IP Storage WG (ips) Monday, July 15 at 1930-2200 Tuesday, July 16 at 1300-1400 =============================== CHAIRS: David L. Black <black_david@emc.com> Elizabeth Rodriguez <elizabethrodriguez@ieee.org> AGENDA: SUBJECT TO CHANGE Announcement: Most drafts are near Working Group Last Call. Everyone is encouraged to review all the documents, prior to the meeting and: 1) provide editorial feedback directly to the editors/authors 2) bring up any remaining/outstanding issues immediately on the reflector. Most of the WG drafts are NOT listed on this agenda as their authors and WG co-chairs are not aware of any open technical issues requiring meeting time to discuss. A number of WG Last Calls can be expected in the near future. ---- Monday, July 15, 1930-2200 ---- - Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (10 min) - BLUE SHEETS - NOTE WELL - Status of drafts - iSCSI Plugfest Announcement and Discussion (30 min) Announcement and discussion of next iSCSI plugfest. - Security (30 min) draft-ietf-ips-security-13.txt This draft has successfully completed WG Last Call, but with a couple of loose ends that need to be discussed: - Specification of SRP groups. This is primarily about specifying generators for use of the IKE groups with SRP, and is expected to be resolved by the time of the meeting. This is a placeholder to announce how it was resolved. - AES Counter Mode fallback. AES Counter mode is "SHOULD implement", but is encountering difficulty in the ipsec WG (e.g., there is no current Internet-Draft on it). The WG chairs propose to defer resolving this issue until IETF Last Call, but to discuss in this meeting what will be done during IETF Last Call if AES Counter mode is not viable - the two obvious options are (1) remove the SHOULD (AES could be specified in a separate subsequent draft, or (2) substitute AES CBC mode. - SCSI MIB (20 min) draft-ietf-ips-scsi-mib-03.txt Structure diagram available at: ftp://ftpeng.cisco.com/mbakke/ips/scsi-mib/Visio-scsi-uml-model-01.pdf Diagram showing relationships among SCSI family of MIBS available at: ftp://ftpeng.cisco.com/mbakke/ips/scsi-mib/Visio-scsi-mib-family-01.pdf - iSCSI (60 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-14.txt Discussion of issues raised during Working Group Last Call ---- Tuesday, July 16, 1300-1400 ---- - iSCSI (60 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-14.txt Continued discussion of issues raised during Working Group Last Call DESCRIPTION: The IP Storage WG works on using IP-based networks to transport block storage traffic. See http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ips-charter.html