Internationalization and Localization of Internet protocols BOF (intloc) Monday, December 10 at 1530-1730 ================================= CHAIR: Harald Alvestrand DESCRIPTION: Abstract This BOF will study the problems of internationalization in Internet protocols, with particular emphasis on the knowledge needed to effectively internationalize Internet protocols. The BOF is NOT specifically concerned with the DNS or attempts at information location services; it is trying to focus on the Internet protocol suite as a whole. The BOF will be focused around a set of internet-drafts: - draft-alvestrand-i18n-howto - draft-hoffman-i18n-terms - "I18N case studies" (not yet published) - "I18N sorting and matching" (not yet published) The public mailing list for the BOF is Use to subscribe. AGENDA: (subject to change) T+00: Administrativia, scribe, blue sheet T+05: Introduction - what problem are we trying to solve? What problem are we NOT trying to solve here? T+15: Internationalization HOWTO walkthrough Discussion T+45: Sorting and matching walkthrough Discussion T+60: Relations to other bodies ISO, Unicode Consortium, W3C, others T+75: Discussion - areas not covered, areas not required.... T+90: Further work - WG charter, design team volunteers, other? T+110: Decisions on further work T+120: End