TMDISaveIt v1.00 - Initial Release
January 15th, 1999 -- Y-Tech Corporation is pleased
to announce the initial release of the TMDISaveIt Component for Borland
Delphi. TMDISaveIt is actually a suite of 4 easy-to-use components that
combine extreme flexibility with sheer power. Essentially, TMDISaveIt
handles all File UI (User Interface) Logic for your MDI
Application. It can handle virtually any situation so all you actually have to do is to
write the actual File I/O code!
The following is a list of some of TMDISaveIt's major features:.
- Designed for Delphi 2, 3 & 4.
- Creating an MDI Application with Multiple
File Types is just as easy as creating an MDI Application with a Single
File Type using TMDISaveIt.
- Handles all File Open, Save, Close, etc... Logic &
Dialogs for you; you only need to write the actual File I/O Code
- Can easily handle multiple file types (as many as you want).
- Can easily list File Groups in Dialogs(i.e. Picture Files =
*.bmp, *.gif, *.jpg)
- Handles Enabling/Disabling of Buttons & Menu Items for
you using Events
- Shows User a New File Dialog (like Microsoft Word's File|New
menu item) which lets the user select file types by choosing the appropriate icon.
- Can create New File of the default type instantly (like MS
Word's New Document Button). No need to always use the New File Dialog.
- Automatically Reminds User to Save if closing a file that
has been modified.
- Works with MRU File Lists (just hook it up to one of those
freeware MRU File List components)
- User Can Open Multiple Files at Once with the Open Dialog or
by Dropping. (Dropping is only implemented in Delphi 3 & Up Only)
- Accepts Dropped Files from Windows Explorer/Desktop
- Extreme Flexibility, you can design a child form for each
file type, or 1 for all file types, or any combination in between.
- Prevents multiple copies of the same file from being opened
and when the user tries to do so, it brings the already open file to the foreground.
- Correctly recognizes Read-Only files and does not allow the
user to Save to the original file, instead it shows a Save As.. dialog when user tries to
save with a slightly modified file name (i.e. "Copy of ...")
- And of course... Easy to Use as well.
- In Short... the easiest, quickest, most reliable way to a
professional MDI Application
With the TMDISaveIt suite of components, you can do in less than an
hour what would otherwise take you from a few days to more than a month (depending on the
complexity of your application). This component is definitely a must-have for any Borland
Delphi MDI Application Author. TMDISaveIt also has a
sister component, TMultiSaveIt that can handle all your SDI
saving needs.
If you work with TListViews you might want to consider the TSaveListView
component which lets you easily save and load the contents of any TListView
and the TExportListView component which can print or export the contents
of any TListView to 7 different formats!
Another component worth checking out is the TSaveCheckState component
which can remember the Check State of any menu item in a TMainMenu or TPopupMenu,
thereby instantly remembering your user's preferences.
To download, please visit our Web Site at: