Message Authentication Signature Service BOF (mass) Thursday, August 4 at 1030-1230 =============================== CHAIRS: Jim Fenton <> Dave Crocker <> DESCRIPTION: Forgery of headers that indicate message origin is a problem for users of Internet mail. This BOF seeks to initiate the MASS working group, to produce specifications that permit authentication of message headers during transit, using public-key signatures and based on domain name identifiers, with keys stored in the responsible identity's DNS hierarchy. A multi-month, multi-vendor effort has produced the DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) specification -- <draft-allman-dkim-base-00.txt> and <draft-allman-dkim-ssp-00.txt>. They integrate Yahoo DomainKeys and the Cisco Identified Internet Mail proposals. TheDKIM documents are being offered as input to an IETF standardization process AGENDA: - Agenda Bashing (5 min) - Status since MASS BoF at IETF-60 (10 min) - Problem Statement (20 min) - DKIM . Specifications summary (25 min) . Technical discussion (35 min) - Proposed Charter Discussion . Description (30 min) . Milestones (20 min) Goals and Milestones: 7/05 Issue initial Internet-Draft[s] of signature specification 10/05 Submit to IESG - for MASS threats and requirements 2/06 Submit to IESG - MASS signature specification 2/06 Submit to IESG - MASS public key Resource Record 5/06 Submit to IESG - MASS policy specification LOGISTICS: Mailing list: Subscription: Internet-Drafts: