CBSuite for Delphi 3
CBSuite simplifies and enhances programming in Delphi. With
CBSuite you can enhance your forms, print almost anything on a form or window, generate
reports to any level of detail and much, much, more... We have done all the coding and
debugging to save you time and money, e.g. you can now generate a comprehensive report
with graphs, bitmaps and grids quickly and easily, with almost no coding required from
your side.
CBSuite consists of 5 integrated Delphi component groups, namely:
CBSuite now also has form and report wizards to make report generation a snap. Generating a report is now only a few mouse clicks away!
The components are printed using the native components. All properties of these components can be set to change the visual appearance of the component onscreen.
Version 7.X of CBSuite now supports printing of
most of the current visual components - the components that are printable from the
component bar are:
Standard: TLabel, Tedit, TListBox, TComboBox, TScrollBar, TGroupBox, TPanel Additional: TSpeedButton, TMaskEdit, TStringGrid, TDrawGrid, Timage, Tshape, Tbevel, TScrollBox, TCheckListBox, Tsplitter, Tchart Win32: TTabControl, TPageControl, TTrackBar, TProgressBar, TUpDown, TTreeView, TListView, THeaderControl, TStatusBar, TToolbar, TCoolBar
System: TPaintBox, TMediaPlayer Data Controls: TDBGrid, TDBNavigator, TDBText, TDBEdit, TDBMemo, TDBImage, TDBListBox, TDBComboBox, TDBLookupListBox, TDBLookupComboBox, TDBCrtlGrid, TDBChart Win 3.1: TDBLookupList, TDBLookupCombo, Ttabset, Toutline, TTabbedNotebook, Theader, TFileListBox, TDirectoryListBox, TDriveComboBox, TFilterComboBox Samples: TGauge, TColorGrid, TSpinButton, TDirectoryOutline, TCalendar
ActiveX: TChartFX, TF1Book, TVtChart, Tgraph
These components are all printable by first placing an OLE component from the System tab
on the form, right-clicking on the OLE component and inserting the object from the
registered ActiveX controls. Even controls which does not appear in the list can be
printed, e.g. Paintbrush images, clip art gallery files, Excel worksheets and charts,
Powerpoint slides, Word documents, charts and pictures, etc. - Just about any ActiveX
control you can think of...
Important Note: All these components print only what is shown on the screen in the window supplied so that means that the window must be large enough to contain the components. If you want to display a grid over multiple pages, you have to scroll the grid, print a page, skip to a new page on the report, scroll the grid again , print again etc. In this way you can print any control that spans multiple pages across and down. A control that we changed to do just that is the TrichEditE control which is available on the CB3Party Tab. It automatically spans multiple pages when using it on a TCBDetail band on a TCBReport.
The features of the main component groups are listed below:
Banded report generator
Written 100% in Object Pascal
Prints Bands directly from the screen.
Combine different windows and forms onto printout
Prints most current and future VCL native components in any combination on a band
Prints most current and future VCL derived components in any combination on a band
Prints most current and future ActiveX controls in any combination on a band
Visual report design using Delphi Designer.
Accurate report layout
Compatible with Delphi 2 and 3
Instant Preview
Unlimited length reports
RichText support spanning multiple pages
Report from any BDE compatible data source, including ODBC
Link unlimited number of data sets in master detail reports
Report Wizards for BDE and Non-BDE reports includedCBPrint
Prints Windows or Forms directly from the screen - Note: IT IS NOT A SCREEN DUMP
Written 100% in Object Pascal
Combine different windows and forms onto printout
Prints most current and future VCL native components in any combination
Prints most current and future VCL derived components in any combination
Prints most current and future ActiveX controls in any combination
Use NewPage to generate multiple pages when can contain the same or different windows or forms.
Visual report design using Delphi Designer.
Accurate report layout
Compatible with Delphi 2 and 3
Instant Preview
Unlimited length reports
RichText support spanning multiple pages
Report from any BDE compatible data source, including ODBC
Enhanced Form Wizard included
Report Wizards for BDE and Non-BDE reports includedCBReport
Prints Reports directly from TDBGrid or TCB_SortGrid
Written 100% in Object Pascal
Prints Totals and Subtotals on selected fields
Automatically prints additional pages if reports is longer/wider than a page.
Uses settings of the grid for colors etc.
Visual report design using Delphi Designer.
Accurate report layout
Compatible with Delphi 2 and 3
Instant Preview
Unlimited length reports
Report from any
BDE compatible data source, including ODBC
Adjustable column height and width
Prints Memos and Images from tablesCBGraph
Generates 4 types of graphs which work with the other components
Written 100% in Object Pascal
Compatible with Delphi 2 and 3This component was developed for displaying and printing basic graphs. Teechart has more comprehensive graphing capabilities which can be printed with CBSuite.
Enhanced TDBGrid
Includes all properties and methods of TDBGrid
Written 100% in Object Pascal
Automatic ASCENDING and DESCENDING sort support for all columns if linked to a TQuery or sort support as supplied by the index if linked to a TTable
Automatic support for displaying images in tables and memos
Can be printed with CBReport, CBPrint or CBBands Compatible with Delphi 2 and 3Wizards
Form wizards that simplifies forms generation with enhanced features like:Setting of fonts, text, backgrounds, styles from the wizard.
Setting the number of columns, vertical columns, width of forms, height of forms from the wizard Flowing of components to fit the width of the window.
Print functionality included in formsReport wizards that makes generating complicated forms as easy as drag and drop with features like:
Setting of fonts, text, backgrounds, styles from the wizard.
Setting the number of columns, vertical columns, width of forms, height of forms from the wizard Flowing of components to fit the width of the window.
Print functionality included in forms .
Database and non BDE support Database - simple reports, master-detail reports, master-detail and sub-detail reports, mailing labels, TCharts reports Non-BDE - simple reports, TChart, ChartFX, RichEdit, CBGraph reports
Enhanced CBLabel with various styles
PrintGridReport now flows horizontally over multiple pages
Enhanced report display and layout.The following wizards are supplied:
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