@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZA Text from Blackhole/Internal Affairs on how LAME the Scene has got... Interesting! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Hey ppl!!! Black Hole / Infernal Affairs here ... This is a little file spread to fire some comments about how lame the 'scene' is becoming nowadays ... I think that the so-called 'ELITE' groups are bitting their own dust, and however Inet people is becoming fairer and cooler! Example 1: ---------- I don't know exactly who released the game Spike McFang, but they SURELY do NOT know how to handle a file ... It was spread as ... listen carefully !!!! ... a 16MB High ROM game!!! How lame! The original Japanese game was a 8Mb one, in mode $20 (ie. not Hi-ROM) !!! Its name, according to some sources was known as "Dracula Kid", but the real one is "Dorabotchan" ... I can read some katakana/hiragana chars, so I know what I'm saying ;) So the english translation couldn't waste another 8Mb!! Well, for techies who deal with internal programation of SNES files and headers, I will explain how to get the 'right' file of 8 Mb, the one who SHOULD have been spread .. you DO NOT NEED to crack anything! The copier makes it all for you!!! It's stupid to alter the ROM images that way! First, if you see the files with a disk editor, you will notice 32 Kb of data after the SMC header, filled with the SAME byte value ... I wandered "how stupid to waste 32Kb of data here ... shit programmers!!!" but I was completely wrong. When I reached offsed $81C0, where the ROM name is placed, I saw the sentence "Spike McFang -FUCK!" ... so problems started there! After the Reset/IRQ/NMI vectors, another 32 Kb of data filled with one-byte value appeared!!! So I just started to realize why that game was a Hi-ROM one. After seeing all the file though the disk editor (I was using Norton's), I saw that every odd 32Kb-block (stripping the header, that's it) were filled data, and the real ones were in the even 32Kb-blocks ... I checked the old Japanese 'Dorabotchan' and the first bytes were the same as the ones in offset $8000 (without header, of course), so I did the following to fix Spike McFang: I took the old CCX tool, as still is the best in SWC/FIG >> BOX convertions and converted the game to BOX format in 2 files: SFxxxxxA.078 and SFxxxxxB.078 being the last one the file with the odd 32Kb-blocks, that is, the EXTRA ones. Ctool gave me a valid 8Mb cartridge file with the SFxxxxxA file, telling it was in binary/Multi Game Doctor format ... after converting it to Super Magicom I got a nice 1049088 file, as it SHOULD have been ... Another fix was missing, although it's my mania for polished ROM images ... The ROM name was still "Spike McFang -FUCK!" so I removed the final word with SU and the checksum was almost OK ... the difference was $10, but I bet that was the crack for PAL protection anyway ;) I don't know who released that file as I only decompress the *.SMC files and don't care about the FILE_ID.DIZ and the BBS advertisements, but I found again that the game "Final Fight Guy USA" had the word '-FUCK!' in the ROM name. I cleared it and the checksum verify was completely OK. Example 2. ---------- The second fire goes to Anthrox ... they have made too many failures in the past to list here, but the last I remember goes for Mortal Kombat II. As first, they did NOT mention that it was a BETA version, and many people who haven't been able to test it in a 32Mb copier think it's the final version. Well, my friends, MK2 final is scheduled for the beginning of September, saying some sources about the 4th, others about the 13th .. who cares. If you don't believe it's a BETA version, as some didn't on IRC when I told, the easiest thing you can do is select BARAKA as your player. The character is 'floating' in the air when he's not moving and the opposite player cannot hit him ... another test is trying to do a fatality in the middle of a combat: it's a bit though but if you try two or three times you will be able to perform most fatalities in the middle of the combat.... they're surely awesome but they shouldn't be ALLOWED !! Another two bugs in the game: if you select a VS combat and noone hits each other, when times becomes zero, the game hangs, the scores dissappear and either the cartridge restarts or you'll get a nice black endless screen ... oh!!! btw ... if you cover yourself using TSANG TSUNG, the graphics are corrupt. This latter one may have been produced by some lamer (I'm not sure here) who thinking that the game wasn't a High-ROM one ... or maybe because he does NOT know what a High-ROM is or how does a High-ROM FIG file looks like ... placed the sentence "LEINGANG WAS HERE" at address $FFC0 (offset $81C0). Take that and the message "Released by Anthrox" at the beginning of the game, and you will agree with me that Anthrox have become rubbish !!! Example 3. ---------- This one goes for Front Far East company, and not for a group of crackers. Front Far East (FFE herein after) released Super Wild Cards V2.7CC with 32 Mbits of RAM during TWO weeks before the game Super Street Fighter II was released. After its release, they could realize with horror that the old SWC was only addressing 28 of the 32 Mbits when in High-ROM (mode $21). For those who still haven't opened a SWC V2.8CC, the main board is the same as the last 32Mb V2.7CC sold (completely different from the first 24Mb ones) but around 8 or 10 patches by soldering cables BELOW the board can be found!!!! At least, the re-programation of the SWC ROM, with its new charset, loads the game Super Street Fighter II with the full graphics ... but !!!!!!!! I've always blamed CCL for doing such a bad device with Pro Fighter Q+, and not including useful Gold Finger codes (the ones coded are CRAP), verifying disk activities, and the option to copy a disk track-to-track. Anyway, they managed to get the 32Mb version working from the very beginning!!! The 32Mb files spread of the game 'Super Street Fighter 2' were working perfectly in the Pro Fighter, but shamely crashed in the Super Wild Card... I'll explain: For techies who know programming, the Super Wild Card CANNOT disable the SRAM (Static RAM or Battery RAM for others) as I thought ... the only thing it can do it move it from its normal location at $700000-$708000 to these ones: $306000-$308000, $316000-$318000, $326000-$328000 and $336000-$338000 ... So it seems that Pro Fighter can disable it completely, because Capcom checks the location $306000 four times during the game!!! That's why the game CANNOT be played in the Super Wild Card. I've had to wait until today, 12th July 94, when I got hold of a japanese cartridge of 'Super Street Figher II' imported by a friend (it won't probably be released in Europe until September and in Spain until Christmas, I bet) Playing the game from the 'backup test' that loads the ROM onto SWC's RAM, it suffers from the same problem!!! After backing up to diskettes and testing you cannot play, as the game doesn't let you press Start key in PAD. When I've checked the last file with a diskeditor, it showed the following: 000000: 40 00 3C 00 00 00 00 00 AA BB 04 00 00 00 00 00 so it seems that FFE has done something different with this game, as High-ROM games with SRAM get mode byte as $30, or $10 without SRAM.... I never saw $3C! Anyway, it loads perfectly the game with Pro Fighter configuration: 000000: 40 00 00 80 77 83 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 although the game still needs to be cracked applying a patch, but CCL has also changed their normal Hi-ROM header from "80 77 03" to "80 77 83" ... does that one disable the SRAM in Pro Fighter !??!?!?!?!?!? I think we all need newer programming documents from the manufactors of the copiers or we'll have again MANY problems until a decent copy of the game "Samurai Showdown" gets working ... or won't lame cracking groups let us ?????? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This text can be continued by someone stating their opinions, biased or not, but it won't surely be admitted in 'ELITE' ?!?!?! mags like Shock #4 ... hehe! Please, if you add new text, be sure to mail it to me: A900278@zipi.fi.upm.es ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________ | | | -*- CONSOLE EXPRESS -*- | | NATIONWIDE BACKUP UNIT SALES AND SERVICE | | """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" | | DOUBLE PRO FIGHTER! 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Q: What do a blonde and your computer have in common? A: You don't know how much either of them mean to you until they go down on you. Q: Why do blondes wear red lipstick? A: Because red means "Stop, wrong hole." Q: Why do blondes drive BMWs? A: Because they can spell it. Upload Date: [07-30-94] - Upload Time [07:49:44] [惹PEED TEXT ADVERTISER v1.09 BY DR.DRE!愍