of sipExtMethodName.
      *  All counters in the MIB are consistent with respect to
         resetting to zero.  No counters can be reset to zero.  Entries
         in sipCommonStatusCodeTable can simply be created or destroyed
         - no ability to set to 'notInService' where there was the
         question/possibility of resetting the counters to zero.
         sipCommonStatsExtMethodTable no longer has its own RowStatus
         object, so it too can no longer be set to 'notInService' where
         there was the question/possibility of resetting the counters to
         zero. sipCommonStatsExtMethodTable rows are augmentations of
      *  OBJECT refinement for sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus added to
      *  Clarified the relationship between
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode and
      *  Explained the existence of sipCommonNotifApplIndex object
      *  sipCfgExpiresStatusCodeValue syntax changed from INTEGER to
      *  sipCommonCfgEntityType object added to sipCommonCfgTable.
      *  All accessible-for-notify objects are moved into
         sipCommonNotifObjects group.  OIDs for actual notifications are
         re-assigned as a result.
      *  sipCommonNotifSequenceNumber accessible-for-notify object added
         as a way for managers to gain insight into possible missed
         notifications.  It is bound to each notification defined in the

      *  New notifications related to SIP service operational status are
         added: sipCommonServiceColdStart, sipCommonServiceWarmStart,
         and sipCommonCfgServiceLastChange.
      *  New object sipCommonCfgServiceNotifEnable added to control the
         new SIP related notifications.
      *  Minor object descriptor changes: sipCommonStatusCodeTable
         renamed to sipStatusCodeClassesTable SipCommonStatusCodeEntry
         renamed to SipStatusCodeClassesEntry sipCommonStatusCodeEntry
         renamed to sipStatusCodeClassesEntry sipCommonStatusCodeTable
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeTable SipCommonStatusCodeEntry
         renamed to SipCommonStatusCodeEntry sipCommonStatusCodeEntry
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeEntry sipCommonStatusCodeValue
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeValue sipCommonStatusCodeIns
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeIns sipCommonStatusCodeOuts
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeOuts sipCommonStatusCodeStatus
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeRowStatus
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable renamed to
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable SipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry
         renamed to SipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry renamed to
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEntry sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeNotifSend
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode renamed to
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifEmitMode sipCommonStatusCodeNotifThresh
         renamed to sipCommonStatusCodeNotifThresh
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifInterval renamed to
      *  Removed all INFO method specific objects: sipCfgRetryInfo,
         sipCommonStatsInfoIns, sipCommonStatsInfoOuts, and
      *  Clarifying words added to sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTable
         DESCRIPTION to explain why it's a separate table from
      *  Deleted objects related to 'action' parameter.  RFC 3261
         section 10.2 deprecates the 'action' parameter deleted 3
         objects: sipServerContactDfltAction, sipServerRespectUAAction,
      *  Deleted pgp-related objects.  RFC 3261 section 23 deprecates
         use of pgp deleted 3 objects: sipServerProxyAuthPgpAlgorithm,
         sipPgpPrivateKey, sipPgpVersion.
      *  Removed sipServerProxyStateTimeout object.  Timers G and timer
         H have been introduced in RFC 3261 for this purpose (see RFC
         3261 section 17.2.1).
      *  Updated description clause of sipServerCfgProxyStatefulness.
         The 3 definitions of stateless/statefulness now match the text
         in RFC 3261.

      *  Changed DEFVAL for object sipServerProxyProvideAlternatives.
         Changed DEFVAL to true to align with RFC 3261 that states that
         485 responses SHOULD contain a contact header and 303 MAY...
         and updated REFERENCE clause to "RFC 3261 Sections and
      *  Removed basic authentication value from
         sipServerCfgProxyAuthMethod object Per section 22 of RFC 3261,
      *  Changed SYNTAX of sipServerProxyNonceLifeTime from Integer32 to
      *  Updated description clause of sipServerRegDfltRegActiveInterval
         Per RFC 3261 Section 10.2.
   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  OBJECT refinement for sipUACfgSipServerStatus added to
      *  Changed the object descriptors of sipUACfgSipServerAddrIndex to
         sipUACfgSipServerIndex, and sipUACfgSipServerAddrStatus to

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-04
   o  Started realignment with SIP RFC3261.

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-03
   o  Front paper/Back paper and General changes
      *  Rewrote section on Network Services MIB
      *  Fixed minor editorial nits
      *  CONTACT-INFO "SIP MIB email" changed to
      *  sipInviteTimeout was removed from the MIB.  See below regarding
         new sipCommonCfgExpires objects.  They provide equivalent
         functionality with extensibility beyond INVITE.
      *  sipCommonCfgExpires OID subtree added.  Per method Expires
         configuration objects were added there.  This new high-level
         OID was placed under the existing sipCommonCfgRetry OID and
         therefore, caused the OIDs for the subsequent groups to change
         (incrementing by one).
      *  Objects from tables under sipCommonCfgExpires were added to a
         new OBJECT-GROUP sipCommonConfigExpiresGroup, and that group
         was listed as optional in sipCommonCompliance.
      *  Minor DESCRIPTION change for sipCommonCfgEntry.  No behavior
      *  sipCommonCfgServiceOperStatus SYNTAX changed.  New values
         added: congested and quiescing Old values removed: halted The
         order of the enumeration was altered as well.
      *  sipCommonServiceAdminStatus SYNTAX changed.  New values added:
         noop, up, down, quieseSessions, and quieseApplications Old
         values removed: shutdown, restart, stop, rts.  These changes
         were made based on comments from last call reviewer and general
         known ambiguities in the previous design of the object.
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  Clarification of behavior for sipCommonPortStatus while row is
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of sipUriSupportedTable.
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTIONs of sipFtrSupportedTable,
         sipFtrSupportedEntry, and sipFtrSupported.  Specifically, IETF
         standard features and non-standard features are now represented
         by this table.  Only non-standard features were mentioned in
         prior revisions of the draft.
      *  Reference to usage of RFC 2788 applIndex moved from
         sipCommonCfgTimerExtMethodTable to
         sipCommonCfgTimerExtMethodEntry.  This was the convention for
         other table/entry definitions in the MIB, so these objects were
         previously unconventional.
      *  DEFVAL removed from sipCfgTimerExtMethodTimer.  The generic
         nature of the "extension" object does not lend itself to being
         able to specify a particular default value.
      *  Since the removal of the DEFVAL clause from
         sipCfgTimerExtMethodTimer, a value for that object must be
         specified when creating a sipCommonCfgTimerExtMethodEntry.  The
         description of sipCfgTimerExtMethodStatus was updated to
         reflect this.
      *  sipCommonCfgRetryExtMethodTable is now properly defined under
         sipCommonCfgRetry OID space instead of under sipCommonCfgTimer
         OID space.
      *  DEFVAL removed from sipCfgRetryExtMethodRetry.  The generic
         nature of the "extension" object does not lend itself to being
         able to specify a particular default value.
      *  Since the removal of the DEFVAL clause from
         sipCfgRetryExtMethodRetry, a value for that object must be
         specified when creating a sipCommonCfgRetryExtMethodEntry.  The
         description of sipCfgRetryExtMethodStatus was updated to
         reflect this.
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
         sipCommonSummaryTotalTransactions.  Specifically, the object is
         not applicable to stateless SIP proxy servers and the object
         should always return a value of 0 if implemented by a stateless
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  sipCommonOtherStatsClassesIns and
         sipCommonOtherStatsClassesOuts counter objects were added to
         sipCommonStatusCodeTable to handle possible future classes of
         response status codes.

      *  Text referring specifically to Redirect Server in
         sipCommonStatsRedirClassIns and sipCommonStatsRedirClassOuts
         was removed.
      *  Text defining protocol behavior in
         sipCommonStatsGlobalFailClassIns, and
         sipCommonStatsGlobalFailClassOuts was removed.
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeNotifInterval SYNTAX changed from TimeTicks
         to Unsigned32 w/ a UNITS of "seconds" added to the definition.
         DEFVAL clause changed accordingly.
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeNotifTo, sipCommonStatusCodeNotifFrom,
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifCallId, and
         sipCommonStatusCodeNotifCSeq all had clarifying changes to
         their DESCRIPTIONs.  Specifically, the header name will be part
         of the object value and example values were given.
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
         sipCommonTransCurrentTable and sipTransactionTable.
         Specifically, these tables are not applicable to transaction
         stateless SIP Proxy Servers.
      *  Minor grammatical change to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  sipTransMethod and sipTransActivityInfo objects were added to
         sipTransactionTable while sipTransCallingPartyContentType and
         sipTransCalledPartyContentType were removed.
      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of sipTransState.
         Specifically, noting that not all values of the object are
         applicable to all transaction types.
      *  sipTransTo, sipTransFrom, sipTransCallId, and sipTransCSeq all
         had clarifying changes to their DESCRIPTIONs.  Specifically,
         the header name will be part of the object value and example
         values were given.
      *  Minor grammatical change to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  sipCommonStatusCodeIns and sipCommonStatusCodeOuts objects were
         added to the varbind of sipCommonStatusCodeNotif.
      *  Appropriate changes were made to sipCommonStatsGroup OBJECT-
         GROUP based on objects being added and/or removed from the MIB.
      *  CONTACT-INFO "SIP MIB email" changed to
      *  The statement "Unlike a Proxy server it does not initiate
         requests." was removed from where a Redirect Server is defined
         in the MIB's DESCRIPTION.
      *  sipServerMIBNotifs OID removed.  No notifications were ever
         defined under this subtree.
      *  Clarifying text added to all of the Table DESCRIPTIONS stating
         that the value of applIndex used in this MIB corresponds to the
         value of applIndex used in the SIP-COMMON-MIB.

      *  Clarifying changes to the DESCRIPTION of
      *  sipServerRegContactPreference SYNTAX changed from OCTET STRING
         to SnmpAdminString.
   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  CONTACT-INFO "SIP MIB email" changed to
      *  sipUAMIBNotifs OID removed.  No notifications were ever defined
         under this subtree.
      *  sipUAStats OID removed.  No notifications were ever defined
         under this subtree.
      *  Clarifying text added to all of the Table DESCRIPTIONS stating
         that the value of applIndex used in this MIB corresponds to the
         value of applIndex used in the SIP-COMMON-MIB.
   o  SIP-TC-MIB
      *  CONTACT-INFO "SIP MIB email" changed to

   Changes from draft-ietf-sip-mib-02
   o  General
      *  Eliminated the SIP-MIB-SMI modules.  Each MIB module will now
         get it's own IANA OID.
      *  Top-level OID subtrees restructured in each MIB.
      *  General cleanup/removal of "placeholder" OID subtrees for
         object groups and notifications that never materialized.
      *  Removed sipCfgInitialTimerAck.
      *  Removed sipCfgRetryAck.
      *  Removed sipCommonStatsRetryAcks.
      *  sipCommonStatsRetryExtMethodEntry was missing its INDEX clause.
      *  sipCommonOtherStatsNumUnsupportedUris OID was "5" when it was
         the only object in the table.  OID is now "1".
      *  High-level OID structure of the MIB is now sequential.
      *  Incorrect object descriptor for sipCfgInitialTimerRsp
         inconsistent with reference in compliance section.
      *  Inconsistencies between sipCommonStatsRetryGroup definition and
         SipCommonStatsRetryEntry OBJECT-TYPE corrected.
      *  sipCommonNotifApplIndex was not in any object group in the
         conformance section.
      *  Removed sipInformationTryingInterval.
      *  Removed sipRxProxyAuthTable.
      *  Removed sipServerRegRespHasContacts.
      *  Removed sipServerRegContactDfltExpiryDate.
      *  Removed sipServerRegContactDfltExpiryDuration.
      *  Removed sipUserPassword.
      *  sipRequestMaxExpires DESCRIPTION changed to no longer
         specifically mention 400 response.

      *  sipServerProxyStateful object descriptor changed to
         sipServerProxyStatefullness and the SYNTAX changed from
         TruthValue to an enumerated INTEGER.
      *  sipServerProxyStateTimeout DESCRIPTION changed to now reflect
         only INVITE.
      *  Gauge32 was not being IMPORTed.
      *  sipServerContactDfltAction showed up in conformance and other
         object descriptions in an older form.
      *  sipServerHost replaced with InetAddressType/InetAddress object
         pair (sipServerCfgHostAddressType and sipServerCfgHostAddress).
   o  SIP-UA-MIB
      *  IMPORTed Unsigned32 to support sipUACfgSipServerAddrIndex.
      *  sipUACfgSipServerEntry was referencing the wrong auxiliary
         object and listing that object in the conformance section.
      *  sipUACfgSipServerEntry listed sipUACfgSipServerStatus when it
         should have been listing sipUACfgSipServerAddrStatus.
      *  SIP-UA-MIB IMPORTed Counter32, but never used it.  Removed the
         IMPORT of Counter32.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              June 2002.

   [RFC2578]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Structure of Management Information Version 2 (SMIv2)",
              STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

   [RFC2579]  McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J. Schoenwaelder, Ed.,
              "Textual Conventions for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2579, April

   [RFC2580]  McCloghrie, K., Perkins, D., and J. Schoenwaelder,
              "Conformance Statements for SMIv2", STD 58, RFC 2580,
              April 1999.

   [RFC2788]  Freed, N. and S. Kille, "Network Services Monitoring MIB",
              RFC 2788, March 2000.

   [RFC3411]  Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              December 2002.

   [RFC4001]  Daniele, M., Haberman, B., Routhier, S., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, "Textual Conventions for Internet Network
              Addresses", RFC 4001, February 2005.

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC3410]  Case, J., Mundy, R., Partain, D., and B. Stewart,
              "Introduction and Applicability Statements for Internet-
              Standard Management Framework", RFC 3410, December 2002.

   [RFC3262]  Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "Reliability of
              Provisional Responses in Session Initiation Protocol
              (SIP)", RFC 3262, June 2002.

   [RFC4168]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., and G. Camarillo, "The
              Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) as a Transport
              for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)", RFC 4168,
              October 2005.

Authors' Addresses

   Kevin Lingle
   Cisco Systems, Inc.
   7025 Kit Creek Road
   P.O. Box 14987
   Research Triangle Park, NC  27709

   Phone: +1 919 392 2029

   Jean-Francois Mule
   858 Coal Creek Circle
   Louisville, CO  80027

   Phone: +1 303 661 9100

   Joon Maeng
   5612 Sedona Drive
   Austin, TX  78759

   Phone: +1 512 418 0590

   Dave Walker



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   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). IETF Trust (2007).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
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   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the IETF
   Administrative Support Activity (IASA).
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